2008 Buying Guide
2008 Buying Guide
2008 Buying Guide r t ho d ox ia Ra d io r t ho do x ia Ra d io Sub-De acon, Kar im El-F ar P hone : (70 7) 66 4-989 2 ht tp ://w w w .k elf ar.n et /ort ho do xiar adi o Em ai l: ort hodo xia rad io@k e lfar .net karim8411@yahoo.com r t ho do x ia Ra d io Sub-De acon, Kar im El-F ar P hone : (70 7) 66 4-989 2 ht tp ://ort ho do xiar ad io.or g Em ai l: ort hodo xia rad io@k e lfar .net karim8411@yahoo.com N ew Book - Now Availabl e! Divine Hymnal Divine Hymnal (Book) The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Orthodox Church of Antioch with complete musical transcription in both Psaltic and Western notation. Mus ical texts are printed in red (Byzantine Psaltic notation) and black (Western notation) as shown below. Printed on heavy ivory paper (8½ by 11 inches), saddle-stitched. 50 pages. *Retail = $20. This book is a companion to the best-selling English language audio CD: "The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Orthodox Church of Antioch.” The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Orthodox Church of Antioch (CD) A recording of the Divine Liturgy chanted in English by the Mount Lebanon Choir, a male ensemble, in the traditional Byzantine style. Recorded in September, 2004, in Lebanon. (69’ 09”) (English) *Retail = $18 . Byzantine Hymns of the Nativity A crystal clear recording featuring a large male choir interspersed with a female choir and male and female solo chanting in Arabic in traditional Byzantine tones and melodies. Recorded in 2002 in Lebanon. (55’ 42”) (Arabic) *Retail = $18 The Divine Liturgy in Spanish LA DIVINA LITURGIA DE SAN JUAN CRISÓSTOMO This CD is the music of the Orthodox Church. It is chanted and sung in Spanish in the tones of St. John of Damascus.*Retail: $18 Paraklesis to the Therotokos P A RÁ CLE SI S : SÚ P LICA S A LA M A D RE D E D IO S This CD is a complete Paraklesis to the Theotokos as celebrated in the Orthodox tradition, performed in authentic Byzantine style with melodies adapted into Spanish. *Retail: $18 The Saving Passion La P as ión Sa lví fi ca Selections from the Holy Week services as celebrated in the Orthodox tradition, performed in authentic Byzantine style with melodies adapted into Spanish. *Retail: $18 N ew DVD - Now Availa ble! Prophet Elijah DVD for children in spoken Arabic and English languages. T his c hildren' s D VD c ont a ins a ha lf hour f ilm w hic h t e lls the s tory of Prophet E lija h' s mir ac ulo us and h ero ic lif e. T he v id eo te lls t he s tory through s hort c artoon e p is odes and t hrough t he us e of s ev era l beaut ifu l ic ons . T his rec ord ing is s ure to ins p ir e your c hildren tow ards a holier lif e. It c an be play ed in e ith er the Eng lis h or Arab ic langu ages . T he D VD a ls o c onta ins a s hort s egment e xp la in ing Prophet E lija h' s ic on and a ls o exc e llent Ara b ic and Eng lis h rec ordings of h is T ropar ion. *Retail: $18 N ew Book s - Now Availa ble! (Spanish ) Evangelio Litúrgico The Divine & Holy Gospel Book (Hardcover) (s ize : 9.5” x13.5”) *R eta il: $75 Publis h ed by th e Ant ioc h ian Arc hd ioc es e of M ex ic o, 2006. Guía pa st oral s obre Los Sacram ento s Past oral g uid e. The Sacram ent s. 120 pag es *Ret a il: $10 Publis h ed by th e Ant ioc h ian Arc hd ioc es e of M ex ic o, 2006. El Sacram en to Del Sant o Baut i sm o In str ucción p as tora l The Service of Bap ti sm . Past oral in s truct ion. 16 pag es *Ret a il: $3 Publis h ed by th e Ant ioc h ian Arc hd ioc es e of M ex ic o, 2006. OFIC IOS D E LA SEMAN A SANT A Services of H oly wee k and Pasch a 194 pages . *Ret a il: $10 Publis h ed by th e Ant ioc h ian Arc hd ioc es e of M ex ic o, 2006. A trio s d el Se8 or Reflexio nes or tod oxas El l i b ro es de t am a8 o me di a ca rt a, de 1 5 0 p < g i n as . El p r =l og o del E di t or di ce l o s i g u i e nt e 1 5 0 p ag es *Ret a il: $10 Publis h ed by th e Ant ioc h ian Arc hd ioc es e of M ex ic o, 2007. T esoro d el coraz= n - Devocio nario Or tod oxo 2 1 5 p ag es *Ret a il: $10 P ublis h ed by t he A nt ioch i an A r chdi oc es e o f M exi co, 2 007. N ew Book s - Now Availa ble! (Englis h) Byzantine Chant By Constantine Cavarnos Written in a lucid and concise style, this book is designed both to explain in a comprehensive manner the nature of Byzantine chant and also to help those who aspire to learn to chant in the Byzantine style. 1998. 102 pp. *Ret a il: $6. 95 Byzantine Sacred Music . By Constantine Cavarnos A concise treatment of the essential characteristics, aims, and execution of the traditional, official music of the Greek Orthodox Church. “An excellent treatise on the beautiful music of the Orthodox Church.” 1956. 6th printing, 1996. 31 pp. *Ret a il: $3 * Wholesale discounts available