Heritage - Pope John Paul II High School


Heritage - Pope John Paul II High School
Spring 2016
Values Rooted in Catholic Tradition
The Newsletter for Alumni of
Pope John Paul II High School and its Legacy Schools
Volume 4
From the President’s desk…
PJP provides a premier Catholic education. What makes us premier? What makes us different? What makes us
a value to you and the community? In Pope John Paul II High School’s mission statement we proudly proclaim that PJP is “a center for academic excellence rigorously preparing students to be contributing members
of the global community”. We accomplish this in a God-centered environment and we cultivate the intrinsic
talents of each individual who enters through our doors.
We are the keys on a piano, each with their own unique sound that work together to become a symphony. PJP
challenges all members of our community to become lifelong learners. PJP provides the guidance and the inspiration so that every person at PJP possesses the spiritual, personal, and intellectual skills necessary to navigate their life’s challenges.
Earlier I asked what makes us premier, different, a value to you and of course, the immediate responses that come to mind are: PJP’s
academic programs are innovative, and rigorous; our college partnerships and Advanced Placement programs have served our students well; PJP’s facilities are state of the art; use of technology is integrated into the curriculum; and our students and staff enjoy
one on one computer applications; the professionalism and educational qualifications of the faculty and staff are impressive and I
could go on and on…
What makes us premier is our commitment and belief in the value of education. We believe that each person has a unique personality, talents, and abilities to pursue his or her distinct calling in life. Every person has the right to be valued and respected. Spiritual,
personal, and academic potential can be attained when placed in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment. And it is imperative that
every student be able to make moral and ethical decisions in all aspects of life by developing the knowledge and skills necessary to
succeed in life.
Constantly remaining in the forefront of academic and curriculum innovations, adapting to new technological methods and equipment, fostering professional development for the faculty and staff to improve their teaching methodologies, and updating the facilities to position ourselves for the future – makes PJP a premier educational value. In the coming school year PJP will continue to partner with and build new relationships with universities, to work with the Jesuit Virtual Learning Academy which will afford our students access to unlimited opportunities to take Advanced Placement Programs, and to offer new courses such as Entrepreneurial
An education at PJP provides unlimited opportunities. The PJP graduates owe their success in large part to the foundation of greatness that was created by all of our legacy schools. The success of our graduates and their accomplishments in the prestigious colleges
and universities that they attend says it all. A PJP graduate is proud, able to work efficiently in a technological world, communicates
effectively in writing and speaking, thinks intuitively, independently, critically and creatively, demonstrates a positive sense of self
and a life-long commitment to personal growth, and works collaboratively by appreciating how differences contribute to the whole.
I thank you for all that you do and I hope and pray that you will continue to support our mission to educate the current and future
students of Pope John Paul II High School for many years to come. Please know that you and your families are always in my
prayers, for without you many things would not be possible.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Louis Giuliano, President
Upcoming Events
June 27—August 26
Summer Camps @ PJP (details at: www.pjphs.org)
October 6, 2016
4th Annual Heritage Golfing Outing
October 22, 2016
October 29, 2016
Trivia Night
November 12, 2016
Annual Craft Show
PJP Studio 38
presented Les Misérables
to acclaimed reviews.
Father Brian Kean,
School Minister,
celebrates Thanksgiving Mass
and the blessing of the food
baskets that were
provided for area needy
Students prepare to deliver
over 100 complete Thanksgiving Diners to area families.
Students generated over
$5,600 dollars in this annual
PJP Students raise over $41,000 with their MiniTHON in support
of the Fours Diamonds Fund—assisting those affected
by childhood cancer.
PJP Students enjoy the Student Center—a meeting and social center
Let the
I’m From Missouri!!!
Edward J. Dobry, a man who has dedicated over forty years to Catholic Education has decided to retire from coaching. But do you ever retire? Dobry, a graduate of St. Pius X High School Class of ’65, returned to his alma mater as a teacher
and in 1976 took over the Track and Field program – later expanding the program to include a girl’s team in 1980. He remained as the coach until the school closed in 2010. He was the inaugural coach for PJPII and helped establish the Track and
Field program for the Golden Panthers. After “retiring” from teaching at Pius, Dobry continues to teach at Berks Catholic
High School.
Dobry also was involved in the football program as an assistant coach, starting under legendary Jim Mich and continued into the 2000’s. He served many years as the freshman coach – a role he relished as he was able to help the “new” students adapt to high school life in a very positive sense. In the classroom, Dobry was quite a teacher, making the learning experience fun, but more importantly reinforcing skills that former students still relate to today.
If a legacy is built on championships, Dobry succeeded with seven District 1 titles (4 boys, 3 girls) and eleven PIAA
Gold Medalists. But more importantly, the coach is remembered as a mentor. One former student, Barry Flicker, Pius’97 in a
Reading Eagle article cited Dobry as the “Teacher who inspired me”. Flicker is now passing on that inspiration as Principal
of Kutztown High School. There are many former students and athletes who Dobry left an indelible mark on. When Pius
alums are asked about Dobry, the following comment was often offered. “Mr. Dobry made class fun and informative. I
learned a lot and felt I was well prepared for college when I graduated Pius.”
Getting back to “I’m from Missouri”, Dobry was born and raised in Pottstown Pennsylvania. This saying was frequently heard in his English classes as he implored his students to “Show him the work” - a simple phrase that still invokes
many a smile today. As he “retires” from one phase of his life, the impact and influence he has imparted over the years as a
Teacher, Mentor, and Coach to the countless students who came to know him is immeasurable. That influence continues as
these former students influence those lives they have contact with today. Dobry “showed” them the way. Now it is being
paid forward.
Mr. Dobry through the years!
Saint John Paul II Legacy Society
The Saint John Paul II Legacy Society honors individuals who, through their planned and
estate gifts, have made a significant commitment to Pope John Paul II High School. The
society expresses PJP’s abiding gratitude for those who endorse its heritage and traditions
and who have provided philanthropic support to ensure that generations to come will enjoy
the benefits of a Pope John Paul II High School education.
Through their planned gift , they have committed to securing the mission and legacy of not
only Pope John Paul II High School, but their legacy schools as well: St. Patrick’s, St. Matthews, Bishop Kenrick, Archbishop Kennedy, Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic and St. Pius X.
These donors have named Pope John Paul II High School as the ultimate beneficiary of a
planned gift. Remember - no gift is too small. Such gifts might include a bequest and/or
charitabnle income gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts,
charitable annuity trusts, or gifts of life insurance..
Please contact the Advancement Office at 484-975-6529 with any questions or for assistance.
Where are they now?
Saint Matthew
Marie Neville’47 and William Neville ’48 are enjoying their retirement in Macungie, PA. They have
three children, 6 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren,
and 4 surrogate grandchildren from Zimbabwe.
Robert Bowman ’60 is enjoying retirement on the
golf courses surrounding Sea Isle City after serving
Sea Isle City for twenty years as a construction official.
Archbishop Kennedy
Reverend William Kelly ’74 formerly a Norbertine
brother and a registered nurse, he was ordained into
the priesthood in 2005. Following assignments in
Bridgeton, NJ and Ocean City, NJ he became Pastor
at Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish, a consolidated
Parish in Glassboro, NJ.
Kennedy- Kenrick
Pope John Paul II
Corey Kelch ’11 serving with 28th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Ellsworth Air Force Base in SD
was honored with the Avionics Technician of the
Year Award by his commanding officer. Additionally, Corey received the Maintenance Professional of
the Year distinction at the Group and Wing levels. His
innovation saved countless maintenance hours and
dollars for his group.
Thomas Lang ’11 – 2016 Duke University graduate
and member of the Men’s Track and Field Team as a
javelin thrower. While at Duke he participated in the
NCAA Division I East Regional Meet all 4 years and
Kim Gutkowski Keeley ’02 is a seventh grade
qualified for the National Championship in 2014 and
teacher at St. Mary Catholic School in Schwenksville. 2015 where he received Second and First Team All
She and her family reside in Swedesburg.
American honors, respectively. He also won the ACC
championship in 2014 and 2015. During the 2015
William J. Ryan, III ’00 has pursued a career in
season he set a new Duke record at the National
teaching, serving as a Special Education Teacher in
Championship. Awards included Men’s Freshman of
the Colonial School District. A resident of Norristhe Year 2012, Men’s MVP for 2014 & 2015 and
town with his wife Amanda and son William, he is
actively involved in a variety of extra-curricular acMen’s Outstanding Field Performer for 2015.
tivities and sports.
Stanley Thomas ’65, is a contract officer with the US Andrea Frangiosa ’94 after receiving her degree in
Department of Defense residing in Cinnaminson, NJ Biochemistry from Rosemont has been working the
and enjoying seeing his grandchildren grow.
past 15 years at GSK where she is a Senior Scientist.
Sheila Sutcliffe Grimes ’66 after 39 years of teaching French and Spanish retired from Mainland Regional HS and is enjoying herself at the Jersey shore.
Over her teaching tenure she accompanied students
23 times on trips to Europe.
Saint Patrick
Mary Swift Ciarlone ’53 is enjoying her retirement
after serving as VP Manager of Human Resources at
Jefferson Bank.
Shea Kelly ’09 graduated from Lynchburg College,
Joseph Cicala ’53 residing in Chester Springs reports Magna Cum Laude, Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Delta
Kappa honor societies. She played four years of
that “No News is good news”.
basketball, and was named Female Athlete of the
Patricia Gallagher DiPietro ’53 is residing in
Year. She received her Master’s in Sports AdminiCoatesville and enjoying her retirement.
stration from the University of Alabama and currently
resides in Manhattan KS.
Bishop Kenrick
St. Pius X
Angela Ross Malmgren ’59 was the co-founder with
her husband of Jesus House Prayer and Renewal
Thomas Roberts ’66 is currently an Editor at Large
Center in Wilmington, DE in 1974. Now retired, she
for the National Catholic Reporter, residing in Rockis still active as a Spiritual Director, assisting in Reville, MD. He is also a published author of the book
treats and Days of Reflection.
“The Emerging Catholic Church: A Community’s
Michele Brophy Bucher ’60 retired from teaching,
Search for Itself” (Orbis, 2011)
noted that “The Tradition Continues…”. She has
Joseph Borysowski ’67 recently celebrated 50 years
four granddaughters with PJP ties. Samantha Bucher
as an Athletic Trainer which began as a student after
’15, Myah Cordrey’17, Sydney Bucher ’18, and Defollowing a suggestion of Coach Jim Mich where he
laney Cordrey’20.
served as student trainer for Pius’ first unbeaten footSister Elizabeth Dawn Gear ’63 recently celebrated ball team. He is a member of the staff at the Hill
her 50th Jubilee as a member of the Grey Nuns of the School in Pottstown.
Sacred Heart. Sister Dawn has spent forty five of her
Sharon Seder Meko ’69 was the founding Artistic
fifty years in Catholic Education as a teacher, princiDirector of Ballet Etudes in 1986 in Gilbert, AZ. A
pal, and administrator on both the elementary and
teacher of ballet she is presently the Director of BE
secondary levels.
School of Dance. She was honored by the Mesa
Diane Schettone ’73 has been an elementary school
Chamber of Commerce and by the Arts in Mesa as
teacher for over 35 years. She currently is an ESL
“Artist of the Year”.
teacher at New Garden Elementary School in the
Steven A. DiGuiseppe ’78 is currently serving as the
Kennett Consolidated School District.
Assistant Vice President for Advancement and DirecGerry Fitzgerald ’88 opened his own franchise of
tor of External Relations at Millersville University
Corropolese Bakery in 2013 in Lansdale, a company where he has been employed since 1991. He is a
he began working for while a student at Bishop Ken- resident of Lancaster.
rick. Their “Tomato Pie” has been a staple for many Michael Summers ’06 received his medical degree
Kenrick grads over the years.
from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
and after completing his residency is practicing medicine in Philadelphia. He married fellow Pius alum –
Kathleen Esbensen in September 2013.
Check the website for information
Check out the
4th Annual Heritage Golf Outing
Thursday, October 6, 2016
On the front cover…...
Can’t do it without them! Student leaders
relax after an evening of showcasing auction
items at “Savor the Flavor” - the annual taste
extravaganza and auction - providing major
support for the PJP students.
Remember When……..
St. Patrick’s Class of 1951 preparing for their class trip to New York City
“…And a cloud of Dust!” A trademark of the St. Matthew’s
1965 Eastern Conference Champions
The1976 staff of the Kennescope - Archbishop Kennedy’s
Yearbook – take a moment to pose for a picture.
Philadelphia Catholic League Champions - the Bishop
Kenrick Field Hockey Team 1985-86
The Homecoming Court –
Class of 1996 for the Kennedy-Kenrick Wolverines
The 2006 senior class - St. Pius X - claimed the “Flickerball
Title” - a competition unique to Pius.
Please fill out the sections below and return to:
Pope John Paul II High School, Alumni Relations, 181 Rittenhouse Road, Royersford, PA 19468
Or Email to: hertitage@pjphs.org
Keep Us Up to Date!
Class Year
Legacy School
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Answers to Teacher Picture Trivia (Name & School)
St. Matthews · St. Patricks · Bishop Kenrick · Archbishop Kennedy · Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic · St. Pius X · Pope John Paul II
Name the teacher and the school you know them from. Each correct answer gives you a chance to win a SPECIAL prize package. Get all 6 teachers and all 6 schools and get 12 chances to win. Send your entries through the “Keep Us Up to Date!” You can
also email your answers to: heritage@pjphs.org
Pope John Paul II
High School
181 Rittenhouse Road
Royersford, PA 19468
Values Rooted in Catholic Tradition
PERMIT # 106