PHOTOGRAPHERS AND THEIR WORK - A WORK IN PROGRESS Compiled by Shab Levy This visual list represents 120 photographers with 459 photographs and 42 additional iconic but not fully identified photographs by different photographers, for a total of 521 images. The list is arranged chronologically by the year of the birth of the photographer and each page is dedicated to one photograph. The list is based primarily on personal preference and non-academic research of some of the most popular works in the history of photography. This is not an academic research and consequently there is no systematic or otherwise justified reason as to the included selections other than personal preference. Each photograph has a link to Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia on the Internet, about the photographer of the work on view. (Click the name of the photographer to link to Wikipedia.) I have rationalized my liberal use of images because: 1. The purpose of this list of images and descriptions is not for commercial use. 2. This is a historically significant visual work that could not be conveyed in words. 3. Inclusion of the images is for information, education and analysis only. 4. The inclusion of low resolution pictures here adds significantly to this list because these images depict the actual photographic images and because writing about visual art without showing visuals, is not very useful. 5. The images are low resolution copies of facsimiles of the original works and would be unlikely to impact sales of the originals or of commercial prints based on the originals. An alphabetical list of fully represented photographers starts on page 505 1 Although historically the first permanent photograph, “View from the Window at Le Gras,” in France, captured by the French Nicéphore Niépce’s is the earliest surviving photograph of a scene from nature, circa 1826 and “Boulevard du Temple”, taken by another French, Louis Daguerre in late 1838 or early 1839, was the first-ever photograph of people, the first photograph on this list is a London street scene by Henry Fox Talbot dating from 1945. Although the first two preceded Talbot in capturing photographic images, Talbot is the person making photography a practical process by perfecting the idea of the negative from which multiple prints can be made. Later George Eastman refined Talbot’s process, which is the basic technology used by chemical film cameras today. That is, until the first real digital camera was created in 1975 by Steven Sasson at Kodak which practically changed the whole concept of “taking photos”. I hope that you will enjoy perusing the images. I would be grateful if you let me know if in your opinion I have made some major errors, or missed an important work of art. In short, I would like to hear from you. Email me at: Thank you, Shab Levy Portland, Oregon, March 21, 2012 2 Talbot, Henry Fox (1800-1877) London Str. 1845 3 Talbot, Henry Fox (1800-1877) Photographers,1853 4 Cameron, Julia Margaret (1815-1879) Annie, 1964 5 Cameron, Julia Margaret (1815-1879) Julia Princep Jackson 6 Cameron, Julia Margaret (1815-1879) Ellen Terry, 1864 7 Cameron, Julia Margaret (1815-1879) Harry Thoby Princep, 1866 8 Fenton, Roger (1819-1869) Roger Fenton’s photographic van in the Crimea, 1855 9 Fenton, Roger (1819-1869) Derwentwater, 1860 10 Fenton, Roger (1819-1869) Zoaves, 1855 11 Fenton, Roger (1819-1869) Valley of Shadow of Death, Crimea, 1855 12 Félix Nadar (1820-1910) Claude Monet 13 Félix Nadar (1820-1910) Sarah Bernhardt 14 Félix Nadar (1820-1910) Cleo 15 Félix Nadar (1820-1910) Self Portrait 16 Félix Nadar (1820-1910) Caricature about Nadar by Daumier 17 Gardner, Alexander (1821-1882) President Abraham Lincoln, 1863 18 Brady, Matthew B. (1822-1896) Abraham Lincoln, 1860 19 Brady, Matthew (1822-1896) Abraham Lincoln in Stereo, 1860 20 Brady, Matthew (1822-1896) Inauguration of President Grant 21 Brady, Matthew (1822-1896) Sunken Road, Civil War, 1962 22 Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) 23 Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) 24 Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) 25 Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) 26 Timothy H. O’Sullivan (1840-1882) 27 Timothy H. O’Sullivan (1840-1882) Battle of Gettysburg 28 Timothy H. O’Sullivan (1840-1882) Gettysburg Hero, 1963 29 Timothy H. O’Sullivan (1840-1882) New Mexico 30 Jacob Riis (1849-1914) 31 Jacob Riis (1849-1914) 32 Jacob Riis (1849-1914) 33 Jacob Riis (1849-1914) 34 Atget, Eugène (1857-1927) Rug Collector 35 Atget, Eugène (1857-1927) Avenue des Gobelins, 1927 36 Atget, Eugène (1857-1927) Organ Grinder, 1898 37 Atget, Eugène (1857-1927) Boutique Art Nouveau, 1904 38 Stieglitz, Alfred (1864-1946) Georgia O’Keefe’s Hands, 1930 39 Stieglitz, Alfred (1864-1946) Terminal, 1893 40 Stieglitz, Alfred (1864-1946) Georgia O’Keefe, 1918 41 Stieglitz, Alfred (1864-1946) The Steerage, 1907 42 Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) 43 Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) 44 Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) 45 Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) 46 E. J. Bellocq (1873-1949) 47 E. J. Bellocq (1873-1949) 48 E. J. Bellocq (1873-1949) 49 E. J. Bellocq (1873-1949) 50 Lewis Hine (1874-1940 51 Lewis Hine (1874-1940 52 Lewis Hine (1874-1940 53 Lewis Hine (1874-1940 54 Steichen, Edward (1879-1973) August Rodin, 1902 55 Steichen, Edward (1879-1973) Marlene Dietrich 56 Steichen, Edward (1879-1973) Flatiron Building, 1904 57 Steichen, Edward (1879-1973) Self Portrait, 1903 58 Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882-1966) 59 Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882-1966) 60 Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882-1966) 61 Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882-1966) 62 Cunningham, Imogen (1883-1976) Dream, 1910 63 Cunningham, Imogen (1883-1976) Mather and Weston, 1922 64 Cunningham, Imogen (1883-1976) Succulent, 1920 65 Cunningham, Imogen (1883-1976) Tuberose, 1920s 66 Weston, Edward (1886-1958) Dunes 67 Weston, Edward (1886-1958) Artichoke, 1930 68 Weston, Edward (1886-1958) Nude, 1936 69 Weston, Edward (1886-1958) Pepper No 30, 1930 70 Ray, Man (1890-1976) Flat Iron 71 Ray, Man (1890-1976) Ingres’ Violin, 1924 72 Ray, Man (1890-1976) Tears 73 Ray, Man (1890-1976) Woman with long hair, 1929 74 Strand, Paul (1890-1976) Mexico 75 Strand, Paul (1890-1976) Bridge 76 Strand, Paul (1890-1976) Old Man 77 Strand, Paul (1890-1976) Wall Street, 1915 78 Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956) 79 Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956) 80 Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956) 81 Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956) 82 André Kertész (1894-1985) 83 André Kertész (1894-1985) 84 André Kertész (1894-1985) 85 André Kertész (1894-1985) 86 Lartigue, Jacques Henri (1894-1986) Florette, 1943 87 Lartigue, Jacques Henri (1894-1986) Car Trip, 1913 88 Lartigue, Jacques Henri (1894-1986) No Sense 89 Lange, Dorothea (1895-1965) Resettlement Camp 90 Lange, Dorothea (1895-1965) Manzanar, California, Relocation Center 91 Lange, Dorothea (1895-1965) Mother Migrant, 1936 92 Lange, Dorothea (1895-1965) Migrants hitching to LA 93 Moholy-Nagy, László (1895-1946) Spiral 94 Moholy-Nagy, László (1895-1946) Hands 95 Moholy-Nagy, László (1895-1946) Acrylic Sculpture 96 Moholy-Nagy, László (1895-1946) Stairway at Bexhill Pavillion 97 Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958) 98 Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958) 99 Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958) 100 Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958) 101 Tina Modotti (1896-1942) 102 Tina Modotti (1896-1942) 103 Tina Modotti (1896-1942) 104 Tina Modotti (1896-1942) 105 Berenice Abbott (1898-1991) 106 Berenice Abbott (1898-1991) 107 Berenice Abbott (1898-1991) 108 Berenice Abbott (1898-1991) 109 Eisenstaedt, Alfred (1898-1995) John Kennedy, 1961 110 Eisenstaedt, Alfred (1898-1995) The Kiss, V-J Day, 1945 111 George Brassaï (1899-1984) 112 George Brassaï (1899-1984) 113 George Brassaï (1899-1984) 114 George Brassaï (1899-1984) 115 Lisette Model (1901-1983) 116 Lisette Model (1901-1983) 117 Lisette Model (1901-1983) 118 Lisette Model (1901-1983) 119 Adams, Ansel (1902-1984) El Capitan 120 Adams, Ansel (1902-1984) Jeffrey Pine 121 Adams, Ansel (1902-1984) Glacier National Park, 1933-1944 122 Adams, Ansel (1902-1984) The Tetons and the Snake River, 1942 123 Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002) 124 Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002) 125 Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002) 126 Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002) Frida Kahlo 127 Evans, Walker (1903-1975) Allie Mae Burroughs 128 Evans, Walker (1903-1975) Barber Shop 129 Evans, Walker (1903-1975) Vicksburg 130 Evans, Walker (1903-1975) Poor Family 131 Harold Eugene Edgerton (1903-1990) Milk Drop 132 Harold Eugene Edgerton (1903-1990) A Shuttered Light Bulb 133 Harold Eugene Edgerton (1903-1990) Split Apple 134 Harold Eugene Edgerton (1903-1990) Coin Flip 135 Brandt, Bill (1904-1983) Nude Torso of a Woman 136 Brandt, Bill (1904-1983) Nude Back 137 Brandt, Bill (1904-1983) Halifax, 1937 138 Brandt, Bill (1904-1983) Fingers 139 Bourke-White, Margaret (1904-1971) Mahatma Gandhi, 1946 140 Clarence John Laughlin (1905-1985) 141 Clarence John Laughlin (1905-1985) 142 Clarence John Laughlin (1905-1985) 143 Clarence John Laughlin (1905-1985) 144 Frederick Sommer (1905-1999) 145 Frederick Sommer (1905-1999) 146 Frederick Sommer (1905-1999) 147 Frederick Sommer (1905-1999) 148 John Gutmann (1905-1998) 149 John Gutmann (1905-1998) 150 John Gutmann (1905-1998) 151 John Gutmann (1905-1998) 152 Bernhard, Ruth (1905-2006) Spanish Dancer 153 Bernhard, Ruth (1905-2006) Nude Back, 1951 154 Bernhard, Ruth (1905-2006) Silk, 1968 155 Bernhard, Ruth (1905-2006) Waves, 1945 156 Feininger, Andreas (1906-1999) Reflection on a Car 157 Feininger, Andreas (1906-1999) Brooklyn Bridge 158 Feininger, Andreas (1906-1999) NYC, 1946 159 Feininger, Andreas (1906-1999) Dennis Stock, 1951 160 Halsman, Philippe (1906-1979) Dali Atomicus, 1948 161 Halsman, Philippe (1906-1979) Salvador Dali, 1942 162 Lee Miller (1907-1977) Buchenwald Guard, 1945 163 Lee Miller (1907-1977) Daughter of the Mayor of Leipzig, Germany, 1945 164 Lee Miller (1907-1977) Guards in Buchenwald, 1945 165 Lee Miller (1907-1977) László Bardossy, Facing the Firing Squad, Budapest, Hungary 1946 166 Cartier-Bresson, Henri (1908-2004) Emotional Moment 167 Cartier-Bresson, Henri (1908-2004) Ezra Pound 168 Cartier-Bresson, Henri (1908-2004) Stairs in Hyeres, 1932 169 Cartier-Bresson, Henri (1908-2004) Angry Crowd 170 White, Minor (1908-1976) Street Shadows 171 White, Minor (1908-1976) Clouds 172 White, Minor (1908-1976) Broken Truck 173 White, Minor (1908-1976) Bruce Davidson 174 Karsh, Yousuf (1908-2002) Winston Churchil 175 Karsh, Yousuf (1908-2002) Alfred Hitchkock 176 Karsh, Yousuf (1908-2002) Ernest Hemingway, 1957 177 Karsh, Yousuf (1908-2002) Humphrey Bogart 178 Harry Callahan (1912-1999) 179 Harry Callahan (1912-1999) 180 Harry Callahan (1912-1999) 181 Harry Callahan (1912-1999) 182 Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) 183 Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) 184 Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) 185 Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) 186 Parks, Gordon (1912-2006) Make-Up 187 Parks, Gordon (1912-2006) American Gothic 188 Parks, Gordon (1912-2006) Documenting the Farm Service Agency (FSA) 1942 189 Parks, Gordon (1912-2006) Legs 190 Levitt, Helen (1913-2009) 191 Levitt, Helen (1913-2009) 192 Levitt, Helen (1913-2009) 193 Levitt, Helen (1913-2009) 194 Capa, Robert (1913-1954) Omaha Beach - Normandy, 1944 195 Becker, Murray (1914-1968) Hindenburg Disaster, NJ, 1937 196 Becker, Murray (1914-1968) Hindenburg Disaster, NJ, 1937 197 Becker, Murray (1914-1968) Lou Gehrig, 1939 198 Becker, Murray (1914-1968) Receiving Award 199 Kansuke Yamamoto (1914-1987) 200 Kansuke Yamamoto (1914-1987) 201 Kansuke Yamamoto (1914-1987) 202 Kansuke Yamamoto (1914-1987) 203 Penn, Irving (1917-2009) 204 Penn, Irving (1917-2009) 205 Penn, Irving (1917-2009) 206 Penn, Irving (1917-2009) 207 Newman, Arnold (1918-2006) Andy Warhol 208 Newman, Arnold (1918-2006) Eisenhower 209 Newman, Arnold (1918-2006) Marilyn Monroe and Carl Sandburg 210 Newman, Arnold (1918-2006) Bill Clinton 211 Smith, Eugene (1918-1978) A Surgeon on Coffee Break 212 Smith, Eugene (1918-1978) Soldier and Baby 213 Smith, Eugene (1918-1978) War 214 Smith, Eugene (1918-1978) Tomoko in her Bath 215 Max Waldman (1919-1981) 216 Max Waldman (1919-1981) 217 Max Waldman (1919-1981) 218 Max Waldman (1919-1981) 219 DeCarava, Roy (1919-2009) 220 DeCarava, Roy (1919-2009) 221 DeCarava, Roy (1919-2009) 222 DeCarava, Roy (1919-2009) 223 Lennart Nilsson (1922-) 224 Lennart Nilsson (1922-) 225 Lennart Nilsson (1922-) 226 Lennart Nilsson (1922-) 227 Arbus, Diane (1923-1971) Wheel Chair 228 Arbus, Diane (1923-1971) Jewish Giant at Home 229 Arbus, Diane (1923-1971) Transvestite 230 Arbus, Diane (1923-1971) Madam 231 Avedon, Richard (1923-2004) Flying Umbrella 232 Avedon, Richard (1923-2004) Dovima with Elephants, 1955 233 Avedon, Richard (1923-2004) Jean Shrimpton, 1966 234 Avedon, Richard (1923-2004) Marilyn Monroe 235 Frank, Robert (1924-) 236 Frank, Robert (1924-) 237 Frank, Robert (1924-) 238 Frank, Robert (1924-) 239 Maier, Vivian (1926-2009) 1 240 Maier, Vivian (1926-2009) 2 241 Maier, Vivian (1926-2009) 6 242 Maier, Vivian (1926-2009) 8 243 Maier, Vivian (1926-2009) 13 244 Garry Winogrand (1928-1984) 245 Garry Winogrand (1928-1984) 246 Garry Winogrand (1928-1984) 247 Garry Winogrand (1928-1984) 248 William Klein (1928-) 249 William Klein (1928-) 250 William Klein (1928-) 251 William Klein (1928-) NY, 1954 252 Erwitt, Elliott (1928-) Jackie Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery, 1963 253 Erwitt, Elliott (1928-) Nikita Khrushchev, 1959 254 Erwitt, Elliott (1928-) Brazil Buzios, 1990 255 Erwitt, Elliott (1928-) On the set of “The Misftits” 1960 with Marilyn Monroe, Montgormery Clift and Clark Gable 256 Georg Gerster (1928-) Aerial Photograph 257 Georg Gerster (1928-) Aerial Photograph 258 Georg Gerster (1928-) Aerial Photograph 259 Georg Gerster (1928-) Aerial Photograph 260 Lothar Wolleh (1930-1979) 261 Lothar Wolleh (1930-1979) 262 Lothar Wolleh (1930-1979) 263 Lothar Wolleh (1930-1979) 264 Sasse, Arthur, Albert Einstein 265 Sasse, Arthur, Albert Einstein 266 Maisel, Jay (1931-) 267 Maisel, Jay (1931-) 268 Maisel, Jay (1931-) 269 Maisel, Jay (1931-) 270 Michals, Duane (1932-) 271 Michals, Duane (1932-) 272 Michals, Duane (1932-) 273 Michals, Duane (1932-) 274 Browne, Malcolm (1933-) Self Immolation of a Monk in Vietnam 275 Browne, Malcolm (1933-) Vietnam, 1965 276 Uelsmann, Jerry (1934-) Roots 277 Uelsmann, Jerry (1934-) Hands and Face 278 Uelsmann, Jerry (1934-) Face and Feast 279 Uelsmann, Jerry (1934-) House and Roots 280 Friedlander, Lee (1934-) 281 Friedlander, Lee (1934-) 282 Friedlander, Lee (1934-) 283 Friedlander, Lee (1934-) 284 Robert Adams (1937-) 285 Robert Adams (1937-) 286 Robert Adams (1937-) 287 Robert Adams (1937-) 288 Moriyama, Daido (1938-) 289 Moriyama, Daido (1938-) 290 Moriyama, Daido (1938-) 291 Moriyama, Daido (1938-) 292 Koudelka, Josef (1938-) 293 Koudelka, Josef (1938-) 294 Koudelka, Josef (1938-) 295 Koudelka, Josef (1938-) 296 David Bailey (1938-) 297 David Bailey (1938-) 298 David Bailey (1938-) 299 David Bailey (1938-) 300 Joel Meyerowitz (1938-) 301 Joel Meyerowitz (1938-) 302 Joel Meyerowitz (1938-) 303 Joel Meyerowitz (1938-) 304 Joel-Peter Witkin (1939-) 305 Joel-Peter Witkin (1939-) 306 Joel-Peter Witkin (1939-) 307 Joel-Peter Witkin (1939-) 308 Eggleston, William (1939-) 309 Eggleston, William (1939-) 310 Eggleston, William (1939-) 311 Eggleston, William (1939-) 312 Freedman, Jill (1940-) 313 Freedman, Jill (1940-) 314 Freedman, Jill (1940-) 315 Freedman, Jill (1940-) 316 Mark, Mary Ellen (1940-) 317 Mark, Mary Ellen (1940-) 318 Mark, Mary Ellen (1940-) 319 Mark, Mary Ellen (1940-) 320 Araki, Nobuyoshi (1940-) Bound and Hanging 321 Araki, Nobuyoshi (1940-) Bound and Hanging 322 Araki, Nobuyoshi (1940-) Bound in Bed 323 Araki, Nobuyoshi (1940-) Bound on Floor 324 Emmet Gowin (1941-) 325 Emmet Gowin (1941-) 326 Emmet Gowin (1941-) 327 Emmet Gowin (1941-) 328 O’Rear, Charles (1941-) Aerial View of Houston 329 O’Rear, Charles (1941-) Bliss 330 O’Rear, Charles (1941-) Going Uptown 331 O’Rear, Charles (1941-) Cape Town 332 Watson, Albert (1942-) Nude 333 Watson, Albert (1942-) Bound Woman 334 Watson, Albert (1942-) Kate Moss with Veil 335 Watson, Albert (1942-) Mick Jagger 336 Richards, Eugene (1944-) 337 Richards, Eugene (1944-) 338 Richards, Eugene (1944-) 339 Richards, Eugene (1944-) 340 Sternfeld, Joel (1944-) Central Park 341 Sternfeld, Joel (1944-) Farm Market 342 Sternfeld, Joel (1944-) Space Shuttle 343 Sternfeld, Joel (1944-) City View 344 Salgado, Sebastião (1944-) 345 Salgado, Sebastião (1944-) 346 Salgado, Sebastião (1944-) 347 Salgado, Sebastião (1944-) 348 Jones, Dewitt (1945-) 349 Jones, Dewitt (1945-) 350 Jones, Dewitt (1945-) 351 Jones, Dewitt (1945-) 352 Ross, Judith Joy (1946-) 353 Ross, Judith Joy (1946-) 354 Ross, Judith Joy (1946-) 355 Ross, Judith Joy (1946-) 356 Jeff Wall (1946-) 357 Jeff Wall (1946-) 358 Jeff Wall (1946-) 359 Jeff Wall (1946-) 360 Mapplethorpe, Robert (1946-1989) 361 Mapplethorpe, Robert (1946-1989) 362 Mapplethorpe, Robert (1946-1989) 363 Mapplethorpe, Robert (1946-1989) 364 Nixon, Nicholas (1947-) 365 Nixon, Nicholas (1947-) 366 Nixon, Nicholas (1947-) 367 Nixon, Nicholas (1947-) 368 Stephen Shore (1947-) 369 Stephen Shore (1947-) 370 Stephen Shore (1947-) 371 Stephen Shore (1947-) 372 Fournier, Frank (1948-) Columbia Disaster 373 Fournier, Frank (1948-) Drowning Girl, Columbia 374 Fournier, Frank (1948-) Sick Child, Columbia 375 Fournier, Frank (1948-) Red Army Raising Flag over the Reichstag in Berlin, 1945 376 Nachtwey, James (1948-) 377 Nachtwey, James (1948-) 378 Nachtwey, James (1948-) 379 Nachtwey, James (1948-) 380 Leibovitz, Annie (1949-) Strength 381 Leibovitz, Annie (1949-) Nicole Kidman 382 Leibovitz, Annie (1949-) Angelina 383 Leibovitz, Annie (1949-) Willie Nelson 384 McCurry, Steve (1950-) Afghan Girl in Peshawar, 1984 385 DiCorcia, Philip-Lorca (1951-) 386 DiCorcia, Philip-Lorca (1951-) 387 DiCorcia, Philip-Lorca (1951-) 388 DiCorcia, Philip-Lorca (1951-) 389 Mann, Sally (1951-) 390 Mann, Sally (1951-) 391 Mann, Sally (1951-) 392 Mann, Sally (1951-) 393 Kirkpatrick, Kim (1952-) 394 Kirkpatrick, Kim (1952-) 395 Kirkpatrick, Kim (1952-) 396 Kirkpatrick, Kim (1952-) 397 Parr, Martin (1952-) 398 Parr, Martin (1952-) 399 Parr, Martin (1952-) 400 Parr, Martin (1952-) 401 Deghati, Reza (1952-) 402 Deghati, Reza (1952-) 403 Deghati, Reza (1952-) 404 Deghati, Reza (1952-) 405 Goldin, Nan (1953-) 406 Goldin, Nan (1953-) 407 Goldin, Nan (1953-) 408 Goldin, Nan (1953-) 409 Sophie Calle (1953-) 410 Sophie Calle (1953-) 411 Sophie Calle (1953-) 412 Sophie Calle (1953-) 413 Sherman, Cindy (1954-) 414 Sherman, Cindy (1954-) 415 Sherman, Cindy (1954-) 416 Sherman, Cindy (1954-) 417 Testino, Mario (1954-) 418 Testino, Mario (1954-) 419 Testino, Mario (1954-) 420 Testino, Mario (1954-) 421 Gursky, Andreas (1955-) 422 Gursky, Andreas (1955-) 423 Gursky, Andreas (1955-) 424 Gursky, Andreas (1955-) 425 Burtynsky, Edward (1955-) 426 Burtynsky, Edward (1955-) 427 Burtynsky, Edward (1955-) 428 Burtynsky, Edward (1955-) 429 Guzy, Carol (1956-) 430 Guzy, Carol (1956-) 431 Guzy, Carol (1956-) 432 Guzy, Carol (1956-) 433 Carter, Kevin (1960-1994) Murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief, 1968 434 Carter, Kevin (1960-1994) 435 Carter, Kevin (1960-1994) Kent State Masacre May 4, 1970 436 Carter, Kevin (1960-1994) Pulitzer 1994 437 Kander, Nadav (1961-) 438 Kander, Nadav (1961-) 439 Kander, Nadav (1961-) 440 Kander, Nadav (1961-) 441 LaChapelle, David (1963-) 442 LaChapelle, David (1963-) 443 LaChapelle, David (1963-) 444 LaChapelle, David (1963-) 445 Richardson, Terry (1965-) 446 Richardson, Terry (1965-) 447 Richardson, Terry (1965-) 448 Richardson, Terry (1965-) 449 John Rankin Waddell (1966-) 450 John Rankin Waddell (1966-) 451 John Rankin Waddell (1966-) 452 John Rankin Waddell (1966-) 453 Nick Hobgood, Christmas Tree 454 Nick Hobgood, Cushion Star 455 Nick Hobgood, Hawkfish 456 Nick Hobgood, Regal Anglefish 457 Balilty, Oded (1979-) Orthodox Jews 458 Balilty, Oded (1979-) War Zone 459 Balilty, Oded (1979-) Ramalah, 2006 460 Balilty, Oded (1979-) Wailing Wall, Israel 461 UNIDENTIFIED ICONIC IMAGES The following images, although famous to the point of becomic familiar icons, have not been fully identified yet by me. They are arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the person or event they depict. If you know more details about the unidentified photographs, including the name of the photographer, date, etc., I would be very grateful if you can let me know. This will undoubtedly enrich the value of this list, in spite of the cliché claiming that one picture is worth a thousand words. Contact me at: 462 Adolph Hitler, 1932 463 Al Capone 464 Alexander Graham Bell 465 Alfred Hitchcock 1960, by Hulton 466 Amelia Earhart, 1932 467 Anne Frank, 1942 468 Audrey Hepburn, 1961 469 Betty Grable, 1942 470 Buzz Aldrin, The First Person on the Moon, Apollo 11, July 20, 1969. Probably taken by Neil Armstrong 471 Carry Grant 472 Charlie Chaplin, in “The Tramp” 1915 473 Clark Gable 1938, in “It Happened One Night” 474 Dalai Lama the 14th by Luca Galuzzi, 2007 475 Elizabeth Taylor, 1951 476 Elvis Presley 477 “Fat Man” Atom Bomb over Nagasaki, August 9, 1945 478 Fidel Castro 479 Fred Astaire 480 Grace Kelly by Loomis Dean 481 Greta Garbo 482 Humprey Bogart by George Hurrel 483 Iwo Jima by Joe Rosenthal 484 James Dean 485 Josef Stalin 486 Judy Garland 487 Louis Armstrong 488 Mahatma Gandhi 489 Marlene Ditrich in “No Highway in the Sky” 1951 490 Marlon Brando in “The Wild One” 1953, portraying gang leader Johnny Strabler 491 Martin Luther King, 1960 by Howard Sochure 492 Marylin Monroe 1954, by Matty Zimmerman 493 Michael Jackson 494 Mother Teresa 1986, by Turelio 495 Muhammad Ali 1965, by Donald Robinson 496 Nelson Mandela 497 Princess Diana, 1990, by Patrick Dermarchelier 498 Robert De Niro, 2008 by Petr Novak 499 Rockefeler Construction Workers by Charles Ebbets 500 Tiananmen Square Protests in China, 1989, by Jeff Widener 501 Vladimir Lenin, by L. Leonido, 1920 502 Woody Allen 503 Zigmund Freud, 1920 504 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF PHOTOGRAPHERS Albert Watson (1942-) Alexander Gardner (1821-1882) Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956) Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898-1995) Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946) Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882-1966) André Kertész (1894-1985) Andreas Feininger (1906-1999) Andreas Gursky (1955-) Annie Leibovitz (1949-) Ansel Adams (1902-1984) Araki Nobuyoshi (1940-) Arnold Newman (1918-2006) Arthur Sasse Becker, Murray Becker (1914-1968) Berenice Abbott (1898-1991) Bill Brandt (1904-1983) Carol Guzy (1956-) Charles O’Rear (1941-)’Rear Cindy Sherman (1954-) Clarence John Laughlin (1905-1985) Daido Moriyama (1938-) David Bailey (1938-) David LaChapelle (1963-) Dewitt Jones (1945-) Diane Arbus (1923-1971) Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) Duane Michals (1932-) 505 E. J. Bellocq (1873-1949) Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) Edward Burtynsky (1955-) Edward Steichen (1879-1973) Edward Weston (1886-1958) Elliott Erwitt (1928-) Emmet Gowin (1941-) Eugène Atget (1857-1927) Eugene Richards (1944-) Eugene Smith (1918-1978) Félix Nadar (1820-1910) Frank Fournier (1948-) Frederick Sommer (1905-1999) Garry Winogrand (1928-1984) Georg Gerster (1928-) George Brassaï (1899-1984) Gordon Parks (1912-2006) Harold Eugene Edgerton (1903-1990) Harry Callahan (1912-1999) Helen Levitt (1913-2009) Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877) Imogen Cunningham (1883-1976) Irving Penn (1917-2009) Jacob Riis (1849-1914) Jacques Henri Lartigue (1894-1986) James Nachtwey (1948-) Jeff Wall (1946-) Jerry Uelsmann (1934-) Jill Freedman (1940-) 506 Joel Meyerowitz (1938-) Joel-Peter Witkin (1939-) John Gutmann (1905-1998) John Rankin Waddell (1966-) Josef Koudelka (1938-) Judith Joy Ross (1946-) Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879) Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) Kevin Carter (1960-1994) Kim Kirkpatrick (1952-) László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946) Lee Friedlander (1934-) Lee Miller (1907-1977) Lennart Nilsson (1922-) Lewis Hine (1874-1940) Lisette Model (1901-1983) Lothar Wolleh (1930-1979) Maisel, Jay Maisel (1931-) Malcolm Browne (1933-) Man Ray (1890-1976) Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002) Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971) Mario Testino (1954-) Martin Parr (1952-) Mary Ellen Mark (1940-) Matthew Brady (1822-1896) Max Waldman (1919-1981) Minor White (1908-1976) Nadav Kander (1961-) Nan Goldin (1953-) 507 Nicholas Nixon (1947-) Nick Hobgood Oded Balilty (1979-) Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958) Paul Strand (1890-1976) Philip-Lorca DiCorcia (1951-) Philippe Halsman (1906-1979) Reza Deghati (1952-) Richard Avedon (1923-2004) Robert Adams (1937-) Robert Capa (1913-1954) Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) Robert Frank (1924-) Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) Roger Fenton (1819-1869) Roy DeCarava (1919-2009) Ruth Bernhard (1905-2006) Sally Mann (1951-) Sebastião Salgado (1944-) Sophie Calle (1953-) Stephen Shore (1947-) Sternfeld (1944-) Steve McCurry (1950-) Terry Richardson (1965-) Timothy H. O’Sullivan (1840-1882)’Sullivan Tina Modotti (1896-1942) Vivian Maier (1926-2009) Walker Evans (1903-1975) William Eggleston (1939-) William Klein (1928-) 508 Yamamoto Kansuke (1914-1987) Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002) 509 510
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2. This is a historically significant visual work that could not be conveyed in words.
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