
No. 9
Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lodz University of Technology,
The introduction to the historical window frames in industrial facilities presents the
historical background. The issue will be discussed on the example of 19th century
industrial facilities, as well as in the context of the solutions applied in other European
countries. The characteristic of a standard factory window is presented on the basis of a
typological analysis. The evaluation of the values of historical metal windows is the key
point for the issue if and how original historical window frames should be protected. The
importance of window frames for the recognition of a given historical monument as an
industrial facility should be raised in the first instance. It is also important for the local
identity. The degradation of the windows and their numerous drawbacks counteract their
aesthetic and technical values. The paper discusses the main conservatory issues related
to historical metal windows as well as the possibilities of treating them in light of
adaptations of post-industrial buildings and the requirements of the current building
standards. The methods of the repair and protection of architectural metal elements or
their replacement into new ones will be discussed on the example of solutions applied in
buildings adapted to new functions, in Lodz. The paper also presents windows with
historical references available on the market.
Keywords: window frames, post-industrial objects, Lodz (Łódź), postindustrial
heritage, window maintenance.
The origins of window frames in Europe date back to medieval metalsmith craft,
when simple, unopenable window frames, filled with stained glass, were forged.
Extremely expensive metal windows were applied only in temples or residences
Corresponding author. E-mail: bartosz.walczak@p.lodz.pl
Bartosz Walczak, Anna Kurzac
of distinguished people until the sixteenth century, when the window frames
began to be used also in secular buildings.
In the eighteenth century, with the industrial revolution, iron processing
moved from forges to factories, where iron began to be cast in identical forms
and controlled conditions. It enabled manufacturers to cast stylised products in a
variety of forms. They started to cast arched-shaped and slim frames with Tshaped sash bars which were then glazed. Glass sheets were then fitted and
sealed with putty1. In this period, however, only the window wings were usually
metal, the frames, into which the windows were embedded, still remained
In the second half of the eighteenth century, metal window frames with a
universal appearance began to be used in many types of buildings, from
residential, through industrial (factories and warehouses) to public utility
buildings and representative buildings2. Iron was desirable for its fire resistance
(important in factories and plants experiencing frequent fires), as well as its
strength, providing security in places like factories, insane asylums or
The use of window frames did not become common in the United
Kingdom until the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It was
possible thanks to the rolling technology derived from the metal industry, which
in turn, enabled the mass production of windows and lowered their prices,
which meant that they could compete with timber windows3.
The success of window frames was due to the cheap and fast production
and standardization. In addition, they were easy to transport and the production
process enabled performing a wide variety of light forms that resulted in
brighter and better-ventilated interiors. Durable frames allow the use of large
glazing, and combinations of multiple windows, which completely changed the
style of buildings designed in the early twentieth century and later. Window
frames of inconsiderable thickness were crucial for, inter alia, Art Nouveau and
modernist architectural styles. The popularity of steel-framed windows did not
The development in technology allowed architects to experiment – in 1750 James
James Gibbs palced copper windows in the town hall of Warrington, and John Carr
applied iron window frames in Wentworth Woodhouse in Yorkshire.
The first fire resistant factory ( Williama Strutt's cotton factory in Derby, 1792) had
iron window frams.
The 19th century was rich in discoveries and improvements in iron processing. Yet in
1820, metal windows were applied in housing construction. In 1856 Sir Henry Bessemer
elaborated the first industrial method of steel production. Great Britain was then the
world leader steel producer. Steel started to be commonly applied in construction
industry in all Europe.
Problems of restoration of window frames in the 19th century industrial facilities ….
decrease until the 70s of the twentieth century, when it was superseded by
frames made of aluminium, which is cheaper and does not rust.
The present work examines steel windows in industrial buildings in Łódź,
produced between the mid-nineteenth century until 1945, in terms of their
typology. Factories built in Łódź in this period were similar to industrial
facilities built in other European countries in terms of technological, functional
and structural conditions. For the analogy in the window production, the
discussed solutions may be regarded as universal.
The appliances and machines used in spinning mills generated large
amounts of heat, so the problem of thermal insulation of windows was not
considered. The overall temperature in the factory and was high enough, not
mentioning the fact that the working conditions were neither regulated by any
norms nor supervised. On the other hand, the fact that the windows were not
hermetic even provided natural ventilation of rooms.
Fig. 1. Original windows in Scheibler's plant with the remains of accumulated cotton
threads. Photo by W. Wiśniewska
The characteristics of typical window frames in factories in Łódź:
1. round-top windows (regular arches) on the ground floor,
2. segmented round-top windows (segmented arches), upper floors,
3. frames with small divisions and proportions of a vertical rectangle
Bartosz Walczak, Anna Kurzac
Fig. 2. An example of a typical façade of a textile factory in Lodz. Author: A. Kurzac.
Characteristic features of the factory windows from the late nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries were determined by the manufacturers' main
requirements, i.e.: minimum costs and fast pace of construction.
• The shape of window frames. The windows were usually round-topped with
a full arch (on the ground floor) or segmented arch (on upper floors). The
windows constituted 30% of the surface of the elevation. Later, they took a
rectangular shape and their surface became greater.
• Fitting a frame into a wall. A frame was fitted into the wall at the stage
when the wall was being erected which resulted in the fact that it is now
very difficult to dismantle it without damaging either the wall or a part of
the frame.
• Technology and materials. Prefabricated steel profiles replaced the
woodwork and cast iron frames due to low production costs, lightness and
durability while maintaining small cross-sectional profiles.
• The typical thicknesses of the elements. The external frame of the thickness
of about 4 cm, is often completely hidden in the wall. The sash bars, both
lateral and vertical are made of app. 2-cm-thick T-shaped profiles.
• The sizes of glass. Window frames were divided into smaller fields which
were then glazed with small-size glass sheets. The cost of even a large
number of small glass-sheets was not high in relation to large glass sheets.
Moreover, if the window was broken, its exchange was neither difficult nor
costs consuming4.
• Ways of opening the windows. The elaboration of a window with a system
for window opening had always been difficult. Therefore, only a single
partition of a window was openable. Typically, an additional smaller frame
Most typical sizes of glazing in Lodz factories range from 17x21 and 18x23 (Tabacco
Company Tytoniowy), through 19x25 (OFF Piotrkowska), to 20x35 cm (Art Center).
Galzings larger than 50x55/ 60 prove that the frames were replaced in the post-war
Problems of restoration of window frames in the 19th century industrial facilities ….
or joints were installed in a large window frame, which served as a system
for window opening. Sometimes, the window was supplied with a hinged
wooden frame.
The advantages of industrial metal windows included primarily those that
conditioned their common and universal use in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. Frames were cheap and easily fabricated in bulk quantities. In
addition, they could be produced in a wide variety of forms. Frames were light
and thus easy to transport. Frames with small multiplied divisions enabled
production of very large windows which resulted in bright, well-ventilated
Among the most serious drawbacks of the historic metal windows include
their noncompliance with modern standards of thermal insulation. Old frames
are not moisture-resistant, so in winter they were covered with ice since the
interiors were not heated5. When neglected, the windows may be subject to
various types of damage, including::
• corrosion,
• mechanical and structural damages: warps, distortions,
• defects or cracks, destroyed joining elements,
• glazing and putty cavities,
• excessive multiple painting, peeling and loss of coating (paint),
• defects in the window joinery (broken hinges, handles),
• destabilization of window fittings in the wall.
Fig. 3. Various types of hinged frames used in industrial windows. From left: Scheibler's
factory, Kretschmer's spinning factory, Geyer's weaving factory. Photo by A. Kurzac
In the case of cast iron, the cast may be faulty due to the imperfections of the
production process. The excessive fragility of the elements may result from the excessive
amounts of phosphor in the iron or excessive cooling of the cast elements.
Bartosz Walczak, Anna Kurzac
The protection of the elements of historic buildings is an obvious and basic
assumption of conservation etc. Windows carry the data on historical
technologies, craftsmanship, materials, etc. In a protected property, in which the
appearance of windows indicates its character, window frames determine the
style of the building and shape the climate of both the façade of the building and
of its interiors. Thus, the windows themselves may be considered to be of
historic value. The change of old windows has an undeniable impact on the
change of the image of the building.
The windows are elements which are particularly vulnerable to
destruction and ill-treatment. They are easy to be removed and commonly
believed to be impossible to be properly repaired. Thus, this view results in the
historic windows end up massively in landfills. When a building is adapted to
the new functions, it is usually expected to meet the new standards of thermal
and acoustic insulation - the fate of existing windows almost in advance is
Fig. 4. An example of a building where an uncontrolled replacement of window
frames led to the complete loss of the original aesthetics. Photo A. Kurzac
Problems of restoration of window frames in the 19th century industrial facilities ….
Selected renovation and adaptation procedures connected with
original window frames on the examples of their usages in Łódź.
1. Preserving the original frame. Repair, seal and proper exploitation.
• Karol Scheibler's factory Łódź Art Center
• Adolf Kebsz's factory of knitted materials, Old Sewing Club
• Franciszek Ramisch's factory complex, OFF Piotrkowska
2. Preserving the window exterior, the installation of double glazing or
mounting a composite window from the inside.
• Ludwik Geyer's “Biała Fabryka”, Museum of Textiles, wing B
3. Removing the original frames from walls and leaving them as a witness on
the property area.
• Ludwik Geyer's “Biała Fabryka”, Museum of Textiles, wing D
• Franciszek Schweikert's factory, Łódź University of Technology, building
of WTiMS
4. The replacement of a whole window – restored with the use of modern
• I. K. Poznanski's Spinning, Andel's Hotel,
• Eitingon's Factory, Office Center,
• Muehle brothers' Spinning, offices and corporate headquarters,
• Józef Balle's Factory, the seat of Gazeta Wyborcza.
5. The replacement of a whole window – forms of new windows are inspired by
historical solutions:
• Franciszek Schweikert's Factory, Łódź University of Technology,
building of WTiMS
• Edward Bormann's factory of silk and woollen gloves, Zenit
• Adolf Dauby's factory, Synergia Business Centre
• Karol Steinert's factory, Milionowa Residence
The most appropriate procedure is, of course, current, cyclical
maintenance of the original frames. The authentic character and the integrity of
a building are preserved and the owner of the historical building avoids
expenses on window replacement. In the case of the adaptation of the building,
it is unfortunately the least common procedure, usually understood as a
temporary measure taken before the proper window replacement, due to the lack
of funds. So, it is advisable to analyse the real possibilities of repair,
strengthening and sealing the original frames.
Bartosz Walczak, Anna Kurzac
4.2. Methods of repair of metal window elements
Metal windows may be renovated in situ – in a building site, or in a workshop
after they have been removed from walls. Unfortunately, it is often too
dangerous or even impossible due to their tight attachment to the wall.
In the considered case, in Lodz factories, the removal of frames involved
partial demolition of walls (without damaging the frames),
The renewal of ungalvanized metal window frames (iron, iron cast or
steel) involves the removal of old paint and rust, and then the appropriate
protection of their elements. There are numerous techniques for removing rust
and the top layer of paint. From the simplest and cheapest methods, such as
hand scraping and chipping or brushing the surface to the more advanced and
more precise methods of removing rust and paint, such as: rust removal by acid
etching, blasting (sandblasting), cleaning with oxy-acetylene flame or propaneoxygen (in the case of wrought iron), to the exchange of a part of a frame. In the
latter case, the rusted part is cut out and then the frame is complemented with
elements made of the same material which are welded [7].
4.3. Techniques for sealing windows
One of the best and least invasive ways to achieve higher thermal efficiency of
windows in old buildings is to install the seal. It is available in several forms,
each of which has a different effect.
Some are simple joint fillers applied as mastic or foam. Other forms
provide the isolation through convenient, ready-made constructions, which are
so versatile that they can be adapted to any type of window. Cheap products “do
it yourself” products survive ten years, while those of better quality at least
twenty years. Good seal should not only insulate but also be durable and
present some aesthetic values. Professionals may both renovate and
simultaneously seal the window providing good value for money services. The
investment will bring fast returns thanks to the energy savings, thermal comfort
and the exclusion of noise and dust [10].
4.4. Installation of an additional glass sheet or a composite window
The original window may be left in situ, even if its technical condition
forecloses its repair, through preserving an external window and the installation
of an additional internal division. If the window survived to the present day in
good condition, it is even better, because we receive a double protection from
the weather.
Problems of restoration of window frames in the 19th century industrial facilities ….
Fig. 5. Example of the installation of an additional window. Ludwig Geyer's “Biała
Fabryka” (now Central Museum of Textiles), Łódź. Photo by A. Kurzac.
There is a possibility of supplying the window with additional glazing
along the perimeter of the window wings or doubling the number of wings, or
finally, the installation of the additional glazing of the whole window opening
from the inside or also providing an additional contemporary window. In many
cases, introducing an additional glass sheet is a cheap, workable, and much
more appropriate alternative to the installation of closed double-glazed units. It
may be removed, allowing the original window to operate normally. It also
solves the problem of heat losses and air streams passing through the leakage at
the edges of the glass. Unfortunately, an additional glass sheet is not a popular
option in Poland. The installation of an additional glass is merely an auxiliary,
which may not be sufficient when the original window is in poor condition, but
if connected with the renovation and repair, the results may be surprisingly
Bartosz Walczak, Anna Kurzac
4.5. Replacement of windows
Preservation and restoration of historic elements should always be considered in
the first place as the best option of conduct. Unfortunately, in many cases, the
metalwork is so destroyed that it is not possible to be repaired or maintained
effectively. It also should not be assumed in advance that each window proves
the rank and aesthetics of the object, and thus does not have to be protected at
all costs.
When replacing the windows with new ones, there are numerous
problems which need to be resolved: low stiffness of profiles, which, with a
considerable height of the window, imposes the use of considerably thick
elements, the limited ways of window openings, not to mention the
inconsideration of such details as glazing, fixing or handles.
While deciding on the window replacement, best solutions need to be
applied that combine modern design with historic looks. Manufacturers' offer is
really wide, but only single products are close to historical aesthetics. It should
be emphasized that windows made of super-slim profiles and with the frame
splits referring to solutions used in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
century (multiple columns and beams) are in scarce. Only a few manufacturers
make the effort to elaborate individual solutions tailored to a specific historical
object. And only one company has assembly lines designed purposefully for
historic buildings. While, in most cases, the standard technologies are used for
aluminium windows and their adjustment is limited to only, more or less
successful, decorating the windows with profiles stuck on glass.
Typological features of Lodz factories (including a modest articulation of walls
and a large share of windows in the façade surface) make the window frames
play an important role for the image of the industrial heritage and identity of the
town. Adapting buildings to new functions implies the necessity to adapt them
to modern needs, which usually leads to the replacement of windows. Even
when the divisions and style of old windows are maintained, the original
historic substance is irretrievably lost, depriving them of the authenticity and the
reduction of the educational value of the object. Therefore, any effort should be
made to increase the awareness of the value of historic windows, as well as the
ways of their protection and preservation. At the same time, the increasing
number of manufacturers is producing windows which are very similar to their
original forms.
Problems of restoration of window frames in the 19th century industrial facilities ….
1. Clement P.: Metal Windows w: The Building Conservation Directory,
Cathedral Communications, Tisbury 1997.
2. Kusiński J., Bronisławski R., Janik M.: Księga Fabryk Łodzi, Gdańsk, Jacek
Kusiński 2009.
3. Park S. C.: The Repair and Thermal Upgrading of Historic Steel Windows,
Waszyngton, National Park Service 1984.
4. Millennium w strefie Sacrum; Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Boreckiej w Borku
Starym k/Rzeszowa, Renowacje i zabytki, 01(2011), 154-155.
5. Schneck von A.: Fenster in Holz und Metall, Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann
6. Szygendowski W., Walczak B.: Adaptacje zespołów zabytkowych we
współczesnych realiach społeczno-gospodarczych na przykładzie
dziedzictwa poprzemysłowego Łodzi, w: Adaptacja obiektów zabytkowych
do współczesnych funkcji użytkowych, red. B. Szmygin, Lubelskie
Towarzystwo Naukowe/Międzynarodowa Rada Ochrony Zabytków
ICOMOS/Politechnika Lubelska, Warszawa-Lublin 2009, 137-157.
7. Waite J. G.: The Maintenance and repair of architectural cast iron,
Waszyngton, National Park Service 1991.
8. Energy efficiency and historic buildings. Draught-proofing windows and
doors, English Heritage, 2010.
9. Secondary glazing for Windows, English Heritage, 2010.
10. Draughtproofing and secondary glazing, English Heritage, Londyn 1994.
11. Energy savings, English Heritage, Londyn 1994.
Wstępem do omówienia problematyki historycznej ślusarki okiennej w architekturze
przemysłowej jest osadzenie w kontekście historycznym. Zagadnienie zostanie
omówione na przykładzie łódzkich okien w XIX-wiecznych budynkach przemysłowych,
jak również w kontekście rozwiązań występujących w innych krajach europejskich.
Charakterystyka standardowego okna fabrycznego przestawiona jest w oparciu o analizę
typologiczną. Ocena walorów metalowych okien historycznych jest punktem wyjścia dla
zagadnienia czy i dlaczego należy chronić oryginalną ślusarkę okienną. W pierwszej
kolejności podnieść należy kwestię wpływu ślusarki okiennej na identyfikację zabytku
jako obiektu poprzemysłowego, jak również znaczenie dla tożsamości lokalnej. Zaletom
Bartosz Walczak, Anna Kurzac
estetycznym i technicznym przeciwstawiają się usterki i degradacja okien. W artykule
zostaną omówione główne problemy konserwatorskie dotyczące metalowych okien
historycznych oraz możliwości postępowania z nimi w świetle adaptacji budynków
postindustrialnych oraz konieczności spełniania współczesnych norm budowlanych.
Sposoby ochrony i naprawy metalowych elementów architektonicznych bądź możliwości
wymiany okien na nowe zostaną omówione w oparciu o przegląd łódzkich rozwiązań w
budynkach adaptowanych na nowe funkcje oraz przedstawienie dostępnych obecnie na
rynku ofert okien historyzujących.