Olefin Metathesis
Olefin Metathesis
Olefin Metathesis ROMP: Ring-opening metathesis polymerization •Thermodynamically favored for 3,4, 8, larger ring systems •Bridging groups (bicyclic olefins) make ΔG polymerization more favorable as a result of strain. ROMP n LnRu= ROMP n LnRu= RCM:Ring closing Metathesis RCM + H2C=CH2 LnRu= dilute •The reaction can be driven to the right by the loss of ethylene •High dilution conditions favor RCM vs. olefin polymerization. •The development of well-defined metathesis catalysts tolerant of many functional groups yet reactive toward a diverse array of substrates has led to to rapid aceptance of the RCM reaction as a powerful tool for C-C bond formation and macrocyclization. •Where the thermodynamics of ring closure are unfavorable, olefin polymerization takes place. F 3C F3C N Mo O H3C F3C P(c-Hex)3 CH3 Ph CH3 O F3C CH3 Cl Ru Cl P(c-Hex)3 Ph Cl Ru Ph H P(c-Hex)3 Cl H P(c-Hex)3 2-Ru 1-Mo Ph 3-Ru • 1-Mo, 2-Ru, and 3-Ru are the most widely used catalysts for olefin metathesis • Schrock’s 1-Mo is more reactive toward a broad range of substrates, but has poor functional group tolerance, sensitivity to air, moisture, solvent impurities, and thermal instability. • Grubb’s 2- and 3-Ru have high reactivity in ROMP and RCM and show a remarkable tolerance to a wide variety of functional groups Easily prepared: Ph CH2Cl2 RuCl2(PPh3)3 + N2 = PPh3 Cl Ru Cl Ph H PPh3 • little sensitivity to air or moisture • requires electron-rich ligands (P(c-Hex)3)for increased activity P(c-Hex)3 CH2Cl2 3-Ru JACS, 1993, 9858 P(c-Hex)3 A Dissociative Mechanism has been proposed: Cl Cl JACS, 1997, 3887. EtO2C CO2Et JACS, 1975, 3265. Cl P(c-Hex)3 [2+2] H Ru H -P R 18e complex H P(c-Hex)3 5 mol% CD2Cl2, 25°C Cl Cl P(c-Hex)3 H Cl Ru H P(c-Hex)3 R H Ru Cl P(c-Hex)3 H Cl Ru H H Cl P(c-Hex)3 Cl H R 16e complex EtO2C Ru R metallacyclo butane -C2H4 R Cl P(c-Hex)3 Cl H Ru Cl •Evidence for phosphine dissociation: addition of one equivalent of phosphine decreases rate by 20 times H P(c-Hex)3 P(c-Hex)3 Cl Ru E E [2+2] E Cl P(c-Hex)3 H Cl Ru H E +P Cl P(c-Hex)3 H Cl Ru H P(c-Hex)3 E E E E Cl P(c-Hex)3 H Cl Ru H E E CO2Et Catalytic RCM of dienes by 2-Ru substrate product NBoc yield NBoc O O Ph Ph 84 Ph • catalyst 2-Ru is stable to acids, alcohols, and aldehydes •Free amines are not tolerated by ruthenium catalysts; the corresponding hydrochloride salts undergo efficient RCM with 2-Ru O O 91 • 5,6,7-membered oxygen and nitrogencontaining heterocycles and cycloalkanes are formed efficiently 72 ClPhH2C + H Ph N R R R=CO2H R=CHO R=CH2OH Ph 2-Ru CH2Cl2 NaOH 87 82 88 Conditions: substrate + 2-4mol% 2-Ru, C6H6, 20°C N For Tri- and Tetrasubstituted Olefins, Catalyst 1-Mo is better substrate product E E E R H3C E R E E CH 3 93 NR 25 100 96 97 NR 93 NR 61 E CH3 E E yield 1-Mo E R=CH3 R=t-Bu R=Ph H3C H3C E yield 3-Ru E H3C CH3 CH3 JOC, 1997, 7310 conditions, 5mol% catalyst, 0.1M, C6H6 The standard "Thorpe-Ingold" effect favors cyclizations with gem-disubstituted substrates: O 1mol% 1-Mo R R R RR R 25°C O R R R=H 0% R=CH3 95% JACS, 1992, 10978 Recyclable and Water-Soluble Catalysts CH3 N Cl O Cl Ru N(CH3)3+Cl- P P(c-Hex)3 Cl H Ru Cl 4-Ru Cl Ru 5-Ru Cl P N(CH3)3 CH2 P Ph H Cl- +Cl- Ph P N JACS, 1999, 791 6-Ru H CH3 CH3 Cl- JOC, 1998, 9904 • Catalyst Ru-4 offers excellent stability to air and moisture and can be recycled in high yield by silica gel chromatography. • Alkylidenes 5-Ru and 6-Ru are water-soluble Ru-based metathesis catalysts that are stable for days in methanol or water at 45°C. • Although 3-Ru is highly active for RCM of dienes in organic solvents, it has no catalytic activity in protic media: EtO2C CO2Et 5 mol% 3-Ru 25°C solvent: CH2Cl2 CH3OH EtO2C CO2Et 100% <5% Substrate TBSO solvent 5 mol% catalyst yield CH2Cl2 4-Ru 90 75 NTs CH2Cl2 4-Ru 99 88 NTs CH2Cl2 4-Ru 72 88 CH3OH 5-Ru 6-Ru 80 95 CH3OH 6-Ru >95 CH3OH 5-Ru 6-Ru 30 >95 Product OTBS H Ts N Ts N E E E E Ph E recovered catalyst% E E E Ph Boc N Boc N Ph • Alkylidene 6-Ru is a significantly more active catalyst than alkylidene 5-Ru, because of the more electron-rich phosphines in 6-Ru • Substitution of one of the two terminal olefins in the substrate with a phenyl group leads to regeneration of the benzylidene catalyst, which is far more stable than the methylidene catalyst in methanol • cis-olefins are more reactive in RCM than the corresponding trans-olefins Example: N(CH3)3+ClPh N(CH3)3+Cl- 10 mol% 6-Ru 90% H2 O LnRu= Mechanism: R methylidene, R=H benzylidene, R=Ph R LnRu R LnRu= Ph Ph RuLn LnRu R R Ph •Phenyl substitution within the starting material can also greatly increase the yield of RCM in organic solvents: ClH H Cl5 mol% 3-Ru H H N R=H 60% N R R=Ph 100% CH2Cl2 Macrocyclizations and pre-organization 5 mol% 3-Ru "template" O O n O O O CH2Cl2, 45°C O O O n=1,2 n template yield cis:trans 1 1 2 2 none LiClO4 none LiClO4 39 >95 57 89 38:62 100:0 26:74 61:39 n •Preorganization of the linear polyether about a complementary metal ion can enhance RCM • In general, ions that function best as templates also favor formation of the cis isomer. ACIEE, 1997, 1101. • Although interactions that increase substrate rigidity (i.e. intramolecular hydrogen bonding) and reduce the entropic cost of cyclization can be beneficial in RCM, it is not a strict requirement for macrocyclization by RCM. See: JACS, 1996, 9606.; JACS, 1995, 2108; JACS, 1995, 5855. RCM of enol ethers: 12 mol% 1-Mo H3C O 88% Ph Ph O 12 mol% 1-Mo Ph 97% Ph O O Only catalyst 1-Mo is effective for metathesis of these substrates Ring-opening, Ring Closing Metathesis 3-Ru 3mol% O O H O H O 0.1M O O O O H H 0.04M 90% JACS, 1996, 10335 JACS, 1996, 6634. H H 3-Ru 6mol% JOC, 1994, 4029 68% O O H H 6 mol% 3-Ru H O H O 0.12 M 16% 0.008M 73% Without sufficient strain in the starting olefin, competing oligomerization can occur •Higher dilution favors the intramolecular reaction Mechanism: LnRu=CHPh O O H H LnRu O O H H O O O H H H O O LnRu=CH2 H O H O H H RuLn O RuLn •Initial Metathesis of the acyclic olefin is supported by the fact that substitution of this olefin decreases the rate of metathesis Catalytic, Enantioselective RCM OSiEt3 OSiEt3 N t-Bu O t-Bu CH3 H3C + 8-Mo Ph CH3 O H3C 5mol% CH3 Mo OSiEt3 43%, 93%ee 19%, >99%ee 8-Mo JACS, 1998, 4041 JOC, 1998, 824 JACS, 1996, 2499 H3C Diastereodifferentiation occurs during formation or breakdown of the metallabicyclobutane intermediates Ar Ar t-Bu t-Bu N H3C Mo O O H3C CH3 H3C H3C Favored OSiEt3 H3C t-Bu OSiEt3 N H3C Mo O O H3C CH3 H3C H3C t-Bu H3C Disfavored R N t-Bu CH3 Mo O O H3C 5mol% O R H3C O H3C R 8-Mo + R H3C R O Ph CH3 R % conversion SM ee (%) n-C5H11 63 92% t-Bu 8-Mo R=iPr c-C6H11 62 98% 9-Mo R=Me C6H5 56 75% increasing the size of the alpha-substitutent leads to greater selectivity; neither 8-Mo nor 9-Mo resolve disubstituted alkenes CH3 H3C H3C Catalytic, Enantioselective Desymmetrization: O H3C CH3 R H3C 1-2mol% 9-Mo H3C O R R=H, 85%, 93%ee R=CH3, 93%, 99%ee R Works for tertiary allylic ethers with 9-Mo: O 5 mol% 9-Mo 91%, 82%ee Ph O JACS, 1998, 4141 JACS, 1998, 9720 Dienyne Metathesis m m n m n n Ln M OSiEt3 R R R OSiEt3 R H CH3 iPr t-Bu Ph 3-5mol% 2-Ru R R substrate OSiEt3 product yield 83% OSiEt3 0.03M R yield >98 95 78 NR 96 reaction rates decrease as the size of the alkyne substituent increases JOC, 1996, 1073. Note: regiochemical control within unsymmetrical substrates is achieved by substitution of the olefin required to undergo metathesis last. Unsymmetrical substrates containing equally reactive olefins produce mixtures of products: CH3 OSiEt3 Et3SiO 78% CH3 M OSiEt3 CH3 m n MLn CH3 Et3SiO OSiEt3 + 0.001M CH3 CH3 86%, 1:1 CH3 Cross Metathesis 5 mol% 3-Ru + "olefin" BzO BzO 7 "olefin" AcO t-BuO R 7 R yield E:Z OAc OAc 89 4.7:1 OtBu OtBu 90 7:1 • The use of disubstituted olefins in cross-metathesis minmizes the formation of a methylidene intermediate (LnRu=CH2) which is a less stable catalyst. •The disubstituted alkene may be used as solvent to increase the yield of cross metathesis Procedure: a. homodimerize the more readily available terminal olefin, and b. use two equivalents of this homodimer in cross metathesis with the more valuable terminal olefin 0.3 mol% 3-Ru AcO AcO 7 OAc 7 BnO BnO BnO O BnO BnO TL 1998, 7427. 7 + AcO OAc 7 7 5 mol% 3-Ru 73%; E:Z 3:1 BnO O BnO BnO OAc New Ru-Based Catalysts MesN NMes Cl MesN Cl Ph Ru Ru H P(c-Hex)3 Cl Cl 10-Ru H3C E product E E tBu E H3C E E Cl H P(c-Hex)3 12-Ru 10-Ru 11-Ru 12-Ru 100 100 100 40 31 55 95 90 87 t-Bu CH3 E E CH3 Ph Ru H P(c-Hex)3 most reactive Ru-based catalysts to date E E CH3 H3C E NMes Cl Ph 11-Ru substrate E MesN NMes H3C CH3 OL, 1999, 953 TL, 1999, 2247 Metathesis of Alkynes and Diynes t-Bu t-Bu N Mo N N t-Bu CH3 Cl CH2Cl2 t-Bu N CH3 H3C CH3 H C 3 14-Mo CH3 Substrate O O N O R=H 60% R=CN 58% 91 O O O N CH3 Yield (%) O O O R O O CH3 O R Product O CH3 15-Mo CH2Cl2, toluene O O N N t-Bu CH3 14-Mo (10mol%) R CH3 H3C CH3 CH3 H C 3 Mo t-Bu O 88 Catalyst 15-Mo is tolerant of diverse functional groups: esters, amides, thioethers, and basic nitrogen atoms. JACS, 1999, 9453. Cross-Metathesis of Functionalized Olefins BnO MesN NMes CH3 Cl AcO Ru A H P(c-Hex)3 Cl B CH3 13-Ru Functionalized Olefin Alkene A O H Product BnO 91 E:Z 4.5:1 CH3 O B AcO O H Yield H 92 >20:1 62 1.1:1 55 5:1 81 11:1 O B AcO H O O H O B AcO H Si(OEt)3 B O AcO Si(OEt)3 JACS, 2000, 3783. RCM of Functionalized dienes Diene Product O O Yield O CH3 O O 86 O 93 O O conditions: 5 mol% 13-Ru O O 97 JACS, 2000, 3783. • Substrates containing both allyl and vinyl ethers provide RCM, while no products are observed if vinyl ethers alone are present • !,"-unsaturated lactones and enones of various ring sizes are produced in good to excellent yields Cross Metathesis of Ethylene and Alkynes 11-Ru outperforms 3-Ru in both rate and overall conversion: Substrate Product OR OR Yield R=H R=Ac R=TBS 73 92 91 OAc AcO 69 OAc OAc NTs NTs 91 conditions: 5mol% 11-Ru at 60 psi of ethylene pressure • 11-Ru can tolerate free hydroxyl groups and coordinating functionality at propargylic and homopropargylic positions • Chiral propargylic alcohols afford chiral diene products without loss of optical purity: OH Ph 99%ee OH 11-Ru (5 mol%) ethylene (60 psi) Ph 99%ee Enyne Metathesis Reactions Catalyzed by PtCl2 Substrate PhO2S SO2Ph Product PhO2S Yield SO2Ph 96% O O O MeO2C 70% OCH3 Ts N TsN conditions: 4-10mol% PtCl2, 80°C, toluene •Remote alkenes are not affected •commercial PtCl2 used. 80% JACS, 2000, 6785.
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