Summer 2011 - Monroe County Public Library


Summer 2011 - Monroe County Public Library
Between Friends
Newsletter of the Friends of the Library
In this Issue:
Power of Words.........p. 2
Friends Members......p. 3
Civil War Project........p. 5
Bookstore...................p. 5
Annual Meeting........p. 6
Dine with a Friend....p. 6
Board of Directors
Helena Walsh
Karen Franks
John Baumert
John Steinmetz
Amal Altoma
Johnnie Brantley
Dana Burton
Anita Harder
Becky Hrisomalos
Joe Lee
Jeanne Madison
Michelle Martin-Colman
Judy Novit
Randy Paul
Judy Shettleroe
Lois Sparks
Barbara Wilcox
Monroe County
Public Library
303 E. Kirkwood Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47408
Summer 2011
Get Reading – and Moving
– This Summer
Sara Laughlin, MCPL Director
t the Library, we’ve known for a long
time that reading over the summer is
important. Children who don’t read
during June, July, and August stand to lose up to
two months of reading skills they gained during
the school year. And the loss is cumulative. By
the end of high school, the loss can add up to
two years worth of reading skills. Our Summer
Reading Program is designed to give children the
opportunity and the motivation to read whatever
they like.
What we didn’t know about was the research
showing that children also face “activity loss”
over the summer, which can lead to weight
gain at three times the school year rate. And we
learned about emerging research that links brain
development with physical activity.
Last fall, the Community Health department at
IU Health-Bloomington Hospital approached
the Library about a partnership to encourage
both summer reading and summer activity. The
Library enthusiastically agreed, and we joined the
Hospital, Monroe County YMCA, Bloomington
Parks and Recreation, Southern Indiana Pediatrics, and the Monroe County Smart Start Coalition in a shared effort.
And Get Reading, Get
Moving was born! The
Library’s 2011 Summer
Reading Program game
board includes ways to
earn points from movement activities, as well as
through reading. Partner
experts will be leading
library programs on family yoga and kids’ zumba,
while Library storytellers will be visiting summer camps at the Y and Parks and Recreation to
share a story or two, and campers will participate
in Summer Reading Program activities during
weekly visits to the Library.
We are excited about the opportunity to reach
more children and their families with the message
about the importance of reading and moving this
summer. Many thanks to the Friends for providing ongoing funding for the Summer Reading
Program. This year, the Library has also received
generous contributions from IU Health Bloomington Hospital and Utilities District of Western
Indiana REMC. ▪
Brian Sparks, CEO of Utilities District of Western Indiana
REMC, presents a $500 Community Fund Grant to
support Monroe County Public Library’s 2011 Summer
Reading Program for children using the Bookmobile.
Coffee with Friends
he Friends Hospitality Committee has
begun a new initiative to give Friends
members an opportunity to get together and
to hear from local authors. Those who attended the
first Coffee with Friends in May met Jen Flessner,
the daughter of Norma Klein, as she discussed
“My Mother, the Banned Writer, a Daughter’s
Our next Coffee with Friends will take place on
Saturday, July 16, 12:30-1:30 pm in meeting
room 1A in the Main Library. Our guest will be
young adult fiction writer, Julia Karr, who recently
published XVI <
Julia_Karr/Books.html>, with the sequel coming
out soon. She will speak about the writing and
publishing process.
Get on the Friends email list by contacting us at, or follow us on Twitter <http://> to learn about future
Coffee with Friends opportunities. ▪
Our Mission: The Monroe County Library Foundation supports and advocates for the patrons and
staff of the Library by enhancing Library collections and facilities, and by contributing to Library
programming and professional staff development.
The Friends of the Library and Monroe County Public Library present
power words
An Evening with James
“All of my work speaks to the commonality of the human
experience. That’s where I live, to move audiences to
think, to question, and to find common ground.”
—James McBride
Award-winning author, journalist, and jazz musician
Patty Callison, Power of Words Chair
he Friends of the Library and
Monroe County Public Library
are partnering to bring bestselling author James McBride to Bloomington on Saturday, November 12.
McBride’s books include the memoir
The Color of Water: A Black Man’s
Tribute to His White Mother and the
historical fiction works Miracle at St.
Anna and Song Yet Sung. McBride’s
7:00 p.m. talk at the Buskirk-Chumley
Theater is free to the public.
Following the talk, a gala champagne
and jazz reception will include a meet
the author book signing in the transformed atrium of the Main Library.
It is at this reception that the talented
Mr. McBride will also uncase his
saxophone and jam with a jazz combo.
Did we mention that he is an award
winning jazz composer, musician and
journalist? Tickets for the reception
are $50 per person with funds going
to The Friends of the Library. Reception attendees will also have reserved
seats at the main event.
The Author Event Committee has
been meeting monthly to plan enhancements to McBride’s visit, offering our community of readers several
chances to explore the literature and
art of this accomplished man. In addition to McBride’s centerpiece talk,
several other satellite activities will
make this third event in “The Power
of Words: Changing Our World One
Between Friends ▪ Summer 2011
Author at a Time” series the most
thorough and wide-ranging yet. Reception ticket and event information
will be found on the Friends’ website
In partnership with Indiana University Bloomington Continuing
Studies, a three session course
entitled Identity and the Power
of Words: Exploring the Works of
James McBride will be offered
beginning Thursday, November 3
with guest speaker John McCluskey
Jr., IU Emeritus Professor of African
American Studies and English. On
Thursday, November 10, MCPL
Director, Sara Laughlin, will further
explore the writing and implications
of McBride’s works. The $65 cost of
the course includes a third session
with reserved seating for class members on November 12 at the main
event, and a ticket to the reception.
A new partner for the Power of
Words is Indiana University’s
Themester program, whose Fall 2011
theme, Making War, Making Peace,
complements McBride’s historical
novel, Miracle at St. Anna. McBride
wrote the screenplay adaptation
of his book about Black Buffalo
soldiers in World War II Italy for
a 2009 film directed by acclaimed
storyteller Spike Lee. A showing of
the film on Saturday, November 5
in the MCPL Auditorium will also
include a discussion led by Dr. Au-
November 2011
drey McCluskey, Director of the IU
Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center,
Professor of African American/
African Diaspora Studies at Indiana
University, and past Director of the
Black Film Center/Archive Indiana.
On Sunday, November 6, MCPL
Librarian Wendy Rubin will lead a
Books Plus discussion on Miracle at
St. Anna at the Main Library.
Interested in volunteering to help?
Distributing publicity, ushering, and
assisting with the reception are areas
where you can literally lend a hand.
Contact Sue Sater, MCPL Administration and Volunteer Coordinator, or 812-349-3050.
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Contact Author Event Chairperson,
Patty Callison, about sponsorship
packages, or
812-334-0653 or go to the website:
<>. ▪
Holiday Closings
Please remember, Monroe
County Public Library will be
closed on:
Monday, July 4th
Monday, September 5th
Wednesday, October 12th
The Board of Directors extends their heartfelt thanks to all of our current Friends of the
Library members and donors who give so generously to support our mission to make
our library a vital part of our community.
21st Century
Dr. Frank and Becky Hrisomalos
Tim and Sara Laughlin
Karen Hrisomalos, D.D.S., and
Gary Gettelfinger, M.D.
James Ackerman
Claire Arbogast
Marian Armstrong
David Baer
Mark and Mary Clare Bauman
John and Jean Boquist
Bert and Johnnie Brantley
Stephen G. Brantley
Alexander and Virginia Buchwald
Elizabeth Buck
Susan Bucove
Jean W. Campaigne
Edwin G. Carr
CFC, Inc.
J. Kevin and Elaine Coghlan & Family
Jean Creek
Gary and Karen Crum
Delta Theta Tau
Lee Ehman
Ruth C. Engs-Franz
Allen Grimshaw
Bryan and Jessika Hane
M Phil and Margaret E Hathaway
Pat Hodge
Frank and Lydia Hoffman
Joan P. Hongen
Maeve Kinkead and Famly
Eugene and Elaina Kintgen
Paul Kuznets and Gretchen Kromer
Phyllis and David Little
Yoshio Manabe
John Mason
Terri Bleuel and Charles McCalla
Ann R. McIntosh
Valerie C. Merriam
Breon and Lynda Mitchell
Eric and Linda Mjolsnes
Toni Moseman
Elisabeth P. Myers
James G. and Fran Neal
Mitchell and Judy Novit
Richard and Jill Olshavsky
Anthony and Patricia Pizzo
Phil and Eva Rambo
James B. Rickert, M.D.
Norma and Eugene Rousseau
John and Mary Rucker
Nancy and Jerry Ruff
David and Marlon Rust
Sarah Ryterband
Richard and Carole Sanders
Jean and Thomas Sebeok
Janice G. Skinner
Ellen M. Snyder
Paul Vincent Spade
Gary Steigerwald
Susan Thrasher
James and Carol Touloukian
Betsy S. Walsh
Herbert White
William and Mary Wiatt
Barbara Wilcox
Ed and Ruth Wisnewsky
Michael O’Connell and W.
Joann Wong
Sandra and Ethan Alyea
Laura Bornholdt
Ron Pennington
Dan and Tina Peterson
Bucceto’s Smiling Teeth Pizza & Pasta Design & Marketing
Ellettsville Dental Center
First Insurance Group
LEARN Homeschool Group
Michael’s Uptown Cafe
Oliver Wine Company
One World Enterprises
Deborah Robinson, Virginia and
Eleanor Baude
Cynthia Baxter
Bob and Pat Bayer
Joseph and Marjorie Belth
Bob and Mary Bent
Donna Bernens-Kinkead
Marsha R. Bradford
Charlene and Mark Braun
Jim and Dana Burton
Danny and Patty Callison
Kyle and Dana Cattani
Edwin and Amy Cheek
Pam and Jef Davidson and Family
Lisa and Jack Deinlein
Mimi and Marc Dollinger
Mary Ehrich
Susan El-Shamy
Harriet and Bill Fierman
John and Ella Fox
Steven and Karen Franks
Catherine Gossett
Rita Grunwald
Stephen C. and Jo Ellen Ham
Between Friends ▪ Summer 2011
John and Marilyn Harder
Martha Harsanyi
Tom and Carla Hedges
John and Helen Hollingsworth
Laura Kao
Leah Ketcham
Susan Klein
Kate and Bill Kroll
Nancy Lair
James and Kathie Lazerwitz
Jeanne and Jim Madison
Dan and Judy Maki
John and Julie Martin
Ed and Ann McEndarfer
Lee and Maria McKinley
Sherry Holliday and Eric Mitter
Tom and Claire Nisonger
Harold and Denise Ogren
Nina A. Ost
Werner and Jane C. Otten
Kent and Suzann Owen
Margaret and J. Patrick Page
Sue and Lew Polsgrove
Paul and Donna Purdom
Linda R. Rethmeyer
Fred and Pegi Risinger
Janet H. Rowland
Darlene J. Sadlier
Carol M. Shapiro
Charles H. Davis and Debora Shaw
Bob and Judy Shettleroe
Cheryl Baumgart and Terry Sloan
Byron K. and Patsy A. Smith
John Steinmetz and Family
Ellen and Gene Stern
Cliff and Joan Travis
Betsy and Jim Watson
Paul J. Watts
Douglas A. Wissing
Myriam Wood
Charlotte and Paul Zietlow
Peggy Zonkle
Christopher Alford
Salih and Amal Altoma
Robert and Penny Austin
Stephen Baer
James M. Becker
Michael Litwin and Mary Blizzard
Anne Bright
Penny B. Githens and Edward F. Buffie
Richard and Diana Carr
David Lasocki and Lilin Chen
John and Joan Cochran
Rebecca, Judah, Rena & Gabriel Cohen
Dan and Debbi Conkle
Dennis and Ruth Conway
Christina Courtright
Deborah Myerson and Patrick Dove
and Family
Shirley Fitzgibbons
Casey Fredericks
Deborah Widiss and Doug Goldstein
Dorothy E. Hanvey
Elsa Marston Harik
Robert W. Hart
Elsa Lewis and David Heise
Kathryn Holden
LuAnne and Bill Holladay
Jim and Rebecca Holmes
Chris L. Holmes
Jack and Sylvia King
Wesley A. and Mary W. Kissel
John R. and Julia Kavin Lawson
The Lemieux Family
Diana Lambdin and Frank Lester
Don and Rita Lichtenberg
Johnny and Julie Lindsey
Dot and Sam Mallor
Max and Jane Marsh
Phyllis Martin
Mary E. McLelland
The Merriman Family
Patrick and Glenda Murray
Jerry and Ginny Myerson
Jean Nakhnikian
Joe and Cinda O’Connor
Dennis Organ
John W. Owens
Charles and Pat Parmenter
Jim and Pat Pershing
Sharyn and Jim Riley
George Brooks and Elaine Rivron
Mara Lea Rosenbarger
Wendy and Dick Rubin
Linda Simon and David Sabbagh
Ann and Gary Schepper
Louise Schlesinger
Steve Seitzinger
Sanford and Sue Shapiro
Dirk Fraser and Leah Shopkow
Laurel Sparks
Sue Stancu
Janos Starker
Janet C. Stavropoulos
Robert and Virginia Stockton
Diane and Terrence Thayer
Tri Kappa, Inc. - Ellettsville
Carolyn Lipson-Walker and George Walker
Hank and Elizabeth Rubin Walter
Dave and Gail Weaver
Ron White
Gary and Mia Wiggins
Charlotte Willian
Bob Flynn, Yvonne Wittmann & Family
Libraries are one of the only face-to-face services left where kids can come with no appointment and get professional services from someone with a master’s degree who assigns no grades,
makes no judgments. It’s the greatest democratic institution ever created. —Patrick O’Brien
(quoted in “Outlook: Will Libraries Survive?” CQ Researcher)
Tim and Kathi Adams
Jim and Sue Alling
Dorothy Ansart
Ellen Arnholter
Paul and Carol Arnold
Cynthia Bannon
John H. Baumert
Ruth Beasley
Andrea Singer and Roger Beckman
Terri Bell
Mariana Belmonte
Mildred Bern
Jean Schelm and Mark Blackwell
Nancy and Peter Boerner
Veronica Bogan
Jo Anne Bowen
Charlie and Christie Bowman
Larry and MaryLou Brown
Simon Kelly and Amity Brown
Faye Mark and George Bull
Jodie Carlberg
Selene Carter
Marsha Cassetty
Miriam M. Castaneda
Sue Childress and Family
Pamela Wasmer and James Chiplis
Mihai Ciucu
Ron and Joanna Clees
The Compton Family
Tina Costin
Ronald and Evelyn Crowe
Carol S. Curry
Olga Diamondis
Luann Dillon
Martina Celerin and Jim Drummond
Andrew R. Durkin
Hilda G. Dyer
Karen Easterday
David L. Ferguson
Susan Fletcher
Micheline Fleurant
Laura Frazier
Dolores Freiburger
Dan and Mary Friedman
Brittany D. Friesner
Jo Ann Frogue
Mary E. Gaither
Al Gallo
Tom and Kitty Garlock
Sheila Gerber
Patricia and Michael Gleeson
Teresa S. Glenn
Mary Jane and John Goldsmith
David and Diane Goss
Haim and Ari Gottschalk
Donald and Judith Granbois
Edward and Sydelle Grant
Joe Grant
Paula A Griesel
Joanne Gumo
Preston Gwinn
Between Friends ▪ Summer 2011
Rajih Haddawi
Donald Halford
Elizabeth Hanson
Anne Z. Hasiuk
Gloria Hasler and Lara Hasler
Jane W. Hatchel
Sophia Hauserman
Roger Heimer
Zeke, Stephanie, & Dexter Henline
Catharine Hoff
Ruth Ann Holman
Stephanie Holman
Katherine Hopkins
Ruth D. Houdeshel
Diana D. Igo
BJ Irvine
Eric and Kari Isaacson
Anna Ivey
Lisa Champelli & Chris Jackson
Judith and Marshall Jacobs
Donald and Wendy Jensen
David and Susan Jones
Julia Karr
Kellar Family
Charles Kennedy
Janet Kennedy
Jane Kennedy
David Keppel
Stephen and Dorothy King
Dave Brodin & Tiffany Kinney
Julie Kinser
Debra and Peter Kloosterman
Brandon and Bethany Knight
Nina Krause
Evelyn LaFollette
Paul E. Lane
Jongha Lee
Gary Lettelleir
Nita Levison
Peter and Carol Lorenzen
Herb Louck
Doris Lynch
Helen Malin
Edward and Phyllis Man
Donna Marcus
Barbara B. Martin
Michelle Martin-Colman
Antonia Matthew
Mary E. McGann
Charles and Sharon McKeen
Margaret Meadors
Ruth Meserve
P.E.A.C.E. Meyer
Louis and Norma Miller
Stephen C. and Sandra S. Moberly
Rhonda Mobley
Julie Van Voorhis & Andrei Molotiu
Audrey and Michael Morgan
Sue C. Morgan
Stuart and Ellen Mufson
Sally Renne Murphy
Sue Murphy
Memorial Gifts
Emilie C. Murray
In Memory of Bernard Clayton
Loretta Neidigh
Marjorie Clayton
Dr. Anabel P. Newman
Edith D. Overlease
Honorary Gifts
Nazareth Pantaloni, III
In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Janet Patterson
Randy G. Paul
David and Sandra Carter
Nina Perlina
James A. and Patricia Pershing In Honor of the Birthday of Judy
Judith Peterson
Mary Cass Mabbott
Roger and Nancy Pfingston
Jennifer Livesay & Ken Pimple In Honor of Myriam Wood’s 80th
Kathy Potts
Tim and Sara Laughlin
Evelyn Powers
Shirley Pugh
Jim and Carlene Quinn
James and Tomilea Allison
Katy and Ken Ratcliff
John H. Baumert
Mary Burch Ratliff
Michael & Mary Jean Regoli Jane Billyeald
Bloomington Animal Care & Control
Victoria J. Rogers
Jane Ruddick
Bloomington Hospital Community Health
Gaye Rumple
Marsha R. Bradford
Rabbi Steven Ballaban and
Bert and Johnnie Brantley
Lynda Russo
Bucceto’s Smiling Teeth Pizza & Pasta
Karen and Bill Sartoris
Jim and Dana Burton
Dr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Schechter
The Butcher’s Block
Marian Shaaban
Danny and Patty Callison
Amina B. Shabani
Jay Cimmer
Curt and Judy Simic
Michael Danielson
Sudarshan Singh
David and Lorna Estes
Ruth Skernick
Micheline Fleurant
Julia Slaymaker
Steven and Karen Franks
Lary Smith
Barrett Snider
Tom and Kitty Garlock
Kim Sowder and Family
Catherine Gossett
Cletis and Lois Sparks
Susan and Murray Grodner
Rhonda Spencer
Shawn Henline
Charles Sprague
Stephanie Holman
Roderick Stark
BJ Irvine
Dale Steffey
Nina Krause
Drew and Delores Stewart
Paul Kuznets and Gretchen Kromer
Janie Stoehr
April Legler
Christa Stone
E. Veronica Lenard
Tony and Annette Stonger
Antonia Matthew
Richard and Susan Stryker
Susan Ferentinos and Danielle McClelland
Paula W. Sunderman
Michael’s Uptown Café
Milton and Mimi Taylor
Heidi Tebbe
Eric and Linda Mjolsnes
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tewel
Julie Van Voorhis and Andrei Molotiu
Barbara Vance
Monroe County History Center
Robin and Rick Vermillion
Tom and Claire Nisonger
Judy Walcoff
Mitchell and Judy Novit
Peter and Katherine Wallskog
Jane C. Otten
Helena Walsh
Pygmalion’s Art Supplies
John and Michelle Walsh
Mrs. Barbara Weinberg
Paul and Jeannette Smedberg
Rachel Wheeler
Charles Sprague
Lisa and Brent Williams
Janos Starker
Cy and Nitsa Williams
Utilities District of Western IN REMC
Jennifer Witzke
Hilda Woodfork
Barbara Wilcox
Jonathan and Mandy Yates
Sally Wilcox
Michael Zeiger
Michael O’Connell and Joann Wong
We strive for accuracy in our records. Kindly contact us via e-mail <FOL@> or phone <812-349-3050, ext. 1080> regarding incorrect listings.
The public library is more than a repository of books. It’s a mysterious, wonderous place with
the power to change lives. —Chicago Tribune literary editor Elizabeth Taylor
Digitizing Monroe County’s Civil War History:
“At War and At Home”
ave you ever wondered what everyone in town was doing during the Civil
War? The Indiana Room’s newest digitization project is called “At War and
At Home: Monroe County Timeline 1855 - 1875.” It brings to light the
history of our residents before, during, and after a war that divided America in half.
Collaborating with The Monroe County History Center, The Wylie House, and the
Indiana University’s Lilly Library, the team digitized a variety of items – diaries,
letters, church records, court records, and meeting minutes — to make them
accessible through its website
Because the local newspaper from the Civil War era was destroyed by fire, Monroe
County has for over a century relied on relatively few resources to examine these
historically significant times. Now we can piece together this era and commemorate
the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. We can also prepare our county for its
bicentennial in 2018, as we have more tools and resources, including updated profiles
on major characters and a timeline.
Learn how teachers D. E. Hunter and Margaret McCalla were at home building
momentum to establish more structured, graded schools, and how Milton M. Nichols
was at war fighting the rebels, temporary blindness, homesickness, and the harsh
camp life.
This project is part of the Indiana Memory Digital Library and is made possible by a
grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the Library and
Services and Technology Act as administered by the Indiana State Library. For more
information, contact the Indiana Room at 349-3080. ▪
“Everyone in Town” (Bloomington, 1860) IU Lilly Library.
Clearance Sale!
Thank you for your support of the Bookstore
Clearance Sale. Thanks to our many patrons, the
March sale raised $4,416 which will be used to
support library needs.
We will have a special Clearance Sale at the
Ellettsville Branch Library on Saturday, September
17 during the Fall Festival. This sale will feature
adult fiction, and children’s and young adult books.
The next regular Bookstore Clearance Sale at the
Main Library will be October 21-24. We will have
a Friends members only preview sale Thursday
evening, October 20. Don’t miss the great bargains!
Pictured: Micheline Fleurant, Marcy Hensley, Joe Lee, and Elizabeth
Lopez. At the March Clearance Sale the three won autographed
copies of the print ‘Your library…where wheels start turning’ by
local artist and Friends Board member Joe Lee. Copies of the print
are available for sale in the Friends Bookstore.
Between Friends ▪ Summer 2011
If you are interested in helping to set up or in
working at either sale, please contact Barbara Wilcox
at ▪
Friends Annual Meeting: The
Future of Books in a Digital Age
he Annual Meeting is a
celebration of our support
for the library, a gathering of
members, and an occasion for inspiration. Join us Wednesday, June
22nd, 5:45 pm at the Main Library
in meeting room 1B.
Popular and engaging speaker, John
Schilb, is this year’s guest. Please
join us for his program, The Future
of Books in a Digital Age.
Dine Out and Support the Friends!
his summer and fall you can dine out for the library. Show
your support for the Friends’ mission to raise funds to
support the excellent programming and materials available
in the Main Library, Ellettsville branch library, and on the
bookmobile. Our Dine Out sponsors have contributed over $1,000
to the Friends!
Our next Dine with a Friend opportunity will be at the Village Deli
on Monday, June 27. All day long the Village Deli will donate
10% of your sales to the Friends. Download a flyer from our
website and share it with your friends.
John Schilb
John Schilb is Culbertson Chair of Writing, and Professor
of English at Indiana University, Bloomington, where he is
also editor of the journal College English, and has served as
Director of Composition. At IU, he teaches writing, rhetoric,
and literature, including literature of the Holocaust. He has
offered classes in IU’s Continuing Studies Program and MiniUniversity. His book Rhetorical Refusals: Defying Audiences’
Expectations won the Modern Language Association’s Mina
P. Shaughnessy Prize.
Visit for more information.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about the future of books in a
digital age, and get together with Friends to celebrate our efforts
to support programs and services offered by Monroe County
Public Library. Light refreshments will be served, and the Bookstore will be open shortly after the program. Spread the word!
Invite a friend. This event is free and open to the public. ▪
On Tuesday, September 27, Dine Out with a Friend will head to
Ellettsville where Chicago Pizza will donate 10% of sales (not
including specials) 11am-9pm.
To celebrate National Friends of the Library Week, Uptown Cafe
will host a Dine Out with a Friend day on Tuesday, October 18
from 7am-10pm. They will donate 20% of sales if you present the
Dine Out flyer.
Bookstore Hours
Please spread the word.
Tuesdays........................ 9 am–7 pm
Watch your e-mail for
Thursdays...................... Noon–7 pm
more opportunities to
Dine with a Friend! Check
Saturdays....................... Noon–5 pm
our website for details
<>. Not The Friends Bookstore is located on the first
floor of Monroe County Public Library, at
on the Friends member
email list? Drop us a line the back of Movies and Music. ▪
at to get
the latest Friends and library news. ▪
Friends of the Library
2011 Membership Form
(Please print name as it should appear in our publications)
Street Address_______________________________________
□ We would like to list Friends’ members annually, in our
□ 21 Century
□ Benefactor
□ Patron $250
□ Supporting
□ Business $100
□ Sustaining $50
□ Individual/Family$25
(to receive special advocacy and event notices)
Annual Membership Type
newsletter. Please check the box if you DO NOT wish to be listed.
I would like a free book bag with my membership donation.
Please tell us about yourself (Check all that apply)
□ New Member □ Renewing Member
ona friends
□ I am MCPL staff □ I am an MCPL volunteer
□ Contact me about volunteer opportunities.
These are the library services that I use:
□Main Library □VITAL
□Ellettsville Library □Bookmobile □Library Website □CATS TV
□ I would like to make a donation
to the Friends.
□ I would like to support the Friends
Power of Words author event $_____
Please make your check payable to
Friends of the Library
and mail to:
303 E Kirkwood Ave
Bloomington IN 47408
Thank you!
The Friends of the Library is a 501(c)(3) not for profit
organization. All memberships and donations are tax
deductible as allowed by law.