Metify Guide - SAP Help Portal
Metify Guide - SAP Help Portal
BusinessObjects Metify ABM User Guide BusinessObjects EPM Windows Patents Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and sold by Business Objects: 5,555,403, 6,247,008 B1, 6,578,027 B2, 6,490,593 and 6,289,352. Trademarks Business Objects, the Business Objects logo, Crystal Reports, and Crystal Enterprise are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects SA or its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright Copyright © 2007 Business Objects. All rights reserved. Third-party Contributors Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of software licensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-party contributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as required notices, can be found at: Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM .........................................................7 1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................8 1.2 Documentation Conventions ..........................................................................8 1.2.1 Keyboard Keys ....................................................................................8 1.2.2 Text Entry............................................................................................8 1.2.3 Data Entry ...........................................................................................8 1.2.4 Cross References ................................................................................9 1.2.5 Procedures ..........................................................................................9 1.3 Metify ABM Overview ....................................................................................9 1.3.1 Department / Account Definition...........................................................9 1.3.2 Activity Costing Analysis ....................................................................10 1.3.3 Cost Object Analysis..........................................................................10 1.3.4 Cost Object Profitability Calculation....................................................10 1.3.5 Metify ABM Functions ........................................................................10 1.3.6 Metify ABM performance....................................................................11 1.4 Contents Overview ......................................................................................11 1.4.1 Additional Documentation ..................................................................12 1.5 Related Products.........................................................................................12 1.5.1 Metify Basic Links..............................................................................12 1.5.2 Metify Advanced Links .......................................................................13 Chapter 2 Using Metify ABM...............................................................................................15 2.1 What’s in Metify ABM?.................................................................................16 2.2 Controlling a Metify ABM Session ................................................................16 2.2.1 Starting a Metify ABM Session ...........................................................16 2.2.2 Your Metify ABM Model .....................................................................17 2.2.3 Saving a Model..................................................................................19 2.2.4 Closing a Model.................................................................................19 2.2.5 Closing a Model in Solo .....................................................................20 2.2.6 Ending a Metify ABM Session ............................................................20 2.3 The Metify ABM Application Window............................................................20 2.3.1 Description ........................................................................................20 2.3.2 Navigation .........................................................................................22 2.4 Metify ABM Data Windows...........................................................................24 2.4.1 Dialog Boxes .....................................................................................24 2.4.2 Hierarchy Area...................................................................................24 2.4.3 Detail Area.........................................................................................27 2.4.4 Properties Dialog Boxes.....................................................................29 2.4.5 Text Boxes ........................................................................................31 2.4.6 Drop-down List Boxes........................................................................32 2.4.7 Checkboxes.......................................................................................32 2.4.8 Radio Buttons....................................................................................32 2.4.9 Search Boxes ....................................................................................32 2.4.10Right-hand Mouse Menu....................................................................33 2.4.11Factoring ...........................................................................................35 2.5 Menus .........................................................................................................36 2.5.1 File Menu...........................................................................................36 2.5.2 Model Menu.......................................................................................38 2.5.3 Tools Menu........................................................................................40 2.5.4 Window Menu....................................................................................42 2.5.5 Help Menu .........................................................................................42 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 1 Contents 2.6 ToolBar .......................................................................................................42 2.6.1 Status................................................................................................43 2.7 Shortcuts.....................................................................................................43 2.8 Metify ABM Reports.....................................................................................43 2.8.1 Reports via Metify ABM windows .......................................................44 2.8.2 Reports via the Model/Toolbar Menu..................................................44 2.9 Data Analysis Reporting ..............................................................................46 2.9.1 Creating a report................................................................................46 2.9.2 Printing a report .................................................................................47 2.9.3 Exporting a report ..............................................................................48 2.10System Configuration ..................................................................................49 2.10.1Terminology / Keywords.....................................................................49 2.10.2Color .................................................................................................50 2.10.3Customising the List Bar ....................................................................51 2.10.4Resizing ............................................................................................51 2.10.5Formatting .........................................................................................52 2.10.6Bar Display ........................................................................................53 2.10.7Fonts .................................................................................................53 2.10.8Language ..........................................................................................53 2.11Administrator Functions ...............................................................................54 2.11.1User Maintenance..............................................................................54 2.11.2User Definition ...................................................................................55 2.11.3Group Maintenance ...........................................................................55 2.11.4Screen Access...................................................................................56 2.11.5Dialog Access....................................................................................57 2.12Navigator.....................................................................................................57 2.12.1Creating a Navigator..........................................................................58 2.12.2Navigation Hot Spots .........................................................................59 2.12.3Navigation Masks ..............................................................................62 2.13Multi-User Access........................................................................................63 2.13.1Metify ABM Solo Edition.....................................................................63 2.13.2Metify ABM Team Edition...................................................................63 2.14Interaction with Links ...................................................................................63 Chapter 3 Defining Hierarchies ...........................................................................................65 3.1 Hierarchies ..................................................................................................66 3.2 Hierarchy Structure......................................................................................66 3.3 Inserting into a Hierarchy .............................................................................68 3.3.1 Specify the Insertion Point .................................................................68 3.3.2 Create the New Item ..........................................................................68 3.3.3 Edit the Associated Details ................................................................69 3.4 Editing the Hierarchy Structure ....................................................................69 3.4.1 Moving Items .....................................................................................70 3.4.2 Copying Items....................................................................................71 3.4.3 Creating Alternate Hierarchies ...........................................................71 3.4.4 Importing Hierarchies.........................................................................71 3.4.5 Deleting Items....................................................................................72 3.4.6 Summary of Keys Used .....................................................................72 3.5 Base Item Fields..........................................................................................73 3.5.1 Text Restrictions................................................................................74 3.5.2 Linking to Other Applications..............................................................74 3.6 Editing Base Items.......................................................................................74 Chapter 4 Department Information ......................................................................................77 4.1 Department Infrastructure ............................................................................78 4.2 Department / Account Structure ...................................................................78 4.2.1 Defining Departments ........................................................................78 4.2.2 Defining Methods...............................................................................80 4.2.3 Defining Derived Methods..................................................................81 4.2.4 Defining Accounts..............................................................................83 4.2.5 Entering Method Values.....................................................................85 4.3 Entering Account Costs ...............................................................................86 4.4 Reallocating Account Costs .........................................................................89 2 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Contents 4.4.1 Setting the Account Type to Reallocate..............................................90 4.4.2 Defining the Account Reallocation Path..............................................90 4.4.3 Overriding the Account Reallocation Method......................................92 Chapter 5 Activity Information .............................................................................................95 5.1 Activities......................................................................................................96 5.2 Activity Overview .........................................................................................96 5.3 The Activity Structure...................................................................................97 5.3.1 Defining an Activity ............................................................................97 5.3.2 Assigning Activities to Departments ...................................................98 5.3.3 Assigning Departments to Activities .................................................100 5.3.4 Allocating Method Values to Activities ..............................................101 5.3.5 Overriding Value Allocations ............................................................105 5.4 Reallocating Activity Costs.........................................................................106 5.4.1 Setting the Activity Type to Reallocate .............................................107 5.4.2 Defining the Activity Reallocation Path .............................................107 5.4.3 Overriding the Activity Reallocation Method .....................................109 5.4.4 Setting the Reallocation Options ......................................................111 5.4.5 Calculating Results ..........................................................................112 5.5 Viewing Results.........................................................................................112 5.5.1 Viewing Department Activity Costs...................................................113 5.5.2 Viewing Department Activity Account Costs .....................................114 5.5.3 Viewing Business Activity Costs.......................................................115 5.5.4 Viewing Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs ............................................117 5.5.5 Viewing Reallocated Activity Costs...................................................118 5.5.6 Viewing Reallocated Activity Account Costs .....................................119 5.5.7 Viewing Source Department Activity Account Costs .........................120 5.6 Processes .................................................................................................122 5.6.1 Overview .........................................................................................122 5.6.2 Creating Processes .........................................................................122 5.6.3 Process Assignments ......................................................................123 Chapter 6 Cost Object Information ....................................................................................125 6.1 What are Cost Objects?.............................................................................126 6.2 The Cost Object Structure .........................................................................126 6.2.1 Defining Products ............................................................................126 6.2.2 Defining Product Volumes................................................................128 6.2.3 Defining Customers .........................................................................129 6.2.4 Defining Channels ...........................................................................130 6.2.5 Defining Cost Drivers.......................................................................131 6.2.6 Derived Cost Driver..........................................................................132 6.3 Assigning Activities to Cost Objects ...........................................................135 6.3.1 Groups ............................................................................................135 6.3.2 Activity Assignment..........................................................................136 6.3.3 Activity Assignment Exclusions ........................................................138 6.3.4 Cost Driver Order.............................................................................139 6.3.5 Cost Object Reallocation..................................................................141 6.4 Overriding the Cost Driver for an Activity....................................................145 6.4.1 To Override a Cost Driver ................................................................147 6.5 Assigning Volumes to Cost Drivers ............................................................147 6.5.1 To Input a Cost Driver Volume .........................................................148 6.6 Applying a Weighting Factor ......................................................................149 6.6.1 To Apply a Weighting Factor............................................................150 6.6.2 Cost Driver Weighting Option...........................................................151 6.7 Calculating Results....................................................................................151 6.8 Viewing Results.........................................................................................151 6.8.1 Summarized Cost Object Costs .......................................................152 6.8.2 Cost Object Costs............................................................................153 6.8.3 Unit Rates........................................................................................155 6.8.4 Unallocated Costs............................................................................155 6.9 Incorporating Capacity Details ...................................................................157 6.9.1 Viewing Activity Unit Rates...............................................................157 6.9.2 Entering and Viewing Capacity Information ......................................158 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 3 Contents 6.9.3 Viewing Activity Unit Rate with Capacity Unit Rate ...........................160 Chapter 7 Profitability Information .....................................................................................163 7.1 Evaluating Profitability ...............................................................................164 7.2 Entering Revenue Details ..........................................................................164 7.3 Entering External Cost Types ....................................................................166 7.4 Entering External Costs .............................................................................167 7.5 Calculating Profitability...............................................................................168 7.5.1 To Calculate Profitability ..................................................................169 7.5.2 Profitability Options..........................................................................169 7.5.3 Profitability Options Tables ..............................................................170 7.5.4 Store Expanded Profitability.............................................................172 7.6 Viewing Profitability Results.......................................................................172 7.6.1 Profitability.......................................................................................172 7.6.2 Expanded Profitability ......................................................................174 Chapter 8 Miscellaneous Facilities ....................................................................................177 8.1 Available Facilities .....................................................................................178 8.2 Using Periods ............................................................................................178 8.2.1 Defining Periods ..............................................................................178 8.2.2 Period Summary..............................................................................181 8.3 Using Currencies .......................................................................................182 8.3.1 Defining Currencies .........................................................................182 8.3.2 Defining Currency Rates..................................................................184 8.3.3 Setting the Current Currency............................................................185 8.4 Calculation ................................................................................................185 8.4.1 Validation.........................................................................................185 8.4.2 Creating Results ..............................................................................186 8.4.3 Performing a Calculation..................................................................186 8.4.4 Calculate Remotely Option ..............................................................187 8.4.5 Deleting Results...............................................................................188 8.5 Data Spreading .........................................................................................190 8.5.1 Data Spreading Overview ................................................................190 8.5.2 Data Spreading Periods...................................................................191 8.5.3 Defining Profiles...............................................................................191 8.5.4 Profile Defaults ................................................................................192 8.5.5 Profile Entry.....................................................................................193 8.5.6 Running Data Spreading..................................................................195 8.6 Results ......................................................................................................196 8.6.1 Cyclic Errors ....................................................................................196 8.6.2 Reallocation Trace...........................................................................197 8.6.3 Reallocation Movement....................................................................198 8.6.4 Traceback........................................................................................200 8.6.5 Expanded Traceback.......................................................................201 Chapter 9 Back-Calculation (Optional Component) ...........................................................203 9.1 What is Back-Calculation? .........................................................................204 9.2 Preparing for Back-Calculation...................................................................204 9.3 Running Back-Calculation..........................................................................208 9.4 Back-Calculation Algorithms ......................................................................209 9.4.1 Changing the Cost Driver Volumes ..................................................210 9.4.2 What-If Department Activity Costs....................................................212 9.4.3 What-If Department Activity Account Costs ......................................214 9.4.4 Applying Recalculated Method Values .............................................215 9.4.5 Value Allocations .............................................................................216 9.4.6 Back-Calculation and Spare Resources ...........................................216 9.4.7 Forward Calculation.........................................................................216 9.4.8 Reallocations...................................................................................216 Chapter 10 Bill Of Materials ................................................................................................217 10.1Features....................................................................................................218 10.2Bill of Materials Overview...........................................................................218 10.3Defining the Bill of Materials - Structure .....................................................218 10.3.1To Introduce Products into the BOM Hierarchy.................................219 4 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Contents 10.4Modifying the Bill of Materials – Makeup ....................................................221 10.5Viewing the Bill of Materials Results...........................................................222 10.5.1Bill of Materials - Results..................................................................222 10.5.2Bill of Materials – Expanded Results ................................................223 10.5.3BOM and the Product Hierarchy.......................................................225 Chapter 11 Value Management (optional)...........................................................................227 11.1What is Value Management? .....................................................................228 11.2Value Management Overview ....................................................................228 11.2.1Defining Value Management Items...................................................228 11.3Entering Value Management Line Mappings ..............................................230 11.4Value Management Calculation .................................................................231 11.4.1Performing a Value Management Calculation...................................231 11.4.2Value Management Calculation Details............................................232 11.5Value Management Back-Calculation.........................................................233 11.6Value Management Traceback ..................................................................233 11.7Value Management and Currency..............................................................235 11.8Value Management Mapping File...............................................................235 Appendix A Business Objects Information Resources..........................................................237 A1. Documentation and information services....................................................238 A2. Documentation ..........................................................................................238 A3. Customer support, consulting and training .................................................239 A4. Useful addresses at a glance.....................................................................240 Appendix B Metify ABM Tables ...........................................................................................241 B1. Table Types...............................................................................................242 B2. Summary of Tables....................................................................................242 B3. Summary of Table Fields ...........................................................................246 Appendix C Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages.........................................................267 C1. About Errors and Warnings........................................................................268 C2. Description of Errors and Warnings............................................................268 C3. Other Messages ........................................................................................281 Appendix D Audit File Format ..............................................................................................283 D1. About Auditing ...........................................................................................284 D2. Creation Record ........................................................................................284 D3. Detail Records...........................................................................................284 D4. Import Records..........................................................................................286 D5. Data Spreading Records............................................................................286 D6. List of Tables and Fields............................................................................287 Index.........................................................................................................................................293 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 5 Contents 6 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM 1| Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM Introduction 1.1 Introduction Welcome to Metify ABM. We recommend that you first acquaint yourself with the following introductory details before you start to use your system: • Documentation Conventions • Metify ABM Overview • Contents Overview • Related Products 1.2 Documentation Conventions The product information is presented in a consistent manner to make it easy to follow. A number of conventions are used to ensure that items regularly referred to can be easily identified. These include: • Keyboard Keys • Text Entry • Cross References • Procedures 1.2.1 Keyboard Keys The keys on your system’s keyboard may not be labeled exactly as they are represented in this manual. Keys are represented in bold type throughout the manual, for example Ctrl to represent the control key, Escape for the escape key, and Return for the Return or Enter key. Certain operations require the use of combinations of keys. If two keys are to be pressed together, a plus sign appears between them. For example, Ctrl + F1 means hold down the control key while pressing F1. Alternatively, commas will separate a sequence of key presses. Alt, C, F means press and release Alt then C then F in that order. The Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys are collectively referred to as the Arrow keys. 1.2.2 Text Entry Text that you need to type in is shown throughout this manual in bold. For example, if an instruction says type Method Name, you should type Method followed by a space then Name. 1.2.3 Data Entry Information is entered through windows and dialog boxes, often containing text boxes and list boxes. Each text/list box consists of a field name, followed by a data area which either displays information, or into which you can make an entry. For further information about using windows, dialog, text and list boxes refer to section 2. Windows and dialog boxes are described using a table with two columns. The field is given under the heading Hierarchy, for hierarchy area, or Field, for the detail area; the data area has the heading Description or Content. Such tables are presented in a different typeface, for example: 8 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM Metify ABM Overview Field Content Department A Department that has been set up for your system; you must make an entry in this field. Method A Method that has been set up for your system; you can choose the required entry from a list; you must make an entry in this field. Value The value to be assigned to this Method; you must enter a number in this field. 1.2.4 Cross References References to other parts of the documentation are presented in bold italics. For convenience the User manual section number is often included. 1.2.5 Procedures A number of procedures are described each consisting of a set of individual operations. These operations are identified by numbers, and must be performed in the order in which they are listed. Some procedures do not have numbered steps. In these cases, the options may be alternatives or the steps to be followed may not be in a strict order. Procedures are introduced by a heading, e.g.: To Edit a Text Box: 1.3 Metify ABM Overview Metify ABM is a full activity based cost management and budgeting system that allows the user to import data from other applications and view analysis results using a spreadsheet (if required). It is supplied on one CD, complete with the utilities that allow dynamic linking of data to spreadsheets and ODBC compliant databases, and must be loaded onto your computer as explained in the Metify ABM Installation Manual. The principles of Activity Based Costing, as implemented by Metify ABM, are listed below along with an overview of its functions: • Department / Account Definition • Activity Costing Analysis • Cost Object Analysis • Cost Object Profitability Calculation • Metify ABM Functions 1.3.1 Department / Account Definition Using Metify ABM, you can build a model of your organization that reflects the structure, values and operations performed within the organization. Methods that can be used to allocate costs, for example, by headcount or floor area, are defined, and a value can be assigned to each Method (e.g. 28 people in a Department, floor area 2000 square meters). A hierarchy of Accounts can then be built up, with the methods of cost allocation specified for each base Account, and the cost can be entered for each combination of Account and Department. Note that each Account uses one Method, but each Method can be used in more than one Account. For example, a maintenance Department may operate a wages Account and a clothing Account, both using headcount, and a rent Account using floor area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 9 |1 1| Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM Introduction 1.3.2 Activity Costing Analysis The overall function of Metify ABM is to take general ledger data (the Account and Department costs), together with any other relevant costing information, and apportion costs to specific Activities performed within Departments of an organization. Activities can be grouped according to the departmental structure of an organization or according to the processes performed by the organization. Any Activities that contribute to or support other Activities can have their costs reallocated, effectively allowing the full costing of all direct Activities that impact the Cost Objects. The costs related to Activities can then be analyzed either by Department (or any other element of the organization), or in terms of the organization’s processes. Metify ABM allows the performance of a number of analytical tasks such as internal benchmarking, process analysis and resource utilization analysis - which are crucial to effective activity based cost management. 1.3.3 Cost Object Analysis When Activities have been costed, the cost of each Activity can be traced, via Drivers, to specific Cost Objects. A Cost Object is an item that absorbs a cost and which can be reported on, for example a Product, Customer, distribution Channel or region. A Driver is a specification associated with a Cost Object that shows how Activity costs are split proportionally within the Cost Object. An Activity can be associated with one or more items within each Cost Object. It could also affect a number of Cost Objects. For example, an Activity associated with a number of Customers can be passed to some of the range of Products purchased by those Customers. By building up the full relationship between Drivers and Cost Objects, the costs associated with a Cost Object can be determined. 1.3.4 Cost Object Profitability Calculation When Cost Objects have been costed, revenue and volume data can be introduced. The profitability of each Cost Objects can be calculated. This allows you to answer questions such as “was the sale of that Product through that Channel to that Customer profitable?” and “based on the discounts given to that Customer, is the Customer account still profitable?”. By changing the parameters, you can also assess the affects of any changes that are planned. 1.3.5 Metify ABM Functions The functions of Metify ABM fall into the following categories: 10 • Importing data from ledger systems and other external packages • Setting up Department information, which includes entering Account details and cost allocation Methods • Analyzing Activities, including setting up an Activity hierarchy and allocating resources to Activities; calculation and viewing of results are included in this function • Analyzing Cost Objects, which includes setting up Cost Objects and allocating Activity costs together with Driver Volumes; calculation and viewing of results are again included in this function • Analyzing profitability, including direct entry of external costing data if required • Using Periods and Currencies • Creating and running reports • Generating a Bill Of Materials for your product set • Using the Back-Calculation module to perform budgeting and "What-If" inquiries • Calculating Value Management • Allowing multi-user access to a single model across the Intranet or Internet • Providing an interface to allow other applications to access the database. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM Contents Overview 1.3.6 Metify ABM performance Metify ABM is extremely powerful and efficient in the way it stores, manipulates and processes data. There are 2 key areas which impact on its performance, especially in terms of how long it takes to display information and calculate results: A) Technical considerations These are referred to in the Installation Guide, section 2 B) Structural considerations. The following advanced functions may have an impact on the performance of Metify ABM • Reallocating Account Costs and Reallocating Activity Costs • To Override a Cost Driver • Expanded Profitability • Number of Periods Used • Traceback and Expanded Traceback • BOM and the Product Hierarchy Because of complex inter-relationships and the extent to which specific functions are adopted, it is not possible to give performance figures for a given model or infrastructure. Please contact the HelpLine for advice and guidance on any aspect of performance or the use of these advanced functions. 1.4 Contents Overview The Metify ABM system consists of a number of windows that are used independently for entering and viewing data; there is no mandatory order in which these windows should be used. However, the windows are grouped into functional areas to assist navigation. These are listed below. Introduction (this section) gives a brief overview of the Metify ABM system. Details of the conventions used throughout the documentation are also given in this section. Using Metify ABM gives instructions on how to start up the system and how to use the facilities within Metify ABM. Metify ABM has been designed to use the standard Microsoft Windows user interface wherever possible. You should ensure that you are familiar with the Windows environment before you start to use Metify ABM. If you need more information about the user interface, refer to the documentation supplied with Windows. You should read this section before starting to use the system. This will tell you how to use the display structure to find particular options, and how to use the built in facilities (such as lists, menus, reporting) that are designed to make the system easy to use. This also describes how to use a model in multi-access environment. Defining Hierarchies contains all the information required to enable you to maintain the hierarchical information of your model. The items in each base item category, for example, Account, are held in a hierarchy; you can insert, delete, and move these items, and also edit the information associated with each item. Department Information describes setting up and maintaining the Department, Account and Method information, and the associated Method Values. Accounts can be reallocated to other Departments, and this section describes how to set up the reallocation paths. The entering of Department Account costs, from which all calculated costs in the System are derived, is also described here. Activity Information describes how to set up the Activities that are performed within your organization, and analyze the costs associated with each Activity. Entering Value Allocations (the Activity split by each Department for each Method) is described here. This section also describes how to set up reallocation paths for Activities that have their costs reallocated, and how to enter Capacity Unit Rate data. Setting up and reviewing Processes are described in this section. Cost Object Information describes entering and maintaining Cost Object and Cost Driver hierarchies. It also describes how to assign Activities to the Cost Objects, and how to enter Driver Volumes (the volume for each Cost Driver and Cost Object combination). These are used in the calculation to proportion the Activity Costs down to the Cost Objects. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 11 |1 1| Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM Introduction Profitability Information describes how to enter External Costs and sales Revenue, and then calculate overall profitability. Miscellaneous Facilities explains how to set up and use time Periods and Currency conversions in your Metify ABM model. It also describes how to perform a Calculation, and what effect changes to the model have on the results. Data Spreading is described here. Back-Calculation (Optional Component) describes the Metify ABM Back Calculation function. Bill Of Materials describes the Metify ABM Bill Of Materials module. Value Management (optional) explains how to maintain Value Management data, and perform a Value Management Calculation and Back-Calculation. Appendix A gives all the information you need to operate your system. There are, however, a number of contacts that can provide additional information if required. Appendix B contains a description of the internal tables and fields used by Metify ABM. Appendix C gives an explanation of all the messages that can occur during Validation and Calculation. Appendix D describes the format of the records in the file created by the Audit function. 1.4.1 Additional Documentation If your company operates an integrated system including a ledger system and/or a spreadsheet, information relating to data formats for these packages should be available in the documentation supplied with those applications. Further information about the Windows environment can be found in the Windows documentation. 1.5 Related Products There are three related product sets: • Metify Basic Links • Metify Advanced Links 1.5.1 Metify Basic Links Metify Basic Links consist of a number of utilities which enable you to access a Metify ABM model in a variety of different applications. These are described in brief below, but for further information you should see the Metify Basic Links User’s Manual: Metify Link for Excel These links provide functions in the spreadsheet application that allow you to transfer data from Metify ABM models into the spreadsheet for further manipulation. Metify Link for ODBC This product is a two-way link enabling you to transfer selected tables between a Metify ABM model and an ODBC database. Metify Link for Access This product transfers selected tables and fields from a Metify ABM model to an Access database. All the features of Access (e.g. extensive reporting capabilities) are then available for use on the Metify ABM data. Metify Link for Text This product will create an ASCII text file of selected data from a Metify ABM model. This file can then be used by another system as required. 12 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM Related Products 1.5.2 Metify Advanced Links Metify Advanced Links are not part of the standard Metify ABM suite. If you required more information then contact Business Objects Help Desk. Metify Link for Business Analysis This product allows you to transfer selected numeric data from one or more Metify ABM models into an OLAP application. This enables you ‘slice-and-dice’ the multi-dimension Metify ABM costs into the individual costs for each dimension. The OLAP applications currently supported are: • Hyperion Essbase • Applix iTM1 • Cognos PowerPlay BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 13 |1 1| Introduction to BusinessObjects Metify ABM Introduction 14 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM 2| Using Metify ABM What’s in Metify ABM? 2.1 What’s in Metify ABM? This describes how to use the screen facilities of Metify ABM. It does not describe any of the application functionality - this is covered in later sections. Although the User interface of Metify ABM is selfexplanatory, you should read this section in order to appreciate in full the not-so-obvious details. Metify ABM uses many standard features of the Windows environment, and you should make sure that you are familiar with Windows before you start to use Metify ABM. The features covered here include: • Controlling a Metify ABM Session • The Metify ABM Application Window • Metify ABM Data Windows • Menus • ToolBar • Shortcuts • Metify ABM Reports • System Configuration • Administrator Functions • Multi-User Access • Interaction with Links 2.2 Controlling a Metify ABM Session This can involve the following steps • Starting a Metify ABM Session • Your Metify ABM Model • Saving a Model • Closing a Model • Closing a Model in Solo • Ending a Metify ABM Session 2.2.1 Starting a Metify ABM Session To start a session, click on the Metify ABM icon in the Windows Start menu, and you will see the Metify ABM Application window 16 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Controlling a Metify ABM Session 2.2.2 Your Metify ABM Model Once Metify ABM is running, you can: • Create a New Model • Open an Existing Model These options can be selected either from the File Menu on the Menu Bar, or using the buttons in the ToolBar. Once a model is open, you can enter or edit data manually using the Metify ABM data windows, and you can import data using EPM Data Bridge – see the separate document EPM Data Bridge User Guide. Note that you can only have one model open at once. Other considerations include: • Password Protection • Free Space • Import of Data Create a New Model To enter a new model, select the New option from the File Menu, or the New button from the ToolBar. This will display a Create Metify ABM Model dialog box through which you can enter the model file name. Press Open to create an empty model, into which you can enter data. Open an Existing Model To load an existing model, either select the Open option from the File menu or click the Open button on the ToolBar. This will display a Select Metify ABM Model to open dialog box through which you can select the model. The models have the extension .abm. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 17 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Controlling a Metify ABM Session Note that at the bottom of the File menu there is a list of the file directories and paths of the previous four models to be opened. Selecting any of these will open that model. Note If Reload previous model on application start is selected in the Tools | Global Options | Exit menu, then the model which was closed last when you exited from Metify ABM will be loaded automatically when you start Metify ABM. If the model is Password protected you will be asked to enter a Username and Password in order to open the model. Password Protection Passwords can be applied to Metify ABM models to restrict access. If passwords have been activated (by selecting the Enable Users and Passwords option on the File / Properties menu), then a password is held for each User of the model. (Note that Users and Groups are set up on a model basis). The Administrator can set an initial password for each User which he creates – see 2.11; a User can change their password at any time (while they have the model opened) by selecting the Change my password option on the Model menu. Free Space When a model is opened in Metify ABM, various temporary files are created in the same directory that the model is stored in. Temporary files are also created when you request a Validation or Calculation. If, when you are using the model, there is not enough free space on the drive where the model is stored, then Metify ABM may terminate automatically and you will lose unsaved modifications. Note that the model will not be corrupted, and you will be able to access it when you have increased the free space. To warn you that you may not have enough space to operate, Metify ABM displays 2 levels of messages: • Free Space Low When you open a model, and the free space on the drive is less than 6 times the model size, then the following message is displayed: Also, a message is displayed on the Status Bar if the free space falls below 6 times the model size while the model is open. Although it may be fairly safe to work with a model when the free space is low, it is unadvisable, and you should close the model and increase the free space, or move the model to another drive with more space. Free Space Very Low If, at any time while the model is open, the free space falls below 2 times the model size, then a message is displayed below the Status Bar: You are advised to close your model immediately. Note Because of a bug in earlier (pre SR2) releases of Windows 95, Metify ABM cannot detect free space greater than 2 GB; so if your model is > 300 KB you may not see the Free Space Low messages. 18 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Controlling a Metify ABM Session Import of Data You can import data into an empty Metify ABM model, or one that already has data in it. Data is imported from a .dat file, which contains data organized by Metify ABM tables; a .dat file may contain data for a single table, or it can contain data for a complete Metify ABM model. For more details on the format of a .dat file, see EPM Data Bridge User Guide and B. Data can be imported into Metify ABM from any application that generates standard ASCII files; for example, a ledger or a manufacturing control system. You can convert such a file into a .dat file using the Data Bridge feature. For more information, see EPM Data Bridge User Guide. Once you have a file in a suitable format, you can import it by selecting the Import / from .dat file option from the 2.5.1. This will display an Open dialog box through which you can select the file to import. When the import procedure is complete, you can use Metify ABM features to manipulate the imported data. 2.2.3 Saving a Model Metify ABM contains a number of features which allow flexible control over any changes that are made to a model. When using Metify ABM Solo Edition, you are in total control over changes to the model, and you can use various combinations of features to suit your personal way of working. In Metify ABM Team Edition, because other users may be accessing the model, all changes made to the model, in normal operation, are automatically saved. The exception is when Metify ABM terminates abnormally (for example, when the Server PC crashes), in which case, the model will revert to its last ‘saved’ state. The various ‘Save’ features described below are available in both Solo and Team editions so that you can control the content of the actual model file. All updates to the model are held either in Memory or in a Cache file, and changes are only committed to the actual model file in the following circumstances: • Closing the Model. In Metify ABM Team Edition, the changes will only be committed when the last user closes the model. In Metify ABM Solo Edition, you can set an option to prompt you to save or disregard any changes made since the model was last saved. (See • Saving the Model. The Save option on the File menu or ToolBar allows you to commit changes to the model file. • Auto Saving the Model. The Auto Save option on the Model | Options menu allows you to activate the Auto Save feature. (See Notes: There are a number of other features that allow you to preserve your model: • you can backup your model at any time using the Backup Model to file option on the File Menu. (Users and Passwords are also backed up). • you can select Save As (on the File Menu) to copy the current state of the model to a new model, leaving the new model open. In Metify ABM Solo Edition, the original model will be left in its last saved state; in Metify ABM Team Edition, the original model will still contain any unsaved changes, which will be committed when the last user closes the model. • In Metify ABM Solo Edition, you can select an option (from Tools | Display Options) to automatically create a backup on model Open. • you can Export the model to a .dat file using Export (on the File Menu). However, remember that .dat files are not Password protected. 2.2.4 Closing a Model When you have finished work on a Metify ABM model, you can close the file either by selecting the Close option from the File menu or by clicking the Close button on the ToolBar. NOTE: Exiting from Metify ABM will also close the model. The model name will be removed from the Title Bar to indicate that the model is no longer open, and all windows will be closed. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 19 |2 2| Using Metify ABM The Metify ABM Application Window 2.2.5 Closing a Model in Solo In Metify ABM Solo Edition, an option is available (in Model | Options | General) to allow you to close the model without saving changes. If this option is selected, then when you close your model a dialog box will be displayed asking whether you want to save your changes. You can choose to either save your changes or to restore the model to the state it was in when you last saved it. NOTE: that the dialog box is only displayed if the model has been opened only by Metify ABM; if a Metify Link program has accessed the model since being opened by Metify ABM, then the model will be automatically saved on closing. 2.2.6 Ending a Metify ABM Session To end a Metify ABM session, either select the Exit option from the File menu or click the Exit button on the ToolBar. If the Display Exit confirm dialog upon exit option is selected (under the Exit tab in Tools | Display Options), then a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Metify ABM then closes. If you have a model open when you close Metify ABM, then the model will be automatically closed. 2.3 The Metify ABM Application Window A detailed overview of Metify ABM Application Window is given in: • Description • Navigation 2.3.1 Description When a Metify ABM session is started, the main Metify ABM Application window will be displayed. Once you have opened a model, you can then open any of the Metify ABM data windows. Metify ABM utilizes an MDI (Multiple Document Interface), i.e. any number of data windows may be opened concurrently. The main Metify ABM Application window is displayed below. Elsewhere screen shots will only depict the data window. 20 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM The Metify ABM Application Window Below the window Title Bar at the top of the screen, is firstly the Metify ABM Menu Bar and below this is its Toolbar. On the left of the window is the List Bar showing Groups of data windows. Immediately to its right is the AutoHide Area that displays all the data windows in a hierarchical manner under their respective group headings. To the right of this is the Metify ABM Data Display Window, in this case showing the Value Allocations data window. Along the bottom of the Metify ABM application window is a single line Monitoring Bar that displays (from left to right), a Message, the current Currency selection, the current Period, Percentage details and Status information. A Message Bar can also be seen along the bottom of the Data window and above this is a summary panel showing Totals associated with the data on display. These screen objects are described in more detail in the table that follows: Area Description Menu Bar A standard Windows facility that contains standard Windows options and also Metify ABM specific options. See 2.5 for more details. Tool Bar This is a standard Windows facility for shortcut access to specific functions. See 2.6 for more details. Window Area This is the area for the Metify ABM data windows. More than one window may be open at once. Metify ABM Data Window See 2.4 Totals Area If the detail area contains a cost or value field, then there may be a Total for it, displayed in the Totals Area, giving the total value over all records in the detail area. There may be more than one Total in a window, and each one will adopt the same formatting as the associated column. Totals are displayed in Normal color (if positive) or Negative color (if negative). See the descriptions of the individual windows for more details. Note that if the Total is zero, but displayed in Negative color, it may be because it is a very small negative number. Not all windows have a Totals Area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 21 |2 2| Using Metify ABM The Metify ABM Application Window Area Description Message Bar This is used to display information and error messages relating to the data window. A message remains until you reselect in the hierarchy or detail area. The right-hand side contains the number of records selected and displayed (in the detail area). List Bar and Groups This contains a number of groups. When a group is selected, all icons associated with that group are displayed in a scrolled area. Clicking on an icon opens the associated Metify ABM window; if the window is already open then it will become the active window. You can customize this - see 2.10.3 AutoHide Area This area shows all the Metify ABM data windows that are available in your system, in a hierarchical format. You open the display by positioning the arrow cursor over the border between the List Bar and the Window Area. The display remains visible as long as the cursor is inside this area; as soon as you move the cursor outside the area, or double-click to open a window, the display retracts. Right-hand mouse menu options control this display. To make the Area expand/contract quicker, remove the Animate option. You can also expand/contract this area using the Tree View button on the ToolBar, if the AutoHide option is deselected. Status Bar This is an area used by Metify ABM to display the current state of the model. Main Message Bar This is an information area used by Metify ABM to provide feedback when you perform an operation. Currency Bar This displays the Current Currency, or blank if you are not using Currencies in your model. See 8.3 for more details on Currencies. Period Bar This displays the Current Period. If you are not using Periods, then ‘Base’ will be displayed. (The period ‘Base’ is automatically created when you create a new model). See 8.2 for more details on Periods. Percentage Bar This is a standard Windows percentage bar. This area is animated to indicate the progress of an operation. 2.3.2 Navigation Navigating the Metify ABM Application involves: • Accessing Windows • Displaying Windows • Closing Windows • Description of Icons Accessing Windows You enter and view data in your Metify ABM model using the Metify ABM windows. You can access a window in a number of different ways, and which you choose depends on which you find more convenient at a particular time: • Via the List Bar Icons for windows that are functionally related, e.g. the Department information windows, are grouped together under one List group, Department Information. When a List group is clicked, all the icons within it are displayed (scrolled if necessary). Therefore, if you are working on one functional area of your model, all the relevant windows can be accessed quickly. In order to keep the list of icons in the List Bar manageable, only the windows which are necessary for building a model are listed; other windows, relating to optional features, can be accessed via the AutoHide Area - see below. 22 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM The Metify ABM Application Window You can re-configure the List Bar to contain whichever icons you require; for example, those that you use frequently. See 2.10.3 for more details. Clicking on an icon in the List Bar will open the associated window. • Via the AutoHide Area Icons for all windows are displayed in the AutoHide Area, which is displayed by holding the arrow cursor on the border between the List Bar and Window area. Windows are grouped into functional areas; the first level of each area giving the primary windows, while those windows grouped under Optional, are those related to optional features. To open a window, display the associated icon (using standard Windows techniques to display the hierarchies), and double-click on the icon. • Via the Links option Some windows contain a Links option on their right-hand mouse menu, which has a sub-menu containing a list of related windows. Click on a window name to open it. • Via the Window menu Open windows are listed at the bottom of the Window menu, and clicking on the name makes that window the active window. Displaying Windows When a window is initially opened, it will be displayed the same size as it was when it was last closed. Any number of windows may be open at once; you control the display of open windows using standard Windows conventions. If the amount of data within a window is larger than the window, scroll bars appear at the right-hand side or bottom of the data area, as appropriate. Any change made to the Metify ABM model as information is entered, deleted or modified, is reflected immediately in all open windows. Message Log The Message Log is a special window - it is opened via the Message Log option on the Tools Menu or using the Message Log button on the ToolBar, but for most other purposes, it behaves in the same manner as the Metify ABM data windows. It is also opened automatically after Validation/Calculation if errors were detected. You can view the Message Log at any time during a Metify ABM session. See also Closing Windows You can close a window using standard Windows techniques. All windows are automatically closed when the model is closed or Metify ABM is closed. When a window is closed, the current display settings (and column widths) will be saved, so that on a subsequent reopen, the window will be displayed in the same way. Note If you go to another application and then return to Metify ABM, then the focus moves to the first hierarchy in the data window. Description of Icons The icons that are displayed in the List Bar and the AutoHide Area indicate the type of functionality of the corresponding data window. The following list describes each of these icons: Define - Windows with this icon are used for defining base items, e.g. Define Activities. Enter - Windows with this icon are used for entering values, e.g. Enter Value Allocations. Assignment - Windows with this icon are used for assigning relationships between different types of data, e.g. Activity Assignment. View - Windows with this icon are used to display the results of a calculation, e.g. View Business Activity Costs. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 23 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows Reallocation - Windows with this icon are used for defining reallocation paths, e.g. Account Reallocation. Override - Windows with this icon are used for setting overrides, e.g. Value Allocation Overrides. Calculate - Selecting this icon displays the Calculation dialog box, with the calculation level preset accordingly. 2.4 Metify ABM Data Windows You access (i.e. enter and view) data in your Metify ABM model using the Metify ABM data windows; each window relates to a particular type of data. Metify ABM Data Windows contain some of the following features: • Dialog Boxes • Hierarchy Area • Detail Area • Properties Dialog Boxes • Text Boxes • Drop-down List Boxes • Checkboxes • Radio Buttons • Search Boxes • Right-hand Mouse Menu Note Most of the operational functions available in Metify ABM data windows and dialog boxes are standard Windows features. 2.4.1 Dialog Boxes Dialog boxes are used for entering information, which can involve any of the following: • Text Boxes • Drop-down List Boxes • Checkboxes • Radio Buttons Metify ABM dialog boxes follow the standard Windows conventions for dialog boxes. 2.4.2 Hierarchy Area All Metify ABM data windows contain a hierarchy area (on the left-hand side), which contains one or more hierarchies. A hierarchy is a list of all items defined for a particular base item, and is organized in terms of groups and members of groups, according to how you have specified it. They are described in greater detail in • Display of Hierarchies 24 • Selecting within a Hierarchy • Deselecting within a Hierarchy • Other Points about Hierarchies BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows Display of Hierarchies Hierarchies are used to enable you to select particular records to be displayed in other parts of the window (either in other hierarchies or in the detail area). Judicial creation of groups will enable you to select items in the hierarchy with the minimum number of key presses. Groups are displayed as a name, preceded by a group icon; non-groups are shown as a name only. Children are shown under their parent and indented to the right. You can change the level of display for each occurrence of a group so that only those items that are of interest to you are displayed. The group icon is a gray box containing one of: a dash, Which indicates that the group is expanded, i.e. all direct children are displayed. a plus, Which indicates that the group is contracted, i.e. no children (nor their children) are displayed Clicking a group item's icon will toggle the display between ‘displaying’ and ‘not displaying’ the direct child items within that group. If you contract a group, then all its children which are groups will also be contracted; when these groups are subsequently displayed, you will need to explicitly expand each one, if required. You can use the Ctrl key to cascade the expansion. E.g. if you click on an icon containing a plus while holding the Ctrl key, all children, grandchildren, etc. will be displayed. Note that an occurrence of a group may be contracted in one part of the hierarchy, and expanded in another part of the hierarchy. Selecting within a Hierarchy You select an item or items in the hierarchy area for the following reasons: • To display records in the detail area. In general, those records that relate to the selected (i.e. highlighted) items in the hierarchy area are displayed in the detail area. • To specify the insertion point. This applies when you are adding new items to the hierarchy. • To delete the item(s). • To define a reallocation path or assignment. Some windows contain hierarchies where only one item at a time may be selected, and in these cases, groups cannot be selected. Selecting a Single Item To select a single item in a hierarchy, place the cursor over (or to the right of) the name, and click. The item will become highlighted (and all other items will be deselected). An item may occur more than once in a hierarchy. Selecting all occurrences of it depends on the nature of the hierarchy currently displayed. • If the hierarchy is used to edit the structure of the hierarchy itself (e.g. the Department hierarchy in the Department window), then clicking on an item selects only that occurrence. To select all occurrences of an item you must hold the Alt key when clicking on the name of one of the occurrences; all occurrences of that item will be highlighted. • If the hierarchy is non-editable and multi-selectable (i.e. it is used to select records for display in the detail area, for example the Department hierarchy in the Department Account Costs window), then clicking on one occurrence will select all occurrences. • If the hierarchy is non-editable and single selectable (i.e. you can only select one non-group item), then when you select a non-group item only that occurrence of the item will be highlighted. Using the Alt key has no effect. Note that if you select all occurrences, then those occurrences that are not currently displayed, because they are in a group that is contracted, will also be selected. If you select a group in a multi-selectable hierarchy, then (in most hierarchies) all items in that group are automatically selected. The Cost Object hierarchies in Activity Assignment Exclusions, and BOM Structure in Bill Of Materials (Expanded) Results are exceptions. Selecting Multiple Items BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 25 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows You can select multiple items using standard Windows techniques, i.e. using the Ctrl and Shift keys, or dragging. Tip: To select all items in a hierarchy, press the Home key. General Selection You can also select items in a hierarchy using the Select option on the right-hand mouse menu: • All, which selects all items in the hierarchy • Groups, which selects groups but leaves non-group items deselected • Bottom Level, which selects all non-group items without selecting groups • Top Level, which selects only the top-level item. Automatic Selection When a window is opened, the system will automatically pre-select an item in a hierarchy when: • The hierarchy is a Period hierarchy; the Current Period is pre-selected. • The item is the only item in the hierarchy that can give a record in the detail area; that item is pre-selected. Note that Reallocation and Assignment windows have no pre-selected hierarchies. Deselecting within a Hierarchy Deselection of items depends on whether the hierarchy is editable (Base item windows, e.g. Accounts) or non-editable. For editable hierarchies: To deselect an item in an editable hierarchy, place the cursor over the name and, holding the Ctrl key, click. Only that occurrence of the item will be deselected, and it will cease to be highlighted. To deselect all occurrences of an item, hold the Alt key down when pressing the Ctrl key. If you deselect a group, then all items in that group are automatically deselected. If you deselect a group using the Alt key, then all occurrences of that group and all occurrences of its children are automatically deselected. For non-editable hierarchies: To deselect an item in a non-editable hierarchy, place the cursor over the name and, holding the Ctrl key, click. All occurrences of the item will be deselected, and cease to be highlighted. Using the Alt key will have no effect. If you deselect a group, then all items in that group (and all occurrences of those items) are automatically deselected. Note: The Ctrl key changes the selection status of the item (and its children), without affecting the selection of other items. Other Points about Hierarchies Generally, if a hierarchy is displayed, then all items in that hierarchy are displayed. However, in some windows, only those items that satisfy certain criteria are displayed. E.g. in the Account Reallocation window, only Accounts of Type ‘Reallocate’ are displayed. For a description of which hierarchies are displayed in a particular window, refer to the description of that window given in later sections of this Manual. Selecting a group in the hierarchy area shows the group and all its members in the detail area, regardless of whether the hierarchy display, for that group, is expanded or contracted. You can use the Search Boxes facility to control which items are displayed in a hierarchy. See 2.4.9 Tips: 1) you can tell if you have selected items that are hidden within a contracted hierarchy by checking the detail area. 2) If you click in a hierarchy, and the current selection disappears, it is probably because you moved the cursor when clicking, and the system assumed you were moving the selection (to the same position). 26 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows 2.4.3 Detail Area Most Metify ABM windows contain a detail area, on the right-hand side of the window. This area is used to display records relating to the selections that you have made in the hierarchy area. For more detailed description: • Loading Records in the Detail Area • Selecting a Record in the Detail Area • Deselecting a Record in the Detail Area • Inserting Records • Deleting Records • Editing Records • Sorting in the Detail Area • Record Color in the Detail Area Loading Records in the Detail Area In general, records are only displayed in the detail area when a selection is made in each hierarchy in the hierarchy area. If only a small number of records are displayed, then the loading of records is instantaneous; a large number of records (e.g. selecting all records in Expanded Profitability for a large model) will take time. You can cancel the load of records at any time by pressing the Escape key; a message box will be displayed requesting confirmation of the abort. Note that you should hold the Escape key down until the message box appears. You can also stop the record load by reselecting in the hierarchy area, which will abort the load for the previous selection, and load the new selection. Tip If you have made selections in the hierarchy area, and nothing appears in the detail area when expected then: a) Check the right-hand mouse menu display to see if all hierarchies are displayed. b) Restore defaults. This will reveal any hierarchy that is not visible because the window is too narrow. c) Check all hierarchies to ensure that each has the required selection. d) If it is a results window, Calculate again to the required level, and with the correct Model Options (F8). Selecting a Record in the Detail Area You can select any record or records in the detail area, and then use the selection to: • Modify the records using the Properties Dialog Boxes, if applicable. • Generate Metify ABM Reports • Copy to another application. The records will be copied to the Windows clipboard, where they can be ‘pasted’ into any other application that uses the Windows clipboard, (e.g. Word). • Perform window/field related operations. See individual window descriptions in later sections. The above options are available on the right-hand mouse menu. To select a single record in the detail area, you place the cursor anywhere in the line, and click. The record will become highlighted (and all other records will be deselected). You can also use the Up (Down) Arrow to move the selection. You can select multiple records using standard Windows techniques, i.e. using the Ctrl and Shift keys (with clicking or using the Up (Down) Arrow), or dragging. You can select all records using the Select All option on the right-hand mouse menu. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 27 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows Deselecting a Record in the Detail Area To deselect a record, place the cursor over the record and, holding the Ctrl key, click; all other records remain selected. Alternatively, select another record (without the Alt or Shift keys); this will deselect all selected records. You cannot drag to deselect. Note Some operations (e.g. reselecting items in the hierarchy) will automatically clear selections in the detail area, since the data is refreshed. Inserting Records In data entry type windows (e.g. Method Values), you can Insert records into the detail area. To insert records: • Select the required combination of items in the hierarchy area. • Either press the Insert key, or select the Insert option from the detail area right-hand mouse menu. Records will be inserted according to the combination selected in the hierarchy, and will be assigned default values. You can then edit these default values as described below. Some combinations will not be valid, and so no record will be generated; for more detail see the appropriate window description. Only those records that do not already exist will be inserted. Deleting Records In those windows where you are allowed to insert records into the detail area, you can also delete records. To delete records: • Select the required combination of items in the hierarchy area. • From the records displayed in the detail area, select those records that you require to delete. • Either press the Delete key, or select the Delete option from the detail area right-hand mouse menu. A message will be displayed asking you to confirm the Delete. • Press Yes to delete the records, (or No to abandon the delete). The detail area will be refreshed, with the deleted records removed. (Any sort order will be removed. Editing Records Depending on the window, you can edit one or more fields within a record in the detail area. To edit an individual field either: • Move the cursor over the field and double-click. (Note that the record need not be selected). • If you have records selected, then press Return. This will select the field that you clicked in the record last selected (if it is an editable field). The field changes to a text box that you can then edit, or to a drop-down list box, from which you can select a value. See below for more details on text boxes and drop-down list boxes. Note that once you have a field in edit mode, you can move around all the editable fields in the detail area by using the Tab (Tab + Shift) key to move within the same record, or the Up (Down) Arrow key to move to the same field in the record above (below). To edit a field (or fields) in multiple records to the same value, you can use the associated Properties dialog box (which is available for most windows). See 2.4.4 for more details. Tip: For faster edits: a) Only display those windows and records which you require. Editing a detail record may cause a reload of records in other windows. b) Use the Shift and Arrow keys to move between fields, rather than the Return key. 28 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows Sorting in the Detail Area When you select items in the hierarchy area, records relating to the selection are displayed in the detail area in the order in which they are held in the database. You can then sort the records, into alphabetical order of any of the columns, by clicking on the column heading with the left-hand mouse button. (Clicking on a heading once will sort in ascending order; clicking again, on the same or another column will sort that column in descending order.) The rules for sorting are as follows: Sorting works on all displayed records, not just those that are selected. The order of the sort is: special characters; numbers; letters (lower and upper cases are treated the same). If you re-select items in the hierarchy area (even if the selection remains the same), then the sort order will be lost. Records can be sorted by one column only, and not by column within column. Sorting does not affect the selection. The detail area scrolls so that the topmost (sorted) record is visible. Record Color in the Detail Area Records displayed in the detail area are displayed in different colors (Normal, Negative, Override, Negative Override and Set, Not Selected), depending on conditions, which are window dependent. For more details of the colors a record can take, see the individual window description later in the Manual. Unless otherwise specified, records are displayed in Normal color. For more details of colors, and how to change them, see 2.10.2. Note If you get a Metify Error 43 when displaying data, it may be because the data is corrupt (possibly because you have Imported invalid data). Performing a Validation should remove any inconsistencies in your data. See 8.4.1. 2.4.4 Properties Dialog Boxes Associated with some of the data entry windows is a special type of dialog box called a Properties dialog box. Whereas the windows allow you to edit a single record at a time, Properties dialog boxes enable you to select a number of records and edit them all in a single operation - albeit to the same value. Properties dialog boxes are used for entering information, which can involve several of the other types of dialog box including Text Boxes,Drop-down List Boxes and Checkboxes. Handling Property Dialog Boxes is described more fully in: • To Access a Properties Dialog Box • Update All Checkbox • Use Default Checkbox To Access a Properties Dialog Box • Select the required combination of items in the hierarchy area. • From the records displayed in the detail area, select those records that you require to edit. • Select the Properties option from the detail area right-hand mouse menu. This will display the Properties dialog box in which you make your edits. • Edit one or more fields, as required. • Press OK to confirm the edit (or Cancel to abandon the edit). If any field is invalid, the Properties dialog box will remain open; a message will be displayed giving the reason, and the invalid field will be selected, ready for you to correct. If all fields are valid, the Properties dialog BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 29 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows box will close; the detail area will be refreshed, showing the selected records updated with the new values. Properties dialog boxes generally contain the same fields as are in the detail area of the associated window. An example of the Account Properties dialog box for multiple selected records is: Each field may have a title, a text box and an Update All checkbox (see Fields that you are not allowed to modify will have no Update All checkbox (e.g. Name), or the Update All checkbox will be grayed (e.g. Code). Fields that you are allowed to modify have an active Update All checkbox; if this is checked (e.g. Description), then all records will be updated with the value displayed; if it is not checked (e.g. Memo), all records will retain their original value for that field. The fields that you are allowed to edit depend on: • The number of records selected • Whether any items are groups • Values of certain fields. In the above example, the Account cannot be modified because it is a key field; an entry is given for Method because the value applies to all the selected records. Only Description and % Variable can be edited, since only their ‘Update All’ boxes are selected. Many of the Properties dialog boxes require the input of more than one piece of information. Use standard Windows techniques to move between the fields. (E.g. Tab and Tab+Shift.) You can exit from a Properties dialog box in the following ways: • Press Cancel, to abort the changes. • Press Return or OK, to confirm the changes. (Note that Return in an open drop-down list box closes the drop-down list box.) Update All Checkbox When you use a Properties dialog box to update more than one record, you may want to update one field, but leave the remaining fields unchanged. The Update All checkbox allows you to achieve this. Associated with each editable field in a Properties dialog box is an Update All checkbox; if this box is checked, then the field becomes useable, and all selected records will be updated with the value displayed; if the box is not checked, then each record will retain its original value. 30 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows If you have selected records that contain different values then the fields will generally display blank. However, for fields for which blank is not a valid value, e.g. drop-down list boxes, then the first value in the list will be displayed. Note that if you are not allowed to edit a field, it will either have no Update All checkbox, or else the Update All checkbox will be grayed. Use Default Checkbox Some fields have a Use Default flag associated with them. If this flag is set, then the value used for that record is always the default value. If the flag is not set, then the value used is that which is entered in the record. You can change the state of this flag (for one or more records) by selecting the Use Default Checkbox in the associated Properties dialog box. The Use Default Checkbox has three states: • Selected - All records selected will have the Use Default flag set, and the field values will be set to the default value(s). • Not Selected/ Blank - All records selected will have the Use Default flag unset, and the field values will be left unchanged. • Grey - This allows you to change value of the corresponding field. If you do not change the field then all records are unchanged. If you do change the field, then all records will take that value, and have the Use Default flag unset. E.g. in Department Account Costs, a cost will initially have the Method that has been assigned to the Account associated with it. You can then change the Method to some other. If you subsequently require changing it back to use the Account’s Method, you can set the Use Default Checkbox to Selected. The cost will then always use the Account’s Method even if the Account is subsequently modified to have another Method. Note If you explicitly change the value of the field in the Detail area, then the Use Default flag will be unset. 2.4.5 Text Boxes A text box is an area into which you can enter text using the keyboard. The data that you can enter into a text box is dependent on the nature of the text box, and you need to refer to the description of the relevant window or Properties dialog box for more detail. A text box becomes active when you double-click on an editable field in the hierarchy area or detail area, or when you click on a field in a (Properties) dialog box. The text will be highlighted and a flashing vertical bar known as the insertion point appears. Use of Text Boxes is described in greater detail in: • To Edit a Text Box • To Exit from a Text Box To Edit a Text Box Text boxes are edited using standard Windows techniques; you can use the Arrow / End / Home keys to move the insertion point; highlighted text can be overtyped, or deleted using the Delete key. To Exit from a Text Box How you exit from a text box depends on whether the field is in a window or in a dialog box. You can exit from a text box in a window in the following ways: • Press Return or click outside the text box, which will accept the edit (if valid) and leave the current record selected. • Use an Up (or Down) Arrow key, which will take you directly into editing the corresponding field in the item or record above (or below). If there is no such item or record, the key will have no effect. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 31 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows • Use the Tab (or Shift+Tab), which will take you directly into editing the next (or previous) field in the same record. If that field is non-editable, the Tab will have no effect. • Press Escape, which will abort the edit, return the field to its original value, and leave the current item or record selected. Note that an entry into a text box in a window is validated; you will only be allowed to exit from the edit if you have either entered a valid value, or pressed Escape to abort the edit. You can exit from a text box in a dialog box in the following ways: • Click on another field. • Press Tab (or Shift+Tab), to move to another field. • Press Return, OK or Cancel to exit from the dialog box Note that an entry into a text box in a dialog box is validated only when you try to exit from the dialog box. You must enter a valid value before you can exit from the dialog box. 2.4.6 Drop-down List Boxes Drop-down list boxes display a list of items from which you can select one. When you double-click on a drop-down list box to put it in edit mode, it appears initially as a box showing one item followed by a down arrow. Whenever you exit from a drop-down list box, the item currently displayed in the box will become the new value. If you press Escape, then it will revert to the original value. Note Items are listed in alphabetical order. To Select an Item: • Open the list by clicking on the box or press Alt+Down Arrow. • Select an item from the list using standard Windows techniques, i.e. using the mouse or the Right and Left Arrow keys. • You can also select an item by typing the first character (or the first few characters) of the option that you require. The first option in the list beginning with this character sequence will be selected. • Confirm the selection by either pressing Return to close the box and leave the record selected, or using the Up or Down Arrow keys to move to the field in the previous or next record. 2.4.7 Checkboxes Checkboxes are used to present a number of options from which you can select as many as required. They are shown as square boxes, sometimes accompanied by a description of the option. When an option is selected, a tick appears in the box. If an option is not available, the description is dimmed. To select an option you can either click the option or press the space bar until the required option (i.e. a tick or blank) is selected. To deselect an option, select it again. 2.4.8 Radio Buttons Radio buttons are used to select one particular option from a group of options. They are shown as a group of round buttons each accompanied by a description. A black spot indicates the option that is selected; one and only one option must be selected. To select an option either click on the option or use the Up or Down Arrow keys to move between the options. 2.4.9 Search Boxes This is a facility that introduces Search Boxes at the bottom of hierarchies, enabling you to locate specific items or ranges. Inserting a character string in the Search Box results in the hierarchy being reduced so that only those non-group items (and their parents) that have the nominated string anywhere in their name are displayed. 32 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows Note All strings in Search Boxes are cleared when the window is closed. Note also that each Search Box works independently. To Switch Search Boxes On: You can switch this facility on and off as follows: • Click on the Search Boxes button on the ToolBar. Clicking on it again will switch Search Boxes off. When Search Boxes are switched ‘On’, a box appears at the bottom of each hierarchy in every window. The default for a new model is ‘Off’, and the setting is preserved when Metify ABM is closed. Using a Search Box is fully described in • To Use Search Boxes To Use Search Boxes Open the required window, and insert a character string in the Search Box. As you enter the characters, the hierarchy will be reduced to display only those items (and their parents) which contain the string anywhere in their names, note that upper case and lower case letters are treated the same for search purposes. If a group is contracted, then the search facility still searches within it, and will display it if it contains a child that matches the string. When the hierarchy is reduced, the detail area will also be reduced to show only those items (that are selected) that are in the reduced hierarchy. Any selections made on the removed items (in the hierarchy area) are not preserved, and will not be applied when the items are re-displayed (by removing the string). This enables you to search for a particular item(s) and restore the hierarchy, leaving only those records relating to that item(s) in the detail area. Caution Take care when using this facility in windows where you ‘Set’ an Assignment, Exclusion or Reallocation path. Those items that were selected, but are not in the reduced hierarchy, will be removed from the assignment or path when you subsequently select a ‘Set’. 2.4.10 Right-hand Mouse Menu Each section of a Metify ABM window has a menu associated with it. To access this, place the cursor within the appropriate section of the window (a hierarchy or a column of the detail area), and click the right-hand button on the mouse. A pop-up menu appears giving options that are relevant to that particular section. Use of the Right-hand Mouse Menu is described in: • Selecting an Menu Option • Menu Options Selecting an Menu Option You select an option using standard Windows techniques: • Place the cursor over the option and click (either with the right or left mouse button), or press Return. • When you click to open the menu, hold the button down while you drag the cursor. The option highlighted when the button is released will be initiated. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 33 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows • You can also use the keyboard to select an option. The Arrow keys move the highlight between the options; (Right and Left Arrows move to and from a sub-menu). When you press Return, then the option currently highlighted will be initiated. • You can choose an option by typing the first character of its name. If more than one option starts with the same character, then each option will be highlighted in turn with successive entries of the first character; pressing Return will initiate the option which is currently highlighted All of the options contained in the menu will be shown. However, those options that you cannot access at that particular time will be shown in gray, rather than black. Menu Options Those options shown in bold type are available on menus in all windows. i) Options that may be available on the right-hand mouse menu in the hierarchy area: Option SubOption Description Insert In a base item definition window (e.g. Accounts) it is used to insert an item in the hierarchy. See 3.3. Delete In a base item definition window (e.g. Accounts) it is used to delete the selected items in the hierarchy. See 3.4.5. Select This is used to specify a selection of items: All This selects all items. Top Level This selects only the Top Level item. Bottom Level This selects only non-groups. Groups This selects only groups. ii) Options that may be available on the right-hand mouse menu in the detail area: Option Description Copy Copies the selected records in the Detail area to the clipboard. You can then paste them to any external program that uses the clipboard, e.g. Lotus 1-2-3, Excel. You can also use Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert to copy the selected records to the clipboard. Format This is used in numeric columns to activate the Format Column / Totals dialog box. See 2.10.5. Factoring This is used to activate the Factoring dialog box. Factoring will be applied to the selected records. See 2.4.11. Report Creates a Report. See 2.8. Set as current Period Sets the selected Period to be the Current Period. Set as current Currency Sets the selected Currency to be the Current Currency. Set as current Value Management Item Sets the selected Value Management Item to be the Current Value Management Item. See 11.2 Insert In a data entry window (e.g. Product Volumes), it is used to insert records for the selected hierarchy combinations. Delete In a data entry window, it is used to delete the selected records. Select All This is used to specify selection of all records. Create Mapping CSV (Selected Records)… Creates a CSV file from the selected records in the detail area of the Value Management Traceback window. See 11.8. Properties… Displays the Properties dialog box for that window, and applies to only the selected records. iii) Options that may be available on the right-hand mouse menu in the hierarchy and detail areas: Option 34 Sub- Description BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Data Windows Option Display Options These options change the appearance of the window. Hierarchy Each hierarchy in the window is listed in the top half of the sub menu. If you deselect a hierarchy, then that hierarchy will be hidden, but all selections will remain valid. Split {Horizontal / Vertical} Selecting this will switch the display between Vertical (the default) and Horizontal (the detail area displayed below the hierarchy area). Auto Size If selected in the hierarchy area, this will resize all unhidden hierarchies to equal widths. If selected in the detail area, this will resize all detail area columns to equal widths. Restore Defaults This will perform an Auto Size on both the hierarchy and detail areas. It will also move the boundary between the hierarchy and detail area to make the areas equal. Spare This reduces the display of items in the hierarchy area to only those combinations that have a Spare Resource. Selections are cleared when this option is deselected. Set Assignment This changes the Activity Assignment to that which is currently displayed in the Cost Object hierarchies and Cost Driver boxes. Set Reallocation This changes the Account or Activity Reallocation to that which is displayed in the detail area Set Defaults This removes the overrides from the selected records. Set Order This changes the Cost Driver Order to that which is displayed in the detail area. See 6.3.4. Default Order This changes the Cost Driver Order to the default order. See 6.3.4. Set Exclusions This changes the exclusions from Activity Assignment to those displayed in the Cost Object hierarchies. See 6.3.3. Set default Currency This changes all displayed monetary values to the base currency. See 8.3. Links The sub-menu contains a list of related windows. Create Mapping CSV… Creates a CSV file from the selected Value Management Items in the hierarchy area of the Value Management Traceback window. See 11.8. Close Closes the window. Caution Take care when hiding hierarchies. When you open a window, all selections are cleared, and the detail area will remain blank until you make selections in the hierarchies. So you must remember to unhide the hierarchies. (This does not apply to the Period hierarchy, which always has the Current Period pre-selected.) 2.4.11 Factoring Metify ABM provides a Factoring facility to enable you to update multiple data items, by the same factor, in a single operation. The factoring option is available on certain Metify ABM data entry windows, and applies to one or more fields in the detail area. To access Factoring, select the required records in the detail area, place the cursor over the column of the required field, and select the Factoring option from the right-hand mouse menu. The Factoring dialog box, similar to that shown below, will be displayed: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 35 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Menus The top of the box gives statistics about the records and contents of the field that you have selected. You can then choose to update the selected records either by a percentage or by an absolute value. Click the appropriate checkbox, and insert the required value in the text box. When you click OK, the Factoring dialog box will close, and the selected records in the detail area will show the updated values. 2.5 Menus A number of Metify ABM control facilities are available through the Menu Bar of the main Metify ABM window, and are listed below. Where a reference is given, the option is described in other sections of this manual. These menus are operated using standard Windows techniques. Some menu options can be selected using a Shortcut (which is shown in the menu next to the option). You can use the Shortcut at any time to select the option. The following menus are available on the main Metify ABM window: • File Menu, giving options relating to data input and output. • Model Menu, allowing you to check the integrity of the current model, and also to change the settings of the model. • Tools Menu, allows you to access the Message Log window, and to change the appearance of your data windows. • Window Menu, which gives you control over the display of the data windows. • Help Menu, giving access to on line help and information about Metify ABM. 2.5.1 File Menu If the model has Users and Passwords enabled (See 2.11) then the User Authorization dialogue box is displayed, and you must enter a valid User and Password. Note that the Password is Case Sensitive. The File menu, which allows you to control the models used within Metify ABM, contains the following options: • New…, which allows you to create and open a new model; if you already have a model open, it will be closed automatically. A Create Metify ABM Model dialog box will be displayed, allowing you to specify the path and model name. A new model contains a predefined Period named Base. If you are using Metify ABM Team, then the path relates to the Server and not the Client. Note that the filename cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? “ < > | • Open…, which is used to open an existing model; if you already have a model open, it will be closed automatically. If you are using Metify ABM Team, then the path relates to the Server and not the Client. 36 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Menus Note An error will be displayed if: a) you only have Metify ABM Solo Edition, and another user is using the model or b) you do not have Read/Write access to the model. • Import, which allows you to import: from .DAT file… - read data from a data file (with the extension .dat) into the current model. (If you require to load files with .dat format but with a different extension, then select “Files of type: All Files (*.*)” in the open dialog box.) or using Data Bridge… - this is described fully in the Data Bridge User Guide. • Export, which you can use to transfer data from the Metify ABM model to a data file with the extension .dat; this file could then be used in an external program if required. • When you select the Export facility, an Export to dialog box is displayed. After giving the file a name, the Export data dialog box is displayed which lists the tables available for exporting. Check the box next to the required tables. You can also make multiple selections by pressing a button: • None - clears selection from all tables. • All - selects all tables. • Data - selects all tables except Results tables. • None - selects only the Results tables. Press OK to initiate the Export. Caution Model settings are not Exported; all settings which you made in the Model / Options menu (e.g. Profitability options) are lost, and if you subsequently Import the file, you will need to check these settings and reset them if required • Save, which save the current state of the model. • Save As…, which displays an Enter path and filename of model to create dialog box. Enter a file name, and press Create to copy the current model into the new file; In Solo, the original file will revert to the last saved state; in Team, the original file will remain in its current state. The original file will be closed, and Metify ABM will then be loaded with the new file. • Backup Model to file…, which displays an Enter path and filename of model to create dialog box. Enter a file name, and press Create to copy the current model into the new file; Metify ABM will still be loaded with the original file. Note that you cannot backup to an existing file. • Close, which removes the current data but keeps Metify ABM open; see 2.2.4. • Properties…, which displays the Properties dialog box. • Exit, which closes Metify ABM and the model (if it is open); a full description is given in 2.2.6. • Models. At the bottom of the File Menu are the paths of the last four Metify ABM models to be opened. Clicking on one of these will open it (See Model Properties This option displays the Model Properties dialog box that contains three tab displays giving information about your model. Summary - Gives: • • • • The Model Title, which you can modify (if you are the Administrator). Maximum 80 characters. The path name. Whether the model is of type Bill of Materials. Whether the model is password protected. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 37 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Menus • • • The number of users (if any) defined in the Administrator function. The checkbox Enable Users and Passwords, indicating if Users and/or Passwords are in use. You can set this explicitly using this checkbox, or by setting your password (using the Model | Change my password option) The Calculation status for the Current Period. Created - Gives when it was created, and by whom. Note that in Team Edition, this will be from the Server and not the Client PC. Language - Gives the Language that is dependent on the Model Code Page. It is set according to the Code Page of the Client PC on model creation. If the Code Page is 1252, the Language is set to Western; if the Code Page is 932, it is set to Japanese; otherwise it is set to Neutral. Modified - Gives when it was last modified, and by whom. Note that in Team Edition, this will be from the Server and not the Client PC. There is also an Admin…button, which is only available if you have opened the model with Username of Administrator or if Enable Users and Passwords is not checked. The Administrator is the user who first opens/creates the model, and checks Enable Users and Passwords checkbox after a model has been created. Thereafter, any user can be Administrator if they open the model with Username of Administrator, and if they supply the correct Password for the Administrator. The Admin… button displays the User Maintenance dialog box; see 2.11. 2.5.2 Model Menu The Model menu contains the following options that you can use to control the model you are building within Metify ABM: 38 Option Description Calculate… Displays the Calculate dialog box – see 8.4. Back-Calculate… Displays the Back-Calculate dialog box – see 9.2 Value Management Calculate… Displays the Value Management Calculation dialog box -11.4. Value Management Back-Calculate… Displays the Value Management Back-Calculation dialog box 11.5. Check Remote Calculate Status… Displays the Remote Calculation Status dialog box - 8.4.4 Data Spreading… Displays the Data Spreading dialog box - 9.4 Reports The sub-option is a list of reports. Metify ABM provides two types of reports - those associated with data displayed in a window, and those which are non-specific to a window. Reports of the first type are accessed from the associated window; those of the second type are accessed using this option -2.8. Options… Displays the Model Options dialog box (see Currency… Displays the Current Currency dialog box. This is used to change the values, entered and displayed in data windows, to the required Currency - 8.3. Period… Displays the Current Period dialog box. This is used to change the Current Period - 8.2. Change my password… Displays the Change Password dialog box. You will be asked to enter the password twice to ensure that the required word has been entered. A password is (0-8) characters long, and is case-sensitive. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Menus Model Options dialog box This contains several tab pages (described below), which allow you to change settings that affect the calculation of the model. These settings relate to the current model, rather than Metify ABM itself, and are saved with the model. i.e. when the model is opened, the settings are as they were when you last closed the model. Tab Description Reallocation The Reallocation options indicate the level of Reallocation detail used during a Calculation. The Reallocation details can be accessed in Metify ABM windows and also in Metify Link (for Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and Access), giving extra traceability. Changing these options will delete all results for all Periods. See 5.4.4. Profitability The first six options control how Cost Object Costs are brought through into Profitability calculations. Any combination of these six can be used. Changing these options will delete Profitability results, for all Periods. The seventh option, ‘Store Expanded Profitability’, does not cause results to be deleted. See 8.3. Cost Driver Weighting Cost Driver Weightings is a facility that allows you (using the Cost Driver Weightings window) to ‘weight’ the Cost Driver Volumes. The Weighting option allows you to specify the default value for those records that do not actually exist in the model. The options are: Assume 1 for missing Cost Driver Weighting Records Assume 0 for missing Cost Driver Weighting Records Changing this option will delete Cost Object and Profitability results, for all Periods. See 6.6.2. Capacity These options determine how Capacity is to affect Back-Calculation. See 9.2 General If the Auto Save option is enabled, an Automatic save will be initiated at the time interval specified. The Save will take place at the next convenient time, i.e. when another user does not lock the database. When the Save has been completed, a message is dispalyed on the Status Bar. Default is Auto Save Off and time 10 Minutes Unsave option is only available in Solo. When this option is enabled, a message is displayed when you close your model, asking whether you want to save your changes. Select type of model. This option allows you to select whether the model is to be Bill of Materials or not. Changing this option will delete BOM and Profitability results, for all Periods. See 10.2. Audit File (see The Administrator user can only access this. When the Audit File option is enabled, records will be appended to the Audit File, whenever a record in the model is inserted, updated or deleted. The Clear Audit File button takes effect immediately, and deletes the Audit File. Calculation Calculate. Set “Always Force Calculate” option to overwrite the intelligent calculation feature. See 8.4.3. Calculation Decimal Precision. This sets the precision for calculation within a range of 7 to 15 decimal places. Calculate Decimal Precision. This sets the lower bound for numbers to be converted to zero. The range is 7 to 16. EG If set to 7 then 0.0000001 is the lower bound, so 0.00000001 is changed to 0 within the calculation. Derivation. This option controls when the values for Derived Methods and Derived Costs Drivers are to be calculated. If Immediate Updates is selected, then the values are updated whenever a change is made which affects a value. If it is not selected, then the Derived Methods and Derived Cost Drivers are not updated until a Calculation is performed. Setting this option will delete all results for all Periods. See 4.2.3 and 6.2.6. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 39 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Menus Audit File The Audit File contains a history of changes to a model. The file (model name.aud, in the model directory) is updated whenever the model is changed and the Audit Trail option is switched on. If the Audit File does not yet exist, it will be created. The following events cause one or more records to be logged in the Audit File: • Insert, update or delete a base item • Insert, update or delete a record in a data entry window • Change an assignment in an assignment or reallocation window • Data spreading • Import a table, using the Import function, Data Bridge or one of the Metify Links. The format of an Audit File record is given in D. Caution The Audit File can contain useful information that you may wish to use for analysis. However, you should use the feature with care since it has two drawbacks: a) The Audit File will rapidly fill up - remember to regularly clear it. b) Performance will be affected. 2.5.3 Tools Menu This menu contains various options that do not affect the content of the model: • Message Log • Color Setup • Display Options • DB View Message Log A Message Log exists for each model and is used by the system to log messages. It is available for viewing whenever the model is open. When a model is opened or created, the Message Log is initialized, and it is updated with messages at the end of an operation, for example, a Calculation. It is updated regardless of whether it is open or closed. Selecting the Message Log option opens the Message Log window. You can select lines, (click to select the first line, then click with Ctrl or Shift for further lines) and use the right-hand mouse menu to Copy the lines to the clipboard or to Print Selection. The right-hand mouse menu also contains an option, Select Font, to change the font. You can Close the Message Log by either deselecting the option, clicking the Message Log button on the ToolBar, or using standard techniques to close a window. The option will become deselected. Tip: Always check the Message Log if some action fails, or something unexpected happens, for further information. Note: Only the last 1000 lines of the messages are stored. See also 40 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Menus In addition to the Message Log, a Log file is initialized and created (in the model directory, with the same name as the model and extension .LOG) whenever the model is calculated; this contains table information and messages from the calculation; it is retained on closing the model. Color Setup This option displays the Color Setup dialog box. See 2.10.2 for more details. Display Options This displays the Display Options dialog box, which contains five tab pages: Exit - which contains the options: Display Exit confirm dialog upon exit Reload previous model on application start Reload Windows Clear all history Display - which contains the options: - Displays/hides the ToolBar. - Displays/hides the List Bar. Display Message Bar - Displays/hides the Message Bar. Display Toolbar Display List Bar Automatically Restore Defaults on Window resize - Applies default settings whenever a window is resized or opened. - Displays/hides the unique identifier of each window in the title bar Display Screen Numbers in Title Bar Turn off animations - Turns off/on the cube-animation during calculation. Insert/Delete warning threshold - Issues a warning message when inserting/deleting items at the set number or above. Font - which allows you to change the font for the text in the List Bar, AutoHide Area and data windows. (Window titles, dialog boxes and Menus are not changed.). Reports - which contains the options: Hide Title in Export - Displays/hides the Title when exporting. Hide Column Headers in Export - Displays/hides the Column Header when exporting. Hide Footer in Export - Displays/hides the Footer when exporting. - Sets the field separator to be used when exporting. Analysis Grid Default - Sets the default width for columns in the Data Analysis window. Export Separator Column Width Backup Backup model on open - This indicates that the model will be automatically backed up on model Open. (Only available in Metify ABM Solo Edition.) The backup filename consists of the model filename with an extension of .BKM, and the file will be overwritten if it already exists. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 41 |2 2| Using Metify ABM ToolBar DB View This option is permanently grayed out and is not available to users. 2.5.4 Window Menu The Window menu contains standard Windows options that allow you to control the display of the Metify ABM windows. Note that the Close All Windows option closes all opened windows including the Message Log. A list of the opened windows (including the Message Log) is shown at the bottom of the Window menu. 2.5.5 Help Menu The Help menu contains two options: • Contents, which introduces Metify ABM Help, an on-line help reference. Compatible with the User’s Manual, Metify ABM Help references all aspects of Metify ABM functionality. It has all the normal Windows Help capabilities. ‘Help’ may also be accessed by Function key F1; pressing this function key when a window is active will display the help page specific to that window. • About, which gives information about Metify ABM. The About option displays a dialog box in which you can view issue details for your Metify ABM system, together with copyright information. This can be useful if you need to contact the Business Objects Help Line. When you have obtained the required information, click on the X at the top right of the window to close it. 2.6 ToolBar The ToolBar is situated under the Menu Bar of the main Metify ABM window. Selecting Options from the Tools menu, and deselecting the Display Tool Bar option can hide it. The ToolBar consists of buttons that are used as shortcuts to initiate an action, or to change system-wide parameters. A button can be activated by clicking it. The buttons and their uses are: New - initiates the file new sequence to open a new Metify ABM model. If you have a model already open, it will be closed automatically. Open - initiates the file open sequence to open an existing Metify ABM model. If you have a model already open, it will be closed automatically. Save - saves the current state of the model to disk. See 2.2.3. Close - initiates the file close sequence to remove the current model, while still keeping Metify ABM open. See 2.5.1. Validate - initiates Validation that will check the validity and consistency of your model for the Current Period. Calculate - displays the Calculate dialog box. See 8.4. Back-Calculate - displays the Back-Calculate dialog box. See 9.2 Value Management Calculate - displays the Value Management Calculation dialog box. See 11.4. This button is only displayed if Value Management is installed. Value Management Back-Calculate - displays the Value Management BackCalculation dialog box. See 11.5. This button is only displayed if Value Management is installed. Color Setup - displays the Color Setup dialog box. See 2.10.2. Search Boxes - toggles the Search Boxes setting. See 2.4.9 42 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Shortcuts Message Log - toggles the Message Log. See Reports – displays list of standard reports. Status - displays the Model Status. See 2.6.1. Exit - closes Metify ABM. If a model is open, it will be closed automatically. 2.6.1 Status This option displays the Current Period Status dialog box, which includes: Current Period Account Value: i.e. the total of the Department Account Costs Activity Costing: the total of Activity Costing (if Calculated) Cost Object Costing: this list is a breakdown of Cost Object Costs (if Calculated): Business: The total of costs for Activities of type ‘Business’ Cost Object: The total of costs passed to Cost Objects Unallocated: The total of those Activity costs which are unassigned to Cost Object, or have zero Cost Driver Volumes for all Cost Objects Spare Resources: The total for Activities costs not fully allocated (in Value Allocations) Reallocate Adjustment: The total of costs that did not get reallocated because they were less than the Reallocation Precision amount. 2.7 Shortcuts Shortcuts enable you to initiate various Metify ABM features using a single key or a combination of keys. The shortcuts that are used within Metify ABM are: F1 Help (context sensitive) F5 Current Period dialog box F6 Calculate dialog box F7 Back-Calculate dialog box F8 Model Options dialog box F9 Current Period Status dialog box F10 Select File on Menu Bar (The other function keys have no effect.) Ctrl + C Copy selected detail area records to the clipboard. Note that Functions keys do not work if you have a dialog box or menu open. 2.8 Metify ABM Reports There are two main means for producing reports in Metify ABM. These are described in: • Reports via Metify ABM windows • Reports via the Model/Toolbar Menu Note Metify ABM no longer uses Crystal Reports to generate its Reports BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 43 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Reports 2.8.1 Reports via Metify ABM windows Generally, if a window has a detail area, then a Report option is available on the right-hand mouse menu of the detail area. The records included in the report are those that are selected in the detail area. This allows you to generate reports for any selection of data, for example, Method Values for a single Department over all Periods. If a window has a numeric (except for non-percentage), then totals will be included in the report. When you select Report from the right-hand mouse menu for multi-hierarchy screens a Report Parameters dialog will appear as follows: This dialog allows you to configure the way the Report is displayed. From this screen you can choose to do the following: • Select fields to sort and group the Report on. • Create a group summary. • Create a group chart (such as a pie chart or a bar chart). • Choose which label to associate with the data. • Create a Grand Total. 2.8.2 Reports via the Model/Toolbar Menu These reports are generally not related to a particular window; they may contain data from more than one window. Any values that are included will be for the Current Period only. All monetary values will be in the Current Currency, which is displayed in the title. Totals are included. 44 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Metify ABM Reports Selecting the report, either from a window or by choosing the required option from the Model menu, displays the report in a new window within Metify ABM. The window contains controls enabling you to: • View each page of the report • Open the Print Setup dialog box • Open the Print dialog box, so that you can print the report • Zoom in and out of the Report • Open the Export dialog box, so that you can export the report to a CSV file, a Text file or to HTML. • Exit the Report window. Notes: a) Records in reports are always black. i.e. no color is applied as in the window detail area. b) Numeric numbers are formatted to match the source data in Metify ABM. Therefore if you display data to 5 decimal places in ABM then this will also appear in the Report. c) The reports are designed to be printed ‘Landscape’. If you select ‘Portrait’, then some fields may be lost. d) Reports can be printed either in ‘Letter’ or in ‘A4’ size. e) Reports can also be created via Metify Link (for Excel and Lotus 1-2-3); the Metify Link application provides dynamic access from a spreadsheet package to an open Metify ABM model. f) Generating a large Report may take some time. You can abort a Report at any time by pressing the Escape key; this will display a message requesting confirmation. Only those records already processed will be included in the subsequent Report. g) Reports are not refreshed with updates as they are a snapshot of the data at the time of creation. The following reports are available through the Model Menu: • Department Summary, which shows the name, code and description of all Departments in the model together with a total Account Cost for each. • Account Costs, which displays a list of Accounts with an overall cost for each. • Department Activity Method Allocation Values, which shows the Method/Activity combinations within each Department together with a Method allocation value for each (in both absolute and percentage terms). • Activity Costs by Type, which displays a list of Activities with their associated costs; an analysis by Activity Type is also given. • Method Values by Department, which gives the Method Value of each Department for each Method. • Over Capacity, which lists all the Department/Activity/Cost Driver combinations, which exceed the capacities that have been entered in the Capacity Unit Rate window). • Reallocation Movement Summary, which shows, by Activity within Department, the movement of both Account and Activity costs which have been reallocated in and out, together with the final cost. If there are no reallocations, then this shows the original costs. • Reallocation Summary, which gives an overview of reallocations; for each reallocation, this shows the source and target Departments, Activity, Method and value (in both absolute and percentage terms). • Reallocation Trace reports. These are a set of reports showing each reallocation movement by Department/Activity, giving the destination combination; the total for each reallocation pass is given, together with the net movement. Selecting the Reallocation Trace option from the Model | Reports menu displays the Reallocation Trace Options dialog box, which enables you to select the following reports: • Reallocation Movement by Department /Activity BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 45 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Data Analysis Reporting • Reallocation Out by Department • Reallocation In by Activity • You can also set filters affecting the content of these reports. • What-If Department Activity Reallocation, which contains information relating to BackCalculation, and will only contain data when the Current Period is a Back-Calculation Period. • Status Report, which shows the current status of the Metify ABM model. See 2.6.1. • • 2.9 Data Analysis Reporting The Data Analysis module is built into Metify ABM and allows slice and dice analysis of a selected data set. This data can then be used for creating printed reports or for exporting to third party utilities where it can be customized further. These processes are discussed in the following sections: • Creating a report • Printing a report • Exporting a report 2.9.1 Creating a report Data Analysis can be used on any report screen from within Metify ABM. To open Data Analysis, select the records you want to report upon from the appropriate Metify screen and select Analyze Data from the context menu on the grid. This opens the data analysis dialog with a preset display similar to that below. By default the Period dimension is used to create the column header and the other dimensions are against the row header. 46 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Data Analysis Reporting When you click on a dimension name it will be either added to or removed from the grid display (it will be toggled on or off). In the toggled off state, the top-level consolidated value is used for that dimension. By selecting the dimension name with the mouse you can drag the item to the opposite axis so that the data representation is changed. Drilling through dimensions When a dimension is on the grid it can be drilled through to show costs at the child level. The icons for drilling are as follows: Drill-down icon – item can be expanded to show children. Drill-up icon – item can be collapsed to remove children. Displaying different values Where there is more than one value in the Metify report all the values will be available for data analysis. You can change which value is displayed from the drop down list of values. Note Only one value can be displayed at any one time. 2.9.2 Printing a report From the application you can select the printer, print range and the number of prints required. These selections are made in the Print dialog, which is opened by clicking on the Printing Options button in the Print Preview dialog. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 47 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Data Analysis Reporting Once your report has been built, it can be printed in one of the following ways: • To the default printer • To a non-default printer • To a PDF printer To the default printer To print to a default printer with all printing defaults selected, click on the Print icon from the toolbar or select Print from the context menu. To a non-default printer To print to a non-default printer with all printing defaults selected, click on the Print Preview icon from the toolbar or select Preview from the context menu. To a PDF printer If you have a PDF printer installed, you can select it from the list of printers in the Print options dialog. 2.9.3 Exporting a report Once your report has been built it can be exported out for use in third party utilities where it can be customized further. To export a report click on the Export icon on the toolbar in the Print Preview dialog. There are 4 formats that the model can be exported to. These formats are: Export to Excel – the report is saved to an XLS file and can be opened in Microsoft ® Excel. Export to CSV file – the report is saved to a CSV file and can be opened in various applications, including Microsoft ® Excel. Export to Text file – the report is saved to a text file and can be opened in various applications, including Microsoft ® Notepad. Export to HTML – the report can is saved in HTML format and can be used for or published to a web page. 48 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM System Configuration When you select the format for export, the standard windows file selector dialog will open with Save As Type field pre-set to the correct format. Enter the name for the export and click Save to save the report. This report can now be customized in the chosen third party utility. 2.10 System Configuration When you first install Metify ABM, the system is configured with a default set of configuration settings. However, because your requirements for using Metify ABM differ from those of any other User, facilities are provided to enable you to customize the user interface of Metify ABM. You can tailor the configuration to make it reflect your organization’s terminology and functional usage, and also change certain display characteristics. Once you have made your changes, either at the system level or at the individual window level, the changes are preserved, so that when you re-start Metify ABM you do not have to reconfigure it. You can make changes in the following areas: Terminology - You can change the names for all keywords used by Metify ABM, which includes all the Base items. Color - You can change the colors of: text, background, highlight, etc. Navigation - You can alter the configuration of the List Bar, Resizing - All columns can be re-sized, and in Horizontal from which you access the Metify ABM windows. mode, the hierarchy/detail area split can be adjusted. Formatting - All numeric fields can be formatted. Bar display - You can hide the display of the ToolBar, List Bar Fonts - You can change the font style and size. Language - You can change the language of all text. and Status Bar. 2.10.1 Terminology / Keywords You can define your own names for each of the keywords in the system. For example, you can change the name ‘Department’ to ‘Cost Center’. All occurrences of the keyword in the system (including Metify Link and Reports) will be replaced with the User-defined text. To Change a Keyword Keywords can be changed using the new Language Setup program. For details and instructions on using this application, refer to the Language Setup User’s Manual Keywords are user-dependent (not model-dependent), and so all models that you subsequently open will have the updated Keywords. Note that different Users of the same model can each define their own terminology. Keywords must conform to the standard Metify ABM naming conventions; see 3.5.1. In addition, they must not contain: | [ ] { } < > ( ) # @ * / + " % $ £ ! ^ & ; : ~ ? \ = Warning Do not define a Keyword to be the same as an item in the hierarchy. If the situation arises where an item in the hierarchy has the same name as the Top Level, then you will get errors when you try to edit the hierarchy. If this occurs then you must change your Keywords. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 49 |2 2| Using Metify ABM System Configuration 2.10.2 Color Each record in the detail area is displayed in a color depending on certain conditions that are relevant to that particular window. You can change the colors of this text, and various other areas, to suit your own requirements. These features, together with the default colors, are listed below. To Change Colors: • Either: • Press the Color button on the Button Bar Or, • Select the Color Setup option from the Tools menu. This will display the Color Setup dialog box. To change a color for a particular feature: i) Click on the relevant radio button (on the right-hand side). ii) Press the Change Color button. This will display the Color dialog box. You can select one of the predefined colors, or if required, you can define your own color by clicking on an empty Custom colors box and selecting the Define Custom Colors button. iii) Select the required color, and press OK. • When you have set up colors for all the required features, press OK. There is also a facility, the Default Colors button, to reset all colors to the defaults. The default colors are given in the following table: Area/Condition Description Default Color Detail Area - Negative Value negative - no override. Red Detail Area - Override Value positive, and a default setting is overridden. Blue Detail Area - Negative Override Value negative, and a default setting is overridden. Green Detail Area - Set, Not Selected Path/assignment currently Set, but not selected in the hierarchy. Gray Foreground / Normal Hierarchy area: text. Detail area: Value positive (or sign not applicable) - no override. Black Background Window background. White Highlight Highlight. Blue Footer Foreground Footer text. Black Footer Background Footer background. Gray Message Bar Foreground Message Bar text. Yellow Message Bar Background Message Bar background. Gray The new colors will be applied to all windows that are currently opened and those subsequently opened. The colors will be preserved when you close Metify ABM. Tips: a) Set the colors of the Message Bar Foreground and Message Bar Background to contrasting colors (e.g. gray and yellow), so that messages are more noticeable. b) When a line of text is highlighted, the text is always displayed in white. To make it more visible, make the highlight color dark rather than light. 50 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM System Configuration 2.10.3 Customising the List Bar Metify ABM initially contains a standard set of icons in the List Bar, grouped according to functionality. However, you can set up the Groups in the List Bar (including Favorites) to contain icons for any window. To Insert a Window Icon into a List Group • Open the group by clicking on the group name. • Open the AutoHide Area. • Click on the required icon or name in the AutoHide Area. • Drag the icon to the Group. (This will drag a copy of the icon - the original icon will remain.) The cursor will change to a ‘x’, to indicate that you are dragging it successfully. Once you are in the correct area to drop, the cursor will change to an arrow with a page attached. The icon will be added as the last item in the Group. To Remove a Window Icon from a List Group • Place the cursor over the icon. • Select delete from the right-hand mouse menu. To Restore the Standard set of Icons in the List Bar • From the Tools menu select Display Options. • Select Restore List Bar Defaults on next startup option on the Display page. When Metify ABM is re-run, (on your PC), then the List Bar will be restored to the standard set of icons, leaving the Favorites group preserved. Note that the option will then be unset. 2.10.4 Resizing Data window settings relate to the User (not the model), and are preserved when Metify ABM is closed. Area Split When the data window is in Horizontal Split, you can drag the border between the hierarchy and detail areas to change their proportion. Columns You can change the width of: • The main Metify ABM Application window • The active Metify ABM data window • The List Bar • The AutoHide Area • The hierarchies in the hierarchy area. • The columns in the detail area. The Metify ABM Application window and the Metify ABM data window can be resized using the standard Windows facilities. (E.g. place the cursor over a corner, and drag the corner.) The width of the List Bar and AutoHide Area can be changed by dragging the edge of these areas. To hide the List Bar completely, use the option in Tools / Display Options. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 51 |2 2| Using Metify ABM System Configuration Note It is easier to drag the AutoHide Area edge when the AutoHide option is de-selected, or the AutoHide Area is retracted. You can change the width of the hierarchies and detail area columns by placing the cursor on the right edges of the column in the heading area, and dragging the edge while holding the left-hand mouse button down. Whilst dragging, the cursor will change to a �||• symbol. Tip To minimize the width of all columns in the detail area, click on the right edge of the rightmost column, and drag left over to the hierarchy area. You can reset all column and hierarchy widths to their default settings by selecting Restore Defaults from Display Options (on the right-hand mouse menu), A hierarchy can be completely minimized, leaving just the border so that you can easily expand it. (If you want to remove display of this border, hide the hierarchy using Display Options from the right-hand mouse menu). The detail area columns can also be completely minimized; dragging the right edge of the previous column to the right can restore them. Selecting the option Automatically Restore Defaults on Window resize (accessed from Tools Menu, Display Options…, Display tab) will automatically resize columns whenever you subsequently change the size of a window by opening, dragging or maximizing/reducing. Hiding Columns You can hide hierarchy columns using Display Options from the right-hand mouse menu. Note that you cannot hide all hierarchies in a window; a window must have at least 1 hierarchy displayed at all times. It is useful to hide Periods if you only have one Period, or always work in the Current Period. (Note that the Current Period, and top level in an empty Cost Object hierarchy, is pre-selected when a window is opened.) To reveal a hidden hierarchy, reselect it from Display Options on the right-hand mouse menu; note that this is the only way to reveal hidden hierarchies. Caution: When you open a window, selections are cleared (apart from the Period hierarchy, empty Cost Object hierarchies and non Cost Object hierarchies with a single item). If you have a hidden hierarchy, then any selections that you make in the remaining hierarchies will not populate the detail area. Therefore, use this feature with care. 2.10.5 Formatting Some windows within Metify ABM present numerical information. Metify ABM allows you to control the number of decimal places to be used in the display of numeric fields, to reflect the actual numbers used within your organization, and also to display prefixes and postfixes. The display format for each numeric field in each window is set separately. Any change that you make to the display format (see affects only that field (and its Total, if displayed); all other fields will remain unchanged. You also should note that the display format does not affect the actual value stored within your Metify ABM model – all decimal places are retained. Notes: a) Data is stored to 14 significant figures. (Note that this is not the same as decimal places! A number might be stored to 14 decimal places, e.g. 0.12345678901234, but a number could just as well be stored to only 2, e.g.123,456,789.34). b) During Calculation, any number less than 0.0000001 is treated as zero. To Change the Display Format of a Numeric Field • 52 In the detail area, with the cursor in the column (either in the heading or anywhere in the detail area) containing the numerical value (e.g. Cost in the Department Account Costs window) click to display the right-hand mouse menu. Note that records do not need to be displayed, although it is useful for checking that the format details you have entered are correct. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM System Configuration • Select the Format option from the displayed menu. A Format Column / Totals dialog box will be displayed. • The text boxes at the top left and right are used to specify prefixes and suffixes to the value. • The box in the top center shows the number of decimal places, which you can alter by clicking on the ‘-‘ and ‘+’ buttons to the right of it. • The drop-down list box in the center is used to select how negatives are to be displayed. • The checkbox at the bottom determines whether numbers have a comma separator for thousands. • Enter the required formatting details. • Click the OK button. All entries in that column of that window will be shown to the specified format; the associated Total, if displayed, will also have the same formatting applied. All other fields will remain unchanged. 2.10.6 Bar Display From the Tools Menu select Display Options, and the Display tab. This page allows you to hide or display the ToolBar, the List Bar and the Status Bar. 2.10.7 Fonts You can change the font to any style and size that is available on your machine. • Select Display Options from the Tools menu, and then the Font page. Press the Select Font button to display the Font dialog box. • Make the required changes in the dialog box. • Select OK. All text (including headings, data and messages) will subsequently be displayed in the new settings. Notes: a) As this is a Windows facility, the actual dialog box format and the options available may depend on the version of Windows installed on your system. b) The Color setting has no effect. You can change the color of text using the Color Setup dialog box. See 2.10.2. c) The font is preset to MS Sans Serif/Regular/8. 2.10.8 Language Several languages are available for use with Metify ABM. When you install Metify, you define which language you want all the text to be in. If you want to change to another Language, you must re-install Metify ABM. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 53 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Administrator Functions 2.11 Administrator Functions The Administrator function allows you to specify the Users that are allowed to access the Metify ABM model, and also to restrict access to the data and the Metify ABM windows. These details apply to only the model that is currently opened; you must define a set of details for each model that you use. To use this function, press the Admin… button on the Model Properties dialog box (from the Properties… option on the File Menu) to display the User Maintenance dialog box. Administration areas include: • User Maintenance • User Definition • Group Maintenance • Screen Access • Dialog Access Notes: 1) The Admin button is only active if you have opened the model as User Administrator, or if the Enable Users and Passwords checkbox is not checked. 2) When a model is opened, the Username and Password will only be requested if the Enable Users and Passwords checkbox was checked when the model was previously closed. 2.11.1 User Maintenance This dialog box is for maintaining Users; it contains a list of each User currently defined, and the following buttons: Close Add User… Delete User… Modify User… Groups… - Exits and returns to Model Properties. - Deletes the selected User. - Displays the Group Maintenance dialog box. Displays the User Definition dialog box to enter details of a new User. Displays the User Definition dialog box to modify details of the selected User. You must create a Group before you can add a User. 54 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Administrator Functions 2.11.2 User Definition This dialog box allows you to define details for a new User, or to modify details of an existing User. Note that you can only insert the Password for a new User; only the Users themselves can change their password (using Change my Password on the Model Menu). A Password can be (0-8) characters long, and is case-sensitive. The Group drop-down list box allows you to assign the User to a (previously defined) Group; you can change a User to another Group, but a User must always belong to some Group. 2.11.3 Group Maintenance This dialog box is for maintaining Groups; it contains a list of each Group currently defined, and the following buttons: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 55 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Administrator Functions New Group… - Displays the Group Definition dialog box to enter details of a new Group. Delete Group… - Deletes the selected Group. - Exits and returns to User Maintenance. Modify Group… Close Screen Access… Dialog Access… Displays the Group Definition dialog box to modify the description of the selected Group. Displays the Screen Access dialog box (Screen Access) Displays the Dialog Access dialog box (Dialog Access) This dialog box contains drop-down list boxes for each base item category allowing you to select the item (for each base category) that is to be made available for the Group selected in the left-hand list box. In the Metify ABM windows, hierarchies will be restricted to display the top level, the selected item and its children, and all hierarchical paths that contain the item or any of its children; the detail area will be restricted to display only the item and its children. If the detail area contains a field for a category that has restricted access, then only those records that contain the selected or its children, are displayed. Note that if the Group has access to <None>, then no records will be displayed. All Users that have been assigned to the Group will have the access rights of that Group. In the above example, the Group Grp - Europe can only access the data for Department EUROPE and its children; data for all other Departments will not be shown on any Metify ABM window, nor available through Metify Link. Notes: a) Users in the Group cannot delete the selected item, only its children. b) This type of access does not affect the information shown in Model | Reports. 2.11.4 Screen Access This dialog box contains a list of every Metify ABM window. Use the buttons and checkboxes to set the required access for the Group displayed in the top of the dialog box. In the above example, all base item widows can be opened, but not changed; Department Account Costs, Cost Driver Volumes and Revenue can be opened and updated; no other windows can be opened. 56 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Navigator 2.11.5 Dialog Access This dialogue box contains a list of available Metify ABM dialogue boxes. Removing the check disallows access to that dialog box for the Group displayed at the top. 2.12 Navigator Metify ABM incorporates a Navigator that allows user to create a customized graphical user interface to the main operational screens in a model. A single screen can be created containing text boxes with underlying “hotspots” that take you directly to any functional area in your model at the click of a button. Once created this interface is available to all users as a simple alternative to the toolbar and menu options provided in your application. You can access the Navigator through the “Show Navigator” toolbar icon. If this is not present you must create it by customising your toolbars. Under the Commands tab on the Customize screen, select the View commands and drag the ‘Show Navigator’ option on to one of the toolbars. When you select the “Show Navigator” icon, the navigation graphic should appear in its own screen in the work area. If nothing appears, a user has not yet set up a navigation screen for your model, When a Navigator exists, any hotspot on the image can be readily confirmed when the cursor changes from a standard arrow to a hand pointer. If a navigation mask has been created, the hotspot will also be highlighted and if a text tip has been designed in, it will appear after a moment or two. A left mouse click on the hotspot will produce the target screen automatically. A full description of how to create and customize a Navigator can be found in the following topics. • Creating a Navigator • Navigation Hot Spots • Navigation Masks BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 57 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Navigator 2.12.1 Creating a Navigator To create a Navigator interface you must be a user. When you enter the Navigator (see 2.12) to create an interface for the first time, you will be presented with an empty screen. If a navigator has already been created you will see the current image. In either case the screen contains a context menu available by right click (see containing the functions needed to complete your design. Select the Load Image option from the context menu to load the graphic that you wish to use as your background image. An image such as that shown next will appear in your Navigation screen. The intention is to allow users to click on a text box or circle and for the appropriate screen to appear automatically. For this to happen you must first apply a hot spot to each shape that defines the route to its target application function. Additional selection features can also be incorporated into the selection process that improve its function. The steps involved in designing these features into your navigator are fully described in 2.12.2 and 2.12.3. The Navigator Context Menu These options provide the means to create the navigation interface. 58 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Navigator 2.12.2 • Load, Save, Clear Image – the image these refer to is the background navigation graphic picture (see 2.12.1) that can be loaded from file, saved after updates or removed from the screen. • Load, Save, Clear Mask Image – this is a secondary image that is used to improve the selection characteristics of the Navigator (see 2.12.3). It is an alternative version of the navigation graphic that allows hotspots to be highlighted as you move the cursor over the navigation image. It can also be loaded from file, saved after updates or removed from the navigator. • Edit Hot Spots – this allows you to create and edit hot spots on the navigation image (see 2.12.2). • Stretch Image – this is a toggle switch that allows you to double/halve the size of the navigation image. Navigation Hot Spots To create hot spots on your navigation image you must be a user. Select Edit Hot Spots from the context menu (see to see the screen below. Hot spots can be created through either the Load or New buttons. The Load button allows you to load an existing file of hotspots that apply to your current image. The New button allows you to create new hotspots (see and the Save button allows you to save the current set of defined hotspots to a file. When you have created all the required hotspots they will be listed in the Spots panel as shown below. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 59 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Navigator The list of hot spots shows their ID, Shape and Hint Text. These records can be deleted and edited as required. The Edit button opens the same screen as New (see to allow any of the hot spot attributes to be altered. The Masks button allows you to check the selection characteristsics of individual hotspots (see Create a new Hot Spot To create a new hotspot, select New. The New Spot screen has the navigation image in its left hand pane and functions pane on the right. The functions can be seen below. The functions provided are: Zoom –zoom the navigation image on the left to assist hotspot location. 60 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Navigator Shape –select the shape of your hotspot as Rectangle, Polygon or Ellipse. Spot Data • ID – numeric identifier • Enabled – Enabled/Disabled status • Hint Text – the Tip text you want to appear when the cursor hovers over the hotspot. • Points – the array of coordinates that define the shape of your hotspot. When you click the Edit Shape box and move your cursor onto the navigation pane, crosshairs appear under your cursor. To select a point, click the left button on your cursor. On release, the coordinates will be displayed in the Points panel and you will be able to move the crosshairs to the next point in your selected shape. Click again to define this point. All your selected points can be seen in the Points box. • Action – you can select the target for your hotspot from a drop down list of all the relevant functional areas of your model. These include books that contain screens for data input/output and reports that have to be identified by name. This is achieved through the Data field. • Data – contains any additional text required to identify the specified Action such as book name, model name etc. Hot Spot Masks Hot spots on your navigator image have a defined shape that can be Rectangle, Polygon or Ellipse. The Masks button in the Edit Image Hot Spots screen (see allows you to specify and test the effect of the shape of a selected hot spot. The example that follows shows the screen that appears when a rectangle box (with an underlying hotspot) is selected. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 61 |2 2| Using Metify ABM Navigator The grill shows the hot spot shape. The Mask Actions drop down box allows the options Mouse Over and Mouse Down. If you select the Test button a Test Mouse Actions screen appears that displays an arrow cursor until you move it over the hot spot shape when it turns into a hand pointer. By moving the cursor you can verify the boundaries of your hotspot shape. 2.12.3 Navigation Masks A Mask can be used with the Navigation image to improve selection effects. When you move the cursor over a hot spot it can appear highlighted to confirm you have correctly located the selection area. This effect can be achieved by using the Load Mask Image option on the context menu (see to load an alternative version of the navigation image painted in a highlight color. The image remains hidden on the Navigator screen until a cursor moves over a hotspot, at which point the hotspot area appears in the highlight color. In addition to this the cursor changes from an arrow to a hand pointer. These points are illustrated below where a grey scale Navigation mask has been used to highlight a light blue text box. 62 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Using Metify ABM Multi-User Access 2.13 Multi-User Access Metify ABM is supplied as: • Metify ABM Solo Edition - Single User access • Metify ABM Team Edition - Multi-User access. Or Most of the facilities in Metify ABM are available regardless of which edition you have installed; some features have slight differences, and others are only available in either Solo or Team. The main differences are: 2.13.1 Feature User Manual Section Solo Team Backup Model on Open option 2.5.1 � Model Create/Open 2.5.1 � � Saving 2.2.3 � � Remote Calculate 8.4.4 � Metify ABM Solo Edition This edition allows only one User to access Metify ABM at once. This User may, however, have more than one link to Metify ABM; for example, the User may have Metify ABM running, and also have Excel open with Metify Link. 2.13.2 Metify ABM Team Edition This edition allows multiple Users to access Metify ABM concurrently. Metify ABM must be installed on a Server, and all Users requiring access must be running DCOM. See Metify ABM2 Setup & Installation Guide. More than one User can open a model simultaneously, and each can update the model (according to the access rights, if any, specified by the Administrator; see 2.11). Whenever a User updates a model, the changes are sent to all other Users that are accessing that model, and those windows that are affected by the changes are automatically refreshed (for both the User making the change, and all other Users). 2.14 Interaction with Links Some Link operations (e.g. Table Dump of Expanded Profitability in Link for Spreadsheets) may take some time, especially for larger models. Because Metify uses ActiveX interfaces, the Link programs will detect that the requested program (MetifyServer) has not responded, and display a message indicating that the other program is busy. This message is normal, and you should click OK and continue to wait for the operation to complete. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 63 |2 Defining Hierarchies 3| Defining Hierarchies Hierarchies 3.1 Hierarchies Much of the static information in a Metify ABM model is held in hierarchical trees. This is achieved by forming sets of items into groups. The items within a group are known as children, with the group known as a parent. If required, a child can belong to more than one parent. This is referred to as Alternate Hierarchies. For example, when creating a hierarchy of Products, you might want to take a single Product and include it in more than one group Product within the hierarchy. You can also define one group as a child of a different group, allowing you to build up a full hierarchy to represent your particular situation. When you assign a child to a parent within a hierarchy, Metify ABM checks that this will not result in double counting within the structure. An item cannot occur more than once as a descendant in a hierarchy, apart from at the top level. Note that items are costed into all groups to which they belong. Typically, the definition of a hierarchy is represented within two list areas in a Metify ABM window: • A hierarchy area on the left-hand side, showing the hierarchical tree • A detail area on the right-hand side showing details of the members selected in the hierarchy area. You can select an item in either area by clicking it with the left mouse button. See and for more details about selecting and deselecting items in the hierarchy and detail areas. All data associated with items that are selected in the hierarchy area will be shown in the detail area. 3.2 Hierarchy Structure Metify ABM organizes its data in term of base items; each type of base item has data specific to that type. The base items within Metify ABM consist of: Departments Cost Drivers Methods Cost Types Accounts Processes Activities Periods Products Currencies Customers Profiles Channels Value Management Items The individual items within a category of base items are linked together in a hierarchy consisting of group and non-group items. The following rules apply to a hierarchy within Metify ABM: • A group item contains children. (It must have at least one child - there is no such thing as an empty group). It is also referred to as a parent. • A non-group item is one that has no children. • A child may be either a group or a non-group item. • The highest level in each hierarchy is predefined, e.g. Department, Product. • The hierarchy is multi-leveled, i.e. a group can contain another group. • An item may occur more than once (i.e. in an Alternate Hierarchy), but not in the same group neither as a child nor as a grandchild etc.) - Apart from the top level. I.e. all groups, apart from the top level, can contain only one occurrence of any item. The same type of information is held against an item regardless of whether it is a group or a non-group, (although some information is not always relevant for group items). The following are examples (for the Activity hierarchy) of a valid and invalid hierarchy: Valid hierarchy 66 Invalid hierarchy BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Defining Hierarchies Hierarchy Structure C is in the root Activity and also in two Alternate Hierarchies, A and B. B contains two instances of C. Groups and non-groups All items are inserted into the hierarchy as non-group items. You can change a non-group item into a group item when you insert, move or copy another item onto it. (See below). You cannot explicitly change a group item into a non-group item; the system will automatically do this only when you remove all children from that group item (using a delete or move). Hierarchies are manipulated using the appropriate base item definition window; each such window consists of two areas: • The Hierarchy area - which displays the current structure of the hierarchy. • The Detail area - which displays the detail information for each item that is selected in the hierarchy area. An example of a base item definition window, which is used to maintain the Customer hierarchy, is: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 67 |3 3| Defining Hierarchies Inserting into a Hierarchy Tip: When you change the structure of a hierarchy (or edit a Name), all windows that display that hierarchy are refreshed. Therefore, the fewer windows which you have open, the quicker the system will perform the update. 3.3 Inserting into a Hierarchy Inserting an item into a hierarchy creates the item in a specified position and also inserts default values in the data fields listed in the detail area. See for how to select an item or items in a hierarchy area. The procedure is performed in three stages: • Specify the Insertion Point • Create the New Item 3.3.1 Specify the Insertion Point Before you insert an item into a hierarchy, you must first specify where it should be inserted. In the Hierarchy area, select an item by clicking on it with the left-hand mouse button; the item will become highlighted. This item is the insertion point. If more than one item is selected, the insertion point is taken to be the topmost item selected (reading from the top of the hierarchy). Having specified the insertion point, you have the option to insert the item at the same level as the insertion point, or directly under the insertion point (i.e. with the insertion point becoming the parent of the new item). The Alt key is used to select the latter option - see 3.3.2 Insert at the same level • If the insertion point is a group, the new item will be inserted after all children of that group, at the same level as the group. • If the insertion point is a non-group, the new item will be inserted immediately after the insertion point, and at the same level. • If the top level is selected, the new item will be inserted directly under the top level, at the start of the current hierarchy. (I.e. the system assumes that the Alt key was used, since you cannot have items at the same level as the top level.) Insert at a lower level (using the Alt key) • If the insertion point is a group, the new item will be inserted as the first child of that group. • If the insertion point is a non-group, it will automatically be changed into a group, and the new item will be inserted as the first child of that group. Note that when an item is inserted into a group, it will be created in all occurrences of that group. If you want to insert using the right-hand mouse menu then: click and release the right mouse button to open the menu and move the cursor to highlight Insert, with the left mouse button pressed, press Alt, then release the mouse button, and then release Alt. Caution: If you have used the Alt key to select all occurrences of an item, then the insertion point may be hidden inside a contracted group. 3.3.2 Create the New Item You can insert an item into a hierarchy in one of two ways: 68 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Defining Hierarchies Editing the Hierarchy Structure • Press the Insert key. • With the cursor in the hierarchy area, select the Insert option from the right-hand mouse menu. This will insert the new item into the hierarchy at the same level as the insertion point. If you want to make the new item a child of the insertion point, then hold the Alt key down when you press the Insert key (or when you select Insert from the right-hand mouse menu). An item is always created as a non-group item. The new item will be inserted into the hierarchy (in the position as defined above), and the name, ‘New Item’, will be displayed in a text box ready for you to edit. Once you have edited the text box to the name that you require, you must confirm the edit by pressing the Return key or clicking anywhere outside the edit box. This will take the text box out of edit mode, and leave the item as the only item selected; the record for the item will be displayed in the detail area displaying the default values. All other items are automatically deselected, which means that any subsequent insertion of an item will be added after this new item. The Description, Code and Memo fields are always set to blank; other fields (if there are any) are specific to a particular category of base item, and you should refer to the relevant section for details of these defaults. If you enter a name that is the same as the Name or Code of an existing item, then the system assumes that you want that item inserted at this position. (This is an example of an Alternate Hierarchy.) If this is a valid position for that item, then an occurrence of it will be created here. If this is not a valid position for that item, then an error message will be displayed, and the box will remain in edit mode. Note that if you enter a Name that is a Code of an item that exists elsewhere, then when you confirm the edit, the Name will be changed to reflect the Name of that item. The following messages may be displayed on the Message Bar: Text must have a name - You have entered ‘blank’. Insert a valid Name. Text cannot have a space as the first/last character - Remove the space. Cannot create a duplicate link - You have entered a Name or Code of an item that already exists in this branch. Change the Name. Text cannot have an invalid char in its name - Remove the character. Member already exists in the hierarchy - You have entered a Name or Code of an item that already exists in another branch. This is a warning message, and results in a new occurrence of the item being created, rather than a new item. Text must be different to top level - E.g. you have entered ‘Activity’ in the Activities hierarchy, which is invalid. 3.3.3 Edit the Associated Details Once you have confirmed the name, the item may be edited, if required – see 3.5.2. Note Inserting base items into a hierarchy will not cause any loss of data in the rest of the system. 3.4 Editing the Hierarchy Structure Once a hierarchy is created (by inserting items into it), the structure of it can be amended by: • Moving Items • Copying Items BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 69 |3 3| Defining Hierarchies Editing the Hierarchy Structure • Creating Alternate Hierarchies • Importing Hierarchies • Deleting Items • Summary of Keys Used 3.4.1 Moving Items You specify which items are to be moved by selecting them. Note that moving a group will automatically move all its children as well, regardless of whether the children are explicitly selected. When you select a number of items to move, validation is performed for each root (i.e. the highest level of the selected items) in turn; only those moves for roots that are valid (i.e. do not conflict with the hierarchy structure rules) will be performed. If the move of the root would result in an invalid hierarchy, then that part of the move would fail, i.e. neither the root nor its children (if any) will be moved. A move of a non-group item would fail if it would result in an invalid hierarchy; a move of a group would fail if the move of any of its children would result in an invalid hierarchy. The rules for where each item is moved to are the same as those for inserting an item i.e. • If the insertion point is a group, the item will be added after that group (and its children), at the same level as the group. • If the insertion point is a non-group, the item will be moved immediately after that non-group item, and at the same level. • If you hold the Alt key down when dragging, the item will become the first child of the insertion point; (if the insertion point is a non-group, it will automatically be changed to a group). A ‘>’ character appears in the page icon. Note that you can press the Alt key at any time before you release the mouse button. Items are moved using the standard Windows ‘Drag and Drop’ technique as follows: • Place the cursor over one of the selected items. • Press the left mouse button, and hold it down. • Press the Alt key if you want to insert the items as children of the insertion point. • Move the cursor over the insertion point. (As soon as you move the cursor from the selected item, the cursor changes to a page icon. As you move the page icon, a text outline box also moves; this box indicates the insertion point.) • Release the left mouse button. The items are moved to the new position, and all selections are cleared. • Release the Alt key, if you have used it. Note that you must select the item(s) first, and release the mouse button, before step 2. If you were to select an item, keep holding the mouse button down, and drag the cursor, then this will just select multiple items, rather than moving the selection. If the hierarchy is changed such that a group no longer has any children, then the group will automatically become a non-group item. Moving Multiple Occurrences If an item occurs more than once in a hierarchy, then the consequence of moving that item depend on which occurrences are selected. If all occurrences are selected, then the result will be just one occurrence of that item - in the new position. If one or more (but not all) occurrences are selected, then the result is: a new occurrence will be created in the specified position, those items that are selected will be removed, but those items that are not selected will remain where they were. A move of this type, therefore, may fail in circumstances where a move of all occurrences would be acceptable. 70 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Defining Hierarchies Editing the Hierarchy Structure Tip: To swap 2 consecutive children (either group or non-group) within a group, click on the first to select it, click again and hold the button down, drag the insertion box down over the second child, and release the mouse button. 3.4.2 Copying Items A Copy operation is the same a Move with the following differences: • The Ctrl key switches the operation from a Move to a Copy. • When you ‘Drag and Drop’, you must hold down the Ctrl key. Note that you can press the Ctrl key before you press the mouse button, or at any time after, up to when you release the mouse button; it is only when you release the mouse button that the selection of the Ctrl key is relevant. • The page cursor contains a ’+’ sign, denoting that items will be ‘added’ rather than ‘moved’. • The selected items remain in their original position. (In a Move, they are deleted from their original position.) 3.4.3 Creating Alternate Hierarchies An Alternate Hierarchy is created when one desires to have a child belong to more than one parent. For example, when creating a hierarchy of Processes, one might want to take a single Activity and include it in more than one Process within the hierarchy. You can create an Alternate Hierarchy using: • Insert – Insert an item with the same name in a different place – see 3.3. • Copy – Copy the item to another place – see 3.4.2 3.4.4 Importing Hierarchies You can change the hierarchy structure by importing items. The effect on existing hierarchies depends on which table you are importing, and whether you are using the REPLACE option. • Whenever you Import any table which contains a reference to a base item which does not exist, then the item gets created automatically, and gets added to the hierarchy as a child of the top level. • When you Import a base item table, e.g. V6-ACTIVITY, with no REPLACE option, then those items that do not already exist get added as children of the top level. If you use the REPLACE option, all items in the existing structure but which are not in the table being imported get deleted; the hierarchical relationships of existing items which are in the table being imported are remain; any new items are added to the hierarchy as children of the top level. • When you Import a hierarchy table, e.g. V6-VH_ACTIVITY, with no REPLACE option, then the new relationships get added to the hierarchy (unless they result in an invalid hierarchy). If you use the REPLACE option, then the new relationships get inserted into the hierarchy, but all existing items (including groups) remain in the hierarchy as children of the top level. Note that if you wish to replace both base items and the hierarchy, you need a two-stage approach: • Replace the base item table (using the REPLACE option). • Replace the base item hierarchy table (using the REPLACE option). BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 71 |3 3| Defining Hierarchies Editing the Hierarchy Structure 3.4.5 Deleting Items When you delete items from a hierarchy, you delete occurrences of an item rather than the item itself; it is only when the last occurrence of an item is deleted that will it be completely removed from the hierarchy. You specify the items to be deleted by selecting them. If you select a single occurrence of an item, then only that occurrence will be deleted; however, if the item is to be deleted from a group, then it will be deleted from all occurrences of that group. To delete items: • Select those items that are to be deleted. (See If you select all occurrences of an item (e.g. use the Alt key), then that item will be deleted completely from the hierarchy. • You can delete the selected items in one of two ways: • Press the Delete key, or • With the cursor in the hierarchy area, select the Delete option from the right-hand mouse menu. For each selected item, a confirmation message is displayed asking whether you want to remove that item from its parent. You may reply: Yes - To remove that item from all occurrences of that parent, and continue with the delete sequence Yes to All - To remove that item from all occurrences of that parent, and continue with the delete sequence with no further confirmation messages No - To leave that item in the hierarchy where it is Cancel - To leave that item, and abandon all further deletes. Caution: a) If you select one occurrence of a group and its children, and the group exists elsewhere, then if you reply Yes to all messages, the children will be deleted from that group. I.e. the item will be left elsewhere as a non-group. If the children do not exist anywhere else in the hierarchy, then they will be completely deleted. b) If you select some items, then deselect one of them and delete, then the deselected item may be deleted if it is selected elsewhere in the hierarchy. If you wish to retain an item, deselect it using the Alt key. Tip If you want to remove a group from one position, but leave the group and its children elsewhere in the hierarchy, select just the group and not its children. Any change to a hierarchy structure will automatically be reflected in all open windows that display that hierarchy. All selections in the hierarchy and detail areas will be preserved. 3.4.6 Summary of Keys Used Key Alt Use • • • • • • • • Ctrl 72 • • Insert as a child of the insertion point. The item being inserted/moved/copied will be inserted as a child of the insertion point. The insertion point will be converted to a group (if not one already). A ‘>’ is displayed in the page icon. When moving/coping, you can press the Alt key at any time before you release the mouse button. When inserting, you must press and hold the Alt key before you select Insert. Multiple Select. When selecting/deselecting, Alt is used to select/deselect all occurrences of the item. Copy. The item or items being dragged are being copied rather than moved. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Defining Hierarchies Base Item Fields Shift • • • • • • A ‘+’ is displayed in the page icon. You can press the Ctrl key at any time before you release the mouse button. Select. Used when selecting/deselecting, to retain the current selected items. Expand all. Fully expands a group to its lowest level when clicking on the group icon. • • Multiple Select. Shift is used to select multiple items. Tip: The Alt Gr key has the same function as the Ctrl + Alt keys together. 3.5 Base Item Fields Each type of base item has a number of fields associated with it. The number of fields depends on the particular base item, and you should refer to the relevant section for more details. However, all base items have the following fields: Field Description Name A character field that uniquely identifies the item. It is case insensitive; i.e. the name ‘Fred’ and ‘FRED’ are regarded as the same item. The following restrictions apply: A Name may not be the same as the Name or Code for any other item within that base category, although it may be the same as its own Code. A Name cannot be blank. A Cost Object Name cannot be <All>. Has a maximum of 512 characters. Activity names that are identical to Account names would prevent full traceability of reallocated costs. Therefore, any Activity found with the same name as an Account will automatically be re-named to <UNDERSCORE><activity> (e.g. “Training” becomes “_Training”) during validation/calculation. Do not enter a name that is the same as an automatically generated item. See,, and 7.5.2 for more information. Code A character field that acts as an alternative identifier for the item. Careful selection of codes allows easy identification of information imported from other applications on your computer system. If you intend to import data from an external system, the codes used within Metify ABM must be identical to those used in the external system. Codes are optional, and can be any length. The following restrictions apply: If present, a Code may not be the same as the Name or Code for any other item within that base category, although it may be the same as its own Name. A Cost Object Code cannot be <All>. Has a mximum of 512 characters. Within Metify ABM, Names and Codes are treated synonymously; in situations where you must enter a Name, you can supply either the Name or the Code. Description A free format character field, upto 60,000 characters. Memo A free format character field, upto 60,000 characters. The Name can only be modified in the hierarchy area. The Code, Description and Memo fields can be modified directly in the detail area, or by highlighting the record in the detail area and invoking the associated Properties dialog box. If more than one record is selected, then the Code field cannot be modified using the Properties dialog box. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 73 |3 3| Defining Hierarchies Editing Base Items Other considerations in this context include: • Text Restrictions • Linking to Other Applications 3.5.1 Text Restrictions All text that you enter (including Names, Codes, Descriptions and Memos) is subject to the following restrictions: • The following Characters are not allowed: • | [ ] • : - not allowed as first character • Tab • Return • Control characters • Strings containing both single and double quotes are not allowed. (An error will be given on Validation.) • Spaces at the beginning or end are not allowed. (They may cause problems for other programs that may use Metify ABM data). 3.5.2 Linking to Other Applications Although Metify ABM supports fairly long text fields and various non-alpha characters, other applications may not be so amenable. Therefore, if you intend to export your model to other applications, you are advised to consider the following: • The following characters in text fields can cause problems: ‘ “ , | / = _ • Some applications (e.g. Excel) have a limit on the length of fields, and may fail if passed a field that exceeds their limits. (Remember that automatically generated items can comprise of up to four other base item names.) The following applications have a limit on number of characters in a text field: Excel 512 Lotus 1-2-3 512 PowerPlay 255 Essbase 512 ODBC 50 3.6 Editing Base Items A base item is incorporated into the hierarchy with a default set of values in the fields associated with it. When you insert an item, you must specify the Name; the Description, Code and Memo fields will be displayed with the value of the name until you explicitly update them; all other fields, if there are any, are set to predefined values, and you should refer to the appropriate sections for more details of these. If you want to change any of the default values, you can do so in the following ways: • 74 Edit the Name in the hierarchy area. If you double-click the name in the hierarchy area, the field is converted into a text box in edit mode. The original contents of the field are displayed, and these can be edited as required. To exit from the edit, press Return, click outside the edit box, or use the up / down arrows to take you to the previous / next item in edit mode. Any change to a Name will automatically be reflected in all opens windows that display the hierarchy. A message Record not found means that you do not have access rights to that item. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Defining Hierarchies Editing Base Items Note: When you edit a name that is used in an Automatically generated item, then the change will only be reflected in the automatically generated item after a subsequent calculation. • Edit the record in the detail area. If you double-click on any field (except the Name) within the detail area, the field is converted into a text box in edit mode. The original contents of the field are displayed, and these can be deleted or edited as required. • Edit records using the Properties dialog box. Select one or more records in the detail area, and then select the Properties option from the right-hand mouse menu. The Properties dialog box associated with that base item will be displayed, allowing you to edit one or more fields for all the selected records. See 2.4.4 for more details. Note that you cannot change the Name in the detail area or Properties dialog box. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 75 |3 3| Defining Hierarchies Editing Base Items 76 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information 4| Department Information Department Infrastructure 4.1 Department Infrastructure This describes how to define the Departments, Accounts and Methods that are used in your organization, and how to enter the associated information. Departments reflect the Departments within your organization. Accounts are the Accounts or ledger codes against which you hold costs. Methods are the means by which Department Account costs are applied to Activities. The number of Methods that you define depends on how many different ways that you can allocate costs - you must define at least one Method. For example, the Account Salaries might use the Method Number of Staff, whereas the Account Rent might use the Method Square Feet. For each Department, you must define the value of each Method used in that Department. For example, for the Training department the Method Value for Number of Staff would be the number of staff in the Training department, and the value for Square Feet might be the size of the training rooms plus any offices for those staff. You must enter the costs for all combinations of Departments and Accounts for which you have costs. To access the windows that are essential to Department information, click the group on the List Bar that is labeled Department Information; clicking on the associated icon can open a window. Icons for all Department-related windows are found in the Department Information folder in the AutoHide Area; double-clicking on the icon can access these windows. Further detail on how you set up your departmental model follows in: • Department / Account Structure • Entering Account Costs • Reallocating Account Costs 4.2 Department / Account Structure Setting up your Department / Account Structure involves: • Defining Departments • Defining Methods • Defining Derived Methods • Defining Accounts • Entering Method Values 4.2.1 Defining Departments To access the Department hierarchy, click the Define Departments icon in the List Bar. This will display the Departments window. The hierarchy area shows a tree representing the Department hierarchy, while the detail area contains a list of all Departments currently selected in the hierarchy area. 78 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Department / Account Structure Example Select Properties (from right-hand mouse menu) to change Description and/or Memo of all selected records. Departments are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. Note: Inserting, copying, moving, deleting Departments can cause loss of data (i.e. Department Account Costs). If at any time you attempt to change a non-group to a group, you will be presented with a ‘Loss of data’ dialog box. This gives you the opportunity to cancel the operation for that particular item. The information associated with a Department is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Departments window or using the Departments Properties dialog box: Field Content Name A unique Department Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Department. Description A free text description of the Department. Memo A free text memo field. If you are using the Departments Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Department, then only the Description and Memo fields can be modified. Deleting a Department, or changing it from a non-group to a group, will have the following consequences: • All Department Account costs for that Department will be deleted. • If that Department has Activities assigned to it, then Activity Costs, Cost Object Costs and Profitability Results will be deleted. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 79 |4 4| Department Information Department / Account Structure • All Method Values defined for that Department will be deleted. • If that Department has Department Account Costs reallocated to it (i.e. is a Destination Department in the Account Reallocation window), then the reallocation path must be reassigned. • If that Department has any Department Account Costs of type ‘Normal’ or ‘Reallocate’, then the Activity costs will be deleted. • Any Activity Method overrides involving that Department will be deleted. 4.2.2 Defining Methods To access the Method hierarchy, click the icon in the List Bar labeled Methods. This will display the Methods window. The hierarchy area shows a tree representing the Method hierarchy, while the detail area contains a list of all Methods currently selected in the hierarchy area. Methods are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Method is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Methods window or using the Methods Properties dialog box: 80 Field Content Name A unique Method Name. Code A unique Code that will be used to represent the Method. Description A free text description of the Method. Memo A free text memo field. Value Profile A drop down list box allowing selection of the Profile to use for Data Spreading of Department Method Values. If it is blank, then the default Profile defined in Profile Defaults will be used. Only applicable to nongroup and non-Derived Methods. It will default to blank. See 8.5 for more details. Derivation formula This indicates whether the Method is derived, and is only applicable if the Method is a non-group. See 4.2.3. Value Allocations A drop down-list box, containing {Yes, No, blank}, indicating whether Value Allocations will be automatically calculated during the calculation of Derived Methods. Only applicable to Derived Methods. It will default to Yes. See for more details. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Department / Account Structure Spare Resource Type A drop-down list box allowing you to specify how Spare Resources should be treated in the Back-Calculation algorithms. Only applicable to nongroup Methods. The values are {<Default>, Spare Only, Spread}; the default is <Default>. See 9.4.6. If you are using the Methods Properties dialog box then only the Description and Memo fields can be modified if you have selected: • one or more Group items • a record with a Derivation formula and a record with a Value Profile. Message Bar Formula error - An error has been detected in the Derivation Formula. See 4.2.3. Modifying the Derivation Formula may cause Method Values to be updated. Modifying other Method information does not cause any loss of data in the rest of the system. Deleting a Method, or changing it from a non-group to a group, will have the following consequences: • All results will be deleted. • If that Method is used in a Department Account Costs, then the Method field will be set to null, and must be re-set to another Method before calculating. • All Method Values defined for that Method would be deleted. • If that Method is used in a Department Account Costs reallocation, then the reallocation path must be reassigned. • Any Account Cost Reallocation overrides involving that Method must be reassigned. • Any Activity Cost Reallocation overrides involving that Method must be reassigned. • If that Method is associated with an Account, then the Account must be modified to use another Method. Tip: If, when you try to delete a Method, the message “The parent child relationship group Method Name - Method Name cannot be deleted” is displayed, it may be because Method Name is used in a Derivation Formula for another Method. 4.2.3 Defining Derived Methods This facility allows you to define a Method (i.e. the Method Values) in terms of other, already existing, Methods. For example, you could define Methods ‘No. of Visits’ and ‘Mileage’ together with their Method Values; you could then define another Method, ‘Total Miles’, as the product of these two. Any change made to the Method Value of ‘No. of Visits’ will automatically be reflected in ‘Total Miles’. Creating a derived method has consequences that are described in greater detail in: • Updating Department Method Values • Updating Value Allocations A Derived Method is based on one or more other Methods, (which may themselves be Derived Methods), whose Method Values are combined using an Operator. You enter the formula, in the Derivation Formula field for the Derived Method, as a text field consisting of Operands separated by Operators, where: Operand - A Method Name (which may be a Derived Method) or a constant. Operator - One of {+, -, *, / , ^} You can enter a complicated relationship in a single formula, or use intermediate Derived Methods to build up a more complex formula. Note that the order of calculation follows the standard mathematical convention where multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 81 |4 4| Department Information Department / Account Structure General Points • You can remove ambiguities in Method Names using square brackets. E.g. if you have a Method Name of No.of By-Products (which includes a minus sign), you can incorporate it in a formula as [No.of By-Products]. Formula Errors When you enter/edit a formula, the syntax is checked to ensure that the formula is valid. An error is reported in the Status Bar if: • An Operand is not a valid Method Name, nor a number. • You set up a circular relationship, i.e. an Operand is a Derived Method that contains the Method Name in its formula. E.g. A = B * C, C = D + A. • An Operand is the same as Method Name for which you are entering the formula. • The name enclosed in square brackets is not a valid Name. Updating Department Method Values When you enter a Derivation Formula for a Method, then a set of Method Values for that Derived Method will be created. This consists of a Department Method Value record for each non-group Department with the value as calculated from the Derivation Formula. (Any existing Department Method Value records for that Method will be deleted.) Department Method Values, for those Derived Methods who’s Derivation Formula is based on that Method, will also be updated. You cannot modify Method Values for Derived Methods. If you want to change the values, then you must update the Method to be non-derived. This creating/updating of Department Method Values may take some time, especially if you have many Derived Methods. The Model Option, Immediate Updates (on the Calculation page) allows you to control when the updating of Department Method Values takes place. • If Immediate Updates is set, then the updating takes place dynamically whenever you enter/edit a Derivation Formula, or insert/edit a dependent Department Method Value. • If Immediate Updates is not set, then the updating takes places only during Calculation, and Department Method Values will be updated for all Periods. Note that you should set up Value Allocations for the Derived Methods before Calculation. • If Immediate Updates is not set, and you change a Derivation Formula, then the Method Values are not updated (they will be calculated when you perform a Validation). However, if you set Immediate Updates on, then the Method Values are recalculated. Updating Value Allocations When you create a Derived Method, then a set of Method Value Allocations (see 5.3.4) will be created for any Department which has a cost based on that Method. You can specify, (using the Value Allocations field in the Methods window) whether you want these Value Allocations to be automatically calculated when the Department Method Values are calculated. The Value Allocations for a Derived Method that has its Value Allocations field set to ‘Yes’ cannot be updated. The calculation is based on the Value Allocation Units rather than the percentages. The following table shows how the calculation is performed, and includes how Spare Resources are incorporated: 82 Entered Value Allocations for Methods Calculated Value Allocations for Method M1 M3 = M1 + M2 M2 Activity Unit % Unit % Unit % A1 20 45.45 1 16.67 20+1 =21 21/50 *100 = 42 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Department / Account Structure A2 24 45.45 Spare Total 44 100 4 66.67 1 16.67 6 100 24+4=28 28/50 *100 = 56 1/50 *100 = 2 44+6 =50 100 The above table shows how Value Allocations for a Derived Method whose formula is of the type ‘Method1 + Method2’ are calculated; if the formula is of the type ‘Method1 + n’, then this is the same as having Method2 where all Unit values (including any Spare Resource) are (n / number of Activities including Spare). Notes: a) You must enter Department Method Values for Methods in a Derived Formula, so that the above calculation results in non-zero Value Allocations for at least one Activity. Remember that all zero Value Allocations give a Calculation Error, and you cannot edit Value Allocations for Derived Methods whose Value Allocations field is set to Yes. b) If you have a Derived Method (A) which is based on another Derived Method (B), then be careful if you set the Value Allocations field for (A) to No and for (B) to Yes. Make sure that you manually enter the Value Allocations for Method (A). 4.2.4 Defining Accounts To access the Accounts hierarchy, click the icon in the List Bar labeled Accounts. This will display the Accounts window. The hierarchy area shows a tree representing the Account hierarchy, while the detail area contains a list of all Accounts currently selected in the hierarchy area. Example Click on Code column heading to sort records by Code. Accounts are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. Note Inserting, copying, moving, deleting Accounts can cause loss of data (i.e. Department Account Costs). If at any time you attempt to change a non-group to a group, you will be presented with a ‘Loss of data’ dialog box. This gives you the opportunity to cancel the operation for that particular item. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 83 |4 4| Department Information Department / Account Structure The information associated with an Account is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Accounts window or using the Accounts Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Account Name. Code A unique Code that will be used to represent the Account. Description A free text description of the Account. Memo A free text memo field. The following fields only apply to non-group Accounts: Method A drop-down list box of non-group Methods for selection of the cost allocation Method for the Account; It defaults to the first Method in the list box. % Variable A text field for the variability for this Account. The Account variability can be set to any value between 0% and 100%; it defaults to 100%. This field is used in Back-Calculation. See 9.2 for more details. Department Account Profile A drop down list box allowing selection of the Profile to use for the Data Spreading of Department Account Costs. If it is blank, then the Profile defined in Profile Defaults will be used. It will default to blank. See 8.5 for more details. Value Allocations A drop down list box allowing selection of the Profile to use for the Data Profile Spreading of Value Allocation Overrides. If it is blank, then the Profile defined in Profile Defaults will be used. It will default to blank. See 8.5 for more details. If you are using the Accounts Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Account, then you cannot modify the Name or Code. Note If you alter the hierarchy so that a non-group Method becomes a group Method, then that Method cannot be used as a Method for an Account. Therefore, you must either: a) modify the Account and select another Method, or b) change the Method back to a non-group. (The Method will be retained in any Account records using it, so that you will not need to re-assign it in these Accounts). Deleting an Account, or changing it from a non-group to a group, will have the following consequences: • Department Account Costs for that Account will be deleted. • All results will be deleted. Changing the Method will cause all results to be deleted. Some accounts are generated automatically (see Automatically Generated Accounts Accounts can be automatically generated in certain circumstances; these Accounts are not displayed in the Accounts window, and you cannot modify or delete them. The following situations will cause Accounts to be generated during Validation: • A Department Account Costs of Type Reallocate An Account, A/D DepartmentName/AccountName/PeriodName, is generated in the group, Reallocated Accounts (which is also automatically generated when necessary), and in the same groups that the originating Account is in. These Accounts are displayed in the Department Activity Account Costs window. • An Activity of Type Reallocate An Account, ActivityName, is generated in the group, Reallocated Activities (which is also automatically generated when necessary). These Accounts are displayed in the Department Activity Account Costs window 84 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Department / Account Structure All the above Accounts can be viewed via Metify Link. The Account, <Revenue>, is a pseudo automatically generated Account (it does not actually appear in the V6_ACCOUNT table), which always exists. It only appears in the Value Management Line Mappings window. See 11.3 for more information. 4.2.5 Entering Method Values You can enter values for Department/Method combinations, effectively defining the available resources that will be split between Activities during activity analysis. To enter a value to a Department/Method combination, click the icon labeled Enter Department Method Values. This will display the Department Method Values window: Example Records are inserted in the detail area by selecting items in the hierarchies, and selecting Insert (from right-hand menu or keyboard). Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown, and the current Period will be automatically selected. You can select one or more Periods, since different Method Values can be defined for each Period. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Methods All Methods are shown. You can select one or more Methods. The detail area contains a list of all existing records for the selected hierarchy combinations, showing the value assigned to each. The information associated with a Method Value is given in the following table. Only the Department Method Value can be modified, either directly in the detail area, or using the Department Method Values Properties dialog box. (Note, you cannot use Properties if any selected records are derived.) Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Department A non-group Department. This cannot be modified. Method A non-group Method. This cannot be modified. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 85 |4 4| Department Information Entering Account Costs Department The Method Value for the Period/Department/Method combination. It defaults to 0. Method Value If the Method is derived (i.e. has a Derivation Formula - see Methods window) then this field is automatically calculated by the system, and cannot be modified. It defaults to 0. You can perform Factoring on this field (but only if no derived records are selected). The total is given in the Totals Area. The color of Department Method Value records can also be configured according to their value (see 2.10.2). The value options are: Override - The Period/Department/Method includes Spare Resource, and the Department Method Value is positive. See for more details on Spare Resource. or, The Method is a Derived Method. Negative Override - The Department Method Value is negative, and has Spare Resource or the Method is a Derived Method. Normal - The Department Method Value is positive, (and does not have any Spare Resource nor is Derived). Negative - The Department Method Value is negative, (and does not have any Spare Resource nor is Derived). Note: It is not actually necessary to enter a Method Value for a ‘normal’ Activity analysis, since the percentage split entered in Value Allocations is sufficient to calculate Activity Costs for ‘Normal’ Department Accounts. However, for Reallocated Department Accounts, a Method Value must be present for the destination Departments in order to calculate the proportion of reallocated costs. To Enter Method Value Details You can insert Method Value records in the detail area using the standard Metify ABM procedure provided for this task. Records will be inserted into the detail area with zero Method Value. You can then modify this value. Note: If you modify a Method Value, then the Value Allocations retain the same percentage split, and the Values themselves will be updated accordingly. I.e. if no Spare existed before, then no Spare will be created as a result of changing the Method Values. To Delete a Method Value You can delete any Method Value displayed in the detail area using the standard Metify ABM procedure. Deleting a Method Value will have the following consequences: • If the Method is used to reallocate Department Account Costs, then there must be a Method Value for at least one of the destination Departments. Otherwise, an error will occur on validation. Caution: Deleted Method Values cannot be recovered. If you accidentally delete a required Method Value, it must be re-inserted as described above. 4.3 Entering Account Costs Ledger costs are held within Metify ABM as Account values. Metify ABM handles Account values in one of three ways: 86 • The majority of costs will be taken through to Activities; these are referred to as cost type Normal. • Account Costs can be reallocated from one Department to one or more other Departments (and subsequently their Activities); these are referred to as cost type BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Entering Account Costs Reallocate. The Method by which the costs are reallocated within those other Departments may be overridden. • Some costs may relate directly to Cost Objects; these bypass the Activity analysis, and are referred to as cost type Cost Object. They will be passed directly through to Cost Object costing as Account Direct Activities. To access Account values, click the icon labeled Enter Department Account Costs. This will display the Department Account Costs window: Example To increment the Cost for all selected records, select Factoring (from right-hand mouse menu). Use Split Horizontal (from right-hand mouse menu) to view the detail area fullwidth. Note how the Fixed Cost affects the calculation of % Variable. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown, and the current Period will be automatically selected. You can select one or more Periods, since you can enter different costs for each Period. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Accounts All Accounts are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. The detail area contains a list of all existing records for the selected hierarchy combinations, showing the value assigned to each. The information associated with a Department Account Cost is given in the following table. Only the Cost, Input % Variable, and Fixed Cost can be modified, either in the detail area or using the Department Account Costs Properties dialog box. Field Content Period A non-group Period name. This cannot be modified. Department A non-group Department name. This cannot be modified. Account A non-group Account name. This cannot be modified. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 87 |4 4| Department Information Entering Account Costs Type The Department Account Type. It is a drop-down list box showing the type of cost: (Normal, Reallocate or Cost Object). It defaults to Normal. Method A drop-down list box allowing selection of the Method to be used for allocating costs to Activities. It defaults to the Method defined for the Account. This field is only applicable if the Department Account Type is ‘Normal’. If you override the default allocation Method, the record will be displayed in (Negative) Override color. Cost The Department Account Cost. This contains the value assigned to the combination of Period/Department/Account. The total is given in the Totals Area. You can perform Factoring on this field. It defaults to 0. The following 3 fields are only used for Back Calculation Input % Variable The variability for the Period/Department/Account combination. It defaults to the Account variability, and can be changed to any number between 0% and 100%. You can perform Factoring on this field. If you amend this field, then the record will be displayed in (Negative) Override color. Fixed Cost This is part of the Cost that is not available for varying. You can perform Factoring on this field. % Variable This is the actual % Variability that is used in Back-Calculation, and takes into account the Fixed Cost. It cannot be modified, but is automatically updated when the Input % Variable or Fixed Cost changes. It is calculated as: (Cost - Fixed Cost) * Input % Variable / Cost (If Fixed Cost > Cost then it is set to 0.) Fields in Properties dialog box only (see also Use Default Method A ‘Use Default’ checkbox. If this is selected, then the Method is changed to the Method in the associated Account. The Account Method will subsequently be used (even when it is amended) until the Method field in the Department Account Costs is amended. If not selected, then the record will be displayed in (Negative) Override color. Use Default % Variability A ‘Use Default’ checkbox. If this is selected, then the Input % Variability for the record is set to the Variability for the associated Account. The Account Variability will subsequently be used (even when it is amended) until the Input % Variable field in the Department Account Costs is amended. If not selected, then the record will be displayed in (Negative) Override color. Record Color Cost Options - see 2.10.2 Override The Cost is positive, and: The Use Default Method flag for the Department Account Cost is unset, or The Use Default % Variability flag for the Department Account Cost is unset. 88 Negative Override The Cost is negative, and the record is overridden, as above. Negative The Cost is negative, and the record is not overridden. Normal The Cost is positive, and the record is not overridden. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Reallocating Account Costs To Enter Department Account Cost Details Department Account Costs are inserted into the detail area using the standard Metify ABM technique. Department Account Cost records with zero value are inserted into the detail area. You can then enter the required value using the procedure described below for modifying Account cost details. Account costs may be positive or negative. Enter negative values by preceding the costs with the negative sign; the record in the right hand area will appear in Negative color. Notes a) When a new Account is entered into the system, the default type is Normal. If you want a cost with type Cost Object or Reallocate, you must change the Type. b) Similarly, when a cost record is first inserted, it takes its percentage variability from the variability of the Account. To override this Percentage Variability, overtype the default value. c) If you change the type from Reallocate, then any of the reallocation paths set up will be cleared. To Enter Direct Account Costs When Department Account Costs relate directly to a Cost Object, you can send the costs directly to the Cost Object Costing stage, bypassing the activity analysis stage. To do this, you need to set the Department Account Cost Type to Cost Object, as follows: • Insert the Department Account Cost as described in • Edit the Type field, and select Cost Object from the drop-down list box. If you want to change the Type of more than one Account in a single operation, select all the required Accounts and use the Properties dialog box. Note To change the Type from Cost Object, you can use the same procedure but select Reallocate or Normal, as required, from the Type drop-down list box. When a Department Account is changed to type ‘Cost Object’, it appears in the Department Account Costs window with the entry Cost Object in the Type column. In the Activity Costs window, it will appear as an Activity under the group Account Direct (which is created automatically). From this point onward, it is treated as any other Activity when assigning to Cost Objects. Modifying / Deleting You modify fields in the detail area of Department Account Costs using standard Metify ABM techniques. You can delete any Department Account Cost displayed in the detail area using standard Metify ABM techniques. Caution Deleted Department Account Costs cannot be recovered. If you accidentally delete a required Department Account Cost, it must be reinserted as described in Modifying or Deleting a Department Account Cost will have the following consequences: • All results will be deleted. 4.4 Reallocating Account Costs You can reallocate the costs associated with any Department/Account combination to a different Department. This allows accurate allocation of costs incurred by one Department on behalf of another. A Department Account Cost can be reallocated to one or more Departments (including itself) according to the ratio of values in the specified Method. Each of these BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 89 |4 4| Department Information Reallocating Account Costs Department Account Costs is then allocated to the Activities performed by that Department. You may override the Method used to take a received Department Account Cost that has been reallocated to a Department, down to the Activities within that Department. The steps involved in cost reallocation are: • Set the Department Account type to Reallocate • Define the reallocation path • Override the reallocation Method (optional). 4.4.1 Setting the Account Type to Reallocate The Department Account type is defined in the Department Account Costs window. This must be set to ‘Reallocate’. To Set the Department Account Type: • Insert a new Department Account Cost, as described in • Set the Type to Reallocate. Note To change the Department Account type from Reallocate, you can use the same procedure but select Cost Object or Normal, as required, from the Type drop-down list box. 4.4.2 Defining the Account Reallocation Path Reallocation paths must be defined for all costs for which the type is set to Reallocate. When calculation is performed, the system will reallocate each Department Account Cost to the specified Departments in the ratio of the selected Method across those Departments. These costs are then allocated to the Activities carried out by those Departments according to the ratio of the Method Values. Double-click on the Account Reallocation icon in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Account Reallocation window Example Remember to select Set Reallocation (from right-hand menu) to register the path. Hierarchy 90 Description BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Reallocating Account Costs Periods Only Periods with a reallocated Department Account Cost are shown, and the current Period (if displayed) will be automatically selected. You can select one or more Periods. You can enter a different reallocation path for each Period. Accounts This shows only those Accounts (and their parents) for the selected Periods, for which reallocations have been defined in the Department Account Costs window. (I.e. the Type = ‘Reallocate’). You can select one or more Accounts. Source Departments This shows only those Departments (and their parents) that have a cost for those Periods and Accounts that are selected. You can select one or more Departments. Methods This shows all Methods. You can select only one non-group Method. Note that you can allocate a different Method for each Source Department (or combination of Departments), but you can perform only one Method allocation in a single operation. If the selected Period/Account/Source Department combinations use different Methods, then no Method is pre-selected; otherwise, the Method used (if any) is pre-selected. Destination Departments This shows all Departments. You can select one or more Departments to receive the Department Account Cost. The superset of all the selected Periods/Accounts/Source Departments combinations is pre-selected. The detail area contains a list of all Destination Departments in the current reallocation path, and cannot be modified. The records are displayed in different colors, enabling you to see which current paths are and are not selected. Record Color Normal - The Department is currently a Destination Department in the reallocation, and is selected in the hierarchy. Set, Not Selected - The Department is currently a Destination Department in the reallocation, but is not selected in the hierarchy. - When you select the Period / Account / Source Department, then the Method and Destination Department hierarchies are pre-selected with the current assignment. If you change either of the Method or Destination Department hierarchies, then this message will be displayed to remind you that your new selections must be ‘Set’. Message Bar Reallocations need to be set Right-hand Mouse Menu Set Reallocation - This will set the path(s) that is selected in the hierarchies to be the current reallocation path. Caution: Note that if you have multiple selections in the Source and Destination Departments, then a path will be set up for each combination of Source and Destination. To Set up an Account Reallocation • Select the Period and Account. This will cause all Departments that have costs for those Periods and Account to be displayed in the Department hierarchy. • Select the Source Department(s) and the Method to be used. • Select the Destination Departments • With the cursor in the hierarchy or detail area, click the right mouse button. From the displayed option menu, select Set Reallocation. Note: The Set Reallocation option must be selected for each definition to store the information. If you close the window or deselect an item without first selecting Set Reallocation, all of your reallocation selections will be lost. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 91 |4 4| Department Information Reallocating Account Costs When calculation is performed, the system will reallocate the Department Account Costs in the ratio of the selected Method across the selected Destination Departments. The reallocated Department Account Costs will appear unchanged in the originating Department. In the Activity Costs of the Destination Departments, Costs will be shown in (Negative) Override with a reference to the Source Department/Account combination. 4.4.3 Overriding the Account Reallocation Method You may override the Method used to take a received Department Account Cost that has been reallocated to a Department, down to the Activities within that Department. A different Method may be chosen in the override, for different Destination Departments. Note The Override Method only affects the proportion allocated to Activities within a Department. The standard Method (i.e. that which is specified in the Account Reallocation) will be used first to allocate costs to each of the Departments. To change the Method used in the reallocation, for one or more Departments, select the Account Reallocation Method Override icon from the AutoHide Area. This will display the Account Reallocation Method Override window: Example list box. 92 Double-click on Override Method, and select another Method from the drop down Hierarchy Description Periods Only Periods with a reallocated Department Account Cost are shown, and the current Period (if displayed) will be automatically selected. You can select one or more Periods. Accounts Only those Accounts for the selected Periods, for which reallocations have been defined in the Department Account Costs window. (I.e. the Type = ‘Reallocate’) are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. Source Departments Only those Departments that have a cost for the Periods and Accounts selected are displayed. You can select one or more Departments. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Department Information Reallocating Account Costs The detail area contains a list of all existing records for the selected hierarchy combinations. The information associated with the overrides is given in the following table. Only the Override Method can be modified, either directly in the detail area or using the Account Reallocation Method Override Properties dialog box. Field Content Period The Period name. This cannot be modified. Account The Account name. This cannot be modified. Source Department The Source Department name. This cannot be modified. Destination Department The Destination Department name. This cannot be modified. Method The standard Method to be used for allocating costs to Activities, as defined in the Account Reallocation window. This cannot be modified. Override Method A drop-down list box of all non-group Methods, showing the overridden Method to be used for allocating costs to Activities. It defaults to the Method. If you override the default allocation Method, the record will be displayed in Override color. Record Color Override - The Override Method is different to the Method. Normal - The Override Method is the same as the Method. To Set a Method Override • Display the required record(s) in the detail area by selecting the appropriate items in the hierarchy area. (You can select multiple Periods, Accounts and Departments, but only records for those combinations which have a Department Account Cost of type ‘Reallocate’ will be displayed in the detail area.) • Highlight the required record(s) in the detail area to which the Override Method will apply, and select Properties from the right-hand mouse menu. • Select the required override Method from the Method drop-down list box of all existing Methods. • Click OK. • Display the required record in the detail area by selecting the appropriate items in the hierarchy area. • Double-click on the Override Method field, and • Select the required Method from the Method drop-down list box of all existing Methods. • Click OK. Or When you have overridden the original Method, the new choice of Method appears under the Method Override column, and the record now appears in Override color. Note: The impact of the override is upon the Activity Costs within the Destination Department(s). BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 93 |4 4| Department Information Reallocating Account Costs 94 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information 5| Activity Information Activities 5.1 Activities Activities and how to use them are fully described in the following: • Activity Overview • The Activity Structure • Reallocating Activity Costs • Viewing Results • Processes 5.2 Activity Overview This describes how to enter Activity details and then use these Activities to analyze departmental costs. All Activities that are performed by your organization must be defined in the model. Then for each Department you must specify which of these Activities that Department carries out; Activities may be carried out in more than one Department. For each Department/Method combination, you must specify the Method Value split over the Activities assigned to that Department. The calculation of Activity Costs uses this information to apportion the Department Account Costs to Activities. Associated with each Activity within Metify ABM is an Activity Type, which can be one of: Cost Object The most common requirement in activity based costing is to assign the cost of an Activity to Cost Objects, based on their consumption of the Activity. Assigning the Type Cost Object to an Activity causes the Activity Costs to be split over specified Cost Objects according to Cost Driver Volumes. For more information, refer to Reallocate Some Activities impact on other Activities performed within the organization. By assigning the type Reallocate, you can spread the cost of the Activity over Activities within other Departments (which may include itself) according to a specified Method. Business When an Activity is of the type Business, all Departments where that Activity occurs will treat it as a business-sustaining cost. These are costs that are considered difficult or inappropriate to pass directly to Cost Objects (for example chief executive’s office costs or research and development). If required, you can define Processes in your model. This facility enables you to view the combined costs of Activities within a Department that may be performed as part of an overall Process. The procedures involved in controlling Activities in your model would normally be performed in the following sequence: • Defining an Activity • Assigning Activities to Departments • Allocating Method Values to Activities • Overriding Value Allocations (optional) • • Reallocating Activity Costs (optional) Calculating Results • Viewing Results • Processes (optional). To access the windows that are essential to Activity information, click the group on the List Bar labeled Activity Costing. All windows relating to Activity information can be accessed via the Activity Costing folder in the AutoHide Area. 96 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information The Activity Structure 5.3 The Activity Structure You can define all of the Activities performed within your organization, giving each one a Name, Description, Code, Memo, and a Type that defines how the costs for that Activity will be handled by the system. You can also set up groups of Activities, allowing you to build up a hierarchy that reflects your organization’s complete Activity pattern in the form of a tree. Parent groups can be set up, with child groups, allowing you to specify as many levels as required within your organization’s Activity hierarchy. 5.3.1 Defining an Activity To access the Activity hierarchy, click the icon in the List Bar labeled Define Activities. This will display the Activities window: Activities are a Metify ABM base item category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with an Activity is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Activities window or using the Activities Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Activity Name; this will be set to the name which you entered when inserting the record. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Activity. Description A free text description of the Activity. Memo A free text memo field. Type A drop-down list box allowing selection of the Activity type; options are Cost Object, Reallocate and Business. It defaults to Cost Object. For a group Activity, it is set to Group, and cannot be modified. Capacity Profile Only applicable if the Type is Cost Object. A drop-down list box allowing selection of the Profile to use for the data spreading of Capacity data. If it is blank, then the Profile defined in Profile Defaults window is used. See 8.5 for more details. Cost Object Reallocation Cost Driver Only applicable if the Type is Cost Object. This is a drop-down list box {<None>, <Revenue Units>, <Revenue Value>, Cost Driver Name} allowing selection of the Cost Driver to use for Cost Object Reallocation. If <Revenue Units/Value> is selected, then these are used to apportion costs instead of Cost Driver Volumes. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 97 |5 5| Activity Information The Activity Structure See 6.3.5. • Deleting an Activity, or • Changing it from a non-group to a group, or • Changing the Type will have the following consequences: • All assignments to Departments will be cleared. (Retained on change of Type.) • All assignments to Costs Objects will be cleared. • All assignments to Processes will be cleared. • All Activity costs, Cost Object costs and Profitability results will be deleted. • If the Type is Reallocate, then the reallocation path will be deleted. • All Value Allocations for that Activity will be deleted. This may result in some spare resource being created. • Capacity data for that Activity will be cleared. Automatically Generated Activities An Activity will be automatically generated in the following circumstances: • Account Direct. When the Type of a Department Account Cost is set to Cost Object, then an Activity (Account Name) is generated in the group Account Direct (also automatically created). These Activities are treated the same as any other Activity, and will be displayed in the Activity hierarchies in all windows apart from Activities and Activities by Department. • Spare Resource. If a Spare Resource exists, then an Activity (S/R Department Name/Method Name/Period Name) is created during Calculation in the group Spare Resources (also automatically created). Spare Resource Activities are only shown in Department Activity Costs, Department Activity Account Costs and Source Department Activity Account Costs windows. 5.3.2 Assigning Activities to Departments Activities are carried out in Departments, and the same Activity may be carried out in one or more Departments. This assignment of Activities to each Department must be entered into your model. Click on the icon Activities By Department, which will display the Activities By Department window: 98 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information The Activity Structure Example: The detail area always shows what is current assigned in the database. The color indicates whether you have that Activity currently selected in the Activities hierarchy. Hierarchy Description Departments All Departments are shown. You can select only one (non-group) Department. Activities All Activities are shown. You can select one or more Activities. When you select a Department, all Activities that are currently assigned to that Department are automatically selected. You can then deselect any of these Activities and select others, as required. The detail area contains a record for each Activity that has been assigned (i.e. ‘Set’) to the selected Department. I.e. it always displays the current assignment of the Department. The information associated with a Department / Activity assignment is given in the following table. It cannot be modified in the detail area. You change the assignment using an option on the right-hand mouse menu. Field Content Activity A non-group Activity, which is currently assigned. This cannot be modified. The records are displayed in different colors, enabling you to see which current assignments are not selected (i.e. will not be included if you were to ‘Set’ the assignment). Record Color Set, Not Selected - The Activity is currently assigned, but is not selected in the hierarchy. Normal - The Activity is currently assigned and is selected in the hierarchy. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 99 |5 5| Activity Information The Activity Structure Message Bar Assignments need to be set - If there are any Activities which are selected, but not in the current assignment, or in the current assignment, but are not selected (i.e. ‘Set, Not Selected’ records). Right-hand Mouse Menu Set Assignment - This will set all the Activities that are selected in the hierarchy to be the current assignment. The detail area will now reflect that assignment. I.e. all Activities that were in the ‘Set, Not Selected’ color will disappear, and any selected Activities which were not previously assigned, will now be displayed. The message “Assignments need to be set" in the Message Bar will be cleared. All results will be cleared. To Assign an Activity • Select the required combination of Department and Activities in the hierarchy area. • Place the cursor anywhere in the hierarchy or detail areas. • Use the right mouse button to open the option menu, and select the Set Assignment option. The detail area will now display those Activities that are currently selected. This now represents the current assignment. Caution: The new assignment reflects only those combinations that are highlighted in the hierarchy area. If the original combinations have been deselected, then their assignment will be lost. Notes: a) The Set Assignment option must be selected for each combination of Department and Activity(ies) to store the information. b) If you close the window or deselect an item without first selecting Set Assignment, the original assignment will remain. c) If you subsequently add another Activity to a Department, remember to insert values in Value Allocation, otherwise the assignment will have no effect 5.3.3 Assigning Departments to Activities As well as assigning Activities to Departments, you can also perform, or view, the Assignment the other way. I.e. the Assignment of Departments to each Activity. Double-click on the icon Departments By Activity in the Activity Costing folder in the AutoHide Areato display the Departments By Activity window: 100 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information The Activity Structure Example: The detail area always shows what is currently assigned in the database. The color indicates whether you have that Department currently selected in the Departments hierarchy. Hierarchy Description Activities All Activities are shown. You can select only one (non-group) Activity. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. When you select an Activity, all Departments that are currently assigned to that Activity are automatically selected. You can then deselect any of these Departments and select others, as required. The detail area contains a record for each Department that has been assigned (i.e. ‘Set’) to the selected Activity. I.e. it always displays the current assignment of the Activity. The information associated with a Department / Activity assignment is given in the following table. It cannot be modified in the detail area. (You change the assignment using the ‘Set Assignment’ option on the right-hand mouse menu.) Field Content Department A non-group Department, which is currently assigned. This cannot be modified. See 5.3.2 for details on how to use this window. 5.3.4 Allocating Method Values to Activities The Value Allocations window allocates Department Method Values over Activities. Accounts are associated with a particular Method; therefore, they are allocated (when calculations are performed) on the basis of their associated Method split. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 101 |5 5| Activity Information The Activity Structure You can allocate values as either actual values or percentages. If you are entering a number of values, you can use any combination of values and percentages for different entries. If no value has been entered in Method Values (for example, if the total is unknown) then the system will accept only percentage values. You can also enter the values using a unit volume and a scale factor. This allows you to enter details of values on a ‘standard rate’ basis. You define the way that Method Values are split across activities within each Department by selecting the icon labeled Enter Value Allocations. This displays the Value Allocations window: Example: The total % Split is less than 100%, and so a Spare Resource Activity, S/R Paris/Headcount/Base, will be created to receive the unused Department Account costs for this Department. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select only one (non-group) Period. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select only one (non-group) Department. Methods Only the following Methods (and their parents) are displayed: Methods for which there are Department Account Costs, type Normal, for the selected Period/Department. Methods that are used in an Account or Activity reallocation (either as the default Method or the overridden Method), where the selected Department is the Destination Department. You can select only one (non-group) Method. If Spare is selected (from the right-hand mouse menu), then the hierarchies change to show only those items where spare exists. See The detail area contains a record for each Activity which is carried out by the selected Department; this shows the value for each Activity (for example if the Method is Headcount and the indicated activity is PC Support, a value of 21.00 would indicate that twenty one staff members are allocated to PC Support within the Department); the value for the Activity is also shown as a percentage of the total resource available for the selected combination of Period / Department / Method. 102 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information The Activity Structure The information associated with the Period / Department / Method is given in the following table: Field Content Activity A non-group Activity. This cannot be modified. Unit The Value expressed as units. Unit = Value / Scale. Recalculated when Value or % Split is edited. You can perform Factoring on this field. The Total is given in the Totals Area. Scale The factor to multiply Unit by to give the actual Value. You can perform Factoring on this field. It defaults to 1.00. (Note that on Import, it defaults to 0.) Value The value (a portion of the total for the Method) that is carried out by the Activity. It defaults to 0.00. Value = Unit * Scale. Recalculated when Unit or Scale or % Split is edited. You can perform Factoring on this field. The Total is given in the Totals Area. % Split The Value expressed as a percentage. It defaults to 0%. (However, if there is only one Activity assigned to the selected Department, then it will default to 100%.) % Split = (Value * 100) / Method Value. Recalculated when Unit or Scale or Value changes. You can perform Factoring on this field. The Total is given in the Totals Area. You can modify any of these, depending on which is more convenient. However, if you have not defined any Method Value (in the Department Method Values window) for the Method, then you will only be able to modify the % Split. If you modify the Method Value in the Method Values window, then the Unit and Value will be updated accordingly, but the Scale and % Split will be unchanged. Note that you are allowed to have negative fields. Value Allocations for a Derived Method may be calculated automatically (if the Value Allocations field for the Method is set to ‘Yes’). In this situation, you cannot modify the Value Allocations. See 4.2.3 for more details. Record Color Negative Override - The Value is negative and either Spare is non-zero or the Method is derived with Value Allocations field set to Yes. Override - The Value is positive and either Spare is non-zero or the Method is derived with Value Allocations field set to Yes. Negative - The Value is negative and Spare is zero and the Value Allocations field for the Method is not set to Yes. Normal - The Value is positive and Spare is zero and the Value Allocations field for the Method is not set to Yes. Message Bar Available Method name = Method total - Where Method name is the selected Method, and Method total is the value for that Method as entered in Department Method Values window. Spare = value (percentage) - Where value is the difference between the Method total and the total on the detail area. This message is only shown if the Spare is non-zero. Note that the Spare can be negative. Tip: To remove the records from the detail area, click on the selected Method in the Method hierarchy. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 103 |5 5| Activity Information The Activity Structure You can enter Method Value Allocations as a direct figure, a percentage or a scaled figure. Notes: a) If the total volume/percentage over all Activities does not equal the actual available (shown in the left of the Message Bar), then the items in the detail area will be displayed in Override color. b) If the % Split is displayed as 100 %, but records are in Override, then you have a very small amount of Spare. c) If you allocate more than the actual available Method Value, the indicated percentage value used will be greater than 100.00%. d) If a Department has Activities, even if the Method Value is zero, the Value Allocations window needs to hold a percentage split for the Method across the Activities. Otherwise an error message will be generated during validation, and activity analysis will be incomplete. To Enter Method Value Allocation as a Direct Figure • Select the required combination of Period, Department and Method from the hierarchy area. All valid Activities will be shown in the detail area. • Double-click the Value field of the Activity that you wish to enter. This field will be changed to a text box, and any current entry will be displayed. • Enter the Value, including a decimal point (if required). You can allocate any fraction of the available value (or more than the total available value) if required. • Select any other entry in the detail area, by either clicking or using the keyboard keys. Note that the record for the Activity shows the new value as a direct number, as a percentage of the available value, and as a unit value. To Enter Method Value Allocation as a Percentage • Select the required combination of Period, Department and Method from the hierarchy area. All valid Activities will be shown in the detail area. • Double-click the % Split field of the Activity that you wish to enter. This field will be changed to a text box, and any current entry will be displayed. • Enter the Method percentage value, including a decimal point (if required). You can allocate any fraction of the available percentage (or more than the total available value) if required. • Select any other entry in the detail area, by either clicking or using the keyboard keys. Note that the record for the Activity shows the new value as a direct number, as a percentage of the available value, and as a unit value. To Enter Method Value Allocation as a Scaled Figure This involves entry of a unit value figure and a scaling factor to account for activities that are known to vary in the time required for their completion. For example if the exact time taken to fill out each form is not known, but the average is two minutes, and you know that the volume for the form (which is an activity) is 50, then the time taken can be assessed using these two pieces of information as a unit and a scale factor. (50 x 2 gives the total time of 100 minutes). 104 • Select the required combination of Department and cost allocation Method from the hierarchy area. All valid Activities will be shown in the detail area. • Double-click the Unit field of the Activity that you wish to enter. This field will be changed to a text box, and any current entry will be displayed. • Enter the unit value, including a decimal point (if required). • Double-click the Scale field of the Activity that you wish to enter. This field will be highlighted and any current entry will be displayed. • Enter the scaling factor, including a decimal point (if required). BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information The Activity Structure • Select any other entry in the detail area, by either clicking or using the keyboard keys. Note that the record for the Activity shows the new value as a direct number, as a percentage of the available value, and as a unit value. Spare The system will allow resources to be over- or under- allocated. If the indicated percentage Method Value used is either less than or greater than 100%, you have allocated more or less of the resource than was made available when a value was added to the Method. All entries in the detail area will be shown in Override color. In this case, you should check that the original Method Value and resource allocation are correct. Any spare values are shown in the Message Bar at the bottom of the Value Allocations window, both as an absolute figure and as a percentage of the total for the Period/Department/Method combination. This value represents the under/over utilization of resources by Period/Department/Method. It will be costed and displayed as Spare Resource in the Activity Cost window. I.e. an Activity with a name of ’Department Name/Method Name’ will be created in the group ‘Spare resources’, which will hold the unallocated cost. When the Spare option is selected from the right-hand mouse menu, the hierarchies in the hierarchy area are changed to display only those items (and their parents) where the allocations are not exactly 100%; i.e. where the spare resource exists. When the window is opened, the Spare option is always deselected. 5.3.5 Overriding Value Allocations You can override a Department Account value for a given Period/Department/Account/Activity combination by double-clicking on the Value Allocation Overrides icon in the AutoHide Area. This will display a Value Allocation Overrides window that shows the impact of a Method split against a selected Account: Example: The Activity Visits has a zero % Split, and so would not normally receive any cost. However, it has an Override value of 20, so will receive this amount from the Department Account Costs. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 105 |5 5| Activity Information Reallocating Activity Costs Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select only one (non-group) Period. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select only one (non-group) Department. Accounts All Accounts are shown. You can select only one (non-group) Account. Only those Accounts (and their parents) for which there are Department Account Costs for the selected Period/Department are displayed. The detail area contains a record for each Activity that is carried out by the selected Department. The records relate to that Method which is assigned to the selected Account (in the Accounts window). The information associated with the Period / Department / Account / Method is given in the following table. Only the Override Value can be modified, directly in the detail area. Field Content Activity A non-group Activity. This cannot be modified. % Split The Method Value expressed as a percentage. It is pre-defined and will remain constant. The total is given in the Totals Area. Method Name The Method Value. It is pre-defined and will remain constant. The total is given in the Totals Area. Override The Override Value (a portion of the total for the Method). The Override Value is a physical cost that overrides the percentage split by deducting the overrides from the total Account cost of the Department; any remainder is allocated by the percentage split. Total The amount of Department Account Cost for the selected Period/Department/Account/Activity. This cannot be modified. It is calculated as: Override + ((Total for all records - Override ) * Method Value % / 100) The total is given in the Totals Area; it is pre-defined and will remain constant. You can only modify the Override. The Method Name gives the Method used in the Department Account Costs. Message Bar Unit Cost: <unitcost> - Where unitcost is calculated as: (Total of Total for the displayed records - Total of Override) / Total of Method Value To Specify an Override Value: • Select the Period, Department, and Account in the hierarchies. The Method Values for each Activity are shown. • You can specify an override for any value by double-clicking the field in the Override column for the Activity, and entering the new value. • Press Return to confirm the edit. The Total value for the each of the records that are displayed will then be recalculated and updated. 5.4 Reallocating Activity Costs Some Activities performed within your organization may be support Activities. The costs associated with these may need to be spread over other Departments and Activities. You can reallocate these costs if required. If an Activity takes place in more than one Department, you can select a different Method for reallocation, for each Department. There must be a full reallocation; i.e. you must define a reallocation path for all the Departments that carry out that Activity, but the Method can vary for each of these Departments. The steps involved in activity cost reallocation are: 106 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Reallocating Activity Costs • Setting the Activity Type to reallocate • Defining the reallocation path • Overriding the reallocation Method, if required • Setting the reallocation options, if required. 5.4.1 Setting the Activity Type to Reallocate The Activity Type is defined in the Activities window. You can do this either when the Activity is first inserted or at any time after. To Set the Activity Type to Reallocate: • Open the Activities window. • If you are entering a new Activity, insert the Activity as described earlier in this section under the heading Define an Activity and set the Type to Reallocate (ignoring the following steps). • If you are changing the Type of an existing Activity, select the required Activity from the hierarchy area. • If you want to change the type of a single Activity, then double-click on the Type field in the record for the required Activity. The field changes to a drop-down list box, from which you select ‘Reallocate’. Press Return to confirm the edit. • If you want to change the Type of more than one Activity in a single operation, select all the required Activities in the detail area. • With the cursor in the detail area, click the right mouse button. • Select the option Properties from the displayed menu. The Activities Properties dialog box will be displayed. • Leaving all other entries unchanged, set the entry in the Type drop-down list box to Reallocate. • Select either OK, to accept the displayed details or Cancel, to abandon the changes. 5.4.2 Defining the Activity Reallocation Path You must define a reallocation path for all Activities with a type set to Reallocate. An Activity may be assigned to more than one Department, and you need to define a path for each Activity/Department combination; you can define a different path for each Department, or use the same path for a number of Departments. Double-click the Department Activity Reallocations icon in the Activity Costing /Optional folder in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Department Activity Reallocations window, which contains a hierarchy area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 107 |5 5| Activity Information Reallocating Activity Costs Example Select an Activity and a Source Department. The current reallocation, if any, will be displayed. If you make a selection in the Method or Destination Department, a message will be displayed reminding you to ‘Set’ the reallocation path (using the right-hand menu). Tip: In order to simplify the definition of a reallocation path, you should expand the hierarchies. (Click on any group icon showing a +, while holding the Ctrl key down.) Hierarchy Description Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) of type Reallocate are displayed. You can select only one (non-group) Activity. Source Departments Only those Departments that carry out the selected Activity are shown. (I.e. those Departments assigned in the Activities by Department window.) You can select one or more Departments. Methods All Methods are displayed. If there is a reallocation path already set up for the selected Activity and Source Department, then the Method used is automatically selected. (Note that if more than one Source Department is selected, and there are paths already defined which use different Methods, then the Method for the topmost selected Source Department will be selected.) You can select only one (non-group) Method. Destination Departments All Departments are shown. If there is a reallocation path already set up for the selected Activity and Source Department, then the Departments reallocated to are automatically selected. You can select one or more Departments. To Set up an Activity Reallocation Path • Select an Activity in the Activity hierarchy; all Departments that perform that Activity will be shown in the Department hierarchy. The Activity has been assigned in Activities By Department window to these Departments. • Select the Department (or Departments) in the Source Department hierarchy for which Activity Costs are to be reallocated. Select more than one Department if required. • Choose a cost allocation Method from the list in the Method hierarchy. Note that you can only choose one Method even if you have selected more than one Department. • Select the Department (or Departments) to receive the cost allocation from the list in the Destination Department hierarchy. • To set up the reallocation path (with the cursor in the hierarchy area), click the right mouse button. From the displayed option menu, select Set Reallocations. Note: The Set Reallocations option must be selected for each definition to store the information. If you close the window or deselect an item without first selecting Set Reallocations, your reallocation settings will be lost. Note: If you change the Method in a Reallocation path, then any Overrides that you may have previously set up will be retained. When calculation is performed, the system will reallocate the costs to the specified Department(s) in the ratio of the selected Method across the selected Departments. Therefore, a Method Value must be defined (in the Department Method Values window) for at least one combination of the Method and Destination Department that are selected for the reallocation path. The cost of the Activity will then become an Account in the receiving Department(s). The costs will be passed to Activities performed by the receiving Department using the chosen Method. 108 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Reallocating Activity Costs Note: Activity reallocation is a reiterative process. An Activity can be reallocated across all Departments, including the originating Department. Metify ABM will automatically handle the reiteration process, continuing to reallocate until all costs of Activities with the type Reallocate have a value of less than a selected level of accuracy. The level of accuracy can be set at a suitable level for each model by selecting the appropriate value under the Reallocation page of Options on the Model menu. See for more details. 5.4.3 Overriding the Activity Reallocation Method The Method that is defined in the Department Activity Reallocations window will be used to allocate the Activity Costs to each of the Destination Departments. That Method will also be used (unless overridden) when further allocating these costs down to the Activities carried out by those Departments. However, you may override the Method used to take a received Activity Cost that has been reallocated to a Department, down to the Activities within that Department. To change the original Method used in the reallocation for one or more Departments, doubleclick the Activity Method Override icon in the Activity Costing / Optional folder in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Activity Method Override window: Example The first five records in the detail area are in Override color, indicating that the Method has been overridden. Hierarchy Description Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) of type Reallocate are displayed. You can select one or more (non-group) Activities. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 109 |5 5| Activity Information Reallocating Activity Costs Source Departments Only those Departments that carry out the selected Activity are shown. (I.e. those Departments assigned in Activities by Department window.) You can select one or more Departments. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected Activity, selected Source Department and Destination Department (which has been assigned in the Department Activity Reallocations window). When you select a Source Department, the Destination Departments are listed, together with the original Method used in the reallocation. The information associated with Activity Method Overrides is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Activity Method Override window or using the Activity Method Override Properties dialog box. Field Content Activity A non-group Activity. This cannot be modified. Department A non-group Department. This cannot be modified. Destination Department A non-group Department, which has been assigned as a Destination Department for the Activity and Department. This cannot be modified. Method A non-group Method, which was used as the Method in the Department Activity Reallocations window. This cannot be modified. Override Method A non-group Method. This defaults to Method, but you can select any other nongroup Method from the drop-down list box. You can only modify the Override Method. When you have overridden the original Method, the new choice of Method appears under the Override Method column, and all details of the record(s) now appear in Override color. Notes: a) You may modify the Method for several Departments at the same time simply by highlighting these Departments in the right list area before modifying the selections. In addition, a different Method may be chosen in the override, for different Destination Departments. b) At all times the impact of the override is upon the Activity Costs within the Destination Department(s). Record Color Override - The Override Method is different from the Method. Normal - The Override Method is the same as the Method. Right-hand Mouse Menu Set to Default - to set the Activity Method back to the default Method, for all selected records. To Define an Activity Method Override • Select the required Activity in the Activity Hierarchy. This will display a list of Departments that carry out that Activity. • Select the Department for which you want to apply a different Method. This will display all Destination Departments defined for that reallocation, with the default Method. • Change the Method for the required Destination Departments. You can change the Method, for a single record, directly in the detail area; double-click the Override Method field of the required record to display a drop-down list box of available Methods; select a new Method. 110 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Reallocating Activity Costs You can change the Method for one or more records using the Activity Method Override Properties dialog box (selected from the right-hand mouse menu); this contains a drop-down list box of available Methods; you can select a new Method, which will apply to all selected records. 5.4.4 Setting the Reallocation Options If you require to use Reallocation Options other than the default, then you must set them before you perform a calculation of Activity Costs. You set these options using the Model Menu on the Metify ABM Menu Bar. Select Options from the Model menu, then the Reallocation tab. The Reallocation page contains two types of settings: • Reallocation Mode - which determines the detail of the results which are stored • Reallocation Precision - which determines the accuracy to which reallocation will be performed. Because of the complex interrelationships, users are recommended to try various combinations of these options in order to balance the advantages of more detailed reporting against potentially longer calculation times. Note that the choice of reallocation options does not affect the underlying Metify ABM calculations. Rather, the choices influence the level of detail provided for analytical reporting via Metify Link. Caution: Changing an option will delete all results. Reallocation Mode The Reallocation Mode determines the level of detail of the data stored in the Reallocation Source Index results table. The results are not greatly affected by the settings (see, but you may want to hold this reallocation detail at a more or less detailed level, depending on what analysis (if any) you want to carry out on the reallocations. The higher the level of detail you select, the larger your Metify ABM model will become (particularly for models with many reallocated Activities). We suggest that you should use Traceback mode (i.e. the highest level) only at the stage when this information is required. Note: The higher detail that you select, the larger your Metify ABM model will become, especially for models with many reallocated Activities. To view the results in Metify Link (for Excel and Lotus 1-2-3), use the ‘Reallocate Source Cost’ function under ‘Activity Cost’, or use the ‘Table Dump’ option to dump the ‘Reallocation Source Index’ table. For viewing the Source Department Activity Account Costs window, you must set the Mode to Department/Activity Mode or higher. Reallocation Modes The various Reallocation Modes, in ascending order of detail, are as follows: Reallocation Mode Description Activity Mode Reallocation movements are stored by Destination Department / Destination Activity / Source Activity. Department/Activity Mode Reallocation movements are stored by Destination Department / Destination Activity / Source Department / Source Activity. Department/ Activity / Account Mode Reallocation movements are stored by Destination Department / Destination Activity / Source Department / Source Activity / Source Account. If you are running a Back-Calculation, this mode must be selected for the calculation of the Source Period (see 9.2). BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 111 |5 5| Activity Information Viewing Results Traceback Mode Reallocation movements are stored at the same level of detail as in Department/Activity mode. Additionally, Metify ABM will populate the Reallocation Movement Table; this table is required for the Reallocation Trace report via the Metify Links. Caution This table holds a large amount of data, and users of large models should select this mode with care. Reallocation Precision This set of options (from 1000 to 0.0001) allows you to select a level of accuracy in reallocation calculations; a reallocated cost will be reallocated if it is greater than the amount selected. The balance of Activity Costs that are not reallocated will appear against the Reallocate Adjustment line of the Status Report. The greater the accuracy required, the longer the calculation of Activity Costs will take. Selecting a lower level of accuracy (e.g. selecting the Reallocation Precision: .1) than the system default, will reduce the number of reiterative passes, and therefore will speed up calculation time. However, the rounding takes place at individual Activity level, not total Activities, so users should assess the option carefully. Perhaps the best use is with large models, to confirm that there are no cyclic errors in the reallocation process prior to full reallocation. The Reallocation Precision only affects the calculation time; it does not affect the size of the model. Note: The number of iterations depends on both the Reallocation Precision and the Reallocation Mode. If the Reallocation Mode is Activity Mode then the calculation will compare the Reallocation Precision with the cost at Activity level; otherwise the comparison will be at Department Activity level. This implies that for a given precision, the results will be more accurate when the Reallocation Mode is Activity Mode. 5.4.5 Calculating Results To Calculate Activity Costs: • Select the Calculate Activity Costing icon from the List Bar. This will display the Calculate dialog box. • Press the Start button to perform the calculation • Select the Close button to close the dialog box. 5.5 Viewing Results The (post-reallocation) results of the Activity calculation can be viewed at two levels of detail. You can see the costs at the Department /Activity level, which shows the cost of each Activity in a Department, for each Period. You can also view costs at a more detailed level, where the Activity Costs are broken down into costs for each Account. If you have Activities of Type Business, you can see these Costs by Department. If you have reallocated Activities, then you can see the pre-reallocation costs in various combinations. For all these windows: • The model must be calculated to Activity Costs. • You cannot modify any field in the detail area. Tip: Remember to select Activities after calculation, since some Activities are created during calculation. Results that can be displayed include: • Viewing Department Activity Costs • 112 Viewing Department Activity Account Costs BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Viewing Results • Viewing Business Activity Costs • Viewing Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs • Viewing Reallocated Activity Costs • Viewing Reallocated Activity Account Costs • Viewing Source Department Activity Account Costs 5.5.1 Viewing Department Activity Costs To view the results of the calculation at Department /Activity level, select the icon labeled View Department Activity Costs. This will display the Department Activity Costs window: Example: The Method Values for Paris / Square Metre were not fully allocated to all the Activities carried out in Paris (in Value Allocations), so a Spare Resource has been automatically created (displayed in Override color). Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities All Activities, including Spare Resources, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is an Activity Cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 113 |5 5| Activity Information Viewing Results Field Content Period A non-group Period. Department A non-group Department. Activity A non-group Activity. Cost Activity cost for the Period/Department/Activity. The total is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Override - The Cost is positive, and the Activity is a Spare Resource. Negative Override - The Cost is negative, and the record is overridden, as above. Negative - The Cost is negative, and the record is not overridden. Normal - The Cost is positive, and the record is not overridden. Tips: a) If no Activity Costs are shown, this may indicate that no calculation has been performed. Run calculate, as described 5.4.5, and then view the results again. b) Remember to select Activities after calculation, since some Activities are created during calculation. 5.5.2 Viewing Department Activity Account Costs The Department Activity Account Costs window shows the analysis of Activity Costs for each Department, by Account. For all Activity Types except Reallocate, Cost shows the analysis of Accounts and Activities that have been reallocated to Department/Activities. It also shows, in Negative Override color, the total costs of Activities reallocated out. To view the results of the calculation at Account level within each Department/Activity, select the icon labeled View Department Activity Account Costs. This will display the Department Activity Account Costs window: Example By selecting the Spare resources group in Activities, you can see which Accounts are involved. 114 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Viewing Results Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities All Activities, including Spare Resources, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Accounts All Accounts are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is an Activity Cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Department A non-group Department. Activity A non-group Activity. Account A non-group Account. Cost Activity Cost for the Period/Department/Activity/Account. The total is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Override - The Cost is positive, and either: The Account represents a Reallocated Activity. (I.e. the Activity has been set to Type ‘Reallocate’ in the Activities window); The Account represents a Reallocated Department Account Cost. (I.e. the Department Account Cost has been set to Type ‘Reallocate’ in the Department Account Costs window); Or The Activity represents Spare Resource in a Department Method Allocation (i.e. not fully allocated in Value Allocations window) Negative Override - The Cost is negative, and the record is overridden, as above. Negative - The Cost is negative, and the record is not overridden. Normal - The Cost is positive, and the record is not overridden. Tips: 1) If no Activity Costs are shown, this may show that no calculation has been performed. Run calculate, as described in 5.4.5, and then view the results again. 2) Remember to select Activities after calculation, since some Activities are created during calculation. 5.5.3 Viewing Business Activity Costs The Business Activity Costs window shows the analysis of Activity Costs for each Business Activity by Department. To view the results of the calculation, select the icon labeled View Business Activity Costs. This will display the Business Activity Costs window containing a hierarchy area and a detail area: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 115 |5 5| Activity Information Viewing Results Example All the Activities are of Type Business, but only general finance is assigned to a Department, and so can receive costs. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities All Activities of type Business are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is an Activity Cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Department A non-group Department. Activity A non-group Activity. Account A non-group Account. Cost Activity Cost for the Period/Department/Activity/AccountThe total is given in the Totals Area. To see the costs, the model must be calculated to Activity Costs. If you change the Type of an Activity to or from Business, the costs will remain, and you do not have to recalculate. Record Color 116 Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Viewing Results 5.5.4 Viewing Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs The Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs window shows the analysis of Activity Costs before reallocation is performed. If your model has no reallocated Activities, then the information in this window will be the same as that in Department Activity Costs. To view the results, double-click on the icon labeled View Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs window: Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities All Activities, including Spare Resources, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is a pre-reallocated Activity Cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Department A non-group Department. Activity A non-group Activity. Cost Pre-Reallocated Activity Cost for the Period/Department/Activity. The total is given in the Totals Area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 117 |5 5| Activity Information Viewing Results Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. Tip: Ensure you select Activities after calculation, since some Activities are created during calculation 5.5.5 Viewing Reallocated Activity Costs The Reallocated Activity Costs window shows the analysis of Activity Costs for reallocated Activities. For each Activity of Type Reallocate, it shows the cost by Department before reallocation. The information in this window is a subset of that in the Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs window; the only difference being in the Activities that are displayed in the Activity hierarchy. There will only be information in this window if you have reallocated Activities. To view the results, double-click on the icon labeled View Reallocated Activity Costs in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Reallocated Activity Costs window: Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities Only those Activities of type Reallocate, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is an Activity Cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: 118 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Viewing Results Field Content Period A non-group Period. Department A non-group Department. Activity A non-group Activity. Cost Reallocated Activity Cost for the Period/Department/Activity. The total is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. Tip: Ensure you select Activities after calculation, since some Activities are created during calculation 5.5.6 Viewing Reallocated Activity Account Costs The Reallocated Activity Account Costs window shows the analysis of Activity Costs for reallocated Activities. For each Activity of Type Reallocate, it shows the cost by Department and Account before reallocation. The information in this window is the same as that in the Reallocated Activity Costs window, but broken down by Account. There will only be information in this window if you have reallocated Activities. To view the results, double-click on the icon labeled View Reallocated Activity Account Costs in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Reallocated Activity Account Costs window: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 119 |5 5| Activity Information Viewing Results Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities Only Activities of type Reallocate are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Accounts All Accounts are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is an Activity Cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Department A non-group Department. Activity A non-group Activity. Account A non-group Account. Cost Pre-reallocation Activity Cost for the Period/Department/Activity/Account. The total is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. Tip: Ensure you select Activities after calculation, since some Activities are created during calculation 5.5.7 Viewing Source Department Activity Account Costs The Source Department Activity Account Costs window shows the analysis of Activity Costs for each Activity, by Source Department and Source Account. I.e. it traces back the costs to the original sources before Account and Activity reallocations. Note: This window will only contain information if the Reallocation Mode (accessed via Options on Model Menu) is higher than Activity Mode. To view the results, double-click on the icon labeled View Source Department Activity Account in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Source Department Activity Account Costs window: 120 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Viewing Results Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities All Activities, including Spare Resources, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Accounts All Accounts are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is an Activity Cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Department A non-group Department. This is the Destination Department for the Cost. Activity A non-group Activity. Source Account A non-group Account, where the cost originated. Source Department A non-group Department, where the cost originated. Cost Pre-reallocated Activity Cost for the Period / Department / Activity. The total is given in the Totals Area. (The following fields are only displayed if the Activity has costs assigned to Cost Objects, and the model is calculated to Cost Objects.) Cost Driver The primary Cost Driver. Unit Rate Unit rate for the Cost Driver. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. Tip: Ensure you select Activities after calculation, since some Activities are created during calculation BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 121 |5 5| Activity Information Processes 5.6 Processes Processes are described in the following: • Overview • Creating Processes • Process Assignments 5.6.1 Overview Having established Activities at the Department level as the foundation for Activity Based Costing, Metify ABM also allows users to sequence a series of Department/Activity records into a Process. Once the Activity Costs have been calculated, the corresponding Process Costs become available. The Process windows are located in the Optional folder of Activity Costing in the AutoHide Area. 5.6.2 Creating Processes To access the Processes window, double-click the Define Processes icon in the Activity Costing / Optional folder in the AutoHide Area. Processes are a Metify ABM base item category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Process is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Processes window or using the Processes Properties dialog box. 122 Field Content Name A unique Process Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Process; this will default to the Process Name. Description A free text description of the Process; this will default to the Process Name. Memo A free text memo field; this will default to the Process Name. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Activity Information Processes If you are using the Processes Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Process, then only the Description and Memo fields can be modified. Deleting a Process, or changing it from a non-group to a group, will have the following consequences: • All assignments of Department /Activities to that Process will be cleared. • All Costs for that Process will be cleared. 5.6.3 Process Assignments When you have defined a Process, the next step is to assign Department/Activity combinations to the Process so that you can see the cost of the Process. You do this using the Process Assignments window which is accessed by double-clicking the Process Assignment icon in the Activity Costing / Optional folder in the AutoHide Area. Example The total % Utilization for each Department/Activity should be between 0 and 100. In the above example, Assembly/Strengthening is 105% - which is invalid. You can change the % Utilization after you have calculated your model, (and the Process costs will be automatically updated), but you should then Validate your model to check that you have not entered inconsistent % Utilizations. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Processes All Processes are shown. You can select one or more Processes. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities Only those Activities that are carried out in the selected Departments are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area, (where the Activity is carried out by the Department), which have already been inserted. The information for each record can be updated either directly in the window, or via the Process Assignments Properties dialog box, and is given in the following table: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 123 |5 5| Activity Information Processes Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Process A non-group Process. This cannot be modified. Department A non-group Department. This cannot be modified. Activity A non-group Activity that is carried out by the Department. This cannot be modified. Process Reference A reference that you can define. It defaults to 0. It is not used by the system; it only exists for your own use. Time A time that you can define. It defaults to 0.00. It is not used by the system; it only exists for your own use. The total is given in the Totals Area. % Utilization The utilization of the Department/Activity, i.e. the percentage of the Activity Costs that are assigned to the Process. The total cannot exceed 100, or be less than zero, for an individual Department/Activity within a Process. The total utilization for a Department/Activity across all Processes must not be greater than 100%, or an error will be generated during validation. It defaults to 100%. If only a single Department and a single Activity are selected, the total is given in the Totals Area. Cost The cost for the Period/Department/Activity/Process, taken from the activity costing calculation. This is updated dynamically when the Activity Cost or % Utilization is changed. This cannot be modified. The total is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. To Assign Departments/Activities to Processes • Select the required Process, and the required combination of Period, Activity and Department in the hierarchy area. • From the right-hand mouse menu in the detail area, select the Insert option (or use the Insert key). The selected Period/Process/Department/Activity combination will be added to the detail area. Note that the Activities listed are only those which have been assigned to the selected Departments; the Insert option will only add those Department / Activity combinations which are assigned. You can continue to add further combinations to any Process. • If you wish, you can insert a number in the Process Reference field. These numbers indicate the sequence in which the Department / Activity combinations occur in each Process. However, they are for information purposes only. • If you wish, you can insert a Time value in the Time field. This indicates the time taken for that Activity in that Department. However, it is for information purposes only. You can delete Department/Activity combinations from a Process in the standard way. Note: The % Utilization fields must be set to appropriate values, and the model subsequently validated, in order to ensure that the Process Costs are valid. 124 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information 6| Cost Object Information What are Cost Objects? 6.1 What are Cost Objects? A Cost Object is an item that absorbs a cost, and which can be reported on. Metify ABM supports up to three types of Cost Objects; typical ones are Products, Customers and distribution Channels. You can use Metify ABM to build up multi-dimensional relationships between Cost Objects; for example, a specific Product supplied to a particular Customer via a certain distribution Channel. Activities can be allocated to each Cost Object using Cost Drivers, which specify how costs are to be split within the Cost Object. Each Activity can be associated with more than one item within a Cost Object, for example allowing an Activity to be applied to a number of Products supplied to a Customer. This section describes how to enter Cost Object details across a number of dimensions, and then how to use these objects to analyze costs. All Activities with the type Cost Object can be spread over multi-dimensional Cost Objects. This allows Activities to be costed for a specific combination of Product, Customer, Channel and Cost Driver. The procedures described, which would normally be performed in this sequence, are: • The Cost Object Structure • Assigning Activities to Cost Objects • Overriding the Cost Driver for an Activity (optional) • Assigning Volumes to Cost Drivers • Applying a Weighting Factor (optional) • Calculating Results • Viewing Results • Incorporating Capacity Details (optional). To analyze Cost Objects, click the group in the List Bar that is labeled Cost Object Costing. The icons within the group will be displayed, allowing you to select the required window. Further windows are available under the Cost Object Costing group in the AutoHide Area. 6.2 The Cost Object Structure You can define the hierarchy for each of the Cost Objects used within your organization. When you allocate an Activity to Cost Objects, as described later – see 6.3, the dimensions are combined to form a multi-dimensional Cost Object. Your system may also have a Bill of Materials option, in which you can build up complete parts lists for Products. This option is described later in this manual see section 10. The Cost Object structure is built up using the following procedures: • Defining Products • Defining Product Volumes • Defining Customers • Defining Channels • Defining Cost Drivers • Derived Cost Driver 6.2.1 Defining Products To access the Product hierarchy, click the icon in the List Bar labeled Define Products. The Products window will be displayed, as shown below: 126 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure Example You can assign costs to group Cost Objects, so create groups for costing purposes, as well as for reporting and selection purposes. Products are a Metify ABM base item category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Product is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the detail area or using the Product Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Product Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Product. Description A free text description of the Product. Memo A free text memo field. Product Volume Profile A drop-down list box allowing selection of the Profile to use for the Data Spreading of Product Volumes. If it is blank, then the Profile defined in Default Profiles will be used. It defaults to blank. See 8.5 for more details. If you are using the Product Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Product, then only the Description, Memo and Product Volume Profile fields can be modified. Deleting a Product will have the following consequences: • All activity assignments to that Product will be cleared. • The Product Volumes for that Product will be cleared. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 127 |6 6| Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure • All Cost Object Costs and Profitability results will be cleared. Note: Activity Assignment Exclusions will be retained if a Product changes from a group to a non-group, and vice versa. 6.2.2 Defining Product Volumes Once you have defined a Product, as described above, you can enter the actual production volume for the Product (for each Period), and make changes to the value whenever production levels change. Product Volumes are used for Product <All> <All> combinations to calculate the Unit Rate which is used in Profitability, BOM Results and External Costs. Product Volumes are not strictly necessary for Cost Object costing - Metify ABM will still be able to calculate full analysis, although there will be no Unit Rate. To enter the production volume of a Product, click the icon labeled Enter Product Volumes. This displays the Product Volumes window: Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. The detail area contains a list of all existing records for the selected Period / Product combinations, and the information associated with each record is given in the following table. Only the Product Volume can be modified, either directly in the window, or using the Product Volumes Properties dialog box. 128 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Product A Product. This cannot be modified. Volume The Product Volume. This defaults to 0. Factoring can be performed on this field. The total is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Negative - The Product Volume is negative. Normal - The Product Volume is positive. Updating or deleting a Product Volume will have the following consequences: • All Profitability results will be deleted. • The Cost Driver Volume, if of type Unit, for the Product <All><All> will be updated, which will clear Cost Object Costs. • The External Cost, if of type Unit, for the Product <All><All> will be updated. • Unit Rates in Cost Object Costing, for the Product <All><All> will be updated. 6.2.3 Defining Customers To access the Customer hierarchy, click the icon in the List Bar labeled Define Customers. The Customers window will be displayed: Customers are a Metify ABM base item category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Customer is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Customers window or using the Customers Properties dialog box. Field Content BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 129 |6 6| Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure Name A unique Customer Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Customer. Description A free text description of the Customer. Memo A free text memo field. If you are using the Customer Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Customer, then only the Description and Memo fields can be modified. Deleting a Customer will have the following consequences: • All Activity assignments to that Customer will be lost. • All Cost Object Costs and Profitability results will be cleared. Automatically Generated Customer The Customer, <Reconcile>, is automatically generated in Calculation if the Profitability option ‘Create output volume/units sold reconcile’, is selected. See 7.5.2 for more details. This Customer can be edited or deleted like any other Customer, but you should not change its name. (If you do, then the Calculation operation will generate <Reconcile> again.) <Reconcile> is only displayed in the Customers window and the Profitability results windows. 6.2.4 Defining Channels To access the Channel hierarchy, click the icon in the List Bar labeled Define Channels. The Channels window will be displayed: Channels are a Metify ABM base item category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Channel is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Channels window or using the Channels Properties dialog box. 130 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure Field Content Name A unique Channel Name; this will default to the name which you entered when inserting the record. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Channel. Description A free text description of the Channel. Memo A free text memo field. If you are using the Channel Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Channel, then only the Description and Memo fields can be modified. Deleting a Channel will have the following consequences: • All Activity assignments to that Channel will be lost. • All Cost Object Costs and Profitability results will be cleared. 6.2.5 Defining Cost Drivers To access the Cost Driver hierarchy, click the icon in the List Bar labeled Define Cost Drivers. The Cost Drivers window will be displayed: Note: Cost Driver groups have no significance and are only used for easier selection of Cost Drivers. Cost Drivers are a Metify ABM base item category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Cost Driver is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Cost Drivers window or using the Cost Drivers Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Cost Driver Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Cost Driver. Description A free text description of the Cost Driver. Memo A free text memo field. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 131 |6 6| Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure Volume Profile A drop down list box allowing selection of the Profile to use for Data Spreading of Cost Driver Volumes. If it is blank, then the default Profile defined in Profile Defaults will be used. Only applicable to non-group and non-Derived Cost Drivers. It will default to blank. See 8.5 for more details. Weighting Profile A drop down list box allowing selection of the Profile to use for Data Spreading of Cost Driver Weightings. If it is blank, then the default Profile defined in Profile Defaults will be used. Only applicable to non-group and non-Derived Cost Drivers. It will default to blank. See 8.5 for more details. Derivation formula This indicates whether the Cost Driver is derived, and is only applicable if the Cost Driver is a non-group. See 6.2.6. Message Bar Formula error - An error has been detected in the Derivation Formula. See 6.2.6. Deleting a Cost Driver or changing a Cost Driver from a non-group to a group will have the following consequences: • All Activity assignments using that Cost Driver will have <None> assigned. If an Activity used only that Cost Driver, then the Activity will be unassigned, and its costs will be unallocated. • All Cost Driver Volumes for that Cost Driver will be deleted. • All Cost Object Costs and Profitability Results will be cleared. Tip: If, when you try to delete a Cost Driver, Cost Driver Name, the message “The parent child relationship group Cost Driver Name - Cost Driver Name cannot be deleted” is displayed, it may be because Cost Driver Name is used in a Derivation Formula for another Cost Driver. 6.2.6 Derived Cost Driver This facility allows you to define a Cost Driver (i.e. the Cost Driver Volumes) in terms of other, already existing, Cost Drivers. For example, you could define Cost Drivers ‘No of Orders’ and ‘Total Deliveries’ together with their Cost Driver Volumes; you could then define another Cost Driver, ‘Deliveries per Order’, as function of these two. Any change that you make to the Cost Driver Volumes of ‘No of Orders’ will automatically be reflected in ‘Deliveries per Order’. A Derived Cost Driver is based on one or more other Cost Drivers, (which may themselves be Derived Cost Drivers), whose Cost Driver Volumes are combined using an Operator. You enter the formula, in the Derivation Formula field for the Derived Cost Driver, as a text field consisting of Operands separated by Operators, where: Operand A Cost Driver Name (which may be a Derived Cost Driver) or a constant. Operator One of { +, -, *, / , ^ } You can enter a complicated relationship in a single formula, or use intermediate Derived Cost Drivers to build up a more complex formula. Note that the order of calculation follows the standard mathematical convention where multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. General Points • You can remove ambiguities in Cost Driver Names using square brackets. E.g. if you have a Cost Driver Name of No.of By-Products (which includes a minus sign), you can incorporate it in a formula as [No.of By-Products]. Formula Errors When you enter/edit a formula, the syntax is checked to ensure that the formula is valid. An error is reported in the Status Bar if: 132 • An Operand is not a valid Cost Driver Name, nor a number. • You set up a circular relationship, i.e. an Operand is a Derived Cost Driver which contains the Cost Driver Name in its formula. E.g. A = B * C, C = D + A. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure • An Operand is the same as Cost Driver Name for which you are entering the formula. • The name enclosed in square brackets is not a valid Cost Driver Name. Updating Cost Driver Volumes When you enter a Derivation Formula for a Cost Driver, then a set of Cost Driver Volumes for that Derived Cost Driver will be automatically generated. The actual records generated will depend on the contents of the formula as follows: Constant E.g. Formula = 12 A record is generated for every combination of non-group Product, Customer and Channel. The Volume will be the Constant. Cost Driver and Constant E.g. Units Made + 10 A record is generated for every record that exists for the specified Cost Driver. The Volume will be the Volume for the Cost Driver, updated by the operand and Constant. For example: If a record BMX16, Factory, <All> exists for Units Made, with Volume 76, then an equivalent record will be created for the Derived Cost Driver with Volume 86. Two Cost Drivers E.g. Units Made + Units brought in The first Cost Driver in the formula is the Primary Cost Driver; the second is the Secondary Cost Driver. For each Primary Cost Driver Volume record, an intermediate record is generated when a match is found with the Secondary Cost Driver Volume. A match occurs if: There is a direct match with the Secondary Cost Driver Volume. If there is no direct match, then a match occurs if the dimensions match with dimension <All>. There may be more than one such match, and an intermediate record is generated for each, with the dimension at the lowest level. For example: Product a, Customer b, <All> in the Primary Cost Driver will match with: Product a, Customer b, Channel x and Product a, Customer b, Channel y and <All>, Customer b, Channel x etc. in the Secondary Cost Driver. The following intermediate records will be created: Product a, Customer b, Channel x • Product a, Customer b, Channel x Product a, Customer b, Channel y • Product a, Customer b, Channel y <All>, Customer b, Channel x • Product a, Customer b, Channel x etc. More than one intermediate record for a particular combination may be produced; the final record will contain the accumulated values of the intermediate records. If more than two Cost Drivers are in the formula, then the same procedure is performed using the result of the first two, and the next. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 133 |6 6| Cost Object Information The Cost Object Structure Notes: a) The values used when calculating the Derived Cost Driver Volumes are the Total values (and not the Unit values). b) If there are two Cost Drivers, A and B, then the records generated for, example, “A + B” will not necessarily be the same as those generated for “B + A”. The Cost Driver Volumes for Derived Cost Drivers are stored in the model, and can be viewed using the Cost Driver Volumes window. This creating/updating of Cost Driver Volumes may take some time, especially if you have many Derived Cost Drivers. The Model Option, Immediate Updates (on the Calculation page) allows you to control when the updating of Cost Driver Volumes takes place. • If Immediate Updates is set, then the updating takes place dynamically whenever you enter/edit a Derivation Formula, or insert/edit a dependent Cost Driver Volume. • If Immediate Updates is not set, then the updating takes places only during Validation, and Cost Driver Volumes will be updated for all Periods. If Immediate Updates is not set, and you change a Derivation Formula, then the Cost Driver Volumes are not updated (they will be calculated when you perform a validation). However, if you set Immediate Updates on, then the Cost Driver Volumes are recalculated. Unmatched Combinations in Cost Driver Volumes When you enter a Derivation Formula for a Cost Driver, you must be aware that incomplete Cost Driver Volumes (i.e. where there are zero volumes for a particular Cost Object) may cause unexpected results. For example, if you had a Derived Cost Driver, DriverC, with a Derivation formula of DriverA + DriverB and the following Cost Driver Volumes: Cost Object DriverA P1C1 DriverB DriverC 20 P1C2 50 P2C1 30 30 60 then DriverC would only have Cost Driver Volumes for P2C1 since this is the only Cost Object combination which matches. If you want DriverC to have Cost Driver Volumes for all three Cost Objects, then you must insert the relevant Cost Driver Volume records with zero value (either manually or importing). You would then get the following Cost Driver Volumes: 134 Cost Object DriverA DriverB DriverC P1C1 0 20 20 P1C2 50 0 50 P2C1 30 30 60 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects Notes: a) The Model size may increase substantially because of the possible number of Cost Driver Volume combinations with unmatched records. b) The above solution only works for Derivation formulae using the addition or subtraction functions. c) If you require specialist help in this area, then contact the Business Objects Help Desk. 6.3 Assigning Activities to Cost Objects Some Activities are performed only for one specific Product, while others can be specified for a particular combination of Product, Customer and Channel. Using Metify ABM, you can allocate Activities to the exact multi-dimensional Cost Object for which the Activity is performed. Each Activity can be spread over the precise combination of Cost Objects, using the correct Cost Driver for each combination. Using this system, Metify ABM can be told that the combination ‘Customer A buys Product B through Channel X with a volume of 4000’, is valid. Metify ABM can also handle situations where an Activity needs to be sent to one Cost Object dimension using one Cost Driver, then onto another Cost Object dimension based on a different Cost Driver. For example, an Activity can be sent to Customers according to number of orders and also to the purchased Products based on volume. Topics described in greater detail are: • Groups • Activity Assignment • Activity Assignment Exclusions • Cost Driver Order • Cost Object Reallocation Note: Some Activities will only affect the Product<All><All> level. For example, an Activity related to making a Product may not be affected by any Customer or Channel. You do not need to assign such Activities to both Product and Customer (and/or Channel) (on the premise that the Customer will buy the Product) because Metify ABM will make the connection within Profitability. Consider the example of an item with a unit production cost of 10. If, in the revenue option, a particular Customer has bought 20 of this item, then the Customer/Product combination will have an additional line showing Product<All><All> cost of 200. 6.3.1 Groups In Activity analysis, groups are used for information, reporting or memorandum purposes only; you cannot assign a group Activity. However, in Cost Object analysis, a Cost Object group could represent a Product range or Customer category (as some Activity Costs relate to a series of Cost Objects, or cannot be readily allocated to individual Cost Objects). When defining the Product, Customer and Channel hierarchies, you should take into account how Activities will be assigned, and create groups accordingly. Metify ABM gives the flexibility to assign an Activity to any combination of group entities. By assigning Activities to a group, you are taking costs (or a proportion of them) to the group itself. As Activity Costs can be passed directly to groups, there is no automatic consolidation of group costs in Cost Object Costing. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 135 |6 6| Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects The assignment of Activities to Cost Objects is carried out in two stages. The first stage is to assign an Activity to the group level Cost Object, i.e. assign an Activity to a group Product, a group Customer and a group Channel. You do not need to assign to every dimension; for example, if you do not assign to Channels, then the costs are held at the Channel <All> level. Assignment is carried out using the Activity Assignment window. The second stage is to exclude assignment to specified items within the selected group. For example, you may want to assign an Activity to all Products, apart from one, within a certain group. To exclude Cost Objects from the assignment, you use the Activity Assignment Exclusions window. The assignment of Activities to Cost Objects is non-periodized, and you should assign each Activity to all Cost Object combinations that may receive that Activity’s costs. The Activity cost in a particular Period will only be taken down to an assigned combination of Cost Objects if there is a non-zero Cost Driver Volume (for the associated Cost Driver) for that combination. Cost Driver volumes are periodized, and so you can drive Activity costs in different proportions for each Period. 6.3.2 Activity Assignment In Cost Object analysis, the Costs for each Activity are allocated to combinations of Cost Objects according to Cost Driver Volumes. Rather than taking costs to all Costs Objects, you assign each Activity to a group in each of the Cost Object dimensions. (If you subsequently add a further item to the group, it will be automatically included in the assignment and will receive costs, providing you have also defined non-zero Cost Driver Volumes.) To allocate Activities to Cost Objects, click on the Activity Assignment icon. This will display the Activity Assignments window: Example Once the required Cost Objects and Cost Drivers have been selected, you must select ‘Set’ from the right-hand menu to confirm them. Tip A quick way of locating a Cost Driver is to click in the Cost Driver list box, and then press the key for the first letter in the required Cost Driver name. Repeat pressing the key until the required Cost Driver is displayed. 136 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects Hierarchy Description Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) of type Cost Object are displayed. This includes any Account Direct Activities, generated as a result of setting a Department Account Cost to type Cost Object. You can select one or more (non group) Activities. Products All Products are shown. You can select only one group Product. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select only one group Customer. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select only one group Channel. If more than one Activity is selected, then no assignments are shown. Above each of the three Cost Object hierarchies is a drop-down list box to select the Cost Driver for that Cost Object. The drop-down list box contains all non-group Cost Drivers. If the Activity has already been assigned, then the Cost Drivers used in that assignment are displayed in the drop-down boxes. An Activity can be assigned to one or more Cost Object dimensions, using one or more Cost Drivers. Note: If you do not assign an Activity to a particular Cost Object dimension, then the Cost Driver for that dimension must be set to <None>, or the Activity will be unassigned, and its costs unallocated. You can assign multiple Activities, to the same combination of Cost Objects using identical Cost Drivers, in a single operation. However, Activities that are to be assigned on the same basis across one dimension, but to different Cost Objects for a second dimension, must be assigned individually. Message Bar Assignment has not yet been set - You have changed the selection in the hierarchies or Cost Driver dropdown list boxes. You must ‘Set’ the assignment before closing the window. Right-hand Mouse Menu Set Assignment - You must select this option whenever you change an assignment to a Cost Object group, or change the Cost Driver. This will register the current selections in the window as the current assignment. Caution: When you change the Cost Object Assignment and do ‘Set Assignment’, any exclusions that you have defined for the selected Activities, are cleared. To Assign an Activity to Cost Objects • Select an Activity (or more than one if you want to set the same assignment for them) in the Activity hierarchy. If the Activity has already been assigned, then the current assignment will be automatically selected in the Cost Object hierarchies. If more than one Activity is selected, then no Assignment is shown. • Select an item in each of the Cost Object hierarchies, as required. You may select an item in none, one, two or all the hierarchies, depending on how you want to distribute the costs. If you do not select in at least one dimension, then the costs will not be passed to Cost Object costing, but will be held as ‘Unallocated’. If the item selected is a group, then costs are passed to the group and its children, provided that they are not excluded, and that a Cost Driver volume has been inserted. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 137 |6 6| Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects • For each Cost Object hierarchy (where you have made a selection), select the required Cost Driver from the corresponding drop-down list box. If you do not select a Cost Driver (i.e. select <None>) for a particular Cost Object, then the costs will be held at the <All> level for that Cost Object. Note that you may select the Cost Driver before you select the group. • Once you have verified that the current selection is as required, you must ‘Set’ it; using the right-hand mouse menu, select the option ‘Set Assignment’. All those Activities selected will now have the selected Cost Objects and Cost Drivers as their current assignment. Notes: 1) If the Cost Driver is set to <None>, then costs for that Cost Object dimension will not be driven to the individual items, but held at the <All> level. 2) If you do not assign to a particular Cost Object dimension, then the Cost Driver for that Cost Object dimension must be set to <None>, or the Activity will be unassigned, and its costs will be unallocated. 3) If an Activity is not assigned to Cost Objects, then any costs that it has will not be taken through to Cost Object Costs, but will be posted to ‘Unallocated’. See 2.6.1. Assignment Order When Cost Object Costing is performed, the cost at the Activity level is distributed to the Cost Objects according to the specified assignment. Costs are allocated to each Cost Object dimension in turn, using the volumes specified for the Cost Driver used in the assignment. If more than one Cost Driver is involved, then the order of allocating costs is significant (i.e. you will get different results depending on the order); the Cost Driver Order window will be automatically displayed when you ‘Set’ the assignment allowing you to specify the order of allocation. 6.3.3 Activity Assignment Exclusions An example of when an Activity Assignment Exclusion would be necessary is if one wished to drive costs for two different Activities to a Product group; you can drive the cost for one Activity to a select few Children under a group using one Cost Driver, and drive the costs for the second Activity to the remaining Children under the group using the same Cost Driver. To exclude particular items from the Cost Object group that was used in the Activity Assignments, double-click on the Activity Assignment Exclusions icon, in the AutoHide Area, to display the Activity Assignment Exclusions window. This window contains only a hierarchy area: 138 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects Example: The items that are highlighted have been excluded and therefore will not have Cost Object Costs, even if there are corresponding Cost Driver Volumes. Hierarchy Description Activities Only Cost Object type Activities (and their parents) are displayed. (I.e. the same as those displayed in Activity Assignments.) You can select one or more (non-group) Activities. Products Only that Product (and its dependants) to which the selected Activity is assigned is shown. You can select or deselect any item, including the top-level item. A selected item will be excluded from the assignment. Customers Only that Customer (and its dependants) to which the Primary Activity is assigned is shown. You can select or deselect any item, including the top-level item. A selected item will be excluded from the assignment. Channels Only that Channel (and its dependants) to which the Primary Activity is assigned is shown. You can select or deselect any item, including the top-level item. A selected item will be excluded from the assignment. Those Cost Object items that are selected will be excluded from receiving any costs from the selected Activities (when the exclusion is ‘Set’). Message Bar Exclusions need to be set - The selected items are different to the current exclusions. Right-hand Mouse Menu Set Exclusions - Sets the current selection as the Cost Object exclusions. Cost Object Costs and Profitability results will be cleared. Caution: Any Exclusions are automatically cleared when you change Cost Object groups in Activity Assignments. 6.3.4 Cost Driver Order If the assignment involves two or more Cost Drivers, then the order of cost allocation is significant. You can change the order in which costs are allocated to the Cost Object dimensions using the Cost Driver Order window. This will be automatically displayed when you ‘Set’ an assignment in Activity Assignment where the order is significant; you can also display the window at any time by double-clicking on the Cost Driver Order icon in the AutoHide Area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 139 |6 6| Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects Example: The order affects which combinations of Cost Driver Volumes are used. Hierarchy Description Activities Only those Activities that are assigned to more than one Cost Object dimension, using different Cost Drivers, are shown. You can select only one non-group Activity. The detail area contains a record for each Cost Object dimension to which the Activity has been assigned; i.e. two or three records. The records define the order in which the dimension will be accessed in order to allocate the Activity Cost. The information associated with each record is given in the following table. Field Content Cost Driver Order First, Second or Third. This is the order of the record and cannot be modified. Dimension The dimension. It is unique in the detail area (i.e. a dimension cannot appear more than once). This is a drop-down list box containing the Cost Object dimensions to which the Activity is assigned: i.e. two or three of {Product, Customer, and Channel}. Select the dimension that you want to be processed in that Cost Driver Order. When you select a dimension that is used in another record, that record will show the original dimension of this record. Note: If one Cost Driver is used across any two dimensions, and a second Cost Driver is used across the third dimension, you must use the 2-dimensional Cost Driver first and second, or second and third. The Cost Driver which is used in only one dimension cannot be used second. Right-hand Mouse Menu Default Order 140 This option restores the default order as the current order. The default order is Product / Customer / Channel, except when all three dimensions are used and only two Cost Drivers are used; in this case the two dimensions that use the same Cost Driver come first. The following table shows the order for different combinations of Cost Drivers {A, B and C}: Product Customer Channel Order A B - Product, Customer A - B Product, Channel - A B Customer, Channel A A B Product, Customer, Channel BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects A B A Product, Channel, Customer A B B Channel, Customer, Product A B C Product, Customer, Channel 6.3.5 Cost Object Reallocation This function will allow you to take a cost that has been allocated to a GROUP Cost Object and spread it down onto the Children. It will take the cost down on a different Cost Driver, which is the Cost Object Reallocation Driver (CORD). There can only be one CORD for each Activity, each Activity can use a different Cost Driver for Products, Customers and channels but only one CORD Driver. The first step is to indicate which Cost Driver will be the Cost Object Reallocation Driver. This is done in the DEFINE ACTIVITIES screen. Highlight the Activity and go to the field ‘Cost Object reallocation Cost Driver’ in the detail area. There is a drop down box detailing the Cost Drivers in your model, choose a Cost Driver which you will use to spread the cost down to the children. In the Cost Object reallocation Cost Driver list there are two extra options along with the Cost Driver names - <Revenue Units> and <Revenue Value>. If you don’t have Cost Driver volumes for the CORD Driver you can use the corresponding Revenue Units or Revenue Values. CORD – Example We will now have a look at a simple example of CORD where Activity costs are being taken onto one Dimension – Products. The Activity Cost will go to the Product group from the normal cost allocation, then a second stage of allocation is carried out taking the cost from the Product Group to the children. In this example we have an Activity ‘Advertising’ with a cost of £93,500. This Activity cost is being allocated to the Product Group ‘Televisions’ using the Cost Driver # Campaigns. Once the Activity Cost is at the Product Group it will be split down onto the Children using a different driver – the CORD Driver # T.V Commercials. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 141 |6 6| Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects In the Activity Assignment screen you will only see the normal cost Driver # Campaigns. The Cost Driver volume would be: PRODUCT CUSTOMER CHANNEL COST DRIVER VOLUME Televisions <ALL> <ALL> # Advertisement Campaigns 1 At this point of the allocation all £93,500 will be at the Product Group level, next Metify will carry out a second stage of allocation taking the cost down onto the Product Children using the CORD Driver Volumes. The Cost Driver volumes would be : PRODUCT CUSTOMER CHANNEL COST DRIVER VOLUME Flat Screen <ALL> <ALL> # T.V Commercials 1 Surround Sound <ALL> <ALL> # T.V Commercials 1 18 “ Colour <ALL> # T.V Commercials 1 <ALL> 21 “ Colour <ALL> <ALL> # T.V Commercials 1 Wide Screen <ALL> <ALL> # T.V Commercials 1 With the Cost Object Reallocation Driver the Group cost of £93,500 is taken and split equally over the 5 Child Products according to the Cost Driver Volumes 142 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects In the example above ALL the Activity Cost has been taken onto the Group Product ‘Televisions’. This does not have to be the case every time, you can take a proportion of the Activity Cost to the Group level and the rest can be taken onto the individual Children using the normal Cost Driver in the first allocation. The Cord Driver is used to take whatever cost is held at the Group Level down to the Children after the first allocation. In this example we have just the one Group in the Products but normally there would be a few groups and it would be in this instance that CORD would be used. The Costs may be taken directly onto the children for other Groups, with CORD you can take costs onto the Children of a specific group using a different Cost Driver. Now we can have a look to see how CORD handles Cost Allocation in a Multi-Dimensional Model. We have introduced Customers into our Model and a selection of new Products. The Activity Advertising is being taken onto the Products first with the Cost Driver # Advertisment Campaigns and then the Customer dimension using the Cost Driver # Visits BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 143 |6 6| Cost Object Information Assigning Activities to Cost Objects CORD may work differently to how you might expect in this situation, with CORD the Group Costs are always taken down onto the children after all the calculations to both dimensions have been made. The allocation here would be as follows: The Activity Cost £93,500 would first be taken onto the Product Group ‘Television’ as we only have in Driver volumes for that group, next the Group Cost would be taken onto the Customer Dimension’s children – in this case the two Customers will be Leeds and Bradford, using the Cost Driver # Visits. Finally the CORD Driver - # T.V Commercials will take the Product Group Cost (which has now been split onto the two Customers) onto the Child Products. The Cost Driver Volumes for CORD will show a combination of Product Customer <ALL>. The CORD driver in this case then is taking Child customer costs and splitting them onto the child Products even though in the order screen we have the costs going to the Product Dimension first and then onto Customers. Lets have a look at the Cost Driver volumes and how the cost has been allocated. You can see for the 1st Cost Driver # Advertisment Campaigns the full £93,500 has been taken to the Product Television. Next that cost has been taken onto two Customers using the Cost Driver # Visits Televisions Leeds 10 £93,500 / 30 x 10 = £31,166.67 Televisions Bradford 20 £93,500 / 30 x 20 = £62,333.33 Finally the second stage of allocation using the CORD Driver # T.V Commercials is carried out taking the Product Group Cost onto the child Products. As you can see from the Cost Driver volumes you need a combination of Customer and Product at the child level and a volume, this is because after the first stage of allocation the Product Group Cost is now at the Customer child level. The split of cost is worked out using the formula below : Total COC for Product Customer <ALL> x individual CORD Driver Volume Total Cord Driver Vol for Product Customer For example we will do the first combination: Product 144 Customer BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Overriding the Cost Driver for an Activity Wide Screen Leeds 1 - £31,166.67 / 5 x 1 = £6,233.33 Bradford 2 - £62,333.33 / 10 x 2 = £12,466.67 You can see the full results in the Cost Object Cost Screen CORD allows you the flexibility to decide where costs should go and also allows you to retain some of the cost at the Group level if you wish. The only point that you may want to note is that any exclusion is ignored so you would need to delete the Cost Driver Volumes instead. 6.4 Overriding the Cost Driver for an Activity You can override the default Cost Driver assigned to an Activity and replace it with any other Cost Driver (see 6.4.1). This facility can only be used for an Activity that is performed in a number of Departments, each requiring a distinct Cost Driver. Rather than having a large number of Activities each with a unique Cost Driver, you can specify one Activity, and then override the default Cost Driver with that required for the particular usage of the Activity. An example of this would be a Product that is sold by different ‘branches’ of an organization. Each branch may want its own sales volume entered onto the system, but only one sales Activity exists. Note: You can only override the Cost Driver for those Activities with the type ‘Cost Object’ and that occur in more than one Department. In order for an Activity Cost to be allocated to a Cost Object combination, there must be a Cost Driver Volume for that Cost Object combination. If, for example, an Activity is assigned to 20 Products but only two of the Products have a Cost Driver Volume, then the Activity Costs will be passed only to those two Products. Metify ABM will, however, check all 20 Products to search for a Cost Driver Volume. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 145 |6 6| Cost Object Information Overriding the Cost Driver for an Activity To override the Cost Driver, click on the Cost Driver Overrides icon to display the Cost Driver Overrides window: Example: The Cost Driver Sales Volume is used for Products for Department New York. Hierarchy Description Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) which are of Type ‘Cost Object’, including ‘Cost Object’ type Department Account Costs, and which are assigned to more than one Department, are displayed. You can select only one (non group) Activity. Departments Only those Departments (and their parents) that are assigned to the selected Activity are displayed. You can select only one (non-group) Department. The detail area consists of a record for each of {Product, Customer, Channel}. Field Content Dimension This is Product, Customer, Channel for the first, second and third records respectively. This cannot be modified. Cost Driver This is a drop-down list box containing all non-group Cost Drivers and <None>, from which you can select one to override the current assignment. When a Department is selected, these boxes display the overridden (if any) Cost Drivers. Right-hand Mouse Menu Set Defaults 146 - This option restores the default Cost Drivers, as assigned in Activity Assignments. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Assigning Volumes to Cost Drivers 6.4.1 To Override a Cost Driver • Select the required Activity from the Activity hierarchy, and the required Department from the Department hierarchy. The Cost Drivers, for each Cost Object dimension, currently assigned to the Activity are shown in the detail area. • Double-click on the Cost Driver that requires changing, and select a new Cost Driver from the drop-down list box. Note that the default Cost Driver will still apply to all other combinations of the specified Activity and Department, unless they are also changed. Also, note that if two dimensions use the same Cost Driver, and the third dimension uses a different Cost Driver, the system will automatically update the Cost Driver order to calculate the combination first. You cannot change the order for an overridden Cost Driver. The override facility is designed for use as an exception to the default driver. Introducing a substantial number of overrides will have a significant impact on model size. Contact the Helpline for further advice. 6.5 Assigning Volumes to Cost Drivers In Activity Assignment, you specify which Cost Objects are to receive each Activity cost; in Cost Driver Volumes, you specify what proportion of costs, if any, are to be taken to each Cost Object. Cost Driver Volumes are periodized, and so you can enter different values for each time period (see 7.6.1). You can define the Cost Driver Volumes before or after assigning Activities to Cost Objects. To allocate a volume to each combination of Cost Object and Cost Driver, select the icon labeled Enter Cost Driver Volumes. This will display the Cost Driver Volumes window: Example: Activity Assignments are non-periodized, and you should assign an Activity to all Cost Objects that could possibly be involved. You can control which of those Cost Objects should receive costs in a particular period by the Cost Driver Volumes. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. The current Period is pre-selected. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are displayed. You can select one or more Products. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 147 |6 6| Cost Object Information Assigning Volumes to Cost Drivers Customers All Customers are displayed. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are displayed. You can select one or more Channels. Cost Drivers All Cost Drivers are displayed. You can select one or more Cost Drivers. The detail area contains a record for each current combination of selected items. The information associated with each combination is given in the following table, and can be accessed in the detail area or in the Cost Driver Volumes Properties dialog box. Note that you cannot use Properties if any of the selected records are Derived. Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Product A Product. This cannot be modified. Customer A Customer. This cannot be modified. Channel A Channel. This cannot be modified. Cost Driver A non-group Cost Driver. This cannot be modified. Type A drop-down list box {Total, Unit} indicating manner in which the Cost Driver Volume is specified. The default is Total. If the Cost Driver is Derived, then this will be Total, and cannot be modified. But only if the Derived Records are selected. Unit The Unit Volume. The default is 0. Factoring can be performed on this field, (but only if no Derived records are selected). The total is given in the Totals Area. If the Cost Driver is Derived, then this cannot be modified. Total The Total Cost DriverCost Driver Volume, which is used in the Cost Object Costing calculation. This cannot be modified, but is calculated, according to the Type: Type = ‘Total’: Total = Unit Type = ‘Unit’: Total = Unit * Product Volumes for Product <All><All> = Unit * Revenue Units for others The total is given in the Totals Area. Caution: You should use Type ‘Unit’ only if you have defined Product Volumes / Revenue Units, otherwise the Total will be 0. Note that the Type affects the way that Back-Calculation works; see 9. Record Color Override - The Total is positive, and the Cost Driver is Derived. See 6.2.6. Negative Override - The Total is negative, and the Cost Driver is Derived. Normal - The Total is positive. Negative - The Total is negative. You can input Cost Driver Volumes as either total volumes or unit volumes. For example, a Cost Driver may use a ‘number of cases’ basis, but there may be no record of the actual number of cases. You could then use the ‘unit’ option based on the average consumption. If there were 20 Products per case, the unit entry would be 0.05. Metify ABM would then look up the total number of Products and multiply that value by 0.05 to calculate the true number of cases. 6.5.1 To Input a Cost Driver Volume 148 • Using the hierarchy area, select the required Period(s), Cost Object(s) and Cost Driver(s). • Select Insert from the right-hand mouse menu in the detail area. A record for each combination of the selected items will appear in the detail area. If a record already exists for a combination, then another will not be created. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Applying a Weighting Factor The record will contain the default values, as described in the table above. If you want to change the Type or the Unit, then you can edit these fields directly in the detail area, or using the Cost Driver Volumes Properties dialog box. Note If no Cost Driver Volume is present in a Cost Object but one is expected by the Activity (i.e. the Activity has been assigned to it in Activity Assignments), then the Activity cost will be posted to 'Unallocated'; see 2.6.1. You can view unallocated values by clicking on the View Unallocated Costs icon. 6.6 Applying a Weighting Factor When you have allocated an Activity to a Cost Object, you can apply a weighting factor if required (see 6.6.1). This allows you to compensate for conditions under which the Cost Driver is not constant for every Cost Object combination. For example, servicing of old equipment may take twice as long as a similar procedure for new equipment; you can apply a weighting factor to account for the difference. Weightings can only be entered after you have specified the Activity Assignment and after you have entered Cost Driver Volumes. To apply weightings, double-click on the Enter Cost Driver Weightings icon in the AutoHide Area to display the Cost Driver Weightings window: Example: Costs for Bmx16 will be adjusted by the Weighting Factor 2.5. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select only one (non-group) Period. Departments Only those Departments that have Cost Object Activities assigned are displayed. You can select only one (non-group) Department. Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) that are assigned to the Department, and are of type ‘Cost Object’, are displayed. You can select only one (non-group) Activity. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 149 |6 6| Cost Object Information Applying a Weighting Factor Above the Activity hierarchy is a drop-down list box containing those Cost Drivers, including <None>, which have been used in the assignment of the selected Activity to Cost Objects (in the Activity Assignment and Cost Driver Overrides windows). The field also contains the order in which the Cost Driver is used, and the dimensions for which it is used. The records displayed in the detail area depend on the Cost Driver selected. The Cost Object combinations that are displayed depend on the Cost Objects to which the selected Activity has been assigned. They also depend on the order of the Cost Drivers. For example, Cost Driver Sales Volume is used first, for Products; there will be a record for each Product in the assignment, at the Customer<All> and Channel <All> level. Cost Driver No of Orders is used second, for Customers; there will be a record for every combination of the Products and Customers in the assignment, at the Channel<All> level. Records are only displayed if a corresponding Cost Driver Volume record exists and there is no Exclusion. Note: If you enter a Cost Driver Weighting, and then delete the corresponding CostDriver Volume record, then the Cost Driver Weighting record will still exist (but will not be displayed); if you subsequently insert the Cost Driver Volume record then the Cost Driver Weighting will be displayed with the original value. The information contained in each record is described in the following table; only the weighting can be modified, either directly in the detail area or using the Cost Driver Weightings Properties dialog box. Field Content Product This Product is one used in the Activity Assignment, or <All>. This cannot be modified. Customer This Customer is one used in the Activity Assignment, or <All>. This cannot be modified. Channel This Channel is one used in the Activity Assignment, or <All>. This cannot be modified. Weighting A factor that will be applied when the Activity Cost is allocated to the combination of Channel/Customer/Product. The Activity Cost will be distributed to those Cost Objects to which it has been assigned, according to the Cost Driver Volumes, weighted by this factor. Factoring can be performed on this field. It defaults to 0 or 1 depending on the Cost Driver Weighting option - see below. 6.6.1 To Apply a Weighting Factor • Select the required Department in the Department hierarchy. All Activities assigned to the Department will be displayed in the Activity hierarchy. • Select the required Activity. A drop-down list giving all the Cost Drivers used for that Activity will be shown above the area. I.e. those used in Activity Assignment, taking into account Cost Driver Overrides. • Select the required Cost Driver. A list of all Cost Object combinations that match the selections will be shown in the detail area. • In the detail area, double-click the field in the Weighting column for the required record; there will be an initial value in this column. See 6.6.2. • Type in the new weighting factor to be applied, and press Return to confirm the edit. If you want to enter the same weighting factor for more than one Activity/Cost Object combination, select the required records, and select the Cost Driver Weightings Properties dialog box from the right-hand mouse menu. 150 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Calculating Results 6.6.2 Cost Driver Weighting Option Cost Driver Weightings is a facility that allows you (using the Cost Driver Weightings window) to ‘weight’ the Cost Driver Volumes. The Cost Driver Weightings window displays a record for every combination of Department/Activity assignment for each assignment to Cost Objects. However, a record is only actually generated when you specifically change the value from the default; if the record contains the default value then it does not actually exist in the model. The Weighting option allows you to specify the default value for those records that do not actually exist in the model. The options are: Assume 1 for missing Cost Driver Weighting Records - Which you would use if you wanted Cost Driver Volumes to control which combinations should drive costs to Cost Objects. Those weightings that you change from the default of 1 will be applied to the corresponding Cost Driver Volume. Otherwise, the original Cost Driver Volume will be used (since the weighting is 1). This is the default for a new model. Assume 0 for missing Cost Driver Weighting Records - Which you would use if you wanted the weighting records to control which combinations should drive costs to Cost Objects. All combinations with a weighting value of 0 will result in a zero cost object cost, regardless of the value in the Cost Driver Volumes. Caution: a) You should use the ‘Assume 0 …’ option with care, since it results in zero Cost Object Costs for all combinations that you do not explicitly update. (If this happens unintentionally, re-set the option to ‘Assume 1 …’. b) Changing this option will delete Cost Object and Profitability results. Note that when you change this option, all Cost Object Costs and Profitability results are deleted. (Activity Costs are retained.) The Cost Driver Weighting Option is available from Options on Model Menu. 6.7 Calculating Results To Calculate Cost Object Costs: • Click the Calculate Cost Object Costs icon in the List Bar. The Calculate dialog box will be displayed, with Cost Object Cost pre-selected. • Select the Start button to perform the calculation. • Click the Close button to exit from the dialog box. See 8.4 for more details. 6.8 Viewing Results Cost Object Costs are only available if you have calculated up to Cost Object level, without any errors; if the calculation produced warnings, but no errors, then results will still be available, although you should look at the warnings to check that they are acceptable. If you change certain aspects of your model (e.g. delete an Activity) after a successful calculation, then the results will be discarded, (since they do not represent the current state of the model). See 8.4, for more details. The following types of costs are available at Cost Object level: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 151 |6 6| Cost Object Information Viewing Results Summarized Cost Object Costs - Activity costs at the Period / Product / Customer / Channel level. Cost Object Costs - Activity costs at the Period / Product / Customer / Channel / Activity level. Unallocated Costs - Costs for those Activities that have not been assigned to Cost Objects. You can also see a summary of costs; see 2.6.1. 6.8.1 Summarized Cost Object Costs To view the results of the calculation at the Period / Product / Customer / Channel level, select the icon labeled View Summarized Cost Object Costs. This will display the Summarized Cost Object Costs window: Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is cost object cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: 152 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Viewing Results Field Content Period A non-group Period. Channel A Channel, including <All> Customer A Customer, including <All> Product A Product, including <All> Cost Cost Object Cost for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel. The total is given in the Totals Area. Unit Rate The Unit Rate for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel. This is calculated as Cost / Product Units. See 6.8.3. Unit Rate Period The same as Period. This field is not used at present. You cannot modify any field in the detail area. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. Tips 1) If all Cost Object Costs are blank, this may indicate that no calculation has been performed. Check the Status (from the ToolBar). If necessary, run Calculate, as described in 6.7, and then view the results again. 2) If the Status shows that you have correctly calculated through to Cost Object Costs, remember that even if you are using only one dimension, costs will be shown only when all dimensions are selected in combination. You should therefore check that no hierarchies are hidden, and select the top level of unused dimensions, in order to display costs in the detail area. 6.8.2 Cost Object Costs If you need a further breakdown of costs, at the Period/Product/Customer/Channel/Activity level, select the icon labeled View Cost Object Costs. This will display the Cost Object Costs window: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 153 |6 6| Cost Object Information Viewing Results Example You can see the breakdown by Activity for Bmx16. You can also see where the costs for a particular Activity/Cost Object originated. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels Activities Only those Activities of type ‘Cost Object’, including Account Directs, are shown. You can select one or more Activities The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is cost object cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Product A Product, including <All> Customer A Customer, including <All> Channel A Channel, including <All> Activity A non-group Activity. Cost Cost Object Cost for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel. The total is given in the Totals Area. Unit Rate The Unit rate for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel. This is calculated as Cost / Units. See 6.8.3. Unit Rate Period Same as Period. This field is not used at present. 154 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Viewing Results You cannot modify any field in the detail area. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. Tips: 1) If all Cost Object Costs are blank, this may indicate that no calculation has been performed. Check the Status dialog box from the ToolBar. If necessary, run Calculate, as described in 6.7, and then view the results again. 2) If the Status shows that you have correctly calculated through to Cost Object Costs, remember that even if you are using only one dimension, costs will be shown only when all dimensions are selected in combination. You should therefore select the <All> level of unused dimensions in order to display costs in the detail area. 6.8.3 Unit Rates The Unit Rate associated with Cost Object costing in Metify ABM, is the cost of production for one unit of that Cost Object, based on the number of products sold in that Period. Where possible, Metify ABM calculates the rate as cost per unit product, but when that is not possible, the result is cost per unit sold. I.e. for Cost Object Costing, unit rate calculations are dependent upon the combination of Cost Objects. The Unit Rate is calculated as Cost / Units where Units are: • For a <Product><All><All> combination, (where costs are not allocated to Customers or Channels), the Product Volume for that Product, is used to calculate cost per Product. • For a <Any><Any ><Any > combination, (where a combination refers to a particular Customer or Channel), the Revenue Unit for that combination, is used to calculate Cost Object unit rate. • For <Product> <All> <Channel> or <Product> <Customer> <All>, the Revenue Unit summed over the <All> dimension is used. Notes: a) Units are optional at the Cost Object Costs level; they do however, affect the Profitability calculation. b) If you change Product Volumes or Revenue Units, then the Unit Rate will be automatically updated without the need to re-calculate Cost Object Costs. 6.8.4 Unallocated Costs Unallocated costs are those Activity Costs that do not get passed through to Costs Object Costs. An Activity Cost is unallocated if the Activity: • Is not assigned to Cost Objects (in Activity Assignment window), or • Is assigned to Cost Objects, but has zero Cost Driver Volumes (or zero weightings) for all the Cost Objects to which it is assigned. Generally, it follows that if an Activity cost is unallocated, then the whole of that Activity Cost will be unallocated. However, since you can override the Activity’s Cost Driver for each Department (and you can have Cost Driver Volumes for some Cost Drivers but not others), then you could have partial allocation of Activity costs. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 155 |6 6| Cost Object Information Viewing Results Unallocated Costs are only available for viewing if the model has been calculated through to Cost Object Costs. The total Unallocated Cost is displayed in the Status; costs for individual Activities are shown in the Unallocated Costs window. To display this window, click on the View Unallocated Costs icon. Example Activity Advertising has not been assigned in Activity Assignments. Activity Consulting has been assigned in Activity Assignments, but has no Cost Driver Volumes in Period Base. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Activities Only Activities of type Cost Object, including Accounts Directs (and their parents) are displayed. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is an unallocated cost. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Activity A non-group Activity. Cost The Activity Cost for the Period/Activity. The total is given in the Totals Area. You cannot modify any field in the detail area. Record Color 156 Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Incorporating Capacity Details 6.9 Incorporating Capacity Details In all the analysis to date, calculations have assumed that all Activities are carried out to the maximum capacity. If, for example, an Activity can physically be performed 100 times in a month, then costs and overheads are worked out on this basis. It may be, however, that in one time Period the Activity is performed only ten times; this will have a drastic effect on the cost each time the Activity is performed. Metify ABM allows you to view Activity Unit Rates (6.9.1), enter Capacity information (6.9.2), and to take this into account when you view Activity Unit Rates(6.9.3). The windows used for this are accessed from the Cost Object Costing Optional folder in the AutoHide Area. 6.9.1 Viewing Activity Unit Rates To view Activity Unit Rates, double-click the View Activity Unit Rate icon. This will display the Activity Unit Rate window: Note In order to view the Activity Unit Rates, the model must be calculated through to Cost Object Costs. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. The current Period will be pre-selected. You can select one or more Periods. Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) of type ‘Cost Object’, including Account Directs, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Departments Only those Departments, which have the selected Activities assigned, are displayed. You can select one or more Departments. Cost Drivers Only those Cost Drivers (and their parents) that have been used in the Activity assignment to Cost Objects are displayed. This will include any Cost Drivers that are used in Cost Driver Overrides. You can select one or more Cost Drivers. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 157 |6 6| Cost Object Information Incorporating Capacity Details The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is a Period/Activity/Cost Driver/Department assignment. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Activity A non-group Activity. Department A non-group Department. Cost Driver A non-group Cost Driver. Activity Cost The Activity Cost for the Period/Activity/Department. The Total is given in the Totals Area. Cost Driver Volume This is from Cost Driver Volumes, summed over those items assigned to that Activity / Cost Driver in Activity Assignments window and Cost Driver Overrides window. Unit Rate This is the unit cost for that Activity/Department. Calculated from Activity Cost / Cost Driver Volume. (If Cost Driver Volume is zero, then it will be set to 0.) By selecting a single Cost Driver and Activity, you can see the relative costs of each Department using that Cost Driver. By selecting a single Department and Activity, you can see how different Cost Drivers affect the cost. You cannot modify any field in the detail area. Record Color Negative - The Activity Cost is negative. Normal - The Activity Cost is positive. 6.9.2 Entering and Viewing Capacity Information You can enter capacity details into your model so that you can subsequently compare Capacity Unit Rates, for a Period / Activity / Department / Costs Driver combination, with the calculated Activity Unit Rates. Capacity is also used in Back-Calculation, and can act as a limit depending on what option you have selected in Model/Options/Capacity; see 9.2. To enter Capacity details, double-click the Enter Capacity icon in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Capacity window: 158 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Incorporating Capacity Details Example: Only enter Capacity for those combinations where you want to compare Unit Rates for Capacity and actual production, or if you want to use Capacity in Back-Calculation. Note: In order to view the Capacity Unit Rates, the model must be calculated through to Activity Costs. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. The current Period will be pre-selected. You can select one or more Periods. Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) of type ‘Cost Object’, including Account Directs, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Departments Only those Departments, which have the selected Activities assigned, are displayed. You can select one or more Departments. Cost Drivers Only those Cost Drivers (and their parents) that have been used in the Activity assignment to Cost Objects are displayed. This will include any Cost Drivers that are used in Cost Driver Overrides. You can select one or more Cost Drivers. Insert will generate a record in the detail area for the combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is a Period/Activity/Cost Driver/Department assignment. This assignment is that which has been entered in the Activity Assignment and Cost Driver Overrides windows. The information for each record is given in the following table: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 159 |6 6| Cost Object Information Incorporating Capacity Details Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Activity A non-group Activity. This cannot be modified. Department A non-group Department. This cannot be modified. Cost Driver A non-group Cost Driver. This cannot be modified. Cost The Activity Cost for the Period/Activity/Department. It is the same value regardless of Cost Driver. This cannot be modified. The total is given in the Totals Area. Capacity The capacity of the Period/Activity/Department/Cost Driver. Factoring can be performed on this field. The default is 0. The total is given in the Totals Area. Unit Rate This is the unit rate for the Activity / Department using that Cost Driver, if the Activity was carried out to its full capacity. Calculated from Cost / Capacity. (If Capacity is 0, it is set to 0.) This cannot be modified. You can modify the Cost Driver Capacity either directly in the detail area or using the Capacity Properties dialog box. Record Color Negative - The Activity Cost is negative. Normal - The Activity Cost is positive. 6.9.3 Viewing Activity Unit Rate with Capacity Unit Rate You can see the effect of any under-activity by selecting View Activity v Capacity Unit Rate icon from AutoHide Area. This will display the Activity v Capacity Unit Rate window: Example Prospecting/Paris/# Order Lines has been inserted in Capacity window with a Capacity of 0. Inspect/Quality/# Inspections has not been Inserted in Capacity window, but appears in this window because there is an Activity Cost for it. Note: In order to view the Activity v Capacity Unit Rates, the model must be calculated through to Cost Object Costs. 160 Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Cost Object Information Incorporating Capacity Details Activities Only those Activities (and their parents) of type ‘Cost Object’, including Account Directs, are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Departments Only those Departments, which have the selected Activities assigned, are displayed. You can select one or more Departments. Cost Drivers Only those Cost Drivers (and their parents), for which there are costs for the selected Activities and Departments, are displayed. This will include any Cost Drivers that are used in Cost Driver Overrides. If the model is not calculated to Object Cost level, then no Cost Drivers will be shown. You can select one or more Cost Drivers. The detail area contains all records for the combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there is a Period/Activity/Cost Driver/Department assignment. These are the same conditions as for the Activity Unit Rate window. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Activity A non-group Activity Department A non-group Department. Cost Driver A non-group Cost Driver. Activity Unit Rate Actual unit cost for the Period/Activity/Department. This is from the Activity Unit Rate window. Capacity Unit Rate The unit cost that would apply if the Activity was performed to its full capacity. This is from the Capacity window. Unit Rate Variance Variance between the Unit Rates, calculated as Activity Unit Rate Capacity Unit Rate. You cannot modify any field in this window. Note that if you change the capacity in the Capacity window, then you do not need to recalculate in order to see Activity versus Capacity unit rate comparisons. Record Color Negative - The Unit Rate Variance is negative. Normal - The Unit Rate Variance is positive. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 161 |6 6| Cost Object Information Incorporating Capacity Details 162 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Profitability Information 7| Profitability Information Evaluating Profitability 7.1 Evaluating Profitability Having calculated your model through to Cost Object level, you can then examine profitability, i.e. revenue less cost of goods sold. Therefore, you need to enter revenue information for each combination of multi-dimensional Cost Object, allowing you to view the profitability of a particular Product supplied to a Customer through a specific distribution Channel. Generally, only those Cost Object combinations for which you have entered revenue data will be brought through into the profitability calculations. However, the profitability facility provides a variety of options that allow you to control how Cost Objects are brought through into the profitability calculation. See 7.5 for more information. Some costs are not related directly to production, and therefore do not pass through the Activity or Cost Object Costing stages, however you may want to incorporate them into the Profitability stage. These costs are termed External Costs, and can be entered into your model at this stage. Each External Cost has a Cost Type associated with it, which must be defined in the Cost Type hierarchy. The procedures described, which would normally be performed in this sequence, are: • Entering Revenue Details • Entering External Cost Types • Entering External Costs • Calculating Profitability (including setting Profitability Options) • Viewing Profitability Results To analyze profitability, click the List Bar group labeled Profitability. The icons relating to profitability will be displayed, allowing you to select the required function. These windows can also be found under the Profitability folder in the AutoHide Area. 7.2 Entering Revenue Details Revenue details consist of the value and units sold for each Cost Object. Note that a Cost Object will not be brought through into the Profitability calculations if both the Revenue value and Revenue Units are zero. The Revenue value goes directly into the profitability calculations; the Revenue Units are used to calculate the Unit Rate for all combinations of Cost Object, apart from Product <All><All>, as follows: • Revenue Units are required for a Cost Object in order to bring the associated Activity and External costs into Profitability. See 7.5.2. • If the Cost Driver Volume for a Cost Object is defined as type ‘Unit’, then the Units applied to the Unit Volume is the Revenue Unit. See 6.5 • If the External Cost Type is defined as type ‘Unit’, then the Units applied to the Unit Cost is the Revenue Unit. See 7.3. • Revenue Units are used to calculate the Unit Rate in Cost Object analysis. See 6.8.3. Revenue details are often imported from external programs, but you can enter them directly for each multi-dimensional Cost Object by selecting the Enter Revenue icon. This will display the Revenue window: 164 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Profitability Information Entering Revenue Details Note: Revenue records are only included in the Profitability calculations if either the Revenue and/or Units are non-zero. If both fields are zero, the Revenue and Cost Object Costs will not be included unless the Create Revenue records for Unmatched Cost Object option is selected. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods, since Revenue can be defined for each Period. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channel All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels. The detail area contains a list of all existing records for the selected multi-dimensional Cost Object combinations, showing the total revenue and the number of units supplied to generate the revenue. The information associated with Revenue is given in the following table. Only the Revenue value and Units can be modified, either directly in the Revenue window, or in the Revenue Properties dialog box. Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Product A Product. This cannot be modified. Customer A Customer. This cannot be modified. Channel A Channel. This cannot be modified. Revenue The Revenue for the Period / Product / Customer / Channel combination. It defaults to 0. Factoring can be performed on this field. The total is given in the Totals Area. Units Units sold. It defaults to 0. Factoring can be performed on this field. The total is given in the Totals Area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 165 |7 7| Profitability Information Entering External Cost Types Record Color Negative - The Revenue is negative. Normal - The Revenue is positive. You can Insert, Edit and Delete Revenue records in the standard way. Updating or Deleting a Revenue record will have the following consequences: • Profitability results will be deleted. • Unit Rates in (Summarized) Cost Object Costs will be updated. • Cost Driver Volumes of type ’Unit’, for the affected Costs Objects, will be updated, which will clear Cost Object Costs. • External Costs of type ’Unit’, for the affected Costs Objects, will be updated. 7.3 Entering External Cost Types Cost Types provide an extra level of analysis to External Costs. A Cost Object can have an External Cost for each Cost Type, and this enables you to see the total External Costs for a particular Cost Type, as well as the total External Costs for each Cost Object. To access the Cost Types window, click the Define Cost Types icon in the List Bar. Cost Types are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Cost Type is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Cost Types window or using the Cost Types Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Cost Type Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Cost Type. Description A free text description of the Cost Type; this will default to the Cost Type Name. Memo A free text memo field; this will default to the Cost Type Description If you are using the Cost Types Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Cost Type, then only the Description and Memo fields can be modified. Deleting a Cost Type, or changing it from a non-group to a group, will have the following consequences: 166 • The External Costs associated with that Cost Type will be automatically deleted. • The Profitability Results will display blank for the deleted External Costs. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Profitability Information Entering External Costs 7.4 Entering External Costs Many items have associated External Costs that are not taken into account using normal Activity costing, for example the inclusion of a toolset with an item. You can incorporate these costs for each multi-dimensional Cost Object by clicking the Enter External Costs icon to display the External Costs window. Example Selecting Insert (from the detail area right-hand mouse menu) will create a record for every combination of items selected in the hierarchies. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods, since External Costs can be defined for each Period. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels. Cost Types All Cost Types are shown. You can select one or more Cost Types. The detail area contains a list of all existing records for the selected hierarchy combinations, showing the External Costs associated with each. The information associated with External Costs is given in the following table. Only the Cost and Type can be modified, directly in the detail area or using the External Costs Properties dialog box. Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Product A Product. This cannot be modified. Customer A Customer. This cannot be modified. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 167 |7 7| Profitability Information Calculating Profitability Channel A Channel. This cannot be modified. Cost Type A non-group Cost Type. This cannot be modified. Type The Type of the cost, selectable from (Total or Unit). It defaults to Total. Cost The Cost the Period / Product / Customer / Channel / Cost Type combination. It defaults to 0. Factoring can be performed on this field. Total The total external cost. It is calculated depending on the Type: Type = Total: Total = Cost Type = Unit: Total = Cost * Units where Units is: * Product Volume (from the Products window) for Product<All><All> * Revenue Units (from Revenue window) for other combinations. The Total for this field is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Negative - The Total is negative. Normal - The Total is positive. Note that you can have a record for each Cost Type for every Cost Object combination. You can Insert, Edit and Delete External Cost records in the standard way. Updating or Deleting External Costs will have the following consequences: • Profitability Results will be deleted. • Cost Object Cost will be deleted if the Model is of type Bill of Materials. 7.5 Calculating Profitability The Profitability calculations incorporate the Cost Object Costs together with Revenue and External Costs, giving the Cost, Revenue, Profit and Unit Rate for the relevant Cost Objects. The Profitability calculation in Metify ABM is based on sales, so in general Profitability is only calculated where Revenue data exists, i.e. if either the Revenue Value or Revenue Units are non-zero. This means that the costs displayed in Profitability may differ from those in Cost Object Costs. For example, if an item cost 10 to produce and 95 are made, the total production cost is 950. If only 50 are sold, then the cost in profitability is 500. In accordance with this approach, Unit Rates are calculated as follows: • For < Product><All><All> combinations, the Activity Cost is calculated as (Cost Object Cost/Product Volume)*Revenue Units. Product Volumes must be present, otherwise the Activity Cost will be calculated as zero. Profitability Unit Rate is Profit/Revenue Units. • For other combinations, the costs come through from Cost Object Costing. If there are no Revenue Units, profitability is still calculated but there is no Unit Rate of profit. If Revenue Units are present, these are used to calculate both Cost Object Unit Rate and Profitability Unit Rate. However, there are additional profitability options that may serve as alternatives to a ‘cost of goods sold’ approach. These cause the automatic creation of Revenue records in Profitability (if such a record does not already exist), thus increasing the Cost Object Costs and External Costs that will be brought through. The Profitability Options (see 7.5.2) enable you to specify extra Cost Object Costs to be included. You should read this section to determine which options, or combinations of options (if any), are most appropriate for your organization. 168 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Profitability Information Calculating Profitability 7.5.1 To Calculate Profitability To calculate Profitability, select the Calculate Profitability option from the List Bar. This will display the Calculate dialog box. Select different settings, if required, and click on the Start button. See 8.4 for more details. 7.5.2 Profitability Options The Profitability Options are accessed via the Profitability page from Options on the Model menu. These give you much more control over how the Cost Object Costs and External Costs are brought through into the Profitability calculation. For the first five options, a Revenue record is created in the Profitability results for the appropriate Cost Object combination, if one does not already exist. If such a Revenue record is created then both the Cost Object Costs and the External Costs will be brought through into the Profitability calculations. Any combination of the six options may be used: Create Customer/Channel <All> (default is ‘set’) If ‘set’, then Costs at the <All> level for Products, and the <All> level for either Customer or Channel (i.e. <All>Customer<All> or <All><All>Channel), will be brought through into Profitability. Create Revenue records for Unmatched Cost Object (default is ‘not set’) If ‘set’, then Costs at the following combinations of Cost Objects in Cost Object Costs will be brought into Profitability: Product /Customer/Channel where Product is a non-group item, and Customer and Channel are either a non-group item or <All>, but not where both Customer and Channel are <All>. Allow Cost Object Groups (default is ‘not set’) If ‘set’, Metify ABM will include Costs at the Cost Object Costs group level. (Note that Activities must have been assigned to Cost Object group items in the Activity Assignment process, otherwise no extra Revenue records can be created). Create Revenue records for Unmatched External Costs (default is ‘not set’) If ‘set’, then Costs for all Cost Object combinations (in External Costs) which do not contain groups will be brought into Profitability: Product /Customer/Channel where Product, Customer and Channel are either a non-group item or <All>, but not where both Customer and Channel are <All>. Allow External Costs Groups (default is ‘not set’) If ‘set’, Metify ABM will include Costs at the External Costs group level. Product /Customer/Channel where Product, Customer or Channel is a group item. Create output volume / units sold reconcile (default is ‘not set’) This option automatically generates a dummy Customer item, <Reconcile>, which represents any discrepancy between the Production Volume (at the non-group Product <All> <All> level) and the Revenue Volume (rolled up to Product <All> <All> level). ‘Reconcile’ will only appear in the Profitability section, and its presence allows Metify ABM to allocate Cost Object Costs to it, so that the cost of goods produced but not sold can impact on profitability. The Activity Cost is calculated as: Cost Object Cost * (Product Volume - Revenue Unit) / Product Volume. (If Product Volume is 0, then the Activity Cost will be 0.) The External Cost is calculated as: Total External Cost for Product <All> <All>. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 169 |7 7| Profitability Information Calculating Profitability (The External Cost will be brought through into Profitability regardless of the values of Product Volume and Revenue Units) The <Reconcile> member, once created, will remain in the model (even if the option is deselected) since the Customer dimension containing the item is common across all Periods, and may still be used in non-current Periods. <Reconcile> can only be calculated in a non-Bill of Materials system, since reconciling the Production and Revenue Volumes with a third set of volumes (dictated by the volumes in the Bill of Materials - Makeup) would be impractical. Caution: Changing an option will delete Profitability results. Notes: a) A Revenue record exists if either Revenue or Units is non-zero. b) The default for a new model is Create Customer/Channel <All>. c) The Profitability result will be different for a model calculated with the Bill of Materials option selected. d) Revenue records created as a result of setting one or more of these options have zero Value and Units 7.5.3 Profitability Options Tables The following tables shows all possible combinations of Cost Object Costs and External Costs records, where G = Group level, N =Non-group. A • in a Profitability Option column indicates that a record of that combination will be included in the Profitability table if that option is selected. Cost Object Costs 170 Profitability Options Product All Customer All Channel G Cust/Chan • All G All • All G G • G All All �* G All G • G G All • G G G • All All N • All N All • All N N • N All All * N All N • N N All • N N N • All G N • All N G • G All N • G N All • BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Unmatched Cost • • Profitability Information Calculating Profitability N N All G G All • • G G N • G N G • G N N • N G G • N G N • N N G • Table 1. Cost Object Costs Combinations • In a Bill of Materials system, costs with this combination will not be brought through into Profitability since the Bill of Materials system will have distributed the cost down to the detail level. The ‘Unmatched Costs Object’ option is mutually exclusive to ‘Cust/Chan <All>’ and ‘Cost Object Groups’ options. I.e. if a record is brought through by ‘Cust/Chan <All>’ and/or ‘Cost Object Groups’ options, then it cannot be brought through by ‘Unmatched Cost Object’ option. Cost Object Costs Profitability Options Product Customer Channel Unmatched External Cost External Cost Groups All All G • All G All • All G G • G All All • G All G • G G All • G G G All All N • All N All • All N N • N All All * N All N • N N All • N N N • All G N • All N G • G All N • G N All • N All G • N G All • G G N • G N G • G N N • N G G • • BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 171 |7 7| Profitability Information Viewing Profitability Results N G N • N N G • Table 2. External Costs Combinations * In a Bill of Materials system, costs with this combination will not be brought through into Profitability since the Bill of Materials system will have distributed the cost down to the detail level. The ‘Unmatched External Costs’ option is mutually exclusive to ‘External Costs Groups’ options. I.e. If a record is brought through by ‘External Costs Groups’ options then it cannot be brought through by ‘Unmatched External Costs’ option. 7.5.4 Store Expanded Profitability This is an option available on the Model menu (under the Profitability options) which, if set, causes the Expanded Profitability results, produced in subsequent calculations, to be stored in a table. The flag for this option is on a model basis, and the current state of the flag is saved with the model when it is closed. Since the flag only affects subsequent calculations, it is possible for a model to contain some periods with Expanded Profitability stored and other periods with it not stored. Storing the Expanded Profit table speeds up the display of Expanded Profitability (in the Profit window, and in the Table Dump function in Metify Link (for Access, Text, Excel and Lotus 1-2 3). However, it will result in a larger model. 7.6 Viewing Profitability Results All Revenue records are brought into profitability; External costs are only brought through if there is a corresponding Revenue record. Note that Revenue records with zero Revenue and Units are deleted during Validation. If Cost Object Costs are deleted, then Profitability Results will be invalid, and so they will also be deleted. If you change Product Volumes or Revenue details, you will need to re-calculate Profitability. Tips: a) If all Profit Costs are blank, this may indicate that no calculation has been performed. Check File | Properties. If necessary, run Calculate, as described in 7.5.1, then view the results again. b) If File | Properties shows that you have correctly calculated through to Profitability, remember that even if you are using only one dimension, results will be shown only when all dimensions are selected in combination. You should check that the top level of unused dimensions is selected in order to display results in the detail area. You can view the Profitability results at two levels. The higher level, Profitability (see 7.6.1), is by Period, Product, Customer and Channel. The lower level, Expanded Profitability (see 7.6.2), is by Period, Product, Customer, Channel and Activity Cost Type. You cannot modify any field in the Profitability results windows. 7.6.1 Profitability To view the higher-level results of the calculation, select the icon labeled View Profitability. This will display the Profitability window: 172 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Profitability Information Viewing Profitability Results Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there are profit details. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Channel A Channel, including <All> Customer A Customer, including <All> Product A Product, including <All> Revenue Revenue for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel, as entered in the Revenue window. The Total is given in the Totals Area. Activity Cost Activity Costs for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel. The total is given in the Totals Area. External Cost External Costs for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel. The total is given in the Totals Area. Profit Revenue - Activity Cost - External Cost. The total is given in the Totals Area. Unit Rate The Unit Rate for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel. I.e. it is the profit for selling a single Cost Object. By comparing, for example, the Unit Rates for the same Product and Customer over different Channels, you can easily see which Channels are most profitable. It is calculated as: Profit / Revenue Units; if the Revenue Units are zero, then the Unit Rate will be set to zero. You cannot modify any field in the detail area. Record Color Negative - The Profit is negative. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 173 |7 7| Profitability Information Viewing Profitability Results Normal - The Profit is positive. 7.6.2 Expanded Profitability To view the lower level results of the calculation, select the icon labeled View Expanded Profitability. This will display the Expanded Profitability window: Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are displayed. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels. The detail area contains a record for each combination of selected items in the hierarchy area for which there are profit details. The information for each record is given in the following table: Field Content Period A non-group Period. Type This is the Revenue Activity Cost Type: one of (Activity, Cost Type, 'Revenue'). Cost Object This Cost Object relates to the hierarchy selection. Product A Product, including <All>. Customer A Customer, including <All>. Channel A Channel, including <All>. Source Cost Object 174 This is the Cost Object whose partial cost has been assigned to the Cost Object defined above. See below. Product Either Product or <All>. Customer Either Customer or <All>. Channel Either Channel or <All>. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Profitability Information Viewing Profitability Results Revenue If the Type is ‘Revenue’, then this is the Revenue for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel, as entered in the Revenue window. If the Type is an Activity or Cost Type, it is zero. The total is given in the Totals Area. Cost If the Type is an Activity or Cost Type, then this is the Cost for the Period/Product/Customer/Channel and {Activity or Cost Type}. If the Type is ‘Revenue’, it is zero. The total is given in the Totals Area. Profit This is the Profit, calculated as: Revenue - Cost. The total is given in the Totals Area. The Costs in Profitability that relate to a particular Cost Object (Product/Customer/Channel) comprise the Cost Object Costs for that Cost Object itself, and also a proportion of costs for any Source Cost Object at the <All> levels. Record Color Negative Override - The Profit is negative, the Type is not ‘Revenue’, and the Cost is a production cost, i.e. it has come from the Product/<All>/<All> cost. Normal Override - The Profit is positive, the Type is not ‘Revenue’, and the Cost is a production cost, i.e. it has come from the Product/<All>/<All> cost. Negative - The Profit is negative. Normal - The Profit is positive. Note: The data in this window is either calculated when displayed, or stored in the model, depending on the setting of the Store Expanded Profitability option. See 7.5.4. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 175 |7 7| Profitability Information Viewing Profitability Results 176 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Available Facilities 8.1 Available Facilities The facilities described in this section are: • Using Periods • Using Currencies • Calculation • Data Spreading • Results 8.2 Using Periods Metify ABM supports time Periods that you can apply to your model to allow analysis that is more meaningful. Some data, for example hierarchies for base items, is Period independent, whereas other data, such as costs, relate to a specific time Period. Once you have defined a Period hierarchy (see 8.2.1), you can specify time Periods when you enter information, and these can then be selected, as required, for viewing results to provide focused analysis. The Periods facility allows the user to analyse information within any time frame that the Organisation requires. For example, the user can define a Period for each month in a given year. The user could then define group Periods for each quarter, and allocate the months accordingly. A group Period could be defined for each half of the year, and allocate the quarters to these groups. A group Period could be defined for the year, and place the half years within it. When entering information, the user can then select the appropriate month, and Metify ABM will also collate the data into the related groups. By selecting the appropriate Period, the user can then analyse the data on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis without the need to re-enter the original data. You can use the Period facility in any Metify ABM window or dialog box that uses Period-based data. More details are included in the descriptions elsewhere in this document, and is summarized in 8.2.2. Hierarchy information, such as Departments, Accounts, Activities and Products, are not periodbased. If one of these items is introduced in a later Period, it will be set up for all Periods but will have no associated costs for earlier Periods. The Period Base is a default period that is automatically created for a new model. This will be used if you do not specify any other Period(s). You can modify this Period, or even delete it, but note that you must always have at least one non-group Period in your model. Metify ABM has the concept of a Current Period. You can, of course, enter, calculate and view data for any Period, and there is no intrinsic difference between the Current Period and any other Period. However, for convenience, all windows that relate to periodic data will have the Current Period pre-selected on opening. The Current Period is taken as the default Period in those situations where no Period has been defined. For example, • If you do not specify the Period in certain Metify Link functions, the Current Period will be used. • Reports generated from the Model Menu will contain data from the Current Period. The Current Period is always displayed on the Status Bar. Tip If you are only using a single Period in your model, then hide Periods from the hierarchy area in each window, (using the Display Option in the right-hand mouse menu of each window). Note that the Current Period is always pre-selected in the Period hierarchy when a window is opened. 8.2.1 Defining Periods To access the Period hierarchy, double-click the Define Periods icon in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Periods window: 178 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Using Periods Example The Current Period, Base, is in Override color. Periods are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained in a similar way to that described in 3.2. However, extra information is required when inserting a Period, and some restrictions apply when modifying or deleting a Period; these are explained below. The information associated with a Period is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Periods window or using the Periods Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Period Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Period. Description A free text description of the Period. Memo A free text memo field. Source Period This only applies to non-group Periods, and Periods that are not Data Spreading Source Periods. It is used for: a) Back-Calculation. If the Period was created as a Back-Calc Period, then this contains the name of the Source Period to be used in the Back Calculation.. See 9 for more details. b) Data Spreading. For Periods other than a Back-Calc Period, this indicates the Period to use as the Data Spreading Source Period. This is a drop-down list box containing those non-group Periods that have no Source themselves. See 8.5 for more details. You cannot change this field using Properties if more than one record is selected. Back Calculation This contains Back if the Period is a Back Calculation Period. It cannot be modified. If you are using the Periods Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Period, then only the Description, Memo and Source Period fields can be modified. Record Color Override - The Period is the Current Period. Normal - Otherwise. Right-hand Mouse Menu Set as Current Period - This sets the selected Period to be the Current Period. This option is only available if there is one non-group Period selected. See BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 179 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Using Periods Message Bar Source Period will not be deleted - You tried to delete a Period that is used as a Source in a Back Calculation Period or in a Data Spreading Period. Current Period will not be deleted - You tried to delete the Current Period. Invalid operation - You tried to convert the Current or a Source Period into a group. Further description of the finctions used to maintain periods is provided in: • To Insert a Period • Modifying a Period • Deleting a Period • To Set the Current Period To Insert a Period The following description only describes those features that differ from the standard insertion. • When you have specified the insertion position and selected Insert, the Create new period from… dialog box will be displayed. This allows you to set up your Period with existing data, according to your requirements. The dialog box contains three radio buttons: • Blank Period, which will enter the new Period containing no data. However, base items (and other non-periodic data, including Department Activity assignment relationships) will apply. • Copied Period, which will give you access to a drop-down list box containing the nongroup Periods currently defined for your system. The current Period will be pre selected. You can select any of these Periods, and its data will be copied into the new Period. • Backcalc Period, which is used for creating a Period to be used in a back-calculation exercise. This gives you access to a drop-down list box containing the non-group Periods (which are not themselves Backcalc Periods) currently defined for your system; you can select any of these Periods, and its data will be used as the source data for the Back-Calculation. See 9 for more details. • Select the appropriate button, and press the OK button. • A ‘New Item’ is inserted in the Period hierarchy, which you can edit in the standard way. Modifying a Period You cannot make the Current Period or a Source Period a group. Modifying the hierarchy such that a non-group Period becomes a group Period has the same restrictions and effects as deleting a Period. See Deleting below. In addition, when you change a non-group Period to a group Period, a ‘Loss of data’ message will be displayed, asking whether you want to continue. Deleting a Period Note that you cannot delete a Period (or change a non-group Period to a group) if it is: • The Current Period, • A Source Period. Deleting a non-group Period (or changing a non-group Period to a group) will result in all ‘periodized’ data for that Period being deleted. Periodized data is: 180 • Department Account Costs. • Department Method Values. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Using Periods • Account Reallocation paths, and any overrides. • Activity Costs, Cost Object Costs and Profitability Results. • Value Allocations, and any overrides. • Process Assignments, and results. • Product Volumes. • Cost Driver Volumes. • Capacity details. • Bill of Material quantities and results. • Revenue details. • External Costs. • Currency Rates. • Profile Values. To Set the Current Period When you first create you model, a Period named Base will be automatically created, and this will be set to the Current Period. Having created one or more further Periods, you can change the Current Period. There are two ways of doing this, and you can choose the one that is most convenient to you: • Press F5 to display the Select New Period dialog box. This contains a drop-down list box that gives all the non-group Periods defined in the model. • Open the Periods window, and select the required Period in the detail area. (Note that only a single, non-group Period must be selected in order to be able to change the Current Period.) Selecting the Set as Current Period option from the right-hand mouse menu will change the Current Period to that which is selected in the detail area. The new Current Period will now be displayed in the Status Bar. Number of Periods Used Note that the number of periods in a Metify ABM model is one of the key factors, which affects model size, which in turn may impact on performance, particularly calculation times. Please contact the Helpline to discuss your requirements. 8.2.2 Period Summary Metify ABM allows certain data and relationships to differ across time Periods according to user choice. The following summarizes the areas that vary. Level Area of functionality Comments Department Information Department Account Costs These can vary by Period, and can be changed by editing or via factoring. Department Account Cost Type This can vary by Period, and can be changed from ‘Normal’ to: ‘Cost Object’, you will need to assign to Cost Objects; ‘Reallocate’, you will need to set the path in the Account Reallocation window. Methods The Method for a Department cannot be changed; but the Method for a Reallocated Department Account Cost can be overridden for a Department/Account/Period combination. Method Values Can be changed by Period. Metify ABM automatically applies the same percentage value allocation to Activities as before, whenever Method Values are changed. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 181 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Using Currencies Activity Analysis Value Allocations The Department/Activity assignment does not vary by Period, but the Value Allocations may change including the use of ‘Spare’. Value Allocations Overrides Can be introduced and varied for each Department/Account/Period. Cost Object Product Volumes Entered for each Period. Analysis Cost Driver Volumes Entered for each Period. Capacity Unit Rate Can be varied for each Period for a particular Activity / Department / Cost Driver. Profitability Analysis Revenues and External Costs Data can be entered for each Period. Bill of Materials BOM Quantity The BOM structure remains the same for all Periods but the quantities within the structure can vary across Periods. Processes Process Assignment The assignment of Department / Activities to Processes, and the Make-up quantity can be varied for each Period. Profiles Profiles Profile values may vary by Period. Currency Currency Currency factors may vary by Period. 8.3 Using Currencies The Currencies facility allows you to enter and view data in different units. Monetary data within a model is held in the Base Currency units. A new model will already have the Base Currency defined; this is the top-level item, Currency, in the Currency hierarchy. The Scale factors for all other Currencies relate to the Base Currency; this means that you need to enter only one exchange rate for each Currency, per Period. The Current Currency is the Currency that you have selected to enter and view data. When a Currency other than the Base Currency is selected, Metify ABM automatically converts all data entries and results; all windows display values according to the Current Currency. Note: The Current Currency is User-related, not Model related. For example, set the Current Currency in model A to be UK£, and open model B. If model B also has a Currency of UK£, then the Current Currency will be automatically set as UK£; otherwise the Current Currency will be set to the Base Currency. An Active Currency is one that is the Current Currency for a User (including yourself) who is currently using the same model. There may be more than one Active Currency. This only applies in a “Team” environment. You can perform the following operations relating to Currencies: • Defining Currencies • Defining Currency Rates • Setting the Current Currency Note: If you use other related applications, for example Metify Link, to access the model, the data extracted will be in the Base Currency units. 8.3.1 Defining Currencies To access the Currency hierarchy, double-click the Define Currencies icon in the AutoHide Area. 182 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Using Currencies Currencies are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained in a similar way as that described in 3.2. However, extra information is required when inserting a Currency, and some restrictions apply when modifying or deleting a Currency; these are explained below. Example: Select GBP in the detail area, and select ‘Set as Current Currency’ to make it the Currency for all entered and displayed values. Field Content Name A unique Currency Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Currency. Description A free text description of the Currency. Memo A free text memo field. If you are using the Currencies Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Currency, then only the Description and Memo fields can be modified. Record Color Override - The Currency is an Active Currency. Normal - Otherwise. Right-hand Mouse Menu Set as current Currency - This sets the selected Currency to be the Current Currency. This option is only available if there is one Currency selected, which is a non-group. See 8.3.3. Set default Currency - This removes the Current Currency. Message Bar The requested action invoking an active currency has been cancelled - You tried to delete, or make into a group, an Active Currency. To Insert a Currency The Currency will be entered with an exchange rate of 1.00 for each Period. You can enter the required value using the Currency Rates window. See 8.3.2 for more details Modifying/Deleting Currencies You cannot delete a Currency, or modify the hierarchy such that the Currency becomes a group if: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 183 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Using Currencies • The item is an Active Currency Deleting a Currency, or modifying the hierarchy such that the Currency becomes a group will result in the loss of all Rates for that Currency. Note: If your model is using a Currency, and another User deletes that Currency (when you are not running Metify ABM), then when you subsequently re-open your model, it will be set to the Base Currency. 8.3.2 Defining Currency Rates You can enter Currency Rates for each Currency / Period combination, thus defining a set of Rates for a Currency which can vary with time. The corresponding Currency Rates records are created whenever you insert a Currency or Period; the Scale is pre-set to 1. To enter Currency Rates, double-click the icon labeled Enter Currency Rates in the AutoHide Area. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods, since different Currency Rates can be defined for each Period. Currencies All Currencies are shown. You can select one or more Currencies. The detail area contains a list of all combinations for the selected non-group hierarchy items, showing the Scale assigned to each. The information associated with a Currency Rate is given in the following table. Only the Scale can be modified, either directly in the Currency Rates window or using the Currency Rates Properties dialog box. 184 Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Currency A non-group Currency. This cannot be modified. Scale The Rate for the Period/Currency combination. This must be greater than BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Calculation zero. It defaults to 1.00. Record Color Override - The Currency is an Active Currency. Normal - Otherwise. 8.3.3 Setting the Current Currency Once you have defined your Currencies and set up the appropriate rates, you can view the data in your model in any Currency by changing the Current Currency. To Set the Current Currency: There are two ways of doing this - choose which is more convenient: • Select the Currency option from the Model menu. This will display the Current Currency dialog box containing a drop-down list box of all non-group Currencies. Select the required Currency, and click OK. • In the Currencies window, select the required currency in the detail area, and select ‘Set as Current Currency’ from the right-hand mouse menu. The selection will now become the Current Currency, and will be displayed in the Status Bar. All monetary values in open windows, and windows subsequently opened, will be converted automatically into the new Current Currency. The values will be scaled according to the Scale for the Current Currency and Current Period. 8.4 Calculation Descriptions of the significant features of calculation are provided by: • Validation • Creating Results • Performing a Calculation • Calculate Remotely Option • Deleting Results 8.4.1 Validation Before the system performs a calculation for a Period, it first carries out a Validation on the Period to ensure that the data is consistent. Data that is redundant, for example a record with zero values, is deleted. Validation can detect two levels of severity, Warnings and Errors; both result in a message being inserted in the Message Log indicating precisely where the discrepancy exists. If any error is detected, then any calculation requested for that Period would not be performed. You can perform a Validation without any calculation, if required. This enables you to check any data entered so far, without creating partial results that may be meaningless and time consuming to produce. To Validate either click the Validate button on the ToolBar (to Validate the Current Period), or display the Calculate dialog box (see below), and calculate the required Periods, with no level selected. Note that not all Errors are detected during Validation; some may also be detected during Calculation (in which case no results will be produced). BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 185 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Calculation 8.4.2 Creating Results Metify ABM performs three levels of calculation: • Activity Costs • Cost Object Costs • Profitability, and each level depends on the results from the previous level. You can specify which level of calculation is to be performed, and the system will automatically calculate the previous level(s) if required. This enables you to calculate in stages. For example, as soon as all the Department Account Costs have been entered, you can perform the Activity Costs calculation; then, when the Cost Driver Volumes have been entered, you can perform the Cost Object Costs calculation, without the need to re-calculate Activity Costs. 8.4.3 Performing a Calculation • You can initiate a calculation in a number of ways: • Select the Calculate {Activity/Cost Object/Profitability} Results icon from the List Bar or AutoHide Area. • Click on the Calculate button on the Toolbar. • Press F6. • Select Calculate option from the Model Menu on the Menu Bar. The Calculate dialog box will be displayed, with the Current Period pre-set; the level of calculation is pre-set depending on how you selected the dialog box. • 186 Select the levels of Calculation that you want to perform, and the Periods. Note that setting a particular level will also set lower levels, and un-setting a particular level will also un-set higher levels. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Calculation • Select the Periods that you want calculating; the Current Period is pre-selected. A right-hand mouse menu option is available to Select All / Deselect All. • See 8.4.4 for details of the Calculate Remotely option. • The calculation process will only calculate those requested results/Periods which have not already been calculated, or which have since been deleted. If required, you can force all requested results to be calculated by selecting “Always force Calculate” on the Calculate page of Model | Options. Here you will also be able to set the degree of precision required for calculation between 2 and 15 decimal place s. • Click on Start. For each Period selected, the system will validate and then calculate the levels requested (if any); if you have only requested, for example, Cost Object Costs, and there are no Activity Cost results, then the system will automatically calculate Activity Costs first. While the calculation is in progress, a Cancel button appears allowing you to cancel the operation, if required; this will clear any results produced so far. Messages relating to the calculation will be displayed on the Status Bar. The Message Log will be updated with progress information relating to the calculation, e.g. Calculation times, Model options. At the end of the calculation, a message will appear in the middle of the dialog box indicating the total number of warnings and errors that were detected over all Periods. If any errors were detected in a Period, then no results will be generated at that level, or higher levels, in that Period. See C for an explanation of messages, and their effect on calculation. • Select Close to exit from the dialog box. • If any warnings and/or errors were detected, check the Message Log (the Log Window option on the Tools Menu). The Message Log will be opened automatically if errors were detected. Caution: If you have selected the top level {Account, Activity, and Customer} in a results window, then all its children will be selected. However, when you calculate, extra items may be generated, and these will not be selected. Notes: a) When you Validate/Calculate, selections in the hierarchy area of open windows are preserved; selections in the detail area are cleared. b) The Cancel does not take immediate effect; the calculate will only be aborted at the end of its current stage. Tip: If you get “database locked” message, it may be because: a) you have an edit box open, or b) Another User has locked it (perhaps they are calculating). 8.4.4 Calculate Remotely Option This option is only available in Team Edition. If set, calculation will be performed as a separate process allowing work to continue with your model. You can even close Metify ABM, leaving the calculation to continue on the Server. Also, since progress messages are sent from the Server to the calculation process (which is now running on the Server), network speed will not influence calculation time. When you initiate a remote calculate, a dialog box, indicating that the request has been submitted, will be displayed. During calculation, the Metify Remote Calculate dialog box is displayed on the Server, indicating the progress of the calculation. The Server User can cancel the calculation at any time, if required. You can monitor the progress of the calculation by BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 187 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Calculation displaying the Remote Calculation Status dialog box (from Model | Check Remote Calculation Status): When the calculation has finished, this dialog box will display: Note that you do not get prompted when the Calculation has finished. You must keep checking the Calculation Status, and when that indicates that calculation has finished, you must open the Error Log to check for errors. 8.4.5 Deleting Results Results are automatically deleted by the system if any of the data that is used in the calculation is changed. Metify ABM performs intelligent deletion; i.e. it will only delete those results which are dependent on the changes, and not necessarily all results. The following table shows which changes affect which results: Results deleted Action Window Delete: Department Departments Method Methods Account Accounts Modify: Derivation Formula Methods Method Accounts Modify: Reallocation Path Account Reallocation Method Override Account Reallocation Method Override Modify, Delete: Value Method Values Type, Method, Cost Department Account Cost Delete: Activity Activity Cost Object Profitability All Periods � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Modify: Cost Object reallocation Cost Driver Activities Modify: Type Activities Assignment Activities by Department, Departments by Activity Reallocation Path Department Activity Reallocations Modify: 188 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide � Miscellaneous Facilities Calculation Any field Override Value Allocations Value Allocation Overrides Delete: Product Product Customer Customer Channel Channel Cost Driver Cost Driver Modify: Derivation Formula Cost Drivers Set Assignment Activity Assignment Set Exclusions Activity Assignment Exclusions Cost Driver Order Cost Driver Order Cost Driver Cost Driver Overrides � � � � � � � � � � � � Insert: Record Cost Driver Volumes Modify, Delete: Volume Product Volumes Weighting Cost Driver Weightings Unit, Type Cost Driver Volumes Modify: Quantity Delete: Cost Type Bill of Materials Makeup � Cost Types � Modify, Delete: Type, Cost External Costs � � Revenue � � Revenue � � Modify: record Delete: record Modify: Model Options � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Absorption � Reallocation � Profitability Cost Driver Weighting Derivation Model Type Set Immediate Updates ON � Results are only deleted if [Model | Options | Derivation | Immediate Updates] is On. When results for other Periods are deleted, the results for Back Calculation Periods are not deleted. Importing will also cause results to be deleted. Cost Object Costs are only cleared if the Model is BOM. When you change a Profitability option, Cost Object Costs are retained. However, when you Validate/Calculate with a Profitability option set, then Cost Object Costs will be deleted; this is because any option causes automatically generated Revenue records to be created during Calculation, and these are then deleted during a validation. (Revenue records affect Cost Object Costs.) BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 189 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Data Spreading 8.5 Data Spreading Descriptions of the significant features of calculation are provided by: • Data Spreading Overview • Data Spreading Periods • Defining Profiles • Profile Defaults • Profile Entry • Running Data Spreading 8.5.1 Data Spreading Overview The Data Spreading facility allows you to enter data into a ‘Data Spreading Source’ Period, and to allocate this data over other Periods, according to pre-defined Profiles. This can be useful in Activity based budgeting, for, example, where you can build a single-Period model containing totals for the whole year, and automatically spread it over monthly Periods. A Profile consists of a set of values, one for each Period, and a type. This information determines how the data values from the (Data Spreading) Source Period are spread across the other Periods. There are two types of Profile: Enter Total - Period Value = Profile Value * Source Period Data Value Source Period Profile Value This is used to populate the Periods with a ratio of the Source Period Value. Calculate Total - Period Value = Profile Value * Source Period Data Value Total of Period Profile Values This is used to distribute the Source Period Data Value among the other Periods. The table below shows how these two types of Profile can be used to spread data: Profiles Period Data Values Calculate Total Enter Total Seasonal Sales Growth Cost Driver Volume (Seasonal) Product Volume (Sales Growth) 100 250 7.00 Budget Year First Qtr 1.4 100 70 7.00 Second Qtr 1.6 110 80 7.7 Third Qtr 1.1 120 55 8.4 Fourth Qtr .9 150 45 10.5 Where: * Budget Year is the Data Spreading Source Period * Values in Bold are entered; values not in Bold are calculated. You can define as many Profiles as required, but note that you must define valid values for every Profile before spreading the data. You can assign a default Profile to each set of data (in Profile Defaults window), and you can also define a different Profile for subsets of the data, as shown in the table below: 190 Data Profile for each: Defined in: Department Account Costs Account Accounts BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Data Spreading Method Values Method Methods Value Allocation Overrides Account Accounts Capacity Activity Activities Product Volumes Product Products Cost Driver Volumes Cost Driver Cost Drivers Cost Driver Weightings Cost Driver Cost Drivers Revenue - - External Costs - - To define a Profile for a subset of data, use the appropriate base category window. For example, to define a Cost Driver Volumes Profile for a particular Cost Driver, open the Cost Drivers window and edit the Volume Profile field for the required Cost Driver. If no profile is entered for a data set, then the default for that table will be used. You can also spread data for Value Allocations, and Processes; this data is not spread according to Profiles, but is copied exactly. 8.5.2 Data Spreading Periods You define which Periods you want involved in the Data Spreading using the Periods window. See 8.2.1. First, decide which Period you want to use as the Data Spreading Source Period, e.g. Budget Year. Next, for each Period to which you want to spread data, e.g. First Qtr, Second Qtr, Third Qtr, and Fourth Qtr, edit the Source field and select Budget Year. 8.5.3 Defining Profiles To access the Profiles window, double-click the Define Profiles icon in the AutoHide Area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 191 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Data Spreading Example Double-click on Type field, and enter E, Return, to change the Type to Enter Total. Profiles are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained as described in 3.2. The information associated with a Profile is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Profiles window or using the Profiles Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Profile Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Profile. Description A free text description of the Profile. Memo A free text memo field. Type A drop-down list box {Calculate Total, Enter Total} indicating the type of spreading. It is only applicable to non-groups. The default is Calculate Total. Calculate Total - the value is apportioned according to the Profile Value and Total over all Profile Values. Enter Total - the value is apportioned according to the Profile Values and the Profile Value for the Data Spreading Source Period. If you are using the Profiles Properties dialog box and have selected more than one Profile, then only the Description, Memo and Type fields can be modified. 8.5.4 Profile Defaults The Profile Defaults facility allows you a quick means to set up the Profiles for all subsets of data for a particular table. To display the Profile Defaults window, double-click the Enter Profile Defaults icon in the AutoHide Area. 192 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Data Spreading Example You must define a Default for every Table that you want to spread. Hierarchy Description Periods Only those Periods (and their parents) that are Data Spreading Source Periods are shown. You can select only one non-group Period. The detail area is fixed format, containing a line for each type data (table) for which you can define a Profile. Field Content Table The type of data for which a Profile can be defined. This cannot be modified. Profile A drop-down list box of non-group Profiles. If the Profile field in the corresponding base category window is blank, then this Profile will be used. Notes: a) You must set up a Default Profile for each table that you want to spread, even if you have set up the Profiles directly in the appropriate base category window. b) The Report option lists all records regardless of how many have been selected. 8.5.5 Profile Entry To display the Profile Entry window, double-click the Enter Profile Entry icon in the AutoHide Area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 193 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Data Spreading Example Select Base, and the 4 Periods for which Base is the source. Select Seasonal, and Insert records. You can now enter the Profile Values. Note that Seasonal is type Calculate Total, so you any Value you enter for it in the Source Period will be ignored. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods (including Data Spreading Source Periods), apart from BackCalculation Periods, are shown. You can select one or more Periods. Profiles All Profiles are shown. You can select one or more Profiles. The detail area contains a list of all inserted combinations for the selected non-group hierarchy items, showing the value assigned to each. The information associated with a Profile is given in the following table. Only the Value can be modified, either directly in the Profile Entry window or using the Profile Entry Properties dialog box. Field Content Period A non-group Period. This cannot be modified. Profile A non-group Profile. This cannot be modified. Value The value for the Period/Profile combination. If the Period is a Data Spreading Source Period of Type ‘Enter Total’, then the Value is used as the Entered Total. Otherwise, the Value is used to apportion data values from the Data Spreading Source Period. It defaults to 0. Record Color Negative - The Value is negative. Normal - The Value is positive. Note: All Profiles defined must have valid entry Values, even if they are not used. I.e. if a Profile is of type Calculate Total, then the sum of the Values of the dependent Periods must not be zero. If a Profile is of type Enter Total, then the Value of the Source Period must not be zero. 194 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Data Spreading 8.5.6 Running Data Spreading Once you have; • Defined Profiles, • Set up the Periods which are involved in the Data Spreading, • Set up which Profiles to use for which sets of data, you can then spread the data from the Data Spreading Source Period across the other involved Periods in your model. Select Data Spreading from the Model menu to display the Data Spreading dialog box. Select the Data Spreading Source Period from the drop-down list box. Select the tables that are to be spread, and press the Spread button. Note that you do not have to spread all tables at once; however, you must have defined a Profile (in Profile Defaults or the corresponding base category window) for those tables that you select; otherwise an error message will be displayed, and data spreading for that table will not be performed. Note: If the value which is calculated for a Cost Driver Weighting is negative, the positive value will be entered, since negative Cost Driver Weightings are not valid. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 195 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Results Example: Spread the Tables Cost Driver Volumes, Product Volumes and Value Allocations (which does not need a Profile). In the Cost Driver Volumes window, you can see the result. 8.6 Results Once the Activity Costs have been calculated, the following results are available, in addition to those described in other sections: • Cyclic Errors • Reallocation Trace • Reallocation Movement • Traceback • Expanded Traceback The windows are accessed via the Advanced folder in the AutoHide Area. 8.6.1 Cyclic Errors An Activity Cost from a Department can be reallocated to other Departments, which in turn reallocate their Activity Costs to other Departments. If the original Department receives some of the cost back, then it can reallocate it back out (iteratively) until the amount becomes less than the Reallocation Precision. A Cyclic Reallocation occurs when the amount being reallocated in this way never reduces; if this was not detected, then the calculation would never end. However, Metify ABM can detect Cyclic Reallocations, and displays the Activities involved in the Cyclic Errors window. The level of detail in the Cyclic Errors window depends on the Reallocation Mode option; if the Mode selected is higher than Activity Mode, then the Source Department is given in the details. To access the Cyclic Errors window, double-click on the View Cyclic Errors icon. 196 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Results Example: Reallocation Mode is set to Department/Activity Mode. If the model is calculated in Activity Mode, the three records would result in a single record, and the Source Department fields would be blank. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. If the Reallocation Mode is Activity Mode, then you must select the top level to display records. Activities All Activities are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a list of all combinations for the selected non-group hierarchy items, where a cyclic reallocation has been defined. Field Content Period A non-group Period. Source Department A non-group Department that is where the reallocation path originates. This field will only be displayed if the Reallocation Mode is Department/Activity Mode or higher. Source Activity A non-group Activity that has been reallocated. Errored Department A non-group Destination Department. Errored Activity A non-group Activity that has been reallocated from the Errored Department. 8.6.2 Reallocation Trace When a Calculation is performed, a record of all the Activity costs being reallocated from a Department is maintained, and this is available using the Reallocation Trace window. To access the Reallocation Trace window, double-click on the View Reallocation Trace icon. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 197 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Results Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Activities All Currencies are shown. You can select one or more Currencies. The detail area contains a list of all combinations for the selected non-group hierarchy items, where a reallocation has occurred. Field Content Period A non-group Period. Source Department A non-group Department that is where the reallocation path originates. This field is only displayed if Reallocation Mode is Department/Activity or higher. Source Activity A non-group Activity that has a reallocated cost. A Reallocated Activity will only appear here if the cost is less than the Reallocation Precision. Source Account A non-group Account. This field is only displayed if Reallocation Mode is Department/Activity/Account Mode. Cost The cost involved in the reallocation. The total is given in the Totals Area; if all Departments / Accounts are selected, then this represents the total Reallocated cost. 8.6.3 Reallocation Movement Details of all the Account and Activity reallocations performed can be viewed in the Reallocation Movement window. Note that the information in this window is only generated if the Reallocation Mode option is set to Traceback Mode. To access the Reallocation Movement window, double-click on the View Reallocation Movement icon. 198 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Results Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods. Original Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Original Activities All Activities are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a list of all combinations for the selected non-group hierarchy items, where a cost has been reallocated. Field Content Period A non-group Period. Source Department A non-group Department that is where the reallocation path originates. Source Activity A non-group Activity that has been reallocated. Final Department A non-group Destination Department. Final Activity A non-group Destination Activity. Level This indicates how often this cost has been reallocated. Level 1 is the originating movement, i.e. the movement into the Reallocated Activity itself. Level 2 is the reallocated movement from the original Activity/Department to the destinations. Etc. Value The cost involved in this reallocation movement. The total is given in the Totals Area, but remember that these values are double-counted. If the record is for Level 1, then the source fields will be blank. Note that the Level 1 records correspond to the records in the Reallocated Activity Costs window. If a cost is allocated from A to C at Level 3, A to B at Level 3, and B to C at Level 4, then a single record is shown, A to C at Level 3, giving the total cost. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 199 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Results Normal - The Cost is positive. 8.6.4 Traceback The results in Cost Object information give the cost for each Cost Object and Account/Activity combination after reallocation. You can also view the breakdown of each cost, showing the originating Departments/Accounts before reallocation, using the Traceback window. Note that the information in this window is only generated if the Reallocation Mode option is set to Department/Activity Mode or higher. To access the Traceback window, double-click on the View Traceback icon. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Accounts All Accounts are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. Activities All Activities are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Cost Drivers All Cost Drivers are shown. You can select one or more Cost Drivers. The detail area contains a list of all combinations for the selected hierarchy items, where a reallocation has been defined. 200 Field Content Period A non-group Period. Product A Product. Customer A Customer. Channel A Channel. Source Department A non-group Department where the reallocated cost originated. Source Account A non-group Account where the reallocated cost originated. Activity A non-group Activity. Type The Activity Type {Cost Object, Reallocate, Business, Spare, BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Miscellaneous Facilities Results Unallocated}. Variable This is the amount of Cost that is variable, and is derived from the % Variable field in the Department Account Cost of the Source Department and Source Account. The total is given in the Totals Area. Variable Cost = Cost * % Variable / 100 Fixed This is the amount of Cost that is fixed. The total is given in the Totals Area. Fixed Cost = Cost * (100 - % Variable) / 100 Cost The reallocated Cost. The total is given in the Totals Area; note that this total may be greater than that given in Cost Object Costs, since it also includes Unallocated Costs, Business Costs, and Spare Resource costs; it is the same as the Department Account Costs. Cost Driver The primary Cost Driver used. If the Source Department is also the Destination Department, then this will be the Cost Driver defined in the Activity Assignment, taking into account Cost Driver Overrides and Cost Driver Order. Unit Rate The unit rate for the Cost Object using the Cost Driver. This is based on the actual CostDriver Volume and ignores any Weighting. Cost Driver and Unit Rate will only be displayed if Cost Object Costs are calculated, and if the Activity has Cost Object Costs. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. 8.6.5 Expanded Traceback This window gives the same costs as in the Traceback window but broken down by Destination Department. Note that the information in this window is only generated if the Reallocation Mode option is set to Department/Activity Mode or higher. To access the Expanded Traceback window, double-click on the View Expanded Traceback icon. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 201 |8 8| Miscellaneous Facilities Results Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. You can select one or more Periods. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Accounts All Accounts are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. Activities All Activities are shown. You can select one or more Activities. Cost Drivers All Cost Drivers are shown. You can select one or more Cost Drivers. The detail area contains a list of all combinations for the selected hierarchy items, where a reallocation has been defined. Field Content Period A non-group Period. Product A Product. Customer A Customer. Channel A Channel. Destination Department A non-group Department where the reallocated cost ended up. Source Department A non-group Department where the reallocated cost originated. Source Account A non-group Account where the reallocated cost originated. Activity A non-group Activity. Type The Activity Type {Cost Object, Reallocate, Business, Spare, Unallocated}. Variable This is the amount of Cost that is variable, and is derived from the % Variable field in the Department Account Cost of the Source Department and Source Account. The total is given in the Totals Area. Variable Cost = Cost * % Variable / 100 Fixed This is the amount of Cost that is fixed. The total is given in the Totals Area. Fixed Cost = Cost * (100 - % Variable) / 100 Cost The reallocated Cost. The total is given in the Totals Area; note that this total may be greater than that given in Cost Object Costs, since it also includes Unallocated Costs, Business Costs, and Spare Resource costs; it is the same as the Department Account Costs. Cost Driver The primary Cost Driver used. This will be the Cost Driver defined in the Activity Assignment, taking into account Cost Driver Overrides for the Destination Department and Cost Driver Order. Unit Rate The unit rate for the Cost Object using the Cost Driver. Cost Driver and Unit Rate will only be displayed if Cost Object Costs are calculated, and if the Activity has Cost Object Costs. Record Color 202 Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Back-Calculation (Optional Component) 9| Back-Calculation (Optional Component) What is Back-Calculation? 9.1 What is Back-Calculation? Metify ABM can be supplied with a Back-Calculation module which allows you to amend Product Volumes or Cost Driver Volumes, or both; then, according to the extent to which Account costs are variable, you can see the impact on the Department Account Costs. This section describes the Metify ABM Back-Calculation option. It describes: • Preparing for Back-Calculation • Running Back-Calculation • Back-Calculation Algorithms What-If windows are available to view the results of the Back-Calculation, and you can also view cost results using the standard results windows. For more information about the What-If windows, see 9.4. 9.2 Preparing for Back-Calculation The following procedure takes you through the steps necessary to prepare your model for Back-Calculation; the order of most of these steps is not important. 1. Build a Metify ABM model, or load an existing model This model must contain data upto and including Cost Object level. 2. Determine which Period you will nominate as the Source Period The Back-Calculation starts with copying data from an existing Period - the Back-Calculation Source Period. Decide which Period you want to use as the Source. 3. Create a Back-Calculation Period In the Periods window, insert a new Period. The Create new period from… dialog box will be displayed. Click on the Back-Calc Period option, and use the list box that appears to select a Source Period. The list box contains all non-group periods that are not Back-Calculation Periods. Then click on the OK button. The data from your selected Source Period will be copied into the Back-Calculation Period. Note that a Back-Calculation Period cannot be a group Period. Note: You can have more than one Back-Calculation Period, and each can use either the same Source Period or a different one. 4. Set the Reallocation Mode The What-If Department Activity Reallocation report is specifically for Back-Calculation results. However, it will only contain results if the Source Period has been calculated (at least through to Cost Object Costs) with the Reallocation Mode option set to Department/Account/Activity Mode. To set this mode, select the Reallocation page from Options on the Model menu, before Back-Calculating. If your model contains no reallocations, or if you are not interested in the What-If Department Activity Reallocation results, then you do not need to change the Reallocation Mode. 5. Set the Capacity Option 204 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Preparing for Back-Calculation The concept of ‘Capacity’, particularly in relation to Activity Based Budgeting and BackCalculation, can have several interpretations. The latest version of the software incorporates several enhancements to accommodate alternative approaches to capacity and to maximize user choice. There are 4 options representing 2 different concepts each with 2 different treatments to costs. To access the Capacity options, select the Capacity page from Options on the Model Menu. The first 2 options treat Capacity as a limit where the Cost Drivers (perhaps for operational reasons) cannot be increased. The second 2 options take account of existing Capacity when the Back-Calculation increase is factored through. The options are: Capacity Limit – uplift costs The Capacity is a ceiling; the costs are uplifted, but only to the Capacity. Capacity Limit – fix costs The Capacity is a ceiling and the costs are fixed. On this basis, current resources and costs are sufficient to cater for the increase, which is restricted to the Capacity. Therefore, there is no change in Back-Calculation. Extend Capacity – factor at current rate This is the default. Capacity does not act as a limit to the increase, but is used to calculate the Factor, which is based on the increase over Capacity, divided by the current value. Extend Capacity – factor at capacity rate Capacity does not act as a limit to the increase, but is used to calculate the Factor, which is based on the increase over Capacity, divided by the Capacity. Caution: Changing the Capacity option will delete the data in the What-If results. 6. Review Account Variability You are allowed to specify an Account as anywhere between 0% and 100% variable (where 0% variable implies that the Account is fixed). You do this in the Accounts window. See 4.2.4. In addition, you can override the percentage variability for specific Department Account Costs for the Source Period in the Department Account Costs window. See 4.3 for more details. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 205 |9 9| Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Preparing for Back-Calculation This window contains the following fields: Input % Variability This is the % Variability, which you can update. It defaults to the % Variability of the corresponding Account. Fixed Costs This is the portion of the Department Account Cost which you do not want to vary, and so will be excluded from the Back-Calculation algorithm. % Variability This is the percentage of the Department Account Cost which is allowed to vary, and is used by the Back-Calculation algorithm. It is automatically updated whenever either of the above fields is changed, and is calculated as: (Department Account Cost - Fixed Cost ) * Input % Variability Edit the Input ‘% Variable field and/or the Fixed Cost; remember to do this in the Source Period, not in the back-Calculation Period, because the data from this table is copied into the Back-Calculation Period at the start of the Back-Calculation process. Any Department Account Costs records that are overridden in this way are shown in override color. You can also change the override for one or more records (to the same value) using the Department Account Costs Properties dialog box. 206 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Preparing for Back-Calculation This dialog box contains a ‘Use Account Variability’ checkbox which, if checked, will set the Input % Variability of the selected record or records to use the Account’s percentage variability; the Input % Variability will be automatically updated whenever the Account’s variability is updated. The more variable a Department Account Cost is, the more it will be affected by changes to Product Volumes and/or Cost Driver Volumes during Back-Calculation. 0% means the Department Account Cost is fixed throughout. Review Spare Resource Type You can alter how Spare Resources impact the calculation of Value Allocations by setting the Spare Resource Type field in the Methods window. See 9.4.6 for more detail on the actual calculation. Check that you have selected the required option for each Method. Change Product Volumes and/or Cost Driver Volumes Back-Calculation works by comparing the Cost Driver Volumes, from the Source and BackCalculation Periods, and calculating the Department Accounts Costs required to achieve the Cost Driver Volumes in the Back-Calculation Period. You can effect Cost Driver Volume changes in either of the following ways: • Change Cost Driver Volumes. See 6.3 for more details. • Change Product Volumes. See 6.2.2. • Select the Product Volumes - Update Cost Drivers option in the Back-Calculate dialog box. See 9.4. Remember to make these changes in the Back-Calculation Period Calculate Source Period You must calculate the Source Period to at least Cost Object Costs. The Back-Calculation algorithm compares the Cost Object Costs of the Source and Back-Calculation Periods to calculate factors that are used in subsequent calculations. You can either do the calculation explicitly, or it will be calculated automatically when you start a Back-Calculation. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 207 |9 9| Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Running Back-Calculation You are now ready to start using Back-Calculation. 9.3 Running Back-Calculation The following procedure takes you through the steps involved in using Metify ABM Back- Calculation. Display the Back-Calculation Dialog Box You can display the Back-Calculate dialog box, as shown below in one of three ways: • Click on the Back-Calculation button on the ToolBar: • Press F7 • Select Back-Calculate on the Model Menu. Select the Back-Calculation Options Select the options that you want to apply to the Back-Calculation. The options are as follows: Select Information to Calculate: • Product Volumes -Update Cost Driver Volumes If this option is selected, Metify ABM copies the Cost Driver Volumes from the associated Source Period(s) into the Cost Driver Volumes table for each of the selected Back-Calculation Periods. These copied Cost Driver Volumes are then adjusted for any Product Volume changes made (in the Back-Calculation Period). I.e. each Cost Driver Volumes record which is a Product <All><All> combination, the Volume is increased in the same proportion as the Product Volume. Any changes to Cost Driver Volumes that you have previously made in the selected Back-Calculation Period will be lost, so there would be no point in choosing this option and amending the Cost Driver Volumes. Therefore, you should take care using this option. If option is not selected, Metify ABM will use the Cost Driver Volumes in the BackCalculation Period (which you may have updated). Note: If you only amend Product Volumes, and do not select the option to adjust Cost Driver Volumes (i.e. Cost Driver Volumes are the same in the Source and Back-Calculation Periods), then Back-Calculation is not impacted - the only change will be to unit costs. However, note that if you have Cost Driver Volumes of type ‘Unit’, then they will be updated when Product Volumes change. 208 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms • Back-Calculate from Cost Objects If this box is checked, Metify ABM will perform Back-Calculation when the Start button is pressed. If the box is not checked, Metify ABM will only perform validation. Select Periods To Calculate: This box contains a list of all the Back-Calculation Periods in the current model. Select the Period or Periods that you want to Back-Calculate. (If there is only one Back-Calculation Period in your model, it will be pre-selected.) Note: When a Back-Calculation Period is created, the Currency Scale factors from the Source Period are copied to the Back-Calculation Period. If you want the Back-Calculation results to be in a different Scale to the Source Period, then you must change the Scale in the Currency Rates window, either before or after the Back-Calculation has been performed. Initiate the Back-Calculation Press the Start button to begin calculating. If the Source Period is not already calculated to Cost Object Costs, then this calculation will be performed first. Back-Calculation itself will not detect any errors; if errors are detected during the calculation of the Source Period, then a message will be displayed, and the Back-Calculation will not take place. When the calculation has finished, press the Close button to exit from the dialog box. Forward Calculate The Back-Calculation will have calculated Department Account in the Back-Calculation Period. If you require any other results then you must do a forward Calculation for the Back-Calculation Period. (Note that there are values in (Summarized) Cost Object Costs, but these were created for use by Back-Calculation, and you should forward calculate if you require Cost Object Costs.) See 9.4. View Results In addition to the standard windows, three windows and a report are available to review and analyze the results of the Back-Calculation. The windows are accessed via the What-If Analysis folder in the AutoHide Area, and the What-If Department Activity Reallocation report is accessed from Reports on the Model Menu; they are described in more detail in 9.4. 9.4 Back-Calculation Algorithms The following description specifies the algorithms behind Metify ABM Back-Calculation. It is assumed for the sake of clarity that only one Period is to be Back-Calculated, but the same principles apply however many Back-Calculation Periods are selected. Note that, before a Back-Calculation can be run, the corresponding Source Period must be calculated at least to Cost Object Costs, using the Department/Account/Activity Mode Reallocation option; see for more details. The Back-Calculation algorithm calculates what the Department Account Costs would be using the differences in the Cost Driver Volumes in the Source and Back-Calculation Periods. The various features of the algorithms are described in: • Changing the Cost Driver Volumes • What-If Department Activity Costs • What-If Department Activity Account Costs • Applying Recalculated Method Values • Value Allocations • Back-Calculation and Spare Resources • Forward Calculation BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 209 |9 9| Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms • Reallocations 9.4.1 Changing the Cost Driver Volumes You can amend either Product Volumes (via the Product Volumes window), or Cost Driver Volumes (via the Cost Driver Volumes window), or both. When you run the Back-Calculation, Metify ABM will copy all the other relevant data from the Source Period into the BackCalculation Period. Changing Product Volumes The effect of changing the Product Volumes varies according to the options you select at the start of Back-Calculation. For an explanation of these options see 9.4. Production Volume changes can only affect Cost Driver Volumes at the Product <All> <All> level, and are strictly proportional, so that, for example, an increase of 50% in a Product Volume would cause a corresponding 50% increase over the Source Period’s Cost Driver Volumes (at Product <All> <All> level). The Product Volumes for Product Racing18Mens are increased by 50% in the BackCalculation Period. This updates the values in the Cost Driver Volumes window in the Back-Calculation Period, as long as the option Product Volumes - Update Cost Driver Volumes is selected in the BackCalculation options. 210 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms The Cost Driver Volumes for Racing18Mens have increased by 50%. Changing Cost Driver Volumes Change values in the Cost Driver Volumes window in the Back-Calculation Period. The Cost Driver Volumes have been increased by 110, over a total for #Campaigns. In this case, do not use the option Product Volumes - Update Cost Driver Volumes, since this will overwrite the Cost Driver Volumes which you have just changed Changing Product Volumes and Cost Driver Volumes Change Cost Driver Volumes in the Back-Calculation Period, as above. Change Product Volumes in the Back Calculation Period; this will cause Cost Driver Volumes of type Unit (in the Back-Calculation Period) to be updated. Back-Calculate without the option Product Volumes - Update Cost Driver Volumes. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 211 |9 9| Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms 9.4.2 What-If Department Activity Costs The effect of the Back-Calculation (without the option Product Volumes - Update Cost Driver Volumes), can be seen on the What-If Department Activity window, which shows that each Department/Activity combination that uses Trade Fairs as a Cost Driver has to increase by 05% to satisfy the increased Product Volume. Example: This has been calculated with Capacity option Extend Capacity - factor at current rate. Note that when you change a Cost Driver Volume, only those Activities that use the Cost Driver as a primary Cost Driver will be affected. The fields in the detail area are: Field Content Period } Department } As selected in the Hierarchy area. Activity } Cost Driver This is a Cost Driver, whose Volumes are different in the Source and Back-Calculation Period. It will be used in an Activity Assignment for a Product <All><All>, for the Product dimension. Original Volume } The Volumes in the Source and Back-Calculation Periods. New Volume } This is the same as in the Activity Unit Rate window. Capacity Volume The Capacity, as entered in the Capacity window for the Source Period. See below. Factor The Factor that is applied to the Source Period costs to calculate the Back-Calculation Period costs. It is different for each Cost Driver because the values for each Cost Driver are split across the Products in different proportions. The Factor is calculated - see below. Maximum Variability This is the maximum %Variable for non-zero Department Account Costs. Capacity 212 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms If the Capacity feature is used, any capacity will be shown on this report, and included in the Back-Calculation such that only increases over the stated capacity will be applied. If there are no capacity figures for a particular record, Metify ABM will not take Capacity into account, but if there is spare Capacity for a Cost Driver in any Department/Activity, then this will have an effect. In the above example the original Cost Driver Volume NEW RECRUITS associated with the RECRUIT activity in PERSONNEL was 10, but there was a capacity of 11; Metify ABM recognizes this, and in order to satisfy the requirement for a new volume of 11.5, calculates that an increase of only 5% is required. Factor This is calculated during Back-Calculation, and depends on the Capacity option selected, and the Cost Driver Volumes for the Source and Back-Calculation Periods, as follows: a) If Capacity >= Cost Driver Volume for Source Period, then: For Capacity Limit - uplift costs option, the cost can only be uplifted to the Capacity, and not the full amount, therefore: Factor = 1 + Capacity - Cost Driver Volume for Source Cost Driver Volume for Source For Capacity Limit - fix costs option, the cost is fixed, therefore: Factor = 1, and the Cost Driver Volume for the Back-Calculation Period is set to that of the Source Period. For Extend Capacity - factor at current rate, Factor = 1 + Cost Driver Volume for Back-Calculation - Capacity Cost Driver Volume for Source For Extend Capacity - factor at capacity rate, Factor = 1 + Cost Driver Volume for Back-Calculation - Capacity Capacity b) If Capacity < Cost Driver Volume for Source Period, then: For Capacity Limit options, there can be no increase, (since Capacity acts as a ceiling); therefore: Factor = 1. For Extend Capacity - factor at current rate, Factor = 1 + Cost Driver Volume for Back-Calculation - Cost Driver Volume for Source Cost Driver Volume for Source For Extend Capacity - factor at capacity rate Factor = 1 + Cost Driver Volume for Back-Calculation - Cost Driver Volume for Source Capacity Taking the example of a Capacity of say 20,000 orders, a Source Period Volume of 15,000 and a Back-Calculation uplift to 22,000: Capacity limit – uplift costs the factor is 1 + (20,000-15,000)/15,000 = 1.33, which is applied to current cost levels. Capacity limit – fix costs the factor is 1. Extend capacity – factor at current rate the factor is 1 + (22,000-20,000)/15,000 = 1.13, which is applied to current cost levels. Extend capacity – factor at capacity rate the factor is 1 + (22,000-20,000)/20,000 = 1.1, which is applied to current cost levels. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 213 |9 9| Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms Notes: a) If you have not entered a Capacity, then the Factor is always [1 + (Cost Driver Volume for Back-Calculation - Cost Driver Volume for Source) / Cost Driver Volume for Source]. b) If you have entered a zero Capacity, then the Factor will be set to 1. c) If Capacity is greater than Cost Driver Volume for Back-Calculation, then the Factor will be set to 1. 9.4.3 What-If Department Activity Account Costs When these factors have been calculated, they are applied to the Department Activity Account Costs, according to the percentage Variability of each Department/Account record. The effect of these changes can be seen in the What-If Department Activity Account window. Example: Note how the % Variable (from Department Account Costs) affects the calculation of the New Value. The fields in the detail area are: 214 Field Content Period } Department } As selected in the Hierarchy area. Activity } BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms Account } Method Method used. Original Value The Department Account Cost for the Source Period. New Value The Department Account Cost for the Back-Calculation Period. A record will only be displayed if this value is different from the Original Value. It is calculated as: (Original Value * (% Variable)/100 * Factor ) + ( Original Value * (100 -% Variable)/100 ) Factor The Factor that is applied to the Source Period costs to calculate the Back-Calculation Period costs. This is the same as in the What-If Department (Account) Activity windows. % Variable This is the %Variable from the Department Account Costs window. Values for Accounts that are 0% variable (i.e. Accounts that are completely fixed) cannot be adjusted; they will not appear here. Values for Accounts that are 100% variable can have the full Factor applied to them. 9.4.4 Applying Recalculated Method Values Once the Factors have been applied, revised Department/Activity Method Values can be calculated, and these are shown on the What-If Value Allocations window. However, this is complicated by the fact that several Activities can relate to Accounts that use the same Method. If the Activities are derived from Accounts with the same % Variability, this is simple to resolve. If, for a Department, each Account that depends on a particular Method is 50% variable, then the Activity Method Values (Value Allocations) for that Department need to be increased by 50% of the calculated Factor from the What-If Department Activity Account window. On the other hand, if all the Accounts using the same Method do not have the same percentage Variability, for example those affecting Sq Feet in the Department Leeds, then the maximum factor must be applied to the Method Value. In Leeds, the square footage allocated to Restocking has to be increased by 10%, because although the Training Account is only 32.73% variable, the Expenses Account is 100% variable and the Department’s square footage would have to be increased to a point that would satisfy the demands on the Account that increases the most. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 215 |9 9| Back-Calculation (Optional Component) Back-Calculation Algorithms 9.4.5 Value Allocations The revised Method Values then have an effect on the percentage splits in the Value Allocations. The underlying assumption is that the amended Method Values will result in different proportions and therefore the % allocations will change (note that if you have actually derived specific Method Values by way of using a percentage from a Method Value total, you will need to re-visit the percentage allocations). Even unaffected Activities will have their percentage Method Values adjusted, because the affected Activities will have a knock-on effect on the Department Method Values, and so the percentage splits will be affected accordingly. This is illustrated in the above window. 9.4.6 Back-Calculation and Spare Resources If the Department Method Value is fully allocated across the Activities, then the percentage splits are recalculated from the new Value Allocations. However, if the Method Value is not fully allocated, i.e. there is Spare Resource, you may decide that the Spare Resource should not be adjusted in a similar manner to the other Activities, but should be handled differently. You can choose how the Spare Resource should impact the calculation, on a Method basis, by selecting one of the following values in the Spare Resource Type field in the Methods window: Default This is the default setting; the Spare Resource is treated as any other Activity. The Value Allocation amount for the Spare Resource will stay the same, and the percentage will be adjusted accordingly. Spare Only The total amount available in the Back-Calculation Period is set to the total amount available in the Source Period. The Spare Resource amount is then set to the difference between the total amount available in the Back-Calculation Period and the total amount used in the Back-Calculation Period. Spread The Spare Resource is decreased by the increase in the total amount used, until the Spare Resource is zero. If the Spare Resource reaches zero, then the total amount available is set to the total amount used. If the Spare Resource does not reach zero, (i.e. the original Spare Resource is greater that the increase in amount used), then the total amount available is set to the total amount used plus the updated Spare Resource. 9.4.7 Forward Calculation A forward-calculation of the Back-Calculation period is now necessary to complete the Activity Cost, Cost Object Cost and Profitability results. Display the standard Metify ABM Calculate dialog box, and select the required BackCalculation Period, together with the required level of calculation, and press the Start button. 9.4.8 Reallocations Reallocated Activities are not affected by Back-Calculation, the assumption being that by the time the Cost Driver Volumes are applied, no costs are associated with the reallocated Activities, all such costs having been reallocated to other Activities. Activities of type ‘Business’ will be impacted as a result of Back-Calculation. The What-If Department Activity Reallocation report (selected from the Reports option on the Model menu) allows you to examine what effect the calculated Factors might have on the reallocations. However, these adjustments are not currently written back to the data. In order to have data in this report, the Reallocation Mode (on Options from the Model Menu) must be set to Department/Activity/Account Mode or higher. 216 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Bill Of Materials 10| Bill Of Materials Features 10.1 Features The various features of the Bill of Materials facility in Metify ABM are described in: • Bill of Materials Overview • Defining the Bill of Materials - Structure • Modifying the Bill of Materials – Makeup • Viewing the Bill of Materials Results 10.2 Bill of Materials Overview Metify ABM contains a Bill Of Materials facility which allows you to build up a parts list for Products. You can use this facility to construct a tree for each Product, with quantity relationships, allowing more rapid response to changes in Product components and construction. Once a model is opened in Metify ABM, then you can select whether the model should be Bill of Materials or not, using the Model Type page on Model options. You can change the Model Type at any time, but note that this will cause BOM results and Profitability results to be deleted. Unlike other Metify ABM hierarchies, double counting is allowed within the BOM hierarchy. For example, a bolt could occur in a number of components, each of which appears as a component of an overall Product such as a bike. Also, there may be a different number of bolts in a component in different time Periods. Activity assignment is performed on the original Product hierarchy in the normal way. When a unit cost has been calculated, the Bill Of Materials module picks up the cost and ‘rolls it up’ the Bill Of Materials hierarchy according to the number of child items in each parent. The Bill Of Materials costs (including external costs) are then used in profitability calculations. Note that the Profitability Results will be different if you calculate with the Bill of Materials option selected. Costs The following costs, for a Product that is part of the BOM hierarchy, are passed to Bill Of Materials: • Costs for Activities which are assigned to <Product> <All><All>, i.e. an Activity assigned to the Product and not assigned to any Customers or Channels, or an Activity assigned to the Product and assigned to Customer <All> and Channel <All>. See 6.3.2 for more details. • External costs for <Product> <All><All>, i.e. external costs assigned to the Product and Customer <All> and Channel <All>. See 7.4 for more details. The Bill of Materials windows are accessed via the Bill of Materials folder in the AutoHide Area. 10.3 Defining the Bill of Materials - Structure The Bill of Materials hierarchy specifies how your Products are built up from their component parts, and is built up using the Bill of Materials - Structure window. To understand how to introduce products into BOM see • To Introduce Products into the BOM Hierarchy Double-click on Define Bill of Materials - Structure icon in the AutoHide Area to display the Bill of Materials - Structure window, containing only a hierarchy area: 218 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Bill Of Materials Defining the Bill of Materials - Structure Hierarchy BOM Structure 10.3.1 Description This is the current BOM hierarchy. It is initially empty apart from the top level BOM item. You can select one or more BOM items. See 10.3.1 for how this hierarchy is built. To Introduce Products into the BOM Hierarchy Any Product that you wish to include in the Bill of Materials hierarchy, whether it is as a BOM child or as a BOM parent, must already exist as a Product within the Products window. Once the Product is defined, you can incorporate it into the BOM hierarchy in the following way: • Select the top-level item BOM in the BOM hierarchy. • From the right-hand mouse menu, select the ‘Add Products to BOM’ option. This will display a dialog box containing all Products (groups and non-groups) that have been defined. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 219 |10 10| Bill Of Materials Defining the Bill of Materials - Structure • Select one or more Products that you want to incorporate into your Bill of Materials system, and press OK. You need not copy all the required Products at this time - you can copy them at a later time. These items will be incorporated into the BOM hierarchy as direct children of BOM. • You can build up the BOM hierarchy using a combination of two methods: • Use the standard techniques for building a Metify ABM hierarchy; see 3.2 for more details. • Select an item in the BOM hierarchy, Product Name, and select ‘Add Products to Product Name’ from the right-hand mouse menu. In the dialog box, select the required Products and press OK. The selected Products will be copied into the BOM hierarchy as direct children of Product Name. If a Product already exists as a child of Product Name, then it will not be copied again. • Note that if you select more than one item, then the Products will be added to the topmost BOM selected item. Notes: a) The BOM and Product hierarchies are completely distinct, except that they share members. A group Product in the BOM hierarchy need not be a group in the Product hierarchy, and vice versa. b) Whilst hierarchies can be constructed to any depth, circular hierarchies are not permitted; for instance, a parent cannot be a child to one of its own children. If you try to create such a structure, Metify ABM will simply ignore the change. c) An item may occur more than once in a BOM group (but only once as a direct child). Each occurrence of an item in the hierarchy has a makeup quantity. When you move or copy an item, the makeup quantity for the new occurrence of that item will be initialized; see 10.4 for more details. Deleting a BOM item will have the following consequences: 220 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Bill Of Materials Modifying the Bill of Materials – Makeup • The cost associated with that item will be removed from the total cost of all BOM groups to which it belonged. 10.4 Modifying the Bill of Materials – Makeup The Bill of Materials hierarchy specifies how your Products are built up from their component parts; each item in the hierarchy has a makeup quantity for each group to which it belongs; this quantity can be different for each Period. When an item is incorporated into the BOM hierarchy (or moved or copied from another position), then the makeup quantity is initialized to 0; for items which are direct children of BOM, the quantity is initialized to 1 and cannot be modified. To modify the makeup quantities, double-click on the Enter Bill of Materials - Makeup icon in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Bill of Materials - Makeup window Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. A makeup quantity is defined for each non-group Period. Note that you can define different quantities in a Back-Calculation Period to its Source Period. You can select one or more Periods. BOM Structure This is the BOM hierarchy. You can select only a single BOM group. (If you select BOM itself, no records are displayed.). The detail area contains a set of records for the selected BOM group, consisting of a record for each parent/child combination within the selected group. The information associated with a BOM makeup quantity is given in the following table. Only the Quantity can be modified, either directly in the Bill of Materials - Makeup window or using the Bill of Materials - Makeup Properties dialog box. Field Content Period A non-group Period. Although the hierarchy structure itself is not periodized, i.e. the BOM parent/child relationships remain the same across all the periods in your model; the BOM quantities can be varied from one Period to another. This field cannot be modified. Parent The selected BOM group. This cannot be modified. Child A direct child of the Parent. (This does not include any grandchildren etc.) This cannot be modified. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 221 |10 10| Bill Of Materials Viewing the Bill of Materials Results Quantity The makeup quantity for the combination of Period/Parent/Child. You can perform Factoring on this field. It defaults to 0. Record Color Negative - The Quantity is negative. Normal - The Quantity is positive. 10.5 Viewing the Bill of Materials Results You can view the Bill of Materials results for a Cost Object Cost calculation using: o The Bill of Materials - Results window – which gives a record for each parent/child combination, and o 10.5.1 The Bill of Materials – Expanded Results window – which gives a record for every Activity or External Cost for each parent/child combination. Bill of Materials - Results Double-click on the View Bill of Materials - Results icon in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Bill of Materials - Results window: Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. Both costs and makeup quantities can vary by Period. You can select one or more Periods. BOM Structure This is the BOM hierarchy; only a single BOM group or a direct non-group child of BOM can be selected. The detail area contains a set of records for the selected item, consisting of a record for each child (or grandchild etc.) of the selected item, plus a record where both parent and child are the selected item, where there is an activity or external cost and a non zero makeup quantity. This represents all costs for the selected item, including the cost of it. 222 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Bill Of Materials Viewing the Bill of Materials Results Field Content Period A non-group Period. Parent The BOM selected item. Child A Child (or Grandchild etc.) of the Parent; or the Parent itself. Quantity Quantity, which shows the total number of each Child of the Parent item, based on the quantity make-up. If the Parent is the same as the Child, then this field will always be 1. (This field will never be zero, since records with zero Quantity will not be displayed.) Activity Cost The total Activity Cost of the Child, based on the Quantity make-up and the Unit Cost from Cost Object Costs; this field requires that your model be calculated at least to Cost Object Costs. The total is given in the Totals Area. External Cost The total External Cost of the child, based on the Quantity make-up; this field requires that your model be calculated at least to Cost Object Costs. The total is given in the Totals Area. The Activity Cost and the External Cost will not both be zero. Cost The full cost of production, incorporating Activity Cost and External Cost; this field requires that your model be calculated at least to Cost Object Costs. The total is given in the Totals Area. Record Color Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. Note: If you change the BOM Quantity (in Bill of Materials - Makeup), Product Volumes, Activity Costs or External Costs, then you must recalculate your model, to at least Cost Object Costs, so that the Bill of Materials costs can be correctly displayed. 10.5.2 Bill of Materials – Expanded Results Double-click on the View Bill of Materials - Expanded Results icon in the AutoHide Area. This will display the Bill of Materials - Expanded Results window: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 223 |10 10| Bill Of Materials Viewing the Bill of Materials Results Example Select the PRODUCTS Activities and Cost Type to see how the costs are made up. Hierarchy Description Periods All Periods are shown. Results can be displayed for each non-group Period. You can select one or more Periods. BOM Structure This is the BOM hierarchy; only a single BOM group or an immediate non-group child of BOM can be selected. Types This is a combination of the Activity and External Cost Type hierarchies. You can select one or more items in this hierarchy. The detail area contains a set of records for the selected item. The set of records consist of one or more records for each child (or grandchild etc.) of the selected item, plus one or more records where both parent and child are the selected items, where there is an Activity or External Cost and a non zero makeup quantity. Each record gives details of a particular cost type (Activity or External Cost) where there is a cost for the child, and is only displayed if the corresponding Activity or Cost Type is selected in the Type hierarchy. 224 Field Content Period A non-group Period. Parent A BOM group. Child A child (or grandchild etc.) of the Parent; or the Parent itself. Type The Cost Type or Activity, where there is a non-zero cost for the Child. Quantity The Quantity, which shows the total number of the Child in the Parent, and is derived from the quantity make-up of each instance of the Child. If the Parent is the same as the Child, then this field will always be 1. Cost The Activity or External Cost of the Child. This field requires that your model be calculated at least to Cost Object Costs. The total is given in the Totals Area; If all items in the Types hierarchy are selected, then the Total Cost shows the full cost of production including all costs associated with children (i.e. the total of the Activity Costs and External Costs for the Product at Customer<All> and Channel<All> level). BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Bill Of Materials Viewing the Bill of Materials Results Record Color 10.5.3 Negative - The Cost is negative. Normal - The Cost is positive. BOM and the Product Hierarchy Note that the Bill Of Materials structure is created from the product Hierarchy. If you already have a substantial number of products prior to creating BOM structures, you are advised to contact the Helpline to discuss the possible implications. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 225 |10 10| Bill Of Materials Viewing the Bill of Materials Results 226 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Value Management (optional) 11| Value Management (optional) What is Value Management? 11.1 What is Value Management? The Value Management function is an optional feature that is only installed if your Serial Number has the required permissions set. Its features are fully described in: • Value Management Overview • Entering Value Management Line Mappings • Value Management Calculation • Value Management Back-Calculation • Value Management Traceback • Value Management and Currency • Value Management Mapping File 11.2 Value Management Overview The Value Management function provides a measurement that can be used to determine the contribution of products or activities, beyond standard Activity Based Costing/Management. Value Management takes into account the cost of capital in determining shareholder value. To perform Value Management within Metify ABM, you construct 3 sets of data, making extensive use of the Period functionality: Cost Period - This contains the standard Activity based costs, Capital Period - This contains the cost of Capital, Revenue Period - This is the Revenue data, and can either be held in a separate Period, or it can be taken from the data stored in the Cost Period. Generally, you will only define one Value Management Item, but the facility exists for you to define a hierarchy of Value Management Items, if required (see 11.2.1). Since there is a large amount of data associated with each Value Management Item (which you can export to other applications using the Metify Links), you can nominate one of the Value Management Items to be the Current Value Management Item - . Within Metify ABM, the Current Value Management Item has no significance; however, it is used by the Links to restrict the amount of data transferred. When exporting Value Management Traceback, only the data for the Current Value Management Item is exported. All windows relating to Value Management data are accessed via the Value Management folder in the AutoHide Area. Warning: When you perform a Value Management Calculation, data in the Cost and Capital Periods is overwritten. Therefore, you are advised to take a backup of your model first. 11.2.1 Defining Value Management Items To access the Value Management Items hierarchy, double-click the Define Value Management Items icon in the AutoHide Area. 228 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Value Management (optional) Value Management Overview Example: The Current Value Management Item, VM Budget, is in Override color. Value Management Items are a Metify ABM base category, and are created and maintained in a similar way to that described in 3.2. The information associated with a Value Management Item is given in the following table; it can be entered directly in the Value Management Items window or using the Value Management Items Properties dialog box. Field Content Name A unique Value Management Item Name. Code A unique Code that can be used to access the Value Management Item. Description A free text description of the Value Management Item. Memo A free text memo field. Value Management Periods These 3 fields only apply to non-group items. They are drop-down list boxes containing all nongroup Periods. The Cost Period and Capital Period also contain <None>; the Revenue Period also contains <Revenue from Cost Period>. You can set the fields to any of the permitted values, but a Value Management Calculation can only be performed if all three Periods have different values, and neither the Cost Period and Capital Period contains <None>. Cost Period The Value Management Cost Period. The default is <None>. Capital Period The Value Management Capital Period. The default is <None>. Revenue Period The Value Management Revenue Period. The default is <Revenue from Cost Period>. Capital Cost Multiplier This only applies to non-group items, and is used in the calculation of the Value Management Traceback Valuation. The Valuation of each record of the Traceback is calculated as: Revenue - Cost - (Capital * Capital Cost Multiplier) It defaults to 1. The Value Management Periods can only be updated in the detail area, and not in the Properties dialog box. If all three Value Management Periods are Back-Calculation Periods (or <Revenue from Cost Period>) then the Value Management Item is regarded as a ‘Back-Calculation Value Management Item’. See 11.5 for further information. Record Color Override - The Value Management Item is the Current Value Management Item. Normal - Otherwise. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 229 |11 11| Value Management (optional) Entering Value Management Line Mappings Right-Hand Mouse Menu Set as current Value Management Item - This sets the selected Value Management Item to be the Current Value Management Item. This option is only available if one non-group Value Management Item is selected. Deleting/Modifying Deleting a non-group Value Management Item (or changing a non-group Value Management Item to a group) will have the following consequences: • All Value Management Traceback data, for that Value Management Item, will be deleted. • If the Value Management Item is the Current Value Management Item, then the first non-group Value Management Item (if any) will become the new Current Value Management Item. 11.3 Entering Value Management Line Mappings The Value Management Line Mappings facility allows you to assign a Line ID to each Metify ABM Account, including an automatically generated Account, <Revenue>. You can then output a Value Management Line Mappings file, which contains the summarized cost of each Value Management Line ID. You assign the Value Management Line IDs to Accounts using the Value Management Line Mappings window. To access this window, double-click the Enter Value Management Line Mappings icon in the AutoHide Area to display the Value Management Line Mappings window: Hierarchy Description Accounts All Accounts are shown, excluding Reallocated Account and Reallocated Activities, but including the automatically generated Account <Revenue>. You can select one or more Accounts. The information associated with Value Management Line Mappings is given in the following table. 230 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Value Management (optional) Value Management Calculation Field Content Account A non-group Account. This cannot be modified. Mapping This is the ID that you assign to the Account, and will be used when generating the Value Management Line Mapping output file. See 11.8. It is an integer between 0 and 65000. It defaults to zero. Tip: Do not have any records displayed in the Value Management Traceback window whilst you are updating the Value Management Line Mappings. Each update will cause the records in the Value Management Traceback window to be refreshed - which could be time-consuming. Note: When you produce a report, the contents are displayed in the same order that they appear in the detail area. This allows you to, for example, sort Accounts into alphabetical order so that the report contains an alphabetical list of Accounts. 11.4 Value Management Calculation In order for a Value Management Calculation to be performed, the Value Management data must be consistent. When a Value Management Calculation is requested, each Period specified in the Value Management Item is calculated. If any errors are detected in any of the Periods, then the Value Management Calculation will not be completed. Procedural detail for performing a calculation can be found in: • Performing a Value Management Calculation • 11.4.1 Value Management Calculation Details Performing a Value Management Calculation • You can initiate a Value Management Calculation in a number of ways: • Click on the VM Calculate button on the Toolbar. • Select Value Management Calculate option from the Model Menu on the Menu Bar. • The Value Management Calculation dialog box will be displayed, listing all Value Management Items which have valid Periods. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 231 |11 11| Value Management (optional) Value Management Calculation • Select the Value Management Item(s) which you want calculating. Note that there is no Remote Calculate facility for a Value Management Calculation. • Click on Start. For each Value Management Item selected, the system will perform the Value Management Calculation. While the calculation is in progress, a Cancel button appears allowing you to cancel the operation, if required; any results produced so far will be retained. Messages relating to the calculation will be displayed on the Status Bar. The Message Log will be updated with progress information relating to the calculation, e.g. Calculation times. At the end of the calculation, a message will appear indicating the total number of warnings and errors that were detected over all Periods. If any errors were detected in a Period, then no results will be generated for the corresponding Value Management Item. See C for an explanation of messages, and their effect on calculation. • Select Close to exit from the dialog box. • If any warnings and/or errors were detected, check the Message Log (the Log Window option on the Tools Menu). The Message Log will be opened automatically if errors were detected. Caution: If you have selected the top level for {Account, Activity, and Customer} in the Value Management Traceback window, then all its children will be selected. However, when you subsequently calculate, extra items may be generated, and these will not become selected. Tip: If you get “database locked” message, it may be because: a) you have an edit box open, b) another User has locked it (perhaps they are calculating). 11.4.2 Value Management Calculation Details The following stages are performed: 232 • Calculation of Revenue Period • If the Revenue Period is <Revenue from Cost Period>, then no action is taken. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Value Management (optional) Value Management Back-Calculation • Otherwise, the system will calculate the Revenue Period to Cost Object Costs level. • The Summarized Cost Object Costs from the Revenue Period are then copied to the Revenue table in the Cost Period and Capital Period (overwriting any previous data). Note that Revenue Value / Revenue Units is used in Cost Object Calculation for those Activities whose Cost Object Reallocation Cost Driver is set to <Revenue Value> / <Revenue Units>. • Calculation of Other Periods • The Cost Period and Capital Period are calculated to Cost Object Costs. 11.5 Value Management Back-Calculation A Value Management Back-Calculation is simply a mechanism for performing a standard Metify ABM Back-Calculation on each of the Periods in the Value Management Item. Having performed the Value Management Back-Calculation (which will have adjusted the Department Account Costs in the Cost, Capital and Revenue Periods) you can then perform a Value Management Calculation, if required. To initiate a Back-Calculation on a Value Management Item, click on the VM Back-Calculate button on the Toolbar, or select Value Management Back-Calculate option from the Model Menu on the Menu Bar. The Value Management Calculation dialog box will be displayed, listing all Value Management Items whose Periods are all Back-Calculation Periods: 11.6 Value Management Traceback The results of a Value Management Calculation are shown in the Value Management Traceback window. The format of this window is similar to the standard Traceback window, enabling you to see the comparison in Cost Object Costs for each Value Management Period at the Department / Account level. Note that the information in this window is only generated if the Reallocation Mode option is set to Department/Activity Mode or higher. To access this window, double-click on the View Value Management Traceback icon in the AutoHide Area. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 233 |11 11| Value Management (optional) Value Management Traceback Hierarchy Description Value Management Item All Value Management Items are shown. You can select one or more Value Management Items. Products All Products are shown. You can select one or more Products. Customers All Customers are shown. You can select one or more Customers. Channels All Channels are shown. You can select one or more Channels. Departments All Departments are shown. You can select one or more Departments. Accounts All Accounts, except Reallocated Accounts and Reallocated Activities, are shown. You can select one or more Accounts. Activities All Activities are shown. You can select one or more Activities. The detail area contains a list of all combinations for the selected hierarchy items. Field Content Value Management Item A non-group Value Management Item. Product A Product. Customer A Customer. Channel A Channel. Source Department A non-group Department where the reallocated cost originated. Source Account A non-group Account where the reallocated cost originated. Activity A non-group Activity. Type The Activity Type {Cost Object, Reallocate, Business, Spare, Unallocated}. Cost fields These fields give the cost for each of the relevant Periods, and is the same as that in the Traceback window. The totals are given in the Totals Area. Revenue The Cost in the Revenue Period. Cost The Cost in the Cost Period. Capital The Cost in the Capital Period. Valuation The Value Management Valuation. The total is given in the Totals Area. It is calculated as: Revenue - Cost - (Capital * Capital Cost Multiplier) Mapping The Value Management Line Mapping for the Source Account. If the Revenue Period is <Revenue from Cost Period> then there will be a set of records corresponding to the Revenue records in the Cost Period; the Source Department, Source 234 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Value Management (optional) Value Management and Currency Account, and Activity will be displayed as <Revenue>; the Revenue for all other records will be zero. Warning Values will appear in the Value Management Traceback window if any of the 3 Periods in the Value Management Item have been calculated using the standard Calculation. However, the values will only be relevant if a Value Management Calculation has been performed. Record Color Negative - The Valuation is negative. Normal - The Valuation is positive. Right-Hand Mouse Menu Create Mapping CSV This creates a Value Management Mapping File for all records in the Value Management Items that are selected in the hierarchy area. Create Mapping CSV (Selected Records) - This creates a Value Management Mapping File for the records that are selected in the detail area. 11.7 Value Management and Currency If you are using Currencies in your model, then Metify ABM windows display costs in the Current Currency - the costs for each record being scaled according to the Currency Rate for the Period to which the record relates. However, the Value Management Traceback window shows records with costs from more than one Period. In order to provide a consistent set of values, all costs in the Value Management Traceback records will be shown scaled to the Currency Rate for the Cost Period. 11.8 Value Management Mapping File This comma-separated file is produced from the Value Management Traceback window. It represents the total value for each Value Management Line Mapping. The records are summarized over the Value Management Line Mapping, giving the total value for each Value Management Line Mapping (which may be mapped to one or more Metify ABM Accounts). The file consists of a Header: Mapping, Value followed by one or more records: <Field1>, <Field2> where: Field1 Value Management Line Mapping Field2 Sum of (Revenue - Cost - Capital) over the Value Management Line Mapping, rounded to 6 decimal places. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 235 |11 11| Value Management (optional) Value Management Mapping File 236 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Business Objects Information Resources A| Business Objects Information Resources Documentation and information services A1. Documentation and information services Business Objects offers a full documentation set covering its products and their deployment. Additional support and assistance are also available to help maximize the return on your business intelligence investment. The following sections detail where to get Business Objects documentation and how to use the resources at Business Objects to meet your needs for technical support, education, and consulting. A2. Documentation You can find answers to your questions on how to install, configure, deploy, and use Business Objects products from the documentation. What’s in the documentation set? View or download the Business Objects Documentation Roadmap, available with the product documentation at . The Documentation Roadmap references all Business Objects guides and lets you see at a glance what information is available, from where, and in what format. Where is the documentation? You can access electronic documentation at any time from the product interface, the web, or from your product CD. Documentation from the products Online help and guides in Adobe PDF format are available from the product Help menus. Where only online help is provided, the online help file contains the entire contents of the PDF version of the guide. Documentation on the web The full electronic documentation set is available to customers on the web from support web site at: . Documentation on the product CD Look in the docs directory of your product CD for versions of guides in Adobe PDF format. Send us your feedback Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our documentation? Is there something you particularly like or have found useful? Drop us a line, and we will do our best to ensure that your suggestion is included in the next release of our documentation: Note: If your issue concerns a Business Objects product and not the documentation, please contact our Customer Support experts. For information about Customer Support visit: support/ . 238 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Business Objects Information Resources Customer support, consulting and training A3. Customer support, consulting and training A global network of Business Objects technology experts provides customer support, education, and consulting to ensure maximum business intelligence benefit to your business. How can we support you? Business Objects offers customer support plans to best suit the size and requirements of your deployment. We operate customer support centers in the following countries: • • • • • USA Australia Canada United Kingdom Japan Online Customer Support The Business Objects Customer Support web site contains information about Customer Support programs and services. It also has links to a wide range of technical information including knowledgebase articles, downloads, and support forums. Looking for the best deployment solution for your company? Business Objects consultants can accompany you from the initial analysis stage to the delivery of your deployment project. Expertise is available in relational and multidimensional databases, in connectivities, database design tools, customized embedding technology, and more. For more information, contact your local sales office, or contact us at: Looking for training options? From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars, we can offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning style. Find more information on the Business Objects Education web site: BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 239 |A A| Business Objects Information Resources Useful addresses at a glance A4. Useful addresses at a glance Address Content Business Objects product information Information about the full range of Business Objects products. Product documentation support Business Objects product documentation, including the Business Objects Documentation Roadmap. Business Objects Documentation mailbox Send us feedback or questions about documentation. Online Customer Support support/ Information on Customer Support programs, as well as links to technical articles, downloads, and online forums. Business Objects Consulting Services services/consulting/ Information on how Business Objects can help maximize your business intelligence investment. Business Objects Education Services services/training Information on Business Objects training options and modules. 240 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables B| Metify ABM Tables Table Types B1. Table Types Metify ABM maintains various types of tables: • • • • • Version 6 tables (V6-…) which can be Imported and Exported, Version 6 tables which can be Exported only, Tables which are from HyperABC, and which can be Imported only. They are retained for upward compatibility (to allow existing specification and .dat files to continue to work), but you should convert your files to use the equivalent version 6 table. For information about these tables refer to the HyperABC 5.2 User’s Manual, virtual tables, which cannot be Exported or Imported. These tables are only relevant within Metify ABM, and not to the User. Consolidation tables, (V6-CONSOL_...), which are only used by Metify ABM Enterprise Edition. These are listed in alphabetical order. B2. Summary of Tables The following table is a summary of all the current tables used by Metify ABM and the Metify Link programs. It contains headings: Table This is the internal table name. ODBC Table ID When you export a table using Metify Link for ODBC, the program creates a table in the ODBC compliant database; the name of the table includes the ODBC Table ID. Name of Table to Export This gives the text used for the table in the Export data dialog box (accessed from the File | Export menu option). Export Only This indicates whether the table is exported only, i.e. it cannot be imported. These tables are normally results tables. Periodic This indicates whether the table contains a different set of values for each Period. All base item tables, e.g. Activities, are non-Periodic. Description This describes what the table is used for. Table ODBC Table ID Export Only Periodic Name of Table to Export Description V6-ACCT 0 Account List of Accounts. V6-ACCT_DIRECT 1 Account Reallocation Holds an Account reallocation by Department Account to another Department based upon a Method. See Also V6-DEPT_ACT_REALLOC. V6-ACT 2 Activity List of Activities and their assignments to Cost Objects. V6-ACT_ORDER 3 Activity Order Activity Order - Calculation order for driving Activity Costs to Cost Objects. V6-ACT_UNIT_RATE 43 Activity Unit Rate � � Holds the calculated unit rate per Activity/Department/Cost Driver. E.g. Showing the cost of one unit of the Cost Driver to produce. V6-BOM_ACTIVITY_COST 51 BOM Activity Cost � � Holds the Unit Activity Costs for a BOM Component. V6-BOM_EXTERN_COST 52 BOM External Cost � � Holds External Costs for a BOM Component. V6-BOM_QUANTITY 50 BOM Quantity V6-BOM_RESULT 54 BOM Results 242 � Holds the Parent / Child Component Quantities. � � Holds Summarized Results of BOM. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Tables V6-BOM_ROLLUP_VOL � 53 BOM Rollup Volumes � Holds Rolled Up quantities per Parent consisting of totals of each component. Table Export Only Periodic ODBC Table ID Name of Table to Export V6-CAPACITY Description � Holds by Department/Activity a nominal maximum 4 Capacity capacity of Cost Driver which can be ‘produced’. This can be compared against the Activity Unit Rate. See V6-ACT_UNIT_RATE V6-COST_TYPE 7 Cost Type List of External Cost Types. These are used in the profitability stage of the calculation. V6-COSTD_DESC 5 Cost Driver List of Cost Drivers. V6-COSTD_VOL 6 Cost Driver Volume V6-CURRENCY 8 Currency V6-CURRENCY_VALUE V6-CYCLIC_ERROR � Cost Driver Volumes per Dimension 3,4 and 5. List of Currencies. � Currency Scaling by Period by Currency. 9 Currency Rates � 45 Cyclic Errors � Holds Records which have caused cyclic errors during validation or calculation of Activity Costs - Activity Reallocation. V6-DEPT 18 Department V6-DEPT_ACCT_COST 11 Department Account Costs V6-DEPT_ACT 10 Activities by Department V6-DEPT_ACT_ACCT_COST 13 Department Activity Account Costs V6-DEPT_ACT_COST 12 Department Activity Costs V6-DEPT_ACT_METHOD_VALUE 14 Department Activity Method Values List of Departments. � Department Account Costs e.g. The Input ledger costs. Holds the combinations of which Activities occur in which Departments. � � Results of Department Account cost allocation to Activities based on Methods. �X �X Department Activity Costs. �X This now includes fields from V2 PCT_SPLIT_ACTUAL Holds the Percentage Allocations by Department and Method to Activities. The volume is calculated based on the value stored in V6-DEPT_METHOD_VALUE. V6-DEPT_ACT_OVERRIDE 15 Department Activity Override Override of Cost Driver used for allocation to Cost Object by Department/Activity. V6-DEPT_ACT_REALLOC 16 Department Activity Reallocation Holds the Paths for re-allocation of Department/Activity to destination Department on a Method. V6-DEPT_METHOD_VALUE 17 Department Method Values V6-DIM_EXC 25 Dimension Exclusions V6-DIM_RES 23 Cost Object Costs �X �X Results of Costs Object Cost Calculation. V6-DIM_RES_SUMMARY 24 Summarized Cost Object Costs �X �X Holds the result of the Cost Object Cost calculation V6-DIM_WEIGHTING 26 Cost Driver Weightings �X The value assigned to a Method by Department. Holds exclusions from selections of Cost Objects in the Activity to Cost Object assignment. See Table V6 ACT. (V6-DIM_RES) but with the Activities summarized out. �X Weighting values for Cost Driver Volumes, assigned to each Department Activity Cost Object dimension, to bias the allocation to the dimensions. V6-DIM3 19 Product V6-DIM3_VOL 22 Product Volume V6-DIM4 20 Customer V6-DIM5 21 Channel V6-EXPAND_PROFIT 56 Expanded Profitability �X �X Expanded profitability results. 115 Expanded Traceback �X �X Expanded Traceback results. V6 EXPANDED_TRACEBACKTABLE V6-EXT_COST 27 External Cost V6-METHOD 28 Method List of Products. �X Product Volumes i.e. no of units of Product produced. List of Customers. List of Channels. �X Cost Object direct costs, introduced as a total or a per unit cost for each External Cost Type. List of the available Methods. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 243 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Tables V6-OVERRIDE 29 Override �X Holds by Department Account Activity an optional amount which will be deducted from the Department Account costs prior to allocation and assigned to that specific Activity Table ODBC Table ID Export Only Periodic Name of Table to Export V6-OVERRIDE_DAM 44 Override Department Activity Methods V6-OVERRIDE_DIM_RES 42 Override Cost Object Costs V6-OVERRIDE_DTM 30 Override Department Account Methods V6-PERIOD 31 Period V6-PRE_REALLOC_DEPT_ACT 95 Pre Reallocation Department Activity Costs V6-PROCESS 32 Process V6-PROCESS_DEFN 33 Process Definitions Description Used where costs are received via Activity reallocation from other Departments to override the default Method by which the received costs are subsequently allocated to the receiving Departments Activities. �X �X The Cost Object Cost results that have been generated due to records in V6 DEPT_ACT_OVERRIDE and V6-DIM_WEIGHTING. These Costs are also stored in V6-DIM_RES but are broken down here by Department. �X Used where costs are received via Account reallocation from other Departments to override the default Method by which the received costs are subsequently allocated to the receiving Departments Activities. List of Periods. �X �X A copy of V6-DEPT_ACT_COSTS prior to reallocations. List of Processes. �X Holds definition of a Process, being a series of Activities carried out by certain Departments. This also holds percentage utilization for each stage of the Process. (NOTE: There is a calculation process involved in maintaining this table against the Department Activity costs). V6-PROFILE 34 Profile V6-PROFILE_DATA 35 Profile Data �X Holds a Profile Value by Profile Name and Period. V6-PROFILE_DEFAULT 36 Profile Defaults �X Holds, per Data Spreading Period, one record List of Profiles. specifying the default Profile to use per area of spreading available in the model. V6-REALLOC_ACT_ACCT_COST V6-REALLOC_ACT_COST 38 Reallocated Activity Account Costs �X �X Holds Department Account Activity Costs Values for 37 Reallocated Activity Costs �X �X Holds a Summary of V6 Activities of type Reallocate prior to the actual Reallocation. REALLOC_ACT_ACCT_COSTS but has been superseded by V6-PRE_REALLOC_DEPT_ACT V6-REALLOC_INDEX 41 Reallocation Index �X �X Holds the Start and End position of a Department and Activity cost after reallocation. V6-REALLOC_MOVEMENT 46 Reallocation Movement �X �X Holds the intermediate stages of Department Activity Costs during reallocation. Only produced if Reallocation Mode = Traceback V6-REVENUE 39 Revenue �X Contains input revenue data by Cost Object, but also contains the Results of the profitability calculation. V6-SOURCE_DEPT_ACT_ACCT V6-UNALLOCATED 58 Source Department Activity Account Cost �X �X For a final Department Activity node it details the 40 Unallocated �X �X Where there are Activities which have no Cost Driver original Department Account Value before any reallocations. volume that correspond to the assigned path, or have no allocation path to Cost Objects, records are added to this table by Activity detailing the amount which has not been allocated. V6-VH_ACCOUNT_ALL 62 Account (All) Hierarchy Account Hierarchy. V6-VH_ACTIVITY_ALL 65 Activity (All) Hierarchy Activity Hierarchy. V6-VH_BOM 96 BOM Hierarchy BOM Hierarchy. 244 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Tables V6-VH_CHANNEL 66 Channel Hierarchy Channel Hierarchy. V6-VH_COSTDRIVER 67 Cost Driver Hierarchy Cost Driver Hierarchy. V6-VH_COSTTYPE 68 Cost Type Hierarchy Cost Type Hierarchy. V6-VH_CURRENCY 69 Currency Hierarchy Currency Hierarchy. V6-VH_CUSTOMER 70 Customer Hierarchy Customer Hierarchy. V6-VH_DEPARTMENT 71 Department Hierarchy Department Hierarchy. Table Export Only Periodic ODBC Table ID Name of Table to Export Description V6-VH_METHOD 72 Method Hierarchy Method Hierarchy. V6-VH_PERIOD 73 Period Hierarchy Period Hierarchy. V6-VH_PROCESS 79 Process Hierarchy Process Hierarchy. V6-VH_PRODUCT 80 Product Hierarchy Product Hierarchy. V6-VH_PROFILE 81 Profile Hierarchy Profile Hierarchy. 106 Value Management Item Hierarchy Value Management Item Hierarchy. V6-VH_VMI V6-VIRTUAL_TRACEBACKTABLE 59 Traceback �X �X Results of Cost Object Costs at Department and Account level. V6-VM_LINEMAPPING 105 Value Management Line Mapping V6-VM_TRACEBACK 107 Value Management Traceback V6-VMI 104 Value Management Item Holds the Value Management Line Mappings for each Account. �X Value Management Item calculation results. List of Value Management Items. V6-WHAT_IF_DA 47 What-If Department Activity Costs �X �X Holds Changes of Department Activity Costs created V6-WHAT_IF_DAM 49 What-If Department Activity Method Values �X �X Holds Changes of Activity Method Values created V6-WHAT_IF_DTA 48 What-If Department Activity Account Costs �X �X Holds Changes of Department Account Activity Costs during Back Calculation. during Back Calculation. created during Back Calculation. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 245 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields B3. Summary of Table Fields A brief description of each Version 6 table follows, showing information for each field. The following rules apply: 246 • All fields with the attribute key or numeric must be entered in a Data Bridge ACROSS, REPEAT or LET statement. • Key fields that are null (blank) in the Input files are set to the top level. For non-cost object tables, these spurious records will be removed on validation. • Alphanumeric fields are optional, and will be given a *MNF* (‘match not found’) entry if not specified. • Optional numeric fields are also optional, and will be given value of zero if not specified. • MATCH_NOT_FOUND and *MNF* are equivalent, and either may be used where specified. • For a top level Cost Object, you can specify any of {*MNF*, <ALL>, <All>}. • Where a set of valid values is given, e.g. {True, False}, then the value shown in bold type (e.g. False) is Imported if the input value is invalid. • Table names and field names are not case-sensitive. • Any field that is ignored on Import can be set to blank. • When importing a base item record that already exists, if the Code, Description or Memo is not specified, then it will remain unchanged. If you want to clear such a text field them you must do it directly in the window. • When importing, for a field that contains a 'Name', you can specify either the 'Name' or the 'Code'. • The name of the corresponding previous version (where applicable) is given in the right-hand side of the heading. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Account V6-ACCT V3-ACCOUNT Field Name Field Attribute Description Account Name key Account Name. Account Description alphanumeric Account Description. Account Code alphanumeric Account Code. Account Memo alphanumeric Account Memo. Method Name alphanumeric Method Name. This is the default Method to use for Department Account Costs. Account Variable Type alphanumeric {Fixed, Variable}. Fixed if Pct Variable is 0, else Variable. Ignored on Import. Pct Variable optional numeric % variability. Used in Back Calculation. Remember that if not specified on Import it will be set to 0%. Dept Acct Profile Name alphanumeric Profile to use for Department Account Costs in Data Spreading. Value Alloc Profile Name alphanumeric Profile to use for Value Allocation Overrides in Data Spreading. Account Reallocation V6-ACCT_DIRECT Field Name Field Attribute Description Account Name key Account to be reallocated. Department Name key Source Department. Method Name key Method used as basis for reallocation. Target Department Name key Destination (target) Department. Activity V6-ACT V2-ACCT_DIRECT V3-ACTIVITY Field Name Field Attribute Description Activity Name key Activity Name. Activity Description alphanumeric Activity Description. Activity Code alphanumeric Activity Code. Activity Memo alphanumeric Activity Memo. Activity Type alphanumeric Valid Activity type {Cost Object, Reallocate, Business, Undefined}. On Export, it is set to Group if the Activity is a group. Product Cost Driver Name alphanumeric Product Cost Driver; set to *MNF* to define the <None> condition. Customer Cost Driver Name alphanumeric Customer Cost Driver; set to *MNF* to define the <None> condition. Channel Cost Driver Name alphanumeric Channel Cost Driver; set to *MNF* to define the <None> condition. Product Name [1] alphanumeric The group Product to include in Cost Object assignment. Set to *MNF* if Cost Driver Name is *MNF*. Customer Name [1] alphanumeric The group Customer to include in Cost Object assignment. Set to *MNF* if Cost Driver Name is *MNF*. Channel Name [1] alphanumeric The group Channel to include in Cost Object assignment. Set to *MNF* if Cost Driver Name is *MNF*. Capacity Profile Name alphanumeric The Profile to use for spreading Capacity data for the Activity. COR Cost Driver Name alphanumeric The Cost Driver to use for Cost Object Reallocation. Note [1] These fields refer to Cost Objects at the group level. If there are members of a Product group, for example, that you do not wish to assign costs to, use V6-DIM_EXC to exclude them. Alternatively, if you do not want to use V6-DIM_EXC, you can rely on V6-COSTD_VOL to only assign costs to the Products specified in that table; the disadvantage of this is that the Products not used take up space and lessen the efficiency of the model. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 247 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Activity Order V6-ACT_ORDER V2-ACT_ORDER Field Name Field Attribute Description Activity Name key Activity Name. Calculation Order 1 IntCode * numeric {3,4,5,0}. First Cost Object calculated. Calculation Order 2 IntCode * numeric {3,4,5,0}. Second Cost Object calculated. Calculation Order 3 IntCode * numeric {3,4,5,0}. Third Cost Object calculated. Note * For these fields, Product is represented by the number 3, Customer by number 4 and Channel by number 5; 0 indicates that the dimension is not used. For example, if you wish to import an Activity from a source system which has the Activity Invoicing assigned firstly to Customer, secondly to Product and not assigned to the Channel dimension, arrange the source data in the following sequence: Invoicing, 4, 3, 0 (where Invoicing is the Activity name, the 4 refers to Customer, the 3 refers to Product and the zero to Channel). V6-ACT_UNIT_RATE Activity Unit Rate Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name alphanumeric Activity Name. Cost Driver Name key Cost Driver Name. Cost numeric Activity Cost. Volume numeric Cost Driver Volume. Primary Cost Driver alphanumeric {True, False}. Indicates if the Cost Driver is the first (Primary) Cost Driver in the calculation. V6-BOM_ACTIVITY_COST BOM Activity Cost Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name key Product Name. (Note that this need not necessarily be included in the BOM Structure.) Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost numeric Activity cost. V6-BOM_EXTERNAL_COST BOM External Cost Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name key Product Name. (Note that this need not necessarily be included in the BOM Structure.) Cost Type Name key Cost Type Name. Cost numeric External cost. V6-BOM_QUANTITY BOM Quantity Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name key BOM parent Product Name. Child Product Name key BOM child Product Name. Volume numeric BOM component make-up quantity. BOM Results V6-BOM_RESULT Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name key BOM Product Name. Activity Cost numeric Activity Cost. External Cost numeric External Cost. 248 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide V2-BOM_QUANTITY Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields V6-BOM_ROLLUP_VOL BOM Rollup Volumes V2-DIM3_VOL Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name key BOM parent Product Name. Child Product Name key BOM child Product Name. Volume numeric BOM component total make-up quantity. Activity Cost numeric Rollup Activity unit cost. External Cost numeric Rollup External unit cost. Total Cost numeric BOM total rollup cost. (Activity Unit Cost + External Unit Cost). Capacity V6-CAPACITY V2-CAPACITY Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost Driver Name key Cost Driver Name. Capacity numeric Capacity value. V6-CONSOL_CAPACITY Consolidated Capacity Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Key Version Name. Period Name Key Period Name. Department Name Key Department Name. Activity Name Key Activity Name. Cost Driver Name Key Cost Driver Name Capacity Numeric Capacity value Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Node Name Alphanumeric Node Name Source Node Name Alphanumeric Source Node Name V6-CONSOL_COSTD_VOL Consolidated Cost Driver Volume Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Cost Driver Name Key Cost Driver Name Product Name Alphanumeric Product Name Customer Name Alphanumeric Customer Name Channel Name Alphanumeric Channel Name Type Key Type Input Volume Numeric Input Volume Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Node Name Alphanumeric Node Name Source Node Name Alphanumeric Source Node Name V6-CONSOL_DEPT Consolidated Department Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name Key Department Name Department Code Numeric Department Code Consol Number Numeric Consol Number BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 249 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Consolidated Department Account Cost V6-CONSOL_DEPT_ACCT_COST Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Department Key Department Account Key Account Method Alphanumeric Method Type Alphanumeric Type Cost Numeric Cost Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Use Account Method Alphanumeric Use Account Method Use Account % Variable Alphanumeric Use Account % Variable Input % Variable Numeric Input % Variable Fixed Costs Numeric Fixed Costs Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node V6-CONSOL_DEPT_ACT_ACCT_COST Consolidated Department Activity Account Costs Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Department Key Department Activity Name Key Activity Name Account Key Account Value Numeric Value Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Consolidated Department Activity Costs V6-CONSOL_DEPT_ACT_COST Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Department Key Department Activity Name Key Activity Name Value Numeric Value Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure 250 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields V6-CONSOL_DIM_RES Consolidated Cost Object Costs Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Activity Name Key Activity Name Product Name Alphanumeric Product Name Customer Name Alphanumeric Customer Name Channel Name Alphanumeric Channel Name Value Numeric Value Node Key Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure V6-CONSOL_EXT_COST Consolidated External Cost Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Cost Type Key Cost Type Product Name Alphanumeric Product Name Customer Name Alphanumeric Customer Name Channel Name Alphanumeric Channel Name Type Alphanumeric Type Cost Input Numeric Cost Input Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node V6-CONSOL_METHOD_VALUES Consolidated Method Values Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Department Alphanumeric Department Method Key Method Value Numeric Value Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node V6-CONSOL_PROD_VOL Consolidated Product Volumes Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Product Name Key Product Name Volume Numeric Volume Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 251 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields V6-CONSOL_PROFIT Consolidated Profit Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Product Name Alphanumeric Product Name Customer Name Alphanumeric Customer Name Channel Name Alphanumeric Channel Name Revenue Numeric Revenue External Cost Numeric External Cost Activity Cost Numeric Activity Cost Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure V6-CONSOL_REVENUE Consolidated Revenue Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Product Name Alphanumeric Product Name Customer Name Alphanumeric Customer Name Channel Name Alphanumeric Channel Name Revenue Numeric Revenue Revenue Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Revenue Unit of Measure Units Numeric Units Unit of Measure Unit Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Unit Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node V6-CONSOL_TRACKING Consolidated Tracking Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Node Alphanumeric Node Last Calculation Date Last Calculation Last Consolidation Date Last Consolidation Consolidated Unallocated V6-CONSOL_UNALLOCATED Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Activity Name Key Activity Name Value Numeric Value Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure 252 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields V6-CONSOL_VALUE_ALLOC Consolidated Value Allocations Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Department Alphanumeric Department Method Alphanumeric Method Activity Name Alphanumeric Activity Name Units Numeric Units Scale Numeric Scale Value Numeric Value % Split Numeric % Split Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node V6-CONSOL_VALUE_ALLOC_OVERRIDE Field Name Field Attribute Description Version Name Alphanumeric Version Name Period Name Alphanumeric Period Name Department Alphanumeric Department Account Alphanumeric Account Activity Name Alphanumeric Activity Name Value Numeric Value Unit of Measure Alphanumeric Unit of Measure Node Alphanumeric Node Source Node Alphanumeric Source Node Consolidated Value Allocation Overrides Cost Type V6-COST_TYPE V2-COSTTYPE Field Name Field Attribute Description Cost Type Name key Cost Type Name. Cost Type Description alphanumeric Cost Type Description. Cost Type Code alphanumeric Cost Type Code. Cost Type Memo alphanumeric Cost Type Memo. Cost Driver V6-COSTD_DESC V2-COSTD_DESC Field Name Field Attribute Description Cost Driver Name key Cost Driver Name. Cost Driver Description alphanumeric Cost Driver Description. Cost Driver Code alphanumeric Cost Driver Code. Cost Driver Memo alphanumeric Cost Driver Memo. Volume Profile Name alphanumeric Profile to use for Cost Driver Volumes. Weighting Profile Name alphanumeric Profile to use for Cost Driver Weightings. Cost Driver Formula alphanumeric Text field giving the formula for a Derived Cost Driver. Ignored on Import if a Profile is defined BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 253 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Cost Driver Volume V6-COSTD_VOL V2-COSTD_VOL Field Name Field Attribute Description Cost Driver Name key Cost Driver Name. Product Name alphanumeric Product Name or *MNF*. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name or *MNF*. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name or *MNF*. Volume Input numeric The Unit Cost Driver Volume. Type alphanumeric {Total, Unit}. Total or unit type Cost Driver Volume. Note that if the Cost Driver is a Derived Cost Driver, then the record is ignored on Import. Currency V6-CURRENCY V2-CURRENCY Field Name Field Attribute Description Currency Name key Currency Name. Currency Description alphanumeric Currency Description. Currency Code alphanumeric Currency Code. Currency Memo alphanumeric Currency Memo. Currency Rates V6-CURRENCY_VALUE Field Name Field Attribute Description Currency Name key Currency Name. Scale numeric Currency Scale. Cyclic Errors V6-CYCLIC_ERROR . Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Errorred Department Name alphanumeric Errorred Department Name. Errorred Activity Name alphanumeric Errorred Activity Name. Value numeric Cost involved in the cyclic reallocation. Department V6-DEPT V2-DEPARTMENT Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Department Description alphanumeric Department Description. Department Code alphanumeric Department Code. Department Memo alphanumeric Department Memo. 254 V2-CURRENCY BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Department Account Costs V6-DEPT_ACCT_COST V3-DEPT_ACCT_COST Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Account Name key Account Name. Method Name alphanumeric Method Name. Set to *MNF* if not defined. Cost numeric Department Account Cost. Department Account Cost Type alphanumeric {Normal, Cost Object, Reallocate}. Department Account Cost Type. If not specified, and the record already exists, it will remain unchanged. Pct Variable Input optional numeric % variability. Used in Back Calculation. Remember that if not specified on Import, it will be set to 0%. Use Account Pct Variable alphanumeric {True, False}. If True, then the Pct Variable Input will be ignored and set to the Pct Variable from the Account. Fixed Cost optional numeric The amount which is not varied. Use Account Method alphanumeric {True, False}. If True, then the Method Name will be ignored and set to the Method Name from the Account. Activities by Department V6-DEPT_ACT Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. V2-DEPT_ACT Department Activity Account Costs V6-DEPT_ACT_ACCT_COST Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Account Name key Account Name. Cost numeric Department Activity Account Cost. Department Activity Costs V6-DEPT_ACT_COST Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost numeric Department Activity Cost. V6-DEPT_ACT_METHOD_VALUE . . Department Activity Method Values V2-DEPT_ACT_METHOD_VALUE Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Method Name key Method Name. Value optional numeric The value expressed as a percentage. Scale optional numeric Scaling factor, expressed as a multiplier. I.e. 1.1 = 110%. If not specified on import, 0 is assumed. Unit Method Value optional numeric Actual Value = Unit Method Value * Scale Notes When Importing this table, you must also input V6-DEPT_ACCT_COST, otherwise the Value Allocations window will not display any Methods. Although Value and Unit Method Value are both optional, you would normally supply one or the other because they represent the same data expressed in two different ways. If you supply both, then Unit Method Value is ignored. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 255 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields V6-DEPT_ACT_OVERRIDE Department Activity Override V2-DEPT_ACT_OVERRIDE Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost Driver 3 Name alphanumeric Product override Cost Driver; use *MNF* to set to blank. Cost Driver 4 Name alphanumeric Customer override Cost Driver; use *MNF* to set to blank. Cost Driver 5 Name alphanumeric Channel override Cost Driver; use *MNF* to set to blank. Note Importing this table does not set up any assignments. Therefore, you should already have set up Activities by Departments and Activity Assignments before you Import this table. V6-DEPT_ACT_REALLOC Department Activity Reallocation Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Source Department Name. Activity Name key Activity to be reallocated. Method Name key Reallocation Method Name. Target Department Name key Destination Department Name. V6-DEPT_METHOD_VALUE V2-ALLOC Department Method Values V2-DEPT_METHOD_VALUE Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Method Name key Method Name. Value numeric Total Method Values by Department. Note If the Method is a Derived Method, then the record is ignored on Import. Dimension Exclusions V6-DIM_EXC Field Name Field Attribute Description Activity Name key Activity Name. Product Name alphanumeric Product Name. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name. Note When you Import this table, you must also Import V6-ACTIVITIES to set up the Activity Assignments. Cost Object Costs V6-DIM_RES Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name alphanumeric Product Name. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Value numeric Cost Object Cost by Activity. V6-DIM_RES_SUMMARY Summarized Cost Object Costs Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name alphanumeric Product Name. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name. Value numeric Cost Object Cost.. 256 V2-DIM_EXC BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Cost Driver Weightings V6-DIM_WEIGHTING V3-DIM_WEIGHTING Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost Driver Name key Cost Driver Name. Product Name alphanumeric Product Name. Use *MNF* to indicate the <ALL> level. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name. Use *MNF* to indicate the <ALL> level. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name. Use *MNF* to indicate the <ALL> level. Weighting numeric Cost Driver weighting factor for the corresponding Cost Driver Volume. Note Importing this table does not set up any assignments. Therefore, you should already have set up Activities by Departments and Activity Assignments before you Import this table. Product V6-DIM3 V2-DIM3 Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name key Product Name. Product Description alphanumeric Product Description. Product Code alphanumeric Product Code. Product Memo alphanumeric Product Memo. Product Volume Profile Name alphanumeric The Profile to use for Product Volumes. Product Volume V6-DIM3_VOL Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name key Product Name. Volume numeric Product Volume. Customer V6-DIM4 V2-DIM4 Field Name Field Attribute Description Customer Name key Customer Name. Customer Description alphanumeric Customer Description. Customer Code alphanumeric Customer Code. Customer Memo alphanumeric Customer Memo. Channel V6-DIM5 V2-DIM3_VOL V2-DIM5 Field Name Field Attribute Description Channel Name key Channel Name. Channel Description alphanumeric Channel Description. Channel Code alphanumeric Channel Code. Channel Memo alphanumeric Channel Memo. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 257 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Expanded Profitability V6-EXPAND_PROFIT Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name alphanumeric Product Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Source Product Name alphanumeric Product Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level, for the Product whose Cost Object Costs have been driven to this Profitability record. Source Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level, for the Customer whose Cost Object Costs have been driven to this Profitability record. Source Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level, for the Channel whose Cost Object Costs have been driven to this Profitability record. Type alphanumeric Either the name of the Activity where the cost originated, or the External Cost Type where the cost originated, or the string “<Revenue>”. Revenue numeric Revenue. Only exists for records where the Type is “<Revenue>”. Cost numeric Cost. Contains zero for records where the Type is “<Revenue>”. Profit numeric Profit. Calculated as Revenue - Cost. Expanded Traceback V6-EXPANDED_TRACEBACKTABLE Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name alphanumeric Department Name. Activity Name alphanumeric Activity Name. Account Name alphanumeric Account Name. Destination Department Name alphanumeric Destination Department Name. Product Name alphanumeric Product Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Type alphanumeric Indicates the type of Activity represented by this record. One of {Cost Object, Unallocated, Reallocate, Business, Spare }. Cost numeric Calculated Cost Object Cost associated with the given base items. Cost Driver Name alphanumeric Cost Driver Name. Period alphanumeric Period Name. Variable Cost numeric The part of the Cost which is variable. Fixed Cost numeric The part of the Cost which is fixed. Cost Driver Unit Rate numeric Unit Rate, calculated as the ratio between the Cost and the corresponding Cost Driver volume. External Cost V6-EXT_COST V2-EXTCOST Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name alphanumeric Product Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Cost Type Name key Cost Type Name. Cost Input numeric External Cost. Type alphanumeric {Total, Unit}. The type of the Cost Input. If Unit, then Cost Input is expressed as a unit cost. 258 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Method V6-METHOD V2-METHOD Field Name Field Attribute Description Method Name key Method Name. Method Description alphanumeric Method Description. Method Code alphanumeric Method Code. Method Memo alphanumeric Method Memo. Value Profile Name alphanumeric Profile to use for Method Values. Method Formula alphanumeric Text field giving the formula for a Derived Method. Ignored on Import if Value Profile Name is defined. Method Value Allocations alphanumeric {Yes, No}. Indicates whether Value Allocations (for that Method) should be calculated automatically during Data Spreading. Only used on Import if the Method Formula is used. Spare Resource Type alphanumeric {Default, Spare Only, Spread}. Indicates how Spare Resources should be handled during a Back-Calculation. Override V6-OVERRIDE V2-OVERRIDE Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Account Name key Account Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Value numeric Department/Activity/Account override value. V6-OVERRIDE_DAM Override Department Activity Methods V2-OVERRIDE_DAM Field Name Field Attribute Description Activity Name key Activity Name. Source Department Name key Source Department Name. Method Name key Method Name. Target Department Name key Target Department for the Method override. V6-OVERRIDE_DIM_RES Override Cost Object Costs Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Product Name key Product Name or <All>. Customer Name key Customer Name or <All>. Channel Name key Channel Name or <All>. Value numeric Cost. V6 OVERRIDE_DTM Override Department Account Methods Field Name Field Attribute Description Account Name key Account Name. Source Department Name key Source Department Name. Method Name key Override Method name. Target Department Name key Target Department for the Method override. V2-OVERRIDE_DTM BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 259 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Period V6-PERIOD V3-PERIOD Field Name Field Attribute Description Period Name key Period Name. Period Description alphanumeric Period Description. Period Code alphanumeric Period Code. Period Memo alphanumeric Period Memo. Source Period Name alphanumeric Source Period. Used if the Period is a Back-Calculation Period, or involved in Data Spreading. Back Calculation Period Text alphanumeric { Blank, Back}. Back indicates a Back Calculation Period. Calculate Status alphanumeric { NNN • YYY} indicates if calculated to Activity, Cost Object, Profitability. Ignored on Import. Pre Reallocation Department Activity Costs V6-PRE_REALLOC_DEPT_ACT Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost numeric Pre-reallocated Department Activity cost. Process V6-PROCESS Field Name Field Attribute Description Process Name key Process Name. Process Description alphanumeric Process Description. Process Code alphanumeric Process Code. Process Memo alphanumeric Process Memo. Process Definitions V6-PROCESS_DEFN V2-PROCESS V2-PROCESS_DEFN Field Name Field Attribute Description Process Name key Process Name. Department Name key DepartmentDepartment Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Reference No numeric Reference number. Not used by the system - only for User reference. Time Input numeric Time. Time Input as Unit Rate alphanumeric {False}. Not used. Always False on Export. Ignored on Import. Total Time numeric Total Time. Not used. Always 0 on Export. Pct Util numeric % utilization. Must be =< 100 for a Department/Activity over all Processes. Activity Cost numeric Process Cost. Ignored on Import. Note Importing this table does not set up any assignments. Therefore, you should already have set up Activities by Departments before you Import this table. Profile V6-PROFILE Field Name Field Attribute Description Profile Name key Profile Name. Profile Description alphanumeric Profile Description. Profile Code alphanumeric Profile Code. Profile Memo alphanumeric Profile Memo. Profile Type alphanumeric {Calculate Total, Enter Total}. 260 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Profile Data V6-PROFILE_DATA Field Name Field Attribute Description Profile Name key Profile Name. Profile Value numeric Profile Value. V6-PROFILE_DEFAULT Profile Defaults Field Name Field Attribute Description Dept Acct Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Department Account Costs. Method Value Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Method Values. Value Alloc Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Value Allocations. Capacity Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Capacity. CD Volume Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Cost Driver Volumes. CD Weighting Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Cost Driver Weightings. Revenue Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Revenue. Prod Volume Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for Product Volumes. External Cost Profile Name alphanumeric Default Profile for External Costs. Note 1 <None> or *MNF* indicates that there is no Profile for the associated Table. 2 There should only be 1 record per Period for this Table. V6-REALLOC_ACT_ACCT_COST Reallocated Activity AccountCosts Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Account Name key Account Name. Cost numeric Pre-reallocated Department Activity Account cost. V6-REALLOC_ACT_COST Reallocated Activity Costs Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost numeric Pre-reallocated Department Activity cost. V6-REALLOC_INDEX Reallocation Index Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Source Department Name alphanumeric Source Department Name, or *MNF* if unavailable. Source Activity Name key Source Activity Name. Source Account Name alphanumeric Source Account Name, or *MNF* if unavailable. Cost numeric Post-Reallocated Department Activity Account cost. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 261 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Reallocation Movement V6-REALLOC_MOVEMENT Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. (Blank if Level = 1) Source Department Name key Source Department Name. (Blank if Level = 1) Source Activity Name key Source Activity Name. Final Department Name key Final Department Name. Final Activity Name key Final Activity Name. Method Name key Method Name. (*MNF* if Level = 1) Overriden Method Name key Overridden Method Name. Level numeric Level of reallocation. 1 is the initial monvement. Value numeric Reallocated Department Activity cost. Revenue V6-REVENUE V2-REVENUE Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Name alphanumeric Product Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Revenue numeric Revenue. Units numeric Units sold. External Cost optional numeric External Cost. Ignored on Import. Activity Cost optional numeric Activity Cost. Ignored on Import. Profit optional numeric Profit. Ignored on Import. Unit optional numeric Unit rate. Ignored on Import. V6-SOURCE_DEPT_ACT_ACCT Source Department Activity Account Cost Field Name Field Attribute Description Department key Destination Department. Activity key Activity. Source Department key Source Department. Source Account key Source Account. Cost numeric Department Activity Account Cost. Cost Driver Name alphanumeric Primary Cost Driver. Only present if the Activity has Cost Object Costs. Cost Driver Unit Rate numeric Unit Rate. Only present if the Activity has Cost Object Costs. V6-UNALLOCATED Unallocated Field Name Field Attribute Description Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost numeric Unallocated cost. V6-VH_ACCOUNT_ALL Account (All) Hierarchy Field Name Field Attribute Description Account Parent Name key Group Account Name. Account Child Name key Child Account Name. 262 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide V2-T_HIERARCHY Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields V6-VH_ACTIVITY_ALL Activity (All) Hierarchy Field Name Field Attribute Description Activity Parent Name key Group Activity Name. Activity Child Name key Child Activity Name. BOM Hierarchy V6-VH_BOM Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Parent Name key Group BOM Name. Product Child Name key Child Product Name. Channel Hierarchy V6-VH_CHANNEL Field Name Field Attribute Description Channel Parent Name key Group Channel Name. Channel Child Name key Child Channel Name. V6-VH_COSTDRIVER Cost Driver Hierarchy Field Name Field Attribute Description Cost Driver Parent Name key Group Cost Driver Name. Cost Driver Child Name key Child Cost Driver Name. Cost Type Hierarchy V6-VH_COSTTYPE Field Name Field Attribute Description Cost Type Parent Name key Group Cost Type Name. Cost Type Child Name key Child Cost Type Name. Currency Hierarchy V6-VH_CURRENCY Field Name Field Attribute Description Currency Parent Name key Group Currency Name. Currency Child Name key Child Currency Name. Customer Hierarchy V6-VH_CUSTOMER Field Name Field Attribute Description Customer Parent Name key Group Customer Name. Customer Child Name key Child Customer Name. V6-VH_DEPARTMENT Department Hierarchy Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Parent Name key Group Department Name. Department Child Name key Child Department Name. V2-A_HIERARCHY V2-BOM_HIERARCHY V2-DIM5_HIERARCHY V2-R_HIERARCHY V2-COSTTYPE_HIERARCHY V2-Y_HIERARCHY V2-DIM4_HIERARCHY V2-D_HIERARCHY Method Hierarchy V6-VH_METHOD Field Name Field Attribute Description Method Parent Name key Group Method Name. Method Child Name key Child Method Name. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 263 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Period Hierarchy V6-VH_PERIOD V2- PERIOD_HIERARCHY Field Name Field Attribute Description Period Parent Name key Group Period Name. Period Child Name key Child Period Name. Process Hierarchy V6-VH_PROCESS Field Name Field Attribute Description Process Parent Name key Group Process Name. Process Child Name key Child Process Name. Product Hierarchy V6-VH_PRODUCT Field Name Field Attribute Description Product Parent Name key Group Product Name. Product Child Name key Child Product Name. V2-O_HIERARCHY V2-DIM3_HIERARCHY Profile Hierarchy V6-VH_PROFILE Field Name Field Attribute Description Profile Parent Name key Group Profile Name. Profile Child Name key Child Profile Name. Value Management Hierarchy V6-VH_VMI Field Name Field Attribute Description Value Management Item Parent Name key Group Value Management Item Name. Value Management Item Child Name key Child Value Management Item Name. V6-VIRTUAL_TRACEBACKTABLE Traceback Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name alphanumeric Department Name. Activity Name alphanumeric Activity Name. Account Name alphanumeric Account Name. Product Name alphanumeric Product Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Type alphanumeric Indicates the type of Activity represented by this record. One of {Cost Object, Unallocated, Reallocate, Business, Spare }. Cost numeric Calculated Cost Object Cost associated with the given base items. Cost Driver Name alphanumeric Cost Driver Name. Period alphanumeric Period Name. Variable Cost numeric The part of the Cost which is variable. Fixed Cost numeric The part of the Cost which is fixed. Cost Driver Unit Rate numeric Unit Rate, calculated as the ratio between the Cost and the corresponding Cost Driver volume. 264 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields Value Management Line Mapping V6-VM_LINEMAPPING Field Name Field Attribute Description Account Name key Account Name. Line Mapping Code numeric The Line Mapping to use for that Account. Used when generating the Value Management Line Mapping CSV file. It is an integer between 0 and 65000. On import, invalid numbers will be ignored, and decimal places will be truncated. Default is zero. Note On Export, all Accounts are exported including Groups and automatically generated Accounts. Value Management Traceback V6-VM_TRACEBACK Field Name Field Attribute Description VMI Name alphanumeric Value Management Item Name. Product Name alphanumeric Product Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Customer Name alphanumeric Customer Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Channel Name alphanumeric Channel Name, or *MNF* to indicate the <All> level. Department Name alphanumeric Source Department Name or <Revenue>. Account Name alphanumeric Source Account Name or <Revenue>. Activity Name alphanumeric Activity Name. Type alphanumeric Indicates the type of Activity represented by this record. One of {Cost Object, Unallocated, Reallocate, Business, Spare}. Revenue numeric Calculated Cost Object Cost associated with the given base items, for the Value Management Revenue Period. Cost numeric Calculated Cost Object Cost associated with the given base items, for the Value Management Cost Period. Capital numeric Calculated Cost Object Cost associated with the given base items, for the Value Management Capital Period. Valuation numeric Value Management Valuation Cost. Revenue - Cost - (Capital * Capital Cost Multiplier) Cost Driver Name alphanumeric Cost Driver Name. Cost Driver Volume numeric Cost Driver Volume. Line Mapping Code numeric The Value Management Line Mapping. Value Management Item V6-VMI Field Name Field Attribute Description VMI Name key Value Management Item Name. VMI Description alphanumeric Value Management Item Description. VMI Code alphanumeric Value Management Item Code. VMI Memo alphanumeric Value Management Item Memo. Cost Period Name alphanumeric The Value Management Cost Period. Capital Period Name alphanumeric The Value Management Capital Period. Revenue Period Name alphanumeric The Value Management Revenue Period. On Import, defaults to <Revenue from Cost Period>. Capital Period Multiplier numeric The Capital Period Cost Multiplier used in Value Management calculation. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 265 |B B| Metify ABM Tables Summary of Table Fields What-If Department Activity Costs V6-WHAT_IF_DA Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Cost Driver Name key Cost Driver Name. Original Volume numeric Original volume. New Volume numeric New volume. Capacity Volume numeric Capacity volume. Factor numeric Factor. Max Variable numeric Maximum variable. What-If Department Activity Method Values V6-WHAT_IF_DAM Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Method Name key Method Name. Original Method Value numeric Original Method Value. New Method Value numeric New Method Value. Original Method Pct numeric Original Method percentage. New Method Pct numeric New Method percentage. V6-WHAT_IF_DTA What-If Department Activity Account Costs Field Name Field Attribute Description Department Name key Department Name. Activity Name key Activity Name. Account Name key Account Name. Method Name key Method Name. Original Value numeric Original Method Value. Pct Variable numeric Pct Variable. Factor numeric Factor. New Value numeric New Method Value. 266 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages About Errors and Warnings C1. About Errors and Warnings This section contains information on the messages that Metify ABM can produce during validation and calculation. These messages appear in the message log as the validation and calculation are carried out. Messages are listed in alphabetical order. However, if you have changed keywords within Metify ABM, please remember that the messages are listed in alphabetical order of standard Metify ABM terminology. Details of each message include not only the message and its description, but also the stage of calculation at which the message can occur, and its message type. When a message appears in the message log it is comprised of three items. Checking <table> Checking <record number and description> Error or warning Example: Checking Department Account Costs Checking record 27 - Information Technology/Power E: No Activity value allocations exist for Department Information Technology Method Square Footage Stage of calculation can be: Validation Activity Calculation Cost Object Calculation Profitability Calculation Type can be: Error - Errors are serious enough to prevent the model calculating; the model cannot be calculated until all errors have been eliminated. Errors are produced during validation. Warning - Warning messages alert you to areas of your model which may require attention, but which are not serious enough to prevent the model from calculating. Log Message - Log messages are informational messages that Metify ABM writes into the message log. Validation Error During Calculate - Some validation errors cannot be identified until the calculation process has begun, because they do not become apparent until part of the calculation has been completed. These cause the calculation to be stopped. C2. Description of Errors and Warnings Message: ** COST ALLOCATION ERROR ** Activity <name> cost <value1> allocated <value2> Stage: Cost Object Calculation Type: Log Message Explanation: This message indicates that the Cost Object calculation process has not successfully allocated all the costs for the named Activity to Cost Objects. Metify ABM totals the individual amounts of Activity cost allocated to Cost Object costs <value2> and compares this with the original Activity cost <value1>. If these two amounts differ (due to precision rounding errors) then this message is displayed. Solution: The message can be ignored if the amounts displayed (which are to 2 decimal places) are the same. Otherwise, please contact Business Objects for assistance. Message: Account destination not set Stage: Validation Type: Error 268 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Explanation: In Department Account Costs, a record of type “Reallocate” exists for which you have not defined a reallocation path. Solution: Define the path in the Account Reallocation window. Message: Account destination zero Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: An Account reallocation has been created which causes costs to be reallocated into a Department or Departments where the corresponding Method has no values, or zero value. Hence costs have been assigned to a Department that has no basis on which to further allocate those costs to Activities. Solution: Update the Department Method Values window. You must enter Method Values for the destination Departments and the Method used in the Account reallocation path. (To check the Account reallocation path go to the Account Reallocation window.) Message: Account Direct is a reserved name Accounts Direct is a reserved name Stage: Activity Cost Calculation Type: Error Explanation: You have defined an Account, Account(s) Direct, and have inserted a Department Account Cost for it with a Type of Cost Object. Accounts Direct is used for the Activity group that contains the automatically generated Accounts of Type Cost Object. Solution: You must re-name your Account in the Accounts window. Message: Activity <name> has Invalid Channel setting - reset to MATCH_NOT_FOUND Activity <name> has Invalid Cost Driver 3 - reset to MATCH_NOT_FOUND Activity <name> has Invalid Cost Driver 4 - reset to MATCH_NOT_FOUND Activity <name> has Invalid Cost Driver 5 - reset to MATCH_NOT_FOUND Activity <name> has Invalid Customer setting- reset to MATCH_NOT_FOUND Activity <name> has Invalid Product setting - reset to MATCH_NOT_FOUND Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: An Activity without valid data exists in your model. This error is most frequently caused when data is imported electronically, and fields in the Activity table are not all supplied. Solution: Check that the Activity has a correct assignment (Cost Objects and Cost Drivers) in the Activity Assignment window. Message: Activity <name> prefixed with an underscore Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: An Activity that has the same name as an Account was detected. Solution: None; Metify ABM has resolved the problem by prefixing the Activity name with _ to make it unique. If required, you can change the name of the Activity (in the Activities window) to avoid confusion. Message: Activity cost calculation not necessary Stage: Activity Cost Calculation Type: Warning Explanation: Activity Costs have already been calculated and did not need to be recalculated. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 269 |C C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Solution: There is no need to recalculate but if you wish you can force an unnecessary calculation each time you may change a model option; set Model | Options | Calculation | Always Force Calculate. Message: Activity destination is zero Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: An Activity reallocation has been created which causes costs to be reallocated into a Department or Departments where the corresponding Method has no values, or zero value. Hence costs have been assigned to a Department that has no basis on which to further allocate those costs to Activities. Solution: In the Value Allocations window, enter the missing value allocations. Message: Activity destination not set Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A reallocated Activity exists for which you have not fully defined the reallocation path. Solution: In the Department Activity Reallocations window, set a reallocation path. Message: Activity has same name as Account (<name>) Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: ABM. An Activity was detected that has the name as an Account. This is not permitted in Metify Solution: You should change the Activity name or the Account name. Message: Activity order record not found for Activity '<name>' Stage: Cost Object Calculation Type: Log Message Explanation: An Activity that uses different Cost Drivers to drive costs to different Cost object dimensions requires a Cost Driver Order record so that Metify ABM knows the correct order in which to apply the Cost Drivers. This message indicates that no Cost Driver Order record exists for the named Activity. Solution: In Cost Driver Order window, check that the order for the specified Activity is correct, and recalculate. (Metify ABM will have set it to the default order.) Message: Assigning Activity <name> to Department <name> Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: This message indicates that the assignment of Activities to Departments is inconsistent across different Periods. Solution: No action required. When this situation is detected, Metify ABM automatically tidies up the assignment of Activities to Departments across the entire model, ensuring consistency across Periods. Message: Blank Name Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: An item exists in your model with a blank name. Metify ABM does not permit this. This error is most frequently due to invalid data being imported into a model electronically. Solution: Edit the blank name. Message: Calculate Failed - Internal Error (0) Stage: Validation Type: Error 270 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Explanation: This message indicates that you have run out of available space whilst running calculation. Solution: Please contact the Business Objects Help Desk. Message: COST ALLOCATION ERROR Activity <name> cost <ll.pp> allocated <xx.yy> Stage: Validation Type: Log Message Explanation: Metify ABM totals the amount of Activity Cost allocated to Cost Objects, <xx.yy>, and compares this with the original Activity Cost <ll.pp>. If these two values are different (due to precision rounding errors) then this message is displayed. Solution: are the same. The message can be disregarded if the amounts displayed (which are to 2 decimal places) Message: Cost Driver volume zero Stage: Cost Object Calculation Type: Log Message Explanation: Metify ABM is attempting to allocate an Activity’s costs to Cost Objects using a particular Cost Driver, but that Cost Driver has no volumes associated with it, or its total volume is zero. In such a case, Metify ABM cannot allocate the Activity’s costs to Cost Objects, since it has no basis for doing so. Solution: Enter volumes in the Cost Driver Volumes window. Message: Cost Object cost calculation not necessary Stage: Cost Object Calculation Type: Warning Explanation: Cost Object costs have been previously been calculated, and are still valid. Solution: There is no need to recalculate but if you wish to force an unnecessary calculation each time you may change a model option. Set Model | Options | Calculation | Always Force Calculate. Message: Costs left at the <ALL> level for Activity <name> Department <name>. Driver volume not found for 2nd / 3rd stage of allocation Stage: Cost Object Calculation Type: Warning Explanation: dimensions. No Cost Driver Volumes have been defined for the second and third Cost Object Solution: The most likely reason for this error is that you have set up the order of the assignment incorrectly. Check the Cost Driver Order window. If that is correct, check the Cost Driver Volumes and ensure that you have the drivers at the appropriate level of detail. (E.g. If driving to Product using driver 1 and then cascading to Customer using Driver 2, then Driver 2 must have volumes entered at a Product/Customer combination.) Message: Cyclic reallocation while processing <name> Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Validation Error During Calculate Explanation: A cyclic reallocation of Activity costs was detected whilst processing the named Activity. Solution: Check your Activity reallocations. Message: Cyclic reallocation while processing <name>/<name> Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Validation Error During Calculate Explanation: A cyclic reallocation of Activity costs was detected whilst processing the named Department and Activity. Solution: Check your Activity reallocations. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 271 |C C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Message: Department <name> / Account <name> not processed – no valid value allocations found (<value>) Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Validation Error During Calculate Explanation: Metify ABM could not process The Department Account cost for the named Department and Account, because the required value allocations do not exist in the model. Solution: Check that there are Value Allocations for the Department. Message: Department <name> Account <name> Cost <value> removed Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: The Department Account cost table contained a record that the validation process has removed. This will usually be data that was loaded electronically into a group-level Department or Account. Metify ABM does not allow Department Account Costs to be held at group Department or Account levels. Solution: Metify ABM has removed the record, thus resolving the problem. Message: Department <name> Method <name>, total not 100 percent Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: The value allocations for the named Department and Method do not total 100%. This will cause Spare Resource to be calculated in the Department. Solution: If a spare resource is acceptable, do nothing. If you do not wish to have a spare resource, open Value Allocations window and create a 100% allocation. Message: Department with costs carries out no Activities (<name>) Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: The named Department has costs associated with it, post Account reallocation, but no Activities have been assigned to it. Solution: You should either remove the costs (either in the Department Account Cost or via Account Reallocations), or assign some Activities to the Department (Activities by Department or Department by Activities windows). Message: Department: <name> Activity: <name> - only destination is itself (<value>) Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Log Message Explanation: An Activity reallocation has been set up in which costs can only be reallocated back to the same Department and Activity. Solution: Change the path in the Department Activity Reallocations window. Message: Department: <name> Activity: <name> Method <name> destination allocations are zero (<value>) Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Validation Error During Calculate Explanation: During an Activity reallocation, Metify ABM is attempting to reallocate costs from the named Department and Activity using the named Method. However, the sum of the corresponding Method Values in the destination Departments is zero, so there is no basis on which to carry out the reallocation. Solution: In Department Method Values, check that the total of the values for the destination Departments for the reallocated Activity are not zero. Message: 272 Formula error BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: An invalid Derivation Formula exists in Methods or Cost Drivers, possibly as a result of Importing. Open the Methods/Cost Drivers window, and correct or delete the offending formula. (Tip: To find items with a formula, select all non-group items in the hierarchy, and click on the Derivation Formula heading to sort.) Solution: Check all Derivation formulas in the Methods and Cost Drivers windows. (Tip: Sort on the Derivation Formula field to find all items with formulas.) Message: Found cyclic error in Department <name> Activity <name> Method <name> Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A simple cyclic error has been detected, involving an Activity reallocation that has been set up so that costs would simply be reallocated back to the identical Department and Activity. Solution: Check all aspects of your reallocation path. First check Department Activity Reallocations to ensure that the path is correct. Then check Value Allocations; perhaps another Activity should have a value allocation for the Method in question. Message: Invalid Activity Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access an Activity that no longer exists. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Activity. Message: Invalid Activity type Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: An Activity without a valid type exists in your model. This error is most frequently caused when data is imported electronically, and fields in the Activity table are not all supplied. Solution: Check the Type in the Activities window, Message: Invalid Assignment Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: An Activity is being reallocated to the named Department using the named Method. However, the named Department either has no Activities, or has no Value Allocations set, so any costs that are reallocated into this Department would be lost. Solution: Check your Department Activity assignments, and your Value Allocations. Message: Invalid Channel Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Channel that no longer exists. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Channel. Message: Invalid Cost Driver Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Cost Driver that no longer exists. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Cost Driver. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 273 |C C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Message: Invalid Cost Driver order record removed Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: An Activity that uses different Cost Drivers to drive costs to different Cost object dimensions requires a Cost Driver Order record so that Metify ABM knows the correct order in which to apply the Cost Drivers. This message indicates that a Cost Driver Order record exists for an Activity that uses a single Cost Driver, and therefore has no need of a Cost Driver Order record. Solution: None - the Cost Driver Order has been removed automatically by Metify ABM. Message: Invalid Currency Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Currency that no longer exists. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Currency. Message: Invalid Customer Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Customer that no longer exists. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Customer. Message: Invalid Department/Account combination Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: This error occurs when Metify ABM is validating the Value Allocation Overrides. Part of the validation checks that each entry in the Value Allocation Overrides table corresponds to a record in the Department/Account table, since the value entered will be subtracted from the corresponding record in Department/Account costs. This error is generated if the corresponding record doesn’t exist, probably as a result of import. Solution: window. Add the missing Department/Account combination in the Department Account Costs Message: Invalid Department/Activity combination Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: This error occurs when Metify ABM is validating: a)Value Allocation Overrides. Part of the validation checks that each entry in the Value Allocation Overrides table corresponds to a record in the Department/Activity assignments, since the value entered will be allocated to that Department/Activity combination. This error is generated if the corresponding record doesn’t exist, probably as a result of an import. The invalid Value Allocation Override will be removed. b) Department Activity Reallocations. Metify ABM checks that there is a corresponding record in Department Activity Assignments. Solution: If you required the override, then you must add the missing Department/Activity combination in the Activities by Department or Departments by Activity window, and then re-insert the override in the Value Allocation Override window Message: Invalid Method Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Method that no longer exists, probably as a result of deleting the Method. 274 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Solution: Metify ABM has tidied up the table containing the non-existent Method. However, the table probably requires a valid Method, so you should check Accounts and Department Account Costs. Message: Invalid Method for reallocated activity Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Method that no longer exists. Solution: Set a new path in Department Activity Reallocations window. Message: Invalid Product Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Product that no longer exists. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Product. Message: Invalid Profile Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM attempted to access a Profile that no longer exists. Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Profile. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table that contains a reference to the Profile. Message: Invalid record removed Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: A record in a Metify ABM table has been removed, because Metify ABM could not recognize one or more of the record’s keys. This message generally occurs because an item has previously been deleted causing related records to become redundant. Solution: not reappear. None - Metify ABM has removed the record. If you calculate again, then the message will Message: Invalid Value Management Item Period setup Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A Value Management Item contains inconsistent Period information. Either you have not set up all the Periods, or the same Period occurs in more than once, probably from an Import. You should edit the Value Management Item so that it contains a complete set of Periods, or to set all Period fields to the default. Solution: You should edit the Value Management Item so that it contains a complete set of Periods, or to set all Period fields to the default. Message: Maximum Number of Accounts exceeded. Current n maximum m Maximum Number of Activities exceeded. Current n maximum m Maximum Number of Cost Objects exceeded. Current n maximum m Maximum Number of Departments exceeded. Current n maximum m Maximum Number of Periods exceeded. Current n maximum m Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: You have installed Metify ABM Lite version that has limits on the number of items that you can have in a model. For each base item there is a limit m, and you have exceeded this limit with n. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 275 |C C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Solution: Either delete items from the specified base item, or contact Business Objects to arrange for a non-Lite version of Metify ABM. Message: Method reset to default Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: The Method identified on a Department/Account Cost record was not found. Solution: Metify ABM has defaulted the record’s Method to that of the corresponding Account. If this is not suitable, then change the Method in Department Account Costs. Message: Missing or incorrect Method for reallocated activity Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: This should not occur. The Method used for the reallocation does not exist. Solution: Reset the path in Department Activity Reallocations. Message: Name/code contains a ':' Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: this. A name or code was found that included a colon character. Metify ABM does not allow Solution: You should rename the item concerned. Message: Name/code contains a '[' Name/code contains a ']' Name/code contains a '|' Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A name or code was found that included an open square bracket / close square bracket / pipe' character. Metify ABM does not allow this. Solution: You should rename the item concerned. Message: Name/code contains a TAB Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A name or code was found that included a tab character; this name or code was almost certainly created during an electronic import of data, and is not allowed by Metify ABM. Solution: You should rename the item concerned. Message: Name/code ends with a space Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A name or code was found that ends with a space. Metify ABM does not allow this, because applications such as Excel and Lotus will automatically remove the space character when they are used to report on Metify ABM data, and other Metify Link functions may not work properly if this happens. Solution: You should rename the item concerned. Message: Name/code starts with a space Stage: Validation Type: Error 276 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Explanation: A name or code was found that ends with a space. Metify ABM does not allow this, because applications such as Excel and Lotus will automatically remove the space character when they are used to report on Metify ABM data, and other Metify Link functions may not work properly if this happens. Solution: You should rename the item concerned. Message: Name/code too long (maximum 512 characters) Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A name or code was found that contains more than 512 characters. Metify ABM does not allow this, because applications such as MS Access will not accept long names. Solution: You should rename the item concerned. Message: No Activities for Department <name> Method <name> Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: An Activity is being reallocated to the named Department using the named Method. However, the named Department either has no Activities, or has no Value Allocations set, so any costs that are reallocated into this Department would be lost. Check your Department Activity assignments, and your Value Allocations. Solution: Check your Department Activity assignments, and your Value Allocations. Message: No Activity value allocations exist for Department <name> Method <name> Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: There are no value allocations in your model for the named Department and Method. Metify ABM requires that, if you define a Method, at least some of that Method is allocated to Activities. This message is produced by the validation of the Value Allocation Override table, and is used to check the remainder of Department Account costs, after any Value Allocation Overrides have been taken into account. Solution: Enter value allocations in the Value Allocations window. Message: No value allocation percentages for Department <name> Method <name> Stage: Validation Type: Warning/Error Explanation: There are no value allocations in your model for the named Department and Method. Metify ABM requires that, if you define a Method, at least some of that Method is allocated to Activities. This message is a warning if the corresponding Method Value is zero, since no costs will be passed through this allocation path in any case when the Method Value is zero. If the Method Value is non-zero, there is a danger of costs being lost, so the message is then an error. Solution: Enter value allocations in the Value Allocations window. Message: No volume/unit rate for external cost record (<name>/<name>/<name>/<name>) Stage: Profitability Calculation Type: Log Message Explanation: External costs are passed through to Profitability according to the revenue records that exist in Metify ABM. If an external cost record exists, but the model has no corresponding Revenue record, the external costs are passed through to Profitability by calculating a unit rate and applying that unit rate to Production (or Revenue) volume. This error occurs when the External Cost record, for the named Product, Customer, Channel and Cost Type, cannot be passed through to Profitability, because either no appropriate volume was available, or a unit rate could not be found or calculated. Solution: Either enter a production volume in Product Volumes or enter Revenue units in Revenue. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 277 |C C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Message: Percentage utilization not in the range 0 - 100 Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: This error occurs when Metify ABM validates the Processes that you have defined. The % Utilization field, which defines what percentage of a Department/Activity combinations costs are included in a Process, should always be between 0 and 100. Solution: Update the % Utilization field in the Processes window. Message: Percentage variability set to 0 Stage: Validation Type: Warning/Error Explanation: A percentage variability value in the Department Account costs table was less than zero, and Metify ABM has subsequently set it to zero. If a Department Account Cost record has an invalid Percentage, then you get a warning. If an Account record has an invalid Percentage, then you get an error. Solution: If you wish to modify the percentage variability then, update the Department Account Costs window or the Accounts window. Message: Percentage variability set to 100 Stage: Validation Type: Warning/Error Explanation: A percentage variability value in the Department Account costs table was greater than 100, and Metify ABM has subsequently set it to 100. If a Department Account Cost record has an invalid Percentage, then you get a warning. If an Account record has an invalid Percentage, then you get an error. Solution: If you wish to modify the percentage variability then, update the Department Account Costs window or the Accounts window. Message: Profit calculation not necessary Stage: Profitability Calculation Type: Warning Explanation: Profitability results have been previously been calculated, and are still valid. Solution: There is no need to recalculate but if you wish to force an unnecessary calculation each time you may change a model option. Set Model | Options | Calculation | Always Force Calculate. Message: Reallocated Activity has no reallocation defined Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Reallocation paths have not been set Solution: Set a path in the Department Activity Reallocations window. Message: Reallocated Activity not assigned to any Department Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Reallocated Activity is not performed by any Department Solution: Assign the Activity to one or more Departments in the Departments by Activity window. Message: Removed unused Reallocated Activity <Account Name> Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: The Reallocated Activity has been removed from Reallocated Accounts because either the Activity is no longer of type Reallocate, or else its name has been changed. Solution: 278 None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Message: Removed unused Account direct <Activity Name> Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: The Activity has been removed from Account directs because its name has been changed. Solution: None - Metify ABM has tidied up the table Message: Resetting invalid Activity Type Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: “undefined”. Metify ABM detected an Activity type that is invalid, and has reset the Activity type to Solution: Update the Type in the Activities window. Message: Resetting invalid Channel Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Metify ABM detected a field containing a Channel that is invalid, and has reset the Channel to “<All>”. Solution: If '<All>' is not acceptable you must update the Channel in the relevant window. Message: Resetting invalid Cost Driver Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Metify ABM detected a field containing a Cost Driver that is invalid, and has reset the Cost Driver field to “<None>”. Solution: If '<None>' is not acceptable you must update the Cost Driver in the relevant window. Message: Resetting invalid Customer Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Metify ABM detected a field containing a Customer that is invalid, and has reset the Customer to “<All>”. Solution: If '<All>' is not acceptable you must update the Customer in the relevant window. Message: Resetting invalid Method Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: Metify ABM detected a field containing a Method that is invalid, and has reset the Method field to *MNF*. Solution: If '*MNF*' is not acceptable you must update the Method in the relevant window. Message: Resetting invalid Product Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: to “<All>”. Metify ABM detected a field containing a Product that is invalid, and has reset the Product Solution: If '<All>' is not acceptable you must update the Product in the relevant window Message: Resetting invalid Source Period Stage: Validation Type: Error BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 279 |C C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Description of Errors and Warnings Explanation: Metify ABM detected Source Period in the Period table that is invalid, and has reset the Source Period to “<None>”. Solution: If '<None>' is not acceptable you must update the Source Period in the Periods window. Message: Text contains both types of quote characters Stage: Validation Type: Error Explanation: A name, code, description or memo was found that included both quote characters {“ ‘}. This is not allowed by Metify ABM, since, if this data were to be exported, the record would be inconsistent. (Quotes are used as text delimiters). Quotes can also confuse other applications. You should rename the item concerned to remove one of the types of quote, or better still, both of them. Solution: You should rename the item concerned to remove one of the types of quote, or better still, remove both of them. Message: The Department does not perform the Activity Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: This error is generated during validation of Process definitions. It indicates that a Process contains a reference to a Department/Activity combination that does not exist, and is usually caused by a Process definition being built via an import of data into Metify ABM. The record is removed. Solution: None - Metify ABM has removed the record. If you want the Process/Department/Activity combination then you must first set up the Departments by Activity assignment, and then re-insert the Process Assignment. Message: is <value> The reallocation ratio should be 1.0000 for <name> <name> but Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Validation Error During Calculate Explanation: This message is produced if Metify ABM is attempting to reallocate costs from the named Activity and Department, but finds that the results of this reallocation would not exactly match the amount being reallocated out of the source Activity and Department. Solution: This message should never be seen, but if you do see the message, please contact Business Objects for assistance. Duplicate Value Allocation records may cause this. Try exporting and importing the V6-DEPT_ACT_METHOD table to remove the duplicates. Message: Turning off Spare for Department <name> Method <name> Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: The named Department and Method, in the previous calculation, was not 100% allocated to Activities through the value allocations. Since that calculation, the value allocations have been changed so that they do total 100% for the named Department and Method, so Metify ABM is now removing the Spare resource. Solution: None. Message: Unable to allocate Account reallocation <name>/<name> anywhere - money lost: <value> Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Log Message Explanation: An Account reallocation failed from the named Account and Department. Metify ABM creates dummy Accounts in the target Department in order to hold temporarily the reallocated costs before allocating them on to the target Departments’ Activities, but this message indicates that the expected dummy Accounts were not found. The message is generated by Metify ABM’s internal self-checking routines, and should never be seen. 280 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Other Messages Solution: If you do see the message, please contact Business Objects for assistance. Message: Unable to locate Department/Activity record specified in Process definition table Stage: Activity Calculation Type: Log Message Explanation: During calculation of the Process costs in the Activity Costing phase, Metify ABM could not find the costs for one of a Process’ constituent Department/Activity records. This may be because the Department/Activity cost record no longer exists, either due to a change in the Department/Activity assignments, or a change in the Activity’s type. Solution: Check the Type in the Activities window, and the Departments by Activities assignment. Message: Validation not necessary Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Validation has been previously been performed, and is still valid. Solution: None. Message: Zero value record removed Stage: Validation Type: Warning Explanation: Metify ABM detected a record in the revenue table with a zero value and a zero volume. The record has been removed. Solution: None. C3. Other Messages Metify Errors If Metify ABM detects an internal error or a corrupt model, it will display an error message, similar to the one below: The more common ones are: Error (43) - General Metify Error This can happen at various times. Error (7) - Internal Error - Incorrect Table. This can happen when making a selection in the hierarchies to display records in the detail area. In all cases, close Metify ABM and restart it. This will generally rectify any problems. If the problem persists, contact Business Objects Helpdesk. Message Bar Errors Various messages appear in the Message Bar of the individual Metify ABM data windows, for example: Some of these are for information only (e.g. the availability data in the Value Allocations window), but some occur as a result of trying to perform an illegal operation (e.g. deleting the BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 281 |C C| Metify ABM Error and Warning Messages Other Messages Current Period in the Periods window). See 3.3.2 and the descriptions of the individual windows for more details. 282 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Audit File Format D| Audit File Format About Auditing D1. About Auditing The Audit function (see Section 2.4.4) enables you to create a log of all changes that are made to a model. When the Audit function is enabled, each change made to the model will result in one or more records being added to the Audit File. The following topics describe the format of the records in the Audit File. • Creation Record • Detail Records • Import Records • Data Spreading Records • List of Tables and Fields The Audit File consists of a Creation Record, followed by one or more Detail Records, and any number of Import Records and/or Data Spreading Records. D2. Creation Record A Creation Record is inserted when the Audit File is created; the Audit File is created whenever a Detail Record is added to the Audit File and the Audit File does not already exist. Note that clearing the Audit File (in Model | Options) will delete the Audit File. The format of the Header Record is: #Day Month Year Time Log Created. Note that these fields are separated by spaces. D3. Detail Records Each Detail Record consists of two parts - a fixed part, which is the same for all Detail Records, and a variable part, which depends on both the type of the Detail Record and the Table that is being changed. The format of a Detail Record is: <Day Month Year Time> <User> <Machine> <Table:n> <Type> <Type related fields> where the first four fields are the fixed part, and the remainder is variable. A tab separates each field. User This is the name of the User, as entered in the Metify ABM User Authorization dialog box, who made the change. (If Users are not enabled, then it will be ‘Administrator’.) Machine The Name of the Client computer where the change was made. n The Table Id. A list of Table Ids and Table Names can be found in B . Type The Types are: UpdateField This is output whenever a change is made to an individual field; it shows which field has changed, and gives the new value. The format is: UpdateField Field:Field NameNewValue:Value The Field Name is specific to the Table, and a list of these for each Table can be found in B. This Detail Record type is always followed by an Update Detail Record, which gives the key fields that identify the record being changed. Update This is output whenever a record is changed, e.g. after a set (which may be one or more) of UpdateField records. It identifies the record (i.e. lists the key fields) and shows the new contents of the record. The format is: Update <Record Fields> The number and format of the <Record Fields> depend on the Table, and are listed in B . HierarchyAdd 284 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Audit File Format Detail Records This is output whenever an item is inserted into the hierarchy, either when a new item is being inserted, or when an item is copied. It shows the position of the item in the hierarchy. The format is: HierarchyAdd Parent Child HierarchyMove This is output whenever a item is moved to a different position in the hierarchy. It shows the new position of the item in the hierarchy. The format is: HierarchyMove Parent Child HierarchyRemove This is output whenever an item is deleted from its position in the hierarchy, either when an item is being deleted or moved. It shows where the item was in the hierarchy. The format is: HierarchyRemove Parent Child DeleteRecord This is output whenever a data entry, assignment or reallocation record is deleted (as a results of deleting the data entry record, or changing the assignment or reallocation). It shows the record that has been deleted. The format is: DeleteRecord <Record Fields> Period:Period The number and format of the <Record Fields> depend on the Table, and are listed in B. NewRecord This is output whenever a data entry assignment or reallocation record is created (as a results of inserting the data entry record, or changing the assignment or reallocation). It shows the record that has been created. The format is: NewRecord <Record Fields> Period:Period The number and format of the <Record Fields> depend on the Table, and are listed in B. Import This is output whenever an import is performed using the File | Import | from .DAT file function. (Note that no Audit logging takes place for import using: a) File | Import | using Data Bridge b) Metify Link for Process Mapping c) Metify Link to be used in conjunction with JD Edwards OneWorld.) The format is: Import Table:n Period:Period Sum:Boolean Replace:Boolean where Boolean is True or False. It will be followed by an Import Record for each record in the .dat file that causes an update to the model. Import Finished This is output at the end of the Import Records to indicate that the import has completed. The format is: Import Finished Table:n DataSpreading This is output at the start of Data Spreading to indicate the table and Period involved in the Data Spreading. It will be followed by a number of Data Spreading Records (one for each record in the table, see B) and a Finished DataSpreading Record. There will be a set of these records for each Target Period to which the data is spread. The format is: DataSpreading From: Period Source To: Period Target Finished DataSpreading This is output at the end of Data Spreading. The format is: Finished DataSpreading BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 285 |D D| Audit File Format Import Records D4. Import Records A set of Import Records is output following a Detail Record of type Import. One record is output for each .dat file record that causes a change to the model. The format of an Import Record is: <Record fields> The number and format of the <Record Fields> depend on the Table, and are listed in B. Note that a tab precedes the first field. A Detail Record of type Import Finished follows the set of Import Records. D5. Data Spreading Records A set of Data Spreading Records is output following a Detail Record of type Data Spreading. One record is output for each record in the table that is changed by Data Spreading. The format of a Data Spreading Record is: DataSpreading <Record fields> The number and format of the <Record Fields> depend on the Table, and are listed in B. Note that a tab precedes the first field. The set of Data Spreading Records is followed by a Detail Record of type Finished DataSpreading. 286 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Audit File Format List of Tables and Fields D6. List of Tables and Fields Table Id 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Table Name V6-ACCT_DIRECT Fields Account Name Source Department Override Method Name Target Department Period V6-ACT Activity Name Activity Code Activity Description Activity Memo Activity Type Product Cost Driver Name Customer Cost Driver Name Channel Cost Driver Name Product Name Customer Name Channel Name Cor Cost Driver Name Capacity Profile Name V6-COSTD_DESC Cost Driver Name Cost Driver Code Cost Driver Description Cost Driver Memo Volume Profile Name Weighting Profile Name Cost Driver Formula V6-COSTD_VOL Cost Driver Name Product Name Customer Name Channel Name Volume Input Type Period V6-DEPT_ACCT_COST Department Name Account Name Method Name Cost Pct Variable Fixed Cost Period V6-DEPT_ACT_METHOD_VALUE Department Name Activity Name Method Name Value Scale Period V6-DEPT_ACT_REALLOC Department Name Activity Name Method Name Target Department Name Update/ Import Data Spreading * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 287 |D D| Audit File Format List of Tables and Fields 9 V6-DEPT_METHOD_VALUE Table Id V6-DEPT 15 V6-DIM3 16 V6-DIM4 17 V6-DIM5 18 V6-METHOD 20 V6-OVERRIDE 21 V6-REVENUE 22 V6-EXT_COST 23 288 Table Name 10 V6-COST_TYPE Department Name Method Name Value Period Fields Department Name Department Code Department Description Department Memo Product Name Product Code Product Description Product Memo Product Volume Profile Name Customer Name Customer Code Customer Description Customer Memo Channel Name Channel Code Channel Description Channel Memo Method Name Method Code Method Description Method Memo Value Profile Name Method Formula Method Value Allocations Spare Resource Type Department Name Activity Name Account Name Value Period Product Name Customer Name Channel Name Revenue Units Period Product Name Customer Name Channel Name Cost Type Name Cost Input Period Cost Type Name Cost Type Code Cost Type Description Cost Type Memo BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide * * * * Update/ Import * * * Data Spreading * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Audit File Format List of Tables and Fields 24 V6-DIM_WEIGHTING 25 V6-DEPT_ACT_OVERRIDE Table Id Table Name 27 V6-BOM_QUANTITY 28 V6-ACT_ORDER 31 V6-CURRENCY 32 V6-DIM_EXC 33 V6-DIM3_VOL 34 V6-CURRENCY_VALUE 36 V6-CAPACITY 38 V6-OVERRIDE_DTM 43 V6-OVERRIDE_DAM 50 V6-BOM_QUANTITY Department Name Cost Driver Name Activity Name Product Name Customer Name Channel Name Weighting Period Dept Act Product Cost Driver Customer Cost Driver Channel Cost Driver Fields Bom Parent Bom Child Activity Dimension1 Dimension2 Dimension3 Currency Name Currency Code Currency Description Currency Memo Activity Name Product Name Customer Name Channel Name Product Name Volume Period Currency Name Scale Period Department Activity Cost Driver Name Capacity Period Account Name Source Department Name Method Name Target Department Name Activity Name Source Department Name Method Name Target Department Name Bom Parent Bom Child Volume Period * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Update/ Import Data Spreading * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 289 |D D| Audit File Format List of Tables and Fields 54 V6-ACCT 55 V6-PERIOD 56 V6-PROCESS Table Id Table Name 57 V6-PROCESS_DEFN 60 V6-DEPT_ACT 63 V6-PROFILE 64 V6-PROFILE_DATA 65 V6-PROFILE_DEFAULT 68 V6-VMI 206 V6-VM_LINEMAPPING 290 Account Name Account Code Account Description Account Memo Method Name Pct Variable Dept Acct Profile Name Value Alloc Profile Name Period Name Period Code Period Description Period Memo Source Period Name Back Calculation Period Process Name Process Code Process Description Process Memo Fields Process Name Department Name Activity Name Reference No Time Input Pct Util Period Department Name Activity Name Profile Name Profile Code Profile Description Profile Memo Profile Type Profile Name Profile Value Period Dept Acct Profile Name Method Value Profile Name Value Alloc Profile Name Capacity Profile Name CD Volume Profile Name CD Weighting Profile Name Prod Volume Profile Name Revenue Profile Name External Cost Profile Name Period VMI Name VMI Code VMI Description VMI Memo Cost Period Name Capital Period Name Revenue Period Name Capital Period Multiplier Account Name Line Mapping Code BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Update/ Import * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Data Spreading * * * * * * Audit File Format List of Tables and Fields Notes a) An asterisk , *, indicates that this field is output for the type of change indicated in the table heading. b) The Period field is always preceded by Period:. Tip: WordPad has a maximum line length; records in the Audit File may exceed this maximum, and will be truncated. Use a different text editor to view your Audit File, if truncation is a problem. BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 291 |D D| Audit File Format List of Tables and Fields 292 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Index Index A Accessing Windows, 22 Account <Revenue>, 230 Account Costs Direct, 89 Entering, 86 Reallocating, 89 Account Direct, 98 Account Variability, 205 Accounts, 9 Defining, 83 Activities, 10 Allocating Method Values, 101 Automatically Generated, 98 Calculating Costs, 112 Cost Reallocation, 106 Defining, 97 Overview, 96 Structure, 97 window, 97 Activity Assignment, 136 Assignment Exclusions, 138 Overriding the Cost Driver, 145 Unit Rates, 157 Activity Costing Analysis, 10 Activity Costs Results, 112 Activity Type, 96 Activity v Capacity Unit Rate, 160 Admin, 38 Administrator Function, 54 Allocating Method Values to Activities, 101 Allow Cost Object Groups, 169 Allow External Costs Groups, 169 Alt key, 69, 72 Alternate Hierarchy, 66 Creating, 71 Analyzing Cost Objects, 125 Profitability, 163 Applying a Weighting Factor, 149 Area Split, 51 Assigning Activities to Cost Objects, 135 Assigning Activities to Departments, 98 Assigning Departments to Activities, 100 Assigning Volumes to Cost Drivers, 147 Assignment Order, 138 Overview, 135 Audit File, 40 AutoHide Area, 22 Automatically Generated, 75 Account, 230 Accounts, 84 Activities, 98 Customer, 130, 169 B Back-Calculation, 42, 203 Algorithms, 209 Dialog Box, 208 Forward Calculation, 216 Options, 208 Period, 204 Preparing, 204 Running, 208 Source Period, 204 Value Management, 233 Backup, 37, 41 Bar Display, 53 Base Currency, 182 Base Item Fields, 73 Base Items Editing, 74 Base Period, 178 Bill of Materials Costs, 218 Expanded Results, 223 Modifying the Bill of Materials – Makeup, 221 Overview, 218 Results, 222 Structure, 218 To Introduce Products into BOM Hierarchy, 219 Bill Of Materials, 217 BOM see Bill Of Materials, 217 Business, 43 Activity Type, 96 C Calculate Remotely Option, 187 Calculating Cost Object Costs, 151 Profitability, 168 Calculating Activity Costs, 112 Calculation, 42, 185 Performing, 186 Value Management, 231 Capacity, 212 Capacity Details, 157 Capacity Information, 158 Capacity Option, 204 Channels Defining, 130 Checkboxes, 32 Child, 66 Close, 42 Model, 37 Window, 23, 35 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 293 | |Index Closing a Model, 19 Solo, 20 Code, 73 Color, 50 Record, 29 Color Setup, 41, 42 Columns, 51 Hiding, 52 Contents Overview, 11 Context Menu Navigator, 58 Controlling a Metify ABM Session, 16 Copy, 34 Copying Items, 71 CORD, 141 Cost Driver Order, 139 Cost Driver Volumes Back-Calculation, 210 Unmatched combinations, 134 Updating, 133 Cost Driver Weighting Option, 151 Cost Driver Weightings, 39 Cost Drivers Assigning Volumes, 147 Defining, 131 Derived, 132 Overriding, 147 to Input a Volume, 148 Cost Object Activity Type, 96 Cost Object Analysis, 10 Cost Object Costs Results, 153 Unallocated Costs, 155 Cost Object Profitability, 10 Cost Object Reallocation, 141 Cost Object Reallocation Driver, 141 Cost Objects, 125 Analysis, 125 Applying a Weighting Factor, 149 Calculating Costs, 151 Information, 125 Overview, 125 Structure, 126 Unit Rates, 155 Cost Types Entering, 166 Create Customer/Channel <All>, 169 Create output volume / units sold reconcile, 169 Create Revenue records for Unmatched Cost Object, 169 External Costs, 169 Creating Alternate Hierarchies, 71 Creating a New Model, 17 Creating Processes, 122 Creating Results, 186 Cross References, 9 Ctrl key, 72 294 Currencies Base, 182 Current, 182 Defining, 182 Defining Rates, 184 Setting the Current Currency, 185 Using, 182 Currency Value Management, 235 Currency Bar, 22 Current Currency, 182 Current Period, 178 Current Value Management Item, 228 Customers Automatically Generated, 130 Defining, 129 Customizing the List Bar, 51 Cyclic Errors, 196 D Data Entry, 8 Data Spreading, 190, 195 Data windows, 24 Decimal places, 52 Default Order, 35 Defining Account Reallocation Path, 90 Accounts, 83 Activity, 97 Activity Reallocation Path, 107 Channels, 130 Cost Drivers, 131 Currencies, 182 Currency Rates, 184 Customers, 129 Departments, 78 Methods, 80 Periods, 178 Product Volumes, 128 Products, 126 Profiles, 191 Value Management Item, 228 Defining Hierarchies, 65 Delete, 34 Deleting Items, 72 Deleting Records, 28 Deleting Results, 188 Department Defining, 78 Information, 77 Department / Account Overview, 77 Structure, 78 Department Account Costs. See Account Costs Department Method Values. See also Method Values Updating, 82 Derivation Formula, 81, 132 Derived BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Index Cost Drivers, 132 Derived Methods, 81 Description, 73 Description of the Application Window, 20 Detail Area, 27, 67 Deleting, 28 Deselecting, 28 Displaying, 27 Editing, 28 Inserting, 28 Selecting, 27 Sorting, 29 Dialog Access, 57 Dialog Boxes, 24 Display Options, 35, 41 Displaying Windows, 23 Documentation Conventions, 8 Drop-down List Boxes, 32 selecting an item, 32 E Editing Base Items, 74 the Hierarchy Structure, 69 Editing Records, 28 Ending a Metify ABM Session, 20 Entering Account Costs, 86 Cost Types, 166 Data, 8 Department Account Costs, 86 External Costs, 167 Method Values, 85 Revenue Details, 164 Text, 8 Value Management Line Mappings, 230 Escape, 27, 32, 45 Exit, 37, 41, 43 Metify ABM, 20 Expanded Profitability, 172, 174 Expanded Traceback, 201 Export, 37 External Cost Types. See Cost Types External Costs Entering, 167 F Factor, 213 Factoring, 34, 35 File Backup, 37 Close, 37 Menu, 36 New, 36 Open, 36 Save, 37 Save As, 37 Font, 41 Fonts, 53 Format, 34, 52 Formatting, 52 Free Space, 18 Function Keys, 43 G Generating Reports, 43 Group, 66 Group Maintenance, 55 H Help Menu, 42 Hiding Columns, 52 Hierarchies, 24 Deselecting, 26 Display, 25 Selecting, 25 Hierarchy Defining, 65 Editing the Structure, 69 Inserting into, 68 Overview, 65 Structure, 66 Hierarchy Area, 24, 67 Hot Spot Masks, 61 Hotspot Create, 60 Hotspots Navigator, 59 I Import of Data, 19 Importing Data, 37 Insert, 34 Inserting into a Hierarchy, 68 Inserting Records, 28 Interaction with Link Programs, 63 Introduction, 8 Items Copying, 71 Deleting, 72 Moving, 70 K Key Features, 16 Keyboard Keys, 8 Keys Alt, 72 Ctrl, 72 Shift, 73 Summary of Keys Used, 72 Keywords, 49 L Language, 53 Limits/Restrictions Description, 73 Keywords, 49 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 295 | |Index Memo, 73 Message Log, 40 Metify ABM Filename, 36 Password, 38 Text, 74 Links to windows, 35 List Bar and Groups, 22 Loading an Existing Model, 17 M Main Message Bar, 22 Mapping File Value Management, 235 Memo, 73 Menu File, 36 Help, 42 Model, 38 Tools, 40 Window, 42 Menu Bar, 21, 36 Menus, 36 Message Bar, 22, 69 Message Log, 23, 40, 43 Method Values. See also Department Method Values Entering, 85 Methods, 78 Defining, 80 Derived, 81 Metify ABM Application Window, 20 Data window, 21 Data windows, 24 Exiting, 20 Functions, 10 Reports, 43, 46 Solo Edition, 63 Starting, 16 Team Edition, 63 Metify ABM Model Opening / Creating, 17 Model Closing, 19 Closing in Solo, 20 List of Models, 37 Menu, 38 Opening / Creating, 17 Properties, 37 Saving, 19 Status, 43 Model Options, 39 Modifying the Bill of Materials – Makeup, 221 Moving Items, 70 Multi-User Access, 63 N Name, 73 Naming Conventions Keywords, 49 296 Text Restrictions, 74 Navigation, 22 Navigator, 57 Context Menu, 58 Create Hotspot, 60 Creating, 58 Hot Spot Masks, 61 Hotspots, 59 Navigation Masks, 62 New, 36, 42 Non-group, 66 O Open, 36, 42 Opening / Creating a Metify ABM Model, 17 Options Capacity, 204 Cost Driver Weighting, 151 Display Options, 41 Model, 39 Profitability, 169, 170 Reallocation Mode, 111 Reallocation Mode, 204 Right-hand Mouse, 34 Store Expanded Profitability, 172 Overriding the Account Reallocation Method, 92 Overriding the Activity Reallocation Method, 109 Overriding the Cost Driver, 145 Overriding Value Allocations, 105 Overview Activity, 96 Activity Assignment, 135 Bill of Materials, 218 Contents, 11 Cost Objects, 125 Department / Account, 77 Hierarchy, 65 Menus, 36 Periods, 178 Processes, 122 Value Management, 228 P Parent, 66 Passwords, 18, 38, 55 Percentage Bar, 22 Performing a Calculation, 186 Period Back-Calculation, 204 Period Bar, 22 Periods, 178 Base, 178 Current, 178 Defining, 178 Summary, 181 Using, 178 Preparing for Back-Calculation, 204 Procedures, 9 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Index Processes, 122 Assignments, 123 Creating, 122 Product Volumes Defining, 128 Products Defining, 126 Profile Entry, 193 Profiles Data Spreading, 195 Defaults, 192 Defining, 191 Profitability, 172 Calculating, 168 Information, 163 Options, 169 Options Tables, 170 Results, 172 Structure, 164 To Calculate, 169 Profitability Options, 130 Properties, 37 dialog boxes, 29, 34, 35 Model, 37 R Radio Buttons, 32 Reallocate Activity Type, 96 Reallocate Adjustment, 43 Reallocating Account Costs, 89 Reallocating Activity Costs, 106 Reallocation Method Overriding, 92, 109 Reallocation Mode, 111 Back-Calculation, 204 Reallocation Movement, 198 Reallocation Options Setting, 111 Reallocation Path Defining, 90, 107 To Set up an Activity, 108 Reallocation Precision, 112 Reallocation Trace, 197 Reallocations Back-Calculation, 216 Reconcile, 169 Record Color, 29 Deleting, 28 Deselecting, 28 Editing, 28 Inserting, 28 Loading, 27 Reports, 43 Selecting, 27 Sorting, 29 Reports, 34, 43, 46 Generating, 43 Resizing, 51 Results, 196, See Viewing Results Creating, 186 Deleting, 188 Revenue Details, 164 Revenue Units, 164 Right-hand Mouse Menu, 33 Running Back-Calculation, 208 Running Data Spreading, 195 S Save, 37 Save As, 37 Saving, 37 Saving a Model, 19 Screen Access, 56 Search Boxes, 32, 42 Select, 34 Select All, 34 Set as current Currency, 34 Set as current EVA Structure, 34 Set as current Period, 34 Set Assignment, 35 Set default Currency, 35 Set Defaults, 35 Set Exclusions, 35 Set Order, 35 Set Reallocation, 35 Setting the Account Type to Reallocate, 90 Setting the Current Currency, 185 Setting the Reallocation Options, 111 Shift key, 73 Shortcuts, 43 Solo Edition, 41, 63 Sorting, 29 Source Period, 204 Spare, 35, 43, 105 Spare Resource, 98 Starting Metify ABM, 16 Status, 43 Status Bar, 22 Store Expanded Profitability, 172, 175 Summarized Cost Object Costs, 152 Summary of Keys Used, 72 Summary of Tables, 242, 246 System Configuration, 49 Color, 50 Columns, 51 List Bar, 51 Terminology, 49 T Tables Summary, 242, 246 Team Edition, 63 Calculate Remotely Option, 187 Terminology, 49 Text Boxes, 31 Text Entry, 8 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 297 | |Index Text Restrictions, 74 To Access A Properties Dialog Box, 29 To Apply a Weighting Factor, 150 To Assign an Activity, 100 To Assign an Activity to Cost Objects, 137 To Assign Departments/Activities to Processes, 124 To Calculate Activity Costs, 112 To Calculate Cost Object Costs, 151 To Calculate Profitability, 169 To Change the Display Format of a Numeric Field, 52 To Define an Activity Method Override, 110 To Delete a Method Value, 86 To Enter Department Account Cost Details, 89 To Enter Direct Account Costs, 89 To Enter Method Value Allocation, 104 To Enter Method Value Details, 86 To Input a Cost Driver Volume, 148 To Insert a Currency, 183 To Insert a Period, 180 To Introduce Products into BOM Hierarchy, 219 To Override a Cost Driver, 147 To Remove a Window Icon from a List Group, 51 To Restore the Standard set of Icons in the List Bar, 51 To Set a Method Override, 93 To Set the Activity Type to Reallocate, 107 To Set the Current Currency, 185 To Set the Current Period, 181 To Set up an Account Reallocation, 91 To Set up an Activity Reallocation Path, 108 To Specify an Override Value, 106 ToolBar, 21, 42 Tools Menu, 40 Totals Area, 21 Traceback, 200 U Unallocated, 43 Unallocated Costs, 155 Unit Rate, 164 Unit Rates, 155 Activity, 157 Units Sold, 164, 165 Unmatched combinations Cost Driver Volumes, 134 Update All Checkbox, 30 Updating Cost Driver Volumes, 133 Updating Department Method Values, 82 Updating Value Allocations, 82 Use Default Checkbox, 31 User Definition, 55 User Maintenance, 54 Using Currencies, 182 298 Periods, 178 V Validation, 42, 185 Value Allocations, 101 Back-Calculation, 216 Updating, 82 Value Management, 227 Back-Calculation, 42, 233 Calculation, 42, 231 Currency, 235 Mapping File, 235 Overview, 228 Traceback, 233 Value Management Item Current, 228 Value Management Items Defining, 228 Value Management Line Mappings Entering, 230 Viewing Results, 196 Activity Costs, 112 Activity Unit Rate, 157 Activity v Capacity Unit Rate, 160 Bill of Materials - Expanded Results, 223 Bill of Materials - Results, 222 Business Activity Costs, 115 Cost Object Costs, 151, 153 Cyclic Errors, 196 Department Activity Account Costs, 114 Department Activity Costs, 113 Expanded Profitability, 174 Expanded Traceback, 201 Pre-Reallocated Activity Costs, 117 Profitability, 172 Reallocated Activity Account Costs, 119 Reallocated Activity Costs, 118 Reallocation Movement, 198 Reallocation Trace, 197 Source Department Activity Account Costs, 120 Summarized Cost Object Costs, 152 Traceback, 200 Unallocated Costs, 155 Value Management Traceback, 233 What-If Department Activity, 212 What-If Department Activity Account, 214 What-If Department Activity Reallocation, 216 What-If Value Allocations, 215 Viewing the bill of Materials Results, 222 W Weightings, 149, 151, See Cost Driver Weightings To Apply a Factor, 150 What-If Department Activity, 212 What-If Department Activity Account, 214 What-If Department Activity Reallocation, 216 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Index What-If Value Allocations, 215 Window Area, 21 Window Menu, 42 Windows Accessing, 22 Closing, 23 Displaying, 23 Metify ABM, 24 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide 299 | |Index 300 BusinessObjects EPM Metify ABM User Guide Filename: Metify Guide.doc Directory: D:\Metify Docs\Metify ABM\US English\Documentation Template: C:\Documents and Settings\pdufeu.INTL\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\ Title: Subject: Author: Alistair MacIntosh Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: 21/02/2007 11:20:00 Change Number: 80 Last Saved On: 05/03/2007 15:29:00 Last Saved By: PDufeu Total Editing Time: 206 Minutes Last Printed On: 05/03/2007 15:30:00 As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 302 Number of Words: 92,201 (approx.) Number of Characters: 530,159 (approx.)