May 2011 Issue - Linden Hill PTA


May 2011 Issue - Linden Hill PTA
May/June 2011
_Linden Hill Happenings_
Mary E. Bradley, Ed.D., Principal
Principals’ Message
It was great to see the children returning from
Spring break with such enthusiasm. Their smiles
brightened the day and their energy broke through
the clouds of Spring Showers!
Thank You
I pass on sincere thanks from Dr. Bradley. She has
asked me to make sure to tell all families how
much she has appreciated the many acts of
kindness and best wishes that you have sent her
Just a Few More Weeks Remain!
As we continue with the remaining weeks of
school, there is still much to be taught and much to
be learned. We will be continuing with our DCAS
testing throughout the month of May. Therefore,
we ask that you make every effort to keep to a
regular routine with regard to bedtimes, breakfast
and school attendance, etc. This will help insure
that your child ends the school year on a successful
note and is prepared for the next school year.
Dress Code
With the onset of warmer weather, we expect that
our air conditioning units will be up and running.
However, the children will continue to enjoy
outside recess on a daily basis. Therefore, it is
important that they wear appropriate clothing
and footwear to insure their comfort and safety.
We ask that children do not wear flip flops or any
sandals that do not have a strap back as this will
help prevent twisted ankles and hurt toes. Also,
please take a minute to review the Student Dress
Code found on page 18 of the Code of Conduct.
Car Line Courtesy
Please continue to honor the car line rules and
respect our neighbors as you drop off and pick up
your children. This includes staying in the line of
traffic both in the school circle and on New Kent
Road. Recently we have noticed cars passing other
drivers who are abiding by the rules. As always, we
are concerned for the safety of all.
Congratulations to Shri D. who represented Linden
Hill in the District Spelling Bee at Warner on April 5.
Shri earned second place in the competition. Way
to go, Shri!
A Reminder as We Plan for Next Year
Thank you to all who have returned the form
confirming your intentions to return to Linden Hill
for the 2011-2012 school year. Please know that
we do not accept requests for specific teachers,
however, should you want to articulate in writing
information about your child’s learning style or any
other pertinent information about your child that
will help us place him/her for the upcoming school
year, please send that information to the office by
June 10 as we will keep your letters on file for our
As we begin to wind down this school year, we
would like to express our sincere thanks to all staff,
students and to you, our families, for all that you
do to make Linden Hill a wonderful learning
community! We look forward to sharing the
remainder of the year with you, wish you a safe
and restful summer and look forward to seeing you
all in August!
Debbie Brady, Acting Principal
Nathan Palkovitz, Acting Assistant Principal
_________Dates to Remember__________
May 6
May 10
May 10
May 13
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 18
May 19
May 19
May 26
May 27
May 27
May 30
June 3
June 3
June 6
June 8
June 9
June 10
Pride Day
RCCSD School Board Elections
Chorus/Strings Concert
1:00 Dismissal – Conferences
Interims mailed
Band Concert
Staff Appreciation Lunch
(hosted by Kindergarten families)
RCCSD School Board Meeting
7:00pm Warner
Staff/PTA Appreciation Dinner
PTA meeting
7:00pm-library budget & elections
Author’s Visit - Shelley Gill
O.M.ers off to Maryland
Field Day
Memorial Day – Schools Closed
Portfolio Parties
Pride Day
Medieval Fair
Fifth Grade Move Up Ceremony
Fifth Grade Fun day
Last Day for students
(11:30 dismissal)
________ PTA MEETING________________
The meeting will take place at 7pm in the Linden
Hill library. PTA meetings usually last no longer
than 1 to 1 ½ hours. Elections will be held at this
meeting. Hope to see you there!
May 19, 2011
Special Thanks To:
 All the Linden Hill PTA Committee Chairs/CoChairs and Board Members – ladies it has been
another terrific year here at Linden Hill and we
want to thank each and every one of you for all of
your hard work and support this year. We are
looking forward to another great year in
2011/2012! Have a fantastic & safe summer!
 ALL of our LHE Families – thank you for all your
support, volunteering and help this year! It truly
has been a wonderful year and without the support
of our families, our PTA would not be as strong as it
is. Thank you and we’ll see you in the fall!
 Cathleen Noonan & Ms. Cox for organizing yet
another fantastic Field Day. I know the kids cannot
wait to see what games you have planned for them
this year!
 Karen Brakeley for taking so many wonderful
pictures at all the school events and collecting
pictures from our families for the yearbook. Can’t
wait to see what you put together for us this year!
Early Dismissal
Friday, May 13, 2011 – 1PM Dismissal
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day NO School
Contact Information
Debra Brady, Acting Principal
Nathan Palkovitz,
Acting Assistant Principal
Red Clay Transportation
2010-2011 PTA Officers
Jackie Schaus, Vice President
Kim Fetrow, Vice President
Laura Beth Taylor, Vice President
Renee Paoli, Treasurer
Nikki Graham, Secretary
Election of PTA Officers For 2011-2012 School Year
The annual election of officers for the Linden Hill
PTA will take place at the PTA meeting on
Thursday, May 19th. All dues-paying members of
the PTA are invited to cast votes for the position of
President, Vice President (3 positions), Secretary
and Treasurer.
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
If you are interested in serving as a PTA officer,
please contact Shannon Marroni, our Nominating
Committee Chairman, at
Page 2
PTA Committee Vacancies for 2011-2012 School
We need your help – please consider a leadership
role in of the following vacant committee chair
Legislative: Attends monthly School Board meetings to
keep informed of new policies for Red Clay School
district and reports pertinent information back to PTA at
monthly meetings.
Collects newsletter articles from PTA
members, teachers and staff and publishes our monthly
newsletter. This is one of the most important ways we
communicate with our families.
5th Grade Save the Dates!
June 8th – Moving Up Ceremony
June 9th – 5th Grade Fun Day
Informational fliers will be coming home soon with
details and ways you can donate and help!
Theater: Assists with the sound and lighting when
assemblies and performances take place at Linden Hill –
get a front row seat at Jonathan Sprout or YoJo!
Website: Keep our Linden Hill community informed by
keeping our PTA website updated and current.
If you would like more information about any of the
( and we will be happy to put
you in touch with the current committee chair.
Each committee is a vital and integral part of our PTA,
without them our children would not have and be able to
enjoy the wonderful programs we have here at Linden
Hill. There are many opportunities to help out and
volunteer – we welcome all of you to join us!!
I would like to take this opportunity to send out a
HUGE thank you to everyone who as decided to
continue on with their committee or take on the
adventure of a new committee in the 2011 / 2012
school year. The Linden Hill PTA is able to do
amazing, enriching things for our students each
year but it takes all of you to make it happen!
The PTA would like to take this opportunity to
wish all of our Linden Hill Families a
wonderful Happy & Safe
Summer Vacation! See you
in the fall!!
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
On behalf of the entire PTA, I would like to say THANKS
also to EACH and EVERY volunteer who helped the
PTA in any way this school year. We APPRECIATE
you and couldn’t do it without YOU!!
The Linden Hill Chorus and Strings concert will be
held on Tuesday, May 10th at 7:00PM at Linden Hill.
And, the Linden Hill Band Concert will be held on
Tuesday, May 17th at 6:30PM. Come join us and
listen to our wonderful musicians!
Congratulations Linden Hill
5th Grade Class of 2011
Congratulations to our outgoing 5th Grade Class of 2011!
Good luck on your next adventure in Middle School!
You will be missed!!
Many thanks to the fifth grade teachers, Barb
Creswell and the Fifth Grade Activities committee
for organizing what is sure to be a wonderful
ceremony and fun day for our fifth graders!
Page 3
We would like to send a very special thank you to
Every member of the Linden Hill Staff, we
appreciate all that you do for our students from
their daily instruction, guidance and mentoring; to
the smiles, laughter and the memories. Special
thanks to Lynne Smith and Debbie Tenant for all
the help you give us right up front.
Playground Maintenance
The Summer 2011 Weed Patrol Program will begin
in June and continue through the summer break.
What is “Weed Patrol” you may find yourself
asking? It is a group of organized PTA volunteers
who will maintain (i.e. pull weeds and pick-up
trash) on the playground and frontage area of
Linden Hill weekly during the summer months.
Families are asked to schedule themselves to suit
their availability. It takes a mere hour or two to
complete “weed patrol”, but by maintaining it
regularly we aren’t faced with the daunting task of
major clean-up in August. If you can lend a hand,
please contact me at
We still have a
few openings.
Kelly Longoria
Playground Committee
Congratulations Odyssey of the Mind
State Champions!!
Extreme Mousemobiles & Unhinged Structure
University of Maryland
May 27 - May 30
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Kindergarten Orientation
Just wanted to thank all of the incoming
Kindergarten parents who attending the
kindergarten orientation before the start of this
school year. I hope it was helpful in the start of
your child’s new experience in kindergarten. I want
to send out a special thank you to Dr. Bradley, Mrs.
Brady, Jackie Schaus, Kim Fetrow, Grace Logemann,
Renee Paoli and Rebecca Wilczynski (from Boys and
Girls Club) for coming and making the Orientation
a complete success. Thank you also to Silvana
Pineda for taking on the responsibilities of
Kindergarten Orientation for next
school year. Have a great summer!
Shannon Marroni
Girls on the Run is s a life-changing learning
program for girls in grades 3-8th and the Linden Hill
Chapter is running at full steam ahead.
program combines training for a 5K (3.1 mile)
running event with healthy living education. The
program also instills self-esteem and strong values
through health education, life skills development,
mentoring relationships and physical training.
There are 2 official teams at Linden Hill with a total
of 30 girls lead by teacher coaches: Meghan
Brady, Kristie Ridgley, Kelly Horowitz, and Katie
Shenoy. The program ends with the Delaware Girls
On The Run race on Saturday June 4th at 9:00 a.m.
at the Riverfront. It is a public race that all can
PTA Membership Committee
Linden Hill PTA - Help us Grow Together
Page 4
It's hard to believe the school year is almost at an
end. This year flew by in the blink of an eye. I
wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of my
fellow committee members who helped by
volunteering to "man" the tables at all our events without you I couldn't have done it! And a special
thanks to Jackie Schaus and Kim Fetrow for lending
a hand during the Welcome Social.
importantly, I would like to thank all of the parents
and teachers/staff who joined the Linden Hill PTA
this school year - without your support our PTA
would not be as strong as it is. I look forward to
your support and working with you again in the
2011/2012 school year! Have a SAFE & Happy
Summer and I'll see you in August!
Shannon Marroni
Thank you to each & every
volunteer that assisted this year.
Your hours helped make such a
successful year. If you are interested
in working in the Library again next year, feel free
to email me at I will work
over the summer to get a jump-start on the
upcoming year. Have a wonderful end of the
school year.
Special thanks to Mrs. Marinelli for allowing each
of us to be with our special readers every day!
Student of the Week
The Student of the Week program is finishing up
another successful year!!! The students visited the
office and enjoyed a story read by Dr. Bradley and
Mrs. Brady. We would like to extend a big thank
you to Dr. Bradley and Mrs. Brady for their support
of this program, for reading to the children and for
giving each child a book to take home.
Maureen Carp
Student of the Week Committee
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Staff Appreciation
On May 18th the kindergarten families will treat
the staff to their last luncheon of the school year!
Keep an eye out for the flyer! We want to thank
everyone who has donated their time, culinary
skills and dollars to the staff appreciation lunches!
It takes many hands to pull each luncheon off and
we could not do it without our many supportive
parents! We look forward to picking up where we
left off in the fall! If you would be interested in
joining our committee please contact one of our
Staff Appreciation Committee
Kristin Armstrong
Karen Brakeley
Amy Malick
Angie Melasecca
School Spirit Wear Committee
I can’t believe we are nearing the end of the year
already – the time flew by! We have added yet
another new item to our LHE Spirit Gear. We now
have 24 oz. Stainless Steel water bottles with a
drink spout available! We should have a sample of
the bottle in the display case in the lobby of the
school in the next week or two. I would like to take
this opportunity to say a big Thank You to all of our
LHE Families who have purchased Spirit Wear – the
kids LOVE Pride Day and showing their Lion Pride
by donning their Spirit Wear. And thank you to all
my PTA friends who helped me throughout the
year by manning tables at all of our events!
There’s still time to grab your Spirit Wear if you
haven’t done so already. Order forms are available
on the table just below the display case in the main
entrance of the school. Or, email Kim Fetrow at and I will be happy to email
you an order form or send one home with your
child via kiddie mail. Remember – Pride Day is the
1st Friday of the month. I hope everyone has a safe
and wonderful summer!
Kim Fetrow
Spirit Wear Committee
Page 5
School Store
From the Music Room…
The Cub City School Store just completed the last
round of shopping for this school year. We had a
great year and enjoyed shopping with everyone. A
special note of thanks to the Linden Hill parents
and staff for their efforts in making the store run
smoothly. We will be back in the Fall with new and
exciting items to offer! Enjoy the rest of the school
year and have a terrific Summer!
DATES: Choral and Strings
concert on May 10th, Band Concert on
May 17th, Full Band Rehearsal for our concert for
ENTIRE band will be held on Friday May 13th from
1:30 until 3:30- very important that all members
attend! This will be the ONLY time the band can be
together in its entirety prior to the concert.
Talent Show date still being determined… tryouts
to be held once the band and chorus concert are
done- more info on talent show to come- it is for
Cub City School Store Chairs,
Tammy Jackson and Theresa Barbato
Attention All Current And Prospective
Lego League Participants:
This is a reminder that we will be
having a very important meeting to discuss the
streamlined registration process and the new
structure to Lego League. The meeting will take
place on Wednesday, May 18th from 6-7pm in the
Linden Hill Gym/Multi-Purpose Room.
This meeting will outline the changes to the
registration process to accommodate the huge
interest in Lego League. In the past, we focused on
a per-student registration process. To streamline
this system, we will be moving to a per-team
registration. Please mark your calendars for
Wednesday, May 18th to learn about these
exciting changes and how you can get involved.
Needs for music room: paper towels, Hershey
kisses or dum dum lollipop for music stars, music
and star stickers
It is that time of year when we hold our annual
Penny Drive. The students have always loved
digging into their piggy banks to help out with this
This year we will be donating our change to a
charity. Instead of “Pennies for the Playground”,
we now have “Pennies for a Purpose”.
To start a new tradition at Linden Hill, the outgoing
5th grade class will choose the charity that will
receive our donation. Please look for more
information coming home in early May.
Penny Drive will begin the week of May 15 .
From the Nurses Office…
I’d like to send a big thank you to all of the Linden
Hill Family for welcoming me and making my first
year here so wonderful. Thanks so much!
Jodi Muffley, RN, MSN
School Nurse
Thank you to the Linden Hill Community for
your support of our product incentives
collections. We appreciate all the boxtops
and receipts you have sent in! Please
continue to collect the General Mills
boxtops and Zingo's receipts throughout
the summer!
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Pennies for a Purpose
Page 6
Roster & Vacancies
Elected Board Members:
President………….…….. VACANT
Treasurer…………….….. Renee Paoli
Secretary………………... VACANT
1st Vice President……….. Jackie Schaus(running)
2nd Vice President……..… VACANT
3rd Vice President……..… Laura Beth Taylor(running)
Committee Chair:
5th Grade Activities…......….…. Nikki Graham
Maureen Carp
Book Fair……………………... Harolyn Temeng
Fidelia Portillo
Carnival…… Overall………... Jen Teal
Food………….. Jane Yan McMullen
Games…........... Shannon Marroni
Directory……………………... Michelle Hughes
Harolyn Temeng
Family Activities………….…. Holly McReynolds
Sheri Aukamp
Field Day…………………….. Cathleen Noonan
Fundraising……………….….. Barb Creswell
Grace Logemann
Kinder Orientation………...… Silvana Pineda
Legislative…………………… VACANT
Library………………………. Nikki Graham
Membership…….……...……. Shannon Marroni
Abama Ranganathan
Newsletter………………...…. VACANT
Playground………..………..... Kim Winward
Post Office…………………… Barb Creswell
VACANT co-chair
Product Incentives…………… Shannon Marroni
Reflections…………………… Vincenza Pilla
School Beautification……...… Eileen Bernart
Ann Brubaker
School Pictures……………..... Michelle Hughes
School Programs…………...… Stephanie Barry
Spirit Wear………………..…. Kim Fetrow
School Store………………..... Tammy Jackson
Theresa Barbato
Staff Appreciation………….... Karen Brakeley
Amy Malick
Angie Melasecca
Kristin Armstrong
Student of the Week…………. Maureen Carp
Theater…………………….…. VACANT
TV Turnoff…………………... Kelly Longoria
Website………………………. VACANT
Welcome Social………...……. Harolyn Temeng
Vacant Board Description:
President: Responsible for overall coordination of PTA,
runs monthly PTA meetings, attends State PTA Conference,
communicates important information to PTA members.
Vice President: Responsible for overseeing a list of
committees – making sure the committee is on task and
helping that committee when/if necessary and reporting
committee progress at monthly meetings.
Secretary: Attends monthly PTA meetings and takes
minutes of the meetings. Compiles minutes into a report and
sends to all PTA Board & Committee Chairs as well as any
PTA member we have email address on file for.
Vacant Committee Description:
Legislative: Attends monthly School Board meetings to
keep informed of new policies for Red Clay School district
and reports pertinent information back to PTA at monthly
Newsletter: Collects newsletter articles from PTA members,
teachers and staff and publishes our monthly newsletter.
This is one of the most important ways we communicate
with our families.
Theater: Assists with the sound and lighting when
assemblies and performances take place at Linden Hill – get
a front row seat at Jonathan Sprout or YoJo!
Website: Keep our Linden Hill community informed by
keeping our PTA website updated and current.
There are many, many, many opportunities to
volunteer, donate and help the PTA that present
themselves throughout the year – please join us!
Yearbook…………...……… Karen Brakeley
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Page 7
Volunteers Needed
Linden Hill Elementary School
2011 Field Day
On Friday, May 27th, the students at Linden Hill will be participating in their Annual Field Day activities.
Field Day is an all day event. All students will be out in the morning, go in for lunch, and come back out for the
Volunteers are needed so that each activity is adequately staffed in the morning and in the afternoon. Two and
sometimes three volunteers are necessary to assist at each activity. Equipment and instructions will be
provided. The shifts are listed below. This is a great day to come out and spend time with your children!
Volunteer assignments will be available at the time of sign-in in the Multi-Purpose Room on Field Day.
Please return the bottom of this form to your child’s classroom Teacher by Friday, May 20th.
Volunteers MAY park on Skyline Drive in front of the school. We have been granted an exception for the day.
Contact Cathleen Noonan (PTA Committee Chair) at 302-745-4553 if you have any questions.
Please check the appropriate box:
Set Up: 7:30 am to 8:30 am on Friday, May 27th.
Morning Games: 8:45 am to 11:15 am on Friday.
Afternoon Games: 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm on Friday.
Volunteer All Day: 8:45 am to 3:15 am on Friday.
Clean Up: 3:15 pm to 4:00 pm on Friday, May 27th.
Volunteer Name
Volunteer Name
Child’s Name
Teacher & Room #
Child’s Name
Teacher & Room #
I will be having lunch with my child in the cafeteria.
I will be taking my child home at the end of the day.
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Page 8
Calling All 5
Thank you!!
Thank you to the many
volunteers who assisted us
Save the Date!
during our Fundraising events
The 5th Grade Moving Up
this year … the Walk-A-
Ceremony is scheduled for
Thon, Silent Auction and
Wednesday, June 8th. Doors
Penny Drive.
open at 1:15.
begins at 1:30 sharp.
Refresments will be served in
the cafeteria following the
ceremony, 2:15-2:45.
We couldn’t do it without
you! See you next year!
Barbra Creswell and Lynn
Since this event takes place
during the school day, no
siblings may attend.
Thank you for your
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Page 9
Lost and Found….Lost and Found….Lost and Found….Lost and Found
Each year our lost and found is overflowing with
coats, jackets, sweatshirts, gloves and hats as well
as lunch boxes. If you could please write your
child’s name on these items - more of our extensive
lost items can be “found”. Thanks!
Recycling Effort Needs Your Help!
The recycling effort at Linden Hill needs your help. Help us fill our Paper Retriever bin out
back- we must collect at least 2 tons of paper recyclables each month. Our students have been
working hard to make the paper recycling effort work at school – we could use your help from
Please consider contributing your paper recyclables (you can even send in some with your
student to put into the recycle bin in the classroom!) – items that Abitibi accepts:
 Newspapers/TV guides
 Magazines/shopping catalogs
 Office/school papers/folders/poster paper spiral notebooks(no need to
remove the spiral but please remove front and back hardcover/theme books
(white paper, construction paper, etc)
 Junk/other mail/weekly advertisement circulars (envelopes with “windows”
are accepted too!) – no need to remove the staples!
(Please - NO cardboard, phonebooks, plastic, glass, metals, or trash – also, if the bin is full,
please do not leave contributions until the bin has been emptied…we don’t want to litter the
Visitors and Volunteers:
For safety and security reasons, please sign in at the office before going to a classroom, library,
lunch room, etc. Our School Safety Plan requires that we know of EVERY person on our
campus, no matter how frequently they visit. In case of any emergency, we need to account for
everyone’s whereabouts. Sign in on the computer in the office to obtain and wear a visitor’s
pass. Anyone in the building without a pass will be asked to return to the office or leave the
building. Thanks for your cooperation!
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Page 10
Hey, 4th and 5th Graders!
Got Talent?
Then share it with the rest of us!
It’s almost time for the
Look for information coming home soon regarding
auditions and show times!
We can’t wait to see you shine!!!
Linden Hill’s Silent Auction Night ~ A Night On Broadway!
Our first ever adult Silent Auction Night was a huge success! It was wonderful to spend a fun evening, filled with
entertainment and comraderie, together. We are truly grateful for the many donations from families and Linden
Hill staff alike. Without you, the evening would not have been a success. A special thanks to Dr. Bradley, Mrs.
Brady and the Linden Hill Staff for your support, the class basket coordinators for creating amazing raffle items,
and our wonderful committee members who spent countless hours working on the details of the evening : Grace
Logemann, Cathleen Noonan, Sheryl Chang, Debbie Hermansader, Jackie Schaus, Kim Colburn, Yanaka Bernal,
Eileen Bernart, Cami Pisklak, Kim Winward, Beth Taylor, Holly McReynolds, Nikki Graham, Anabelle O’Malley,
Karyn Usher, Shannon Marroni, Kelly Adelman, Karen Brakeley, and Angie Melasecca and to Kelly West, Catering
Director of Hartefeld National. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to the many business donors
and sponsors listed on the following page. We encourage you to patronize these generous businesses. Thank
you , thank you, thank you to all who attended the event and congratulations to the many lucky winners!
Barbra Creswell and Lynn Correll
Fundraising Committee
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Page 11
Hartefeld National
610 WIP Sports Radio
Jonathan Sprout
Pump it Up
Korean Martial Arts Institute
AAA Insurance
ACME - Hockessin
ACME - Pike Creek
American Dance Academy
American Girl
AR Morris Jewlers
Avenue Cuts
Avon - Kim Allen
Avon - Fidelia Portillo
Back Creek Golf Club
Bear Creek Mountain Resort & Conf
BJ Wholesale
Boomers Family Fun
Bounces and Smiles
Brandywine Zoo
Buckley's Auto Care
Camp Bow Wow
CertaPro of Newark
Cinemark Movies 10
Corrective Chirpractic
Creative Memories - Michelle Scott
Creekside Outdoors
Deerfield Fine Wines
Delaware Art Museum
Delaware Museum of Natural History
Delaware Rock Gym
Walt Disney World
Dover Downs Hotel and Casino
Dutch Wonderland
First State Health and Wellness
Regis and Kelly Live
Ricks Bait and Tackle
Nina of Salon by Dominic
Danielle Z. of Salon by Dominic
Salon Secrets Spa
Self Indulgence
Sherri Ciancutti Portraits
Shone's Lumber
SkinCeuticals - Jennifer Hawke
Skyline Pool
Split Rock Resort and Golf Club
Patterson-Schwartz Real EstateLisa Brainard
Stampin' Up
Star Belly Skin Art - Sara Duncan
Swim School, Inc.
Tastefully Simple - Marty Gross
Techsolutions Inc.
The Bee Hive
The Light House
The Pond
The Ski Bum
The Swim Shop
The Watchmaker
Tideline Gallery
Boxing Cat Productions
Top to Bottom Cleaning
TriState Cheernastics
True Value Hardware
Tumblebus Delaware
UD Athletics
United Distributors of Delaware
Vince's Batting Cage
Wheel of Fortune
Willow House Design - Sue
Wilmington Blue Rocks
Winterthur Museum & Country
Yo-Yo Joe's Toys and Fun
Zingo's Supermarkets
5 Guys
6 Paupers
Bella Vista Trattoria & Pizzeria
Caffé Gelato
Landenberg Pet Resort
Learning Express Toys
Learning Station
Longwood Gardens
Minsters Jewlery
Mrs. Londergan
Nearly Practical Inc.
Newport Skate Park
Nichols Fine Jewelers
Pagave Salon - Karen Sgroi
Pampered Chef - Wendy Collazo
Funland (Seaside Amusements, Inc)
Gamble's Newark Florist
Giant Foods
Great Wolf Lodge
H&R Block
Hagley Museum and Library
Heart & Home
Hideaway Spa
Hockessin Athletic Club
YOU !!!
Linden Hill Happenings • May/June 2011
Sports Authority
Pep Boys - New Castle
Perfect Impressions
Plesant Hill Bowling
Premier Jewelry - Patricia Allen
Prices Corner Car Wash
Walter's Steakhouse
Catherine Rooneys
Cheesecake Factory
Dairy Queen
Grotto Pizza
Harry's Savoy Grill
Henretty's Market
McGlynn's/Deer Park
Michael's Restaurant
Old Country Buffet
Outback Steakhouse
Red Robin
Ruby Tuesday
Soffrito’a Italian Grill
The Fabulous Bagel Boys
Timothy's of Newark
Tyler Fitzgeralds
Valle Cucina Italiana
Woodside Farm Creamery
Jungle Jim’s Water Park
Cannon’s Cakes & Bakery
Jonathan Sprout
Café Napoli
Prices Lanes
Page 12