11 - Desiree Capuano
11 - Desiree Capuano
1 MILLER, PITT, FELDMAN & McANALLY, P.L.C. 2 3 4 5 6 Peter Timoleon Limperis, SBN 191 7 5 Heather L.H. Goodwin, SBN 32633 1 S. Church Ave., Ste. 900 Tucson, AZ 85701·1620 (520) 792·3836 plimperis@hmpmlaw.com hgoodwin@hmpmlaw.com me@hmpmlaw.com 201f; t AV23 PM 5=03 7 8 Attorneys for Appellees IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 9 10 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PIMA 11 12 PATRICK FOX a.k.a. RICHARD RIESS, Case No.: DV2016·0948 13 Appellant 14 15 16 v. DESIREE CAPUANO, 17 18 19 APPELLEE DESIREE CAPUANO'S REPLY TO APPELLANT'S RESPONSE TO APPELLEE'S OBJECTION TO RECORDED COVERAGE OF HEARINGS Appellee. Judge Deborah Bernini 20 21 22 Pursuant to Rule of the Supreme Court 122, Appellee Desiree Capuano asks this Court to prevent Appellant from receiving a recording of the Court's scheduled hearing in this matter 23 24 and, instead limit Appellant to receipt of a transcript. In the alternative, if the Court grants 25 Appellant access to a recording, Ms. Capuano asks this Court to order Appellant not to post the 26 27 28 29 recording online in violation of A.R.S. §§ 13·3601 and 13·2921. MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES 1 2 Although Appellant correctly states that he did not need permission to record proceedings 3 4 in Sahuarita Municipal Court (he received a copy of the recorded proceedings with the court's 5 approval), Appellant should nonetheless be prevented from using recordings of this Court's 6 scheduled hearing to harass and intimidate Ms. Capuano. Given Appellant's history of using 7 8 9 10 recordings of court proceedings to harass Ms. Capuano, the Appellant should be limited to receiving a transcript of the proceedings, rather than the For the Record (FTR) recording that may be available. If the Court is inclined to grant Appellant access to a FTR recording, 11 12 however, Ms. Capuano asks this Court to order Appellant not to use the recording to further 13 harass Ms. Capuano in violation of A.R.S. §§ 13-3601 and 13-2921. 14 A judge may deny coverage of any proceeding after making specific, on-the-record 15 16 findings that there is a likelihood of harm arising from a list of factors, including: the impact of 17 coverage upon the right of privacy of any party, victim, or witness; the impact of coverage upon 18 the safety and well-being of any party, victim, witness, or juror; and any other factor affecting 19 20 21 22 the administration of justice. Rule ofthe Supreme Court 122(d)(1). A person commits domestic violence if he was previously married to the victim or has a child in common with the victim and then harasses the victim. A.R.S. §§ 13-3601(A), 13-2921. 23 24 A person commits harassment if he: (1) with intent to harass or with knowledge that he is 25 harassing the other person; (2) anonymously or otherwise contacts, communicates or causes a 26 communication with the another person by verbal, electronic, mechanical, telegraphic, 27 28 telephonic or written means in a manner that harasses; (3) the conduct is directed at a specific 29 2 1 2 person and would cause a reasonable person to be seriously alarmed, annoyed or harassed; and (4) and the conduct in fact seriously alarms, annoys or harasses the person. A.R.S. § 13-2921. 3 Section 13-2921, A.R.S. does not implicate the First Amendment, because it is based on 4 5 6 the manner in which a certain communication is conveyed, as well as the underlying purpose for the communication. State v. Brown, 207 Ariz. 231, 235, ~ 10, 85 P.3d 109, 113. The statute 7 8 9 10 "only criminalizes communications made with a specific, deliberate purpose." !d. The statute "does not apply to pure First Amendment speech and instead regulates, at most, a blend of speech and conduct." !d. 11 As Ms. Capuano stated in her Objection to Recorded Coverage of Hearings (filed in 12 13 14 Superior Court April 21, 20 16), Appellant has repeatedly used recordings of the proceedings in her Order of Protection matter on his website, www.DesireeCapuano.com to harass Ms. 15 16 17 18 Capuano. Appellant states correctly that he did not have to request leave to record the original Order of Protection hearing in Sahuarita Municipal Court. He received that recording from court staff. Nevertheless, Appellant misused that recording to commit further acts of domestic 19 20 21 22 violence harassment against Ms. Capuano. Writing as if he were Ms. Capuano, Appellant posted "Highlights from My Order of Protection Hearing," including clips of Ms. Capuano's testimony in order to mock Ms. Capuano's fear that Appellant would harm her. (Exhibit 1, 23 24 Appellee Desiree Capuano's Objection to Recorded Coverage ofHearings at 3.) Appellant has also used recordings to intimidate witnesses who testified in support of Ms. 25 26 Capuano's fiance James Pendleton's Injunction Against Harassment in the Sahuarita Municipal 27 28 29 Court. After Wendy Pendleton testified in support of Mr. Pendleton's injunction against Appellant, Appellant Fox posted Ms. Pendleton's picture and a link to her audio-recorded 3 1 2 testimony on his website. (Exhibit 2, Associates page from Appellant's Website www.DesireeCapuano.com at 2.) Alongside an audio clip of Ms. Pendleton's testimony and her 3 4 5 6 picture, Appellant posted-as if Ms. Capuano were writing: Wendy Pendleton is my fiance, James Pendleton's mother. She testified in James' favor at his Injunction Against Harassment hearing against Patrick, back in December 2016. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [Link to audio clip of Ms. Pendleton's testimony.] As you can see from Wendy's sworn testimony at the hearing, she fully supports me and James being together. She obviously considers me a good person - otherwise she wouldn't want me to be with her son, right? Just something to keep in mind if you're considering doing business with Wendy. Wendy owns Express Employment Professionals, a staffing agency in Tucson, AZ. (!d. Bold added.) If Appellant receives recordings of this Court's scheduled hearing regarding Ms. 17 18 19 20 Capuano's Order of Protection, he will likely use that recording in the same manner-to intimidate and harass Ms. Capuano, her fiance Mr. Pendleton, and any other witnesses who testify on Ms. Capuano's behalf. Allowing Appellant to do so would undermine the 21 22 23 24 administration of justice and allow Appellant to twist this Court's proceedings into a tool with which to harass and harm. Appellant's harassment on www.DesireeCapuano.com is directed at Desiree Capuano-- 25 26 27 28 the site's namesake-and is not protected First Amendment speech. This Court should not allow Appellant to misuse this Court's recorded proceedings to break Arizona's domestic violence and harassment laws. 29 4 1 2 CONCLUSION 3 4 Ms. Capuano respectfully requests this Court to forbid Appellant from rece1vmg 5 recordings of the upcoming hearing, as it is likely Appellant will use the recordings to harass, as 6 he has done in the past. If this Court grants Appellant access to a recording of the proceedings, 7 8 the Court should order Appellant not to post the recording online or otherwise use them to 9 harass Ms. Capuano. 10 Dated May 23, 2016. 11 12 MILLER, PITT, FELDMAN & McANALLY, P.L.C. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Original e-filed May 23, 2016. Copy mailed & emailed May 23, 2016 to: 24 25 26 27 Patrick Fox Burnaby, BC VSG 1T3 Canada Appellant, ProSe 28 29 Is/Carolyn Saenz 5 1 HARALSON, MILLER, Prrr, FELDMAN & McANALLY, P.L.C. Peter Timoleon Limperis, SBN 19175 2 Heather L.H. Goodwin, SBN 32633 3 I S. Church Ave., Ste. 900 Tucson, AZ 85701-1620 4 (520) 792-3836 5 plimperis@hmpmlaw.cotn hgoodwin@hmpmlaw .com 6 me@hmpmlaw.com 7 Attorneys for Appellees 8 I I ~PR 2 i 2016 \ \L 9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 10 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PIMA _ 11 12 PATRICK FOX a.k.a. RICHARD IUESS, Case No.: C2016 1697 13 Appellant 14 v. 16 APPELLEJ!l DESIREE CAPUANO'S 0B.JECTION TO RECORDED COVERAGE OF HEARINGS DESIREE CAPUANO, (Rule of the Supreme Court 122) 17 18 Appellee. Judge Woods 19 20 21 22 Under Rule of the Supreme Court 122, Appellant may not record court proceedings without first notifYing the Court. Appellee Desiree Capuano has requested a hearing on her 23 24 Order of Protection. Although the Court has not yet ruled on the request, Ms. Capuano asks the 25 Court to prevent Appellant from recording proceedings should a hearing be granted. Without 26 Court peimission, Appellant has recorded recent court hearings involving Ms. Capuano and 27 28 29 posted the recordings online to harass her. l MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORI'OES 2 Appellant has a history of surreptitiously recording proceedings and using them to harass 3 4 Ms. 5 www.DesireeCapuano.com. 6 Capuano. Appellant posted the recordings on his harassment website Ms. Capuano asks th is Court to order Appellant not to record hearings on Ms. Capuano's Order of Protection. 7 According to Rule of the Supreme Court 122(a), use of recording devices to record court 8 9 10 proceedings is subject to limitations and l'equirements. A "proceed i 1~g" is "an event concerning a court case that takes place in a court room." Rule of the Supreme Coutt 122(b)(7). A person may t1 12 use personal audio recorders during proceedings only if the person notifies the j udge or the judge' s 13 staff prior to using the device. Rule of the Supreme Court l 22(h). 14 Either on her own motion or sustaining a party's objection, a j udge may deny coverage 15 16 17 18 aft~r making specific, on-the~record findings that there is a likelihood of harm o.rising from a list of factors. Rule of the Supreme Court l22(d)(l). These factors include:·the impact of coverage upon the right of any party to a fair hearing or trial; the impact of coverage upon the rigbt of 19 20 privacy of any party, victim, o r w itness; the impact of coverage upon the safety and well-being of 21 any party, victim, witness, or juror; and any other factor affecting the administration ofjustice. /d. 22 Without advance .notice or court approval, Appellant has recorded several previous court 23 24 hearings involving Ms. Capuano. Appellant recorded family court proceedings in the Superior 25 Court of Los Angeles and posted the recordings to harass Ms. Capuano. (Ex. 1) In a post, written 26 27 28 as if by Ms. Capua no, Appellant posted the recording of a family court hearing under the title, "Custody Hearing - 1 Won it All, Bitches! Fuck My Son and What He Wants!" (Ex. 2) fn fac~ 29 2 Appellant has posted every court document and recordings of all hearings in his child custody 2 case on his website, www.DesireeCapuano.com. (Ex. 1.) 3 4 5 6 Regarding the Order of Protection at issue here, without obtaining the Sahuarita Municipal Court's permission, Appellant audio recorded the municipal court's hearing and posted it online. (Ex. 3 at 1.) Appellant has used these recordings to continue harassing Ms. Capuano, including 7 8 9 10 in a post titled "Highlights from My Order of Protection Hearing." (Ex. 4.) Appellant's post is iu first-person (as if by Ms. Capuano) and contains audio links to the recorded hearing. (Jd at 1- 2.) The text accompanying the audio clip taunts Ms. Capuano and derides her fear: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Can you believe that? I say Patrick has told our child that "if the risk of jail time were not there that he'd SHOOT me" (0:16). Ha! What a hoot! And not only that, he'd "physically" shoot me (0:23). [editor's note: As opposed to ... metaphorically shooting you?] I go on to tell the judge that Patrick has guns and he shoots gtms (0:29). [editor's note: Is there something you would do with a gun other than "shoot" it?] But wait, the hilarity doesn't stop there- I say I am concerned that at any time Patrick can enter the United States "with his guns, that he shoots ... " (0:55). (!d. All holding and italicization in original.) Allowing Appellant to record and use a recording of this Court's proceedings to harass and 19 20 21 22 intimidate Ms. Capuano implicates several of the Rule 122(d) factors. Appellant's likely misuse of the recording would pervert the purpose of the Order of Protection, which is to protect Ms. Capuano, the victim of Appellant's relentless harassment. Moreover, allowing the Appellant to 23 24 25 26 twist the proceeding into a tool with which to further harass Ms. Capuano would undermine this Court's administration of justice. CONCLUSION 27 28 The exhibits, taken from Appellant's website www.DesireeCapuano.com, support Ms. 29 Capuano's objection to Appellant being allowed to record proceedings. Appellant's history shows 3 1 that he would likely misuse the recordings to further harass Ms. Capuano. This Court should 2 order the Appellant not to record future proceedings in this matter. 3 4 Dated April ____2.Q_, 2016. 5 HARALSON, MILLER, PITT, FELDMAN & MeANALLY, P.L.C. 6 7 B~=:z~::s· 8 Peter Timoleon Limperis Heather L.H. Goodwin 9 10 Attorneys for Desiree Capuano 11 12 13 14 Original filed April __gQ_, 2016. 15 16 Copy mailed April_7.Q_, 2016 to: 17 18 Patrick Fox 19 20 Burnaby, BC V5G 1T3 Canada Appellant, Pro Se 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4 EXHIBIT 1 Calift 4120/2016 =-amily Com Case- Desiree Capuano(~ Tomlin): Sh , Druggie, SooiOfllltll Desiree Capuano Home Bloga Fun Shit •• Legal Shit.. Frlende& Family Mill About., California Family Court Case Recent Posts On this page, you will find every document which has been filed by me and by Patrick, in our child oustody case. Fllertev Date 2011-C9-29 PBtrlcK 2011-10-04 Pal rick 2011-1()-16 Patrtck DeRertptlon Comments PeUUon far Cuwtacly This wea tho lniUel pft!IUon. allor Oeairee hod abduclcd "!; GR to Arizona, lllqUealfng lha California Court order Doslree to llllum GR to Petrick's custoclv. OSC • C ustocly, VlaiiiUon 1J OSC - Dll!8rmlne Jurllldlctlon, ex I IIBrt& ~ 20\1-11-09 Court 2011-11-16 Desiree Temporary Order~ The cOt#\'s ordet fOf Deslroo to Immediately return GR to Pol rid<'& custody, after sho had him, lnegally, In Arizooa for the pas I 3 months. Reaponseto Padllon for Custody ~ 2011-12.()6 Court Stlpulalad Order~ 2011-12·0& Desiree Flmflnga and Order A!WrH.arln!l'l!l Objection• 10 P!Opoact Order~ Requeetfor Ext.nalon of Time 201112-13 PalriCk 2011-12-30 Pa1rfok The court's order, osstgnlng sole physical CU8lody to Pal rick, !oint legal custody, and visilatlon terms lor Desiree. ~ 2012·01-04 Patrick OSC -Child 2012.{)1-20 Desir.., Reeponslve Declaration- Child Support"!! Suooort~ 2012·01-20 Desiree Income and E~pense 2012-02.{)3 Patrick 2012.{12-14 Patrick 2012-02-14 COUit 2012-02-21 Desiree Declaration 1! ocs · Modify Vleltxtlon '!I R~uestlo I'11<Xfify Oosii!OI!'s vlsll.otlon, 10 raqwe drug (osl ng prior to. or during GR's visits, duo to tho dlscovofY of Desil'OO'a current drug use. Roquesl an order thai Kri•tophef lsuclvler not be perm t1ed to be present during GR's vl5~s, du& lo LhB diacovN of his violent criminal hlslQIY and his recanl lhlllillS, osc - Sutp&nd Ex porte raqu!ISt to tampornrily suspend Desill!e'e Vlellatlon, ex parte vlsilellol'l. dt•e to the discovery other drug uso end Krtslopher Lauchner's ongoing lnvolvemenl in criminal ~ actlvltkls. Temporary Order~ Court's Drdar lempolllrily suspending Desiree'e visitation due to her ongoing drug use and hillS and Lauchner's ongoing lnvolvernant In criminal activllias, Ol!shee's response to tl\8 requ~t lo require drug R"ponslve Declerlltlon- Modfl'y l8$Ung before or during GR's visits with her. Visltirtlon~ 2012-09-07 Court Mlnutll Enlly "!! 2012.{)9-11 Patrick OBC-Chlld SUDPOrl"l 2012.{)9-11 Palr1ck Dader.tion "!! 2012-00-14 Court 2012·11·28 Patrlc:k Mlnllti!Enuy~ OSC · Modify Vlai~Uon, ex parte ~ http://www.desireecapuano.comnegalltd0353971 The court ordered a "Solutiof1 Focused Evaluation" (child interview), as requested bv- Patrick. Declaration regarding effort& to ob!ein birth certificaleloroof of citizenshlo. Changing th& date of lha child Interview from Man:h 13. 2013 to March 20. 2013. ReQ\18111 thot Y!slta wllh Dol!teo bit ·~'SOd. dlle to U1e cll&covety ol L8ucllnl!l'' __. fllt hkr~ a ~lolen llita~~U rill• In DC$ltee's llomo. thelr ongoong 1/3 4/20/2016 Califl 201B-02·10 2,2Uv1owo 1 24aommeota And So Juet Whtt Haw I Accompllthod by Going ta the Mltdla? 20111-02·24 1,11» >lowo I e oommonta And Yet Mon~ Proof I'm L\llng tQ You About My Ex-Huabend Hiding Our Child· My Family Court Case- Desiree Capuano (Miele Tomlin): st 2012-11-2.6 Patfick 2012-11-28 PatnCk ~ Lateen~ 2016-02-22 1,8&2\ltewo I e commoota lilghllgh1a lfom My Oldor ol Prat.ctlon Hurlng 201 6~ 0.1 · 11 1,114 vrawa I e c:amr:rwnt• Desiree Capuano 250 E. Placila I.Bgo Del Mago Sahuarita, AZ 65629 Tel: 5.20-2B6-B200 da&lree.capuano@gmall.com , Druggle, Sooiopath methamphetamine use, and the execullon of a search wamn 01'1 Oe5Jroo'e rm~o. oec - Relocats to ReqUeSt to mtocate, with GR. to Vancouver, Canada Vancouver, ex parte for employment. 2013-01-QS Patr1Ck 2013-Q1-Q9 PatrtCk 2013-01-11 Court Pallllon tor Dluolullon of Marr11111a't Nolle. ol Change of Add,_ 't Requntlor Conllnuence. Child 8JIJIIIO rt 't Minute Entry~ Patr1ck's nciica Of change or address upon being taken into ICE custody In Janu~ 2013. Patrick's request to continue the child support heartng, due to being in ICE custody. Glllnling Patrick's r<~quest to Continue the hearing support. Mlnure Entry"!: Gmnting Desiree's request (or emergency custodY due to Pattick being in ICE detention, and her request to prohibit ccmmunication betwoon Palrick and GR. The caurt, Of cour>~e, would later deny it granted the nsquest reQarding communication between Patoick and GR. osc • Temporary Desiree's ex parte request alief filing a false report Emergency with ICE about Patrick resultrng In Patrick being Custody, ex parte~ detained and deported. In this request Desiree also sought, and received, an order prohibiting all contact between Patrick and GR. Tvmporary Order"! Order granting Desiree temporary sole legal and physical custody of GR, due to Patrick being in ICE detention. Dectaratlon '1: Palr1ck's declaralion regarding Desiree's ex parte request for emergency sola legal and physical custody oiGR. Rosponslve Patrick's responsive declaration 1o Desiree's request for emergency custody of GR. due to Petrick being in Oec!sratlon • ICE detention. ~rdl"ll_ child 2013-{)1-fS Court 2013-01-16 Desjree 2013-{)1-16 Court 2013-01-23 Patrtck 2013-01-30 Patrick 2013-02-06 Court .201~·03-13 Court ~="¥ Mlnure EniJY~ Minute Entry~ Orderfng GR to reme1n '" Desiree's cUstodY wnlie Patrick is in ICE detention. Upon Patrick's releese he may appear with an ex parte request for GR to be returned to his cuslcdy. Ordering Desiree to not interfere with Pamck's communication with GR. Vac~llng lh~ cnlld imervlew wnich was scheduled for March 20, 2013; awarding sole legal and physical custody of GR to Desiree because Patrtck has been d_"PQQ!ed. Patrick's declaration reganllng Desiree's threats il he continues to _tl}' to seek custotit ot GR. Placing the original heeling which the court vacated on March 13, 2013 back on calendar in Older to keep Patrick in the courtroom until ICE allived to detain him. Order from the Feb11.1ary 6, 2013 hearing. Deslree did not file it until June 2013. 2013-03-13 Patrick Declaration~ 2013-03-20 Court Minute 2013-06-03 Desiree Fl ndlnp and Order AIWr H0<1ri~S '! NoUee of Change of Adcbw'! Petrtck's request for custody to be returned tn him, osc -Modll'y CU11ody, VIsitation, arter being deponed. 2013-07-15 Desiree 2013-1().()8 Patrick Entry~ ex perta'! 2013-10-21 Des tree ReBPOIIIIve Declaration - Modll'y Cuatodr, Visitatlon '! 2013-12-{)4 Patrick 2014-01-27 Pelnck 2014-01-27 Desiree 2014·02-07 Court 2014.07-14 Desiree 2015-09-Q3 Desiree 2015-11-20 Palrick Income and Expense Declaration"-: Sdpulatlon and Order· VialbiUon ~ tncomeana Expenae Dec:Jmtlon "!t MlnutsE~"! Declaration ~ osc - Modify Vlaltellon 't OSC -Modify Cuatody, Visitation Request order allowing GR to choose who he will live with, due to Dtleiree's refusal to ellow further viuitation, taking away GR's phone, and recording Patrick's and GR's_]lltone calls. Oooltoo'l lllllpJnlllv4 dOCiar.ltiOII, IO(sdly ..:CU,ing ROipoMI\011 DKienlllon- Modil'y Patrick or th!eal811lng to kiD hnr, rofua~ to allow GR 't 20.16-CI-11 OWIIrae hltp:ftwww.desirOOC/l!)U8no.comitegalltd035397/ •nv 2/3 412012016 Calif(. .'emily Court Casa- Desiree Capuano (n.II.Co Tomlin): Sb I~u.tocly, lll•ltatlon 201EHJ1-25 wants. 2016-\l2-25 Patrick 2016-02-25 Desiree 2015.o3·28 , Oruggie, Sociopath J=: to mtum at his moat recent visit, and extOMivo Ill of lwallsmanl Alldlo Recording of At this hearing, the judge Ofdellld that GR Is to bo IMHutlngla irterviewed eo thai he can tell th,e court what he Reply to Deelree's Responsive Declaration '1 Notice of Rullna "!. Audio Roconllng of ll>o HNllng II • Adllresaea tho allegoUons made by D~iree, In hor responsive declaration, showing how e1mosl all at her olalm& are either laiBe or ~siV misrepresented. Al this llearlng, lhe court had lll'lllewed allltta evidence proving Desiree hlld lied aboUI all of h9r allagationo egalnet Patrick: GR was supposed to bo able to addll!S8 the court. The co\.ft dis<egarded an of Deeiree's lles al')d continued to act ea thcugh av~thlng the said wsathe \ruth. The COUll granted Oeutree complete dlscnrtion on all mallms of vlaltatlon and contl!Cl between GR eod Patrick, ttnd rafu9ed to make en~ orders 19Q81'drng visitation. Thtt court also ~Umded that Patrick had never requested for GR 10 a able to oddress !he court. 1 t1is aHa W88 ueoled and is lnBII\Iiittnl?!d by lhS~ immscJiale family andlcr doe.e IX!riOn&l f(iends of Oaslree Capueno. wHh 5gnlticenl il,put and conlribullcnz trom lhe oommunlty. AlllnforrnQiion p1..illliih9d on lhla web~il:e is {ru~ ~n~ eowrate to thQ b~Jat of lho lvlaw:OOot~ and ab\Oy Df lh& m\8 nnllnt.a.!nors. Any error Of fact thould be reported lo the makllafn()r, and corrocttva .sd'lon YliM ha -lrurnedltl.le!y .applied. n.itrQtl.~"i}ll pub~ ad oo tNt webl/tQ, whk.flere wr~lan ~n lhD (f'll.PctiWI. rrom fhll»fllftll~1il/8 or Oowea C~MQ arG not In fad, wdten by De .teo Ca,:~uano. Nuvml/lales~. flQ c.lnhunor1t• n1 D<iu lls 5Utn .cu-.. known 10 boo vue ancJ cotta« • rdQ&(l1fQUJ o~wtm1 ODfllNJOmay ttl!~ )'CN.- 1m.1 o:.mnwntJ 0( If you notice ""Y i'la.CGUra.dt~s on l.tll& webalttl, c.u jUb1 waru tv ehare ~IJr lhougllls, feel f(ee to inform me at pltrir:kt;d411AIIIlleapuMo.f;om •nd i wlli odd(oss U1tJm ;J~.> ~dn fl6 p<Ji$iblo. htlp:/lwww.cfesireecapuai1o.com/legal/ld035397/ EXHIBIT 2 Custo<. 4120/2016 ,arii1Q -I Woo ltAJ I. Bitches! Fuck My Son and What He W - Oe51ree Capuaoo Desiree Capuano ! Home Fun Shit... Slogs Legal Shil... i;· Frtcmd" Family & •. _1.. M~t' " l ic About.•• Blogs Custody Hearing - I Won it All, Bitches! Fuck My Son and What He Wants! Search Recent Posts 252 Yiowo I 0 rommeni> Mar 28, 201611 :35 pm PDT Any Mom ant Now My Son Could Vanish 18 ~laM I 1 comm• nt i Wonlklr Whlll II MU8t I! l.i ko to 60 Jamas' 2016·04-19 Pendleton ~ I G-Ol-17 IS•Iw-J 4~- nl o , Tho Tlmo I Was U vlng In My Cnr, Had Unprotoelad Sex wllh a Guy I Jusl Met, and Didn't Shower for the No>1t 3 Oaya 2011>-n4·1ij . . ._ , o co-ntll NBC Atflll ala KVOA Tuc•on and Matthew · Schwllrt:l Are Completely Full or Shit 7Jl1&·04·16 14 viows I 0 cotNnOnlo , Notallu Clancy and tho CBC Are K !ndu Prody Fulla Shit :1.010·04·10 __ , 1..,_, I!Kpoalng My Kldo to Bl\ltll Domn Uc: VIolence, And loving Ill 201 6·04·12 109 vl•w.l 2 cornmanta You Sec? I Renlly Wu a Slrlppor•• •Dnd Prostitute 2018-04-12 188vlawa l cnu:y cac Story 2010.02· 18 5~143 vhtw:a 1 53 comment• Patrick's S ick Obsonlon wl!h Doslrue 4,ti:ICi ~I•WI I ~8 comm1nt• My Son's OpinJon or This Wobalto 20 HI•O"l· 19 3,9U ..,IIWI 1 0' oomm•nt• 'i'hil8esi:Proofliiai'h n Lylns Aboui'iiiY' __ _ Ex~usband Hiding Our Son From Me for 9 Years -My Own Swom Testlm•my 2015·02-20 $,308 ~tlewa 1 28 uvrn· Uta Oroam (Gotlfno a M an ~; ommonta to Pay Mv Way While I Sit Around anCI Got High All Day) 2015-12-26 2,741!1 1 8 comment• wi~WIIi Mj,Daspamto Anomple lo Got Pooplo to Ustento Me 2016·02-11 I.Mhl- J 2Ho-nr. oosn't I! Roally Seem I Jus! Want lhe World's Sympathy ZOIS-02-18 2,81hlows I ~a <•IMHinlo 'rile Poll co Exewted S Ufol> Womtr~t on My Home, Found Stolen A•sault Rifle, Meth and Marlju•n.a 2.015~12-19 2,5:JII vllw. 1 3 cammanta AU Th.i s Talk or Cybor-Bullylng, Harassment, Oafllmallon, and "Revenge· Sitos" 201&-02-21 2,230 views hearl~.g; 40:4). \' Notice how the Judge didn't even order any kind of vls.JtQtlon, Ha 111ft It all up to mDI Whet lhs fuck Is up With that? I mean. he basically said "Mia• Capuano, I'm going to Ignore all lhls evidence of your drug use, your nagloot, \he hug& numb"r of lies thai you've made in this court, and I'm going to allow you to h&Vo complete coolml over Whether or not your son wiUbe allowed to vrslt, or oven tall< lo, his lather. Evon Ihough you havo a hl<i101y of refusing vlsllaU011, I'm nolng lo lgnom that and pretend like ycxl'Vo never refusod any visits." 1t.471 •• - 1 11 COiftiJints My E~-tlu&band INantt to Kill,.,, Ot, At · Lu•t Thnt'a What I Keep Telling Pooplo Z016-02-13 7,llllhlowo 1 63 comment• . 2016-12-17 F.lerore we go any f"'1her, •nrl llefnrA yn11 Aci11RIIy ll•lfln 1n rhA hAArino, lt>f'~ oer """rhino ~t,.,.;ghl : In my mind, I his Is a win- pure and slmplol II you haven't flgur~d It out yet, my son Is nothing more ttmn a token for me to use against Patrick. I couldn't possibly care lass whether our son wants to be wllh me, whether ho loves or hates me, as long as there is a cQ<Jrt order legally roqulring hfm to be wllh me. I reallzo, though I'll never admll it, that what Petrick wants Is for our son to hate ma. and by fotclng him lo stay will\ roo even though what ha really wants is 10 go back with !~a father, I am causing ~xaelly that to happen. So, oveo ll>wQh I c:onsldercourt cldorad custody a \Yf11''. lt'J aclu.llly very much a t03S. But thsr\ since I don't glva a fuck about my sen. who lhu I~X:k cores? A:J 101111 oa him ood Pnblck can't sao each other. 11 c;JornM•dle Of Anal Sex .and Cooking Oil Capuano W aU, tuck P.uh,okl Tho C0UI1 denlod him GY&rytnl',:g and gov• rn• full, unqua~:~~Uonod outhorily 0/Gf OVdty fi.ICI!Ing thl119 lhal has to do with 0\.11' son. Not because Pulrlck dld anything wrong or Is o bad Pll!MI. Juat because I am that lucking good. Here's the recording of the entire Popular Posts That This morning, Pnirlck and I had a cootody hewlngln the family court, Patrick wao Mklng the court to l!IIOW our son to G~ooso, far himself, w11o ho wllllfvij with. ' i t>n Tlm o 1i'itDd To soh My B• by · zo1e-04-09 n Ill..., I z cp,nl"nants : ::015· 1o.31 Perepecllve: Deslme I 46 comm•nta Th o lrreMnblo Proof That My Chalm• of Even though Pat1lck provided conc1ele proof that i'vg boon lying through my teoth lo the court, lho court actually canllnuad to bcllovo roo, For exam!lle. uven though Patrick JliDVIded a policn report whoro James :l<lmllled to IIBinnlng to Patrick's and our son·~ phonn calla, I told lha court ha never aald thnl evan though I he jUdg~ had the pollee report right there In his hand -and lha dumb Iucker actually believad me. Some ot you oro probably tnlrlkl~, 1t'a bocm.1se otlnls wl!bsito. nwr'a why 1M JIA<Io• gtt~<o Ooslroa overyrhlng." Whllo. come on, rhal'a e Gille n."llve, don't yoU !l~nk? Lol'a not fQigel, lhla woba~o wa.a created because of 1110 rom ly coiltt O'lfuslng ro do anytling. Tho CQUI\ WM refUsing ro do onyrhlng about my drug use, all the criminal shit, and my compulsive lying long before this website was created, · Proof That I Really Am a Sociopath 1r anybody oot th~W ia 9tlll ~ lloniii'J whelhot l roolty an111 sociopath, "" dl!lmod uo this weJ!sl te, nil you have to do Is lrslen to mo In this Mar1ng. Nolico how qujckly und easily I go (rom laughlnD and ]oklr.g wl!h tho judge.(al11 :15), to soundlf11l complotely deleafed wheo 1alking obol.ll this wobsl!e (al 2:3:30), thon to sounding oolf-1\ghteoue when talklr19 o.boul havlr.g Palllck oeporteoJ (25:29). the~ sounding defensive and accusatOI)I when trying \o defleolthe blame for not allowing our son to vlalt Pa1rlck aver his winter break (26:39). to sounding afraid for my safety when talking ab~ the possibility of aiiQWing Patrick and our son lo use Skype to communh;ale (31:16). And alii hat wl!hln a 20 minute window. What'3 lmpo~anr hero ts tile appa:ent si~M\Y In my tonuwt,on I make each of tho5o ~ toteme'lls. II yo,l l listen to each ~oparalaly, you wnt auroly concludo I am being truthful and sltu:eru. BIA. when you consider that each of those statements waa made only A few minutes apart -well, only a ltue sociopath can flip !hair emolions so dramallcall.y, so quickly. Conclusion So !hare you h~ve il fol ks. No matter who! I ever do, no matter how egmg!oll!l my boltavior Is, tho l umlly court Je never, nver going to mtum our son to Patrick -because ho'~ a dirty Cucklno ltlog;Jj alien who was deported! And no matter how much my son hales ma lor doing this, II doesn't make a lick o( difference because I am the ona wllh all the power, and tha lillie, ungrateful bastard will stay In my house whelh<lr ha likes II arnot. http:/lwww.desiroocapuano.com/blogs/custody·hearing-i·Won-lt-all-bitc~-fuck-my-son-and-what-hG-Wanls/ 1/2 4/20/2016 Custot., 4arlng-1Won ltA!I , Bitches! Fuck My Son and What HeV.. B<>lng Alrnid for My Solely Are Bullthll 20 U>· OMG 2.22hloW11 Pmvlou• Post: An Example of the Mofllnlc Mentality or Desiree's Supporter& · Mamie Tunay'a Blc19 I 24 commooto And so J ustWhot Havo 1Acconijj!iilledby Going to lho Media? 201 8A)2.·24 1,863 \lltwa HiQiiii'ihts 1,714 vlo.,. Next Post: And Still Deslr4e Completely Misses 1ho Point I a coamtn~~nts An.d Yot Mom Prood'm Lying to You About My Ex-Husband Hldln(l Our Child ·My Letters 20'6·01-- ~l 1.8!52 'llllwt I I oooun.1nh from My Order of Pror•ollon Hearing 2016-111-17 - Desiree Capuano I Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fle/da are mari<ed • Name' 5 common to Emall" l Website PIOBSe enter tne m/sslnyroundJwr Lu wnlirur yuu'r11 '~"'· • • 2 ·IJo SubmltCommont 1 tliti Kile wa~ ctt'!alod and Is mot!nlalnBd by ttlo irnmi!~r.!lal~ f;:~mify and/or OOw pe.IS(;MI frfAJH.is of De~>'r~tt Cepuutlt.J, Wllh s4Jnitloonl h1pul tmd cxmtrib1Jl!onts !tom Jh9 oommunlly. AJ: !nformfltiun put.tl:t\lw~ on Jh:~ w~:~httitt'l IG lfllt) and acrnml~ to lhti t:s~ of thO ktlowla-iiQe and a nitty ot !Art lille mulnLalnurli. My hf'ror of fAct &hnuk.l bu r~aportEJd lo lh~;~ITiAir.lainEtr, and corre~\.'ti .Qf.'tntn wlll bs immud~e\y ap~~d~ An) ~ m. Of" narrative& p~ Oft thlo webai(4t, 1'llth ure "' '~in h "'-' l)ef60". ltom ~ " tVIIfJedlvn ~m.s.asstJdt :art~ Mown tOM lrus ondUJtrtd•ruyfVdlltei of whNO.S... fU'yittl,oy lf yau nolioo Ql'ty rnaa:\Jr6~ r,n ihi10 wu\loila, m i~Y-Jt w;~nlla 6flll(<& or lJ.siroe CApuaror. ar~ nee. i.u ((1(..1, writlnn b)' Oe!Sinut Capuano.. Newrtllotc&S, al you< lllOU(Jhhl, fflfll !faa to lnlorm mo al pntrh:USd&l!ii\roes:·apuaJ'l(l,c<tmand I w'l. BddtonJO lhc;rn Sfl http ://www.desireecapuano.com/t;jogs/cuslody-hoarlng-l-won·it-al/-bllchas·fuck·my- sorrand-whst·ll~Wanl!l/ .m~.m M posSiihlo. 212 EXHIBIT 3 Restrai• '112012016 , Jrders Against Patrick- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin) : S x, OruQGie, Sociopalll •., .- 0 Desiree Capuano Bloga Home LeQ«I Shit •• Fun Shit .. Fnanda& Family Mall I Gtl 0 About .. Restraining Orders Against Patrick This page contains all the bullshit relating to mine and James Pondleton's restraining orders against PatricK. Recent Posts Any Moment Now My Son Could Vanlah 10 1 ~ 19 11 " ' - J u o...nt I Wondor Whllt It M1H1l be Uko to bo Jtm• Pendleton 2018-04-17 ea ~ con...,.nto The Tlmol Wu Uvlng In lily Cirr, Hlid Unproluctod Sex with a Guy I Juat Met, and Didn't 8hO'Mr lor the Next3 Days 2015-04-16 ee .,..,.. J o commenn NBC Affillnto KV A nan allow Schwartt Are ComplotGiy Full of Shit 201&-04·1& lllvlowol 0 eommont• Natalia Ct~ncy Md the CBC Aro l<lnda Protl)l Fulla Shit :!010.0-1 ·15 80v!tWIII 1 comment l!iPotlng My Kilb to 8Mtl Domnuc VlotenGl', And Loving IU 2016-04-12 109Yitwol 2eo-nte ou ? Really W• a Slrippor. .. 111d Prostitute "'"" I 201Ml4-12 My Order of Protection Oate PartY 2015-07-23 Desiree 2015-07-23 Court 2015-12.03 Patrick ~ 2015-12·16 2015-12-16 2015-12-16 Court 1n vllws 1 11oommonto The Tlmo I Tried To Sell My Baby 2010-0ol-ll9 t7 vftM I 2 eommonlo 2015-12·21 Pavick 2016-02-10 Patrick Popular Posts Of Anlll Salt end Cooking Oil 2016-10·31 18,471 "''""' 1 73 com~~~tnl• 'I El( uabon Wenlll to Kll Mel Or, At Leut That'& What I Keep Telling Pooplo 2018-02·13 7,395vlewo 1 63commonn That ruy C C Story 2016-tl:l-18 5,14,_1..,. I lhormnoutt Po.trlcll'il Sick Obeoalon with Dostreo Capuano 2010-12-17 1 41i coii'VIl0i1t. My Soli's Opinion of Thla Wab!Jllll 201 ~• 19 O,t12w.._ 1 ~eonment. 'rliii Beat Proof 1\ I'm Lying About. My Ex-Husband Hiding Our Son From Mo for 9 Yeara -MY Own Sworn TnOmony _..,liM 201t!· 02·20 2016-03-23 De& free 2016-03-24 Desiree 2016-03-24 Desiree 3,301 vltW'Ii 1 ll camrrwnt1 lvln' the Dream (Getting e Man to rty My Wrty Whllul Sit Around end Get High AH 2016-03·29 Desiree Dey} 10111-12-26 2,7M-.l- 1 8cotnn~tnla My a.perato t!Dmpla to Get 110p e to Ustan to Me 2016-02-11 2,W • ....,. 1 11 ooiMIInb Doesn't It R•Uy BeGm I JuiJI Want tne World's Sympatity ~otn .Q2-18 U14 "'""" 1 ~o commtnll The Poll~ Execlllad o. SHidi Warrant on My Home, Found Stolen A.seult RIDe, Math and MarQuana 2011i-12-1 Q 2,0;!11,_ I 2016-04-CS PatriCk JGOI'I1Inlflla All Thta Talk of CybGt-8ullylng, Hara1smant DmmaUon, and "Revenge· Sites" 201\l-02-21 1141 r blo Proo I'* 1 ~of Baing Afraid for My Selety Are Bullshit http://www.t!esireecapuano.com/legel/cv201!>-00024_2& D8!1crlptlon Com menta Petllion for Order of Desiree's petition, falsely alleging Petrick had Protllclion ~ threatened to shoot her. Order of Prolllcllon Even thoUgh Desiree didn't provide any evidence 1l of her alleaations. the court stU I issued the order. Request for Hearing Audio RKording of This is a recording of the entlre hearing. Note: This is the same audio as the one for James' case. H.-inoYI Trenactiptof Note: This i8 the same transcript as the one for Hearing~ James' case becsuse thev Wtlte heard logether. Order~ The court's order keeping the previous order in place and adding a Notice of Positive Bmdy Indicator (firearm prohibition). The order only prohibits Patrick from contacting Deslme, and from possesaing lirearrn& w~hln the US. II does nat prohibit Patrick from continuing to publish Information about Deslre11 on this website, and it doesn't affect Patrick's firearm possession outside the US. Nolico of Appeal"!! Applll Based on lhe Municipal Court not having MelnOfllndum ~ Ju~sdtcUon to issuo the order of protection; tho coutl •ncom!Ctly applying the statui.OI)' detlnltlon of ''harassment" because there was alntady a pending family matler bef0f8 the Superior Court: and the court using public, conatil\rtionally protected speech as a basis for a finding of prior harass.ment. Notlco of Desiree retained a hack attcmay to delay the appeal process _ Appearance~ Amended Noace or From the first day. Desiree's new attorney is Appaerance '!! al~dy making mistakes and having to r&-tile documents. Motion to Correct Motion io add "avidenc11" to the appeal record. or Modify the This is an entirely frivolous motion, likely just to Record on Appeal delay the appeal procosa. Desiree Is ron clalmi~ ~ she had the ' evidence" with her all he heuriog but I just didn't submit il. Desiree's responsive appeal br1ef. Sha argues that Appellee'• the content of the website constitutes harassment, R•ponalva Mamotandum~ even though the contents end stetemenls ware not made ro her. Her altomey actually chang~~s tha wording of relevant statutBII in Oid!lf to make them flt his B!llUments, e,g. substituting the term "action" with "matte(' in the A.R.S § 13-3602(P). A desperate ploy by a hack attorney - typical for AriZOllB llltomevs. though. R1111ponaa to Motion OpPQSlng to the moUon to add evlderoe to the to Modify the appeal record, based esee111lal1y on tha "eVIdence' Record on Appe11l 110\ reelly being raievont to Desiree's cnse. ond an appeal not being lhe appropriate vanuo to seek to ~ have evidence considered. James' Injunction Against Harassment I Da~ I Fllod By I DGIQ1ptlon Commonta 112 Reslralr, • Jrder6 Against Patrick· Desiree Capuano (nile Tomlin): S1 412012016 201&-07-23 Jam a• Pe~tlon for And So Just What Hava I Ac:compllahod by Going IG the MIKII1? 2018-02..2'4 1,,03 vlewa I 6 commentt And Yilt Mort' Ptoot I'm Lying to You About My Ex-Hu,band Hiding Our Child· MY 2015-07-23 Court 111Junction A~alnat "-nvnt.; Luttom 2015·12-03 Petrick 2016·02-18 2,2Uvlt\OS 1 24commont11 2016-02-22 HlghUgl\18 from Hearing 201~01-17 fnJun"'on A~lnat tt-nt · 1,lll2- I 8<olmlllnlo My Or!Mr of ProlOcllon 1,714vlowo 1 5 comment• 2015·12·16 2015-12-16 Court 201S-12-21 Patrick 20 t6-02-1 0 Patrick 2016-0~·23 James 2016-03-24 James 2016·03-24 James 201&-03-20 James 201&-04.()5 Palrtck ·Nae creatML1 ~mel 1~ ma~ntainad nee tohlm. Even though J1111es didn't allege Patrick had ever had any contact with him. the court actuolly issued the Injunction. Raqunt for Hearing "t 2016-12-16 Desiree Capuano 250 E. Plecile Lago Oel Mago Sahuarita, f'oZ 85629 Tel: 520·286·8200 dB91rea.eapuano@gmall.com 1r 1 ~ sil..e .r, Druggle, Sociopath James• petition, alleging Patrick hsd been ;:::~1ng~=pulllicly speaking about him· Audio Recording of This is a recording of !he enlire heartng. Note: This il) the same audio as the one for Desiree' a case. H•ringllll Note: This ie the sam& transcript as lhe one for T-rlp1of Desir~·s case because they were heerd together. H.-inJI~ Order~ The court's order keeping the previous order in place. The order only prohibits Patrick from contactiog James or going "neal" J81Tle5' reaidance. It doos no1 prohibit Patrick from continuing to publish information about James on this website. NoH co or Appeal"! Appeal Based, pnmanly, on the James admission that he and Patrlck have never actually had any contact Memontndum 1:. (Which is a necessary requirement of "harassment"); the court incorrecUy applying the statutory definition to include public statements made sboul James, bLII notlo him. Notice of James retained an apparantly Incompetent attorney to delay the ptocess. Appearance"!; Amended Notice ot From the fi"'t day, James' new attorney is already maki11!1mistakes and h•.vlnll. to re·fila dooumente. ApJIODIIlnGO '1: Motion IG Correct Motion co ad<:l "evidence" to the appeal record. or Modify ttle This is en entirely frivolous motion, likely _itlst to Rocord on Appeal delay the appeal process. All of the supposed "evidence" that is being requested to ba added to ~ the record pertains only to Desiree's case, not James', so this entire motion is irrelevant to James' case. Appellee's James' responsive appeal biiei, He'.s trying to argue that the passive conlent of lhe website Rw;polltlvo constitute. harassment ·even though there has Mem0111ndum"! never been anv contact between him and Patrick. Respotwe to Motion Opposition to the motion to add evidence to the to Modify ttle appeal record, essentially based on the lack of Racord on Appeal relevance any of the supposed "evidence'' has to James' cssa. "t appool by !he L'nrner:litl.le famiiy ~mllor da!e personal friendfi af Oaiiree Ca~:auano, wah signif'~a~nt inpul ond tonlr'lbuliami from tho oec~mmurllly. AI!Wolma~ pub~•~~ 01'1 thl• wobslt.e Is lrua iJl!'ld uro~rBia hl lh~& Des-1 of lhB W.owle.dgB end ability n<l\oo wit uo irron•di;llaly opp(o<t. ar !he ttile rnaintoii'IElrs., Any error of t.act 'Sflr.luld be t~d lo Ill~ fl'lainiQ~1~1. and couecllve nort..,..,. pY~ Gr'llli'\DWIJbeiln, .,._.. ~ • ..,,...n in ... ,.,... ptrtiOI\ fro4'J'f H'IO CIOr1llp&ctlve of Dallirae Gapu~na iif-'ol not, infacl, Written by Dasi'se Capuano.. Nevar1huiCJS9, all -"""'""'.....,.,o.,_.,.~.,.vuoondoo~-r~sof-Dolr"l'flllr•l'IU· IV'ft~ 01' I! you nolice any inaccurllciM on lnls web.slt13, or lust. wttnt tD ~!hare http://www .deslreecapuano.comflegallcv2015-00024_2.51 your ihot.Jt).ht&, feel fn~tl' to inform me tH patr1t:k@!d88h'CIIC1Cilpuano.r:om Gnd J willad<.lras!i lh9rn ~"sour, as pussillle, 212 EXHIBIT4 Highlights ftom My Otder of Proiection He<~ring- Desire-. 4120/2016 ,JUano Desiree Capuano Fun Shit... Blogs " Lagal Shit.. Frlonds & Family j Mall ·: Abollt... Slogs S«•rch -Recent - -------------· Posts Highlights from My Order of Protection Hearing Jan 17, £U1ij 11:42 pm PDT 1110 VI"W4 1 tJ OOfllmMII! ,..,tick Any Momont Now MV Son Could Von! II As aomn Pendleton 20 16·04-17 ·a,.to.l ~ go..,..nhl The Time I Wou l.lvlng In My Car, H.a<l . Unprotocted Sex with a Guv I Just Mol, •nd Didn't Showar fnr tho NaKt 3 Day$ ZOIH-04-16 70 vloW~J 0 oomm~ nl• I though\ I'd shOro wilt> yoo 5oma the highlights of that hearing- not just rne recapph\!1 what was said, but the achml oudk> r~~ecmJJng ollha hooring. 20 16-00·19 20viows I lco,.,.nt I Wonder Wh;lt ll Mml bo UkQ to ba Jrunos · NBC Amllate I<VOA Tul!8on and Matlllaw Schwartz Are complalely Full of Shll Nomllo Clancy and tf1o CBC Aro Kind • Pretty Full a Shit 80 vl111wa I '201tMU·15 -.goot""'--. ...._,- """II""" hied tt.. Ume-. ..... U. ~mcotdlngo . Fo< lll<OIOplo. :0:29 IIIOIIN I'm lnlklng llboul WIIOl ~2m nutoa III)CI29 MCOndllnto lhe recording. TliOU{IIlC l'd·rrwllCIGC\ 11101 1« rou fcll!c lhOiorot.oo Gtuplcj to l'lgonllt 0111 on yourow~~o Lot's s\M with tha court aoknowledging it didn't have authority to skillfLd manipulation lo get the court lo proc~d anyway. 1 comm.nf ExpolllniJ M~ Kld•IO Brullll Oo1nosUc or How I Convinced the Court to Issue an Order it Didn't Have tne Authority to Issue cs vlowol o""""""""' 2016·Ct- 1n ot you ki'Q'N, Jam6s ano 1 reoonll y auoncloo e h-"'o eo-.,..t lot' I.,. 0,... of Protoctlm I got·ugalll'lt him, and tho lr(uncUon AgDIIISI H_,,.., J - !)01 agalnlt Nrn. · 109 vlawal 2 oommonto Wao a Strlppor...ond Pro5tltuta ·Ill ..r.... I " OO .....AI.O Th11 Tlmu I Tried To Soli My Bnby 2016·04-09 97 vloww f .2 comrn.nt• 20,6-04.12 Popular Posts Of Anal Sax and Cooking 011 2015-11).31 18,471 >1....., I 13 common1a Ex-HUJb:and WAII W to 1<111/llat Or, At Mr T.e&11 Th•l'a Whet I Keop T11lll ng Pooplo 2:010.02-13 7,3!15vfew;; r ncomme~n t l Thet Crazy CBC Story 1.01tf.Cll·\8 $,.843 v4e*S I 53 commant• Petrick'• Slck·Obsou 011 ¥1Ith OOJ>Iroo • C~puano I 4&coflml!flte My Son's Opinion of This Wabsllo ~1 1-02· 1 8 Ut ht.,.. I IUao,..,.,.,l• Tiiii8Mt Proof Tltlll'm Lying A out M}l · ·· 4,8B8vi~ 2015-12-17 Ex-Husband Hiding Our Son From Me for 9 Vtara • My Own Sworn TeeUmony 2016·02·20 3,30hloWI 1 28aommont• [ivtn' lho Dream fGo!dng a Mon to Pay My Way While I Sit Around and Gilt High All Day) 2015~12-25 2,70 vlaw11 I S convnant& riiY"oeaporniit"Ailoiiiiiii'io o·aiPeople "iO ---- Uston to Me 2,G-44 Ylew& f 2.1 comment• 2018 ·02-11 Ooo1n't It R•glly Sftm I JuOJI Want lho NOIIea how, when the judge fir:ll Uy11SilO aar:sn1 '-• II• Mllnorily 10 wu. Otdtlr, I If'/ to atQIIO th.1t cha ordar of procoollan Is only lot' me -no~ fot' our ,..on lllld 10 the ponc1ng c.u 1n Cilllloma oo.n1 monon Nolko how I oion<ly Md .-.ivoc:aSty at•.. thalli» c:GM In tho 9uporlot Coull ~ Plftdlng (0:30 oocondo)? Nl o polnl ol lllel. tho child eualody CIIUIOin c..ucma '- boon l*dt'CI sJrco Sept..2011. FOI' t"""• who WW1'1- " 0. In cllikl ~locty Moll I 0 COlO IOI'I'IIIlM in a~ atl)lua .-.JJIII» cl'lild IU''!t 1 11 _ n, "bocomo llnol' fuot - . . o tho! .,...UO. c''""'lo on ....,ant wbhooa tho COUII'aln!OIIIentiOn. 0111 cl1eCI< 0111 whel I a.y-111 ~30 - I lftll lhol jUdgo tholttll C"llllotrio c;DS• "-' 1M1Gn "' r11117.ed"- 111111 k I¥ no IOf9ll' ~ CIWI you baile\IO ihilt'? And ii iiiOI't no1 OIWIU9I'I, I bOldly CUi1m Pllllklc jUSt roconuy ·~ IIIII caw. NDW. olOOino. I ' " - tiH WM all eomplala ~11\11 . . _ 1ast yar 1rneo to l\llltettro c«~o IIIOYed to AIW>na n 1ho ~~ w .son~~c~: 1110 oocs.p~.,r. 20t5111lod o roquest tonavaa.. 1011'1 vl811111lon ~oUSprcled. Now, liatOf\ catofully tn the quivost<19ln my VOk:<l81 etound 1:37, '"'"'" I eak 1110 r:oun "How do 1RJ an Individual got llroteenon front h!m then?" TGU ma I dol'\'I oilnd 100% slnc:enlty afraid IOf my aafolyl Damn, I'm good! And ~~ me oul at 2:45 ·-I'm on 1he brink d t0111el Or ai iouot that'• how I ployod II. Uo..alty, Ill cry In COlli\ lhojll<ige feels sony for me and ~s rna slal:ll. You can sum I'll be crying atlhocu:IIOGY hearing In Calilcrnla next week. oo Now, check this out: 0;!4 2016-02-19 Of course, tha order Is going to be ovar lumed on appeal. Just llka lhe court said: II simply didn't have the autho~ly to Issue the order. My Greate~;t Performance Ever Here I am telling the court what I'm requBSIIng, arKI that Pal rick Is obsassod wl!h rna. Notlling amazing, but I love the sound of my voice so IIston to ItI . ) 2.814 vi•WII 1 40 comments My Home, Found Stolan Meth and Marijuana Assault Rifle, 2,538 vlows I 3 cornrnantu 2015-12·19 u.n Now. Iter • tho kick • Mr pnfNIY 1111tim011y. Lol'o glvo ~hit o ll5!cln wo'J c:t.trr whlcfl partt ora m:lulllly ~root. Keep In mind, VOII tliCIUOh I ei81m, \IICkY Olllh, lhAII ~ ~on". Jneluctillo amDIIa, I don'IIIOIU811)1 ~I olngl. ploce d ~ 10 GlfllllOII ANY ol my r:lillml. lol'• U 11111.. All this Talk or Cybor-6ullytng, Haraasm~nl, ' ; Didn't ov~ hft'<o to drop u slfll)l teurl Juullooklng llko maybo I might cry wa;~ enough to get lhat )udga to comp\lltoty dsregard t)'ru V<n'f tuw& she Wil$ swciru to upliok!. God, i love Arirort~~l World's Sympathy Tha Polico Elcecutl!d o Search Warrant on lha nrdsr o( protection and my u VlotenCG, And loVing Ill 2016-04-12 You Sa&? 1 R••lly i~aue 3;43 D01lamaUon, 3nd "Revcnga- 511111$" 2015·02· 21 Tii'iilrrufulabla 2•231 vlowo I ~ 6 """""""'" Proof That My Clal ma of Ctoo!l you OODII\• t 1:11? I SliY Palllcll hoi told our child thai 'II !he rlsk of jall tlmo were notlholtl 111111 ho'd SHOOT roo· (0. 16}. Hal W~ a hooiJ And not only that, he'd "pllyslcally" shoot ma {0:23). [CIIIItor's note: hHp://www.desireacapuano.com/blogslhighlighls-from-mv-order.of-prolaction--hearing/ 1/4 Highllghls l"rom My Order af ProtecUon Hei<ring- Desire-. 412012016 Bolng A,frald lor My S•loly Arv Bull hit 7o•o-~•a 2.121.._ 1 J~«>-•• And So Juat What Huvo I Ac;compllllhod by G~tlno to tho M~tdla7 :1016·0Z·2' 1 ,, 01 vi• WI I 8 cOnW'I'IORI III And Yot Moro Proof r m Ly ng lo You About MV E•·HU il ~ond Hiding Our Child - My Loltlln 20HI·0~·22 1.852 vie~ I 8 aGtN'T,.n t• Hlghllgh._ from My Ordor of Protocuon Hearing 2016·01·17 1,71$ vlvwa I .puano M opposed lo.. ,meJIJPhoilcd!y $hCCI/rtl )'Qt'I'J I 00 on to lOll the jutJgD 111111 Pa1J1ck has ~ n 110 SIIOOt# gllN (0:29~ jlldilor't Ml I~ IIWIO ${)ff)f}{h/ng -;eu ~do will• e 91Jn o/hertillltl' /loot' 1111 But wall, UIO llllority CfOoSn'l stop lllo! - I say I IIIII ~- Ilull !II any tfmo Paolalll*l-thl Ur4tw SUtlea 'Will\ 11181111"'. I hill hO Slla0t5•• .' (0;55). I(ID d pans\0 lltlelmpi. IO he4i my Clarfm. I pal I'll OUI thol P61llck W116 - l o d lasl $UMniBI 1111 ctlmloal hat8$SII)(IIll (3: 13~ TlloUgl\ ol ~- f dldn1 montlon l/lol tho Clwgea woro dlsml$sad beaatM the I CMP .nd 1110 Conudwu 111-ulor l*lo'/Od I WPS IIlii ot Old!. And now, Jet's seo the results or a lifetime of chronic pol use: 5 carMllnt• lhel'a fu~.klng ~laasicl Waa l high cut of my mind ol lhe hearing? Of aoursc I was, I'm Desiree fucking Ca-no. whcm am I no! high out ol my fuc~tng mlnd1 j• Pey p.tlcukv llltOI\llon to how I octllllly gat mooyi\CI w!lh lho (0:35). ~ whal the luck was that randcn\ d!uc~IO•••OUI d th~ blua .. Jor no app01enl roosvn Ill 811. Golll lovew-rt Still to Come... ll'oa~Vs t tin • bui)Ch mom tosllmorly llllm thot 11g. jlldudlng J ' moltw(. WerfJy Pet>dloton: Jamec quoaUcring PolrlC!C: Jtlm08' seomi"'OY complolety Ullllll9led ran& _ , CIOCIVrlgl~ Wllngemenf, Polrlc;k lltetlng 1ilo 1'1141$<)0 ho donn'l po.e his name 01\ INa wobSito t. bec:Aulo ho'll Bllatntd and tmbatretseo aboUt t.ovin9 boan lnvd"-' wHh mo: PlllrldC plstolr!Q alllho court 11uy polnllno OUI ll>t ocdora aro ~.~~..-rorcoablo 111111 ~"'• In canecso.., !hal 1111 ""'- not toelllllt no lr\lon.l llltl.lll slmli'Cioring his ~. HQI)Cifully, I~I !IIIIIW>d 10 IIIDIINa wouk ~ then av lwnt penk:l&lltfY amusing scenes wllh Jama•. Previous Post: Noxt Post: Jamos Pendlaton'a (and His Mommy's) Te•llmony at the Restraining Order Hearing Trashy, Ghetto People and Honoring Agreemenls 5 Responses to Highlights from My Order of Protection Hearing 1. . mgumby says; 2016.02-23 at 9:18pm Please keep posting lhls Is great stuff the wording in which u use really brings u in than bam ur laughing ur ass off and figuring out \M entire ordeal lol . 2. , - ----- ~ - --- .... - ---------- ' John "''d says: 2016~4-11 at 4;27 am To the crealor and ex-husbsod of lhlq webaite: you'ro an absolute nul job. No body In lhls wot1d glves a shit about ltoe strife you hnve in your life In regards to tha breakup of yollf marriage. You must be the only person In the entfra tmiverne that hs• lad such an Gxemplary life to the vxlent that you honestly believe you h"vo the ~ght to be oo nllll:loslstic and v!ndicllv<>. tt I• eppa,..,nt that you nov or recolved th1> rovo and guidance of either or your paronts; maybe toot's a function or your hoving boon oreatocl fn s Palrlo die h. You are accomplishing sbsolutely nothing with this on&-stdad jaded buil•hit you profess to be the truth. Remember spemt donor yo<J are aqunliy responsible for everything that has ltappened prior to, duoing and after this marriage. You ne~d to find oomethlng corn;trJ~11vo lo do with your life and if this is the best you can do, then you are hopelassly and desperotely just another abl!essed temper tantrum man-<:hlld who nevor grew up. Ttmo far you to gal olf of your milk bollia and move an befor& thoy lock you up in a rubber room in a coal with long arms that fastonij up In tho bank. Reply Patrick Fox says: 2016~4-11 at 9:52am This wetJsit<l is aboul Daslrll6 Capuano and the horribla things she has dono and conllnu"" lo do. It is nol about me and how I might have bean affected by 1hosa lwmblu things Daslflle has dane And continues to do. Thmefam, I fail to seo tha point of any of your comment. You claim "no body in the wo~d gives a shil.. ,". I assume you include yourself In lhat groop of "oo body". y\lt, you took tho time to post 4 angry comments. That would indlc~te thai you givo a shit. You say "You are accomplishing absolutely nothing with this one-sidad jaded bUIIshil you profess to ba the truth." However, according to "sources" who ~ro in regul>~r contact with Desiroe and James, I appaar to be accomplishing exactly what I am trying to- to Inform as many people as possible about all of the bad things Desiree has done and Is doing, wilh tho ultimate objacllva of completely ruining h«p:l/www.desireecapuano.aomlblngs/highli!Jhts-from-my-order·of·pro\cclion-heari~ 214 4120/20113 Highlights from My Order of Protection Hearing- Desire. ....,no har life. As for whall "profess to be the INih'': I don't expect anyone to believe anything I soy -that's WiYt I po5l pmof of everything l say- court documents; Oeslre<l's sworn testimony, under oath; recordings of Desiree actually saying \he things I'm accusing her of; fXJiice reports; photograph•. Or are you one of those people that rafuses to believe rAAiily no maltor how muoh proof Is provided? Thcy'ro called delusionaL ,..3. ,. ~ 1 John Ford says: 2015.04-13 al11;07 pm Sir. you're still A nul job. Any Interest In your weballe does not constllute giving a shit. You're roatly 110t that important. I auspect people are more disgusted with you and find most of what yo• I do as comedic 'i' and obsessive behaviour. l, for one, am vary Impressed you have 'sources'. Unnamed I seo. In your head pfflfm~•? Notwithstanding, all you do. is setting a very fine example lor your offspring, koop up the good work daddy. Reply P•trlt:k Fa says: 2016.{)4-13 at 11:20 pm or (l(j\,1~0 tt1ey'ru unnem9d. If stop spQaking to o.~i,.-o know who WBB kOI'JplnSJ us informAti nf hflr ftt1Uatlon than Bf\A'd l~<lm . Pleasa holp me to unda<stand what is so "dl~gustlng", "comedic", and "obsessive" about merely publishing true, factual information, together wlth extensive supporting evidence about someone who has spent har life exploiting, manipulating, and abl.tslng others? You seem to be orw of those people that believes a nenoon'a bad conduct should remain privata. Thai way they can keep dainy whatever bad stuff they've boon doing. tf a chlld moklster movGG In nlll<t door to you and your ather neighbor k11ows ha's a child molester than are you 51\ylng thal ather noighbor should kaep it to himself? Even If that means you'd be putting your children at substantial risk? Thpt sure •eems to be the logic you're using. "'nyway, yov'..w quite lnoo~ •tMJ~o.n MIYv ma•t pwopl• •re ,.ra.t"lng thl• •ll•. wtd m•. at lhi• JIOiht, At first, people thought i was a crazy, obsessed loser- but then I siarted posting oil the proof agalnsl Desiree and now moot people rQallze that she's a horrible parnon and I'm merely retaliatinG for the things she's done to me and our son. As for being a "nut Job" - w~u. tlan yau provide any basis for that opinlan? Can you point to any 9pecific statements I've made, or specific things I've done which would support such a belief? I'm p"!tly aertain you can't. I'm quite eert!lln you're just one of those people who thinks that nob~dy should be allowed to do a/\Yihlng you don'lliko. Reply Leave a Reply Your email addre1;s will not be publi•had. Required flalds ora mar1<ed '' +la1J18. Email' Website I Please enter the missing number Jo confirm you'm real. • •II = •Ieven () http://www.desireecapuano.comtblogslhighlights-from-my-order·of..protectiort-hearing/ ll4 o4J2012016 Highlights from My Order of Protection Hearing- Dllilra.. ~uano lubmll Comlllonl T~l! IIIII l>t~• CfOIIIOO lnd ~ m""'(ll/rJid ~y lilt! meoltlo f1noty ond/Or tioao PlfOO"II ~ionllllotDu~... Copuo,.,, "l!h tlglllllc\Jnl ~ 11114 <vn!llbu1Jon< t .... blo "'mn'Nnll)'. AI ~IOrma&l:Jn ~fiG en..,.. ...-bah 1, we OJ)d at.eUf•lo to t"a bOIQ of U1n Mowloolfs\il •nd iiD ty of lhA w..:.. mltl~lrt4f'& My ~rqf flll:t •hwii bu reportdd to lh11nuHruafn•r, and conotP.oo oelttn "iabalnl-IOI!r•P"""'· Aw-f~ Qt fWUikel69~ Of'l ~ . ..... b • •to..... flletl, ·~ . , ...... ~ . . , .. GrWI'\ •omo lho nunp~ ol DoW"o'C•p~ riO,.... - - N - 0 !6 ....Mn lo .. ~••~ntJ OOI<OCI • <~OI ...... ~-y ... ,.,. n:K, 1n lud, ~\tr!UM by DCIU:'M Cupuo.no~ N ct\'ftrUWIIo"· an 11 you nob antln•cciutsdet oo tf~ t~~tobtitq, ot)ual woJK to ahcw. )'O&tr rno""rn1. f,_ot rrve to )nfoml rno •' Pllrl~tttcttJ.I ua noA::omand j wiJoldd,..,.&nor-1'\ u10on e~~opo~ http:l/www.de#Jireocopueno.comAllogs/hlghllghl!;-fi'om· my-order-of..protectlm-heatlrlfi 414 EXHIBIT 2 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath 5123/2016 Desiree Capuano Fun Shit... '' Btogs Home ~; Legal Shit... 1; Associates l > Mail iJ About. .. Associates Recent Posts James Has Finally Had Enough of Desiree's Bullshit 2016-05-16 179 vlows I 13 comments My Medical Marijuana Application 2016-05-15 84vlows 1 3 oomments I Haven't Taken My Kids to the Dentist Since January 20131 2016-05-11 117 vlawa 1 0 c.11mm.n1.• Oh, to Work at Pima Community Collogo 2016-05-11 103 views I 1 comment I Approved of this Website and of .AII Patrick's Efforts to Ruin My Life! 2016·05-04 94 views I 0 comments Don't be fooled by the list of folks on this page. They're not really my "ftiends". Truth is there are vary few people left who don't hate me. It might be because I have an amazing ability to screw over anybody when it serves my interests, without any regard for how it might affect them. The people in my life that have been decent don't generally hang around too long because they quickly realize what a horrible person I am and they move on. The people that have stayed in touch with me are usually the white trash, trailer patk losers I grew up with. And that's probably because they're the same wla~ Family Teresa Hoffman Until I Am Dostituto and Homeless ·Just Like I Did to Him 2016-05·01 137 viaws I 1 comment n I Falsely Testified I Only Did One Interview 2016-04-29 85 vlaw& I 1 comment This is my mom. I learned everything I know about manipulating people and guilting them into doing what I want from Teresa. Thanks mom! Where would I be without you? I Fucked Mysolf by Doing ·a Live Interview 2016·04·29 136 views I 2 comments T)lis is the woman I have modeled my life after. Growing up, she never made me accept responsibility for anything I did and that no matter what I do I can always blame it on the men in my life. And now I pass those valuable Popular Posts Of Anal Sex and Cooking Oil 2015·1~31 16,840 views I 58 commants My E><-+iusband Wants to Kill Me! Or, At Least That's What I K110p Telling People 2016-02-13 7,490 viawa 1 37 comments That Crazy CBC Story 2016-02-18 5,883 vlewa i 42 comments Patrick's Sick Obsession wilh Dcslrco Capuano 2015-12-17 4,11S5vlawa 1 25cammunt• My Son's Opinion ofThis Website 2016-02-19 4,004 views I 13 commant• The Best Proof That I'm Lying About My Ex-+iusband Hiding Our Son From Me for 9 Years - My Own Sworn Testimony 2016-02-20 3,361 vfaws I 17 commants Livin' the Dream (Gening a Man to Pay My Way While I Sit Around and Gat High All Day) 2015-12-25 2,802 vlows I 6 commants My Desperate Attempts to Get People to Liston to Me 2016-02·11 2,677 views 1 5 commonto Doesn't It Really Seem I Just Want the World's Sympathy 2016-02-18 2,648 views I 27 comm8nls The Pollee Executed a Search Warrant on My Home, Found Stolen Assault Rille, Melh and Marijuana 2015-12-19 2,581 "Yiaw. I 3 commor'Hs All This Talk of Cyber-Bullylng, Harassment, Defamation, and "Revenge· Sites" 2016-02-21 2,211 vlawo I 18 common to The Irrefutable Proof That My Claims of Being Afraid for My Safety Are Bull shit 2016-02-18 2,235 views I 20 comments And So Just What Have I Accomplished by Going to the Media? 2016-02-24 1,917 views I 5 commenlo And Yet More Proof I'm Lying to You About My Ex-Husband Hiding Our Child ·My http://www.desireecapuano.com/friendsl · You may notice, when'this website was in the news in February 2016, of the, literally, thousands of people that posted comments on the various websites, supporting me, not one of them was a pan;on who actually knew me personally! lessons on to my own kids. Donald Tomlin fi My dad. According to the story I told Pattick, when I got pregnant in March 2000, this is the man that forced me to have an abortion, leaving me emotionally scarred for life. At least, that's what I told Patrick so he'd feel sorry for me. Sage Capuano fi My second child. This is the kid I hed with Michael Capuano, after I ditched my first son with Patrick. Sage grew up in a home with me and Michael regularly gelling into setious fights which usually escalated to the point of us hilling each other and throwing things at each other so, obviously, Sage has "issues" with aggression and violence. There was this one time when Sage tried to choke another kid in his class at school. Yeah, we don't see much of a fulure for this crazy bastard, lhough it's not his fault -look at his parents. It's hard lo grow up decent when both your parents are as fucked up as me and Michael. James Allen Pendleton, Jr. fi James Pendleton is my current fiance. We live together in James' wonderful home in Sahuarita (near Tucson). We met when we were both wotking et Apollo Group. Sure, there were policies against banging your co-walkers but fuck it - I'm not ana to comply with company policies. James was a Technical Project Manager and has worked for such firms as Apollo Education Group, Tucson Embedded Systems, Raytheon Missile Systems, and American Traffic Solutions. James has Top Secret/SCI secutity clearance- which means he is able to tell me all kinds of juicy "naiional security' secrets while we're lying in bed at night. 1111 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath 5123/2016 He graduated from Arizona State University with a BS in Computer Systems Engineering, Letters 2016-02-22 1t887 vlvw. I B (:OJilmDn l • tiighlighls from My Order of Protection Hearing 2016-01-17 1,730 vlowo I 1 comment Desiree Capuano & James Pendleton 250 E. Placita Lago Del Mage Sahuarita, AZ 85629 Tel: 520-28B-B200 It may tickle you to know that even though James Pendleton is engaged to a scheming, drug addict, who would sell her children for a bong hit, he is trusted with top secret national security information, and is put in charge of projects that are supposed keep our country safe from those evil people that would like to see us all bum in hell. James doesn't have much in the way of self esteem -which is why, when I gave him a taste of snatch he clung to it with fervor. Now the bitch supports me, my drug habits, and my two kids. What's more every day 1 drag him more and more into the drama and bullshit that is my life. But it's not my fault -it's just who I am. desiree.capuano@gmail.com japendletonjr@gmail.com Kristopher Lauchner n My prior fiance, before James, whom I also lived with with my two sons ... while he was using meth and stealing assault riHes and passing counterfeit money and ... until he was arrested on drugs and weapons charges and sent to prison for 8 years. But he really was a great role model for my sons. WHITE POWER I Michael Richard Capuano My second husband. The one I abandoned my 18 month old son in Phoenix so I could run off to Florida to be with. The one I was with for 9 years. The one that was recently arrested for slapping his bitch around. The one I used to throw dishes at in front of my child. Wendy Mary Pendleton 111m® Wendy Pendleton is my fiance, James Pendleton's mother. She testified in James' favor at his Injunction Against Harassment hearing against Patrick, back in December 2016. _) As you ea~ see from Wendy's swam testimony at the hearing, she fully supports me and James being together. She obviously considers me a good person- otherwise she wouldn't want me to be with her son, right? Just something to keep In mind if you're considering doing business with Wendy, Wendy owns Express Employment Professionals, a staffing agency in Tucson, AZ. Friends Alii Paolone 11 Amanda LeDoux 11 Barbara Bird http://www.desireecapuano.com/friends/ 2111 512312016 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath Breanna Lantz IJ . Carrie Ryan Davis fi Back in 2001, while I was with Patrick, we had moved back to LA from Phoenix. After a fWJ weeks I told Patrick I was bored and lonely and I wished I had a friend in LA. Patrick then paid for Canis's flight to LA and her accommodations. He even let her move in with us, rent free and supported her until he found out she was using drugs again. Then he told her she had to leave. He's such an asshole. Chris Myers 11 Chris Rudhe 11 Dawn Burkhard-Foster ri . Faith Farrazano IJ Jenn Pickell Sorrell http://www.desireecapuano.comlfriends/ 3/11 512312016 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie. Sociopath remy Krause 11 John Lagasse 11 Mary Sayers 11 http://www.desireecapuano.com/friends/ 4/11 512312016 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath . Melissa Jean fi Morgan Gibb (j Nikki Inglis fi Nina Lindsey-Broyles n Paul Kendrick n Rhiannon Love Capuano n Robert Hurt http://www.desireecapuano.com/friends/ 5111 5123/2016 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath Samantha Trosvig 11 Summer Elisabeth Kluytman 11 Tracy Pickell 11 Vlvianne LeDoux (j Associates Andreja Jovanovic Director of Software Engineering Apollo Education Group PhoeniK, AZ fm® Ari Rutelionis Sr. Technical Recruiter - Talent Acquisition Insight lnfonnatlon Technology Phoenix, AZ fm ~ http://www.desireecapuano.com/friends/ 6/11 5/2312016 Associates - Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin) : Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath Brian Hinshaw Vice President, Staffing and Solutions Productive Data Solutions Phoenix, 1'\Z. lms Brian Weaver Sr. Manager Talent Acquistion Apollo Education Group Plloonlx, 1'\Z. fmt; David Lee Goldfarb Attorney Gillespie, Shields, Durrant & Goldfarb Tucsoo, AZ. fm, David Goldlalb represented me In lhe Ar1ltona ehlld custody eliSa ogolnet Patrick - the time I abducted our &on to Arizona and tried to 1191 custody of him. He was u"elonl He got his ass kicked by Patrick - who was representing himself. He kept telling me ''Don't worry, I'll take care of this." And in the end - SLAP I - the court ordered me to "immediately" return our son to Patrick... and Goldfarb sent me a bill for $10,0001 David was also my lawyer on my marijuana possession charge. Again, accomplished tuck all! Got me prop 200, so now I'm an admitted drug addict. Anothor $5.000 and he didn't do shit! Debarshi Mukherjee Staff Solutions Architect Apollo Education Group Phoenix, AZ fm,, Derrick Taylor David Salosforce Support Adminstrator G/0 Digital Phoenix, 1'\Z. fme • Doug Roush Software Engineer Tlcketmaster Phoenix, AZ 1m Evan Elbert Director of Talent Acquisition Apollo Education Group Phoenix, 1'\Z. fm .. http://www.dasireecapuano.com/frlends/ 7/11 5/2312016 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath Greg Tripp Senior IT Manager, Financial and HR Systems Apollo Education Group Phoenix, AZ. lm ~ Senior IT Project Manager cStor Phoenix, AZ. im,~ Jill Clark Senior Product Manager Apollo Education Group Phoenix, AZ fm,~ John Tudong Networl< Engineer International Cruise & Excursions Phoenix, AZ. mt . Jon Gillies Senor Cloud DevOps Engineer SkyTouch Technology Phoenix, AZ fm.'l KeyurShah Sr. Software Engineer Apollo Education Group Phoenix, AZ fm ,) Latha Kamath Senior Technology leader http:/fwww.desireecapuano.com/friends/ B/11 5/23/2016 Associates. Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath Scottsdale Insurance Company Scottsdale, AZ lm" Lauren Chandler Talent Manager TEEMA Solutions Group Inc Plloanix, AZ. mt~ Maddy Lakshmanan Senior Developer Choice Hotels Phoenix, AZ fm , Mark Herbert Quality Analyst Ill I Technical Lead Dignity Health Phoenix, AZ lm~ • Mateusz Cyz Bl Solutions Architect Apollo Education Group Phoenix. AZ tm~ Mike Cembedu Talent Acquisition Manager Advent Global Solutions Phoenix, AZ lm . . Moussa Koulbou Manager Project Management Office OneNeck IT Solutions Phoenix, AZ mt. Nick Ricciardelli Director of Client Relations I Recruiting http://www.desireecapuano.comlfriendsl 9/11 5123/2016 Associates - Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin): Stripper, Druggie, Sociopath Kollasoft, Inc. Phoenix, AZ lm~ Peter Timoleon Limperis Attorney Haralson, Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, PLC Tucson, AZ. film® Peter Limperis is my attorney, representing me and James for Patrick's appeals of our restraining orders against Patrick. I don't know if pretty bullshlt arguments in his motions. Pete~s an incompetent lawyer but he sure tries to make some Poonam Arora Program/Project Manager Amerio;:an Express • Rob Newsom Vice President Software Engineering Cubex, LLC Phoenix, AZ fm, Robert Courington Director, Business Technology Integration University of Phoenix Phoenix. AZ. ml0 Rusty Schmidt Senior Systems Analyst Apollo Education Group Phoenix, AZ lm® Sakshi Kaushik Sr. Software Developer Republic Services Phoenix. AZ ' lm* http://www.desireecapuano.com/friends/ , 10/11 S/23/2016 Associates- Desiree Capuano (nee Tomlin) : Stripper. Druggie, Sociopath Dr. Shalini Devi Technical/IT Program Pearson Education Management Phoenix , AZ lm~ Sharyn Drago Manager, Financial Technology Programs Charles Schwab Phoenix, AZ fm ~ Sonia Ginter Product Manager Apollo Education Group Phoenix, AZ 1m Tom Klemzak Business ami Systems Integration Manager Phoenix, AZ lm) Th\$ SUe was cr!&aled and is maintained by lhs immediate family and/or doso personal friends of DesirAe Capuano, wllh slgniftcant Input and contrlbullons from lhe communlly. All Information published on thh> web..o;i\e is true and accurate to lhe besl of lhe knowledge and ability of the site m11intalnars. Any nRrrliiiNea publl&hod on thhi website, wNr;h me wrltttn In lho rtmt person. from lhe pttrspoe:liVes <:~f Do.sirofl Capuano and/Qr James Pendlt~ton are no1.1n fact, wrltt1111n by Desiree Capuano and/or James Pen<Jielan~ Ne.vodheless, all staLernonle rnNo u.s lJUCh are blown to bf!l true and C)OtrOt:l It you nollce any lnacetJrades on this webaite, or just wan\ to share your lhoughls, feel free to tnform me at patrick@deelreer;;apuano.com and I will address them as soon as pos~bla. http://www.desireecapuano.com/friends/ 11/11