High Holy Days 5776 - B`nai Torah Congregation


High Holy Days 5776 - B`nai Torah Congregation
FALL 2015
High Holy Days 5776
A Family Nesting Place
The Cliff & Eda Viner
Community Scholars
B ’ n a i To r a h C o n g r e g a t i o n P r e s e n t s :
‫תפילת סליחות‬
A Renewed Musical Tradition
Saturday, September 5, 2015
9:00 p.m. - Main Sanctuary
The stunningly beautiful Selichot prayers
usher in the themes and melodies of the
approaching High Holy Days. Bring your family
and friends to this unforgettable and deeply
meaningful spiritual experience.
Join B’nai Torah’s Rabbis, Cantors,
and Congregational Choir,
together with a 20-piece orchestra.
Conducted by Maestro Yaron Bahar.
This program is free and open to the community.
B’nai Torah Congregation
6261 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33433
(561) 392.8566 . www.bnai-torah.org
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Rabbi David Steinhardt, Senior Rabbi
Rabbi David Englander, Rabbi
Rabbi Rikki Arad, Executive Director
Udi Spielman, Senior Cantor
Boaz Davidoff, Cantor
Nancy Goldstein, ECC Education Director
Cathy Berkowitz, MRS Education Director
our Fu ure
B’nai Torah Congregation
Allison Sherman, Communications Director
AviGail Whiting, Membership Coordinator
Kol Nidre Appeal 5776
Beth Herman, Executive Assistant of Education
Betsey Cooper, Receptionist
Claudia Sternberg, Art Director
Debbie Fried, Camp Keshet Director
Elaine Siegell, Rabbi Steinhardt’s Executive Assistant
Elysa Stark, Concert Coordinator
Erica Gordon, ECC Administrator
Francisco Valdez, Maintenance Director
Geoffrey Gross, Youth Director
Jacki Kary, Accounting
Julie Risisky, Ritual Facilitator
Lauren Berger, Program Coordinator
Leesa Parker, ECC Director of Operations
Loulou Amiel, Senior Staff Accountant
Marc Tardarlo, Security
Paul Goldstein, B’nai Mitzvah Program Director
Randi Good, ECC Receptionist
Robin Schwartz, Judaica Shop Chair
Sam Hitner, Director of Finance
Summer Faerman, Director of TLC
Toni Miller, Accounting
Zena Gruda, B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator
2015-2016 Congregational Officers
Toby Levi*
Mark Glickman*
Vice President
Vice President
Marvin Finkelstein
Vice President
Scott Frank
Vice President
Steve Ginsburg
Seth Marmor
Eleven with Elysa: Interview with Eda & Cliff Viner
Tomorrow’s Leaders:
Featuring Lucas Spielfogel
Financial Secretary
Women’s League President
Larry Faerman
Men’s Club President
Spencer Sax*
Foundation President
Kenneth Lipman, Esq.
at B’nai Torah Congregation
Executive Vice President
Jerry Budney
Shelly Gross
Richard Birdie
Stan Kutlin
In This Issue
8 5776 High Holy Days Schedule
12 NEW! A Family Nesting Place
Synagogue Counsel
Michael Berezin
Rob Kantor*
Elissa Schosheim*
Terry Bresnick
Eric N. Klein*
Rick Schuster
Shula Fleischer
Roger Leavy*
Benita Segal
Marleen Forkas*
Scott Levin*
Tammy Smith
Bruce Grundt
Julie Risisky
Art Stark
Marcy Kammerman
Spencer Sax*
Ruth Taubman*
*Ner Tamid Society Member
6261 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33433
Phone: (561) 392-8566 | Fax: (561) 362-0990
The Ruth and Edward Taubman ECC: (561) 750-9665
Mirochnick Religious School: (561) 392-8005
Youth Department: (561) 392-9600
Jewish Renewal
Shabbat Services
Join us as we explore and experience
a new kind of shabbat service.
Facilitated by Amy Grossblatt Pessah
Twice a month, we will meet for an engaging, inspiring,
interactive service during which we will strive to connect
to ourselves, our community, and to God.
Through the use of Jewish prayers, chanting, meditation,
contemplation, music, movement and Torah study,
this service will provide some sacred time for you to
experience the richness of our Jewish spiritual tradition.
Each service will include both individual contemplative
time mixed with joyful communal time. We hope you
will join us for this revolutionary new Shabbat offering.
Services will be held from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
on the following dates:
Oct. 10, 24 ; Nov. 7, 28 ; Dec. 5, 19
Jan. 23, 30; Feb. 6, 27; Mar. 12, 26;
Apr. 16, 30; May 7, 21
For more information, please contact us at (561) 392-8566
or visit www.bnai-torah.org.
Our Services
Friday Evening,
Shabbat Services
5:45 p.m.: Mincha
6:00 p.m.: Kabbalat Shabbat, Ma’ariv
Eleanorz”l & Paul Weiner Cultural
Saturday Morning,
Shabbat Services
Rabbi David Steinhardt
Cantor Ehud (Udi) Spielman
Cantor Boaz Davidoff
8:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon - Main
Havurat Shabbat
A Spirited Shabbat Service for Families
of All Ages
Rabbi David Englander
10:00 a.m. - Eleanorz”l & Paul Weiner
Cultural Center
Jewish renewal Shabbat
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Gussie Roth Room and/or
Weiner/Rosenberg Family Terrace
(See left for dates)
Minyan Katan (Shabbat)
Grades K-5, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Glassman Chapel
Shabbat Mincha/Ma’ariv/
Glassman Chapel
Weekday Shacharit
Sunday, 8:45 a.m. - Glassman Chapel
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.
Glassman Chapel
Weekday Mincha/Ma’ariv
Sunday through Thursday, 5:30 p.m.
Glassman Chapel
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Toby Levi
I hope you all had a good summer filled with family and
friends. It is my honor to be writing to you once again as
President of B’nai Torah.
As you probably know, some of our Trustees completed their
term on the Board. I want to personally thank them for their
dedication and service. I would also like to welcome our
new Board members – Michael Berezin, Shula Fleischer
and Marcy Kammerman – and thank them for accepting
the responsibility. It is an inspiration to serve with our Board
members and like me, you should all feel very comfortable
that the financial stewardship of our congregation is in such
capable hands.
We had another very successful year. The planning and
implementation takes a village, as they say, and we have a
wonderful team in place. We could not be successful without
our clergy - they are the heart and soul of this shul, and we
are very lucky to have them. Cantor Tisser has left to become
Senior Cantor in a Chicago suburb and he will be missed at
B’nai Torah. We are excited to have Cantor Boaz Davidoff
here from Israel and if you were with us this summer, you
know what a beautiful voice and neshama (spirit) he has.
He will be in the Family Service for the High Holy Days and
I promise that his davening will be a joyful blessing to you
and your family. Of course, as always, Cantor Udi and Varda
Spielman will be back with us in the Main Sanctuary to lift our
spirits in prayer and song.
Last January, we welcomed Rabbi Rikki Arad as Executive
Director. Rikki has had an amazing career in development
and management, and she has brought her talent and her
indefatigable energy to B’nai Torah. I’m sure many of you
have already met Rikki and agree she is a true asset to us.
I could go into much detail about our wonderful programs
and events, Cooperman Academy of Adult Jewish Learning
(including Melton), our very successful Women’s League
and Men’s Club and more - but hopefully as members of
FALL 2015
B’nai Torah, you have already experienced so many of the
worthwhile things we offer. Of course we also have our Ruth
and Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center, under the
direction of Nancy Goldstein, which has been re-accredited
for another five years by the National Association for the
Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Do you know that
we are the only accredited Jewish pre-school in South Palm
Beach County? Cathy Berkowitz, Director of the Mirochnick
Religious School, was recognized by the Jewish Educator’s
Assembly as a Conservative Jewish Educator (CJE). Our
schools are certainly “Jewels in our Crown.”
The culmination of our 40/20 Campaign exceeded all
expectations. We can be very proud of everyone who
contributed. The fruits of this campaign are allowing us to
make some much needed renovations to our Sanctuary and
Weiner Cultural Center. If you are curious, and you should all
be, the layouts and materials are on display in our main lobby.
We will be making some renovations before these High Holy
Days, but the big changes will all happen in the New Year.
I hope you will all get involved. Please join us at services, at
events, at cultural and educational programs, and celebrate
how we are all linked together. B’nai Torah is a special place
that we must preserve, grow and strengthen. We are all
Trustees in some sense, and we must remember our past
and all of those who came before us but also continue to build
for the generations yet to come. If you are not yet a member,
please consider joining; and if you are, please remember
what compels us to come together for these High Holy Days
and join us in the weeks and months ahead.
On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, I wish you all a year
of happiness, health and peace. Shanah Tovah U’Mvorach...
a blessed and good year.
Toby Levi
Rabbi David Steinhardt
ear Friends,
There’s very little we do in our lives where we find success
that isn’t reflected in preparation. Hours of practice on the
job make us better. Intense training is necessary for success
in sports. Repetition is critical for the development of skills.
Such is life.
Some of us may feel resentful, angry or betrayed. This is also
part of life. Here, perhaps, we can begin to find direction, and the
acceptance and peace that will allow us to move forward. We
can find forgiveness, and we realize that we can be forgiven, and
that we are capable of forgiving ourselves and forgiving others.
I think of this idea as we approach the High Holy Days. I
try to imagine what it must be like to sit in shul for hours on
end when we haven’t been there for so long or when the
language feels so unfamiliar. I compare it to an attempt to run
a marathon without training. It’s seems impossible! But there
are ways for us to approach the holidays - places to focus
our attention and preparation to do with our minds and our
hearts - that will deepen the meaning of these days we are
about to enter.
And, all of us are experiencing a world that faces great
challenges and threats. We affirm that we will not succumb
to fear or danger. Here we must keep hope alive and aspire
to repair the world. We do it with faith and within a community
that shares a past, and aspires for a better future.
The High Holy Days are about you. They are about each one
of us and the lives that we live. And, I believe, they are about
improving the quality of our lives.
I’d like to suggest a few ideas to think about as you approach
the new year, and as you sit in synagogue on Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur. This is a form of preparation.
“There are ways for us to approach
the holidays - places to focus our
attention and preparation to do with
our minds and our hearts - that will
deepen the meaning of these days
we are about to enter.”
As I often say, I believe a spiritual life begins with a sense
of appreciation. Feeling gratitude for life itself, for who we
are, for what we have, and for what is good in our lives is
so important. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by our
challenges; yet we are here and we are alive. We have
a richness of blessing. This past year some of us have
welcomed new life, new love, new-found health…for this,
there needs to be thanks.
If we prepare our hearts and minds properly, we can enter this
new year with a sense of gratitude, hopefulness, inspiration
and joy. That is our goal! The Yamim Noraim, these Days of
Awe, provide an opportunity for all of us. We appreciate this
gift. We are grateful for the synagogue and the community
we have created together.
A religious life also needs to be comforting. And it is here, in
this place and in this community, that we can find some relief
from heartache, loss and the broken pieces in our lives.
See you in shul,
Tobi and our family join me in wishing you all L’shanah Tovah
U’mvorach… a good and blessed year!
Rabbi David Steinhardt
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Rabbi David Englander
here is a popular story of our tradition that is often told
around the High Holy Days. It tells of a man who lost his way
and found himself wandering in a forest full of wild animals.
He had a bow and arrow to protect himself. As he walked
through the forest, his imagination took hold of his senses
and everything that he saw looked like a dangerous animal.
He thus shot off his arrows repeatedly, only to discover that
he was shooting only at rotting trees. He was left with only
one arrow, which he resolved to save until it was absolutely
Though this story compares that final arrow to the sounding
of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, a moment that we all
anticipate and through which we hope to be awakened and
inspired to a good New Year, it seems to me that the metaphor
of the “last arrow” can be understood in other ways as well.
In many prior generations, and in very recent ones as well,
it sometimes seemed like the Jewish community, indeed the
Jewish people, was down to its “last arrow.” Assimilation,
destruction, and competition from other pursuits - both
professional and personal - diverted many Jews from living
with a deep connection to our tradition that was strong enough
to be passed down. It was, as the saying goes, “tough to be
a Jew.”
In some parts of the world it still is, and we cannot be silent
when it comes to raising concerns about any threat to any
Jewish community anywhere in the world. Yet as the High
Holy Days approach, we also have to make sure to not
“shoot our arrows at dead trees.” There is so much that is
positive and hopeful about Jewish life today. Israel is secure
in its borders. We live in a country that guarantees freedom
of religious expression for all, and where we have better
relationships with members of other faiths than in most eras
of history. In our community, rabbis from right, left, and center
get along so well that south Palm Beach County is often
looked to as a model for other Jewish communities where
such unity is not yet a reality.
FALL 2015
Lastly, we have an extraordinary synagogue – and you have
made it so. From the youngest of our children to the oldest of
our senior citizens, we are able to celebrate and learn, to pray
and mourn, and to do so together. I look forward to seeing
you over the High Holy Days and, on behalf of Stephanie
and our family, I wish you a healthy, happy, meaningful, and
growth-filled 5776.
L’shanah Tovah Tikateivu,
Rabbi David Englander
The Lillian and Philip Cooperman
Academy for Adult Jewish Learning
Soon the full program brochure for the Cooperman
Academy will be arriving in your mailboxes! There is a great
year of programming planned, from individual lectures to
ongoing classes. For now, mark your calendars for:
Special High Holy Day themed Lunch & Learns
Tuesdays, Aug 25, Sept 1 and Sept 8 @12 noon
Back-to-Back Live from the 92nd Street Y Broadcasts
Monday, October 19 @ 7:30 pm
Dennis Ross and Ethan Bronner: The U.S. / Israel
Relationship from Truman to Obama
Tuesday, October 20 @ 8:15 pm
50 Years After Nostra Aetate: Catholic, Jewish, and Latino
Relations in the Age of a Latino Pope
Other programs include: Professor Robert Watson; special
lectures in Medicine and Genealogy; a screening of A Voice
Among the Silent: The Legacy of James G. McDonald; a
presentation on Louis Brandeis with noted expert Professor
David Dalin, in partnership with the United States Holocaust
Memorial and Museum; and much, much more! For
questions contact Zena Gruda at ZenaG@bnai-torah.org.
High Holy Days Schedule 2015/5776
Selichot: Saturday, September 5, 2015
8:45 p.m.
Selichot Program and Reception
9:00 p.m.
Selichot Service in the Sanctuary
Erev Rosh Hashanah: Sunday, September 13, 2015
5:45 p.m.
Mincha/Ma’ariv - Sanctuary
6:00 p.m. Family Service - Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner Cultural Center
Rosh Hashanah: First Day - Monday, September 14, 2015
8:30 a.m.
Sanctuary Service
9:00 a.m. Family Service - Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner Cultural Center
9:00 a.m.
Early Childhood Service - Educational Social Center (ESC)
6:00 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv - Sanctuary
Rosh Hashanah: Second Day - Tuesday, September 15, 2015
8:30 a.m. Sanctuary Service
9:00 a.m. Family Service - Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner Cultural Center
5:15 p.m.
Tashlich (meet in North Lobby)
5:45 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv - Sanctuary
Erev Yom Kippur: Tuesday, September 22, 2015
6:15 p.m. Mincha - Sanctuary
6:30 p.m. Kol Nidre - Sanctuary
Family Service - Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner Cultural Center
Yom Kippur - Yizkor: Wednesday, September 23, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Sanctuary Service
9:00 a.m.
Early Childhood Service -Educational Social Center (ESC)
9:15 a.m.
Family Service - Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner Cultural Center
5:00 p.m.
Mincha/Ne’ila - Sanctuary - All ticket holders are invited
(open seating)
7:46 p.m.
Break the Fast
Erev Sukkot: Sunday, September 27, 2015
5:30 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv - Glassman Chapel
Sukkot: First Day - Monday, September 28, 2015
8:45 a.m.
Sanctuary Service
5:30 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv - Glassman Chapel
Sukkot: Second Day - Tuesday, September 29, 2015
8:45 a.m.
Sanctuary Service
5:45 p.m.
Mincha/Ma’ariv - Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner Cultural Center
Erev Shemini Atzeret: Sunday, October 4, 2015
5:30 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv - Glassman Chapel
Shemini Atzeret: Monday, October 5, 2015
8:45 a.m.
Sanctuary Service (Yizkor)
5:30 p.m.
Mincha/Ma’ariv - Glassman Chapel
Erev Simchat Torah: Monday, October 5, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Simchat Torah Service and Celebration with Kindergarten Consecration
Simchat Torah: Tuesday, October 6, 2015
8:45 a.m.
Sanctuary Service
Simchat Torah luncheon sponsored by Women’s League following service
5:45 p.m.
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Ma’ariv - Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner Cultural Center
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Executive Director
ne day, I was walking through a beautiful
residential neighborhood admiring the houses; each
one nicer than the last. Then, I came upon what had
to be the most beautiful home. The lush landscaping,
colorful flowers, open balcony, and decorative bench
- everything about the house was saying “come on
in.” Then I noticed a large rock just in front of the
house with writing on it. I was curious. When I was
close enough to read what it said, I was shocked.
There it was in big bold letters: “Keep Out!” Really?
What a contradiction! These words just didn’t belong
in this inviting setting. And it got me thinking…
Do we at times work hard to create a certain image,
but then contradict it with our actions? We are all
guilty of this to some degree. But as one of largest
conservative synagogues in the nation, we have a
great responsibility.
Of course we must consistently take care of our
synagogue by way of beautifying, refreshing and
renovating our space. After all, it is our spiritual
home and we love it. In fact, we are in the midst of a
remodeling project that will bring our synagogue to a
whole new level of comfort and elegance.
But that’s just the external part. More importantly,
we as a congregation must continue to be warm and
inviting. Thousands of people walk through our halls
each week, and we must continue to ensure that they
all feel at home. This is no small task for a synagogue
of our size. Hachnasat Orchim, welcoming
guests, is a core dimension to Jewish life and a
collective responsibility of the entire congregation.
and together, we will ensure that B’nai Torah remains
the best in all aspects of synagogue life, as well as a
warm, welcoming and inviting spiritual home for all.
From the desk of...
Rabbi Rikki Arad
“Hachnasat Orchim, welcoming
guests, is a core dimension to
Jewish life and a collective responsibility
of the entire congregation.”
In the coming year, we plan to do more to bring you
to the shul, and to bring the shul to you. If you are
willing to open your home for a gathering, a study,
or other social or ritual event, please contact me at
(561) 392-8566 or rikki.arad@bnai-torah.org.
I look forward to an extraordinary year ahead at
B’nai Torah, filled with many opportunities to get to
meet those I haven’t met yet, and to get to know
those I have met on an even deeper level.
May all of your prayers for the coming year be
Rabbi Rikki Arad
As we approach the New Year, let’s make a
resolution. Let’s commit to expanding our B’nai
Torah family. Let’s leave every service or program
knowing at least one more person, or family, than we
did prior. Let’s open our hearts, extend our hands,
and learn and grow together. By doing so, each of us
will play a critical role in growing and strengthening
our kehillah kedoshah, our most sacred community,
FALL 2015
Cantor Udi Spielman
ear Friends,
As we prepare for my 9th High Holy Day Season at B’nai
Torah, Varda and I can’t help but reflect on what a blessing it
is to be able to share the Season with this Congregation. As
we rehearse the familiar melodies (nusach) of the High Holy
Days, and prepare the new ones, I am overtaken with the
myriad of feelings that always come along with the music
and which reflect the progression of the Days of Awe. The
High Holy Days interrupt our busy lives and challenge us to
identify, confess and seek forgiveness for our shortcomings
over the past year. It’s a nostalgic time, and also one of hope
and of planning for a better tomorrow. Both Varda and I very
much look forward to seeing all of you during these special
days and sharing these special moments.
This year we get to extend our musical traditions as we
begin the Season with Selichot on September 5. As the only
religious service where instruments are used in our tradition,
we will once again be blessed with a 20-piece orchestra,
our B’nai Torah Choir, and the musical direction of Yaron
Bahar. This year, we also welcome my good friend and now
colleague, Cantor Boaz Davidoff for his first season with
us. Boaz will join us on the Bimah for Selichot, and I look
forward to a long and fruitful collaboration. I thank our dear
friend Mr. Lowell Glazer for underwriting the costs of this
meaningful service. Toda!
The purpose of the Selichot service is to bring community
and family together, to send our prayers up as a united front.
This community event is free and open to the public, and we
encourage you to bring your family and friends, and share
the date on your social networks, as we unite as one people.
Not so long after Simchat Torah, we will be heading into our
2016 Concert Series, our 23rd year! I won’t ruin the surprise,
but we have an amazing lineup for you this year, with a lot of
variety. Please make sure you take your brochures home on
Yom Kippur and join us with season tickets. I know you won’t
want to miss any of our superb performances.
In addition to our five concerts, we are expanding our
Theater Arts Series. Besides the presentation of two theater
performances, this year will include a new offering, the first
performance of the “My Life” series, where we will hear the
musical life story of how an individual Chazzan came to be.
I can share that Cantor Meir Finkelstein, with an amazing life
story, will be our first guest.
“Together they shall confess
their sins and recite the order
of the Selichot, and I will answer
their prayers.”
- Midrash
All of this is made possible with the help of our Sponsors,
Patrons and Friends. As always, we appreciate your
enthusiasm and your unwavering support and faith in us! In
addition to an amazing concert season, our sponsors and
friends will be invited, as they are every year, to a traditional
private thank you party and show at a sponsor’s residence.
Everyone is welcome to join this unique and special group.
Please consider showing your support for the series by
becoming a Sponsor, Patron or Friend. Contact Art Stark,
Concert Committee Chair, at (708) 502-1770 for more
I look forward to joining you all in Shul!
Cantor Udi Spielman
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Nancy Goldstein
Director of The Ruth & Edward
Taubman Early Childhood Center
he parsha Ki Teitzei discusses the preparations that
must be made as we get ready for war. It advises us how
to ready our weapons and how we should treat the soldiers
and civilians in the land we invade or defend.
“The future of the world
is in very small hands.”
Ellen Galinsky
The descriptions of the rules for soldiers in many ways
reminded me of how teachers and directors prepare for the
onslaught at the beginning of school. Although we do not
use conventional “weapons,” we do ready ourselves for a
kind of “battle” with staplers, scissors, glue, paint, and boxes
of tissues for the teary toddlers, as well as the apprehensive
parents. And most of all, we “arm” ourselves with unlimited
patience, sensitivity, and love as we “battle” separation
anxiety, lost lunches, concerned parents and welcomed
phone calls to check on children.
The good news is that the next Torah portion, Ki Tavo,
describes the joys of entering the “land God gives you.” And
that is exactly what our Early Childhood Center is … a land
of promise. It is a place where children can grow physically,
socially and intellectually; where they have the opportunity to
develop new skills and enhance their Jewish identity; where
they can raise their IQ and their EQ and fulfill their potential
to become a mensch!
Let us wish for a year of success and yasher koach, and
pray this will be a year in which (to borrow a phrase from the
sixties) we “make love, not war.”
Nancy Goldstein
Join us Fridays at 5:15 p.m. for an informal and
interactive Shabbat Service. Children and parents
will enjoy a warm Shabbat experience in a welcoming
and friendly environment. Oneg following services.
2015/16: Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 11, Jan. 8,
Feb. 12, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13
We are excited to announce that Emily Aronoff Teck (aka Miss Emily) will be
joining us again this year at The Ruth and Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center!
In addition to leading our Tot Shabbat services, Emily will conduct our school’s
music program. Emily focuses on engagement of young Jewish children and
families through fun and meaningful educational experiences, specializing in using
music, prayer and stories. She tours as a musician and professional development
facilitator, and is the director of development for JewishLearningMatters.com.
Miss Emily has released four albums of Jewish kid’s music and is featured in PJ
Library song compilations. Emily lives in Wellington, Florida with her husband,
Jason, her daughter, Talya, and their two dogs, Angel and Bubelah.
FALL 2015
at B’nai Torah
G Pl
B’nai Torah Congregation is proud to offer a unique program for new and expecting parents
in our community. With monthly sessions on various pregnancy and parenting topics, let the guidance
of our experts - and the warmth of our community - support your family during this exciting time.
Childbirth Education Course:
A course covering everything you want to know – from nutrition,
to stages of labor, to comfort measures for birth. This comprehensive
course will introduce you to what you can expect from a hospital
or out-of-hospital birth, possible interventions, and what options
you have. (Courses begin Oct. 7, Jan. 6 & Feb. 17)
Six week course, Wednesdays 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., $295
Pre-Natal Yoga:
Experience relaxation and strengthening that will support you
in your pregnancy and labor. (Oct. 20 - Nov. 24 & Dec. 15 - Jan. 19)
Tuesdays 10:45 a.m & 7:30 p.m., $18 per class or 6 for $90
Monthly Classes:
. Doulas/Breastfeeding 101 (September & March)
. The Miracle First Hour (October & April)
. The Fourth Trimester (November & May)
. Infant Massage (December & June)
. Prevent Breastfeeding Issues (January & July)
. Grandparents Class (February & August)
Our team of certified experts:
Ellen Steiner
Certified Lactation Counselor
(561) 901-4943
Jennifer Roberts
Doula and Massage Therapist
(561) 789-3747
Jill A. Kay
Birth Doula
(561) 702-7191
For more information
and to register, please visit
or call (561) 750-9665
*Second Tuesday of the month 7:15 - 8:45 p.m., $36 per class
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
[ Oh Baby. . Are We Excited! [
With the launch of our new Family Nesting Place program, we’ve got babies on our mind. We asked our
clergy and staff to submit their baby photos...
Can you guess who is who?
Answers on pg. 21
The Ruth & Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center is proud to sponsor
One Complimentary Childcare Class
for New Parents and Parents-to-Be
Tuesday, September 8 ~ 7:15 - 8:45 p.m.
An introductory class discussing pregnancy, birth and beyond with local experts.
For more information, please contact Erica Gordon at (561) 750-9665 or erica.gordon@bnai-torah.org.
FALL 2015
Mark yo
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Cathy Berkowitz
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Director of The Mirochnick Religious School
We are very excited for the new year at our Mirochnick
Religious School! We continue to offer our differentiated
learning program throughout the week, which has proven
successful and allows us to be flexible for our families. Not
only are we continually receiving great feedback from our
families about this new-age teaching methodology, but we
continue to receive recognition on a national level for our
program too. This is something I am very proud of, and you
all should be as well.
Highlights for this year include our MRS Kick-Off Breakfast,
the Sukkot Fall Harvest Fest (more information to follow), and
Holiday experiential programs such as Simchat Torah Dinner
and Kindergarten Consecration; Treasure Hunt for God;
Mitzvah Day; Barnes and Noble Book Fair; Eco-Day; Shabbat
dinners and lunches; World-Wide Wrap; Purim Carnival; Stop
Hunger Now; B’nai Torah University; and much, much more.
Be part of our Madrichim Program! There are volunteer
opportunities and paid positions available for High School
students. If you are interested, please contact me directly for
more information.
And, don’t forget. Tuition for 8th grade is FREE!
Thanks to all the teachers and staff who continue to make
MRS a leading religious school program, and of course to
all the parents and congregants who support the program
through their generosity, volunteerism and participation. And
finally, a big special THANK YOU to the B’nai Torah Women’s
League, who contributed $5,000 for this upcoming year and
always works so hard to raise money to support Jewish
Education and our children.
Looking forward to an exciting year ahead! For more
information, contact me at cathy.berkowitz@bnai-torah.org
or (561) 392-8005.
Cathy Berkowitz
Exciting opportunities for our
Middle and High School students include:
• Mark S. Bertuch Make a Difference Program Retreat
• Monthly Learning with Rabbis and Educators:
1st Shabbat of the month - High School
3rd Shabbat of the month - Middle School (post B’nai Mitzvah)
• Monthly TLC Programs
Offering Community Service Hours
2nd Sunday of the month
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
The Eleanor & Paul Weiner
Distinguished Service Award
Geoff Gross
Youth Director
hope you all had an a great summer. I had an awesome
time serving as staff at Camp Ramah Darom, but I’m excited
to kick-off an exciting year for our Youth Department!
I am happy to announce to that we are starting a new group,
called Chalutzim, for kids in Kindergarten and First Grade.
This group will meet twice a month. The program on the
second Sunday of each month will be dedicated to doing a
TLC (Tzedakah, Learning and Chesed) group project and
the fourth Sunday of the month will be for a social program.
Chalutzim and Bonim will both be starting on Sunday,
September 20th with a TLC program, and USY and Kadima
will be kicking off the year with a welcome back BBQ on
September 10th. I am looking forward to another great year!
Last year, Eleanorz”l & Paul Weiner and family
established the Eleanor & Paul Weiner Distinguished
Service Award, an annual $5,000 scholarship
program to help defray the costs for students who
wish to participate in a Jewish education program,
such as a trip to Israel, a Jewish studies program,
Camp Ramah, March of the Living, etc. The recipient
of this award is a deserving high school or college
student, who has shown involvement in the past and
desires a significant experience for the future.
Stacey Taft was the first recipient of this award last
year. She used her scholarship to spend a summer in
Tel Aviv and intern in the finance district, through the
Destination Israel Program.
Geoff Gross
Congratulations to the 2015-16
USY and Kadima Board Members!
President: Hannah Wolf
Religious/ Education
Israeli Affairs VP: Gabriel Turmail
Social Action/Tikun
Olam VP: Mikayla Berkowitz
Israel and Education VP:
Leo Karp
President: Drew Barrier
8th Grade Representative:
Gabe Glassman
7th Grade Representative:
Yael Hamaoui
Communications VP:
Jonah Smolka
FALL 2015
“This summer I’ve been extremely fortunate to be
interning in Israel, thanks to the Weiner family’s
generous grant. During my time here, I have been
working in Netanya at Signals Group, a consulting
firm that works with Fortune 500 companies around
the world. I have had the pleasure of living like a local
in the heart of Tel Aviv, right next to the beach and
port. By assimilating into the culture, I have been able
to practice my Hebrew and I’ve learned a lot about
the day to day lifestyle in Israel. In addition, I have
had the opportunity to travel “off the beaten path” to
see many sites around the country. This summer I will
bring home memories that will stay with me forever.”
- Stacey Taft
For more information about this scholarship, or to
apply, contact Cathy Berkowitz, MRS Director, at
Meryl and Ron Gallatin
Tzedakah, Learning
& Chesed Program
at B’nai Torah Congregation
Summer Faerman
Director of TLC
matter their age or stage in life – can make positive changes
in the world. Let us focus on the idea that our capacity to
change the way we live life is ongoing, and each year we
can build upon it to make ourselves better.
With its literal translation - “head of the year” - Rosh Hashanah
starts off the fall season. And of course, our fall season is
synonymous with new blossoms and new beginnings. This
season is also a time of personal and spiritual introspection
with our High Holy Days.
As the TLC program is growing, I challenge you to get
involved and make a REAL change in our community.
Increase your involvement and support from last year,
participate in more programs, join more committees, or even
lead a committee. Make this the year that you make an even
bigger difference. The power to transform ourselves is not
beyond us, it is within us.
t’s that time of year again! Summer is coming to an end,
the hustle and bustle of the NEW school year starts, and we
are getting ready for the holidays to begin.
Our TLC calendar is perfectly aligned with the season, as
we kick off the new year and this time of change with many
opportunities for you to make a difference! Everyone – no
Summer Faerman
TLC Fall 2015 Calendar of Events
September 17
Package apple & honey
granola snacks for
underprivileged children
at Whole Foods
September 27
Join the Alzheimer’s Walk
B’nai Torah team!
September 20
Sandi & Barry Schwartz
TLC Kids Care Kick-off
with PJ Library Mitzvah
Book read-a-loud
& card making
September 27
Package Mitzvah Muffins
during the Sukkot
Fall Harvest Fest
September 24
Raise the Sukkah
at Stratford Court
with Men’s Club
September 29
Social in the Sukkah
Program with JARC and
B’nai Torah Youth Groups
October 11
Tzedakah program for
Middle and High School
November 26
TLC Thanksgiving
November 1
November 20
Shabbat munch and
mingle with JARC
For more information,
please contact
Summer Faerman at
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Shelly Gross
Larry Faerman
WLBTC President
Men’s Club President
always eagerly anticipate the beginning of a new year,
but this year, even more so! B’nai Torah has always
felt like a second home, and its members my extended
family. That feeling has strengthened immensely in this
past year. Being president of Women’s League has given
me the opportunity to spend more time with my extended
family, and I have loved getting to know so many of you.
For this reason, I know that the year 5776 will be a year
of deepening connections and friendships. I am looking
forward to sharing the High Holy Days with my extended
family, as well as welcoming all the women at our opening
event on October 8th!
Chag Sameach!
Shelly Gross
Save the Dates:
Oct. 1 - WL Picnic Dinner in Sukkah @ 5:00 p.m.
Oct. 8 - Opening Event with local Judaic Artist,
Loren Stein @ 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 13 - First Book Club and Rosh Chodesh
Cheshvan featuring Orphan Number
Eight by Kim Van Alkemade
Nov. 8 - Kitchen Shower to celebrate our new
kitchen and honor Caroline Mizrachi,
our culinary maven @ 10:00 a.m.
Nov. 13th - Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh Kislev
dinner following Kabbalat Shabbat
Please contact Abbie Statsky-Frank at (561) 445-8709
or statskyfrank@comcast.net for more information.
Save the Dates:
Sept. 6 - Jewish Heritage Day at the Marlins Park
(Marlins vs. NY Mets) @ 1:00 p.m.
Sept. 24 - “Raise the Sukkah” at Stratford Court
Nov. 19th - Latkes & Vodkas with WL and
Men’s Club @ 7:00 p.m.
en’s Club is gearing up for Fall 2015, coming off of the
Federation of Jewish Men’s Club (FJMC) International’s
Biennial Convention held in Miami Beach. Representing
B’nai Torah were Elliot Burns, David Dweck, Rob Kantor,
Mack Rosenbaum and Art Stark.
The mission of FJMC, and thus of BTC Men’s Club, is not
only to involve Jewish men in Jewish life, but to have an
impact on all aspects of our congregation. In recognition
of our initiatives toward meeting this mission, our club
received the 2014 – 2015 Quality Men’s Club Award from
FJMC. The FJMC Quality Club Award is given each year
to member clubs who meet established criteria at the
International, Regional and local levels.
The executive board is hard at work preparing for our
annual events as well as first-time events such as our first
Car Show, which will take place on November 15. We
are eagerly anticipating movie nights and our popular
series “Beers and Bible (and Pizza).” Over the course of
2015-2016, we hope to build upon our relationships with
Women’s League and MRS to other areas of B’nai Torah.
We are always looking for new friends, new members and
new ideas. To inquire about an event or for information
about our club, please contact me at (561) 860-3241.
Larry Faerman
FALL 2015
Chai Members
A special thank you to our Chai Members whose continued generous
support makes B’nai Torah’s outstanding programming possible.
Helene & Elliot Brody
Victor Cohen
Debra & Michael Coslov
Meryl & Ron Gallatin
Lowell Glazer
Lester Hersch
Mildred Levine
Beatrice Mayer
Carlyn & Lothar Mayer
Millicent Nathan
Hiromi & Robert Printz
Eda & Clifford Viner
Eleanorz”l and Paul Weiner
Carol Alcalay
Karen & Lawrence Altschul
Beverly Raphael-Altman & Joel Altman
Cynthia & Richard Aronsohn
Debby& William Berman
Sidney Besvinick
Martin Bloom
Bobbi Brand
Shirley Brooks
Phyllis Butters
Beverly & Laurence Chaplin
Zesel & Bruce Chashin
Jane & Alan Cornell
Lisa & Mark Delevie
Karl & Shirley Enselberg
Kenneth Esrig
Tammy & Jack Faintuch
Barbara & Jeffrey Feingold
Marleen Forkas
Paula Frank
Edith & Irwin Friedman
Robin & Stuart Friedman
Cheryl & Arthur Germain
Nancy & Mark Gilbert
Brenda & Larry Glassman
Randy Steven Glassman
Libby & Marvin Golberg
Bea Gold
Ann & Alan Goldberg
Phyllis & Gerald Golden
Howard & Susan Goldsmith
Monica & Steven Goldstein
Jan & Jeffrey Greenhawt
Shelly &Larry Gross
Linda & Irwin Gross
Judy & Morris Gurevitch
Babette & Calvin Haddad
Beatriz & Harold Jacobsohn
Anne & Norman Jacobson
Naomi Jacobson
Felice & Neil Kantor
Pam & Ethan Kass
Joan & Mike Kaufman
Rhona & Marvin Kirsner
Gillian & Eric Klein
Sylvia Kopkin
Donna & Gerry Kramer
Frances & Joseph Krause
Gail & Richard Kwal
Sydelle & Michael Lazar
April & Roger Leavy
Toby Levi
Nauma Levin
Carol & Morris Lewitter
Madelyn & Kenneth Lipman
Alan Lipson
Mayra & Jay Litt
Charlotte Mandelblatt
Sam Mandelkerz”l
Gay Mandon
Debbie & Bud Menin
Lisa & Robert Mintz
Maruka Mirochnick
Tamara & Richard Morgenstern
Ester Rosenberg & Michael Ostroff
Cathy & Elliott Packer
Marilyn & Jack Pechter
Elissa & Steven Pollack
Gail & Mitchell Pollak
Miriam Preminger
Jewel & Allen Prince
Patricia & Jack Randell
Joyce & Gerald Robinson
James Robinson
Barbara & Jeffrey Rosenberg
Lisa & Steven Rosenfeld
Phyllis Rosenstock
Terry & Julian Rubinstein
Janice & Jeffrey Sandelman
Toni Sandler
Mildred Schaikowitz
Norman Schlanger
Alison & Andrew Schreier
Marilyn & Monroe Schulder
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
Lizette & Dan Sheinberg
Rhoda Shemin
Claire & Allan Sheres
Stacey & Arnie Shinder
Sally Sokoloff
Shirley & Allan Solomon
Ethel & Dave Sommer
Judy & Larry Speizman
Ellyn & Harry Steinbok
Marilee & Samuel Susi
Abbey Tanenbaum
Ruth Taubman
Rose Turetsky
Shari Upbin
Hedy & Bryan Wasserman
Carla & Bruce Weiner
Myriam Weinstein
Selma & Daniel Weiss
Amy & Fred Weiss
Gabriela Weiss
Rita & Henry Wells
Steven Wexner
Dorothy Wizer
Danielle Zerger
Etta & Raymond Zimmerman
Sylvia Zipper
Carol Alcalay
Nancy & Irwin Aronson
Nancy & Joshua Bailin
Gloria Berger
Anita & Sam Berman
Carol & Bert Bez
Norma & Sheldon Bodnick
Leah Brochstein
Suha & Louis Caplan
Laura & Scott Chapman
Cherie & Richard Chosid
Alisa & Richard Cohen
Micki & Jay Cohen
Estelle & Harvey Cooperstone
Suzanne & Jeffrey Deutch
Norma & Jack Erdle
Jerome Farber
Dale & Edward Filhaber
Elaine & William Fine
Janet & Harvey Fine
Grant Freer
Heni & Henri Galel
Bernice & Elias Garelick
Jill Genson
Mark Glickman
Ruth Glickstein
Judith & Henry Goldrich
Sherby & George Goldstein
Suzanne & David Goodis
Lynn & Norbert Graber
Miriam Granat
Helene & Jeffrey Grantz
Deborah & Sheldon Gross
Myrna & David Gross
Andrea & Bruce Grundt
Eric Gutmann
Elliot Harris & Jarrod Levy
Sue Mochtak-Heller & Yaacov Heller
Naomi Jacobson
Mitchell Kaminsky
Elaine & Gil Kanter
Linda Kaplan
Zerlina & Edward Kaplan
Marjorie Kaye
Debbie & Howard Kestenberg
Pearl & Ralph Kier
Sue Kirshner
Lawrence Korpeck
Myra & Jan Kronish
Gail & Keith Kronish
Carol Pessah-Lewitter & Morris Lewitter
Gayle & Charles Lichtman
Civi & Alan Lieberman
Mayra & Jay Litt
Alissa & Jay Maizes
Janice & Stuart Marowitz
Joan & Mark Mendel
Beth & Joseph Mishkin
Beth & Alan Mitchell
Erika & Robert Moskovits
Caryn & Skip Nashban
Lila & Stewart Newman
Toni Nieves
Susan & Joshua Paul
Murray Rehner
Donna & Andrew Robins
Rose Robinson
Caroline & Todd Rosenberg
Jerome Roth
Ruth & Mark Samarel
Carie & Spencer Sax
Irving Schuldiner
Betsy & Rick Schuster
Jody & Henry Schwartz
Benita Haber Segal & Bruce Segal
Robert Shabot
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
Harriet & Bernard Shavitz
Carol & Murray Shear
Elaine & Gary Shore
Syd Sieber
Elyse Silver
Irma & Sidney Sobel
Gittele & Arnie Soloff
Sandra & Jerry Staub
Patricia Stein
Linda Stewart
Rhonda & Marc Strauss
Phyliss & Milton Thurm
Corina & Stuart Waldman
Sue Gurland & Mark Wasserman
Caren & Michael Weinberg
Ruth Weinberger
Hilary & Stanley Weiner
Amanda & Jared Weiner
Deborah & Roy Weisman
Joan & Barry Winograd
Teri Wolofsky
As of 7/29/2015
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
A blend of five-star amenities, gracious residences, and inspirational services,
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FALL 2015
Our Pride and Joy
B’nai Mitzvah
Tyler Field
Jordan Mann
Hannah Kravec
Nathaniel Bredoff
Ava Schenker
Zoey Chotiner
Justin Koolik
Gabriel Winter
Bobby Ptaszek
Emma Schwartz
Matthew Schwartz
Benjamin Bernknopf
Jenna Harris
Samuel Krassan
Noah Rubin
Tyler field
October 17, 2015
Son of Heidi & Barry Field
zoey chotiner
November 7, 2015
Daughter of Melissa & Adam Chotiner
matthew schwartz
November 14, 2015
Son of Melissa & Jonathan Schwartz
Jordan Mann
October 17, 2015
Daughter of Susan & Steve Mann
justin koolik
November 7, 2015
Son of Wendy & Elliot Koolik
benjamin bernknopf
November 21, 2015
Son of Dolores & Mitchell Bernknopf
hannah kravec
October 24, 2015
Daughter of Clarissa & Alan Kravec
gabriel winter
November 7, 2015
Son of Randi & David Winter
jenna harris
December 5, 2015
Daughter of Renee & Marc Harris
nathaniel bredoff
October 24, 2015
Son of Penina & Shane Bredoff
bobby ptaszek
November 14, 2015
Son of Susan & Michael Ptaszek
samuel krassan
December 5, 2015
Son of Susan & Mitchell Krassan
ava schenker
October 31, 2015
Daughter of Debra Schenker
emma schwartz
November 14, 2015
Daughter of Melissa & Jonathan Schwartz
noah rubin
December 5, 2015
Son of Karen & Ronen Rubin
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Introducing Cantor Paul Goldstein
B’nai Mitzvah Director
As the dog days of summer come to
a close, a season of change is in the
air. June, July, and August have given
way to the Hebrew months of Elul and
Tishrei. The Shofar has begun to be
sounded at morning minyan services as we anxiously anticipate
the New Year. Here at B’nai Torah, change has already
happened. As the new B’nai Mitzvah Program Director at B’nai
Torah Congregation, I am excited about this new season of
B’nai Mitzvah students. Our latest class of boys and girls will
become men and women within the coming months. Our next
year’s class in our B’yachad program is already beginning
their own journeys towards a deeper understanding of what it
means to be Jewish adults. We are all anticipating them and
their parents becoming a larger part of our Shul family for many
years to come.
For those of you who do not know me, I have been a B’nai
Mitzvah tutor here at B’nai Torah for the past year. I’m a graduate
of the H. L. Miller Cantorial School at the Jewish Theological
Seminary in New York City. I have a Masters Degree in Sacred
Music and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. My wife
Cynthia, an attorney, is the Recording Secretary of Women’s
League and my son Jason, a member of USY, sings in the
Choir every Shabbos morning in the Main Sanctuary.
Our newest program is to encourage everyone of any age,
to come and read Torah at our Shabbat Morning services.
If you are interested in reading Torah, please contact me at
the synagogue. Or, if you are not interested, please stop by
anyways and say “hi!”
If your child is in Mirochnick Religious School, I will be teaching
music on Sunday mornings. Please introduce yourselves and
indulge me because I’m not good with names… so it may take
more than one visit… unless you all decide to wear nametags!
Cynthia, Jason, and I want to wish everyone in our B’nai Torah
family a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year.
L’Shana Tova,
Cantor Paul
Ruth & Norman Rales
Jewish Family Services
Help. Hope. Humanity.
For the past one and a half years, B’nai Torah has partnered with
Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (JFS) through
their Community Outreach Department, to make JFS programs
and services easily accessible to B’nai Torah congregants. JFS
Community Outreach Coordinator, Shlomit Karasik, LCSW,
Ed.S., continues to work closely with
B’nai Torah rabbis and staff to help meet
the needs of the community.
JFS offers an array of services for
people of all ages including Food &
Financial Assistance, Senior Services,
Counseling & Mental Health as well
as many volunteer opportunities which
can be coordinated through Summer
Faerman, B’nai Torah’s TLC Director. In 2013, a significant
gift from the Rales Foundation allowed JFS to create the new
“Center for Families & Children” which enables the agency to
help more families and children struggling in our community. In
addition to Community Outreach, Domestic Abuse Education
& Action, Career & Employment Services, and Financial
Assistance for after-school childcare, SAT/ACT prep courses,
tutoring and summer camp all fall under the Center for Families
& Children.
If you or someone you know may need assistance with any of
the above areas, please reach out to Shlomit directly at (561)
852-3333 or shlomitk@ralesjfs.org.
Answers from pg. 13: 1. Rabbi Rikki Arad, 2. Julie Risisky, 3. Rabbi David Englander, 4. Cantor Udi Spielman, 5. AviGail Whiting,
6. Elaine Siegell, 7. Rabbi David Steinhardt, 8. Allison Sherman, 9. Elysa Stark, 10. Claudia Sternberg, 11. Shelly Gross, 12. Zena Gruda,
13. Nancy Goldstein, 14. Sam Hitner, 15. Geoff Gross, 16. Summer Faerman, 17. Lauren Berger, 18. Larry Faerman.
FALL 2015
11with Elysa
Eleven questions in under eleven minutes!
In this feature, I conduct quick interviews with our amazing clergy, staff and community leaders. These questions are meant
to be light and fun, and provide a little insight into the people of B’nai Torah. In this issue, I interviewed B’nai Torah members
and founders of the Eda & Cliff Viner Community Scholars Foundation, Eda and Cliff Viner.
have mentors assigned to each student, as
well as a licensed child psychologist and a
performance coach to help these students
along the way. Also, what differentiates this
program is the fact that its service-based. All
the students have to complete a minimum of
200 service hours throughout the four years.
Q: I see that this past summer you
Q: What prompted you to develop
the Eda and Clifford Viner Community
Scholars Foundation?
EV: We believe in education and
the power it has to change lives. There
are so many deserving students out there
whose parents can’t afford to give them the
education they need. As a single mom for
many years, I understand how difficult it
can be - not only for single parents, but
even for two working parents - to make
ends meet. That’s why we developed this
scholarship program.
Q: What are you most proud of
in regards to the Eda & Cliff Viner
Community Scholars Foundation?
A: CV: We are most proud of the fact
that this will make a real difference, not
just for the students who are awarded the
scholarships, but also for their families and
all the other people involved. It’s so much
more than a scholarship program – we
Q: Looking back, would you have done
anything different during your college
EV: I would have tried to do better
and get better grades.
CV: I probably would have tried to do more
outside of the academic realm and get
involved in more of the campus life.
awarded 18 students with this award. Is
this number a coincidence or was it done
on purpose?
Q: What is one of your happiest B’nai
CV: A lucky coincidence! The program is built
to reward up to 25 students, but this year,
because of time constraints, only 18 were
identified that met the criteria.
EV: I think that God is constantly sending us
signs that this is a great program. Maybe this
is one of those signs!
first thing I think of is the Torah that Cliff
dedicated on our first wedding anniversary.
It’s the Torah that is used every Shabbat now
and it’s so special to have that connection.
Also learning with Rabbi Steinhardt has been
very memorable.
CV: Wow, in my 29 years at B’nai Torah
there have been so many memories. My
daughters’ bat mitzvahs, Rabbi Steinhardt
marrying us, all the friends we have made –
I have countless memories. I also have so
many memories of serving on the board, and
as president of the shul. I say this all the time
actually – we have more memorable B’nai
Torah moments in six months than most
people have in a lifetime!
Torah memories?
A: EV: (Laughs) Yes, a total coincidence! A: EV: Oh my! There are so many! The
Q: Will you personally follow the
scholars’ progress through the coming
A: EV: Yes, we are 100% committed
to being actively involved in their progress
in all areas.
Q: How did your belief and
commitment to Judaism factor in to your
decision to start the foundation?
A: CV: Well of course there is focus on
education as a core Jewish value. And also
the idea of tikkun olam and that in saving one
life, it is as if you are saving the world.
Q: If you could tell the whole world the
same thing all at once, what would it be?
EV: Always be true to yourself and be
true to one another.
CV: That greatness really does come from
goodness. I was involved in creating the
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
slogan for our synagogue – “From Goodness,
a Congregation of Greatness.” That’s
something I truly believe – that greatness
comes from being and doing good.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do or
go when you have a moment to relax?
EV: We like to walk and we use that
time to catch up and talk. And, we do it all in
Spanish! Cliff has been studying Spanish with
a tutor and he has learned so much,
so we use our walks to practice.
Q: Who or what inspires you?
A: EV and CV: That’s easy. We inspire
each other. But there are many people
who inspire us. Rabbi Steinhardt and the
other clergy and leaders of B’nai Torah are
inspiring. We have been very fortunate to
come across some very inspiring people.
Many from the synagogue, others from other
community organizations and we’ve also met
so many people through the implementation
of this program who inspire us.
Q: What is on your “to do” list for the
EV: To continue growing this program
and get even more members of the
community involved.
The Eda & Cliff Viner
Community Scholars Foundation
This past June, the 18 students of the inaugural class of
recipients of the Eda and Cliff Viner Community Scholars
Foundation, Inc. were awarded with a four-year scholarship to
a Florida university.
Each spring, at each of the seven participating high schools*
in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, the program will accept
applications from students who achieved at least a 3.50
unweighted GPA, performed substantial community service, and
were from families that required significant financial assistance.
This scholarship is a “last dollar” scholarship that covers tuition
not already covered by financial aid, and will provide assistance
with room and board as well as daily living expenses.
Cliff & Eda Viner with Congressman Ted & Jill Deutch.
Congressman Deutch was the keynote speaker at the
awards ceremony for the 18 recipients and their families.
“We are offering not only financial assistance,” says Cliff. “But
we are also providing a comprehensive mentor program to keep
students on-track, so they can graduate and then go on to fulfill
the promise they’ve all shown.”
“The purpose of this program is to work with the most dedicated
and talented students, some of whom don’t have the financial
means to fulfill their potential” says Eda. “This will not only assist
students and their families, but also greatly benefit our own
For more information about the program, please contact
Carolyn Goldman, Executive Director of the Eda & Cliff Viner
Community Scholars Foundation, Inc., at (561) 544-4436 or
Cliff & Eda Viner and Congressman Ted Deutch with
the 18 inaugural scolarship recipients.
FALL 2015
*The seven participating high schools are: Atlantic Community High
School, Boca Raton Community High School, Donna Klein Jewish
Academy, Olympic Heights Community High School, Spanish
River Community High School, Weinbaum Yeshiva, and West Boca
Community High School.
am proud to debut a new feature in our Chai magazine, dedicated to recognizing the extraordinary work of young
adults who grew up at B’nai Torah and are now paving the way for a brighter future. In this column, we will learn
first-hand about their work when they share, in their own words, what inspires them and how B’nai Torah has served
as an influence. One of the most important goals of a synagogue is to teach and reinforce Jewish values within our
children, and what great pride there is in seeing these values not only learned, but lived.
In this issue, we’ll hear from Lucas Spielfogel, son of Gary & Stacie, about the organization he helped to grow, the
Baton Rouge Youth Coalition.
- Rabbi David Steinhardt
Tomorrow’s Leaders
Growing up, B’nai Torah
felt like a big family. As a
kid, I looked forward to
attending services and
other synagogue events
because they allowed me
to spend time with the
people I was closest to. As
I got older, and especially
after my Bar Mitzvah, my
connection to the synagogue evolved. For one, I kept my butt
in services rather than in the hallways visiting with friends.
But also, I began listening more closely to Rabbi Steinhardt’s
messages, and they began resonating with me – especially
his constant challenge to all of us to repair the world.
The Rabbi’s espousal of Tikkun Olam, and my parents’
consistent reinforcement of its tenets, helped frame how
I see the world. Today, I am blessed and lucky to be in a
position to answer a call that is fundamental to being Jewish.
I just never imagined I would be doing it in Baton Rouge,
After graduating Yale in May 2010, I packed my bags for the
Deep South to join Teach For America (TFA) in its quest to
ensure educational equity. My two years teaching 7th grade
Social Studies at Baker Middle School – a low-performing,
high-poverty school in Baker, LA – were the most trying of
my life. They were also the most formative and eye-opening.
I grew up enjoying tremendous privilege, every opportunity at
my fingertips. My students, on the other hand, were born into
a cycle of generational poverty that they lacked the resources
to interrupt. Resources. That’s what it came down to.
In July 2012, I was offered an opportunity to broaden and
deepen the work I began as a teacher by becoming the
second executive director of a scrappy little nonprofit entering
its fourth year and gaining traction in the community. Founded
in 2009 by TFA and Harvard alum Daniel Kahn (a mensch
from the Bay Area), the Baton Rouge Youth Coalition (BRYC,
like “brick) aims to identify high-achieving, under-resourced
high school students in the Greater Baton Rouge area and
equip them with the resources they need to get into, pay for
and graduate college.
When I joined BRYC, we were working with about 40 teens. I
am proud to tell you that, today, as I write this, I am sitting on
the campus of Tulane University in New Orleans, where our
160 ninth-through-twelfth-graders are enjoying a weeklong
leadership retreat to kick off the 2015-2016 school year.
Since inception, 125 students have completed BRYC, and of
those, 114 currently attend or have graduated from college.
That is a 91% rate of persistence. In comparison, the national
average for low-income students is less than 10%. These
bright minds have collectively been offered more than $8
million in scholarships and are excelling at colleges across the
country including Stanford, Brown, Emory, Tulane, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, NYU, LSU and many, many others.
They continue to prove they can do anything – given the right
resources and guidance.
I am grateful to Rabbi Steinhardt, my parents, and the B’nai
Torah family for inculcating in me a passion and moral
imperative to be there for others, and for caring about and
supporting my work from afar. I am very fortunate to be in the
position I am in.
If you would like to learn
more about BRYC, you can
visit www.thebryc.org. If you
would like to get in touch
with me directly, please email
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
a Life Events in our Community
Mazal Tov to:
. Rabbi David & Tobi Steinhardt, and to Mindy Stein & Howard Brummer, on the
upcoming wedding of their daughter, Gabrielle Steinhardt to Seth Lind
New Members
A big thank you to Anne and Norman
Jacobson for their generosity in
underwriting our Noah’s Ark Welcome
Aboard Initiative again this year. The
main focus of this program is to create
a sense of community for our new
members and help them become better
acquainted at B’nai Torah Congregation.
We will continue with this successful
initiative which began in 2011.
Joan & Barry Winograd
. Cindy & Marc Levinson on the birth of a granddaughter, Ava Morgan Levinson
. Vicki Novick on the birth of a granddaughter, Elle Captain Novick
. Beth & Joe Mishkin on the birth of a granddaughter, Samantha Jeanne Mishkin
. Laura and Mark Ruben on the birth of a grandson, Bradley Douglas Ruben
. Phyllis Rosenstock on the birth of twin great grandchildren, Spencer Jax &
Willa Ivy Chasin
. Helene & Jeffrey Grantz on the birth of a granddaughter, Summer Rae Grantz
. Tobi & Rabbi David Steinhardt on the birth of a grandson, Miles Henry Ehrlich
. Rhona & Marvin Kirsner on the birth of a grandson, Judah Matthijs Baros
. Barbara & Jeffrey Feingold on the birth of grandson, Miles Sebastian Criss,
and to parents, Samantha & Jonathan Criss
. Raye Liptzin on the engagement of her grandson, Corey Borg to Rebecca Dishner
. Raye Liptzin on the engagement of her granddaughter, Jamie Borg to Brett Solomon
. Joyce & Marvin Schachter on the wedding of their daughter Whitney Schachter
to Michael Bagliebter
Condolences to:
Logan Shalmi
Janet & Richard Nadler
It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of our friend
and colleague, Lenny Cohen, who has been part of the B’nai Torah
family and manager of Executive Caterers for the past 25 years.
Yardena Barzilay
Neil Friedman
Haley Hacker
Louise & Alan Dabrow
Kari Tannenbaum
Liat & Eric Heller
Esther Falchook & Darren Lefkowitz
Sarah & Howard Schachere
Faith & Adam Skolnik
Dana & Lawrence Strong
Michelle & Michael Roseman
Esta Goldfine
Ruth Levy-Franks & Edwin Franks
Andrea & Yehuda Atias
Toni Sandler
Sonia & Irving Ginsberg
Roseanne & Edward Sopher
Ava Sobel
Elaine Dubow Harris
Ira Saunders
As of 7/29/2015
. Dianne Matthew on the loss of her husband, Lenny Cohen
. Louise Macks on the loss of her husband, Morton Macks
. Jesse Lieberman on the loss of his father, Eugene Lieberman
. Carmen Cunha on the loss of her mother, Auta da Cunha
. Sheila Trossman on the loss of her partner, Bernard (Bud) Anthone
. Harvey Schoenbrum on the loss of his mother, Anna Schoenbrum
. Miriam Granat on the loss of her father, Aaron Bruck
. Laurie Burton on the loss of her mother, Marion Frager
. Barbara Gardner on the loss of her mother, Florence Shenker
. Lee Bloom on the loss of her husband, Harry Bloom
. Irene Perl on the loss of her sister, Dottie Myers
. Keith Kronish on the loss of his mother, Cynthia Kronish
. Norma Erdle on the loss of her husband, Jack Erdle
. Weldon Levine on the loss of his wife, Joan Levine
. Ron Gottfried on the loss of his father, Leopoldo Gottfried
Mishebeirach Notice To include the name of a loved one, please contact the office
by the Thursday prior to the Shabbat Service. You can also leave a voicemail 24 hours a
day with Elaine Siegell at ext. 309. Please include the Hebrew name of both the ill person
and his/her mother. Names are kept on the list for two weeks at a time.
Ner Tamid Society B’nai Torah Foundation
The prestigious Ner Tamid Society honors donors who have contributed a minimum of $100,000 to the B’nai Torah Foundation.
This can be done through a gift or through a charitable trust, life insurance policy, will, IRA or pension. Donors are acknowledged
on the Ner Tamid recognition wall located in the front lobby of the synagogue. Create a Jewish Legacy through our Ner Tamid
Society and perpetuate Jewish life from Generation to Generation.
Cynthia & Dr. Richard Aronsohn
Esther* & Milton* Blank
Alisa & Dr. Richard Cohen
Ellen & Edward Cohen
Jane & Alan Cornell
Tammy & Dr. Jack Faintuch
Miriam* & Henry* Fistel
Shulamith Fleischer & Robert
Marleen & Harold* Forkas
Marcy & Bill Forster
Shirlee* & Daniel* Freed
Isadore* Friedman
Meryl & Ron Gallatin
Nancy & Mark Gilbert
Mark W. Glickman
Phyllis & Gerald Golden
Suzanne & David Goodis
Dorothy* & Milton* Gordon
Linda & Alan Hurst
Anne & Norman Jacobson
Carolyn & Robert Kantor & Family
Phyllis & Samuel Kaufman
Sue & Myron* Kirshner
Anita* & Paul* Kivell
Gillian & Eric Klein
Debra & Gerald Kramer
Donna & Gerald Kramer
Doris B. & Saul* Kuperstock
April & Roger Leavy
Anne* & Fred Levi
Toby & Norman Levi
Courtney & Dr. Scott Levin
Nauma Levin
Mildred & Abner* Levine
Sam Mandelker*
Gay & Morris* Mandon
Alissa & Dr. Jay Maizes
Beatrice Cummings Mayer
Maruka & Bernard* Mirochnick
Millicent & Sigmund* Nathan
Michael Ostroff & Family
Sarah & Richard Parker & Family
Marilyn & Jack Pechter
Miriam & Zwi* Preminger
Hiromi & Robert Printz
Madeleine & Norman* Reich
Barbara & Jeffrey Rosenberg
The Sandelman Family
Carie & Spencer Sax
Mildred & Sol* Schaikowitz
Elissa & Dr. Peter Schosheim
Carol & Murray Shear
Ruth & Edward* Taubman
Jill & Cliff Viner
Beate* & Henry* Voremberg
Hedy & Dr. Bryan Wasserman
Eleanor* & Paul Weiner
Pamela & Robert Weinroth
Amy & Fred Weiss
Gabriela & Walter* Weiss
* Of Blessed Memory
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Tributes and Contributions
To B’nai Torah Congregation
*April 1st - June 30th, 2015
Rob Schacter
In Memory of Marilyn Isenberg
Terry Jonas
In Memory of Harry Bloom
Toby & Norman Levi
In Memory of Harry Bloom
Karen Polivy
In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
Annette Orenstein & Steven Polivy In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
Teddy Garber
In Memory of Fred Felsen
Raphael Mark
In Memory of Harold “Harry” Mark
Aaron Appelbaum
In Memory of the Aaron Family
Nancy Bailin
In Honor of Andrea Levy’s Speedy Recovery
Brenda & Larry Glassman
In Honor of Lenny Cohen’s Speedy Recovery
In Honor of Lenny Cohen’s Speedy Recovery
Patricia Stein & Family
Jeanette Suskin
In Honor of Beatrice & Bert Dermer’s 50th Anniversary
In Honor of Fred & Pearl’s 65th Anniversary
Gerri & Frank Neiman
David Sadick
In Honor of Irwin Friedman’s 85th Birthday
Howard Boris
In Honor of Irwin Friedman’s 85th Birthday
Linda & Bob Spiegelman
In Honor of Jennifer Kurzweil’s Bat Mitzvah
Aaron Appelbaum
In Honor of the Appelbaum Family
BT Officers & Board of Trustees
In Honor of Wishing Harriet Martin a Refuah Shlema
BT Officers & Board of Trustees
In Honor of Wishing Erica Gordon a Refuah Shlema
Bea Gold
In Honor of the Birth of Samantha Mishkin
Bea Gold, Ruth Weiner,
Rita & Fred Cimbal
In Honor of Dr. Bernard Metrick’s 99th Birthday
Teddy Garber
In Honor of Aliyah & Haftarah
Avra & Ralph Berg
In Honor of an Aliyah
Irv & Ellie Pomerantz
In Honor of an Aliyah
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Cohen
In Honor of an Aliyah
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Cohen
In Honor of an Aliyah
Raphael Cohen
In Honor of an Aliyah
Raphael Cohen
In Honor of an Aliyah
Raphael Cohen
In Honor of an Aliyah
Raphael Cohen
In Honor of an Aliyah
Raphael Cohen
In Honor of an Aliyah
Marjorie & James Goodman
In Honor of Tzedakah
Carol & Steven Ginsburg
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
Alvin & Helene Levine
Marjorie Peyser
In Honor of Tzedakah
Michael & Judith Orenstein
In Honor of Tzedakah
Marvin Rosett In Honor of Tzedakah
Jewell & Stanley Kirwin
In Honor of Tzedakah
Alvin Lezell
In Honor of Tzedakah
Joseph Perl
In Honor of Tzedakah
Florence & Irwin Tanzman
In Honor of Tzedakah
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Greenwald
In Honor of Tzedakah
Alisa and Richard Cohen Confirmation Class Fund
Alisa & Richard Cohen
Alisa Cohen
Alisa, Richard, Joshua
& Zachary Cohen
Alisa & Richard Cohen
Alisa, Richard, Joshua
& Zachary Cohen
Alisa, Richard, Joshua
& Zachary Cohen
Alisa & Richard Cohen
Alisa & Richard Cohen
Alisa Cohen
Kevin & Carla Libby
In Memory of Simon Portnoy
In Memory of Beloved Father, Daniel Clearfield
In Memory of Beloved Grandmother, Anna Schoenbrum
In Memory of Harry Bloom
In Honor of the Birth of Ella Brooke
In Honor of Lenny Cohen’s Complete & Speedy Recovery
In Honor of Mark Cohan’s Complete & Speedy Recovery
In Honor of Ambassador Mark Gilbert
In Honor of Shlomit Karasik’s Support for the “Parent to Parent” Group
In Honor of Vivian Bergman’s Birthday
Anne & Norman Jacobson Chesed Endowment Endowment Fund
The Brassloff Family
In Memory of William Schwartz
Beatrice Cummings Mayer Pastoral Care Fund
Beatrice C. Mayer
In Memory of Herbert Cummings
Bertuch Outreach Program
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Roth In Memory of Sidney Roth
Mrs. Morton Ruderman In Honor of Tzedakah
Cantor’s Programming Fund
Claire & Stanley GreeneIn Memory of Minnie Grotsky
Reney & Mark Smitz
In Memory of Aaron Bruck
Sandra Prentki
In Memory of Steven Prentki
Renee Loeb
In Honor of an Aliyah
Diane Marcovitz Adult Education Fund
Cindy & Larry Birkner In Honor of Tzedakah
Cindy & Larry Birkner In Honor of Tzedakah
Dorothy and Milton Gordon Youth Endowment Fund
Ruth Preminger
In Memory of Dr. Joseph Preminger
Dr. Arnold and Pearl Schosheim March of the Living Scholarship Fund
Elissa & Peter Schosheim
In Memory of Mordechai Katzin
Elissa & Peter Schosheim
In Honor of Alex Leavy’s Graduation From Law School
Elissa & Peter Schosheim
In Honor of Wishing Lenny Cohen a Refulah Shlema
Dr. Henry & Sonja Faintuch Senior Programming
Tamara & Jack Faintuch
In Memory of Warren Greenspoon’s Mother
Tamara & Jack Faintuch
In Memory of Genia Feintuch
Tamara & Jack Faintuch
In Honor of Andrea Levy Goldman’s Speedy Recovery
Tamara & Jack Faintuch
In Honor of the Birth of Ella Brooke
Jewel & Allen Prince Early Childhood Fund
Barbara Feingold
Jewel & Allen Prince
Joanne Shulman
In Memory of Eugene Moss
In Memory of Janet Rosenberg Prince
In Honor of Allen Prince
Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur Project
Hinda & Barry Feinstein
In Memory of Bob Rubin
Lillian and Philip Cooperman Adult Education Fund
Barry Fink
In Honor of Tzedakah
Mager-Cohan March of the Living / Camp Ramah Youth Scholars Fund
Paul Weiner
In Memory of Beloved Mother, Hinda Weiner
Heni Galel
In Memory of Abraham Margel
Floris & Murray Leipzig
In Memory of Gussie Gordon & Ellen Leipzig
Floris & Murray Leipzig
In Memory of Herbert Schoenfeld
Esther and Milton Blank Children’s Music Endowment Fund
Mark Bertuch Make a Difference Fund
Malcolm & Marion Robbins
In Memory of Esther Blank
Malcolm & Marion Robbins
In Memory of Miriam Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Roth
General Fund
Gillian & Eric Klein
Gillian & Eric Klein
Sonia Saxanoff
Sonia Saxanoff
Sonia Saxanoff
Eleanor & Paul Weiner Distinguished Service Award
Patricia Stein & Family
In Memory of Bob Rubin
Barbara & David Stein
In Memory of Edna Chosid
Lila Butters In Memory of Volf Ronis
Jeanette Suskin
In Memory of Louis Levy
Jeanette Suskin
In Memory of Adrian Suskin
Sheldon Bodnick
In Memory of Stanley Bodnick
Dale & Richard Sonenklare
In Memory of Saul Schleiderer,Regina & Max Sonenklare
Sylvia & Brenda Berman,
Jeri Davis & Grandchildren
In Memory of Fred Berman
Jewel & Allen Prince, Lillian
Grodin & The Prince-Cardoza Clan In Memory of Warren Katz
Clifford Seresky
In Memory of Leonard Kaplan
Carie & Spencer Sax
In Memory of Sylvia Sax
Arline Kandel Nechtow
In Memory of Albert Kandel
Harry M. Hauptman
In Memory of Regina Hauptman
Rhoda Appelbaum
In Memory of Beloved Mother & Brother
Esther Liss
In Memory of Zavel Sandler
Irene & Robert Russel
In Memory of Aaron Bruck
Anita & Warren Klawans
In Memory of Star & Aaron Bruck
FALL 2015
In Honor of Tzedakah
Melvin Klein Ritual Wine and Liquor Endowment Fund
In Memory of Louis Miller
In Memory of Albert Saxanoff
In Memory of Albert Saxanoff
In Memory of Rose Miller
In Memory of Melvin Klein
Millicent and Sigmund Nathan Library Endowment Fund
B’nai Torah Library Staff
In Memory of William Schwartz
B’nai Torah Library Staff
In Memory of Bud Anthone
Sidney Besvinick
In Memory of Sophie Kirk & Ruth Besvinick
Rita & Fred Cimbal
In Memory of William Millstein
Evelyn & Joel Udell
In Memory of Louis Smith
Evelyn & Joel Udell
In Memory of Ethel Udell
Claire Lipton Zimmers
In Memory of Esther Bashevkin Lipton
Sue Kirshner
In Memory of Harry Bloom
Fridell Feibus
In Memory of Harry Bloom
Francine Higer
In Honor of Pamela & Mark Polani’s Anniversary
Melvin Young
In Honor of Tzedakah
Mirochnick Religious School Endowment Fund
Rabbi Steinhardt Discretionary Fund (cont.)
Tammy & Ronald Smith
In Memory of William Schwartz
Laura & David Kreiger
In Honor of Ari Kleiger’s Bris
Scott Frank & Abbie Statsky-Frank In Honor of Ma’ot Chitim
Phyllis Butters
In Honor of The Birth of Sheila & Isadore Goldberg’s Great Grandson
Phyllis Butters
In Honor of The Birth of Gerta Gleich’s Great Grandson
In Honor of The Birth of Sheila & Isadore Goldberg’s Great Grandson
Harriet Kaplan
Gerta Gleich
In Honor of Phyllis Butters’ Grandaughter’s Masters Degree
In Honor of Ruth Taubman’s Speedy Recovery
Gerta Gleich
In Honor of Daniel Diamond’s Speedy Recovery
Gerta Gleich
Gerta Gleich
In Honor of Etta Schaeffer’s Misheberach
In Honor of Irwin Friedman’s 85th Birthday
Cynthia Weissman
Bluma and Jack Goldberg
In Honor of Reva and Mark Waldman
In Honor of Hyla Levine’s Special Birthday
Kathy & Irving Estrin
In Honor of Kerry Chaplin’s Ordination
Beverly Chaplin
Mitchell Smith
In Honor of Rabbi Steinhardt
Maddie & Steve Sackel
In Honor of Andy Robins’ 60th Birthday
William Bagliebter
In Honor of Mike & Whitney’s Wedding
In Honor of Marvin, Joyce & all of the Schachters
William Bagliebter
Terry Katz
In Honor of an Aliyah
Cindy Aronsohn
In Honor of Julie Risisky
Gladys Saleh
In Honor of Bebe Senker’s 90th Birthday
Jeffrey Deutch
In Honor of Baby Bryce Goldman
Chiam Sabag
In Honor of Rabbi Rikki Arad
In Honor of Spencer Sax’s 60th Birthday
Marlane Guttmann
Ruth and Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center Endowment Fund Mr. & Mrs. Fred Goldstein
In Memory of William Shwartz
Ruth Taubman
In Memory of Andrew Robbin’s Father
Ruth Taubman
In Honor of the Birth of Samantha Jeanne Mishkin
Ruth Taubman
In Honor of Lenny Cohen’s Speedy Recovery
Linda Povlow
In Honor of Nancy Goldstein
Beverly Chaplin
In Honor of Toby Levi
Oxler-Farber Fund for Camp Ramah Scholarships
Cherie Chosid
In Memory of Marcia Steele’s Beloved Sister
Susan Fishman
In Memory of Sylvia Wagenberg
In Memory of Pat & Gary Kaufman’s Daughter, Leah
Susan Fishman
Susan Fishman
In Honor of the Birth of Donna & Jack Hirschfeld’s Grandchild
In Honor of the Birth of Beth & Joe Mishkin’s Grandaughter, Samantha
Susan Fishman
Cherie & Richard Chosid In Honor of Jake’s Bar Mitzvah, Grandson of Mr. & Mrs. James Shohet
Rabbi Englander Discretionary Fund
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
In Memory of Irene Shapiro
Cindy & Richard Aronsohn
In Memory of Ira Robins
Hertzel Pryzant
In Memory of Bernice Pryzant
Claire & Stanley Greene
In Memory of David Greenberg
Lisa, Lanny & Sabrina Marks
In Memory of Diana Stein
Marvin Steinberg
In Memory of Joan, Victor, Sarah & Burton Steinberg
In Memory of Esther & Harry Staszower
Morris Staszower
Maddi & Steve Sackel
In Honor of Sophie Reis Booken’s Baby Naming
Dr. Bernard Metrick
In Honor of an Aliyah
In Honor of the Birth of Twins Shayna & Talia Grossman
Sally Sokoloff
Sally Sokoloff
In Honor of Lenny Cohen’s Speedy Recovery
In Honor of Kerry Chaplin’s Ordination
Beverly Chaplin
In Honor of Dr. Bernard Metrick’s 99th Birthday & Aliyah
Roger Goldwyn
Rabbi Steinhardt Discretionary Fund
Sylvia Kopkin
Irene Tannenholtz
Elaine & Bill Fine
Elaine & Bill Fine
Nancy & Fred Goldstein
Rosalind Schwartz-Fein
Sam Berman
Howard Krosser
Carol Pessah Lewitter
Albert Lisman
Gladys Saleh
Lorenzo Schechterman
Rabbi Bernard Spielman
Jerry Budney
Claire & Stanley Greene
Michelle Fiorillo-Berger
Joan & Jerry Fisher
Iris & Harvey Schoenbrum
Maddi & Steve Sackel
Ruth Polivy
Janice & Jeffrey Sandelman
Patricia Stein
Anita & Sam Berman
Esther & Leonard Wolfer
Sheila & Isadore Goldberg
Sheila & Isadore Goldberg
Iris Sandler
Gerta Gleich
Gerta Gleich
Monica Goldstein
Evenlyn & Martin Mayblum
Wendie Gershman
Barbara Kessler
Janet Morecraft
Sharon Levine
Connie Greenberg
Sylvia Kopkin
Robert Schumer
Roz Schwartz-Fein
Roz Schwartz-Fein
Marvin Steinberg
Doris Brooks Kuperstock
Meryl & Ron Gallatin
Sheila & Izzy Goldberg and
Susan & Stanley Kossof
Martin Kotler
Mark Wasserman & Sue Gurland
Fran & David Klingsberg
Estelle Ducker
Cindy Aronsohn
Rhoda Pollack
Martin Kotler
Claire & Herbert Riegel
Phyllis Butters
Leslie Aling
Donald Lederman
Gerald I. Miasner
In Memory of Ida Gassman
In Memory of William B. Marcus
In Memory of Pearle B. Fine
In Memory of Brian Barban
In Memory of Lillian Goldstein
In Memory of Rabbi Lester Schwartz
In Memory of Harry M. Feinsinger
In Memory of Howard’s Beloved Parents & Sister
In Memory of Joseph L. Pessah
In Memory of Muriel Hechtman
In Memory of Kenny Saleh
In Memory of Josef Schechterman
In Memory of Helen Spielman
In Memory of Solomon Budney
In Memory of Milton Grotsky
In Memory of R. Fiorillo
In Memory of Israel Perlman
In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
In Memory of Aaron Bruck
In Memory of Aaron Bruck
In Memory of Aaron Bruck
In Memory of Ruth Mcguire’s Beloved Mother
In Memory of Ruth Mcguire’s Beloved Mother
In Memory of Gerta’s Departed Loved Ones
In Memory of Frieda Messinger
In Memory of Jeff Zegans
In Memory of Carl Scheiner
In Memory of Dillon Besser
In Memory of Dillon Besser
In Memory of Dillon Besser
In Memory of Dillon Besser
In Memory of Morris Schmuger
In Memory of Beloved Husband & Father, Jack Kopkin
In Memory of Nettye Schumer
In Memory of Beloved Husband, Skip Fein
In Memoy of Beloved Mother, Esther Kipnes
In Memory of Joan, Victor, Sarah & Burton Steinberg
In Memory of Harry Bloom
In Memory of Beloved Father, Jerry Lubin
In Memory of David Dulinger’s Beloved Father
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
Sam Mandelker College Connection Fund
Jeri Ginsburg
In Memory of Sam Mandelker
Mrs. Rosanne Rabinowitz
In Memory of Sam Mandelker
Gail & Alan Lewis
In Memory of Sam Mandelker
Asatur & Black Families
In Memory of Sam Mandelker
Michele & Jerry Rudnick
In Honor of Eric Rudnick’s Medical School graduation
Shirley Enselberg
In Honor of Corina Waldman’s Speedy Recovery
Beverly Chaplin
In Honor of Kerry Chaplin’s Ordination
Sari Singer Holocaust Survivor Fund
Linda & Tony Rubin
In Memory of Sari Singer
Esther Goldman
In Memory of Phyllis Zoberman
Lauretta Singer
In Honor of Tzedakah
Martin Singer
In Honor of Tzedakah
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoberman
In Honor of Tzedakah
Gail Bass
In Appreciation of Norbert & Lynn Graber
Tzedakah, Learning & Chesed Program
Toby Levi
In Memory of William Schwartz
Jacki Kary
In Memory of William Schwartz
Toni Miller
In Memory of William Schwartz
Joan LaBarca
In Memory of William Schwartz
In Memory of William Schwartz
Lynn & Roger Goldberg
Joanne Shulman
In Memory of William Schwartz
Jean Mandell
In Memory of William Schwartz
Carol & Steven Ginsburg
In Memory of William Schwartz
Meryl Gallatin
In Memory of William Schwartz
In Memory of Bob Rubin
Meryl Gallatin
Meryl Gallatin
In Memory of Ira Brecher Robins
Edith & Irwin Friedman
In Memory of Garson Studley II
Selma & Melvin Kitt
In Honor of Jack Pechter’s Speedy Recovery
Viner Family Endowment Fund
Clifford Viner
In Memory of Bob Rubin
Clifford Viner
In Memory of Anna Schoenbrum
Clifford Viner
In Memory of Marion Frager
Joanne Shulman
In Honor of Tzedakah
Weiner/ Rosenberg March of the Living/High School in Israel Scholarship Fund
Linda Stewart
Sylvia Zipper
In Memory of Ida Berenfield
In Honor of Family Member Recovering From Surgery
Women’s League Judaica Shop Youth Scholarship Fund
Rosalyn Abrams
In Memory of Bud Anthone
Rosalyn Abrams
In Memory of Harry Bloom
Yahrzeit/Yizkor Fund
Miriam Fried
Miriam Fried
Sanford Feinman
Sylvia Feibus
In Memory of Irving Rosen
In Memory of Annie Fried
In Memory of Morris Feinman
In Memory of Sanford A. Witkowski
CHAI www.bnai-torah.org
Yahrzeit/Yizkor Fund (cont.)
Gladys & Morris Gewirtz
Raphael Mark
Mildred Kaminsky
Sheldon Bodnick
Renee Loeb
Renee Loeb
Barbara & Jeffrey Feingold
Marcia & Howard Worobow
Cindy Aronsohn
Monroe A. Schulder
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Shore
Saul Marsh
Stephen & Lisa Mendelsohn
Paul Rubin
Marion Frager
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burton
Louise Macks
Randy & Steven Birnbach
Elaine & Gary Shore
Orri & Ilene Kessler
Dr. Jacob Rosensweig
Erica Spindel
Tina Hecht
Randi & Steven Stein
Howard Appelbaum
Marilyn Schulder
Richard Aronsohn
Raphael Cohen
Norma Silverstein
Wendy Levinson
Lisa, Lanny & Sabrina Marks
Bea Gold
Doris Brookes Kuperstock
Natalie Tatz
Dr. Andrew Ross
Frances Schmutter
Erica Spindel
Lynda & Harry Rich
Lynda & Harry Rich
Lynda & Harry Rich
Judy & Stanley Haas
Marjorie Schulman
Marjorie Schulman
Marlene Turovitz
Marlene Turovitz
Rhoda Simon
Rhoda Simon
Murray Rehner
Susan & Stanley Polansky
Janet Blinder
Florence & Irwin Tanzman
Melvin Kofsky & Dahlia Smith
Carolann & Steven Leffler
Jay Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Blyn
Francine & Joseph Geshgoren
Albert Sherman
Arnold Haskel
Norma Kraut
Pearl & Irwin Gordon
In Memory of Lena Gewirtz & Rebecca Zebofsky
In Memory of Lee Mark
In Memory of Harvey Lieberman
In Memory of Alexander Bodnick
In Memory of Beloved Husband, Saul Loeb
In Memory of Beloved Father, David Gold
In Memory of Eugene Moss
In Memory of Ben Worobow
In Memory of George Yellin
In Memory of Richard Abramowitz
In Memory of Beloved Daughter, Cindi Shore
In Memory of Bertha & Jack Marsh
In Memory of Irwin Mendelsohn
In Memory of Esther Rubin
In Memory of Albert Frager
In Memory of Stanley & Lilian Burton
In Memory of Albert Frager
In Memory of Harvey Damsky
In Memory of Dr. Seymour Birnbach
In Memory of Edward Shore
In Memory of Seymour Kessler & Israel Harry Koffler
In Memory of Abraham Rockman
In Memory of Beloved Husband, Joseph Spindel
In Memory of Kurt Hecht
In Memory of Martin Stein
In Memory of Sam Appelbaum
In Memory of Beatty White
In Memory of Dr. Charles Aronsohn
In Memory of Elie Cohen
In Memory of Fred R. Silverstein
In Memory of Fred R. Silverstein
In Memory of Seymour Stein
In Memory of Frieda Goldzweig
In Memory of Beloved Father, Nathan Berkowitz
In Memory of Jack Tatz
In Memory of Beloved Mother, Jeanne Ross
In Memory of Herman Halpern & Julia Halpern
In Memory of Beloved Father
In Memory of Irving Levy
In Memory of George Rich
In Memory of Dora Rich
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Yizkor
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
In Honor of Tzedakah
we appreciate all tributes and
contributions made to b’nai torah
All tributes/contributions of $18 (per honoree) or more will be
acknowledged with a card sent to the contributor and to the
honoree, and will also be acknowledged in the Chai newsletter.
The office must receive the tribute/contribution by the 1st of
the previous month to be included in the Chai. If it is received
after the 1st of the month it will appear in the next issue. Thank
you very much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. This
list includes donations made from April 1st - June 30th, 2015.
FALL 2015
Note from Executive Caterers
Executive Caterers North at
B’nai Torah Congregation is
proud to announce and introduce
Brett Heiken as the new banquet
generation in the catering business.
Stuart Friedman along with Brett’s
father, Scott Heiken, are the original
owners of Executive Caterers.
Started in the late 1970’s, they have
expanded their business throughout South Florida. Brett
grew up in the catering business starting at a young age.
He worked his way up the ladder in all the facets of the
business. Brett was the assistant manager in one of our
facilities in Weston, and for the last few years has been the
manager at our Aventura location.
Brett takes great pride in providing impeccable service
along with cutting edge creative style with the highest
quality food. He and his wife Rikki are the proud parents
of two daughters. He looks forward to working with the
Congregants and guests in creating memorable events.
Please don’t hesitate to stop by the catering office to say
hello. To schedule an appointment or plan your next event
call (561) 347-1453.
Check our new website www.ExecutiveCaterersNorth.com.
Come to Israel with B’nai Torah
in June of 2016!!!
If you would like to be among the first to know
the details of a Family Trip to Israel in June of 2016,
please contact Rabbi Englander. Dates, pricing,
and itinerary highlights will be available soon!
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B’nai Torah Congregation
6261 S.W. 18th Street
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Thank you to Claire Sheres of Coldwell Banker for sponsoring the B’nai Torah Magazine, Chai. We appreciate both Claire & Allan Sheres in joining our corporate sponsorship
program. If your company would like to be part of our corporate partnership program, please contact Rabbi Rikki Arad, Executive Director, at rikki.arad@bnai-torah.org.
In Southeast Florida !
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definitely use Claire and the Sheres Realty team for all of my real estate needs in the future.”
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