Thalassia testudinum - Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program


Thalassia testudinum - Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Charlotte Harbor
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Lake Wales
Shell Creek
Fisheating Creek
Canal (C-43)
Big Cypress
Biological Sciences
(Thalassia testudinum) TRANSPLANTS
Marine Laboratory, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, 900A Tarpon Bay Rd., Sanibel,
FL, 33957
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to determine whether the survival and growth rate
of transplanted seagrasses is hindered by sediment sulfide addition and bacterial community disruption.
A microcosm experiment was designed to control for temperature, salinity, and light availability. Bare
root transplanted seagrass shoots were exposed to one of four treatments; plus sulfide, plus autoclave;
minus sulfide, plus autoclave; plus sulfide, unmanipulated (not autoclaved); and minus sulfide,
unmanipulated. Bare root transplants had less than half the rate of growth of the control that was
transplanted as a plug with sediments, demonstrating the sensitivity of root disturbance in Thalassia
testudinum. Bare root transplants in autoclaved sediments grew slower than in unmanipulated
sediments regardless of sulfide treatments. The greatest amount of extractable DNA was measured in
bare root transplanted treatments that had not been autoclaved. Standard diversity indices along with
a Bray-Curtis similarity index of Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism in a MDS
were used to assess community composition. The MDS showed no significant differences, while
comparisons of diversity indices indicated differences between transplants and control. The results
support the conclusion that an intact sediment bacterial community increases transplant success, but
the nature of the interaction (e.g., functional, structural) remains unclear.
Key Words: Transplant, sediment bacterial community, T-RFLP, 16S,
seagrass restoration
ATTEMPTS to restore seagrass habitats through bare-root vegetative
transplants have met with limited success due to the complex relationship
between seagrass health and environmental conditions (Thorhaug, 1985;
Lewis, 1987; Molenaar and Meinesz, 1995; Fonseca et al., 1998), including the
biogeochemical aspects of the sediment (Koch, 2001). Widespread losses,
declines in density, and changes in distribution of seagrass communities occur
as the result of natural and anthropogenic activities (Short and WyllieEcheverria, 1996). Natural stresses include disease (Muehlson et al., 1988;
Durako and Kuss, 1994), herbivory (Zimmerman et al., 2001), and changes in
water column clarity due to algal blooms and particulate loading (Hall et al.,
1999). Seagrass losses have been attributed to anthropogenic activities (Duarte,
1995) and have led to the development of water-quality targets (e.g., Johansson
and Greening, 1999; Corbett and Hale, 2006) for natural recovery of seagrass
Seagrasses take up nutrients primarily from the roots and, therefore, even
when nutrients in the water column are not limiting, seagrass growth may be
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limited by the availability of nutrients in the sediments (Zimmerman et al.,
1987). Nutrients in the sediments are derived primarily from organic matter in
the sediments (Dennison et al., 1987; Fourqurean et al., 1992; Reusch et al.,
1994). The small detrital particles and dissolved organic matter not only
provide nutrients for seagrasses (Orth, 1977), but support diverse sediment
bacterial and invertebrate communities (Holmer et al., 2001). The activities of
these communities strongly influence the pathways, pool sizes, and rates of
organic matter remineralization in marine sediments (Aller and Aller, 1998).
Anoxic, anaerobic processes break down organic matter in the reducing layer,
to low molecular weight organic acids, alcohols and fatty acids (Ponnamperuma, 1984; Lopez et al., 1995), some of which may be phytotoxic (Elliot et al.,
2006). The products can serve as energy sources for chemolithotrophic bacteria
and hydrogen donors for photoautotrophic bacteria. Alternatively, they can be
completely oxidized by bacteria that use anaerobic terminal electron acceptors,
such as CO2, NO32, and SO42 (Blaabjerg et al., 1998; Smith et al., 2004).
Functionality of the root zone is thought to be mediated, in part by the
metabolic activities of the plants and with organic matter, oxygen and nutrient
pools and by bacteria in marine sediments (Aller and Aller, 1998). The
metabolic activities of seagrasses modify sediment biogeochemical properties in
the rhizosphere (Smith et al., 1988; Pregnall et al., 1984). Smith and co-workers
(1988) showed that Zostera marina (L.), pumps oxygen derived from
photosynthesis through the lacunae to the roots, which leads to microaerobic
zones in the rhizosphere (Connell et al., 1999; Jensen et al., 2005).
Shifts in bacterial community composition are thought to be indicators of
stress or an early indicator that transplanted seagrasses are destined for failure
(Milbrandt et al., 2008). Although previous reports have described the diversity
of bacterial communities associated with seagrass meadows (Cifuentes et al.,
2000, Weidner, 2000, Bagwell et al., 2002, Kusel et al., 2006), there have been
few attempts to manipulate sediment bacteria associated with seagrass
transplants. When seagrasses are transplanted in the field, it is not possible
to control for changes in salinity, temperature, and light availability over time,
only to reduce natural variations in temperature light intensity and salinity to
the best extent possible. Therefore, Thalassia testudinum (Banks ex. Koning)
were transplanted and grown under controlled laboratory conditions to
examine the hypothesis that seagrass transplants are sensitive to manipulations
of sulfide and sediment bacteria communities in the root zone and that these
sediment manipulations impair growth and survival. A secondary objective
was to develop a new method for delivering sodium sulfide solution to the root
zone using dialysis tubing.
METHODS—Experiments were conducted on a bench top greenhouse established at the
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Marine Laboratory. The greenhouse contained grow
lights, a recycling seawater system, and six microcosms (53L). Microcosms were constructed by
using RubbermaidH tubs that were independently drained to a sump. The sump collected water,
skimmed protein, and pumped water back to each microcosm. Each microcosm was not a closed
system; rather all six microcosms were exposed to a single large volume of seawater. The artificial
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FIG. 1. Map of the study area. Turtlegrass (Thalasssia testudinum) was collected from the
‘‘transplant site’’ along the shallow water edge of its distribution. Plants were collected in a
designated Research Study Area in J.N. ‘‘Ding’’ Darling National Wildlife Refuge.
seawater (Instant OceanH) was mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions to 33 PSU.
Salinity was maintained at 33 PSU by adding water and Instant OceanH every 4–6 days throughout
the course of the experiment. In addition, a 9 kilogram carbon dioxide tank bubbled gas through a
carbon dioxide reactor to elevate dissolved carbon dioxide levels. Dissolved carbon dioxide levels
were monitored and made constant with a bubble counter and by measuring pH. The grow lights
were powered by 4 lamps ARO Model 4LZ – VHO ballast with eight Coralife H 95W fluorescent
bulbs. The tanks were illuminated with three separate light fixtures to simulate high light
conditions. Light conditions in the microcosms were measured with a Biospherical (San Diego,
USA) 4p hand-held PAR sensor.
Thalassia testudinum shoots and attached roots were collected from J.N. ‘‘Ding’’ Darling
National Wildlife Refuge within a designated research study area on 18 January 2007 (FIG. 1).
Native sediment was also collected at this time. Each plant was carefully extracted from the
sediments with at least 2 cm of lateral rhizome and a healthy shoot structure. However, none of the
plants collected included a root apical meristem as the experiment was designed to examine short
term responses not to establish seagrasses in a large area. Plants were potted in native sediment and
allowed to acclimate for 8 weeks, a period sufficient to demonstrate shoot growth. After
acclimation, in order to simulate conditions that would occur in a seagrass restoration transplant,
the plants were cleared of epiphytes and stored in seawater for 2 hours at ambient temperature. The
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plants were then potted in 0.94 L containers made of non-reactive clear plastic. Blade length was
recorded along with water column temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH.
On 18 March 2007, three replicates of each of the following treatments were established: plus
sulfide/plus autoclaved sand (SA), minus sulfide/plus autoclaved sand (NSA), plus sulfide/
unmanipulated (not autoclaved) sand (SN), minus sulfide/unmanipulated (not autoclaved) sand
(NSN), and a plugged control. Steam sterilization is a technique used to eliminate and reduce the
functionality of the sediment microbial community. According to Egli and co-workers (2005), the
effects of soil sterilization (autoclaving) on the chemical and mineralogical properties of sediments
are not dramatic. The pH of the sediment will increase and the concentration of EDTA-extractable
metals (e.g., Cu, Pb, Zn) increase due to changes in the organic ligands and adsorbing surfaces.
Given the high buffering capacity of seawater, artifacts other than bacterial disruption caused by
the steam sterilization were not considered to have an effect on plant growth. UV-irradiation of
sediment would disrupt bacterial communities and further decrease the likelihood of artifacts.
There were 8 containers per treatment, except the control which had 4 containers. The control
was an attempt to mimic a technique common in restoration where a plug of sediment is
transported along with the plant to maintain an intact root zone. Each pot contained three plants,
sediment, dialysis tube (see below), and a plastic label. Each plant was marked through the basal
sheath for measuring growth rates (Short et al., 2001). The plants were rotated among the six
mesocosms every 2–5 days during the experiment to avoid a container effect during the incubation
period. The experiment was run for a total of 51 days before the plants were harvested for data
analysis. Temperature was maintained during the 51 day incubation period between 25 and 26uC in
a climate controlled room. A subsample of treated sediments were stored (260uC) for bacterial
DNA analysis.
The treatment conditions were prepared during the 8-week acclimation period. Play sand was
purchased from a local supply store and distributed on a stainless steel rack covered with aluminum
foil. The distribution of sand on the rack was an approximately 4 cm thick rectangular slab. The
sand was steam sterilized in a Napco Model 8000 autoclave for 50 minutes at high temperature
(130u) and high pressure (2.2 atm). The autoclaved sand was sub-sampled for DNA analysis and
placed in 4 L plastic bags until the simulated transplant.
An experimental method was developed for administering porewater sulfide treatments. This
method, in concept, would deliver sulfide to the root zone. Ten mM was chosen based on a
published sulfide tolerance experiment (Erskine and Koch, 2000) which demonstrated an effect
when exposed to a 10 mM Sodium Sulfide solution. Dialysis tubing was purchased from Fisher
Scientific. The dialysis tubing retains and excludes molecules greater than 12,000 m.w.; this includes
cells and sediment particles. However, it allows smaller molecules, such as carbohydrates, amino
acids, exoenzymes and ions to equilibrate with porewater. The tubing was tied at each end and
filled with filtered artificial seawater to form a 3–4 cm tube (approximately 50 mL). Tubes were
equilibrated in artificial seawater plus 10 mM sodium sulfide, while the remaining tubes
equilibrated with sterile filtered artificial seawater. The porewater sulfide concentration was not
directly measured, however, the concentration of sodium sulfide was calculated as if the entire
volume of 10 mM in the tube was released immediately into the container. Each container was
approximately 900 mL in volume and the porosity of sand was estimated to be 0.3. The total
porewater volume, therefore was calculated to be 270 mL and the dilution of the 10 mM sodium
sulfide was 5.43. The concentration of sulfide in the porewater of plus sulfide treatment containers
was 1.85 mM.
Survivorship, growth rate, and shoot to root ratios were calculated per container while DNA
yield, and bacterial community composition were sub-sampled from 3 containers. Leaf growth
rates were measured with a syringe hole punch method which allows measurement of total area
added by all leaves. The punch mark is located on each leaf and the distance from the mark to the
meristem and the leaf width are recorded. The total area added per plant is divided by the number
of days (Short and Coles, 2001). A linear relationship (R2 5 0.98) between T. testudinum leaf area
and g dry weight (FIG. 2) was used to estimate dry weight from leaf area; growth was expressed in
mg dry weight day21. Shoot to root ratios were determined for each plant by measuring fresh
weight (wet weight with excess water removed with a paper towel), drying at 60uC overnight and
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FIG. 2. Thalassia testudinum leaf area (mm2) versus dry weight (g DW). Shoots collected in
Tarpon Bay, FL, (n 5 50), weighed, then dried to constant weight at 60uC. Pearson correlation
coefficient indicated a significant positive correlation with R2 5 0.98.
reweighing. Leaf growth rates were analyzed among the experimental treatments using a one-way
ANOVA. In order to achieve normality and homoscedasticity, the data were log10 transformed
(SPSS, 13.0, Chicago).
Bacterial community composition and diversity were determined by terminal restriction
fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), as described in Schmitt-Wagner and co-workers (2003).
DNA was directly extracted from sediment sub-samples using the Mo Bio (San Francisco, CA)
Power Soil Extraction kit. Concentration of DNA from the extraction was determined from a 2 mL
subsample on a NanoDrop 1000. Sediment wet weight was recorded for each DNA extraction to
determine the DNA yield per g sediment. The bacterial-specific ribosomal genes (16S rDNA) were
amplified with universal eubacterial primers (8F, 907R). The forward primer in the polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) was 59 modified with a Proligo Well Red dye (Boulder, CO). Nucleotides
that were not used in the PCR reaction were removed with an Invitrogen PCR Purification kit
(Carlsbad, CA). Purified PCR products were digested with 20 Units of Msp I and 20 Units of Hha I
(New England Biolabs , MA). Digested samples were loaded on a Beckman-Coulter CEQ 8000
Gene Analyzer (Mou et al., 2005; Morris et al., 2005) for determining the fragment sizes generated
in each sample.
Bacterial community similarity was calculated from the fragment sizes and relative abundance
in a sample. The total peak height of a sample was defined as the sum of the peak heights for
fragments greater than 50 bp. The relative peak height of any given peak in a sample was
determined by dividing a fragment’s peak height by the total peak height within a sample (SchmittWagner et al., 2003). The relative peak height was normalized to a percentage of 100, and only
fragments with a relative peak height greater than 1% of the total peak height were taken into
account. A Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient was calculated for each sub-sample (Warwick and
Clarke, 1991). Terminal restriction fragment profiles, including fragment size and relative
abundance, were treated as communities, whereby each fragment was rounded to the nearest
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Results of a one-way ANOVA on log 10 transformed growth rates.
Type III Sum of
Mean square
integer, and its relative abundance was considered the abundance in the sample. Samples were
reduced to a similarity value of between 0 and 100 and compared by projecting a similarity matrix
in two-dimensional space with non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS). Non-metric MDS
allows interpretation based on graphical representation of similarities in a specified number of
dimensions (Kruskal and Wish, 1978). The adequacy of MDS ordinations depend on the stress
value. Low stress values (,0.1) correspond to an ordination with no prospect of a misleading
interpretation about the structure of the data.
RESULTS—There were no mortalities during the incubation; therefore
growth rates and shoot to root ratios were used to determine the effect of the
sediment manipulation on transplant performance. DNA yields, species
diversity indices and bacterial community composition were analyzed to
compare the effect of sediment manipulation on bacterial diversity.
Growth rates among the four treatments were significantly different
(Table 1, FIG. 3). Pairwise comparisons indicated that the growth rates of NSA
(no sulfide, autoclaved), SA (plus sulfide autoclaved), and SU (plus sulfide,
unmanipulated) treatments were significantly different than the control, while
the NSU (no sulfide, unmanipulated) did not differ from the control (not
Shoot to root ratios varied, but not significantly among the transplants
and control (FIG. 4). Given that the shoot to root ratios were not quantified at
the start of the incubation period, it is inconclusive whether the applied
treatments had any effect on shoot to root ratios.
The amount of extractable DNA was significantly higher in unmanipulated sediments than autoclaved sediments (FIG. 5), while DNA yield among
unmanipulated and controls were not significantly different. The highest DNA
yields were from unmanipulated sediments that had been used in transplants
Pairwise comparisons using Bonferroni among the treatment groups.
NSA, no sulfide, autoclaved; NSU, no sulfide, unmanipulated; SA, sulfide, autoclaved; NSU, no sulfide,
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FIG. 3. Growth rates of seagrass in the experiment. This is the average daily growth rate
during the 51 day incubation period. Asterisks denote significant differences from Control.
Abbreviations are as follows: SA, sulfide, autoclaved; SU, sulfide unmanipulated; NSA, no sulfide
autoclaved; NSU, no sulfide unmanipulated; control, plugged transplant. (Asterisks denote
significance level p,0.05).
(1255 ng g wet weight21) and in sediments in the controls (870 ng g wet
weight21). The lowest DNA yields were extracted from autoclaved sediments
(260 ng g wet weight21). The sulfide treatment had no significant effect in
DNA yield relative to no sulfide added treatments.
Species richness was significantly higher in transplanted sediments than in
the plug control (Table 3). The lowest mean Shannon (H9) diversity and species
richness were found in the controls. Variability among individuals was also
lower in the control. The mean richness for all transplanted sediments was
greater than 10 while the mean of the control was 6. Bacterial species
composition was compared among treatments with multivariate techniques.
The results of a Bray-Curtis similarity analysis were plotted on a non-metric
Multi Dimensional Scaling (NMDS), two dimensional plot (FIG. 6). There
were no discernable clusters observed in the NMDS plots, suggesting that the
community composition among all treatments was similar.
DISCUSSION—While transplanting seagrass offers the possibility of improving degraded habitats, varying levels of success have been reported (Sheriden et
al., 1998; Bull et al., 2004; Fishman et al., 2004). Tomasko and co-workers
(1991), demonstrated that a greater number of connected shoots was associated
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FIG. 4. Shoot to root ratio of seagrass in the experiment. The bars are the mean dry weight
shoot to root ratio, error bars are standard deviation at the conclusion of the 51 day incubation.
There were no significant differences among treatments. Abbreviations are as follows; SA, sulfide
autoclave, SN, sulfide not autoclaved, NSA, no sulfide autoclaved, NSN, no sulfide not
autoclaved, control, plugged transplant.
with greater survivorship of T. testudinum and that the presence of the rhizome
apical meristem with transplanted plants improved transplant success.
However, there is much more uncertainty associated with transplantation
due to unknown and unpredictable linkages between seagrasses and their
preferred habitat; e.g., grazers (Fonseca et al., 1996), and potentially unsuitable
sediments (Koch, 2001). The principle objective of this study was to determine
the response of T. testudinum transplants and the functional response of
sediment microbial communities to sulfide addition and autoclaved treatment
in a controlled microcosm setting.
The laboratory offers potential advantages to a researcher over in situ field
experiments because of the possibility of controlling otherwise variable
parameters (e.g., grazers, temperature, salinity, light availability). Favorable
growth conditions were established in the laboratory as evidenced by the fact
that no mortalities were reported during the 51 day incubation, despite the
application of treatments and the disruption of the rhizosphere and associated
sediments. Previous work on sediment disruption was based on transplant
survival rather than on growth and was performed under field conditions
(Milbrandt et al., 2008). There are drawbacks to laboratory work, including
the difficulty of controlling container effects. Container effects from the
mesocosms could include variability in evaporation rates, variability in light
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FIG. 5. Extractable DNA from the rhizosphere. Yield is reported as ng DNA per mg fresh
weight, bars are mean values for each treatment with standard deviation bars. Asterisks denote
significance in a one way ANOVA (p,0.05); treatment SA and NSA were significantly different
than SN, NSN, and Control. Abbreviations are as follows; SA, sulfide autoclave, SN, sulfide not
autoclaved, NSA, no sulfide autoclaved, NSN, no sulfide not autoclaved, control, plugged
transplant. Asterisks denote significance (p,0.05).
intensity, or artifacts in the pots themselves from the sediment disruption and
sulfide manipulations.
Bare root transplantation had a significant negative effect on growth rates
when compared to plugged plants with intact sediments around the root zone.
While this may be a straightforward conclusion, there are very few reports
which quantify this in the literature. Similar conclusions were reached where
survivorship was higher when seagrasses include intact sediments when
compared to bare root transplants (Fonseca et al., 1996; Bull et al., 2004).
Growth rates are nearly double when seagrasses are transplanted in plugs with
TABLE 3. Mean bacterial species diversity indices for Hha digested 16S rDNA. Standard
deviation is indicated in parentheses.
Species richness
H9 (Shannon diversity)
*NSA, no sulfide, autoclaved; NSU, no sulfide, unmanipulated; SA, sulfide, autoclaved; NSU, no sulfide,
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FIG. 6. Non metric ordination of 16S rDNA community similarity of bacteria in the
rhizosphere. There were no significant differences in 16S rDNA community composition among
treatments. Abbreviations are as follows; SA, sulfide autoclave, SN, sulfide not autoclaved, NSA,
no sulfide autoclaved, NSN, no sulfide not autoclaved, control, plugged transplant.
no disruption of the rhizosphere (this study). While bare root transplanting
techniques may be cheaper and logistically less challenging than plugs, the
physiological stress placed on the plants can have a profound effect on growth,
survivorship, and restoration success.
Unmanipulated sediment treatments had significantly higher growth rates
than the autoclaved sediments, as previously reported (Milbrandt et al., 2008).
Growth rates were significantly slower in autoclaved sediments than in
unmanipulated sediments. Given that the amount of extractable DNA was also
significantly higher in unmanipulated sediments, it is likely that the bacterial
community was substantially disrupted by the autoclaving process. The
amount of extractable DNA has been used as an indicator of microbial
biomass (LaMontagne et al., 2002). While it was unclear what proportion of
the extractable DNA was bacterial, there was evidence of a substantial change
in the total DNA.
The 16S rDNA (bacterial-specific) amplified from the total extracted DNA
in this experiment had similar fragments among treatments when digested by
Hha I. Other experiments have demonstrated that Hha I does not generate as
many fragments from a sample and therefore does not produce as many
markers of community composition (Milbrandt, unpublished data) as other
restriction enzymes such as Msp I. This may partly explain the lack of
resolution among treatments in the TRFLP community analysis.
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Sulfide additions had no significant effect on plant growth rates or
extractable DNA among transplant treatments. Steam sterilization (autoclaving) had a much greater affect on plant growth and extractable DNA. Other
work on the physiological response of Zostera marina (Holmer et al., 2005) and
T. testudinum (Erskin and Koch, 2000) to sulfide suggested that the
concentrations in this experiment (10mM) negatively affected seagrass health.
The absence of an effect can be partly explained by caused by the dilution of
10 mM sodium sulfide in porewater and the loss of sulfide to the atmosphere as
a gas. A distinctive black coloration to the autoclaved sediments was also
observed in the high sulfide treatments suggesting the formation of FeS, a
possible artifact from the autoclaving process. There were no signs of a white
film or mat typically associated with sulfide oxidizing bacteria, such as
Beggiatoa. The presence and intensity of pyrite formation can also be an
indicator of the strength of sulfide treatments (Holmer et al., 2005).
Alternatively, the sodium sulfide was used by populations of sulfide reducing
or sulfide oxidizing bacteria. The community composition of bacteria should
then reflect selection for greater diversity of sulfate reducing bacteria, a pattern
that was not observed.
While the responses of transplanted seagrasses to sediment manipulation
were observed in the autoclaved treatments, the methodologies for delivering
the sulfide treatment needs further refinement. The dialysis tubes designed to
slowly release 10 mM sodium sulfide to the root zone were not intact at the end
of the experimental trial because they had dissolved. Dialysis tubing is made
from cellulose which makes it porous to small molecular weight ions and acts
as a barrier to cells, proteins, and other large molecular weight compounds.
Unfortunately, marine sediments contain bacteria and actinomycetes that have
the ability to digest cellulose with the cellulase enzyme (Viega et al., 1983;
Cotrell et al., 1999 ). The dissolution of the tubes caused the rate of delivery of
the sodium sulfide to be unknown and uncontrolled. One must consider the
effects of cellulose addition on the microbial community. It served as a
potential energy source and may have contributed to the growth of bacteria
and actinomycetes that use cellulose as a carbon source. It is not likely that the
dissolution of cellulose had any effect on seagrass performance. It may
partially explain the lack of differentiation in species composition among the
treatments when each treatment was hypothesized to have a unique bacterial
Success of seagrass restoration projects remain highly variable (van Keulen
et al., 2003); therefore, predictive tools should be used to aid in improving
success rate of large projects (Fonseca et al., 1996). Slower growth rates were
detected in this laboratory experiment between bare root transplants and
plugged transplants, suggesting the importance of maintaining intact sediments
while transplanting. The contribution of an intact, native bacterial community
to seagrass performance, however, remains functionally unresolved. Milbrandt
and co-workers (2008) established that sediment origin (e.g., donor site,
transplant site) had little effect on survivability of transplants. However,
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transplants which were planted with autoclaved sediments had significantly
higher mortality which was also reflected in differences in community
composition of the 16S rDNA bacterial community.
The laboratory experiment was to build upon that foundation by adding a
functional component (e.g., sulfide treatment) to determine whether the
autoclave treatment disrupted bacterial function. The principle objective of this
research was to determine whether sulfide additions, in addition to
autoclaving, would decrease plant performance and change the functional
response or the composition of the bacterial community. A secondary objective
was to repeat the field experiment in the laboratory to control salinity,
temperature, hervivory and light availability to ensure that the conclusions
reached previously were valid. The results from the laboratory treatments were
similar to Milbrandt and co-workers (2008), including the seagrass response to
root-zone disruption and the low DNA yields associated with root zone
disruption reinforcing those conclusions, however, the lack of response from
the sulfide addition indicated that the differences in plant performance could
not be attributable to a specific function (e.g., oxygen export by the plant,
sulfur metabolism by bacteria). Isolation and cultivation of seagrass-associated
microbes under anaerobic conditions and/or and hydroponic cultivation
without sediments are two approaches to better characterize function of
bacteria in the root-zone (e.g., Kusel et al., 1999). With further research, it may
be possible to develop an inoculum or an anaerobic enrichment for bare-root
transplants to decrease mortality during initial transplant shock.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS—Funding was provided by the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary
Program’s Research and Restoration Partners Program with matching funds provided by SanibelCaptiva Conservation Foundation. The author thanks anonymous reviewers and Catherine
Corbett for improving this manuscript and as guest editor for this special issue. This is contribution
0017 from the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Marine Laboratory.
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Florida Scient. 72(4): 406–419. 2009
Accepted: April 24, 2009
Florida Academy of Sciences. 2009