How to get from the airport to the hotel? Step 1


How to get from the airport to the hotel? Step 1
How to get from the airport to the hotel?
Step 1. Airport to metro station
In the airport (Santiago) you will find a transfer service called TUR-BUS transfer. It is a big
bus that take people to the TUR-BUS terminal.
Airport - Santiago
TUR-BUS Terminal
TUR - BUS Transfer Schedule
Airport to TUR-BUS Terminal = Every day since 06:15 to 00:00.
TUR-BUS Terminal to Airport = Every day since 06:15 to 21:15.
Step 2. From the metro station to the Hotel
Under the bus terminal there is the main metro line of Santiago (Red line). Once you get to
the terminal you have to go to the underground station called “Universidad Santiago de
Chile”. From there you take the line heading to “Escuela Militar” destination.
You will have to get out of the train at the “Universidad Catolica” metro station.
Universidad Católica
Metro Station
Universidad de Santiago
Metro Station
Step 3. From the metro station to the Hotel
Once you have gotten out of the train you have to cross the Alameda Bernardo OʼHiggins
street and walk to the street called “Jose Victorino Lastarrias”. The Hotel will be located
Universidad Católica
Metro Station
Step 4. From the Hotel to the Campus San Joaquín. Universidad
Pontificia Católica de Chile
From the hotel to the campus you have to take again the metro (Line 5). To do it you have
to walk for approximately 10 minutes to the “Baquedano” metro station. When taking the
metro in the morning you will realize that its full of people (peak hour) so to make the trip
faster two alternatives are available to take. In this case you have to take the red route
(ruta roja). You will take the metro in direction to the “Plaza Puente Alto” station, and get
out of the train at the “San Joaquín” station. Once you get there you will see that the
entrance of the campus is in front of the station.
Baquedano Metro Station
Hotel Melablu
San Joaquín Metro Station
Step 5. Moving inside the Campus. Hydro - Latin America 2009
Inside the Campus you just have to follow the instructions of the map as follows:
Final Step.
To come back to the hotel you just have to follow the same description but in the opossite
direction. Remember that you have to get out of the train at “Baquedano” station and then
walk to the Hotel.
Good luck and enjoy the trip!

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