March 13, 2015
March 13, 2015
March is Women’s History Month ReSPect Celebrating 55 Years of Community Service Sheriff Sale Listings Page 12-14 Friday, March 13, 2015 Mother’s In charge founder honored for 25 years of humanitarian service Ms. Dorothy Johnson-Speight, founder of Mother’s In Charge was honored on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at the School District of Philadelphia. In addition to celebrating Ms. Speight’s humanitarian service we also celebrared Ms. Johnson-Speight’s birthday. Shown above from (Left to Right) Ms. Ruth Donnelly,Founding Member, Mr. Desmond.B. Byrd,Music Teacher at The Mathematics, Civics and Science Charter School and Ms.Dorothy Johnson- Speight, MHS, LPC is the Founder and Executive of Mother in Charge, Inc. (MIC) Ms.Johnson is a highly regarded leader, advocate, speaker, guest radio/television commentator and a clarion voice against the war to end senseless acts of violent crime. Another Holiday for Skins: A Drum celebration, incredible performance The International House - Ibrahim Theater at 3701 Chestnut Street, will never be the same after an incredible performance of Another Holiday For Skins: A Drum Celebration, on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. including a special performance featuring an all star ensemble of Philadelphia drummers, percussionists and other musicians including Pablo Batista, Doc Gibbs, Ron Howerton, Robert Kenyatta, Christian Gabriel Noguera, Charlie Patierno, Khary Abdul Shaheed joined by Luke Carlos O’Reilly - Piano & Arrangements, Mike Boone - Bass, Shamika Byrd - Vocals, Randy Kapralick & Matthew Stewart - Brass, Elijah Thomas - Flutes. Music Directors/Co-Producers: Robert Kenyatta / Doc Gibbs. celebrated the classic 1958 album “Holiday For Skins” and its sister projects, “Drum Suite” and “Orgy In Rhythm” recorded by master drummer, Art Blakey, who was joined by Philly Joe Jones, Sabu Martinez, Ray Bryant and others, "Holi- Pictured (left to right): Julia Lopez, Jesse Bermudez, Lovett Hines, Homer Jackson, day For Skins" was an early exploration Richard Adderly, Don Gardner, Monnette Sudler-Honesty, Robert Kenyatta and Canada Brown. Mr. Webb photo of what we now call “World Music.” Weekly Prime time tV Guide inside ScOOP USA Library for back issues - Losing Police Officer Robert Wilson, III Celebrating our 54th Anniversary 2 - ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 thera martin milling Last Thursday, Philadelphians saw the worst winter snow storm we’ve had this winter of 2015. By the Grace of God, I managed to make it to WURD at 5am, on March 5th, an hour before airtime when the program I host -Daybreak On WURD -- starts at 6:00 a.m. It had just started snowing pretty steadily, but driving was ok. Philadelphia public and parochial schools were closed, as were many other educational institutions. Lucky for most college students, they were on Spring Break, so the weather was not a major headache for them. As the day progressed the snow increased and it came down thicker and heavier with each passing hour. From WURD, I made it over to my responsibilities at the Allegheny West Foundation, TastyKake Thrift Store. Even as I anxiously peeked out the front glass doors from time to time, I was determined to stay at AWF and help put with any unforeseen, emergencies, particularly due to the weather. I was relieved when my boss announced he was going to close the store by 3pm and I made my way out at about 2;30pm, thanking God that I made it home safely. By 3:45 or so, I was home, after driving slowly and carefully from 23rd and W. Hunting Park Avenue. So now I’m watching flipping from channel 6, Action News, to CBS-3, to Fox-29, to NBC-10. Always with WURD on in the background of course. At just about 4:50 p.m. or so, a news story came across the screen that made me sit straight up in bed, with my heart beating strong in my chest and loudly in my ears. A report a just come across the screen indicating that a Philadelphia Police Officer had been shot and that first report I heard indicated that he had been rushed to Temple University hospital and they did not know exactly what his condition was. I began to pray immediately and was now glued to my bed and glued to the newscast, waiting to hear what I prayed would be some good news on the fate of the officer shot. Pretty quickly updates started coming in on what had happened and where it happened. The shooting took place inside a business called the Game Shop Store at Hope Plaza, 22nd and W. Lehigh Avenue at approximately 4:45pm. Philadelphia Police Officer Robert Wilson, III had been shot a number of times, once in the head and on other areas of his body and he was listed in critical condition. The whole city braced for what would happen next and as I believe, many prayed for this young officer, Father of a 9 year old and a 1 year old, both boys, now fatherless. (His 9 year old son turned 10 on March 9, SCOOP U.S.A. o I want the convenience of receiving every week at my home or business o 26 weeks - Only $20.00 o 52 weeks - Only $35.00 call (215) 232-5974 Fax (215) 236-2945 Mail Scoop U.S.A. P.O. Box 14013 Philadelphia, PA 19122 In Person 942 N. 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By 6:25pm, we all heard the news we feared, and that is that Philadelphia Police Officer Robert Wilson, III had died from the gunshot wound he sustained while trying to protect the workers inside the Game Stop as two thugs attempted to rob the place, with Officer Wilson inside no less. The amazing part of this story to me, is that within minutes of perpetrating this senseless, horrible crime they committed, the two suspects were caught almost as fast as you could bat an eye. Very good work Philadelphia Police Officers. Good work indeed. In fact one suspect was wounded during the shoot-out. The other tried to pass himself off as someone who was just in the crowd, outside the store, as he attempted to make a weak getaway, but his acting attempts failed and the second suspect was apprehended post haste also. I say good again. Officer Wilson had only planned to run into the Game Stop Store to purchase a special birthday present for his 9 year old son. His partner was outside in the police cruiser, waiting for him. The two thugs who committed the murder, word on the street has it, that they were high as a kite off a drug called “wet”. If I am not mistaken, “wet” has embalming fluid in it and from all I’ve heard from experts, the drug wet can mess you up so bad, if you get it at the wrong time and the wrong batch and your body metabolism can’t take it, you can end up crazy as a looney bird, wanting to strip in the middle of city hall courtyard, or thinking that sharks are chasing you down the street and crazy stuff like that. People on wet have been known to kill, and it looks like that is exactly what happened last Thursday. It hurts my heart as the Mother of a son who is a graduate from the Philadelphia Police Academy. He used to always say to me, particularly when he first graduated, “Don’t be going on the radio telling all my business. I want to keep my career and what I do private. Don’t talk about me on the radio Mom.” And I have respected his wishes. But just let me say, he is in law enforcement and so every time I hear of a Police Officer down or someone in law enforcement down, sure I think of my son first. I also think of all the good officers of the Philadelphia Police department, who do a good job every day and hit the streets of Philly to try and keep all of us safe. Are all police officers perfect? No. Are there some who need to go to jail themselves? Yes? Will we ever weed out all the bad seeds within our police department or others like it, in major market cities? Probably not. But I chose to believe that the majority of the men and women in blue in Philadelphia are good decent people who care about this city and who love the people who live here so much, that they would put their lives on the line, day after day, week after week, month after month, so that we can live safely. SCOOP U.S.A. Mailing address: P.O. BOX 14013 - Phila., PA 19122 Offices & Shop: 942 N. Watts St. Phila. PA 19123 (215) 232-5974 Fax: (215) 236-2945 e-mail: call for ext. # R. Sonny Driver: Publisher / Editor Once I saw the report come in that we lost another Police Officer in this city, I just cried. I cried for his boys. I cried for his Grandmother and for all his family. I cried for his police family and I cried for this city. I also cried for the families of the men, who I just have to call thugs right about now. I am sure there are people in those guys families who also were devastated to learn that two of theirs, (the perpetrators are brothers), would do such a horrible and stupid and senseless thing, take the life of anyone, civilian or Police Officer. My God, my God, my God. What were they thinking? Oh that’s right. They weren’t thinking. And I do believe they were on wet, or some other mind-altering drug at the time of their crime. On Monday, March 9, 2015, One Day At A Time Drug and Alcohol recovery program, hosted a candlelight prayer vigil in memory of Officer Wilson and in support of his family. Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey was on hand along with a large presence of officers from various parts of the city. Of course, Officers from the 22nd District at 17th and Montgomery were well represented and Officers from the 39th Police District were represented also. People from the community were out in full force and it was the largest prayer vigil to date, in memory of Officer Wilson. Mothers In Charge hosted a very nice prayer vigil outside in front of the front doors of the 22nd Pollice District over the weekend and Saint Martin de Porres Church on W. Lehigh Avenue just a few blocks from where Officer was killed, did as Mass in his honor on Sunday, March 8th. Yet another well-meaning group did a prayer Vigil Sunday afternoon in front of the Game Stop and then on Monday, March 9th, One Day At A Time came back to the scene of the crime and did what they do. Prayers were offered up. Mothers who have lost their children to violence on our streets cried out and offered a word of encouragement. Mel Wells carried the vigil and kept it moving. Our own Sheriff Jewell Williams was in attendance as was Sharmaine Matlock Turner, head of the Urban Affairs Coalition. It was a sad early evening prayer vigil where hundreds wore their feelings on their sleeves. We’re all so very sick of the violence and our hearts hurt as one over the loss of Officer Wilson who truly was a friend to ODAAT and often worked side by side with some of our recovering addicts, feeding the poor, or uplifting a child and just being there to show he wasn’t afraid to be amongst what some people many consider the least of these. For that One Day At A Time, will never forget him, and his life will not have been in vain. The two brothers that are charged with committing the murder of Officer Wilson are Ramone Williams, 25 and Carlton Hipps, 30. At last report. Hipps was handcuffed to a hospital bed where he was recovering form his gunshot wound, lucky sucker. The only good news to that is that he was cuffed with Police Officer Robert Wilson III’s police duty handcuffs as it should be. Many thanks to all the news media that assisted One day At A Time in getting the word out about the prayer vigil March 9th. Many thanks to all the community members and community leaders who showed up to help make the vigil a success. Thanks to Deliverance Evangelistic Church for allowing us to host the prayer vigil on their property. (They own Hope Plaza). And thanks to the North 22nd Street Merchants Association and the Allegheny West Foundation and the Allegheny West Neighborhood Action Council, (BNAC) for supporting the prayer vigil along with Stop and Surrender, everything Must Change and several others. Dedicated to the Community People Volume 55 - Number 9 Published every Friday by R.E. Driver Jr. Associates with a Controlled Circulation of over 90,000 readership. Copies are distributed each Friday in Philadelphia, PA and suburbs, Chester, PA, Camden, NJ and Wilmington, Delaware to people and customers in Shopping Malls, Beauty Shops, Restaurants, Night Clubs, Hotels, Theatres, Office Buildings and many other business establishments where there is a high volume of people of all ages. Mail Subscription: $35.00 per year. Unsolicited manuscripts and photos are welcomed but will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. SCOOP U.S.A. is a city-wide, community newspaper with a broad range of news and information. Display Advertising Deadline is 5:00 p.m. Monday. Call office for rates and information. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or unsolicited manuscripts. The comments made by the columnists of SCOOP U.S.A. are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper or of its staff. BAcK ISSUeS OF ScOOP USA - Who are we? What do American’s truly value? ChildWatch Celebrating our 54th Anniversary marian wright edelman Too much and for too long, we seem to have surrendered personal excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our Gross National Product, now is over $800 billion dollars a year... if we judge the United States of America by that... Gross National Product counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for the people who break them. It counts the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and counts nuclear warheads and armored cars for the police to fight the riots in our cities. It counts Whitman’s rifle and Speck’s knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. Yet the Gross National Product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans. --Senator Robert F. Kennedy What do we stand for as a nation and who do we wish to be? In a 1968 speech at the University of Kansas, Senator Robert Kennedy correctly worried too many used our nation’s wealth as the standard of greatness rather than the human values that should matter most. Our Gross Domestic Product — now $17.7 trillion — includes many things for us not to be proud of. So we should ask ourselves how well America is doing on the things that should matter most—the well-being of our children and families and the quality of justice and life in our communities and nation? Among high-income countries the United States ranks first in Gross Domestic Product and first in the number of billionaires, and second worst in child poverty rates – ahead only of Romania whose economy is 99 percent smaller than ours. It is a national disgrace that children are the poorest group of Americans with 14.7 million living in poverty. We are first in military spending — $11.1 billion a week — and first in military weapons exports. We are first in the number of people incarcerated and worst in protecting our children against gun violence. A Black boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison in his lifetime and a Latino boy a one in six chance of the same fate. Children and teens in America were 17 times more likely to be killed by gun violence than those in 25 other high-income countries combined. We are 30th in preschool enrollment rates and 17th in reading, 23rd in science, and 31st in math scores for our 15-year-olds. Nearly 60 percent of all fourth and eighth grade public school students in the U.S. and more than 80 percent of Black and almost 75 percent of Latino children in those same grades could not read or compute at grade level in 2013. We rank first in health expenditures but 25th in low birth weight rates, 26th in child immunization rates, 31st in infant mortality rates, and second worst in teenage births – just ahead of Bulgaria. If we compare Black child well-being in America to child well-being in other nations, the U.S. Black infant mortality rate exceeds that in 65 nations including Cuba, Malaysia, and Ukraine. Our incidence of lowbirth weight Black infants is higher than in 127 other nations including Cambodia, the Congo, and Guatemala. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child spells out the basic rights children should have everywhere and is the most widely and rapidly ratified international human rights treaty in history. For years the United States and Somalia, which had no recognized government, were the only United Nations members that had failed to ratify the convention. In January 2015 Somalia became the 195th nation to do so. The United States now stands only with new U.N. member state South Sudan as the two countries that have not ratified it — and South Sudan has started working to- Reach One, Teach One Let’s Save Our Children ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 -3 wards ratification. The United States stands alone, despite recent progress, in still permitting life-without-parole sentences for juvenile offenders who were under 18 at the time of the offense. The U.S. Supreme Court has banned capital punishment for crimes committed by juveniles but America remains one of 58 nations that continues to use capital punishment for adults. In 2013 the U.S. had the sixth highest number of executions — after China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea. If America wants to be a truly great nation on the world stage, it’s time to redefine the measures of our success. The litmus test I propose is that of the great German Protestant theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, ex- ecuted for opposing Hitler’s holocaust, who said “the test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.” The great South African president Nelson Mandela agreed with him and believed “there can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” On the Bonhoeffer-Mandela measure of success, we must do much, much better. Marian Wright Edelman is President of the Children's Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to Onward and Upward by Jim Scott Meet You at The Crossroad Turn on the radio, T.V. or pick up a newspaper and without fail there will be some form of discussion on how best to cure all that ails our public schools. The conversations usually go something like this; “We need parents to do a better job..send more money” or, we need teachers to do a better job..send more money or, “you fill in the blank..send more money.” After decades of can-kicking and finger-pointing by all parties -we are at a Crossroad. Why a crossroad? Crossroads are the metaphorical intersections that represent decision points in our lives. Crossroads stop us dead in our tracks and force us to choose one of two possible courses. They require decisions that cannot be postponed, delayed or avoided. Crossroads present themselves at various times throughout every life. The one certainty of impending crossroads is their timing is never convenient and the demands they invoke are never comfortable. Why talk about crossroads and decision-making? Because every citizen of the city of Philadelphia is being called upon to make one big, bad, mutha-jumper of a decision regarding education for the class of 2037. Why the class of 2037? Because if our leaders start today with a concerted effort, we will have some small shot at creating a world-class system of public education in Philadelphia. In my humble estimation, the idea generation, political debates, planning, more debates and finally, the approval and implementation of the transition of systems, people and renewable funding sources will take approximately 10 years to complete. Meaning, those entering school in 2025 under an educational new world order will complete their fundamental education in 2037, assuming the system continues the requirement of a 12 year program. With technology accelerating at a pace that is hard to conceive, combined with the universal implementation of longer and more school days, the potential for reducing the calendar years required for completion of a quality secondary education becomes a logical cost saving boon. Just a thought, what if the 12th year of school becomes a year of community service before graduation. A year of investing oneself in improving communities and affirming ones contribution to the betterment of the city? Now, back to the crossroads, the decision we have to make is do we want to go “all in” for supporting the demolition and re-building of our education system, in a focused plan, that will serve our families for the next 100 years? Or, do we choose to continue a piecemeal and “tweaking” approach to repair, what at best can be called a “wreck” of an educational vehicle? In other words, do we merely change the tires on the “hoopty” education that our children have slowly chugged away in for the past 30 plus years? I am certain, that as I write, some are planning to offer a variety of repairs to the current system, a new transmission, maybe a refurbished engine, so at the end of the process our schools operate like Cuban automobiles, smooth running, 1950's style and technology, while the drivers yearn for twenty-first century transportation. Placing my car analogies aside, we have to decide a direction for a host of decisions that are coming our way at lightning speed. Our decisions will impact the direction we take as a city with regard to schools. Lets talk about the decisions that we must make, starting with elections. Decision One: VOTE! One of the math problems that I could never solve is how do we have more dissatisfied parents than we have voters showing up on election day? Decision Two: ALL ELECTIONS ARE ABOUT SCHOOLS. Every elected person will in some way impact schools, students or families - VOTE! Decision Three: APPLY ALL OF YOUR WEIGHT TO THE ISSUE OF SCHOOLS. Bring the influence of your job, community group, church, mosque, synagogue to the meetings and discussions also, bring them to the polls. Decision Four: Taxes. At some point the changes will require funding. Money must be generated from taxes and fees courtesy of taxpayers (you and me!). Lastly, we cannot be schizophrenic in our decision making. Consistency and continuity are required in our thinking and in our actions. When plans are announced, ask yourself, are they proposing a patch job or building something new? Lets not support building anew, while voting against the funds that will pay for it. Do we support the candidates we personally like, even though they support a direction outside of your vision and values? If we act under a mind set of contradictions, we will create a stalemate of inaction and subject our children and grandchildren to a future where the uneducated and the mis-educated will have no useful role in society. Think back, how does society deal with those who are deemed useless? Has anyone seen a Native American Indian lately? Yes my friends, we are at a crossroad. Decide. ScOOP’s Black history corner Celebrating our 54th Anniversary 4 - ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 by Adelaide Abdur-Rahman PISceS - February 19 - March 20 Pisces – The Dreamer Generous, kind and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don’t like details. Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good Kisser. Beautiful. Aquamarine is the stone for the month of March In legends, aquamarine has its origin in the treasure chests of the mermaid. It is though to bring good luck and fortune to sailors. It is believed that if a person dreams of aquamarine he or she will meet new friends. According to ancient traditions aquamarine will guarantee a long and happy marriage. A symbol of youth and happiness, aquamarine derives its name from the Latin “aqua” and “mare,” meaning water and sea. Allegedly its powers one increased if the stone is soaked in water. ‘Aquamarine is reported to increase one’s psychic ability and enhance concentration; thus it is suggested that students carry the stone while studying. Roman physicians prescribed aquamarine to treat overindulgence, headaches, neck problems and water retention. In some cultures, aquamarine is believed to be the stone of a spirit who must grant the wish of any person wearing it March 13th Let the success of your many ambitions make you happy and forget past failures. Study yourself and develop all your latent talents. You make friends easily and have many loyal and true ones. 1774 Rose Fortune, first female police office in Canada is born in the Colony of Virginia. 1793 Jean Baptiste Pointe De Sable, African American pioneer founded a fur trading post on the Chicago River at Lake Michigan, which later becomes the city of Chicago, IL. 1873 Barbadoes Joe Walcott, boxer is born in Demerara, British Guyana. 1881 Louis Chauvin, ragtime musician is born in St. Louis, MO. 1913 (Otis V. Hicks) Lightnin’ Slim, blues musician is born in St. Louis, MO. 1918 John Rhoden, sculptor whose work is in Harlem Hospital and the African American Museum in Philadelphia is born in Birmingham, AL. 1923 Tommy Bell, professional boxer is born in Atlanta, GA. 1924 Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, publisher, journalist and editor of the first newspaper published by and for African American women (Women’s Era) dies in Boston, MA 1925 Roy Owen Haynes, drummer, is born in Boston, MA. 1930 (Richard Allen) Blue Mitchell, trumpeter is born in Miami, FL. 1938 Erma Vernice Franklin, gospel singer (Piece of My Heart) (elder sister of Aretha Franklin) is born in Detroit, MI 1939 Margie Hendricks, singer with The Cookies (In Paradise) is born. 1939 Dorothy Brunson, first African American woman to own a radio station (Baltimore, MD) also owned WGTW channel 48 in Philadelphia, PA is born in Glensville, GA 1941 Al Sanders, TV anchorman in Baltimore, Maryland is born in St. Louis, MO. 1943 Willie Frances Nero (Peak), soul and jazz singer. (Keep On Loving Me) is born in Asheville, NC. 1957 David Peaston, R&B and gospel singer (Two Wrongs [Don’t Make it Right]) is born in St. Louis, MO. 1957 Moses Hogan, arranger of choral music (spirituals) is born in New Orleans, LA. 1960 (Clifford Trent) Cliff Robinson, National Basketball Association player is born in Oakland, CA. 1961 Terence Oliver Blanchard, jazz trumpeter and film score composer for Spike Lee films is born in New Orleans, LA. 1969 Osunlade, musician and music producer who composed music for Sesame Street is born in St. Louis, MO. 1971 Adina Porter, actor (True Blood) is born in New York, NY. 1972 (Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr.) Common, rap artist is born in Chicago, IL. 1981 Toccara Jones plus size fashion model (America’s Next Top Model) is born in Dayton, OH. 1985 (Teeyon Winfree) Vado, rap artist (Gunz n’ Butta) is born in Harlem, NY. 1987 Olufela (Fela) Obafunmilayo Sowande, musician and composer (background music for educational films) dies in Ravenna, OH. 1994 (Daniel Moses) Danny Barker, jazz banjoist is born in New Orleans, LA. 1995 Leon Day, Negro League Baseball player dies in Baltimore, MD. 1998 (David Eugene) Dave Lewis, keyboardist and vocalist (Barney’s Tune/How Deept Is The Ocean) dies in Seattle, WA. 2005 (Gloria Lavern) Lyn Collins, singer (Think) dies in Pasadena, CA. 2009 Claude William Black, Jr., Baptist minister and San Antonio, Texas Mayor dies in San Antonio, TX. 2014 Al Harewood, jazz drummer and teacher dies. March 14th You are fond of society, a good conversationalist and your company is sought by all. You are energetic and a clear thinker. You should achieve great success in anything you undertake with your blessed combination of ambition and friendly disposition. 1793 The cotton gin is patented from an African American design. 1825 Benjamin Sterling Turner, US Representative for Alabama is born in Weldon, NC. 1882 Albert C. Richardson is awarded patent 255,022 for a hame fastener (hammer head). 1899 J. H. Robinson is awarded patent 621,143 for life saving guards for locomotives. 1913 Florence Wysinger Allen, artists’ model is born in Oakland, CA. 1915 Lionel J. Wilson, Mayor of Oakland, California is born in New Orleans, LA. 1923 Lanier W. Phillips, US Navy’s first African American sonar technician is born. 1925 (George T.) Sonny Cohn, jazz trumpeter (with Count Basie) is born in Chicago, IL. 1926 Willye F. Clayton Dennis, Florida state legislator is born in Jacksonville, FL. 1933 Quincy Delight Jones, composer, producer and trumpeter is born in Chicago, IL. 1934 Shirley Scott, organist, is born in Philadelphia, PA. 1935 Richard Berry Harrison, actor (The Green Pastures, Broadway) dies in New York, NY. 1943 (Leroy Roosevelt) Sugarfoot Bonner, guitarist with the Ohio Players is born in Hamilton, OH. 1945 Carol Speed, actor (The Mack) is born in Bakersfield, CA. 1946 (Westley Sissel) Wes Unseld, National Basketball Association player is born in Louisville, KY. 1947 (William Jennings) Bill Jefferson, first African American congressman elected from the State of Louisiana since 1876 is born in Lake Providence, LA. 1949 Joseph Seamon Cotter, Sr., playwright and poet (Kentucky’s first ‘Negro’ poet with creative ability) (The Negro’s Ten Commandments) dies. 1954 (James W.) Jim Byrd, member of the Wyoming House of Representatives is born in Cheyenne, WY. 1959 Tamara Renee Tunie, actor (As The World Turns) is born in McKeesport, PA. 1960 Kirby Puckett, Major League Baseball player is born in Chicago, IL. 1961 Penny Johnson Jerald, actor (The Larry Sanders Show) is born in Baltimore, MD. 1964 (Donald Doublas) Doug DuBose, National Football League player is born in New London, CT. 1966 Elise Neal, actor (Hustle & Flow) is born in Memphis, TN. 1969 Michael Bland, drummer for Prince is born in Minneapolis, MN. 1969 Larry Demetric Johnson, National Basketball Association player is born in Tyler, TX. 1976 Robert Cedrick Baker, III, gridiron football player is born in Gainesville, FL. 1977 (Darnell Quincy Lindsay) Blade Icewood, rap artist (Platinum Roleez Don’t Tic Toc) is born in Detroit, MI. 1977 Fannie Lou (Townsend) Hammer, American voting rights activist, dies in Mound Bayou, MS. 1985 Norma Elizabeth Boyd, founder of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority dies in New York, NY. 1983 (George General Grice, Jr.) Gigi Gryce, big band bandleader dies in Pensacola, FL. 1988 (Wardell) Stephen ‘Steph’ Curry, III, National Basketball Association player is born in Akron, OH. 1993 (Richard L.) Dick Arrington, all American football and wrestler at Notre Dame player dies in Roxbury, MA. 1997 Simone Arianne Biles, first African American artistic gymnast all around champion is born in Columbus, OH. 2009 Altovise Davis, entertainer (Sammy Davis, Jr.’s wife) dies in Los Angeles, CA. 2010 Lisle Astor Wilson, actor (That’s My Mama) dies in Huntingdon Beach, CA. 2011 Big Jack Johnson electric blues musician dies in Memphis, TN. 2012 Matthew G. Carter, first African American mayor of Montclair, New Jersey dies in Montclair, NJ. 2013 Edward Osmund Bland, music director and composer (A Soldier’s Story) dies. Birthday: Leroy ‘Sugarfoot’ Bonner, singer and guitarist with the Ohio Players. March 15th Modest and unassuming you nevertheless have a strong personality that enables you to take a leading part in all you do. You have the entire confidence of your friends and associates and your love is wholehearted and sincere. 1809 Joseph Jenkins Roberts, President of Liberia is born in Norfolk, VA 1810 David Ruggles, freeborn African American who, although blind, built the first building in the US for hydrotherapeutic purposes, is born in Lyme, CT. 1825 Harriet E. Hattie Adams Wilson, first African American to publish a novel in North America (Our Nig) is born in Milord, New Hampshire. 1842 Robert Carlos DeLarge, Congressman from South Carolina is born in Aiken, SC. 1905 Bertha ‘Chippie’ Hill, blues singer is born in Charleston, SC. 1910 Nick Stewart, actor (Amos and Andy) is born in New York, NY. 1912 (Sam John) Lightnin’ Hopkins, blues guitarist is born in Centerville, TX. 1915 Richard Ward, actor (Black Like Me) is born in Glenside, PA. 1918 José Silvestre White Lafitte, violinist and composer (La Bella Cubana) dies in Paris France. 1929 (Clarence) Pinetop Smith, boogie-woogie and blues pianist dies in Chicago, IL. 1937 Ward Pinkett, jazz trumpeter dies in New York, NY. 1938 Charles Lloyd, jazz saxophonist is born in Memphis, TN. 1940 (Alvertis Isbell) Al Bell, record producer and executive and co-owner of Stax Records is born in Brinkley, AR. 1943 (Sylvester Steward) Sly Stone, singer, keyboardist and guitarist is born in Denton, TX. 1945 Herman Perry, World War II soldier, convicted murderer and fugitive from the army in India and Burma dies is hung in India. 1946 Howard E. Scott, singer and guitar player with War is born in San Pedro, CA. 1946 Bobby Lee Bonds Major League Baseball player is born in Riverside, CA. 1947 (Sarah Jean Perkins) Jean Carne, singer (Infant Eyes) is born in Atlanta, GA. 1948 Melvin L. Stukes, member of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Legislative Black Caucus in Maryland is born in Baltimore, MD. 1948 Nia H. Gill, New Jersey State Senator is born in Glen Ridge, NJ. 1948 (Martin G.) Marty Barnes, first African American mayor of Patterson, New Jersey is born in Patterson, NJ. 1953 Loaird Arthur McCreary, National Football League player is born in Crawfordville, GA. 1955 (Etterlene) Bunny DeBarge, singer with the family group DeBarge is born in Detroit, MI. 1956 John Mr. Magic Rivas, Hip-Hop radio DJ is born in The Bronx, NY. 1959 Harold Douglas Baines, Major League Baseball player is born in St. Michael, MD. 1959 (Lester Willis) Prez Young, saxophonist dies in New York, NY. 1961 (Robert Terrell) Terry Cummings, National Basketball Association player is born in Chicago, IL. 1962 (Sananda Francesco Maitreya) Terence Trent D’Arby singer and songwriter (Wishing Well) is born in New York, NY. 1964 (Kenneth Gordy) Rockwell, singer (Somebody’s Watching Me) is born in Detroit, MI. 1965 Michael Watson, MBE, professional boxer is born in Hackney, London England. 1968 (Kimothy Emil) Kim Batiste, Major League Baseball player is born in New Orleans, LA. 1969 Sean James, National Football League player is born in Meridian, MS. 1970 (Christopher L.) Chris Smith, member of the Florida Senatge is born in Fort Lauderdale, FL. 1972 (Michael) Mike Tomlin, National Football League coach is born in Hampton, VA. 1975 (William James Adams, Jr.) Will I Am, singer with the Black Eye Peas is born in Inglewood, CA. 1978 Rufus French, National Football League player is born. 1980 Freddie Lee Bynum, Jr., Major League Baseball player is born in Wilson, NC. 1981 (David Darnell Brown) Young Buck, rap artist with G-Unit is born in Nashville, TN. 1987 Taiwan Le Roi Brown De Jean, MTV U video jockey and television personality is born in Brooklyn, NY. 1987 Svante Myrick, mayor of Ithaca, New York is born in Earlville, NY. 1990 Keshawn Charles Martin, National Football League player is born in Inkster, MI. 1994 Ginger Howard, youngest African American in the world professional golfer to turn and win her debut tournament is born. 1994 Lucius D. Amerson, sheriff and author (Great Courage: The First Black Sheriff Elected in the South Since Reconstruction) dies in Tuskegee, AL. 2006 (Tom Andrew) Tommie Hughes, convicted murder dies in Texas. 2011 (Nathaniel Dwayne Hale) Nate Dogg, rap artist (Music and Me) dies in Long Beach, CA. 2013 (Robert) Bobby Smith, lead singer (The Spinners (That’s What Girls are Made For) dies in Orlando, FL. Umum Women History Focus Dr. tracey e. Hucks and the yoruba traditions of African American religious nationalism Celebrating our 54th Anniversary Copyright James G. Spady 2015 Resurgence of the African Spirit In Music, Religion. Theatre:Language and Life "The nineteen sixties can be characterized as a watershed decade in the history of African American theatre. It was from this decade that African American theatre began to emerge from the overwhelming, even suffocating shadow of white American drama. It was this decade which saw a resurgence and celebration of the black spirit, a continuation of the trend towards the development of core aesthetic in literature, a revival of a movement that had begun as early as the 1920's The attempt here is to study black theatre of the sixties as shaped and nurtured by the Black Arts Movement, the aesthetic and spiritual sister of Black Power concept. Led by Leroi ENJOY GOOD EATING NOW OPeN SUNDAyS 215-438-6793 The Rib Crib 6333 Germantown Avenue ~ Phila. OPeN PIt BAR-B-QUe RIBS cHOPPeD BAR-B-QUe - cHIcKeN Grilled BBQ wings, corn on the cobcombo Platters Open thur., Fri. Sat. 11a.m. to 11 p.m. OceA N BeVeRAGe 4142 LANcASteR AVe. Service with Smile for BAR & HOMe PIcK-UP & DeLIVeRy 222-3332 cOLD BeeR and SODAS IKe Col. Charles Young Post 682 159 E. Sharpnack St. Phila. 215-844-9894 Lonnie Williams, commander $2 tUeSDAy - 7 p.m. to 12 midnite / $1 off WeDNeSDAy - 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. tHURSDAy HAPPy HOUR - 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. FRIDAy HAPPy HOUR - 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. SAtURDAy HAPPy HOUR - 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. cHeF’S KItcHeN Open Mon., tues., thurs. & Sat. 7 p.m. to midnite, Sunday 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Grubbin’ & Groovin’ SAtURDAy 8 p.m. to MIDNIte - MUSIc by Dj jOe BONeS LeGIONAIReS BReAKFASt 1st Sunday of the Month 8 a.m. to 12 noon AUXILIARy’S BReAKFASt Last Sunday of the Month 8 p.m. to 12 noon For Bookings contact Post at 215-844-9894 ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 -5 Jones (Amiri Baraka), Ed Bullins, Larry Neal and Ron Milner. African American theatre adopted the double perspective of destroying the Eurocentric, white cultural aesthetic and of developing its own, more relevant system of new ideas. Their brand of new theatre proved highly popular with the grow- Dr. Tracey E. Hucks ing grassroots black theatre audiences which felt delighted in seeing reflections of themselves, their viewpoints and their life-styles reflected authentically on stage, often in makeshift theatres." .. Dr. JapPreet Kaur Bhangu, Reaching Center Stage: Cultural Identity In African American Theatre (Published by Aravai Books, New Delhi , India) Gifts From Ile Ife: Africa's Impact On The Americas: Yoruba Cultural Restoration in Philadelphia, 1963-1982 Writing in a brief but pioneering essay on Yoruba Cultural Restoration in Philadelphia, Obalumi Ogunseye's work appears as an afterword to Dr. Joseph Howard's book, Gifts From Ile Ife: Africa's Impact On The America's (Black History Museum Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa., 1982) Obalumi Ogunseye notes: "It was in the year of 1964 that Chief Obalumi Ogunseye was delegated by the parent organization, the Yoruba African Theological Archministry, Inc. (known locally as the Yoruba Temple of New York) to Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. His mission was to establish Philadelphia's first and official center of Yoruba and culture and religion. Prior to coming to Philadelphia, Chief Ogunseye and certain members of the Philadelphia community had been in close collaboration and so the way into the city had been prepared. After arriving in Philadelphia, the Chief taught basic Yoruba language to people in West Philadelphia. Subsequently, a cultural center was established in the 1600 Block of South Street in South Philadelphia The original individuals who had invited Obalumi here lost interest in working with him to establish a so-called cultural center because Yoruba principals and goals did not fit into their strategy. They sought to use this center to camouflage FRIDAY • MARCH 13, 2015 Evening 8:30 8 PM 7:30 7 PM CBS E# ABC E^ NBC E10 PBS E12 MYN E17 FOX E29 TBN E48 CW E57 ION E61 A&E BET DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN ET Jeopardy! Extra The Insider The Amazing Race: Great Amazing Cristela Last Man Wheel of Standing Fortune Grimm: Trial by Fire Access Hollywood BBC World Washington Friday Arts Week News Celebrity Celebrity Modern Name Name Family their Marxist machinations. Upon discovering how fully committed the young man was to disseminating Yoruba cultural awareness, the host gave up in disgust. All promises of support were withdrawn and Chief Obalumi ('Lord of the City') was left to fend for himself in a new city among people he hardly knew. But as destiny would have it, Obalumi made the acquaintance of a young school teacher, who at that time, was a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania and had earlier been an active civil rightist in the NAACP. She took a great interest in his work and the cultural outlook he represented. They united and his mission became hers as well.. The Temple site was selected and immediately work on its interior began. Money was so limited that Obalumi worked feverishly to get Philadelphia's first Yoruba Temple ready for its grand opening in May of 1964. He slept in the back of the Temple at night and decorated the walls and built the shrines for the Orishas (Yoruba saints) and the Egungun (Yoruba ancestors) by day. When night fell, he painted the walls by the city's street lights. The temple opened in May. The delegation from New York (Afro-Americans) led by their Baba Osejerman Adefunmi and galvanized the opening ceremonies." So this is our landscape our memory, disjointed visions scattered Gods Help me Black Eternity, Olorun Hear you son, touch me touch me touch my pain and wonder, the undiscovered places of my memory the soul's pulse ...Larry Neal North Philadelphia's Poet Laureate Larry Neal left Philly less than a month after the opening of the Yoruba Temple on South Street and in less than two years he was married in New York's Yoruba Temple in Harlem by His Royal Highness Oseijerman Adefefunmi 1 in a very special ceremony, ninety miles from his hometown and thousands of miles from the native soil of the Yoruba people. Five years later, Theorist of Black Aesthetics and The Black Arts Movement, Larry Neal went to Nigeria and other parts of Africa where he was received by Yoruba priests, poets, philosophers, playwrights, actors, musicians and the elders of his village. Giving me visions and swirling prophecies a tongue that speaks fire and love-A steady kind of power, she said So let the Word expand fertile substance at the core of my memory even in death let me become one act, one motion, real The word and deed one song Let the magic raise in us Acts and words to pierce the dumb thing and the resurrection, let it be complete ...Larry Neal See “Women history focus” page 9 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11:30 Blue Bloods: Bad Company News Late Show Shark Tank Gourmet meat business. 20/20 News Jimmy Kimmel NBC 10 News To night Show Dateline NBC Pledge Programming Highlights encourage viewer support. Action News at 10 on Bones: The Blonde in Big Bang PHL17 the Game Glee: We Built This Glee FOX 29 News at 10 World’s Funniest Fails The TMZ Club Simpsons : All Creatures Great Hal Lindsey Greg Laurie Perry Stone Praise the Lord Trinity It’s Super- Potter Family Touch natural! King of News TV’s Hottest CommerFamily Feud Family Feud Hart of Dixie: Red Dye Queens cials Countdown #40 Business Report 11 PM Hawaii Five-0: Kahania Pledge Programming Modern Family Friends: The Ring TMZ Inside Edition Mike & Molly King of Queens Law & Order: Law & Order: Law & Order: Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Courtship Criminal Intent: Self-Made Criminal Intent: Lonelyville Criminal Intent: Depths The Returned: Camille Bates Motel: A Death in Criminal Minds: Criminal Minds: Criminal Minds: the Family Pleasure Is My Business Zoe’s Reprise ab Cold Comfort ab Keyshia Cole: All In: Four Scandal: The Lawn Chair All In: Bad Welcome Home, Roscoe Centric Celebrates White House must deal with their VP. Handfuls Blood Selma Concert Jenkins aa (2008) Gold Rush: The Whole Bering Sea Gold: Good Gold Rush: The Whole Gold Rush: The Dirt Gold Rush: Millions in Truth Morning, Viet-Nome Truth Gold I Didn’t Do It Jessie: Star Wars (:15) Despicable Me aaac (2010, Comedy) Steve Star Wars K.C. K.C. From White Rebels Rebels Undercover Undercover Carell. A master thief plans his next big heist. College College Basketball: Teams TBA z{| College Basketball: Teams TBA z{| Basketball Bring It!: Preachers’ Daughters: Bring It!: Bring It!: Bring It!: Traci’s Revenge The Devil In Traci’s Revenge Stamp Out Atlanta No Stopping Kayla Friends af Friends Fresh Full House Full House Fresh Splitting Adam (2015, Action) Jack Griffo. Prince Prince Boy clones self to fulfill commitments. pqw The Hangover Part II aaa (2011, Comedy) King of the Nerds: Big Bang Big Bang Seinfeld: Seinfeld: Bradley Cooper. Four friends travel to Thailand. The Nerdtastic Finale Fatigues Package Say Yes to Say Yes to Love, Lust Style by 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Love, Lust Style by Dress: Dress: Jury the Dress the Dress or Run Jury or Run Counting Counting Atlanta Atlanta Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family EngageHow I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met EngageAmerica’s Funniest ment Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother ment a Home Videos f Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Smile Free gathering encourages males to take charge of their health PhillyBeat 6 - ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 yanina carter Innovative health prevention practices to address debilitating diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, oral bacteria and cancer was the heart of the discussion at the Entertainment Editor 18th Annual Wellness Breakfast for Men hosted by Kenny and Faatimah Gamble this past weekend. On Sunday, March 8, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. the community came together at Universal Institute Charter School, 1415 Catharine Street, Philadelphia, PA for the free men’s breakfast which offered preventative health educational forum for males who wish to learn the latest information on both traditional and holistic medicines. Wellness screenings include oral health, rapid HIV/AIDS testing, kinesiology evaluation, blood pressure and glucose, cholesterol, and noninvasive chiropractic consultation. Presenters included: Frederick Burton, M.D. founder and medical director of the Burton Wellness Injury Center; Michael Titayevsky, ND, CCTD, has been in the health and wellness field specializing in orthomolecular & integrative medicine since 1996 and Joseph J. Cammarata, DC is a well renowned chiropractor who founded the American Nonsurgical Spine Institute and has four offices in various parts of India along with his practice in Bala Cynwd, PA. Featured topics will include nutrition education, oral disease prevention, sexual/reproductive health, post traumatic stress disorder, and the causes of chronic spinal pain. Joining the Annual Breakfast was State Representative Jordan Harris of the he 186th Legislative District. The 18th Annual Wellness Breakfast for Men is sponsored in party by the Keystone First, United Healthcare and Gateway Health. ********** Sponsored by World Vision, Greyhound Lines and Baden Sports, The Harlem Globetrotters® are celebrating their 89th consecutive year, continuing a world famous tradition of ball handling wizardry, basketball artistry, and one-of-a-kind family entertainment that continues to thrill fans of all ages. Harlem Globetrotters International, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Herschend Family Entertainment Corporation, the largest family-owned themed entertainment company in the U.S. Throughout their history, the Original Harlem Globetrotters have showcased their iconic talents in 122 countries and territories on six continents, often breaking down cultural and societal barriers while providing fans with their first-ever basketball experience. Proud inductees of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, the Globetrotters have entertained hundreds of SATURDAY • MARCH 14, 2015 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS E# ABC E^ NBC E10 PBS E12 MYN E17 FOX E29 TBN E48 CW E57 ION E61 millions of fans-among them popes, kings, queens, and presidents-over more than eight thrilling decades. The Globetrotters performed this past weekend at in Trenton – Sun National Bank Center – Saturday, March 7 and in Philadelphia at Wells Fargo Center on Sunday. ********** The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts continues this season’s Jazz at the Kimmel offerings with Artistic Director of Jazz at the Kennedy Center Jason Moran leading as front man to The Bandwagon at the Perelman Theater on Sunday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m. A brilliant, risk taking pianist, Moran’s compositions have earned him a reputation as “the future of jazz,” most recently recognized for his work on the musical score of Oscar-nominated film, Selma. The Philadelphia program features songs from Ten, the most assured and focused album of his acclaimed career, featuring fellow Bandwagon bassist Tarus Mateen and drummer Nasheet Waits. The trailblazing trio joined forces with Blue Note Record’s 60th anniversary tour over a decade ago. Since then, Jason Moran and the Bandwagon have become a formidable, creative innovator of jazz, challenging the status quo in improvisation, composition, group concept, repertoire, technique and experimentation. ********** The Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz and Performing Arts presents VALRAY PRODUCTIONS 13TH ANNUAL SONGSTRESSES CELEBRATING SISTERHOOD on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00pm - 11:00pm on Broad and Fitzwater Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19 According to Valray Sturgis, Coordinator of the event said, “The show is in honor of Women's History Month (March). We will be honoring two very prestigious women of Philadelphia and paying homage to the Divas in song who have paved the way. Featuring Phillys finest: Kathy Robert sings Phyllis Hyman; Denise Montanna sings Ella Fitzgerald; Babz Arthur sings Chaka Khan; Ella Ghant sings Sarah Vaugh Sherry Butler sings Nina Simone; Denise King sings Aretha Franklin; Michal Beckham sings Billie Holiday, and Valray sings Dinah Washington. and celebrates her BIRTHDAY. Valray sings Dinah Washington and she will be celebrating her BIRTHDAY. Another highlight of the evening is a Dance tribute to Josephine Baker; Nikki Powerhouse Honors the Ancestors through Poetry and Dance and a special Honorees and Awards Presented to: CATHY SANTOS - Advocate for Women Veterans RHODA BLOUNT - Longevity in Community and Education Engagement By way of the Art of Music. I will see you at the Clef Club. Happy Birthday to David Barnes of The New World View With Host David Barnes, and co hosts Yanina Carter and Que Rainey, on WURD 900 AM Sunday evenings at 9 p.m.—That’s The Philly Beat! 9 PM 9:30 Criminal Minds: If the Shoe Fits ab FYI Philly 20/20 In an Instant: In an Instant: Grizzly Bear Attack Father and daughter attacked by bear. Wheel of Fortune LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN 11:30 Blue Bloods News News News at 11pm Saturday Night Live Pledge Programming Pledge Programming Highlights encourage viewer Pledge Programming Highlights encourage viewer support. support. Two and Half Men Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Saturday Night Live 11 PM News Dateline NBC: While She Was Sleeping Woman found dead in her home. Action News at 10 on PHL17 Philly Pheud Cheaters Axe Cop ab Axe Cop TMZ Backstrom: I Am a Bird Now Sleepy Hollow: Pittura Infamante FOX 29 News at 10 Precious Memories In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley Hour of Power Billy Graham Crusades Breaking the Press aa (2010) Drew Waters. Anger Family Feud Family Feud Anger: Relationship Criminal Minds: Foundation Criminal Minds: Heathridge Manor News Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Web Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Married at First Sight: The Big Decision Couples decide if they stay married. Sister Act aac (1992, Comedy) Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith. A Reno BET lounge singer hides in a convent. pqv Fast N’ Loud Airplane Repo Airplane Repo ESPN 48 Hours: Decades of Deceit Access Hollywood Married at First Sight: DISN 10:30 NCIS: Los Angeles King of Queens Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Anger Anger The Listener: Beginning to See the Light Married at First Sight: 6 Months Later Catching up with the couples. (:02) Sister Act II: Back in the Habit ac (1993, Comedy) A former lounge singer coaches choir. Airplane Repo: Airplane Repo: Wheels Up Wheels Up Kirby Austin & Dog with Liv and Jessie Dog with Monsters, Inc. aaac (2001, Com- Lab Rats: a Blog edy) Monsters deal with a conspiracy. Armed Buckets Ally a Blog Maddie Basketball College Basketball: College Basketball: Basketball College Basketball: ACC Tournament from Live Pac-12 Tour. z{| Big 12 Tour. z{| Live Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, N.C. z{| (:02) Movie (6:00) Sugar Daddies Wuthering High School (2015, Drama) James (2015, Drama) pqw Caan. Two unhappy teens are drawn together. Henry Henry Henry Nicky, Bella and ThunderFresh Fresh Friends Friends Danger Danger Danger Ricky the Bulldogs mans Prince Prince Loves Loves Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Cougar King of Raymond Raymond Town the Nerds Dateline: Dateline: Dateline: Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Real Life Mysteries Real Life Mysteries Real Life Mysteries Real Life Mysteries Enough aa (2002, Drama) Abused Safe Haven aac (2013, Romance) Josh Duhamel, Julianne The Ugly Truth aac (2009) Katherine Heigl. woman trains to protect herself. Hough. A woman falls in love with a widower. rsx Blue Bloods: Tears of the Sun aaa (2003, Action) Bruce Willis. Blue Bloods: Blue Bloods: Inside Jobs Men in Black Warriors Squad must rescue doctor from rebels. A&E Last Chance at DISC 10 PM College Basketball: Mountain West z{| CD Spotlight Celebrating our 54th Anniversary top cDs & DVDs 1. Rae Sremmurd .............. “Sremmlife” ........ (Interscope) 2. J. Cole ...... “2014 Forest Hill Drive” ........ (Columbia) 3. Nicki Manaj ....... “The Pink Print” ....... (Cash Money) 4. Mary J. Blige ..... “The London Sessions” ..... (Capitol) 5. Fabulous ...... “The Young OG Project” ....... (DefJam) 6. K. Michelle ................. “Anybody Wanna Buy A Heart” (Atlantic) 7. Pharrell Williams ............. “Girl” ................ (Columbia) 8. Kem ........ “Promise to Love: Album IV” ........ (BGM) 9. Berner ................. “20 Light” ...................... (Bern One) 10. Dave Hollister ......... “Chicago Winds ....... The Saga Continues” ..... (Eone) 11. Ledisi ...................... “The Truth” ..................... (Verve) 12. Logic .................. Under Pressure ................. (Def Jam) 13. Ludacris ..... “Burning Bridges” ....... EP ...... DefJam) 14. Chris Brown .................................. “X” ............... (RCA) 15. Tamar Braxton ............. “Love & War” .............. (Epic) 16. Tamar Braxton ............. “Love & War” .............. (Epic) 17. Johnny Gill ............ “Game Changer” ............ (ISkillz) 18. Rick Ross ......... “Hood Billionaire” ........... (Mayback) 19. Smokey Robinson .....“Smokey & Friends”...... (Verve) 20. Nipsey Hussle ........ “Mailbox Money” ..... (All Money) 21. T.I. .......................... “Paperwork” .............. (Columbia) 22. Teyana Taylor .................... “VII” ................... (Def Jam) 23. Jeezy ... “See It All: The Autobiography” ..... (DefJam) 24. G.Eazy .......... “These Things Happen” ........... (Verve) 25. Beyonce ............... “Beyonce” ..................... (Columbia) top Gospel cDS & DVDS 1. Tamela Mann ............... “Best Days” .......... (Tillymann) 2. Erica Campbell ................ “Help” ............... (My Block) 3. Tasha Cobbs .................... “Grace” ................. (Motown) 4. Ricky Dillard & New G. ......... “Amazing” ......... (Light) 5. Hezekiah Walker ......... “Azusa: The Next Generation” (RCA) 6. Shirley Caesar .................... “Good God” ........... (Light) 7. Tye Tribbett ....... “Greater Than” ......... (Motown Gospel) 8. Wow Gospel 2014 ... “Various Artists” .. (Motown Gospel) 9. Wes Morgan ........................ “Livin” ................ (Bowtie) 10. William Murphy .............. “God Chaser” ......... (Verity) 11. Deitrick Haddon’s LXW ..... “Deitrick Haddon’s LXW” (Red Jungle) 12. Isaac Carree ...................... “Reset” .................. (Door 6) 13. Fred Hammond ............... “United Tenors” ......... (RCA) 14. Israel & New Breed .......... “Jesus at the Center: Live” (Integrity) 15. Donnie McClurkin .................. “Duets” .............. (RCA) 16. The Williams Bros. Sr. ..... “Phila”“I’m Free”... (TWB) 17. Tamika Patton ......... More Than Faithful ............... (TP) 18. The Williams Bros, Sr. ... “Songs of Worship, Praise & Deliverance ....... (Malaco) 19. James Fortune & Fiya .... “Live Through It” ..... (Eone) 20. Lecrae ................................ “Gravity” .............. (Reach) 21. Andre Crouch .................. “Journey” ................ (RPM) 22. Ruth La’Ontra ................... “So Good” ............ (Tyscot) WeBB’S DePARtMeNt StORe 2152 Ridge Avenue “WE’RE STILL OPEN” 215-284-5704 Records and Record Player Needles cDs NeW & OLD R & B - BLUeS GOSPeL - jAZZ the American empire Celebrating our 54th Anniversary junious r. stanton “In February of 1933, a month after convincing Germany’s president that parliament must be eliminated, Hitler and the Nazis instigated the Reichstag fire. Hitler then urged President Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree restricting personal liberty, including the right to free expression and a free press, limitations on the rights of association and assembly, warrantless searches of homes, property confiscation, and violations of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications ‘permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.’ The Nazis used the decree and cracked down on their political opponents . They worked behind the scenes to force through the Enabling Act, which legally allowed Hitler to obtain plenary powers and establish a dictatorship.” Gestapo Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring would admit that ‘the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.’” “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” Martin Luther King Jr If the monopoly media demonizing Vladimir Putin calling him the new Adolf Hitler and constantly talking about Russian aggression in Ukraine wasn’t bad enough, we have US politicians and the US NATO commander beating the drums for military confrontation with Russia! ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 -7 All that would be bad enough given the US’s appalling record of lies and imperialist aggression the last fourteen years for example US’s illegal invasions of countries like: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and the constant aerial bombing of Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and other sovereign nations but now the US is working hard to undermine the recent cease fire in Eastern Ukraine by sending arms, advisors and contract mercenaries into that volatile area. Based upon its action since 9-11 any sane unbiased person evaluating the US’s actions around the world today would have to conclude the United States is worse that Nazi Germany as far as warmongering and imperialism. The crisis in Ukraine is the direct result of US and EU intervention and the funding of social unrest and supporting the coup d’état that toppled the duly elected president of Ukraine Vicktor Yanukovych in 2014. “The US invested $5bn and hand picked the leaders of the coup that toppled Ukraine's democratically elected government. It has been just over a year of growing and escalating crisis in Europe since the Maidan Square protests in Kiev succeeded in toppling Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014. Those protests, which people in eastern Ukraine consider to have been the basis of a coup that brought down their government and thus trampled over their rights, were openly and materially supported by the West… Then we have the open admission by the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland, another visitor to Maidan Square during the protests, that the US had ‘invested’ $5billion dollars to help secure Ukraine’s ‘democratic future’ since 1991, combined with the staggering contents of a taped telephone conversation she conducted in early February 2014 with the US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, during which they discuss whom they would like to see ‘appointed’ the new Ukrainian president, anticipating Yanukovych’s imminent demise.” John Wright The US is currently attempting to provoke an armed confrontation with Russia via their Neo-Nazi proxies and stooges in Ukraine who have openly called for war against Russia. “Ukraine's deputy foreign minister says he is preparing for ‘full-scale war’ against Russia and wants Canada to help by supplying lethal weapons and the training to use them. Vadym Prystaiko, who until last fall was Ukraine's ambassador to Canada, says the world must not be afraid of joining Ukraine in the fight against a nuclear power. ” Ukraine preparing for 'full-scale war,' says former envoy to Canada The UK and the US have committed to sending arms and advisors (this is how Vietnam started remember?) troops and contract mercenaries to Ukraine to help them put down the rebellion in the Eastern part of the country. This is a recipe for disaster and the Anglo-American axis of evil knows this! In fact they are counting on it so they can put their plan for a confrontation against Russia in play! They want to force Vladimir Putin to back down because he has interfered with their plans to do to Syria what they did to Libya so now they are upping the ante in his own back yard. Don’t believe the media hype, Putin and the Russian people are not our enemy. Just like Saddam Hussein was not our enemy or Muammar Gaddafi. Putin poses no hostile threat to the US. The only difference is Putin is not going to back down from the Anglo-American warmongers. Nor will he allow them to start trouble right on is border. Not satisfied to create havoc in Ukraine the US is now trying to undermine and topple the duly elected government of Venezuela. “US-style hardball takes no prisoners. Maduro knows he's a marked man. Washington wants him dead. It wants Venezuela looking like Ukraine. It wants US-controlled fascist governance installed. It wants Bolivarian social justice eliminated altogether. Britain and Canada were co-conspirators in the latest plot to topple Venezuela's government. TeleSUR provided detailed coverage of Washington's war on Venezuelan democracy. Its dirty hands manipulate violence and instability worldwide. US funded and supported key opposition fascist figures Antonio Ledezma, Maria Corina Machado and Leopoldo Lopez released a joint February 11 communique a day before the foiled coup.” 02/16/britain-and-canada-involved-in-foiled-us You say so what, what does this mean for me? It means See “Empire” page 9 Stay in the Loop with ScOOP USA SUNDAY • MARCH 15, 2015 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS E# ABC E^ NBC E10 PBS E12 MYN E17 FOX E29 TBN E48 CW E57 ION E61 A&E TLC USA WGN 11:30 (:35) Sports Zone America’s Funniest Home Videos Once Upon a Time: Enter the Dragon Secrets and Lies: The Sister Revenge: Retaliation News News The Voice Hopeful musicians are coached by professionals to become stars. Escape: Indian Ocean Tsunami Tsunami survivors share their stories. NBC 10 News at 11pm Pledge Programming Pledge Programming Highlights encourage viewer Pledge Programming Highlights encourage viewer support. support. Two and Half Men Big Bang Modern Family Modern Family Celebrity Name The Simpsons Bob’s Burgers The Simpsons Brooklyn Nine Family Guy Last Man Leading Way The Blessed Joel Osteen Kerry Shook Life The Good Wife: Executive Order 13224 The Good Wife: Death Row Tip Believers Voice Celebrity Name Creflo Dollar Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Action News at 10 on PHL17 Intervention: Leslie Alaska: Last Frontier Intervention: Amy P. Celebrity Name (:36) FOX 29 The FOX 29 Simpsons News at 10 Sports Friends TMZ TBN Remembers Paul F. Crouch TBN honors the life of Paul F. Crouch. News King of Queens (6:30) 21 aaa (2008, Drama) Jim Sturgess. Student I Think I Love My Wife aac (2007, Comedy) recruited for blackjack scheme. rsx Chris Rock. A man is tempted to have an affair. Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Uncle Buck aac (1989, Comedy) John Candy. Intervention: Ben and Intervention: Gloria Josh All In Sister Act II: Back in the Habit ac (1993, Comedy) Whoopi Centric Celebrates Selma Concert Goldberg. A former lounge singer coaches choir. pqv Alaska: Last Frontier Alaskan Bush People: Revisited: Cold Front Alaska: Last Frontier Intervention: Allison (:15) Bad Hair Day (2015, Family) A high school tech I Didn’t Do It Liv and Jessie Maddie Bracketology 30 for 30: I Hate Christian Laettner Dog with Jessie a Blog SportsCenter Austin & Ally Babysitter’s Black Book (2015, Drama) Girls start (:02) Kept Woman an escort service for dads. pqw (2015, Drama) pqw SpongeBob SpongeBob Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Fresh Friends Friends Prince Prince (5:00) Catch Me If You Can The Blind Side aaac (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. The Blind Side aaac (2009, Drama) A family takes a boy into their home. rsx Sandra Bullock. rsx aaac (2002) Who Do You Think Long Island Medium: Long Island Long Island Who Do You Think Long Island Long Island You Are?: Julie Chen 25 and Counting Medium Medium You Are?: Josh Groban Medium Medium Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Kingdom of the Crystal Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Skull aac (2008) rsx Tears of the Sun aaa (2003, Action) Bruce Willis, Monica Bellucci. Salem Outlaw Country: Salem: Cat and Mouse Squad must rescue doctor from rebels. not Overdrive Kept Woman (2015, Drama) Woman kept in Reach One, teach One Stay in the Loop with ScOOP USA 11 PM News LIFE neighbor’s secret bunker. pqw TBS 10:30 Battle Creek: Man’s Best Friend DISN wizard dreams of being prom queen. NICK 10 PM The Good Wife: Open Source The Book of Negroes: ESPN 9:30 Madam Secretary: Tamerlane BET Part 3 DISC 9 PM 60 Minutes 2015 Red Ball Women history month salute to Sistergirls and colored girls Celebrating our 54th Anniversary 8 - ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 by Maurice Henderson the 2015 ANNUAL ReD BALL presented by the PeNNSyLVANIA ReD cROSS. A chinese theme was this year's focus with chinese entertainment greeting guests at the entrance. Susanna Foo was the celebrity chef and ctO was the amazing band with the DeVON Restaurant getting the top prize for their signature scallops. the red DIVAS pictured are Lorina Marshall Blake, Phyllis Sims photo Denise, joyce evans and Patricia clifford. councilwoman Blondell Reynolds campaign announcement The Month of March 2015 has been selected as the annual time frame for women of all races, creeds and color to tell their own story or to hear triumphant accounts of their accomplishments.Special events will be convened in Southwest Philadelphia on Thursday, March 19th to highlight Women History Month. The Alternative Learning Institute's Family Development Center and LOTS (Life Outside These Streets) will present "A Day for Women of Color" beginning with a 5pm-6pm workshop entitled "Rich or Almost Famous: How Women can Successfully Break into the Entertainment Business, Performing Arts Field or Writing/Publishing Industry". An Awards Program will be held from 6pm-7pm and a special program closure from 7pm-8pm will include spoken word stagings of "Putting Women in their Place - As Queens" and "Women Behind the Glass Door" by Lois Moses, a popular author, spoken word recording artist and actress featured on stage, television and Lois Moses in films. The goals for the day is to chronicle the trials and tribulations that have supported the success tracks of black, third world and/or minority women of color. The 6pm Awards program will honor the achievements of the membership and organizational leaders of Women of Color, Association of Black Women in Higher Education, Jubilee School, National Council of Negro Women, House of Umoja, School District Parent Resource Center, among others. A special salute called "Women Who Raise the Men" will be given to the Female Parents, Guardians, Caregivers and Significant Others of Male lead organizations such as LOTS, House of Reconciliation, Imani Star Development, Bothers in the Struggle/Poetic Ventures, Community Change - National Support Agency, Im BoominNoun, just to name a few. The event will be held on Thursday, March 19th from 5pm to 8pm at the Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street. Free tickets are available by contacting LOTS at 724-624-2873 or m or the office at 215888-5285. A Post event will be held from 8pm to 10pm. Billed as "The Preview", this performance will include featured Women Artists such as Spoken Word Recording Artist Drea, R&B Singers Noturi and Vivienne Lewis. Male counterparts include Hip Hop Artist Von Dutch and Black Cease, Comedian Taj Mahal and co-host Ronald 'Im BoominNoun' Cook. An Open Mic will follow the Special Guest Performers. For more information contact ronaldcook82@ or 267-3385507. ScOOP USA Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown announced her Campaign on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at the Pinn Memorial Baptist Church in Wynnefield. Shown above Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown speaks to supporters while State Sen. Vincent Hughes and Councilman W. Wilson Goode, Jr. look on. cricket Wireless Black History month rap session Hugh E Dillon photo M aurice H icks - P hiladelphia, Suffered Suffered Stroke Stroke in 2006 at at Age Age 38. Maurice Hicks Philadelphia, o hear M aurice’s st ory go tto ow TTo Maurice’s story Russell Hicks, cricket community Star and founder of ebony Suns enterprises hosts Black History Month rap session at cricket Wireless. Russell Hicks, 1st place winner of the cricket community Stars: Salute to Solopreneurs contest and founder of ebony Suns enterprises led an in-store rap session to culminate Black History Month at cricket Wireless in Philadelphia. He engaged guests in a candid conversation around community leadership and shared thoughts how everyday people can positively impact community progress. empire Celebrating our 54th Anniversary Continued from page 7 we are living in a imperialistic war loving country willing to wage war, create havoc and mayhem all over the globe to maintain its empire. Yes the US is an empire, not a global force for good as the propaganda says but a leech sucking the spirit and resources out of people and the planet. Maintaining bases around the world costs money; money the US doesn’t have. So they are cutting social programs and increasing the military budget and the secret ops budget so they can fund their covert activities and warmongering. The five billion dollars the US spent to destabilize the Ukraine could have been spent to underwrite college scholarships, expand peaceful technology, build roads and bridges here in the US! The costs of imperialism are staggering. “Numbers vary from office to office and report to report. They go up, and they go down. They’re based on varying criteria, depending on who’s doing the counting. He ends up feeling confused and dismayed. Worse yet are the apparently deliberate omissions from the tally. ‘Scan the Department of Defense’s 2010 Base Structure Report for sites in Afghanistan,” writes Turse. “Go ahead, read through all 206 pages. You won’t find a mention of them, not a citation, not a single reference, not an inkling that the United States has even one base in Afghanistan, let alone more than 400.’ Incredibly, the same blackout applies to Iraq, where published reports in mainstream media outlets put the number of bases in the 80s. So, even the official US military tally underreports our presence by nearly 500 bases. And that’s before you add in other blacked-out sites in places like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Also conveniently ‘forgotten’ in the base count are facilities run by other countries on behalf of the US, sites operated covertly by the CIA, and de facto ‘bases’ that float on America’s fleet of aircraft carriers, says Turse.” Military mystery: How many bases does the US have, anyway? Gloria Shur Bilchik Recent US history demonstrates the hypocrisy and bogusness of the “War on Terror”, its really all about empire control and power. “The grand design/game plan of U.S. imperialism, the use of protectorates/satellites/client states and spheres of influence as against formal colonies had both avoided the high overhead costs of colonial imperialism and the politically disadvantageous loss of life that colonial military interventions led to. This was its ‘strength’ as it developed its control over the Western Hemisphere and campaigned to open up the colonial regions, protectorates, and spheres of influence of its former imperialist rivals. The ‘globalization’ of this policy (gunboat/dollar diplomacy) with the Truman Doctrine, the formation of NATO and subsequent military alliances(SEATO, CENTO and bilateral ones) meant that from 1947 to the present the U.S. would spend much more on the global cold war and its sequel, the global war against terrorism, then all of its allies and enemies combined. Also, the U.S. would in the name of ‘containment,’ ‘counter-insurgency,’ ‘low intensity wars,’ and ‘proxy wars,’ do most of the fighting and suffer most of the casualties among the major powers. This was true in the Korean and Vietnam wars and later ‘wars against international terrorism’ in Afghanistan and Iraq, wars that this policy of global ‘gunboat diplomacy’ led to. While these casualties would be very small compared to the native populations of these regions, they would nevertheless be very great by all previous U.S. standards outside of the Civil War and the World Wars.” The Price of Imperialism Norman Markowitz (My emphasis and underline.) As we speak, the US Empire is teetering on the brink of collapse due to its over reach, hubris and over extension. The US dollar is in trouble, Western usury banking and casino capitalism are in grave danger and many feel the US will pick a fight, start a war to try to salvage its hegemony and empire. Don’t believe the hype, the US is not the good guy here. As Martin Luther King Jr once remarked, “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government.” Current events around the world bare this reality out. The comments in the column are the opinion of the writer and are not an opinion or reflection of the beliefs of the SCOOP U.S.A. Women History Focus ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 - 9 Continued from page 5 Dr. Tracey E. Hucks and The New Wave of Scholarship on Yoruba Traditions in The Americas Site: Oyotunji Village in South Carolina Writing in Chapter of her long awaited volume, Yoruba Traditions of African American Religious Nationalism, Dr. Tracey E. Hucks rightly concludes, "Oyotunji has for over the past forty years invested in the vision of an African God and an African nation in America. It's vision was not so much to reconstitute the Old World of Africa but to provide diasporic African Americans in this hemisphere with a sense of spatial ownership in North America." Hucks' chapter on Yoruba practice in the United States as reflected in a case study of Oyotunji African Village, is a remarkably lucid, brilliant and engaging prose narrative of creatively positive transformation and revivification. From the opening epigraph by Oba Adefunmi "Here in America we have been briefly conquered by European culture, but we are Africans nonetheless." through the author's closing summation, " This legacy of twentieth century boldness inherited from Oseijerman Adefunmi 1 exists as a source of constant inspiration in the twenty-first century for many African American practitioners and his son." A close reading of the volume, Yoruba Traditions & African American Religious Nationalism authored by Professor Hucks reveals a kind of intellectual honesty, boldness and erudition rarely seen . Her conceptualization, catholic choices and topics of contributors, reflect a well planned volume that is useful across disciplines and even by those being introduced to the impact Yoruba culture has had and continues to have in cities like Philadelphia, from hand drummers to Afrobeat Hip Hop recombinations as evident in the back and forth motion and cultural exchange between Meek Mill, French Montana , Baba Olowo, Ice Prince , WizKid and those avatars of Nigeria's transatlantic, transformation of Azonto Dance and Sound culture--born in Ghana but living large in Nigeria. Twentieth first century scholars must be attentive to the back and forth motion in the ocean of Hip Hop, Afro-Beat and its rapidly growing global cultural dissemination. In Dr. Charles Long's preface to the volume, one learns that this text contains two interrelated and overlapping travel narratives. One of the narratives is in the form of a travel in time---the history of ideas, meanings, symbols, and images of Africa in African American culture. This narrative contextualizes the second one. The second narrative tells the story of a young African American male from Detroit, Walter Eugene King, and his journey from Detroit through a variety of times, spaces and imaginations to his emergence as Oba Efuntola Adefumi 1 in the new space of Oyotunji Yoruba Village in South Carolina." Yoruba Traditions of African American Religious Nationalism represents a new epoch in scholarship on African/African American Religion Nationalism and Transatlantic culture voyages. In a recently published, insightful review, Vaness Valdes concludes, " Tracey E. Hucks provides a vivid portrait of an understudied aspect of African American religious life in the twentieth century, namely that of the communities of worshippers of traditional Yoruba practices in the United States." 'Burning With A Flame in America": African American Women in African Derived Traditions Those in the City of Philadelphia, on the mainline and surrounding counties who have a long history of Yoruba interest and practice, are rewarded to have Dr. Tracey E. Hucks in this community. Her study will generate more interest in Philadelphia’s Yoruba community among native Nigerians, second generation members of the diaspora and Philadelphia's longstanding Yoruba practitioners. Could there be a better candidate to focus on than Dr. Hucks? Finally, we must return to Professor Hucks insightful essay, on African American Women in African Derived Traditions. There she argues, " Throughout their history in the United States, African American Women have sustained open and fluid boundaries regarding religion, and have been active agents in shaping their own religious meaning." The Book to read during Women's History Month is Yoruba Traditions & African American Religious Nationalism (University of New Mexico Press. Stay in the Loop with ScOOP USA MONDAY • MARCH 16, 2015 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS E# ABC E^ NBC E10 PBS E12 MYN E17 FOX E29 TBN E48 CW E57 ION E61 ET The Insider Big Bang Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune Extra Access Hollywood Business Report BBC World Antiques Roadshow: News Des Moines, IA Big Bang Modern Family TMZ Rev. Rodriguez A&E The First 48: Desperate Moves Being Mary Jane: Pulling the Trigger Street Outlaws: Dallas Cash Days Dog with Jessie a Blog NCAA Women’s Selection Show Life Flight: Trauma Center Houston Thunder- Haunted mans Hathaways Seinfeld af Seinfeld BET DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA Mike & Molly 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NCIS: Los Angeles: Leipei News Late Show Dancing with the Stars Twelve new celebrity dancers arrive. Castle: Hong Kong Hustle News Jimmy Kimmel The Voice: The Battles, Part 3 The Night Shift: Shock to the Heart NBC 10 News Tonight Show Antiques Roadshow: Billings, MT Independent Lens: Wonder Women Music of Northern Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Action News at 10 on PHL17 Modern Family Friends The Simpsons Gotham: Lovecraft The Following: Exposed FOX 29 News at 10 TMZ Inside Edition Potter Touch Trinity Family Connection Jesse Duplantis Tribulation ac (2000, Drama) Gary Busey. The anti-Christ is ruling the world. rsx Family Feud Family Feud The Originals: Save My Soul Jane the Virgin: Chapter Sixteen News Criminal Minds: #6 Criminal Minds: The Replicator Criminal Minds: To Bear Witness ab From Holyland Criminal Minds: Brothers Hotchner Scorpion: Kill Screen King of Queens Mike & Molly King of Queens Flashpoint: Slow Burn af Bates Motel: A Death in Bates Motel: The Returned: Simon The Returned: Simon the Family The Arcanum Club My First Love (2015, Drama) Pooch Hall. Couple’s marriage All In: On the All In: Bad All In begins to crumble over electronic devices. pqw Road Blood Street Outlaws: Fast N’ Loud: Fat N’ Furious: Fast N’ Loud: Small Tire Shootout Demolition Theater Rolling Thunder Demolition Theater How to Build a Better Boy (2014, Mickey Austin & Liv and I Didn’t Do It Dog with Family) China Anne McClain. pqw Mouse Ally Maddie a Blog NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Miami Heat from NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers AmericanAirlines Arena z{| at Golden State Warriors z{| Life Flight: Life Flight: Life Flight: Life Flight: Trauma Center Houston Trauma Center Houston Trauma Center Houston Trauma Center Houston Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Fresh Friends af Friends af Prince Prince Family Guy Family Guy American American Big Bang Big Bang Conan Dad! Dad! My Strange My Strange My 600-lb Life: My 600-lb Life: Did I Marry? Did I Marry? Did I Marry? Did I Marry? Addiction Addiction James’ Story Supersized: Angel’s Story NCIS: Shalom WWE Monday Night Raw Dig: Catch You Later America’s Funniest WGN Home Videos af America’s Funniest Home Videos af America’s Funniest Home Videos af The Last Samurai aaa (2003, Drama) Tom Cruise. American embraces samurai culture. not expressions about two special women Celebrating our 54th Anniversary 10 - ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 Toby Rich In this week’s rap from the Mayor of Girard Avenue we consider the old and the new. March is Women’s History Month and keeping in mind that Black History month just left went by, I wanted to express a word or two about two very Special Women. The first is from the Old School named Ms. Willa Mae Woodbury. She was the owner of Willa’s Inn Restaurant located at 16th and Popular Streets. Willa Mae went out of her way to stand by and support all of the young folks of the community, just like Mom Crippen. This part of North Philly was so blessed to have two very special women that made it their purpose in life to help all people regardless of color or religion. As long as they were in need of help both women would be there for them to make sure that they get fed and have a place to rest their heads. There is a large void in that area because you are not going to find too many people willing to put themselves out like that today. Many public officials would help and support Willa Mae. Among them were City Council President Darrell Clarke; State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas and State Senator Ms. Shirley Kitchen. People had much respect for her way of loving and giving back to the community just be- cause she felt that it was her duty. You know that God is with a person like that because they love to help people even when they really don’t have to. You cannot help but respect people like them. Willa Mae and my other Mother Cassandra Hundley were very good friends and together many people got plenty of responsible love and concern from them just because that is what they loved to do for people. I know because I am one of those people that was so lucky to be loved by both of them. If one of them did not see me, they would make sure that the other one would find me and if Mom Crippen did not see me during the day she would ask Uncle Fletcher Long to put the word out that I better touch base with one of them very soon. It didn’t take Social security Women and social security patrick l. robinson, sr. March is Women’s History Month. The Social Security program treats all workers — men and women — exactly the same in terms of the benefits they can receive. But women may want to familiarize themselves with what the program means to them in their particular circumstances. Understanding the benefits may mean the difference between living more comfortably versus just getting by in retirement. One of the most significant things women need to remember about Social Security is the importance of promptly reporting a name change. If you haven’t told us of a name change, your W-2 may not match the information in Social Security’s records and this could affect the amount of your future benefits. Not changing your name with Social Security also can delay your federal income tax refund. To report a name change, please fill out an Application for a Social Security Card (Form SS-5). You can get the form by visiting, or any Social Security office or card center, or by calling Social Security’s TUESDAY • MARCH 17, 2015 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS E# ABC E^ NBC E10 PBS E12 MYN E17 FOX E29 TBN E48 CW E57 ION E61 toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-3250778). You must show us certain identity documents, including one recently issued to prove your legal name change. If expanding your family is in your plans, it’s a good idea to apply for a Social Security number for your baby in the hospital, at the same time that you apply for your baby’s birth certificate. Social Security will mail the card to you. If you wait, you must then separately provide evidence of your child’s age, identity, and U.S. citizenship status, as well as proof of your identity. Then, we must verify your child’s birth record, which can add 12 weeks to the time it takes to issue a card. When women start receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits, other family members may be eligible for payments as well. For example, benefits can be paid to a husband: If he is age 62 or older; or At any age, if he is caring for your child (the child must be younger than 16 or disabled and receiving Social Security benefits on your record). Benefits also can be paid to unmarried children if they are: Younger than age 18; Between 18 and 19 years old, but in elementary or secondary school as fulltime students; or Age 18 or older and severely disabled (the disability must have started before age 22). The family of a woman who dies may be eligible for survivors benefits based on her work. For more information about women and Social Security, ask for the publication, What Every Woman Should Know (SSA Publication No. 05-10127) or visit our special Women’s page online at 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 ET The Insider NCIS: The Searchers NCIS: New Orleans: Chasing Ghosts Person of Interest: Nautilus News Late Show Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune Fresh Off the Boat Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: One of Us Forever: Skinny Dipper News Jimmy Kimmel Extra Access Hollywood The Voice: The Battles, Part 4 Undateable One Big Happy Chicago Fire: Forgiving, NBC 10 Relentless News Tonight Show Business Report BBC World 180 Days: Hartsville News Frontline: The Rise of ISIS On Tour Newsline Tavis Smiley Big Bang Modern Family Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Seizure Action News at 10 on PHL17 Modern Family Friends TMZ The Simpsons Hell’s Kitchen: 16 Chefs New Girl: Goldmine Compete FOX 29 News at 10 TMZ Inside Edition Supernatural Potter Touch Trinity Family Mike & Molly King of Queens Repeat After Me Joyce Meyer Family Feud Family Feud The Flash: Out of Time Criminal Minds: Bully (5:30) Twister aac (1996, Criminal Minds: The Black Queen The Mindy Project ArtWorks Destined to Elevation Reign Praise the Lord iZombie: Pilot News Criminal Minds: The Road Home Criminal Minds: 200 King of Queens A&E Drama) Helen Hunt. The Returned: Simon BET Being Mary Jane: Let’s Go Crazy Amish Mafia: False Prophets I Didn’t Do It Dog with a Blog SportsCenter DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN Married at First Sight: Married at First Sight: Wedding Preparations Matchmaking Special The process of picking couples. Daddy’s Little Girls aa (2007, Drama) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. All In: Little, Being Mary Jane: A father seeks custody of his children. rsx Late? Let’s Go Crazy Amish Mafia: Forbidden Amish Mafia: Merlin’s Amish Mafia: False Amish Mafia: Knowledge Judas Prophets The First Chapter Dog with I Didn’t Do It Austin & Liv and Dog with Jessie: K.C. Liv and a Blog Krumping Undercover Maddie a Blog Ally Maddie 2015 NIT Basketball Tournament: First Round 2015 NIT Basketball Tournament: First Round z{| z{| Dance Moms: Born in the Wild: Arizona: Dance Moms: Dance Moms: The Great Divide The New Maddie? Nia’s Last Chance Baby Makes Nine ThunderHaunted Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Fresh Prince Prince mans Hathaways Seinfeld: Seinfeld af Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Cougar Money Town 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Our Little Family: 19 Kids and 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting Counting Recount Counting Counting New Holiday Traditions Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Sirens: Modern Family Family Family Family Family Family Charboiled Family Outlaw Country The Last Samurai aaa (2003, Drama) Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe. American embraces samurai culture. not The Listener: The Magician Born in the Wild: Arizona: Baby Makes Nine Friends af Friends af Conan 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting Modern Modern Family Family Outlaw Country long before I realized that I had some folks that would show more love for me than I did for myself. In short, I thank God I got the message. These were women are not around today so the young folks of today will have to hope for a new group of concerned women that don’t mind looking out for the lost souls. Speaking about the new blood of loving and concerned young women, I have a cousin named Krystle Rich that has written a book about two young African American boys who were taken from their alcoholic mother and who were thrown into many abusive foster homes and eventually got involved with street gangs. In their hurt and anger they wanted to know if God cared about people in the ghetto. A prominent Pastor said “it’s a master piece, written by a 25 year old young lady” After seeing the trailer, thousands from the west coast to the east coast are eagerly waiting for it to hit the book stores next month. For more info go to You tube and type in Krystle Rich trailer ( ) I really enjoyed the trailer -- not just because my younger cousin wrote it but most of all because it shows a way our young people are finding their own way of reaching out to save lives that they don’t even know just like Willa Mae, Mom Crippen and Sandy Sandjar. With much love, honor and respect your Mayor of Girard Avenue, Toby Rich. Peace. SHARON HILL SHARON BAR 820 Sharon Ave. - Sharon Hill, PA OPEN 10 a.m. - 2 a.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK Join us for a Good Time All of the Time! DIXON’S LOUNGE 1401 Hook Road Sharon Hill, PA 610-461-2462 Jesse, Manager Saturday, March 14 - 9 p.m. until Gala BIRtHDAy PARty for ReGGIe -and- tRINA come enjoy the BROWN’S NIGHt Saturday, March 21 - 9 p.m. until PARty for jOANNe -and- ADRIeNNe ARIeS BIRtHDAy PARty for ROBBIe & cRyStAL in Memory of their Dad ROB WILNeR Saturday, March 28 - 9 p.m. until CAMDEN, N.J. cDS * tAPeS * MOVIeS * KANGOL HAtS Marlton Records & electronics 286 Marlton Avenue camden, N.j. 08105 Rap & Reggae Music Gifts and Novelties As little as this space brings big $$$$$$$$ results to your business UPtown Barber Shop 801 Fairview St. Camden, N.J. TOM at your service (856) 576-0914 - For the Natural, Suave Look! Barber Chair Available Celebrating our 54th Anniversary G INN ’ S Restaurant & Bar Corner of Rt. 291 & Kerlin Street 610-876-5448 - Bar 610-876-5457 - Kitchen WE HAVE An ATM INSIDE BAR yOU MUSt SHOW ID WHeN eNteRING GINN’S - NO ID, NO eNtRy - yOU MUSt Be 25 OR OLDeR tO eNteR GINN’S ON tHURS, FRI, SAt, & SUN. AFteR 9PM If you want to have a BIRtHDAy PARty yOU MUSt Be 25 yeARS OR OLDeR NeW cHANGeS FOR PARtIeS cALL 610-876-3292 NO GUNS ALLOWeD At GINN’S SMOKING PeRMItteD 76ers Home Games ONLy DURING GAMe tIMe coor’s Stubby Banquet Bottle - $2.00 coor’s 16oz Aluminum cans - $2.50 A Big Fund Raiser For Honor Society Member DeStINy WALKeR Saturday, March 28th - 12 pm till 6 pm Please come out and support us Destiny has been selected to go to Japan, seeking to become our future Doctor Given by Karen Walker Fun Food Music Our Staff Serving: Bebe, Chubb, Durrell, Jack, Katrice, Karen, Rose, Michele, Monte, Nakia, Steve, Sue, Sheedah, Yolonda House DJ: DOUBLE “D” Kitchen Staff Monte & Juice 501Bar Manager: Blinky Proprietors: Bob & Ann Ginn 501 e. 7th St. chester, PA 610- 457-4995 501 is NOW OPeN eVeRy SUNDAy come out and enjoy BOOGIe NIte with our Starmaid ‘BOOGIe” A LIGHt BAR MeNU AVAILABLe DAILy MADISON GRILL 301 e. 12th Street chester, PA 610-874-7662 Open 7 am Mon.- Sat. / Sunday 11am SMOKING PERMITTED eVeRy SUNDAy 5:30 - 11:30 pm OLDIeS BUt GOODIeS Come Party with Starmaid Miss Ann HAPPy HOUR every Monday and thursday 5 to 7 p.m. A message for Women’s History Month The greatest gift God gave to man was His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the second greatest gift he gave was woman. You see, when God created man, He looked around and noticed that man would be lonely without a mate, especially when all the other inhabitants on earth had one. So God with Divine Love created woman from the rib of man. Brothers, if God had taken the bone out of the man’s head, He would have meant for the woman to rule. If God had taken the bone out of the man’s foot, He would have meant for the woman to dominate and rule. God could have made the woman out of the backbone, but then the woman would have been behind the man. But no, God Almighty, full of wisdom, took the bone out of man’s side. So that puts the woman beside the man to be a helpmate who receives love, respect, honor and guiding protection. Now through the years this role model of women, whom God created, has been changed in such a manner that many men feel that a woman is less than inferior to a man. But this is wrong because a man and woman are equal, especially in the eyes of God, who created each and every one of us in His image. This type of prejudice and injustice has caused the cry for an Equal Rights Amendment and the Women’s Liberation Movement. In reality, this is a push for the complete freedom of the female race. That is freedom of choice, freedom from abuse, freedom of equal pay and opportunity as well as many others. Now, if we as mature and responsive men loved cherished and protected our women there would be no need for movements like this. But instead, we use and abuse them. Yes, they have come a long way, but they still have a long way to go. We need our women just as they need us. In fact, if rev. dr. wm. rocky brown, 3rd 700 W. 2nd Street, Chester, PA God’s second greatest gift C H E S T E R , PA Charles Horsey Post 300 1101 W. 7th Street Chester, 610-872-2751 AMERICAN LEGION OPeN MONDAy thru SUNDAy FUN - FRIeNDS MUSIc ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 - 11 it weren’t for the Black Woman, there would be no Black Family, no Black Church nor a Black Movement for Complete Liberation. Truly, she has been our strength in the time of trouble. God knew what He was doing, when He created women and I thank him for them. So Brothers, let us go forth into the future with love, respect and devotion for women no matter what race, color, creed or national origin they are. Let us protect them and not reject them. Let us lift them and not whip them. Let us defend them and not beat them. (If you want to beat on something, beat on a bag or yourself!) Moreover, let us heal them and not kill them. We cannot make it by ourselves, we need them with us. For, “Beside every successful hardworking, ambitious man is a woman who is dedicated to that man and with her love, devotion and support came his success”. But most of all let us remember that God gave us His only begotten Son, the greatest gift to mankind. Then out of love, He gave to man, His 2nd greatest gift, the Woman! Think About It!!! This is Rev. Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd Letting the women of the world know I Love You, I Appreciate You and I want for you The Goodness That I Want For Myself! God Bless Ya!!!! 5 CBS E# ABC E^ NBC E10 PBS E12 MYN E17 FOX E29 TBN E48 CW E57 ION E61 B & E’s Tavern 3rd & Highland 610 497-5257 Monday, March 23 4 p.m. until Gala BIRtHDAy ceLeBRAtION for our Starmaid tANyA DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 March to Survivor: Worlds Apart: Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner CSI: Cyber: Killer En Route News Late Show Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune The Middle The Modern Goldbergs Family The Sound of Music: 50th News Jimmy Kimmel Extra Access Hollywood The Mysteries of Laura: Popped Pugilist Chicago P.D.: An Honest Woman NBC 10 News Tonight Show Business Report BBC World Nature News Big Bang Modern Family The Walking Dead: The Grove b a TMZ The Simpsons Empire: Die But Once; Who I Am Lucious & Jamal’s musical relationship. Billy Graham Crusades Trinity Family Cold Case: Who’s Your Daddy? black-ish Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Friday Arts NOVA: Incredible Journey Rise of the Black of the Butterflies Pharaohs Turning Point Family Feud Family Feud Arrow: The Offer Storage DISC 9 PM ET Cold Case: The Sleepover The Walking Dead: Us ab Charlie Rose Action News at 10 on PHL17 Modern Family Friends FOX 29 News at 10 TMZ Inside Edition Mike & Molly King of Queens Destined to Living By Faith Reign Praise the Lord Supernatural: The Things They Carried News Cold Case: It’s Raining Men b a Cold Case: Red Glare King of Queens Cold Case: Mind Hunter Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars All In: Little, All In All In: Little, Obsessed aa (2009, Thriller) Idris Elba, Beyoncé. Temp worker Single Ladies Late? Late? tries seducing employer. rsx Dual Survival: Grin and Dual Survival: Untamed: Dual Survival Last Frontiersmen Dual Survival Bear It Waterlogged Dog with Jessie: Lemonade Mouth aac (2011, Musical) Bridgit Austin & Liv and I Didn’t Do It Dog with a Blog Acting with Mendler. Students get detention and form a band. Ally Maddie a Blog NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at NBA Basketball Orlando Magic at Dallas Mavericks from (6:00) Sports- NBA Golden State Warriors z{| Countdown American Airlines Center z{| Center Little Women: LA: Little Women: LA: Little Women: LA: Kosher Soul Kosher Soul Little Women: LA: Little Women, Big Easy New Orleans, Friendtervention Friendtervention ThunderHaunted Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Fresh Friends af Friends: mans Hathaways Prince Prince The Jam Seinfeld: Seinfeld: Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Hamptons The Nap Strange Strange My 600-lb Life: My 600-lb Life: Strange Love: Popeye & My 600-lb Life: Love Love Joe’s Story Laura’s Story the Wild Woman Laura’s Story NCIS: Singled Out Fast Five aaa (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Former cop and Modern Modern ex-con team up on the wrong side of the law for one last job. rsx Family Family America’s Funniest America’s Funniest How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Home Videos af Home Videos af Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother A&E Wars BET 302 W. 5th St. Chester, PA NOW OPeN Rob & Dar’s Family Home cooking at 5th Street Hours of Operation thursday - Friday - Saturday 4:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday - 4:00 p.m. - 10 p.m. Food for the Soul! Members must have membership card with them all the time to drink. everyone must be 30 years old WEDNESDAY • MARCH 18, 2015 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 th Street Bar 12 - ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 SHERIFF’S SALE Properties to be sold by JEWELL WILLIAMS Sheriff on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at First District Plaza, 3801 Market Street, at 10:00 AM. (EST) Conditions of Sheriff’s Sale for JUDICIAL/FORECLOSURE SALE Ten percent of the highest bid for each property auctioned off shall be deposited in FHUWL¿HG FKHFN DWWRUQH\¶V FKHFN RU PRQH\ order with the Sheriff by each bidder when his bid is registered, provided that in no case shall less than Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) be deposited, otherwise upon failure or reIXVDO WR PDNH VXFK GHSRVLW WKH ELGGHU VKDOO ORVH DOO EHQH¿W RI KLV ELG DQG WKH SURSHUW\ PD\EHRIIHUHGDJDLQDQGVROGXQOHVVDVHFond bid has been registered, then, the second KLJKHVW ELGGHU ZLOO WDNH WKH SURSHUW\ DW WKH highest bid price. Additionally, where there is active bidding, the highest bidder, and the second highest bidder, if any must post the entire amount of the cost of the distribution policy for the property at the time of sale by FHUWL¿HGFKHFNDWWRUQH\¶VFKHFNRUPRQH\ order with the Sheriff. 7KHEDODQFHRIWKHSXUFKDVHPRQH\PXVW EH GHSRVLWHG LQ FHUWL¿HG FKHFN DWWRUQH\¶V FKHFN RU PRQH\ RUGHU WRJHWKHU ZLWK D 'HHG poll for execution by the highest bidder to the 6KHULIIDWKLVRI¿FHZLWKLQGD\VIURPWKH WLPHRIWKHVDOH$QH[WHQVLRQRIWLPHIRUDQ DGGLWLRQDOGD\VPD\EHJUDQWHGDWWKHGLVcretion of the Sheriff upon receipt of written UHTXHVW IURP WKH EX\HU UHTXHVWLQJ WKH VDPH except when a second bidder has been duly UHJLVWHUHG$OVR LI WKH ¿UVW ELGGHU GRHV QRW FRPSOHWH VHWWOHPHQW ZLWK WKH 6KHULII ZLWKLQ WKHWKLUW\GD\WLPHOLPLWDQGDVHFRQGELG was registered at the sale, the second bidder VKDOOEHJUDQWHGWKHVDPHWKLUW\GD\WLPH OLPLW WR PDNH VHWWOHPHQW ZLWK WKH 6KHULII RQ his second bid. Thereafter, the Sheriff shall be at liberty to return the writ to court. A second ELG PXVW EH UHJLVWHUHG RQ DQ\ SURSHUW\ LPPHGLDWHO\DIWHULWLVVROG7KHVHFRQGELGGHU PXVWSUHVHQWWKHVDPHDPRXQWRIGHSRVLWWKDW the highest bidder delivers to the Sheriff at WKH VDOH$Q H[WHQVLRQ RI WLPH XQGHU QR FLUFXPVWDQFHVZLOOEHJUDQWHGRUKRQRUHGE\WKH Sheriff whenever a second bid is registered on a property at the sale. 7KH ¿UVW ELG RU RSHQLQJ ELG RQ HDFK SURSHUW\ VKDOO EH D VXP VXI¿FLHQW WR SD\ DOO 6KHULII¶V FRVWV LQFOXGLQJ DGYHUWLVLQJ DOO WD[HV ZDWHU UHQWV DQG PXQLFLSDO FODLPV GXH to the City of Philadelphia. If there is no other bid price above the opening bid price, the property shall be sold by the auctioneer to the attorney on the writ at that price. The deposit by any bidder who fails to FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH DERYH FRQGLWLRQV RI VDOH shall be forfeited and the funds will be apSOLHG WR WKH 6KHULII¶V FRVW WKHQ WR DQ\ PXQLFLSDO FODLPV WKDW WKH &LW\ RI 3KLODGHOphia has on the property. Finally, if a balance still UHPDLQVD6KHULII¶V'LVWULEXWLRQ3ROLF\ZLOO EHRUGHUHGDQGWKHPRQH\ZLOOEHGLVWULEXWHG accordingly. 1R SHUVRQDO FKHFNV GUDIWV RU SURPLVHV WR SD\ ZLOO EH DFFHSWHG LQ OLHX RI FHUWL¿HG FKHFNV DWWRUQH\¶V FKHFNV RU PRQH\ RUGHUV PDGHSD\DEOHWRWKH6KHULIIRI3KLODGHOSKLD County. The Sheriff reserves the right to grant IXUWKHUH[WHQVLRQVRIWLPHWRVHWWOHDQGIXUWKHU UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH ELGV IURP bidders who have failed to enter deposits RQ WKHLU ELGV IDLOHG WR PDNH VHWWOHPHQW RU PDNHIUDXGXOHQWELGVRUDQ\RWKHUEHKDYLRU which causes disruption of the Sheriff Sale. Said bidders shall be so refused for the sale in which said behavior occurred and for said IXUWKHU SHULRG RI WLPH DV WKH 6KHULII LQ KLV GLVFUHWLRQVKDOOGHWHUPLQH 7KH 6KHULII ZLOO QRW DFNQRZOHGJH D deed poll to any individual or entity using DQ XQUHJLVWHUHG ¿FWLWLRXV QDPH DQG PD\ DW his discretion, require proof of identity of WKHSXUFKDVHURUWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQRI¿FWLWLRXV QDPHV7KHELGRIDQXQUHJLVWHUHG¿FWLWLRXV QDPHVKDOOEHIRUIHLWHGDVLIWKHELGGHUIDLOHG WRPHHWWKHWHUPVRIVDOH $OOELGGHUVDUHDGYLVHGWRUHPDLQDWWKH sale until after the last property is sold. The Sheriff reserves the right to re-sell any propHUW\ DW DQ\ WLPH EHIRUH WKH HQG RI WKH VDOH XSRQWKHVXFFHVVIXOELGGHUV¶IDLOXUHWRWHQGHU the required deposit. The Sheriff reserves the right to postpone or stay the sale of any property in which the attorney on the writ has not appeared and is not present at the sale. Prospective purchasers are directed to the Web site of the Philadelphia Bureau of Revision of Taxes, (BRT) brtweb.phila. gov for a fuller description of the properties listed. Properties can be looked up by the BRT number – which should be cross checked with the address. Prospective purchasers are also directed to the Room 154 City Hall, 215-686-1483 and to its website and to its website at where they can view the deed to each individual SURSHUW\ DQG ¿QG WKH ERXQGDULHV RI WKH property. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE NATURE, LOCATION, CONDITION AND BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTIES THEY SEEK TO PURCHASE. The BRT # refers to a unique number assigned by the City Bureau of Revision of Taxes to each property in the City for the purpose of assessing it for taxes. This number can be used to obtain descriptive information about the property from the BRT website. Effective Date: July 7, 2006 NOTICE OF SCHEDULE OF DISTRIBUTION 7KH 6KHULII ZLOO ¿OH LQ KLV RI¿FH 7KH Land Title Building, 100 South Broad Street, 5th Floor, a Schedule of Distribution 7KLUW\ 'D\V IURP WKH GDWH RI WKH VDOH RI5HDO(VWDWH'LVWULEXWLRQZLOOEHPDGHLQ accordance with the Schedule unless excepWLRQV DUH ¿OHG WKHUHWR ZLWKLQ WHQ GD\V thereafter. 1% )RU WKH EHQH¿W RI RXU QRQSURfessional readers who do not understand the PHDQLQJRIWKHOHWWHUVDQG¿JXUHVIROORZLQJ WKHGHIHQGDQW¶VQDPHVZHPDNHWKHIROORZing. EXPLANATION 7KHQDPH¿UVWDSSHDULQJLQHDFKQRWLFH is that of the defendant in the writ whose property is being sold. All Writs are Writs of Executions. 7KHOHWWHUV&3&RXUWRI&RPPRQ3OHDV 2&2USKDQV¶&RXUW46&RXUWRI4XDUWHU 6HVVLRQV&&&RXQW\&RXUWLQGLFDWHWKH Court out of which the writ of execution isVXHVXQGHUZKLFKWKHVDOHLVPDGH6 PHDQV6HSWHPEHU7HUPWKH Celebrating our 54th Anniversary SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE WHUPDQGQXPEHURIWKHGRFNHWHQWU\WKH¿JXUHVIROORZLQJVKRZWKHDPRXQWRIGHEWDQG WKH QDPH IROORZLQJ LV WKDW RI WKH DWWRUQH\ issuing the writ. Attention is called to the provisions of $FW1RDSSURYHG-XO\ZKLFK requires owners of properties which are used, designed or intended to be used by WKUHH RU PRUH IDPLOLHV RU RI FRPPHUFLDO HVWDEOLVKPHQWV ZKLFK FRQWDLQ RQH RU PRUH dwelling units, to deliver to the buyers of VXFK SURSHUWLHV D XVH UHJLVWUDWLRQ SHUPLW DW WKH WLPH RI VHWWOHPHQW XQGHU FHUWDLQ WHUPV and conditions. Sheriff Sales are not subject to provisions of the said Act and the Sheriff will, therefore, not deliver use registration SHUPLWV LQ FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK DQ\ VDOHV FRnGXFWHGE\KLP Very truly yours, JEWELL WILLIAMS Sheriff City and County of Philadelphia 1R6WHUQ Eisenberg PC 1504-316 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<.LP3ULFH)RUGDND.LP 3ULFH)RUG&32FWREHU7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR LLC 1504-317 1RUWK+REDUW6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY )LUR]D6\HG&31RYHPEHU7HUP 1R6KDSLUR DeNardo, LLC 1504-318 &KULVWLDQ6WUHHWUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY /RXLV.LQJDQG$WLYHD*UD\.LQJ &3$XJXVW7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-319 &HGDU$YHQXHUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY (DUOHQH:ULJKW&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R6KDSLUR 'H1DUGR//& 1504-320 1RUWK2ULDQQD6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROP(57<0LOGUHG9DUJDV&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R6KDSLUR DeNardo, LLC 1504-321 3ULPURVH5RDGWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY &\QWKLD$3HQD&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R6KDSLUR 'H1DUGR//& 1504-322A &DVWRU$YHQXHWK ZGIRUPHUO\WKZG6T)W %57,03529(0(176 DET 2 STORY MASONRY Arasu 5DMDUDWQDP&3-XO\7HUP1R (,6(1%(5**2/' &(77(&,3& 1504-322B &DVWRU$YHQXHWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: DET 2 STORY MASONRY $UDVX5DMDUDWQDP&3-XO\7HUP 1R(,6(1%(5* *2/'&(77(&,3& 1504-322C *UDQLWH6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: 2 STORY MASONRY ROW HOME Scotech Corporation C.P. -XO\7HUP1R (,6(1%(5**2/'&(77(&,3& 1504-322D (DVW6KDUSQDFN6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: DET 2.5 STORY MASONRY Logos Real Estate CorporaWLRQ&3-XO\7HUP1R $PDU$$JUDZDO(VTXLUH 1504-323 1RUWK/DZUHQFH6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL (67$7($PDQGD-%URZQ&36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-324 %LQJKDP6WUHHWUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Randy Rocco and Colleen Rocco C.P. 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-325 'LWPDQ6WUHHWVW ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lisa Walsh C.P. August 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-326 66\OPDU6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: ROW 2 STORY MASONRY Craig Derr and Megan Derr C.P. August 7HUP1R 0LOVWHDG$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-327 :LWWH6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: ROW 2 STORY MASONRY 5\DQ*UDFH&3)HEUXDU\7HUP 1R0LOVWHDG$Vsociates, LLC 1504-328 6RXWKUG6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: SEMI DET 2 STORY 0$6215<$UWKXU=%DWRQDND$UWKXU %DWRQ&3-XQH7HUP1R 0LOVWHDG$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-329 :HVW6RPHUVHW6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: IND. WHSE MA6215<9LFWRU28GHQ]H&3'HFHPEHU7HUP1R 0LOVWHDG$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-330 *UHHQPRXQW5RDG WKZG6T)W%57 ,03529(0(176$3781,76 STORY MASONRY Ngu Nhan, Yen Hai /XXDQG<HQ+DL/XX&3-XO\7HUP 1R0LOVWHDG Associates, LLC 1504-331 %XLVW$YHQXHWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $VKOHH)UDQNOLQDQG,VLDK)UDQNOLQ ,,,&3-XO\7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-332 :LQJRKRFNLQJ7HUUDFH WKZG6T)W%57 ,03529(0(1766(0,'(7 STORY STONE Christina Morton and &KULVWLQD0RUWRQ&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R0LOVWHDG Associates, LLC 1504-333 3LFNHULQJ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 5XVVHOO(:LOOLDPV&3$SULO7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-334 (0RQPRXWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Christopher Syron &30DUFK7HUP1R %UHWW/0HVVLQJHU 1504-335 'RUHO6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Deborah Balchunas, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Dottie Balchunas, Deceased and Bruce Balchunas, Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Dottie BalcKXQDV'HFHDVHG&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-336 6RXWKWK6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE (ULFD5:LOOLDPV$GPLQLVWUDWRURIWKH Estate of Sharon R. Woodard, deceased &3-XQH7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-337 6DPVRQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ivy E. %R[DND,Y\%R[&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R8GUHQ/DZ Offices, P.C. 1504-338 (%DUULQJHU6WUHHWWKZG 6':%*60$6215<6T)W 35&/,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING LaToya :KLWHDND/D7R\D0:KLWH&3-XQH 7HUP1R )HGHUPDQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-339 $VKYLOOH6WUHHWWKZG IRUPHUO\SDUWRIWKHWKZG 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY TOWNHOUSE Michael PittPDQDQG-RDQQH0+DQVRQ&3$SULO 7HUP1R Craig H. Fox, Esq 1504-340 /RWW6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY &DVH\+XQWHUDQG2OJD9LORYFKLN &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-341 :HVW$OEDQXV6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROP(57<2¶1HDO7KRPDV&3'HFHPEHU 7HUP1R.0/ Law Group, P.C. 1504-342 1RUWK'HOKL6WUHHW UGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<(GULV5D\PRQG0DULH5D\PRQG&3$SULO7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-343 5XDQ6WUHHWUGZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY -RVH/&DUDEDOOR&3-XO\7HUP 1R3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-344 %HQVRQ6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<0DUXD-$OLDND0DUZD- $OL&3$XJXVW7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-345 6RXWK&DUOLVOH6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Manuel Santos C.P. May 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-346 (OVWRQ6WUHHWWK ZGIRUPHUO\WKHWKZG6T)W 23$,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Chartavia L. Pressley, in Her Capacity as AdPLQLVWUDWUL[DQG+HLURIWKH(VWDWHRI &KDUORWWH&OD\8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQVDQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPV RU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU ,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU&KDUORWWH&OD\ 'HFHDVHG&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-347 1RUWK+REDUW6WUHHW WKZGIRUPHUO\SDUWRIWKHQGZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY %HUWKD0DH7D\ORU&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-348 &DVWRU$YHQXHWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<+\H6RRN3DH&32FWREHU 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-349 (DVW&OHDUILHOG6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-HQHH0DJHU&3$XJXVW 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-350 3UDWW6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $QJHOD/%URZQ&3)HEUXDU\7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-351 0LIIOLQ6WUHHWVWZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY :LOOLDP2+XGVRQ6U(OHDQRU6WHZDUW &3)HEUXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-352 1RUWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-DVRQ7DLWW&3$SULO7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-353 (ONLQV$YHQXHVWZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY /RUUDLQH7.LQJ&3-XQH7HUP 1R3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-354 1RUWKVW6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQVDQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPV RU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOH RU,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU5RPDLQH- %ULGJHV'HFHDVHG$WL\D6%ROGHQ +DQQDKLQ+HU&DSDFLW\DV$GPLQLVWUDWUL[RIWKH(VWDWHRI5RPDLQH- %ULGJHVDND5RPDLQH-RQHV%ULGJHV Carlton Bridges, in His Capacity as Heir RIWKH(VWDWHRI5RPDLQH-%ULGJHV DND5RPDLQH-RQHV%ULGJHV8QNQRZQ Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All PerVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ 5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU +XJK0LOWRQ-U%ULGJHV'HFHDVHG &3'HFHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-355 /DQJGRQ6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<+DUOH\0RUDLVDND+DUOH\ 00RUDLV&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-356 *OHQGDOH6WUHHW UGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-XOLR&HVDU5RGULJXH] &3-DQXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-357 :HVW/LQGOH\$YHQXH WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lisshon Brown C.P. August 7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-358 UG$YHQXHWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $NLODK'HORUPH&3-XO\7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-359 (DVW+RZHOO6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY .HYLQ30F*HH&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-360 3UDWW6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY /HVOH\5)HUJXVRQ&3$SULO7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-361 (OVLQRUH6WUHHWUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0D\UD0HOHQGH]&30D\7HUP 1R.0//DZ*URXS P.C. 1504-362 )6WUHHWUGZG6T )W%57,03529(0(176 5(6,'(17,$/3523(57<6LPNKR <XVXSRY&36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-363 *LOOHVSLH6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 'DYLG30DQWDL&3-XO\7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-364 (DVW9HUQRQ5RDGWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Beverly Ann Avinger, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of the Estate of Terry $YLQJHU'HFHDVHG7HUU\$YLQJHU-U Solely in His Capacity as Heir of the (VWDWHRI7HUU\$YLQJHU'HFHDVHG7KH 8QNQRZQ+HLUVRIWKH(VWDWHRI7HUU\ $YLQJHU'HFHDVHG7DXKHHG$YLQJHU Solely in His Capacity as Heir of the Estate of Terry Avinger, Deceased C.P. AuJXVW7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-365 (DVW/X]HUQH6WUHHWUG ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROP(57<0DULD'HO&DUPHQ/DWRUUH3HUH] &31RYHPEHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-366 +RIIPDQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL (67$7('DYLG/LQJKDP&30D\7HUP 1R6WHUQ Eisenberg PC 1504-367 1RUWK+RSH6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING .DUHQ/HZLV&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R0DUWKD(9RQ 5RVHQVWLHO(VTXLUH+HDWKHU5LORII (VTXLUH-HQLHFH''DYLV(VTXLUH 1504-368 /RFXVW6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 7DPLND,QJOHWRQ&32FWREHU7HUP 1R6WHUQ Eisenberg PC 1504-369 :*LUDUG$YHQXHWK ZG6T)WDSSUR[LPDWHVL]H [[%576XEMHFW7R Mortgage The Federal Deposit InsurDQFH&RUSRUDWLRQDVUHFHLYHUIRU2PQL 1DWLRQDO%DQNDVVLJQHGWR0XOWLEDQN &5(9HQWXUH//&IXUWKHU assigned to Corestate Capital, LLC Subject to Rent IMPROVEMENTS: 6,1*/(':(//,1*-$0(660,7+ BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU7,21),/('%<08/7,%$1. CRE VENTURE, LLC, SUCCESSOR 72201,1$7,21$/%$1.12: BY ASSIGNMENT, CORESTATE &$3,7$///&&3)HEUXDU\7HUP SOXVFRVWV +RXULJDQ.OXJHU4XLQQ3& 1504-370 (DVW$OEDQXV6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*0DULH/%LHQ$LPHDND 0DULH/RXUGHV%LHQ$LPH&32FWREHU 7HUP1R Udren Law Offices, P.C. 1504-371 6WK6WVWZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 5HJLQD:DWVRQ-DFNVRQ&3$XJXVW 7HUP1R8GUHQ Law Offices, P.C. 1504-372 *ODGVWRQH6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 5(6,'(17,$/':(//,1*-HQQLIHU &$EUDQWH-RVH$$EUDQWH-U&3 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 8GUHQ/DZ2IILFHV3& 1504-373 6SUXFH6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 6WHYHQ-RKQVRQ&3$SULO7HUP 1R.0//DZ*URXS P.C. 1504-374 +DGGLQJWRQ/DQHWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 7KH8QNQRZQ+HLUVRI5REHUW0 )UHHPDQ'HFHDVHG7KH8QNQRZQ+HLUV RI5REHUW(DUO)UHHPDQDND5REHUW( )UHHPDQ'HFHDVHGDQG.LP)UHHPDQ Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Robert 0)UHHPDQ'HFHDVHG&3-XQH7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-375 (DVW6WHOOD6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0DGHOLQH5RGULJXH]&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R.0/ Law Group, P.C. 1504-376 1RUWK6DOIRUG6WUHHW QGZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Leslie M. Singleton C.P. -XQH7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-377 %LQJKDP6WUHHWUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY -RDQ%5\DQDQG-HIIUH\05\DQ &32FWREHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-378 0RXQWDLQ6WUHHWVWZG 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESI'(17,$/':(//,1*/HDP.RXQJ &31RYHPEHU7HUP1R 0DUWKD(9RQ5RVHQVWLHO (VTXLUH+HDWKHU5LORII(VTXLUH-HQiece D. Davis, Esquire 1504-379 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $OEHUWD-HQNLQVDQG5RVDOLQG-HQNLQV &32FWREHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-380 0HULGLDQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 1DQF\/0LOOVDQG7LPRWK\50LOOV &30DUFK7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-381 :RRGFUHVW$YHQXHWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING -HIIUH\$*DPPRQ&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R 0DUWKD(9RQ5RVHQVWLHO(VTXLUH +HDWKHU5LORII(VTXLUH-HQLHFH' Davis, Esquire 1504-382 0LQGHQ5RDGWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*-DPHV/DQNLQ&36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 0DUWKD(9RQ5RVHQVWLHO(VTXLUH +HDWKHU5LORII(VTXLUH-HQLHFH' Davis, Esquire 1504-383 6RXWKWK6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY /HRQRU0DOGRQDGRDQG$UPDQGR0DOGRQDGR&3-XO\7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-384 7HPSOH5RDGWKZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY -RKQ6HDEURQ5RVH0DU\6]DSHFV 6HDEURQDND5RVH0DU\6HDEURQ &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-385 -DVSHU6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $OLFH-0XUSK\DVWKH$GPLQLVWUDWRURI the Estate of David Murphy, deceased &31RYHPEHU7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-386 :LOOLDPV$YHQXHWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Shanita Outing, in her capacity as AdPLQLVWUDWUL[DQG+HLUDW/DZRIWKH(Vtate of Peggy C. Outing, Deceased and 8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQV DQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV &ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW)URP or Under Peggy C. Outing, Deceased &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 0DUWKD(9RQ5RVHQVWLHO (VTXLUH+HDWKHU5LORII(VTXLUH-HQiece D. Davis, Esquire 1504-387 2JGHQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQV DQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV &ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW)URP or Under Alice B. Nicholson, deceased &3-XQH7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-388 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*1LNROH$GDPV&3 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 0DUWKD(9RQ5RVHQVWLHO (VTXLUH+HDWKHU5LORII(VTXLUH-HQiece D. Davis, Esquire 1504-389 'XQJDQ6WUHHWUG ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN7,$/3523(57<1DHHP/DQJVWRQ &30DUFK7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-390 1RUWKQG6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 www.Officeof Philadelphia SHERIFF’S SALE OF Tuesday, April 7, 2015 1504-301 (DVW9LFWRULD6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<$QJHOD9HODVTXH]DND$QJHOD09HODVTXH]&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-302 &HGDU$YHQXHWK ZG6T)W%57 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Charles $-+DOSLQ,,,HVTXLUHSHUVRQDO representative of the estate of Pauline (&URVE\DND3DXOLQH(GLWK&URVE\ GHFHDVHG&3-XQH7HUP1R 3RZHUV.LUQ$Vsociates, LLC 1504-303 6RXWK3HUF\6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 5(6,'(17,$/':(//,1*5D\PRQG $0HLULQR,,,DND5D\PRQG0HLULQR ,,,DQG/LVD$+RFKVWXKO&3-DQXDU\ 7HUP1R 3RZHUV.LUQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-304 &RQO\Q6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESI'(17,$/':(//,1*0LFDK5HPEHUW and Alphonso Bridges C.P. October 7HUP1R 3RZHUV.LUQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-305 1RUWK&OHYHODQG6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Ayanna L. Stephens C.P. 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-306 *LOOHVSLH6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0LJXHO(&KLFRDND0LJXHO&KLFR&3 0D\7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-307 1RUWKUG6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0DUJXLWD$%HOODND0DUTXLWD$%HOO &32FWREHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-308 6LJHO6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Salahudin Ash-Shaheed and Marie A. -RKQVRQ&3-XQH7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-309 1RUWK&DPDF6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Louis G. Conyer and Carrie Conyer, his wife as tenants by the HQWLUHWLHV&3-DQXDU\7HUP1R =XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-310 $YDORQ3ODFHWK ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: DET W/GAR 2 STORY MAS+OTHER Phyllis L. Owens, $GPLQLVWUDWUL[RIWKH(VWDWHRI*HRUJH $2ZHQVDND*$OH[DQGHU2ZHQV Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner and Phyllis L. Owens, Real Owner and 2ULJLQDO0RUWJDJRU&3-XO\7HUP 1R0LOVWHDG Associates, LLC 1504-311 *LOOHVSLH6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: SEMI DET 2 6725<0$6215<-RKQ+DUSHU,,DQG 6WHSKDQLH$+DUSHU&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R0LOVWHDG Associates, LLC 1504-312 1RUWK)DUVRQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE /ROLWD0-RKQVRQ&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R6WHUQ Eisenberg PC 1504-313 %HQQHU6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0DUTXLWD'6FRWW&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-314 6RXWKWK6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0HQJ6LY&32FWREHU7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR LLC 1504-315 6RXWK5RVHZRRG6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Lisa Notorfrancresco DQG/RXLV2OLYHULR&31RYHPEHU7HUP Celebrating our 54th Anniversary SHERIFF’S SALE IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQVDQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPV RU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOH RU,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU5RGQH\/ 6PLWKGHFHDVHG&3-XQH7HUP 1R6KDSLUR DeNardo, LLC 1504-391 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<'D¶5RQ5DYQHOODND 'D¶5RQ05DYQHOODQG<RODQGD' 5DYQHOO&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R6KDSLUR DeNardo, LLC 1504-392 1DSIOH$YHQXHWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*-RKQ-5HJDUGLDND -RKQ5HJDUGL&3-XQH7HUP 1R0DUWKD(9RQ 5RVHQVWLHO(VTXLUH+HDWKHU5LORII (VTXLUH-HQLHFH''DYLV(VTXLUH 1504-393 7XUQHU6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Delbert D. Young and &KQHYRO\Q,0F&R\&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-394 3KLOFUHVW5RDG WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<3DXO::LQWHU-U5DFKHO :LQWHU&36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-395 1RUWK9DQ3HOW6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Richard E. Henderson &31RYHPEHU7HUP1R 0DUWKD(9RQ5RVHQVWLHO (VTXLUH+HDWKHU5LORII(VTXLUH-HQiece D. Davis, Esquire 1504-396 6RXWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<0DUWLQ$-DQFRDQG0DU\ &-DQFR&3-XO\7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-397 /HQD6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<$YD0DULD)RVWHUDND$YD 0)RVWHU&3-XQH7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-398 *HRUJLDQ5RDGWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-RKQ1HDODQG/RXLVH/ 1HDODND/RXLVH/1HLO&3-XO\ 7HUP1R6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-399 /LQGEHUJK%RXOHYDUG WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<0LOWRQ/XPVGHQ7HQHVLD /XPVGHQ&3$SULO7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-400 &OLQWRQ6WUHHW$SDUWPHQW5 DND&OLQWRQ6WUHHW8QLW 5WKZG6T)W 23$,03529(0(176 5(6&21'267<%HQMDPLQ6 0DUJROLV&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R3KHODQ+DOlinan, LLP 1504-401 %DLQEULGJH6WUHHW QGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<5D\PRQG.HPSLQVNL 0LFKHOH.HPSLQVNL&32FWREHU7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-402 5RVHKLOO6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Denis Hernandez C.P. 0D\7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-403 'DO\6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<&\QWKLD&&URVVDND &\QWKLD&URVV&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R3KHODQ+DOlinan, LLP 1504-404 0DJHH$YHQXHUG ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<1DYHHQ$6KDKHHQDND 1DYHHGDND1DYHHG$6KDKHHQ &30DUFK7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-405 6RXGHU6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<<LQ4XQ/XQ&3-XQH 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-406 +HOPHU'ULYH WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<<DNRY.DQWDURYLFK&3 -XO\7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-407 'LDPRQG6WUHHW QGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Cynthia G. Brown, in Her &DSDFLW\DV$GPLQVWUDWUL[DQG+HLURI WKH(VWDWHRI0LFKDHO(GPRQG6KDZQ Murray, in His Capacity as Heir of the (VWDWHRI0LFKDHO(GPRQG8QNQRZQ Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All PerVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ 5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU 0LFKDHO(GPRQG'HFHDVHG&30DUFK 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-408 1RUWK/DZUHQFH6WUHHWWK ZGIRUPHUO\SDUWRIWKHWKZG 6T)W[%57 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVE0(17652:67<0$621$5< ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 - 13 SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE &LQG\*RQ]DOHVDND&LQG\6WHHQDQG $QJHO*RQ]DOHV&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R1LFKRODV $'LGRPHQLFR 1504-409 WK$YHQXHWKZG IRUPHUO\SDUWRIWKHWKZG6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Darlene 0RQWV&3-XQH7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-410 (DVW:DOQXW3DUN'ULYH VWZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 5($/(67$7(:LOOLDP63KLOOLSV &3$XJXVW7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-411 6ZHHW%ULDU5RDGWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Christopher M. West &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-412 &REEV&UHHN3DUNZD\DND 6RXWKUG6WUHHW UGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<0DULH6PDOODND0DULH &RUUHOO&30DUFK7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-413 1RUWKWK6WUHHW QGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<.HZVFKD$NSDELR&3 -XO\7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-414 2JRQW]$YHQXH WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<%HOOD:LOVRQ8QNQRZQ Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and $OO3HUVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV &ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW )URPRU8QGHU'DPLDQ:LOVRQDND 'DPLDQ&KULVWRSKHU:LOVRQ'HFHDVHG &30D\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-415 %HOGHQ6WUHHWUG ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<7DPHNLD/5LFNHWWV :LOVRQDND7DPLHND/D]HWWH:LOVRQ &3-XQH7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-416 6RXWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<6DPDQWKD+RDND 6DPDWKD+R&3-XO\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-417 3ULQFHWRQ$YHQXHWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Marian C. Menow &3$XJXVW7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-418 &DUYHU6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<5RELQ*DPEXUJ&3 -DQXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-419 /DQVGRZQH$YHQXHWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 5($/(67$7(7KD[WHU$+LFNV&3 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-420 (DVW:LVWHU6WUHHW WKZG6T)W[ %576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY ':(//,1*$L\DQD5:LOOLDPV &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R -RVHSK/'L7RPR-U Esquire 1504-421 %ULOO6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY -RVHSK5/HHDQG'HERUDK/HHKLV ZLIH&3)HEUXDU\7HUP1R =XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-422 2DNODQG6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Steven %-HQNLQVDQG&ROOHHQ6FRWW-HQNLQV KXVEDQGDQGZLIH&30D\7HUP 1R6FRWW$ 'LHWWHULFN(VT.LPEHUO\$%RQQHU (VT-RHO$$FNHUPDQ(VT$VKOHLJK Levy Marin, Esq, Ralph M Salvia, (VT-DLPH5$FNHUPDQ(VT-DQD Fridfinnsdottir, Esq, Brian Nicholas Esq, Denise Carlon Esq, Roger Fay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ffices, P.C. 1504-426 QG6WUHHWDND6RXWKQG 6WUHHWWKZG6T)W %576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQVDQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPV RU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOH RU,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU'RURWK\ 0HOWRQDND'RURWK\00HOWRQDND 'RURWK\0DH0HOWRQ/HUHQFH0HOWRQ .QRZQ+HLURI'RURWK\0HOWRQDND 'RURWK\00HOWRQDND'RURWK\0DH 0HOWRQ'RURWK\0HOWRQDND'RURWK\ 00HOWRQDND'RURWK\0DH0HOWRQ /DVW5HFRUG2ZQHU&3-XQH7HUP 1R8GUHQ/DZ Offices, P.C. 1504-427 6RXWK+LUVW6WUHHWUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY &KDUOHV&RUG\-UDQG(VWHOOH&RUG\ &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R =XFNHU*ROGEHUJ$FNHUPDQ//& 1504-428 1RUWK&HFLO6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-HDQQHWWH0F'DQLHOLQ KHUFDSDFLW\DVKHLUDQG$GPLQLVWUDWUL[RIWKH(VWDWHRI%HDWULFH*Z\QQ %HDWULFH+ROPDQLQKHUFDSDFLW\DV KHLURIWKH(VWDWHRI%HDWULFH*Z\QQ Darren Gwynn, in his capacity as KHLURIWKH(VWDWHRI%HDWULFH*Z\QQ 5HJLQD&RRNLQKHUFDSDFLW\DVKHLURI WKH(VWDWHRI%HDWULFH*Z\QQ'DQLHO Gwynn, in his capacity as heir of the (VWDWHRI%HDWULFH*Z\QQ&3-DQXDU\ 7HUP1R=XFNHU *ROGEHUJ$FNHUPDQ//& 1504-429 :HVW'XYDO6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-RDQQH'$OOPDQ &3-XQH7HUP1R 6FRWW$'LHWWHULFN(VT .LPEHUO\$%RQQHU(VT-RHO$ $FNHUPDQ(VT$VKOHLJK/0DULQ(VT 5DOSK06DOYLD(VT-DLPH5$FNHUPDQ(VT-DQD)ULGILQQVGRWWLU(VT Brian Nicholas Esq, Denise Carlon Esq, 5RJHU)D\(VT=XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-430 %OHLJK$YHQXHUG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*7KRPDV0F+DOH&3 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 8GUHQ/DZ2IILFHV3& 1504-431 6RXWK%HOOIRUG6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 7DQ\D%ODNH&30DUFK7HUP 1R6FRWW$'LHWWHULFN(VT.LPEHUO\$%RQQHU(VT -RHO$$FNHUPDQ(VT$VKOHLJK/HY\ 0DULQ(VT5DOSK06DOYLD(VT-DLPH 5$FNHUPDQ(VT-DQD)ULGILQQVGRWWLU Esq, Brian Nicholas Esq, Denise Carlon (VT5RJHU)D\(VT=XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-432 (DVW5XVVHOO6WUHHWDND5XVVHOO6WUHHWUGZG6T)W %576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<+RZDUG.HOOHUDVVROH RZQHU&3-XO\7HUP1R 6FRWW$'LHWWHULFN (VT.LPEHUO\$%RQQHU(VT-RHO$ $FNHUPDQ(VT$VKOHLJK/HY\0DULQ (VT5DOSK06DOYLD(VT-DLPH5 $FNHUPDQ(VT-DQD)ULGILQQVGRWWLU Esq, Brian Nicholas Esq, Denise Carlon (VT5RJHU)D\(VT=XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-433 +DGGLQJWRQ6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%576XEject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Tarshia T. :KLWOH\&3'HFHPEHU7HUP1R 6FRWW$'LHWWHULFN (VT.LPEHUO\$%RQQHU(VT-RHO$ $FNHUPDQ(VT$VKOHLJK/HY\0DULQ (VT5DOSK06DOYLD(VT-DLPH5 $FNHUPDQ(VT-DQD)ULGILQQVGRWWLU Esq, Brian Nicholas Esq, Denise Carlon (VT5RJHU)D\(VT=XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-434 5XVNLQ5RDGWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY /LRUD9RONRYLFK*ROGVWHLQDND/LRUD /*ROGVWHLQ$UQROG/*ROGVWHLQDND $UQROG/RXLV*ROGVWHLQ&3-XO\7HUP 1R=XFNHU *ROGEHUJ$FNHUPDQ//& 1504-435 &RQVKRKRFNHQ$YHQXH8QLW QGZG6T)W %57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Arthur )HLQEHUJ&30D\7HUP1R =XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-436 -DVSHU6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 5(6,'(17,$/3523(57<-DVRQ0 &RORPER&30D\7HUP1R =XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-437 2UFKDUG6WUHHWUG ZG6T)W%576XEject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Marixa +HUQDQGH]DQG&DUPHOR+HUQDQGH] &3)HEUXDU\7HUP1R 6FRWW$'LHWWHULFN(VT .LPEHUO\$%RQQHU(VT-RHO$$FNHUPDQ(VT$VKOHLJK/HY\0DULQ(VT 5DOSK06DOYLD(VT-DLPH5$FNHUPDQ(VT-DQD)ULGILQQVGRWWLU(VT Brian Nicholas Esq, Denise Carlon Esq, 5RJHU)D\(VT=XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-438 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-DPHV(6PLWK8QLWHG 6WDWHVRI$PHULFD&31RYHPEHU7HUP 1R6FRWW$'LHWWHULFN(VT.LPEHUO\$%RQQHU(VT -RHO$$FNHUPDQ(VT$VKOHLJK/HY\ 0DULQ(VT5DOSK06DOYLD(VT-DLPH 5$FNHUPDQ(VT-DQD)ULGILQQVGRWWLU Esq, Brian Nicholas Esq, Denise Carlon (VT5RJHU)D\(VT=XFNHU*ROGEHUJ $FNHUPDQ//& 1504-439 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<.HQQHWK+DJLQV&3$SULO 7HUP1R.0/ Law Group, P.C. 1504-440 1RUWKUG6WUHHWVW ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<'DZQ6%DQNV&32FWREHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-441 1RUWK/DPEHUW6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<%REELH(:LOOLDPV &3-DQXDU\7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-442 (DVW6KDUSQDFN6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL (67$7(/LQGD.RRQFH&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-443 :-HIIHUVRQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W23$6XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 6&+22/67<0$6215<:DNLVKD )RXQGDWLRQ&3-DQXDU\7HUP 1R:DOWHU:HLU -U(VTXLUH:HLU3DUWQHUV//3 1504-444 (PHUDOG6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W23$6XEMHFW to Mortgage Subject to Rent IMPROVEMENTS: ROW HOUSE WITH DETACHED GARAGE - 2 STORY MA6215<'DQLHO'DHKOLQJ&31RYHPEHU 7HUP1R 0LFKDHO*0HQNRZLW](VTXLUH 1504-445 6DOLQD5RDGWKZG52: %*$567<0$6215<6T)W 35&/,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Teresa &DODEURDND7KHUHVD&DODEURDND 7KHUHVD.<DFRYHWWL+HQU\'HOXFD DND+HQU\-'HOXFD&30D\7HUP 1R)HGHUPDQ $VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-446 9DQGLNH6WUHHW VWZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-RDQ*DYLWW&31RYHPEHU 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-447 -DFNVRQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQV DQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV &ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW)URP or Under Paul Wagner, III, Deceased &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-448 6RXWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57</RXLVH0DUWLQRDND/RXLVH0LFKHOOH0DUWLQR5DFKHO0DUWLQR &3)HEUXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-449 1RUWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<6DQGUD-HQNLQVDND 6RQGUD-HQNLQV&3-DQXDU\7HUP 1R3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-450 $UERU6WUHHWVWZG52: %*$567<0$6215<6T)W 35&/1%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Milca Beauvil C.P. May 7HUP1R )HGHUPDQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-451 1RUWKVW6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<&DUOD(*REDQWHV$VNLD )OXHOOHQ&3-XO\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-452 (GPXQG6WUHHW VWZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Abdul Malique C.P. March 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-453 6WHYHQV6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY David W. Turner C.P. )HEUXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-454 &UHVFHQWYLOOH5RDGVW ZG52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W35&/ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*7ULIUHQD9$UPVWURQJ DND7ULIUHQD9-RQHV&3)HEUXDU\ 7HUP1R )HGHUPDQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-455 'LWPDQ6WUHHWQGZG 6':'(7*$567<0$621 6T)W35&/,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 7DPDUD7KRPSVRQ&30D\7HUP 1R)HGHUPDQ Associates, LLC 1504-456 %OHLJK$YHQXH WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-DPHV$0HOYLQ/DXUHQ 5KRGHV&31RYHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ LLP 1504-457 0RUULV6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57</DJUDFLD-RQHVDND /DJUDFLD*DUFLD-RQHVDND/DJUDFLD+ -RQHVDND/DJUDFLD'-RQHV&3$SULO 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-458 0DVWHU6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<)UHGD'(EEDDND)UHGD (EED&30DUFK7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-459 5DQGROI6WUHHWDND1RUWK 5DQGROSK6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 'HEUD-*DUGQHUDND'HEUD-&OHQGDQLHO(OLRW%.DURO&30D\7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-460 1RUWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<7HG(%DNHUDND7HG %DNHU&3-XO\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-461 /\QQHZRRG5RDG WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQVDQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPV RU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOH RU,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU:LOOLDP$ &KDVH-U'HFHDVHG&3-XO\7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-462 1RUWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<7RQ\DQQD/6PLWKDND 7RQ\RQQD/6PLWK%ULDQ16PLWK &3$XJXVW7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-463 *DUYH\'ULYHWKZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 6WHSKHQ*%DSWLVWD&3$SULO7HUP 1R3KHODQ +DOOLQDQ'LDPRQG-RQHV//3 1504-464 /HEDQRQ$YHQXH QGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Christina Edwards C.P. -XO\7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-465 :HVW3HQQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage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eceased Mortgagor and Real Owner DQG8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI6DUDK 6:LOOLDPV'HFHDVHG0RUWJDJRUDQG 5HDO2ZQHU&3-XO\7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-468 6RXWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<&UHVLXV'DULXV7DFLDQD 'DULXV&30D\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-469 %RRQH6WUHHW VWZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Francis Piller C.P. March 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-470 6RXWK:RRGVWRFN6WUHHW WKZG6T)W 23$,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Regina 0*ULHUDND5HJLQD0(DGG\&3 'HFHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-471 0RUULV3DUN5RDGWKZG ,UUHJXODUGLPHQVLRQV23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michelle DeLuca and 5REHUW$'H/XFD&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R5LFKDUG0 6TXLUH$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-472 (6KDUSQDFN6WQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: SEMI/DET 2 STY FRAME 3DXO:'XWWRQ,,,&3-XO\7HUP 1R5LFKDUG0 6TXLUH$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-473 9DOOH\$YHQXH8QLW* VWZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROP(57<7KRPDV+DQG]XV&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-474 /HRQDUG6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: ROW B/GAR 2 STORY 0$6215<-HVVLFD(5LYHUD=HOD\D DQG+HFWRU%=HOD\D&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R 0LOVWHDG$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-475 &RQO\Q6WUHHWWK SHERIFF’S SALE ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<'HYHOLD*ULPHV&30D\ 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-476 1UG6WWKZG 6T)W%57,03529( MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Donna Roundtree, Personal Representa WLYHRIWKH(VWDWHRI5RQDOG:LOOLDPV 'HFHDVHG&30D\7HUP1R 3RZHUV.LUQ$Vsociates, LLC 1504-477 'UH[HO5RDGWKZG52: %*$567<0$6215<6T)W %57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Wanda /0F4XHHQDQG&DOYLQ0F4XHHQ&3 -XQH7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-478 +DVEURRN$YHQXH UGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<3DWULFN2¶%ULHQ&32FWREHU7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-479 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG52:67<0$6215<6T )W%576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*'DUUHQ3RZHOO$GPLQLVWUD tor of the Estate of Beryl Stivender, De ceased Mortgagor and Real Owner C.P. $SULO7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-480 6RXWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESI '(17,$/':(//,1*(PDG(OJDNDQG 8QLWHG6WDWHVRI$PHULFD&3)HEUXDU\ 7HUP1R0F &DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-481 0RUWRQ6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<6DUDK.)UDQNOLQ&3 -XO\7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-482 &KHVWHUILHOG5RDGWKZG 6':%*60$627+(56T )W%576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUV RI5XWK%HDGPDQDND5XWK&%HDG PDQ'HFHDVHG0RUWJDJRUDQG5HDO 2ZQHUDQG5XWK%HDGPDQDND5XWK &%HDGPDQ&30DUFK7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ &RQZD\3& 1504-483 *LOKDP6WWKZG6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Cheo 0RUDOHV&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R3RZHUV.LUQ Associates, LLC 1504-484 :DOODFH6WUHHWWKZG 52:67<0$6215<6T)W %576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*/RLV9&KDSPDQ&30D\ 7HUP1R0F &DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-485 6RXWK%HXODK6WUHHWVW ZG52:67<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI*HQHYLHYH Chiaravalloti, Deceased Mortgagor and 5HDO2ZQHU-RDQ0XUSK\DND'DUUHQ -RDQ0XUSK\.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLU of Genevieve Chiaravalloti, Deceased 0RUWJDJRUDQG5HDO2ZQHUDQG-RKQ- &KLDUDYDOORWLDND-RKQ7&KLDUDYDOORWL.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI*HQHYLHYH Chiaravalloti, Deceased Mortgagor and 5HDO2ZQHU&3)HEUXDU\7HUP 1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-486 (DVW6HUJHDQW6WUHHWVW ZG52:67<0$6215<6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Harrison +HPSKLOO&32FWREHU7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ &RQZD\3& 1504-487 5HYHUH6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<.DWKHULQH6FRWW&3-XQH 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-488 7DFNDZDQQD6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE %HDWULFH/*DUWQHU&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R6WHUQ Eisenberg PC 1504-489 %D\QWRQ6WUHHWWKZG 6(0,'(767<6721(6T)W %57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Florence 7KRPSVRQDQG8QLWHG6WDWHVRI$PHULFD c/o United States Attorney for the East ern District of Pennsylvania C.P. April 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-490 6RXWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<.HQ\D)DLQ&3$SULO 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-491 :HOOLQJWRQ6WUHHWWK ZG52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Michael D. 0F&DXOH\&3$XJXVW7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ &RQZD\3& 1504-492 6RXWK1DSD6WUHHW WKZG52:67<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529( MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING $OO8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI*RUGRQ Draine, Deceased Mortgagor and Real 2ZQHU.HQWRQ$6FULYHQV.QRZQ6XU viving Heir of Gordon Draine, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner and Sol E. 14 - ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 SHERIFF’S SALE 'UDLQH.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI*RUdon Draine, Deceased Mortgagor and 5HDO2ZQHU&30DUFK7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-493 )DLUILHOG6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING $QGUHD$PRGHL&3$SULO7HUP 1R/DZ2IILFHVRI *UHJRU\-DYDUGLDQ 1504-494 'HYHUHDX[$YHQXH WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Rhonda Larry, Heir of 5REHUW/DUU\-U.HWXUDK/DUU\+HLU RI5REHUW/DUU\-U5REHUW/DUU\,,, +HLURIWKH(VWDWHRI5REHUW/DUU\-U DND5REHUW/DUU\&31RYHPEHU7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-495 (DVW7XOSHKRFNHQ6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Consuela G. Moorehead &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-496 (DVW6\GQH\6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 'RXJODV$'L[RQ&3$SULO7HUP 1R6WHUQ Eisenberg PC 1504-497 6RXWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<+HQU\/LQGHU&RQVWDQFH /LQGHU&3-XO\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-498 /LQFROQ'ULYHQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $UWKXU(YDQV&3-XQH7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS P.C. 1504-499 0LWFKHOO6WUHHWVW ZG52:67<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 5LWD.DQDQDYLFLXV&31RYHPEHU7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-500 6RXWK+DQFRFN6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Herschell Miller-Peoples &3-XQH7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-501 1RUWK0DUVKDOO6WUHHWVW ZG52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELL,1*'HQLVH&0DFZDQDND0DF$UW ,QFRUSRUDWHG.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLU of Evelyn O. Macwan, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner, Daniel Macwan, .QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI(YHO\Q2 Macwan, Deceased Mortgagor and Real 2ZQHU8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI Evelyn O. Macwan, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner and David Macwan, .QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI(YHO\Q2 Macwan, Deceased Mortgagor and Real 2ZQHU&3-DQXDU\7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-502 6\OPDU6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 5(6,'(17,$/':(//,1*.LPEHUO\ /%DUNOH\&3)HEUXDU\7HUP 1R8GUHQ/DZ2Ifices, P.C. 1504-503 1RUWKUG6WUHHWWKZG 52:67<0$6215<6T)W %576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*-RVHSK%%LOOXSV.QRZQ Surviving Heir of Anna B. Billups, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner, 8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI$QQD% Billups, Deceased Mortgagor and Real 2ZQHUDQG6WHSKDQLH6%LOOXSV.QRZQ Surviving Heir of Anna B. Billups, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner C.P. 0D\7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-504 1RWWLQJKDP/DQHWK ZG52:%*$567<0$627+(5 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Donna Marie /DQJ&30DUFK7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-505 1RUWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<5RJHU/:LOOLDPVDND 5RJHU:LOOLDPVDND5RJHU/:LOOLDPV -U.DUHQ:LOOLDPV&30D\7HUP 1R3KHODQ Hallinan, LLP 1504-506 3ULQFHWRQ$YHQXH UGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<<RXPLQ*XR&30D\ 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-507 :DOQXW6WUHHWWKZG 52::2))67567<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 9LFWRU%.LDKRXUDQG&OHPHQWLQH2 .LDKRXUDND&OHPHQWLQH=DGL&3$XJXVW7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-508 1RUWK%RXYLHU6WUHHWWK ZG52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 5(6,'(17,$/':(//,1*8QNQRZQ +HLUVRI'DLV\00LFNOH'HFHDVHG 0RUWJDJRUDQG5HDO2ZQHU&31RYHPEHU7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-509 0D\ZRRG6WUHHWWKZG 52:67<0$6215<6T)W %57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Rosa M. Celebrating our 54th Anniversary SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE 5RGULJXH]&30DUFK7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-510 0DJQROLD6WUHHWWK ZG52:67<0$6215<6T )W%57,03529(0(176 5(6,'(17,$/':(//,1*8QNQRZQ 6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI-XDQLWD%U\DQWDND -XDQLWD0%U\DQW'HFHDVHG0RUWJDJRU DQG5HDO2ZQHUDQG7U\SKDHQD6PLWK .QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI-XDQLWD%U\DQWDND-XDQLWD0%U\DQW'HFHDVHG Mortgagor and Real Owner C.P. March 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-511 1HGUR$YHQXHDND:HVW 1HGUR$YHQXHWKZG6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Carolyn ':KLWILHOG&3'HFHPEHU7HUP 1R6WHUQ Eisenberg PC 1504-512 ,ELV3ODFHWKZG 52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR0RUWgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN7,$/':(//,1*$GDH]H(PHKDND $GDH]H$(PHK&32FWREHU7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-513 (DVW9HQDQJR6WUHHW WKZG52:67<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 7HRILOR1RODVFR&3)HEUXDU\7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-514 %XUEULGJH6WUHHWWK ZG6':'(7*60$627+(5 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Randell Dreen, DND5DQGHOO7*UHHQ.QRZQ6XUYLYing Heir of Ruby Cutts, Reginald Cutts, DND5HJJLH&XWWV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ Heir of Ruby Cutts, Herbert A. Cutts, .QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI5XE\&XWWV %U\DQW&XWWV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLU RI5XE\&XWWV0DULO\Q&XWWVDND0 &XWWV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI5XE\ &XWWV8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI 5XE\&XWWV+D\ZRRGV+&XWWV.QRZQ Surviving Heir of Ruby Cutts and 7KRPDV1-&XWWV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ +HLURI5XE\&XWWV&3'HFHPEHU7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-515 3ODQH5RDGUGZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 7KRPDV$6XPPHUV*DLO06XPPHUV &3$XJXVW7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-516 (DVW3KLO(OOHQD6WUHHWDND 3KLO(OOHQD6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY -DFTXHOLQH0-RKQVRQ&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-517 0RQWURVH6WUHHWUGZG 6T)WLPSURYHPHQWDUHD6T )WODQGDUHD%576XEMHFW to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 67<0$6215<0LFKDHO/HH.LVHU &3'HFHPEHU7HUP1R .HUL3(EHFN(VTXLUH 1504-518 5RUHU6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W23$,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 'DYLG0XOORG]KDQRY&36HSWHPEHU 7HUP1R Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-519 2UWKRGR[6WUHHW UGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<.DWKHULQH:LONHUVRQ&3 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ'LDPRQG -RQHV//3 1504-520 'UH[HO5RDGQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING $OLFLD':DONHU&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R8GUHQ/DZ Offices, P.C. 1504-521 &KDOIRQW'ULYHWK ZG52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING -RVHSK::DZU]\QLDN&3'HFHPEHU 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-522 $\UGDOH5RDGVWZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: S/D W B/G 2 STORY MA6215<7LPRWK\*DOODJKHU&3$XJXVW 7HUP1R 0LOVWHDG$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-523 %UDQG\ZLQH6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Eva Belle, in her Capacity DV+HLURI1DWKDQLHO%HOOH'HFHDVHG 8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQV DQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV &ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW)URP or Under Nathaniel Belle, Deceased &3-DQXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ'LDPRQG -RQHV//3 1504-524 $UDPLQJR$YHQXH 25th wd. ROW W-OFF/STR 2STY MA6215<6T)W%57 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 5(6,'(17,$/':(//,1*/XNDV]. 3LHVFLN&31RYHPEHU7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ &RQZD\3& 1504-525 )RUUHVW$YHQXH WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<,VDDF3ROODUG-U9DOHULH 53ROODUG&3-XO\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ 'LDPRQG-RQHV//3 1504-526 6RXGHU6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*0RKDPPDG6DOHKC.P. $SULO7HUP1R 0DUWKD(9RQ5RVHQVWLHO(VTXLUH +HDWKHU5LORII(VTXLUH-HQLHFH' Davis, Esquire 1504-527 3DUOLQ6WUHHWWKZG 6':%*60$6215<6T)W %576XEMHFWWR0RUWgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN7,$/':(//,1*0RKDPPDG,TEDO &30DUFK7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-528 2DNODQG6WUHHW WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<6KHOO\'.HOPHU6FRWW0 .HOPHU&36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-529 :RROVWRQ$YHQXHWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0LFKHOOH1/\GH&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R6KDSLUR DeNardo, LLC 1504-530 :HVW&KHZ6WUHHWVWZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Dorene Northington-McNeill C.P. OcWREHU7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-531 :HVW/LSSLQFRWW6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Luz S. Durand and Gustavo %DH]=XULO&30DUFK7HUP 1R/DZ2IILFHVRI *UHJRU\-DYDUGLDQ 1504-532 1HZKDOO6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57,0PROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL (67$7(.KDGLMDK3XFNHWW&3$XJXVW 7HUP1R6WHUQ (LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-533 (DVW6FKLOOHU6WUHHWUG ZG52:67<0$6215<6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Inga $]YROLQVN\&3$SULO7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-534 :HVW5XVFRPE6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<%LHQYHQLGR5RGULJXH] 7LWOHWR6DLG3UHPLVHVLVYHVWHGLQ%LHQYHQLGR5RGULJXH]E\'HHGIURP(QULTXH /RSH]GDWHG6HSWHPEHUDQG UHFRUGHG6HSWHPEHULQWKH Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and IRU3KLODGHOSKLD&RXQW\DV,QVWUXPHQW 1XPEHU&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R$OLFLD0 Sandoval, Esquire 1504-535 6RXWK5DQGROSK6WUHHW QGZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-RKQ0F&OHDU\&31RYHPEHU7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-536 6RXWK&URVNH\6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Stephen M. Perry and Mae 3HUU\&3-XO\7HUP1R /DZ2IILFHVRI*UHJRU\ -DYDUGLDQ 1504-537 1+REDUW6WUHHWWKZG IRUPHUO\WKHWKZG6T)W %57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Anthony 'HYLQH&3-DQXDU\7HUP1R 6WHUQ(LVHQEHUJ3& 1504-538 *DLQRU5RDGQGZG 6':%*60$6215<6T)W %576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Minnie L. Houston C.P. OcWREHU7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-539 6SULQJILHOG$YHQXH 51st wd. On the Southeast side of Springfield Avenue 20 wide at a distance RIIHHWLQFKHV6RXWKZHVWZDUG IURPWKH6RXWKZHVWVLGHRI)LIW\)LUVW 6WUHHW6T)W)URQW¶'HSWK¶ %57,03529(0(176 6,1*/()$0,/<5(6,'(1&(-XOLXV &DUWHUDQG.DUHQ%DWWOH&3-DQXDU\ 7HUP1R 6WHSKHQ0+ODGLN(VT 1504-540 &UHDVH6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 'RXJODV-XUJHQV&3$SULO7HUP 1R6KDSLUR DeNardo, LLC 1504-541 0DQVILHOG$YHQXH WKZG6T)W6':%*6 0$6215<%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI%HUQLFH% 3DUNHU'HFHDVHG0RUWJDJRUDQG5HDO 2ZQHUDQG%UDG\3DUNHU.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI%HUQLFH%3DUNHU'HFHDVHG 0RUWJDJRUDQG5HDO2ZQHU&3-DQXDU\ 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-542 -HULFKR5RDGUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 0DGHOLQH$5LYHUDDND0DGHOLQH$ /RSH]WLWOHWRVDLGSUHPLVHVLVYHVWHG LQ0DGHOLQH$/RSH]E\'HHGIURP Enrique DeLeon, Widower, dated FebruDU\DQGUHFRUGHG0DUFK in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Philadelphia County as InstruPHQW1XPEHU&3-XO\7HUP 1R$OLFLD0 Sandoval, Esquire 1504-543 &UHVWRQ6WUHHWQGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 7DML.6PLWK&36HSWHPEHU7HUP 1R6KDSLUR DeNardo, LLC 1504-544 'LDPRQG6WUHHWQGZG IRUPHUO\WKHWKZG6T)W %57%571 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Mary Lee Washington and Willie :DVKLQJWRQ&30DUFK7HUP1R 8GUHQ/DZ2IILFHV P.C. 1504-545 +RUURFNV6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<-RVHSK-.LOLDQDQG %DUEDUD.LOLDQWLWOHWRVDLGSUHPLVHVLV YHVWHGLQ-RVHSK-.LOLDQDQG%DUEDUD .LOLDQE\'HHGIURP-RVHSK-.LOLDQ DQG%DUEDUD.LQJ.LOLDQGDWHG)HEUXDU\DQGUHFRUGHG)HEUXDU\ LQWKH2IILFHRIWKH5HFRUGHURI Deeds in and for Philadelphia County LQ%RRN3DJH&30DUFK 7HUP1R Alicia M. Sandoval, Esquire 1504-546 :HVWWK$YHQXHWKZG 52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 3K\OOLV)0DWKLV+\OWRQDND3K\OOLV )0DWKLV+\OWRQ&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-547 7HPSOHWRQ'ULYH WKZG6T)W%57 %571%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*-DPHV-&RORPER,,,DQG .DWK\&RORPER&3)HEUXDU\7HUP 1R3RZHUV.LUQ Associates, LLC 1504-548 1RUPDQG\'ULYHWK ZG'(767<)5$0(6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Stephen '0HWDV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI Antoinette Metas, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner, Theresa Ann Freda, DND7KHUHVD$QQ0HWDV.QRZQ Surviving Heir of Antoinette Metas, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner, 8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI$QWRLQHWWH Metas, Deceased Mortgagor and Real 2ZQHU&KULVWRSKHU:60HWDV.QRZQ Surviving Heir of Antoinette Metas, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner DQG6WHSKHQ0HWDV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ Heir of Antoinette Metas, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner C.P. April 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-549 5XSHUW6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*5XE\$QQH0DUWLQH]DND 5XE\$QQ0DUWLQH]&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R8GUHQ/DZ Offices, P.C. 1504-550 5XWK6WUHHWWKZG ,PSURYHPHQWDUHD6T)W/DQG DUHD6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE - SINGLE FAMILY ':(//,1*-DPHV1/DYHOOHDQG 'RULWD/DYHOOH&3'HFHPEHU7HUP 1RSOXVLQWHUHVWWRGDWHRIVDOH5REHUW-:LOVRQ (VT:LOVRQ/DZ)LUP 1504-551 6WK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*.DUHQ:HEE&3$XJXVW 7HUP1R:HEHU*DOODJKHU6LPSVRQ6WDSOHWRQ)LUHV 1HZE\//36DUDK$(OLD(VT 1504-552 %\EHUU\5RDG$SDUWPHQW*WKZG5(6 &21'267<0$6215<6T)W %576XEMHFWWR0RUWJDJH IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*6KDIRQLD:LOOLV.QRZQ 6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI-RKQ+:LOOLV-U -RKQ+:LOOLV,,,.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ +HLURI-RKQ+:LOOLV-U(ERQL:LOOLV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI-RKQ+ :LOOLV-UDQG$OO8QNQRZQ6XUYLYLQJ +HLUVRI-RKQ+:LOOLV-U&32FWREHU7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-553 6RXWK&DUOLVOH6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Russell Brown and Darlene -RKQVRQDVMRLQWWHQDQWVDQGQRWDV WHQDQWVLQFRPPRQ&30D\7HUP 1R=XFNHU *ROGEHUJ$FNHUPDQ//& 1504-554 6SUXFH6WUHHWUG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*&KDUOHV$-+DOSLQ,,, Esquire, Personal Representative of the Estate of Ella V. Weston C.P. October 7HUP1R 3RZHUV.LUQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-555 3URYLGHQW5RDGWKZG 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESI'(17,$/3523(57<7KH8QNQRZQ +HLUVDQGRU$GPLQLVWUDWRUVRIWKH (VWDWHRI6DUD/%RGGLH7KH8QNQRZQ +HLUVDQGRU$GPLQLVWUDWRUVRIWKH (VWDWHRI7KRPDV7DUERUR&30DUFK 7HUP1R =XFNHU*ROGEHUJ$FNHUPDQ//& 1504-556 $JXVWD6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<7RGG'0LOOHU&3-DQXDU\7HUP1R =XFNHU*ROGEHUJ$FNHUPDQ//& 1504-557 (6KDZPRQW$YHQXH$DND 6KRZPRQW$YHQXH$SW) VWZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Estate of Eleanor 6ZHHQH\DND(OHDQRU%6ZHHQH\ FR0LFKDHO6ZHHQH\DND0LFKDHO A. Sweeney, Personal Representative, 8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQV DQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPVRU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU,QWHUHVW )URPRU8QGHU(OHDQRU6ZHHQH\ DND(OHDQRU%6ZHHQH\0LFKDHO 6ZHHQH\DND0LFKDHO$6ZHHQH\ Personal Representative of the Estate RI(OHDQRU6ZHHQH\DND(OHDQRU% 6ZHHQH\7KHUHVD0%DFK.QRZQ +HLURI(OHDQRU6ZHHQH\DND(OHDQRU %6ZHHQH\%HWK$QQ&1LFKROV .QRZQ+HLURI(OHDQRU6ZHHQH\DND (OHDQRU%6ZHHQH\.DWKOHHQ(OOLRWW .QRZQ+HLURI(OHDQRU6ZHHQH\DND (OHDQRU%6ZHHQH\&30DUFK7HUP 1R8GUHQ/DZ Offices, P.C. 1504-558 7UHDW\5RDGWKZG '(767<)5$0(6T)W %57,03529(0(176 5(6,'(17,$/':(//,1*8QNQRZQ Surviving Heirs of Martha M. Aicher, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner DQG0DUWKD$LFKHU0DUWXFFLDND0DUWKD.$LFKHUDND0DUWKD&$LFKHU .QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI0DUWKD0 Aicher, Deceased Mortgagor and Real 2ZQHU&30D\7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-559 (DVW:HVWPRUHODQG6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Myrna Arroyo and Raul %HQLWH]$UUR\R&3-XO\7HUP 1R.0//DZ Group, P.C. 1504-560 (DVW$WODQWLF6WUHHW UGZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Leonna C. Lindsay C.P. )HEUXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ//3 1504-561 &DWKDULQH6WUHHWUGZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Thaddeus Dais, Personal Representative of the Estate of Evelyn Marie Dais, Estate of Evelyn Marie Dais, c/o Thaddeus Dais, Personal Representative, 1DWKDQLHO'DLV.QRZQ+HLURI(YHO\Q 0DULH'DLV7HUHQFH'DLV.QRZQ+HLU of Evelyn Marie Dais, Stephanie L. 'DLV.QRZQ+HLURI(YHO\Q0DULH 'DLVDQG8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV $VVLJQVDQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPVRU $VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOHRU ,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU(YHO\Q0DULH 'DLV/DVW5HFRUG2ZQHU&3-XQH 7HUP1R.0/ Law Group, P.C. 1504-562 %HQQHU6WUHHWQGZG 52:%*$567<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Gregory Yusupov and Irina Rubinov &3-XQH7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-563 1RUWK6HFRQG6WUHHW8QLW& DND1RUWK6HFRQG6WUHHW8QLW &DQG3DUNLQJ8QLW6SDFH WKZG6T)W%57 ,03529(0(1765(6,'(1TIAL DWELLING Raul F. Soares and &DUORV+6RDUHV&30DUFK7HUP 1R3RZHUV .LUQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-564 6RXWK&DPDF6WUHHW WKZG52:67<0$6215< 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 1LFKRODV0LJOLQR$GPLQLVWUDWRURIWKH Estate of Dolores Miglino C.P. April 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-565 *UHHQH6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<&KDUOHV+&XIIHOG Charles H. Cuffeld, as Trustee for the &KDUOHV+&XIIHOG7UXVW0LFKDHO L. Nix, as Trustee for the Charles H. &XIIHOG7UXVW&KDUOHV+&XIIHOG7UXVW &3-DQXDU\7HUP1R $116,715.77 Phelan Hallinan, LLP 1504-566 %ULOO6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Christian Robinson, as $GPLQLVWUDWRURIWKH(VWDWHRI0DU\ Ann McGuire, Deceased C.P. March 7HUP1R3RZHUV.LUQ$VVRFLDWHV//& 1504-567 &KHVWHU$YHQXH WKZG6T)W23$ IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<0LFKDHO-RUGDQ7KRPSVRQ &3)HEUXDU\7HUP1R 3KHODQ+DOOLQDQ'LDPRQG -RQHV//3 1504-568 :HVW%RVWRQ6WUHHWWK ZG52:67<0$6215<6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Sharon 70F3KHUVRQ$GPLQLVWUDWUL[RIWKH Estate of Lester McPherson, Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner C.P. April 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-569 :HVW-HIIHUVRQ6WUHHW WKZG6'&219$3767<0$6215<6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*7RUL.LQJ&3-XQH7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-570 %XUKROPH$YHQXHUG wd. S/D W DET GAR 2 STY MA6215<6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*5RVHPDU\$<RVWDND 5RVHPDU\<RVWDQG8QLWHG6WDWHVRI $PHULFDFR8QLWHG6WDWHV$WWRUQH\ for the Eastern District of PennsylvaQLD&3$SULO7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-571 (DVW6KHOGRQ6WUHHW QGZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Gerard Pancheri, IndividuDOO\DQGDV$GPLQLVWUDWRURIWKH(VWDWH of Diane Pancheri, Deceased C.P. 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 3RZHUV.LUQ$VVRFLDWHV LLC 1504-572 1HZWRZQ$YHQXH WKZG5RZ%*DU6W\0DVRQU\ 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ,UYLQJ0F1DLU&32FWREHU7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-573 $OPRQG6WUHHWVW ZG5RZ6W\0DVRQU\6T)W %57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Andrew /DQGLV&3$XJXVW7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ &RQZD\3& 1504-574 +DVEURRN$YHQXH WKZG6HPL'HW6W\0DVRQU\ 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 6\QHOO+DOO3KLOOLSV&30DUFK7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-575 &DUGLII6WUHHWQG ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN7,$/3523(57<0HOLVVD-RKQVRQ &30DUFK7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-576 'HHUSDWK/DQHWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Laura A. Heron and Shawn 3+HURQ&3$XJXVW7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS P.C. 1504-577 +RO\RNH5RDGWK ZG6':%*60DV2WKHU6T )W%57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Robert Schreiber, Executor of the Estate of AnWRLQHWWH6FKUHLEHU&3)HEUXDU\7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-578 1RUWK0\UWOHZRRG6WUHHW WKZG5RZ6W\0DVRQU\ 6T)W%576XEMHFWWR Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Betty Massey3XUYLV$GPLQLVWUDWUL[RIWKH(VWDWH RI/HQZRRG+DUPRQ-U'HFHDVHG Mortgagor and Real Owner C.P. May 7HUP1R0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-579 (DVW6KDUSQDFN6WUHHWQG ZG5RZ%*$56W\0DVRQU\ 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 1LNNLD:LWFKHU&3$XJXVW7HUP 1R0F&DEH :HLVEHUJ&RQZD\3& 1504-580 *UHHQZD\$YHQXHWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<&RUHQ66LPPRQV&3 -XO\7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-581 1RUWKWK6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<5HQHH'*UDKDP&3 6HSWHPEHU7HUP1R .0//DZ*URXS3& 1504-582 *LOEHUW6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*)UDQFHV:LOOLDPVDND <YRQQH):LOOLDPVDND)UDQFHV< :LOOLDPV&3$XJXVW7HUP1R 8GUHQ/DZ2IILFHV P.C. 1504-583 1RUWKWK6WUHHW WKZG6T)W%57 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Daniel N. Moody and The United States RI$PHULFD&3'HFHPEHU7HUP 1R/DZ2IILFHVRI *UHJRU\-DYDUGLDQ 1504-584 :HVW3HQQ6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3523(57<6WHSKDQLH:LOOLDPV PRUWJDJRU$QWKRQ\+LQWRQUHDO owner) and Pauline Hinton (real owner) &3)HEUXDU\7HUP1R 6KDSLUR'H1DUGR//& 1504-585 :HVW&ROXPELD$YHQXH WKZG6T)W%57 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL ':(//,1*8QNQRZQ+HLUV6XFFHVVRUV$VVLJQVDQG$OO3HUVRQV)LUPV RU$VVRFLDWLRQV&ODLPLQJ5LJKW7LWOH RU,QWHUHVW)URPRU8QGHU(OYLUD% 3LHUFH9LUJLQLD37RPV.QRZQ+HLURI (OYLUD%3LHUFH-DFTXHOLQH30XQJDL .QRZQ+HLURI(OYLUD%3LHUFH(OYLUD B. Pierce, Last Record Owner C.P. May 7HUP1R Udren Law Offices, P.C. 1504-586 %URZQ6WUHHWWK ZG6T)W%57 35&/1,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michael 6XKWLWOHWRVDLGSUHPPLVHVLVYHVWHG LQ0LFKDHO6XKE\'HHGIURP-RKQ -*RXUOH\GDWHG-XQHDQG UHFRUGHG$XJXVWLQWKHRIILFH of the recorder of deeds in and for 3KLODGHOSKLD&RXQW\DV,QVWUXPHQW 1XPEHU&32FWREHU7HUP 1R$OLFLD0 Sandoval, Esquire 1504-587 $VSHQ6WUHHWWKZG5RZ %*$56W\0DVRQU\6T)W %57,03529(0(176 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING George :LOOLDPV.QRZQ6XUYLYLQJ+HLURI (VWKHU%:LOOLDPV'HFHDVHG0RUWJDJRUDQG5HDO2ZQHUDQG8QNQRZQ 6XUYLYLQJ+HLUVRI(VWKHU%:LOOLDPV Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 0F&DEH:HLVEHUJ Conway, P.C. 1504-588 1RUWK-XGVRQ6WUHHWWKZG 6T)W%57,03529(MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING &\QWKLD-7&OHQGHQLQDV$GPLQLVWUDWRURIWKH(VWDWHRI0DOFROP&KHQGHQLQ DND0DOFROP0LFKDHO&OHQGHQLQ &36HSWHPEHU7HUP1R 3RZHUV.LUQ$VVRFLates, LLC claudelle evans Celebrating our 54th Anniversary Health News Healthy foods Green tea Green tea is a powerful metabolism stimulator: Drinking it frequently can help to accelerate weight loss. Not only that, but antioxidants in green tea may inhibit the absorption of fat. Olive oil The main benefit of olive oil, and there are many, is that it lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol and raises “good” HDL cholesterol, thanks to its monounsaturated fats. Olive oil is also packed with antioxidants called phenols, which may protect artery walls from cholesterol buildup. Researchers even discovered recently that olive oil acts as an anti-inflammatory, which further protects your heart, and the rest of your body, too. Lemon If you're trying to lose weight, replace beverages such as pop, alcohol and sweetened and unsweetened fruit drinks (which are full of calories) with plain water and a slice of lemon. Not only does lemon have a lot of flavour, it also contains vitamin C. Chicken Since chicken is a lean meat, it's a good source of protein without too much fat. Cinnamon A U.S. study found that it can reduce blood glucose, which may stave off diabetes. Cinnamon is also a carminative, which helps prevent bloating, and it is packed with antioxidants. Green chai tea The spices in chai tea add lots of flavour without calories, so you're less likely to add sweetener. Not only that, but if you make it at home you can choose which milk to add, so you can control the fat content. Green tea will also boost your metabolism. Cucumber Crunchy and satisfying, cucumbers are not only hydrating, they can also make you feel full with very few calories. Bran Cut the calories and increase the fibre of your usual cereal by replacing it all (or half) of it with bran. Low-fat yogurt Yogurt is very high in calcium and B vitamins. It’s also a protein superstar 3/4 cup delivers nine grams. Legumes Legumes are among our most nutritious plant foods, high in protein, B-complex vitamins, iron, potassium, and other minerals. They provide large amounts of fiber, including the soluble type that is important in controlling blood cholesterol levels. If you’re trying to lose weight, the fibre helps give legumes a one-two punch. First it helps you feel full faster. Then, the blood sugar effect helps stave off hunger for longer. Turmeric Recent years have seen an explosion of research into curcumin, an antioxidant found in turmeric. Studies have shown it has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activities. Quinoa This powerhouse whole grain has more protein than other grains (eight grams per cooked cup/250 mL) and, like brown rice, is bursting with fibre, B vitamins, copper, manganese and magnesium. Adapted from Swap & Drop Diet, Best Health (Reader's Digest Canada); Images: ThinkStock Pears With a pear's smooth texture, you might not realize that a medium one delivers five grams of total fibre, for 20 percent of your daily needs. The flesh contains mostly soluble fibre (about three grams), including pectin, which lowers LDL, otherwise known as "bad" cholesterol. As IF YOU USED THE BLOOD THINNER XARELTO and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. This little space can bring big $$$$$$$$ results to your business Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727 well, a University of Illinois study published this year found that soluble fibre can boost the immune system. Adapted from Swap & Drop Diet, Best Health (Reader's Digest Canada); Images: ThinkStock Dark chocolate A recent study shows that people who eat chocolate frequently tend to have a lower body mass index. Not only that, but scientists suggest that its antioxidant properties may help boost metabolism. Berries Not only are berries high in vitamins and fibre, they also help fight disease. Berries are some of nature's best sources of antioxidants, which guard against heart disease, cancer and age-related blindness. Leeks A landmark clinical trial done in North Dakota in the 1990s showed that women who ate high amounts of manganese in their daily diet had fewer mood swings and cramps than those who consumed the least. The onion family contains this essential mineral: Just a ½ cup (125 mL) of leeks has 13 percent of your daily needs of manganese, which will help beat bloat. Salmon All types of salmon are high in omega-3s, ranging Adoption/Personals: ADOPTION: Unplanned Pregnancy? Caring licensed adoption agency provides financial and emotional support. Choose from loving pre-approved families. Call Joy toll free 1-866-922-3678 or confidential email: Auctions: AUCTION – DBI Services Fleet Realignment, March 19th, 9 AM, Hazelton, PA. Painting, Grinding, Trucks & Equipment. Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 804232-3300 x.4,, PA#5634 Education/Training: MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a Medical Office Assistant! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Online training gets you job ready! 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Diner is locale for group discussions. not Big Bang Modern Family Celebrity Name TMZ The Simpsons American Idol: Top 10 Perform Always Good Potter Touch Trinity Family Celebrity Name Blue Bloods: Moonlighting Blue Bloods: Whistle Blower Movie The Mentalist: Red Carpet Action News at 10 on Treatment PHL17 Joel Osteen Destined to Brian Houston Reign Family Feud Family Feud The Vampire Diaries: Gilded Cage Nightwatch: Caught You, The First 48 DISC 8633 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Second Round z{| FOX 29 News at 10 Praise the Lord Reign: Tempting Fate News King of Queens Blue Bloods: The Uniform Blue Bloods: The Job The First 48 Nightwatch Blue Bloods: Leap of Faith The First 48: Kiss of Death All In All In: Little, The Cookout ac (2004, Comedy) Ja Rule. Basketball player Obsessed Being Mary Jane: Late? signs a lucrative contract with an NBA team. rsx aa (2009) Let’s Go Crazy Alaska: Last Frontier: Alaska: Last Frontier: Alaska: Last Frontier: Alaska: Last Frontier: Alaska: Last Frontier: Fall Flurry Cabin Fever Father-Son Spring Has Fall Flurry Dog with Jessie Teen Beach Movie (2013, Family) Mickey Austin & Liv and I Didn’t Do It Star Wars a Blog Two friends wake up in a movie. Mouse Ally Maddie Rebels MLB Spring Training Philadelphia Phillies vs New York Yankees from Baseball Tonight: SportsCenter George M. Steinbrenner Field, Tampa, Fla. z{| Preview Show To Be Announced 27 Dresses aac (2008, Comedy) Katherine Heigl. (:02) Killers aa (2010, Comedy) Ashton Kutcher. A perennial bridesmaid is in a jam. rsx Former assassin becomes a target. rsx ThunderHaunted Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Fresh Friends: Friends af mans Hathaways Prince Prince Tunnel (:15) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Second Round z{| (6:45) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Second Round z{| My Big Fat American My Big Fat American My Big Fat American Trailer Park: Welcome to My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Myrtle Manor Gypsy Wedding Law & Order: Law & Order: Law & Order: Dig: Meet the Rosenbergs Dig: Meet the Rosenbergs Special Victims Unit Special Victims Unit ab Special Victims Unit ab America’s Funniest America’s Funniest How I Met How I Met Outlaw Country Outlaw Country Home Videos af Home Videos f Your Mother Your Mother a A&E By Surprise BET from about 750 mg to 1,270 mg per 75-gram serving. They are also a good source of vitamin D, with one serving providing 100 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) and the bones in canned salmon provide calcium. Miso Miso contains probiotics, which keep the lining of the colon healthy and may improve gut motility and sensation. Eggs A study carried out by the Rochester Center for Obesity Research found that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit your calorie intake all day, by more than 400 calories. That means you could lose three pounds or more per month. Greens In addition to protecting your eyes from age-related macular degeneration, thanks to its carotenoids, spinach has high concentrations of vitamin K, which can help maintain bone density and prevent fractures. The green stuff is also a powerful source of potassium and magnesium as well as folate, all of which can keep blood pressure low, reducing the risk of stroke. Learn more information when you type the title of this article in the search bar on the web. Here's to the best interest in your health. Classifed Ads THURSDAY • MARCH 19, 2015 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS E# ABC E^ NBC E10 PBS E12 MYN E17 FOX E29 TBN E48 CW E57 ION E61 ScOOP U.S.A. - Friday, March 13, 2015 -15 Friday, March 13, 2015 FALLEN LEAVES: Nathaniel Nash Nathaniel Nash, father of Rev. Lewis Nash, Sr. transitioned from this life on Monday, March 9. His Funeral will be held on Saturday, March 14. Viewing is a 9:00 a.m. and services will follow at 11:00 a.m. at Faith & Deliverance Outreach Ministries, 1510 W. Stiles Street in Philadelphia. C HARLES L. B LOCKSON A FRO -A MERICAN C OLLECTION E VENTS On Friday, March 13 at 3:30 p.m., Haki Madhubuti, the distinguished poet, professor and publisher, will share his thoughts on current social, cultural, and political issues facing African AmeriHaki Madhubuti and can people. He will Gwendolyn Brooks circa 1980s speak about challenges facing young African Americans in our society. A partnership with the Department of African American Studies. On Friday, March 20 at 2 p.m. the series will present The "POWER PROJECT" by Saeed Briscoe. Briscoe, an artist, photographer, filmmaker and clothing brand owner, started a project about power and people intended to allow people to see themselves in each other and embrace their inalienable ability to be a positive change agent in the world. This series aims to identify "Powerful People" ... Featured patrons are noting their desire for humanity and how they are making their desire a reality. Visit: Both events will be held at Temple University Libraries, Sullivan Hall, 1st Floor, 1330 Polett Walk, Phila., PA 19122. For information contact: 215-204-6632 / ******** A FAMILY A FFAIR CSN Youth Arts Studio Students presenb Excerpts of an original stage play “A Family Affair”, Saturday, March 14, 3:00 p.m. at 3510 Scotts Lane (East Falls near Ridge and Allegheny Avenue). Original songs. Spoken word. Exciting Choreography. Tickets $7.00. For information call 215-219-7200. ******* J OB R EADINESS W ORKSHOP S ERIES Temple University’s Offices of Human Resources and Community Relations are presenting FREE job readiness workshops to its surrounding North Philadelphia community. “The work- COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Celebrating our 54th Anniversary shops, held on a monthly basis, are designed to empower job seekers to become more competitive in the job market,” says Michael Robinson, Director-Community Outreach and Hiring/Human Resources Department, Temple University. All of the monthly workshops are held on campus at Temple University’s Entertainment & Community Education Center, 1509 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Room 214, Philadelphia, PA (next door to Pizza Hut). The next workshop topic is “Expert Job Search Tips & How to Apply for Jobs Online” and will be held on Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 4:00pm-5:30pm. Participants can take advantage of registering for free professional development workshops. The workshops equip job seekers with real-world practical insights regarding employer/workplace expectations! For more information and to register, contact Temple University: Michael Robinson - Office of Human Resources: 215-2040677. To view employment opportunities at Temple University, go to: ******* T EAM H EALING H ANDS M EN F OR T HE C URE C OOK - OFF The St. Matthew A.M.E. Church “Team Healing Hands” in partnership with the Philadelphia Affiliate of Susan G. Komen will be hosting the Team Healing Hands “Men For The Cure Cook-off, Saturday March 21, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at St. Matthew A.M.E. Church, 215 North 57th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139. For more information please call 267.403.7756 or email All Proceeds Go To Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure. ******* S ECOND A NNUAL S ACRED L IBATION C EREMONY The Second Annual Sacred Libation Ceremony in Remembrance of our sisters: 150 documented Black women lynched in the United States between 1870-1957 will be held on Sunday, GAMES PEOPLE PLAY DATE Wednesday March 4 PA 642 738 NJ DELAWARE 341 474 016 816 thursday March 5 Friday March 6 277 456 504 019 Sunday March 8 618 688 597 915 111 023 530 075 705 790 800 031 Saturday March 7 Monday March 9 tuesday March 10 962 922 332 006 865 800 651 936 716 451 161 606 000 999 xxx 310 191 712 339 015 SCOOP PICK HITS Appears Every Friday Down Memory Lane 933 305 512 654 329 942 March 29, 3 p.m. sharp at Congo (Washington) Square, 7th & Walnut Streets. NO MORE MAAFA! NEVER AGAIN! Please wear white (no black or dark colors). Bring your children to witness the healing and learn the forgotten history. ******* B REAST C ANCER AWARENESS FAIR The St. Matthew A.M.E. Church Race for the Cure “Team Healing Hands” in partnership with the Philadelphia affiliate of Susan G. Komen will host a Breast Cancer Awareness Health Fair, featuring Dr. Edith Mitchell, Medical Oncologist at Jefferson’s Kimmel Center. Representatives from Drexel Hahnemann, will be scheduling free mammograms for under and uninsured women. The fair, which will include free breakfast and lunch, will be held on Saturday, April 11, from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at St. Matthew A.M.E. Church located, 215 Dr. Mitchell N. 57th Street, Phila., PA 19139. This event is free to the public. For more information, please call 267.844.8892. by Judy Renay ARIeS - March 21- April 19 Aries is seldom conservative and your appetite for unusual experiences will only get stronger this year. Relationships with friends could be bittersweet and tender through the Full Moon. Best numbers 21 and 6. tAURUS - April 20 - May 20 Movement or travel is indicated along with wild Spring Parties. Romance could be a case of opposites attract and your procrastination impulses are strong. This month you’re looking to stir things up. Best numbers 5 and 11. GeMINI - May 21 - june 21 As Mars continues to Retrograde through Libra you’ll get a second chance to review decision made after Valentines Day. Sometime you need time to understand and interpret life changes. Best numbers 01 and 11. cANceR - june 22 - july 22 This week and next are an awkward patch for you. Mars in Libra may cause issues with impulse control or friends getting the wrong message. Best numbers 5 and 0. LeO - july 23 - August 22 Lions are in a mood to Purr rather than Roar. One on one partnerships are favored particularly with those who are your ge or who share your sensibility. Best numbers 9 and 8. VIRGO - August 23 - September 22 This Full Moon could bring an impulse to innovate. You can cut losses and make improvements in business but others won’t give you the benefit of the doubt through the Full Moon. Beat numbers 5 and 8. LIBRA - September 23 - October 22 Its another excellent time for dealing with small money matters or a health matter. You could be inadvertently blunt this Full Moon, especially if others don’t share your sly humor. Best numbers 9 and 7. ScORPIO - October 23 - November 21 Jupiter helps you out this week so indulgence toward loved ones comes easily. Your usual laser like focus is muted, however and an adversarial Mars could bring impatience, so go slow. Best numbers 65 and 1. SAGIttARIUS - November 22 - Dececember 21 Mars in Libra is compelling all sorts of action. Accented by Venus in Aquarius new friends, relationships, opportunities and business plans emerge. Best numbers 10 and 4. cAPRIcORN -December 22 - january 19 Friends give you the benefit of the doubt this Full Moon also an excellent time for clothes shopping. The planets in Water signs are exerting a lot of magentism in your direction. Best numbers 0 and 6. AQUARIUS - january 20 - February 18 March drama continues. Mars is urging you to make big decisions and Venus in your sign assisting blooming romances. Big changes could be on the horizon. Best numbers 3 and 9. PISceS - February 19 - March 20 Going back in the years when Black radio was hot, playing gospel and black music. (pictured) A person who opened the doors for many DJs was PORTIA PERRY (pictured) at an on air interview at station WHAT. Portia was the gospel with Dolly Banks, owner of WHAT whose on air radio name was Mary Mason. For reproductions of Memory Lane photos call SCOOP USA at 215-232-5974 Don’t force difficult relationships this Full Moon. You might find yourself attracted to someone or something totally not your type, amplified when Mercury enters your sign. Best numbers 27 and 2. I R ECOGNIZE A STROLOGY A S G OD ’ S N EWS L ETTER . I’ M A MEMBER OF THE ORDER OF THE U NIVERSAL I MPRINTS . I’ VE STUDIED WITH THE R OSICRUCIAN ’ S AND A MERICAN F EDERATION OF A STROLOGERS WHICH I’ M ALSO A MEMBER . Y OU MAY CONTACT ME AT yehudie 077@ YA H O O . C O M N OW IS THE TIME TO KNOW THYSELF.