Serenity Postponed!


Serenity Postponed!
Issue Three
February 2005
In This Issue!!
Page 1 : News
Page 5 : On Set Pictures
Serenity Postponed!
New premier dates: USA 30 September 2005 Netherlands 27
October 2005 Belgium 2 November 2005 France 2 November
2005 Czech Republic 24 November 2005 Germany 24 November
2005 UK 4 November
Joss had the following to say on the postponement:
Are you guys starting to hear that fanfare? Those distant drums?
Page 9 : Ask Captain
Are you slapping on your side-arms, pulling on your long brownishTighpants
Page 10 : Fan DVD
Page 13 : Bradford
Shindig Flyer
Page 14 : Compare
and Contrast
Page 16 : Summer
Glau Interview!
Page 20 : Filk
Page 21 : Fanfic—
Dire Straits Part Two
Page 28 : Copyright
and Fair Use in the
Page 31 : Goofs!
Page 32 : Blue Sun
T-Shirt Advert
Page 33 : Grand
Prize Quiz!
Page 43 : Drinking
Page 35 : Fan Club
Page 36 : Thanks
and Contact
colored coats and thumbing your crisp new bills in anticipation of
the cinematic event of the year? Well, it's official: on April 22nd you,
the true the blue the loyal, can step right up with the rest of America
Heh. See, sometimes studios shuffle around release dates...
Okay. Don't panic. right now you're panicking. you're thinking, "how
could they do this to me?" But what you SHOULD be thinking is:
"How could they do this to JOSS?". Seriously. That pity is mine and
I want it back.
So what happened? Well, nothing terribly original. April got
crowded with a lot of titles aimed at a similar demographic, and the
studio decided September was a clearer corridor for the film to
make the kind of impact it should. This isn't about a lack of
confidence in the film -- in fact, they told me this before they even
saw it. And now they have seen it, and unless they're way better
liars than I'm used to, they dug it. Actually, they dug it pretty large,
which is a good sign since there's not a single finished effect in the
film. There's no reworking the end, no reshoots, no "does it have to
be in space?". It's just a marketing issue. Now you'll get to watch
lots of trailers in the summer. And hopefully, by the time it comes
out, other people, people who ain't us, will get a whiff of what we're
up to, and come along too.
I love this movie. I HATE waiting to show it too you. I felt pretty
much the way I imagine you're feeling right now when they told me.
But these guys know what they're doing, and they're trying to protect their investment, not bury it. So I gotta be a grown-up. The
release date is September 30th. Hopefully it won't change again.
Spread the word. Keep the faith. And gleam the damn cube
Nathan Fillion has landed a role in director James Gunn's 2005 movie Slither. The
movie is described as “A small town is taken over by an alien plague, turning
residents into zombies and all forms of mutant monsters.“
Sean Harry of long time convention organisers Starfury has announced that their
second 2005 all-Firefly gathering Starfury: Serenity2 will be the sequel of April's
Starfury: Serenity set to take place on the weekend 11th -13th November – the
weekend after the UK Premier of the Big Damn Movie. There are plenty of rumours
already as to who might be in attendance. Keep an eye out for tickets!
In the New York Times “2004: In a Word Glossary” there is the entry:
gorram, interj., a euphemistic oath, used in place of an actual curse word.
From the space cowboy television series "Firefly."
In Serenity Wash's name is finally confirmed as Hoburn Washburn.
Nathan Fillion gives us this quote from an average day working side by side with
Reavers on the set of Serenity:
"You’d be having lunch and they’d be across from you and you’d be like 'Sir,
your lip is pinned back and some of your hair is missing and you eye is hanging out!'”.
The DVD box set was number five in the “Top Amazon Cited products of 2004”!
According to Universal the first trailer for Serenity will be out on the 6th of May to
be shown with “The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy”. Keep your eyes peeled!
Carter Burwell has been fired from writing the score for Serenity! As of the time of
publishing a replacement has not been announced.
Alan and Summer are convinced Serenity will be the first of a trilogy.
Alan is quoted as saying:
"Universal likes 'Firefly' as a movie. There WILL be more than just one. So
there will be instalments"
While Summer said:
"We are counting on it," said an excited Glau. "We all believe it's going to happen, if everything goes as we expect it to, to make 3.
Two Firefly books are coming out in the very near future:
Serenity by Keith R.A. DeCandido is the official tie-in book for the movie. It is due
to be published in the US on the 1st of September (yes, before the movie comes
Finding Serenity : Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss
Whedon's Firefly by Glenn Yeffeth (Editor) and Jane Espenson (Editor – late of
Buffy fame) comes out on the 1st of April. It is described as follows:
this eclectic anthology of essays, former cast member Jewel Staite,
"Kaylee," philosopher Lyle Zynda, sex therapist Joy Davidson, and noted science fiction and fantasy authors Mercedes Lackey, David Gerrold, and Lawrence Watt-Evans contribute to a clever and insightful analysis of the shortlived cult hit Firefly. From What went wrong with the pilot? to What's right
about Reavers? and how the correspondence between the show's creator
Joss Whedon and the network executives might have actually played out, the
writers interrogate the show's complexity and speculate about what might
have been if the show Firefly had not been cancelled. “
Preview screenings of Serenity have been taking place in the US to gauge audience reaction to the current cut of the movie. In an unusual move this has been extended to a showing on the 8th of February in London.
Is this the new logo for Serenity ?
And Finally... Captain Tightpants himself attends a Hollywood Premier in a very
stylish leather skirt! Our Captain ahead of the trends again!
On Set Pictures!
Looks like The Captain is suffering from Tragic Space Dementia!
Dear Captain Tight Pants,
I’ve met a girl I really like but I’m not sure how to tell
her how I feel – you see I’m not really good with
women. Also I’m kind of worried that I only like her
because she’s the only woman I know who isn’t
married, “professional” or related to me!
Yours, The Doctor of Love
Dear Doctor of Love (What in hell kinda name is that!),
Well doctor, tell me is there something you are good
at? C’mon boy – you’re not weak and that’s not
nothing. Stand up and tell her how it is! But don’t
break her heart ‘cause you don’t want to end up in a
situation where I’m facing you and were both
Dear Jayne,
I’m not long in the world and I’ve beaten a lawman
senseless, fallen in with criminals and watched my
ship’s captain shoot the man I swore to protect. I
think I’m on the wrong ship!
Yours, A Simple Sheppard (Honest, Really!)
Dear Simple Sheppard (Year, Right!),
Stow it preacher! Take a look around ya –
don’tcha think there’s them that need to here the
Word o’ God all ‘round you? You can start with
that captain of yours about how it’s wrong to hit
his fellow man with a wrench and stuff him in an
If you have any questions for Jayne or Captain Tightpants, send them to with “Ask Captain” in the subject line. We cannot promise
all questions will be answered but we will do our best.
Two Fan Made DVD Reviews
Firefly- A Special Feature by Philip B Gaines
This is without a doubt, one of the greatest labours of love I have ever witnessed as writer
and journalist’s DVD announces “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…”
This is clearly a man devoted to the Verse. The time, effort and sheer love shine through
this production. I believe that Gaines was one of the initial faithful who managed to devour
Firefly at its first run and fell truly, madly and deeply in love with this show.
The devastation caused by its premature cancellation was the impetus for this scholarly
epic and Gaines deals in depth with all the initial episodes broadcast in the States at first
viewing. Obviously he was unable to comment on the remaining, unaired shows at the time
of the production.
This two- DVD set is so well produced, my only real criticisms lays in the packaging. So
much time and effort has been expended on the product that it seems a real shame to hide
this gem in a cover which has been cobbled together and glued onto the outside of the DVD
case. I could understand more if it had gone for quality printing but it didn’t.
In this day and age too many people judge a book by its cover and would fail to realise the
absolute treasure contained within.
Both discs have a very professional finish and played well in my DVD player, the reproduction worked well and the effective menus were easy to employ and navigate.
The first disc deals with each episode in turn as it was broadcast and Gaines presents his
own unique perspective to bear. His episode commentaries are astute and rely on nothing
more than a fan would have at their disposal. He does not have the unique insight into the
production (or even pre or post production) issues. He does not have witty anecdotes based
on how many times Nathan split his pants while filming a scene. What he presents is his
own take on the story arc as it develops. Gaines considers the story, the characters and
their relationships.
His commentaries accompany footage from the show so that his fellow fan may understand
precisely what is being discussed and each sub section of the disc is introduced with a plain
white screen giving the section’s title. This is a classic example of understatement and echoes the simplicity of design employed less successfully on the packaging.
As rabid fans of Firefly, we all know what to expect from the episodes themselves but it is
Gaines’ thought processes that stir interest. He manages to put into words those things that
may have played across your mind as you watched the beauty of this show first time. His
tone is that of an academic and a fan at the same time, not an easy feat to pull off.
Disc two was for me, even more interesting. Here Gaines analyses themes and relationships across the show. Each character is analysed and the ways in which they relate to
each other on the ship. The sub menus give you the chance to hear Gaines’ views on the
slightly over-protective love that Simon has for River or to hear how Simon and Kaylee’s
friendship/relationship flourishes. Each commentary is again accompanied with effective
imagery from the series and considering that the footage is that which would have been
downloaded at the time of broadcasting (It carries the F*x logo in the corner), the quality is
surprisingly high.
I regret the fact that Philip Gaines did not get to see the missing episodes before he compiled this wonderful elegy to our Big Damn Heroes as I think he would have enjoyed considering certain themes and issues brought forward in Heart of Gold, Trash and The Message.
In particular, I feel that his views on War Stories might have been enhanced by seeing The
Message as they both consider the impact of the war on Mal and Zoe’s characters and their
shared history.
I would also have liked to hear how he felt about the return of “Yo Saff Brig” in Trash. Did
she ever receive special training? Her martial arts skills seem highly developed and Inara
had already stated that she though that Saffron had received Companion training. Ah well,
that’s for another day! Perhaps Mr Gaines will be able to produce an update to his work at
some future point.
As it stands, Firefly: A Special Feature is exactly that, a special feature. Conceived at a time
when many Browncoats sat licking their wounds, Gaines shows us exactly how remarkable
and how deeply touching this series was. F*x did not know WHAT they were doing by letting
the series slip through their fingers. It is apparent that Mr Gaines knew exactly.
To conclude, this is a well-produced, scholarly reference set that would fit in well to any
fan’s collection and manages to pre-empt the book of essays being issued by Benbella
Books in April. As a labour of love goes, this shows that Gaines is truly a man overwhelmed
with passion for Firefly.
Big Damn Roadtrip - a film by Alex Strickland
This DVD arrived looking every inch a fanboy’s dream. It has high production values in the
cover artwork and promises the whole of the Serenity panel at San Diego Comiccon along
with a shiny shot of our Big Damn Heroes.
The film is a documentary chronicling the quest of four young fans determined to see their
heroes in person. They set off on an eight hour drive because word has spread that not only
will Joss be there in person but so too will the cast. And in particular, they boys seem very
interested in the prospect of meeting Summer and Jewel.
The disc is again a very well-produced effort and as in the DVD reviewed above, shows
how much love and creativity the fans are willing to pour into their pet projects. The disc has
a very simple but effective opening which mimics the FBI warning seen on most region 1
DVD releases, with one tiny exception, it is issued by the Blue Sun Corporation, a nice witty
touch that sets the tone for the film.
The simple to navigate menu offers two options, the first is to watch the movie and the second is scene selection. Needless to say, I opted to watch the film. However, the disc itself
seemed to cause a few problems in my DVD player as it persistently stuck with loss of
sound and massive pixilation of the picture. I ejected the disc and put it into my computer
only to find that the computer didn’t want to read the disc at all! Finally, I resorted to my
faithful Skip Doctor (tm) and resurfaced the disc. This finally had the desired effect and allowed me to view the film without interruption.
The single most impressive feature of this film for me was the incredible graphics used as
titles throughout which screamed quality and parody at the same time. The opening titles
wee a clear mimic of the titles from Firefly and looked so effective as the guys from the
movie sang over the top of The Ballad of Serenity. The neat graphics continued throughout
the movie and always impressed.
Strickland is clearly attuned to the humour of Firefly and the wit and wisdom of Joss Whedon and his commentary doesn’t take itself seriously as he narrates the story of the journey
of two guys and two girls. The four protagonists, Strickland himself, Clifton, Rachel and
Becky sing tunes as they drive until finally eight hours later they arrive at the convention
centre and we have quite a bit of footage shot in and around the Comiccon itself giving us a
taste of the convention before the Main Event.
I was reminded of Comic Book – the Movie as the four wandered the aisles of the event.
But like most people who watch the DVD I was really keen to see it move on so I could see
my BDH in all their glory.
Finally after much soul searching the girls agree to hold places in the line for autographs as
the guys enter the hall to see the panel. The camera work and the sound suffer at this point
for obvious reasons. Next time guys take a monopod! I have seen the footage as being described as “Earthquake Cam” and that is not unkind. Like anyone who couldn’t go to San
Diego, I am just grateful that Alex has documented and passed on his footage no matter
how raw it may be!
Joss takes centre stage and shows his teaser trailer made up especially by Universal for the
Con to rapturous applause. Needless to say, Strickland did not show the snippet in his film
as there was an order against taping the trailer. But then Mr Whedon announces that he
nine other things he wants to share and the room goes wild.
Each of the cast takes their place on stage and the Q&A begins. Yes we get shots of the
heads of people in front of the guys, yes, the sound quality is variable, but the energy and
enthusiasm of everyone on stage for the movie (dammit the energy and enthusiasm of everyone in the ROOM!) transcends these flaws. The cast were witty, gorgeous and full of admiration for the fans and for Joss himself. Adam remained the man of few words while Nathan and Morena seemed to enjoy the banter and teasing on stage. But each took their turn
as they answered not only questions from the fans but from Joss himself.
I had previously heard an MP3 file of the audio from this event and so many of the answers
were as expected but I laughed out loud as Joss told the throng that Jayne wasn’t stupid, he
was just the Cordelia of the crew. Adam laughed and then joked “Who’s Cordelia?” Nathan’s response killed me as he mimes his description complete with a centrefold spread (if
you know what I mean!).
And then too soon the panel came to an end and all that remains is to watch as our intrepid
explorers seek autographs from the crew of Serenity. They manage to film up until they enter the area and then are asked to turn off the camera. Instead Alex uses a series of still
photos and narration to describe his feelings and conversations with each of the cast and
ultimately concludes… it was the BEST day. Queue “Wonderful World” as per the
Ramones, an appropriate conclusion. Roll credits and end.
All in all, a very nice little fan film which leaves you with a warm glow and achieves the nigh
on impossible feat of making me feel that I was there that day sharing with the trials and
tribulations of our Little Damn Heroes as they met the Big Damn Heroes.
Where? Conference Suite
National Museum of Photography, Film & TV, Bradford, UK
What Time? 10 am to 6 pm (tbc)
How Much? £15 (includes ticket, teas and coffees, screening, and free entrance in the raffle)
INTERESTED? Email for more details.
Be part of the BIG DAMN BROWNCOATS!!
Compare and Contrast
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Summer Glau Interview!
How did you get started in acting? What led you to transition from dancing to
I grew up in a ballet studio. Ballet was my life and
no one I knew thought I would ever do anything but
dance. Years on intense training, competing, dieting and injury were hard on me. It was difficult for
me to feel good about myself. Secretly, I had always wanted to try acting. As a dancer, for me
there was one goal – perfection. But, as an actress
I can’t think that way. I have never been asked to
play a character who is perfect. It is a more comfortable world to live in.
How did you get cast as River?
After my first real television role on “Angel”, Joss
mentioned that he was creating a new series. He
said there was a role in the story that I should read
for. I never imagined that I would be seriously considered, but in the end I like to think that I was cast
because I wanted to play River more than any
other actress.
What other roles have you played and how did they compare to this one?
What would your ideal role be?
I have been lucky to work on other shows like CSI and Cold Case. But really my
heart is with River. My ideal role would be someone that Joss created – naturally.
A girl like River in some ways. Damaged but Special, Lost but brave. Someone in
Love but this time not with her brother.
What's the funniest thing that happened while on set (TV and movie)? How
would you compare filming the TV series vs. the movie?
Choosing the funniest moments is so hard when you work with the group I do. Nathan loves to make us laugh at the worst moments. I think we laugh more than any
other cast in town. The main difference between the series and the movie is – actually, there really wasn’t much of a difference except for the theme song from Jurassic Park. Our trailers were just over the fence from Universal theme park.
Sometimes during our lunch break we would run over there to ride the rides.
Were there ever any frustrating or difficult times (TV and movie)?
Yes, during the series it was frustrating to wear spandex shorts and frustrating
when we were cancelled over the holidays. You’re cancelled! HOHOHO!!! But I’m
not mad anymore. Sometimes life is sad but we bounced back I’d say. Thanks to
Were you aware of what was happening online to try to save the show?
I was saving for a computer then but that was okay because we talked about you all
on set. You can never know how much it meant to have such amazing support. You
kept us going there at the end. I wish I could thank each of you. You are famous for
your heroic efforts. Thank you so much!
I have read that you spent time on the TV set observing and learning from the
other actors. Could you describe what the advantages and disadvantages are
in observing acting vs. acting classes?
I adore my cast and respect their talent so much. I was worried that they would have
a hard time trusting me with my role. I tried very hard to learn from their example.
But everyone was so kind to me. They never made me feel afraid even when I made
silly mistakes.
Do you believe that everything River says makes sense on some level? Do
you understand her point of view? What was your first impression of River?
Everything that River says means something, but it doesn’t always come out sequentially and she doesn’t always know why she is saying it. I relate to River in
many ways, but not the genius part. My first impression of River was – No, she
doesn’t have her parents. Simon is everything to her.
How did you find out the movie was a go? What did you do or think when you
first learned that you were going to be a movie star?
I remember the day Joss told me that we would make the movie. I remember the
shoes I was wearing, what I was drinking. I cried.
Is there anything in particular you would like the fans to know about the
The movie has everything. You will be shocked more than a few times. It’s funny,
really funny and so sad. I think it is super unique and smart. That’s what Joss does.
Now that you've been to a few conventions, do you enjoy them? Are you planning on attending more of them?
Yes I do. I’m going to a convention in London on October 29th. I treasure our time
with the people who make our jobs possible. I know we will all be attending more
throughout the year.
Do you have you any suggestions on how fans can help to promote the
Please tell everyone you know to try it. You can’t go wrong. It’s going to be special.
Please don’t go only on opening week. The attendance needs to stay consistent for
the first few weeks. Thank You!
What other projects can we look for you in the future?
I am in an episode of CSI “What’s Eating Gil Grissom”. It is supposed to air on November 11th.
Is dancing still a part of your life?
Always will be. I dance constantly and if I wasn’t acting I would go back to theater.
Have you had a chance to visit any of the online communities? If yes, what is
your opinion of the thriving fandom?
Yes, I love it when my Mom calls me to read an article she found or a new thread
she likes. I’ve tried to write in more than once but I never could get my message to
come up on the page. I’m embarrassed to admit to that, but it’s true.
Birthday (year not necessary):
July 24th
Place of Birth:
San Antonio, TX
Favorite Book:
Wuthering Heights
Favorite Author:
C.S. Lewis—My Mama read all of his books to me and my sisters when we were little.
Favorite Film:
Camelot—It was my Grandma’s favorite and I know all the words.
Favorite TV Show:
Will & Grace and West Wing
Favorite TV show as a kid:
Little House on the Prairie and Boy Meets World
Favorite Film as a kid:
Little Mermaid and The Last Unicorn
Favorite Director:
Joss Whedon
Favorite Food:
Apple Pie and Peach Cobbler with vanilla ice cream
Favorite Cake:
Spice cake with cream cheese icing.
Favorite Drink:
Hot tea
Favorite Color:
Mountains, Ocean, Countryside or City:
San Antonio0I don’t like mountains – not enough air I always get nervous
Travelling is my favorite thing. I haven’t been to many places, but the prospect of
seeing new things thrills me.
Left or right handed?
Right handed but as a dancer I’m a lefty.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
Pony because my mother had a horse when I was little. She read every horse book
to us and showed us every horse movie ever made.
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on?
Feeling special
What turns you off?
What sound do you love?
My parents’ voices.
What sound do you hate?
My sisters crying.
What profession other than yours would you most like to try?
Opera singer
What profession would you least like to try?
Anything involving planes.
What's your favorite curse word?
Shucks – really.
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the
Pearly Gates?
Pretty good – try again.
Swingin Round The Stars
By Mycroft
To the tune of : Swinging On A Star
Would you like to swing round the stars
Stealing boxes out of train cars
And get into some brawls in some bars
Or would you rather be Mal
Mal is the captain and he finds all the crime
He’ll come back for you every time
As he has shown, he’s full of attitude,
Especially when Saffron leaves him nude!
If you don’t like to stay in one locale,
You might grow up to be Mal
Would you like to swing round the stars
Stealing boxes out of train cars
And get into some brawls in some bars
Or would you rather be Jayne
Jayne is a fella that is good with a gun
He sure knows how to have fun
He’ll fight on your side if you pay him enough
And that’s a good thing because he sure is tough!
So if you’re really good at dishin’ out pain
You might grow up to be Jayne
Would you like to swing round the stars
Stealing boxes out of train cars
And get into some brawls in some bars
Or would you rather be Wash
Wash is the pilot and he's Zoe's sweet dear
Except when he's had a few beers
He flies Serenity throughout the verse
and in a pinch...he can be terse
So maybe that sort of life isn't that posh
but you still could grow up to be Wash
And all the space monkeys didn't attack
Just wait till Kaylee gets back
So you see it's all up to you
You could be farther out than Mars,
You could be swingin' round the stars!
Simon raced into the infirmary, glanced briefly at the readouts before grabbing a syringe
and some stimulants from one of the cupboards. He carefully measured the amount,
conscious of the fact that too much could kill his patient. Finally satisfied he had it right,
he injected the Captain. His body began to convulse and shake on the bed. After a few
moments it subsided and the Captain seemed to relax. The stimulant was dangerous,
but given the situation it was all that Simon could do. He needed to operate soon if he
was going to save the Captain’s life, otherwise he would bleed to death internally. Simon
also knew from experience that his patient would not be able to take another stimulant
shot. It would simply collapse his tired heart.
“He’s running out of time, isn’t he?” said a little voice. Simon nodded without looking
around. He knew River was watching him from the corner, knees up against her chest,
arms wrapped about herself.
“I hope we can trust Inara with this...person,” said Simon, not sure what to call the client
of a Companion. Was he a client? A customer? A pupil? The mind boggled. Simon had
known Inara for only a few months and since the start he had had difficulties bringing the
two sides of her life together. On the one hand there was this elegant, beautiful woman
who was obviously intelligent, so surely other professions could have been available to
her, and then on the other hand she was a Companion, perhaps the oldest job in history.
Simon shook his head ruefully. Kaylee was right, he thought too much sometimes.
“Is he all right?” said a deep voice. Simon turned to face Shepherd Book.
“No, not really. I’ve stabilised his condition for now, but it won’t last. He will die unless I
can operate.” said Simon, feeling it necessary to tell Book the blunt truth and knowing
that he could handle it better than Kaylee. Book simply nodded as if that was what he
had expected to hear. He had his bible gripped tightly in one hand, a worn thumb set as
a bookmark.
“Is he conscious?” asked Book, nodding towards the Captain. Simon shook his head
and Book smiled wryly, opening his Bible and moving to the Captain’s bedside. “Good,
then he need never know I was praying over him.”
Simon could have argued that faith and God had little to do with saving the Captain at
this point, but he didn’t. Book glanced up from his bible and gave Simon a knowing smile.
“It’s about faith, son.” was all he said, before turning back to his book.
Simon had done all he could, now it was up to the others to do all they could. As he
started up the stairs his left leg gave a twinge, reminding of what it felt like to be shot. It
had been an unpleasant experience and one he did not want to repeat.
Above him on the walkway, Inara hurried towards her shuttle, wrapped in a mask of silence.
Zoe stood a short distance away, watching the Companion worriedly. The frown disappeared as Simon approached.
“How’s the Captain?” she asked. Simon wondered if the weight of leadership was pressing
heavily on her shoulders.
“He’s stable for now, but it won’t last. Do you know where we’re going?”
“You’d better speak to Inara about that,” said Zoe irritably. “I’ve gotta get back to the
She turned away and then Simon had to ask. “Can we really outrun Braw’s men?”
Zoe turned back on the stairs, her face serious and calm. “My husband is the best pilot I’ve
ever seen,” she said with a certain amount of pride. “If it can be done, he’ll find a way.”
Simon watched her go, again struck by the contrasting sides of her personality. Sometimes
he thought Jayne was the only person that made sense. His greed and lust were obvious
and always on the surface. There was very little depth to the man. Simon found the thought
of Jayne’s simplistic nature strangely comforting at that moment. He glanced down briefly,
seeing that Jayne had not moved and was still laid out.
Feeling a little nervous, but determined nonetheless, Simon approached Inara’s shuttle. The
door stood partially open so he knocked firmly on the edge, already smelling her perfume
through the red curtain that covered the entrance. There was no answer. He knocked again
and was about to call out when Inara yanked the curtain aside, looking irate.
“I told you, its my problem-” she spat before seeing who it was. Her pale features smoothed
out immediately and she offered a friendly smile. Simon had never seen her lose control of
her emotions so easily. “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else. Do you need something?” she asked politely.
“I just wanted to know where we’re going. I have to operate on the Captain in the next few
hours and I’m going to need some fairly sophisticated equipment.”
“You will have all that you need, and more,” Inara promised a little stiffly. Something
seemed to change inside her and she gave a long sigh. “Please, come in.” she offered holding the curtain for Simon.
He stepped inside her shuttle, noticing not for the first time how welcoming and comfortable
it looked compared to his own drab quarters. In places like this it was easy to forget you
were still on a spaceship. Inara offered Simon a seat which he took while she perched on
the edge of her bed.
“Where are we going?”
“To visit a client, a man named Mackenzie Gower. He’s rich, and he will have everything at
his home.” Simon raised an eyebrow in surprise. “He owns a medical research company,
and carries out experiments, sometimes for the Alliance, other times for the highest bidder.”
Simon noticed there was a slight tremble in her voice.
“I can save the Captain, don’t worry,” said Simon confidently, totally misunderstanding her
fear. “Are you sure this client will let us use his facilities?”
“He will, if I ask him.” Inara said quietly, turning her face away. “I must contact him, if you’ll
excuse me.”
“Of course.” said Simon moving to the door. He looked back but Inara was closely studying
a piece of jewellery. “Thank you for doing this.” he said and she nodded.
Wash proved to be as good as his wife’s word and had lost their pursuers. The damage to
the ship was not severe, but Kaylee said it would take her a few hours to repair. The engine
was in one piece, but it was the hull that concerned her. She was afraid it could rupture and
leave them all breathing space, as she had put it.
The Captain had not regained consciousness. Unfortunately Jayne. They had fed him a lie
about banging his head from turbulence and he seemed to have swallowed it, although he
did glance suspiciously at Zoe when they were eating. As Simon was finishing his meal, he
watched Inara slip away. She had been very quiet and withdrawn throughout the meal, not
joining in any of the sporadic and somewhat desperate attempts at conversation. Everyone
was tense but she was on edge, and maybe even terrified, but of what Simon had no idea.
As he headed back to check on his patient he was stopped by River. For once she seemed
lucid and living in the present.
“You shouldn’t go in there,” she murmured glancing at the infirmary. “Not yet. He’s sleeping
but she speaks to his soul and I think he knows. He can hear her through the fog.”
“Who?” asked Simon. “What?”
“You’re a dummy sometimes,” River chided him as she drifted away.
Simon crept closer to the infirmary, glanced briefly around the doorframe and then pulled
back. Inara was stood beside Mal’s bed, looking down at him with sad eyes. She was holding one of his hands in both of hers, pressing it to her chest like a treasure she couldn’t be
without. Simon moved further away, but her voice carried to where he sat.
“Whatever happens, I want you to remember that it’s not your fault,” said Inara quietly. “I
made the decision and was willing to accept the consequences. No one coerced me into
doing this. I would tell you not to be angry, but it would be pointless. If you must fight,
please don’t use a sword, because you really are quite dreadful…and stubborn, pig-headed
and…” she trailed off, unable or unwilling to continue pointing out his faults.
If she said anything further it was too quiet for Simon to hear and a few moments later she
hurried away, thankfully without seeing him. Simon waited a little while before checking in
on the Captain. Nothing had changed, his life was still hanging by a thread.
Perhaps an hour later the hum of the engines began to slow as they arrived at their destination. River had rejoined him in the infirmary and although he didn’t want to leave the Captain
alone again, he wanted to know where they were and the kind of facilities he could expect.
“Go, I’ll watch him again,” said River, sensing his uncertainty.
“I won’t be long,” he promised and hurried to the bridge.
Zoe was stood beside her husband and Inara off to one side. As Simon came into the room
Jayne followed behind, leaving him in heavy shadow. Wash began to swear in Chinese as
the home of Mackenzie Gower came into sight. The rest just stared with open mouthed
Simon had lived on the core planets and knew about wealthy people, he had even been on
his way to becoming one back on Osiris, but the home in front of him was remarkable by
any standard. The house was a vast sprawling structure with several wings and an elaborate topiary maze at the front that made it look more like something out of ancient literature
than modern day. The stones looked old and weathered, but Simon was willing to bet the
walls were studier than any polyalloy metal plate. Not including the house Simon counted a
dozen other buildings of varying size. The whole compound was surrounded by automatic
gun towers that made it look very much like a military base rather than someone’s home.
“How is it we never came here before?” asked Jayne. Simon could practically see the cred-
its stacking up behind his eyes. The man’s greed was almost tangible.
“Land outside the compound, Wash,” Inara advised, pointing at a wide grassy area off to
one side. “He’ll send someone out to greet us when he’s ready.”
“Simon, get your stuff together, I’ll help you move the Captain,” said Zoe. Now that she had
a plan she was starting to give orders instead of making it up as she went along. The frown
was still there, but it had diminished. She was coping for now.
“That won’t be possible,” said Inara. “He doesn’t allow women inside the compound. Some-
one else will have to go.”
Zoe and Inara stared at one another for a few moments. The bridge was filled with a tense
silence. No one was willing to point out the obvious about Inara’s entry.
“I’ll help,” said a deep voice. Book stepped into the room, his face grim and set. He glanced
briefly out the window and not even a flicker of surprise crossed his features. The spectacle
outside didn’t even give him a moment’s pause.
“Fine, Shepherd. You go with Simon and the Captain. Jayne, you help Kaylee with repairs
to the ship,” said Zoe addressing the room generally. She turned towards Inara. “How long
do we have?”
“Two hours, maybe a little less,” she replied coolly. Inara waited until Zoe nodded before
she left in a cloud of rich perfume and bright colours. Jayne turned to leave but Zoe stopped
him as she spoke.
“Everyone be on guard,” she said quietly. “Something ain’t right about this place. First sign
of trouble, you shout, real loud, then start shooting. Simon, is two hours is enough for you to
do your work?”
“Yes. It should be, if there are no complications,” said Simon. They began to file out the
room and Simon was last to go. He glanced back once and saw Wash put a hand on his
wife’s hip and attempt to draw her near. She resisted at first and slapped his hand away,
clearly irked by the new rules, ones she didn’t understand or particularly like. Wash persisted and Zoe finally relented, stepping close to her husband and wrapping her arms about
him, engulfing the little man. They truly were the most unusual couple Simon had ever encountered, and yet they seemed to fit.
As Simon and Book carried Mal into the cargo bay, the others set about their work. Jayne
followed Kaylee outside toting a heavy bag of tools and some metal sheeting. Kaylee barely
glanced at Simon as she passed. Her mind was elsewhere and he knew she was even
more distressed now that someone had damaged her ship as well as her Captain. Inara descended from her shuttle and a fresh wave of delicate perfume caught in Simon’s nose. She
seemed nervous and almost reluctant to go outside, choosing instead to wait with him and
Book. At one point while they waited for someone from the house, she glanced down at
Mal. A muscle twitched in her face and a brief grimace flashed across her features. Her
posture changed immediately, her back straightening and a determined look crept into her
A few minutes later two large men in plain grey uniforms emerged from the house and approached the ship. Both were of similar build and muscle density, identifying them as bodyguards or security. They barely glanced at Simon as they set foot inside the cargo hold, but
lingered a little longer on Book as they studied their surroundings. Neither man looked at
Inara for more than a second. Once they were satisfied they nodded to each other and one
bodyguard gestured for Inara to follow him. They stood on either side of her and set off for
the house. Simon was suddenly reminded of how guards used to form up around prisoners
being led to the execution chamber back on Earth that was. A terrible overwhelming fear
began to creep up from somewhere inside and he looked around for something to hold
“Easy son,” said Book. “She can take care of herself. You focus on doing your job for now.”
he said glancing down at Mal. Simon nodded and murmured a brief word of thanks, turning
his mind towards the operation and the various stages of the procedure. It soothed him running through it and after a few minutes he was able to push away the fear for the time being.
Another burly man emerged and this time gestured for Book and Simon to follow. Moving as
carefully as possible they lifted the unconscious Mal and followed their silent guide towards
a long narrow building off to one side. All of the windows were covered with reflective glass
so Simon had no idea if they were walking into some kind of a trap or a real medical facility.
His stomach turned over a few times but he ignored it. His apprehension was misplaced as
inside was an infirmary akin to one Simon had not seen since his days on the core planets.
The room extended on for hundreds of metres but it had all been curtained off with white
screens. Despite that he could see bulky equipment and unusual devices peeking over the
top. Directly in front of him was all the equipment he would need to perform the operation.
Everything was pristine and not only looked clean, but as if it had never been used. A pair of
tall reedy men with shaven heads stood ready in hospital gowns and gloves. Their faces
were covered with masks and they simply nodded as the others approached.
“You should find all you need,” said their guide to Simon. “They will assist you.” He said
gesturing at the other two. “Will this suffice?”
“Yes. Thank you.” said Simon.
Their guide turned towards Book. “You can wait over there,” he said gesturing to a rest area
which contained a few comfy chairs and the obligatory water cooler. Book nodded but made
no move to head in that direction, choosing instead to stay rooted to the spot and stare out
their guide.
Simon put it all to the back of his mind as one of the assistants helped him into a gown.
None of it mattered right now, not the ship, not their plight, not Kaylee and not even his sister. All he had was the problem in front of him. A man’s life was in the balance and he would
not let him die. As Simon went through the familiar process of scrubbing up and being
helped into his scrubs, he ran through the procedure in his mind for the hundredth time, going over each step methodically. Finally satisfied he was ready, he gestured at the assistant
for the scalpel and went to work.
The world around him drifted away and Simon became detached from it as he worked. He
was aware of his surroundings but they were unimportant and blurry. He knew Book was
still there, pacing back and forth, resting sometimes and watching the operation at others.
He knew the two men assisting him were not only watching his work closely but also watching him, but none of it really mattered. At one point there was a lot of loud noises from outside. The sounds could have been weapons fire, great concussion blasts that sent a faint
tremor up his legs from the impact, but it was all outside. It was someone else’s problem for
the moment. The noises went on for some time and then stopped suddenly. Book went to
investigate but Simon didn’t let it distract him, the operation was at a delicate stage.
Some time later, how long he couldn’t say, as Simon was coming to last part of the operation, he noticed Book had not returned to his peripheral vision. He glanced around briefly
but he was not in the rest area and the front door was closed. There would be time to investigate later and since the others were a lot better at handling the kind of situations that often
involved gunfire, he didn’t let it worry him. Simon finished closing up the Captain, something
he normally would have let someone else do, but he didn’t trust the men with him. Finally
satisfied he had done all he could, Simon gestured that it was all over and the two men just
nodded again and began to clean up the equipment. The Captain’s vitals were steady and
he had not lost too much blood during the operation, both of which were good signs for his
recovery. It might be some time before he was barking orders and getting into bar fights on
Unification Day, but now at least he would have that opportunity.
“Thank you,” Simon said to the two men, not sure what else he could say. They just nodded
again, something he was beginning to find annoying. Was it that they had been implicitly
ordered not to speak to him, or were they incapable of speech altogether? Before he could
ask, Simon heard more gunfire from outside, a few quick barrages back and forth for a few
minutes and then a terrible silence. Simon rushed to the door and pushed it open a fraction,
peering out towards Serenity. The crew were all there, kneeling down on the ground with
their hands locked over their heads. A short distance away from them lay several bodies,
men that had been recently killed, judging by the swelling river of blood. Stood over them
were Alliance troops and leading them a tall man with an arrogant bearing. He spoke briefly
to Zoe and Simon saw her spit at the man. A moment later he had a gun pressed to
Kaylee’s forehead. Simon’s heart leapt into his throat and his mind began to spiral through a
thousand plans to cause a distraction. Thankfully when Zoe spoke again it seemed to satisfy the man, as he holstered his gun and gestured towards where Simon was hidden. A
half dozen troops began to march on his position.
Simon closed the door and moved back to Mal’s bedside, trying to think of something to
save himself and his patient. Before he came up with anything concrete, the troops entered
and pointed their weapons at him.
“Don’t shoot, I have an injured man,” he said, feeling foolish but not sure what else to say.
An officer approached and pulled Simon to one side. He stared down at Mal and then spoke
into his radio.
“Its Reynolds. We have him, Sir.” He said.
“Bring him, and the Doctor,” came the reply.
“You,” the officer said pointing at Simon. “Make him ready for travel.”
Simon was about to argue about moving the Captain but then he saw the look in the officer’s eyes and decided against it. He gathered some medical supplies and basic equipment, put them in a bag and hooked Mal’s drip onto a portable stand. With the help of two
soldiers, Simon carefully moved the Captain onto a stretcher. They took up the slack and
Simon stayed at Mal’s side, keeping a close eye on his vitals.
Outside it was a bright afternoon but the mood in the compound was nowhere near as
sunny. The officer directed Simon towards the others and someone pressed down hard on
his shoulder. He went to his knees alongside Zoe and Kaylee, noting the unshed tears in
Kaylee’s eyes and the nerves twitching in Zoe’s jaw. As the officer conferred with his superior Simon looked around for some kind of explanation.
“What’s going on?” Simon whispered. “Who is that?”
“Vanya Samuelson,” whispered Zoe. “Something worse than Alliance.”
“What’s worse than that?” asked Simon.
“A turncoat.” sneered Zoe.
As Simon looked around he saw Samuelson was watching Zoe closely. He saw the look on
her face and smiled back at her in a knowing fashion. Simon had thought they were in trouble before but now everything seemed ten times worse. They had been captured by Alliance, betrayed by their host and were now in the hands of someone who had an unpleasant
history with Zoe. Simon wished the Captain was conscious. He would no doubt be able to
come up with kind of a plan of escape because right now, there didn’t seem to be anything
anyone could do to help them.
Copyright and Fair Use in the UK
If you are a fairly regular user of the OB you may well have read the debates that
have raged concerning the concept of copyright and fair use in the making of
music videos by fans. This article is written as a response to that and is not
intended to come down on one side or the other of the divide, simply to make
clear where the law stands in relation to his thorny issue. As Still Flyin’ is based in
the UK the article is written from a British perspective and relates to English law,
although I will make reference to American law and the defence of fair use.
I would like to make it clear that I LOVE a good fan video. When they come
together they are a fantastic blending of imagery from a show I love and music I
may or may not have heard before. They provide pleasure and enjoyment for
both the maker and the viewer. And I can safely say that a high quality music
video can also, at times, bring pleasure to the actors themselves when they
witness the result of many hours of labour.
The artistry which can brought to bear is the fruit of many hours of skilful
manipulation of footage. Why do vidders do this? Why do they create a unique
perspective on their favourite TV show? Well, because they love it so damn
much! In terms of fan art, the making of wallpapers, the writing of fanfic, fans
dedicate themselves to bringing something new to the world that has given them
so much pleasure and entertainment. Very rarely would any individual claim to be
creating such work for profit of any sort. Instead, the “creatives” among us seek
pleasure in the affirmation provided by reading what other fans think of their work.
The worlds created and inhabited by our Big Damn Heroes are the property of the
show’s creators and the networks/studios that create and finance them. As much
as we like to think that we as the fans own our shows, we acknowledge that this
simply isn’t true in legal terms. All of these things are subject to copyright and
copyright infringement can be subject to legal ramifications. In order to explain
the legal concept to you I would like to quote some detail from the UK Copyright
“Copyright law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works,
sound recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical arrangement of published
editions, rights to control the ways in which their material may be used.
“The rights cover; broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting, issuing,
renting and lending copies to the public.
“In many cases, the creator will also have the right to be identified as the author
and to object to distortions of his work.
“International conventions give copyright protection in most countries, subject to
national laws.
“Copyright arises whenever an individual or company creates a work:
“A work is subject to copyright if it is regarded as original, and exhibits a degree of
labour, skill or judgement.
“Interpretation is related to the independent creation rather than the idea behind the
creation. For example, your idea for a book would not itself be protected, but the actual content of a book you write would be. In other words, someone else is still entitled to write their own book around the same idea, provided they do not directly copy
or adapt yours to do so.”
What you have just read COULD be interpreted as an infringement of copyright because I have taken someone else’s words and used them to my own ends. However, when a person uses these words in context and attributed to the correct
source in order to educate then no infringement would occur. How do I know? I
teach Law!
The quotes above tell us a great deal about how we should approach the concept of
fan vidding. I for one do not wish to stop fans expressing themselves in unique and
creative ways but we have to accept that in order to achieve their goal, copyright infringement MUST occur.
The vidder takes two essential elements, the first is someone else’s video footage
and the second is generally someone else’s song and performance. The melding of
the two can create an inspiring, clever, witty or just down and dirty FUN video.
One of the funniest and cleverest videos I have seen in many years involved Spike
and Right Said Fred’s track “I’m Too Sexy”. The audience who witnessed the piece
wwere in hysterics and I have no doubt that were James Marsters or Joss Whedon
to see the piece they would find it equally hysterical.
However, the bottom line is, unless both the use of the footage AND the use of the
track were licensed, then the author of the piece could find themselves liable in Law.
There is no defence of fair use in the UK to cover such an eventuality. In raw and
brutal terms it would amount to a theft of copyright regardless of whether or not the
video was intended for profit.
As I stated above “copyright law gives the creators of… musical, artistic works,
sound recordings, broadcasts, films… rights to control the ways in which their material may be used” Unless the fan vidders have sought permission and consent from
the ORIGINAL creators there could be problems.
Many fan vidders believe that if they adopt a "don't ask, don't tell" attitude when it
comes to unlawful use of copyrighted material they will be fine if they plead ignorance. However, they don't WANT to learn the nuances of copyright law because
they figure as long as they can plead ignorance, they'll be safe.
People, ignorance of the law is no defence! And yet the self same vidders take great
exception when their work is then distributed across the Internet without their permission and due credit being given to them for their hours of blood sweat and tears.
This is at best a “moral” obligation rather than a legal obligation. For centuries the
English common law has followed the maxim “He who seeks equity must do so with
clean hands”. In other words, if you used someone else’s work without permission,
don’t expect the law to defend you when someone else uses your work without your
I mentioned above that in the USA there is a defence of “fair use”, however, I believe that for vidders to claim this defence relies on a conceit. They are not fully appraised of the situation or the law and indeed, their work cannot really rely on the
claim that it is a parody if challenged in court. Statutory damages for infringing on
copyright can hit $20,000 per violation, and they can go as high as $100,000 in
some circumstances of wilful violation -- and that's above and beyond the fine for
actual damages. Furthermore, commercial copyright violation involving more than
10 copies and a value of more than $2,500 is now a felony in the United States.
The law in England is less well developed. The case of Pro-Sieben Media AG -vCarlton UK Television Ltd and another The Times, January 7th 1999, examined the
availability of the defence of “fair dealing”, and also the meaning of the words "for
the purposes of criticism or review". Both defences are provided in section 30 of
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Carlton Television had set made a programme which included a 30 second slice of
video taken from a full television program. In effect it was claimed, Carlton had obtained and spoiled the story, by showing the clip, but without contributing fees. The
court decided that the inclusion of the quotation was fair dealing, reminding us that
this question is one of degree or of fact and impression. The clip had contained an
acknowledgement in the form of the television company's logo shown in the clip.
Also, the extent of the excerpt was not unreasonable; it did not unfairly compete with
the claimant’s ownership of the rights. Somehow, I cannot see fan made videos fitting that description in the same way as a news programme.
HOWEVER, it is unlikely that the studios will hunt down fan vidders like a pack of
rabid dogs and seek legal redress for the wrongs done to them unless the work portrays either te original work or those persons depicted in the fan video in a defamatory light. Instead most would consider the piece as an homage to their original
The bottom line seems to fly in the face of lawyers the world over and that IS "don't
ask, don't tell". If you are requested to cease and desist in the distribution and dealing of videos by either copyright owner then you should do so immediately, but it is
worth waiting to see if the ever-litigious studios and networks WANT to punish their
fans for what may in the eyes of the public be regarded as a victimless crime.
Sources: UK Copyright Law Fact Sheet No P01 – The UK Copyright Service
UK Law On-line - “Copyright and Fair Use in the UK”
Dave Zielinski’s article on “Are You a Copyright Criminal?” - published in the June
1999 issue of Presentations magazine.
An occasional section on goofs in the show!
If you spot any more send them in to us!
In Trash we can clearly see that the flying garbage-can is running
Microsoft Windows! (Insert joke here! )
In Serenity after the crew escape from the Reavers Wash seems to
forgotten to keep hold of Serenity’s joystick!
Still Flying in association with Blue Sun T-Shirts is offering Grand Prizes for
the first three people to send in the correct answers to this quiz!
First prize is any t-shirt from Blue Sun. Second prize is a sweatshirt from last
year’s Atlanta Shindig. Third Prize is a Serenity Valley sow-on patch!
So, I’m thinking you’d best be quick off the
mark and send your answers to !
To who did Mal say “We’re too pretty to die” ?
What was the name of Patience’s best gunman?
What illness did the good folk of Paradiso have?
Why would Niska be “getting an earful” ?
On the converted passenger ship where did Wash say the valuables would be?
What did the Purple Belly call Serenity?
What did Zoe say was wrong with the dress Kaylee wanted?
What indicates lordhood?
How did the crew know it was Simon’s birthday?
What was the name of the first engineer Mal hired for Serenity?
What happened to the crew’s original contact on Canton?
How much money did Jayne inadvertently drop on the Mudders?
What was the name of the mute child River “spoke” to?
What did Kaylee almost buy for Simon?
What did Kaylee find in a junk heap that made her happy?
What did Wash find in the same junk pile that he threw away (and why was it ironic)?
What “change” did Zoe get off Niska?
What’s a Griswald?
What kind of pet did Jubal Early’s neighbour have?
How will Book’s encounter with Jubal Early be remembered?
What sacrifice did Monty make for love?
What was stolen off the flying island?
What did Nandi destroy just before she stopped being a Companion?
Who were / are Jonah’s parents?
What did the sideshow alien turn out to be (the answer is not “Simon”!) ?
What kind of weapon injured Tracey during the war?
Firefly Drinking Game!
Still Flying does not advocate drinking to excess and is not
responsible for anything mighty dumb you might do under the influence!
1 finger for every crew injury
3 fingers for every crew injured by another
member of the crew
1 finger for every time River makes no sense
3 fingers for every time River makes sense!
2 fingers every time Simon patches someone
3 fingers if it's one of the crew
3 for every "full burn"
3 fingers for every Mal "huh" moment
2 finger for every time Kaylee comes on to Simon
2 finger for every time a piece of technology
doesn't work
2 fingers for every time Inara sleeps with a client
1 finger for every time Book prays
2 fingers every time Kaylee has grease on her
2 fingers whenever Mal and Zoe talk about the
2 fingers whenever Wash argues with Zoe
2 fingers every time Jayne suggests doublecrossing or abandoning someone
3 fingers if it's the Tams
Firefly Fan Club Questionnaire!
It’s been proposed that the Browncoats come together to
found the mightiest fan club in the ‘Verse!
Do you think this is a good idea? If so what form should it take?
One international fan club or separate ones for each
Just merchandising or other things?
Only if “Official” (with the blessings of Fox / Universal)?
No ruttin’ Alliance for me! Independents forever!
So, now is your opportunity to be heard!
Email if you’re interested!
ESPECIALLY if you want to help out!
Many thanks to:
Narin, Emma, Stephen, Dave, Andy, Odilie, Mycroft and 11th Hour (and
anyone we have forgotten) for all their hard work!
Thank you to all the people who have allowed us to use their work, many
apologies if we have missed off your name! Particularly to,
Whedonesque, Ghetty Images and everyone else we’ve, er, “borrowed”
from without asking.
And last, but by no means least, an extra special thanks to the everlovely Summer Glau!
Back issues of Still Flying can be found on !
Still Flying is always looking for more people to get involved in all aspects
of its production and distribution. If you are interested please either join
the Yahoo Group ( or you can
contact the editor (
UK Browncoats come join the fun at !
This publication is not affiliated with Joss Whedon; Mutant Enemy, Inc.; The Fox
Television Broadcasting Company 20th Century Fox Ltd.; Fox Home Entertainment; The SciFi Channel or Universal Pictures
All rights are reserved and owned by the copyright holders as appropriate.