Pre-Departure Orientation Yonsei University, Spring


Pre-Departure Orientation Yonsei University, Spring
Pre-Departure Orientation
Yonsei University, Spring
January 28, 2016
Welcome to the Orientation
Be sure that you have not only logged into the Webinar on your
computer, but that you have also called in to the webinar on your
phone. Follow the instructions in your Meeting Confirmation e-mail.
Dial-In Number: (866) 740-1260
Access Code: 4787318
If you have called in and cannot hear the audio of this webinar, use the
chat box to let us know.
There will be a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
UCEAP – Systemwide Office
Student Finance
Amy Frohlich
Eva Bilandzia
Michelle Hertig
Karen Hyslop
Thank you for joining us!
Welcome & Who’s Who
Getting Ready & Arrival
Living Abroad
Health & Safety
UCEAP – Korea Study Center
In Korea, the staff at the Study Center located on
the Yonsei University campus are available to
assist with questions about host or UCEAP
academics, finance, housing, health, or anything
They will know if it’s a question they can answer,
or if it should go to your home campus, your host
university, or someone else.
Professor Michael Kim, Liaison Professor (center)
Ms. Joey CHOI, Program Administrator (right)
Ms. Jin KIM, Student Services Advisor (left)
Your host university often will not understand
exactly what rules or exceptions apply to UCEAP
students – go to the UCEAP Study Center to make
sure you have the correct information!
UCEAP Guides/Participants Portal
This presentation covers highlights that apply to everyone.
Details concerning questions, problems, or situations you
may have while abroad are at the links below. Bookmark
Participants Portal (guides, calendars, insurance,
petitions, more…)
UCEAP Guide to Study Abroad (includes detailed
academic policies)
Program Guide (details about program)
Your signed Student Agreement confirms that you have read
and understand the policies and information in these guides.
You can always contact the Study Center or the Systemwide
Office with any questions.
Before You Go
Review the program calendar on your Participants page and make travel arrangements to
arrive before the official start date. Do not plan to depart Korea before the official end date.
Obtain your visa as required. Follow the instructions on the PDC.
Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for health information.
Register with U.S. Department of State Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
Contact returnees and current participants through the UCEAP Korea Facebook page.
Pack light! You can buy almost everything you need in Korea. See the packing tips in your
Program Guide. Korea experiences all seasons from sun to snow.
Print and hand carry the arrival instructions from your PDC.
Print your UCEAP insurance card, read both sides, and place it in your wallet.
Korea Incheon Airport (world’s best airport)
Disembarkation/Embarkation (D/E) Card
Baggage Claim
Airport Bus (short walk)
Korean Student Visa
See Visa Instructions on PDC
Apply four weeks prior to departure
through the Korean Consulate in Los
Angeles or San Francisco
D2 visa
admission documents, bank
statement, passport photocopy,
photo, itinerary required
Korean citizens: no visa needed
Korean-American: may need F4
On-Site Orientation
Yonsei Orientation
February 24th at 10:30 AM
UCEAP Orientation
Meet Study Center staff
Housing and campus rules
Activities and field trips
Community service and internships
Campus tour
You will do preregistration prior to arrival
(February 15th). You can add and drop courses
on the first week of the program.
Staying in Touch
As a UCEAP participant, you are obligated to:
 Contact a family member to notify them of your safe arrival
 Keep in touch and provide up-to-date contact details in MyEAP
 Check your UC email address regularly
 Provide a local cell phone number after arrival
Send an email, text, and/or complete the Travel Signout form to
notify Study Center that you will travel out of town.
Make It Count!
While abroad, you will be a representative of not only the University of California, but
also the state of California and the United States of America.
Think about what this means and how it will affect your behavior while abroad.
This is an amazing opportunity to meet people from other societies, make friends from
other countries, and to make a difference in your life and in the lives of others.
On Campus Housing
SK Global House and International House
Lounge, study rooms, fitness center, computer
lab with printers (charge for printing), laundry,
kitchen, music room (SK only).
Single-sex floors
Basic linens provided
Construction next door
On your own
Money & Banking
Currency Exchange
ATMs are the easiest way to get cash, but
there will be fees added. Check with your
bank before leaving for details about ATM
fees while abroad.
Credit Cards
US $1 = 1100 Korean Won
Accepted at larger establishments.
Local Bank Account
Woori Bank on campus
Passport required to open account
Cell Phones
Internet Access
Bring an unlocked phone or buy a
phone after arrival
Free wireless internet available on
campus with Portal ID # & PW
Purchase SIM card and reload
Use Skype, Viber, or Tango with family
& friends in the U.S.
Wired internet in dorm rooms - you will
need a LAN line (Ethernet) cable
MAC users will need an adaptor
KakaoTalk with friends in Korea
Computer Labs/PC Clusters
Residence Halls have kitchens
Other options include: campus cafeterias, food courts, cafes, and
Vegan and vegetarian options available, but limited
No meal plans available at Yonsei
Subway - nearest station is Sinchon
Free Yonsei University Shuttle on campus and
from two subway hubs
“It's very convenient how affordable public transportation is
in Korea.”
UCEAP Korea Returnee
Study Center Excursions
Yonsei Student Organizations
Sports & Outdoor Activities
Holidays & Festivals
Review your UCEAP Insurance Plan so you understand all your benefits and how to use it.
Research any required medication to find out if you can obtain it in Korea, or if it is even legal!
Starts 14 days before Program Start Date and ends 31 days after Program End Date.
If you become ill while abroad (including mental health issues):
Notify the Korea Study Center. They are there to help!
They can refer you to a doctor or specialist
Pay for visit, then submit claim for reimbursement
The Republic of Korea’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has released the
English language version of its “Emergency Ready” emergency preparedness app for
smartphones. While designed for Android or Apple smartphones, it also works on tablets, e.g.,
Theft and Scams
Be aware of pick-pockets, especially in tourist areas, airports, public transportation
Phone scams requesting advanced payment to win a prize
Buddy System
Alcohol consumption impairs our judgment and increases risky behavior, which increases
the risk for crime. Use the buddy system!
Cultural Adjustment
Stress abroad is not unique or uncommon. There may be times when you feel
UCEAP just isn’t working for you. It’s normal to feel homesick, isolated, have family
or breakup issues, or academic or money concerns. You may experience emotional
ups and downs, and even depression, or illness.
You may also experience “culture shock.”
Follow the lead of the locals. Exercise, journal/blog, do activities that you enjoy at
home, try new activities, laugh at mistakes, make friends & get involved in the
community. Learn about your new culture and try to fit in. Reach out to others.
You might even consider withdrawing, but be sure to seek advice to explore all
other solutions before reaching this important decision. Consult with Study Center
and, if necessary, an onsite counselor before filing paperwork to leave. There can be
academic and financial consequences.
Yonsei University
Established in 1885 – oldest private university in Korea
30,000 students on the Sinchon Campus
“The online course registration system works almost like the UC system. If you have courses that your
really want, register for the course as soon as the registration system begins!!! All the popular courses
close very early. “
UCEAP Korea Returnee
Yonsei Course Registration Guide
 Use Internet Explorer 9 or higher (NO Chrome, Safari or Firefox)
 February 14th, 5PM (CA Time): Access to the Yonsei portal to check if both your Yonsei student
ID and password (YYMMDD) works
 Exchange students are NOT allowed to take courses at the International Campus in Songdo.
(1.5 hr – 2 hr away from Sinchon). These will have the code ©.
 Check reference code next
to each course title to see if there are any restrictions or
 Taking Korean Language Class is mandatory. If you are fluent and want to be waived from the
mandatory KLI requirement, please set a phone interview with Joey via email before February
15th. (
Yonsei Courses
Underwood International Courses (UIC)
UCEAP students cannot take UIC students only classes. Check reference code next to course title for
restrictions. Some UIC professors accept a few exchange students even though the class is for UIC only. So you
can ask for permission and UIC department may permit depending on class capacity.
Office of International Affairs Courses (OIA)
Special courses taught in English for exchange (UCEAP) and other visiting students.
IEE code
UCEAP assigns lower-division credit to many of the UIC and IEE courses as they are designed to introduce foreign
students to various aspects of Korea.
Business/Economics Courses
Popular and competitive. Business-related majors can take up to 3 business courses at Yonsei. Even if a student
successfully adds 4 or 5 business courses online, OIA will drop 1-2 courses without notice.
Language Courses
Required. Add any level during preregistration and change after placement exam. If you do not add a KLI
course during preregistration, you will not be able to register after arrival and you will be required to take one
of the alternative courses. KLI courses are 6.0 Yonsei credits (9.0 UC quarter units). Alternative Korean language
courses are 3 Yonsei credits.
Yonsei Course Registration Guide
Date & Time
1st Course Registration
Feb 15th (Mon) – 16th (Tue)
Mileage Bidding System
1st Registration Results
Feb 17th (Wed)
2nd Course Registration
Feb 18th (Thu) – 19th (Fri)
Final Add/ Drop Period
Mar 4th – 8th (8AM - 5PM each day)
waitlist +first-come-first-served basis
Search courses and plan ahead! Prepare a list of alternative courses!
1st Course Registration
 All students are given a total of 72 mileages during this period
 Students can bid on a maximum of 6 courses (not credits)
 Each class must have a minimum bid of 1 mileage
 No more than 36 mileages can be bid on a single class. Some courses might allow lower than 36
mileages. E.g. max. mileage 12 for some business/economics courses.
 Students can bid on different sections of the same course if there are no schedule conflicts
 Course schedules cannot overlap
 Students cannot bid on certain courses due to school year or major restriction
 Use all 72 mileages
 High bid on Business/ Economics courses VS High bid on Business/ Economics courses + many 1
credit classes
 Focus on non-IEE courses (study abroad courses) or/and KLI
 Results: amount of mileages used for bidding, subject to special education or major, and number of
classes bided (max. 6 classes, NOT credits)
2nd Course Registration
Waitlist + first-come, first-serve basis
Check the capacity first
Start adding classes as soon as the 2nd period starts!
Add KLI (any level) and/or “IEE” courses during this period. You can add them from the 1st period
If your bidding was unsuccessful and are placed on the waiting list, you will gain entry to the class
automatically when you are ranked first on the list and class has an open seat.
DO NOT hit the “refresh” button when you are on the waiting list from the 1st registration result.
If you attempt to add a class that is already on your waiting list from Round 1, you will be dropped
from the waiting list and the system will re-register the class to your wait-list. You will lose your
original ranking so be patient and wait once you’re added on the waiting list.
“Wish-list” is to help you to click immediately to add courses when the 2nd period starts! It doesn’t
automatically register!
If you are ranked low on the waiting list, it’s advised to find alternative courses and add them
instead of waiting.
Add/ Drop Period
 Adjust your KLI level after taking a placement test
 No add/ drop courses after this period
 Minimum of 14 Yonsei credits! (NOT 9 credits for UCEAP students)
Study Abroad Courses
Search courses
Click course catalogue & syllabus (no login is required)
UCEAP Course Requirements
Course Registration
Online – Opens February 15th
You will receive instructions by email from Study Center.
New system (bidding)
Add/drop period after arrival
Minimum of 14 Yonsei Credits (more than the minimum of 9 listed on the application)
Yonsei credits multiplied by 1.5 = UC quarter units. Most courses are 3.0 Yonsei units.
Add/Drop Period (after arrival) – Adjust course list during pass times.
Internships and Research for academic credit are added after arrival. Once these are arranged,
you drop Yonsei courses.
Attendance, class participation, assignments, projects, midterms and final exams
Korean language study is required unless you are fluent. You must register for Korean language
study during preregistration. Fluency will be determined after arrival.
UCEAP Academics
Your MyEAP Study List is your official UC record. Make sure it accurately reflects the
courses you are taking in this program. Do not enter anything into MyEAP until after
you have received instructions. Deadline is about third week of term.
Courses will be on your UC transcript with course titles, subject areas, numbers,
units and grades which will be calculated into your cumulative UC GPA.
UC students are required to enroll in a minimum of 14.0 Yonsei units (21 UC quarter
units each semester). 22.5 UC quarter units is the average/27.0 is maximum.
KLI + 3 regular courses
Internship + KLI
5 regular courses
Keep all course material and assignments – you will need them to petition for major,
minor, GE credit when you return to campus.
Grades for the fall program at Yonsei University are usually available by midFebruary
Returning Home
Pay all outstanding fees to Yonsei and to UCEAP.
Program costs, housing charges, library fines,
etc., will delay the release of your grades and
may block on UC registration.
Bring home course materials to assist you in
petitioning for course approval to satisfy major
requirements – especially syllabi and any
returned graded work, but also any other
assignments that will demonstrate what you did.
Check your airline’s luggage restrictions.
Read about reverse culture shock and be aware
of common reactions to returning home.
Upon your return, please complete surveys or
questionnaires sent to you by UCEAP! Your
feedback helps us maintain the quality of the
programs, and improve them for future students.