The Welgevonden Fault Aquifer of the Central Transvaal and its
The Welgevonden Fault Aquifer of the Central Transvaal and its
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLlEK VAN $UID_AFRIKA DEPARTEMENT VAN MYNWESE DEPARTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGIESE OPNAME The Welgevonden Fault Aquifer of the Transvaal and its Thermal Water Central GROUNDWATER SERIES 2 GRONDWATERREEKS 2 by B. N. TEMPERLEY, Ph.D. Met 'n opsomming in Afrikaans deur P. J. Smit, B.Sc. Copyright reservedjKopiereg voorbehou 1975 Printed by and obtainable from The Government Printer, Bosman Street, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 Gedruk deur en verkrygbaar van Die Staatsdrukker, Bosmanstraat, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 000 I CONTENTS Page 1 1 1 1 2 Abstract I. 11. Ill. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. In troduction Previous Work ..... . ............ . ......... . Geology . ... . .. . . .. . Recharge of the Fault Aquifer .. . .................... . .. .. ... . . ......... . Water Movement in the Fault Aquifer ........ . .. , . , . . . . . . . Discharge of the Fault Aquifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Behaviour of the Groundwatcr Level and the Potentiality of the Supply .. Quality of the Water . . . . . . .. Conclusions ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . , ... , .. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opsomming in Afrikaans . . . . . . . . ...................... . 7 7 13 17 20 21 21 21 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Central Transvaal fault system and the more important thermal springs associated with it . Geological map of the area cut by the eastern part of the Welgevonden fault . . . . . . . . . Topographic contours on the catchment areas of the Welgevonden fault system . . . . . . . Longi tudinal profile along the Welgevonden fault system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual rainfall as a curve of cumulative departure from the mean . . . . . . . . . . Pumpage from Union Tin Mine, original spring flow and estimated total spa abstraction Plan of boreholes at Libertas spa . . . . . . . . . . . , .. , . , . , . . . . . . . . " .... " .. Plan and section of boreholes at Lekkcrrus spa " . , ... ,." .. ,'" Plan of. boreholes in the neighbourhood of Rondalia spa _ " " " " " Schematic illustration of deduced ground water conditions at Libertas spa Water-level hydrograph analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 between 4 and 5 5 6 8 between 8 and 9 10 12 14 between 14 and 15 THE WELGEVONDEN FAULT AQUIFER OF THE CENTRAL TRANSVAAL AND ITS THERMAL WATER Abstract 343 KR, while the large Lekkerrus resort, also on the latter farm, is based on thermal groundwater found in boreholes sited by a diviner where no spring existed before. As all these boreholes are close to a major fault known as the Welgevonden fault, whose presence is clearly responsible for the strength of the boreholes and the warmth of the water, it is desirable that an account of the geohydrology of this important thermal aquifer should be made available. Thermal water pumped from the Welgcvonden fault composite aquifer, with a maximum temperature of 47°C, is used for bathing at the four popular holiday resorts of Rondalia, Rhemardo, Libertas and Lekkerrus. Chemically the water belongs to Bond's (1946) 'alkali soda carbonate' class but the mineralization is so weak that the water is almost tasteless. It contains, however, many times the fluoride content recommended for drinking water. This bulletin is based on field work done at intervals between August 1965 and August 1966, on the results of the chemical analys~s of water samples collected during that period, and on an interpretation of the hydrographs recorded up to the end of February 1974 by automatic water~level recorders erected at the end of the field period on three disused boreholes, one at or near each of the thermal water localities. The geology of the Welgevonden fault is briefly described, and its geohydrology in as much detail as is possible with the limited amount of infonnation available, It is deduced that recharge of the fault is mainly from local shallow groundwater and that the water gains its heat by convectIve circulation in the plane of the fault. The diabase that crops OUt at the spa localities is a sill and the thermal water is not pumped directly from the fault fissures, but from the weathered zone of the n. PREVIOUS WORK diabase, where it is mixed with local cold shallow groundwater. The water in the diabase is locally semi-confined, as may also be that in the fault, but there is no reason to assume that either aquifer is, as a \\fhole, fully confined. Kynaston, Melior and Hall (1911) were the first to map the area traversed by the Welgevonden fault and they stated that both of the thermal springs occur on the course of the fault and are undoubtedly closely connected with it. Von Backstrom (1938) gauged the springs and thought that, as the fault dips northwards under the Waterberg plateau, that plateau must be the recharge area and that the groundwater moves southwards through the impermeable felsite into the Welgevonden fault by way of other faults. The groundwater levels in the diabase far from tlle producing thermal boreholes, fluctuate with the rainfall when this is expressed by a monthly curve of cumulative departure from the mean, in the manner characteristic of shallow weathered-zone aquifers in South Africa. Near the thermal boreholes, this natural fluctuation is masked by other water-level depth variations due to unrecorded short-period changes in the rate of abstraction. The area along the fault was remapped by Van Rooyen (Kent, 1949), who considered that the southward-moving groundwater is arrested by a diabase dyke in the plane of the fault and that the water rises in the fault beside the dyke. Kent quote~ analyses, among others, of two water samples from the springs. He repeats the views of Von Backstrom and Van Rooyen and adds his own and Russell's (1948 and 1949) on the Loubad and Buffelshoek springs, and illustrates the last by diagrammatic sections that portray the movement of groundwater towards the fault as resembling that in an artesian basin. After the water-level had declined considerably during the period of thermal water development from 1955 to 1966 the mean depth, about which the water-levels fluctuate seasonally or otherwise, stabilized and has remained stable in spite of various changes that have occurred in the rates of abstraction. Thus, under the present rainfall and abstraction regimes, there is no overdraught. Data provided by the observation borchole hydrographs from Lckkerrus and Rondalia spas indicate that the rate of abstraction at these two localities could probably safely be increased if necessary. I. INTRODUCTION Wilke (1963) remappcd the area with the help of air photographs and his map was used as the basis of the present investigation. During the last twenty years the popular holiday resorts of Rondalia and Rhemardo have developed around strong thermal water boreholes that have replaced the former warm spring, Die Dog, on the farm Rietfontein 345 KR, Potgietersrus District, Transvaal. The resort Libertas has grown up around similar boreholes that have replaced a warm spring on the farm Welgevonden Ill. GEOLOGY Figure 1 shows that the Welgevonden fault passes within about 14 km of Naboomspruit. It is a member 1 of a system of faults that extends for 270 km from Thabazimbi to Zebediela, The system roughly follows the crest of a complex anticline that lies between the Waterberg and Transvaal structural basins, Most members of the system are reverse faults, overthrusts or tear faults, the overriding movement having generally been from the north, fault, the felsite is covered unconformably by the still more steeply dipping basal conglomerate of the Waterberg System. Interbedded with the felsite are tuffs, agglomerates, shales and quartzites but these formations do not seem to have any special hydrological significance. Intruded with a complicated cross~cutting relationship, there is a thick diabase sill that plays an essential part in determining the pattern of groundwater movement. Owing to the topographical relief and the throw of the fault, this diabase sill has several separate outcrops and abuts against the fault breccia, here on one side and there on the other: All three thermal spa localities are situated where diabase lies against the fault breccia in the zone of weathering, The Buffelshoek thermal spring is associated with the western part of the system, while the Loubad spring occurs in a wide gap in the middle. The Wc1gevonden fault constitutes the western part of the eastern half of the system. This eastern half carries no thermal springs other than those described here but a branch loop south of the main line of the system provides the thermal water of the Warm Baths, Visgat and Driefontein springs. The displacement of the basal Waterberg conglomerate at two places indicates that west of Libertas the downthrow side of the fault is the southern, and northeast of Rondalia it is thc southeastern. The relative altitudes of the diabase outcrops on either side of the fault west of Rondalia confirm the fact that at the spas the downthrow is to the south, The main elements of the geology of the country traversed by the eastern parr of the Welgevonden fault are shown in figure 2. Except in the Libertas-Rondalia reach, the course of the fault and of its two western branches can be exactly located because the fracture zone has been so strongly silicified that, at the outcrop, ithas the form of a white quartz vein that varies in width from about 5 to 20 m and is excellently exposed. Its outcrop forms a low ridge in most places which shows up well, both on the ground and on the aerial photographs. Throughout the greater part of its length the fault dips to the north at angles that vary from place to place between 45° and 90° (i.e. much more steeply than 30°, the angle stated by Von Backstrom) so that it is a reverse fault and not an overthrust. West of longitude 28°30 'the fault bifurcates and both branches extend for an extra 11 km. The country rock that crops out at this en d of the fault is exclusively felsite (fig. 3). Between Libertas and Rondalia spas no fault breccia has been found, so evidently the fracture zone here has not been silicified. Although this reach is low-lying, there are no springs or seepages along it, so presumably the fault fissures are here closed in the zone of weathering. An electromagnetic survey along this reach failed to indicate the fault, The disposition of country rock, float and ferricrete here suggests that the course of the fault lies a little farther to the south than the inferred line on Wilke's map, IV. RECHARGE OF THE FAULT AQUIFER Along the greater part of its course the fault zone crops out as a massive quartz vein. Although it is here referred to as a breccia, the brecciated structure is uncommon and very rarely can open spaces be found between component blocks and fragments, At a few localities only, there are open fissures up to about one centimetre in width between drusy linings, but they are short and do not appear to form a connected system of openings. It is evident that the fault breccia and the whole fault zone have been almost completely silicified and the original fault fissures scaled with quartz. The permeability of this structure must therefore be attributed to fractures, caused by post-silicification rejuvenation of the fault, that are not exposed at the outcrop. Mr. R, Urcn, Manager of the Union Tin Mine, has kindly provided the information that in the old workings, which include the fault, there is a shear on the footwall side: of the silicificd breccia, The writer observed slickensidcs on both walls where the quartz vein had been removed at the mouth of an adit in the old worki'ngs, On the footwall they pitch at 68° to the cast and on the hangingwall at 26° to the east. Clearly the fault has thrown more than once, one movement having had a large vertical component and the other a In the first few kilometres cast of Rondalia no typical silicified breccia was found but a fault that runs up the escarpment north of Rondalia (referred to as the Rheeder dip fault) displays a very well-exposed silicified breccia with open drusy fissures in it at one point. The writer therefore regards the Welgevonden fault as turning northwards at Rondalia into the plateau and as being unconnected with the far eastern or Zebediela member of the system as far as its function as an aquifer is concerned, The fault cuts mainly fclsite at the outcrop but must pass down through porphyry into Bushvcld granite, which is presumably underlain by noritc and the noritc in turn by the basal part of the Transvaal System. Near the course of the fault the felsite dips northwards at a low angle but farther to the north the dip steepens and Just below the crest of the escarpment that overlooks the 2 24° t BOTSWANA ~ ,j ~~6 V"" y WATERSERG "C, '" ARCHAEAN SASI N WATE RSERG KOM ~o 1'~ Vaalwafer \ ,~, ,f 1 WELGEVONDEN '"\ ARGE'iES 1-;:::::- BUFFELSHOE K • 1 j ,.''1' ~' Y 1 <i' 'c.. t \\RANSVAAL ·GOI'12:kul! 27° / V!SGAT/ ,[ \ ..... R1ETFONTEIN (Die 000;;1)""'- \'\ ARCHAEAN 24° 1 2BO I~ 27° 10 , o\\j , ! 10 , 20 SASI N ~O ;0 ~ ~ f NYI't,oom '''I 50 km WARMBATHS· , -I TRANSVAALKOM r Wormbod 2S 0\ FIG.!. - Central Transvaal fault system and the more imRortont thermal springs associated with it 29° Verskuiwingsisteem van Sentraal- Transvaal en die belangrikste geassosieerde warmbronne ) r \, Marble Ha!1 25° ) SECTION A-B DIAGRAMMATIC PROFIEL - f! f! f! A-8 DIAGRAMMATIES 8 .............. 1 f! Welgevonden" foult breccio If , , , v~, + f + + !ld t I_---.J~_=_+ /. . / / -+~~'." + + \ J Welgevondenverskuiwi ngsbreksie A if_ + + + + I + t f '. y_'~ / ....,..,>..,:" ,. "~>, ,"H.!.~",ro"""3Jf. _________ v v V v v ----.:r_y__ Y_Y__ Y- __' " (I . ~~~ "i ') E 'Olle __ -.;,.4 Pc -....:;.;.~(jll(;;/ ') xNo .":~ Y- ~- 8'/ ...... ________ -- ----.e~.r€4U "( ...........f~ I1 '" / .. + \ \50 .. ' ." .....•..•. t . . ., ..• ". , "'....--;;-"'<.--<--" --- - ..:'\ ...... , ......" , ' " • •: , . 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Bushveld Igneous Complex Stollingskompleks Bosveld Granite Graniet Diabase dyke ==---d" Diabaasgang ...,.,..,1 Woterberg Felsite,tuff and agglomerate with interbedded shale l(.;~ Felsiet, tuf en agg!omeraat met tussengelaagde ska!ief.::".1 _ _ _ 24°30' Geofogie-se kaart + / [JJ] , ."" ... "'" '0"~ K ,. \ \ "'" o /<, ':< .' I·.. ·",·· \ ') r':/' , ____-- __/~' /J,; ", ~~:':/::' "'" "~"-__ ",' 1,.,.7 / ./ -- ... /<,..=".' ""," ".0""''''';' ,<:'.""",.1/·,· ... " """ // 7." ,,0/. '.:." ~ ",,,K ~ _.~ "'1 ,..~",~:,' <t..." 2' '.'/'." ~~ " ....'»'-- I .. .... ~. " \+ LEGENDE o;Ievcodenfont&m) ~ tf~// ~{ -:. _'I_'::::;>2(UN=NTINMINE~ \\ .o~~ "'" ' 1 ,~ J ~ _', __' , d 000 ... y ' ~ LlBERTAS SPA 1 I /{'- ",-. , " " c . . . ..• '\\...'!.J ,~V I' , . . van die gebied waardeur die oostelike daal van die Walgavondanverskuiwing sny Thermal water spa Wormwaferspo • + / ! /' .<-""''''' ~ '''. ) . <§). e. ;,. I' ,.:;'" ".~ ............. ..-. Sw 4E; R S / '' 1--- i#-;:;"'~'<<P - / . / . 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",,_ /1" / \ - - - ,- , . / ) 1\)' ~~~ioOTiOMit.'-. \~ ( ~ \ .,"" -"""""''7 'IS90~ 1\'" J -y- 14 ..' ----,!~ '--,,,,, / \ .) ,: ' we!gevondenverskmw1ng ,_:/' -"lekkerrus \ ", ~ (We ~ . ---":' ~ I J -:lW", 1. ~'.>_;: . liber" sP~ ~~___ / ____ / - :;( ""'- \ / , , : ' (' ~ --1590- Height obove sec-level in metres Hoogte be seespielil io meter. \ \ \ ,/' ~ I 'et Fig, 3. lopogrophlc contours on the catchment areas of the Welgevonden Fault System Topografiese kontoerfJ van die opltOnggebiede van die Wefgevondenverskuiwingsisfeem ....1>- /"/ --- "' / '--3: \ ~ ~_/--.....----o1? ! \, stork RiI' J.----J ~ // ',-------,----' /\ ,-'--'/ \ ":X", ---'---------:-:::r \-"\ LEGEND - LEGENDE Points where Sterk River headwafers cross faults Punte woor bolope van Sterkrivier oor verskuiwings ,000 590/361 -, \~90 Welgevorodel'. Foull A-F NASOOMSPRUIT ~~~..~~~"e~ ----- \ I .......--::-#'~f~ ",<~'I-'" ) ':~ - " - .. .f - - - - - / ~"',,\' -.,i.'''() 24°30' '\/ \AI, "'" ,', N SPI>S 63<:1297 V. / "\ , '~"~( ~"."V~CJ ","\?_ ""'+ ' \ "" ; \ ~! /~ 1 H /'"'~ '1lI0 ( j \. POT(;IETERSRlIS o e \ ,'w km 533/453 0£ k e £ • ",,! ""----," "~y-; '-J ~ , --.. ~L~' G I "-. ;,,-'\ A /'" 2p . , ) O 1,0 o "li< \ \A '~1. ,,~ ?,o km 1,0 o '? POTGIETERSRUS o 633/463 ./' I., S · -~.~'~'\;~ ~\6<OO;\ ~ ~~o\<I'>""" N ..- SPAS 632/297 1 .( I ~O"\'-j,\~o. 1;0'1< <~",,,, r:f'~o'" 1;'>'1<oP> /, NABOQMSPRUIT 590/.361 / 1 ~. q' \2\',0 .~ 1'.0", \ ~~ --. "" -'~ . 2 .' ~', - ~ - ~ .. , ~, _~_~ _~ " ~ .~ ~ ,>'., -, -, ,_.'" , / e , " ~ / ~ ~ S~ ') L_.~,~, , ~ ~Qo.1 '''-3"-~ ~ '.~~ '~.""~"--" ~// ~ ~ I " ~ , ~ ~ / '--", ~'., I- / ,_, '_-'-~~ __ ""'\",- ~ I",,;, "" ~_ -:;". ' ,"~ ,'" " Roinfall Stotions Reeonvo/slos{es N"l'LSTROOM ,i : " , " , . \1 - 'i .. )I \ i c\· · · · , ( '\ ' "' \ Cc'" \ '''' , ..-/"' ----;x, / \ 'r-... 0( Union , ',. '" " "Mme . \? \ '\,\,- -,/l __ ,'0 ' / • Fig. 3. ~I ~5"" . R'"Q, , .' , ! / , '. • , ,,:,. \ /./ : "'-- .. \ , . . / 7Welgevon " "",ko<w.o, i)'__"'<r - /.-----J / t ! ' - ", ""'" " "'\ , _ '-.' ,:,\ " /. ":/' \ \ ( \ : "" I :,: ': ~J? .f ,- \', "-.::/ 1Z, " ", _ __ I I: - . ','-----.--------- /1 \,--, '" / " \ , "" Tm / 0 ...,;-.;: ,;:.. '__ '-, ' - : \ '>;. "'-",- I I " " Q U?v~ \)~ 'Qv Q,f 'C":; \ ' /, , • ./ "J '" ...., " ' . , /i _/'<, '., "\ \ " "~, ~?_~~ - >"'" , [" ,, Topographic contours on the catchment areas of the Welgevonden Fault System Topogrofiese kontoere van dIe opvanggebiede van die Wefgevondenverskuiwingsisteem ________ _ , ,_ '" '_"" I" ;\;;",, / ." "8." I / _/ '-") (",,/ \ -.... ___ ,. \ _ "" do , _f , I "-C. / "''- ... / __ , . ., __ . '" 11, , --'l~O!l~':.~s~_,~ \. '. '~ \~ ~ w Fault bifurcation N-S Rood /Pod m 1600 Stark River Verskuiwingsvurk I FOUl! E-W Rood O-W Pod ~ --------- 1500 ~ j ~ Union Tin Mine m Main shaft collar __ HoofskOQkroag E S ~ RondoJia Spa '/0 Liebenberg's bore holes \\ Gl'OcJiii?;j _ Spa __ _ &<:l f,2~ o '<.<> ""- 20 15 ! 10 , 1400 waterdraer(?) q,~ W.V. 5 FIG.4.-Longitudinal profile along the Welgevonden fault system Lengteprofiellangs die Welgevondenverskuiwingsisteem WL 0 .. 0 ~ x ----------' Welgevonden Fault closed(?) . . We/gevondenverskuiwing Sluit dig{?) ! % ~ 0 0 !-.t<J .~'lJ l'fb <p~~0 W.L. 9th level fissure __ Spleef op 9de vlok 25 ,·.\ed?) "0::\'1)\ ~e{$kuiwinQ ,r::.';:' q,\\\{\Q,'& ~~ km ::: Breksie baie sterk Rhemardo Liebenberg se bOOrQate ....... X 1300 1500 .~ /' Volley bottom lem f 2 o ;--'Volle!beddinQ Gro(j'- _ 1400 N Breccia very strong Lekkerus Spa ~ 0 '" "."' r Sterk River tributary Sytok van Sterkrivier 5 ! 1300 Spring flow ceo!BO Fontein hou op met vloei Woter-Ieve! obs.ervotion period Woterv!okwaornemingsperiode + l } !OOmm 111! 0 0 Ol •• •~ w l~ f ~:~rddeld 615 mm I , , , , I I . 1910 I • , I , 1920 , I! 1930 1940 \950 1960 FIG.5.'- Annual rainfall as a curve of cumulative departure from the mean. Based on overage of three stations,Boekenhout 632/297, Noboomspruit Police 590/361 and Vostrop 633/463 Jaarlikse reenva/ os n kurwe van kumu[atiewe afwyking van die gemiddelde. Gebaseer op die gemiddelde van drie stasies I Boekenhout 632/297, Naboomspruit-Polisie 590/361 en Vastrap 633/463 1970 considerable horizontal one. unconfined and only semi-confined1j where the fissures happen to be closed at the depth at which the waterlevel would otherwise have stood. The fault breccia is inclined so steeply that it must lie at a very great depth below the Waterberg Plateau, which is si tuated 10 km north of the course of the fault; the kind of groundwater circulation contemplated by Von Backstrom seems therefore impossible. The map and longitudinal profile (figs. 3 and 4) show that recharge of the fault is more likely to take place mainly in the relatively high country south of the Swaershoekberg, which is traversed by the western branches of the fault, and in the small area of high ground northeast of Rondalia spa. Shallow ground water in the weathered zone of the felsites and Waterberg sandstones to the north of and higher than these extremities of the fault, must percolate southwards towards them. There was no spring at Lekkerrus but as this spa is also situated at a low point along the course of the fault, there was probably sub-surface overflow seepage before the water-level was lowered by abstraction. Regarding the heat of the water (max. temp.47°C), there is no evidence of any other source than the normal thermal gradient. In view of the probability that the water pumped is a mixture of hot water from the fault aquifer and cold water from the shallow weathered zone of the country rock, it is most unlikely that the temperature of the water abstracted is closely related to the depth to which the water in the fault circulates. The result of the calculation of any such depth would be invalid. The perennial headwaters of the Sterk River cross the western branches of the fault at the five points marked A to E in figure 3. Whether conditions at these points are influent or effluent with regard to the shallow weatheredzone aquifer in the felsite, groundwater is being constandy drawn off into and along the fault, thus providing storage space for both local shallow groundwater and for surface water that may be infiltrating from the perennial streams. North of the Paardeplaats fault, the southern branch of the Welgevonden fault, there is a surface water catchment area of about 80 km 2 , most of which stands at an altitude of between 1 460 and 1 710 m above sea-level, where it enjoys.a mean annual rainfall of over 600 mm. There is no need to assume that the water requires a long passage at depth from the recharge to the discharge areas in order to gain its heat, as portrayed by Kent (1949). All that is required is a connected series of openings in the plane of the fault that extends to the necessary depth, and that the openings are sufficiendy wide and suitably distributed to allow the development of a convection celL Wherc such openings exist, the water heated at depth must rise to be replaced by cooler water. This vertical circulation may be totally independent of any lateral movement in the aquifer. How many convection cells there are and where they are situated, are not known. The mode of recharge of the eastern or Rheeder dip fault part of the aquifer is not so clear. The surface water catchment here is only about 2,6 km 2 and no perennial stream crosses the fault, but the fault does intersect another one on the plateau. It is assumed that recharge of this eastern part of the fault takes place· either from a system of undetected interconnected faults on the high ground to the north of it or by the eastward movement of water in depth between Libertas and Rondalia spas. VI. DISCHARGE OF THE FAULT AQUIFER Die Oog (now Rondalia spa) and the Welgevonden spring (now Libertas spa) were replaced by bore holes in 1954 and 1955 respectively because they had ceased to flow, so that pumping from boreholes was the necessary consequence, not the cause, of their failure. V. WATER MOVEMENT IN THE FAULT AQUIFER As there is no rainfall station nearer than NabooInspruit, distant 16 km, the rainfall for each year or month, as the case may be, at the spas is assumed to be the average for the corresponding period at the three nearest rainfall stations, whose positions and reference numbers arc shown on the inset map of figure 3. The rainfall regime is expressed by curves of cumulative departure from the mean because groundwater level fluctuation in South Africa normally corresponds more closely with such curves than with any other kind of graphical representation. The longitudinal profile (fig. 4) shows that the western reaches of the fault and its branches could carry a water-table with an overall gradient of a little over 1 per cent, so that water finding its way into the fault must flow eastwards towards the spas. The Rheeder dip fault could carry a water-table with a much steeper gradient declining southwards towards Rondalia and Rhemardo spas. All the spas are in fact situated exactly where overflow from the fault should be expected. Although one of the boreholes at Rondalia that replaced the spring, Die Gog. flowed before the waterlevel was lowered by pumping, it is unnecessary to assume that the water in the fault is or ever was, as a whole, confined. More probably it is in general free or The annual cumulative departure curve for the whole of the rainfall record (fig. 5) shows that the springs failed near the middle and end of a four-year-Iong phase (1953-56 inclusive), during which the mean annual 7 10000 5700 5000 rfY ("v. SPAS '0/,7; m'ld e- 1000 1000 r- ."•• ."•• ~ ~ e 2e .E ;; e •e U 0 •> ~ ~ "'.. e ." .E "- u :f1" !< Ze .E~ "- " :8 500 ~ e ~ rSPAS I- u ~ 500 e .~ .~ "'e "'.5 u•e . e .E ,-; '" , ,... ~ r- SprinQ$ flow 1939 Vloei van fonteine 1938 o ,-r-I-- 0 > • 1955 .- rI- I- 1965 1960 1970 o FIG.S.- Pumpage from Union Tin Mine ,original spring flow and estimated total spa abstraction Onttrekking uit Union Tin-myn,oorspronklike vloei van fontein en berekende totale spa-onttrokking 8 I // i, \ \\ \, tf \ x \ I ~J( ,: Lb02 \ \ J( 1 ! :: DIABASE x IX IX 0 ' \ 1 \ , Lb22: X I ROII~rvoir t x : ,j x I --t--- : ' _~!:'-;<.-- " VERS/(~r~G ,/ I !( ° 28 I I . ' FElSIET - HUlshoodellke voorrood 0 lb8 4,5m~/h ._._._._._._. ° '\:' ---- ~ Lbl f 0 °6'i::bl lb3 "COld/ .. \:,{Olld P'rQdOCifIQ 'ho,,,,,,1 00,.1>010 014,9-9,lm¥h 43°_34°C '\ Tg,mi."g PtodUk.iOOOOrQOI;lS 14,9-9,lm~/h 43°-34°C ;\$ ~K~~~._. _ _ _. _ . _ . _ . _ _ 196Cold j 1 <0 '--1.--.:to~ ° :;;'0<; "o,..'\:-.1bo "'o~ 50 ~, .'f...-'f. FIG.7.-Plofl of boreholes 01 LiberlQs Spo os in April 1974 Plan van boorgate by Libertas-Spa soos in April 1974 0 50 I ; O'\~i FElSITE ~ ~. ~,~ " ~lbl6 ~. .--'~ '" Koud/Coid '"4 0 ?b l~1229 50C lb7 ~ ° \\ "tb'5 0 Balh. ~, "'" ",_, '" Hol/ Sad<fcno 2SOC Hot"'cold x 'f...-'f. '''""', lb 17 Domestic sllPply-""o 3,2m3/h -'-" ~ E 'x .--' FElSITE I 0 1. GO!o/Hok c, DDfaOg 0 Bolh hO""O x ~,~ ' ,I o lbl036m3/h 0 C X ,,,t,,::::::.·:~~:~S;';'~;""-:~---·--2='i"-'_, __--.-.-.-.-.-.---.-.-.-.-.~9~·-·-·_~T·---· ,,, Lbl5 ( " Dry" Lb9 1,8m37h -------1,4 m¥h 290C Water-level recorder 1966-1974 Walervlakregis1reerder 1966-1974 ~!,.<:-:;---- \, '0 '"" affiCa~"MOQr ~ lbl3 DIABAAS I '- Lb 14 IN """""" "'" X lb 18 0 "cP~------:::::::::;:::::---------':-:::::::":'A---::'---':---=C;::':::'-:"~~=~9:.:::..__:..________ 'O~"';-:;:---u\-i,<.";.":./ r/ \ 23°-29°C __________ FE LS J ET I x \ Lg 19 ------------- X \ 3 Cold 18,2 m /h Domesfic supply HuishOlldelike V()orroad I , \ 0 ---_ / x I Ix ', FELSIET BO-OP DIABAAS ----- __ _ 28°C DIABASE 1ORO'ONOi, ' \\ 0 X ' I , I x / ,: : '\ I , OVER D1ABASE \ °1 r FELSITE \ ~ Lbll -f' //// 1 // '/ 100 I~O m . ~ " ,;< rainfall was 110 mm (18 per cent) above the long~term mean of 615 III III , 'I'll<: monthly cumulative departure curve from January 1953 to December 1955 (not here IHeS{:lllcd) shows that the distribution of rain during each of these three years which preceded or included the years of spring failure, differed little from the average distrihution. There was therefore no rainfall deficiency or non-llverage distribution of rain within the year such !lS would reduce the rate of recharge and so lower the ground water rest-level. At the time of completion the tested yield of the producing borehole Lb 4 was 14,1 m 3 /h, but when retested later at an unrecorded date the yield had declined to 9,1 m 3 /h. The temperature of the water in this hole changed while drilling was in progress. When the depth of the hole only 12 m the water temperature was 35°C, but when it was 24 m the temperature was 43°C. After completion to 33,S m the water remained at the latter temperature for two months (presumably while abstraction was in progress) and then declined to 34°C, which has been maintained subsequently. The only place in the neighbourhood where any considerable abstraction of groundwater was taking place when the springs failed was the Union Tin Mine. The rate of pumping (fig. 6) was at that rime only about 100 m' /day, about half of the flow of the two springs together when measured in 1938, The main shaft is situated 0,6 km north of the Welgevonden fault and 6,5 km west of Libertas spa, where the nearest former spring occurred. Although some of the old shallow workings were on the fault itself, no deep workings at that time came near to the fault, and diamond drill holes, sunk subsequently, that penetrated the fault at a depth of 120 m, were dry. It is therefore very improbable that pumping from the mine caused the springs to faiL The cause remains unknown. The temperature of the water in borehole Lb 8 (not in table) also changed during drilling, for it was hot when the borehole reached a depth of 30 m and cooled considerably by the time it had reached 50 m. When borehole Lb 17 was drilled the temperarure of the water was 28°C, which was high enough for the water to be used in the baths, but it subsequently cooled so much that by 1966 it was being used only for domestic purposes. In the case of Lb 19 (not in table) the temperature of the water after drilling was completed was 29°C at the bottom of the hole and only 23°C at the water-level. The yields and water temperatures of nine boreholes when drilled were compared with their distance from the fault breccia but, as no systematic relationships were found, it is concluded that the thermal water moves rapidly away from the fault in some places, presumably along branching fissures, and much more slowly in others. The distributions of the known boreholes at the spas are shown in figures 7,8 and 9 and the yield, water temperature and other drilling data of the principal boreholes, as provided verbally by the spa managers mainly from memory, are given in table 1. At Libertas spa (fig. 7) all but one of the numerous boreholes were drilled either on the quartz-breccia outcrop or on the northern side of it, which is both the topographically higher side and the side on which the diabase occurs, one being situated as much as 230 m from the fault. Those on the north side of the quartz vein or breccia either penetrate diabase only or go through felsite before reaching diabase. The breecia dips to the north, so that those boreholes that were sited on its outcrop pass out of it into felsite before reaching water. There is no exposure of the breecia near the producing borehole Lb 4 beside the Sterk River but the course of the fault probably passes close to it. This borehole is reporred to have penetrated quartzite and decomposed felsite over diabasc, Water was struck about 12 m below the level of the river bed when this hole was drilled in 1965, and the water~levcl remained at that depth. Borehole Lb 6 in the fdsite on the southern side of the fault yielded 1,14 m 3 /h of cold water, At Lekkerrus spa (fig. 8) all the boreholes are on the southern side of the fault, which is here the downslope and the diabase side. The three producing holes are situated about 30 m from the fault and the silicified breccia dips to the north away from them. They vary in depth from SO to 60 m and water was struck near the bottom of each, They are reported to have penetrated decomposed diabase over felsite but there are insufficient details to enable a proper geological section to be compiled. It seems probable that the water was struck in the feslitc at the lower contact of the diabase sill. The water rose to levels that varied from depths of 1,5 to 2,7 m in different holes; it is therefore locally confined or semi-confined, presumably under the~diabase whieh must be so highly decomposed as to be virtually impermeable. From the Sterk River the ground surface slopes up" wards to the west along the course of the fault so that the depths of the boreholcs and water-levels increase in that direction and the diabase, which is hcre on the north side of the fault, is covered by felsitc. When tested after drilling, the producing boreholes yielded between 20 and 30 m 3 /h and the temperature of the water was between 42° and 47°C. In July 1973 9 ,1/ ·i/A ...."'/ ",Q<:-I/ .~y; .,"" ~ IV ~ ~ ~ ~'I/ PLAN /j /i I! I! , ~ ~~ ~:::::-... "'~ -.. . ;: ~ '" ~ -. . : : : ~ ~ OffIce :::===::::::::-:~1,i:::::::.c-~~~~-~~~:~~~:---::::::::::::::::::.:.:-_-_-_-_~~-~-s~-;;;~~~~~ ~~v9rskui".in(jsbra:~~eno Do~esl'c HUlshoudelik Lk4 A Lk 50 Disu!Wd ,:,~ In onbruik ~ 8/ /./ ~ -f' , ~ fOwl,sWlrl ~::::::::. W L recorder 1966-74 SectIon l,ne W V reOlslraerdor 1966-74 Lk2 t:://; ~ ~ ~ Lk6 Lkl ==~ boo<'gole _'_'-P;;t·\~·-·-·Kr~\~n '7 50 ! B f:::) _.-.-.-.- ~,(7 0, Lk7 t. Produ_cino thermal, bore holes Term'Erse produks,e8aths/Saddens '7 10 , Lk 8/9 130 m -+' lOOm , SECTION A- B PROFIEL A-B o D<:lmestic Recorder Stood-by fiuist\oudelik Re-o i 51reeroer Reserwe W Lk4 , Lk3 r--. ProduCing thermal boteholes _ ,_ __ Lkl Lk2 l I L\J Termiese produksieboorQ<lle L\7 : m 360 _ I_f?-L.. 350 R.Ii. ,whe/) __drilled • -...... ___ 09geb"O;,;:-:__ lS _----,. -...__ _ _ _ _ - w.s oo'C 300 _ Diobos8 .,- f l__--c=~c=~~~~==::==~=i':;~;=~~::r _ ___ - - , , ; ; , ; ; - ; ; - - ' 350 /', f9s$ ___ I&,,~:::: &/ ........ *1,&11..... - ~:;7 '" I/ R.L ~ R.H O;oboos Oiabose /'fl. 340 ;t\\\e ------------ :>._------ = Rushoogte ---I. TY~~;9m% Re$I_level W.S ~ W.R = Waler rookyeboor = Tested yield I+- Pump/Pomp 320 Felsile WS.l TY49,7m3/h Co!d/Koud W.R 330 Fels;el Fels;et Woter struck T. V G.L.= Geloetste le ... ering m 360 -'-Rusho~e l(le Felsile 330 "0 _-R.L lIuctual!cm range by n!corder 1966 -1970 Geregislreerdt skommel;ng in R.H 1966-1970 340 320 11 -. Ii';;,_ ----...,. E(O i 3 G.L.29,5m /h 42°C FIG.8.- Plan and section of boreholes ot Lekkerrus Spa as in April 1974 Plan en profiel van boor90te by lekkerrus-Spa soos m April 1974 ws ~ , TV 20,5mjlh 3>0 42°-47°C TY 20,5 m~h 40°-44 SOC J;ws 300 TABLE 1.- Name of spa and no. of borehole Rhemardo Rd 1 DRILLING AND TESTING DATA OF THE MORE IMPORTANT BOREHOLES, AS PROVIDED BY THE SPA MANAGERS. COLLAR ALTITUDES ARE RELATED TO THAT OF RHEMARDO RD 1, TAKEN AS DATUM 304,8 M Date drilled *Collar altitude m Depth in metres of Borehole Water struck Rest-level when drilled pump Tested yield when drilled m'th Test Temperature of water when borehole was drilled °c 1966 (? ) 304,8 54,9 30,5 10,7 42,7 24,6 37° 1955 1958 298,8 297,4 22,9 42,7 1,5 - 1,8 5,8 - 4,6 flowing 21,6 39,6 Tested together 38° - 39,5°C 38° - 39,5°C 1963 1965 1966 1966 1957 1969 308,3 308,3 39,7 65,5 47,2 64,0 44,5 61,0 21,3 30,5 19,8 22,0 19,8 31,4 12,2 17,1 19,2 18,3 19,5 26,0 26,2 36,6 18,2 33,5 48,8 91,4 107,9 90,8 86,6 33,5 12,2 12,2 30,4 45,7 24,4 57,9 36,6 25,6 30,4 24,4 48,8 24,4 49,7 39,6 48,8 61,0 27,4 30,5 45,7 24,4 45,7 36,6 48,8 61,0 24,4 24,4 Geological formations penetrated diabase Rondalia Rn 1 Rn2 90,0 diabase over felsite diabase over felsite Liebenberg Lg 1 Lg2 Lg 3 Lg4 Lg7 Lg 12 28° 33° cold cold hot 25,5° (cold) felsite over diabase felsite over diabase 14,1 2,6 0,8 2,1 3,2 1,8 18,2 43° cold 29°C 28°C 28°C cold cold 27°C felsite over diabase fe1site felsite over diabase diabase felsite felsite diabase felsite 1,8 12,5 1,8 29,6 15,9 42°C diabase over felsite diabase over fe1site felsite 2,4 2,4 24,4 24,4 20,5 20,5 0,9 7,3 51,8 18,2 3,2 - 4,5 2,3 9,1 felsite felsite felsite felsite over diabase over diabase over diabase and breccia ~ ~ Libertas Lb 4 Lb 8 Lb 9 Lb 10 Lb 17 Lb 20 Lb 22 Lb 23 1965 1963 1963 1965 1957 1966 1965 1966 30,4 Lekkerrus Lk 1 Lk 2 Lk 3 Lk4 Lk 6 Lk 7 Lk 8 Lk 9 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 354,6 351,4 355,4 361,5 362,9 ·Of principal boreholes open to water-level measurement at the date of the survey_ ? cold 40°C 42 - 47°C 40 - 44,5°C 27°C ? fe1site diabase over felsite diabase over fe1site boulders fault breccia over fe1site / DIABASE W.J. RHEEDER L04 OCold/Koud _Liber!OS _ _ _ ::::: ==:=::=:. - - - :::= :=: ::=;::::: RHEMAR DO SPA / x==.== \ W~ Hot'~ 0"" _'-'-'-._ ~i >18,2m 3/h 28-33 0 C LQ2. \ _'_'-'-' " - . _ /" L - 2_~l91 WotervlokreQistreerder /-91 Jul. 1966-0as1967 • -----~ Lgl4 o o To/No Lg 10 _40m Lg 8 -""OCOld/Koud Lgl5 o I Residence 0/ Water level recorder Waning' July 1966-Dec.1967 / FELSITE OVER DJABASE Water level r e c o r d e r ; ' Watervlokregistreerder JoI'I.l968-Apr.1974 Butchery Slogtary \ 'S){ ~s .~\« 'v' -Jet";; LEGENDE /' ,. rn 1>,\ 'O,,~... -:& ".c-.... ,. ~ :..- ... LEGEND • o Other boreh(tles Ander boorgate ~I ,. 9 LgS ~e o e¥"";; / e~ ~~ ~ - -~ ~ J,.------ R:::2 ------- ------ DIABASE OVER FELSITE DIABAAS BO-OP FELSI£T • 0.,., ./ Cold \ Koud , / ./. L 6 / 'J. RONDALlA SPA /' \, (~'--, '---~~/:m "". \ Thermal boreholes Termiese boorgate j. ./38 -39,SoC l • \ 0 c\o ~ev" S.W.UEBENBERG :3 90~ 'h < / OLg7 Hot/Worm-'-'_'--.l [Z] / • FELSIET BO-OP D I A B A A S . Jan.1968-Apr.1974 N ;i :2.~~ '5 'T:::/,~.(?) 3c'-CC / POd:=: Lgll Koud Lgl3 DI4Stdl.S x-="x_x == == == == ~ == - _ _ _ ~~~-~",~ - - --'--'--'--,--x~x-- "~-....:::::.~ =:;:~==::::::::::: ==-- Lg3 RO:d Cold 0 / / \ \ 50 ---.--.--- '--'--'-- 0 \, \ FIG.9.-Plan of boreholes in, the neighbourhood of Rondolia Spa os in April 1974 Plan van boorgate in die omgewing van Rondolia-Spa soos in April 1974 50 100 150 ~ (c). Although no direct relationship is evident, the temperature of the water is higher near the outcrop of the fault breccia, the water temperatures were reported to vary between 39° and 46°C. Information kindly provided by tbe manager is shown in the section but the 1966 water~level in borehole Lk 2 has been added, as also has the recorded range in water~levcl fluctuation in Lk 3 during the period 1966~70. Why the water-level was so much deeper in borehole Lk 3 than in the other holes, although they were all drilled at about the same time, is not understood. (d) In the case of at least 2 boreholes the tem~ perature of the water decreased after pumping had been in progress for sometime. The following conclusions drawn from these obser~ vations are illustrated diagrammatically in figure 10. At Rondalia and Rhemardo spas (fig. 9) there are 18 boreholes distributed near the junction of three properties, viz. Rondalia spa where two boreholes replaced the spring Die Oog, Rhemardo Spa with originally one borehole, and Mr. Uebenberg's farm with 15 boreholes but no spa development, Observation (a) shows that the basal part of the zone of weathering of the diabase is the only formation permeable enough to yield water to a borehole at a practicable rate. Observations (b) and (c) show that, at some places at least, the temperature of the water varies both with its depth in the weathered~zone aquifer. and from place to place in the aquifer. Both are consistent with the view that the water pumped is a mixture of hot water from the fault and ordinary cold shallow ground~ water. In 1973 borehole Lg 4, originally Liebenberg's, was supplying cold water to Rhemardo spa for domestic purposes. There is only one exposure of quartz breccia in the vicinity of the boreholes and it is uncertain whether it is t'n situ or not. The course of the fault probably runs northeastwards from this exposure, passing between the Rondalia and Rhemardo boteholes to the point where it is again exposed a few hundred metres farther in that direction, All the holes penetrate diabase but at some of them the diabase is covered by an outwash fan of felsite rubble, The reported logs of formations penetrated are very contradictory and, if correct, the diabase in some places may occur as two sheets with felsite between, Observation (d) is also consistent with this view, for it is probable that the faU in water temperature during abstraction is due to the lowering of the water~table or pressure surface in the diabase aquifer. The rate of supply of hot water from the fault to the diabase aquifer is probably almost constant because it must be regulated by the width and number of interconnected fissures in the fault breccia, and the long time that must be taken by most of the water in moving in the plane of the fault from the recharge to the discharge areas, a period during which the amplitude of the seasonally fluctuating rate of recharge is considerably reduced. The rate of supply of cold shallow local ground~ water will, however, vary with the local gradient of the water~table or pressure surface towards the boreholes, Under such circumstances of dual supply, as the rest~ level is lowered by abstraction so the rate will increase at which the local groundwater in the zone of weathe~ ring moves towards the boreholes, and the increasing proportion of cold water will lower the temperature of the mixture pumped. The tested yields of the 6 thermal boreholes varied from 2,3 to 45 m'/h, the higher figure being half tbe total yield of the two Rondalia boreholes pumped simultaneously. The depth at which water was struck varied from 1,5 to 30 m, The water generally rose to a level higher than the depth at which it was struck and it originally flowed from one of the Rondalia boreholes without being pumped. The temperature of the water in the Rondalia holes when tested was 39°C. At the Liebenberg holes Lg 1 and 2 it was 28° and 33°C respectively, while at Lg 5 it was 38°C when the hole was completed, but ran cold later. Should this conclusion be correct, there must be a slight seasonal fluctuation in both the maximum yield of the boreholcs and the temperature of the water pumped. No such variations have been reported but this is probably because the producing boreholes have not been retested, nor have temperatures been measured often enough. The following conditions, evident mainly at Libertas spa, are believed to be significant regarding the under~ standing of the geohydrology of this thermal water supply. (a) The thermal water is pumped from the diabase, not the fault breccia. VII. BEHAVIOUR OF THE GROUNDWATER LEVEL AND THE POTENTIALITY OF THE SUPPLY (b) The temperature of the water struck in some of the boreholes changed during the dritling, Since the failure of the springs, which must have been due to a decline of the ground water level, no 13 Silicified breccia cl Welgevonden fault s N Verkieselde breksie van die WelQevondenverskuiwing Thermal borehole 1 ~~"""")))')))).,.,.,,-; Termiese boorQot o . 0 Diobase,decomposed, impermeahle Diobaos, verweer, ondeudolend ? o o • Cold water-level Kouwatervlok Thermal water-Ieve! Fractured, permeable Gebreek, deurlotend ... Felsite (Impermeable) + + Felsiet (Ondeurlotend) + + + + Hot,rninerolized \ \ + + + + Diabase Oiabase, fresh, impermeable Dioboas, vars,ondeurlalend Dioboos COld,fresh Warm ,geminerallseerd \ \Koud,vors Convection/ Konveksie LEGEND ~ Hot water in fault ~ Warm water in verskuiwing [SJ LEGENDE Warm mixed. water pumped Warm gemengde water wet gepomp word COld water in weathered zone Koue water in verweerde sone FIG {O.-Schematic illustration of deduced ground water conditions at Libertas Spa Skematiese iIIustrasie van afgefeide grondwatertoestande by Ubertas- Spa ;--:,: -~:.::::}::::::\) !:\ /\,~/. \~ .~:)">/ :~:~v{,~,,< :~-~::''I<,:--:~::, \/ ~ ... ~-- \~~:~:>' .,' ,,~,' 20 ;;; ' // 0 E 0 Q 2 c .0 3 ~ 4 5 ~ 4 C m 10 L J 15 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ :~ 1 Rest-level when drilled ( 1965) 8 Woter struck 21 m Roshoogte toe geboor is( (965) Waler gekry OJ) 21 m FLUCTUATION OF WATER-LEVEL IN BOREHQl£S Lg8 AND Lg! AT RONDALtA IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION VERHOUDING TUSSEN SKOMMELlNG VAN WATERVLAK EN QNTTREKK!NG VAN aCORGATE Lg8 EN Lgl OP RONDALlA Rest·lavel when drilled (1963) - L I Waterstruck 17-45m 9 Rushaogle loo geboor is( 1963) Water gokry op 17-45 m RW1 l;;;------·.----- ///.----."---.---.-~ 20 e lE Im1i;1J Imi~ .L~ ,400' - IdO'}, l;-;-\>~"~;-~--\_.' --<::,::,_, i'i', " '_0'/" " f;:::r:.~~, ~ _-,-' -(,,;'::/.;::t'\:::";,"''''"f_\',:~l--:'r:.-;>':q:-''',\/p'oo~--'O' , ' 25 J V ' " ..... "i; \}:\;.:-:--~-:::<:::d ,'f" ~ -~ " \/' ,c: '0 i E o b)/7/))/) / ) / / / / ) / / / ) / ;t; / /);)/7 /7 ///7))77) /) / 0 Q c .0 ~ Jl4 2 3 200 Original spring discharge 1938 OOrspronldike vlaei van fontein 1938 VERHQUDING TU$SEN SKOMMEUNG VAN WATERVLAK EN ONTTREKKING VAN BOORGAT Lb 9 QP UBERTAS lb 9 Rest-level when drilled (1963) Water struck 45,7m Rushoogle too geboar )s(1963) Water gekry ap 45,7m 30 ';fr-.---.-.-.~'-...--..'-._ ~-. . . . . . ~I'm f"··· ~ u - - 5 days- ..... _ ...................... , •••••••••••>....... •?-..................... 35 " Nearby borehDle tested ~ • .............--...... Nabygelee boor-gat getaets Nearby borehole tasted Nabygalee boorgot gatoets j M·- /-" -~ / -"'-'1' ~------~._.~. . r~,·-._____._____ jV Original spring discharge 1938 Oorspranklike vlaei van fontein 1938 40 o F M 1966 A M J J A SON 0 8c 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 64 64 64 16 16 .2 ~ 3 V/////////////////////J 4~ 11 4 200 FLUCTUATION OF WATER-LEVEL IN BORE HOLE Lb9 AT UBERTAS IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION o ~ ~ ~ 200 fl'U/J//ijP///PU/P 4 m ~, :1;) / >/; /'//;) /)7)// /;7'7 A/ )//////)/)7//»)/////;V ) ///)))7// ) / '/)))) ) ;/ ) ) 1;////)))/; // // hh) /) /j/, // / 314 FIG.!I.-Water-!evel hydrograph analysis Watervlakhidrogroafanalise .~~ ~-"L :L L L'l/' "---'"',,::~f::::;::::<: " ,Wu:,u:=" : \\ ~~' :'~'U:"~F: \/ ,., __ .::~/:~~:::: ·_-:\V;;'-""'- /-, "ff~/.7/_7_ffmff/.7>~ ~> ,. " . // i/ .<;:?: - '''',:~,. ,7hU"",'dM,'" ,,,", V" ""'f nw,=="70/7=-»: V 'q rJT/.7M7H 20 ,>, ;I /1 \C. , I '' ---, ',-</ 0 g I i 2 Q 3 .~ 4 5 0 ~ 0 FLUCTUATION OF WATER-LEVEL IN BOREHOLES Lg8 AND Lgl AT RONDAUA IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION VERHOUD!NG TUSSEN SKOMMEUNG VAN WATERVLAK EN ONTTREKKING VAN BOORGATE Lg8 EN Lgl OP RONDALlA m 10~ m 10 Rest·lovel when drilled (1963) - L ! Woterstruck 17-45~ g Rughooglo loo geboor ts( 1963) Woler Qokry op 17-45 m 15 -------- ~ o NW1 L~ '_:~ .~:,. / L:;'\/"':---:::::~::,-:::::;/:}~,;:::/.~\::::»,:j";:":' j/pq,~~" \jP'" . --~ 4 doe "i Imlty Iml'~ , 20 IdaY '~ " ., J;;"'t~:':>:~:--:~:::1';i C:C::~l! . §' c ~ ~ . .r,.\ ~~\ -t\ "'.'" 25 ., ~ 200 /, 200 200 200 ;;- I 0 2 rehole tested . - . -...... . ~l'm ............... --...... oorgot getoets 1968 1969 64 64 ...... Neorby borehOle tested Nobygelee boorgot getoets j t '-.- /--'-...·-..........~~.-.....~.,. ~ S § 4 ~0 m VERHOUDING TUSSEN SKOMMElING VAN WATERVLAK EN QNTTREKKING VAN BOORGAT Lb 9 OP LlBERTAS +--5 doys- E Q 3 FLUCTUATION OF WATER -LEVEL IN BORE HOLE Lb9 .&T LlBERTAS IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION fy.-~.-.-.-'-....-. -, 1 1l 0 v ' .... ....r-.... .---------.....--. ~ ' .. '-.------./ 30 ~ 0 "~ • 0 c 35 ~ li0 0 I 1970 1971 1972 16 16 16 1973 r~O t1l I ~ 0 2 3 4 FIG.! 1.- Water-level hydrogroph analysis Woterv/akhidrogroafano/ise Q :? :B ~ " 0 MONTHLY RAINFALL AS A CURVE OF CUMULATlVE DEPARTURE FROM THE MEAN. BASED ON THE AVERAGE OF THE THREE STATIONS OF FIG MAANDEUKSE REENVAL AS'N KURWE VAN KUMULATJEWE AFWYKING VAN DIE GEMIDDELDE. GEBASEER OP DIE GEMIDDELDE VAN DIE DRIE STASIES I 11 A •. / .... ···••. ,~o-roin slope ...••..... Hailing vir geen reenvol .4...-Moon • Gamiddalde if -- ______ =~O_m~_______ ~ ~1111}loomm ~'S53'~------ ._-- .. 7"-'~-- ____ :l.?.!ll_m___ _ ------:.!.~-n:..n:.. ____ _ ____t~~~~---------· ---:- Monthly meon 51, 2mm Moondellkse gemiddelde 51,2 mm JFMAMJJASOND 1967 1966 o m 1968 1969 1971 1970 B Rest·level when drilled (1950) WaterstrUCk 0145, 7m -RuShoogta toa geboor is( 1950) Water gekry op 45,7 m FLUCTUATION OF WATER-LEVEL IN BORE HOLE Lk3 AT LEKKERRUS IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION VERHOUDING TUSSEN SKOMMELlNG VAN WATERVLAK EN ONTTREKKING VAN BOORGAT Lk 3 OP LEKKERRUS 5 ,-'" ~ v ~ " // I<f-/ 10 ---.\ --+-\ .. __ 1. ", /1/ -', .. ,""m'"t~ Manuol maa hand Meting per --~-,:\ \ o___ ~__ " <0 . -:--,/ 15 Im!V ImlV\ ----~" -,--«,~(/ ImlVtv !"do; o ~ -~- idaY ~ '~":.,:--:::~::::::::,:::> ~::~:i,;::c:>:,;.(.:)' ,,',. I dog ;-', .', " ,'. //;'\ " .:~:/ ,~~',> --'\'~;:;/-'< ::-~::'\'::::---~~-" " ~~' /1/ '--' .,' '.,,' 20 ~ 0 ;; 0 E I 0 Q 2 3 c i ~ ~ 363 363 363 546 545 546 4 5 ~ m 1C 10 L J \i 15 ~ 1i {l I " II 20 ResHavel when drilled( 1965) 8 Woterslruck 21 m Rushoogle toe geboor is( 1965) Wotergekry op 21 m :1 l;8'-·---'.----/,//.. ----·----'·'-.. '~ FLUCTUATION OF WATER-LEVEL IN BOREHOLES Lg8 AND LgI AT RONDALlA IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION VERHOUDING TUSSEN SKOMMELlNG VAN WATERVLAK EN ONTTREKKING VAN BOORGATE Lg8 EN Lgl OP RONDALlA Rest,level when drilled (1963) _ _ L ! Water struck 17 -45 m 9 Rushoogte too geboor is( 1963) Water \iekry op 17-45 m mlW [f%l ,V<.:'dO; L:;-\-;~':~;:---··'\::'\' ~ Iml~ o1/!o:IA .:'. 'j .-,-.... -, .;., .<~, /( 'J ~ MONTHLY RAINFALL AS A CURVE OF CUMULATIVE DEPARTURE FROM THE MEAN. BASED ON THE AVERAGE OFTHE THREE STATiONS OF FIG. 5 AANDELlKSE REENVAL AS 'N KURWE VAN KUMULATIEWE AFWYKING VAN DIE GEMIDDELDE. GEBASEER OP DIE GEMIDDELDE VAN DIE DRIE STASIES VAN FIG.5 + ... ~ "" ~o- roil'! slope ~elling vir geen reenvol ....., --______ ______ _ :~o_~ .::-.:::"_______:.!§!'"'_m____ ------.::-!..~.!l?.m..~_ t\IOm rfl ----> 1969 1968 !llf _ ____+]9. ~~ -- --- - -",-- .~ -------------- t~9.~~_ 1970 1971 1972 o 100 mm { ----- - J973 m o FLUCTUATION OF WATER-LEVEL IN BOREHDLE Lk3 AT LEKKERRUS IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION VERHOUDlNG TUSSEN SKOMMELlNG VAN WATERVLAK EN ONTTREKKING VAN BDORGAT Lk 3 OP LEKKERRUS 5 ... .. ~" """m"t~ ,,~ ~ .. Iml\J\ -----~, ------, ~---!.--:\ '\ .---~--,:;-- --- . ida; "\" ?;J. '-'-.-,---, 0,_/ ___._- " _. ___•__ , ",/----<:'<: \/ 36, ;:\ \~ /\,/0 .:::::' '-~/ Iml1l .--'\~;;/--'~' ::-~::'v:::-~~~ 10 /f" I,' ./ 363 . g g /" o 15 I l? /,~ '___'_: '_ J/l '..,/ "~ o ~~l,,~~lr"\"'"',,"","=~:"' ,(,. ,,.-.', "o l' 20 0 g I ~ 2 Q 3 4 5 0 g :< ~ C 0 10 ~ m FLUCTUATION OF WATER-LEVEL IN BQREHOLES Lg8 AND Lg I AT RONDAUA IN RELATION TO ABSTRACTION VERHOUD1NG TUSSEN SKOMMEUNG VAN WATERVLAK EN ONTTREKK1NG VAN BOORGATE Lg8 EN Lgl OP RONDALlA m 10 Rest-level when dnlled (1963) - - L I Wolerslruck 17-45m 9 Rushoogte toogeboorls(1963) Water gekry op 17-45 m 15 ~l;D!\ . ~--- ... ',-,. , -~-. ~-. Lg I '/ '-----~~-." q~ Iml tJr fifty /1''':,\ \ ~l TABU!. 2,'0- ANNUAL ABSTRACTION AT THE WELGEVONDEN THERMAL SPAS AND AT THE UNION TIN MINE FOR THE YEAR 1938, AND FROM 1966 TO 1972 INCLUSIVE, IN M' /DAY 1938 Lekkerrus Libertas Liebenberg Rondalia Rhemardo 59,1 * 145,5* 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 546 15,5 13 136 53 546 15,5 13 136 47 363,7 63,7 363,7 63,7 363,7 63,7 100 100 100 100 100 100 546 15,5 13 136 53 1241,1 627,4 627,4 627,4 763 763 757 381,9 691,0 586,4 986,3 5000 5700 10 000 5 763 6463 10757 545,5 381,9 113,7 100 100 • Spa total 204,6* Union Tin Mine Spas plus mine 205 1623 1 318 1214 1 596 *Spring flow. precise information regarding the behaviour of the groundwater level was available until July 1966, when three automatic water-level recorders were set up on unused boreholes, one at each spa area. Unfortunately these were unattended from November 1966 to March 1967 and did not register correctly during this period. After that the instruments were checked monthly by manual depth measurements but as they often failed to work properly between visits, their records are considerably interrupted. At Rondalia the recorder had to be moved from one boreholc to another in February 1968 because the first caved in to a depth above the water-level. The situation of each observation borehole is shown on the spa locality plans (figs. 7, 8 and 9). The recorders indicate the depth of the water-level in the country rock or diabase near the fault, not in the fault aquifer itself. Because the observation holes are too distant from most of the producing holes and the pumps are never rested long enough to let the pumping levels become rest-levels, the hydrographs fail to register the most critical factor of all, the changes of available drawdown at dle abstraction bore holes. These boreholes have no openings for such measurements. The thermal water abstraction data available are unfortunately very unreliable because no written records are kept by the spa managers. The figures provided, which were calculated from either badl volumes and remembered frequencies of bath fillings or from pump yields and remembered pumping hours, are set out in table 2. In figure 6 the total annual abstractions at all four spas together are superimposed on the histogram of pumpage from the Union Tin Mine since this started in 1953, and the annual abstraction of each spa locality is expressed as a histogram below its relevan t hydrograph in figure 11, an inverted histogram because the greater the abstraction rate the lower the mean water- level stands. The first borehole for thermal water was drilled at Rondalia in 1955, and in 1959 the total abstraction from all three spas together, 205 m 3 /day, exceeded for the first time the combined rate of the two springs when they were gauged in 1938. Abstraction must have risen during the period of active drilling up to 1966, when the total spa abstraction was 1 240 m 3 /day. The sudden fall in the spa abstraction rate between 1966 and 1967 was due to the installation of recycling and reheating plants at Rondalia and Libertas. Why the abstraction rate at Lekkerrus also declined at the same time although no such plant was erected, is not understood. Since this decrease the total spa abstraction rate has stabilized at about 700 m 3 /day, which is about three-and-a-half times the flow of the springs in 1938. Pumpage at the Union Tin Mine had reached 700 m 3 /day by 1967, since when it has rapidly increased and was 10000 rn' /day in 1972. The three hydrographs on figure 11 show that, during the period of active drilling and increasing abstraction (1955 -66), the water-Ievel'at the observation borehole at each of the three spas declined considerably from its original rest-level to the pumping level registered in it in 1966. At Libertas this decline was 5,5 m in three years, at Rondalia (observation borehok Lg 1) 7 m in three years, and at Lekkerrus 14 m in seven years. The corresponding declines in the producing hoks are not known. Since 1966, when development cca~cd, there has been no overall decline in the pumping level at any of the observation boreho1cs. If the depth at which water was stl'uci( In the ob" servation boreholes is regarded as the d,!pth of tlw aquifer and this is considered ns the limit of ~ufc dI'llW'" 15 down in those boreholcs, and if the pumping levels jn the observation boreholcs arc assulTled to be rest-levels, then if the observation boreholes were to be used for production, the available drawdowns in them at the present time would be as follows: Depth of Spa Libertas water struck inm 46 Mean depth of pumpmg level inm Mean available drawdown inm 35 46 17 Rondalia 21 25 The most important conclusions that can be drawn from the three hydrographs arc as follows: 11 ...-... Lekkerrus The producing bordlOks Ht) I nnd Hn 2 at the site of the forlllCf spring, Dit: OO!{, sland III a slightly lower level than the observation hon'hok nnd about 180 m from it. As these were the first holes \0 be drilled, it is to be expected that dedillc of 1lH' rcsl-Ievd will have been greatest there. I !owevcr, there i... 110 evidence to indi~ cate what the depth of rhe n:s\,·kvd is at" present, nor is the depth of the base of the aquif(:r known, so that the present available draw down (:annot I)(! deduced. --.-~- 1. Under the present abstraction regime no further depletion is taking place . 29 ._----_. mi nus 4 2. Regarding the present available drawdown in the producing boreholes, the following deductions have been made. (Lg 1) The negative value at observation borcho!e Lg 1 at Rondalia means that this boreholc could not be used for production simultaneously with the others. (a) What is really required is some idea of the availahk drawdown in the producing boreholes. (b) At Lekkcrrus the available drawdown is probably at least 25 m. At RonJalia, in production borehole Lg 1 there is probably at least 6 m of available drawdown and in bor-ehole Rd 1 there probably remains an available drawdown of about 19 m. At boreholes Rn 1 and Rn 2 the present available drawdown cannot be estimated. At Libertas the observation borehole is situated so far from the producing hole and stands at so much greater an altitude, that the available drawdown in it gives no indication of that in the producing hole. (c) At Libcrt"as IlO (~Sl"illlllt"e can be made, At Lekkerrus the observation borehole is close to the producing holes and at only a slightly lower level (fig. 8). It would thus be possible, if necessary, to increase abstraction with safety at Ltl<kcrrus and Hondalia but whether this can be done at Libertas remains unknown. As the mean rest-levels in the producing holes cannot be lower than the mean pumping level in the observation borehole, there must remain at least 25 m of available drawdown in the producing holes. Further analysis of the water-level hydrographs regarding the reaction of the groundwatcr level to rainfall and abstraction variation is interesting, though of academic rather than practical value. At Rondalia the second observation borehole Lg 1 is situated only about 10 m from onc of the producing holes, Lg 12, and has about the same collar altitude; yet surprisingly the recorded depths at which water was struck differ by about 10 m, being 21 m in the observation hole and 31 m in the producing hole. The present mean depth of the pumping level in the observation hole is 25 m which, although deeper than the top of the aquifer in that hole, is 6 m shallower than the top of the aquifer in the producing hole. In the producing hole there must therefore be an available draw down of at least 6 m. At Libertas, where the observation borehole is situated farthest from the producing holes, the amplitude of the water-level fluctuation due to tht twice-daily starting and stopping of the pumps is lcast, and the seasonal fluctuation of the water-level due to rainfall variation is least disturbed by unrecorded shorter period abstraction variation, It will be noted that during the rainfall years of 1967-68 and 1972--73 there was no rise of the water-level during the wet season. Each of these two rainfall years followed years of exceptionally great wet-season accumulations of excess monthly rain~ fall departure from the mean, Under these circumstances shallow aquifers are commonly overcharged, and it is a normal consequence that during the following year, while the excess watcr is still draining out of the aquifer, the groundwatcr level does not rise as a result of the recharge of the wet season. This characteristic The producing borehole Rd 1, which has about the same collar altitude as the observation borehole and is about 250 m away from it, was drilled in about 1966 at the end of the development period, so its recorded rest-level at a depth of 11 m has probably changed little since then. Water was struck at 30 m so there probably remains an available drawdown of about 19 m. 16 can be observed also in the Lekkerrus hydrograph. comparison in columns 8, 9 and 10 of the same table. At Lekkerrus, where the observation borehole IS nearest to the producing holes, seasonal fluctuations of the waterMlcvel dominate the hydrograph during those rainfall years in which the wet season involved the greatest accumulations of excess monthly rainfall deparM ture from the mean, while in other years the hydrograph is dominated by water· level fluctuations due to unrecorded abstraction variations. According to Kent's (1949) classification by tempera ture, the Welgevonden Spa waters are 'hot or hypoM o thermal' (37°'50 C). According to Bond's (1946) classi, fication by chemical composition the Lekkerrus water, with a total solids content of only 119 ppm, falls within the 'pure water' class (up to 150 ppm), while the other waters with total solids of 311 ppm at Libertas, 200 ppm at Liebenberg's borehole and 257 ppm at Die Oog, fall in onc of the mineralized classes. There is, however, so little dissolved material in these waters that it is hardly perceptible to the taste. The relatively high bicarbonate content and the low sulphate and chloride place these waters in Bond's 'alkaline soda carbonate' class. According to the Piper classification, all these waters fall in the 'fresh water' class (total solids 0-1 000 ppm). A At Rondalia, where the observation borehole is near the producing boreholes of two spas, the water-level reacted clearly to the seasonal rainfall variation of the year 1966-67 only, the year of the wettest rainy season of the observation period. During the rest of this period water-level fluctua,tions due to rainfall variation were almost completely masked by those due to ab M straction variation. A feature of all three hydrographs that is not understood is that, while the water-levels at Lekkerrus and Rondalia reacted strongly to unrecorded abstraction variations with periods of two months or less, not one of the three hydrographs shows that any waterMlevel reaction resulted from the very considerable recorded changes in the annual abstraction rates that occurred between 1966 and 1967 at all three areas, and between 1969 and 1970 at two of them. The rises in the water-levels during the 1966-67 wet season can be fully accounted for by the exceptional wetness of that season. The Welgevondcn spa waters, together with the local surface water and groundwaters, and the Loubad water, form a fairly compact group from which the Buffelshoek and Warmbaths water differ by their much greater proportion of sodium chloride. As far as the anions are concerned, the Wc1gevonden waters are all of bicarbonate type (HCO, ) 60 per cent). The relative proportions of the different cations are much more variable. The mine fissures water is calcium-ion rich (Ca) 60 per cent). The shallow groundwater, the Lekkerrus, the Liebenberg and the Loubad waters contain calcium, magnesium and sodium ions in fairly equal proportions, while the Sterk River and Libertas waters contain very much morc calcium and sodium ions than magnesium, with the first two in fairly equal amounts. Although Die Oog spring site is very close to the Liebenberg borehole, the ion content of its water is surprisingly different with a much higher proportion of sodium ions and a slightly. higher proportion of chloride ions. VIII. QUALITY OF THE WATER Data derived from the chemical analysis of thermal water samples taken from Lekkerrus and Libertas (borehole Lb 4) Spas and' from Liebenberg (borehole Lg 2) during the present investigation are presented in columns 4, 5 and 6 respectively of table 3. Corresponding data of water samples from the former spring, Die Oog (now Rondalia), quoted by Kent (1949), are repeated in column 7. The general resemblance of the analyses of all the Wclgevonden water samples is consistent with the view that they arc all rainwater that acquired a content of dissolved salts by contact with the local soil or rock at the surface or underground. The increase in the content of total solids from ~he surface water, through shallow to deep groundwater to the thermal spa waters, presumably indicates that the quantity of material dissolved increases with underground residence time or rock temperature or both. For comparison with these, data for Sterk River water, shallow groundwater from a borchole in the Kloof near the Union Tin Mine, and deep groundwater from the fissure on the ninth level of this mine, are provided in columns 1, 2 and 3. Columns 1, 2, 3 and ,4 are arranged to represent an increasing depth of the water source, while columns 1, 2 and 3 (together), 4,5,6 and 7 represent a change from west to cast in the sample localities. But the differences in detail from one ground water sample to another, even when the sampling points are close together, suggest that at cach locality the water comes into contact with various kinds of rock assembled' in a different relative proportion. This is likely to be so if the water at each locality has a different underground route or a different path of convective circulation. Chemical data, quoted from Kent (1949), from analyses of waWr from Loubad, Buffelshoek and Warmbaths springs, which arc situated on or associated with othcr mcmbers of this fault system, are also provided for 17 ( ThBLE 3.- CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF THE WELGEVONDEN SPA WATERS, OTHER LOCAL WATERS AND THE WATERS OF LOUBAD, BUFFELSHOEK AND WARM BATHS 2 1 3 Union Tin Mine. Shallow Sterk River. Ions Surface groundwater "Kloof" water borehole mg/l Nll000 mgll NH4 Mine. 9th level groundwater Lekkerrus Spa. Libertas Spa. Thermal groundwater groundwater Borehole Borehole No.? No. Lb 4 Nil000 mg/l Nll000 mg/l Nll000 n.d, n.d. n.d. - Thermal mgll NIlOOO n.d. - 7 8 9 Loubad* Buffelshoek'" 10 S.W. Lieben· berg. Thermal groundwater Borehole Rondalia Spa. Thermal Warm Baths· Ions groundwater No. Lg2 mgll Nll000 n.d. mgll NIIOOO mgll 0,006 nil 2,02 8,2 0,36 0,1 N/l000 mg/l N/l000 mgll NIlOOO n.d. NH4 2 0,087 3 0,130 5 0,217 18 0,783 21 0,913 18 0,783 K' 8 0,205 6 0,153 10 0,256 6 0,153 2 0,051 2 0,051 0,38 0,010 2,8 0,07 5,7 0,15 2,9 0,07 K Mg" 1 0,082 4 0,329 5 0,411 15 1,234 0,082 15 1,234 0,84 0,070 5,6 0,46 4.7 0,39 1,8 0,15 Mg" Ca '" 5 0,546 36 1,796 21 1,048 1,297 36 1,796 26,4 1,32 27,1 1,35 13.0 0,65 Ca" Sum of cations ~ - Union Tin 6 Na' Al ... and Fe" 00 n.d. 5 4 0,252 n.d. 11 - n.d. - 16 0,626 24 1,158 F' nil 0,8 Cl' 3 0,084 4 NO, nil HC0 3 ' C03 31 0,508 56 26 n.d. n.d. - 60 3,218 0,042 0,8 0,042 6 0,316 3,5 0,184 5,0 0,263 0,113 7 7 0,197 7 0,197 4 - 0,197 nil 50 2,343 nil nil - 2 0,042 21 0,437 5 0,104 12 0,250 64 1,049 122 1,999 107 1,754 110 1,803 nil nil - Sum of anions 34 0,592 70,8 1,246 Si0 2 (with N!l000 as 25 0,832 10 0,333 nil nil 150,8 2,675 nil - 71 3,864 0,113 nil 0,93 66,22 3,036 6,59 2,21 189,1 132,5 5,76 n.d. - nil tr 43,0 151,6 8,58 150,2 F' 0,30 0,49 0,03 6,6 0,35 11,0 0,58 0,70 3,6 0,10 138,5 3.91 85,2 2,40 8,2 0,17 3,704 109,8 1.80 nil tr 122,0 2.00 35.1 2135 12,1 0.25 102,0 3,40 nil Total sum of items 125 2,371 132,5 2,434 235 4-.080 6 0,200 128 158 5,261 14851 2.910 126,09 2,13 18,9 0,63 393.7 8,-1-9 210,3 6,63 48,2 1,61 12 0,400 4,2.62 42,0 1,40 44,8 14,9 n.d. 75 NaHC03 17 found N!1000 as Si03") 32 Sought but not Sum of anions SiO z (with Total dissolved solids" .. NaZC03 50 4 " HCO, C0:3' Si0 3 " ) Dissolved H2 S Cl' N0 3 ' nil 0,73 3,50 Al'" and Fe" Sum of cations 5,7 nil Na' 6,63 24,8 0,01 0,0002 nil 226 18,6 n.d. - n.d. 2,680 nil nil S04 n.d. - 46,4 2,050 n-<i. 104,8 2,737 218,8 5,755 191 155 129 65 0,202 ,,-d. n.d. 17 5,789 129 200 nil nil nil nil NO'Z NO'Z NO'Z NO'2 NO'Z 0,655 464 13,205 - nil n.d. 310,5 9,039 0,202 nil 55 n.d. - 34 0,405 - 59 n.d. 256,73 7,405 nil nil 187,99 4,97 627,6 18,56 408,7 0,702 14,87 Total sum of iterns Total dissolved solids u n.d. n.d.- nil Dissolved Hz S nil NaHC03 - 93,3 137,8 Na2C03 Sought but not , NO'Z NO'Z found T."",LE 3.- (roo.mued) Uoion Tin Mine. Sterk River. Ions Surface water Shallow groundwater "Kloof" borehole mgl! N/looO mgfl 7,2 pH Dianic conductivity at 20°C Date and 50 1966 J. Dry 3 2 1 Union Tin Mine. 9th level ground water 4 Lekkerrus Spa. Libertas Spa. ThennaI groundwater 100 1966 J. Dry analyst 7,6 Borehole No. ? No. Lb 4 1966 7,6 200 240 J. Dry Thermal groundwater Borehole N11000 mgl! N/1000 mgl! Nil000 7,4 1965 7,5 1965 J. Blig- naut and J. Dry * ~ '" From Kent, 1949. ** Calculated from dianic conductivity. S.W. 8 7 9 10 Lieben~ berg Thermal groundwater Borehole Roodalia Spa. Thenn:a.l Loobad" Buffelshoek* loos Wann Baths"* grOUDd-ft"'2.~r No. Lg 2 mgfl N/l000 mg/l NIlOOO 200 J. Dry 6 5 i.6 mg/l NflOOO n:i!:g/l Nil 000 at 1965 J. Blig- 1939 CF.].•'";lD J. Dry NJlooo !in:gfi SllOOO D10nic COOdUcrl..ity 310 nautand ~ pH n.d. derWalt 20°C 1941 CF.J.;;m 194+ W.Sunkej 1940 W. Sun..1cel Date and der Wait a.."la.1-""St 5. The fault is probably recharged mainly by shallow groundwatcr moving downslope in the weathered zone of the fclsite country rock towards the fault on the Swacrshockberg plateau, which is traversed by the western branches of the fault, and perhaps also in part directly by strcum water from some of the headwaters of the Sterk River! which flow over the fault branches at several points, Some recharge may also occur on the plateau north of Rondalia where the eastern end of the fault turns northwards and intersects another fault. From the health point of view the only substance present in the spa waters in significant quantities is the fluoride ion. The fluoride contents are 6,0 mg/l at Lekkerrus, 3,5 mg!1 at Libertas, 5,0 mg!1 at the Licbenberg boreholc and 5,7 mg!1 at the former Die Oog spring (Rondalia). The highest of these is seven times. the recommended optimum concentration for drinking water (0,8 mg/l) and six times the recommended upper limit. In 1966, when this investigation was made, the water used for domestic purposes, including drinking, at Libertas and Lekkerrus was the thermal water but at the former spa it was from borehole Lt 17, where the water had cooled so much that it was no longer hot enough to be used in the baths. No analysis of this particular water is available, At Rondalia spa the domestic supply comes from the Naboomspruit muni~ cipal reservoir on the Sterk River and at Rhemardo spa domestic water, of which no analysis is available, is taken from the cold water borehole Lg 4. 6. Water in the greater part of the fault moves from west to east with the overall gradient of the topographi~ cal profile along its course, but east of Rondalia the water probably moves from northeast to southwest. The fault aquifer is locally semiMcunfined but there is no need to assume that it is! as II whole, confined, The groundwater movement in no way resembles that in an artesian basin. There may be several cells of convec M tive circulation and they may be quite independent of the lateral movement of the water. Very small quantity of gas is emitted by the spa water, Kent (1949) records an analysis of gas collected by Von Backstrom at Die Gog (Rietfontein spring) in 1938. As in similar waters from the same and related formations, this gas consists mainly of nitrogen and the inert gases. 7, The thermal water has been found only where portions of a diabase sill that arC disphIC{~d by the fault abut against it and arc deeply weathered, These localities are at the same time the three lowest points along the course of the fault, at twO of which spring overflow from it occurred, As all such localities arc already sites of thermal spas, further discoveries of hot or warm water are improbable, IX. CONCLUSIONS 1. The thermal groundwater at the holiday resorts of Lekkerrus, Libertas, Rhemardo and Rondalia is of meteoric origin; it owes its heat (up to 47°C) to deep convective circulation in the plane of the Welgevonden fault and its content of dissolved solids to long contact with the rocks traversed by the fault, 8. The thermal water pumped is a mixture of hot water from the fault aquifer and cold water from the weathered zone of the diabase and country rock, mainly on the topographically higher side of the course of the fault at the spas, It is pumped from the weathered zone of the diabase and, if the water-level should be lowered any further by an increase in the rate of pumping, the temperature of the water will probably fall owing to a larger proportion of cold water being drawn into the boreholes. As re*circulation and rc-heating plants have been installed at two of the spas and this can be done at the others, the abstraction rate need not be increased but if it were, a consequent fall in temperature would not matter seriously. The content of dissolved solids is so small that 2, these substances are hardly perceptible to the taste but the water contains a much higher proportion of fluoride than is recommended for drinking, Chemically the water belongs to Bond's 'alkali soda carbonate' class, which is characteristic of the- older igneous and sedimentary rocks. 3, The Welgevonden fault is a member of a system that crosses the Transvaal from west to east, and is characterised by reverse faults, tear faults, and over~ thrusts with overriding from the north. Some of the faults carry thermal or mineralized springs. Springs on other members of the fault system are those of Buffels~ hoek, Loubad, Warm baths, Visgat and Driefontein. 9. The reason for the decline in the groundwater level that caused the failure of the springs at Libertas and Rondaliain 1954 and 1955 has not been ascertained. Hydrographs from three automatic water~level recorders which have been in operation since July 1966 show that the water-levels in the observation boreholes drilled in the diabase or coun try rock near the faul t declined 5,5 m, 7 m and 14 m at the different areas during the development period 1955 to 1966. Since 1966, water-levels have fluctuated about a stable mean, either seasonally under the influence of fluctuating recharge from rainfall or in shorter periods due to fluctuations in the rate of abstrac~ The Welgevonden fault is a heavily silicified 4. fault zone that crops out as a quartz vein, Its permeabi~ lity is probably due to a connected system of fault fissures within or alongside the quartz vein, caused by post~silicification rejuvenation. 20 tion, or else in response to both these factors. WILKE, D.P., 1963. Gcology of the southwestern portion of Area 2428 B; Map and Expl. sht. 2428 B, Geo!. Surv. S, 10. While the available drawdown that remains Il1 the production boreholes cannot be measured directly, the behaviour of the water-levels in the observation boreholes suggests that the rate of abstraction could if necessary be safely raised at Lekkerrus and Rondalia, though to what limit cannot be estimated. No dcduc~ cion on this matter can be made for Libertas. • x. Afr. (Unpuhl.). OPSOMMING IN AFRIKAANS deur P.]. Smit [nleiding ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is indebted to the spa managers for nearly all the information presented regarding the tested yields, water temperatures and other drilling details of the numerous boreholes and for the water consumption estimates that thcy provided; and to Messrs. R. Uren and R.H. Rastall, respectively Manager and Geologist at the Union Tin Mine, for supplying pumpage and drilling data, geological sections (not included in this report) and other relevant information, Die gewilde vakansieoorde Rondalia, Rhemardo, Libertas cn Lekkerrus is warmwaterbronne wat in die afgclopc 20 jaar ontwikkel het by bestaande warmwaterfonteine en ~boorgate. Almal is gelee langs die sogenaam~ de Wclgevondenverskuiwing wat die sterkte sowe1 as temperatuur van die water van die boorgate wat gebruik word, bcpaal. Vorige Werk Kynaston, Miller en Hall (1911) het oorspronklik die gebied geoJogies ondersoek en het destyds reeds opgemerk dat wannwatcrfonteine geassosicer is met die verskuiwing. Von Backstrom (1938) het later die sterkre van die fonteine gcmcct en aangevoer dat die water afkomstig is vanaf die plato ten noorde van die verskuiwing, langs ander verskuiwings. Van Rooyen (Kent, 1949) het later die gebied weer ondersoek en het gereken dat die diabaasgang in die verskuiwing die suidwaartse bcweging van die grondwater swit en vanaf REFERENCES BOND, G.W., 1946. A geochemical survey of the underground water supplies of the Union of South Africa: Mem. gco!. Surv. S. Afr., 41, p. 208, Govt. Printcr, Pretoria. 'n diepte laat opstyg tot aan die oppcrvlakte, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, WEATHER BUREAU, 1954. Climate of South Africa: Part 1, Climate statistics: WB 19, Geologie Govt. Printer, Pretoria. Die verskuiwing is deel van 'n vcrskuiwingsone wat vanaf Thabazimbi tot by Zebediela strek (fig. 1), 'n afstand van 270 km. Die meeste van die verskuiwings langs die sone is opskuiwings, oorskuiwings en dwarsverskuiwings, met beweging vanaf die noorde. REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, 1967. Rep. Commission of inquiry into fluoridation: Govt. Prin ter, RP 17/1967, Pretoria. KENT, L.E., 1948, The warm springs at Loubad, near NyJstroom, Transvaal: Trans. roy. Soc. S. Afr., 31, p. 151-168. Die dagsoom van die verskuiwing is gewoonlik 'n lac rug gevorm deur die verkieselde brcksiesone, wat die voorkoms van 'n kwartsaar het, ongeveer 5 tot 20 m wyd. In die omgewing van Libertas en Rondalia is die breksiesone nie sigbaar nie, moontlik omdat dit dall< nie verkiesel is nie. Net oos van Rondalia swaai die Wdgevondenverskuiwing volgens die mening van die skrywcr noordwaarts in die rigting van die plato (fig. 2). Die verskuiwingsvlak hel noordwaarts met die 'valkant aan die suide en sny deur felsiet wat porfiere, Bosveldgra!lict en noriet oorie. Die basale konglomeraat van die Sistcem Waterberg wat diskordant op fclsict \C, is ook vcrskuif in die omgewing van Lekkcrrus en ROlldalia. In die gebied tussen Lekkerrus en I{ondalia korn 'n dik rransgrcssiewc diabaasplaat in of langs die verskuiwing- 1949. The thermal waters of the Union of South Africa and South Wt'st Africa: Trans. gcol. Soc. S. Afr., 52, p.231-·2()'L KENT, L.E. und HUSSELI., 1I.D., 1949. The warm spring on Buffclsboek, JH:nr TllHi>wl.imJ>i, Transvaal: TrailS. roy. Soc. • S. Afr., 32, (2), p. !(i! KYNASTON, 1'15< 11., MELLOI{, E.'I". alld IIALL, A.L., 191!. The geology of the eOllJltry round i'otgi('j('rsrllS(: Expl. sill. 7, Geol. Surv. S. Afr., Cov!. PriJlI('I", I'r('toria. VON BACKSTHi)M, J.w., J93H. An illv(:stigat!oll of lhe thermal sprinbrs in thc i'olgielt'rsrusl l)istrict: g.q). gcol. Surv. S. Afr., (Unpubl.). 21 konveksieselle in sekere dele van die vcrskuiwingswaterdraer waar verhitte water vanuit diepte opstyg om verplaas te word deur die kouer vlakker water. Die temperatuur van die water wat uitgepomp word is egter nie 'n ware indikasie van die diepte van die konveksiestrome nie ifillgesien daar vermenging met die koue vlak water van die verweringsone plaasvind (fig. 10). None VQOr. Daar bestaan geologiese bewyse wat daarop dui dat bewcging langs die verskuiwing tydens meer as een tydperk plaasgevind het. Aanvulling;'l verskuiwingswaterdraer Aangesien die verskuiwingsvlak teen 'n hoe hock noordwaarts hell moet dit noodwendig op 'n baie groot diepte onder die plato aanwesig wees en die water in die verskuiwing kan dus nie van daar gevoed word n}e. Die grondwater in die verskuiwing is eerder afkomstig vanaf die hoogliggende gebied suid van die Swaershoekberge en noord van Rondalia(fig. 3 and 4). Die standhoudende stroom van die Sterkrivier kruis die westelike vedenging van die verskuiwing in etlike plekke (gemerk A tot E in fig. 3) vanwaar die verskuiwingswaterdraer aangevul kan word. Lewering van verskuiwil1gswaterdraer Die twee bronne Rondalia en Libertas het in 1938 saam 200 m 3 /dag gelewer. In 1954 hetdiefonteine om 'n onverklaarbare rede ophou vIaei en moes boorgate geboor word om in die behoeftes van die oorde te voorsien. Die opdroging toon geen vcrband met die jaarlikse reenval geplot as 'n akkumuIatiewe afwyking van die gemiddeld nie (fig. 5). Die totale verbruikhet sedert 1970 konstant gebly op 750 m'/dag. Gedrag van grondwatervlak Beweging van grondwater in verskuiwingswaterdraer Die grondwater in die waterdraer vorm 'n oop watervlak wat ooswaarts vanaf die Swaershoek- en Paardeplaatsverskuiwing daal teen 'n gradient van omtrent 1,2 persent (fig. 4). Die grondwatervlak in die Rheeder se heIlingsverskuiwing daal suidwaarts in die rigting van Rondalia teen selfs 'n steiler gradient. Die oorspronklikc warmwaterfonteine vanaf Lekkerrus tot by Rondalia kan dus deur die grondwatergradiente en topografie verklaar word. Die grondwatervlak is scdert 1966 waargeneem in 3 boorgate wat elk by of naby die produksiegate van Rondalia, Lekkerrus en Libertas geld~ is. Volgens hierdie metings het die watervlak sedert 1966 op 'n sekere diepte redelik konstant gebly, met waarneembare skommelinge wat 'n verband toon met die jaarlikse aanvulling volgens die reenval en die direkte effek van onttrekking in gevalle waar die waarnerriingsgat baie na aan 'n produksiegat gelee is. Die gedrag van die watetvlak dui aan dat die onttrekking by Lekkerrus en Rondalia met veiligheid verhoog kan word. Die fonteine vloei nie meer nie aangesien langdurige onttrekking uit boorgate in hulle onmiddellike omgewing die grondwatervlak op 'n lacr vIak hOll. Kwaliteit van water Volgens die klassifikasie van Bond (1946) behoort die water chemics tot die alkaliese soda-karbonaat klas. Die bikarbonaatkonsentrasie is relatief hoog en die van sulfate en chloriede is laag (tabel 3). Die totale opgcloste stowwe wissel tussen 110 en 257 mg/I. Die fluoorkonsentrasie is tussen 3,5 en 6,0 rug/l wat aansienlik hoer is as wat vir drink water aanbeveel word. . Die water het 'n maksimum temperatuur van 47°C wat te wyte is aan 'n norrnale terrniese gradient. Die temperatuur is nie noodwendig te wyte aan beweging van die water oor lang afstande vanaf 'n groot diepte vanuit 'n aanvullingsgebied nie, soos voorgestel deur Von Backstrom (1938), maar kan bloot gekoppel word met 22