Research support for innovation, competitiveness and sustainability
Research support for innovation, competitiveness and sustainability
Fondazione di Partecipazione: Gruppo di Azione Costiera Torri e Tonnare del Litorale Trapanese Misura 4.1 FEP Sicilia 2007-2013 Unione Europea Regione Sicilia Research support for innovation, competitiveness and sustainability of fish processing industry: from European to regional perspective TRAPANI, December 10th 2015 - CAMERA DI COMMERCIO 10,00: INSTITUTIONAL WELCOME 13,00 LUNCH Gen. Vito Damiano Presidente, Gruppo di Azione Costiera Torri e Tonnare del Litorale Trapanese 14,00 SECOND SESSION - Chair Giovanni Basciano Dr. Giuseppe Pace Presidente, Camera di Commercio Trapani Prof. Riccardo Ursi Vice Presidente, Consorzio Universitario della Provincia di Trapani, Italy Dr. Giovanna Segreto Dirigente responsabile Servizi di sviluppo e valorizzazione della Pesca Mediterranea, Regione Sicilia 10,30 FIRST SESSION - Chair Dr. Mario Sprovieri Direttore IAMC-CNR UOS, Capo Granitola, Trapani, Italy Technological innovation: a tool to strengthen the bottom-up strategy of Sicilian Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) to increase the economic, social and environmental welfare. Giovanni Basciano, GAC Torri e Tonnare del Litorale Trapanese, Italy Fishery value-chain: an ecosystem approach Dr. Valentina Lauria, University of Plymouth, UK The role of the European and National Institution in monitoring fish safety and security in the seafood sector. Dr. Vedran Poljak - Head of Health Ecology service, Croatian Institute of Public - Health, Zagreb, - Croatia Vacuum packaging technique: the case of mussels in Italy Prof. Francesca Tulli, Dr. Tiziana Bongiorno University of Udine, Italy Innovation in Sicilian traditional seafood, an example of success Dr. Natale Amoroso, Organization of Fishery producers of Trapani, Italy Support of scientific research to improve market competiveness and sustainability of Tuna processing industry Dr. Lorena Coluccia, Castiglione Srl Trapani, Italy The role of FLAG in support the ecolabeling of coastal fishery products of Trapani and new perspectives for innovative packaging Dr. Emma Tomaselli, RINA, Genova, Italy Biotechnology to support the exploitation of marine products and by-products: Italy/Tunisia cross border experience Prof. Salwa Sadok - INSTM, Tunis, Tunisia Technological transfer and innovation to improve competitiveness, sustainability and ethics of fishery value-chain: the case study of Trapani FLAG Dr. Concetta Messina, University of Palermo, Marine Biochemistry and ecotoxicology section, Trapani, Italy 17,00 - Final remarks, Giovanni Basciano 11,30 COFFEE BREAK The role of marine biotechnology in supporting fishery sector: new ingredients and functional foods Dr. Jean Pascal Bergè, Scientific Director Idmer- Lorient, France The case of MAP fish in the German fish Market Dr. Matthias Keller, managing director of the German fish Processers Association, Hamburg, Germany The effect of processing of coastal fisheries products on fishery economics sector Prof. Gioacchino Fazio - University of Palermo, Italy Scientific secretary: Dr Concetta Messina, DiSTeM, UNIPA, Italy Dr Andrea Santulli, Istituto di Biologia Marina di Trapani Organizing secretary: Audrey Vitale, Servizio Animazione GAC Torri e Tonnare del Litorale Trapanese - +39 329 6276627