The Grand Democrat
The Grand Democrat
Fall 20091 The Grand Democrat T he Grand Democrat From the President President- Larry Levinson 623 594 0010 Vice-President-Jim Chrest 623-556-4522 Secretary-Jonita Bigelow 623-256-6093 Treasurer-Harriet Kahn 650-200-6169 Members at Large Barbara Nelson 623-556-0415 Jack Hitchcock 623-975-4664 Since I have a couple of other pieces in this newsletter, Iʼll keep it brief. We have had a good year in the Grand Democrats. The Surprise Club is up and running, our Veteranʼs campaigns have gone well, and we have begun our work with Thompson Ranch Elementary School. Many of the Grand Dems worked hard with LD 4 in their campaign to encourage voters to go PEVL. We initiated a Blue Breakfast series (on first Thursdays) for people who are unable to attend our evening activities. We participated in the Spring garage sale in Grand. This has been slightly easier year for us. Perhaps, for the State or Nation, not so much. But, as we transition into another election year, we must be prepared to again work hard to elect local and Statewide Democrats. Some candidates have already announced, others will do so shortly. We will need many volunteers to work on our committees, to help candidates, to serve as PCʼs (we have one opening each in Mountain View and Grand precincts)—please email or call me if you are willing to serve in any capacity. One more thing, there are close to 3000 registered Democrats here in Sun City Grand. We have nearly 300 members. Wouldnʼt it be great if we could grow from 10% to 20% of local Democrats? Would you be willing to bring one new person to one of our meetings or Blue Mondays or Blue Breakfasts? One Democrat who would want to join our club? Please think about it. Please enjoy this newsletter. Itʼs the first time we are doing a predominantly electronic distribution. Let us know what you think. Take care. Larry Margie Thompson 623-322-3943 “Democracy is not a spectator sport. It takes action to get changes made.” anon Grand Democrats 1 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 A Philosophical Issue about Health Care Reform • I have spoken to many people about health care reform in this country. I have heard some positive things about the need for such reform, from both republicans and Democrats. I have, however, heard something from our fellow Democrats that bothers me and I wanted to discuss this subject openly. Several people have stated that they are ambivalent about such reform because they donʼt think it will benefit them individually. This is not an issue about them or me; itʼs an issue of benefit to our community, state, and federal governments. So, many factual interviews and articles today demonstrate the need for reform. • These are all real issues, both hidden and very transparent, and we should seriously consider the beneficiary: US. We need to consider the whole, that is the collective health of our country, not just how it affects us individually. We should be migrating to a philosophy of “least of my brethren,” not the “ME” generation. I trust that some of the talk I heard was idle chatter, but sometimes that chatter is inappropriate. Many people in our community depend on government-run social programs, such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. What would happen if: • • • • Social Security benefits donʼt increase for two years while Medicaid and Medicare costs – our out of pocket costs – increase dramatically? A doctor prescribes a medication that is non-generic and has no generic equivalent. The medication is expensive so we have to pick up the difference. The number of those with no insurance continues to grow, not directly affecting us but indirectly affects the rising costs of drugs, doctorʼs office calls, and hospital bills. Is it really fair that we can go to Mexico or Canada and buy the same prescription drug for a fraction of what we could buy it for in this country? Grand Democrats We have residents at Sun City Grand who have to pay their own insurance because they are retired but yet not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare. They are beginning to see their private insurance rates rise without a commensurate increase in income. Their concern is expressed by the necessity of cutting back on other perhaps essential needs in order to continue paying the insurance bills. Insurance is a gamble, them against us. Who is benefiting overall? Come on, Democrats! Letʼs band together and get this thing done! 2 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 If you want to be a part of the fun and social status of the evening, we urge you to purchase your tickets early. We do not have unlimited tickets, the theatre can only hold a specific number of people, and we know the demand will be great. Bits and Bites---LD 4 Fundraiser November 20, 2009 is a date that we hope you will all mark on your calendar as important. November 20th is the date for Legislative District 4 Democrats 1st Annual Event, “Bits & Bites of Broadway”. It will be the Social and Political Event of 2009. A fun evening, an evening for socializing, meeting local and state candidates, and being able to interact with them on a one to one basis without political speeches, enjoy a catered dinner and be entertained by professionals. We will have a silent auction with many great items to bid on as well. Come, enjoy the fun, get to know the candidates, enjoy your friends, savor the food, and delight in the entertainment. This is a fund-raiser for District 4 Democratic Committee and we are required by law to obtain the mailing address, occupation and employer information for each individual contributor. Contributions are not tax deductible for State and Federal tax purposes Please join us on November 20, 2009 at the Arizona Broadway Theatre, located in Peoria, at 7701 W Paradise Lane, one block south of Bell Rd at 77th Ave., conveniently located and easy to get to. The evening begins at 5:30 PM with cocktails (cash bar), followed by a full dinner with table service, and professional entertainment by actors from the Arizona Broadway Theatre. Good News for Progressive Radio Listeners Many of us were disappointed earlier this year when our progressive radio station, 1480 AM, left the air. They are back!!! See schedule below or go online to . Weekday Schedule: Additional information and tickets can be obtained by calling Roger or Barbara Grossbard at 623-975-4422, e-mail, The Bill Press Show... 3:00AM-6:00AM Stephanie Miller……. Thom Hartman…….. 9:00AM-12:00PM Tickets are $55.00 each, maximum table size is six. The price includes your meal and entertainment, truly a bargain. We will accommodate your requests to be seated with your friends, but you must purchase your tickets early. Tickets can also be purchased from Sharon Forbes, Jonita Bigelow, Michael Vorters, Stephanie Rogall, and Connie & Jim McManus Grand Democrats 6:00AM-9:00AM Randi Rhodes……… 12:00AM-3:00PM Mike Newcomb……. 3:00PM-6:00PM Mike Malloy……….. 6:00PM-9:00PM Ed Schultz……….. 9:00PM- 12:00AM To listen go to KPHX 1480 AM. 3 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 fellow Americans. We may not have another chance in our lifetime. Empathy (em-puh-thee); Noun. The intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. We can stand together and end the war in Iraq, revitalize the economy and provide affordable healthcare to all Americans. There have been poems and works of people far more eloquent than myself about why they are Democrats. For me, the reason is empathy. I chose this Party because of the long history of having empathy for those less fortunate than me. If we can embrace true and deep understanding of the least among us, then we can be greater human beings. Our time is now to do everything we can to stand together, be courageous, lead by example, be empathetic and we must demand no less from our Democratic leaders in Congress. I am reminded of Ted Kennedyʼs ability of connecting with people in all walks of life even though he was born to privilege. Why? Because he had carried on in spite of depths of despair with deaths due to hatred and life mistakes that come with being human. He was a great man because he had “been there” and possessed empathy in its truest form. What are Blue Dog Democrats? Every political coalition needs a catchy name. The 1840s had the KnowNothings, the 1980s had the Boll Weevils, and now there are the Blue Dogs, a group of 52 fiscally conservative Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives. I chose to be a Democrat because the leaders in my Party were empathetic and always in the forefront of life changing legislation that helped the least among us. When the Democrats lost Congress in 1994, some Representatives blamed the defeat on a party they felt had shifted too far to the left. These disgruntled Democrats decided to form a coalition to stand against their more liberal party members. They held meetings in the office of former Louisiana Representative Billy Tauzin, who reportedly had one of Cajun artist George Rodrigue's famous Blue Dog paintings hanging on his wall. The Blue Dog Coalition's website cites the 1928 term Yellow Dog, used to refer to a Southern Democrat who was more likely to vote for a dog than for a republican. Instead of being blinded by party loyalty, this new group complained that it had been "choked blue" by its own party. I admired my grandparents for their sacrifices and their support of the New Deal. I respected my parents for the criticism and ridicule they endured to make the Civil Rights Act, Medicare and Medicaid, aid to education and the War on Poverty realities as part of the Great Society. It is our turn. Will our grandchildren be able to say the same about us? We have a chance to make a real difference in the lives of the least among us. We have an opportunity to carry on a great legacy of service and caring for our Grand Democrats 4 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 Originally having just 23 members, mostly from Southern states, the Blue Dogs supported the republicans' Contract with America and complained that the Clinton White House was too liberal. Blue Dog numbers expand and contract with every election, and new members are referred to as Blue Pups. Gabrielle Giffords, District 8, and Harry Mitchell, District 5. To contact the BlueDogs as a group, send an email to: Blue Dogs tend to come from conservative areas of the country, where voters see them as a non-threatening alternative to republicans. They frequently provide the only bridge in an increasingly partisan political climate and are highly courted by other Democrats who need their votes to pass bills. They forced Obama to institute a pay-as-you-go budget plan for his $787 billion stimulus bill. Now, seven of the eight Blue Dogs on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have threatened to vote down Obama's health-care legislation. Sue Dolphin Announces for Arizona Senate In general, Blue Dog Democrats are elected in moderate or conservative districts. They need Democratic votes, but the Democratic voters in the district also tend to be fairly conservative many are Democrats by tradition more than by philosophy. Quite a few were elected last time in districts that had previously been held by a republican. I am honored to announce that I am your candidate for the Arizona State Senate in 2010. I believe that we need “real leadership” NOW! The public education system is being destroyed by our current elected officials so that they can privatize education for profit. Our most vulnerable citizens are being victimized by massive budget cuts to programs that are vital to their existence. We are giving tax cuts to the wealthiest at a time when our deficit is over $3 billion with no end in sight. Our state is in the worst financial crisis in our history. Our elected officials are fighting amongst themselves instead of working together to improve the lives of Arizonaʼs citizens. Arizona must have strong leaders that will work together to resolve these horrendous issues that our state is currently undergoing. In 2008 the American people voted for change, including in health care policy. It would be a bad mistake for any Democrat not to support legitimate reform. Any blue dog who does not support the president, will not be elected in 2010; republican is not a choice and the party of No is out. To influence the vote of the Blue Dogs, one can send a letter or email message or can call the Congressmanʼs office. The Arizona members of the group are Grand Democrats 5 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 In addition, we are being stereotyped as a ”gun-loving vestige of the old Wild West.” Our future is at stake and Arizona needs leaders that care about you, its citizens, not their own personal agendas. I am that leader! With your support I know we will succeed in making Arizona a state that we can be proud of now and in the future. Thank you Sue Dolphin Social committee: Suggest ideas for activities for our members, make members and visitors welcome at our activities, participate in bringing cookies to meetings or recruit other donors, show creative talents in creating themes and decorations for our events. Telephone committee: Participate in making phone calls to remind members of our meetings if they do not have email or web access, make calls about special events and/or serve as chair of this committee to coordinate calling. The Grand Democrats Need YOU! Coming up soon is the 2010 election. What is at stake? The list of issues is too long; however, here are a few. Locally we have serious air quality problems, deficient roads and bridges, poor education, and lack of teacher support. At the State level, we have many of the same issues. Looking at the Arizona budget mess, you know we need more seats in the House and the Senate. We also need to elect a Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State and Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Grand Democrats have no paid staff – just people like you! Please join us by volunteering to help the Grand Democrats grow and become a real presence in this community. If you participate in any of the Grand Democrats activities, please lend a hand. We try to accommodate your varying schedules by offering Blue Monday, Blue Breakfast, Social Drop-Ins and our monthly meeting in addition to occasional special functions like the Governorʼs event. The Grand Democrats have no paid staff – just people like you. Right now the GRAND DEMOCRATS need your support. Please help in ANY way that you can! We need individuals to help in several specific areas to support the Grand Democrats. Our current volunteers are wearing out! Call or email or talk to any of our Board members about what you can do to help. Membership committee: Assist the chair at meetings with the check-in so people arenʼt delayed at the door; help in making visitors and members feel welcome at our events. Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that has. Program committee: Identify potential speakers for our meetings, arrange for speakers and/or serve as Chair of the committee. Grand Democrats Margaret Mead 6 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 Congress is going to be addressing this issue, as well as health care and others, shortly. We need to learn what really works and what is merely a sop to politicians and special interests and insist that our representatives do the right thing. Itʼs bad enough that we are leaving our children and grandchildren a mountain of debt. It is inexcusable that we would leave them a planet unable to recover from the depredations of humanity. PS—while we sometimes complain about our Blue Dog Democratic Representatives in AZ, all Democrats in AZ voted for the bill and all republicans voted to kill it. It's not only Health Care, Folks We have been paying so much attention to the health care brouhaha that we may have neglected other important legislation in the pipeline. An issue facing this country that is probably more important than health care in the long run, although not immediately, is the issue of energy conservation and the need to assure that climate change does not do irreparable damage to our nation. Jeffrey Sachs, writing in Scientific American, points out that the Housepassed Clean Energy and Security Act, while addressing a number of critical issues, does not prioritize them. Sachs says that the portion of the bill putting a price on carbon is very important; he indicates, however, that it is done in a less than optimum way. Rather than a straight carbon tax, the House proposes cap and trade, which, while better than nothing is not the best way to approach the problem. (He doesnʼt point out that the bill is overly generous to polluters.) Sachs argues for, in order, more nuclear, improving clean coal technology, developing solar (we could meet half the energy needs of the country with a large solar array in the Mohave desert), moving our vehicle fleet to all electric (and developing the capability in the US to design and build those vehicles so we do not need to import them), and developing more fuel efficiencies in our use of electricity (motors, appliance, heating and cooling). He criticizes the inclusion of expanded corn based biofuels (the data is clear that corn based is well down the line in terms of energy efficiency—it uses almost as much power to generate corn based power as it gets from the corn based product). Grand Democrats ACLU Celebrates 50 Years By Honoring Clients Who Fought for the Rights of Students For Savana Redding and Mary Beth Tinker, the rights of young people are worth fighting for – no matter what. Both women served as ACLU clients in two landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases handed down 40 years apart. Both women were only 13 when they had the courage to stand up against actions by schools officials who violated their constitutional rights. Redding and Tinker will serve as guests of honor during the ACLU of Arizonaʼs 50th Anniversary Celebration from 5 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, November 7th at the Home of Janet and Michael Valder, 6211 N. 20th Street, in Phoenix. Tickets are $50 and must be purchased in advance by visiting the ACLU of Arizonaʼs Web site at or by calling Lindsay Nordstrom at 602650-1854 ext. 105. 7 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 “Weʼre extremely honored to be able to celebrate our 50th Anniversary alongside these two courageous women,” said ACLU of Arizona Executive Director Alessandra Soler Meetze. “Mary Beth Tinker broke the path that students – like Savana Redding – have followed and itʼs because of them that generations of students have been introduced to the ACLU.” wearing black armbands to school to protest the war in Vietnam. Represented by the ACLU, the students and their families embarked on a four-year court battle that culminated in the landmark Supreme Court decision: Tinker v. Des Moines. On February 24, 1969 the Court ruled 7-2 that students do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." Mary Beth Tinker is now a registered nurse, an active leader in her union, and holds masters degrees in public health and nursing. Both of their cases established important legal precedents protecting the rights of students to be free from unreasonable searches and to express themselves at school. Contributors to this Edition Sharon Beard-Editor Jonita Bigelow Sharon Forbes Roger Grossbard Walter Hopkins Harriet Kahn Penny Kotterman Sharon Levinson Savana Redding and her mother, April, are plaintiffs in the case Safford Unified School District v. Redding, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 25, 2009. The Court ruled that school officials violated Savanaʼs constitutional rights when they strip searched her based on a classmateʼs uncorroborated accusation that she previously possessed ibuprofen. Savana was 13years-old at the time of the incident. Now 19, Savana is a college student currently living with her father in Hobbs, New Mexico. Larry Levinson Jim McManus Alessandra Soler Meetze Connie McManus Barbara Nelson John Nuerenburg The quickest way to spoil a good discussion is to include someone who Tinker was a junior high school student in December 1965 when she and a group of students were suspended for Grand Democrats actually knows what he is talking about. 8 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 issues in Arizona. After the meeting a committee was formed to look into how the Grand Dems could help. After some discussion and exploration, we decided as an organization to “adopt” a school. Thompson Ranch School in Surprise was selected as it was a failing school at that time. (Since then it has improved to Performing+.) Reprinted from the Arizona Republic On Tuesday, August 25, I attended John McCainʼs “Healthcare Town Hall” in the naïve belief that Senator McCain was holding a town hall in order to hear from all of his constituents. Instead, from the introductory remarks from the Mayor of Peoria to the opening statement from Senator McCain, it became obvious that the supposed “Town Hall Meeting” was, in actuality, just a rally against health care reform. Senator McCain stated that it was the people who attended these meetings who would kill health care reform. When President Obama asked all of us to think about what we could do to as a service to others, I gathered up my courage and signed up to volunteer at a local elementary school. I wanted to help, in some small way, ensure that we look to the future and work today to provide strong leaders, scientists, technicians and teachers for tomorrow. Senator McCain, not all of the people at the meetings were there to protest healthcare reform – some were there in the mistaken belief that you really cared about the concerns of ALL of your constituents. Next time you have a meeting, please remember that we have laws concerning truth in advertising and call your “town hall meetings” what they actually are – nothing more than a political rally against quality healthcare for all Americans. The experience has been rewarding to say the least and has opened my eyes to the incredible job our teachers do every single day. We are who and what we are today because our parents and teachers cared enough to make sure we received a quality education. Today our class listened to the Presidentʼs Education Speech. The first and second graders in our class listened carefully to what the President had to say. As young as they were, they got it. These children, who come from homes where English is a second language, understood that they needed to work hard and pay attention to their teacher. These kids heard the message that everyone has something they can do well. (They also got the message that they need to wash their hands to avoid getting sick). Most Americans, by the way, have not had the opportunity to have had government provided healthcare for their entire life as have you. Connie McManus Surprise, Arizona Volunteering at Thompson Ranch School Even if you do not have the time to volunteer in our schools, or if you are a retired educator who has “put in their time” there are ways to support our schools.: Earlier this year, the Grand Democrats held an education night with two excellent speakers discussing education Grand Democrats 9 The Grand Democrat • You can support school bonds and taxes that keep our public schools competitive. • You can challenge the legislature in this State to support our schools. • Fall 2009 2009, it is estimated to be over $1 trillion. National Debt - Sum of all deficits (and surpluses) accumulated since 1789. Right now it is over $11.8 trillion. Supplemental Appropriation - an expenditure not included in the original yearly budget. Also referred to as "off budget". All Obama expenditures are in budget - therefore a more accurate description of fiscal truth. You can fight for smaller classes. If you are interested in something more “hands-on” there are many ways to help our local schools. Contact Barbara Nelson at for more information about participating with the Grand Dems at Thompson Ranch or visit Dysartʼs Volunteer web site munityRelations/volunteer Of the total national debt, the approximate dollar amount and percentage by recent administrations are as follows: Kennedy/Johnson - $72.1 Billion 0.64% Nixon/Ford $718.6 Billion 6.4% Carter $310.0 Billion 2.8% Reagan $1.8 Trillion 16.3% Bush I $1.5 Trillion 13.8% Clinton $1.4 Trillion 12.4% Bush II $5.4 Trillion 48.3% There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo Fiscally Responsible? Borrow and Spend? Figures Every Democrat Should Know Remember that Clinton inherited a huge debt and deficit. By the end of the Clinton Administration, the annual deficits had been replaced with surpluses which were projected to nearly half the National Debt. There were actually economists projecting the dire consequences of severely reducing the national debt. The following is a description of the United Stated financial position relative to debt at the end of the last 7 Presidential administrations – the plate that had been set for Barack Obama. Are You Mad Yet? First some definitions and explanations: You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President. Deficit - Expenditures exceed revenue. This can be covered by either borrowing or bankruptcy. Thus far, the US government has borrowed a net amount in excess of $11.5 Trillion. Usually discussed in terms of annual deficit. For Grand Democrats You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed energy company officials to dictate energy policy. 10 - The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 Politics Has Interested Me From an Early Age. You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed. For the past decade, I’ve detected some very troubling signs for our democracy. Senator Bernie Sanders stated recently that 90% of the talk shows on radio are conservative. One must conclude that the conservatives are getting the word out. Problem is, much of the information is not fact-based and is often designed to stir up the fringe element to carry the water, so to speak, for special interests. Consider the following: You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed. You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us. You didn't get mad when we spent over 600 billion dollars (and counting to 2 trillion +) on said illegal war. -Obama is not a U.S. citizen, he’s Kenyan You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq. -Under the “Obamacare” plan, death panels will determine if senior citizens stay alive You didn't get mad when you saw the Abu Grahib photos. You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people. -If the Government runs a public plan, there will be a bureaucrat between you and your doctor. You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans. -Health insurance will be denied to republicans You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden. -Obama may attempt to put liberal or socialist ideas in our children’s heads, similar to Hitler Youth You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed. Citizens are bombarded with ideological precepts and outright untruths, and many accept propaganda on its face. In order for our country to be brought together again, citizens must be presented with factual information so that they can make an informed decision. You didn't get mad when we let a major US city drown. You didn't get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark. The Indiana University Center for Health Policy and Professionalism said that the White House may be losing the battle in exposing the myths surrounding health care. They said that 91% of republicans and 37 percent of Democrats believe that government involvement will increase wait times for things like surgery. 78% of republicans and 30% of Democrats believe that reforms will You finally got mad when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer are all okay, but helping other Americans... well screw that. Grand Democrats 11 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 result in health care coverage for illegal immigrants. 53% of republicans and 14% of Democrats believe that the government will require the elderly to make decisions about how and when they will die. 79% of republicans and 21% of Democrats believe that the public option will increase health care costs. Most of the statements have been debunked by What Is Your Answer? A very famous American philosopher, Robert Zimmerman (also known as Bob Dylan) once said: ʻThe times they are a changin.” Folks, we ainʼt seen the half of it. We have all lived through the move from the industrial revolution, through automation, to what we call the “knowledge economy.” Although, there sure doesnʼt seem like there is a lot of knowledge out there, sometimes. We are entering another era and we are not sure what it is, what it is going to be and we are really unsure about whether we are going to like it. The danger to our democracy is real. To correct this, the citizens across the political spectrum need to be offered factual information versus dogma and ideologies. We need to make the media more accountable. Perhaps could assume that role. Perhaps political science professors from top universities could research and correct misinformation on a CSPAN channel. Or, perhaps you have good ideas on how to fix the problem. Some of the change is cyclical, Democrats replace republicans who replace Democrats who… We have been dealing with this process for decades. We are clearly moving from a more conservative way of thinking as a nation to a more liberal or more progressive one. It will probably take more than the 8 months that the President has been in office to realize what we Democrats see as the fruits of that change. I get an uneasy feeling at the ugliness in today’s politics. Although I don’t like to think of the possibility, perhaps racism can explain some of what’s happening today. You begin to feel that one side wants to destroy the other (the incumbent) rather than work for the people. This must be addressed, because our democracy is in jeopardy if we have a misinformed citizenry. Republicans are beside themselves. They canʼt imagine not being in control and they are losing support among the people. They donʼt know what to do, so instead of trying to deal with the massive changes we face, they respond like the English king who tried to hold back the tide. Didnʼt work then, not gonna work now. What you want to do, you do. The rest is just talk. John Cleek Working with the republicans are many large corporations, particularly in the energy and health care industries. They have bought many of our elected officials with campaign contributions. In West Virginia they bought a judge. Grand Democrats 12 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 Over $1.4 million is being spent daily on the health insurance reform legislation by big Pharma and the insurance lobby. We know the environment is changing. We know that climate change (not just global warming) is going to affect the way we live our lives and for many of us, not for the better. Congress is working on poorly designed legislation around cap and trade. China has set higher mileage goals for its cars than we have. We are going to run out of “reasonably” priced petroleum within the next decade. We donʼt support alternative energy sources as a nation. unwilling to discipline members who work against what the party stands for. By the way, I havenʼt even begun on the travesty that is the Arizona Legislature and Governor. The republicans that control the State House and Governorʼs office are even worse than most of those in Congress. They are still living in the 1870ʼs and trying to legislate as if we were a small independent group of pretty much self-sufficient ranchers and small business people. Itʼs not Tombstone any more folks. Get with it, Some experts say that food prices are going to rise as the population of the planet increases and the cost of fuel and petroleum based fertilizers increases. Our financial system may have been pulled back from the edge of chaos, but it is still in trouble. We are told that the way out of the recession is for consumers to spend more. A few years ago we were told that Americans donʼt save enough. Credit card companies, owned by banks that were bailed out by the government raise fees to make it more difficult for people to use credit. Banks make it more difficult for people and businesses to borrow money. Yet, bonuses and obscene salaries are still paid out to the fortunate few. My question to you is simple: what are we going to do about this? How can we work to assure that the world /nation/ state we live in will survive and prosper and how can we work to assure that the world we leave our children will be a good one. What should we as individuals do about this? President Obama campaigned on many of these issues. We elected him and a Senate and House of Representatives with large Democratic majorities. Yet, we do not see the kind of progress necessary to help us adjust to a new life that for many of us could seem as alien as the move from an agricultural based society to an industrial one. Instead, what we see are Blue Dog Democrats almost as intransigent as republicans. We see a White House that is unable or unwilling to lead. We see a party Grand Democrats What should the Grand Democrats as an organization be doing to help? What about the Maricopa and Arizona Democratic parties? What should they do? I value your input. If you have ideas you would like to share or work you would like to do, please email me at 13 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 Approval of this override will provide the financial resources needed to maintain student orientated programs addressing Technology and Safe School initiatives not financially feasible in an economic environment strained by limited state resources. Approval of this override will assure the continuation of sound educational practices that center upon the number of teachers to students at all grade levels. Dysart School Override Renewals I donʼt know of anyone who enjoys paying taxes. It would be nice if the price of all goods and services were lower – we would all like high income and low costs. The fact is that goods and services cost money; the ideal is that money be spent well and that our needs and desires are logically prioritized. My top priority in Arizonaʼs state funding is the education of our children – the maintenance of our stateʼs future. Our stateʼs educational funding is inadequate as it is – apparently it will be lower in the future. We have the opportunity to prevent further erosion if the Dysart School Override Renewals are approved in the November 3 election. Two overrides are on the ballot. These are as follows: These are not new tax initiatives. These are continuances of overrides passed in 2000 and 2004. These overrides are investments in our children and the future of our state. Please support these overrides. Casino Trip K-3 Override Supports Dysartʼs award-winning K-3 reading program focusing on early intervention and prevention by providing additional resources. Early intervention and prevention are the best methods in preventing reading failure and promoting success for all students. Maintenance and Operations Override Approval of this override will allow the District to maintain the improvements made to student programs in art, music, physical education and band as well as support for staff salaries. Grand Democrats Join Dems and Friends on Wednesday, 11/11 for a day at the all new Wild Horse Pass Casino. The bus will meet us at SCG Cimarron Center for a fun-filled day. Donation is $10.00 per person. Please contact Judith Bridges at 623556-2084 or for more information and to sign-up. Hunky Heroes and Cheap Little Tarts Say what?! Dems will cater your Super Bowl Party on February 7th with a sub sandwich and sweet little tarts for dessert. You can reserve your sub now by contacting Cathy Andrews at 623256-6038 or 14 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 Penny Kotterman Appeal My name is Penny Kotterman. I am seeking the office Superintendent of Public Instruction in 2010 because I can make a real difference for our schools and for public education in the state of Arizona. There is no greater foundation for our children and young adults than an excellent education that prepares them to be successful and thrive and gives them the opportunity to make choices about their future. As Superintendent of Public Instruction, I can help create those opportunities for the next generation of Arizona students. Upcoming meetings Cimarron center 6:00 PM 10/28 11/18 12/1616 A lifelong educator with over 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher, mentor, and district program facilitator, I currently work providing policy and program support in the areas of teacher quality and professional development for K-12 educators. In addition to nearly 20 years of practical classroom experience, I have a decadeʼs worth of experience in education advocacy and policy development here in Arizona. Blue Monday 2nd Monday Dillonʼs 5:00PM Blue Thursday JBʼs 1st Thursday 9:00 AM Grand Dems Web Site: Check It Out! Get the latest local information about future meeting dates, on-line newsletter, minutes and reports, Democratic and candidate links, as well as other helpful government organization links. Check us out at: As president of the Arizona Education Association for 6 years, I helped build many of the policies central to education in Arizona today, including AZ LEARNS, Proposition 301, and teacher certification. I have provided policy advice and support Governor Napolitanoʼs committee on teacher quality, the Arizona P-20 council, and the State Board of Education, among others. Our meetings are the 4th Wed. of the month (with the exception of Nov. & Dec. which are on the 3rd Wed.) at the SCG Cimarron Center, Aqua Fria room, at 6:30 PM. If we believe in high standards and high expectations for our children, our teachers and our schools, we must invest our efforts and resources in their success. I encourage you to go to our website to find out more about our campaign. Grand Democrats The Air We Breathe Election Landscape 2010 Holiday event Printing of this Newsletter paid for by the Grand Democrats, Harriet Kahn, Treasurer. 15 The Grand Democrat Fall 2009 2010 GRAND DEMOCRATS ~ MEMBERSHIP FORM Dues are $20 per year per person for 2010. Please Print Send Membership form and check payable to Grand Democrats to: Mary Beth Chrest 15265 W. Sierra Vista Dr. Surprise, AZ 85374-2089 NAME: Last:___________________________________ First:___________________ NAME: Last:___________________________________ First:___________________ ADDRESS: Street:__________________________________ City _____________________ State:_________________________ Zip ______________ TELEPHONE:________________________ FAX:______________________ E-MAIL: _____________________________ SCG ASSN. # ________________ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Your Grand Democrats need your help! Please volunteer for a committee or two. Do as little or as much as you wish. Please check if you have an interest, & we will contact you. Thank you! ____Social _____ Fundraising (assist with picnic, (bake for meetings, set-up, etc.) garage sale, dance, etc.) ____Phone Tree (reminder calls for Grand Dem events)_____ Literature Distribution (passing out literature in your area) ____Election/Organizing (door-to-door chats, precinct chairperson, voter registration, etc.) Grand Democrats 16