City of Rockford Master Plan 2020
City of Rockford Master Plan 2020
City of Rockford Master Plan 2020 June 2002 City of Rockford Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 Chapter 2 – Profile Historical Background Soils and Terrain Population Age Race & Ethnicity Education Housing Employment Community Patterns Existing Land Use Natural Features Transportation Historical Features Neighborhood Conditions 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 11 11 11 12 Chapter 3 – Planning Issues Small Town Charm Neighborhood Integrity Commercial Opportunities External Influences Future City Growth Physical Conditions Redevelopment Opportunities 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 Chapter 4 – Vision and Goals Community Central Business District Housing Business/Employment Natural Features Parks & Recreation Transportation TABLE OF CONTENTS 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 i MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Chapter 5 – Rockford’s Future Land Use Residential Capacity Residential Character Transportation 26 33 33 37 Chapter 6 – Implementing the Plan Roles & Responsibilities Things to Remember 40 40 Appendix Kidspeak TABLE OF CONTENTS ii MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Future Land Use Map, a graphic representation of the vision, goals, policies, and recommendations contained in the text. Together the text and maps constitute the long-range Master Plan for Rockford. CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION Rockford has long been considered one of the metro area’s most desirable small towns, a place reminiscent of Norman Rockwell’s vision of small town America. Its large homes fronting tree-lined streets surround a bustling downtown business district. Residents enjoy abundant recreational opportunities, including the unique White Pine Trail and the Rogue River. Employment is available at numerous companies, large and small, including Wolverine Worldwide, an international giant within its industry. Why does Rockford need a plan and what will the Master Plan do? The Master Plan is the conceptual foundation of the City’s land use policies and provides the basis for the City’s zoning regulations. Michigan law requires that a Zoning Ordinance be based on a well conceived Master Plan. The Planning Commission, City Council, and Zoning Board of Appeals can use the Plan for guidance when land use issues appear before them. This includes adoption of zoning amendments, review of land use applications, and requests for variances from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Applicants seeking project approvals will also find the Master Plan to be a valuable tool for understanding the City’s long-term goals. In addition, the Plan provides direction for public improvements such as roads, parks, and similar facilities. This Master Plan is intended to provide a common vision to guide the City’s actions and policies toward a future which maintains the strengths and addresses the short-comings of a growing community. The Plan is the product of many long hours of work by the Planning Commission and City staff with input from the City Council, the community-atlarge, and even the school children. What is a Master Plan? A Master Plan is a document authored by the Planning Commission to guide the future growth and development of the community. Furthermore, it can be utilized to preserve and enhance those qualities of the community that residents consider important. The City of Rockford Master Plan examines a wide range of community development issues including population growth, housing, natural resource protection, transportation, and land use. The implications of each are analyzed and translated into a series of issues, goals, and recommendations for the City. An important part of the document is the CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION The Planning Process This document was produced through the combined efforts of many individuals and groups within the community, coming together at various times to voice their ideas, hopes, and concerns for the future of the City. While the Planning Commission took the lead in formulating the Plan, they were facilitators and catalysts for a much broader City-wide undertaking. In addition to the regular active discussions 1 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford by the Planning Commission, several other steps were designed to tap the broader resources of various segments of the community. dislikes, identifying those things that should be preserved and those that should be changed. Working in small groups the students were asked to prepare master plan maps illustrating their vision for the City. With the assistance of the Mayor, City Council members, City staff, and Planning Commission members, students used their imaginations and artistic abilities to construct the Rockford of the Future, based on the lessons learned in the program. Public facilities, such as parks and trails, were placed throughout the community, along with business and industrial districts, and a variety of residential locations. Other amenities deemed beneficial to the overall livability of the City were also added. First, one-on-one interviews were conducted with a number of individuals – business owners, corporate executives, residents, school district officials, staff, and others. Next, an effort at wider “targeted” participation was undertaken with a focus group that was convened on two separate occasions. This group of about 40 persons represented a wide range of perspectives and contributed significantly to the Plan’s direction. During these sessions, small groups discussed the City’s opportunities and needs and eventually translated those thoughts into goals and actions for the future. Planning Commissioners and other City officials observed while the small groups debated and set priorities. The final Kidspeak session included a presentation of the nine versions of the “Laphamville of the Future” plans to the Rockford City Council, bringing together the original community of 1846 and the Rockford of the Future. The students also wrote essays to explain in narrative form how their plans were developed. The drawings and narratives generated by the students are included in the Appendix to illustrate the thought and creativity that came from their participation. A third, and very unique, aspect of the community’s involvement was an effort dubbed “Kidspeak” in which fifth graders from Parkside Elementary School were asked to formulate their vision of Rockford. The Kidspeak program proved to be both an enjoyable and insightful part of the Master Plan process for students and the City, alike. Conducted over several days, the program began with an introduction to the basic concepts of planning and zoning and how they affect the community. A bus tour was organized to familiarize students with the City and its character including important landmarks, public service facilities, parks, natural features and the various land uses. Students were asked to make observations about their likes and CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION 2 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford community, and railroad line ensured that the village would be rebuilt. With a decline in lumbering, Rockford needed new industry, and the Hirth-Krause Company’s decision to build a shoe factory provided it. Using the Rogue as a source of power, the Hirth and Krause families built their factory in 1903 and a tannery in 1909. From 1903 to the present, the company, which adopted the trademark “Wolverine”, has been a cornerstone in Rockford’s growth. CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE Historical Background Located along the Rogue River and just a short drive north of the Grand Rapids metropolitan area is the community of Rockford. In 1842 Marlin Hunter came to the area looking for lumber, and wintered in a cabin near the Rogue River. The following spring he was joined by his brother William, who hoped to dam the river and build a water-powered sawmill. By 1845, five families had settled in “Laphamville” and a road was cut through. Just 20 years later, the tiny village contained enough new buildings to require official platting. The village was platted and the tradition of planting trees along all the streets was instituted—a practice that continues today. At that time the name of the village changed from Laphamville to its current name, Rockford. Rockford became a home rule city in 1935 with its own charter, city council, and manager. Since then the City has continued to grow, due in part to the steady expansion of Wolverine World Wide, Inc., the small town lure of Rockford, and the City’s proximity to the Grand Rapids metro job market. Today, Rockford’s 2.6 square miles contain a rich mix of quality residential neighborhoods and its location near the U.S. 131 freeway makes it readily accessible to Grand Rapids area employment centers. In addition, it is home to the company that evolved from the humble Hirth-Krause Company into a world leader in the shoe industry, Wolverine World Wide, employing over 1,500 people locally. Rockford possesses a thriving downtown that has a strong local and tourist market. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the revitalization of the downtown business district and the City’s other commercial core at Ten Mile Road and Wolverine Boulevard. Such efforts, coupled with steady business and industrial growth, and one of the most respected school districts in the nation, By the 1870’s, the once abundant virgin pine forests were almost exhausted and a series of devastating fires and floods in the late 1800’s nearly leveled Rockford. But its water power, large farming CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 3 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford have continued to lure new residents to the community. time period, than the overall population of Kent County. Soils and Terrain Its location on the bank of the Rogue River, results in much of the City being located on nearly level and relatively low lands, especially on the east side of the river. Newly developing areas west of the river, however, sit on steep banks and more undulating topography. Likewise, on the other side of the City, east of Wolverine Boulevard, the land rises sharply. In general, soils on the City’s east side are excessively to well drained with sandy and loamy materials. However, on the west side, soils tend to be heavier, poorly drained clay. The soils of Rockford and its surroundings were created during the last glacial period and the result was a variety of soil types differing in texture, drainage, and slope. Govt. Unit 1970 1980 1990 2000 % Chg ‘90 to ‘00 Rockford 2428 3324 3750 4626 23.4 Cdr. Spr. 1807 2615 2600 3112 19.7 Grnville 7493 8019 8101 7935 - 2.0 Algoma 3088 4411 5496 7596 38.2 Courtland 2196 3272 3950 5817 47.3 Plainfield 16,935 20,611 24,946 30,195 21.0 Kent Co. 411,044 444,506 500,631 574,335 14.7 Age Kent County and Rockford share a similar age composition of their population. However, one important difference is the percentage of residents under 18 years old. According to the 2000 Census, one-third (33.9 %) of all residents in the City (1,566) are under the age of 18. This has obvious implications for planning public facilities such as schools and parks. Population Since the 1970’s, the City of Rockford has experienced a steady increase in population consistent with the overall population explosion of the Grand Rapids metropolitan area. Pre-1970’s, the City was a small community of approximately 2,000 residents and is now home to 4,626 people. Residential growth has not been the only change within the City limits; industrial opportunities have grown over time and now are providing a steady source of employment, as well as a strong tax base. The table below illustrates the 2000 age distribution of the City of Rockford compared with that of Kent County and the State of Michigan. Age Distribution Comparison 12.3 10.8 10.9 % 65 + % 18-24 As the accompanying chart indicates, the population of Rockford has nearly doubled during the past 30 years. The City has grown at a faster rate over the same CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 43.6 % 25-44 7.0 10.5 16.5 27.6 28.3 32.5 % Under 18 0.0 50.1 49.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Source: 2000 U.S. City of Rockford 4 Kent County State of Michigan MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford The median age of 31.5 years old, as reported in the 2000 Census, is lower than either the State of Michigan (35.5) or Kent County (32.5). over 200 additional K-5 students has also been recorded. This type of growth has forced the Rockford Public Schools to adjust their building needs to accommodate the growing student body. For the school year 2001-2002, the school district had an elementary population (PPI through 5th grade) that made up 44.7% of the overall student body and the high school (grades 9 through 12) accounted for an additional 31.7%. Race & Ethnicity Racial diversity, while somewhat greater than reported in the 1990 Census, remains predominantly white. An estimated 96.2% of the City’s population, according to the 2000 Census, was classified as white. The mix of other races, reported by the Census is comprised of: Hispanic (1.5%), Asian (.9%), Black (.6%), American Indian (.4 %), and other (.4%). Rockford Public Schools Enrollment Change School Year 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 Total Education The entire City is within the Rockford School District though the district boundaries extend well beyond the City limits. The Middle School, the school district administration offices, and two elementary schools are located within the City. A private school and three preschools are also located inside the City. 5,654 5,842 5,997 6,259 6,470 6,802 7,014 7,256 7,395 7,559 7,572 Change # % 188 155 262 211 332 212 242 139 164 13 1,918 3.3 2.6 4.4 3.4 5.1 3.1 3.5 1.9 2.2 0.2 33.9 Enrollment is grand total including Special Education and Alternative Ed. Enrollment in the Rockford Public Schools has been consistently growing for many years. As the chart indicates, the school district has witnessed an average increase of 192 students per year over the last eleven years. In the school year 19911992, the total school population was 5,654 while that number grew to 7,572 students for the academic year 2001-2002, an increase of more than one-third of the 91-92 enrollment. City residents exhibit a high level of educational attainment as 89.5% have a high school diploma or higher educational level compared to 84.6% for Kent County. Nearly 30% (27.9) of the City’s population has a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with 25.8% for Kent County. Housing The housing stock in the City of Rockford is varied in both style and age of structures. The pattern of development is almost visible from the varying styles of homes and their location within the city. The City’s oldest homes are found, predictably, at the very center near In the last five years, the majority of this increase has occurred in the high school. Over 500 additional students have been counted in the high school since the 96-97 academic year. A noticeable increase of CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE Enrollment 5 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford downtown. The housing stock gets progressively newer as development moves outward from the City center. large lots (10,000 to 15,000 sq.ft.) and cul de sac streets. This represents a departure from the traditional neighborhood pattern found throughout the core City. Two of every three dwellings (66.3%) within the City are owner-occupied, according to the 2000 census. This number represents an increase in home ownership since 1990 when approximately 60% of the households were owner-occupied. Renter-occupied dwellings include both traditional “apartments” and homes being rented or leased, while owner-occupied units are both homes and condominiums occupied by the owner/purchaser. Employment Rockford is home to a wide array of employers, offering job opportunities to the residents of the City and surrounding areas. Of the top ten employers within the City limits, seven are product-related industries. Wolverine World Wide leads the list of employers with a local work force of approximately 1,500. Top Ten Employers This ratio of owner- to renter-occupied dwellings is fairly typical of small cities, due in part to the availability of large, old homes and the aging of the population, along with a reduction in family size. The following table provides a comparison of the owner/renter status among other comparable cities. City Portland Grand Haven Belding Rockford Greenville Ionia % Owner 74.9 67.6 66.4 66.3 61.6 60.8 City of Rockford Employer Wolverine World Wide Grand Rapids Controls Inc. Byrne Electrical Specialist Rockford Public Schools D & W Food Center ITW B & L Plastics Kalfact Plastics Inc. Champion Health Aftech Inc. Alloy Exchange Inc. % Renter 25.1 32.4 33.6 33.7 38.4 39.2 Based on the visual survey conducted for this Plan and input provided throughout the course of the planning process, the majority of the new residential development has occurred at the periphery of the City. The Rockford Highlands project, located west of the Rogue River, is an example of a new residential development that has introduced typically suburban style housing with relatively CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE Number of Employees 1,535 Product/ Service Product 425 Product 250 Product 250* Service 210 Service 150 150 Product Product 112 75 60 Service Product Product *work within city limits Institutional and retail employers also contribute significant job opportunities. Rockford Public Schools employs 250 people within the City limits. The D&W Food Center employs around 210 persons at its store on the corner of 10 Mile and Wolverine Boulevard. The City’s top ten 6 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford employers provide over 3,200 job opportunities within the City of Rockford. Rockford is conveniently positioned in relation to a wide array of employment opportunities. Major transportation corridors, Wolverine Boulevard/ Northland Drive and the US-131 freeway, offer direct north/south access into the metro area. Commuting time reported in the 2000 Census was comparable to, though slightly less than, that of 1990 (21 minutes vs. 21.8 minutes, respectively). Considering Rockford’s population is less than 5,000, the availability of over 3,000 jobs from the top 10 employers results in a very low unemployment rate. According to Michigan Office of Career Development, the City’s unemployment rate was consistently below 2% for the last half of the decade of the 90’s and has remained at that level into the new century. This compares to a statewide unemployment level for the same period which ranged from a low of 3.6% to 4.9%. According to the 2000 Census commuting pattern data 85.1% of residents drove alone to work, compared with 78.9% in 1990. The mode of transportation used to get to work is illustrated in the chart below. Rockford residents are employed in a diverse range of occupations. The two largest employment sectors are “management, professional, and related” and “sales and office.” The following chart shows the employment distribution by occupation. Mode of Commuting Occupations 13.2 35.2 26.7 Drove alone Walked Work at home 17.9 7 Management, professional & related Service Sales & office Construction, extraction & maintenance Production, transportation & material moving Existing Land Use Most of Rockford’s developable land is developed. While there are isolated parcels scattered throughout the City, there are few large blocks of land that have yet to be developed. Commuting Patterns In 2001 the City of Rockford and Algoma Township entered into an agreement whereby approximately 170 acres of Located on the northern edge of metropolitan Grand Rapids, the City of CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE Car-pooled Other means 7 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford vacant, rolling land along Rockford’s west border, north of 10 Mile Road, was transferred from the Township to the City under a cooperative, tax sharing arrangement. The City’s downtown, also east of the river, is located just north of the main east/west transportation corridor (10 Mile Road/Division Street). Some older homes adjacent to the commercial core and fronting on heavily traveled streets, such as Division Street and Monroe Street, have experienced conversion to non-residential uses, primarily offices. However, despite having business and residential uses coexist side by side, the residential character of these areas remains strong. Rockford is divided by the Rogue River. The east side contains the original city settlement and older homes as well as all of the commerce and industry. Residential development on the east side of the river is predominantly single family, owner-occupied homes, though some twofamily conversions and multi-family complexes have occurred. Time periods of construction, architectural details on homes, and development layouts vary throughout this area of the City, providing clues to the time period when the neighborhood was developed. Building Permits in the City of Rockford 1990-2001 Year 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 Total No. Total No. of Res. of Bldg. Bldg. Permits Permits * 105 34 114 37 99 31 90 26 81 70 85 61 65 31 63 23 57 11 12 Total No. of Comm. Bldg. Permits 7 7 3 4 4 1 4 The homes around the downtown area are the oldest and exhibit two stories, wood siding, ornate, and decorative detailing. The neighborhoods on the south side of Division Street have similar features of those surrounding downtown but appear to have a slightly newer look and detailing. Moving north and south, away from the downtown, the house styles change and exhibit the more contemporary styling of the late 1960’s or 1970’s when single story, brick homes, with attached garages, were popular. * BREAKDOWN EXCLUDES: Residential remodel, commercial remodel, signs, breezeways, single wide mobile homes, attached garages and detached garages. However, these items are reflected in the overall # of building permits issued. CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 8 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford side. Several open sites remain for future industrial development, as well as some limited commercial development. However, while zoned industrial, much of the remaining vacant land on the east side of Wolverine Blvd./Northland Drive in the northeast section of the City is owned and held by Wolverine World Wide. Development on the west side of the river is newer and contains varying residential options -- apartments, condominiums, large lot single-family home sites, and many small lot home sites. All have been built over different periods of time, resulting in a variety of building styles and sizes. Business activity in Rockford has not been confined to the downtown area. Larger commercial enterprises requiring more space have established a broader community commercial node at 10 Mile Land Use Acres Single & two family residential 675.81 % of Total Area 36.7 Multi family residential Commercial 74.70 4.0 87.11 4.7 Industrial 189.43 10.3 Public 137.36 7.5 Water 32.41 1.8 Vacant 641.17* 35.0 Total 1837.99 100 Road and Wolverine Boulevard. A large grocery store, fast food restaurants, small retail shops, health/fitness center, and financial and medical offices are clustered at this busy intersection. * Total includes land recently transferred into the City from Algoma Township (175.11 acres). North of 11 Mile Road, the land use is predominately industrial. Two separate industrial parks are located between the Rogue River on the west and Wolverine Blvd./Northland Drive on the eastern CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 9 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford with single-family homes and commercial uses that also front the corridor. Most have separate driveways and minimal setbacks, creating frequent traffic conflicts. In addition, the street is lined with large, stately trees which inhibit any likelihood of it being widened. Natural Features Numerous natural features make Rockford an aesthetically pleasing place to live, work, and relax. Woods, water, and steep bluffs all offer interest. Ten Mile Road west of the City to the U.S. 131 interchange is also severely burdened at peak hours. A joint planning effort with Rockford, Algoma Township, and Plainfield Township has been undertaken to examine land use, access management, and street improvements along this street. Another transportation issue stems from the proximity of Wolverine Worldwide’s production facilities to the north edge of Rockford’s downtown business district. The limited routes to and from the Wolverine facilities require truck traffic, in particular, to make its way past or through residential areas. The City’s most prominent natural feature is the Rogue River that flows from north to south and bisects the City. It is fed by several smaller but important tributaries: Shaw, Rum, and Blakeslee Creeks. Recognizing the river’s value to the community, steps have been taken by the City to ensure access to the Rogue by obtaining an easement along the Rogue River’s west side from Bridge Street up to 12 Mile Road. Careful attention has been paid to maintaining the high quality, natural vegetation to provide a meaningful experience for the visitor. Historical Features Rockford’s many historical resources represent a cultural and physical link to the City’s rich historical past. While some of these structures still maintain the same uses for which they were originally built, some have been renovated for other uses. Transportation North/south access to and from Rockford is reasonably good via the U.S.131 expressway and Wolverine Blvd./Northland Drive. However, the limited access east and west places large volumes of traffic on 10 Mile Road/Division Street through the center of the City. This road is partially lined CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 11 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford The Hessler Opera House (built 18961900) is a prime example of a past use that no longer exists, but the building has been adapted to other uses. Other significant historical structures such as the Del Tower House (the first electric house in Rockford) and the Smith Lapham Home (home of Rockford’s founding father, built in 1871) help provide a historical timeline through the different eras of Rockford’s past. Neighborhood Conditions As a part of the Master Plan, a neighborhood conditions assessment was prepared to get a better grasp on the current conditions of the housing stock in Rockford. The assessment looked at several factors related to the age of the structures, physical condition, property maintenance, and the entire block for signs of distress, safety issues, proper lighting, and parking. General assessments were made on a block wide level to avoid isolating individual houses. Historical Resources While the City does contain a number of historic treasures, they tend to be scattered throughout the City’s east side rather than being concentrated in a cohesive district. Overall, property maintenance and neighborhood conditions are very good throughout the City. Most blocks are well maintained. Structural, property, and safety issues are mostly non-existent. A few areas experiencing traffic concerns related to speed, through traffic or pedestrian crossing safety, where trafficcalming measures may offer relief and should be examined. The older section of the City enjoys a level of infrastructure that newer sections typically do not have. The core City has a grid patterned street network with a traditional raised curb and gutter design. However, the City’s departure from the traditional curb and gutter toward a rolled curb for a brief period has altered the appearance of some of the City’s more recent developments. The neat and clean appearance of the distinct curb edge defining the boundary between the road and the property is lost in these locations to a vague and less defined street edge. CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 12 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford sidewalks and gutters are in need of repair, missing pieces of siding, peeling paint, and broken porches all indicate signs of neglect. This area represents the most vulnerable section of Rockford. Another section of central Rockford in need of attention is the small enclave north of the community ball fields, on the south side of Lewis Street and west of Northland Drive. The twenty or so homes in this area are in need of some maintenance and repairs. Factors that may have resulted in the area’s downward turn would likely include the small Wolverine plant to the east, commercial businesses on Northland Drive as well as the long hours maintained by the community ball fields and soccer complex. For a long time, most of the Rockford High School athletic teams played at this complex, as well. In central Rockford, property maintenance is generally good. Here much of the housing is a part of the ‘original City’ and has been revived to reflect its past heritage. Most of these homes have been restored to modern standards while embracing the roots of the past. For the most part, Rockford’s perimeter development is considerably newer than central Rockford. Therefore, much of the housing is in relatively better condition. A couple of the neighborhoods are isolated from the surrounding areas by physical barriers or more intense uses. In time, these neighborhoods may be more susceptible to deterioration. Already some areas, primarily those along the western banks of the Rogue River and further north along Summit Avenue, show some signs of deterioration. Many of these homes are forty to fifty years old and have only recently started to see some improvements. The neighborhood which lines North Main Street, north and east of the Wolverine Leather Plant in downtown has shown signs of deterioration. A general lack of maintenance and upkeep has been the main culprit. Crumbling CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE The following pages summarize the relative neighborhood conditions of the City’s residential areas. 13 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Well Maintained - these areas were consistently above the 75% range when analyzing a block by block assessment of the physical structure, yard maintenance, public infrastructure (sidewalks, curb and gutter, and roadways) and overall block appearance. More than three quarters of the home sites had to meet or exceed the criteria stated above to qualify for this category. Structure age influenced this rating indirectly, due to the obvious relationship between age of the development and need for maintenance. Neighborhood 1 - the “downtown” neighborhood corresponds with the original City boundary and includes a grid street pattern and many turn-of-thecentury houses that have been meticulously maintained over time. Housing closest to the downtown commercial district tends to date from the 1930’s and earlier. “Newer” housing, constructed during the middle decades of the 20th century, is located around the perimeter of the neighborhood. The older, original housing tends to be two stories with covered front porches, typically has ornamentation detailing on the exterior, and usually doesn’t have garages. Newer housing is often single level, with less square footage. Most of these homes have little, if any, ornamentation detailing on the exterior, but garages are more prevalent than on the older properties. Standard - these areas were consistently within the range of 60-75% of acceptable home sites for the criteria used in this analysis. Much of Rockford falls into this category. Due to the age of many of the City’s neighborhoods, maintenance needs to remain a high priority. The mature neighborhoods, in particular, should be carefully monitored to detect signs of deterioration or neglect in their early stages. Needs Attention - these areas of Rockford had a range of quality home sites lower than 60% for the neighborhood. These locations show more than isolated signs of neglect and are the areas of greatest concern. Inattention to yard upkeep and/or routine building maintenance are often common in these locations. Land use conflicts may contribute to the conditions in some cases, while others may be the result of general neighborhood apathy. Obviously, not all properties are in immaculate shape. There are a handful of homes that are in disrepair and are in need of some physical reconditioning. Some need just cosmetic repairs, whether some new paint, repair of crumbling steps, or maintenance of the yard. Criteria: Neighborhood 2 - the northern extension of the “original” City grid has grown older in its physical appearance and some of its Housing type Time period structures were built (per block) CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE Physical condition (peeling paint, torn screens, missing shingles, structural sagging, broken windows, cracked driveways, etc.) Street infrastructure maintenance Yard maintenance issues Pedestrian safety issues Parking related issues Neighborhood cleanliness 14 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Neighborhood 4 Older homes typically found at northern end while southern end of neighborhood is homes built in the middle to late decades of the 20th century Older homes are larger sq. ft. on smallest lots; newer homes are on larger lots and typically smaller houses Some improvements needed on sidewalks and curb and gutter structures are showing signs of age and neglect. This neighborhood appears to have been split as indicated by the building styles and development of the school and athletic complexes in its midst. While these two sections are physically separated, they are similar in characteristics and styles, and therefore, considered to be one neighborhood. Neighborhood 5 Neighborhood built in the 1960’s or 1970’s A couple of home styles repeated throughout the area Average sized houses on smallish sized lots Active group socializing together frequently Infrastructure is adequate and not in need of repair Again, as in neighborhood #1, the age of the buildings varies as some remain from the turn-of-the-century, while newer structures have replaced those no longer around. Property maintenance and physical conditions are not consistent with many other parts of the City. Some contributing factors might include the location of the Tanning Factory surrounded by residential homes, the conversion of homes to non-residential uses, parking lots with little or no screening to mitigate their impact on adjacent properties, other non-commercial activities adjacent to homes, and community athletic facilities that used to serve the high school athletic exclusively but now are used with less frequency. Properties in this neighborhood were seen with trash and litter on the ground. City infrastructure is currently adequate, with the sidewalks and curb and gutter needing to be addressed in the near future. Neighborhood 6 Areas of declining housing on both sides of Spring Street and Bridge Street Little or no sidewalks in this section of the City Curb and gutter limited to the main roads Sections of neighborhood have quality houses and properties Most properties are large in acreage Neighborhood 7 Small lot, smallish houses Infrastructure is in good shape Built in the 1960’s and 70’s Similar housing, in good shape Street layout is curvilinear with mini cul-de-sacs Neighborhood 3 Overall quality of neighborhood is good Smaller homes than previous neighborhoods Infrastructure quality is good Property maintenance is above average CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 15 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Neighborhood 13 Modest homes on small lots Infrastructure is in good condition (rolled curbs) Neighborhood 8 Larger lots, with 1960’s 1970’s housing styles Wide street rights-of-way Feel of spreading out/spaciousness Infrastructure is in good shape Neighborhood 14 Large lot residential development New homes (1990’s and newer) New infrastructure (rolled curbs) Neighborhood 9 Collection of two different developments (one from the 1960-70’s and one from the 1990’s) Similar site layouts, size of structures, and configurations Streets and sidewalks are in good condition Rolled curbs with gutters Neighborhood 15 Newer residential development (1980’s and 1990’s) Good size houses on smallish lots One and one-half acre commons Neighborhood 16 New single family residential development in progress (2000 and later) When completed, it will have new infrastructure Isolated from other like developments Neighborhood 10 Private, condominium development High density of structures with a common open area On a bluff overlooking single family residential below No physical connections with adjoining properties Neighborhood 17 Site condo development Higher density with small lots Rolled curbs and sidewalks with no separation from the street Quality condominium development Neighborhood 11 Large apartment complex Buffered from all adjoining properties Dense clustering of buildings with a common, open space Isolated from other uses and properties Neighborhood 18 Apartment Complex Adjacent to a commercial center Street network and infrastructure needs some improvement Little open space relative to population and housing density Neighborhood 12 Largest residential development in Rockford Large lot, luxury homes Unfinished at current, however, will have new infrastructure when completely built out Homes built on crest (highest point in Rockford) CHAPTER 2 - PROFILE 16 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford New residential development has found its place mainly on the west side of the Rogue River. However, rather than emulating the design traditions established by the original settlement, the new immigrants to Rockford brought with them more contemporary styles of development – wide meandering streets, cul-de-sacs, and expansive front yards. Elsewhere, industry and commercial establishments have developed, but again, did so without blending with the City’s original character. CHAPTER 3 – PLANNING ISSUES While Rockford is widely considered to be among the region’s most desirable communities as a place to live, work, or simply enjoy, there are a number of planning issues impacting the City’s future and which this document addresses. A discussion of these follows. Small Town Charm Narrow streets, shaded by towering trees, and lined with well-kept, two story homes… families strolling through the neighborhood, chatting with friends along their route to the ice cream shop downtown… such scenes are commonplace in Rockford, a picture of small town America. Like many communities, Rockford is somewhat a victim of its own success. In essence, Rockford has become two visually distinct communities – a central core, between the Rogue River and Wolverine Blvd./Northland Drive, and the expanded City, where new development lacks the traditional character of the central core. This physical dichotomy is identified as a critical issue facing the City. It is recognized that the original community cannot be duplicated in every detail and, in fact, the rugged terrain associated with much of the remaining available land will preclude the traditional neighborhood development. However, it is widely believed that new development, whether residential or business, should incorporate specific design elements, to the extent possible, to create a more harmonious image throughout the community. This would blend the old with the new, rather than define a hard line where one stops and the other starts, suggesting two separate communities. The quaint charm, compact size, familyfriendly atmosphere, and nearby employment opportunities have lured many people to the community over the years. The scale of that growth, however, has outpaced the availability of existing homes and land within the City’s central core. CHAPTER 3 - PLANNING ISSUES 18 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Despite the apparent physical differences, however, it is generally agreed that residents City-wide share the same pride in the community and equally enjoy the assets that Rockford offers. other commercial center at 10 Mile Road and Wolverine Boulevard is bustling, but is severely limited in its ability to expand and is congested. A few scattered businesses in other locations are destinations, but lack the synergy to be considered “centers”. Neighborhood Integrity During the public participation sessions, several concerns were expressed about the lack of business mix or diversity. This concern may be addressed in the future from outside the City of Rockford, as new “big box” development engulfs the U.S. 131 interchange at 10 Mile Road. Such outlying development may bring more retail choice than can be accommodated within the City, but will also pose a serious competitive threat to businesses within Rockford. This issue is discussed further in the “external influences” section. An issue closely related to protecting Rockford’s small town charm is that of protecting the residential character of the City’s established neighborhoods from the threat of non-residential expansion. Clearly, many uses such as churches, schools, and parks contribute greatly to the fabric of the traditional neighborhood and may even provide a focal point for the area. However, the growth and expansion of churches, for example, has resulted in the demolition of viable housing to make way for paved parking lots. This type of intrusion is not appropriate and erodes the desirability of the neighborhood, rather than enhancing it. External Influences The Master Plan is intended to guide community development decisions to achieve the City’s long-range goals. However, there are certain conditions beyond the City’s direct control which significantly impact its future. Such external influences must be recognized and addressed to the extent possible by the City in cooperation with its neighbors. Maintaining the residential integrity of Rockford’s neighborhoods should be given priority over other competing interests. Existing homes should not be sacrificed to non-residential uses without serious consideration of all other possible alternatives. Development along 10 Mile Road probably has the greatest potential to impact Rockford. Property acquisition and announced plans for large-scale commercial development at the U.S. 131 interchange at 10 Mile Road will create a very large business center poised as a substantial competitor to the established businesses in Rockford. In addition to its mere presence in this location, such Commercial Opportunities Commercial development presents a complex issue for Rockford. While its downtown is a focal point for the City and an attraction that pulls many visitors to town each year, it is not without its problems. Business turnover, insufficient room for expansion, and retail mix are frequently heard concerns. The City’s CHAPTER 3 - PLANNING ISSUES 19 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford development will be positioned at the front door to the City. The first impressions created by traffic movement, architecture, landscaping, and signs will reflect positively or negatively on Rockford. available to accommodate projects of any size. Most of the surrounding land, located in four separate townships, remains relatively rural and sparsely developed. For the most part, these areas are planned for very low density residential development on acreage parcels. Development philosophies also vary among the adjoining communities. While Courtland (to the east), Cannon (to the southeast), and Plainfield (to the south) have planned their respective lands for various categories of rural residential, Algoma Township (west and northwest of Rockford) anticipates a higher relative density (2-3.5 units per acre), if public utilities become available. In addition, Algoma proposes extending commercial and industrial development north of the City along the west side of Northland Drive. Other development on all sides of the City will also impact Rockford, either in a complementary fashion or negatively. Specific concerns with such development will relate to its compatibility with existing or planned uses in adjacent Rockford; the image it presents at the City’s entryways; and its visual relationship to the character of Rockford. Again, these are matters outside the City’s direct control. To a large extent, the City must rely on the cooperation of adjoining townships and their desire for quality development to promote a harmonious built environment. To this end, a cooperative planning effort has been undertaken by Rockford, Algoma Township, and Plainfield Township to plan for the 10 Mile Road corridor from U.S. 131 to the Rogue River. This unified effort, aimed at achieving a common set of objectives, may provide a useful framework to give Rockford a voice in decisions affecting the City beyond its borders and may serve as a model for similar efforts in other locations. Of the four surrounding townships, Algoma is the one most likely to support development adjacent to the City. Such development would probably be limited to moderate density residential, consistent with that which already exists on adjacent lands in the City. In an example of intergovernmental cooperation, Rockford has negotiated an agreement with Algoma Township to transfer 170 acres of undeveloped township land into the City in return for a tax sharing arrangement between the two communities. Future City Growth Future industrial development presents a greater challenge. The existing industrial park on the north end of the City is nearly built-out. The only remaining land suited to industry is found on the east side of Northland Drive, north of 11 Mile Road. This land, however, is owned by Like cities everywhere that have already dealt with growth issues, Rockford is nearing its capacity. Most of the community is developed. Isolated lots here and there offer some infill potential; but there are few large tracts of land CHAPTER 3 - PLANNING ISSUES 20 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Wolverine Worldwide Corporation and will likely be held for corporate expansion. Additional industrial land is needed to provide a tax base and expand the employment opportunities for the entire area. neighborhood quality will be avoided. However, prolonged neglect could result in pockets of deterioration that could spread and influence neighboring property values, making it more difficult to reverse the trend as time goes on. Conversely, whether future growth occurs within or outside the boundaries of the City, it will impact Rockford’s “small town” character. It is important for the City to avoid the erosion of its manageable scale. Redevelopment Opportunities As with most cities, when the raw land is gone the reuse potential of exiting developed areas is looked at more closely. Rockford has few areas, however, that lend themselves to redevelopment. Most of the City’s mature development is comprised of well-maintained, highly prized residential neighborhoods. These would not be appropriate locations for redevelopment. One of the issues to be confronted as growth continues in and around the City relates to moving traffic. As previously noted, east/west access is largely confined to the 10 Mile Rd./Division Street corridor which connects with the only interchange at U.S.131 near Rockford. Additional freeway access north of Rockford, via 12 Mile Road, would help alleviate the current and anticipated congestion. Two locations that present some opportunity for redevelopment are the central business district and Old Northland Drive between Courtland and E. Main. The downtown business district offers the potential for creative redevelopment of some existing buildings. In particular, upper floors of many of these buildings are vacant or, at best, underutilized. Many offer potential opportunities for offices or apartments. Physical Conditions Overall, the City is well maintained. Its homes and neighborhoods convey a sense of pride in the community that is apparent even to visitors. However, there are a few relatively isolated areas where signs of neglect are evident – homes needing paint, torn screens, sagging porches, outdoor storage, etc. (A description of neighborhood conditions may be found beginning on page 11.) Beyond a building-by-building redevelopment effort downtown, there may be a long-range opportunity immediately north of the central business district. Property currently owned and partially occupied by Wolverine Worldwide Corporation could lend itself to eventual expansion of the business district with retail and mixed use development. Removal of intense industrial activities from the heart of the City would be, on one hand, a desirable Signs of deterioration are advanced warning signals of potentially greater problems in years to come. If acted upon soon, these nuisance conditions can be corrected and further erosion of the CHAPTER 3 - PLANNING ISSUES 21 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford objective. This would eliminate an existing incompatible use, while opening a prime area for future business district expansion. On the other hand, however, the City recognizes the importance of its largest corporate citizen to the community and surrounding area and will not advocate a change unless and until Wolverine desires to do so. Another redevelopment focus is found in the east central part of the City. The Old Northland Drive area lacks a clear identity. It is a mix of businesses and residences, new and old, well-maintained and neglected. Some new investment has been made in the area in recent years, but incompatibilities and deterioration still exist. This area is one that would benefit from extensive redevelopment efforts. It needs to clearly focus on upgrading its deficiencies and establishing a consistent land use pattern. CHAPTER 3 - PLANNING ISSUES 22 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford CHAPTER 4 – VISION AND GOALS ¾ Create a place for local events which can serve as a focal point for the community Rockford in 2020 will be a walkable small town that has maintained its natural and historical assets while providing a variety of leisure, economic, and residential opportunities resulting in a sense of community pride and distinctive character. Central Business District (CBD) Goals ¾ Increase the viability and attractiveness of the CBD ¾ Promote redevelopment and more optimum use of downtown properties ¾ Create a “sense of place” within the City’s core Community Goals Strategies ¾ Maintain the small town scale of Rockford ¾ Promote unified/cohesive direction for the City ¾ Promote cultural diversity ¾ Preserve the established character of existing neighborhoods ¾ Promote neighborhood pride ¾ Promote area-wide planning (water/sewer) ¾ Manage future growth and development in relation to the capacity of public services and the City’s ability to maintain its high standards of service ¾ Organize citizen and merchant interest groups to spearhead needed improvements and activities ¾ Facilitate the upgrading and reuse of existing structures ¾ Create a major “draw”/attraction downtown to bring more potential customers to the merchants ¾ Encourage apartments/residential in upper floors of downtown buildings to more fully utilize existing structures and increase the level of activity ¾ Seek and obtain grants for downtown improvements ¾ Create a taxing or special assessment district in the CBD to support improvements ¾ Determine an appropriate mix for CBD businesses ¾ Provide additional parking downtown, and/or work to improve convenience and utilization of existing parking ¾ Promote cultural events/festivals within the business district to promote the downtown and increase customer traffic Strategies ¾ Promote business in Rockford through advertising its assets and conducting events ¾ Establish a community calendar ¾ Develop a community center as an area attraction and an asset for the City ¾ Promote local cultural events/festivals to increase community pride, public awareness, and business CHAPTER 4 - VISION AND GOALS 23 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford ¾ Discourage strip commercial development along 10 Mile Rd. west of the City ¾ Provide opportunities for business development in order that residents may work near their homes ¾ Provide financial incentives for improving buildings Housing Goals ¾ Preserve the character and integrity of existing residential neighborhoods within Rockford’s central core ¾ Achieve an atmosphere within new residential development that is consistent with the established character of Rockford and its central neighborhoods ¾ Promote affordable housing for senior citizens Strategies ¾ Encourage redevelopment of existing buildings to prolong their useful lives and maintain the character of the community ¾ Adopt design standards for future commercial development within and outside the downtown area ¾ Focus future retail development in the downtown and 10 Mile/Wolverine areas ¾ Promote the Northland Drive corridor, between East Main St. and Rum Creek, as the City’s office/service center ¾ Support area-wide efforts to manage land use along 10 Mile Road and minimize the spread of competing commercial development ¾ Seek new locations for future industrial growth ¾ Support “Rockford First” economic development efforts Strategies ¾ Prevent or minimize the intrusion of non-residential uses into established residential neighborhoods ¾ Adopt planned unit development regulations that provide incentives for developers to work more closely with the City in achieving creative results ¾ Adopt standards for new residential development that establish design parameters for entryways, building placement, and streetscape which will result in continuity and harmony rather than monotony and sameness ¾ Incorporate natural amenities (woods, common open space, water features, etc.) into new developments Natural Features Goal ¾ Protect the City’s prized natural features, including the Rogue River, tree-lined streets, and hilly terrain Business/employment Goals Strategies ¾ Provide more retail choice within the City ¾ Create a greater mix/variety of business activity CHAPTER 4 - VISION AND GOALS ¾ Acquire lands along both sides of the Rogue River for preservation and public enjoyment 24 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford ¾ Require tree planting in new ¾ Actively pursue authorization from the developments Kent County Road Commission for additional street access to Wolverine Boulevard Parks & Recreation Goal ¾ Distribute parks throughout all areas of the City ¾ Increase public access to the Rogue River as a recreational amenity Strategies ¾ Seek and obtain grants for land acquisition and park improvements ¾ Cooperate with adjacent communities regarding development of an areawide multi-use park ¾ Develop a linear park and pedestrian pathway along the west side of the Rogue River Transportation Goal ¾ Improve access and circulation to, from, and within the City Strategies ¾ Support areawide efforts to manage land use and access along 10 Mile Road ¾ Promote construction of an interchange at 12 Mile Road and U.S. 131 ¾ Promote public interurban transportation service to and from the City ¾ Provide sidewalks in areas where they are not yet available CHAPTER 4 - VISION AND GOALS 25 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Land adjacent to the City’s west boundary (approximately 170 acres) has recently become part of Rockford as a result of a cooperative agreement with Algoma Township. The development of this land should be carried out as low density planned residential, developed in a manner consistent with the guidelines found on page 34 , affording generous open space to the residents, and providing a suitable transition to the more rural residential development in the adjacent townships. CHAPTER 5 – ROCKFORD’S FUTURE Land Use The pattern has been established for much of the City’s future land use, due mainly to the fact that most of the land is developed. However, there are some vacant parcels that afford an opportunity for new development. In addition, while the City is well maintained overall, there are limited areas of mixed use and marginal conditions where redevelopment may be appropriate. Medium Density Residential Areas of future development and redevelopment within the City are identified on the Future Land Use Map on page 31. A description of the respective land use categories follows: These areas generally coincide with existing two-family and condominium developments, as well as much of the small lot, single family concentrations within the City’s central core. For the most part the land designated as medium density is developed. Such lands should be retained as residential use and not be converted to non-residential uses or lost to parking facilities. Low Density Residential Most of the City is, and will continue to be, devoted to residential development. The Master Plan attempts to reinforce the residential character of the community, but also provides for a variety of residential choices, i.e., density and type of unit. The northwest corner of East Main and Northland Drive, while designated for Medium Density, is currently occupied by several single family homes on large parcels. The proximity of this area to industrial development on the west, commercial development on the north, and Northland Drive on the east suggests that a more concentrated form of development would be appropriate in the future as a transitional use. The low density designation applies to much of the land west of the Rogue River and near the southern perimeter of the City. A somewhat isolated area is also found at the City’s north end, east of Northland Drive. By and large these are newer residential areas consisting of single family homes on relatively large lots (10,000 -15,000 sq.ft.) in comparison with those of Rockford’s central core. Generally, the development of these low density areas would contain no more than three (3) dwellings per acre of land. CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE In addition, one vacant area has been planned for medium density. This is found on the east side of Northland Drive, near the City’s northern border. It is intended to provide a transition between the existing single family homes to the 26 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford north and anticipated industrial development to the south and east. Townhomes, condominiums, senior housing, or small lot single family are envisioned as possibilities for this location. Office Office and related activities provide a buffer or transition between potentially incompatible uses and offer a concentration of similar uses unencumbered by conflicting retail traffic. Densities within this land use category are recommended to be between three and five (3 – 5) units per acre. Several areas are planned for office development. One such area is the west side of the block at the northeast corner of S. Main and Division. This location is already devoted to office uses and provides an attractive entry into Rockford’s central business district. Two others are located along the east side of Wolverine Boulevard, one south of 10 Mile Road, the other south of 11 Mile Road. Both locations are relatively small, but offer appropriate transitional uses between commercial activities or busy traffic arterials and nearby residential development. High Density Residential Several areas of the City are designated as high density residential locations, providing both an alternative housing option and a buffer between lesser intense residential and more intense nonresidential uses. Most of these locations are already developed with multiple family complexes or similar residential or institutional projects. Most of the land planned for high density is found along the east side of Wolverine Boulevard where the rugged topography inhibits more conventional forms of housing development. An additional concentration is on the southeast corner of Childsdale and 10 Mile Road that contains an existing high density development. The largest planned office area is located between Old Northland Drive and Wolverine Boulevard. Currently occupied by a variety of uses ranging from residential to office to retail/service, a portion of the area is also vacant. As discussed elsewhere in the Plan, this location is an ideal candidate for redevelopment and well suited to being transformed into an office concentration. Development within these designated areas may contain both single family and multiple family units at densities up to ten (10) units per acre. An emphasis, however, should be placed on projects specifically oriented toward senior citizens for which a need exists, rather than more conventional apartment complexes which are already found in several Rockford locations. CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE Highway Service This designation has been applied to two linear belts along the west side of Northland Drive in the north end of the City, adjacent to the existing and planned industrial development. The purpose of the Highway Service category is to provide a location for businesses whose primary focus is commercial service and 27 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford which depend on a highway location for customer traffic. They may also serve the adjacent industrial users. It is specifically not intended to be another retail shopping district. While parking is a perceived problem by downtown merchants, there is little evidence of a real parking shortage. Efforts should focus on better identification of available parking and upgrading the appearance of existing parking lots. Businesses in this area should be limited to service-oriented establishments such as auto body shops, vehicle repair facilities, lawn care services, and building contractors. Some ancillary retail may be acceptable, but should be subordinate to the service nature of the business. The creation of the Highway Service area provides a needed and appropriate location for these businesses and a transition area adjacent to the industrial development. In addition, by limiting the retail activity, potential conflicts between retail and industrial traffic will be minimized or avoided. More effort should also be expended toward promotions and community events. Summer concerts, races, fishing derbies, and similar community celebrations should be undertaken to highlight the downtown and draw people to this unique space. With respect to land uses, downtown is envisioned to be a retail center. Some office uses may be appropriate but can have a negative impact by taking prime, street-level, retail space in highly visible locations. It is strongly recommended that efforts be made to retain street-level space for retail and similar uses, while encouraging the use of upper stories of downtown buildings as either residential or office. This may require the modification of some existing codes to permit the needed renovations to occur in a cost effective manner. Central Business District The City’s traditional retail core is found in the “downtown” along the east bank of the Rogue River. Its combination of small shops and restaurants provides a focal point for the community and a central gathering place that reinforces Rockford’s small town charm. In recent years, the district’s image has changed considerably with extensive streetscape improvements, defining the downtown and making it even more inviting. While it is desirable for the downtown to remain compact in order to create needed synergy among the businesses and to ensure its walkability, there may also be a future need for expansion of the district’s boundaries. One area potentially suited to this purpose is found north of the current CBD between North Main Street and the Rogue River. This site is currently occupied by Wolverine Worldwide, but also contains retail outlets and parking. In the event that the current industrial operations outgrow this site or must otherwise relocate, the property should be Downtown Rockford must capitalize on its location and image. Uses should continue to focus on small, unique specialty shops; entertainment facilities; and community events. The riverfront park, Rogue River dam, and White Pine Trail offer inviting features for community events and group activities with spin-off benefits for the business community. CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE 28 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford redeveloped with uses more compatible with the surrounding character of the area which also afford an opportunity for CBD expansion. Future uses would include retail, but more appropriately, may involve a mix of retail, office, and residential in a planned setting. and greater visibility are essential requirements for many businesses. Therefore, the Plan provides for commercial development in the outer perimeter of the City. The concentration of this general commercial is at the intersection of 10 Mile Road and Wolverine Boulevard. This area has become the “community” shopping district with a variety of retail establishments such as a grocery store, pharmacy, and gift shop; several services like a bank and dry cleaners; and a number of restaurants. In addition, the area boasts a major health/fitness center which combines the facilities of a traditional athletic club with several related services such as counseling, sports medicine, physical therapy, and others. CBD expansion onto the Wolverine Worldwide manufacturing site, is considered very long-range and, in fact, would only happen if the current facility is moved or abandoned. However, more immediate opportunities are afforded on the existing City-owned property along the south side of Bridge Street. Development of this site should be strictly controlled by the City to ensure both the right use of the property (i.e., meeting a current unmet need which complements the existing uses) and a high quality of development that adds to the character of the community. The Plan does not envision any significant expansion of the existing General Commercial areas due, in part, to the limited amount of available land, as well as the expected competition from largescale commercial development near the 10 Mile Road/U.S. 131 interchange, and the commitment to downtown Rockford as the commercial center. Conversely, expansion of the CBD along the east side of N. Main across from the Wolverine facility should not be permitted beyond the non-residential development already there. The existing residential structures on this block face should be retained to the extent possible. While conversion to offices or two-family dwellings may be appropriate as transitional uses, such uses can be accommodated under the current zoning classification (R-2) which should not change. No commercial expansion should be permitted in this location. Industrial The bulk of Rockford’s industrial development is found in a column lying between the White Pine Trail and Northland Drive at the north end of the City. This is where the newer industry has located. A second industrial area, and by far the largest, is found in the City’s northeast quadrant, north of 11 Mile Road and east of Northland Drive. This vast area is owned by Wolverine Worldwide and is only partially developed for office, General Commercial Not all of the City’s retail needs may be met downtown. In fact, due to space needs, parking requirements, and other demands of modern retailing, larger areas CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE 29 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Conservation research, and some light industrial activities. The flood plain on either side of the Rogue River, north of 10 Mile Road, forms a narrow band that divides the City approximately in half. This is designated as a conservation area. Much of the land is low and subject to periodic flooding. Therefore, intense development should not be permitted. While most of this latter site is planned for industrial, future development is expected to be limited to WWW’s facilities and will not be available for general development. Therefore, as Rockford’s inventory of available industrial land dwindles, the City will need to seek other alternatives to accommodate further industrial growth. A cooperative effort with Algoma Township to the north or Courtland Township to the east may be a desirable strategy. Ideally, the conservation area should be protected as public or private open space. It may be incorporated into developments on adjoining lands, aesthetically enhancing such development and offering passive recreational opportunities. Public/Quasi-public The City is pursuing acquisition of lands along the west side of the Rogue River and should continue this practice as a means of both protecting the floodplain and preserving the Rogue River as a public amenity. An aggressive program should be pursued of constructing a pathway along the length of this “linear park”. Lands occupied by and planned for public facilities (offices, parks, schools, cemeteries, etc.) and quasi-public facilities (churches) fall into this category. These uses are scattered throughout the City, but the largest concentration is found more or less in the center of Rockford. Several school facilities (middle school, elementary school, administrative offices, and athletic fields) as well as a City park are located here. One of the City’s most prominent features, the Rogue River, is bordered by several public recreational attractions including Peppler Park, Garden Club Park, Rogue River Dam Overlook, and White Pine Trail. Another walkway is also planned along the river’s west bank and should be considered a high priority. In conjunction with this trail, a pedestrian bridge should be constructed (as shown on the “Transportation Systems” map) to provide a link with the White Pine Trail. CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE 30 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Residential Capacity Residential Character As discussed elsewhere in this document, the amount of vacant land available for development within the City of Rockford is relatively limited, even with the recently acquired parcels from Algoma Township. This is not unique to Rockford and, in fact, Rockford may actually have more available land than most small cities. Nevertheless, the limited supply of land on which to grow is a constraint that should be understood. The character of a city shapes the first impression of visitors, creates a lasting public perception of the community, and establishes a city’s identity. Character is the physical presence of a community – its appearance, scale, and warmth. Features that typify Rockford’s character, as identified in the Focus Group meetings conducted for this Plan, include: • • • • The following table illustrates the estimated amount of available planned residential property within the City and the “build-out” potential or capacity of that land, both in terms of the number of new dwelling units that might be expected and the population that would be generated by such units. When added to the existing population of 4,626 (according to the 2000 Census), the “build-out” population could reach 6,970, a 50 % increase. Residential Density Vacant Net Acres * 168 Maximum Density Potential Units • • • • • • Population per Unit historical buildings porches walkability small block, grid street pattern (classic city layout) sidewalks friendly neighbors maintained yards and streets access to parks and natural features in the City compact development (allows for more social interaction) newer large lot subdivisions Additional Population This list shows characteristics that are Low 3/acre 504 2.75 1,386 important to the residents Density of Rockford and issues Medium 43 5/acre 215 2.50 538 that need to be addressed Density as the City continues to High 21 10/acre 210 2.00 420 Density develop and age. Some of Total 232 929 2,344 the items mentioned are not easily controllable, * Net acres based on 75% of gross acreage to allow for streets and unbuildable areas such as friendly neighbors, but others tend to be physical It should be noted that even if Rockford’s characteristics that can be controlled, population does increase by this amount, influenced, or encouraged through City the resulting population is still policies. manageable and need not compromise the small town character of the community. CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE 33 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford The newer perimeter development is less distinct. While attractive and desirable, it is generally a mirror image of the subdivisions found throughout other area communities and does not reflect the traditional characteristics that are so prominent in central Rockford. Rockford has several well-established residential neighborhoods, each with its own character. Neighborhoods surrounding the Central Business District are older and reflect a more traditional pattern of development and sense of pride and stability. In the outlying areas of the City, the more modern ‘subdivision’ developments portray a contemporary, progressive community-on-the-go image. Nevertheless, these developments offer an alternative character desired by many and convey an image of a growing, prosperous, young community. To some extent, of necessity, this peripheral development in Rockford has curving, wide streets and cul-de-sacs running off main arteries. Large lots up to one acre have afforded the opportunity for residents to meet their housing demands in a more spacious setting. The need and demand for these neighborhoods have created a niche for large-lot subdivisions. Developments such as the Rockford Highlands and Riverchase, as well as new developments in the north and east ends of the City, have offered Rockford residents alternative housing options to those in central Rockford. This development around the City’s perimeter provides an appropriate transitional land use between the lower intensity residential/agricultural land uses outside the Rockford’s boundaries and the denser, more intense development of the central City. Tree lined street in Central Rockford Established neighborhoods in central Rockford are characterized by many features and details that create a unique “feel” that may be emulated but not duplicated in new developments. Among these are: • • • • • • • • • tree lined streets grid pattern street network on-street parking ornamentation detailing wood lap siding primarily two story houses mature landscaping front porches and short setbacks, giving the street edge definition single car attached or detached garages that are typically not a dominant feature of the lot CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE In order to maintain Rockford’s strong identity and desirable character, the following recommendations are offered for all residential development, including existing neighborhoods: • 34 enforce the City’s housing and property maintenance code MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford • • • • garages in the rear of the lot may also be appropriate. adhere to a regular maintenance program for sidewalks and streets throughout the City establish an urban forestry program to maintain or replace street trees within the City protect existing residential neighborhoods from encroachment by nonresidential uses avoid removal of existing dwellings within established residential neighborhoods In addition, the following guidelines should be adopted for new residential development to ensure a level of consistency within the community which will link both the old and new housing within Rockford. It should be noted that one such development, Rockford Highlands PUD, has incorporated many of the guidelines into its proposed residential development on the City’s west side. When completed, the project will stand as evidence of the benefits that can be achieved for the residents of the development and the community as a whole. • Architecture: Residential structures should have curb appeal that creates a friendly environment and promotes interaction between neighbors. The dominant feature, as viewed from the street, should be the entryway to the home through design features such as a front porch, front walkway, and living area. Garages and garage doors should not dominate the front façade. To minimize this potential obtrusiveness, garages should be recessed or set back from the front building line; or the overhead door should face the side or rear. Detached CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE 35 • Neighborhood parks: Neighborhood parks are a key element to any quality neighborhood. They provide visual relief to the neighborhood and gathering places for the residents. Such spaces can take the form of a public park, a school playground, or a common area held by a neighborhood association. The City should pursue opportunities to create pocket parks or small, but usable, open space areas within both existing and new neighborhoods. • Sidewalk/pathways: Neighborhoods need an integrated pedestrian circulation system which conveniently and safely links residents to other neighborhoods, public gathering places, and other key destination points within the City. As new development is proposed, the City should require that sidewalks be provided. Additionally, it is important that appropriate connections be made to adjacent sidewalk and pathway systems and to key destinations (parks, shopping, schools, churches, employment centers, etc.). • Street lighting: In order to promote activity in the neighborhoods and establish a safe environment for residents, street lighting should be provided along the roadway and walkways. Ideally, the lighting should be decorative to ensure compatibility with the neighborhood. In some situations, such as at intersections, a more powerful light fixture may be more appropriate. Lighting should be reasonably spaced and should by no MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford means create glare which negatively impacts nearby sites or motorists. • • • and all new development should incorporate such a feature. Landmarks can be in the form of natural plantings (trees, flowers, gardens) or man-made features (sculptures or fountains) situated in a park or common open space area. A landmark may even be a building such as a prominent church or school. Street design: A traditional street cross-section should be applied throughout the City. This should consist of concrete curb and gutter and relatively narrow pavement width (26 – 30 feet). Streets should be designed to keep speeds and volumes low. Methods to accomplish this include maintaining a narrow width, creating short block faces, and accommodating some curves in the road. Stop signs should be used only where fully justified by traffic conditions and not as a means of slowing traffic. Additionally, streets should be interconnecting and provide ample and safe access to the existing network. Where a vehicular connection is not possible, a pedestrian link should be provided. Streetscape: Design features within the streetscape such as street trees between the sidewalk and curb can also be used to alert a driver to slow down. In addition, streetscape elements establish the roadway as a design feature, not just an impervious surface for vehicles. Street trees should be provided within the lawn area between the street and sidewalk and should be spaced 30 to 40 feet apart. Light fixtures of an appropriate scale and design can also be used to enhance the appearance of the streetscape. Walkability: The design and density of new residential development should be at a walkable scale. The actual size of a defined neighborhood should be a reasonable walking distance of onehalf mile across and contain a central feature such as a park or school. Residential uses need to be within walkable distance to some form of recreation, civic, and/or shopping opportunity to maintain this sense of a “walkable community.” • Blocks: A key aspect of maintaining physical connections throughout the community is an interconnected series of streets and blocks. While new streets do not necessarily need to follow a rigid grid pattern, at a minimum street connections should be provided. These links are vital to shortening driving and walking distance within the community and enhancing interrelationships within the neighborhood. Cul-de-sacs, the dead-end streets so common in contemporary residential developments, contribute significantly to detracting from the sense of neighborhood continuity. These streets isolate residents and obstruct traffic flow and should, therefore, be avoided to the extent possible. While rugged terrain, especially west of the Landmarks: Landmarks are features that create a distinct neighborhood identifier, a sense of place at key locations, or focal point with which people can identify. Many of the older neighborhoods possess a landmark; CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE • 36 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Rogue River, makes through street connections impractical in some locations, every effort should be made to minimize cul-de-sacs and create blocks and interconnecting streets. • under the jurisdiction of the Kent County Road Commission. An intergovernmental study effort explored both land use and transportation issues related to this corridor and proposed a variety of recommendations for 10 Mile Road. These included widening the street (west of the City) to a four-lane boulevard and establishing joint land use and design controls. Neighborhood identity: Older platted subdivisions within the City have individual names, but are fully integrated into the overall fabric of the community and do not have any type of sign to delineate their boundary. However, the current trend for new subdivisions is to create a prominent entry often consisting of walls, even gates, and a distinctive sign emblazoned with the subdivision name. This is intended to provide a separate and distinct (often exclusive) identity apart from the broader neighborhood or wider community. This concept is not consistent with the traditional neighborhood design within the core of the City. Single family plats should not be permitted to isolate themselves with physical barriers and separate identities. Plat entry signs, walls, gates and similar symbols of exclusivity and isolation should be discouraged. Several other transportation improvements are recommended within or near the City to accommodate anticipated increases in traffic volume, as well as to ameliorate some existing conditions. These are described as follows: • Twelve Mile Road/U.S. 131 Interchange: This area is outside the City of Rockford. However, access to the U.S. 131 expressway north of Rockford is considered a highly desirable improvement, relieving some pressure on the current 10 Mile Road interchange, and providing an alternative for northbound traffic. An added interchange in this location would still maintain adequate spacing from the existing 10 Mile and 14 Mile Road interchanges. Rockford officials should actively promote this concept among GRETS, MDOT, and the Kent County Road Commission. • Ten Mile/Eleven Mile Road Connector: Land recently brought into the City along its west border is already experiencing residential development pressures. It is imperative that before this area is platted and developed, provision should be made for a Transportation Rockford depends primarily on the personal motor vehicle for mobility. There is no scheduled public transit service. While traffic within the City moves relatively freely, movement to and from the west (U.S. 131) is hampered by large volumes of traffic on a two-lane road (10 Mile Road). Because it lies outside the City boundaries and is actually the dividing line between Algoma and Plainfield Townships, 10 Mile Road is CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE 37 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford should, therefore, be reconstructed to facilitate this turning movement. north/south connector street to link 10 Mile Road with 11 Mile Road. • Old Northland Drive Vacation: As part of the recommended redevelopment of the area along Old Northland Drive, west of Wolverine Boulevard, it is suggested that the one block segment of Old Northland Drive between E. Main Street and Lewis Street could be vacated to create a more usable land area for future development. • Ten Mile Road Widening: Affecting little, if any, of 10 Mile Road within the City limits, this improvement would have a major impact on moving traffic in and out of Rockford and creating an attractive “front door” image for the City. As envisioned, 10 Mile Road would be widened to a four-lane boulevard between U.S. 131 and a point west of Highlander Drive. No change should be made to the existing three lane cross-section within the City (Main to Lincoln). While traffic volumes on this segment are heavy, further widening of this segment would result in a loss of the magnificent trees that line the street and deterioration of the residential character of the abutting neighborhoods. • Alternate Access Road at Southwest Corner of Division and Wolverine Boulevard: To provide needed relief at the Division Street/ Wolverine Boulevard intersection, as well as an alternate means of egress for traffic exiting the businesses on the south side of Division, west of Wolverine, an access road should be constructed around the rear of the existing businesses. This improvement would connect the parking areas located behind the existing businesses and allow traffic to exit just west of the car wash location, further removed from the Wolverine Boulevard intersection. This improvement would have the added benefit of improving access to the rear of the deep lots, making them more usable. This would permit several shallow lots to be enlarged or combined with other parcels to create one or more usable parcels for redevelopment. It would also improve traffic movement at the Wolverine Boulevard/11 Mile Road intersection. • • Lewis Street Extension: In conjunction with the vacation of a portion of Old Northland Drive, Lewis Street could be extended east to Wolverine Boulevard, subject to Kent County Road Commission approval. This improvement could relieve the awkward E. Main/Wolverine/11 Mile intersection and provide a direct entry into the redevelopment area. Reconstruct Wolverine Blvd/11 Mile Road Intersection: Due to the angle of this intersection, large trucks experience great difficulty in making a right turn onto eastbound 11 Mile Road from Wolverine Boulevard. The potential for much more industrial development in this part of the City and the attendant increase in truck traffic will only exacerbate the already poor situation. This intersection CHAPTER 5 - ROCKFORD’S FUTURE 38 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford Things to Remember CHAPTER 6 – IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN To conclude, some explanation is appropriate regarding how the Master Plan should be used. First, it is essential to understand that the Plan is a policy guide. It is not an ordinance and does not replace zoning. The Plan is supposed to work hand-in-hand with zoning and other City development tools. A few important things to know about the Plan are: Roles & Responsibilities While the Master Plan is essentially the product of the City Planning Commission’s efforts, making the Plan a reality will require the combined efforts of many individuals and groups. Clearly, the Planning Commission and City Manager will be charged with the responsibility of spear-heading the Plan’s implementation. However, the City Council must be in support of the Plan’s recommendations and will be responsible for the future allocation of funds for specific improvements and for the regulatory and much of the policy support needed to bring specific actions to fruition. ¾ Remember that the Master Plan is a guide for future land use. The Plan Map may not look like the zoning map or the existing land use map. It really shouldn’t. The Plan Map is an illustration of the long-range land use pattern of the City, based on the goals and strategies adopted as part of the Master Plan. Outside the confines of City Hall, other committees and organizations can lend support to the Plan. Among these are the DDA, chamber of commerce, school district, and historical society. Likewise, cooperation from the Kent County Road Commission will also be necessary to accomplish some of the tasks set forth in this document. The Plan is land use policy. City decisions, as well as those of the private sector, should follow the Plan. New streets, parks, public improvements, etc. should be consistent with the land use policies adopted as part of the Master Plan. Assistance and cooperation from the private sector also has a place in the Plan’s implementation. Developers and corporations in the routine course of their activities will exert either a positive or negative influence over the direction the City takes. They should be encouraged, therefore, to make a conscious effort to work in partnership with the City to help Rockford achieve its vision for the future. CHAPTER 6 - IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN Let It Be Your Land Use Guide ¾ Refer To It In All Zoning Decisions One of the principal benefits of having an adopted Master Plan is the foundation it provides for zoning decisions. Just as the Master Plan is the policy guide for land use, zoning is the principal legal enforcement tool. The two should work in conjunction with one another. 40 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford As the Planning Commission and City Council are faced with making zoning and land development decisions — rezoning, site plan review, special use permit, planned unit development, plat reviews, etc. — the relationship of those requests to the Master Plan recommendations should be a primary consideration. A request to construct a commercial use in an area planned for residential development, for example, would be contrary to the Plan and should not be approved, unless the Plan is determined to be in error for that particular location. change. That way it will remain an up-to-date policy guide over time. Another practice the Planning Commission is encouraged to adopt is to conduct a regularly scheduled (typically annual) review of the Plan. Even if no changes have been warranted during the course of the prior year, it is wise to take time to consider the continued relevance of the Master Plan. This is a good time to make amendments to keep the Plan current and consistent with City philosophies. ¾ In some cases, it may be appropriate to initiate a change to existing zoning boundaries so they more closely conform to the Plan recommendations. This could help avoid conflicts at a later date. ¾ The most often heard reasons for not following a Plan are that it is out of date or is no longer relevant. It seems many communities undertake a master planning effort with the idea that once the plan is completed the job is done for twenty years until it’s time to do a new plan. With this philosophy, the community’s plan will become obsolete very quickly. Be Flexible As important as it is to use the Plan as a guide, it is equally important to recognize that the Plan must be flexible. Changing circumstances, unanticipated opportunities, and unforeseen problems can require a shift in direction. Such mid-course adjustments are not unusual, though they should not be a frequent nor an easy occurrence. As noted previously in this document, it is essential to keep the Master Plan current. On an annual basis, the Planning Commission should set aside one meeting just for the purpose of reflecting on the past year and considering possible amendments to the Plan. However, because a deviation from the Plan may be appropriate in a specific instance, doesn’t mean that the Plan is no longer relevant and should be ignored from that point on. When these conflicts arise, the Plan should be amended to reflect the CHAPTER 6 - IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN Keep It Current It is unrealistic to expect the Plan to remain unchanged for its 20 year life. Neither the Planning Commission or its professional advisors can predict the future. While the Plan provides a broad framework for land use decisions, site-specific issues may 41 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford arise that were unanticipated and deserve close scrutiny. Where uses are approved contrary to the Plan, the plan should be amended to reflect the change. By routinely following this procedure, the Plan will continue to be an up-to-date, reliable planning tool. ¾ Along the same lines, the Planning Commission may also participate in the preparation of a Capital Improvements Program (CIP). This is an annual process conducted in many communities to prepare a continuing list of needed improvements, identify funding sources, and set priorities. The CIP can be an invaluable tool for implementing the direction set by the Master Plan. Use It As A Management Tool “No street, square, park, or other public way, ground, or open space, or public building or structure, shall be constructed or authorized in the municipality... until the location, character, and extent thereof shall have been submitted to and approved by the commission...” This provision, taken from Section 9 of the Municipal Planning Act, requires the Planning Commission to review all public improvements for conformance to the Master Plan prior to their final authorization. In the event the Planning Commission disapproves such a project, a 2/3 vote of the City Council is required to override that action. If the Planning Commission does not act in 60 days, approval is automatic. This provision is not intended to give the Planning Commission veto authority over public improvements, but to ensure that formal consideration is given to the relationship of such improvements to the City’s Master Plan. In evaluating that relationship, the Planning Commission should look at consistency with land use, as well as the impact of the proposed improvement on other Plan recommendations. CHAPTER 6 - IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN 42 MASTER PLAN 2020 City of Rockford APPENDIX APPENDIX MASTER PLAN 2020 Kidspeak Rockford’s Youth City Planning Program Goal: To utilize the views, concepts and dreams of Rockford’s 5th grade students to enhance the City of Rockford’s Master Plan and to nurture the student’s understanding of citizenship and community life. The Kidspeak program was developed in conjunction with Parkside Elementary School to elicit input from a large segment of Rockford’s youth. Broken down into sessions conducted over several days, the program involved all fifth grade students at Parkside, introducing them to the basic concepts of planning and zoning. Initially, a bus tour acquainted students with the City including important landmarks, public service facilities, parks, natural features, and the range of different uses found throughout the community. Students were asked to observe what they liked and didn’t like and wanted to change. Following their orientation to the City and how it works, students were organized into small groups to create plans for the City’s future. Using the lessons learned and with the assistance of the mayor, city council members, city staff, and planning commissioners, students applied their creative and artistic talents to designing the Rockford of the future. Public facilities such as parks and trails were placed throughout the community; commercial and industrial districts were sited; and a variety of housing options were arranged, along with other amenities that came from their fruitful imaginations. The final Kidspeak session included a presentation of the nine versions of the “Laphamville of the Future” plans to the Rockford City Council, linking the original community founded in 1846 with the Rockford of the future. The students also wrote essays to explain in narrative form how their vision for Rockford was developed and why. The Kidspeak program proved to be an enjoyable, educational, and valuable aspect of the Master Plan process for both students and City. The maps and narratives developed by the students have been included on the following pages to ensure those creative visions are considered as Rockford continues to develop into the future. Day 1 City Day • Introduce City Manager / Consultant to students • Begin brainstorming what students believe is the role of a city. • Discuss typical City functions and certain planning concepts to lay the foundation for the project. • Present maps of the City of Rockford to students to become familiar with the size and characteristics of the City. • Discuss purpose and function of zoning and why it is important to a community. Day 2 City Tour Day • Reintroduce City staff. • Discuss purpose of today’s session. • Students board a school bus to tour the City including landmarks, public facilities, street layouts, and general zoning districts. City map is brought for reference points • Students are asked to document what aspects of the City they like and do not like- and were. • Students were asked to observe differences between the old part of town compared to new growing areas of the City. Day 3 City Development Day • Reintroduce City Manager and City staff members and/or elected/appointed officials. • Today the students are to help construct their ideal city based on their observations during the previous lessons.. • Create Ideal City – Students were broken into groups to construct the ideal city. Each group is given a large base map of the City including the City limits and river and creeks. Students were asked to place various landmarks, buildings, public facilities, parks, zoning districts, and to draw a street system using previous lessons as a foundation • After creating their ideal city, each group was charged with writing an essay as to why their city was created in the manner that it was. Day 4 City Government Day • Students were invited to a Special Council meeting to present their ideal City's of the future. Each group presented their map and read their essay to explain the areas of Rockford they kept the same and those they propose to change- and why. • The essays and future City maps are to be included on the following pages. City of Rockford APPENDIX APPENDIX MASTER PLAN 2020 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #1 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #2 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #3 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #4 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #5 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #6 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #7 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #8 0 500 FEET 1500 Kidspeak Vision for Laphamville #9 0 500 FEET 1500