From top model to top designer Latvia in miniature The golden age


From top model to top designer Latvia in miniature The golden age
Take your FREE copy!
autumn/winter 2005/2006
From top model
to top designer
Latvia in miniature
The golden age
of Space
80 years of progress
Bang & Olufsen Riga, Lacplesa str. 52/54, Riga, LV 1011
tel. 00 371 728 0147; fax 00 371 728 0149; e-mail
It started with a kiss
In July, we celebrated our one mil-
Traditional Latvian jewellery
lionth passenger for 2005. This means
this year see a stunning growth of
Asnate Smeltere:
From top model to top designer
80 per cent compared to last year.
Latvian economy leads the way
The new kings of Capitalism
Space Fever
It started with a kiss
that Riga International Airport will
It's an extraordinary development, which gives the airport, myself and my
staff a great responsibility for planning the future, so that our growth will not
end with long lines of annoyed passengers, but instead more and more growth
in the number of airlines and passengers who are both delighted about how
things are running.
Our million passengers so far this year are really a symbol for the future.
Passenger number one million was a seven-year-old girl on her first flight. We are
beginning to see small queues in the morning rush hour, but these will be gone
by next year, when we open our new, extended terminal. There will be more
booths for check-in, more officers on duty for immigration and three security
lines - two for economy passengers and one for business class. The terminal
extension will be fully operational before the World Ice Hockey Championship
in May and the rush of tourists in the summer season.
Soon we will see the next new airline arriving at Riga - Aer Lingus, connect-
Real estate heaven
ing Riga to Dublin - and I am confident that more will be heading for Riga in
2006. Besides, we shouldn't forget that the airport's largest airline, airBaltic, with
airBaltic showing the way
a market share of passengers of more than 40 per cent will open even more
Latvia in miniature
The Nationl Gallery
celebrates 100 years
new destinations.
We are very proud to have received the award of "Best Airport in Europe"
in the one million to five million passengers range. We also feel a great
responsibility to carry on this work by continuously educating our staff to
perform even better.
The latest news
from Latvia's award-winning airport
Dzintars Pomers
Chairman of the Board of Riga International Airport
Traditional Latvian
Latvian jewellery is owned by the Queen of Denmark,
and possible future USA President Hillary Clinton.
and semi-precious stones, Baltic
The cobbled streets of Riga's old town
amber is formed from organic ele-
are full of market stalls and shops
ments - in this case from fossilised
offering a dizzying array of Latvian
pine resin. Consequently, amber
jewellery. It's not only tourists who
absorbs body heat and is relatively
leave Latvia's shores with a suitcase
easy to shape. Most of the world's
full of amber. Latvians themselves
amber is 30-90 million years old.
often refer to the Baltic Sea as the
Amber Sea (Dzintarjura), which
emphasises the symbolic importance
of amber (dzintars) in Latvian culture
and history.
And as well as this precious stone,
Latvian jewellery is experiencing a
renaissance with many local people
owning jewellery, which is designed
using ancient charms and signs that
date back to as long as a thousand
years ago.
of amber
are found
in the
the Baltic
The world's major deposits of
amber are found in the Dominican
Republic and the Baltic region.
Baltic amber has been in fashion
for thousands of years, and can be
found in museums all over the
world, particularly those displaying
the antiquities of ancient Rome and
Athens. Ancient Balts actively traded
with merchants from many distant
shores. As late as the Middle Ages,
amber was more valuable than gold
in many areas of Europe and
Latvian Amber
Amber has been viewed for centuries as a precious stone associated
beyond. It was used for barter
throughout the Roman Empire.
It is often difficult to tell the dif-
with the eastern shores of the
ference between high quality amber
Baltic Sea. Unlike other precious
and fake products. A small football-
autumn/winter 2005/2006
made from Baltic Sea stones embroi-
back around a 1000 Lats, so if the
dered in silver and gold.
haggling market trader is offering
Namejs ring
you a similar sized piece for 50 Lats,
photo: K.Smidkens
sized piece of amber should set you
According to legend, Namejs was
you might want to take your trade
elsewhere. Originally, most traditional
the leader of the Semigallian tribes
Latvian jewellery was crafted from
in Latvia during the invasion of
bronze. Amber only tended to be
used in the beads for necklaces, and
in broaches and amulets, while silver
girl went to the blacksmith and asked
jewellery was usually only worn by
him to make a ring with seven pen-
the richest people in ancient times.
dants, each with different signs on
the original jewellery worn by ancient
admirer. She decided to marry the
Jewellery artists
Inita and Vitauts Straupe
Livs, Cours, and the inhabitants of
man whose pendant came off first.
Inita and Vitauts Straupe are
Latvian adornments are based on
them. Each sign symbolised one
the regions now known as Zemgale
amongst the best-known of Latvian
and Latgale. The sun is the most
jewellers. They make copies of
important symbol in Latvian jewellery.
ancient Latvian, Baltic and Scandina-
In folk songs the sun was seen as a
vian jewellery using traditional
motifs and symbols for their up-to-
Photos: Gallery ”Tornis”,
mother protector. Horses were believed
to help in work and life, and were
German crusaders at the beginning
the most significant symbol for
of the 13th century. Namejs was
Their works are featured in the
ancient Latvian men.
forced to retreat to Lithuania, but
collections of many Latvian museums
before leaving he gave his ring to
and they have participated in exhibi-
his son. The Germans tried to find
tions in Latvia, France and Spain, as
Namejs's son and convert him to
well as Expo 2000 in Germany.
Christianity. To protect Namejs and
They also represented Latvia at the
The Seven day ring
Girls and unmarried women wore
this ring during the 6th-12th centuries
Sea, stones and silver
date designs.
in Latvia. It has seven pendants with
This collection is made by Inita
his offspring, all Semigallian men
Smithsonian Folk Life Festival in
ancient Latvian ornaments that keep
Straupe. It is devoted to Inita's parents
and boys wore similar rings. To this
Washington D.C. and at the Baltic
away evil spirits and bring luck.
and her memories of childhood when
day it is the most popular of all
Festival in Stockholm.
A legend says that there was a young
they lived next to the beach on the
Latvian rings. The ring allows
girl who had seven admirers and she
Baltic coast, away from civilisation for
Latvians to recognise each other
designs are in the collections of such
couldn't choose which to marry. The
weeks at a time. The collection is
when they travel around the world.
well-known people as Latvian presi-
Many of Inita’s and Vitauts’
Berga Bazars, Marijas 13, LV-1050
Tel./Fax: +371 7284801; E-mail:
dent Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Hillary
Clinton, Finland's president Tarja
Holenena, Denmark's Queen
Margareth II, Latvian politican Vaira
Paegle, lead singer of the band
“Brainstorm” Renars Kaupers, lead
singer of the folk band “Ilgi” Ilga
Reizniece, vocalist of the band
“Moomy Troll” and others.
The two jewellers have opened
two art-galleries called “Tornis”, one
in Turaida Castle on the first floor
of the Sightseeing Tower and the
other in Old Riga opposite the
entrance of St.Peter’s church.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
groups such as the Fashion Theatre.
Russians, although Swedish and
In 1988, the exhibition Hall of
English customers often buy her
fortune, that the overwhelming
Riga Fashion House asked her to be
products and take them back to
majority of her fellow citizens did
a director and give them conceptual
their respective countries. French
not enjoy, of travelling outside the
and interior design ideas for the
Diplomats treat Salons A as their
boundaries of the Soviet Union.
hall. At the same time, the world
first -and often only- port of call.
Indeed, the strict laws at the time
was changing. An upheaval in fash-
-which required individuals who
ion wasn't the only revolution brew-
in the fashion industry and in
were permitted to travel abroad to
ing in the streets of Latvia.
Latvia was evident when she was
Aged just sixteen, Asnate had the
be over eighteen- had to be
Her first ideas were for an art
asked to design President Vaira Vike-
relaxed when she made her first
gallery, and to practice applied art
Freiberga's dress for Latvia's European
trip to EXPO '67 in Canada.
and fashion design. Asnate didn't
Union Inauguration oath.
“At that time it was very, very
“Made in Latvia”
Starting off as a naive fifteen-year old model in Soviet days,
and now one of Latvia's most respected fashion industry people,
Asnate Smeltere feels that she has spent all of her life
in the fashion industry.
every year. She also has good con-
Americans now who want to travel
so she began by buying sewing
nections with French and Italian jew-
practical city. I adore walking along
machines- working with staff from
ellery designers. The fabric is pur-
the Seine in the evenings, looking
Riga Fashion House.
chased directly from French factories.
up and admiring the silhouettes of
Increasingly she is also buying from
buildings…the well-dressed people…”
town is called “Salons A”. Did she
Spain and Italy. She fell in love with
Asnate believes that modelling is
want to be the first name in the
Spanish lace when she visited the
basically the same today as it was
phone book?
Paris Premier Vision Show.
in her day: “You need to be clever,
to Mars. When I returned, the airport or the station would be full
of friends, relatives or curious
bystanders who wanted to know
“How was it? What was it like over
there?” I remember my Granny told
me I must get her a present when
I visited Japan. It was the same with
Photo: J. Deinats, “Fotocentrs”
The cultural shock of those overseas visits (she made a minimum of
you are
limited in
what you
can see
in your
senses are
Her famous boutique in Riga's old
Although she buys many fabrics
keep your head and appreciate artis-
the 20's and 30's. There was a cine-
and jewellery from abroad, Asnate is
tic feelings. A model must express a
ma on this site. The façade of this
very proud of Salons A's “Made in
designer's thoughts. She needs a
building had the letter “A”.”
Latvia” status.
sense of beauty and know how to
“I looked at archive photos from
These days the boutique is so
It's not surprising perhaps, to dis-
truly feel like a woman.”
It follows that the shrewd model
two per year) during Soviet days
popular that she is struggling to ful-
cover that Asnate's favourite travel
remains with her. “I remember as
fil all her current orders. Indeed, she
destination is Paris. She waxes lyrical
hoping to pursue a career in fashion
young, Soviet girls seeing people
currently has plans to convert the
when asked why the city appeals to
design has one very distinct advan-
drinking coffee in the streets in
upper floor of Salons A, which used
her so much, “Oh! It's the architec-
tage over her peers: “On the stage
Japan. There were well-serviced
to be the fashion show hall.
ture, the mood…the style. The
you can see what works; what the
Parisian atmosphere is very special.
customers like. The applause often
Somewhere like Milan is more of a
stays with you.”
ent to where we came from. When
you are limited in what you can see
in your homeland, your senses are
heightened. When you experience
prosperity that you can't get yourself
you are able to see and smell things
that those people who've always
lived in it, can't. I'm sure that
helped inspire me with some of my
fashion designs in the earlier years.”
Asnate worked at the Central
Fashion Point in Riga, making fashion for the whole industry in
Latvia. She helped sell fashion to
the four-corners of the Soviet
Union. She was also a model for
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Asnate buys her fabrics in France
begging bowl to finance the project,
all my neighbours and friends.”
want to approach people with a
special. It is something like
breakfast tables…something so differ-
A measure of the respect she has
Most of her garments and jewellery are sold to Latvians and
Photo: Dmitrijs Dubinskis
Asnate’s models
Asnate assures me that there is no
typical customer. It would be easier
for her to specialise, but she can't.
same boutique!””
Moreover, fashion is not a “free-
light up
the cat walk
“Fashion is always changing.
Women are all so different. They
art”. Asnate is always designing for
are different sizes, have such vary-
“The main editor of the French
somebody, and she has to keep the
ing characters. Even the woman's
magazine L'Officiel spent two hours
designs in balance with the individ-
profession has a great influence on
watching people. She told me I'm
ual's personality, as well as what
the design. Every woman wants to
a genius. “You have a woman with
works on the street. She compares it
look good.”
her mother and daughter all find-
to a “love couple” working together
ing the dresses they want in the
to find the consummate result.
As well as taking inspiration
from her many years in the industry as a model and designer,
Asnate is adamant that the energy
of her homeland galvanises her
creative soul.
I want
more time
life can be
“Storks fly to Latvia from Egypt to
have their babies. Is that the energy
of the earth here or do they just
have big wings? There are so many
poets, fashion designers and creative
people in this country. I believe
there is so much energy in the soil
of Latvia… a Swedish Diplomat who
lived here many years told me she
was sad to leave that energy behind
when she left Latvia.”
Talking about her plans for the
future, the charming and elegant
Queen of Latvian women's fashion
design tells me that, “I want
more time for thinking, feeling,
and reminding myself how wonderful life can be. I want to read
good books, watch more good
films and spend time with the
people I love.”
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Valmeira are experiencing strong
under the fixed exchange rate scheme
into the European Union was also an
in 2008, then it must satisfy the
regeneration and growing local
following the pegging of the Lat to
endorsement of full monetary union
floating Maastricht inflation criteria-
the euro in January this year. The
when the time is right. There will be
proportion of household euro loans is
no opt-out for Latvia.
If Latvia is to adopt the euro
currently 2.2%
Exports and FDI
on the increase
However, overall the picture remains
Latvian economy
leads the way
Latvia continues to live up to its title of the Baltic Tiger.
Whilst the economies of countries such as Germany and France
continue to falter, Latvia's economy is expanding at a rate
even the Chinese would be proud of.
This is also reflected in an upsurge
in regional tourism figures, with many
already 41%. This figure has topped
of Latvia's five million foreign tourist
45% amongst Latvian enterprises.
visitors now travelling beyond the
Baltic Tiger
In order for this changeover to
Many financial experts in the
capital, Riga. The Latvian government
run smoothly, and the Latvian econ-
“old Europe” are looking towards
rosy for the Latvian Economy. Econo-
is prioritising the development of the
omy to remain dynamic, much work
Latvia and asking, what are they
mic growth remains robust.
tourism infrastructure. A substantial
needs to be done to keep inflation
doing so right? Some are even cit-
share of EU funds is being allocated.
in check. But the Governor of the
the ability to compete as export
New hotel construction is particularly
Latvian Central Bank points out,
growth remains well above the rise in
important as the majority of Riga's
“The good news is that the govern-
imports. Export growth figures for the
hotels are already near to capacity for
ment has very timely taken stock of
second quarter of 2005 suggest a 38%
several months of the year. Expansion
all anti-inflation levers at its disposal
increase from last year.
of Riga airport and the country's ports
ands says it stands ready to imple-
is already underway.
ment a combination of measures. Let
There is no sign of Latvia losing
The United Kingdom, Sweden and
Germany are Latvia's biggest export
partners. Exports to Poland, Russia
and the other Baltic States continue
to grow rapidly.
Timber is the number one export
product. Other key export markets
us hope that the right moment for
Full-monetary Union
If Latvia is to join the euro in
will join
the euro
when it
ing Latvia as a role-model/case
study of how the faltering
European Union economy should
develop in the future.
Will Latvia adopt the euro?
According to Ilmars Rimsevics,
Governor of the Bank of Latvia,
“an opt out is exceptional. Latvia
that is not missed.”
One thing is certain. Latvia will
is not in the same situation as the
2008, then the effects should be posi-
join the euro when it satisfies the
United Kingdom or Sweden…there
tive on the whole. There has already
Maastricht criteria. The national refer-
is no chance Latvia will not join
been considerable currency substitution
endum which ratified Latvia's entry
EMU when it is ready.”
include metal, soft goods, food,
machinery, chemicals and machine
the two countries.
The Latvian economy has the distinc-
The sale of cars has risen by 33%
tion of being the most dynamic in
compared to last year; household
Europe at the moment. Current
goods by a similar figure, whilst retail
growth statistics suggest the economy
trade has grown by more than 20%.
is expanding by 7.5%- a figure in line
These soaring consumption figures
with average annual growth of 7%
must be a result of fast economic
since 2000. Despite this, Latvia still
development, bank loans and a
holds the unwanted accolade of being
growth in personal income.
the poorest country amongst the 25
European Union states. This is most
likely a fiction as official statistics are
inflation is
the biggest
faced by
the Latvian
building equipment.
The accrued volume of Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) has now
topped 2.5billion LVL, following the
most recently published annual figure
of 350million LVL. This has chiefly
concentrated on transport and communications, as well as real estate and
commercial operations. The relaxation
Troubling inflation figures
of border crossing regulations has also
The down-side of the current
been a boost to the country's already
significantly skewered by the grey
booming economy is an inflation rate
economy. Whilst it remains true that
of 6.5%- the highest in the EU.
stalwart transit industry.
Latvia's geographical position as
average wages remain low in Latvia,
According to, Ilmars Rimsevics,
official wages and tax returns do not
Governor of the Central Bank, mort-
the exterior market in countries such
reflect the current economic reality.
gage lending is most likely responsible
as Russia also continues to be
for a percentage point of this rate,
a boon to the economy.
Currently, many businesses assert
that financial information related to
whilst escalating oil prices have added
the wages they pay their employees is
about 0.7%.
confidential. Official gross wages in
Together with a troubling current
a land-bridge between the EU and
Regional regeneration
and tourism boom
The Riga region accounts for two-
Estonia are roughly 50% higher than
account deficit, high inflation is the
Latvia- a figure in no way reflected in
biggest challenge faced by the Latvian
thirds of Latvia's GDP. The cities of
the comparative living standards of
Jelgava, Daugavpils, Liepaja and
autumn/winter 2005/2006
autumn/winter 2005/2006
The New Kings
of Capitalism
Venture capitalists are being called the "New Kings of Capitalism."
All over the developed world they raise billions and earn millions.
In the United States, they employ one in five private sector workers.
Viesturs Tamuzs,
developed significantly enough for
over foreign risk capital companies
energy isn't there, then there's a
Venture capital investing has grown
the risk investors to sell their
in regard to their experience
from a relatively insignificant
shares- possibly to the owner/s or
of the local market and huge
investment pool in the 1960s to
to the market place.
networking chain.
a major cog in the modern day
“The minimum return on an
With so many companies or
institutional and corporate invest-
investment should be twenty five
entrepreneurs approaching venture
ment portfolio machine.
per cent a year. If you invest one
capital companies, it is not surpris-
However, in Latvia, venture
the UK and Japan: In Japan, venture
Nobody wanted to know about
good chance they are talking to
capital was estimated to be worth
the recycling project 3 years ago.
the wrong person.”
US$ 2,360 billion in 2003. The UK
Now the project has proven to be
of Eko Investors
Venture capitalists often shy away
market is said to account for some
a massive success. In 2004, the
from investing in markets they con-
40% of the whole of the European
company earned a 174% return
sider saturated.
market, and is second only to the
from its first exit sale. This was
“Is the business going to operate
United States. Nearly every dotcom
earned over a two-year period.
hundred thousand, you would
ing that globally only 2-3% of
in a niche market? There isn't much
company was set up with venture
capital (or risk capital as it some-
hope to see that equity worth
these receive any serious considera-
point investing in a market of two
capital. Silicon Valley is almost
oping companies in HR manage-
times called) is a relatively new
three hundred thousand or more
tion. Latvia is a less developed
hundred guesthouses. Being number
entirely built on this form of
ment, financial management,
in five years time. It can be
market so currently the scope of
two hundred and one doesn't fill
financial accounting, legal aid,
interest is probably between 10
me with excitement for a project.”
and 20 per cent.
Viesturs also believes that the poten-
A huge amount of western capital is
tial client's business plan should
looking to “land somewhere”, and
venture capitalists carefully screen
show capability. Is it explained in
Latvia's vibrant economy more than
Viesturs, “Our biggest asset is the
the technical and business merits of
a suitable manner? If the project
fits the bill. For the moment, many
team members of the company.
the proposed company. But often an
looks like getting the red light then
investors are coming to Latvia and
So the biggest risk for us would be
initial judgement can be made in
the amount of money needed has
often feeling helpless in a young,
to lose key personnel. One of the
regard to a far less tangible factor:
to be considered. Historically,
developing market. This is where
most important parts of my job is
Venture capital is money provid-
much higher than this, but let's
ed by professionals who invest in
say the global average is about
young, rapidly growing companies.
twenty per cent per annum.”
These companies are seen as hav-
Viesturs Tamuzs is the Chairman
ing the potential to develop into
of a private joint stock company,
significant economic contributors.
which was established in 2000. It is
Venture capital is often a make or
owned by local private investors.
break source of equity for start-up
So far in 2005, they have invested
more than LVL 2 million and cur-
According to Viesturs Tamuzs,
rently have 11 companies under
on an
should be
twenty five
a year
When considering an investment,
and assistance in the acquisition
of EU funding.
According to the sparkly eyed,
“I look at the guy, or the
the company’s initial investment in
companies like Eko Investors step in
constantly motivating my staff.
woman that comes to my office
a single company has varied from
and advise such investors on the
I believe you can do anything in
20,000 LVL to 500,000 LVL.
best route forward.
this world and make a profit if
Chairman of Eko Investors, the
their astute management. It operates
hoping for us to invest. The first
idea is that within five to six
solely in the Latvian market where
thing I look for is whether there is
Venture capital has been particu-
years the business should have
they have a competitive advantage
a sparkle in his or her eyes. If that
larly successful in the United States,
autumn/winter 2005/2006
The future potential is staggering.
They offer support for its devel-
Eko Investors most obvious success has been its recycling factories.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
you do things the right way.
You can always find a solution.”
Public interest has been awakened
Space fever
The Latvian Astronomical Institute
in the last couple of years by four
sky become more involved in astron-
has in many ways helped create and
lunar eclipses and one of the most
omy? The answer is to start off with
encourage a ground-swell of public
spectacular solar eclipses on record.
a telescope or a pair of binoculars.
interest in astronomical matters.
Then there were the planetary con-
This will enable you to observe
junctions with Mercury and Venus,
the galaxies and planets in much
wishing to get involved in astrono-
as well as an unusually high amount
more of their infinite glory. A stan-
my is to start off with the most
of solar activity including massive
dard high-street telescope, for exam-
obvious of man’s fascinations such
solar flares, which caused havoc with
ple, allows the amateur astronomer
as the study of the moon.
telecommunications systems.
to observe some of the more than
The Institute’s advice for those
With many new and surprising discoveries
in recent years, space, and all that goes
on outside our world, has begun to fascinate
more and more people.
a childlike appreciation of the night
Mars will be particularly dominant
in the night sky this autumn.
So how can somebody with no experience of astronomy other than
a dozen moons around Jupiter;
to marvel at Saturn’s rings.
For those wishing to take their
study of astronomy more seriously
a 90mm telescope (with a 90 mm
lens) costs around 450-600 EUR.
And better still, a reflecting telescope, which is made like a cylinder
gathers much more light, making it
a sound investment.
It is important to stress that you
should never look at the sun through
a telescope unless you have a special-
ly designed dark lens specifically for
Piscis Austrinus
autumn/winter 2005/2006
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Source: European Southern Observatory
this task. Otherwise this would almost
of our solar system, and accounts for
certainly destroy your eyes. (a stan-
99,9 per cent of the total mass pres-
dard lens would make the sun appear
ent in our solar system. Everything
dozens of times brighter than it is
that circles the sun, is held in orbit
in standard daylight.)
by the gravity of the Sun.
Many people do not realise it
takes their eyes 15-30 minutes to
get “dark-adapted”. The eyes need to
adjust to the darkness. The further
away from city lights you are, the
Spiral galaxy
Objects to look out for
in the night sky:
Moon: For newcomers it is a good
idea to start with the moon.
better. A deserted forest on a clear
Double-stars: Stars, which when
night, well away from any sign of
observed with the naked eye look
human inhabitation is perfect.
like a single star, but with binoculars
or a telescope are revealed as being
Source: Hubble Space Telescope
Asteroids: Also called planetoids or
small planets. These are made
The main asteroid belt is between
bright stars, side by side, make up
Mars and Jupiter.
Orion’s famous belt. Below the belt is
the Orion Nebula. This is what
Gravity: 10,000 times weaker than
astronomers often refer to as a “star-
the gravity of Earth.
factory” – a part of space, where new
Astronomy: the study of the
Galaxy: A system of stars, gas and
stars and planets are born at this very
moment as you read this article.
Andromeda-galaxy: Look for a “W”
dust in space, which moves around
in the night sky. This is the constel-
a common centre. From the Earth
lation, called Cassiopeia. A little to
the galaxies look like foggy objects
the right from this, is a fuzzy speck
between the stars in our own galaxy.
of light, which is the Andromeda-
Comet: A celestial object, which
Source: NASA
The Orion nebula: A gas cloud in
the constellation of Orion. Three
Universe around us.
galaxy. It is about 2.3 million light-
circles the Sun. It consists of dust,
years away, which means that the
sand and ice.
light we see today, began its journey
Light-year: The distance light trav-
Asteroid flyby
Pleiades: A group of stars.
of stone, iron and similar materials.
Asteroid Eros: Length: 34 km,
Helix nebula
two stars.
to earth when man was an ape.
els in one year. This is often used to
Constellations: The sky is divided
measure the distances in space. Light
into 88 parts, which are called con-
travels at 300,000 kms a second, or
stellations. They have such imagini-
9460 billion kilometres a year.
tive names because we think they
Milky Way: Our own Galaxy.
look like animals, gods etc.
Meteor: Also called a “falling” or
Source: NASA
“shooting” star. This is a small particle from space and is observed as
map to help you find where each
a flash of light, when it collides with
of them are to be found in the
the Earth’s atmosphere.
night sky.
Planet: A large celestial body,
which orbits a star. Our very own
sun is a star.
Planet Saturn
Try using the Gateway Riga star-
Solar System: The Sun is the centre
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Hold the card over your head
and turn it towards the correct
young man accepted the offer by bit-
most sensitive spots on our bodies.
spent a couple of hours refining the
ing off one of the cloves. The apple
The nerve endings sit side by side
art and technique of kissing. In 1863
husbands cannot kiss
then belonged to the young man
ready to receive stimulation and send
the church had had enough of the
their wives on Sundays.
and he could pass it on to any
the incoming signals to the brain's
kissing-clubs and banned them.
young woman, he wished to snog.
special department for euphoric feel-
The kissing game continued until all
ings. Kissing produces the same stim-
Paul D'Enjoy reported that even
the cloves were gone.
ulating chemical components as
though kissing was a common prac-
We can thank the Romans for the
Kissing culture
bungee jumping and amphetamine
tice in Europe, it was quite the
kiss, as we now know it. They were
usage. The component dopamine sig-
opposite in more distant and exotic
the first to kiss each other on the
nals and triggers production of the
countries. The Chinese, for example,
mouth, and had three kinds of kiss-
hormone oxytocine, which stimulates
viewed the French kiss as an act
es: Basium - between acquaintances,
the urge for cuddling. Production of
of cannibalism.
Osculum - between close friends, and
endorphins - the body's own mor-
Suavium - between two lovers.
phine- also rises when we kiss.
A New York-couple gained the
hours, 59 minutes and 27 seconds.
the tradition of kissing one another
Since the record was broken in New
on the cheeks when meeting in pub-
lent form of flu hit Rome.
are also exchanged. In addition,
York, they did not risk breaking any
lic is so widespread and time-con-
we burn 26 calories each minute.
of the peculiar laws concerning kiss-
suming that the local authorities
ing in some other US states:
have now forbidden local politicians
of the origin of this activity before
The free-spirited French met in kiss-
Roman times. One theory is that the
ing-clubs in the 18th century. In
kiss arose when pre-historic mothers
these clubs, 10 to 12 people met and
• Indiana- bearded men
must not kiss.
emotional memory.
kisses between lovers. We fear the
mortal sin. In 1439, Henry VI
tion, and since humans are equipped
kiss of a traitor, and we never for-
banned kissing in Great Britain, and
with scent glands close to the nose,
get our “first kiss”.
in 1562, kissing was introduced as a
one around them when they score.
morals of the time, sometimes there
Usually we enjoy a kiss, but once
were practical reasons for the ban.
Nearly every species of animal uses
it might be the origin of the kiss.
Early humans might have smelt each
other's scent, and then this evolved
into a nose-sniffing-greeting - Maybe
not such a implausible thought, since
the world is still populated by tribes
in a while we are disgusted by it.
Kisses could spread diseases, and
Maybe we even suffer from filema-
Henry VI tried to fight an epidemic
phobia (a fear of kissing). Under
when he introduced a kissing ban
many other animals practice this
every circumstance a kiss provokes
in England.
greeting. The nose sniffing-greeting
feelings both in those who kiss and
those who watch.
Kisses - both those in privacy and
During the 16th century, the
Domina Inn
all you need.
A whole world of service,
submerging you
of comforts. This is the kind
of hospitality that you will
find in Domina Inn Riga.
A great accomodation
with a touch
of Italian flavour.
that greet by rubbing their noses
together. Dogs, cats, horses and
was a well-known custom in India
English eagerly participated in a pop-
3500 years ago, according to
ular kissing game: An apple was
a Sanskrit text.
those in public - have survived cen-
pricked with as many cloves as it
turies of varying popularity.
could hold, and a young woman car-
originates from human fantasy. Our
Changing times and governments
ried the apple around the market
forefathers believed that they passed
have viewed the kiss as anything
until she found a young man she
a part of their soul into another per-
from natural to threatening to socie-
wanted to kiss. By offering him the
son when they kissed.
ty. This is reflected in European his-
apple, she offered a kiss, and the
autumn/winter 2005/2006
While some Americans are prudish
Saliva and any left over bits of food
scent to send and receive informa-
Sometimes the causes of prohibi-
on a train.
exchange 278 calories of bacteria.
Catholic said that the kiss was a
tions could be explained by the
• Wisconsin- illegal to kiss
every form of kissing when a viru-
uptight family kisses and passionate
babies, and football players kiss every-
to kiss in front of a church.
that Emperor Tiberius had to ban
Thomas Aquinas, an influential
of their homeland, politicians kiss
• Boston, Massachusetts- illegal
getting in on the act. In Moscow,
We exchange innocent baby-kisses,
crime punishable by death in Nepal.
3 minutes is a crime.
2003. They slobbered away for 30
mouth, and the kiss stayed in man's
Homecoming-sons kiss the ground
• Tulsa, Oklahoma- more than
During a kiss we, on average,
fed their children through their
In 1562,
as a crime
by death
in Nepal
than one second are illegal.
about kissing, even the Russians are
It is hard to find historical proof
tory: During the 13th century
• Baltimore- kisses that last more
world record for the longest kiss in
In fact, the Romans kissed so much
It's done 46 times in the bible,
in Connecticut it's prohibited on Sundays, and most of us
want to turn our heads to the right when we do it.
In 1897, the French anthropologist
• Hartford, Connecticut-
A third possibility is that the kiss
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Lips and tongues are two of the
Domina Inn Hotels is part of Domina Hotel Group
from kissing each other on the
cheeks when they meet.
Keeping House
Picture (from left):
1: Bang & Olufsen
ney would eventually take them and
and stereo radio appeared in almost
played with as much pride as a Dale
advertising 1939
the world.
way to the bathroom. It was now
Chihuily glass sculpture or a rare
During this time, the Bauhaus
possible for music to be piped into
ink-sketch by Picasso.
movement was at the forefront of
different parts of the home, the cur-
And as much as the audio-visual
the consciousness of the (Western)
tains drawn and lights dimmed, all
technology continues to astonish and
architecture, founded by Walter
controlled from a single remote unit.
delight, the past remains very much
Undoubtedly, these were momen-
an integral part of a B&O product.
2: BeoVision 3500
colour TV
It isn't always easy to turn 80 in great shape.
So let the smooth contours of Bang & Olufsen guide you through an increadible journey,
as it keeps pace with the changing dynamics of the home while turning 80 this year.
By Daven Wu
Grobius, Bauhaus was revolutionary
3: Interior from the
40th's (1940)
4: BeoVision 7 TV,
BeoSound 9000
for its daring combination of pure
tous shifts. And they continue.
And herein lies the true test of good
arts with crafts.
Throughout the period, the engineers
design - that it can still look as good
and designers at B&O kept pace with
today as it did 30, 40 years ago.
Radically for its time, the school
took the view that design not only
social and architectual developments
reflected society, it could actually
in society, and more importantly,
further than such classics as the B&O
BeoLab 1 - loud-
help improve it. Characterised by an
within the home itself.
BeoLit 400 radio (1970), steamlined
economy of form, rigorous geometry
audio system,
BeoLab 6000 and
Gold Rush was a global hit and
From a human viewpoint, eight
George Bernard Shaw - the legendary
decades is a long time - a touch
English playwright who wrote
over three generations.
A little perspective may be helpful.
Eighty years ago, in 1925, the Great
War was still a fresh memory and
Pygmalion, upon which the musical
play My Fair Lady was based - won
the Nobel Prize for Literature.
In the same year, in the little
with a gentle curve for the new mil-
and design that took into account
casts an eye over the entire history
lennium as the sleek BeoSound 1. Or
materials employed, Bauhaus was a
of its products, it is easy to see how
perhaps the graceful BeoVision 3500
philosophy that dovetailed so neatly
the designers of B&O were in tune
(1974), its rugged lines and iconis
with B&O.
wih the extraordinary times and
trumpet foot, echoed in today's
architectual movements happening
BeoVision 6.
Architecture in 1930s was dominat-
Picture (from left):
In that sense, especially when one
In this regards, we need look no
ed by such titans as Ludwig Mies
around them. Indeed, in line with
These are not haphazard coinci-
van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright,
the clear-headed Bauhaus aesthetic,
dences. Rather, they reflect a time-
Antonin Gaudi and Danish architect
inspiration for many of B&O's
honoured tradition within B&O to
Arne Jacobsen. Their influences were
designs came from the times. Marcel
create products that stand out from
clearly felt in the home as interior
Breuer's elegant desk chair, for exam-
their peers and stand the rest of
decor showed off the maturing and
ple, provided the inspiration for the
time. In design and choise of materi-
1: Peter Bang and
enterprising men - 25-year-old Peter
evolving signs of stylised design,
B&O Hyperbo 5 RG Steel grama-
als, the guiding principle - first laid
Svend Olufsen
Bang and his friend Svend Olufsen -
whether it was the high-backed Art
phone; while the muscular lines and
down by Peter Bang and Svend
made the momentous decision to
Deco chairs or the liberal use of slate
scale of the instrument panels of the
Olufsen 80 years ago - has always
form Bang & Olufsen.
walls to create textual flourishes
Buick Y eventually inspired the
been to fuse functional magic with
above the fireplace.
speaker grilles of the B&O Beolit 39,
form and design.
2: The main
B&O building
summer 1944
The business was originally dedicated new fangled craze called the
Radio technology has advanced to
Detroit radio.
This is why each product leaves the
radio. No one, least of all the two
a degree where radio sets were not
More to the point, the products
factory bearing its name with pride:
silent film ruled the silver screens.
Danish family estate of Quistrup in a
your founding partners, could have
much more compact and portable
are so beautifully designed that they
the best of the best, both in respect
That year, Charlie Chaplin's The
remote part of Denmark, two young
imagined the path that their jour-
than a few decades ago. A television
can double as objects d'art, to be dis-
of the interior and the exterior.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
autumn/winter 2005/2006
standards that are sought after in
that the average person in Latvia
any top, vibrant European city.
lives in just 25m2 - well below that
of other EU member states.
Currently Balsts, one of Latvia's
Latvia's real estate market contains
premier real estate companies, is
Real estate
selling between 50-75 new project
few obstacles to foreign buyers and is
apartments each month. This
more straight-forward than in many
includes 15-20 in the EUR 100 mil-
western European countries. An indi-
lion Panorama Plaza project.
vidual wishing to purchase a flat
This project represents a multi-
at Panorama Plaza, for example, will
functional complex of buildings with
pay an initial 2000-3000 EUR -reser-
all the necessary facilities for mod-
vation agreement. After 10 days they
ern living. On completion there will
are required to pay the first down
be two thirty-storey central towers,
payment of 10%. On completion
and two lateral twenty five-storey
of the first tower the title deeds and
buildings totalling 636 flats. These
keys for a fully furnished flat are
will be complemented by parking
handed over and a purchase agree-
for 873 cars, a trade centre, a shop-
ment signed.
ping gallery, office buildings and
a recreational centre.
The real estate market in Latvia continues to boom.
Over the last seven years, prices for flats and houses
have risen between 300-800%.
Aivars Balodis, Member of the Board
“It will be like a city in a city.
of the project developer SIA Latmes Building,
average salary/m price of property.
It is an independent area not influ-
Kaspars Millersons, SIA Balsts Sales Expert,
Prospective foreign investors may
enced by other projects.” Aivars
and financial consultant of the project Gints Treijs
Balodis explains. “We want to create
at the Panorama Plaza model.
According to Aivars Balodis,
the Soviet-built suburbs to new
Member of the Board of the Mesa
construction group, “The speed is
The current trend is very much
remarkable. The demand for busi-
towards new projects with a large
ness premises considerably outstrips
number of buyers keen to invest in
supply. The extremely favourable
purpose-built complexes, many of
mortgage financing now available
which are fitted out to include all
from the banks means the average
the mod cons and interior design
a multifunctional
complex of
with all the
for modern
Residents of Panorama Plaza will not
the lowest they've ever been, at
only live in a modern, state of-the-
approximately 4-5%.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
the prime holiday-destination
but many factors other than favour-
in the whole of the Soviet
economy account for this.
Many people point to Latvia's
Union up to independence.
• Vecriga - a UNESCO
World Heritage Site.
Although it's true that the growth
geographical land-bridge between
• The Central district of Riga -
a new district, which will have
in real estate values is not expected
Russia and the European Union.
this whole area is recognised
24-hour security including micro-
to match that of the late 90's, there
Also, thousands of Latvians now
as having some of the finest
chip entry, patrols and constant
is no sign that “the bubble is about
own second houses and significant
Art Nouveau buildings
CCTV monitoring.”
to burst”. Indeed, analysts still
tracts of land in the countryside,
in the world.
expect a 15-20% rise across the
which belonged to their families
board over the next couple of years.
prior to the Soviet occupation, and
art complex. They will live in
The sale of flats in the first block
is nearly completed. As soon as
apartments in the second tower
The average price of commercial
• Mezaparks - the affluent
“green area” of the capital city.
are now once again legally theirs
were offered for sale, thirty were
real estate in Riga is 1300 EUR/m .
immediately snapped up. Currently,
It is believed that within 10 years
Thousands of individuals who
20% of the investors are foreigners.
salaries in Latvia will be on a par
“didn't have two pennies to rub
so much land available for develop-
For every thirty flats that are
with those of its European counter-
together” several years ago have
ment that doesn't exist in other
sold, the corresponding offer price is
parts. This does suggest that the
chosen to sell their land for tens or
areas of the city.
increased by 3-7%. This has already
market still has the potential for
hundreds of thousands of Lats and
happened five times since the initial
substantial growth.
now find themselves as part of the
sale in February this year. The banks
• Jurmala - traditionally
find this troubling and unsustainable,
able interest rates and a booming
an oasis Riga has never seen before.
family can afford to move from
The premier locations
in and around Riga are:
Outstanding mortgage loans are
following independence.
Pardaugava is an increasingly
sought after area because there is
In the case of Panorama Plaza,
burgeoning, newly-affluent upper
its location on one of the main
middle class.
road arteries into the city together
do not welcome property specula-
calculated to be about 51% of GDP
tors, and there is a purchase ceiling
across the EU. This figure is current-
of five flats per individual.
ly less than 10% in Latvia and is
corruption and the black economy
centre of Riga, and the resort
The current annual increase
expected to rise to 40% in the next
have also contributed to the surging
of Jurmala suggest that this area
across Riga is around 20-25%, at
seven years. Figures out this month
prices and booming real estate mar-
of Riga will experience a big
a time when interest rates are
put Riga ahead of London in the
ket, it must also be pointed out
increase in future property values.
And while millions of Lats from
autumn/winter 2005/2006
with its proximity to the airport,
week to the present destinations."
airBaltic is also building up Riga
Not only is airBaltic showing the way for air transportation
in the Baltic area, the airline is also showing the way to
its mother company SAS and all the other
networking European airlines.
President of the airline: "We repre-
International Airport as a transfer
flights to those cities to four flights
sent a blend of the best practices
point, both between east and west,
weekly to Odessa and daily flights to
taken from traditional airlines and
but also since together with Estonian
Kiev, except Saturday."
low-cost carriers as our model is
and transfer traffic. Our top priorities
airBaltic is connecting each capital
training process. In 2004 alone,
are safety, punctuality and service on
three times daily. airBaltic, which has
airBaltic went from one Boeing 737 to
prices that are competitive not only
a market share of more than 40 per
seven Boeing 737s, and beyond this
with other airlines, but also with the
Just recently the owner of airBaltic,
cent in Riga International Airport,
type it also has seven 50-seat Fokker
price of a bus, car, train or ferry."
Scandinavian Airlines, took up the
was the first airline to fly to Milan,
50s. airBaltic now offers 80 per cent
initiative of airBaltic from two years
Manchester, Dublin and Barcelona.
more seat-kilometres than a year ago,
Internet bookings. While other tradi-
ago - a pricing structure with a one-
And new exciting destinations are on
but the airline keeps putting more
tional airlines have a goal of making
way ticket concept, where the price
the map. Bertolt Flick: "We have to
passengers on seats. The percentage of
40 per cent bookings via the Internet
of tickets depends directly on
find new industrial and financial cen-
passengers on each flight grew from
with half on their own websites and
demand. If you are lucky and in
tres to the east of us, in our
55 per cent in 2004 to 67 per cent
half on travel agents' websites,
good time, you will be able to trav-
neighouring countries that are grow-
in 2005. The next step made in
airBaltic has already passed this num-
el to and from several European
ing as fast as the new members of
September was to open the first
ber on its own website. More than
destinations for one single Latvian
the EU, and destinations that need
domestic route. The route goes from
40 per cent of passengers book their
lat (EUR 1.40) excluding taxes. But
infrastructure between them and the
Liepaja to Riga four times a week and
flights on and
usually the prices are around EUR
West. Like now, where just one
is the first domestic flight within the
30 per cent of passengers travel
50-70 including everything for an
month after starting our new destina-
borders of Latvia in 20 years.
pricing structure sent the amount of
airline passengers to and from Riga
(and now also to and from Vilnius,
Lithuania) skyrocketing.
airBaltic can look back on no less
than 100,000 passengers a month
(330,000 total in 2003) travelling from
Riga to 26 direct destinations and
from Vilnius to 11 direct destinations.
President Bertolt Flick: "We will
reach more than one million passengers now in 2005, but we now have
to decide on a new strategy. The
question in the future is whether to
introduce new destinations or consolidate the present destinations. We
know that our passengers are not satisfied with two or three weekly flights
to the destinations. We need to fly 67 times weekly to really have the possible growth in these markets. But
there will be more new destinations in
the future, and also more flights each
autumn/winter 2005/2006
based on both point-to-point service
also meant extra emphasis on the
to European destinations. This new
The development of the airline has
one of the Baltic capitals now that
advanced booking one-way ticket
will reach
more than
one million
in 2005
Günter Sollinger, Senior Vice
we are increasing the number of
Air, more routes can be served from
showing the way
tions in Ukraine to Kiev and Odessa
airBaltic is also in the top class for
Photo: Latvijas Pasts archive
Stamp issues in 2005:
10th September
Latvian Literature - Rainis
24th September
Bridges of Latvia
8th October
Lighthouses of Latvia
22nd October
“The champion of liberty”
5th November
Palaces of Latvia
Latvia in miniature
Stamps are a great marketing tool. Illustrations of famous Latvian writers,
painters and poets end up in post boxes in the four-corners of the world.
Symbols of Latvian national identity arrive each day
in places as diverse as Uzbekistan and Peru.
On 19th October 1991, after a break
There are 22-25 new designs on
Birini Palace is one of
the best-preserved palaces in Latvia,
and the finest example of neogothic semi-circular architecture
in the country. It was built during
the reign of Count Augustus
Von Pistolkorss. Today, the handsome building doubles up as
G.Astra -
name appears on each stamp.
objects in Latvia. It is also the first
self-sticking stamp issued in the
of 50 years, the Latvian Postal
average each year. Each stamp has a
country. The postal service is keep-
Service issued a set of eight stamps.
total circulation of between 30,000
ing the details of the next stamp in
Since the declaration of independ-
and 1.5 million copies. During
the series close to its chest, but
ence, more than 350 stamps have
Christmas time approximately 4 mil-
been issued. The first postage stamp
George Armisted,
the Scottish mayor of Riga, built
Jaunmoku Pils in 1901 to celebrate
26th November
the 700th anniversary of Riga.
After World War II the palace
3rd December (3 stamps)
served as an office, a shop, apart-
ments and even a cinema. It cele-
Artist Arta Ozola-Jaunaraja has
helped design drawings for postage
brated its 100-year anniversary in
stamps featuring Latvian national cos-
2001. The Kaive Oak is just a few
kilometres away.
should understand how he or she
Stamp illustrations
and descriptions
would like to present Latvia in minia-
Castles and palaces
Jelgavas Pils. It was issued in August
tume. According to Arta, the artist
4 million
are sold
an upmarket hotel.
ture. She believes it is important for
Constructed in 1301,
This stamp features
2000, whilst the first day booklet
the artist to take into account the
Jaunpils Palace has been the prop-
commemorated the participation
whole structure of the stamp, as both
erty of the Republic of Latvia since
of Latvia Post at the 2000 Helsinki
the picture and text should be co-ordi-
1919. The fortress is surrounded by
stamp fair. Jelgava Palace was
nated. Although it should be visibly
water on three sides. The hill on
designed by Rastrelli. Louis XVIII
appealing, the stamp also serves as a
which the palace stands is actually
of France spent much of his exile
source of information about Latvia.
artificial. One interesting feature of
here, and members of the Tsar's
Before the dawn of computer tech-
the palace is several stones that jut
family also stayed at the palace.
don't be surprised to see stamps fea-
nology artists used to draw a postage
out from the walls. These mark the
lion Latvian stamps are sold.
turing famous Latvian caves, stones
stamp three times bigger than its
exact places of death of construc-
est palace. It was built by Rastrelli,
to ever be issued in Latvia was
Annually this figure is between 10-
and swamps in the future.
actual size, before submitting these
tion workers and have been left as
the architect responsible for Russia's
a picture of the sun in December
16 million circulated stamps.
drawings to printing houses.
a permanent act of respect.
Winter Palace. It is arguably one
Kaive secular old oak tree
1918. The proud author of the
There are currently more than
stamp was painter Ansis Cirulis.
2,000 subscribers for first day covers
Face value - 0.15LVL
and stamps - many of these requests
Author - Ingus Sabulis
designers and artists who regularly
coming from abroad. However,
Date of Issue - June 11th, 2005.
work together with the Latvian
booklets usually prove to be more
Postal Service. These are people who
popular than first day covers. Unlike
the whole of Northern and Eastern
specialise in certain details such as
some countries, Latvia does not
Europe. Once upon a time, the
sport or technical drawing.
issue one-off topic sets.
oak's girth was 70 metres, and it
There are about seven or eight
The postal service discusses its ideas
The latest issue of stamps includes
This is the largest oak tree in
stood 70 metres tall. However, the
with these designers, and famous
an illustration of a 1000-year old
ancient tree felt the full wrath of
artists are asked to offer their ideas.
oak tree (Kaives dizozols), which has
nature when it was struck by light-
stood for more than a millennium
ning in the 1920's. In 1990, half of
makes the final decision before the
in what is now the Latvian town of
the oak's branches came crashing
stamps are then designed and minted.
Kaive. It is the first stamp in a new
down to earth. Despite all this, the
As an act of recognition, the artist's
series, which features protected
resilient oak continues to grow.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
The Stamp Advisory Committee
Rundale is Latvia's grand-
domed building is the largest com-
series. The foundations of the
munity and spiritual centre of its
Dome Cathedral date back to ten
kind in the world.
years after the founding of Riga
in 1201. The original tower was
October 2002. 230,010 copies
the tallest in Europe until 1775.
Dome cathedral is the biggest
Krimulda church was
built on the Pagan land of Liv
chief Kaupo. This stamp celebrates
Baznica, which has been included
in Riga. The synagogue's sacred
in the list of national protected
scrolls were hidden during the
monuments since 1930.
Second World War. Riga's other
synagogues were burned to the
March 2005. 300,000 copies.
ground during the Nazi occupation.
Issued in November
of postage stamps and Latvian
as a planetarium. It was built
postal stationery is available from
between 1876-84.
the Philatelic Service of Latvia.
an entirely personal style, which is
er for the Riga film studio. Before
Europe. Issued in September 2000,
characterised by simplicity, synthesis,
his death in 1944, he also founded
8000 booklets of 6 stamps were
and even the distortion of forms.
a chinaware-painting workshop and
built around 1225, when it was
issued to commemorate the Latvian
More than 40 of his oil paintings
ran his own private art studio.
the focal point of a new suburb,
post Office's participation at
are kept at the Latvian State
This stamp, issued in January 2004,
which was being built in Riga.
the Copenhagen forum in 1999.
Museum of Fine Arts. “Refugees”
features his painting, “Still life with
According to legend, its bell rang
was finished in 1917.
a triangular ruler.”
Cesvaines Pils is north-
east of Madona. It is a sometimes-
Janis Rozentals is regard-
“When the forest wakes”
bizarre mix of architectural styles
ed by many as Latvia's greatest
by Vilhelms Purvitis (1872-1945).
and also contains the remains of
painter. He was one of the first
The oil painting was completed
the 14th century Bishop of Riga's
artists who attempted to accurately
in 1930. The stamp was issued
castle. 5000 booklets, each contain-
reflect the life of ordinary people
in February 2001.
ing 6 stamps, were issued
in Latvia. Rozentals was the direc-
in October 2001.
tor of the National Art Gallery
“In the studio of the painter”.
from 1919 until the end of the
The oil painting dates back to 1896.
Second World War. “Mother with
Painter Jekabs Kazaks was
Janis Rozentals,
Julijs Feders, “Perse”.
Since the
of independence,
more than
have been
This was the first stamp
every time an unfaithful wife
passed by it. Aside from warning
the public of female infidelity its
more practical use was as an alarm
in the case of fires or floods.
The church's 96-metre spire was
rebuilt in 1756, while its Baroque
organ dates from 1763.
August 2004. 90, 000 copies.
Riga Grebenschikov Old
child” was painted in 1904,
Issued in October 1999, the stamp
and is a portrait of his wife Elli,
mistakenly presents the mirror
Belief Praying House is situated
he was influenced by impressionism,
and their oldest daughter Laila.
image of the painting.
in the Maskava district of Riga.
The 15 Centimes stamp is taken
In 1823 the church was named
from the 1890 oil painting.
after the merchant Alexey Petrovich
Born in 1896, near Cesis,
and modern French painters. Many
Romans Suta was one of the lead-
of his paintings reflect the everyday
ing promoters and pioneers of
life of refugees. Kazaks adopted
modernism in Latvia. As well as
the room”. Niklavs Strunke's 1926
much of his wealth to the needs
elements of early Latvian modernism
painting, Suta was a graphic artist,
oil painting was issued as a stamp
of the old belief community.
and transformed them into
an art critique and a stage produc-
in January 2003.
At present, this magnificent gilt-
autumn/winter 2005/2006
“Person entering
St. Jacob's Cathedral was
born in 1895. Early in his career
and later by west European masters
A specialised catalogue
the Orthodox Cathedral was used
issued in the Churches of Latvia
of the most outstanding palaces in
Riga synagogue. This is
the only remaining synagogue
2000. During Soviet times,
the 800th anniversary of Krimuldas
church in the Baltic States.
Grebenschikov, who contributed
autumn/winter 2005/2006
The Baltic Caribbean
Jurmala’s Livu Akvaparks in LATVIA is a world class resort
offering first class facilities and fun for all the family
Livu Aquapark is split into four zones, where visitors
can choose from attractions and amusements depending
on age, interests and temperament, which are accessible
all year.
Captain Kids Land
Tropical Forest
Captain Kids Land is the zone meant for the very
The Tropical Forest aquapark zone is most appropri-
smallest aquapark visitors. Its centrepiece is an
Aqua park
in Northen
is open
all year
For pleasure and contrast seekers Shark Attack Zone
Paradise Beach
The third aquapark zone, Paradise Beach, is meant
The fourth zone, Shark Attack zone, is meant for
for those who favour ocean waves and recreation
grown-ups who wish to have fun as well as relaxation.
at the coast. Almost the entire Paradise Beach territory
Next to the Bahama pool is a bar, where drinks can be
is taken up by the Caribbean wave pool. The artificial
purchased without leaving the water. After a swim,
ate for youths. Located here are four pools, slides into
authentic pirate ship replica with water cannons.
wave generating system can create waves up to 1.5m
it's possible to visit the sunbed, jacuzzi massage pool
the Silver mines and Duke Jacob's bridge, which leads
This zone also houses the Lemon, Banana and Rope
high. This zone also houses a lighthouse from where
and various saunas. This zone also houses heated
to the adjoining Captain Kid Land. Tropical Forest
bridges, Bird rock and Monte Cristo grotto.
you can survey the entire aquapark territory.
pools under open skies, popular with genuine water
houses the Tornado lāsēns, which is the world's third
But its largest attraction is the Orinoco River and
In the Cambazola bar you can also savour various
enthusiasts. Pleasure and enjoyment should be sought
largest and the only one of its kind in Europe.
summer beach.
snacks and cheese varieties.
right here - in the Shark Attack zone!
autumn/winter 2005/2006
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Vilhelms Purvitis:
“Spring Landscape”
1930 oil painting.
Janis Pauluks:
“Felicity with a
magazine” 1945 oil
The National Gallery
celebrates 100 years ...
The Latvian National Art Gallery is celebrating
its 100th anniversary. Built in 1905, it has the proud
distinction of being the first art museum in the Baltics.
permanent exhibitions running for the
the Rizzoni brothers. Traits of
after 1919, when Vilhelms Purvitis -
same period of time. These feature:
Classicism, Romanticism and
• Latvian art from the end
painter- became the building's direc-
of the 19th century
tor. As well as displaying his own
to the mid-20th century:
art, he began buying and collecting
The contributions of the old mas-
Latvian and western European art
ters: Vilhelms Purvitis, Janis
right up until the end of world
Rozentals and Janis Valters were
war II. Today, the museum has
vital to the formation of a nation-
52,000 items in its collection.
al school at the turn of the 19th
Arsenals will host an exhibition
century. The 1920's and 30's will
featuring contemporary art from the
be of particular interest due to the
last decades of the 20th century.
diversity in Latvian painting during
Much of the work deals with social
those decades.
Biedermeier art can be found in the
artists' work.
• Russian painting:
This collection of Russian paintings is
the finest in the Baltic States. Visitors
the museum
items in its
will be especially interested in the
collection of work by Nikolai and
Svyatoslav Roerich. The Roerich
Society is alive and well in Latvia.
Between 17th September and
27th November a two-month exhi-
• Baltic art exhibition features
bition features photos and text
by Latvia's best known masters
pan-Baltic art from the 18th
documenting the history of the
including Janis Pauluks and Rudolfs
century to the beginning
National Art Gallery during the
Pinnis, as well as many current day
of the 20th century:
past 100 years. Photos include
realism. The collection contains work
painters such as Ieva Iltnere and
In order to broaden the overview of
Soviet and German tanks rolling
Girts Muiznieks. The permanent exhi-
Latvian art, and to give an insight
past the building. There's Lenin's
bition, which began on the 14th
into the environment in which
statue on the stairway, and photos
September, will run for ten months
Latvian art developed, visitors are
of the same statue being removed
until the 30th July next year.
offered the opportunity to view work
after independence.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Dream Factory, Lacplesa St. 101, Riga,
tel. 7291701
Mon 12 - Concert by the French music project
“Nouvelle Vague”. The program will include
cover versions of the most popular British songs.
Grecinieku St. 18, Riga, tel. 7228985
Tue 1 - Wed 30 - Folk Applied Arts
exhibition by the members of artistically leather
decoration studios with their works created
from 2002 to 2005.
Kipsala Hall, Kipsalas 8, Riga, tel. 7067501
Fri 9 - 20:00 - Outstanding salsa and disco night
with the participation of world known artists
such as Afric Simone, The Gibson Brothers and
Chris Norman
Various locations, tel. 7221732
Thu 13 - Sun 16 - International Festival
of Music Traditions
Kipsala Hall, Kipsalas 8, Riga, tel. 7067501
Fri 4 - Mon 7 - International exhibition, forum,
competitions, workshops,
master classes and conferences within
international Baltic Beauty Festival.
Blackheads House, Ratslaukums 1, Riga,
tel. 7205444
Sat 10 - 19:00 - Viva Mozart - Piano music
concert by Muza Rubackyte (France)
Latvian National Opera, Aspazijas Blv. 3, Riga,
tel. 7073777
Fri 16 - 19:00 - For the first time in Riga concert
by the famous vocal ensemble with
great traditions and history.
Kipsala Hall, Kipsalas 8, Riga, tel. 7067501
Thu 13 - Concert by famous composer,
guitarist and singer Steve Vai (U.S.A.)
Fri 14 - Thu 20 - International film festival with
the participants from Ireland, Denmark, Finland,
Norway and Sweden.
Brivibas St. 440, Riga, tel. 7994106
Sun 23 - Spirits of the Dead Night featuring
folkloregroup “Skandenieki”
Kipsala Hall, Kipsalas 8, Riga, tel. 7067501
Tue 25 - Concert by Goran Bregovich and
his Wedding and Funeral Orchestra, where
he will present his new concert program with
the participation of male choir and string
quartet from Serbia.
The gallery really established itself
arguably Latvia's most renowned
by the likes of Heubel, Grune and
The National Art Gallery has three
Kipsala Hall, Kipsalas 8, Riga, tel. 7067501
Sat 29 -Sun 30 - Grandiose two-day
non-stop music event.
Dream Factory
Lacplesa St. 101, Riga, tel. 7291701
Sat 29 - 22:00 - Cuban dance and music
spectacular that interweaves the history
of the revolution with the history of Cuban
Music and Dance. A hot and raunchy
performance by Cuba's hottest dancers
and musicians.
Riga Congress Hall, Kr. Valdemara St. 5, Riga,
tel. 7043678
Fri 4 - 20:00 - Five hundred of the best, most
surprising, funniest and creative
advertisements from all around the world will
be screened at the annual
Night of Ad Eaters.
Various locations, tel. 7228985
Mon 7 - Wed 9 Contemporary folk-music festival.
Great Guild, Amatu St. 6, Riga, tel. 7213643
Wed 19 - 19:00 - Concert by guitar duo Katona
Twins (Hungary)
Latvian National Opera, Aspazijas Blv. 3, Riga,
tel. 7073777
Tue 29 - Wed 30 - Premiere concert by the legendary jazz vocal ensemble The Swingle
Singers (U.S.A.)
Ethnographic Open Air Museum,
Brivibas gatve 440, Riga, tel. 7994510
Mon 26 - Annual Christmas fair with various
entertaining activities, competions, concerts
and workshops.
Various locations in Riga and Latvia,
tel. 7067501
Jan 1 - Entertaining activities and performances
for children and adults during the celebration
of the first day of the New Year.
Various locations, tel. 7043651
Jan - Annual international music festival with
the participation of various classic, jazz, sacred,
chamber and instrumental music artists from
Latvia, Russia and Europe
Kino Riga, Elizabetes 61, Riga, tel. 7205489
Jan - Winter concerts, opera and theater
performances for school youth and adults.
Kipsala Hall, Kipsalas 8, Riga, tel. 7067501
Fri 27 - Sun 29 - International trade show and
exhibition on general automobile, automotive
engineering and sports.
Vairak Saules
of the atmosphere, service -and
That’s certainly true of Tower
Enjoy a roast beef salad, pasta
of course- your comfort and pleasure.
Voodoo Casino, which provides
with seafood, pizza Focaccia or
Vairak Saules is a place where
excellent entertainment
a tasty grill plate. Vairak Saules is
the sun smiles down on you as soon
in a 24-hour casino with
a cosy place to meet friends or
as you step though the door.
professional staff and a fascinating
spend a pleasant time with your
family. Delicious meals in relaxed
surroundings with smooth back-
African-style interior. Try your luck
Audeju iela 8, Riga, tel +371 7814960
Dzirnavu iela 60, Riga, tel +371 7282878
at American Roulette, Black Jack,
Jomas iela 47/49, Jurmala, Latvia
tel + 371 7784400, fax + 371 7784411 |
Poker, Six-Card Poker and
ground music. We will take care
the latest novelty – the first
Touch-Bet Roulette in the Baltic
Steak House
date slot machines.
Probably the best
New! OPTIBET sports betting.
steak house in
Latvia, Steak
House Dome is
cozy, yet elegant
and located right
next to Dome Square. Select from
a wide range of wines and other
beverages to accompany your
choice of dining. Live music adds
to the atmosphere on Tuesdays to
Saturdays – as does the open-air
terrace in summer. Air-conditioned
interior and friendly staff.
Smilsu iela 2, Riga, tel +371 7320037
Hot Spots features
the best
clubs and
in Riga
They say the origins of voodoo
Bet on your favorite sports
can be found in a West African
word meaning "spirit".
Elizabetes iela 55 (Reval Hotel Latvija), Riga
tel +371 7772285,
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 7770900, fax +371 7770940 |
I Love You loves its customers and its
bar, restaurant and place to hang
customers love I Love You. Whether
network Klondaika presents multiple
feel at home no matter whether
The entertainment and recreation
special care to make every visitor
out, because it’s sarkans (Latvian for
it’s breakfast, an evening beer with
entertainment opportunities for dif-
the person visits this place for
"red") from top to bottom. It’s red-
your friends or Sunday brunch with
ferent people with different tastes -
the first or the tenth time.
hot addictive, from the long bar
your sweetheart, you’ll feel right at
billiards, darts, air hockey,
Klondaika is the right place for
downstairs to the chill-out lounges
home. Order a cocktail, sink into one
minibowling, dozens bars,
exciting entertainment and making
upstairs. There’s room here to meet
of the sofas downstairs and forget
gambling machines, bonus systems.
new friends. You will never be
everyone who’s anyone. Oh, and
your worries. And if you care about
We have five TEX-MEX restaurants
bored and that's why we invite you
don’t forget to try the Sarkans sand-
I Love You
music, then I Love You is spot on –
with Mexican cuisine, bowling in
to enjoy life and taste the excite-
wich and its delicious fillings… Book
Discover this little gem tucked
no pop here, just quality, intelligent
Daugavpils and casino Klondaika
ment of the game together with
alternative sounds!
in Riga. The Games Shop Klondaika
away in one of the cobbled streets so
Charles. Strange name for a café, you
may say – not really. Step inside and
pretty soon you realise that
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Skolas iela 11, Riga, LV 1010, Latvija
tel +371 7289823, fax + 371 7287658 |
is the only specialized gambling
admired on a recent visit by Prince
Stabu iela 10, Riga, tel +371 7272286
Audeju iela 1, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 7226441, fax +371 503280 |
with! You can’t miss this popular
ahead to reserve a table for dinner.
Klondaika - the place
for exciting recreation
They say that this is the place to
fall in love – and to fall in love
Tower Voodoo Casino
states – as well as the most up-to-
Aldaru iela 9, Riga, tel +371 7225304
games shop in Latvia, where you
can rent or buy different equipment
for gambling games. Klondaika takes
Dzirnavu 59, Riga, tel +371 7271530
Slokas iela 1, LV-1048, Riga, Latvija
tel +371 7069000, fax +371 7069001 |
Start your journey back to
medieval times in the heart of Old
Andalūzijas Suns
(A. Suns)
If you want to meet your girlfriend
A. Suns is very good place to
come to the Flying Frog.
Riga in Latvia.
If you want to meet your business
Relax in the glimmering lights
partner come to the Flying Frog.
of candles. Try the favourite
If you want to meet your friends
dishes and drinks of King Philip I,
come to the Flying Frog.
Duke Charles of Burgundy and
Otherwise, just come here and
enjoy international cuisine including
Paddy Whelan's
Irish Pub & Sports Bar
TEX-MEX. As well as an extensive
Established in 1994! - The first and
lunch dishes offered each day
menu, there are also lots of tempting
still the number one Irish pub in Riga.
between 12.00 and 17.00. Just to
Located in the very heart of the Old
keep you on your toes, this changes
the Ancient Wall and the Old
relax next to the cosy fireplace,
Town it features very friendly staff and
every two weeks. P.S. Sincerly yours,
Well whispering the secrets of the
in the quiet centre of Riga.
offers superb food, served all day long
A. Suns staff.
P.S. Watch out frogs!
till after midnight. Great prices, 18 dif-
Order of the Knights Templars.
Find your medieval treasure.
Elizabetes iela 31a, Riga
tel +371 7327784, +371 6429592
Find your philosopher’s stone.
Find your Grail.
Rozena iela 1, Riga, tel/fax +371 7224748
ferent kinds of local and imported beer
Kaleju iela 9/11, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 7087501, fax +371 7087515 |
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga
tel +371 7288418, +371 9234589
& cider on tap, and a wide choice
Otto Schwarz
of wines and spirits. From time to time
Someone once said, “there are
it is possible to enjoy live music in
some restaurants which are so unique
a relaxed, kicked back atmosphere.
that they become legendary and part
All major SKY Sports and other satellite
of history”. As you gaze over one of
sporting events shown live on a large
the most extensive wine lists in the
screen, numerous flat screens and TV.
Baltics, be sure to enjoy the fantastic
views of the Freedom Monument
Grecinieku iela 4, Riga,
Tel office +371 7210 249,
1st floor +371 7210 150, 2nd floor +371 7210 254
and the park below. Restaurant Otto
Margaret of York. Listen to
Lidojošā Varde
(Flying Frog)
Dzirnavu 33, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
tel + 371 7331717, fax +371 7331718 |
Schwarz is an excellent place for busi-
ness lunches and private dinners.
Breakfast buffet
7:00 - 10:30
Our restaurant offers ample
Business lunch
12:00 - 15:00
options to meet your needs as
a guest. Impress your clients with
every working day
Live music
spectacular views of Old Riga’s
from 19:00
Kalku iela 28, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 7087600, fax +371 7087606 |
panorama and the Daugava river.
every working day
For a romantic evening, escort your
Kalku iela 28 (Hotel De Rome), Riga
tel +371 7087600
Bella Italia
date to the north end of the restau-
This restaurant is just a stone’s
rant for a candle-lit dinner, complete
throw from the Italian embassy -
with piano or string music, or just
which may account for the fine
Italian food. Italian-owned Bella Italia
We invite you to have a good
relax with the morning paper while
We offer:
you sit down to a Sunday brunch.
Mediterranean cuisine in
Open daily: 7 a.m - 11 p.m.
is split into two sections, with
time in our restaurant Sesame.
• Breakfast for guests
a pizzeria in one half of the building
You are welcomed to our buffet
• Banquet service for 60 persons
and a more formal restaurant
breakfast every morning
• “Barbeque party”
in the other. Friendly staff.
from 8.00-10.00.
• Outdoor banquets
on Italian cuisine and offers
• Dinners for groups at 6-7 Ls
"healthy options".
During the day you will find
Vagnera iela 16,
tel +371 7223587
Vienibas gatve 36,
tel +371 7149920
Open: 12-24
our classic European menu and
also a choice of Caucasian and
Central Asian cuisine.
The restaurant is conspicuous for
per person
• Any celebration according to
your wishes
a terrace in the backyard as well.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
an elegant and casual atmosphere.
Our well-balanced menu focuses
Kugu 24 (Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel), Riga
Tel +371 7061111
Reimersa iela 1, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 7324433, fax +371 7322600 |
We welcome you
Tuesday to Saturday,
6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Opening time: 12-24
its original interior. There is
Mukusalas iela 56 (Hotel Sesame), Riga
tel +371 7621347
Kugu 24 (Radisson SAS
Daugava Hotel), Riga
Tel +371 7061111
Elizabetes iela 55, Riga, LV 1010, Latvia
tel +371 7772345, fax +371 7772332 |
350 flights
to 34 destinations
the exciting future development plans
ness park with land leased to busi-
port. A rebate is offered to any air-
that we have.”
nesses and hotels. Passenger numbers
line, which generates more than
are expected to top 1.8 million this
25,000 passengers per year. And there
operates a total of 350 flights to 34
year -almost double last year's total
is a massive incentive to any airline
different destinations. The top desti-
passenger turnover. This figure is
that is able to attract upwards of
nation is London, with a 14.6%
expected to rise to 3 million within
250,000 passengers to Riga, as they
share of flights. In past years,
the next two years.
will receive a much larger rebate as
Riga International Airport currently
The 11th world route development
forum was held in Copenhagen,
in September this year.
“Routes” is a unique event
designed for maximum networking
and is an essential part of
an airport's route development year.
Some airports use Routes to main-
Welcome desk also
The majority of its work has been
dealing with accommodation requests
of this year. At a time when many
2005” held meetings over two days
international airports are increasing
in the market and the advent of low
with fifteen airlines. Ieva Veinberga
their airport charges, RIX has reduced
cost operators, it has slipped to third
was keen to emphasise that the air-
its charges, which is reflected in the
in the rankings. Stockholm is the
port wishes to welcome more and
very competitive flight ticket prices
second most popular destination with
more low cost operators to the air-
now available to/from Latvia.
already know, while others use it to
a 7.4% share of airport traffic.
offers its very own
target carriers new to them, especially
Latvia's national carrier, airBaltic,
very special exten-
airlines for which it may be hard to
has the biggest share of airport traffic
sive airport tour.
justify the cost and time of a head
with a 40% slice of the cake.
office visit.
Meanwhile, Ryanair, which is relative-
Routes depends on their objectives at
Riga International Airport's
“Welcome Desk” is becoming
increasingly popular with travellers.
This year, the welcome desk has
been inundated with requests for
information about Latvia from
tourists arriving at the airport.
RIX representatives at “Routes
destination, but with changing trends
tain their dialogue with airlines they
The size of an airport's team at
Welcome Desk
at the airport
Copenhagen was Riga's most serviced
they are currently implementing a
Riga airport
ly new to the airport, already has a
21% share of airport traffic.
the event. Routes 2005 invited 275
With more disposable cash in their
airlines, all of these wanting to talk
pockets, Latvians are travelling abroad
to the airports. New research has
more and more often. This is partic-
ticketing service that will allow cus-
shown that airlines are influenced
ularly reflected in the charter flight
tomers to purchase tickets to a wide
at “Routes 2005”
both by what an airport presents
segment, with Latvia's Latcharter
range of sporting and cultural events
held meetings with
and also by the professional way it
holding a 6% share of the total air-
of the board
puts its case over.
port traffic using Riga International
Dzintars Pomers
including the 2006 World Ice Hockey
over 15 potential
new airlines.
Riga international airport planned
Airport. British carrier, British Airways
to hold one-to-one meetings with fif-
accounts for one in every twenty of
Welcome Desk also offers its
teen airlines. They are able to choose
the airport's passengers.
own very special excursion- an
the airlines they wish to meet, baring
Championships, which will be held
in Riga.
Riga International Airport repre-
extensive airport tour. This is avail-
in mind that the more they maximise
sentatives proudly attended the
able to anybody who is interested
the opportunities presented by the
World Route Development Forum
in how a dynamic, expanding air-
conference, the more Riga
with three recent accolades under
port is operated.
International will achieve and the
their belts. It was voted the best air-
this summer. It now has contracts
Experienced guides take visitors
greater the savings to be made in
port in Europe in the 1-5 million
with dozens of hotels, and provides
through the airport's security areas,
terms of travel, time and promotional
passengers range. In September 2004,
free accommodation reservations for
explain the history of aviation in
activities over the 2005/2006 period.
it won the OAG Best Marketing
tourists and business travellers arriving
Latvia, and also provide a small bus
in Riga without any pre-bookings.
the “Best Airport”
award from
International Airport
“Best Airport”
of ACI Europe.
ness, customer service and the
increasingly high profile issue of airport security.
Riga Airport saw an 84.6% growth
in passenger numbers for the first
Roy Griffins,
Director General
retail services, environmental aware-
Riga International Airport
was honoured at the ACI Europe
Annual Congress in Munich.
The airport won the Best Airport
Award in the 1 to 5 million
passengers category.
six months of 2005 compared to
the same period last year.
The winners in the other categories were Frankfurt (> 25 million
passengers), Athens (10-25 million),
Marseilles (5-10 million) and Bosnia's
Sarajevo Airport (<1 million.)
Roy Griffins, Director General of
Future expansion plans including
Riga Airport's Airlines Marketing
award; and only last July it received
ACI Europe told the Congress that
the construction of a new hotel and
tour along the airport's tarmac;
Manager, Ieva Veinberga, spent much
a massive slap on the back when it
Riga International Airport joined
the extension of the existing termi-
Such has been the scale of tourist
explaining the intricate workings of
of the summer meticulously prepar-
was honoured as being the most
the European Union last year as
nal should ensure that Riga is suit-
numbers that very often it has been
the airport. The tour is available in
ing for the Routes conference.
punctual airport in the world.
the best - prepared airport. It is
ably prepared to handle 5 million
a case of finding a bed anywhere
English, Latvian and Russian and
the most prestigious award won
passengers a year by 2010. Ainars
rather than in the hotel bracket of
takes approximately one hour.
by the airport to date.
Slesers, the Latvian Transport
“In my presentation I will explain
There are massive expansion plans
what the strengths of Riga
in place, which couldn't fail to
International airport are. It is essen-
impress any would be airline consid-
currently open from 5am until 1am,
tial to also focus on our airport's
ering beginning operations from/to
from airport industry journalists.
port's next targets should be the
service, Welcome Desk also offers
daily. It is located in the airport's
high technical standards, our impres-
Riga. Within three years, Riga will
Europe's airports were judged on
ACI Europe award in the 5 million-
travel and transport insurance, and
arrivals terminal.
sive range of airport facilities, and
have a multi-functional airport busi-
many factors including facilities,
passenger category.
autumn/winter 2005/2006
their choice.
Riga Airport's Welcome Desk is
As well as this hotel reservation
The judging panel was drawn
autumn/winter 2005/2006
Minister believes that one of the air-
It was
seven year-old
Patricia's first ever
flight, when she
was congratulated
by the Chairman
-a figure matched in the three
month May-July period this year.
Patricia Krage, seven years old, was
the lucky one millionth passenger
who used Riga International Airport
of the Board
in 2005. She was greeted by the
Dzintars Pomers,
Chairman of the Board, Dzintars
for being the one
Pomers, before flying to Copenhagen.
millionth passenger
in 2005.
She received a suitcase and flowers
from the airport and a free return
ticket with airBaltic to the destination of her choice. Fittingly for a
developing airport in a fledgling EU
country, it was seven year-old
One millionth
sengers in 2005. Passenger numbers
Patricia's first ever aeroplane flight.
are expected to top 2 million next
year, with projections of 3 million
On August 1st 2005, Riga
International Airport handled its
one-millionth passenger
for the year.
passengers in 2007. Five new airlines
have begun operating from Riga in
the last twelve months, with a numin the coming months. The national
Last year the one millionth
carrier, airBaltic is also expected to
passenger passed through the airport
celebrate its one-millionth passenger
more than four months later on
for 2005 in December. It is currently
December 13th.
operating flights to 20 destinations;
Since its accession to the
European Union, there has been
Training courses
ber of others expected to follow suit
the most recent addition being the
Ukrainian port city, Odessa.
Riga International Airport
is offering IATA training courses
in Instructional Technique from
21st-25th November.
The course is for instructors to
train airport staff in their particular
In autumn 2005, Riga was con-
areas of proficiency, to internationally
both in business and tourism.
nected to 34 cities ranging from as
recognised standards. The certification
Passenger numbers for the first six
far afield as Tashkent and New York.
is valid for a two year-period, after
a surge of new interest in Latvia,
months of 2005 were up a stagger-
Scheduled flights are available from
which time the qualification must be
ing 84.6% compared to the same
Aeroflot, airBaltic, Austrian Airlines,
retaken. The course enables, for
period last year, whilst aircraft
British Airways, CSA Czech Airlines,
example, anybody dealing with dan-
movement increased by 29.4% and
EasyJet, Finnair, Israir, KLM Royal
gerous goods to be trained to the
cargo traffic by an impressive 69.2%.
Dutch Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines,
standard expected by the Civil
Lufthansa, Ryanair, and Uzbekistan
Aviation Authorities.
Mirroring the growth in the
Latvian economy, no other European
Airways. Aer Lingus will be the next
airport hub compares to the dynamic
airline to join this list.
growth being experienced by Riga
International Airport.
Forecasts suggest that the airport
will handle a total of 1.8 million pas-
Check-In Media
J. Alunana 3
Riga, LV 1010
tel +371 7227232
fax +371 7820294
Editorial amendment
To gain a real appreciation of how
the airport has developed it is worth
More information about the course
is available by contacting:
Gunita Piebalga. Ph.: +371 7207434,
considering that in 1998 the airport
handled a total of 554,628 passengers
Publisher Riga International Airport
Editor Carsten Elsted
Contributing writer Justin Walley
Art director Inese Laizāne
Marketing Agnese Nicmane
Cover photo Janis Deinats, Fotocentrs
Thanks to the Inita Straupe and Vitauts Straupe
Gallery Tornis, Ilgonis Vilks, editor
of Terra magazine, The European Central Bank
Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for Riga International Airport. It is distributed twice in 2005 and
three times in 2006. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, Check-In Media or Riga International Airport.
All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written
permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and illustrations are not accepted.
Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such materials sent to its office, nor is it liable
for loss of, or damage to, such material. All prices are subject to change without notice.
Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors. Printed by Kroonpress, Estonia.
Gateway Riga April issue 2005
The cover photo was taken by Vadims Straume from Target Studio. Thanks to Puff Magazine for permission to use the photo.