CAPERN – 001M CP – PL 51 Protection sanitaire des
CAPERN – 001M CP – PL 51 Protection sanitaire des
CAPERN – 001M C.P. – P.L. 51 Protection sanitaire des animaux 23mai20I2 Mme ValdrieRoy Secr6taire de la Commission de l'agriculture, des pdcheries, de l'6nergieet desressources naturelles Directiondestravauxparlementaires edificePamphile-Le May,3e 6tage 1A3 Qu6bec(Qu6bec)G1A Chersmembresde la Commission de I'agriculture, despdcheries, de l'6nergieet des ressources naturelles, queje faisde la langueanglaise sur l'utilisation Quelquesmots d'abordpour sollicitervotre indulgence j'ai au d6trimentdu frangaispour m'adresser d vous.Voila, plusde facilit6i 6crireen anglaispuisquej'ai plusieurs travaille ann6esaux Etats-Unis et durantcette p6riodej'ai aussifond6le < Pet Foster Network> ce qui a largementcontribu6i forgermon vocabulaire usueltraitantparticulidrement du bien-dtredesanimaux.De plus,commevouspouvezle constater,la majoritdde messourcesincluses dansce commentairesonten anglais. Cependant si pour 6tre recevable mon commentaire devait6tre obligatoirement ecriten frangais, vousm'obligeriez beaucoupen m'en avisantle plusrapidement possible.Lecommentairequi suit exigel'insertiond'unedisposition sp6cifique auxanimaleries dansle projetde loi n" 51, Loimodifiantla Loisur la protectionsanitairedesanimauxconcernant principalement la s6curiteet le bien-dtredesanimaux. I am part of a groupof activecitizensworkingtowardendingthe saleof animalsin pet storesand pet adoptionin Quebec.Regulations encouraging regarding the saleof liveanimalsin pet storesalready existin manyAmericanjurisdictions. In Canadian citiessuchas Richmond, BCand Toronto,pet shops can no longerselldogsand catssourcedfrom commercialbreeders. Othermunicipalities in Canadasuch as Vancouver8.C.,Windsor,ON,Ottawa,ON,Hamilton,ON and Gatineau, QC,are alsoconsidering followingsuit.We wishthat pet storessellanimalssourcedfrom registered non-profitcharitableanimal shelters,humanesocieties, and rescuegroupsratherthan commercialbreeders. TheTownof MountRoyalcity councilwhere I live,keepstellingme that suchdecisioncannotbe madeat the municipallevel but ratherat the provinciallevel. On behalfof this groupof citizens,I am askingthe Commission, to requirethat dogsand catssoldin pet storesin the provinceof Quebecbe sourcedfrom registered shelters,humanesocieties, and rescue groups,ratherthan commercialbreeders,in orderto stopthe saleof puppiesthat comefrom puppy millsand backyard breederswhereanimalsare more likelyto havephysical ailmentsand emotional scarsdue to lackof veterinarycareand socialization, bad breeding,and poor conditions. As you know, the seizures of 125dogsfrom a commercialbreedingoperationin the Chaudidre-Appalaches region recently,and of 527 dogsand puppiesfrom a large-scale commercialbreedingfacilityin Outaouais, Qu6becin September2011bythe HumaneSocietyInternational/Canada and the QuebecDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food,costtaxpayers around$tS per dog,per day!Suchrescueoperations cancost hundredsof thousandsof dollarsto the governmentof Quebec. Regulating the saleof animals in petstoreswillalsohelpto reducepetoverpopulation by stopping purchases impulse of unsterilized animals. A B.C.Supreme Courtreleased a judgmentlastAprilruling thata citycouncil's decision to regulate the retailsaleof dogswasa reasonable moveto reduce pets.Requiring unwanted andabandoned ownersto putadditional thoughtandpreparation intotheir decision petsin thecity.These to purchase a petis rationally connected to reducing unwanted pets unwanted areabandoned to animalshelters whicharebeingsupported with publicfunds. According to theAnimalAlliance of Canada, Montreal boroughs havein average annually LL,000 abandoned animals andwhich59%areeuthanized. Theseboroughs spentin average annually $63,000 for animalservices contracts! Petstoresandanimalshelters in Quebec cancollaborate together whileensuring citizens obtainhealthy petstoreslikePJ'sPets,PetsUnlimited, lifelong companions. Canadian Petcetera, PetSmart, Mondou andLaFauneDomestique do notsellpetsfrompuppyandkittenmills.Instead, througharrangements groups, madewith localanimalrescue thesestoresareproviding themspacewithintheirstoresto peopleaboutparticipating educate organizations andthe petstheyhaveavailable for adoption, andin providekennelspacefor theshelters. somecases, Nousvousdemandons, quelesanimaux chersmembres de la Commission, d'exiger vendus dansles proviennent pouranimaux animaleries au Qu6bec de refuges sansbut lucratif ou d'organismes de pourraitainsi6conomiser secours animal,plut6tqued'6leveurs commerciaux. Legouvernement des qu6b6cois milliers de dollars auxcontribuables et redistribuer cetargenti d'autres fins,Deplus,en pourraitredorersonimage, quimalheureusement, adoptantnotreproposition, le Qu6bec estpergu actuellement comme6tantla capitale mondiale desusines i chiots. quele groupede citoyens pourquij'air6alis6 Vouscomprendrez cedossier estanxieux de savoirsi les membres partagent de laCommission notrepointdevuesurunedisposition sp6cifique auxanimaleries quipourrait pourle bien-6tre dansle projetde loi n" 51,disposition faireunegrandediff6rence des grdce personnelle animaux et l'6conomie du Qu6bec.Quantd moi d monexp6rience avecle < Pet FosterNetwork>,je serais dispos6e i aiderau besoinpourmettreen placece nouveau concept au Qu6bec. Veuillez accepter Messieurs, Mesdames, messentiments lesmeilleurs. r,nLa.BarbaraLapointe 455 avenueDobie Mont-Royal, QC H 3 P1 S 7 ";,t Nombred'animauxpar municipalit6s Recueillis 2007 AdoDt6s 2008 2009 2007 Euthanasi6s 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009 Anjou-Berger Fllrh. tFlEll - untens (:hetc - Autres 11 I 133 469 468 460 .14 60 56 4S za 4( 67 78 4t 364 ao 51 55 321 37 279 1 299 1921 19 3 t Mercier/Hochela gaMaisonneuve:BB - L;nrens (;hrtq 549 12e 55t 260a 2648 17 14i 164 - Chiens (;nals 224 114 38t 144 434 - Autres zo za 28 - Autres ZOTL 174 138 216 4 27C 1924 9€ 31 41 28 35 178 1 12 241 11 19C 300 61 38: vi PlateauMont- BB Royal 1 31 z: 38 7 0 bt 31 11 Rividredes Prairies/Pteaux Trembles: EI EI (;hrens - L;nals - Autres 754 1 13S 171 253 19€ zot 268 17 5 8 zot 231a 191 1 t l 5 181t 1697 147 555 2372 228 19 9 t 1847 153 JZV JOt 1461 151 163( 1186 122( 131 RosemonuPetite -BB Patrie: - tousanrmaux 18 18C 1260 llllontr6alNord .SPCA - Chiens (:hets - Autres zvo tJa 182 117 s16 72t 14i 612 10i 488 to/ 4t 91 co z6 14 399 32t 106 78 5Z 1 21 11 5€ St Laurent: spea - tous antmaux Total 449 1{ . 1 5 8 36€ 10.847 Moyenneannuelled'animauxrecueillis: Moyenneannuelled'animauxadopt6s: 651 11.323 1'1,043 1,814 Moyenneannuelled'animauxeuthanasi6s:6,527 Source: AnimalAlliance of Canada Pr6par6par BarbaraLapointe. 17 awil2012. 1.533 254 302 1.906 2.003 6.527 118 6.373 10t 6.681 3 o r o 0 ( , ) q r < < p v p ? > .D f f o 3 ' [ . 9 9 = = a e 6 c o o q, f OJ a o. o, a o a o 1? = o) r 4 o P ! o) I = f = ^ g o o F t C z o o A +r 5 V 3 P o J- m o) o) P NJ > - o qJ t, o c ot o) Pr- o -t^' OJ i c + : - io r o'b = 3 =. q ; € #e _- 5 t q { : d . d o = ? O t i.e.i d = o g o N) 6' f; r) o) - :8.*;33-*=+ = ; d t c 9 T g c i * l o - r o ( i i o o = c CL - 3Fe-o-aH;,*^q€ 6 + 6 . - g t P :' 6' g o. D 6 o ]A o, 5 5' g ! (o o N o o F t 00 (o (.r| C'\ c o c) att x CL at \.l Vr =. f Lfr a.h * 0, +/n FT or w o ro F J ctr o F (^t CN N N ( o 5 ( , u ) F l F J l J 5 .00 m Ol O) ts bo ;- O O O S O O ( o F t r ! ( , | O N t s \ b L D L n !t N o o v, {/r c t o s. cl o s o ( o oo o o tn {-rr 'Lrr 16 OJ ur .9 cll cn b w ( x S r o S L n u J ( r O 5 5 5 O ) ! o r o o F O 0 0 { L u r o 5 t s r J ) 0 o ( J r L r r o N 0 o b' -tFL,rio b O O O S O F V\ 4,rt 'Lr, Lr> 1D rt> 1tr 00 ( . r r ( . [ ) O O t O r t o L n ' F lo !/| N N It| } 9 0 ] ' S S F F F 9 F : : r ' g t ! n P P F ! ( / t ! ! o o o o o o r r @ N N ( o t s N ) 1t> 1t> JAt ltr @ 00 O O O O I ai N o o (o <tt s O ) O l \,1 ! ! ! { l N N ) i( :r Pu !n, ( J | o cg )' C ) =. 3 0J o O ) ( . o ( J I c ) O \ . l U ) N O { - r T O O O O C ) o r N eto c) o o A H P t s C ^ r O t (O lr N) \ , 1( - r | o r 0 0 0 cl) Vj N N o o AmendingMontrealby-lawR.B.C.M. c. C-5:CostSavingsfor Taxpayers Cat sourcedfrom commercialbreeder Costfor taxpayers: Seos Prepared by Barbara Lapointe. April17,2012 Cat sourcedfrom registerednon-profit charitableanimalshelters,humanesocieties, and rescuegroups Costfor taxpayers: $o Montrealby-lawR.B.C.M. c. C-6("By-lawC-6")establishes a permitsystemfor personsoperatingpet shopsand specifies the requirements whichmust be met by suchfacilities. The by-lawalsoimposescertainrestrictions on the saleof animalsin pet shops.By enactingan amendmentto By-lawC-6requiringpet shopsto obtaintheir dogsand cats exclusively from registered non-profitcharitableanimalshelters,humanesocieties, and rescuegroups,taxpayers would savemoney. Cityof Montrealboroughspossess the legalauthorityto requirethat pet shopssellonly dogsand cats obtainedfrom registered shelters,humanesocieties, and rescuegroups.t Cat purchasedfrom Centred'AnimauxSafarivs cat adoptedfrom the Montreal SPCA:CaseStudy Facts: o Dogsand catsare ableto reproduceby the time they are sixmonthsold, sometimesevenearlier.2 o Theaveragemothercat will havea litterof threeto five kittens,with the extendedrangebeingone to eight kittens.3 r The provinceof Quebechasdeterminedthat the costof shelteringseizedanimalsis around$tS per dog,per qay. o ln SanDiego,duringthe periodof t992 through1994,the averagecostof interning(holdingthe animalfor the mandatorywaitingperiodat the animalshelter),andthen euthanizing a cat wasStZt.s In OrangeCounty, Florida,the averagecostof interningand then euthanizing a cat was StOS.6 Notethat thisfee doesnot include the costof sendingan officerto trap the animal,euthanizing and disposing of the carcass. o Customers who expressan interestin an animalsourcedfrom registered non-profitcharitable animalshelters, humanesocieties, process. and rescuegroupsmustgo throughthe adoptionscreening Requiring ownersto put additionalthoughtand preparationinto their decisionto purchasea cat is rationallyconnectedto reducing unwantedcatsin the city.Reducing is one meansof achieving impulsepurchasing the purposeof reducing unwantedcats.7 Catsourcedfrom commercial breeder Sterilized(spayed/neuter) Vaccinated Microchip no yes no Healthguarantee lnterviewprocess yes(1-year) no Costof sheltering s6os Catsourcedfrom registered non-profit charitable animalshelters, humane societies, andrescuegroups yes ves yes yes(30-days) yes 50 tAlannaDevine,B.A.,B.C.L.,LL.B.CSPCADirectorofAnimal A d v o c a c y" C i t y o fM o n t r e aB l oroughs'JurisdictiontoRegulatethesale of dogsand catsin PetShops". 'Canadian F e d e r a t i o on f H u m a n eS o c i e t i e s t Dr.JamesTalbott,DVM,eHow Presenter H u m a n eS o c i e t yl n t e r n a t i o n a l / C a n a d a ' ( C h a p p e lM l , i c h e l l eD , V M ," A M o d e lf o r H u m a n eR e d u c t i o o n f F e r aC l a t P o p u l a t i o n sC , "a l i f o r n iV a e t e r i n a r i a(nS e p t / O c1t 9 9 9 ) . u (Hughes, K.,Slater,M., Haller,1.,"TheEffectsof lmplementinga FeralCatSpay/NeuterProgramin a FloridaCountyAnimalControl Service,"Journalof AppliedAnimalWelfareScience, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2OO2'). ' InternationalBio Research v. Richmond(City),2011 BCSC 471 Prepared by Barbara Lapointe. April17,2012 prstrffig#Ewu$*m 2 avril 2012 Torontointerdit la vente de chienset de chats ParLiseBergeron Miseen ligne: 29 septembre 2011 Les animaleries ne pourront plus vendre de chiens ni de chats sur le territoire de la ville, sauf s'ils proviennent d'un refuge pour animaux. Un exemple pour les municipalitt6sdu Qu6bec? Les6v6nements se bousculent dansl'industrie desanimaux de compagnie. Aprdsla chainede magasins PJ'sPets,qui vientd'abandonner la ventede chienset de chatspouren promouvoir I'adoption, voili queTorontoveutcouper l'herbesousle pieddes<6leveurs de fondde cour>> en leur fermantla portedesanimaleries. parles Lesusines d chiots,d6nonc6es depuisdesann6es groupes de d6fense desanimaux, sonttristement c6l,ibres pourltlevageintensif qu'elles fontde plusieurs racesde pitoyables chiensdansdesconditions et ir desfins purement mercantile. Photo:Shutterstock Lad6cision de Torontoarriveau lendemain de la saisiede plusde 500chienssurunefermede l'Outaouais, la plus jusqu'Apr6sent. grossei survenir <<C'est au Canada une quela Villede Montr6al nouvelle extraordinaire! On aimerait adopteun tel rdglement>>, de dit AlannaDevine, directrice la protectiondes animauxd la SPCAde Montr6al. jouer <LesVillespeuvent sontaussitrAsenthousiastes: du Qu6bec) LesCMCQ(Centres d'adoption de compagnie d'animaux Uneinterdiction aiderait d mettreun termeir la reproduction un r6leimportant dansle bien-Gtre desanimaux de compagnie. Tass6,pr6sidente de l'organisme. dit Johanne industrialis6e et A la venteau d6taildeschienset chats>, provenant pourrontproposer de refuges, dbrganismes de secours animal desanimaux A Toronto,lesanimaleries uniquement et de donsdu public. quel'id6ese rendejusqu'dla <<Nous dansl'espoir desvillesd6fusionn6es demandons la m6mechoseauxmaireset conseils Tass6. Le maire de Gatineau, MarcBureau, a ddji Johanne dit Villede Montr6al et e touteslesautresvillesdu Qu6bec, de Toronto,>> manifest6 sonint6r6ti suivrel'exemple <C'estun excellent moyende couper intensifdesanimauxde compagnie? Cesinitiatives suffiront-elles ir mettrefin d l'6levage doncMontr6al?> dit Gabriel lesvivresauxusinesd chiots.SurtoutqueTorontoestun trdsgrosmarch6pourelles.Qu'attends quifaitde la sensibilisation auprdsdu publicet des6lus. Villeneuve, de la SPACanada, un organisme Montr6al emboitera-t-elle le pas? trainentla pattecomparativement i plusieurs Lesorganismes de d6fense desanimaux trouventquelesvillesdu Qudbec sonttrds bienstructur6s. autresvillesnord-am6ricaines, de gestionanimalidre oir lesservices Selontoutevraisemblance, Montr6al a lespiedset poingsli6s:<LaVillen'a pasle pouvoirjuridiqued'interdire uneactivitd expliqueMartinePainchaud, attachdede presseau Cabinetdu 6conomique danslescommerces>>, commela vented'animaux travaillons avecun comit6d'expertspouruniformiser Riend faire,donc?<<Nous la maireet du Comit6ex6cutifde Montr6al. pratiques>>, gestionanimalidre dit MmePaincha'ud. sur Montr6al. Nousvoulonsmettreen placelesmeilleures auxusinesi chiots,commei Toronto?<C'estQu6becqui r6glemente le Ainsidonc,pasmoyende serrerla vis davantage pouvons par Nous contre nous l'interdisent. faire des recommandations A la Ville,noschafteset lois commerce desanimaux. au gouvernement du Qu6bec,>> prochainement prometd'ailleurs au sujetde la gestionanimalidre surson uneannonceimportante LaVillede Montrdal territoire.A suivre. liJ]h|li.iii|l!|i::!$;::i|i|||!1iiii|iliNii|;i!fiilffiXiilrdftrfr$r'l:W*|df'fl#flffi{ilt$|{#sm{iFffit 1. I Possibleau Qu6bec? L'arrondissement ont prislesdevantsfacei la crisequi s6vitpr6sentement. de Verdun,par municipalit6s H Certaines ii exemple, A fairest6riliser leursanimaux.Et il a aussimissur piedune Chafte fait bonneflgureen obligeant sesrdsidants '' du bon compottementdu gardiend'un animal, iil<Maison esttrdsloindeTorontooi li: :l: sontmunicipaux. Ld-bas,il n'ya aucunefourriAre lesservices de contr6leanimalier ir but lucratif,c'estla Villequi prenden chargela population animalesursonterritoire>,dit AlannaDevine,directrice de protection la desanimauxA la SPCA de Montr6al. ,11 iii 'l: j ':il <Ona Verdund'unc6t6et Torontode l?utre,deuxektr€mes Desonc6t€,la SPACanada la pression: entendintensifier pourendiguerle probldme. pas en termesde taille,Pouftant,lesdeuxont trouvddessolutions Verdunn'a peut-Etre I'arrondissement a trouv€un bonmoyen interditla vented'animaux, maisen obligeant la st6rilisatioh, dissuasif>>,constate GabrielVilleneuve. - ainsiquelescitoyens quiveulenten savoirplus- sontinvitdsi assister Les6lusen malde solutions drla conf6rence gourou gestion qui des Seruices animaliers du canadien de des animaux, Bill Bruce, directeur de la Ville de Calgary, la li visitezle siteWebdesCAACQ. s-era de passage A Montr6al Pourplusd'information, les28 et 29 octobreprochains, ::l fi l;: jii En savoirplus - Septembre Finila ventede chiots?,Protdgez-Vous 2011 2010 Usinesir chiots:pasun cadeau!,Protdgez-VousD6cembre Mai20tt Cruaut6animafe:<Il faut fermerlesfourridres A but lucratift>,Protdgez-Vous* TouteslesNouvelles Authority: Licensing and StandardsCommitteeItem 4.3, adoptedas amended, by City of Toronto Council on September2l and22,2011 Enactedby Council:September22,2011 CITY OF TORONTO BY-LAW No. 11"63-2011 To amendCity of Toronto Municipal CodeChapter545,Licensing,respectingthe licensingof pet shops. WHEREAS the City of Toronto Act, 2006 grants the City of Toronto the authority to enact by-laws for the licensing,regulating and governingof businesseswholly or partly carried on in the City of Toronto and for the reeulatineof animalswithin the Citvl and WHEREAS, in the interest of animal welfare, consumer protection and in aid of law enforcement,a register is currently required to be kept by pet shops recording the details of where and from whom their dogswere acquired;and WHEREAS, thesesameconsiderationsapply to the acquisitionof catsas weli as dogs; and WHEREAS, in order to halt the proliferation of puppy mills, it is necessaryto ensurethat all animalskept for sale in licensedpet shopsand otherwiseare, in certain circumstances,acquired only from certainreputablesources; The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows: City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter545,Licensing,is amendedby: 1. Deleting $ 545-255and replacingit with the following: $ 545-255. Receipt and certificate of health to be provided upon sale or disposal of dogs and cats. ) A. Whenevera keepersells or otherwisedisposesof a dog or cat, he or she shall give to the purchasera receipt showing the name and addressof the vendor and the purchaser,the date of the sale,the sale price, and the breed or cross-breed,sex, age and description,including colour and placing of markings,if any, of the dog or cat, and an up-to-datecertificateof health from a veterinarianwith respectto suchdog or cat. B. Every keeper who is obliged to provide a receipt showing the mattersset out in $ 545-2554 shall post, in a conspicuous place, a notice provided by the Municipal Licensing and StandardsDivision advising customersof the required contentof the receipt. Adding the following as $ 545-255C: C. Every keepershall provide to every purchaserof a cat or dog, a health assessment report from a veterinarianfor all cats and dogs kept in the store that receive veterinary care. 2 By-lawNo.1163-2011 Cityof Toronto 3. Deleting E 545-256and replacingit with the following: $ 545-256.Register concerning dogs and cats to be kept. 4. A. Every keeper shall keep a register, in a format satisfactory to the Executive Director of Municipal Licensing Standardsin which shall be entered in the English language,a record of each dog and cat purchasedor otherwiseobtained. Each entry shall be made at the time each dog or cat comes into such keeper's possession,and shall include,in addition to the dateof purchase,a full description of the dog or cat, togetherwith the name, addressand descriptionof the person from whom it was purchasedor otherwiseobtained. The keepershall retain the registerin respectof eachsuchtransactionfor the period of 12'monthsthereafter. B. Every keepershall ensurethat the aforesaidregisteris not mutilated or destroyed and shall keep it open to inspectionby the Municipal Licensing and Standards Division, or any persondesignatedby the ExecutiveDirector, at all times during business hours and shall make it available to be removed at any time for inspection or for use in the courts, if necessary. The keeper shall not be responsiblefor neglectingto make the necessaryentriesin the said registerwhile it is removedfrom his or her premisesfor this reason. Adding the following as $ 545-262: * 545-262.Retailers to obtain animals from specifiedsources. Every retailer, including any person or businessthat sells more than 10 dogs per year, must obtain animalsfrom one of the following sourcesonly: municipal animal shelters; ll. registeredhumanesocieties; lll. registeredsheltersor rescuegroups;or iv. from peoplewho have surrenderedtheir petsto them at no charge. This by-law shall come into effect on its enactment. ENACTEDAND PASSEDthis22nddayof September, A.D. 2011. FRANCESNUNZIATA, Speaker (Corporate Seal) ULLI S. WATKISS, City Clerk Petsin the City: PreventingHomelessand NeglectedPets PageZof 4 help to write to your mayor and council to voice your support.Pleaseclick'Email Council'to sendyour automaticmessagenow! Bylaws being considered Status Contact Pleasecheckback soon for updateson new municipal bylaw initiatives as they occur! Success! ApprovedBylaws Around B.C., many municipalitiesare steppingup and adoptingprogressivebylaws that solve animal problemsin their communities. The mayor and council in thesecommunitiesdeservecredit for their proactiveapproach,so pleaseshow them your thanks! This will go a long way towardsensuringyour council continuesto supportanimalfriendly policies. Bylawspassed Date Contact Rabbit saleregulation Basic animal care Victoria requirements Aueust2011 Tethereddogs Dangerousdog prevention Spay/neuterrequirementfor rabbitssold from pet stores Saanich Prohibition on rabbit March2011 abandonment Email Council Prohibitionson feedineferal rabbits and deer o Food, water & carc requirementsfor dogs http://www.spca.bc.calwelfare/campaign-issues/pets-inthe-city.html?printn 41212012 Petsin the City: PreventingHomelessand NeglectedPets Page3 of4 A ban on dog tethering Bans on unrestraineddogs in Pemberton pick-upsand pets left in hot March2011 Email Council November 2010 Email Council July2010 EmailCouncil M ay2010 Email Council M ay2010 Email Council Apr il2010 Email Council Marchand October2010, respectively Email Council February 2010 Email Council May 2009 EmailCouncil November 2008 Email Council cars Bans on wild and exotic animals . New dangerousdog bylaws that eliminatebreed-banning Delta o A ban on dog tethering . Bans on unrestraineddogs in nick-uosandoetslelt in hot cars Coquitlam . Spay/neuter requirementfor rabbitssoldfrom pet stores New r Prohibition on the saleof Westminster District of North Vancouver rabbitsfrom pet stores . Spay/neuterrequirementfor rabbitssold from pet stores . Provideda $5000 grant to Courtenay assistlow-incomeresidents spay/neutertheir pets o Prohibition on the saleof Richmond rabbitsand puppiesfrom pet stores Sechelt Creston e New animal carerequirements for animal guardians r Cat licensins o Spay/neuterrequirementfor Kelowna rabbitssold from pet stores and other rabbit resulations http://www.spca.bc.calwelfare/campaign-issues/pets-in-the-city.html?print:t 4/2t2012 Frr*m: laui*e.Dion G)mamrot .gguv.qc.#1 $ubjeet: R6glementation de la provenance desanimauxen ventedanslesanimaleries ilate: April10,201216:06 Ta : barbara(l *r al.tats. ctsr,t aflblrc5 m!xr|il{tpr{e5, f,gsr0.'}' el off$p8t{aft &r re{f,lts{rE Qudhecfiil[i Bonjour madame Lapointe, En r6ponsed votreinterrogation voicilesinformations dontnousdisposons: pr6vuA la Loisurlescomp6tences permettant Enmatidre de vented'animaux, il n'ya pasde pouvoir expresse municipales auxmunicipalites de r6girce domaine d'activit6s. Lepouvoir r6glementaire a 6t6introduit d la Loisurlescomp6tences en matidre d'activit6s 6conomiques municipales en jamais6t6interpr6t6 parlestribunaux. peut 2006.ll n'aurait ll reviendrait doncauxmunicipalit6s d'6valuer si ce pouvoir servirde fondement A uner6glementation surla ventede chienset de chatset commevousle savezsansdoute,le conseil juger pour a entidre discr6tion ou non. de l'oppoftunit6 de 169lementer je vouspried'accepter Esp6rant cesinformations lesplusdistingu6es, d votresatisfaction, messalutations LouiseDion Conseilldre Direction municipales m6tropolitaine de I'am6nagement et desaffaires Ministdre desAffairesmunicipales, du territoire desR6gionset de l'Occupation 514-873-6403 00ste#6200 AVISDECONFIDENTIALITE peutcontenir quinevoussontpasdestin5es. Ce courriel desinformations confidentielles par d6truire et en informer l'exp6diteur imm6diatement. Si ce message veuillez le vousa 6t6adress6 erreur, Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie interdit I'ouverture de nouveaux commerces de vented'animaux Mised iourle vendredi 11 novembre 2011a 1 1 h 3 8 H N E @iStockphoto a d6cid6de lancerun message L'arrondissement Petite-Patrie claird ses de Rosemont-La domestiques en interdisant I'ouverture citoyensrelativement de d I'achatd'animaux nouveaux commerces de vented'animaux. le 8 novembre. Lesdeux La d6cision a 6t6 priseau dernierconseild'arrondissement, pourront pr6sentes toutefois maintenir leursactivit6s, animaleries dansI'arrondissement puisqueI'arrondissement commerciales. surdesquestions ne peut169if6rer < NousvoulonsrendreI'achatd'animaux et davantage s6lectif et inciterainsi moinsimpulsif plutOt et avis6e.Nousesp6rons lesgensd envisager celade fagonplusresponsable >>, drI'euthanasie et destin6s a explique le maire favoriser abandonn6s I'adoption d'animaux de I'arrondissement, W. Croteau. Frangois le maireCroteaua admisavoir6t6 hautement En entrevue, qui constatait parle reportage en avrildernier, desmauvais interpell6 de l'6mission Enqu6fe, dans10 arrondissements de Montr6al. traitements drla fourridre Le BergerBlanc,pr6sente propri6taire il avaitagidanslesjourssuivants Lui-m6me domestiques, en d'animaux pour lesactivit6s instaurant de la fourridre, desmesurescontraignantes surveiller notamment et I'installation de cam6rasde surveillance. desvisitessurprises, des inspections qui 169issent les Le maireCroteaucompteparailleursrevoirlesclausesdescontrats appeld'offres, en 2012,poury integrer avantle prochain fourridres dansI'arrondissement < Je ne l6sinerai pluscontraignantes. suraucunemesureradicale desmesures beaucoup >, pourm'assurer quelesanimauxsontbientrait6set pourchangercettecultured'abandon a-t-ild6cla16. de plusde troischatsou de deux la possession interdisait Dejden 2009,I'arrondissement chiensparr6sidence. deschiensdans canin6taitnomm6pourv6rifierI'enregistrement Debut2011,un inspecteur pr6cedente. lesparcs,unemesurepr6vuedansle budgetvot6I'ann6e d'animaux domestiques sont lespropri6taires visantd responsabiliser D'autres rdglements pourcontrerle probldme deschatserrants. aussid l'6tude, ainsiquedesm6thodes Unemesureinnovante A Montr6al est le premierd prendredesmesures Petite-Patrie L'arrondissement de Rosemont-La pour pr6venir concrdtes d'animaux. I'abandon quesonequipea etecontact6e parplusieurs Le maireCroteaua pourtant soulign6 qu6b6coises, et de municipalit6s aprdsI'annonce, membres d'arrondissements montr6alais juridiques possibilit6 pourv6rifierlesdetails et 6valuer la de du rdglement le faireappliquer dansleursecteur. de la cruaut6enverslesanimaux(SPCA) Ailleursau Canada,la Soci6t6pourla pr6vention en octobredernier, d'interdire aux de Saskatoon avaitdemand6au conseilmunicipal, d'usines d chiots,afinde animaleries de vendredeschienset deschatsprovenant privi169ier lesrefugeslocaux. a de soncdt6etela premidre au paysd Lavillede Richmond, en Colombie-Britannique, en octobre2010. interdire la ventede chatset de chiensdanslesanimaleries, d'autres villes,commeGatineau, dernier,inspirant d Torontoavaitsuivien septembre 6tudier la possibilit6. quede 30 000a 50 000animaux estiment Lesorganismes de protection desanimaux sont prds 500 000 et de au Qu6bec. abandonn6s annuellement d Montreal, Un articlede LailaMaalouf €g PRTNTTHTS Court upholds Richmond's ban on retail sale of dogs By Matthew Hoekstra- Richmond Review Published:April 15, 2tr113:oo PM Updated:April 15, 20113:43 PM A B.C.SupremeCourt has dismisseda petition launchedby three Richmond pet storesseeking to quash a bylaw restricting the saleof dogsin retail outlets. In a judgement releasedyesterday,JusticeJohn Savageruled Richmond council'sdecisionto ban the retail saleof dogswas a reasonablemoveto reduceunwanted and abandonedpets. Last fall city council approved the bylaw, which is set to take effect later this month. That raisedthe ire of Pet Habitat, PJ's Petsand PetsWonderland,which jointly launchedlegal action againstthe city. PetsWonderland sellsapproximatelyr5o dogsper year, netting the store $7oo to $z,5oo each, while PJ'ssellsapproximately5o dogs annually. In the lead-up to the approvalof the bylaw, the city receivedplenty of written submissians, including two petitions: a 2,16o-signaturepetition supporting the ban, another r,r74-signature petition opposingit. The pet storesarguedthe bylaw wouldn't reduceunwanted and abandoneddogsand Richmond actedin bad faith. The judge disagreed. "In my view Richmond had a valid municipal purposein enactingthe bylaw, reducingthe number of unwanted and abandoneddogsin Richmond,"\.rroteSavage. Pet storesalso arguedthe bylaw discriminatedagainstthem becausebreeders,kennelsand others are still ableto sell through the Internet. They further statedthere was no clear evidence relating to the impulse buyrng of pets,which the city soughtto stop. "Peopledo most things on impulse including getting married. There is no connection establishedthat peoplewho do things on impulse changetheir minds. To the contrary decisionsmadevery quickly canbe everybit as good as decisionsmade cautiouslyand deliberately,"arguedthe petition. But Justice Savageruled the bylaw would only be discriminatory if the bylaw didn't act within the public interest. "Here council distinguishedbetweenbusinesseswhich made it relativelyeasyto purchasea dog and those which made it more difficult. There was some evidence that it was easierto purchasea dog from a pet store; it was possibleto buy the dog and take it home the sameday with little screening.Breedersand kennelshad stricter criteria and often there was a delaybetweenchoosinga dog and taking it home." Savageconcludedthe pet stores"overstatedtheir case." "The decisionto prohibit the saleof dogsin pet storesfalls within a rangeof acceptable outcomesthat are defensiblewith regardto the facts and law. There is a rational connection betweenthe bylaw and its objective." The bylaw, initiated by Coun. Ken Johnston,goesinto effectApril 3o. a.adlin[a:hover {background-color:;text-decoration:underline; } a.adTitle-a:hover {background-coior:; text-decoration:underline; } a.adlink-a {text-decoration:none; color: $ay; ) .single_center{text-align: center} a.adTitle_a{text-decoration:none } .adText{textdecoration:none;font-family: Arial; font-size:12px;font-weight: normal; font-style: font-family: Arial; fontnormal;) .adlink {overflow: hidden; color:gray;text-decoration:none; size:rTpx; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;) .abg{color: gray;text-decoration:none; font-family:Arial;font-size:rrpx;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;) .adTitle font-family: Arial; font-size:r4px;font-weight: normal; {color:ze95d9;text-decoration:none; rpx; border-color:+FFF; font-style:normal;) .ad_boxr {border-sryle:solid;border-width: background-color:#ebf+fb;width:5oopx;margin-left:opx;opacity: r; background-image:url0; background:nottransparent;margin: o auto; clear:both; ) Find this article at: html http://www. richmo 19949494. IN THESUPREME COURTOF BRITISH COLUMBIA Citation: International Bio Researchv. Richmond(City), 2 0 1 1B C S C4 7 1 Date:20110415 Docket:5107947 Registry: Vancouver = C G O |-- Between: $ U) lnternational Bio Researchdba Pet Habitat and 3499481CanadaInc.dba PJ's Pets and PetsWonderland co c! Petitioners And: The Gorporationof the Gityof Richmond Respondent Mr.JusticeSavage Before:The Honourable Reasonsfor Judgment ln Chambers Counselfor the Petitioners: J. Baker Counselfor the Respondent: F. Marzari Placeand Dateof Hearing: Placeand Dateof Judgment: Vancouver, B.C. March23-24,2011 Vancouver, B.C. Apri1 l 5,2011 InternationalBio Researchv. Richmond(City),2011 BCSC471 Highlights [a8] In my view the evidenceheresupportsa findingthat Councilpassedthe Bylawbasedon its conclusion that preventingretailpet storesfrom sellingdogswould (a) reducethe numberof unwanted and abandoneddogsin Richmond, and (b) improvethe conditionsof dogssoldas petsin Richmond.The PetStoresdo not seriously purpose.Richmond disputethis characterization of Council's fundsanimal jurisdiction sheltersin its that acceptreturnedand abandonedpets. In lightof the costto Richmondin caringfor unwanteddogs,at the very leastreducingthe numberof unwantedand abandoneddogsin R i c h m o n ids a v a l i dm u n i c i p apl u r p o s e . [59] ln this case,the municipalpurposeis to reducethe numberof returnedor abandoneddogs.There is a rationalconnectionbetweenthe objectiveof reducingthe numberof unwanteddogsand placing impediments to purchasing a dog. B y l a wr, e d u c i n g t h n eumberof [ 6 5 ] I n m y v i e wR i c h m o n hd a da v a l i dm u n i c i p a l p u r p o si nee n a c t i n g t h e u n w a n t e d a n d a b a n d o n e d d o g s i n R i c h mRoenddu. c i n g i m p u l s e p u r c h a s i n g w a s n o t a p u r p o s e o f t h e Bylaw,as the petitionerscontend,but one meansof achieving the purposeof reducingunwanteddogs. as I havefoundthat Richmondsoughtto reducethe numberof unwanteddogsandthat [66]Therefore, this was a validmunicipalpurpose,it is not necessary that I considerwhetherthe municipality might havehad other objectives in enactingthe Bylaw. becauseit treatspet is discriminatory if the [74]The Bylawis not discriminatory distinctionis not madewith referenceto the publicinterest.HereCouncildistinguished between businesses which madeit relativelyeasyto purchase a dog and thosewhichmadeit moredifficult. Therewassomeevidencethat it waseasierto purchase a dogfrom a pet store;it was possibleto buy the dog andtake it homethe samedaywith littlescreening.Breeders and kennelshad strictercriteria and often therewas a delaybetweenchoosinga dog and takingit home. a dog is a rationalway to minimizethe numberof [75] In my view,imposingan obstacleto purchasing unwantedand abandoneddogsin the city. [75] In addition,it goeswithoutsayingthat thereis a publicinterestin ensuringthat dogswhichhave alreadybeenabandonedto animalsheltersand whichare beingsupportedwith publicfundsfind a new home,and Richmondcannotbe faultedfor treatingthosefacilitiesdifferentlyfrom pet stores. not to banthe saleof dogsin Richmondbut to prohibitsales [77] Councilhasmadethe politicaldecision from locationswhichmay encourage impulsebuying,The Bylawwill not solvethe problementirely. However,in tryingto crafta solution,Richmondis not requiredto completelyeradicatethe problemof unwanteddogs. Requiring ownersto put additionalthoughtand preparationinto their decisionto purchasea dog is rationallyconnectedto reducingunwanteddogsin the city. [81] Therewas anecdotalevidencefrom the operatorsof the animalsheltersincludingthe SPCAand RAPSregarding their own adoptionprocedures and somestatistical evidenceregarding dog abandonment to shelters, somewithin a veryfew monthsof purchase. Preparedby BarbaraLapointe.Aprilt7,2OI2 *ryw ffi F -p,qc,ea/PDFi 'JMR-Actuel.pdf ffi{ww rffi ffi", *r+.+lt.**- ptffs ffirMi&r ffiffi Kgseffibles p*wr {e csrutenaire Together firr the cemtennial RaOLZ HEBDOMADAIRE MIXTE FSC Peplekr! da . drc€3 reapot@tea FSCr C103d67 EDITION 15.07 Lesd6fendeurs desdroitsdes aai,m&uil font pre$sion$ur la uiII$ MARNNC. BARRY Dhlrantla r6union du conseil municipal de Ville de Mont-Royal du 20 f6vrier, Barbara Lapointe de lnavenue Dobie demanda au conseil quand est ce que I'on pourrait att€rrdfe voir un rdglement municipal qui obligerait les propridtaires d'animaleries de vendre seulement des animaux provenant de refuges i but non lucratif ou des groupes de secours. Le maire Philippe Roy r6pliqua que la vitrle a effactud des recherchessur I'aspect ldgal de cette d6rnarche,en vue du fait'que Ia ville n'a qu'uneseuleanimaleriesur son territoire. < Si nous dfions pour adopter un rdglement de ce genre, ce serait l'dquivalent d'un rbglementde spot zonage,ce qui est ill6gal et ne peu se faire >, il a d6clar6. << Nous, I'avis juridique qu'on a est d I'effet qu'on ne peut pas pour l'instant faire pa >>. Le maire a tout de mdme insistd < que je suis, et le conseil aussi est trbs sym- ; e$iliS Barbaralapointewantsto knowwhentowncountilwill passa bylawforringpt *ry st, ersto sellonlyanimalsfromnon.proftgroupsor r€sGue shelteis. ,Fltltc: ll.{.$ars} pathigue ir cette cause ldL.On a adoptd, d'ailleurs, une r6solution pour encourager les citoyens i faire cette ddmarche li, d regarder d'od viennent les animaux avant de les acheteret tout ga;r ' ' .,,. Suitedansnotresuppl6rnent "ruli@ ptEDBEF|,EZ A ['HlV**... OUUr CUEiIIOSSECH#USF Malgr6 lbs rigueurs du mois de f6wier, 20 dldves du programmede musique de l,6co}e secondaire Pierre-Lapcrrte chauffent les pl*nches et annoncent le retour imminent &* robes i fleurs. Ils pr6sentent le speceek Pied de nez i I'hiver, le ler mars de '&& k A 19 h. Une occasion unique d'enten& m 'Fe poduisent Ies 6ldves issus du l# le{Tle crdafion de I'dtablissement d'ensemble. Orchestre d cordes, harmo: nie, guitare, piano, cr6ation, chant choral. formation auditive, littdrafure musicale et musique assistde par ordinateur sont au menu. Les instruments sont fournis aux 6ldves et il en co0te entre 450 $ et 500 $ annuellement,selon I'instrument choisi. Don i la Fondation de l t6cole secondaire Pierre-Laporte Pour plus d'information on peqt composer le 514-739-631I poste6143. & . 5 fri E f tu E , A F N fi;F3: { ; *$8F3€[xri4 i F*as$3fr$3FF N r fgFbga?n nar €g : ; NN fl€t rI gE {E$ggFr *OO*,..* q * *p $, rnt € XI H g sp gggrrfiFgruT ffi w*w fr o H ! o o 5 ssN F j ' u Hi9EEHg \$' FHgHiFg s g tsi ii EF l ' EH ' P grIfsf Y ws 6 .f,t N\t' \ w$N*-N g. .W #la s"q \ \ i l gfrs Frt B.FgEqE N$s\\$ a'* $*-{hn* Ns{Iilr$ti ffi = o o ! ; E eflrg,frE g H* . F s E < o o -9 rg $N N\qis^{N s :a \ruru f|: $l-f*4il\s * ---" Sf$..\-N El h*ssN H9 H3 ; H 1 R 5 5 ' sI sg*F$E oa o g$l :t rrll *+J N-\\n l \-N It 0., -q -+J 9\ gfgHrs;EH rfE;F giE$q=grsE gflEaiImrH;gfi$s iil8F*Egt$gEr'sF EfrF Hgi *{E IFggg{ i$cfEtF€rnF u$EBii6Efl gEE FEF$gFgEE$[aIE Bggss$Eg*grfintr ItE,$EI rfrf, fF[EfEe[$ g;HeR$gFrSFsa HlgpH€Arr rFHFgifnE rE,rHf E$geF6$f, g i ; . P 5 , h EI n.Ea42;E!'€ H . f x g -sa 5 fS nag. H*sE r Erggril$ e p F $ # fBF$Hfi. frfrgrEB[$ b E€[frHiE5s i ' i u : I.g +EqAgFE; /-., ; E S y F q ; d n ;l i.i 1 ' .6 F allgil 3FE E : o N F F< It fDtJ X i s -; s- 1f " H i$, u €," il fragrIa[*[B.m, g;naF;€FE fl;r.a -$€gggB rSgg [[ggggg EEgFFEffi 'ggggg t gnggg*-g e$[E ffif, , *on** la vente-Pourl'ad*." Tirneline * Ror, - * Higlrlights + Lik*ri 1pl Xdd*,C*v*r {xtre la vent*. Pour I'adsption" "t , . 4 : 1 1 t t , : ii t " t j . i i t a i t t : t i : | . : . : : , ;,.1:i!:...irl tr.iik0tt : : $*.**ngt llJ l4*ltsfsf!p.&la r'*irt............... ri'soirrr$xtn afitf6hri*r *t dtr,{*'tf0fs*$f#**Ftj# de$afif;kr( ,$ tii**d{ ;,1*)t lii S**tu* iri.ifilii 4S r*'*tr: ; vinl*: ffi *v*n{; t4lrlr.rst#ilfl4 # f i f * $ s i I i i ?1f1 i { i i . . , 1t ,jndnds fi1!;ri I i1:+llitit. wffiffiweffiffiwffi '4"X fi{}#trf, trmv*nts. F#ilr l':1d.ilflii*rn. "t:. tt)tt l.t ,lt:ltj lN r;:.1: l) \t l:i'll,tll:; nrmil$} fefidofttrs drs{ rrrs stl,rjiarts du slu$ent,&fiJlil*1 Leqal l}*fsns+ Fr,rnd{SAi"$tr} {,* ldr{ill. AfiB!"a fiw\mqfrt. ihat{ *-1 {flfltre {.* yentr, Pu,,irl'ndrptiqn, &nd I r,,/} f ,:id$6#1d*liks t:kir. i,tlritaB rlpflar i: ffi H *{*Nuy g$&?r{jdf Bvej{ I Je pina8e :l I t, trl t:)" Rimyff {:. $ri$is!rl{*fu, Bfft.D! ]e tE $!,!$parte * ll{sri S51 i{48 le{ /t! i,*i;i} t l l t ri j ; un devrait tdilt s$iyr€ tcn {x lrl ' {u*ru la v*nt*, P$ui f&d4txtis*, 11r,',ti,r,i'tl ljnf *tlrdit*l!* en dfoit rie l'\jtwerstte t'\tbtllk{a:on $liS{ silr la r+,Jl*n'{fr:tatjil${i* ,a 'rerts, #anima*v *n i,"1r1ilitri*$* ttiil* l{*rri -ft*vel {st *t*t {di{ittr* li} s*{!*'*, ll!' I I ri p,J}*f l'i!daiF{i*n, \,1,* 4;tr#r#,*)tt' *l\at': nt:i : tt v, trrnth, ff* 14r tr i, CITY OF MONTREAL BOROUGHS' JURISDICTION TO REGULATE THE SALE OF DOGS AND CATS IN PET SHOPS The following is a legal opinion regarding City of Montreal boroughs' authority to require that dogs and cats sold in pet shops be sourcedfrom registerednon-profit charitable animal shelters,humanesocieties,and rescuegroups,ratherthan from puppy or kitten mills. We concludethat Montreal boroughshave clear authority to regulatethe types of dogs and cats that can be sold in pet shopsthrough their power to regulateeconomic activities and pets in general, as well as their specific power to regulate pet and researchanimal trade. Requiring that dogs and cats sold in pet shops be sourced from registerodshelters,humane societies,and rescuegroups,ratherthan commercialbreeders,will help stop the sale of puppies that come from puppy mills and back yard breederswhere dogs are kept in shockingly poor conditions. It will also help to reduce overpopulation by stopping impulse purchasesof unsterilized animals and send the messageto citizens that companion animals are not a commodity that can simply be purchasedon a whim like an inanimateobject. I. Introduction On September22 2011, Toronto City Council enacted By-law No. 1163-2011 (the "Toronto By-law"), which modifies and supplementsthose sectionsof the Toronto Municipal Code that regulatethe sale of dogs and cats in pet stores.'Importantly,the by-law providesthat "every retailer, including any person or businessthat sells more than 10 dogs per year, must obtain animals from one of the following sources only: (i) municipal animal shelters, (ii) registeredhumane societies,(iii) registeredsheltersor rescuegroups,or (iv) from people who have surrenderedtheir petsto them at no charge."2Toronto pet shopscan thereforeno longer sell dogs and catssourcedfrom commercialbreeders. Toronto is the second Municipality in Canadato adopt such a by-law, following the Municipality of Richmond in British Columbia.Regulationsregardingthe saleof live animalsin pet stores already exist in many American jurisdictions.' Other Municipalities in Canadaare also consideringfollowing suit.a The impetusfor Toronto's decisionto adopt such legislationstemsfrom the city's desire to "halt the proliferation of puppy mills" and its recognitionthat regulatingpet shopsis a key factor in this fight.) Pet shopsand puppy mills are inherently linked becausepet store windows ' City of Toronto, By-law No. 1163-201l, To amendCity of TorontoMunicipal Code Chapter545, Licensing, respecting the licensing of pet shops (22 September2011) fToronto By-lawl; City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter545,5246-260. " TorontoBy-law, ibid., S 545-262. ' Such as HermosaBeach,SouthLake Tahoe and West Hollywood, California; Austin, Texas;and Fort Lauderdale, Coral Gables,LauderdaleLakes,Flagler Beach,North Bay Village and Opa-Locka,Florida. a Including VancouverB.C., Windsor ON, Ottawa ON, Hamilton ON and GatineauQC. See*wants*sale+of+dogs+banned+in+vanssvvsl+pet*storesl6442494213lst gU.html t Toronto ByJaw, supra note 1, Preamble. provide the opportunityto showcaseadorablepuppieswithout any indication that thesedogs are the product of unethicalcommercialbreeding.Simply put, reputablebreedersdo not sell puppies and kittens in pet stores;puppy/kittenmills and backyardbreedersdo.o By-laws regulating the sale of animals in pet stores are also enactedwith consumer protectionin mind.' Puppiespurchasedin pet storesoften have or will develop geneticdefects, health, or behaviour problems due to poor breeding practices,inbreeding,and the deplorable conditionsinto which they were born. Health and behaviouralissuesin dogs purchasedfrom pet storeshave become such a consumerprotection problem that certain statesin the U.S. have enactedspecific legislationto deal preciselywith this issue,commonly known as "puppy lemon laws."8Regulatingwhere dogs and cats sold in pet storescome from ensuresthat they are only obtained from reputable sourcesand that there is accountabilityto consumerswho purchase theseanimals. Such legislationwill also help addressthe pet overpopulationproblem, which results in the euthanasiaof thousandsof healthy and adoptabledogs and cats eachyear. There are simply too many animalsbeing bred, bought,sold, and abandonedin the City of Montreal.Estimatesfor the number of animals impoundedin animal control facilities or brought into sheltersfor 2011 alone is over 50,000! This by-law will help increasethe adoption of animals from shelters, therebyreducingthe number of shelteranimalsthat are euthanized,and diminish the market for animalsfrom substandard breedingfacilities.e Finally, the educationalaspectof legisiationsuch as this cannotbe overlooked.By-laws regulatingthe sale of animals in pet storessendthe messageto the community at large that the City is concernedabout pet overpopulation,animal welfare, and consumerprotection, and is taking measuresto addressthese issues.By curbing the number of impulse purchasesof dogs and cats,the City would be sendinga strong messagethat pet owners must be responsibleand think aboutthe commitmentinvolved in taking in a new pet. It is our position that City of Montreal boroughs are legally empowered to follow Toronto's lead on this important issue.Firstly, boroughshavejurisdiction to regulateeconomic activities, as well as dogs and other pets. Secondly,the amendmentssought would not in any way ban an economicactivity, but rather regulateit by specifying from what sourcespet stores can obtain dogs and cats.Thus, the regulationssoughtwould be no different in naturefrom what is alreadyimposedby legislationcurrentlyin force in City of Montreal boroughs. II. Municipal Authority to Enact ResulationsRelativeto EconomicActivities and Dogs and Other Pets o In fact, the CanadianKennel Club's (CKC) breedercode of ethicsspecificallyprohibits their membersfrom selling dogs in pet stores(The CKC is the primary registrybody for purebreddogs in Canada,incorporatedunder the Animal PedigreeAct of Canada).Seehttp://www.ckc.calen/Default.aspx?tabid:81. ' Seee.g. Toron.toBy-law, supra note 1, Preamble E See 'Many cities implementingthis type of regulation seeresults in their euthanasiaand adoptionrates.For example, AlbuquerqueNew Mexico implementeda restrictionon the sale of dogs and cats in pet storesin 2006 and between 2006 and 2009 the euthanasiarate for adoptabledogs and cats decrease d by 32Yo,adoptionsincreasedby 23%o,and intakesdecreased by 6%. The Charter of Yille de Montreal providesthat "the borough council exerciseson behalf of the city [...] all the powers and is subjectto all the obligationsassignedto or imposedon the council of a local municipality by the Cities and Towns Act (chapterC-l9) or any other Act."r0 The Charter thereby grants boroughs all powers given to a local municipality by any other act. The Municipal Powers Act provides that"a local municipality may, by by-law, regulate [...] economicactivities."ll It further specifiesthat "in exercisingaregulatory power underthis Act, a local municipality may, in particular, prescribeprohibitions"'' and "specify the caseswhere a permit is required,limit the number of permits and prescribethe cost, conditions and terms of issue and the rules governing the suspensionor revocation of a permit."" City of Montreal boroughsthus have clear authority to enact by-laws regulatingthe sale of dogs and cats in pet shops.In regulatingthis activity, boroughscan prescribeprohibitions,createlicensing schemes, and imposeobligationson licensees. In addition to grantingboroughsthe power to regulateeconomicactivitiesunderthe Municipal PowersAct,the Charter of Ville de Montreal gives boroughsa secondsourceof jurisdiction for regulatingthe saleof dogs and catsin pet shops.The Charter providesthat "the boroughcouncil shall exercisethejurisdiction of the city as regardsthe passageand application of a by-law relatingto [.. .] dogsand otherhousepets."l4 In fact, Montreal boroughsalreadyregulatethe saleof animalsis pet shops.Montreal bylaw R.B.C.M. c. C-6 ("By-law C-6"), a Crty of Montreal by-law administeredby its boroughs, establishesa permit systemfor personsoperatingpet shopsand specifiesthe requirementswhich must be met by such facilities.'' For example,the by-law requiresthat "each pet and research animal must be suppliedwith drink and fed properly, and shelteredfrom drafts and blazing rays of sunlight."l6The by-law also imposescertain restrictionson the sale of animals in pet shops. For example,pet shopsmay not "sell, give or exchangedogs or catsthat are not 8 weeks old, or sick animals."" There is no reason why City of Montreal boroughs could not impose an additional constrainton the sale of dogs and cats in pet shopsby enactingan amendmentto By-law C-6 requiring pet shopsto obtain their dogs and cats exclusively from non-profit charitableanimal shelters,humanesocieties,and rescuegroups. III. The Modifications Sousht Are Not a Ban and Are No Different in Nature to RestrictionsCurrentlv in Force The Toronto By-law does not createan outright ban on the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores.Rather, it requires that dogs and cats sold in pet storesbe obtained only from certain toR.S.Q., c C-11.4,s. 730lCharterl. tt R.s.e.,c c-4i.1,s.1o(2). t'Ibid.,s.6(1). " I b i d . ,s . 6 ( 2 ) . '.0_Supranote 1 0 ,s . 1 8 5 . 1 ( 2o) f S c h e d u l C e. " City of Montreal, By-law R.B.C.M. c. C-6, By-law ConcerningPet and ResearchAnimal Trade [By-latv C-6]. tu lbid., s. 13. t' Ibid., s. ls(2). sources.l8The by-law proposedby the Montreal SPCA is no different. It doesnot seekto ban an economic activity as a whole, but merely aims to regulate it by imposing certain additional restrictions.As discussedin the precedingsection,the power to regulatean economicactivity in this way falls squarelywithin the scopeof Montreal boroughs'powers. Further, the restrictions imposed by the proposed by-law are no different in nature from the type of restrictionscurrently in force in the boroughs.By-law C-6 alreadyrestrictsthe types of animalsthat canbe sold in pet shops.,Forexample,pet shopsare prohibited from selling dogs '' or cats younger than eight weeks old, sick animals,'" as well as monkeys.'' Prohibiting pet shopsfrom selling dogs and catsobtainedfrom certainsourceswould simply place an additional restriction on the types of animals that can be sold. This is no different from the restrictions alreadyset out in By-law C-6. IV. Conclusion City of Montreal boroughspossessthe legal authority to require that pet shopssell only dogs and cats obtained from registered shelters,humane societies,and rescue groups. This authority stemsfrom the boroughs'power to regulateeconomicactivities and pets in general,as well as from their specificjurisdiction over the types of animalsthat can be sold in pet shopsas evidencedby By-law C-6." V. Appendices (1) (2) (3) City of Toronto,By-lawNo. 1163-2011 City of Montreal,By-law R.B.C.M.c. C-6 Suggestedamendment to City of Montreal, By-law R.B.C.M. c. C-6 to include regulationson sourcingof dogs and cats t,8 TorontoBy-law, supra note l, S 545-262. )"i{,;: notel7' s' r8(2)' "'"I b i d . , s s . 1 & l 8 ( 3 ) . Supra note 17. May 26,1995C-6I I R.B.C.M. c. C-6 BY.LAW CONCERNINGPET AND RESEARCHANIMAL TRADE PROPOSEDAMEI\DMENT 1. In this by-law, the following words mean: "birdshop":an establishmentwherebirds, fish or reptilesreferredto in the definition of pets are kept for trading,breeding,boarding,hygienic or esthetictreatmentor care; "director": the directorof the Servicedespermis et inspections; "kennel": an establishmentwhere dogs,catsor small pet mammalsare kept for trading, breeding,boarding,hygienic or esthetictreatmentor care; "menagerie":a placewhere researchanimalsare kept; "nuisance":any act or omissionlikely to endangerthe life, healthor safetyof peopleor impede the exerciseof their rights; "pets": dogs,catsand other small pet mammalsexceptmonkeys,cagedbirds except Gallinaceae,Columbidaeand Anatidae,fish in aquariums,and small non-venomous,harmless reptiles; "researchanimals":animalsusedfor educationalor experimentalpurposes. "non-profit animal shelter":any shelter.humanesocief'. SPCA or SPA with non-profit or charitablestatusand approvedof b)'the Municipality or its agent "non-profit registeredrescueqroups":any aninial rescueorganizationwith non-profit or charitablestatusand approvedof b), the Municipality or its agent 9 5 - 0 8 5a, . 1 8 . 2. Eachperson who operatesa kennel or a birdshop must securean annual permit for that purpose. 3. A permit is requiredto build or alter a kennel or a birdshop.An applicationmust be submittedto the director,togetherwith a copy of constructionor alterationplans,for approval purposes. 4. Each kennel,birdshopor menageriemust meet the following requirements: (1) have walls, floors and ceilingsbuilt of waterproofand washablematerials; (2)be heatedin keepingwith the variousanimal specieskept there; (3) be provided with the necessarycleaningand disinfectionmaterials; (a) be kept clean,in good condition,and free of vermin at all times; (5) be provided with a washroomequippedwith an individual towel dispenserand with liquid soapor soappowder in convenientdispensers,as well as a containerfor used towels. 5. Cagesor shopwindows wherepets are kept in kennels,birdshopsor menageriesmust have watertightbottoms,without cracks,be easyto wash and spaciousenoughso that one or more animals may move freely within them. Aquariums or other sheltersmust be solidly built, with waterproof materials approvedby the director. Wood may be usedin the constructionof cages,on conditionthat it be coveredwith a waterproof material on all its faces. A spaceof at least91 cm must be providedbetweeneachrow of cages. 6. Wasteand litter from a kennel,birdshopor menageriemust be placedin watertightbags and stored,until their collection,in an isolatedplace approvedby the director.No nuisance may be caused. 7 . Each kennel and birdshop must be at least 2.4 m high, as measuredfrom floor to finished ceiling underthe joists. 8. Kennelsin which dogs,catsand other pet mammalsare kept togethermust be separated from the birdshopby a wall madeof solid materials,extendingfrom floor to ceiling. 9. Kennelsor birdshopsin a departmentstoremust be physically separatedfrom premises where foodstuffsare stored,displayed,sold or served.The premiseswhere petsare sold, given or exchangedmust be usedexclusivelyfor that pulpose. L0. at the time of a transaction,the sellermust hand the purchasera certificate: (1) providing an identificationof the dog or cat purchased,given, exchangedor sold; (2) bearingthe signatureof a veterinarian; (3) certifying that the animal, before entering the kennel and according to his age, was given a serumor vaccineinjection (i) For does:aeainstdistemper,infectioushepatitis.parvovirus.parainfluenzaand leptospirosis;and given a dewormeragainstinternaland externalparasites calicivirus.panleukapenia: andgivena de-wormer (ii) For cats:againstrhinotracheitis" againstiriternalandexternalparasites (4) specifying,as the casemay be, the durationof the prophylactictreatmentappliedand the dateof injection of the serumor vaccine (5) certiflringthat the dog or cat hasbeensterilizedand specifvingthe dateof sterilization 11. Each operatorof a kennelor birdshopmust keep a registertogetherwith individual files of purchaseof eachpet dog, cat or bird. indicatingthe origin, dateof birth, and_date 12.Eachoperator of a kennel,birdshopor menageriemust abideby all laws and regulations concerningcontagiousanimal diseases. 13. Each pet and researchanimal must be supplied with drink and fed properly, and sheltered from drafts and blazing rays of sunlight. 14. Animals suffering from an endoparasiticor ectoparasiticinfection must be isolated and treatedwithout delay.Those sufferingfrom an incurablediseasemust be euthanizedwithout delay, at the expenseof the kennel,birdshopor menagerieoperator. 15. Cagesor other sheltershaving housedsick animalsmust be washedand disinfected immediatelyafter the isolationor deathof thoseanimals,to the satisfactionof the director. 16. Suitablepremisesprovided with the necessaryequipmentto handleand restrainanimals must be put at the director'sdisposalfor the examinationof animalsin a kennelor birdshop. 17. Each carcassof a pet or researchanimal must be placedin a plastic bag as soonas death occurs,then storedin a containerreservedfor that purpose.Each containermust be placedin a location approvedby the director. Each containermust be washedand disinfectedwhen emotv. 18. No kennel,birdshopor menagerieoperatormay: (1) interferewith the director in the dischargeof his duties; (2) sell, give or exchangedogs or catsthat are not 8 weeksold, or sick animals; (3) sell, purchase,give, exchangeor keep,in a kennel or a birdshop,any animal other than one of thosereferredto in the definition of kennelor birdshopin article 1; 19.No kennelor birdshopoperatormay: ive or exchanseanv dos or cat not obtainedfi sources: i. non-profit animal shelters: ii. non-profit registeredrescuegroups. (2) sell. give or exchangedogsor catsthat arenot sterilized. followin 19. (Repealed) 9 5 - 0 8 5a, . 1 9 . 20. Wherethe director finds that a kennel,birdshopor menagerieis not operatingin compliancewith the provisionsof this by-law, he may order in writing that all operationsbe suspendeduntil thoseprovisionsare compliedwith, and the ban hasbeenlifted. 21. The directormay: (1) inspectat anytime kennels,birdshopsand menageries,and examineor causeto be examinedall animalskept there; (2) requirethat kennel,birdshopor menagerieoperatorsprovide all useful or necessary information, including a list of suppliersand customers; (3) order the isolation of any animal that he considerssick, and preventit from being sold, given or exchangeduntil it has fully recovered; (4) order the euthanasiaof any animal consideredincurable; (5) perform autopsieson carcasses. / committeemay,by ordinance: 22.The executive (1) regulatethe ventilation,airingandheatingof kennels,birdshopsandmenageries; (2) modify the definitionof petsin article 1; (3) regulatethe boarding,breedingandsaleof researchanimals; (4) setadditionalhealthstandards relatingto the boarding,breedingandsaleof petsand researchanimals. a.20. 95-085, a nuisance. 23.Eachviolationof thisby-lawconstitutes this by-law is guilty of an offenceandis liable: 24, Anypersonwho contravenes (1) for a first offence,to a fine of $100to $300; (2) for a secondoffence,to a fine of$300 to $500; (3) for a subsequent offence,to a fine of$500 to $1000.