Victoria Online Thesaurus - Version 2.7 - February 2011
Victoria Online Thesaurus - Version 2.7 - February 2011
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND INNOVATION VICTORIA ONLINE VICTORIA ONLINE THESAURUS VERSION 2.7 © State of Victoria, 2011 The VO Thesaurus is subject to copyright. Except as otherwise permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 you must not reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means the VO Thesaurus without the prior written permission of the State of Victoria. You should address all enquiries regarding reproduction and other rights to copyright in the VO Thesaurus to eServices, Information Services, Department of Business and Innovation, at Level 20, 80 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 or by email at Document Modification Modifications The following table outlines modifications made to this document: Date Ver. Change Section Author 31/01/11 2.7 17 preferred terms All 27/07/09 2.6 36 preferred terms All 28/07/08 2.5 7 preferred terms All 31/01/08 2.4 18 preferred terms All 11/07/07 2.3 68 new preferred terms All 31/01/07 2.2 47 new preferred terms All 31/01/07 2.2 Update introduction Introduction 31/01/07 2.2 Remove references to Chief Technology Office, Multimedia Victoria 31/08/06 2.1 44 new preferred terms Cover page, Related Documents, All Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online 11/01/06 2.0 22/09/05 1.0 Addition of new subject category – eGovernment, 129 new preferred terms Amendment to copyright and terms of use statements 13/09/05 1.0 Victoria Online Thesaurus Related Documents All Cover page, Terms of use All Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online Victoria Online The following table outlines related documents which should be read in conjunction with the VO Thesaurus Document Title Version Owner Victoria Online Thesaurus Development Project Report 1.2 Victoria Online Metadata Application Profiles and Taxonomy Guidelines 4.3 Victoria Online, Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Victorian Government Victoria Online, Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Victorian Government 2 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Table of Contents Table of Contents................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 4 Spelling .................................................................................................................................. 4 Updates .................................................................................................................................. 4 Terms of use........................................................................................................................... 4 Structure................................................................................................................................. 5 Term................................................................................................................................... 5 Used For............................................................................................................................. 5 Scope Note ......................................................................................................................... 5 Broader Term ..................................................................................................................... 6 Narrower Term................................................................................................................... 6 Related Term...................................................................................................................... 6 Subject Category................................................................................................................ 7 Victoria Online Thesaurus ................................................................................................. 8 A......................................................................................................................................... 9 B....................................................................................................................................... 26 C....................................................................................................................................... 39 D....................................................................................................................................... 66 E ....................................................................................................................................... 77 F ....................................................................................................................................... 95 G..................................................................................................................................... 108 H..................................................................................................................................... 116 I ...................................................................................................................................... 127 J ...................................................................................................................................... 141 K..................................................................................................................................... 143 L ..................................................................................................................................... 145 M .................................................................................................................................... 155 N..................................................................................................................................... 167 O..................................................................................................................................... 172 P ..................................................................................................................................... 177 Q..................................................................................................................................... 200 R..................................................................................................................................... 201 S ..................................................................................................................................... 212 T ..................................................................................................................................... 236 U..................................................................................................................................... 251 V..................................................................................................................................... 254 W.................................................................................................................................... 259 X..................................................................................................................................... 270 Y..................................................................................................................................... 271 Z ..................................................................................................................................... 274 U 3 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Introduction The Victoria Online (VO) Thesaurus is a subject thesaurus of descriptive terms that reflect the themes and resources within Victoria Online, the Victorian Government’s online portal ( Victoria Online is a metadata-driven gateway to Victorian State, Federal and Local government information. The VO Thesaurus has been developed to populate the Keyword (DC.Subject) field within the VO Metadata Application Profile (VOMAP). It has been built according to the VO Thesaurus Guidelines, which are based on the ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.19-2003 Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Thesauri. The first edition of the VO Thesaurus was developed by Victoria Online and was released in September 2005. The ninth edition of the VO Thesaurus was released in January 2011. It contains 6,065 terms, with 2,521 preferred terms grouped across 31 subject categories. 17 new preferred terms have been added. Spelling All spelling follows the form preferred by the Macquarie Dictionary. Australian English is the preferred spelling form but spelling variations will be recorded as synonyms. Updates The VO Thesaurus is managed by Victoria Online. It is managed and updated regularly in response to continuing site analysis of the Victoria Online website. Suggestions from other agencies may be considered and any feedback should be directed to There VO Thesaurus is published on the eGovernment Resource Centre The VO thesaurus is available in PDF format and online version. CSV format is available on request. Terms of use The VO Thesaurus has been developed to match the specific information and discoverability requirements of Victoria Online. You may access and use the VO Thesaurus. You must not alter, vary or amend the contents of the VO Thesaurus. 4 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Structure The Victoria Online Thesaurus structure is outlined below: Field Name TERM UF SN BT NT RT SC Element Preferred Term Used For (Synonymous) Term Scope Note Broader Term Narrower Term Related Term Subject Category Term This is the term which has been nominated as the preferred term for a given concept or subject. Used For Used For or non-preferred terms (synonyms) are used in conjunction with the preferred term when populating the Keyword (DC.Subject) metadata field. UF terms can include synonyms, near synonyms, narrower but not used concepts, singular forms of non-standard plurals, abbreviations and acronyms if commonly known, spelling variations such as American spelling or different spacings. Examples include: Bushwalking UF Hiking Libraries UF Library Animal registration UF Pet registration HIV/AIDS UF AIDS Animal registration UF Cat registration Licensing UF Licencing Scope Note Scope notes are to be created for terms where the meaning or intended use is ambiguous or needing further clarification. Scope notes are not required to be full grammatical sentences. 5 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Broader Term A Broader Term represents a broader hierarchical concept than the concept represented by a term. Examples include: Air pollution BT Pollution Housing policy BT Housing BT Policy Ombudsmen BT Officials Narrower Term A Narrower Term represents a narrower hierarchical concept than the concept represented by a term. Examples include: Pollution NT Air pollution Housing NT Housing policy Officials NT Ombudsmen Policy NT Housing policy Related Term A Related Term is a term that is neither equivalent (synonymous) nor hierarchical (broader or narrower) but which is conceptually associated with another term. The relationship is symmetrical, in that the relationship is represented in both associated terms’ structures. Related Terms can be: ♦ ♦ ♦ overlapping terms – terms under the same broader term that share some meaning derivational – concepts linked by a familial relationship from different hierarchies – concepts that are separate from each other in the broader hierarchical structure but still conceptually linked Examples include: ABNs BT Business identification RT ACNs Home ownership BT Groups RT Home owners Ozone protection BT Environmental protection RT Ozone layer ACNs BT Business identification RT ABNs RT Business registration Rivers & streams RT Wetlands 6 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Subject Category All preferred terms are assigned to one or more subject category: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BS Business CM Community CO Communication CU Culture DF Defence EC Economics ED Education EG eGovernment EM Emergencies EN Environment ET Employment FN Finance GE Geography GN General GV Government HL Health IN Industry IT Information & Communications Technologies LW Law MG Management MS Measurement PL Planning PO Politics PR Property RC Recreation SC Sciences SF Safety SO Society TC Technology TO Tourism TR Transport 7 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Victoria Online Thesaurus 6th Form USE: Year 12 000 USE: SN: 7 piece iron chains USE: Prohibited weapons 106 USE: SN: 112 USE: SN: Emergency services Dial Triple Zero (000) for police, fire or ambulance in a life or property threatening time critical emergency situation from all telephones (landline, mobile phones and payphones) in Australia [Source: ACMA] 9 piece iron chains USE: Prohibited weapons Emergency services 106 is used if you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment by using a textphone (TTY) or a computer with modem access, to request police, fire or ambulance assistance [Source: ACMA] Emergency services 112 is the GSM international standard emergency number which can only be dialled on digital mobile phones [Source: ACMA] 1st Form USE: Year 7 2nd Form USE: Year 8 3rd Form USE: Year 9 48 / 52 USE: Flexible work arrangements 48/52 USE: Flexible work arrangements 4th Form USE: Year 10 4WD USE: Four-wheel driving 5 star homes USE: Sustainable housing 5 star houses USE: Sustainable housing 5 star housing USE: Sustainable housing 5th Form USE: Year 11 8 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs USE: Indigenous affairs A ABA USE: Broadcasting regulation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art USE: Indigenous art Abandoned vehicles BT: Wastes RT: Vehicles SC: EN Environment ABCB USE: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities USE: Indigenous communities Building regulations Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture USE: Indigenous culture Abilities USE: Skills Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education USE: Indigenous education Ability USE: Skills ABN numbers USE: ABNs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage USE: Indigenous heritage ABN registrations USE: ABNs ABNs UF: BT: RT: SC: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history USE: Indigenous history ABN numbers ABN registrations Australian Business Numbers Business identification ACNs BS Business Aboriginal art USE: Indigenous art Aboriginal communities USE: Indigenous communities Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander affairs USE: Indigenous affairs Aboriginal culture USE: Indigenous culture Aboriginal education USE: Indigenous education Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander art USE: Indigenous art Aboriginal education programs USE: Indigenous education programs Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities USE: Indigenous communities Aboriginal employment USE: Indigenous employment Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture USE: Indigenous culture Aboriginal health USE: Indigenous health Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander education USE: Indigenous education Aboriginal peoples USE: Indigenous Australians Aboriginal services USE: Indigenous services Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander heritage USE: Indigenous heritage Aboriginal students USE: Indigenous students Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander history USE: Indigenous history Aborigines USE: Indigenous Australians Aboriginal affairs USE: Indigenous affairs Abortions UF: Terminations 9 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Medical procedures Pregnancy Right to life HL Health SC: Accessibility evaluation BT: Evaluation RT: Accessibility SC: EG eGovernment Absentee vote USE: Voting Absentee voting USE: Voting Accessibility standards BT: Standards RT: Accessibility SC: EG eGovernment ABSTUDY USE: Study allowances ACA USE: Seniors EG eGovernment GN General Accessible transport UF: MPTP Multi Purpose Taxi Program SN: Programs that enable or improve access to transport for people with disabilities or mobility problems BT: Transport RT: Accessibility People with disabilities SC: TR Transport Communications regulation Academic achievement USE: Student achievement Academic qualifications USE: Qualifications Academic staff UF: Lecturers Tutors BT: Teachers RT: University teaching SC: ED Education Accident black spots USE: Road accidents Accident blackspots USE: Road accidents Access for all abilities USE: Accessibility Accident compensation BT: Insurance RT: Accidents Workers compensation SC: LW Law Access to information UF: Information access BT: Information policy NT: Censorship Digital divide Discoverability Internet access RT: Accessibility Freedom of information SC: PO Politics Accident prevention USE: Safety Accident recovery USE: Accidents Access to internet USE: Internet access Accident statistics UF: Road statistics SN: Statistics relating to accidents or incidents on the road. For statistics relating to fatalities, see Road toll BT: Statistics NT: Road toll RT: Accidents Drink driving Road safety SC: EM Emergencies TR Transport Accessibility UF: Access for all abilities Disability access Disabled access SN: Accessibility of buildings, facilities and services (including electronic services) to all users, including people with disabilities and older people NT: Web accessibility RT: Access to information Accessibility evaluation Accessibility standards Accessible transport Adaptive aids Internet access People with disabilities Accidents UF: Accident recovery BT: Emergencies NT: Chemical accidents Drownings Injuries 10 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Marine accidents Transport accidents Workplace accidents Accident compensation Accident statistics Safety EM Emergencies Account details USE: Billing Accountability BT: Responsibility NT: Financial accountability SC: SO Society Accommodation NT: Aged accommodation Animal shelters Boarding houses Caravans Disability accommodation Emergency accommodation Hostels Student accommodation Supported accommodation Tourist accommodation Youth accommodation RT: Accommodation services Homelessness Housing SC: CM Community PR Property Accountancy USE: Accounting Accountants BT: Occupations RT: Accounting SC: FN Finance Accounting UF: Accountancy Book keeping Bookkeeping Book-keeping Charts of accounts Financial records General journals General ledgers Record keeping Recordkeeping Record-keeping Special journals BT: Financial management NT: Assets Auditing Billing Depreciation Financial statements Liabilities RT: Accountants SC: FN Finance Accommodation assistance USE: Housing assistance Accommodation for people with a disability USE: Disability accommodation Accommodation for people with disability USE: Disability accommodation Accommodation for youth USE: Youth accommodation Accounts USE: Billing Accommodation options USE: Accommodation services Accreditation UF: Quality accreditation BT: Quality management NT: Course accreditation Hospital accreditation RT: Standards SC: MG Management Accommodation policy USE: Housing policy Accommodation programs USE: Accommodation services Accommodation services UF: Accommodation options Accommodation programs Community housing Housing programs Housing services Long term community housing BT: Community services RT: Accommodation Housing SC: CM Community Accredited courses USE: Course accreditation ACE USE: Adult and community education ACE colleges USE: ACE providers ACE courses UF: Adult courses Community courses Courses BT: Adult and community education Accommodation support USE: Housing assistance 11 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: TAFE courses ED Education USE: Actuaries UF: Actuarial services Actuary BT: Occupations RT: Insurance SC: FN Finance ACE providers UF: ACE colleges CAE Centre for Adult Education College of Adult Education Council of Adult Education BT: Adult and community education SC: ED Education Actuary USE: Actuaries Achievement NT: Business achievement Science achievement Student achievement SC: GN General Acute care USE: Critical care services Adaptive aids UF: Aids & equipment Aids and equipment Assistive devices Assistive technology Disability aids Disability equipment SN: Devices used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities BT: Equipment RT: Accessibility People with disabilities SC: HL Health TC Technology Achievement Improvement Monitor USE: National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy ACMA USE: Communications regulation ACN numbers USE: ACNs ACNs UF: BT: RT: SC: ACN numbers Australian Company Numbers Business identification ABNs Business registration BS Business Addiction USE: Substance abuse Address change USE: Change of address Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome USE: HIV/AIDS Adjudication SN: Method of dispute settlement in which a judge or decisionmaker is imposed upon the conflicting parties to arrive at a final judgment BT: Conflict resolution RT: Arbitration SC: LW Law Activities UF: Activity NT: Business activities Physical activities Projects Recreational activities Youth activities RT: Events SC: GN General Administration USE: Management Activity USE: Activities Business activities Physical activities Recreational activities Youth activities Acts USE: Actuaries Administrative Appeals Tribunal USE: Tribunals Administrative courts USE: Courts Adobe Acrobat Reader USE: PDF Legislation Acts of Parliament USE: Legislation Adolescence USE: Youth Actuarial services Adolescents 12 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Youth Adopted children USE: Adoption SC: Adults English as a second language ED Education Adult courses USE: ACE courses Adoptees USE: Adoption Adult day activity support services USE: Adult day care Adoption UF: Adopted children Adoptees Adoptive parents Child adoption Local adoption BT: Family law NT: Intercountry adoption RT: Adoption leave Adoption records Families Foster care Permanent care SC: LW Law Adult day care UF: Adult day activity support services Adult day centres BT: Day care RT: Aged care services Community centres Disability services SC: CM Community Adult day centres USE: Adult day care Adoption leave BT: Leave RT: Adoption Parental leave SC: ET Employment Adult education USE: Adult and community education Adoption records BT: Personal information RT: Adoption SC: LW Law Adult learning UF: Adult Learners Week BT: Learning RT: Adult literacy SC: ED Education Adult Learners Week USE: Adult learning Adoptive parents USE: Adoption ADSL UF: BT: SC: Adult literacy BT: Literacy RT: Adult learning SC: ED Education Asymmetrical Data Subscriber Line Bandwidth EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Adult Parole Board USE: Parole Adult students UF: Mature age students BT: Students RT: Adult and community education SC: ED Education Adult & community education USE: Adult and community education Adult and community education UF: ACE Adult & community education Adult education Community education Continuing education Further education BT: Education NT: ACE courses ACE providers Career education Migrant education Seniors education Short courses VCE for adults RT: Adult students Adult VCE USE: VCE for adults Adulthood USE: Adults Adults UF: Adulthood BT: Age groups NT: Men Seniors Women Young adults RT: Adult and community education SC: CM Community 13 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Age groups BT: Groups NT: Adults Children Youth SC: GN General Advance Australia Fair USE: National anthems Advancement USE: Promotions Advertising BT: Communication NT: Advertising campaigns Aerial advertising Online advertising RT: Marketing Public relations SC: CO Communication Age pensions USE: Pensions Seniors benefits Aged USE: Aged accommodation BT: Accommodation NT: Nursing homes Retirement villages RT: Aged care policy Aged care regulations Aged care services Residential care SC: CM Community Advertising campaigns UF: Campaigning Campaigns BT: Advertising NT: Political campaigns Safety campaigns SC: CO Communication Advocacy UF: Lobbying BT: Politics SC: PO Politics Aged care accreditation USE: Aged care regulations Aged care homes USE: Nursing homes Aerial advertising BT: Advertising SC: CO Communication Aged care policy UF: Policies BT: Policy NT: Aged care regulations RT: Aged accommodation Aged care services SC: SO Society Aerial photographs UF: Aerial photography BT: Photographs RT: Satellite imagery SC: PL Planning Aged care regulations UF: Aged care accreditation BT: Aged care policy Regulations RT: Aged accommodation Aged care services SC: CM Community Aerial photography USE: Aerial photographs Aerodromes USE: Airports Aeroplanes USE: Aircraft Aged care services UF: Aged community services Aged services Aged support services BT: Community services RT: Adult day care Aged accommodation Aged care policy Aged care regulations Home and community care Seniors SC: CM Community Aerospace industry USE: Aviation industry Affidavits BT: Legal documents RT: Bail Justices Honorary Justices Statutory declarations SC: LW Law Affordable housing USE: Public housing AFL USE: Seniors Aged care workers USE: Social workers Football Aged community services USE: Aged care services 14 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: RT: SC: Aged pensions USE: Pensions Seniors benefits Aged services USE: Aged care services Agricultural products UF: Farm products Farming products Produce BT: Products NT: Crops Fruit Meat Vegetables RT: Agriculture Food SC: IN Industry Aged support services USE: Aged care services Ageing population UF: Aging population BT: Population RT: Seniors SC: SO Society Aging population USE: Ageing population AGLS USE: Policies Policy Agriculture IN Industry Agricultural safety USE: Farm safety Metadata standards Agricultural technology UF: Agricultural equipment Agricultural machinery Farming technology Technologies BT: Technology RT: Agriculture SC: TC Technology Agoraphobia USE: Anxiety disorders Agreements NT: Collective agreements Contracts Service agreements Trade agreements Workplace agreements SC: BS Business Agriculture UF: Agricultural industry BT: Primary industry NT: Agribusiness Aquaculture Crop industries Dairy industry Farming Grain industry Irrigation Organic farming Viticulture RT: Agricultural chemicals Agricultural policy Agricultural products Agricultural technology Food industry SC: IN Industry Agribusiness UF: Agri-business Agricultural enterprises BT: Agriculture SC: IN Industry Agri-business USE: Agribusiness Agricultural chemicals UF: Farm chemicals BT: Chemicals NT: Fertilisers Pesticides RT: Agriculture SC: TC Technology Agroforestry USE: Forestry industry Agricultural enterprises USE: Agribusiness AIDS USE: Agricultural equipment USE: Agricultural technology HIV/AIDS Aids & equipment USE: Adaptive aids Agricultural industry USE: Agriculture Aids and equipment USE: Adaptive aids Agricultural machinery USE: Agricultural technology Air ambulance services BT: Ambulance services RT: Air transport Agricultural policy 15 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: EM Emergencies HL Health Air transport BT: Aviation industry Transport NT: Aircraft RT: Air ambulance services Air safety Air travel Airports Freight transport SC: TR Transport Air conditioners USE: Appliances Air conditioning USE: Appliances Air force UF: RAAF Royal Australian Air Force BT: Defence forces SC: DF Defence Air transport safety USE: Air safety Air travel BT: Travel RT: Air transport Domestic travel International travel SC: TO Tourism Air pollution UF: Air quality AirWatch Australia BT: Pollution NT: Smog RT: Atmosphere Climate change Smoky vehicles SC: EN Environment Airconditioning USE: Appliances Aircraft UF: Aeroplanes Airplanes Helicopters Planes BT: Air transport RT: Airports SC: TR Transport Air quality USE: Air pollution Air safety UF: Air transport safety Aircraft maintenance Aircraft safety Airport security Aviation safety BT: Transport safety NT: Air traffic control RT: Air safety authorities Air transport Aviation industry SC: SF Safety TR Transport Aircraft maintenance USE: Air safety Aircraft safety USE: Air safety Airfields USE: Airports Air safety authorities UF: CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority BT: Authorities RT: Air safety Air traffic control SC: SF Safety TR Transport Airline industry USE: Aviation industry Air terminals USE: Airports Airport buses USE: Buses Air traffic control UF: Air traffic management BT: Air safety RT: Air safety authorities SC: SF Safety TR Transport Airport security USE: Air safety Airlines USE: Aviation industry Airplanes USE: Aircraft Airports UF: Aerodromes Air terminals Airfields BT: Infrastructure RT: Air transport Aircraft Air traffic management USE: Air traffic control 16 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: TR Transport RT: AirWatch Australia USE: Air pollution Ajax BT: RT: SC: Alcohol UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: SC: Computer languages Javascripts EG eGovernment Programs Alcohol Alcohol education Drug programs Education programs HL Health Alcohol services USE: Alcohol programs Alcohol statistics BT: Statistics RT: Drug statistics SC: HL Health Alcoholic beverages Products Wine Alcohol abuse Alcohol counselling Alcohol education Alcohol programs Drugs Liquor licences HL Health Alcohol treatments USE: Alcohol programs Alcoholic beverages USE: Alcohol Alcoholics USE: Alcohol abuse Alcohol abuse UF: Alcohol addiction Alcoholics Alcoholism Drinking problems Drunkenness Intoxication BT: Substance abuse RT: Alcohol Alcohol education Drink driving Drug abuse SC: HL Health Alcoholism USE: Alcohol abuse Alerts UF: SN: BT: NT: Alcohol addiction USE: Alcohol abuse Alcohol campaigns USE: Alcohol education Alcohol counselling BT: Counselling services NT: Alcohol programs RT: Alcohol Drug counselling SC: HL Health SC: Alcohol education UF: Alcohol campaigns BT: Education RT: Alcohol Alcohol abuse Alcohol programs Drug education SC: ED Education HL Health BT: SC: Algae UF: Warnings Use a more specific term if possible Information Coastal warnings Essential services disruptions Fire warnings Flood warnings Hotlines Personal alerts Storm warnings Traffic alerts Travel alerts Weather alerts CO Communication Algal blooms Blue green algae Bluegreen algae Blue-green algae Plants EN Environment Algal blooms USE: Algae Alimony USE: Child support Allergens USE: Allergies Alcohol programs UF: Alcohol services Alcohol treatments Programmes BT: Alcohol counselling Allergic reactions USE: Allergies 17 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Allergies UF: Allergens Allergic reactions Allergy Anaphylactic reaction Anaphylactic shock Anaphylaxis BT: Diseases SC: HL Health RT: SC: Dementia HL Health Ambassadors USE: Diplomats Ambulance services UF: Ambulance transport Ambulances Patient transport BT: Emergency services Health services NT: Air ambulance services Metropolitan ambulance services Rural ambulance services RT: First aid SC: EM Emergencies HL Health Allergy USE: Allergies Allowances USE: Social security Alpine regions UF: Australian Alps BT: Regional areas NT: Alpine resorts RT: Mountains Winter sports SC: EN Environment GE Geography Ambulance transport USE: Ambulance services Ambulances USE: Ambulance services Alpine resorts BT: Alpine regions RT: Skiing Snowboarding Tobogganing Winter sports SC: RC Recreation Ambulatory care facilities UF: Mobile health units Walk in clinics BT: Health facilities SC: HL Health Alternative conflict resolution USE: Alternative dispute resolution Amphibians BT: Animals NT: Frogs SC: EN Environment Alternative dispute resolution UF: Alternative conflict resolution BT: Conflict resolution SC: LW Law Analog television USE: Television Analogue television USE: Television Alternative energy USE: Renewable energy Analysis NT: Economic analysis Market analysis Training needs analysis SC: MS Measurement Alternative medicine UF: Alternative therapies Chinese medicine Complementary medicines Complementary therapies Herbal medicine Traditional medicine BT: Medicine RT: Chinese medicine practitioners SC: HL Health Anaphylactic reaction USE: Allergies Anaphylactic shock USE: Allergies Alternative therapies USE: Alternative medicine Anaphylaxis USE: Allergies Alzheimers disease USE: Alzheimer's disease Androids USE: Mobile phones Alzheimer's disease UF: Alzheimers disease BT: Degenerative diseases Anglicare USE: Community programs 18 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Angling USE: Fishing UF: Animal cruelty BT: Crime RT: Animal welfare Animals BT: RT: SC: Animal diseases UF: Newcastle Disease BT: Diseases NT: Anthrax Bovine Johne's Disease Foot and mouth disease Footrot Mad cow disease Ovine Johne's Disease RT: Animal health Avian flu SC: HL Health Animal pounds Cat shelters Lost dog homes Lost dogs homes Pounds Accommodation Stray animals CM Community Animal welfare UF: Animal rights BT: Animal health RT: Animal cruelty SC: EN Environment Animals UF: Fauna NT: Amphibians Assistance animals Bats Birds Cats Dogs Endangered species Exotic animals Feral animals Fish Horses Insects Livestock Nuisance animals Pests Pets Possums Reptiles Stray animals Wildlife RT: Animal cruelty Animal health Animal registration Animal sciences Biodiversity SC: EN Environment Animal health BT: Health NT: Animal welfare RT: Animal diseases Animals Veterinary medicine SC: HL Health Animal licences USE: Animal registration Animal permits USE: Animal registration Animal pounds USE: Animal shelters Animal registration UF: Animal licences Animal permits Cat licences Cat registration Dog licences Dog registration Pet registration BT: Registration RT: Animals Local laws Pet ownership SC: CM Community Anniversaries UF: Anniversary Anzac Day Australia Day Celebrations Commemorations Labour Day BT: Events RT: Ceremonies Festivals SC: CU Culture Animal rights USE: Animal welfare Animal sciences UF: Entomology Zoology BT: Biology RT: Animals Zoos SC: SC Sciences Anniversary USE: Anniversaries Annual leave UF: Recreation leave BT: Leave SC: ET Employment Animal shelters 19 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Annual reports BT: Reports RT: Business information Government publications SC: CO Communication BT: SC: Anzac Day USE: Anniversaries Public holidays Anorexia nervosa USE: Eating disorders Antarctic BT: Places SC: GE Geography Apartments UF: Flats Units BT: Houses NT: Serviced apartments RT: Body corporates SC: PR Property Ante natal care USE: Pregnancy Antenatal care USE: Pregnancy Appeals USE: Court procedures Antenatal screening USE: Genetic screening Appliances UF: Air conditioners Air conditioning Airconditioning Clothes dryers Clothes washers Dishwashers Freezers Refrigerators BT: Equipment NT: Energy efficient appliances Solar hot water systems SC: TC Technology Anthrax BT: Animal diseases SC: HL Health Anti discrimination legislation USE: Antidiscrimination legislation Antidiscrimination legislation UF: Anti discrimination legislation Anti-discrimination legislation BT: Legislation RT: Discrimination SC: LW Law Applications for employment USE: Job applications Anti-discrimination legislation USE: Antidiscrimination legislation Apprentices BT: Groups RT: Apprenticeships Trainees SC: ED Education ET Employment Anti-doping programs UF: Programmes BT: Programs RT: Athletes Drugs SC: HL Health Apprenticeship programs USE: Apprenticeships Anti-dumping USE: Goods dumping Apprenticeship schemes USE: Apprenticeships Antisocial behaviour USE: Social problems Apprenticeships UF: Apprenticeship programs Apprenticeship schemes New Apprenticeship Scheme New Apprenticeships Programmes BT: Employment Vocational education and training RT: Apprentices Technical colleges Traineeships SC: ED Education ET Employment Anti-social behaviour USE: Social problems Ants BT: SC: Post traumatic stress disorders Post-traumatic stress disorders Mental health HL Health Insects EN Environment Anxiety disorders UF: Agoraphobia Obsessive compulsive disorders OCD Panic disorders 20 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 APS USE: BT: NT: Public service RT: Aptitude tests BT: Assessment SC: ED Education AQIS USE: SC: Arts Buildings Monuments Architects Architectural heritage CU Culture Archives UF: Historical documents Historical records Public records BT: Information NT: Digital archives Film archives Government archives Local history archives Picture archives Sound archives Website archives RT: History Libraries Records management SC: CU Culture MG Management Quarantine Aquaculture UF: Fish farming Fisheries BT: Agriculture RT: Fishing industry SC: IN Industry Aquariums BT: Recreational facilities RT: Fish Tourist attractions SC: RC Recreation Arbitration SN: Method of dispute settlement in which the conflicting parties voluntarily seek an arbiter or arbitration court to arrive at a final judgment BT: Conflict resolution RT: Adjudication Conciliation SC: LW Law Areas USE: Places Armed forces USE: Defence forces Army UF: BT: SC: Archaeology UF: Archeology BT: Social sciences RT: History SC: SC Sciences Australian Army Defence forces DF Defence Army Reserve USE: Reserve forces Arrive Alive USE: Road safety campaigns Archeology USE: Archaeology Art USE: Architects UF: Architectural companies Architectural firms BT: Occupations RT: Architecture SC: ET Employment Visual arts Art collections BT: Art galleries RT: Art exhibitions SC: CU Culture Art exhibitions BT: Exhibitions RT: Art collections Art galleries SC: CU Culture Architectural companies USE: Architects Architectural firms USE: Architects Art galleries UF: Art gallery National galleries BT: Cultural institutions NT: Art collections RT: Art exhibitions Visual arts SC: CU Culture Architectural heritage BT: Heritage RT: Architecture Historic buildings SC: PR Property Architecture 21 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Art gallery USE: Art galleries Assessment UF: Examinations Exams Student assessment Testing Tests BT: Education NT: Aptitude tests Citizenship test General Achievement Test National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Victorian Certificate of Education RT: Assessment authorities Curriculum SC: ED Education Artists BT: Occupations RT: Visual arts SC: CU Culture Arts BT: NT: RT: SC: Culture Architecture Crafts Literature Performing arts Visual arts Arts awards Arts directories Arts festivals Arts funding Arts policy CU Culture Assessment authorities UF: Board of Studies BOS VCAA Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority BT: Educational authorities RT: Assessment SC: ED Education Arts awards BT: Awards and honours RT: Arts SC: CU Culture Arts directories UF: Directory BT: Directories RT: Arts SC: CU Culture Assessment guides USE: VCE studies Arts festivals BT: Festivals RT: Arts Cultural festivals SC: CU Culture RC Recreation Asset management BT: Management NT: Disposal of assets RT: Assets SC: BS Business Arts funding BT: Financial assistance RT: Arts SC: CU Culture Assets BT: Accounting NT: Current assets Non-current assets RT: Asset management Disposal of assets Liabilities SC: FN Finance Arts policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Arts SC: CU Culture Assets disposal USE: Disposal of assets Asbestos BT: Hazardous substances RT: Building safety SC: SF Safety ASFs USE: Violence LW Law Assistance animals UF: Assistance dogs Guide dogs BT: Animals RT: Vision impairments SC: HL Health Autism Assault UF: Physical violence BT: Crime NT: Sexual assault Assistance dogs USE: Assistance animals Assisted accommodation 22 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Supported accommodation BT: RT: SC: Assisted suicide USE: Euthanasia Parliamentarians Justice GV Government Auctions USE: Real estate markets Assistive devices USE: Adaptive aids Audiology UF: Hearing aids Hearing services BT: Diagnostic services RT: Hearing impairments SC: HL Health Assistive technology USE: Adaptive aids Asthma BT: Respiratory diseases SC: HL Health Auditing UF: Audits Financial auditing BT: Accounting RT: Auditor-General SC: FN Finance Astronomy BT: Space sciences RT: Planetariums Telescopes SC: SC Sciences Asylum seekers UF: Asylum-seekers BT: Groups RT: Refugees SC: CM Community Auditor General USE: Auditor-General Asylum-seekers USE: Asylum seekers Auditor-General UF: Auditor General BT: Public finance RT: Auditing SC: GV Government Asymmetrical Data Subscriber Line USE: ADSL Audits USE: Auditing ATAR USE: Auslan USE: Sign language University entrance Athletes BT: Groups RT: Anti-doping programs Athletics SC: RC Recreation AusLink USE: Transport planning Athletics BT: Sports RT: Athletes SC: RC Recreation Australia Day USE: Anniversaries Public holidays Aussie Rules USE: Football Australia Day honours USE: Australian honours Atmosphere UF: Atmospheric research BT: Environment NT: Ozone layer RT: Air pollution Climate Meteorology SC: EN Environment Australia Post USE: Postal services Australian Alps USE: Alpine regions Australian Army USE: Army Atmospheric research USE: Atmosphere Australian Broadcasting Authority USE: Broadcasting regulation Attorney General USE: Attorney-General Australian Building and Construction Commissioner BT: Commissioners Attorney-General UF: Attorney General 23 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Construction industry IN Industry Australian people USE: Australians Australian Building Codes Board USE: Building regulations Australian Public Service USE: Public service Australian Business Numbers USE: ABNs Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service USE: Quarantine Australian citizens USE: Australians Australian Securities and Investments Commission USE: Finance industry regulation Australian citizenship USE: Citizenship Australian Student Prize USE: Student awards Australian Communications and Media Authority USE: Communications regulation Australian Students Prize USE: Student awards Australian Communications Authority USE: Communications regulation Australian Synchrotron USE: Synchrotron technology Australian Company Numbers USE: ACNs Australian Transplant Authority USE: Medical authorities Australian Competition Tribunal USE: Tribunals Australian War Memorial USE: War memorials Australian Constitution USE: Constitutions Australian economy USE: Economy Australians UF: Australian citizens Australian people BT: Groups NT: Indigenous Australians RT: Citizenship SC: CM Community Australian football USE: Football Australians abroad USE: Overseas residency Australian Government Locator Service USE: Metadata standards Austudy USE: Study allowances Australian currency USE: Money Authentication BT: Identification NT: Digital signatures RT: Biometrics SAML SC: EG eGovernment Australian history BT: History NT: Victorian history RT: Historic buildings Historic sites Indigenous history SC: CU Culture Authorities UF: Authority Regulators Regulatory authorities Regulatory bodies BT: Organisations NT: Air safety authorities Educational authorities Medical authorities Road transport authorities Statutory authorities Water authorities RT: Industry regulation SC: GN General Australian honours UF: Australia Day honours Bravery awards Queen's Birthday honours BT: Awards and honours SC: PO Politics Australian Open BT: Sports events RT: Tennis SC: RC Recreation 24 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SN: Authority USE: Authorities Autism UF: ASFs Autism Spectrum Disorders BT: Intellectual disabilities Neurological disorders SC: HL Health BT: RT: SC: Autism Spectrum Disorders USE: Autism Determinations of an industrial tribunal establishing levels of pay and conditions of employment for workers in a specified industry, occupation, or enterprise. For awards of recognition or achievement, see Awards and honours Remuneration Wages ET Employment Awards and honors USE: Awards and honours Autopsies UF: Autopsy Post mortems BT: Forensic medicine RT: Coroners Deaths SC: HL Health Awards and honours UF: Awards and honors Honours Prizes SN: Awards and honours recognising achievement in a particular field of endeavour. For industrial awards relating to levels of pay and conditions of employment for workers in a specified industry, occupation, or enterprise, see Awards NT: Arts awards Australian honours Community awards Export awards Healthcare awards Literary awards Management awards Manufacturing awards Medical research awards Military awards Science awards Sports awards Student awards Sustainability awards Training awards Workplace awards SC: GN General Autopsy USE: Autopsies Available positions USE: Job vacancies Avian flu UF: Avian influenza Bird flu BT: Influenza RT: Animal diseases Chickens SC: HL Health Avian influenza USE: Avian flu Aviation industry UF: Aerospace industry Airline industry Airlines Industries BT: Industry sectors NT: Air transport RT: Air safety Space sciences SC: IN Industry Aviation safety USE: Air safety Award rates USE: Awards Award wages USE: Awards Awards UF: Award rates Award wages Industrial awards 25 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 B & Bs USE: Bed and breakfasts Bail Justices BT: Officials RT: Affidavits Statutory declarations SC: LW Law B&Bs USE: Bed and breakfasts Bailiffs USE: Sheriffs Office B2B USE: e-Commerce Balance sheets USE: Financial statements B2C USE: e-Commerce Ballet BT: SC: B Babies UF: Baby Infants BT: Children RT: Baby names Maternal and child health centres Neonatal services SC: CM Community Baby USE: Dance CU Culture Ballistic knives USE: Prohibited weapons Bandwidth UF: Data transmission rate BT: Telecommunications NT: ADSL Broadband Dial-up connections RT: Digital divide Internet Networks Teleworking SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Babies Baby bonus USE: Maternity payments Baby capsules USE: Child restraints Bank notes USE: Money Baby names UF: Popular names BT: Personal names RT: Babies Birth certificates SC: GN General Banking industry UF: Industries BT: Finance industry NT: Banks SC: FN Finance IN Industry Baby safety capsules USE: Child restraints Banknotes USE: Money Bachelors degrees USE: Undergraduate study Bank-notes USE: Money Back to school USE: Returning students Bankruptcy UF: Insolvency BT: Liquidation RT: Debt Receivership SC: BS Business Backpacker hostels USE: Hostels Backpackers BT: Tourists Travellers RT: Backpacking SC: TO Tourism Banks BT: NT: SC: Backpacking BT: Travel RT: Backpackers SC: TO Tourism Banking industry Reserve Bank of Australia FN Finance IN Industry Banned products USE: Dangerous goods 26 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Beaches UF: Foreshores BT: Land forms RT: Beach activities Beach safety Coasts Peninsulas SC: EN Environment Banner advertising BT: Online advertising RT: Internet SC: EG eGovernment Baptist community care USE: Community programs Barking dogs USE: Nuisance animals BT: RT: SC: Cocktail bars Wine bars Nightlife Clubs RC Recreation Beauty industry UF: Beauty treatments Body art Body piercing Piercing Skin penetration Tattooing Tattoos Waxing BT: Industry sectors NT: Solariums SC: HL Health BAS USE: Business activity statements Beauty treatments USE: Beauty industry Barristers USE: Legal profession Bars UF: Baseball BT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Bed & breakfasts USE: Bed and breakfasts Bed and breakfasts UF: B & Bs B&Bs Bed & breakfasts BT: Tourist accommodation SC: TO Tourism Baton-chucks USE: Prohibited weapons Batons USE: Controlled weapons Bats UF: BT: SC: Bees BT: SC: Fruit bats Animals EN Environment Beginning students UF: Commencing students New students Starting school Starting students SN: Students entering into an educational level, such as primary school, secondary school or tertiary study BT: Students RT: Primary secondary transition School students SC: ED Education Bayonets USE: Controlled weapons BDM USE: Insects EN Environment Life events Beach activities BT: Recreational activities NT: Jet skiing RT: Beaches Swimming SC: RC Recreation Beach patrols USE: Beach safety Beginning teachers UF: Commencing teachers New teachers Newly qualified teachers BT: Teachers SC: ED Education Beach safety UF: Beach patrols Patrolled beaches BT: Water safety RT: Beaches Lifesaving SC: EM Emergencies Behavior USE: Behaviour standards Behaviour standards 27 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: NT: SC: Behavior Standards Codes of conduct Professionalism MS Measurement RT: SC: Bike lanes USE: Bike paths Benchmarking SN: The evaluation of products, services or processes against the practice of other organisations or against an agreed standard to achieve excellence BT: Evaluation RT: Best practice Standards SC: MG Management Bike paths UF: Bicycle paths Bike lanes Bikepaths Rail trails Railtrails BT: Roads RT: Bicycles Cycling SC: TR Transport Bereavement USE: Deaths Bike riders USE: Cyclists Bereavement benefits USE: Bereavement payments Bike riding USE: Cycling Bereavement payments UF: Bereavement benefits BT: Social security RT: Deaths SC: SO Society Bikepaths USE: Bike paths Bikeriders USE: Cyclists Best management practice USE: Best practice Bike-riders USE: Cyclists Best practice UF: Best management practice BT: Management RT: Benchmarking Standards SC: MG Management Bikeriding USE: Cycling Bike-riding USE: Cycling Best Start Program USE: Preschool programs Bikes USE: BestStart Program USE: Preschool programs Bikies USE: Betting USE: Gambling Bicycles Motorcycles Motorcycle riders Bill inquiries USE: Billing Bian Tzu Chiang USE: Prohibited weapons Bias USE: Bike paths Cycling Cyclists TR Transport Bill payments USE: Billing Discrimination Billing UF: Account details Accounts Bill inquiries Bill payments Bills Invoicing Online payments Paying a bill BT: Accounting NT: Electricity bills Bicycle paths USE: Bike paths Bicycle riding USE: Cycling Bicycles UF: Bikes BT: Vehicles 28 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Bills USE: Gas bills Water bills FN Finance RT: SC: Biomass USE: Bioenergy Billing Legislation Biometrics BT: Identification RT: Authentication Fingerprints SC: EG eGovernment Binge eating disorders USE: Eating disorders Bingo BT: SC: Biotechnology SC Sciences Gaming RC Recreation Biosecurity UF: Biological security BT: National security RT: Quarantine SC: DF Defence Biodiversity UF: Biological diversity BT: Ecosystems RT: Animals Endangered species Plants SC: EN Environment Biotechnology UF: Bioengineering Bio-technology Technologies BT: Technology NT: Gene technology Reproductive technology RT: Bioethics Biology Biotechnology regulations SC: SC Sciences TC Technology Bioenergy UF: Biomass Organic matter BT: Renewable energy SC: EN Environment Bioengineering USE: Biotechnology Bio-technology USE: Biotechnology Bioethics BT: Ethics RT: Biotechnology SC: SC Sciences Biotechnology regulations BT: Regulations RT: Biotechnology SC: TC Technology Biofuels BT: Fuels RT: Energy industry SC: TC Technology Bipolar mood disorder BT: Mental health SC: HL Health Biographies UF: Biography BT: Publications SC: CO Communication Bird flu USE: Avian flu Birds BT: NT: Biography USE: Biographies Biological diversity USE: Biodiversity SC: Animals Ducks Penguins EN Environment Birth certificates UF: Birth registry BT: Citizenship documents RT: Baby names Births Death certificates Identification Personal names SC: GV Government Biological security USE: Biosecurity Biology UF: Life sciences BT: Sciences NT: Animal sciences Botany Ecology Marine biology Molecular biology Birth defects UF: Cerebral palsy 29 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Congenital abnormalities Down syndrome Spina bifida Diseases Genetic screening HL Health Blindness USE: Vision impairments Blogs BT: SC: Birth rates UF: Birth statistics BT: Demography RT: Births Mortality rates Population SC: SO Society Blood borne viruses UF: Bloodborne viruses Hep B Hep C Hepatitis B Hepatitis C BT: Infectious diseases RT: HIV/AIDS SC: HL Health Birth registry USE: Birth certificates Birth statistics USE: Birth rates Births BT: RT: SC: Blood services UF: Blood transfusions BT: Health services RT: Blood tests SC: HL Health Life events Birth certificates Birth rates Maternity care services Maternity payments Midwives Neonatal services Pregnancy HL Health Blood tests BT: Medical procedures RT: Blood services SC: HL Health Blood transfusions USE: Blood services Births deaths & marriages USE: Life events Bloodborne viruses USE: Blood borne viruses Births deaths and marriages USE: Life events Blow guns USE: Prohibited weapons Births deaths marriages USE: Life events Bites USE: Web content CO Communication EG eGovernment Blow-guns USE: Prohibited weapons Injuries Blowing the whistle USE: Whistleblowers Black outs USE: Power cuts Blue book USE: Infection control Blackberries USE: Weeds Blue green algae USE: Algae Blackberry USE: Weeds Bluebook USE: Infection control BlackBerry devices USE: PDAs Bluegreen algae USE: Algae Blackouts USE: Power cuts Blue-green algae USE: Algae Black-outs USE: Power cuts Board members USE: Boards of management Bladder cancer USE: Cancer Board of Studies 30 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Assessment authorities Curriculum authorities RT: Boarding houses UF: Rooming houses BT: Accommodation RT: Hostels SC: CM Community SC: Boat licences Boat registration Boating Ferries Marine safety Ships TR Transport Bo-chucks USE: Prohibited weapons Boards of directors USE: Boards of management Bodies corporate USE: Body corporates Boards of management UF: Board members Boards of directors Management boards BT: Business structures SC: BS Business Body art USE: Beauty industry Body corporates UF: Bodies corporate Owners corporations BT: Ownership RT: Apartments SC: PR Property Boat accidents USE: Marine accidents Boat hire licences BT: Boat licences RT: Boating SC: TR Transport Body image USE: Nutrition Boat licences UF: Licenses BT: Licences NT: Boat hire licences RT: Boating Boats SC: TR Transport Body piercing USE: Beauty industry Boer War USE: War Bond assistance USE: Rent assistance Boat registration BT: Registration RT: Boats SC: TR Transport Bond Loan Scheme USE: Rent assistance Bond loans USE: Rent assistance Boat safety USE: Marine safety Bonds USE: Securities Boating UF: Sailing BT: Recreational activities RT: Boat hire licences Boat licences Boats Canoeing Marine safety Rafting SC: RC Recreation Bone cancer USE: Cancer Book keeping USE: Accounting Bookkeeping USE: Accounting Boating accidents USE: Marine accidents Book-keeping USE: Accounting Boating safety USE: Marine safety Books BT: Publications RT: Literature Publishing industry SC: CO Communication Boats UF: BT: Watercrafts Sea transport Vessels Booster seats 31 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Child restraints BT: RT: SC: Booze buses USE: Drink driving Boxing Day USE: Public holidays Border control USE: Border protection Boys BT: RT: Border protection UF: Border control Border security Coastguard BT: National security SC: DF Defence SC: Bore water BT: Water supply RT: Grey water SC: EN Environment Boys' education USE: Boys education Assessment authorities Boys schools USE: Single sex schools Botanic gardens UF: Botanical gardens BT: Recreational facilities RT: Botany Gardening Parks Tourist attractions SC: EN Environment Boys' schools USE: Single sex schools Brain cancer USE: Cancer Brand names USE: Trademarks Botanical gardens USE: Botanic gardens Branding policy UF: Policies BT: Policy SC: CO Communication Botany UF: Plant sciences BT: Biology RT: Botanic gardens Plants SC: SC Sciences Bots USE: Children Boys education Men CM Community Boys education UF: Boys' education Education of boys BT: School education RT: Boys Single sex schools SC: ED Education Border security USE: Border protection BOS USE: Combat sports Kickboxing RC Recreation Brand-names USE: Trademarks Bravery awards USE: Australian honours Crawlers Breast cancer BT: Cancer RT: Mammograms Womens health SC: HL Health Botulism USE: Food poisoning Bovine Johne's Disease BT: Animal diseases SC: HL Health Breath tests USE: Drink driving Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy USE: Mad cow disease Bridges BT: Infrastructure RT: Roads SC: TR Transport Bowel cancer BT: Cancer RT: Colonoscopies SC: HL Health Broadband BT: Bandwidth NT: Voice over IP Boxing 32 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Broadband television Dial-up connections EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies BT: RT: SC: Web browsers Popular browsers include Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox and Opera Software Internet EG eGovernment BSE USE: Mad cow disease SN: Broadband television UF: Broadband TV BT: Television RT: Broadband SC: CO Communication Buddhism USE: Religion Broadband TV USE: Broadband television Budget papers USE: National budgets State budgets Broadcast media USE: Broadcasting Broadcasting UF: Broadcast media Media communications BT: Mass media Telecommunications NT: Datacasting Podcasting Radio Television RT: Broadcasting licences Broadcasting regulation SC: CO Communication IT Information & Communications Technologies Budgeting BT: Financial management NT: Expenses Income RT: Budgets SC: FN Finance Budgets UF: Economic statements BT: Public finance NT: National budgets State budgets RT: Budgeting Financial statements SC: EC Economics Broadcasting authorities USE: Broadcasting regulation Builders UF: Building practitioners Construction workers Licenced builders RBPs Registered builders Registered building practitioners BT: Occupations RT: Construction industry SC: ET Employment PR Property Broadcasting licences UF: Licenses BT: Licences RT: Broadcasting Broadcasting regulation SC: CO Communication Broadcasting regulation UF: ABA Australian Broadcasting Authority Broadcasting authorities Internet complaints Radio complaints Television complaints TV complaints BT: Regulations RT: Broadcasting Broadcasting licences Communications regulation SC: CO Communication Building USE: Construction Building Act USE: Building legislation Building authorities UF: Building authority Building Commission BT: Construction industry SC: PR Property Browser software USE: Browsers Building authority USE: Building authorities Browsers UF: Browser software Internet browsers Building certificates USE: Building permits 33 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Building codes USE: Building regulations Bulimia nervosa USE: Eating disorders Building Commission USE: Building authorities Bulletins BT: Publications RT: Memorandums Newsletters SC: CO Communication Building extensions USE: Home renovations Building industry USE: Construction industry Bullies USE: Bullying Bullying in schools Building legislation UF: Building Act BT: Legislation RT: Building regulations Construction SC: PR Property Bully USE: Bullying Bullying in schools Bullying UF: Bullies Bully BT: Harassment NT: Bullying in schools Cyber bullying Police bullying Workplace bullying SC: GN General Building permits UF: Building certificates BT: Permits RT: Building regulations Planning permits SC: PR Property Building practitioners USE: Builders Bullying in schools UF: Bullies Bully School bullying SN: Bullying in schools; can be as experienced by students, staff or anyone involved within an educational setting BT: Bullying RT: School students Workplace bullying SC: ED Education Building regulations UF: ABCB Australian Building Codes Board Building codes BT: Regulations RT: Building legislation Building permits Construction Residential development Specifications SC: PR Property Burglaries USE: Theft Building safety BT: Occupational health and safety RT: Asbestos Construction industry SC: SF Safety Burglary USE: Theft Burning off USE: Controlled burn offs Building societies UF: Society BT: Finance industry RT: Credit unions Friendly societies SC: FN Finance Burns USE: Injuries Bus routes USE: Buses Buildings BT: Architecture Construction NT: Commercial buildings Community centres Historic buildings Houses Theatres SC: PR Property Bus services USE: Buses Bus tickets BT: Tickets RT: Buses SC: TR Transport Bus timetables 34 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Buses UF: BT: RT: SC: Timetables Bushwalking UF: Bush walking Bush-walking Hiking BT: Walking RT: Camping National parks SC: RC Recreation Airport buses Bus routes Bus services Coach services Night Rider NightRider Telebuses Public transport Vehicles Bus tickets School transport services TR Transport Bush-walking USE: Bushwalking Business achievement BT: Achievement RT: Business development Businesses Export awards SC: BS Business Bush fire maps USE: Fire maps Bush fire prevention USE: Fire prevention Business activities UF: Activity Business affairs Running a business BT: Activities NT: Business development Business mergers Business registration Closing a business e-Business Incorporation Liquidation Starting a business RT: Business ethics Business events Business licences Business taxation Businesses SC: BS Business Bush fires USE: Bushfires Bush food USE: Native food industry Bush hospitals USE: Country hospitals Bush tucker USE: Native food industry Bush walking USE: Bushwalking Bushfire maps USE: Fire maps Bush-fire maps USE: Fire maps Bushfire prevention USE: Fire prevention Business activity statements UF: BAS Business licencing BT: Business taxation SC: FN Finance Bush-fire prevention USE: Fire prevention Business administration USE: Management Bushfire warnings USE: Fire warnings Business advice UF: Business advisory services Business referral services Industry advice Industry advisory services Industry referral services BT: Business information Industry assistance SC: BS Business Bushfires UF: Bush fires Bush-fires Forest fires BT: Fires Natural disasters RT: Fire prevention Fire safety SC: EM Emergencies Business advisory services USE: Business advice Bush-fires USE: Bushfires Business affairs USE: Business activities 35 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 NT: Business assistance USE: Industry assistance RT: Business attraction USE: Business development SC: Roadshows Trade fairs Business activities Conferences BS Business Business events calendars USE: Business events Business calendars USE: Business events Business financial support USE: Industry support Business case guidelines USE: Business grants Business grants UF: Business case guidelines Business cases BT: Grants Industry support RT: Business development Capital grants SC: BS Business Business cases USE: Business grants Business categories USE: Industry sectors Business closure USE: Closing a business Business growth USE: Business development Business development UF: Business attraction Business growth Business incentives Business opportunities BT: Business activities Economic development NT: Entrepreneurship RT: Business achievement Business grants Industry development Innovation SC: BS Business Business identification BT: Identification NT: ABNs ACNs Business names RT: Businesses SC: BS Business Business incentives USE: Business development Business information BT: Information NT: Business advice RT: Annual reports Business directories Businesses Contact details Frequently asked questions Management SC: BS Business Business directories UF: Directory Local business directories Local businesses Trade directories BT: Directories RT: Business information Businesses Community directories Government directories Industry assistance Industry directories SC: BS Business Business innovation USE: Innovation Business law USE: Industrial law Business disputes USE: Industrial disputes Business licences UF: Business licenses Business licensing Business Licensing Authority Business permits BT: Licences NT: Estate agents licences Liquor licences Motor car trader licences RT: Business activities Business registration SC: BS Business Business ethics UF: Conflict of interest BT: Ethics RT: Business activities Whistleblowers SC: BS Business Business events UF: Business calendars Business events calendars BT: Events 36 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Business licenses USE: Business licences Business plans BT: Planning RT: Marketing plans Strategic planning SC: BS Business PL Planning Business licensing USE: Business licences Business profiles USE: Businesses Business Licensing Authority USE: Business licences Business referral services USE: Business advice Business mergers UF: Takeovers BT: Business activities SC: BS Business Business registration BT: Business activities Registration RT: ACNs Business licences Business name registration Closing a business Starting a business SC: BS Business Business licencing USE: Business activity statements Business migration UF: Skileld migration BT: Immigration RT: Skilled migrants SC: ET Employment PO Politics Business regulations USE: Trade regulations Business name deregistration USE: Business name registration Business sectors USE: Industry sectors Business name registration UF: Business name deregistration Business name renewals BT: Registration RT: Business names Business registration SC: BS Business Business start-up USE: Starting a business Business structures UF: Company structures Corporate structures BT: Businesses NT: Boards of management Franchises Partnerships RT: Corporate governance SC: BS Business Business name renewals USE: Business name registration Business names UF: Company names Proprietary names BT: Business identification Names RT: Business name registration SC: BS Business Business support USE: Industry support Business taxation UF: Business taxes BT: Taxation NT: Business activity statements Fringe benefits tax GST Payroll tax Wine Equalisation Tax RT: Business activities Businesses Investment taxation SC: FN Finance Business online USE: e-Business Business opportunities USE: Business development Business permits USE: Business licences Business planning UF: Corporate planning Corporate plans BT: Planning RT: Strategic planning SC: BS Business PL Planning Business taxes USE: Business taxation Business to business USE: e-Commerce 37 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Business to consumer USE: e-Commerce Business types USE: Businesses Businesses UF: Business profiles Business types Enterprises BT: Organisations NT: Business structures Cooperatives Franchises Home based businesses Incorporated associations Joint ventures Large businesses Medium businesses Non-profit organisations Small businesses Sustainable businesses RT: Business achievement Business activities Business directories Business identification Business information Business taxation Consumer affairs Corporations Industry Management Stakeholders SC: BS Business Butterfly knives USE: Prohibited weapons Butterfly swords USE: Prohibited weapons Buying USE: Purchasing By-elections BT: Elections SC: PO Politics 38 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Camping grounds UF: Camp grounds Campgrounds Camp-grounds BT: Tourist accommodation RT: Camping Caravan parks SC: RC Recreation TO Tourism C Cab drivers USE: Taxi drivers Cabinet BT: Parliaments RT: Ministers SC: GV Government Cancer UF: Bladder cancer Bone cancer Brain cancer Colorectal cancer Fallopian tube cancer Gliomas Leukemia Liver cancer Lung cancer Lymphoma Mesothelioma Mouth cancer Ovarian cancer Pancreatic cancer Rectal cancer Stomach cancer Testicular cancer Throat cancer Uterine cancer BT: Diseases NT: Bowel cancer Breast cancer Cervical cancer Prostate cancer Skin cancer RT: Chemotherapy SC: HL Health Cable television USE: Pay television Cable TV USE: Pay television Cabs USE: Taxis Cadets BT: Defence forces SC: DF Defence CAE USE: ACE providers Cafes BT: RT: SC: Hospitality industry Restaurants RC Recreation Calendar of events USE: Events Calendars of events USE: Events Cameras BT: Photographic equipment NT: Speed cameras SC: TC Technology Canoeing UF: Kayaking BT: Recreational activities RT: Boating SC: RC Recreation Camp grounds USE: Camping grounds Capacity building UF: Capacity development SN: Activities aimed at developing and strengthening local expertise, including technical assistance, training courses, networking, and/or research action BT: Economic development RT: Community development SC: EC Economics Campaigning USE: Advertising campaigns Campaigns USE: Advertising campaigns Campgrounds USE: Camping grounds Camp-grounds USE: Camping grounds Capacity development USE: Capacity building Camping BT: Recreational activities RT: Bushwalking Camping grounds SC: RC Recreation Capital BT: Finance RT: Capital grants 39 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Financial assistance Investment FN Finance RT: SC: Capital development USE: Capital grants Cars Road safety TR Transport Capital funding USE: Capital grants Caravan parks BT: Tourist accommodation RT: Camping grounds Caravans SC: TO Tourism Capital gains tax UF: CGT BT: Income tax Property taxation SC: FN Finance Caravans BT: Accommodation Vehicles RT: Caravan parks SC: TR Transport Capital grants UF: Capital development Capital funding BT: Grants Industry support RT: Business grants Capital SC: FN Finance Carbon emissions USE: Carbon pollution SC: EN Environment Carbon footprints BT: Climate change SC: EN Environment Carbon pollution UF: Carbon emissions BT: Pollution RT: Climate change SC: EN Environment Capital investment USE: Investment Car crashes USE: Road accidents Carbon trading UF: Emissions trading BT: Trade SC: EN Environment Car insurance USE: Motor vehicle insurance Car licences USE: Drivers licences Cardiac arrests USE: Heart diseases Car parking USE: Car parks Cardiac surgery UF: Heart surgery BT: Surgery RT: Cardiovascular diseases SC: HL Health Car parks UF: Car parking Carparks Car-parks Parking Parking spaces BT: Public facilities RT: Cars Congestion levies Parking regulations Roads SC: TR Transport Cardiovascular diseases BT: Diseases NT: Heart diseases Strokes RT: Cardiac surgery SC: HL Health Career advancement USE: Professional development Car racing USE: Motor racing Career advice USE: Career counselling Car registration BT: Vehicle registration RT: Cars SC: TR Transport Career counseling USE: Career counselling Career counselling UF: Career advice Career counseling Career guidance Car safety UF: Vehicle safety BT: Safety 40 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Counseling Employment advice Counselling services Career education Career information Professional development ET Employment BT: SC: ICT industry IT Information & Communications Technologies Careers in IT USE: Careers in ICT Careers in nursing UF: Jobs in nursing Nursing careers Nursing jobs BT: Nursing profession SC: HL Health Career development USE: Professional development Career education SN: Programs that assist and guide people in their career choices BT: Adult and community education School education Vocational education and training RT: Career counselling Career information SC: ED Education Careers in teaching USE: Careers in education Caregiver allowances USE: Carer allowances Caregiver payments USE: Carer allowances Career guidance USE: Career counselling Caregiver reinbursements USE: Carer allowances Career information BT: Information RT: Career counselling Career education SC: ET Employment Caregivers USE: Carers Carer allowances UF: Caregiver allowances Caregiver payments Caregiver reinbursements Carer assistance Carer benefits Carer cards Carer payments Carer reinbursements Carers allowances Carer's allowances Carers benefits Carer's benefits BT: Social security RT: Carer support services Carers SC: SO Society Career progression USE: Professional development Career services USE: Employment services Careers USE: Job vacancies Occupations Careers in defence UF: Defence careers Defence recruitment BT: Defence RT: Military personnel SC: DF Defence Carer assistance USE: Carer allowances Careers in education UF: Careers in teaching Educational careers Teaching careers BT: Teaching profession NT: Teacher career structures Teacher professional development SC: ED Education Carer benefits USE: Carer allowances Carer cards USE: Carer allowances Carer payments USE: Carer allowances Careers in ICT UF: Careers in IT ICT careers ICT jobs IT careers IT jobs Carer reinbursements USE: Carer allowances Carer support services UF: Carers support services 41 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Home and community care Respite care Carer allowances Carers SO Society RT: Carers UF: Caregivers BT: Groups RT: Carer allowances Carer support services SC: CM Community Case studies UF: Case study BT: Research SC: EG eGovernment Carers benefits USE: Carer allowances Case study USE: Case studies Carer's benefits USE: Carer allowances Casemix funding USE: Hospital funding Carer's leave BT: Leave RT: Personal leave SC: ET Employment Cash BT: NT: SC: Carers support services USE: Carer support services Current assets Money Cash flows FN Finance Cash flows UF: Cashflows BT: Cash SC: FN Finance Carparks USE: Car parks Car-parks USE: Car parks SC: Air safety authorities Case mixed funding USE: Hospital funding Carer's allowances USE: Carer allowances BT: NT: RT: CASA USE: Cascading style sheets UF: CSS BT: HTML SC: EG eGovernment Carers allowances USE: Carer allowances Cars UF: SC: Maps Surveying GE Geography Cash rates USE: Interest rates Motor cars Motor vehicles Motorcars New cars Second hand cars Second-hand cars Used cars Vehicles Hire cars Car parks Car registration Car safety Drivers Four-wheel driving Motor car trader licences TR Transport Cashflows USE: Cash flows Casinos BT: Gambling industry RT: Poker machines SC: RC Recreation Casual employment UF: Casual work Temp work Temporary employment BT: Working conditions RT: Casual teachers Student employment SC: ET Employment Cartels USE: Unfair trade practices Casual relief teachers USE: Relief teachers Cartography UF: Mapping BT: Geography NT: Hydrography Casual teachers UF: Casual teaching BT: Teachers RT: Casual employment 42 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Relief teachers ED Education BT: RT: Casual teaching USE: Casual teachers SC: Celebrations USE: Anniversaries Casual work USE: Casual employment CAT USE: Cell phones USE: Mobile phones Crisis assessment teams Cemeteries UF: Cemetery Cremation Crematoria Crematorium services Crematoriums Graveyards BT: Public facilities RT: Deaths Funerals SC: CM Community Cat licences USE: Animal registration Cat o'nine tails USE: Prohibited weapons Cat ownership USE: Pet ownership Cat registration USE: Animal registration Cemetery USE: Cemeteries Cat shelters USE: Animal shelters Censorship BT: Access to information RT: Films Literature SC: CU Culture Catapults USE: Prohibited weapons Catchment management USE: Catchments Censuses UF: Population censuses BT: Measurement NT: e-Census RT: Demography Population statistics Surveys SC: SO Society Catchments UF: Catchment management Dams Environmental flows Reservoirs BT: Water management SC: EN Environment Catholic education BT: Religious education RT: Catholic schools SC: ED Education Central Victoria BT: Regional areas SC: TO Tourism Centre for Adult Education USE: ACE providers Catholic schools BT: Private schools RT: Catholic education SC: ED Education Cats BT: RT: Energy efficiency Insulation rebates Sustainable housing EN Environment SC: Animals Nuisance animals Pets EN Environment Cattle USE: Cows Centrelink payments USE: Social security Ceramic knives USE: Prohibited weapons Ceramics UF: Pottery BT: Crafts SC: CU Culture Cerebral palsy USE: Birth defects Cattle prods USE: Controlled weapons Ceremonies BT: Events Ceiling insulation 43 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 NT: RT: SC: Funerals Weddings Anniversaries CU Culture USE: Change of name Channel deepening USE: Channels Certificates BT: Qualifications NT: Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Victorian Certificate of Education SC: ED Education Channel widening USE: Channels Certified agreements USE: Collective agreements Channels UF: Channel deepening Channel widening Dredging Sea channels Shipping channels BT: Sea transport RT: Ports SC: TR Transport Cervical cancer BT: Cancer RT: Pap smears Womens health SC: HL Health Chaplains UF: School chaplains BT: Occupations RT: Religious education SC: CM Community CFLs USE: Fluorescent lamps Charitable organisations USE: Charities CGT USE: Capital gains tax Certificates of title USE: Land titles Charities UF: Charitable organisations Charity Organizations BT: Organisations RT: Fundraising taxation Non-profit organisations SC: GN General Chaemotherapy USE: Chemotherapy Chain letters USE: Scams Change NT: Change of address Change of name Innovation RT: Change management Educational reform Law reform SC: GN General Charity USE: Charities Charting USE: Hydrography Charts UF: BT: RT: SC: Change management BT: Management RT: Change SC: MG Management Hydrographic surveys Publications Hydrography GE Geography Charts of accounts USE: Accounting Change of address UF: Address change BT: Change SC: GN General Chat rooms BT: Computer networks SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Change of name UF: Changing names Deed polls Name changes BT: Change RT: Personal names SC: GN General Checklists USE: Lists Chemical accidents BT: Accidents RT: Chemicals SC: EM Emergencies Changing names 44 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Chemicals BT: Products NT: Agricultural chemicals Household chemicals Industrial chemicals RT: Chemical accidents Chemistry Dangerous goods Hazardous substances SC: TC Technology SC: Sexual abuse LW Law Child abuse reporting USE: Child abuse Child adoption USE: Adoption Child allowances USE: Family assistance Chemistry BT: Sciences RT: Chemicals SC: SC Sciences Child assistance USE: Family assistance Child benefits USE: Family assistance Chemotherapy UF: Chaemotherapy BT: Medical procedures Radiotherapy services RT: Cancer SC: HL Health Child car seats USE: Child restraints Child care UF: Child care services Childcare Child-care Daycare Day-care BT: Day care Preschool education NT: Child care centres RT: Child care benefits Child care fees Child care policy Child care workers Kindergartens Young children SC: CM Community ED Education Chickens UF: Poultry BT: Livestock RT: Avian flu Egg industry SC: EN Environment Chief Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Police SC: LW Law Chief Information Officers UF: CIO CIOs BT: Occupations RT: Chief Technology Officers Information policy SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Child care assistance USE: Child care benefits Child care benefits UF: Child care assistance Childcare benefits Child-care benefits BT: Social security RT: Child care Child care fees Family assistance SC: SO Society Chief Technology Officers UF: CTO CTOs BT: Occupations RT: Chief Information Officers ICT industry ICT policy SC: EG eGovernment Child care centers USE: Child care centres Child abuse UF: Child abuse reporting Child molestation Child molesting Child neglect BT: Crime RT: Child safety Child welfare Children Domestic violence Child care centre building regulations USE: Child care centre regulations Child care centre regulations UF: Child care centre building regulations Childcare centre regulations BT: Regulations RT: Child care centres 45 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: CM Community RT: Child care centres UF: Child care centers Child care facilities Childcare centres Child-care centres Childcare facilities Creches Day care centres Daycare centres BT: Child care RT: Child care centre regulations SC: ED Education SC: Child welfare Children Childrens rights Working conditions ET Employment Child health USE: Childrens health Child health records BT: Medical records RT: Childrens health Maternal and child health centres SC: HL Health Child care facilities USE: Child care centres Child labour USE: Child employment Child care fees UF: Childcare fees BT: Fees RT: Child care Child care benefits SC: CM Community Child maintenance USE: Child support Child molestation USE: Child abuse Child care policy UF: Childcare policy Policies BT: Policy RT: Child care SC: CM Community Child molesting USE: Child abuse Child neglect USE: Child abuse Child protection BT: Child welfare SC: CM Community Child care services USE: Child care Child care workers UF: Childcare workers BT: Occupations RT: Child care SC: CM Community Child restraints UF: Baby capsules Baby safety capsules Booster seats Child car seats Infant restraints BT: Safety equipment RT: Road safety Seat belts SC: SF Safety Child custody BT: Family law RT: Child welfare Divorces SC: LW Law Child deaths UF: Infant mortality VCDRC Victorian Child Death Review Committee BT: Deaths NT: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome RT: Child welfare Children SC: HL Health Child safety UF: Kidsafe Protecting children BT: Personal safety RT: Child abuse Child Safety Commissioner Child welfare Children Home safety Student safety Water safety SC: SF Safety Child employment UF: Child labour Employing children Employment of children Working with children BT: Employment Child Safety Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Child safety SC: SF Safety 46 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Child services USE: Childrens services Childcare workers USE: Child care workers Child support UF: Alimony Child maintenance Child Support Agency Child support payments Child Support Scheme BT: Financial assistance RT: Children Family assistance Family law SC: SO Society Childhood USE: Children Childhood obesity UF: Obesity in children BT: Obesity RT: Childrens health SC: HL Health Children UF: Childhood BT: Age groups Families NT: Babies Boys Girls Young children RT: Child abuse Child deaths Child employment Child safety Child support Child welfare Childrens courts Childrens health Childrens rights Childrens services Parents SC: CM Community Child Support Agency USE: Child support Child support payments USE: Child support Child Support Scheme USE: Child support Child welfare BT: Welfare services NT: Child protection RT: Child abuse Child custody Child deaths Child employment Child safety Children SC: CM Community Childrens Court of Victoria USE: Childrens courts Childcare USE: Child care Childrens courts UF: Childrens Court of Victoria Children's courts BT: Courts RT: Children Juvenile justice SC: LW Law Child-care USE: Child care Childcare benefits USE: Child care benefits Child-care benefits USE: Child care benefits Children's courts USE: Childrens courts Childcare centre regulations USE: Child care centre regulations Childrens health UF: Child health Children's health BT: Health RT: Child health records Childhood obesity Children Immunisation Maternal and child health centres Student health SC: HL Health Childcare centres USE: Child care centres Child-care centres USE: Child care centres Childcare facilities USE: Child care centres Childcare fees USE: Child care fees Children's health USE: Childrens health Childcare policy USE: Child care policy 47 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Childrens rights UF: Children's rights Rights of children BT: Human rights RT: Child employment Children SC: PO Politics RT: SC: Smoking EN Environment Cigarette smoking USE: Smoking Cinema USE: Films Children's rights USE: Childrens rights Childrens services UF: Child services Children's services BT: Community services RT: Children Early intervention Family services SC: CM Community CIO USE: Chief Information Officers CIOs USE: Chief Information Officers Citizen centric approach USE: Citizen centric services Childrens Week USE: Education events Citizen centric services UF: Citizen centric approach Citizen-centric services Customer centric approach BT: Services RT: e-Government SC: EG eGovernment Children's Week USE: Education events Citizen consultation USE: Consultation Chinese medicine USE: Alternative medicine Citizen-centric services USE: Citizen centric services Chinese medicine practitioners BT: Health practitioners RT: Alternative medicine SC: HL Health Citizenship UF: Australian citizenship Naturalisation Naturalization BT: Politics NT: Dual citizenship Overseas residency RT: Australians Citizenship documents Citizenship test Civics Democracy Passports SC: GV Government PO Politics Children's services USE: Childrens services Chinese whips USE: Prohibited weapons Chiropractors BT: Health practitioners SC: HL Health Christianity USE: Religion Christmas Day USE: Public holidays Citizenship documents BT: Documents NT: Birth certificates Marriage certificates RT: Citizenship Identification SC: GV Government Chronic diseases USE: Chronic illnesses Chronic health problems USE: Chronic illnesses Chronic illnesses UF: Chronic diseases Chronic health problems BT: Diseases SC: HL Health Citizenship test BT: Assessment RT: Citizenship SC: GV Government Citrus industry USE: Crop industries Cigarette butts BT: Litter 48 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 City Circle trams BT: Trams SC: TR Transport Civil servants USE: Public servants Civil service USE: Public service City councils USE: Local government Civil warrants USE: Warrants City link USE: Citylink Claim forms BT: Forms RT: Family assistance SC: CO Communication Citylink UF: City link etag e-tag BT: Freeways Tollways RT: CityLink Customer Ombudsman SC: TR Transport Classical music USE: Music Click through rates UF: Click throughs Click thru rates Click-through rates Click-thru rates CTR SN: Measurement of the user action of clicking BT: Web analytics SC: EG eGovernment CityLink Customer Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: Citylink SC: TR Transport Civics BT: RT: SC: Social sciences Citizenship Democracy SO Society Click throughs USE: Click through rates Civil Aviation Safety Authority USE: Air safety authorities Click thru rates USE: Click through rates Civil disputes UF: Small claims BT: Conflicts RT: Civil law SC: LW Law Click-through rates USE: Click through rates Click-thru rates USE: Click through rates Civil law BT: Law NT: Contract law Debt RT: Civil disputes SC: LW Law Client management USE: Customer relationship management Climate BT: Environment NT: Weather RT: Atmosphere Climate change SC: EN Environment Civil liberties USE: Civil rights Civil proceedings USE: Court procedures Climate change UF: Global warming Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gas emissions BT: Environmental impact NT: Carbon footprints RT: Air pollution Carbon pollution Climate SC: EN Environment Civil rights UF: Civil liberties BT: Rights NT: Freedom of information Freedom of speech Privacy Statutory immunity RT: Human rights Legal rights SC: LW Law PO Politics Climbing BT: Recreational activities 49 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Mountains RC Recreation Coastcare USE: Coastal care Clinicians USE: Health practitioners Coastguard USE: Border protection Closing a business UF: Business closure Closing businesses Defunct businesses Exiting a business BT: Business activities RT: Business registration Starting a business SC: BS Business Coastline USE: Coasts Coasts UF: Coastal areas Coastline BT: Land forms RT: Beaches Coastal care Coastal regions Oceans Peninsulas SC: EN Environment Closing businesses USE: Closing a business Clothes dryers USE: Appliances Coat of Arms USE: Coats of arms Clothes washers USE: Appliances Clubbing USE: Clubs Coats of arms UF: Coat of Arms BT: Emblems SC: GV Government Clubs UF: Cocaine USE: Illicit drugs BT: RT: SC: CMS USE: Clubbing Nightclubs Nightlife Bars RC Recreation Cocktail bars USE: Bars Codes of conduct SN: Guidelines on acceptable conduct of behaviour, typically applied within a workplace or other environment BT: Behaviour standards RT: Codes of practice Ethics Working conditions SC: MS Measurement Content management systems Coach services USE: Buses Coastal areas USE: Coasts Coastal care UF: Coastcare BT: Environmental protection RT: Coastal regions Coasts SC: EN Environment Codes of ethics USE: Ethics Codes of practice UF: Codes of practise BT: Law RT: Codes of conduct Regulations SC: LW Law Coastal regions BT: Regional areas RT: Coastal care Coastal warnings Coasts SC: TO Tourism Codes of practise USE: Codes of practice Coastal warnings BT: Alerts RT: Coastal regions Sea transport SC: EM Emergencies Coed schools USE: Coeducational schools Co-ed schools USE: Coeducational schools 50 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Coeducational schools UF: Coed schools Co-ed schools Mixed schools Mixed sex schools BT: Schools RT: Single sex schools SC: ED Education USE: Combat sports BT: Sports NT: Boxing Kickboxing SC: RC Recreation Comedy festivals BT: Festivals SC: CU Culture Cognitive disabilities UF: Disability BT: Disabilities SC: HL Health Commemorations USE: Anniversaries Cohabitation USE: De facto relationships Commencing students USE: Beginning students Coinage USE: Money Coins USE: Vision impairments Commencing teachers USE: Beginning teachers Money Comments USE: Feedback Collective agreements UF: Certified agreements Collective bargaining agreements EAs EBAs Enterprise agreements Enterprise bargaining agreements BT: Agreements RT: Workplace agreements SC: ET Employment Commerce USE: Trade Commercial buildings UF: Commercial premises Factories BT: Buildings NT: Shops SC: PR Property Commercial law UF: Mercantile law Trade law BT: Law RT: Conveyancing Corporate governance Industrial law Trade SC: LW Law Collective bargaining USE: Enterprise bargaining Collective bargaining agreements USE: Collective agreements College of Adult Education USE: ACE providers Commercial premises USE: Commercial buildings Colleges USE: Educational institutions Commercial products USE: Products Colonoscopies UF: Colonoscopy BT: Diagnostic services RT: Bowel cancer SC: HL Health Commercial vehicles BT: Vehicles NT: Tow trucks SC: TR Transport Colonoscopy USE: Colonoscopies Commercial wastes USE: Industrial wastes Color blindness USE: Vision impairments Commissioner for Complaints BT: Commissioners RT: Complaints SC: GV Government Colorectal cancer USE: Cancer Colour blindness 51 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability BT: Commissioners RT: Environmental sustainability SC: EN Environment Commonwealth Disability Strategy USE: Disability policy Commonwealth Games BT: Sports events SC: RC Recreation Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security BT: Commissioners RT: Data management SC: LW Law Commonwealth government USE: Federal government Commonwealth Ombudsman UF: Federal Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: Federal government SC: GV Government Commissioners BT: Officials NT: Australian Building and Construction Commissioner Chief Commissioner Child Safety Commissioner Commissioner for Complaints Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security Disability Services Commissioner Electoral Commissioner Emergency Services Commissioner Federal Safety Commissioner Fire Services Commissioner Health Services Commissioner Information Commissioner Integrity Commissioner Legal Services Commissioner Privacy Commissioner Public Sector Standards Commissioner Racing Integrity Commissioner Sex Discrimination Commissioner Small Business Commissioner RT: Public administration SC: GV Government Commonwealth-State relations USE: Intergovernmental relations Communicable diseases USE: Infectious diseases Communicating USE: Communication Communication UF: Communicating NT: Advertising Conferences Consultation Correspondence Feedback Languages Mass media Public relations Publications Writing RT: Hotlines SC: CO Communication Communications BT: Infrastructure NT: Postal services Telecommunications RT: Communications equipment Communications policy Communications regulation SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Commissions of enquiry USE: Commissions of inquiry Commissions of inquiry UF: Commissions of enquiry Government enquiries Government inquiries Public enquiries Public inquiries Royal commissions BT: Public administration SC: GV Government Communications authorities USE: Communications regulation Communications bodies USE: Communications regulation Committees BT: Groups RT: Task forces SC: GN General Communications equipment BT: Equipment Information and communications technology NT: Telephones RT: Communications Commonwealth Budget USE: National budgets 52 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Community based orders USE: Community orders Communications policy UF: Email policy Policies BT: Policy RT: Communications Communications regulation Telecommunications policy SC: PO Politics Community based programs USE: Community programs Community centers USE: Community centres Community centres UF: Community centers Community facilities Community houses Neighbourhood houses BT: Buildings Community services NT: Maternal and child health centres Senior citizens centres RT: Adult day care SC: CM Community Communications regulation UF: ACA ACMA Australian Communications and Media Authority Australian Communications Authority Communications authorities Communications bodies BT: Regulations RT: Broadcasting regulation Communications Communications policy SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Community consultation USE: Consultation Community courses USE: ACE courses Communities UF: Community NT: Indigenous communities Multicultural communities Online communities Social inclusion RT: Community assistance Community awards Community development Community directories Community groups Community safety Community services Groups SC: CM Community Community development BT: Development RT: Capacity building Communities Regional development SC: CM Community Community directories UF: Directory BT: Directories RT: Business directories Communities Community services Government directories Local government SC: CM Community Community USE: Communities Indigenous communities Multicultural communities Community education USE: Adult and community education Community assistance UF: Community support BT: Financial assistance RT: Communities SC: CM Community Community facilities USE: Community centres Community gardens BT: Recreational facilities RT: Community programs Gardening SC: CM Community Community awards UF: Victorian Senior of the Year Awards BT: Awards and honours RT: Communities SC: PO Politics Community groups BT: Groups RT: Communities SC: CM Community Community based care USE: Home and community care Community history 53 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Local history Community houses USE: Community centres SC: Local government Social workers SO Society Community support USE: Community assistance Community housing USE: Accommodation services Community work USE: Community services Community languages BT: Languages SC: CO Communication Community workers USE: Social workers Community orders UF: Community based orders BT: Punishment SC: LW Law Compact fluorescent lamps USE: Fluorescent lamps Compact fluorescent light globes USE: Fluorescent lamps Community policing BT: Police RT: Community safety SC: LW Law Companies USE: Corporations Community programs UF: Anglicare Baptist community care Community based programs Programmes BT: Community services Programs RT: Community gardens SC: CM Community Companion cards USE: Concession cards Company cars USE: Fleets Company law USE: Industrial law Company names USE: Business names Community safety UF: Safer communities BT: Public safety RT: Communities Community policing Crime prevention SC: SF Safety Company registers BT: Registration RT: Corporations SC: BS Business EG eGovernment Community services UF: Community work Human services Social services Social work BT: Services NT: Accommodation services Aged care services Childrens services Community centres Community programs Counselling services Disability services Family services Home and community care Indigenous services Migrant services Multicultural services Welfare services Womens services Youth services RT: Communities Community directories Council services Company structures USE: Business structures Competition UF: Competitive neutrality Competitiveness BT: Economics RT: Competition policy Economic development Trade practices SC: EC Economics Competition policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Competition SC: IN Industry Competitive neutrality USE: Competition Competitiveness USE: Competition 54 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Complaint handling USE: Complaints Computer languages BT: Languages NT: Ajax HTML Javascripts OPML WML XHTML XML RT: Computers SC: EG eGovernment Complaints UF: Complaint handling Grievances BT: Conflicts NT: Consumer complaints RT: Commissioner for Complaints Ombudsmen SC: BS Business Complementary medicines USE: Alternative medicine Computer networks UF: Online communications BT: Networks NT: Chat rooms Extranets Internet Intranets RT: Computers Online communities Wireless networks SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Complementary therapies USE: Alternative medicine Compliance UF: Legal compliance BT: Law RT: Regulations Standards SC: LW Law Compost USE: Waste treatment Computer programs USE: Software Composting BT: Recycling RT: Gardening SC: EN Environment Computer security USE: Information technology security Comprehensive insurance USE: Motor vehicle insurance Computer skills USE: ICT skills Computer crime UF: Computer hacking Computer viruses Computer worms High tech crime BT: Crime RT: Computers e-Crime Identity crime Spam SC: CO Communication LW Law Computer software USE: Software Computer viruses USE: Computer crime Computer worms USE: Computer crime Computers BT: Equipment Information and communications technology NT: Laptop computers PDAs Tablet computers RT: Computer crime Computer languages Computer networks Educational technology SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Computer files BT: Digital media NT: Cookies SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Computer games UF: Game developers Game development BT: Software SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Computers in education USE: Educational technology Computer hacking USE: Computer crime Computing skills USE: ICT skills 55 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: ComSuper USE: Superannuation Con artists USE: Scams SC: Information policy Encryption Patients rights Privacy CO Communication Conflict of interest USE: Business ethics Concerts BT: Cultural events RT: Music SC: CU Culture Conflict resolution UF: Dispute resolution Dispute settlement SN: Methods in which disputed positions between two or more parties are resolved; use a more specific term if possible BT: Conflicts NT: Adjudication Alternative dispute resolution Arbitration Conciliation Mediation RT: Court procedures Industrial disputes SC: LW Law Concession cards UF: Companion cards Concessions BT: Social security RT: Concession fares Health care cards SC: SO Society Concession fares UF: Student concessions Travel concessions BT: Fares RT: Concession cards SC: TR Transport Conflicts UF: Disputes NT: Civil disputes Complaints Conflict resolution War RT: Justice SC: GN General Concessions USE: Concession cards Conciliation SN: Method of dispute settlement in which both conflicting sides voluntarily agree to a compromise BT: Conflict resolution RT: Arbitration SC: LW Law Congenital abnormalities USE: Birth defects Congestion levies UF: Congestion levy BT: Taxation RT: Car parks SC: FN Finance TR Transport Conditions of employment USE: Working conditions Conference papers USE: Conference proceedings Conference proceedings UF: Conference papers BT: Publications RT: Conferences SC: CO Communication Congestion levy USE: Congestion levies Conferences UF: Congresses Symposia Symposiums BT: Communication RT: Business events Conference proceedings SC: CO Communication Connex USE: Suburban trains Confidence tricksters USE: Scams Constitutional law BT: Law NT: Constitutions Electoral system Congresses USE: Conferences Conservation USE: Environmental management Constituencies USE: Electorates Confidentiality 56 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: LW Law USE: Constitutions UF: Australian Constitution Victorian Constitution BT: Constitutional law SC: GV Government Consumer information Consumer affairs UF: Consumer Affairs Victoria BT: Industry Trade NT: Consumer protection RT: Businesses Consumer complaints Consumer information Consumers Fair trading SC: IN Industry Construction UF: Building NT: Buildings Demolition Home renovations Structural elements RT: Building legislation Building regulations Construction industry SC: PR Property Consumer Affairs Victoria USE: Consumer affairs Consumer complaints UF: Customer complaints BT: Complaints RT: Consumer affairs SC: IN Industry Construction industry UF: Building industry Industries BT: Industry sectors NT: Building authorities RT: Australian Building and Construction Commissioner Builders Building safety Construction Federal Safety Commissioner SC: IN Industry Consumer credit USE: Credit Consumer education USE: Consumer information Consumer groups USE: Consumers Construction workers USE: Builders Consumer information UF: Consumer advice Consumer education BT: Information RT: Consumer affairs Frequently asked questions SC: IN Industry Consulates USE: Embassies Consuls USE: Diplomats Consumer Price Index USE: Price indexes Consultancies USE: Consultants Consumer protection UF: Consumer rights BT: Consumer affairs RT: Ombudsmen SC: IN Industry Consultancy USE: Consultants Consultants UF: Consultancies Consultancy BT: Personnel RT: Contractors SC: ET Employment Consumer rights USE: Consumer protection Consumers UF: Consumer groups Customers BT: Groups RT: Consumer affairs SC: IN Industry Consultation UF: Citizen consultation Community consultation Public consultation BT: Communication NT: e-Consultations RT: Participation SC: CO Communication Contact details UF: Contact information BT: Information RT: Business information Personal information Consumer advice 57 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: GN General NT: Contact information USE: Contact details RT: Contagious diseases USE: Infectious diseases SC: Employment contracts Government contracts Tenders Contract law Contractors BS Business Contracts of employment USE: Employment contracts Contaminants USE: Pollution Controlled burn offs UF: Burning off Controlled burnoffs Controlled burn-offs Controlled fire burns BT: Fire management SC: EN Environment Contaminated sites USE: Land pollution Contamination USE: Pollution Content management UF: ECM Enterprise content management BT: Management RT: Content management systems Information management Records management Web content SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Controlled burnoffs USE: Controlled burn offs Controlled burn-offs USE: Controlled burn offs Controlled fire burns USE: Controlled burn offs Controlled substances USE: Hazardous substances Content management systems UF: CMS BT: Software RT: Content management Web content SC: EG eGovernment Controlled vocabularies BT: Publications NT: Folksonomies Ontologies Taxonomies Thesauri SC: EG eGovernment Continuing education USE: Adult and community education Controlled weapons UF: Batons Bayonets Cattle prods Cudgels Imitation firearms Knives Spear-guns BT: Weapons NT: Firearms SC: LW Law Contract law BT: Civil law RT: Contracts SC: LW Law Contract work USE: Contracting Contracting UF: Contract work BT: Working conditions RT: Contractors Employment contracts SC: ET Employment Conversion rates BT: Search engine metrics SC: EG eGovernment Contractors BT: Personnel RT: Consultants Contracting Contracts Employment contracts SC: ET Employment Conveyancers BT: Occupations RT: Conveyancing SC: PR Property Conveyancing BT: Law NT: Electronic conveyancing RT: Commercial law Conveyancers Contracts BT: Agreements 58 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Land titles Property Surveying LW Law PR Property SC: Forensic medicine LW Law Coroners court UF: Coroners Court of Victoria Coroners office Coronial services BT: Courts RT: Coroners SC: LW Law Cookies BT: Computer files RT: Internet SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Coroners Court of Victoria USE: Coroners court Cooling UF: Cooling towers Evaporative coolers BT: Environmental control RT: Heating SC: EN Environment Coroners office USE: Coroners court Coroners reports USE: Coroners Cooling towers USE: Cooling Coronial services USE: Coroners court Cooperatives UF: Co-operatives Co-ops BT: Businesses SC: BS Business Corporate governance BT: Governance RT: Business structures Commercial law SC: BS Business Co-operatives USE: Cooperatives Corporate law USE: Industrial law Co-ops USE: Cooperatives Corporate learning USE: Organisational learning Copyright UF: Copyright infringements BT: Intellectual property NT: Digital rights management RT: Patents Trademarks SC: LW Law Corporate planning USE: Business planning Corporate plans USE: Business planning Corporate structures USE: Business structures Copyright infringements USE: Copyright Corporations UF: Companies BT: Organisations NT: Indigenous corporations RT: Businesses Company registers Industry SC: BS Business Copyright Tribunal USE: Tribunals Copywriting BT: Publishing industry RT: Writing for the web SC: EG eGovernment Corporations law USE: Industrial law Corneal donation BT: Medical procedures SC: HL Health Correctional facilities UF: Correctional institutions Correctional services BT: Public facilities NT: Detention centres Prisons RT: Deaths in custody Imprisonment Coroners UF: Coroners reports BT: Officials RT: Autopsies Coroners court Deaths 59 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Prisoners LW Law Counseling USE: Career counselling Counselling services Crisis counselling Educational counselling Financial counselling Correctional institutions USE: Correctional facilities Correctional services USE: Correctional facilities Counselling services UF: Counseling BT: Community services Health services NT: Alcohol counselling Career counselling Crisis counselling Drug counselling Educational counselling Financial counselling Gambling counselling Genetic counselling Grief counselling Telephone counselling RT: Counsellors Psychologists SC: CM Community Corrections USE: Punishment Correspondence BT: Communication NT: Emails RT: Writing SC: CO Communication Corruption BT: Crime RT: Whistleblowers SC: LW Law Costs BT: NT: RT: SC: Economics Fees Pricing EC Economics Counsellors BT: Occupations RT: Counselling services Health practitioners SC: CM Community HL Health Cot deaths USE: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Council elections UF: Local elections Municipal elections BT: Elections RT: Local government SC: GV Government Counting BT: Measurement NT: e-Counting SC: MS Measurement Country ambulance services USE: Rural ambulance services Council flats USE: Public housing Country hospitals UF: Bush hospitals BT: Hospitals RT: Rural health SC: HL Health Council of Adult Education USE: ACE providers Council rates USE: Rates Country trains UF: Regional train services Regional trains Rural train services Rural trains V Line V/Line Vic link Viclink VLine V-Line BT: Trains SC: TR Transport Council services UF: Local government services Municipal services BT: Services RT: Community services Government services Local government SC: GV Government Councillors BT: Local government RT: Mayors SC: GV Government County Court of Victoria USE: Criminal courts Councils USE: Local government 60 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Course accreditation UF: Accredited courses Course certification Course registration Courses BT: Accreditation RT: Educational management SC: ED Education UF: BT: RT: SC: Court cases Court procedures Lists Courts LW Law Court procedures UF: Appeals Civil proceedings Court decisions Criminal proceedings Hearings Judgments Legal decisions Trials BT: Justice NT: Court lists Prosecutions Sentencing RT: Conflict resolution Courts Legal profession SC: LW Law Course certification USE: Course accreditation Course design UF: Course planning Courses BT: Curriculum RT: Higher education courses SC: ED Education Course handbooks USE: Higher education courses Course information USE: Higher education courses Courts UF: Administrative courts Federal Courts Law courts State courts Victorian Courts BT: Justice Public facilities NT: Childrens courts Coroners court Criminal courts Drug courts Family courts High courts Juries Magistrates courts Sheriffs Office Tribunals RT: Court lists Court procedures Judges SC: LW Law Course materials UF: Curriculum materials BT: Educational resources RT: Textbooks SC: ED Education Course planning USE: Course design Course registration USE: Course accreditation Course Search USE: Higher education courses Courses USE: ACE courses Course accreditation Course design Higher education courses Short courses TAFE courses Covenants BT: Land titles SC: PR Property CourseSearch USE: Higher education courses Courseware BT: Educational resources Educational technology RT: Textbooks SC: ED Education Cows UF: BT: RT: Court cases USE: Court lists Court decisions USE: Court procedures Court lists SC: Cattle Livestock Dairy industry Meat industry EN Environment CPI USE: Price indexes Crafts BT: NT: Arts Ceramics 61 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: CU Culture Crawlers UF: Bots Intelligent agents Spiders BT: Software SC: EG eGovernment Creches USE: Child care centres Credit UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: RT: Consumer credit Credit cards Finance Credit ratings Debt FN Finance SC: Credit cards USE: Credit Crime prevention UF: Crime reporting Crime Stoppers Neighbourhood watch BT: Prevention NT: Whistleblowers RT: Community safety Crime Police SC: LW Law Credit providers BT: Finance industry SC: BS Business Credit ratings BT: Credit SC: FN Finance Credit unions BT: Finance industry RT: Building societies Friendly societies SC: FN Finance Crime reporting USE: Crime prevention Crime statistics BT: Statistics RT: Crime SC: LW Law Cremation USE: Cemeteries Crime Stoppers USE: Crime prevention Crematoria USE: Cemeteries Crime victims USE: Victims of crime Crematorium services USE: Cemeteries Crimes against humanity USE: War crimes Crematoriums USE: Cemeteries Criminal courts UF: County Court of Victoria Magistrates Court of Victoria Supreme Court of Victoria BT: Courts RT: Crime SC: LW Law Cricket BT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Crime BT: NT: Identity crime Money laundering Organised crime Sexual abuse Stalking Tax evasion Terrorism Theft War crimes Crime prevention Crime statistics Criminal courts Criminal law Criminal records Criminology Offenders Victims of crime LW Law SO Society Social problems Animal cruelty Assault Child abuse Computer crime Corruption Driving offences e-Crime Elder abuse Fraud Criminal history USE: Criminal records Criminal justice USE: Justice Criminal law BT: Law 62 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Crime LW Law CRM USE: Customer relationship management Criminal proceedings USE: Court procedures Criminal records UF: Criminal history BT: Personal information RT: Crime Police checks SC: LW Law Crop industries UF: Citrus industry Sugar industry Wheat industry BT: Agriculture RT: Crops SC: IN Industry Criminal warrants USE: Warrants Crops BT: Criminals USE: Offenders RT: SC: Criminology BT: Social sciences RT: Crime SC: LW Law Crossbows USE: Prohibited weapons Agricultural products Plants Crop industries IN Industry Crown lands BT: Land SC: GV Government PR Property Crisis accommodation USE: Emergency accommodation Crisis assessment teams UF: CAT BT: Mental health services SC: HL Health Cruise liners USE: Cruise shipping Cruise ship schedules USE: Cruise shipping Crisis care USE: Crisis support services Crisis counselling UF: Counseling BT: Counselling services Crisis support services RT: Telephone counselling SC: CM Community Cruise shipping UF: Cruise liners Cruise ship schedules Cruise ships Passenger ships BT: Shipping industry RT: Passenger lists SC: TR Transport Crisis housing USE: Emergency accommodation Cruise ships USE: Cruise shipping Crisis services USE: Crisis support services CSS USE: Cascading style sheets Crisis support services UF: Crisis care Crisis services BT: Welfare services NT: Crisis counselling Emergency accommodation RT: Domestic violence SC: CM Community CTO USE: Chief Technology Officers CTOs USE: Chief Technology Officers CTR USE: Click through rates Critical care services UF: Acute care Intensive care services BT: Health services RT: Hospitals Trauma management services SC: HL Health Cudgels USE: Controlled weapons Cultural diversity UF: Diversity BT: Culture SC: SO Society 63 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Curriculum BT: Education NT: Course design Curriculum areas Curriculum development National Curriculum School curriculum RT: Assessment Curriculum authorities SC: ED Education Cultural Diversity Week USE: Cultural events Cultural events UF: Cultural Diversity Week BT: Events NT: Concerts Exhibitions Festivals Multicultural events RT: Cultural festivals Recreational activities SC: RC Recreation Curriculum areas UF: Study guides Subjects BT: Curriculum NT: VCE studies RT: Sciences SC: ED Education Cultural festivals UF: Moomba BT: Festivals RT: Arts festivals Cultural events SC: CU Culture Curriculum authorities UF: Board of Studies VCAA Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority BT: Educational authorities RT: Curriculum SC: ED Education Cultural heritage BT: Heritage RT: Culture Historic sites SC: CU Culture Cultural institutions BT: Culture NT: Art galleries Libraries Museums Recital centres RT: Public facilities SC: CU Culture Curriculum development BT: Curriculum SC: ED Education Curriculum materials USE: Course materials Curriculum vitae USE: Resumes Cultural policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Culture SC: CU Culture Custom plates USE: Number plates Customer centric approach USE: Citizen centric services Culture NT: Arts Cultural diversity Cultural institutions Indigenous culture RT: Cultural heritage Cultural policy SC: SO Society Customer complaints USE: Consumer complaints Customer relationship management UF: Client management CRM BT: Management SC: EG eGovernment Currency USE: Money Customer satisfaction surveys BT: Surveys SC: EG eGovernment Current assets UF: Liquid assets BT: Assets NT: Cash SC: FN Finance Customers USE: Consumers Customised plates USE: Number plates Curricula vitae USE: Resumes Customs 64 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: International trade Export controls Import controls Quarantine Tariffs Travel IN Industry CVs USE: Resumes Cyber bullying BT: Bullying RT: Internet SC: ED Education IT Information & Communications Technologies Cyber crime USE: e-Crime Cyber stalking BT: Stalking RT: Internet SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Cybersafety USE: Internet safety Cycling UF: Bicycle riding Bike riding Bikeriding Bike-riding BT: Recreational activities Sports RT: Bicycles Bike paths Cyclists Sustainable transport SC: RC Recreation Cyclists UF: Bike riders Bikeriders Bike-riders BT: Groups RT: Bicycles Cycling SC: TR Transport Cyclones UF: Hurricanes Tornados BT: Natural disasters SC: EM Emergencies 65 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: D EG eGovernment Data management BT: Management RT: Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security Databases SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Daggers USE: Prohibited weapons Dairy industry BT: Agriculture RT: Cows SC: IN Industry Data mining BT: Information retrieval RT: Information management Knowledge management SC: EG eGovernment Damaged plates USE: Number plates Dams USE: Catchments Dance BT: NT: SC: Data sets USE: Data Performing arts Ballet CU Culture Data transmission rate USE: Bandwidth Databases UF: Data bases Data-bases BT: Information storage RT: Data Data management SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Dangerous dogs USE: Nuisance animals Dangerous goods UF: Banned products Hazardous goods Regulated products BT: Products NT: Hazardous substances RT: Chemicals Freight transport Product recalls Product safety Transport safety SC: SF Safety Data-bases USE: Databases Datacasting BT: Broadcasting RT: Television SC: EG eGovernment Dart projectors USE: Prohibited weapons Datasets USE: Data Darts USE: Day care BT: Home and community care NT: Adult day care Child care SC: CM Community Data UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Prohibited weapons Data sets Datasets Information Metadata Databases IT Information & Communications Technologies Day care centres USE: Child care centres Day hospitals USE: Super clinics Data bases USE: Databases Day light saving times USE: Daylight savings Data centers USE: Data centres Day light savings USE: Daylight savings Data centres UF: Data centers BT: ICT industry RT: Information storage Day procedure centres USE: Super clinics Day procedures 66 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Super clinics Deaths UF: Bereavement BT: Life events NT: Child deaths Deaths in custody Suicide RT: Autopsies Bereavement payments Cemeteries Coroners Death certificates Euthanasia Funerals Grief counselling Mortality rates Palliative care services Terminal illnesses Wills SC: HL Health Day surgery USE: Super clinics Day trips USE: Travel Daycare USE: Child care Day-care USE: Child care Daycare centres USE: Child care centres Daylight saving times USE: Daylight savings Daylight savings UF: Day light saving times Day light savings Daylight saving times Day-light savings BT: Time SC: GN General Deaths in custody BT: Deaths RT: Correctional facilities Imprisonment SC: LW Law Debt BT: RT: Day-light savings USE: Daylight savings DC USE: Metadata standards SC: De facto couples USE: De facto relationships Civil law Bankruptcy Credit Financial counselling Liabilities FN Finance Deceased estates BT: Property RT: Wills SC: PR Property De facto relationships UF: Cohabitation De facto couples Defacto couples Defacto relationships BT: Family law SC: LW Law Decision making BT: Management SC: MG Management Deed polls USE: Change of name Deafness USE: Hearing impairments Deep linking UF: Deep links Website deep links BT: Linking SC: EG eGovernment Death certificates UF: Death registry BT: Documents RT: Birth certificates Deaths SC: GV Government Deep links USE: Deep linking Death rates USE: Mortality rates Defacto couples USE: De facto relationships Death registry USE: Death certificates Defacto relationships USE: De facto relationships Death statistics USE: Mortality rates Defence NT: Careers in defence Defence forces 67 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: National security Weapons Defence policy DF Defence SC: ED Education Dementia BT: Degenerative diseases Neurological disorders RT: Alzheimer's disease SC: HL Health Defence careers USE: Careers in defence Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal USE: Tribunals Demerit points BT: Penalties RT: Speeding Speeding fines SC: LW Law TR Transport Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal USE: Tribunals Defence forces UF: Armed forces Military forces BT: Defence NT: Air force Army Cadets Navy Reserve forces RT: Military history Military personnel War SC: DF Defence Democracy BT: Politics NT: e-Democracy RT: Citizenship Civics Elections SC: PO Politics Demography BT: Social sciences NT: Birth rates Life expectancy Mortality rates RT: Censuses Population SC: SO Society Defence personnel USE: Military personnel Defence policy UF: National defence Policies BT: Policy RT: Defence SC: DF Defence PO Politics Demolishing USE: Demolition Defence recruitment USE: Careers in defence Dental care USE: Dental services Defence training USE: Military colleges Dental clinics USE: Dental services Defunct businesses USE: Closing a business Dental health USE: Dental services Degenerative diseases BT: Diseases NT: Alzheimer's disease Dementia RT: Geriatric medicine Seniors health SC: HL Health Dental hygiene USE: Dental services Demolition UF: Demolishing BT: Construction SC: PR Property Dental practitioners USE: Dentists Dental services UF: Dental care Dental clinics Dental health Dental hygiene Dentistry Oral health Oral hygiene BT: Health services Degrees UF: University degrees BT: Qualifications RT: Diplomas Higher education Postgraduate study Undergraduate study 68 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Dentists HL Health UF: BT: RT: Dentistry USE: Dental services Dentists UF: Dental practitioners BT: Health practitioners RT: Dental services SC: HL Health SC: Detention facilities USE: Detention centres Detention facility USE: Detention centres Departments USE: Federal government departments State government departments Detox programs USE: Drug programs Depreciation BT: Accounting RT: Investment Non-current assets SC: FN Finance Detoxification programs USE: Drug programs Development NT: Community development Early childhood development Early intervention Economic development International development Learning Regional development Rural development Youth development SC: GN General Depression UF: Depressive illnesses BT: Mental health SC: HL Health Depressive illnesses USE: Depression Desalination plants BT: Water supply SC: EN Environment Diabetes BT: Diseases SC: HL Health Desertification USE: Deserts Deserts UF: BT: RT: SC: Detention facilities Detention facility Correctional facilities Home detention Illegal immigration Prisons LW Law Diagnostic services BT: Health services NT: Audiology Colonoscopies Mammograms Pap smears SC: HL Health Desertification Natural resources Ecosystems EN Environment Design BT: Technology NT: Ergonomics Graphic design Industrial design Website design SC: TC Technology Dial-up connections BT: Bandwidth RT: Broadband SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Diets USE: Desktop search engines USE: Desktop searches Nutrition Digital access USE: Digital divide Desktop searches UF: Desktop search engines BT: Search engines SC: EG eGovernment Digital archives BT: Archives RT: Digital libraries Digital media SC: CU Culture EG eGovernment Detainees USE: Prisoners Detention centres 69 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Digital certificates BT: Information technology security RT: Digital signatures SC: EG eGovernment NT: RT: SC: Protocol Diplomats PO Politics Diplomas BT: Qualifications RT: Degrees SC: ED Education Digital divide UF: Digital access SN: Expression which refers to the division in society between those individuals with access to the newest or best computers, the most reliable telephone service or the fastest or most convenient Internet services, and those individuals without such access (TAGS) BT: Access to information RT: Bandwidth Internet access SC: EG eGovernment Diplomats UF: Ambassadors Consuls High Commissioners BT: Officials RT: Diplomacy Embassies SC: PO Politics Direct marketing UF: Phone marketing Telemarketers Telemarketing BT: Marketing SC: BS Business Digital libraries BT: Libraries RT: Digital archives SC: EG eGovernment Directories UF: Directory BT: Publications NT: Arts directories Business directories Community directories Email directories Government directories Heritage directories Industry directories Postcodes Telephone directories Web directories SC: CO Communication Digital media UF: Electronic information Electronic media Electronic resources BT: Information and communications technology NT: Computer files RT: Digital archives Digital rights management Multimedia SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Digital rights management UF: DRM BT: Copyright RT: Digital media SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Directory USE: Arts directories Business directories Community directories Directories Email directories Government directories Heritage directories Industry directories Telephone directories Web directories Digital signatures UF: Electronic signatures BT: Authentication RT: Digital certificates SC: EG eGovernment Digital television UF: Digital TV BT: Television RT: Interactive television SC: CO Communication EG eGovernment Disabilities UF: Disability Handicaps Impairments BT: Health NT: Cognitive disabilities Intellectual disabilities Physical disabilities RT: Disability assistance People with disabilities SC: HL Health Digital TV USE: Digital television Diplomacy BT: International relations 70 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Disabilities Services Act USE: Disability legislation USE: Adaptive aids Disability legislation UF: Disabilities Services Act Disability Act Disability Discrimination Act Disability Services Act BT: Legislation RT: Disability policy People with disabilities SC: LW Law Disability USE: Cognitive disabilities Disabilities Disability access USE: Accessibility Disability accommodation UF: Accommodation for people with a disability Accommodation for people with disability Disabled accommodation Homes for the disabled BT: Accommodation RT: Disability services People with disabilities Residential care Supported accommodation SC: CM Community Disability parking USE: Parking permits Disability policy UF: Commonwealth Disability Strategy Disability action plans Disability Services Policy and Funding Plan Policies Victorian State Disability Plan BT: Policy RT: Disability legislation Disability services People with disabilities SC: PO Politics Disability Act USE: Disability legislation Disability action plans USE: Disability policy Disability service providers UF: Disability agencies BT: Disability services SC: CM Community Disability agencies USE: Disability service providers Disability aids USE: Adaptive aids Disability services UF: Disability care Disabled services BT: Community services NT: Disability service providers RT: Adult day care Disability accommodation Disability policy Disability Services Commissioner Early intervention Home and community care People with disabilities SC: CM Community Disability allowances USE: Disability assistance Disability assistance UF: Disability allowances Disability benefits Disability support BT: Social security RT: Disabilities People with disabilities SC: SO Society Disability benefits USE: Disability assistance Disability Services Act USE: Disability legislation Disability care USE: Disability services Disability Services Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Disability services SC: CM Community Disability discrimination BT: Discrimination RT: People with disabilities Rights of the disabled SC: SO Society Disability Services Policy and Funding Plan USE: Disability policy Disability Discrimination Act USE: Disability legislation Disability support USE: Disability assistance Disability equipment 71 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Disabled access USE: Accessibility SC: HL Health Diseases UF: Illnesses BT: Health NT: Allergies Animal diseases Birth defects Cancer Cardiovascular diseases Chronic illnesses Degenerative diseases Diabetes Food poisoning Genetic disorders Heat related illnesses Infectious diseases Neurological disorders Occupational diseases Parasitic diseases Plant diseases Respiratory diseases Sexually transmitted diseases Terminal illnesses RT: Disease prevention SC: HL Health Disabled accommodation USE: Disability accommodation Disabled parking permits USE: Parking permits Disabled people USE: People with disabilities Disabled persons USE: People with disabilities Disabled rights USE: Rights of the disabled Disabled services USE: Disability services Disabled students USE: Special needs students Disadvantaged BT: Groups SC: GN General Dishwashers USE: Appliances Disaster management USE: Emergency management Dismissal UF: Firing Unfair dismissal BT: Termination of employment SC: ET Employment Disaster payments USE: Emergency relief Disaster planning USE: Emergency planning Disposal of assets UF: Assets disposal BT: Asset management RT: Assets SC: BS Business Disaster relief USE: Emergency relief Discoverability BT: Access to information RT: Metadata Search engine optimisation SC: EG eGovernment Dispute resolution USE: Conflict resolution Dispute settlement USE: Conflict resolution Discrimination UF: Bias Prejudice BT: Social problems NT: Disability discrimination Racial discrimination Sex discrimination RT: Antidiscrimination legislation Equal opportunity SC: SO Society Disputes USE: Conflicts Distance education BT: Education RT: e-Learning SC: ED Education Distress beacons BT: Safety equipment RT: Marine safety SC: SF Safety TR Transport Disease control USE: Infection control Disease prevention BT: Prevention RT: Diseases Health promotion District nursing USE: Home nursing 72 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: Diversity USE: Cultural diversity SC: Divorces UF: Separations BT: Family law RT: Child custody Marriages SC: LW Law Domestic abuse USE: Domestic violence Domestic animals USE: Pets Doctor registration USE: Health practitioners registration Domestic travel UF: Interstate travel BT: Travel RT: Air travel SC: TO Tourism Doctorates USE: Postgraduate study Doctors USE: Medical practitioners Domestic violence UF: Domestic abuse Family violence Intervention orders BT: Violence RT: Child abuse Crisis support services Family law Sexual abuse Sexual assault SC: LW Law Documents NT: Citizenship documents Death certificates Legal documents Petitions Publications Travel documents SC: GN General Dog licences USE: Animal registration Donor tissue banks USE: Tissue donation Dog ownership USE: Pet ownership Double-end knives USE: Prohibited weapons Dog registration USE: Animal registration Dogs BT: NT: RT: SC: Animals Greyhounds Greyhound racing Nuisance animals Pets EN Environment Dole USE: Unemployment benefits Domain name management Internet EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Down syndrome USE: Birth defects DPI Science Awards USE: Science awards Drainage UF: Drains BT: Pipelines Water management RT: Sewerage Stormwater SC: PL Planning Domain name management BT: Management RT: Domain names SC: EG eGovernment Drains USE: Drainage Sewerage Domain name registration USE: Domain names Drama USE: Theatre Domain name registry USE: Domain names Dredging USE: Channels Domain names UF: Domain name registration Domain name registry BT: Names Drink driving UF: Booze buses Breath tests Drinkdriving 73 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Drink-driving Driving under the influence Drunk driving Driving offences Accident statistics Alcohol abuse Drug driving SO Society NT: RT: SC: Licences International drivers licences Drivers Learner drivers Probationary licences TR Transport Driving licences USE: Drivers licences Drinkdriving USE: Drink driving Driving offences UF: Traffic offences BT: Crime NT: Drink driving Drug driving Hoon driving Speeding RT: Driver information SC: TR Transport Drink-driving USE: Drink driving Drinking problems USE: Alcohol abuse Drinking water USE: Water supply Driving under the influence USE: Drink driving Driver education UF: Learning to drive BT: Education RT: Drivers SC: ED Education TR Transport DRM USE: Digital rights management Dropouts USE: Early school leavers Driver history USE: Driver information Drought assistance BT: Social security RT: Droughts Farmer benefits SC: SO Society Driver information UF: Driver history BT: Personal information RT: Drivers Driving offences SC: TR Transport Droughts UF: Dry conditions BT: Natural disasters RT: Drought assistance Irrigation SC: EM Emergencies EN Environment Driver rewards BT: Road safety campaigns RT: Drivers SC: TR Transport Driver safety USE: Road safety Drownings BT: Accidents RT: Personal safety Water safety SC: EM Emergencies Drivers UF: Motorists BT: Groups NT: Learner drivers Older drivers Taxi drivers RT: Cars Driver education Driver information Driver rewards Drivers licences SC: TR Transport Drug abuse UF: Drug addiction Drug users BT: Substance abuse RT: Alcohol abuse Drug counselling Drug driving Drug education Drug programs Drugs Syringes SC: HL Health Drivers licences UF: Car licences Driving licences Licenses BT: Identification Drug addiction USE: Drug abuse 74 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Drug buses USE: Drug driving Drug treatments USE: Drug programs Drug counselling BT: Counselling services RT: Alcohol counselling Drug abuse Drug programs SC: HL Health Drug users USE: Drug abuse Drugs BT: NT: Drug courts BT: Courts RT: Drugs SC: LW Law RT: Drug driving UF: Drug buses BT: Driving offences RT: Drink driving Drug abuse SC: SO Society SC: Hazardous substances Illicit drugs Non prescription medicines Prescription medicines Alcohol Anti-doping programs Drug abuse Drug courts Drug education Drug statistics Drugs policy HL Health Drugs campaigns USE: Drug education Drug education UF: Drugs campaigns BT: Education RT: Alcohol education Drug abuse Drug programs Drugs SC: ED Education HL Health Drugs policy UF: National Drug Strategy Policies BT: Policy RT: Drugs SC: HL Health Drunk driving USE: Drink driving Drug programs UF: Detox programs Detoxification programs Drug services Drug treatments Methadone programs Programmes BT: Programs RT: Alcohol programs Drug abuse Drug counselling Drug education Education programs SC: HL Health Drunkenness USE: Alcohol abuse Dry conditions USE: Droughts Dual citizenship BT: Citizenship SC: GV Government Dublin Core USE: Metadata standards Duck hunting USE: Hunting Drug recalls UF: Medicine recalls BT: Product recalls RT: Non prescription medicines Pharmaceutical industry Prescription medicines SC: HL Health Ducks BT: RT: SC: Birds Hunting EN Environment Duties Act USE: Property legislation Drug services USE: Drug programs Duty free goods USE: Duty-free goods Drug statistics BT: Statistics RT: Alcohol statistics Drugs SC: HL Health Duty of care BT: Responsibility SC: SO Society 75 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Dutyfree goods USE: Duty-free goods Duty-free goods UF: Duty free goods Dutyfree goods BT: Products RT: International trade International travel SC: IN Industry Dyes USE: Industrial chemicals 76 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 E strategy USE: e-Strategy E E tax USE: E business USE: e-Business e-Tax E tenders USE: e-Tenders E campaigning USE: e-Campaigns E ticketing USE: e-Ticketing E campaigns USE: e-Campaigns E voting USE: e-Voting E census USE: e-Census Ear, nose and throat services UF: ENT services BT: Health services SC: HL Health E commerce USE: e-Commerce E consultations USE: e-Consultations Early childhood USE: Young children E counting USE: e-Counting Early childhood development UF: Early childhood learning BT: Development RT: Early intervention Young children SC: GN General E crime USE: e-Crime E democracy USE: e-Democracy Early childhood education USE: Preschool education E forms USE: Online forms Early childhood intervention USE: Early intervention E governance USE: e-Governance Early childhood learning USE: Early childhood development E government USE: e-Government Early childhood programs USE: Preschool programs E grants USE: e-Grants Early childhood services USE: Preschool education E health USE: e-Health Early education USE: Preschool education E learning USE: e-Learning Early intervention UF: Early childhood intervention SN: Intervention with individuals, usually young children, at risk of developmental (physical, mental, learning or other) delay BT: Development RT: Childrens services Disability services Early childhood development Special education Special needs students Young children SC: GN General E mails USE: Emails e passport USE: e-Passport E prescribing USE: e-Prescribing E procurement USE: e-Procurement E research USE: e-Research Early school leavers 77 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: SC: Dropouts School dropouts School leavers ED Education SC: Eating USE: Nutrition Early vote USE: Voting Eating disorders UF: Anorexia nervosa Binge eating disorders Bulimia nervosa BT: Mental health RT: Nutrition Obesity SC: HL Health Early voting USE: Voting Early years SN: Education of school students between Prep and Year 4 BT: Primary education NT: Preps Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 SC: ED Education Eating habits USE: Nutrition Eating out USE: Restaurants EBAs USE: Earth movements USE: Earthquakes Collective agreements Ebusiness USE: e-Business Earth sciences UF: Geosciences BT: Sciences NT: Geodesy Geography Geology Geomorphology Meteorology Oceanography SC: SC Sciences e-Business UF: Business online E business Ebusiness Electronic business Online business SN: The use of the Internet in operational aspects of a business. For the use of the Internet in ordering and paying for products and/or services, see e-commerce BT: Business activities RT: e-Commerce e-Government Internet SC: BS Business Earthquakes UF: Earth movements BT: Natural disasters SC: EM Emergencies EAs USE: TR Transport Collective agreements Easements BT: Land titles SC: PR Property ecampaigning USE: e-Campaigns ecampaigns USE: e-Campaigns East Link USE: EastLink e-Campaigns UF: E campaigning E campaigns ecampaigning ecampaigns Electronic campaigning Electronic campaigns BT: Political campaigns RT: e-Democracy e-Government SC: EG eGovernment Easter Monday USE: Public holidays Eastern Victoria BT: Regional areas SC: TO Tourism EastLink UF: East Link Mitcham Frankston freeway Scoresby freeway BT: Freeways Tollways ecensus USE: e-Census 78 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 NT: e-Census UF: E census ecensus Electronic census BT: Censuses SC: EG eGovernment ECM USE: RT: Content management SC: Business development Capacity building Industry development Sustainable development Urban development Competition Economic indicators Economic policy Economic reform EC Economics Eco systems USE: Ecosystems Economic environment USE: Economy Ecology BT: Biology RT: Ecosystems SC: EN Environment SC Sciences Economic forecasting USE: Economic analysis ecommerce USE: e-Commerce Economic impact BT: Economic analysis SC: EC Economics Economic growth USE: Economic development e-Commerce UF: B2B B2C Business to business Business to consumer E commerce ecommerce Electronic commerce Online shopping Shopping online SN: The use of the Internet in ordering and paying for products and/or services. For the use of the Internet in operational aspects of a business, see ebusiness BT: Trade RT: e-Business Electronic funds transfer Internet SC: BS Business Economic indicators BT: Indicators NT: Gross national product Inflation Price indexes RT: Economic development SC: EC Economics Economic policy UF: Policies BT: Policy NT: Fiscal policy RT: Economic development Economic reform Economics SC: EC Economics Economic reform BT: Economics RT: Economic development Economic policy SC: EC Economics Economic activity USE: Economy Economic statements USE: Budgets Economic advancement USE: Economic development Economic trends USE: Economic analysis Economic analysis UF: Economic forecasting Economic trends BT: Analysis NT: Economic impact RT: Economics SC: EC Economics Economics BT: Social sciences NT: Competition Costs Economic development Economic reform Economy Finance Microeconomics RT: Economic analysis Economic policy Economic development UF: Economic advancement Economic growth BT: Development Economics 79 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: EC Economics BT: RT: SC: Economies USE: Economy Crime Computer crime EG eGovernment Ecstasy USE: Illicit drugs Economy UF: Australian economy Economic activity Economic environment Economies Global economy National economy BT: Economics NT: Recession SC: EC Economics edemocracy USE: e-Democracy e-Democracy UF: E democracy edemocracy Electronic democracy BT: Democracy RT: e-Campaigns e-Government SC: EG eGovernment econsultations USE: e-Consultations e-Consultations UF: E consultations econsultations Electronic consultations Online consultations BT: Consultation SC: EG eGovernment EDM USE: Electronic document management Education UF: Education system NT: Adult and community education Alcohol education Assessment Curriculum Distance education Driver education Drug education Education allowances Education systems Educational information Educational institutions Educational management Educational reform Environmental education Gifted education Health education Higher education Indigenous education International education Multicultural education Physical education Postcompulsory education Postsecondary education Preschool education Qualifications Religious education Safety education School education Science education Special education Students Teaching Teaching profession Technology education Vocational education and training Womens education RT: Educational history Educational research Ecosystems UF: Eco systems Eco-systems BT: Environment NT: Biodiversity RT: Deserts Ecology SC: EN Environment Eco-systems USE: Ecosystems Ecotourism BT: Tourism RT: Environmental protection SC: EN Environment TO Tourism ecounting USE: e-Counting e-Counting UF: E counting ecounting Electronic counting BT: Counting RT: e-Voting SC: EG eGovernment ecrime USE: e-Crime e-Crime UF: Cyber crime E crime ecrime Electronic crime 80 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Educational technology ED Education RT: Education allowances UF: Educational allowances SN: Payments and allowances offered to people to assist them in achieving their educational goals BT: Education Financial assistance NT: Scholarships Study allowances SC: ED Education SC: Museum education programs Alcohol programs Drug programs Literacy programs Numeracy programs Training programs ED Education Education providers USE: Schools Training providers Universities Education resources USE: Educational information Education and training bodies USE: Training providers Education standards USE: Educational standards Education and training providers USE: Training providers Education system USE: Education Education beyond VCE USE: Postsecondary education Education systems SN: Alternative education systems offered in Australia, such as Steiner and Montessori BT: Education NT: Montessori system Steiner system SC: ED Education Education events UF: Childrens Week Children's Week Education Week Educational events Literacy & Numeracy Week Literacy and Numeracy Week BT: Events SC: ED Education Education Week USE: Education events Education information USE: Educational information Educational allowances USE: Education allowances Education legislation USE: Educational legislation Educational authorities BT: Authorities NT: Assessment authorities Curriculum authorities Training authorities RT: Educational management SC: ED Education Education Line USE: Educational information Education maintenance allowances USE: Study allowances Educational careers USE: Careers in education Education news USE: Educational information Educational counseling USE: Educational counselling Education of boys USE: Boys education Educational counselling UF: Counseling Educational counseling BT: Counselling services SC: ED Education Education of girls USE: Girls education Education of women USE: Womens education Educational events USE: Education events Education policy USE: Educational policy Educational history UF: History of education BT: History RT: Education Education programs BT: Programs NT: Indigenous education programs 81 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: ED Education Educational records USE: Student records Educational information UF: Education information Education Line Education news Education resources Educational publications BT: Education Information NT: Educational resources SC: ED Education Educational reform BT: Education RT: Change SC: ED Education Educational regions USE: School regions Educational research BT: Research RT: Education SC: ED Education Educational institutions UF: Colleges BT: Education NT: Judicial colleges Military colleges Private tertiary providers Schools TAFE colleges Universities SC: ED Education Educational resources UF: Educational materials Teacher resources Teaching materials Teaching resources BT: Educational information NT: Course materials Courseware Online teaching resources Textbooks SC: ED Education Educational legislation UF: Education legislation BT: Legislation SC: ED Education Educational management BT: Education NT: Educational planning Educational policy Educational standards Examination boards School administration Tuition fees University administration RT: Course accreditation Educational authorities SC: ED Education Educational standards UF: Education standards BT: Educational management SC: ED Education Educational technology UF: Computers in education ICT in education ICT in schools Learning technology Technologies Technology supported learning BT: Technology NT: Courseware Virtual classrooms RT: Computers Education e-Learning Multimedia SC: TC Technology Educational materials USE: Educational resources Educational planning BT: Educational management RT: Educational policy SC: ED Education Educational policy UF: Education policy Policies BT: Educational management Policy NT: School policy RT: Educational planning SC: ED Education Educators USE: Teachers Educational publications USE: Educational information Effluent USE: Sewage Educational qualifications USE: Qualifications eforms USE: Online forms EEO USE: Equal employment opportunity EES USE: Environmental impact 82 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: e-Forms USE: Online forms EFT USE: BT: NT: RT: Electronic funds transfer EFTPOS USE: Electronic funds transfer SC: E health ehealth Electronic health Health e-Prescribing e-Government Electronic health records EG eGovernment Egg industry UF: Industries BT: Food industry RT: Chickens Elder abuse UF: Seniors abuse BT: Crime RT: Seniors SC: LW Law egovernance USE: e-Governance Elderly people USE: Seniors e-Governance UF: E governance egovernance Electronic governance BT: Governance RT: e-Government SC: EG eGovernment Elderly persons USE: Seniors elearning USE: e-Learning e-Learning UF: E learning elearning Electronic learning Online learning Web based learning Web based teaching BT: Learning RT: Distance education Educational technology Internet Virtual classrooms SC: ED Education egovernment USE: e-Government e-Government UF: E government egovernment Electronic government BT: Public administration RT: Citizen centric services e-Business e-Campaigns e-Democracy e-Governance e-Health e-Procurement e-Voting Information and communications technology Internet SC: EG eGovernment GV Government IT Information & Communications Technologies Election administration BT: Electoral system NT: Electoral commissions Electoral rolls Electorates RT: Elections SC: GV Government PO Politics Election campaigns USE: Political campaigns egrants USE: e-Grants Elections UF: Polling booths Polling stations Polls Voting booths Voting centres Voting locations Voting places BT: Electoral system Politics NT: By-elections Council elections Federal elections State elections e-Grants UF: E grants egrants Electronic grants BT: Grants SC: EG eGovernment ehealth USE: e-Health e-Health 83 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Voting Democracy Election administration Political parties GV Government PO Politics SC: GV Government PO Politics Electric power USE: Electricity supply Electrical contractors USE: Electricians Elective surgery BT: Surgery RT: Waiting lists SC: HL Health Electrical safety BT: Occupational health and safety RT: Electricity industry Home safety SC: SF Safety Electoral boundaries USE: Electorates Electoral Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Electoral commissions SC: GV Government PO Politics Electrical workers USE: Electricians Electricians UF: Electrical contractors Electrical workers BT: Occupations RT: Electricity industry SC: ET Employment Electoral commissions BT: Election administration RT: Electoral Commissioner SC: GV Government PO Politics Electricity bills UF: Power bills BT: Billing RT: Electricity meters Electricity supply Gas bills Smart meters Water bills SC: PL Planning Electoral enrolments USE: Electoral rolls Electoral process USE: Electoral system Electoral regions USE: Electorates Electricity connections USE: Electricity supply Electoral registers USE: Electoral rolls Electricity disconnections USE: Electricity supply Electoral rolls UF: Electoral enrolments Electoral registers Enrol to vote Register to vote BT: Election administration RT: Electorates SC: GV Government PO Politics Electricity distributors USE: Electricity industry Electricity industry UF: Electricity distributors Electricity providers Electricity retailers Electricity suppliers BT: Energy industry NT: Electricity supply RT: Electrical safety Electricians SC: IN Industry Electoral system UF: Electoral process BT: Constitutional law NT: Election administration Elections Referenda SC: PO Politics Electricity meters BT: Meters RT: Electricity bills Electricity supply Smart meters SC: MS Measurement Electorates UF: Constituencies Electoral boundaries Electoral regions Polling places BT: Election administration RT: Electoral rolls Electricity providers USE: Electricity industry 84 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: SC: Electricity restrictions USE: Power restrictions Records management EG eGovernment Electronic forms USE: Online forms Electricity retailers USE: Electricity industry Electronic funds transfer UF: EFT EFTPOS BT: Financial transactions RT: e-Commerce SC: FN Finance Electricity services USE: Electricity supply Electricity suppliers USE: Electricity industry Electricity supply UF: Electric power Electricity connections Electricity disconnections Electricity services Power supply BT: Electricity industry Utilities NT: Power cuts Power restrictions RT: Electricity bills Electricity meters Energy and Water Ombudsman SC: PL Planning Electronic governance USE: e-Governance Electronic government USE: e-Government Electronic grants USE: e-Grants Electronic health USE: e-Health Electronic health records BT: Medical records RT: e-Health SC: HL Health Electronic business USE: e-Business Electronic highway USE: Internet Electronic campaigning USE: e-Campaigns Electronic information USE: Digital media Electronic campaigns USE: e-Campaigns Electronic learning USE: e-Learning Electronic census USE: e-Census Electronic mail USE: Emails Electronic commerce USE: e-Commerce Electronic media USE: Digital media Electronic communications USE: Telecommunications Electronic passport USE: e-Passport Electronic consultations USE: e-Consultations Electronic prescribing USE: e-Prescribing Electronic conveyancing BT: Conveyancing SC: PR Property Electronic prescriptions USE: e-Prescribing Electronic counting USE: e-Counting Electronic procurement USE: e-Procurement Electronic crime USE: e-Crime Electronic research USE: e-Research Electronic democracy USE: e-Democracy Electronic resources USE: Digital media Electronic document management UF: EDM Electronic signatures 85 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Digital signatures Electronic strategy USE: e-Strategy BT: RT: SC: Electronic tax USE: e-Tax Embassy USE: Embassies Electronic tenders USE: e-Tenders Emblems UF: Floral emblems Insignia Marine emblems National emblems State emblems BT: Symbols NT: Coats of arms Flags RT: National colours SC: PO Politics Electronic ticketing USE: e-Ticketing Electronic Travel Authorities USE: Visas Electronic Travel Authority USE: Visas Electronic voting USE: e-Voting Emergencies UF: Emergency NT: Accidents Emergency management Energy emergencies Fires Natural disasters RT: Emergency services SC: EM Emergencies Electronics BT: Technology NT: Microelectronics Photonics RT: ICT industry SC: TC Technology e-mail USE: High Commissions Multilateral missions Foreign affairs Public facilities Diplomats PO Politics Emails Emergency USE: Emergencies Email addresses USE: Email directories Emergency accommodation UF: Crisis accommodation Crisis housing Homeless shelters Refuges Youth shelters BT: Accommodation Crisis support services SC: CM Community Email directories UF: Directory Email addresses e-mail directories BT: Directories RT: Emails SC: CO Communication e-mail directories USE: Email directories Emergency communications services USE: Safety communications services Email policy USE: Communications policy Emergency management UF: Disaster management BT: Emergencies NT: Emergency planning Emergency relief Flood management RT: Fire management SC: EM Emergencies Emails UF: E mails Electronic mail e-mail BT: Correspondence NT: Spam RT: Email directories SC: CO Communication IT Information & Communications Technologies Emergency payments USE: Emergency relief Emergency planning UF: Disaster planning BT: Emergency management SC: EM Emergencies Embassies UF: Consulates Embassy 86 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Emergency relief UF: Disaster payments Disaster relief Emergency payments Natural disaster relief BT: Emergency management Social security RT: Natural disasters SC: EM Emergencies Workplace training Employees UF: Workers BT: Personnel RT: Employee records Employment Outworkers Termination of employment Unions SC: ET Employment Emergency services UF: 000 106 112 Triple zero BT: Services NT: Ambulance services Fire brigades Police Search and rescue services RT: Emergencies Emergency Services Commissioner SC: EM Emergencies Employer associations BT: Organisations RT: Employers Workplace agreements SC: ET Employment Employer-employee relations USE: Industrial relations Employers BT: Personnel RT: Employer associations Employment SC: ET Employment Emergency Services Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Emergency services SC: EM Emergencies Employing children USE: Child employment Employment UF: Labour force participation BT: Labour market NT: Apprenticeships Child employment Employment agencies Hospital employment Indigenous employment Occupations Overseas employment Professional development Regional employment Rural employment Teacher employment Traineeships Womens employment Working conditions Youth employment RT: Employees Employers Employment law Employment services Labour SC: ET Employment Emergency teachers USE: Relief teachers Emergency teaching USE: Relief teachers Emerging technology USE: New technology Emissions trading USE: Carbon trading Employee assistance programs UF: Programmes SN: Counselling services offered to employees of a company, sometimes extended to members of their families, paid for by the employer BT: Working conditions SC: ET Employment Employee benefits USE: Working conditions Employment advice USE: Career counselling Employee records UF: Personnel records Staff records BT: Personal information RT: Employees SC: ET Employment Employment agencies UF: Job agencies BT: Employment RT: Employment services SC: ET Employment Employee training 87 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Employment assistance USE: Employment services BT: NT: RT: Employment brokers BT: Groups RT: Employment services SC: ET Employment Employment conditions USE: Working conditions SC: Employment contracts UF: Contracts of employment BT: Contracts RT: Contracting Contractors SC: ET Employment employment assistance services for people with disabilities Services Employment programs Employment Employment agencies Employment brokers Job seekers Recruitment programs ET Employment Employment vacancies USE: Job vacancies Encryption BT: Information security RT: Confidentiality SC: EG eGovernment Employment equity USE: Equal employment opportunity Endangered species UF: Rare animals Rare plants BT: Animals Plants RT: Biodiversity SC: EN Environment Employment initiatives USE: Employment programs Employment law UF: Labour law BT: Law RT: Employment SC: ET Employment LW Law Enduring power of attorney USE: Powers of attorney Energy UF: Power BT: Environment NT: Energy conservation Energy efficiency Fuels Nuclear energy Renewable energy RT: Energy industry Energy policy SC: EN Environment Employment of children USE: Child employment Employment of women USE: Womens employment Employment opportunities USE: Job vacancies Employment policy UF: Policies BT: Policy NT: Equal employment opportunity Occupational health and safety policy RT: Industrial policy SC: ET Employment Energy and Water Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: Electricity supply Gas supply Water industry SC: LW Law Employment programs UF: Employment initiatives Job initiatives Programmes BT: Employment services NT: Work for the dole programs SC: ET Employment Energy conservation UF: Energy saving BT: Energy RT: Energy efficiency SC: EN Environment Energy crisis USE: Energy policy Employment services UF: Career services Employment assistance Job placement SN: Services for people who are seeking employment, including Energy efficiency BT: Energy NT: Ceiling insulation RT: Energy conservation Energy efficient appliances SC: EN Environment 88 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Energy efficient appliances BT: Appliances RT: Energy efficiency Fluorescent lamps LEDs Sustainable housing SC: EN Environment ENT services USE: Ear, nose and throat services ENTER USE: University entrance Enterprise agreements USE: Collective agreements Energy emergencies BT: Emergencies RT: Energy industry SC: EM Emergencies Enterprise architecture BT: Information management RT: Information architecture SC: EG eGovernment Energy industry UF: Energy retailers Industries Power industry BT: Industry sectors NT: Electricity industry RT: Biofuels Energy Energy emergencies Energy policy Gas industry Power stations SC: IN Industry Enterprise bargaining UF: Collective bargaining BT: Industrial relations SC: ET Employment Enterprise bargaining agreements USE: Collective agreements Enterprise content management USE: Content management Enterprises USE: Businesses Energy policy UF: Energy crisis Policies BT: Policy RT: Energy Energy industry Environmental policy SC: PO Politics Entertainment USE: Nightlife Entertainment allowances USE: Work-related expenses Entertainment venues USE: Hotels Energy retailers USE: Energy industry Entitlements USE: Working conditions Energy saving USE: Energy conservation Entomology USE: Animal sciences Engineering UF: Structural engineering BT: Sciences RT: Town planning SC: PL Planning SC Sciences Entrepreneurs BT: Groups RT: Entrepreneurship SC: BS Business Entrepreneurship BT: Business development RT: Entrepreneurs Innovation SC: BS Business English as a second language UF: ESL BT: English language RT: Adult and community education Non English speakers SC: ED Education Environment NT: Atmosphere Climate Ecosystems Energy Environmental health Environmental impact Environmental sustainability Natural resources English language BT: Languages NT: English as a second language SC: CO Communication Enrol to vote USE: Electoral rolls 89 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Pollution Social environment Environmental education Environmental legislation Environmental licences Environmental management EN Environment USE: Environmental legislation Environmental legislation UF: Environment Protection Act Environmental law BT: Legislation RT: Environment SC: EN Environment Environment conservation USE: Environmental management Environmental licences UF: Environmental permits Licenses BT: Licences RT: Environment SC: EN Environment Environment Effects Statements USE: Environmental impact Environment Protection Act USE: Environmental legislation Environmental management UF: Conservation Environment conservation Environmental conservation BT: Management NT: Environmental control Environmental protection Fire management Forest management Water management RT: Environment Environmental policy SC: EN Environment Environment Protection Authority USE: Environmental organisations Environmental assessment USE: Environmental impact Environmental conservation USE: Environmental management Environmental control UF: Temperature control BT: Environmental management NT: Cooling Heating SC: EN Environment Environmental education BT: Education RT: Environment SC: ED Education EN Environment Environmental organisations UF: Environment Protection Authority EPA Victoria Organizations BT: Organisations RT: Environmental protection SC: EN Environment Environmental flows USE: Catchments Environmental permits USE: Environmental licences Environmental health BT: Environment NT: Infection control Pest control Syringe disposals RT: Environmental protection Health SC: EN Environment Environmental policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Energy policy Environmental management SC: EN Environment Environmental protection BT: Environmental management NT: Coastal care Ozone protection Protected areas RT: Ecotourism Environmental health Environmental organisations SC: EN Environment Environmental impact UF: EES Environment Effects Statements Environmental assessment BT: Environment NT: Climate change Erosion Salinity RT: Pollution SC: EN Environment PL Planning Environmental sustainability BT: Environment RT: Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Renewable energy Environmental law 90 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Sustainable businesses Sustainable development Sustainable housing Sustainable transport EN Environment EOIs USE: Tenders BT: NT: RT: SC: Rights Equal employment opportunity Discrimination Equal opportunity legislation SO Society Equal Opportunity Act USE: Equal opportunity legislation EPA Victoria USE: Environmental organisations Equal opportunity legislation UF: Equal Opportunity Act BT: Legislation RT: Equal opportunity SC: LW Law epassport USE: e-Passport e-Passport UF: e passport Electronic passport epassport RT: Passports SC: EG eGovernment Equal rights USE: Equal opportunity Equine influenza UF: Horse flu BT: Influenza RT: Horses SC: HL Health Epidemics USE: Infectious diseases Equipment NT: Adaptive aids Appliances Communications equipment Computers Medical equipment Mobility aids Photographic equipment Safety equipment Scientific instruments SC: GN General Epilepsy BT: Neurological disorders SC: HL Health eprescribing USE: e-Prescribing e-Prescribing UF: E prescribing Electronic prescribing Electronic prescriptions eprescribing BT: e-Health RT: Prescription medicines SC: EG eGovernment Equity USE: Equal opportunity eresearch USE: e-Research eprocurement USE: e-Procurement e-Research UF: E research Electronic research eresearch BT: Research SC: EG eGovernment e-Procurement UF: E procurement Electronic procurement eprocurement BT: Purchasing RT: e-Government SC: EG eGovernment Ergonomics BT: Design RT: Work environment SC: TC Technology Equal employment opportunity UF: EEO Employment equity BT: Employment policy Equal opportunity RT: Job vacancies SC: ET Employment Erosion UF: Soil erosion BT: Environmental impact SC: EN Environment e-security USE: Information security Equal opportunity UF: Equal rights Equity Opportunities eServices Panel USE: ICT contracts 91 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: E-Services Panel USE: ICT contracts ESL USE: BT: SC: E tax Electronic tax etax Taxation EG eGovernment English as a second language etenders USE: e-Tenders Essential services USE: Utilities e-Tenders UF: E tenders Electronic tenders etenders BT: Tenders SC: EG eGovernment Essential Services Commission USE: Essential services regulation Essential services disruptions BT: Alerts RT: Utilities SC: EM Emergencies Ethical values USE: Ethics Essential services regulation UF: Essential Services Commission BT: Utilities SC: IN Industry Ethics UF: Estate agents licences UF: Estate agent's licences Estate agents licenses Estate agent's licenses Real estate agents licences BT: Business licences RT: Real estate industry SC: PR Property BT: NT: RT: SC: Estate agent's licences USE: Estate agents licences Codes of ethics Ethical values Values Philosophy Bioethics Business ethics Ethics committees Medical ethics Responsibility Codes of conduct Research SO Society Estate agent's licenses USE: Estate agents licences Ethics committees UF: Human research ethics committees BT: Ethics RT: Medical ethics Medical research SC: SO Society estrategy USE: e-Strategy eticketing USE: e-Ticketing e-Strategy UF: E strategy Electronic strategy estrategy BT: Strategic planning SC: EG eGovernment e-Ticketing UF: E ticketing Electronic ticketing eticketing BT: Tickets SC: EG eGovernment etag USE: Citylink e-tag USE: Citylink ETAs USE: Euthanasia UF: Assisted suicide Mercy killings BT: Medical ethics RT: Deaths Right to life SC: HL Health Visas Estate agents licenses USE: Estate agents licences etax USE: Evaluation UF: Evaluation methods NT: Accessibility evaluation Benchmarking SC: MS Measurement e-Tax e-Tax 92 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: Evaluation methods USE: Evaluation SC: Evaporative coolers USE: Cooling Students International students Student exchange programs ED Education Executive positions USE: Executives Events UF: Calendar of events Calendars of events Events calendars NT: Anniversaries Business events Ceremonies Cultural events Education events Holidays Life events Seniors events Sports events Youth events RT: Activities SC: GN General Executive staff USE: Executives Executives UF: Executive positions Executive staff Senior appointments BT: Personnel SC: ET Employment Executors BT: Occupations RT: Wills SC: LW Law Exercise USE: Physical activities Events calendars USE: Events Exhibitions BT: Cultural events NT: Art exhibitions Virtual exhibitions SC: CU Culture evoting USE: e-Voting e-Voting UF: E voting Electronic voting evoting Internet voting On line voting Online voting On-line voting BT: Voting RT: e-Counting e-Government Virtual voting SC: EG eGovernment PO Politics Exiting a business USE: Closing a business Exotic animals UF: Introduced animals BT: Animals RT: Feral animals SC: EN Environment Expatriates USE: Overseas residency Expenditures USE: Expenses Examination boards BT: Educational management SC: ED Education Expenses UF: Expenditures BT: Budgeting RT: Income SC: EC Economics Examinations USE: Assessment Exams USE: Assessment Exchange programs UF: Programmes BT: Programs NT: Student exchange programs Teacher exchange programs SC: ED Education Export assistance UF: Export credit Export finance Export grants Export subsidies BT: Industry support RT: Exports SC: IN Industry Exchange students UF: Foreign exchange students Export awards BT: Awards and honours 93 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Business achievement Exports IN Industry SN: BT: RT: Export capability USE: Exports SC: Export controls UF: Export regulations BT: Customs RT: Exports SC: IN Industry University subjects taken with the VCE VCE curriculum Higher education courses Victorian Certificate of Education ED Education Extranets BT: Computer networks RT: Intranets SC: EG eGovernment Export credit USE: Export assistance Export finance USE: Export assistance Export grants USE: Export assistance Export regulations USE: Export controls Export subsidies USE: Export assistance Export trade USE: Exports Exporters USE: Exports Exporting USE: Exports Exports UF: Export capability Export trade Exporters Exporting BT: International trade RT: Export assistance Export awards Export controls Imports Tariffs SC: IN Industry Expressions of interest USE: Tenders Extendable batons USE: Prohibited weapons Extensible Hypertext Markup Language USE: XHTML Extensible Markup Language USE: XML Extension studies 94 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 F SC: Family tax benefits Maternity payments SO Society facebook USE: Social networks Family benefits USE: Family assistance Factories USE: Commercial buildings Family Court of Australia USE: Family courts Fair trade USE: Fair trading Family courts UF: Family Court of Australia BT: Courts RT: Family law SC: LW Law Fair trading UF: Fair trade BT: Trade policy RT: Consumer affairs SC: IN Industry Family history UF: Family trees Genealogy BT: History RT: Families Passenger lists SC: CU Culture Fair Work Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: Termination of employment SC: ET Employment Fallopian tube cancer USE: Cancer Family law BT: Law NT: Adoption Child custody De facto relationships Divorces Marriages Powers of attorney Same-sex relationships RT: Child support Domestic violence Families Family courts SC: LW Law Families UF: Family BT: Groups NT: Children Guardians Parents RT: Adoption Family assistance Family history Family law Family leave Family policy Family services Family tax benefits Households SC: CM Community Family leave BT: Leave RT: Families SC: ET Employment Family USE: Families Family payments USE: Family assistance Family allowances USE: Family assistance Family policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Families SC: SO Society Family assistance UF: Child allowances Child assistance Child benefits Family allowances Family benefits Family payments Family support Parenting payments BT: Social security RT: Child care benefits Child support Claim forms Families Family services UF: Family support services BT: Community services NT: Foster care RT: Childrens services Families SC: CM Community Family support USE: Family assistance 95 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Family support services USE: Family services SC: Family tax benefits BT: Social security Tax rebates RT: Families Family assistance SC: FN Finance Farmers BT: Occupations RT: Farmer benefits Farming SC: EM Emergencies Farming UF: Farm management Farms BT: Agriculture RT: Farm rates Farm safety Farmer benefits Farmers SC: IN Industry Family trees USE: Family history Family violence USE: Domestic violence FAQs USE: Fares BT: NT: RT: SC: Farming IN Industry Frequently asked questions Farming assistance USE: Farmer benefits Public transport Concession fares Travel zones Tickets TR Transport Farming products USE: Agricultural products Farming safety USE: Farm safety Farm animals USE: Livestock Farming technology USE: Agricultural technology Farm chemicals USE: Agricultural chemicals Farming Zones USE: Rural planning Farm Help USE: Farmer benefits Farms USE: Farm management USE: Farming Farming Fatal road accidents USE: Road toll Farm products USE: Agricultural products Fathers BT: Parents RT: Paternity leave SC: SO Society Farm rates BT: Rates RT: Farming SC: PR Property Farm safety UF: Agricultural safety Farming safety BT: Occupational health and safety RT: Farming SC: IN Industry SF Safety Fauna USE: Animals FBT USE: Fringe benefits tax Federal Budget USE: National budgets Farmer allowances USE: Farmer benefits Federal Courts USE: Courts Farmer benefits UF: Farm Help Farmer allowances Farming assistance BT: Social security RT: Drought assistance Farmers Federal elections BT: Elections RT: Federal government SC: GV Government Federal funding UF: Federal grants 96 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Financial assistance First Home Owners Grant Federal government Grants State funding FN Finance GV Government Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal USE: Tribunals Federal Privacy Commissioner USE: Privacy Commissioner Federal Safety Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Construction industry SC: SF Safety Federal government UF: Commonwealth government BT: Government NT: Federal government departments Governor-General Prime ministers RT: Commonwealth Ombudsman Federal elections Federal funding Federal Parliament Government contracts Government gazettes Intergovernmental relations Public administration SC: GV Government Federal Treasury USE: Treasury Federal-State relations USE: Intergovernmental relations Feed back USE: Feedback Feedback UF: Comments Feed back Feed-back BT: Communication SC: CO Communication Federal government departments UF: Departments Government departments Govt depts BT: Federal government NT: Statutory authorities RT: State government departments SC: GV Government Feed-back USE: Feedback FEE-HELP UF: PELS Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme BT: HELP loans SC: ED Education Federal grants USE: Federal funding Federal Magistrates Court of Australia USE: Magistrates courts Fees BT: NT: Costs Child care fees Tuition fees EC Economics Federal Ombudsman USE: Commonwealth Ombudsman SC: Federal Opposition UF: Shadow Ministers Shadow Ministry BT: Federal Parliament RT: Leaders of the Opposition SC: GV Government Fellowships UF: Travelling fellowships Victorian Travelling Fellowship Program BT: Professional development SC: ET Employment Federal Parliament UF: Parliament of Australia BT: Parliaments NT: Federal Opposition House of Representatives Senate RT: Federal government Parliamentarians Parliamentary committees SC: GV Government Females USE: Women Fences UF: BT: NT: SC: Fencing Structural elements Swimming pool fences PR Property Fencing USE: Fences Federal police USE: Police Feral animals BT: Animals 97 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Exotic animals EN Environment SC: Ferries BT: Public transport Sea transport Vessels RT: Boats Marine safety SC: TR Transport Films UF: BT: RT: Fertilisers UF: Fertilizers BT: Agricultural chemicals SC: TC Technology SC: Fertility services UF: Infertility IVF programs BT: Health services Reproductive technology RT: Pregnancy SC: HL Health Cinema Moonlight cinema Motion pictures Movies Outdoor cinema Visual arts Censorship Film archives Film festivals Film industry CU Culture Finance BT: Economics NT: Capital Credit Finance industry Financial assistance Financial management Financial transactions Insurance Investment Money Personal finance Public finance RT: Financial counselling Financial markets SC: EC Economics FN Finance Fertilizers USE: Fertilisers Festivals BT: Cultural events NT: Arts festivals Comedy festivals Cultural festivals Film festivals Food and wine festivals Music festivals RT: Anniversaries SC: CU Culture RC Recreation FHOG USE: Films Multimedia CU Culture Finance brokers UF: Finance broking Mortgage brokers BT: Occupations RT: Finance industry SC: FN Finance First Home Owners Grant Fifth Form USE: Year 11 Finance broking USE: Finance brokers Film archives BT: Archives RT: Film industry Films SC: CU Culture Finance industry UF: Financial industry Financial institutions Financial sector Financial services industry Industries BT: Finance Industry sectors NT: Banking industry Building societies Credit providers Credit unions Finance industry regulation Friendly societies Insurance companies Investment Tax agents RT: Finance brokers SC: FN Finance Film festivals UF: Melbourne International Film Festival MIFF BT: Festivals RT: Film industry Films SC: CU Culture Film industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Film archives Film festivals 98 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 IN Industry SC: Finance industry regulation UF: Australian Securities and Investments Commission Financial services regulation Industries Insurance industry regulation Investment industry regulation BT: Finance industry SC: FN Finance FN Finance Financial hardship USE: Financial assistance Financial help USE: Financial assistance Financial industry USE: Finance industry Financial institutions USE: Finance industry Finance management USE: Financial management Financial management UF: Finance management Financial administration Fiscal management Money management BT: Finance Management NT: Accounting Budgeting Financial modelling RT: Financial accountability SC: BS Business FN Finance Finance markets USE: Financial markets Financial accountability UF: Financial accountability requirements BT: Accountability RT: Financial management SC: FN Finance Financial accountability requirements USE: Financial accountability Financial administration USE: Financial management Financial markets UF: Finance markets BT: Markets NT: Stock markets RT: Finance SC: FN Finance Financial assistance UF: Financial hardship Financial help Funding Subsidies BT: Finance NT: Arts funding Child support Community assistance Education allowances Federal funding Grants Hospital funding Industry support Library funding Loans Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Rebates Social security Sports funding State funding RT: Capital SC: FN Finance Financial modeling USE: Financial modelling Financial modelling UF: Financial modeling BT: Financial management SC: FN Finance Financial policy USE: Fiscal policy Financial records USE: Accounting Financial reporting USE: Financial statements Financial reports USE: Financial statements Financial sector USE: Finance industry Financial auditing USE: Auditing Financial services industry USE: Finance industry Financial counselling UF: Counseling BT: Counselling services RT: Debt Finance Financial services regulation USE: Finance industry regulation 99 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Financial statements UF: Balance sheets Financial reporting Financial reports BT: Accounting RT: Budgets SC: FN Finance BT: RT: SC: Fire services Fire stations Firefighters Firefighting services Emergency services Fires EM Emergencies Financial transactions BT: Finance Trade NT: Electronic funds transfer RT: Purchasing Sales SC: EC Economics FN Finance Fire danger USE: Fire safety Find a job USE: Job vacancies Fire fighting services USE: Fire brigades Find jobs USE: Job vacancies Fire hazards USE: Fire safety Fine arts USE: Visual arts Fire management BT: Environmental management NT: Controlled burn offs Fire prevention Fire restrictions RT: Emergency management Fire Services Commissioner Fires Forest management SC: EM Emergencies Fire danger ratings USE: Fire restrictions Fire fighters USE: Fire brigades Fine dining USE: Restaurants Fines UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Pay a fine Paying a fine Paying fines Punishment Littering fines Parking fines Speeding fines Penalties Sheriffs Office LW Law Fire maps UF: Bush fire maps Bushfire maps Bush-fire maps Forest fire maps BT: Maps RT: Fires SC: EM Emergencies Fingerprinting USE: Fingerprints Fire prevention UF: Bush fire prevention Bushfire prevention Bush-fire prevention BT: Fire management Prevention RT: Bushfires Fire Services Commissioner SC: EM Emergencies Fingerprints UF: Fingerprinting BT: Identification RT: Biometrics Palm prints SC: EG eGovernment Fire arms USE: Firearms Fire restrictions UF: Fire bans Fire danger ratings TFBs Total fire bans BT: Fire management SC: EM Emergencies Fire authorities USE: Fire brigades Fire bans USE: Fire restrictions Fire brigades UF: Fire authorities Fire fighters Fire fighting services Fire safety UF: Fire danger Fire hazards 100 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Safety Smoke detectors Bushfires Fires EM Emergencies SF Safety USE: Firearm safety Firefighters USE: Fire brigades Firefighting services USE: Fire brigades Fire services USE: Fire brigades Fires BT: NT: RT: Fire Services Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Fire management Fire prevention SC: EM Emergencies Fire stations USE: Fire brigades SC: Emergencies Bushfires Fire brigades Fire management Fire maps Fire safety Fire warnings EM Emergencies Firewalls UF: Fire walls Fire-walls BT: Information technology security SC: EG eGovernment Fire walls USE: Firewalls Fire warnings UF: Bushfire warnings BT: Alerts RT: Fires SC: EM Emergencies Fire-walls USE: Firewalls Firewood UF: Fire wood BT: Forest products Fuels SC: EM Emergencies Fire wood USE: Firewood Firearm licences USE: Gun licences Firing USE: Firearm safety UF: Firearms safety Gun safety BT: Safety RT: Firearms SC: LW Law SF Safety Dismissal First aid UF: First-aid BT: Health services RT: Ambulance services Injuries Personal safety SC: HL Health SF Safety Firearms UF: Fire arms Fire-arms Guns Hand guns Handguns Hand-guns Pistols Rifles Shot guns Shotguns Shot-guns Weapons buy back BT: Controlled weapons RT: Firearm safety Gun licences SC: DF Defence First Form USE: Year 7 First home bonus USE: First Home Owners Grant First home buyers grant USE: First Home Owners Grant First Home Owners Grant UF: FHOG First home bonus First home buyers grant BT: Federal funding RT: Home ownership SC: PR Property Fire-arms USE: Firearms First-aid USE: First aid Firearms safety 101 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Fiscal management USE: Financial management Flags BT: Fiscal policy UF: Financial policy Monetary policy Policies BT: Economic policy NT: Interest rates Taxation RT: Gross national product Money Reserve Bank of Australia SC: FN Finance Fish BT: RT: SC: Telephones SC: Emblems National symbols PO Politics Flails USE: Prohibited weapons Flats USE: Apartments Fleet management USE: Fleets Fleets UF: Animals Aquariums Fishing Fishing industry EN Environment BT: SC: Company cars Fleet management VicFleet Vehicles TR Transport Fish farming USE: Aquaculture Flex time USE: Flexible work arrangements Fisheries USE: Aquaculture Flexibility in the workplace USE: Flexible work arrangements Fishing UF: Angling Recreational fishing BT: Recreational activities RT: Fish Fishing industry Fishing licences SC: RC Recreation Flexible learning SN: Programs that utilise different combinations of pace, location and style of learning, according to the learner's needs; they are typically offered by VET institutions or within workplaces BT: Learning Vocational education and training RT: Workplace training SC: ET Employment Fishing industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Aquaculture Fish Fishing SC: IN Industry Flexible work arrangements UF: 48 / 52 48/52 Flex time Flexibility in the workplace Flexitime Workplace flexibility SN: Flexibility in the time that hours are worked or in the amount of weeks worked within a calendar year BT: Working hours SC: ET Employment Fishing licences UF: Licenses Recreational fishing licences RFLs BT: Licences RT: Fishing SC: RC Recreation Fitness BT: Health indicators RT: Physical activities Sports SC: HL Health RC Recreation Flexitime USE: Flexible work arrangements Flick knives USE: Prohibited weapons Fixed assets USE: Non-current assets Flood control USE: Flood management Fixed lines 102 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Flood levies UF: Flood levy BT: Taxation RT: Floods SC: EM Emergencies FN Finance Flood management UF: Flood control Flood safety BT: Emergency management RT: Floods SC: EM Emergencies FOI USE: Freedom of information Folksonomy USE: Folksonomies Food BT: NT: RT: Flood safety USE: Flood management Flood warnings UF: Hydrological warnings BT: Alerts RT: Floods Storm warnings Weather alerts SC: EM Emergencies SC: Products Organic food Agricultural products Food and wine festivals Food poisoning Food recalls Food safety Food technology Nutrition GN General Food & wine festivals USE: Food and wine festivals Flooding USE: Floods Food and wine festivals UF: Food & wine festivals Grampians Grape Escape Festival Melbourne Food and Wine Festival BT: Festivals RT: Food Wine SC: CU Culture Floods UF: Flooding BT: Natural disasters Water RT: Flood levies Flood management Flood warnings Landslides Storms Stormwater SC: EM Emergencies Food contamination USE: Food poisoning Food guidelines USE: Food standards Plants Floral emblems USE: Emblems Flu USE: Foot and mouth disease Folksonomies UF: Folksonomy Social tagging BT: Controlled vocabularies RT: Metadata SC: EG eGovernment Flood levy USE: Flood levies Flora USE: USE: Food industry UF: Industries BT: Industry sectors NT: Egg industry Meat industry Native food industry RT: Agriculture Food safety Food standards Food technology Products Wine industry SC: IN Industry Influenza Fluorescent lamps UF: CFLs Compact fluorescent lamps Compact fluorescent light globes Long-life bulbs Tubular fluorescent lamps BT: Lighting RT: Energy efficient appliances SC: EN Environment Food markets UF: Melbourne markets BT: Markets FMD 103 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: CU Culture Food poisoning UF: Botulism Food contamination Salmonella BT: Diseases RT: Food Food safety SC: HL Health RT: SC: Foreign aid Immigration International relations Foreign policy Trade agreements PO Politics Foreign aid UF: International aid International assistance Overseas aid BT: Foreign affairs RT: International development SC: PO Politics Food recalls BT: Product recalls RT: Food Food safety SC: HL Health Foreign exchange students USE: Exchange students Food safety BT: Product safety RT: Food Food industry Food poisoning Food recalls Food standards SC: SF Safety Foreign exchanges USE: Stock markets Foreign investment UF: Overseas investment BT: Investment RT: Trade policy SC: FN Finance Food standards UF: Food guidelines BT: Standards RT: Food industry Food safety SC: IN Industry Foreign languages USE: LOTE Foreign markets USE: International markets Food technology UF: Technologies BT: Technology RT: Food Food industry SC: TC Technology Foreign policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Foreign affairs Trade policy SC: PO Politics Foot & mouth disease USE: Foot and mouth disease Foreign students USE: International students Foot and mouth disease UF: FMD Foot & mouth disease BT: Animal diseases SC: EN Environment Foreign trade USE: International trade Forensic medicine UF: Forensic pathology BT: Medicine NT: Autopsies RT: Coroners Forensic sciences SC: HL Health Football UF: AFL Aussie Rules Australian football BT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Forensic pathology USE: Forensic medicine Footrot BT: Animal diseases SC: HL Health Forensic sciences BT: Sciences RT: Forensic medicine SC: SC Sciences Foreign affairs UF: International affairs BT: Politics NT: Embassies Foreshores USE: Beaches 104 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Forest fire maps USE: Fire maps Form 4 USE: Year 10 Forest fires USE: Bushfires Form 5 USE: Year 11 Forest industry USE: Forestry industry Form 6 USE: Year 12 Forest management UF: Regional Forest Agreements RFAs BT: Environmental management RT: Fire management Forests SC: EN Environment Form Five USE: Year 11 Form Four USE: Year 10 Form One USE: Year 7 Forest products UF: Timber Wood Wood chips Woodchips Wood-chips BT: Products NT: Firewood RT: Forestry industry Forests Trees SC: IN Industry Form Six USE: Year 12 Form Three USE: Year 9 Form Two USE: Year 8 Forms BT: Publications NT: Claim forms Online forms SC: CO Communication EG eGovernment Forestry industry UF: Agroforestry Forest industry Industries Timber industry BT: Primary industry RT: Forest products Forests SC: IN Industry Forms online USE: Online forms Foster care UF: Foster carers Foster children Foster families Foster parents Foster placements Fostering BT: Family services Home and community care RT: Adoption Permanent care SC: CM Community SO Society Forests BT: Natural resources NT: Rainforests State forests RT: Forest management Forest products Forestry industry Trees SC: EN Environment Forklift licences UF: Licenses BT: Licences SC: TR Transport Foster carers USE: Foster care Foster children USE: Foster care Form 1 USE: Year 7 Foster families USE: Foster care Form 2 USE: Year 8 Foster parents USE: Foster care Form 3 USE: Year 9 105 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Foster placements USE: Foster care Free ways USE: Freeways Fostering USE: Foster care Freedom of information UF: FOI BT: Civil rights RT: Access to information Information Information policy SC: CO Communication Four wheel drives USE: Four-wheel driving Fourth Form USE: Year 10 Four-wheel drives USE: Four-wheel driving Freedom of speech UF: Free speech BT: Civil rights SC: PO Politics Four-wheel driving UF: 4WD Four wheel drives Four-wheel drives BT: Recreational activities RT: Cars Touring SC: RC Recreation Freehold land BT: Land SC: PR Property Freeware USE: Open source software Franchisees USE: Franchises Freeways UF: Free ways Free-ways BT: Roads NT: Citylink EastLink Peninsula Link RT: Highways SC: TR Transport Franchises UF: Franchisees Franchising Franchisors BT: Business structures Businesses SC: BS Business Free-ways USE: Freeways Franchising USE: Franchises Freezers USE: Appliances Franchisors USE: Franchises Freight trains BT: Trains RT: Rail freight SC: TR Transport Frankston Bypass USE: Peninsula Link Fraud BT: NT: SC: Crime Scams LW Law Freight transport BT: Transport NT: Rail freight RT: Air transport Dangerous goods Rail transport Road transport Sea transport SC: TR Transport Free speech USE: Freedom of speech Free trade BT: Trade RT: Free trade agreements International trade SC: IN Industry Frequently asked questions UF: FAQs BT: Information RT: Business information Consumer information SC: GN General Free trade agreements UF: FTAs BT: Trade agreements RT: Free trade SC: IN Industry PO Politics Friendly societies UF: Society 106 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Finance industry Building societies Credit unions FN Finance Funerals BT: Ceremonies RT: Cemeteries Deaths Funeral industry SC: CU Culture Fringe benefits BT: Remuneration RT: Fringe benefits tax SC: ET Employment Fungi BT: SC: Fringe benefits tax UF: FBT BT: Business taxation RT: Fringe benefits SC: FN Finance Frogs BT: SC: Amphibians EN Environment Fruit BT: SC: Agricultural products IN Industry Plants EN Environment Further education USE: Adult and community education Higher education TAFE Fruit bats USE: Bats FTAs USE: Free trade agreements Fuel rebates BT: Rebates RT: Fuels SC: TR Transport Fuels BT: NT: RT: SC: Energy Biofuels Firewood Gas Petrol Petroleum Fuel rebates TC Technology Functional specifications BT: Specifications SC: EG eGovernment Funding USE: Financial assistance Fundraising taxation BT: Taxation RT: Charities Non-profit organisations Tax exemptions SC: FN Finance Funeral industry UF: Industries RT: Funerals SC: BS Business 107 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: G RC Recreation Gaming BT: Recreational activities NT: Bingo Raffles RT: Gaming industry SC: RC Recreation Gamblers USE: Gambling Gambling UF: Betting Gamblers BT: Recreational activities NT: Online gambling Problem gambling RT: Gambling industry Gambling regulations Gambling research SC: RC Recreation Gaming industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Gaming Gaming licences SC: RC Recreation Gaming licences UF: Licenses BT: Licences RT: Gaming industry SC: RC Recreation Gambling counselling BT: Counselling services RT: Problem gambling SC: RC Recreation Gaming machines USE: Poker machines Gambling industry UF: Industries BT: Industry sectors NT: Casinos Lotteries Poker machines RT: Gambling Gambling regulations SC: RC Recreation Gaming regulations USE: Gambling regulations Gaming research USE: Gambling research Gangsters USE: Organised crime Gambling regulations UF: Gaming regulations BT: Regulations RT: Gambling Gambling industry SC: RC Recreation Gaols USE: Prisons Garbage collections USE: Waste collection Gardening UF: Gardens BT: Recreational activities RT: Botanic gardens Community gardens Composting SC: RC Recreation Gambling research UF: Gaming research BT: Research RT: Gambling SC: RC Recreation Game developers USE: Computer games Gardens USE: Gardening Game development USE: Computer games Gas UF: BT: NT: RT: Game hunting USE: Hunting Game licences UF: Hunting licences Licenses SN: Used for anyone wishing to hunt game in Victoria. "Game" includes species of duck, deer, quail, pheasants and partridges BT: Licences RT: Hunting SC: Natural gas Fuels LPG Gas industry Gas safety TC Technology Gas bills BT: Billing RT: Electricity bills Gas meters Gas supply Water bills 108 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: PL Planning Gasfitting USE: Plumbers Gas connections USE: Gas supply GAT USE: Gas disconnections USE: Gas supply General Achievement Test GAT exams USE: General Achievement Test Gas distributors USE: Gas industry GAT tests USE: General Achievement Test Gas industry UF: Gas distributors Gas providers Gas retailers Gas suppliers Industries BT: Primary industry NT: Gas supply RT: Energy industry Gas Gas safety Petroleum industry SC: IN Industry Gay & lesbian travellers USE: Gay and lesbian travellers Gay and lesbian travellers UF: Gay & lesbian travellers BT: Travellers RT: Gay men Lesbians SC: TO Tourism Gay couples USE: Same-sex relationships Gas installations USE: Gas supply Gay men UF: Gays Homosexual men BT: Men RT: Gay and lesbian travellers Lesbians Same-sex relationships SC: CM Community Gas meters BT: Meters RT: Gas bills Gas supply SC: MS Measurement Gas providers USE: Gas industry Gay women USE: Lesbians Gas retailers USE: Gas industry Gays USE: Gas safety BT: Occupational health and safety RT: Gas Gas industry Home safety SC: SF Safety Gay men Gazetted holidays USE: Public holidays Gazettes USE: Government gazettes Gas suppliers USE: Gas industry Gender discrimination USE: Sex discrimination Gas supply UF: Gas connections Gas disconnections Gas installations BT: Gas industry Utilities RT: Energy and Water Ombudsman Gas bills Gas meters Pipelines SC: PL Planning Gender education USE: Sex education Gender equity USE: Sex discrimination Gene technology UF: Genetic engineering Genetic modification BT: Biotechnology NT: Genetically modified organisms RT: Genetic services SC: TC Technology Gasfitters USE: Plumbers 109 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Gene therapy BT: Medical procedures RT: Genetic disorders SC: HL Health USE: Genealogy USE: Family history Genetically modified organisms UF: Genetically modified crops Genetically modified foods GMOs BT: Gene technology SC: SC Sciences Genetically modified organisms Genetically modified foods USE: Genetically modified organisms General Achievement Test UF: GAT GAT exams GAT tests BT: Assessment RT: Student achievement SC: ED Education Geneticists BT: Health practitioners RT: Genetic screening SC: HL Health General journals USE: Accounting Genetics USE: Genetic services General ledgers USE: Accounting Geodesy UF: Geodetics BT: Earth sciences RT: Geography Spatial information Surveying SC: SC Sciences General practitioners USE: Medical practitioners Genetic counselling BT: Counselling services RT: Genetic services SC: HL Health Geodetics USE: Geodesy Genetic disorders BT: Diseases RT: Gene therapy Genetic screening SC: HL Health Geographic information systems UF: Geographical information systems GIS SN: Computer programs and associated databases that store, integrate, analyse, and process geospatial data BT: Software RT: Geography Spatial information SC: GE Geography IT Information & Communications Technologies Genetic engineering USE: Gene technology Genetic modification USE: Gene technology Genetic screening UF: Antenatal screening Genetic testing BT: Genetic services RT: Birth defects Genetic disorders Geneticists Pregnancy SC: HL Health Geographical information systems USE: Geographic information systems Geographical names USE: Place names Genetic services UF: Genetics BT: Health services NT: Genetic screening RT: Gene technology Genetic counselling SC: HL Health Geographical place names USE: Place names Geography BT: Earth sciences NT: Cartography Geomatics RT: Geodesy Geographic information systems GPS Place names SC: GE Geography Genetic testing USE: Genetic screening Genetically modified crops 110 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC Sciences BT: RT: SC: Geological surveys BT: Surveying RT: Geology SC: SC Sciences Children Girls education CM Community Girls education UF: Education of girls Girls' education BT: School education RT: Girls Single sex schools SC: ED Education Geology BT: Earth sciences RT: Geological surveys Geomorphology SC: SC Sciences Girls' education USE: Girls education Geomatics SN: The measurement, representation, analysis, management, retrieval and display of spatial data concerning the earth's physical features and the built environment BT: Geography RT: Spatial information SC: GE Geography Girls schools USE: Single sex schools Girls' schools USE: Single sex schools GIS USE: Geographic information systems Gliomas USE: Cancer Geomorphology BT: Earth sciences RT: Geology SC: SC Sciences Global economy USE: Economy Geosciences USE: Earth sciences Global positioning systems USE: GPS Geospatial information USE: Spatial information Global recession USE: Recession Geotargeted searches USE: Local searches Global warming USE: Climate change Geothermal energy BT: Renewable energy SC: EN Environment GMOs USE: Genetically modified organisms GNP USE: Gross national product Geriatric medicine BT: Medicine RT: Degenerative diseases Seniors health SC: HL Health Go For Your Life USE: Health promotion Gold Card USE: Health care cards Gifted children USE: Gifted students Golf UF: Gifted education BT: Education RT: Gifted students SC: ED Education BT: SC: Gifted students UF: Gifted children BT: Students RT: Gifted education SC: ED Education Golf courses Golfers Public courses Sports RC Recreation Golf courses USE: Golf Golfers USE: Golf Girls 111 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Good Friday USE: Public holidays BT: RT: Goods & services tax USE: GST SC: Goods and services tax USE: GST Government employees USE: Public servants Goods dumping UF: Anti-dumping BT: International trade RT: Imports SC: IN Industry Government enquiries USE: Commissions of inquiry Government gazettes UF: Gazettes BT: Government publications RT: Federal government State government SC: GV Government Google USE: Search engines Gorse USE: Directories Business directories Community directories Government GV Government Weeds Government grants USE: Grants Governance BT: Public administration NT: Corporate governance e-Governance Information technology governance Internet governance Website governance SC: GV Government Government industry partnerships BT: Partnerships RT: Industry development SC: IN Industry Government inquiries USE: Commissions of inquiry Government jobs USE: Job vacancies Government NT: Federal government Local government Parliaments Public administration State government RT: Government archives Government directories Government publications Government services SC: GV Government Government ministers USE: Ministers Government online services USE: Government services Government publications BT: Publications NT: Government gazettes Parliamentary proceedings RT: Annual reports Government SC: GV Government Government archives UF: Official archives BT: Archives RT: Government SC: GV Government Government purchasing USE: Government contracts Government contracts UF: Government purchasing BT: Contracts NT: ICT contracts RT: Federal government State government SC: GV Government Government schools USE: Public schools Government services UF: Government online services Online government services BT: Services RT: Council services Government SC: GV Government Government departments USE: Federal government departments State government departments Government tenders USE: Tenders Government directories UF: Directory 112 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Governor General USE: Governor-General Grade Six USE: Year 6 Governor of Victoria USE: State governors Grade Three USE: Year 3 Governor-General UF: Governor General Governors General Governors-General BT: Federal government Heads of state SC: GV Government Grade Two USE: Year 2 Graduate employment USE: Graduate recruitment programs Graduate opportunities USE: Graduate recruitment programs Governors General USE: Governor-General Graduate positions USE: Graduate recruitment programs Governors-General USE: Governor-General Graduate programs USE: Graduate recruitment programs Govt depts USE: Federal government departments GP USE: GPS UF: BT: RT: SC: Graduate recruitment programs UF: Graduate employment Graduate opportunities Graduate positions Graduate programs Graduate recruitment schemes GRS Programmes BT: Recruitment programs RT: Graduates SC: ED Education ET Employment Medical practitioners Global positioning systems GPSnet Spatial reference systems Satellite navigation Geography TR Transport GPSnet USE: GPS Graduate recruitment schemes USE: Graduate recruitment programs Grade 1 USE: Year 1 Graduate study USE: Postgraduate study Grade 2 USE: Year 2 Graduates UF: University graduates BT: Groups RT: Graduate recruitment programs University students SC: ED Education Grade 3 USE: Year 3 Grade 4 USE: Year 4 Graffiti BT: Vandalism SC: SO Society Grade 5 USE: Year 5 Grain industry UF: Grains industry Industries BT: Agriculture SC: IN Industry Grade 6 USE: Year 6 Grade Five USE: Year 5 Grains industry USE: Grain industry Grade Four USE: Year 4 Grampians Grape Escape Festival USE: Food and wine festivals Grade One USE: Year 1 113 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Grand Prix SN: Includes either motorbikes or formula one motor cars BT: Sports events RT: Motor racing SC: RC Recreation Grey water recycling UF: Reuse of greywater Re-use of greywater BT: Water recycling RT: Grey water Water tanks SC: EN Environment Grants UF: Government grants BT: Financial assistance NT: Business grants Capital grants e-Grants RT: Federal funding Industry support State funding SC: FN Finance Greyhound racing UF: Grey hound racing Grey-hound racing BT: Racing RT: Dogs Greyhounds Racing Integrity Commissioner SC: RC Recreation Grey-hound racing USE: Greyhound racing Graphic design BT: Design RT: Industrial design SC: TC Technology Greyhounds UF: Grey hounds Grey-hounds BT: Dogs RT: Greyhound racing SC: EN Environment Graveyards USE: Cemeteries Green and gold USE: National colours Grey-hounds USE: Greyhounds Green businesses USE: Sustainable businesses Greywater USE: Grey water Green power USE: Renewable energy Grief counselling BT: Counselling services RT: Deaths SC: HL Health Green wedge zones UF: Green wedges BT: Zoning RT: Planning projects Planning schemes SC: PL Planning Grievances USE: Complaints Greenhouse effect USE: Climate change Gross national product UF: GNP BT: Economic indicators RT: Fiscal policy Public finance SC: EC Economics Greenhouse gas emissions USE: Climate change Ground water USE: Groundwater Grey hound racing USE: Greyhound racing Groundwater UF: Ground water BT: Water SC: EN Environment Green wedges USE: Green wedge zones Grey hounds USE: Greyhounds Group training BT: Training RT: Groups SC: ED Education Grey water UF: Greywater BT: Water supply RT: Bore water Grey water recycling SC: EN Environment Groups NT: Age groups Apprentices 114 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Asylum seekers Athletes Australians Carers Committees Community groups Consumers Cyclists Disadvantaged Drivers Employment brokers Entrepreneurs Families Graduates Home owners Homeless people Households Investors Job seekers Landlords Lifesavers Men Migrants Motorcycle riders Non English speakers Offenders Organisations Outworkers Passengers Patients Pedestrians People with disabilities Personnel Prisoners Refugees Retirees Smokers Stakeholders Students Task forces Terrorists Trainees Travellers Veterans Victims of crime Women Communities Group training GN General GRS USE: Graduate recruitment programs RT: GST UF: BT: SC: Guardians UF: Guardianship Legal guardianship BT: Families RT: Guardian information Parents SC: LW Law SO Society Guardianship USE: Guardians Guide dogs USE: Assistance animals Guided tours USE: Tours Guidelines BT: Publications RT: Manuals Standards SC: GN General Gulf War USE: War Gun control USE: Gun licences Gun licences UF: Firearm licences Gun control Licenses BT: Licences RT: Firearms SC: DF Defence Gun safety USE: Firearm safety Guns USE: Firearms Goods & services tax Goods and services tax Business taxation FN Finance Guardian information BT: Information RT: Guardians Parent information SC: GN General 115 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Having a baby USE: Pregnancy H HACC USE: Hazardous goods USE: Dangerous goods Home and community care Halogen lights USE: Incandescent lamps Hazardous substances UF: Controlled substances BT: Dangerous goods NT: Asbestos Drugs Poisons RT: Chemicals Hazardous wastes SC: SF Safety Hand guns USE: Firearms Handguns USE: Firearms Hand-guns USE: Firearms Hazardous wastes UF: Infectious wastes Toxic wastes BT: Wastes NT: Radioactive wastes RT: Hazardous substances Industrial wastes SC: EN Environment Handheld devices USE: PDAs Handicapped people USE: People with disabilities Handicapped persons USE: People with disabilities Handicaps USE: Disabilities Hang gliding USE: Hang-gliding HCC USE: Health care cards HDM USE: Hospital administration Head lice UF: Headlice Nits Pediculosis BT: Parasitic diseases SC: HL Health Hanggliding USE: Hang-gliding Hang-gliding UF: Hang gliding Hanggliding BT: Recreational activities SC: RC Recreation Headlice USE: Head lice Heads of state BT: Occupations NT: Governor-General Prime ministers State governors RT: Officials SC: GV Government Hansard USE: Parliamentary proceedings Harassment BT: Social problems NT: Bullying Sexual harassment Workplace harassment SC: SO Society Healesville Sanctuary USE: Zoos Harassment in the workplace USE: Workplace harassment Health UF: Health & safety Health and safety NT: Animal health Childrens health Disabilities Diseases e-Health Health administration Health indicators Health promotion Harbors USE: Ports Harbours USE: Ports Harness racing USE: Horse racing 116 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Indigenous health Mens health Mental health Occupational health and safety Public health Rehabilitation Rural health School health Seniors health Student health Womens health Environmental health Health information Health inspectors Health policy Health services HL Health SC: Health promotion ED Education HL Health Health facilities BT: Health services NT: Ambulatory care facilities Hospital in the home Hospitals Maternal and child health centres Super clinics RT: Medical equipment SC: HL Health Health indicators UF: Health status BT: Health NT: Fitness Nutrition Obesity SC: HL Health Health & safety USE: Health Safety Health administration BT: Health NT: Hospital administration Medicare SC: HL Health Health industry BT: Industry sectors SC: HL Health Health information BT: Information RT: Health Health education Health promotion SC: HL Health Health and safety USE: Health Safety Health awards USE: Healthcare awards Health inspections USE: Health inspectors Health campaigns USE: Health promotion Health inspectors UF: Health inspections BT: Occupations RT: Health SC: HL Health Health care awards USE: Healthcare awards Health care cards UF: Gold Card HCC Healthcare cards Health-care cards Orange Card Repatriation Health Card Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Card White Card BT: Social security RT: Concession cards Medicare SC: HL Health SO Society Health insurance BT: Insurance NT: Private health insurance RT: Health services Medicare SC: HL Health Health policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Health SC: HL Health Health practitioners UF: Clinicians Health professionals Health workers BT: Occupations NT: Chinese medicine practitioners Chiropractors Dentists Health care systems USE: Medicare Health education BT: Education NT: Sex education RT: Health information 117 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Geneticists Medical practitioners Midwives Nurses Occupational therapists Optometrists Osteopaths Pharmacists Physiotherapists Podiatrists Psychiatrists Psychologists Radiographers Vets Counsellors Health practitioners registration Health services Hospital employment HL Health RT: SC: Ophthalmology services Palliative care services Radiotherapy services Renal dialysis services Trauma management services Health Health insurance Health practitioners Health Services Commissioner Medicine HL Health Health Services Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Health services SC: HL Health Health status USE: Health indicators Health practitioners registration UF: Doctor registration Medical registration BT: Professional registration RT: Health practitioners SC: HL Health Health systems USE: Medicare Health workers USE: Health practitioners Healthcare awards UF: Health awards Health care awards Health-care awards BT: Awards and honours SC: HL Health Health professionals USE: Health practitioners Health promotion UF: Go For Your Life Health campaigns BT: Health RT: Disease prevention Health education Health information SC: HL Health Health-care awards USE: Healthcare awards Healthcare cards USE: Health care cards Health records USE: Medical records Health-care cards USE: Health care cards Health sciences USE: Medicine Healthcare systems USE: Medicare Health services UF: Medical services Specialist services BT: Services NT: Ambulance services Blood services Counselling services Critical care services Dental services Diagnostic services Ear, nose and throat services Fertility services First aid Genetic services Health facilities Maternity care services Mental health services Neonatal services Nursing Health-care systems USE: Medicare Healthy eating USE: Nutrition Hearing aids USE: Audiology Hearing disabilities USE: Hearing impairments Hearing impairments UF: Deafness Hearing disabilities BT: Physical disabilities RT: Audiology Sign language Telephone access services 118 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: HL Health SC: Hearing services USE: Audiology TR Transport Heavy vehicles UF: Road trains Trucks BT: Vehicles NT: Tow trucks RT: Heavy vehicle licences Heavy vehicle registration Weighbridges SC: TR Transport Hearings USE: Court procedures Heart attacks USE: Heart diseases Heart diseases UF: Cardiac arrests Heart attacks BT: Cardiovascular diseases SC: HL Health HECS USE: HECS-HELP HECS-HELP UF: HECS Higher Education Contribution Scheme BT: HELP loans SC: ED Education Heart surgery USE: Cardiac surgery Heat exhaustion USE: Heat related illnesses Helicopters USE: Aircraft Heat related illnesses UF: Heat exhaustion Heat stroke Heat-related illnesses BT: Diseases RT: Heatwaves SC: HL Health HELP loans UF: Higher Education Loan Programme Student loans BT: Loans NT: FEE-HELP HECS-HELP OS-HELP RT: Scholarships Study allowances University fees SC: ED Education Heat stroke USE: Heat related illnesses Heat waves USE: Heatwaves Heating BT: Environmental control RT: Cooling SC: EN Environment Heat-related illnesses USE: Heat related illnesses Hep B USE: Blood borne viruses Hep C USE: Blood borne viruses Hepatitis B USE: Blood borne viruses Heatwaves UF: Heat waves Heat-waves BT: Weather RT: Heat related illnesses SC: EN Environment Hepatitis C USE: Blood borne viruses Herbal medicine USE: Alternative medicine Heat-waves USE: Heatwaves Herbicides USE: Pesticides Heavy vehicle licences UF: Licenses BT: Licences RT: Heavy vehicles SC: TR Transport Heritage NT: Architectural heritage Cultural heritage Heritage conservation Indigenous heritage Natural heritage Shipwrecks World heritage areas Heavy vehicle registration BT: Vehicle registration RT: Heavy vehicles 119 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Heritage directories Heritage tourism History Town planning CU Culture PL Planning High ways USE: Highways Higher education UF: Further education Post school education Post-school education Tertiary education University education BT: Education NT: Higher education courses Postgraduate study Undergraduate study University entrance RT: Degrees Postsecondary education Private tertiary providers Universities University students SC: ED Education Heritage buildings USE: Historic buildings Heritage conservation UF: Heritage protection BT: Heritage RT: World heritage areas SC: CU Culture Heritage directories UF: Directory Heritage registers BT: Directories RT: Heritage SC: CU Culture Higher Education Contribution Scheme USE: HECS-HELP Heritage places USE: Historic sites Heritage protection USE: Heritage conservation Heritage tourism BT: Tourism RT: Heritage Historic buildings Historic sites SC: TO Tourism Higher education courses UF: Course handbooks Course information Course Search Courses CourseSearch University courses BT: Higher education RT: Course design Extension studies TAFE courses SC: ED Education Heroin USE: Illicit drugs Higher Education Loan Programme USE: HELP loans High Commissioners USE: Diplomats Higher education providers USE: Universities High Commissions USE: Embassies High-schools USE: Secondary schools High Court of Australia USE: High courts High courts UF: High Court of Australia BT: Courts SC: LW Law Highways UF: High ways High-ways Motorways BT: Roads RT: Freeways SC: TR Transport High school students USE: Secondary school students High-ways USE: Highways High schools USE: Secondary schools Hiking USE: Bushwalking High tech crime USE: Computer crime Hinduism USE: Religion Heritage registers USE: Heritage directories 120 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Hire cars BT: Cars SC: TR Transport HITH USE: Hospital in the home HIV/AIDS UF: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS Human Immuno-deficiency Virus BT: Infectious diseases RT: Blood borne viruses SC: HL Health Historic buildings UF: Heritage buildings BT: Buildings RT: Architectural heritage Australian history Heritage tourism Historic sites Tourist attractions SC: PR Property Holiday accommodation USE: Tourist accommodation Historic monuments USE: Monuments Holiday programs UF: Programmes School holiday programs BT: Programs RT: School holidays School programs SC: RC Recreation Historic places USE: Historic sites Historic precincts USE: Historic sites Historic sites UF: Heritage places Historic places Historic precincts Historical sites BT: Places RT: Australian history Cultural heritage Heritage tourism Historic buildings Monuments Tourist attractions SC: CU Culture Holidays BT: Events NT: Public holidays School holidays SC: CU Culture Home & community care USE: Home and community care Home and community care UF: Community based care HACC Home & community care Home based care Home care Home help BT: Community services NT: Carer support services Day care Foster care Permanent care Residential care RT: Aged care services Disability services Home nursing Hospital in the home Independent living Supported accommodation SC: SO Society Historical documents USE: Archives Historical records USE: Archives Historical sites USE: Historic sites History BT: Social sciences NT: Australian history Educational history Family history Indigenous history Local history Maritime history Military history Parliamentary history RT: Archaeology Archives Heritage SC: CU Culture Home based businesses UF: Home-based businesses BT: Businesses RT: Working from home SC: BS Business Home based care USE: Home and community care History of education USE: Educational history Home care 121 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Home and community care RT: Home detention BT: Punishment RT: Detention centres SC: LW Law SC: Child safety Electrical safety Gas safety Household chemicals SF Safety Home schooling USE: Parents as teachers Home education USE: Parents as teachers Home work USE: Homework Home help USE: Home and community care Home working USE: Teleworking Home improvements USE: Home renovations Home-based businesses USE: Home based businesses Home insurance USE: House and contents insurance Homeless people UF: Homeless persons Street kids Street people Street-kids Street-people BT: Groups NT: Homeless youth RT: Homelessness SC: SO Society Home learning USE: Parents as teachers Home loans USE: Mortgages Home modifications USE: Home renovations Home nursing UF: District nursing BT: Nursing RT: Home and community care Hospital in the home SC: HL Health Homeless persons USE: Homeless people Homeless shelters USE: Emergency accommodation Home owners UF: Homeowners Home-owners BT: Groups NT: Owner builders RT: Home ownership Households Landlords SC: PR Property Homeless youth BT: Homeless people Youth RT: Youth homelessness SC: SO Society Homelessness BT: Social problems NT: Youth homelessness RT: Accommodation Homeless people SC: SO Society Home ownership BT: Ownership RT: First Home Owners Grant Home owners Mortgages SC: PR Property Homeloans USE: Mortgages Home-loans USE: Mortgages Home renovations UF: Building extensions Home improvements Home modifications Renovating BT: Construction RT: Houses SC: PR Property Homeowners USE: Home owners Home-owners USE: Home owners Homes USE: Housing Home safety UF: Safety in the home BT: Personal safety Homes for the disabled 122 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Disability accommodation Horseracing USE: Horse racing Homeschooling USE: Parents as teachers Horse-racing USE: Horse racing Home-schooling USE: Parents as teachers Horseriding USE: Horse riding Homework UF: Home work Home-work BT: Study SC: ED Education Horse-riding USE: Horse riding Horses BT: Animals RT: Equine influenza Horse racing SC: EN Environment Home-work USE: Homework Homosexual couples USE: Same-sex relationships Hospital accreditation BT: Accreditation RT: Hospital standards Hospitals SC: HL Health Homosexual men USE: Gay men Homosexual women USE: Lesbians Hospital administration UF: HDM Hospital demand management Hospital management BT: Health administration RT: Hospital funding Hospital standards Hospitals SC: HL Health Honorary Justices UF: JPs Justices of the Peace BT: Officials RT: Affidavits Powers of attorney Statutory declarations SC: LW Law Hospital demand management USE: Hospital administration Honours USE: Awards and honours Hospital employment BT: Employment RT: Health practitioners Hospitals SC: HL Health Hoon driving BT: Driving offences RT: Speeding SC: TR Transport Horse flu USE: Equine influenza Hospital funding UF: Case mixed funding Casemix funding BT: Financial assistance RT: Hospital administration Hospitals SC: HL Health Horse racing UF: Harness racing Horseracing Horse-racing BT: Racing RT: Horse riding Horses Melbourne Cup Racing Integrity Commissioner SC: RC Recreation Hospital in the home UF: HITH BT: Health facilities RT: Home and community care Home nursing SC: HL Health Horse riding UF: Horseriding Horse-riding BT: Recreational activities RT: Horse racing SC: RC Recreation Hospital management USE: Hospital administration Hospital standards BT: Standards RT: Hospital accreditation 123 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Hospital administration Hospitals Infection control HL Health Hours worked USE: Working hours House & contents insurance USE: House and contents insurance Hospital waiting lists USE: Waiting lists House and contents insurance UF: Home insurance House & contents insurance House insurance BT: Insurance RT: Houses SC: FN Finance PR Property Hospitality industry BT: Industry sectors NT: Cafes Restaurants SC: IN Industry Hospitals BT: Health facilities NT: Country hospitals Private hospitals Public hospitals RT: Critical care services Hospital accreditation Hospital administration Hospital employment Hospital funding Hospital standards Patients Trauma management services Waiting lists SC: HL Health House insurance USE: House and contents insurance House of Representatives BT: Federal Parliament RT: Leaders of the Opposition Prime ministers Senate SC: GV Government Household chemicals BT: Chemicals RT: Home safety SC: TC Technology Hostels UF: Backpacker hostels Youth hostels BT: Accommodation RT: Boarding houses Tourist accommodation SC: CM Community TO Tourism Households UF: House-holds BT: Groups NT: Low income households RT: Families Home owners SC: GN General Hot lines USE: Hotlines House-holds USE: Households Hotels UF: Entertainment venues Licenced premises Pubs BT: Tourist accommodation RT: Liquor licences Motels Nightlife SC: TO Tourism Houses UF: Residential buildings BT: Buildings NT: Apartments Share houses RT: Home renovations House and contents insurance Housing Land subdivisions SC: PR Property Hotlines UF: Hot lines Hot-lines BT: Alerts RT: Communication SC: EM Emergencies Housing UF: Homes NT: Public housing Renting Sustainable housing RT: Accommodation Accommodation services Houses Housing assistance Housing legislation Housing policy Hot-lines USE: Hotlines Hours of work USE: Working hours 124 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Residential development CM Community UF: Housing assistance UF: Accommodation assistance Accommodation support Housing support BT: Social security NT: Rent assistance RT: Housing SC: CM Community BT: NT: RT: Housing commission flats USE: Public housing SC: Housing legislation UF: Residential Tenancies Act BT: Legislation RT: Housing SC: PR Property Human rights BT: Rights NT: Childrens rights Right to life Rights of the disabled RT: Civil rights Legal rights SC: PO Politics Housing policy UF: Accommodation policy Policies BT: Policy RT: Housing SC: CM Community Human services USE: Community services Hunting UF: Duck hunting Game hunting Hunting season BT: Recreational activities RT: Ducks Game licences SC: RC Recreation Housing programs USE: Accommodation services Housing services USE: Accommodation services Housing support USE: Housing assistance Hunting licences USE: Game licences Housing waiting lists USE: Public housing HRM USE: HTML UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: HRM Human resource management Personnel management Staffing Management Position descriptions Promotions Recruitment Termination of employment Performance management Personnel Professional development Workforce MG Management Hunting season USE: Hunting Human resources management Hunting slings USE: Prohibited weapons HyperText Markup Language Mark Up Languages Computer languages Cascading style sheets Web pages EG eGovernment Hurricanes USE: Cyclones Hydro power USE: Hydroelectric power Human Immuno-deficiency Virus USE: HIV/AIDS Hydroelectric power UF: Hydro power Hydroelectricity Hydropower Water power BT: Renewable energy SC: IN Industry Human research ethics committees USE: Ethics committees Human resource management USE: Human resources management Hydroelectricity USE: Hydroelectric power Human resources USE: Workforce Hydrographic services USE: Hydrography Human resources management 125 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Hydrographic surveys USE: Charts Hydrography UF: Charting Hydrographic services BT: Cartography RT: Charts SC: GE Geography Hydrological warnings USE: Flood warnings Hydropower USE: Hydroelectric power HyperText Markup Language USE: HTML 126 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 IT Information & Communications Technologies I ICT jobs USE: Careers in ICT ICT USE: Information and communications technology ICT policy UF: Information & communications policy Information and communications technology policy BT: Policy RT: Chief Technology Officers Information and communications technology SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies ICT careers USE: Careers in ICT ICT companies USE: ICT industry ICT contracts UF: eServices Panel E-Services Panel IT contracts BT: Government contracts RT: ICT industry Information and communications technology SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies ICT projects UF: Information technology projects IT projects BT: Projects RT: ICT industry Information and communications technology SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies ICT funding USE: ICT industry Industry support ICT security USE: Information technology security ICT governance USE: Information technology governance ICT skills UF: Computer skills Computing skills IT skills BT: Skills RT: Information and communications technology SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies ICT in education USE: Educational technology ICT in schools USE: Educational technology ICT industry UF: ICT companies ICT funding Industries Information & communications technology industry Information and communications technology industry Information technology industry IT companies IT industry Web publishing BT: Industry sectors NT: Careers in ICT Data centres Internet service providers RT: Chief Technology Officers Electronics ICT contracts ICT projects ICT standards Information and communications technology Software SC: IN Industry ICT standards UF: Information & communications technology standards Information and communications technology standards IT standards BT: Standards RT: ICT industry Information and communications technology SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies ID USE: Identification Identification UF: ID Identity Proof of age Proof of identity NT: Authentication Biometrics 127 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Business identification Drivers licences Fingerprints Names Number plates Palm prints Tax file numbers Birth certificates Citizenship documents Identity crime Travel documents GN General USE: Controlled weapons Immigrant education USE: Migrant education Immigrants USE: Migrants Immigration UF: Migration BT: Foreign affairs NT: Business migration Illegal immigration RT: Immigration policy Migrants Refugees SC: PO Politics Identity USE: Identification Identity crime BT: Crime NT: Identity theft RT: Computer crime Identification SC: LW Law Immigration museums USE: Museums Immigration policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Immigration Migrants Refugees SC: PO Politics Identity theft SN: identity theft or fraud occurs when personal details are used by someone else to deceive, to support some type of crime, or even just to play a joke. Identity theft is a form of identity crime (where somebody uses a false identity to commit a crime). Source: DBCDE BT: Identity crime SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies LW Law Immunisation UF: Immunization Injections Inoculations Shots Vaccination Vaccines BT: Preventive medicine RT: Childrens health Infectious diseases Maternity payments SC: CM Community HL Health Illegal drugs USE: Illicit drugs Illegal immigration UF: People smuggling BT: Immigration RT: Detention centres SC: PO Politics Immunization USE: Immunisation i-mode USE: Mobile phones Illicit drugs UF: Cocaine Ecstasy Heroin Illegal drugs Marijuana Speed SN: Drugs which are not legally licensed, approved or authorised for general use [Source, TAGS] BT: Drugs SC: HL Health Impaired vision USE: Vision impairments Impairments USE: Disabilities Import assistance UF: Import subsidies BT: Industry support RT: Imports SC: IN Industry Illnesses USE: Diseases Import controls UF: Import guidelines Import regulations Imitation firearms 128 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Customs Imports IN Industry SC: Income tax EC Economics Income tax UF: Income tax calculator BT: Taxation NT: Capital gains tax RT: Income Personal taxation SC: FN Finance Import duties USE: Tariffs Import guidelines USE: Import controls Import regulations USE: Import controls Income tax calculator USE: Income tax Import subsidies USE: Import assistance Income tax returns USE: Tax returns Import trade USE: Imports Incorporated associations BT: Businesses RT: Incorporation SC: BS Business Importers USE: Imports Importing USE: Imports Incorporation BT: Business activities RT: Incorporated associations SC: BS Business Imports UF: Import trade Importers Importing BT: International trade Quarantine RT: Exports Goods dumping Import assistance Import controls Tariffs SC: IN Industry Indemnity insurance UF: Liability insurance Professional indemnity BT: Insurance SC: FN Finance Independent living BT: Quality of life RT: Home and community care People with disabilities Supported accommodation SC: SO Society Imprisonment UF: Incarceration BT: Punishment RT: Correctional facilities Deaths in custody Prisoners SC: LW Law Independent schools USE: Private schools Indicators NT: Economic indicators Performance indicators Social indicators RT: Statistics SC: GN General In vitro fertilisation USE: Reproductive technology Incandescent bulbs USE: Incandescent lamps Indigenous affairs UF: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander affairs Aboriginal affairs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs Torres Strait Islander affairs BT: Politics NT: Reconciliation RT: Indigenous Australians SC: PO Politics Incandescent lamps UF: Halogen lights Incandescent bulbs BT: Lighting SC: EN Environment Incarceration USE: Imprisonment Income BT: Budgeting RT: Expenses Indigenous art 129 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: RT: SC: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander art Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art Aboriginal art Koori art Koorie art Visual arts Indigenous Australians Indigenous culture CU Culture SC: Indigenous Australians Indigenous heritage Indigenous history Native food industry CU Culture Indigenous education UF: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander education Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education Aboriginal education Koori education Koorie education Torres Strait Islander education BT: Education NT: Indigenous education programs RT: Indigenous Australians Indigenous students SC: ED Education Indigenous Australians UF: Aboriginal peoples Aborigines Koories Kooris Torres Strait Islander peoples BT: Australians RT: Indigenous affairs Indigenous art Indigenous communities Indigenous culture Indigenous education Indigenous employment Indigenous health Indigenous heritage Indigenous history Indigenous policy Indigenous services Reconciliation SC: CM Community Indigenous education programs UF: Aboriginal education programs Programmes Torres Strait Islander education programs BT: Education programs Indigenous education SC: ED Education Indigenous employment UF: Aboriginal employment Torres Strait Islander employment BT: Employment RT: Indigenous Australians SC: ET Employment Indigenous communities UF: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities Aboriginal communities Community Torres Strait Islander communities BT: Communities RT: Indigenous Australians Indigenous corporations Indigenous policy Indigenous services SC: CM Community Indigenous health UF: Aboriginal health Koori health Koorie health Torres Strait Islander health BT: Health RT: Indigenous Australians SC: HL Health Indigenous heritage UF: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander heritage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage Koori heritage Koorie heritage BT: Heritage RT: Indigenous Australians Indigenous culture Indigenous history SC: CU Culture Indigenous corporations BT: Corporations RT: Indigenous communities SC: CU Culture Indigenous culture UF: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture Aboriginal culture Koori culture Koorie culture BT: Culture RT: Indigenous art Indigenous history UF: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander history 130 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history Koori history Koorie history History Australian history Indigenous Australians Indigenous culture Indigenous heritage CU Culture BT: RT: SC: Strikes Industrial relations Conflict resolution ET Employment Indigenous languages BT: Languages SC: CU Culture Industrial law UF: Business law Company law Corporate law Corporations law BT: Law RT: Commercial law SC: IN Industry LW Law Indigenous policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Indigenous Australians Indigenous communities SC: CU Culture Industrial policy UF: Industry policy Policies BT: Policy RT: Employment policy SC: IN Industry Indigenous services UF: Aboriginal services Torres Strait Islander services BT: Community services RT: Indigenous Australians Indigenous communities SC: CM Community Industrial productivity USE: Productivity SC: Industrial relations UF: Employer-employee relations Labour relations Workplace relations BT: Industry NT: Enterprise bargaining Industrial disputes RT: Industrial relations legislation Labour Unions SC: IN Industry Indigenous students UF: Aboriginal students Torres Strait Islander students BT: Students RT: Indigenous education SC: ED Education Individual taxation USE: Personal taxation Industrial relations legislation UF: Workplace Relations Act BT: Legislation RT: Industrial relations SC: ET Employment Industrial awards USE: Awards Industrial chemicals UF: Dyes Solvents BT: Chemicals RT: Occupational health and safety SC: TC Technology Industrial research UF: Industry research BT: Research RT: Market research SC: IN Industry Industrial safety USE: Occupational health and safety Industrial design BT: Design RT: Graphic design Product development SC: TC Technology Industrial sectors USE: Industry sectors Industrial wastes UF: Commercial wastes BT: Wastes RT: Hazardous wastes SC: EN Environment Industrial development USE: Industry development Industrial disputes UF: Business disputes Labour disputes Stop work meetings Stop-work meetings Industries USE: Aviation industry Banking industry 131 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Construction industry Egg industry Energy industry Finance industry Finance industry regulation Food industry Forestry industry Funeral industry Gambling industry Gas industry Grain industry ICT industry Industry Industry assistance Industry associations Industry development Industry directories Industry regulation Industry sectors Industry standards Industry support Industry training boards Manufacturing industry Meat industry Mining industry Petroleum industry Primary industry Printing industry Publishing industry Real estate industry Retail industry Rural industry Service industry Shipping industry Telecommunications industry Textile industry Tourism industry BT: NT: RT: SC: Industry Business advice Industry support Business directories Industry development IN Industry Industry associations UF: Industries Industry groups BT: Organisations RT: Industry sectors SC: IN Industry Industry development UF: Industrial development Industries BT: Economic development RT: Business development Government industry partnerships Industry Industry assistance Trade fairs SC: IN Industry Industry directories UF: Directory Industries BT: Directories RT: Business directories Industry sectors SC: IN Industry Industry financial support USE: Industry support Industry funding USE: Industry support Industry UF: Industries NT: Consumer affairs Industrial relations Industry assistance Industry regulation Industry sectors Productivity RT: Businesses Corporations Industry development Industry standards SC: IN Industry Industry groups USE: Industry associations Industry policy USE: Industrial policy Industry profiles USE: Industry sectors Industry referral services USE: Business advice Industry advice USE: Business advice Industry advisory bodies USE: Industry training boards Industry regulation UF: Industries BT: Industry RT: Authorities SC: IN Industry Industry advisory services USE: Business advice Industry research USE: Industrial research Industry assistance UF: Business assistance Industries Industry sectors UF: Business categories Business sectors 132 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Industrial sectors Industries Industry profiles Industry Aviation industry Beauty industry Construction industry Energy industry Film industry Finance industry Fishing industry Food industry Gambling industry Gaming industry Health industry Hospitality industry ICT industry Manufacturing industry Media industry Music industry Pharmaceutical industry Primary industry Printing industry Publishing industry Real estate industry Retail industry Rural industry Service industry Shipping industry Telecommunications industry Textile industry Tourism industry Transport industry Water industry Wine industry Wool industry Industry associations Industry directories IN Industry SC: IN Industry Industry training USE: Training Industry training advisory boards USE: Industry training boards Industry training boards UF: Industries Industry advisory bodies Industry training advisory boards ITABs BT: Training authorities SC: ED Education Infant mortality USE: Child deaths Infant restraints USE: Child restraints Infant welfare centres USE: Maternal and child health centres Infants USE: Babies Infection control UF: Blue book Bluebook Disease control BT: Environmental health Preventive medicine RT: Hospital standards Infectious diseases SC: HL Health Infectious diseases UF: Communicable diseases Contagious diseases Epidemics Pandemics BT: Diseases NT: Blood borne viruses HIV/AIDS Influenza Measles Meningococcal disease Pneumococcal disease SARS Whooping cough RT: Immunisation Infection control SC: HL Health Industry standards UF: Industries BT: Standards RT: Industry SC: IN Industry Industry subsidies USE: Industry support Industry support UF: Business financial support Business support ICT funding Industries Industry financial support Industry funding Industry subsidies BT: Financial assistance Industry assistance NT: Business grants Capital grants Export assistance Import assistance RT: Grants Infectious wastes USE: Hazardous wastes Infertility USE: Fertility services Inflation 133 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: RT: SC: Inflation rates Economic indicators Prices EC Economics Information and communications technology UF: ICT Information & communications technology Information communication technology Information communications technology Information technology IT Technologies BT: Technology NT: Communications equipment Computers Digital media Multimedia Software RT: e-Government ICT contracts ICT industry ICT policy ICT projects ICT skills ICT standards Information Information management Telecommunications SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Inflation rates USE: Inflation Influenza UF: Flu BT: Infectious diseases Respiratory diseases NT: Avian flu Equine influenza Swine flu SC: HL Health Information NT: Alerts Archives Business information Career information Consumer information Contact details Data Educational information Frequently asked questions Guardian information Health information Parent information Personal information Spatial information Student information Tourist information Travel advice Youth information RT: Freedom of information Information and communications technology Information management Information networks Information policy SC: GN General Information and communications technology industry USE: ICT industry Information and communications technology policy USE: ICT policy Information and communications technology standards USE: ICT standards Information architecture BT: Information management RT: Enterprise architecture Web usability Website navigation SC: EG eGovernment Information & communications policy USE: ICT policy Information & communications technology USE: Information and communications technology Information Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Information management SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Information & communications technology industry USE: ICT industry Information & communications technology standards USE: ICT standards Information communication technology USE: Information and communications technology Information access USE: Access to information Information communications technology 134 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Information and communications technology SC: MG Management Information storage BT: Information management NT: Databases Smartcards RT: Data centres SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Information for parents USE: Parent information Information for students USE: Student information Information highway USE: Internet Information technology USE: Information and communications technology Information management BT: Management NT: Enterprise architecture Information architecture Information retrieval Information security Information storage RT: Content management Data mining Information Information and communications technology Information Commissioner Information networks Information policy Knowledge management Records management SC: MG Management Information technology governance UF: ICT governance IT governance BT: Governance RT: Internet governance SC: EG eGovernment Information technology industry USE: ICT industry Information technology projects USE: ICT projects Information technology security UF: Computer security ICT security IT security BT: Information security NT: Digital certificates Firewalls SC: EG eGovernment Information networks BT: Networks RT: Information Information management SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Information policy UF: Policies BT: Policy NT: Access to information Confidentiality Privacy policy RT: Chief Information Officers Freedom of information Information Information management SC: CO Communication Infrastructure BT: Town planning NT: Airports Bridges Communications Lighting Pipelines Ports Power stations Rail transport Roads Utilities SC: PL Planning Information privacy USE: Privacy policy Infringements USE: Local laws Information retrieval BT: Information management NT: Data mining SC: EG eGovernment Infringements Court USE: Magistrates courts Injections USE: Immunisation Information security UF: e-security BT: Information management NT: Encryption Information technology security RT: Privacy Injuries UF: Bites Burns Injury Injury prevention 135 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Injury USE: Stings Accidents Sports injuries First aid HL Health RT: SC: Ceiling insulation EN Environment Insurance BT: Finance NT: Accident compensation Health insurance House and contents insurance Indemnity insurance Insurance claims Insurance policies Life insurance Motor vehicle insurance Public liability insurance Workers compensation RT: Actuaries Insurance companies SC: FN Finance Injuries Sports injuries Injury management USE: Trauma management services Injury prevention USE: Injuries Inland waters UF: Waterways BT: Water NT: Lakes Rivers Wetlands SC: EN Environment Insurance claims BT: Insurance RT: Insurance policies SC: FN Finance Inmates USE: Prisoners Insurance companies UF: Insurance industry BT: Finance industry RT: Insurance SC: FN Finance Innovation UF: Business innovation BT: Change RT: Business development Entrepreneurship New technology Sciences SC: IN Industry Insurance industry USE: Insurance companies Insurance industry regulation USE: Finance industry regulation Inoculations USE: Immunisation Insurance policies BT: Insurance RT: Insurance claims SC: FN Finance Insecticides BT: Pesticides RT: Insects SC: EN Environment Integrity Commissioner BT: Commissioners Insects BT: Animals NT: Ants Bees Locusts Mosquitoes Termites Thrips Wasps RT: Insecticides SC: EN Environment Intellectual disabilities UF: Intellectual handicaps BT: Disabilities NT: Autism SC: HL Health Intellectual handicaps USE: Intellectual disabilities Insolvency USE: Bankruptcy Intellectual property UF: IP BT: Rights NT: Copyright Patents Trademarks RT: Legal rights SC: LW Law Insulation rebates BT: Rebates Intelligence services UF: Spies Insignia USE: Emblems 136 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: SC: National security DF Defence UF: SN: Intelligent agents USE: Crawlers BT: RT: Intensive care services USE: Critical care services SC: Interactive multimedia USE: Multimedia Studying in Australia The promotion and delivery of education to overseas students either in Australia or by Australian educational providers Education International students International teachers ED Education International law BT: Law SC: LW Law Interactive television UF: Interactive TV BT: Television RT: Digital television SC: EG eGovernment International marketplace USE: International markets International markets UF: Foreign markets International marketplace Overseas markets BT: Markets RT: International trade SC: EC Economics Interactive TV USE: Interactive television Intercountry adoption UF: Overseas adoption BT: Adoption SC: LW Law International relations BT: Foreign affairs NT: Diplomacy RT: International trade National security SC: PO Politics Interest rates UF: Cash rates BT: Fiscal policy SC: FN Finance Intergovernmental relations UF: Commonwealth-State relations Federal-State relations Interstate relations SN: Relations between federal, state, and/or local governments. BT: Politics RT: Federal government Local government State government SC: GV Government International students UF: Foreign students Overseas students BT: Students RT: Exchange students International education Student visas SC: ED Education International teachers BT: Teachers RT: International education SC: ED Education International affairs USE: Foreign affairs International aid USE: Foreign aid International tourism BT: Tourism RT: International travel SC: TO Tourism International assistance USE: Foreign aid International trade UF: Foreign trade World trade BT: Trade NT: Customs Exports Goods dumping Imports RT: Duty-free goods Free trade International development International markets International relations International development BT: Development RT: Foreign aid International trade SC: EC Economics International drivers licences BT: Drivers licences RT: International travel SC: TO Tourism International education 137 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Trade agreements Trade policy IN Industry SC: International travel UF: Overseas travel Overseas trips BT: Travel RT: Air travel Duty-free goods International drivers licences International tourism Visas SC: TO Tourism EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Internet browsers USE: Browsers Internet complaints USE: Broadcasting regulation Internet directories USE: Web directories Internet filters USE: Internet safety Internet UF: Electronic highway Information highway World Wide Web WWW BT: Computer networks NT: Linking Semantic web Social networks Websites RT: Bandwidth Banner advertising Browsers Cookies Cyber bullying Cyber stalking Domain names e-Business e-Commerce e-Government e-Learning Internet access Internet governance Internet radio Internet safety Internet service providers Internet statistics Metadata Online advertising Online gambling Online teaching resources Podcasting RSS Search engines Virtual exhibitions Virtual libraries Voice over IP SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Internet governance BT: Governance RT: Information technology governance Internet SC: EG eGovernment Internet radio BT: Radio RT: Internet SC: CO Communication Internet relay calls USE: Telephone access services Internet safety UF: Cybersafety Internet filters BT: Safety RT: Internet SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Internet service providers UF: ISPs Web hosting BT: ICT industry RT: Internet Internet access SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Internet sites USE: Websites Internet statistics BT: Statistics RT: Internet Web analytics SC: EG eGovernment Internet access UF: Access to internet Public internet access BT: Access to information RT: Accessibility Digital divide Internet Internet service providers Internet voting USE: e-Voting Interoperability standards BT: Standards SC: EG eGovernment 138 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Interpretation USE: Translation services Investment promotion Investment industry regulation USE: Finance industry regulation Interpreter assistance USE: Translation services Investment opportunities USE: Investment promotion Interpreters USE: Translation services Investment portfolios BT: Investment RT: Personal investment SC: FN Finance Interpreting services USE: Translation services Interstate relations USE: Intergovernmental relations Investment promotion UF: Investment attraction Investment opportunities BT: Investment SC: FN Finance Interstate travel USE: Domestic travel Interstate voting USE: Voting Investment taxation BT: Investment Taxation RT: Business taxation Personal taxation SC: FN Finance Intervention orders USE: Domestic violence Intoxication USE: Alcohol abuse Investments BT: Investment SC: FN Finance Intranets BT: Computer networks NT: Websites RT: Extranets SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Investors BT: Groups RT: Investment SC: FN Finance Invoicing USE: Billing Introduced animals USE: Exotic animals Introduction agents BT: Occupations SC: ET Employment Investing USE: Investment IP USE: Intellectual property iPad USE: Tablet computers iPhones USE: Mobile phones Investment UF: Capital investment Investing BT: Finance Finance industry NT: Foreign investment Investment portfolios Investment promotion Investment taxation Investments Personal investment RT: Capital Depreciation Investors Stock markets SC: FN Finance Irrigation BT: Agriculture Water NT: Sustainable irrigation RT: Droughts Land management Water management SC: IN Industry Islam USE: Religion ISPs USE: Internet service providers IT Investment attraction 139 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Information and communications technology IT careers USE: Careers in ICT IT companies USE: ICT industry IT contracts USE: ICT contracts IT governance USE: Information technology governance IT industry USE: ICT industry IT jobs USE: Careers in ICT IT projects USE: ICT projects IT security USE: Information technology security IT skills USE: ICT skills IT standards USE: ICT standards ITABs USE: Industry training boards ITR USE: Tax returns IVF USE: Reproductive technology IVF programs USE: Fertility services 140 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: J Jails USE: Job placement USE: Employment services Prisons Job programs USE: Recruitment programs Javascripts UF: JScripts BT: Computer languages RT: Ajax SC: EG eGovernment Job prospects USE: Job vacancies Job search USE: Job vacancies Jazz festivals BT: Music festivals SC: CU Culture Job seeker benefits USE: Unemployment benefits Jet skiing UF: Jetskiing Jet-skiing BT: Beach activities SC: RC Recreation Job seekers UF: Jobseekers Job-seekers Unemployed persons BT: Groups NT: Long term unemployed RT: Employment services Job seeking Job vacancies Resumes Unemployment benefits SC: ET Employment Jetskiing USE: Jet skiing Jet-skiing USE: Jet skiing Jitte USE: Job vacancies Prohibited weapons Job seeking UF: Jobseeking Job-seeking BT: Unemployment NT: Job applications Resumes RT: Job seekers Job vacancies Recruitment SC: ET Employment Job ads USE: Job vacancies Job advertisements USE: Job vacancies Job agencies USE: Employment agencies Job application forms USE: Job applications Job skills UF: Key competencies Office skills Work skills BT: Skills RT: Leadership Skilled labour Skills shortages SC: ET Employment Job applications UF: Applications for employment Job application forms Jobs BT: Job seeking RT: Job vacancies Resumes Selection criteria SC: ET Employment Job training USE: Training Job descriptions USE: Position descriptions Job vacancies UF: Available positions Careers Employment opportunities Employment vacancies Find a job Find jobs Government jobs Job ads Job advertisements Job initiatives USE: Employment programs Job openings USE: Job vacancies Job opportunities 141 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SN: BT: RT: SC: Jobs USE: Job openings Job opportunities Job prospects Job search Jobs Positions vacant Public sector employment Situations vacant Staff vacancies Vacancies Job vacancies and opportunities. For different kinds of jobs, see Occupations Labour market Equal employment opportunity Job applications Job seekers Job seeking Occupations Recruitment Selection criteria ET Employment USE: Job applications Job vacancies BT: SC: Religion Judges UF: Judiciary BT: Officials RT: Courts Legal profession Magistrates SC: LW Law Judgments USE: Court procedures Judicial colleges BT: Educational institutions SC: LW Law Judiciary USE: Judges Juries UF: Jurors Jury duty Jury service Courts LW Law Jobs in nursing USE: Careers in nursing Jurors USE: Juries Jobseeker benefits USE: Unemployment benefits Jury duty USE: Juries Jobseekers USE: Job seekers Jury service USE: Juries Job-seekers USE: Job seekers Justice UF: Criminal justice Legal system NT: Court procedures Courts Juvenile justice Punishment RT: Attorney-General Conflicts Law SC: LW Law Jobseeking USE: Job seeking Job-seeking USE: Job seeking Joint ventures BT: Businesses SC: BS Business Justices of the Peace USE: Honorary Justices Journalists BT: Occupations RT: Media industry SC: ET Employment Juvenile justice UF: Youth justice BT: Justice RT: Childrens courts Young offenders SC: LW Law Journals USE: Magazines JPs USE: Honorary Justices JScripts USE: Javascripts Judaism 142 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 K Kamas USE: Prohibited weapons USE: Knowledge management Knife USE: Prohibited weapons Knives USE: Controlled weapons Kasari-Fundo USE: Prohibited weapons Knowledge management UF: KM BT: Management RT: Data mining Information management SC: MG Management Kayaking USE: Canoeing Kerbside waste USE: Waste collection Knuckle dusters USE: Prohibited weapons Key competencies USE: Job skills Knuckle knives USE: Prohibited weapons Key learning areas USE: Learning areas Knuckle-dusters USE: Prohibited weapons Key performance indicators USE: Performance indicators Koori art USE: Indigenous art Kick boxing USE: Kickboxing Koori courts USE: Magistrates courts Kickboxing UF: Kick boxing Kick-boxing BT: Combat sports RT: Boxing SC: RC Recreation Koori culture USE: Indigenous culture Koori education USE: Indigenous education Kick-boxing USE: Kickboxing Koori health USE: Indigenous health Kidsafe USE: Child safety Koori heritage USE: Indigenous heritage Kindergartens UF: Kinders BT: Preschool education RT: Child care Preps Preschools SC: ED Education Koori history USE: Indigenous history Koorie art USE: Indigenous art Koorie courts USE: Magistrates courts Kinders USE: Kindergartens Koorie culture USE: Indigenous culture Kiteboarding UF: Kitesurfing BT: Recreational activities SC: RC Recreation Koorie education USE: Indigenous education Kitesurfing USE: Kiteboarding Koorie health USE: Indigenous health KLAs USE: Koorie heritage USE: Indigenous heritage Learning areas KM Koorie history 143 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Indigenous history Koories USE: Indigenous Australians Kooris USE: Indigenous Australians Korean War USE: War KPIs USE: Performance indicators Kubotan USE: Prohibited weapons Kusari-Fundo USE: Prohibited weapons 144 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: L Land forms Land management Land pollution Land tax Land titles EN Environment L plates USE: Learner drivers SC: Labeling USE: Packaging Land Care USE: Landcare programs Labelling USE: Packaging Land development BT: Land management NT: Residential development RT: Planning schemes SC: PL Planning PR Property Labor USE: Labour Labour market Skilled labour Land forms UF: Landforms Natural features Topography BT: Land NT: Beaches Coasts Mountains Peninsulas RT: Topographic data Topographic maps SC: GE Geography Labour UF: Labor Work NT: Skilled labour Voluntary work RT: Employment Industrial relations Labour market SC: ET Employment Labour conditions USE: Working conditions Land lines USE: Telephones Labour Day USE: Anniversaries Public holidays Land management UF: Land use BT: Management NT: Land development Land subdivisions Landcare programs Parish plans RT: Irrigation Land Land pollution Native title Surveying SC: EN Environment PR Property Labour disputes USE: Industrial disputes Labour force participation USE: Employment Labour law USE: Employment law Labour market UF: Labor BT: Markets NT: Employment Job vacancies Unemployment RT: Labour SC: BS Business Land pollution UF: Contaminated sites BT: Pollution RT: Land Land management Litter Water pollution SC: EN Environment Labour relations USE: Industrial relations Lakes BT: SC: Land BT: NT: Inland waters EN Environment Land registration USE: Land titles Land registries USE: Land titles Natural resources Crown lands Freehold land Land registry 145 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Land titles UF: Land rights BT: Legal rights NT: Native title SC: LW Law BT: SC: Land Care Landcare groups Land management EN Environment Landfills USE: Waste treatment Land subdivisions BT: Land management Town planning RT: Houses Land titles SC: PL Planning PR Property Landforms USE: Land forms Landlords BT: Groups RT: Home owners Rental bonds Renting SC: PR Property Land tax BT: Property taxation RT: Land Property valuations Rates Stamp duty SC: FN Finance Landslides BT: Natural disasters RT: Floods SC: EM Emergencies Land titles UF: Certificates of title Land registration Land registries Land registry Land titles office Landata Property certificates Titles Titles search BT: Property NT: Covenants Easements RT: Conveyancing Land Land subdivisions Parish plans SC: PR Property Language assistance USE: Translation services Language other than English USE: LOTE Language services USE: Translation services Languages BT: Communication NT: Community languages Computer languages English language Indigenous languages LOTE Sign language RT: Translation services SC: CO Communication Land titles office USE: Land titles Languages other than English USE: LOTE Land transfer stations USE: Waste treatment Lap top computers USE: Laptop computers Land transport BT: Transport RT: Rail transport Road transport SC: TR Transport Landata USE: Land titles Laptop computers UF: Lap top computers Lap-top computers Laptops Lap-tops Notebook computers Notebooks BT: Computers SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Landcare groups USE: Landcare programs Lap-top computers USE: Laptop computers Landcare programs Laptops Land use USE: Land management 146 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Laptop computers SC: MG Management Lap-tops USE: Laptop computers Leadership programs USE: Leadership Large businesses BT: Businesses SC: BS Business Learner drivers UF: L plates BT: Drivers RT: Drivers licences SC: TR Transport Laser pointers USE: Prohibited weapons Law UF: NT: RT: SC: Learning BT: Development NT: Adult learning e-Learning Flexible learning Lifelong learning Literacy Numeracy Organisational learning Professional learning Study Workplace learning SC: ED Education Law Week Civil law Codes of practice Commercial law Compliance Constitutional law Conveyancing Criminal law Employment law Family law Industrial law International law Law reform Legal services Legislation Local laws Regulations Justice Legal rights LW Law Learning areas UF: Key learning areas KLAs BT: School curriculum SC: ED Education Learning for life USE: Lifelong learning Law courts USE: Courts Learning technology USE: Educational technology Law enforcement USE: Police Learning to drive USE: Driver education Law reform BT: Law NT: Same-sex law reforms RT: Change SC: LW Law Leases USE: Leasing Leasing UF: Leases BT: Ownership RT: Renting Tenancy SC: PR Property Law Week USE: Law Lawyers USE: Legal profession Leave UF: Leaders of the Opposition UF: Opposition leaders BT: Parliamentarians RT: Federal Opposition House of Representatives State Opposition SC: GV Government SN: BT: NT: Leadership UF: Leadership programs BT: Management RT: Job skills Leave entitlements Leave loadings Different types of leave to which a worker may be entitled, including paid and unpaid leave Working conditions Adoption leave Annual leave Carer's leave Family leave Leave without pay Long service leave Maternity leave 147 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Parental leave Paternity leave Personal leave Sick leave Study leave ET Employment Legal profession UF: Barristers Lawyers Legal practitioners Legal secretaries Solicitors BT: Occupations RT: Court procedures Judges SC: LW Law Leave entitlements USE: Leave Leave loadings USE: Leave Legal rights BT: Rights NT: Land rights RT: Civil rights Human rights Intellectual property Law Ombudsmen SC: LW Law Leave without pay BT: Leave SC: ET Employment Lecturers USE: Academic staff LEDs UF: BT: RT: SC: Light Emitting Diodes Lighting Energy efficient appliances EN Environment Legal secretaries USE: Legal profession Legal services UF: Multicultural legal services BT: Law Services NT: Legal aid RT: Legal Ombudsman Legal Services Commissioner SC: LW Law Legal aid UF: Legal assistance BT: Legal services SC: LW Law Legal assistance USE: Legal aid Legal Services Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Legal services SC: LW Law Legal compliance USE: Compliance Legal decisions USE: Court procedures Legal system USE: Justice Legal documents BT: Documents NT: Affidavits Statutory declarations Warrants Wills SC: LW Law Legionella USE: Legionnaires disease Legionnaires disease UF: Legionella BT: Respiratory diseases SC: HL Health Legal guardianship USE: Guardians Legislation UF: Acts Acts of Parliament Bills Statutes BT: Law NT: Antidiscrimination legislation Building legislation Disability legislation Educational legislation Environmental legislation Equal opportunity legislation Housing legislation Industrial relations legislation Medical legislation Legal Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: Legal services SC: LW Law Legal policy UF: Policies BT: Policy SC: PO Politics Legal practitioners USE: Legal profession 148 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Nuisance calls legislation Occupational health and safety legislation Planning legislation Privacy legislation Property legislation Public service legislation Road safety legislation Superannuation guarantee legislation Transport legislation Water legislation Policy Senate GV Government LW Law BT: NT: RT: SC: Library contact details Library operating hours Library services Mobile library services Cultural institutions Digital libraries National libraries Parliamentary libraries Public libraries Specialised libraries State libraries Virtual libraries Archives Library funding CU Culture Libraries online USE: Virtual libraries Legislative Assembly UF: Lower House BT: State Parliament RT: Members of the Legislative Assembly SC: GV Government Library USE: Libraries Parliamentary libraries Public libraries Legislative Council UF: Upper House BT: State Parliament RT: Members of the Legislative Council SC: GV Government Library & information services USE: Libraries Library and information services USE: Libraries Library catalogues USE: Libraries Leisure USE: Recreation Library contact details USE: Libraries Lesbians UF: Gay women Homosexual women BT: Women RT: Gay and lesbian travellers Gay men Same-sex relationships SC: CM Community Library funding BT: Financial assistance RT: Libraries SC: CU Culture Library gateways USE: Virtual libraries Leukemia USE: Cancer Library operating hours USE: Libraries Liabilities UF: Liability BT: Accounting RT: Assets Debt SC: FN Finance Library portals USE: Virtual libraries Library services USE: Libraries Liability USE: Liabilities Licence plates USE: Number plates Liability insurance USE: Indemnity insurance Licenced builders USE: Builders Libraries UF: Library Library & information services Library and information services Library catalogues Licenced Motor Car Trader USE: Motor car trader licences Licenced premises USE: Hotels 149 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Licences UF: Licencing Licenses Licensing BT: Registration NT: Boat licences Broadcasting licences Business licences Drivers licences Environmental licences Fishing licences Forklift licences Game licences Gaming licences Gun licences Heavy vehicle licences Motorcycle licences Pest control licences Probationary licences Travel agents licences Wildlife licences SC: GN General GN General Life expectancy BT: Demography RT: Mortality rates SC: SO Society Life guarding USE: Lifesaving Life guards USE: Lifesavers Life insurance BT: Insurance SC: FN Finance Life jackets UF: Lifejackets Life-jackets Personal flotation devices PFDs BT: Safety equipment RT: Marine safety SC: SF Safety Licencing USE: Licences Life long learning USE: Lifelong learning Licensed Motor Car Trader USE: Motor car trader licences Life savers USE: Lifesavers Licenses USE: Boat licences Broadcasting licences Drivers licences Environmental licences Fishing licences Forklift licences Game licences Gaming licences Gun licences Heavy vehicle licences Licences Liquor licences Motorcycle licences Number plates Pest control licences Probationary licences Life saving USE: Lifesaving Life sciences USE: Biology Lifeguarding USE: Lifesaving Life-guarding USE: Lifesaving Lifeguards USE: Lifesavers Life-guards USE: Lifesavers Licensing USE: Licences Lifejackets USE: Life jackets Lien Tzu Chiang USE: Prohibited weapons Life-jackets USE: Life jackets Life events UF: BDM Births deaths & marriages Births deaths and marriages Births deaths marriages BT: Events NT: Births Deaths Marriages Pregnancy Lifelong learning UF: Learning for life Life long learning Life-long learning Recurrent education SN: The concept that learning does not happen only at specific 150 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: periods in a person's life, but that it can occur right throughout a person's lifetime, and programs which support this view Learning Professional development ED Education SC: EG eGovernment Linking UF: Link policies Linking policies BT: Internet NT: Deep linking Link popularity Reciprocal linking SC: EG eGovernment Life-long learning USE: Lifelong learning Linking Melbourne USE: Transport planning Lifesavers UF: Life guards Life savers Lifeguards Life-guards Life-savers BT: Groups RT: Lifesaving SC: EM Emergencies Linking policies USE: Linking Linking Victoria USE: Transport planning Liquid assets USE: Current assets Life-savers USE: Lifesavers Liquid petroleum gas USE: LPG Lifesaving UF: Life guarding Life saving Lifeguarding Life-guarding Life-saving BT: Search and rescue services RT: Beach safety Lifesavers Water safety SC: EM Emergencies Liquidation BT: Business activities NT: Bankruptcy Receivership SC: BS Business Life-saving USE: Lifesaving Liquor licences UF: Licenses Liquor licencing BT: Business licences RT: Alcohol Hotels SC: BS Business Light Emitting Diodes USE: LEDs Liquor licencing USE: Liquor licences Light rail USE: Trams Lists UF: BT: NT: Lighting BT: Infrastructure NT: Fluorescent lamps Incandescent lamps LEDs Street lighting SC: EN Environment PL Planning SC: Checklists Publications Court lists Passenger lists Waiting lists CO Communication Literacy UF: Literacy Links BT: Learning NT: Adult literacy Literacy levels Literacy programs SC: ED Education Limited partnerships USE: Partnerships Link policies USE: Linking Literacy & Numeracy Week USE: Education events Link popularity BT: Linking RT: Reciprocal linking Literacy and Numeracy Week USE: Education events 151 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Literacy levels UF: Student literacy levels BT: Literacy SC: ED Education Living abroad USE: Overseas residency LLEN USE: Literacy Links USE: Literacy LMCT USE: Literacy programs UF: Programmes BT: Literacy Programs RT: Education programs SC: ED Education Loans UF: BT: NT: SC: SC: Loan schemes Financial assistance HELP loans Personal loans FN Finance Lobbying USE: Advocacy Literature BT: Arts RT: Books Censorship Literary awards SC: CU Culture RT: Motor car trader licences Loan schemes USE: Loans Literary awards UF: Premiers Awards Premier's Awards BT: Awards and honours RT: Literature SC: CU Culture Litter UF: BT: NT: Local Learning and Employment Networks Local adoption USE: Adoption Local business directories USE: Business directories Local businesses USE: Business directories Littering Pollution Cigarette butts Syringes Land pollution Littering fines Wastes EN Environment Local council administration USE: Local government administration Local council management USE: Local government administration Local council services USE: Local government Littering USE: Litter Local councils USE: Local government Littering fines BT: Fines RT: Litter SC: LW Law Local elections USE: Council elections Live entertainment USE: Nightlife Local government UF: City councils Councils Local council services Local councils Municipalities Municipality BT: Government NT: Councillors Local government administration Mayors RT: Community directories Community services Council elections Council services Intergovernmental relations Live music USE: Nightlife Liver cancer USE: Cancer Livestock UF: Farm animals BT: Animals NT: Chickens Cows Sheep SC: IN Industry 152 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Local history archives Local laws Public administration GV Government Locusts UF: Locust plagues Plague locusts BT: Insects SC: EN Environment Local government administration UF: Local council administration Local council management BT: Local government SC: GV Government Long service leave UF: LSL BT: Leave SC: ET Employment Local government services USE: Council services Long term community housing USE: Accommodation services Local history UF: Community history BT: History RT: Local history archives SC: CU Culture Long term unemployed BT: Job seekers RT: Long term unemployment SC: ET Employment Local history archives BT: Archives RT: Local government Local history SC: CU Culture Long term unemployment BT: Unemployment RT: Long term unemployed SC: ET Employment Long-life bulbs USE: Fluorescent lamps Local laws UF: Infringements BT: Law RT: Animal registration Local government Parking regulations SC: GV Government LW Law Lost animals USE: Stray animals Lost dog homes USE: Animal shelters Lost dogs homes USE: Animal shelters Local Learning & Employment Networks USE: Local Learning and Employment Networks Lost plates USE: Number plates Local Learning and Employment Networks UF: LLEN Local Learning & Employment Networks BT: State training agencies SC: ED Education LOTE UF: SN: BT: NT: SC: Local libraries USE: Public libraries Foreign languages Language other than English Languages other than English Languages other than English Languages Multilingual issues CO Communication Lotteries BT: Gambling industry SC: RC Recreation Local parks USE: Parks Low birthweight babies USE: Neonatal services Local searches UF: Geotargeted searches BT: Search engines SC: EG eGovernment Low floor trams USE: Trams Locum teachers USE: Relief teachers Low income households BT: Households SC: CM Community Locust plagues USE: Locusts Lower House 153 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Legislative Assembly Lower secondary years BT: Secondary education NT: Year 10 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 RT: Middle years SC: ED Education LPG UF: BT: SC: Liquid petroleum gas Gas TC Technology LSL USE: Long service leave Lung cancer USE: Cancer Lymphoma USE: Cancer 154 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: M NT: SC: Maces USE: Prohibited weapons Mammograms UF: Mammography services BT: Diagnostic services RT: Breast cancer Womens health SC: HL Health Mad cow disease UF: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BSE BT: Animal diseases SC: EN Environment Mafia USE: Mammography services USE: Mammograms Organised crime Managed Individual Pathways USE: Pathways Magazines UF: Journals Print media BT: Mass media Publications RT: Newspapers Publishing industry SC: CO Communication Management UF: Administration Business administration NT: Asset management Best practice Change management Content management Customer relationship management Data management Decision making Domain name management Environmental management Financial management Human resources management Information management Knowledge management Land management Leadership Performance management Project management Quality management Records management Risk management Sports management Waste management Website management RT: Business information Businesses Management training SC: MG Management Magistrates BT: Officials RT: Judges Magistrates courts SC: LW Law Magistrates Court of Victoria USE: Criminal courts Magistrates courts Magistrates courts UF: Federal Magistrates Court of Australia Infringements Court Koori courts Koorie courts Magistrates Court of Victoria Perin Court PERIN Magistrates Court BT: Courts RT: Magistrates SC: LW Law Mail services USE: Postal services Management awards BT: Awards and honours SC: MG Management Major events USE: Sports events Major projects UF: Redevelopment projects BT: Town planning SC: PL Planning Males USE: Spyware Viruses Software IT Information & Communications Technologies Management boards USE: Boards of management Management training BT: Training RT: Management Managers SC: ED Education ET Employment Men Malicious software 155 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Managers BT: Personnel RT: Management training SC: ET Employment Marijuana USE: Illicit drugs Marine accidents UF: Boat accidents Boating accidents Marine incidents BT: Accidents Marine safety Transport accidents SC: EM Emergencies SF Safety Manrikigusari USE: Prohibited weapons Manuals BT: Publications RT: Guidelines SC: CO Communication EG eGovernment Marine biology UF: Marine sciences BT: Biology RT: Oceanography SC: SC Sciences Manufacturers USE: Manufacturing industry Manufacturing awards UF: Manufacturing excellence Manufacturing Hall of Fame BT: Awards and honours RT: Manufacturing industry SC: IN Industry Marine emblems USE: Emblems Marine incidents USE: Marine accidents Manufacturing businesses USE: Manufacturing industry Marine national parks USE: Marine parks Manufacturing companies USE: Manufacturing industry Marine parks UF: Marine national parks BT: Protected areas RT: Marine sanctuaries Oceans Parks SC: EN Environment Manufacturing excellence USE: Manufacturing awards Manufacturing Hall of Fame USE: Manufacturing awards Manufacturing industry UF: Industries Manufacturers Manufacturing businesses Manufacturing companies BT: Industry sectors RT: Manufacturing awards SC: IN Industry Marine pollution USE: Water pollution Marine safety UF: Boat safety Boating safety Maritime safety Seacare Authority Shipping safety BT: Transport safety NT: Marine accidents RT: Boating Boats Distress beacons Ferries Life jackets Sea transport Ships Water safety SC: SF Safety TR Transport Mapping USE: Cartography Maps BT: NT: RT: SC: Publications Fire maps Road maps Topographic maps Tourist maps Walking maps Cartography Planning Spatial information Surveying GE Geography PL Planning TO Tourism TR Transport Marine sanctuaries BT: Protected areas RT: Marine parks Oceans SC: EN Environment 156 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Marriage celebrants UF: Wedding celebrants BT: Occupations RT: Marriages SC: LW Law Marine sciences USE: Marine biology Oceanography Maritime history BT: History RT: Shipwrecks SC: CU Culture Marriage certificates UF: Marriage registry BT: Citizenship documents RT: Marriages SC: GV Government Maritime museums USE: Museums Marriage registry USE: Marriage certificates Maritime safety USE: Marine safety Marriages BT: Family law Life events RT: Divorces Marriage celebrants Marriage certificates Registry offices Weddings SC: LW Law Mark Up Languages USE: HTML Market analysis UF: Market trends BT: Analysis RT: Market research Markets SC: EC Economics Mass media BT: Communication NT: Broadcasting Magazines Newspapers RT: Media industry SC: CO Communication Market research BT: Research RT: Industrial research Market analysis Marketing SC: BS Business FN Finance Masters programs USE: Postgraduate study Market trends USE: Market analysis Maternal & child health centres USE: Maternal and child health centres Marketing BT: Markets NT: Direct marketing Marketing plans Pricing Search engine marketing RT: Advertising Market research Public relations SC: BS Business Maternal and child health centres UF: Infant welfare centres Maternal & child health centres BT: Community centres Health facilities RT: Babies Child health records Childrens health Maternity care services Womens health SC: CM Community HL Health Marketing plans BT: Marketing RT: Business plans SC: BS Business Markets BT: Trade NT: Financial markets Food markets International markets Labour market Marketing Real estate markets RT: Market analysis SC: BS Business Maternity allowances USE: Maternity payments Maternity care services BT: Health services RT: Births Maternal and child health centres Pregnancy SC: HL Health 157 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Maternity immunisation allowances USE: Maternity payments Maternity leave BT: Leave RT: Mothers Parental leave Paternity leave SC: ET Employment Weighbridges MS Measurement Meat BT: RT: SC: Agricultural products Meat industry IN Industry Meat industry UF: Industries BT: Food industry RT: Cows Meat Sheep SC: IN Industry Maternity payments UF: Baby bonus Maternity allowances Maternity immunisation allowances BT: Social security RT: Births Family assistance Immunisation Mothers SC: SO Society Media communications USE: Broadcasting Media industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Journalists Mass media Publishing industry SC: IN Industry Mathematical methods USE: Mathematics Mathematical research BT: Research RT: Mathematics SC: SC Sciences Media releases UF: News releases Press communiques Press releases Press statements BT: Publications NT: Ministerial statements SC: CO Communication Mathematics UF: Mathematical methods Maths BT: Sciences NT: Statistics RT: Mathematical research Numeracy SC: SC Sciences Maths USE: SC: Mediation SN: Method of dispute settlement in which an outside, impartial, neutral party works with the conflicting sides to assist them in reaching a satisfactory negotiated agreement BT: Conflict resolution SC: LW Law Mathematics Mature age students USE: Adult students Mature age workers USE: Older workers Medical authorities UF: Australian Transplant Authority National Blood Authority BT: Authorities RT: Medicine SC: HL Health Mayors BT: Local government RT: Councillors SC: GV Government Medical devices USE: Medical equipment Measles BT: Infectious diseases SC: HL Health Medical equipment UF: Medical devices BT: Equipment RT: Health facilities SC: HL Health Measurement NT: Censuses Counting Meters Surveying Trade measurement Web analytics Medical ethics BT: Ethics NT: Euthanasia 158 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Ethics committees Medical research Medicine HL Health USE: Health services Medical Treatment Act USE: Medical legislation Medical history USE: Medical records Medicare UF: Health care systems Health systems Healthcare systems Health-care systems BT: Health administration NT: Safety net benefits RT: Health care cards Health insurance SC: HL Health Medical legislation UF: Medical Treatment Act BT: Legislation RT: Medicine SC: HL Health Medical practitioners UF: Doctors General practitioners GP BT: Health practitioners SC: HL Health Medications USE: Prescription medicines Medicine UF: Health sciences BT: Sciences NT: Alternative medicine Forensic medicine Geriatric medicine Medical procedures Pharmacies Preventive medicine Sports medicine Veterinary medicine RT: Health services Medical authorities Medical ethics Medical legislation Medical research SC: HL Health Medical procedures BT: Medicine NT: Abortions Blood tests Chemotherapy Corneal donation Gene therapy Organ donation Surgery Tissue donation X-rays SC: HL Health Medical records UF: Health records Medical history Patient information BT: Personal information NT: Child health records Electronic health records RT: Patients SC: HL Health Medicine recalls USE: Drug recalls Medium businesses UF: Medium sized businesses BT: Businesses SC: BS Business Medical registration USE: Health practitioners registration Medium sized businesses USE: Medium businesses Medical research BT: Research RT: Ethics committees Medical ethics Medical research awards Medicine SC: HL Health SC Sciences Melanoma USE: Skin cancer Melbourne BT: Regional areas SC: TO Tourism Melbourne 2030 USE: Planning projects Medical research awards UF: Premiers Awards Premier's Awards BT: Awards and honours RT: Medical research SC: HL Health Melbourne Cup BT: Sports events RT: Horse racing SC: RC Recreation Medical services Melbourne Cup Day 159 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Public holidays Mens health UF: Men's health BT: Health RT: Men Prostate cancer SC: HL Health Melbourne Food and Wine Festival USE: Food and wine festivals Melbourne International Film Festival USE: Film festivals Men's health USE: Mens health Melbourne markets USE: Food markets Mental disorders USE: Mental health Melbourne Museum USE: State museums Mental health UF: Mental disorders Mental illnesses Mentally ill Personality disorders Psychiatric disorders Psychiatric problems Psychoses BT: Health NT: Anxiety disorders Bipolar mood disorder Depression Eating disorders Schizophrenia RT: Mental health services Neurological disorders SC: HL Health Melbourne Zoo USE: Zoos Members of Parliament USE: Parliamentarians Members of the Legislative Assembly BT: Parliamentarians RT: Legislative Assembly SC: GV Government Members of the Legislative Council BT: Parliamentarians RT: Legislative Council SC: GV Government Memoranda USE: Memorandums Memorandums UF: Memoranda Memos BT: Publications RT: Bulletins SC: CO Communication Mental health services UF: Psychiatric services BT: Health services NT: Crisis assessment teams RT: Mental health Psychiatrists Psychologists SC: HL Health Memorials USE: Monuments Mental illnesses USE: Mental health Memos USE: Memorandums Mentally ill USE: Mental health Men UF: BT: Mentoring UF: Mentors BT: Teaching RT: Training SC: ED Education ET Employment NT: RT: SC: Males Adults Groups Gay men Boys Mens health Women CM Community Mentors USE: Mentoring Meningitis USE: Meningococcal disease Mercantile law USE: Commercial law Meningococcal disease UF: Meningitis BT: Infectious diseases SC: HL Health Mercy killings USE: Euthanasia Merit protection boards USE: Teaching standards 160 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Meteorite strikes BT: Natural disasters SC: EM Emergencies Mesothelioma USE: Cancer Met link USE: Suburban trains Meteorology BT: Earth sciences RT: Atmosphere Weather SC: SC Sciences Meta data USE: Metadata Meta search engines UF: Metasearch BT: Search engines SC: EG eGovernment Meters BT: Measurement NT: Electricity meters Gas meters Smart meters Water meters SC: MS Measurement Meta tags UF: Metatags Meta-tags BT: Metadata RT: Search engine optimisation SC: EG eGovernment Methadone programs USE: Drug programs Metlink USE: Suburban trains Metadata UF: Meta data Meta-data BT: Data NT: Meta tags RT: Discoverability Folksonomies Internet Metadata standards Websites SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Metropolitan ambulance services BT: Ambulance services RT: Rural ambulance services SC: EM Emergencies Metropolitan areas UF: Suburban areas Suburbs BT: Places SC: GE Geography Metropolitan trains USE: Suburban trains Meta-data USE: Metadata Micro economics USE: Microeconomics Metadata standards UF: AGLS Australian Government Locator Service DC Dublin Core BT: Standards RT: Metadata SC: EG eGovernment Microchipping USE: Pet ownership Microeconomics UF: Micro economics Micro-economics BT: Economics SC: EC Economics Metasearch USE: Meta search engines Micro-economics USE: Microeconomics Metatags USE: Meta tags Meta-tags USE: Meta tags Microelectronics UF: Micro-electronics BT: Electronics SC: TC Technology Metcard tickets USE: Tickets Micro-electronics USE: Microelectronics Metcards USE: Tickets Microsurgery BT: Surgery SC: HL Health 161 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: Middle years SN: Education of school students between Year 5 and Year 8 BT: School education NT: Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 RT: Lower secondary years Primary secondary transition SC: ED Education BT: SC: Military colleges UF: Defence training BT: Educational institutions RT: Military personnel SC: DF Defence Military decorations USE: Military awards Midwifery USE: Midwives Military forces USE: Defence forces Midwives UF: Midwifery BT: Health practitioners RT: Births Pregnancy SC: HL Health MIFF USE: Military decorations Military honours Awards and honours DF Defence Military history BT: History RT: Defence forces Military service records War War memorials SC: CU Culture Film festivals Military honours USE: Military awards Migrant education UF: Immigrant education BT: Adult and community education RT: Migrants Multicultural education Non English speakers SC: ED Education Military personnel UF: Defence personnel Soldiers BT: Personnel RT: Careers in defence Defence forces Military colleges Military service records Veterans SC: DF Defence Migrant services BT: Community services RT: Migrants Multicultural services Translation services SC: CM Community Military service records UF: Nominal rolls BT: Personal information RT: Military history Military personnel SC: CU Culture Migrant workers USE: Skilled migrants Migrants UF: Immigrants BT: Groups NT: Skilled migrants RT: Immigration Immigration policy Migrant education Migrant services Multicultural communities Non English speakers Refugees SC: CM Community Mineral springs USE: Spa regions Minerals BT: Natural resources RT: Mining industry SC: EN Environment Minimum wage BT: Wages SC: ET Employment Migration USE: Immigration Mining industry UF: Industries BT: Primary industry RT: Minerals SC: IN Industry Migration Review Tribunal USE: Tribunals Military awards 162 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Ministerial statements BT: Media releases RT: Ministers SC: CO Communication Mobile voting BT: Voting SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies PO Politics Ministers UF: Government ministers BT: Parliamentarians RT: Cabinet Ministerial statements SC: GV Government MIPs USE: Mobiles USE: Mobile phones Mobility aids BT: Equipment RT: People with disabilities SC: HL Health Pathways Missing persons BT: Social problems SC: SO Society Molecular biology UF: Molecular sciences BT: Biology SC: SC Sciences Mitcham Frankston freeway USE: EastLink Molecular sciences USE: Molecular biology Mixed schools USE: Coeducational schools Monetary policy USE: Fiscal policy Mixed sex schools USE: Coeducational schools Monetary system USE: Money MMSs USE: Money UF: Australian currency Bank notes Banknotes Bank-notes Coinage Coins Currency Monetary system Royal Australian Mint BT: Finance NT: Cash Unclaimed moneys RT: Fiscal policy Money laundering SC: EC Economics Mobile phones Mobile applications USE: Mobile apps Mobile apps UF: Mobile applications BT: Mobile phones SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Mobile devices USE: PDAs Mobile health units USE: Ambulatory care facilities Money laundering BT: Crime RT: Money Organised crime SC: LW Law Mobile library services USE: Libraries Mobile phones UF: Androids Cell phones i-mode iPhones MMSs Mobiles Smartphones SMSs Texting BT: Telephones NT: Mobile apps SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Money management USE: Financial management Monopolies USE: Unfair trade practices Montessori system BT: Education systems SC: ED Education Monuments UF: Historic monuments Memorials 163 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Architecture War memorials Historic sites CU Culture USE: Motorcycles Motor car trader licences UF: Licenced Motor Car Trader Licensed Motor Car Trader LMCT BT: Business licences RT: Cars SC: BS Business Moomba USE: Cultural festivals Moonlight cinema USE: Films Motor cars USE: Cars Mortality rates UF: Death rates Death statistics BT: Demography RT: Birth rates Deaths Life expectancy Population SC: SO Society Motor cycles USE: Motorcycles Motor racing UF: Car racing Motor sports BT: Racing RT: Grand Prix SC: RC Recreation Mortgage brokers USE: Finance brokers Motor sports USE: Motor racing Mortgage schemes USE: Mortgages Motor vehicle emissions USE: Smoky vehicles Mortgages UF: Home loans Homeloans Home-loans Mortgage schemes Subsidised home loans BT: Personal loans RT: Home ownership SC: FN Finance Motor vehicle insurance UF: Car insurance Comprehensive insurance Third party insurance BT: Insurance RT: Vehicles SC: FN Finance TR Transport Mosquitoes UF: Mossies BT: Insects RT: Pests SC: EN Environment Motor vehicle registration USE: Vehicle registration Motor vehicle theft USE: Theft Mossies USE: Mosquitoes Motor vehicles USE: Cars Motels BT: Tourist accommodation RT: Hotels SC: TO Tourism Motorbike licences USE: Motorcycle licences Motorbike riders USE: Motorcycle riders Mothers BT: Parents RT: Maternity leave Maternity payments SC: SO Society Motorbikes USE: Motorcycles Motorcars USE: Cars Motion pictures USE: Films Motorcycle licences UF: Licenses Motor bike licences Motorbike licences BT: Licences Motor bike licences USE: Motorcycle licences Motor bikes 164 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Motorcycles TR Transport Multicultural communities UF: Community BT: Communities RT: Migrants Multicultural events Multicultural services SC: CM Community Motorcycle registration BT: Vehicle registration RT: Motorcycles SC: TR Transport Motorcycle riders UF: Bikies Motorbike riders Motorcyclists BT: Groups RT: Motorcycles SC: TR Transport Multicultural education SN: Education which offers multicultural perspectives to participants BT: Education RT: Migrant education Multicultural services SC: ED Education Motorcycles UF: Bikes Motor bikes Motor cycles Motorbikes BT: Vehicles RT: Motorcycle licences Motorcycle registration Motorcycle riders SC: TR Transport Multicultural events BT: Cultural events RT: Multicultural communities SC: CU Culture Multicultural legal services USE: Legal services Multicultural services Multicultural policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Multicultural services SC: GV Government Motorcyclists USE: Motorcycle riders Motorists USE: Drivers Multicultural services UF: Multicultural legal services BT: Community services RT: Migrant services Multicultural communities Multicultural education Multicultural policy Translation services SC: CM Community Motorways USE: Highways Mountain ranges USE: Mountains Mountains UF: Mountain ranges BT: Land forms RT: Alpine regions Climbing SC: EN Environment Multilateral missions USE: Embassies Multilingual issues BT: LOTE RT: Multilingual websites SC: CO Communication Mouth cancer USE: Cancer Movies USE: Films MPBs USE: Teaching standards MPs USE: Parliamentarians MPTP USE: Accessible transport Multilingual websites BT: Websites RT: Multilingual issues SC: EG eGovernment Multimedia UF: Interactive multimedia BT: Information and communications technology RT: Digital media Educational technology Film industry SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Multi Purpose Taxi Program USE: Accessible transport 165 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Municipal elections USE: Council elections Municipal rates USE: Rates Festivals Jazz festivals Music CU Culture Municipal services USE: Council services Music industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Music SC: CU Culture Municipalities USE: Local government Myki USE: Municipality USE: Local government MySpace USE: Social networks Smartcards Murray-Darling Basin Authority USE: Water authorities Museum collections BT: Museums RT: Museum exhibitions SC: CU Culture Museum education programs BT: Education programs RT: Museums SC: CU Culture ED Education Museum exhibitions BT: Museums RT: Museum collections SC: CU Culture Museums UF: Immigration museums Maritime museums Police musems Science museums BT: Cultural institutions NT: Museum collections Museum exhibitions National museums State museums RT: Museum education programs Recreational facilities Tourist attractions SC: CU Culture RC Recreation Music UF: BT: RT: SC: Classical music Opera Pop music Rock music Performing arts Concerts Music festivals Music industry Recital centres CU Culture Music festivals 166 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 National economy USE: Economy N National emblems USE: Emblems Name changes USE: Change of name National galleries USE: Art galleries Names BT: Identification NT: Business names Domain names Personal names Place names SC: GN General National libraries UF: National Library of Australia BT: Libraries SC: CU Culture National Library of Australia USE: National libraries NAPLAN USE: National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy National Museum of Australia USE: National museums National anthems UF: Advance Australia Fair BT: National symbols SC: GV Government National museums UF: National Museum of Australia BT: Museums SC: CU Culture National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy UF: Achievement Improvement Monitor NAPLAN P-10 curriculum BT: Assessment SC: ED Education National Native Title Tribunal USE: Tribunals National parks BT: Protected areas RT: Bushwalking Parks Reserves State forests SC: EN Environment National Blood Authority USE: Medical authorities National budgets UF: Budget papers Commonwealth Budget Federal Budget BT: Budgets SC: EC Economics National security BT: Defence NT: Biosecurity Border protection Intelligence services RT: International relations Terrorism SC: DF Defence National colors USE: National colours National symbols BT: Symbols NT: Flags National anthems National colours SC: GV Government National colours UF: Green and gold National colors BT: National symbols RT: Emblems SC: GV Government National Youth Roundtable USE: Youth committees National Curriculum BT: Curriculum RT: School curriculum SC: ED Education National Youth Week USE: Youth events National defence USE: Defence policy Native animals USE: Wildlife National Drug Strategy USE: Drugs policy Native food industry UF: Bush food Bush tucker 167 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Food industry Indigenous culture IN Industry BT: NT: Native plants BT: Plants RT: Wildlife SC: EN Environment Native title BT: Land rights RT: Land management SC: LW Law RT: SC: Transport Satellite navigation Website navigation Transport safety TR Transport Navy UF: BT: SC: Royal Australian Navy Defence forces DF Defence Needle disposals USE: Syringe disposals Natural disaster relief USE: Emergency relief Neighbourhood houses USE: Community centres Natural disasters BT: Emergencies NT: Bushfires Cyclones Droughts Earthquakes Floods Landslides Meteorite strikes Storms Tsunamis RT: Emergency relief SC: EM Emergencies Neighbourhood watch USE: Crime prevention Neonatal services UF: Low birthweight babies Premature babies Special care nurseries BT: Health services RT: Babies Births SC: HL Health NESB USE: Natural features USE: Land forms Non English speakers Networking USE: Networks Natural gas USE: Gas Networks UF: Networking BT: Telecommunications NT: Computer networks Information networks Telephone networks Wireless networks RT: Bandwidth SC: CO Communication IT Information & Communications Technologies Natural heritage BT: Heritage RT: Natural resources World heritage areas SC: CU Culture EN Environment Natural resources BT: Environment Resources NT: Deserts Forests Land Minerals Oceans Soil Water RT: Natural heritage SC: EN Environment Neurological disorders BT: Diseases NT: Autism Dementia Epilepsy RT: Mental health SC: HL Health New Apprenticeship Scheme USE: Apprenticeships Naturalisation USE: Citizenship New Apprenticeships USE: Apprenticeships Naturalization USE: Citizenship New businesses USE: Starting a business Navigation 168 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 New cars USE: Cars BT: NT: New students USE: Beginning students RT: SC: New teachers USE: Beginning teachers Live music Night-life Recreational activities Bars Clubs Hotels RC Recreation Night-life USE: Nightlife New technology UF: Emerging technology Technological innovations Technologies BT: Technology RT: Innovation SC: TC Technology NightRider USE: Buses Ninja claws USE: Prohibited weapons New Years Day USE: Public holidays Nits USE: New Year's Day USE: Public holidays Noise pollution UF: Sound pollution BT: Pollution SC: EN Environment Newcastle Disease USE: Animal diseases Nominal rolls USE: Military service records Newly qualified teachers USE: Beginning teachers Non current assets USE: Non-current assets News releases USE: Media releases Non English speakers UF: NESB Non English speaking background Non-English speakers Non-English speaking background BT: Groups RT: English as a second language Migrant education Migrants SC: CM Community Newsletters BT: Publications RT: Bulletins SC: CO Communication Newspapers UF: Newsprint Print media BT: Mass media Publications RT: Magazines Publishing industry SC: CO Communication Non English speaking background USE: Non English speakers Newsprint USE: Newspapers Non government agencies USE: Non-government agencies Newstart Allowance USE: Unemployment benefits NGOs USE: Head lice Non government schools USE: Private schools Non-government agencies Non prescription medicines UF: OTC medicines Over the counter medicines BT: Drugs RT: Drug recalls SC: HL Health Night Rider USE: Buses Nightclubs USE: Clubs Non profit organisations USE: Non-profit organisations Nightlife UF: Entertainment Live entertainment Noncurrent assets 169 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Non-current assets USE: Non-current assets UF: Fixed assets Non current assets Noncurrent assets BT: Assets RT: Depreciation SC: FN Finance North east Victoria North-west Victoria USE: North west Victoria Notebook computers USE: Laptop computers Notebooks USE: Laptop computers Non-English speakers USE: Non English speakers Notional ATAR USE: University entrance Non-English speaking background USE: Non English speakers Nuclear energy BT: Energy RT: Nuclear policy Nuclear safety Nuclear sciences Radioactive wastes SC: EN Environment SC Sciences Nongovernment agencies USE: Non-government agencies Non-government agencies UF: NGOs Non government agencies Nongovernment agencies Non-government organisations BT: Organisations SC: GN General Nuclear policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Nuclear energy SC: EN Environment SC Sciences Non-government organisations USE: Non-government agencies Nongovernment schools USE: Private schools Nuclear safety BT: Safety RT: Nuclear energy SC: SC Sciences SF Safety Non-government schools USE: Private schools Non-metal knives USE: Prohibited weapons Nuclear sciences BT: Sciences NT: Radiation Radioactive materials RT: Nuclear energy Radiation safety SC: SC Sciences Nonprofit organisations USE: Non-profit organisations Non-profit organisations UF: Non profit organisations Nonprofit organisations Organizations Trusts BT: Businesses Organisations RT: Charities Fundraising taxation SC: BS Business Nuclear wastes USE: Radioactive wastes Nuisance animals UF: Barking dogs Dangerous dogs BT: Animals RT: Cats Dogs Pests SC: EN Environment North east Victoria UF: North-east Victoria BT: Regional areas SC: TO Tourism Nuisance calls legislation BT: Legislation SC: LW Law North west Victoria UF: North-west Victoria BT: Regional areas SC: TO Tourism Number plate styles USE: Number plates North-east Victoria Number plates 170 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: RT: SC: Custom plates Customised plates Damaged plates Licence plates Licenses Lost plates Number plate styles Stolen plates Identification Vehicle registration TR Transport BT: SC: Aged accommodation CM Community Nursing jobs USE: Careers in nursing Nursing profession BT: Occupations NT: Careers in nursing Nurses RT: Nurse registration Nursing Nursing qualifications SC: HL Health Number skills USE: Numeracy Numeracy UF: Number skills BT: Learning NT: Numeracy levels RT: Mathematics Numeracy programs SC: ED Education Nursing qualifications BT: Qualifications RT: Nursing Nursing profession SC: HL Health Nutrition UF: Body image Diets Eating Eating habits Healthy eating BT: Health indicators RT: Eating disorders Food Obesity Recipes SC: HL Health Numeracy levels UF: Student numeracy levels BT: Numeracy SC: ED Education Numeracy programs UF: Programmes BT: Programs RT: Education programs Numeracy SC: ED Education Nurse registration BT: Professional registration RT: Nursing profession SC: HL Health Nursery schools USE: Preschools Nurses BT: Health practitioners Nursing profession SC: HL Health Nursing BT: Health services NT: Home nursing School nursing programs RT: Nursing profession Nursing qualifications SC: HL Health Nursing careers USE: Careers in nursing Nursing homes UF: Aged care homes Old people homes Old people's homes Rest homes 171 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Occupational health and safety legislation UF: Occupational Health and Safety Act OH&S legislation BT: Legislation RT: Occupational health and safety Occupational health and safety policy SC: LW Law O Obesity UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Overweight Health indicators Childhood obesity Eating disorders Nutrition HL Health Occupational health and safety policy UF: OH&S policy BT: Employment policy RT: Occupational health and safety Occupational health and safety legislation SC: ET Employment Obesity in children USE: Childhood obesity Obsessive compulsive disorders USE: Anxiety disorders Occupational diseases BT: Diseases NT: Repetitive strain injuries RT: Occupational health and safety SC: HL Health Occupational safety USE: Occupational health and safety Occupational therapists BT: Health practitioners RT: Occupational therapy SC: HL Health Occupational health & safety USE: Occupational health and safety Occupational health and safety UF: Industrial safety Occupational health & safety Occupational safety OH&S OHS Work Safe Work safety Workplace health Workplace safety Worksafe BT: Health Safety NT: Building safety Electrical safety Farm safety Gas safety Workers compensation Workplace bullying RT: Industrial chemicals Occupational diseases Occupational health and safety legislation Occupational health and safety policy Rehabilitation Work life balance Working conditions Workplace accidents SC: ET Employment SF Safety Occupational therapy BT: Rehabilitation RT: Occupational therapists SC: HL Health Occupations UF: Careers Professions SN: Occupations and professions, such as can be found in the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations (ASCO). For job vacancies and opportunities, see Job vacancies BT: Employment NT: Accountants Actuaries Architects Artists Builders Chaplains Chief Information Officers Chief Technology Officers Child care workers Conveyancers Counsellors Electricians Executors Farmers Finance brokers Heads of state Health inspectors Health practitioners Introduction agents Journalists Legal profession Marriage celebrants Occupational Health and Safety Act USE: Occupational health and safety legislation 172 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: OCD USE: Nursing profession Officials Pawnbrokers Plumbers Politicians Prostitution service providers Public servants Second-hand dealers Social workers Surveyors Tax agents Teaching profession Travel agents Job vacancies ET Employment OH&S USE: Occupational health and safety OH&S legislation USE: Occupational health and safety legislation OH&S policy USE: Occupational health and safety policy OHS USE: Occupational health and safety Oil industry USE: Petroleum industry Anxiety disorders Oil recycling BT: Recycling RT: Petroleum industry SC: EN Environment Oceanography UF: Marine sciences BT: Earth sciences RT: Marine biology Oceans SC: SC Sciences Old age USE: Seniors Oceans UF: Seas BT: Natural resources Water RT: Coasts Marine parks Marine sanctuaries Oceanography Sea transport SC: EN Environment Old Parliament House USE: Parliaments Old people USE: Seniors Old people homes USE: Nursing homes Old people's homes USE: Nursing homes Offenders UF: Criminals BT: Groups NT: Sex offenders Young offenders RT: Crime Prisoners SC: LW Law Older adult education USE: Seniors education Older adults USE: Seniors Office skills USE: Job skills Older drivers BT: Drivers RT: Seniors SC: TR Transport Official archives USE: Government archives Older people USE: Seniors Officials BT: Occupations NT: Bail Justices Commissioners Coroners Diplomats Honorary Justices Judges Magistrates Ombudsmen RT: Heads of state SC: GV Government Older persons USE: Seniors Older workers UF: Mature age workers BT: Workforce RT: Seniors SC: ET Employment Olympic Games BT: Sports events SC: RC Recreation 173 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Ombudsman USE: Ombudsmen Ombudsmen UF: Ombudsman BT: Officials NT: CityLink Customer Ombudsman Commonwealth Ombudsman Energy and Water Ombudsman Fair Work Ombudsman Legal Ombudsman Postal Industry Ombudsman Private Health Insurance Ombudsman Public Transport Ombudsman State Ombudsman RT: Complaints Consumer protection Legal rights SC: GV Government LW Law BT: RT: SC: e-Forms Electronic forms Forms online Web forms xForms Forms Websites EG eGovernment Online gambling BT: Gambling RT: Internet SC: RC Recreation Online government services USE: Government services Online learning USE: e-Learning Online payments USE: Billing On line voting USE: e-Voting Online registration USE: Registration Online advertising BT: Advertising NT: Banner advertising RT: Internet SC: CO Communication EG eGovernment Online scammers USE: Online scams Online scams UF: Online scammers BT: Scams SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Online auctioning USE: Online auctions Online shopping USE: e-Commerce Online auctions UF: Online auctioning Reverse auctioning Reverse auctions BT: Sales SC: EG eGovernment Online teaching resources BT: Educational resources RT: Internet SC: ED Education Online business USE: e-Business Online voting USE: e-Voting Online communications USE: Computer networks On-line voting USE: e-Voting Online communities BT: Communities RT: Computer networks SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Ontologies UF: Ontology BT: Controlled vocabularies SC: EG eGovernment Ontology USE: Ontologies Online consultations USE: e-Consultations Open source software UF: Freeware Open-source software Shareware BT: Software SC: EG eGovernment Online exhibitions USE: Virtual exhibitions Online forms UF: E forms eforms 174 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Open-source software USE: Open source software Opera USE: Organic food BT: Food RT: Organic farming SC: IN Industry Music Ophthalmological services USE: Ophthalmology services Organic growers USE: Organic farming Ophthalmology services UF: Ophthalmological services BT: Health services RT: Vision impairments SC: HL Health Organic matter USE: Bioenergy OPML UF: BT: SC: Organisational learning UF: Corporate learning Organizational learning BT: Learning RT: Organisations Workplace learning SC: ED Education Outline Processor Markup Language Computer languages EG eGovernment Organisations UF: Organizations BT: Groups NT: Authorities Businesses Charities Corporations Employer associations Environmental organisations Industry associations Non-government agencies Non-profit organisations Research institutes Sports organisations Unions Youth committees RT: Organisational learning SC: GN General Opportunities USE: Equal opportunity Opposition leaders USE: Leaders of the Opposition Optoelectronics USE: Photonics Opto-electronics USE: Photonics Optometrists UF: Optometry BT: Health practitioners SC: HL Health Optometry USE: Optometrists Oral hygiene USE: Dental services Organised crime UF: Gangsters Mafia Organized crime BT: Crime RT: Money laundering SC: LW Law Orange Card USE: Health care cards Organizational learning USE: Organisational learning Organ donation UF: Organ donors BT: Medical procedures RT: Tissue donation SC: HL Health Organizations USE: Charities Environmental organisations Non-profit organisations Organisations Sports organisations Oral health USE: Dental services Organ donors USE: Organ donation Organized crime USE: Organised crime Organic farming UF: Organic growers BT: Agriculture RT: Organic food SC: IN Industry OS-HELP BT: HELP loans RT: Study abroad SC: ED Education 175 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Overseas study USE: Study abroad Osteopaths BT: Health practitioners SC: HL Health Overseas travel USE: International travel OTC medicines USE: Non prescription medicines Overseas trips USE: International travel Outdoor cinema USE: Films Overseas voting USE: Voting Outline Processor Markup Language USE: OPML Overweight USE: Obesity Outpatients USE: Super clinics Ovine Johne's Disease BT: Animal diseases SC: HL Health Outworkers BT: Groups RT: Employees Working from home SC: ET Employment Owner builders UF: Owner-builders BT: Home owners SC: PR Property Ovarian cancer USE: Cancer Owner-builders USE: Owner builders Over the counter medicines USE: Non prescription medicines Owners corporations USE: Body corporates Overseas adoption USE: Intercountry adoption Ownership NT: Body corporates Home ownership Leasing Pet ownership Renting Tenancy RT: Property Purchasing Sales SC: GN General Overseas aid USE: Foreign aid Overseas employment BT: Employment RT: Overseas residency Study abroad SC: ET Employment Overseas investment USE: Foreign investment Ozone hole USE: Ozone layer Overseas markets USE: International markets Ozone layer UF: Ozone hole BT: Atmosphere RT: Ozone protection SC: EN Environment Overseas qualifications BT: Qualifications RT: Skilled migrants SC: ED Education Ozone layer protection USE: Ozone protection Overseas residency UF: Australians abroad Expatriates Living abroad BT: Citizenship RT: Overseas employment Study abroad SC: GN General Ozone protection UF: Ozone layer protection Ozone Protection Act BT: Environmental protection RT: Ozone layer SC: EN Environment Overseas students USE: International students Ozone Protection Act USE: Ozone protection 176 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 P Parasitic diseases BT: Diseases NT: Head lice SC: HL Health P plates USE: Probationary licences P-10 curriculum USE: National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy Parent information UF: Information for parents BT: Information RT: Guardian information Parents SC: SO Society P-10 education USE: School education Packaging UF: Labeling Labelling Product labels BT: Product development SC: IN Industry Parental leave UF: Parents leave Parents' leave BT: Leave RT: Adoption leave Maternity leave Paternity leave SC: ET Employment Paintball BT: Recreational activities SC: RC Recreation Parenting USE: Parents Palliative care services UF: Terminal care BT: Health services RT: Deaths Terminal illnesses SC: HL Health Parenting payments USE: Family assistance Parents UF: Parenting BT: Families NT: Fathers Mothers Parents as teachers RT: Children Guardians Parent information SC: CM Community Palm printing USE: Palm prints Palm prints UF: Palm printing BT: Identification RT: Fingerprints SC: EG eGovernment Pancreatic cancer USE: Cancer Parents as teachers UF: Home education Home learning Home schooling Homeschooling Home-schooling BT: Parents RT: Teaching SC: ED Education Pandemics USE: Infectious diseases Parents leave USE: Parental leave Panic disorders USE: Anxiety disorders Parents' leave USE: Parental leave Pap screening services USE: Pap smears Parish plans BT: Land management RT: Land titles SC: PL Planning PalmPilots USE: PDAs Palmtop computers USE: PDAs Pap smears UF: Pap screening services BT: Diagnostic services RT: Cervical cancer Womens health SC: HL Health Parking USE: Car parks Parking fines 177 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: RT: SC: Parking infringements Fines Parking regulations LW Law TR Transport SC: Parliamentary committees BT: Parliaments RT: Federal Parliament State Parliament SC: GV Government Parking infringements USE: Parking fines Parking permits UF: Disability parking Disabled parking permits Residential parking permits BT: Parking regulations Permits SC: TR Transport Parliamentary Counsel BT: Parliaments SC: GV Government Parliamentary debates USE: Parliamentary proceedings Parking regulations UF: Street parking BT: Transport regulations NT: Parking permits RT: Car parks Local laws Parking fines SC: TR Transport Parliamentary history BT: History RT: Parliaments SC: GV Government Parliamentary libraries UF: Library BT: Libraries RT: Parliamentary services Parliaments SC: GV Government Parking spaces USE: Car parks Parks UF: BT: RT: SC: Politicians State Parliament GV Government Parliamentary proceedings UF: Hansard Parliamentary debates BT: Government publications RT: Parliamentary services Parliaments SC: GV Government Local parks Public parks Public facilities Recreational facilities Botanic gardens Marine parks National parks Playgrounds RC Recreation Parliamentary services BT: Parliaments RT: Parliamentary libraries Parliamentary proceedings SC: GV Government Parliament House USE: Parliaments Parliament of Australia USE: Federal Parliament Parliamentary sitting dates UF: Sitting dates BT: Parliaments SC: GV Government Parliament of Victoria USE: State Parliament Parliaments UF: Old Parliament House Parliament House BT: Government NT: Cabinet Federal Parliament Parliamentarians Parliamentary committees Parliamentary Counsel Parliamentary services Parliamentary sitting dates State Parliament RT: Parliamentary history Parliamentary libraries Parliamentary proceedings SC: GV Government Parliamentarians UF: Members of Parliament MPs BT: Parliaments NT: Attorney-General Leaders of the Opposition Members of the Legislative Assembly Members of the Legislative Council Ministers Premiers Prime ministers Senators RT: Federal Parliament 178 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Parole UF: BT: RT: SC: Patersons Curse USE: Weeds Adult Parole Board Punishment Prisoners LW Law Paterson's Curse USE: Weeds Participation NT: Youth participation RT: Consultation SC: GN General Pathway programs USE: Pathways Pathways UF: Managed Individual Pathways MIPs Pathway programs Pathways Project Youth Pathways Program Youth transition YPP SN: Programs in which curriculum and educational activities are targeted towards a person's specific academic or career goal BT: Programs RT: Transition programs SC: ED Education Partnerships UF: Limited partnerships BT: Business structures NT: Government industry partnerships SC: BS Business Passenger lists BT: Lists RT: Cruise shipping Family history Passengers Ships SC: TR Transport Pathways Project USE: Pathways Passenger ships USE: Cruise shipping Patient charter USE: Patients rights Passengers BT: Groups RT: Passenger lists SC: TR Transport Patient information USE: Medical records Passive smoking USE: Smoking Patient safety BT: Safety RT: Patients SC: HL Health Passports BT: Travel documents RT: Citizenship e-Passport Visas SC: PO Politics Patient satisfaction BT: Patients SC: HL Health Patient transport USE: Ambulance services Past VCE exam papers USE: VCE past exam papers Patients BT: Groups NT: Patient satisfaction RT: Hospitals Medical records Patient safety Patients rights Waiting lists SC: HL Health Patent registration USE: Patents Patents UF: Patent registration BT: Intellectual property RT: Copyright Trademarks SC: IN Industry Patients rights UF: Patient charter BT: Rights RT: Confidentiality Patients SC: HL Health Paternity leave BT: Leave RT: Fathers Maternity leave Parental leave SC: ET Employment 179 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Patrolled beaches USE: Beach safety PAV USE: UF: Personal alerts Pawn brokers USE: Pawnbrokers BT: SC: Pawnbrokers UF: Pawn brokers Pawn-brokers BT: Occupations RT: Second-hand dealers SC: ET Employment PDF UF: BlackBerry devices Handheld devices Mobile devices PalmPilots Palmtop computers Personal digital assistants Pocket computers Computers EG eGovernment BT: SC: Adobe Acrobat Reader Portable Document Format Software EG eGovernment Pawn-brokers USE: Pawnbrokers PDs USE: Position descriptions Pay a fine USE: Fines PE USE: Physical education Pay rates USE: Remuneration Pedestrian crossings UF: School crossings BT: Pedestrian safety NT: Pedestrian rail crossings RT: School safety SC: SF Safety Pay scales USE: Remuneration Pay television UF: Cable television Cable TV Pay TV BT: Television SC: CO Communication Pedestrian rail crossings UF: Pedestrian railway crossings Rail crossings BT: Pedestrian crossings RT: Rail safety SC: SF Safety TR Transport Pay TV USE: Pay television Pedestrian railway crossings USE: Pedestrian rail crossings Paying a bill USE: Billing Pedestrian safety BT: Personal safety Road safety NT: Pedestrian crossings RT: Pedestrians SC: SF Safety TR Transport Paying a fine USE: Fines Paying fines USE: Fines Payroll tax UF: Pay-roll tax BT: Business taxation RT: Wages SC: FN Finance Pedestrians BT: Groups RT: Pedestrian safety SC: TR Transport Pay-roll tax USE: Payroll tax Pediculosis USE: Head lice PBS USE: Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme PELS USE: PD USE: FEE-HELP Penalties UF: Penalty PERIN system BT: Punishment NT: Demerit points Professional development PDAs 180 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Fines LW Law SC: CM Community Penalty USE: Penalties Performance RT: Standards SC: MG Management Penguin parades USE: Penguins Performance appraisal USE: Performance management Penguins UF: Penguin parades BT: Birds RT: Tourist attractions SC: EN Environment Performance assessment USE: Performance management Performance indicators UF: Key performance indicators KPIs Performance measures BT: Indicators RT: Performance management SC: MG Management Peninsula Link UF: Frankston Bypass BT: Freeways SC: TR Transport Peninsulas BT: Land forms RT: Beaches Coasts SC: GE Geography Performance management UF: Performance appraisal Performance assessment BT: Management RT: Human resources management Performance indicators Quality management SC: GN General Pensioners USE: Pensions Seniors Performance measures USE: Performance indicators Pensions UF: Age pensions Aged pensions Pensioners BT: Social security RT: Retirement Seniors benefits SC: SO Society Performing arts BT: Arts NT: Dance Music Theatre SC: CU Culture People smuggling USE: Illegal immigration Perin Court USE: Magistrates courts People with disabilities UF: Disabled people Disabled persons Handicapped people Handicapped persons BT: Groups RT: Accessibility Accessible transport Adaptive aids Disabilities Disability accommodation Disability assistance Disability discrimination Disability legislation Disability policy Disability services Independent living Mobility aids Personal alerts Rights of the disabled Special needs students Travellers with disabilities PERIN Magistrates Court USE: Magistrates courts PERIN system USE: Penalties Permanent care BT: Home and community care RT: Adoption Foster care SC: CM Community Permanent visas USE: Working visas Permanent water rules USE: Water restrictions Permits BT: Registration NT: Building permits Parking permits 181 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Planning permits Pollution permits GN General Personal mobile computers USE: Tablet computers Personal monitoring services USE: Personal alerts Personal Alert Victoria USE: Personal alerts Personal names UF: Surnames BT: Names NT: Baby names RT: Birth certificates Change of name SC: GN General Personal alerts UF: PAV Personal Alert Victoria Personal monitoring services BT: Alerts RT: People with disabilities Seniors SC: HL Health Personal safety BT: Safety NT: Child safety Home safety Pedestrian safety Student safety RT: Drownings First aid Public safety Travel safety Water safety SC: SF Safety Personal details USE: Personal information Personal digital assistants USE: PDAs Personal finance BT: Finance NT: Personal taxation Superannuation RT: Personal loans SC: FN Finance Personal taxation UF: Individual taxation BT: Personal finance Taxation RT: Income tax Investment taxation Tax returns SC: FN Finance Personal flotation devices USE: Life jackets Personal information UF: Personal details BT: Information NT: Adoption records Criminal records Driver information Employee records Medical records Military service records Student records RT: Contact details Privacy Records management SC: GN General Personality disorders USE: Mental health Personnel UF: Staff BT: Groups NT: Consultants Contractors Employees Employers Executives Managers Military personnel Volunteers RT: Human resources management SC: ET Employment Personal investment BT: Investment RT: Investment portfolios SC: FN Finance Personal leave BT: Leave RT: Carer's leave Sick leave SC: ET Employment Personnel management USE: Human resources management Personnel records USE: Employee records Personal loans BT: Loans NT: Mortgages RT: Personal finance SC: FN Finance Pertussis USE: Whooping cough Pest control UF: Pest management 182 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Environmental health Termite management Pest control licences Pesticides Pests EN Environment RT: SC: Petroleum industry UF: Industries Oil industry BT: Primary industry RT: Gas industry Oil recycling Petroleum SC: IN Industry Pest control licences UF: Licenses BT: Licences RT: Pest control SC: EN Environment Pest management USE: Pest control Pets UF: BT: RT: Pesticides UF: Herbicides BT: Agricultural chemicals NT: Insecticides RT: Pest control Pests Poisons SC: EN Environment Pests BT: RT: SC: SC: Domestic animals Animals Cats Dogs Pet ownership Travellers with pets CM Community PFDs USE: Life jackets Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme UF: PBS BT: Financial assistance RT: Prescription medicines SC: HL Health Animals Mosquitoes Nuisance animals Pest control Pesticides Possums Termites Thrips Wasps Weeds EN Environment Pharmaceutical industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Drug recalls Prescription medicines SC: IN Industry Pharmaceuticals USE: Prescription medicines Pet ownership UF: Cat ownership Dog ownership Microchipping Responsible animal ownership Responsible pet ownership Restricted dog breeds BT: Ownership RT: Animal registration Pets SC: EN Environment Pharmacies UF: Pharmacy BT: Medicine RT: Pharmacists Prescription medicines SC: HL Health Pharmacists BT: Health practitioners RT: Pharmacies SC: HL Health Pet registration USE: Animal registration Pharmacy USE: Pharmacies Petitions BT: Documents RT: Politics SC: CO Communication Petrol BT: SC: Petroleum industry Pipelines TC Technology PhDs USE: Postgraduate study Philosophy BT: Social sciences NT: Ethics SC: SO Society Fuels TC Technology Petroleum BT: Fuels Phone directories 183 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Telephone directories BT: SC: Phone marketing USE: Direct marketing Education ED Education Physical exercises USE: Physical activities Phone networks USE: Telephone networks Physical handicaps USE: Physical disabilities Phone numbers USE: Telephone directories Physical violence USE: Assault Phones USE: Telephones Physiotherapists BT: Health practitioners RT: Physiotherapy SC: HL Health Photographic equipment BT: Equipment NT: Cameras RT: Photography SC: TC Technology Physiotherapy BT: Rehabilitation RT: Physiotherapists SC: HL Health Photographs UF: Photos BT: Publications NT: Aerial photographs Satellite imagery RT: Photography Picture archives SC: CO Communication Picture archives BT: Archives RT: Photographs SC: CU Culture Piercing USE: Beauty industry Photography BT: Visual arts RT: Photographic equipment Photographs SC: CU Culture Piers UF: BT: RT: SC: Photonics UF: Optoelectronics Opto-electronics BT: Electronics SC: TC Technology Station Pier Sea transport Ports TR Transport Pig flu USE: Swine flu Pipelines BT: Infrastructure NT: Drainage Sewerage RT: Gas supply Petroleum SC: PL Planning Photos USE: Photographs Physical activities UF: Activity Exercise Physical exercises BT: Activities RT: Fitness Walking SC: RC Recreation Pistols USE: Firearms Place names UF: Geographical names Geographical place names Placenames Place-names BT: Names RT: Geography SC: GE Geography Physical disabilities UF: Physical handicaps BT: Disabilities NT: Hearing impairments Speech impairments Vision impairments SC: HL Health Placenames USE: Place names Physical education UF: PE Sports education Place-names USE: Place names 184 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Places UF: Areas NT: Antarctic Historic sites Metropolitan areas Regional areas Rural areas SC: GE Geography PL Planning Planning permits BT: Permits RT: Building permits Planning SC: PL Planning Planning policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Planning Planning legislation Planning projects SC: PL Planning Plague locusts USE: Locusts Plain English Speaking Awards USE: Student awards Planes USE: Aircraft Planning projects UF: Melbourne 2030 Urban Development Program SN: Planning projects including key State Government projects BT: Planning RT: Green wedge zones Planning policy Residential development SC: PL Planning Planetariums BT: Recreational facilities RT: Astronomy Tourist attractions SC: RC Recreation Planning NT: Business planning Business plans Planning certificates Planning projects Planning schemes Regional planning Rural planning Strategic planning Town planning Zoning RT: Maps Planning legislation Planning permits Planning policy Property SC: PL Planning Planning scheme amendments USE: Planning amendments Planning schemes SN: Planning schemes used in each municipality in Victoria BT: Planning NT: Planning amendments RT: Green wedge zones Land development Residential development SC: PL Planning Plant diseases BT: Diseases RT: Plants SC: EN Environment Planning & Environment Act USE: Planning legislation Plant sciences USE: Botany Planning amendments UF: Planning scheme amendments BT: Planning schemes SC: PL Planning Plants UF: Planning and Environment Act USE: Planning legislation NT: Planning certificates BT: Planning SC: PL Planning Planning legislation UF: Planning & Environment Act Planning and Environment Act BT: Legislation RT: Planning Planning policy RT: SC: Flora Vegetation Algae Crops Endangered species Fungi Native plants Trees Weeds Biodiversity Botany Plant diseases EN Environment Playgrounds 185 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Recreational facilities Parks RC Recreation Plays USE: Theatre Police UF: Plumbers UF: Gasfitters Gasfitting Plumbing BT: Occupations RT: Sewerage SC: ET Employment BT: NT: RT: Plumbing USE: Plumbers SC: PMs USE: Federal police Law enforcement Police force Police management Police services Policing Victorian police Emergency services Community policing Police checks Water police Chief Commissioner Crime prevention Police bullying Police stations Road safety EM Emergencies LW Law Prime ministers Police bullying BT: Bullying RT: Police SC: LW Law Pneumococcal disease BT: Infectious diseases SC: HL Health Pocket computers USE: PDAs Police checks BT: Police RT: Criminal records SC: LW Law Podcasting UF: Podcasts BT: Broadcasting RT: Internet SC: EG eGovernment Police force USE: Police Police management USE: Police Podcasts USE: Podcasting Police musems USE: Museums Podiatrists UF: Podiatry BT: Health practitioners SC: HL Health Police services USE: Police Podiatry USE: Podiatrists Police stations BT: Public facilities RT: Police SC: LW Law Poisoning USE: Poisons Policies USE: Aged care policy Agricultural policy Arts policy Branding policy Child care policy Communications policy Competition policy Cultural policy Defence policy Disability policy Drugs policy Economic policy Educational policy Employment policy Energy policy Environmental policy Poisons UF: Poisoning BT: Hazardous substances RT: Pesticides SC: EN Environment Poker machines UF: Gaming machines Pokies BT: Gambling industry RT: Casinos SC: RC Recreation Pokies USE: Poker machines 186 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Family policy Fiscal policy Foreign policy Health policy Housing policy Immigration policy Indigenous policy Industrial policy Information policy Legal policy Multicultural policy Nuclear policy Planning policy Policy School policy Science policy Telecommunications policy Trade policy Transport policy Unemployment policy Water policy Womens policy Youth policy RT: SC: Political campaigning USE: Political campaigns Political campaigns UF: Election campaigns Political campaigning BT: Advertising campaigns NT: e-Campaigns RT: Politics SC: CO Communication PO Politics Political parties UF: Political party BT: Politics RT: Elections Politicians SC: PO Politics Policing USE: Police Policy UF: BT: NT: Transport policy Unemployment policy Water policy Womens policy Youth policy Legislation MG Management PO Politics Policies Public policy Social policy Public administration Aged care policy Agricultural policy Arts policy Branding policy Child care policy Communications policy Competition policy Cultural policy Defence policy Disability policy Drugs policy Economic policy Educational policy Employment policy Energy policy Environmental policy Family policy Foreign policy Health policy Housing policy ICT policy Immigration policy Indigenous policy Industrial policy Information policy Legal policy Multicultural policy Nuclear policy Planning policy Science policy Telecommunications policy Trade policy Political party USE: Political parties Politicians BT: Occupations RT: Parliamentarians Political parties SC: PO Politics Politics NT: Advocacy Citizenship Democracy Elections Foreign affairs Indigenous affairs Intergovernmental relations Political parties RT: Petitions Political campaigns SC: PO Politics Polling booths USE: Elections Polling places USE: Electorates Polling stations USE: Elections Polls USE: Elections Pollutants USE: Pollution 187 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Ports UF: Pollution UF: Contaminants Contamination Pollutants BT: Environment NT: Air pollution Carbon pollution Land pollution Litter Noise pollution Water pollution RT: Environmental impact Pollution permits SC: EN Environment BT: RT: SC: Harbors Harbours Infrastructure Sea transport Channels Piers TR Transport Position descriptions UF: Job descriptions PDs BT: Human resources management SC: ET Employment Positions vacant USE: Job vacancies Pollution permits BT: Permits RT: Pollution SC: EN Environment Possums BT: Animals RT: Pests SC: EN Environment Pool fences USE: Swimming pool fences Post codes USE: Postcodes Pool safety BT: Water safety RT: Spas Swimming pool fences Swimming pools SC: EM Emergencies Post compulsory education USE: Postcompulsory education Post graduate studies USE: Postgraduate study Pop music USE: Music Post graduate study USE: Postgraduate study Popular names USE: Baby names Post mortems USE: Autopsies Population UF: Populations NT: Ageing population Population statistics RT: Birth rates Demography Mortality rates SC: SO Society Post offices USE: Postal services Post school education USE: Higher education Postcompulsory education Vocational education and training Population censuses USE: Censuses Post secondary education USE: Postsecondary education Population statistics BT: Population Statistics RT: Censuses SC: SO Society Post traumatic stress disorders USE: Anxiety disorders Postage USE: Postal services Populations USE: Population Postage rates UF: Postal rates BT: Rates RT: Postal services SC: CO Communication Portable Document Format USE: PDF Portals USE: Websites Postal codes USE: Postcodes 188 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Post-graduate studies USE: Postgraduate study Postal Industry Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: Postal services SC: CO Communication Postgraduate study UF: Doctorates Graduate study Masters programs PhDs Post graduate studies Post graduate study Postgraduate studies Post-graduate studies Post-graduate study Programmes BT: Higher education RT: Degrees SC: ED Education Postal outlets USE: Postal services Postal rates USE: Postage rates Postal services UF: Australia Post Mail services Post offices Postage Postal outlets BT: Communications RT: Postage rates Postal Industry Ombudsman Postcodes SC: CO Communication Post-graduate study USE: Postgraduate study Post-school education USE: Higher education Postcompulsory education Vocational education and training Postal voting USE: Voting Postcodes UF: Post codes Postal codes Post-codes Zip codes Zipcodes BT: Directories RT: Postal services SC: CO Communication Postsecondary education UF: Education beyond VCE Post secondary education Post-secondary education BT: Education RT: Higher education Postcompulsory education Vocational education and training SC: ED Education Post-codes USE: Postcodes Post-secondary education USE: Postsecondary education Postcompulsory education UF: Post compulsory education Post school education Post-compulsory education Post-school education SN: Education provided beyond the year prescribed by statute as being compulsory, such as upper secondary years, higher education and vocational education and training BT: Education RT: Postsecondary education SC: ED Education Post-traumatic stress disorders USE: Anxiety disorders Pottery USE: Ceramics Poultry USE: Chickens Pounds USE: Animal shelters Power USE: Post-compulsory education USE: Postcompulsory education Energy Power bills USE: Electricity bills Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme USE: FEE-HELP Power cuts UF: Black outs Blackouts Black-outs Power failures Postgraduate studies USE: Postgraduate study 189 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Power interruptions Power outages Electricity supply Power restrictions PL Planning Pregnancy UF: Ante natal care Antenatal care Having a baby Pregnancies BT: Life events RT: Abortions Births Fertility services Genetic screening Maternity care services Midwives Reproductive technology Womens health SC: HL Health Power failures USE: Power cuts Power industry USE: Energy industry Power interruptions USE: Power cuts Power of attorney USE: Powers of attorney Prejudice USE: Discrimination Power outages USE: Power cuts Premature babies USE: Neonatal services Power restrictions UF: Electricity restrictions Power shortages BT: Electricity supply RT: Power cuts SC: PL Planning Premier of Victoria USE: Premiers Power shortages USE: Power restrictions Premiers UF: Premier of Victoria BT: Parliamentarians State government SC: GV Government Power stations BT: Infrastructure RT: Energy industry SC: PL Planning Premiers Awards USE: Literary awards Medical research awards Sustainability awards Power supply USE: Electricity supply Premier's Awards USE: Literary awards Medical research awards Sustainability awards Powers of attorney UF: Enduring power of attorney Power of attorney BT: Family law RT: Honorary Justices SC: LW Law PR USE: Premiers VCE Awards USE: Student awards Premier's VCE Awards USE: Student awards Public relations Preparatory classes USE: Preps Pre school education USE: Preschool education Preps UF: BT: RT: SC: Pre school programs USE: Preschool programs Pre school students USE: Preschool students Preparatory classes Early years Kindergartens ED Education Preschool children USE: Young children Precincts USE: Regional areas Preschool education UF: Early childhood education Early childhood services Early education Pre school education Pregnancies USE: Pregnancy 190 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Pre-school education Education Child care Kindergartens Preschools Preschool programs Preschool students Young children ED Education BT: RT: Drugs Drug recalls e-Prescribing Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme SC: Pharmaceutical industry Pharmacies HL Health Press communiques USE: Media releases Pre-school education USE: Preschool education Press releases USE: Media releases Preschool programs UF: Best Start Program BestStart Program Early childhood programs Pre school programs Pre-school programs Programmes BT: Programs RT: Preschool education School programs SC: ED Education Press statements USE: Media releases Preventative medicine USE: Preventive medicine Prevention NT: Crime prevention Disease prevention Fire prevention SC: GN General Pre-school programs USE: Preschool programs Preventive medicine UF: Preventative medicine BT: Medicine NT: Immunisation Infection control SC: HL Health Preschool services USE: Preschools Preschool students UF: Pre school students Pre-school students Preschoolers BT: Students RT: Preschool education SC: ED Education Price competition USE: Pricing Price fixing USE: Unfair trade practices Pre-school students USE: Preschool students Price indexes UF: Consumer Price Index CPI Stock price indexes BT: Economic indicators RT: Prices SC: EC Economics Preschoolers USE: Preschool students Preschools UF: Nursery schools Preschool services Pre-schools BT: Preschool education RT: Kindergartens Primary schools SC: ED Education Prices BT: RT: SC: Pre-schools USE: Preschools Pricing Inflation Price indexes EC Economics Pricing UF: Price competition BT: Marketing NT: Prices Quotes RT: Costs SC: EC Economics Prescription drugs USE: Prescription medicines Prescription medicines UF: Medications Pharmaceuticals Prescription drugs Primary curriculum UF: Primary school curriculum 191 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: School curriculum Primary education ED Education Primary teaching UF: Primary school teaching BT: Teaching RT: Primary education SC: ED Education Primary education UF: Primary school education BT: School education NT: Early years RT: Primary curriculum Primary school students Primary schools Primary teaching SC: ED Education Primary to secondary transition USE: Primary secondary transition Prime Minister of Australia USE: Prime ministers Prime ministers UF: PMs Prime Minister of Australia BT: Federal government Heads of state Parliamentarians RT: House of Representatives SC: GV Government Primary industry UF: Industries BT: Industry sectors NT: Agriculture Forestry industry Gas industry Mining industry Petroleum industry SC: IN Industry Principals BT: Teaching profession RT: School education SC: ED Education Primary school curriculum USE: Primary curriculum Primary school education USE: Primary education Print media USE: Magazines Newspapers Primary School Nursing Program USE: School nursing programs Printers USE: Printing industry Primary school students UF: Primary students BT: School students RT: Primary education Primary schools Student scholarships SC: ED Education Printing industry UF: Industries Printers BT: Industry sectors RT: Publishing industry SC: IN Industry Primary school teaching USE: Primary teaching Prisoners UF: Detainees Inmates BT: Groups RT: Correctional facilities Imprisonment Offenders Parole SC: LW Law Primary schools BT: Schools RT: Preschools Primary education Primary school students SC: ED Education Primary secondary education USE: School education Prisons UF: Gaols Jails BT: Correctional facilities RT: Detention centres SC: LW Law Primary secondary transition UF: Primary to secondary transition BT: School education RT: Beginning students Middle years Transition programs SC: ED Education Privacy BT: Civil rights RT: Confidentiality Information security Personal information Privacy Commissioner Primary students USE: Primary school students 192 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Privacy legislation Privacy policy GN General Private higher education providers USE: Private tertiary providers Privacy Act USE: Privacy legislation Private hospitals BT: Hospitals SC: HL Health Privacy Commissioner UF: Federal Privacy Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Privacy SC: LW Law Private providers USE: Private tertiary providers Private schools UF: Independent schools Non government schools Nongovernment schools Non-government schools Private education BT: Schools NT: Catholic schools SC: ED Education Privacy guidelines USE: Privacy policy Privacy laws USE: Privacy legislation Privacy legislation UF: Privacy Act Privacy laws BT: Legislation RT: Privacy SC: LW Law Private tertiary providers UF: Private higher education providers Private providers Private universities BT: Educational institutions RT: Higher education Universities SC: ED Education Privacy policy UF: Information privacy Privacy guidelines Privacy rules Privacy statements BT: Information policy RT: Privacy SC: CO Communication Private universities USE: Private tertiary providers Prizes USE: Privacy rules USE: Privacy policy Awards and honours Probate USE: Wills Privacy statements USE: Privacy policy Probation BT: Punishment SC: LW Law Private cover USE: Private health insurance Private education USE: Private schools Probationary licences UF: Licenses P plates BT: Licences RT: Drivers licences SC: TR Transport Private health insurance UF: Private cover BT: Health insurance RT: Private Health Insurance Ombudsman Private health insurance rebates SC: HL Health Problem gambling BT: Gambling RT: Gambling counselling SC: RC Recreation Private Health Insurance Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: Private health insurance SC: HL Health Procurement USE: Purchasing Produce USE: Agricultural products Private health insurance rebates BT: Rebates RT: Private health insurance SC: HL Health Product development BT: Products 193 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 NT: RT: SC: Packaging Product testing Industrial design IN Industry BT: NT: Product labels USE: Packaging RT: Product recalls UF: Recalled products BT: Product safety NT: Drug recalls Food recalls RT: Dangerous goods SC: SF Safety SC: Employment Fellowships Teacher professional development Work based education Work experience Career counselling Human resources management Lifelong learning Professional learning Promotions ET Employment Professional development for teachers USE: Teacher professional development Product safety BT: Products Safety NT: Food safety Product recalls RT: Dangerous goods SC: SF Safety Professional indemnity USE: Indemnity insurance Professional learning BT: Learning RT: Professional development Work based education SC: ET Employment Product testing BT: Product development SC: IN Industry Professional registration BT: Registration NT: Health practitioners registration Nurse registration Teacher registration SC: ET Employment Productivity UF: Industrial productivity BT: Industry SC: IN Industry Professional training USE: Training Products UF: Commercial products NT: Agricultural products Alcohol Chemicals Dangerous goods Duty-free goods Food Forest products Product development Product safety Wastes RT: Food industry SC: IN Industry Professionalism UF: Professional behaviour Professional conduct BT: Behaviour standards SC: ET Employment Professions USE: Occupations Programmes USE: Alcohol programs Anti-doping programs Apprenticeships Community programs Drug programs Employee assistance programs Employment programs Exchange programs Graduate recruitment programs Holiday programs Indigenous education programs Literacy programs Numeracy programs Postgraduate study Preschool programs Programs School nursing programs School programs Software Professional behaviour USE: Professionalism Professional conduct USE: Professionalism Professional development UF: Career advancement Career development Career progression PD Staff development SN: Opportunities, programs and pathways for people in choosing, developing or changing their careers 194 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Sports programs Training programs Transition programs Work for the dole programs Youth programs Programs UF: Programmes NT: Alcohol programs Anti-doping programs Community programs Drug programs Education programs Exchange programs Holiday programs Literacy programs Numeracy programs Pathways Preschool programs Recruitment programs School nursing programs School programs Sports programs Training programs Transition programs Youth programs RT: Projects SC: GN General BT: NT: SC: Maces Manrikigusari Ninja claws Non-metal knives Push knives Sai Scythes Shanghais Shark darts Shoge Sickles Slingshots Studded gloves Suan Ywe Gou Throwing blades Throwing stars Tonfas Trench knives Weighted gloves Whip spears Whips Weapons Swords LW Law Project management BT: Management SC: MG Management Prohibited weapons UF: 7 piece iron chains 9 piece iron chains Ballistic knives Baton-chucks Bian Tzu Chiang Blow guns Blow-guns Bo-chucks Butterfly knives Butterfly swords Cat o'nine tails Catapults Ceramic knives Chinese whips Crossbows Daggers Dart projectors Darts Double-end knives Extendable batons Flails Flick knives Hunting slings Jitte Kamas Kasari-Fundo Knife Knuckle dusters Knuckle knives Knuckle-dusters Kubotan Kusari-Fundo Laser pointers Lien Tzu Chiang Projects BT: Activities NT: ICT projects RT: Programs SC: GN General Promotions UF: Advancement SN: Elevation of employment status, including remuneration and/or level of responsibility, within a workplace BT: Human resources management RT: Professional development SC: ET Employment Proof of age USE: Identification Proof of identity USE: Identification Property NT: Deceased estates Land titles Property valuations Real estate RT: Conveyancing Ownership Planning Property taxation SC: PR Property Property certificates USE: Land titles 195 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Property legislation UF: Duties Act Transfer of Land Act BT: Legislation SC: PR Property Refugees PO Politics Protective equipment USE: Safety equipment Protocol BT: Diplomacy SC: PO Politics Property rates USE: Rates Property taxation BT: Taxation NT: Capital gains tax Land tax Rates Stamp duty RT: Property SC: FN Finance Psychiatric disorders USE: Mental health Property valuations UF: Property values BT: Property RT: Land tax Rates SC: PR Property Psychiatrists BT: Health practitioners RT: Mental health services SC: HL Health Psychiatric problems USE: Mental health Psychiatric services USE: Mental health services Psychologists UF: Psychology BT: Health practitioners RT: Counselling services Mental health services SC: HL Health Property values USE: Property valuations Proprietary names USE: Business names Psychology USE: Psychologists Prosecutions UF: Public prosecutions BT: Court procedures RT: Sentencing SC: LW Law Psychoses USE: Mental health Public accounting USE: Public finance Prostate cancer BT: Cancer RT: Mens health SC: HL Health Public administration UF: Public sector administration BT: Government NT: Commissions of inquiry e-Government Governance Policy Public finance Public service RT: Commissioners Federal government Local government Public Sector Standards Commissioner State government SC: GV Government Prostitutes USE: Prostitution service providers Prostitution service providers UF: Prostitutes BT: Occupations SC: EN Environment Protected areas BT: Environmental protection NT: Marine parks Marine sanctuaries National parks Reserves SC: EN Environment Public consultation USE: Consultation Protecting children USE: Child safety Public courses USE: Golf Protection visas BT: Visas Public education 196 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Public schools Public employment USE: Public service BT: RT: SC: Public enquiries USE: Commissions of inquiry Public facilities NT: Car parks Cemeteries Correctional facilities Courts Embassies Parks Police stations Public toilets Registry offices RT: Cultural institutions SC: GN General Housing commission flats Housing waiting lists Public housing waiting lists Housing Renting CM Community PR Property Public housing waiting lists USE: Public housing Public inquiries USE: Commissions of inquiry Public internet access USE: Internet access Public liability insurance BT: Insurance SC: BS Business IN Industry Public finance UF: Public accounting BT: Finance Public administration NT: Auditor-General Budgets Treasury RT: Gross national product SC: FN Finance Public libraries UF: Library Local libraries BT: Libraries SC: CU Culture Public lighting USE: Street lighting Public health BT: Health Public safety RT: Public hospitals SC: HL Health SF Safety Public parks USE: Parks Public policy USE: Policy Public prosecutions USE: Prosecutions Public holidays UF: Anzac Day Australia Day Boxing Day Christmas Day Easter Monday Gazetted holidays Good Friday Labour Day Melbourne Cup Day New Years Day New Year's Day Queens Birthday Queen's Birthday BT: Holidays RT: School holidays SC: RC Recreation Public records USE: Archives Public relations UF: PR BT: Communication RT: Advertising Marketing SC: CO Communication Public safety BT: Safety NT: Community safety Public health School safety RT: Personal safety SC: SF Safety Public hospitals BT: Hospitals RT: Public health SC: HL Health Public schools UF: Government schools Public education State education State schools BT: Schools Public housing UF: Affordable housing Council flats 197 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: School regions ED Education BT: RT: SC: Public sector administration USE: Public administration Ombudsmen Public transport TR Transport Public transport safety BT: Public transport Transport safety RT: Rail safety SC: SF Safety TR Transport Public sector employment USE: Job vacancies Public Sector Standards Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Public administration SC: GV Government Public transport tickets USE: Tickets Public utilities USE: Utilities Public servants UF: Civil servants Government employees BT: Occupations RT: Public service SC: GV Government Public welfare USE: Welfare services Public works USE: Utilities Public service UF: APS Australian Public Service Civil service Public employment Victorian Public Service VPS BT: Public administration RT: Public servants Public service legislation SC: GV Government Publications BT: Communication Documents NT: Biographies Books Bulletins Charts Conference proceedings Controlled vocabularies Directories Forms Government publications Guidelines Lists Magazines Manuals Maps Media releases Memorandums Newsletters Newspapers Photographs Recipes Reports Toolkits SC: CO Communication Public service legislation BT: Legislation RT: Public service SC: LW Law Public toilet maps USE: Public toilets Public toilets UF: Public toilet maps Toilets BT: Public facilities SC: PL Planning Public transport BT: Transport NT: Buses Fares Ferries Public transport safety School transport services Tickets Timetables Trains Trams RT: Public Transport Ombudsman Sustainable transport SC: TR Transport Publishers USE: Publishing industry Publishing industry UF: Industries Publishers BT: Industry sectors NT: Copywriting RT: Books Magazines Media industry Newspapers Printing industry SC: IN Industry Public Transport Ombudsman 198 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Pubs USE: Hotels Puffing Billy USE: Tourist railways Punishment UF: Corrections BT: Justice NT: Community orders Fines Home detention Imprisonment Parole Penalties Probation RT: Sentencing SC: LW Law Purchasing UF: Buying Procurement BT: Trade NT: e-Procurement RT: Financial transactions Ownership SC: BS Business Push knives USE: Prohibited weapons Pyramid scams USE: Scams 199 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: Q SC: Qualifications UF: Academic qualifications Educational qualifications BT: Education Standards NT: Certificates Degrees Diplomas Nursing qualifications Overseas qualifications Recognition of prior learning Teacher qualifications SC: ED Education Social environment Independent living Work life balance SO Society Quarantine UF: AQIS Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service BT: Customs NT: Imports RT: Biosecurity SC: IN Industry Queens Birthday USE: Public holidays Queen's Birthday USE: Public holidays Quality accreditation USE: Accreditation Queen's Birthday honours USE: Australian honours Quality assurance SN: Planned and/or systematic actions focused on providing confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for quality BT: Quality management RT: Quality control Service agreements SC: BS Business Quotations USE: Quotes Quotes UF: Quotations Quoting SN: Calculated estimates of pricing or costs BT: Pricing SC: EC Economics Quality checks USE: Quality control Quoting USE: Quotes Quality control UF: Quality checks SN: Operational techniques and activities used to fulfil quality requirements BT: Quality management RT: Quality assurance SC: BS Business Quality frameworks USE: Quality management Quality improvement BT: Quality management SC: BS Business Quality management UF: Quality frameworks Total quality management TQM BT: Management NT: Accreditation Quality assurance Quality control Quality improvement RT: Performance management SC: BS Business Quality of life 200 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Radio industry USE: Radio R RAAF USE: Radio stations USE: Radio Air force Race discrimination USE: Racial discrimination Radioactive materials BT: Nuclear sciences RT: Radiation Radiation safety Radioactive wastes SC: SC Sciences Racial discrimination UF: Race discrimination Racism BT: Discrimination SC: SO Society Radioactive wastes UF: Nuclear wastes BT: Hazardous wastes RT: Nuclear energy Radiation Radiation safety Radioactive materials SC: SC Sciences Racing BT: Sports NT: Greyhound racing Horse racing Motor racing SC: RC Recreation Racing Integrity Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Greyhound racing Horse racing SC: RC Recreation Radioactivity USE: Radiation Radiographers BT: Health practitioners RT: Radiotherapy services SC: HL Health Racism USE: Racial discrimination Radiotherapy services BT: Health services NT: Chemotherapy X-rays RT: Radiographers SC: HL Health Radiation UF: Radioactivity BT: Nuclear sciences RT: Radiation safety Radioactive materials Radioactive wastes Solarium regulations SC: SC Sciences Raffles BT: Gaming SC: RC Recreation Radiation protection USE: Radiation safety Rafting BT: NT: RT: SC: Radiation safety UF: Radiation protection BT: Safety RT: Nuclear sciences Radiation Radioactive materials Radioactive wastes SC: SF Safety Radio UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Recreational activities White water rafting Boating RC Recreation Ragwort USE: Weeds Rail crossings USE: Pedestrian rail crossings Radio industry Radio stations Broadcasting Internet radio Sound archives Television CO Communication Rail freight BT: Freight transport RT: Freight trains SC: TR Transport Rail safety UF: Railway safety BT: Transport safety RT: Pedestrian rail crossings Public transport safety Radio complaints USE: Broadcasting regulation 201 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: SF Safety TR Transport Rainwater diverters USE: Water saving appliances Rail trails USE: Bike paths Rainwater tanks USE: Water tanks Rail transport UF: Railway services Railway systems Railway transport Railways BT: Infrastructure Transport NT: Regional rail Stations Suburban rail Tourist railways Trains RT: Freight transport Land transport SC: TR Transport Rape USE: Rare animals USE: Endangered species Rare plants USE: Endangered species Rate payments USE: Rates Rates UF: Railtrails USE: Bike paths Railway safety USE: Rail safety BT: NT: Railway services USE: Rail transport RT: SC: Railway stations USE: Stations Railway transport USE: Rail transport Railways USE: Rail transport RBPs USE: Builders RE USE: Religious education Real estate BT: Property RT: Real estate industry Real estate markets SC: PR Property Rainfall Rain forests USE: Rainforests Rainfall UF: BT: RT: SC: Council rates Municipal rates Property rates Rate payments Rates payments Property taxation Farm rates Postage rates Land tax Property valuations FN Finance PR Property Rates payments USE: Rates Railway systems USE: Rail transport Rain USE: Sexual assault Real estate agents USE: Real estate industry Rain Weather Storms EN Environment Real estate agents licences USE: Estate agents licences Real estate industry UF: Industries Real estate agents BT: Industry sectors RT: Estate agents licences Real estate Real estate markets SC: IN Industry PR Property Rainforests UF: Rain forests Rain-forests BT: Forests RT: Tropics SC: EN Environment Rain-forests USE: Rainforests 202 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Real estate markets UF: Auctions BT: Markets RT: Real estate Real estate industry SC: PR Property BT: RT: SC: Islander people and nonAboriginal Australians Indigenous affairs Indigenous Australians PO Politics Record keeping USE: Accounting Really simple syndication USE: RSS Recordkeeping USE: Accounting Rebates BT: Financial assistance NT: Fuel rebates Insulation rebates Private health insurance rebates Solar power rebates Water rebates SC: FN Finance Record-keeping USE: Accounting Records disposal BT: Records management SC: MG Management Recalled products USE: Product recalls Records management BT: Management NT: Electronic document management Records disposal RT: Archives Content management Information management Personal information SC: MG Management Receivership BT: Liquidation RT: Bankruptcy SC: BS Business Recession UF: Global recession BT: Economy SC: EC Economics Recreation UF: Leisure NT: Recreational facilities Sports RT: Recreational activities SC: RC Recreation Recipes BT: Publications RT: Nutrition SC: HL Health Reciprocal linking BT: Linking RT: Link popularity SC: EG eGovernment Recreation camps BT: Recreational facilities SC: RC Recreation Recreation leave USE: Annual leave Recital centres BT: Cultural institutions RT: Music SC: CU Culture Recreational activities UF: Activity Schoolies Week Tourist activities BT: Activities NT: Beach activities Boating Camping Canoeing Climbing Cycling Fishing Four-wheel driving Gambling Gaming Gardening Hang-gliding Horse riding Hunting Kiteboarding Reclaimed water USE: Water recycling Recognition of prior learning UF: Recognition of qualifications RPL BT: Qualifications SC: ED Education Recognition of qualifications USE: Recognition of prior learning Reconciliation SN: The initiative promoting reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait 203 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Nightlife Paintball Rafting Scuba diving Shopping Touring Tours Wakeboarding Walking Cultural events Recreation Sports Tourism RC Recreation USE: Recycling Recycled water USE: Water recycling Recycling UF: Recycle BT: Waste management NT: Composting Oil recycling Water recycling SC: EN Environment Redevelopment projects USE: Major projects Recreational facilities BT: Recreation NT: Aquariums Botanic gardens Community gardens Parks Planetariums Playgrounds Recreation camps Skate parks Spas Sports facilities Swimming pools Zoos RT: Museums Theatres SC: RC Recreation Redundancies USE: Redundancy Redundancy UF: Redundancies BT: Termination of employment RT: Retrenchment SC: ET Employment Reentry students USE: Returning students Re-entry students USE: Returning students Recreational fishing USE: Fishing Referenda UF: Referendums BT: Electoral system SC: PO Politics Recreational fishing licences USE: Fishing licences Referendums USE: Referenda Recruitment UF: Staff recruitment BT: Human resources management NT: Selection criteria Teacher recruitment RT: Job seeking Job vacancies Recruitment programs SC: ET Employment Refrigerators USE: Appliances Refugee Review Tribunal USE: Tribunals Refugees BT: Groups RT: Asylum seekers Immigration Immigration policy Migrants Protection visas SC: CM Community Recruitment programs UF: Job programs BT: Programs NT: Graduate recruitment programs RT: Employment services Recruitment SC: ET Employment Refuges USE: Emergency accommodation Rectal cancer USE: Cancer Regional areas UF: Precincts Regions BT: Places NT: Alpine regions Central Victoria Coastal regions Recurrent education USE: Lifelong learning Recycle 204 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Eastern Victoria Melbourne North east Victoria North west Victoria Spa regions Tropics Western Victoria Wine regions Regional development Regional employment Regional planning Regional rail Rural areas Touring GE Geography Registered building practitioners USE: Builders Registered training organisations USE: Training providers Registration UF: Online registration NT: Animal registration Boat registration Business name registration Business registration Company registers Licences Permits Professional registration Sex offender registers Vehicle registration SC: GN General Regional development BT: Development RT: Community development Regional areas Rural development SC: IN Industry Registry offices BT: Public facilities RT: Marriages SC: LW Law Regional employment BT: Employment RT: Regional areas Rural employment SC: ET Employment Regulated products USE: Dangerous goods Regional fast rail USE: Regional rail Regulations BT: Law NT: Aged care regulations Biotechnology regulations Broadcasting regulation Building regulations Child care centre regulations Communications regulation Gambling regulations Smoking regulations Solarium regulations Transport regulations RT: Codes of practice Compliance SC: LW Law Regional Forest Agreements USE: Forest management Regional health USE: Rural health Regional planning BT: Planning RT: Regional areas Rural planning SC: PL Planning Regional rail UF: Regional fast rail BT: Rail transport RT: Regional areas SC: TR Transport Regulators USE: Authorities Regulatory authorities USE: Authorities Regional train services USE: Country trains Regulatory bodies USE: Authorities Regional trains USE: Country trains Rehabilitation SN: Rehabilitation of individuals to the best possible level of physical, mental, emotional, social or vocational wellbeing through education and/or therapy [Source: TAGS] BT: Health NT: Occupational therapy Physiotherapy Regions USE: Regional areas Register to vote USE: Electoral rolls Registered builders USE: Builders 205 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Occupational health and safety HL Health Relief teachers UF: Casual relief teachers Emergency teachers Emergency teaching Locum teachers Relief teaching BT: Teachers RT: Casual teachers SC: ED Education RT: SC: Solar energy Tidal energy Wave energy Wind energy Environmental sustainability Sustainable development EN Environment Renovating USE: Home renovations Rent assistance UF: Bond assistance Bond Loan Scheme Bond loans BT: Housing assistance RT: Renting SC: CM Community Relief teaching USE: Relief teachers Religion UF: Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Judaism RT: Religious education SC: SO Society Rental bonds BT: Renting RT: Landlords Tenancy SC: CM Community PR Property Religious education UF: RE Religious instruction BT: Education NT: Catholic education RT: Chaplains Religion SC: ED Education Rental housing USE: Renting Rentals USE: Renting Renting UF: Rental housing Rentals Rents BT: Housing Ownership NT: Rental bonds RT: Landlords Leasing Public housing Rent assistance Tenancy SC: CM Community PR Property Religious instruction USE: Religious education Remuneration UF: Pay rates Pay scales BT: Working conditions NT: Awards Fringe benefits Salaries Wages Work-related expenses RT: Superannuation SC: ET Employment Rents USE: Remuneration Tribunal USE: Tribunals Renting Repatriation Health Card USE: Health care cards Renal dialysis services BT: Health services SC: HL Health Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Card USE: Health care cards Renewable energy UF: Alternative energy Green power Sustainable energy BT: Energy NT: Bioenergy Geothermal energy Hydroelectric power Repetitive strain injuries UF: Repetitive strain injury RSI BT: Occupational diseases SC: HL Health Repetitive strain injury 206 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Repetitive strain injuries Report cards USE: School reports Reserve Bank of Australia BT: Banks RT: Fiscal policy SC: FN Finance Reports BT: Publications NT: Annual reports School reports SC: CO Communication Reserve forces UF: Army Reserve Reservists BT: Defence forces SC: DF Defence Reproductive technology UF: In vitro fertilisation IVF BT: Biotechnology NT: Fertility services RT: Pregnancy SC: HL Health Reserves BT: Protected areas RT: National parks SC: EN Environment Reptiles BT: Animals SC: EN Environment Reservoirs USE: Catchments Reservists USE: Reserve forces Residential buildings USE: Houses Res Code USE: Residential development Residential care UF: Residential facilities BT: Home and community care RT: Aged accommodation Disability accommodation SC: CM Community ResCode USE: Residential development Rescue services USE: Search and rescue services Research NT: Case studies Educational research e-Research Gambling research Industrial research Market research Mathematical research Medical research Scientific research Surveys RT: Ethics Research institutes SC: GN General Residential development UF: Res Code ResCode Residential zones BT: Land development RT: Building regulations Housing Planning projects Planning schemes SC: PL Planning Residential facilities USE: Residential care Residential parking permits USE: Parking permits Research centres USE: Research institutes Residential tenancies USE: Tenancy Research institutes UF: Research centres Research institutions Research units BT: Organisations RT: Research SC: SC Sciences Residential Tenancies Act USE: Housing legislation Residential zones USE: Residential development Research institutions USE: Research institutes Resources NT: Natural resources Workforce SC: GN General Research units USE: Research institutes Respiratory diseases 207 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Diseases Asthma Influenza Legionnaires disease SARS Smoking HL Health BT: RT: SC: Respite care BT: Carer support services SC: CM Community Groups Retirement Retirement villages Seniors Superannuation Veterans CM Community Retirement BT: Termination of employment RT: Pensions Retirees Retirement villages Seniors Superannuation SC: ET Employment Responsibilities USE: Responsibility Responsibility UF: Responsibilities BT: Ethics NT: Accountability Duty of care SC: SO Society Retirement homes USE: Retirement villages Retirement villages UF: Retirement homes BT: Aged accommodation RT: Retirees Retirement SC: CM Community Responsible animal ownership USE: Pet ownership Responsible pet ownership USE: Pet ownership Retrenched workers USE: Retrenchment Rest homes USE: Nursing homes Retrenchment UF: Retrenched workers BT: Termination of employment RT: Redundancy SC: ET Employment Restaurants UF: Eating out Fine dining BT: Hospitality industry RT: Cafes SC: RC Recreation Return to study USE: Returning students Restricted dog breeds USE: Pet ownership Returning students UF: Back to school Reentry students Re-entry students Return to study SN: Students returning to study after an absence BT: Students SC: ED Education Restrictive trade practices USE: Unfair trade practices Resumes UF: Curricula vitae Curriculum vitae CVs SN: Summary documents of a person's employment experience and qualifications, usually drawn up for the purpose of job applications BT: Job seeking RT: Job applications Job seekers SC: ET Employment Reuse of greywater USE: Grey water recycling Re-use of greywater USE: Grey water recycling Reverse auctioning USE: Online auctions Retail industry UF: Industries BT: Industry sectors SC: IN Industry Reverse auctions USE: Online auctions RFAs USE: Forest management Retirees 208 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RFLs USE: Fishing licences Road fatalities USE: Road toll Rich site summary USE: RSS Rifles USE: Road maps UF: Roadmaps BT: Maps SC: TR Transport Firearms Right to life BT: Human rights RT: Abortions Euthanasia SC: PO Politics Road policy USE: Transport policy Road rules BT: Transport regulations RT: Road safety SC: TR Transport Rights NT: Civil rights Equal opportunity Human rights Intellectual property Legal rights Patients rights SC: PO Politics Road safety UF: Driver safety Traffic safety BT: Safety NT: Pedestrian safety Road accidents Road closures Road safety campaigns RT: Accident statistics Car safety Child restraints Police Road rules Road safety legislation Roads Seat belts Traffic alerts Transport safety SC: SF Safety TR Transport Rights of children USE: Childrens rights Rights of the disabled UF: Disabled rights BT: Human rights RT: Disability discrimination People with disabilities SC: LW Law Risk management BT: Management SC: MG Management Rivers BT: Inland waters SC: EN Environment Road Safety Act USE: Road safety legislation Road safety campaigns UF: Arrive Alive BT: Road safety NT: Driver rewards SC: TR Transport Road accidents UF: Accident black spots Accident blackspots Car crashes Road crashes Traffic accidents BT: Road safety Transport accidents RT: Road toll SC: SF Safety TR Transport Road safety legislation UF: Road Safety Act BT: Legislation RT: Road safety SC: TR Transport Road shows USE: Roadshows Road alerts USE: Traffic alerts Road statistics USE: Accident statistics Road closures UF: Track closures BT: Road safety SC: TR Transport Road toll UF: Fatal road accidents Road fatalities BT: Accident statistics RT: Road accidents Road crashes USE: Road accidents 209 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: EM Emergencies TR Transport Royal Australian Air Force USE: Air force Road Traffic Authorities USE: Road transport authorities Royal Australian Mint USE: Money Road trains USE: Heavy vehicles Royal Australian Navy USE: Navy Road transport BT: Transport NT: Travel rebates RT: Freight transport Land transport Road transport authorities SC: TR Transport Royal commissions USE: Commissions of inquiry Road transport authorities UF: Road Traffic Authorities RTA TAC Transport Accident Commission Vic Roads VicRoads BT: Authorities RT: Road transport SC: TR Transport RPL USE: Recognition of prior learning RSI USE: Repetitive strain injuries RSS UF: BT: RT: SC: Really simple syndication Rich site summary RSS feeds Web content Internet CO Communication EG eGovernment Road works USE: Traffic alerts RSS feeds USE: RSS Roadmaps USE: Road maps RTA USE: Road transport authorities Roads BT: Infrastructure Transport NT: Bike paths Freeways Highways Tollways RT: Bridges Car parks Road safety Transport planning SC: TR Transport RTOs USE: Training providers Rubbish collections USE: Waste collection Rubbish dumps USE: Waste treatment Rubbish tips USE: Waste treatment Run off USE: Stormwater Roadshows UF: Road shows BT: Business events RT: Trade fairs SC: BS Business Running a business USE: Business activities Runoff USE: Stormwater Roadworks USE: Traffic alerts Run-off USE: Stormwater Robbery USE: Theft Rural Activity Zones USE: Rural planning Rock music USE: Music Rural ambulance services UF: Country ambulance services BT: Ambulance services Rooming houses USE: Boarding houses 210 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: Metropolitan ambulance services Rural health SC: EM Emergencies Rural trains USE: Country trains Rural zones USE: Rural planning Rural areas BT: Places RT: Regional areas Rural development Rural employment Rural health Rural industry Rural planning SC: GE Geography RYANs USE: Youth committees Rural Conservation Zones USE: Rural planning Rural development BT: Development RT: Regional development Rural areas Rural planning SC: IN Industry Rural employment BT: Employment RT: Regional employment Rural areas SC: ET Employment Rural health UF: Regional health BT: Health RT: Country hospitals Rural ambulance services Rural areas SC: HL Health Rural industry UF: Industries BT: Industry sectors RT: Rural areas SC: IN Industry Rural Living Zones USE: Rural planning Rural planning UF: Farming Zones Rural Activity Zones Rural Conservation Zones Rural Living Zones Rural zones BT: Planning RT: Regional planning Rural areas Rural development Zoning SC: PL Planning Rural train services USE: Country trains 211 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Safety in the home USE: Home safety S Safety investigations BT: Safety management SC: SF Safety Safer communities USE: Community safety Safety UF: NT: RT: SC: Safety management UF: Safety administration SN: Resources on the administration of safety including standards BT: Safety NT: Safety communications services Safety education Safety investigations Safety standards SC: SF Safety Accident prevention Health & safety Health and safety Car safety Fire safety Firearm safety Internet safety Nuclear safety Occupational health and safety Patient safety Personal safety Product safety Public safety Radiation safety Road safety Safety management Snow safety Sports safety Transport safety Travel safety Water safety Accidents HL Health SF Safety Safety net benefits BT: Medicare SC: HL Health Safety standards BT: Safety management SC: SF Safety Safety tips USE: Safety education Sai USE: Prohibited weapons Sailing USE: Boating Safety administration USE: Safety management Salaries UF: Salary Salary awards Salary packaging Salary ranges Salary rates Salary sacrifice BT: Remuneration RT: Wages SC: ET Employment Safety campaigns BT: Advertising campaigns RT: Safety education SC: CO Communication SF Safety Safety communications services UF: Emergency communications services BT: Safety management SC: EM Emergencies Salary USE: Safety education UF: Safety tips BT: Education Safety management RT: Safety campaigns SC: SF Safety Salaries Salary awards USE: Salaries Salary packaging USE: Salaries Safety equipment UF: Protective equipment BT: Equipment NT: Child restraints Distress beacons Life jackets Seat belts SC: SF Safety Salary ranges USE: Salaries Salary rates USE: Salaries Salary sacrifice USE: Salaries 212 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Sales UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Satellite photography USE: Satellite imagery Selling Trade Online auctions Financial transactions Ownership BS Business Save water USE: Water conservation Scammers USE: Scams Salinity BT: Environmental impact RT: Soil Water supply SC: EN Environment Scams UF: Chain letters Con artists Confidence tricksters Pyramid scams Scammers SN: A scam is a scheme designed to take your money dishonestly or deceitfully, and give you little or nothing in return. Source: CAV BT: Fraud NT: Online scams SC: LW Law Salmonella USE: Food poisoning Same sex couples USE: Same-sex relationships Same-sex law reforms BT: Law reform RT: Same-sex relationships SC: LW Law Schizophrenia BT: Mental health SC: HL Health Same-sex relationships UF: Gay couples Homosexual couples Same sex couples BT: Family law RT: Gay men Lesbians Same-sex law reforms SC: LW Law SAML UF: BT: RT: SC: SARS UF: BT: SC: Scholarships BT: Education allowances NT: Student scholarships Teaching scholarships RT: HELP loans Tuition fees SC: ED Education School administration UF: School management BT: Educational management School education NT: School councils School enrolments School fees School funding School policy RT: Schools SC: ED Education Security Assertions Markup Language XML Authentication EG eGovernment Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Infectious diseases Respiratory diseases HL Health School bullying USE: Bullying in schools Satellite imagery UF: Satellite photographs Satellite photography BT: Photographs RT: Aerial photographs SC: PL Planning School bus services USE: School transport services School buses USE: School transport services Satellite navigation BT: Navigation NT: GPS SC: TR Transport School calendars USE: School holidays School chaplains USE: Chaplains Satellite photographs USE: Satellite imagery School charges USE: School fees 213 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 School funding BT: School administration SC: ED Education School councils BT: School administration SC: ED Education School health BT: Health RT: School nursing programs Schools SC: ED Education HL Health School crossings USE: Pedestrian crossings School curriculum BT: Curriculum School education NT: Learning areas Primary curriculum Secondary curriculum VCE curriculum Victorian Essential Learning Standards RT: National Curriculum SC: ED Education School holiday programs USE: Holiday programs School holidays UF: School calendars School term dates School terms School vacations Term dates BT: Holidays RT: Holiday programs Public holidays School education SC: ED Education School districts USE: School zones School dropouts USE: Early school leavers School education UF: P-10 education Primary secondary education Schooling BT: Education NT: Boys education Career education Girls education Middle years Primary education Primary secondary transition School administration School curriculum School regions School safety School students School transport services Secondary education Technical colleges Transition programs Vocational education in schools RT: Principals School holidays Schools SC: ED Education School leavers SN: Students about to leave or who have recently completed secondary school education BT: Students NT: Early school leavers RT: Secondary school students SC: ED Education School management USE: School administration School material charges USE: School fees School nurses USE: School nursing programs School nursing programs UF: Primary School Nursing Program Programmes School nurses Secondary School Nursing Program BT: Nursing Programs RT: School health School programs SC: HL Health School enrolments BT: School administration SC: ED Education School fees UF: School charges School material charges Voluntary contributions BT: School administration Tuition fees SC: ED Education School policy UF: Policies BT: Educational policy School administration NT: School uniforms SC: ED Education 214 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 School programs UF: Programmes SN: Programs offered by schools; can be educational or recreational by nature BT: Programs RT: Holiday programs Preschool programs School nursing programs SC: ED Education School to work transition USE: Transition programs School transport services UF: School bus services School buses Schoolbuses BT: Public transport School education RT: Buses SC: ED Education TR Transport School regions UF: Educational regions BT: School education RT: Public schools SC: ED Education School uniforms UF: Uniform policy BT: School policy SC: ED Education School reports UF: Report cards Student reports BT: Reports RT: Schools Student achievement Student records SC: ED Education School vacations USE: School holidays School zones UF: School districts BT: Schools RT: School safety SC: ED Education School safety BT: Public safety School education RT: Pedestrian crossings School zones Schools Student safety SC: ED Education SF Safety Schoolbuses USE: School transport services Schoolies Week USE: Recreational activities Schooling USE: School education School services USE: Schools School terms USE: School holidays Schools UF: Education providers School services Schools Online SN: Use for resources covering schools from a very broad perspective. Use more specific term if possible BT: Educational institutions NT: Coeducational schools Primary schools Private schools Public schools School zones Secondary schools Single sex schools Special schools RT: School administration School education School health School reports School safety School teachers SC: ED Education School to work programs USE: Transition programs Schools Online USE: Schools School start bonus USE: Study allowances School students BT: School education Students NT: Primary school students Secondary school students RT: Beginning students Bullying in schools SC: ED Education School teachers BT: Teachers RT: Schools SC: ED Education School term dates USE: School holidays 215 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Schools television UF: Schools' television BT: Television SC: CO Communication SC Sciences Scientific research UF: Scientific research institutes BT: Research RT: Sciences SC: SC Sciences Schools' television USE: Schools television Scientific research institutes USE: Scientific research Science achievement BT: Achievement RT: Science awards Sciences SC: SC Sciences Scoresby freeway USE: EastLink Scuba diving BT: Recreational activities SC: RC Recreation Science awards UF: DPI Science Awards BT: Awards and honours RT: Science achievement SC: SC Sciences Sculpture BT: Visual arts SC: CU Culture Science education BT: Education RT: Sciences SC: SC Sciences Scythes USE: Prohibited weapons Sea channels USE: Channels Science museums USE: Museums Sea transport UF: Water transport BT: Transport NT: Boats Channels Ferries Piers Ports Ships RT: Coastal warnings Freight transport Marine safety Oceans Shipping industry SC: TR Transport Science policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Sciences SC: SC Sciences Sciences NT: Biology Chemistry Earth sciences Engineering Forensic sciences Mathematics Medicine Nuclear sciences Social sciences Space sciences RT: Curriculum areas Innovation Science achievement Science education Science policy Scientific instruments Scientific research Technology SC: SC Sciences Seacare Authority USE: Marine safety Search and rescue services UF: Rescue services BT: Emergency services NT: Lifesaving SC: EM Emergencies Search engine marketing UF: SEM BT: Marketing NT: Search engine optimisation RT: Search engines SC: EG eGovernment Scientific equipment USE: Scientific instruments Scientific instruments UF: Scientific equipment BT: Equipment NT: Telescopes RT: Sciences Search engine metrics BT: Web analytics NT: Conversion rates SC: EG eGovernment 216 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Search engine optimisation UF: Search engine optimization SEO BT: Search engine marketing RT: Discoverability Meta tags SC: EG eGovernment Secondary School Nursing Program USE: School nursing programs Secondary school students UF: High school students Secondary students BT: School students RT: School leavers Secondary education Secondary schools Student scholarships SC: ED Education Search engine optimization USE: Search engine optimisation Search engines UF: Google BT: Software NT: Desktop searches Local searches Meta search engines RT: Internet Search engine marketing SC: EG eGovernment Seas USE: Secondary school teaching USE: Secondary teaching Secondary schools UF: High schools High-schools Secondary colleges BT: Schools RT: Secondary education Secondary school students SC: ED Education Oceans Seat belts UF: Seatbelts Seat-belts BT: Safety equipment RT: Child restraints Road safety SC: SF Safety Secondary students USE: Secondary school students Secondary teaching UF: Secondary school teaching BT: Teaching RT: Secondary education SC: ED Education Seatbelts USE: Seat belts Second-hand cars USE: Cars Seat-belts USE: Seat belts Secondhand dealers USE: Second-hand dealers Second Form USE: Year 8 Second-hand dealers UF: Secondhand dealers BT: Occupations RT: Pawnbrokers SC: ET Employment Second hand cars USE: Cars Secondary colleges USE: Secondary schools Securities UF: Bonds Shares Stocks BT: Stock markets SC: FN Finance Secondary curriculum BT: School curriculum SC: ED Education Secondary education UF: Secondary school education BT: School education NT: Lower secondary years Upper secondary years RT: Secondary school students Secondary schools Secondary teaching SC: ED Education Security Assertions Markup Language USE: SAML Selection criteria BT: Recruitment RT: Job applications Job vacancies SC: ET Employment Secondary school education USE: Secondary education Self employment 217 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: SC: Self-employed Working conditions ET Employment USE: Seniors UF: Aged Elderly people Elderly persons Old age Old people Older adults Older people Older persons Pensioners Senior Australians Senior citizens Senior Victorians BT: Adults RT: Accessibility Aged care services Ageing population Elder abuse Older drivers Older workers Personal alerts Retirees Retirement Senior citizens centres Seniors benefits Seniors Cards Seniors education Seniors health Seniors Sunday pass Veterans SC: CM Community Self-employed USE: Self employment Selling USE: Sales SEM USE: Seniors Search engine marketing Semantic web BT: Internet SC: EG eGovernment Senate BT: Federal Parliament RT: House of Representatives Legislation Senators SC: GV Government Senators BT: Parliamentarians RT: Senate SC: GV Government Senior appointments USE: Executives Senior Australians USE: Seniors Seniors abuse USE: Elder abuse Senior Cards USE: Seniors Cards Senior citizens centres UF: Senior citizen centres Senior citizens clubs BT: Community centres RT: Seniors SC: CM Community Seniors benefits UF: Age pensions Aged pensions Seniors' benefits Seniors entitlements Seniors support BT: Social security NT: Seniors Cards Seniors Sunday pass RT: Pensions Seniors Veterans benefits SC: SO Society Senior citizens clubs USE: Senior citizens centres Seniors' benefits USE: Seniors benefits Senior Citizens Week USE: Seniors events Seniors Cards UF: Senior Cards Seniors' Cards Seniors concessions Seniors discounts BT: Seniors benefits RT: Seniors Seniors Sunday pass SC: SO Society Senior citizen centres USE: Senior citizens centres Senior citizens USE: Seniors Senior events USE: Seniors events Senior secondary subjects USE: VCE studies Senior Victorians 218 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Seniors' Cards USE: Seniors Cards Seniors concessions USE: Seniors Cards SC: LW Law SEO USE: Search engine optimisation Separations USE: Divorces Seniors discounts USE: Seniors Cards Septic tanks USE: Waste treatment Seniors education UF: Older adult education Seniors' education U3A University of the Third Age BT: Adult and community education RT: Seniors SC: ED Education Serrated tussock USE: Weeds Seniors' education USE: Seniors education Service agreements UF: Service charters Service level agreements BT: Agreements RT: Quality assurance SC: MG Management Seniors entitlements USE: Seniors benefits Service charters USE: Service agreements Seniors events UF: Senior Citizens Week Senior events Seniors' events Seniors Week Victorian Seniors Festival BT: Events SC: CM Community Service industry UF: Industries Services industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Services SC: IN Industry Service level agreements USE: Service agreements Seniors' events USE: Seniors events Serviced apartments BT: Apartments RT: Tourist accommodation SC: TO Tourism Seniors health UF: Seniors' health BT: Health RT: Degenerative diseases Geriatric medicine Seniors SC: HL Health Services NT: Citizen centric services Community services Council services Emergency services Employment services Government services Health services Legal services Translation services RT: Service industry Utilities SC: GN General Seniors' health USE: Seniors health Seniors Sunday pass BT: Seniors benefits RT: Seniors Seniors Cards Tickets SC: SO Society Services industry USE: Service industry Seniors support USE: Seniors benefits Setting up a business USE: Starting a business Seniors Week USE: Seniors events Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome USE: SARS Sentencing BT: Court procedures RT: Prosecutions Punishment Sewage UF: Effluent 219 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Wastes Sewerage Wastewater EN Environment RT: SC: Domestic violence Sexual abuse LW Law Sexual discrimination USE: Sex discrimination Sewerage UF: Drains Sewers BT: Pipelines Utilities RT: Drainage Plumbers Sewage SC: PL Planning Sexual diseases USE: Sexually transmitted diseases Sexual harassment BT: Harassment RT: Sex discrimination SC: SO Society Sewers USE: Sewerage Sexual health USE: Sexually transmitted diseases Sex discrimination UF: Gender discrimination Gender equity Sexual discrimination BT: Discrimination RT: Sex Discrimination Commissioner Sexual harassment SC: SO Society Sexual violence USE: Sexual assault Sexually transmissible infections USE: Sexually transmitted diseases Sexually transmitted diseases UF: Sexual diseases Sexual health Sexually transmissible infections STDs STIs VDs Venereal diseases BT: Diseases RT: Sex education SC: HL Health Sex Discrimination Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Sex discrimination SC: SO Society Sex education UF: Gender education BT: Health education RT: Sexually transmitted diseases SC: HL Health Shadow Ministers USE: Federal Opposition State Opposition Sex offender registers UF: Sex offender registry BT: Registration RT: Sex offenders SC: LW Law Shadow Ministry USE: Federal Opposition State Opposition Shanghais USE: Prohibited weapons Sex offender registry USE: Sex offender registers Share houses UF: Share housing BT: Houses SC: PR Property Sex offenders BT: Offenders RT: Sex offender registers SC: LW Law Share housing USE: Share houses Sexual abuse BT: Crime RT: Child abuse Domestic violence Sexual assault SC: LW Law Share markets USE: Stock markets Shared supported accommodation USE: Supported accommodation Sexual assault UF: Rape Sexual violence BT: Assault Shares USE: Securities 220 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Shareware USE: Open source software USE: Shopping online USE: e-Commerce Shark darts USE: Prohibited weapons Sheep BT: RT: SC: Shops UF: BT: RT: SC: Livestock Meat industry Wool industry EN Environment Sheriffs Office UF: Bailiffs Sheriff BT: Courts RT: Fines Warrants SC: LW Law Shot guns USE: Firearms Shotguns USE: Firearms Shipping channels USE: Channels Shot-guns USE: Firearms Shipping industry UF: Industries BT: Industry sectors NT: Cruise shipping RT: Sea transport Ships SC: IN Industry TR Transport Shots USE: SC: Immunisation Shower heads USE: Water saving appliances Shower timers USE: Water saving appliances Shipping safety USE: Marine safety RT: Shopping centres Commercial buildings Shopping BS Business Short courses UF: Courses BT: Adult and community education Vocational education and training SC: ED Education Sheriff USE: Sheriffs Office Ships BT: Shops Showerheads USE: Water saving appliances Sea transport Vessels Boats Marine safety Passenger lists Shipping industry Shipwrecks TR Transport Shrine of Remembrance USE: War memorials Sick leave BT: Leave RT: Personal leave SC: ET Employment Sickles USE: Prohibited weapons Shipwrecks BT: Heritage RT: Maritime history Ships SC: CU Culture SIDS USE: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Sightseers USE: Tourists Shoge USE: Prohibited weapons Shopping BT: Recreational activities RT: Shops SC: RC Recreation TO Tourism Sign language UF: Auslan Signing BT: Languages RT: Hearing impairments SC: CO Communication Shopping centres Signing 221 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Sign language SC: Single sex schools UF: Boys schools Boys' schools Girls schools Girls' schools BT: Schools RT: Boys education Coeducational schools Girls education SC: ED Education Skills shortages BT: Skilled labour RT: Job skills SC: ET Employment Skin cancer UF: Melanoma BT: Cancer SC: HL Health Skin penetration USE: Beauty industry Sitting dates USE: Parliamentary sitting dates Slicks USE: Situations vacant USE: Job vacancies Water pollution Slingshots USE: Prohibited weapons Sixth Form USE: Year 12 Small Business Commissioner BT: Commissioners RT: Small businesses SC: BS Business Skate parks BT: Recreational facilities SC: RC Recreation Skiing UF: BT: RT: SC: GN General Small Business Victoria USE: Small businesses Snow skiing Winter sports Alpine resorts RC Recreation Small businesses UF: Small Business Victoria BT: Businesses RT: Small Business Commissioner SC: BS Business Skileld migration USE: Business migration Skilled labour UF: Labor Trades Tradespeople Tradespersons BT: Labour NT: Skills shortages RT: Job skills Skilled migrants SC: ET Employment Small claims USE: Civil disputes Smart cards USE: Smartcards Smart meters BT: Meters RT: Electricity bills Electricity meters SC: MS Measurement Skilled migrants UF: Migrant workers Skilled migration BT: Migrants RT: Business migration Overseas qualifications Skilled labour Working visas SC: ET Employment Smartcards UF: Myki Smart cards BT: Information storage RT: Tickets SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Skilled migration USE: Skilled migrants Smartnumbers USE: Telephone numbers Skills UF: Smartphones USE: Mobile phones NT: Abilities Ability ICT skills Job skills Smog BT: Air pollution 222 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: EN Environment Smoke alarms USE: Smoke detectors Snow safety BT: Safety RT: Snow SC: SF Safety Smoke detectors UF: Smoke alarms BT: Fire safety SC: SF Safety Snow skiing USE: Skiing Snowboarding UF: Snow boarding BT: Winter sports RT: Alpine resorts SC: RC Recreation Smoke free zones USE: Smoking regulations Smoke-free zones USE: Smoking regulations Soccer BT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Smokers BT: Groups RT: Smoking SC: SO Society Social conditions USE: Social environment Smoking UF: Cigarette smoking Passive smoking Tobacco smoking BT: Substance abuse RT: Cigarette butts Respiratory diseases Smokers Smoking regulations SC: HL Health Social environment UF: Social conditions BT: Environment NT: Quality of life RT: Social indicators SC: SO Society Social inclusion BT: Communities SC: SO Society Smoking bans USE: Smoking regulations Social indicators BT: Indicators RT: Social environment SC: SO Society Smoking regulations UF: Smoke free zones Smoke-free zones Smoking bans BT: Regulations RT: Smoking SC: HL Health Social networks UF: facebook MySpace Twitter YouTube BT: Internet SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Smoky cars USE: Smoky vehicles Smoky vehicles UF: Motor vehicle emissions Smoky cars BT: Vehicles RT: Air pollution SC: EN Environment SMSs USE: Snow BT: RT: SC: Social policy USE: Policy Social problems UF: Antisocial behaviour Anti-social behaviour NT: Crime Discrimination Harassment Homelessness Missing persons Substance abuse Vandalism Violence SC: SO Society Mobile phones Weather Snow safety Winter sports EN Environment Snow boarding USE: Snowboarding Social sciences 223 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: SC: Sciences Archaeology Civics Criminology Demography Economics History Philosophy SO Society Society USE: Building societies Friendly societies Software UF: Computer programs Computer software Programmes Software development BT: Information and communications technology Malicious software NT: Browsers Computer games Content management systems Crawlers Geographic information systems Open source software PDF Search engines RT: ICT industry SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Social security UF: Allowances Centrelink payments Social security payments Welfare payments BT: Financial assistance Welfare services NT: Bereavement payments Carer allowances Child care benefits Concession cards Disability assistance Drought assistance Emergency relief Family assistance Family tax benefits Farmer benefits Health care cards Housing assistance Maternity payments Pensions Seniors benefits Study allowances Unemployment benefits Utilities assistance Veterans benefits Youth assistance SC: SO Society Software development USE: Software Soil BT: RT: SC: Natural resources Salinity EN Environment Soil erosion USE: Erosion Solar energy UF: Solar power BT: Renewable energy RT: Solar hot water systems Solar power rebates SC: EN Environment Social Security Appeals Tribunal USE: Tribunals Social security payments USE: Social security Solar hot water systems UF: Solar water heaters BT: Appliances RT: Solar energy SC: EN Environment Social services USE: Community services Social tagging USE: Folksonomies Solar power USE: Solar energy Social welfare USE: Welfare services Solar power rebates BT: Rebates RT: Solar energy SC: EN Environment Social work USE: Community services Social workers UF: Aged care workers Community workers Youth workers BT: Occupations RT: Community services SC: CM Community Solar water heaters USE: Solar hot water systems Solaria USE: Solariums Solarium regulations 224 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Regulations Radiation Solariums HL Health SC: Spatial data USE: Spatial information Solariums UF: Solaria Tanning units BT: Beauty industry RT: Solarium regulations SC: HL Health Spatial information UF: Geospatial information Spatial data BT: Information NT: Topographic data RT: Geodesy Geographic information systems Geomatics Maps SC: GE Geography Soldiers USE: Military personnel Solicitors USE: Legal profession Spatial reference systems USE: GPS Solvents USE: Industrial chemicals Spear-guns USE: Controlled weapons Sound archives BT: Archives RT: Radio Television SC: CU Culture Special care nurseries USE: Neonatal services Special education BT: Education RT: Early intervention Special needs students Special schools SC: ED Education Sound pollution USE: Noise pollution Spa baths USE: Spas Special journals USE: Accounting Spa regions UF: Mineral springs Spa resorts BT: Regional areas SC: GE Geography Special needs students UF: Disabled students Students with disabilities BT: Students RT: Early intervention People with disabilities Special education SC: ED Education Spa resorts USE: Spa regions Space sciences BT: Sciences NT: Astronomy RT: Aviation industry SC: SC Sciences Spam UF: BT: RT: SC: Spas UF: BT: RT: RC Recreation Special schools BT: Schools RT: Special education SC: ED Education Unsolicited emails Unwanted emails Emails Computer crime CO Communication EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Specialised libraries UF: Toy libraries BT: Libraries SC: CU Culture Specialist services USE: Health services Specifications BT: Standards NT: Functional specifications RT: Building regulations SC: PL Planning Spa baths Recreational facilities Pool safety Structural elements Swimming pools Speech impairments 225 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Speed USE: Physical disabilities Telephone access services HL Health Sporting programs USE: Sports programs Sports BT: Recreation NT: Athletics Baseball Combat sports Cricket Cycling Football Golf Racing Soccer Surfing Swimming Tennis Winter sports RT: Fitness Recreational activities Sports facilities Sports funding Sports management Sports organisations Sports programs Sports safety SC: RC Recreation Illicit drugs Speed cameras BT: Cameras RT: Speeding Speeding fines SC: SF Safety TR Transport Speed limits BT: Transport regulations RT: Speeding SC: TR Transport Speeding BT: Driving offences RT: Demerit points Hoon driving Speed cameras Speed limits Speeding fines SC: SO Society Speeding fines UF: Speeding infringements BT: Fines RT: Demerit points Speed cameras Speeding SC: LW Law TR Transport Sports administration USE: Sports management Sports awards BT: Awards and honours SC: RC Recreation Sports clubs USE: Sports organisations Speeding infringements USE: Speeding fines Sports education USE: Physical education Spiders USE: Crawlers Spies USE: Intelligence services Spills USE: Water pollution Sports events UF: Major events Sporting events BT: Events NT: Australian Open Commonwealth Games Grand Prix Melbourne Cup Olympic Games SC: RC Recreation Spina bifida USE: Birth defects Sporting clubs USE: Sports organisations Sports facilities UF: Sporting facilities Sports grounds BT: Recreational facilities RT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Sporting events USE: Sports events Sporting facilities USE: Sports facilities Sports funding BT: Financial assistance RT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Sporting organisations USE: Sports organisations 226 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Sports grounds USE: Sports facilities Staff development USE: Professional development Sports injuries UF: Injury BT: Injuries RT: Sports medicine Sports safety SC: RC Recreation Staff records USE: Employee records Staff recruitment USE: Recruitment Staff training USE: Workplace training Sports management UF: Sports administration BT: Management RT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Staff vacancies USE: Job vacancies Staffing USE: Human resources management Sports medicine BT: Medicine RT: Sports injuries SC: RC Recreation Stage 1 USE: Water restrictions Sports organisations UF: Organizations Sporting clubs Sporting organisations Sports clubs BT: Organisations RT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Stage 2 USE: Water restrictions Sports programs UF: Programmes Sporting programs SN: Programs offering sports activities, including programs for particular groups such as Indigenous Australians or people with disabilities BT: Programs RT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Stage 4 USE: Water restrictions Sports safety BT: Safety RT: Sports Sports injuries Water safety SC: SF Safety Stage two USE: Water restrictions Stage 3 USE: Water restrictions Stage 3a USE: Water restrictions Stage four USE: Water restrictions Stage one USE: Water restrictions Stage three USE: Water restrictions Stakeholders BT: Groups RT: Businesses SC: BS Business Sprinklers USE: Water restrictions Stalking BT: Crime NT: Cyber stalking SC: LW Law Spyware USE: Malicious software SRSs USE: Supported accommodation SSA USE: Supported accommodation Staff USE: Personnel Stamp duty BT: Property taxation RT: Land tax SC: FN Finance PR Property Standards NT: Accessibility standards Behaviour standards 227 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Food standards Hospital standards ICT standards Industry standards Interoperability standards Metadata standards Qualifications Specifications Teaching standards Website standards Accreditation Benchmarking Best practice Compliance Guidelines Performance MS Measurement SC: Grants State government FN Finance GV Government State government UF: Victorian Government BT: Government NT: Premiers State government departments State governors RT: Government contracts Government gazettes Intergovernmental relations Public administration State elections State funding State Ombudsman State Parliament SC: GV Government Starting a business UF: Business start-up New businesses Setting up a business BT: Business activities RT: Business registration Closing a business SC: BS Business State government departments UF: Departments Government departments BT: State government NT: Statutory authorities RT: Federal government departments SC: GV Government Starting school USE: Beginning students Starting students USE: Beginning students State governors UF: Governor of Victoria BT: Heads of state State government SC: GV Government State budgets UF: Budget papers Victorian Budget BT: Budgets SC: FN Finance GV Government State grants USE: State funding State libraries UF: State Library of Victoria BT: Libraries SC: CU Culture State courts USE: Courts State education USE: Public schools State Library of Victoria USE: State libraries State elections UF: Victorian elections BT: Elections RT: State government SC: GV Government State museums UF: Melbourne Museum Victorian museums BT: Museums SC: CU Culture State emblems USE: Emblems State Ombudsman UF: Victorian Ombudsman BT: Ombudsmen RT: State government SC: GV Government State forests BT: Forests RT: National parks SC: EN Environment State Opposition UF: Shadow Ministers Shadow Ministry BT: State Parliament RT: Leaders of the Opposition State funding UF: State grants BT: Financial assistance RT: Federal funding 228 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: GV Government State Parliament UF: Parliament of Victoria Victorian Parliament BT: Parliaments NT: Legislative Assembly Legislative Council State Opposition RT: Parliamentarians Parliamentary committees State government SC: GV Government RT: SC: Federal government departments State government departments Statutory immunity GV Government Statutory bodies USE: Statutory authorities Statutory declarations BT: Legal documents RT: Affidavits Bail Justices Honorary Justices SC: LW Law State schools USE: Public schools Statutory immunity BT: Civil rights RT: Statutory authorities SC: LW Law State training agencies UF: Victorian Learning and Employment Skills Commission VLESC BT: Training NT: Local Learning and Employment Networks SC: ED Education STDs USE: Sexually transmitted diseases Steiner system BT: Education systems SC: ED Education State Treasury USE: Treasury Stings USE: Injuries Statements of results USE: VCE results STIs USE: Station Pier USE: Piers Sexually transmitted diseases Stock exchanges USE: Stock markets Stations UF: Railway stations Train stations BT: Rail transport RT: Trains SC: TR Transport Stock markets UF: Foreign exchanges Share markets Stock exchanges BT: Financial markets NT: Securities RT: Investment SC: FN Finance Statistical information USE: Statistics Statistics UF: Statistical information BT: Mathematics NT: Accident statistics Alcohol statistics Crime statistics Drug statistics Internet statistics Population statistics RT: Indicators SC: MS Measurement Stock price indexes USE: Price indexes Stocks USE: Securities Stolen plates USE: Number plates Stomach cancer USE: Cancer Statutes USE: Legislation Stop work meetings USE: Industrial disputes Statutory authorities UF: Statutory bodies BT: Authorities Stop-work meetings USE: Industrial disputes 229 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Storm damage USE: Storms USE: Stray animals Street kids USE: Homeless people Storm surges USE: Storms Street lighting UF: Public lighting Street lights BT: Lighting SC: PL Planning Storm warnings BT: Alerts RT: Flood warnings Storms Weather alerts SC: EM Emergencies Street lights USE: Street lighting Storm water USE: Stormwater Street parking USE: Parking regulations Storms UF: Storm damage Storm surges BT: Natural disasters Weather RT: Floods Rainfall Storm warnings SC: EM Emergencies Street people USE: Homeless people Street-kids USE: Homeless people Street-people USE: Homeless people Stormwater UF: Run off Runoff Run-off Storm water Storm-water BT: Water RT: Drainage Floods SC: EN Environment Strikes USE: Industrial disputes Strokes BT: Cardiovascular diseases SC: HL Health Structural elements BT: Construction NT: Fences RT: Spas Swimming pools SC: PR Property Storm-water USE: Stormwater Strategic planning UF: Strategies Strategy BT: Planning NT: e-Strategy RT: Business planning Business plans SC: MG Management PL Planning Structural engineering USE: Engineering Studded gloves USE: Prohibited weapons Student accommodation UF: Student housing BT: Accommodation RT: Students SC: ED Education Strategies USE: Strategic planning Student achievement UF: Academic achievement BT: Achievement RT: General Achievement Test School reports Student awards Student records Students SC: ED Education Strategy USE: Strategic planning Stray animals UF: Lost animals Strays BT: Animals RT: Animal shelters SC: EN Environment Student allowances USE: Study allowances Strays 230 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Student assessment USE: Assessment Numeracy levels Student prizes USE: Student awards Student awards UF: Australian Student Prize Australian Students Prize Plain English Speaking Awards Premiers VCE Awards Premier's VCE Awards Student prizes BT: Awards and honours RT: Student achievement Students SC: ED Education Student records UF: Educational records BT: Personal information RT: School reports Student achievement Students SC: ED Education Student reports USE: School reports Student benefits USE: Study allowances Student results USE: VCE results Student concessions USE: Concession fares Student safety BT: Personal safety RT: Child safety School safety Student welfare services Students SC: SF Safety Student costs USE: Tuition fees Student employment BT: Students RT: Casual employment SC: ED Education ET Employment Student scholarships BT: Scholarships RT: Primary school students Secondary school students University students SC: ED Education Student exchange programs BT: Exchange programs RT: Exchange students Study abroad SC: ED Education Student services USE: Student welfare services Student financial assistance USE: Study allowances Student support USE: Study allowances Student health BT: Health RT: Childrens health Students SC: ED Education HL Health Student support services USE: Student welfare services Student visas BT: Visas RT: International students Study abroad SC: ED Education Student housing USE: Student accommodation Student welfare services UF: Student services Student support services BT: Welfare services RT: Student safety SC: ED Education Student information UF: Information for students BT: Information RT: Students Youth information SC: ED Education Students BT: Education Groups NT: Adult students Beginning students Exchange students Gifted students Indigenous students Student literacy levels USE: Literacy levels Student loans USE: HELP loans Student numeracy levels 231 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: International students Preschool students Returning students School leavers School students Special needs students Student employment University students Student accommodation Student achievement Student awards Student health Student information Student records Student safety Study ED Education USE: Study guides USE: Curriculum areas Study leave BT: Leave RT: Study SC: ET Employment Study payments USE: Study allowances Study tours BT: Study SC: ET Employment Studying USE: Study Students with disabilities USE: Special needs students Study UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: VCE studies Studying in Australia USE: International education Studying Learning Homework Study abroad Study tours Students Study leave ED Education Studying overseas USE: Study abroad Suan Ywe Gou USE: Prohibited weapons Subjects USE: Curriculum areas Study abroad UF: Overseas study Studying overseas BT: Study RT: OS-HELP Overseas employment Overseas residency Student exchange programs Student visas SC: ED Education Subsidies USE: Financial assistance Subsidised home loans USE: Mortgages Veterans benefits Substance abuse UF: Addiction BT: Social problems NT: Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Smoking SC: HL Health Study allowances UF: ABSTUDY Austudy Education maintenance allowances School start bonus Student allowances Student benefits Student financial assistance Student support Study assistance Study payments BT: Education allowances Social security RT: HELP loans Youth assistance SC: ED Education Suburban areas USE: Metropolitan areas Suburban rail BT: Rail transport RT: Suburban trains SC: TR Transport Suburban trains UF: Connex Met link Metlink Metropolitan trains Vic trip Victrip BT: Trains RT: Suburban rail Study assistance USE: Study allowances Study design 232 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: TR Transport USE: Suburbs USE: Metropolitan areas Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act USE: Superannuation guarantee legislation Sudden Infant Death Syndrome UF: Cot deaths SIDS BT: Child deaths SC: HL Health Superannuation guarantee legislation UF: Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act BT: Legislation RT: Superannuation SC: LW Law Sugar industry USE: Crop industries Suicide BT: Deaths NT: Youth suicide SC: SO Society Super USE: Superannuation Superannuation schemes USE: Superannuation Superclinics USE: Super clinics Superannuation Supported accommodation UF: Assisted accommodation Shared supported accommodation SRSs SSA Supported accommodation assistance programs Supported residential facilities Supported residential services BT: Accommodation RT: Disability accommodation Home and community care Independent living SC: CM Community Super clinics UF: Day hospitals Day procedure centres Day procedures Day surgery Outpatients Superclinics BT: Health facilities SC: HL Health Super contributions USE: Superannuation Super funds USE: Superannuation Supported accommodation assistance programs USE: Supported accommodation Superannuation UF: ComSuper Super Super contributions Super funds Superannuation contributions Superannuation funds Superannuation schemes Vic Super BT: Personal finance NT: Unclaimed superannuation RT: Remuneration Retirees Retirement Superannuation guarantee legislation Working conditions SC: FN Finance Supported residential facilities USE: Supported accommodation Supported residential services USE: Supported accommodation Supreme Court of Victoria USE: Criminal courts Surfing BT: Sports SC: RC Recreation Surgery UF: Surgical procedures BT: Medical procedures NT: Cardiac surgery Elective surgery Microsurgery SC: HL Health Superannuation Complaints Tribunal USE: Tribunals Superannuation contributions USE: Superannuation Surgical procedures USE: Surgery Superannuation funds 233 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Surnames USE: Personal names RT: Surveying BT: Measurement NT: Geological surveys RT: Cartography Conveyancing Geodesy Land management Maps Surveyors SC: PR Property SC: Ceiling insulation Energy efficient appliances Environmental sustainability PL Planning Sustainable irrigation BT: Irrigation SC: EN Environment Sustainable transport UF: Travel Smart TravelSmart BT: Transport RT: Cycling Environmental sustainability Public transport Sustainable development Transport planning Walking SC: TR Transport Surveyors BT: Occupations RT: Surveying SC: ET Employment Surveys BT: Research NT: Customer satisfaction surveys RT: Censuses SC: GN General Swimming BT: Sports RT: Beach activities Swimming pools Water safety SC: RC Recreation Sustainability USE: Sustainable development Sustainability awards UF: Premiers Awards Premier's Awards BT: Awards and honours RT: Sustainable development SC: EN Environment Swimming pool fences UF: Pool fences Swimming pool fencing BT: Fences RT: Pool safety SC: PR Property SF Safety Sustainable business practices USE: Sustainable businesses Swimming pool fencing USE: Swimming pool fences Sustainable businesses UF: Green businesses Sustainable business practices BT: Businesses RT: Environmental sustainability Sustainable development SC: BS Business Swimming pools BT: Recreational facilities RT: Pool safety Spas Structural elements Swimming SC: RC Recreation Sustainable development UF: Sustainability BT: Economic development RT: Environmental sustainability Renewable energy Sustainability awards Sustainable businesses Sustainable transport SC: EC Economics Swine flu UF: Pig flu Swine influenza BT: Influenza SC: HL Health Swine influenza USE: Swine flu Sustainable energy USE: Renewable energy Swords BT: Prohibited weapons SC: DF Defence Sustainable housing UF: 5 star homes 5 star houses 5 star housing BT: Housing Symbols NT: Emblems National symbols SC: GN General 234 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Symposia USE: Conferences Symposiums USE: Conferences Synchrotron sciences USE: Synchrotron technology Synchrotron technology UF: Australian Synchrotron Synchrotron sciences Technologies BT: Technology SC: TC Technology Syringe disposals UF: Needle disposals BT: Environmental health RT: Syringes SC: EN Environment Syringes BT: Litter RT: Drug abuse Syringe disposals SC: EN Environment 235 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 UF: BT: RT: SC: T Tablet computers UF: iPad Personal mobile computers BT: Computers SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies TAC USE: TAFE UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Taskforces Groups Committees GN General Taskforces USE: Task forces Tattooing USE: Beauty industry Tattoos USE: Beauty industry Road transport authorities Tax agencies USE: Tax agents Further education Technical & further education Technical and further education Technical education Training & further education Training and further education Vocational education and training TAFE courses TAFE colleges TAFE teachers ED Education Tax agents UF: Tax agencies Tax professionals BT: Finance industry Occupations RT: Taxation SC: FN Finance Tax avoidance USE: Tax evasion TAFE colleges UF: TAFE institutes BT: Educational institutions RT: TAFE SC: ED Education Tax credits USE: Tax deductions Tax deductions UF: Tax credits BT: Taxation RT: Tax exemptions Tax rebates SC: FN Finance TAFE courses UF: Courses BT: TAFE RT: ACE courses Higher education courses Training programs SC: ED Education Tax evasion UF: Tax avoidance BT: Crime RT: Taxation SC: LW Law TAFE institutes USE: TAFE colleges Tax exemptions BT: Taxation RT: Fundraising taxation Tax deductions SC: FN Finance TAFE teachers BT: Teachers RT: TAFE SC: ED Education Takeovers USE: Business mergers Tax file numbers UF: TFNs BT: Identification Taxation SC: FN Finance Tanning units USE: Solariums Tariffs UF: Import duties BT: Customs RT: Exports Imports SC: IN Industry Tax professionals USE: Tax agents Tax rebates BT: Taxation NT: Family tax benefits RT: Tax deductions Tax refunds Task forces 236 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: FN Finance Taxonomies UF: Taxonomy BT: Controlled vocabularies SC: EG eGovernment Tax refunds BT: Taxation RT: Tax rebates Tax returns SC: FN Finance Taxonomy USE: Taxonomies Tax returns UF: Income tax returns ITR BT: Taxation RT: Personal taxation Tax refunds SC: FN Finance Teacher career structures UF: Teacher classification structures Teaching career structures BT: Careers in education SC: ED Education Teacher classification structures USE: Teacher career structures Tax system USE: Taxation Teacher courses USE: Teacher education Taxation UF: Tax system Taxes BT: Fiscal policy NT: Business taxation Congestion levies e-Tax Flood levies Fundraising taxation Income tax Investment taxation Personal taxation Property taxation Tax deductions Tax exemptions Tax file numbers Tax rebates Tax refunds Tax returns RT: Tax agents Tax evasion SC: FN Finance Taxes USE: Teacher demand USE: Teacher supply and demand Teacher education UF: Teacher courses Teacher preparation Teacher training BT: Teaching profession RT: Teacher professional development Teacher qualifications SC: ED Education Teacher employment UF: Teacher jobs Teacher vacancies Teaching jobs Teaching vacancies BT: Employment NT: Teacher recruitment RT: Teacher supply and demand Teaching profession SC: ED Education ET Employment Taxation Taxi drivers UF: Cab drivers BT: Drivers RT: Taxis SC: TR Transport Teacher exchange programs BT: Exchange programs RT: Teachers SC: ED Education Taxicabs USE: Taxis Teacher jobs USE: Teacher employment Taxi-cabs USE: Taxis Teacher numbers USE: Teacher supply and demand Taxis UF: Teacher preparation USE: Teacher education BT: RT: SC: Cabs Taxicabs Taxi-cabs Vehicles Taxi drivers TR Transport Teacher professional development UF: Professional development for teachers BT: Careers in education 237 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Professional development Teacher education ED Education SC: Teaching standards ED Education Teaching BT: Education NT: Mentoring Primary teaching Secondary teaching University teaching RT: Parents as teachers Teaching profession SC: ED Education Teacher qualifications UF: Teaching qualifications BT: Qualifications RT: Teacher education Teacher registration Teaching profession SC: ED Education Teacher quality USE: Teaching standards Teaching career structures USE: Teacher career structures Teacher recruitment BT: Recruitment Teacher employment RT: Teacher supply and demand Teaching scholarships SC: ED Education Teaching careers USE: Careers in education Teaching conditions UF: Victorian Government Schools Agreement Victorian Teaching Service Act BT: Teaching profession RT: Working conditions SC: ED Education Teacher registration BT: Professional registration RT: Teacher qualifications Teaching profession SC: ED Education Teaching jobs USE: Teacher employment Teacher resources USE: Educational resources Teaching materials USE: Educational resources Teacher scholarships USE: Teaching scholarships Teacher training USE: Teacher education Teaching profession BT: Education Occupations NT: Careers in education Principals Teacher education Teacher supply and demand Teachers Teaching conditions RT: Teacher employment Teacher qualifications Teacher registration Teaching Teaching standards SC: ED Education Teacher vacancies USE: Teacher employment Teaching qualifications USE: Teacher qualifications Teachers UF: Educators BT: Teaching profession NT: Academic staff Beginning teachers Casual teachers International teachers Relief teachers School teachers TAFE teachers Trainers RT: Teacher exchange programs Teaching quality USE: Teaching standards Teacher shortage USE: Teacher supply and demand Teacher supply and demand UF: Teacher demand Teacher numbers Teacher shortage BT: Teaching profession RT: Teacher employment Teacher recruitment SC: ED Education Teaching resources USE: Educational resources Teaching scholarships UF: Teacher scholarships BT: Scholarships RT: Teacher recruitment SC: ED Education 238 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Teaching standards UF: Merit protection boards MPBs Teacher quality Teaching quality BT: Standards RT: Teachers Teaching profession SC: ED Education BT: RT: SC: Teaching vacancies USE: Teacher employment Teenagers USE: Youth Technical & further education USE: TAFE Teens USE: Technical and further education USE: TAFE Telcos USE: Telecommunications industry Technical colleges SN: Technical colleges provide tuition in both academic and vocational education for students in Years 11 and 12. BT: School education RT: Apprenticeships Upper secondary years SC: ED Education Tele working USE: Teleworking Education Technology ED Education Technology studies USE: Technology education Technology supported learning USE: Educational technology Youth Telebuses USE: Buses Telecommunications UF: Electronic communications BT: Communications NT: Bandwidth Broadcasting Networks RT: Information and communications technology Telecommunications policy SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Technical education USE: TAFE Technological innovations USE: New technology Technologies USE: Agricultural technology Biotechnology Educational technology Food technology Information and communications technology New technology Synchrotron technology Technology Telecommunications industry UF: Industries Telcos BT: Industry sectors SC: IN Industry Telecommunications policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Communications policy Telecommunications SC: PO Politics Technology UF: Technologies NT: Agricultural technology Biotechnology Design Educational technology Electronics Food technology Information and communications technology New technology Synchrotron technology RT: Sciences Technology education SC: TC Technology Telemarketers USE: Direct marketing Telemarketing USE: Direct marketing Telephone access services UF: Internet relay calls BT: Telephones RT: Hearing impairments Speech impairments SC: CO Communication Technology education UF: Technology studies Telephone counselling 239 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Counselling services Crisis counselling HL Health Television industry USE: Television Telephone directories UF: Directory Phone directories Phone numbers BT: Directories RT: Telephone networks Telephone numbers SC: CO Communication Television stations USE: Television Teleworking UF: Home working Tele working Tele-working BT: Working conditions RT: Bandwidth SC: ET Employment GV Government Telephone networks UF: Phone networks BT: Networks NT: Telephone numbers RT: Telephone directories Telephones SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Tele-working USE: Teleworking Temp work USE: Casual employment Telephone numbers UF: Smartnumbers BT: Telephone networks RT: Telephone directories SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Temperature control USE: Environmental control Temporary employment USE: Casual employment Temporary visas USE: Working visas Telephones UF: Fixed lines Land lines Phones BT: Communications equipment NT: Mobile phones Telephone access services RT: Telephone networks SC: IT Information & Communications Technologies Tenancy UF: Residential tenancies Tenants BT: Ownership RT: Leasing Rental bonds Renting SC: PR Property Telescopes BT: Scientific instruments RT: Astronomy SC: SC Sciences Tenants USE: Tenancy Tenders UF: EOIs Expressions of interest Government tenders BT: Contracts NT: e-Tenders SC: BS Business Television UF: Analog television Analogue television Television industry Television stations TV BT: Broadcasting NT: Broadband television Digital television Interactive television Pay television Schools television RT: Datacasting Radio Sound archives SC: CO Communication Tennis BT: Sports RT: Australian Open SC: RC Recreation Term dates USE: School holidays Terminal care USE: Palliative care services Television complaints USE: Broadcasting regulation Terminal illnesses BT: Diseases 240 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Deaths Palliative care services HL Health USE: Assessment Text books USE: Textbooks Termination of employment BT: Human resources management NT: Dismissal Redundancy Retirement Retrenchment RT: Employees Fair Work Ombudsman SC: ET Employment Textbooks UF: Text books Text-books BT: Educational resources RT: Course materials Courseware SC: ED Education Text-books USE: Textbooks Terminations USE: Abortions Textile industry UF: Industries BT: Industry sectors SC: IN Industry Termite management UF: Termite treatment BT: Pest control RT: Termites SC: EN Environment Texting USE: Mobile phones Termite treatment USE: Termite management Termites BT: Insects RT: Pests Termite management SC: EN Environment TFBs USE: Fire restrictions TFNs USE: Tax file numbers Theatre UF: Drama Plays BT: Performing arts SC: CU Culture Terrorism UF: Terrorism attacks BT: Crime RT: National security Terrorists War SC: LW Law Theatres BT: Buildings RT: Recreational facilities SC: CU Culture RC Recreation Terrorism attacks USE: Terrorism Theft UF: Terrorists BT: Groups RT: Terrorism SC: LW Law BT: SC: Tertiary education USE: Higher education Burglaries Burglary Motor vehicle theft Robbery Crime LW Law Thesauri UF: Thesaurus BT: Controlled vocabularies SC: EG eGovernment Tertiary institutions USE: Universities Testaments USE: Wills Thesaurus USE: Thesauri Testicular cancer USE: Cancer Third Form USE: Year 9 Testing USE: Assessment Third party insurance USE: Motor vehicle insurance Tests 241 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Thrips BT: Insects RT: Pests SC: EN Environment Tissue donation UF: Donor tissue banks Tissue donors BT: Medical procedures RT: Organ donation SC: HL Health Throat cancer USE: Cancer Tissue donors USE: Tissue donation Throwing blades USE: Prohibited weapons Titles USE: Throwing stars USE: Prohibited weapons Land titles Titles search USE: Land titles Ticketing USE: Tickets Tobacco smoking USE: Smoking Tickets UF: Metcard tickets Metcards Public transport tickets Ticketing BT: Public transport NT: Bus tickets e-Ticketing Train tickets Tram tickets RT: Fares Seniors Sunday pass Smartcards SC: TR Transport Tobogganing BT: Winter sports RT: Alpine resorts SC: RC Recreation Toddlers USE: Young children Toilets USE: Public toilets Tidal energy BT: Renewable energy SC: EN Environment Tollways BT: Roads NT: Citylink EastLink SC: TR Transport Tidal waves USE: Tsunamis Tonfas USE: Prohibited weapons Timber USE: Forest products Tool kits USE: Toolkits Timber industry USE: Forestry industry Toolkits UF: Tool kits Tool-kits BT: Publications SC: EG eGovernment Time NT: SC: Daylight savings GN General Tool-kits USE: Toolkits Time tables USE: Timetables Topographic data BT: Spatial information RT: Land forms Topographic maps SC: GE Geography Timetables UF: Bus timetables Time tables Time-tables Train timetables Tram timetables BT: Public transport SC: TR Transport Topographic maps BT: Maps RT: Land forms Topographic data SC: GE Geography Time-tables USE: Timetables Topography 242 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Land forms Tourism industry UF: Industries Travel industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Tourism Tours Travel agents Travel agents licences SC: IN Industry TO Tourism Tornados USE: Cyclones Torres Strait Islander affairs USE: Indigenous affairs Torres Strait Islander communities USE: Indigenous communities Torres Strait Islander education USE: Indigenous education Torres Strait Islander health USE: Indigenous health Tourist accommodation UF: Holiday accommodation BT: Accommodation NT: Bed and breakfasts Camping grounds Caravan parks Hotels Motels RT: Hostels Serviced apartments SC: TO Tourism Torres Strait Islander peoples USE: Indigenous Australians Tourist activities USE: Recreational activities Torres Strait Islander services USE: Indigenous services Tourist attractions BT: Tourism RT: Aquariums Botanic gardens Historic buildings Historic sites Museums Penguins Planetariums Touring Tourist railways Wineries Zoos SC: TO Tourism Torres Strait Islander education programs USE: Indigenous education programs Torres Strait Islander employment USE: Indigenous employment Torres Strait Islander students USE: Indigenous students Total containment facilities USE: Waste treatment Total fire bans USE: Fire restrictions Total quality management USE: Quality management Tour operators USE: Tours Tourist information UF: Visitor information Visitor information centres BT: Information RT: Travel advice SC: TO Tourism Touring SN: Recreational and scenic travel, usually by car BT: Recreational activities RT: Four-wheel driving Regional areas Tourist attractions SC: TO Tourism Tourist maps BT: Maps RT: Tourism Tourists SC: GE Geography TO Tourism Tourism NT: Ecotourism Heritage tourism International tourism Tourist attractions RT: Recreational activities Tourism industry Tourist maps Travel SC: TO Tourism Tourist railways UF: Puffing Billy BT: Rail transport RT: Tourist attractions SC: TO Tourism TR Transport Tourist visas 243 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Visas Tourists TO Tourism Trade UF: NT: Tourists UF: Sightseers Visitors BT: Travellers NT: Backpackers RT: Tourist maps Tourist visas SC: TO Tourism Tours UF: SN: BT: RT: SC: Guided tours Tour operators Tours and activities such as walks, birdwatching, whalewatching or guided walks which are run and managed by tour operators. Recreational activities Tourism industry RC Recreation RT: SC: Trade agreements BT: Agreements NT: Free trade agreements RT: Foreign affairs International trade Trade policy SC: IN Industry Tow trucks UF: Towing Towtrucks BT: Commercial vehicles Heavy vehicles SC: TR Transport Trade development USE: Trade promotion Trade directories USE: Business directories Towing USE: Tow trucks Trade fairs BT: Business events RT: Industry development Roadshows SC: EC Economics IN Industry Town planning UF: Urban planning BT: Planning NT: Infrastructure Land subdivisions Major projects RT: Engineering Heritage Urban development Zoning SC: PL Planning Trade law USE: Commercial law Trade marks USE: Trademarks Trade measurement BT: Measurement SC: IN Industry Towtrucks USE: Tow trucks Toxic dumps USE: Waste treatment Trade policy UF: Policies Trade Practices Act BT: Policy Trade NT: Fair trading Trade regulations RT: Foreign investment Foreign policy International trade Trade agreements Trade practices SC: BS Business Toxic wastes USE: Hazardous wastes Toy libraries USE: Specialised libraries TQM USE: Commerce Carbon trading Consumer affairs e-Commerce Financial transactions Free trade International trade Markets Purchasing Sales Trade policy Trade practices Trade promotion Commercial law BS Business IN Industry Quality management Track closures USE: Road closures 244 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Trade practices UF: Trade Practices Act Trading BT: Trade NT: Unfair trade practices RT: Competition Trade policy SC: EC Economics BT: RT: SC: Roadworks Travel times Alerts Road safety TR Transport Traffic offences USE: Driving offences Trade Practices Act USE: Trade policy Trade practices Traffic safety USE: Road safety Trade promotion UF: Trade development BT: Trade SC: EC Economics Train accidents UF: Train crashes BT: Transport accidents RT: Trains SC: SF Safety TR Transport Trade regulations UF: Business regulations BT: Trade policy SC: BS Business Train crashes USE: Train accidents Train routes USE: Trains Trade unions USE: Unions Train services USE: Trains Trademark registration USE: Trademarks Train stations USE: Stations Trademarks UF: Brand names Brand-names Trade marks Trademark registration Trade-marks BT: Intellectual property RT: Copyright Patents SC: IN Industry Train tickets BT: Tickets RT: Trains SC: TR Transport Train timetables USE: Timetables Trainees BT: Groups RT: Apprentices Traineeships SC: ED Education ET Employment Trade-marks USE: Trademarks Trades USE: Skilled labour Tradespeople USE: Skilled labour Traineeships BT: Employment Vocational education and training Work based education RT: Apprenticeships Trainees Training SC: ED Education ET Employment Tradespersons USE: Skilled labour Trading USE: Trade practices Traditional medicine USE: Alternative medicine Trainers BT: Teachers RT: Training SC: ED Education Traffic accidents USE: Road accidents Traffic alerts UF: Road alerts Road works Training UF: Industry training 245 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Job training Professional training Vocational education and training Group training Management training State training agencies Training needs Training packages Training providers Workplace training Mentoring Traineeships Trainers Training authorities Training programs ED Education BT: RT: SC: Vocational programs Programs Education programs TAFE courses Training ED Education Training providers UF: Education and training bodies Education and training providers Education providers Registered training organisations RTOs Training organisations Training organizations VET providers Vocational education and training providers Vocational education providers BT: Training SC: ED Education Training & further education USE: TAFE Training and further education USE: TAFE Trains UF: Training authorities BT: Educational authorities NT: Industry training boards RT: Training SC: ED Education BT: NT: Training awards UF: Victorian Training Awards BT: Awards and honours SC: ED Education RT: SC: Training courses USE: Training programs Train routes Train services Public transport Rail transport Country trains Freight trains Suburban trains Stations Train accidents Train tickets TR Transport Tram routes USE: Trams Training needs BT: Training RT: Training needs analysis SC: ED Education Tram services USE: Trams Tram tickets BT: Tickets RT: Trams SC: TR Transport Training needs analysis BT: Analysis RT: Training needs SC: ED Education Tram timetables USE: Timetables Training organisations USE: Training providers Trams UF: Training organizations USE: Training providers Training packages BT: Training SC: ED Education BT: NT: RT: SC: Training programs UF: Programmes Training courses VET programs Vocational education and training programs Light rail Low floor trams Tram routes Tram services W-class trams Yarra Trams Public transport City Circle trams Tram tickets TR Transport Transfer of Land Act USE: Property legislation 246 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Transport Accident Commission USE: Road transport authorities Transition programs UF: Programmes School to work programs School to work transition SN: Special programs or courses designed to prepare individuals to move from one environment to another - most commonly in an educational context, for example school to further education or school to work BT: Programs School education RT: Pathways Primary secondary transition SC: ED Education Transport accidents BT: Accidents NT: Marine accidents Road accidents Train accidents RT: Transport safety SC: SF Safety TR Transport Transport Act USE: Transport legislation Transport industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Transport SC: TR Transport Translation services UF: Interpretation Interpreter assistance Interpreters Interpreting services Language assistance Language services Translations Translators BT: Services RT: Languages Migrant services Multicultural services SC: CM Community CO Communication Transport legislation UF: Transport Act BT: Legislation RT: Transport SC: TR Transport Transport network USE: Transport Transport planning UF: AusLink Linking Melbourne Linking Victoria BT: Transport RT: Roads Sustainable transport Transport policy SC: TR Transport Translations USE: Translation services Translators USE: Translation services Transport policy UF: Policies Road policy BT: Policy Transport RT: Transport planning SC: TR Transport Transport UF: Transport network Transport system NT: Accessible transport Air transport Freight transport Land transport Navigation Public transport Rail transport Road transport Roads Sea transport Sustainable transport Transport planning Transport policy Transport safety Vehicles Vessels RT: Transport industry Transport legislation Travel SC: TR Transport Transport regulations BT: Regulations NT: Parking regulations Road rules Speed limits RT: Transport safety SC: TR Transport Transport safety BT: Safety Transport NT: Air safety Marine safety Public transport safety Rail safety RT: Dangerous goods Navigation 247 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: Road safety Transport accidents Transport regulations SF Safety TR Transport Travel agents licenses USE: Travel agents licences Travel alerts UF: Travel warnings BT: Alerts RT: Travel Travel advice SC: EM Emergencies Transport system USE: Transport Trauma management services UF: Injury management Trauma services Trauma system BT: Health services RT: Critical care services Hospitals SC: HL Health Travel allowances USE: Work-related expenses Travel assistance USE: Travel rebates Travel concessions USE: Concession fares Trauma services USE: Trauma management services Travel documents BT: Documents NT: Passports Visas RT: Identification Travel SC: GN General Trauma system USE: Trauma management services Travel UF: NT: RT: SC: Day trips Trips Air travel Backpacking Domestic travel International travel Customs Tourism Transport Travel advice Travel alerts Travel documents Travel rebates Travel safety Travellers TO Tourism Travel expenses USE: Work-related expenses Travel industry USE: Tourism industry Travel information USE: Travel advice Travel planners USE: Travel advice Travel rebates UF: Travel assistance BT: Road transport RT: Travel SC: TR Transport Travel advice UF: Travel information Travel planners BT: Information RT: Tourist information Travel Travel alerts SC: TO Tourism TR Transport Travel safety BT: Safety RT: Personal safety Travel SC: SF Safety TO Tourism Travel agents BT: Occupations RT: Tourism industry Travel agents licences SC: TO Tourism Travel Smart USE: Sustainable transport Travel times USE: Traffic alerts Travel agents licences UF: Travel agents licenses BT: Licences RT: Tourism industry Travel agents SC: BS Business Travel warnings USE: Travel alerts Travel zones UF: Zone 1 248 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: SC: Zone 2 Zone 3 Fares TR Transport Travellers BT: Groups NT: Backpackers Gay and lesbian travellers Tourists Travellers with disabilities Travellers with pets RT: Travel SC: TO Tourism BT: SC: Triple zero USE: Emergency services Travellers with disabilities BT: Travellers RT: People with disabilities SC: TO Tourism Trips USE: Tropical regions USE: Tropics Tropics UF: Tropical areas Tropical regions Wet tropics BT: Regional areas RT: Rainforests SC: EN Environment GE Geography Travelling fellowships USE: Fellowships TravelSmart USE: Sustainable transport Treasury UF: Federal Treasury State Treasury Victorian Treasury BT: Public finance SC: FN Finance SC: Travel Tropical areas USE: Tropics Travellers with pets BT: Travellers RT: Pets SC: TO Tourism Trees BT: RT: Social Security Appeals Tribunal Superannuation Complaints Tribunal VCAT Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal VOCAT Courts LW Law Trucks USE: Heavy vehicles Trusts USE: Non-profit organisations Plants Forest products Forests EN Environment Tsunamis UF: Tidal waves BT: Natural disasters SC: EM Emergencies Trench knives USE: Prohibited weapons Tubular fluorescent lamps USE: Fluorescent lamps Trials USE: Tuition fees UF: Student costs SN: Fees for the cost of education at a school, university or further education institution BT: Educational management Fees NT: School fees University fees RT: Scholarships SC: ED Education Court procedures Tribunals UF: Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australian Competition Tribunal Copyright Tribunal Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal Migration Review Tribunal National Native Title Tribunal Refugee Review Tribunal Remuneration Tribunal Tutors USE: Academic staff TV USE: Television 249 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 TV complaints USE: Broadcasting regulation Twitter USE: Social networks 250 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: U U3A USE: EC Economics Uniform policy USE: School uniforms Seniors education Unions UF: Trade unions BT: Organisations RT: Employees Industrial relations Workplace agreements SC: ET Employment Unclaimed moneys UF: Unclaimed monies BT: Money SC: EC Economics Unclaimed monies USE: Unclaimed moneys Unclaimed superannuation BT: Superannuation SC: FN Finance Undergraduate study UF: Bachelors degrees BT: Higher education RT: Degrees SC: ED Education Unis USE: Universities Units USE: Apartments Universities UF: Education providers Higher education providers Tertiary institutions Unis University BT: Educational institutions NT: University administration RT: Higher education Private tertiary providers University entrance University students University teaching SC: ED Education Unemployed persons USE: Job seekers Unemployment BT: Labour market NT: Job seeking Long term unemployment Unemployment policy SC: ET Employment University USE: Universities Unemployment benefits UF: Dole Job seeker benefits Jobseeker benefits Newstart Allowance BT: Social security RT: Job seekers Work for the dole programs SC: SO Society University administration BT: Educational management Universities NT: University fees University funding University governance SC: ED Education Unemployment policy UF: Policies BT: Policy Unemployment SC: ET Employment University admissions USE: University entrance Unfair dismissal USE: Dismissal University degrees USE: Degrees Unfair market practices USE: Unfair trade practices University education USE: Higher education Unfair trade practices UF: Cartels Monopolies Price fixing Restrictive trade practices Unfair market practices BT: Trade practices University entrance UF: ATAR ENTER Notional ATAR University admissions University entrance examinations University courses USE: Higher education courses 251 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: University entrance exams University entry examinations University entry exams Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre VTAC Higher education Universities Victorian Certificate of Education ED Education USE: Legislative Council Upper secondary years BT: Secondary education NT: Year 11 Year 12 RT: Technical colleges SC: ED Education Urban development UF: Urban growth BT: Economic development RT: Town planning SC: EC Economics PL Planning University entrance examinations USE: University entrance University entrance exams USE: University entrance Urban Development Program USE: Planning projects University entry examinations USE: University entrance Urban growth USE: Urban development University entry exams USE: University entrance Urban planning USE: Town planning University fees BT: Tuition fees University administration RT: HELP loans SC: ED Education Usability USE: Web usability Usability testing BT: Web usability SC: EG eGovernment University funding BT: University administration SC: ED Education Used cars USE: Cars University governance BT: University administration SC: ED Education Uterine cancer USE: Cancer University graduates USE: Graduates Utilities UF: Essential services Public utilities Public works Utility companies Utility services BT: Infrastructure NT: Electricity supply Essential services regulation Gas supply Sewerage RT: Essential services disruptions Services Utilities assistance SC: PL Planning University of the Third Age USE: Seniors education University students BT: Students RT: Graduates Higher education Student scholarships Universities SC: ED Education University teaching BT: Teaching RT: Academic staff Universities SC: ED Education Unwanted emails USE: Spam Utilities assistance UF: Utilities Relief Grant Scheme Utilities Relief Grants Scheme Utility Relief Grant Scheme Utility Relief Grants Scheme BT: Social security RT: Utilities SC: SO Society Upper House Utilities Relief Grant Scheme Unsolicited emails USE: Spam 252 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: Utilities assistance Utilities Relief Grants Scheme USE: Utilities assistance Utility companies USE: Utilities Utility Relief Grant Scheme USE: Utilities assistance Utility Relief Grants Scheme USE: Utilities assistance Utility services USE: Utilities 253 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 USE: V VCE examinations USE: VCE exams V Line USE: Country trains V/Line USE: Country trains VCE exams UF: VCE exam papers VCE exam timetables VCE examinations BT: Victorian Certificate of Education RT: VCE past exam papers SC: ED Education Vacancies USE: Job vacancies Vaccination USE: Immunisation VCE for adults UF: Adult VCE BT: Adult and community education Victorian Certificate of Education SC: ED Education Vaccines USE: Immunisation Values USE: Ethics VCE past exam papers UF: Past VCE exam papers VCE past exams BT: Victorian Certificate of Education RT: VCE exams SC: ED Education Vandalism UF: Vandals BT: Social problems NT: Graffiti SC: SO Society VCE past exams USE: VCE past exam papers Vandals USE: Vandalism VCAA USE: VCAL USE: VCAT USE: VCE results UF: Statements of results Student results VCE exam results BT: Victorian Certificate of Education SC: ED Education Assessment authorities Curriculum authorities Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VCE studies UF: Assessment guides Senior secondary subjects Study design VCE subjects SN: Subjects or courses of study offered in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), including course outlines, study design and assessment guides BT: Curriculum areas VCE curriculum RT: Victorian Certificate of Education SC: ED Education Tribunals VCDRC USE: Child deaths VCE USE: VCE exams Victorian Certificate of Education VCE curriculum UF: Victorian Certificate of Education curriculum BT: School curriculum NT: Extension studies VCE studies RT: Victorian Certificate of Education SC: ED Education VCE subjects USE: VCE studies VDs USE: VCE exam papers USE: VCE exams Sexually transmitted diseases Vegetables BT: Agricultural products SC: IN Industry VCE exam results USE: VCE results Vegetation USE: Plants VCE exam timetables 254 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Vehicle registration UF: Motor vehicle registration BT: Registration NT: Car registration Heavy vehicle registration Motorcycle registration RT: Number plates Vehicles SC: TR Transport SC: Veterans benefits UF: Subsidised home loans Veterans' benefits Veterans entitlements Veterans support BT: Social security RT: Seniors benefits Veterans SC: SO Society Vehicle safety USE: Car safety Vehicles BT: Transport NT: Bicycles Buses Caravans Cars Commercial vehicles Fleets Heavy vehicles Motorcycles Smoky vehicles Taxis RT: Abandoned vehicles Motor vehicle insurance Vehicle registration SC: TR Transport VELS USE: Veterans benefits CM Community Veterans' benefits USE: Veterans benefits Veterans entitlements USE: Veterans benefits Veterans support USE: Veterans benefits Veterinarians USE: Vets Veterinary medicine BT: Medicine RT: Animal health Vets SC: HL Health Victorian Essential Learning Standards Veterinary practitioners USE: Vets Venereal diseases USE: Sexually transmitted diseases Vets UF: Vessels BT: Transport NT: Boats Ferries Ships SC: TR Transport BT: RT: SC: VET USE: Vocational education and training Vic Roads USE: Road transport authorities VET in schools USE: Vocational education in schools Vic Super USE: Superannuation VET programs USE: Training programs Vic trip USE: Suburban trains VET providers USE: Training providers VicFleet USE: Fleets Veterans UF: War veterans War widowers War widows BT: Groups RT: Military personnel Retirees Seniors Viclink USE: Country trains Veterinarians Veterinary practitioners Health practitioners Veterinary medicine HL Health Vic link USE: Country trains VicRoads USE: Road transport authorities Victims of crime UF: Crime victims 255 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: RT: SC: Groups Crime CM Community LW Law SC: ED Education Victorian Government USE: State government Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal USE: Tribunals Victorian Government Schools Agreement USE: Teaching conditions Victorian Budget USE: State budgets Victorian history BT: Australian history SC: CU Culture Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning UF: VCAL BT: Assessment Certificates SC: ED Education Victorian Learning and Employment Skills Commission USE: State training agencies Victorian museums USE: State museums Victorian Certificate of Education UF: VCE BT: Assessment Certificates NT: VCE exams VCE for adults VCE past exam papers VCE results RT: Extension studies University entrance VCE curriculum VCE studies Year 11 Year 12 SC: ED Education Victorian Ombudsman USE: State Ombudsman Victorian Parliament USE: State Parliament Victorian police USE: Police Victorian Public Service USE: Public service Victorian Regional Youth Affairs Networks USE: Youth committees Victorian Certificate of Education curriculum USE: VCE curriculum Victorian Senior of the Year Awards USE: Community awards Victorian Child Death Review Committee USE: Child deaths Victorian Seniors Festival USE: Seniors events Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal USE: Tribunals Victorian State Disability Plan USE: Disability policy Victorian Teaching Service Act USE: Teaching conditions Victorian Constitution USE: Constitutions Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre USE: University entrance Victorian Courts USE: Courts Victorian Training Awards USE: Training awards Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority USE: Assessment authorities Curriculum authorities Victorian Travelling Fellowship Program USE: Fellowships Victorian elections USE: State elections Victorian Treasury USE: Treasury Victorian Essential Learning Standards UF: VELS BT: School curriculum Victrip USE: Suburban trains 256 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Vietnam War USE: War Violence UF: Violent crime BT: Social problems NT: Domestic violence RT: Assault SC: SO Society BT: RT: SC: Violent crime USE: Violence Vision loss USE: Vision impairments Virtual classrooms SN: Teaching and learning environments that exist within computer technology, or 'virtually', rather than in a physical location, where classroom interaction through methods such as chatrooms and discussion boards can be maintained BT: Educational technology RT: e-Learning SC: ED Education Visitor information USE: Tourist information Visitor information centres USE: Tourist information Visitors USE: Tourists Visual arts UF: Art Fine arts BT: Arts NT: Films Indigenous art Photography Sculpture RT: Art galleries Artists SC: CU Culture Virtual exhibitions UF: Online exhibitions BT: Exhibitions RT: Internet SC: CU Culture Virtual libraries UF: Libraries online Library gateways Library portals BT: Libraries RT: Internet SC: CU Culture Visual impairments USE: Vision impairments Viticulture BT: Agriculture RT: Wine Wine industry SC: IN Industry Virtual voting BT: Voting RT: e-Voting SC: PO Politics VLESC USE: State training agencies Viruses USE: Malicious software Visas UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Color blindness Colour blindness Impaired vision Vision loss Visual impairments Physical disabilities Assistance animals Ophthalmology services Web accessibility HL Health VLine USE: Electronic Travel Authorities Electronic Travel Authority ETAs Travel documents Protection visas Student visas Tourist visas Working visas International travel Passports PO Politics Country trains V-Line USE: Country trains VOCAT USE: Tribunals Vocational education & training USE: Vocational education and training Vocational education and training UF: Post school education Post-school education VET Vision impairments UF: Blindness 257 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Vocational education & training Education Apprenticeships Career education Flexible learning Short courses TAFE Traineeships Training Vocational education in schools Work based education Postsecondary education ED Education Volunteering USE: Voluntary work Volunteers UF: Volunteer workers BT: Personnel RT: Voluntary work SC: ET Employment Vote USE: Voting UF: Absentee vote Absentee voting Early vote Early voting Interstate voting Overseas voting Postal voting Vote BT: Elections NT: e-Voting Mobile voting Virtual voting SC: PO Politics Vocational education and training programs USE: Training programs Vocational education and training providers USE: Training providers Vocational education in schools UF: VET in schools BT: School education Vocational education and training RT: Work experience Work placements SC: ED Education Voting booths USE: Elections Voting centres USE: Elections Vocational education providers USE: Training providers Voting locations USE: Elections Vocational programs USE: Training programs Voting places USE: Elections Voice over internet protocol USE: Voice over IP Voice over IP UF: Voice over internet protocol VoIP BT: Broadband RT: Internet SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies VoIP USE: Voting VPS USE: Public service VTAC USE: University entrance Voice over IP Voluntary contributions USE: School fees Voluntary work UF: Volunteering BT: Labour RT: Volunteers SC: ET Employment Volunteer workers USE: Volunteers 258 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: W W3C USE: Website standards SC: WageLine USE: Wages War crimes UF: Crimes against humanity BT: Crime RT: War SC: LW Law WageNet USE: Wages Wages UF: WageLine WageNet BT: Remuneration NT: Minimum wage RT: Awards Payroll tax Salaries SC: ET Employment War memorials UF: Australian War Memorial Shrine of Remembrance BT: Monuments RT: Military history War SC: CU Culture War veterans USE: Veterans Waiting lists UF: Hospital waiting lists BT: Lists RT: Elective surgery Hospitals Patients SC: HL Health War widowers USE: Veterans War widows USE: Veterans Warnings USE: Alerts Wakeboarding BT: Recreational activities SC: RC Recreation Warrants UF: Civil warrants Criminal warrants BT: Legal documents RT: Sheriffs Office SC: LW Law Walk in clinics USE: Ambulatory care facilities Walking BT: Recreational activities NT: Bushwalking RT: Physical activities Sustainable transport Walking maps SC: RC Recreation TO Tourism TR Transport Wasps BT: Insects RT: Pests SC: EN Environment Waste collection UF: Garbage collections Kerbside waste Rubbish collections Waste transport BT: Waste management SC: EN Environment Walking maps BT: Maps RT: Walking SC: RC Recreation TO Tourism War UF: BT: Defence forces Military history Terrorism War crimes War memorials PO Politics Waste disposal USE: Waste management Boer War Gulf War Korean War Vietnam War World War 1 World War 2 WW1 WW2 Conflicts Waste management UF: Waste disposal Waste reduction BT: Management NT: Recycling Waste collection Waste treatment RT: Wastes 259 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 SC: EN Environment Water authorities UF: Murray-Darling Basin Authority BT: Authorities RT: Water Water industry Water supply SC: EN Environment PL Planning Waste reduction USE: Waste management Waste transport USE: Waste collection Waste treatment UF: Compost Land transfer stations Landfills Rubbish dumps Rubbish tips Septic tanks Total containment facilities Toxic dumps BT: Waste management SC: EN Environment Water bills UF: Water rates BT: Billing RT: Electricity bills Gas bills Water meters Water rebates Water supply SC: PL Planning Waste water USE: Wastewater Water carriers USE: Water industry Wastes BT: Products NT: Abandoned vehicles Hazardous wastes Industrial wastes Sewage Wastewater RT: Litter Waste management SC: EN Environment Water cartage USE: Water industry Water carters USE: Water industry Water carting USE: Water industry Water chlorination USE: Water quality Wastewater UF: Waste water BT: Wastes RT: Sewage Water SC: EN Environment Water BT: NT: RT: SC: Water conservation UF: Save water Water saving BT: Water NT: Water saving appliances RT: Water recycling Water restrictions Water tanks SC: EN Environment Natural resources Floods Groundwater Inland waters Irrigation Oceans Stormwater Water conservation Water quality Water reforms Water restrictions Water supply Wastewater Water authorities Water legislation Water management Water policy Water safety EN Environment Water controls USE: Water restrictions Water distribution USE: Water supply Water industry UF: Water carriers Water cartage Water carters Water carting Water suppliers Water trading BT: Industry sectors RT: Energy and Water Ombudsman Water authorities Water supply SC: IN Industry Water Act USE: Water legislation 260 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Water legislation UF: Water Act BT: Legislation RT: Water SC: EN Environment Water rebates BT: Rebates RT: Water bills Water saving appliances Water supply SC: EN Environment Water levels USE: Water restrictions Water recycling UF: Reclaimed water Recycled water BT: Recycling NT: Grey water recycling RT: Water conservation SC: EN Environment Water management BT: Environmental management NT: Catchments Drainage RT: Irrigation Water Water policy Water supply SC: EN Environment Water reforms BT: Water RT: Water policy SC: EN Environment Water meters BT: Meters RT: Water bills Water supply SC: MS Measurement Water restrictions UF: Permanent water rules Sprinklers Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 3a Stage 4 Stage four Stage one Stage three Stage two Water controls Water levels Water rules BT: Water RT: Water conservation SC: EN Environment Water police BT: Police SC: EM Emergencies LW Law Water policy UF: Policies BT: Policy RT: Water Water management Water reforms SC: EN Environment Water pollution UF: Marine pollution Slicks Spills BT: Pollution RT: Land pollution Water quality SC: EN Environment Water rules USE: Water restrictions Water safety BT: Safety NT: Beach safety Pool safety RT: Child safety Drownings Lifesaving Marine safety Personal safety Sports safety Swimming Water SC: SF Safety Water power USE: Hydroelectric power Water quality UF: Water chlorination Water quality standards BT: Water RT: Water pollution Water supply SC: EN Environment Water saving USE: Water conservation Water quality standards USE: Water quality Water saving appliances UF: Rainwater diverters Shower heads Shower timers Showerheads Water rates USE: Water bills 261 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: Water conservation Water tanks Water rebates EN Environment Weather BT: Climate NT: Heatwaves Rainfall Snow Storms RT: Meteorology Weather alerts SC: EN Environment Water suppliers USE: Water industry Water supply UF: Drinking water Water distribution BT: Water NT: Bore water Desalination plants Grey water Water tanks RT: Salinity Water authorities Water bills Water industry Water management Water meters Water quality Water rebates SC: PL Planning Weather alerts UF: Weather forecasts Weather reports BT: Alerts RT: Flood warnings Storm warnings Weather SC: EM Emergencies Weather forecasts USE: Weather alerts Weather reports USE: Weather alerts Water tanks UF: Rainwater tanks BT: Water saving appliances Water supply RT: Grey water recycling Water conservation SC: EN Environment Web accessibility UF: Web site accessibility Website accessibility BT: Accessibility NT: Web usability RT: Vision impairments Websites SC: EG eGovernment Water trading USE: Water industry Web analytics UF: Web measurement Web metrics Website analytics Website measurement Website metrics BT: Measurement NT: Click through rates Search engine metrics RT: Internet statistics Websites SC: EG eGovernment Water transport USE: Sea transport Watercrafts USE: Boats Waterways USE: Inland waters Wave energy BT: Renewable energy SC: EN Environment Web archives USE: Website archives Waxing USE: Beauty industry Web based learning USE: e-Learning W-class trams USE: Trams Web based teaching USE: e-Learning Weapons BT: Defence NT: Controlled weapons Prohibited weapons SC: DF Defence Web browsers USE: Browsers Web content BT: Web pages NT: Blogs RSS Weapons buy back USE: Firearms 262 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Widgets Wikis Content management Content management systems Writing for the web EG eGovernment RT: SC: Information architecture Websites EG eGovernment Website accessibility USE: Web accessibility Web design USE: Website design Website analytics USE: Web analytics Web directories UF: Directory Internet directories BT: Directories RT: Websites SC: EG eGovernment Website archives UF: Web archives Web site archives BT: Archives RT: Websites SC: EG eGovernment Web forms USE: Online forms Website deep links USE: Deep linking Web hosting USE: Internet service providers Website design UF: Web design BT: Design RT: Website standards Websites SC: EG eGovernment Web links USE: Websites Web measurement USE: Web analytics Website governance BT: Governance RT: Website management Websites SC: EG eGovernment Web metrics USE: Web analytics Web pages BT: Websites NT: Web content RT: HTML SC: EG eGovernment Website management BT: Management RT: Website governance Website Management Framework Websites SC: EG eGovernment Web publishing USE: ICT industry Web resources USE: Websites Web site accessibility USE: Web accessibility Website Management Framework UF: WMF BT: Website standards RT: Website management SC: EG eGovernment Web site archives USE: Website archives Website measurement USE: Web analytics Web site navigation USE: Website navigation Website metrics USE: Web analytics Web sites USE: Websites Web standards USE: Website standards Website navigation UF: Web site navigation BT: Navigation RT: Information architecture SC: EG eGovernment Web usability UF: Usability Website usability BT: Web accessibility NT: Usability testing Website standards UF: W3C Web standards World Wide Web Consortium BT: Standards 263 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 NT: Website Management Framework RT: Website design Websites SC: EG eGovernment Welfare services UF: Public welfare Social welfare BT: Community services NT: Child welfare Crisis support services Social security Student welfare services SC: CM Community Website usability USE: Web usability Websites UF: Internet sites Portals Web links Web resources Web sites BT: Internet Intranets NT: Multilingual websites Web pages RT: Metadata Online forms Web accessibility Web analytics Web directories Web usability Website archives Website design Website governance Website management Website standards SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Werribee Zoo USE: Zoos Western Victoria BT: Regional areas SC: TO Tourism WET USE: Wine Equalisation Tax Wet lands USE: Wetlands Wet tropics USE: Tropics Wetlands UF: Wet lands Wet-lands BT: Inland waters SC: EN Environment Wet-lands USE: Wetlands Wedding celebrants USE: Marriage celebrants WFD programs USE: Work for the dole programs Weddings BT: Ceremonies RT: Marriages SC: CU Culture Wheat industry USE: Crop industries Weeds UF: Blackberries Blackberry Gorse Patersons Curse Paterson's Curse Ragwort Serrated tussock BT: Plants RT: Pests SC: EN Environment Whip spears USE: Prohibited weapons Weighbridges BT: Measurement RT: Heavy vehicles SC: TR Transport Whistleblowers UF: Blowing the whistle Whistle blowers Whistle blowing Whistleblowing BT: Crime prevention RT: Business ethics Corruption SC: BS Business MG Management Whips USE: Prohibited weapons Whistle blowers USE: Whistleblowers Whistle blowing USE: Whistleblowers Weighted gloves USE: Prohibited weapons Welfare payments USE: Social security 264 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Windfarms Renewable energy EN Environment Whistleblowing USE: Whistleblowers BT: SC: White Card USE: Health care cards Wind farms USE: Wind energy White water rafting BT: Rafting SC: RC Recreation Wind power USE: Wind energy Windfarms USE: Wind energy Whooping cough UF: Pertussis BT: Infectious diseases SC: HL Health Wine BT: RT: Widgets BT: Web content SC: EG eGovernment SC: WiFi USE: Alcohol Food and wine festivals Viticulture Wine Equalisation Tax Wine industry IN Industry Wireless networks Wine bars USE: Bars Web content CO Communication EG eGovernment Wild life USE: Wildlife Wine Equalisation Tax UF: WET BT: Business taxation RT: Wine Wine industry SC: FN Finance Wildlife UF: Native animals Wild life Wild-life BT: Animals RT: Native plants Wildlife licences SC: EN Environment Wine industry BT: Industry sectors NT: Wineries RT: Food industry Viticulture Wine Wine Equalisation Tax SC: IN Industry Wild-life USE: Wildlife Wine regions BT: Regional areas RT: Wineries SC: TO Tourism Wikis BT: SC: Wildlife licences BT: Licences RT: Wildlife SC: EN Environment Wineries BT: Wine industry RT: Tourist attractions Wine regions SC: TO Tourism Will preparation USE: Wills Wills UF: BT: RT: SC: Winter sports BT: Sports NT: Skiing Snowboarding Tobogganing RT: Alpine regions Alpine resorts Snow SC: RC Recreation Probate Testaments Will preparation Legal documents Deaths Deceased estates Executors LW Law Wind energy UF: Wind farms Wind power Wireless connectivity USE: Wireless networks 265 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Wireless fidelity USE: Wireless networks USE: Womens health UF: Women's health BT: Health RT: Breast cancer Cervical cancer Mammograms Maternal and child health centres Pap smears Pregnancy Women SC: HL Health Wireless Markup Language USE: WML Wireless networking USE: Wireless networks Wireless networks UF: WiFi Wireless connectivity Wireless fidelity Wireless networking BT: Networks RT: Computer networks SC: EG eGovernment IT Information & Communications Technologies Women's health USE: Womens health Womens policy UF: Policies Women's policy BT: Policy RT: Women SC: CM Community WMF USE: Website Management Framework WML UF: BT: SC: Womens employment Wireless Markup Language Computer languages EG eGovernment Women's policy USE: Womens policy Women's programs USE: Womens services Woman USE: Women Womens services UF: Women's programs Women's services BT: Community services RT: Women SC: CM Community Women UF: Females Woman BT: Adults Groups NT: Lesbians RT: Men Womens education Womens employment Womens health Womens policy Womens services SC: CM Community Women's services USE: Womens services Wood USE: Forest products Wood chips USE: Forest products Womens education UF: Education of women Women's education BT: Education RT: Women SC: ED Education Woodchips USE: Forest products Wood-chips USE: Forest products Women's education USE: Womens education Wool industry BT: Industry sectors RT: Sheep SC: IN Industry Womens employment UF: Employment of women Women's employment BT: Employment RT: Women SC: ET Employment Work USE: Labour Work based education SN: Work based programs that offer training or development to Women's employment 266 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 BT: NT: RT: SC: employees Professional development Vocational education and training Traineeships Work placements Workplace learning Professional learning Workplace training ET Employment USE: Workplace training Work placements BT: Work based education RT: Vocational education in schools Work experience SC: ET Employment Work places USE: Work environment Work conditions USE: Working conditions Work Safe USE: Occupational health and safety Work Cover USE: Workers compensation Work safety USE: Occupational health and safety Work environment UF: Work places Workplace environment Workplaces BT: Working conditions RT: Ergonomics Workplace awards SC: ET Employment Work skills USE: Job skills Work experience BT: Professional development RT: Vocational education in schools Work placements SC: ET Employment Workers compensation UF: Work Cover WorkCover Workers' compensation Worksafe BT: Insurance Occupational health and safety RT: Accident compensation SC: ET Employment SF Safety WorkCover USE: Workers compensation Workers USE: Employees Work family balance USE: Work life balance Work for the dole programs UF: Programmes WFD programs BT: Employment programs RT: Unemployment benefits SC: ET Employment Workers' compensation USE: Workers compensation Workforce UF: Human resources Work force BT: Resources NT: Older workers RT: Human resources management SC: IN Industry Work force USE: Workforce Work hours USE: Working hours Work life balance UF: Work family balance BT: Quality of life RT: Occupational health and safety Working conditions Working from home Workloads SC: ET Employment Working conditions UF: Conditions of employment Employee benefits Employment conditions Entitlements Labour conditions Work conditions Workplace conditions BT: Employment NT: Casual employment Contracting Employee assistance programs Leave Remuneration Self employment Teleworking Work loads USE: Workloads Work place learning USE: Workplace learning Work place training 267 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Work environment Working from home Working hours Workloads Child employment Codes of conduct Occupational health and safety Superannuation Teaching conditions Work life balance Workplace agreements ET Employment SC: Employer associations Unions Working conditions ET Employment Workplace awards BT: Awards and honours RT: Work environment SC: ET Employment Workplace bullying BT: Bullying Occupational health and safety RT: Bullying in schools Workplace harassment SC: SF Safety Working from home BT: Working conditions RT: Home based businesses Outworkers Work life balance SC: ET Employment Workplace conditions USE: Working conditions Working hours UF: Hours of work Hours worked Work hours BT: Working conditions NT: Flexible work arrangements SC: ET Employment Workplace environment USE: Work environment Workplace flexibility USE: Flexible work arrangements Workplace harassment UF: Harassment in the workplace BT: Harassment RT: Workplace bullying SC: ET Employment Working visas UF: Permanent visas Temporary visas BT: Visas RT: Skilled migrants SC: ET Employment Workplace health USE: Occupational health and safety Working with children USE: Child employment Workplace injuries USE: Workplace accidents Workloads UF: Work loads Work-loads SN: The amount of work that an employee is expected to accomplish within a timeframe BT: Working conditions RT: Work life balance SC: ET Employment Workplace learning UF: Work place learning Work-place learning BT: Learning Work based education RT: Organisational learning SC: ET Employment Work-place learning USE: Workplace learning Work-loads USE: Workloads Workplace relations USE: Industrial relations Workplace accidents UF: Workplace injuries BT: Accidents RT: Occupational health and safety SC: SF Safety Workplace Relations Act USE: Industrial relations legislation Workplace safety USE: Occupational health and safety Workplace agreements SN: Workplace agreements set out the conditions of employment between an employee or group of employees and an employer BT: Agreements RT: Collective agreements Workplace training UF: Employee training Staff training Work place training Work-place training BT: Training 268 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Flexible learning Work based education ET Employment WWW USE: Internet Work-place training USE: Workplace training Workplaces USE: Work environment Work-related expenses UF: Entertainment allowances Travel allowances Travel expenses BT: Remuneration SC: ET Employment Worksafe USE: Occupational health and safety Workers compensation World heritage areas UF: World heritage listings BT: Heritage RT: Heritage conservation Natural heritage SC: CU Culture World heritage listings USE: World heritage areas World trade USE: International trade World War 1 USE: War World War 2 USE: War World Wide Web USE: Internet World Wide Web Consortium USE: Website standards Writing BT: NT: RT: SC: Communication Writing for the web Correspondence CO Communication Writing for the web BT: Writing RT: Copywriting Web content SC: EG eGovernment WW1 USE: War WW2 USE: War 269 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 X X rays USE: X-rays xForms USE: Online forms XHTML UF: Extensible Hypertext Markup Language BT: Computer languages SC: EG eGovernment XML UF: BT: NT: SC: Extensible Markup Language Computer languages SAML EG eGovernment Xrays USE: X-rays X-rays UF: X rays Xrays BT: Medical procedures Radiotherapy services SC: HL Health 270 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Year 5 UF: Y Yarra Trams USE: Trams BT: SC: Year 1 UF: Year 6 UF: BT: SC: Grade 1 Grade One Year One Early years ED Education BT: SC: Year 10 UF: 4th Form Form 4 Form Four Fourth Form Year Ten BT: Lower secondary years SC: ED Education Year 7 UF: BT: SC: Year 11 UF: 5th Form Fifth Form Form 5 Form Five Year Eleven BT: Upper secondary years RT: Victorian Certificate of Education SC: ED Education Year 8 UF: BT: SC: Year 12 UF: 6th Form Form 6 Form Six Sixth Form Year Twelve BT: Upper secondary years RT: Victorian Certificate of Education SC: ED Education Year 2 UF: BT: SC: Year 3 UF: BT: SC: Year 4 UF: BT: SC: Year 9 UF: BT: SC: Grade 5 Grade Five Year Five Middle years ED Education Grade 6 Grade Six Year Six Middle years ED Education 1st Form First Form Form 1 Form One Year Seven Lower secondary years Middle years ED Education 2nd Form Form 2 Form Two Second Form Year Eight Lower secondary years Middle years ED Education 3rd Form Form 3 Form Three Third Form Year Nine Lower secondary years ED Education Year Eight USE: Year 8 Grade 2 Grade Two Year Two Early years ED Education Year Eleven USE: Year 11 Year Five USE: Year 5 Grade 3 Grade Three Year Three Early years ED Education Year Four USE: Year 4 Year Nine USE: Year 9 Grade 4 Grade Four Year Four Early years ED Education Year One USE: Year 1 Year Seven USE: Year 7 271 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Year Six USE: Year 6 Youth accommodation UF: Accommodation for youth BT: Accommodation RT: Youth SC: SO Society Year Ten USE: Year 10 Year Three USE: Year 3 Youth activities UF: Activity BT: Activities RT: Youth Youth events SC: CM Community Year Twelve USE: Year 12 Year Two USE: Year 2 Youth advisory committees USE: Youth committees Young adults UF: Young people BT: Adults RT: Youth SC: CM Community Youth advisory groups USE: Youth committees Youth Affairs Council of Victoria Reference Group USE: Youth committees Young children UF: Early childhood Preschool children Toddlers BT: Children RT: Child care Early childhood development Early intervention Preschool education SC: CM Community Youth Allowance USE: Youth assistance Youth assistance UF: Youth Allowance Youth concessions Youth support BT: Social security RT: Study allowances Youth SC: SO Society Young offenders BT: Offenders RT: Juvenile justice SC: LW Law Youth Central USE: Youth participation Young people USE: Young adults Youth Youth UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Youth committees UF: National Youth Roundtable RYANs Victorian Regional Youth Affairs Networks Youth advisory committees Youth advisory groups Youth Affairs Council of Victoria Reference Group Youth councils Youth groups Youth leadership groups Youth reference groups BT: Organisations RT: Youth participation SC: CM Community PO Politics Adolescence Adolescents Teenagers Teens Young people Age groups Homeless youth Young adults Youth accommodation Youth activities Youth assistance Youth development Youth employment Youth events Youth information Youth participation Youth policy Youth programs Youth services Youth suicide CM Community Youth concessions USE: Youth assistance Youth councils USE: Youth committees Youth development BT: Development 272 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 RT: SC: Youth GN General BT: RT: Programs Youth Youth services CM Community Youth employment BT: Employment RT: Youth SC: ET Employment SC: Youth events UF: National Youth Week BT: Events RT: Youth Youth activities SC: CM Community Youth resources USE: Youth information Youth reference groups USE: Youth committees Youth services UF: Youth work BT: Community services RT: Youth Youth programs SC: CM Community Youth groups USE: Youth committees Youth homelessness BT: Homelessness RT: Homeless youth SC: SO Society Youth shelters USE: Emergency accommodation Youth strategies USE: Youth policy Youth hostels USE: Hostels Youth suicide BT: Suicide RT: Youth SC: SO Society Youth information UF: Youth issues Youth resources BT: Information RT: Student information Youth SC: GN General Youth support USE: Youth assistance Youth transition USE: Pathways Youth issues USE: Youth information Youth work USE: Youth services Youth justice USE: Juvenile justice Youth workers USE: Social workers Youth leadership groups USE: Youth committees YouthCentral USE: Youth participation Youth participation UF: Youth Central YouthCentral BT: Participation RT: Youth Youth committees SC: CM Community PO Politics YouTube USE: Social networks YPP USE: Pathways Youth Pathways Program USE: Pathways Youth policy UF: Policies Youth strategies BT: Policy RT: Youth SC: CM Community Youth programs UF: Programmes 273 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7 Z Zip codes USE: Postcodes Zipcodes USE: Postcodes Zone 1 USE: Travel zones Zone 2 USE: Travel zones Zone 3 USE: Travel zones Zones USE: Zoning UF: BT: NT: RT: SC: Zoning Zones Planning Green wedge zones Rural planning Town planning PL Planning Zoology USE: Animal sciences Zoos UF: BT: RT: SC: Healesville Sanctuary Melbourne Zoo Werribee Zoo Recreational facilities Animal sciences Tourist attractions RC Recreation 274 Victoria Online Thesaurus Version 2.7