the analysis of moral values of deasylawaty prasetyaningtyas`s novel
the analysis of moral values of deasylawaty prasetyaningtyas`s novel
THE ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUES OF DEASYLAWATY PRASETYANINGTYAS’S NOVEL “HADES SANG AUTIS” A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department By: IMAS SURAIDA NIM: 11306059 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FACULTY STATES ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA 2010 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE ( STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail: DECLARATION In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. Hereby the writer fully declares that the graduating paper is made by the writer herself, and it is not contained with materials written or published by other people, and is not consisting of other people’s idea except the information from the reference. The writer is capable account for graduating paper, if in the future the graduating paper can be proved of containing other’s idea or in fact the writer imitates the other’s graduating paper. Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and the writer hopes that the declaration can be understood. Salatiga, July 2010 The Writer, Imas Suraida 11306059 ii The Lecturer of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ANTTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, July 7th, 2010 Case: Imas Suraida’s Graduating Paper Dear The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb After reading and correcting Imas Suraida’s graduating paper entitled “THE ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUES OF DEASYLAWATY PRASETYANINGTYAS’S NOVEL “HADES SANG AUTIS”, I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by the education faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb Consultant Hanung Triyoko,SS,M.Hum,M.Ed NIP.19730815199903 1 003 iii iv ABSTRACT Entitled: THE ANALISYS OF MORAL VALUES IN DEASYLAWATY PRASETYANINGTYAS’S NOVEL HADES SANG AUTIS The degredation of moral behavior was happened in the society. It showed that doing of different people like autism. Some people feel abhorrent and do not want to respect them. They also eliminate because any abnormal case from them. Literature by novel is expected to change one’s bad perspective to make great attention to any different situation of human especially autism.This study scrutinizes the moral values of Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas’s Hades Sang Autis novel. The objectives of the study are to find out the intrinsic elements in the Deasylawaty’s Hades Sang Autis novel and to find out the moral values the author convey that are suggested for moral education. Descriptive qualitative method that focused in textual data is method used to analyze the novel. This analyze study uses Hades Sang Autis novel written by Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas as the object the study. The finding of moral values result that it can be gotten from explicit and implicit meaning of the author and emphasize for the important of some morals behavior like love and belonging, respecting, forgiveness, optimism, positive thinking, hard work, responsible, patient, and so on as human society. The implication of moral education that we need as human beings can use novel as one of the media which explain about that and to help the readers improve their moral behavior. Keywords: degradation, moral values and moral education v MOTTO ”The Dreams are the first of our future and nothing is impossible to get our dreams come true” vi DEDICATION The researcher is dedicated to 1. My sweet family, father, mother, and brother from your support and your greatest love so everything is possible. 2. My sweet hearth Puguh Yunianto, thanks to give me your love and your patience to wait me until I will be graduating in 2010. 3. The big family in IMM (Muhammadiyah Student Association) and STAIN Music Club (SMC) thanks from the support and the wish. Sorry, I can’t be like you want. 4. My best friend Mas Daud and Ianatul Khasanah, thanks from your support and from our advices 5. My new friend Mbak Deasy as author of Hades Sang Autis Novel, thanks from your information to complete my work. 6. My friends Nina and Wanda, thank for your truly help to found anything that I needed. 7. and thanks for every one that I can’t mention one by one vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of the universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Education Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2010. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions, and I somehow realize the appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for: 1. Dr.Imam Sutomo,M.Ag. The Rector of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga. 2. Hanung Triyoko, SS,M.Hum,M.Ed, as consultant who was educated, supported, directed, and given the writer many good advices, suggestion and recommendation for this thesis from beginning until finish. 3. All lectures of English Department who have guided and enriched me with English knowledge. 4. All Staff who have helped the writer in processing of the thesis administration. 5. My beloved family who has taught me everything, facilitated, supported, and wishes to get my desire. 6. All my friends who helped me to finish this thesis. viii 7. Those who can be mentioned one by one toward their support to the writer in realizing the study. Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the readers to improve this graduating paper. Salatiga, July 2010 Writer ix TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ………………………………………………………………………. i DECLARATION …………………………………………………………….ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR ……………………………………………….iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ……………………………………...iv ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………v MOTTO …………………………………………………………………… vi DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………..vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………viii TABLE OF CONTENT ……………………………………………………..x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ………………………………………………...1 B. Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………..6 C. The Objective of the Study ……………………………………………... 7 D. The Benefit of the Study ………………………………………………... 7 E. Clarification of Key Terms ……………………………………………... 7 F. Review of Previous Researches ……………………………………….. 10 G. Research Methodology ………………………………………………... 11 H. Thesis Outline …………………………………………………………. 13 x CHAPTER II THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AUTHOR A. Biography of the Author ……………………………………………….14 B. Social Background of the Author ……………………………………….16 CHAPTER III THEORITICAL REVIEW OF MORAL VALUES A. Moral …………………………………………………………………...21 B. Definition of Values ……………………………………………………23 C. Definition of Moral Values ……………………………………………. 24 D. Moral Behavior to Autism Children …………………………………... 25 CHAPTER IV THE ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A. Data of Intrinsic Literature Elements of Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas’s Novel Hades Sang Autis……………………………………………….. 28 B. Data Analysis of Moral Values …………………………………………47 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………….. 68 B. Suggestion …………………………………………………………….. 69 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study Human beings are created to serve different function. Human being is perfect creature that has good shape, soul, feeling, etc. Many people think that life is like fate and self belief to face all of challenges. In the reality, life is how we think, we analyze, we sense of live. Humans have plan or vision mission of life to balance our soul, our feeling and balance of nature. The strength that a man owns is different to each others based on place he was born, place he learn, and place as house in order to make certain personality. Beside it, the people may keep good moral behavior to create the good life or the happiness life as social man, and religious people.(, 2 February 2010) As we know in the developing era and developing the ways of human life, moral degradation happened while our education provides moral as subject or material and it is not to be implemented in the life. So, one of the ways to keep morality is using literary as media. People may perceive a difference between literature and some popular forms of written work. The terms “literary fiction” and “literary merit” serve to distinguish between individual works. Critics may exclude works from classification literature, for example, on the grounds of poor 1 2 standards of grammar and syntax, of an unbelievable or disjointed story-line or of inconsistent or unconvincing characters. Genre fiction, (for example: romance, crime or science fiction) may also become excluded from consideration as literature. (, 31 May 2010) According to Russian formalizer, literature is not pseudo-religion or psychology or sociology but it is arrangement of certain language. Literature has law, structure, and specific instruments. Literature is material fact that is function can be analyzed like a machine. Literature is created from words, not object or feeling, and not to express writer thought. So, the formalizer from Russia ignored content analyze of literature. (Eagleton,1996:4) The term literature came from the end of XVIII. In early of history from literature is gotten that people did not create literature but they have literature. This is character from literary man (lettrẻs). In Voltaire period, literature is adversary for public or society.(Escarpit,2005:5) Historically, literature is divided into two kinds; classical literature and modern literature. Classical literature is also called regional literature uses cultural language. Technically, there is two kinds of classical literature; oral and written. Based on the time, oral literature was lost and can’t be detected easy.(Ratna, 2005:3-15) Literature adds to reality, it does not simple describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the dessert that our lives have already become. This adage 3 is perhaps the most appropriate description of the importance of literature in our lives. Literature reminds us of stories, epics, sacred scriptures and classical works of the ancient and modern times. Literature is defined as the body of written works of a language, period or culture, produced by scholars and researchers, specialized in given field. Literature does not only describe reality but also adds to it. Literature is not merely a depiction of reality; it is rather a value-addition. Literary works are portrayals of the thinking patterns and social norms prevalent in society. They are depiction of the different facets of common man’s life. Classical literary works serve as a food for thought and a tonic for imagination and creativity. Exposing an individual to good literary works, is equivalent to providing him/her with the finest of educational opportunities. On the other hand, the lack of exposure to classic literary works is equal to depriving an individual from an opportunity to grow as an individual. Prose, poetry, drama, essays, fiction, literary works based on philosophy, art, history, religion, and culture and also scientific and legal writings are grouped under category of literature. In many ways, literary can change one’s perspective towards life. Lives of brilliant achievers and individuals, who have made a valuable contribution to society, are sketched in their biographies. These works give the reader an insight into the lives of these eminent people, while also serving as a bible of ideals. 4 Languages are the building blocks of literature. But the study of literature can not be restricted to only studying languages. In fact, literature can not be confined to an educational curriculum. A degree in language and literature is one, with everything that literature offer. Literature is definitely. Much more than its literary meaning, which defines it as an acquaintance to letters it. In fact, lays the foundation of enriched life; it adds life to living. (, 31 May 2010) One of the examples of literatures is novel. Most of the novel criteria (such as artistic merit, fictionality, a design to create an epic totally of life, a focus on history and the individual) are arbitrary and designed to raise further debates over qualities that will supposedly separate great works of literature both from a wider and lower “trivial” production and from the field of true histories. To become part of the literary production novels have to address the discussion of art. The construction of the narrative, the plot, the way reality is created in the work of fiction, the fascination of the character study, and the use language are usually discussed to show a novel’s artistic merits. Most of these requirements were introduced in the 16th and give fiction a justification outside the field of factual history. The individualism of the presentation makes the personal memoir and the autobiography the two closest relatives among the genres of modern histories. (, 12 May 2010) People have different interests or reasoning for reading, for example to find certain information, for pleasure, for enjoy for satisfy, etc. In 5 connection with those reason, according Edhitia Simanjuntak reading is the process of putting the reader in contact and communication with ideas. (Simanjuntak,1996:3) In the learning a language, reading takes a significant role since it gives many advantages for language learners. By reading people can get some information, knowledge, as well as insights to society or the country in which the language is learned. Although we have a different kind of reasons for reading, we actually do something that we try to get the messages of the texts. Sydney J.Rouch and Afred B.Weinsten state reading is basically the apprehension of meaning through observation of the form and relationship of printed or written characters. This includes as corollary, the ability to read the language aloud with correct pronunciation and stress. (Rouch et al,1999:3). Thus we can say that reading novels also learning about life in a surprising way without taking any risks, we take apart in the action of the story. (Astuti,2007:3) In the novel Hades sang Autis by Deasylawati, we can take some unique intrinsic factors where she placed some different characters (protagonist is autism boy), setting and plot that fresh and make strain. Beside it, Deasylawaty’s novel gives readers some good messages as human beings that has norm to each other and not to eliminate some different people like autism. Many people sometimes do not want to respect autism because they feel abhorrent and shy. But, they never think that autism people also need us 6 to care with them to give them motivation to live, to grow and to make them confident. Deaylawaty may also give us moral message that can be learned as human being in order to create good life as individualistic, socialistic and nationalistic. This message can we take as reason the degradation of morality that is happened in the society. From this reason the writer would like to make analyze or make a research beside of the unique place of characters, setting and plot etc but also about the presenting of author Hades sang autis in her novel what like and especially what is moral values as the author’s message, so it can be a motivation and moral learning process in behavior, and perhaps, it can be useful for moral education because student need to get a new method that is more enjoyable. B. Statement of the Problem In this research, the writer intends to focus on the following problems: 1. What are the intrinsic literature elements that the author uses in the novel Hades Sang Autis? 2. What moral values the author tries to convey in the novel? 7 C. The Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are as follow: 1. To find out the intrinsic literature elements in the Deasylawati’ Hades Sang Autis novel. 2. To find out moral values the author tries to convey in Deasylawati’s novel Hades Sang Autis novel. D. The Benefit of the Study The benefits of the study are as follow: 1. Academic Benefit The benefit on the study is expected to be beneficial to literary world and complement of the study of Hades Sang Autis novel. 2. Practical Benefit The writer hopes this study can contribute to the development of literary study, particularly among the people who are interested in the literary study. The writer also expects that the reader of Deasylawaty’s novel “Hades Sang Autis” can take the moral values contained in the novel. E. Clarification of Key Terms The writer will clarify the terms to avoid mistakes of the title consideration: 8 1. Moral values Moral comes from Latin mores. It means culture or custom, attitude, characteristic, and way of life.(Suseno,1997:139). A moral is a message conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim. (, 20 April 2010) Value theory encompasses a range of approaches to understanding how, why, and to what degree humans should value things, whether the thing is a person, idea, object, or anything else. This investigation began in ancient philosophy, where it is called axiology or ethics. Early philosophical investigations sought to understand good and evil, and the concept of "the good". Today much of value theory is scientifically empirical, recording what people do value and attempting to understand why they value it in the context of psychology, sociology, and economics. (http://www., 15 April 2010) 2. Novel A novel is a long narrative in literary prose. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novella. The latter supplied the present generic term in the late,10 Mei 2010) 3. Hades, Sang Autis 18th century.(http://www/ 9 Hades (Άδης or ΐδας; from Greek δης, Hadēs, originally ιδης, Haidēs or Άΐδης, Aidēs, meaning "the unseen"refers both to the ancient Greek underworld, the abode of Hades, and to the god of the underworld. Hades in Homer referred just to the god; the genitive δου, Haidou, was an elision to denote locality: "[the house/dominion] of Hades". Eventually, the nominative, too, came to designate the abode of the dead.(http:// - 97k, 12 Mei 2010) In Greek mythology, Hades is the oldest male child of Cronus and Rhea. According to myth he and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld, air, and sea, respectively; the solid earth, long the province of Gaia, was available to all three concurrently. Because of his association with the underworld, Hades is often interpreted by moderns as the Grim Reaper, even though he was not. 10 Autism is syndrome that was first described in 1943 by Leon Kanner, which had described the self-centered thinking. These children were highly interested, however, in unusual aspects of inanimate environment.(Sternberg,1994:162) Hades Sang Autis novel is one of Deasylawaty’s novels. It was published in Diva Press . This novel tends to teach us about education and moral behavior that is needed as human beings role to keep other without to compare one by one especially to respect and give great attention to autism people to way of life. F. Review of Previous Researches This research is library research, so the writer concerns to analyze the moral values of Hades Sang Autis, through library analyze. Among other literary of moral values are done by Widi Astuti entitled “Moral Values of Ayat-ayat Cinta Novel“. She found that we can find message of moral education from novels like self characters building: responsible, commitment, hard work, revival, optimism, self confidence, courage, struggling to survive, thinking positive, modestly, human relation: respect each other, help each other, appreciating each other and religiosity: admiring God’s creation, believe in prophet’s said, believe and be grateful to God. (Widiastuti,2008:46) The writer also sees thesis from Ninik Arifah entitled “A Descriptive Study of Moral Values in Queen’s Songs.” In this thesis the writer gets some information from Ninik that song is one of the ways to share moral 11 values message as man must responsible, hard work, persevering, optimism, enthusiasm, honest, appreciating friends, admiring God’s creation, be grateful to God etc. Beside on two researches above, the writer also find out from Indri’s thesis that the title is “An Analysis of Moral Values of Habirurrahman El-Shirazy’s Ayat-Ayat Cinta Novel”. She found that to study the moral values, someone can find it in literary, for example Habiburrahman ElShirazy’s novel, such as creative power, respect each other, social interest, consistent to believe Allah and so on.(Astuti,2007:55-57 ) In this thesis, the writer wants to analyze the novel Hades Sang Autis written by Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas in order to shed light on of moral values as conveyed by author. G. Research Methodology To analyze Hades Sang Autis novel, the writer would like to use descriptive qualitative method as the following: 1. Research Object The research object in this study is the main characters in Hades Sang Autis novel that is written by Deasylawati Prasetyaningtyas and published by Diva Press. 2. Method of Data Collection 12 The writer would like to use study document taken from library to collect the data. The writer use two kinds of source data are primary and secondary source. a. Primary data sources In this source related to the object of the research. This is essential source taken from book or research object, Hades Sang Autis novel written by Deasylawati Prasetyaningtyas and published by Diva Press. b. Secondary data sources This secondary data sources are data sources derived from many literary books and some relevant materials to support and to complete the primary data sources. 3. Technique of Data Collection In this research, the writer use technique of data collection like steps to collect data that are: a. Reading Hades Sang Autis novel b. Analyzing the moral values in that novel by reading the novel, understandable, and getting some information from the novel that are relevant to the problem. c. Concluding based on the data analyzed 4. Research Paradigm In this research, the writer does some sequences: 13 a. The writer read Hades Sang Autis novel and compare with others novel especially from Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas’s novel. The writer chose Hades Sang Autis novel to be primary source and to be first step on this research to get the conclusion. b. The writer knows the author from her bibliography and more know his character from her blog and her explanation after the writer sent a message of her email. H. Thesis Outline To make easier for the readers to understand the content of this thesis, the writer organizes it into five chapters. Chapter one is introduction, containing background of the study, statement of the problem, the objective study, the benefit study, key term, previous literary researches, research method and thesis outline. Chapter two presents the autobiography of the author. Chapter three presents the review of related theories of moral values containing moral, values, the definition of moral values and moral behavior to the autism children. Chapter four is the analysis and discussion which consist of the data analysis of intrinsic literature elements of the novel and the data analysis of moral values of the novel. Chapter five is the closure. It presents the conclusion and suggestion. The last part is bibliography and appendix. 14 CHAPTER II THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR A. The Biography of the Author Deasylawati Prasetyaningtyas was born in Magelang at 2sd December 1984. She is second children of Tiono Hadi Suprapto and Endang Sriyatun. She was married with Eka Adi Nugraha and got a beautiful baby namely Azimah Zahrotulfirdaus Al-Fadhl. She graduated from SMA N 4 Surakarta. She lived at Jl.Kepodang II Lemah Abang Sukoharjo. She felt enjoy to join Forum Lingkar Pena Solo at August 2005. Her hobbies, writing and reading took her to be good novelist and created some novels. She works at Indiva Media Kreasi press as publisher and author until present. She also gets good job in SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta as extracurricular journalistic teacher. Firstly, she sent the story manuscript in the novel contest that is held by Muslimah magazine in 2004. By the contest, she got the first award entitle “Alasan untuk kembali” (july, 2005). Then, some her writing had taken in Solopos magazine. The next her achievement are the winner of the writing of Islamic young novel by Tiga Serangkai in 2006 entitle is “Ketika Batu Mulai Berbicara” that now, is publishing of Tiga Serangkai entitle ”Quraisy Terakhir”. The graduated student of Poltekkes Surakarta in 2006, Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas or called Deasy also cooperated with Nassirun 15 16 Purwokartun to make “cergam” story in comic strip form of Obi entitle “Harumnya Bunga, Pedasnya Cabe” that published by IHF (2007). She also wrote 8 fiction books to elementary school and junior high school cooperated with Tropica publishing in 2007 such as “Apa Itu Narkoba, Rakas Juragan Kertas, Mari Menjaga Kesehatan Otak, Aku Bisa Membuat Makanan Kecil. Derita Pengguna Obat Terlarang, Bagaimana Menjauhkan Diri Dari Narkoba, Bahaya Minuman Keras, Bagaimana Minuman Keras Merusak Tubuh Kita”. The next her books are published by Indiva Media Kreasi entitle “Sayembara Mencari Cinta (fiction, 2007), Tetap Happy Saat Menstruasi (nonfiction book, Indiava,2007), How to be a True Moslem Girl (nonfiction,indiava, 2007) and become Deasy’s best seller novel in 2008, Awas Kesetrum Cinta (anthology, nonfiction, 2008). With the Pipit Senja Publishing she have “Jangan Jadi Perempuan Cengeng (anthology,nonfiction,2008), and “Livon Mortis, Sebuah Tragedi dalam Dunia Kesehatan” that tells about humanity tragedy in health institution. The kid books that she created are “Rakas Juragan Kertas”(Satu Buku,2007),”Terima Kasih Ya Allah”(Era Intermedia:2007) , “Berikan Upah Sebelum Keringat Mengering” (Era Intermedia:2007), and “Detektif Cilik Salman”(Indiava:2009) The new her novel tries to make comment of Phenomenon Ayatayat cinta that in 2008 this novel (Ayat-Ayat Cinta) made great attention from the readers not only from Indonesian readers but in some countries told about 17 this novel. The joke novels of Deasy to comment the phenomenon of Ayatayat Cinta novel is “Balada Ayat-ayat Cinta: The Fahri Holic” (Indiava,2008). “Pshyco Girly: Menguak Rahasia Kepribadian Cewek yang Asyik dan Unik!”,”Half Mask” are new Deasy’s novel in 2009. Deasy also release novel in 2010 entitle and “Ora Wa,Ren (Luka Hai Sang Pemimpi)”. This novel tells about new student from Japan. His performance is little bad and brave with his hair is brown color. In short time he became the famous student in the school. But, someday he is known by a student because the student is old Ren friend when he is in Junior high school. When that student wants to know about Ren’s family, Ren will do different like usual. In the fact, Ren has HIV aids and he avoided his family so he lived alone in Indonesia. This novel is having process to publish in 2010. This novel surely related with the moral of people that regarded someone who has HIV Aids must be alone and avoid from the society. However, it is wrong argumentation. Although this is dangerous disease, but it does not become worried since we know how to keep the life. Although Deasy to be good writer and author, but she likes to share her ability to the new writer or new author. She shares in her blog ( so the readers would like to try to make a good story to be good writer and their writing can be published. In her blog, we can read many titles like Trik Menerbitkan Karya, Langkah Mudah Menulis Cerpen and others title beside she published her books. In the title Trik Menerbitkan Karya, Deasy told about the reason a 18 script can be published to be a book. The first her reason is the interesting contents. The original ideas or creativity ideas is needed to provoke the readers. The unique contents, different with others book, good inspiration, able to read the market, follower books etc are more interest to make many people to read. The second reason is choosing of title. The interesting of readers sometimes relates with the title of book. The third reason is good synopsis. Sometimes, the first way before people buy a book is reading of synopsis. Indeed synopsis has strength to influence people to read that book. Attract endorsement is the forth reason. There is proverb of “Don’t judge a book from the cover”. But, the endorsement sometimes is presented from cover of book. So, although is not great factor, it must be thought as strength of book. The fifth reason is doing many promotions. It is caused that people is the habit human. They ever hear they ever see it will make people to think and have desire to read the book. The last reason is our pray of God. All of them is Deasy sharing in order to the new writer has new spirit to make better again. (, 31 August 2010). B. Social Background of the Author The people development is influenced by her family, friend, society, environment, culture etc. the social background of the author often influences her work, and her experience, education also influence her thinking to create his work. Now, the writer will explore the social of Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas’s background. 19 Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas is also called Tyas by her parents, is girl that was born from good family. Since she was child, her mother Endang Sriyatun has taught her about Islamic religion well beside she lived in religious city in Magelang. It influenced her attitude, her thinking and her way to life. In the school, the young Deasy has unique hobby. It is writing. She began to have writing exercise when she was in junior high school. Beside she has unique hobby, she also has some activity that connected with her school and her Islamic taught. She joined in club “mading” in the school and she joined in “TPA”, quran education earlier after she studied. After that, she always make many of writing like script of short story, poems etc and has resolve to be good author. After she graduated from SMA N 4 Surakarta, she continued her study in Poltekkes Surakarta. When she studied in the institution, she tried to understand health world well. Then she has a script and sent in contest of novel by Muslimah Magazine and she got first award as novelist in July 2005. In August 2005, she is offered to join in Forum Lingkar Pena (FLP) Solo to develop her ability in literature. Actually, her parent also agreed with her decision to join in FLP. Her parent gave many supports to her in order to make creation better again. When she got married with Eka adi Nugraha, her husband also gave her freedom to have carrier. She got work as author, and staff publishing in Indiava Press. Until Deasy has new baby, Deasy has decision to furlough from her work and gave great care and attention to her baby. She just did her 20 new activity as young mother to her baby, Azzimah Zahrotulfirdaus Al-Fadhl until December 2009. Beside as new mother, Deasy is also to be the member of Islamic organization in Sukhoharjo where she lived. She is active member and active tutor about women in Islam in some discussion since she studied in Poltekkes until present. She likes to remember the women to make veil in her heart not just in her cloth. So, it explains that Deasy’s novel also gave good message to the women to way the role and to keep the “aqidah” at the God like prophet taught. She ever shown to the writer about the team creation and concept of FACEBOOKS related with financial of Israel war against Palestine. She also told me that sometimes her experiences made new fresh idea in her work as author and novelist. So many activities as publisher and an author never make her to give up and leave her good job as mother. The writer asked her by Email, “why you always get spirit to get good creation as novels and some books?” and she answered, “Because I believe Allah and my spirit is my sweet baby”. It explains why her works, some of them tell about Islam and role of women beside she likes to write novels.( personality books or CHAPTER III THEORETICAL REVIEW OF MORAL VALUES In this chapter the writer would like to provide for subchapter of moral, value, moral values, and moral behavior to the autism children. A. Moral Moral is something needed as man to way of life and to get the happiness in the world and in the end day. Before steeping further to moral values, the writer intends to note first at discussion about moral. Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") has three principal meanings. In its "descriptive" sense, morality refers to personal or cultural values, codes of conduct or social mores that distinguish between right and wrong in the human society. Describing morality in this way is not making a claim about what is objectively right or wrong, but only referring to what is considered right or wrong by people. For the most part right and wrong acts are classified as such because they are thought to cause benefit or harm, but it is possible that many moral beliefs are based on prejudice, ignorance or even hatred. This sense of term is also addressed by descriptive ethics. In its "normative" sense, morality refers directly to what is right and wrong, regardless of what people think. It could be defined as the conduct of the ideal "moral" person in a certain situation. This usage of the term is 21 22 characterized by "definitive" statements such as "That act is immoral" rather than descriptive ones such as "Many believe that act is immoral." It is often challenged by a moral skepticism, in which the unchanging existence of a rigid, universal, objective moral "truth" is rejected. The normative usage of the term "morality" is also addressed by normative ethics. ( - 124k, 13 February 2010) Dewey said that moral is matter related with morality values. While, Baron said that moral is something do right or wrong. By MagnisSuseno is said that the term of moral refers well or worst people as human, so moral subject is seen from good or bad side as man.(Budiningsih,2000:24) We have moral consideration in our world. We have any decisions with the see other behavior. We are not only become ourselves but also ignore how other people do and how they have different principle. If we have failure sometimes we feel wrong or our deeply hearth deny to us. Moral issues concern both behavior and character; they arise when life presents people with such questions as “what should I do (or not do),” “ how should I act?” etc. Moral issues arise most fundamentally when the choices people face will affect the well-being of others by either increasing or decreasing it, causing either harm or benefit. The well-being involved can be physical and psychological. Forms of physical harm that behavior can cause include death, injury, disease, disability, and physical pain. Behavior can also cause psychological harm (1) by creating or intensifying such painful psychological states as loneliness, fear, depression, hopelessness, despair, 23 unhappiness, anxiety, and sadness and (2) by eroding such positive psychological states as self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, happiness, and feelings of self-worth.(Barcallow,1994:3-4) B. Definition Values Human values are a set of emotional rules people follow to help make the right decisions in life. When values are used in a professional setting, they are called ethics (Changing Minds, n.d.). Values are used in every day decision making at work and at home. Good values instill a sense of integrity, honesty, and diligence in people. Without good values, people would become corrupt, dishonest, and undependable as people and employees. Companies want to hire employees with a sense of moral value so that they can help improve the company as a whole. Promoting values in every-day life and in the workplace can help promote career success. Values are related to the norms of a culture, but they are more general and abstract than norms. Norms are rules for behavior in specific situations, while values identify what should be judged as good or evil. Flying the national flag on a holiday is a norm, but it reflects the value of patriotism. Wearing dark clothing and appearing solemn are normative behaviors at a funeral. They reflect the values of respect and support of friends and family. Different cultures reflect different values. "Over the last three decades, traditional-age college students have shown an increased interest in personal well-being and a decreased interest in the welfare of others." Values seemed to 24 have changed, affecting the beliefs, and attitudes of college students. (http: //, 13 February 2010) The values support moral perspective especially in the moral education. The Values clarification approach aims at helping students clarify what their lives are for, what is worth working for.(Beninnga,1991:11) Values are the principia of practical thought. The moderns tend to believe the latter and see values as something added to the world by man, through his own free creativity. (,, 14 February 2010) Theory of values is third part of philosophy, knowledge theory, essence theory and values theory. Value means cost. Something has value because it is valuable. In commonly, people said that value ties on things and never tie out of things. In other side, some people said that value is out of things. (Juhaya,1997:41) C. Definition of Moral Values Moral values are things held to be right or wrong or desirable or undesirable. While morality is sometimes described as 'innate' in humans, the scientific view is that a capacity for morality is genetically determined in us, but the set of moral values is acquired, through example, teaching, and imprinting from parents and society. Different cultures have very different moral value systems. Moral values, along with traditions, laws, behavior 25 patterns, and beliefs, are the defining features of a culture. (, 13 February 2010 ) Moral values are happened by moral behavior in our life. Moral values as faced from a situation where man needs a movement and to behave in their habit, their relation with their God. in their culture and in their social life where he lived. Moral behavior means behavior in conformity with the moral code of social group. Moral development has both an intellectual and impulsive aspect. Children must learn what is right and what is wrong. (Hurlock,1978:386) Moral behavior is behavior that conforms to the standards of the group with which the individual is identified. But, unmoral or immoral behavior fails to do so. This failure is due to disapproval of social standards or lack of feeling of obligation to conform to these standards-immoral “behavioror ignorance of social standards-unmoral behavior. (Hurlock,1978:413) By moral behavior, the student are hoped to have responsible, decrease to immoral like indiscipline, violence, bullying, drugs, free sex etc and to increase psychological health and relationship among the student. D. Moral Behavior to the Autism children Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and 26 repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years old. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize; how this occurs is not well understood. It is one of three recognized disorders in the autism spectrum (ASDs), the other two being Asperger syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive development and language, and Pervasive Developmental DisorderNot Otherwise Specified (commonly abbreviated as PDD-NOS), which is diagnosed when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome are not met. (, 31 August 2010) The autism behaviors became big problem to the parent and caregiver. The behaviors include aggressive, unnatural behavior, dangerous behavior and some behaviors like flapping, rocking etc commonly. The writing and communication ability are primary problem to the autism man. Incapable of language used to communicate their needs can make autis to shout. The autism man is not only big problem for the parent but also to social environment. Their attitudes like they don’t care to others, difficult to build communication, and live in their world alone, are felt peculiar in society and sometimes some people that understandable regard the autism man is crazy. The result from this assumption influences parent psychology and finally the parent gets ashamed. (Astuti,2008:21) 27 The autism behaviors above can aware us that the special children need like autism man need some people that can comprehend and understand them. There is no standard treatment for autism, and different professionals have different philosophies and practices in caring for their patients. We may want to talk to more than one specialist to find the one with whom we feel most comfortable. Ask family members, friends, and the health care practitioner to obtain referrals. Call autism groups or check the Internet for referral services. Some Treatment strategies used in autism include behavioral, educational, biomedical, and complementary therapies. Some of these are supported by scientific studies, while others are not. It is important to discuss and consider the research support for the treatments chosen. Some people tried to use many kinds of therapy to their autism children. (, 1 September 2010) The role of social environment can influence the development of autism’s health beside the role of their parents as primary factor. For examples, firstly, the society gives the strength and support to the parent in order to give great attention to their autism children. Secondly, the society gives them a space and time to do something their creativity and respect them as part of human beings. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A. The Data of Intrinsic Literature Elements of Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas’s Novel “Hades Sang Autis” 1. The Synopsis of the Novel Hades Sang Autis novel tells about an autism man from rich and famous family. His father, Panji Sastranegara is member of council that surely he wants his son who has many great problems and may disturb his career to leave him. Narendra Putra Panji or Rendra is an autist who regards himself as Hades the God of Death. His life is underworld where every people do not know what he wants. This is unique character that make some people feel worried especially his family. He has autism since he is baby and has bad condition when his parent divorced and his mother leaved him alone. He likes rock ice so cold and mysterious man. He often do everything same again and again. He does not care anything because his life is different with common people. He never talks, and he never moves from his place. This condition makes him feel alone and he exists in the place that he does not know where and why he is there. He is the greatest hurricane to society and his family, The God of Death. Hades. 28 29 One day, a startle case happened. Rendra took knife filled with bloods. He just silent and did not do anything. He saw a corpse and few dark nights until some people found him. They surprised, they screamed and saw Rendra hatefully. But, a man saved Rendra to go away. Absolutely, this case made his father infuriation. He does not want all people to know in order to save his career. So, he asks Erlangga Pratama to carry Rendra move in Bandung and school in SMA Tunas Bangsa Bandung. Erlangga is first son from Panji Sastranegara. But, the way of his talking is like an assistant of Panji. SMA Tunas Harapan is best school in Bandung. It has so many students. There is nothing something happened in this school before Rendra comes. But, after Rendra came, this situation changes like Rendra is disseminator of terror in school. The teacher tries to discipline her students until a young man enters the classroom. He stands in front of class without doing anything until the teacher touches his shoulder and asks him to introduce himself. Rendra talks slowly and nervous. Maybe, it is new situation to him after he is moved because his case in Jakarta where he lived before. All students feel strange especially some students who do not like his attitude. They are Adip, Sani and Raihan. Adib and Sani are duo gang in that school while Raihan is leader of student association or we can call “OSIS”. He is also achiever student in XI IPA 2. In other side, Pipit likes Rendra from the first sight. Pipit is cute girl, very attractive, sporty, smart, and she gets calling as neng gelis from her 30 friends. Pipit oversees Rendra well. Cold is like ice, hard is like rock, there is something different with Rendra. This condition is surely described of Rendra in that time for all of the students. Until the bell rings and the class will quiet, there is nothing something that can disturb Rendra from his attention. He will go from his chair until he feels alone. He walks slowly to get his wants. He brings his duffle bag and gets out. In temporary Rendra walks out of the class, Pipit enters the class to take her things. They would be collided in the door. But, Rendra does not get any respond. So, Pipit decides to back together with Rendra and give him so many questions absolutely she does not get any answer. Suddenly, Rendra hears a voice. He runs away to go to the corridor. He runs like ghost will catch him. He hears a man says that he is Janus and Thanatos. Janus is God of doors in mythology of Greece or Roman. Janus is also known as beginning and ending from everything. Thanatos is God of death and well known as Hades. This is first to enter the big problem of Rendra in new situation because Janus and Thanatos is like fate of Rendra that is always invite Rendra in the deep conversation. In Dago Bandung, Rendra is guided some people all the times. His servant Mbok Nah is always beside him to prepare everything that Rendra need and Bayu keeps Rendra from some people that hurt Rendra. Mbok Nah is loyal servant that worked until so many years in the Panji’s family. She is also keed Rendra since Rendra baby. Sometimes, she must patient to help Rendra 31 because Rendra is always angry when he feels hungry and sleepy. But, this is a daily activity of Mbok Nah as good servant. A killing will happen if Rendra can’t keep himself. After school, like usual Rendra walks alone although Pipit beside him. A same voice comes suddenly and asks Rendra to do his work as God of Death. As soon Rendra screams that make Pipit confuses. Rendra runs faster than before because he does not want to kill Pipit, new his friend. Then Pipit decides to follow where Rendra goes. On the way, Pipit sees Rendra with a mysterious man who gives Rendra ice cream and a book. He is Rahardian and his nick name is Ian. He is rendra’s old brother from his mother with Yunedo, a doctor in the Ngoresan Solo. But, Ian believes that he is Panji’s son with Dewi. In the next day, a bad new comes from Sani, on of the Duo gang in the SMA Tunas Bangsa School. Sani is found by some student. He ties and hangs in the warehouse badly. Everybody scares and this is the first peculiar accident in that school since Rendra came to that school. After the accident in Rendra’s school, something is happened again in Rendra’s home. Mbok Nah is killed from the stairs. Rendra is seen stand in up stair lonely. Suddenly, this accident spreads in some newspaper and surely makes all people who read the newspaper surprise, especially Angga. After the accident in Rendra’s house, some students of SMA Tunas Harapan Bangsa, such as Pipit, Raihan, Adit and Sani have a bad new that Rendra is autist and needs great attention from all people. This new makes 32 four from Rendra’s friend do not believe that Rendra is killer like accusation from many people. They decide to find the evidence to safe Rendra. True, the evidence from Rendra’s room is gotten and this evidence points of Rendra’s brother Ian as accused as Janus, some archipelago said that he leads all of divinities. The climax happenes when Rendra is kidnapped by Ian. A drama is begun when Ian shoots Yunedo, Ian father because Ian feels that Yunedo caused Dewi and Panji divorce. But, Ian does not know that Yunedo is truly his father. Then Angga tells that Ian is Dewi and Yunedo’s son before Dewi married with their father, Panji Sasteranegara. Ian is jealous to determine his fate and to see of Rendra’s lucky fate. So, Ian tries to kill Rendra, in the situation Rendra is in his underworld, but Angga and Raihan keep and save Rendra from Ian. A fighting happened and Ian falls in floor. A fire clears away and sting Ian’s body. Suddenly, Rendra runs out and hit his body to a car that moves quickly. This is the end of Hades, the God of death. 2. Character and characterization Character and characterization are the basic element in many imaginative literatures, therefore they merit considerable attention paid to them. According to Kennedy, character is an imagined person who inhabits in a story. (Kennedy,1983:4) Character is divided into two kinds, namely major and minor character. Major character is the most important character in a story, because this becomes central action. In a work, the protagonist and 33 antagonist are the main or major characters. They cannot stand by themselves. They need another character in example a minor character. Sometimes minor character is not really involved with the action at all; nevertheless it is very important to the characterization of the formers. This character makes the story be interesting. The minor character is the character that is less important that the first one. a. Major character Major character is the most important character in the story. In this novel there are three major characters. 1. Narendra Putra Panji Narendra Putra Panji is the last son of Panji Sastranegara. He is tall and has pale white skin. He is young mysterious man. He is cold, just keeps silent without say anything and without any expression as if he has just swim in the middle of rain then is hit by storm. He never cares anything around him. Alone, like no one beside him because he lived in the underworld and just iPod that always he brings in everyplace and accompany him as his friend. No man will presume he saved many terrible cases, sarcasm, full of mystery and fearing. He thought become a killer of his friends. He is liked Hades (the Death of God in old Roman). Ín the Deasylawaty’s novel said: Remaja bertubuh kurus itu cukup tinggi, tetapi tidak lebih tinggi dibandingkan Raihan. Bahunya agak melengkung je depan, sehingga terkesan seperti membungkuk. Rambutnya lurus hitam dengan potongan shaggy pendek. Alisnya lebat dan pipinya 34 terlihat agak cekung. Wajahnya yang halus tampak pucat dan dingin tanpa ekspresi. seolah-olah, ia baru saja berenang di tengah hujan, kemudian tersapu mengeringkan badai diri. ketika baru Kepalanya saja beristirahat tertunduk sambil dalam- dalam.(Prasetyaningtyas,2008:16) The boy was tall, but was not taller than Raihan. His shoulder arched forward, so like bend. His hair short straight and cut short shaggy. His face is pale and cool without any expression, as if he has just swim in the midlle of florest then was swept of storm when he has just take a rest while drays self. His head bowed deeply. Lalu Narendra sendiri. Seorang pemuda yang ternyata begitu jauh dari orang-orang di sekitarnya. Mereka bersamanya, tetapi ia tetap sendirian di dunianya, dunia yang sunyi. Ia tidak membiarkan seorang pun masuk memasuki dunianya. Ya, mungkin seperti itulah Narendra yang sebenarnya, seperti Hades….(Prasetyaningtyas,2008:165) Then, Narendra self, is a boy who actually is so far from around people beside him. They are being with him, but he still alone in his world, quiet world. He does not allow someone enter his world. Yes, maybe Narendra is look like, like Hades. 2. Berliana Puspita Berliana Puspita or is called Pipit is nice girl that has good characteristics. She is cheerful, friendly and aggressive girl that make every people around her feel comfort and happy. She is first people who 35 believe that Rendra is not killer. Her spirit brings some her friends to enter the Rendra’s case and give big evidence about involvement of Ian as killer and spread a terror in the school. We can take explanation from the text to confirm the pipit’s characteristics. “Selamat pagi!!! Sapa Pipit dengan ceria. Gadis berambut panjang sepinggang itu memasuki kelas dengan berlari……. (Prasetyaningtyas,2008:11) ” Good morning!!! A greeting Pipit cheerfully. A long hair girl runs to enter the classroom…… Lantas tanpa dikomando, keduanya saling mengangguk. Pipit memang terlalu mudah akrab sama orang! (Prasetyaningtyas,2008:202) So, without an instruction, both of them keep nodding. Actually, Pipit is so easy to friendship with the people! 3. Rahardian or Ian Rahardian, the nick name is Ian is the second of Panji’s son. He lectures in a university in Jakarta. His hobby is adventure in many places. He has many different characters. Rendra thinks that Ian is good brother like Poseidon (SeaWorld God). In the fact, Ian killed some Rendra’s friends and he made Rendra as killer and terror all of people. He made Rendra’s disease to kill some of people and to make all of people hate Rendra. 36 The bad characteristic of Ian is told in Deasylawaty’s novel as ”Dugaanmu benar-benar hebat dan semuanya tepat!” Ian menyeriangai lebar. ”Kecuali beberapa kali perkelahian kecil-kecilan dengan teman sekelasnya sendiri, semua memang aku yang lakukan! Aku yang menyiksa anak-anak malang itu, aku juga yang membunuh keempatnya! Dan, berita di koran-koran itu? Huhuhu....sekeras apapun kakakku Angga yang hebat atau papaku yang pejabat besar itu membungkam media, mereka tetap tahu berita itu, karena aku!Ya! aku yang membocorkan berita penganiayaan dan pembunuhan di sekolahsekolah Rendra!”.(Prasetyaningtyas, 2008:219) ”Your prediction is great and everything is exact!” says Ian grins. “Except some small figthings with the classroom mate, all of them is I done! I torture the unlucky boys, I kill four of them! And then, the news from newspapers??? Huhuhuhu…..the whatever my great brother Angga hard effort or my father that big functionary closed the media, they still know the news, because of me!yes! I leak the mistreatment and killing in Rendra’s schools. b. Minor character Minor character is used to support the characterization of the major character. It can make the story become alive and sometimes not really involved with the action, but can make interest. 37 Some minor characters in the Hades Sang Autis novel are: 1. Raihan Adi Putra Raihan is smart student in SMA Tunas Bangsa Bandung. His handsome made all of girl like him so much. He is the first boy who has many love letters from his fans. He is member of basketball team in his school. He ever took Pipit to be his girlfriend but Pipit refused. Although he failed, he still makes good relation with Pipit. He helps Pipit to reveal Rendra’s case. In the Deasylawaty’s novel offers to give Raihan’s characters like: Dialah Raihan Adi Putra, Ketua OSIS SMA Tunas Bangsa. Ia juga dikenal sebagai juara paralel yang bertahan sejak kelas X. Ditambah wajahnya mirip Keanu Reeves, Raihan memegang predikat pertama cowok dengan jumlah surat cinta terbanyak yang pernah diterima.(Prasetyaningtyas,2008:13) He is Raihan Adi Putra, the leader of student association of SMA Tunas Bangsa. He is also known as the achiever who hold put from X level class. And added his face likes Keanu Reeves, Raihan takes predicate the first boy who has the most love letter. 2. Pradipta Pradipta or the nick name’s Adip, is good relation of Raihan in the basketball team. Pradipta has loud voice and everybody called him Jabrik 38 because his hair. He has hard characteristics. In other side, he keeps his solidarity with his friends. Pradipta in the novel is explained that: . Manusia satu ini memang tidak bisa bicara tanpa suara keras. Konon, kata Sani, rumah Adib sangat luas bahkan lebih luas dibandingkan areal Gasibu Bandung. Namun, tak seorangpun percaya dengan keterangan Sani. (Prasetyaningtyas,2008:15) The man is really can not speak slowly. Sani said that Adib house is wider than Gasibu Bandung. But, no one believes Sani said. 3. Angga Angga or his name is Erlangga Pratama. He is old Panji’s son. He works as Panji’s assistant and as controller his brother Rendra in his home. Every case that Rendra did cleared Angga well because he is hard worker. The describing of Angga in the novel said : Pria muda itu bernama Angga. Nama lengkapnya Erlangga Pratama. Saat ini, ia menjabat sebagai direktur muda perusahaan garmen. Ia memimpin dua perusahaan sekaligus. Angga juga dikenal sebai penulis dan pengamat bisnis. Dengan seabrek kesuksesan yang telah diraihnya di usia yang terbilang cukup muda, pantaslah jika dia dianggap sebagai seorang pria yang nyaris sempurna. Sayangnya, sampai saat ini ia belum juga berumah tangga. (Prasetyaningtyas,2008:9) The young man namely Angga. His full name is Erlangga Pratama. In this time, he occupy as young director in garment factory. He leads two 39 factories. Angga is also known as author and bisnis viewer. Because of many of his succesfull that he gotten in young age, it is reasonable he is regarded perfect man. Unlucky, until this time, he has not married yet. 4. Muhammad Sania Muhammad Sania is the member of Duo gang in the school. He always follow where does Adip go and what is Adip doing. His voice is loud because Sani like to scream in the classroom. Sani in the novel is said: Sani sendiri suka berteriak karena menirukan Adip. Dia akan melakukan apa saja yang diperintahkan Adib karena mengaku sebagai pengikut setianya. (Prasetyaningtyas,2008:15) Sani hisself, like scream because he follows Adib. He will do every Adib ask because he admits as Adib followers. 5. Dewi Dewi is Panji’s wife. She lived her home since she divorced and move to Solo. Dewi has one son from her married with Panji. Dewi is famous artist some years before she married. Because she feels not comfort with Panji she has drunk. Then she was lost to get her life. She is causing why Rendra often amuck. In the novel tells: Ya, gilanya kehidupan atau kehidupan yang gila? Entahlah, Dewi terkadang merasa bahwa hidupnya memang sudah gila sejak dulu. Atau, mungkin juga karena dirinya terlalu rapuh, sehingga gilanya kehidupan sudah tak sanggup lagi ia pikul. Akhirnya, terjatuhlah ia ke dalam penjara kehidupan yang paling kejam bernama 40 siksa batin, sehingga harus berurusan dengan psikiater. Ia berkelana dari satu psikiater ke psikiater lain (Prasetyaningtyas,2008:27). Yes, the mad of life or life is crazr? We don’t know, Dewi sometimes feels that her life is crazy from past time ago. Or, maybe she is so brettle, so the mad of life can not be carried. Finally, she is failed on the prison of life which brutallest namely mistreatment of heart. Although we devide each character to be major and minor characters, we can conclude that characterization has protagonist and antagonist character. Protagonist is main character and focus in the reader’s attention. While,antagonist is character of person or force in conflict with protagonist. In Deasylawaty’s Hades Sang Autis Novel, Narendra Putra Panji or Rendra was became as protagonist because he is the reader’s focus. Then, Ian or the full name is Rahardian is antagonist because he made conflict in the story. 3. Theme Theme is the point of story of talk, discussion and topic of the entire story that reveals. Kennedy states, theme is whatever general idea or insight the entire story reveals. Theme is the core idea. In a novel, theme can be equalized with the foundation of a building. It is impossible to build a house without a story. The theme can be found from Hades Sang Autis tends to humanist as social people that respect each others and invites the reader to give great attention to autism 41 disease. The writer thinks that this novel gave a good message that surely correlated with the theme. 4. Plot Such a structure of event arising out of a conflict may be called the plot of the story. As many terms used in literary discussion, it is blessed with several meanings. Sometimes it refers simply to the events in a story. According to Kennedy, plot is the artistic arrangement of those events. (Kennedy,1983:37) Different arrangements of the same material are possible. A writer might decide to tell of the events in chronological order, beginning with the earliest, or he might open his story with the last event, and then tell what up to it. In Webster’s dictionary plot is the plan or pattern of events or the main story gradual unfolding of casually connected series of motivated incidents. (Webster,1961:1121) According Mario Klarer that plot is the logical interaction of the various thematic elements of a text which lead to change of the original situation as presented at the outside of the narratives. (Klarer,1999:15)An ideal traditional plot line encompasses the following four sequential levels, exposition-complication-climax or turning point-resolution. The exposition or presentation of the initial situation is disturbed by a complication or conflict which produces suspense and eventually leads to a climax, crisis, or turning point. The climax is followed by a resolution of the implication, with which the text usually ends. Most traditional fiction, drama 42 and film employ this basic plot structures, if the plot is simple it means that story will be difficult to understand. a. Exposition The story introduces when Rendra gets a new school in SMA Tunas Harapan Bandung. In this school, Rendra is known with a friend namely Berliana Puspita. She cares Rendra’s so much before and after she knows that Rendra is autsm boy. In other side, Rendra’s has different respond from some friends that regard Rendra likes arrogant. They are Raihan, Adip and Sani. They are classmate of Rendra in the new school. b. Complication Two of big cases happened when Sani lost and found unaware of some friends in the warehouse. Then some friends think that Rendra’s is criminal because they think that Rendra hurt Sani. Other case is happened in Rendra’s house. Mbok Nah, Rendra’s servant that worked in Rendra’s house as long times, killed by a person that no one know the actor of this killing. Because of this situation, Rendra amuck and finally, he is moved in hospital treatment. c. Climax The climax from novel Hades Sang Autis, that written by Deasylawaty, is finding of evidence to release Rendra from accusation as killer. This evidence is gotten from Rendra’s messenger with a person namely Janus. This evidence makes Pipit, Raihan, Adip and Bayu find a killer that make Rendra as his mask. He is Ian, Rendra’s brother. One 43 night, a fighting is happened among Ian, Angga, Raihan, and some bodyguards of Ian. Ian try to hurt Rendra because he thinks that Rendra is causing Ian is chased way from his house. Ian thinks that Rendra’s is not Panji’s son because Rendra’s is different among them. But, Angga denies and explain that Ian is not Panji’s son because when Panji married with Dewi, Dewi was pregnant with a body else. Then, Ian wondered from this fact. He tries to shoot and burn Rendra. d. Resolution The fighting among Ian, Angga, Raihan and two of Ian’s gang makes Rendra does not convenience. The shot that is pointed at Rendra, takes to Ian’s body. Suddenly, Ian fails and Dewi runs to help Ian. The scream from the people makes Rendra stress. Rendra run out to the street and find to get Janus (his ending of life). The lighting comes from the front of Rendra stand. Finally, Rendra hits and die. 5. Setting Setting is the element of fiction which reveals where and when of events. Setting denotes location, historical period and social surroundings in which the action of a text develops.(Klarer,1999:25) Setting is divided into two parts, namely setting of place and setting of time. The setting of place leads to where the events occur and the setting of time leads to when the events occur. a. Setting of place 44 There are many places that the writer can find in the novel. The places where the story of Hades Sang Autis takes place as the following: 1. Menteng Jakarta Menteng Jakarta is Rendra and family lived before he is moved to Bandung. In this town, Rendra is assumed as killer of his friend when he camped. (Prasetyaningtyas, 2008:8) 2. SMA Tunas Bangsa Bandung SMA Tunas Bangsa Bandung is Redra’s school. in this place many case happened start from Rendra meets a shadow that make him like Hades, he recognize Pipit and some friends that help he to find evidence etc. (Prasetyaningtyas, 2008:13) 3. Rendra’s house in Dago Bandung In Rendra’s house something happened. Mbok Nah fails from the stair and dead. In this case, Rendra is assumed as killer of Mbok Nah, his servant. In this house, there is a big debate between Angga and Panji because Panji wants Angga to clear Rendra’s case, but Angga refuses. (Prasetyaningtyas, 2008:32) 4. Ngoresan Solo Ngoresan Solo, is place where Dewi lived after she divorced. In this place, Dewi meets with Yunedo, a doctor in hospital. Yunedo is Ian’s father. (Prasetyaningtyas, 2008:25) 45 5. Manahan Solo Manahan Solo, is place where Dewi and Yunedo have eating and discussing to meet their children, Ian in Bandung. (Prasetyaningtyas,2008:96) b. Setting of time In this novel, the setting og time does not explain clearly. The setting of time that the writer can take is just the times like morning in the school, and at the night in Rendra’s house. 6. Point of View The point of view show the position from which the story is told. According to Kennedy, to identify the narrator of a story, describing any part he plays in the events and any limits placed upon his knowledge, is to identify the story’s point of view. (Kennedy,1983:45) James L Potter supports this opinion, in his book Elements of the Literature. He definite, identifies the point of view of a story is to identify the narrator. Point of view is an essential element in building a story. The main character’s point of view is the writer’s vision embodied in the characters’ view. Thus this point of view is closely related to telling story technique. From the Deasylawaty’s Prasetyaningtyas’snovel Hades Sang Autis we can know point view from the character, setting and conflict that tries of the author. From this reason the writer can assume that point of view the author is the third person. 46 7. Style Style is the choice and arrangement of words into sentence. Kennedy states, style is the clearest indicators of the tone of a story. It refers to the individual traits or characteristics of a piece of writing. (Kennedy,1983:67) Deasylawaty’s novel Hades Sang Autis is written by using figure language with simple, direct and understandable sentences. In this novel used descriptive language and some figure speeches that describe many situations and bring the reader to enter the story. There are many footnotes that really help the reader to understand well. Some figurative speeches that the writer would like to attend are: 1. Personification is an ontological metaphor in which a thing or abstraction is represented as a person. “Tetes-tetes air hujan yang bergulir perlahan membasahi tanah, serasa menusuk kulit. Hembusan angin meliuk-liuk meniupkan seruling keheningan yang mencekam”. Run drops which roll on land wetted while prick the skin. The wind gasp flicker blows the dark clarity flute. 2. Metaphor is an analogy between two objects or ideas, conveyed by the use of a word instead of another. Pemuda itu menatap sesosok manusia yang terbaring di depannya, sesosok manusia dengan tubuh memerah bermandikan darah. 47 The man sees a slept body in front of him, a red body bath of bloods. 3. Sarcasm is coarsest figurative speech to tease someone. ” cowok apa banci, tuh?” “It is man or female??” 4. Hyperbola is redundant expression Manusia satu itu memang tidak bisa bicara tanpa suara keras. The one man absolutely can not speak slowy. 5. Antonomasia is using characteristics of body to replace self. “Pradipta sang pengembara telah tiba!” ”Pradipta wanderer came!” B. Data Analysis of Moral Values As the writer told in previous chapter, moral values are consist of standard of right and wrong. Thus, moral values can be used as moral education. In this study, the writer has found moral values in novel Hades Sang Autis that are suggested for moral education. They are followings: 1. Love and belonging Love and belonging are something special needed to live. Love to our God, love to ourselves, love to our family, friends and our people around us, love to each other. We need a love as way of life. Because of the social nature of humans and the long developmental period from birth 48 to adulthood, the need for love and belonging are closely linked to the need for survival, Belonging and Mercy. َوَﻣِﻦْ آﯾَﺎﺗِﮫِ أَنْ ﺧَﻠَﻖَ ﻟَﻜُﻢْ ﻣِﻦْ أَﻧْﻔُﺴِﻜُﻢْ أَزْوَاﺟًﺎ ﻟِﺘَﺴْﻜُﻨُﻮا إِﻟَﯿْﮭَﺎ وَﺟَﻌَﻞ َﺑَﯿْﻨَﻜُﻢْ ﻣَﻮَدَّةً وَرَﺣْﻤَﺔً إِنَّ ﻓِﻲ ذَﻟِﻚَ ﻵﯾَﺎتٍ ﻟِﻘَﻮْمٍ ﯾَﺘَﻔَﻜَّﺮُون “And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.” (Ar Room:21) Texts in Novel English Translation “Mas Rendra,” panggil Mbok Nah, “ Mas Rendra,” Mbok Nak said, nama perempuan itu, lirih, “Sekarang, namely the women slowly. “ it’s time to waktunya makan,” ulangnya seraya eat,” membelai pipi rendra. (page.33) Si pria tersenyum hangat she repeated and caressed Rendra’s cheek. kepada The man smiled to Rendra, “ Yes, Rendra. “Ya, Ren…es krim. Kau mau Ren…ice cream. Do you like ice makan es krim, kan?” dia mengambil cream?” he took a pain paper from his sebuah kertas bergambar dari tasnya, bag, ice cream draw. gambar es krim. (page.65) Mbok Nah merapikan selimut Rendra. Mbok Nah tidied up Rendra’s blanket. 49 Kemudian, dengan penuh sayang, Then, full of love, she touched diusapnya kening pemuda yang telah Rendra’s forehead. Her old face was terlelap itu. Wajah rentanya penuh full of love smiling when she saw a senyum sayang ketika menatap seraut smooth face in her forward. “Rendra, wajah halus yang begitu polos di must be patient…The God, Allah never depannya. “Mas ya…Gusti Allah Rendra, mboten sabar sleep.” She said in whisper softly. Then sare…” she got up from the big bad. bisiknya lembut. Lantas, ia beranjak dari kasur besar itu. (page.168) 2. Respect A positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. ْوَأَذِﻧَﺖْ ﻟِﺮَﺑِّﮭَﺎ وَﺣُﻘَّﺖ “And hearkens to (the Command of) its Lord, and it must needs (do so);” (Al-Inshiqaq:2) Text in Novel “Baik,Pa” tukas Angga singkat. Ia “Oke, English Translation Pa.” said Angga. He mengantar kepergian Panji dengan accompanied Panji’s leaving with close menelungkupkan telapak tangan di atas his hand in up his thigh bows down like 50 paha seraya menunduk, bak seorang hotel service that accompanied his pelayan hotel mengantar tamu guest. kehormatan. (page.10) Setelah para polisi naik ke lantai atas, After Police have gone to the upstairs, Erlangga kembali menghadap Panji. Ia Erlangga met Panji again. He made membungkuk sedikit, menundukkan little bows down his head, “ Sorry,..” kepalanya. “Maaf…” katanya masih his said with the pleasure. “ I can not do dengan ketenangannya, “saya tidak bisa it anymore. I know Rendra should be lagi. Saya tahu Rendra memang harus really protected,, but I can not lie my dilindungi, tapi saya tidak bisa my own feeling. If he never do any mengingkari batin saya sendiri. Jika mistake, I will guide and in the memang dia tidak salah, akan saya contrary.” Angga returned to shake his lindungi, begitu juga sebaliknya.” head and then he backs and go out Angga kembali mengangguk hormat. slowly. Kemudian dengan anggun dia mundur dan keluar perlahan. (page.160) 3. Friendly and be polite Friendly means showing kindness to someone, as a friend would behave. Indonesian people well-known as friendly people where we are still hold our norm. Polite is way to respect other as social human beings. 51 ُوَﻋِﺒَﺎدُ اﻟﺮَّﺣْﻤَﻦِ اﻟَّﺬِﯾﻦَ ﯾَﻤْﺸُﻮنَ ﻋَﻠَﻰ اﻷرْضِ ھَﻮْﻧًﺎ وَإِذَا ﺧَﺎﻃَﺒَﮭُﻢ اﻟْﺠَﺎھِﻠُﻮنَ ﻗَﺎﻟُﻮا ﺳَﻼﻣًﺎ “And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!"; (Al-Furqaan:63) Text in Novel Pipit sudah hendak English Translation mengulurkan Pipit would like to extend her hand to tangannya untuk meraih buku yang get her book before a hand takes her tergeletak paling jauh, ketika sebuah book firstly. Just a second, the book has tangan sudah mendahului been handed to Pipit. Pipit received the mengambilnya. Hanya dalam hitungan book. Her eyes were looking at white detik, buku tersebut telah disodorkan ke skin hand. Pipit raise her head slowly hadapannya. tersebut. Pipit menerima Matanya buku and… it is true. All of students will memperhatikan have known the name directly of that tangan sang penolong yang putih has tall body, and has hair like Keanu bersih. Perlahan Pipit mendongkakkan Reaves in Speed movie. He is Raihan kepalanya dan ahh..tidak salah lagi. Putra, the leader of student organization Siapa pun akan langsung tahu siapa SMA Tunas Bangsa. “In the next you pemilik tubuh jangkung dengan must be careful again” Raihan gave potongan rambut khas Keanu Reeves advice deeply voice and slowly. 52 dalam film Speed. Dialah Raihan Adi Putra, Ketua OSIS SMA Tunas Bangsa. ……“Lain kali hati-hati,ya!” pesan Raihan dengan suara dalam dan lembut seraya tersenyum..(page.13) Raihan berdiri dan mendekati Narendra. Raihan stood and closed Narendra. The Murid baru matanya, di earphone. itu sedang telinganya Teman-teman menutup new student was closing his eyes, in his terpasang ear has earphone. Raihan friends Raihan oversaw with hold their breath. Raihan mengawasi sambil menahan nafas. gave his hand, “Hey, my name’s Raihan munjulurkan tangannya,”Hai, Raihan.” Nothing to give hand again. perkenalkan, aku Sepi….tangannya menggantung. Raihan.” Raihan’s hand hangs. A minute…two Raihan minutes….. Semenit, dua menit….(page.21) “Makasih ya,Non,” seru sebuah suara “Thanks Miss,” said a voice from the dari arah pintu. Pipit membalikkan door. Pipit returned her body. A old badan. Si nenek tua yang memakai grandmother who wore hair accessories konde tadi tersenyum tulus kepadanya. smiles. “Thanks you have accompanied “Makasih sudah mengantar Mas Rendra Rendra to back at home.” pulang.” (page.85) 4. Positive thinking Positive thinking may make the life problem is so easy. Positive thinking may people can analysis their problems and can solve the problems. People see events from many ways. Commonly, the point views can be divided into two kinds, positively and negatively. This two sides are contradictory each other and establish our way to respond something. From this fact we are expected to have positive thinking as way to get our aims firstly. Wa ‘ainur-ridha ‘an kulli ‘aibin kaliilatun, kamaa anna ‘aina-ssukhti tubdi-l-masawiya : If we see something positively, so it will be seen well. On the other way, if we see something negatively, so it will be seen worst. (Zainudin,2010:15) Text in Novel “Well, kita mengambil itu,dong.” nggak English Translation bisa langsung “Well, we can not to take any decision kesimpulan seperti like that.” Raihan told again. This made Raihan kembali angkat Adib feels angry because he is failed of bicara. Hal ini membuat Adib jengkel prestige. “Maybe he still needs karena kalah pamor. “Mungkin dia adaptation. If we want to introduce him, masih butuh adaptasi. Kalau mau immediately, we don need talk behind mengajak kenalan, ya langsung saja, of him like that.” nggak usah ngomong dari belakang 53 54 seperti ini,kan” (page.21) Bayu tersenyum, “Ya itu, Mbok. Bayu smole, “Yes. Maybe from begin Mungkin dari awal memang banyak there are many mistake and unsuitable yang salah dan tidak sesuai dengan with her desires. While, he chooses the keinginannya. Hanya saja, dia memilih time when Mbok Nah services meal.” waktu yang bertepatan dengan saat Mbok Nah menghidangkan makanan. (page.37) “Ah…udah deh!” Pipit membuat “Over…!” Pipit made a hand gerakan tangan mengusir para pria yang movement to get out some man that tiba-tiba merubung mejanya “Lagi pula circles her desk. “Moreover, where you dari mana kalian mendapatkan Koran get the newspaper? Real newspaper? itu? Koran beneran? Jangan-jangan Maybe it is just provocation.” cuma selebaran provokasi…”(page.46) “Lihat,ya! Akan Pipit buktikan kalau “Ok. Be attention! Pipit will give you berita yang kalian dengar itu salah. evidence if the news that you heard is Narendra itu nggak masalah, kemarin wrong. Narendra is fine, yesterday we saja kita nyaris kenalan…”(page.47) want to know.” 5. Hard Work Hard work means the key of success. Hard work always related with good looking job or doing everything to get the target. 55 We often get many advices about hard work. The writer has listened that we must continue our working until we get our goal. Because this problem, it is important to always hard work consistently when we want something. Magical moment can not be happened instantly. It needs good efforts our selves with aim to change and develop better. The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work. -Oprah WinfreyMan Jadda Wajada : you are who effort, so you will success? (Zainudin,2010:209) Text in Novel English Translation Pria muda itu bernama Angga. Nama The Youngman is Angga. His namely, lengkapnya Erlangga Pratama. Saat ini, Erlangga Pratama. Today, he was ia menjabat sebagai deirektur muda young director in factory. He led two peruasahaan garmen. Ia memimpin dua factories together. Angga was wellperusahaan sekaligus. Angga juga known as author and observer of dikenal sebagai penulis dan pengamat business. Many of his success that he bisnis. Dengan seabrek kesusksesan got in early old, it is proper if he as yang telah diraihnya di usia yang perfect boy. Unlucky, he has not terbilang cukup muda, pantaslah jika ia married yet. dianggap sebagai seorang yang nyaris sempurna. Sayangnya, sampai saat ini ia belum juga berumah tangga.(page.9) 56 Dan apa yang dicarinya di kamar What was found in the Rendra’s room Rendra ini mungkin agak berkaitan. maybe still relates with the case. Meskipun Pipit tidak yakin bahwa Although Pipit did not believe she will keberadaan sesuatu yang dicarinya ini have gotten any evidence to show that akan membuktikan Rendra tidak Rendra is not guilty, but he knew it is bersalah, tetapi dia tahu hal ini pasti useful! Sure! berguna!pasti!(page.205) 6. Gentle Gentle is shown by braving to admit something. Gentle occurs if he has to get lost if he has to forgive from mistake and if he has to accept each condition whether good or not. In the An-Naml : 33 said: ﻗَﺎﻟُﻮا ﻧَﺤْﻦُ أُوﻟُﻮ ﻗُﻮﱠةٍ وَأُوﻟُﻮ ﺑَﺄْسٍ ﺷَﺪِﯾﺪٍ وَاﻷﻣْﺮُ إِﻟَﯿْﻚِ ﻓَﺎﻧْﻈُﺮِي َﻣَﺎذَا ﺗَﺄْﻣُﺮِﯾﻦ They said: "We are endued with strength, and given to vehement war: but the command is with thee; so consider what thou wilt command”. (AnNaml:33) Text in Novel English Translation “itu salahku. Sebenarnya mas Angga “It is my mistake. Truly Angga forbade sudah melarang Rendra ikut ke Cibubur Rendra to follow at Cibubur when 57 dalam acara perkemahan di sekolahnya. camp activity in his school. but, Tapi, karena aku menemaninya, bersikeras maka Mas mau because I force to accompany him, so Angga Angga let me to join. Then, in the membiarkannya ikut. Lantas, malam nightmare, in that time the rain came, I harinya, waktu itu hujan deras, aku sleept in camp. When I woke uo, ketiduran di kemah. Ketika bangun, Rendra was lost. We sought and when Rendra sudah tidak ada. Kami he found he was standing in the front of mencarinya…dan ketika ditemukan, dia the warehouse door, saw a dead of body sedang berdiri di depan pintu gudang, of his classmate. mengawasi tubuh teman sekelasnya yang sudah tewas.”(page.77) Cinta pertama yang tak terbalas The first love which lost, is really memang sungguh merana, mungkin languish, maybe this was the lover said begitu yang dikatakan para punjangga to him. Adip never cared about that. kepadanya. Adip tak peduli. Raihan Raihan is his friend, moreover he was tetaplah temannya, bahkan rekan satu team pal. He never sacrificed his timnya. Dia tidak akan mengorbankan basketball winning is just to his painful. kemenangan tim basketnya hanya It was not Raihan mistake because he karena sakit hati. Toh, itu bukan salah was really stupid. Adip laughed cynical. Raihan karena memang dirinya-lah Talk is easy, but how he must do to yang terlalu bodoh. Huh! Adip tertawa Raihan and Pipit in next day. sinis. Bicara memang mudah. Namun, entah bagaimana dia harus bersikap 58 kepada Raihan maupun Pipit esok.(page.85) 7. Patient The Qur'an defines patience as one of the paths that lead people from darkness to light and as an attribute of morality that is superior to, wide-ranging, and very different from the daily behavior of many people. True patience is a moral characteristic displayed in the face of difficulty and in every moment of life. Moreover, it requires the demonstration of determination and consistency during times of ease and hardship, and is a lifelong endeavor that never goes astray, even for a moment. As-shobru kas-shabiri murrun fi madzaqatihi, lakin ‘awaqibuhu ahlaa minal-‘asali. : Patient is like result from a plant that sometimes is bitter to swallowed, but the cause is sweet better than its honey. (Zainudin,2010:197) Text in Novel “Sekarang kalau ngamuk English Translation tambah “Today, if he amucks, we will broke his menyobek-nyobek jadwal,ya?” Nada schedule? The tone of Mbok Nah bicara Mbok sedih.”Padahal Nah kalau terdengar hearded sad. “Where as if there is no nggak ada schedule, he will amuck again, what is jadwal,ya tambah ngamuk,piye to jane Rendra want?” karepe Mas Rendra kae?” Bayu smole calm, “If he never do to 59 Bayu tersenyum tabah, “ kalau saja dia move his school like this… tidak perlu pindah-pindah sekolah seperti ini,….(page.120) “Kau ku pecat dari perusahaan,” kata “You get out from this factory,” said Panji pelan. “Tidak saya Panji slowly. mengundurkan diri. “No, I would like to drop out. Thanks Terimakasih atas semua kebaikannya for all of your kindness.” He went out selama ini.” Dan, dia melenggang from the palace elegantly. anggun keluar dari istana itu.(page.161) Bayu mengangkat bahu,”mau gimana Bayu raisen his shoulder, “what we lagi? Bukan Rendra sendiri yang berhak must do again? Rendra who has a memutuskan siapa yang akan menjadi decision to choose who will become his terapisnya,” katanya seraya tersenyum therapist,” he said smile to Adib and kepada Adib dan Raihan.(page.201) Raihan. 8. Responsible Responsible is having a capacity for moral decisions and therefore accountable; capable of rational thought or action. Responsible is something that we have to do to get the right. In Al-Araf (164) said: ْوَإِذْ ﻗَﺎﻟَﺖْ أُﻣَّﺔٌ ﻣِﻨْﮭُﻢْ ﻟِﻢَ ﺗَﻌِﻈُﻮنَ ﻗَﻮْﻣًﺎ اﻟﻠَّﮫُ ﻣُﮭْﻠِﻜُﮭُﻢْ أَوْ ﻣُﻌَﺬِّﺑُﮭُﻢ َﻋَﺬَاﺑًﺎ ﺷَﺪِﯾﺪًا ﻗَﺎﻟُﻮا ﻣَﻌْﺬِرَةً إِﻟَﻰ رَﺑِّﻜُﻢْ وَﻟَﻌَﻠَّﮭُﻢْ ﯾَﺘَّﻘُﻮن 60 “When some of them said: "Why do ye preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or visit with a terrible punishment?"- said the preachers:" To discharge our duty to your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him." (AlAraf:164) Text in Novel English Translation Begitu Panji pergi, seorang pria muda When Panji went, a younman that his yang merupakan asistennya, datang assistant came to near.” Sir, mendekat.”Pak,rapat dewan komisaris commissioner meeting is begun at 8 dimulai jam delapan.” Ujarnya. “Undur saja! Kalau tidak a.m.!” He said. “Return back! If you bisa, can not, or canceled! I must go to batalkan! Aku harus ke Bandung Bandung now.” He said and took his sekarang juga,” ucap Angga sambil bag and his coat. mengambil tas dan jas hitam.(page10) 9. Self-confidence Self-confidence can not be bought wherever. It has in heart and our thinking. We must try to change our mind, try something new and lost our frightening. Idza shadaqal’azmu wadhahas-sabiilu : If we have right willingness, so opened the way. (Zainudin,2010:39) 61 Text in Novel English Translation “Pradipta sang pengembara telah tiba!” “Pradipta the adventurer came!” yelled seru seorang siswa berkulit sawo a student short hair and yellow skin matang, berambut pendek dengan stands. lantang seraya berdiri. “Together with the loyal follower!” shouted the fat short hair, “Beserta pengikutnya yang setia!” sahut Sani. Namely is Muhammad Sania, but si gempal berambut ikal, sani. Nama he will be angry if there is someone like sebenarnya adalah Muhammad Sania, to call him with name like an actress. tetapi dia akan langsung mengamuk bila ada yang berani memanggilnya dengan nama yang mirip dengan nama salah satu selebriti tersebut.(page.15) Dia bicara normal, cukup normal kalau He spoke normally, little stiff. ”You tidak mau dibilang agak kaku. Kau know, my brother is so genius!” Ian is tahu, adikku ini sangat jenius,lho!” Ian seen greatly proud.” Try to give kelihatan sangat bangga. “Coba saja question about difficult formulas that kau tanya rumus-rumus yang paling has you taught, he surely knows.” sulit yang pernah kau pelajari, dia pasti tahu.”(page.74) 10. Help each other 62 Help each other is a form as social human. We can’t live without other people. Help each other makes life more than meaningful. In Aal-EImran (124) said: َإِذْ ﺗَﻘُﻮلُ ﻟِﻠْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨِﯿﻦَ أَﻟَﻦْ ﯾَﻜْﻔِﯿَﻜُﻢْ أَنْ ﯾُﻤِﺪَّﻛُﻢْ رَﺑُّﻜُﻢْ ﺑِﺜَﻼﺛَﺔِ آﻻفٍ ﻣِﻦ َاﻟْﻤَﻼﺋِﻜَﺔِ ﻣُﻨْﺰَﻟِﯿﻦ “Remember thou said to the Faithful: "Is it not enough for you that Allah should help you with three thousand angels (Specially) sent down?” (AlImran:124) Text in Novel “Nak Bayuuu…!!” English Translation panggilannnya “ Bayu!!” her calling with old voices. dengan suara tuanya yang melengking. “Bayuuu!!help…., Rendra amucks “ Nak Bayuuuu!!tolong…., Mas Rendra again!!” a man came by running from ngamuk lagi…!!!” first floor. He was ready to attack Seorang pria muda bermbut ikal datang Rendra’s body that is still throwing his dengan berlari dari lantai satu. Dengan books. Both of them failed in the sigap diterjangnya tubuh Renra yang carpet. masih juga melempar-lempar buku. Keduanya jatuh karpet.(page.34) ke lantai 63 “Heh!!” dalam sekejap Adib telah “Hah!!” for little minute Adib placed menempatkan dirinya diantara Pipit dan his self between Pipit and Rendra. Rendra. Raihan juga, tetapi ia masih di Raihan is too, but he was standing in atas meja, di sisi mereka.(page.48) the desk, beside of them. “Tuh! Bukumu jatuh!” kata Pipit sambil “Your book is failed!” Pipit said while membantu membuka tas ransel rendra, she helped Rendra open his bag, and kemudian memasukkan buku yang then put the book that is given by disodorkan si tukang kebun.(page.100) gardener of school. 11. Solidarity Solidarity means relation between two people or more than two people that need each others to respect and help each others. In Qur’an said: َﯾَﺴْﺄَﻟُﻮﻧَﻚَ ﻋَﻦِ اﻷﻧْﻔَﺎلِ ﻗُﻞِ اﻷﻧْﻔَﺎلُ ﻟِﻠَّﮫِ وَاﻟﺮَّﺳُﻮلِ ﻓَﺎﺗَّﻘُﻮا اﻟﻠَّﮫ َوَأَﺻْﻠِﺤُﻮا ذَاتَ ﺑَﯿْﻨِﻜُﻢْ وَأَﻃِﯿﻌُﻮا اﻟﻠَّﮫَ وَرَﺳُﻮﻟَﮫُ إِنْ ﻛُﻨْﺘُﻢْ ﻣُﺆْﻣِﻨِﯿﻦ “They ask thee concerning (things taken as) spoils of war. Say: "(such) spoils are at the disposal of Allah and the Messenger: So fear Allah, and keep straight the relations between yourselves: Obey Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe."(Al-Anfal:1) 64 Text in Novel English Translation Keduanya sedang berjongkok di pinggir Both of them sat in side of basket lapangan basket, mengamati permainan square, saw the games their classmates. basket teman-teman sekelas mereka. Ini This was different situation, because sangat aneh, karena keduanya adalah both of them were member of basket anggota tim basket di SMA Tunas team in SMA Tunas Bangsa. Today, Bangsa. Saat ini, mereka hanya melihat they just see without have playing. “I saja tanpa bermain. get 3 day suspension. It is enough to “Aku juga dapat jatah tiga hari. accompany you.” Raihan said again. Lumayan kan, selama tiga hari Flat. kutemani” kata Raihan lagi, datar. (page.55) 12. Optimism Optimism is an expectation to get the goodness. Optimism is new spirit to do something while we sometimes face in bad condition. No a reason to do pessimism because God gave us many happiness to be enjoyed. Without do optimism, we get difficulties in all of challenge. We have to understand that all of ourselves have many advantages to be developed. Billadullahi waasi’atun fadhaa-a Wa rizqu-llahi fid-dunya fasiih. : God placing in the world is wide and God bliss is very wide. (Zainudin,2010:22) 65 Text in Novel English Translation Adib terdiam. Seperti kata-kata Raihan, Adib was silent. Like Raihan said, “besok kalau jadi pejabat.” Telah “Tomorrow when he become membuatnya bercita-cita untuk menjadi functionary.” It has made him to dream pejabat yang ideal menurut become ideal functionary based on his perseptivitasnya. (page.59) perspective. Dan apa yang akan dicarinya di kamar And then what he was look for in Rendra ini mungkin masih agak Rendra’s room maybe is still related. berkaitan. Meskipun Pipit tidak yakin Although bahwa keberadaan sesuatu Pipit did not believe yang something that she’s finding will has dicarinya ini akan membuktikan bahwa proven Rendra is not wrong, but she Rendra tidak bersalah, tetapi dia tahu knew this is useful! Sure! hal ini pasti berguna!pasti!(page.205) 13. Forgiveness Forgiveness is good action or good attitude as faithful man where Islam teaches to forgive sorry to each man. ٍوَﻣَﺎ أَﺻَﺎﺑَﻜُﻢْ ﻣِﻦْ ﻣُﺼِﯿﺒَﺔٍ ﻓَﺒِﻤَﺎ ﻛَﺴَﺒَﺖْ أَﯾْﺪِﯾﻜُﻢْ وَﯾَﻌْﻔُﻮ ﻋَﻦْ ﻛَﺜِﯿﺮ Whatever misfortune happens for you, is because on the things your hands have wrought, and for many (of them) He grants forgiveness. (Assyura:30) 66 Text in Novel English Translation Pria berambut ikal itu menunduk. The curl hair man bowed. “Forgive me “Maaf..tidak akan terjadi lagi,” sorry, it does not happen again.” Then sesalnya. Kemudian, ia membimbing he helped Rendra to enter the room. Rendra masuk.(page.84) 14. Regret Regret is the returning of self at the truth and God. It means people will aware from his mistake before and try to get up to get something new for his self. ٌإِنَّ إِﺑْﺮَاھِﯿﻢَ ﻟَﺤَﻠِﯿﻢٌ أَوَّاهٌ ﻣُﻨِﯿﺐ For Abraham was, without doubt, forbearing (of faults), compassionate, and given to look to Allah. (Al-Huud:75) Text in Novel English Translation Batinnya pilu. Ini hanya secuil adegan His hearth was sad. This is little of his sandiwara dari skenario panjang yang scene from long drama scenario that he telah disusunnya. Dia sudah melakukan arranged. He did all of meanness, semua kekejian itu, menculik teman- kidnapped Rendra’s friends, tortured, teman Rendra, menyiksa, bahkan and moreover he killed 4 from Rendra’s membunuh empat orang diantaranya. friends. Semua telah dilakukannya All of this was done dengan intentionally because he never feel the 67 begitu saja karena dia belum pernah great pain than what he felt tonight, merasakan sakit luar biasa dibanding when he was seeing the Rendra’s apa yang ia rasakan malam ini, ketika weeping. melihat air mata dari untaian Rendra. (page.246) Ian tidak mau memandang kedua orang Ian did not want to see the both of then. itu. Hujan masih berderai keras diluar The rain was heavy there out, and his sana, begitu juga di dalam hatinya. heart too. The rain extinguished the fire Hujan telah meluruhkan api di dalam of his hearth. But, the pain made him hatinya. Namun, rasa membangunkannya sakit telah awake and aware because his man ,menyadarkannya manipulated is weak that as if gets the betapa orang yang dimanipulasinya help….. selama ini hanyalah orang lemah yang memang selayaknya bantuan….(page.249) mendapat CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion In this chapter the writer wants to conclude her thesis based on the problem statements which explains that in analysis of intrinsic elements in the Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas’s novel, we can take some forceful characters and characterication from Rendra, Ian or Raihan and Pipit as major characters, while Angga, Raihan, Pradipta, Sani and Dewi as minor character. The theme in Deasylawaty’s Hades Sang Autis novel tends humanistics where autis need great attention from us as social man. Deasylawaty also presented good exposition and good complication, great conflict in the novel that written a condition where Rendra is played by Ian, his brother as Hades (The God of Death) and interesting of resolution which told that finally Rendra died by hitting at a car. Setting is told in some places, but some conflicts given in SMA Tunas Bangsa where Rendra school and in Dago Bandung is Rendra’s house. Styles that are used by Deaylawaty are simple, direct and understandable language with some figure speechs. From the novel Hades Sang Autis written by Deasylawaty we can know that the author is the third person. The writer also found some moral values as message from the author Deasylawati Prasetyaningtyas consists of love and belonging, respect, friendly and be polite, positive thinking, hard work, gentle, patient, 68 69 responsible, self-confidence, optimism, forgiveness, regret, help each other and solidarity. All of them are moral aspect that needed to way of life as society and human beings. B. Suggestion In this time, the writer would like to invite all of you to pay attention of moral behavior especially for some unique people like autism people because they need our help to way of life. Beside that, we can take moral values from something that we like something that has around of us like novel as one of the media to give explain about moral behavior. The writer also gives advices to the readers who want to analysis this novel from psychological aspects because in this novel told an autist who has unique condition and characteristics different from others. The writer is not perfect person. She asks for critics and suggestions from the readers. She hopes it can be completed and improved in other time, occasion and situation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Eagleton Terry,1996. Literary theory : An Introduction, Massachusetts: Blackwell publisher. 2nd Edition, Escarpit Robert,1958.Sociologie De La Litterature, France: Universitaires de France. Kutha Ratna Nyoman Prof.Dr.2005, Sastra dan Cultural Studies: Representasi Fiksi dan Fakta,Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Edithilia Gloria Simanjuntak, Developing Reading skill for EFL students, Depdikbud, Jakarta. Sidney.J.Rauch and Alfred B.Weinstenm Mastering Reading Skill, American Book Company, USA. Astuti Indri,2007, An Analysis of Moral Values of Habiburrahman El-Shirazy’s Ayat-Ayat Cinta, unpublished. 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Tentara Pelajar 02 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail: LEMBAR KONSULTASI SKRIPSI Nama Progdi: TBI Judul Skripsi : Imas Suraida NIM: 11306059 : The Analysis of Moral Values of Deasylawaty Prasetyaningtyas’s Novel “Hades Sang Autis” Pembimbing : Hanung Triyoko,SS,M.Hum,M.Ed Asisten Pembimbing : No 1 Hari/Tanggal 24 Februari 2010 Isi Konsultasi Catatan Pembimbing Proposal Proposal to be chapter I and continue until chapter V 2 26 Mei 2010 Chapter I-V Grammar,Chapter II, Chapter IV 3 8 Juni 2010 Chapter I-V Grammar,Chapter II,Chapter IV (Synopsis of the novel) 4 21 Juni 2010 Chapter I-V Grammar,Chapter II (text in the novel,character) 5 29 Juni 2010 Chapter V Make simple paragraph 6 30 Juni 2010 Chapter I-V Acc *)Lembar konsultasi ini harus dibawa setiap berkonsultasi dengan Pembimbing/Asisten pembimbing **)Coret yang tidak perlu Asisten Pembimbing _________________ NIP Paraf Salatiga, 30 Juni 2010 Pembimbing Hanung Triyoko,SS,M.Hum,M.Ed NIP.19730815199903 1 003 iv DAFTAR NILAI SKK Nama : Imas Suraida NIM : 11306059 Jurusan: Tarbiyah Progdi : TBI No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Jenis Kegiatan Pesantren Liburan Anak Sekolah (PLAS) Lazim Muhammadiyah Orientasi Program Studi Dan Pengenalan Kampus (OPSPEK 2006) Bazar dan Baksos IMM Ramadhan Bersama IMM Move Appreciation And Breaking The Fast CEC 16th Anniversary of LPM Dinamika 2006 Darul Arqom Dasar (DAD) IMM 2006 Pelatihan Jurnalistik Mahasiswa (PJM) STAIN Salatiga English Friendship Tour CEC Pelatihan Jurnalistik IMM Workshop Kepemimpinan STAIN Salatiga Waktu Pelaksanan 4 Juli 2006 Keterangan Panitia Nilai 3 29 Agustus 2006 Peserta 3 14-16 Oktober 2006 Panitia 3 12 Oktober 2006 Peserta 2 6 Oktober 2006 Peserta 2 26 September 2006 Peserta 2 21-23 September 2006 Peserta 3 17-20 September 2006 Peserta 3 17 September 2006 Peserta 2 30-31 Januari 2007 Panitia 3 18-20 April 2007 Peserta 3 v 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Festival Rebana IV SMC Kegiatan Ramadhan PDM Salatiga Masa Taaruf Mahasiswa (MASTA) IMM Pesantren Liburan Anak Sekolah (PLAS) PDM Salatiga Kuliah Umum Dialog ”Perkembangan Kerjasama ASEAN Bersama Direktorat Jenderal Kerjasama ASEAN Depertemen Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia di STAIN Salatiga Seminar PDPM Kota Salatiga Bedah Film ”Laskar Pelangi” dan Penggalangan Dana untuk Korban Situ Gintung Bedah Buku ”Metode Studi Islam:Aplikasi Sosiologi Pengetahuan Sebagai Cara Pandang” Pengajian dan Silaturrahmi Penerima Beasiswa dan Orang Tua PDM kota Salatiga 24 Juni 2007 Panitia 3 26 Agustus 2008 Panitia 3 11 September 2008 Panitia 3 6-7 September 2008 Panitia 3 10 Februari 2009 Peserta 3 22 Maret 2009 Peserta 2 4 April 2009 Peserta 2 26 Mei 2009 Peserta 2 17 Maret 2009 Panitia 3 vi 21 22 23 24 25 27 Seminar Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Motivasi Diri PDM Salatiga Pelatihan Instruktur Dasar (LID) IMM TPQ SD Muhammadiyah Plus Kota Salatiga Komisariat Ibnu Rusdy IMM SK Pengesahan Pimpinan Cabang SK Pengesahan Pimpinan Cabang 16 Februari 2009 Panitia 3 23-24 Januari 2010 Instruktur 5 11 Januari-sekarang Guru TPQ 7 2007-2008 Sekretaris 8 2008-2009 Bendahara 7 2009-2010 Sekbid. Kaderisasi 6 Jumlah 88 Salatiga, 12 Agustus 2010 Pembantu Ketua Bidang Kemahasiswaan H.Agus Waluyo, M.Ag NIP. 1975 0211 2000 03 1 001 vii BIODATA OF THE WRITER NAME : IMAS SURAIDA NIM : 11306059 DATE OF BIRTH : BOYOLALI AT 27 JULY 1988 ADDRESS : JL.PERKUTUT 01/II KLASEMAN MANGUNSARI SALATIGA EDUCATION : SD BUGEL 01 SALATIGA in 2000 SLTP N 3 SALATIGA in 2003 SMA N 3 SALATIGA in 2006