September 2009


September 2009
Official Publication of the Tennessee Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
VOLUME 56 No. 1
State recognizes Warwick’s contributions
September 2009
Submitted by Dr. Jensi Souders, Alpha Phi
Xi State Executive Secretary Elaine Warwick was presented the Xi State Achievement
Award at the 2009 state convention in June.
Warwick says, “receiving the award has given me a boost of confidence and
validated the Society work that I’ve done.” That state-level work includes serving
as president, first vice president/program committee chair, second vice president/
convention chair and of the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee, and member of the
Personal Growth and Services, Nominations, and Professional Affairs Committees.
A 2004 International Leadership Management Seminar graduate, Warwick has
presented countless workshops and seminar segments at state leadership seminars and
At the international level, she serves as an elected member of the Personnel
Committee. At the 2009 Southeast Regional Conference, Warwick co-presented a preconference seminar on strategic action planning.
“Wearing the Achievement Award medallion has only energized me to
continue my work in the Society,” Warwick said when asked. “It means that I must
continue to uphold the high ideals of the Society and continue to share my enthusiasm
for the Society with others.
“I do what I do because I love the Society and the opportunities it offers for
personal and professional growth. I will continue to do Society work for the personal
satisfaction I receive from doing it,” said Warwick.
This love for the organization, this commitment to supporting others in their
career growth, is clearly evident in this outstanding educator and Society member. Xi
State welcomes Elaine Warwick to the list of those who have excelled at service to our
state organization.
In This Issue
Above: Elaine Warwick, Executive Secretary,
proudly wears her Achievement Award at the
President’s banquet at Xi State Convention
Far left: Corlea Plowman, International
Executive Coordinator, Elaine Warwick,
Rho, Dr. Carolyn Rants, International
President, and Barbara Whiting, International
Leadership Development Chair take time for
a photo at graduation. Warwick graduated
from leadership training at Southeast
Regional Conference for new state
presidents and executive secretaries.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International promotes professional
and personal growth of women
educators and excellence in education.
2009-2011 State Officers
Dee Dee Rives
Pinson (West)
First Vice President / Program Chair
Beverly Smith
Chattanooga (East)
Second Vice President / Convention Chair
Dorrie Powell
Whiteville (West)
Recording Secretary
Mary Evelyn Perkinson
Decatur (East)
Corresponding Secretary
Kathie Harned
Nashville ( Middle)
Treasurer / Immediate Past President
Nancy Davis
Mountain City (East)
Becky Sadowski
Brownsville (West)
Executive Secretary
Elaine Warwick
Franklin (Middle)
Linda Eller
Cordova (West)
Judy Cross
Harriman (East)
Xi State News
Published four times a year in September,
November, February, and April by the
Tennessee Organization of the Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International. State dues for
active members are $14.00 of which $4.00 is
a subscription to the News.
Contributors to Xi State News are asked to
send news as soon as it is available to insure
its placement in the next issue. Send news
items for the November issue no later than
October 1, 2009 to:
Linda Eller, Editor
9108 Rockcrest Circle
Austin, Texas 78759
Send address changes to:
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
P.O. Box 1589, Austin, TX 78767
2 Xi State News September 2009
Persist, Commit, Celebrate
Dee Dee Rives
Xi State President
Wow, what an honor to be selected as the 38th president of
Xi State. Little did I know when I was invited to join the
Society in 1980 how my
life would change. I am
thankful for the personal
growth and guidance
I have received in the
Society. I am looking
forward to the many
challenges and wonderful opportunities that
Delta Kappa Gamma provides for us all.
Xi State members have been busy
this summer. Three hundred and seven
sisters attended Xi State Convention where
we were reminded to reach our goal in
the 29 society, program, and educational
workshops. Phyllis Hickey, International Representative, shared news from
International as well as an inspirational message at our Presidents’ banquet.
Sixty-eight Tennesseans traveled to Little Rock to attend Southeast
Regional. Many of our Tennessee sisters were involved in key positions
throughout the conference. Society training was held for state membership
chairs, strategic plan representatives, program chairs, executive secretaries
and state presidents. I’m proud to say, Xi State was represented in all of these
training sessions.
As the 2009-2011 biennium officially begins we should seek and
follow our directions, waypoints, to insure the future of Xi State. Your
state officers and related personnel met in late June to evaluate and set the
directional points for state committees. Fall Leadership Conference for state
committees will be in September and there the committees will begin their
work in implementing the state Strategic Plan and committee charges. Be
involved to keep Xi State growing. Be involved to receive the fullest benefits
the Society has to offer the membership. We are not building a new Society,
but improving the existing one. Yogi Berra, a famous New York Yankee
catcher, once said “be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because
you might not get there”. We do know where we are going. We should follow
our waypoints, our directions.
Refuse to stop, continue, keep trying
Be persistent in what we are doing.
Dedicate, entrust, and invest
Be committed to what we are doing.
Keep, honor, ceremonies, lionize, rejoice
Celebrate in what we are doing.
My pledge to you will be to continue to “Activate the Vision” of Xi
State members by focusing on the seven purposes. I will persist in keeping
the members informed of the Society’s actions and the great opportunities the
Society offers its members. I will commit in my service/leadership to Xi State
by modeling my love for the Society as I lead, and, together, we will celebrate,
the success of Xi State.
Thank you for this opportunity to serve!
August 10, 2009
Dear State Organization Presidents and Editors,
The International Speakers Fund (ISF) Committee is seeking
applications for members to participate in this program.
An interactive Speaker’s Application Form is available on
the Website as a download. We would like to have these
applications returned by e-mail attachment to International
Headquarters ( by Sept. 14.
Established in 1984, ISF facilitates exchange of Society
speakers among member countries and helps unite women
educators of the world. The ISF Committee selects speakers
from among the applicants. ISF speakers went to British
Columbia, Maine, Wyoming, and Baja California in 2009.
Please share this information with members.
Corlea S. Plowman
Corlea S. Plowman
Executive Coordinator
Dear Delta Kappa Gamma Folks,
Loving host families are needed for AFS high school exchange
students to arrive in the fall for the 2009-10 school year. There
are athletic players, horseback riders, students very involved
with church youth activities, as well as students with other many
talents and interests from many different countries. (See list
below) The Miss Tennky Area AFS Team would love to speak
to groups in the next several weeks and bring full bios for your
members to view. Experience the world without leaving home,
contact Jenny Myers, hosting coordinator, at 615-385-9644 or To begin the application process fill out
form A online at and click on hosting.
The local web site is Volunteers
in many areas are needed to work with the students and families
throughout the year. You may register at this web site and/or
contact Becky Heywood, volunteer coordinator, at AFSBecky@
If you would like to see the full bios on any of these
AFSers call or e-mail either of us. The CB, FLEX and YES are
all scholarship students. Those that are community placed are
only assigned to the team, but have no host families yet.
Family or school placed
Peeraya Moonjun (Thailand – girl)
Valerie Van Den Hove (Belgium)
Moyuko Takahama (Japan)
Marija Satalova (Lativia)
Community placed
Lisana Alia (Indonesia – YES student)
Gudridur Johannsdottir (Iceland – girl)
Asdis Saemundsdottir (female from Iceland)
Jakkapat Ketkaew (Thailand –boy)
Kantapon Wiboonsaksakul (male from Thailand)
Jakob Kubitza (Germany – boy)
Annika Ruehlmann (Germany) CB Student
Konrad Seifert (Germany)
David Lehmann (Germany)
Eva Marie Schuettler (female from Germany)
Anette Johansen (Norway)
Maria Pfefferkom (Norway)
Bakhtiyar Rakhmetov (Kazakhstan –boy) FLEX student
Francesco Ursini (Itlay)
Stefan Franco (Brazil)
Judith Staudner (Austria)
Valeria Alejandra Galeas Silva (female from Ecuador)
Celia Hanssen (female from Belgium (French)
Thomas Zouad (male from France)
Juliette Salaberry (female from France)
Ruth Gottlieb (female from Sweden)
Leandra Bezouska (female from Switzerland)
Nina Hellebrekers (female from Netherlands)
Mariana Teixe Neves (female from Portugal)
Tchoy Hung Desir Sit (female from Netherlands)
Nayib Daniel Zuniga Arias (male from Costa Rica)
Afzal Misbah (male from India)
Jenny Myers
Miss Tennky Area AFS Volunteer Leadership Team Hosting
Coordinator and
Dr. Barbara Y. Wills, NCC, LPC
2233 Roanoke RD
Clarksville, TN 37043
615-210-1552 or 931-378-7258
President's Schedule
Aug. 15
Aug. 31 Sept. 8
Sept. 10
Sept. 12
Sept. 18-19
Sept. 28
Oct. 17
Oct. 19
Oct. 26
Nov. 16
Dec. 5
Dec. 8 Beta Chi
Gamma Eta
Vision Foundation meets
Leadership Conference
Knox County
Memphis- 5 chapters
Theta, Beta Eta
Alpha Chi, Eta
Area I cluster
Alpha Gamma
Xi State News September 2009 3
International News
Day receives International Achievement Award
Submitted by Dr. Jensi Souders, Alpha Pi
International First Vice President
We claim her as our own. She was our regional director who worked with us to plan and
implement the 2001 regional conference in Chattanooga.
Even though she is a member in North Carolina, we claim her as our international
president from the Southeast who charmed us all when she attended Xi State
Convention in 2008.
So, of course, Xi State is thrilled that Dr. Barbara Day, immediate past international
president, received the International Achievement Award at the Southeast Regional
Conference this summer!
Day has served at the international level since 1990, as Research and Program
Committees chair, Expansion Committee member, trustee on the International
Educational Foundation Board (6 years), Southeast Regional Director, First Vice
President, and International President.
Perhaps Day claims as the greatest achievements of her presidential biennium the
Society’s expansion into Denmark and Estonia, bringing the 15th and 16th countries
under the Society’s umbrella, and planning the 2008 international convention, called by
many members the best they’d ever attended.
For all her contributions to our organization, Xi State salutes Dr. Barbara Day of
North Carolina as our 2009 International Achievement Award recipient.
Above: Dr. Barbara
Day wears the
Award with honor,
joy, delight and
heartwarming pride.
in the front are
Sandra McKeiron,
Mississippi, Corlea
Plowman, Texas,
and International
President, Dr.
Carolyn Rants.
Below: Dr. Carolyn
Rants visits with
Xi State members
at the Tennessee
Breakfast on
Thursday morning.
Below right: Joining
in the sing along
during a general
session right down
4 Xi State News September 2009
Become a Miracle Maker!
Help The Educational Foundation fund
• Educational projects worldwide
• Educators’ professional growth
• Seminars in Purposeful Living
You can make a difference, and your
donation is tax-deductible!
Go to
Foundation for information on how
You can Make a Miracle!
Regional Conference
Welcome to Little Rock
As members gathered in Little Rock, Arkansas, they were
greeted by southern hospitality and the famous ducks of the
Peabody Hotel. Old friends were excited to see one another
while many new friends were made. In the opening ceremony a
grand parade of each state’s flag was carried in by the outgoing
and incoming presidents. Engaging workshops filled the day for
many while new presidents and executive secretaries arrived
early for leadership training.
Membership chairman and representatives for strategic
planning had specialized sessions. Xi State’s Elaine Warwick,
Rho, and Dr. Jensi Souders, Alpha Phi, led the strategic
planning session.
Dee Dee Rives, Elaine Warwick, and Linda Eller
attended the presidents’ leadership sessions which started
on Monday and ended Wednesday afternoon. Many Xi State
members served as presenters for workshops including, Dr.
Jensi Souders, Alpha Phi, Kathie Harned, Beta Upsilon, from
Alpha Lambda Chrissie Allen, Linda Eller, and Carolyn Taylor,
Elaine Warwick, Rho, Cecelia Johnson, Beta Kappa, Judy
Cross and Barbara Summers from Beta Beta, Dee Dee Rives,
Theta, Beta Sigma members Nita Scott, Rachel Weir, and Dorrie
Powell, and Linda McCrary, Alpha Gamma. As the conference
concluded, all were invited to the races in Kentucky in 2011.
Left: Phyllis Hickey,
Business Services
shows off the credit
card available to
members as part
of the non-dues
revenue projects
from International.
The Society benefits
just from members
opening an account.
Left center: Dee
Dee Rives, Xi State
President, graduates
from leadership
training at the
Southeast Regional.
Pictured with
Rives are Corlea
Plowman, Executive
Coordinator, Dr.
Carolyn Rants,
President, and
Barbara Whiting,
chair of the
Bottom left: Becky
Sadowski, Alpha
Lambda, and
Dr. Barbara Day,
past International
President, take time
for a picture at the
reception prior to
Saturday night’s
dinner banquet.
Top far left: Nancy
Davis, outgoing
president and Dee
Dee Rives, incoming
president, carry
the Tennessee
flag in the opening
Bottom far left:
Texas in Tennessee?
No Tennessee in
Texas. Editor. Linda
Eller was dragged
into the Texas
photo as the newest
transplant to Texas.
Joining this group
are Marcia Kirkland,
Joanne Davis,
Alpha State Editor,
Corlea Plowman,
Dr. Carolyn Rants,
Dr. Evelyn Barron,
Sandy Causey,
Phyllis Hickey and
Linda Eller.
Xi State News September 2009 5
State News
You did it, You did it!
Submitted by Mary Jo Wilson, Alpha Lambda
Special Events Chairman
We didn’t think you could do it, but- Yes, You did!
The Special Events Committee was very worried that due to the
current economy and the reduced attendance at Xi State this year,
that we would not match our Silent Auction monies and chapter
participation goal from last year. But being the fair ladies that you
are, you donated a variety of items and opened your wallets and
checkbooks and got into the bidding spirit just like you did last year. The 2008 Silent Auction netted close to $3,000 and this year
we came very close to matching that amount. The monies from the
auction will benefit the Leadership Development Committee and will
help them plan and prepare for the Leadership Management Seminar
in 2010.
The Special Events Committee would like to thank all of the
chapters that provided items for the Silent Auction. Your generosity
and support was greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to
working with all of you in 2010 to make the upcoming Silent Auction
the best yet!
Dr. Boots Ashbrook
Martha Bailey*
Barbara Barkes
Minnie Burnett
Shirley Dark
Gail Huffstutler
Pam Rumage
State committees announced for 2009-2011
Personal Growth
Kathy Bradfield
Lynn Caruthers*
Monnie Deberry
Bonnie Digby
Bea Lyons
Sherry Woods
Achievement Award
Judy Collins
Jackie Maggard
Jane Pickel
Connie Wolfe
Cindy Schepman*
Betty Ball*
Mary Jane Thomspon
Area Directors
Brooke Blair
Sherry Collins
Mary Jo Connell
Carolyn Earnest
Cecelia Johnson
Marylin Roberts
Judy Sanders
Patsy Smith
Holley Ziglar
Bonnie Fussell
Carol Ivey
Cindy Lynn*
Jenny Miller
Delise Teague
Chris Zeigler
Angie Boshers
Leigh AnnDurham
Linda Gregory
Lynda Gunter
Anne Littleford*
Jackie Wester
*denotes chairman
Submitted by Dee Dee Rives, Theta
State President
Carlene Ford
Paula Fox
Lee Lindsay
Elaine McIntosh*
Ritka Patterson
Jo Price
Convention Steering
Dr. Dorrie Powell*
Wanda Ackerman
Freda Branam
Camille Dolan
Louise Gregory
Kathy Kester
Suzy Mignery
Kerry Mullican
Nita Scott
Dr. Annette Gregory*
Molly Ann Hamblem
Caroline Johnson
Harriett King
Cindy Odom-Higgins
Rosie Coleman
Judith Kerley*
Carol Moling
Karen Phillips
Susan Woods
Fran Young
Amy Ballentine
Donna Jerden
Barbara Morgan*
Martha Wolf
6 Xi State News September 2009
High School Essay
Linda Barker
Stacey Hinchman
Katie Madden*
Myra O’Steen
Marilyn Shaver
Sally Tate
Edna Clemons
Audrey Doak*
Betty Only
Dr. Elaine Alexander*
Marsha Brewer
Susan Hoback
Terri Maddox
Lin Marten
Barbara Summers
Nancy Bibler
Melinda Carroll
Judy Jackson*
Marsha Raines
Lanoka Rhodes
Martha Scarbrough
Judy McDonald
Jessica Mitchell
Allison Roberts
Sandra Smith
Mary Frances Wadley
Mildred Welch*
Janice Enck
Rosemary Smith
Irene Archambault
Dr. Gwen Arnold
Dr. Martha Glover
Paula Marshall*
Michelle Steen
Gail Watson
Maxine Williams
Donna Camper*
Shirley Dowell
Dr. Denise Dunbar
Sammye Finley
June Reasons
Rachel Weir
Dr. Beverly Hall
Patsye Jones
Debbie Smith
Dr. Jensi Souders*
Sherry Walsh
Elaine Warwick
Pat Barnett
Carol Bowlin
Karen Garner
Pat Guffey*
Amanda Pritchett
Amy Swoope
Pat Tyree
Program of Work
Beverly Smith*
Lynn Caruthers
Janice Enck
Pat Guffey
Judy Jackson
Rosemary Smith
Susan Young
75th Anniversary
Submitted by Dr. Dorrie Powell, Beta Sigma
Second Vice President
You’re Invited
June 10-12, 2010
of the South
Sewanee, TN
Make plans
to attend now.
Save your
money. Bring
your sisters.
We hope to meet or exceed the 520 who
attended the 50th Anniversary in 1985.
Register early for best dormitory
selection and seating at meal events. The
registration form will be available in
February on the Xi State website and in
the Xi State News.
To assist
planning, chapters
Le Duckworth
Nancy Harris
are asked to email:
Susan LaFever
Pat Satterfield
Susan Young*
Chrissie Allen
Joy Branham*
Terri Mitchell
Patsye Peckenpaugh
Suzanne Turner
Dr. CyndyAllen
Dr. June Gorski
Dr. SandraJuarez
Dr. Inge Poole
Dr. Nancy Sims
Janice Sorsby*
Special Events
Donna Campbell
Judy Clemow
Penny Cole
Janet Little
Nancy West
Mary Jo Wilson*
Diane Anderson
Wynona Clayborne*
Tracy Collier
Lisa Forsythe
Kay Porter
Diana Womble
Dr. Dorrie Powell,
Visual and
Perfoming Arts
Wanda Wright*
Phyllis Brasher
Sue Fryer
Kris Hiatt
Joan Holt
Sara Key
Vision Foundation
Miriam Bowman
Nancy Davis
Leigh AnnDurham
Wynona Dye
Doris Hendrix*
Barbara Hinson
World Fellowships
Judy German*
Barbara Brookshire
Nancy Duggin
Anne Killebrew
Jo Belle Masters
Joan Pockrus
State News
Top far left:
Officers and related
personnel gathered
at the home of
Kathie Harned in
Nashville to make
plans, participate
in team building
activities, and share
some food and
fellowship. Dee Dee
Rives is caught in
action giving out
directions to the
photographer (your
humble editor).
Below far left:
Participants from
across the state
took part in the Web
Desgin Workshop
sponsored by
the technology
committee. The
event was held in
Mountain City.
Top left: Beverly
Smith, Alpha
Xi, makes
at the 2009 state
convention in June.
Below left: Barbara
Summers, Beta
Beta, extended her
workshop to real life
experiences with
three Alpha Lambda
members, Wanda
Day, Paula Marshall
and Cindy Shepman.
The group went
geocaching and
found treasure.
Get your
yearbook ready
Submittted by Beverly Smith, Alpha Xi
First Vice President
Be sure that your chapter yearbook
earns highest honors. Download the
evaluation form from the state website
or email Beverly Smith, 1st vice
president, at
Yearbooks should be sent to Beverly by
December 15, 2009.
Be a workshop presenter
Submittted by Beverly Smith, Alpha Xi
First Vice President
Speak up. Share your expertise with your Delta Kappa Gamma sisters
at the 2010 Xi State convention by presenting a workshop. Forms
are available in this newsletter, on the state website or email Beverly
Smith, fist vice president, at
Submit your workshop proposal by November 15.
Xi State News September 2009 7
State News
Date initiated into Delta Kappa Gamma________________________________________
Educational Background:
Bachelor’s Degree:
Master’s Degree
Advanced Coursework or Degree
Delta Kappa Gamma Experience: (Use back of page, if necessary)
Special skills/experiences that qualify you for this position including micro-computer/desktop publishing skills/experiences:
Additional information that might be helpful to the committee:
List other organizational involvement or family responsibilities, which make large demands on your time:
Complete and return to the Chairman of the Personnel Committee.
8 Xi State News September 2009
State News
Xi State Personnel Committee
Xi State Editor Posting
Xi State Editor, Linda Eller, is moving to Austin, TX to serve as the Communication
Services Administrator at International Headquarters. As a result, the Xi State
Personnel Committee is looking for qualified applicants for the position of Xi State
Editor. This position is for the 2009-2011 biennium.
Interested applicants must possess the following qualifications:
1. Shall be an active member in good standing in Xi State for a minimum of
five (5) years.
2. Shall possess skills in photography, editing, designing, composing, publishing, and mailing newsletters or have extensive journalism skills.
3. Shall be skilled in the operation of a microcomputer system using desktop
publishing and word processing software in conjunction with a data base.
4. Shall have the willingness and available time to carry out the prescribed duties of the job.
The Xi State Editor’s term of office is for two years beginning July 1, of odd number
years. The editor receives an honorarium and is reimbursed for attendance at
state, regional, and international meetings as specified in the Xi State Policies and
Procedures. The editor will be reimbursed for office expenses as designated in the
annual Xi State Budget.
For an application see page 8 or contact:
Donna Camper,
Personnel Committee Chairman
Address: 236 Indian Trail, Bristol, TN 37620
Completed applications must be sent to the Xi State Personnel Committee by
September 25, 2009.
Above top: Take a glimpse at the Magnolia
Breakfast past state presidents share with
the new president. Captured in the photo
were Nancy Davis, Gamma Mu, Cathy
Daugherty, Southeast Regional Director,
Dr. Willene Paxton, Gamma, Liz Whorley
Bradley, TX, Ramona Jefferies, KY, Dr. Jensi
Souders, Alpha Phi, and Anne Medearis
Lee, AL.
Below: There were so many past presidents
present for 2009 that a few had to move to
the children’s table. So Vera Jo Henegar,
Pi, along with Becky Sadowski and Janice
Sorsby, both Alpha Lambda, round out the
annual event.
Bottom far left: On Wednesday evening prior
to the state convention, officers and guests
gathered to enjoy a cookout and fellowship
sponsored by now past president Nancy
Davis. The cookout was one way Davis said
thank you for all the support during the past
two years.
Xi State News September 2009 9
State News
Submitted by Fran Young, Beta Upsilon
Ad Hoc Task Force
In retrospect, action was taken at the 2006 International Convention to form a Committee on Restructuring to consider new and
different ways of looking at the international committee structure of our organization. Immediately, the Committee set up five
regional Task Forces which were comprised of one member from each state who was appointed by the individual state presidents.
I was appointed to represent Tennessee. There have been eleven members in the S/E Region plus Beverly Helms from FL as
This Ad Hoc Task Force met for the first time at the 2007 regional conference and again at the 2008 International
Convention. Our main focus has been to see how the duties and responsibilities of the Program of Work Committee be combined to
eliminate overlap, provide clearer directions for members and use fewer committee members. We met for the last time this summer
at S/E Regional to finalize our suggestions for submission to the Committee on Restructuring. This Committee on Restructuring will
then prepare a final recommendation from all the regions that will be sent to the Constitution Revision Team. (As a reminder, the
entire Constitution and International Standing Rules are undergoing a revision as a result of action taken at the 2008 International
Convention. In fact, at Xi State this summer we were given a survey from International to complete regarding our thoughts about the
revision of certain aspects of our Constitution. That is also being compiled by this Constitution Revision Team.)
These final recommendations will then be voted upon by all our membership at the International Convention next summer
in Spokane. We, of course, will get a copy of the proposed changes from International before that time. Also, I will keep you
informed on any updated information as I receive it.
Tacoma, Washington, Beckons You for
2010 Seminar in Purposeful Living!
Highlighting an “Arts with Nature” theme couldn’t be easier in beautiful Tacoma,
Washington. Join fellow members and guests July 15-18, 2010, prior to the
international convention in Spokane. Stay at the lovely Hotel Murano for a seminar in
the heart of the Puget Sound area, in a city known world-wide for the glass arts.
Visit the Glass Museum, History Museum, and the
Tacoma Art Museum. Walk across the Chilhuy Bridge of
Glass and see artists in action. Enjoy local natural beauty
all while Mount Rainier watches over you!
A musical evening is planned, as well as speakers and time
for shopping for treasures.
The Educational Foundation Trustees hope to see you in
Tacoma: Where Art and Nature Meet
10 Xi State News September 2009
State News
Need Money for
Professional Development?
Travel, hotel, meals, substitutes, conference/seminar
Have we got a deal for you!
Cornetet Professional
Development Awards
Available to members and non-members
Up to $2000
Three award cycles:
September, February, May
Go to
Foundation for application and information
Save the date. Plan to attend.
2010 Xi State Legislative Symposium
February 9 and 10, 2010
Nashville, Tennessee
More info to come....
Judy Jackson
2009-2011 Xi State Legislative Chair
Rho Chapter
Workshop Proposal
2010 Xi State Convention
Workshop title
Summary of Proposed Presentation
Presenter Chapter
E-mail address:
Equipment needed:
Please submit workshop proposal by November 15, 2009 to:
Beverly Smith
Xi State First Vice-President
5014 Hunter Trail
Chattanooga, TN 37415-1808
Order your iris notepaper now!
Contact Mary Jo Wilson at
or call 901-490-4560
to place your order.
Xi State News September 2009 11
Chapter News
Nashville’s “Relay for Life” Breast Cancer Walk
Submitted by Pat Parker, Beta Upsilon
This was a year of “outside-the-box” for Beta Upsilon, Nashville. Our members, along with the other three
chapters in Nashville, decided to participate in the “Relay
for Life” breast cancer walk. At the end of the five mile
walk, members had raised almost $700 towards research
and education for the American Cancer Society. Beta
Upsilon’s Kathy Fasiq, chapter president, led the way and
was the driving force for this sponsorship.
After the walk, Beta Upsilon had its regular meeting
at the downtown Nashville Public Library where we
viewed the Children’s International Education Collection
of items from around the world. Beta Upsilon annually
supports this endeavor to help provide funds to purchase
books and artifacts from foreign countries. The day was a
huge success as all enjoyed a wonderful lunch and warm
fellowship with DKG sisters.
A Gift for Hope House
Submitted by Minnie Burnett, Beta Rho
During the year Beta Rho had a program
with Angela Slack, Executive Director
of Hope House, a shelter for victims
of domestic violence. Slack presented
a program about the organization, its
purpose, operations, and ways the
chapter could help. Slack explained
the prevalence of domestic violence
in our society and the need for the
services provided by their program. She
offered many suggestions for ways the
community could help. To meet that
demand, Beta Rho members made a
$100.00 donation for the purchase of
bedding for their facilities.
12 Xi State News September 2009
Far left: Members
(and family) of Beta
Upsilon gather for
a photo op at the
“Relay for Life”
breast cancer walk
in Nashville.
Bottom far left:
Minnie Burnett, Beta
Rho, presented a
donation of $100.00
to Hope House for
needed items.
Center: Mu Chapter
met in the spring to
work on the craft
project for Xi State
Arts and Crafts
display. The photo
frames, decorated
by members, were
on sale at Sewanee
during convention.
Bottom left:
participants met at
Mountain State
Park in Crossville,
TN. Dr. Beverly
Helms, Mu State (FL)
and International
Chair, conducted the
seminar attended by
15 members. This
was a successful
training session.
Top left; Theta
Chapter planned a
summer outing to
the Kreme Kastle
(the restaurant
owned by Becky
daughter) in
Brownsville, TN.
Theta Chapter
invited other
sisters in Delta
Kappa Gamma to
come. Members
from six chapters
attended. Jennibeth
King, Jean Brown,
LaVonne Scott,
Marsha Rains, Becky
Sadowski, Dorrie
Powell, Louise
Gregory, Dee Dee
Rives, Nancy Harris,
Michelle Steen,
Terri Tims, Melinda
Carroll, Josephine
Price, and Nita
Scott. Chapters
included Theta, Beta
Sigma, Beta Mu,
Alpha Lambda, Chi
and Omega.
Left: Fun at the
Kreme Kastle with
Dorrie Powell, 2nd
Vice President, Terri
Tims and Nita Scott:
Beta Sigma
Left center: Michelle
Steen, Theta; Nancy
Harris, Chi, and Jo
Price, Theta, enjoy
lunch at the Kreme
Left: Melinda Carroll
and Dee Dee Rives,
state president, are
both from Theta.
Above: Pictured with new initiates to Theta include Dee Dee Rives
and Josephine Price, new initiates: Ann Phillips, Dr. Debra Bryant,
Amber Diggs, special guest former Xi State President; Becky
Sadowski, and chapter member, Kristi Wilson.
Right center: Becky Sadowski, Alpha Lambda, becomes waitress at
the Kreme Kastle.
Top far left: Rho
Chapter initiation
of new members
and guests include
Sara Davis, Elaine
Warwick, executive
secretary, Susan
Eades, Judy
Jackson, Area VI
Director; Mindy
Susan Miles, Dr.
Jensi Souders,
International First
Vice-President; and
Allison Collier.
Center far left: Alpha
Gamma greets new
members Delane
Cox, Leslie Goad,
and Susan Stevens.
Xi State News September 2009 13
Member News
Christine Loveday, Beta Delta, was selected as Executive of
the Year. She is currently the Office Manager for the Department
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the James H. Quillen
College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University. She has
been a dedicated employee of the University for 15 years. Loveday has served on several standing committees
at the University including the Acute Communicable Disease
Committee, Safety Committee, and the Commission for Women
Standing Committee. She is a member of the honor societies
Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Beta Phi, and Omicron
Delta Kappa.
Loveday was selected for her leadership ability, human
relations skills, professional achievements and participation in
civic and professional organizations. She currently serves as
chapter treasurer.
Pat Bogan, Beta Gamma, is back from teaching
English in Cambodia.
Janet Dickens, Alpha Gamma, was featured as the
cover story of February 2009 TEA publication, Teach. It can
also be located on TEA’s website at
cms/teach/39.html. Janet is a kindergarten teacher at Fairlane
Elementary. She believes in engaging her students using all the
resources at her fingertips.
Ann Anderson, Omicron, was the West Tennessee
Supervisor of the Year for 2009. Ann is the Director of Teaching
and Learning for Lexington City Schools. Also in Omicron, Kay
Hart was awarded the American Stars of Teaching Award from
the U.S. Department of Education for 2007.
Left: Christine
Loveday, Beta Delta,
was named the
Executive of the
Year of the Tri-Cities
chapter of IAAP
College of Medicine
for 2008-2009.
Below: Janet
Dickens, Alpha
Gamma, applied for
a grant from NEA
for a Promethean
Activeboard. After
rewriting the grant
twice, her hard
work paid off. She
received a $5,000
check and the board
was installed.
Bottom left: Stacey
Hinchman, Beta
Upsilon, was
named High School
Teacher of the Year
for Metro Nashville
Public Schools.
She is an AP
English Literature
and Composition
Teacher at
High School where
she has taught
for 17 years. She
will represent
Nashville in the state
Far left: Kathy Fasiq,
Beta Upsilon, sports
a DKG sponsored
shirt at the breast
cancer walk. The
front has the pink
ribbon and the back
creates a “buzz”
about the Society.
From February
2009 member
Kudo’s, Kay
Delaney should
have been listed as
Kay Hart.
14 Xi State News September 2009
Center: Gail Watson,
Alpha Beta, was
recently elected
as president-elect
for the 20092010 Tennessee
Retired Teachers
Association. She
poses with the
2009-2010 president,
Gerald Lillard. (See
story on page 15.)
Bottom left: Judy
McDonald and Eva
Fielder, Alpha Rho,
take time for a
photo. Fielder is a
charter member.
Member News
Dr. Patti Skates, Alpha, was recently
recognized as the Exemplary Academy
Educator of the Year. Skates is the
lead teacher in the Legal Studies and
Leadership Academy at Red Bank
High School.
Skates has also been named a
winner of the 2009 Award of Recognition
for Outstanding Teaching of the
Humanities. The award includes a $2,000
fellowship for the teacher and a $1,500
award for the school.
Janice Nelms, Alpha, was
recently honored as the Hamilton County
High School Teacher of the Year.
Gail Watson has been elected
and installed as President-Elect for 20092010 of the Tennessee Retired Teachers
Association. Watson also remains as
president of the Franklin County Retired
Teachers Association, co-president of the
Episcopal Church Women in Sewanee,
president of St. Augustine’s Guild for
All Saints Chapel at The University of
the South, co-chair of the Friends of
DuPont Library at Sewanee, immediate
past president and parliamentarian of
Alpha Beta, and banquet planner for the
Emeritus Association at The University of
the South. She also is a member of NEARetired, the Sewanee Woman’s Club, the
SWC Book Club, the Sewanee Chorale,
and Kappa Delta Sorority. Watson has
been honored to be included in Who’s
Who in American Education, Who’s Who
Among America’s Teachers, Who’s Who
of American Women, and Who’s Who
in America.
Ann Patton Payne, member
of Alpha Tau Chapter in Knoxville, was
recently conferred the 2009 Distinguished
Alumna Award by the University of
Alabama National Alumni Association.
The award is based on loyalty and
service to the University of Alabama
and the National Alumni Association,
character and personal life, professional
achievement and success in chosen
endeavor and community service on local,
state or national level.
Beta Gamma honorary member,
Dorothy Johnson, joined Gov. Phil
Bredesen and Shelby County Mayor AC
Wharton, on June 29, 2009, in announcing
a $900,000 grant to the Books from Birth
program from the Volunteer State Health
Plan. Dorothy is Executive Director of
Left: Beta Pi
members Kim
Malone, Donna
Campbell, Sherrie
Collins, Linda
Baxter, Patricia
McKelvey, Lana
Booker, Susan Oaks
show off those pink
shirts at convention.
Below: Mu Chapter
initiated four new
members Judy
Dulin, Rosemary
Jagels, Nichole
McCord and Sarah
Overholt. President
Terrie Mitchell
(center) and officers
participated in the
initiation ceremony.
Left third: Members
attending the Web
Design Workshop
in East Tennessee
included Carolyn
Powell, Alpha Theta,
Barbara Owens,
Alpha Theta, Gay
Miller, Gamma Mu,
and Nancy Davis,
Gamma Mu and now
immediate past
state president.
Bottom: Catch the
new updated logo
from International
unveiled at regional
conferences during
the summer.
the Shelby County Books From Birth Program and instrumental
in coordinating donations and the volunteer efforts of local area
Society members.
Xi State News September 2009 15
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In Memoriam
Jane Jarvis
August 1, 2009
A charter member of Alpha Delta, Jarvis
was chapter president, 58-60, taught for
44 years, and was active at the state and
international levels. Her membership
began in 1952. She was 91 years young.
They lived and brought a bit of beauty, love, and
faith. And now their lives will ever be reflected in
our hearts.
Deborah Criswell
April 30, 2009
An Upsilon member since 2000, Criswell
was active, had a sense of humor and
was dependable. She taught high school,
sponsored the poetry and future teachers
club. She was yearbook editor and tutored
after school.
Alice Golden
Annie Brown
An elementary teacher for over 40 years,
Golden received the Order of the Rose
recognition, was chapter treasurer for 15
years, and held other offices. She was
intiated in 1985 by Alpha Theta.
Initiated in 1968 by Eta Chapter,
Mississippi, Brown was a member of
Theta. She held several offices and served
on many committees. She attended
chapter meetings regularly until age 94.
She taught home economics for 43 years
and retired in 1977.
June 15, 2009
Pat Sweat
June 14, 2009
A Gamma Eta member since 1998,
Sweat taught Spanish and was an ESL
instructor. She obtained Career Ladder III
status and served on many committees.
March 24, 2009
Evelyn Flanary
April 20, 2009
Alpha Alpha initiated Flanary in 1958.
She served on committees and took pride
in her membership. She retired after 27
years of teaching first grade.
Georgia Walker
March 20, 2009
Initiated in Texas in 1986, Walker taught
business courses and volunteered in
Franklin, Tennessee.
Rebecca Robertson
March 20, 2009
A Delta member since 2000.
Debra Bridges
December 18, 2008
Initiated to Nu in 2007, she was a faithful
member. She was a resource teacher,
sponsored the Beta Club and was the
newspaper editor.