

travel guide
su mm er 2012
Ideas and Addresses.
Your guide through the
Editor: Photographs:
Bregenzerwald Tourismus GmbH,
Adolf Bereuter (cover, p. 30/33/46/84/88/92/96/99), Impulszentrum 1135, 6863 Egg
Andreas Riedmiller (p. 8/24/47/53/63/66/71/90/98), Design by:
76/94/103), Ludwig Berchtold (p. 12/13/56/74/85/91), Christoph Lingg (p. 10/17/21/27/28/36/40/41/50/58/72/ broger grafik, Andelsbuch
Warth-Schröcken Tourismus (p. 6), Damüls-Faschina Tourismus (p. 11/19), Tourismusverein Egg (p. 20), Printed by:
Leonhard Jochum (p. 22), Gemeinde Lingenau (p. 25/29), Druckhaus Gössler, Bezau
Georg Schnell (p. 26), Franz Fetz (p. 2/16), Juliana Krump Text by:
(p. 18/55), Monika Albrecht (p. 23), Huber Images (p. 38), (p. 14), Hittisau Tourismus (p. 15/75), Christa Branz Kinz Kommunikation
Abenteuerpark Schröcken (p. 39), Frank Broger (p. 44), Florian Aicher (p. 6–7, 66–67, 68–69, 72–74)
Armin Bischofberger (p. 48), SFG (p. 51), Archiv Almhotel Kurt Bracharz (p. 88–89)
Hochhäderich (p. 52), Peter Mathis (p. 54), Lingenau Tourismus (p. 62), Peter Rohner (p.64), Roswitha Natter Carthography:
(p. 68/93), VKW (p. 70), Bregenzer Festspiele (p. 77), Aries Werbegrafik-Design
Archiv Symphonieorchester Vorarlberg (p. 78), Tiroler Text and planning of hiking routes: Dr. Rudolf Landesmuseum/Innsbruck (p. 80), Hanno Metzler (p. 81), Berchtel
Riefensberg Tourismus (p. 82), Bruno Klomfar (p. 86), © Land Vorarlberg für Geodaten
Archiv Gasthof Schwanen Bizau (p. 95), Maria-Anna Moosbrugger (p. 101), Krumbach Tourismus (p. 102)
Data and prices subject to change. Typographical errors cannot be excluded. Edition: February 2012
land & lives................................... 2
The Bregenzerwald
For your orientation
Living space
Bregenzerwald Guest Card
hiking.............................................. 9
Things to know
Panoramic routes 12
Alp paths 17
Summit tours
Water routes
Cultural tours
Hiking with dogs
active summer............................. 31
Mountain biking & cycling 32
Mountain biking 33
Outdoor specialists
Fishing grounds
Bregenzerwald Golf Park
Indoor & outdoor tennis courts 48
family tips.................................... 49
Rambling with the pram
Kids’ programme
Day trip tips – Around
Lake Constance
barrier free................................ 61
Barrier-free rambling 62
Barrier-free viewing experience 64
culture.......................................... 65
Bregenzerwald Werkraum
Journeys to architecture and
the culture of wood
Everyday culture 72
dairy farming up close
The Vorderwald “Energy Region” 75
Schubertiade Schwarzenberg 76
Bregenz Festival
Vorarlberg Symphony Orchestra 78
Exhibitions & museums
Cabaret & culture
Cultural trips
dining out.................................... 87
Bregenzerwald culinary
delights region 88
BERGGUT – good things from
the Bregenzerwald 91
Culinary hike 92
Exceptional specialties
well-being ................................... 97
Health hotels
Wellness hotels
Water and Moor 101
Vorarlberg........................................ 103
How to reach Vorarlberg............ 104
the bregenzerwald
To start with, let us introduce you to
the Bregenzerwald. Around 30,000
people live here, in 22 villages in
total. The Bregenzerwald locals –
“Wälder” as they are known – are
confident, independent people,
proud of their roots yet receptive to
new things too.
You will notice the successful,
­courageous blend of the traditional
and the modern when you look at
the architecture and experience
the craftsmanship. Both disciplines
are closely interwoven, and are a
symbol of that which the locals
of the ­Bregenzerwald are experts
in: ­appreciation of art, of beauty,
the creation of pleasure, both well
thought-out and practical.
This interplay is both visible and
­perceptible in many places.
Many of the hotels, guest houses and
farms combine the old with the new,
or have been completely rebuilt with
sensitivity in recent years. Wood
plays an essential part in all this. In
the well-tended inns and restaurants,
the chefs are masters of pepping up
regional specialities, making them
into ­magnificent ­creations. Most of
the produce used comes from local
farms. They are all small farms,
and are managed carefully and
­imaginatively by ­families. The bestknown ­Bregenzer­wald speciality is
cheese, especially the tasty alpine
cheese. The informative stations and
delight­­ful events of the KäseStrasse
­Bregenzerwald impart impressions
of cheese culture.
the bregenzerwald
land & lives
dining out
Bregenzerwald Travel Magazine
Tales about the region and interesting people.
barrier free
The Bregenzerwald landscapes are
balsam for the eye – and the soul.
A shapely combination of ­gently
undulating hills, expansive
­plate­aux, romantic river valleys and
­impressive peaks – ideal for active
people and ­lovers of nature. The
farmers are largely responsible for
the maintenance and upkeep of the
cultivated landscape. Typical of the
­Bregenzerwald is the three-layer
cultivation of the fields: (valley –
mountain pasture – high mountain
This brochure is your companion on
your journey of discovery through
the Bregenzerwald. It contains
numerous addresses – from sights
and day-trip destinations – and a
multitude of tips for stimulating
leisure activities: from selected
thematic hiking paths through
to outdoor and family-­orientated
programmes, right through to
pampering wellness days offered by
some of the hotels. We also inform
you about the highlights awaiting
you in our cultural calendar, the
special features of our architecture
and craftsmanship, and share with
you interesting facts about culinary
delights and the Bregenzerwald
cheese culture.
family tips
For a rural region, the cultural calendar in the Bregenzerwald is anything
but provincial! The major festival
in the region is the Schubertiade
Schwarzenberg. Many guests combine visits to the Bregenz ­Festival –
known for its spectacular opera
­performances on the lake stage –
with holidays in the Bregenzerwald.
active summer
Klausberg mountain pasture, Schwarzenberg
for your orientation
2533 m
1495 m
Hoher Ifen
2230 m
2090 m
1676 m
860 m
1025 m
1834 m
800 m
1877 m
929 m
1711 m
1620 m
Balderschwang (D)
1566 m
1066 m
613 m
790 m
1300 m
971 m
662 m
687 m
733 m
781 m
Aach (D)
Oberstaufen (D)
564 m
585 m
695 m
709 m
1015 m
Oberreute (D)
725 m
598 m
1095 m
657 m
1062 m
for your orientation
2403 m
2544 m
2107 m
2649 m
2397 m
2010 m
1486 m
1850 m
land & lives
16 m
1431 m
260 m
2051 m
2095 m
2044 m
2068 m
1705 m
1391 m
734 m
Hoher Freschen
2004 m
681 m
688 m
1208 m
650 m
1182 m
1463 m
612 m
1465 m
1139 m
700 m
family tips
650 m
976 m
721 m
475 m
barrier free
760 m
30 m
Basel (CH)
Zürich (CH)
St. Gallen (CH)
400 m
St. Gallen
dining out
412 m
438 m
active summer
living space
Travelling the Bregenzerwald always
means having to overcome dizzy
heights to start with: from Bregenz
you take the Pfänder, from the Rhine
Valley the valley side which ascends
500 m, from the north you take the
Sulzbergstock, from the east the Riedberg or Hochtannberg pass, from the
south the Furkajoch or Faschinajoch.
spectrum which, right at the start of
tourism, had travellers extolling the
“charming landscape” as an “enclosed
park” whilst at the same time shuddering at the “Siberian exile” on the wild,
upper course of the Ache. A valley area
of contrasts, borders, crossings.
Cross-border experiences also leave
Up and over is the way to go – the most their mark on the locals – they know
how to set themselves apart from
impressive views are from the north
outside. Yet the scarce rural areas
and the west – and a space is revealed
which, in all its diversity, is completely have never been sufficient to feed
the population. The locals had to get
different to all that surrounds it, with
moving, cross borders, leave behind
the Bregenzerache uniting it all. Your
their homes and families. This took
route takes you through gorges and
on many different forms: the nomadic
flat hollows – wide between the hills
existence of alpine animal ­husbandry
of the foothills of the Alps around
Alberschwende and ­Lingenau, narrow (home, mountain pasture, alp →
between the mountains of the foothills page 88), or in the form of seasonal
migrant work, outbound commuting
of the Alps around Andelsbuch and
Bezau, squeezed in between the alpine or even emigration (to America in the
19th century in particular). Flexibility,
peaks of the Kanisfluh, Diedams­
ideas and self-help were essential to
kopf, Zitterklapfen and ­Widderstein
stave off poverty.
around Schnepfau, Au, Schoppernau,
The area was only sparsely populated
Warth and Schröcken. This correlates
for a long time: only plot names
with the division into the Vordergive rise to assumptions about the
wald, ­Mittelwald and Hinterwald
border between Celtic and Rhaeto(front, central and rear regions of the
Romanic cultures. It was not until
­Bregenzerwald) – a topographical
living space
land & lives
barrier free
dining out
This culture has succeeded in maintaining its vitality. Innovation and
flexibility based on the acquired
continue today in initiatives such as
the werkraum (→ page 68) and have
turned the Bregenzerwald into a
model European region.
family tips
Hard cheese and lace
It was during this time that the
region developed in the form you see
today. Rational, mercantile methods
gained importance in agriculture,
desertedness became characteristic
of the Vorderwald to the Mittelwald,
production of hard cheese grew
(alpine dairy → page 72) to such a
sustainable extent that the first dairy
farm school in the Habsburg Empire
was established. The new rulers were
the cheese barons who amassed
staggering wealth with the products
of the new form of agriculture, and
textile manufacturers who supplied
material produced by the textiles
home industry (decoration and
taste → page 73) before the railway
provided factories in the Rhine
valley with workers after 1902. Such
changes were also accompanied by
resistance – Franz Michael Felder,
author and spokesman of the revolt,
is still considered an exceptional
character (Franz Michael Felder
Museum → page 83) in the valley
today, and which is why one’s own
house and home are tenaciously
clung to. New sources of income have
to be continuously developed – the
multitude of manual skills is proof
of this.
active summer
the High Middle Ages that Mehrerau
­Monastery in Bregenz encouraged
the population of the area upwards of
the Bregenzerache. From above, coming the opposite direction, you come
across a second wave of population
with the Walsers. The particle “Wald”
(forest, wood) found in many of the
names of places makes it clear how
undeveloped this settlement area was
for a long time. Naturally, the locals
gladly take advantage of this remoteness: interesting as a hunting ground
at best for the feudal rulers, extensive
autonomy was allowed to develop
which went down in literature as a
“peasants’ republic”. It ended with
the brief Bavarian occupation (1806 –
1814) as a result of the realignment of
Europe by Napoleon.
bregenzerwald guest card
View from the Diedamskopf towards the Vorderwald
There is lots to discover in the
Bregenzer­wald mountains. Rambling
and hiking paths take you to the
loveliest spots, and tell stories. Events
are held. The Bregenzerwald Guest
Card is your “ticket” to these mountain experiences. The Bregenzerwald
Guest Card is available to all visitors
who spend at least three nights in
the Bregenzerwald, and is included
in the accommodation price.
1 May to 31 October 2012
partner municipalities
Alberschwende, Andelsbuch, Au,
Bezau, Bizau, Damüls, Doren, Egg,
­Hittisau, Krumbach, Langenegg,
Lingenau, Mellau, Riefensberg,
Schnepfau, Schoppernau, ­Schröcken,
Schwarzenberg, Sibratsgfäll,
­Sulzberg, Bildstein, Fontanella and
issuing offices
Bregenzerwald Tourismus (Opening
times → see reverse), from all cable
car ­operators and tourist offices in
the partner municipalities.
Includes the following
public buses
“The Bregenzerwald rural bus” as
far as Bregenz and Dornbirn (except
the town bus), Lech, Raggal and
cable cars
• Brüggelekopf chair lift,
• Andelsbuch cable cars
• Bezau cable cars
• Mellau cable cars
• Diedamskopf cable cars,
• Uga Express, Damüls
• Steffisalp Express, Warth
• Großwalsertal cable cars, Sonntag
• Faschina cable cars
swimming pools
Au, Bezau, Egg, Hittisau, Mellau,
Schoppernau, Schwarzenberg
You are also entitled to numerous
reductions from our partners.
land & lives
active summer
barrier free
Hiking and rambling are the best ways to
discover the beauties and mysteries of the
Bregenzerwald. Miles of clearly and uniformly
sign-posted paths take you to alpine ­pastures
where cheese is made, across ­historical
wooden bridges, to magnificent vantage
points, to herb gardens.
family tips
dining out
things to know
Hikers above the mountain pasture settlement of Schönenbach
Uniformly signposted paths and
­hiking maps make it easier to find
your way around the mountains.
Practical: the ramble and hiking
packages offered by Bregenzerwald
Hiking deals
You can book selected hiking deals
directly from Bregenzerwald Tourismus. For more information, see the
Bregenzer­wald Travel Magazine and
Bregenzerwald hiking map
All hiking routes and important
information to do with cable cars,
huts and alpine inns are enclosed
in the hiking map. The hiking map
is available from Bregenzerwald
Tourismus, in tourist offices and in
Signposting of the hiking paths
All hiking paths are clearly and
­uniformly signposted according to
the Vorarlberg hiking path concept.
The hiking paths are divided into
three degrees of difficulty:
Hiking paths on the Internet
Numerous hiking tips and routes
can be found at:
Walking or rambling paths:
Mountain hiking paths:
Non-slip footwear suitable for
wearing in the mountains is
Recommended reading:
“Wanderbuch Bregenzerwald”
by R. Berchtel, ­published by
­Tyrolia Verlag (in German only)
Steep alpine trail: Suitable only
for those with mountain experience, who are sure-footed and
have no fear of heights
things to know
land & lives
dining out
Respect your boundaries
Forests, fields, rivers and lakes offer
precious space for leisure and relaxation activities. Forests in particular
have an important protective function. The Vorarlberg state government’s “Wohngemeinschaft Natur”
initiative to encourage living in
harmony with nature offers locals and
visitors information about how to
deal respectfully with nature. It is in
with this in mind that we also appeal
to you to respect preservation and
conservation areas. The most important recommendations are that you
stay on signposted paths and keep the
countryside clean.
barrier free
Action in the event of an emergency
1. Move the injured person from
the source of danger (rockfall,
­further fall)
2.Check the vital functions
3.Use your mobile to call the emergency services:
• 144 alpine emergencies, ­Vorarlberg
• 112 European emergency number,
from all networks: switch off your
mobile phone, switch back on.
Instead of your PIN, dial »112«
4. Administer First Aid
family tips
For your safety
• The correct equipment is a central
safety factor: mountain or hiking
boots, good outdoor clothing worn
in l­ ayers, a functional top to change
in to, sunglasses and sun cream.
• Don’t embark upon a tour on your
own. Always inform others about
your tour.
• Only set off into the mountains if
you are in good physical condition.
• Take (hot) drinks and a snack
with you.
• Set off in good time so that you
are back when it is still light. It
gets dark relatively early in the
autumn, for example.
• Check the weather forecast before
you set off. Stay in the valley if it is
misty. Should the weather deteriorate, return to the valley.
• Take orientation aids with you: a
hiking map, perhaps an altimeter.
• Stick to signposted paths.
• Applies particularly to tours in the
high mountains: take with you a
bivouac sack, a head light, mobile
phone and First Aid kit.
active summer
At the foot of Ragazer Blanken in Damüls
panoramic routes
The Niedere with a view of the Vorderwald
Andelsbuch – float like a butterfly
Andelsbuch’s very own mountain –
the “Niedere” – is known not only
for its magnificent view from Lake
Constance as far as the Swiss mountains: paragliders also appreciate its
fantastic thermal currents. When
the weather is good, you can see
them floating like bright butterflies
around the mountain and across the
starting point
Andelsbuch mountain station
cable car
Andelsbuch mountain station
cable car
mountain station cable car
(1,530 m) – panoramic circular route
(Baumgartnerhöhe – Niedere Höhe,
1,711 m – Niedere mountain inn) –
mountain station cable car
chances to stop off for
a drink/food
Niedere mountain inn, Baumgarten
panorama restaurant
Difference in altitude: 180 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 1½ hours
Opening times of the cable cars
T +43 (0)5512 2540
panoramic routes
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
Mellau mountain station cable car
Mellau mountain station cable car
mountain station cable car (Roß­
stelle, 1,395 m) – Kanisalpe –
­Kanisfluh (2,044 m) – Wurzachalpe –
Kanisalpe – Roßstelle cable car
chances to stop off for
a drink/food
Wurzachalpe, Kanisalpe (during
the alp season from mid/late June
through to mid-September), inns at
the mountain station
family tips
Mellau – in the land of the ibex
The Kanisfluh is one of the most
striking mountains in the Bregenzer­
wald. The rocky north side is visible
from the valley, the southern slopes
are green and sunlit. It offers the
ideal habitat for ibex as well as for
930 different species of butterfly.
The first part of the hike is easygoing, and follows an agricultural
path. After you have passed the
Kanis alp, the ascent begins on a narrow path which takes you to the top
of the Kanisfluh. To descend, take
the Wurzachalpe option back down
to the mountain station.
active summer
Opening times of the cable cars
T +43 (0)5518 2222-0
dining out
Difference in altitude: 650 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 3½ hours
panoramic routes
Sulzberg with its Empire-style church
Sulzberg – protected by St Lawrence
The gentle panoramic hike at an
­altitude of over 1,000 m takes
you along the nature trail into the
gently undulating hills of the Upper
Bregenzer­wald. The return journey
is taken in good, pleasantly cool
forest air. The church on the village
square, renovated in 1828/29 by
Alois Negrelli, the planner of the
Suez Canal, is worth a visit. The
church, ­constructed in Empire style,
is dedicated to St ­Lawrence, the
patron saint of pub landlords, cooks
and brewers.
starting point
Sulzberg centre of town
Sulzberg centre of town
Sulzberg centre of town (1,013 m) –
­Hochsträß (1,025 m) nature trail –
Sulzberg forest path
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Hochsträßstüble ramblers’ café,
inns in Sulzberg
Difference in altitude: 15 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 1½ hours
panoramic routes
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
Hochhäderich (via Streichbrunnen­
alpe and Lochalpe) –
­Leckenholz­alpen – Reute
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Hochhäderich mountain inn,
Gasthof Alpenrose (Reute)
family tips
Hittisau – along the Nagelfluh rock
face on Hochhäderich
Hochhäderich offers a magnificent view to the north as far as the
Allgäu and, to the south, to the
­Bregenzerwald. You pass large rock
faces made up of Nagelfluh rock
which are very distinct here. In 2008,
15 towns and villages in the border
area of Allgäu and Vorderwald established the “Nagelfluhkette National
Park” which covers an area of around
400 km².
active summer
Nagelfluhkette National Park
dining out
Difference in altitude: 735 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: approx. 3 ¼ hours
panoramic routes
Älpele, toward Lustenauer Hütte
Schwarzenberg – “Legend” walk
Legend says the blessed siblings
Merbod, Diedo and Ilga were born into
the line of the 11th century Counts of
Bregenz. The siblings devoted their
lives to prayer. Weeping, Ilga said
her final farewell to her brothers on
Lorena. As her tears fell to earth, a
spring appeared. Another appeared on
Berghalde, after Ilga spilled some water
near her hermitage.
The spring’s water is still thought
to have healing properties – those
­afflicted with eye diseases in ­particular
make pilgrimages to the spring to
sprinkle their eyes with the water.
starting point
Berghof Fetz, Bödele
Berghof Fetz, Bödele
via Bödele Paßhöhe – Oberer Geiß­
kopf – Bergvorsäß – Breitentobel Alp –
Lorena Pass – short detour towards
Maien to Klopfbrunnen (spring) –
return to the fork at Lorena Pass –
Unterer Geißkopf – Oberer Geißkopf –
Bödele Paßhöhe
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Berghof Fetz, Frohe Aussicht
Difference in altitude: 390 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 2 hours
alp paths
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
car park Schönenbach
car park Schönenbach
car park Schönenbach –
­Schönenbachvorsäß (1,020 m) –
Unterspitzalpe – ­Almisguntenalpe –
Stoggerten­nalpe (1,500 m) –
Ostergunten­alpe – direction
Kretzbodenalpe to Hänslervorsäß –
car park
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Egender inn and alps (during the alp
season from mid/late June through
to mid-September)
family tips
Bezau – from the loveliest mountain
pasture to the alp
Schönebach is only inhabited from
June to September, and is one of the
loveliest mountain pasture settlements in Vorarlberg. The village
is located on a plateau between
the Hirschberg and the Diedams­
kopf, home to a meandering
brook. The ramble takes you to the
Almisgunten­alpe, which lies isolated
in a col beneath the Diedamskopf.
Just before the newly built Stogger­
tenn alpine hut, you arrive at the
highest point on the ramble. The
path along the Osterguntenbach
takes you down to the car park.
active summer
Mountain pasture settlement, Schönenbach
dining out
Difference in altitude: 530 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 3½ hours
alp paths
Lecknersee in Lecknertal
Hittisau – the village with most alps
The Lecknertal is located in Hittisau,
the village with the most alps in
­Austria. A toll road takes you to the
hiking car park. The route takes you
along the sunny slope of the Hochhäderich-Hochgrat mountain range
up to the Rohnehöhe (at 1,639 m).
It is worth taking a short detour
to the nearby Lecknersee. Along
this mountain hiking path – whose
660 m difference in altitude makes
it hard-going – are six alps, four of
which are where milk is processed
there and then.
starting point
car park Lecknertal
car park Lecknertal
car park Lecknertal (980 m) –
Juliansplattealpe – Schwarzenberger
­Plattealpe – Plattentischalpe –
­Rohnehöhe (1,639 m) – Rohnealpe –
Glockenplattealpe – car park
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
alps (during the alp season from
mid/late June through to mid-­
September), Höfle inn
Difference in altitude: 660 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 4½ hours
alp paths
land & lives
dining out
Opening times of the cable cars
T +43 (0)5510 600
Difference in altitude: 700 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 4½ hours
barrier free
starting point
Damüls-mountain station
Damüls centre or valley station
Uga Express
mountain station Uga-Express
(1,800 m) – Ugaalpe – Hochblanken
(2,068 m) – Ragazer Blanken (2,051 m) –
Sünser Joch – Oberdamülser Alpe –
Damüls (1,430 m)
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
mountain inn ­Elsenalpstube,
­mountain inn Ugaalpe,
Oberdamülser­alpe (­during the
alp season from early July to late
­September), inns in Damüls
family tips
Damüls – around the Wals settlement
At an altitude of over 1,800 m, the
Damüls circular tour starts with
two peak crossings. After walking
for about 1¼ hours, you reach the
Hochblanken and then follow the
mountain ridge at an altitude of
almost 2,000 m for about 45 minutes
until you reach the peak of the Ragazer Blanken. From here, the descent
commences: via the Sünser pass as
far as the Oberdamüls alp and on
to Damüls. The mountain church in
Damüls, with its exceptional fresco
wall-painting depicting the Biblia
pauperum dating back to 1484, is well
worth a visit.
active summer
The mountain church in Damüls
alp paths
Alp Obere Falz
Egg – Falzalpen circuit walk
The route leads from the ski and
hiking district of Schetteregg into
the mountain pasture districts of
Eggatsberg and Hammeratsberg,
where one can see many traditional
Bregenzerwald-style mountain
pasture cabins. A little later, one
arrives at the Alp Untere Falz, which
offers a fine view of the mountains
to the south, Bullerschkopf and
Winterstaude. The trail leads up to
the Alp Obere Falz, continues over
the Alp Brongen and back to the
starting point at Schetteregg. There
is active farming in the alps from
June through mid-September.
starting point
car park Schetteregg
car park Schetteregg
Schetteregg (1,066 m) – Eggatsberg –
Hammeratsberg – Alp Untere Falz –
Alp Obere Falz (1,217 m) – Brongen
Alp – Schetteregg
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Alp Untere Falz, Alp Obere Falz,
Brongen Alp, Gasthof Jokler,
Gasthof Schetteregger Hof
Difference in altitude: 236 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: approx. 2 hours
summit tours
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
Au-tourist office
Au-tourist office
Au-Argenau (tourist office 810 m) –
Bodenvorsäß – Annalperaualpe –
Zitterklapfen (2,403 m) – return to Au
via the same way
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Inns in Au, Bergkristall hut (at
family tips
Au – climbing up to the Zitterklapfen
The Zitterklapfen is one of the most
beautiful mountain peaks in the
­Bregenzerwald, with an impressive panorama. At the end of the
idyllic Dürrenbachtal, the rocky
massif arises. The first section takes
you along a windy agricultural
path in the forest up as far as the
­Annalperaualpe. It is here that the
mountain hiking path commences.
The final section in the rock to the
peak demands that climbers be surefooted and not afraid of heights. The
length and the difference in altitude make this into a very arduous
­mountain tour!
active summer
Ascent to Zitterklapfen
dining out
Difference in altitude: 1,600 m
Trail category: white-blue-white
Total hiking time: 9½ hours
summit tours
Schröcken – up to the highest point
The Braunarlspitze is the highest
mountain in the Bregenzerwald.
An agricultural path leads from
Schröcken to the Fellealpe. This is
the start of the mountain hiking
path to the Fürggele, a pass to the
Große Walsertal. From here, the
alpine trail (which demands that
hikers be sure-footed and not afraid
of heights) takes you through the
rocky part up to the peak, continues
to the idyllic Butzensee and, via
the Jägersteig, back to the Fellealpe.
From here, you take the same path
back to Schröcken.
starting point
Schröcken-centre of town
Schröcken-centre of town
Schröcken-centre of town
(1,250 m) – Fellealpe – Fürggele –
­Braunarlspitze (2,649 m) –
­Butzensee – Jägersteig – Schröcken
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Schröcken
Difference in altitude: 1,400 m
Trail category: white-blue-white
Total hiking time: approx. 8½ hours
water routes
land & lives
A detailed brochure is available at
the tourist office.
dining out
Difference in altitude: 260 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 2½ hours
The volume of poems by Birgit
Rietzler invites you to a literary
hike through Auer Ried:
“Berberitzen” puts in words the
externally visible and the internally perceptible. Available in the
tourist information offices in Au
and Schoppernau.
barrier free
starting point
Au parish church
Au parish church
Au-Jaghausen (parish church,
791 m) – Auer Ried (1,050 m) nature
trail (via Argenbachtal) – Jaghausen
parish church
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Au
family tips
Au – delicate plants and wooden huts
The path leads you from the Argen
gorge into the Auer Ried nature
reserve. The power of water, geology,
nature conservation, ancient cultivated landscapes and the mighty
Kanisfluh provide the subjects and
the stations of the hike for those
interested in nature. Over 50 rare
species of plant thrive in the Auer
Ried. Watercourses, gallery forests
and damp biotopes run through the
humid rough pastures and upland
hay meadows with their numerous
characteristic old hay huts.
active summer
Auer Ried with the Kanisfluh in the background
water routes
Covered wooden bridge, close to Hittisau
Hittisau – across bridges,
through the gorge
At the end of the Ice Age, a lake
emerged at the foot of the Hochhäderich. The Bolgenach carved its
path out of the cliffs which formed
the “dam wall” of the lake. And so
the Komma gorge arose. For almost
300 years, the Komma bridge has
been crossing the river and the
gorge at a height of 15 m: this bridge
is the oldest covered bridge in the
­province. Along the Bolgenach, the
water ramble takes you across a
suspension bridge, past the wild yet
romantic Engenloch gorge.
starting point
Hittisau-centre of town
Hittisau-centre of town
Hittisau-centre of town (790 m) –
Känzele View (Häleisen, 820 m) –
Kommabrücke (760 m) – Engenlochschlucht – Hittisau
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Hittisau
Difference in altitude: 60 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 1½ hours
Detailed directions are available
from the tourist office.
water routes
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
Lingenau swimming pool car park
Lingenau swimming pool car park
Lingenau swimming pool car park
(680 m) – calc-tufa nature trail
(610 m) – Rain – St. Anna chapel –
car park swimming pool
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Lingenau
family tips
Lingenau – when water turns to stones
The calc-tufa in Lingenau is one of
the most unique calc-tufa ­formations
north of the Alps, making it one of
the outstanding geological phenomena in Vorarlberg. The water flows in
small flumes over rocks as far as the
­riverbed of the Subersach, forming
canopies and sinter curtains. Five
information boards describe the
­geology and ­vegetation of this spectacle of nature. The nature trail takes
you mainly across a passable gravel
path with wooden bridges and steps.
active summer
Calc-tufa area in Lingenau
Detailed directions are available
from the tourist office. The wooden
bridges can be slippery when wet.
dining out
Difference in altitude: 70 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 1½ hours
cultural tours
Tannberg bench at Schöneberg
Warth-Schröcken – on the trail
of the Walsers
The villages of Lech, Schröcken
and Warth are typical Walser
­settlements. In the 14th century, the
Tannberg area was populated by the
Walsers, who came from the West
Swiss canton of Valais. In cultivating
the alpine terrain, these pioneers
developed a first-rate, fascinating cultivated landscape. Robust
benches point out the stations along
the trail. A book is available which
describes the objects that tell the
history of the Walser settlers on the
starting point
Schröcken parish church
Schröcken – Alpe Felle – Auenfeld –
Körbersee – Hochtannbergpass –
the old salt road to Warth
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Hotel Körbersee, inns in Schröcken
and Warth
Difference in altitude: 450 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 4 hours
Opening times of the cable cars
T +43 (0)5583 3601-0
Detailed documentation in the form
of a book is available from the tourist offices in Lech, Schröcken and
cultural tours
land & lives
dining out
A detailed brochure is available
from the tourist offices in Au and
Difference in altitude:
approx. 750 m long tour,
approx. 350 m short tour
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time:
Long tour approx. 6 hours,
Short tour approx. 2 hours.
barrier free
starting point
Au/Rehmen church
Au/Rehmen church
Long tour:
Au/Rehmen church – Berbigen mountain pasture – Upper Sattel­alpe –
Liegstein – Alpe Sattelegg – Wika –
Holand – Au/Rehmen church
Short tour:
Au/Rehmen church – Berbigen
­mountain pasture – Wika –
Au/­Rehmen church
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Au, Alpe Sattelegg (from midJune to early September)
family tips
Au-Schoppernau – “Alpgang”
Insights into farming in the
­Bregenzerwald are afforded by the 14
stations on the “Alpgang” thematic
trail. For economical reasons and in
order to maintain the mountain’s
sensitive nature, farmers in the
Bregenzerwald have been farming
their fields in several stages for hundreds of years: in the early summer,
Alpine dairymen and their cows leave
the valley and head for the mountain.
They spend the summer on the high
mountain pasture, and return to the
mountain pasture in the autumn,
and finally back to the valley. Texts
on life in the alps and the cultivated
landscape are to be found in stones.
active summer
Hay landscape in Au
cultural tours
Barefoot spiral in Langenegg
Langenegg – energy hike
For years, the village of Langenegg
has been involved in sustainability,
and the protection of energy and
the ­climate. In 2010, Langenegg
was ­awarded the European Village
­Renewal prize. The various “energy
portal paths” make energy comprehensible, and hands-on. The hike
starts at the village hall. Through the
red portals, it takes visitors to the
sundial, and through the Wind and
Water Portal with its energy works. At
the Hotel Krone, the trail crosses the
country road and continues to the
Mythical Portal: modelled on a small
coliseum, the spot in the forest offers
sufficient space for delivering myths
and oral traditions. Continue along
the forest trail to the Tranquillity
Portal with its barefoot ­spiral made
from natural materials. A wooden
swing and comfortable wooden loungers invite you to rest and relax a while.
The cool hiking path through the
forest, which follows the white-redwhite signposts through the lovely
marshland and flora, offers the chance
to hike further downwards towards
the mouth of the Weissach. Now the
lovely Achtal leads to the art portals
created by wood artists along the
Bregenzerache. From the old station,
the trail takes you back along the road
into the centre.
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Langenegg
Difference in altitude: 230 m
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time: 3 hours
Tourist office Langenegg
T +43 (0)5513 4101-14
cultural tours
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
Lingenau village square
Lingenau village square
Long tour: 19 stations with forest
room, Nagelfluh arena and Bruggmoos as the highlights
Short tour: 12 stations
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Lingenau
family tips
Lingenau – Rotenberg wood
thematic trail
Rotenberg wood is the property of
170 owners – one of the smallest
structured forests in Austria. The
thematic trail comprises 20 stations,
a forest room, an upland moor, and
a natural arena of Nagelfluh. Forest
path, root path, woodland path,
mud pits and stone steps follow one
active summer
Rotenberg wood thematic trail
A detailed brochure is available
from the tourist office in Lingenau.
dining out
Difference in altitude:
approx. 270 m long tour,
approx. 230 m short tour
Trail category: white-red-white
Total hiking time:
Long tour approx. 3 ½ hours,
Short tour approx. 2 hours.
hiking with dogs
Out and about with dogs
Man and his best friend can benefit
from taking a hike together. Both
see, experience and learn new things.
Especially when guided by an expert.
Trainers Christoph Rüscher and
Erwin Kohler have long since “gone
to the dogs”, literally! They are also
hiking guides, mountain rescuers,
agility and companion dog examiners. Together, they offer specific dog
training in the heart of the Bregenzerwald mountains, since hiking
in the mountains with your own
dog can intensify the relationship
between man and his dog.
Early summer hike
21 to 24 June 2012
4 guided hikes with Lexlupo-Tierkommunikation (dog trainers);
3 nights’ accommodation in a hotel
incl. half board
Adventure hike
9 to 10 July 2012
Guided adventure hike with overnight camping and baggage shuttle
Summer hiking day
19 August 2012
Length: approx. 4 to 5 hrs
(independent of weather)
Price per person: € 45.00
also on offer
Crossing the Alps, Alpine trekking,
Alpine tour, communications course,
dog training school of a very special
kind, dog accommodation
T +43 (0)5515 2311
land & lives
active summer
barrier free
There are only a few regions in the world where
you can try out and perfect so many different
types of sports. Outdoor specialists accompany
you to ensure your safety when you go mountain
biking, rafting, paragliding, caving, canyoning
and climbing.
family tips
active summer
dining out
mountain biking & cycling
2 12
4 10
5 11
6 13
mountain biking
land & lives
7: tannberg tour
Distance: 15.5 km
Difference in altitude: 650 m
Highest point: 1,792 m
Starting point: Schröcken
8: brüggele-kaltenbrunnen
Distance: 11.3 km
Difference in altitude: 405 m
Highest point: 1,090 m
Starting point: Alberschwende
dining out
3: balderschwang tour
Distance: 24.5 km
Difference in altitude: 700 m
Highest point: 1,434 m
Starting point: Sibratsgfäll
6: mellental tour
Distance: 17.8 km
Difference in altitude: 700 m
Highest point: 1,325 m
Starting point: Mellau
2: schetteregg tour
Distance: 20.2 km
Difference in altitude: 580 m
Highest point: 1,080 m
Starting point: Egg
5: weissfluh tour
Distance: 21.4 km
Difference in altitude: 795 m
Highest point: 1,367 m
Starting point: Bezau
barrier free
Mountain bike tours for beginners
1: hochhäderich tour
Distance: 21.2 km
Difference in altitude: 790 m
Highest point: 1,520 m
Starting point: Hittisau
4: berchtoldshöhe
Distance: 20.5 km
Difference in altitude: 700 m
Highest point: 1,154 m
Starting point: Andelsbuch
family tips
The Bregenzerwald is still something
of an inside tip for mountain bikers:
The wide range of easy and highly
demanding tours is exceptional.
Many of the trails follow the tracks
of the locals’ way of life: to mountain pastures and high mountain
pastures, the home of the delicious
Bregenzerwald alpine cheese. The
following describes 15 recommended
tours for beginners, the advanced
and professionals.
active summer
Mountain bike tour in the Kanisfluh area
mountain biking
ountain bike tours for
the advanced
9: around the mittagsfluh
Distance: 28.3 km
Difference in altitude: 900 m
Highest point: 1,440 m
Starting point: Bizau
Mountain bike tour for professionals
15: diedamskopfneuhornbach haus
Distance: 25 km
Difference in altitude: 1,370 m
Highest point: 2,020 m
Starting point: Schoppernau
10: schetteregg-schreiberesattel
Distance: 38.3 km
Difference in altitude: 1,330 m
Highest point: 1,526 m
Starting point: Andelsbuch
Safety advice
Mountain bike routes take you
through terrain which requires a
great deal of responsibility from the
biker. Our recommendations for correct conduct in the mountains:
11: schönenbach-schreiberesattel • Responsible cycling at controlled
speeds and at reduced visibility,
Distance: 31.5 km
especially in bends, since obstacles
Difference in altitude: 1,200 m
must be reckoned with at all times!
Highest point: 1,526 m
• Hikers and pedestrians have right
Starting point: Bezau
of way. Considerate overtaking is
done at a walking pace.
12: around the winterstaude
• Agriculture and forestry have right
Distance: 42.8 km
of way on the usable paths. Please
Difference in altitude: 1,050 m
always close gates behind you and
Highest point: 1,080 m
respect any temporarily closed
Starting point: Egg
• Do not leave the planned, sign13: around the kanisfluh
posted paths. This helps preserve
Distance: 33.1 km
natural and wild habitats (→ p. 11).
Difference in altitude: 1,200 m
• Good planning of a tour takes into
Highest point: 1,610 m
consideration the degree of difStarting point: Mellau
ficulty of the route and the cyclist’s
ability. This also includes helmet,
14: damüls tour
protective equipment and a techniDistance: 33.8 km
cally perfect mountain bike.
Difference in altitude: 1,300 m
Highest point: 1,800 m
Starting point: Au
Detailed descriptions of the tours
are enclosed in the mountain bike
map of Bregenzerwald (available
from Bregenzerwald Tourismus, in
the tourist information offices and
in some sports shops) and at
Package deals on offer
Make your selection from our
package deals for mountain b
­ ikers.
for package deals, which you can
also book directly from the website.
mountain biking
barrier free
Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Karl Heinz Bischof
T +43 (0)664 5189929
Andreas Erath
T +43 (0)664 4182858
Guided half- and full-day tours with
our trained bike guides.
family tips
Alpinschule Widderstein
Christian Fritz
T +43 (0)660 2149207
Transalp, downhill, road bike tours,
guided mountain bike tours from
easy to difficult, technique training
active summer
dining out
Outdoor Input for Life
Lutz Schmelzinger
T +43 (0)676 7837878
Half or full-day tours from the gentle “sightseeing” category through to
the demanding freeride tour, mountain bike adventure days with individual cycling technique training
and realisation, GPS data material
and rental of GPS equipment with
tracks from the Bregenzer­wald.
Michael Breuss
T +43 (0)664 4035763
Guided half and full-day tours,
cycling technique training
Bike-Parcours Andelsbuch
Andelsbuch Tourismus
T +43 (0)5512 2565
On the mountain bike course at
Gasthof Ritter, mountain bikers learn
how to improve their technique. The
course is suitable for both beginners
and advanced cyclists.
Peter Steyrer
T +43 (0)650 7811568
Cycling technique training, individual tour planning for half and
­full-day tours (from 3 people),
mountain bike rental.
land & lives
Cycling technique training
and guided Mountain bike
and road bike tours
“bike guide bregenzerwald”
Georg Felder, Karlheinz Kaufmann,
Veronika Kaufmann, Werner Geiger,
Christian Reich
Tuesday and Friday (8 May to 12
October 2012): guided mountain bike
and racing bike tours (booking the
evening before in the local tourist
information office), cycling technique training
Mellau‘s Engevorsäß
Most of the villages in the
­Bregenzerwald are located on
­expansive valley floors, making
them ideal terrain for journeys of
discovery by bicycle. Rented bikes are
available at various locations.
Tried and tested in several towns –
and now also possible in the
Bregenzer­wald: in Egg, Andelsbuch,
Bezau, ­Mellau, Bizau, Schnepfau, Au
and Schoppernau, there are rental
points where you can easily rent a
bike with basket for up to 24 hours.
You simply return the bike to any
rental point you like.
rental points
Egg (Impulszentrum), Andelsbuch
(Cable car, village hall, Bersbuch
Wälderbähnle station), Bezau (Station, secondary school and Bezau
cable car), ­Mellau (village hall), Bizau
(church), ­Schnepfau (school), Au
(village hall, Rehmen church), Schoppernau (village hall, valley station,
Price: € 1 per hour
€ 5 for 24 hours
E-bike rental available from the
following firms:
Intersport Spettel, Hittisau
T +43 (0)5513 6341
Sport Fuchs, Au
T +43 (0)5515 2315
Sport Broger, Mellau
T +43 (0)5518 2240
manis rent sport center, Damüls
T +43 (0)699 12 10 96 30
Elektro Vögel, Sulzberg
T +43 (0)664 41 22 295
Rohrmoostal cycle path
The scenic cycle tour leaves the
church in Sibratsgfäll in the
direction of Rindberg. The road is
car-free from the national ­border.
The tour takes you past the impressive Gottes­ackerwände as far as the
nature reserve. The less fit amongst
the cyclists can push their bicycles up the 800-metre slope. The
next stage of the tour is flat, and
takes you to the Aibele alp which
is licensed (mid-June to mid-September). 2 km later, you pass the
watershed between the North Sea
and the Black Sea, and one kilometre
on you arrive at the Rohrmoos plot.
Here, you can visit Germany’s oldest
wooden church. The way back takes
you along the same route, but with
different views.
Cycling time is approx. 2 hours.
Apart from 1 km of gravel road
to Café Alpenrose, all roads are
Total distance (one way): 13 km
active summer
family tips
barrier free
Krumbach cycle path
From the direction of Langenegg,
the cycle path commences from the
­Wolfbühl plot, and takes you across
Salgenreuthe, Au and Halden into
the centre of the village. From here,
you can continue to Hittisau or
Total distance (one way): 5 km
land & lives
Egg – Schoppernau cycle path
From Egg, the Bregenzerwald cycle
path takes you across the former
railway line of the Bregenzerwald
railway, as far as Andelsbuch
reservoir, and continues through
Bersbuch. From here, a cycle path
runs parallel to the L 200 as far as
the start of the village of ReutheBaien. Quiet side streets take you to
Bezau. There, ­follow the cycle path
along the L 200 as far as Mellau.
Then you need to cross the L 200.
In Mellau, the cycle path takes you
through the village, to the Mellau
cable cars, as far as Hirschau, where
an underpass goes underneath the
L 200. In Schnepfau, go over the
bridge, arriving once again at the left
bank of the Bregenzerache, where
the most scenic cycle path section
along the Bregenzerache as far as Au
­commences. The cycle path follows
the Bregenzerache from the start of
Au as far as Schoppernau.
Taking it easy, you need about
4 hours for the return journey.
Total distance (one way):
approx. 30 km
dining out
Damüls forest rope course
Beginner or expert, young or not so
young: the Bregenzerwald’s climbing
and rope courses offer the perfect
training grounds.
Au-Schnepfau climbing garden
Degree of difficulty: 3 – 8
Lovely sun plateau, charming
schratten­kalk ledge with several
Schwarzenberg climbing garden
Length/height: approx. 30 m
Degree of difficulty: 3 – 7
Climbing is free of charge, at
your own risk (route topos,
­equipment rental at Sport Fink
T +43 (0)5512 2918)
Schrofenwies climbing garden
in Warth
Length/height: 20 m
Degree of difficulty: 4 – 8
31 secured routes, Via ferrata to practice, children under supervision of a
skilled adult, barbeque station
Starting point: the car park
­Schrofenwies Lechleiten, topo available at the Warth-Schröcken tourist
Mindelheim via ferrata in Warth
Degree of difficulty: medium
Walking time: approx. 2½ hours to
the start – from Warth-Lechleiten
Difference in altitude: approx. 200 m
Karhorn Warth via ferrata,
East and west ridge
Length/height: 1,200 m
Degree of difficulty: medium to
­difficult (B to C)
Walking time: 2 – 4 hours
Difference in altitude: 250 m
Starting point/end: ascent with
the Steffisalp cable car (walking
time to the start, approx. 45 min) –
­Karhorn peak
Klettergarten Bürstegg (climbing
­garden) between Lech and Warth
Length/height: 20 m
Degree of difficulty: 4 – 8
28 secured routes
Starting point: 300 m adjacent to
“Bürstegg” service road on Hauptstraße in the direction of Warth, left
by the automobile bridge, approx. 20
min. through the woods (elev. gain:
150 m), topo available at the WarthSchröcken and Lech-Zürs tourist
land & lives
dining out
K1 climbing hall, Dornbirn
2,000 m2 indoor climbing area,
400 m2 boulder area, 600 m2
outdoor climbing area, climbing
courses, taster courses, competitions, therapy programmes
Schröcken adventure park
For beginners and experts. Climbing
adventure above water, in the forest,
on rocks. 42 rope courses, 3 Flying
Fox slides, Climbing at a height of
3 – 15 m, exciting team facilities.
Alpinschule Schröcken
Josef Staggl
T +43 (0)664 2525200
or +43 (0)664 7575500
barrier free
Flying-Fox Warth
On the Flying Fox slide (500 m long,
70 m high, 4 slides) which crosses
the border between Vorarlberg and
Tyrol, you glide down into the valley – wearing of course the correct
safety equipment (helmet, harness,
sling, pulley).
Alpinschule Widderstein &
Christian Fritz
T +43 (0)660 2149207
scheduled by appointment
family tips
Damüls forest rope course
At a height of between 2 and 10
metres, ropes are stretched out
between the trees and various obstacles erected: the idea is to overcome
them. The highlight is the Flying
Fox slide (approx. 200 m long). The
course is suitable for all age groups,
from the beginner through to the
expert. ­Programmes can be compiled for small and large groups.
Thomas Schäfer
T +43 (0)5510 322
active summer
Flying Fox Park Safari Schröcken
outdoor specialists
Ascent to the Braunarlspitze
The Bregenzerwald outdoor specialists offer both the playful and the
adventurous. They offer expert
guided tours in the countryside.
Alpinschule Schröcken
Josef Staggl
T +43 (0)664 2525200
•Climbing for children, introduction
to via ferrate for the whole family
•Adventure days for children,
­families and groups, wilderness
camp for youths
•Canyon tours, tours over several
•Schröcken adventure park
• Guided hikes
Alpinschule Widderstein &
Christian Fritz
T +43 (0)660 2149207
•Canyoning, rafting in a Canadian
•White-water swimming at Lechweg, climbing courses, via ferrata
•Alpine climbing tours, thematic
hikes, adventure week
•Flying Fox slide
outdoor specialists
land & lives
barrier free
HIGH 5 outdoor GmbH
T +43 (0)5513 4140
Bungee – 106 m, rafting, canoeing,
canyoning, outdoor course – Outdoor and more
Jürgen Strolz
T +43 (0)664 3801540
Canyoning tours for families,
­beginners and professionals alike;
adventure days for children and
youths, Group events for companies and clubs, weekend deals
including outdoor programme and
family tips
outdoor input for life
T +43 (0)676 7837878
Canoe and (fun) kayak tours on
­Bregenzerache, guided cave tours
in Schneckenlochhöhle, mountain
bike tours
active summer
Water sports on the Bregenzerache
14th Doren 10-hour Bike Event and
5th Doren Running Event
31 August and 1 September 2012
Seven summit tour
7 border mountains, 50 kilometres
and approx. 4000 metres elevation
gain on a single day. Event proceeds
benefit the international relief organisation ROKPA.
Date: 7 September 2012
Start/Finish: Holzschopf café bar in
dining out
Hill Climb mountain biking and
mountain running challenge | 1,170
metres elevation gain | 10 km
Date: 5 August 2012
For your orientation – fishing grounds: Data subjet to change. Detailed maps and information about fishing groud boundaries are available from issuing offices.
fishing grounds
fishing grounds
6: subersach 2
Season: 1 May to 30 September
Fishing club: Mittelbregenzerwald
Ticket sales: Flyfishing ­Elmenreich,
Egg, T +43 (0)664 4146482
Special features: exclusively
barrier free
2: fishing rotach
Season: 1 June to 31 August
Fishing club: Doren
T +43 (0)5516 2018
Ticket sales: village hall Doren
Special features: Fly-rod/spin-rod
fishing, only fly fishing, no live bait
family tips
5: subersach 1
Season: 1 May to ­­­30 September
­­­Fishing club: ­Mittelbregenzerwald
Ticket sales: Flyfishing ­Elmenreich,
Egg, T +43 (0)664 4146482, village
hall Egg, Lingenau, Hittisau and the
inn Nussbaumer Sibratsgfäll
Special features: fly-fishing: in the
Sibratsgfäll section, blinkers with
one hook without barb allowed.
active summer
1: bregenzerache from
­kennelbach to lingenau
Season: 1 May to 15 September
Fishing club: Bregenz
Ticket sales: Tourist offices in
­Alberschwende, Doren, Egg village
hall, Krumbach, Langenegg, Lingenau, Riefensberg
Special features: ban on live bait,
triple hooks
4: bolgenach 2 (with reservoir)
Season: 1 April to 30 September
Fishing club: Hittisau
T +43 (0)5513 620914
Ticket sales: village hall Hittisau
Special features: only for guests
from Hittisau
3: weissach 2
Season: 1 May to 15 September
Fishing club: Bregenz
Ticket sales: Tourist offices
Alberschwende, Doren, Krumbach,
Langenegg, Lingenau, Riefensberg
Special features: Ban on live bait,
triple hooks
land & lives
The Bregenzerwald’s rivers, streams
and lakes are ideal fishing grounds.
Fly-fishermen also discover lovely
fishing grounds. The waters in the
Bregenzerwald are classified as the
trout region. The main fish here is
the brown trout, although the odd
rainbow trout and grayling can also
be found. Day tickets are available
for all the listed fishing grounds:
­prices range between approx. € 15
and € 35. Precise information about
fishing limits, minimum fish lengths,
fishing ground boundaries, etc. is
available from the appropriate issuing offices.
dining out
Fishing club Mittelbregenzerwald:
Flyfishing Elmenreich:
Fishing Association for the State of Vorarlberg:­­­
fishing grounds
Fly-fishing in Schönenbach
7: rubach
Season: 1 June to 15 September
Ticket sales: village hall Sibratsgfäll
T +43 (0)5513 2112
8: bregenzerache in egg
Season: 1 May to 31 August
Managed by: fishing club Egg
Ticket sales: village hall Egg,
T +43 (0)5512 2216-12
Special features: Only fishing with
one angling rod and one bite site
allowed, above the waterfall —
upriver to property line – exclusively
fly-fishing territory. 18 or older, Egg
as primary place of residence or
guests in Egg (with Guest Card)
9: bregenzerache from
andelsbuch to bezau
Season: 1 May to 30 September
Fishing club: ­Mittelbregenzerwald
Ticket sales: Flyfishing ­Elmenreich,
Egg, T +43 (0)664 4146482
Special features: exclusively
10: bezegg stausee andelsbuch
Season: 1 June to 30 September
Managed by: T +43 (0)5512 2565
Ticket sales: tourist office
Special features: ticket sales only
with fishing permit, ban on live bait
11: trout pond at the
Season: 1 May – 30 September daily
from 12 noon, Sundays from 11 a.m.
Managed by: Family Felder
T +43 (0)664 9551652
At the Felder family in Bersbuch,
right next to Bregenzerache, families
discover a small idyll for p­­assing the
time, a beer garden and the chance
to bathe in natural water. Fresh trout,
smoked trout or trout fried in butter
served with home-made potato salad
are the specialities offered here.
12: bregenzerache in
bezau/­reuthe and schnepfau
Season: 1 May to 30 September
Managed by: fishing club Bezau/
Ticket sales: tourist office Bezau
Special features: only for guests and
locals from Bezau/Reuthe and Bizau
barrier free
dining out
17: krumbach with bregetzbach
and argenbach in damüls
Season: 16 June to 30 September
Managed by: village hall Damüls,
Hotel Adler, Damüls,
T +43 (0)5510 6210
Ticket sales: village hall Damüls
Special features: sold only with
guest card/Bregenzerwald Guest Card
20: seebachsee – dorfsee warth
Season: end June to late September
Fishing club: village Warth
T +43 (0)5583 3515
Ticket sales: tourist office Warth
Special features: day ticket, fishing
family tips
16: bregenzerache/argenbach in
Season: early May to mid September
Fishing club: Au, T +43 (0)5515 2288
Ticket sales: tourist office Au, fish
pond Au, Hotel Krone in Au
19: bregenzerache in schröcken
Season: May to late September
Managed by: Fischerei
­Interessenschaft (fishing club)
Ticket sales: tourist office ­Schröcken,
T +43 (0)5519 2670
Special features: day ticket, fishing
active summer
15: bregenzerache in schnepfau
Season: April to September
Ticket sales: at the village hall – for
residents and guests with 3-day min.
length of stay
T +43 (0)5518 2114
18: bregenzerache in schoppernau
Season: mid May to early September
Fishing club: Schoppernau
T +43 (0)5515 2495
Ticket sales: tourist office
14: bregenzerache in mellau
Season: 1 May to 30 September
Fishing supervisor: Bertram Haller
T +43 (0)5518 2875
Ticket sales: tourist office Mellau,
Hotel Engel, Lara petrol station
land & lives
13: bizauer bach
Season: 1 May to 30 September
Managed by: fishing club Bezau/
Ticket sales: tourist office Bizau,
T +43 (0)5514 2129
Special features: only guests in Bizau
from 3 nights’accommodation
fishing grounds
Pleasant thermal conditions enable great flying experiences
The Bregenzerwald flying area
(­Niedere close to Bezau-Andelsbuch
and Diedamskopf close to Au-­
Schoppernau) is well-known for its
laminar upwind and its pleasant
thermal conditions.
Ever since paragliding started,
­Bregenzerwald flying school has
been training pilots in the perfect
terrain for it. The high-altitude
sites in Andelsbuch, Bezau and
on Diedamskopf present a multitude of opportunities, launching
sites in practically any direction, a
fantastic view of Bregenzerwald, its
mountains, and the region of Lake
Tandem flying...
a chance to fly like a bird.
Would you like to catch a whiff of
high alpine air with no stress and
relatively little effort? Then treat
yourself to a tandem passenger
flight. An unforgettable experience
is guaranteed.
Training, further training, sale,
consultancy, checks
Tandem passenger flight with the
Bregenzerwald Guest Card: € 90
Tandem passenger flight: € 100
Thermal currents passenger
flight: € 125
Taster course: from € 90
Flugschule Bregenzerwald
Jodok Moosbrugger
T +43 (0)5514 3177
T +43 (0)664 5127765 (tandem flight
bregenzerwald golf park
land & lives
dining out
Golfpark Bregenzerwald and
Golfschule ­Bregenzerwald
T +43 (0)5513 8400-0
Bregenzerwald Golfing School
Learn how to play golf with head pro
Jan Vonavka. The motto according
to the latest teaching and learning
methodology is: “The simple way
to learn golf”. Includes important
tips on driving, strategy, tactics and
mental training. The golfing permit
is also recognised in Germany and
barrier free
The undulating landscape and
the numerous little inlets to the
Weißach have been perfectly integrated into the game. Artificial lakes
and selectively positioned bunkers
complement the natural obstacles.
Along with the slopes and slants, the
corridors and the impressive view,
they make golfing in this park into
an experience which never fails to
leave a lasting impression.
Discount green fee
The “Unlimited golfing fun” green
fee entitles the holder to a discount
of up to 30%, and applies to two
18-hole courses: the Bregenzerwald
Golf Park in Riefensberg and the
Oberstaufen-Steibis Golf Club. The
green fee is available at the founder
and partner hotels of the two golf
courses. Guests of the golf partner
hotels also benefit from discounted
green fees at five other golf courses
in Vorarlberg.
family tips
The internationally renowned
­architect Kurt Rossknecht designed
the first 18-hole golf course in
­Vorarlberg in its time between
Riefensberg and ­Sulzberg: not
only that – it is one of the loveliest
golf courses, nestled as it is in the
active summer
Bregenzerwald Golf Park in Riefensberg-Sulzberg
indoor & outdoor tennis courts
Indoor tennis court in Mellau
With its indoor and outdoor tennis
courts, Mellau has been THE tennis
centre in the Bregenzerwald for
years. The Hotel Post in Bezau also
houses an indoor tennis court and
clay courts. The impressive wooden
construction is one of the loveliest
indoor tennis courts in Austria.
Tennis-Center Mellau
4 indoor courts with granulated
3 training channels with automatic
ball collection
3 outdoor clay courts
Tennis courses
Tennis-Center Mellau
Aktivhotel Kanisfluh
T +43 (0)5518 2256
Tennis in Hotel Post Bezau
2 indoor courts
2 roof-top courts
2 clay courts
Free play, individual, group and
team training according to the
TULOT method, tennis package deals
Hotel Post Bezau
T +43 (0)5514 2207-0
land & lives
active summer
barrier free
Climbing, discovering gorges and caves,
learning more about herbs, visiting the cows
on the farms, riding the “Wälderbähnle” –
there is any amount of things for families and
kids to do! Heart-felt supervision included.
family tips
family tips
dining out
rambling with the pram
Herb garden in Holdamoos, close to Au
Au-Schoppernau – in the
fragrant herb garden
The Holdamoos natural experience
illustrates 400 years of alp history.
A “Vorsäßhütte” – a mountain
pasture hut – dating back 400 years
and still in its original condition, a
suspension bridge, a small lake and a
herb garden boasting over 150 different herbs lie in the middle of the
cultivated, natural landscape. This is
a gentle ramble on wide paths along
the Bregenzerache and through the
­settled region of Au.
starting point
Au-tourist office
Au-tourist office
Au-Argenau (tourist office, 810 m) –
Rehmen – direction to Schoppernau
via Halde to Holdamoos (890 m) –
Lebernau – Lugen – Au centre of
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Au
rest & play
Hazelnut spot, small lake, BBQ
­station, herb garden, old mountain
pasture hut
Difference in altitude: 90 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 2½ hours
Detailed directions are available
from the tourist office.
rambling with the pram
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
Bizau-centre of town
Bizau-centre of town
Bizau-centre of town (681 m) – ­
Oberdorf – Brandegg –
­Wetzsteinhöhle – Moosrundweg –
centre of town
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
inns in Bizau
rest & play
game reserve, Wetzsteinhöhle (cave)
family tips
Bizau – circular ramble
including game feeding
The ramble takes you to the Brandegg plot, where you can feed bread
to the fallow deer. On a three-minute
detour, you arrive at the Wetzsteinhöhle (the cave is not accessible with
the pram).
active summer
Bizau circular ramble
dining out
Difference in altitude: 20 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 1½ hours
rambling with the pram
Adventure playground next to Almhotel Hochhäderich
Hittisau-Riefensberg – cross-border
circular ramble on Hochhäderich
This gentle ramble takes you along a
wide, secure path right through the
Kojental nature reserve, a natural
upland moor. The alpine adventure
path offers some variety: waterdrawing, barefoot trail, footbridge
across the upland moor, information
plaque on the “Smugglers’ Trail”.
From the Alpstüble Moos, you can
take a 3-minute detour to the “Stony
Gate” natural monument.
starting point
Car park at Almhotel Hochhäderich
Car park at Almhotel Hochhäderich
Almhotel car park – towards Hochwiesalpe – alpine adventure trail – Alpe
Moos – Alpe Kojen – Almhotel car
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Moosstüble Riefensberg, Almhotel
rest & play
Adventure playground at Almhotel
Hochhäderich, alpine adventure trail
with barefoot path, water drawing
station and other varied stations and
information plaques, playground at
Alpstüble Moos
Difference in altitude: 40 m
Trail category: yellow-white and
Total hiking time: 2 hours
Detailed directions are available
from Almhotel Hochhäderich.
rambling with the pram
land & lives
barrier free
starting point
Mellau-centre of town
Mellau-centre of town
Mellau village centre (688 m) –
Unterrain – Mellental trail – Buchen
­pasture – Mellental trail – Unterrain – ­Mellau village centre
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Buchen goat pasture
rest & play
Hüslarbündt playground, ­swimming
pool, bathing in the Mellenbach, visiting the goats and cows on Buchen
family tips
Mellau – hike to the goat pasture
This hike along the Mellenbach stream
takes you to Buchen goat pasture,
home to around 150 goats, 20 cows
and a few alpine pigs during the summer. The Mellau village circular path
takes you first of all along the Mellenbach. Turn left in front of the new fire
station, and walk through the Unterrain plot past the last houses. Stay
to the left at the fork, and follow the
service route which meanders along
the Mellenbach through Mellental.
Once you have arrived at Buchen goat
pasture, you can still your hunger and
quench your thirst over a substantial
alpine snack accompanied by a glass
of milk.
active summer
On the goat pasture
dining out
Difference in altitude: 172 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 1 hour
rambling with the pram
Kalbelesee at Hochtannberg Pass
Warth-Schröcken – from lake to lake
The two lakes on the Hochtannberg
mountain are your guide on this
ramble. The Batzenalpe is a licensed
alpine pasture. Here, in the alp
museum, you discover what life
in earlier times was like. From the
Hochtannberg pass, an extended,
wide path takes you to the Körbersee, which lies at approximately the
same altitude as the Hochtannberg
pass. From there, a wide agricultural
path takes you downwards across
the Batzenalpe to Schröcken.
starting point
Schröcken centre of town
Hochtannbergpass (1,675 m) –
­Kalbelesee – Körbersee (1,670 m) –
Batzenalpe – Schröcken centre of
town (1,250 m)
chances to stop off
for a drink/food
Hotel Körbersee, Batzenalpe (during
the alp season from mid/late June to
mid September), inns in Schröcken
rest & play
Short trip in a rowing boat on the
Körbersee, brooks, Batzenalpe
Difference in altitude: 450 m
Trail category: yellow-white
Total hiking time: 2 hours
Opening times Alpmuseum
T +43 (0)5519 2670
kids’ programme
land & lives
barrier free
dining out
c­ hildren can watch how the farmer
milks and feeds his cows. They can
try out the fresh, “cow-temperature”
milk straight away.
Place: Au-Schoppernau
Meeting point: tourist office Au
Date: 3 July to 21 August
every Tuesday at 6.15 p.m.
Hut magic and magic herbs
The children listen to stories about the Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
very old mountain pasture hut and, in Price per child: free of charge with
the herb garden, find out which herbs the Bregenzerwald Guest Card
(medicinal plants) can soothe a bee
Au-Schoppernau Tourismus
sting, which can make you strong as
an ox, and which ones are delicious on T +43 (0)5515 2288
bread. Then you cross the fun wobbly
bridge to the mysterious hazelnut
Pony riding
Once you have become acquainted
Place: Au-Schoppernau
Meeting point: church in Au-­Rehmen with and groomed the ponies, we go
to the riding ground, where various
Date: 19 July to 23 August every
games with and on your pony await.
­Thursday at 9.30 a.m.
The children are led on ponies and
Duration: approx. 2 hours
may also lead a pony themselves.
Price per child: free of charge with
Place: Sulzberg
the Bregenzerwald Guest Card
Date: 11 July to 22 August 2012
information & registration
every Wednesday at 4.30 p.m.
Au-Schoppernau Tourismus
Duration: approx. 1½ hours
T +43 (0)5515 2288
Price per child: € 5
information & registration
Barbara Baldauf
Experience cattle grazing
T +43 (0)664 6327820
On the Grunholz cattle pasture,
family tips
Variety and playful enjoyment are
on offer in the form of the supervised
programmes held in several villages.
There is a great deal of interesting
information out there to learn and
active summer
Watching the farmer at work
kids’ programme
Out and about in the mountains with kids
Experience life on the alp
A short hike, approx. 25 min., leads
to the Alp Brongen in the Schetteregg hiking district. Every Friday
the alpine herdsman offers visitors a
glimpse into everyday life on the alp.
He explains everything worth knowing about the production of cheese
and other local dairy products. There
are many animals to admire on the
alpine meadow: cows, rabbits, pigs
and ponies – an enjoyable experience for the whole family.
Place: Egg
Meeting point: Alp Brongen
Date: 10 a.m. Fridays, 29 June to
31 August 2012
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Price per child: free with the
­Bregenzerwald Guest Card
information & registration
Egg tourist information office
T +43 (0)5512 2426
Adventure Day
A day full of sights and sounds:
abseil training, the Flying Fox slide,
barbequing, etc.
Places: Au-Schoppernau and WarthSchröcken
Date: 4 July to 5 September
every Wednesday
Includes: supervised adventure day
(7 hours) for children between 7 and 15
years of age
Meeting point: 8.30 a.m. at the tourist
office in Au, 8.45 a.m. at the tourist
office in Schoppenau, 9 a.m. at the
tourist office in Schröcken and Warth
Return: approx. 4 p.m.
Price per child: € 19, including equipment, barbeque sausages and transfer
for guest children from Au-Schoppernau and Warth-Schröcken, € 30 for
children from other places
Equipment required: rucksack, full
water bottle, climbing boots, rainwear
by 12 noon on Tuesday (in the tourist
offices) Warth, T +43 (0)5583 35150,
Schröcken, T +43 (0)5519 2670,
Au, T +43 (0)5515 2288,
Schoppernau, T +43 (0)5515 2495 and
kids’ programme
active summer
family tips
barrier free
dining out
Children-Climbing and crossing a gorge
Guide Hans and the children take the
Mellau cable car to Roßstelle, where
a programme involving crossing a
gorge and climbing awaits the kids.
Meeting point: Mellau cable car valley station
Date: 2 July to 10 September, every
Monday at 1 p.m.
Programme: supervised climbing and
crossing a gorge (approx. 3½ hours)
for children from 5 years of age
On bad-weather days: climbing in the
mountain rescue hall, meeting point:
Mellau tourist information office
Price per child: € 3 plus ticket for the
cable car
information & registration
by 10 a.m. on Monday in Mellau
­tourist information office
T +43 (0)5518 2203
Treasure hunting by GPS
Armed with the coordinates of the
treasures, GPS devices guide you
to unique places in Bregenzerwald.
From the rental through to the
guided treasure hunt, each and every
trip is an exciting experience for
young and old. Naturally, there is
also any amount of official caches
scattered throughout Bregenzerwald
to keep geocachers busy!
Place: Schnepfau
Meeting point: Outdoor input,
Date: 15 May to 15 October
Programme: guided GPS treasure hunt including rented GPS
Price per person: from € 19
information & registration
the day before: Outdoor input, Lutz
T +43 (0)676 7837820
Horse play hour
Fantasies, sensations, movement
and play are on the programme for
children between the ages of 3 and 10.
In the horse play hour, children take
turns sitting on the horse. Meanwhile, the other children play a game
that involves the horse and the child
riding it.
Place: Schwarzenberg
Meeting point: Berchtold Farm,
Stangenach 150
Date: 10 a.m. Thursdays, April to
(other times available upon request)
Price: € 11 per child
by Wednesday, 6 p.m.
with Yvonne Berchtold
T +43 (0)664 4388422
land & lives
Felt workshop for children
An afternoon for all mouse lovers,
big and small. Using water, soap and
a felt-making technique, mousegrey sheep’s wool is transformed
into whimsical mice. Young children
with accompanying adult, otherwise
approx. 6 or older.
Place: Au-Schoppernau
Meeting point: 2.00 p.m. at Filzwerkstatt Marianna Moosbrugger in
Au-Rehmer Halde 152
Date: 2-4 pm Tuesdays, 26 June to
4 September 2012
Price: € 8 per person, incl. materials
Tourist office Au
by Tuesday, 10 a.m.
T +43 (0)5515 2288
kids’ programme
Adventure day in Schröcken
Outdoor programme for kids
in Warth-Schröcken
Canyoning for kids and teens – an
adventure programme for the whole
family. Start the tour by jumping
into the crystal-clear water!
Date: every Tuesday and Thursday
(July to September 2012)
Price per person “Kids”: € 20
Price per person “Teens”: € 30
Indiana Jones Tour: to start, we use
a bit of voodoo magic to get up our
courage and ensure that we banish
any fear of heights. On the Flying
Fox above the deep gorge, then
quietly and peacefully on mysterious paths through the forest, past
the house of the miners to the old
cave of Empress Sissi
Date: every Friday and Sunday (July
to September 2012)
Price per person: € 15
information & registration
the day before: –
­Outdoor and more
T +43 (0)664 3801540
Climbing for children
Josef teaches children their first
­climbing moves, several knots and
how to abseil down the rock face.
Place: Au-Schoppernau
Meeting point: 4.30 p.m. at the
tourist office in Schoppernau and
4.45 p.m. at the tourist office in Au
Date: 1 July to 9 September, every
Sunday from 4.45 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Programme: supervised climbing
(3 ½ hours) Minimum age: 6.
Price: € 12 for guest children from
­Au-Schoppernau. € 24 for children
from other places. Included in the
price are rented climbing equipment, and a knotted rope for the
children to take home with them.
Equipment required: climbing
boots or trainers with treaded sole,
full water bottle, snack
information & registration
Sunday until 10 a.m.:
Alpinschule Schröcken
T +43 (0)664 2525200
You will find a list of upcoming events at,
under the Events tab.
kids’ programme
land & lives
dining out
The “Wälderbähnle”
The “Wälderbähnle” is a ­carefully
maintained nostalgic railway which
runs between Schwarzenberg Station
and Bezau. The railway, pulled by
­historical diesel or steam engines,
runs on weekends between 26 May
and 7 ­October, and also on Thursdays between 26 July and 30 August.
Please see the website for special
trips and journeys to witness the
bringing down of the cattle.
Departure: 10.45 a.m., 1.45 p.m. and
3.45 p.m. from Bezau.
Journey time: return trip:
approx. 1 hour
information & registration
Verein Bregenzerwaldbahn –
T +43 (0)664 4662330
barrier free
Adventure morning for children in
the Women’s Museum
Pedagogically sound, informative
and entertaining: the kids’ afternoons in the Women’s Museum in
Hittisau. The children’s programme
deals with the theme of this summer’s exhibition: “DIE TOLLKÜHNEN
Place: Women’s Museum in Hittisau
Date: mid-July to mid-September,
every Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m.
Programme: 2-hour creative
­programme with supervision
Price per child: € 4
information & registration
Hittisau Tourismus
T +43 (0)5513 6209-50
family tips
Didi’s children’s adventure land
The mountain station of the
­Diedams­kopf cable car boasts a
supervised children’s adventure land
with a surface area of 300 m2.
Opening times: 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
every Sat, Sun and on bank holidays;
daily from 7 July to 9 September
when the cable car is operating, for
children between 3 and 8 years of
age. There is a parent-child area for
children up to 3 years of age.
Price per child: € 1.50/h, free for
guest children from Au-Schoppernau.
Bergbahnen Diedamskopf
T +43 (0)5515 4110-0
active summer
The Wälderbähnle on its way from Andelsbuch-Bersbuch to Bezau
day trip tips – around lake constance
From Vorarlberg, it doesn’t take
you long to reach the loveliest day
trip destinations for the family in
the neighbouring area where three
­countries meet.
inatura – nature show in Dornbirn
With Science Centre: touch, crawl in,
try out, play and experiment.
T +43 (0)5572 23235-0
Boat trip on Lake Constance, Bregenz
Sightseeing tours and scheduled
trips to numerous destinations on
Lake Constance.
T +43 (0)5574 42868
Schattenburg in Feldkirch
The medieval castle depicts life during the age of chivalry.
T +43 (0)5522 71982
Toy Museum in Wolfurt
The loveliest toys from Granny
and Grandpa’s time are lovingly
­presented here.
T +43 (0)650 5000681
Around Lake Constance
Minimundus in Meckenbeuren
The small world of great attractions.
T +49 (0)7542 9466-0
Lake dwelling museum in
­Unteruhldingen (Germany)
The reproduced village on stilts
depicts daily life during the Stone
Age and the Bronze Age.
T +49 (0)7556 92890-0
Ravensburg theme park in
Meckenbeuren (Germany)
The world’s biggest playroom!
T +49 (0)7542 400-0
Legoland in Günzburg (Germany)
Built from 50 million Lego bricks.
T +49 (0)180 5700 75701
Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen
The history and technology of
T +49 (0)7541 3801-0
Conny-Land amusement park
in Lipperswil (Switzerland)
Dolphinaria with sea lions and
­dolphins, petting zoo, pirate ship.
T +41 (0)52 7627272
land & lives
active summer
barrier free
There is a host of things to do in the Bregenzerwald
for people with special needs: barrier-free rambling
paths and a cable car plus the transfer and care
­service offered by Lebenshilfe Vorarlberg.
family tips
barrier free
dining out
barrier-free rambling
Dörnlesee in Lingenau
Between the village square and the
swimming pool: wellness in Lingenau
Lingenau is located in the gently
undulating countryside of the
Vorderwald. The hospitable village
has won the Vorarlberg Horticultural Competition several times,
and has received awards for being
a community whose buildings are
suitable for the disabled. Lingenau is
also well-known for its barrier-free
swimming pool with adjacent hotel.
It also offers various wellness treatments: from massages through to
starting & finishing point
Lingenau village square (car park)
Variant: Vitalhotel Quellengarten
(car park)
Lingenau village square (685 m) –
Gschwend – St. Annakapelle
(669 m) – Vitalhotel Quellen­
garten – Dörnlesee – village square;
­signposted as a yellow-white rambling path
barrier-free refreshments & wc
Hotel Löwen, Gasthaus Traube,
­Vitalhotel Quellengarten
swimming pool
Vitalhotel Quellengarten, Lingenau
T +43 (0)5513 6461-0
Distance: 3 km
Condition of the path: pavements
and roads with little difference in
height, all tarmacked
barrier-free rambling
land & lives
barrier free
starting & finishing point
Mellau cable cars, car park
Mellau cable cars (705 m) –
Engevorsäß (705 m) – Ach bridge
towards Hirschau – Schnepfau
(734 m, car park) – return via the
same way; signposted for the most
part as cycle and hiking paths
barrier-free refreshments
Mellau cable cars, Herwig’s Imbiss
with tables outside
barrier-free wc
Schnepfau village hall (on workdays)
family tips
At the foot of the Kanisfluh –
from Mellau to Schnepfau
The Kanisfluh could easily give
rise to the argument whether this,
the Bregenzerwald’s most striking
mountain, is more impressive on
the curved southern side of Au or on
the northern face between Mellau
and Schnepfau. On our route, the
rocks of the northern face tower up
to 1,300 meters above the bottom
of the valley. If you take a really
close look, you can detect a mosaic
of completely different natural
active summer
View of the Kanisfluh, close to Au
dining out
Distance: 10.4 km
Condition of the path: tarmacked
throughout, more or less level for
the most part, with differences in
height at stream crossings
barrier-free viewing experience
Taking Bezau cable car for a wonderful view
Viewing experience on the mountain
Two mountains are freely accessible
by disabled guests by cable car: the
­Diedamskopf near Au-Schoppernau
is one of the loveliest penoramic
mountains in Bregenzerwald. A trip
to the peak is always worthwhile.
Two disabled parking spaces are
available right at the valley station.
The entrance to and exit from the
cable car with the wide 8-seater
gondola lift is easily accessible by
lift. The restaurant in the mountain
station and the sun terrace are also
accessible by lift, and the WCs provide barrier-free access.
Bergbahnen Diedamskopf,
­Schoppernau, T +43 (0)5515 4110-0
A new, modern cable car leaves
Bezau to Sonderdach and the Baumgarten mountain station, which
features a panorama restaurant and
viewing terrace. All entrances to
the cable car and the restaurant are
Seilbahn Bezau, T +43 (0)5514 2254
Professional accompaniment for
people with disabilities
Lebenshilfe Vorarlberg has a
branch in Bezau. The team offers
transfer services. It also accompanies and looks after disabled
guests of any age.
• Professional care on an hourly
basis by trained employees,
Monday to Friday, between
8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
•Pick-up and drop-off ­service
in a vehicle suitable for
Price per hour: € 14.41 including
lunch, snack, drinks. Excludes
information & reservations
Lebenshilfe Vorarlberg,
Werkstätte Bezau
T +43 (0)5514 4124
Barrier-free establishments in
the Bregenzerwald are listed
in the Bregenzerwald hotel
­directory, available from
Bregenzer­wald Tourismus.
land & lives
active summer
barrier free
Traditional, classic, modern. Music, the theatre,
exhibitions – for a rural region, the events
calendar is anything but provincial! The locations
are atmospheric, and pleasantly informal. The
surrounding countryside gets in on the act.
family tips
dining out
Contemporary architecture
If a ranking of the most ­significant
architectural regions in the
world were to be drawn up today,
­Vorarlberg would, without a doubt,
be in the top ten. However, this
doesn’t just mean the significance
of the individual constructions, but
also their number and density.
This phenomenon is ­comparatively
new. Whilst it is true that V
­ orarlberg’s
baroque master builders are a
fixed feature in specialist literature
­whenever the Vorarlberg school
of architecture or architects are
mentioned, they mean the generation born since 1950 which has been
influencing the architecture here
for about the past 30 years. Without
counting the handful of pioneers
that preceded them, this amounts
to over 60 ­people: considering
the 370,000 inhabitants, this is
an amazing number. Such a ratio
is only possible in a region where
architecture is appreciated, where
one in four houses is designed by
From construction artists to architects
However, this is the result, rather than
the explanation, of a development.
“Construction artists” is what the
players called themselves at the start
since, in the face of a ­vehement conflict with the “establishment” of the
building industry and chamber, the
title “architect” was refused. According to one of the pioneers, public
appearances, the joining of forces and
dialogue were important right from
the start. The ideal founded in terms
of social p
­ olicy – social, affordable,
sustainable, regional – promoted the
solidarity of a generation that was
searching for new life forms and other
ways of cultural expression, that was
resisting the sell-out of their land, and
that found expression in building.
The new type of architecture started
off in residential buildings – by way of
examining already existing buildings or as a new structure, often for
residential groups – and grew into a
clear sign of the cultural restoration
which soon extended to the economic
elite and the public sector. However,
as important as this environment
was, there are always people who take
responsibility, and Eberle, Gnaiger,
family tips
barrier free
dining out
Tip: Buildings worth visiting
Angelika Kauffmann Museum,
Schwarzenberg; Juppenwerkstatt,
Riefensberg; Women’s Museum,
Hittisau; Franz Michel Felder
Museum, Schoppernau.
inns and hotels
Gasthof Adler, Schwarzenberg;
Hotel Krone, ­Hittisau; Hotel
Gams, Bezau; Hotel Post, Bezau;
Hotel Sonne and Metzgerstüble,
Mellau; Hotel ­Steffisalp, Warth.
schools & kindergarten
Bizau; Doren; Egg; Warth.
commercial buildings
Molke Metzler, Egg;
Wood ­workshop Faißt, Hittisau;
Cheese cellar, Lingenau.
municipal buildings
Village halls in Sulzberg,
­Langenegg, Andelsbuch, Bizau.
Alpe Niedere chapel, Andelsbuch
active summer
Worth a visit
It is hard to list remarkable buildings,
since many of them are ­private residential buildings which are not accessible. However, a walk through ­Hittisau
or Schwarzenberg for ­example, can satisfy your curiosity. The village of Bizau
is p
­ articularly suitable for such a walk:
it boasts residential buildings from all
epochs, estates, buildings for industrial, ­educational and local authority
­purposes, as well as inns: together,
they form an ensemble which was
awarded the ArGeAlp prize.
Landscape and wooden buildings
Located somewhat off the beaten
track, the Bregenzerwald was part
of this development, although in
a way of its own. In contrast to the
densely populated, industrial and
commercial Rhine Valley with its
mainly suburban structure, landscape, nature and rural craftsmanship culture is of great importance
in the ­Bregenzerwald. Outside of the
Bregenzerwald, groups of houses and
farms dominate, whereas inside the
­Bregenzerwald it is the single-ridge
house (farmers’ ­palace and parlour →
page 72); outside of the ­Bregenzerwald
it is households which commission
the building, whereas inside the
­Bregenzerwald it is the young craftsmen. The ­Bregenzerwälder have a
greater ­affinity for craftsmanship in
general (werkraum → page 68): for
example, it is in the carpentry trade
that the Kaufmann family of architects has its roots. While, following the
initial years, the formal experiment
is in demand outside, the tendency
towards stringency and sobriety
increases inside. Rural pragmatism
and the discipline of construction
with timber, which is now state-of-theart, appears to be more effective here.
Recently, examining the old buildings
is also gaining in importance. Above
all, however, the new buildings fit in
with the surrounding landscape with
regard to material, size and proportion. Is it this attitude that shies at
the eccentric and that searches for the
typical rather than the unique which
guarantees this way of building a wide
basis? In any case, good carpentry
firms now build residential build-
ings which architects in other places
wouldn’t be capable of building: it is
these houses which graze casually in
the field like the ­cattle which are as
typical of the region as the farmhouses
and the churches.
land & lives
Dietrich, Kaufmann and Ritsch have
long since become international stars
with chairs at renowned universities.
werkraum bregenzerwald
Werkraum Depot in Schwarzenberg
A festival week with an exhibition
of artistic innovations, architectural
delights, culinary offers, international
guests – for the past decade, life in the
Bregenzerwald has been richer by a
major attraction. Every three years,
the Werkraum Bregenzer­wald invites
people to “­Handwerk+Form”(2012
in its sixth edition). All this arises
voluntarily: the efforts put in by the
countless team ­members clearly increase, to ­culminate in the presentation
of prizes at a major party lasting a
week and featuring an exhibition.
Each year the event attracts more and
more visitors from near and far.
Game and competition
This is how the Werkraum displays its
mission: as part of a community, by
means of teamwork, it accomplishes
that which far extends beyond the
strengths of its individual members.
And it encourages competition, challenges entrants to perform their very
best. Objects created in the members’
workshops according to their own
design or in conjunction with external designers are judged. The close
relationship with the architects
(→ page 66) is allowed to develop.
Furniture, clothing, components –
they must have a practical use, be
proof of the highest level of craftsmanship and exemplary design.
Construction of the Werkraum building in Andelsbuch
The first cut of the spade for the Werkraum building was last winter: the
Werkraum building has been planned by famous Swiss architect Peter
Zumthor and is being built along with craftsmen from Bregenzerwald.
The doors will be opened for the first time for the upcoming exhibit
“Handwerk+Form 2012” – even before the building’s official completion
and opening in the summer of 2013. The building will then offer everything needed by craftsmen in Bregenzerwald: opportunities to hold exhibitions and to display information, space for administration and training,
lectures and events as well as spaces for social interaction.
active summer
family tips
barrier free
dining out
Werkraum Depot, Schwarzenberg
The Werkraum Depot is the
­communal Exhibition and information platform for furniture and
objects from the Bregenzerwald.
opening times
Thu 5 – 7.30 p.m.
During the Schubertiade (June,
August, September): daily from
5 to 7.30 p.m. Guided tours for
groups upon appointment.
Place: Hof 800, Schwarzenberg
information & registration
Werkraum office,
T +43 (0)5512 26386
cultivated to their most exquisite
form, small batches in the field of
furniture ­construction open up
new markets, the pre-production of
construction ­elements in the field
of hotel construction, for example, is making progress. The latest
manufacturing technologies such as
CAM and CNC have been introduced,
the finish of coatings is expanded,
for example: ­craftsmanship meets
­omnipresent engineering. Hence,
it comes as no surprise that you
can find ­kitchens from ­Hittisau in
Athens, that the furnishings of a hall
of residence in Massachusetts come
from Schwarzenberg or that, in 2008,
a ­living unit from Reuthe was visible
on the roof of the MoMa in New York.
Public relations work, advertising,
marketing – the Werkraum provides
all those advantages which industry
has over trade. Yet without a huge
budget: instead, it has capital typical
to craftsmen – brains and ability, a
network, links. And so an interested
public in Vienna, Munich and Paris
have seen exhibitions put on by
the Werkraum, for example. The
Werkraum is also a regular subject
in the specialist press, and has
been described as the “landscape of
Yet that is not all: the Werkraum
has always been involved at a local
level, such as in training, in schools,
in ­specific construction projects,
in dealing with historical building
stock. It is a contribution towards the
structural change of the region, and
an example of social competence.
Despite its international ­reputation,
many deliveries still go to the customers in Vorarlberg and a major
portion remains in the valley. And
so these trades make an important
contribution towards the prosperity
of the valley community.
Qualities of craftsmanship
Work on the spot, reaction to special
cases, direct commissioning, closeness to customers and flexibility are
quality standards of this craftsmanship, specialised skills and a creative
instinct are needed, acquired in a
highly developed culture of craftsmanship and naturally handed down
to the next generation. This store of
knowledge and skills is maintained
and continually extended: raw
materials – such as the silver fir – are
land & lives
Since its establishment in 1999, the
competition has been the core of
the registered society. Almost 100
firms are members, mainly involved
in wood processing, such as joiners
and carpenters, but there is also a
handful of locksmiths, stonemasons,
bricklayers, fitters, electricians, painters, upholsterers, textile processors
and cobblers through to the exotic
such as coppers and wood carvers.
Most of the firms have up to around
five employees, some of them are
one-man workshops, and only a few
have double-digit employees.
werkraum bregenzerwald
journeys to architecture and the culture of wood
In Andelsbuch power station
There are various ways and means
for discovering the peculiarities of
the Bregenzerwald’s architectural
and wooden culture – either under
your own steam, or on a guided tour.
Art Nouveau power station
During the era of the AustroHungarian monarchy, Andelsbuch
power station, opened in 1908, was
one of the biggest, most modern
power stations of its time. Although
Andelsbuch power station has been
continuously renewed, renovated
and extended over the decades, it
still maintains its unique character.
Place: Andelsbuch
Meeting point: 10 a.m. at the
power station
Date: every Thursday (except
bank holidays) between May and
Programme: guided tour
Price: free
Registration: not necessary
Architecture in Sulzberg
Sulzberg and the part of the ­village
known as Thal to the north of the
Bregenzerwald are home to several
architectural gems: from the
Empire-style church, designed by
Alois Negrelli, planner of the Suez
Canal, through to the “1740 Ichs”
(1740 Mes) installation of hair locks
which adorns the new village hall.
Two new circular paths now lead
you to 21 selected buildings and
works of art, planned in the most
part by renowned architects. As an
accompaniment, the “Journeys to
Architecture” brochure tells interesting stories: from the time the works
originated, what was important to
the owners and the architects, how
sensitive historical works are preserved and how modern works can
come into being. Guided tours with
Mayor Helmut Blank are held on
certain dates in the summer.
Dates for groups by appointment
journeys to architecture and the culture of wood
land & lives
dining out
Recommended reading:
“Baukunst in Vorarlberg seit
1980” (Architecture in Vorarlberg
since 1980), a guide to 260 buildings worth visiting, written by
Otto ­Kapfinger (in German only)
brochures, guided tours &
Hittisau Tourismus
T +43 (0)5513 6209-50
barrier free
The following can be visited:
• Three wooden bridges, including
the oldest bridge in Vorarlberg
• Three sawmills, from the listed
ensemble through to the exportorientated large concern
• Workshops, including the only
commercially operating master
cooper for miles around
• Arts centre and fire station –
wooden architecture
• A biomass power station which
­provides over 50 local properties
with heat
family tips
Wood culture in Hittisau
As a raw and building material wood
has always played – and still plays –
an essential role in the design of living spaces and daily functions in the
Bregenzerwald. While wood had lost
its significance during the course of
industrialisation, today it is enjoying
a renaissance. This is particularly
true of the Bregenzerwald and Hittisau. Visitors can find out more about
wood and the part it plays in the way
of life in the Bregenzerwald during
rambles and guided tours.
active summer
Carpenters at work
everyday culture
The cheese-makers cast a critical eye
Anyone who allows himself the
­pleasure of watching cheese being
made here – such as in ­Schoppernau
alpine dairy – can understand how
close the ties are between rural
­activities and everyday culture.
Alpine dairy
The introduction of hard cheese
­making in the middle of the 18th
­century not only opened up new
sources of income, it also changed
the farmers. Initial failures are
evidence of how much sweat and
tears went into complying with the
hygiene standards, into working
out the complex production stages
and the precise time standards.
The alpine dairyman (hard cheese
and lace → page 7) became a
highly-­reputable skilled worker
with extensive expertise whose
circumstances demanded him to be
what we these days call somewhat
interdisciplinary. For Franz Michael
Felder, the poet from ­Schoppernau,
he is “a jack-of-all-trades: shoe
mender, vet, ­launderer, carpenter,
tailor, ­philosopher and much more”.
A ­century earlier, the valley com-
munity had already proven that its
people knew how to help themselves
in the face of adversity: in the form
of the Au Guild, a new branch of
industry was created from ­nothing:
architecture and the building trade.
What: from nothing? Even though
the background to this movement
is unknown, one thing is for sure:
it was born from necessity, and
the resulting talent shown by the
­farmers of helping themselves.
And the architects’ contribution?
­Artistic talent (→ page 66) practiced
for centuries.
Farmers’ palace and parlour
However, none of the large buildings
actually stand in the ­Bregenzerwald
itself: they are constructed “­outside”:
“inside” keeps house, tries to
increase affluence and displays it
with a reserved pride. When, in
the early 19th century, agriculture
started to prosper – especially in
the Vorder- and Mittelwald – new
farmhouses were built which were
soon known as farmers’ palaces and
which, according to the ­relevant
­literature, were amongst the most
magnificent in the whole of the
alpine region. The log cabin was
shingled, windows and doors were
finely decorated in line with the
­Biedermeier period: more than
anything else, however, people
treated themselves to a panelled
parlour, nice and bright thanks to
large ­windows, cosy thanks to the
tiled stove and special pieces of
furniture. The sofa was one such
piece: around the middle of the
century, manufacture of this piece
exploded, only to dwindle in a few
decades: usually manufactured in
the evening at home by “laymen”,
today they are popular collector’s
items (werkraum → page 68). The
stoves, too, were ­special: the artistic
tiles came mainly from local potters
whose trade flourished during this
As a rule, these skills are practiced at
home, with the individual ­members
committed to the family. One is
­surrounded by one’s own craftsmanship. This is also true of the clothing. The local costume stands out
amongst all those from the alpine
region: ornate, strict, proud – the
“Juppe” is the first thing you notice.
A four metre-long black piece of
cloth is folded into numerous pleats,
smoothed in several stages – this is
the skirt. It is decorated only with one
bright blue band. Then there are the
half a dozen different pieces of headgear. The artistically embroidered
blouse, which is a good indicator of
social standing, is not the end of the
magic. Inspired by fashion worn by
18th century courtiers in Spain, the
costume still demands poise of the
wearer today.
land & lives
Decoration and Taste
And then there were the covers and
textiles: textile processing – first of
all weaving, followed from around
1760 by embroidery and lace-making
for manufacturers from St. ­Gallen –
soon proved so lucrative that farming
was sometimes neglected: a repeated
upturn was experienced from 1865
following the introduction of the
“Parisian machine”. This can still
be felt today: there is something
­missing in a Bregenzerwald parlour
without the white, finely crocheted
net curtains.
The magic becomes even more
­physical when it comes to cooking
and eating (→ from page 87). Whatever is produced by the soil and the
garden is cultivated: the cheese from
the largest silo-free dairy region, for
example, is unique. And you can taste
the meaning of refinement when you
compare local cheese “knöpfle” with
cheese “spätzle” from other regions.
It is hardly surprising then that the
Bregenzerwald has, by far, the most
“chef’s hats” (culinary distinction)
of all regions far and wide. Or that
here, where one in three is employed
as a craftsman, this refined everyday
­culture is a fixed source of income.
everyday culture
active summer
family tips
barrier free
dining out
dairy farming up close
The family-run dairy operation Molke Metzler in Egg
(NATURE HANDS ON) allows visitors
to experience up close the world of
the farm and everything that comes
with it. Visitors can try scrumptious
treats from the farm and the surrounding region and enjoy refreshing fruit and whey drinks after a
guided tour of the family-run dairy.
The project NATURHAUTNAH has
created a place for energy-efficient
and sustainable farming where visitors can experience all agricultural
processes up close and in person.
Visitors can grasp, literally and
figuratively, life at the farm and everything that it involves or creates; an
experience that inspires an appetite
for nature. From the imposing cow
pens and the turbulent goat romping house with its visitor gallery, to
the small animal cuddling zone, the
herb garden, the high-tech cooling
and heating system, through to the
cheese production, on to whey-based
cosmetic processing and the farm
shop with its choice range on offer:
there is nothing to hide.
dairy tour
dairy farming up close
Individual visitors
with cheese buffet and
whey drinks: € 13.50*
with small tasting selection: € 6.50*
Groups (12 or more persons)
with cheese buffet and
whey drinks: € 12.50*
with small tasting selection: € 5.50*
Preschool and school classes
14 or under, accompanied by an
adult: € 4
Milking goats and cows
Minimum of 2, maximum of 6
persons with brunch or cheese buffet
and whey drinks: € 25*
Start: 6.00 a.m. or 6.00 p.m.
Duration: approx. 2 hours
* free admission for children under
six,children 7-14 years of age -50%
information & reservations
Metzler Käse - Molke GmbH
Bruggan 1025, 6863 Egg
T +43 (0)5512 3044
the vorderwald “energy region”
land & lives
barrier free
dining out
Experiencing the different faces
of energy
Under the motto “Energy in agriculture”, interested hikers in the Vorderwald Energy Region can explore
various forms of energy, either on
their own or as part of a guided tour.
The Hittisau Water Trail leads you,
for instance, to the energy of water –
which can be quiet, refreshing,
bubbly, but also roaring and even
overwhelming. The trail leads from
the Bolgenach reservoir, which was
created on the Bolgenach for the
Langenegg hydropower station, to
the Bartenstein sawmill, which is
operated with a water wheel for
display purposes.
On a circuit trail on Rotenberg, wal-
kers can enjoy and learn about the
woodland, which is so important for
Vorderwald as a source of construction material and energy. From the
special forms of agriculture found in
Plenterwald to the local tree varieties, particularly the silver fir, to the
harvesting of firewood, the region
has a wealth of experiences to offer.
Vorderwald’s moors provide an
opportunity for an entirely different
kind of experience: preserving of
the moors means preserving huge
stores of CO2 – so the green-house
gas remains bound up in the soil
and is not released into the atmosphere. Expert moor guides reveal
the secrets concealed in Krumbach’s
moors. Moving around in nature is
a form of energy consumption – yet
it is also a source of energy for the
spirit. The Langenegg Energy Portal
guides you to various places, where
you can experience the spiritual side
of energy and more.
family tips
The Vorderwald “Energy Region” has
an ambitious vision: energy autonomy. A key component in its efforts is
that people become more sensitive to
energy issues and more aware both
of their energy consumption and of
the sources of the energy they use.
active summer
The Hittisau Water Trail
schubertiade schwarzenberg
Musicians on their way to the Schubertiade concert
The Schubertiade Schwarzenberg
is considered the most important
­Schubert festival in the world. The
music of Schubert and his contemporaries harmonises with the rural
atmosphere in this choice, lovely
­village – for an atmospheric effect.
16 – 25 June and
27 August – 9 September 2012
The programme boasts around
50 events: chamber concerts, song
recital evenings, piano concerts,
readings and ­master class courses.
Every year, exceptional artists and
ensembles make a guest appearance in the ­Angelika Kauffmann
Hall, which affords a view of the
meadows and mountains. Special
­Schubertiade buses depart from
many places to take visitors to the
concerts in ­Schwarzenberg.
information & ticket sale
Schubertiade GmbH
T +43 (0)5576 72091
Bregenzerwald Tourismus has
­compiled attractive deals for visitors
to the Schubertiade (hotel + 3 tickets
per person).
information & arrangements &
room reservations
Bregenzerwald Tourismus GmbH
Impulszentrum 1135, 6863 Egg
T +43 (0)5512 2365
F +43 (0)5512 3010
bregenz festival
land & lives
Details are available from the
programme you can order from
­Bregenzerwald Tourismus.
Bregenzerwald Tourismus has
­compiled attractive package deals
for prospective visitors.
information & arrangements &
room reservations
Bregenzerwald Tourismus GmbH
Impulszentrum 1135, 6863 Egg
T +43 (0)5512 2365
F +43 (0)5512 3010
barrier free
dining out
19 July – 18 August 2012
The opera “André Chénier” by
Umberto Giordano will be performed on the largest lake stage in
the world at the 2012 Bregenz Festival. At the core of “André Chénier”
is the French poet of the same
name, a historical figure who, in the
turmoil of the French Revolution,
changed from a fervent follower to
a merciless victim of persecution
who wound up on the guillotine
himself. As has been tradition for
over 60 years, the Viennese Symphony Orchestra will be the festival
information & ticket sale
Bregenzer Festspiele
T +43 (0)5574 407-6
family tips
Visit the Bregenz Festival, and stay
in the Bregenzerwald: this is easily
­combined, since it is a mere half to
one-hour drive from the Bregenzer­
wald to Bregenz.
active summer
Performance on the lake
vorarlberg symphony orchestra
The Vorarlberg Symphony Orchestra
The Vorarlberg Symphony ­Orchestra
was established in 1984. The
orchestra has been a guest in the
­Bregenzerwald with its own subscription cycle every year since 2002.
The permanent members of the
Vorarlberg Symphony Orchestra
comprise professional musicians
from Austria, Germany and Switzerland, yet also includes guests from
other renowned orchestras. Gérard
Korsten has been the principal
conductor since 2005. Every season,
the orchestra works out up to 12
programmes which are performed at
numerous concerts in various towns
and villages in Vorarlberg and at the
Bregenz Festival.
All of the concerts listed here will be
held at Angelika Kauffmann Hall in
Easter Sunday, 8 April 2012, 8 p.m.
Gérard Korsten, conductor
Maximilian Hornung, violoncello
Johannes Brahms:
Symphony No. 3 in F major, op. 90
Antonín Dvořák:
Cello Concerto in B minor, op. 104
Friday, 11 May 2012, 8 p.m.
Gérard Korsten, conductor
Andreas Ticozzi and
Karoline Kurzemann-Pilz, viola
Patricia Kopatchinskaja, violin
Wladimir Rosinskij: Concerto for
2 Violas and Orchestra (premiere)
Franz Schubert: Symphony No. 2 in
B-flat major, D 125
Ludwig van Beethoven: Violin
Concerto in D major, op. 61
Friday, 10 August 2012, 8 p.m.
Gérard Korsten, conductor
Detlev Glanert: Theatrum Bestiarum
Anton Bruckner:
Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major
Saturday, 13 October 2012, 8 p.m.
Conductor and soloist: Alexander
Lonquich, piano
Wolfgang A. Mozart: Incidental music
for the play “Thamos”, K 345
Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano
­Concerto no. 2 in B-flat major, op. 19
Wolfgang A. Mozart: Piano Concerto
in C minor, K 491
information & ticket sale
Tourismusbüro Schwarzenberg
T +43 (0)5512 3570
exhibitions & museums
land & lives
participating museums
eggmuseum, Egg
Fridays, 2 –5 p.m.
15 April – 30 October 2012
every Friday
Frauenmuseum Hittisau
Fridays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. & 2 – 5 p.m.
Juppenwerkstatt, Riefensberg
Fridays, 2 – 5 p.m.
Felder Museum, Schoppernau
Fridays, 5 – 7 p.m.
dining out
Further information is available
from participating exhibition
Angelika Kauffmann Museum,
Fridays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
barrier free
Bregenzerwald Museum Day
Every Friday between 15 April and 30
October, you can visit all exhibition
halls in Bregenzerwald. The Bregenzerwald local buses take visitors to
all museums every hour. The buses
are free for holders of the Bregenzerwald Guest Card.
family tips
Bregenzerwald offers local residents
and guests a multifaceted cultural
programme. The region’s museums
are key actors in this area.
active summer
Combine cultural and scenic pleasures
exhibitions & museums
Angelika Kauffmann, Self-portrait as singer with sheet music (extract), 1753, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
Insights into the history, lifestyle
and creative activity are provided by
lively museums and exhibitions.
Angelika-Kauffmann Museum
12 May – 28 October 2012
“Angelika Kauffmann. Between
music and painting”
As a young girl, Angelika Kauffmann
hoped to become either a musician
or painter; sometimes the one, sometimes the other. These two talents
are documented in two important
self-portraits. At only 12 years of age,
she captured her own enthusiasm for
music in a self portrait of herself as
a singer. Her “Self-portrait in the traditional costume of a Bregenzerwald
woman with brush and palette” was
probably painted only a few years
later. It appears that by then she had
already chosen to pursue a life as a
opening times
12 May – 28 October 2012
Tue to Sun 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
guided tours for the public
Tuesdays 4 p.m., Sundays 10.30 a.m.
Tip: Special exhibition – Swabian
children at the local history museum
“dahoam und foat” (at home and away)
The exhibition, part of the Swabian
Children Project, is intended to shed
light on the life and world of Swabians/children in a farming oriented
community like Schwarzenberg in the
19th and 20th centuries. The exhibit
focuses on the perspective of the situation of children – those who remained
at home and those who had to move
away into Swabia. The exhibit takes
up thematic areas such as work and
leisure, church and school, clothing
and nutrition, poverty and everyday
life, and illustrates them with objects
and audio recordings.
opening times
24 March – 11 May 2012
Wed to Sat 2 to 5 p.m.
Sun 1 to 5 p.m.
12 May – 18 October 2012
Tue to Sun 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Schwarzenberg Tourismus
T +43 (0)5512 3570
exhibitions & museums
land & lives
barrier free
dining out
opening times
Thur 3 to 8 p.m., Fri 2 to 5 p.m.,
Sat and Sun 10 a.m. to 12 noon and
2 to 5 p.m. and other times following
prior appointment by telephone:
T +43 (0)664 88431964
T +43 (0)5513 6209-30
9bäume – Langenegg Sculpture Path
When you can no longer see the
woods for the trees… Initiated by
Bregenzerwald sculptor Hanno
Metzler and potter Petra Raid, 9
artists each dedicated a week to
“their” tree trunk and the subject of
wood in 2007 and 2009. The artists
from Austria, Italy, Germany and
Switzerland each received a tree of
their choice: either still standing
in the forest, on its side as a trunk,
or in the form of wood shavings.
“9bäume” is a project which focuses
on the individual and which enabled
the participants to develop freely,
without any restrictions or rules. The
result? 18 sculptures lined up along
the old Wälderbahn railway track
like beads on a string. To accompany
the exhibition, a catalogue has been
published which is available in the
tourist office Langenegg.
starting point & car park
Disused railway station in Langenegg
family tips
The Women’s Museum in Hittisau
20 May 2012 – 20 January 2013
Die tollkühnen Frauen
(The daring women)
An exhibition about female ­aerialists,
animal trainers, circus riders, tightrope dancers, sharp shooters, strongwomen, trapeze artists, jugglers and
ringmasters. Female circus performers have always presented themselves
as strong, independent and highly
courageous women. They presented
feats involving risks that very few
men were likely to have taken, and in
doing so they showed a self-confident
use of their bodies, without any loss
of respect – quite the contrary. These
fearless artistes became role-models
for the emancipation of women. This
exhibition presents the stories of their
adventurous lives.
active summer
Sculpture of the “9bäume” art project in Langenegg
exhibitions & museums
Juppenwerkstatt in Riefensberg
Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg
Visitors to the Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg can find out how the highly complicated national ­costume worn by the
ladies of the ­Bregenzerwald is made by
coming along to the Juppenwerkstatt. A
very special technique is used to make
up to 500 pleats in the black dress,
for example. The building – former
outbuildings of the Krone inn, adorned
with a new glass façade, and extending
over three storeys – is also worth visiting for its architectural value.
opening times
May to October
Tue 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Fri 10 a.m. to
12 p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m., guided tours
following prior appointment
Riefensberg Tourismus
T +43 (0)5513 8356
Alberschwende local history museum
Bregenzerwald style of home furnishings: “From flax to linen”
opening times
upon request
Alberschwende Tourismus
T +43 (0)5579 4233
Creative workshop by Petra Raid
in Langenegg
Exhibition of clay works, alternative firing techniques such as raku,
smoke firing; workshops
opening times
upon request by phone
T + 43 (0)5513 2365 or
+43 (0)6643528522
Bezau local history museum
A typical residential building, maintained in its original style. It holds
national costumes, offers insight
into the style of home furnishing in
days gone by, and displays a valuable
­collection of sacral art.
opening times with guided tours
October to June: Tue 2 p.m., July
to September: Tue, Thur and Sat
3.30 p.m., Wed 10 a.m. For further
guided tours (including of groups),
please register at: T +43 (0)5514 3239
Bezau Tourismus
T +43 (0)5514 2295
barrier free
dining out
Franz Michael Felder Museum
in ­Schoppernau
Franz Michael Felder was a farmer,
writer and social reformer and is one
of the most historically significant
personalities from the Bregenzerwald. The exhibition is an exploration of his life and works.
opening times
Mo 4 to 6 p.m., Thur 9 to 11 a.m.,
Fri 5 to 7 p.m., Sun 9.30 to 11.30 a.m.
groups: reservation required
Schoppernau Tourismus
T +43 (0)5515 2495
family tips
Images of 19th century life in Hittisau
The life and works of five exceptional personalities all born around
1800 in Hittisau are exhibited.
opening times
upon request
Hittisau Tourismus
T +43 (0)5513 6209-50
“uf m Tannberg” alpine museum
in Schröcken
Alpine life in days gone by. “Der Heuzug von damals” photo exhibition.
opening times
June: every Sun from 1 to 4 p.m.
July to September: every Thur & Sun
from 1 to 4 p.m. October: upon
Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
T +43 (0)5519 2670
active summer
Hittisau alpine dairy farm museum
Historical alpine dairy kitchen with
cheese-making and milk processing
equipment, guided tour and cheese
opening times
Wed 10 a.m. with guided tour
(reserva­tion required) and following
prior request
Hittisau Tourismus
T +43 (0)5513 6209-50
Egg Museum
Oldest museum in the valley area
(founded in 1904). Permanent exhibition (traditional costumes, customs and home furnishings). Special
exhibitions with a regional theme.
opening times
Mid April to late October
Thur and Sat 3 to 5 p.m., Fri 2 to 5 p.m.,
Sun 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
T +43 (0)5512 2216-0
Angelika-Kauffmann Museum
in Schwarzenberg
19th century style of furnishing in
the Bregenzerwald, Angelika
­Kauffmann exhibition in the new
wing ( → page 80).
opening times
Tue to Sun: 10 to 5 p.m.
public guided tours
Tue 4 p.m., Sun 10.30 a.m.
Schwarzenberg Tourismus
T +43 (0)5512 3570
land & lives
Mesmer’s barn in Alberschwende
Agricultural museum
opening times
upon request
Alberschwende Tourismus
T +43 (0)5579 4233
exhibitions & museums
cabaret & culture
Andelsbuch railway station, events location
Cultural initiatives in several towns
and villages liven up the events
calendar with small yet exquisite
programmes. The various folk music
festivals are major meeting places.
Bahnhof Andelsbuch cultural society
Culture is a regular visitor to the
“bahnhof”, the converted imperial
and royal station in Andelsbuch
from the abandoned Wälderbahn.
It hosts over 40 events every year.
Exhibitions (including the “Long
Night of the Museums”), lectures
and discussions, fairy story times,
lieder evenings and concerts attract
locals as well as visitors from Switzerland, Germany and Liechtenstein
to the bahnhof events location. It
is the objective of those running
the bahnhof to bring global culture
to Bregenzerwald and, in the form
of the bahnhof, to show the world
which culture thrives in these parts,
be it the art of young avant-gardists
or of the artistic craftsmanship
of people from Bregenzerwald.
Music has proven particularly
popular in the bahnhof. It enjoys an
­international reputation amongst
musicians, music agencies and
the media alike. Moreover, it is the
birthplace of the most exciting new
band to come from Austria at the
moment – the Holstuonarmusigbigbandclub (HMBC).
Kulturverein Bahnhof
T +43 (0)5512 4947
or +43 (0)664 2507789
Bezau Beatz and JäzzSpätzle
music from all genres
17 July to 14 August 2012
The concerts are held, regardless of
the weather, on the roofed village
square – food and drink is provided
directly on the square. In addition
to the Bezau Beatz concert series,
in spring, summer and autumn
Baumgarten panorama restaurant
hosts another event: at “JäzzSpätzle”
concerts play out in front of a fantastic panorama while regional spätzle
specialities are served.
cabaret & culture
land & lives
barrier free
Culture and cheese get-together in
5 July – 23 August 2012
Every Thursday from 7 p.m.,
entertainment with a supporting
programme is on offer in the village
square. This offers locals and guests
the opportunity to get together for
the evening. Alpine dairy farmers, farmers and pub landlords
offer regional delicacies. Admission is free. The event is held in the
Hermann-Gmeiner Hall in the event
of bad weather.
Alberschwende Tourismus
family tips
dining out
47th Bregenzerwald Regional Music
Festival in Krumbach:
28 June – 1 July 2012
The Krumbach Music Society is
the proud presenter of the 47th
Bregenzer­wälder Bezirksmusikfest
2012. The music festival, the largest
event of its kind, features traditional
brass band music, lots of people in
traditional costumes, and a parade
around the huge festival site. The
festival draws young and old alike
from the valley and the wider area.
A different community hosts the
festival each year. For one weekend,
the entire village revolves around
brass band music. Up to 50 bands
take part in the parade and more
than 1000 musicians play together in
the festival tent.
active summer
Traditional brass band
cultural outings
Festival House in Bregenz
Thankfully, the distances between
the major day trip destinations
in Vorarlberg and around Lake
­Constance are short.
in vorarlberg
•Bregenz: The capital of Vorarlberg
enjoys a lovely location on Lake
Constance. Worth a visit are: Kunst­
haus Bregenz (exhibition location
for contemporary art in a glass
cube which has received several
awards), the Festival House with its
lakeside stage, the old town.
•Dornbirn: with 45,000 inhabitants, Dornbirn is the biggest town
in Vorarlberg. Worth a visit are the
interactive Naturschau inatura
with Science Centre and the Rolls
Royce Museum.
•Rankweil: basilica worth a visit
•Feldkirch: the medieval town with
pergolas, paved roads and the defiant Schattenburg, the former seat
of the Counts of Montfort.
•Montafon: Silvretta high-mountain road
•Großes Walsertal biosphere park:
parish in St. Gerold
in germany
•Lindau: picturesque island town
•Friedrichshafen: Zeppelin Museum
•Meersburg: medieval wine town
•Mainau flower island
•Birnau monastery: the work of a
baroque master builder from the
•Constance: historical council town
•Reichenau island: Romanesque
churches (UNESCO World Cultural
in switzerland
•St. Gallen: monastery and library.
The baroque collegiate church is a
work by a baroque master builder
from the Bregenzerwald (UNESCO
World Cultural Heritage)
•Einsiedeln monastery: the work of
a baroque master builder from the
in the principality
of liechtenstein
•Vaduz: capital of the principality,
art museum
land & lives
active summer
barrier free
The Bregenzerwald locals are masters in the art
of cheese and cheese culture. The Bregenzerwald
KäseStrasse with its selection of enjoyable
stations is dedicated to the subject of cheese.
The chefs in the multi award-winning restaurants
and inns also skilfully master the art of cooking.
family tips
dining out
dining out
bregenzerwald culinary delights region
Alpine dairy in Schnepfau
How come a valley community in
which, a century ago, Sunday dinner
comprised a sort of wheat flour mash
(with maize grits the rest of the week)
is now a gourmet region with specialities whose origins are protected
and where refined gastronomy is at
home in many restaurants?
The Bregenzerwald is an Austrian
gourmet region. These days, the word
“gourmet” is used all too frequently
in advertising: however, the expression “gourmet region” has a specific
meaning: it is a registered brand by
the Austrian Ministry for Food and
the AMA (Agrarmarkt Austria), wishing to remind consumers of regional
specialities. The basic ­prerequisites
are that the ingredients come
from the region, that production is
regional, and that the products are
firmly rooted in regional gastronomy.
In the Bregenzerwald, this means
alpine cheese. Every year, approximately 3,000 tons of alpine cheese
are produced in the valley’s 17 dairies.
Every year, 200 tons of alpine cheese
are handmade by the 90 or more
dairy alps every summer. The special
thing about this cheese is the silofree milk it is produced from, since
only 2% of EU dairy farmers produce
in this way, i.e. their cows never eat
silo fodder – instead, between May
and October, they only eat grass and
herbs. During the winter, they only
eat the air-dried hay from valley
bregenzerwald culinary delights region
active summer
family tips
barrier free
dining out
The passage of this modest alp fare
to the current first-class restaurants
in the Bregenzerwald – which now
use over 50 regional types of cheese –
went through a series of changes
which demanded quality rather than
­quantity. These include the 1997 EU
Protection of Origin of alpine and
mountain cheeses, the establishment
of the “­KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald”
in 1998 as a network of farmers,
alpine ­dairies, craftsmen, publicans
and businesses, the “Gourmet region
of the ­Bregenzerwald” in 2005, the
­Vorarlberg quality marketing “luag
druf” in 2005, the inclusion of
­Bregenzerwald mountain cheese into
the “Ark of taste” by Slow Food 2008,
and the “­Bregenzerwald Gourmet
Days” by the KäseStrasse in July 2009.
The toughest taste test is still the most
regional however: every year, alpine
and mountain cheese is judged in
Schwarzenberg. The winner at this
event is enough to ­satisfy any gourmet’s taste buds.
The three-stage farming method
(inscribed in the Austrian national
UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural
Heritage in the spring of 2011) in
particular gives the alpine cheese the
special flavour which means it can
easily contend with the well-known
European full-fat cheeses. It has
been like this for a long time: back
at the start of the 19th century, the
inhabitants of the Bregenzerwald
sold over 30,000 kg of cheese to the
monarchy and abroad. In 1877, Karl
von S
­ eyffertitz wrote: “Everywhere –
including in the cheerful Vorderwald,
in Hittisau and Lingenau, you will
meet a unique people in strange
national dress in wood-panelled
parlours with floors scrubbed white,
with shiny door handles – the men
busy looking after a dairy breed of
cow and overseeing the production of
a popular, world-famous fine cheese,
the women busy with elaborate
whitework embroidery.” However, it
wasn’t the producers back then who
made all the money – it was the sellers. The Schnepfau local Josef Ambros
Moosbrugger, for example, made so
much profit from selling cheese that
he could afford a city palace in Milan.
No doubt he dined differently to the
people back home, where cooking
over an open fire resulted above all
in simple pan-fried dishes such as the
“Riebel” and the “­Schwozermuas”. Up
on the alp, flour, salt, butter, quark and
cheese were the main ingredients. The
recipe for “­Schwozermus” – named
for the woodcutters from Schwaz –
was: “Water, flour, salt, dripping – and
that’s it!” The lack of bread on the alp
gave rise to the “­Käsknöpfle”, to “Sig”,
known only in the Bregenzerwald and
which is caramelised lactose, since
they wanted to make a further product
from the whey.
land & lives
meadows. In the so-called three-stage
farming method, following their
­winter in the barn, the animals graze
on the mountain pastures located
at medium height (around 900 m)
­during the spring and the autumn,
and on the high mountain pasture
during the summer. The mountain
pastures are run as a collective, since
the farmers only have an average of
12 cows in the barn.
Alpine dairyman on the alp
The KäseStrasse isn’t a street or a
road in the usual sense: it is a union
of experts from various disciplines.
Throughout the whole year, the
members organise events, invite people
to tasting sessions, and initiate the
uninitiated into the secrets of cheese
A journey of discovery for the senses
KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald is a
union of farmers and alps, alpine
dairymen and cheese-makers, cheese
restaurants and inns, museums and
railways, tourist organisations and
partners from the fields of trade and
industry. The thing that unites all 160
partners in the KäseStrasse network is
their dedication to the cultivation and
the maintenance of culinary delights
and regional culture. Further stations
on KäseStrasse include: the modern
cheese cellar in Lingenau, where
several thousand blocks of cheese
are left to mature; the Käsehaus in
Andelsbuch, open seven days a week
selling the entire range of cheeses and
delicacies from Bregenzerwald, the
alpine dairy school in Egg, where you
can make your own cream cheese in a
course. (Metzler Molke → page 74)
Bregenzerwälder KäseHerbst
Bregenzerwald celebrates its fifth
season from mid-September through
to the end of October. Visitors can
experience the culinary and cultural
highlights of autumn here: stopping
off in an cheese inn or restaurant,
paying a visit to the cheese-makers,
experiencing the lively hustle and
bustle you get at livestock and farmers’ markets, visiting alpine dairies,
testing the wares, etc.
T +43 (0)5513 42870-41
Tip: Bregenzerwälder Käsekeller
(cheese cellar), Lingenau
A look into Europe’s largest
­centre for aging alpine cheese.
With shop – wide selection of
regional cheese
opening times
Mon to Fri 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
guided tours upon arrangement
T +43 (0)5513 42870-41
berggut – good things from the bregenzerwald
land & lives
Bergrestaurant Simma, Mellau
T +43 (0)5518 2761
opening times
16 June to 21 October
Elsenalpstube mountain inn, Damüls
T +43 (0)5510 297
opening times
8 June to 13 October
dining out
Panoramarestaurant Diedamskopf,
T +43 (0)5515 4110 0
opening times
27 May to 14 October
Genuss am Berg – Culinary
­pleasures on the mountain
22 June to 1 July 2012
Asparagus dishes
3 to 12 August 2012:
Cheese dishes
31 August to 9 September 2012:
Mushroom and squash dishes
21 to 30 September 2012:
Game and traditional pork dishes
Almhotel Hochhäderich, Hittisau
T +43 (0)5513 82540
opening times
26 May to 28 October
barrier free
BERGGUT – good things from the
Bregenzerwald is the motto of the
new initiative. A special menu
informs diners which ingredients
come directly from regional farms
and manufactories – or even from the
restaurant’s own garden!
“Hochalp” hiking hut, Warth
T + 43 (0)5583 4250
­­­­­opening times
29 June to 14 October
family tips
Really good bread with country-style
butter and alpine cheese, a fluffy
local pancake made with eggs from
happy chickens, a juicy schnitzel
from a mountain pig: the limelight
has recently been on regional delicacies offered by mountain inns and
restaurants catering for day-trippers.
active summer
Good things from the Bregenzerwald
culinary hike
Tasty snack with products of the region
Step by step from course to course –
wander through a lovely selection
of Bregenzerwald landscapes and
enjoy breakfast, lunch and dessert
with regional specialties in a range of
mountain inns or restaurants.
Mellau hike
After a hearty mountain breakfast at
Bergrestaurant Simma, hikers make
their way up the mighty Kanisfluh
massif. After the hike, regional
specialties await, such as a tender
Bregenzerwald-style pork saddle
steak in garden herbs. Dessert can
be enjoyed on the sunny terrace at
Lifestyle Resort Sonne.
Dates: 16 June-7 October 2012
Walking time: approx. 5 h
includes the following
-Description of the hiking route
and hiking map
-vouchers for the meals
- Tickets for the cable car and bus
information & booking
Bregenzerwald Tourismus GmbH
T +43 (0)5512 2365
Bezau hike
From Bezau, hikers take the cable car
up to enjoy a mountain breakfast at
the new panorama restaurant. Then
the mountain trail takes them to the
mountain pasture settlement Schönenbach. At Gasthaus Egender they
dine on delicious Käsknöpfle. They
return by bus to Bezau and enjoy an
apple pie or quark gnocchi at Cafe
Dates: 16 June-7 October 2012
Walking time: approx. 3 ½ h
Schwarzenberg hike
After a hearty mountain breakfast at
Berghof Fetz, hikers wander across
alpine meadows to Gasthaus Alpenrose. There, they dine on a Ländle veal
schnitzel or pan-fried potato noodles
and vegetables. After the hike back to
Schwarzenberg they can enjoy dessert
at Hotel Gasthof Hirschen.
Dates: 1 May to 31 October 2012
Walking time: approx. 5 h
price per person:
from € 37.00
from € 35.00 for holders of the
­Bregenzerwald Guest Card or
­seasonal card
exceptional specialties
land & lives
The “Ms Kaufmann” cookery school
is located in the former Gasthaus
Engel in Egg, whose substance is
almost 300 years old. Located on a
historic trading route, the Engel was
once frequented by horse dealers,
business people and coachmen. It
has been lovingly renovated.
dining out
Karin Kaufmann
T +43 (0)676 4954144
barrier free
The shop
The online shop is the right
address for anyone who wants to
relish the delightful atmosphere
of the cookery courses at home.
The physical shop in the Engel
inn is open in connection with
the cookery courses. Four product
lines are on stock:
- the homemade
- the carefully selected
- spices
- kitchen and table
Depending on the subject, interesting guests, experienced cooks,
farmers or wine-growers are invited
along. The cooking session includes
the recipes, an aperitif, enjoyment of
the meal together – including wine –
and a taster for home.
family tips
Ms Kaufmann: learning to cook
the home-made way
“Ms Kaufmann” teaches her students
to cook a four-course meal according
to old recipes, either sticking to the
original or applying contemporary
changes. The side dishes always
depend on the produce currently
available at the market. Everybody
participates in each course, either
cooking or observing. The individual
dishes are eaten as soon as they are
ready, served with a suitable wine.
active summer
Ms Kaufmann in her cooking studio
exceptional specialties
Regional cuisine with creative touches
The Bregenzerwald has a considerable number of restaurants and inns
for those who enjoy good food. This
includes a few exceptional addresses.
The term “MundArt” has two
meanings in the Bregenzerwald:
firstly, it means the special dialects
maintained in this region – even the
Vorarlberg locals don’t understand
it all! Secondly, “MundArt” stands
for the creativity displayed by the
Bregenzerwald catering trade. For
them, it is a matter of etiquette to
use produce from local farms in
their kitchens: meat, vegetables,
herbs and dairy products.
The following award-winning
Bregenzerwald inns and restaurants
have made it their business to adopt
“MundArt” as their motto.
Gasthof Adler in Schwarzenberg
T +43 (0)5512 2966
Gasthof Hirschen in Schwarzenberg
T +43 (0)5512 2944-0
Gasthof Krone in Hittisau
T +43 (0)5513 6201
Gasthof Gams in Bezau
T +43 (0)5514 2220
Hotel Krone in Au
T +43 (0)5515 2201
Hotel Post in Bezau
T +43 (0)5514 2207-0
Hotel Das Schiff in Hittisau
T +43 (0)5513 6220
Restaurant Schulhus in Krumbach
T +43 (0)5513 8389
exceptional specialties
land & lives
dining out
Landgasthof Alte Mühle
in Schwarzenberg
Landgasthof Alte Mühle has long been
a favourite among those in the know. A
cozy ambiance and a fabulous garden
make a lasting impression. Marietta
Wild’s excellent cuisine emphasizes
local ingredients, prepared with skill
and talent.
T +43 (0)5512 3780
barrier free
Gasthof Alpenblick in Sulzberg
The restaurant’s location offers
some of Vorarlberg’s loveliest views,
at an altitude of 1,015 m. It boasts
a wonderful view over Bregenzerwald as well as the Allgäu and Swiss
mountains. This marvellous view can
be best enjoyed from the large sunny
terrace. The restaurant is known for
good Austrian cuisine and the freshly
baked cakes and strudel specialties
from its own kitchen.
T +43 (0)5516 2217
Landhotel Hirschen in Hittisau
Such a shame that the kitchen is not in
plain view. It is the secret heart of the
hotel. Ingredients are wholesome, rich
in vitamins, fresh, and prepared with
care to preserve their nutritional value.
The cuisine is light and imaginative,
sometimes assertively local, sometimes open to international influences.
For us, avoiding over-processing of and
locally sourcing ingredients are selfevident requirements. In summer our
“herb fairy”, Gabi, harvests the fresh
herbs, flowers and berries from the
hotel’s own herb garden to use in the
hotel’s kitchen.
T +43 (0)5513 2320
family tips
Enjoyment with Hildegard von Bingen
The kitchen in the organic hotel
Schwanen in Bizau is orientated
towards the teachings of abbess
Hildegard von Bingen. Fresh produce
from the region and the hotel’s own
garden is lovingly prepared into delicious meals.
Gasthof Schwanen
T +43 (0)5514 2133
active summer
Cosy dining room
exceptional specialties
Gabi Strahammer from Restaurant Schulhus gathering herbs
Moor restaurateurs, Krumbach
Four restaurateurs have taken up the
topic of “Krumbach’s moorlands” as
their mission. As “moor restaurateurs”,
they offer their guests guided tours,
cookery courses and moorland days
to experience the moorland in full. At
least one dish related to the moors is
included in the menu throughout the
year. The seasonal moor drink delights
gourmets with various fragrances and
aromas from the moor. The Spring and
Autumn Moor Weeks are the culinary
highlights in the annual calendar of
the moor restaurateurs.
Gasthof Adler
T +43 (0)5513 8156-0
Restaurant Schulhus
T +43 (0)5513 8389
Kur- und Gesundheitshotel Rossbad
T +43 (0)5513 5110
Krumbacher Stuba
T +43 (0)5513 8724
mundart konserviert:
preserving the local tongue –
and tastes
Aperitif, two-course meal, walk
on the moor and the poetry of
the Vorderwald poet Othmar
Mennel (1923 – 2007), recited by
Michael Bartenstein
7 June – Restaurant Schulhus:
Zwüschad Aah und Subers
5 July – Gasthof Adler: Zu dir gsejt
2 August – Kur- und Gesundheits­
hotel Rossbad: Zämma gfürbt
6 September – Krumbacher Stuba:
Durs Burajohr
Date: from 6.30 to 9.30 p.m.
(reservations with moorland
Price per person: € 35
moor weeks 2012
28 April – 6 May and
29 September – 7 October 2012
During the moor weeks, you
can enjoy culinary delicacies
from the moors at the moor
land & lives
active summer
barrier free
Who doesn’t occasionally long for a retreat, for a
leisurely pace, for stimuli which pamper the body
and soul? The Bregenzerwald is such a retreat.
With a great selection of specialised hotels and
range of services for your very own well-being.
family tips
dining out
health hotels
Bathing in the Bregenzerache
Curative or preventative: if you
want to lend your health a helping
hand, you are in the right place!
Some health hotels also offer wellness days for visitors who are not
guests of their establishments. Prior
reservations are required for all these
Hotel Schwanen****
Certified organic hotel, Detox and
wellness programmes according to
the teachings of Abbess Hildegard
von Bingen.
Bizau, T +43 (0)5514 2133
Kur- und Gesundheitshotel Rossbad***
Therapeutic fasting, Moor vitality
weeks, Kneipp treatments, wholefood cuisine.
Krumbach, T +43 (0)5513 5110
Rossbad wellness day
Full-body massage, Scottish salt bath
in the flotation lounger, affusion stimulating to the skin, use of the sauna
and wellness area, including breakfast
buffet, lunch and evening meal.
Price per Person: € 150
Vitalhotel Quellengarten***
Active hotel offering sports and
­relaxation activities. Spacious bathing
and sauna complex plus fitness centre
(open to the public).
Lingenau, T +43 (0)5513 6461-0
Chill-out day
1 back massage, 1 wellness bath of
your choice, 1 solarium session, day
ticket to the bathing and sauna world,
use of the fitness room.
Price per Person: € 87,80
Gesundhotel Bad Reuthe****
Applications using mud, wellness
and beauty package deals. Lovely
­bathing house with a sauna and
­wellness complex and pool in the
­garden (open to the public).
Reuthe, T +43 (0)5514 2265-0
Relax day
1 mud pack with freshly cut natural mud
or herbal bath, 1 all-over body massage,
1 facial exfoliant and mask, including
day ticket to the thermal bath and sauna
and wellness world, fitness room.
Price per Person: € 103
wellness hotels
land & lives
dining out
Hotel Krone****
Modern wooden architecture, Sky
spa in the fourth and fifth storeys
with a view of the countryside.
­Bathing lake in the garden. New
modern indoor pool, wellness
­treatments. Krone cuisine awarded
1 chef’s hat by Gault-Millau.
Au, T +43 (0)5515 2201-0
barrier free
Hotel Post****S
Modernised in style in 2009.
Selected by Geo Saison in 2011 as one
of Europe’s ten best wellness hotels.
Bezau, T +43 (0)5514 2207
1 day Active regeneration
Relaxation treatment, all-over
body massage using aromatic oils
(40 ­minutes), reflexology massage,
herbal and whey bath in the crystal
and coloured light magnetic field
bath. Whole-day use of the wellness
area, welcome aperitif, light lunch.
Price per Person: € 234
Sonne Lifestyle Resort****S
Modern-yet-cosy designer rooms and
suites, spacious [comfort zone] spa.
Mellau, T +43 (0)5518 20100-0
Sunny day
Asian full-body exfoliation, fullbody massage, hot paraffin pack for
the hands, use of the wellness complex covering 1,500 m², drinks and
snacks in the tea & juice corner.
Price per Person: € 149
All offers can be combined with
breakfast from the large buffet in
the Marktwelt between 7.30 and
10.30 a.m. for € 19 per person.
family tips
These hotels are particularly orientated towards pampering their
guests with pleasurable and exciting
sensations for body, mind and soul.
Some also offer wellness days for
visitors who are not guests of their
establishments. Prior reservations
are required for all these programmes.
active summer
Wellness with a view
wellness hotels
GAMS, Genießer- & Kuschelhotel****S
Blossom palace and cocoon with 52
romantic suites. Da Vinci Spa dream
world with 2000 m² of wellness.
Bezau, T +43 (0)5514 2220
Damülser Hof**** Wellnesshotel
Location offering a breathtaking view at
an altitude of 1,400 m above sea level.
Damüls, T +43 (0)5510 210
Landhotel Hirschen***
Yoga and herb weeks/days, wellness
days, therapeutic fasting according
to Dr Buchinger, talks on herbs, own
herb garden and cellar, energising
Hittisau, T +43 (0)5513 2320
Wellness day
1 massage of your choice, 1 coloured
light and sound therapy, 1 bath of
your choice, use of the sauna, steam
bath and wellness oasis.
Price per Person: € 120
Natural cosmetics:
Whey products
Whey is produced during cheesemaking, is free of fat and protein,
and contains numerous nutrients
and vitamins. The Metzler family
offers a wide selection of whey
products: from the stimulating
refreshment through to shampoos and creams, etc.
opening times of the
Mon to Fri: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and
1.30 to 6 p.m.; Sat: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Metzler Käse-Molke, Egg
T +43 (0)5512 3044
Wellnesshotel Linde****
Wellness and golf hotel with the
elegant Sunset spa and a magnificent
view. (open to the public)
Sulzberg, T +43 (0)5516 2025
1 pack of fresh hay flowers, 1 back massage, day ticket to our Sunset spa with
wellness pool, sauna complex, fitness
Price per Person: € 71,10
Romantik Hotel Das Schiff****
With tradition comes responsibility.
Lovely, new rooms and suites, s­ pacious
Relaxation zone with heated outdoor
pool and garden, e
­ xcellent cuisine.
Hittisau, T +43 (0)5513 6220-0
Sporthotel Steffisalp****
Modern, elegant hotel with SteffisSpa.
Warth, T +43 (0)5583 3699
Wellness day at SteffisSpa
Use of vitality pool, bio sauna, Finnish
sauna, steam bath and infrared cabin.
Price per person: € 19 (incl. bathrobe,
slippers and towels )
Hirschen Wohlfühlhotel****
Informal establishment, adventure
swimming pool with panoramic view
of the countryside.
Schoppernau, T +43 (0)5515 21150
Enjoyment day
A sparkling welcome, snugly bath robe,
pampering facial, relaxing partialbody massage, light wellness lunch,
relaxation in the whirlpool, in the
sauna, in the steam bath, on waterbeds, total immersion in the panoramic adventure pool
(10 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
Price per Person: € 125
water & moor
land & lives
dining out
Bizau – where water tickles your toes
The Ulvenbach flows in the wide
valley plane, close to the centre of
Bizau. It is here that visitors can
walk barefoot over a stretch about
0.6 km in length, take in the natural
Moorbad Sibratsgfäll
Mud provides the skin with moisture and lipids, which is appreciated
by those suffering from allergies
in particular. Mud also alleviates
pain, and relaxes the body. It is now
possible to try out a mud bath in the
natural mud bath in Sibratsgfäll.
Surrounded by Mother Nature on
all sides, a paddling basin, two mud
baths and a natural-water swimming pool await. (Early June to late
Sibratsgfäll Tourismus
T +43 (0)5513 2121
barrier free
Riefensberg barefoot course
You can train your five motor skills
at the 22 stations of the new barefoot
and fitness course. This covers coordination, stamina, strength, agility
and speed. The best thing to do is
to cover the course three times, and
to do the coordination and stamina
exercises the first time round, to do
the agility and strength exercises the
second time round, and the speed
exercises the third time round.
Riefensberg Tourismus
T +43 (0)5513 8356
sights and sounds of the stream, and
admire rare plants. A brochure containing detailed directions is available from the Bizau tourist office.
Bizau Tourismus
T +43 (0)5514 2129
family tips
Water and moor are amongst the
oldest remedies known to man. These
destinations combine the playful
with the informative and pleasant.
active summer
Barefoot course in Bizau
water and moor
Moor seats with integrated information plaques
Vital energy in the moor
How do moors contribute to climate
protection? What plants and animals
are found there? How do we obtain vital
energy there? The access points to the
Krumbach moors are diverse. Sometimes one may not find one’s way into
them right away. The moor guides bring
vibrant knowledge and exciting stories
to your journey between the centre of
the village and the Rossband nature
reserve. Bio-mass enrichment of the
water-saturated environment means
that carbon dioxide has been stored
up in the moors since their initial
formation. For that reason alone they
deserve our respect and protection. At
the Moorsitze (moor seats), the nature
and history of the moors are brought to
life. Beyond the main roads, the Moorraum (moor room) is definitely worth a
visit, regardless of the weather. Insiders
recommend visiting the Krumbach
moors between five and seven in the
morning. In the summer, an early walk
through the moors promotes vitality.
Starting in Rossbad, walkers make their
way through the dawn light to Moorsitz
Engisholz. Condensation on the cool
ground causes the moor to steam and
sparkle. Passing by the Wüstegraben
(ditches), the night draws closer again.
Your animal spirits will certainly return
for good when you kick the water in
the cool ditches, if not before. Those
who wish can make their way barefoot
up towards the Moorraum, where
the morning’s vibrancy is sure to be
guided walking tours of the moor:
Dates: 26 April to 25 October, every
Thursday, 9.30 a.m
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Price per person: € 5, children under
14: free of charge
information & booking
Krumbach village hall
T +43 (0)5512 8157
Award for Krumbach
In autumn 2010, the community
of Krumbach was awarded the
Binding Prize for the Preservation of the Moors. This award is
given to people and institutions
that provide excellent services
pertaining to nature conservation and the protection of the
land & lives
We look forward to your visit.
Vorarlberg Tourismus
T + 43 (0)5572 377033-0
F +43 (0)5572 377033-5
dining out
How does Vorarlberg sound?
Supremely diverse. From great
opera on the lake stage at Bregenz
Festival through to modern sounds,
from lieder sung at Schubertiade
Schwarzenberg to modern folk music:
one can hear it all. And nature plays
its accompaniment the entire time.
How can Vorarlberg indulge you?
With respect and cordiality, with high
quality and excellent taste. Most of
the hotels and pensions are familyrun and have been for generations.
Visitors can lodge with attentive
hosts at farms, in holiday flats and in
private homes in Vorarlberg.
barrier free
What does Vorarlberg look like?
Arrestingly beautiful. The wellformed landscapes inspire you to
enjoy walking, hiking and cycling or
to relax and unwind. There is always
something new to surprise you.
In museums, such as the modern
Kunsthaus Bregenz. In the towns and
villages, where the coexistence of old
and new (wooden) architecture will
amaze you. Nowhere else in Austria
are there so many well built contemporary buildings.Specifically in
How does Vorarlberg taste? In a way
gratifying to those who value inventively refined regional delicacies. The
chefs in the many excellent inns and
restaurants dish out sophisticated
pleasures. The ingredients come from
farms, from Lake Constance, from
alpine dairies and local distilleries,
from special production sites.
family tips
Vorarlberg, Austria’s westernmost
province lends itself well to travel.
Everything is in pleasant proximity
here. Around Lake Constance and in
the mountains there is a wealth of
opportunities to discover the unusual,
and learn and try out new things.
active summer
Village hall in Andelsbuch
how to reach vorarlberg
216 km
62 km
103 km
41 km
140 km
200 km
Alpenregion Bludenz
Distances to Egg in the Bregenzerwald
By car
from the north
• Stuttgart-Ulm-Lindau
• or München-Memmingen-Lindau
from the west via Swiss
­motorways* via Zurich-St. GallenSt. Margrethen
from the south via the routes
•Brenner motorway-Innsbruck-­
Arlberg pass-Lech-Warth**
•or Arlberg road tunnel*-BludenzGroßes Walsertal- Bregenzerwald
•or Arlberg road tunnel*-FeldkirchDornbirn-Bregenzerwald
•Como-San Bernardino-ChurSt. Margrethen*-Bregenzerwald
from the east
•Innsbruck-Arlberg pass-LechWarth**
•or Arlberg road tunnel*-BludenzGroßes Walsertal-Bregenzerwald
•or Arlberg road tunnel*-FeldkirchDornbirn-Bregenzerwald
* toll road
** closed in winter
toll sticker required by law
A toll applies to the use of Austria’s
motorways and dual carriageways.
Types of toll sticker: “­corridor” toll
(border of Germany to the H
­ ohenems
exit, close to the Swiss border),
10-day, 2-month and yearly stickers.
By train
The closest railway stations
(distances to Egg):
•Bregenz (A): 26 km
•Dornbirn (A): 20 km
•St. Margrethen (CH): 32 km
•Lindau (D): 35 km
Timetable information:
Onward travel by public buses:
By aeroplane
•Zurich (CH): several direct train
connections to Bregenz
•Friedrichshafen (D)
•Memmingen (D)
•Munich (D)
•Innsbruck (A)
Transfers from the airports to the
Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat, bank holidays: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sun: closed
Impulszentrum 1135 . 6863 Egg . Vorarlberg . Austria T +43 (0)5512 2365 . F +43 (0)5512 3010 .