clinical features of pulmonary mycobacterium avium complex
clinical features of pulmonary mycobacterium avium complex
493 MAC Diagnosed with Gastric Aspirate / A. Takasa et al. 思われる。また,気管支鏡による診断はより確実だが, 3 ) 倉 島 篤 行 : 日 本 に お け る 非 結 核 性 抗 酸 菌 症 の 動 向. Pharma Medica. 2012 ; 30 : 43 48. 胃液採取に比して患者へ与える苦痛や医療者の負担は大 きく,胃液検査で診断可能であれば,患者・医療者双方 4 ) 日本結核病学会非結核性抗酸菌症対策委員会, 日本呼 吸器学会感染症・結核学術部会:肺非結核性抗酸菌症 にとってより有益である。 以上から今回の検討で,胃液培養検体は喀痰排出困難 診断に関する指針 ─2008年. 結核. 2008 ; 83 : 525 526. 5 ) Edwards LB, Palmer CE: Isolation of 例および気管支鏡施行困難例に対しては,その診断の一 atypical myco- bacteria from healthy persons. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1959 ; 助となる可能性が示唆された。 80 : 747 749. 6 ) 杉原栄一郎, 檀原 高, 饗庭三代治, 他:高齢者非結核 性抗酸菌症の臨床的検討. 日老医誌. 2007 ; 44 : 503 506. 著者の COI(conflicts of interest)開示:本論文発表内 7 ) Mitarai S, Tanoue S, Sugita C, et al. : Potential use of 容に関して特になし。 Amplicor PCR kit in diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis from gastric aspirate. J Microbiol Methods. 2001 ; 47 : 339 文 献 344. 1 ) Saslaw S, Perkins R: The gastric smear for acid-fast bacilli 8 ) 中澤篤人, 萩原恵里, 池田 慧, 他:胃液培養で診断 in the presumptive diagnosis of tuberculosis. Am J Med し, 多剤併用化学療法が奏効した肺 Mycobacterium gor- Sciences. 1962 ; 243 : 470 474. donae 症の1 例. 結核. 2012 ; 87 : 727 731. 2 ) Pratt PC, Atwell RJ: The diagnostic reliability of acid-fast 9 ) 土屋典子, 萩原恵里, 馬場智尚, 他:外科的切除にて最 bacilli demonstrated in aspirated gastric contents. Am Rev 終診断に至った Mycobacterium xenopi 肺感染症の 1例. 日 Respir Dis. 1961 ; 83 : 96 99. 呼吸誌. 2013 ; 2 : 139 142. −−−−−−−−Original Article−−−−−−−− CLINICAL FEATURES OF PULMONARY MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX DISEASE DIAGNOSED THROUGH GASTRIC ASPIRATE CULTURE 1, 2 Akiyuki TAKASA, 1 Eri HAGIWARA, 1Akimasa SEKINE, 1 Hajime SASANO, 1 Yoshihiro SUIDO, 1 Hideya KITAMURA, and 1 Takashi OGURA Abstract [Objectives] The diagnostic significance of gastric aspirate culture has been established in pulmonary tuberculosis, but not in pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease. This study aimed to verify the diagnostic significance of gastric aspirate culture in pulmonary MAC disease. [Subjects and Methods] This retrospective study analyzed 77 cases of pulmonary MAC disease tentatively diagnosed through gastric aspirate culture in comparison with 308 cases diagnosed through sputum culture. [Results] There was no significant difference in the clinical symptoms, laboratory data, or type of disease in both groups. Patients diagnosed through gastric aspirate culture had a significantly lower chance of having underlying respiratory disease (26.0% vs. 46.8%), which indicates the difficulty in obtaining sputum specimens from this group of patients. In 114 patients without chemotherapy intervention, more patients achieved spontaneous remission in the gastric aspirate group than in the sputum group. Among 271 patients treated with chemotherapy, there were no significant differences in the course of radiological findings and clinical symptoms between both groups. During the observation period, a definitive diagnosis through sputum culture or histological confirmation was reached in 34 of 47 patients (72%). There was no significant difference in the clinical characteristics, course of radiological findings, and clinical symptoms in the definitive group and tentative group. [Conclusion] Gastric aspirate is a minimally invasive, easy to conduct, and useful test for diagnosing pulmonary MAC disease. Key words : Nontuberculous mycobacteriosis, Gastric aspirate, Diagnosis, Mycobacterium avium complex 1 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanagawa Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, Japan Red Cross Tsukui Hospital Correspondence to: Akiyuki Takasa, Department of Internal Medicine, Japan Red Cross Tsukui Hospital, 256 Nakano, Midori-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 252 _ 0157 Japan. (E-mail: 502 結核 第 89 巻 第 4 号 2014 年 4 月 −−−−−−−−Original Article−−−−−−−− ANALYSIS ON WORKLOAD FOR HOSPITAL DOTS SERVICE Yoko NAGATA, Minako URAKAWA, Noriko KOBAYASHI, and Seiya KATO Abstract [Background and Objective] A directly observed treatment short course (DOTS) trial was launched in Japan in the late 1990s and targeted patients with social depression at urban areas. Based on these findings, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare established the Japanese DOTS Strategy in 2003, which is a comprehensive support service ensuring the adherence of tuberculosis patients to drug administration. DOTS services are initially provided at the hospital to patients with infectious tuberculosis who are hospitalized according to the Infectious Diseases Control Law. After being discharged from the hospital, the patients are referred to a public health center. However, a survey conducted in 2008 indicated that all the patients do not receive appropriate DOTS services at some hospitals. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the protocols and workload of DOTS at hospitals that are actively involved in tuberculosis medical practice, including DOTS, to assess whether the hospital DOTS services were adequate. [Method] We reviewed a series of articles on hospital DOTS from a Japanese journal on nursing for tuberculosis patients and identified 25 activities regarding the hospital DOTS service. These 25 items were then classified into 3 categories : health education to patients, support for adherence, and coordination with the health center. In total, 20 hospitals that had >20 authorized tuberculosis beds were selected ─ while considering the geographical balance, schedule of this survey, etc. ─ from 33 hospitals where an ex-trainee of the tuberculosis control expert training program in the Research Institute of Tuberculosis (RIT) was working and 20 hospitals that had collaborated with our previous survey on tuberculosis medical facilities. All the staff associated with the DOTS service were asked to record the total working time as well as the time spent for each activity. The data were collected and analyzed at the RIT. [Result] The working times for each activity of the DOTS service for nurses, pharmacists, ward clerks, head nurses, and doctors were 100, 90, 87, 86, and 63 min, respectively. For other professions, including medical social workers, nursing aids, nutritionists, and physical therapists, the working times for each activity of the DOTS service were 31, 18, 10, and 8 min, respectively. The professionals who spent a longer time on health education, support for patient adherence, and coordination with the health center were pharmacists, doctors, and head nurses; nurses, pharmacists, and doctors; and head nurses, doctors, and ward clerks, respectively. [Discussion] Aging of tuberculosis patients was associated with problems on adherence in many patients, including patients who were not suited for a standard regimen, patients whose activity of daily life had deteriorated due to senile dementia, patients with diabetes mellitus, etc. Smoking cessation and mental care for cases of multi-drug resistant disease are new challenges in tuberculosis patient care. The present study clearly indicated that activities including patient education, support for patient adherence, and coordination with the health center ─ essential components of the hospital DOTS service according to the Japanese DOTS Strategy ─ were performed by a team of professionals including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical social workers, etc., depending on the features and roles that they serve and the needs of each patient. For good practice of hospital DOTS, it is essential to not only provide DOTS, but also effectively provide individual or group health education and coordinate with health centers, thus aiming towards a better community DOTS service after patient discharge. Key words : Hospital DOTS, Workload, Education to patients, Support for adherence, Coordination Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association Correspondence to: Yoko Nagata, Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 3_ 1_ 24, Matsuyama, Kiyose-shi, Tokyo 204_ 8533 Japan. (E-mail: 508 結核 第 89 巻 第 4 号 2014 年 4 月 −−−−−−−−Original Article−−−−−−−− EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERFERON-GAMMA RELEASE ASSAYS IN THE TUBERCULOSIS CONTACT INVESTIGATION OF ELDERLY PEOPLE Junji SETO and Tadayuki AHIKO Abstract [Purpose] To confirm the effectiveness of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) in the tuberculosis (TB) contact investigation of elderly people, we analyzed the results of the QuantiFERON® TB Gold in tube (QFT-3G) test, which is a commercially available IGRA. [Methods] We analyzed the results of the QFT-3G test in 2,420 subjects who were in close contact with TB patients. We investigated subjects with latent TB infection and those showing the onset of TB among the QFT-3G-positive subjects. [Results] The QFT-3G-positive rate was 7.3% (95% confidence interval, 6.2% _ 8.3%). In addition, we demonstrated that the QFT-3G-positive rate increased with age (P<0.001). [Discussion] The QFT-3G-positive rate was high, particularly in elderly people (≧60 years), but the rate was significantly lower than the predicted prevalence of TB infection. Therefore, it was assumed that the QFT-3G test does not always provide a positive result, even in cases of subjects with a previous TB infection. Furthermore, data from the QFT-3Gpositive subjects indicated that approximately one half of subjects aged 60 _ 69 years, approximately one-third of those aged 70 _ 79 years, and approximately one-quarter of those aged over 80 years have had recent TB infections. In conclusion, the results of the QFT-3G test in elderly people need to be carefully evaluated according to the contact situation with TB patients; nevertheless, the QFT-3G test is useful for the screening of latent TB infection in elderly people who were in close contact with TB patients. Key words : QFT-3G, Elderly, Contact investigation, Previous TB infection, Recent TB infection Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health Correspondence to: Junji Seto, Department of Microbiology, Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health, 1_ 6 _ 6, Tokamachi, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata 990 _ 0031 Japan. (E-mail: 513 Fatal M. kyorinense Infection / Y. Sakakibara et al. −−−−−−−−Case Report−−−−−−−− FATAL NONTUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIAL LUNG DISEASE CAUSED BY MYCOBACTERIUM KYORINENSE : A CASE REPORT WITH FIVE YEARS OF FOLLOW-UP 1, 2 Yumi SAKAKIBARA, 2, 3 Kumiko KISHIMOTO, 2 Kaoru KOJIMA, 1, 2 Toshihide FUJIE, and 1 Naohiko INASE Abstract An 85-year-old man with dementia first visited our hospital 5 years ago, complaining of hemoptysis. He was hospitalized 2 years later owing to fever, cough, and dyspnea. A chest computed tomography scan showed infiltration with a cavity in the left upper lobe. He was diagnosed with nontuberculous mycobacterial lung infection on the basis of the presence of acid-fast bacilli in the sputum and repeated bronchoalveolar lavage specimens; however, we were unable to identify the isolate by DNA‒DNA hybridization. Although his general condition had slightly improved after treatment initiation, intermittent chemotherapy owing to the adverse effects of the drugs and dementia led to rapid disease progression and death. After his death, the isolated mycobacterium was identified as Mycobacterium kyorinense by sequence analysis of the hsp 65 and rpoB genes. Key words : Mycobacterium kyorinense, Nontuberculous mycobacterial disease, Fatal disease, Elderly, Compliance 1 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 2 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Toshiba General Hospital, 3 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center Correspondence to: Yumi Sakakibara, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1_ 5 _ 45, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 _ 8519 Japan. (E-mail: 520 結核 第 89 巻 第 4 号 2014 年 4 月 6 ) 大阪市保健所: 「大阪市の結核 2010 H21 年結核発生 14) 松本健二, 辰巳朋美, 神谷教子, 他:結核集団接触者 動向調査年報集計結果」. 健診におけるツベルクリン反応と QFT を用いた感染の 7 ) 大阪市保健所: 「大阪市の結核 2011 H22 年結核発生 動向調査年報集計結果」. リスクの検討. 結核. 2010 ; 85 : 547 552. 15) 青木正和:第 62 回総会特別講演「結核感染をめぐる諸 8 ) 佐々木結花, 山岸文雄, 鈴木公典, 他:初回治療肺結 核患者における発見の遅れの現状および診断上の問題 問題(1)」. 結核. 1988 ; 63 : 33 38. 16) 築島恵理, 三觜 雄, 高瀬愛子:肺結核患者に接触した 点について. 結核. 1996 ; 71 : 303 309. 医療従事者のツベルクリン反応検査. 結核. 2004 ; 79 : 9 ) 新島結花, 山岸文雄, 鈴木公典, 他:自覚症状にて発 見された初回治療肺結核症例の受診の遅れと診断の遅 381 386. 17) 石川信克監修, 阿彦忠之, 森 亨編:「感染症法に基づ れ. 結核. 1990 ; 65 : 609 613. く結核の接触者健康診断の手引きとその解説」. 平成 10) 下内 昭, 甲田伸一, 廣田 理, 他:大阪市の結核集 団接触者健診の評価. 結核. 2009 ; 84 : 491 497. 22 年度改訂版 , 結核予防会, 東京, 2010, 22 26. 18) 中園智昭, 手塚直子, 田川斉之, 他:潜在結核感染症 11) 井上武夫:結核集団感染 109 事例における初発患者の 特徴. 結核. 2008 ; 83 : 465 469. 治療中に発生した肝機能障害. 結核. 2011 ; 86 : 51 55. 19) Saukkonen JJ, Cohn DL, Jasmer RM, et al. : An official ATS 12) Grzybowski S, Barnett GD, Styblo K : Contacts of cases statement : hepatotoxicity of antituberculosis therapy. Am J of active pulmonary tuberculosis. Bull Int Union Tuberc. 1975 ; 50 : 90 106. Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 ; 174 : 935 52. 20) 松本健二, 三宅由起, 有馬和代, 他:接触者健診にお 13) Sepkowitz KA : How contagious is tuberculosis? Clin Infect ける発病例の検討. 結核. 2012 ; 87 : 35 40. Dis. 1996 ; 23 : 954 962. −−−−−−−−Field Activities−−−−−−−− TUBERCULOSIS CONTACT INVESTIGATION IN HOSPITALS 1 Kenji MATSUMOTO, 1Jun KOMUKAI, 1Sachi KASAI, 1Satoshi HIROTA, 1 Shinichi KODA, 2 Kazuhiko TERAKAWA, and 3Akira SHIMOUCHI Abstract [Objective] To contribute to measures against hospital-acquired infections by analyzing and evaluating tuberculosis contact investigations in hospitals. [Methods] This study included 202 tuberculosis cases between January 2010 and September 2011 in which contact investigations were requested from the Public Health Office in Osaka City. [Results] 1) To assess the necessity for contact investigation and the demographics of index cases, contact investigations were conducted for 66 of the 202 cases. Index cases with higher rates of contact investigation included those with higher degree of sputum smear positivity, respiratory symptoms, period from hospitalization to tuberculosis diagnosis of 8 days or longer, and high-risk procedures (including endotracheal intubation, endotracheal aspiration, and bronchofiberscopy). 2) A total of 632 contact persons from the following professions underwent QuantiFERON ®-TB (QFT) testing: 59 doctors, 492 nurses, 60 other hospital staff members, and 21 patients, and the positive QFT rates were 18.6, 10.8, 13.3, and 14.3%, respectively. 3) Among the 66 index cases for which contact investigations were conducted, there were 0 QFT-positive contact persons in 37 cases (56.1%), 1 or more in 29 (43.9%), and 2 or more in 18 cases (27.3%). Assuming the dependent variable to be 0 and 1, respectively, for index cases with 0 and 2 or more QFT-positive contact persons, we performed a multiple logistic regression analysis with independent variables that included the presence or absence of high-risk procedures, period from hospitalization to diagnosis either within 7 days or 8 or more days, presence or absence of cough and cavity, and the degree of sputum smear positivity (1+/2+/3+). Among these variables, those significantly associated with cases with 1 and 2 or more QFT-positive persons included the presence of high-risk procedures and period from hospitalization to diagnosis of 8 days or longer (P<0.05). [Discussion] Our results suggest that early diagnosis and appropriate responses during high-risk procedures may be necessary measures to prevent hospital-acquired infections. Key words : Tuberculosis, Nosocomial infection, Contact investigation, Doctor’ s delay, Tracheal aspiration, QFT 1 3 Osaka City Public Health Office, 2 Health Bureau, Osaka City, Health and Welfare Center of Nishinari Ward, Osaka City Correspondence to: Kenji Matsumoto, Osaka City Public Health Office, 1 _ 2 _ 7 _ 1000, Asahimachi, Abeno-ku, Osakashi, Osaka 545_ 0051 Japan. (E-mail: