sodininkystë ir darþininkystë 25(3)
sodininkystë ir darþininkystë 25(3)
LIETUVOS SODININKYSTËS IR DARÞININKYSTËS INSTITUTO IR LIETUVOS ÞEMËS ÛKIO UNIVERSITETO MOKSLO DARBAI SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË 25(3) Eina nuo 1983 m. Published since 1983 Babtai - 2006 Redaktoriø kolegija Editorial Board Doc. dr. Èeslovas BOBINAS - pirmininkas (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija), prof. habil. dr. Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija), dr. Edite KAUFMANE (Latvija, Dobelës sodo augalø selekcijos stotis, biomedicinos mokslai, biologija). dr. Aleksandras KMITAS (LÞÛU, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija), dr. Laimutis RAUDONIS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija), prof. habil. dr. Vidmantas STANYS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija), prof. habil. dr. Andrzej SADOWSKI (Varðuvos ÞÛA, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija), dr. Audrius SASNAUSKAS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija), prof. habil. dr. Algirdas SLIESARAVIÈIUS (LÞÛU, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija). Redakcinë mokslinë taryba Editorial Scientific Council Doc. dr. Èeslovas BOBINAS - pirmininkas (Lietuva), prof. habil. dr. Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS (Lietuva), dr. Kalju KASK (Estija), dr. Edite KAUFMANE (Latvija), prof. habil. dr. Zdisùaw KAWECKI (Lenkija), prof. habil.dr. Albinas LUGAUSKAS (Lietuva), habil. dr. Maria LEJA (Lenkija), prof. habil. dr. Lech MICHALCZUK (Lenkija), prof. habil. dr. Andrzej SADOWSKI (Lenkija), dr. Audrius SASNAUSKAS (Lietuva), prof. dr. Ala SILAJEVA (Ukraina), prof. habil. dr. Algirdas SLIESARAVIÈIUS (Lietuva), prof. habil. dr. Vidmantas STANYS (Lietuva), prof. dr. Viktor TRAJKOVSKI (Ðvedija). Redakcijos adresas: Address of the Editorial Office: Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institutas LT-54333 Babtai, Kauno r. Tel. (8~37) 555 210 Faksas: (8~37) 555 176 El. paðtas Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas district, Lithuania Phone: +370-37-555-210 Telefax: +370-37-555-176 E-mail: Leidinio adresas internete Leidinys cituojamas CAB Internacional ir VINITI duomenø bazëse © Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institutas, 2006 © Lietuvos þemës ûkio universitetas, 2006 2 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 312. APPLE AND PEAR ROOTSTOCK RESEARCH IN LITHUANIA Darius KVIKLYS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture LT54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: The paper presents ongoing apple and pear rootstock trials at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Rootstock research projects are established in following directions: rootstock and location interaction (Baltic fruit rootstock studies where Byelorussian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish research institutions are involved); budding high effect on rootstock performance; interstock trials; rootstock effect on fruit quality, ripening time and fruit storage; rootstock and tree training system; virus status of apple planting material on different rootstocks (international trial with Applied Plant Research, Netherlands); rootstock and soil sickness in nursery; rootstock resistance to Phytophtora; rootstock response to irrigation; rootstock effect on tree physiological parameters and flower physiology; rootstock effect on tree nutrition; rootstock and dry matter accumulation; genetic engineering of Cydonia oblonga rootstocks. Following apple rootstocks are included in different research projects: M and MM series M.9, M.26, MM.106; P series P 2, P 22, P 14, P 59, P 60, P 61, P 62, P 66, P 67; B series B.9, B.118, B.136, B.396, B.491, other rootstocks as PB.4, Bulboga, York 9, Pure 1 and Antonowka seedlings. Following pear rootstocks are included in different research projects: quinces QA, QC, Sydo, BA-29, S 1, K.11, K.16, K.19, 1.2, pears Pyrodwarf, OHF333, Mostbirne, Kazrausu. 14 scientists from Orchard technology department, Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Orchard Plants, Plant protection laboratory, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Technology, Laboratory of Plant Physiology are involved in rootstock research. trial. Key words: Cydonia x oblonga, Malus x domestica, Pyrus x communis, rootstock, Introduction. Scientifically based rootstock research in Lithuania was started at the Vytënai Horticultural Research Station (in 1987 reorganized into Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture) in 1960 (Kviklys, 1977). Apple rootstock research developed into different directions: propagation, nursery trials, rootstock vigour, winter hardiness, rootstock use as interstems, rootstock effect on fruit quality, storage capacity, ripening time, etc. (Kviklys, 1977, 1992; Ðvirinas, 1986; Ðumskis, 1986a, 1986b, Kviklys et al., 1988; Kviklys, Kviklienë, 2002; Kviklys, 2004). During 19632002 more than 40 vegetative rootstocks and 20 seedling rootstocks were evaluated in the orchard for 3 their productivity and effect on fruit quality (Kviklienë, Kviklys, 2001; 2004; Duchovskis et al., 2000; Kviklys et al., 1999, 2000; Uselis, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005). After long term of evaluation rootstocks MM.106 and B.118, semi-dwarf M.26, P 60 and B.396, dwarf M.9 and P 22 were recommended for propagation and growing on commercial scale (Kviklys, 2002). At this moment rootstock research is being developed in following directions: rootstock and location interaction; budding high effect on rootstock performance; interstock trials; rootstock effect on fruit quality, ripening time and fruit storage; rootstock and tree training system; virus status of apple planting material on different rootstocks; rootstock and soil sickness in nursery; rootstock resistance to Phytophthora cactorum; rootstock response to irrigation; rootstock effect on tree physiological parameters; rootstock effect on tree nutrition; rootstock and dry matter accumulation; genetic engineering of Cydonia oblonga rootstocks. The aim of our work is to present ongoing trials and achievements of rootstock research projects at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Material and methods. All rootstock trials in the orchard are established in four-five replications with 35 trees in each. Replications are randomised. Variance analyses are performed and criteria are chosen according to trial schemes. T r e e v i g o u r c o n t r o l. As a measure for the tree vigour control trunk circumference is measured annually; total shoot length is measured first two-three years after trial establishment; tree height is measured until it reaches technological allowed height. Additional measurements, as mean shoot length, canopy volume, number of buds on the shoot, are taken according to trial scheme. Y i e l d a n d p r o d u c t i v i t y. Yield per tree and per hectare are the main measurements. Tree productivity is counted as kg cm-2 of trunk cross sectional area. F r u i t q u a l i t y , h a r v e s t t i m e. From each replication 100 fruits are weighed and sized in 5 mm intervals. Fruit colouring is expressed by percentage of red colour covering fruit surface. Ten fruits from each replication are taken for laboratory measurements. Fruit firmness is measured with an Effegi penetrometer. Starch conversion is estimated after treatment with 0.1n iodine and potassium iodine solution (scale 110). Concentration of soluble solids is determined with refractometer. Maturity index is calculated as F/RS, where F firmness, R concentration of soluble solids, S starch conversion. Flowering time, T-phase, days after full bloom are counted for harvest time evaluation. Natural mass loss, fruit rots, storage diseases, transpiration is recorded for storage trials. H o r m o n e s. Analyses of gibberellic acid (GA3), indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and zeatin are performed using HP 1050 Series liquid chromatography system with variable wavelength UV-VIS detector (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany). Intersil ODS-2 column (150 x 4.6 mm2) (Alltech, Deerfield, USA) was used for phytohormones separation. Mobile phase: 45% methanol containing 1% acetic acid. Flow rate: 1 mL/min. The wavelengths of 254 nm for GA3 and ABA detection, 270 nm for zeatin and 280 nm for IAA detection were set. 4 P i g m e n t s. Total chlorophyll and carotenoid content in green mass is determined in 100% acetone extracts using spectrophotometrical Wettstein method [13]. Spectrophotometer Genesys 6 (ThermoSpectronic, USA). S u g a r s. Carbohydrate samples are prepared by grinding ~ 1g of fresh weight (FW) material and extracted with 4 mL hot bidistiled water. After 24 h extract is filtered through cellulose and membrane (pore diameter 0.2 µm) filters. Chromatographic analysis was carried-out using Shimadzu 10A HPLC system with refraction index detector (Shimadzu, Japan) and Adsorbosil NH2 column (150 mm x 4.6 mm; Alltech, USA). Mobile phase: 75% acetonitrile. Flow rate: 1 m/min. M o r p h o p h y s i o l o g i c a l analysis of buds is performed according to F. Kuperman methodology. Bud development is analyzed by microscope and organogenesis stage is established. Resistance to Phytophthora cactorum (Lebert & Cohn) Schroeter. In vegetation trial isolates of Phytophthora cactorum are tested on one year old apple rootstocks grown in pots in a greenhouse. Inoculations are made via insertion of small agar plugs from actively growing cultures into bark flaps in two sides. Length of necrosis is measured after five weeks after inoculation. Total plant weight, fresh and dry root, leaf, trunk weight are measured. In laboratorial trial current season shoots are used. They are inoculated mycelia disks of Phytophthora cactorum, taken from seven-day-old culture grown on PDA. Basal and middle rootstock shoot parts are incubated on moist blotting paper in foilcovered polystyrene boxes. Length of necrosis is measured after 3 and 8 days of incubation. D r o u g h t s t r e s s. Biometric measurements are done at the end of experiment. Total plant weight, fresh and dry root, leaf, trunk weight are measured. Leaf area is measured by Leaf area meter WinDias (U.K). Budding height trials. Trial with P 60 and B.396 rootstocks budded at 5, 10, 20 and 30 cm planted in the spring of 2000. Planting distances 4 x 1.5 m. Trial with M.9, M.26, P 22, P 59 rootstocks budded at 5, 10, 20 and 30 cm planted in the spring of 2002. Planting distances 4 x 1.5 m for M.26 and 4x1 m. for M.9, P 22, P 59. Baltic fruit rootstocks studies. Location effect on rootstock performance. Trial with apple cv. Auksis on P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9, Pure 1, B.491, B.146, York 9, B.396, P 60, M.26 and Bulboga rootstocks planted in the spring of 2001. Planting distances 4 x 1.5 m. Under the same scheme trials were established at Babtai, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture (Lithuania), Pure Horticultural Research Centre (Latvia), Polli Research Centre of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia), and Pruzany, Brest Agricultural Experimental Station (Byelorussia). Trial with apple cv. Beloruskoje malinovoje on P 22, M.9, B.9, Pure 1, B.146, B.396, P 60, M.26 and Bulboga rootstocks planted in the spring of 2001. Planting distances 4 x 1.5 m. Under the same scheme trials were established at Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Pure Horticultural Research Centre, Polli Research Centre, and Brest Agricultural Experimental Station. 5 Trial with pear cv. Suvenir on Quince BA29, QA, QC, Pyrus Pyrodwarf, Pyrus OHF333, Pyrus Kirchensaller Mostbirne, and Pyrus Kazrausu planted in the spring of 2001. Planting distances 4 x 3 m for seedling rootstocks and 4 x 2 m for clonal rootstocks. Under the same scheme trials were established at Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Pure Horticultural Research Centre, Polli Research Centre, and Brest Agricultural Experimental Station. Trial with apple cvs. Auksis and Ligol on B.396, B.9, PB-4, Pure 1, M.9, M.26, P 22, P 59, P 61, P 62, P 66, P 67 in the spring of 2005. Planting distances 4 x 1.5 m. Under the same scheme trials were established at Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Pure Horticultural Research Centre, Polli Research Centre, and Skierniewice, Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture (Poland). Interstock trial includes rootstocks B.9, P 22, B.396, 3-3-72, apple cvs. Summered, Kaunis, Lietuvos pepinas, columnar apple 109 and planted in the autumn of 2002. Planting distances 4 x 1.5 m.. Interstock length 30 cm, rootstock B.396. Virus status of planting material. International trial planted in the spring of 2003 together with Applied Plant Research, Research Unit Fruit, Randwijk, Netherlands. Cvs. Sampion and Jonagold decosta on M.9 and M.26 rootstocks. Planting distances 3 x 1 for M.9 and 3 x 1.5 for M.26. Virus free and not tested material is evaluated. Replant trial in the nursery established in 2005. Cvs. Auksis and Sampion budded on M.9, M.26, MM.106, P 2, P 22, P 59, P 60, B.396, B.118, Antonowka seedling rootstocks and planted in fresh soil and at the place where apple stoolbeds were cultivated for 10 years. Rootstock and orchard constructions. Trial with cv. Auksis on P 22 and P 60 rootstocks planted in 2001. Different planting schemes and tree training systems are evaluated. Trial with cv. Rubin on P 22 and P 60 rootstocks planted in 2001. Time and crown training systems are evaluated. Rootstock and planting distances. Trial with cv. Ligol on P 22, P 2 and P 60 rootstocks planted in 1999. Different planting schemes are evaluated. Trial with cv. Lodel on M.26, P 2 and P 60 rootstocks planted in 1999. Different planting schemes are evaluated. Trial with cv. Delikates on M.26, MM.106 and seedling rootstocks planted in 1999. Different planting schemes are evaluated. Rootstock effect on tree physiology. Trial started in 2004 with cv. Auksis on P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9, Pure 1, B.491, B.146, York 9, B.396, P 60, and M.26 rootstocks. Drought stress trial established ex-situ in 2005 with M.9, M.26, MM.106, P 2, P 22, P 59, P 60, B.396, B.118, Antonowka seedling rootstocks. Three soil moisture regimes are created: 2030 kPa, 4050 kPa, and >70 kPa. Rootstock resistance to Phytophthora cactorum trials established ex-situ and in laboratory in 2006 with M.9, MM.106, P 60, B.396 and B.118 rootstocks. Rootstock effect on fruit quality and harvest time. Trial with apple cv. Auksis on P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9, Pure 1, B.491, B.146, York 9, B.396, P 60, M.26 and Bulboga rootstocks started in 2004. 6 Trial with apple cv. Auksis on B.396 and P60 budded at 5, 10, 20 and 30 cm started in 2004. Trial with pear cv. Conference on QA, QC, Sydo, QS1, K.16, K.11, 1.2 rootstocks and Pyrus x communis seedlings started in 2000. Rootstock choice to columnar apple varieties. 24 columnar apple selections from the breeding program at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture are tested on P 60, B.396, M.26, MM.106, B.118 and seedling rootstocks. Genetic engineering of Cydonia oblonga rootstocks. Quince rootstocks K.11, K.16 and K.19 from Lithuanian rootstock breeding program are included. RolB gene (~ 800 bp) was isolated from Agrobacterium rhizogenes in PCR with rolB5kodrolB3kod primers. Binary constructs basing on pART27 and pNOV2819 plasmids and containing rolB gene under own promoter sequence, 35S CaMV, and stressinduced PR promoter were prepared and used to transform quince using A. tumefaciens. Results. Some published and more important preliminary results of ongoing rootstock trials at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture are presented. B a l t i c f r u i t r o o t s t o c k s s t u d i e s . L o c a t i o n e f f e c t o n r o o t s t o c k p e r f o r m a n c e. The strongest tree growth of cv. Auksis was recorded in Lithuania and Byelorussia. The highest yields were obtained in Lithuania. All tested rootstocks according growth vigour control can be grouped in the following way: less vigour than M.9 P 22, the same as M.9 Pure 1, B.396, York 9, P.60, B.9 and P 2, between M.9 and M.26 B.491, the same or more vigorous as M.26 Bulboga and B.146. Trees on rootstocks Pure 1 gave the highest cumulative yield and were the most efficient although there was no significant difference in cumulative fertility index with trees growing on rootstocks P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9 and York 9. The least efficient were trees on rootstocks Bulboga and B.146. Rootstock and location interaction was recorded for B.491 and P.60 in growth vigour control, York 9 in total yield, and B.9 in yield efficiency (Kviklys et al., 2006). The evaluation of vegetative growth showed that the most vigorous trees of apple cv. Belorusskoye Malinovoye were on rootstock Bulboga, followed by B.146, M.26, P 60, B.396, M.9, B.9 and Pure 1. The smallest trees were on P 2. Highest cumulated yield was harvested from the trees on rootstocks M.26 and B.396, the smallest on P 22 and B.9. The highest yield efficiency (kg cm-2 TCSA) was observed on Pure 1 and B.9 rootstocks, the smallest on B.146 and M.26. These results were observed in all trials in all four scientific institutions, although some differences were noted (Bite et al., 2006). In Lithuania pear trees grew more vigorously than in two other localities. The trees on the QC were founded to be smaller and the trees on Pyrodwarf. In Latvia, the trees on all Pyrus rootstocks were more vigorous than these on Cydonia rootstocs. In Estonia, the trees on Pyrodwarf and OHF 333 were found to be weaker than these on Cydonia rootstocks. The first crop in Lithuania appeared in the fourth year after planting only on Cydonia and Pyrodwarf rootstocks. In Estonia and Latvia, the first crop appeared in the fifth year on all rootstocks due to the entire killing of flowers in the fourth year by spring night frosts; the first crop was bigger on Cydonia rootstocks. In Lithuania, the fruit mass was bigger on OHF 333 than that of BA 29 (Haak et al., 2006). 7 R o o t s t o c k e f f e c t o n f r u i t q u a l i t y. High yielding trees on dwarf rootstock Pure 1 have the smallest fruits. Largest fruits were on strong growing Bulboga, B.146 and dwarf rootstock M.9. Pure 1 and P 22 determined better fruit colouring. Fruits on Bulboga were firmer, and these on rootstock P 2 softer. P 2 determined higher content of soluble solids (Kviklienë, Kviklys, 2006). The biggest Conference fruit weight were from trees on rootstock QS1, K.11 and K.16. These rootstocks and QA increased fruit diameter. Pyrus x communis seedlings negatively effected fruit mass. Conference fruits on the Pyrus x communis seedling rootstock were firmer at harvest and as well as QS1 and 1.2 rootstocks had higher starch content. There were no rootstock influence on the soluble solids content and maturity indices among Cydonia oblonga rootstocks (Kviklys, Kviklienë, 2005a). R o o t s t o c k e f f e c t o n f r u i t m a t u r i t y. The maturity index indicated that Auksis apples were more mature from trees on rootstock Pure 1. Rootstock Bulboga caused later ripening of apples. The maturity indices indicated that Conference pears were more mature from trees on Cydonia oblonga rootstocks (Kviklys, Kviklienë, 2004). R o o t s t o c k s c h o i c e f o r c v. C o n f e r e n c e. Rootstock 1.2 significantly reduced growth of a pear tree (stem diameter and total shoot length during the first two years), whereas trees on Sydo and seedling rootstocks had the strongest growth. Significant differences of stem diameter were not established between other tested rootstocks after five years in the orchard. Quince MC, Sydo, K11 and K16 were the earliest to start cropping. Trees grafted onto them started to yield in the second year after planting. The highest cumulative yield was obtained on Quince MC followed by Sydo. Other rootstocks gave statistically lower yields. Significant differences were not found among Quince MA, K.16, K.11 and S1. The lowest yield was on 1.2 and Pyrus x communis seedling rootstocks (Kviklys, 2005). V i r u s s t a t u s o f p l a n t i n g m a t e r i a l. Virus free trees had stronger vegetative growth (total shoot length and stem diameter) at planting year than not tested ones. During second and third year in the orchard vegetative and generative development of apple trees and fruit weight did not depend on health status of planting material. During the second season virus free trees of cv. Ðampion had higher yield, but lower growth, when not tested trees lower yield and stronger growth. During the third year opposite tendencies were established. Correlation between vegetative growth and generative development of cv. Jonagold was not established. Health status of planting material had no effect on scab incidence on leaves and fruits. Not tested trees were more sensitive to bark diseases (Kviklys, Stankienë, 2005). B u d d i n g h e i g h t. The differences among rootstocks were recorded already in the second year. Trees on P 60 grew stronger than on B.396. Stronger growth of trees was recorded at lower budding height too. Trees planted at the height of 0 and 10 cm significantly differed from trees at the height of 20 and 30 cm in total shoot growth, stem diameter and tree height. First crop was the same on both rootstocks and there were no significant difference between budding height. In following two years significant differences occurred for both rootstocks and budding height. Rootstock B.396 gave higher yield and trees on it were smaller. Influence of budding 8 height on crop load differed between years and rootstocks. Significant differences were found with B.396 budded at different height. Less pronounced differences were with P 60 rootstock. Trees, which budded higher, had smaller stem diameter. Apple fruit weight did not depend on budding height (Kviklys, Kviklienë, 2005b). G e n e t i c e n g i n e e r i n g o f C y d o n i a o b l o n g a r o o t s t o c k s. The aim is to transform quince rootstocks to increase their rooting ability. RolB gene was isolated from Agrobacterium rhizogenes. 1992 explants derived from clones K.1, K.16 and K.19 were transformed using A. tumefaciens (Raþanskienë et al., 2006). Transgenic plants were obtained with good rooting ability. Root morphology was typical to plants transformed with rolB gene. Discussion. The choice of rootstocks depends mostly on climatic conditions, which are usually more unsatisfactory in northern countries. The length of the vegetation period, sum of temperatures and rain precipitations have significant effects on the rootstock performance. The vegetation period in Lithuania is shorter than in other European countries and the sum of temperatures is also lower. Winter could be a limiting factor of growing sensitive apple and pear rootstocks. Apple and pear rootstocks are released in different countries and have their own quality parameters and often exhibit unequal performance in different countries (Wertheim, 1998), mainly due to ecological conditions. Therefore rootstock research is relevant in Lithuania in order to develop commercial fruit growing and scientific knowledge. At the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture 14 research workers from Orchard technology department, Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Orchard Plants, Plant protection laboratory, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Technology, Laboratory of Plant Physiology are involved in rootstock research. Research collaboration and mutual rootstock trials take place with Applied Plant Research, Research Unit Fruit, Randwijk, (Netherlands), Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Skierniewice, (Poland), Pure Horticultural Research Centre (Latvia), Polli Research Centre of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia), and Brest Agricultural Experimental Station, Pruzany (Byelorussia) (Bite et al., 2004; 1999). 24 apple and pear rootstock research projects are being carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2006: 15 projects at the Orchard Technology Department, 2 projects together at the Orchard Technology Department and Laboratory of Plant Physiology, 2 projects together at the Orchard Technology Department and Plant protection laboratory, 1 project together at the Orchard Technology Department and Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Orchard Plants, 1 project together at the Orchard Technology Department and Laboratory of Biochemistry and Technology, 2 projects at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Orchard Plants, 1 project together at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Orchard Plants and Laboratory of Plant Physiology. Following apple and pear rootstocks are included in different research projects: M and MM series M.9, M.26, MM.106; P series P 2, P 22, P 14, P 59, P 60, P 61, P 62, P 66, P 67; B series B.9, B.118, B.136, B.396, B.491, other rootstocks as PB.4, Bulboga, York 9, Pure 1 and Antonowka seedlings; quinces QA, QC, Sydo, BA-29, S 1, K.11, K.16 and 1.2; pears Pyrodwarf, OHF333, Mostbirne, Kazrausu. 9 In 20032005 research workers of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture have published 25 scientific publications on apple and pear rootstock research. Gauta 2006 06 06 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 25 References 1. B i t e A., L e p s i s J., K v i k l y s D., H a a k E., L u k u t T. Results of apple rootstock testing with cultivar Belorusskoye malinovoye in the frame of project "Baltic fruit rootstock studies" // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2006. 25(3) (in press). 2. B i t e A., K v i k l y s D., U n i v e r T., L u k u t T. The beginning of the project Baltic fruit rootstock studies // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. 658 (1). P. 437440. 3. B i t e A., K v i k l y s D., H a a k E., L u k u t T. International project "Baltic fruit rootstock studies" // Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards. Warszawa. 1999. P. 1719. 4. D u c h o v s k i s P., K v i k l y s D., K a w e c k i Z., P e t r o n i s P., K v i k l i e n ë N. Impact of rootstock and irrigation on apple bud differentiation and flowering initiation // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2000. 19(3)-1. P. 352358. 5. H a a k E., K v i k l y s D., L e p s i s J. Comparison of Cydonia and Pyrus rootstocks in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2006. 25(3). P. 322-326. 6. K v i k l i e n ë N., K v i k l y s D. Rootstock effect on maturity and quality of Auksis apples // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2006. 25(3). P. 258-263. 7. K v i k l i e n ë N., K v i k l y s D. 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R a þ a n s k i e n ë A., S t a n i e n ë G., R u g i e n i u s R., G e l v o n a u s k i e n ë D., Z a l u n s k a i t ë I., V e n s k i e n ë J., S t a n y s V. Transformation of quince (Cydonia oblonga) with the rolB gene-based constructs under different promoters // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2006. Vol. 14(1). P. 95102. 25. Ð u m s k i s A. Obelø sëkliniø poskiepiø auginimas polietileniniuose ðiltnamiuose // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 1986a. 4. P. 2127. 26. Ð u m s k i s A. Dirvos ruoðimas obelø poskiepiams pakartotinai auginti polietileniniuose ðiltnamiuose // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 1986b. 4. P. 2935. 27. Ð v i r i n a s S. Sëkliniai obelø poskiepiai. Agropramoninis komitetas. Vilnius, 1986. 46 p. 28. U s e l i s N. Obelø su þemaûgiu poskiepiu biologiniø-ûkiniø savybiø tyrimas // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2005. 24(4). P. 2232. 29. U s e l i s N. Sodo konstrukcijø átaka Alva obelø su P 22 poskiepiu derliui, produktyvumui bei vaisiø kokybei // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë: ataskaitinës mokslinës konferencijos medþiaga. Babtai, 2004. Nr. 17. P. 2427. 30. U s e l i s N. Þemaûgiø obelø augumas ir produktyvumas ávairiø konstrukcijø deranèiuose soduose // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2003. 22(1). P. 313. 31. U s e l i s N. Assessment of productivity and fruit quality of apple cultivars on rootstock M26 in full bearing orchard // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2002. 21(3). P. 1428. 32. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock guide: Apple, pear, cherry, European plum. 1998. Fruit Research Station, Wilhelminadorp, The Netherlands. 11 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 312. OBELØ IR KRIAUÐIØ POSKIEPIØ TYRIMAI LIETUVOJE D. Kviklys Santrauka Straipsnyje analizuojami ðiuo metu Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute atliekami obelø ir kriauðiø tyrimai. Tiriant obelø poskiepius, nustatoma poskiepiø ir aplinkos sàlygø (geografiniø vietoviø) sàveika (Baltijos poskiepiø studija, kurià atlieka Baltarusijos, Estijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos ir Lietuvos mokslo ástaigos), poskiepio reakcija á akiavimo aukðtá, átaka vaisiø kokybei, sunokimo laikui ir laikymuisi, obelø su skirtingais poskiepiais formavimo sistemos, poskiepiø naudojimas tarpiniam skiepijimui, poskiepiø sveikumas (tyrimai atliekami su Nyderlandø mokslininkais), reakcija á gentiná dirvos nualinimà medelyne, atsparumas ðaknø kaklelio puviniui, sausrai, átaka vaismedþiø fiziologiniams rodikliams, sausøjø medþiagø pasiskirstymui ir maisto medþiagø pasisavinimui, atliekami paprastojo svarainio poskiepiø genø inþinerijos tyrimai. Atliekant ávairius bandymus, tiriami ðie obelø poskiepiai: M ir MM serijos M.9, M.26, MM.106; P serijos P 2, P 22, P 14, P 59, P 60, P 61, P 62, P 66, P 67; B serijos B.9, B.118, B.136, B.396, B.491, kiti poskiepiai PB.4, Bulboga, York 9, Pure 1 ir 'Paprastojo antaninio' sëjinukai, ir kriauðiø poskiepiai: Paprastojo svarainio QA, QC, Sydo, BA-29, S 1, K.11, K.16, K.19, 1.2, kriauðiø Pyrodwarf, OHF333, sëkliniai Mostbirne ir Kazrausu. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute poskiepiø tyrimus ávairiu lygiu atlieka 14 Sodø technologijø skyriaus, Genetikos ir biotechnologijos skyriaus, Augalø apsaugos, Augalø fiziologijos bei Biochemijos ir technologijos laboratorijø mokslo darbuotojø. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Cydonia x oblonga, Malus x domestica, moksliniai tyrimai, Pyrus x communis, poskiepis. 12 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 1326. EVALUATION OF PYRUS AND QUINCE ROOTSTOCKS FOR HIGH DENSITY PEAR ORCHARDS Frank MAAS Applied Plant Research, Research Unit Fruit, Lingewal 1, 6668 LA Randwijk, The Netherlands. E-mail: High density planting systems are a prerequisite to economise the use of land and labour costs of orchards. Dwarfing rootstocks controlling the vigour of the scion cultivars form the basis for such orchards. In the Netherlands there are no breeding programs for fruit tree rootstocks. Rootstock research is limited to and focussed on testing rootstocks selected in other countries. For the Dutch pear growers the main selection criteria for new rootstocks are: 1) control of tree size; 2) production; 3) fruit size; 4) fruit quality; 5) production efficiency; 6) frost resistance. Additional criteria for Dutch fruit tree nurseries exporting trees to other countries are: 1) compatibility with scion cultivars; 2) suitability for growth in calcareous soils; 3) easy propagation. In all trials rootstock performance is compared to quince MC, the most commonly used rootstocks for pears in the Netherlands. Recently, a number of pear (Pyrus communis) and quince (Cydonia oblonga) rootstocks have been tested with Conference and Doyenné du Comice as the scion cultivars. Generally, the production efficiency of the Pyrus rootstocks was much less than for quince MC. Another disadvantage of the evaluated Pyrus rootstocks was their high sensitivity towards pear decline. Several rootstocks were rejected after examination of the graft union because of suspected compatibility problems. Of the tested quince rootstocks C 132 shows promise because of its control of tree growth in combination with good fruit size and Eline® because of its reduction of fruit russeting in Conference. Key words: Cydonia oblonga, graft compatibility, high density orchard, Pyrus communis. Introduction. High density planting systems are the starting point of modern orchards. Small trees that come into production in the second year after planting are a prerequisite to achieve regular yields of high quality fruits and to economise the use of land and labour costs for pruning and picking. Dwarfing rootstocks controlling the vigour of the scion cultivars and inducing precociousness form the basis for such high density orchards (Wertheim and Webster, 2005). European pears are predominantly grown on rootstocks of Quince (Cydonia oblonga). In the Netherlands the majority of pears are grown on quince MC, but 13 quince MA and quince Adams are also used. Conference is the most important cultivar. Grown in high density planting systems yearly yields of 60 to 70 tons/ha are feasible. To obtain this production level a good control of shoot growth, flower bud development, and fruit set is required. Although quince MC has been used successfully for many decades in the Netherlands, there are several reasons to look for alternative rootstocks. Until 2001, the growth retardant chlormequat (CCC) was amply used the reduce shoot growth and stimulate flower bud development. The loss of CCC has renewed the interest in rootstocks more dwarfing than quince MC. Besides dwarfing of the scion cultivar other desired traits of new rootstocks for pears are: 1) precociousness, to ensure early productions starting in the second year after planting; 2) fruit size, for Conference pears the proportion of pears with a diameter >65 mm should be as large as possible; 3) disease resistance, especially towards fire blight and pear decline; 4) compatible with scion cultivars; 5) frost resistance; 6) easy propagation; 7) suitability for growth on calcareous soils (absence of lime-induced chlorosis). In addition, new rootstocks may also be used to meet the changes in market demands for Conference pears like larger and less russeted fruits. Since there is no breeding program for pear rootstocks in the Netherlands, the research on pear rootstocks is limited to testing rootstocks selected in other countries. The main selection criteria for the Dutch pear industry are: 1) tree size; 2) production; 3) production efficiency; 4) fruit size distribution. Additional criteria for nurseries exporting fruit trees to other countries are: 1) compatibility with as many modern scion cultivars as possible; 2) suitability for growth in different soils; 3) easy propagation. During the past decades a large number of rootstocks were collected by Wertheim (1998). The results of evaluation trials with several of these rootstocks have already been published (Wertheim, 2002; Wertheim, Vercammen, 2000). This paper contains the results of three more recent trials with the cultivars Conference and Doyenné du Comice grafted on a number of other Quince and Pyrus rootstocks. Materials and methods. P l a n t m a t e r i a l. All trials were planted in the experimental orchard of the fruit research station at Randwijk (5.707° East, 51.937° North) in fresh soil consisting of river clay with 30% silt. Trees were planted at a distance of 3.5 x 1.5 m and were trained as spindle trees according to local commercial practice. Growth of the trees was not regulated by chemical growth regulators, root pruning or girdling of the trunks. No gibberellins were applied to stimulate fruit set. Contrary to common practice the rootstocks were not protected by a layer of compost during the winter in order to evaluate the frost resistance of the different rootstocks. During a period of at least 5 years the growth and production of the trees was monitored by: - Annual or biannual measurement of the girth of the trunk at 30 cm above the graft union - Annual shoot growth on a scale from 1 (no shoot growth) to 9 (very vigorous growth) 14 - Annual flower intensity on a scale from 1 (no flowers) to 9 (very rich flowering) - Annual fruit production (number of fruits and kg fruits per tree) - Analysis of mineral content of leaves and fruits (once for each trial 3 to 5 years after planting) - Fruit size distribution (at least once for each trial 4 to 5 years after planting) - Calculation of production efficiency (number of fruits/cm² trunk cross sectional area) T r i a l 1. (c o d e 0 4 4 - R a 9 9 1 0 7). Trees were planted on April 8th, 1998. The statistical design of the trial was a split plot with the scion cultivar being the whole plot and the rootstocks the sub plots. Plots were replicated 8 times and contained one tree of each treatment. In this trial the growth of Conference and Doyenné du Comice budded at 10 or 25 cm height was compared for the quince rootstocks MC, C132, and the Pyrus rootstock BP10030 (Trajkovski, Andersson, 1990). Rootstocks were obtained from Naktuinbouw (Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture) (MC), HRI East Malling, UK (C132), Eliteplantstation Balsgård, Sweden (BP10030) and Fleuren Nurseries, Netherlands (Eline®). MC, C132 and BP10030 were virus free. The virus-status of Eline® was unknown. T r i a l 2 (c o d e 0 4 4 - R a 0 0 1 0 5). Trees were planted on March 30th, 2000. The statistical design of the trial was a split plot with the scion cultivar being the whole plot and the rootstocks the sub plots. Plots were replicated 10 times and contained one tree of each treatment. The growth of Conference and Doyenné du Comice grafted on quince MC was compared with trees grafted on quince Sobu and the Pyrus species Delbuena, Dolacomi, Gieser Wildeman and Pyrodwarf. Plant material of Delbuena, Dolocomi and Gieser Wildeman was considered to be virusfree as they were grown from seed. MC and Sobu were obtained as virus-free material. The virus status of Pyrodwarf was unknown. T r i a l 3 (c o d e 0 4 4 - R a 0 1 1 0 1). Trees were planted on March 13th, 2001. The statistical design of the trial was a split plot with the scion cultivar being the whole plot and the rootstocks the sub plots. Each plot was replicated 6 times and consisted of 3 trees per treatment. In this trial the growth of Conference and Doyenné du Comice grafted on Quince MC was compared with trees grafted on the Quinces Adams, S 3, MC Peters, MH (=QR 193-16), ME and the pyrus Gieser Wildeman. The virus status of S 3 and MH was unknown, all other rootstocks were assumed to be virus-free as they were obtained from virus-free stock plants or grown from seed (Gieser Wildeman). S t a t i s t i c a l a n a l y s i s. The data were analysed using the Genstat statistical program (release 8.1). In trial 1, the results of the trials with Conference and Doyenné du Comice were analysed separately because of the difference in the duration of the trials. If possible, the data of all other trials were analysed using the analysis of variance for a split plot. In case of significant differences (p<0.05), LSD values were calculated and used for comparing treatment means in pairs. Results. T r i a l 1 (0 4 4 - R a 9 9 1 0 7). As no significant effect of budding height was observed on growth and production the data of both budding heights were taken together. Pyrus BP10030 gave the lowest shoot growth index and the smallest increase in trunk circumference (Table 1). With Conference the 15 growth was very weak. Quinces C.132 and Eline® gave comparable to slightly more growth in both Conference and Doyenné du Comice. T a b l e 1. Average growth parameters of Conference and Doyenné du Comice 1 l e n t e l ë. Conference ir Doyenné du Comice veisliø augimo rodikliø vidurkiai Increase of trunk circumference Kamieno apimties padidëjimas, cm Growth index* Augimo indeksas Rootstock Poskiepis MC BP10030 C.132 Eline® F-test LSD05/R05 ‘Conference’ 2001–2005 4.7 2.4 5.0 5.4 b a bc c ‘Doy. du Comice’ 2001–2004 5.9 4.2 6.2 6.0 b a b b ‘Conference’ Spring 1999 – autumn 2005 1999 m. pavasaris– 2005 m. ruduo 12.6 7.9 13.6 13.7 b a b b ‘Doy. du Comice’ Spring 1999 – autumn 2004 1999 m. pavasaris– 2004 m. ruduo 14.7 12.0 15.9 16.4 p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.001 0.6 0.6 1.6 1.8 b a bc c *on scale 1 (no growth) to 9 (very strong growth) / skalëje nuo 1 (jokio augimo) iki 9 (labai intensyvus augimas) The cumulative production of Conference on BP10030 was only 45% of that on quince MC (Table 2). On quince C.132 Conference produced slightly less and on quince Eline® slightly more than on quince MC, but these differences were not statistically significant. From 2000 to 2005 Conference produced the largest number of fruits on quince MC and quince Eline®, about 20% less fruits on quince C.132 and approx. 50% less on BP10030. Despite the low number of fruits, the average fruit weight was lowest on BP10030. On the quince rootstocks the average fruit weight was the highest for the rootstock with the lowest number of fruits. Production efficiency (number of fruits per cm² TCSA) was highest on quince Eline®, but not statistically different from that on quince MC. Cumulative production and total number of fruits of Doyenné du Comice was similar for all 4 rootstocks, but with an average production of only 32 kg and 125 fruits per tree much lower than the 87 kg and 500 fruits per tree for Conference on the tested quince rootstocks (Table 3). Average fruit weight of Doyenné du Comice was highest on C.132 and least on Eline®. Production efficiency was highest for BP10030. The fruits harvested in 2003, 2004 and 2005 were graded in size. Table 4 shows that C.132 gave the highest percentages of fruit with a diameter >65 mm. However due to the large variation between the observations of trees these differences were not statistically different in this trial. 16 T a b l e 2. Cumulative production of Conference in 20002005 2 l e n t e l ë. Conference derëjimo rodikliai 20002005 m. Rootstock Yield, kg/tree Poskiepis Derlius, kg/vaism. MC BP10030 C.132 Eline® F-test LSD05/R05 87.0 39.7 81.4 92.3 b a b b Amount of fruits, pcs/tree Vaisiø kiekis, vnt./vaism. 503 266 433 563 c a b c Fruit weight g Vaisiø masë, 193 176 212 186 b a c ab Production efficiency, fruits/cm2 of TCSA* Produktyvumas, vaisiai/cm2 KSP 19.0 17.4 15.5 20.5 p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.05 12.2 68 12 3.0 bc ab a c * Total number of fruits per tree in 20002005 per cm2 of trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) in autumn of 2005 / Bendras vaisiø skaièius 20002005 m. vienam kamieno skerspjûvio ploto (KSP) cm2 2005 rudená T a b l e 3. Cumulative production of Doyenné du Comice in 20002005 3 l e n t e l ë. Doyenné du Comice derëjimo rodikliai 20002005 m. Rootstock Yield, kg/tree Poskiepis Derlius, kg/vaism. Amount of fruits, pcs/tree Fruit weight Vaisiø masë, g Vaisiø kiekis, vnt./vaism. MC BP10030 C.132 Eline® F-test Produktyvumas, vaisiai/cm2 KSP 34.2 31.6 31.2 31.6 133 128 112 129 287 299 304 268 ns ns p<0.05 p<0.01 26 1.1 LSD05/R05 ab b b a Production efficiency, fruits/cm2 of TCSA* 4.4 5.5 3.4 4.3 ab b a a * Total number of fruits per tree in 20002005 per cm2 of trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) in autumn of 2005 / Bendras vaisiø skaièius 20002005 m. vienam kamieno skerspjûvio ploto (KSP) cm2 2005 rudená Leaf appearance of both Conference and Doyenné du Comice grafted onto BP10030 was not as healthy as on any of the other rootstocks. Many leaves were pale green to yellowish. Mineral analysis of the leaves during the summer of 2002 revealed lower contents of K, Mg and Ca in Conference and Mg and Ca in Doyenné du Comice (Table 5). Flowering of Conference was quite regular and good over the years 2000 to 2005. Average flower intensity over this period was between 5.5 and 6.2. Flowering of Doyenné du Comice was less regular. Average flower intensity from 2000 to 2005 varied between 3.5 and 5.3, with the lowest observed in 2001 (1.0 to 3.4) and the highest in 2005 (7.3 tot 7.8). In both cultivars rootstock BP 10030 resulted in the highest flower intensities. 17 T a b l e 4. Fruit size of Conference, % of total fruit yield 4 l e n t e l ë. Conference vaisiø dydis, % bendro vaisiø kiekio 2003 Rootstock Poskiepis 2004 2005 >55 mm >65 mm >55 mm >65 mm >55 mm >65 mm MC BP10030 C.132 Eline® F-test 91 b 50 a 94 b 88 b p<0.001 52 c 6a 54 c 42 c p<0.001 89 92 93 ns 33 40 40 ns 89 94 86 ns 48 62 40 ns LSD05/R05 16 17 T a b l e 5. Mineral analysis of leaves harvested on August 26th, 2002 5 l e n t e l ë. Mineraliniø elementø kiekis lapuose, nuskintuose 2002 m. rugpjûèio 26 d. Rootstock N P K Mg Ca Fe Mn Zn B Cu -1 Poskiepis mg kg of dry weight % mg kg-1 sausojoje mediagoje ‘Conference’ MC 2.12 0.19 1.21 0.24 1.76 75.8 75.0 58.2 22.2 6.5 C132 2.14 0.23 1.55 0.18 1.74 77.2 56.8 56.8 24.8 7.0 BP10030 2.10 0.18 0.99 0.14 1.22 68.0 85.5 68.2 24.5 6.0 Eline 2.05 0.18 1.28 0.22 1.72 68.8 73.2 51.5 22.8 4.4 F-test ns ns * *** *** ns * ns ns ns 0.4 0.03 0.18 ® LSD05/R05 19.0 ‘Doyenné du Comice’ MC 1.83 0.17 1.36 0.30 1.81 64.0 80.2 69.0 22.5 5.8 C132 1.89 0.17 1.46 0.22 1.59 72.2 65.8 62.8 24.5 4.7 BP10030 1.77 0.17 1.32 0.14 1.14 62.2 72.8 57.5 25.0 4.9 Eline 1.87 0.18 1.42 0.26 1.76 70.5 69.5 64.5 22.5 5.8 F-test * * ns *** *** * ∼ ns ∼ ** LSD05/R05 0.08 0.01 0.04 0.20 9.1 10.4 2.2 0.6 ® ~ towards significant difference / artima esminiam skirtumui At the end of the trial the graft unions of Conference and Doyenné du Comice grafted on BP10030 were examined. The bark was removed and longitudinal sections were made of the graft unions. Figure 1 shows the longitudinal sections of the graft unions of both scion cultivars grafted onto BP10030. As can be seen in this figure, compatibility between BP10030 looks good and Conference is very poor, while that between Sobu and Doyenné du Comice seems to be much better. However, also in the latter combination a clear separation line between the wood of the scion 18 and the rootstock is visible indicating both tissues are also not fully compatible. T r i a l 2 (0 4 4 - R a 0 0 1 0 5). Table 6 shows that with Conference rootstock Sobu gave the weakest growth. Differences in growth between all other combinations were quite small. With Doyenné du Comice growth index and increase in trunk diameter were similar for all rootstocks used in the trial. T a b l e 6. Average growth parameters of Conference and Doyenné du Comice 6 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Poskiepis Conference ir Doyenné du Comice augimo rodikliø vidurkiai Growth index* in 2000–2004 Augimo indeksas 2000–2004 m. ‘Conference’ MC Delbuena Dolacomi Gieser W. Pyrodwarf Sobu F-test 3.6 4.3 5.1 5.6 5.7 2.5 p<0.001 LSD05/R05 1.1 ab bc c c c a ‘Doy. du Comice’ 5.0 6.2 5.0 6.1 5.5 4.9 n.s. Increase of trunk circumference in spring 2000–autumn 2005 Kamieno apimties padidëjimas 2000 m. pavasará–2005 m. rudená, cm ‘Conference’ 8.6 8.5 11.3 11.9 12.8 5.4 p<0.001 b b b bc c a ‘Doy. du Comice’ 11.6 13.5 13.0 12.7 14.3 11.9 n.s. 2.8 *on scale 1 (no growth) to 9 (very strong growth). n.s = not significant / skalëje nuo 1 (jokio augimo) iki 9 (labai intensyvus augimas); n.s. = nereikðminga Table 7 summarises the production of Conference and Doyenné du Comice grown on four different Pyrus cultivars and quince Sobu as a rootstocks in comparison with the standard rootstock quince MC. Production was highest on quince MC and did not differ significantly between the 4 Pyrus rootstocks and quince Sobu. Despite the lower fruit numbers, average fruit weights on Dolacomi and Gieser Wildeman were lower than on MC and Pyrodwarf. With Doyenné du Comice quince Sobu was second best with respect to production and production efficiency. Conference trees on Sobu did not look as healthy as on the other rootstocks and growth of the cultivar was much weaker than that of Doyenné du Comice on the same rootstocks, indicating some kind of incompatibility between Conference and Sobu. At the end of the trial a longitudinal sections were made of the graft unions of both scion cultivars grafted onto Sobu. Figure 2 shows the longitudinal sections of the graft unions between Sobu and both cultivars. As can be clearly seen in this figure, part of the wood at the union is black, which indicates compatibility between Sobu and Conference is very poor. The union between Sobu and Doyenné du Comice looks much healthier. However, also in the latter combination a clear separation line between the wood of the scion and the rootstock is visible, indicating that also in this case both tissues are not fully compatible. 19 T a b l e 7. Cumulative production of Conference and Doyenné du Comice, 20012004 7 l e n t e l ë. Conference ir Doyenné du Comice derëjimas 20012004 m. Rootstock Poskiepis Yield, kg/tree Derlius, kg/vaism. Amount of fruits, pcs/tree Vaisiø kiekis, vnt./vaism. Fruit weight Vaisiø masë, g Production efficiency, fruits/cm2 of TCSA* Produktyvumas, vaisiai/cm2 KSP ‘Conference’ MC 28.9 172 190 10.2 e Delbuena 16.4 114 160 6.4 d Dolacomi 17.3 118 153 4.6 bc Gieser W. 18.6 138 139 5.3 cd Pyrodwarf 17.3 123 175 Sobu 16.3 109 151 MC 24.3 98 263 4.1 bc Delbuena 11.5 44 270 1.4 a Dolacomi 8.1 36 232 1.1 a Gieser W. 9.5 33 259 1.2 a Pyrodwarf 8.6 30 263 0.9 a 17.0 69 243 3.2 b 4.3 bc 10.6 e ‘Doyenné du comice’ Sobu Average of ‘Conference’ & ‘Doyenné du comice’ / ‘Conference’ ir ‘Doyenné du comice’ vidurkis MC 26.6 b 135 b 227 b Delbuena 13.8 a 80 a 212 ab Dolacomi 12.6 a 77 a 194 a Gieser W. 13.8 a 85 a 197 a Pyrodwarf 13.1 a 77 a 224 b Sobu F-test LSD05/R05 17.4 a 91 a 204 ab p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.05 p<0.01 5.6 31 25 1.5 * Total number of fruits per tree in 2001-2004 per cm2 of trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) in autumn of 2004 / Bendras vaisiø skaièius 20012004 m. vienam kamieno skerspjûvio ploto (KSP) cm2 2004 rudená 20 F i g. 1. Longitudinal sections of graft unions of 8-year old trees of Conference (A) and Doyenné du Comice (B) grafted on rootstock BP10030 1 p a v. Aðtuonmeèiø Conference (A) ir Doyenné du Comice (B) veisliø vaismedþiø su BP10030 poskiepiu iðilginis skiepijimo vietos pjûvis F i g. 2. Longitudinal sections of graft unions of 8-year old trees Conference (A) and Doyenné du Comice (B) grafted on rootstock Sobu 2 p a v. Aðtuonmeèiø Conference (A) ir Doyenné du Comice (B) veisliø vaismedþiø su Sobu poskiepiu iðilginis skiepijimo vietos pjûvis Average flower intensities over the trial period were between 4.4 and 5.4 for Conference and 3.4 and 4.9 for Doyenné du Comice . In both cultivars the lowest flower intensities were noted for trees grown on Gieser Wildeman and the highest for trees grown on quince MC. T r i a l 3 (0 4 4 - R a 0 1 1 0 1). In Table 8 the growth and production of Conference and Doyenné du Comice on quince MC is presented together with that on 5 other quinces (Adams, MC Peters, MH (= QR 193-16), ME, and S 3) and on the pyrus Gieser Wildeman. Both scion cultivars showed similar patterns in growth. 21 Compared to growth on quince MC a significantly higher growth index and a larger increase in trunk circumference was noted on both Gieser Wildeman and S 3. On MC Peters the growth index and increase in trunk circumference equalled those on MC. On Adams growth index of Conference equalled that on MC, while that of Doyenné du Comice was slightly higher. No differences were observed in the increases in trunk circumferences of both scion cultivars on MC and Adams. With the exception of a smaller increase in trunk circumference of Doyenné du Comice, growth of both scion cultivars on MC Peters equalled that on MC. Significantly lower growth indexes were observed in both scion cultivars on quinces MH and ME. Increases in trunk circumferences were also smaller on these rootstocks, but these differences were only statistically significant in Doyenné du Comice . T a b l e 8. Average growth index and increase in trunk circumference 8 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Poskiepis MC Adams S3 Gieser W. MC Peters MH ME F-test LSD05/R05 Vidutinis augimo indeksas ir kamieno apimties padidëjimas Growth index* in 2002–2005 Augimo indeksas 2002–2005 m. ‘Conference’ 4.6 cde 5.0 def 6.0 g 5.5 fg 4.4 bcd 3.8 ab 3.2 a p<0.001 0.6 Increase of trunk circumference in spring 2001–autumn 2005 Kamieno apimties padidëjimas 2001 m. pavasará–2005 m. rudená, cm ‘Doy. du Comice’ ‘Conference’ 4.3 bcd 8.2 ab 5.1 ef 9.0 b 5.9 g 12.1 d 6.8 h 10.3 c 4.3 bc 8.1 ab 3.4 a 7.7 a 2.9 a 7.5 a p<0.001 p<0.001 0.6 1.2 ‘Doy. du Comice’ 10.4 c 10.9 c 14.0 e 14.8 e 9.0 b 7.9 ab 7.8 ab p<0.001 1.2 *on scale 1 (no growth) to 9 (very strong growth) / skalëje nuo 1 (jokio augimo) iki 9 (labai intensyvus augimas) The average growth on Gieser Wildeman presented in Table 7 was somewhat reduced by the occurrence of pear decline in some years in several observation trees. In any year trees on Gieser Wildeman without any visual symptoms of pear decline showed a much stronger growth than on MC. Contrary to an earlier experiment at the former location of the research station in Wilhelminadorp (Wertheim, 2002), growth on S 3 was stronger than on MC. The most probable explanation for the weaker growth in Wilheminadorp was the use of virus-infected S 3. The growth on virus-free S 3 in the experiment in Randwijk indicates that this rootstock is too vigorous for Dutch high density orchards. Cumulative productions of Conference and Doyenné du Comice are shown in Table 9. Conference produced the highest number of fruits on the MC, Adams and MC Peters. On S 3, Gieser Wildeman and MH trees produced about 100 fruits less. On ME trees produced only one third of the number of fruits as compared to trees on MC. Conference trees produced similar kg fruits on MC, Adams and MC 22 Peters. On S 3 and MH trees produced about 15 kg less. Trees on Gieser Wildeman and ME produced about 26 and 34 kg less, respectively, than on MC. Average fruit weight was only significantly reduced for Conference grown on Gieser Wildeman. Production efficiency was highest for Conference on MC. Trees on Adams and MC Peters had slightly lower production efficiency, but the difference to MC was not statistically significant. Significant lower efficiencies compared to MC were noted for Conference on MH (-17%), ME (-46%), and S 3 (-52%) and Gieser Wildeman (-54%). T a b l e 9. Production parameters of Conference and Doyenné du Comice, 20022005 9 l e n t e l ë. Conference ir Doyenné du Comice derëjimo rodikliai 20022005 m. Rootstock Yield, kg/tree Poskiepis Derlius, kg/vaism. Amount of fruits, pcs/tree Vaisiø kiekis, vnt./vaism. Fruit weight Vaisiø masë, g Production efficiency, fruits/cm2 of TCSA* Produktyvumas, vaisiai/cm2 KSP ‘Conference’ MC 329 h 54.8 g 177 b 18.9 f Adams 327 h 55.5 g 176 b 17.0 ef S3 211 g 38.4 ef 190 b 9.0 d Gieser W. 215 g 27.1 c 134 a 8.6 d MC Peters 293 h 52.0 g 188 b 16.9 ef MH 222 g 40.0 ef 188 b 15.8 e ME 109 def 19.6 b 187 b 10.3 d MC 90 cde ‘Doyenné du comice’ 28.4 cd 4.8 bc 5.6 c 38.0 ef 294 d S3 79 cd 24.9 bc 317 def 2.9 b Gieser W. 25 a 6.1 a 247 c 0.7 a MC Peters 119 ef 35.0 de 301 de 6.2 c 19.9 b 330 f 4.7 bc Adams 135 f 324 ef 66 bc MH 37 ab ME F-test LSD05/R05 P<0.001 40 12.4 a 362 g P<0.05 P<0.05 7.0 26 3.3 b P<0.001 2.1 Total number of fruits per tree in 20022005 per cm2 of trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) in autumn of 2005 / Bendras vaisiø skaièius 20022005 m. vienam kamieno skerspjûvio ploto (KSP) cm2 2005 rudená * Compared to Conference fruit production of Doyenné du Comice was lower for all rootstock. The highest number of fruits and kg/tree were produced on Adams, MC Peters and MC, the lowest numbers on Gieser Wildeman and ME. Average fruit size was highest on ME and lowest on Gieser Wildeman. Production efficiency was highest on MC Peters followed by Adams, MC and MH. Gieser Wildeman gave by far the lowest production efficiency. 23 Flower intensity over the trial period was generally good and averaged between 4.9 and 6.4 in Conference and 3.6 and 6.0 in Doyenné du Comice . In both cultivars the lowest flower intensities were observed for trees grown on pyrus Gieser Wildeman or quince ME, the highest flower intensities for trees grown on the quinces MC, Adams and MC Peters. Discussion. Conference and Doyenné du Comice trees raised from the same batch of rootstocks and scion buds and at the same nursery in the Netherlands were also planted in 1999 in a trial at East Malling Research in England (Johnson et al., 2005). Compared to the Dutch trial production of Conference in the UK was lower and the percentage of fruits having a diameter of 65 mm or more was much lower for trees grown on rootstocks MC and C132. With Conference the Pyrus rootstock BIP10030 was less productive. In the trial in England this was not yet noticeable in 2003 (Johnson et al., 2005), but became very clear in 2004 (Johnson, personal communication, 2006). The observed tendency of C132 increasing fruit size of Conference in the Dutch trial confirmed by the results of the trial in England. The negative effect of leaf appearance of Conference grafted on BP10030 together with the decreased productivity warrants further attention and may possibly be the result of a cultivar specific incompatibility. Although such negative effects were not observed with cultivar Doyenné du Comice, the formation of a very thickened graft union may possibly affect graft compatibility in the future and thus necessitates further research. An interesting observation was the reduction of russeting of Conference when grown on rootstock Eline®. This may be of interest when the market demands fruits with less russeting, which may be of interest for market demanding less russeted pears. Frost resistance is expected to be another advantage of both Eline® and C132 as they were originate from areas with much more severe winters. However, lack of severe winter frosts during the trial period made it not possible to evaluate this characteristic. Pyrus rootstocks are attractive from the point of view of better compatibility, frost hardiness and tolerance to lime-induced chlorosis than most quince rootstocks. However, all Pyrus rootstocks evaluated so far resulted in stronger growth, a lower production efficiency and general smaller fruit size than quince MC. In addition, another negative aspect of Pyrus rootstocks is their observed sensitivity to pear decline. Of the tested quinces the weakest growth and highest production efficiency was observed for Conference and Doyenné du Comice grown on Sobu. However, based on the anatomy of the graft union and the poor leaf quality the dwarfing by this rootstock seems to be caused by incompatibility, especially with Conference. Large variation was observed in vigour between the 10 replicate trees of the trial, indicating variability in the establishment of a successful graft union. As virus free plant material of Sobu was used, it is unlikely that viruses were the reason for the differences in growth between the trees. Quinces MH, Eline®, and C132 were the best performing rootstocks of the trials and their control of tree vigour and production efficiency was quite similar to quince MC. Specific characteristics like slightly more dwarfing (MH), bigger fruit size (C 132) and expected greater frost resistance 24 (C 132, Eline®), less russeted fruits with Conference (Eline®) may favour their choice above the currently most used quince rootstocks MC and Adams, depending on the desired planting system, scion cultivar and market demands for fruit size and russeting. A larger demonstration trial is in preparation to compare this growth and production of Conference with these three rootstocks in comparison with MC and Adams at different locations in the Netherlands and to further optimise cultivation practises. Gauta 2006 05 05 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 03 References 1. J o h n s o n D., E v a n s K., S p e n c e r J., W e b s t e r T., A d a m S. Orchard Comparisons of New Quince and Pyrus Rootstock Clones. Acta Hort. 2005. 671: 201207. 2. T r a j k o v s k i V., A n d e r s s o n G. Rootstock Breeding. 1990. Sveriges Lantbrukuniversitet. Balsgård Avdelningen För Hortikulturell Växtförädling. Verksamhetsberättelse 19881989: 2730. 3. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock guide. Apple, pear, cherry, European plum. Publication Fruit Research Station, Wilheminadorp, 1998. P.144. 4. W e r t h e i m S. J., W e b s t e r A. D. Rootstocks and interstems. In: Tromp J., Webster A.D., Wertheim S.J. (eds). Fundamentals of Temperate Zone Tree Fruit Production. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 2005. P. 156175. 5. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstocks for European pear: a review. Acta Hort. 2002. 596: 299309. 6. W e r t h e i m S. J., V e r c a m m e n J. A multi-site pear-interstem trial in the Netherlands and Belgium. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 2000. 54: 199207. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 1326. KRIAUÐIØ IR SVARAINIØ POSKIEPIØ TINKAMUMAS INTENSYVIEMS KRIAUÐIØ SODAMS F. Maas Santrauka Siekiant ekonomiðkai iðnaudoti þemæ ir taupyti darbo sànaudas soduose, bûtina taikyti tankaus sodinimo sistemas. Tokiø sodø pagrindas yra þemaûgiai poskiepiai, kontroliuojantys vaismedþiø augimà. Olandijoje nëra vaismedþiø poskiepiø selekcijos programø. Poskiepiø tyrimai tik kitose ðalyse sukurtø poskiepiø patikrinimas. Olandijos kriauðiø augintojams pagrindiniai naujø poskiepiø selekcijos kriterijai yra ðie: 1) vaismedþio dydþio kontrolë; 2) produkcija; 3) vaisiø dydis; 4) vaisiø kokybë; 5) produktyvumas; 6) atsparumas ðalèiams. Papildomi 25 kriterijai Olandijos medelynams, eksportuojantiems vaismedþius á kitas ðalis, yra ðie: 1) poskiepiø suderinamumas su skiepijamomis veislëmis; 2) tinkamumas auginti kalkinguose dirvoþemiuose; 3) nesudëtingas dauginimas. Visuose bandymuose poskiepiø charakteristikos lyginamos su svarainiu MC, Olandijoje kriauðëms daþniausiai naudojamu poskiepiu. Neseniai keletas kriauðiø (Pyrus communis) ir svarainiø (Cydonia oblonga) poskiepiø buvo patikrinti su Conference ir Doyenné du Comice veislëmis. Paprastai kriauðiø poskiepiø produktyvumas yra daug maþesnis negu svarainiø MC. Kitas ávertintø kriauðiø poskiepiø trûkumas buvo jø didelis jautrumas kriauðiø nykimo fitoplazmai. Patikrinus skiepijimo vietà, keletas poskiepiø buvo atmesta dël átariamø suderinamumo problemø. Ið patikrintøjø svarainiø poskiepiø daug vilèiø teikia C132 (riboja vaismedþiø augimà ir uþtikrina gerà vaisiø dydá) ir Eline® (sumaþina Conference veislës kriauðiø vaisiø grûdëtumà). Reikðminiai þodþiai: Cydonia oblonga, intensyvus sodas, Pyrus communis, suderinamumas. 26 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 2733. ROOTSTOCKS USED FOR TEMPERATE FRUIT TREES IN TURKEY: AN OVERVIEW Sezai ERCISLI, Ahmet ESITKEN, Emine ORHAN, Ozlem OZDEMIR Ataturk University, Agricultural Faculty Department of Horticulture, 25240 Erzurum-Turkey. E-mail: Most of the fruit tree orchards in Turkey are grafted onto rootstocks, except chestnuts and cornelian cherries, which are generally propagated by seeds. The main rootstocks used by Turkish growers for temperate fruit trees nowadays are: wild apple seedlings, M.9 and MM.106 for apples; wild pear, in particular Pyrus eleagrifolia L. seedlings for pears; wild peach seedlings for peaches; wild plum seedlings for plums; seedlings of Mazzard and Mahaleb, very recently clonally propagated Gisela 5 and Gisela 6 rootstocks for cherries; Juglans regia L. seedlings for walnut; wild almond seedlings for almond; wild apricot seedlings for apricot. The level of clonal rootstock use for temperate fruit tree species is not satisfactory in Turkey. However, in recent years the number of orchards established with clonal rootstocks, in particular for apples and cherries, has been increased in the country. In this paper the current status of rootstock use for temperate fruit trees in Turkey is reported. Key words: temperate fruit trees, rootstock use, Turkey. Introduction. Agriculture traditionally has been a pillar of Turkeys economy. Although the industrial and service sectors increased their dominance in recent years, Turkey remained the largest producer and exporter of agricultural products in the Middle East and North African region. Turkeys fertile soil and hardworking farmers make the country one of the few in the world that is self-sufficient in terms of food. The total land area of Turkey is about 78.3 million ha supporting 26.4 million ha of agricultural and 20.7 million ha of forest land (Ayyildiz et al., 1997; Anonymous, 2005). Turkeys natural environment is very diverse, ranging from subtropical to cold temperate. This ecological diversity has contributed not only to a high genetic diversity, but has also allowed the successful introduction and cultivation of a great number of fruit tree species. Thus, over 85 fruit tree species including almost all the deciduous species such as apples, pears, cherries, quinces, almonds, pistachios etc. are grown successfully in the country (Ercisli, 2004). The country dominates in the world by hazelnut, apricot, sweet cherry, fig and quince production (FAO, 2005). Fruit production is conducted throughout the country, although it is less common in the mountainous Eastern regions, where 27 animal husbandry is the principal activity. The development of the Turkeys fruit industry has been remarkable in the last decade. Currently planted fruit tree area is more than 240.000 ha, mainly central area of the country. Previously, Turkeys fruit industry was based mainly on dried fruit export, but recently fresh fruit export gained importance. Hazelnut, sweet cherry, citrus, fig and dried apricot export have an important place in Turkish economy (FAO, 2005). One of the important factors, which affect this improvement in Turkey, is the use of rootstocks for different fruit tree species. As well known, the use of rootstocks is very important in fruit tree growing not only for yield efficiency, mineral uptake, hardiness etc., but also to meet specific cultural needs, aside from vigor management, with adaptability to climatic and edaphic conditions having a high priority requirement (Ercisli et al., 2000). During the last two decades, the use of clonal rootstocks for temperate fruit tree crops such as apples, cherries, and nectarines, particularly increased in Turkey. The aim of this study was to give latest information on the use of rootstocks in Turkey for temperate fruit tree crops. Materials and methods. The data used in this study was obtained from Ministry of Agriculture of Turkey ( Results. Stone Fruit Rootstocks. The seedling and clonal rootstocks, their percentage and number of rootstocks produced in Turkey in 2005 for stone fruits are listed in Table 1. It can be seen in Table 1 that the great majority of rootstocks used for apricot cultivars in Turkey were still wild apricot seedlings (95.99%). Apricot culture was practiced in Turkey more than 1000 years ago and the use of plantations of systematically grafted trees was started from 1960s. In some parts of Turkey, for example, in Erzincan plain, the majority of apricot trees come from ungrafted seedling material. However, in modern orchards of Turkey, the cultivars are grafted in general on wild apricot seedling rootstocks using T-budding method. The use of other Prunus species such as Prunus cerasifera, Prunus persica and Prunus armeniaca L. seedlings is restricted by problems of graft incompatibility (Unal, 1992). According to the latest data, Turkey occupy 1st place both by sweet cherry production and export levels in the world (FAO, 2005). Primary sweet cherry rootstocks used in Turkey are wild Prunus avium L. (Mazzard) seedlings (40.12%) and followed by Prunus mahaleb L. seedlings (28.75%), Gisela 6 (Prunus cerasus x Prunus canescens) (14.84%) and Gisela 5 (Prunus canescens x Prunus cerasus) (10.01%) rootstocks, respectively (Table 1). Turkish growers mainly prefer to use Mazzard seedlings for sweet cherries because of its good soil adaptability. In general, Prunus mahaleb L. seedlings were used for sweet cherries only on calcareous droughty soils in Turkey. In latest years the use of Gisela 5 and Gisela 6 rootstocks has been widespread very quickly. On the other hand, Prunus mahaleb L. seedlings (92.22%) still remain the main choice for Turkish sour cherry producers because of its high compatibility with sour cherry cultivars, tolerance to drought, smaller tree size, good precocity, and high productivity. In Turkey, the trees of Prunus mahaleb L. with yellow fruited and light-colored trunks are generally preferred for rootstock for both sweet and sour cherry cultivars. It is believed that these types do not show incompatibility with scion cultivars (Misirli et al., 1996). 28 T a b l e 1. Stone fruit rootstocks propagated, percentage and quantity of grafted plants produced in Turkey nurseries in 2005 1 l e n t e l ë. Kaulavaisiø poskiepiai, Turkijos medelynuose 2005 metais áskiepytø augalø procentas ir kiekis Fruit tree crops Rootstocks Augalo rûðis Poskiepiai Apricots / Abrikosai Sweet cherries Treðnës Sour cherries Number of grafted plants Áskiepytø augalø skaièius % units/vnt. Nemaguard 3.70 30 000 Wild plum seedlings / Laukiniø slyvø sëjinukai 0.31 2550 Wild apricot seedlings / Laukiniø abrikosø sëjinukai 95.99 810 822 Mahaleb seedlings / Mahaleb sëjinukai 28.70 583 368 Mazzard seedlings / Mazzard sëjinukai 40.12 813 912 SL 64 6.33 128 400 Gisela 5 10.01 203 120 Gisela 6 14.84 301 000 Mahaleb seedlings / Mahaleb sëjinukai 92.22 296 163 Vyšnios Peaches / Persikai Wild sour cherry seedlings / Laukiniø vyšniø sëjinukai 6.53 20 985 Wild sweet cherry seedlings / Laukiniø trešniø sëjinukai 1.25 4 000 Nemaguard 1.24 10 000 Almond seedlings / Migdolø sëjinukai 0.20 2 000 GF 677 2.29 18 500 Marianna GF8-1 1.24 1 000 Wild peach seedlings / Laukiniø persikø sëjinukai 94.51 764 629 Wild apricot seedlings / Laukiniø abrikosø sëjinukai 0.50 4 315 GF 305 0.02 143 Nectarines/Nektarinai GF 677 59.96 35 500 Marianna GF8-1 16.89 10 000 Wild peach seedlings / Laukiniø persikø sëjinukai 6.26 3 705 Nemaguard 16.89 10 000 Marianna GF8-1 4.42 20 000 Wild plum seedlings / Laukiniø slyvø sëjinukai 80.78 367 768 Wild apricot seedlings / Laukiniø abrikosø sëjinukai 0.30 1 380 Myrobalan B 14.00 63 400 Plums / Slyvos Almonds / Migdolai GF 677 3.00 4 000 Wild almond seedlings / Laukiniø migdolø sëjinukai 97.00 115 343 29 Wild peach seedlings still are the principal rootstock source for peach cultivars in Turkey with the percentage of use 94.51% (Table 1). The wild peach types are usually obtained from peach trees that have escaped cultivation and are found growing wild or in a nearly wild state. A major problem with wild peaches is their genetic variability and general lack of uniformity in the nursery and the orchard (Guleryuz, 1998). In Turkey, most of plum trees are found in wild or semi-wild conditions. Plant characteristics of plum species naturally grown in Turkey are very diverse, ranging from shrubs to large trees, spreading to upright and early to late blooming (Ercisli, 2004). Wild seed propagated rootstocks (80.78%) mainly from Prunus cerasifera L. species have been used. Turkish growers believe that less incompatibility is seen when European plums are put on this species (Gonulsen et al., 1985). Myrobalan B is the second widely used seedling rootstock in Turkey with sharing of 14% (Table 1). Until 1980s almond trees originally were grown ungrafted as seedlings in Turkey. Now grafting, mainly onto almond seedlings (97%), is common way for almond production in Turkey. Field budding practices onto seedlings in main almond growing regions in Turkey is desirable because of deeper and longer tap-rooted characteristics of seedlings. Field budded trees in these regions are considered to be more resistant to dry conditions. On the other hand, seeds from bitter almond trees have been characteristically used by nurserymen as sources of seeds. Trees from such sources are thought to be more vigorous and generally superior to trees from sweet-kernelled seeds. It is possible that such seeds are less often eaten by rodents and thus survive better in field planting (Akca and Ceylan, 1996). P o m e R o o t s t o c k s. The main rootstocks used for apple cultivars in Turkey were wild apple seedlings (37.07%), M.9 (35.96%) and MM.106 (22.60%) (Table 2). The center of genetic diversity of apple (Malus) is in Asia Minor (Turkey), likewise the cradle of human civilization. M. pumila L. and M. trilobata L. are native Anatolia (Way et al., 1990). A large number of wild apple populations originated from the Black Sea and Northeast regions of Turkey. These wild germplasm are critical in maintaining diversity in the gene pool. A research project on genes controlling economic traits of Malus species found in Turkey is being carried out by apple breeders, plant pathologists and germplasm curators (McCandless, 1999). Though the fruit quality of these wild species is very poor, the possible frost and drought tolerance and dwarf growth habit might be valuable genetic traits for apple rootstocks breeding. If these wild plants came true-to-type from seed, this could be a source of apomixes for use in breeding rootstocks. Throughout Turkey, the most common rootstock used for pear cultivars still is wild pear seedlings, in particular Pyrus elaeagrifolia with 97.0% (Table 2). Pyrus elaeagrifolia L. originated in Crimea, Anatolia, East Bulgaria, Romania, and European Turkey. The species shows high drought and cold resistance and therefore provides one of the most commonly used rootstocks for pear cultivars in Turkey (Guleryuz, 1998). 30 T a b l e 2. Pome rootstocks propagated, percentage and quantity of grafted plants produced in Turkey nurseries in 2005 2 l e n t e l ë. Sëklavaisiø poskiepiai, Turkijos medelynuose 2005 metais áskiepytø augalø procentas ir kiekis Number of grafted plants Fruit tree crops Vaismediai Rootstocks Áskiepytø augalø skaièius Poskiepiai % units / vnt. Apples / Obelys M.9 M.26 MM.106 MM.109 MM.111 Wild apple seedlings/ Laukiniø obelø sëjinukai 35.96 1.06 22.60 0.02 3.31 37.07 950 936 28 108 598 176 5670 87 915 984 118 Pears / Kriauðës Quince A / Svarainis A Wild quince seedlings / Laukiniø svarainiø sëjinukai Wild pear seedlings / Laukiniø kriaušiø sëjinukai 2.99 0.01 97.0 13 512 210 488 037 Quinces / Svarainiai Quince A / Svarainis A Wild quince seedlings / Laukiniø svarainiø sëjinukai 19.0 81.0 21 790 90 475 N u t C r o p R o o t s t o c k s. Pistachios. In Turkey, there are wild pistachio populations including Pistacia vera, Pistacia khinjuk and Pistacia terebinthus trees or shrubs. These wild plants are being grafted in situ conditions by standard pistachio cultivars. However, in modern pistachio orchards, pistachios are commercially propagated by budding the chosen scion cultivar onto seedling rootstocks (100 percent Pistacia vera L. seedlings used). Therefore, the rootstocks for used pistachios cultivars in Turkey, however, are genetically variable, since the seed from which it grew was the progeny of a heterozygous female parent and unknown heterozygous pollen parent (Guleryuz, 1998). Walnuts. In Turkey, both seedling and grafted walnut (Juglans regia L.) trees are grown throughout the country. The cultivars mainly grafted onto wild walnut seedlings (Juglans regia L.). Currently all seed propagated rootstocks in Turkey are derived from open pollinated seeds. Breeding and selection programs in Turkey are focused on cultivar rather than rootstock development because of the greater potential gains by cultivar selection in native seedling populations. Rootstock development is expected to be emphasized more when improved cultivars are released. There is general agreement that the development of true-to type rootstocks for walnuts would open a whole new realm of possibilities for the walnut growers. Dwarfing, greater yields, precocity of production, and a reduction in variability of orchard trees have been among the most often mentioned attributes (Balci et al., 2001). 31 T a b l e 3. Nut crop rootstocks propagated, percentage and quantity of grafted plants produced in Turkey nurseries in 2005 3 l e n t e l ë. Rieðutø poskiepiai, Turkijos medelynuose 2005 metais áskiepytø augalø procentas ir kiekis Rootstocks Fruit tree crops Vaismediai Poskiepiai Number of grafted plants Áskiepytø augalø skaièius % units / vnt. P. vera, P. khinjuk P. terebinthus seedlings / P. terebinthus sëjinukai 100 19 100 Walnuts / Graikiniai riešutai Wild walnut seedlings / Laukiniø graikiniø riešutø 100 206 621 Pistachios / Pistacijos sëjinukai Conclusion. It may be stated that during the last decade, fruit growers in Turkey improve their use of rootstocks in order to achieve better growth of temperate fruit tree crops, better tolerance to unfavorable soil and phytosanitary problems, improved dwarfing, and reduced management costs. The most recent crop to be grafted on rootstocks in Turkey were walnut and almond, which always were grown on their own roots until the end of the 1980s. It is expected that the next decade the use of clonal rootstocks will be increased. Gauta 2006 04 24 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 References 1. A k ç a Y., C e y l a n S. A study on the comparison of some rootstock properties of sweet and bitter almond seeds // Proceedings of Hazelnut and the Other Nut Fruits Symposium, 1011 January 1996, Samsun-Turkey. P. 402408. 2. A n o n y m o u s. Statistical Yearbook of Turkey 2004, State Institute of Statistic Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey, Publication Number: 2779, Ankara, Turkey, 2005. 3. A y y i l d i z T., A c i k e l S., K e s k i n A., A t s a n T. The Relationship between Turkey and European Union // Publication of Ataturk University, 850, Erzurum, Turkey, 1997. 4. B a l c i A., B a l t a F., K a z a n k a y a A., S e n S. M. Promising native walnut genotypes (Juglans regia L.) of the East Black Sea Region of Turkey // Journal American Pomological Society. 2001. 55(4). P. 204209. 5. E r c i s l i S., G u l e r y u z M., P a m i r M. Effects of different rootstocks on fruit characteristics of some apple cultivars // Turkish Journal Agricultural Forestry. 2000. 24. P. 533539. 6. E r c i s l i S. A short review of the fruit germplasm resources of Turkey // Genetic Resources and Crop Evaluation. 2004. 51. P. 419435. 7. F A O. Food and Agricultural Organization. 8. G o n u l s e n N., O z v a r d a r S., B a l d i r a n E. The seed resources for plum rootstocks. Proceedings of Seed Certification and Transportation Problems in Turkey. TUBITAK. 1985. P. 585590. 32 9. G u l e r y u z M. Temperate fruit species // Ataturk Univ. Agricultural Faculty. 1998. P. 128. 10. M c C a n d l e s s L. Cornell and USDA prospect for Green Gold in the mountains of Turkey// pubs/ press /1999/ turkey.html. 11. M i s i r l i A., G u l c a n R., T a n r i s e v e r A. Importance of stomata in evaluating the vigor of Prunus mahaleb rootstocks // Acta Horticultuýrae. 1996. 410, P. 227232. 12. U n a l A. Anatomy of the graft union and degree of incompatibility of some apricot varieties budded on plum, almond and peach seedlings // Acta Horticulturae. 1992. 384. P. 493496. 13. W a y R. D., A l d w i n c k l e H. S., L a m b R. C., R e j m a n A., S a n s a v i n i S., S h e n T. et al. Apples // Acta Horticulturae. 1990. 290. P. 163. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 2733. VIDUTINIO KLIMATO SÀLYGOMIS AUGANÈIØ VAISMEDÞIØ POSKIEPIAI TURKIJOJE: APÞVALGA S. Ercisli, A. Esitken, E. Orhan, O. Ozdemir Santrauka Daugelis sodo vaismedþiø Turkijoje yra skiepijami, iðskyrus graikinius rieðutmedþius ir sedulas, kurie paprastai dauginami sëklomis. Pagrindiniai poskiepiai, á kuriuos turkø augintojai mûsø laikais skiepija vidutinio klimato sàlygomis auganèius vaismedþius, yra ðie: laukiniø obelø sëjinukai, M.9 ir MM.106 obelims; laukiniø kriauðiø, ypaè Pyrus eleagrifolia L., sëjinukai kriauðëms; laukiniø persikø sëjinukai persikams; laukiniø slyvø sëjinukai slyvoms; Mazzard ir Mahaleb sëjinukai, visai neseniai vegetatyviniu bûdu pradëti dauginti poskiepiai Gisela 5 ir Gisela 6 treðnëms; Juglans regia L. sëjinukai graikiniams rieðutmedþiams; laukiniø migdolø sëjinukai migdolams; laukiniø abrikosø sëjinukai abrikosams. Vegetatyviniu bûdu dauginti poskiepiai vidutinio klimato sàlygomis auganèiø vaismedþiø rûðims áskiepyti Turkijoje naudojami nepakankamai. Taèiau pastaruoju metu ðalyje vis daugëja su vegetatyviniais poskiepiais áveistø sodø, ypaè obelø ir vyðniø. Ðiame straipsnyje aptartas poskiepiø naudojimas vidutinio klimato vaismedþiams áskiepyti Turkijoje. Reikðminiai þodþiai: vidutinio klimato vaismedþiai, poskiepiø naudojimas, Turkija. 33 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 3438. ROOTSTOCKS OF FRUIT CROPS IN BELARUS Vyacheslav SAMUS, Soltan GADZHIEV, Vitaliy POPLAVSKIY, Nina DRABUDKO RUE Institute for Fruit Growing of the NAS of Belarus, 2 Kovalev str., Samokhvalovitchy, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus. E-mail: Biological and economic characteristics of recommended for cultivation and promising clonal rootstocks of fruit crops according to the results of complex evaluation in stoolbed, nursery and orchard in 19852005 are presented in the paper. According to the complex indices the following apple rootstocks are recommended for cultivation in the Republic: rootstocks PB-4, B.396, M.9, M.26, B.118, B.545, MM.10613. The following rootstocks are passed to the system of State variety trials: apple rootstock 106-13, plum rootstocks VPK-1, OD-2-3, VVA-1, cherry and sweet cherry AVCh-2, VSL-2, Gisella-5, Damil GY-79. Key words: clonal rootstocks, winterhardiness, vigor, biological, economic and morphological characteristics, precocity, productivity, Belarus. Introduction. Nowadays the most effective type of orchard is intensive onerow orchard planted on clonal rootstocks. The type of clonal rootstocks can change the vigour, precocity, yield and resistance to biotic and abiotic factors of grafted plants without impact on inheritance of cultivar properties (1). The applied rootstock must be winter hardy, well-adapted to the environmental conditions of the region, highly compatible with grafted cultivars, resistant to fungi and virus diseases, gaining precocity, high yield and fruit quality as well as forming compact trees for convenient maintenance and cropping (3). According to the food standards adopted in the Republic of Belarus, gross production of fruits and small fruits must be not less than 800 thousand ton per year. Yearly gross production of fruits and small fruits was on the average 300400 thousand ton during the last 5 years, which comprised 4050% of the required production. Substantial increase of fruit production in the Republic may be possible in case of creation of new orchards with dense plantation design. Intensification in horticulture can be achieved by the use of dwarf clonal rootstocks (5). Early fruiting of such trees allows shortening unproductive period and optimum planting density due to the fact that compact trees makes land use of areas more effective, eventually gaining high profits. 34 Materials and methods. The research was carried out at the Institute for Fruit growing of the NAS of Belarus in 19852005. Objects of research where the following groups of rootstocks: 35 forms of apple tree: B.118, B.396, V-9, B.476, B.545, 71-3-150, 71-3-195 (Russia, Michurinsk SAU); B-16-20, B-7-53 (Russia, Dagestan FBES); ARM-18 (Armenia, RIH&G); P1, P2, P14, P22, P59, P60 (Poland, Institute in Skierniewitse), M.9 Emla, M.9 N-9-84, M.9 Rene Nikolaya, M.9 Pajam 1, M.9 Pajam-2 (England, East Malling Research Station), Supporter-1, Supporter-3 (Germany, Institute of Pomology at Dresden-Pillnitz), D-1161, D-471, D-1071, D-3331, D-2854, Don-70-382, Don-70-362 (Ukraine, Artemovskiy HES), J-TE-E, J-TE-D, J-TE-F (Czech republic); MM.106-13, PB-4 (Belarus, Institute for Fruit Growing of the NAS of Belarus); pear: 6 forms Cydonia x oblonga BA-29 (France, INRA), quince ¹1/19, ¹1/22, ¹1/33 (Belarus, Institute for Fruit Growing of the NAS), SI-4-2 and SI-2-10 (Ukraine, Research institute in Mliev named after L. P. Simirenko UAAS) and 7 forms of pear rootstocks obtained from All-Russia Research Institute of Horticulture named after I. V. Michurin (Russia) pear-10, 217-24-4, 218-5-4, 218-6-4, 3-21-32, 218-4-4; plum: 14 forms 21-11, 21-20 (Russia, I.V.Michurin CSL at Michurinsk), OD-2-3 (Russia, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after K. D. Glinka) , GF 655/2 (France, Research station La Grande Ferrade at Bordeaux), SVG 132-2, SVG 11-19, 140-2, VPK-1 (Russia, All-Russia Research Institute of Siberia name after M. A. Lisavenko at Barnaul), Gayovata, 9-250, 9-259, VVA-1, VSV-1, VVA-146 (Russia, the Crimean Experimental Research Station RIP at Krymsk); cherry and sweet cherry: 36 forms P-1, OVP-2, OVP-3, OVP-4, OVP-5, OVP-6, V-2-180, B-2-230, B5-88, C-8-101, Rubin (Russia, All Russia Research Institute of Horticulture at Oriol), VC-13, LC-52, L-2, VSL-2, Mahrovaya-2, Plakuchaya (Ukraine, the Crimean ERS), P-7, P-3Moscovia, Izmaylovskiy (All Russia Breeding and Technology Institute for Fruit Growing and Fruit Nurseries, Moscow, Russia), AVCh-2 (Russia, All Russia Research Institute of Siberia named after M. A. Lisavenko at Barnaul), Rossoshanskaya No.2, Rossoshanskaya No.3, Studenkovskaya (the Ukraine, Artiomovskaya ESH), Gisella-5, F-1/12 (Germany), Damil GY-79 (Belgium), Meteor (the US), Oblachinskaya (Yugoslavia), 16-53, Antipka 18/19, Antipka 18/20, 53/1, 9-78/23, 17/40, 14/2 18-1 (Belarus, Institute for Fruit Growing of the NAS). Research and observations were carried out according to Programma i metodika izucheniya klonovix podvoev v Pribaltiyskih respublikah i Byelorusskoy SSR (Elgava, 1980). Results. High winter hardiness was found in apple tree rootstocks B.118, B.396, V-9, B.491, B.476, B.545, B-16-20, PB-4, B-3, D-1161, J-TE-E, MM.106-13; pear rootstocks SI-4-2 and SI-2-10, pear-10, 3-21-32; plum rootstocks VPK-1, VVA-1, GF 655/2, 140-2, OD-2-3, 9250, VSV-1; cherry and sweet cherry rootstocks OVP-2, B-2-230, B-2-180, C-8-101, LC-52, VSL-2, L-2, VSL-2, Izmaylovskiy, Gisella-5, Damil GY-79. The following rootstocks have the highest value and quality of stoolbed rooting: apple rootstocks B.396, PB-4, ARM-18, B.491, B.118, B.476, B-7-35, B-16-20, pear- 35 quince VA-29, SI-2-10, plum rootstocks VPK-1, cherry and sweet cherry rootstock VSL-2. The selected rootstocks provided the output of 1520 rooted stoolbeds from 1 mother plant, rooting score was 4.5, trunk diameter at ground level 711 mm, mean length of stoolbed 5080 cm. The following rootstocks were rooted worse (score 3.0): apple rootstocks M.9, M.26, D1161, pear rootstocks SI4-2, plum rootstocks OD-2-3, cherry and sweet cherry LC-52, L-2. T a b l e. Economic and biological characteristics of adapted and perspective clonal rootstocks of fruit crops L e n t e l ë. Ekonominës ir biologinës registruotø ir perspektyviø vegetatyviniø poskiepiø charakteristikos Rootstock Vigour Poskiepis Augumas Planting density in Propagation orchard, method tree/ha Dauginimo bûdas Yield during Precocity, full year fruiting Derëjimo Derlius visiško derëjimo metu, t/ha pradios metai 2500 40 2 1666 32 2 2500 40 2 1666 32 2 1250 30 2 Sodinimo sode tankumas, vaism./ha Anchorage Ásitvirtinimas dirvoje Apple / Obelys PB-4 Super-dwarf Stoolbeds Nykštukinis Augynai Dwarf Stoolbeds Weak, trellis required Silpnas, reikia atramø B.396 emaûgis Augynai Weak, trellis required Silpnas, reikia atramø M.9 Dwarf Stoolbeds emaûgis Augynai Semi-dwarf Stoolbeds Weak, trellis required Silpnas, reikia atramø M.26 B.118 Pusiau þemaûgis Augynai Semi-vigorous Stoolbeds Pusiau augus Augynai Trellis required Reikia atramø Good, trellis temporary required Geras, laikinai reikia atramø B.545 Semi-dwarf Pusiau þemaûgis Stoolbeds 1250 30 2 Augynai Good, temporary trellis required Geras, laikinai reikia atramø MM.106-13 Semi-vigorous Stoolbeds Pusiau augus 1250 35 2 Augynai Good, temporary trellis required Geras, laikinai reikia atramø Pear / Kriauðës VA-29 Semi-vigorous Stoolbeds and hardwood cuttings 1250 Pusiau augus 20 3 Good, temporary trellis not required Geras, nereikia laikinø atramø Augynai ir sumedëjæ auginiai 36 T a b l e continued L e n t e l ë s tæsinys Rootstock Vigour Poskiepis Augumas Planting density in Propagation orchard, method tree/ha Dauginimo bûdas Sodinimo sode tankumas, vaism./ha Yield during Precocity, full year fruiting Derëjimo Derlius visiško derëjimo metu, t/ha pradios metai 25 2 Anchorage Ásitvirtinimas dirvoje Plum / Slyvos VVA-1 Dwarf Softwood and hardwood cuttings 2000 Softwood and hardwood cuttings 1500 Semi-vigorous Softwood cuttings 1250 emaûgis Weak, trellis required Silpnas, reikia atramø alieji ir sumedëjæ auginiai OD-2-3 Semi-dwarf Pusiau þemaûgis 20 2 Weak, trellis required Silpnas, reikia atramø alieji ir sumedëjæ auginiai VPK-1 20 2 Pusiau augus Good, temporary trellis not required Geras, nereikia laikinø atramø alieji auginiai Cherry and sweet cherry / Vyðnios ir treðnës OVP-2 Semi-vigorous Softwood Pusiau augus cuttings 1250 Semi-vigorous Softwood Pusiau augus cuttings 1250 18 2 alieji auginiai Ismaylovskiy Geras, nereikia laikinø atramø 18 Dwarf emaûgis Softwood cuttings and stoolbeds 2 Good, temporary trellis not required Geras, nereikia laikinø atramø alieji auginiai VSL-2 Good, temporary trellis not required 1666 22 Weak, trellis required Silpnas, reikia atramø alieji auginiai ir augynai The following rootstocks have high rooting (85100%) in propagation by softwood cuttings: plum rootstocks OD 2-3, VPK-1, 140-2, 9-250, VVA-1, cherry and sweet cherry rootstocks OVP-2, Izmaylovskiy, C-8-101, B-2-180, VSL-2, AVCh-2. Assessment of clonal rootstocks showed that the output of rootstock layers is determined by both meteorological conditions during vegetative period and biological specifics of rootstocks. Maximum output of standard rootstocks (7588%) was found for the rootstocks of apple B.396, B.118, ARM-18, B-7-35, B.476, J-TE-E, pear-quince VA-29, plum VPK-1, cherry and sweet cherry OVP-2, Ismaylovskiy, 37 VSL-2, LC-52, B-2-180, C-8-101. The following rootstocks were distinguished by precocity and yield efficiency: apple rootstocks PB-4, B.396, M.9, M.26, ARM-18, B-7-35, B-16-20, B.118, B.545; pear-quince VA-29; plum VPK-1; cherry and sweet cherry OVP-2, Ismaylovskiy, B-2-230 [2,4]. Conclusions. According to the complex indices the following apple rootstocks are recommended for cultivation in the Republic: rootstocks PB-4, B.396, M.9, M.26, B.118, B.545, MM.106-13. The following rootstocks are passed to the system of State variety trials: apple rootstock 106-13, plum rootstocks VPK-1, OD-2-3, VVA-1, cherry and sweet cherry AVCh-2, VSL-2, Gisella-5, Damil GY-79. Gauta 2006 05 09 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 03 References 1. B u d a g o v s k i y V. I. Kultura slaboroslih plodovih derevyev. Moscow. 1976. 303. (in Russian). 2. D r a b u d k o N. N. Rezultati izuchenija klonovih podvoyev vishni I chereshni v pitomnike: mat. II mezhdunarodnogo simposiuma, posviashchonnogo 80-letiyu so dnia rozhdeniya A.S. Deviatova // Ekologicheskaya otsenka tipov visokoplotnih plodovih nasazhdeniy na klonovih podvoyah. Samokhvalovichy. 1215 avgusta 2003. P.149152. (in Russian) 3. Y e r e m i n G. V. Kostochkoviye kulturi. Rostov-na-Donu. 2000. 254. (in Russian) 4. Z h a b r o v s k i y I. E. Hoziaystvenno-biologicheskie osobennosti novih klonovih podvoev yabloni v usloviyah Respubliki Belarus: Diss. kand. s.-h. nauk: 1999. 06.01.07. p. Samokhvalovichy Minskoy obl. 143. (in Russian) 5. T s y n g a l e v N. M. Klonoviye podvoi slivy: sbornik nauchnih trudov // Slaborosliye klonoviye podvoi v sadovodstve. Michurinsk. 1997. 149. (in Russian) SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 3438. VAISMEDÞIØ POSKIEPIAI BALTARUSIJOJE V. Samus, S. Gadzhiev, V. Poplavskiy, N. Drabudko Santrauka Ðiame darbe pateiktos biologinës ir ekonominës rekomenduojamø auginti ir perspektyviø vegetatyviniø poskiepiø charakteristikos remiantis 19852005 metais atlikto vertinimo poskiepiø dauginimo augyne, medelyne ir sode rezultatais. Kompleksiðkai ávertinus, auginti Baltarusijoje rekomenduoti ðie obelø poskiepiai : PB-4, B.396, M.9, M.26, B.118, B.545, MM.106-13. Á valstybinius veisliø tyrimus átraukti ðie poskiepiai: obelø poskiepis 106-13, slyvø poskiepiai VPK-1, OD-2-3, VVA-1, vyðniø ir treðniø poskiepiai AVCh-2, VSL-2, Gisella-5, Damil GY-79. Reikðminiai þodþiai: vegetatyviniai poskiepiai, atsparumas ðalèiui, augumas, biologinës, ekonominës ir morfologinës charakteristikos, ankstyvumas, derlingumas, Baltarusija. 38 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 3946. GROWTH AND QUALITY OF PEAR MAIDEN TREES DEPENDING ON ROOTSTOCK AND GROWING SEASON Jacek LEWKO1, Andrzej SADOWSKI2, Kazimierz ÚCIBISZ3 Department of Pomology, Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsszawa, Poland. E-mails: 1; 2; 3 The aim of the trial was to assess the influence of five rootstocks on vigour of two pear cultivars under different weather conditions in Central Poland. Diameter of rootstock and maiden tree trunk, tree height as well as feathering of maiden trees were evaluated. All parameters of trees raised in 2003, except for tree height, were higher than those of trees raised in 2004. Cv. Erika produced taller and more branched, but thinner trees than Conference. Both Pyrus rootstock, seedlings of Caucasian pear and Pyrodwarf, induced a higher vigour and better branching than any Cydonia rootstock. No significant differences were found within the rootstocks groups. Key words: Cydonia, growth, nursery stock, pear, Pyrus, quince, rootstock, tree quality. Introduction. Importance of pear as a fruit crop is recently increasing in Poland. Quality of planting stock is determining the success of a modern orchard. Selection of a proper rootstock is essential in that respect. Limited information is available, however, concerning rootstocks for pear, their growth in nursery and influence on quality of nursery stock. In Poland, seedlings of Caucasian pear (Pyrus communis var. caucasica Fed. syn. Pyrus communis ssp. caucasica (Fed.) Browicz) are most commonly used. Recently seedlings of pears of unknown origin are being replaced by seedlings of three seed cultivars, Belia, Doria and Elia, selected at the Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice. Intensive pear orchards in Poland are planted on quince clones, MA a standard, semi-dwarfing rootstock selected by Hatton in East Malling, England and on S 1 a Polish selection of Somorowski (1964). The latter has been recognised as more winter hardy, compared with the standard Hattons selections, MA and MC (Somorowski, 1964; Grzyb, 1987; Hoùubowicz and Bojar, 1995). It may also increase winter hardiness of pear grown on this rootstock (Iwanszyniec and Hoùubowicz, 1998). Quince S 1 for many years was considered as more invigorating in the orchard, compared with the quince MA (Grzyb, 1987). However, recently no differences in 39 vigour between young pear trees grown on quince S 1 and quince MA (Sosna, 2000) or on quinces S 1, MA and MC (Iwaniszyniec and Hoùubowicz, 1998) were found. This rootstock was also tested in Czech Republic (Kobìluð, personal communication), however, only its effect on bud take of different pear cultivars has been reported to date, (Kobìluð and Øeznièek, 2004). Lately a new rootstock originated from Pyrus communis, named Pyrodwarf, was selected by Jacob (1998). It was described as dwarfing and, because of the fact that it is a cross between two pear cultivars, no incompatibility problem should occur. Growing season influences vigour and quality of nursery stock of apples and sour cherries grown on the same soil and rootstock as shown by Lipecki and Janisz (2004). Materials and methods. The trial was set up in two successive series, in Warsaw-Wilanów, on a silty loam alluvial soil of post-glacial valley of Vistula River. In the spring of 2002 and 2003 the following rootstocks were planted in the nursery: Caucasian pear seedlings, Pyrodwarf, quince S 1, quince MA and quince MC. All rootstocks were well rooted and of grade 68 mm at collar root. To prevent infection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, roots were treated with Polagrocyna PC (Agrobacterium radiobacter, strain K84). The planting distance was 30 cm in row and 75 cm between rows. In each two-year nursery cycle standard nursery practices were carried out, except for treatments promoting feathering of maiden trees. At the beginning of August, in the year of planting, rootstocks of pear cultivars Conference and Erika were chip-budded at the height of 10 cm. At the end of September of the second year of each cycle, diameter of rootstock (5 cm above the ground), trunk diameter (10 cm above bud union) and tree height were measured. Number and length of lateral branches (feathers) was also recorded and the percentage of spontaneously branched (feathered) trees calculated. Weather conditions of the second year of nursery cycle differed in two series of the trial. The most distinct were the differences of mean temperatures (Table 1). The beginning of 2004 (February-April) was warmer than that of 2003. However, later (May-July), mean monthly temperatures were much higher in 2003 than in 2004. Temperatures at the end of the growing season (August-September) did not differ in these two years. Monthly rainfall was less important, as the overhead irrigation was regularly applied. The trials were set up in a randomised block design, in 5 replications, with 25 plants per each cultivar/rootstock plot. The data were subjected to analysis of variance. For comparison of treatments means the F-test (for two means) or Newman-Keuls (for more than two means) was applied, at α = 0.05. The percentage of branched plants was transformed, prior to analysis, using the formula of Bliss (y = arcsin√x); in tables the retransformed data are shown. 40 T a b l e 1. Mean monthly temperatures (°C) and their difference between 2003 and 2004 1 l e n t e l ë. Vidutinës mënesio temperatûros (°C) ir jø skirtumai 2003 ir 2004 metais Month 1971–2000 2003 2004 January / Sausis -2.2 -2.4 -4.1 Mënuo Difference, 2003–2004 ir 2004 m. Skirtumas 2003 1.7 February / Vasaris -1.2 -4.4 0.9 -5.3 March / Kovas 2.6 2.6 4.4 -1.8 April / Balandis 7.9 7.7 9.3 -1.6 May / Geguþë 13.7 16.1 12.8 3.3 June / Birelis 16.5 18.8 16.6 2.2 July / Liepa 18.1 21.2 18.6 2.6 August / Rugpjûtis 17.7 19.9 19.8 0.1 September / Rugsëjis 13.0 14.8 14.5 0.3 October / Spalis 8.1 6.1 10.7 -4.6 November / Lapkritis 2.8 5.5 4.4 1.1 December / Gruodis -0.4 1.8 2.5 -0.7 Mean of year / Metø vidurkis 8.1 9.0 9.2 -0.2 Results and discussion. As all types of rootstocks were of similar size (grade 68 mm) at planting, the rootstock diameter at the end of the experiment might serve as an indicator of the two-year growth in the nursery. In general, the rootstock diameter at the end of the first nursery cycle (in the autumn of 2003) was larger than that at the end of the second cycle (in 2004) Table 2. Cultivar did not influence the rootstock diameter (Table 3). Some differences in growth of particular rootstocks depending on nursery cycle were noted (Table 5); after the first nursery cycle both rootstocks of Pyrus origin had significantly larger diameter compared with the Cydonia rootstocks, whereas after the second cycle a significant difference was found only between the Pyrus rootstocks and quince MC. The main index of vigour and quality of a nursery tree is its trunk diameter. Similarly to the diameter of rootstock, trees raised in the first cycle (dug out in 2003) had thicker trunks than those of the second cycle (dug out in 2004) Table 2. Conference developed trees with a larger diameter than Erika (Table 3) in both series of the trial. This corresponds to the results obtained by Kobìluð and Øeznièek, (2004). 41 T a b l e 2. Indices of vigour and quality of nursery trees as affected by the growing season; mean values for five rootstocks and two cultivars 2 l e n t e l ë. Trial series Bandymø serija 2002–2003 2003–2004 Significance of difference Sodinamosios medþiagos augumas ir kokybës rodikliai, priklausomai nuo augimo sezono; vidutinës penkiø poskiepiø ir dviejø veisliø reikðmës Rootstock diameter Trunk diameter Poskiepio skersmuo, Kamieno skersmuo, mm mm 20.7 18.1 Maiden tree height Sodinuko aukštis, cm 14.6 12.6 178.4 174.6 ** ns ** Total length of laterals Bendras ðoniniø ðakø ilgis, cm 180.0 89.6 Percentage Number of of branched laterals trees Ðoniniø ðakø skaièius 4.8 2.4 ** Ðakotø sodinukø, % 82.1 33.0 ** ** Skirtumo patikimumas 1 1 Based on F-test: ns non-significant / Pagrásta F-testu: ns nepatikima; ** significant at α = 0.01 / patikima, kai α = 0,01 T a b l e 3. Indices of tree vigour and quality depending on cultivar; mean values of five rootstocks and two series of the trial 3 l e n t e l ë. Cultivar Veislë ‘Erika’ ‘Conference’ Significance of difference Skirtumo patikimumas 1 1 Vaismedþio augumo ir kokybës rodikliø priklausomumas nuo veislës; vidutinës penkiø poskiepiø ir dviejø bandymø serijø reikðmës Rootstock Trunk diameter diameter Maiden Total length Number Percentage of tree height of laterals of laterals branched trees Poskiepio skersmuo, Kamieno skersmuo, mm mm 18.9 19.8 13.0 14.3 189.1 163.9 ns ** ** Sodinuko Bendras ðoniniø aukštis, cm ðakø ilgis, cm 177.7 91.9 ** Ðoniniø ðakø skaièius 4.9 2.2 ** Ðakotø sodinukø, % 77.3 38.6 ** For explanations see Table 2. / Paaiðkinimà þr. 2 lentelëje Growing season did not influence the height of maiden trees (Table 2). Trees of cv. Erika were higher than trees of Conference (Table 3). Trees on both Pyrus rootstocks were higher, compared with those on Cydonia rootstocks (Table 4). In case of tree height no significant differences between quince rootstocks were found either. This confirms the results of Lepsis et al. (2004); in their trials no differences between height of trees raised on quinces MA and MC were found. Similar results with Conference were obtained by Sosna and Gudarowska (1995). In the study of Kviklys (2000) maidens on quince MC were higher than on quince MA. 42 T a b l e 4. Trunk diameter and height of maiden tree depending on the type of rootstock; mean values of two cultivars and two series of the trial 4 l e n t e l ë. Sodinuko kamieno skersmens ir aukðèio priklausomumas nuo poskiepio rûðies; vidutinës dviejø veisliø ir dviejø bandymø serijø reikðmës Tree height Trunk diameter mm Vaismedio auktis, cm Rootstock type Poskiepio rûðis Kamieno skersmuo, Caucasian pear seedling / Kaukazietiðkos kriauðës 15.0 b1 sëjinukas 195.1 b Pyrodwarf 15.2 b 193.4 b Quince S 1 / Svarainis S 1 12.4 a 163.8 a Quince MA / Svarainis MA 12.9 a 165.5 a Quince MC / Svarainis MC 12.6 a 164.8 a Values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly; Newman-Keuls test at α = 0.05 Ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria; Newman-Keuls testas, kai α = 0,05. 1 T a b l e 5. Rootstock diameter, number and total length of lateral branches depending on the type of the rootstock and growing season; mean values of two cultivars 5 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio skersmens, ðoniniø ðakø skaièiaus ir bendro ilgio priklausomumas nuo poskiepio rûðies ir augimo sezono; vidutinës dviejø veisliø reikðmës Rootstock type Poskiepio rûðis Total length of laterals Rootstock diameter Number of laterals Bendras ðoniniø ðakø ilgis, Ðoniniø ðakø skaièius mm cm Poskiepio skersmuo, 2003 2004 2003 2004 Caucasian pear seedling 24.4 b1 19.9 b 320.5 b 163.3 b 7.5 b 4.1 b Pyrodwarf 24.3 b 20.5 b 310.6 b 181.3 b 7.4 b 4.1 b Quince S 1 / Svarainis S 1 18.2 a 17.2 ab 76.7 a 23.8 a 2.7 a 0.9 a Quince MA / Svarainis MA 18.4 a 17.4 ab 95.6 a 38.3 a 3.4 a 1.3 a Quince MC / Svarainis MC 18.2 a 15.5 a 96.7 a 41.5 a 3.2 a 1.4 a Kaukazietiðkos kriauðës sëjinukas 1 2003 2004 For explanations see Table 4 / Paaiðkinimà þr. 4 lentelëje All indices of branching, i.e. number and total length of laterals as well as percentage of spontaneously branched (feathered) trees, were higher in 2003 than in 2004 (Table 2). May, June and July of 2003 were warmer than in the next year (Table 1). This was obviously the reason for a more vigorous growth and more abundant feathering, as shown in Table 2. In both series of our trial, trees of cv. Erika were better branched that trees of Conference (Tables 3 and 7). All indices of branching were higher when Pyrus rootstocks were used (Tables 5 and 6). Little information about feathering of pear trees in the nursery is available in the literature. 43 Poniedziaùek and Porêbski (1995) mentioned that Conference on a seedling rootstock shows a very low percentage of feathered trees; feathering in their study was lower than in our trial. Sosna and Gudarowska (1995) reported that Conference on quince rootstocks branched poorly. T a b l e 6. Number of lateral branches and percentage of branched trees depending on rootstock and cultivar; mean of two series of the trial 6 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio ir veislës átaka ðoniniø ðakø skaièiui ir iðsiðakojusiø vaismedþiø procentui; dviejø bandymø serijø vidurkiai Number of laterals Rootstock Ðoniniø ðakø skaièius Poskiepis ‘Erika’ ‘Conference’ Percentage of branched trees Ðakotø sodinukø procentas ‘Erika’ ‘Conference’ Caucasian pear seedling 7.6 b1 4.1 b 90.6 b 73.9 b Pyrodwarf 7.5 b 4.0 b 96.9 b 82.0 b Quince S 1 / Svarainis S 1 2.7 a 0.8 a 54.6 a 14.3 a Kaukazietiðkos kriauðës sëjinukas Quince MA / Svarainis MA 3.3 a 1.4 a 65.5 a 17.2 a Quince MC / Svarainis MC 3.6 a 0.9 a 65.8 a 13.2 a 1 For explanations see Table 4 / Paaiðkinimà þr. 4 lentelëje T a b l e 7. Total length of lateral branches and number of laterals depending on cultivar and growing season; mean values of five rootstocks 7 l e n t e l ë. Bendro ðoniniø ðakø ilgio ir skaièiaus priklausomumas nuo veislës ir augimo sezono; vidutinës penkiø poskiepiø reikðmës Series of the trial Bandymø serijos Total length of laterals Bendras ðoniniø ðakø ilgis, cm ‘Erika’ 2002–2003 2003–2004 Significance of difference1 Skirtumo patikimumas 1 ‘Conference’ 236.4 119.0 123.6 60.3 ** ** Number of laterals Ðoniniø ðakø skaièius ‘Erika’ 6.6 3.3 ** ‘Conference’ 3.1 1.4 ** For explanations see Table 2 / Paaiðkinimà þr. 2 lentelëje Conclusions. 1. Vigour and quality of pear nursery stock depend on weather conditions; warmer beginning of a growing season favours both vigour and feathering of maiden trees. 2. Rootstocks originated from pear induce stronger growth in the nursery, followed by a higher quality of nursery stock. Pyrodwarf, described as dwarfing rootstock, induces the same vigour of trees in the nursery as the standard seedling rootstock. There are no differences between growth and final quality of trees on different quince rootstocks. 44 3. Erika produces thinner but taller and better-branched trees than Conference. Vigour and quality of tree of any cultivar may be, however, considerably modified by rootstock. Gauta 2006 05 05 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 References 1. G r z y b Z. Cechy odróýniajàce klony pigwy u¿ywane na podk³adki dla gruszy // Ogrodnictwo. 1987. (3). P. 67. 2. H o ù u b o w i c z T., B o j a r K. Wytrzymaùoúã na mróz jednorocznych pædów trzech typów pigwy (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) // Prace Komitetu Nauk Rolniczych i Leúnych PTPN, Prace z Zakresu Nauk Rolniczych (Poznañ). 1995. Vol. 79. P. 179185. 3. I w a n i s z y n i e c P., H o ù u b o w i c z T. Wzrost, plonowanie i mrozoodpornoúã drzew w intensywnym sadzie gruszowym // Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Krakowie. 1998. Vol. 333. P. 439443. 4. J a c o b H. Pyrodwarf, a new clonal rootstock for high density pear orchards // Acta Horticulturae. 1998. Vol. 475. P. 169177. 5. K o b ì l u ð V., Ø e z n i è e k V. Cydonia Mill. as a pear rootstock and their influence on the quality of pear nursery stock. ISHS 8 th International Symposium on Integrated Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems (Budapest, Hungary, 1318. 06.2004), Book of Abstracts. 2004. P. 115. 6. K v i k l y s D. Paprastojo svarainio (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) sëkliniai poskiepiai kriauðëms // Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës instituto ir Lietuvos þemës ûkio universiteto mokslo darbai. Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, Lithuania, 2000. Vol. 19(2). P. 2325. 7. L e p s i s J., D r u d z e I., D e k e n s U. The evaluation of different plum and pear rootstocks in the nursery // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. Vol. 658(1). P. 167172. 8. L i p e c k i J., J a n i s z A. Wzrost okulantów róýnych gatunków drzew owocowych w zaleýnoúci od niektórych warunków úrodowiska // Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skùodowska Lublin Polonia, Sectio EEE. 2004. Vol. XIV. P. 4554. 9. P a r r y M. S. Trials of dwarfing quince rootstocks with Comice and Conference pears // Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 1981. Vol. 56(2). P. 139143. 10. P o n i e d z i a ù e k W., P o r æ b s k i S. Wpùyw sposobu traktowania okulantów jabùoni i gruszy na ich rozgaùæzianie siæ i wzrost // Zeszyty Naukowe AR w Krakowie. 1995. Vol. 302. P. 5968. 11. S o m o r o w s k i K. Nowe typy pigwy podkùadkowej // Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa w Skierniewicach. 1964. Vol. 8. P. 2129. 12. S o s n a I. Wpùyw dwóch klonów pigwy oraz dwóch sposobów prowadzenia drzew na wzrost i owocowanie kilku odmian gruszy // Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach. 2000. Vol. 8. P. 209216. 13. Sosna I., Gudarowska E. Typy pigwy opinie, badania // Szkóùkarstwo (3). 1995. P. 2324. 45 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 3946. KRIAUÐIØ SODINUKØ AUGIMO IR KOKYBËS PRIKLAUSOMUMAS NUO POSKIEPIØ IR AUGIMO SEZONO J. Lewko, A. Sadowski, K. Úcibisz Santrauka Bandymo tikslas buvo ávertinti penkiø poskiepiø átakà dviejø kriauðiø veisliø augumui skirtingomis klimato sàlygomis centrinëje Lenkijoje. Buvo ávertintas poskiepio ir sodinuko kamieno skersmuo, vaismedþio aukðtis ir sodinukø ðakojimasis. Visi 2003 metais iðaugintø sodinukø augimo rodikliai, iðskyrus vaismedþio aukðtá, buvo geresni uþ 2004 metais iðaugintø vaismedþiø augimo rodiklius. Erika veislës kriauðës buvo aukðtesnës ir ðakotesnës, bet plonesnio kamieno uþ Conference veislës kriauðes. Pyrus poskiepiai, kaukazietiðkos kriauðës ir Pyrodwarf sëjinukai lëmë geresná augumà ir ðakojimàsi negu bet kuris Cydonia poskiepis. Tarp poskiepiø grupiø esminiø skirtumø neaptikta. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Cydonia, augimas, sodinukai, kriauðës, Pyrus, svarainiai, poskiepiai, vaismedþiø kokybë. 46 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 4751. BUD-TAKE AND MAIDEN TREE PARAMETERS OF TWO APRICOT CULTIVARS BUDDED ON DIFFERENT SEEDLING ROOTSTOCKS Miroslaw SITAREK, Tadeusz JAKUBOWSKI Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Pomologiczna 18, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland. E-mails:, Bud-take and growth of apricot cultivars Morden 604 and LAK 101 budded on seedling rootstocks Wangenheim Prune (P. domestica L.), Erunosid (P. domestica L.), A.4 (P. armeniaca L.) and M.46 (P. armeniaca L.) were compared with seedlings P. cerasifera var. divaricata Borkh. as the control. The effectiveness of budding was high and varied from 88.8% to 97.2% depending on rootstock/cultivar combinations. However, rootstock had no significant influence on the number of budded trees produced in the nursery. Apricot seedlings A.4 and M.46 gave very high quality maidens. The one-year-old apricot trees budded on these rootstocks were significantly higher and thicker than trees on P. divaricata. The trees of both cultivars tested on Wangenheim Prune and Erunosid were weaker in terms of all grow parameters than those grafted on P. divaricata. Key words: apricot, rootstock, cultivar, growth in a nursery. Introduction. Seedlings from different local biotypes of apricot are the most widely used rootstocks for apricot trees in the Mediterranean basin and in the rest of South European countries (Indreias et al., 2004; Orero et al., 2004). For lower scale there are also used myrobalan, plum, almond and peach seedlings. For example, myrobalan as a rootstock for apricot trees is often used in Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and France (Audergon et al., 1991; Dimitrova and Marinov, 2002; Vachun, 1995). In Poland P. seedling divaricata Borkh. is still the most popular rootstock not only for plum trees, but for apricot cultivars too (Grzyb et al., 1996; Jakubowski, 2004). However, using this rootstock is sometimes risky because not all cultivars are physiologically compatible with it. Incompatibility between scion cultivars and P. divaricata rootstock (within apricot in Polish growing conditions) is very often expressed by rapid death of trees a few years after planting in the orchard or easy break down at the graft union (Grzyb et al., 1996; Jakubowski, 2004). Therefore more intensive searching was undertaken for selection of new seedling rootstocks, having good compatibility with apricot cultivars, reducing growth of trees and good adaptability to cool climate of Poland. 47 The aim of this paper was to evaluate bud-take and growth of maiden trees of two apricot cultivars grafted on five seedling rootstocks in the nursery field. Materials and methods. The field experiment was established in the Andrzej Nowakowski nursery in Zdzary (Central Poland) on podzolic soil overlaying loose sand boulder loam. It was designed in a multifactor system composed of separate experiments repeated in three consecutive years. The first rootstocks were planted in 2002, the last in the spring of 2004. Seedling rootstocks Wangenheim Prune (P. domestica L.), Erunosid (P. domestica L.), A.4 (P. armeniaca L.), M.46 (P. armeniaca L.) were compared with seedlings P. cerasifera var. divaricata Borkh. The rootstocks were chip-budded with cultivars Morden 604 and LAK 101 at the end of July. The buds were placed about 10 cm above ground level and wrapped with foil strips. The strips were removed 5 weeks after budding. The experiment was set up with four replications in randomised block design. Each cultivar/rootstock combination was represented by 100 plants (25 x 4 replicates), planted in the nursery at a distance of 0.9 x 0.25 m. Standard cultural and protective practices provided for nursery production were used throughout the experiment. At the end of October buds taken were counted and in the subsequent spring their survival was evaluated. Before digging out the trees, their height, total length of side shoots and trunk diameter 20 cm above the budding place was measured. During vegetation period all side shoots were removed till 50 cm of height. The results were processed using a statistical analysis of variance. To evaluate the significance of mean differences within each cultivar the Duncans Multiple Range test was used at P=0.05. Results and discussion. Each year of the experiment, the number of successful bud-takes evaluated in the autumn was close to shoots sprouted in the spring and to the number of one-year-old trees obtained at the end for each cultivar/rootstock combination. Fortunately, no winter damages were observed. Therefore, only mean data on the number and quality of one-year-old trees for the 20032005 seasons are presented. The effectiveness of budding was high and varied from 88.8% to 97.2% depending on rootstock/cultivar combinations. However, rootstock had some, but no significant influence on the number of budded trees produced (Table). Apricot seedlings A.4 and M.46 caused very high maiden quality. The one-year-old apricot trees budded on these rootstocks were significantly higher and thicker than trees on P. divaricata. The trees of both cultivars tested on Wangenheim Prune and Erunosid were weaker in terms of all grow parameters than those grafted on P. divaricata. Small size of one-year-old trees in a nursery can give the evidence of a dwarfing effect of the rootstock. For example, this is observed in sweet cherry trees grafted on dwarfing rootstocks (Sitarek and Grzyb, 1998). However, it can inform sometimes about their physiological incompatibility. Grzyb et al. (1996) reported that usefulness of seedlings Wangenheim Prune for apricot is very limited due to short life duration of trees in the orchard, although that rootstock effectively depress tree growth. Likely, using rootstocks belonging to P. domestica for apricot under Polish growing conditions is risky. However, symptoms of rootstock/scion incompatibility of apricot varieties on peach and myrobalan seedling rootstocks may occur too (Bassi, 1999; 48 Lapins, 1959; Southwick et al., 1999; Suranyi, 1999). Therefore, further investigations are necessary to draw the last conclusions. For this purpose the produced trees were planted in the orchard and the new experiment with influence of rootstocks on the growth and yield of apricot trees was established. T a b l e. Characteristic of apricot trees budded on different seedling rootstocks, mean values for 20032005 L e n t e l ë. Abrikosø, áskiepytø á skirtingus sëklinius poskiepius, charakteristika, 20032005 m. vidurkiai Number of maiden trees Cultivar and rootstock Sodinukø skaièius Tree height Vaismedio aukštis Trunk diameter Kamieno skersmuo Veislë ir poskiepis No./25 % cm % mm % Total length of side shoots Bendras ðakø ilgis cm % P. divaricata Wangenheim Prune A.4 M.46 Erunosid 23.4 23.5 ‘Morden 406’ 93.6 197.6 100.0 16.2 100.0 359 100.0 94.0 179.5 90.8 14.5 89.5 278 77.4 24.0 23.4 23.0 96.0 189.9 96.1 17.1 105.6 490 136.5 93.6 216.3 109.5 17.1 105.6 643 179.1 92.0 173.0 87.5 13.8 85.2 255 71.0 LSD0.05 2.5 9.5 1.4 56.6 Number of side shoots Ðakø skaièius per tree vieno medio % Mean length of side shoot Vidutinis šakos ilgis cm % 7.5 6.1 100.0 47.7 100.0 81.3 45.6 95.6 10.1 12.2 6.5 134.7 48.5 101.7 162.7 52.7 110.5 86.7 39.2 82.2 1.6 5.8 ‘LAK 101’ P. divaricata Wangenheim Prune A.4 M.46 Erunosid 22.2 23.8 88.8 201.9 100.0 15.2 100.0 95.2 171.3 84.8 12.2 80.3 289 115 100.0 39.8 6.2 4.0 100.0 46.6 100.0 64.5 28.8 61.8 23.8 24.3 23.4 95.2 210.1 104.1 15.0 98.7 97.2 222.1 110.0 16.5 108.5 93.6 189.0 93.6 13.8 90.8 389 490 228 134.6 169.6 78.9 9.1 9.9 6.1 146.8 42.7 91.6 159.7 49.5 106. 98.4 37.4 80.2 LSD0.05 2.4 1.5 6.4 10.2 1.3 45.4 Conclusions. Rootstocks tested had no significant effect on bud-take of apricot cultivars in a nursery. Size of one-year-old apricot trees was depended on rootstock type. In comparison to seedlings P. divaricata, apricot seedlings A.4 and M.46 gave maidens of higher quality. The trees budded on Wangenheim Prune and Erunosid were weaker in terms of all grow parameters than those on P. divaricata. Gauta 2006 02 02 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 03 49 References 1. A u d e r g o n J. M., D u q u e s n e J., N i c o l a s J., C a u d u b e r t A. New selected rootstocks for apricot cultivars: Torinel. Acta Hort. 1991. 293. P. 395400. 2. B a s s i D. Apricot culture: Present and future. Acta Hort. 1999. 293. P. 395400. 3. D i m i t r o v a M., M a r i n o v P. Myrobalan (P. cerasifera Ehrh.) as a rootstock for apricot. Acta Hort. 2002. 577. P. 315318. 4. G r z y b Z. S., Z d y b H., S i t a r e k M. Wpùyw róýnych podkùadek na zdrowotnoúã, siùæ wzrostu i owocowanie moreli. Zesz. Nauk. ISiK 1996. 3. P. 5562. 5. I n d r e i a s A., S t e f a n I., D u t u I. Apricot rootstocks created and used in Romania. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 509511. 6. J a k u b o w s k i T. Uprawa moreli. Wydawnictwo Hortpress Sp. z o. o., Warszawa, 2004. 7. L a p i n s K. Some symptom of stock scion incompatibility of apricot varieties on peach seedling rootstock. Can. J. of Pl. Sci., 1959. 39. P. 194203. 8. O r e r o G., C u e n c a J., R o m e r o C., M a r t i n e z - C a l v o J., B a d e n a s M. L., L l a c e r G. Selection of seedling rootstocks for apricot and almond. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 529533. 9. S i t a r e k M., G r z y b Z. S. Bud-take and growth of sweet cherry trees budded on different rootstocks. J. of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 1998. 1. P. 2331. 10. S o u t h w i c k S. M., W e i s K. G. Propagation and rootstocks for apricot production. Acta Hort. 1999. 488. P. 403410. 11. S u r a n y i D. Wild apricot and myrobalan generative rootstocks for apricot cultivars. Acta Hort. 1999. 488. P. 445449. 12. V a c h u n Z. Rootstocks for apricot the current situation and main problems. Acta Hort. 1995. 384. P. 459465. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 4750. DVIEJØ ABRIKOSØ VEISLIØ, ÁSKIEPYTØ Á SKIRTINGUS SËKLINIUS POSKIEPIUS, PRIGIJIMAS IR SODINUKØ AUGIMO RODIKLIAI M. Sitarek, T. Jakubowski Santrauka Morden 604 ir LAK 101 veisliø abrikosø, áskiepytø á Wangenheimo vengrinës (P. domestica L.), Erunosid (P. domestica L.), A.4 (P. armeniaca L.) ir M.46 (P. armeniaca L.) sëklinius poskiepius, prigijimas ir augimas buvo lyginamas su kontrolinio varianto sëkliniais poskiepiais P. cerasifera var. divaricata Borkh. Áskiepijimo efektyvumas buvo didelis ir kito nuo 88,8% iki 97,2%, priklausomai nuo poskiepiø ir veisliø deriniø. Vis dëlto poskiepiai neturëjo reikðmingos átakos medelyne áskiepytø vaismedþiø skaièiui. Ið abrikosø sëkliniø poskiepiø A.4 ir M.46 iðaugo itin geros kokybës sodinukai. Á ðiuos poskiepius áskiepyti vieneriø metø abrikosai buvo daug aukðtesni ir tankesni uþ á P. divaricata áskiepytus vaismedþius. Abiejø veisliø abrikosø, áskiepytø á Wangenheimo vengrinæ ir Erunosid, visi augimo rodikliai buvo menkesni negu áskiepytø á P. divaricata. Reikðminiai þodþiai: abrikosai, poskiepiai, veislës, augimas medelyne. 50 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 5156. IMPACT OF ROOTSTOCKS ON COLUMNAR APPLE TREE GROWTH IN A NURSERY Dalia GELVONAUSKIENË, Bronislovas GELVONAUSKIS, Audrius SASNAUSKAS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: There were investigated 24 columnar apple selections and 2 cultivars Arbat and Ostankino in a nursery at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. The two latter cultivars and selections M38-35, M38-33, M38-2, M38-15, No. 376-100 and No. 385-380 were released in Russia and 16 hybrids (No. 23733, No. 23753, No. 24217, No. 24218, No. 24219, No. 24220, No. 24271, No. 24583, No. 24599, No. 24637, No. 24690, No. 25134, No. 26075, No. 26094 No. 26148, No. 26325) at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Cultivars and selections were budded on rootstocks P 60, B.396, M.26, MM.106, B.118 and Antonovka seedlings at the height of 1012 cm above soil and 710 trees were used for evaluation. Apple trees were spaced at 0.25 x 0.9 m. Tree height and stem diameter were measured and number of shoots were calculated in the first and second year in the nursery. Significant differences of rootstock impact to tree height, stem diameter and shoot number were determined. The smallest trees were on rootstocks P 60 and B.396. Apple tree stem diameter on rootstocks B.118 and MM. 106 were the largest. The highest number of shoots was measured on trees grown on rootstocks M.26, MM.106 and B.118. Six selections did not raise shoots on any used rootstock. Key words: lateral branches, rootstocks, tree height, trunk diameter. Introduction. A columnar apple tree growth habit for the first time was described by Lapins (1969, 1976) in Canada. The obtained results showed that this trait is controlled by a single dominant gene, Co (Lapins, 1969, 1976). Nowadays donors of Co gene are involved in an apple breeding programs in Russia, Latvia, Belgium, Great Britain, USA, Bulgaria and other countries (Êè÷èíà, 1988; Drudze, 2000; Meulenbroek et al., 1999; Tobutt, 1985; Kelsey and Brown, 1992; Djouvinov, 1994). Donors of columnar growth habit were involved in crosses at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 1988. It was determined that tree height, trunk diameter, number of shoots and other tree characteristics depend on rootstock (Inomata et al., 2003, 2005). Rootstocks influence apple tree productivity, fruit weight and firmness (Lauri and Lespinasse, 1993; Lauri, et al., 1995; Kvilys, 2002; Inomata et al., 2003, 2005). Results obtained by researchers in France and Japan showed that apple trees with common habitus are more productive and biennial bearing is not so evident than it is typical for trees with columnar type habitus. 51 Materials and methods. There were investigated 24 advanced selections and 2 columnar-type apple cultivars Arbat and Ostankino at nursery of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Latter two cultivars and selections M38-35, M38-33, M38-2, M38-15, No. 376-100 and No. 385-380 were received in Russia and the rest 16 selections (No. 23733, No. 23753, No. 24217, No. 24218, No. 24219, No. 24220, No. 24271, No. 24583, No. 24599, No. 24637, No. 24690, No. 25134, No. 26075, No. 26094, No. 26148, No. 26325) were received at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Arbat was used as a donor of columnar growth habit. Columnar apple cultivars and selections were grafted on rootstocks P 60, B.396, M.26, MM.106, B.118 and Antonovka seedlings. Trees were planted at the spacing of 25 x 90 cm in a nursery. There were evaluated 710 plants per cultivar or selection in the nursery. Tree height, trunk diameter and shoot (length more than 3 cm) number was evaluated in the first and second year of tree growth. Trees were fertilized and sprayed with pesticides according to the technology applied at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Results. Average height of trees of 26 apple cultivars and selections on different rootstocks varied from 66 cm to 76 cm at the end of the first year (Fig.). The highest trees were on rootstocks Antonovka seedlings and B.118. Trees were significantly lower on rootstocks B.396 and P 60 than it was measured on previous two rootstocks. Two years old apple trees grafted on Antonovka seedlings were significantly higher than on trees grafted on dwarf rootstocks. The lowest trees were on rootstocks B.396 and P 60. F i g. Impact of different rootstocks on average tree height of 26 apple cultivars and selections P a v. Ávairiø poskiepiø átaka 26 koloniniø obelø veisliø ir selekciniø numeriø medeliø vidutiniam aukðèiui PA Antonovka seedlings / PA Paprastojo antaninio sëjinukai. Tree height, trunk diameter and shoot number of apple cultivars and selections trees with columnar type habit on six rootstocks is presented in Table 1. Significant 52 differences were estimated between cultivars and selections for above noted traits. The height of two-year-old trees of eight selections was 100 cm or less. It varied from 88 cm to 100 cm. T a b l e 1. Mean value of traits of apple cultivars and selection trees on six rootstocks 1 l e n t e l ë. Obelø veisliø ir selekciniø numeriø sodinukø, augintø su ðeðiais poskiepiais, vidutiniai augimo rodikliai Cultivar Veislë, selekcinis numeris Height / Aukštis, cm Trunk diameter Shoot number Kamieno skersmuo, mm Ðakø skaièius 2000 2001 2001 2001 M38-35 57 88 11 0.6 No. 0833 59 90 11 1 No. 24220 49 93 12 0 M38-33 51 93 12 0 No. 24583 61 94 12 0 No. 0749 52 96 13 0 M38-2 62 96 10 1.4 M38-15 52 100 11 0 ‘Ostankino’ 72 112 12 0.3 No. 24271 56 115 12 0 No. 376-100 59 117 12 3.5 No. 385-380 71 122 12 0.1 No. 24599 69 125 12 0.3 No. 26148 64 126 11 0.7 No. 25134 79 139 12 1.8 No. 24637 74 143 11 1.2 ‘Arbat’ 67 147 12 1 No. 24218 73 147 13 0.2 No. 24217 83 151 10 1.4 No. 26325 87 151 11 2.4 No. 24690 83 156 11 0.9 No. 26075 88 162 11 4.8 No. 24219 84 176 11 1.9 No. 23733 99 178 10 0.9 No. 23753 103 181 11 1.2 No. 26094 98 187 12 1.2 LSD05 / R05 18.2 31.7 0.8 1.1 53 The average tree height of 8 selections was higher than 150 cm and varied from 151 cm to 187 cm. Trunk diameter of cultivars and most selections was 1112 mm. The highest diameter (13 mm) was detected for No. 0749 and No. 24218, the lowest (10 mm) for M38-2, No. 24217 and No. 23733. The highest trunk diameter of trees of investigated cultivars and selections was determined on rootstocks B.118 and MM.106, 13 mm and 12 mm, respectively (Table 2). The average shoot number per tree depends on genotype, because 6 selections grafted on Antonovka seedlings and 5 dwarf rootstocks did not have shoots (Table 1). Other selections and two cultivars grew shoots and its number varied from 0.1 to 4.8. The significantly highest shoot number was calculated for selections No. 26075 (4.8) and No. 376-100 (3.5). On the other hand, shoot number was influenced by rootstock as well (Table 2). Apple cultivars and selections had the highest shoot number (1.8) on rootstock M 26. The lowest shoot number (0.4) was estimated on apple trees grafted on rootstock B.396. T a b l e 2. Impact of rootstocks on mean value of traits of apple cultivars and selection trees 2 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio átaka obelø veisliø ir selekciniø numeriø sodinukø vidutiniams augimo rodikliams 2001 m. Trait / Poymis Trunk diameter / Kamieno Rootstock / Poskiepis LSD05 / R05 PA* B.118 MM.106 M.26 B.396 P 60 11 13 12 11 11 11 0,8 0,7 1,4 1,4 1,8 0,4 0,6 0,6 skersmuo, mm Shoot number / Ðakø skaièius * Antonovka seedlings / Paprastojo antaninio sëjinukai Discussion. Two-year-old apple trees height on dwarf rootstocks B.396 and P 60 were 30% lower than it was estimated for trees grafted on Antonovka seedlings. Differences of one-year-old trees grafted on above mentioned rootstocks were about 15%. Our results and results of Chinese researches (Dai Hong Yi et al., 1998) shows that dwarf rootstocks are efficient tool to control the height and shoot number of columnar type apple trees. The average height of smallest selections of two-year-old columnar apple trees on six rootstocks was 2.1 times lower than it was measured for strong grown selections (Table 2). Our results show that height of columnar type apple trees is influenced by rootstock. Trunk diameter is influenced by rootstock as well. The part of investigated selections did not develop shoots and used rootstocks did not influence expression of this trait. A tendency of dwarf cultivars or selections to have low number of shoots was emphasized (Table 1). It is shown by other researches that apple tree height and columnar type trees as well and shoot number is determined genetically (Decourtye, 1967; De Wit et al., 2004; Kenis and Keulemans, 2004). Conclusions. 1. Rootstocks influence the growth and trunk diameter of columnar type apple trees. The highest apple trees were recorded on rootstock Antonovka seedlings and the highest trunk diameter on rootstocks B.118 and MM.106. 54 2. Shoots were not detected on trees of six selections (M38-33, M38-15, No. 24220, No. 24583, No. 24271, No. 0749) grafted on five dwarf rootstocks and Antonovka seedlings. The highest number of shoots was estimated for trees grafted on rootstocks M.26, MM.106 and B.118. Gauta 2006 07 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 31 References 1. D a i H. Y., W a n g S. G., Y u S. M., W a n g R. Y u X. M. Study on the performance of columnar apple varieties // Journal of fruit science. 1998. 15(1): 1319. 2. D d j o u v i n o v V. Apple and pear breeding in Bulgaria. In Schmidt H., Kellerhals M. (eds) Progress in temperate fruit breeding, Kulwer Academic publishers. 1994. P. 127129. 3. D e c o u e t y e L. Etude de quelques caracteres a controle genetique simple chez le pommier (Malus sp.) et le poirier (Pyrus communis) // Ann.Amelior.Plantes. 1967. 17(3):243266. 4. D e W i t I., C o o k N. C., K e u l e m a n s J. Characterization of tree architecture in two-year-old apple seedlings populations of different progenies with a common columnar gene parent // Acta horticulturae. 2004. 663: 363368. 5. D r u d z e I. Studies on perspective apple and pear hybrids of breeding station Iedzeni in Latvia // Acta Horticulturae. 2000. 538: 729734. 6. I n o m a t a Y., K u d o K., M a s u d a T., B e s s h o H., W a d a M. and S u z u k i K. Growth and fruit productivity habits of columnar type apple selections // Horticultural research (Japan). 2004. 3(4): 392401. 7. I n o m a t a Y., K u d o K., W a d a M., M a s u d a T., B e s s h o H., S u z u k i K. The influence of rootstock on characteristics of tree growth, fruit productivity and dry matter production of Maypole young apple tree // Horticultural research (Japan). 2005. 4(1): 4146. 8. K e l s e y D. F. and B r o w n S. K. McIntosh Wijcik: A columnar mutation of McIntosh apple proving useful in physiology and Breeding Research // Fruit Var. J. 1992. 46: 8387. 9. K e n i s K., K e u l e m a n s J. QTL analysis of growth characteristics in apple // Acta horticulturae. 2004. 663: 369374. 10. K v i k l y s D. Apple rootstock research in Lithuania with aspect to quality and tree productivity // Horticulture and vegetable growing. 2002. 21(3): 313. 11. L a p i n s K. O. Segregation of compact growth types in certain apple seedling progenies // Can. J. Plant Sci. 1969. 49: 765768. 12. L a p i n s K. O. Inheritance of compact growth type in apple // J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1976. 101: 133135. 13. L a u r i P. E., T e r o u a n n e E., L e s p i n a s s e J. M., R e g n a r d J. L. and K e l n e r J. J. Genotype differences in the axillary bud growth and fruiting pattern of apple fruiting branches over several years an approach to regulation of fruit bearing // Scientia Horticulturae. 1995. 64: 265281. 55 14. L a u r i P. E., L e s p i n a s s e J. M. The relationship between cultivar fruiting type and Fruiting branch characteristics in apple trees // Acta Horticulturae. 1993. 349: 259263. 15. M e u l e n b r o e k B., V e r h a e g h J. and J a n s e J. Inheritance studies with columnar type trees // Acta Horticulturae. 1999. 484: 255258. 16. T o b u t t K. R. Breeding columnar apple at East Malling // Acta Horticulturae. 1985. 159: 6368. 17. Ê è ÷ è í à Â. Â. Ñàäû êîëëîííûõ ôîðì ÿáëîíè // Ñàäîâîäñòâî è âèíîãðàäaðñòâî. 1997. 1: 2224. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 5156. POSKIEPIØ ÁTAKA KOLONINIØ OBELØ SODINUKØ AUGUMUI MEDELYNE D. Gelvonauskienë, B. Gelvonauskis, A. Sasnauskas Santrauka Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës instituto medelyne tirti 24 selekciniai numeriai ir 2 koloninio tipo obelø veislës Arbat ir Ostankino. Pastarosios veislës ir selekciniai numeriai M38-35, M38-33, M38-2, M38-15, Nr. 376-100 ir Nr. 385-380 sukurti Rusijoje, 16 kitø selekciniø numeriø (Nr. 23733, Nr. 23753, Nr. 24217, Nr. 24218, Nr. 24219, Nr. 24220, Nr. 24271, Nr. 24583, Nr. 24599, Nr.2 4637, Nr. 24690, Nr. 25134, Nr. 26075, Nr. 26094 Nr. 26148, Nr. 26325) sukurta Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute. Kuriant pastaruosius hibridus, kaip tëvinë forma panaudota Arbat veislë, kuri yra koloninës vaismedþiø formos donorë. Buvo tirta po 710 medeliø, áakiuotø á poskiepius P 60, B.396, M.26, MM.106, B.118 ir Paprastojo antaninio sëjinukus 1012 cm aukðtyje. Medeliai auginti 0,25 x 0,9 m atstumais. Pirmaisiais ir antraisiais augimo medelyne metais matuotas augalø aukðtis ir kamieno skersmuo ir suskaièiuotos ðakos. Nustatyta, kad poskiepiai ið esmës veikë koloniniø obelø veisliø ir selekciniø numeriø sodinukø aukðtá, kamieno skersmená ir ðoniniø ðakø skaièiø. Þemiausi buvo sodinukai su P 60 ir B.396 poskiepiais, storiausi su B.118 ir MM.106 poskiepiais. Daugiausia ðakø iðaugino sodinukai su poskiepiais M. 26, MM.106 ir B.118. Ið tirtø 2 veisliø ir 24 selekciniø numeriø 6 selekciniø numeriø vaismedþiai ðoniniø ðakø neiðaugino në su vienu poskiepiu. Reikðminiai þodþiai: ðoninës ðakos, poskiepiai, vaismedþiai, aukðtis, kamieno skersmuo. 56 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 5761. QUALITY OF MAIDEN APRICOT TREES DEPENDING ON ROOTSTOCK AND CULTIVAR Maria LICZNAR-MAÙAÑCZUK, Ireneusz SOSNA Department of Horticulture, University of Agriculture, Rozbrat 7, 50-334 Wrocùaw, Poland. E-mail: The experiment was established at Fruit Experimental Station near Wrocùaw. Three apricot cultivars Harcot, Hargrand and Bergeron were budded on three rootstocks: seedlings Somo and clone LS-4 seedlings (P. armeniaca) and Pumiselect®. The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the quality of maiden apricot trees depending on rootstock and cultivar. In the autumn of 2005 the thickest trunks in the nursery had apricot trees Harcot, while apricot trees Hargrand were the best feathered. Clearly the weakest growth was noted of Bergeron. Irrespective of cultivars, apricot trees budded on Pumiselect® rootstock were characterised of the strongest vigour. Maidens budded on seedlings Somo grew similarly to LS-4 seedlings but more often weaker. Irrespectively of cultivars, the longer root system had all trees on the generative rootstocks Somo and clone LS-4 seedlings (4550 cm). The average length of the rooted rootstock Pumiselect® was only 13.4 cm. Number of scaffold and lateral roots was also similar for both generative rootstocks. Cvs. Hargrand and Harcot on seedlings Somo were characterised by the best quality of root system, whereas Bergeron irrespective of rootstocks was the worst rooted. Key words: apricot, rootstock, cultivar, maiden, root system, Pumiselect. Introduction. In the case of many apricot cultivars, reduction of growth is only possible by using a proper rootstock (Grzyb el al., 1996; Szalay and Molnár, 2004). Rootstock not only influences the growth vigour, but also can affect the lifespan of trees (Dimitrova, 2001). Properties of rootstocks have been evaluated as a part of research and breading programs at the experimental stations (Vachùn et al., 1995; Dimitrova, 2002). Several good rootstocks from Prunus cerasifera, Prunus domestica, Prunus insititia and also Prunus persica have been introduced in cultivation of apricot (Bassi, 2001; Jakubowski, 2004). None of them is widely distributed and well adapted to the different soil environment. A full compatibility of rootstock with all cultivars is not found yet (Bassi, 2001). Dimitrova and Marinov (2002) had no signal of grafting incompatibility on the Myrobalan seedlings during 30 years of research work in Bulgaria. In Poland, Grzyb et al. (1996) observed the highest percentage of dead 57 trees grafted on Wangenheim Prune, but seedling Somo 86 was recognised as a good rootstock for all investigated cultivars except Harcot. Licznar-Maùañczuk and Sosna (2005b) observed grafting incompatibility of cv. Morden 604 and rootstock Somo. Apricot trees Harcot, Hargrand and Bergeron were recognised as good cultivars to the climatic conditions of the Lower Silesia region (Licznar-Maùañczuk and Sosna, 2005 a; 2005b). The aim of the present studies was the estimation of quality of one-year-old apricot trees of these cultivars depending on rootstock use. Materials and methods. In 20042005, the experiment was conducted at Fruit Experimental Station, which belong to the Agricultural University of Wrocùaw (southeast of Poland). Three apricot cultivars: Harcot, Hargrand and Bergeron were budded on three rootstocks: seedlings Pumiselect®, Somo and clone LS-4 seedlings. Pumiselect® (Rhenus 2) as a clonal Pumiselect pumila rootstocks for peach and apricot, was propagated by hardwood cuttings. In the autumn of 2003 oneyear-old hardwood shoots were pruned at 40 cm long sections. During winter they were kept in box with wet peat in room with about 3oC and in the spring of 2004 were planted to the nursery in the depth of 20 cm. The seeds of Polish apricot cultivar Somo and Polish apricot clone LS-4 (both comes from Prunus armeniaca) were stratificated and sown in the spring of 2004. In the summer of 2004 each rootstock was budded. In the autumn of 2005, the number of obtained trees varied from 13 to 33 among nine of experimental combination. The apricot estimation was based on 16 selected trees, except cv. Bergeron on rootstock Pumiselect® (only 12 trees). Quality of each selected one-year-old tree was evaluated in the autumn of 2005. The length of the rooted stock for vegetative rootstock Pumiselect® was measured and the total number of the main roots were counted. Number of scaffold and lateral roots was counted for both generative rootstocks, and the length of root system was also measured. Trunk and rootstock cross-section area was calculated basing on diameter measured 30 cm above and just below the place of budding, respectively. In addition, the length of annual shoots for one of the average chosen tree from every replication was measured. The experiment was evaluated separately for each cultivar, as a completely randomised design with four replications, including four or three trees. Experimental data were statistically elaborated and verified by Students multiple range t-test at P = 0.05. Results and discussion. In the autumn of 2005 maiden apricot trees, irrespectively of rootstock, looked healthy. There were noted some dead trees caused by Bacterial canker, but did not observed incompatibility symptoms in the nursery. It was very promising, because according to Bassi (2001), even the use P. armeniaca selections as a rootstock, could lead to incompatibility in some cultivars. In this experiment the quality of maiden apricot trees depended on cultivar and rootstocks. The thickest trunks had apricot trees Harcot, while apricot trees Hargrand were the best feathered (Table 1). Clearly the weakest growth in the nursery was noted of Bergeron. These results are similar to those reported by Lopez and Brunton (2000). The estimated rootstocks had significant influence mainly 58 on total length of laterals (with the exception of Bergeron). Irrespective of cultivars, apricot trees budded on rootstock Pumiselect® were characterised by the strongest vigour. In some cases, even significant differences were noted. This vegetative rootstock had the biggest cross section area, as well. It is interesting, because Pumiselect® is taken for dwarf rootstock. Maidens budded on seedlings Somo grew similarly to LS-4 seedlings or more often weaker. This contradicts to the studies by Grzyb et al. (1996), who did note clearly retarding of vegetative growth of trees on seedlings Somo 86 in comparison to strongly growing seedlings Myrobalan (P. cerasifera). However, in studies of Dimitrova and Marinov (2002), trees grafted on apricot seedlings grew much weaker than those on seedlings Myrobalan. T a b l e 1. Characteristic of maiden apricot trees depending on rootstock 1 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka abrikosø sodinukø kokybei Cultivar / Rootstock Veislë / Poskiepis Rootstock cross Trunk cross Number of annual Total lengthof section area section area shoots annual shoots Poskiepio skerspjûvio plotas, cm ‘Bergeron’ 2 < 20 cm > 20 cm Bendras ðakø ilgis, cm 3.97 0.95 5.8 6.3 366.9 2.79 0.90 6.0 6.5 359.9 Seedling Somo 2.79 0.82 5.5 6.5 359.9 3.18 0.89 5.8 6.4 362.2 0.43 NS NS NS LS-4 sëklinis poskiepis LSD05 / R05 Pumiselect® 6.13 1.65 9.8 10.8 654.1 LS-4 seedling 3.38 1.19 3.8 7.5 422.8 seedling Somo 3.25 1.02 3.8 7.0 364.1 8.4 NS 480.3 LS-4 sëklinis poskiepis Somo sëklinis poskiepis X 4.25 1.29 5.8 Pumiselect® 5.47 0.56 1.27 0.39 18.0 15.3 2.7 829.9 LS-4 seedling 2.92 0.88 14.8 8.0 466.6 seedling Somo 3.34 1.16 14.0 7.3 446.6 3.91 1.10 15.6 NS 10.2 NS 581.0 LSD05 / R05 ‘Hargrand’ Ðakø skaièius Pumiselect® LS-4 seedling Somo sëklinis poskiepis X ‘Harcot’ Kamieno skerspjûvio 2 plotas, cm LS-4 sëklinis poskiepis Somo sëklinis poskiepis X 0.52 LSD05 / R05 2.8 Irrespectively of cultivar, apricot trees had the longer root system on the generative rootstocks Somo and clone LS-4 seedlings (Table 2). Well-developed and strong root system is typical for generative rootstocks. Such root system causes that trees grafted on apricot seedlings (P. armeniaca) requires less water and they are more tolerant to drought than apricot trees on rootstock P. domestica or 59 P. insititia (Szalay and Molnár, 2004). The average length of the rooted stock for vegetative Pumiselect® was only 13.4 cm. Number of scaffold and lateral roots was also similar for both generative rootstocks. Irrespective of rootstocks, Hargrand and Harcot cvs. on seedlings Somo were characterised by the best quality of root system, whereas Bergeron rooted the worst. T a b l e 2. Characteristic of maiden apricot trees root system depending on rootstock 2 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka abrikosø sodinukø ðaknø sistemai Cultivar / Rootstock Veislë / Poskiepis Pumiselect® LS-4 seedling Length of Length of rooted stock root Total Number of Number of number of scaffold lateral roots Ásiðaknijusio roots roots Šaknies ilgis, Ðoniniø ðaknø poskiepio Skeletiniø Bendras ðaknø skaièius cm dalis, cm ðaknø skaièius skaièius 15.7 11.9 - 44.3 3.0 6.7 9.7 - 44.3 2.8 4.5 7.2 - 44.3 - 2.9 NS 5.6 NS 9.6 1.6 Pumiselect® 11.3 - - - 11.9 LS-4 seedling - 52.0 3.1 11.9 15.0 seedling Somo - 55.8 2.6 15.7 18.2 - 53.9 - 2.9 NS 13.8 NS 15.1 ‘Bergeron’ LS-4 sëklinis poskiepis Seedling Somo Somo sëklinis poskiepis X LSD05 / R05 ‘Harcot’ LS-4 sëklinis poskiepis Somo sëklinis poskiepis X LSD05 / R05 Pumiselect® LS-4 seedling ‘Hargrand’ LS-4 sëklinis poskiepis seedling ‘Somo Somo sëklinis poskiepis X LSD05 / R05 2.1 13.2 - - - - 14.7 40.2 4.1 11.3 15.4 - 52.4 3.5 12.8 16.3 - 46.3 - 3.8 12.1 NS 15.5 NS 6.0 Conclusions. 1. Quality of maiden apricot trees depended on cultivar and rootstocks. Clearly the weakest growth in the nursery was noted of Bergeron. Apricot trees budded on rootstock Pumiselect® grew much stronger in comparison to seedlings P. armeniaca. 2. Irrespectively of cultivar, apricot trees budded on seedlings P. armeniaca were better rooted than those on rootstock Pumiselect®. Gauta 2006 05 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 18 60 References 1. B a s s i D. Apricot culture: present and future. In: I Karayiannis (ed.), XI Int. Symp. on Apricot Culture, ISHS 1999 // Acta Horticulturae. 2001. Vol. 488. P. 3540. 2. D i m i t r o v a M. The influence of rootstock on the growth and productivity of tree apricot cultivars // Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 2001. Vol. 7. P. 161166. 3. D i m i t r o v a M. Evaluation of some plum rootstocks as rootstock for apricot in the orchard // Acta Horticulturae. 2002. Vol. 577. P. 311314. 4. D i m i t r o v a M., M a r i n o v P. 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Comportamiento de variedades de albaricoquero en la comarca del noroeste de la Region de Murcia // Jornadas de experimentacion en fruticultura. 2000. Vol. 21. P. 163170. 10. S z a l a y L., M o l n á r B. P. The effect of rootstock on tree size of apricot cultivars // International Journal of Horticultural Science. 2004. Vol. 10(3). P. 5758. 11. V a c h ù n Z., K r ð k a B., S a s k o v á H. Results of apricot research and breeding programme at the Horticultural Faculty in Lednice na Morawie // Zahradnictvi. 1995. Vol. 22(3). P. 9598. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 5761. POSKIEPIO ÁTAKA SKIRTINGØ VEISLIØ ABRIKOSØ SODINUKØ KOKYBEI M. Licznar-Maùañczuk, I. Sosna Santrauka Bandymas atliktas Sodininkystës tyrimø stotyje netoli Vroclavo. Trys abrikosø veislës: Harcot, Hargrand ir Bergeron, buvo áskiepytos á Somo ir LS-4 (P. armeniaca) sëklinius poskiepius ir Pumiselect® vegetatyviná poskiepá. Tyrimo tikslas ávertinti poskiepio átakà abrikosø sodinukø kokybei. 2005 m. rudená medelyne storiausi buvo Harcot veislës sodinukø kamienai. Ðios veislës sodinukai labiausiai ðakojosi. Prasèiausiai augo Bergeron veislës abrikosai. Visø veisliø abrikosai su Pumiselect® poskiepiu augo geriausiai. Á Somo sëklinius poskiepius áskiepytos abrikosø veislës augo beveik taip pat, kaip áskiepytos á LS-4, bet daþnai ir prasèiau. Ilgesnes ðaknis (4550 cm) iðleido visø veisliø su Somo ir LS-4 sëkliniais poskiepiais sodinukai, o sodinukø su Pumiselect® ðaknø ilgis buvo tik 13,4 cm. Hargrand ir Harcot veisliø abrikosø sodinukø su Somo poskiepiu ðaknø sistema buvo geriausios kokybës. Bergeron veislës sodinukø su visais poskiepiais ðaknø sistema buvo prasèiausia. Reikðminiai þodþiai: abrikosai, poskiepiai, veislës, sodinukai, ðaknø sistema, Pumiselect. 61 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 6270. THE INFLUENCE OF ION EXCHANGE SUBSTRATES (BIONA-112 AND BIONA-312) ON BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF PRUNUS L. ROOTSTOCKS DURING ADAPTATION EX VITRO Tatjana KRASINSKAYA, Natalija KUKHARCHYK Institute for Fruit Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2 Kovalev str., Samokhvalovichy, Minsk reg., 223013 Belarus. E-mail: It is known that the plant reorganization after in vitro culture is performed not only in morphological but also in physiological direction during the adaptation ex vitro. Different methods are applied for improving of adaptation stage. One of them is using of ionic soils as adaptation substrates. As a result of that, the aim of our investigations was to study plant physiological development on Prunus L. rootstocks, for example, VSL-2 (Prunus fruticosa (Pall.) G. Waron. x P. lannesiana Carr.) and OVP-2 (P. cerasus x P. Maackii) on ion-exchange substrates (IES) with different mineral compositions (BIONA-112 and BIONA-312) at the adaptation to aseptic conditions ex vitro. Evaluation of plant physiological development was made according to these biochemical indices: chlorophyll (a + b) content (mg/dm2), sugar concentration (glucose + saccharose) (%) and dry weight (%). Significant influence of IES on chlorophyll, sugar and dry weight accumulation were established as a result of our investigation. The significant positive after-effect of ionexchange adaptation substrates on plant physiological development was marked at the second stage of adaptation. Key words: Prunus L., ion exchange substrate, BIONA-112, BIONA-312, biochemical parameters, chlorophyll, soluble sugars, dry matter content, ex vitro, adaptation, Belarus. Introduction. Plants during ex vitro adaptation undergo certain changes in both morphological and physiological aspects. First of all, the plants launch from heterotrophic to autotrophic kind of nutrition because of the resumption of their photosynthetic activity. Secondly, transpiration changes take place to promote the adaptation of the plants to low moisture level, which is typical for their traditional conditions of growing (the transpiration becomes controlled, the majority of stoma close and comes to the inner parts of the leave tissue (Vegvari, Vertesy, 1999), cuticle and epicuticle wax layer develop more intensively then in test-tube plants, the chemical compound of wax changes (Ãèãîëîøâèëè, 2000)). Different methods are used to accelerate and improve the adaptation stage, with the aim to increase the number of normally adapted plants in ex vitro: the reduction 62 of nitrates concentration in nutrient medium for micro breeding, the using of waxes for splashing the leaves after in vitro and others (McClelland et al., 1990). One of the methods developed to improve plant adaptation is the usage of qualitative new adaptation substrates, for example, ion exchange substrates (ionite soils). There are known the advantages of ion exchange substrate using for growing fruits and small fruits and ornamental plants (Ñâiðø÷ý¢ñêàÿ et al., 1995; Ñîëäàòîâ et al., 1978; Ñóäåéíàÿ, Òèìîôååâà, 2003; Ñóäåéíàÿ, Óòûðî, 2000; Òóëàåâà et al., 1990) for the in vitro rooting microshoots of potatoes after in vitro (Ìàòóñåâè÷ et al., 1995), and for adaptation ex vitro of Prunus L. regenerates. In previous researches we determined the statistically significant influence of the substrates on the morphological development of plant Prunus L. To determine the causes of considerable difference between the intensity of ontogenesis of regenerates adapted on different substrates, in this work we study their influence on physiological and biochemical processes, which occur in plant during ex vitro stage. Materials and methods. The researches were carried out in the department of biotechnology at the Institute for Fruit Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus during 23.06.2004 7.04. 2005. Objects of research were peat substrate (control), ion exchange substrates (BIONA-112 and BIONA-312); vegetative rootstocks of sour cherry and sweet cherry OVP-2 (Prunus cerasus x P. Maackii). VSL-2 (P. fruticosa (Pall.) G. Waron. x P. lannesiana Carr.). Peat substrate represents a mixture of substrate Florabel-5 and river sand in ratio 3 : 1, autoclaved under the pressure of 1.2 atmospheres during 2 hours. The structure of water extract obtained after the autoclaving of peat substrate is represented in Table 1. The pH value of water extract from peat substrate is 7.7. This substrate was used also on the second stage of adaptation. T a b l e 1. Ionic composition of substrates 1 l e n t e l ë. Joninë terpiø sudëtis Concentration of ion / Jonø koncentracija, mg-eqv/l Substrate Terpë Ê Ñà2+ H2P04– SÎ42– Mg2+ Fe3+ NH4+ N03– PEAT substrate 0.697 0.48 3.20 2.8 0.122 0.37 1.28 0 1.254 1.76 BIONA-112 BIONA-312 2.93 0.9 0.10 - 2.61 0.21 11.43 8.6 1.02 0.42 2.43 0.87 1.72 0.08 + + Na Durpiø substratas 6.86 1.57 2.9 2.3 4.4 3.7 Cl– The substrate of BIONA-112 is ion exchange substrate created on the basis of cation exchanger KU-2 (H+) and anion exchanger EDE-10P (ÎÍ) in ratio 1 : 2.05. It was rich by various macro- and microelements in the ion exchange form (Table 1). The pH value of water extract from substrate BIONA 1126.05. The substrate BIONA-312 is the mixture of ion exchange substrate BIONA-112 (56 percent by weight) with cliniptilolite. The pH value of water substrate BIONA-312 is 6.56.7. The adaptation was carried out in 2 stages. Stage I (the adaptation stage). The 63 plants after the in vitro rhizogenesis stage were planted into 50 ml holders filled with peat or ion exchange substrates, covered with plastic film in order to increase moisture. Watering was performed with distilled water. The adaptation of the plants was fulfilled in the third quarter of 2004. On the stage II (post-adaptation stage) the plants were transplanted into 500 ml pots filled with peat substrate. The conditions of adaptation on the first and second stages: illumination 2.53.0 th. Lux, temperature 2022°C, photoperiod 16/8 hours. The length of each stage was 17 weeks. The influence and post-influence of adaptation substrates on the physiological development of the plants was analyzed according to the data of biochemical analyses of the leaves in 4 replications: the chlorophylls a and b content (Åðìàêîâ, 1987); the soluble sugars content (monosugars (glucose + fructose) + saccharose) (Êàðìàíåíêî, Êàçàíöåâà, 1986); dry matter content (Åðìàêîâ,1987). The results were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and the significance of differences between means was evaluated by Duncans multiple range test at P = 0.05 with the help of Statistica 6.0 software. Results were represented in Tables and included the mean±SE. Significance of differences in Tables is shown at p< 0.05 (a), p< 0.01 (b), p < 0.001 (c), non-significant (). Result and discussion. C h l o r o p h y l l c o n t e n t. The factual influence of the substrates on the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments in the unit of the leaves area was marked. All the parameters characterizing the accumulation of pigments in the leaves during their adaptation on any ion exchange substrate not depending on its content, was lower than on the peat substrate (Table 2). In the investigated rootstocks the accumulation of the chlorophylls was different and depended on the genotype. The maximum level of Chl b synthesis was marked for the rootstock OVP-2 on the peat substrate, the minimum data by this rootstock on the substrate BIONA-312. The synthesis of Chl b by the rootstock VSL-2 was even and did not depend on the adaptation substrate. The Chl ratio a/b was the highest in rootstocks OVP-2. Depending on the adaptation substrate this data positively did not change by any of both rootstocks. S o l u b l e s u g a r s. Intensive accumulation of sugars was observed in plants adapted on the peat substrate and substrate BIONA-312 (Table 2). This tendency is obviously manifested during the adaptation of the rootstock OVP-2. The synthesis of monosugars in the leaves certainly did not differ on different adaptation substrates. More saccharose was accumulated in the plants, adapted on the peat substrate. Dry matter content. According to literature data, ion exchange substrate promotes the accumulation of water in the leaves of the plants, so it is advisable to use it when growing for leave product (Áàõíîâà ir kt., 1999). We have investigated the certain decrease of dry matter content while the adaptation of regenerates of sour cherry on the substrate BIONA-112; simultaneously, the essential increase in the volume of the above-ground plant organs was shown. The quantity of dry matter content on the substrate BIONA-312 was higher than on the substrate BIONA-112, but slightly lower than at peat substrates. The maximum amplitude in the accumulation of dry matter content on different substrates was marked for rootstock OVP-2: the leaves of the regenerates adapted on the peat substrate, contained the maximum dry matter quantity. 64 T a b l e 2. Biochemical parameters characterizing physiological development of rootstocks at the adaptation stage, n = 4 2 l e n t e l ë. Biocheminiai rodikliai, charakterizuojantys fiziologiná poskiepiø vystymàsi adaptacijos etape, n = 4 Adaptation substrates (factor Â) Forms of rootstocks (factor A) Poskiepiø formos (A faktorius) Adaptacijos terpës (B faktorius) Biochemical parameters Biocheminiai rodikliai Stem length ñm Chl à, mg/dm2 Chl b, mg/dm2 Ñhl à+b, mg/dm2 Chl à/b, mg/dm2 Monosugars Monocukrûs, % OVP-2 Saccharose / Sacharozë, % Sugar concentration Stiebo ilgis, Cukraus koncentracija, % Dry matter content Sausøjø medþiagø kiekis, % Stem length ñm Chl à, mg/dm2 Chl b, mg/dm2 Ñhl à+b, mg/dm2 Chl à/b, mg/dm2 Monosugars Monocukrûs, % VSL-2 Saccharose Sacharozë, % Sugar concentration Cukraus koncentracija, % Dry matter content Stiebo ilgis, Sausøjø medþiagø kiekis, BIONA-112 BIONA-312 A faktoriaus vidurkis 3.9 ± 0.23 6.7±0.44 – 5.5 ± 0.28 – – 5.4 ± 0.38 3.03 ± 0.20 1.16 ± 0.14 4.19 ± 0.33 2.66 ± 0.16 2.64±0.14 – 1.12±0.14 – 3.51±0.37 – 2.50±0.45 – 2.49 ± 0.11 a – 0.80 ± 0.05 aa 3.30 ± 0.16a – 3.12 ± 0.08– – 2.72 ± 0.11 1.03 ± 0.08 3.52 ± 0.20 2.76 ± 0.17 0.09 ± 0.02 0.04±0.007 b 0.1 ± 0.004 – c 0.08 ± 0.01 0.15 ± 0.05 0.08 ± 0.009 b 0.15 ± 0.01 – b 0.13 ± 0.01 0.24 ± 0.05 0.12 ± 0.02 b 0.20 ± 0.02 26.10 ± 6.23 12.85 ± 0.51 b 22.41 ± 1.14 – a Durpiø substratas (kontrolë) 0.2 ± 0.01 – b 20.4 ± 2.55 8.9 ± 0.85 15.4 ± 2.08 c 10.9 ± 0.58 – b 11.76 ± 1.08 ñ 3.03 ± 0.14 1.22 ± 0.05 4.25 ± 0.19 2.49 ± 0.03 2.21 ± 0.16 0.96 ± 0.05 – 3.17 ± 0.21 a 2.31 ± 0.07 - 2.14 ± 0.03c – 1.01 ± 0.02 – – 3.15 ± 0.05 a – 2.12 ± 0.01 – – 0.06 ± 0.003 0.05 ± 0.003 0.03 ± 0.003 – – 0.05 ± 0.003 c 0.12 ± 0.003 0.08 ± 0.007 – 0.07 ± 0.007a – 0.09 ± 0.007 b 0.18 ± 0.003 0.13 ± 0.01 – 20.09 ± 0.64 17.81 ± 0.16 – 15.7 ± 0.71 – – 17.87 ± 0.62 – 0.10 ± 0.01 – – % Stem length / Stiebo ilgis, ñm Chl à, mg/dm2 Chl b, mg/dm2 Ñhl à+b, mg/dm2 Chl à/b, mg/dm2 Monosugars Monocukrûs, % Saccharose / Sacharozë, % Sugar concentration Cukraus koncentracija, % Dry matter content / Sausøjø medþiagø kiekis, % Mean for factor À peat substrate (control) Mean for factor  / B faktoriaus vidurkis 6.4 ± 1.02 11.05 ± 1.92 c 8.2 ± 1.08 – a 3.03 ± 0.11 2.43 ± 0.13 c 2.32 ± 0.08 c – 1.19 ± 0.07 1.04 ± 0.07- 0.91 ± 0.05 b – 3.34 ± 0.21 b 3.22 ± 0.08 b – 4.22 ± 0.18 2.40 ± 0.22 – 2.62 ± 0.19 – – 2.57 ± 0.08 0.08 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.004 b 0.07 ± 0.01 – a 0.13 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.005 b 0.11 ± 0.22 – a 0.21 ± 0.03 0.12 ± 0.01 b 0.18 ± 0.03 – a 23.1 ± 3.11 15.33 ± 0.97 a 19.05 ± 1.41 – – 65 2.46 ± 0.14 a 1.06 ± 0.04 – 3.66 ± 0.18 – 2.31 ± 0.05 a 0.13 ± 0.01 b T h e s e c o n d s t a g e o f a d a p t a t i o n. The results of the represented researches allowed estimating the after-effect of substrates on biochemical parameters of the adapted plants after transplantation during the second stage. Both ion exchange substrates stimulated the growth of the stem and chlorophyll synthesis for the both rootstocks (Table 3). The most prolonging positive effect on the Chl a + b synthesis was marked using the substrate BIONA-112. Depending on the genotype, the influence of the ion exchange substrates was different: for the rootstock VSL-2 the kind of ion exchange substrate did not influence the accumulation of the chlorophylls. For the rootstock OVP-2 on the substrate BIONA-312 was marked the increase of the sum of chlorophylls, while BIONA-112 was increasing the accumulation of Chl a. T a b l e 3. Biochemical parameters characterizing physiological development of rootstocks at the post-adaptation stage, n = 4 3 l e n t e l ë. Biocheminiai rodikliai, charakterizuojantys fiziologiná poskiepiø vystymàsi po adaptacijos, n = 4 Forms of rootstocks (factor A) OVP-2 Poskiepiø formos (A faktorius) Adaptation substrates (factor Â) Adaptacijos terpës (B faktorius) Biochemical parameters Mean for factor À Peat substrate (control) BIONA-112 BIONA-312 A faktoriaus vidurkis Δ stem length, stem length stiebo ilgis, ñm 0.3 ± 0.49 4.2 ± 0.27 2.5 ± 1.189.2 ± 0.82 b –1.08 ± 0.98 – – 4.4 ± 0.71 – b 0.57±0.66 5.9 ± 0.77 Δ Chl a, mg/dm2 Chl a 0.21 ± 0.12 3.24 ± 0.19 1.78 ± 0.20 c 4.42 ± 0.10c 1.10 ± 0.15 cb 3.59 ± 0.20 – c 1.03 ± 0.21 3.75 ± 0.17 Δ Chl b, mg/dm2 Chl b –0.09 ± 0.15 1.07 ± 0.04 0.32 ± 0.13 a 1.44 ± 0.04 b 0.51 ± 0.06 b – 1.32 ± 0.09 a- 0.25 ± 0.1 1.28 ± 0.06 Δ Chl à + b, mg/dm2 Chl a +b 0.12 ± 0.19 4.31 ± 0.18 2.35 ± 0.30 c 1.61 ± 0.21 ca 5.86 ± 0.13 c 4.91 ± 0.30 ab 1.36 ± 0.30 5.02 ± 0.22 Chl à/b, mg/dm2 Chl a/b 3.03 ± 0.22 3.07 ± 0.08 – 2.74±0.05 – – 2.95±0.08 Δ monosugars, monosugars monocukrûs, % 0.04 ± 0.006 0.13 ± 0.02 0.06 ± 0.01 a 0.1 ± 0.005 a Δ saccharose saccharose / sacharozë, % 0.1 ± 0.04 0.25 ± 0.07 0.05 ± 0.009 – 0.13 ± 0.003 a 0.1 ± 0.02 – – 0.26 ± 0.01 – a 0.08 ± 0.02 0.21 ± 0.03 Δ sugar concentration, sugar concentration cukraus koncentracija, % 0.14 ± 0.04 0.37 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.020.23 ± 0.01 a 0.09 ± 0.03 – – 0.35 ± 0.02 – – 0.11 ± 0.02 0.31 ± 0.03 9.82 ± 6.54 35.92 ± 1.07 21.87 ± 1.80 a 34.72 ± 1.86- 9.59 ± 2.44 – a 13.8 ± 2.78 32.00 ± 1.86 – – 34.21 ± 0.99 Biocheminiai rodikliai Δ dry matter content dry matter content sausøjø medþiagø kiekis, % Durpiø substratas (kontrolë) 66 – 0.009 ± 0.006 cc 0.03 ± 0.009 0.09 ± 0.004 b – 0.11 ± 0.008 T a b l e 3 continued 3 lentelës tæsinys Forms of rootstocks Biochemical (factor parameters A) Biocheminiai parametrai Adaptation substrates (factor Â) Adaptacijos terpës (faktorius B) Poskiepiø formos (A faktorius) VSL-2 Δ stem length stem length stiebo ilgis, ñm Mean for factor À A faktoriaus vidurkis – 0.13 ± 1.18 8.8 ± 0.78 10.2 ± 3.70 b 25.6 ± 2.37 3.7 ± 0.70 – a 14.7 ± 1.02 bc 4.6 ± 1.75 a 16.3 ± 2.25 ñ Δ Chl a, mg/dm2 Chl a 0.04 ± 0.1 3.07 ± 0.12 1.02 ± 0.19 c 3.42 ± 0.07 – 0.87 ± 0.007 b – 3.01 ± 0.09 – – 0.70 ± 0.16 a 3.17 ± 0.07 c Δ Chl b, mg/dm2 Chl b – 0.28 ± 0.06 0.94 ± 0.08 0.18 ± 0.12 b 1.14 ± 0.09 – 0.05 ± 0.01 a – – 0.02 ± 0.07 b 1.06 ± 0.02 – – 1.04 ± 0.04 c Δ Chl à + b, mg/dm2 Chl à + b – 0.24 ± 0.16 4.01 ± 0.19 1.39 ± 0.31 c 4.55 ± 0.14 – 0.92 ± 0.09 b – 4.07 ± 0.11 – – 0.69 ± 0.23 b 4.21 ± 0.11 c Chl à/b, mg/dm2 Chl à/b 3.32 ± 0.14 3.05 ± 0.19- 2.84 ± 0.04 a – 3.07 ± 0.09 – Δ monosugars monosugars monocukrûs, % 0.05 ± 0.003 0.10 ± 0.003 0.06 ± 0.0050.10 ± 0.003 0.06 ± 0.003 – – 0.05 ± 0.003 c 0.09 ± 0 – 0.1 ± 0.002 – Δ saccharose,saccharose sacharozë, % 0.07 ± 0.02 0.19 ± 0.02 0.12 ± 0.02 – 0.20±0.02 – 0.1 ± 0.004 – – 0.17 ± 0.01 – – 0.1 ± 0.01 – 0.19 ± 0.008 – Δ sugar concentration sugar concentration cukraus koncentracija, % 0.12 ± 0.02 0.29 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.02 – 0.30 ± 0.02 – 0.16 ± 0.003 – – 0.26 ± 0.01 – – 0.15 ± 0.01 – 0.28 ± 0.01 – Δ dry matter content dry matter content sausøjø medþiagø kiekis, % 7.61 ± 1.35 27.70 ± 0.99 10.21 ± 0.96 – 28.02 ± 0.88 – 10.81 ± 1.52 – – 9.54 ± 0.80 a 26.5 ± 1.63 – – 27.41 ± 0.66 c Mean for factor  / B faktoriaus vidurkis Δstem length, stem length / stiebo ilgis, ñm 0.08 ± 0.60 6.5 ± 0.94 6.3 ± 2.31 b 17.4 ± 3.31 c 1.3 ± 1.06 – a 9.5 ± 2.02 ac ΔChl a, mg/dm2 Chl a 0.13 ± 0.08 3.15 ± 0.11 1.49 ± 0.17 c 3.92 ± 0.20 c 0.99 ± 0.09 cb 3.30 ± 0.15-c ΔChl b, mg/dm2 Chl b – 0.19 ± 0.08 1.0 ± 0.05 0.25 ± 0.09 c 1.29 ± 0.07 c 0.28 ± 0.09 c – 1.19 ± 0.07 a – ΔChl à+b, mg/dm2 Chl à+b – 0.06 ± 0.13 4.16 ± 0.14 1.87 ± 0.27 c 5.21 ± 0.26 c 1.27 ± 0.17 ca 4.49 ± 0.22-b Chl à/b, mg/dm2 3.17 ± 0.13 3.06 ± 0.1 – 2.79 ± 0.03 a – Δmonosugars, monosugars / monocukrûs, % 0.04 ± 0.004 0.12 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.005 a 0.10 ± 0.003 – 0.02 ± 0.01 ac 0.09 ± 0.002 a – 67 T a b l e 3 continued 3 lentelës tæsinys Forms of rootstocks Biochemical (factor parameters A) Biocheminiai parametrai Mean for factor À Adaptation substrates (factor Â) Adaptacijos terpës (faktorius B) A faktoriaus vidurkis Poskiepiø formos (A faktorius) Δ saccharose, saccharose / sacharozë, % 0.09 ± 0.02 0.22 ± 0.03 0.08 ± 0.02 – 0.16 ± 0.02 – 0.10 ± 0.009 – – 0.21 ± 0.02 – – Δsugar concentration, sugar concentration / cukraus koncentracija, % 0.13 ± 0.02 0.33 ± 0.04 0.14 ± 0.02 – 0.26 ± 0.02 – 0.13 ± 0.02 – – 0.30 ± 0.02 – – 8.71 ± 3.12 31.81 ± 1.69 16.04 ± 2.40 a 31.37 ± 1.58 – 10.20 ± 1.35 – – 29.96 ± 1.54 – – Δdry matter content, dry matter content sausøjø medþiagø kiekis, % For the both rootstocks steering of synthesis of monosugars was marked for the plants, which were originally adapted on the BIONA-112, and saccharose and soluble sugars were in general accumulated independently on the adaptation substrate. During the second stage of adaptation the leveling of the quantity of dry matter content by the adapted plants on all the substrates was marked. The minimum dry matter content detected on the substrate BIONA-112, after the first adaptation stage relevantly increased because of active accumulation of components, from which dry matter is composed. Conclusions. Trustworthy influence and post-influence of the adaptive substrates on the biochemical data of the rootstocks of sour cherry was estimated. On the first adaptation stage, a tendency to maximum accumulation of photosynthetic pigments, sugars in the unit area and dry substance for the plants, cultivated on the peat substrate is registered. Ion exchange substrate BIONA-312 provided the sugar synthesis and accumulation of dry matter more actively than BIONA-112 (the substrate with higher concentration of mineral salts). The rootstocks originally adapted on the substrate BIONA were characterized by more intensive accumulation of chlorophylls (a, and sum of chlorophylls), the quantity of it by the end of the second stage exceeding the data for adapted on the peat substrate rootstock. Intensive accumulation of dry substances by the rootstocks, which were transplanted from substrate BIONA-112 led to leveling this value in all adapted regenerates. Gauta 2006 05 12 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 68 References 1. Á à õ í î â à Ê. Â., Ì è ë ü ê å â è ÷ Æ. À., Î ë ü ø à í è ê î â à À. Ë.,  å ð á è ö ê à ÿ Í. À. Õàðàêòåðèñòèêà ïðîäóêöèè, âûðàùåííîé íà öåîëèòñîäåðæàùåì ñóáñòðàòå ÁÈÎÍÀ-211 è ïî÷âîãðóíòå // Èçâåñòèÿ Àêàä. àãðàð. íàóê ÐÁ. 1999. ¹. 2. C. 4548. 2. à è ã î ë î ø â è ë è Ò. Ñ. Àíàòîìî-ôèçèîëîãè÷åñêèå îñîáåííîñòè êóëüòóðàëüíîãî ìîðôîòèïà êàðòîôåëÿ (Solanum tuberosum L.) â óñëîâèÿõ áèîòåõíîëîãè÷åñêîãî ïðîèçâîäñòâà.// Âåñöi Íàö. Àêàä. íàâóê Áåëàðóñi. Ñåð. áiÿëàãi÷. íàâóê. 2000. ¹. 2. C. 2730. 3. 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JONØ MAINØ TERPËS (BIONA-112 IR BIONA-312) ÁTAKA PRUNUS L. POSKIEPIØ BIOCHEMINIAMS RODIKLIAMS ADAPTACIJOS EX VITRO METU T. Krasinskaya, N. Kukharchyk Santrauka Po in vitro kultûros adaptacijos ex vitro metu augaluose vyksta morfologiniai ir fiziologiniai pokyèiai. Adaptacijai pagerinti taikomi skirtingi metodai. Vienas jø jonizuotø dirvoþemiø, kaip adaptacijos substratø, panaudojimas. Mûsø tyrimo tikslas buvo iðtyrinëti augalo fiziologiná vystymàsi ant Prunus L. poskiepiø, pavyzdþiui, VSL-2 (Prunus fruticosa (Pall.) G. Waron. x P. lannesiana Carr.) ir OVP-2 (P. cerasus x P. Maackii), skirtingos mineralinës sudëties (BIONA-112 ir BIONA-312) jonø mainø terpëje (JMT) adaptuojant ex vitro aseptinëmis sàlygomis. Augalo fiziologinis vystymasis buvo ávertintas pagal ðiuos biocheminius rodiklius: chlorofilo (a + b) kieká (mg/dm2), cukraus koncentracijà (gliukozë + sacharozë) (%) ir sausøjø medþiagø kieká (%). Mûsø tyrimai parodë reikðmingà JMT átakà chlorofilo, cukraus ir sausøjø medþiagø kaupimuisi. Antrajame adaptacijos etape buvo pastebëta esminë pozityvi jonø mainø adaptacinës terpës átaka augalo fiziologiniam vystymuisi. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Prunus L., jonø kaitos substratas, BIONA-112, BIONA-312, biocheminiai rodikliai, chlorofilas, tirpûs cukrûs, sausøjø medþiagø koncentracija, ex vitro, adaptacija, Baltarusija. 70 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 7176. LATERAL ROOT INDUCTION BY BACTERIA, RADICLE CUT OFF AND IBA TREATMENTS OF ALMOND CVS. TEXAS AND NONPAREIL SEEDLINGS Emine ORHAN1, Sezai ERCISLI1, Ahmet ESITKEN1, Fikrettin SAHIN2 1 Ataturk University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Horticulture, 25240 Erzurum-Turkey. E-mail: Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Genetics& Bioengineering, 34755 Kayisdagi-Istanbul, Turkey 2 This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of radicle cut off, IBA (50 and 100 ppm) and three Agrobacterium rubi (A1, A16 and A18) and a Bacillus subtilis strain (OSU-142) alone or in combination with radicle cut off on seedling height, stem diameter, number of lateral roots, root length, fresh and dry root weight. Seedlings of two almond cvs. Texas and Nonpareil were studied. The results showed that seed treatment with IBA, radicle cut off, bacteria alone or in combination with radicle cut off significantly increased the number of lateral roots and fresh and dry root weight compared with the control treatments. Highest number of lateral roots (8.89) was obtained from seeds treated with Agrobacterium rubi A18 strain for cv. Texas and A16 for cv. Nonpareil (9.60). Key words: almond, bacteria, lateral root formation, rootstock. Introduction. Turkey is one of the significant and unique countries in the world from the point of almond genetic resources and diversity. Ten Amygdalus species have been reported in Turkey so far (Ercisli, 2004). In Turkey, up to 1980s, almond production was generally maintained by propagation by seeds (Unal et al., 1994). However, recently some native and especially standard foreign varieties, such as Texas, Nonpareil and Ne Plus Ultra, are being reproduced by budding in Turkey. The budding method is spreading throughout the country and it is practiced either at the nursery or in the seedbeds. Notable lateral root difficulties exist in germinating seed of almond, using conventional methods (Kuden et al., 1993). Due to the tap root formation, the ratio of take in almond seedlings is very low this way establishing the orchards (Unal et al., 1994). In nursery fruit tree production, a well developed and branching root system is a prerequisite for a high ratio of take (Mulas et al., 1989). Therefore, people have attempted to eliminate tap rooting of almond seedlings generally using radicle cut off (Kuden et al., 1995; Akca and Ceylan, 1996). Since traditional radicle cut off methods for lateral branching of almond roots is very time consuming and needs extensive laboring, it is necessary to explore the easiest solutions. 71 Recent studies confirm that the application of bacteria in several genera (Agrobacterium, Bacillus, Streptomyces, Pseudomonas and Alcaligenes) seed and vegetative propagation materials induce new root formation in cuttings and seeds of some plant species (Patena et al., 1988; Trip and Stomp, 1997; Ercan et al., 1999). In previous studies, we used Agrobacterium rubi strains (A1, A16 and A18) in kiwifruit, sour cherry and rose hip cuttings to induce rooting. These bacterial strains were found to be more effective on the adventitious root formation compared to control (Ercisli et al., 2003; Esitken et al., 2003; Ercisli et al., 2004). The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of radicle cut off, IBA and bacterial treatments using Agrobacterium rubi (A1, A16, A18) and Bacillus subtilis strain (OSU-142) alone or in combination with radicle cut off on the lateral root formation of two almond cultivars Texas and Nonpareil. Materials and Methods. Seeds were taken from healthy almond trees Texas and Nonpareil at the harvest time in 2005 and then placed into moist perlitte media in cold storage (4°C) for 30 days in order to break embryonic dormancy. After stratification, seeds were subjected to one of the following twelve treatments: 1- Control 7- Agrobacterium rubi A18 2- Radicle cut off 8- Bacillus subtilis (OSU-142) 3- IBA (50 ppm) 9- Radicle cut off + Agrobacterium rubi A1 4- IBA (100 ppm) 10-Radicle cut off + Agrobacterium rubi A16 5- Agrobacterium rubi A1 11-Radicle cut off + Agrobacterium rubi A18 6- Agrobacterium rubi A16 12- Radicle cut off + Bacillus spp. (OSU-142) For radicle cut off treatments, the basal portion of radicles were cut by pinching about 0.5-1.0 mm. Bacterial treatments were performed by dipping the seeds into the suspension of Agrobacterium rubi (strains A1, A16 or A18) and Bacillus subtilis (strain OSU-142) prepared in sterile water at a concentration of 109 cfu/ml. IBA treatments were also performed by dipping the seeds into IBA solution for 10 min at a concentration of 50 and 100 ppm. Radicle cut off + bacteria combined treatments were achieved by dipping radicle cut off seeds into the bacterial suspension. Seeds in the control group were dipped in sterile water. Following treatments, treated seeds were planted in plastic bags filled with turf media in a greenhouse maintained at 21±2°C. Plant height, stem diameter, number of lateral roots, root length, and fresh and dry root weight were determined on 30 randomly chosen seedlings for each treatment. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 3 replications. Each replication contained 20 seeds. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Means were separated using Duncans multiple range tests. Results. The effect of all treatments tested in this study on the plant height, stem diameter, number of lateral roots, root length and fresh and dry root weight of almond cvs. Nonpareil and Texas are summarized in Table. The data demonstrated that, there were statistical differences in Nonpareil but not cv. Texas seedling height among the treatments (Table). The highest plant height (64.80 cm) was obtained when cultivar Nonpareil was treated with Agrobacterium rubi A16 and followed by radicle cut off + A16 treatment (63.33 cm) (Table). 72 T a b l e. Effects of IBA, bacteria, radicle cut off, bacteria plus radicle cut off on almond seedling growth parameters L e n t e l ë. ISR, bakterijø, ðakneliø trumpinimo ir bakterijø bei ðakneliø trumpinimo derinio átaka migdolø sëjinukø augimo rodikliams Treatments Variantai Height Aukštis, cm Stem diameter Number of lateral roots Root length Fresh root weight Dry root weight Kamieno Ðalutiniø ðaknø Ðaknø ilgis, Þalioji ðaknø Sausoji ðaknø skaièius skersmuo, mm masë, g masë, g cm ‘Texas’ 57.86 3.86 2.43 by 25.14 5.30 c 3.38 c 63.40 3.60 7.17 a 29.30 7.98 abc 4.52 abc IBA (50 ppm) 58.18 3.84 7.63 a 26.24 7.17 abc 4.10 abc IBA(100ppm) 59.33 3.92 7.92 a 27.56 7.43 abc 4.23 abc Control / Kontrolinis variantas R. cut off / Ðakneliø patrumpinimas A1 58.14 4.00 8.40 a 24.57 7.37 abc 4.70 abc A 16 56.75 4.03 8.50 a 27.50 7.92 abc 5.36 ab 5.03 abc A 18 59.43 3.93 8.89 a 27.14 7.71 abc OSU 142 63.67 4.03 8.00 a 27.00 6.27 bc 3.55 bc RC+A 1 58.33 3.60 8.75 a 27.00 8.86 ab 4.67 abc RC+A 16 59.33 3.85 8.75 a 27.50 7.82 abc 4.18 abc RC+A 18 62.71 3.69 8.44 a 27.86 9.69 a 4.98 abc RC+OSU142 62.25 3.86 8.88 a 30.13 9.89 a 5.56 a NS NS 1.68 NS 2.58 1.56 43.00 b 3.31 d 1.63 d 23.88 5.00 c 2.60 c 44.50 cd 3.80 bc 6.11 c 23.88 6.69 bc 3.93 b LSD01 / R01 ‘Nonpareil’ Control / Kontrolinis variantas R. Cut Off / Ðakneliø patrumpinimas IBA (50 ppm) 45.62 cd 3.42 d 4.82 de 23.40 5.24 bc 2.32 c IBA(100ppm) 46.30 cd 3.55 cd 5.13 d 23.22 5.38 bc 2.47 c A1 46.00 cd 3.28 d 5.60 d 23.75 5.85 bc 2.40 c A 16 64.80 a 4.26 a 9.60 a 28.00 10.79 a 6.24 a A 18 45.50 d 3.54 cd 6.20 c 22.60 5.43 bc 2.65 c OSU 142 51.75 bcd 3.95 ab 5.00 d 23.00 6.10 bc 3.15 bc RC+A 1 52.90 bcd 3.72 bc 7.60 b 23.70 6.09 bc 4.44 b RC+A 16 63.33 ab 3.57 cd 8.86 a 25.89 5.46 bc 3.60 bc RC+A 18 52.63 bcd 3.98 ab 7.69 b 26.50 6.69 bc 4.08 b RC+OSU142 54.80 bc 3.73 bc 9.43 a 24.14 7.13 b 4.39 b 9.47 0.36 0.93 NS 1.89 1.24 LSD01 / R01 * Means in columns followed by a different letter differ significantly, NS: Non Significant Skirtingomis raidëmis paþymëtø reikðmiø stulpeliuose skirtumai yra esminiai; NS: skirtumai neesminiai 73 Bacteria treatments of cultivar Nonpareil caused statistically different plant heights (p≤0.01, Table). The highest plants were observed with inoculated bacteria strain, Agrobacterium rubi (A16) 64.80 cm and followed by Bacillus subtilis (OSU-142) 51.75 cm, respectively (Table). The differences of the stem diameter of cultivar Nonpareil based on treatments given in Table 1 showed that maximum stem diameter was obtained from Agrobacterium rubi A16 (4.26 mm) and followed by radicle cut off + A18 treatment (3.98 mm) (Table). The data showed that bacterial treatment alone or in combination with radicle cut off significantly increased the number of lateral root and fresh and dry root weight in both tested almond cultivars (Table). The number of lateral roots was highest in Agrobacterium rubi A18 treatment (8.89) of Texas and A16 treatment (9.60) of Nonpareil (Table). Different treatments exhibited varying degrees of fresh and dry root weight. All treatments, except control, increased fresh and dry root weight in both Texas and Nonpareil. Radicle cut off+OSU-142 treatment of Texas and Agrobacterium rubi A16 of Nonpareil were found to be the most effective in terms of both fresh and dry root weight (Table). Discussion. This experiment was designed to investigate the effect of IBA, bacteria, radicle cut off and bacteria + radicle cut off on lateral root formation of almond seedlings of cvs. Texas and Nonpareil. The results obtained in the present study revealed that all seed treatments in two almond cultivars resulted in significantly more lateral roots than water-treated seeds (Table 1). The treatments with Agrobacterium rubi A18 of Texas and Agrobacterium rubi A16 of Nonpareil was found to be most effective in terms of lateral root induction. These results may suggest that the differences in bacterial strain may be an important factor for lateral root induction. It is evident that the seeds of different plant species require different bacteria strains to promote lateral root formation. These results support the findings of Ercan et al. (1999), who demonstrated that the highest root numbers of Madder (Rubia tinctorum) populations were produced after inoculation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains 15834, 2628, R1000 and 9365. It has been shown previously that especially rooting might be induced in woody plants by inoculation with Agrobacterium strains. McAfee et al. (1993) showed that hairy rooting of Pinus was higher when they were inoculated with Agrobacterium strains. Ercisli et al. (2004) tested three bacteria strains for rooting rose hip cuttings and found that Agrobacterium rubi A16 for genotype ERS 14 and A18 for genotype ERS 15 was the most effective. Caesar and Burn (1987) also observed that seedlings of apple gave better lateral roots when treated with bacteria strains. Conclusion. Bacteria alone or bacteria plus radicle cut off treatments appeared to induce lateral root formation on treated seeds of Texas and Nonpareil almond cultivars. These results indicated that bacteria alone or bacteria plus radicle cut off may indeed be useful for lateral root formation on difficult to-lateral roots woody species. It has been suggested previously that the stimulation of rooting by bacteria is due to the production of IAA by the bacteria. Thus, it is possible to speculate that the bacterial strains used in this study may be producing IAA. Further studies are 74 underway to investigate the exact function of these bacterial strains in promoting the root production of almond seeds. Gauta 2006 04 24 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 04 References 1. Akça, Y., Ceylan S. A study on the comparison of some rootstock properties of sweet and bitter almond seeds // Proceedings of Hazelnut and the Other Nut Fruits Symposium, 1011 January 1996, Samsun-Turkey. P. 402408. 2. Caesar, A.J., Burr, T.J. Growth promoting of apple seedlings and rootstocks by specific strains of bacteria // Phytopathology. 1987. 77(11): 15831588. 3. 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Effect of Indole-3-Butyric Acid and Different Strains of Agrobacterium rubi on Adventive Root Formation from Softwood and SemiHardwood Wild Sour Cherry Cuttings // Turkish Journal Agriculture and Forestry. 2003. 27, 3742. 8. Kuden, A.B., Kaska, N., Kuden, A. Inducing the lateral root development of almond seedlings: Comparing the foreign cultivars with some of our local cultivars for developing lateral roots // Journal Agricultural Faculty of Cukurova University. 1993. 8(2):153158. 9. Kuden, A.B., Kuden, A., Kaska, N. Comparing the foreign cultivars with some of our local cultivars for developing lateral roots // Journal Agricultural Faculty of Cukurova University. 1995. 10(4):149158. 10. McAfee, B.J., White, E.E., Pelcher, L.E., Lapp, M.S. Root induction in Pine (Pinus) and Larch (Larix) spp. using Agrobacterium rhizogenes // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 1993. 34, 5362. 11. Mulas, M., Delrio, G., DHallewin, G., Grassely, C. 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Sahin Santrauka Ðio tyrimo tikslas ávertinti ðakneliø trumpinimo, IBA (50 ir 100 ppm) ir trijø Agrobacterium rubi (A1, A16 ir A18) bei Bacillus subtilis ðtamø (OSU-142) vienø arba derinant su ðakneliø ðalinimu bei bakterijomis átakà dviejø migdolø veisliø (Texas ir Nonpareil) sëjinukø aukðèiui, kamieno skersmeniui, ðalutiniø ðaknø skaièiui, ilgiui, þaliajai ir sausajai masei. Rezultatai parodë, kad migdolø sëklø apdorojimas trumpinant ðakneles, bakterijomis ir ISR arba derinant ðakneliø trumpinimà su bakterijø panaudojimu reikðmingai padidino ðalutiniø ðaknø skaièiø bei þaliàjà ir sausàjà masæ, palyginti su kontroliniais variantais. Daugiausia ðalutiniø ðaknø gauta Texas sëklas apdorojus Agrobacterium rubi A18 ðtamu (8.89), o Nonpareil A16 ðtamu (9.60). Reikðminiai þodþiai: migdolai, bakterijos, ðalutiniø ðaknø formavimasis, poskiepiai. 76 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 7784. VEGETATIVE CHERRY ROOTSTOCKS IN TISSUE CULTURE Ewa DZIEDZIC, Monika MAÙODOBRY Agricultural University, Pomology and Apiculture Department, al. 29 Listopada 54, 31425 Kraków, Poland. E-mail: Multiplication of three cherry rootstocks PHL-6, PHL-84 and F12/1 was carried out on solid and two-phase medium according to MS medium. The effect of cytokinin BA, auxins IBA and NAA on shoot multiplication was studied. Better shoot multiplication was achieved on the media containing auxin IBA in comparison to multiplication on media with NAA. Greater increase of fresh mass was noted on two-phase media. The rooting of shoots was conducted on WPM medium with addition of IBA and IAA auxins. The studied rootstocks did not differ in shoot length, number of roots and total length of roots for one shoot. Micrografting of cv. Regina on rootstocks Damil and Gisela 5 and cv. Van on rootstock Damil was carried out using different grafting methods in vitro. High percent of successful micrografts was achieved for Regina and Van on rootstock Damil. Key words: cherry rootstocks, micrografting, rooting, two-phase medium. Introduction. Vegetative cherry rootstocks are subject of great interest because of their possibility to reduce cherry tree growth. However, before introduction into big scale production they have to be comprehensively studied. Many of them are able to propagate by tissue culture only. The micropropagation of dwarfing rootstocks PHL-6 and PHL-84 (Erbenova et al., 2001; Sedlak et al., 2005) and vegetative clone of Prunus avium F12/1 (Krasinskaya, Kukharchik, 2004) was already the subject of propagation in tissue culture. The influence of double-phase medium on shoot propagation and rooting was tested for pear (Viseur, 1987; Wang, 1991) and apple rootstocks (Litwiñczuk, 2000). This micrografing procedure has been applied for different purpose: production of disease-free plants (Déogratias et al., 1991; Barba et al., 1995; Starrantino, Caruso, 1998), diagnosis of virus infection (Tanne et al., 1993; Pathirana, McKenzie, 2005), study of graft compatibility and formation of the graft union (Cantos et al., 1995), rejuvenation of shoots from adult plants (Mneney, Mantel, 2001; Fernández-Lorenzo, Fernández-Lopez, 2005). Micrografting was applied for many plants: grapevine, peach, apple, cashew, avocado, apricot, citrus, almond. There are also protocols of micrografting for Prunus type (Gebhardt, Goldbach, 1988; Özzambak, Schmidt, 1991; Schmidt et al., 1997). The aim of present studies was to investigate the usefulness of method in vitro for cherry rootstocks propagation and micrografting using cherry cultivars and rootstocks. 77 Material and methods. The multiplication of cherry rootstocks PHL-6, PHL-84, F12/1 was conducted on MS medium (Murashige, Skoog, 1962) using two forms: solid (S) and double-phase (2 P) medium. The double-phase medium was obtained by pouring 5 ml of liquid medium onto the medium solidified with agar (25 ml) at the beginning of the subculture. Both types of media were completed with BA (0.7 mg/l) and auxins, either IBA (0.1 mg/l) SM1 and 2PM1 or NAA (0.2 mg/l) SM2 and 2PM2. The experiment was conducted in 5 replications; one consisted of jar with 5 shoots. The experiment was repeated twice. The fresh mass increase and the number of shoots obtained were recorded. The rooting stage was conducted on WPM medium (Lloyd, McCown, 1980) with addition of IAA (5.0 mg/l) and IBA (2.0 mg/l). The shoots used for rooting experiment were produced on solid medium (SM1). There were 5 replications, each of one jar with 5 shoots. The percent of rooted shoots, the number and total length of roots, percent of roots distribution according to their length were recorded. For micrografting experiment the leaves and the apical meristem were removed from shoots Gisela 5 and Damil (1.5-2.0 cm in length) used as rootstock. Shoot-tip explants of Regina and Van used as scions were 0.20.3 and 0.40.5 cm in length, respectively (Table 1). Before T a b l e. 1. Scion / rootstock combinations and types of treatments applied for cherry micrografting 1 Exp. Bandymas 1 l e n t e l ë. Skiepûglio ir poskiepio deriniai ir apdorojimo tipai, taikyti atliekant vyðniø mikroskiepijimus Scion Skiepûglis ‘Regina’ Even end of shoot-tip explants Lygus ûglio virðûnës eksplanto galas 2 ‘Regina’ Even end of shoot-tip explants Lygus ûglio virðûnës eksplanto galas Rootstock Pre-treatment Poskiepis Išankstinis apdorojimas Gisela 5 Un-rooted shoots Neásiðaknijæ ûgliai Damil Rooted shoots Ásiðaknijæ ûgliai Antioxidant solution A Antioksidanto A tirpalas Antioxidant solution B Antioksidanto B tirpalas Antioxidant solution A Antioksidanto A tirpalas Antioxidant solution B Antioksidanto B tirpalas Method of grafting Áskiepijimo bûdas Shoot-tip grafting Treatment after grafting Apdorojimas áskiepijus Light Sviesoje Ûglio virðûnës áskiepijimas Darkness 1 day Shoot-tip grafting Darkness 6 days Ûglio virðûnës áskiepijimas 1 para tamsoje 6 paros tamsoje 0.6% agar with 5 mg/l IAA on the graft union 0,6% agaro su 5 mg/l IAA ant skiepo 3 ‘Van’ Wedge shape end of shoottip explants Pleišto formos ûglio virðûnës eksplanto galas Damil Rooted shoots Ásiðaknijæ ûgliai Antioxidant solution A Antioksidanto A tirpalas Cleft grafting Áskëlimas Antioxidant solution B Antioksidanto B tirpalas 0.6% agar with 5 mg/l IAA on the graft union 0,6% agaro su 5mg/l IAA ant skiepo 78 Darkness 6 days 6 paros tamsoje grafting the upper part of the rootstocks and the lower end of scions were dipped for 1 min in antioxidant solution; solution A 150 mg/l citric acid, 0.1 mg/l GA3, 0.5 mg/l BA or solution B 150 mg/l citric acid, 0.1 mg/l GA3, 0.5 mg/l IBA. Moreover in exp. 1 and 2 few drops of 0.6% agar with 5mg/l IAA was dropped around the graft union. In exp. 3 the wedge shape end of scion Van was inserted into 0.50.6 cm slit in rootstock Damil. The grafts were placed individually into testtubes on WPM medium. All media were enriched with sucrose (30 g/l), and agar (7 g/l). The pH was adjusted to 5,7 before autoclaving. Explants were cultured at 24°/23°C, 16 h day/8 h night at fluorescence light 92.8 µmol m-2 s-1. The results obtained at multiplication and rooting stage were statistically analyzed using variance analysis method. To assess the significance of difference between means, the Duncans test was used at the 5% level of significance. Results. During the multiplication stage the relationships between investigated parameters were proved. Type of applied media affected significantly the increase of fresh mass and number of shoots (Table 2). T a b l e 2. Effect of media type on increase of fresh mass and number of shoots per one jar 2 l e n t e l ë. Medium Terpë SM1 SM2 2PM1 2PM2 Terpës tipo átaka þaliosios masës ir ûgliø skaièiaus viename indelyje padidëjimui Increase of fresh mass Þaliosios masës padidëjimas, 2.13 a* 2.18 a 3.70 c 3.14 b Number of shoots g Ûgliø skaièius 21.8 bc 19.9 b 23.5 c 16.9 a * Means followed by the same letters do not differ statistically at probability α = 0.05 Ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). Distinctly the greatest increase of mass was obtained on double-phase media (3.70 g on 2PM1 and 3.14 g on 2PM2 medium), however such a simple relationship was not evidence for number of shoots. The least number of shoots was obtained on 2PM2 medium whilst the numbers of shoots on the other media were similar. Also the successive subculture affected the investigated factors (Table 3). Increase both of fresh mass (3.33 g) and number of shoots (24.2) was greater in the first than in the second subculture. Comparing the subcultures in terms of produced mass and obtained shoots one could state that only in the first subculture the double-phase media resulted in very high increase of mass. Moreover the maximum mean number of shoots (33.9) was recorded on double-phase medium containing IBA (2PM1) in the first subculture. Analysis of variance showed significant relationship between the type of medium, successive subculture and rootstocks in terms of production of fresh mass and number of shoots. Double-phase media enabled obtaining both greater fresh mass and number of shoots. Such interaction was proved for all rootstocks. Renewed application of the same media gave opposite results. Application 79 of double-phase media in spite of undoubted advantages resulted in high percent (nearly 100%) of vitrified shoots. Moreover, browning of shoot tips was noted. The rootstocks produced differentiated numbers of short and long shoots depending on the type of medium and subculture. For PH-L 6 and F12/1 rootstocks the doublephase media in the first subculture resulted in higher number of long shoots compared to the corresponding solid media. Renewed application of double-phase media resulted in decreasing of long shoot number (data not presented). The shoots rooted in 100%. T a b l e 3. Increase of fresh mass and number of shoots depending on type of media and successive subculture per one jar 3 l e n t e l ë. Þaliosios masës ir ûgliø skaièiaus padidëjimo priklausomumas nuo terpës tipo ir tolesnës subkultûros viename indelyje Subculture Subkultûra I Medium Terpë Increase of fresh mass Þaliosios masës padidëjimas, Number of shoots g Ûgliø skaièius SM1 1.28 a* 16.7 bc SM2 1.70 b 17.4 c 2PM1 5.03 e 33.9 f 2PM2 5.32 e 28.8 e 2.99 d 2.66 cd 2.36 c 0.96 a 3.33 b Mean for subculture I / I subkultûros vidurkis Mean for subculture II /II subkultûros vidurkis 2.24 a * Means followed by the same letters do not differ statistically at probability Ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). II SM1 SM2 2PM1 2PM2 26.9 e 22.4 d 13.1 b 5.0 a 24.2 b 16.8 a α = 0.05 The differences in shoot length, roots number per one shoot and total length of roots among investigated rootstocks statistically were not essential (Table 4). The shoots obtained were rather short and their mean length was from 1.2 cm (for F12/1) to 1,4 cm (for PH-L 84). The recorded mean number of roots per one shoot ranged from 10.0 (for F12/1) to 12.4 (for PH-L 84). The highest total length of roots was noted for rootstock PH-L 6. The shoots produced the roots of different length. For rootstock PH-L 6 roots of 2.5 cm in length predominated (23.3%), for PH-L 84 2.5 cm roots (22.1%), and for F12/1 3.0 cm roots (17.1%). The longest roots (6.0 and 6.5 cm) were recorded for PH-L 6 rootstock. In the micrografting experiment different pre-treatments of scions and stocks, ways of grafting and light conditions after grafting affected the successful grafts (Table 5). Owing to pre-treatment plant tissue with antioxidant solutions A and B no browning of scions and stocks cut surface was noted. The scions and stocks treatments with solution B (containing auxin IBA) resulted in higher percent of successful grafts in comparison to treatment with solution A. In exp.1 the darkness of treatment after grafting affected the higher percent of successful grafts. In 80 exp. 3 the beneficial effect of cleft-grafting for cv. Van and rootstock Damil comparing to shoot-tips grafting (exp. 1 and exp. 2.) was proved by high percent of successful grafts. The scions and stocks attached to each other closely and the percent of graft-units displacements was low. T a b l e 4. Mean number and mean overall length of roots, mean length of shoots of cherry rootstocks (per one shoot) 4 l e n t e l ë. Vyðniø poskiepiø ðaknø skaièiaus, bendro ilgio ir ûgliø ilgio vidurkiai, tenkantys vienam ûgliui Rootstock Mean number of roots Poskiepis Vidutinis ðaknø skaièius PHL 6 PHL 84 F12/1 Mean overall length of roots cm Mean length of shoots Vidutinis ûgliø ilgis, cm 28.8 27.8 25.8 1.2 1.4 1.2 Vidutinis bendras ðaknø ilgis, 10.6 12.4 10.0 T a b l e 5. Overall number of micrograft development efficiency with different combination of scions and rootstocks of cherry 5 Exp. Bandymas 1 l e n t e l ë. Mikroûglio vystymasis taikant skirtingus vyðniø skiepûgliø ir poskiepiø derinius Pre-treatment % of % of Scion / stock of scion and Treatment after successful displacement % of dry combination stock grafting grafts graft-units graft-units Skiepûglio ir poskiepio derinys ‘Regina’ Gisela 5 Skiepûglio ir poskiepio išankstinis apdorojimas Apdorojimas áskiepijus Solution A Light A tirpalas Šviesa Darkness Sëkmingi áskiepijimai, % Skiepø pasislinkimas, % Nudþiûvæ skiepai, % 0 42.8 57.2 40.0 20.0 40.0 25.0 25.0 50.0 50.0 25.0 25.0 43.0 28.5 28.5 66.7 33.3 0 60.0 20.0 20.0 50.0 0 50.0 Tamsa 1 d. 2 ‘Regina’ Damil Solution B Light B tirpalas Šviesa Solution A A tirpalas Solution B B tirpalas 3 ‘Van’ Damil Solution A A tirpalas Solution B B tirpalas Darkness Tamsa 1 d. Darkness Tamsa 6 d. Darknes Tamsa 6 d. Darkness Tamsa 6 d. Darkness Tamsa 6 d. Discussion. During propagation stage on solid medium with addition of BA (0.7 mg/l) the highest coefficient of shoot propagation of F12/1 was 5.8. Similarly Krasinskaya and Kukharchik (2004) at propagating of various Cerasus forms (among them F12/1) achieved the best coefficient of shoot multiplication (5.5) on the solid medium with addition of 0.75 mg/l BA and 3.0 mg/l GA3. Higher concentration of BA caused better multiplication (coefficient 8.4) but the shoots vitrified in high degree. For PH-L 6 and PH-L 84 rootstocks the acceptable coefficients were 5.2 and 5.5. 81 Erbenova et al. (2001) proved by 50% higher multiplication rate of the same rootstocks at 1.5 mg/l BA, than 0.75 mg/l BA. Sedlak et al. (2005) for PH-L 84 rootstock achieved the extremely high multiplication (10.9 shoots longer than 10 mm) on MS medium with addition of 1.5 mg/l BA. According to Borkowska (1997), morphological reaction to double-phase culture system is increasing fresh mass by increasing number of shoots or length or enhancing the area of leaves. In presented studies distinctly the greatest increase of mass was obtained on double-phase media, however such a simple relationship was not evidence for number of shoots. Between the doublephase media only that one containing auxin IBA resulted in higher number of shoots. Viseur (1987) proved that double-phase medium gave high yield of axillary shoots of pear cv. Durondeau; 67 shoots comparing to 23 shoots for medium solidified with 0.5% agar. Wang (1991) found significant increasing of pear shoot number and length on double-phase medium. It was interesting that adding liquid medium to onemonth-old cultures produced the similar effect on shoot multiplication as transferring shoots onto a fresh solid medium. Studies carried out by Litwiñczuk (2000) showed that the application of two-phase medium improved the shoot proliferation and elongation in the case of apple rootstocks MM.106 and P 14 but not M.26. The increase of fresh mass was achieved mainly due to abundant foliage. Rooting on WPM medium with addition of IAA and IBA resulted in 100% of rooted shoots. Often rooting of shoots is carried out on modified MS medium (Sedlak et al, 2005). In the earlier study Dziedzic (2004) obtained better results at micrografts placed on solid than on liquid medium because of graft-units vitrification and contamination of liquid medium. Therefore in the presented study only the solid media were applied. Similarly Özzambak and Schmidt (1991) found the solid media better than liquid one. Success at micrografting depends on good adhesion of grafting units. At that case the cleft-grafting seems to be more appropriate than simply sticking of two parts of shoots. Moreover, the silicone tube can be applied to fasten grafts units (Gebhardt, Goldbach, 1988; Özzambak, Schmidt, 1991; Dziedzic, 2004). At presented experiment the maximum percent of successful grafts was 66.7%. Much better results were obtained by Dobránszki (2000) 95% of successful grafts and Tanne et al. (1993) 7090% of successful grafts for grape sloping-grafting. Nas and Read (2003) carried out very interesting and economically reasonable experiment proving that it is possible simultaneous micrografting, rooting and acclimatizing with successfully survival of grafts for grapevine (50%), hazelnut (70%) and American chestnut Conclusions. 1. Once appliance of double-phase medium increase both fresh mass and number of shoots. 2. Rooting of cherry rootstock shoots should be preceded by elongation on the media without cytokinin. 3. Cleft grafting method completed by pre-treatment of antioxidant solutions can be recommended for cherry micrografting. Gauta 2006 04 19 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 82 References 1. B a r b a M., C u p i d i A., L o r e t i S., F a g g i o l i F. M. In vitro micrografting: a technique to eliminate peach latent mosaic viriod from peach // Acta horticulturae. 1995. Vol. 386. P. 531535. 2. B o r k o w s k a B. Zastosowanie po¿ywek dwufazowych w pêdowych kulturach in vitro // Materiaùy z Konferencji Rozmnaýanie roúlin in vitro Skierniewice, 1997. P. 511. 3. C a n t o s M., A l é s G., T r o n c o s o A. Morphological and anatomical aspects of a cleft micrografting of grape explants in vitro // Acta horticulturae. 1995. Vol. 388. P. 135140. 4. D é o g r a t i a s J. M., C a s t e l l a n i V., D o s b a F., J u a r e z J., A r r e g u i J. M., O r t e g a C., O r t e g a V., L l á c e r G., N a v a r r o R. Study of growth parameters on apricot shoot-tip grafting in vitro (STG) // Acta horticulturae. 1991. Vol. 293. P. 363372. 5. D o b r á n s z k i J., M a g y a r - T á b o r i K., J á m b o r - B e n c z ú r E., L a z á n y i J. New in vitro micrografting method for apple by sticking // International Journal of Horticultural Science. 2000. 6(4). P. 7983. 6. D z i e d z i c E. Wstæpne badania dotyczàce szczepienia czereúni (Prunus avium L.) w warunkach in vitro // Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin, Agricultura. 2004. 240(96). P. 4144. 7. E r b e n o v a M., P a p r s t e i n F., S e d l a k J. In vitro propagation of dwarfed rootstocks for sweet cherry // Acta horticulturae. 2001. Vol. 560. P. 477480. 8. F e r n á n d e z - L o r e n z o J. L., F e r n á n d e z - L o p e z M. J. Reinvigoration of mature Castanea sativa by serial micrografting onto juvenile clone // Acta horticulturae. 2005. Vol. 693. P. 293298. 9. G e b h a r d t K., G o l d b a c h H. Establishment, graft union characteristics and growth of Prunus micrografts // Physiologia Plantarum. 1988. 72. P. 153159. 10. K r a s i n s k a y a T. A., K u k h a r c h i k H. B. In vitro micropropagation of various Cerasus Mill. Forms // Plodowodstwo. 2004. 16. P. 2631. 11. L i t w i ñ c z u k W. Efficiency of a double-phase medium in micropropagation of semi-dwarf apple rootstocks M.26, MM.106 and P 14 // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2000. Vol. VIII., 34. P. 97106. 12. L l o y d G., M c C o w n B. Commercially feasible micropropagation of mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia, by use of shoot tip culture // Intl Plant Prop Soc. Proc. 1980. 30. P. 421427. 13. M n e n e y E. E., M a n t e l S. H. In vitro micrografting of cashew // Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture. 2001. 66(1). P. 4958. 14. M u r a s h i g e T., S k o o g F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures // Physiol Plant. 1962. 15. P. 473497. 15. N a s M. N., R e a d P. E. Simultaneous micrografting, rooting and acclimatization of micropropagated American chestnut, grapevine and hybrid hazelnut // Europ. J. Hort. Sci. 2003. 68(5). P. 234237. 16. Ö z z a m b a k E., S c h m i d t H. In vitro and in vivo micrografting of cherry (Prunus avium L.) // Gartenbauwissenschaft. 1991. 56(5). P. 221223. 17. P a t h i r a n a R., M c K e n z i e M. J. Early detection of grapevine leafroll virus in Vitis vinifera using in vitro micrografting // Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture. 2005. 81. P. 1118. 18. S c h m i d t H., K e t z e l A., K e t z e l C., K ö p c k e K., R a d i e s M., S c h u l z e M. Kirschfrüchte schon drei Jahre nach der Kreuzung? // Obstbau. 1997. 8. P. 410412. 83 19. S t a r r a n t i n o A., C a r u s o A. The shoot-tip grafting technique applied in viticulture // Acta horticulturae. 1998. Vol. 227. P. 101103. 20. S e d l a k J., P a p r s t e i n F., E r b e n o v a M. In vitro propagation of dwarfing sweet cherry rootstocks P-HL. 5th International Cherry Symposium, BursaTurkey // Book of abstracts. 2005. 31 p. 21. T a n n e E., S h l a m o v i t z N., S p i e g e l - R o y P. Rapidly diagnosing grapevine corky-bark by in vitro micrografting // HortScience. 1993. 28(6). P. 667668. 22. W a n g Q. Shoot multiplication of pear in doublephase medium culture // Acta horticulturae. 1991. Vol. 289. P. 349350. 23. V i s e u r J. Micropropagation of pear, Pyrus communis L. in a double-phase culture medium. // Acta horticulturae. 1987. Vol. 212. P. 117-124. 24. P r o j e c t no 3 P06 R 0 58 25 supported by Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 7784. VEGETATYVINIAI VYÐNIØ POSKIEPIAI AUDINIØ KULTÛROJE E. Dziedzic, M. Maùodobry Santrauka Trys vyðniø poskiepiai: PHL-6, PHL-84 ir F12/1, buvo dauginami kietoje ir dviejø faziø terpëje pagal MS terpæ. Tirtas BA citokinino ir IBA bei NAA auksinø poveikis ûgliø dauginimui. Terpëje, kurioje buvo IBA auksino, ûgliai buvo dauginami sëkmingiau negu terpëje su NAA. Daugiau þaliosios masës pagausëjo dviejø faziø terpëje. Ûgliai ásiðaknijo WPM terpëje, kurioje buvo IBA ir IAA auksinø. Tirti poskiepiai nesiskyrë ûgliø ilgiu, ðaknø skaièiumi ir bendru ðaknø ilgiu, tenkanèiu vienam ûgliui. Regina veislës mikroskiepijimas á Damil ir Gisela 5 poskiepius bei Van veislës á poskiepá Damil buvo atliktas skirtingais skiepijimo in vitro metodais. Áskiepijus Regina ir Van veisles á Damil poskiepá, gautas didelis pavykusiø mikroskiepø procentas. Reikðminiai þodþiai: vyðniø poskiepiai, mikroskiepijimas, ásiðaknijimas, dviejø faziø terpë. 84 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 8589. PERFORMANCE OF SOME VEGETATIVELY PROPAGATED APPLE ROOTSTOCKS IN THE NURSERY Sava TABAKOV 1, Anton YORDANOV 2 Department of Fruit Growing Agricultural University Plovdiv 12 Mendeleev str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. E-mails:; Five apple rootstocks (M.9, M.26, J-TE-H, J-OH-A and J-TE-F) were studied in commercial clonal stoolbed in 20032005. The rootstocks were planted in the autumn of 1999 at the density of 10,000 plants per hectare. The shoots developing from mother plants were pruned in the stoolbed annually at the height of 1015 cm above the ground. First hilling up was done when stool shoots were 1520 cm high, and the second one when stool shoots were 3540 cm high. The aim of the study was to determine the yield of stool shoots per plant and per hectare, mean diameter of stool shoots and their distribution in five classes of quality (according to their thickness), height of stool shoots, number of feathered stool shoots, mean number of roots per stool shoot. The yield of stool shoots was the highest on rootstocks J-TE-F and M.26 and the smallest on M.9. The thickest were stool shoots on M.9. The smallest number of feathered stool shoots was noted on J-TE-F, and the best rooting was recorded on M.26. Key words: apple, rooting, rootstocks, stoolbed, yield. Introduction. Investigations of clonal apple rootstocks concern mainly maiden trees or bearing orchards. Many researchers studied tree vigour, cropping efficiency coefficient, fruit quality, etc. on different cultivar-rootstock combinations (Blaþek 1999; Hrotko et al. 1997; Ystaas et al., 1997; Kosina, 1991; Vercammen, 2004; Kosina, 2004). The available literature about propagation and stoolbed properties of rootstocks of J-TE-series is rather limited. As far as the Bulgarian conditions are concerned, such information is not available at all. For this reason, it has been attempted to investigate stoolbed properties of J-TE-H, J-OH-A, J-TE-F, along with the widespread rootstocks M.9 and M.26. Material and methods. Mother plants of rootstocks M.9, M.26, J-TE-H, J-OH-A and J-TE-F were planted in the autumn of 1999 at the density of 10 000 plants per hectare. Since 2001 shoots developing from the mother plants were pruned in stoolbed at the height of 1015 cm above the ground (the upper halves of the shoots were removed). This pruning increased the yield of stool shoots. First hilling up was carried out when stool shoots were 1520 cm high, and the second one 85 when stool shoots were 3540 cm high. The study was conducted during the period of 20032005. The experiment was set up in a randomised block design, with 4 replications and 12 plants per plot. The following parameters were determined: yield of stool shoots per plant and per hectare, mean diameter of stool shoots and their distribution in five classes of quality (according to their thickness), height of stool shoots, number of feathered stool shoots, mean number of root tufts per stool shoot. Results and discussion. From 46 to 69 percent of the yield of stool shoots were reckoned to the classes of 68 and 810 mm of diameter. The highest percentage of shoots <6 mm was noted on J-OH-A. The highest percentage of shoots >12mm (overgrown) was recorded on M.9 (Fig. 1-5). F i g. 1. Distribution of the yield of stool shoots on M.9 in five classes of quality (%) 1 p a v. M.9 atlankø derliaus pasiskirstymas á penkias kokybës klases, % F i g. 2. Distribution of the yield of stool shoots on M.26 in five classes of quality (%) 2 p a v. M.26 atlankø derliaus pasiskirstymas á penkias kokybës klases, % The largest number of shoots in the class of 68 mm in diameter was recorded on J-TE-F, but the difference was significant only in comparison with M.9 (Table 1). The largest number of shoots in the class of 810 mm was recorded on J-TE-F, but the difference was significant only with M.9, J-OH-A and J-TE-H. No significant differences were found in the classes of <6 mm and 1012 mm. 86 F i g. 3. Distribution of the yield of stool shoots on J-TE-H in five classes of quality (%) 3 p a v. J-TE-H atlankø derliaus pasiskirstymas á penkias kokybës klases, % F i g. 4. Distribution of the yield of stool shoots on J-OH-A in five classes of quality (%) 4 p a v. J-OH-A atlankø derliaus pasiskirstymas á penkias kokybës klases, % F i g. 5. Distribution of the yield of stool shoots on J-TE-F in five classes of quality (%) 5 p a v. J-TE-F atlankø derliaus pasiskirstymas á penkias kokybës klases, % The largest number of root tufts per shoot was recorded on M.26 (Table 2). Considering this parameter, it was found that M.26 significantly surpassed J-TE-H, M.9 and J-OH-A, which had the smallest number of root tufts per shoot. J-TE-F did not differ significantly in respect to this trait. The smallest number of feathered stool shoots was noted on J-TE-F, and the largest number of feathered shoots was recorded on M.26 and M.9. The other rootstocks showed the intermediate values of this trait. The thickest were the stool shoots of M.9, the differences from the other rootstocks tested was significant. Regarding the total number of stool shoots per mother plant 87 no significant differences were noted among the rootstocks. The most productive rootstock per mother plant and per hectare was J-TE-F, followed by M.26. The least productive were M.9 and J-OH-A, J-TE-H having occupied an intermediate position. M.26 and M.9 had the highest shoots, whereas the shoots of J-OH-A were the shortest. T a b l e 1. Mean number of stool shoots according to their diameter 1 l e n t e l ë. Ávairaus skersmens atlankø vidutinis skaièius Diameter / Skersmuo, mm Rootstock Poskiepis <6 6–8 8–10 10–12 >12 Ì.9 Ì.26 J-TE-H J-OH-A J-TE-F 7.1 8.7 8.0 10.9 11.8 11.0 20.8 16.0 16.6 20.9 11.7 19.4 15.1 12.9 25.8 9.6 10.5 12.0 8.1 8.1 9.7 3.9 4.6 3.0 1.4 LSD05/R05 LSD05/R05 LSD05/R05 6.63 9.30 13.14 7.22 10.12 14.30 9.94 13.94 19.70 4.63 6.49 9.18 3.03 4.25 6.01 T a b l e 2. Growth characteristics of different rootstocks 2 l e n t e l ë. Skirtingø poskiepiø augimo charakteristikos Total number of Mean number Mean number stool shoots per Mean diameter Mean height of of feathered of root tufts per Rootstock mother plant 1 of stool shoot a stool shoot stool shoots stool shoot Poskiepis Bendras motininio Vidutinis atlankos Vidutinis atlankos Vidutinis Vidutinis ðaknø skersmuo aukštis, , mm cm augalo atlankø suðakojusiø skaièius 1 atlankø skaièius skaièius Ì.9 Ì.26 J-TE-H J-OH-A J-TE-F 49.3 63.3 55.8 51.5 67.9 10.1 8.3 8.6 8.4 8.2 72 74 63 53 60 5.5 5.7 4.6 3.2 1.8 4.0 5.3 3.9 4.5 4.6 LSD05/R05 LSD05/R05 LSD05/R05 17.38 24.37 31.45 0.89 1.25 1.77 5.3 7.4 10.4 1.84 2.58 3.65 0.79 1.11 1.57 for the period of 20032005 / 2003005 m. laikotarpis Conclusions. M.26 has the best rooting habit. J-TE-F shows the smallest number of feathered stool shoots. The largest number of overgrown (thicker than 12 mm) stool shoots is a characteristic of M.9. The highest yield of stool shoots may be obtained from J-TE-F or M.26 and the smallest from M.9. Gauta 2006 05 24 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 88 References 1. B l a þ e k J. Performance of EW rootstocks in intensive apple orchards in the Czech Republic // Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards. Proceedings of the International Seminar. Warsaw-Ursynów, Poland, August 1821, 1999. P. 19-20. 2. D v o ø a k A. Breeding of rootstocks J-TE and their influence on growth and productivity of different cultivars // Acta Horticulturae. 1988. Vol. 224. P. 325-330. 3. H a n s e n O. B. The rooting potential of dwarfing apple rootstocks // NorskLandbruksforsking. 1990. 4. 2. P. 73-79. 4. H r o t k o K., M a g y a r L., H a n u s z B. Apple rootstock trials at the Faculty of Horticulture, UHF Budapest (Preliminary report) // Acta Horticulturae. 1997. Vol. 451. P. 153-159. 5. K o s i n a J. Effect of rootstocks on growth, productivity and fruit quality of apples at the onset of fertility // Zahradnictvi-UVTIZ (CSFR). 1991. Vol. 18(2). P. 83-92. 6. K o s i n a J. Growth and yield of apples on new Czech dwarfing rootstocks // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. Vol. 663. P. 945-948. 7. M a n t i n g e r H. Eine Neue Apfel-unterlagenserie aus der Tschechei // Obstbau-Wienbau. 1996. 33(10). P. 255-256. 8. V e r c a m m e n J. Search for a more dwarfing rootstock for apple // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. Vol. 658. P. 313-318. 9. Y s t a a s J., F r ø y n e s O., M e l a n d M. Evaluation of 9 apple rootstocks the first cropping year in a Northern climate // Acta Horticulturae. 1997. Vol. 451. P. 147-152. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 8589. KAI KURIØ MEDELYNE VEGETATYVINIU BÛDU DAUGINAMØ OBELØ POSKIEPIØ APIBÛDINIMAS S. Tabakov, A. Yordanov Santrauka 20032005 metais komerciniame vegetatyviniame daigyne tirti penki obelø poskiepiai (M.9, M.26, J-TE-H, J-OH-A ir J-TE-F). Jie buvo pasodinti 1999 metø rudená po 10 tûkst. á hektarà. Motininiø augalø atþalos augyne kasmet buvo apgenimos 1015 cm atstumu nuo þemës pavirðiaus. Pirmàjá kartà buvo apkaupta atþaloms esant 15-20 cm, antràjá 3540 cm aukðèio. Tyrimo tikslas nustatyti atlankø derliø, tenkantá kiekvienam augalui ir hektarui, vidutiná atlankø skersmená ir jø pasiskirstymà á penkias kokybës klases (pagal storumà), atlankø aukðtá, iðsiðakojusiø atlankø skaièiø, vidutiná kiekvienos atþalos ðaknø skaièiø. Didþiausià derliø davë J-TE-F ir M.26, maþiausià M.9 poskiepiø atþalos. Storiausios buvo M.9 poskiepio atþalos. Maþiausiai iðsiðakojusiø atlankø buvo ant J-TE-F, geriausiai ásiðaknijo M.26 poskiepio atþalos. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, ásiðaknijimas, poskiepiai, augynas, derlius. 89 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 9097. YIELDING OF APPLE TREE CVS. FIESTA AND PINOVA DEPENDING ON THE AGE OF PLANTING MATERIAL AND METHODS OF ITS PRODUCTION IN A NURSERY Ewelina GUDAROWSKA, Adam SZEWCZUK, Department of Horticulture, University of Agriculture, Rozbrat 7, 50-334 Wrocùaw, Poland. E-mail: In the spring of 2002 one-year-old and two-year-old apple tree cvs. Fiesta and Pinova, budded on M.26 rootstock, were planted at the distances of 3.5 x 1.0 m. The planting material was produced in a nursery using chemicals (Arbolin 036 SL, Arbostim 100 SL), pinching and pruning at the height of 100 cm. Those agrotechnical practices were applied in the 3rd (for knip-boom trees) and 2nd (for maiden trees) year of production in nursery. Two-year-old trees were not pruned after planting. Some of one-year-old trees in control treatment were additionally pruned at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 100 cm after planting. The highest total yield was obtained from Pinova, planted as knip-boom trees, produced in a nursery by methods, which stimulate feathering. In the case of maiden trees, high yield was noted for control trees and sprayed with Arbolin 036 SL. For Fiesta two-year-old material had more flowers in the first two years after planting. However, the use of chemicals in a nursery had positive effect on the yield in the case of maiden trees. The lowest yields were obtained from maiden trees pruned at the height of 40 cm and 60 cm (Pinova) and 80 cm (Fiesta) after planting. Key words: age of planting material, apple trees, methods of tree production, tree training, yield. Introduction. The feathering of young trees is an important factor inducting early fruit production. One-year-old trees without branches need at least one year to produce crown (Bielicki, Czyczyk, 2004 b). The main factor determining branching is cultivar (Basak et al., 1994). Several well-known apple cultivars (Ligol, Alwa, Gloster) produce laterals in insufficient number (Gudarowska, 2002). Traditional techniques to promote branching not always give satisfactory results, so application of bioregulators may be necessary (Csiszár, Bubán, 2004). Benzyladenine is applied very often for training canopies of planting material (Basak et al., 1994; Hrotko et al. 1996). Benzyloadenine in combinations with gibberellins are also used to overcome apical dominance and to stimulate feathering (Gàstoù, Poniedziaùek, 2004; Jaumieñ et al., 2002). Such chemicals as Arbolin 036 SL can be use as well in nursery for 90 production of two-year-old trees (Gudarowska, Szewczuk, 2002). However, bioregulators may have different influence on initiation of blossoming (Gudarowska, Szewczuk, 2004 a). In the case of gibberellins, the possible role of these hormones in flower initiation is discussed. According to Basak (2001), the spray with gibberellins (GA3) could reduce flower initiation of fruiting trees. Jaumieñ (1999) introduces results of experiments, which were carried out in Great Britain and New Zealand ant show diverse influence on form of bud flowers. According to Bielicki and Czynczyk (2004 a), heading back one-year-old trees at the height of 65 cm above the ground level produced high quality of knip-boom with the most shoots longer than 30 cm. In Gudarowska and Szewczuk (2004 b) experiment, the pruning height at 60 cm and 100 cm in nursery, positively affected the blossoming of young apple trees in the orchard. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out in the nursery in 2001 and in the orchard in 2002-2005. In the spring of 2002 one-year-old and twoyear-old apple tree cvs. Fiesta and Pinova on M.26 rootstock were planted at a spacing of 3.5 x 1.0 m. The trees originated from nursery where as one-year-old material, in the spring of the 3rd year of nursery production they were pruned at the height of 60 cm and 100 cm above the ground level. At the beginning of July oneyear-old and two-year-old trees pruned at 60 cm, were treated as follows: pinching (below the 2nd leaf) and spraying with Arbolin 036SL and Arbostim 100SL. Arbolin 036 SL containing 18mg gibberellins (GA3) and 18 mg benzyladenine (BA) in 1 l of agent was applied once in dose 25 ml/1l of water. Arbostim 100 SL contains 100 g gibberellins in 1 l of agent applied one in dose 5 ml/1l of water. After planting into the orchard two-year-old trees and part of maiden trees were not pruned, another part of maiden trees was pruned at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm, and 100 cm. The inflorescences and yield were recorded of each tree. In the first year of planting all flowers were removed after counting. The experiment was carried out in a randomised block design in 5 replications. Each experimental plot consisted of 4 trees. The obtained results were statistically processed by analysis of variance. The significance of differences between means was evaluated by T-Duncans multiple range test at P=0.05 Results. During the first three years after planting there was noted the most intensive blossoming of two-year-old trees Pinova (Table1). Pinching and spraying with chemicals reduced blossoming of two-year-old trees as well as maiden trees of cv. Pinova In the case of maiden trees, pruning at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, and 80 cm also affected less number of flowers. The highest total yield in 2003-2005 was obtained from cv. Pinova, planted as two-year-old material pruned in a nursery at the height of 100 cm and 60 cm and additionally by using of methods stimulating feathering (18.3-19.7 kg per tree). In the case of maiden trees, high yield was noted for control trees (19.2 kg per tree) and sprayed Arbolin 036 SL 17.8 kg per tree (Table 3). Two-year-old material of cv. Fiesta had more flowers during the first two years after planting into the orchard. However, Arbolin 036 SL reduced the number of flowers in the first year (Table 2). In the 3rd year after planting, the number of inflorescences from trees planted as knip-boom and maiden material, and additionally 91 pinched and sprayed with chemicals, were comparable (Table 2). Despite of the initial differences of blossoming intensity, the significantly lowest cumulative yield was obtained from Fiesta planted as maiden trees and pruned after planting at the height of 40 cm and 80 cm (Table 4). T a b l e 1. The influence of age and methods of planting material production on the number of inflorescences on apple tree cv. Pinova during the first three years after planting 1 l e n t e l ë. Sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø átaka Pinova veislës obelø þiedynø skaièiui pirmuosius trejus metus po pasodinimo Number of inflorescences / Þiedynø skaièius 2002 2003 2004 Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 14.5 e* 10.4 bcd 98.9 de Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 35.3 f 16.5 de 106.0 de Pinching / Pinciravimas 5.0 abc 35.1 g 110.0 de Arbolin 6.9 bcd 31.2 g 127.6 f Arbostim 8.5 cd 28.8 fg 87.6 cd One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 10.4 d 21.1 ef 65.0 b Pinching / Pinciravimas 1.7 a 12.2 cde 69.5 bc Arbolin 1.4 a 17.6 de 68.5 bc Arbostim 4.8 abc 20.4 ef 66.6 bc One-year-old trees after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 3.7 ab 0.3 a 32.4 a 60 cm 3.5 ab 1.0 ab 23.5 a 80 cm 3.5 ab 11.8 cde 73.1 bc 100 cm 7.6 cd 3.1 abc 32.5 a Treatment Variantas * Means within a column marked with the same letter do not differ significantly at p=0.05 according to Duncans multiple range test. * Tarp ta paèia raide paþymëtø reikðmiø skiltyse pagal Dunkano kriterijø esminiø skirtumø nëra (p=0,05). Discussion. The obtained results showed that age and method of planting material production affected the bud formation and yield of apple trees. But the observed reaction depended on cultivar (Tables 1-4). Using two-year-old planting material positively affected the yield. These results confirmed earlier reports, which were presented by Bielicki and Czynczyk (2004 a, b). However, the use of chemicals containing plant hormones for maiden trees in nursery had similar influence on the yielding in orchard. It was clearly visible for cultivar Fiesta (Tables 2, 4). For cultivar with tendency to the spontaneous feathering and blossoming in the year of planting, such as Pinova, agents containing cytokinins in combination with gibberellins could reduce number of inflorescences in the first year. This is important for cultivars, which after blossoming and fruiting in the first year could start biennial yielding (Gudarowska, Szewczuk, 2004 a, b). 92 T a b l e 2. The influence of age and methods of planting material production on the number of inflorescences on apple tree cv. Fiesta during the first tree years after planting 2 l e n t e l ë. Sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø átaka Fiesta veislës obelø þiedynø skaièiui pirmuosius trejus metus po pasodinimo Number of inflorescences / Þiedynø skaièius Treatment Variantas 2002 2003 2004 Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 6.5 bcd 8.3 c 66.8 d Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 6.8 cd 15.0 d 33.8 ab 4.6 abcd 5.5 abc 61.2 cd Arbolin 2.7 ab 14.6 d 63.5 cd Arbostim 8.1 d 6.8 bc 62.3 cd Pinching / Pinciravimas One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 1.1 a 5.5 abc 39.6 abc Pinching / Pinciravimas 2.7 ab 6.8 bc 61.6 cd Arbolin 3.3 abc 6.9 bc 61.0 cd Arbostim 2.8 abc 5.4 abc 51.2 bcd One-year-old trees after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 1.2 a 0a 23.4 a 60 cm 0.7 a 0.4 a 23.0 a 80 cm 1.1 a 2.0 a 42.4 abcd 100 cm 0.8 a 3.8 abc 48.0 abcd For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje According to Mika (1997), the pruning of young trees can reduce number of flower buds. This opinion was confirmed in present study, first of all for trees pruned at the height of 40 cm and 60 cm in the case of Pinova and at 80 cm in the case of Fiesta (Table 4). On the other hand, strong, well-branched planting material should be planted only in very good soil (Bielicki, Czynczyk, 2004a). In bad soil conditions, pruning one-and two-year-old trees after planting should be necessary. The obtained preliminary results point at necessity to adapt the nursery technique to genetic features of cultivar and the methods of training of the trees after planting into an orchard. 93 T a b l e 3. The yield of apple tree cv. Pinova on M.26 depending on the age and methods of planting material production 3 l e n t e l ë. Pinova veislës obelø su M.26 poskiepiu derliaus priklausomumas nuo sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø Yield, kg/tree / Derlius, kg/medis Treatment Variantas 2003 2004 2005 Total yield in 2003–2005, kg/tree Suminis derlius 2003–2005 m., kg/medis Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 0.7 b 8.1 def 7.7 def 16.5 cde Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 1.5 de 9.1 f 8.5 efg 19.1 f Pinching / Pinciravimas 1.7 e 8.6 ef 9.4 fg 19.7 f Arbolin 0.9 bc 9.0 f 8.4 defg 18.3 ef Arbostim 1.2 cd 8.2 def 9.1 fg 18.5 ef One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 1.7 e 7.5 cde 10.0 g 19.2 f Pinching / Pinciravimas 1.0 bc 7.0 cd 7.3 cde 15.3 c Arbolin 1.2 cd 7.2 cd 9.4 fg 17.8 def Arbostim 1.3 cde 6.7 bc 6.7 bcd 14.7 c One-year-old trees after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 0a 3.9 a 5.5 a 9.4 a 60 cm 0.2 a 2.9 a 4.4 a 7.5 a 80 cm 1.0 bc 7.6 cde 6.9 bcde 15.7 cd 100 cm 0.2 a 5.6 b 5.6 abc 11.4 b For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje 94 T a b l e 4. The yield of apple tree cv. Fiesta on M.26 depending on the age and methods of planting material production 4 l e n t e l ë. Fiesta veislës obelø su M.26 poskiepiu derliaus priklausomumas nuo sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø Yield, kg/tree / Derlius, kg/medis Treatment Apdorojimas 2003 2004 2005 Total yield in 2003–2005, kg/tree Suminis derlius 2003–2005 m., kg/medis Two-year-old trees / Dvejø metø vaismedþiai Control 60 cm / Kontrolë 60 cm 1.3 e 10.0 e 4.1 abc 14.4 de Control 100 cm / Kontrolë 100 cm 1.8 f 7.1 cd 4.2 abc 13.1 cde Pinching / Pinciravimas 0.7 bcd 8.1 de 3.5 ab 12.2 bcd Arbolin 1.1 de 6.4 cd 4.0 abc 11.5 abcd Arbostim 0.8 cd 6.9 cd 2.5 a 10.2 abc One-year-old trees / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai Control / Kontrolë 0.6 bc 4.5 abc 4.8 abc 9.9 ab Pinching / Pinciravimas 0.6 bc 7.9 de 7.5 de 16.0 e Arbolin 0.8 cd 7.5 de 4.6 abc 12.9 bcde Arbostim 0.6 bc 6.4 cd 5.4 bcd 12.4 bcd One-year-old trees pruned after planting / Vieneriø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo 40 cm 0a 2.7 a 6.0 cd 8.7 a 60 cm 0a 3.2 ab 9.3 e 12.5 bcd 80 cm 0.3 ab 5.6 bcd 3.1 ab 9.0 a 100 cm 0.5 bc 5.8 bcd 7.2 de 13.5 de For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje Conclusions. 1. The age of plant material and methods used for improving feathering had an influence on the intensity of the blossoming and on the yielding of apple tree cvs. Pinova and Fiesta. 2. The high cumulative yield of cv. Pinova was obtained from two-year-old trees pruned in a nursery at the height of 100 cm and 60 cm and additionally pinched and sprayed with chemicals. 3. Chemicals and pinching of young trees in a nursery positively affected the yield obtained from trees planted as maiden plant material. 4. For both cultivars, the lowest total yields were obtained from maiden trees pruned after planting at the height of 40 cm and 60 cm (Pinova) and 80 cm (Fiesta). Gauta 2006 05 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 95 References 1. B a s a k A. Kwas giberelinowy w sadownictwie. Sad Nowoczesny. 2001. 11. P. 10-11. 2. B a s a k A., K o ù o d z i e j c z a k P., B u b á n T., U r f i n é F. É. Paturyl 10 WSC as branching agent of young apple trees // Hort. Science. 1994. 26(2). P. 46-49. 3. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A. Effect of rootstock quality and height of heading back one-year-old grafts on the quality of two-year-old trees in nursery // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2004 a. Vol. 12. P. 61-67. 4. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A. Influence of plant material quality on growth and yield of two apple cultivars // Scientific Works of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. 2004 b. 21(4). P. 33-38. 5. C s i s z á r L., B u b á n T. Improving the feathering of young apple trees in environment friendly way by modified benzyladenine application // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2004. Vol. 12. P. 31-38. 6. G à s t o ù M., P o n i e d z i a ù e k W. Wpùyw róýnych preparatów chemicznych na rozgaùæzianie okulantów jabùoni w szkóùce // Folia Univ. Agric. Stein, Agricultura. 2004. 240(96). P. 65-68. 7. G u d a r o w s k a E. Wpùyw wysokoúci przyciæcia jednorocznych okulantów piæciu odmian jabùoni na jakoýã otrzymanych drzewek dwuletnich // Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa. Skierniewice. 2002. T. 10. P. 75-82. 8. G u d a r o w s k a E., Szewczuk A. Wpùyw czynników agrotechnicznych i bioregulatorów na stopieñ rozgaùæzienia jednorocznych i dwuletnich drzewek jabùoni odmian Gala i Alwa na podkùadce M 26 // Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa. Skierniewice. 2002. T. 10. P. 29-37. 9. G u d a r o w s k a E., S z e w c z u k A. The influence of agro-technical methods used in the nursery on quality of planting material and precocity of bearing in young apple orchard // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2004 a. Vol. 12. P. 91-96. 10. G u d a r o w s k a E., S z e w c z u k A. Wpùyw wysokoúci przyciæcia okulantów w szkóùce na kwitnienie i owocowanie trzech odmian jabùoni w sadzie // Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa. Skierniewice. 2004 b. T. 12. P. 43-49. 11. H r o t k ó K., M a g y a r L., B u b á n T. Improved feathering by benzyladenine application on one-year-old Idared apple trees In the nursery // Hort. Science. 1996. 28(3-4). P. 49-53. 12. J a u m i e ñ F., D z i u b a n R., N o w a k o w s k i R. Arbolin extra a new promising chemical for branching apple trees in nurseries // Scientific Works of the Lithuanian Institute of Hort. and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. 2002. 21(2). P. 106-116. 13. J a u m i e ñ F. Wpùyw giberelin na tworzenie siæ pàków kwiatowych u drzew owocowych. Ogrodnictwo. 1999. 1. P. 6-8. 14. M i k a A. Nowe kierunki zakùadania i prowadzenia sadów // Ogrodnictwa. 1997. 5. P. 10-13. 96 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 9097. OBELØ VEISLIØ FIESTA IR PINOVA DERLIAUS PRIKLAUSOMUMAS NUO SODINUKØ AMÞIAUS IR DAUGINIMO BÛDØ E. Gudarowska, A. Szewczuk Santrauka 2002 m. pavasará vieneriø ir dvejø metø Fiesta ir Pinova veisliø obelys su M.26 poskiepiu buvo pasodintos 3,5 x 1,0 m atstumais. Sodinukai buvo iðauginti medelyne naudojat cheminius preparatus (Arbolin 036 SL, Arbostim 100 SL), pinciruojant ir genint 100 cm aukðtyje. Ðios agrotechninës priemonës buvo taikytos treèiaisiais (dvimeèiams su vienameèiu vainiku) ir antraisiais dauginimo medelyne metais. Dvejø metø vaismedþiai po pasodinimo genimi nebuvo. Kai kurie kontrolinio varianto vieneriø metø vaismedþiai buvo papildomai patrumpinti 40, 60, 80 ir 100 cm aukðtyje. Didþiausià suminá derliø davë dvimetës su vienameèiu vainiku Pinova veislës obelys, iðaugintos medelyne taikant ðakojimàsi stimuliuojanèius metodus. Auginant vienameèius sodinukus, didelá derliø davë kontrolinio varianto ir Arbolin 036 SL apipurkðti vaismedþiai. Dvimeèiai Fiesta veislës sodinukai pirmuosius dvejus metus po pasodinimo sukrovë daugiau þiedø. Cheminiø preparatø naudojimas medelyne turëjo teigiamos átakos sodinukø derliui. Maþiausià derliø davë sodinukai, po pasodinimo patrumpinti 40 ir 60 cm aukðtyje (Pinova) ir 80 cm aukðtyje (Fiesta). Reikðminiai þodþiai: sodinukø amþius, obelys, vaismedþiø dauginimas, vaismedþiø formavimas, derlius. 97 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 98103. THE INFLUENCE OF THE HEIGHT OF PRUNING OF APPLE TREES IN A NURSERY ON THEIR QUALITY AND YIELDING Ewelina GUDAROWSKA, Adam SZEWCZUK, Dariusz DEREÑ Department of Horticulture, University of Agriculture, Rozbrat 7, 50-334 Wrocùaw, Poland. E-mail: The experiment was carried out in a nursery in 2001 and then in an orchard in 20022005. Maiden trees of cvs. Ligol and Alwa on M.26 rootstock were pruned at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 100 cm above the soil level in the 3nd year of production in the nursery. In the autumn of 2001, the quality of two-year-old planting material was estimated. For both cultivars, the highest trees with the biggest diameter were obtained after pruning at the height of 100 cm. In the case of cv. Ligol, pruning at 40 cm and 100 cm stimulated branching. For cv. Alwa, pruning only at the height of 100 cm positively affected the number of shoots. In the spring of 2002, the trees were planted into the orchard, 3,5 x 1,0 m apart. In 2002-2004 the number of inflorescences and yield (20032005) from each tree were estimated. The trees pruned at 100 cm in the nursery, had the highest number of inflorescences in the year of planting. In the orchard cv. Ligol was more productive (22 kg/tree) than Alwa (13 kg/tree) in 20032005. The height of pruning at 60 cm and 100 cm in the nursery, positively affected the yield of Ligol and Alwa (12.924.7 kg/tree), in comparison with those pruned at the height of 40 cm and 80 cm (11.619.7 kg /tree). Key words: apple tree, height of pruning, inflorescences, planting material quality, yielding. Introduction. The quality of planting material significantly affected the yield of trees in an orchard. Strong planting material with a few shoots guarantees early and high cropping (Van Oosten, 1978; Green, 1991). Two-year-old trees with one-year old crowns are perfectly suited to the needs of modern 21st century fruit production because they start bearing early and produce higher yields, especially in the first two years after planting (Bielicki i Czynczyk, 1999) . The main factor determining branching is genetics. Lateral shoots formation depends on the apical dominance of the variety (Wertheim, 1978). Other important factors in sylleptic branch formation are: rootstock, environmental conditions and growing method (Bielicki i Czynczyk, 2004; Wertheim, 1978). According to Czarnecki (1998) and Bielicki and Czynczyk (2000), heading back maiden trees of cvs. Lobo and Jonagold 65 cm above the ground level produced high quality two-year-old 98 trees with one-year-old crowns. Similar results were obtained by Gudarowska (2002) for five other cultivars. The result obtained later in the orchard showed that the pruning at the height of 60 cm and 100 cm in a nursery positively affected the blossoming of young apple trees in the orchard (Gudarowska, Szewczuk, 2004). The aim of the present study was to estimate the influence of the pruning height of maiden trees in a nursery on the quality of produced two-year-old trees and their yield potential during first four years after planting in an orchard. Materials and methods. The first part of this experiment was carried out in a nursery in 2001. In the spring of the 3rd year of planting, maiden trees of cvs. Ligol and Alwa on M.26 rootstock were pruned at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 100 cm above the soil level. In the autumn of 2001, the quality of two-year-old planting material was estimated on the basis of their diameter, height and branching. In the second part of the experiment, the estimated two-year-old trees with one-year-old crown were planted into the orchard in the spring of 2002, at a spacing of 3.5 x 1.0 m. The trees were not pruned after planting. In the year of planting all flowers were removed after counting. The number of inflorescences and yield were noted for each tree. The experiments were established in a randomised block design: in a nursery in 3 replications with 10 trees per plot, in the orchard in 4 replications with 4 trees per plot. The obtained results were statistically processed by an analysis of variance. The significance of differences between means was evaluated according to T-Duncans multiple range test at P=0.05. Results. The pruning height of maiden trees in nursery had a significant influence on the quality of two-year-old apple trees after the 3rd year of production (Table 1). First of all, the height of pruning affected the height of trees and the number of shoots > 20 cm long. The strongest trees were obtained after pruning at the height of 100 cm above the soil level. For both cultivars pruning at 100 cm improved the feathering of trees, their diameter and height. The obtained results were more significant for cultivar Ligol than for Alwa. In the case of Ligol, pruning at the height of 80 cm positively affected the height of planting material. However, pruning at the height of 40 and 60 cm improved the feathering of trees. The diverse quality of planting material affected the blossoming and yielding of young trees in the orchard (Table 2). Stronger two-year-old apple trees of cv. Ligol with well branched one-year-old crown had more inflorescences in the first year after planting. In the next year (2004), no differences in Ligol blossoming were noted. However, the highest total yield in 2003-2005 was obtained from cv. Ligol pruned in the nursery at the height of 60 cm and 100 cm (Table 3). In the first two years after planting, more inflorescences were noted for trees of cv. Alwa when higher trees pruned at the height of 80 cm and 100 cm. In the next year more inflorescences had trees pruned at the height of 40 cm, 60 cm and 100 cm (Table 2). The total yield in 20032005 was obtained from trees of cv. Alwa pruned at the height of 60 and 100 cm (Table 3). 99 T a b l e 1. The influence of the pruning height of maiden trees in a nursery on the quality of two-year-old apple trees 1 l e n t e l ë. Height of pruning Trumpinimo aukštis 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm 100 cm 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm 100 cm Sodinukø medelyne trumpinimo aukðèio átaka dvimeèiø obelø kokybei Height Diameter Skersmuo, mm Aukštis, 16.1 a* 15.8 a 14.9 a 17.8 b 120.9 a 140.3 b 159.8 c 203.1 d 154.5 a 170.7 a 191.2 b 215.5 c 16.0 a 16.4 a 16.2 a 17.7 a mm Number of shoots > 20 cm long Total length of shoots Ilgesniø kaip 20 cm ûgliø skaièius Bendras ûgliø ilgis, cm ‘Ligol’ 2.2 ab 2.1 ab 0.2 a 3.6 b 2.7 bc 2.3 b 0.6 a 7.4 c 96.9 a 82.6 a 30.3 a 345.3 b ‘Alwa’ 0a 0a 0a 5.0 b 0.2 a 0a 0.1 a 4.9 b 9.1 a 0a 8.4 a 311.7 b Number of shoots < 20 cm long Trumpesniø kaip 20 cm ûgliø skaièius *Means within the columns marked with the same letter do not differ significantly at p=0.05, according to Duncans multiple range test. * Tarp ta paèia raide paþymëtø reikðmiø skiltyse pagal Dunkano kriterijø esminiø skirtumø nëra (p=0,05). T a b l e 2. The influence of the pruning height of maiden trees in a nursery on the number of inflorescences during the first three years after planting in an orchard 2 l e n t e l ë. Sodinukø medelyne trumpinimo aukðèio átaka þiedynø skaièiui pirmuosius trejus metus po pasodinimo sode Number of inflorescences / Þiedynø skaièius Height of pruning Trumpinimo aukštis 2002 2003 2004 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm 100 cm 5.0 a 9.3 ab 6.2 a 12.9 b ‘Ligol’ 7.9 ab 7.1 a 5.9 a 9.3 b 30.5 a 49.4 a 21.6 a 36.9 a 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm 100 cm 0.07 a 0.06 a 0.12 a 2.82 b ‘Alwa’ 4.2 a 5.7 a 12.7 b 9.2 ab For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje 100 21.4 ab 26.0 b 13.4 a 19.5 ab T a b l e 3. The yielding of apple tree cvs. Ligol and Alwa on M.26 depending on the pruning height of the trees in a nursery 3 l e n t e l ë. Ligol ir Alwa veisliø obelø su M.26 poskiepiu derliaus priklausomumas nuo vaismedþiø trumpinimo aukðèio medelyne Yield, kg/tree Height of pruning Trumpinimo aukštis 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm 100 cm 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm 100 cm Total yield, kg/tree 2003–2005 Derlius, kg/medis 2003 2.3 ab 1.6 a 1.5 a 2.5 b 0.5 a 0.5 a 1.5 b 1.0 ab 2005 2004 8.1 a 12.6 b 7.2 a 10.3 b 3.6 ab 5.0 b 2.5 a 3.8 ab Suminis derlius 2003–2005 m., kg/medis Mean fruit weight 2003–2005 Vidutinë vaisiø masë 2003–2005 m., g ‘Ligol’ 9.3 a 9.4 a 11.4 a 11.9 a 19.7 a 23.6 b 20.1 a 24.7 b 195 a 190 a 195 a 195 a ‘Alwa’ 6.5 a 9.7 a 7.7 a 8.1 a 11.6 a 15.2 b 11.7 a 12.9 ab 116 a 120 a 117 a 115 a For explanation see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje Discussion. One of the factors affecting early production is the quality of planting material (Green, 1991; Van Osten, 1978). Apple trees of cv. Ligol come into bearing very early, usually in the second year after planting and the trees are very productive, but trees of cv. Alwa start to yield later, especially on M.26 rootstock (Czynczyk, Bielicki, 2002, Uselis, 2002). However, in worse soil conditions, Alwa should be grafted on M.26 rootstock (Kruczyñska, 1998). In this case, planting two-year-old trees could be a good method of improving the productivity of this cultivar. Two-year-old trees can be obtained by pruning maiden trees in the spring of rd the 3 year of nursery production. According to Bielicki and Czynczyk (1999, 2004) and Czarnecki (1998), for high quality of planting material, trees should be pruned at the height of 65 cm. Pruning at the height of 60 cm improved the feathering of planting material, without reduction of tree height, in comparison with pruning at the height of 40 cm (Gudarowska, 2002). The obtained results showed that for cultivars with strong apical dominance, Ligol and Alwa, the height of pruning should be 100 cm. The pruning at the height of 100 cm above the soil level positively affected the height of obtained trees and their feathering. Strong trees pruned in the nursery at the height of 100 cm, had the most inflorescences in the first years after planting into orchard. However, taking into consideration the obtained total yield and the tendency of cvs. Alwa and Ligol to biennial bearing, pruning at the height of 60 cm could be a guarantee of high and annual yielding. The differences in the level of yielding between apple trees of cv. Ligol and Alwa on M.26 rootstock are similar to the results presented by Uselis (2002) in Lithuania, but the obtained results confirmed the high usefulness of two-year-old planting material for growing of the estimated cultivar, especially Alwa. 101 Conclusions. 1. The height of pruning of maiden trees in the spring of the 3 year of planting material production had a significant influence on the quality of two-year-old apple trees of cvs. Ligol and Alwa with one-year-old crown. 2. Irrespective of a cultivar, the best quality of knip-boom type trees was obtained for trees pruned in a nursery at the height of 100 cm. 3. Pruning at the height of 80 cm improved the height of trees, but pruning at 40 cm and 60 cm positively affected the feathering of planting material of cv. Ligol. 4. Two-year-old trees of cvs. Ligol and Alwa, pruned at the height of 100 cm and 60 cm were characterized by more intensive blossoming and higher yield in the first years after planting. rd Gauta 2006 05 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 References 1. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A. Drzewka jabùoni do nowoczesnych sadów XXI wieku // Zeszyty Naukowe AR Kraków. 1999. No. 351(66). P. 59-65. 2. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A. Effect of rootstock quality and height of heading back one-year-old grafts on the quality of two-year-old trees in nursery // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2004. Vol. 12. P. 61-67. 3. C z a r n e c k i B. Wpùyw wysokoúci przyciæcia drzewek w szkóùce na ich jakoúã // Zeszyty Naukowe AR w Krakowie. 1998. No. 51(1). P. 411-414. 4. C z y n c z y k A., B i e l i c k i P. Moýliwoúci produkcji drzewek jabùoni o zróýnicowanej jakoúci // Ogrodnictwo. 2000. 3. P. 12-15. 5. C z y n c z y k A., B i e l i c k i P. Ten-years results of growing the apple cultivar Ligol in Poland // Scientific Works of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. 2002. No. 21(4). P. 12-21. 6. G r e e n G. M. The advantage of feathered trees for more rapid cropping in apples // Pennsylvania Fruit News. 1991. No 71(4). P. 25-28. 7. G u d a r o w s k a E. Wpùyw wysokoúci przyciêcia jednorocznych okulantów piæciu odmian jabùoni na jakoúã otrzymanych drzewek dwuletnich // Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa. Skierniewice. 2002. Tom 10. P. 75-82. 8. G u d a r o w s k a E., S z e w c z u k A. Wpùyw wysokoúci przyciæcia okulantów w szkóùce na kwitnienie i owocowanie trzech odmian jabùoni w sadzie // Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa. Skierniewice. 2004. Tom 12. P. 43-49. 9. K r u c z y ñ s k a D. Nowe odmiany jabùoni. Hortpress. Warszawa. 1998. 10. U s e l i s N. Assessment of productivity and fruit quality of apple cultivars on rootstock M26 in fruit bearing orchard // Scientific Works of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. 2002. No. 21(3). P. 14-28. 11. W e r t h e i m S. J. Induction of side-shoot formation in the fruit-tree nursery // Acta Horticulturae. 1978. No. 80. P. 49-54. 12. V a n O o s t e n H. J. Effect of initial tree quality on field // Acta Horticulturae. 1978. No. 65. P. 123-125. 102 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 98103. OBELØ GENËJIMO AUKÐÈIO MEDELYNE ÁTAKA JØ KOKYBEI IR DERLIUI E. Gudarowska, A. Szewczuk, D. Dereñ Santrauka Bandymas atliktas 2001 metais medelyne ir tæstas 20022005 metais sode. Treèiaisiais auginimo medelyne metais Ligol ir Alwa veisliø sodinukai su M.26 poskiepiu buvo patrumpinti 40, 60, 80 ir 100 cm aukðtyje nuo dirvos pavirðiaus. 2001 metø rudená buvo ávertinta dvejø metø sodinukø kokybë. Aukðèiausi ir didþiausio kamieno skersmens abiejø veisliø vaismedþiai iðaugo patrumpinus 100 cm aukðtyje. Ligol veislës sodinukø trumpinimas 40 ir 100 cm aukðtyje stimuliavo ðakojimàsi, o Alwa veislës obelys daugiau ûgliø iðleido patrumpinus tik 100 cm aukðtyje. 2002 metø pavasará obelys buvo pasodintos sode 3,5 x 1,0 m atstumais. 20022004 metais buvo ávertintas kiekvienos obels þiedynø skaièius, 20032005 metais derlius. Daugiausia þiedynø pasodinimo metais sukrovë obelys, kurios medelyne buvo patrumpintos 100 cm aukðtyje. Sode Ligol veislës obelys 20032005 metais buvo derlingesnës (22 kg/medis) uþ Alwa veislës obelis. 60 ir 100 cm aukðtyje medelyne patrumpintos Ligol ir Alwa veislës obelys iðaugino didesná derliø (12,924,7 kg/medis) nei patrumpintos 40 ir 80 cm aukðtyje (11,619,7 kg/medis). Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, genëjimo aukðtis, þiedynai, sodinukø kokybë, derlius. 103 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 104112. THE EFFECT OF SELECTED AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES ON QUALITY FEATURES OF APPLE TREES Jan KOPYTOWSKI, Bogumiù MARKUSZEWSKI, Jakub GURSZTYN Uniwersytet Warmiñsko Mazurski w Olsztynie, Katedra Ogrodnictwa ul. Prawocheñskiego 21, 10-718 Olsztyn. E-mail: The paper presents the results of studies on production of branched apple trees. The study was carried out at the nursery owned by Wojciech Gursztyn in Braniewo in 20022004. The studies took into consideration not only the applied agricultural technology operations but also the influence of the specific climatic conditions of the area. Processing the results an attempt was made to formulate synthesis of the knowledge of the recent years concerning production of branched trees. During the study and analysis it was assessed, which of the seven applied agricultural technique procedures had the largest influence on development of side branches of four selected, reluctantly branching cultivars of apple trees. The following variants were studied: I. Controls, II. Pruning, III. Pruning + Arbolin 036 SL (15ml/1 litre of water), IV. Arbolin 036 SL (15ml/1 litre of water), V. Arbolin 036 SL (30ml/1 litre of water), VI. Arbolin 036 SL (15ml/1 litre of water applied twice), VII. Pruning + Arbolin Extra 038 SL (12ml/1 litre of water). The trees were trained in the knipboom form (two-year-old trees with one-year-old crown). The following parameters of the trees were assessed: height, thickness, sum of lengths and thicknesses of side branches and number of branches with flowers. Trees of the best quality were produced in those variants where the preparation called Arbolin 036 SL at 15 ml/1 liter of water was applied. Cultivars: Gloster, Gala Must, Elise and Ligol used for tree study reacted in different ways to operations applied. Among the analyzed cultivars Gala Must reacted the best to Arbolin. Key words: nurseries, agricultural practices, quality of trees. Introduction. Nursery trees produced in Poland have to conform to the quality standards, which oblige producers to grade fruit bearing trees in a consistent manner (Bielicki, Czynczyk, 2000). Current requirements concerning the nursery tree quality have been affected by the changes in the technology of tree growing, especially of apple trees. Views have changed on the bud grafting height, as well as on the issue of crown formation and the age of planted trees (Úlaski J., 1964; Czynczyk A., 1998; Mika, 1998; Marczyñski S., 1999; Sadowski and Górski, 2005). Polands accession to the European Union presents additional challenge not only to nursery gardeners (Makosz, 2004) due to increased requirements concerning the quality of nursery 104 trees and the necessity to adapt to new market conditions. At the same time the customs and sanitary regulations as well as those concerning the marketing of nursery trees were made stricter. This study is an attempt to synthesize the knowledge of the past few years on the production process of branched apple trees in a nursery and an attempt to answer the question: which of the seven applied agricultural practices most influences the producing of offshoots in the four apple tree cultivars. Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted in a private fruit tree nursery, situated in the northeast of Poland (Braniewo), near the Vistula Lagoon. The site where the nursery is situated is on class 4a brown soil with sandy clay layer at the depth of 4050 cm. These are well-cultured soils, with regulated air-water relations. The nurseries were fertilised with ammonium sulphate at 100 kg·ha-1. The fertiliser was sown approximately on April 20 and at the end of May. Winter wheat and mustard were used as fore-crops. The nurseries were additionally fertilised through foliage eight times with Agrolife and Uniwersom up to 1.5 kg·ha-1. Rootstocks RN-29 (M.9 clone) and M.26 were planted in the spring of 2002, at a spacing 70 x 10 cm. Cultivar Elisa was bud grafted on rootstock M.26, while cultivars Gloster, Gala Must and Ligol were bud grafted on RN-29. In autumn, soon after the vegetation period had ended, the trees were cut off, dug out and stored in a refrigerating room for the winter. Early next winter the budgrafted rootstocks were planted in the appropriate places at a spacing 70 x 30 cm, where the production process proceeded. The plugs were cut out immediately after planting. A weaker rootstock was used on purpose because it inhibited the growth of grafted trees and produced single unbranched annual offshoots. The material could be used to produce biennial trees with one-year-old crown. The study examined the effect of seven different agricultural practices on the growth and producing lateral shoots in the four cultivars of apple tree: Elisa, bud grafted on rootstock M.26 and Gloster, Gala Must and Ligol on rootstock RN-29. In early spring of the third year, the grafted trees were cut off 60 cm above the ground and an annual branched offshoot was formed at the cut-off site, producing an annual crown on a biennial trunk. At a later stage of the production process, all offshoots below the place where new crown was formed were removed. The trees were staked with bamboo poles and fastened with plastic foil to ensure their steady growth and to protect them from breaking. A number of measures were taken in order to force the trees to produce offshoots. They were topped and sprayed with chemical agents in the following combinations: I. Control, II. Topping, III. Topping + Arbolin 036 SL (15 ml·litre-1 of water), IV. Arbolin 036 SL (15 ml·litre-1 of water), V. only Arbolin 036 SL (30 ml·litre-1 of water), VI. Arbolin 036 SL 15 ml·litre -1 x 2 (two spraying dates), VII. Topping + Arbolin Extra 038 SL (12 ml·litre-1 of water). The practices were performed in the first, second and third decade of June and in the first decade of July. The trees were topped seven times on 5, 9, 15, 21 and 26 of June and on 1 and 6 of July. The trees were sprayed with Arbolin 036 SL on: 11 of June 15 ml·litre-1 of water (objects III, IV and VI), 23 of June 15 ml·litre-1 of water (object VI), 23 of June 30 ml·litre-1 of water (object V) and 23 of June 12 ml·litre-1 of water (object VII). 105 In the autumn of 2004, after the vegetation period had ended, the measurements of tree height, their trunks diameter and offshoot length were taken. The trunk diameters were measured 30 cm above the ground level. The statistical analysis was conducted by the method of analysis of variance. The significance of differences between the mean values was assessed according to Duncans test at the significance level of 0.05. All agricultural and plant protection practices were performed as recommended. Results. The fastest growth of trees and the largest number of produced shoots are observed in June and July at the average air temperature of 21°C. In 2004, the average temperature in June reached only 14.7°C, and in July 16.4°C. The average temperatures of the other months of the vegetation period were not too favourable either. Due to frequent rains, the vegetation conditions were not good as they brought about an increase of fungal infections. The effect of cultivar and agricultural practices on the height of trees is shown in Table 1. The height of the trees under study was not significantly differentiated and was affected by the cultivar factor. On average, the trees of cultivar Gala Must were the tallest 163 cm, followed by Gloster 162 cm and Elise 160 cm. The lowest were the trees of cultivar Ligol average height 142 cm. The strongest influence was observed when Arbolin 036 SL was applied at the dose of 30 ml·litre-1 of water, and the weakest when the trees were topped and Arbolin Extra 038 SL was applied at the dose of 12 ml·litre-1 of water. T a b l e 1. The height of trees in the nursery, cm 1 l e n t e l ë. Vaismedþiø aukðtis medelyne, cm Part I I dalis ‘Gloster’ ‘Gala Must’ ‘Elise’ ‘Ligol’ 160.1 bc 161.0 abc 157.1 c 164.3 ab 167.5 a 164.3 ab 159.5 bc 6.2 162.0 ab 167.8 a 160.1 b 161.7 ab 163.4 ab 169.1 a 163.6 ab 152.3 c 6.8 162.6 a 163.1 ab 154.3 cd 158.0 bc 164.9 a 162.6 ab 167.6 a 50.6 d 5.6 160.2 b 140.2 b 152.3 ab 134.3 c 143.2 ab 148.0 a 143.4 ab 144.5 ab 5.2 142.2 c Part II II dalis I II III IV V VI VII LSD05/R05 Average of cultivar Average of combination Derinio vidurkis 157.8 b 154.4 c 152.8 c 158.9 ab 161.8 a 158.7 ab 151.7 c Veislës vidurkis LSD05/R05 Part I/ I daliai Part II / II daliai Part I x II / I x II daliai 2.2 2.9 5.9 The average values with the same letter are not significantly different at the level of significance of α = 0.05 / Ta paèia raide paþymëti reikðmiø vidurkiai ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). The effect of cultivar and agricultural practices on the intensity of tree growth is shown in Table 2. The growth intensity did not prove to be significantly differentiated 106 and was also strongly affected by cultivar. The highest mean growth intensity was observed for cultivar Elise 1.95 cm, whereas the lowest intensity was measured for Gala Must 1.74 cm. The highest mean growth intensity was obtained with Arbolin 036 SL at the dose of 15 ml·litre-1 of water, when the agent was applied twice; the lowest mean growth intensity was recorded in variant II (topping) 1.79 cm. T a b l e 2. Intensity of tree growth in the nursery (cm) 2 l e n t e l ë. Vaismedþio augimo medelyne intensyvumas, cm Part I I dalis Part II ‘Gloster’ ‘Gala Must’ ‘Elise’ ‘Ligol’ 1.88 a 1.69 a 1.73 a 1.80 a 1.81 a 1.82 a 1.83 a r. n. 1.79 b 1.61 a 1.72 a 1.85 a 1.70 a 1.83 a 1.65 a 1.79 a r. n. 1.74 b 1.88 a 1.98 a 1.94 a 1.87 a 1.88 a 1.82 a 1.81 a r. n. 1.95 a 1.91 a 1.79 a 1.92 a 1.97 a 2.02 a 1.98 a 1.93 a r. n. 1.93 a II dalis I II III IV V VI VII LSD05/R05 Average of cultivar Average of combination Derinio vidurkis 1.82 a 1.79 a 1.86 a 1.83 a 1.88 a 1.93 a 1.84 a Veislës vidurkis LSD05/R05 Part I/ I daliai Part II / II daliai Part I x II / I x II daliai 0.12 n.s. n.s. The average values with the same letter are not significantly different at the level of significance of α = 0.05 / Ta paèia raide paþymëti reikðmiø vidurkiai ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). The sum of offshoot length ≥ 20 cm (Table 3) was significantly differentiated when the applied agricultural practices were the most strongly affecting factor. The highest mean sum of offshoots length was achieved by cultivar Elise and amounted to 102 cm. The lowest such value was observed for cultivar Gloster 58 cm. The highest value for the combinations was achieved by the trees in combination III (Topping + Arbolin 15 ml·litre-1 of water) 138 cm, while the lowest value was measured for the control combination (43 cm). The sum of offshoot length < 20 cm (Table 4) was significantly differentiated with the combination being the most strongly affecting factor. The highest mean sum of offshoot length was achieved by cultivar Gala Must and amounted to 33 cm. The lowest such value was observed for cultivar Elise 15 cm. The highest value for the combinations was achieved by the trees in combination III (Topping + Arbolin 036 SL 15 ml·litre-1 water) 32 cm, while the lowest value was measured in combination I (Control) 13 cm. 107 T a b l e 3. Sum of tree offshoot over 20 cm length 3 l e n t e l ë. Ilgesniø kaip 20 cm vaismedþio atþalø ilgio suma Part I I dalis Part II ‘Gloster’ ‘Gala Must’ ‘Elise’ ‘Ligol’ 31.7 cd 73.8 abc 104.9 a 46.8 bcd 33.2 cd 83.3 ab 29.1 d 39.6 57.5 c 64.8 b 65.8 b 140.8 a 77.3 b 72.2 b 87.1 b 51.8 b 43.4 80.0 b 47.3 d 106.5 bc 177.8 a 66.8 cd 61.5 cd 154.4 ab 96.5 cd 49.4 101.5 a 28.8 c 74.8 bc 116.6 ab 69.0 bc 36.7 c 107.1 ab 147.3 a 48.5 82.9 b II dalis I II III IV V VI VII LSD05/R05 Average of cultivar Average of combination Derinio vidurkis 43.1 d 80.2 c 138.0 a 65.0 cd 50.9 d 108.0 b 81.2 c Veislës vidurkis LSD05/R05 Part I/ I daliai Part II / II daliai Part I x II / I x II daliai 16.9 22.3 44.7 The average values with the same letter are not significantly different at the level of significance of α = 0.05 / Ta paèia raide paþymëti reikðmiø vidurkiai ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). T a b l e 4. Sum of tree offshoot under 20 cm length 4 l e n t e l ë. Trumpesniø kaip 20 cm vaismedþio atþalø ilgio suma Part I I dalis Part II ‘Gloster’ ‘Gala Must’ ‘Elise’ ‘Ligol’ Derinio vidurkis II dalis I II III IV V VI VII LSD05/R05 Average of cultivar Average of combination 9.6 b 22.2 ab 38.0 a 18.3 b 17.8 b 38.9 a 38.4 a 16.5 26.2 b 22.3 a 22.0 a 40.3 a 34.3 a 35.9 a 35.4 a 39.1 a n.s. 32.8 a 8.0 c 22.0 ab 25.4 a 12.6 bc 9.3 c 14.9 bc 12.3 bc 9.9 14.9 c 10.7 a 16.8 a 25.2 a 22.3 a 22.9 a 30.6 a 22.5 a n.s. 21.6 b 12.6 c 20.7 b 32.3 a 21.9 b 21.5 b 30.0 a 28.1 ab Veislës vidurkis LSD05/R05 Part I/ I daliai Part II / II daliai Part I x II / I x II daliai 5.6 7.4 n.s. The average values with the same letter are not significantly different at the level of significance of α = 0.05 / Ta paèia raide paþymëti reikðmiø vidurkiai ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). The total number of offshoots ≥ 20 cm (Table 5) was significantly differentiated with combination being the strongest affecting factor. The largest average total number of offshoots was achieved by the trees of cultivar Elise 2.9. The lowest such number was observed for the cultivar Gloster 1.8 per tree. The highest total number of offshoots for combinations was observed for the trees of combination 108 III (Topping + Arbolin 036 SL 15 ml·litre-1 of water) 3.9, while the lowest average total number of offshoots was recorded for the control combination 1.3. T a b l e 5. The number of offshoots equal to 20 cm 5 l e n t e l ë. 20 cm ilgio vaismedþio atþalø ilgio suma Part I I dalis Part II ‘Gloster’ ‘Gala Must’ ‘Elise’ ‘Ligol’ 1.0 c 2.0 abc 2.9 a 1.6 bc 1.3 c 2.8 ab 1.1 c 1.2 1.8 b 2.1 b 21. b 4.1 a 2.3 b 2.0 b 2.7 b 1.7 b 1.3 2.4 a 1.5 d 3.1 bc 4.8 a 2.0 cd 1.9 cd 4.3 ab 2.7 cd 1.4 2.9 a 0.7 c 2.1 bc 3.7 a 2.1 bc 1.0 c 3.3 ab 4.2 a 1.4 2.4 a II dalis I II III IV V VI VII LSD05/R05 Average of cultivar Veislës vidurkis LSD05/R05 Part I/ I daliai Part II / II daliai Part I x II / I x II daliai Average of combination Derinio vidurkis 1.3 c 2.3 b 3.9 a 2.0 bc 1.5 c 3.3 a 2.4 b 0.5 0.7 1.3 The average values with the same letter are not significantly different at the level of significance of α = 0.05 / Ta paèia raide paþymëti reikðmiø vidurkiai ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). The effect of apple tree cultivar and agricultural practices on the total number of offshoots < 20 cm is shown in Table 6. T a b l e 6. The number of offshoots over 20 cm 6 l e n t e l ë. Ilgesniø kaip 20 cm vaismedþio atþalø skaièius Part I I dalis Part II ‘Gloster’ ‘Gala Must’ ‘Elise’ ‘Ligol’ Derinio vidurkis II dalis I II III IV V VI VII LSD05/R05 Average of cultivar Average of combination 1.2 c 2.6 bc 3.9 ab 2.2 bc 2.4 bc 4.5 a 4.1 ab 1.7 3.0 b 3.6 a 2.8 a 4.3 a 4.3 a 4.5 a 4.7 a 5.3 a r.n. 4.2 a 1.0 b 2.8 a 3.2 a 1.7 b 0.9 b 1.7 b 1.5 b 1.1 1.8 d 1.3 a 1.5 a 2.6 a 2.7 a 2.8 a 3.2 a 2.7 a r.n. 2.4 c 1.8 d 2.4 cd 3.5 a 2.7 abc 2.7 abc 3.5 a 3.4 ab Veislës vidurkis LSD05/R05 Part I/ I daliai Part II / II daliai Part I x II / I x II daliai 0.6 0.7 1.5 The average values with the same letter are not significantly different at the level of significance of α = 0.05 / Ta paèia raide paþymëti reikðmiø vidurkiai ið esmës nesiskiria (α = 0,05). 109 The total number of offshoots < 20 cm was significantly differentiated with combination being the strongest affecting factor. The largest average total number of offshoots was achieved by the trees of Gala Must 4.2. The lowest such number was observed for cultivar Elise 1.8. The highest average total number of offshoots for combinations was observed for the trees of combination III (Topping + Arbolin 036 SL 15 ml·litre-1 of water) and VI (Arbolin 036 SL 15 ml·litre-1 of water x 2); in both cases the number was 3.5, while the lowest average total number of offshoots was recorded for the control combination 1.8. Discussion. Weather conditions in the third year of running the nursery were not favourable for producing young trees. Differentiation in growth among the breeding cultivars, associated with genotype, rootstock, apical dominance, weather conditions and performed agricultural practices has been observed. This was the most evident in cultivar Elise. According to Jaumieñ (2004), the used rootstock does not play any important role in branching grafted trees of cultivar Elise. They produce a similar number of long and short offshoots on dwarf (M.9 and PB 4) and semidwarf (M.26) rootstocks. Considering the above, it must be said that good growth and offshoot development was also observed for cultivar Elise in Braniewo. The number of long offshoots was similar to the number of the short ones. Cultivar Gloster is one of those, which do not branch easily (Basak, 2001). The proposition can be substantiated in the light of the results of this study, as the sum of offshoot length ≥ 20 cm for the cultivar was the smallest, as was the total number of offshoots; similar results were obtained by Kopytowski (2002). The research conducted by Jaumieñ and Dziuban (1998) indicates that the Gala cultivar treated with Arbolin produced the largest number of side shoots. In the study conducted near Braniewo, the trees of the same cultivar grown in a three year cycle branched well, producing 2.4 offshoots ≥ 20 cm and 4.2 ones < 20 cm. Winter apple cultivar Ligol is well known to fruit farmers, which also makes it popular among nursery gardeners. The best quality of the trees in a three year cycle is obtained, regardless of other measures, by cutting one-year-old trees 60 cm above the ground (Rejman et al., 2002; Gudarowska, Szewczyk, 2004). In the study, the cultivar was effective in producing offshoots, both long and short ones. Conclusions. 1. The tallest grown trees were those of cultivar Gala Must 162.6 cm; the lowest were those of cultivar Ligol 142 cm. The tallest trees were obtained in combinations where Arbolin 036 SL was applied at the dose of 30 ml·l-1 of water; the lowest trees grew in the group, which were topped manually and treated with Arbolin Extra 038 SL at the dose of 12 ml·l-1 of water. 2 The largest trunk diameter increase was observed in trees of cultivar Elise (1.95 cm), the smallest of cultivar Gala Must. The differentiation was not affected by the practices applied, but only by cultivar features. 3. The highest sum of offshoots growth over 20 cm was observed of cultivar Elise in the variant where Arbolin 036 SL was applied at the dose of 15 ml·l-1 of water. Gauta 2006 05 30 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 110 References 1. B a s a k A. O rozgaùæzianiu drzewek w szkóùkach owocowych. OWK. 2001. 12 p. 2. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A. Wpùyw wysokoúci ciæcia drzewek jednorocznych w szkóùce na jakoúã drzewek dwuletnich. XLIII Ogólnopolska Naukowa Konferencja Sadownicza. Doskonalenie metod produkcji owoców zgodnie z wymogami UE. ISiK Skierniewice, 2004. P. 5758. 3. C z y n c z y k A. Podkùadki sùabo rosnàce podstawowym czynnikiem intensyfikacji sadów. XXXVII Ogólnopolska Naukowa Konferencja Sadownicza. ISiK Skierniewice, 1998. P. 101110. 4. G u d a r o w s k a E., S z e w c z y k A. Wpùyw wysokoúci przyciæcia okulantów w szkóùce na kwitnienie drzew w sadzie. XLIII Ogólnopolska Naukowa Konferencja Sadownicza. Doskonalenie metod produkcji owoców zgodnie z wymogami UE. ISiK Skierniewice, 200ùywa na rozgaùæzianie drzewek jabùoni w szkóùce? Szkóùkarstwo, 2004. 4 p. 5. J a u m i e ñ F., D z i u b a n R. Wpùyw Arbolinu 036 SL i maúci Aarbolin PA na rozgaùæzianie okulantów jabùoni w latach 1995 i 1997. XXXVII Ogólnopolska Naukowa Konferencja Sadownicza. ISiK Skierniewice, 1998. P. 2530. 6. K o p y t o w s k i J. Doskonalenie metod produkcji sadowniczego materiaùu szkóùkarskiego. Wyd. UWM Olsztyn, 2002. 7. M a k o s z E. Przyszùoúã szkóùkarstwa sadowniczego. Szkóùkarstwo, 2004. 1 p. 8. M a r c z y ñ s k i S. Szkóùkarstwo Polskie 1779-1999. Agencja ZYX- Poligrafia. 1999. 9. M i k a A. Modele sadów XXI wieku. XXXVII Ogólnopolska Naukowa Konferencja Sadownicza. ISiK Skierniewice, 1998. P. 7576. 10. R e j m a n A., Ú c i b i s z K., C z a r n e c k i B. Szkóùkarstwo roúlin sadowniczych. PWRiL, Warszawa, 2002. P. 239240. 11. S a d o w s k i A., G ó r s k i M. Jakie drzewka dwuletnie? Szkóùkarstwo, 2005. 1 p. 12. Ú l a s k i J. Szkóùkarstwo sadownicze. PWRiL Warszawa, 1964. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 104112. KAI KURIØ TECHNOLOGINIØ PRIEMONIØ ÁTAKA OBELØ KOKYBËS RODIKLIAMS J. Kopytowski, B. Markuszewski, J. Gursztyn Santrauka Tyrimai atlikti 20022004 m. Wojciecho Gursztyno privaèiame medelyne Braniewo gyvenvietëje. Buvo atsiþvelgta ne tik á taikytas technologijas, bet ir á specifiniø to regiono klimato sàlygø átakà. Apdorojant rezultatus, buvo pamëginta susisteminti pastaraisiais metais sukauptà informacijà apie ðakotø vaismedþiø auginimà. Tyrinëjant ir analizuojant buvo ávertinta, kuri ið septyniø panaudotø technologiniø priemoniø labiausiai paveikë keturiø pasirinktø sunkiai besiðakojanèiø obelø veisliø ðoniniø ðakø vystymàsi. Bandymo variantai buvo tokie: I. Kontrolë, II. Pinciravimas, 111 III. Pinciravimas + Arbolin 036 SL (15 ml/1 vandens), IV. Arbolin 036 SL (15 ml/1 vandens), V. Arbolin 036 SL (30 ml/1 vandens), VI. Arbolin 036 SL (15 ml/1 vandens du kartus), VII. Pinciravimas + Arbolin Extra 038 SL (12 ml/1 vandens). Vaismedþiai buvo suformuoti knipo formos (dvejø metø vaismedþiai su vieneriø metø vainiku). Ávertinti ðie vaismedþiø rodikliai: aukðtis, storis, ðoniniø ðakø ilgio ir storio suma, þydinèiø ðakø skaièius. Geriausios kokybës vaismedþiai iðaugo panaudojus Arbolin 036 SL preparatà (15 ml/1 vandens). Tirtos veislës: Gloster, Gala Must, Elise ir Ligol, á skirtingus apdorojimus reagavo skirtingai. Ið visø tirtø veisliø á Arbolin geriausiai reagavo Gala Must. Reikðminiai þodþiai: medelynai, agrotechninës priemonës, vaismedþiø kokybë. 112 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 113123. PERFORMANCE OF DWARFING CHERRY ROOTSTOCKS IN THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES Terence L. ROBINSON1, Stephen A. HOYING2, Robert L. ANDERSEN1 1 Department of Hort. Sciences, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456, USA. E-mails:, Cornell Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rt. 88 N, Newark, NY 14568 USA. E-mail: 2 Sweet cherry rootstocks and training systems were compared in two field planting (1999 and 2002). In the 1999 trial, Hedelfinger was planted with three rootstocks (Gisela 5, (Gi.5), Gisela 6, (Gi.6) and MxM.2), while Lapins and Sweetheart were planted on Gi.5 and Gi.6. After 7 years, tree size was smallest with Gi.5, intermediate with Gi.6 and largest with MXM.2. Early yield and cumulative yield were highest for trees on Gi.5 followed by Gi.6, while trees on MXM.2 had the lowest yield. Average fruit size was largest on Gi.6, intermediate on MXM.2 and smallest on Gi.5. Among planting systems, the vertical axis system had the highest cumulative yield/ha followed by the slender spindle system, the V system, the Marchant system, the Spanish bush system and the central leader system. The cumulative yields largely reflected density; however, the Marchant system had significantly lower yield than expected from its density, while the vertical axis system had higher yield than expected from its density. In the 2002 field trial, Lapins, Regina and Hudson were planted on Mazzard, Gi.12, Gi.5 and Gi.6. After 4 years the Gi.12 trees were as large as the trees on Mazzard, while Gi.6 was intermediate and Gi.5 was significantly smaller. Gi.5 had the highest yield followed by Gi.6, and Gi.12, while Mazzard had substantially lower yield than any of the Gisela rootstocks. The combination of Gi.5 rootstock and vertical axis training with Regina achieved a yield of 12 t/ha of large cherries in the fourth year. Key words: Prunus avium, Gisela rootstocks, yield, fruit size, training system, planting density. Introduction. New cherry varieties that are large, firm and resist rain-induced cracking have created new opportunities for the production of sweet cherries in the eastern USA (Kappel, 2002). In addition the use of rain exclusion shelters or automatic calcium sprinkling systems can be used to limit rain induced cracking. Nevertheless, traditional, vigorous, non-precocious rootstocks continue to limit early yield and 113 cause tree containment problems as new orchards mature. The development of precocious, dwarfing rootstocks has allowed the development of high-density cherry orchards with smaller trees that have the potential to significantly improve grower returns (Lang, 2000; Long, 2001; Perry et al., 1996; Robinson, 2005). Several highdensity training systems have been developed for sweet cherries (Balmer, 2001; Long, 2001; Perry, 1998; Zahn, 1994) giving fruit growers many options for choosing a planting density, rootstock and training protocol. The objective of this project was to compare both standard and dwarfing rootstocks trained to several high-density production systems for sweet cherries. Materials and Methods. In April of 1999 a replicated field trial was planted at Geneva, New York State, USA with Hedelfinger on three rootstocks (Gi.5, Gi.6 and MxM.2), Lapins and Sweetheart on 2 rootstocks (Gi.5 and Gi.6) and Tehranivee and Regina on one rootstock (Mahaleb). Each variety/rootstock combination was planted into each of six training systems: (central leader (336 trees/ha), Spanish bush (673 trees/ha), slender spindle (897 trees/ha), V-system (997 trees/ha), Marchant inclined tree system (1035 trees/ha) and vertical axis (1196 trees/ha)). The training recipes for each system were published earlier (Robinson et al., 2004). The plot was designed as a split plot randomized complete block experiment with 3 main plot replications. Training system was the main plot with each main plot consisting of three 32 m long rows. Each row was planted on a broad 30 cm high berm to control winter damage associated with excessive soil moisture. In addition, a subsurface soil drainage line was installed in the center of each tractor alley to remove excess moisture in the spring and during heavy rainfalls before harvest. Each main plot was divided into 9 variety x rootstock subplots (3 in each row). Each sub plot had from 2 to 6 trees of each variety x rootstock x system combination with the number of trees depending on the inrow spacing of the system. In May of 2002 a second replicated field trial was planted at Geneva, New York State, USA with Lapins, Regina and Hudson on four rootstocks (Gi.5, Gi.6, Gi.12 and Mazzard seedling). Each variety/rootstock combination was planted into each of four training systems: (steep leader (598 trees/ha, Spanish bush (748 trees/ha), slender spindle (748 trees/ha), and vertical axis (997 trees/ha)). The plot was designed as a split plot randomized complete block experiment with 3 main plot replications. Training system was the main plot with each main plot consisting of two 50 m long rows. Each main plot was divided into 8 variety x rootstock subplots (4 in each row). Each sub plot had from 4 to 7 trees of each variety x rootstock x system combination with the number of trees depending on the inrow spacing of the system. In both plots yield and fruit size data recorded each year. A 50 cherry sample was collected each year from each tree and analyzed for proportion of cracked fruit and fruit soluble solids. Economic crop value was calculated as: Crop Value ($/ha) = (Cumulative yield (kg/ha) yield of cracked fruit (kg/ha)) * $2.20/kg. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance. Effect of rootstock in the 1999 plot was determined only with Hedelfinger while the effect of system was determined using all 6 varieties. In the 2002 plot the effect of rootstock and system was determined using both Lapins and Regina. 114 Results. T r e e s u r v i v a l a n d t r e e s i z e. Tree losses in both plots were greatest on Mazzard followed by Mahaleb and MXM.2 and Gi.12 (Table). There were essential not tree losses with Gi.5 or Gi.6 in either plot. Tree death was due to root rot and winter injury. There was a clear rootstock effect on tree size, as measured by trunk cross-sectional area, with trees on Gi.5 being significantly smaller (21%) than trees on Gi.6, which in turn were about 9% smaller than trees on MXM.2 (Figure 1A). Planting system also had a significant effect on final trunk cross-sectional area. The central leader trees were the largest and the Marchant trellis trees were the smallest. There was a significant negative curvilinear relationship between tree planting density and tree size with the highest density vertical axis trees being only 60% as large as the lowest density central leader trees (Figure 1B). T a b l e. Tree death in 2 large orchard systems trials at Geneva NY, USA L e n t e l ë. Vaismedþiø þuvimas dviejuose dideliuose sodø sistemø bandymuose Þenevoje, Niujorko valstijoje, JAV Plot / Sklypas 1997 Plot / Sklypas 1997 m. 2002 Plot / Sklypas 2002 m. Rootstock / Poskiepis Mahaleb MXM.2 Mazzard Gi.12 Gi.6 Gi.5 8% --- 4% --- --16% --4% 0.1% 1.6% 0.1% 1.4% F i g. 1. (A) Effect of rootstock on final tree size (trunk cross-sectional area (cm2)) after 7 years of Hedelfinger sweet cherry. Vertical bars represent LSD for ≤0.05. (B) Relationship of tree density and significant differences between stocks, p≤ final tree size (TCSA) after 7 years of 5 sweet cherry varieties (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina and Tehranivee) on MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 and ≤0.05. Mahaleb rootstocks trained to 6 training systems. Regression significant, p≤ 1 p a v. (A) Poskiepio átaka galutiniam vaismedþio dydþiui (kamieno skerspjûvio plotui, cm 2) po 7 Hedelfinger veislës treðniø augimo metø. Vertikalûs stulpeliai ≤ 0,05. (B) Galutinio vaismedþio dydþio vaizduoja esminius skirtumus tarp poskiepiø, p≤ (KSP) priklausomumas nuo vaismedþiø tankumo po 7 metø. Tirtos penkios treðniø veislës (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina ir Tehranivee) su MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 ir Mahaleb poskiepiais. Vaismedþiai formuoti pagal 6 formavimo sistemas. ≤ 0,05. Lygtis patikima, kai p≤ 115 Y i e l d. With Hedelfinger, Gi.5 had the greatest cumulative yield (30 kg/tree), while Gi.6 was intermediate (18 kg/tree) and MXM.2 had the lowest yield (7 kg/tree) (Figure 2A). In the winter preceding 2004 severe winter temperatures killed most of the flower buds in this trial. The drop in yield from 2003 to 2004 shows that Gi.6 was the most sensitive to winter cold while MXM2 was the least sensitive. Gi.5 was intermediate. F i g. 2. (A) Effect of rootstock on cumulative yield/ha of Hedelfinger sweet cherry trees trained to 6 training systems. Vertical bars represent LSD for significant ≤0.05. (B) Relationship of tree planting density to differences between stocks, p≤ cumulative yield after 7 years of 5 sweet cherry varieties (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina and Tehranivee) on MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 and Mahaleb ≤0.05. rootstocks trained to 6 training systems. Regression significant, p≤ 2 p a v. (A) Poskiepio átaka suminiam Hedelfinger veislës treðniø, suformuotø pagal 6 formavimo sistemas, derliui ið hektaro. Vertikalûs stulpeliai vaizduoja esminius ≤ 0,05. Suminio derliaus priklausomumas nuo nuo skirtumus tarp poskiepiø p≤ vaismedþiø tankumo po 7 metø. Tirtos penkios treðniø veislës (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina and Tehranivee) su MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 ir Mahaleb poskiepiais. Vaismedþiai formuoti pagal 6 formavimo sistemas. Lygtis patikima, kai ≤ 0,05. p≤ Among systems averaged over all 5 varieties, the vertical axis system had the highest yield per tree in the third year (2001) followed by the slender spindle system, the Spanish bush, central leader, Marchant inclined tree and the V system, respectively (Figure 3A). By the seventh year, yield ranged from 7-19 kg/tree and from 7-16 t/ha. The highest cumulative yield/ha was with the vertical axis system (37 t/ha), followed by the slender spindle system (27 t/ha), the V system (25 t/ha), the Spanish bush system (19 t/ha), the Marchant inclined tree system (18 t/ha), and the central leader system (11 t/ha) (Figure 3B). Among varieties, Sweetheart was the most productive followed by Tehranivee, Lapins, Hedelfinger and lastly Regina (data not shown). Regina had significantly lower production than any of the other varieties in the 1999 plot but in the 2002 plot it had the highest production. Following the winter of 2004, which killed most flower buds on Sweetheart and Lapins and many flower buds on Hedelfinger, Regina had the highest flower bud survival. 116 F i g. 3. Annual yield/tree (A) and yield/ha (B) of 5 sweet cherry varieties (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina and Tehranivee) on MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 and Mahaleb rootstocks at Geneva NY. Vertical bars represent LSD for ≤0.05. significant difference within each year, p≤ 3 p a v. Penkiø treðniø veisliø (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina ir Tehranivee) vaismedþiø su MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 ir Mahaleb poskiepiais metinis derlius ið vaismedþio (A) ir ið hektaro (B), Þeneva, Niujorko valstija. Vertikalûs ≤ 0,05. stulpeliai vaizduoja esminius skirtumus kiekvienais metais, p≤ The differences in yield between systems were largely a function of tree density. There was a linear relationship of tree planting density and yield that explained 67% of the variation in cumulative yield per hectare (Figure 2B). The Marchant system, and to some extent the V system, had significantly lower cumulative yield than expected from their tree density. The vertical axis system, and to a lesser extent the slender spindle system, had a higher cumulative yield than expected from their tree density. With the vertical axis system, this resulted from the highest yield per tree and the highest tree density. There was an interaction of rootstock and training system with Hedelfinger, but not with Lapins and Sweetheart. The combination of vertical axis training and Gi.5 rootstock resulted in very high 7-year cumulative yields per hectare of 46, 41 and 40 t/ha for Hedelfinger, Lapins and Sweetheart, respectively. In contrast, the vertical axis system with the full vigor MXM.2 rootstock had a cumulative yield of only 13 t/ha with Hedelfinger. Y i e l d E f f i c i e n c y. There was a large effect of rootstock on yield efficiency. Trees on Gi.5 were 4 times as efficient as trees on MXM.2 (data not shown). Trees on Gi.6 were intermediate. Among training systems, the vertical axis system was substantially more efficient than any other system and almost twice as efficient as the traditional central leader system. There was a significant positive curvilinear relationship between tree density and yield efficiency (data not shown). However, the Marchant trellis and the V-slender spindle were significantly less efficient than predicted by the regression equation. F r u i t Q u a l i t y. With Hedelfinger, the largest average fruit size over the 5 cropping seasons was with Gi.6, while MXM.2 was intermediate and Gi.5 had the smallest fruit size (Figure 4A). However, there was an interaction with variety. 117 With Lapins and Sweetheart there was no difference in fruit size between Gi.5 and Gi.6 (data not shown). Among training systems, average fruit size was greatest for the central leader, followed by the slender spindle, Marchant Spanish bush, V-slender spindle, and vertical axis systems, respectively. Although the difference between the top 2 systems and the bottom 2 systems was significant, the differences were not large (Figure 4B). F i g. 4. (A) Effect of rootstock on average fruit size of Hedelfinger sweet cherry trees at Geneva NY. (B) Effect of training system on average fruit size of 5 sweet cherry varieties (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina and Tehranivee), on MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 and Mahaleb rootstocks at Geneva NY. Vertical bars ≤0.05. represent LSD for significant differences between stocks or systems, p≤ 4 p a v. (A) Poskiepio átaka vidutiniam Hedelfinger veislës treðniø vaisiø dydþiui, Þeneva, Niujorko valstijoja. (B) Formavimo sistemos átaka penkiø treðniø veisliø (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina ir Tehranivee) su MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 ir Mahaleb poskiepiais vidutiniam vaisiø dydþiui, Þeneva, Niujorko valstija. ≤ 0,05. Vertikalûs stulpeliai vaizduoja esminius skirtumus tarp poskiepiø ar sistemø, p≤ E c o n o m i c s. Cumulative crop value was greatest for trees on Gi.5 followed by Gi.6 and then MXM.2 (Figure 5A). Among rootstocks there was an interaction with variety. With Hedelfinger and Lapins, the largest cumulative crop value was with Gi.5, intermediate with Gi.6 and smallest with MXM.2. With Sweetheart, there was no difference in cumulative crop value between Gi.5 and Gi.6. Among systems, cumulative crop value over the first 6 years of the orchards life was greatest for the vertical axis system ($68,600/ha), followed by the slender spindle system ($47,000/ha), the V system ($46,900/ha), the Spanish bush system ($34,200/ha), the Marchant inclined tree system ($30,600/ha), and the central leader system ($20,000/ha). The difference between the top system and the bottom system was 3.4 fold. There was a significant positive curvilinear relationship between tree density and crop value (Figure 5B). The Marchant trellis had significantly lower cumulative crop value than predicted by the regression relationship. 118 2 0 0 2 T r i a l. Tree size after 4 years was smallest for Gi.5 (Figure 6). Gi.6 was intermediate, while Gi.12 and Mazzard were the largest and not significantly different. Cumulative yield over the first 4 years was inversely related to tree vigor. The highest yield was with Gi.5, followed by Gi.6, Gi.12 and Mazzard. Although Gi.12 was similar in tree size to Mazzard it had 2.7 times as much yield as Mazzard. Regina was more productive than Lapins due to cold damage of Lapins flower buds in the winter of 2004/2005. The combination of Gi.5 rootstock and vertical axis training with Regina achieved a yield of 12 t/ha of large cherries in the fourth year. F i g. 5. (A) Effect of rootstock on 7-year cumulative crop value per hectare of Hedelfinger sweet cherry trees at Geneva NY. Vertical bars represent LSD for ≤0.05. (B) Relationship of tree density and significant difference between rootstocks, p≤ 6-year cumulative crop value per hectare of 5 sweet cherry varieties (Hedelfinger, Lapins, Sweetheart, Regina and Tehranivee), on MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 and Mahaleb rootstocks trained to 6 planting systems at Geneva NY (B). Regression ≤0.05. significant, p≤ 5 p a v. (A) Poskiepio átaka Hedelfinger veislës treðniø 7 metø suminio derliaus ið hektaro vertei, Þeneva, Niujorko valstija. Vertikalûs stulpeliai vaizduoja esminius ≤ 0,05. (B) Penkiø treðniø veisliø (Hedelfinger, Lapins, skirtumus tarp poskiepiø, p≤ Sweetheart, Regina ir Tehranivee) vaismedþiø su MXM.2, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 ir Mahaleb poskiepiais, suformuotø pagal; 6 formavimo sistemas, 6 metø suminio derliaus ið hektaro vertës priklausomumas nuo tankumo, Þeneva, Niujorko valstija. Lygtis ≤ 0,05. patikima, kai p≤ Discussion. Our results show the value of the precocious Gisela rootstocks for early production (Balmer, 2001; Lang, 2000; Perry et al, 1996). The Gisela 5 trees had 10 times the yield as the vigorous MxM.2 trees in the fourth year, 4 times the cumulative yield after 7 years. The Gisela 6 trees had about 7 times the yield of the MxM.2 trees in the fourth year and 2.5 times the cumulative yield after 7 years. In addition, the Gisela trees have had better survival in both plots and have remained smaller than the Mazzard or the MxM.2 trees and have a more calm appearance, which makes them more suited to high planting densities. The Gi.6 trees have had larger fruit size and higher fruit soluble solids than the standard sized MxM.2 trees indicating that they have not been over-cropped. In contrast, the Gi.5 trees had such large crops that fruit size and soluble solids were both lower than the Gi.6 119 trees. This indicates that the Gi.5 trees were resources limited for fruit development. With the larger fruited Regina variety Gi.5 produced a very large 4th year crop with large fruit size. However, with self fruitful varieties such as Sweetheart and Lapins a modified pruning strategies such as heading of all one-year-old shoots will be required to achieve marketable fruit size. It is also possible that the large crops on Gi.5 may be limiting tree carbohydrate or nitrogen reserve accumulation, thus increasing vulnerability to winter damage (Andersen, et al, 1999; Lang and Ophardt, 2000). Our results after the winter of 2004 indicate that both Gi.6 and Gi.5 may be more vulnerable to severe winter temperatures than the full vigor MXM.2. Gi.12 appears to be a full vigor rootstock but with greater precocity than Mazzard. F i g. 6. Final tree size (trunk cross-sectional area (cm2)) after 4 years (A) and fouryear cumulative yield/ha (B) of Regina and Lapins sweet cherry on Mazzard, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 and Gisela 12 rootstocks at Geneva NY. Vertical bars represent LSD for ≤0.05. significant differences between stocks, p≤ 6 p a v. Regina ir Lapins veisliø treðniø su Mazzard, Gisela 5, Gisela 6 ir Gisela 12 poskiepiais galutinis vaismedþio dydis (kamieno skerspjûvio plotas, cm 2) po 4 metø (A) ir ketveriø metø suminis derlius ið hektaro (B), Þeneva, Niujorko valstija. Vertikalûs ≤ 0,05. stulpeliai vaizduoja esminius skirtumus tarp poskiepiø, p≤ The strong correlation of tree planting density and cherry yield over the first 7 years is similar to the results of studies of planting density with apple (Robinson, 2003). With our cherry data the relationship appears to be exponential over the densities we considered, whereas with apple, the relationship is asymptotic. It is likely, that over a broader range, the relationship with cherry would also be asymptotic. An important component of the high yields of the vertical axis and the slender spindle systems, was the minimal pruning during the first 2 years. In contrast, the Spanish Bush system had very severe pruning during the first 2 years. The perpendicular V system had severe pruning at planting, but minimal pruning after that. The severe pruning was related to lower yields of these systems in the 3rd and 4th years. To successfully incorporate minimal pruning with sweet cherry, requires specialized branching techniques to overcome the strong apical dominance. Bud removal early in the spring has been very successful at stimulating lateral bud 120 development without heading the leader (Hoying et al., 2001). This technique allows minimal pruning yet proper limb placement along the leader. The reduction in tree size (as measured by trunk cross-sectional area) with increasing tree density indicates that at higher tree densities trees can be managed in the smaller allotted space for a greater period of time. It was of interest to note that in the vertical axis system with renewal pruning (Zahn, 1994), all of the lateral limbs on each tree were less than 10cm in diameter. Larger limbs were removed back to 10 cm stubs and replacement branches were developed. In contrast, the central leader trees had lower scaffold branches that exceeded 25cm in diameter by the end of the 7th year. The larger branch structure of the central leader trees led to larger trunks and probably much larger root systems and more tree vigor. Considering yield, fruit size, soluble solids and gross economic returns, the vertical axis, slender spindle and the V-system were the three best systems in this trial. The slender spindle and the V-system combined relatively high yields with good fruit size and quality. The vertical axis system was highly productive, but had slightly smaller fruit size and soluble solids content. The large fruit size and the high soluble solids content with the slender spindle and the V-system indicate that these systems were not over-cropped, whereas, the smaller fruit size and lower sugar content of the vertical axis system indicates this system was slightly over-cropped. To make the vertical axis system perform better will require modified pruning strategies such as annual heading of one-year-old lateral shoots to reduce the cropping potential of the system. Regina cherry appears to be highly adapted variety to New York State climate. The tree had good survival and better winter bud hardiness than the other varieties we tested. Fruit size was large and tolerant of rain cracking. Although yield was low in our 1999 trial where it was planted on Mahaleb rootstock, or in the 2002 trial when planted on Mazzard, yield was highest when planted on Gisela stocks in the 2002 plot. An additional reason why yields were high in the second trial was that we utilized a late blooming variety from New York State, Hudson to pollinate Regina. Conclusions. Our results show that planting systems, which use much higher tree densities than the common central leader system combined with new precocious rootstocks and minimal pruning, can give substantial yields in the first 5 years and provide significant gross returns. With a high value crop like sweet cherries, this should help rapidly recoup the investment associated with planting a new cherry orchard (Seavert, 1997; Weber, 1998). Gauta 2006 07 25 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 08 121 References 1. A n d e r s e n, R. L., T. L. R o b i n s o n and G. A. L a n g. 1999. Managing the Gisela cherry rootstocks. New York Fruit Quarterly 7(4):1922. 2. B a l m e r, M. 2001. Sweet cherry tree densities and tree training. Compact Fruit Tree. 34(3):7577. 3. H o y i n g, S. A., T. L. R o b i n s o n and R. L. A n d e r s e n. 2001. Improving sweet cherry branching. New York Fruit Quarterly 9(1): 1922. 4. K a p p e l, F. 2002. Managing the self-fertile Lapins and Sweetheart sweet cherries in high density systems. Compact Fruit Tree. 35(4):113114. 5. L a n g, G. A. 2000. Precocious, dwarfing, and productive how will new cherry rootstocks impact the sweet cherry industry? Hort Technology. 10:719725. 6. L a n g, G. A. and D. R. O p h a r d t. 2000. Intensive crop regulation strategies in sweet cherries. Acta Hort. 514:227234. 7. L o n g, L. 2001. Cherry training systems: Selection and development. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication #543. Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon. 8. P e r r y, R. 1998. Suggested training strategies for dwarf sweet cherries. Great Lakes Fruit Growers News. 37(2):4546. 9. P e r r y, R., G. L a n g, R. A n d e r s e n, L. A n d e r s o n, A. A z a r e n k o, T. F a c t e a u, D. F e r r e e, A. G a u s, F. K a p p e l, F. M o r r i s o n, C. R o m, T. R o p e r, S. S o u t h w i c k, G. T e h r a n i and C. W a l s h. 1996. Performance of the NC-140 cherry rootstock trials in North America. Compact Fruit Tree. 29:3756. 10. R o b i n s o n, T. L. 2003. Apple orchard systems. In: D.C. Ferree and I.J. Warrington (eds.). Apples: Physiology, production and uses. CABI Publishing. Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom. 11. R o b i n s o n, T. L. 2005. Developments in high-density sweet cherry pruning and training systems around the world. Acta Hort. 667:269272. 12. R o b i n s o n, T. L., R. L. A n d e r s e n and S. A. H o y i n g. 2004. Performance of Gisela cherry rootstocks in the Northeastern United States. Acta Hort. 658:231240. 13. S e a v e r t, C. 1997. Sweet cherry orchard cost analysis: does high-density pay? Proc. Oregon Hort. Soc. 88:3442. 14. W e b e r, M. S. 1998. Labor demand and expected returns by different tree training forms and planting densities in sweet cherry orchards. Acta Hort. 2:419424. 15. Z a h n, F. G. 1994. Höhengerechter Planzabstand durch Stärkenbezogene Baumbehandlung. Erwerbsobstbau 8:213220. 122 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 113123. ÞEMAÛGIØ TREÐNIØ POSKIEPIØ PRODUKTYVUMAS JUNGTINIØ AMERIKOS VALSTIJØ ÐIAURËS RYTUOSE T. L. Robinson, S. A. Hoying, R. L. Andersen Santrauka Treðniø poskiepiai ir formavimo sistemos buvo palyginti atliekant du lauko bandymus (1999 ir 2002 m.). 1999 metø bandyme Hedelfinger veislës treðnë buvo pasodinta su trimis poskiepiais (Gisela 5, (Gi.5), Gisela 6, (Gi.6) ir MxM.2), o Lapins ir Sweetheart su Gi.5 ir Gi.6. Po 7 metø maþiausi vaismedþiai iðaugo su Gi.5, vidutiniai su Gi.6 ir didþiausi su MXM.2 poskiepiu. Didþiausià ankstyvàjá ir suminá derliø davë vaismedþiai su Gi.5, kiek maþesná su Gi.6 ir maþiausià su MXM.2. Vidutiniðkai didþiausius vaisius subrandino vaismedþiai su Gi.6, vidutinius su MXM.2 ir maþiausius su Gi.5. Ið sodinimo sistemø didþiausià suminá derliø davë vertikaliosios aðies sistema, kiek maþesná laiboji verpstë, V sistema, Marchanto V sistema, ispaniðko krûmo sistema ir centrinë lyderinë sistema. Suminis derlius daþnai priklausë nuo tankumo, taèiau Marchanto V sistema davë ið esmës maþesná, negu tikëtasi ið jos tankumo, derliø, o vertikaliosios aðies sistema davë didesná, negu tikëtasi ið jos tankumo, derliø. 2002 metø lauko bandyme Lapins, Regina ir Hudson veislës buvo pasodintos su Mazzard, Gi.12, Gi.5 ir Gi.6 poskiepiais. Po 4 metø vaismedþiai su Gi.12 buvo tokie pat dideli, kaip su Mazzard, su Gi.6 buvo vidutiniai, o su Gi.5 ið esmës maþesni. Didþiausià derliø davë vaismedþiai su Gi.5, kiek maþesná su Gi.6 ir Gi.12, o vaismedþiø su Mazzard derlius buvo gerokai maþesnis negu su visais kitais Gisela poskiepiais. Reginos veislës treðniø vaismedþiai su Gi.5 poskiepiu, suformuoti vertikalios aðies vainikais, ketvirtaisiais metais davë 12 t/ha dideliø treðniø derliø. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Prunus avium, Gisela poskiepiai, derlius, vaisiø dydis, formavimo sistema, sodinimo tankumas. 123 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 124132. INFLUENCE OF PLANTING SCHEMES AND CROWN FORMS OF APPLE TREE ON ROOTSTOCK P 60 ON PRODUCTIVITY AND FRUIT QUALITY Nobertas USELIS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT54333, Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: The experiment of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 planting schemes and crown forms was arranged at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2001. Investigations were carried out in young orchard in 20022005. There were investigated fruit trees of spindle form planted at spacings of 3 x 1.5 m, 3 x 1.25 m and 3 x 1 m; fruit trees of slender spindle form planted at spacings of 3 x 1.5 m, 3 x 1.25 m, 3 x 1 m and 3 x 0.75 m; fruit trees of free growing leader form planted at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m and fruit trees of super spindle form planted at spacing of 3 x 0.75 m. It was established that apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 starts fruiting in the third year after planting. In the third-fifth year of growth significantly lower harvest per tree was produced by super spindles and slender spindles planted most densely (at spacings of 3 x 0.75 and 3 x 1 m) in comparison to spindles and free growing leader form planted most sparsely (at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m). According to the diameter of trunk cross-section area, in most cases spindles and free growing leader form planted most sparsely (at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m) significantly are the most vigorous. The biggest fruit yield per unit of area was obtained in the densest orchard (planted at spacing of 3 x 0.75 m), where fruit trees were trained as slender spindles and super spindles, and in the orchard planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m, where fruit trees were trained as spindles. The investigated dwarf orchard constructions in young orchard influenced significantly neither the average fruit mass, nor fruit diameter. After the evaluation of orchard constructions from the biological-economical point of view we suggest to plant apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 at spacing of 3 x 1 m and to train as spindles. Key words: apple trees, P 60, planting schemes, crown forms, growth vigour, yield, productivity, fruit quality. Introduction. In the modern commercial apple tree orchards, which planting and supervision is rather expensive, it is necessary as soon as possible to get rather abundant, high quality and annual fruit yields. The planted fruit trees must be trained in such a way that they preserved the desirable crown size and form, also physiological balance between growth and fruiting; besides, that there would be good illumination of crown and favourable conditions to obtain the early marketable yield of qualitative 124 fruits. Orchard density, pruning and training directly and indirectly affect the intensity of fruit tree physiological processes. Investigations in various countries revealed that fruit quality and yield per fruit tree and from the unit of area is determined by the number of fruit trees per hectare. Many authors established that the bigger yield from the area, but the lesser one per fruit tree is obtained when fruit trees are planted more densely (Deviatov, 1997; Mika, 1998; Uselis, 2003). Fruit tree crown form most often is chosen taking into account the planting scheme. Usually fruit trees are trained as spindles of various modifications. In Poland fruit trees are trained as spindles when they are planted at spacing of 4 5 x 3 2 m and as slender spindles when they are planted at spacing of 3.5 3 x 1.5 1 m. Very densely planted fruit trees (3 x 0.8 0.5 m) are trained as super spindles or French axis crowns (Makosz, 1997). When investigating fruit tree over-ground part biology it was noticed that the more the branch is leaned over the more it produces fruits. Therefore, when training the crowns of spindle form, the shoots, which grow at vertical sharp angle, are being bent horizontally (Forshey et al. 1992; Mika, 1998). Nevertheless, the other authors noticed that crown form only slightly affected the yield and fruit quality of apple tree cultivars Jonagold, Gloster and Idared on dwarf rootstocks (Krziewinska, Mika, 1998; Szewcuk, Sosna, 1998). The aim of investigations is to analyze and to evaluate the influence of planting schemes and crown forms of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 on fruit tree yield, productivity and fruit quality in young age. Material and methods. The experiment of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 planting schemes and crown forms was arranged in 2001. Investigations were carried out in young orchard in 20022005. The scheme of the experiment: 1) spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 1.5 m (2222 trees/ha); 2) slender spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 1.5 m (2222 trees/ha); 3) free growing leader spindle, planting scheme 3 x 1.5 m (2222 trees/ha); 4) spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 1.25 m (2667 trees/ha); 5) slender spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 1.25 m (2667 trees/ha); 6) spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 1 m (3333 trees/ha); 7) slender spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 1 m (3333 trees/ha); 8) super spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees/ha); 9) slender spindle crown, planting scheme 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees/ha). The investigation consisted of 4 replications with 5 fruit trees in each, 3 of them were evaluated. There was evaluated: fruit tree flowering abundance in scores, where 0 fruit trees do not flower at all and 5 fruit trees flower very abundantly; growth vigour trunk diameter (cm2) at the height of 0.25 m, yield (kg/fruit tree and t/ha), fruit tree productivity (kg/cm2), the average fruit mass (g), and fruit diameter (mm) were measured. The data of investigation were evaluated by Anova. The changes of meteorological conditions during investigations didnt influence significantly the results, with the exception of 2004 when strong frosts in May destroyed two thirds of apple tree blossoms. 125 Results. F l o w e r i n g a b u n d a n c e a n d y i e l d. Auksis on dwarf rootstock P 60 started abundant flowering in the third year in the orchard. According to the average data of three years, the abundance of fruit tree flowering almost didnt depend on both orchard density and crown form (Table 1). Nevertheless, fruit trees of spindle form planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m flowered most abundantly in comparison with super spindles, which grew most densely. T a b l e 1. Flowering abundance and yield of apple tree cv. Auksis. Babtai, 20032005 1 l e n t e l ë. Auksio veislës obelø þydëjimo gausumas ir derlius. Babtai, 20032005 m. Orchard construction Sodo konstrukcija Flowering abundance, scores Þydëjimo gausumas balais Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, Yield, kg/fruit trees Derlius, kg/vaism. 4.3 11.79 4.3 10.37 4.4 13.14 4.6 11.50 4.4 9.76 4.7 10.23 4.4 8.61 4.0 7.51 4.3 8.61 0.68 3.091 3 x 1.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m Free growing leader / Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3 x 1.5 m Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m LSD05 / R05 The average three-year fruit yield per fruit tree revealed a tendency that more densely planted fruit trees produced poorer yield in comparison to these, which grew more sparsely (Table 1). Most densely (3 x 0.75 m and 3 x 1 m) growing super spindles trees and slender spindles trees yielded significantly worse than spindles and free growing leaders trees planted most sparsely (3 x 1.5 m). G r o w t h v i g o u r a n d p r o d u c t i v i t y. According to trunk cross-section area, spindles and free growing leaders trees planted most sparsely (3 x 1.5 m) in most cases were the most vigorous (Table 2). The most densely (3 x 0.75 m) growing fruit trees most often were significantly more slender in comparison to these, which grew more sparsely. Fruit trees of spindle form planted at spacings of 3 x 1 m and 3 x 1.25 and these of free growing leader form planted most sparsely (at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m) are the most productive (Table 2). Slender spindles growing at spacing of 3 x 1 m and super spindles growing at spacing of 3 x 0.75 m are significantly the least productive. 126 T a b l e 2. Growth vigour and productivity of apple tree cv. Auksis. Babtai, 20032005 2 l e n t e l ë. Auksio veislës obelø augumas ir produktyvumas. Babtai, 20032005 m. Orchard construction Sodo konstrukcija Spindle Trunk cross-section area in Productivity in 2003–2005 2005 / Kamienëlio skerspjûvio Produktyvumas 2003–2005 m., 2 plotas 2005 m., cm kg/cm2 19.64 1.80 Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m Free growing leader Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 1.94 18.37 2.15 16.25 2.12 15.09 1.94 15.21 2.02 16.14 1.60 13.31 1.69 13.63 1.90 2.508 0.204 3 x 1.5 m Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, 16.02 3 x 1.25 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m LSD05 / R05 Y i e l d p e r a r e a a n d f r u i t q u a l i t y. From the point of economy, it is very important what yield is being gathered per unit of area. In the first year of fruiting (2003) the most densely (at spacing of 3 x 0.75 m) planted orchard of slender spindles and orchard of spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m yielded significantly better (Table 3). During the second year of fruiting (2004) because of the strong spring frosts the yield wasnt big and did not depend on fruit tree planting scheme or their form, with the exception of more abundant yielding of free growing leaders. In the third year of fruiting, when the orchard yielded especially abundantly, the most densely planted orchard yielded significantly the most abundantly not dependently on crown form and in most cases spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m yielded significantly better (Table 3). According to the average data of three years significantly the biggest fruit yield per area unit was obtained in the densest orchard (3 x 0.75 m), where fruit trees were trained as slender spindles and super spindles. Dwarf orchard construction, where fruit trees were planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m and trained as spindles, was distinguished for abundant yield also. In the case of this orchard construction, the productivity per unit of area significantly didnt differ from the productivity of the orchard planted most densely and orchard, where spindles were planted slightly more sparsely (3 x 1.25 m). Fruit trees planted most sparsely (3 x 1.5 m) or fruit trees planted at similar spacing, but trained as slender spindles, produced significantly smaller yield per unit of area in comparison to spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m. 127 In the years of abundant yielding the average fruit mass depended neither on fruit tree density, nor on crown form (Table 4). Only it was observed a tendency that most densely planted slender spindles trees produced smaller fruits. T a b l e 3. Yield of apple tree cv. Auksis. Babtai, 20032005 3 l e n t e l ë. Auksio veislës obelø derlius, t/ha. Babtai, 20032005 m. Orchard construction Average 2003 2004 2005 Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m 23.40 7.87 47.33 26.20 Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m 18.40 10.51 40.21 23.04 Free growing leader / Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3 x 1.5 m 19.64 19.00 48.94 29.19 Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m 23.98 13.52 54.51 30.67 Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m 18.54 11.87 47.72 26.04 Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1 m 31.06 12.13 59.13 34.11 Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m 27.03 6.70 52.32 28.68 Super spindle / Superverpstë, 3 x 0.75 m 23.42 12.27 64.40 33.36 Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m 37.55 8.75 68.48 38.26 LSD05 / R05 8.978 6.262 8.165 5.389 Sodo konstrukcija Vidutiniškai T a b l e 4. Fruit mass of apple tree cv. Auksis. Babtai, 20032005 4 l e n t e l ë. Vaisiø masë, g. Babtai, 20032005 m. Orchard construction Average 2003 2005 Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m Free growing leader / Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1.5 m Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Super spindle / Superverpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m 146 151 151 147 151 146 131 154 141 125 136 120 122 133 119 125 124 114 135.5 143.5 135.5 134.5 142.0 132.5 128.0 139.0 127.5 LSD05 / R05 22.5 19.8 16.3 Sodo konstrukcija Vidutiniškai When fruits were sorted into marketable classes it was established that in the years of the average yielding (2003 and 2005) even 9194% of fruits according to their diameter corresponded to extra class requirements (Table 5). Fruit diameter significantly depended neither on fruit tree density, nor on the form of their crown. It was observed a tendency that there are more fruits of I and II class in more dense variants. The amount of unsorted fruits reached only 0.31.8% and strongly varied among different variants. 128 T a b l e 5. Distribution of apples according to diameter, %. Babtai, 20032005 5 l e n t e l ë. Obuoliø pasiskirstymas pagal skersmená, %. Babtai, 20032005 m. Extra class I and II class Unsorted 60–64 mm up to 60 mm 93.0 6.5 0.5 93.4 5.5 1.1 93.8 4.4 1.8 94.2 5.1 0.7 94.0 5.4 0.6 91.5 7.2 1.3 91.3 8.4 0.3 94.3 5.1 0.6 91.2 7.4 1.4 5.51 1.92 0.81 Orchard construction Ekstra klasë Sodo konstrukcija 65 mm and more 65 mm ir daugiau Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, I ir II klasë Nerûðiniai iki 60 mm 3 x 1.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.5 m Free growing leader / Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1.5 m Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1.25 m Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m LSD05 / R05 Discussion. Taking into account economical, agroclimatic and soil conditions it is very important in every country to choose the suitable combinations of cultivars and rootstocks and to create the optimal constructions of modern orchards. In Poland E. Makosz (1997) states that it is more economical to exploit orchards, which density is 20003000 tree/ha, than more sparse 5001200 tree/ha. Other authors are of similar opinion (Groot, 1995; Mika, 1998; Meljnik, Shestopalj, 1998; Klochko, 1999). Our investigations showed that in the case of combination of cv. Auksis and dwarf rootstock P 60 already in the third year after planting dependently on orchard constructions there was obtained high quality fruit yield (18.437.6 t/ha). Similar results with apple tree cv. Ðampion were obtained by D. Kviklys, N. Kviklienë (2005). Therefore, under Lithuanian agroclimatic conditions it is also possible to obtain abundant and qualitative fruit yields already in the young orchard, when the combination of cultivar and rootstock is suitable. The investigations showed that in the third-fifth year in the orchard fruit trees flowered abundantly and the abundance of flowering depended almost neither on crown form, nor on planting schemes. The exception was only spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m (3333 trees/ha), which flowered most abundantly (4.7 scores), and most densely (3 x 0.75 m, 4444 trees/ha) planted super spindles, which flowering was the worst (4.0 scores). Nevertheless, the investigations of photosynthetic pigments carried out in this experiment by Ðabajevienë et al. (2005) showed that 129 when apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 were densified from 2222 trees/ha up to 4444 trees/ha the amount of photosynthesis pigments and their ratio in apple tree leaves was suitable and crown forms in young age didnt inhibit photosynthesis. As well as in the investigations of the other authors (Chromenko, 2000; Slowinski, Dziuban, 2002), in this experiment also it was observed that when densifying fruit trees per unit of area both their growth vigour and productivity decreased. In most cases when fruit trees were densified from 2222 trees/ha up to 4444 trees/ha they grew and yielded significantly worse. Nevertheless, it is most important to obtain big yields per unit of area and good quality fruits. According to the data of three years, significantly the biggest yield per area was obtained when fruit trees were planted most densely (4444 trees/ha) and trained as slender spindles and super spindles. In young age spindles trees, which were planted more sparsely (3333 trees / ha), was distinguished also for abundant flowering and abundant yield. The investigation showed that in young age spindles with more branches have an advantage over slender spindles. When densifying dwarf orchards and increasing the productivity per area it is very important to guarantee good fruit quality too. Investigations showed that according to the average data, during the first three years of yielding neither fruit mass nor fruit diameter depended on neither fruit tree density nor crown forms. It may be that when orchard will grow older fruit quality will not become worse even in the densest variants, if the previsioned fruit tree forms will be preserved taking into account fruit tree planting distances. The complex evaluations of the investigated orchard constructions from the biological-economical point of view revealed that it is enough to plant apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 at spacing of 31 m (3333 trees/ha) and to train fruit trees as spindles. Conclusions. 1. Apple tree cv. Auksis on dwarf rootstock P 60 start abundant flowering and fruiting in the third year after planting. 2. According to the average three-year data (in the third-fifth years of growth) fruit trees of all constructions flower in orchard abundantly, but the flowering of spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m is the biggest one. 3. The yielding of super spindles and slender spindles trees planted most densely at spacings of 3 x 0.75 m and 3 x 1 m is the worst in comparison to the yielding of spindles and free growing leaders trees planted most sparsely at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m. 4. According to the trunk cross-section area, in most cases spindles and free growing leaders trees planted most sparsely at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m are significantly the most vigorous. 5. Spindles trees planted at spacings of 3 x 1 m and 3 x 1.25 m and free growing leaders trees planted most sparsely at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m are the most productive. Slender spindles trees growing at spacing of 3 x 1 m and super spindles trees growing at spacing of 3 x 0.75 m were significantly the least productive. 6. Significantly the biggest fruit yield per unit of area was obtained in the densest orchard of slender spindles and super spindles trees planted at spacing of 3 x 0.75 m, and in orchard of spindles trees planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m. 130 7. The investigated dwarf orchard constructions in the young orchard influence significantly neither the average fruit mass nor fruit diameter. 8. After the evaluation of orchard constructions from the biological-economical point of view we suggest to plant apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 at spacing of 3 x 1 m and to train as spindles. Acknowledgement. This work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. Gauta 2006 06 25 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 26 References 1. C h r o m e n k o V. V. Bases of productivity of cultivar, tree and plantation. / History, present and perspective of Russian horticulture. I. F. Kashin (eds.). Moscow, 2000. P. 279290. 2. D e v i a t o v A. S. Productivity of apples on dwarf rootstocks at dense planting system // Dwarf apple rootstocks in horticulture. 1997. P. 9293. 3. F o r s h e y C. G., E l f o v i n g D. C., S t e b b i n s R. L. Training and pruning apple and pear trees. Michigan, 1992. 160 p. 4. G r o o t M. J. 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Growth and productivity of dwarf apple trees in bearing orchards of various constructions // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2003. V. 22(1). P. 313. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 124132. OBELØ SU P 60 POSKIEPIU SODINIMO SISTEMØ IR VAINIKO FORMØ ÁTAKA VAISMEDÞIØ PRODUKTYVUMUI IR VAISIØ KOKYBEI N. Uselis Santrauka Auksio veislës obelø su P 60 poskiepiu sodinimo schemø ir vainiko formø bandymas árengtas 2001 m. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute. Tyrimai atlikti jauname sode 20022005 m. Tirti paprastosios verpstës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 1,5 m, 3 x 1,25 m ir 3 x 1 m atstumais, laibosios verpstës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 1,5 m, 3 x 1,25 m, 3 x 1 m ir 3 x 0,75 m, laisvai auganèios lyderinës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 1,5 m, ir superverpstës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 0,75 m atstumais. Nustatyta, kad Auksio veislës obelys su þemaûgiu P 60 poskiepiu gausiai þydëti ir derëti pradeda treèiaisiais po sodinimo metais. Treèiaisiaispenktaisiais augimo metais ið esmës prasèiausiai dera tankiausiai 3 x 0,75 m ir 3 x 1 m atstumais auginami superverpstës ir laibosios verpstës vaismedþiai, palyginti su reèiausiai 3 x 1,5 m atstumais pasodintais paprastosios verpstës ir laisvai auganèios lyderinës formos vaismedþiais. Pagal kamienëlio skerspjûvio plotà daugeliu atvejø reèiausiai pasodinti (3 x 1,5 m) paprastosios verpstës ir laisvai auganèios lyderinës formos vaismedþiai yra ið esmës augiausi. Ið esmës didþiausias vaisiø derlius ið ploto vieneto gautas tankiausiame 3 x 0,75 m atstumais pasodintame sode, kur vaismedþiai suformuoti laibosios verpstës ir superverpstës vainikais, ir 3 x 1 m atstumais pasodintame sode, kur vaismedþiai suformuoti paprastosios verpstës formos vainikais. Tirtos jauno þemaûgio sodo konstrukcijos neturi esminës átakos nei vaisiø vidutinei masei, nei jø pasiskirstymui pagal skersmená. Ávertinus sodo konstrukcijas biologiniu ir ûkiniu poþiûriu, siûloma Auksio obelis su þemaûgiu P 60 poskiepiu sodinti 3 x 1 m atstumais ir vaismedþius formuoti paprastosios verpstës formos vainikais. Reikðminiai þodþiai: augumas, derlingumas, obelys, P 60, produktyvumas, sodinimo sistemos, vainiko formos, vaisiø kokybë. 132 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 133143. INFLUENCE OF PLANTING SCHEMES AND CROWN FORMS ON PRODUCTIVITY AND FRUIT QUALITY OF APPLE TREES ON ROOTSTOCK P 22 Nobertas USELIS, Gintarë ÐABAJEVIENË, Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT54333, Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: The experiment of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22 planting schemes and crown forms was arranged at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2001. Investigations were carried out in young orchard in 20022005. There were investigated fruit trees of spindle form planted at spacing of 3 x 1.5 m; fruit trees of slender spindle form planted at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m and 3 x 1 m; fruit trees of free growing leader form planted at spacing of 3 x 1 m and fruit trees of super spindle form planted at spacing of 3 x 0.75 m, 3 x 0.5 m and 3 x 0.25 m. Slender spindles and super spindles also were investigated in V system. It was established that apple tree cv. Auksis on super dwarf rootstock P 22 start abundant flowering already in the second year after planting. Fruit tree yield in young age depended on planting schemes and almost didnt depend on canopy form. Most sparsely (3 x 1 m) planted fruit trees produced the biggest yield per tree 3.984.57 kg. Super spindles planted most densely in V system and super spindles planted at spacings of 3 x 0.25 m and 3 x 0.5 m were distinguished for the biggest average yield per unit of area, correspondingly 32.82 t/ha and 26.1427.54 t/ha. The smallest yield per unit of area was obtained in most sparsely (3 x 1 m) planted variants (13.2615.22 t/ha). Both the average fruit mass and fruit size according to the diameter of the most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees were significantly smaller in comparison to the fruits of more sparsely grown fruit trees. After the complex evaluation of orchard constructions from the biological-economical point of view we suggest to plant apple tree cv. Auksis on super dwarf rootstock P 22 at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m (6667 trees / ha) and to train as super spindles. Key words: apple trees, P 22, planting schemes, canopy forms, growth vigour, yield, productivity, fruit quality. Introduction. The growing of dessert apples in Lithuania is one of the priority commercial horticulture trends. Therefore taking into account climatic and economical conditions in the country the technologies of dessert fruit growing are being constantly improved. The main purpose is to create the technologies, which allow cultivating high quality dessert apple yields. This is especially important, because Lithuania entered EU and competition in fruit market became extremely ardent. One of the 133 most important questions in commercial fruit growing is to choose properly the combination of cultivar and rootstock ant to introduce the optimal orchard construction. In the last century the transition from the vigorous and sparsely planted orchards to much more intensive densely planted semi-dwarf and dwarf orchards took place (Uselis, 2002). Nevertheless, when intensifying horticulture various investigators obtain different results. Slowinski and Dziuban (2002) investigations showed that when orchards were densified from 2020 to 6040 trees / ha fruit tree productivity decreased, but the yield per unit of area increased and fruit quality didnt worsen. Intensive orchards were investigated by many scientists in various countries (Sansavini et al., 1980; Ystaas et al., 1994; Callesen, 1995; Widmer and Krebs, 2001; Szczygel et al., 2000). Lakso and Robinson (1997) established that the yield of fruit trees was positively related to leaf area and light interception. There are a lot of opinions that when fruit trees are densified too much fruit quality very worsen because of the insufficient illumination (Mika et al., 2000; Ystaas et al., 1994; LicznarMalanczuk, 2001; Sadowski et al. 2001). The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the influence of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22 planting schemes canopy forms on fruit tree yield, productivity and fruit quality in young age. Material and methods. The experiment of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22 planting schemes and canopy forms was arranged in 2001. Investigations were carried out in young orchard in 20022005. The scheme of the experiment: 1) spindle, planting scheme 3 x 1 m (3333 trees/ha); 2) slender spindle, planting scheme 3 x 1 m (3333 trees/ha); 3) free growing leader form, planting scheme 3 x 1 m (333 trees/ha); 4) super spindle, planting scheme 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees/ha); 5) slender spindle, planting scheme 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees/ha); 6) super spindle, planting scheme 3 x 0.5 m (6667 trees/ha); 7) super spindle in V system, planting scheme 3 x 0.5 m (6667 trees/ha); 8) slender spindle in V system, planting scheme 3 x 0.5 m (6667 trees/ha); 9) super spindle, planting scheme 3 x 0.25 m (13 333 trees/ha); 10) super spindle in V system, planting scheme 3 x 0.25 m (13333 trees/ha). The investigation consisted of 4 replications with 5 fruit trees in each, 3 of them were accounting. There was evaluated: fruit tree flowering abundance in scores, (0 fruit trees do not flower at all and 5 fruit trees flower very abundantly); trunk diameter (cm2) at the height of 0.25 m, yield (kg/fruit tree and t/ha), fruit tree productivity (kg/cm2 of trunk cross section area (TCSA), the average fruit mass (g), and fruit diameter (mm). The data of investigation were evaluated by ANOVA statistical program. The changes of meteorological conditions during investigations didnt influence significantly the means, which were being analyzed, with the exception of 2004 when strong frosts in May destroyed two thirds of apple tree blossoms. Results. Flowering abundance and yield. Auksis on super dwarf rootstock P 22 started abundant flowering already in the second year after planting. Even though most abundantly apple trees flowered in the fifth year of growth, the average flowering abundance during 4 years was very high and reached 44.4 scores 134 (Table 1). The abundance of fruit tree flowering significantly depended neither on planting schemes, nor on canopy form. T a b l e 1. Flowering abundance and yield of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22, 20022005 1 l e n t e l ë. Auksio veislës obelø su P 22 poskiepiu þydëjimo gausumas ir derlius 20022005 m. Flowering abundance, scores Orchard construction Sodo konstrukcija Vidutinis derlius, kg/vaism. 4.3 3.98 4.2 4.27 4.4 4.57 4.2 4.24 4.4 4.01 4.4 3.92 4.1 3.56 4.4 3.26 4.0 2.06 4.1 2.46 0.61 1.192 Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, Averige yield, kg/trees Þydëjimo gausumas balais 3x1m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Free growing leader Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1m Super spindle 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.25 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.25 m LSD05 / R05 Superverpstë, The average four-year fruit yield per fruit tree almost didnt depend on fruit tree canopy form (Table 1). Investigations showed that fruit trees yield depended on planting schemes. Fruit trees planted most sparsely (3 x 1 m) yielded best of all (3.984.57 kg / trees). When densifying fruit trees their yield although not significantly decreased. Only most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees yielded significantly worst of all (2,062,46 kg / trees) (Table 1). F r u i t t r e e g r o w t h v i g o u r a n d p r o d u c t i v i t y. According to the diameter of trunk cross-section area, fruit trees planted most sparsely (3 x 1 m and 3 x 0.75 m) at the end of investigation were the most vigorous (Table 2). The most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees grew significantly weakly of all. Also in most cases fruit trees planted at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m grew significantly worse in comparison to these, which grew more sparsely. Fruit trees grown most densely (3 x 0.25 m) significantly were the most productive (Table 2). Fruit tree productivity didnt depend on canopy form and in most cases didnt depend on planting distances when fruit trees were planted at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m and more sparsely. 135 T a b l e 2. Growth vigour and productivity of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22, 20032005 2 l e n t e l ë. Auksio veislës obelø su P 22 poskiepiu augumas ir produktyvumas 20032005 m. Trunk cross-section area (TCSA), 2005 Orchard construction Sodo konstrukcija Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, Productivity, 2002–2005, kg/cm2 of TCSA Kamienëlio skerspjûvio plotas 2 (KSP) 2005 m., cm Produktyvumas 2002–2005 m., kg/cm2 KSP 9.56 2.40 11.13 2.61 10.70 2.34 10.18 2.40 10.52 2.62 8.88 2.26 8.05 2.26 9.30 2.85 7.20 3.50 7.67 3.11 1.523 0.871 3x1m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Free growing leader Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1m Super spindle 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.25 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.25 m LSD05 / R05 Superverpstë, Y i e l d p e r a r e a a n d f r u i t q u a l i t y. The first yield in the second year after planting strongly depended on fruit tree density (Table 3). The least yield per unit of area was produced by the most sparsely planted fruit trees (8.179.61 t/ha). When the number of fruit trees per hectare increased, the yield of orchard increased also. The doubling of the number of fruit trees per unit of area produced significantly bigger yield, and the biggest yield was obtained when the orchard was planted most densely (3 x 0.25 m) (23.3426.86 t/ha). It was observed that in young age fruit tree forms didnt influence significantly orchard yield. Ne x t year, after the big first yield, the second yield was smaller and very varied. In most cases there werent significant differences of yielding among the different variants (Table 3). In 2004 during apple tree flowering there were strong frosts, which injured most blossoms and therefore fruit yield was very poor. Next year the biggest apple yield was obtained in the ex periment (3380 t/ha). In the most productive year the poorest yield was obtained from the most sparsely (3 x 1 m) planted orchard (Table 3). When increasing fruit tree number per unit of area, orchard yield increases also and when orchard is planted at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m and 3 x 0.25 m the increase 136 of yield is significant. Most densely planted super spindles in V system were distinguished for the biggest yield (80 t/ha). Super spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 0.25 m and 3 x 0.5 m also were distinguished for very big yield. T a b l e 3. The yield of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22, 20022005 3 l e n t e l ë. Auksio veislës obelø su P 22 poskiepiu derlius, t/ha 20022005 m. Yield / Derlius, t/ha Orchard construction Sodo konstrukcija Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, average 2002 2003 2004 2005 9.61 5.83 4.51 33.11 13.26 9.32 8.69 4.40 34.45 14.22 8.17 11.58 4.60 36.55 15.22 11.23 8.29 5.30 50.58 18.85 10.56 12.33 5.41 42.98 17.82 14.68 19.96 6.90 63.00 26.14 16.50 15.05 7.20 56.15 23.72 14.85 14.88 7.01 50.12 21.72 26.86 11.21 8.98 63.10 27.54 23.34 18.36 9.25 80.33 32.82 5.057 10.630 4.011 18.251 9.251 vidutiniškai 3x1m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Free growing leader Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.25 m Super spindle, form V Superverpstë, V system, 3 x 0.25 m LSD05 / R05 The average yield data during four years showed that like in the most productive year the least yield per unit of area was obtained in the most sparsely planted orchards (13.2615.22 t/ha) (Table 3). In most cases significantly more abundantly yielded the orchard planted at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m and 3 x 0.25 m. The most densely planted super spindles trained in V system (32.82 t/ha) and super spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 0.25 m and 3 x 0.5 m (26.1427.54 t/ha) were distinguished for the most abundant average yield. Investigating fruit quality it was established that in very productive years (20022005) the average fruit mass was smaller than that in not productive 2003 (Table 4). In the first year of yielding the average fruit mass depended neither on crown form, nor on planting scheme. Was observed the tendency that the most densely grown fruit trees produced the smallest fruits. Super spindles planted at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m were distinguished for significantly bigger fruits than these of the same fruit trees planted twice more densely (3 x 0.25 m). In the extremely productive year 2005 the average fruit mass significantly depended neither on planting schemes, nor on canopy forms. 137 T a b l e 4. Fruit mass, g. 20022005 4 l e n t e l ë. Vaisiø masë, g 20022005 m. Fruit mass / Vaisiø masë, g Orchard construction Sodo konstrukcija Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, average 2002 2003 2005 118.8 152.5 128.3 133.2 126.8 153.2 133.7 137.9 131.8 139.5 129.0 133.4 127.3 143.0 128.5 132.9 117.0 139.8 135.6 130.8 141.5 137.0 121.9 133.5 128.8 139.0 121.6 129.8 128.3 138.5 123.5 130.1 105.8 130.2 120.4 118.8 106.5 131.5 124.0 120.7 29.93 18.84 14.52 11.71 vidutiniškai 3x1m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Free growing leader Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1m Super spindle 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.25 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.25 m LSD05 / R05 Superverpstë, The average three year data showed that the average fruit mass was significantly smaller only of the most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees (Table 4). In the other orchard constructions the mass of fruits was almost the same. The data of fruit calibration showed that in most cases the tendency prevailed that spindles and slender spindles planted most sparsely produced the fruits of the biggest diameter (Table 5). The most densely (3 x 0.25 m) grown fruit trees produced significantly the smallest fruits. Discussion. When intensifying commercial fruit growing further on, it is very important that the optimal rootstock, which corresponds to the agroclimatic conditions of the country, would be chosen for the main commercial apple tree cultivars and the rational construction of the commercial orchard would be created. The average vigorous apple tree cv. Auksis was chosen for the investigations and it was expected to densify orchard maximally and to obtain the abundant and good quality fruit yields. Investigations showed that apple tree cv. Auksis on super dwarf rootstock P 22 flowered abundantly already in the second year after planting. According to the average four-year data, flowering abundance depended neither on fruit tree canopy form, nor on planting schemes, but fruit trees were of different growth vigour. It was established that according to trunk cross-section area the most sparsely (3 x 1 m and 3 x 0.75 m) grown fruit trees were the most vigorous, and the most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees grew significantly less. The similar results 138 were obtained by other researchers also (Deviatov, 1997; Mika, 1998; Chromenko, 2000; Uselis, 2003). Therefore, when the orchard is densified, even though fruit trees flower abundantly, their growth vigour and fruit yield per fruit tree decreases. On the other hand, investigations carried out by Ðabajevienë et al. (2006) showed that in this experiment, in all combinations of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22 orchard densities (3 x 1 m; 3 x 0.75 m; 3 x 0.5 m; 3 x 0.25 m) and canopy forms there was enough of photosynthesis pigments and ratio of chlorophylls a/b were sufficient and did not inhibit photosynthesis. Consequently, there is the foundation for the abundant yields. T a b l e 5. Distribution of apples according to the diameter, %, 20022005 5 l e n t e l ë. Obuoliø pasiskirstymas pagal skersmená, % 20022005 m. Literature data show that yield of the different fruit tree branches significantly Extra class. Fruit diameters 65 mm and more Ekstra klasë. Vaisiø skersmuo – 65 mm ir daugiau Orchard construction Sodo konstrukcija Spindle Paprastoji verpstë, average 2002 2003 2005 90.2 93.2 94.7 92.7 79.2 96.6 94.5 90.2 80.4 98.0 87.4 88.6 85.4 93.4 88.5 89.1 78.6 94.5 88.4 87.2 85.3 95.5 86.2 89.0 83.6 95.9 81.5 87.0 80.3 95.7 84.5 86.8 59.7 86.8 85.0 77.2 71.4 87.2 85.8 81.5 12.22 10.54 11.05 8.51 vidutiniškai 3x1m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Free growing leader Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1m Super spindle 3 x 0.75 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.75 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.5 m Slender spindle Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0.5 m Super spindle Superverpstë, 3 x 0.25 m Super spindle, V system Superverpstë, V forma, 3 x 0.25 m LSD05 / R05 Superverpstë, depends on the position of the branch. If the branch is growing upward, the growth prevails and yielding is being inhibited and vice versa if the branch is horizontal or hung down the yielding prevails and growth processes are being inhibited (Forshey et al., 1992; Mika, 1998). Other investigators state that canopy forms do not influence fruit tree yield (Krzewinska, Mika, 1998; Szewcuk, Sosna, 1998). Our investigations showed that this process significantly depends on the growth vigour of the combination 139 of cultivar and rootstock. However, when growing the averagely vigorous cultivar on super dwarf rootstock the growth is moderate and irrespective of the branch growth upward (free growing leader), horizontal (spindle), downward (slender spindle) all the branches grow moderately and yield abundantly. It is thought that for the combinations of moderate vigorous cultivar and super dwarf rootstock this is determined not by canopy form, but by the effect of the interaction of rootstock and cultivar. Fruit tree productivity, which includes fruit tree yield and growth vigour, showed that in most cases averagely vigorous fruit trees on super dwarf rootstock P 22 planted at different distances and trained differently did not differ by their productivity. Very densely planted fruit trees, which though yielded worse, but also grew much more poorly, were significantly most productive ones. From the biological-economical point of view, it is extremely important to obtain the abundant and high quality fruit yields per unit of area. Makosz (1997) states that it is more economical to exploit the orchards, which density is 20003000 trees / ha, than more sparse ones 5001200 trees / ha. Our investigations included even higher orchard density. The results showed that super spindles trained in V system and planted at spacing of 3 x 0.25 m and super spindles trained in V system and planted at spacing of 3 x 0.25 m and 3 x 0.5 m were distinguished for the biggest average yield. The least yield per unit of area was obtained in the most sparsely (3 x 1 m) planted variants. At the same time it is necessary to evaluate that both the average fruit mass and fruit size according to diameter of the most densely (3 x 0.25 m) grown fruit trees were significantly smaller in comparison with fruits of the more sparsely grown fruit trees. The complex evaluation of the investigated apple tree cv. Auksis on super dwarf rootstock P 22 orchard constructions revealed the optimal orchard construction for this combination of cultivar and rootstock super spindles grown at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m. This orchard construction produces one of the best yields. Moreover, it is very important that fruit average mass and size according to the diameter is characteristic to this combination of cultivar-rootstock and do not get smaller as in denser variants of the experiment. Conclusions. 1. Apple tree cv. Auksis on super dwarf rootstock P 22 start abundant flowering already in the second year after planting. The abundance of fruit tree flowering significantly depends neither on planting schemes, nor on crown forms. 2. Fruit tree yield in young age depend on planting schemes and almost doesnt depend on canopy form. Most sparsely (3 x 1 m) planted fruit trees produced the biggest yield (3.984.57 kg/trees). The most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees yielded significantly less of all (2.062.46 kg/trees). 3. According to the trunk diameter area the most vigorous are the most sparsely (3 x 1 m and 3 x 0.75 m) planted fruit trees. The most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees grew significantly less of all. 4. Significantly the most productive were the most densely (3 x 0.25 m) grown fruit trees. Productivity of fruit trees on rootstock P 22 doesnt depend on canopy form and in most cases doesnt depend on planting distance also when fruit trees are planted at spacing 3 x 0.5 m and more sparsely. 140 5. Super spindles planted most densely in V system and super spindles planted at spacings 3 x 0.25 m and 3 x 0.5 m were distinguished for the biggest average yield per unit of area, correspondingly 32.82 t/ha and 26.1427.54 t/ha. The smallest yield per unit of area was obtained in most sparsely (3 x 1 m) planted variants (13.26 15.22 t/ha). 6. Both the average fruit mass and fruit diameter of the most densely (3 x 0.25 m) planted fruit trees were significantly smaller in comparison to the fruits of more sparsely grown fruit trees. Fruit mass and fruit diameter in the orchards of other constructions were almost the same. 7. After the complex evaluation of orchard constructions from the biologicaleconomical point of view we suggest to plant apple tree cv. Auksis on super dwarf rootstock P 22 at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m (6667 fruit trees / ha) and to train as super spindles. Acknowledgement. This work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. Gauta 2006 06 27 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 26 References 1. C a l l e s e n O. Performance of Discovery apple on M.9, M.26 and MM.106 rootstocks at two densities // J. Hort. Sci. 1995. V. 69(2). P. 305313. 2. C h r o m e n k o V. V. Bases of productivity of cultivar, tree and plantation / History, present and perspective of Russian horticulture. I.F. Kashin (eds.). Moscow, 2000. P. 279290. 3. D e v i a t o v A. S. Productivity of apples on dwarf rootstocks at dense planting system // Dwarf apple rootstocks in horticulture. 1997. P. 9293. 4. F o r s h e y C. G., E l f o v i n g D. C., S t e b b i n s R. L. Training and pruning apple and pear trees. Michigan, 1992. 160 p. 5. K r z e w i n s k a D., M i k a A. 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Wplyw systemow sadzienia, formowania I ciêcia jabloni Glister szczepionych na podkladkach skarlaj¹cych na plonowanie intercepcjê igystrybucjê swiatla slonecznego w koronach drzew. // Zesz. Nauk. Inst. Sad. I Kw. Skierniewicah, 2000. T. 8. P. 99116. 11. S a d o w s k i A., B u c k o J., G u z e w s k i W. et all. Naswietlenie w ronych czêsciach korony I wybarwienie jablek Jonagold, w zalenosci od zagêszczenia drzew w sadzie // Jakosc Owocow W Obliczu Globalizacji Producji Sadowniczej. 2001. 74 p. 12. S a n s a v i n i S., B a s s i D., G i u n c h i L. Tree efficiency and fruit quality in high-density apple orchards // Acta Hort. 1980. V. 114. P. 114136. 13. S l o w i n s k i A., D z i u b a n R. Growth, cropping and fruit quality of Gloster and Elstar apple trees at two planting densities // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2002. V. 21(3). P. 113117. 14. S z e w c u k A., S o s n a I. Development of model of intensive apple orchard at Dalnego Slaska climatic conditions // Proc. Horticulture in Central and Eastern Europe. Lublin, 1998. P. 213220. 15. S z c z y g i e l A., K a d z i k F., M i k a A. Wplyw systemow I gênstosci sadzienia na wzrost I owocowanie 4 odmian jabloni na pogorzu Karpackim. // Zesz. Nauk. Inst. Sad. I Kw. Skierniewicah. 2000. T. 8. P. 8797. 16. Ð a b a j e v i e n ë G., U s e l i s N., D u c h o v s k i s P. Investigation of photosynthesis pigments of cultivar Auksis in high density orchards of different contruction. // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2005. V. 24(4). P. 5764. 17. U s e l i s N. Evolution of orchard constructions in Lithuania // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë Babtai, 2002. V. 21(3). P. 98112. 18. U s e l i s N. Growth and productivity of dwarf apple trees in bearing orchards of various constructions // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2003. V. 22(1). P. 313. 19. W i d m e r A., K e r b s C. Influence of planting density and tree form on yield and fruit quality of Golden Delicious and Royal Gala apples // Acta Horticulturae. 2001. V. 557. P. 235241. 20. Y s t a a s J., H o v l a n d O., K v a l e A. Effect of tree density on productivity and fruit quality of Red Gravenstein on rootstocks M.9 and M.26 in singlerow system // Norwegian J. Agric. Sci. 1994. V. 8. P. 6974. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 133143. SODINIMO SCHEMØ IR VAINIKO FORMØ ÁTAKA VAISMEDÞIØ SU P 22 POSKIEPIU PRODUKTYVUMUI IR VAISIØ KOKYBEI N. Uselis, G. Ðabajevienë, P. Duchovskis Santrauka Auksio veislës obelø su P 22 poskiepiu sodinimo schemø ir vainiko formø bandymas árengtas 2001 m. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute. Tyrimai atlikti jauname sode 20022005 m. Tirti paprastosios verpstës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 1,5 m atstumais, laibosios verpstës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 1 m ir 3 x 0,5 m, laisvai auganèios lyderinës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 1 m, ir superverpstës formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 0,75 m, 3 x 0,5 m ir 3 x 0,25 m atstumais. Laibosios verpstës ir 142 superverpstës formos vaismedþiai dar tirti ir V formos konstrukcijos sode. Nustatyta, kad Auksio veislës obelys su labai þemu P 22 poskiepiu gausiai pradeda þydëti jau antraisiais po sodinimo metais. Jaunø vaismedþiø derlingumas priklauso nuo sodinimo schemø ir beveik nepriklauso nuo vainiko formos. Gausiausiai dera reèiausiai (3 x 1 m) pasodinti vaismedþiai (3,984,57 kg/vaism.). Gausiausiu vidutiniu derlingumu ið ploto vieneto iðsiskyrë tankiausiai V formos konstrukcijos sode pasodinti superverpstës formos vaismedþiai (32,82 t/ha) ir tokios pat formos vaismedþiai, pasodinti 3 x 0,25 m ir 3 x 0,5 m atstumais (26,1427,54 t/ha). Maþiausias derlius ið ploto vieneto gautas reèiausiai (3 x 1 m) pasodintuose variantuose (13,2615,22 t/ha). Tankiausiai (3 x 0,25 m) auginamø vaismedþiø ir vidutinë vaisiaus masë, ir vaisiø skersmuo buvo ið esmës maþesni, palyginti su reèiau auganèiø vaismedþiø vaisiais. Kompleksiðkai biologiniu ir ûkiniu poþiûriu ávertinus tirtas sodo konstrukcijas, vidutinio augumo Auksio veislës vaismedþius su labai þemu P 22 poskiepiu siûloma sodinti 3 x 0,5 m atstumais (6667 vaism./ha) ir formuoti superverpstës formos vainikus. Reikðminiai þodþiai: augumas, derlingumas, obelys, sodinimo schemos, P 22, produktyvumas, vainikø formos, vaisiø kokybë. 143 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 144150. COMPARISON OF 18 ROOTSTOCKS FOR APPLE TREE CV. ELISE IN V PLANTING SYSTEM Dariusz WRONA, Andrzej SADOWSKI Department of Pomology, Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland. E-mail: The experiment was set up on a fertile alluvial soil, at the Warsaw-Wilanów Experimental Station, Central Poland, in spring of 2000. Apple trees of cv. Elise were planted on 18 rootstocks of different origin and grew in V planting system. Different rootstocks were classified into three groups, depending on expected tree vigour: semidwarfing (P 14, P 60, B.396 and M.26), dwarfing (B.9, B.146, P 2, P 59 and seven subclones of M.9 EMLA, Burgmer 984 & 751, T339, Pajam 1, Pajam 2, RN29) and superdwarfing (M.27, P 16, PB-4). Trees on rootstocks assumed as semi-dwarfing were spaced at a distance of 3.8 × 1.0 m, on dwarfing at a distance of 3.5 × 0.7 m and on superdwarfing at a distance of 3.2 × 0.5 m. The trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) after 6 years on semidwarfing rootstocks was the greatest on P 14; vigour of trees on other rootstocks was similar. The cumulative yield per tree (20012005) was the lowest on M.26. Fruit size did not depend on the rootstock. The cropping efficiency coefficient (CEC) was the highest of trees on B.396 and the lowest on P 14. On rootstocks considered as dwarfing, TCSA after six years was the smallest on P 59 and the largest on M.9 EMLA; vigour of trees on other subclones of M.9 was smaller and similar. The lowest cumulative yield per tree was obtained on P 59 and the highest on M.9 751, M.9 984 and M.9 EMLA. Fruit size was similar and did not depend on rootstock. The CEC was the highest on P 59. On superdwarfing rootstock trees on PB 4 were the smallest. The highest cumulative yield per tree gave the trees on P 16, while on PB 4 the lowest one. Fruit size did not depend on the type of superdwarfing rootstock. In this group, CEC was the highest for trees on P 16. Key words: apple, tree vigour, planting density, productivity, cumulative yield, cropping efficiency, fruit size. Introduction. For intensive planting system of apple fruit orchard, the ideal tree is one that does not grow too vigorously, is early and regular bearing, and produce high quality fruits (Wertheim, 1989; Vebster, 1992; Vercammen, 2004). M.9 EMLA is considered as standard and the most commonly used dwarfing rootstock for high-density apple orchards. Its popularity is due to its moderate vigour, high precocity of bearing, productivity of trees grown on it and good fruit size. Many experiments with apple rootstocks have been carried out in different countries searching 144 for rootstocks best adapted to local climatic and soil conditions (Ferree et al., 1995; Riesen and Monney, 1996; Quamme et al., 1999; Czynczyk et al., 2001; Sadowski et al., 2004). The aim of our experiment was to assess eighteen rootstocks of different origin and vigour for cultivar Elise planted in the V system. Material and methods. The experiment was set up on a fertile salty loam alluvial soil, at the Warsaw-Wilanów Experimental Station, Central Poland, in spring of 2000. Apple trees Elise on 18 rootstocks of different origin and vigour were planted and trained in the V planting system. Different rootstocks were classified into three groups, depending on expected tree vigour: semi-dwarfing (P 14, P 60, B.396 and M.26), dwarfing (B.9, B.146, P 2, P 59 and seven subclones of M.9 EMLA, Burgmer 984 & 751, T339, Pajam 1, Pajam 2, RN29) and superdwarfing (M.27, P 16, PB-4). Trees on rootstocks assumed as semi-dwarfing were spaced at a distance of 3.8 × 1.0 m (2631 trees/ha), on dwarfing at a distance of 3.5 × 0.7 m (4082 trees/ha) and on superdwarfing at a distance of 3.2 × 0.5 m (6250 trees/ha). Each rootstock was represented by 10 trees per plot, in four replications. Alleyways were under sward and herbicide strips were maintained along tree rows. After six years, tree growth was estimated by the trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) derived from diameter measurements at 30 cm above the ground. The yield was harvested every year and in this paper is presented as cumulative yield of five years (20012005). Mean fruit mass was also determined. The cropping efficiency coefficient (CEC) was calculated as a cumulative yield to the final TCSA ratio. The results were elaborated by analysis of variance, separately for each group of rootstocks. For evaluation of significance of differences between treatment means the Newman-Keuls test was used, at α=0.05. Results. After six years in the orchard (spring of 2006) the TCSA on semidwarfing rootstocks was the largest on P 14. The vigour of trees on other rootstocks was similar (Table 1). The cumulative yield per tree (20012005) was the lowest on M.26. Fruit size did not depend on the rootstock (Table 2). The cumulative cropping efficiency coefficient (CEC) was the highest for trees on B.396 and the lowest on P 14 (Table 5). On rootstocks considered as dwarfing, TCSA after six years was the smallest on P 59 and the largest on M.9 EMLA. No significant differences in vigour between the different subclones of M.9 were noted (Table 1). The lowest cumulative yield per tree was obtained on P 59 and the highest on M.9 751, M.9 984 and M.9 EMLA. Fruit size was similar and did not depend on rootstock (Table 3). The CEC was the highest on P 59 (Table 5). On superdwarfing rootstocks the lowest TCSA had trees on PB 4, significantly higher on M.27 and the highest on P 16 (Table 1). The highest cumulative yield per tree gave the trees on P 16, while on PB 4 the lowest. Fruit size did not depend on the type of superdwarfing rootstock (Table 4). In this group, CEC was the highest for trees on P 16 (Table 5). 145 T a b l e 1. Size of apple tree cv. Elise six years after planting (spring of 2006) 1 l e n t e l ë. Elise veislës obelø dydis, praëjus ðeðeriems metams po pasodinimo, 2006 m. pavasaris Trunk crossSemidwarfing sectional area rootstock (TCSA) Pusiau þemaûgiai poskiepiai Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP), Dwarfing rootstock Þemaûgiai poskiepiai Trunk crosssectional area Superdwarfing (TCSA) rootstock Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP), cm2 P 14 P 60 B.396 M.26 36.0 b 20.16 a 18.60 a 22.15 a Trunk crosssectional area (TCSA) Nykštukiniai poskiepiai Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP), cm2 18.83 d 16.93 cd 16.68 cd 14.79 bc 14.74 bc 17.74 cd 14.66 bc 4.40 bc 12.11 b 15.95 cd 7.23 a M.9 EMLA M.9 984 M.9 751 M.9 T339 M.9 Pajam 1 M.9 Pajam 2 M.9 RN29 B.9 B.146 P2 P 59 cm2 M.27 P 16 PB 4 7.65 b 8.20 b 5.69 a T a b l e 2. The cumulative yield (20012005) and mean fruit mass of apple tree cv. Elise on semi-dwarfing rootstocks 2 l e n t e l ë. Elise veislës obelø su pusiau þemaûgiais poskiepiais suminis derlius (20012005 m.) ir vidutinë vaisiaus masë Rootstock Yield (kg tree-1) Mean fruit mass Poskiepis Derlius, kg medis-1 Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, g P 14 P 60 B.396 M.26 49.9 b 50.3 b 56.8 b 42.1 a 220 a 225 a 233 a 222 a T a b l e 3. The cumulative yield (20012005) and mean fruit mass of apple tree cv. Elise on dwarfing rootstocks 3 l e n t e l ë. Elise veislës obelø su þemaûgiais poskiepiais suminis derlius (20012005 m.) ir vidutinë vaisiaus masë Rootstock Yield (kg tree-1) Mean fruit mass Poskiepis Derlius, kg medis-1 Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, g M.9 EMLA M.9 984 M.9 751 M.9 T339 M.9 Pajam 1 M.9 Pajam 2 M.9 RN29 B.9 B.146 P2 P 59 231 a 230 a 239 a 230 a 237 a 240 a 231 a 226 a 230 a 230 a 217 a 49.3 b 48.5 b 50.1 b 43.7 ab 46.9 ab 46.0 ab 39.2 ab 43.2 ab 38.9 ab 37.4 ab 31.3 a 146 T a b l e 4. The cumulative yield (20012005) and mean fruit mass of apple tree cv. Elise on superdwarfing rootstocks 4 l e n t e l ë. Elise veislës obelø su nykðtukiniais poskiepiais suminis derlius (20012005 m.) ir vidutinë vaisiaus masë Rootstock Yield (kg tree-1) Poskiepis Derlius, kg medis-1 M.27 P 16 PB 4 Mean fruit mass Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, 21.9 b 29.5 c 16.6 a g 166 a 176 a 162 a T a b l e 5. Cropping efficiency coefficient of apple tree cv. Elise 5 l e n t e l ë. Elise veislës obelø produktyvumas Semidwarfing CEC rootstock Produktyvumas, Pusiau þemaûgiai kg cm-2 poskiepiai P 14 P 60 B.396 M.26 1.39 a 2.51 b 3.12 c 1.90 a Dwarfing rootstock Þemaûgiai poskiepiai Superdwarfing CEC CEC rootstock Produktyvumas, Produktyvumas, Nykštukiniai kg cm-2 kg cm-2 poskiepiai 2.63 a 2.88 a 3.00 a 3.03 a 3.22 a 2.64 a 2.66 a 3.02 a 3.19 a 2.36 a 4.34 b M.9 EMLA M.9 984 M.9 751 M.9 T339 M.9 Pajam 1 M.9 Pajam 2 M.9 RN29 B.9 B.146 P2 P 59 M.27 P 16 PB 4 2.88 a 3.65 b 2.93 a Discussion. Kurlus and Ugolik (1996), Sadowski et al. (1997) and Wlosek and Jadczuk (1998) reported that trees on P 14 showed the highest vigour; branches of trees spaced at 1 m in the row overlapped, and this indicated that this rootstock was too vigorous in comparison with other rootstocks classified as semi-dwarfing and dwarfing. Czynczyk et al. (2001) confirmed their opinion that trees on P 14 grew too vigorously in the first years only. Later the growth of trees on P 14 is usually much weaker. Results of above-mentioned authors partly confirmed our experiment. The growth of trees on P 14 was stronger than M.26 and other rootstock, both at the first years after planting and after six years. Fruit bud formation on P 14 was delayed, and CEC was the lowest. Similar results were also obtained by Skrzyñski and Poniedziaùek (2000) and Sùowiñski (2004). In the present study none of the M.9 subclone had any consistent effect on the trunk diameter of trees and yield in the orchard, however trees on M.9 EMLA showed a slightly more vigorous growth and better yielding. Our report corresponded to the results obtained by Loreti et al. (2001) and Webster et al. (2000), who pointed that size of trees on M.9 subclones was similar; albeit some differences in vigour of trees and yielding on some subclones and on M.9 EMLA had been noticed. Czynczyk et al. (2001) pointed that trees on P 59 grew weakly, and yielded not very abundantly, 147 what is in line with our study. Trees on P 59 were the smallest and gave the low yield. According to Ùukuã (1994), trees on rootstock PB 4 have similar vigour to M.9. Our experiment did not confirm this opinion. Tress on PB 4 were very dwarfing, showing in the orchards weaker vigour than M.27 and P 16. This confirms the observations of Sadowski et al. (2000, 2004), who described its vigour as lower than on M.9 and even on P 22. Dwarfing effect of PB 4 as well P 22 has been successively intensified; the contrast between trees on PB 4 and M.9 increased with the age. Conclusions. 1. Trees on semi dwarfing rootstock P 14 showed too vigorous growth, delayed fruit bud formation and had the lower cropping efficiency coefficient. On fertile soils in particular this rootstock is not acceptable for high-density plantings. 2. Dwarfing rootstock M.9 EMLA and other subclones of M.9 providing early bearing and high productivity but not significant differences in vigour and yielding between them were noted. This rootstock remains as universal rootstock for intensive orchard. 3. For intensive orchard the most promising alternative rootstock for M.9 is P 16. Trees on this rootstock had a relatively low vigour and high cropping efficiency coefficient. Gauta 2006 05 12 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 References 1. C z y n c z y k A., B i e l e c k i P., B a r t o s i e w i c z B. Testing new dwarfing apple rootstocks from Polish and foreign breeding programmes. Acta Hort. 2001. 557. P. 83-89. 2. F e r r e e D. C., H i r s t P. M., S c h m i d J. C., D o t s o n P. E. Performance of three apple cultivars with 22 dwarfing rootstocks during 8 seasons in Ohio. Fruit Var. 1995. J. 49(3). P. 171-178. 3. K u r l u s R., U g o l i k M. Wzrost i plonowanie drzew jabùoni Szampion, Rogal Gala i Jonagored na podkùadkach polskiej hodowli. XXXIV Ogólnopolska Konf. Sad. 1996. P. 271-273. 4. L o r e t i F., M a s s a i R., F e i C., C i n e l l i F. C e c c o n i B. Evaluation of eleven dwarfing apple rootstock: preliminary results. Acta Hort. 2001. 557. P. 155-161. 5. Ù u k u ã T. PB 4 obiecujàca podkùadka dla jabùoni. Sad Nowoczesny. 1994. (7). 9 p. 6. Q u a m m e H. A., H a m p s o n C. R., B r o w n l e e R. T. Apple rootstock evaluation for the climate of British Columbia. Proc. Int. Seminar Apple Rootstocks for Intensive Orchards (Warsaw-Ursynów, Poland, 1821.08.1999). 1999. P. 87-88. 7. R i e s e n W., M o n n e y P. Apfelunterlagen: Zwischenergebnisse deutsch und westschweizerischer Versuche. Obst und Weinbau. 1996. 132(21). P. 548-552. 148 8. S a d o w s k i A., M a c i e j c z a k G., W r o n a D. Growth and early bearing of Ðampionapple trees depending on rootstock and tree quality. Internat. Conf. Modern Orchards: Achievements and Tendencies. Collection of Scientific Articles. 1997. P. 28-34. 9. S a d o w s k i A., G r o c h o w a l s k i W., S ù o w i ñ s k i A., Ý ó ù t o w s k i J. Ocena siùy wzrostu jabùoni na podkùadce PB 4. Zesz. Nauk. Ins. Sad. I Kw. Skierniewice. 2000. 8. P. 71-76. 10. S a d o w s k i A., D z i u b a n R., J a b ù o ñ s k i K. Growth and cropping of three apple cultivars on different rootstocks over a 7-year period. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 257-263. 11. S k r z y ñ s k i J., P o n i e d z i a ù e k W. Wzrost i plonowanie odmiany Jonagold na kilku podk³adkach wegetatywnych. Zesz. Nauk. Inst. Sad. I Kwiat. W Skierniewicach. 2000. T. 8. P. 53-58. 12. S ù o w i ñ s k i A. Comparison of 22 rootstock of different vigour and origin used for Elise apple trees. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 279-286. 13. W e r t h e i m S. J. Preliminary results of trials with dwarfing apple and pear rootstock. Acta Hort. 1989. 243. P. 59-70. 14. W e b s t e r A. D. New dwarfing rootstocks for apple, pear, plum and sweet cherry a brief review. Acta Hort. 1992. 349. P. 145-153. 15. W e b s t e r T., T o b u t t K., E v a n s K. Breeding and evaluation of new rootstocks for apple, pear and sweet cherry. Compact Fruit Tree. 2000. 33(4). P. 100-104. 16. W l o s e k S t a n g r e d C. R., J a d c z u k E. Wpùyw podkùadki na wzrost i plonowanie jab³oni. XXXVII Ogólnopolska Konf. Sad. 1998. P. 526-527. 17. Vercammen J. Search for a more dwarfing rootstock for apple. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 313-318. 149 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 144150. ELISE OBELØ VEISLËS SU 18 POSKIEPIØ PALYGINIMAS V FORMOS SODINIMO SISTEMOJE D. Wrona, A. Sadowski Santrauka Bandymas pradëtas derlingoje aliuvinëje dirvoje Varðuvos-Vilanovo eksperimentinëje stotyje, Centrinëje Lenkijoje, 2000 metø pavasará. Elise veislës obelys buvo pasodintos su 18 skirtingos kilmës poskiepiø ir augo V formos sodinimo sistemoje. Skirtingi poskiepiai buvo suskirstyti á tris grupes, priklausomai nuo vaismedþio tikëtino augumo: pusiau þemaûgiai (P 14, P 60, B.396 ir M.26), þemaûgiai (B.9, B.146, P 2, P 59 ir septyni M.9 subklonai EMLA, Burgmer 984 ir 751, T339, Pajam 1, Pajam 2, RN29) ir nykðtukiniai (M.27, P 16, PB-4). Vaismedþiai su pusiau þemaûgiams priskirtais poskiepiais buvo pasodinti 3,8 × 1,0 m, su þemaûgiais 3,5 × 0,7 m ir su nykðtukiniais 3,2 × 0,5 m atstumais. Po 6 metø pusiau þemaûgiø poskiepiø grupëje didþiausias buvo kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP) vaismedþiø su P 14 poskiepiu; vaismedþiø augumas su kitais poskiepiais buvo panaðus. 20012005 m. maþiausias suminis derlius buvo vaismedþio su M.26 poskiepiu. Vaisiø dydis nuo poskiepiø nepriklausë. Produktyviausi buvo vaismedþiai su B.396, o maþiausiai produktyvûs su P 14 poskiepiu. Ið þemaûgiams priskirtø poskiepiø grupës po ðeðeriø metø maþiausias KSP buvo vaismedþiø su P 59, didþiausias su M.9 EMLA poskiepiu. Vaismedþiø augumas su kitais M.9 subklonais buvo maþesnis, bet panaðus. Maþiausias suminis derlius buvo vaismedþio su P 59, didþiausias su M.9 751, M.9 984 ir M.9 EMLA poskiepiais. Vaisiø dydis buvo panaðus ir nuo poskiepiø nepriklausë. Produktyviausi vaismedþiai buvo su P 59 poskiepiu. Ið nykðtukiniø poskiepiø augumà labiausiai sumaþino PB-4. Didþiausias suminis derlius buvo vaismedþiø su P 16, maþiausias su PB-4 poskiepiu. Vaisiø dydis nuo nykðtukiniø poskiepiø rûðies nepriklausë. Ðioje grupëje produktyviausi buvo vaismedþiai su P 16 poskiepiu. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, vaismedþiø augumas, sodinimo tankumas, derlingumas, suminis derlius, produktyvumas, vaisiø dydis. 150 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 151157. INFLUENCE OF ROOTSTOCKS AND PLANTING SCHEMES OF APPLE TREE CV. LIGOL ON PRODUCTIVITY AND FRUIT QUALITY Nobertas USELIS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT-54333, Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania.E-mail: The experiment of apple tree cv. Ligol rootstocks and planting schemes was arranged at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 1999. Investigations were carried out in young orchard in 20012005. There were investigated fruit trees of cv. Ligol on rootstock P 60 planted at spacing of 4 x 2 m (1250 trees / ha), on rootstock P 2 planted at spacings of 4 x 2 m (1250 trees/ha) and 4 x 1.5 m (1667 trees/ha), and on rootstock P 22 planted at spacings of 4 x 1.5 m (1667 trees/ha) and 4 x 1 m (2500 trees/ha). It was established that apple tree cv. Ligol on rootstock P 2 and P 60 yielded most abundantly (21.1 22.9 kg / tree). Apple trees on super dwarf rootstock P 22 yields significantly loss (9.2 11.0 kg / tree). Fruit trees of cv. Ligol on rootstock P 60 and P 2 were the most vigorous, and these on rootstock P 22 the most productive ones. Significantly the biggest average fruit yield per unit of area was obtained from fruit trees of cv. Ligol on rootstocks P 60 and P 2 (26.428.6 t/ha). When the distances among fruit trees on rootstocks P 2 and P 22 were decreased by 0.5 m, the yield increased insignificantly. Fruit trees on more vigorous rootstocks P 60 and P 2 produce significantly the biggest fruits and their mass does not depend on planting distances. From the practical point of view it is suggested to grow in commercial orchards fruit trees of cv. Ligol on rootstocks P 2 and P 60 spaced at 4 x 1.52 m. Key words: growth vigour, apple trees, rootstocks, productivity, planting schemes, fruit quality. Introduction. When planting commercial orchards it is very important to choose the proper combinations of apple tree cultivars and rootstocks in order orchards would start early yielding and would produce the abundant and high quality fruit yields. One of the most reliable and most widely applied means in commercial fruit growing to attain more early fruit tree yielding and to increase the productivity is the use of dwarf rootstocks. The investigations of dwarf rootstocks in the orchard were carried out in various agroclimatic zones and a lot of data was collected (Bite, Lepsis, 2004; Slowinski, 2004 ). There were conducted many investigations at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture both in nursery and orchard (Kviklys et al., 1999; Kviklys et al., 2000; Kviklys, 2002). Nevertheless, it is necessary to find the optimal 151 combinations of cultivar and rootstock and also the corresponding planting schemes for apple trees of every more important cultivar taking into account agroclimatic and economical conditions of the country (Maas, Werthem, 2004). T h e a i m o f t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n was to evaluate the influence of dwarf rootstocks and planting schemes on the productivity and fruit quality of one of the most important winter apple tree cv. Ligol in the young age. Material and methods. The experiment of apple tree cv. Ligol rootstocks and planting schemes was arranged at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 1999. Investigations were carried out in young orchard in 20012005. The scheme of the experiment: 1) fruit trees on rootstock P 60, planting scheme 4 x 2 m (1250 trees/ha); 2) fruit trees on rootstock P 2, planting scheme 4 x 2 m (1250 trees/ha); 3) fruit trees on rootstock P 2, planting scheme 4 x 1.5 m (1667 trees/ha); 4) fruit trees on rootstock P 22, planting scheme 4 x 1.5 m (1667 trees/ha); 5) fruit trees on rootstock P 22, planting scheme 4 x 1 m (2500 trees/ha). The investigation consisted of 4 replications with 5 fruit trees in each experimental plot, 3 of them were accounting. There was evaluated: fruit tree flowering abundance in scores, where 0 fruit trees do not flower at all and 5 fruit trees flower very abundantly; trunk diameter (cm2) at the height of 0.25 m, yield (kg/fruit tree and t/ha), fruit tree productivity (kg/cm2), the average fruit mass (g). The data of investigation were evaluated by ANOVA. The changes of meteorological conditions during investigations didnt influence significantly the means, which were being analyzed, with the exception of 2004 when strong frosts in May destroyed two thirds of apple tree blossoms. Experimental orchard was maintained on the technologies of the intensive commercial orchards (Uselis, 2005). Fruit trees were trained as slender spindles. Results. The experimental apple trees flowered very abundantly in 2001, 2003 and 2005. In 2002 and 2004 apple tree flowered less. The average apple tree flowering during five years reached 3.984.13 scores and significantly didnt depend on rootstock (Table 1). The average fruit yield of apple trees cv. Ligol strongly depended on rootstock. According to five-year data, apple trees on rootstock P 60 yielded most abundantly (Table 1). The similar yield was obtained from apple trees on rootstock P 2. Meanwhile apple trees on rootstock P 22 yielded significantly less. It was observed the tendency that apple trees on the same rootstocks but planted more densely yielded less, even though statistically significant differences werent obtained (Table 1). Fruit tree growth vigour according to the trunk cross-section area strongly depended on the rootstock they were grown. It was established that fruit trees on rootstocks P 60 and P 2 didnt differ according to the trunk cross-section area (Table 2). Meanwhile the trunk cross-section area of fruit trees on rootstock P 22 was significantly smaller than that of fruit trees on rootstocks P 60 or P 2. It was established that fruit trees on super dwarf rootstock P 22 were the most productive ones (Table 2). Fruit trees on more vigorous rootstocks P 60 and P 2 were significantly less productive. Fruit tree planting distances investigated in the experiment didnt influence significantly their productivity. 152 T a b l e 1. The influence of rootstocks on flowering abundance and yield of apple tree cv. Ligol, 20012005 1 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka Ligol veislës obelø þydëjimo gausumui ir derliui 20012005 m. Rootstock, planting scheme Flowering abundance, 0-5 scores Yield, kg / tree Poskiepis, sodinimo schema Þydëjimo gausumas balais Derlius, kg/vaism. 4.01 22.9 4.12 21.1 4.21 17.7 3.98 11.0 4.13 9.2 0.69 6.23 P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees/ha P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees/ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees/ha P 2, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees/ha P 22, 4 x 1,5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 trees/ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 vaism./ha LSD05 / R05 T a b l e 2. The influence of rootstocks on growth vigour and productivity of apple tree cv. Ligol, 20012005 2 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka Ligol veislës obelø augumui ir produktyvumui 20012005 m. Rootstock, planting scheme Poskiepis, sodinimo schema P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees / ha Trunk cross-section area (TCSA) / Kamienëlio skerspjûvio Productivity 2001–2005, kg/cm2 TCSA / Produktyvumas plotas (KSP) 2005 m., cm2 2001–2005 m., kg/cm2 KSP 37.3 3.07 34.6 3.05 36.7 2.41 12.9 4.26 10.6 4.34 11.55 1.102 P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees / ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees / ha P 2, 4 x 1,5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees / ha P 22, 4 x 1,5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 trees / ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 vaism./ha LSD05 / R05 One of the most important indices is fruit yield per unit of area. The first abundant fruit yield per unit of area was obtained in 2001. This yield didnt depend on fruit tree rootstock. More densely (4 x 1.5 m) planted fruit trees on rootstock P 2 yielded significantly more abundantly than these, which were planted more sparsely (4 x 2 m) (Table 3). The same tendency was observed with the rootstock P 22. More densely (4 x 1 m) planted fruit trees on rootstock P 22 yielded more abundantly than these, which were planted more sparsely (4 x 1.5 m). 153 T a b l e 3. The influence of rootstocks on yield of apple tree cv. Ligol, t/ha, 20012005 3 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka Ligol veislës obelø derliui, t/ha 20012005 m. Rootstock, planting scheme Poskiepis, sodinimo schema P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees/ha 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 22.5 12.2 54.2 6.2 47.9 23.1 11.1 45.8 7.1 44.9 34.8 13.5 52.8 10.7 35.5 22.5 10.8 30.8 14.8 12.5 27.0 14.7 31.0 20.0 22.0 10.20 5.01 12.52 6.25 13.02 P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees/ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees/ha P 2, 4 x 1,5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees/ha P 22, 4 x 1,5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 trees/ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 vaism./ha LSD05 / R05 After the productive first year fruit trees yielded worse and the second yield was twice as smaller. There werent significant differences among fruit trees on different rootstocks; only it was observed the tendency that more densely planted fruit trees on the same rootstocks produced more abundant yields per area (Table 3). In 2003 the experimental orchard yielded very abundantly. The biggest yield was obtained from fruit trees on rootstock P 60, also the similar yields were obtained from fruit trees on rootstock P 2. Meanwhile fruit trees on super dwarf rootstock P 22 produced statistically significantly smaller yield per unit of area. The similar results were obtained in 2005. In 2004 after strong frosts the yield very varied, but the most densely grown fruit trees on super dwarf rootstock P 22 yielded best of all. The biggest average fruit yield per unit of area during the five years of investigation was obtained from fruit trees Ligol on rootstocks P 2 and P 60 spaced at 4 x 2 m respectively 26.4 t/ha and 28.6 t/ha (Table 4). When growing fruit trees on super dwarf rootstock P 22, even though planted more densely, there was obtained the smallest yield per unit of area (18.3 t/ha). When the distances among fruit trees on both rootstocks P 2 and P 22 were reduced by 0.5 m, the yield increased, but there werent significant differences. Fruit trees on more vigorous rootstocks P 60 and P 2 produced the biggest fruits. Their mass independently on planting distance was 200209 g. Fruit trees on superdwarf rootstock P 22 produced significantly smaller fruits (Table 4). Discussion. When choosing the rational construction of the commercial orchard it is very important to choose the optimal combinations of cultivar and rootstock, the corresponding fruit tree canopy forms and planting schemes. It is indicated in the literature (Kviklys et al., 1999; Uselis, 2005) that fruit trees on rootstocks P 60 and P 2 are more vigorous therefore they are planted more sparsely, and fruit trees on rootstock P 22 are less vigorous, therefore they are planted more densely. The tendencies of fruit tree vigour were confirmed by the data of this experiment also, when trunk cross-section area of fruit trees on rootstocks P 60 and P 2 was more than three times bigger in comparison to that of fruit trees on rootstock P 22. The 154 analogical data are being obtained of fruit tree yield also. It was established in the investigation that the more vigorous dwarf fruit trees are (on more vigorous rootstocks P 60 and P 2), more abundantly they yield in comparison with these fruit trees on rootstock P 22, which growth vigour is very weak. The similar data, that the smaller rootstock, the poorer yielding of fruit tree, were obtained by other authors too (Barritt et al., 2004). Nevertheless, there are data in the literature that yield of apple tree cv. Ligol on these rootstocks significantly do not differ (Czynczyk et al., 2004). T a b l e 4. The influence of rootstocks on the average fruit yield (t/ha) and fruit mass (g) of apple tree cv. Ligol, 2001 20054 4 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka Ligol veislës obelø vidutiniam vaisiø derliui (t/ha) ir vaisiø masei (g) 20012005 m. Rootstock, planting scheme Average yield Poskiepis, sodinimo schema Vidutinis derlius, t/ha Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, g 28.6 209 26.4 200 29.5 200 18.3 156 23.0 148 7.11 37.2 P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees/ha Average fruit mass P 60, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 trees/ha P 2, 4 x 2 m, 1250 vaism./ha P 2, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees/ha P 2, 4 x 1,5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1.5 m, 1667 trees/ha P 22, 4 x 1,5 m, 1667 vaism./ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 trees/ha P 22, 4 x 1 m, 2500 vaism./ha LSD05 / R05 Fruit tree productivity is the complex index, which include fruit tree growth vigour and fruit tree yield. It showed that fruit trees of the weakest vigour on rootstock P 22 are significantly the most productive ones. Nevertheless, in commercial horticulture there isnt enough of this index only and it is much more important the yield per unit of area and fruit quality. There was established in the investigation that fruit trees on rootstock P 22, despite the biggest productivity per unit of area, produced significantly the smallest yield. Even fruit tree densifying in the rows didnt change productivity significantly. The second very important index is fruit quality. There was established in the investigation that fruit trees on rootstock P 22 produced significantly smaller fruits, even though there are data in the literature that the mass of fruits of fruit trees on rootstocks P 60 and P 22 is similar (Czynczyk et al., 2004). In most cases the tendency was observed that the further fruit tree densifying in the rows decreases fruit tree yield, but the yield per unit of area slightly increases. This is confirmed densifying by abundant data of the other authors also (Deviatov, 1997; Mika, 1998; Uselis, 2003). After the complex evaluation of fruit trees Ligol on rootstocks P 60, P 2 and P 22 planted at different spacing, it is possible to state that from the practical point of view it is best of all to grow in commercial orchards fruit trees of cv. Ligol on 155 rootstocks P 2 and P 60 planted at spacing of 4x1.5 m. It is advisable not to grow apple trees of cv. Ligol on rootstocks P 22 or to grow them only if they are being irrigate, because of their poorer yield and especially worse fruit quality. Investigations by Petronis (2002) showed that when irrigating Ligol on rootstock P 22 fruit yield significantly increases and fruit quality improves. Conclusions. 1. The average fruit tree flowering abundance does not depend on rootstock. According to the average data, apple trees of cv. Ligol on rootstocks P 2 and P 60 produce the biggest yield (21.122.9 kg/tree). Apple trees on super dwarf rootstock P 22 yield significantly less (9.211.0 kg/trees). 2. Most vigorous fruit trees are on rootstocks P 60 and P 2, most productive ones on rootstock P 22. 3. The biggest fruit yield per unit of area was obtained from apple trees of cv. Ligol on rootstocks P 2 and P 60 spaced at 4 x 2 m respectively 26.4 t/ha and 28.6t/ha. When the distances among fruit trees on rootstocks P 2 and P 22 were decreased by 0.5 m, the yield increased insignificantly. 4. Fruit trees on more vigorous rootstocks P 60 and P 2 produce the biggest fruits and their mass does not depend on planting distances. 5. From the practical point of view it is best of all to grow in commercial orchards apple trees of cv. Ligol on rootstocks P 2 and P 60 planted at spacing of 4 x 1.5-2 m. Acknowledgement. This work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. Gauta 2006 07 01 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 27 References 1. B a r r i t t B. H., K o n i s h i B. S. and D i l l e y M. A. 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P. 6769. 156 6. K v i k l y s D., P e t r o n i s P., K v i k l i e n ë N. Effects of apple rootstocks on the yield and fruit quality // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2000. V. 19(1). P. 2331. 7. K v i k l y s D. Apple rootstock research in Lithuania with aspect to fruit quality and tree productivity // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2002. V. 21(3). P. 313. 8. M a a s F. M., W e r t h e i m S. J. A multi-site rootstock trial with the apple cultivars Coxs Orange Pippin and Jonagold // Acta Horticulturae. Zaragosa, 2004. N. 658. V. 1. P. 177184. 9. M i k a A. Orchard models of XXI century // Proc. XXXVII horticultural conference Skierniewice, 1998. P. 7576. 10. P e t r o n i s P. Efficiency of irrigation fir young dwarf Ligol apple trees // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2002. V. 21(4). P. 3944. 11. S l o w i n s k i A. Comparison of 22 rootstocks of different vigour and origin used for Elise apple trees // Acta Horticulturae. Zaragosa, 2004. N. 658. V. 1. P. 279286. 12. U s e l i s N. Growth and productivity of dwarf apple trees in bearing orchards of various constructions // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2003. V. 22(1). P. 313. 13. U s e l i s N. Intensyvios obelø ir kriauðiø auginimo technologijos. Babtai, 2005. 210 p. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 151157. POSKIEPIØ IR SODINIMO SCHEMØ ÁTAKA LIGOL VEISLËS OBELØ PRODUKTYVUMUI IR VAISIØ KOKYBEI N. Uselis Santrauka Ligol veislës obelø poskiepiø ir sodinimo schemø bandymai árengti 1999 m. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute. Tyrimai atlikti jauname sode 20012005 m. Tirti Ligol veislës vaismedþiai su P 60 poskiepiu, pasodinti 4 x 2 m atstumais (1250 vaism./ha), su P 2 poskiepiu, pasodinti 4 x 2 m (1250 vaism./ha) ir 4 x 1,5 m atstumais (1667 vaism./ha), ir su P 22 poskiepiu, pasodinti 4 x 1,5 m (1667 vaism./ha) ir 4 x 1 m atstumais (2500 vaism./ha). Nustatyta, kad gausiausiai dera Ligol obelys su P 60 ir P 2 poskiepiais (22,921,1 kg/vaism.). Obelys su þemiausiu P 22 poskiepiu dera ið esmës prasèiau (11,0 kg/vaism.). Ið esmës augiausi Ligol vaismedþiai yra su P 60 ir P 2 poskiepiais, o produktyviausi su P 22 poskiepiu. Ið esmës didþiausias vidutinis vaisiø derlius ið ploto vieneto gautas auginant Ligol veislës vaismedþius 4 x 2 m (1250 vaism./ha) atstumais su P 2 ir P 60 poskiepiais atitinkamai 26,4 ir 28,6 t/ha. Sumaþinus atstumus 0,5 m, vaismedþiø su P 2 ir P 22 poskiepiais derlius ið esmës nepadidëjo. Vaismedþiai su stipresnio augumo P 60 ir P 2 poskiepiais iðaugina ið esmës didþiausius vaisius ir jø masë nepriklauso nuo sodinimo atstumo. Praktiniu poþiûriu versliniuose soduose geriausia auginti Ligol veislës vaismedþius su P 2 ar P 60 poskiepiais ir juos sodinti 4 x 1,52 m atstumais. Reikðminiai þodþiai: augumas, derlius, obelys, poskiepiai, produktyvumas, sodinimo schemos, vaisiø kokybë. 157 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 158163. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF APPLE TREE CULTIVAR CELESTE ON DWARF ROOTSTOCKS IN CENTRAL POLAND Pavel BIELICKI, Alojzy CZYNCZYK, Barbara BARTOSIEWICZ Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland. E-mail: The field experiment was established in the spring of 2001 in the Experimental Orchard in Dabrowice, near Skierniewice, on a sandy loam podsolic soil underlaid by loam. The influence of five dwarf apple rootstocks on tree growth, yield and fruit quality of the cultivar Celeste was studied. One-year-old maiden trees grafted on rootstocks PB-4, P 59, P 60, P 14 and M.7 were planted at the same spacing of 3.5 x 2.0m (1429 trees/ha). Trees grafted on M.9 and M.26 were used as standards. After the first five years of the evaluation, Byelorussian rootstock PB-4 and Polish rootstock P 59 were found to have induced the lowest growth of the cultivar Celeste. The size of the trees on these two rootstocks was smaller than of those on the standard M.9. Among the semi-dwarf rootstocks, trees on P 60 were smaller than those on the standard M.26. Rootstock P 14 reduced tree growth to the same extent as M.7. The highest cumulative yield (20022005) of Celeste was recorded for trees on P 14, M.26 and M.7. Trees grafted on P 60 and M.9 showed similar yields. The lowest yield was obtained from trees on PB-4. In 2005, the fruit quality parameters (size, mean weight, and colour) of cultivar Celeste were generally very good with the exception of those harvested from trees on PB-4 and P 59, which produced the smallest fruit. Key words: apple, Malus sp., clonal rootstock, growth, yield, fruit quality, yield efficiency. Introduction. In recent years there has been a growing interest among fruitgrowers in summer varieties of apple. However, interest in such varieties is often short-lived. The main reason is that they can be very disappointing in production and the prices for this type of apples are highly changeable. Another problem is that there is only a small assortment of summer cultivars. In comparison with the autumn or winter cultivars, the number of cultivars in this group is quite small. At the end of 20th century, new summer varieties appeared, originating mainly from Golden Delicious, the fruit of which was ready for consumption already in the first week of August (Steinborn, 1983; Kruczyñska, 2002). Celeste (syn. Delcorf Schumann) 158 is one of them. It came from Germany, where it was found by Schumann. Celeste is one of two mutants of cultivar Delcorf used in Poland. With respect to many characteristics, it resembles the parent cultivar. Tree vigour, crown appearance as well as susceptibility to diseases and productivity are all similar in both cultivars. It requires fruitlet thinning to ensure regular fruiting. There is little difference in fruit size between Celeste and Delcorf, but the red blush on Celeste apples is more intense and spreads over a larger area of the skin. Fruit ripening time is similar to that of Delcorf (Goddrie, 1987). The share of Celeste trees, and of the other mutant Ambassy, in the total number of apple trees produced in Poland has been growing in recent years. The aim of the experiment was to determine the usefulness of dwarfing rootstocks for the growing of apple tree cultivar Celeste. An evaluation of seven rootstocks with obvious differences in growth vigour should accurately single out the best rootstocks for the production of trees of this cultivar in the soil conditions of central Poland. Material and methods. The field experiment was established in the spring of 2001 in the Experimental Orchard in Dabrowice, near Skierniewice (central Poland), on a sandy loam podsolic soil underlaid by loam. The influence of five dwarfing apple rootstocks on tree growth, yield and fruit quality of cultivar Celeste was studied. One-year-old maiden trees grafted on rootstocks PB-4, P 59, P 60, P 14 and M.7 were planted at the same spacing of 3.5 x 2.0 m (1429 trees/ha). Trees grafted on M.9 and M.26 were used as standards. The experiment was set up in four randomized blocks with three trees per plot. Thus, there were 12 trees of cultivar Celeste growing on each rootstock. All the trees were trained as slender spindles and tied to a supporting structure. Herbicides were used to control weeds in the tree rows, whereas the inter rows were grassed over in the second year after planting. Fertilization, plant protection and other agro-technical treatments were applied according to the standard recommendations for commercial apple orchards in Poland. The trees were dripirrigated from the first year after planting. In the course of the experiment the following observations and measurements have been recorded: health status of trees, trunk circumferences (measured at 30 cm above ground level), yield (determined every year, separately for each tree) and fruit quality (samples were taken from each replication). In 2005, fruit quality was assessed using an electronic sorting machine manufactured by Greef. Statistical analyses involved variance analyses and Duncans multiple range test at P = 0.05. Results and discussion. T r e e h e a l t h. During the first five years of the evaluation there was no loss of trees due to frost damage or infection with diseases. Only 2 trees of Celeste grafted on P 59 were lost due to falling over during periods of strong winds while carrying the burden of a heavy crop. Similar observations regarding the poor rooting ability of trees grafted on very dwarfing rootstocks were made by Wertheim (1998) and Czynczyk et al. (2004). Tree growth. After the first five years of the evaluation, Byelorussian rootstock PB-4 (Ùukuã, 1994) and Polish rootstock P 59 were found to have induced the lowest growth of cultivar Celeste (Table 1). The size of the trees on these two 159 rootstocks was significantly smaller than of those on the standard M.9. Similar results were obtained by Bielicki et al. (2004) for PB-4 with Jonagold trees grafted on it and Czynczyk et al. (2004) for P 59 with Jonagold and Ligol trees. Sùowiñski and Sadowski (1999) reported that the vigour induced by PB-4 was similar to that of M.27. Among the semi-dwarf rootstocks, trees on P 60 were smaller than those on the standard M.26. In contrast, trees on P 14 were bigger than those on the standard rootstock. The results confirmed earlier reports by Czynczyk (1995), Jakubowski and Zagaja (2000) and Czynczyk et al. (2004), who stated that Polish rootstock P 14 showed a stronger effect inducing vigour than M.26. P 14 reduced tree growth to the same extent as M.7. However, the results obtained by Hrotko and Berczi (1999) showed that trees of cultivar Idared on P 14 were bigger than trees on M.7. T a b l e 1. Trunk cross-sectional area (TCA), yield and yield efficiency of cv. Celeste grown on dwarf rootstocks 1 l e n t e l ë. Celeste veislës obelø su þemaûgiais poskiepiais kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP), derlius ir produktyvumas Yield / Derlius Rootstock TCA in 2005 Poskiepis KSP 2005 m., 2002 2003 2004 2005 2 cm Total yield in 2002– 2005 Yield efficiency index (kg/cm2 Suminis derlius TCA) 2002–2005 m. Produktyvumas, kg/cm2 KSP kg/tree / kg/vaism. M.9 standard 10.7 b 2.3 c 1.2 a 6.8 d 4.6 a 15.5 c 1.5 b PB-4 5.0 a 1.4 b 0.8 a 2.8 b 1.9 a 6.8 a 1.4 ab P 59 6.6 a 2.4 c 1.6 a 5.2 c 3.5 a 12.7 b 2.0 c M.26 kontrolë M.26 standard 19.6 c 0.7 a 5.9 c 1.0 a 16.9 cd 25.0 de 1.3 ab P 60 11.7 b 0.5 a 4.0 b 1.4 ab 11.1 b 17.0 c 1.5 b P 14 23.7 d 0.1 a 7.9 d 0.3 a 19.1 d 27.4 e 1.2 ab M.7 23.4 d 0.7 a 6.3 c 1.4 ab 14.5 c 22.9 d 1.1 a M.9 kontrolë Averages followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at p = 0.05 (Duncans multiple range test) / Ta paèia raide paþymëti vidurkiai pagal Dunkano kriterijø (p = 0,05) ið esmës nesiskiria. Yields and Fruit Quality. The first yields from the cultivar Celeste were obtained in the second year after planting (Table 1). Very low yields (less than 1kg per tree) were obtained from trees grafted on the semi-dwarf and medium vigorous rootstocks. In the third year, the trees on those rootstocks produced bigger yields in comparison with the trees on the dwarf rootstocks (M.9, PB-4 and P 59). Nevertheless better yielding of the trees on the dwarf rootstocks was observed in the next year of fruitbearing. In 2005, the yielding situation was reversed. The trees on the semi-dwarf and medium vigorous rootstocks gave higher yields. The highest cumulative yield 160 (20022005) was recorded for the Celeste trees on P 14, M.26 and M.7. Trees grafted on P 60 and M.9 showed similar yields. The lowest yield was obtained from the trees on PB-4. The total yields obtained for the trees grafted on the very dwarfing rootstocks were similar to those presented by Bielicki et al. (2004) and Slowinski (2004). The results concerning tree productivity, expressed as the yield efficiency index, showed that the trees on P 59 were more productive than these on remaining rootstocks. They had the highest yield efficiency index (expressed as ratio of yield per tree to the trunk cross-sectional area (kg/cm2)). Similar values of this index were obtained from the trees on the dwarf rootstocks. The trees on semi-dwarf rootstocks (P 14 and M.7) had the lowest yield efficiency index. In 2005, the size and weight of apples and the percentage of apples having more than 50% of their skin surface covered by a red blush were similar for all the rootstocks with the exception of fruits harvested from the trees on PB-4 and P 59 (Table 2). In their case, fruits were significantly smaller. There were no statistical differences between the rootstocks in respect of the colouring of the fruit. However, fruits on P 59 were slightly worse coloured. These results are in agreement with the data produced by Bielicki et al. (1999). T a b l e 2. Fruit quality of cv. Celeste grown on dwarf rootstocks in 2005 2 l e n t e l ë. Celeste veislës obelø su þemaûgiais poskiepiais vaisiø kokybë 2005 m. Rootstock Poskiepis Fruits with diameter > 7.0 cm Fruits with blush on > 50% of skin 14.3 ab 11.3 a 11.2 a 54.0 b 14.9 a 27.5 a 62.9 a 73.8 a 46.0 a 15.4 b 14.2 ab 15.5 b 15.9 b 74.2 b 58.3 b 72.4 b 78.3 b 71.6 a 70.4 a 58.4 a 71.4 a Weight of 100 fruits 100 vaisiø masë, kg Vaisiai, kuriø skersmuo > 7,0 cm, % Vaisiø, kuriø odelë > 50% paraudusi, % M.9 standard M.9 kontrolë PB-4 P 59 M.26 standard M.26 kontrolë P 60 P 14 M.7 For explanation, see Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje Conclusions. 1. The lowest growth of apple tree cultivar Celeste was induced by Byelorussian rootstock PB-4 and Polish rootstock P 59. 2. Growth vigour of the trees of cultivar Celeste grafted on P 60 was similar to those on M.9 EMLA. 3. P 14 was similar to M.7 in its ability to reduce tree growth. 4. The highest cumulative yield was obtained from the trees of cultivar Celeste grafted on the semi-dwarf rootstocks P 14 and M.7. 161 5. The highest yield efficiency index was obtained for the trees of cultivar Celeste growing on the very dwarf Polish rootstock P 59. In the case of semidwarf rootstocks, all of the trees were characterized by a similar yield efficiency index. 6. The development of fruit quality parameters (with the exception of fruit size) appeared to be unaffected by the rootstock type. The smallest apples of cultivar Celeste were harvested from trees on the very dwarf rootstocks. Gauta 2006 07 05 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 References 1. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A., B a r t o s i e w i c z B. Effects of New Polish Rootstocks and Some M 9 Clones on Growth, Cropping and Fruit Quality of Three Apple Cultivars. Proc. of the International Seminar APPLE ROOTSTOCKS FOR INTENSIVE ORCHARDS. Warsaw-Ursynów, 1999. P. 1516. 2. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A., C h l e b o w s k a D. Effects of Several New Polish Rootstocks and M.9 Subclones on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Two Apple King Jonagold and Elshof Cultivars. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 327332. 3. C z y n c z y k A. New apple rootstocks from the Polish Breeding Program. International. Dwarf Fruit Tree Association, Pennsylvania. Compact Fruit Tree. 1995. Vol. 28. P. 6876. 4. C z y n c z y k A., B i e l i c k i P., B a r t o s i e w i c z B. Influence of Subclones of M.9 and P 22 and New Polish-Bred Rootstocks on Growth and Yield of Jonagold and Ligol Apple Trees. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 129133. 5. G o d d r i e P. D. Delbarestivale. Fruitteelt. 1987. 77(43). P. 1617. 6. J a k u b o w s k i T., Z a g a j a S. W. 45 years of apple rootstocks breeding in Poland. Proc. of the Eucarpia Symp. of Fruit Breeding and Genetics. Acta Hort. 2000. 538. P. 723727. 7. H r o t k o K., B e r c z i J. Effect of semi-dwarfing and medium vigorous rootstocks on growth and productivity of apple tress. Proc. of the International Seminar Apple Rootstocks for Intensive Orchards. Warsaw-Ursynów., 1999. P. 3536. 8. K r u c z y ñ s k a D. JABÙONIE nowe odmiany. Wyd. Hortpress Sp. z o.o. 2002. P. 2536. 9. Ù u k u ã T. PB-4 obiecujàca podkùadka dla jabùoni. Sad Nowoczesny. 1994. (7). 9 p. 10. S a d o w s k i A., G r o c h o w a l s k i W., S ù o w i ñ s k i A. and Ý ó ù t o w s k i J. Ocena siùy wzrostu jabùoni na podkùadce PB-4. Zesz. Nauk. Inst. Sad. i Kw. Skierniewice. 2002. 8. P. 7176. 11. S ù o w i ñ s k i A., S a d o w s k i A. Growth in the nursery and in the orchard and initial bearing of Elise apple trees on different rootstocks. Proc. of the International Seminar APPLE ROOTSTOCKS FOR INTENSIVE ORCHARDS. Warsaw-Ursynów, 1999. P. 99100. 12. S ù o w i ñ s k i A. Comparison of 22 Rootstocks of Different Vigour Used for Elise Apple Trees. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 279286. 162 13. Steinborn G. New early apple cultivars compared. Erwerbsobstbau. 1983. 25(8). P. 188190. 14. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock guide. Fruit Res. St. Wilhelminadorp Publ. 1998. No. 25. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 158163. PRELIMINARUS CELESTE VEISLËS OBELØ SU ÞEMAÛGIAIS POSKIEPIAIS ÁVERTINIMAS CENTRINËJE LENKIJOJE P. Bielicki, A. Czynczyk, B. Bartosiewicz Santrauka 2001 metø pavasará tyrimø sode Dabrovicuose, netoli Skiernievicø, priesmëlio jaurinëje dirvoje ant priemolio atliktas lauko bandymas. Tirta penkiø þemaûgiø obelø poskiepiø átaka Celeste veislës vaismedþiø augimui, derliui ir vaisiø kokybei. Vieneriø metø sodinukai, áskiepyti á PB-4, P 59, P 60, P 14 ir M.7 poskiepius, buvo pasodinti vienodais atstumais 3,5 x 2,0 m (1429 medþiai/ha). Á M.9 ir M.26 áskiepyti vaismedþiai panaudoti kaip kontrolë. Praëjus pirmiesiems penkeriems tyrimo metams pastebëta, kad baltarusiðkas poskiepis PB-4 ir lenkiðkas poskiepis P 59 labiausiai stabdo Celeste veislës augimà. Vaismedþiai su ðiais poskiepiais buvo þemesni uþ vaismedþius su M.9. Pusiau þemaûgiø poskiepiø grupëje vaismedþiai su P 60 buvo þemesni uþ vaismedþius su M.26 poskiepiu. P 14 poskiepis sumaþino vaismedþiø augimà tiek pat, kiek ir M.7. 20022005 m. didþiausià suminá derliø davë Celeste veislës vaismedþiai su P 14, M.26 ir M.7 poskiepiais. Panaðø derliø iðaugino á P 60 ir M.9 áskiepyti vaismedþiai. Nederlingiausi buvo vaismedþiai su PB-4. 2005 metais Celeste veislës obuoliø kokybë (dydis, vidutinë masë ir spalva) ið esmës buvo labai gera, iðskyrus nuskintus nuo vaismedþiø su PB-4 ir P 59 poskiepiais ðie vaisiai buvo maþiausi. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obuoliai, Malus sp., vegetatyviniai poskiepiai, augimas, derlius, vaisiø kokybë, produktyvumas. 163 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 164172. SEARCH FOR A MORE DWARFING ROOTSTOCK FOR JONAGOLD Jef VERCAMMEN*, Guy VAN DAELE and Ann GOMAND Pcfruit - Proeftuin pit- en steenfruit, Fruittuinweg 1, 3800 Sint-Truiden, Belgium. E-mail: Up until now we did not find a better rootstock than M.9 in our rootstock experiments. Nevertheless there are a couple of promising rootstocks for Jonagold, namely J.TE.G. and P 16. J.TE.G. is 15% less vigorous than M.9. The production efficiency and colouring remain the same, but there are more kilos of A2++ in the 7085 mm size class because of its smaller fruit size. P 16 is 30% less vigorous. The colouring and the production are almost comparable to those of M.9 and over the years the fruit size remains somewhat smaller on average. The combination of the lesser vigour and the same yield causes the production efficiency of P 16 to be clearly better than that of M.9-29. Where the vigour of M.9 is too strong, other selections of M.9 with less vigour can be used. The most suitable selections to this purpose are M.9 Fl56, NAKB 337 and NAKB 339. M.9 Fl56 has the weakest growth and the fruit size can be compared to that of M.9-29. With respect to colouring, there is no improvement. Also the use of M.27 as rootstock springs to mind, but M.27 is not always suited to replace M.9. In many cases a tree with vigour between M.9 and M.27 is needed. One possibility to achieve this is the use of M.27 as interstock, in the hope that the advantages of M.9 (production and size) and of M.27 (colour and labour) will be found in the interstock tree. In practice however this does not seem to be so. Another possibility is the use of Granny Smith, Delcorf or Idared as interstock. These interstocks provide a clear growth reduction, without influencing the yields too much. Key words: interstock, M.27, M.9-selections, M.9 Fl56, J.TE.G and P 16. Introduction. For most fruit growers the ideal tree is a tree that does not grow to vigorously, demands little labour and yields a good production and high quality every year. In order to achieve this, our varieties are grafted or inoculated on a rootstock. For the Belgian apple culture this is mostly M.9, a rootstock with moderate vigour. Though M.9 satisfies in most cases, there are conditions where trees with less vigour are needed. First the use of M.27 as rootstock springs to mind. Because of its weak vigour less pruning hours per ha are needed, which is an important advantage, taking into account current labour costs. Other advantages are the better colouring and, in the 164 case of varieties with big fruits, a smaller fruit size. Moreover the intensifying also raises fewer problems. Unfortunately M.27 also has some drawbacks. The sometimes quickly declining growth does make M.27 sometimes less suitable and in many cases unsuitable for replanting. Fertilization also has to be adapted, M.27 needs more nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium than M.9. Furthermore the trees are more expensive and they do easily break off at the graft union. In order to obtain the same produce per ha, more trees have also to be planted per ha, which strongly raises the investment costs (Vercammen, 1997). Because of this M.27 is not always suitable to replace M.9. In many cases a tree of which the vigour lies between that of M.9 and M.27 is needed. In this paper we will discuss some possibilities to achieve this aim. Materials and methods. Use of an interstock. In the autumn of 1997 an interstock experiment for the Jonagold clone Jonica was started. Besides M.27, P 22 and Bud 146 also a number of varieties were used as interstock. In the Netherlands (Bal) they had very good experiences with the use of Summerred as an interstock for Elstar (Baab) and from everyday practice it was said that the use of Elstar as an interstock for Jonagold has a better colouring for a result. Other interstocks included in the experiment are: Gloster, Golden, Granny Smith, Idared, Delcorf, Braeburn, Gala, Red Chief and Zoete Aagt. Knipbomen were added as a control to the experiment. For each combination 3 replicates of 6 trees were planted. A planting distance of 3.50 x 1.50 m (1.714 trees/ha) was observed for all trees. Use of other rootstocks. The following rootstocks were chosen for a comparative rootstock experiment: the Polish rootstocks P 59 and P 60, the Russian rootstocks Budagovski 9, 146 and 491, the Czech rootstocks J.TE.E, J.TE.F and J.TE.G and the German rootstocks Pi80 (Supporter 4), PiAu733 and PiAu916. These rootstocks were compared to M.9T337 and M.27. The test variety was King Jonagold and the planting distance was 3.50 x 1.40 m (1.837 trees/ha). For each combination 12 trees were planted in December 1996. The experiment was followed for 6 years and attention was mainly paid to vigour, production, fruit size and colouring. Different M9-selections. In the year of planting 19992000, 10 different selections of M.9 were planted for Novajo, namely M.9 F156, M.9 1576, M.9-8, M.9-19, M.9-29, NAKB 337, NAKB 339, Burgmer 984 and Pajam 2. A number of rootstocks with weak vigour were also planted, namely M.27, P 22, P 16 and Budagovski 9. For each rootstock 4 replicates of 5 trees were planted. Braeburn was chosen as pollinator (9 % scattered through the rows). The planting distance for all trees was 3.50 x 1.25 m (2.057 trees/ha). From 2001 attention was mainly paid to vigour, production, fruit size and colouring. Results and discussion. Use of an interstock. V i g o u r. As a measure for the vigour the increase in trunk circumference from 1998 up to and including 2005 was used (measured just below the first branching). From this it clearly appeared that the experiment can be divided into two groups, depending on the vigour. When a Gloster, Golden, Braeburn, Gala or Red Chief interstock is used for Jonica, the vigour equals that or is somewhat stronger than that of the Knipbomen. The vigour is clearly stronger when Elstar is used as interstock. From figure 1 it appears that 165 the vigour of a Bud 146 interstock can be compared to that of a M.27 interstock. On the other hand the vigour provoked by P 22 is even weaker than that of M.27. A Delcorf interstock also provokes a clearly smaller increase in trunk circumference, but the trees are clearly more vital than those with a M.27, P 22 or Bud 146 interstock. Summerred, Idared, Granny Smith and Zoete Aagt provoke an increase in trunk circumference between the Knipbomenand M.27. Y i e l d d a t a. The differences in production between the more vigorous interstocks are only small. Only for a Golden interstock the production per tree did remain smaller almost every year. Concerning the fruit weight there are no significant differences either, although with Gala there is a tendency to smaller fruits. On the other hand there are big differences in production in case of the weaker interstocks (Table 1). Only Idared obtains approximately the same level as the Knipbomen each year. All other interstocks are clearly less productive than the Knipbomen. In particular when a M.27, P 22 or Bud 146 interstock is used the production remains undersized. This can for the most part be explained by the lack of vigour of these trees. T a b l e 1. Yield data of Jonica with different interstocks (Pcfruitpps, 19992005) 1 l e n t e l ë. Interstock Intarpas Knipbomen M.27 P 22 Bud 146 Summerred Granny Smith Idared Delcorf Zoete Aagt Jonica veislës derlius, naudojant skirtingus intarpus, 19992005 m. Kg/tree / Kg/medis 2005 43.5 28.0 17.2 27.2 40.6 37.9 42.5 37.1 33.9 1999–2005 a f g f c d b e f Kg/cm trunk circumference kamieno apimtis 187.1 127.9 91.3 123.1 162.7 168.5 176.8 165.1 169.2 8.5 7.8 6.7 7.3 8.5 8.8 9.4 9.1 8.8 Fruit weight / Vaisiaus masë, g 2005 241 162 154 180 195 212 202 210 255 b d d cd c c c c a 1999–2005 254 212 208 212 230 233 228 227 248 To calculate the effect of the vigour, the yield is also expressed per unit of growth in table 1. As a measure for growth the trunk circumference of end 2005 was chosen. The best results are obtained by Idared, with a production efficiency that is even better than that of the Knipbomen. For an important part this due to its weaker vigour (Figure 1). Other interstocks with a better score than the Knipbomen are Delcorf, Granny Smith and Zoete Aagt. After 7 years of production P 22 and Bud 146 obtain the lowest production efficiency. As mentioned above, this can mainly be explained by the insufficient vitality of these trees. On average over the years, the fruit size of all weaker growing interstock trees is clearly smaller than that of the Knipbomen. In years with too big sized fruits, e.g. 2002, 2003 and 2004, this is positive. In 2001 and 2005 on the other hand, when the average fruit size was clearly smaller, trees with a M.27, P 22 or Bud 146 interstock 166 produced fruits that were too small. In this case also the insufficient vitality of the trees played an important role. T a b l e 2. Yield data of King Jonagold on different rootstocks (Pcfruit-pps, 19982002) 2 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Poskiepis King Jonagold veislës su skirtingais poskiepiais derlius 19982002 m. Yield / Derlius 1998–2002 m. kg/tree / kg/medis % 92.5 66.4 67.4 65.8 75.3 84.9 71.7 76.3 100.0 71.8 73.0 71.2 81.5 91.9 77.5 82.6 M.9T337 M.27 PiAu916 PiAu733 B.491 B.146 P 59 J.TE.G Kamieno apimtis Fruit weight g 1998–2002 4.7 4.1 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.9 5.0 4.7 249 221 190 193 223 229 219 223 Kg/cm trunk circumference Vaisiaus masë, T a b l e 3. Yield data of Novajo on different M.9-selections (Pcfruit-pps, 20012005) 3 l e n t e l ë. Novajo veislës su skirtingais M.9 klonais derlius 20012005 m. Trunk circumference Kg/tree / Kg/medis Rootstock Poskiepis Kamieno apimtis 2005 2005 m., cm Kg/cm trunk 2001–2005 kamienas Fruit weight g 2002–2005 Vaisiaus masë, M.9-selections / M.9 klonai M.9-29 19.1 ab 38.9 ab 107.7 5.6 245 M.9-19 19.2 a 36.3 b 100.9 5.3 246 M.9-8 19.8 a 36.3 b 105.1 5.3 254 M.9 1576 19.8 a 38.9 b 112.7 5.7 254 M.9 Fl56 16.9 b 33.7 a 106.5 6.3 247 NAKB 337 17.7 b 37.5 b 109.1 6.2 234 NAKB 339 18.3 b 37.1 b 111.4 6.1 242 Burgmer 984 19.7 a 40.0 a 107.0 5.4 250 Pajam 2 19.1 a 35.8 b 102.3 5.4 240 Dwarfing rootstocks / emaûgiai poskiepiai M.27 15.5 b 19.6 b 74.1 4.8 206 P 22 13.1 c 18.7 c 63.9 4.9 207 P 16 14.4 b 28.6 b 94.7 6.6 227 Bud 9 16.3 b 28.0 b 76.5 4.7 226 167 1 F i g. 1. Increase in trunk circumference of Jonica with different interstocks (Pcfruit-pps, 19982005) p a v. Jonica veislës vaismedþiø kamienø apimtis, naudojant skirtingus intarpus, 19982005 m. C o l o u r. A third aspect that is important when choosing an interstock is the influence on the colouring. With respect to the share at first picking over the 7 years not one interstock with weak vigour obtains a bigger first picking than the Knipbomen. The number of A2++ kilos also remains smaller than in case of the Knipbomen. The number of kilos at first picking and the number of kilos A2++ produced by the vigorous interstocks usually is not any bigger than those produced by the Knipbomen either. Only a Gloster or Elstar interstock obtains a somewhat better colouring during the 7 years. However if we take a look at the number of kilos A2++ in the 7085 mm size class, a totally different picture presents itself (Figure 2). Over the 7 years and in total the trees with a Granny Smith, Idared, M.27 or Delcorf interstock obtained the most kilos in the most interesting size classes from a commercial point of view. Here also the worst results were obtained by P 22 and Bud 146. F i g. 2. Colouring of Jonica with different interstocks (Pcfruit-pps, 19992005) 2 p a v. Jonica veislës vaisiø spalva, naudojant skirtingus intarpus, 19992005 m. 168 Use of other rootstocks. V i g o u r. The list below contains the different rootstocks in proportion to their vigour. As a measure for the vigour the increase in trunk circumference from 1997 up to and including 2002 was used. Stronger vigour than M.9T337 * Pi80 (Supporter 4): vigour is too strong (30% more than M.9T337) Vigour equal to that of M.9T337 * Bud 9 and P 60: comparable vigour * J.TE.E and J.TE.F: 5 to 10 % less vigour than M.9T337 Vigour between M.9T337 and M.27 * Bud 146 and Bud 491: cause a growth inhibition of 10% * J.TE.G: 15 % less vigour than M.9T337 Vigour equal to or weaker than that of M.27 * PiAu916 and PiAu733: vigour comparable to that of M.27 * P 59: 10% less vigour than M.27 Y i e l d d a t a. As appears from table 2, from 1996 up to 2002 the highest total yield was obtained by M9T337, followed by Bud 146. The difference amounts to about 10%. The other rootstocks with weak vigour are approximately 20% less productive than M.9T337. After 5 years of production all rootstocks with strong vigour also obtain a smaller yield than M.9T337. When we take a closer look at the production efficiency, we see that P 59 obtains the best result, followed by Bud 146 and J.TE.G. (As a measure for growth the trunk circumference of end 2002 was chosen.) The production efficiency of all other rootstocks was less good than that of M.9T337. Concerning the fruit size all rootstocks, except for Pi80, produce smaller sized fruits than M.9T337. This is an important advantage, especially for Jonagold. As is the case for the interstocks with weak vigour, a warning is in place that in some years rootstocks with weak vigour can produce too small sized fruits. In 2001 the average fruit weight of PiAu916 and PiAu733 amounted to 152 and 154 respectively, with for a consequence that 30 to 35% of the yield was smaller than 70 mm. That year the fruit of the other rootstocks weighed between 180 and 200 grams on average. For M.9 this was 213 grams. C o l o u r. Whether the colouring of Jonagold grafted on the rootstocks with weak vigour is good or not, strongly depends on the number of apples per tree. This can be explained for the most part by the smaller trees and the relatively big number of apples per tree, which provokes a less favourable leaf/fruit-balance. When we look at the number of kilos A2++ (Figure 3) we see that here also M.9T337 and J.TE.G obtain the best results, but the differences with the other rootstocks are less outspoken. In case of the rootstocks with strong vigour the differences are even smaller. Only J.TE.E obtains fewer kilos A2++. However this can be explained by the small yields obtained by this rootstock. When we limit ourselves to the number of kilos A2++ in the 7085 mm size class, a totally different picture presents itself. All rootstocks, except for Pi80, obtain a bigger number of kilos in the commercially most interesting size classes. For the rootstocks with weak vigour PiAu916, PiAu733 and M.27 obtain the best results. On the other hand Bud 491 and Bud 146 clearly did less good, but the 169 number of kilos A2++ in the 7085 mm size class still remains bigger than with M.9T337. F i g. 3. Colouring of King Jonagold on different rootstocks (Pcfruit-pps, 19982002) 3 p a v. King Jonagold veislës vaisiø spalva, naudojant skirtingus poskiepius, 19982002 m. Different M9-selections. The growth of M.9 F156, NAKB 337 and NAKB 339 is weaker than that of M.9-29. The trunk circumference of the other selections are somewhat larger. The yield of most selections equal that or are larger than that of M.9-29. Only M.9-19 and Pajam 2 have a smaller yield. On the other hand the production efficiency of M.9 Fl56, NAKB 337 and NAKB 339 is better than that of M.9-29. The fruit weight is also at least as big. NAKB 337 is the only selection with on average slightly smaller fruits. In many cases the colouring of the different selections was disappointing. After all none of these selections obtains a bigger first picking or more kilos A2++ after 5 years of production. All this indicates that for now M.9 F156 and both NAKBnumbers, turn out to be the best selections of M.9. From the rootstocks with weak vigour P 16 turn out to be the best after 5 years of production. Of P22 it is known that in the year of planting one should be very careful in case of a drought. The vigour of P16 is weak, but it still obtains a yield only slightly smaller than that of M.9-29. Because of this the production efficiency is clearly better than that of M.9-29. All rootstocks with weak vigour produce a smaller fruit size, which is certainly positive in case of Jonagold. With respect to the share of A2++ in the 7085 mm size class, M.27 and especially P 22 turn out to be the best, but not as good as M.9-29. After five years there already can be distinguished some distinct tendencies. The following years this experiment will be followed further in order to examine whether these tendencies are confirmed or not. Conclusion. Overall it is safe to put that M.9 remains a good rootstock. Up until now we did not find a better rootstock in our rootstock experiments. However there are a couple of promising rootstocks for Jonagold, namely J.TE.G and P16. J.TE.G is 15% less vigorous than M.9. Production efficiency and colouring 170 are the same, but because of its smaller fruit size there are more kilos A2++ in the 7085 mm size class. P 16 is 30% less vigorous. The combination of the lesser vigour and the same yield causes the production efficiency of P 16 to be clearly better than that of M.9-29. Where the vigour of M.9 is too strong, the less vigorous selections of M.9 can also be used. The most suitable selection for this are M.9 F156, NAKB 337 and NAKB 339. These selections show the least growth and the fruit size equals that of M.9-29. Concerning the colouring however, there is no improvement. However, further research into the matter is still necessary. The use of M.27 as interstock holds too many risks to be advisable. In some cases the vigour is even less than when M.27 is used as rootstock. The interstock trees have a tendency to stagnate after 4 or 5 years. This causes the fruits to remain too small and the colouring to diminish year after year. The use of Idared, Granny Smith or Delcorf as interstock can be an option. These interstocks clearly cause a reduction of the growth, without influencing the yields too strongly. Through this the production efficiency is even better than in case of the Knipbomen on M.9. A further advantage is that the fruits weigh 20 to 25 grams less on average. On the other hand the colouring does not appear any sooner and the number of kilos A2++ is not bigger than in case of the Knipbomen. However, seeing that the fruit size is considerably smaller, the number of kilos A2++ in the 70 85 mm size class is clearly bigger than that of the Knipbomen. If these results are confirmed in the following years, these interstocks could form interesting alternatives. Gauta 2006 04 28 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 07 References 1. B a a b G. Summerred - die Zwishenveredlung für Elstar? Obstbau 10. 1998. 531534. 2. B a l J. Summerred, de tussen-oplossing bij groeibeheersing. Fruitteelt 86(30).1996.1415. 3. V e r c a m m e n J. Wat is de waarde van M27 als tussenstam? Belgische Fruitrevue 49(02). 1997. 911. 4. V e r c a m m e n J. Welke nieuwe onderstam doet beter dan Bud 146? Belgische Fruitrevue 50(02). 1998. 29-32. 5. P C F - P P S, 2002. Annual report PCF-Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit. P. 113123. 6. P C F - P P S, 2005. Annual report PCF-Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit- Appel. P. 189193. 7. P C F - P P S, 2005. Annual report PCF-Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit- Appel. P. 194202. 171 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 164172. JONAGOLD VEISLEI TINKAMØ ÞEMAÛGIØ POSKIEPIØ TYRIMAS J. Vercammen, G. Van Daele, A. Gomand Santrauka Atliekant tyrimus su poskiepiais mûsø ðalyje, geresnio uþ M.9 poskiepio iki ðiol nerasta. Du perspektyvûs Jonagold veislei tinkami poskiepiai J.TE.G. ir P16. J.TE.G. yra 15% maþiau augûs uþ M.9, produktyvumas ir spalva iðlieka tie patys, bet 7085 mm dydþio vaisiø grupëje dël to, kad joje yra maþesni vaisiai, esama daugiau A2++ kokybës vaisiø. P 16 poskiepis yra 30% maþiau augus uþ M.9, spalva ir produktyvumas beveik prilygsta M.9, o vidutinis vaisiø dydis per daugelá metø iðlieka truputá maþesnis. Maþesnio augumo ir tokio pat derliaus derinys lemia tai, kad P 16 produktyvumas yra kur kas didesnis negu M.9-29. Kai M.9 augumas yra per didelis, galima naudoti kitus, ne tokius augius, M.9 klonus. Ðiam tikslui tinkamiausi M.9 Fl56, NAKB 337 ir NAKB 339 klonai. Silpniausiai auga M.9Fl56, jo vaisiø dydis prilygsta M.9-29, spalva nepagerëja. Galima naudoti ir M.27 poskiepá, taèiau jis ne visada tinka M.9 poskiepiui pakeisti. Daugeliu atvejø reikalingas vaismedis, kurio augumas bûtø tarpinis tarp M.9 ir M.27. Vienas ið bûdø tai pasiekti yra panaudoti M.27 kaip intarpà, tikintis, kad vaismedis ágis ir M.9 (derlingumas ir dydis), ir M.27 privalumø (spalva ir maþesnës darbo sànaudos). Taèiau praktiðkai tai padaryti nepavyksta. Dar viena galimybë kaip intarpus panaudoti Granny Smith, Delcorf arba Idared. Jie uþtikrina augimo sumaþëjimà, pernelyg nepaveikdami derliaus. Reikðminiai þodþiai: intarpas, M.27, M.9 klonai, M.9 Fl56, J.TE.G ir P 16. 172 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 173180. GROWTH AND YIELDING OF JONAGOLD AND LIGOL APPLE TREES ON M.9 AND P 22 SUBCLONES, AND SOME OTHER POLISH ROOTSTOCKS Alojzy CZYNCZYK, Pawel BIELICKI, Barbara BARTOSIEWICZ Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture 96-100 Skierniewice, Pomologiczna str. 18, Poland. E-mail: The effect of subclones of M.9 (M.9T 337, Pajam 1, RN 29), P 22 (P 22/K, P 22/A, P 22/J), and some new Polish rootstocks (P 59, P 60, P 61 and P 62) on the growth and yielding of Jonagold and Ligol apple trees was studied in a field experiment over a period of 10 years. The vigour of both cultivars on subclones M.9 was very close to that on the standard rootstock M.9 EMLA, but trees on Pajam 1 were the smallest. Trees Jonagold grafted on the new Polish rootstock P 62 were significantly less vigorous than those on M.9 EMLA. Tree vigour of both cultivars on the subclones of P 22 was similar to that on the standard rootstock P 22. Jonagold trees grafted on P 61 were significantly smaller than the standard trees on P 22. The smallest trees of both cultivars were obtained on P 59. In the group of semi-dwarfing rootstocks, the smallest trees were on P 60 and the largest on P 14. Yields were more or less proportional to tree size. Among the subclones of P 22, the highest cumulative yields for both cultivars were obtained on P 22/A. The highest cumulative yields for both cultivars on the M.9 subclones were obtained on M.9T 337 and, in the semi-dwarfing group, for Jonagold trees on P 60 and Ligol trees on P 14. The values of the yield efficiency index for the subclones of M.9 were similar to those for M.9 EMLA, and among the subclones of P 22 the values of this index were similar to those for the standard P 22 rootstock. The highest yield efficiency index among the semi-dwarfing rootstocks was obtained for P 60. In 2004, the fruit quality parameters, such as size, weight and the percentage of fruits with a blush on more than 50% of the skin surface, were very good for both cultivars on most of the rootstocks and similar to the quality parameters of the fruits on the standard rootstocks. Jonagold apples of a significantly smaller size were obtained on P 59. Key words: apples, rootstocks, subclone, growth, yielding efficiency, fruit quality. Introduction. One of the most efficient ways of obtaining early yielding of apple trees in modern orchards is to plant dwarf trees (Czynczyk, 1995 and 2000; Mika, 1995). Such trees can be obtained by using dwarfing rootstocks for their production. There is, however, no universal rootstock for all kinds of soil, climatic conditions or various apple cultivars. On light soils (the predominant type of soil in Poland), these requirements are satisfied grafting trees on semi-dwarfing rootstocks 173 such as M.26, P 14 and P 60 (Bielicki et al., 1999; Czynczyk, 1995; Czynczyk and Piskor, 2000; Skrzyñski and Poniedziaùek, 1999). However, trees grafted on these rootstocks often grow too strongly (vigorously) on more fertile soils. Rootstock M.9, the most commonly used rootstock in the countries of Western Europe, is also recommended for growing in Polish conditions (Czynczyk et al., 2001). However, growing of trees on this rootstock is associated with some dangers. For example, the root system of trees growing on M.9 could be damaged by low temperatures during winters without snow. Trees on P 22, on the other hand, are more winter hardy, but they need more fertile soil, irrigation and very well thinned fruitlets to produce good quality fruits. So far the usefulness of the subclones of the M.9 and P 22 rootstocks growing the more economically important apple cultivars in Poland (Jonagold and Ligol) has not been tested over a longer period of time. Can trees grafted on the subclones of M.9 and P 22, and growing on light soils, bear fruits of good quality in older age? The aim of the study presented here was to determine the orchard performance of Jonagold and Ligol apple cultivars grafted on different rootstocks, mainly on subclones of the two rootstocks, M.9 and P 22. In this trial, we determined their adaptability to the variable conditions of Polands climate, paying particular attention to tree health and vigour, crop abundance and fruit quality in older age. Materials and methods. The trial began in the autumn of 1994 at the Experimental Orchard of the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Dàbrowice, central Poland. One-year-old maidens grafted on subclones of M.9 and P 22 rootstocks, and also on the dwarfing rootstocks: P 14, P 59, P 60, and P 61, P 62 recently bred by the Institute of Pomology and Floriculture (Zagaja et al., 1991; Jakubowski, 1999). All rootstocks were classified into three groups. The first group consisted of trees on P 59, P 61 and P 22 (as standard) and its three subclones: P 22/K (mother plants propagated in vitro, rootstock intermediate in character), P 22/A (an adult subclone with poor rooting ability, without spines in stoolbeds) and P 22/J (juvenile subclone with very good rooting ability, a few spines and significantly higher number of layers in stoolbeds (List of cultivars, 1977). The second group consisted of various subclones of M.9 and P 62, whilst the third group included semi-dwarfing rootstocks: P 14, P 60 and M.26 (Table 1). The control function was performed by trees grafted on the P 22, M.9 EMLA and M.26 rootstocks commonly used in the production of apple trees in Poland. The orchard was located on a sandy loam podsolic soil underlaid by loam. Experimental trees were planted according to a randomized block design with 3 sub-blocks for each cultivar, in 4 replications and 3 trees per plot. Trees were trained in the slender spindle bush system. The following observations and measurements were recorded: health status of trees, trunk circumference, yield size and fruit quality. The results were statistically analyzed using the variance analysis method. To assess the significance of the differences between means, Duncans t-test was used at the 5% level of significance. The significance of the differences was assessed separately for the rootstock sub-blocks, which represented the specific groups of rootstocks (Table 2). 174 T a b l e 1. Trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), yield, yield efficiency and quality of fruits of cv. Jonagold grown on subclones of M.9 and P 22, and some Polish-bred rootstocks 1 l e n t e l ë. Jonagold veislës obelø su M.9 ir P 22 subklonais ir kai kuriais lenkiðkos kilmës poskiepiais kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP), derlius, produktyvumas ir vaisiø kokybë Amount of Number of fruits with Total yield, Yield Weight lost trees TCSA in diameter 1996–2004 efficiency of 100 from 12 2 >7 cm 2004 (kg/cm (kg/tree) fruits Rootstocks plants KSP Suminis TCSA) 100 vaisiø Vaisiø, kuriø Poskiepiai Þuvusiø skersmuo 2004 m., derlius 1996– Produktyvumasë, kg medþiø >7 cm, kiekis, 2004 m., cm2 mas, kg/cm2 skaièius i g/medis % KSP 12 sodinukø P 22* P 22/K P 22/A P 22/J P 59 P 61 M.9 EMLA* M.9 T337 M.9 Pajam 1 M.9 RN 29 P 62 M.26* P 14 P 60 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 56.6 c 52.2 c 59.1 c 54.9 c 16.4 a 39.7 b 76.0 b 78.0 b 70.0 b 77.7 b 55.4 a 99.2 b 118.3 c 80.7 a 145.4 b 149.5 b 162.4 b 156.6 b 71.2 a 142.6 b 179.9 ab 193.2 b 177.6 ab 160.1 a 151.6 a 179.3 a 191.5 ab 210.0 b 2.7 a 3.1 ab 2.9 ab 2.9 ab 4.8 c 3.9 bc 2.5 ab 2.5 ab 2.7 b 2.1 a 2.8 b 1.9 a 1.7 a 2.6 b 25.3 b 27.3 b 27.3 b 26.9 b 16.0 a 27.6 b 28.7 ab 26.9 ab 30.4 b 26.1 a 25.5 a 24.7 a 24.9 a 24.8 a 2004 99.1 b 100 b 100 b 100 b 45.4 a 99.8 b 96.1 ab 99.1 b 100 b 99.3 b 91.1 a 97.0 a 98.4 a 99.8 a Amount of fruits with blush over >50% of skin Vaisiø, nusispalvinusiø >50%, kiekis, % 91.3 b 92.8 b 90.6 b 95.4 b 21.9 a 87.3 b 63.6 a 86.8 a 68.3 a 85.8 a 80.4 a 40.2 a 38.1 a 69.2 a * standard trees / standartiniai medþiai Averages followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at P=0.05 (Duncans multiple range test) / Tarp ta paèia raide paþymëtø vidurkiø pagal Dunkano kriterijø (p=0,05) esminio skirtumo nëra. K stoolbeds established from in vitro propagated mother plants / augynai, suformuoti ið in vitro dauginamø motininiø augalø A adult subclone / subrendæs subklonas J juvenile subclone / juvenalinis subklonas Results and discussion. T r e e h e a l t h. During ten-year-long period of tree growth there was no loss of trees due to frost damage to the cultivar or root system. The highest number of trees of the cultivar Ligol were lost due to them falling over during periods of strong winds while carrying a heavy crop. Out of 12 trees planted, the following numbers were lost: on P 22/J 3 trees, on M.9 RN 29 3 trees, on P 22/K 2 trees, on M.9 EMLA 2 trees, on P 59 2 trees and on P 60 2 trees. These results show that strongly dwarfing rootstocks such as P 22 and its subclones, and P 59 and some subclones of M.9 had poorly developed root systems. The poor rooting ability of trees growing on very dwarfing rootstocks corresponds with the observations made by Webster (1999), Webster and Hollands (1999), and Wertheim (1998). Six of 16 lost trees of the cultivar Ligol had on-stem infection 175 with Nectria canker. The bark and wood of Ligol trees is more sensitive to this disease than those of Jonagold trees. The higher yield efficiency index of the cultivar Ligol was also more favourable to the trees falling over because of a heavy fruit crop. Much smaller number of Jonagold trees were lost (accidentally only 5). T a b l e 2. Trunk cross-sectional area, yield, yield efficiency and quality of fruits of cv. Ligol grown on subclones of M.9 and P 22, and some Polish-bred rootstocks 2 l e n t e l ë. Ligol veislës obelø su M.9 ir P 22 subklonais ir kai kuriais lenkiðkos kilmës poskiepiais kamieno skerspjûvio plotas, derlius, produktyvumas ir vaisiø kokybë Rootstocks Number of lost trees from 12 plants Poskiepiai Þuvusiø medþiø skaièius i 12 sodinukø P 22* P 22/K P 22/A P 22/J P 59 M.9 EMLA* M.9 T337 M.9 Pajam 1 M.9 RN 29 M.26* P 14 P 60 0 2 0 3 2 2 0 1 3 1 0 2 TCSA in 2004 (cm2) Total yield, 1996– 2004 (kg/tree) KSP 2004 m., cm2 Suminis derlius 1996– 2004 m., kg/medis 42.9 bc 44.7 c 40.7 c 33.4 b 12.2 a 55.8 a 55.1 a 54.9 a 61.1 a 76.6 b 85.1 b 60.1 a 138.6 b 153.3 b 156.8 b 137.5 b 75.8 a 191.2 a 203.0 a 179.9 a 193.5 a 197.6 a 210.1 a 191.1 a Amount of Amount of fruits with fruits with Yield Weight of diameter blush over efficiency >50% of 2 100 fruits >7 cm (kg/cm skin 100 vaisiø Vaisiø, kuriø TCSA) Vaisiø, skersmuo masë, kg Produktyvu nusispalvinu>7 cm, mas, kg/cm2 siø >50%, kiekis, % KSP kiekis, % 3.5 a 3.5 a 4.0 a 4.2 a 6.4 b 3.5 a 3.8 a 3.3 a 3.3 a 2.6 a 2.8 a 3.2 a 22.5 a 30.4 b 21.7 a 23.1 ab 25.9 ab 30.5 a 26.9 a 26.9 a 27.2 a 27.4 a 31.5 a 24.2 a 2004 96.2 a 97.5 a 92.8 a 91.6 a 93.5 a 91.9 a 97.2 ab 100 b 100 b 91.5 a 93.5 a 88.9 a 96.1 a 84.8 a 88.3 a 97.9 a 97.2 a 79.2 a 86.8 a 100 a 92.2 a 87.3 a 95.7 a 94.3 a * standard trees / standartiniai medþiai Explanation see in Table 1 / Paaiðkinimus þr. 1 lentelëje T r e e v i g o u r. After ten years, the least vigorous growth was shown by those trees of both cultivars that were growing on P 59 and P 61. Trees growing on the subclones of P 22 were similar in size to the trees growing on the standard rootstock P 22. However, Jonagold trees on P 22/A were the biggest, and Ligol trees on P 22/J were the smallest when compared with the trees growing on the traditionally propagated P 22. After seven years the relation between the size of tenyear old trees on the subclones of P 22 was almost the same as that previously noted by Czynczyk et al. (2004). The trees of Jonagold on P 61 were significantly smaller than the trees growing on the traditionally propagated rootstock P 22. Within the group of the standard dwarfing rootstocks, Jonagold and Ligol trees on the subclones of M.9 were similar in size. The most vigorously growing trees were obtained on the M.9T 337 subclone, whereas the smallest trees of Jonagold were 176 obtained on the newly bred P 62 rootstock they were significantly smaller than the trees grown on M.9 EMLA. Small differences found in the group of the M.9 subclones are in line with the reports by Kurlus and Ugolik (1999), Engel (1999) and Sadowski et al. (2004). Within the group of semi-dwarf trees, both Jonagold and Ligol trees grew more vigorously on P 14 in comparison with the trees on M.26. The trees on P 60 of both cultivars were significantly smaller than the trees growing on M.26 the standard rootstock. The obtained results relating to the vigour of dwarf and semi-dwarf trees correspond with the results presented by Bielicki et al. (1999), Czynczyk et al. (2004), Czynczyk and Bartosiewicz (2003), and Jadczuk (2000). Y i e l d. All the trees of two apple cultivars began bearing fruit in the second year after planting. Yield per tree in the following years corresponded to the size of the tree. Higher yields were usually obtained from larger trees. After ten years, within the group of the least vigorously growing trees, the total yields for both cultivars on the subclones of P 22 were similar in size to the total yields obtained from the control trees on P 22. The lowest total yield was obtained from the smallest trees on P 59. A lower yield for Jonagold, in comparison with the yield from all the trees on the subclones of P 22, was also obtained from the trees growing on the new P 61 rootstock. In the group of dwarf trees, the total yields for both cultivars were similar in size to the total yields obtained from the standard trees growing on M.9 EMLA. The obtained results relating to the total yield of Jonagold and Ligol cultivars growing on the dwarfing rootstocks followed a trend similar to those presented earlier by Jakubowski (1999), Bielicki et al. (1999) and Czynczyk et al. (2004). Within the group of semi-dwarf trees, the total yields for both cultivars were similar in size to the cumulative yields obtained from trees on M.26, with the exception of the yields obtained for Jonagold trees on P 60. The cumulative yield for Jonagold trees on P 60 was significantly higher in comparison with the yield obtained from trees on M.26. Yield data related to the rootstocks in this experiment correspond with those presented previously by Bielicki et al. (1999) and Czynczyk et al. (2004). The total yield efficiencies (in kg per cm2 of trunk cross-sectional area) within the group of trees growing on the subclones of P 22 were higher than the yield efficiencies obtained from standard trees on P 22. Jonagold and Ligol trees on P 59 had significantly higher yield efficiency index. Jonagold trees growing on P 61 also had higher yield efficiency index than the standard trees on P 22. Within the group of dwarf trees on M.9 EMLA and its subclones, the numerical values of the yield efficiency index were very similar. Similar values of the yield efficiency index had also Jonagold trees on the new P 62 rootstock. In the group of semi-dwarf trees of both cultivars, the highest yield efficiency index was obtained for trees on the P 60 rootstock. The results concerning the yield efficiency index for the different rootstocks are in agreement with the data presented earlier by Czynczyk and Bartosiewicz (2003), Czynczyk and Bielicki (2002) and Czynczyk et al. (2004). The size and weight of fruits of both cultivars were similar for all the rootstocks with the exception of Jonagold trees on P 59. In 2004, Jonagold trees on this rootstock produced significantly smaller fruits. Fruitlets on Jonagold trees growing on P 59 have to be thinned more carefully. In 2004, Jonagold apples obtained from trees on P 59 also 177 had the smallest red blush on their surface. Winter and summer pruning of Jonagold trees on P 59 have to be done very carefully. Conclusions. 1. The subclones P 22/A and P 22/J showed growth vigour very similar to P 22 (standard). The P 22/K rootstock obtained from stoolbeds established from in vitro propagated mother plants contributed to the growth vigour of Jonagold trees similar to that of the trees growing on P 22 (standard). Trees on the new rootstock P 61 were also similar in size to the trees on P 22 (standard). The smallest trees of both cultivars were obtained on P 59. 2. Growth vigour of subclones of M.9 rootstock (M.9 T 337, M.9 Pajam 1 and M.9 RN 29) was similar to the standard M.9 EMLA. However, both cultivars on the M.9 Pajam 1 subclone showed the weakest growth. Trees of the cultivar Jonagold on the new rootstock P 62 were significantly smaller than the trees on M.9 EMLA and all the other subclones of M.9. 3. Within the group of semi-dwarf trees, both Jonagold and Ligol trees grew less vigorously on P 60 and more vigorously on P 14 in comparison with the trees on M.26. 4. The total yields obtained from trees growing on the subclones of M.9 and P 22 were similar to the total yields from trees growing on M.9 EMLA and P 22 the standard rootstocks. Jonagold trees growing on the semi-dwarfing rootstocks P 14 and P 60 produced higher total yields than trees on the standard rootstock M.26. The highest yield efficiency within the group of the very dwarfing rootstocks was achieved by trees on P 59 followed by those on P 61, whereas among the subclones of M.9 the most efficient were Jonagold trees on M.9 Pajam 1. 5. Tested subclones of M.9 and P 22, and new rootstocks with varying vigour produced no significant effect on the size, weight or colouring of apples, with the exception of Jonagold trees growing on P 59. More attention has to be paid to very careful winter and summer pruning and the thinning of fruitlets when growing Jonagold on P 59. Gauta 2006 05 23 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 References 1. B i e l i c k i P., C z y n c z y k A. and B a r t o s i e w i c z B. Effects of new polish rootstocks and some M.9 clones on growth cropping and fruit quality of three apple cultivars. Proceedings of the International Seminar Apple Rootstocks for intensive Orchards (Warsaw-Ursynów, Poland, 18-21 08 1999). 1999. P. 15-16. 2. C z y n c z y k A. New apple rootstocks from the Polish breeding program International Dwarf Fruit Tree Association, Pennsylvania. Compact Fruit Tree. 1995. Vol. 28. P. 68-76. 3. C z y n c z y k A. The growth and fruiting of two apple cultivars replanted over the old apple orchard at various densities. J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. 2000. (1). P. 19-24. 178 4. C z y n c z y k A. and P i s k o r E. 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S a d o w s k i A., D z i u b a n R. and J a b ù o ñ s k i K. Growth and Cropping of Three Apple Cultivars on Different Rootstocks over a 7-year Period. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 257-263. 16. S k r z y ñ s k i J., P o n i e d z i a ù e k W. Growth and cropping of Jonagold apple trees on six different rootstocks: M.9, M.26, P 2, P 14, P 22 and P 60. Proceedings of the International Seminar Apple Rootstocks for intensive Orchards. Warsaw-Ursynów, Poland, 1999. 17. W e b s t e r A. D. Dwarfing rootstocks for apple: past, present and future. Proceedings of the International Seminar Apple Rootstocks for intensive Orchards (Warsaw-Ursynów, Poland, 1821 08 1999). 1999. P. 9-14. 18. W e b s t e r A. D. and H o l l a n d s M. S. Orchard comparison of Coxs Orange Pippin grown on selections of the apple rootstock M.9. J. Hort. Sci.& Biotech. 1999. 74(4). P. 513-521. 19. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock Guide. Fruit Research Station Wilhelminadorp the Netherlands. The Netherlands, 1998. 20. Z a g a j a S. W., J a k u b o w s k i T., P r z y b y ù a A. P 60 a new vegetative apple rootstock. Fruit Sci. Rep. 1991. 18(1). P. 25-30. 179 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 173180. JONAGOLD IR LIGOL VEISLIØ OBELØ AUGIMAS IR DERËJIMAS SU M.9, P 22 SUBKLONAIS IR KAI KURIAIS LENKIÐKAIS POSKIEPIAIS A. Czynczyk, P. Bielicki, B. Bartosiewicz Santrauka Sode 10 metø buvo tirta M.9 subklonø: M.9T 337, Pajam 1, RN 29, P 22 subklonø: P 22/K, P 22/A, P 22/J, ir kai kuriø naujø lenkiðkø poskiepiø (P 59, P 60, P 61 ir P 62) átaka Jonagold ir Ligol veisliø obelø augimui ir derëjimui. Abiejø veisliø vaismedþiø su M.9 subklonais augumas buvo labai artimas augumui su standartiniu poskiepiu M.9 EMLA, bet vaismedþiai su Pajam 1 buvo maþiausi. Jonagold vaismedþiai su nauju lenkiðku P 62 poskiepiu augo daug lëèiau negu su M.9 EMLA. Abiejø veisliø vaismedþiø augumas su P 22 subklonais buvo panaðus kaip su standartiniu poskiepiu P 22. Jonagold vaismedþiai su P 61 poskiepiu buvo ið esmës þemesni uþ vaismedþius su P 22. Maþiausi abiejø veisliø vaismedþiai buvo su P 59 poskiepiu. Pusiau þemaûgiø poskiepiø grupëje þemiausi vaismedþiai buvo su P 60, didþiausi su P 14 poskiepiu. Derlius buvo beveik proporcingas vaismedþio dydþiui. Ið P 22 subklonø didþiausi abiejø veisliø derliai gauti su P 22/A, ið M.9 subklonø su M.9T 337, pusiau þemaûgiø Jonagold vaismedþiø grupëje su P 60, Ligol su P 14. M.9 subklonø produktyvumas buvo panaðus á M.9 EMLA, o ið P 22 subklonø ðio rodiklio reikðmës buvo panaðios á standartinio P 22 poskiepio. Ið pusiau þemaûgiø poskiepiø produktyviausi buvo vaismedþiai su P 60. 2004 metais abiejø veisliø su dauguma tirtø poskiepiø vaisiø kokybës rodikliai (dydis, masë ir vaisiø, kuriø þievë paraudusi daugiau kaip 50%, procentas) nesiskyrë. Kur kas maþesni Jonagold obuoliai iðaugo tik su P 59. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, poskiepiai, subklonas, augimas, produktyvumas, vaisiø kokybë. 180 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 181191. FIELD PERFORMANCE OF GENEVA® APPLE ROOTSTOCKS IN THE EASTERN USA Terence L. ROBINSON1, Gennaro FAZIO2, Herbert S. ALDWINCKLE3, Stephen A. HOYING4, Nicole RUSSO3 1 Dept. of Hort. Sciences, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, New York, 14456 USA. E-mail: 2 USDA-ARS, Geneva, New York 14456 USA. E-mail: Dept. of Plant Pathology, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, New York, 14456 USA. E-mail: 3 Cornell Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rt 88N Newark, New York, 14568 USA. E-mail: 4 Series of replicated trials in New York State were established in 19982002 to evaluate the Cornell-Geneva series of apple rootstocks which have been bred for resistance to fire blight and Phytophthora root rot, high yield efficiency and good tree survival. Among dwarfing rootstock candidates that are similar in size to M.9, Geneva® 41 (G.41), G.11 and G.16 have shown the greatest yield efficiency and have equaled or exceeded the performance of M.9. G.41 has shown a high level of resistance to fire blight and has also shown good cold hardiness in test winters, while G.11 has shown a moderate level of resistance to fire blight. G.16 showed significantly greater winter survival than M.9, M.26 or B.9 in a mid-winter freeze event in 2004 but greater tree damage than M.9 from the late fall freeze in 2003. Among semi-dwarfing rootstock candidates that are similar in size to M.26, both G.935 and G.202 had significantly greater yield efficiency than M.26. In addition, they both have shown high resistance to fire blight and good tolerance to apple replant disease. Both have shown good winter survival to midwinter cold events. Key words: Malus X domestica, fire blight, yield efficiency, dwarfing, winter hardiness, graft union strength, anchorage. Introduction. The adoption of high-density apple orchards on dwarfing rootstocks has allowed apple growers to achieve earlier production, higher production and better fruit quality than previously. However, for many apple growers in North America, New Zealand and some locations in Europe, the bacterial disease fire blight is a serious threat to dwarf apple orchards (Norelli et al., 2003). M.9 and M.26, the most common dwarfing apple rootstocks, are very susceptible to this disease and in some locations this disease limits the planting of dwarfing rootstocks. Outbreaks of the disease in the eastern USA have decimated many dwarf apple orchards. 181 In 1970, Dr. James Cummins and Dr. Herbert Aldwinckle initiated an apple rootstock breeding project at the Cornell University, Geneva, NY, with the objective of developing rootstock genotypes with improved nursery and orchard characteristics that were better adapted to the biotic stresses of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora), and crown rot (Phytophthora spp.) which are common in New York State and surrounding areas (Cummins and Aldwinckle, 1983). Progeny from planned crosses underwent rigorous greenhouse screening procedures at the small seedling stage to select for tolerance to fire blight and crown rot. Surviving genotypes were then tested for propagation characteristics in the nursery, and productivity and dwarfing at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York. Since 1991, the elite selections from the breeding program have been tested in field trials at various locations around the world (USA: Robinson et al., 2003; Robinson and Hoying, 2004; Robinson et al., 2004; France: Masseron and Simard, 2002 and New Zealand: personal communication from Stuart Tustin). In this paper, we report on the performance of Geneva® rootstocks from a series of trials in two apple growing regions of New York State planted from 19982002 where we assessed survival, precocity, productivity, fruit size and field tolerance to fire blight. Materials and Methods. In 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2002, rootstock trials were planted in two apple-growing regions of New York State (Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain regions) (Table 1). Each trial had 1-9 Geneva® rootstock clones with appropriate Malling rootstock controls. In the 1998 trial two sources or rootstock liners were compared. The first group came from stoolbed mother plants, which had been propagated by stoolbed layering. The second group came from stoolbed mother plants, which had been propagated by tissue culture. T a b l e 1. Replicated Geneva® rootstock trials planted in New York State 1 l e n t e l ë. Niujorko valstijoje árengti Geneva® poskiepiø bandymai Farm name Ûkio pavadinimas Geneva Peters Chazy Geneva Region of New Year of planting York State Niujorko valstijos Sodinimo regionas metai Variety Veislë Lake Ontario 1998 ‘Jonagold’ Lake Ontario 1999 ‘McIntosh’ Ontarijo eeras Ontarijo eeras Lake Champlain Èempleino eeras Lake Ontario Ontarijo eeras Rootstocks in trial Tiriami poskiepiai G.41, G.16, M.9 G.16, G.30, G.41, G202, G935, CG.4013, CG.6210, CG.6814, CG.7707, M.9, M.26, M.7, Supporter 1, Supporter 2, Supporter 3, Supporter 4 2001 ‘McIntosh’, G.16, G.30, Ottawa 3, Vineland 3, ‘Honeycrisp’ Vineland 1, Mark, Bud.118, Bud.9, M.9T337, M.9Nic29, M.26, M.111, M.7, MM.106, Supporter4 2002 ‘Gala’, G.11, G.16, G.41, G.65, G.935, JM.2, ‘Honeycrisp’ JM.7, M.9T337, M.9EMLA, M.9Nic29, M.9Burg756, M.26EMLA, M.26NAKB, M.27, Ottawa 3, P.14, P.22, PiAu56-83, Supporter 4 182 All of the trees for each experiment were grown in a common nursery in Geneva, NY. At planting, the trees, which were unbranched whips, were headed at 90 cm. Each experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block with 48 replications. All of the experiments utilized single tree plots. Trees were supported and trained to the Vertical Axis system. The plots were managed with standard New York State, fertilization, ground cover management and chemical fruit thinning programs. Annual yield, fruit size, tree size (trunk circumference measured at 30 cm above the graft union) and survival data were collected. The plot planted in the Champlain region in 2001 experienced considerable winter tree death in January of 2004. The damage occurred to the roots and rootstock shank and not to the scion or scion buds. The damage resulted from the combination of excessive moisture in December, followed by a warm period in early January and then a sudden drop in temperature to 32°C. Low temperatures remained at that level each night for several weeks. Tree mortality was recorded in the spring of 2004. In the 2002 plot we inoculated each of the scions during bloom with fire blight in 2005. We then recorded rootstock death at the end of the season. All data were analyzed by ANOVA and mean comparison was done with LSD, P≤0.05. Results. Geneva rootstocks, which have been named and released in the USA, include G.11, G.16, G.30, G.41, G.65, G.202 and G.935. Other unreleased numbered selections are designated as CG stocks. In the 1998 plots, Gala/ G.16 trees were 13% larger in size but not significantly different than trees on M.9EMLA at the end of 8 years in the orchard, but the Jonagold/ G.16 trees were 7% smaller in size but not significantly different than the trees on M.9EMLA (Table 2). With Jonagold, T a b l e 2. Tree size and yield of Jonagold on G.16 and G.41 rootstocks and Gala on G.16 after 8 years at Geneva, New York (planted in 1998) 2 Variety Veislë l e n t e l ë. Jonagold veislës vaismedþiø su G.16 ir G.41 poskiepiais ir Gala veislës su G.16 poskiepiu dydis ir 8 metø derlius. Þeneva, Niujorko valstija (pasodinta 1998 m.) Rootstock* Tree survival Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas, Suminis derlius, % M.9E % M.9E % M.9E 100 100 100 100 100 G.16 93 133 94 89 100 G.41 83 166 116 91 100 LSd05/R05 19 33 16 5 G.16 113 112 99 91 100 M.9T337 78 121 143 95 100 M.9EMLA 100 100 100 100 100 LSd05/R05 27 25 27 6 Poskiepis ‘Jonagold’ M.9EMLA ‘Gala’ Trunk cross- Cumulative Cumulative yield Average fruit sectional area yield efficiency size Produktyvumas, Vidutinis vaisiaus Vaismedþiø dydis, % M.9E išlikimas, % * Rootstocks ranked by trunk cross-sectional area / Poskiepiai sugrupuoti pagal kamieno skerspjûvio plotà. 183 tree size of G.41 was significantly smaller (18%) than M.9EMLA. Cumulative yield of Gala/ G.16 trees was also not significantly higher than trees on M.9EMLA resulting in similar yield efficiency as trees on M.9EMLA (Table 2). With Jonagold, both G.16 and G.41 had significantly higher yield than M.9EMLA. The Jonagold/G.41 trees had significantly higher yield efficiency than trees on M.9EMLA. With G.16 yield efficiency was not significantly different than trees on M.9EMLA. Fruit size of both G.16 and G.41 was significantly smaller than M.9EMLA. In the case of G.41 this was the result of greater crop load while with G.16 fruit size was smaller despite having similar crop load as M.9. The comparison of the effect of tissue culturing of the stoolbed mother plants on orchard performance of rootstocks showed no significant differences in tree size, yield, yield efficiency or root suckers of Jonagold trees on G.16 rootstock when the rootstock liners came from stoolbeds where the mother plants were from tissue cultured plants compared to trees on G.16 when the liners came from non tissue cultured mother plants (Table 3). T a b l e 3. Effects of tissue culture propagation on the performance of G.16 rootstock after 8 years with Jonagold as the scion at Geneva, New York State (planted in 1998) 3 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock* Poskiepis Audiniø kultûroje padauginto G.16 poskiepio átaka Jonagold veislës obelø augimui ir derëjimui 8 metus. Þeneva, Niujorko valstija (pasodinta 1998 m.) Trunk crosssectional area Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas, cm2 Average fruit size Root suckers (no./tree) Cumulative yield (kg/tree) Cumulative yield efficiency Suminis derlius, kg/medis Produktyvumas, 2 Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, g Ðaknø atþalos, vnt./ vaism. kg/cm KSP G.16 non TC 40.4 133 3.4 240 0.3 G.16 TC** LSd05/R05 43.9 9.2 135 24 3.1 0.8 234 14 0.3 0.3 * Rootstocks ranked by trunk cross-sectional area / Poskiepiai sugrupuoti pagal kamieno skerspjûvio plotà. **TC= Liners derived from tissue cultured stoolbed plants / Poskiepiai iðauginti ið audiniø kultûroje padaugintø motininiø augalø. In the 1999 dwarf rootstock plot with McIntosh, the smallest trees were on G.16, M.9 and Supporter 1 (Table 4). Intermediate in size between M.9 and M.26 were G.41 and Supporter 3. Similar to M.26 in size were G.202 and G.935. The highest cumulative yield was with G.935 followed by G.41, G.202, Supporter 3, Supporter 2, G.16, M.9 and lowest with Supporter 1. The highest yield efficiency was with G.41 followed by G.935, G.16, Supporter 2, M.9, Supporter 3, Supporter 1, M.26 and lowest with G.202. Fruit size was largest with G.41 followed by M.26, G.935, G.202, M.9, Supporter 2, Supporter 1, Supporter 3, and smallest with G.16. The greatest number of root suckers was with M.9 while all of the other stocks did not differ from zero. Tree survival was lowest with M.9 and significantly lower than all of the other stocks, which were not different than 100%. 184 T a b l e 4. Seven-year performance of McIntosh on several dwarf rootstocks in New York State (planted in 1999) 4 l e n t e l ë. McIntosh veislës obelø su keliais þemaûgiais poskiepiais augimas ir derëjimas septynerius metus Niujorko valstijoje (pasodinta 1999 m.) Trunk crossCumulative Average Number of Cumulative Tree survival area size Rootstock* sectional yield efficiency fruit yield (kg/tree) Kamieno Vidutinë root suckers Vaismedþiø Produktyvumas, Poskiepis vaisiaus Ðaknø atþalø išlikimas, % skerspjûvio Suminis derlius, kg/vaism. skaièius 2 kg/cm2 KSP plotas, cm masë, g G.16 39.3 90.0 2.30 166 0.0 100 M.9T337 39.6 79.8 2.04 178 6.7 50 Supporter1 42.2 75.3 1.77 172 2.3 100 G.16TC** 43.3 72.3 1.66 167 1.0 100 Supporter2 44.8 101.0 2.22 174 0.2 100 G.41 48.8 119.0 2.37 192 0.0 83 Supporter3 50.3 101.0 2.02 170 0.0 83 M.26EMLA 64.5 98.1 1.56 183 0.0 100 G.202 73.3 111.0 1.46 180 1.7 100 G.935 79.0 183.0 2.31 181 2.3 100 LSd05/R05 14.9 33.8 0.42 13 3.3 28 * Rootstocks ranked by trunk cross-sectional area / Poskiepiai sugrupuoti pagal kamieno skerspjûvio plotà. **TC= Liners derived from tissue cultured stoolbed plants / Poskiepiai iðauginti ið audiniø kultûroje padaugintø motininiø augalø. In the 1999 semi-dwarf rootstock plot with McIntosh, the smallest trees were on M.26 and G.6210 (Table 5). G.30 was intermediate in size between M.26 and M.7 while Supporter 4 was similar in size to M.7. The highest cumulative yield was with G.30 followed by M.7, Supporter 4, G.6210, and lowest with M.26. The highest yield efficiency was with G.6210 and G.30 followed by M.26, M.7 and lowest with Supporter 4. Fruit size was largest with G.6210 followed by M.7, G.30, G.6210, and smallest with Supporter 4. The greatest number of root suckers was with M.7, which had significantly greater number of suckers than G.30, which was followed by Supporter 4, G.6210 and M.26, which did not differ from zero. Tree survival was the lowest with G.30 but was not significantly different than 100%. Rootstock had a significant effect on tree survival following the mid-winter cold snap of 2004 in the 2001 plot in the Champlain region of New York State. With Honeycrisp and McIntosh as the scions, Ottawa 3, Vineland 1 Vineland 3, G.16, G.30 and Mark had the greatest survival followed by B.118, M.9T337, B.9, M.9Nic29 and Supporter 4 (Table 6). M.26, MM.111, M.7 and MM.106 had very poor survival. In the 2002 plot, inoculation with fire blight caused significant scion infection on all trees and with susceptible rootstocks significant tree death. The greatest tree death was with M.9 and M.26 (Table 7). An intermediate amount of tree death was observed with M.27. A low level of tree death was observed with G.11, G.65 and 185 G.935. No tree death was observed with G.16 and G.41. T a b l e 5. Seven-year performance of McIntosh on several semidwarf rootstocks in New York State (planted in 1999) 5 l e n t e l ë. McIntosh veislës obelø su keliais pusiau þemaûgiais poskiepiais augimas ir derëjimas septynerius metus Niujorko valstijoje (pasodinta 1999 m.) Trunk cross- Cumulative Cumulative yield sectional area yield Rootstock* (kg/tree) efficiency Kamieno Poskiepis skerspjûvio 2 plotas, cm Suminis derlius kg/medis M.26EMLA 49.0 CG.6210 Average fruit size Vidutinë Produktyvumas vaisiaus masë, Number of Tree survival root suckers Vaismedþiø Šaknø atþalø išlikimas, % skaièius kg/cm2 KSP g 57.2 1.19 188 0.7 100 56.8 75.1 1.30 174 1.8 100 G.30TC** 75.2 77.8 1.01 184 6.6 80 G.30 82.4 107.0 1.29 175 7.0 100 Supporter 4 106.5 93.9 0.93 170 3.7 100 M.7EMLA 107.0 104.0 1.03 186 33.0 100 LSd05/R05 24.4 31.4 0.44 18 16.0 32 *Rootstocks ranked by trunk cross-sectional area / Poskiepiai sugrupuoti pagal kamieno skerspjûvio plotà. **TC= Liners derived from tissue cultured stoolbed plants / Poskiepiai iðauginti ið audiniø kultûroje padaugintø motininiø augalø. Discussion. Our data have shown that over a broad range of climates and soils, that 3 Geneva® stocks, G.11, G.41 and G.16, are very similar in dwarfing to M.9. Geneva® 11, which is a 1978 cross of Malling 26 X Robusta 5 was released in 1999. Our earlier data showed it to be similar in size and yield efficiency to M.26 (Robinson et al., 2003). However, in those trials M.26 grew poorly. Our more recent data shows G.11 to be similar in size to M.9. Similar results were found in France (Masseron and Simard, 2002). Our current data shows that G.11 is fire blight resistant but is not immune. This confirms our earlier data (Norelli et al., 2002). It also has good resistance to Phytophthora root rot, but it is not resistant to woolly apple aphids or apple replant disease (Isutsa and Merwin, 2000). G.11 has good layerbed and nursery characteristics. It may prove to be an excellent replacement for M.9. Geneva® 16, which is a 1981 cross of Ottawa 3 X Malus floribunda, was released in 1998. Our data show it to be similar in vigor to vigorous clones of M.9 (i.e. Nic29 or Pajam2). G.16 is a good rooter in the stoolbed and produces a large tree in the nursery. Tree growth in the first 2 years in the orchard is vigorous, but with the onset of cropping, tree vigor is moderated giving a final tree size similar in size to M.9. G.16 appears to have wide soil adaptability and some tolerance to replant disease (unpublished data). G.16 showed similar precocity and cumulative yield efficiency as M.9. G.16 also exhibited very good mid-winter hardiness having survived 186 T a b l e 6. Survival of three-year-old Honeycrisp and McIntosh apple trees on several rootstocks following the severe winter weather of 2004 in the Champlain region of New York State (planted in 2001) 6 l e n t e l ë. Trejø metø Honeycrisp ir McIntosh veisliø obelø su keliais poskiepiais iðlikimas po 2004 metø ðaltos þiemos Niujorko valstijos Èempleino regione (pasodinta 2001 m.) Rootstock* Poskiepis Ottawa 3 Vineland 3 Vineland 1 G.16 G.30 Mark Bud.118 M.9T337 Bud.9 M.9Nic29 Supporter 4 M.26 MM.111 M.7 MM.106 LSd05/R05 Tree survival / Iðlikusiø vaismedþiø kiekis, % ‘Honeycrisp’ ‘McIntosh’ 100 a – 98 ab – 98 ab – 92 ab 92 a 92 ab 100 a 92 ab 96 a 88 abc 88 abc 86 abcd 36 cd 66 bcde 37 cd 55 cdef 58 bc 54 cde – 39 ef 26 cd 36 ef 34 cd 24 fg 31 cd 0g 17 d 33 33 *Rootstocks ranked by survival with Honeycrisp / Poskiepiai sugrupuoti pagal Honeycrisp iðlikimà. the 2004 winter freeze event in Northern NY that killed many M.9, B.9 and M.26 trees. However, G.16 does appear to have some susceptibility to very early winter freeze events in the nursery (Roger Adams, personal communication). This is likely due to its vigorous growth characteristics in the nursery and in the orchard during the first few years where it grows late. The field inoculation trial reported here shows it to be essentially immune to fire blight, which confirms our earlier data (Norelli et al., 2002). It is highly resistant to Phytophthora, but it is not resistant to woolly apple aphids. The greatest known deficiency of G.16 is its sensitivity to one or more latent viruses in scion wood (Johnson et al., 2001). Infected scion wood results in death of the trees in the nursery or the first year in the orchard. This requires absolute use of virus free scion wood. A few trees have snapped off at the graft union during high winds in one commercial orchard indicating that it has a brittle union similar to M.9. The comparison of G.16 liners derived from tissue cultured stoolbed mother plants versus liners derived from conventionally propagated mother plants showed no significant differences in performance with Jonagold as the scion. With G.16, at least we see no negative effects of rapid plant multiplication by tissue culture to obtain stoolbed mother plants. The liners derived from those stoolbed mother plants appear to behave similarly to liners from conventionally 187 propagated stoolbeds. However, we do not recommend the use of tissue-cultured plants directly as rootstock liners due to increased tree vigor. If virus free wood is used, it appears that G.16 is a good alternative to M.9 in high fire blight areas. T a b l e 7. Tree death of Gala and Honeycrisp apple trees on various rootstocks after inoculation of the scion with fire blight during bloom (planted in 2002) 7 l e n t e l ë. Gala ir Honeycrisp veisliø obelø su ávairiais poskiepiais þuvimas vaismedþius inokuliavus bakterine deglige þydëjimo metu (pasodinta 2002 m.) Rootstock Poskiepis Tree death / Þuvusiø vaismedþiø kiekis, % ‘Gala’ ‘Honeycrisp’ G.11 -- 12 G.16 -- 0 G.41 0 0 G.65 -- 10 G.935 -- 13 M.9T337 86 -- M.9EMLA -- 79 M.26EMLA 75 93 M.27 -- 40 LSd05/R05 30 30 G.41, which is a 1975 cross of Malling 27 X Robusta 5, was released in January 2005. The data show that G.41 gives a tree slightly smaller than M.9EMLA and similar to the weak clones of M.9 such as NAKBT337 or Flueren 56. G.41 is the most productive M.9 size rootstock in our trials. It also has excellent fruit size and induces wide crotch angles. Our current fire blight inoculation trial shows that it is highly resistant to fire blight and confirms our earlier data (Norelli et al., 2002). It is also resistant to Phytophthora but it is not resistant to woolly apple aphids. It appears to have some tolerance of apple replant disease. A comparison of performance of stocks in an infected soil site and an uninfected soil site showed that G.41 had similar growth in both sites while M.26 and M.9 showed significantly less growth in the infected site (Robinson and Hoying, 2003). It survived a severe winter cold snap in Northern NY in 1994 (Robinson and Hoying, 2003). In the stoolbed, G.41 is a shy rooter and will require higher planting densities in the stoolbed or tissue cultured stoolbed mother plants to improve its rooting. It also produces some side shoots in the stoolbed. It has brittle roots and a brittle graft union similar in strength to M.9. In one trial with Gala as the scion, 10% of the trees broke at the graft union following a severe windstorm. It does not have the virus sensitivity of G.16. G.41 has also been tested in France where it was shown to be smaller in tree size than M.9Pajam2, but more productive than M.9Pajam2, while producing similar fruit size as M.9Pajam2 (Masseron and Simard, 2002). It appears that G.41 will be a good alternative to M.9 188 in high fire blight prone areas. Among CG stocks similar in size to M.26 rootstock, G.935, and G.202 have performed better than M.26. G.935, which is a 1976 cross of Ottawa 3 X Robusta 5, was released in January 2005. Tree vigor of G.935 has been slightly greater than M.26. Our data show that G.935 is the most precocious and productive semidwarf rootstock in our trials. It has similar efficiency to M.9 along with excellent fruit size and wide crotch angles. Our current trial with fire blight shows it is highly resistant to fire blight and confirms our earlier data (Norelli et al., 2002). It is also resistant to Phytophthora, appears to have some tolerance of apple replant disease, appears to be very winter hardy, but its not resistant to woolly apple aphid. Fruit size has been as good as M.9 and the tree has wide crotch angles. It had no winter damage during the 1994 test winter. Geneva® 202, which is a 1975 cross of Malling 27 X Robusta 5, was released in 2002 in New Zealand and in 2005 in the USA. Our data show that G.202 produces a tree slightly larger than M.26. G.202 was previously shown to have a high level of resistance to fire blight (Norelli et al., 2002). In addition, it has good resistance to Phytophthora, apple replant disease and to woolly apple aphid, which is an important pest in many climates. It has had higher yield efficiency than M.26, but it has not been as productive as G.935. In New Zealand, it has been more productive than M.26 (Stuart Tustin, personal communication). Fruit size is similar to M.26. G.202 will be a useful alternative to M.26 in climates that have problems with woolly apple aphid. The resistance of the Geneva® rootstocks to fire blight is an important characteristic in fire blight prone regions of the world. Although resistance of the rootstock does not confer resistance to the scion, it does prevent the tree from dying due to rootstock infections. Fire blight infections usually occur to the blossoms during bloom and result in diseased branches that die. Once the bacteria are inside the tree, it can travel symptomless down the trunk of the tree to the graft union and the rootstock below. With highly susceptible rootstocks like M.9 and M.26 the rootstock cambium, xylem and phloem at the graft union are killed causing the death of the tree. With resistant rootstocks that are not susceptible to fire blight, the scion can become infected, but the tree usually survived if the infected parts of the scion were pruned away. This allows growers to prune out the infected parts of the scion and re-grow the lost canopy quickly and restore full production much more rapidly than replanting an entire infected dwarf orchard. Conclusions. The results of these replicated trials have helped identify superior CG rootstock genotypes and also helped identify the weaknesses of each stock. G.16, G.11 and G.30 are currently being sold commercially in the USA, Canada and Mexico. G.202 is currently being sold in New Zealand. G.41, G.202 and G.935 are available in limited quantities in North America. Gauta 2006 07 25 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 04 189 References 1. C u m m i n s, J. N. and A l d w i n c k l e, H. S. 1983. Breeding apple rootstocks, P. 294394. In J. Janick (ed.) Plant Breeding Reviews. Westport CT, USA, AVI Publishing. 2. I s u t s a, D. K. and M e r w i n, I. A. 2000. Malus Germplasm varies in resistance or tolerance to apple replant disease in a mixture of New York orchard soils. HortScience 35:262268. 3. J o h n s o n W. C., A l d w i n c k l e, H. S., C u m m i n s, J. N., F o r s l i n e, P. L., H o l l e r a n, H. T., N o r e l l i, J. J. and R o b i n s o n, T. L. 2001. The USDA-ARS/Cornell University apple rootstock breeding and evaluation program. Acta Hort. 557:3540. 4. M a s s e r o n, A. and S i m a r d, M. H. 2002. Les porte-greffe du pommier: 20 années détudes en France. 2e partie. Infos-Ctifl no. 175. 5. N o r e l l i, J. L., H. T. H o l l e r a n, W. C. J o h n s o n, T. L. R o b i n s o n, and H. S. A l d w i n c k l e. 2003. Resistance of Geneva and other apple rootstocks to Erwinia amylovora. Plant Disease. 8(1):2632. 6. R o b i n s o n, T. L. and H o y i n g, S. A. 2004. Performance of elite CornellGeneva apple rootstocks in long-term orchard trials on growers farms. Acta Hort. 658:221229. 7. R o b i n s o n, T, L. A n d e r s o n, A. A z a r e n k o, B. B a r r i t t, T. B a u g h e r, G. B r o w n, G. C o u v i l l o n, W. C o w g i l l, R. C r a s s w e l l e r, P. D o m o t o, C. E m b r e e, A. F e n n e l l, E. G a r c i a, A. G a u s, R. G r a n g e r, G. G r e e n e, P. H i r s t, E. H o o v e r, S. J o h n s o n, M. K u s h a d, R. M o r a n, C. M u l l i n s, S. M y e r s, R. P e r r y, C. R o m, J. S c h u p p, K. T a y l o r, M. W a r m u n d, J. W a r n e r, and D. W o l f e. 2003. Performance of Cornell-Geneva apple rootstocks with Liberty as the scion in NC-140 trials across North America. Acta Hort. 622:521530. 8. R o b i n s o n, T., L. A n d e r s o n, A. A z a r e n k o, B. B a r r i t t, G. B r o w n, J. C l i n e, R. C r a s s w e l l e r, P. D o m o t o, C. E m b r e e, A. F e n n e l l, D. F e r r e e, E. G a r c i a, A. G a u s, G. G r e e n e, C. H a m p s o n , P . H i r s t , E . H o o v e r , S . J o h n s o n , M . K u s h a d, R. M a r i n i, R. M o r a n, C. M u l l i n s, M. P a r k e r, G. R e i g h a r d, R. P e r r y, J. P. P r i v é, C. R o m, T. R o p e r, J. S c h u p p, M. W a r m u n d, W. A u t i o, W. C o w g i l, K. T a y l o r, D. W o l f e. 2004. Performance Of Cornell-Geneva Rootstocks in Multi Location NC-140 Rootstock Trials Across North America. Acta Hort. 658:241245. 190 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 181191. GENEVA® OBELØ POSKIEPIØ SAVYBIØ VERTINIMAS RYTINËS JAV DALIES SODUOSE T. L. Robinson, G. Fazio, H. S. Aldwinckle, S. A. Hoying ir N. Russo Santrauka 19982002 metais Niujorko valstijoje atlikti bandymai su obelø poskiepiais CornellGeneva, iðvestus siekiant didinti atsparumà bakterinei degligei ir ðaknø puviniui Phytophthora, produktyvumà ir gerinti vaismedþio iðsilaikymà,. Tarp þemaûgiø poskiepiø, kurie dydþiu panaðûs á M.9, produktyviausi buvo Geneva® 41 (G.41), G.11 ir G.16 poskiepiai, produktyvumu pranokæ M.9. G.41 buvo itin atsparus bakterinei degligei ir iðtvermingas þiemà, o G.11 buvo vidutiniðkai atsparus ðiai ligai. G.16 buvo iðtvermingesnis uþ M.9, M.26 ar B.9 per vidurþiemio ðalèius 2004 metais, taèiau vaismedþiai su ðiuo poskiepiu labiau negu su M.9 nukentëjo nuo vëlyvo rudens ðalèiø 2003 metais. Tarp pusiau þemaûgiø poskiepiø, kurie augumu panaðûs á M.26, ir G.935, ir G.202 buvo daug produktyvesni negu M.26. Be to, jie abu buvo labai atsparûs bakterinei degligei ir gerai toleravo dirvos nuovargá. Abu gerai iðtvërë vidurþiemio ðalèius. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Malus X domestica, bakterinë degligë, produktyvumas, þemaûgiai vaismedþiai, atsparumas þiemà, skiepijimo vietos tvirtumas, ásitvirtinimas. 191 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 192198. EFFECT OF FIVE ROOTSTOCKS ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF FOUR APPLE CULTIVARS IN YOUNG ORCHARD Neeme UNIVER, Toivo UNIVER, Krista TIIRMAA Polli Horticultural Research Centre of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Eesti Maaülikool, Estonian University of Life Sciences; Karksi-Nuia 69104, Viljandimaa, Estonia. E-mail: A trial with four cultivars Talvenauding, Meelis, Alro and Sinap Orlovskij grafted on clonal rootstocks M.26, B.9, B.545, B.396 and E.75 was carried out at the Polli Horticultural Research Centre in the spring of 2001. Fruit yield and vegetative growth were assessed annually. Rootstocks B.9, B.396 and M.26 significantly reduced vegetative growth of apple tree (trunk diameter and shoot length during the first four years), whereas trees on rootstock B.545 had the strongest growth. Scion cultivars on B.9, B.396 and B.545 were the earliest to start cropping. Trees grafted onto them started to yield in the second year after planting. The highest cumulative yield was obtained on B.9 and B.396 followed by M.26. The lowest yield and the smallest fruits were from trees on rootstock E.75. The highest productivity up to 4 years after planting was obtained from the trees of Sinap Orlovskij on B.396 and M.26. Key words: apple tree, clonal rootstocks, cultivars, growth, yield, fruit quality. Introduction. All over the world, the trend in apple growing is to plant more trees per hectare than in the past. In Estonia the intensive apple growing is still in development stage. The establishment of intensive apple orchards has been delayed by lack of information as well as dwarfing rootstocks suitable for Estonian conditions. In Estonia one limited factor of rootstock selection is winter hardiness of roots. Growth vigour, growth habit, precocity of fruit bearing, production level, fruit size and appearance are affected by the rootstock. There were many investigations of vigorous and semi-vigorous rootstocks in Estonia. Haak and Jalakas compared 15 different clonal rootstocks: E.19, E.20, E.26, E.28, E.37, E.39, E.53, E.56, E.63 (all Estonian), M.11, MM.106, B.118, B.233, B.490 and A.2. All these rootstocks produced semi-vigorous or vigorous trees (Haak, Jalakas, 2001). Another rootstock trial that was established in 1987 performed two different studies: 1) rootstocks E20, E26, E53, E56, E75 (all Estonian), B.233, B.490, B.545, B.118, B.396, B.9 and MM.106 were budded with four apple cultivars (Liivi Kuldrenett, Paide Taliõun, Tellissaare, 192 Lobo); 2) rootstocks E.37, E.39, E.63, B.257, B.476, B.491, M.7 and MM.106 were budded with cultivars Tellissaare and Lobo. It was concluded that rootstocks B.9, B.396, B.476, B.491 and E.75 produced dwarfing trees; less productive trees were grown on rootstocks B.545 and E.75. The trees on the dwarfing rootstocks yielded one third lesser than the trees on the medium rootstock MM.106 (Haak, 2003). The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of dwarfing rootstocks (M.26, E.75, B.9, B.545 and B.396) on tree growth and fruiting in the case of apple cultivars Alro, Cortland, Meelis, Sinap Orlovskij and Talvenauding. Materials and methods. The experiment was established at the Polli Horticultural Research Centre in South Estonia. The orchard is located on a medium loamy clay soil with pH 5.6, containing 1.6% of organic mater, the level of P2O5 is 140 mg/kg and K2O is 200 mg/kg. The depth of humus horizon is 2025 cm. One-year-old whips were planted in the spring of 2001. The spacings were 4 × 2 m (1250 tree/ ha). Apple cultivars Alro, Cortland, Meelis, Sinap Orlovskij and Talvenauding were tested on rootstocks B.9, B3.96, B.545, M.26 and E75. Cultivar Cortland leaved out from trial in 2004, because apple trees in some variants perished for various reasons. The trial design was in randomised blocks, in 5 replications and 4 trees per plot. Apple tree canopies were formed as spindle, pruned slightly, and shoots were bent down using weights made of concrete. Along the rows weeds were controlled by herbicides, and grass sward was mown 57 times during vegetation period in alleyways. Ammonium nitrate was applied 50 g per tree in every spring. On the experimental trees the number of inflorescences and fruits were counted, yield (harvested and weighed per tree in kilograms) weighed. Trunk diameter measured at a height of 30 cm and converted to trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA). The length of top shoot was measured in 2005. The results were evaluated statistically using the analysis of variance. The significance of differences between the variants was estimated at 0.05 level (Duncans multiple range test). Length of the vegetation period is 175180 days and mean active temperature sum ranges within 14001900 in experimental place. Average amount of precipitation during the vegetation period is 450500 mm. The weather conditions in 20022004 were unfavourable for the cropping of apple trees. The summer of 2002 was extremely hot and dry (only 28.9 mm rain fell in the period from July 7 to August 31). The spring of 2003 was colder than usual and spring frosts (1.3°C) occurred in the first decade of June. In 2004 severe frosts occurred (4.5°C and 3.0°C) during the flowering time and almost all flowers were killed. Experimental trees have not been damaged due to winter frosts during the trial period. Results. The trees developed flower buds in the first growing season and in next year cultivars started to bloom. Cultivars Meelis, Sinap Orlovskij and Talvenauding formed more flowers than Alro and Cortland (Table 1). It was noted that flower formation was affected by rootstock. Cultivars that were grafted on rootstocks E.75 and M.26 bloomed poorly, while trees on B.9 and B.545 formed more flowers, especially on cultivars Meelis and Sinap Orlovskij. The amount of flowers increased every year. 193 T a b l e 1. Average amount of inflorescences in 2002 1 l e n t e l ë. Vidutinis þiedynø kiekis 2002 m. Rootstock / Poskiepis Cultivar Veislë M.26 E.75 B.9 B.545 B.396 ‘Alro’ ‘Cortland’ ‘Sinap Orlovskij’ ‘Meelis’ ‘Talvenauding’ 0.2 a 0.2 a 3.2 a 5.6 a 1.4 a 0a 0a 2.4 a 2.4 a 2.2 a 2.2 b 5.4 c 10.6 b 13.2 d 10,6 d 0.8 a 0a 12.1 c 12.5 d 5.2 b 0a 1.9 b 3.3 a 8.4 c 6.8 c Average / Vidurkis 2.1 a 1.4 a 8.4 d 6.1 c 4.1 b Mean difference in columns by Duncan test, at α=0.05 Vidutinis skirtumas skiltyse pagal Dunkano kriterijø, kai α=0,05. The growth performance and number of inflorescences are represented in Table 2. The growth and blooming of trees started to depend more on rootstock of the same cultivar. For example, trunks of Sinap Orlovskij were significantly thicker on rootstock B.545 in 2005. These trees developed averagely 114 inflorescences per tree. At the same time TCSA of trees Sinap Orlovskij on rootstocks B.9, B.396 and M.26 were 23 times smaller, yet abundance of blossoming of the trees on these rootstocks was the same. This shows that rootstocks B.9, B.396 and M.26 inhibit tree growth and increase flower bud formation. T a b l e 2. Effect of rootstock on tree size (expressed as TCSA) and number of inflorescences of trees Sinap Orlovskij (20022005) 2 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio átaka Sinap Orlovskij veislës vaismedþiø dydþiui ir þiedynø skaièiui 20022005 m. Rootstocks Poskiepiai TCSA Number of inflorescences per tree 2 Þiedynø skaièius ant medþio Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas, cm 2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005 M.26 E.75 1.8 a 1.7 a 3.3 ab 3.9 b 6.3 abc 7.2 bc 10.6 c 12.1 d 3a 2a 24 bc 10 a 35 b 14 a 136 b 118 a B.9 B.545 B.396 1.4 a 1.1 a 1.3 a 2.5 a 5.5 c 2.8 ab 4.5 a 10.7 d 4.6 ab 6.8 a 19.1 e 7.8 b 11 b 12 b 3a 16 ab 33 c 35 c 32 b 32 b 39 b 128 b 114 b 182 c Mean difference in columns by Duncan test, at α=0.05 Vidutinis skirtumas skiltyse pagal Dunkano kriterijø, kai α=0,05. According to average data of 2002, 2003 and 2005, Sinap Orlovskij exceeds other cultivars by its cumulative yield (Figure 1). In the second-fourth years in the orchard trees on rootstocks E.75 were the least productive. Trees on rootstocks B.9, B.396 and M.26 were the most productive. The better rootstock cultivar combinations were trees Sinap Orlovskij on B.396 (8.1 kg), M.26 (7.7 kg), B.9 (6.0 kg) and trees Talvenauding on M.26 (6.2 kg) and B.9 (6.1 kg). 194 F i g. 1. Avearge yield (kg per tree) (20022005) 1 p a v. Vidutinis derlius 20022005 m., kg/vaism. It could be supposed that yield per tree depend somewhat on vegetative growth of tree, what in turn is influenced by cultivar, rootstock and their compatibility. To characterize the growth of trees there were measured the length of top shoot and trunk diameter. According to data of 2005 the average length of top shoot was 45 cm. The stronger growth was found of trees Alro, which top shoots were 51 cm long (Table 3). It was statistically determined that tree growth was affected by rootstock. Rootstocks E.75, B.9 and B.396 decreased shoots growth of the trees. Top shoots of trees were longer on rootstocks B.545 and M.26 (50 and 51 cm, respectively). The same tendency with some exceptions occurred in particular scion/ rootstock combinations also. Trunk diameter was almost equal in all variants at the beginning of trial, but some differences between rootstocks recorded already in third growing year and trunk diameter of trees Sinap Orlovskij was different in all variants in the 5th year after planting (Table 2). The smallest average trunk diameter of all cultivars was on B.9 and B.396 and the largest on B.545 (Table 3). Trunk diameter of trees Meelis and Talvenauding was smaller than that of trees Alro and Sinap Orlovskij. Vegetative growth of tree had some influence upon the yield per tree, as showed the measurements of 2005. The coefficients of correlation (r) among vegetative growth statisticians (trunk diameter and top shoot length) varied on a large scale (r = 0.7-0.93). The weighed correlation coefficient for trunk diameter and top shoot length of investigated rootstocks was r=0.65 and for trunk diameter and yield per tree was r=0.51. The average values of r suggest that yield depends on some other significant variables. One characteristic that may have some influence on yield is fertilization of flowers in young orchard. By example of cultivar Sinap Orlovskij we can state that fruit set percentage depends on number of flowers per tree (Fig. 2). As the number of bees depend on the density of flowers per tree, we can say that bees visited lesser trees that flowered poorly and it resulted in poor fruit set 195 of these trees as well. Trees which formed 400-800 flowers became attractive for pollinators. The fruit set was moderate and only 2-4% of total amount of flowers remained on apple trees that flowered poorly irrespective of scion/rootstock combination. T a b l e 3. Average length of top shoot (cm) and trunk diameter (mm) in 2005 3 l e n t e l ë. Vidutinis virðûnës ilgis (cm) ir vidutinis kamieno skersmuo (mm) 2005 m. Cultivar Veislë Top shoot length Trunk diameter Virðutinës atþalos ilgis, cm Kamieno skersmuo, mm M.26 E.75 B.9 B.545 E.75 B.9 B.545 B.396 ‘Alro’ Sinap Orlovskij’ 59 b 47 b 43 a 37 a 46 a 43 b 64 c 48 c 44 a 45 b 33 b 37 c 38 c 39 d 28 a 29 a 47 d 49 e 35 b 32 b ‘Meelis’ ‘Talvenauding’ 49 c 50 c 40 b 40 a 34 a 38 a 42 b 44 b 42 b 40 a 31 c 32 c 32 c 29 b 25 a 26 a 38 d 34 d 28 b 29 b Average / Vidurkis 51 b 40 a 40 a 50 b 43 a 33 c 34 c 27 a 42 d 31 b B.396 M.26 Mean difference in columns by Duncan test, at α=0.05 Vidutinis skirtumas skiltyse pagal Dunkano kriterijø, kai α=0,05. 2 F i g. 2. Correlation between fruit set and amount of inflorescences of Sinap Orlovskij in 2005 p a v. Sinap Orlovskij veislës vaisiø uþuomazgø ir þiedynø skaièiaus koreliacija 2005 m. Cultivars differed on average fruit weight (Table 4). Fruits of cultivars Alro, Meelis and Sinap Orlovskij were very big-sized (over 175 g). Reliably smaller fruits produced trees on rootstock E75, and reliably bigger on M.26 when comparing fruit weights on other rootstocks. 196 T a b l e 4. Average fruit weight (g) in 2005 4 l e n t e l ë. Vidutinë vaisiaus masë 2005 m., g Rootstock / Poskiepis Cultivar Veislë Average of cultivars M.26 E.75 B.9 B.545 B.396 Veisliø vidurkis ‘Alro’ ‘Sinap Orlovskij’ ‘Meelis’ ‘Talvenauding’ 204 c 191c 202c 119ab 189 b 142a 166a 123b 173 a 187b 187b 123b 211c 191c 166a 110a 166a 181b 190b 123b 189 178 182 120 Average of rootstock 179 c 155a 168b 170b 165b 167 Poskiepio vidurkis Discussion. Rootstock effect on characteristics of tree vegetative growth revealed itself already in the third year of growth, but delineated up till the fifth year of growth. It appeared that tree growth was weaker on rootstocks B.9 and B.396, below the medium on M.26 and E.75, and with medium vigour on rootstock B.545. On the basis of tree top shoot length, B.9, B.396 and E.75 were classified as dwarfing rootstocks. It is also in agreement with the results of some other authors. Cultivars on rootstock B.396 grew weaker than these on B.118 and growth vigour of cultivars Renet Simirenko and Royal Red Delicious on rootstock B.545 was average in Byelorussia trials (Ignatkova, 2004). Tree growth has not been influenced by the yield of the first cropping years, because the correlation of tree growth and yield was of medium strength. Apple trees on rootstocks B.9, B.396 and M.26 yielded better during five years in orchard. The former literature data from Ukraine (Melnyk et al., 1999), and Poland trials with B.396 and M.26 (Kurilus, Ugolik, 1999) confirm our results. Fruit weight was affected by rootstock in young orchard where trees are not overloaded with crop. Fruits grown on M.26 were bigger than other rootstocks in our trial. Albeit Tomala et al. (1999) observed no differences of fruit weight on different rootstocks in full cropping apple orchard. Conclusions. 1. Rootstocks B.9, B.396 and M.26 inhibit vegetative growth of tree and increase flower bud formation. 2. According to fruit weight, cultivars on rootstock M.26 produce the largest fruits in young orchard. 3. The best cumulative yield per tree up to 4 years after planting was obtained from following scion/rootstock combinations: Sinap Orlovskij on B.396 and M.26, Talvenauding on M.26 and B.9, Meelis on B.9 and B.396, Alro on B.545 and M.26. Gauta 2006 04 19 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 197 References 1. H a a k E., J a l a k a s M. On apple rootstock evaluations in orchard experiments in Estonia // Journal of Agricultural Science. 2001. 12(1). P. 8-13. 2. H a a k E. The effect of clonal rootstocks and interstem to the growth and yield of apple trees // Journal of Agricultural Science. 2003. 14(5). P. 251-259. 3. H u l k o I. P., H u l k o B. I. Orchard performance of apple trees on different clonal rootstocks // Proceedings of the International Seminar Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards Warsaw-Ursynow, Warzawa, 1999. P. 43-44. 4. I g n a t k o v a N. V. Growth and yielding of apple cultivar-rootstock combinations // Scientific works of the Institute for Fruit Growing of the National Academy of Siences of Belarus. Fruit-Growing. Vol. 16. Samohvalovichi, 2004. P. 66-72. 5. K u r i l u s R., U g o l i k M. Effect of rootstocks on growth and yielding of Ðampion apple trees // Proceedings of the International Seminar Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards. Warsaw-Ursynow, Warzawa, 1999. P. 65-66. 6. M e l n y k O. V., G o n c h a r u k V. J., T s y r t a V. S., O s a d c h i V. O. A study of apple rootstocks in intensive orchards // Proceedings of the International Seminar Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards. Warsaw-Ursynow, Warzawa, 1999. P. 75-76. 7. T o m a l a K., A n d z i a k J., K o b u s i ñ s k i K., D z i u b a n Z. Influence of rootstocks on fruit maturity and quality of Jonagold apples // Proceedings of the International Seminar Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards. Warsaw-Ursynow, Warzawa, 1999. P. 113-114. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 192198. PENKIØ POSKIEPIØ ÁTAKA KETURIØ VEISLIØ OBELØ AUGIMUI IR DERLIUI JAUNAME SODE N. Univer, T. Univer, K. Tiirmaa Santrauka 2001 m. pavasará Polli sodininkystës tyrimø centre tirtos keturios obelø veislës: Talvenauding, Meelis, Alro ir Sinap Orlovskij, su M.26, B.9, B.545, B.396 ir E.75 vegetatyviniais poskiepiais. Kasmet buvo vertinamas vaisiø derlius ir vegetatyvinis augimas. B.9, B.396 ir M.26 poskiepiai ið esmës sumaþino obelø vegetatyviná augimà (kamieno skersmená ir ûgliø ilgá per pirmuosius ketverius metus), o vaismedþiai su B.545 poskiepiu augo sparèiausiai. Anksèiausiai (antraisiais metais po pasodinimo) derliø pradëjo duoti veislës su B.9, B.396 ir B.545 poskiepiais. Didþiausias gautas vaismedþiø su B.9 ir B.396 poskiepiais suminis derlius, kiek maþesnis vaismedþiø su M.26 poskiepiu. Maþiausià derliø davë ir smulkiausius vaisius iðaugino obelys su E.75 poskiepiu. Ketverius metus derlingiausios po pasodinimo buvo Sinap Orlovskij veislës obelys su B.396 ir M.26 poskiepiais. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, vegetatyviniai poskiepiai, veislës, augimas, derlius, vaisiø kokybë. 198 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 199206. THE YIELD AND GROWTH OF APPLE TREE CULTIVAR AUKSIS ON DIFFERENT ROOTSTOCKS IN LATVIA Edgars RUBAUSKIS, Mara SKRIVELE Latvian Institute of Fruit growing, Graudu 1, Dobele, LV 3701, Latvia. E-mail:; web site: The experiment was a part of the joint research project with Iowa State University, USA. The aim of trial was to evaluate the suitability of some apple tree rootstocks for growing in Latvia and their compatibility with cultivar Auksis. In 1998 a trial with twoyear-old branched trees was established at the Dobele Horticultural Plant Breeding Experimental Station. Eight dwarf rootstocks (B.9, B.396, B.491, M.9 EMLA, M.26 EMLA, Mark, O.3 and CG.10) and four semi-dwarf rootstocks (MM.106, B.118, G.30 and C.6) were compared in the experiment. The planting distances were 4 × 2 m for dwarf rootstocks and 5 × 3 m for semi-dwarf rootstocks. The trees on dwarf rootstocks were trained in a slender spindle system, and as freestanding central leader trees on semi-dwarf rootstocks. The results from 1998 to 2005 showed that the largest yield was obtained from trees on dwarf rootstock Mark and semi-dwarf MM.106 and G.30. The highest yield efficiency was on dwarf rootstock B.396, and on semi-dwarf G.30. The increase of trunk diameter, as one of growth parameter, was the poorest on dwarf rootstock B.491 and B.396, and the biggest on semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106. Fruit weight differed dependently on rootstocks in both groups only in some years. For commercial growing of apple tree cultivar Auksis suitable rootstocks can be B.396, B.9 and MM.106. Rootstocks Mark and G.30 are promising, but they need future comprehensive trials. Key words: apple tree, fruit weight, increase of trunk diameter, Malus, yield efficiency. Introduction. The aim of this trial was to evaluate the suitability of some apple tree rootstocks for growing in Latvia and their compatibility with cultivar Auksis. This cultivar is planted in 10% of apple tree Latvian orchards. There are not much previous investigations about influence of rootstocks on the yielding of this cultivar till now. In previous investigation the cultivar showed significant selectivity for rootstocks in the first years of growing (Ikase, 2000). For that reason our trial with cultivar Auksis included eight dwarf and four semi-dwarf rootstocks. In Latvian commercial orchards the most widely used rootstocks are Budagovski (B series) and some of West European rootstocks. Rootstocks from USA and Canada are tested for the first time in Latvia. Special interest we had in rootstock 199 G.30 (Robinson, Hoying, 2004; Robinson et al., 2004), because it is reported to be better adapted to the biotic stresses of Ervinia amylovora and other diseases. Material and methods. In 1998 a trial with two-year-old branched trees was established at the Dobele Horticultural Plant Breeding Experimental Station in the south of Latvia. The experiment was planted in sod-podzolic, sandy loam soil. The orchard of trial was managed traditionally. In the second part of June the fruits were thinned fair to improve fruit quality only. Eight dwarf rootstocks (group I): B.9, B.396, B.491, M.9 EMLA, M.26 EMLA, Mark, O.3 and CG.10, and four semi-dwarf rootstocks (group II): MM.106, B.118, G.30 and C.6 were compared in the experiment. The planting distances were 4 × 2 m (1200 trees per ha) for dwarf rootstocks and 5 × 3 m (666 trees per ha) for semi-dwarf rootstocks. The trial had 10 replications one tree per replication. The trees on dwarf rootstocks were trained in a slender spindle system, and as freestanding central leader trees on semi-dwarf rootstocks. As pollinators were planted cultivars: Saltanat, Antei and Belorusskoe Malinovoe to separate the replications. Cultivar Auksis (Bandaravièius, 1997; Ikase, 2000) is originated in Lithuania. The cultivar is productive, with a trend to biennial bearing. Harvest time midseason, drops rather easily. Rather good resistance to all diseases. Tree vigour is medium or smaller. The meteorological conditions varied in the period of 19982005. In this period the average air temperature was higher (6.17.4°C) than the long period average (5.8°C). During vegetation period (MaySeptember) precipitation was 279495 mm (average of long period 367 mm). In the period of experiment the positive temperature sum during growth season was higher (2 5142 850°C) than the long period average (2 444°C). The following measurements were made and data obtained: trunk diameter 20 cm above grafting union, yield per tree, then calculated trunk cross-sectional area and yield efficiency, average fruit weight and index of biennial bearing (Skrivele et al., 2000). In the first year the flower clusters and fruits were counted and yield calculated. The obtained data were analyzed using ANOVA. The significant differences between groups were calculated by Tukey at 95% level and marked by letters a, b and c. Results and discussion. V e g e t a t i v e g r o w t h. Only one parameter of vegetative growth was analysed increase of trunk diameter, that is easy transformable to trunk cross sectional area to compute the yield efficiency as next step. Statistically significant influence of rootstock on increase of trunk diameter was found only in the group of dwarf rootstocks (Table 2). It is understandable, because in this group included, among others, two rootstocks which vigour has been estimated variously in different places. The vigour of B.491 is estimated as very dwarf, but M.26 in most cases is between vigour of M.7 and M.9. In our trial on rootstock M.26 EMLA the increase of trunk diameter was significantly larger than on other rootstocks in this group during all investigation. The increase of trunk diameter of B.491 was the smallest; however, it was not significantly different from 200 most other rootstocks of this group. It was significantly smaller than M.9 EMLA. In the group of semi-dwarf rootstocks the difference of increase of trunk diameter between rootstocks was comparatively small and not statistically significant (Table 2). The more vigorous growth had trees on rootstock MM 106, similar to M 26 EMLA. Y i e l d i n g. In the first years, that characterize the initiation of yielding, abundant yield was obtained using rootstock Mark 2.1 kg per tree, also B.9, M.9 EMLA and O.3 1.6 kg per tree in the group of dwarf rootstocks, but lowest on CG.10 0.5 kg per tree. Evaluating both rootstock groups, the largest first yields were obtained on rootstock G.30 3.7 kg per tree per year. Some scientists also have marked the early start of bearing of this rootstock (Robinson, Hoying, 2004; Robinson et al., 2004; Wertheim, 1998). T a b l e 1. Yield of apple tree cultivar Auksis dependently on rootstocks, kg/tree 1 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka Auksio veislës obelø derliui, kg/vaism. Year / Metai Rootstocks Poskiepiai 2001 2002 Average 2004 2005 Vidurkis 19.8 15.0ab 32.6b 17.9ab ab b 18.2ab 2003 Group I / I grupë B.9 abc 11.1 11.1 B.396 9.3 bc 12.5 18.0 21.2 30.2 B.491 9.0bc 10.0 14.8 12.3ab 29.9b 15.2ab M.9 EMLA 11.8ab 8.9 16.5 12.6ab 36.1ab 17.2ab M.26 EMLA 9.2bc 6.2 19.0 9.9ab 48.2a 18.5ab Mark 16.7a 13.4 15.8 23.7a 30.9b 20.1a O.3 9.5bc 10.4 11.0 16.7ab 27.3b 15.0ab CG.10 5.4c 7.0 13.2 8.1b 31.4b 13.0b Average / Vidurkis 10.3 9.9 16.0 14.9 33.3 16.9 p-value / p reikðmë 1.02E-04 0.056 0.146 0.023 2.66E-05 0.013 Group II / II grupë MM.106 8.9b 9.4 26.8ab 10.4 68.3a 24.8a B.118 6.8b 8.3 14.3b 13.6 35.1b 15.6b G.30 19.3a 11.5 36.2a 10.0 57.1ab 26.8a C.6 10.5b 5.3 18.9b 4.9 39.2b 15.8b Average / Vidurkis 11.4 8.6 24.1 9.7 49.9 20.7 p-value / p reikðmë 1.73E-06 0.125 0.001 0.339 0.001 2.64E-04 Rootstocks Mark and G.30 are characterised by fast rise of yield. From apple trees on rootstock Mark there were obtained 16.7 kg, but on rootstock G.30 19.3 kg per tree already in fourth year (Table 1). In next years the apple trees 201 on rootstock Mark yielded stable with some fairly small fluctuations from year to year, which is represented by a very small index of biennial bearing 0.23 (Table 2). As a result the apple trees on this rootstock had the largest total yield in the group of dwarf rootstocks (Figure). The total yield of apple trees was bigger on rootstock G.30, however, those trees yielded more biennially (index of biennial bearing 0.60) (Table 2). T a b l e 2. Growth and yield parameters dependently on rootstocks 2 l e n t e l ë. Augimo ir derliaus rodikliø priklausomumas nuo poskiepiø Rootstocks Poskiepiai Increase of trunk diameter (1998–2005) Kamieno skersmens padidëjimas 1998–2005 m., mm Average productivity (2001–2005) Vidutinis derlius 2001–2005 m., t/ha Average fruit Index of biennial bearing (2000– weight 2005) Vidutinë Prameèiavimo vaisiaus masë, indeksas g 2000–2005 m. Group I / I grupë B.9 bc 21.5ab 187 0.41ab bc ab 49.2 B.396 46.8 21.8 180 0.23b B.491 44.6c 18.2ab 190 0.43ab M.9 EMLA 55.3b 20.6ab 193 0.45ab M.26 EMLA 70.3a 22.2ab 202 0.64a Mark 50.5bc 24.1a 197 0.23b O.3 47.5bc 18.0ab 194 0.26ab bc b CG.10 52.9 15.6 210 0.49ab Average / Vidurkis 52.1 20.3 194 0.39 p-value / p reikðmë 7.51E-14 0.387 0.014 0.013 Group II / II grupë MM.106 B.118 G.30 C.6 76.7 16.5a 188 0.63 59.6 b 198 0.38 a 203 0.60 b 202 0.69 198 0.56 10.4 65.2 17.8 60.1 Average / Vidurkis 65.4 p-value / p reikðmë 0.064 10.5 13.8 2.64E-0.4 0.135 0.087 Very slow rise of yield the trees had on rootstock CG.10 (Table 1). In the group of dwarf rootstocks the total yield was smallest on this rootstock (Figure). The trees were unfruitful, although regularly bearing, on rootstock O.3 (Table 1). The apple trees had low increase of yields on rootstock M.26 EMLA (Table 1). They had biennial bearing (Table 2). The largest yield was obtained just in the last year; as a result the total yield on this rootstock was the same as on rootstocks B.9 and B.396 (Figure). However, in contrary to M.26 EMLA both B.9 and B.396 had positive 202 influence on the regularity of bearing the indexes of biennial bearing were 0.41 and 0.23, respectively. On these rootstocks the apple trees had slightly larger productivity than on M.9 EMLA (Table 2). On rootstock MM.106 the apple trees had a slow rise of yield. Only in the sixth year of growth they had commercially significant yield 26.8 kg per tree (Table 1). They also had irregular yielding, but the total yield was on the same amount as on rootstock G.30 (Table 2, Figure). F i g. Total yield per tree and yield efficiency P a v. Vaismedþio suminis derlius ir produktyvumas p-value of total yield: for dwarf rootstock group 0.014 and semi-dwarf 1.63E-04 / Suminio derliaus reikðmë p: þemaûgiø poskiepiø grupë 0,014, pusiau þemaûgiø 1,63E-04. p-value of yield efficiency: for dwarf rootstock group 6.54E-12 and semi-dwarf 0.005 / Produktyvumo reikðmë p: þemaûgiø poskiepiø grupë 6,54E-12, pusiau þemaûgiø 0,005. Significantly different groups for total yield are marked by grey colour as a, grey and white ab and white b / Suminiu derliumi ið esmës besiskirianèios grupës paþymëtos: pilka spalva a, pilka ir balta ab ir balta b. Significantly different groups for yield efficiency are marked by symbols: ¡ as a, ® ab, Qb, bc and c / Produktyvumu ið esmës besiskirianèios grupës paþymëtos simboliais: ¡ a, ® ab, Q b, bc ir c. Evaluating the obtained yield per tree of both rootstock groups, the best productivity was on rootstocks G.30, MM.106, Mark, also on B.396, M.26 EMLA and B.9 (Figure). On all these rootstocks the trees were more productive than on M.9 EMLA. Calculating the yield per hectare the first place for productivity got the rootstocks of group I Mark, B.396, M.26 EMLA and B.9 (Table 2). Similar yield data of cultivar Auksis on rootstock M.26 were obtained in Lithuania (Uselis, 2002), at slightly larger planting distances 4 x 2.5 m. Also in previous investigation the best results were shown by rootstock B.9 (Ikase, 2000). 203 The same situation was observed if rootstocks were evaluated by yield efficiency (Figure) respectively total yield per tree (kg) on trunk cross-sectional area (1 cm2). Then according to the best results came rootstocks B.396, B.491, Mark and B.9. On the other hand, rootstock M.26 EMLA, which was characterised by large increase of trunk diameter (Table 2), came with smallest yield efficiency among all rootstocks. Fruit weight differed statistically significantly dependently on rootstocks in both groups only in some years. Also the average fruit weight of period 1999-2005 was the largest, but not statistically significantly different, on rootstocks M.26 EMLA, CG.10, B.118 and C.6 (Table 2). On the average the smallest fruits produced trees on rootstock Mark (180 g) and MM.106 (185 g), what could be explained only partly by the obtained yield on these rootstocks. However, on abundantly bearing rootstock G.30 the fruits had almost the same size as on unfruitful rootstocks, what can show direct influence of rootstock on fruit growth. At the moment rootstocks B.9, B.396, B.118, M.26 and MM.106 are the most used in Latvia. In this trial the data of yield showed that for the cultivar Auksis more suitable could be dwarf rootstocks B.9 and B.396 and semi-dwarf MM.106. For growing in sandy loam soil rootstocks Mark and G.30 could be suitable for cultivar Auksis. These rootstocks must be tested in other growing conditions, especially in different soil conditions and with other cultivars. As showed investigations in the USA, rootstock G.30 is resistant to Ervinia amylovora, Phytopthora ssp. and replant diseases (Robinson, Hoying, 2004; Robinson et al., 2004). In our trials with rootstock Mark good results were obtained also with cultivar Zarya Alatau (Rubauskis, Skrivele, 2004). Rootstock Mark is tolerant to Phytopthora, but not resistant to Ervinia amylovora; it can be not compatible with triploid cultivars. As marked by S. J. Wertheim (1998), this rootstock has unequivocal estimation in different countries. Conclusions. For commercial growing of apple tree cultivar Auksis suitable rootstocks can be B.396, B.9 and MM.106. Rootstocks Mark and G.30 are promising, but they need future comprehensive Mark trials. The largest yield was obtained from trees on dwarf rootstock and semi-dwarf rootstocks G.30 and MM.106. The highest yield efficiency was on dwarf rootstock B.396 and semi-dwarf rootstock G.30. Not so good yield parameters were obtained on rootstocks CG.10, C.6 and O.3. The influence of rootstocks on fruit average weight was not statistically proved. Rootstocks Mark, O.3 and B.396 exhibited the lowest bienniality of bearing. The higher biennial bearing cv. Auksis had on rootstocks M.26 EMLA, MM.106 and C.6. Gauta 2006 05 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 18 204 References 1. B a n d a r a v i è i u s A. Obelø veislës. Babtai: Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institutas, 1997. P. 96. 2. I k a s e L. Production and fruit quality of 5 apple varieties on 5 clonal rootstocks in Dobele, Latvia. // Proceedings of the international conference Fruit production and fruit breeding. Fruit Science. 2000. Nr. 207. Tartu: Estonian Agricultural University. P. 2023. 3. R o b i n s o n T. L., A n d e r s o n L., A z a r e n k o A., D o m o t o P. et al. Performance of Cornell-Geneva rootstocks across North America in multi-location NC-140 rootstock trials // Proc. Ist international symposium on rootstocks for deciduous fruit tree species. Eds. M. A. Moreno Sanchez and A. D. Webster. Acta Horticulturae 658. 2004. Leuven: ISHS. P. 241245. 4. R o b i n s o n T. L., H o y i n g S. A. Performance of elite Cornell Geneva apple Rootstocks in long-term orchard trials on growers farm // Proc. Ist international symposium on rootstocks for deciduous fruit tree species. Eds. M. A. Moreno Sanchez and A. D. Webster. Acta Horticulturae 658. 2004. Leuven: ISHS. P. 221230. 5. R u b a u s k i s E., S k r i v e l e M. Evaluation of some dwarf rootstocks forms in Latvia. // Material of 8th International symposium on integrating canopy, rootstock and environmental physiology in orchard systems. Hungary, Budapest, June 1318, 2004 (in print). 6. S k r i v e l e M., D i m z a I., R u b a u s k i s E. The cropping of nine apple cultivars as influenced by two different rootstocks. // Proceedings of the international conference Fruit production and fruit breeding. Fruit Science. 2000. Nr. 207. Tartu: Estonian Agricultural University. P. 100103. 7. U s e l i s N. Assessment of productivity and fruit quality of apple cultivars on rootstock M 26 in fruit bearing orchard. // Scientific works of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Horticulture and vegetable growing. 2002. 21(3). Babtai: Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. P. 1428. 8. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock guide apple, pear, cherry, European plum. Wilhelminadorp: Fruit Research Station. 1998. P. 144. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 199206. AUKSIO VEISLËS OBELØ SU SKIRTINGAIS POSKIEPIAIS AUGIMAS IR DERËJIMAS LATVIJOJE E. Rubauskis, M. Skrivele Santrauka Bandymas buvo bendro tyrimø projekto su Javos valstybiniu universitetu (JAV) dalis. Jo tikslas ávertinti kai kuriø obelø poskiepiø tinkamumà auginti Latvijoje ir jø suderinamumà su Auksio veisle. Tyrimas pradëtas 1998 metais Dobeles sodininkystës tyrimø stotyje. Lyginti aðtuoni þemaûgiai (B.9, B.396, B.491, M.9 EMLA, M.26 EMLA, Mark, O.3 ir CG.10) ir keturi pusiau þemaûgiai (MM.106, B.118, G.30 ir C.6) poskiepiai. Þemaûgiai poskiepiai buvo pasodinti 4 × 2 m, pusiau þemaûgiai 5 × 3 m atstumais. Vaismedþiø su þemaûgiais poskiepiais vainikai buvo suformuoti laibos verpstës formos, 205 su pusiau þemaûgiais aðiniai. 19982005 metø rezultatai parodë, jog didþiausià derliø davë obelys su þemaûgiu poskiepiu Mark ir pusiau þemaûgiais poskiepiais MM.106 ir G.30. Produktyviausi buvo vaismedþiai su þemaûgiu poskiepiu B.396 ir pusiau þemaûgiu G.30. Maþiausias buvo vaismedþiø su þemaûgiais poskiepiais B.491 ir B.396 kamieno skersmens padidëjimas, kaip vienas ið augimo rodikliø, didþiausias su pusiau þemaûgiu poskiepiu MM.106. Abiejose poskiepiø augumo grupëse poskiepiai turëjo átakos vaisiø masei tik kai kuriais metais. Auksio veislës obelims auginti versliniuose soduose gali bûti tinkami ðie poskiepiai: B.396, B.9 ir MM.106. Mark ir G.30 poskiepiai yra perspektyvûs, taèiau jie turi bûti iðsamiai iðtirti. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, vaisiø masë, kamieno skersmens didëjimas, Malus, produktyvumas. 206 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 207211. THE INFLUENCE OF ROOTSTOCK ON PRODUCTIVITY AND FRUIT QUALITY OF APPLE-TREE CULTIVAR FLORINA UNDER CONDITIONS OF SOUTH RUSSIA Vasiliy OSTAPENKO Kuban State Agricultural University, Kalinin str. 13, 350044, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: inform@kubagro Under conditions of field experiment laid on leached chernozems of the Prikubansky (South Russia) horticultural zone the influence of rootstocks on the most important components of apple tree fruit quality was studied. There was studied cultivar Florina on rootstocks M.9, M.26, MM.106. The orchard was planted according to the scheme 4 x 2 m. Experiment showed that the character of change of apple tree fruit quality is determined by growth vigour of the used rootstocks. When inoculated on dwarf rootstocks M.26 and M.9 the yield of cultivar Florina per tree increased by 30% and 60%, correspondingly. Besides, the yield of the cultivar on these rootstocks was 10% greater than on the rootstocks MM.106. When using semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106 the content of vitamins C and P as well as pectins increased greatly. Key words: apple-tree, rootstocks, productivity, market quality, biochemical indices. Introduction. One of the major tasks of the Russian Federation horticulture is to work according to arrangement and to supply high and hardy fruit yields, what has already become traditional (Êóäðÿâåö,1987). In such situation many producers prefer to create highly productive plantations of intensive type, providing the essential increase of gross production and low cost price of fruits, as well as quick justifying of costs (Ãóäêîâñêèé,1999). According to specialists, produced products mostly are less competitive. From the whole amount of obtained apples and other fruits only about 30% of fruits meet the requirements of high and the first trade varieties today (Êàøèí, 2003; Øèäàêîâ, 2003). It is obvious, that increase of plantation productivity and fruit production quality are two relatively independent tasks, frequently counteracting each other. For example, well-known fact of significant decrease of fruit mass under too high tree load with fruit witnesses the given statement. The problem of fruit quality increase has a great significance under conditions of occurred structural changes in state economics and intensivity of competitiveness 207 among producers (Êóõàåâ, 1997). It is connected with the growing demands of consumers, determining the market cost of fruit production, and finally the size of possible economic effect. The objective of researches was to study rootstock influence on productivity and apple-tree fruit quality under the conditions of South Russia. Material and methods. Researches were carried out in 20002005 under the conditions of field experiment, laid on leached chernozems of Prikubanskiy horticultural zone (South Russia). The object of study was apple tree cultivar Florina, inoculated on vegetative propagated dwarf rootstocks M.9 and M.26 and the semi-dwarf MM.106. The orchard was planted in 1998; the scheme of planting is 4 x 2 m. Calculations and observations were carried out by generally accepted methods (Ïðîãðàììà è ìåòîäèêà, 1999). Results. The conducted investigations showed that rootstock essentially influenced the productivity of cultivar and fruit quality (Table 1). So fruit yield of Florina on rootstock M.9 was 23% higher that on M.26 and 39% bigger than using semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106. The mass of fruit using the rootstocks M.9 and M.26 was by 8-10% higher than the mentioned indexes on semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106. Moreover, there was obtained by 10% more the supreme and the first market varieties than using dwarf trees. T a b l e 1. Influence of rootstock on productivity and fruit quality of apple tree cultivar Florina, average of 20002005 1 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio átaka Florina veislës obelø derlingumui ir vaisiø kokybei, 20002005 m. vidurkiai Rootstock Yield, kg/tree Average fruit mass Fruit quality classes / Vaisiø kokybës klasë, % extra first second below second Derlius, kg/medis Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, g aukèiausioji rûðis pirmoji rûðis antroji rûðis Ì.9 Ì.26 ÌÌ.106 18.9 14.7 11.7 145 142 140 62 61 56 15 16 20 18 17 21 5 6 3 LSD05 / R05 2.4 0,9 - - - - Poskiepis kitos Research showed that rootstock influences the content of dry soluble solids and biologically active substances in fruit (Table 2). The biggest content of dry matter and sucrose was noticed in fruits of cultivar Florina on rootstock M.9. The use of semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106 allowed essentially to increase the content of vitamins C and P in fruits of this cultivar, as well as the building up of pectins. 208 T a b l e 2. Biochemical indices of fruit quality of apple tree cultivar Florina depending on rootstock, 20032005 2 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Florina veislës obelø vaisiø kokybës biocheminiø rodikliø priklausomumas nuo poskiepio, 20032005 m. Dry soluble solids Total amount of sucrose Sausosios tirpiosios mediagos, % Bendras sacharozës kiekis, % Ì.9 Ì.26 ÌÌ.106 13.1 12.9 12.4 4.21 3.85 3.89 LSD05 / R05 0.1 - Poskiepis Acidity Rûgðtumas, % Vitamins Vitaminai, mg/100 g Total amount of pectins Bendras pektinø kiekis, % Ñ Ð 0.4 0.5 0.5 3.71 3.45 3.89 29.7 27.7 30.6 0.47 0.47 0.53 - 0.2 0.7 - Discussion. Discussing the problem of fruit quality, it is necessary to pay attention to the following fact. There is no doubt that every branch of agriculture is urged to implement its own specific functions in modern society. It must provide population with foodstuffs, having curative properties and helping to prevent many diseases (Ôðàí÷óê, 1968). However, most fruit producers dont have information about the chemical content of foodstuffs, as well as about content of biologically active substances (Ñàâåëüåâ, Ëåîí÷åíêî, 2005). One should mention for the comparison, that when growing wheat, we aim to increase the protein content in grain, and we purposefully increase the sunflower seed oil, and concentration of sucrose in sugar beet. At the same time the qualitative traits of fruit (except sizes) remain without attention in the process of fruit-tree planting. This essentially decreases their nutritional qualities. The above-mentioned fact makes us to think seriously of the given situation and to do the corresponding amendments in the strategy of branch development. The complex of agrotechnical method, providing the possibility to regulate purposefully the separate indices of fruit quality during their formation must be offered within the adaptive and organic horticulture. One of these techniques, influencing not only growth vigor of tree, but also the amount of yield, as well as market fruit quality, is right selection of optimal rootstock (Áàêóåâ, 2004). As the experiment showed, the character of indices of apple-tree productivity and quality is determined by growth vigor of rootstocks. The productivity of cultivar Florina increased using dwarf rootstocks, as well as obtaining supreme and qualitative fruits. Under such condition, rootstock M.9 can accumulate much dry matter and sucrose in fruits, what influences the taste qualities. However, content of biological active substances (BAS) in fruits of this rootstock is lower than using semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106. Consequently, in order to get fruits rich with vitamins and pectins, we should apply for cultivar Florina semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106. Conclusion. It is necessary to select rootstocks for purposeful production of apples with given parameters of fruit quality. Usage of dwarf rootstocks M.9 and M.26 allows to increase fruit yield of cultivar 209 Florina by 3060% and to get by 10% more fruits of Extra quality apples in comparison with these indices of trees on semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106. M.9 and M.26 increase accumulation of dry matter in fruits. The application of semi-dwarf rootstock MM.106 helps to increase in fruits the content of vitamins C and P as well as pectins. Gauta 2006 03 24 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 25 References 1. Á à ê ó å â Æ. Õ. Ïðèåìû ïîâûøåíèÿ óðîæàéíîñòè ÿáëîíè íà êëîíîâûõ ïîäâîÿõ â ïðåäãîðüÿõ ÊÁÐ/ Ïðîáëåìû ýêîëîãèçàöèè ñîâðåìåííîãî ñàäîâîäñòâà è ïóòè èõ ðåøåíèÿ: ìàòåðèàëû ìåæäóíàð.êîíô. Êðàñíîäàð. 2004. Ñ. 424431. 2. à ó ä ê î â ñ ê è é Â. À. Íàó÷íûå îñíîâû óñòîé÷èâîãî ñàäîâîäñòâà Ðîññèè / Ñëàáîðîñëîå ñàäîâîäñòâî: Ìåæäóíàð. íàó÷.-ïðàêò. êîíô. 1999. ×. I. Ìè÷óðèíñê. Ñ. 1215. 3. Ê à ø è í Â. È. Ïðîáëåìà íàó÷íîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ ñàäîâîäñòâà Ðîññèè / Ïëîäîâîäñòâî è ÿãîäîâîäñòâî Ðîññèè: Ñá.íàó÷.-ïðàêò. Ðàáîò / ÂÑÒÈÑÏ. Ì. 2003. Ñ. 337. 4. Ê å õ à å â Â. Ê. Ïðîãíîçèðîâàíèå êîíêóðåíòîñïîñîáíîñòè ïëîäîâ è ÿãîä/ Ïðîãíîçèðîâàíèå êîíêóðåíòîñïîñîáíîñòè îñíîâíûõ âèäîâ ïðîäîâîëüñòâèÿ â óñëîâèÿõ Êðàñíîäàðñêîãî êðàÿ: Ñá.ìàòåðèàëîâ íàó÷.ïðàêè÷.êîíôåðåíöèè. Êðàñíîäàð. 1997. Ñ. 5867. 5. Ê ó ä ð ÿ â å ö Ð. Ï. Ïðîäóêòèâíîñòü ÿáëîíè. Ì. 1987. Àãðîïðîìèçäàòþ. 303 ñ. 6. Ï ð î ã ð à ì ì à è ìåòîäèêà ñîðòîèçó÷åíèÿ ïëîäîâûõ, ÿãîäíûõ è îðåõîïëîäíûõ êóëüòóð / Ïîä ðåä. Å. Í. Ñåäîâà è Ò. Ï. Îãîëüöîâîé. Îðåë. 1999. 502 ñ. 7. Ñ à â å ë ü å â Í. È., Ë å î í ÷ å í ê î Â. Ã. è äð. Áèîõèìè÷åñêèé ñîñòàâ ïëîäîâ è ÿãîä è èõ ïðèãîäíîñòü äëÿ ïåðåðàáîòêè. Ìè÷óðèíñê. 2004. 124 ñ. 8. Ñ å ä î â Å. Í. Ñåëåêöèÿ è ñîðòèìåíò ÿáëîíè äëÿ Öåíòðàëüíûõ ðåãèîíîâ Ðîññèè. Îðåë: Èçä-âî ÂÍÈÈÑÏÊ. 2005. 312 ñ. 9. Ø è ä à ê î â Ð. Ñ. Îïòèìèçàöèÿ ñîðòèìåíòà ÿáëîíè òåõíè÷åñêîãî íàçíà÷åíèÿ â àãðîëàíäøàôòàõ Ñåâåðíîãî Êàâêàçà / Îïòèìèçàöèÿ ïîðîäíîñîðòîâîãî ñîñòàâà è ñèñòåì âîçäåëûâàíèÿ ïëîäîâûõ êóëüòóð: Ñá.íàó÷. òðóäîâ. Êðàñíîäàð: ÑÊÇÍÈÈÑèÂ. 2003. Ñ. 104114. 10. Ô ð à í ÷ ó ê Å. Ï. Òîâàðíûå êà÷åñòâà ïëîäîâ. Ì. 1968. 269 ñ. 210 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 207211. POSKIEPIO ÁTAKA FLORINA VEISLËS OBELØ DERLINGUMUI IR VAISIØ KOKYBEI PIETØ RUSIJOS SÀLYGOMIS V. Ostapenko Santrauka Lauko bandymas árengtas Prikubanës (Pietø Rusija) sodininkystës zonoje. Tirta M.9, M.26, MM.106 poskiepiø átaka svarbiausiems Florina veislës obuoliø kokybës rodikliams. Sodas pasodintas pagal schemà 4 x 2 m. Vaisiø kokybë priklausë nuo poskiepiø augumo. Áskiepijus Florina veislës obelis á þemaûgius poskiepius M.26 ir M.9, kiekvieno vaismedþio derlius padidëjo atitinkamai 30 ir 60%. Be to, vaismedþiø su ðiais poskiepiais derlius buvo 10% didesnis negu su MM.106. Áskiepijus á pusiau þemaûgá poskiepá MM.106, vaisiuose labai pagausëjo C ir P vitaminø bei pektinø. Kad vaisiai atitiktø tam tikrus kokybës rodiklius, svarbu tinkamai parinkti poskiepá. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, poskiepiai, derlingumas, rinkos kokybë, biocheminiai rodikliai. 211 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 212217. INFLUENCE OF ROOTSTOCK ON GROWTH AND REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF CHERRY CULTIVAR STELLA DURING THE PERIOD OF COMPLETE FRUITING Alexandros PAPACHATZIS Agricultural University,12 Mendeleev str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. E-mail: During the period of 20042005 the rootstocks Gisela 5, Gisela 4, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72, Weiroot 158 and P 1 (the Bulgarian selection of P. mahaleb L.) as well as selections of Giessen series Gi-195/20 and Gi-497/8 were tested for cherry cultivar Stella. The trees planted in the autumn of 1996 in the experimental field of the Agricultural University in the town Plovdiv, Bulgaria, at distances of 6.0 x 4.5 m, were trained as free-growing crowns and were abundantly irrigated. On the basis of the results in the period of full bearing (8th and 9th vegetation after planting), rootstocks can be determined as: vigorously growing P 1, Weiroot 10 and Weiroot 13; semi-dwarfing to dwarfing Gi-497/8, Weiroot 158, Weiroot 53, Gisela 4, Gi-195/20 and Weiroot 72; extremely dwarfing Gisela 5. The greatest number of suckers was formed on Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13 and Gisela 4; comparatively insignificant number on Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158; and no suckers at all on the remaining ones P1, Gisela 5, Gi-195/20 and Gi-497/8. Weiroot 53 and Weiroot 72 induced the highest productivity in the trees, whereas P 1 induced the lowest. Key words: sweet cherry, rootstocks, Gisela, Weiroot, growth, fruiting. Introduction. During the last 1020 years the world selection created a comparatively great number of new rootstocks for cherries (Bujdoso, Hrotko, 2005; Wertheim, 1998), which are nowadays the object of examination under different soil-climatic conditions in many countries (Bujdoso et al., 2004; Lichev, Lankes, 2003; Reisen, Lander, 1998). For the time being the rootstocks of the series Gisela (Franken Bembenek et al., 1999; Gutzwiler, Lang, 2001) and Weiroot (Gutzwiler, Lang 2001) created in Germany provoke the greatest interest. Certain rootstocks of these series were introduced in Bulgaria in 1995; they were grafted and the trees obtained in the course of 9 years were observed in connection with their growth and reproductive characteristics. The results concerning the influence of rootstocks on the performance of cherry trees during the periods of vigorous growth and initial and rapidly increasing fruit-bearing, were published earlier (Lichev, Lankes, 2003, 212 2004). In the present article we report data on the development of the experimental trees of cultivar Stella during the period of full bearing. Materials and methods. The investigations were conducted during the period of 20042005 with the trees of cherry cultivar Stella grafted on in vitro propagated rootstocks Gisela 5, Gisela 4, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158 and the selections Gi-195/20 and Gi-497/8 of the Giessen series. The trees of the same cultivar grafted on the seedlings of rootstock P1 (standard Bulgarian selection of P. Mahaleb L.) were used as control. The experimental plants (6 in number per variant, using a randomized block design), were planted in the autumn of 1996 in the experimental field of the Department of Fruit growing at the Agricultural University in the town Plovdiv at planting distances of 6.0x4.5 m. The trees were trained as free-growing crowns, grown under the conditions of herbicide treated fallow land and were irrigated. Plants were cut back after planting at a height of 90 cm, after which they were left to manifest freely their growth and reproductive characteristics. After completing the training of the crowns, the trees were submitted to winter pruning every year except the season of 2004-2005. The region of the experimental plantation is characterized by comparatively mild winter and dry hot summer, with maximum temperatures in July and August often reaching 40°C. The yearly precipitation sum total (400500 mm) was distributed irregularly, mainly in winter, spring and autumn. The soil was slightly alkali with pH=7,5 and with medium sandy loam mechanical composition. Results. At the end of 9th vegetation after planting, the trees on rootstocks P1, Weiroot 10 and Weiroot 13 had the thickest trunks whereas those on rootstock Gisela 5 had the thinnest ones, the remaining variants having intermediate values (Table 1). T a b l e 1. Growth characteristics of sweet cherry cultivar Stella grafted on different rootstocks, at the end of 9th vegetation period (2005) 1 l e n t e l ë. Stela veislës vyðniø su skirtingais poskiepiais augimo savybës devintojo vegetacijos laikotarpio pabaigoje 2005 m. Rootstocks Trunk cross section area Poskiepiai Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas, cm Tree height Vaismedio auktis, cm Crown width Vainiko plotis, cm P1 Gisela 5 Gisela 4 Gi-195/20 Gi-497/8 Weiroot 10 Weiroot 13 Weiroot 53 Weiroot 72 Weiroot 158 240.3 50.8 117.8 117.3 145.8 236.8 220.6 133.2 112.0 151.2 459.7 231.2 328.5 346.3 393.3 448.8 496.7 345.8 387.5 361.8 396.7 163.1 280.2 285.1 308.3 377.8 386.7 324.1 309.4 320.0 LSD05 / R05 35.9 41.6 37.6 2 213 The data on the tree sizes (Table 1) generally confirm the above-mentioned tendency in trunk thickness for distributing the rootstocks in 3 groups depending on the growth vigour induced by them on the graft. Results also indicate that the plants on Weiroot 13, P1 and Weiroot 10 are about 4.55 m high, which necessitates the application of ladders for picking of fruit and pruning whereas in the other trees these manual practices can be carried out without their application needed. The studied rootstocks showed different tendencies toward suckering (Figure). Its strongest manifestation was in the rootstocks Gisela 4, Weiroot 10 and Weiroot 13, forming in the inter-row space (1,6 m wide) on the average from 14 to 17 shoots per tree during one vegetation. The rootstocks Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158 showed a considerably smaller tendency to form suckers (46 per tree), whereas the rest of the plants (on P1, Gisela 5, Gi-195/20 and Gi-497/8) formed no suckers. F i g. Number of suckers of sweet cherry cultivar Stella grafted on different rootstocks, mean of 2004-2005 P a v. Stela veislës vyðniø su skirtingais poskiepiais atþalø skaièius, 20042005 m. vidurkiai *Note: The number of suckers per tree was estimated only in the inter-row strip of 1.6 m width. Pastaba: atþalø kiekis matuotas 1,6 m ploèio pomedþio juostoje. The data in Table 2 indicate that in 2005 the fruit-bearing in all variants was smaller than that of the previous vegetation, which was due to the partial frostdamage of the flower organs of the experimental trees in the winter and spring of 20042005. What makes an impression, however, is that the yield was reduced to the greatest degree in the trees on Gisela 5. The biggest yield per tree during two years of study produced the bigger plants these on Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13 and P1 (Table 2). Taking into consideration the fact that there were great differences in the vegetative development between the studied variants, we consider that the index resulting from the proportion between the yield per tree and the trunk thickness (Table 2), gives more correct notion about the fertility of cultivar Stella. In this respect, the highest productivity of trees was induced by Weiroot 53 and Weiroot 72, the lowest by P1 and the remaining rootstocks (Gisela 5, Gisela 4, Gi-195/20 and Gi-497/8, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13 and Weiroot 158) had an intermediate position. 214 T a b l e 2. Fruiting of sweet cherry cultivar Stella grafted on different rootstocks, 20042005 2 l e n t e l ë. Stela veislës vyðniø su skirtingais poskiepiais derlingumas 20042005 m. Yield, kg/tree / Derlius, kg/medis Rootstocks Total for 2004–2005 Yield efficiency in 2004–2005 Produktyvumas Poskiepiai 2004 2005 Suminis 2004–2005 m. derlius 2004–2005 m., kg/cm2 Ð1 Gisela 5 Gisela 4 Gi-195/20 Gi-497/8 Weiroot 10 Weiroot 13 Weiroot 53 Weiroot 72 Weiroot 158 32.9 12.5 22.5 20.9 22.0 35.9 32.1 29.9 21.9 26.2 28.7 5.8 17.0 16.2 19.7 34.4 31.8 22.9 19.2 21.6 61.6 18.3 39.5 37.1 41.7 70.3 63.9 52.8 41.1 47.8 0.26 0.36 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.30 0.29 0.40 0.37 0.32 LSD05 / R05 9.0 7.2 16.2 0.11 Discussion. To a certain extent, similar differentiation between the studied rootstocks of Gisela and Weiroot series with respect to their growth vigour, was conducted by other authors as well after extensive field experiments (Stehr, 1996; Balmer, 1998; Bujdoso et al., 2004). The results obtained by us differ from those of indicated foreign authors by the conclusion that in the course of our experiment Gisela 5 was manifested as too dwarfing and in this respect it was proved to defer to the other dwarfing rootstocks Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158. Most authors comparing the rootstock Gisela 5 with those of the second generation of Weiroot series (Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158) in the experimental field, did not establish such a great difference between them with respect to their vegetative development (Stehr, 1996; Balmer, 1998; Bujdoso et al., 2004). In connection with sucker-formation potentiality of the examined rootstocks of Gisela and Weiroot series, other authors also reported similar results in most of them (Balmer, 1998; Löcher, 1991; Weber, 1992). Other opinions also exist, however, about some of rootstocks, according to which the trees on Gisela 5 are capable of forming suckers, if only insignificant in number (Balmer, 1998; Weber, 1992) and those on Weiroot 158 have no tendency to sucker-formation (Löcher, 1991). If we make a comparison between the productivity of trees during their 8th and th 9 vegetation (in 2004 and 2005) and that of the same plants by the end of 6th year after planting (Lichev, Lankes, 2004), well establish that during the period of full bearing the priority of Gisela 5 and Gisela 4 decreased, whereas the productive potentialities of Weiroot 53 increased. In the remaining rootstocks no significant deviations with respect to their productivity in the two maturity periods were reported. The results obtained by us about the fertility of the trees on Gisela 5 do not 215 coincide with the opinion of most research workers in the same field, according to whom this rootstock induces high productivity to the cultivars grafted on it not only in the period of initial and rapidly increasing fruit-bearing, but at a later time too (Stehr, 1996). Conclusions. The results obtained during the period of full bearing (8th and 9th vegetation after planting) of cultivar Stella leads to the following conclusions: 1. Depending on the growth vigour induced to the scion, the rootstocks can be distributed to three groups: vigorously growing P1, Weiroot 10 and Weiroot 13; semi-dwarfing to dwarfing Gi-497/8, Weiroot 158, Weiroot 53, Gisela 4, Gi-195/20 and Weiroot 72; extremely dwarfing Gisela 5. 2. Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13 and Gisela 4 are distinguished by the highest potentiality for sucker formation, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158 by a low potentiality, whereas the remaining rootstocks (P 1, Gisela 5, Gi-195/20 and Gi-497/8) do not form suckers. 3. The highest productivity was induced to the trees by Weiroot 53 and Weiroot 72 and the lowest by P 1. Gauta 2006 05 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 07 References 1. B a l m e r M. Sûsskirschenunterlagen in Bewegung. Deutsche Baumschule. 1998. 10. 3739. 2. B u j d o s o G., K. H r o t k o, R. S t e h r. Evaluation of sweet and sour cherry cultivars on german dwarfing rootstocks in Hungary. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2004. Vol. 12. P. 233244. 3. B u j d o s o G., K. H r o t k o. Effects of rootstock scion interactions on dwarf cherry rootstocks in Hungary. Hort. Sci (Prague). 2005. 32, 4. P.129137. 4. F r a n k e n - B e m b e n e k S., W. G r u p p e, G. L i n k e, H. S c h m i d t. Rûckblick auf das Zûchtungsprogramm der Gisela Kirschenunterlagen. Erwerbsobstbau. 1999. 41. 123128. 5. G u t z w i l e r J., G. A. L a n g. Sweet cherry crop load and vigor management on Gisela rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae. 2001. P. 557, 321325. 6. L i c h e v V., C. L a n k e s. Erste Ergebnisse von Leistungsprûfungen mit Gisela und Weiroot Unterlagen in Bulgarien. Erwerbsobstbau. 2003. 45, 5, 157161. 7. L i c h e v V., C. L a n k e s. Ergebnisse der Leistugsprûfungen der Sûsskirschensorte Stella auf Gisela und Weiroot Unterlagen in Bulgarien. Erwerbs Obstbau. 2004. 46, 6573. 8. L õ c h e r E. Folienabdeckung bei Sûsskirschen. Obst und Garten. 1991. 6. 293295. 9. R i e s e n W., J. L a d n e r. Hohe Ertrage mit den neuen Kirschenunterlagen. Obst und Weinbau. 1998. 134, 24. 609611. 10. S t e h r R. Erste Zwischenergebnisse eines Unterlagenversuchs zu Sûsskirschen. Erwerbsobstbau. 1996. 38. 122125. 11. W e b e r A. Wissen Motivieren Kõnnen. Obst und Garten. 1992. 6. 294298. 12. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock Guide Apple, Pear, Cherry, European Plum. Publication no. 25, Fruit Research Station Wilhelminadorp, The Netherlands, 1998. 216 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 212217. POSKIEPIO ÁTAKA STELLA VEISLËS VYÐNIØ AUGIMUI IR REPRODUKCINËMS SAVYBËMS DERËJIMO LAIKOTARPIU A. Papachatzis Santrauka 20042005 metais buvo tirtos Stella veislës vyðnios su ðiais poskiepiais: Gisela 5, Gisela 4, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72, Weiroot 158 ir P 1 (Bulgarijos P. Mahaleb L. selekcija) ir Gi-195/20 bei Gi-497/8 (Giessen serijø selekcija). Sodas áveistas 1996 metø rudená Plovdiv (Bulgarija) þemës ûkio universiteto bandymø lauke, vaismedþius sodinant 6,0 x 4,5 m atstumais. Formuoti laisvai augantys vaismedþiø vainikai. Kaip rodo derëjimo laikotarpiu (89 vegetacija po pasodinimo) gauti rezultatai, poskiepiai gali bûti skirstomi á: stipriai auganèius P 1, Weiroot 10 ir Weiroot 13; pusiau þemaûgius ir þemaûgius Gi-497/8, Weiroot 158, Weiroot 53, Gisela 4, Gi-195/20 ir Weiroot 72; nykðtukinius Gisela 5. Daugiausia atþalø iðaugo ant Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13 ir Gisela 4, palyginti nedaug ant Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 ir Weiroot 158 poskiepiø ir visiðkai atþalø neturëjo likusieji P1, Gisela 5, Gi-195/20 ir Gi-497/8 poskiepiai. Derlingiausi buvo vaismedþiai su Weiroot 53 ir Weiroot 72 poskiepiais, maþiausiai derlingi su P 1 poskiepiu. Reikðminiai þodþiai: vyðnios, poskiepiai, Gisela, Weiroot, augimas, derlius. 217 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 218223. USE OF GISELA 5 FOR SWEET CHERRIES Jef VERCAMMEN*, Guy VAN DAELE and Toon VANRYKEL Pcfruit - Proeftuin pit- en steenfruit, Fruittuinweg 1, 3800 Sint-Truiden, Belgium. E-mail: By analogy with M.9 for apple, the objective with sweet cherries is to find a dwarfing rootstock that makes it possible to obtain trees with yield precociously and which are of reduced stature, so facilitating the harvest of all of the cherries when standing on the ground. Gisela 5 is a hybrid between Prunus cerasus and Prunus canescens. It is a rootstock with moderate to weak vigour. The yield efficiency of Gisela 5 is very high, with very good fruit sizes overall. In dry circumstances cherries can sometimes remain too small. However, this can be solved quite easily by irrigation of the trees. Gisela 5 is suitable for most modern varieties. This rootstock is best suited for intensive cherry culture. The original aim, a smaller easier to control tree, has been achieved with Gisela 5. The trees come into production earlier, which should shorten the time needed to reach break even on the orchard investment. It is also easier to intensify and to cover the trees against rain and birds with Gisela 5. Key words: dwarfing rootstock, Gisela 5, soil sickness. Introduction. In modern cherry culture there is no longer a place for very tall trees. As was the case for apple and pear, the demand for smaller trees, that are easier to control increased at the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties. In order to achieve this objective a search for dwarfing rootstocks began many years ago at different research and development locations. By analogy with M.9 for apple, a rootstock was sought that would make it possible to obtain a tree which cropped precociously and which was of shorter stature on which the cherries could be picked when standing on the ground. In Belgium this research led to the introduction of the GM-rootstocks (Grand-Manil) and in Germany the first Gisela- (Giessen) and Weiroot-roostocks came into existence. In the work reported here, attention is focused on Gisela 5. Materials and methods. Rootstock trial with Kordia and Schneiders Sp. Kn. Kordia and Schneiders Sp. Kn. were planted in the planting season of 1995 1996. The planting distance was 5.00 x 3.00 m (600 trees/ha). The following rootstocks were used: Colt, Gisela 5, GM61, Limburgse Boskriek (Prunus avium) and Weiroot 13. For each scion/rootstock combination 2 replication of 5 trees were planted. Because of their very bad health one replication of Kordia on GM61 and 218 both replication of Schneiders Sp. Kn. on Weiroot 13 were grubbed. Besides recording the vigour (trunk circumference and volume), yield and fruit weight were also determined at harvest. R e p l a n t p r o b l e m s a n d s o i l s i c k n e s s. In the spring of 1999 on an old cherry meadow a trial with Colt, Gisela 5 and Limburgse Boskriek (Prunus Avium) was also started, to look into the sensitivity to soil sickness of each of these rootstocks. One half of the cherry meadow was disinfected with Formol (Formaldehyde) and the other half was not. Ten rootstocks were planted each time between the original positions of the old trees. (The old trees were grubbed and replaced by young trees.) For a period of 3 years tree vigour and health of the rootstocks was monitored. R o o t s t o c k t r i a l w i t h K o r d i a. Kordia was planted in spring 2003. In the first part of the trial the following dwarfing rootstocks were used: Gisela 5, PiKu 4.20, Weiroot 158 and Weiroot 53. For each scion/root-stock combination 4 replicates of 2 trees were planted. The planting distance was 5.00 x 2.00 m (900 trees/ha). In the second part of the trial we used the following rootstocks: Colt, Gisela 6, MaxMa 14, PiKu 4.20, Weiroot 13 and Weiroot 53. For each scion/rootstock combination 4 replicates of 1 tree were planted. In this part of the trial the planting distance was 5.00 x 3.00 m (600 trees/ha). Besides recording the vigour (trunk circumference and shoot length of the 1-year-old shoots), yield and fruit weight were also determined at harvest. Results and discussion. R o o t s t o c k t r i a l w i t h K o r d i a a n d S c h n e i d e r s S p. K n. In the first years the vigour of Limburgse Boskriek is weaker than that of Colt. This results from the fact that the trees on Limburgse Boskriek have more problems to start with growing than the trees on Colt. After 10 growth years the increase in trunk circumference is almost equal for both rootstocks (Table 1). Weiroot 13 also has a comparable increase in trunk circumference. On the other hand Gisela 5 grows more slowly. So far as yields are concerned it appears from table 2 that Gisela 5 and also Weiroot 13 on Kordia, gave better results than Colt or Limburgse Boskriek. The latter two produced almost similar yields. Gisela 5, despite these high yields, also induced very large individual fruit weights. It produced the same proportions of dark-red, fully ripe cherries as Colt and Limburgse Boskriek. The same similarities and comparisons were also noted concerning the percentage of cracked cherries. R e p l a n t p r o b l e m s a n d s o i l s i c k n e s s. Colt is often used in north Germany because this rootstock has fewer problems with soil sickness. The results from the Oregon State University also prove that Colt does better on a plot with soil sickness than Limburgse Boskriek (Long, 1995). These results were obtained by a grower, who grew Bing grafted on Limburgse Boskriek and Colt on a plot with soil sickness. The trees on Limburgse Boskriek were small and weak and showed almost no growth. The trees on Colt on the other hand were vigorous and strong. They also came into production earlier and moreover produced a bigger yield. The individual fruit weights were the same for both rootstocks. This experiment also proves that the first years are al lot more difficult for Limburgse Boskriek, certainly so on a plot with soil sickness (Vercammen, 2002). 219 T a b l e 1. The increase in trunk circumference of Kordia and Schneiders Sp. Kn. on different rootstocks (PCF-PPS, 2005a) 1 l e n t e l ë. Kordia ir Schneiders Sp. Kn. veisliø vaismedþiø su skirtingais poskiepiais kamienø apimties padidëjimas (PCF-PPS, 2005a) Increase of trunk circumference Kamieno apimties padidëjimas % compared to Limburgse Boskriek 1996–2005 m., mm % palyginus su Limburgse Boskriek ‘Kordia’ Limburgse Boskriek Colt Weiroot 13 Gisela 5 GM61 60.2 59.3 58.9 51.8 31.7 100 99 98 86 53 ‘Schneiders Sp. Kn.’ Limburgse Boskriek Colt Gisela 5 GM61 61.3 64.6 56.0 28.9 100 105 91 47 Variety / Rootstock Veislë / Poskiepis On the non-disinfected plot no growth could be observed at all on the rootstocks (Figure 1). In the first year, Gisela 5 did not grow well either on the non-disinfected plot. Colt on the other hand had the biggest increase in trunk circumference, on the disinfected plot as well as on the non-disinfected plot. The number of dead rootstocks was much bigger with Limburgse Boskriek than with Colt or Gisela 5. In conclusion we can say that Colt knew the best start (Tilkens, 1999). 1 F i g. 1. The increase in trunk circumference of different rootstocks (PCF-PPS, 2001) p a v. Skirtingø poskiepiø kamienø apimties padidëjimas (PCF-PPS, 2001) 220 R o o t s t o c k t r i a l w i t h K o r d i a p a r t 1. After 3 growing years there were no significant differences between the different rootstocks as far as the increase in trunk circumference is concerned (Figure 2). The smallest increases however were found with Gisela 5 and Weiroot 158. The first one had also the shortest shoots in 2005 (Table 2). All rootstocks had the same number of shoots in 2005. F i g. 2. The increase in trunk circumference of Kordia on different rootstocks (PCF-PPS, 2005a) 2 p a v. Kordia veislës vaismedþiø su skirtingais poskiepiais kamienø apimties padidëjimas (PCF-PPS, 2005a) T a b l e 2. Yield data concerning Kordia and Schneiders Sp. Kn. on different rootstocks (PCF-PPS, 2005b) 2 l e n t e l ë. Kordia ir Schneiders Sp. Kn. veisliø vaismedþiø su skirtingais poskiepiais derlius (PCF-PPS, 2005b) Kg/tree Variety/ Rootstock Veislë / Poskiepis Kg/medis (1999–2005) Trunk circumference kg/cm Kamieno apimtis, Fruit weight g Vaisiaus masë, Kg/tree / Kg/medis % 1999–2005 1999–2005 Limburgse Boskriek 57.4 100 0.87 11.2 Colt 68.0 118 1.03 11.2 Weiroot 13 92.0 160 1.38 11.0 Gisela 5 103.2 180 1.80 11.3 GM61 34.3 60 1.02 10.1 Limburgse Boskriek 30.8 100 0.46 11.6 Colt 22.6 73 0.32 11.2 Gisela 5 68.4 222 1.22 11.4 GM61 35.8 116 1.09 10.6 ‘Kordia’ ‘Schneiders Sp. Kn.’ 221 The trees are still too young to draw already conclusions about the yield data. In 2006 the yield of the trees on Weiroot 158 was lower and the fruit size was smaller, although these trees started with the same amount of flower buds as trees on the other rootstocks. The trees on PiKu 4.20 had the highest yield. The fruit weight was the same as for the trees on Gisela 5 (Table 3). T a b l e 3. Yield data and shoot length concerning Kordia on different rootstocks (PCF-PPS, 2005c) 3 l e n t e l ë. Kordia veislës vaismedþiø su skirtingais poskiepiais derlius ir ûgliø ilgis (PCF-PPS, 2005c) Rootstock Kg/tree Poskiepis Kg/medis, 2006 Fruit weight g, 2006 Vaisiaus masë, Shoot length cm, 2005 Ûgliø ilgis, Trial 1 Gisela 5 2.7 ab 11.3 a 53 b PiKu 4.20 3.6 a 11.0 a 57 ab Weiroot 158 2.4 b 11.3 a 56 ab Weiroot 53 3.0 a 10.5 a 73 a Colt 2.5 ab 11.2 a 71 a Gisela 6 4.8 a 10.6 ab 45 b MaxMa 14 1.3 b 10.3 b 51 ab PiKu 4.20 4.1 ab 11.5 a 51 ab Weiroot 13 2.7 ab 11.0 ab 60 ab Weiroot 53 3.7 ab 11.1 ab 60 ab Trial 2 R o o t s t o c k t r i a l w i t h K o r d i a p a r t 2. In the second part of the trial the increase of the trunk circumference after 3 growing years is the strongest for the trees on Colt. These trees had in 2005 also the longest 1-year-old shoots. The shoot length on Gisela 6 and the number of shoots were significant lower than on Colt. Also the trees on MaxMa 14 had less shoots than the trees on Colt. Although it is too early to say much about the yield we want to make a few remarks. In 2006 trees on Gisela 6 and on PiKu 4.20 had the highest yield. Fruit size was better on PiKu 4.20 than on Gisela 6. MaxMa 14 on the other hand gave the lowest yield of all the rootstocks in the trial. In spite of this lower yield, the fruit size was the smallest on MaxMa 14. Conclusion. The original aim of this work, to find a rootstock capable of producing smaller trees, which are easier to control, and suitable for Belgian planting conditions has been achieved with Gisela 5. Moreover the trees on Gisela 5 come into production earlier and have the highest yield efficiency, which can shorten the time between planting and the orchard coming into profit. It is also easier to intensify plantings and provide protection against birds and rain when using Gisela 5. 222 Gisela 5 is a hybrid between Prunus cerasus and Prunus canescens. It is a rootstock with moderate to weak vigour (Wertheim, 1998). The yield efficiency of Gisela 5 is very high, and it induces good fruit sizes on scions. However, under dry conditions cherries on Gisela 5 can sometimes remain too small. Although this can be solved quite easily by watering the trees. Just as with the other two rootstocks Gisela 5 is suitable for most varieties. This rootstock is best suited for intensive cherry culture. The recommenced planting distances are 5 x 3 m and 4 x 2 m. The trees reach a height of 3 to 4 meters, which makes the use of bird nets and/or plastic covers possible. Gisela 5 is less susceptible to soil sickness than Limburgse Boskriek. Gauta 2006 04 28 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 07 References 1. L o n g L. Colt rootstock may be answer for replant problems, Good Fruit Grower. 1995. February 15. P. 4344. 2. P C F - P P S. Annual report PCF-Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit. 2001. P. 328330. 3. P C F - P P S. Annual report PCF-Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit. 2005 a. P. 5356. 4. P C F - P P S. Annual report PCF-Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit. 2005 b. P. 5960. 5. P C F - P P S. Annual report PCF-Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit. 2005 c. P. 6162. 6. T i l k e n s N. Is Colt te vroeg afgeschreven? Fruitteeltnieuws. 199913(7). P. 67. 7. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock Guide. 1998. P.101105. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 218223. GISELA 5 POSKIEPIO NAUDOJIMAS TREÐNËMS J. Vercammen, G. Van Daele, T. Vanrykel Santrauka Atliekant tyrimus su treðnëmis, buvo siekiama rasti toká þemaûgá poskiepá, kaip M.9 obelims, kuris leistø uþauginti ankstyvà derliø duodanèius ir neaukðtus vaismedþius, kad bûtø galima nuskinti visas treðnes stovint ant þemës. Gisela 5 yra Prunus cerasus ir Prunus canescens hibridas. Tai vidutinio augumo poskiepis. Gisela 5 labai produktyvus poskiepis, sunokina tinkamo dydþio uogas. Kartais, kai orai itin sausi, uogos gali likti pernelyg maþos. Taèiau ðià problemà galima lengvai iðspræsti vaismedþius laistant. Gisela 5 tinka daugeliui ðiuolaikiniø veisliø. Ðis poskiepis tinkamiausias treðnes auginant intensyviai. Gisela 5 padëjo pasiekti pradiná tikslà iðauginti maþesnius, lengviau priþiûrimus vaismedþius. Jie pradeda duoti derliø anksèiau, todël sodas greièiau gali duoti optimalø pelnà. Be to, naudojant Gisela 5, treðnës intensyviau auga, jas lengviau pridengti nuo lietaus ir paukðèiø. Reikðminiai þodþiai: þemaûgis poskiepis, Gisela 5, dirvos ligotumas. 223 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 224229. THE EFFECT OF ROOTSTOCK ON GROWTH AND FRUITAGE OF SWEET CHERRY Zofia TOMASZEWSKA, Bartosz NYCHNEREWICZ Department of Horticulture, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. E-mail: An experiment was conducted in 20032005 aimed at examining the effect of rootstocks Prunus avium, Colt, PHL A and Gisela 5 on growth and fruitage of the following cultivars of cherry trees: Burlat, Kordia, Regina and Van. Dwarf rootstocks PHL A and Gisela 5 reduced tree growth by about 4045% as compared with rootstocks Colt and Prunus avium. The yielding of sweet cherry trees on these rootstocks was much better. The best yielding was observed in case of cultivar Van. During the experiment, there were found physiological incompatibilities between cultivar Burlat and rootstock PHL A, as well as between cultivar Van and rootstock Colt. Key words: rootstock, sweet cherry, growth, yielding. Introduction. Intensively growing seedling rootstock Prunus avium L. and clonal rootstocks F12/1 and Colt are prevalent in the cultivation of sweet cherries. Modern, cost-effective cultivation should be carried out on dwarf trees, in the same way as the intense cultivation of apple trees (Sitarek, 2004). For some years, great progress has been observed in the world in the cultivation of weak-growing rootstocks (Cheùpiñski, 2000; Larsen et al., 1997; Moreno et al., 1995; Rozpara, 2001). Its usage makes it possible to weaken the growth, and in consequence, to increase the number of trees growing on a given unit of area. Also, tree crowns are easier to form, fruit is protected against cracking by using a plastic tunnel, and protection against birds is easier. Research concerning weak-growing rootstocks has been conducted since 1988 at the Research Institute of Pomology. It has been proven that it is valuable for cherry fruit producers to use new technologies (Grzyb, 1999; Sitarek and Buczek, 2005). This study presents the results of the assessment and comparison of Czech rootstock PHL-A and German rootstock Gisela 5 against rootstocks Colt and Prunus avium that had been used so far. Materials and methods. The research was conducted in Úwiedziebnia next to Brodnica. The orchard was established in the autumn of 1999 from branched shoots of budded plants on brown soil of proper typical III class. Trees were bought in Werfelden in Germany. Cultivars Kordia and Regina were grown on rootstocks Gisela 5 and PHL-A, planted 2.5 x 4.0 m apart (1000 trees/ha), while cultivars Burlat 224 and Van were planted 3.0 x 4.0 m apart (833 trees/ha). On the other hand, trees on strongly growing rootstocks Colt and Prunus avium (own cultivation) were grown 3.5 x 4.0 m apart (714 trees/ha). From 2000 to 2004, trees on rootstocks PHL and Gisela 5 were grown with stakes. Measurements of the height and yield were taken from 20 trees. Crown volume at random heights was counted. The interrows of trees contained turf. However, in the rows, in the first three years, mulching by bark was used, and after 2003 herbicide fallow was used. The research lasted for three years (20032005) under various climatic conditions. Data statistically was processed by a computer program ANOVA for EXEL vers.2.1. F i g. 1. Total precipitation in 20032005 1 p a v. Bendras krituliø kiekis 20032005 m. F i g. 2. Average temperatures in 20032005 2 p a v. Vidutinës temperatûros 20032005 m. Results. Assuming the area of the trunk cross-section as a criterion of growth strength, it was established that this feature depended on rootstock and cultivar. Trees on rootstock Prunus avium grew more strongly than the others. Trees on rootstock PHL A. grew most poorly. Rootstock Gisela 5 demonstrated the largest growth strength. It must be emphasized that trees on this rootstock for the first four 225 years grew quite strongly the increments of the surface area were similar to rootstock Colt (Table 1), and only in fifth and sixth year of the experiment their growth was weaker. T a b l e 1. Surface trunk cross-section area (TCSA), cm2 and crown volume, m3 1 l e n t e l ë. Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP), cm2 ir vainiko tûris, cm3 Prunus avium Cultivars Veislës ‘Burlat’ Years Metai 1 2 3 average TCSA crown volume Colt PHL A crown volume TCSA TCSA crown volume Gisela-5 TCSA crown volume KSP vainiko tûris KSP vainiko tûris KSP vainiko tûris KSP vainiko tûris 59.95 108.81 147.67 105.47 8.8 8.9 10.9 9.5 46.20 97.50 138.80 94.16 8.0 7.3 8.1 7.8 19.55 31.00 -* 4.0 4.4 -* 40.55 87.92 108.13 78.9 7.4 7.0 5.2 6.5 45.94 90.65 130.36 88.98 7.9 7.7 8.7 8.1 44.98 85.34 103.90 78.07 6.0 6.8 5.8 6.2 24.96 48.42 80.00 51.12 3.0 3.5 3.6 3.4 30.84 60.53 74.36 55.24 6.0 6.7 4.8 5.8 59.93 94.50 126.16 93.53 6.2 7.6 7.9 7.2 37.50 70.32 98.66 68.82 4.0 3.8 4.3 4.0 29.50 9.94 82.40 53.95 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.5 28.90 61.50 76.10 55.50 4.2 3.6 3.9 3.9 48.99 90.99 135.93 91.97 9.5 9.0 10.9 9.8 16.06 -* -* 3.3 -* -* 25.90 58.44 96.80 67.04 4.4 5.8 6.4 5.5 43.64 62.92 79.33 61.96 6.8 6.6 6.0 6.5 vidurkis ‘Kordia’ 1 2 3 average vidurkis ‘Regina’ 1 2 3 average vidurkis ‘Van’ 1 2 3 average vidurkis LSD05 / R05 Trunk cross section: cultivars – 16.207, years – 10.579, rootstock – 14.511 Kamieno skersmuo priklausomai nuo: veislës – 16,207, metø – 10,579, poskiepio – 14,511 Crown volume: cultivars – 3.756, years – n.o, rootstock – 3.735 Vainiko tûris priklausomai nuo: veislës – 3,756, metø – n.s, poskiepio – 3,735 *physiological incompatibility 1 2003, 2 2004, 3 2005 / fiziologinis nesuderinamumas: 1 2003 m., 2 2004 m., 3 2005 m. During six years, the largest dimensions were obtained by cultivar Burlat on rootstock Prunus avium. The weakest growth was found for cultivar Regina on rootstock PHL A. During the experiment, a weaker growth followed by drying-up of trees of cultivar Van on rootstock Colt and cultivar Burlat on rootstock PHL A was observed. Both examined rootstocks, PHL A and Gisera-5, weakened the growth of trees in comparison to rootstock Colt on average by 27% and to rootstock Prunus avium by 40%. On the basis of the average values obtained for rootstocks and cultivars, it was established that the strongest growth was characteristic to cultivars Burlat and Van and the weakest was of Kordia. Trees growing on rootstocks Prunus avium and Colt had much bigger tree 226 crowns. Rootstock PHL A largely reduced the volume of crowns. On the other hand, trees grown on rootstock Gisela 5 had slightly smaller crowns than those growing on rootstock Colt. In the final year of investigation, the crown volumes of cultivars Kordia and Burlat were smaller on this rootstock than in the previous year. There were differences observed between cultivars. Burlat and Van had much larger crowns than cultivars Regina and Kordia. The fruitage of sweet cherry trees in individual years was differentiated because of climatic conditions. Good yielding was observed in 2004. Small yields in the subsequent year were caused by spring frosts (on May 05, 2005, the temperature at night dropped down to -5°C) and some flowers froze. Sweet cherry trees of cultivar Van yielded the best, and those of cultivar Regina demonstrated the poorest yielding. The results obtained indicated that the type of rootstock diversified yielding. Definitely, Gisela 5 and PHL A proved to be better. Much smaller yields were obtained on rootstocks Colt and Prunus avium. T a b l e 2. Yielding of sweet cherry trees depending on rootstock 2 l e n t e l ë. Treðniø derliaus priklausomumas nuo poskiepio Rootstocks / Poskiepiai Cultivars Veislës Years Metai Prunus avium kg·tree-1 kg·vaism.-1 -1 t·ha Colt kg·tree-1 kg·vaism -1 PHL A -1 t·ha kg·tree-1 kg·vaism -1 Gisela-5 -1 t·ha kg·tree-1 kg·vaism -1 t·ha-1 ‘Burlat’ 1 2 3 Ó 2.60 17.90 3.66 24.15 1.85 12.78 2.61 2.22 8.90 4.93 16.05 1.58 6.35 3.52 0.60 1.22 -* 1.82 0.49 1.02 7.00 14.95 6.20 27.69 5.83 12.45 5.16 ‘Kordia’ 1 2 3 Ó 4.5 6.43 2.83 13.74 3.21 4.59 2.02 7.8 8.25 3.80 19.86 5.57 5.91 2.71 5.85 12.32 5.73 23.88 5.57 12.32 5.73 9.95 13.93 7.43 31.29 9.95 13.93 7.43 ‘Regina’ 1 2 3 Ó 3.2 9.0 1.56 13.74 2.28 6.43 1.11 5.2 8.25 2.93 16.38 3.71 5.89 2.09 8.50 10.25 4.30 23.04 8.50 10.25 4.30 10.03 12.35 5.50 27.87 10.03 12.35 5.50 ‘Van’ 1 2 3 Ó 8.33 12.22 10.62 31.17 5.94 8.72 7.58 1.11 -* -* 0.79 8.70 13.35 15.0 37.05 7.25 11.12 12.49 12.33 10.0 15.20 37.53 10.27 8.33 12.66 LSD05/R05 kg·tree-1: cultivars – 2.063, years – 1.687, rootstock – 1.919 Derlius kg vaism.-1 priklausomai nuo: veislës – 2,063, metø – 1,687, poskiepio – 1,687 t·ha-1: cultivars – 1.820, years – 1.460, rootstock – 1.662 -1 Derlius t·ha priklausomai nuo: veislës – 1,820, metø – 1,460, poskiepio – 1,662 *physiological incompatibility 1 2003, 2 2004, 3 2005 / fiziologinis nesuderinamumas: 1 2003 m., 2 2004 m., 3 2005 m. It must be emphasized that one of the factors that limited yielding was the occurrence of physiological incompatibility in trees with cultivar Van on rootstock Colt and cultivar Burlat on rootstock PHL A. 227 Total yield per 1 cm2 of trunk cross section resulted in this diversification of productivity rate for the cultivars under examination. Taking into consideration the average surface area of the trunk (PPPP) and the average total yield obtained, it can be stated that the average productivity rate was found for cultivars Van (0.64kg/cm2) and Kordia (0.61 kg/cm2), grown on rootstock Gisela 5. The strong growth of trees and weak yielding resulted in diminishing the productivity rate of cultivars Kordia (0.15 kg/cm2) and Regina (0.15 kg/cm2), grown on rootstocks Prunus avium. On the basis of the results obtained, it has been established that dwarf rootstocks had a much greater productivity rate than strong growing ones. Discussion. Many studies concerning the growth of sweet cherry tree on rootstock of Czech and German cultivation demonstrated significant weakening of tree growth (Grzyb, 1999; Rozpara, 2001). The results obtained also indicate a slight differentiation of growth between rootstocks PHL A and Gisela 5. The physiological incompatibility between cultivar Van and rootstock Colt was evident. However, in the research conducted by Moreno et al. (1996), Perry (1987) and Rozpara (1999), the observed health of this cultivar was good and no external symptoms of physiological incompatibilities with rootstock Colt were observed. It confirms shaky properties of this rootstock. Rootstocks PHL-5 used in the experiment limited the growth of the examined cultivars by about 4045% in comparison with rootstocks Prunus avium and Colt. The smallest trees were found in case of cultivar Kordia. During the experiment, in 2005, there was a drying-up of trees Burlat grafted on rootstock PHL A when herbicides were started to be used in the rows between trees. According to Rozpara (2001), the reason for trees dying-off could be the sensitivity of rootstocks PHL to herbicides. Higher growth measured by the surface area of the trunk was observed for sweet cherry trees grafted on Gisela 5 in the first period of research, and then the growth of trunks and volume of tree crowns increased much more slowly. These types of dependencies were noted by Grzyb (1999). Gisela rootstocks grew more strongly up to fourth year and then their growth slowed down. Yielding was better on dwarf rootstock in the first period of the investigation, then it was similar. Due to numerous factors determining yielding, it is difficult to establish explicitly the effects of the rootstock. According to the data obtained, Colt demonstrated better yielding than Gisela 5. A favourable effect of rootstock Prunus avium was demonstrated also by Rozpara (1999), in the case of older trees. An important factor is the resistance of the rootstock to freezing, as has been demonstrated by the conducted investigation. The results obtained indicate that rootstock Gisela 5 proved to be the most resistant to low temperatures, as in 2005, when a strong frost occurred, damage to young branches wasnt significant and the yielding of the examined cultivars was the highest. This supports the results obtained by Grzyb (1999) and Rozpara (1999). The differentiation of yielding was found in relation to the rootstock and also to the cultivar. Cultivar Van was found to be the most productive. Similar results were obtained by Perry (1987) and Rozpara (1999) 228 Conclusions. 1. Rootstocks PHL A and Gisela 5 largely weaken the growth of sweet cherry trees in comparison to rootstocks Colt and Prunus avium. 2. Yielding depended on the used rootstock. The best yielding was found in the case of rootstock Gisela 5, slightly lower of PHL A, and the poorest of Prunus avium, although trees on this rootstock grew most strongly. 3. The most productive was cultivar Van; the least amount of fruit was observed in Regina. Gauta 2006 05 24 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 24 References 1. C h e ù p i ñ s k i C. Characteristics of growth strength in three-year-old sweet cherry trees on PHL series rootstocks. Scientific Journal of the Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice. 2000. Vol. 8. P. 165169. 2. G r z y b Z. S. Role of rootstocks and interstock in regulating growth and fruiting of sweet cherry trees. Symposium: New technologies in pomology in the last years of the 20th century. Scientific Journal. Kraków, 1999. Issue 8. P. 711. 3. L a r s e n F. E., H i g g i n s S. S., F r i t t s R. Scion /interstock/ rootstock effect on sweet cherry yield, tree size and yield efficiency. Scientia. Horticulturae. 1987. Vol. 35. P. 237247. 4. M o r e n o M. A., T a b u e n c a M. C., C a m b r a R. Adara, a plum rootstock for cherries and other stone fruit species. Hort Science. 1995. Vol. 30(6). P. 13161317. 5. P e r r y R. I. Cherry rootstock In. R. C. Rom and R. F. Carlson (Editors), Rootstock for Fruit Crops. John Wiley. New York, 1987. P. 217246. 6. R o z p a r a E. Modern cultivation of cherries. Warszawa, Hortpress, 1999. P. 6183. 7. R o z p a r a E. P-HL A. Valuable rootstock for sweet cherry trees. Arboriculture. 2001. 4. P. 1622. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 224229. POSKIEPIØ ÁTAKA TREÐNIØ AUGIMUI IR DERËJIMUI Z. Tomaszewska, B. Nychnerewicz Santrauka 20032005 metais atliktas bandymas, siekiant iðtirti Prunus avium, Colt, PHL A ir Gisela 5 poskiepiø átakà Burlat, Kordia, Regina ir Van veisliø treðniø augimui ir derëjimui. Þemaûgiai poskiepiai PHL A ir Gisela 5 sumaþino vaismedþio augimà maþdaug 4045%, palyginti su poskiepiais Colt ir Prunus avium. ðie poskiepiai iðaugino daug didesná derliø. Gausiausià derliø davë Van veislë. Bandymo rezultatai parodë fiziologiná Burlat veislës ir PHL A poskiepio bei Van veislës ir Colt poskiepio nesuderinamumà. Reikðminiai þodþiai: poskiepis, treðnës, augimas, derlius. 229 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 230234. THE EVALUATION OF PLUM TREE CULTIVARROOTSTOCK COMBINATIONS UNDER CONDITIONS OF SOUTH RUSSIA Ludmila RYASANOVA, Vasiliy OSTAPENKO Kuban State Agricultural University, Kalinin str. 13, 350044, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: Comprehensive evaluation of plum cultivars Stenly and Kabardinskaya Early grafted on clone rootstocks semi-dwarf AP-1 and dwarf Evrika was given. Myrabalan cherry plum seedlings served as control. The orchard was planted in 1997, according to scheme 6 x 4 m. Investigation of plum cultivar-rootstock combinations was carried out in 20002005 under conditions of field experiment, laid on leached chernozems of South Russia. The results obtained show that the studied rootstocks influence greatly the biological properties and production indices of plum cultivars grafted on them. So on rootstock AP-1, which is characterized by high drought resistance, the yielding capacity was 1020% higher than in the control, irrespective of plum cultivar. Evrika influenced positively only cultivar Kabardinskaya Early. It was proved experimentally, that clone rootstocks (AP-1 and Evrika) caused higher accumulation of P-active substances in fruits (vitamin P and âcarotene). Key words: plum tree, cultivar, rootstock, productivity, biological indices. Introduction. Plum is the most common crop in Krasnodar territory. It occupies up to 8% of all orchards (about 4000 hectares). However, it should be noticed that the assortment of cultivars grown here are insufficiently drought resistant, having at the same time high indices of productivity and quality of fruit (Åðåìèí, 2003). As it is known, the yielding ability of fruit crops in this region is very often determined by the level of air and soil drought. The selection of cultivar-rootstock combinations of plum resistant to the unfavourable factor may be the solution of the problem. Planting highly productive orchards the role of cultivar is difficult to overestimate. Rootstock is not less important according to Michurin, it serves as the foundation of a fruit tree. Researchers data both in our country (Êîðíåâà, 1989) and abroad proved that by selection of cultivars one can achieve increasing of orchard productivity by 1.5-2 times, and by selection of rootstock it is possible to achieve increasing of yield of the same cultivar by 2-2.5 times (Watkins, 1976; Webster, 1980). The possibility of increasing orchard productivity is especially great when using vegetative propagated clone rootstocks. In the opinion of many authors (Ãðÿçåâ, 230 1999; Êîðíåâà, 1989), these rootstocks allow to form trees with well-known biological properties (drought resistance, winterhardiness, early ripening) and production indices (longevity, yielding ability, tree height). All this is important when selecting rootstock-cultivar combinations, first of all for areas with extreme growth conditions. As it was mentioned, water is a limiting factor for southern region, therefore one of the ways to increase productivity of plum planting will be selection of drought-resistant rootstock. Taking into consideration all that was said, the aim of our research was to estimate the rootstock-cultivar combinations of plum under conditions of Prikubanskaya zone of horticulture. Material and methods. The studies were carried out in 20002005 under conditions of field experiment, laid on leached chernozems of Prikubanskaya zone of horticulture (South Russia). The objects of investigation were plum tree cultivars Kabardinskaya Early and Stenly grafted on vegetative propagated rootstocks: semidwarf AP-1 and dwarf Evrika. Myrabalan plum seedlings on stock were used as control. The orchard was planted in 1997, the scheme of planting was 6 x 4 m. The methods of accounting and observation were generally accepted (Ïðîãðàììà è ìåòîäèêà, 1999). Drought resistance was estimated by Kushnirenkos method (Êóøíèðåíêî, Êóð÷àòîâà, 1984). Results. As the analysis of the obtained data showed (Table 1) the average yield per tree of four years of fruiting on rootstock AP-1, irrespective of the cultivar, was 25% higher as compared with trees, grafted on Myrabalan plum seedlings. On rootstock Evrika the yield of cultivar Stenly didnt differ from the control, while cultivar Kabardinskaya Early exceeded it by 9%. T a b l e 1. The yield of plum tree depending on rootstock (kg/tree) 1 l e n t e l ë. Slyvø derliaus priklausomumas nuo poskiepio, kg/vaism. Years / Metai Average for 2000–2005 Rootstock Poskiepis 2001 2002 2003 2004∗ 2005 2000–2005 m. vidurkiai ‘Stenly’ Prunus cerasifera 22.1 30.2 42.3 - 40.2 33.7 AP-1 26.4 37.1 56.2 - 50.8 42.6 Evrika 15.0 29.3 45.3 - 43.1 33.2 LSD05 / R05 3.1 1.8 2.7 Prunus cerasifera 7.4 25.5 33.2 - 34.5 25.2 AP-1 9.0 32.0 44.7 - 40.3 31.5 Evrika 7.9 26.1 39.2 - 37.7 27.7 LSD05 / R05 0.8 1.7 3.4 2.2 ‘Kabardinskaya Early’ * No yield due to freezing of flower buds in spring. * Dël pumpurø nuðalimo pavasará derliaus nebuvo. 231 1.5 Investigations showed that under extreme conditions of 2001, 2003 and 2005 hydrothermal index during vegetation stage was correspondingly 0.9; 1.0; 0.9, that is by 1019% lower than multiannual average. Plum cultivars showed rather high resistance to drought only on rootstock AP-1 (Table 2). T a b l e 2. Estimation of drought resistance of plum cultivars on different rootstocks, ERLT* (%) 2 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Poskiepis Prunus cerasifera AP-1 Evrika LSD05 / R05 Slyvø veisliø su skirtingais poskiepiais atsparumo sausrai ávertinimas, LAV*, % ‘Stenly’ 2001 2003 10.3 8.5 7.5 5.3 14.0 7.9 2.4 1.7 2005 9.6 6.4 10.2 2.1 ‘Kabardinskaya Early’ 2001 2003 2005 9.7 7.9 8.5 7.1 4.7 5.9 11.4 8.1 9.6 0.9 1.5 2.3 * electric resistance of leaf tissues / lapo audiniø varþa The experiment showed that productivity and chemical composition of plum tree cultivars changed under the influence of rootstock. This influence was less for cultivar Kabardinskaya Early, than for Stenly. Thus, cultivar Stenly on clone rootstocks accumulated 59% more dry matters and sugars, while in cultivar Kabardinskaya Early these indices didnt change. It should be stressed that combinations with clone rootstocks, regardless of the cultivar, differ in higher quantity of biologically active substances. For example, the content of vitamin P in fruits of the studied cultivars when using rootstock AP-1 was higher by 39% and on rootstock Evrika by 1320% compared with seed rootstock. The content of b-carotene in plum fruit appeared to be 413% higher on rootstock AP-1 and by 59% on rootstock Evrika. The predominance of vitamin C is marked in fruits of control. Thus, when using seed rootstocks this index in cultivar Stenly is 26% higher, and in cultivar Kabardinskaya Early is 16% higher in comparison with clone rootstocks. When using clone rootstocks in fruit cultivar Stenly the amount of pectin substances depend on rootstock, in fruit Kabardinskaya Early this parameter does not change under the influence of rootstock (Table 3). Discussion. The influence of rootstock on different characteristics of cultivar is generally known. The most significant of them is yielding; even the character of frutification is in genetically stipulated limits. The essential changes occur under the influence of rootstock in metabolisms of fruit plants, thats why the rootstock is the most available and active means regulating not only growth vigour and productivity of grafted cultivar, but also separate indices of fruit product quality (Êóäðÿâåö, 1987). According to our data, the productivity of plum trees to a great extent depends on hardiness of rootstocks to drought. The higher yielding of studied cultivars, especially on drought-resistant rootstock AP-1, witnesses about it. 232 T a b l e 3. Biochemical indices of plum fruit (average of 2003, 2005) 3 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Poskiepis Slyvø vaisiø biocheminiai rodikliai, 2003, 2005 m. vidurkiai Dry soluble solids Tirpios sausosios mediagos, Amount of sugars Cukrûs, % Total acidity Bendras rûgštumas, % % Vitamins Vitaminai, mg 100 g β-carotene â-karotinas, mg 100 g Amount of pectins Pektinai, % Ñ Ð 3.5 60.4 0.44 0.66 ‘Stenly’ Prunus cerasifera 13.3 9.7 0.45 AP-1 14.5 10.6 0.36 2.6 62.0 0.50 0.64 Evrika 14.0 10.2 0.41 2.5 66.6 0.46 0.36 LSD05/R05 0.5 - - 0.8 1.7 0.2 - 3.3 71.0 0.53 0.37 ‘Kabardinskaya Early’ Prunus cerasifera 12.1 8.8 0.82 AP-1 12.5 8.4 0.73 2.8 78.0 0.60 0.37 Evrika 12.5 8.9 0.92 3.0 85.8 0.57 0.37 F05 > FÔ - - 0.2 3.1 0.05 - LSD05/R05 Due to the used materials, biochemical content of fruit, determining gustatory, food and curative-preventive qualities, is changed in dependence on biological peculiarities not only of cultivar, but of rootstock as well. This opportunity isnt used in full extent for formation of separate indices of fruit quality. According to some researchers (Ëåâãåðîâà, 1997; Êàñüÿíîâ, 2001), when evaluating food peculiarities of cultivars, the content of dry soluble solids in fruit has a great significance. Increase of this index even by 1% significantly influences the process of obtaining of different fruit products. According to our results we can retrace some tendency in the change of chemical fruit content, occurring under the influence of rootstock. The weaker is intensity of used rootstock growth, the higher is content of dry and P-active substances and the lower is vitamin C and pectins in fruits. Thus, the proper selection of cultivar-rootstock combinations can provide not only stable fruit bearing of plum, but also formation of fruits with given properties. Conclusion. New rootstocks AP-1 and Evrika (selection of Krimskiy experimental-selection station All-Russia Institute of Plant Production) show high degree of adaptation to specific weather conditions of the region what allows to raise productivity of the studied plum cultivars by 1020%. The utilization of these rootstocks causes the increasing of the content of dry soluble solids and P-active substances. Gauta 2006 04 06 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 233 References 1. W a t k i n s R. Fruit Breeding. Apple Rootstock. Ann Rep. (East Malling Res. St.). 1975. Kent. P. 97-98. 2. W e b s t e r A. D. Dwarfing Rootstocks for Plums and Cherries Reprint. Symposium Plant and Orchard Systems. Italy. Lana. August 3-8, 1980. 3. à ð ÿ ç å â Â. Âûðàùèâàíèå ñàæåíöåâ äëÿ âûñîêîïðîäóêòèâíûõ ñàäîâ. Ñòàâðîïîëü, 1999. Ñ. 6099. 4 Å ð å ì è í Ã. Â. Ñëèâà è àëû÷à. Õàðüêîâ «Ôîëèî», 2003. 302 ñ. 5. Ê à ñ ü ÿ í î â Ã. È., Ë î ì à ÷ è í ñ ê è é Â. À., Ñ à ì ñ î í î â à À. Í. Òåõíîëîãèÿ ïðîäóêòîâ äëÿ äåòñêîãî ïèòàíèÿ. Ðîñòîâ í/Ä, 2001. 259 ñ. 6. Ê î ð í å â à Í. È. Ðîñò è ïëîäîíîøåíèå ìîëîäûõ äåðåâüåâ â çàâèñèìîñòè îò ïîäâîÿ, ñîðòà è ðåæèìà ïèòàíèÿ â ÿáëîíåâîì ñàäó // Ïëîäîâîäñòâî. 1989 . Âûï.7. Ñ. 79-84. 7. Ê ó ø í è ð å í ê î Ì. Ä., Ê ó ð ÷ à ò î â à Ð. Ï. Ìåòîäû äèàãíîñòèêè çàñóõîóñòîé÷èâîñòè è æàðîóñòîé÷èâîñòè ïëîäîâûõ êóëüòóð // Ôèçèîëîãè÷åñêèå îñíîâû àäàïòàöèè ìíîãîëåòíèõ êóëüòóð ê íåáëàãîïðèÿòíûì ôàêòîðàì ñðåäû .Êèøèíåâ, 1984. Ñ. 241-245. 8. Ê ó ä ð ÿ â å ö Ð. Ï. Ïðîäóêòèâíîñòü ÿáëîíè. Ì.: Àãðîïðîìèçäàò, 1987. 303 ñ. 9. Ëåâãåðîâà Í. Ñ., Ñåäîâ Å. Å, Ñåäîâà Ç. Ì. Èñïîëüçîâàíèå ïëîäîâ èììóííûõ è óñòîé÷èâûõ ê ïàðøå ñîðòîâ è ãèáðèäíûõ ôîðì ÿáëîíè äëÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâà ñîêîâ / Õðàíåíèå è ïåðåðàáîòêà ñåëüõîçñûðüÿ. 1997. Ñ. 37-38. 10. Ï ð î ã ð à ì ì à è ìåòîäèêà ñåëåêöèè ïëîäîâûõ, ÿãîäíûõ è îðåõîïëîäíûõ êóëüòóð. Îðåë, 1999. 502 ñ . SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 230234. SLYVØ VEISLIØ IR POSKIEPIØ DERINIØ ÁVERTINIMAS PIETØ RUSIJOS SÀLYGOMIS L. Riazanova, V. Ostapenko Santrauka Pateiktas iðsamus Stenly ir Kabardinskaya Early veisliø slyvø su vegetatyviniais pusiau þemaûgiais (AP-1) ir þemaûgiais (Evrika) poskiepiais ávertinimas. Myrabalan sëjinukai buvo kontrolinis variantas. Sodas buvo pasodintas 1997 m. pagal schemà 6 x 4 m. Slyvø veisliø ir poskiepiø deriniø tyrimas buvo atliktas 20002005 m. lauko bandymo, árengto iðplautame juodþemyje Pietø Rusijoje, sàlygomis. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad tirti poskiepiai darë didelæ átakà á juos áskiepytø slyvø veisliø biologinëms savybës ir produkcijos rodikliams. Slyvø su labai atspariu sausrai poskiepiu AP-1 derlingumas buvo 1020% didesnis negu kontrolinio varianto, nepriklausomai nuo slyvø veislës. Evrika teigiamai veikë tik Kabardinskaya Early veislæ. Bandymais árodyta, kad vegetatyviniai poskiepiai (AP-1 ir Evrika) lëmë didesná P-aktyviø medþiagø susikaupimà vaisiuose (vitamino P ir â karotino). Reikðminiai þodþiai: slyvos, veislës, poskiepiai, derlingumas, biologiniai rodikliai. 234 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 235242. GROWTH, YIELDING AND FRUIT QUALITY OF PLUM CULTIVAR ÈAÈANSKA NAJBOLIA DEPENDING ON THE USED INTERSTOCKS Ewa DZIEDZIC, Monika MAÙODOBRY, Wùodzimierz LECH Agricultural University, Pomology and Apiculture Department, 31-425 Kraków, al. 29 Listopada 54, Poland. E-mail: The experiment was set up in spring of 1998, at experimental station located near Krakow. The trees were obtained by grafting 30 cm length interstems of Isthara, Sanctus Hubertus, Wangenheim Prune, Early Prune, GF 655/2 on the rootstock of Wangenheim Prune. The trees were planted at a spacing of 4 x 2 m. The objective of the studies was to determine the influence of interstems on tree size reduction expressed as TCSA, marketable yield, efficiency index, fruit mass, fruit juice content of plum Èaèanska Najbolia. The observations and measurements carried out in 20012005 evidenced that interstems reduced the plum trees size. Key words: Èaèanska Najbolia, growth reduction, interstems, plum. Introduction. Reduction of tree growth by appliance of interstem depends on growth vigour and length of interstem. The advantageous of interstem are: reduction of tree growth (Mielke, Turner, 2002), better fruiting, bigger fruit mass and greater productivity coefficient (Filho et al., 2000), well coloured fruit, great usefulness of trees for planting on the light soils. The interstems can be also applied at the case of incompatibility between rootstock and grafted cultivar (Rodrigez, Castro, 2002). There are also reports about the interstocks affect on mineral content in the leaves (Rozpara et al., 1990; Milosevic, 2006). Often the effect of used interstems depends on the length of interstem. Czynczyk (2002) using the interstems of P 22 rootstock (20-30 cm in length) for cvs. Gloster and Melrose growing on Antonovka rootstock obtained the greater reduction of trees growth and higher productivity for the trees with longer interstems. Whereas Wertheim and Callessen (2000) using the interstems of cvs. Gloster and Golden Delicious for Elstar and Jonagold growing on M.9 rootstock found that the interstems affected the trees growth, but not the index of productivity. Sometimes even the microinterstocks (2 cm in length) can be used for growth reduction (Poniedziaùek, 1995). The interstems are widely used for sweet cherries (Grzyb et al., 1985; Rozpara, Grzyb, 2004, Rozpara et al., 2004) reducing tree growth, increasing yield, frost resistance enabling precocity. There are few reports about interstocks for plum trees (Grzyb, Rozpara, 1993, Grzyb, Rozpara, 1994; Duriã et al., 1997). 235 The aim of the studies was to show the possibility of tree growth reduction and presentation of high productivity coefficient for Èaèanska Najbolia plum cultivar at the appliance of five interstocks. Material and methods. The trees were planted in the spring of 1998, at a distance of 4m x 2m. The growing cultivar was Èaèanska Najbolia on WangenheimPrune rootstock. The interstems of Isthara, Sanctus Hubertus, Wangenheim Prune, Early Prune and GF 655/2 (15 cm in length) were investigated. The pollinator in the orchard was Èaèanska Lepotica. The experiment was set up in four replications, with 5 trees in each experimental plot. The following observations and measurements were carried out in 20012005: marketable yield, mass of 100 fruit, trunk cross sectional area (TCSA), index of productivity, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA). Soluble solids content and titratable acidity were measured according to Polish Standards. Soluble solids content was measured in excised juice using a digital temperature compensated refractometer (model PR-101, Atago, Japan). Titratable acidity expressed as malic acid, was determined by a filtration of dilute sample of extract of macerated fruit tissue with 0.1 n NaOH to pH 8.1. During the years 19982005 temperature and precipitation were measured and the values are presented in Table 1. T a b l e 1. Total precipitation and mean year temperature in 1998 2005 and multiannual average. 1 l e n t e l ë. Bendras krituliø kiekis, vidutinë metinë temperatûra 19982005 m. ir daugiameèiai vidurkiai 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total year precipitation Bendras metinis krituliø kiekis, mm Multiannual mean precipitation Daugiametis vidutinis krituliø kiekis, mm Mean year temperature Vidutinë metinë temperatûra, °C Multiannual mean temperature Daugiametë vidutinë temperatûra, °C 669.9 634.3 689.2 865.2 568.3 568.1 556.2 604.2 641.9 9.7 10.1 8.8 7.8 8.7 7.8 7.8 7.9 8.8 Total precipitation in years 19982000 was approximated to many years mean, in year 2001 exceeded that mean, while in year 2002 and 2005 total precipitation was lower than that mean. Many years mean temperature was 8,8oC, in year 2000 and 2002 the temperature was similar to that value, in year 1998 and 1999 mean year temperature was higher than that mean, in other years mean year temperature was lower than many years mean. Results. The results concerning marketable yield of plum trees Èaèanska Najbolia in 20002005 (1st to 5th year of fruiting) were presented in Table 2. 236 T a b l e 2. Marketable yield of plum trees Èaèanska Najbolia depending on applied interstem (kg/tree) 2 l e n t e l ë. Slyvø vaismedþiø Èaèanska Najbolia prekinio derliaus priklausomumas nuo intarpo (kg/medis) Interstem Intarpas Wangenheim Prune GF 655/2 Early Prune Sanctus Hubertus Isthara 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total yield of 20012005 / Suminis 2005 2001–2005 m. derlius 0.48 ns* 0.50 ns 0.55 ns 0.51 ns 0.56 ns 0.99 ns 1.59 ns 1.26 ns 1.44 ns 1.84 ns 4.60 ns 4.80 ns 5.36 ns 4.33 ns 5.08 ns 14.0 ns 16.7 ns 15.7 ns 14.8 ns 12.8 ns 3.32 b** 2.49 a 2.26 a 2.68 ab 2.46 a 23.39 ns 26.08 ns 25.13 ns 23.76 ns 22.74 ns * no statistical differences / ið esmës nesiskiria **means followed by the same letters do not differ statistically at probability p = 0.05 / ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria, kai tikimybës lygis p = 0,05 In the first five years of fruiting marketable yield from the plum trees Èaèanska Najbolia growing on Wangenheim Prune rootstock and five interstems did not differ essentially. In 2005 the differentiation in was noticeable, however many flowers were damaged as a result of spring frost 5°C (April 22, 2005). The results of 100 fruits mass are presented in Table 3. T a b l e 3. Mass of 100 fruits of plum Èaèanska Najbolia depending on applied interstem, kg 3 l e n t e l ë. Slyvø vaismedþiø Èaèanska Najbolia 100 vaisiø masës priklausomumas nuo intarpo, kg Interstem Intarpas Wangenheim Prune GF 655/2 Early Prune Sanctus Hubertus Isthara 2001 3.98 ns * 3.98 ns 4.06 ns 3.99 ns 4.18 ns 2002 3.68 ns 3.81 ns 3.89 ns 3.93 ns 4.05 ns 2003 4.53 a** 4.21 ab 3.99 a 3.83 a 4.53 b 2004 4.48 ns 4.40 ns 4.46 ns 4.32 ns 4.42 ns 2005 6.55 ns 5.93 ns 6.00 ns 5.94 ns 6.32 ns * no statistical differences / ið esmës nesiskiria **means followed by the same letters do not differ statistically at probability p = 0.05 / ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria, kai tikimybës lygis p = 0,05 The inner quality of plum fruit was estimated by comparison of total soluble solids content and titratable acidity in the investigated fruit. The results are presented in Table 4. 237 T a b l e 4. Total soluble solids content TSS (oBrix) and titratable acidity TA (g/100g) of plum Èaèanska Najbolia depending on applied interstem 4 l e n t e l ë. Slyvø vaismedþiø Èaèanska Najbolia tirpiø sausøjø medþiagø TSM (°Brix) ir titruojamojo rûgðtingumo TR (g/100g) priklausomumas nuo intarpo 2001 Interstem TSS TSM Intarpas Wangenheim Prune GF 655/2 Early Prune Sanctus Hubertus Isthara 2002 TA TR TSS TSM 2003 TA TR TSS TSM 2004 TA TR TSS TSM TA TR 2005 TSS TSM TA TR 14.5 ns * 0.95 ns 13.8 ns 0.84 ns 13.5 ns 0.83 ns 11.7 ns 0.80 ns 12.45a** 1.14a 14.3 ns 0.95 ns 13.4 ns 0.84 ns 13.9 ns 0.86 ns 11.4 ns 0.77 ns 12.18a 13.9 ns 0.93 ns 13.4 ns 0.87 ns 13.6 ns 0.83 ns 12.2 ns 0.84 ns 12.31a 14.9 ns 0.90 ns 13.6 ns 0.85 ns 13.9 ns 0.79 ns 11.6 ns 0.79 ns 12.28a 1.14a 1.14a 1.13a 14.3 ns 0.96 ns 13.2 ns 0.87 ns 13.7 ns 0.85 ns 11.3 ns 0.82 ns 13.40b 1.23b * no statistical differences / ið esmës nesiskiria **means followed by the same letters do not differ statistically at probability p = 0.05 / ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria, kai tikimybës lygis p = 0,05 In the first four years of fruiting neither total soluble solids content nor titratable acidity of fruit differ statistically. Only in 2005 the fruit of Èaèanska Najbolia from the trees growing on interstem Isthara showed both higher TSS and TA. The greatest differences were noticeable from the growth vigour of plum trees (Table 5). T a b l e 5. Trunk cross-section area (TCSA) of plum tree Èaèanska Najbolia and increment of TCSA depending on applied interstem, cm2 5 l e n t e l ë. Interstem Intarpas Slyvø vaismedþiø Èaèanska Najbolia kamieno skerspjûvio ploto (KSP) ir jo padidëjimo priklausomumas nuo intarpo, cm 2 1999 2000 2001 Wangenheim Prune 2.36ab* 10.50a 17.63a 2002 2003 22.33a 28.93ab 2004 2005 Increment of TCSA KSP padidëjimas 36.18a 51.74ab 49.38ab GF 655/2 3.89b 16.32b 21.91ab 32.13b 37.98bc 43.61ab 62.39bc 58.50bc Early Prune 3.63ab 12.02a 24.95b 42.48c 76.39c 72.76c Sanctus Hubertus 3.54ab 11.00a 20.49ab 26.11ab 31.26ab 40.34ab 54.75ab 51.21ab Isthara 2.01a 10.35a 15.88a 39.38a 32.58b 20.73a 24.20a 52.71b 32.26a 41.39a *means followed by the same letters do not differ statistically at probability p = 0.05 / ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria, kai tikimybës lygis p = 0,05 In all years of experiment the applied interstocks affected significantly the trunk cross-section area of plum trees Èaèanska Najbolia. The increasing of that area after seven years of studies was differentiated. The greatest increase of TCSA was 238 noted for the trees on interstock Early Prune and the least one on interstock Isthara. Trees on interstem GF 655/2 demonstrated the greatest growth vigour. Only the trees with interstems Isthara showed weaker growth in comparison with the trees on interstock Wangenheim Prune. The productivity index displayed the significant differences between the interstems, the greatest value of index was obtained for Isthara, and the lowest for interstocks Early Prune (Table 6). T a b l e 6. Productivity coefficient of plum trees Èaèanska Najbolia depending on applied interstem, kg/cm2 6 l e n t e l ë. Interstem / Intarpas Slyvø vaismedþiø Èaèanska Najbolia produktyvumo koeficiento priklausomumas nuo intarpo, kg/cm 2 Index of productivity (kg/cm2 of TCSA) / Produktyvumas, kg/cm2 KSP Wangenheim Prune GF 655/2 Early Prune Sanctus Hubertus Isthara 0.45ab* 0.42ab 0.34a 0.45ab 0.58b *means followed by the same letters do not differ statistically at probability p = 0.05 / ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës ið esmës nesiskiria, kai tikimybës lygis p = 0,05 Discussion. Interstocks can be particularly valuable when the scion and rootstocks are incompatible, they could increase the disease resistance or cold hardiness of the scion. Mostly the interstocks are used for reducing the vigour of scion. At the presented experiment five interstocks were applied for reducing tree growth of cv Èaèanska Najbolia. This cultivar is one of valuable plum cultivars because of its biological features toleration to PPV, high productivity and big fruit 60 g. The obtained results are not unequivocal, although there are many reports of positive effect of applied interstems on yield, health status and frost resistance of cultivars. (Mielke, Turner, 2002; Grzyb, 2005; Filho et al., 2000; Czynczyk, 2002; Wertheim, Callesen, 2000; Rozpara, Grzyb, 2004). It is also important to choose the interstem properly (Rozpara et al., 2004). Propriety of appliance of the interstems for Èaèanska Najbolia cultivar is confirmed by other results concerning the trees of that cultivar growing on the investigated rootstocks. Comparing the obtained results with other studies of six-year old trees (Grzyb et al., 1998; Faber et al., 2002) and seven-year old trees (Rozpara, Grzyb, 1998) using interstocks, we found at least twofold decreasing of tree trunk cross section area. For plum Ruth Gerstetter appliance of the several interstocks (Early Prune, Italian Prune, Opal, Pixy) did not affect the yield, but the trees with interstems showed higher frost resistance, moreover Pixy interstem reduced tree productivity and fruit size (Grzyb, Rozpara, 1993). There is report (Webster, 1995) that Pixy reduced growth vigour of European plum trees by up to 50% but had only a very small effect on scion vigour when used as an interstock. These observations indicate that the dwarfing effect shown by plum rootstock is largely attributable to root rather than shank effect. In the presented studies the trees started bearing in the fourth year after planting. 239 The greatest yield was obtained in year 2004 (the fourth year of cropping). However, in the next year strong reduction of yield was noted, because of flower bud damage by spring frost (on 22 April 2005 air temperature was -5oC). Susceptibility of Èaèanska Najbolia flower buds to the spring frost is confirmed in other report (Sosna, 2000.) In the presented studies a little higher yield was obtained on the trees with interstocks compared to the other studies concerning the trees on rootstocks (Grzyb et al., 1998; Sosna, 2000). Only in year 2005 the significant differences in yield depending on applied interstem were proved. There are reports that rootstocks affect (Lipecki et al., 2001) or do not affect (Szymczak et al., 1998) organic contents in fruit. In carried out experiment the significant differences in total soluble solids and titratable acidity level were found only in year 2005. Obtained results concerning soluble solids content in fruit juice of Èaèanska Najbolia are similar to those revealed by Lipecki et al. (2001), while titratable acidity level was higher. Conclusions. 1. The trees of cv. Èaèanska Najbolia on Isthara interstock revealed the least TCSA and the greatest index of productivity, however, on Wangenheim Prune interstock they did on the contrary. 2. Applied interstocks did not affect fruit mass and inner quality of Èaèanska Najbolia fruits. Gauta 2006 04 19 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 27 References 1. C z y n c z y k A. 2002. The effect of various lengths of P2 interstem on the growth, yielding, and health of two apple cultivars Gloster and Melrose // Folia Horticulturae 14/2: 201209. 2. D u r i æ G., M i æ i æ N., L u è i æ P. 1997. Growth and bearing potential of plum cultivars Stanley and Po¿egaæa on the two stock/interstock combinations and on Myrobalan // Acta horticulture 478: 225228. 3. G r z y b Z. S., Z a g a j a S. W., Z d y b J. 1985. Growth and yield of sweet cherry trees with interstem // Acta horticulture 169:311318. 4. G r z y b Z. S., R o z p a r a E. 1993. The influence of different interstems on the growth and yield of Ruth Gerstetter cv. 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Tyrimø tikslas buvo nustatyti intarpø átakà vaismedþiø kamieno skerspjûvio plotui, prekiniam derliui, produktyvumui, vaisiø masei ir vaisiø sulèiø kokybei. 20012005 m. atlikti stebëjimai ir matavimai parodë, kad intarpai turëjo átakos slyvø vaismedþiø dydþiui. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Èaèanska Najbolia, augimo sustabdymas, intarpai, slyvos. 242 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 243249. EFFECT OF ROOTSTOCK ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF PLUM TREE CVS. STANLEY AND KAUNO VENGRINË Juozas LANAUSKAS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kaunas str. 30, LT54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: The experiment was carried out in 19992005 at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. One-year-old plum trees of cvs. Stanley and Kauno vengrinë were planted to the orchard in the spring of 1999. Plum trees were grafted on four rootstocks: Prunus cerasifera seedlings (control rootstock), St. Julien A (P.insititia), St. Julien GF 655/2 (P.insititia) and Marianna GF 8/1 (P.cerasifera x P.munsoniana). The soil at the experiment place was EpicalcariEndohypogleic cambisol, containing 75 mg kg-1 of P2O5, 130 mg kg-1 of K2O, 1.5% of humus, pHKCl 7.2. Nitrogen fertilizers were used every spring depending on the tree age at the rate 50200 g of ammonium nitrate per tree. Plum tree rootstocks St. Julien A and St. Julien GF 655/2 reduced plum tree trunk diameter respectively by 6% and 10% in comparison with the P.cerasifera seedlings. Fruit trees on rootstock GF8/1 were of the same growth vigor as control trees. The highest yield and yield efficiency was of plum trees grafted on P.cerasifera seedlings. Tested rootstocks did not influence average fruit weight. The most suckering rootstock was St. Julien GF 655/2. Key words: plum tree rootstocks, suckering, trunk diameter, yield efficiency, yield. Introduction. In Lithuania recently the main rootstocks for plum trees are seedlings of Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. The most of grown plum cultivars show good compatibility with this rootstock and start fruiting in the 26th year in the orchard (Lukoðevièius, 1996). Induced vigorous growth and low productivity of scion cultivars often are indicated as the main limitations of P.cerasifera seedlings (Grzyb et al., 1998a; Rozpara, Grzyb, 1998). In the orchard trees on P.cerasifera seedlings may be of uneven growth, if planted to shallow they often sucker. Seedlings of P.cerasifera do not respond the demands of rootstocks for intensive plum orchards. Modern rootstocks should decrease fruit tree size, induce early bearing and ensure big yields of high quality fruits. If plums are grown for processing rootstock may show higher vigour of growth, but its yield should be efficient. Results of investigations revealed advantages of some clonal plum rootstocks. In the Ukraine yield of plums grafted on rootstocks Brompton, GF 667 and GF 665/2 was about twice higher than on P.cerasifera seedlings (Êîâàëåâà, Ñåíèí, 243 1995). Investigations carried out in Belarus proved higher yield efficiency of clonal rootstocks as well (Ñàìóñü et al., 1995). Polish scientists established that plums grafted on Wangenheim Prune seedlings or clonal rootstocks St. Julien A, Eruni, GF 655/2 and Pixy were less vigorous and had higher yield efficiency (Grzyb et al., 1998a). In Poland seedlings of Wangenheim Prune are widely established for plum tree production. Plum trees on this rootstock usually are of lower growth vigor and higher yield efficiency in comparison with the ones on P.cerasifera (Rozpara, Grzyb, 1994; 1998). As perspective clonal rootstocks are mentioned St. Julien GF 665/2, Marianna GF 8/1, Ishtara, etc. Results on rootstock effects often are diverse and vary on soil and climate conditions or scion features. In Lithuania clonal plum rootstocks were not investigated. In earlier experiments there were compared seedlings of P.cerasifera and P.tomentosa. It was established that P.tomentosa seedlings decreased both growth and yield of grafted cultivars; there was frequent incompatibility between scion and rootstock (Kviklys, 1999). P.tomentosa as rootstock for plum trees is undesirable (Kviklys, 1999; Oosten, 1979). The objective of present research was to evaluate growth and yield of plum tree cvs. Stanley and Kauno vengrinë grafted on clonal rootstocks St. Julien A, St. Julien GF 655/2 and Marianna GF 8/1. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out in 19992005 at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. One-year-old plum trees of cvs. Stanley and Kauno vengrinë were planted in the orchard in the spring of 1999. Plum trees were grafted on four rootstocks: P.cerasifera seedlings (control rootstock), St. Julien A (P.insititia), St. Julien GF 655/2 (P.insititia) and Marianna GF 8/1 (P.cerasifera x P.munsoniana). Each graft combination included sixteen trees portioned into four plots each of four trees in an overall layout of four randomized blocks. Trees were spaced at 5x3 m and trained as a spindle bushes. Orchard floor management combined frequently mown grass in the alleyways with 1.5 m wide herbicide strips along tree rows. Trees werent irrigated. The soil at the experiment place was Epicalcari Endohypogleic cambisol, containing 75 mg kg-1 of P2O5, 130 mg kg-1 of K2O, 1.5% of humus, pHKCl 7.2. Nitrogen fertilizers were used every spring depending on the tree age at the rate 50200 g of ammonium nitrate per tree. Trunk diameter measurements were done in autumn at 25 cm above the graft union. Fruit tree flowering abundance was expressed in scores, where 0 tree do not flower at all, 5 tree flower very abundantly. Yield was recorded for the whole experimental plot consisting of four trees. Yield efficiency was calculated as a sum of yield efficiencies of two years (2004 and 2005). It is expressed as fruit weight ratio with trunk crosssection area (TCSA). Average fruit weight was determined on a representative sample of 100 plums per each experimental plot. Rootstock suckering was expressed in number of suckers per tree counting them in each plot. In a young tree age (20012003) out of unfavorable meteorological conditions (spring frosts in 2001 and 2003, draught in 2002) yield was severely decreased. Experimental data were subjected to analysis of variance. For mean separation a Duncans test at p = 0.05 was used. Data were analysed by ANOVA statistical program. 244 Results. During the first year of growth Stanley trees produced 2.723.80 m of shoots, Kauno vengrinë 3.304.32 m (Table 1). Rootstock induced statistically significant differences were not established, but the tendency of more vigorous tree growth on rootstocks GF 655/2 and GF 8/1 was observed. After two years of growth Stanley trees grafted on rootstock St. Julien A were statistically lower in comparison with the rest ones (Table 1). The lowest plum trees of cv. Kauno vengrinë were on rootstock St. Julien A, the tallest on GF 8/1. Height differences are statistically reliable. Average data of both cultivars show that rootstock St. Julien A reduced plum tree height. T a b l e 1. Rootstock effect on plum tree shoot length and tree height. Babtai, 19992000 1 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka slyvø metûgliø ilgiui ir vaismedþiø aukðèiui. Babtai, 19992000 m. Total shoot length in 1999 Rootstocks Poskiepiai P. cerasifera St. Julien A GF 655/2 GF 8/1 Bendras metûgliø ilgis 1999 m., m ‘Stanley’ 'Kauno vengrinë Average 2.72 a* 2.75 a 3.60 a 3.80 a 4.22 a 3.30 a 4.26 a 4.32 a 3.47 a 3.02 a 3.93 a 4.06 a Vidurkis Tree height in 2000 Vaismedþiø aukðtis 2000 m., m ‘Stanley’ ‘Kauno vengrinë Average 3.00 b 2.38 a 2.78 b 2.76 b 2.50 ab 2.25 a 2.56 ab 2.69 b 2.75 b 2.32 a 2.67 b 2.72 b Vidurkis * In this and further tables means within the columns followed with the same letter do not differ statistically at the probability level p=0.05. / Ðioje ir kitose lentelëse tarp skiltyse ta paèia raide paþymëtø skaièiø esminiø skirtumø nëra (tikimybës lygis p=0,05). At the end of the experiment tree growth did not differ much. The thinnest plum tree trunks (8.8 cm) were on rootstock GF 655/2, the thickest ones on P. cerasifera seedlings and GF 8/1 (9.8 9.9cm) (table 2). Trees on St. Julien A had trunks of intermediate diameter 9.2 cm. The lowest amount of suckers produced rootstocks GF 8/1 and St. Julien A on the average 0.40.5 pcs. tree-1. The most suckering was rootstock GF 655/2. It raised 2.4 suckers per tree. Trees on P. cerasifera seedlings produced 1.2 suckers per tree, mostly from rootstock stem part. Tree yield in the young age (20012003) was decreased because of unfavorable meteorological conditions. It was similar on all tested rootstocks and reached only 1.301.95 t ha-1 (Table 3). Flowering abundance reflects potential yield. Plum trees flowered medium abundantly in 20012003. Average score of flowering did not depend on rootstock and was in the range 2.252.70. 245 T a b l e 2. Rootstock effect on plum tree trunk diameter and suckering. Babtai, 19992005 2 l e n t e l ë. Rootstocks Poskiepiø átaka slyvø kamienø skersmeniui ir poskiepiø atþalø skaièiui. Babtai, 19992005 m. Trunk diameter in 2005 Kamienø skersmuo 2005 m., cm Poskiepiai P. cerasifera St. Julien A GF 655/2 GF 8/1 ‘Stanley’ 'Kauno vengrinë Average 9.7 b 9.0 a 8.6 a 9.6 b 9.8 b 9.3 a 9.1 a 10.2 b 9.8 c 9.2 b 8.8 a 9.9 c Vidurkis Average number of suckers in 1999 2005, pcs. tree-1 / Vidutinis poskiepiø atþalø skaièius 1999–2005 m., vnt. vaism.-1 ‘Stanley’ ‘Kauno vengrinë Average 0.6 ab 0.1 a 2.0 b 0.3 a 1.7 ab 0.9 a 2.8 b 0.4 a 1.2 b 0.5 a 2.4 c 0.4 a Vidurkis T a b l e 3. Rootstock effect on plum tree flowering abundance and yield. Babtai, 20012003 3 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka slyvø þydëjimo gausumui ir derliui. Babtai, 20012003 m. Flowering abundance (in 0–5 score) Rootstocks Poskiepiai P. cerasifera St. Julien A GF 655/2 GF 8/1 Þydëjimo gausumas (0–5 balø skalë) ‘Stanley’ 'Kauno vengrinë Average 2.6 a 2.3 a 2.4 a 2.5 a 2.8 a 2.2 a 2.9 a 2.6 a 2.70 a 2.25 a 2.65 a 2.55 a Vidurkis Cumulative yield, t ha-1 Suminis derlius, t ha-1 ‘Stanley’ ‘Kauno vengrinë Average 1.5 a 1.2 a 1.2 a 2.2 a 1.8 a 1.4 a 1.7 a 1.7 a 1.65 a 1.30 a 1.45 a 1.95 a Vidurkis In sixthseventh year of growth yield was higher. Plum trees of cv. Stanley yielded similar on all tested rootstocks 4.87.4 t ha-1 (Table 4). The most prolific plum trees of cv. Kauno vengrinë were on P.cerasifera seedlings and rootstock GF8/1 respectively 21.5 and 19.7 t ha-1. The average data of both cultivars confirm that plum trees on P.cerasifera were the most prolific. Plum tree yield on rootstock GF 8/1 was similar to the one on P.cerasifera seedlings. T a b l e 4. Rootstock effect on plum tree yield and yield efficiency. Babtai, 20042005 4 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka slyvø derliui ir produktyvumui. Babtai, 20042005 m. Cumulative yield, t ha-1 Yield efficiency, kg cm-2 of TCSA Sumunis derlius, t ha-1 Produktyvumas, kg cm-2 KSP Rootstocks Poskiepiai P. cerasifera St. Julien A GF 655/2 GF 8/1 ‘Stanley’ 'Kauno vengrinë Average 7.4 a 4.8 a 4.8 a 5.2 a 21.5 b 13.6 a 15.6 a 19.7 ab 14.4 b 9.2 a 10.2 a 12.4 ab Vidurkis 246 ‘Stanley’ ‘Kauno vengrinë Average 0.16 a 0.12 a 0.14 a 0.12 a 0.49 b 0.34 a 0.42 b 0.42 b 0.32 b 0.23 a 0.28 ab 0.27 ab Vidurkis Plum trees of cv. Stanley were of similar yield efficiency on all tested rootstocks 0.120.14 kg cm-2 of TCSA (Table 4). The highest yield efficiency of plum tree cv. Kauno vengrinë was on seedlings of P.cerasifera 0.49 kg cm-2, the lowest one on St. Julien A 0.34 kg cm-2. Average fruit weight of both cultivars was not affected by tested rootstocks. It reached 3032 g for cv. Stanley and 1718 g for cv. Kauno vengrinë (data are not presented in Table). Discussion. Rootstock effect on fruit tree adaptability, precocity, growth control, yield efficiency and fruit quality is well known (Webster, 2001; Botu et al., 2002; Hrotkó et al., 2002; Botu et al., 2004). In our experiment tested rootstocks had not big influence on plum tree growth. From the first year plum trees on rootstock St. Julien A grew somewhat less vigorous and at the end of the experiment their trunk diameter was by 6% less in comparison with the one on P.cerasifera seedlings. The young plum trees on rootstock GF 655/2 grew more vigorously but in the bearing age growth slightly decreased and finally their trunk diameter was by 10% thinner in comparison with the one on P.cerasifera. Fruit trees on rootstock GF 8/1 were of the same growth vigor as control ones. Our observations in most cases are in consistence with the results of the other experiments (Hrotkó et al., 1998; Sosna, 2002). Yield and yield efficiency in our experiment was the highest of plum trees on P.cerasifera seedlings. Though in the most other experiments clonal rootstocks improve plum tree productivity (Grzyb et al., 1998b; Hrotkó et al., 2002), there are cases when trees on P.cerasifera seedlings were the most prolific (Grzyb et al., 1998c). Growth and yield of different scionrootstock combinations depends on soil and climate conditions and the results may vary (Sitarek et al., 2004). Information about rootstock effect on fruit weight is diverse. Usually plum tree rootstocks have not significant effect on this fruit quality trait (Hrotkó et al., 2002; Sosna 2002; Grzyb et al., 1998b). In some cases it is reported about negative effect of Pixy rootstock on fruit weight (Ystaas et al., 1994; Grzyb et al., 1998c). In our experiment tested rootstocks did not influence average fruit weight. From practical side valuable are nonsuckering rootstocks. It alleviates orchard floor management. Rootstocks St. Julien A and GF 8/1 practically did not sucker. When trees on P. cerasifera seedlings were planted too shallowly they produced few suckers, mostly from rootstock stem part. The most suckering rootstock was GF655/2. Similar information on this rootstock is presented from the other researches (Kosina et al., 2000; Sosna, 2002). According to data of our experiment none of tested rootstocks was better than standard P.cerasifera. Polish scientists in recent years revealed advantages of Wangenheim Prune seedling rootstocks. Scion cultivars on this rootstock often are of superior characteristics in comparison with P.cerasifera seedlings or clonal rootstocks (Grzyb et al., 1998b; Rozpara, Grzyb, 1998; Sitarek et al., 2004). In the nearest future Wangenheim Prune seedlings should be introduced into rootstock tests in Lithuania. 247 Conclusions. Plum tree rootstocks St. Julien A and St. Julien GF 655/2 reduced plum tree trunk diameter respectively by 6% and 10% in comparison with the P.cerasifera seedlings. The highest yield and yield efficiency was of plum trees grafted on P.cerasifera seedlings. Tested rootstocks did not influence average fruit weight. The most suckering rootstock was St. Julien GF 655/2. Gauta 2006 07 06 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 31 References 1. B o t u I., A c h i m G . , B o t u M . , G o d e a n u I . , B a c i u A . The evaluation and classification of growth vigor of the plum cultivars grafted on various rootstocks // Acta Hort. 2002. Vol. 577. P. 299306. 2. B o t u I., A c h i m G., B o t u M. Evaluation of the stress capacity of different soil types on the scion rootstock biosystem for plum // Acta Hort. 2004. Vol. 658 P. 413419. 3. G r z y b Z. S., G u z o w s k a B a t k o B., K o l o d z i e j c z a k P. Ocena podkladek dla sliw // Sprawodzanie roczne: sadownictwo, rosliny ozdobne, pszczelnictwo. Skierniewice. 1998a. P. 219222. 4. G r z y b Z. S., S i t a r e k M., K o l o d z i e j c z a k P. Growth and yield of three plum cultivars grafted on four rootstocks in piedmont area // Acta Hort. 1998b. Vol. 478. P. 8790. 5. G r z y b Z. S., S i t a r e k M., K o z i n s k i B. Effect of different rootstocks on growth, yield and fruit quality of four plum cultivars (in central of poland) // Acta Hort. 1998c. Vol. 478. P. 239242. 6. Hrotkó K., Magyar L., Klenyán T., Simon, G. Effect of rootstocks on growth and yield efficiency of plum cultivars // Acta Hort. 2002. Vol. 577. P. 105110. 7. H r o t k ó K., M a g y a r L., S i m o n G., K l e n y á n T. Effect of rootstocks on growth of plum cultivars in a young orchard // Acta Hort. 1998. Vol. 478. P. 9598. 8. K o s i n a J. Evaluation of some new plum rootstocks in the orchard // Acta Hort. 2000. Vol. 538. P. 757760. 9. K v i k l y s D. Slyvø veisliø ir poskiepiø tyrimas sode // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 1999. T. 18(4). P. 3845. 10. L u k o ð e v i è i u s A., L a p i n s k a s E., M i s e v i è i û t ë A. ir kt. 1996. Lietuvos pomologija. Mokslo ir enciklopedijø leidykla. T. 2. P. 758. 11. O o s t e n H. I. Research on culture in fruit nurseries // Annual reports. Wilhelminadorp. 1979. P. 21. 12. R o z p a r a E., G r z y b Z. S. Growth and cropping of twelve plum cultivars grafted to two rootstocks // Acta Hort. 1994. Vol. 359. P. 229236. 13. R o z p a r a E., G r z y b Z. S. Growth and yielding of some plum cultivars grafted on Wangenheim Prune seedlings // Acta Hort. 1998. Vol. 478. P. 8790. 248 14. S i t a r e k M., G r z y b Z. S., G u z o w s k a S p a l e n i a k B., L i s J. Performance of three rootstocks for plums in two different soils and climatic conditions // Acta Hort. 2004. Vol. 658. P. 273277. 15. S o s n a I. Growth and cropping of four plum cultivars on different rootstocks in south western Poland // Journal of fruit and ornamental plant research. 2002. Vol. 10. P. 95103. 16. W e b s t e r A. D. Rootstocks for temperate fruit crops: current uses, future potential and alternative strategies // Acta Hort. 2001. Vol. 557. P. 2534. 17. Y s t a a s J., M a g e F., H u s a b o., F r y n e s O. Performance of Eruni and Pixi as rootstocks for European plum cultivars // Norw. J. Agric. Sci. 1994. Vol. 8. P. 115126. 18. Ê î â à ë å â à À. Ô., Ñ å í è í Â. È. Íîâûå ïîäâîè äëÿ ñëèâû íà þãå Óêðàèíû // Òåç. äîêë. íàó÷. êîíô. «Ñîâðåìåííûå ïðîáëåìû ñàäîâîäñòâà». Ñàìîõâàëîâè÷è. 1995. Ñ. 138. 19. Ñ à ì ó ñ ü Â. À., × å ë î ì á è ò ü ê î Ì. À., Ô å ä ó ð ê î Ò. À. Ðîñò è ïëîäîíîøåíèå äåðåâúåâ ñëèâû, âûðàùèâàåìûõ íà êëîíîâûõ ïîäâîÿõ // Òåç. äîêë. íàó÷. êîíô. «Ñîâðåìåííûå ïðîáëåìû ñàäîâîäñòâà». Ñàìîõâàëîâè÷è. 1995. Ñ. 138. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 243249. POSKIEPIØ ÁTAKA STANLEY IR KAUNO VENGRINËS VEISLIØ SLYVØ VAISMEDÞIØ AUGIMUI IR DERËJIMUI J. Lanauskas Santrauka Tyrimai daryti 19992005 m. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute. Stanley ir Kauno vengrinës veisliø slyvø vienameèiai sodinukai á sodà pasodinti 1999 m. pavasará. Vaismedþiai buvo skiepyti á keturis poskiepius: Prunus cerasifera sëjinukus (kontrolinis poskiepis), St. Julien A (P.insititia), St. Julien GF 655/2 (P.insititia) ir Marianna GF 8/1 (P.cerasifera x P.munsoniana). Dirvoþemis bandymø vietoje buvo sekliai karbonatingas, giliau glëjiðkas rudþemis. Agrocheminës dirvoþemio charakteristikos: P2O5 75 mg kg-1, K2O 130 mg kg-1, humuso 1,5%, pHKCl 7,2. Azoto tràðomis vaismedþiai buvo træðti kiekvienà pavasará po 50200 g amonio salietros vaismedþiui, priklausomai nuo amþiaus. Poskiepiai St. Julien A ir St. Julien GF 655/2 sumaþino slyvø kamienø skersmená atitinkamai 6 ir 10%, palyginti su P.cerasifera sëjinukais. Vaismedþiai su GF 8/1 poskiepiu augo taip pat, kaip skiepyti á P.cerasifera sëjinukus. Derlingiausios ir produktyviausios buvo slyvos su P.cerasifera sëkliniais poskiepiais. Tirti poskiepiai neturëjo átakos vidutinei vaisiaus masei. Daugiausia ðaknø atþalø iðaugino GF 655/2 poskiepis. Reikðminiai þodþiai: derlius, kamieno skersmuo, poskiepio atþalos, produktyvumas, slyvø poskiepiai. 249 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 250257. ESTIMATION OF SEVERAL PLUM CULTIVARS ON FOUR ROOTSTOCKS Ireneusz SOSNA Department of Horticulture, Agricultural University in Wrocùaw, Rozbrat 7, 50-334 Wrocùaw, Poland. E-mail: The experiment was conducted at Fruit Experimental Station near Wrocùaw in 1995 2004. The testing material included one-year-old maidens of four new plum cultivars on seedlings Wangenheim Prune, Pixy, GF 655/2 and St. Julien A. Rootstocks were planted at a spacing of 4 x 2 m (1250 trees per ha) in the spring of 1995. Up to the tenth year after planting, growth, yield, fruit quality and survival were affected by cultivar and rootstock. Cultivars Èaèanska Rana, Empress and Oneida were the most productive on rootstock GF 655/2. Total yields per tree from 1996 to 2004 were the highest with trees Èaèanska Najbolja on St. Julien A. Seedlings Pixy and especially Wangenheim Prune reduced vegetative growth of plum cultivars in comparison to rootstocks GF 655/2 and St. Julien A. Type of rootstock had no influence on mean fruit weight of cultivars Empress and Oneida. Bigger fruit were picked from trees Èaèanska Rana and Èaèanska Najbolja budded on more vigorous rootstocks GF 655/2 and St. Julien A. Significantly the most root suckers were observed on rootstock GF 655/2. Key words: cultivar, fruit quality, growth, plum, rootstocks, root suckers, yield. Introduction. During the last years, on Polish nursery fields, orchards and commercial markets a lot of plum varieties appeared which are highly tolerant to plum pox, very early start to bear, are highly productive and have attractive, large and tasty fruits. Greater chances for a profitable sale are given by cultivars with very early ripening fruits, such as Herman, Èaèanska Rana and Sanctus Hubertus, and those late ripening, which fruits can be stored even for 2-3 weeks, for example President, Oneida and Elena (Sosna, 2004). But modern fruit growing does not mean only cultivar. Very important are rootstocks suitable for a high-density plum orchard. Knowledge about usefulness of different types of rootstocks for different varieties is still very limited. Rootstock can affect not only vegetative growth but also yield and fruit quality. The most popular vigorous rootstock in plum orchards (not only in Poland) is seedling Myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera). Unfortunately, it is not the best one, especially for varieties with a strong vegetative growth (Grzyb et al., 1998; Kosina et al., 2000). Besides Prunus cerasifera, seedlings Wangenheim Prune also are important in Polish nursery production. In comparison to seedlings 250 Myrobalan, plum trees grafted on semi-dwarf rootstock Wangenheim Prune grow weaker and are more productive (Rozpara and Grzyb, 1998; Blaþek et al., 2004). At present, vegetative propagated rootstocks, such as Pixy, GF 655/2 and St. Julien A have very important role in the intensification of plum orchard. Their suitability for cultivation is evaluated in many countries of the world (Embree et al., 1999; Sitarek et al., 2001; Rubauskis et al., 2002; Jänes and Pae, 2003). Planting plum trees grafted on dwarf or semi-dwarf rootstocks enables an increase of tree number in a row and leads to a higher yield per unit area with a decrease of tree growth vigour (Botu et al., 1998; Kosina, 2000). The aim of this study was to estimate production value of several plum cultivars on different rootstocks in the Lower Silesia climatic conditions. Materials and methods. In the spring of 1995 the experiment was established at the Fruit Experimental Station in Samotwór, near Wrocùaw. One-year-old trees of four plum cultivars Èaèanska Rana, Èaèanska Najbolja, Empress and Oneida budded on seedlings Wangenheim Prune (generative rootstock) and three vegetative rootstocks Pixy, GF 655/2 and St. Julien A were planted 4 x 2 m apart (1250 trees/ha) in a randomized block design with four replications of four trees per plot. All the trees were trained as spindles. Pruning was carried out immediately after blossoming. Herbicide fallow was maintained in tree rows and grassy strips between them. Plant protection was carried out in accordance with the current recommendations of the Orchard Protection Program. Up to the tenth year after planting, growth, yield, fruit quality and longevity of trees were estimated. Trunk girth at 30 cm above the ground was recorded annually from each tree. Root suckers were counted and then removed during vegetative period. Since the fourth year, the width and height of each plum tree was recorded. The calculation of crown volume was based on formula on volume of cone. The size of a fruit was estimated as a mean weight of 25 fruits per tree. The results were analysed statistically, using the analysis of variance. Significant differences at P=0.05 were calculated using t-Student test. Results and discussion. Up to the tenth year after planting, vegetative growth was significantly affected both by cultivar and rootstock (Table 1). Trees of Èaèanska Najbolja were the most vigorous, while Empress was characterised by the weakest growth, especially on seedlings Wangenheim Prune. Thus, this rootstock appeared to be too dwarf for Empress. Similar results were obtained by Wociór et al. (2003) and Blaek et al. (2004). In this experiment, irrespective of the cultivar, trees grafted on seedlings Pixy and Wangenheim Prune were less vigorous in comparison to rootstocks GF 655/2 and St. Julien A. Similar results connected with influence of rootstock Pixy on reduction of tree growth have been reported by Botu et al. (1998), Embree et al. (1999) and Kosina et al. (2000). In Sitarek et al. (2000) studies, trees grafted on seedlingsWangenheim Prune grew considerably weaker in comparison to other generative rootstocks. According to Hrotko et al. (2002), in comparison to different types of Myrobalan, small tree size was achieved on GF 655/2 and St. Julien. Plum trees on GF 655/2 had significantly the biggest number of root suckers. This fact has been confirmed by Kosina et al. (2000) and Sitarek et al. (2001). Trees on rootstocks Wangenheim Prune and St. Julien A produced only few suckers. 251 T a b l e 1. Vegetative growth of evaluated plum cultivars depending on rootstock 1 l e n t e l ë. Vegetatyvinio slyvø veisliø augimo priklausomumas nuo poskiepio Cultivar / Rootstock Veislë / Poskiepis Trunk cross sectional area / Kamieno skerspjûvio 2 plotas, cm autumn of 2004 2004 m. rudená increment 2002–2004 padidëjimas 2002–2004 m. Volume of crown (m3), autumn of 2002 Volume of crown (m3), autumn of 2004 Vainiko dydis 2002 m. rudená, m3 Vainiko dydis 2004 m. rudená, m3 Root suckers (no tree-1) Ðaknø atþalos 2000–2004 m. vnt. medio-1 ‘Èaèanska Rana ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 69.9 GF 655/2 100.7 Pixy 84.8 St. Julien A 93.4 Mean for cultivar 87.2 Veislës vidurkis 11.8 4.0 6.1 9.0 15.8 6.1 8.4 218.3 20.4 2.7 4.1 67.2 16.9 4.3 5.8 2.1 16.2 4.3 6.1 74.2 5.7 6.1 ‘Èaèanska Najbolja’ ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 87.6 12.4 4.2 GF 655/2 111.1 16.1 6.7 7.8 260.0 Pixy 119.4 17.5 3.7 4.6 88.1 St. Julien A 135.7 22.0 6.3 6.9 1.7 Mean for cultivar 113.5 17.0 5.2 6.3 89.0 3.8 1.9 2.2 0.2 Veislës vidurkis ‘Empress’ ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 27.1 GF 655/2 41.0 4.3 2.8 3.6 21.7 Pixy St. Julien A 40.2 5.8 2.5 3.4 0.5 Mean for cultivar 36.1 4.6 2.4 3.1 7.5 Veislës vidurkis ‘Oneida’ ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 65.0 9.4 3.3 4.8 1.7 GF 655/2 Pixy St. Julien A 79.1 - 10.0 - 4.2 - 5.7 - 85.3 - Mean for cultivar 72.1 9.7 3.8 5.3 43.5 LSD05 for cultivar 7.4 1.8 0.5 0.6 26.2 LSD05 for rootstock within cultivar 14.8 3.7 0.9 1.1 52.4 Veislës vidurkis Veislës R05 Veislës poskiepio R05 252 There were significant yield differences between cultivars during 19962004 (Table 2). Irrespective of rootstock, total yields per tree during this period were T a b l e 2. Yielding of studied plum cultivars on several rootstocks and crop efficiency index (CEC); trees were planted in the spring of 1995 2 l e n t e l ë. Tirtø slyvø veisliø su keliais poskiepiais derlius ir produktyvumas; vaismedþiai pasodinti 1995 m. pavasará Yield, kg/tree Cultivar / Rootstock Veislë / Poskiepis Total yield, kg tree-1 1996–2004 Derlius, kg/medis CEC 1996–2004 (kg cm-2)/ Suminis derlius 1996–2004 m. kg medis-1 Produktyvumas 1996– 2004 m., kg cm-2 27.9 81.0 1.16 1.5 37.1 84.4 0.84 2.5 17.1 44.6 0.53 18.6 3.7 29.1 74.2 0.79 18.4 2.8 27.8 71.1 0.83 1996–2001 2002 30.2 19.6 3.3 GF 655/2 23.5 22.3 Pixy 11.9 13.1 St. Julien A 22.8 Mean for cultivar 22.0 ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 44.6 36.4 GF 655/2 47.8 Pixy 30.2 St. Julien A Mean for cultivar 2003 2004 ‘Èaèanska Rana ‘Wangenheim Prune’ Veislës vidurkis ‘Èaèanska Najbolja Veislës vidurkis 9.9 45.7 136.6 1.56 46.4 8.8 61.2 164.2 1.48 32.0 15.3 34.0 111.5 0.93 40.5 45.5 17.6 67.7 171.3 1.26 40.9 40.1 12.9 52.2 145.9 1.31 ‘Empress’ ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 62.0 14.4 GF 655/2 107.4 Pixy St. Julien A 66.5 - Mean for cultivar 78.6 Veislës vidurkis 9.6 13.3 99.3 3.66 18.8 21.5 22.9 170.6 4.16 16.1 - 16.0 - 19. - 117.9 - 2.93 - 16.4 15.7 18.5 129.3 3.58 ‘Oneida’ ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 84.6 31.5 26.7 37.3 180.1 2.77 GF 655/2 Pixy St. Julien A 101.8 - 37.6 - 26.8 - 38.8 - 205.0 - 2.59 - Mean for cultivar 93.2 34.6 26.8 38.1 192.6 2.68 LSD05 for cultivar 8.2 3.0 3.4 3.9 11.0 0.14 LSD05 for rootstock within cultivar 16.4 5.9 6.8 7.9 22.1 0.28 Veislës vidurkis Veislës R05 Veislës poskiepio R05 253 significantly the highest with Oneida. The lowest yields were obtained from Èaèanska Rana. These results are similar to those reported in literature (Blaþek et al. 2004; Wociór et al. 2003). Up to the tenth year after planting, total yields per tree of all evaluated plum cultivars were the highest on rootstock GF 655/2. Yields of trees on Pixy were lower than on other rootstocks, with the exception of Empress, for which the lowest crops were obtained on seedlings Wangenheim Prune (very weakly growing trees). The reduction in yield of plum trees on Pixy as compared with other rootstocks was also reported by Kosina et al. (2000) and Sitarek et al. (2001). Crop efficiency index (CEC) was significantly the highest of weakly growing Empress and clearly the lowest of Èaèanska Rana. Cumulative yield efficiency for three studied cultivars was the highest on seedlings Wangenheim Prune, whereas for Empress on GF 655/2. Trees on Pixy had the lowest CEC. These results are consistent with observations of Boyhan et al. (1998) who reported that yield efficiency was significantly lower of plum cultivar Producer on Pixy. In the present study the cultivar had no significant effect on fruit size (Table 3). The influence of rootstocks on mean fruit weight was different and depended on cultivar. Pixy showed negative effect on mean fruit weight of Èaèanska Rana and Èaèanska Najbolja. This is in agreement with the results of other scientists who declare that trees on Pixy produced smaller fruits (Grzyb at al., 1998; Embree at al., 1999). However, this contradicts to the studies by Sitarek et al. (2001), Hrotko et al. (2002) and Rubauskis et al. (2002) who noted similar fruit size on different rootstocks. In Jänes and Pae (2003) investigation, trees on Pixy gave the largest fruits. Among estimated rootstocks, Pixy appeared to be the most sensitive to frost. The great number of died trees on rootstock Pixy was caused by frost injures after severe winter in 1996/97 (Table 3). This agrees with an earlier report that only 47% of plum trees on Pixy survived (Boyhan et al., 1998). During the same winter, there were not observed any frost injures on trees grafted on other rootstocks. Until 2004, only 5 dead trees were recorded on seedlings Wangenheim Prune, mainly with Empress. 254 T a b l e 3. Mean fruit weight and longevity of four plum cultivars depending on rootstock 3 l e n t e l ë. Keturiø slyvø veisliø vidutinës vaisiø masës ir ilgaamþiðkumo priklausomumas nuo poskiepio Mean fruit weight Cultivar / Rootstock Veislë / Poskiepis Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, 2002 2003 2004 Percent of survived trees in autumn of 2004 g 1997–2004 2004 m. rudená iðlikusiø medþiø procentas ‘Èaèanska Rana ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 45 56 33 51 93.7 GF 655/2 55 56 35 54 100.0 Pixy 41 54 34 50 75.0 St. Julien A 51 59 34 51 100.0 Mean for cultivar 48 56 34 51 92.2 Veislës vidurkis ‘Èaèanska Najbolja ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 44 48 36 50 100.0 GF 655/2 54 51 40 52 100.0 Pixy 48 44 38 49 50.0 St. Julien A 59 52 42 54 100.0 Mean for cultivar 51 49 39 51 87.5 Veislës vidurkis ‘Empress’ ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 39 49 34 51 75.0 GF 655/2 47 46 35 53 100.0 Pixy St. Julien A 37 - 51 - 35 - 53 - 50.0 - Mean for cultivar 41 49 35 52 75.0 Veislës vidurkis ‘Oneida’ ‘Wangenheim Prune’ 42 40 40 51 100.0 GF 655/2 Pixy St. Julien A 46 - 39 - 40 - 51 - 100.0 - Mean for cultivar 44 40 40 51 100.0 LSD05 for cultivar 3 4 2 n.s. LSD05 for rootstock within cultivar 7 8 4 3 Veislës vidurkis Veislës R05 Veislës poskiepio R05 Conclusions. 1. Data of the study proved that Oneida and Èaèanska Najbolja appeared to be the most profitable among studied plum cultivars because of high and early cropping and quality of fruit. Trees of cultivar Empress on rootstock Pixy grew too weakly. 255 2. Taking into account productivity and fruit quality, the best rootstock for evaluated plum cultivars was GF 655/2. Rootstocks Pixy and Wangenheim Prune reduced vegetative growth of plum cultivars in comparison to GF 655/2 and St. Julien A. 3. Irrespective of cultivar, the most root suckers were found on trees grafted on rootstock GF 655/2. Very few suckers produced rootstocks Wangenheim Prune and St. Julien A. 4. Frost injures which were observed on rootstock Pixy considerably limited its suitability in Polish climate conditions. Gauta 2006 04 27 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 References 1. 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P. 239-242. 6. H r o t k o K., M a g y a r L., K l e n y a n T., S i m o n G., G e r c h e v a P. Effect of rootstocks on growth and yield efficiency of plum cultivars / / Acta Horticulturae. 2002. Vol. 577. P. 105-110. 7. J ä n e s H., P a e A. First results of a dwarfing plum rootstocks trial // Agronomy Research. 2003. Vol. 1(1). P. 37-44. 8. K o s i n a J., G e i b e l M., F i s c h e r M., F i s c h e r C. Evaluation of some new plum rootstocks in the orchard // Acta Horticulturae. 2000. Vol. 538(2). P. 757-760. 9. R o z p a r a E., G r z y b Z. S. Growth and yielding of some plum cultivars grafted on Wangenheim Prune seedlings // Acta Horticulturae. 1998. Vol. 478. P. 87-90. 10. R u b a u s k i s E., S k r i v e l e M., D i m z a I., B e r l a n d s V. Effect of fertigation on growth and precocity of plums depending on a rootstock // Horticulture and Vegetable Growing. 2002. Vol. 21(4). P. 50-57. 11. S i t a r e k M., G r z y b Z. S., L i s J. Wzrost i owocowanie úliw szczepionych na podkùadkach generatywnych w pierwszych czterech latach po posadzeniu // Zeszyty Naukowe A. R. Poznañ Ogrodnictwo. 2000. Vol. 31(2). P. 145-149. 12. S i t a r e k M., G r z y b Z. S., K o ù o d z i e j c z a k P. Effect of rootstocks on growth and yield of plum trees // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2001. Vol. IX(1-4). P. 19-24. 256 13. S o s n a I. Ocena wartoúci produkcyjnej kilkudziesiêciu odmian úliwy na podkùadce z aùyczy w rejonie Wrocùawia // Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus. 2004. Vol. 3(1). P. 47-54. 14. W o c i ó r S., P ù a z a E., W ó j c i k I. Badania plonowania kilku odmian úliw na Wyýynie Sandomierskiej // Folia Horticulturae. 2003. Supplement 1. P. 164-166. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 250257. KELIØ VEISLIØ SLYVØ SU KETURIAIS POSKIEPIAIS ÁVERTINIMAS I. Sosna Santrauka Bandymas atliktas Sodininkystës tyrimø stotyje netoli Vroclavo 19952004 metais. Buvo tirti keturiø naujø slyvø veisliø vienameèiai sodinukai su Wangenheimo vengrinës, Pixy, GF 655/2 ir St. Julien A poskiepiais. Sodas pasodintas 1995 metø pavasará 4 x 2 m (1250 medþiø/ha) atstumais. Iki deðimtø metø po pasodinimo augimui, derliui, vaisiø kokybei ir laikymuisi átakos turëjo ir veislë, ir poskiepis. Èaèanska Rana, Empress ir Oneida veislës buvo derlingiausios su GF 655/2 poskiepiu. 19962004 metais didþiausià bendrà medþio derliø davë Èaèanska Najbolja veislës vaismedþiai su St. Julien A poskiepiu. Sëkliniai poskiepiai Pixy ir ypaè Wangenheimo vengrinë sumaþino vegetatyviná slyvø veisliø augimà, palyginti su GF 655/2 ir St. Julien A poskiepiais. Poskiepio rûðis neturëjo átakos Empress ir Oneida veisliø vidutinei vaisiø masei. Didesni vaisiai skinti nuo Èaèanska Rana ir Èaèanska Najbolja veisliø vaismedþiø, áskiepytø á augesnius GF 655/2 ir St. Julien A poskiepius. Ið esmës daugiausia ðaknø atþalø iðaugino GF 655/2 poskiepis. Reikðminiai þodþiai: veislë, vaisiø kokybë, augimas, slyvos, poskiepiai, ðaknø atþalos, derlius. 257 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 258263. ROOTSTOCK EFFECT ON MATURITY AND QUALITY OF AUKSIS APPLES Nomeda KVIKLIENË, Darius KVIKLYS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: The effects of 12 rootstocks P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9, Pure 1, B.491, B.146, York 9, B.396, P 60, M.26 and Bulboga on Auksis apples were studied at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 20042005. The influence of rootstocks on yield, distribution of fruit size, fruit colour and maturity was evaluated. The average yield per tree was the highest from trees on rootstocks Pure 1, B.146 and Bulboga, while the lowest on rootstocks P 2, B.396 and P 22 that had the lowest vigour. Fruit size generally depended on crop load and tree vigour. High yielding trees on dwarf rootstock Pure 1 have the smallest fruits. Largest fruits were on strong growing Bulboga, B.146 and dwarf rootstock M.9. Pure 1 and P 22 determined better fruit colouring. Fruits on Bulboga were firmer, and these on rootstock P 2 softer. P 2 determined higher content of soluble solids. The maturity index indicated that Auksis apples were more mature from trees on rootstock Pure 1. Rootstock Bulboga produced later ripening of apples. Key words: fruit quality, Malus x domestica Borkh., maturity index, rootstock. Introduction. Apple tree growth, beginning of bearing, productivity and fruit quality depend on rootstock (Webster, 1993). Fruits on dwarf rootstocks usually have better quality parameters than fruits on strong growing trees (Tomala, 1999; Skrzynski, 1997). Fruit development processes and ripening peculiarities vary according to the rootstock type (Jager, 1996). In Poland it was proved that rootstocks of M series influenced bigger fruits and rootstocks of P series fruit colour (Kruczynska et al., 1999; Maas, Wertheim, 2004). Super dwarf rootstock P 22 negatively affects fruit weight (Jadczuk, Wlosek-Staugut, 1999; Ystaas, Froines 1993). Rootstocks of B series mainly are recommended to grow as winterhardy rootstocks instead of M.9 under more severe climatic conditions (Wertheim, 1998). Some rootstocks of B series have positive effect on fruit calcium content (Maas, Wertheim, 2004). Fruit internal characters like flesh firmness, soluble solids and starch content depend on rootstock and determine storage durability of apple fruits (Autio et al., 1996; Barden, Marini, 1992, 2001). Rootstock effect on fruit quality varies under 258 different climatic conditions and is not stable (Al-Hinai, Roper, 2004). The aim of the trial was to define rootstock effect on apple fruit quality and maturity of cv. Auksis. Material and methods. The trial was performed at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 20042005. Auksis apple trees were grafted on rootstocks M.26, M.9, York 9, B.9, B.396 (original name 62-396), B.146 (original name 57-146), B.491 (original name 57-491), P 60, P 22, P 2, Bulboga (Moldavian selection) and Pure 1 (Latvian selection). The orchard was planted in the spring of 2001. Planting distances were 4 x 1.5 m. Trees were trained as slender spindles. The trial consisted of four replications with 3 trees in each. Replications were randomised. From each replication 100 fruits were weighed and sized as follows: 60-65 mm, 66-75 mm, 76-85 mm and 86-95 mm. Ten fruits from each replication were taken for laboratory measurements. Fruit firmness was measured with Effegi penetrometer (with 11 mm diameter probe). Starch conversion was estimated after treatment with 0.1n iodine and potassium iodine solution (scale 1-10). Concentration of soluble solids was determined with a refractometer. Measurements were taken at harvest time. Maturity index was calculated as F/RS, where F firmness, R concentration of soluble solids, S starch conversion (Streif, 1996). Since interaction between year and rootstock is absent, data of internal fruit quality is presented as two-years average. Variance analysis was done with a LSD test using the ANOVA statistical program. Results. Significantly highest average yield per tree was obtained on rootstock Pure1 18.10 kg (Table 1). High yield was obtained on York 9 too. Among dwarf rootstocks lower yields were on P 22, P 2 and B.396. In more vigorous rootstock group Bulboga and B.146 gave higher yields. There were no significant differences among rootstocks P 60, M.9, M.26 and B.491. Rootstock Pure 1 produced significantly the smallest fruits of average weight 125.5 g. There were no statistical differences only with B.396 and York 9. The biggest fruits of Auksis apples were on rootstock Bulboga, though there were no significant differences with rootstocks M.9, B.491, B.146, M.26 and P 60. Rootstocks B.491, York 9 and Bulboga produced the lowest percentage of small fruits (60-65 mm diameter), while Pure 1 the highest. The highest percentage of 75-85 mm fruits was obtained from trees on Bulboga, M.9, B.491 and P 60. There were found significant differences among rootstocks effect on fruit red colour. Fruit from trees on rootstocks Pure 1 and P 22 had the highest percentage of red colour. Rootstock M.26 determined poor colouring of Auksis apple fruits. Fruits on Bulboga had significantly the highest firmness during harvesting. Other rootstocks did not differ significantly, though fruits on rootstock P 2 were somewhat softer. P 2 determined higher content of soluble solids and it differed significantly from rootstocks B.491, Pure 1, M.26, Bulboga, P 22, B.9, B.146. Lower content of soluble solids was on B.491, Pure 1, M.26 and Bulboga. The maturity index indicated that Auksis apples were more mature from trees on rootstock Pure 1, though there were no significant differences with P 22 and P 2. Bulboga induced later ripening of apples. 259 T a b l e 1. Rootstock effect on average fruit yield per tree and fruit size (20042005) 1 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Poskiepio átaka vidutiniam derliui ir vaisiø kokybei 20042005 m. Average yield, kg / per tree Mean fruit weight Distribution of fruit size Vaisiø pasiskirstymas pagal skersmená, % Vidutinis derlius, kg/vaism. Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, g 60–65 66–75 P 22 10.68 144.3 10 48 31 11 P2 9.54 145.1 12 58 27 3 M.9 13.30 151.1 8 47 41 4 B.9 12.48 147.1 14 49 31 6 Pure 1 18.10 125.5 22 67 11 0 B.491 11.92 152.1 2 54 43 1 B.146 15.33 153.3 6 56 36 2 York 9 15.46 138.0 4 65 26 5 B.396 10.56 137.7 5 66 29 0 P 60 12.80 157.0 5 43 44 8 M.26 13.68 153.1 8 66 25 1 BULBOGA 15.80 165.5 4 50 46 0 3.47 11.99 Poskiepis LSD05 / R05 76–85 86–95 Discussion. Mean fruit weight on rootstock P 22 did not differ from other rootstocks, when in the numerous trials there was established negative effect of P 22 on fruit weight (Jadczuk, Wlosek-Staugut, 1999; Ystaas, 1993). The results of fruit size distribution defined wide range of fruit size classes. Rootstock P 22 had the highest percentage of big size fruits, but at the same time 10% of fruits were smaller than 65 mm. The same tendencies were obtained with B.9. Mean fruit weight depended on crop load and tree vigour. High yielding dwarf rootstock Pure 1 produced smallest fruits, but high yielding semi-dwarf rootstock Bulboga produced biggest fruits. To state rootstock effect on mean fruit weight is difficult and it was reported by many researches (Al-Hinai, Roper, 2004; Barden, Marini, 1999). Generally M.26 EMLA and M.9EMLA result in the largest fruit (Autio et al., 2001; Barden, Marini, 2001), but it was not confirmed in our trial. Though there were found significant differences among rootstocks effect on fruit red colour rootstock had conditional influence on fruit colouring. Similar tendencies were noted in other rootstock trials, where red colour was variable and it was impossible to draw general conclusions (Barden, Marini, 2001). Colour mainly was caused by rootstock effect on crop load, tree vigour and fruit size. Fruits from weakly growing and highly yielding trees on rootstocks Pure 1 and P 22 had the highest percentage of red colour. Better colouring of apples on rootstock P 22 was recorded in Netherlands, too (Maas, Wertheim, 2004). In many trials positive effect of rootstock M.9 on fruit colour was not established in our investigation. Tendency 260 of poorer colouring increasing rootstock growth vigour was noted. Semi-dwarf M.26 determined poorest colouring of Auksis apple fruits. On the other hand, fruits from the most vigorous rootstock Bulboga in this trial had good colour. Such findings once more show the importance of rootstock/variety combination. T a b l e 2. Rootstock effect on fruit quality and ripening time (average 20042005) 2 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio átaka vaisiø kokybei ir sunokimo laikui, 20042005 m. vidurkis Rootstock Poskiepis Blush Nusispalvinimas, % Firmness Minkštimo kietumas, Starch conversion, points SSC kg cm-1 Krakmolo susiskaidymas balais Tirpios sausosios mediagos, % Maturity index Sunokimo indeksas P 22 64 8.2 5.4 12.55 0.12 P2 53 8.0 5.2 13.18 0.12 M.9 51 8.3 4.4 12.86 0.15 B.9 52 8.3 5.1 12.65 0.14 Pure 1 69 8.2 6.3 12.31 0.11 B.491 48 8.5 5.3 12.28 0.15 B.146 48 8.2 4.7 12.71 0.15 York 9 58 8.4 4.6 12.96 0.15 B.396 50 8.4 5.3 12.78 0.13 P 60 56 8.5 4.8 12.85 0.13 M.26 43 8.4 4.9 12.33 0.15 BULBOGA 55 8.7 3.3 12.31 0.22 10.3 0.26 0.50 0.45 0.019 LSD05 / R05 There were no clear differences among rootstocks effect on the content of soluble solids. P 2 determined higher content, but it was not significantly different from numerous rootstocks in this trial. Nevertheless, positive effect of P 2 was established in earlier performed trials (Kviklienë, Kviklys, 2001). Very clear differences were established in the trial with cultivar Melrose comparing dwarf and semidwarf rootstocks. At harvest time fruits on low vigorous rootstocks P 22, M.9 and P 2 contained much more soluble solids than stronger growing rootstocks M.26 and P 60 (Kviklys, Kviklienë, 2002). In this study dependence between rootstock growth vigour and content of soluble solids was not clear. Rootstock Bulboga had positive effect on fruit flesh firmness. At the same time starch conversion rate was low. Combination of both factors determined late maturity of apple fruits on this rootstock. During the harvest fruits on Pure 1 had very high starch conversion rate, therefore rootstock effect on earlier apple maturation was established. P series rootstocks induced earlier fruit ripening than B series rootstocks. 261 Conclusions. 1. Rootstock Pure 1 determines high yields, better colouring, earlier ripening and smallest fruits of cv. Auksis. 2. Rootstock Bulboga induces big fruits, high firmness and late ripening of apples. 3. Rootstock P 2 determines higher content of soluble solids and lower firmness. 4. Effects of other rootstocks on fruit quality characters were not stable and insignificant. Acknowledgement. This work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. Gauta 2006 06 22 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 References 1. A l - H i n a i Y. K., R o p e r T. R. Rootstock Effects on Growth and Quality of Gala Apples. HortScience. 2004. 39(6). P. 1231-1233. 2. A u t i o W. R., A n d e r s o n J. L., B a r d e n J. A., B r o w n G. R., C r a s s w e l l e r R. M., D o m o t o P. A., E r b A., F e r r e e D. C., G a u s A., H i r s t P. M., M u l l i n s C. A., S c h u p p J. R. Location affects performance of Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Empire, and Rome Beauty apple trees on five rootstocks over ten years in the 1990 NC-140 cultivar/rootstock trial // Journal of the American Pomological Society. 2001. 55(3). P. 138-145. 3. B a r d e n J. A., M a r i n i R. P. Yield, Fruit Size, Red Color, and Estimated Crop Value in the NC-40 1990 Cultivar/Rootstock Trial in Virginia // Journal of the American Pomological Society. 55. 2001. P. 154-158. 4. B a r d e n J. A. and R. P. M a r i n i. Rootstock effects on growth and fruiting of a spur-type and a standard strain of Delicious over eighteen years. Fruit Var. J. 1999. 53. P. 115-125. 5. Y s t a a s J., F r o y n e s O. Effects of the Polish rootstocks P2 and P22 on vigour, yield and fruit characteristics on apple cultivar Gravenstein // Acta Agric. Scandinavica. 1999. 43. P. 244-246. 6. J a d c z u k E., W l o s e k - S t a u g u t C. R. Cropping and fruit quality of Jonagold apple trees depending on rootstock // Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards / Proceedings of international seminar. Warszawa, P. 45-46. 7. Ja g e r A., R o e l o f s F. P. M. M., W e s t e r w e e l e K., L i e s h o u t J. Optimum harvest date of apples for direct concumption and for prolonged storage // Annual Report Wilheminadorp Fruit Research Station. 1996. P. 83-86. 8. K r u c z y n s k a D., C s y n z y k A., B u c z e k M. Effect of rootstock, weather and soil condition upon growth, cropping and fruit quality of gala Must apple trees // Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards / Proceedings of international seminar. Warszawa, 1999. P. 61-62. 9. K v i k l i e n ë N., K v i k l y s D. Obelø vegetatyviniø poskiepiø átaka Jonagold ir Melrose vaisiø sunokimui ir kokybei // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. 2001. 20(1). P. 25-34. 262 10. K v i k l y s D., K v i k l i e n ë N. Effect of rootstock on apple quality and storability // Folia Horticulture. 2002. 14/1. P. 227-233. 11. M a a s F. M., W e r t h e i m S. J. A multi-site rootstock trial with the apple cultivars Coxs Orange Pippin and Jonagol // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. 658(1). P. 177-184. 12. S k r z y n s k i J. Wstepne wyniki badan nad wplywem wybranych podkladek karlowych na jakosc owocow jabloni odmiany Jonagold //Wsplolczesne trendy w agrotechnice sadow. Liublin, 1997. P. 41-45. 13. S t r e i f J. Optimum harvest date for different apple cultivars in the Bodensee area // In Cost 94. The postharwest treatment of fruit and vegetables. Lofthus. Norway, 1996. P. 15-20. 14. T o m a l a K., A n d z i a k J., K o b u s i n s k i K. Influence of rootstocks on fruit maturity and quality of Jonagold apples // Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards / Proceedings of international seminar. Warszawa, 1999. P. 13-14. 15. W e b s t e r A. D. New dwarf rootstocks for apple, pear, plum and sweet cherry a brief review // Acta Agriculture. 1993. 349. P. 145-153. 16. W e r t h e i m S. J. Rootstock guide. Wilhelminadorp. 1998. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 258263. POSKIEPIO ÁTAKA AUKSIO VAISIØ KOKYBEI IR NOKIMUI N. Kviklienë, D. Kviklys Santrauka 20042005 m. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute atlikti vegetatyviniø poskiepiø P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9, Pure 1, B.491, B.146, York 9, B.396, P 60, M.26 ir Bulboga tyrimai su Auksio veislës obelimis. Nustatyta poskiepiø átaka vidutinei vaisiø masei, dydþiui, nusispalvinimui, vaisiø kokybei ir sunokimui. Didþiausi gauti vaismedþiø su Pure 1, B.146 ir Bulboga poskiepiais vidutiniai derliai. Maþiausiai vaisiø priskinta nuo vaismedþiø su maþiausio augumo poskiepiais P 2, B.396 ir P 22. Vidutinë vaisiaus masë priklausë nuo derëjimo gausumo ir poskiepio augumo. Gausiai derantys vaismedþiai su Pure 1 poskiepiu iðaugino smulkiausius vaisius. Didesni vaisiai uþaugo ant vaismedþiø su augesniu Bulboga bei þemaûgiu M.9 poskiepiu. Spalvingiausi vaisiai uþaugo ant vaismedþiø su Pure 1 ir P 22 poskiepiais. Tyrimø metais kieèiausius obuolius uþaugino vaismedþiai su Bulboga poskiepiu, minkðèiausius su P 2 poskiepiu. Daugiausia tirpiø sausøjø medþiagø buvo vaismedþiø su P 2 poskiepiu vaisiuose. Pure 1 poskiepis labai paankstino vaisiø sunokimà. Vëliausiai sunoko vaismedþiø su Bulboga poskiepiu vaisiai. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Malus x domestica Borkh., poskiepis, sunokimo indeksas, vaisiø kokybë. 263 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 264272. INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT DWARFING METHODS ON CONTENT OF MICROELEMENTS IN APPLE TREE ORGANS Maciej GÀSTOÙ, Jan SKRZYÑSKI Department of Pomology and Apiculture, Agricultural University in Kraków, Al. 29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Kraków, Poland. E-mail: The paper presents the results of chemical analyses of different organs of apple tree cv. Jonica. The trees were dwarfed with: rootstocks (M.9 and P 60), and additionally, with bark grafting (in normal and inverted position), microinterstocks (M.9, P 22, M.27) and growth retardant (Paclobutrazol). Microinterstock is an additional way of dwarfing, when a ring of bark taken from dwarfing rootstock is grafted on the trees trunk. In 19961999 fruit, leaf, wood, bark and root samples of each treatment were collected and iron, copper and zinc content analysed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The highest concentration of Fe was noted in roots (1271 mg·kg-1 d.w.), lower in leaves (164 mg·kg-1 d.w.) and the lowest in bark, wood and fruit (95, 28, and 22 mg·kg-1 d.w., respectively). The highest amount of Cu was studied in leaves and bark samples (33.9 mg·kg-1 d.w. and 27.3 mg·kg-1 d.w.), whereas the lowest copper level was found in wood and fruits (4.2 mg·kg-1 d.w. and 3.4 mg·kg-1 d.w.). Mean Zn content varied from 161 mg·kg-1 d.w. (roots) to 7.0 mg·kg-1 d.w. (wood). As far as leaf microelement content is concerned, used dwarfing method had no or little effect. However, the great differences between analysed seasons were observed. Bark analysis revealed that bark grafting and microinterstocks favoured higher microelement concentrations especially below the place of graft. Bark grafting and microinterstocks significantly increased root Fe and Zn content (even 6 times as compared with control trees). Zn content in roots negatively correlated with the vigour of the investigated trees. Accumulation of Cu in roots was also differentiated, however the differences were not significant. Root microelement concentration showed a big inter-seasonal variation. Key words: Malus × domestica Borkh., rootstocks, bark grafting microinterstocks, bark, leaves, roots, fruit mineral content. Introduction. Rootstock has a great impact on the growth and yield of fruit tree. It also shows big differences with respect to the uptake and transport of mineral elements. However, in some cases, the use of rootstock alone is not sufficient to reduce tree vigour. Therefore the additional way of dwarfing must be sought. Promising results with bark grafting or microinterstocks were obtained by Arakawa et al. (1997), Poniedziaùek et al. (2000) and Gàstoù (2002). 264 The knowledge of specific rootstock/scion climate soil interaction is essential to define their characteristics, e.g. nutritional demands. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of different dwarfing method (rootstock, bark grafting, microinterstock, growth regulator) on microelement content. As some authors (Hrotko, 2004) suggested more comprehensive holistic approach to rootstock-scion interaction, we focused not only on usually analyzed parts leaves and fruits, but on all other organs, which also take part in the mineral nutrition of apple tree. Material and methods. The experiment was established in the spring of 1995 at the Experimental Station in Garlica Murowana, near Krakow. The soil of the plot where the fruit trees were planted was in the valuation class II b. It was the brown soil type developed from loess and represented species determined as silt loam. Soil properties are given in Tables 1 and 2. T a b l e 1. Granulometric soil content of experimental orchard 1 l e n t e l ë. Bandymø sodo dirvos granuliometrinë sudëtis Fraction diameter mm Percentage of fraction / Frakcijos Frakcijos skersmuo, 1,0–01 0.1–0.05 0.05–0,02 0.02–0.006 0.006–0.002 < 0.002 2 10 48 22 5 13 procentas T a b l e 2. Acidity, macro- and microelement content in soil before orchard planting (mean values) 2 l e n t e l ë. Dirvos rûgðtumas, makro- ir mikroelementø kiekis joje prieð pasodinant sodà (vidurkiai) Depth of sampling Ëminio paëmimo gylis, cm pHKCl 0–20 20–40 5.3 4.9 * ** Available mineral content -1 Mineralø kiekis, mg 100 g P K Mg Ca 4.9* 4.1 10.9* 9.0 6.6** 9.11 36.5 39.8 Fe, % Zn, ppm Cu, ppm 1.82 1.73 101 127 23.3 26.4 determined using Egner Riehm method / nustatyta Egnerio-Riehmo metodu determined using the universal method / nustatyta universaliu metodu The experimental material was composed of one-year old budded trees of cultivar Jonica on two rootstocks P60 and M.9. Soil cultivation system in the orchard was herbicidal fallow in rows and grass in inter-rows. Apple trees were spaced at 1.5 × 3.5 m. The crowns of trees were trained in a slender spindle form. The protection of the trees was carried out according to the recommendations accepted for commercial plantations. However, no preventive spraying with calcium salts was applied. The experiment was established in a randomized blocks design, each treatment being represented by four replications plots of five trees per each. The following treatments were used in the experiment: 1. Control I (=Control/M.9) apple tree Jonica budded on rootstock M.9; 2. Control II (=Control/P60) apple tree Jonica budded on rootstock P 60; 265 3. Grafting with a bark ring in normal position (= Ring 0°) apple tree Jonica budded on P 60; a bark ring taken from the tree trunk was grafted in the same place with its polarity preserved; 4. Grafting with a bark ring in an inverted position (= Ring 180°) apple tree Jonica on rootstock P 60; a bark ring taken from a tree was inverted by 180° and grafted in an inverted position; 5. Microinterstock M.9 apple tree Jonica on rootstock P 60; a bark ring taken from the trunk was replaced with a bark ring from rootstock M.9 in the normal position; 6. Microinterstock P 22 apple tree Jonica on rootstock P 60; a bark ring taken from the tree trunk was replaced with a bark ring from rootstock P 22 in the polar position; 7. Microinterstock M.27 apple tree Jonica on rootstock P60; a bark ring taken from the tree trunk was replaced with bark ring from rootstock M.27; 8. Paclobutrazol apple tree Jonica on rootstock P 60; Paclobutrazol (Cultar) applied to the root neck in spring. No microinterstock. In May of 1996 in treatments 37 bark rings of 2 cm in width were grafted. The grafting was carried out on the whole circumference of trunk at the height of 40 cm. The treatment was conducted only in 1996 while every year in the same period Cultar (20 mg/l) was applied to the root necks of trees in the form of a lanolin ointment. Fruit and leaf samples for chemical analysis were taken directly from the trees growing in the experimental orchard while the samples of roots, bark and wood were taken from trees, which were purposefully planted on additional reserve plots. Each treatment was represented by eight samples. Tree roots were sampled during the period of tree rest (late autumn). The collected material was washed in tap water to remove soil, then rinsed in distilled water and dried. At the same time the samples of bark* and wood were separately taken from below and above the microinterstocks. Leaf samples were collected in the last 10 days of July. From each plot a sample of 100 leaves with petioles and stipules was taken from a middle part of long shoots. From each plot 25 apples were also sampled, their flesh cut in thin slices and dried at 60°C. Then all the samples were ground in a beater mill. The prepared air dry samples were subjected to wet mineralization in a mixture of nitric and perchloric acids (at ratio 3:1) and their composition was assessed using an atomic absorption spectrometer (AA 140, Varian). The measurements were listed and subjected to analysis of variance. Differences between the means were ascertained with a multiple Duncan Test, using a Statistica 6.0 program. The mean values for the combinations labeled with the same letters do not significantly differ at the significance level α = 0.05. The word bark was used for all tissues located in the trunk outside of cambium and constituting the secondary bark. It includes phloem, parenchyma of core rays and multi-annual peryderma. * 266 Results and discussion. The distribution of mineral constituents in the plant is irregular (Parups et al., 1958; Mason and Whitfield, 1960; Ford, 1966; Martin et al., 1970; Baghdadi and Sadowski, 1998). This was confirmed in the present study and was obviously due to the different functions of the particular fruit tree organs (Table 3). T a b l e 3. Mean iron, zinc and copper content in different organs of apple tree 3 l e n t e l ë. Vidutinis geleþies, cinko ir vario kiekis skirtingose obelø vaismedþiø dalyse Fe (mg kg-1 d.m.) Fruits / Vaisiai Leaves / Lapai Wood / Mediena Bark / Þievë Roots / Šaknys Zn (mg kg-1 d.m.) 22 a* 164 b 28 a 95 ab 1271 c 10 a 37 b 7a 47 b 161 c Cu (mg kg-1 d.m.) 3a 34 c 4a 27 c 17 b * Means followed by the same letter do not differ at α = 0.05; Duncans Multiply Range Test / Ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës pagal Dunkano kriterijø (α = 0,05 ) nesiskiria. Dwarfing method had no effect on leaf and fruit iron content (Tables 4 and 5). However, big differences between analyzed tree organs were found. Similar Fe distribution reported Wendt (1972), however, he found low iron content measured in roots. The reverse was true for this study, mean root Fe content reached 1271 ppm. The similar values (800 ppm) noted Baghdadi and Sadowski (1998). T a b l e 4. Influence of different dwarfing methods on iron, zinc and copper content (mg kg-1 d.m.) in fruits in 19971999 4 l e n t e l ë. Skirtingø augimà stabdanèiø metodø átaka geleþies, cinko ir vario kiekiui (mg kg -1 s.m.) vaisiuose 19971999 m. Treatment / Variantas Control/M.9 Fe (mg kg-1 d.m.) Zn (mg kg-1 d.m.) Cu (mg kg-1 d.m.) 18.5 a 5.9 a 3.6 abc 22.1 ab 5.9 a 3.8 c Ring of bark 0° 31.4 b 19.8 a 3.7 bc Ring of bark 180° 19.5 a 5.0 a 3.1 a 19.0 a 5.7 a 3.2 ab 19.3 a 19.4 a 3.1 a 17.7 a 6.1 a 3.0 a 24.3 ab 17.1 a 3.1 ab Kontrolinis variantas/M.9 Control/P 60 Kontrolinis variantas/P 60 Þievës þiedas 0° Þievës þiedas 180° Microinterstock M.9 Mikrointarpas M.9 Microinterstock P 22 Mikrointarpas P 22 Microinterstock M.27 Mikrointarpas M.27 Paclobutrazol 267 T a b l e 5. Influence of different dwarfing methods on iron, zinc and copper content (mg kg-1 d.m.) in leaves in 19961998 5 l e n t e l ë. Skirtingø augimà stabdanèiø metodø átaka geleþies, cinko ir vario kiekiui (mg kg -1 s.m.) lapuose 19961998 m. Fe (mg kg-1 d.m.) Zn (mg kg-1 d.m.) Cu (mg kg-1 d.m.) 161 a 37.4 a 32.5 a 163 a 35.6 a 31.9 a Ring of bark 0° 166 a 35.3 a 36.8 a Ring of bark 180° 157 a 37.6 a 33.7 a 149 a 37.7 a 33.8 a 185 a 40.4 a 35.0 a 158 a 37.7 a 31.8 a 175 a 37.0 a 35.4 a Treatment / Variantas Control/M.9 Kontrolinis variantas/M.9 Control/P 60 Kontrolinis variantas/P 60 Þievës þiedas 0° Þievës þiedas 180° Microinterstock M.9 Mikrointarpas M.9 Microinterstock P 22 Mikrointarpas P 22 Microinterstock M.27 Mikrointarpas M.27 Paclobutrazol . T a b l e 6. Influence of different dwarfing methods on iron, zinc and copper content (mg kg-1 d.m.) in wood of apple trees in 19961998 6 l e n t e l ë. Skirtingø augimà stabdanèiø metodø átaka geleþies, cinko ir vario kiekiui (mg kg -1 s.m.) obelø medienoje 19961998 m. Treatment / Variantas Control/P60 Kontrolinis variantas/P 60 Ring of bark 0° Þievës þiedas 0° ⇑** Ring of bark 0° Þievës þiedas 0° ⇓ Ring of bark 180° Þievës þiedas 180°⇑ Ring of bark 180° Þievës þiedas 180°⇓ Microinterstock M.9 Mikrointarpas M.9 ⇑ Microinterstock M.9 Mikrointarpas M.9 ⇓ Microinterstock P 22 Mikrointarpas P 22 ⇑ Microinterstock P 22 Mikrointarpas P 22 ⇓ Microinterstock M.27 Mikrointarpas M.27 ⇑ Microinterstock M.27 Mikrointarpas M.27 ⇓ Fe (mg kg-1 d.m.) Zn (mg kg-1 d.m.) Cu (mg kg-1 d.m.) 60.5 bc 5.2 ab 4.5 b 15.6 a 6.0 ab 3.7 a 19.6 a 7.0 ab 3.8 a 17.5 a 5.1 ab 4.1 ab 17.9 a 7.1 b 3.9 ab 62.8 c 6.9 ab 3.9 ab 30.5 ab 9.7 c 3.6 a 21.6 a 4.8 a 4.6 b 24.6 a 8.8 bc 4.3 ab 22.9 a 6.6 ab 4.7 b 32.6 ab 9.0 bc 4.7 b **⇑ - sample taken above the site of grafting / ëminys paimtas virð skiepo vietos ⇓ - sample taken below the site of grafting / ëminys paimtas þemiau skiepo vietos 268 Mean zinc and copper content was in accordance with results noted by Ostrowska et al. (1991). Used treatments, had no or little effect on leaf and fruit Zn content. Fruit zinc content showed big inter-seasonal variation (data not shown). The highest valued were recorded for 1998; it was probably caused by intensive pesticide usage. Many authors reported higher microelement content measured in bark in comparison to wood (Taylor, 1967; Zelenskaja and Èernij, 1966; Kropp et al., 1981; Wendt, 1971; Ford, 1966, Høivna et al., 1989; Hluðek et al., 1989). This study confirmed it in respect to zinc and copper; values for Fe were not significantly different. Dwarfing methods strongly influenced mineral content in all investigated organs. This was especially evident in the first year of study. During following years this effect diminished. All microinterstocks increased Fe content in bark when samples were taken below the place of grafting (Table 7). There was only exception T a b l e 7. Influence of different dwarfing methods on iron, zinc and copper content (mg kg-1 d.m.) in bark of apple trees in 19961998 7 l e n t e l ë. Skirtingø augimà stabdanèiø metodø átaka geleþies, cinko ir vario kiekiui (mg kg -1 s.m.) obelø þievëje 19961998 m. Treatment / Variantas Control/P 60 Kontrolinis variantas/P 60 Ring of bark 0° Þievës þiedas 0° ⇑ Ring of bark 0° Þievës þiedas 0° ⇓ Ring of bark 180° Þievës þiedas 180° ⇑ Ring of bark 180° Þievës þiedas 180° ⇓ Microinterstock M.9 Mikrointarpas M.9 ⇑ Microinterstock M.9 Mikrointarpas M.9 ⇓ Microinterstock P 22 Mikrointarpas P 22 ⇑ Microinterstock P 22 Mikrointarpas P 22 ⇓ Microinterstock M.27 Mikrointarpas M.27 ⇑ Microinterstock M.27 Mikrointarpas M.27 ⇓ Fe (mg kg-1 d.m.) Zn (mg kg-1 d.m.) Cu (mg kg-1 d.m.) 91 ab 29.4 a 6.7 a 81 a 37.7 b 23.4 bc 101 b 45.0 b 22.8 bc 85 a 41.3 b 34.4 c 108 b 49.5 c 23.7 bc 78 a 35.1 b 20.8 b 95 ab 62.9 d 19.6 b 81 a 24.0 a 26.6 bc 110 b 58.6 cd 31.8 bc 104 b 51.6 c 48.7 d 104 b 67.7 d 26.2 bc microinterstock M.27. The same tendency was proved for zinc (exception: ring of bark 0°) Microinterstocks favoured higher root Fe and Zn content (Table 8). The same was true for bark graft, especially for ring of bark grafted in an inverted position. This treatment especially increased root Fe content (1556 ppm) and Zn (212 ppm), whereas for non-treated trees mean values was 563 ppm and 269 30 ppm, respectively. Obtained values are much higher than reported by Ford (1966) and Baghdadi and Sadowski (1998). The most interesting fact is that vigour of trees is negatively correlated with root Zn content. The same tendency we investigated in respect to different dwarfing apple rootstocks (Skrzyñski and Gàstoù, 2005). T a b l e 8. Influence of different dwarfing methods on iron, zinc and copper content (mg kg-1 d.m.) in roots of apple trees in19961998 8 l e n t e l ë. Skirtingø augimà stabdanèiø metodø átaka geleþies, cinko ir vario kiekiui (mg kg -1 s.m.) obelø ðaknyse 19961998 m. Treatment / Variantas Control/P 60 Kontrolinis variantas/P 60 Ring of bark 0° Þievës þiedas 0° Fe (mg kg-1 d.m.) Zn (mg kg-1 d.m.) Cu (mg kg-1 d.m.) 563 a 30 a 9.7 a 859 ab 127 b 15.7 a Ring of bark 180° 1556 c 212 d 20.1 a Microinterstock M.9 1115 bc 163 bcd 13.0 a 1445 c 139 bc 18.4 a 1379 c 190 cd 21.7 a Þievës þiedas 180° Mikrointarpas M.9 Microinterstock P 22 Mikrointarpas P 22 Microinterstock M.27 Mikrointarpas M.27 According to Cutting and Lyne (1993), due to girdling and reducing phloem transport, root activity and development was reduced. The capacity to uptake some elements decreased. This probably could change the balance in the content of elements in roots. Another explanation is lower dilution of microelements in smaller root system. Conclusions. 1. The highest amounts of iron and zinc were measured in roots, whereas the highest level of Cu was investigated in leaves and bark samples. 2. Additional dwarfing methods significantly influenced mineral content in all investigated apple tree parts. 3. Zn content in roots negatively correlated with the vigour of investigated trees. 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Skrzyñski Santrauka Straipsnyje pateikti Jonica veislës obelø skirtingø vaismedþiø daliø biocheminës analizës rezultatai. Vaismedþiø augimas buvo stabdytas panaudojant M.9 ir P 60 poskiepius, papildomai skiepijant þievës þiedu (normali ir atvirkðtinë padëtis), mikrointarpais (M.9, P 22, M.27) ir purðkiant augimo retardantu (Paclobutrazol). Mikrointarpas yra papildomas augimo stabdymo bûdas, kai nuo þemaûgio poskiepio nupjaunamas þievës þiedas ir áskiepijamas á vaismedþio kamienà. 19961999 metais buvo paimti kiekvieno varianto vaisiø, lapø, medienos, þievës ir ðaknø bandiniai ir atominës absorbcijos spektroskopu nustatytas geleþies, vario bei cinko kiekis juose. Didþiausia geleþies koncentracija buvo ðaknyse (1271 mg·kg-1 s.m.), maþesnë lapuose (164 mg·kg-1 s.m.) ir maþiausia þievëje, medienoje ir vaisiuose (atitinkamai 95, 28 ir 22 mg·kg-1 s.m.). Daugiausia vario rasta lapø ir þievës bandiniuose (33.9 mg·kg-1 s.m. ir 27.3 mg·kg-1 s.m.), maþiausiai medienoje ir vaisiuose (4.2 mg·kg-1 s.m. ir 3.4 mg·kg-1 s.m.). Vidutinis cinko kiekis ávairavo nuo 161 mg·kg-1 s.m. (ðaknyse) iki 7.0 mg·kg-1 s.m. (medienoje). Mikroelementø kiekiui lapuose augimo stabdymo metodas neturëjo átakos arba ji buvo nereikðminga. Taèiau labai skirtingi duomenys gauti skirtingais metø laikais. Þievës analizë parodë, kad skiepijimas þievës þiedu ir mikrointarpai lëmë didesnæ mikroelementø koncentracijà, ypaè þemiau skiepo vietos. Skiepijimas þievës þiedu ir mikrointarpai reikðmingai padidino geleþies ir cinko kieká ðaknyse (net 6 kartus, palyginti su kontroliniais vaismedþiais). Cinko kiekis ðaknyse neigiamai koreliavo su tirtø vaismedþiø augumu. Vario kaupimasis ðaknyse irgi buvo diferencijuotas, taèiau skirtumai nereikðmingi. Mikroelementø koncentracija ðaknyse skirtingais metø laikais labai skyrësi. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Malus × domestica Borkh., poskiepiai, þievës skiepo mikrointarpai, þievë, lapai, ðaknys, mineralø kiekis vaisiuose. 272 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 273282. CADMIUM RESISTANCE OF APPLE ROOTSTOCKS M.9 AND B.396 IN VITRO Jurga SAKALAUSKAITË1, Graþina STANIENË1, Vidmantas STANYS1, Povilas DUCHOVSKIS1, Giedrë SAMUOLIENË 1, Kæstutis BARANAUSKIS 1, Akvilë URBONAVIÈIÛTË1, Viktor REVIN2, Aleksandr LUKATKIN2 1 Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr. Lithuania. E-mail: The Mordovia N.P. Ogariov State University, Botany and Plant Physiology Department, Bolshevistskaja str., 68, Saransk, Russia. E-mail: 2 The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of cadmium ions on growth of appletree rootstocks M.9 and B.396, photosynthesis apparatus development and synthesis of carbohydrates in vitro. Cadmium ions hindered the microshoots growth of rootstock M.9 more as compared to rootstock B.396. Statistically significant decrease in chlorophyll a was determined in the leaves, when inconsiderable amount of CdSO4 was added into the growth medium. Chlorophyll b and carotenoids content in the microshoot leaves depended on cadmium content in the growth medium and genetic nature of rootstocks. Cadmium induced accumulation of fructose and sucrose in the leaves of both rootstocks. Furthermore, synthesis of maltose was initiated in the microshoot leaves of rootstock M.9 when 10 ìM CdSO4 was added into the growth medium, while glucose, galactose and maltose were being accumulated, when rootstock B.396 was treated with 5 and 10 µM CdSO4. Rootstocks M.9 and B.396 responded differently to cadmium impact. Cadmium had greater impact on microshoot growth, pigment content and sugar alternation in leaves of rootstock M.9 than B.396. Key words: cadmium (Cd), in vitro, mono- and disacharide, pigment, rootstock M.9 and B.396. Introduction. Toxic metals affect various morphological, physiological and biochemical processes in plants. The most pronounced effect of heavy metals on plant development is the inhibition of growth (Davies 1991; Ouzounidou et al.1997; Pahlsson 1990). Exposure to almost any heavy metal, including cadmium, results in visible symptoms of injury that can be directly linked to the inhibition of photosynthesis, respiration, and restricted water and nutrient uptake (Costa and Morel 273 1994; Sanita di Topi and Gabbrielli, 1999). Toxic levels of cadmium ions inhibit the activity of many enzymes, particularly those involved in photosynthesis (Van Assche and Clijsters 1990; Chugh and Sawhney, 1999; Krupa, 1999), decrease the chlorophyll content (Somashekaraiah et al., 1992) and cause an oxidative stress (Stroiski and Kozlowska 1997; Stohs et al., 2000; Sandalio et al., 2001). The inhibition of photosynthesis by Cd is well documented. It is therefore reasonable to expect effects on the sugars formation. But at present, information about the effects of Cd on carbohydrate content and distribution is not clear (Moya et al. 1993). Greger and Bertell (1992) showed that the contents of sugars in sugar beet roots and shoots decreased in Cd-treated plants. On the other hand, Greger et al. (1991) found that Cd supplies either decreased or increased the contents of soluble sugars and starch in sugar beets depending on the manner in which nutrients and Cd were supplied to the plants. One of the indicators, which allow to establish plant adaptation possibilities, can be photosynthesis apparatus activity and the photosynthetic pigment content in plant leaves. It is determined that Cd reduces chlorophyll accumulation in leaves (Lagriffoul et al., 1998; Sarvari, 1999), and carotenoids are less sensitive to Cd impact (Neelu et al., 2000). In vitro system can be a proper model applied in investigation of contaminant substances impact on horticultural plants. The aim of the study to estimate the impact of Cd ions on apple tree rootstocks M.9 and B.396 regeneration, photosynthesis apparatus development and carbohydrates synthesis in vitro. Materials and methods. Two apple-tree rootstocks M.9 and B.396 were used in experiment. Shoots were taken from in vitro culture, grown in Murashige and Skoog (1962) growth medium supplemented with 4.4 mM 6-benzilaminopurine (6-BAP) and 3% sucrose. Microshoots were replanted into the same growth medium with different amount of CdSO4 2.5; 5; 10; 25; 50; 100; 200; 500; 1000; 1500; 2000 ìM. A photoperiod of 16 h was used. Light flux at 50 mmol m-2s-1 and air temperature at 21-25 oC was maintained throughout the experiment. LF-type luminescence lamps were used for illumination. A total of 32 explants were used per 4 replicates treatment. Microshoots were grown for one month in the growth medium with different CdSO4 content, and then evaluation of shoot growth, morphogenesis, colour of leaves and chemical analysis were performed. Chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids content per mass unit of green foliage were measured in 100% acetone extract prepared according to Wettstein method (Wettstein, 1957) using Genesys 6 spectrophotometer (ThermoSpectronic, USA). Measurements were done in three replicates. To estimate mono- and disacharide content samples were prepared as follows: 1-2 g of fresh tissue per sample was ground and diluted with 4 mL bidistilled water. The samples were pre-purified using 0.2 µm syringe filters. Analysis of fructose, glucose, galactose, sucrose and maltose was performed on a Shimadzu HPLC system (model 10A) equipped with refractive index detector (RID 10A), column oven (CTO-10AS VP), degasser (DGU-14A) and pump (LC-10AT VP). Separations and the determinations were performed on an Adsorbosil NH2-column (150mm x 4.6mm). Mobile phase: 274 70% acetonitrile. Flow rate: 1mL/min. Measurements were done in five replicates. All data were analyzed by ANOVA for MS Excel v. 3.43 Fishers LSD test procedure (Pd0.05)). Results. Growth of rootstock M.9 shoots was not affected by low (2.5-5.0 µM) CdSO4 concentrations. However, 10-100 µM amounts of CdSO4 resulted in significant depression of microshoots growth, while total growth inhibition was observed under 200-2000 µM of CdSO4 (Table 1). Suchlike growth dependence on CdSO4 amount was determined for rootstock 62-396 as well, thought no growth alteration occurred under 10 µM (Table 2). T a b l e 1. The shoot growth of apple-tree rootstock M.9 under different content of CdSO4 in the growth medium in vitro 1 l e n t e l ë. Obelø poskiepio M.9 ûgliø augimas, esant skirtingoms CdSO 4 koncentracijoms augimo terpëje in vitro CdSO4 concentration koncentracija, ìM Shoot Shoot length Shoots with Shoots with number Shoots with after one green leaves green-brown brown leaves after one leaves Ûgliai su month month Pasodintø Ûgliai su þaliai Ûgliai su rudais Ûgliø ilgis po aliais lapais, Ûgliø rudais lapais, ûgliø ilgis, lapais, % % skaièius po mën., mm mm % mën., % Planted shoot length 0 (control / 7.56±0.56 14.13±1.21 pH 5.98) kontrolë 100 0 0 287.5 2.5 9.50±0.33 13.31±0.76 100 0 0 262.5 5.0 8.44±0.48 13.50±1.21 68.7 31.2 0 281.2 10 9.19±0.49 9.25±0.48 0 100 0 100 25 7.38±0.47 7.38±0.47 0 100 0 100 50 8.94±0.64 9.56±0.64 0 62.5 37.5 100 100 8.44±0.59 8.50±0.62 0 31.3 68.7 100 200 8.56±0.52 8.56±0.52 0 50.0 50.0 100 500 8.75±0.62 8.75±0.65 0 12.5 87.5 100 1000 8.06±0.52 8.06±0.52 0 6.3 93.7 100 1500 8.69±0.56 8.69±0.56 0 0 100 100 2000 7.88±0.54 7.88±054 0 0 100 100 The shoot number doubled in Cd-free medium after a month of in vitro growth. The number of shoots somewhat increased under low amounts (2.5-5.0 µM) of CdSO 4 as well. Shoot proliferation was fully suppressed whenever CdSO 4 concentration exceeded 10 µM. At 14 day after replanting microshoot leaves turned yellow under 2.5-5.0 µM and turned brown under >10 µM amounts of CdSO4. One month exposure to low and average amounts of CdSO4 resulted in overall brownish 275 green or brown foliage, except for M.9 rootstock, which remained healthy green under 2.5µM CdSO4 concentration. However, almost all microshoots died after a month if grown under 500-2000 µM CdSO4 concentrations (Table 1, 2). T a b l e 2. The shoot growth of apple-tree rootstock B.396 under different content of CdSO4 the growth medium in vitro 2 l e n t e l ë. CdSO4 concentration koncentracija, ìM Obelø poskiepio B.396 ûgliø augimas, esant skirtingoms CdSO 4 koncentracijoms augimo terpëje in vitro Shoots with Shoot Shoot length number greenShoots with Shoots with after one brown green leaves brown leaves after one month leaves month Ûgliai su þaliais Ûgliai su rudais Pasodintø Ûgliø ilgis po Ûgliai su Ûgliø ûgliø ilgis, lapais, % lapais, % aliai rudais skaièius po mën., mm mm lapais, % mën., % Planted shoot length 0 (control / 5.69±0.41 11.44±1.06 5.98) kontrolë pH 100 0 0 206.2 2.5 6.69±0.25 15.31±1.65 81.3 18.7 0 218.7 5.0 7.38±0.46 12.75±0.90 25.0 75.0 0 168.7 10 7.75±0.42 10.58±0.65 37.5 62.5 0 118.7 25 7.88±0.41 7.88±0.41 0 100 0 100 50 5.69±0.44 5.75±0.42 0 25.0 75.0 100 100 5.44±0.36 5.56±0.40 0 25.0 75.0 100 200 6.19±0.54 6.19±0.54 0 12.5 87.5 100 500 5.44±0.29 5.44±0.29 0 0 100 100 1000 6.13±0.38 6.13±0.38 0 0 100 100 1500 5.06±0.43 5.06±0.43 0 0 100 100 2000 5.50±0.38 5.50±0.38 0 0 100 100 The shoot number doubled in Cd-free medium after a month of in vitro growth. The number of shoots somewhat increased under low amounts (2.5-5.0 µM) of CdSO 4 as well. Shoot proliferation was fully suppressed whenever CdSO 4 concentration exceeded 10 µM. At 14 day after replanting microshoot leaves turned yellow under 2.5-5.0 µM and turned brown under >10 µM amounts of CdSO4. One month exposure to low and average amounts of CdSO4 resulted in overall brownish green or brown foliage, except for M.9 rootstock, which remained healthy green under 2.5 µM CdSO4 concentration. However, almost all microshoots died after a month if grown under 500-2000 µM CdSO4 concentrations (Table 1, 2). In general, cadmium decreased chlorophyll a content in the leaves of apple-tree rootstocks M.9 and B.396. Significant decrease in chlorophyll a content was observed under all Cd levels in the leaves of treated microshoots, except for rootstock B.396, 276 where no significant changes were determined under 25 µM amount of CdSO4 (Table 3). T a b l e 3. Photosynthetic pigment content in the leaf tissue of apple-tree rootstock M.9 and B.396 under different CdSO4 concentration in the growth medium in vitro 3 l e n t e l ë. CdSO4 concentration koncentracija, Obelø poskiepiø M.9 ir B.396 fotosintetiniø pigmentø kiekis lapuose, esant skirtingoms CdSO 4 koncentracijoms augimo terpëje in vitro Photosynthetic pigment content / Fotosintetiniø pigmentø kiekis, mg g-1 FW a µM b carotenoids karotinoidai a/b a rootstock / poskiepis M.9 b carotenoids karotinoidai a/b rootstock / poskiepis B.396 Control/Kontrolë 2.5 5 10 25 50 100 200 1.06 0.76 0.63 0.85 0.46 0.50 0.28 0.36 0.36 0.30 0.25 0.35 0.17 0.21 0.13 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.22 0.28 0.18 0.22 0.11 0.12 3.00 2.55 2.50 2.39 2.63 2.40 2.21 2.25 1.65 1.28 1.30 1.08 1.46 1.38 1.32 0.93 0.58 0.45 0.45 0.35 0.52 0.54 0.52 0.37 0.51 0.39 0.41 0.35 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.34 2.84 2.86 2.92 3.06 2.80 2.58 2.53 2.52 LSD05 / R05 0.18 0.07 0.06 0.38 0.25 0.09 0.08 0.19 Suchlike impact of Cd ions on chlorophyll b content in the leaves of both rootstocks was observed as well. The greatest amounts of chlorophyll b was determined in rootstocks M.9 and B.396 control microshoots, 0.36 and 0.58 mg g-1 of fresh weight (FW) on average, respectively. However, no significant differences from control plants were determined in the leaves of M.9 rootstock under 2.5 and 10 µM and in the leaves of rootstock B.396 under 25-100 µM Cd levels (Table 3). In general, chlorophylls a to b ratios dercreased with increasing CdSO4 concentration in the leaves of rootstock M.9. Furthermore, all treatments resulted in significant decrease of such ratio, except for 25 µM Cd treatment. In the case of rootstock B.396, greater chlorophylls a to b ratios were observed in the control plants as well as under 2.5-25 µM CdSO4 concentrations than for those treated with other amounts of Cd (Table 3). The greatest amounts of carotenoids were determined in control plants of rootstocks M.9 and B.396 as well. 0.33 and 0.51 mg g-1 FW on average, respectively. However, no significant differences from control plants were observed in 25-100 µM Cd-treated B.396 rootstock plant leaves, while Cd treatment of M.9 rootstock plants resulted in significant decrease in carotenoids content under all, but 10 µM amount of CdSO4 (Table 3). Low amounts of CdSO4 induced the accumulation of fructose and sucrose in rootstock M.9 microshoots leaves, while glucose or galactose was not detected. Accumulation of maltose occurred if amount of CdSO4 have exceeded 10 µM. Cd 277 induced the accumulation of fructose and sucrose in rootstock B.396 leaves tissue as well. Furthermore, low amounts of glucose, galactose and maltose were determined in microshoots leaves grown under 2.5 and 5 µM CdSO4 (Table 4). T a b l e 4. Sugars synthesis in the leaf tissue of apple-tree rootstocks M9 and B.396 under different CdSO4 concentration in the growth medium in vitro 4 l e n t e l ë. Cukrø sintezë obelø poskiepiø M.9 ir B.396 lapuose, esant skirtingoms CdSO 4 jonø koncentracijoms augimo terpëje in vitro CdSO4 concentration koncentracija, ìM Sugars concentration / Cukrø kiekis, mg g-1 fructose glucose galactose sucrose maltose fruktozë gliukozë Gglaktozë sacharozë maltozë Rootstock / Poskiepis M.9 Control / Kontrolë 0.38 0 0 0.20 0 2.5 5 10 10.24 8.71 9.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.48 3.10 3.65 0 0 1.46 Control / Kontrolë 2.5 5 25 50 5.61 16.99 16.19 13.79 11.59 1.55 9.45 8.08 4.33 1.09 0 0.19 0.13 0 0 Rootstock / Poskiepis B.396 0 0 0.14 0.25 0.15 0.48 0 0 0 0 Discussion. It was well established that high internal Cd concentration disturbed almost all physiological processes in plants (Barcelo and Poschenrieder, 1990; Van Asshe and Clijsters, 1990; Krupa and Baszynski, 1995; Siedlecka, 1995). Cd inhibits the photosynthetic rate as the extent of Cd toxicity depends on applied concentration, features of species or cultivars, the age of leaves and the stage of plant development (Baszynski et al., 1980; Becerril et al., 1989; Costa and Morel, 1994; Vassilev et al., 1995; Lang et al., 1995). The Cd effect on the photosynthetic system and sugar accumulation was more expressed in M.9 that in B.396 rootstock plants. In general, Cd reduced pigment content in plastids. In contrast to flax callus, which still grew on growth medium supplemented by 100-1000 µM of CdSO4 in vitro (Chakravarty and Srivastava, 1997), our investigated apple-tree rootstocks were sensitive to Cd contamination as plant growth in vitro was suppressed or even arrested at such levels of Cd. Photosynthetic pigment synthesis was inhibited in the leaves of M.9 and B.396 apple-tree rootstocks as a result of Cd presence. Most of authors revealed that chlorophyll a is more sensitive to Cd impact than chlorophyll b or carotenoids (Vassilev and Yordanov, 1995; Neelu et al., 2000). According to our results chlorophyll a and b responded differently to adverse Cd impact. Chlorophylls a to b ratio in apple-tree rootstock M.9 leaves decreased with increasing CdSO4 concentration. As the chlorophylls a to b ratio increased in the leaves of B.396 apple-tree rootstocks, it 278 could be assumed that chlorophyll b was more sensitive than chlorophyll a if B.396 plants were grown under 5 and 10 µM amounts of CdSO4. It was shown that chlorophyll content in Cd treated plants is reduced due to inhibition of its biosynthesis (Stobart et al., 1985). Such disturbance is determined by the inhibition of 5-aminolaevulinic acid synthesis and by the prevention of formation of photoactive protochlorophyllide reductase complex. Furthermore, other studies revealed that the decrease in Mg and Fe content in plant leaves occurred due to Cd treatment (Breckle and Kahle, 1992; Rubio et al., 1994). Krupa et al. (1995) showed that 50 µM amount of Cd induced Fe deficiency and decreased chlorophyll content in bean plants by 55%. Presence of heavy metals alters carbohydrate accumulation and distribution in plants. As observed by Moya et al. (1993), Cd significantly increased the carbohydrates content in rice shoots. Our study revealed that Cd significantly increased the content of fructose and sucrose in leaves of both investigated rootstocks. Thus, content of fructose increased by a factor of 23-27 and sucrose by a factor of 15-18 in M.9 rootstock leaves as compared to control plants. Meanwhile the content of fructose and sucrose in the leaves of B.396 rootstocks increased by a factor of 3 and 2-6, respectively. Such phenomenon is likely related to suppressed plant growth (Greger et al., 1991) or retarded transport of photoassimilates in plants exposed to heavy metals (Rauser, 1978; Samarakoon and Rauser, 1979). Greger et al. (1991) proposed that the decrease in growth-intended utilization of carbohydrate caused by heavy metals is more pronounced than the decrease in CO2 fixation, resulting in an increased accumulation of carbohydrates. Conclusions. 1. Even low amounts of Cd in the growth medium suppressed proliferation and growth of vegetative rootstocks, and inhibited chlorophyll a biosynthesis in vitro. Chlorophyll b and carotenoids were less sensitive to the Cd impact. 2. Cd induced the accumulation of fructose and sucrose in the leaves of appletree rootstocks M.9 and B.396. The synthesis of maltose (rootstocks M.9 and B.396), glucose (rootstock B.396) and µM of Cd were present in the growth medium. 3. The apple-tree rootstock M.9 was more sensitive to the Cd impact than rootstock B.396. 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Net ir nedidelis CdSO4 kiekis maitinamojoje terpëje chlorofilo a kieká lapuose sumaþino ið esmës. Chlorofilo b ir karotinoidø kiekis mikroûgliø lapuose priklausë nuo Cd koncentracijos auginimo terpëje ir poskiepio genetinës prigimties. Cd skatino fruktozës ir sacharozës kaupimàsi abiejø poskiepiø lapuose. Kai terpëje CdSO4 koncentracija buvo 10 µM, M.9 poskiepio mikroûgliø lapuose pradëjo kauptis maltozë, kai 5 ir 10 µM B.396 poskiepio lapuose kaupësi gliukozë, galaktozë ir maltozë. Poskiepiai M.9 ir B.396 skirtingai reagavo á Cd poveiká: Cd turëjo didesnës átakos mikroûgliø augimui, pigmentø kiekiui ir cukrø kitimams M.9 poskiepio lapuose nei B.396 poskiepio. Reikðminiai þodþiai: in vitro, kadmis (Cd), mono- ir disacharidai, pigmentai, M.9 ir B.396 poskiepiai. 282 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 283291. BIOMASS PRODUCTION, DRY WEIGHT PARTITIONING AND LEAF AREA OF APPLE ROOTSTOCKS UNDER DROUGHT STRESS Jurga SAKALAUSKAITË, Darius KVIKLYS, Juozas LANAUSKAS, Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno str. 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: The influence of water deficiency on apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) rootstocks was investigated at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2005. Trial was conducted with 10 rootstocks: Antonowka seedling, MM.106, M.26, B.118, M.9, P 60, P 59, P 2, B.396, and P 22 under three soil moisture regimes. After an initial period of growth under wellwatered conditions the amount of irrigation was gradually reduced in order to simulate natural drying in the soil. Biometric indices assimilation area, fresh and dry weight of leaves, shoots and roots were measured after 5 weeks of the experiment. Moderate drought stress suppressed the accumulation of fresh and dry weight in all investigated rootstocks, except seedling rootstock, where accumulation of fresh and dry weight was induced. Moderate drought also induced the growth of leaves of seedling rootstock, MM 106, and P 59. Severe drought negatively affected the accumulation of fresh and dry weight of all apple rootstocks. Reduction to 50% was determined in comparison to control plants. Severe drought induced premature leaves senescence and shedding. Water stress altered partitioning of dry mass, especially under severe drought stress. Higher allocation of total plant dry weight into shoots and roots instead of leaves was observed under severe drought stress. According to fresh and dry weight accumulation, P 22, B.118, P 60 and seedling rootstocks were the most drought resistant. M.26, M.9, P 2 and B.396 rootstocks were the most sensitive to water deficiency. According to leaf area changes, M.26, P 2 and B.396 rootstocks were the most drought sensitive. Moderate drought stress did not affect leaf area of seedling, MM.106, B.118, M.9, P 59, and P 22 rootstocks. Key words: Malus x domestica, fresh and dry weight, rootstock, water stress. Introduction. Different rootstock genotypes have different adaptability to various climatic and soil conditions. More dwarfing rootstocks have shallower root system and usually in commercial growing they are used to be irrigated. Nevertheless, rootstock performance under water deficiency is different. Though, there is only limited information on the drought tolerance of apple rootstocks (Wertheim, 1998), some researches established that P 22 rootstock seems to be more suitable to soils with a low content of water than P 16 (Klamkowski, Treder, 2002). There are reports that M.111 and M.26 rootstocks show good drought tolerance (Atkinson et al., 2000; 283 Ferree, Carlson, 1987). Drought tolerance of M.9 rootstock is also highly evaluated (Fernandez et al., 1997; Klamkowski, Treder, 2002). There was established that P 60 rootstock under Lithuanian climatic conditions does not need irrigation (Duchovskis et al., 2000; Kviklys, Petronis, 2000). Periods of soil water deficit of varying length and severity commonly occur during the growing season. Drought is one of the most severe environmental stresses and affects almost all the plant functions (Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki et al., 2002). Since water stress can reduce plant growth, soil water availability may thus be an important production determinant (Schulze, 1986). Water deficit can affect plants in different ways. In the frame of physiological window mild drought induces in plants regulation of water loss and uptake, allowing maintenance of their leaf relative water content within the limits where photosynthetic capacity and quantum yield show little or no change. The most severe form of water deficit is desiccation when most of the protoplasmic water is lost and only a very small amount of tightly bound water remains in the cell (Yordanov, 2003). Productivity of crops under drought stress condition is strongly related to the processes of dry matter partitioning in the plant and the spatial and temporal root distribution (Kage et al., 2004). Water stress, however, can affect the growth of each plant organ differently, and the pattern of dry mass accumulation within the plant may thus be altered (Atkinson et al., 1998). The development of crop leaf area is controlled by the amount of assimilates allocated to the leaves and determines radiation interception and therefore transpiration and assimilate production (Jones, 1992; Campbell, Norman, 1998). An optimal partitioning of dry matter between root and shoot, and the further separation of aboveground dry matter between the vegetative and generative organs has crucial importance for crop yield under drought stress conditions. Drought stress mostly reduces leaf growth and increased dry matter allocation into the root fraction, leading to a declining shoot/root-ratio (Wilson, 1988). The yield effect of this adaptation process, however, depends strongly upon time and extends of drought stress (Campbell, Turner, 1990). The aim of the present study was to investigate biometric changes of apple rootstocks induced by drought stress grown under natural weather condition, but with controlled water regime. Materials and methods. 1-year-old apple rootstocks (Antonowka seedling, MM.106, M.26, B.118, M.9, P60, P59, P 2, B.396, P 22) were planted in early vegetative growth phase in plastic pots. 10 different rootstocks were potted in each pot. Potted trees were grown outdoors under natural weather conditions and watered equally until midsummer. Potted rootstocks were transferred to plastic greenhouse when drought stress treatment was initiated. Three soil moisture regimes were created: 2030 kPa (control), 4050 kPa and >70 kPa. Rootstocks were grown under such conditions for 5 weeks. Moisture content in the soil was measured by tensiometer. Biometric measurements were done at the end of experiment. Whole plants of each rootstock were harvested, and then the individual plant samples were divided into stems, leaves and roots. Roots were washed and cleaned from organic debris. Plant tissues were oven-dried at 105°C for 24 h to determine dry weight. Leaf area meter WinDias (U.K) was used for assimilation area measurements. Experiment was carried out in four replications. 284 Statistical analysis was performed using one-way and two-way ANOVA. Means were separated by Fishers Least Significant Difference (P≤0.05 and P≤0.01) and Duncans Multiple Range t-test procedure (P≤0.05). Results. Drought stress significantly decreased the accumulation of total fresh and dry weight on the average of all rootstocks (Table 1). Significant differences were recorded for all watering regimes. T a b l e 1. The total fresh and dry weight of apple rootstocks under different drought treatment, g (the average of ten rootstocks) 1 l e n t e l ë. Bendra poskiepiø þalia ir sausa masë, esant skirtingiems drëgmës reþimams, g (deðimties poskiepiø vidurkis) Fresh weight / alia masë Dry weight / Sausa masë 20–30 (control / kontrolë) 40–50 >70 90.97 64.54 51.56 41.92 30.43 25.43 LSD05/R05 LSD01/R01 5.56 7.37 2.67 3.53 Drought treatment /Sausros reimas, kPa According to accumulation of fresh and dry weight apple rootstocks responded differently to drought stress (Table 2, 3). The accumulation of fresh weight was inhibited in all rootstocks exposed to moderate water stress, except seedlings that accumulated about 30% more of fresh weight as compared to control plants (2030 kPa). At the same regime fresh weight accumulation in rootstocks M.26, M.9 and P 2 was suppressed by 50%. T a b l e 2. Total fresh weight of apple rootstocks exposed to different water stress, g 2 l e n t e l ë. Obelø poskiepiø bendra þalia masë, esant skirtingiems drëgmës reþimams, g Rootstock / Poskiepiai Seedling / Sëklinis MM.106 M.26 B.118 M.9 P 60 P 59 P2 B.396 P 22 Drought treatment / Sausros reimas, kPa 20–30 (control / kontrolë) 40–50 >70 62.51 a 93.32 a 74.05 a 87.08 a 130.57 a 98.32 a 97.50 a 95.12 a 92.11 a 79.17 a 79.54 a 67.81 ab 42.75 b 71.94 ab 70.34 b 73.43 a 88.08 a 45.11 b 55.51 b 50.90 a 52.64 a 49.28 b 41.50 b 40.46 b 56.18 b 62.20 a 55.06 b 44.44 b 56.18 b 57.75 a Means in the line marked with the same letter do not differ significantly at P≤0.05 Ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës eilutëje ið esmës nesiskiria (P≤0,05). 285 Under severe drought (>70 kPa), total fresh weight accumulation of rootstocks MM.106, M.26, M.9, P 59, P 2 and B.396 significantly decreased as compared to control plants. There were no significant differences between all watering regimes in total fresh weight of P 22, seedling, and P 60 rootstocks. Similar tendencies of dry weight variation were determined too. At the end of experiment, the dry weight accumulation of stressed apple rootstocks tended to decrease with the intensity of drought stress (Table 3). Under the severe stress at the end of the experiment, total dry weight accumulation in rootstocks dropped to 50%. At the end of the experiment, total dry weight of M.9, P 2, M.26 and B.396 rootstocks under moderate and severe drought significantly decreased. The total dry weight of P 59 and MM.106 rootstock significantly decreased only in severe drought. There were no significant differences between all watering regimes in the total dry weight of P 22, seedling, B.118 and P 60 rootstocks. T a b l e 3. Total dry weight of apple rootstocks exposed to different water stress, g 3 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock / Poskiepiai Seedling / Sëklinis MM.106 M.26 B.118 M.9 P 60 P 59 P2 B.396 P 22 Obelø poskiepiø bendra sausa masë, esant skirtingiems drëgmës reþimams, g Drought treatment / Sausros reimas, kPa 20–30 (control / kontrolë) 40–50 >70 29.08a 43.50a 34.59a 40.70a 61.16a 45.55a 41.29a 44.24a 42.32a 36.79a 37.92a 30.59a 20.61a 34.09a 35.06b 33.63a 38.30a 21.32b 27.87b 24.94a 26.74a 24.53a 21.23a 21.12a 29.54b 29.02a 24.46b 21.62b 25.94b 30.08a Means in the line marked with the same letter do not differ significantly at P≤0.05 Ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës eilutëje ið esmës nesiskiria (P≤0,05). Water stress altered the partitioning of rootstock dry mass (Fig. 1). Partitioning of total plant dry weight to leaves of seedling, MM.106 and M.9 rootstocks were greater under moderate water stress. The accumulation of total dry weight to shoots was more induced in rootstocks P 59 and P 2. Partitioning of total plant dry weight to roots of B.396 and P 60 rootstocks was greater under moderate water stress. While partitioning of total dry mass of rootstocks M.26 and B.118 was not altered under moderate water stress. Higher allocation of total plant dry weight to shoots and roots instead to leaves was considerably expressed in all rootstocks under severe drought stress. 286 F i g. 1. Dry weight partitioning into various organs of apple rootstocks exposed to different water stress, % 1 p a v. Sausos masës pasiskirstymas ávairiose obels poskiepiø dalyse, % 287 The moderate drought stress stimulated growth of leaves of seedling, MM.106, M.9, P 59 and P 22 rootstocks as compared to control plants (Fig. 2). Other rootstocks B.118, P 60, M.26, B.396 and P 2 shed accordingly 10%, 20%, 40%, 45% and 50% of the leaves under moderate water stress. The severe drought induced premature leaves senescence and shedding of all rootstocks. It was determined 30-80% leave loss of various rootstocks exposed to severe drought. According to leave area changes the most sensitive rootstocks to drought stress were M.26, B.396 and P 2. F i g. 2. Changes in leaf area of apple rootstocks under moderate (40-50 kPa) and severe (>70 kPa) drought stress. The values are expressed as a percentage variation of total leave area in (20-30 kPa) control treatment, % 2 p a v. Poskiepiø lapø ploto pokytis, esant skirtingiems drëgmës reþimams. Vertës iðreikðtos kaip procentinis pokytis poskiepiø, augusiø normaliomis drëgmës sàlygomis, % Discussion. The drought treatment resulted in large decrease in total fresh weight of all apple rootstocks. Rootstock fresh weight declined with increasing soil drying for the majority of rootstocks tested. Even moderate drought stress inhibited the accumulation of fresh weight, except seedling rootstock. The total fresh weight decreased significantly for semi-dwarf M.26 and dwarf M.9, P 2 and B.396 rootstocks, though in some experiments higher drought resistance of M.26 was recorded (Atkinson et al., 1998). Consequently, drought-induced decreases of rootstocks fresh weight were accompanied by reduction in total dry weight. Total dry weight of all rootstocks declined with increasing soil drying. Tested rootstocks can be grouped into two separate groups according to decreased total dry weight at the end of experiment: rootstocks MM.106, M.26, B.118, M.9, P 60, P 59, P 2 and B.396, which dry weight declined by 40-50%, and another group seedling rootstock and P 22, which dry weight declined by 10-20 %, compared to control plants. Higher drought resistance of P 22 rootstock was noted in Polish trials, though it was less resistant as M.9 (Klamkowski, Treder, 2002). Our study results showed opposite tendency super dwarfing P 22 was more resistant to water deficiency as dwarfing and semi dwarfing rootstocks. Soil moisture changes not only affect the plant biomass dry weight, but also the distribution of assimilates to roots and shoots (Amdt et al., 2001; Ranney et al., 1990). Under the influence of hormones synthesized in the leaves and roots in response to drought, changes occur in the allocation of assimilates, the ratio of shoot to root 288 growth is altered (Larcher, 1995). In our investigation drought also affected dry matter partitioning, resulting in more dry matter partitioning to root or shoot systems. Even moderate water stress induces intensive dry weight accumulation in shoots or roots of rootstocks P 59, P 2 and B.396. Usually above ground plant growth decreased by changes in biomass partitioning that favoured root system development. Thus plants can exploit the limiting water resource in a more efficient way by increasing the proportion of water absorbing root biomass relatively to the water-loosing leaf biomass (Duan et al., 2005; Li, 1999; Yanbao Lei et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2004). Such tendencies were noted in our trial too. Under severe drought stress apple rootstocks had lower values of leaf area than the well-watered controls, indicating that drought induced premature leave senescence and shedding. Under moderate water stress differences in the growth of leaves were recorded between various rootstocks: seedling rootstock increased its leaf area by 50%, MM.106 10%, M.9 5%, P 59 25%, P 22 6%, while other rootstocks M.26, B.118, P 60, P 2, B.396 shed leaves to some extent. Dwarf rootstocks P 2 and B.396 decreased their leaf area to a great extent under moderate water stress. Among the 10 used apple rootstocks, leaf area of super dwarfing P 22 and dwarfing P 60 were least affected by drought stress. Good performance of the latter rootstock in not irrigated orchards was noted in our previous trials (Duchovskis et al,. 2000; Kviklys, Petronis, 2000). This could be ascribed to their low stomatal conductance, which enabled the plants to control water status restrictively when water uptake by the root was curtailed as the soil dried. According Atkinson (2002) for the range of rootstocks examined, stomatal conductance was generally greater for the more growth invigorating rootstocks than for the restricting. There was no relationship between rootstock drought hardiness and ability of the rootstock to control scion vigour. Semi dwarf M.26, dwarf M.9, P 2 and B.396 rootstocks were more sensitive to water deficiency as super dwarf P 22 and P 59 rootstocks. Such findings are confirmed by other trials too (Atkinson, 2000). Our results confirm the existence of genetic differences in the fresh and dry matter accumulation, dry matter allocation and leave area as affected by water stress. These variations in drought responses may be used as criteria for rootstock selection and tree improvement. Conclusions. Rootstock fresh and dry weight declined with increasing soil drying. According to fresh and dry weight accumulation, M.26, M.9, P 2 and B.396 rootstocks are the most drought sensitive. MM.106 and P 59 rootstocks reacted negatively only in severe drought conditions. P 22, B.118, P 60 and seedling rootstock were most resistance to water deficiency. According to leaf area changes, M.26, P 2 and B.396 rootstocks were the most drought sensitive. Moderate drought stress did not affect leaf area of seedling, MM.106, B.118, M.9, P 59, and P 22 rootstocks. Thought severe drought conditions decreased leaf area of all rootstocks, P 22 and P 60 rootstocks were less affected. Higher allocation of total plant dry weight into shoots and roots instead of leaves was observed under severe drought stress. Acknowledgement. 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SAUSROS SUKELTO STRESO ÁTAKA OBELØ POSKIEPIØ BIOMASEI, SAUSOS MASËS PASISKIRSTYMUI IR LAPØ PLOTUI J. Sakalauskaitë, D. Kviklys, J. Lanauskas, P. Duchovskis Santrauka Tyrimø tikslas nustatyti vandens trûkumo átakà ávairiems obelø poskiepiams. Bandymai atlikti Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës instituto Augalø fiziologijos laboratorijos vegetacinëje aikðtelëje. Tirti sëkliniai, MM.106, M.26, B.118, M.9, P 60, P 59, P 2, B.396 ir P 22 poskiepiai. Tyrimo metu palaikyti skirtingi dirvos drëgmës reþimai: 2030 kPa (kontrolë), 4050 kPa ir >70 kPa. Tyrimo pabaigoje nustatyta, kiek sukaupta þalios ir sausos masës, ir iðmatuotas lapø plotas. Vidutinis sausros sukeltas stresas (4050 kPa) slopino þalios ir sausos masës kaupimàsi visuose poskiepiuose, iðskyrus sëkliná; jame þalios ir sausos masës kaupimasis buvo skatinamas (sukaupë iki 30% daugiau nei kontroliniai augalai). Vidutinis sausros sukeltas stresas taip pat paskatino sëklinio poskiepio, MM.106, M.9, P 59 ir P 22 poskiepiø lapø augimà, o kiti poskiepiai pradëjo mesti lapus. Stiprus sausros sukeltas stresas neigiamai paveikë ir þalios, ir sausos masës kaupimàsi visuose poskiepiuose. Nustatyta, kad palyginti su kontroliniais poskiepiais, þalios ir sausos masës sumaþëjo iki 50%. Sausrai sukëlus didelá stresà, visø poskiepiø lapai vyto ir krito per anksti. Sausros sukeltas stresas pakeitë ir sausøjø medþiagø pasiskirstymà ávairiose poskiepiø dalyse. Intensyvus sausros sukeltas stresas skatino daugiau sausøjø medþiagø kauptis ðaknyse ar ûgliuose nei lapuose. Pagal þalios ir sausos masës kaupimàsi nustatyta, kad jautriausi sausrai yra M.26, M.9, P 2 ir B.396 poskiepiai, atspariausi P 22, B.118, P 60 ir sëklinis poskiepiai. Pagal lapø ploto pokytá jautriausi sausrai yra M.26, P 2 ir B.396 poskiepiai. Vidutinis sausros sukeltas stresas neturëjo átakos sëklinio, MM.106, B.118, M.9, P 59 ir P 22 poskiepiø lapø dydþiui. Reikðminiai þodþiai: Malus x domestica, poskiepis, sausa ir þalia masë, sausros sukeltas stresas. 291 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 292295. THE INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ROOTSTOCKS ON THE GROWTH, YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY OF PLUM TREE CV. DÀBROWICE PRUNE PLANTED IN EXHAUSTED SOIL S. Zygmunt GRZYB, Miroslaw SITAREK Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Pomologiczna 18, 96100 Skierniewice, Poland. E-mail: The growth and yield of plum tree cv. Dàbrowice Prune grafted on two seedling rootstocks (P. cerasifera var. divaricata Borkh. and Wangenheim Prune) as well as on four clonal rootstocks (Jaspi, GF 655/2, Ishtara and St. Julien A) were investigated in the young orchard. Trees were planted at a spacing of 4.25 x 2.5 m in the soil used for fruit tree crops for at least 50 years. Cherry, apple and plum trees were cultivated previously on this field. Analysis of tree growth and cumulative yield revealed that plum trees on seedlings Wangenheim Prune grew less vigorously and had lower cumulative yield than the control ones grafted on P. divaricata. The growth and yield reductions in case of trees on seedlings Wangenheim Prune were untypical in this experiment as a comparison to trees on the same rootstocks located in other places. Replant problems of plum trees grafted on four other investigated rootstocks were not observed in such big scale like on seedlings of Wangenheim Prune Key words: plum, Prunus domestica L., rootstock, cultivar, growth, yield, fruit weight, replant problems. Introduction. Plum trees in Poland are grown mainly on Prunus cerasifera var. divaricata Led. (Grzyb and Rozpara, 1998). This rootstock is classified as vigorous (Grzyb et al., 1984; Ystaas and Froynes, 1993) and is unsuitable for intensive plum orchards. In this respect trees grafted on seedlings of Wangenheim Prune are more suitable for this type of orchards. According to the results obtained by several authors (Grzyb and Krzewiñska, 1992; Grzyb et al., 1998a; Rozpara and Grzyb, 1994; Rozpara and Grzyb, 1998; Sitarek and Grzyb, 2002; Sitarek et al., 2004), this rootstock reduced significantly the growth of plum trees and improved their productivity in comparison to P. divaricata seedlings. However, some plum cultivars on seedlings of Wangenheim Prune had the tendency to decrease mean fruit weight, particularly on sandy soils (Grzyb et al., 1998 b). Therefore, the search was undertaken to find out new dwarf or semi dwarf rootstocks for plums well adapted to Polish growing conditions. For experiments, for the evaluation of new rootstocks there were included 292 in West European countries well know vegetative propagated rootstocks commonly used in commercial orchards. Among them there are types of French, German and English selection. Materials and methods. In field experiment plum trees of cv. Dàbrowice Prune grafted on seedlings of Wangenheim Prune and four vegetative propagated rootstocks (Jaspi, GF 655/2, Ishtara and St. Julien A) were compared with trees on P. divaricata seedlings. In the spring of 2000 one-year-old trees were planted at the Pomological Orchard in Skierniewice. Trees were planted in the soil used before for fruit tree crops for at least 50 years. Cherry, apple and plum trees were cultivated previously on this field. The trees were planted in light loamy soil at a spacing of 4.25 x 2.5 m. Experiment was established in the random blocks design with four replications, with three trees per plot. The total number of 12 trees in each rootstock/ cultivar combination was investigated. Plum orchard was irrigated. During the first year after planting the soil was kept free from weeds by mechanical cultivation. In the following years soil management included frequent grass mowing in the alleyways in conjunction with the maintenance of less than 1-m wide herbicide strips along the tree rows. Herbicides and fertilizers were applied according to the standard recommendation for plum commercial orchards. Trees were trained as free spindles with a central leader. The following traits were evaluated: tree vigor, yield, fruit weight and the soluble solids. The results of obtained data were statistically analyzed and Duncans multiple range t-tests at the probability level of 5% was used to separate statistically different means. Results. The results revealed that only seedlings Wangenheim Prune reduced significantly the growth of plum trees Dàbrowice Prune in comparison to P. divaricata (Table). The decrease of tree grow of this cultivar was influenced also by GF 655/2 and St.Julien A rootstocks. Trees grafted on Ishtara grew very vigorously. Cumulative yield of Dàbrowice Prune was not affected by the type of rootstocks, except of Wangenheim Prune seedlings. The trees grafted on seedlings of Wangenheim Prune had significantly lower yield than on the other tested rootstocks grown in the same conditions. Yield efficiency was similar for all these trees. Differences among rootstocks were not significant. Plum trees Dàbrowice Prune grafted on Jaspi and Ishtara produced larger fruits than trees grafted on P. cerasifera var. divaricata. The highest content of soluble solids was established in the fruits collected from the trees grafted on St. Julien A. Discussion. Seedlings of Wangenheim Prune used as a rootstock in this trial significantly reduced the growth of fruit tree cv. Dàbrowice Prune. This corresponds to results obtained by other authors (Grzyb et al., 1998b; Grzyb and Sitarek, 2004; Sitarek et al., 2004). However, the scale of growth reduction intensity was relatively too big and not corresponded to data obtained with this rootstock located in other places (Grzyb and Rozpara, 1998; Rozpara and Grzyb, 1998; Sitarek et al., 2001; Sitarek et al., 2004). It seemed to be as consecutive effect of exhausted soil, because cherry, apple and plum trees were cultivated previously on this field (Pacholak, 2003a; Pacholak, 2003 b; Grzyb and Sitarek, 2004). Such problem in this scale was not observed with trees grafted on other investigated rootstocks. In this location plum 293 trees on Ishtara rootstock grew as intensively as trees grafted on seedlings P. cerasifera. In comparison to control trees other investigated rootstocks (except of Wangenheim Prune seedlings) only slightly limited the growth intensity of Dàbrowice Prune. T a b l e. Growth and yield of plum trees cv. Dàbrowice Prune grafted on different rootstocks and cultivated in replant conditions. Experimental Orchard at Skierniewice, Central Poland, 20002005 L e n t e l ë. Pakartotinai auginamø slyvø, áskiepytø á skirtingus poskiepius, augimas ir derlius. Bandymø sodas Skierniewice, centrinëje Lenkijoje, 20002005 m. Trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) in 2005 Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP) 2005 m. Rootstock Poskiepis cm2 P.divaricata ‘Wangenheim Prune’ Jaspi GF 655/2 Ishtara St. Julien A % Cumulative yield 2002–2005 Suminis derlius 2002–2005 m. kg tree-1 kg vaism. -1 Yield efficacy Mean fruit weight 2002–2005 Produktyvumas 2002–2005 m. kg cm-2 of TCSA Soluble solids Vidutinë vaisiaus masë Tirpios sausosios mediagos g % kg cm-2 KSP 75.5 c* 100.0 29.0 b 0.39 a 32.7 a 18.1 ab 41.8 a 55.4 16.8 a 0.42 a 33.9 a 19.2 ab 67.7 bc 60.9 b 78.0 c 59.2 b 89.7 80.7 103.3 78.4 31.9 b 23.4 ab 30.0 b 26.5 b 0.49 a 0.38 a 0.39 a 0.46 a 37.0 b 35.3 ab 36.4 b 35.2 ab 17.7 a 18.4 ab 18.5 ab 19.8 b * Means followed by the same letter in the columns are not significantly different at P = 0.05 according to Duncans test / Ta paèia raide paþymëtos reikðmës skiltyse pagal Dunkano kriterijø (p = 0,05) ið esmës nesiskiria. Conclusions. The most vigorous growth of replanted plum trees cv. Dàbrowice Prune was on rootstock Ishtara and Prunus divaricata seedlings. Trees on Jaspi and Ishtara produced the largest fruits. Cummulative yield was simmilar on all tested rootstocks except seedlings of Wangenheim Prune. In exhausted soil the most limited growth and productivity of plum trees was on seedlings of Wangenheim Prune. Gauta 2006 05 23 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 References 1. G r z y b Z. S., J a c k i e w i c z A., C z y n c z y k A. Results of the 18year evaluation of rootstocks for Italia Prune cultivar. Fruit Sci. Rep. 1984. 11(3). P. 99104. 294 2. G r z y b Z. S., R o z p a r a E. Plum production in Poland. Acta Hort. 1998. 478. P. 1924. 3. G r z y b Z. S., S i t a r e k M., K o l o d z i e j c z a k P. Growth and yield of Tree plum cultivar grafted on four rootstocks in Piedmont area. Acta Hort. 1998a. 478. P. 8790. 4. G r z y b Z. S., S i t a r e k M., K o z i n s k i B. Effect of different rootstocks on growth, yield and fruit quality of four plum cultivars ( in central Poland). Acta Hort. 1998 b. 478. P. 239242. 5. G r z y b Z. S., S i t a r e k K. Growth and yield of two plum cultivar grafted on Wangenheim Prune and P.divaricata seedlings planted in the soil used for fruit tree crops for at lest 50 years. Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. Agricultura. 2004. 240(96). P. 8790. 6. P a c h o l a k E. Replantacja sadów. Sad Nowocz. 2003a. 12. P. 36. 7. Pacholak E. Czynniki wywoùujàce chorobê replantacyjnà. Czynniki biotycznenicienie. Sad Nowocz. 2003b. 12. P. 45. 8. S i t a r e k M., G r z y b Z. S., K o ù o d z i e j c z a k P. Effect of rootstocks on growth and yield of plum trees. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Res. 2001. (Vol. IX), 14. P. 1924. 9. S i t a r e k M., G r z y b Z. S., G u z o w s k a - S p a l e n i a k B., L i s J. Performance of the rootstocks for plums In two different soil and climatic conditions. Acta Hort. 2004. 658. P. 273277. 10. R o z p a r a E., G r z y b Z. S. Growth and cropping twelve plum cultivars grafted on tworootstocks. Acta Hort. 1994. 359. P. 229236. 11. R o z p a r a E., G r z y b Z. S. Growth and yield of some plum cultivars grafted on Wangenheim Prune seedlings. Acta Hort. 1998. 478: 9195. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 292295. SKIRTINGØ POSKIEPIØ ÁTAKA DÀBROWICE PRUNE VEISLËS SLYVØ AUGIMUI, DERLIUI IR VAISIØ KOKYBEI NUALINTOJE DIRVOJE Z. S. Grzyb, M. Sitarek Santrauka Jauname sode tirtas Dàbrowice Prune veislës slyvø, áskiepytø á du sëklinius (P. cerasifera var. divaricata Borkh. ir Wangenheimo vengrinë) ir keturis vegetatyvinius poskiepius (Jaspi, GF 655/2, Ishtara ir St. Julien A), augimas ir derlius. Slyvos buvo pasodintos 4,25 x 2,5 m atstumais dirvoþemyje, kuriame maþiausiai 50 metø buvo auginti vaismedþiai: vyðnios, obelys ir slyvos. Vaismedþiø augimo ir suminio derliaus analizë parodë, kad slyvos su sëkliniais Wangenheimo vengrinë poskiepiais augo prasèiau ir davë maþesná suminá derliø negu áskiepytos á P. divaricata sëjinukus. Slyvø su sëkliniais Wangenheimo vengrinë poskiepiais augimo ir derliaus suprastëjimas, atliekant ðá bandymà, buvo netipiðkas, palyginti su panaðiø tyrimø rezultatais kitose vietose. Slyvø su kitais tirtais poskiepiais pakartotinio auginimo problema nebuvo tokia didelë, kaip á Wangenheimo vengrinë sëjinukus áskiepytø slyvø. Reikðminiai þodþiai: slyvos, Prunus domestica L., poskiepiai, veislës, augimas, derlius, vaisiø masë, persodinimo problemos. 295 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 296301. INFLUENCE OF TEN ROOTSTOCKS ON COLD HARDINESS OF FLOWERS OF CHERRY CULTIVAR BIGARREAU BURLAT Valentin LICHEV, Alexandros PAPACHATZIS Agricultural University, 12 Mendeleev str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. E-mail: After sudden amplitudes in air temperatures in the region of the town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, during the winter of 20042005 (the daytime values on certain days in January reached +18°C, while those during the night in the first ten-day period of February were 18°C) partial frost damages were reported in the flowers of differentiating buds on the spurs in 9-year-old trees of cherry cultivar Bigarreau burlat grafted on 10 rootstocks. It was established that frost injuries were the most severe (68,6%) in the trees on Gisela 5, and the least severe (3.3%) in those on P 1 (seedling of P. mahaleb L.). In the rest of the trees (on Gisela 4, Gi-195/20, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158) they were between 14% and 44%. The trees on Gisela 5 have the greatest number of flower buds and flowers initiated per unit of length of the two-year-old wood, but nevertheless, their fruit-bearing in 2005 was the poorest due to frost damages. Key words: colds, damage, cold hardiness, sweet cherry, rootstocks. Introduction. The resistance to low winter temperatures is a basic factor for the successful cherry production in the Baltic and other countries in the North where temperatures come as low as 30°C (Janes, 2000). In more southern countries (including Bulgaria) frost damages of cherry flowers resulting from winter frosts are more rare phenomenon, whereas damages a as result of sudden spring frosts are observed comparatively often (Georgiev, 2001). The degree of frost damages in cherry trees depends on many factors: the way of its onset, the level of temperature lowering (Georgiev, 2001; Fischer, Hohlfeld, 1998), phenophase and physiological condition of plants, exposure of the land (Georgiev, 2001), hereditary characteristics of cultivars (Georgiev, 2001; Blazkova, 2004; Fischer, Hohlfeld, 1998; Sitarek, Grzyb, 1998; Janes, 2000), rootstocks (Koleva, 2001; Blazkova, 2004; Balmer, 1998; Sitarek, Grzyb, 1998) and interstocks (Rozpara et al., 1997), etc. The rootstocks of the series Weiroot showed very good hardiness according to the studies in Germany (Schimmelpfeng, 1996) and as it refers to Gisela, the opinions of authors differ, but the positive ones predominate. In this connection Franken- 296 Bembenek et al. (1999), Schwarzel, Schneider (1998), find that Gisela 5 has good hardiness whereas according to Balmer (1998) it defers to wild cherry, mahaleb and rootstocks of Weiroot series but has a priority over Colt. Some rootstocks of the Gisela and Weiroot series were introduced in Bulgaria in the 1995 and were grafted, and the trees obtained in the course of 9 years were observed in connection with their growth and fruiting. During this period we did not record extremely cold winters in the region of the experimental field. In the winter of 20042005, however, we periodically studied the stages of flower buds morphogenesis in the experimental trees and established that some of the flowers developing in them were damaged by frosts. Taking into consideration the lack of information about the hardiness of these rootstocks under the ecological conditions in Bulgaria, we carried out research in this field, and the obtained results we present in this article. Materials and methods. The trees of the cultivar Bigarreau burlat, grafted on rootstocks P 1 (the Bulgarian selection of P. mahaleb L.), Gisela 5, Gisela 4, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158, and also on the selections of the series Giessen Gi-195/20 and Gi-497/8, were in the experimental field in the Department of Fruit growing at the Agricultural University in the town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The plants (6 per variant, distributed using a randomized block design), were planted in 1996 at distances of 6.0 x 4.5 m, trained as free-growing crowns, grown under the conditions of herbicide-treated fallow land and were gravity irrigated. Frost damage of flower organs has been observed in the third ten-day period of February in 2005 under laboratory conditions by revealing the lateral buds of the spurs, collected from trees in advance, under a stereomicroscope. The developing flowers in the differentiating buds on 24 spurs disposed on two-year-old wood of the experimental plants were studied from four cardinal points at a height of 2 m above the ground. In order the estimation of the influence of rootstocks on hardiness of graft would be more correct, in March of 2005 we did not perform the winter pruning usual for the previous years, but observed under experimental field conditions the additional indices, presented below, characterizing some reproductive characteristics of trees. Results. During certain periods in the autumn and winter of 20042005 the mean 24-hour air temperature significantly deviated from the mean of the previous 15 years (Fig. 1.). For example, from the beginning until the middle of January in 2005 the temperature was remarkably higher than this of 19902004. On 5th and 6th of January the maximal air temperature reached as high as +18°C which was not typical for the season. We could assume that this period, which was atypically warm for the season, caused some physiological processes in the fruit trees leading to their loss of hardiness. In the first ten-day period of February in 2005 the opposite tendency was observed with respect to the mean 24-hour air temperature the values were lower than the mean of 15-year transitional period (Fig. 1). At the end of the first ten-day period of February in 2005 the minimum temperatures continually decreased and in the course of 6 days their values varied between 15.5°C and 18°C. 297 F i g. 1. Mean 24-hour air temperature from September to April during the period of 19902005 1 p a v. Paros oro temperatûros nuo rugsëjo iki balandþio mën. 19902005 m. vidurkiai The samples collected from the trees during the third ten-day period of February in 2005 revealed that the flowers in differentiating buds of the graft in separate variants suffered different degrees of frost damage. The data in Figure 2 indicate that frost damages in the trees of the Bulgarian rootstock P 1 were rather insignificant (3.3%), whereas in those on Gisela 5 were 68.6%, and in the remaining ones between 13.9% and 44.2%. In the trees on Gisela 5 and Weiroot 72 we observed frost damages not only in separate flowers within the boundaries of a single fruit bud, but even individual completely frost damaged buds. F i g. 2. Influence of the rootstocks on frost damage of flowers in the diferentiating buds 2 p a v. Ðalnø daromos þalos, þiedams, pumpurams diferencijuojantis, priklausomumas nuo poskiepio The mean 24-hour temperature during the initial ten-day periods of March and April in 2005 was also significantly lower than the mean of 15-year transitional period (Fig. 1). Particularly dangerous period for the development of the fruit trees 298 (being in the flower button phase) was the one between 3rd and 6th of April in 2005, when the absolute minimum temperatures went down as low as 4.5°C and caused new damages to the flower organs. During flowering of our experimental trees (between 8th and 19th of April), we recorded visually new frost damage of flower organs, but unfortunately it was not possible to report the exact degree of damages in spring because these damages accumulated at different times in winter and spring. The number of flower buds and flowers initiated per unit of length of the twoyear-old wood indicates to a great degree fruit-bearing potentiality of plants. In this connection at the onset of the vegetation in 2005 the trees on Gisela 5, Gi-195/20 and Gisela 4 are distinguished by the highest values (Table). Irrespective of the high potential productivity of the plants on Gisela 5, the smallest yield was reported for them in 2005, due to the significant frost damages of their flower organs. The trees on Gisela 4, Gi-195/20, Gi-497/8 and Weiroot 158 have the highest fruit-bearing whereas the remaining ones showed average results. T a b l e. Effect of rootstock on some reproductive behaviours of sweet cherry trees during 2005 L e n t e l ë. Rootstocks Poskiepiai P1 Gisela 5 Gisela 4 Gi-195/20 Gi-497/8 Weiroot 10 Weiroot 13 Weiroot 53 Weiroot 72 Weiroot 158 LSD0.5 Poskiepio átaka treðniø þydëjimui ir derliui 2005 m. Number of flower buds per linear meter Number of flowers per linear meter Þiedø skaièius linijiniame metre Yield of crown Vainiko derlius, kg/m3 22.6 123.4 81.7 116.5 43.6 24.2 14.5 19.8 57.8 28.7 46.1 493.8 204.7 352.5 145.4 78.3 47.8 68.7 169.0 99.0 1.28 0.54 2.18 2.14 1.98 1.45 1.40 1.37 1.32 1.81 23.1 72.6 0.65 Þiedø pumpurø skaièius linijiniame metre Discussion. The winter frost damages recorded by us were to a great degree unexpected, particularly taking into consideration Georgievs opinion (2001) that under the climatic conditions of Bulgaria, damages of the flowers of cherry trees were observed at air temperatures lower than 2325°C. According to us the main reason of frost damages in the winter of 2005 were rather big amplitudes in air temperatures in December and particularly in January as compared to those at the end of the first ten-day period of February. This probably led to the untimely onset of some initial physiological processes accompanying the transition from dormancy to vegetation when the hardiness of all tree parts (including their flowers), decreased significantly. After such big temperature amplitudes during the winter months in 299 Germany, Fischer and Hohlfeld (1998) also observed frost damages in a great number of cherry cultivars. In maintenance of our statement that after winter frosts, the experimental trees were also additionally damaged by late spring frosts, was Georgievs opinion (2001) that air temperatures from 1.7 to 5.5°C were crucial for the development of cherry plants in flower button phase. Other authors, both in Bulgaria (Blagov et al., 2004) and abroad as well (Pieber, Modl, 1997), also observed frost damages of flower organs under similar climatic conditions as a result of lowering of temperature to 6°C immediately before the flowering of cherry trees. Conclusions. After sudden amplitudes in air temperatures during the winter of 20042005 (the daytime values on certain days in January reached + 18°C, while those at night in the first ten-day period of February came down to 18°C) partial frost damages were reported in the flowers of differentiating buds on the spurs in 9-year-old trees of cherry cultivar Bigarreau burlat grafted on 10 rootstocks. It was established that frost injuries were most severe (68.6%) in the trees on Gisela 5, and the least severe (3,3%) in those on P 1 (seedling of P. mahaleb L.). In the rest of the trees (on Gisela 4, Gi-195/20, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 and Weiroot 158) they were limited between 14% and 44%. The trees on Gisela 5 have the greatest number of flower buds and flowers initiated per unit of length of two-year-old wood, but nevertheless, their fruit-bearing in 2005 was the smallest due to frost damages. During the same year the plants on Gisela 4, Gi-195/20, Gi-497/8 and Weiroot 158 were distinguished by their highest yield per 1 m3 of the crown volume. Gauta 2006 05 04 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 References 1. B a l m e r M. Sûsskirschenunterlagen in Bewegung. Deutsche Baumschule. 1998. 10. P. 3739. 2. B l a g o v A., M i l e n k o v M., C h r i s t o v N. The late spring frosts and their influence under fruit tree cultivars. Plent Science. 2004. 41. P. 1113. 3. B l a z k o v a J. Resistance to abiotic and biotic stressors in sweet cherry rootstocks and cultivars from the Czech republic. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 2004. Vol. 12. P. 303310. 4. F i s c h e r M., H o h l f e l d B. Wie frosthart sind Sûsskirschen? Obstbau. 1998. 5. 262265. 5. F r a n k e n - B e m b e n e k S., G r u p p e W., L i n k e G., S c h m i d t H. Ruckblick auf das Zuchtungsprogramm der Gisela Kirschenunterlagen. Erwerbsobstbau. 1999. 41. P. 123128. 6. G e o r g i e v V. Ecological requirements. In: Georgiev V., Borovinova M., Koleva A. Cherry, Zemizdat, Sofia, 2001. P. 4061. 7. J a n e s H. Research results of sweet cherry cultivars and selections testing at the Polli horticultural institute. Plodovodstvo. 2000. 13. P. 214216. 300 8. K o l e v a A. Rootstocks. In: Georgiev V., Borovinova M., Koleva A. Cherry, Sofia, 2001 P. 186207. 9. P i e b e r K., M o d l P. Doch Blûtenfrostschãden an den Obstgehõlzen. Besseres Obst. 1997. 7. 10 p. 10. R o z p a r a E., G r z y b Z., Z d y b H. Growth and fruiting of two sweet cherry cultivars with different interstems. Acta Hort. 1997. 468. P. 345352. 11. S c h i m m e l p f e n g H. Unterlagenzûchtung fûr Sûsskirschen in Deutschland die Weihenstephaner Arbeiten. Schweiz. Z. Obst Weinbau. 1996. 13. P. 331334. 12. S c h w ä r z e l H., S c h n e i d e r U. Leistung neuer Sorten Unterlagen Kombinationen bei der Sûsskirsche. Deutsche Baumschule. 1998. 11. P. 3234. 13. S i t a r e k M., G r z y b Z. Frost injuries of sweet cherry and plum after winter 1996/97. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 1998. 6.1. P. 1522. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 296301. DEÐIMTIES POSKIEPIØ ÁTAKA BIGARREAU BURLAT VEISLËS VYÐNIØ ÞIEDØ ATSPARUMUI ÐALÈIAMS V. Lichev, A. Papachatzis Santrauka Po staigiø oro temperatûros svyravimø Plovdiv miestelio (Bulgarija) rajone 20042005 metø þiemà (kai kuriomis sausio dienomis temperatûra pakildavo iki +18°C, o pirmàjá vasario deðimtadiená naktimis nukrisdavo iki 18°C) buvo pastebëta, kad ðalnos ið dalies apðaldë 9 metø Bigarreau burlat veislës vyðniø, áskiepytø á 10 poskiepiø, besidiferencijuojanèiø pumpurø þiedus. Nustatyta, kad ðalèiai labiausiai (68,6%) paþeidë vyðnias, áskiepytas á Gisela 5, maþiausiai (3,3%) á P 1 (P. mahaleb L. sodinuko) poskiepá. Kiti vaismedþiai (áskiepyti á Gisela 4, Gi-195/20, Weiroot 10, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 ir Weiroot 158) buvo paþeisti 1444%. Á Gisela 5 áskiepytos vyðnios sukrovë daugiausia þiedø pumpurø, bet dël ðalnø 2005 metais jø derlius buvo prasèiausias. Reikðminiai þodþiai: ðalèiai, þala, atsparumas ðalèiams, vyðnios, poskiepiai. 301 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 302315. STUDIES ON GENETIC VARIATION IN WILD CHERRY USING RAPD ANALYSIS Yu-Liang CAI 1,2, Gui-Fang ZHAO 2, Dong-Wei CAO 2 1 College of Horticulture, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, P.R.China 2 School of Life Science, Northwest University, Xian 710069, P.R.China Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation among 8 cherry species and 2 interspecific progenies were analyzed. 48 arbitrary oligonucleotide primers out of 130 were screened for PCR amplification to generate polymorphisms. The phylogenetic analysis was carried out using two distance-matrix methods and a dendrogram was generated to show the relationships among species and cultivars. The results showed that there were 840 amplified loci in total; 23 sweet cherry and 4 sour cherry cultivars were clustered together with 569 and 247 polymorphic loci, respectively, which accounted for 67.74% and 29.40% of the total variation. P. tomentosa T., P. fruticosa var. aucta P. and P. humilis B. formed a monophyletic group. A relationship between P. pseudocerasus L. and Colt, which formed another closely related group, was observed while P. avium L., P. cerasus L. and other cherry species were more divergent. The range of genetic distance was from 0.0623 to 0.2719 among the Prunus species, which were genetically distinct. The topology of the tree was generally in agreement with taxonomic classification. The results indicated that with the exception of the sweet cherry cultivar Hongdeng, there were one or more cultivarspecific RAPD markers in cherry species and cultivars. Using these specific markers, cherry species and cultivars could be identified and there is therefore the potential to select for good characteristics of hybrids at an early stage. Key words: cherry, RAPD, species, genetic relationship. Introduction. Cherries have been classified within the genus Prunus, which is part of the family Rosaceae (Ingram, 1948; Rehder, 1974), while Yu (1986) placed cherries within the genus Cerasus. We have adopted the former taxonomical system in this paper. Compared with other temperate fruits, cultivated cherries have great unfulfilled market potential (Webster 1996). However, in China, for example, there still exists the problem of homonyms and synonyms in the cultivated cherry cultivars or rootstocks because of bud variability or misuse of like-named cultivars and rootstock seedlings in cherry production, which can lead to a significant reduction in commercial returns. There are rich wild cherry germplasm resources in the mountain areas of China, 302 but few data are available on the natural levels of genetic variation in the wild cherry species, Random amplified polymorphic DNA are useful as genetic markers (Williams 1990), and RAPD analysis offers a rapid, cheap and stable means of producing a genetic profile for horticultural crops (Hormaza, 1999; Jordano and Godoy, 2000; Luo et al., 2001; Malusa and Marchesini, 1996; Wang et al., 2002). Gerlach and Stosser (1998) studied 18 sweet cherry cultivars and found unique RAPD markers of 14 of these cultivars. Stockinger (1996) constructed a linkage map for the sweet cherry cultivar Emperor Francis from a population of 56 microspore-derived callus culture individuals and amplified a region of the Emperor Francis genome containing a unique sequence based on RAPD analysis. However, these studies did not extend to distinguishing between sour cherry varieties. In our study, we also analyzed sweet cherry cultivars that were different from the varieties used by Gerlach and Stosser (1998) except cherry cultivar Hedelfinger. Zhou (2002) used AFLP analysis to estimate the genetic distance and relationships in a sweet cherry breeding population while Boritzki (2000) used AFLP and microsatellite markers to identify cherry accessions. Some cherry cultivars with identical morphological characters and previously treated as one cultivar can be separated on the basis of isozyme genotype (Granger et al., 1993). Our main objectives were to study genetic variation among wild cherry species and to find specific RAPD markers that are useful to distinguish between cultivars or to describe a certain cultivar uniquely. Materials and methods. F i e l d s a m p l i n g. Fresh leaves of 8 cherry species and two interspecific progenies were sampled in 20032004 from a collection held in the Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry (NWSUAF) (34°132 N, 109°52 E) with loam and loess soil. Materials were sampled from adult productive trees, four wild cherry species were collected from the following locations: P. pseudocerasus (33°342 N, 107°482 E), P. maximowiczii (41°182 N, 124°42 E), P. humilis (27°92 N, 100°152 E), P. tomentosa (33°342 N, 107°482 E). 23 sweet cherry and four sour cherry cultivars, two interspecific progenies, P. serrulata var. lannesiana and P. mahaleb in the collection have been sourced as budwood from overseas germplasm repositories or other government research station collections. The cultivars and accessions were propagated using the chip budding method. Table 1 lists those species, cultivars or accessions held in the NWSUAF collection and sampled for RAPD analysis. Accessions that have unknown parentage are indicated by the place of origin. Five clonal plants of each accession were propagated and selected for sampling. Young unfolded leaves were collected from individual trees, stored in an icebox and transported to the laboratory immediately. The leaf samples were frozen at -80°C before use. D N A e x t r a c t i o n a n d a m p l i f i c a t i o n. DNA isolation for PCR-RAPD analysis followed the procedure of Hormaza (1999). Approximately 0.2g of fresh leaves were ground in a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube with 320 µl of extraction buffer (100mM Tris- HCl, 1.4M NaCl, 20 mM EDTA (pH 8.0), 2% CTAB, 1% PVP, 0.2% â-mercaptoethanol). The samples were incubated at 65°C for 1 h, mixed with an equal volume of chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24:1) and centrifuged at 15 000 G for 10 min, and the above step was repeated one more time. 200µl of the supernatant was transferred to a new tube and DNA was precipitated by the addition of 400µl 303 cold dehydrated alcohol at -20°C for 1 h. The nucleic acid precipitate was recovered by centrifugation at 12 000 G for 6 min, washed in 400µl of 10 mM ammonium acetate in 70% alcohol overnight at 4°C, then dried overnight and resuspended in 200µl of modified TE buffer (10mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH8.0). The concentration and purity of extracted DNA were assessed spectrophotometrically (Biophotometer, Eppendorf, Germany), diluted to 15 ng·µl-1 and used for PCR amplification. T a b l e 1. 1 Species, cultivars or accessions of cherry evaluated in the phylogenetic analysis and their origins l e n t e l ë. Filogenetiðkai ávertintos vyðniø rûðys, veislës arba selekciniai numeriai ir jø kilmë Cultivar No. Veislës Nr. Species belonged Cultivar or accession Rûðys Origin Veislë arba selekcinis numeris Kilmë 1 P. avium ‘Valerif’ Hungary / Vengrija 2 P. avium ‘Solymari’ Hungary / Vengrija 3 P. avium ‘Hedelfinger’ Germany / Vokietija 4 P. avium ‘Utah Giant’ USA / JAV 5 P. avium ‘Celeste’ Van × New Star 6 P. avium ‘Germersdorfer 3’ Hungary / Vengrija 7 P. avium ‘Germersdorfer 45’ Hungary / Vengrija 8 P. avium ‘Napoleon’ Germany / Vokietija 9 P. avium ‘Sunburst’ Van × Stella 10 P. avium ‘Hongdeng’ Napoleon × Governor Wood 11 P. avium ‘Sato Nishiki’ Governor Wood × Napoleon 12 P. avium ‘Katalin’ Germersdorfer × Podjebrad 13 P. avium ‘Governor Wood’ USA / JAV 14 P. avium ‘Linda’ Hedelfinger × Germersdorfer 15 P. avium ‘Hongfeng’ Yantai, Shandong 16 P. avium ‘Marjit’ Germersdorfer3 × Bekescsaba 17 P. avium ‘Jaboulay’ Hungary / Vengrija 18 P. avium ‘Black Tartarian’ Russia / Rusija 19 P. avium ‘Longguan’ Open-pollinated Black Tartarian 20 P. avium ‘Lapins’ Van × Stella 21 P. avium ‘Van’ Seedling of Empress Eugenie Empress Eugenia sëjinukas 22 P. avium ‘Sam’ Seedling of V160140 / V160140 sëjinukas 23 P. avium ‘Rainier’ Bing×Van 24 P. mahaleb C500 Hungary / Vengrija 304 T a b l e 1 continued 1 l e n t e l ë s tæsinys Cultivar No. Veislës Nr. Species belonged Cultivar or accession Rûðys Origin Veislë arba selekcinis numeris Kilmë 25 P. cerasus ‘Meteor Korai’ Pandy × Nagy Angol 26 P. cerasus ‘Favorit’ Hungary / Vengrija 27 P. cerasus ‘Ujfehertoi Furtos’ Hungary / Vengrija 28 P. cerasus ‘Kantorjanosi’ Hungary / Vengrija 29 P. avium × ‘Colt’ P. pseudocerasus P. avium × P. pseudocerasus 30 P. pseudocerasus ‘Qinling Manao’ Fuoping, Qinling mountains Shaanxi province / Fuoping, Qinling kalnai, Shaanxi 31 P. maximowiczii ‘Heiyingtao’ Benxi, Liaoning province / Benxi, Liaoning 32 P. serrulata var. lannesiana E1-3 Japan / Japonija 33 P. fruticosa var. aucta ‘Prob’ P. mahaleb×P. fruticosa 34 P. humilis ‘Lijiang Ouli’ Lijiang, Yunnan province / Lijiang, Yunnan 35 P. tomentosa ‘Fuoping Maoyingtao’ Fuoping, Qinling mountains Shaanxi province / Fuoping, Qinling kalnai, Shaanxi provincija provincija provincija provincija One hundred and thirty RAPD primers (Operon Technologies Inc., USA) were used for initial screening against the three cultivars and accessions with the highest heterozygosity based on the previous research (Webster et al., 1996; Yu, 1986) to identify polymorphic RAPD markers, we selected 48 primers listed in Table 2 from 130 ten bp-primers. DNA amplification reactions were performed in volumes of 20 µl as described by Williams et al. (1990), with some modifications, containing 10y!buffer (10 mM KCl, 8 mM (NH4)2SO4, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0, 0.08% Nonidet P40), 1.9mM MgCl2, 0.2mM each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP, 30ng of genomic DNA, 0.28 µM primer and 2 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Sangon Shanghai) overlaid with 20 µl mineral oil. PCR reactions were carried out in a T Gradient (Biometra®) thermocycler programmed for an initial denaturation step of 96°C for 5 min 30 sec, followed by 40 cycles of 1 min 30 sec at 94°C, 1 min at 40°C, and 2 min at 72°C. The reaction was completed with a final run at 72°C for 10 min. Following amplification, the samples were stored at 4°C prior to electrophoresis. Amplified DNA fragments were analyzed by gel electrophoresis in 1.6% agarose gels in 1y! TAE buffer and detected by staining with 0.5µg·ml-1 ethidium bromide. Gels were run for 3 h at 50 mA and visualized under UV light (Kodak Scientific Imaging Systems, USA). 305 D a t a a n a l y s i s. Each sample was amplified at least twice to verify reproducibility. Only those RAPD markers that reproduced consistently across successful PCR reactions and across DNA extractions were included in the analysis. Amplification products were scored as present or absent and transferred to a binary code with 1 or 0, respectively. A data matrix of individual marker containing the band scoring information was transformed to allele frequencies under the assumption that each amplified band corresponds to different RAPD locus. This dataset was used to calculate the percentage of polymorphic loci, genetic distance and genetic identity (Neis unbiased distance estimate; Nei, 1978) among species and cultivars using the POPGENE 32 package. A dendrogram was constructed based on Neis genetic distance using the unweighted pair-group mean analysis (UPGMA) method modified from Neighbor procedure of PHYLIP version 3.5 and the Neighborjoining method (NJ). The significance was tested using a PAUP 4.0 package with the bootstrap test program of Felsenstein (Felsenstein, 1985), and resampled with n = 1000 randomizations. Euclidean distances were estimated using a program of Statistica version 6.0 and a similar dendrogram was also constructed by using the UPGMA method. The specific bands (markers) useful for identifying genotypes were followed by the approximate number of base pairs of the amplified fragment. Results. Out of 130 primers, 48, summarized in Table 2, were informative, as they generated clear, polymorphic fragments among the investigated genotypes. We analyzed a total of eight cherry species and two interspecific progenies with 35 varieties and accessions, 5 cloned individuals of each cultivar and accession propagated by chip budding were also analysed using the PCR-RAPD method. Each primer generated a specific RAPD profile. An example of RAPD pattern, obtained with the primers of OPY20 and OPB07, are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2, respectively. A total of 838 polymorphic amplification products were generated in the range of 100-2977 bp. For the five chip budded individuals of each cultivar or accession tested, we tested five clones of the cultivar Van (data not shown), and each of the 48 primers generated a monomorphic PCR-RAPD pattern, which indicated that the method of asexual reproduction (grafting propagation) did not affect the genetic structure of the clonal plants. S p e c i f i c R A P D m a r k e r s a m o n g t h e g e n o t y p e s. The 48 primers amplified a total of 569 DNA polymorphic loci for the 23 sweet cherry cultivars, the amplified DNA fragments ranging from 100 to 2977 bp, and the percentage of polymorphic loci was 67.74%. 83 amplified DNA fragments were unique to sweet cherry genotypes (Table 3). A total of 247 DNA polymorphic loci were amplified for the four sour cherry cultivars and the amplified DNA fragments ranged from 100 to 2533 bp, while the percentage of polymorphic loci was 29.40%. 13 specific RAPD markers were amplified for the sour cherry (Table 3). It was evident that, with the exception of the sweet cherry variety Hongdeng, there were one or more specific RAPD markers amplified for cherry cultivars and accessions in Table 3 (the number of accessions being the same as the number of accessions in Table 1). The numbers of specific RAPD markers varied in the different genotypes. The accession P. pseudocerasus showed specific RAPD markers with OPA07, OPB13, OPD15, OPD20 and OPY20. The accession P. mahaleb showed specific RAPD marker with OPA09. The accession P. serrulata var.lannesiana 306 showed specific RAPD markers with OPAI01, OPA09, OPB07, OPC13 and OPG16. The accession P. maximowiczii showed specific RAPD marker with OPB12. The accession P. humilis showed specific RAPD markers with OPAI01, OPC15 and OPD11. The accession P. tomentosa showed specific RAPD marker with OPD11. The interspecific progeny Colt showed specific RAPD markers with OPA19, OPAD16, OPD15 and OPD20 and the interspecific progeny Prob showed specific RAPD marker with OPG19. T a b l e 2. RAPD primers used in the survey of the number of amplified products of cherry 2 l e n t e l ë. Dauginant vyðnias naudoti RAPD pradmenys Primer ymuo Sequence Primer Sequence Primer Sequence (5'–3') Seka (5'–3') ymuo Seka (5'–3') ymuo OPB01 GTTTCGCTCC OPD02 GGACCCAACC OPH15 AATGGCGCAG OPB07 GGTGACGCAG OPD04 TCTGGTGAGG OPH20 GGGAGACATC OPB08 GTCCACACGG OPD08 GTGTGCCCCA OPY20 AGCCGTGGAA OPB12 CCTTGACGCA OPD11 AGCGCCATTG OPK01 CATTCGAGCC OPB13 TTCCCCCGCT OPD15 CATCCGTGCT OPO06 CCACGGGAAG OPB17 AGGGAACGAG OPD16 AGGGCGTAAG OPQ07 CCCCGATGGT OPA01 CAGGCCCTTC OPD20 ACCCGGTCAC OPAH20 GGAAGGTGAG OPA07 GAAACGGGTG OPC07 GTCCCGACGA OPAI01 GGCATCGGCT OPA08 GTGACGTAGG OPC13 AAGCCTCGTC OPAI20 CCTGTTCCCT OPA09 GGGTAACGCC OPC15 GACGGATCAG OPAO15 GAAGGCTCCC OPA10 GTGATCGCAG OPG02 GGCACTGAGG OPAQ03 GAGGTGTCTG OPA12 TCGGCGATAG OPG06 GTGCCTAACC OPAD04 GTAGGCCTCA OPA13 CAGCACCCAC OPG16 AGCGTCCTCC OPAD08 GGCAGGCAAG OPA19 CAAACGTCGG OPG18 GGCTCATGTG OPAD11 CAATCGGGTC OPA20 GTTGCGATCC OPG19 GTCAGGGCAA OPAD13 GGTTCCTCTG OPD01 ACCGCGAAGG OPH13 GACGCCACAC OPAD16 AACGGGCGTC Seka V a r i a t i o n a m o n g c h e r r y s p e c i e s. Total genetic distance estimates ranged in value from 0.0623 to 0.2719 among the cherry species studied which were genetically distinct, with a mean genetic distance of 0.1758. Table 4 summarizes the genetic distance (GD) and genetic identity (GI) statistics based on Neis unbiased estimate (Nei 1978) and showed the maximum genetic distance was between P. mahaleb and Colt (GDmax=0.2719) followed by a genetic distance of 0.2626 between P. pseudocerasus and P. humilis. The minimum genetic distance was between P. avium and P. cerasus (GDmin=0.0623). On the other hand, the minimum genetic identity was between P. mahaleb and Colt (GImin=0.7619) and the maximum genetic identity was between P. avium and P. cerasus (GImax=0.9396), with an average genetic identity of 0.8400 among the cherry species; this result is consistent with the analysis of genetic distance. 307 T a b l e 3. Specific RAPD markers among 34 cherry genotypes 3 l e n t e l ë. Accession No. Selekcinis Nr. Specifiniai RAPD þymenys tarp 34 vyðniø genotipø Primers revealing specific RAPDs (No. of base pairs of a band) Þymenys, atskleidþiantys specifinius RAPD (pagrindiniø grupës porø Nr.) 1 B01 (1226), H20 (1231), K01(326), K01 (1400) 2 C13 (2631), C13 (2977), K01 (1333) 3 A08 (500), D11 (325), D11 (1023) 4 AD13 (889), A01 (978), A01 (1925), C07 (1113), G02 (825) 5 AD11 (1000), A01 (1461), B12 (2298), B13 (341), G18 (2700) 6 AD11 (934), B12 (1390), C13 (519), D02 (252), D08 (297) 7 AD11 (1971), A01 (1700), D08 (1095), G06 (368), H20 (1108) 8 C07 (357) 9 A10 (830), A01 (2222) 11 D04 (673) 12 AO15 (291), C07 (1113), D04 (456), D04 (800), H20 (1800) 13 A10 (592), B07 (1725) 14 C13 (2377), K01 (592) 15 A20 (860), A07 (663), B17 (800), D20 (472), G16 (265), H20 (1277), Y20 (300) 16 AD11 (667), A01 (675), A01 (781), G02 (1746), Y20 (426) 17 B01 (715), B01 (1040), B08 (600), G02 (925) 18 A10 (675), A10 (1517), AO15 (351), D15 (2744) 19 A10 (1718), B13 (554), B01 (1278), C07 (975), D08 (465), Y20 (254) 20 D04 (300), G16 (347), H20 (1462) 21 A09 (829), D04 (413), G06 (472), G16 (659) 22 B01 (2111), D15 (925), G02 (250), Y20 (249) 23 A19 (1200), AH20 (1132), G02 (397) 24 A09 (987) 25 A20 (425), AD11 (731), AI01 (1145), AI01 (2000), AQ03 (441), D02 (1500), D02 (1200), G02 (635) 26 AI20 (2533) 27 A07 (1048), K01 (1033) 28 A08 (285), H13 (1503) 29 A19 (294), AD16 (300), D15 (550), D15 (675), D15 (1173), D20 (850) 30 A07 (1754), B13 (1411), D15 (190), D20 (790), Y20 (1400) 31 B12 (805) 32 AI01 (552), A09 (1627), B07 (553), B07 (758), C13 (300), G16 (261) 33 G19 (227) 34 AI01 (750), C15 (550), D11 (934) 35 D11 (538) 308 F i g. 1. RAPD pattern amplified by primer OPY20 1 p a v. RAPD pavyzdys, padaugintas OPY20 pradmeniu From left to right (lane) in order: M: DNA marker, 100bp DNA Ladder , numbers refer to the cultivars listed in Table 1. / Ið kairës á deðinæ (juostelës): M: DNR þymuo, 100bp DNR þemëlapis, skaièiai rodo 1 lentelëje iðvardytas veisles. F i g. 2. RAPD pattern amplified by primer OPB07 2 p a v. RAPD pavyzdys, padaugintas OPB07 pradmeniu From left to right (lane) in order: M: DNA marker, 100bp DNA Ladder, numbers refer to the accessions and cultivars listed in Table 1. / Ið kairës á deðinæ (juostelës): M: DNR þymuo, 100bp DNR þemëlapis, skaièiai rodo 1 lentelëje iðvardytas veisles. Cluster analysis of genetic distance among c h e r r y s p e c i e s. Based on Neis genetic distance, the following dendrogram (Fig. 3) was generated by adopting the UPGMA method modified by the NEIGHBOR procedure of PHYLIP Version 3.5. The bootstrap resampling process was repeated 1000 times, allowing the construction of consensus tree according to the rule of 50% majority (Nei et al., 2000). Clades, with bootstrap values (Nei et al., 2000) higher than 50%, are indicated in bold. The phylogenetic tree obtained by using UPGMA was consistent with that obtained by using the NJ method in describing relationships between species or cultivars. The topology of the tree was generally in agreement with taxonomical classification. As indicated in Fig.3, there was a clear separation between P. avium (nos1-23, shown in Table 1) and the other species in the study, the significance (bootstrap value) was 100%. 23 cultivars of P. avium clustered into a large group, revealing a relatively closer relationship among these cultivars. P. pseudocerasus (30) and Colt (29) formed a single group (96% significance), 309 and were separated from P. cerasus (25-28), P. serrulata var. lannesiana (32), P. mahaleb (24), P. maximowiczii (31), P. humilis (34), P. fruticosa var. aucta (33) and P. tomentosa (35). Four cultivated varieties (25, 26, 27 and 28) of P. cerasus formed a closely clustered group and were separated from the species indicated by the numbers 32, 24, 31, 34, 33 and 35 (67% significance). T a b l e 4. Analysis of genetic distance (below diagonal) and genetic identity (above diagonal) based on Neis gene diversity index l e n t e l ë. Genetinio skirtingumo (po ástriþaine) ir genetinio tapatumo (virð ástriþainës) analizë, remiantis Nei genø skirtingumo indeksu 0.8202 0.8226 0.8214 0.8286 P. cerasus 0.0623 0.1362 * * * 0.8601 0.8602 0.8840 0.8720 0.9116 0.8912 0.8909 Colt 0.1848 0.2719 0.1507 * * * 0.8143 0.7917 0.7940 0.8107 0.7810 0.7881 *** 0.7845 0.7940 0.7869 0.7690 0.7929 *** 0.8238 0.8643 0.8393 0.8464 P. serru0.1559 0.1982 0.1370 0.2306 0.2306 lata var. lannesiana 0.1938 *** 0.8190 0.8012 0.8298 P. fruticosa 0.0733 0.1953 0.0925 0.2098 0.2396 var. aucta 0.1459 0.1996 *** P. humilis 0.1183 0.1967 0.1152 0.2472 0.2626 0.1752 0.2217 0.1200 P. tomentosa 0.1060 0.1881 0.1155 0.2381 0.2321 0.1667 0.1866 0.1040 0.1349 P. pseudo0.1809 0.2534 0.1506 0.2054 cerasus P. maximowiczii 0.1251 0.2069 0.1233 0.2336 0.2427 P. tomentosa 0.8131 P. humilis P. mahaleb 0.1509 * * * 0.8726 0.7619 0.7762 P. fruticosa var. aucta P. serrulata var. lannesiana 0.9293 0.8884 0.8994 Colt 0.8556 P. avium P. cerasus 0.8824 Rûðys P. mahaleb * * * 0.8599 0.9396 0.8313 0.8345 Species P. avium P. maximowiczii P. pseudocerasus 4 0.8869 0.9012 *** 0.8738 *** P. serrulata var. lannesiana (32) was separated from the species indicated by the numbers 24, 31, 34, 33 and 35 (62% significance). P. mahaleb (24) was separated from the species numbered 31, 34, 33 and 35 (65% significance). The genotypes of P. tomentosa (35) and P. fruticosa var. aucta (33) first clustered into a clade, then formed the second clade with P. humilis (34). The bootstrap value for the clade that distinguished P. tomentosa, P. fruticosa var. aucta and P. humilis from P. maximowiczii (31) was 57%. Among the cultivated varieties of P. avium (Fig. 3), by adopting 11.60 as the threshold value of branch length between the cherry species based on Neis genetic distance (Nei 1978), these cultivars could be categorized into 5 clusters. 310 3 F i g . 3. Cluster analysis of phylogenetic relationships among 8 cherry species and 2 interspecific progenies p a v. 8 vyðniø rûðiø ir 2 tarprûðiniø hibridø filogenetiniø santykiø bendra analizë (Accession and cultivar numbers refer to the accessions and cultivars listed in Table 1. The boldface numbers are the percentage of times the monophyletic group occurred in 100 bootstrap samples.) / (Selekciniai ir veisliø numeriai atitinka 1 lentelëje iðvardytus selekcinius numerius ir veisles. Paryðkinti skaièiai tai monofiletinës grupës procentai 100-e jungtiniø pavyzdþiø.) 311 The first cluster included 9 cultivars, and could be further classified into three subclusters, the first subcluster comprised the five cultivars Sunburst (no.9 in Table 1), Hongdeng (10), Sato Nishiki (11), Governor Wood (13) and Rainier (23); the second subcluster comprised the three cultivars Marjit (16), Linda (14) and Hongfeng (15) while the third subcluster corresponded to the cultivar Black Tartarian (18). The second cluster included 7 cultivars, further classified as two subclusters, the first of which included the cultivars Valerif (1) and Solymari (2) while the second subcluster was composed of the cultivars Germersdorfer 3 (6), Napoleon (8), Hedelfinger (3), Utah Giant (4) and Celeste (5). The third cluster comprised four cultivars, further classified as two subclusters. The first of these corresponded to the variety Sam (22), while the second subcluster included the cultivars Van (21), Jaboulay (17) and Lapins (20). The fourth cluster comprised the cultivars Germersdorfer 45 (7) and Katalin (12) while the fifth cluster corresponded to the cultivar Longguan (19). The above results indicated that the cluster relationships between cherry species were well supported. With the exception of P. tomentosa, Prob and P. humilis, bootstrap values were all higher than 50%. P. tomentosa, Prob and P. humilis had a close relationship and formed a monopheletic group. This single group clustered into a new group with P. maximowiczii, P. mahaleb, P. serrulata var. lannesiana, P. cerasus, P. pseudocerasus and Colt and the latter group formed a significantly larger group with P. avium. The phylogenetic tree has clearly revealed the mutual relationships among eight cherry species and two interspecific hybrids during the phylogenetic evolutionary process. Discussion and conclusions. I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f c h e r r y cultivars and genetic relationship among c u l t i v a r s. The 816 loci, with high polymorphism, were detected by using 48 primers to perform PCR amplification on all the P. avium and P. cerasus cultivars. Characteristic loci, which can be used for rapid cultivar identification, were amplified in all the cultivars except Hongdeng. Previous studies have revealed that characteristic bands can be ultimately detected by enlarging the quantity of primers (Wang et al., 2002). In theory, this rule also applies to cultivar Hongdeng. This research has indicated that, as an important molecular marker, RAPD technique can be applied to the identification of cherry cultivars and early screening of specific characters of selections, which provide a theoretical basis for the identification of homonyms and synonyms in cherry. This result is in agreement with previous studies on cherry and other fruit species (Gerlach et al., 1998; Huang et al., 2003; Luo et al., 2001; Stockinger et al., 1996). As shown by the dendrogram, 23 cultivars of P. avium clustered into a large group, as did the four cultivars of P. cerasus, which complies with the classic taxonomy (Webster et al. 1996; Yu 1986). In the phylogenetic tree, cherry cultivars with closer mutual relationships and similar pomological characters mostly clustered into a group. However, since most of the varieties are hybrids or natural mutants, they have relatively complex genetic backgrounds. By adopting the genetic distance 11.60 as the threshold value, the cultivars of P. avium studied can be categorized 312 into 5 groups. Taking as an example the 5 cultivars in the first subgroup of the first group, Sato nishiki (11), Governor Wood (13) and Rainier (23), all have a yellow pericarp and have a close genetic relationship with Sunburst (9) and Hongdeng (10), to form a cluster. In the cultivars clustering tree, on one hand, Hongdeng (10) and Sato nishiki (11) share the common parent Governor Wood (13), while Sunburst (9) and Rainier (23) have Van (21) as their common parent (Webster et al. 1996). On the other hand, although Sunburst and Rainier share the common parent Van, they failed to cluster into a group with Van. It is suggested that the other parents, which affect the clustering result among these cherry varieties, had played a more important role in their respective genetic constitutions. Phylogenetic relationships among wild cherry s p e c i e s. The topology of the tree was generally in agreement with taxonomic classification in this study. According to the classic taxonomy, P. tomentosa (35) and P. humilis (34) have been listed in subgenus Microcerasus Webb (Rehder 1974). In this study, these two species clustered into a monopheletic group closely related to the dwarf shrub-like interspecific progeny Prob (33), the Neis genetic distance ranging from 0.1040 to 0.1349, supports the above classic taxonomy. P. maximowiczii (31) further formed a group with the species P. humilis (34), P. tomentosa (35) and the progeny Prob. All three wild species mentioned (31, 34, and 35) are native to China and are closely related in the phylogenetic tree, having a relatively high genetic identity. They also clustered with the wild species P. mahaleb (24) originating in Hungary, and the Japanese species P. serrulata var. lannesiana (32). Ingram (1948) placed P. maximowiczii (31) and P. mahaleb (24) in the phyllomahaleb section of the Prunus subgenus cerasus. P. mahaleb (24) showed greater proximity to the wild species P. maximowiczii (31) in the phylogenetic tree and could be separated from the species listed as nos31, 34, 33 and 35 (65% significance). Colt (29) is the interspecific hybrid of P. avium and P. pseudocerasus, which would account for its relationship with P. avium and P. pseudocerasus. This is consistent with the previous studies on cherry species by using an isozyme technique (Granger et al. 1993). P. cerasus (25-28) clustered into a group with P. pseudocerasus, and then significantly correlated with P. avium (100% significance). It is believed that P. cerasus originated as a hybrid between P. avium and P. fruticosa. In terms of geographical origin, P. avium is indigenous to the southwest part of Asia and Europe and is thought to have originated in the region of the Caspian and Black Seas, from where it slowly spread, while P. pseudocerasus has its origin in Southwest China and the area of the Yangtze River. Despite the difference in geographical origin, the cluster analysis has revealed that P. pseudocerasus and P. avium formed a distinct cluster in the phylogenetic tree. This close relationship (GImax=0.9396) indicates phylogenetically that, besides the geographical origin (Luo et al., 2001), genotypes in the species may also account for the interspecific phylogenetic relationship. On the other hand, in terms of chromosomal ploidy, P. tomentosa, P. mahaleb and P. serrulata var. lannesiana are diploid, P. cerasus (an interspecific hybrid of P. avium and P. fruticosa) and P. pseudocerasus are tetraploids, while P. avium includes diploids, triploids and tetraploids (Webster et al., 1996; Yu, 1986). The consistency between the ploidy and 313 the phylogenetic trees topology further showed a relatively close genetic relationship between P. pseudocerasus and P. avium, which complies with the studies by Malusa (1996). The above results indicated that the phylogenetic relationships among Prunus species revealed by the phylogenetic tree are consistent with the well-established basic taxonomical frame (Ingram, 1948; Rehder, 1974). The adoption of PCR amplified DNA fragments is a powerful tool for the analysis of genetic variation of Prunus germplasm, and can reveal the interspecific phylogenetic relationships at the molecular level. Acknowledgements We thank to Dr. J. D. Quinlan and Dr. Karoly Hrotko for giving us advices. This research was supported by the China Science and Technology Commission program CHN3319. The experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which the experiments were carried out. Gauta 2006 07 24 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 09 References 1. 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J Amer Soc Hort Sci 127:786792. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 302315. LAUKINIØ VYÐNIØ GENETINËS VARIACIJOS TYRIMAI PANAUDOJANT RAPD ANALIZÆ Yu-Liang Cai, Gui-Fang Zhao, Dong-Wei Cao Santrauka Tirta 8 vyðniø rûðiø ir 2 tarprûðiniø hibridø atsitiktinai amplifikuotø polimorfiniø DNR sekø variacija. 48 ið 130 pasirinktinai oligonukleotidiniai þymenys tirti PGR padauginti, siekiant generuoti polimorfizmus. Filogenetinë analizë atlikta dviem distancinës matricos metodais. Siekiant atskleisti rûðiø ir veisliø santykius, buvo sukurta dendograma. Rezultatai parodë, kad ið viso buvo 840 padaugintø lokusø; 23 treðniø ir 4 vyðniø veislës buvo sugrupuotos su atitinkamai 569 ir 247 polimorfiniais lokusais, o tai atitinkamai 67,74 ir 29,40% visos variacijos. P. tomentosa T., P. fruticosa var. aucta P. ir P. humilis B. sudarë monofiletinæ grupæ. Buvo stebëtas santykis tarp P. pseudocerasus L. ir Colt, kurios sudarë kità artimai susijusià grupæ, o P. avium L., P. cerasus L. ir kitos vyðniø rûðys labiau skyrësi. Genetiðkai skirtingø Prunus rûðiø genetinis skirtingumas siekë nuo 0,0623 iki 0,2719. Vaismedþio topologija ið esmës atitiko taksonominæ klasifikacijà. Rezultatai parodë, kad, iðskyrus treðniø veislæ Hongdeng, buvo vienas ar daugiau vyðniø rûðims ir veislëms bûdingø RAPD þymenø. Panaudojant ðiuos specifinius þymenis, gali bûti nustatomas vyðniø rûðiø ir veisliø tapatumas, todël egzistuoja galimybë anksti parinkti geras hibridø savybes. Reikðminiai þodþiai: vyðnios, RAPD, rûðys, genetiniai santykiai. 315 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 316321. SIMPLE IDENTIFICATION OF SWEET CHERRY ROOTSTOCKS PHL USING RAPD MARKERS Anna LISEK, Maùgorzata KORBIN, Elýbieta ROZPARA Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Skierniewice, Pomologiczna 18, Poland. E-mail:,, The studies were conducted on plants of three sweet cherry rootstocks P-HL A, P-HL B and P-HL C kept in germplasm collections of the Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice. DNA polymorphism was analysed by RAPD-PCR technique. DNA was amplified with 59 out of 70 tested primers (Operon Technologies, Inc.). Totally, 59 informative products (19% of total band number) with length between 500 bp and 1830 bp were amplified with 28 primers. Ten primers generated especially high polymorphism and each of them allowed to diversify analysed rootstocks. DNA patterns for each rootstock were established. Obtained results confirm the suitability of RAPD-PCR technique for diversification of sweet cherry rootstocks. Key words: DNA polymorphism, fingerprinting, molecular markers, Prunus avium L. Introduction. Intensive sweet cherry cultivation needs weak-growing rootstocks. Study on dwarf rootstocks usefulness for intensive orchards have been carried out at the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture for many years. P-HLs selected in Czech Republic within Prunus avium L. (Wertheim, 1998) are known as rootstocks significantly reducing tree vigour and increasing yield (Grzyb et al., 1998). According to previous experiments rootstock P-HL A accelerate the ripening time of fruits and favourably influence the quality of fruits (Rozpara et al., 2004). Data collected by other authors showed big differences in growth and vigour of trees grafted on different types of rootstocks PHL. Precise identification of each rootstock with molecular markers allows avoiding these problems. Markers generated on the base of DNA polymorphism analysis make possible the identification of genotypes also for plant material characterizing with high similarity of morphological traits. Many authors presented high efficiency of RAPD-technique for diversification of Prunus cultivars: peach (Zhen-Xiang et al., 1996), plum (Ortiz et al., 1997; Shimada et al., 1999) and almond (Bartolozzi et al., 1998; Martins et al., 2003). For identification of sweet cherry cultivars RAPD, SSR and AFLP techniques were used (Gerlach, Stosser, 1998; Boritzki et al., 2000; Zhou et al., 2002; Dirlewanger et al., 2002; Lisek et al., 2005). 316 In this work, DNA polymorphism of sweet cherry rootstock P-HL with RAPD technique was analysed. DNA patterns for each genotype were established for further identification of rootstock PHL types. Materials and methods. P l a n t m a t e r i a l a n d D N A i s o l a t i o n. Three sweet cherry rootstocks P-HL A, P-HL B and P-HL C were obtained from the field collection of Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice. Genomic DNA was extracted from shoot tips with young leaves (2 g per each sample) with CTAB-based method (Doyle, Doyle, 1990). Nucleic acid concentration was measured spectrophotometrically (at 260 nm). DNA was diluted to 10 ng per 1 µl for further analysis. R A P D - P C R a n a l y s i s. Amplification was carried out in a volume of 13 ml containing 10 x PCR buffer, 2.5 mM of MgCl2, 0.1 mM of each nucleotide, 0.325 U of Taq polymerase, 0.35 mM of primer and 13 ng of template (DNA). Totally 70 primers (Operon Technologies Inc.) from groups OPB, OPG, OPT and OPU were tested. DNA amplifications were performed in MJ Research Thermocycler (40 cycles: 95oC/30 s, 40oC/45 s, 72oC/90 s). PCR products were separated in 1,2 % agarose gels, stained with ethidium bromide and visualized under UV light. Only clearly distinct and reproducible bands were selected for the further analysis. Results and discussion. DNA amplification was observed in reactions with 59 out of 70 used primers, which generated altogether 310 fragments. Polymorphic products were obtained in reactions with 28 primers. Totally fifty-nine RAPD markers were identified, defined as 19% of the total band number. The size of polymorphic fragments ranged between 500 bp and 1830 bp. The highest number of the RAPD polymorphic fragments was observed in reactions with the primers OPG 16 (5 products) and OPU 15 (4 products). Each of primers: OPB 08, OPG 08, OPG 11, OPT 01, OPT 04, OPT 06, OPU 19 and OPU 20 generated three polymorphic fragments. Similar results concerning polymorphism generation with RAPD were obtained for different Prunus species. For example, three to six primers allowed to identify 31 plum cultivars and 18 peach cultivars, respectively (Ortiz et al., 1997; Zhen-Xiang et al., 1996). Six selected RAPD primers allowed to obtain 63 fragments diversifying 40 almond cultivars (Martins et al., 2003). Diversification of 19 sweet cherry cultivars was possible using six RAPD primers (Lisek et al., 2005). Generally, 104 RAPD markers necessary to diversify 40 genotypes from subspecies Lithocerasus were obtained in reaction with 53 primers (Shimada et al., 2001). Simultaneously, the RAPD technique revealed 39,4% polymorphism for peach and 85,4% for Japanese plum (Warburton, Bliss, 1996; Bellini et al., 1998). Low level of polymorphism in our study (19%) can be caused by small size of genome of sweet cherry (0,7 pg) (Arumuganathan, Earle, 1991). Similar result has been obtained by other authors, e.g. 19% of polymorphism was observed with AFLP technique (Zhou et al., 2002), 17-21% with SSR markers (Boritzki et al., 2000; Struss et al., 2003) and 14,6% with RAPD technique (Lisek et al., 2005). The low level of DNA polymorhism can be also a reason of difficulties in diversification of some sweet cherry cultivars with RAPD markers (Gerlach, Stosser, 1998). In our study ten primers generated especially high polymorphism and each of them allowed to diversify 317 analysed rootstocks (Table 1). All these primers were used to prepare DNA patterns characterizing each rootstock (Fig. 1). T a b l e. DNA polymorphism in RAPD-PCR on the template of genomic DNA of 3 sweet cherry rootstocks PHL (1 presence, 0 lack of polymorphic products) L e n t e l ë. Treðniø trijø PHL poskiepiø DNR polimorfizmas (1 yra, 0 polimorfiniø produktø trûksta) Rootstock / Poskiepis Primer Length of polymorphic fragment Pradmuo Polimorfinio fragmento ilgis (bp) PHL A PHL B PHL C 1730 0 1 0 1320 0 1 1 1400 0 1 1 870 1 0 1 1350 0 1 1 990 0 1 1 OPB 06 OPG 06 OPG 08 OPT 04 OPT 06 OPT 07 OPT 18 OPU 05 OPU 14 OPU 15 800 1 0 1 1510 0 1 1 1200 0 1 0 1030 1 1 0 600 1 0 1 560 0 1 1 560 1 0 0 770 0 1 1 560 1 1 0 1010 1 0 1 860 0 1 1 930 1 1 0 850 1 0 1 1100 0 0 1 1040 0 1 0 1520 1 0 0 1460 0 0 1 1360 0 1 0 1080 0 1 0 318 F i g. DNA patterns of 3 sweet cherry rootstock: lines 1,2,3 PHL A, lines 4,5,6 PHL B, lines 7,8,9 PHL C. Applied primers: OPG 16 lines 1, 4, 7, OPT 07 lines 2, 5, 8, and OPU 15 lines 3, 6, 9. M - Eco RI and HindIII digested ëDNA marker P a v. Trijø treðniø poskiepiø DNR pavyzdþiai: 1,2,3 linijos PHL A, 4,5,6 linijos PHL B, 7,8,9 linijos PHL C. Naudoti þymenys: OPG 16 1, 4, 7 linijos, OPT 07 2, 5, 8 linijos ir OPU 15 3, 6, 9 linijos. M Eco RI ir HindIII suskaidytas ëDNR þymuo Conclusions. 1. The obtained results confirm the suitability of RAPD-PCR technique for identifying of sweet cherry rootstocks. 2. Even a low level of DNA polymorphism was enough to distinguish between tested rootstocks. Gauta 2006 05 23 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 08 References 1. A r u m u g a n a t h a n K., E a r l e E. D. Nuclear DNA content of some important plant species // Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 1991. Vol. 9: 208218. 2. B a r t o l o z z i F., W a r b u r t o n M. L., A r u l s e k a r S., G r a d z i e l T. M. Genetic characterization and relatedness among California almond cultivars and breeding lines detected by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis // J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1998. Vol. 123: 381387. 3. B e l l i n i E., G i o r d a n i E., N e n c e t t i V., P a f f e t t i D. Genetic relationships in Japanese plum cultivars by molecular markers // Acta horticulturae. 1998. Vol. 478: 5359. 4. 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Vol. 468: 333338. 9. L i s e k A., K o r b i n M., R o z p a r a E. Differentiation of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars with simply genetated RAPD markers // J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. 2005. Vol. 13 (Special ed.): 5359. 10. M a r t i n s M., T e n r e i r o R., O l i v e i r a M. M. Genetic relatedness of Portugese almond cultivars assessed by RAPD and ISSR markers // Plant Cell Rep. 2003. Vol. 22: 7178. 11. O r t i z A., R e n a u d R., C a l z a d a I., R i t t e r E. Analysis of plum cultivars with RAPD markers // J. Hort. Sci. 1997. Vol. 72: 19. 12. R o z p a r a E., G r z y b Z. S., O m i e c i ñ s k a B., C z y n c z y k A. Results of eight years of research on the growth and yield of three sweet cherry cultivars grafted on PHL A rootstock // Acta horticulturae. 2004. Vol. 663: 965967. 13. S h i m a d a T., H a y a m a H., H a j i T., Y a m a g u c h i M., Y o s h i d a M. 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Identification of peach rootstock cultivars by RAPD markers // Hortscience. 1996. Vol. 31: 127129. 19. Z h o u L., K a p p e l F., H a m p s o n C., W i e r s m a P. A., B a k k e r e n G. Genetic analysis and discrimination of sweet cherry cultivars and selections using amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprints // J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 2002. Vol. 127: 786792. 320 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 316321. PAPRASTAS TREÐNIØ PHL POSKIEPIØ IDENTIFIKAVIMAS PANAUDOJANT RAPD ÞYMENIS A. Lisek, M. Korbin, E. Rozpara Santrauka Atlikti trijø treðniø poskiepiø (P-HL A, P-HL B ir P-HL C) sodinukø, augintø Pomologijos ir gëlininkystës instituto Skierniewice germplazmos kolekcijose, tyrimai. DNR polimorfizmas analizuotas panaudojant RAPD-PCR technikà. DNR buvo pagausinta 59 ið 70 tirtø pradmenø (Operon Technologies, Inc.). Ið viso 59 informatyvûs produktai (19% bendro grupës skaièiaus), kuriø ilgis nuo 500 iki 1830 bp, buvo pagausinti 28 pradmenimis. Deðimt pradmenø generavo itin aukðtà polimorfizmà ir kiekvienas ið jø suteikë galimybæ ávairinti analizuojamus poskiepius. Buvo nustatytos kiekvieno poskiepio DNR struktûros. Gauti rezultatai patvirtina, kad RAPD-PCR technika yra tinkama treðniø poskiepiams ávairinti. Reikðminiai þodþiai: DNA polimorfizmas, atspaudø metodas, molekuliniai þymekliai, Prunus avium L. 321 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 322326. COMPARISON OF CYDONIA AND PYRUS ROOTSTOCKS IN ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA Edgar HAAK1, Darius KVIKLYS2, Janis LEPSIS3 Polli Horticultural Research Centre of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Karksi-Nuia 69104, Estonia. E-mail: Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: Pure Horticultural Research Station, Tukuma distr. LV3124, Latvia. E-mail: The co-operative experiment Baltic fruit rootstock was established in three Baltic states Estonia (at Polli), Latvia (at Pure) and Lithuania (at Babtai) in 2001. The cultivar Suvenirs was grafted on three Cydonia rootstocks: BA29, QA and QC (the latter was missing in Estonia), and four Pyrus rootstocks: vegetative Pyrodwarf and OHF 333 and seedlings Kirchensaller Mostbirne, and Kazrausu. In Lithuania (at Babtai) the trunks on every rootstock were thicker than in two other localities. The trees on the clones QC were founded to be smaller and the trees on Pyrodwarf, OHF 333 and Kirchensaller Mostbirne were significantly more vigorous than these on the standard clone BA29. In Latvia (at Pure), the trees on all Pyrus rootstocks were more vigorous than these on Cydonia rootstocs. In Estonia (at Polli), the trees on Pyrodwarf and OHF 333 were found to be weaker than these on Cydonia rootstocks. The first crop in Lithuania appeared in the fourth year after planting only on Cydonia and Pyrodwarf rootstocks. In Estonia and Latvia, the first crop appeared in the fifth year on all rootstocks due to the entire killing of flowers in the fourth year by spring night frosts; the first crop was bigger on Cydonia rootstocks. In Lithuania, the fruit mass was bigger on OHF 333 than that on BA 29. Young pear trees of the cultivar Suvenirs are less vigorous on Cydonia rootstocks. However, in some localities the trees on Pyrus rootstocks Pyrodwarf and OHF 333 may be even weaker then these on Cydonia rootstocks. Key words: pear, rootstock, Baltic states. Introduction. Commercial pear growing in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is not very perspective, due to severe winter damages. However, pear trees are growing in many home gardens on seedling rootstock Pyrus pyraster. The trees on vigorous rootstocks start to bear fruit late and take place. It is possible to grow the trees on less vigorous rootstocks. Previous rootstock trials have included Cydonia A and C rootstocks, but in the colder winter-conditions 322 many trees perished. The most damaged were the trees on Cydonia QC rootstock even at West European climate conditions (Weber, 2001). In Latvia (Lepsis et al., 2004) and Estonia even Cydonia QA rootstock was not winter hardy (Palk, 1987). In Lithuania QA, S 1 and K11 showed promising results (Kviklys, 2005; Kviklys, Kviklienë, 2004), nevertheless Pyrus clonal rootstocks must be evaluated. In 1998, the Baltic fruit rootstock study was initiated in three Baltic States (Bite et al., 1999) and first results reported (Bite et al., 2004). The aim of the trial was to evaluate pear rootstocks performance in different geographical localities. Material and methods. The planting material was propagated at the Pure Experimental station. The trees were planted at three sites in the spring of 2001: at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture Babtai, at the Pure Experimental Station in Latvia, and at the Polli Ressearch Centre of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The geographical locations are: Babtai in Lithuania 55° 60 N, 23° 48 E, Pure in Latvia 57° 02N, 22° 52E, and Polli in Estonia 58° 67N, 25° 33E. Pear cv. Suvenirswas propagated on following rootstocks: Cydonia BA29, Cydonia QA, Cydonia QC, not planted in Estonia, Pyrus Pyrodwarf, Pyrus OHF333, Pyrus Kirchensaller Mostbirne seedlings, and Pyrus Kazrausu seedlings. An interstem Staras No. 31 was used for trees on Cydonia rootstocks to surpass the incompatibility between scion and rootstock. In Lithuania the soil humus content was 2.5%, P2O5 255 mg per kg, K2O 230 mg per kg, in Latvia the soil humus content was 1.8%, P2O5 189 mg per kg, K2O 151 mg per kg. In Estonia the experiment was located on a medium sod-podzolic soil. The tree spacing in Estonian experiment was 4.0 x 1.5 m, in Latvia and Lithuania there was a choice: for clonal rootstocks 4 x 2 m and for seedling rootstock 4 x 3 m. The space between the rows was held as grassland, and the row-stripe was managed by herbicides. Cydonia BA29 was standard rootstock for comparison. There were 4 replications in every variant, 3 trees per plot. Trunk diameter of each tree was measured every autumn at the height of 30 cm and trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) was calculated in 2005. Tree height and canopy diameter were measured only in Estonia. Fruits were harvested in 2004 (in Lithuania only) and in 2005 and yield (kg/tree) was recorded. The average fruit weight was calculated only in Lithuania. Statistical analyses of data were performed (p d 0.05). The weather conditions in Estonia and Lithuania didnt differ substantially during the years 20012005. Only the amount of precipitations was different: at Polli (Estonia) the summer of 2002 was dryer. Results and discussion. TCSA in Lithuania (all variants) was substantially bigger than in Estonia and Latvia (Table), due to more fertile soil. In Lithuania the trees on Cydonia QC were substantially slender than on Cydonia BA29, Pyrus Pyrodwarf, and Mostbirne. In Latvia the trees on Cydonia rootstocks didnt differ in TCSA. However, the trees on all Pyrus rootstocks were much more thicker than on Cydonia rootstocks. In Estonian-experiment, the trees only on Pyrus Pyrodwarf and Pyrus OHF 333 were slender and the crown volume was smaller than these of all Cydonia rootstocks and Mostbirne, and Kazrausu. 323 T a b l e. Trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) after five growing seasons, yield per tree, mean fruit weight, height of trees and crown volume L e n t e l ë. Kamieno skerspjûvio plotas (KSP) po penkiø augimo sezonø, vaismedþio derlius, vidutinë vaisiaus masë, vaismedþiø aukðtis ir vainiko tûris Lithuania / Lietuva Rootstock Poskiepis BA29 QC QA Pyrodwarf OHF-333 Mostbirne Kazrausu LSD 0.5 Mean fruit weight TCS A KSP, cm2 Derlius, kg/vaism. Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, g 32.2 23.7* 30.2 38.5* 40.7* 43.0* 35.2 16.5 11.5* 13.3 11.4* 11.0* 9.2* 8.7* 3.7 3.9 Yield, kg/tree Latvia / Latvija Estonia / Estija Yield, kg/tree TCSA 2 KSP, cm TCSA KSP, cm2 Derlius, kg/vaism. 159 158 163 164 175* 154 151 16.6 15.2 16.6 27.7* 22.9* 34.2* 38.5* 23.9 24.6 18.7* 15.8* 23.9 20.7 13.6 2.0 1.8 Height Aukštis, Crown volume m Vainiko 3 tûris, m 15.5 16.8 1.7* 3.8* 4.6* 5.5* 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.5 5.5 5.1 4.0* 3.9* 5.3 4.8 3.2 0.2 0.7 The differences in trunk diameter were found, especially in Lithuania and Estonia, during the first three years after planting; in the forth and fifth years the yearly increase was stable, without differences. In Latvia, the differences were formed in the fourth and fifth years (Fig.); this was mainly stated in the trees on Mostbirne and Kazrausu rootstocks. F i g. Pear tree trunk diameter in 2003 and increase of diameter in 2004 and 2005 P a v. Kriauðiø kamieno skersmuo 2003 m. ir skersmens padidëjimas 2004 ir 2005 m. 324 The beginning of yield in Lithuania on Cydonia rootstocks and on Pyrodwarf was in fourth year. In Estonia, the spring night frosts killed all the flowers that year, thus the first fruits appeared a year later. In fifth year, the trees on Cydonia BA29 and QA rootstocks, both in Lithuania and Estonia, were more productive than on the other rootstocks (Table). The trees on BA29 surpassed the trees on Pyrus rootstocks by 5070% in Lithuania and 6590% in Estonia. The smallest yield at Polli was reported for Pyrodwarf rootstock. Average fruit weight was reported only for Lithuania: it was substantially greater on the OHF 333 rootstock if to compare with Cydonia BA29. Data in the literature stated that trees on Cydonia BA29 are the most vigorous among Cydonia rootstocks (Carrero, Ortiz, 1984; Weber, 2001). However, there are information that both may be the same size (Loreti et al., 2002). The latter coincide with the results in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Pyrus Pyrodwarf rootstock produces by the evaluation of the breeder (Jacob, 1998) small trees, almost similar to Cydonia QA. The rootstock Pyrus OHF 333 appeared too vigorous (Weber, 2001). In Switzerland, the trees on OHF 333 were influenced by scion but were 20-60% more vigorous than the trees on Cydonia QA (Money and Evequos, 1999). Conclusions. The rootstocks tended to have different influence on tree size, depending on growing site. In our experiment, the trees on Pyrus rootstocks in Lithuania and Latvia were more vigorous, but in Estonia produced smaller trees than on Cydonia BA29. The trees on Kirchensaller Mostbirne and Kazrausu varied greatly from one site to another. In Latvia and Estonia they were more vigorous than on Pyrus Pyrodwarf and Pyrus OHF 333, whereas in Lithuania there was no significant difference, presumably due to more fertile soil. Gauta 2006 06 08 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 17 References 1. B i t e A., K v i k l y s D., U n i v e r T., L u k u t T. The beginning of the project Baltic fruit rootstock studies. Acta Horticulturae. 2004. 658(1). P. 437440. 2. B i t e A., K v i k l y s D., H a a k E., L u c u t T. F. International project Baltic Rootstock Studies. Apple rootstocks for intensive orchards. Warszawa, 1999. P. 1718. 3. C a r r e r a M., O r t i z E. Performance of tree quince rootstocks for pears. Acta Horticulturale. 1984. 161. P. 231245. 4. J a c o b H. B. Pyrodwarf, a new clonal rootstock for high density pear orchards. ISHS Acta Horticulturale 475. 1998. VII International Symposium on Pear Growing. P. 169178. 5. K v i k l y s D. Poskiepiø átaka Konferencinë kriauðiø vegetatyvinei ir generatyvinei raidai // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë, 24(2). 2005. P. 310. 6. K v i k l y s D., N. K v i k l i e n ë. Pear rootstock effect on growth, productivity and fruit internal quality// Acta Horticulturae, 658(1). 2004. P. 359364. 325 7. L e p s i s J., D r u d z e I., D e k e n s U. The evaluation of different plum and pear rootstocks in the nursery. ISHS Acta Horticulturale. 658. 2004. P. 167172. 8. L o r e t i F., M a s s a i R., F e i C., C i n e t t i F. Performance of Conference cultivar on several quince and pear rootstocks: preliminary results. ISHS Acta Horticulturale 596. 2002. P. 311318. 9. M o n n e y F., E v e q o u s N. OHF und Quittenunterlagen für Birnen in Vergleich. Schweiz, Z. Obst-Weinbau Nr. 26. 1999. P. 634637. 10. P a l k J. Õuna- ja pirnipuude kasvatamine. Seemned, pookealused, istikud. Tallin, Valgus, 1987. P. 102105. 11. W e b e r H. J. Birnenunterlagen keine M9 in Sicht. Obstbau in Rheinland Platz. 2001. P. 19. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 322326. CYDONIA IR PYRUS POSKIEPIØ PALYGINIMAS ESTIJOJE, LATVIJOJE IR LIETUVOJE E. Haak, D. Kviklys, J. Lepsis Santrauka Vykdant Baltijos poskiepiø tyrimø programà, 2001 m. Suvenirs kriauðiø veislës su Cydonia poskiepiais BA29, QA ir QC (pastarojo Estijoje nebuvo) ir Pyrus poskiepiais: vegetatyvinais Pyrodwarf ir OHF 333 bei sëkliniais Kirchensaller Mostbirne ir Kazrausu, bandymai buvo árengti trijose Baltijos respublikose: Estijoje (Polli), Latvijoje (Pure) ir Lietuvoje (Babtuose). Lietuvoje vaismedþiø kamienai su visais poskiepiais buvo storesni negu kitose dviejose vietovëse. Vaismedþiai su QC vegetatyviniu poskiepiu buvo maþesni, o su Pyrodwarf OHF 333 ir Kirchensaller Mostbirne ið esmës augesni uþ vaismedþius su standartiniu BA29 vegetatyviniu poskiepiu. Latvijoje vaismedþiai su visais Pyrus poskiepiais buvo augesni uþ vaismedþius su Cydonia poskiepiais. Estijoje vaismedþiai su Pyrodwarf ir OHF 333 buvo silpnesni uþ vaismedþius su Cydonia poskiepiais. Pirmàjá derliø Lietuvoje ketvirtaisiais metais po pasodinimo davë tik vaismedþiai su Cydonia ir Pyrodwarf poskiepiais. Estijoje ir Latvijoje pirmasis derlius skintas nuo vaismedþiø su visais poskiepiais, bet tik penktaisiais metais, nes ketvirtaisiais metais po pasodinimo pavasarinës ðalnos sunaikino visus þiedus. Pirmasis derlius buvo didesnis vaismedþiø su Cydonia poskiepiais. Lietuvoje didesnë buvo vaismedþiø su OHF 333 vaisiaus masë negu su BA 29. Jaunos Suvenirs veislës kriauðës su Cydonia poskiepiais yra maþiau augios, taèiau kai kuriose vietovëse vaismedþiai su Pyrus, Pyrodwarf ir OHF 333 gali bûti dar silpnesni. Reikðminiai þodþiai: kriauðës, poskiepiai, Baltijos respublikos. 326 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 327333. PERFORMANCE OF PRUNUS ROOTSTOCKS IN THE 2001 NC-140 PEACH TRIAL G.L. REIGHARD1, T. BECKMAN, R. BELDING, B. BLACK, J. CLINE, W. COWGILL, R. GODIN, M. KAPS, T. LINDSTROM, D. OUELLETTE, L. STEIN, K. TAYLOR, C. WALSH, M. WHITING and T. ROBINSON 2. 1 Clemson University, Department of Horticulture, Clemson, South Carolina, 29634-0319, USA. E-mail: GRGHRD@CLEMSON.EDU Co-authors are NC-140 cooperators from Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington and Ontario, Canada and are listed in Table 1. 2 Fourteen Prunus rootstock cultivars and selections budded with either Redtop, Redhaven or Cresthaven peach were planted at 10 locations in North America in 2001 in a randomized block design with a tree spacing of 5 by 6 m and 8 replicates. This test planting was a NC-140 Cooperative Regional Rootstock Project ( There were 14 rootstocks total, which included three peach seedling rootstocks: Lovell, Bailey, and Guardian® BY520-9 [selection SC-17]. Clonal rootstocks included peach x almond hybrids BH-4 and SLAP (Cornerstone); peach x plum hybrids K146-43 (Controller 5), K146-44, and P30-135 (Controller 9); interspecific plum hybrids Hiawatha, Jaspi and Julior; interspecific Prunus hybrids Cadaman® and VVA-1 (Krymsk® 1); and Prunus pumila selection Pumiselect®. The largest trees were from Georgia, Maryland, and South Carolina. BH-4, SLAP, SC-17, Lovell, and Cadaman® were the most vigorous rootstocks. Jaspi, K146-43, K146-44 and VVA-1 were the least vigorous, having trunk circumferences 30-40% smaller than Lovell. No rootstock had a significantly higher survival rate than Lovell at all locations. Julior, Jaspi, and VVA-1 had significantly more root suckers. Cumulative fruit yields were highest on the peach seedling, peach x almond, and Cadaman® rootstocks. Lowest cumulative yields were from trees on Jaspi, VVA-1, and K146-44 rootstocks. Fruit weight was significantly larger on BH-4, SLAP and Bailey rootstocks. Bailey and Jaspi had the highest and lowest cumulative yield efficiency, respectively. Keywords: peach x almond hybrids, peach x plum hybrids, Prunus persica L. Introduction. Peach production in North America has relied on peach seedling rootstocks since the mid-1800s. Entering the 21st century, peach growers must confront replant problems, the loss of soil fumigants and agricultural chemicals, increased production costs, and reduced yields due to shortened tree longevity. To 327 increase orchard productivity and efficiency, growers are looking for solutions via new rootstocks that are more resistant to abiotic (winter cold damage, drought stress, soil anaerobic conditions, etc.) and biotic stresses (root pathogens, soil nematodes, bacterial and fungal cankers, etc.) as well as dwarfing (Layne, 1987; Reighard, 2002). The NC-140 project, a United States, Mexican and Canadian group of cooperating researchers, was organized to test new rootstocks over a wide range of sites in North America. Previous reports (Perry et al., 2000; Reighard, 2000; Reighard et al., 2004) from this group have provided information on the performance of mostly peach seedling rootstocks in multiple environments throughout the United States and Canada. In the past 510 years, clonal-propagated, interspecific Prunus rootstocks for peach have been licensed and propagated by nurserymen in the United States. These rootstocks had limited field-testing in North America, and thus were good candidates for an NC-140 rootstock trial. To determine the horticultural merits of these rootstocks under North American edaphic and climatic conditions, a NC-140 trial was initiated. The objectives of this NC-140 trial were to evaluate these clonal peach rootstocks for survival, tree vigor, yield, fruit quality, cold hardiness, nematode or disease tolerance and replant performance in peach production regions. Materials and methods. Authorization was obtained to test 12 proprietary rootstocks and selections. Eleven of these were clonal rootstocks that included peach x almond hybrids BH-4 and SLAP (Cornerstone); peach x plum hybrids K146-43 (Controller 5), K146-44, and P30-135 (Controller 9); interspecific plum hybrids Hiawatha, Jaspi and Julior; interspecific Prunus hybrids Cadaman® and VVA-1 (Krymsk® 1); and Prunus pumila selection Pumiselect®. There were also 3 peach seedling rootstocks tested: Lovell and Bailey as controls and Guardian® BY520-9 [selection SC-17]. Liners or seed of each virus-indexed rootstock were collected in 1999 and sent to Burchell Nursery (Oakdale, California) for nursery propagation and budding. Rootstocks were budded with virus-indexed Cresthaven, Redhaven and Redtop peach in 2000, and one cultivar budded on 1214 rootstocks was selected and shipped to each cooperator in January 2001 for planting in Spring 2001. The trials experimental design consisted of 8 single-tree plots (=replicates) of each rootstock planted in a randomized complete block design at all 10 locations in the U.S. and Canada. Trees were spaced 5 m within rows and 6 m between rows. Trees were headed at planting to a height of approximately 7080 cm and trained to an open center system. Supplemental irrigation was available and applied when necessary. Application of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer followed local recommended practices for each state. Cresthaven was planted in Colorado, Texas and Washington. Redhaven was planted in Missouri, New Jersey, Ontario and Utah. Redtop was planted in Georgia, Maryland and South Carolina. Data collected annually on each tree from each location included survival, trunk circumference, root suckering, bloom date (90% flowers open), fruit maturity date (10% fruit mature), fruit size (random 20-fruit sample), tree yield, and yield efficiency. Not all rootstocks were available for all sites. Cooperators and the test locations are listed in Table 1. 328 T a b l e 1. State cooperators, affiliations and locations of the 2001 NC-140 peach rootstock test. 1 l e n t e l ë. State/Province Valstija/provincija 2001 m. NC-140 persikø poskiepiø tyrimo bendradarbiai, institucijos ir vietovës Location Vietovë Colorado Georgia Grand Junction Byron Maryland Missouri New Jersey Wye Mills Mountain Grove Bridgeton New York Ontario South Carolina (no planting) Vineland Clemson Texas Utah Stonewall Kaysville Washington Prosser Cooperator Bendradarbis Ron Godin Kathryn Taylor Thomas Beckman Christopher Walsh Martin L. Kaps Robert D. Belding Winfred Cowgill, Jr. Terence Robinson John Cline Gregory Reighard David Ouellette Larry Stein Brent Black Thor Lindstrom Matthew Whiting Affiliation Institucija Colorado State University University of Georgia USDA-ARS University of Maryland SW Missouri State University Rutgers University Rutgers University Cornell University University of Guelph Clemson University Clemson University Texas A&M University Utah State University Utah State University Washington State University Due to unequal rootstock numbers among locations, data from 11 rootstocks that were common to the 10 sites were analyzed by PROC MIXED (SAS, Cary, NC) to detect rootstock differences for cultivar survival, trunk circumference, root suckers, bloom date, maturity date, fruit weight, cumulative yield, and yield efficiency. In addition, data for each location were analyzed by PROC MIXED to determine differences among the rootstocks present at that site. The SAS macro, PDMIX612, was used to convert pair-wise differences between least squares means to letter groupings using Fishers LSD. All data presented in Table 2 are least squares means adjusted for missing cells. Results. Table 2 shows data for 11 rootstocks that were common to all locations. There were significant differences among rootstocks for the combined cultivars and locations. In addition, there were significant rootstock and location interactions. Tree survival (Table 2) differed significantly among rootstocks for different reasons. No rootstock survived better than Lovell. Hiawatha had the poorest survival, and it appeared that delayed incompatibility was occurring. Other rootstocks not planted at all sites (data not shown = DNS) included Pumiselect®, which had very low survival at 3 locations partly due to weak rooting or poor anchorage and VVA-1, which had died from bacterial canker and/or incompatibility at 5 locations. After 5 years, trunk circumference (i.e., radial growth) across all sites was largest for trees on SC-17, Lovell, BH-4 and SLAP, whereas Jaspi, Julior, K146-43 and K146-44 produced the smallest trees (Table 2). The largest trees were from Georgia, Maryland, and South Carolina, states that had longer growing seasons and Redtop as the scion cultivar. Fruit weight and yields were correlated tree size. The largest mean fruit weights were found on the peach/almond hybrid rootstocks, which were also some of the largest trees. The smallest average fruit weights were from 329 cultivars on three of the four most dwarfing rootstocks; Jaspi, K146-43 and K146-44. Cumulative yields were low for these dwarfing rootstocks, yet cumulative yield efficiencies were not significantly different from the most vigorous rootstocks. The highest yields were from the peach/almond hybrids and peach seedling rootstocks. However, only Bailey had significantly higher yield efficiency than the dwarfing rootstocks. In this trial, Bailey was the most yield efficient rootstock and Jaspi the least efficient with all other rootstocks falling in between these two rootstocks. T a b l e 2. Five-year combined performance of Redhaven, Cresthaven, and Redtop on 11 rootstocks at 10 locations. 2 l e n t e l ë. Redhaven, Cresthaven ir Redtop veisliø persikø vaismedþiø su 11 poskiepiø vertinimas deðimtyje vietoviø penkerius tyrimo metus Survival Rootstock Poskiepis Vaismedþiø išlikimasZ, % Trunk circumference Mean fruit weight Cumulative fruit yield Cumulative yield efficiency Kamieno skersmuo, Vidutinë vaisiaus masë, cm g kg 2003–2005 2003–2005 2003–2005 Suminis derlius, Suminis produktyvumas, kg/cm2 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 2005 m. ruduo 2005 m. ruduo BH-4 70.8 bc 36.9 ab 176 ab 64.9 ab 0.62 b SLAP 71.2 bc 36.6 ab 180 a 66.6 ab 0.65 b SC-17 72.5 bc 38.2 a 168 bcd 71.5 a 0.63 b Bailey 89.7 abc 33.5 bc 173 abc 69.5 a 0.80 a Julior 76.9 abc 28.8 def 168 bcd 40.6 cd 0.59 b P30-135 94.4 a 30.3 cde 168 bcd 40.8 cd 0.56 bc Jaspi 75.0 abc 25.4 f 155 f 26.7 d 0.46 c Hiawatha 70.0 c 31.1 cd 165 cde 49.7 bc 0.62 b K146-43 81.6 abc 26.9 ef 157 ef 34.9 cd 0.66 b K146-44 91.2 ab 27.0 ef 160 def 30.3 d 0.56 bc Lovell 87.0 abc 37.5 a 169 bcd 72.9 a 0.66 b Locations in analysis Tyrimo vietoviø skaièius 10 10 9 10 10 *** *** *** *** *** Rootstock x location interaction Poskiepio ir vietovës s¹veika Z Mean separation within columns using Fisher's LSD, P< 0.05 Z Vidutiniai skirtumai skiltyse pagal Fiðerio kriterijø, P< 0,05 *, **, *** Significant at P< 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively. *, **, *** Skirtumai esminiai, kai P atitinkamai <0,05, 0,01 ir 0,001. 330 Other data not given in Table 2 showed that Lovell, SC-17, SLAP, and BH-4 produced significantly larger (height and width) trees, and Jaspi and Julior had significantly more root suckers than the other 9 rootstocks. Trees on Julior consistently bloomed early and on K146-43 bloom was late. Fruit maturity was significantly advanced only on Jaspi. The rootstocks Cadaman®, Pumiselect®, and VVA-1, which were not planted at all sites, had significant differences at the sites they were included (DNS). Cadaman® was one of the most vigorous rootstocks with high yields, while VVA-1 was one of the least vigorous with low cumulative yields. VVA-1 also produced many root suckers. Pumiselect® experienced significant windthrow at two locations due to below ground root breakage below the graft union. Trees on Pumiselect® also leaned (i.e., uneven anchorage) at some locations. Discussion. Although no rootstock yielded better than Lovell, the cumulative yield and yield efficiency data for the first 3 bearing years suggest that semi-dwarfing and dwarfing rootstocks could be used in place of standard size rootstocks if tree spacing is adjusted for the smaller canopies. However, some of the size-controlling rootstocks tested exhibited incompatibility, horticultural, and/or disease problems with peach scion cultivars, which likely limits their use as peach rootstocks since these problems have been reported elsewhere (Reighard 2000; Loreti, Massai, 2002; Massai, Loreti, 2004). Still the positive traits that these particular interspecific Prunus rootstocks confer to peach cultivars such as growth control (Jacob, 1992; DeJong et al., 2004), tolerance to waterlogging and calcareous soils (Reighard, 2002), and resistance to soil fungi (Beckman, Pusey, 2001), nematodes (McFadden-Smith et al., 1998; Nyczepir et al., 1999) and bacteria (Okie et al., 1994; Pinochet et al., 2002) makes them a viable rootstock alternative to peach seedling rootstocks on selected problem sites. Conclusions. Significant differences among 14 rootstocks were found for all characters measured, but no clonal rootstock in this trial yielded more than the three peach seedling rootstocks on a per tree basis. Higher tree densities might show an advantage for some dwarfing rootstocks, but this was not tested. Since most of the locations were not difficult replant sites and the plantings are only 5 years old, trees may not have yet been challenged by environmental stresses such as winter cold, waterlogging, nematodes, soil fungi, or other factors. Therefore, it was not unexpected that the peach seedling rootstocks performed equal or better than the other rootstocks at low tree densities. Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Burchell Nursery, Varieties International, North American Plants, Hilltop Nursery, U.C. Davis and Clemson University for either providing plant material or producing the trees, and the International Dwarf Fruit Tree Association for financial support. Gauta 2006 07 21 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 09 331 References 1. B e c k m a n T. G., P u s e y P. L. 2001. Field testing peach rootstocks for resistance to Armillaria root rot. HortScience 36 (1): 101103. 2. D e J o n g T., J o h n s o n R. S., D o y l e J. F., W e i b e l A., S o l a r i L., B a s i l e B., M a r s a l J., R a m m i n g D., B r y l a D. 2004. Growth, yield and physiological behaviour of size-controlling peach rootstocks developed in California. Acta Horticulturae Vol. 658: 449455. 3. J a c o b H. 1992. Prunus pumila L., eine geeignete schwachwachsende Pfirsichuntererlage. Erwerbsobstbau 34: 144146. 4. L a y n e R. E. C. 1987. Peach rootstocks. In: Rom R.C., Carlson R.F. (eds.) Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. Wiley, New York. 185216. 5. L o r e t i F., M a s s a i R. 2002. MiPAF targeted project for evaluation of peach rootstocks in Italy: Results of six years of observations. Acta Horticulturae Vol. 592: 117124. 6. M a s s a i R., L o r e t i F. 2004. Preliminary observations on nine peach rootstocks grown in a replant soil. Acta Horticulturae Vol. 658: 185192. 7. M c F a d d e n - S m i t h W., M i l e s N. W., P o t t e r J. W. 1998. Greenhouse evaluation of Prunus rootstocks for resistance or tolerance to the rootlesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans). Acta Horticulturae Vol. 465: 723730. 8. N y c z e p i r A. P., B e c k m a n T. G., R e i g h a r d G. L. 1999. Reproduction and development of Meloidogyne sp. and M. javanica on Guardian peach rootstock. Journal of Nematology 31 (3): 334340. 9. O k i e W. R., B e c k m a n T. G., N y c z e p i r A. P., R e i g h a r d G. L., N e w a l l J r. W. C., Z e h r E. I. 1994. BY520-9, A peach rootstock for the southeastern United States that increases scion longevity. HortScience 29 (6): 705706. 10. P e r r y R., R e i g h a r d G., F e r r e e D., B a r d e n J., B e c k m a n T., B r o w n G., C u m m i n s J., D u r n e r E., G r e e n e G., J o h n s o n J., L a y n e R., M o r r i s o n F., M y e r s S., O k i e W., R o m C., R o m R., T a y l o r B., W a l k e r D., W a r m u n d M., Y u K. 2000. Performance of the 1984 NC-140 Peach Rootstock Planting. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. Vol. 54: 610. 11. P i n o c h e t J., F e r n a n d e z C., C u n i l l M., T o r r e n t s J., F e l i p e A., L o p e z M. M., L a s t r a B., P e n y a l v e r R. 2002. Response of new interspecific hybrids for peach to root-knot and lesion nematodes, and crown gall. Acta Horticulturae Vol. 592 (2): 707716. 12. R e i g h a r d G. L. 2000. Peach rootstocks for the United States: are foreign rootstocks the answer? HortTechnology Vol. 10: 714718. 13. R e i g h a r d G. L. 2002. Current directions of peach rootstock programs worldwide. Acta Horticulturae Vol. 592: 421428. 14. R e i g h a r d G., A n d e r s e n R., A n d e r s o n J., A u t i o W., B e c k m a n T., B a k e r T., B e l d i n g R., B r o w n G., B y e r s P., C o w g i l l W., D e y t o n D., D u r n e r E., E r b A., F e r r e e D., G a u s A., G o d i n R., H a y d e n R., H i r s t P., K a d i r S., K a p s M., L a r s e n H., L i n d s t r o m T., M i l e s N., M o r r i s o n F., M y e r s S., O u e l l e t t e D., R o m C., S h a n e W., T a y l o r B., T a y l o r K., W a l s h C., W a r m u n d M. 2004. Growth and yield of Redhaven peach on 19 rootstocks at 20 North American locations. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. Vol. 58(4): 174202. 332 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 327333. PRUNUS POSKIEPIØ VERTINIMAS 2001 M. NC-140 PERSIKØ BANDYME G.L. Reighard, T. Beckman, R. Belding, B. Black, J. Cline, W. Cowgill, R. Godin, M. Kaps, T. Lindstrom, D. Ouellette, L. Stein, K. Taylor, C. Walsh, M. Whiting, T. Robinson Santrauka 2001 m. Redtop, Redhaven arba Cresthaven veisliø persikø vaismedþiai su keturiolika Prunus poskiepiø ir selekciniø numeriø buvo pasodinti deðimtyje Ðiaurës Amerikos vietoviø. Bandymas árengtas 8 atsitiktine tvarka parinktø blokø pakartojimais, vaismedþiø sodinimo schema 5 x 6 m. Tyrimas buvo NC-140 kooperacinio regioninio poskiepiø projekto dalis ( Tirti sëkliniai persikø poskiepiai Lovell, Bailey, ir Guardian® BY520-9 (selekcinis Nr. SC-17), kloniniai poskiepiai BH-4 ir SLAP (Cornerstone) (persiko ir migdolo hibridai), K146-43 (Controller 5), K146-44 ir P30-135 (Controller 9) (persiko ir slyvos hibridai), Hiawatha, Jaspi ir Julior (tarprûðiniai slyvø hibridai), Cadaman® ir VVA-1 (Krymsk® 1) (tarprûðiniai Prunus hibridai) bei Pumiselect® (Prunus pumila). Augiausi vaismedþiai buvo Dþordþijoje, Merilende ir Pietø Karolinoje, augiausi poskiepiai BH-4, SLAP, SC-17, Lovell, ir Cadaman®. Maþiausiai augûs buvo Jaspi, K146-43, K146-44 ir VVA-1 poskiepiai. Vaismedþiø su ðiais poskiepiais kamienø skersmuo buvo 3040% maþesnis negu su Lovell. Visose vietovëse daugiausia vaismedþiø iðgyveno su Lovell poskiepiu. Julior, Jaspi ir VVA-1 poskiepiai iðaugino daugiausia ðaknø atþalø. Didþiausià suminá derliø davë vaismedþiai su persikø sëjinukais, persiko ir migdolo hibridais ir Cadaman®, maþiausià su Jaspi, VVA-1 ir K146-44. Didþiausius vaisius iðaugino vaismedþiai su BH-4, SLAP ir Bailey poskiepiais. Produktyviausi buvo vaismedþiai su Bailey poskiepiu, maþiausiai produktyvûs su Jaspi. Reikðminiai þodþiai: persiko ir migdolo hibridai, persiko ir slyvos hibridai, Prunus persica L. 333 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 334341. BALTIC FRUIT ROOTSTOCK STUDIES: EVALUATION OF 12 ROOTSTOCKS FOR APPLE CULTIVAR AUKSIS Darius KVIKLYS, Nomeda KVIKLIENË Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture LT-54333 Babtai, Kauno distr., Lithuania. E-mail: Andris BITE, Janis LEPSIS Pure Horticultural Research Centre Pure, Tukuma distr., LV-3124, Latvia. E-mail: Tamara LUKUT Brest Agricultural Experimental Station Pruzhany, Brest distr., 225140, Byelorussia Edgar HAAK Polli Horticultural Research Centre of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Karksi-Nuia 69104, Estonia. E-mail: In the frame of Baltic fruit rootstock studies program apple trees of cultivar Auksis (Malus domestica Borkh.) grown on 12 dwarf rootstocks were planted in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Byelorussia in 2001 and evaluated for five years. Dwarf rootstocks included four selections from the Budagovski series (B.9, B.146, B.396, B.491), three from the Polish series (P 2, P 22, P 60), M.9, M.26, York 9, Bulboga (Moldavian selection) and Pure 1 (Latvian selection). The strongest tree growth was recorded in Lithuania and Byelorussia. The highest yields were obtained in Lithuania. All tested rootstocks according growth vigour control can be grouped in the following way: less vigour than M.9 P 22, the same as M.9 Pure 1, B.396, York 9, P.60, B.9 and P 2, between M.9 and M.26 B.491, the same or more vigorous as M.26 Bulboga and B.146. Trees on rootstocks Pure 1 gave the highest cumulative yield and were the most efficient although there was no significant difference in cumulative fertility index with trees growing on rootstocks P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9 and York 9. The least efficient were trees on rootstocks Bulboga and B.146. Rootstock and location interaction was recorded for B.491 and P.60 in growth vigour control, York 9 in total yield, and B.9 in yield efficiency. Key words: Malus domestica Borkh., growth, yield, fertility index, geographical location. 334 Introduction. The Baltic fruit rootstock studies program was initiated in 1998 and first trials planted in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Byelorussia in 2001 (Bite et al., 2004). The main attention in this program is paid to evaluation of apple rootstocks. Rootstock influence on tree performance depends on many factors: soil, climate, moisture, orchard management and etc. For this reason series of multi-site rootstock trials were established around the world (Autio et al., 2001; Maas, Wertheim, 2004; Robinsson et al., 2003, 2004; Wertheim, Callesen, 2000). In some multi-site trials it was established that site has the predominant influence on tree performance (Hirst, 2001; Hirst et al., 2001). There were observed that rootstock and location interacted to affect yield per tree and yield efficiency (Autio et al., 1990). It is important to have knowledge of this type of variation in rootstock performance when making recommendations to apple growers. The objective of the research was to study the effect of rootstocks on the growth and productivity of apple trees in different geographical locations and environmental conditions in North-East part of Europe. Materials and methods. The trial was carried out in Babtai, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture (LT), Pure Horticultural Research Centre (LV), Polli Research Centre of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EST), and Pruzany, Brest Agricultural Experimental Station (BY) in 2001-2005. The geographical locations are following: Babtai in Lithuania 55° 60 N, 23° 48 E, Pure in Latvia 57° 02N, 22° 52E, Polli in Estonia 58° 67N, 25° 33E, and Pruzhany in Belarus, 52° 33 N, 24° 28 E. The soil humus content in Lithuania was 2.5%, P2O5 255 mg per kg, K2O 230 mg per kg, in Latvia the soil humus content was 1.8%, P2O5 189 mg per kg, K2O 151 mg per kg., in Byelorussia the soil humus content was 3.71%, P2O5 397 mg per kg, K2O 288 mg per kg. Twelve vegetative propagated apple rootstocks M.26, M.9, York 9, B.9, B.396 (original name 62-396), B.146 (original name 57-146), B.491 (original name 57-491), P 60, P 22, P 2, Bulboga (Moldavian selection) and Pure 1 (Latvian selection) were tested with cultivar Auksis. Planting material was produced in the nursery of Pure Horticultural Research Centre. The orchards were planted in the spring of 2001 under the same scheme. Planting distances were 4x1.5 m. Trees were trained as slender spindles. The trial consisted of four replications with 3 trees in each. Replications were randomised. Tree growth was evaluated by stem diameter (mm), 30 cm above soil surface. Tree productivity was calculated as kg cm-2 of TCSA (tree cross sectional area) every year and cumulative fertility index (kg cm-2 of TCSA) was counted. Variance analysis was done with a LSD test using the ANOVA statistical program. Because of the inherent differences in variance among sites and for ease of analysis rootstock effects were analyzed individually according to location. In 2002 and 2004 spring frost-damaged blossoms and yield was not evaluated in Latvia and Estonia. For the same reason very low apple yield was recorded in Byelorussia in 2003 and in Lithuania in 2004. Results. G r o w t h. Tree vigour was affected significantly by location. Trees in Lithuania and Byelorussia had the largest trunk diameter after 5 years, and 335 those in Latvia and Estonia had the smaller trunk diameter (Table 1). T a b l e 1. Trunk diameter and increase of trunk diameter, mm 1 l e n t e l ë. Kamieno skersmuo ir jo padidëjimas, mm Trunk diameter in 2005 Increase of trunk diameter, 2001–2005 Kamieno skersmens padidëjimas 2001–2005 m. Kamieno skersmuo 2005 m. Rootstock Poskiepis LV LT EST BY average LV LT EST BY average M.9 33.5 40.1 31.5 43.1 37.0 19.3 22.3 18.0 29.6 22.3 M.26 42.6 51.0 39.8 52.7 46.5 24.9 33.0 23.8 36.0 29.4 B.146 47.7 58.2 42.0 53.4 50.3 26.0 39.0 23.0 34.3 30.6 Pure 1 36.9 41.3 32.8 41.4 38.0 17.5 23.1 16.5 25.2 20.6 B.396 35.2 38.0 35.3 42.4 37.7 19.7 21.4 20.5 28.1 22.4 York 9 35.1 43.0 32.5 41.4 38.0 16.2 23.7 14.5 23.6 19.5 P 60 38.7 44.2 30.5 46.3 39.9 23.3 26.2 17.5 30.6 24.4 Bulboga 47.3 63.3 49.3 58.3 54.5 27.2 40.4 32.8 40.6 35.3 B.9 36.4 45.0 31.3 41.9 38.7 19.6 24.7 16.5 26.5 21.8 B.491 35.1 46.0 37.0 51.2 42.3 19.3 28.7 22.5 35.9 26.6 P 22 28.4 35.1 26.0 38.4 32.0 12.2 16.1 13.5 22.4 16.1 P2 35.6 37.2 - 40.1 37.6 20.4 21.4 - 25.6 22.5 Average 37.7 45.1 35.3 45.9 20.5 26.7 19.9 29.9 3.85 4.62 3.87 4.43 2.52 2.15 1.91 2.43 Vidurkis LSD05/R05 vidurkis vidurkis Rootstock P 22 produced the smallest trees in all locations whereas Bulboga and B.146 produced the largest trees. For rootstock B.491 interaction between location and rootstock was observed. In Latvia its trunk diameter was similar to M.9, in Estonia and Byelorussia was similar to M.26. P 60 in Estonia grew as M.9, in other 3 places it was significantly more vigorous. Bulboga, B.146 and M.26 had the biggest trunk diameter increase during the five years in the orchard in all locations. The smallest increase was recorded for P 22. Some interactions between rootstock and location occurred: P 60 determined significantly bigger increase of trunk diameter than M.9 in Latvia and Lithuania, while in Estonia and Byelorussia they were similar. Rootstock B.491 grew in Latvia as M.9 but in other three locations significantly stronger. Y i e l d. The greatest cumulative (2002-2005) yield per tree was obtained in Lithuania, and the lowest one was obtained in Latvia and Estonia (Table 2). Trees on rootstock Pure 1 yielded the most in Latvia and Lithuania. In Estonia rootstock Pure 1 together with Bulboga gave the highest yield too. B.9 gave the highest yield in Byelorussia and was second in Latvia. York 9 performed well in Lithuania and Estonia, 336 but gave lower yield than trial mean in Latvia. Rootstock P60 showed good yielding capacity in Latvia and Byelorussia, average in Lithuania and lower in Estonia. Rootstock M.9 in three places averaged trial mean or less as in Latvia did. P 22 showed the lowest cumulative yield in Latvia and Estonia, and P 2 in Lithuania and Byelorussia. Overall in all places trees on rootstock Pure 1 gave the biggest yield, followed by Bulboga and York 9. The lowest cumulative yield was obtained from trees on P 22. T a b l e 2. Rootstock effect on cumulative yield (kg/tree) of apple cv. Auksis in 20022005 depending on geographical location 2 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepiø átaka Auksio veislës obelø suminiam derliui (kg/vaism.) esant ávairioms agroklimatinëms sàlygoms Rootstock / Poskiepis LV LT EST BY Average / Vidurkis M.9 3.77 31.59 7.0 11.72 13.52 M.26 6.76 31.23 9.2 12.36 14.88 B.146 4.39 33.85 6.1 11.10 13.86 Pure 1 9.56 41.33 9.5 11.04 17.85 B.396 3.58 26.13 7.5 11.54 12.18 York 9 4.69 37.25 9.4 11.40 15.68 P 60 8.04 31.59 6.9 13.02 14.88 Bulboga 5.97 35.14 10.4 11.93 15.86 B.9 7.46 31.04 6.7 14.30 14.87 B.491 3.44 27.96 6.6 9.14 11.78 P 22 3.17 25.48 6.2 9.20 11.01 P2 3.47 23.27 - 8.72 11.82 Average / Vidurkis 5.36 31.32 7.8 11.29 14.00 1.21 4.22 1.45 2.34 LSD05/R05 P r o d u c t i v i t y. The most yield efficient trees were in Lithuania and the least efficient trees were in Latvia (Table 3). Trees on Pure 1 were the most efficient in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Highly efficient trees in Lithuania were on rootstocks P 22, York 9, M.9, P 2 and B.9 too. In Latvia higher efficiency showed B.9 and P 60, in Estonia similar efficiency as Pure 1 was on rootstocks P 22 and York 9. B.9 was significantly more efficient than other rootstocks in BY. Overall, trees on Pure 1 were the most efficient, although trees growing on rootstocks P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9 and York 9 were similar. Trees on Bulboga and B.146 were the least efficient and they were the least efficient rootstocks in all locations. 337 T a b l e 3. Rootstock effect on cumulative fertility index (kg cm-2 of TCSA) of apple cv. Auksis in 20022005 depending on geographical location 3 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio átaka Auksio veislës suminiam produktyvumo indeksui (kg cm -2 kamieno skerspjûvio ploto) esant ávairioms agroklimatinëms sàlygoms Rootstock / Poskiepis LV LT EST BY Average /Vidurkis M.9 0.52 3.29 0.92 1.28 1.50 M.26 0.52 1.97 0.73 0.88 1.03 B.146 0.27 1.50 0.36 0.79 0.73 Pure 1 1.01 3.86 1.13 1.22 1.81 B.396 0.40 2.92 0.77 1.27 1.34 York 9 0.53 3.22 1.15 1.14 1.51 P 60 0.75 2.68 0.93 1.18 1.39 Bulboga 0.37 1.36 0.55 0.68 0.74 B.9 0.82 3.01 0.89 1.58 1.58 B.491 0.43 2.21 0.62 0.75 1.00 P 22 0.57 3.68 1.17 1.13 1.64 P2 0.43 3.11 - 1.04 1.53 Average / Vidurkis 0.55 2.73 0.84 1.08 1.32 0.15 0.50 0.18 0.24 LSD05/R05 Discussions. Obtained results clearly illustrate that the vigour and tree productivity induced by rootstocks depend on local climatic and soil conditions. Proper evaluation of rootstocks requires establishment of rootstock testing trials at different locations. All tested rootstocks according growth vigour control can be grouped in the following way: less vigour than M.9 P 22, the same as M.9 Pure 1, B.396, York 9, P 60, B.9 and P 2, between M.9 and M.26 B.491, the same or more vigorous as M.26 Bulboga and B.146. Such rootstock vigour range in some cases contradicts to results obtained in other trials, especially with rootstocks Budagovski. In Netherlands B.146 and B.491 are recorded as less vigorous than M.9 (Maas, Wertheim, 2004). In Great Britain B.146 produced trees that were more dwarfed than on M.27-EMLA. (Webster, Holland, 1999) and in USA B.491 was equal to P 22 and M.27 EMLA (Hirst, 2001). Rootstock interacted significantly with location affecting tree growth. More vigorous apple tree growth was recorded following North-South direction; however, the relative differences among rootstock within locations were similar and only some interactions occurred. 338 Cumulative yield varied between trial places. The highest yields were obtained in Lithuania three times bigger than in Byelorussia and 5-6 times than in Latvia and Estonia. The reason of such differences was severe spring frosts that damaged flowers and fruitlets in 2002 and 2004. Rootstock Pure 1 gave the greatest cumulative yield and had the highest fertility index. Pure 1 showed as the best rootstock in three places, except Byelorussia. Such findings overcome the results in earlier performed trials where rootstocks Pure 1 and B 9 had similar influence on tree vegetative growth and yields (Lepsis, 2004). In spite of productivity other characteristics of rootstock Pure 1, especially fruit quality, must be tested more carefully. The smallest trees tended to have the lowest yields per tree with the exception of Pure 1 and York 9, therefore typically trees growing on rootstocks P 22, and P 2 had the lowest yields at each site. On the other hand, the smallest trees usually are the most productive, what is declared in many trials (Kviklys, 2002; Kviklys et al., 1999). The same tendency was recorded in our trials too. The least productive trees were on strong growing rootstocks Bulboga, B.146, B.491 and M.26. In many multi-site trials interactions between rootstocks and location are recorded (Maas, Wertheim, 2004; NC-140, 1996a; NC-140, 1996b). Although the results reported for the overall study conducted over 12 locations throughout the U.S. suggest that the relative importance of the interaction of cultivar and location is low, however, this study did not include locations with dramatically different climatic conditions (Autio et al., 2001b). Greater interactions between rootstock and location may be seen if more divergent locations are included (Autio et al., 1990). In our trials interactions between rootstock and location was recorded for B.491 and P 60 in growth vigour control, York 9 in total yield, and B.9 in yield efficiency. Conclusions. 1. Rootstocks Bulboga, B.146, and M.26 depend to semi-dwarf rootstock group. 2. Rootstocks Pure 1, B.396, York 9, P.60, B.9 and P 2 are in the same vigour group as M.9. 3. Trees on rootstocks Pure 1 gave the highest cumulative yield and were the most efficient. The least efficient were trees on Bulboga and B.146 rootstocks. 4 Rootstock and location interaction was recorded for B.491 and P 60 in growth vigour control, York 9 in total yield, and B.9 in yield efficiency. Acknowledgement. This work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. Gauta 2006 06 08 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 13 339 References 1. A u t i o W. R., L o r d W. J., V e n e m a n P. L. M. Rootstock and site influence performance of McIntosh apple trees. HortScience. 1990. 25. P. 1219-1221. 2. A u t i o W. 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Apple rootstock studies: comparison of Polish, Russian, USA and UK selections as rootstocks for the apple cultivar Coxs Orange Pippin (Malus domestica Borkh.) // The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 1999. 74(3). P. 367-374. 16. W e r t h e i m S. J., C a l l e s e n O. Results of multi-site interstem trials with apple trees. Gartenbauwissenschaft. 2000. 65(6). P. 251-259. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 334341. BALTIJOS POSKIEPIØ TYRIMAI: 12 POSKIEPIØ ÁVERTINIMAS ATLIEKANT TYRIMUS SU AUKSIO VEISLËS OBELIMIS D. Kviklys, N. Kviklienë, A. Bite, J. Lepsis, T. Lukut, E. Haak Santrauka Vykdant Baltijos poskiepiø tyrimø programà, 2001 m. Auksio veislës obelø su 12 þemaûgiø poskiepiø sodai buvo áveisti Latvijoje, Lietuvoje, Estijoje ir Baltarusijoje. Tirti Rusijos Budagovskio selekcijos poskiepiai B.9, B.146, B.396 ir B.491, Lenkijos P serijos poskiepiai P 2, P 22 ir P 60, Vokietijos York 9, Latvijos Pure 1, Moldovos Bulboga bei M.9 ir M.26 poskiepiai. Veðliausiai vaismedþiai augo Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos sàlygomis, o gausiausiai derëjo Lietuvoje. Pagal vaismedþiø augumo ribojimà poskiepiai sugrupuoti ðia tvarka: maþesni uþ M.9 P 22, tokio pat augumo kaip M.9 Pure 1, B.396, York 9, P 60, B.9 ir P 2, tarpiniai tarp M.9 ir M.26 B.491, tokio pat augumo kaip M.26 Bulboga ir B.146. Didþiausià suminá derliø davë vaismedþiai su Pure 1 poskiepiu. Jie buvo ir produktyviausi, nors vaismedþiø su P 22, P 2, M.9, B.9 ir York 9 poskiepiais suminio produktyvumo esminiø skirtumø nenustatyta. Maþiausiai produktyvûs buvo Bulboga ir B.146 poskiepiai. Nustatytos sàveikos tarp poskiepio ir auginimo vietos: vaismedþiø augumo ribojimo poskiepiai B.491 ir P 60, suminio derliaus York 9, produktyvumo B.9 poskiepis. Reikðminiai þodþiai: augumas, derlius, geografinë vietovë, Malus domestica Borkh., produktyvumo indeksas. 341 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 342349. EVALUATION OF APPLE ROOTSTOCK-CULTIVAR COMBINATIONS BY GROWTH RHYTHMS COINCIDENCE Mintauts ABOLINS Department of Horticulture, Latvia University of Agriculture, 2 Liela, Jelgava, LV3001, Latvia. E-mail: Five cultivars Baltais Dzidrais, Konfetnoje, Tiina, Lobo and Sinap Orlovskij were used grafted on rootstocks B.9, B.490 and B.118 for 20 to 30 combinations in each treatment. Records of monthly growth rhythms were made within seven days to ten plants in each treatment, measuring both the graft and rootstocks shoot. Auxanographs were carried out for two 24-hours periods in the most characteristic phenophases of the vegetative shoots: increased growth, maximum growth, retarded growth and in the phase between maximum and retarded growth. The best coincidence between rootstock and cultivars of the monthly growth rhythms was observed for combinations Sinap Orlovskij/B.9 and Tiina/B.9 four waves coincided. Medium coincidence was observed for combinations Sinap Orlovskij/B.490, Tiina/B.490 and Baltais Dzidrais/B.118, and worst only one wave coincided - for combinations Baltais Dzidrais/B.9 and Lobo/B.9. The best coincidence of diurnal growth rhythms was observed for combinations Tiina/B.490 and Baltais Dzidrais/B.118, respectively 75.0 and 62.5%. Medium good coincidence of 50% was obtained for combinations Sinap Orlovskij/B.490, Lobo/B.9 and Baltais Dzidrais/B.9. A low correlation (r=0.12) was obtained for the combination Baltais Dzidrais/B.9, which showed the worst coincidence in the diurnal growth rhythms. A low coincidence of growth rhythms was found for cultivars Sinap Orlovskij and Tiina grafted on B9, but the high correlation (r=0.72 to 0.76) showed medium good coincidence. Key words: apple-tree, growth rhythms, coincidence, compatibility. Introduction. In nature, plant growth is a rhythmical process, which is regulated by plants inner clockwork computed into plant genes. Plant growth is connected with physiological and biochemical fluctuation (Cumming, Wagner, 1968). The plant growth rhythm is characterized by the frequency of periods and amplitude. Depending on amplitude, growth rhythms are subdivided into six units: the growth period lasting for several years; a years rhythm; a months or weeks rhythm; lunar rhythm; diurnal rhythm and small units rhythm or pulsation (Bünning, 1977). Attempts to change the rhythmical process by some experiments were unsuccessful. The plant growth is normal if the changes of environmental factors are synchronous with plant growth rhythms. It is significant for grafted plants because 342 grafted plants combine two genotypes in one-unit graft and rootstock and therefore they are more sensitive to environmental factors. Comparing seedling or clonal rootstocks, more sensitive are the clonal rootstocks (Abolins, 2001). There are different clonal rootstock genotypes that indicate specific rootstock graft interaction. Interaction is expressed as compatibility or incompatibility between graft components. Clonal genotypes of rootstocks are more plastic, with wide modificative variability, but some with narrow. There is no universal rootstock, which can match all or the majority of cultivars (Webster, 1993). There are two forms of incompatibility: distinct form and hidden form of incompatibility. The distinct forms of incompatibility are: breaking of trees at the point of union after they have been growing for some years (apricot on Pr. cerasifera); appearance of disease symptoms (necroses and others); premature death of the trees. The hidden forms of incompatibility are expressed by: retarded growth of the new plants in the nursery; premature yellowing of the leaves in autumn, followed by early defoliation (Baltais Dzidrais/B.9); the scion overgrows the stock; the stock overgrows the scion; suckering of rootstock (expressed for plums); marked differences in growth rate or vigour of scion and rootstock. There are no universal methods for testing hidden incompatibility. Some of the methods are electrophoresis test (Santamour, McArdle, Jaynes, 1986) and magnetic resonance imaging (Warmund et al., 1993). The use of a couple methods is more reliable. Some researchers show that the growth rhythm of fruit trees may change in case of hidden incompatibility (Moreno et al., 1993; Errea et al., 1994). In this article growth rhythms of rootstocks and grafts are presented. Materials and methods. Investigation was carried out at the Horticulture Training and Research Unit of the Department of Horticulture in 20042005. Five cultivars Baltais Dzidrais, Konfetnoje, Tiina, Lobo and Sinap Orlovskij grafted on rootstocks B.9, B.490 and B.118 for 20 to 30 combinations in each treatment were investigated. Records for monthly growth rhythms were made within seven days, measuring both the graft and the rootstocks shoot. For the precise determination of the growth rhythms of both rootstock and graft, the simultaneous measurement should be done to each plant for both graft and rootstock shoot. To achieve this, the following was done: in spring, at the beginning of vegetation period, grafted buds and rootstock shoots were permitted to grow. For each treatment, plants similar in buds and rootstock shoots were selected. Records of monthly or weekly growth rhythms were made within seven days for ten plants in each treatment. The diurnal growth rhythms were observed by the auxanography method developed by the author (Abolins, 2001). Auxanography was carried out for two 24 hour period during the most characteristic phenophases of the vegetative shoots: increased growth, maximum growth, retarded growth and in the phase between maximum and retarded growth. A total of 24 auxanographs were used and 400 auxanograms were obtained. Obtained results were used to calculate the mean elongation of both shoot types every two hours. Coincidence of diurnal rhythms was evaluated by density of the 343 sinusoidal growth curve, the coincidence of growth maximum and minimum for the shoots of graft and rootstock. The coincidence of growth maximums and minimums was expressed in percentage. The height and diameter of grafted plants were measured at the end of the vegetation period. Evaluation of roots was noted by a nine point scale: 0 undeveloped roots; 9 the roots are excellent. For mathematical data processing ANOVA software used, correlations, variation and LSD values were calculated. Results and discussion. The growth rhythms of graft and rootstock shoot height varied from 2 to 4 month waves. The number of growing waves was influenced by genotypes of cultivars and rootstock. Four growing waves for cultivars Sinap Orlovskij on B.9 were well expressed. The amplitude of months rhythm varied from 14 to 21 days. Good coincidence between graft and rootstock was noted (r=0.755). A total growth of 106.6 cm was noted for graft compared to rootstock shoot growth of 70 cm (Fig.1). The course of the months rhythm was similar for the same cultivars Sinap Orlovskij grafted on B.490 except for the first growth wave, which did not correlate (r=0.497). Four growing waves were noted for grafting combinations Tiina/B.9, but only two waves were better expressed. The total growth for cultivars Tiina and rootstock B.9 were similar. The cultivars growth was more intensive for combination Tiina/B.490. The correlation between graft and rootstock B9 was high (r=0.953). F i g. 1. Good coincidence of month rhythms between cultivar Sinap Orlovskij and rootstock B.9 1 p a v. Geras Sinap Orlovskij veislës ir B.9 poskiepio mënesio augimo ritmø sutapimas Three growing waves were noted for Baltais Dzidrais, but only two for rootstock B.9. The growth of cultivars was more intensive compared to rootstock shoot. There was noted a low coincidence between grafting combinations (Fig. 2). Results of coincidence for Baltais Dzidrais were better with rootstock B.118. The worst coincidence of month rhythm was observed for cultivars Lobo grafted on B.9. It 344 was mainly associated with differences of growth waves number and the thin growth of rootstock shoot (r=0.399). F i g. 2. Worst coincidence of month rhythms between cultivar Baltais Dzidrais and rootstock B.9 2 p a v. Blogiausias Baltais Dzidrais veislës ir B.9 poskiepio mënesio augimo ritmø sutapimas The results obtained in auxanography showed rhythmic diurnal growth of apple cultivars and clonal rootstocks with the curve resembling sinusoid. Maximum growth for cultivars Tiina and rootstock shoot B.9 were recorded in the evening hours, from 6 to 8 p.m., but the minimum growth was observed in the morning from 8 to 10 a.m. (Fig. 3). F i g. 3. Diurnal growth rhythm of apple tree in the phase of maximum growth 3 p a v. Obels dienos augimo ritmas maksimalaus augimo tarpsniu 345 The best coincidence of diurnal growth rhythm considering growth maximum and minimum was noted for cultivars Tiina grafted on B.490 and Baltais Dzidrais/B.118, respectively 75.0 and 62.5% (Fig. 4, Table 1). The medium good coincidence 50% was noted for cultivars Sinap Orlovskij/B.490, Lobo/B9 and Baltais Dzidrais/B.9. However, low correlation (r=0.120) is obtained for combination Baltais Dzidrais/B.9, which showed worst coincidence in diurnal growth rhythm. Coincidence of growth rhythm only 37% was noted for combinations Sinap Orlovskij/B.9 and Tiina/B.9, but the correlation is high, r=0.72-0.76. Good coincidence for all combinations was observed in the phase of maximum growth, but lowest in the phases of increased and retarded growth (Table 1). This is in agreements with our and others investigations showing that hidden incompatibility between graft and rootstock find expression when environmental conditions are not suitable, mainly with low temperature. F i g. 4. Diurnal growth rhythm of apple tree in the phase of maximum growth 4 p a v. Obels dienos augimo ritmas maksimalaus augimo tarpsniu Analysed results of grafting showed that the best results were obtained for cultivars Lobo 73.1 and Tiina 68.0%, but worst for Baltais Dzidrais on B.9 54.5% (Table 2). Better results were obtained for cultivars grafted on semi-dwarfing rootstocks, comparing with dwarfing rootstock B.9. For all combinations they were 71.40 to 81.50%, except cultivars Konfetnoje on B.490 64.20%. Results of grafting are not always the main parameter for testing compatibility. Some other combinations could be influenced, but in our experiments combination Baltais Dzidrais on B.9 showed correlation between coincidence of growth rhythm and results of grafting. Qualitative features of one-year-old apple planting material tree height and stem diameter for all cultivars on B.9 were optimal, except cultivars Tiina on B.9. The height of Tiina was only 65.80 cm. The greatest height for cultivars grafted on semi-dwarfing rootstocks was obtained for Konfetnoje, Tiina and Sinap Orlovskij: 115.5 to155.7 cm. The greatest height of stem obtained for combinations Lobo and Sinap Orlovskij grafted on B.9, but lowest for Baltais Dzidrais on the same rootstock. Significant differences for cultivars grafted on semi-dwarfing rootstock were not obtained. The height of cultivars in nursery not always showed hidden incompatibility 346 between graft and rootstock. Sometimes it is retarded, but sometimes it could be high. This is in agreement with other investigations (Hartmann et al., 1997). T a b l e 1. Coincidence of diurnal growth rhythms of rootstockcultivar combinations 1 l e n t e l ë. Poskiepio ir veislës deriniø dienos augimo ritmø sutapimas Coincidence Sutapimai, % r (p=0.05) Sulëtëjæs augimas Retarded growth r (p=0.05) Tarp. fazë Inter-phase r (p=0.05) Maksimalus augimas Maximum growth r (p=0.05) Spartus augimas Increased growth Augimo maksimumai ir minimumai; augimo tarpsniai Deriniai Combinations Growth rate maximum and minimum; phases of growth ‘Sinap Orlovskij’/B.9 -/- 0.75 -/+ 0.85 +/- 0.84 +/- 0.72 37.5 ‘Sinap Orlovskij’/B.490 -/+ 0.92 +/+ 0.97 +/- 0.88 -/- 0.62 50.0 ‘Tiina’/B.9 +/+ 0.77 -/+ - -/- 0.34 -/- 0.76 37.5 ‘Tiina’/B.490 +/+ 0.86 +/+ 0.90 +/+ 0.95 -/- 0.17 75.0 ‘Baltais Dzidrais’/B.9 +/- 0.55 +/+ 0.68 +/- 0.86 -/- 0.12 50.0 ‘Baltais Dzidrais’/B.118 +/- 0.90 +/+ 0.94 +/- 0.91 -/+ 0.07 62.5 ‘Lobo’/B.9 -/- 0.90 -/- 0.89 +/+ 0.96 +/+ - 50.0 Signs: + coincidence of growth rhythms; not coincidence Simboliai: + augimo ritmø sutapimas; nesutapimas The testing of roots showed that more intensive growth was obtained for cultivars Lobo, Sinap Orlovskij and Tiina, comparing with Baltais Dzidrais and Konfetnoje grafted on B.9. For all cultivars grafted on semi-dwarfing rootstock the growth of roots were more intensive. 347 T a b l e 2. Grafting results growth of one-year-old planting material 2 l e n t e l ë. Skiepijimo rezultatai ir vienameèiø sodinukø augimas Results of grafting Combinations Deriniai Skiepijimo rezultatai, % Tree height Vaismedio aukštis, cm Stem diameter Kamieno skersmuo, mm Roots, points 0-9 Šaknys balais (0–9) Dwarfing rootstocks / Þemaûgiai poskiepiai ‘Baltais Dzidrais’/B.9 54.5 104.1 15.70 5.20 ‘Konfetnoje’/B.9 64.9 94.8 16.20 5.40 ‘Lobo’/B.9 73.1 96.4 21.56 7.60 ‘Sinap Orlovskij’/B.9 61.8 106.6 18.40 7.40 ‘Tiina’/B.9 68.0 65.8 17.20 6.70 Semi-dwarfing rootstocks / Pusiau þemaûgiai poskiepiai ‘Baltais Dzidrais’/B.118 71.4 120,5 18.75 7.90 ‘Konfetnoje’/B.490 64.2 122,7 17.31 8.70 ‘Lobo’/B.’490 81.5 115,5 17.99 8.50 ‘Sinap Orlovskij’/B.490 80.6 155.7 18.70 9.00 ‘Tiina’/B.490 80.8 115.5 17.09 8.30 - 22.7 2.56 0.83 LSD 05/R05 Conclusions. 1. The course and coincidence of growths rhythms of cultivars and rootstocks varied between growth phenophases. The lowest coincidence was obtained in the phases of increased and retarded growth. 2. The coincidence of cultivars and rootstocks month and diurnal growth rhythm may be one of indices of hidden incompatibility. Gauta 2006 05 15 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 27 References 1. A b o l i n s M. Investigations of apple cultivars rootstock growth rhythms for determination of graft component compatibility. 6th Intl. Symp. Fruit, Nut and Veget. Prod. Eng. Potsdam, Germany. 2001. 1114 Sept. 101106. 2. B ü n n i n g E. Die physiologische Uhr (Cirkadiane Rhythmik und Biochronometrie). Springer - Verlag, Heidelberg, 1977. P. 6195. 3. C u m m i n g B., W a g n e r E. Rhythmic processes in plants // Annu Rev Plant Physiol. 1968. 19: 381 416. 348 4. E r r e a P., F e l i p e A., H e r r e r o M. Graft establishment between compatible and incompatible Prunus spp. // J. Exper. 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Abolins Santrauka Tirtos penkios veislës (Baltais Dzidrais, Konfetnoje, Tiina, Lobo ir Sinap Orlovskij) su B.9, B.490 ir B.118 poskiepiais. Bandyta 2030 kiekvieno varianto deriniø. Septynias dienas per mënesá buvo apraðomi deðimties augalø augimo ritmai, iðmatuojant ir skiepo, ir poskiepio ûglá. Vegetatyviniams ûgliams esant charakteringiausiø fenofaziø spartaus augimo, maksimalaus augimo, sulëtëjusio augimo bei fazës tarp maksimalaus ir sulëtëjusio augimo, du 24 valandø trukmës laikotarpius buvo uþraðomos auksanogramos. Geriausiai sutapo Sinap Orlovskij/B.9 ir Tiina/B.9 poskiepio ir áskiepio deriniø mënesio augimo ritmai sutapo keturios bangos. Vidutiniðkai sutapo Sinap Orlovskij/B.490, Tiina/B.490 ir Baltais Dzidrais/B.118 deriniø, blogiausiai, kai sutapo tik viena banga, Baltais Dzidrais/B.9 ir Lobo/B.9 deriniø augimo ritmai. Geriausiai sutapo Tiina/B.490 ir Baltais Dzidrais/B.118 deriniø dienos augimo ritmai (atitinkamai 75,0 ir 62,5%), vidutiniðkai (50%) Sinap Orlovskij/B.490, Lobo/B.9 ir Baltais Dzidrais/B.9. Gauta maþa Baltais Dzidrais/B.9 derinio, kurio dienos augimo ritmai maþiausiai sutapo, koreliacija. Blogai sutapo ir Sinap Orlovskij bei Tiina veisliø ir B.9 poskiepio augimo ritmai, taèiau didelë koreliacija (r=0,72 iki 0,76) parodë, kad sutapimas vidutinis. Reikðminiai þodþiai: obelys, augimo ritmai, sutapimas, suderinamumas. 349 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 350356. MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COLUMNAR APPLE TREES Bronislovas GELVONAUSKIS, Auðra BRAZAITYTË, Audrius SASNAUSKAS, Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS, Dalia GELVONAUSKIENË Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno str. 30, LT54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: a.brazaitytë There were investigated two columnar apple cultivars Arbat and No. 24217 and apple cultivar Aldas in an orchard at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. The two latter cultivars were released at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Arbat in Russia. Cultivars and selections were budded on rootstocks P 60, M.26 and MM.106. In orchard apple trees were spaced at 1.0 x 3.5 m. Tree height, stem diameter, total length of one-yearold shoot, leaf area on a tree was measured and number of shoots was calculated. Chlorophyll and carotenoids content and photosynthesis intensity was detected. Significant differences for impact of rootstock to tree height, trunk diameter and shoot number and one-year-old shoot total length were determined. The smallest columnar apple trees were on rootstocks P 60 but trees Aldas were the smallest ones on rootstock M.26. Aldas had the highest number of one-year-old shoots and total length of shoots. Higher parameters of these traits of all investigated cultivars were estimated on rootstock MM.106. The highest leaf area of tree was measured for Aldas on rootstock MM.106 and No. 24217 distinguished itself on rootstocks P 60 and M.26. The lowest content of chlorophyll a+b was estimated for Aldas on investigated rootstocks. Significant differences were not detected among cultivars and rootstocks in case carotenoids content. The highest photosynthesis activity showed No. 24217 on rootstocks MM.106 and P 60 and Arbat on M.26. Key words: carotenoids, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, rootstocks, tree growth. Introduction. The first columnar apple cultivars were received at East Malling and were introduced for the private gardening (Tobutt, 1985, 1986). Donors of columnar growth habit were involved in crosses at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 1988 and the first promising hybrids were selected in 1998 and 1999. Columnar growth apple cultivars usually have few lateral branches and need minimal pruning in the orchard. Columnar apple cultivars can be useful for gardening, as pollinizers in commercial orchards or for very high-density plantings (Quinlan, Tobutt; 1990). Apple tree size of cultivars with natural growth habit is controlled by dwarf 350 rootstocks and pruning. Many studies of rootstock influence on fruit tree growth, productivity and fruit quality have been carried out in different countries around the world (Kviklys, 2002; Meland et al., 2004; Sadowski et al., 2004; Takacs, 2004, Robinson and Hoying, 2004). Not so much studies of columnar apple cultivars and influence of rootstocks on its growth and other characteristics have been done. Inomata and coworkers (2005) established that columnar apple cultivar Maypole tree growth, total shoot length and leaf area was largest on rootstock Marubakaido followed by M.26 and M27. They concluded that results obtained during the investigation of columnar type trees grafted on dwarf rootstocks are similar to that of normal type trees. It was shown that tree height, number of shoots, total shoot length of columnar type apple trees of evaluated selections were very different (Inomata et al., 2004). Although the studied selections of columnar type apple trees were more compact than Fuji, which has normal type habit. Apple cultivars with columnar type growth habit are valuable for modern fruit tree production systems because of reduction of labor in orchard. The objective of this study was to estimate the influence of dwarf rootstocks to tree characters and physiological characters of apple cultivars with columnar and normal type growth habit. Materials and methods. There were investigated two columnar type habit apple cultivars and one normal type habit cultivar in an orchard at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Columnar apple cultivar Arbat and selection No 24217 were released in Russia and normal type habit cultivar Aldas at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Cultivars were budded on dwarf rootstocks P 60, M.26 and MM.106. Trees were planted in an orchard in 2002. Three trees of each cultivar were used for evaluation. Apple trees were spaced at 1.0 x 3.5 m. Tree height, trunk diameter, total length of one-year-old shoots, leaf area on a tree was measured and number of shoots was calculated. Chlorophyll, carotenoids content and photosynthesis intensity was detected. Leaf area of apple-trees was measured by Portable Leaf Area Meter CI-202 (CID, Inc., USA). Leaves were pulled of from a shoot segment of 50 cm and leaf area was measured, then tree total shoot length was measured and tree leaf area was calculated. Photosynthesis intensity was recorded by Portable Photosynthesis System CI-310 (CID, Inc., USA). Photosynthesis was measured twice with interval of two weeks at sixth leaf from shoot top in July. Illumination (FAR) was in both cases about 2500 mmol m-2 s-1 and temperature 27.5°C in years of study. The concentrations of chlorophyll (a + b) were measured in 100% acetone extract prepared according to Wettstein method (Wettstein, 1957). Three measurements per sample were done using spectrophotometer Genesys 6 (ThermoSpectronic, USA). Chlorophyll was extracted from 5-6-th fully expanded leaf from a shoot tip. Results. In 2003 fruit trees of No. 24217 were the highest on the rootstock MM 106, fruit trees of Arbat on M.26 and Aldas on P 60 (Table). In 2004 fruit trees Aldas were the highest on all rootstocks. The lowest tree height was recorded for investigated cultivars, except Aldas, on rootstock P 60 in 2004. Arbat had the highest trunk diameter on all rootstocks and in both years of study. 351 T a b l e. The traits of apple tree grown on different rootstocks L e n t e l ë. Su skirtingais poskiepiais augintø obelø poþymiai Cultivar / Veislë Tree height Trunk diameter Medio auktis, cm Kamieno skersmuo, cm Shoot number Ûgliø skaièius Total shoot length Ûgliø ilgis, cm 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 ‘Aldas’/MM.106 211.7 5.46 283.7 4.91 - 4.3 0.11 15.3 0.88 33.0 1.00 391.0* 38.18 2086.7 50.89 ‘Arbat’/MM.106 199.3 9.67 245.7 10.33 3.3 0.11 4.5 0.00 10.3 0.67 14.0 1.53 298.7 40.54 482.3 16.56 24217/MM.106 215.7 17.65 231.3 10.17 3.1 0.11 4.3 0.24 13.3 2.03 30.7 1.33 320.3 86.23 557.3 21.28 ‘Aldas’/M.26 168.5 28.99 249.0 28.15 - 3.3 0.05 6.5 0.41 20.3 1.20 202.0 31.03 1130.3 27.81 ‘Arbat’/M.26 182.0 2.52 223.3 10.17 2.9 0.18 3.9 0.23 9.3 0.88 10.7 0.33 210.0 51.05 363.0 78.08 24217/M.26 173.3 6.98 212.0 10.07 2.7 0.11 3.6 0.14 14.3 0.67 26.3 2.33 264.3 8.84 411.7 51.28 ‘Aldas’/P 60 212.3 5.93 268.7 3.93 - 3.3 0.09 10.0 2.31 27.0 0.58 208.3 40.60 1201.3 111.21 ‘Arbat’/P 60 167.7 7.22 190.3 10.11 3.3 0.11 3.7 0.05 10.7 1.67 12.3 1.45 286.0 27.19 256.7 41.87 24217/P 60 145.7 5.21 168.0 4.62 2.7 0.11 3.3 0.11 10.0 1.16 24.3 4.33 217.3 36.98 318.7 31.39 * In numerator trait value, in denominator error / skaitiklyje poþymio vertë, vardiklyje paklaida In 2003 natural type habit cultivar Aldas had the highest shoot number on rootstock MM.106, columnar type habit cultivars No. 24217 and Arbat had the highest shoot number on rootstock M.26 and P 60, respectively. Aldas had the highest shoot number on all used rootstocks and Arbat had the lowest shoot number in 2004. Above mentioned apple cultivars had the same tendency for total shoot length. The significant differences for total leaf area on a tree were estimated in 2003 (second growth season in an orchard) (Fig. 1). Aldas had the lowest area of leaves on all investigated rootstocks and the value of this trait was very close (0.590.84 m2). Leaf area of columnar type apple cultivars was higher then it was detected for Aldas. In 2004 Aldas significantly differed for leaf area (3.79 m2) only on rootstock MM.106. All cultivars had very close leaf area on rootstocks M.26 and P 60 in this year. The lowest chlorophyll a content (1.06 mg/g) was detected for Aldas on rootstock MM.106 and it was significantly different from the content detected for other cultivars (Fig. 2a). Influence on chlorophyll a content of rootstocks was not detected. Significant differences were detected for chlorophyll b content for apple cultivar Arbat on M.26 and P 60. Aldas had significantly low content of chlorophyll b on all rootstocks (0.22 mg/g). No influence on chlorophyll b content of rootstocks was detected. Aldas grafted on MM.106 had significantly the lowest content of 352 carotenoids (0.54 mg/g) and the highest carotenoids content had Arbat on P 60 (0.67 mg/g) (Fig. 2b). Rootstocks had no influence on chlorophyll b content in leaves of Arbat and No, 24217; it varied from 0.60 to 0.67 mg/g. 1 F i g. 1. Fruit tree total leaf area p a v. Vaismedþiø bendras lapø plotas a b F i g. 2. Pigment content in apple leaves: a) chlorophyll, b) carotenoids 2 p a v. Pigmentø kiekis obelø lapuose: a) chlorofilø, b) karotinoidø 353 The highest value of chlorophyll a and b content ratio was detected for cultivar Aldas grafted on all investigated rootstocks (MM.106 4.90, M.26 4.90 and P 60 5.13) (Fig. 3). Ratio of chlorophyll a and b was for columnar type habit cultivars. F i g. 3. Ratio of chlorophyll a and b 3 p a v. Chlorofilo a ir b santykis The lowest photosynthesis was recorded in the leaves of Aldas and its intensity varied from 3.80 µmol/m2/s (rootstock M.26) to 4.80 µmol/m2/s (P 60) (Fig. 4). Influence of rootstocks to photosynthesis was not detected. The highest photosynthesis showed No. 24217 on rootstock MM.106 and P 60 (7.90 µmol/m2/s and 7.64 µmol/m2/s), Arbat on M.26 (7.99 µmol/m2/s). Influence of rootstocks on photosynthesis in leaves of columnar apple cultivars was significant. F i g. 4. Photosynthesis activity in leaves of apple cultivars 4 p a v. Fotosintezës aktyvumas ávairiø veisliø obelø lapuose Discussion. Our results show that differences of tree height and trunk diameter among observed columnar type apple trees and normal type trees are not extremely big in the third year of vegetation and they correspond with results of other researches 354 (Inomata et al., 2004, 2005). Significant differences of shoot number and total length were recorded among evaluated apple cultivars on rootstocks MM.106, M.26 and P 60, but on the other hand the above-mentioned traits were influenced by rootstock as well. Influence of rootstocks for tree leaf area was recorded only for Aldas. It has significantly higher leaf area on a tree on rootstock MM.106 in both years of study. Chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids content in apple leaves were more influenced by genotype than by rootstocks, except Aldas. The latter apple cultivar grafted on rootstock MM.106 had significantly less leaf pigments. Photosynthesis intensity was significantly lower in leaves of Aldas than it was detected for columnar apple cultivars, except Arbat on P 60. Conclusions. 1. Apple cultivar Aldas with natural type habit is more vigorous than columnar apple cultivars. Values of morphological traits of investigated cultivars, in most cases, were higher on the semi-vigorous rootstock MM.106. 2. Natural type habit apple cultivar Aldas grafted on rootstock MM.106 have significantly the highest tree leaf area in the 3rd growth season in the orchard. Leaf area of investigated cultivars on rootstocks M.26 and P 60 do not differ significantly. 3. Chlorophyll (a + b) and carotenoids content in leaves of Aldas grafted on rootstock MM.106 was significantly lower than it was recorded for columnar cultivars on the same rootstock and other rootstocks as well. But chlorophyll a and b ratio detected for Aldas on all rootstocks was the highest. 4. Photosynthesis intensity of columnar apple cultivar is higher when it was recorded for Aldas. Gauta 2006 07 24 Parengta spausdinti 2006 07 31 References 1. I n o m a t a Y., K u d o K., M a s u d a T., B e s s h o H., W a d a M. and S u z u k i K. Growth and fruit productivity habits of columnar type apple selections // Horticultural research (Japan). 2004. 3(4): 392401. 2. I n o m a t a Y., K u d o K., W a d a M., M a s u d a T., B e s s h o H. and S u z u k i K. The influence of rootstock on characteristics of tree growth, fruit productivity and dry matter production of Maypole young apple tree // Horticultural research (Japan). 2005. 4(1): 4146. 3. K v i k l y s D. Apple rootstock research in Lithuania with aspect to quality and tree productivity // Horticulture and vegetable growing. 2002. 21(3): 313. 4. M e l a n d M., F r o y n e s O., M o e M. E. Early performance of Discovery apples on 8 rootstocks growing in a northern climate // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. No 658. 5. Q u i n l a n J. D., T o b u t t K. R. Manipulating fruit tree structure chemically and genetically for improved performance // HortScience. 1990. 25(1): 6063. 6. R o b i n s o n T. L., H o y i n g S. A. Performance of elite cornell Geneva apple rootstocks in long-term orchard trials on growers farms // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. No 658. 355 7. S a d o w s k i A., D z i u b a R., J a b l o n s k i j K. Growth and cropping of three apple cultivars on different rootstocks over a 7-year period // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. No 658. 8. T a k a c s F. Performance of apple cultivars and rootstocks in various orchards systems in north-eastern Hungary // Acta Horticulturae. 2004. No 658. 9. T o b u t t K. R. Breeding columnar apple at East Malling // Acta Horticulturae. 1985. 159: 63-68. 10. T o b u t t K. R. Breeding of apple and pears Columnar apples // Annu. Rpt. E. Malling Res. Sta. for 1985. 1986: 61. 11. W e t t s t e i n D. Chlorophyll Letale und der submikroskopishe Formweschsel der Plastiden. Experimental cell research 12. 1957. 427 p. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 350356. MORFOLOGINËS IR FIZIOLOGINËS KOLONINIØ OBELØ VEISLIØ SAVYBËS B. Gelvonauskis, A. Brazaitytë, A. Sasnauskas, P. Duchovskis, D. Gelvonauskienë Santrauka Lietuvos sodininkystë ir darþininkystës instituto (LSDI) bandymø sode tirta obelø koloninë veislë Arbat, selekcinis numeris 24217 ir Aldoveislë, kuriai bûdingas neutralus vaismedþio vainikas. Aldas ir Nr. 24217 sukurti LSDI, Arbat Rusijoje. Tirtø veisliø vaismedþiai akiuoti á P 60, M.26 ir MM.106 poskiepius. Medeliai pasodinti sode 1,0 x 3,5 m atstumais. Ávertintas vaismedþiø aukðtis, kamieno skersmuo, bendras ûgiø ilgis, ðakø skaièius, lapø plotas. Nustatytas chlorofilø ir karotinoidø kiekis lapuose ir fotosintezës aktyvumas. Nustatyta, kad tirti þemaûgiai poskiepiai turëjo esminës átakos tirtø veisliø vaismedþiø aukðèiui, kamieno skersmeniui, ðakø skaièiui, bendram ûgliø ilgiui. Maþiausiai augûs buvo koloniniø veisliø medeliai su P 60 poskiepiu treèiaisiais augimo sode metais,Aldo veislës su M.26 poskiepiu. Aldo veislës medeliai iðaugino daugiausia ðakø, jø bendras ûgliø ilgis buvo didþiausias. Su MM.106 poskiepiu augintø visø tirtø veisliø vaismedþiø rodikliai buvo geriausi. Didþiausias lapø plotas buvo su MM.106 poskiepiu augintø Aldo veislës medeliø ir su M.26 ir P 60 poskiepiais auginto selekcinio numerio 24217. Chlorofilø a ir b kiekis Aldo veislës obelø lapuose buvo maþiausias, auginant su visais poskiepiais. Esminiai karotinoidø kiekio ávairiø veisliø obelø lapuose skirtumai gauti vaismedþius auginant su P 60 poskiepiu. Poskiepiai turëjo átakos jø kiekiui tik Aldo veislës lapuose. Aktyviausia fotosintezë vyko Nr. 24217, auginto su MM.106 ir P 60 poskiepiais, ir Arbat veislës, augintos su M.26 poskiepiu, lapuose. Reikðminiai þodþiai: karotiniodai, chlorofilas, fotosintezë, poskiepiai, vaismedþiø augimas. 356 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 357363. ROOTSTOCK EFFECT ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENT SYSTEM FORMATION IN LEAVES OF APPLE CV. AUKSIS Gintarë ÐABAJEVIENË, Darius KVIKLYS, Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT54333 Babtai, 54333 Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: Photosynthetic pigment system in the leaves of apple tree cv. Auksis on different rootstocks was investigated at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture during 20032005. Twelve rootstocks were included: Bulboga, Pure1, York 9, B.9, B.396, B.416, B.491, M.9, M.26, P 2, P 60, P 22. The photosynthetic pigment content and ratios of apple tree cv. Auksis on different rootstocks varied between years. Photosynthetic pigment content and chlorophyll a/b ratio in apple leaves depend on crop load: the higher crop the higher photosynthetic pigment content and lower chlorophyll a/b ratio. Rootstock genotype determines accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. Apple rootstocks M.9 and York 9 accumulate larger amount of total chlorophyll and carotenoid content than M.26. In average lower chlorophyll a/b ratio was established for apple trees on P 22, higher ratio on rootstocks P 60, B.9 and B.146. Key words: chlorophyll, carotenoid, Malus x domestica, rootstock. Introduction. The importance of rootstocks is more and more widely recognised, which, in terms of their influence on yield productivity, are not less important than the grafted scions. Various apple rootstocks, as inhibitors or stimulators, can influence growth, fruiting initiation, crop, fruit quality and other biological and economical properties. The content of chlorophylls and carotenoids, the main pigments of leaf, provides valuable information about plant physiological status. Chlorophylls are virtually essential pigments for the conversion of light energy to stored chemical energy. The amount of solar radiation absorbed by a leaf is a function of the photosynthetic pigment content; thus, chlorophyll content can directly determine photosynthetic potential and primary production (Curran et al., 1990; Filella et al., 1995). Chlorophyll gives an indirect estimation of the nutrient status because much of leaf nitrogen is incorporated in chlorophyll (Filella et al., 1995; Moran et al., 2000). Furthermore, leaf chlorophyll content is closely related to plant stress and senescence (Merzlyak, Gitelson 1995; Merzlyak et al., 1999). Rootstock effect on chlorophyll content was detected for various fruit species (Cinelli et al., 2004; Muleo et al., 2002). 357 The changes of leaf carotenoids content and their proportion to chlorophyll are widely used for diagnosing the physiological state of plants during development, senescence, acclimation and adaptation to different environments and stresses (Demmig-Adams et al., 1996). The aim was to study apple rootstock effect on photosynthetic pigment system formation in leaves of apple cv. Auksis. Materials and methods. Research was carried out with cultivar Auksis on twelve rootstocks (Bulboga, Pure1, York 9, B.9, B.396, 57-416, B.491, M.9, M.26, P 2, P 60, P 22). The orchard was planted in the spring of 2001. Planting distances were 4x1.5 m. Trees were trained as slender spindles. The trial consisted of four replications with 3 trees in each. Replications were randomised. The measurements of chlorophyll were performed on 3 plants from each variant. Samples were taken in August. The fourth fully developed leaf from the east side of the tree was taken for chlorophyll and carotenoid extraction in 100% acetone and evaluation by the spectrophotometric method according to Weittstein (Ãàâðèëåíêî, 2003). The concentrations of pigments were detected by Spectrophotometer Genesys 6 (ThermoSpectronic, USA). Variance analysis was done with a Duncans Multiple Range t-test (P≤0.05) using the ANOVA statistical program. According growth vigour control all tested rootstocks were grouped in the following way: less vigorous than M.9 P 22, the same as M.9 Pure 1, B.396, York 9, P.60, B.9 and P 2, between M.9 and M.26 B.491, the same or more vigorous as M.26 Bulboga and B.146. Due to spring frost in 2004 the average yield per tree was low 410 kg, when in 2005 the average yield varied from 13 to 24 kg/tree. Results. Contents and ratios of the photosynthetic pigments in apple tree cv. Auksis on different rootstocks varied between years. The largest amounts of chlorophylls and carotenoids in 2003 were accumulated leaves of apple trees on Bulboga (chlorophylls a + b content 2.052 mg g-1, carotenoids 0.602 mg g-1) and B.396 (chlorophylls a + b content 1.982 mg g-1, carotenoids 0.573 mg g-1) rootstocks (Table 1. and Table 2), though significant differences were established only on Bulboga rootstock. The smallest amount of chlorophylls was determined in leaves of Auksis on rootstock B.9 (1.410 mg g-1). Lower content of carotenoids was in trees on rootstocks P 60, and B.9 (about 0.45 mg g-1), though there were significant differences only with trees on rootstock Bulboga. Significantly smaller amounts of chlorophylls and carotenoids in apple trees leaves were accumulated in 2004. The largest content of photosynthetic pigments was found in apple trees on rootstocks P 22, P 2 and B.396 (total chlorophylls content was about 1.18 mg g-1, carotenoids 0.38 mg g-1). Fruit trees Auksis on rootstock Bulboga accumulated the smallest amount of chlorophylls (0.735 mg g-1), and carotenoids (0.251 mg g-1). In 2005 the amount of chlorophylls in apple tree leaves ranged from 1.881mg g-1 to 2.115 mg g-1. Significantly higher chlorophyll contents were in combinations Auksis on rootstock York 9 (2.614 mg g-1). Apple cv. Auksis on rootstock M.9 accumulated high amount of chlorophyll too (2.326 mg g-1). Larger amounts of carotenoids accumulated apple trees on rootstock B.146 (0.642 mg g-1). 358 T a b l e 1. Chlorophyll content in leaves of apple tree cv. Auksis on different rootstocks, mg g-1 1 l e n t e l ë. Rootstock Chlorofilo kiekis Auksio veislës obelø su skirtingais poskiepiais lapuose, mg g-1 Chlorophyll a content Chlorophyll a + b content / Chlorofilo a kiekis Chlorofilo a + b kiekis Average Poskiepis 2003 2004 2005 Average 2003 Vidurkis 2004 2005 2003–2005 Bulboga 1.577c 0.564a 1.507ab P 22 1.383ab 0.904d 1.383a 1.216 1.223 M.26 1.217ab 0.651ab 1.392ab P2 P 60 York 9 1.287ab 0.915d 1.595abc 1.242ab 0.854cd 1.564abc 1.317ab 0.764bcd 1.941c M.9 Vidurkis 2003–2005 2.052b 1.803ab 0.735a 1.195e 2.003ab 2.068ab 1.641 1.689 1.087 1.585ab 0.835abc 1.881a 1.434 1.266 1.219 1.341 1.680abc 1.178de 2.115ab 1.598ab 1.08cde 2.098ab 1.713ab 0.952abcde 2.614c 1.658 1.592 1.760 1.394ab 0.762bcd 1.733bc 1.296 1.803ab 0.971abcde 2.326bc 1.700 Pure 1 B.9 B.396 B.146 1.198ab 1.099a 1.509ab 1.13ab 0.883cd 1.512ab 0.858cd 1.466ab 0.817bcd 1.456ab 0.677abc 1.564abc 1.198 1.278 1.261 1.124 1.539abc 1.410a 1.982ab 1.471ab 1.156de 1.092cde 1.032bcde 0.799ab 2.052ab 1.970ab 1.939ab 2.077ab 1.582 1.491 1.651 1.449 B.491 1.237ab 0.634ab 1.564abc 1.145 1.603ab 0.861abcd 2.072ab 1.512 Values followed by the same letters within the columns are not statistically different at P≤0.05. Tomis paèiomis raidëmis skiltyse paþymëti skaièiai ið esmës nesiskiria (P≤0,05). T a b l e 2. Carotenoids content in leaves of apple tree cv. Auksis on different rootstocks, mg g-1 2 l e n t e l ë. Karotinoidø kiekis Auksio veislës obelø su skirtingais poskiepiais lapuose, mg g-1 Rootstock Poskiepis Carotenoids content / Karotinoidø kiekis 2003 2004 2005 Average / Vidurkis 2003–2005 Bulboga 0.602b 0.251a 0.524abc 0.459 P 22 M.26 0.520ab 0.481ab 0.378cd 0.310ab 0.409a 0.496ab 0.436 0.429 P2 0.515ab 0.394d 0.563bc 0.491 P 60 York 9 M.9 Pure1 0.446a 0.505ab 0.541ab 0.471ab 0.379cd 0.352bcd 0.342bcd 0.375cd 0.560bc 0.642c 0.577bc 0.535abc 0.462 0.500 0.487 0.460 B.9 B.396 0.440a 0.573ab 0.365bcd 0.380cd 0.523abc 0.503abc 0.443 0.485 B.146 0.451ab 0.318bc 0.602bc 0.457 B.491 0.470ab 0.325bc 0.548bc 0.448 Values followed by the same letters within the columns are not statistically different at P≤0.05. Tomis paèiomis raidëmis skiltyse paþymëti skaièiai ið esmës nesiskiria (P≤0,05). 359 In 2003 and 2004 chlorophyll a/b ratio varied from 3.164 to 3.534 (Table 3.) The highest efficiency of photosynthesis was in 2004. Chlorophyll a/b ratio varied from 3.291 to 3.837. Significantly lower chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b ratios in apple tree leaves were determined in 2005 (from 2.802 to 3.07), especially on rootstock P 22 that differed significantly from all tested rootstocks. T a b l e 3. Chlorophyll a/b ratio in leaves of apple tree cv. Auksis on different rootstocks 3 l e n t e l ë. Chlorofilo a ir b santykis Auksio veislës obelø su skirtingais poskiepiais lapuose Rootstock / Poskiepis 2003 2004 2005 Average / Vidurkis 2003–2005 Bulboga 3.315abc 3.608abc 3.036bc 3.320 P 22 3.321abc 3.291a 2.073a 2.895 M.26 3.305abc 3.544abc 2.845bc 3.231 P2 3.405abc 3.511abc 3.070bc 3.329 P 60 3.475bc 3.787bc 2.937bc 3.400 York 9 3.344abc 3.492abc 2.883bc 3.240 M.9 3.377abc 3.690abc 2.918bc 3.328 Pure1 3.521bc 3.266a 2.802bc 3.196 B.9 3.534c 3.694abc 2.931bc 3.386 B.396 3.164a 3.837c 3.020bc 3.340 B.146 3.329abc 3.793bc 3.029bc 3.384 B.491 3.344abc 3.667abc 3.07c 3.360 Values followed by the same letters within the columns are not statistically different at P≤0.05. Tomis paèiomis raidëmis skiltyse paþymëti skaièiai ið esmës nesiskiria (P≤0,05). Discussion. The photosynthetic pigment content in apple tree cv. Auksis on different rootstocks varied between years. The lowest chlorophyll and carotenoid content was observed in 2004 when significant part of the yield was lost because of spring frosts. The highest amount of photosynthetic pigments was detected in 2005 when abundant yield was collected on all tested rootstocks. Dependence of crop load on photochemical yield was shown in others trials too (Greer et al., 1997). Apple tree productivity is determined by many parameters, such as chlorophyll content in leaves, carotenoid content, etc., as they are indicators of physiological activity in leaves (Curran et al., 1990; Filella et al., 1995). Leaf pigment content provides valuable information about the physiological status of plants. Apple cv. Auksis stored larger amount of photosynthetic pigments on rootstocks York 9 and M.9 that show medium growth vigour and optimal productivity. Fruit trees on rootstocks M.26 and B.146 accumulated the smallest content of chlorophylls and they were distinguished for stronger vegetative growth in tested rootstock group. 360 Exception was trees on rootstock Bulboga that exhibited the strongest growth and were at least productive but accumulated high contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids. Rootstock genotype coursed differences were detected with other fruit tree species too. A decrease of chlorophyll was less on GF677 than those grafted on Mr.S.2/5 (Cinelli et al., 2004). Mineral nutrient deficiency decreased total chlorophyll content in pear rootstock MA in comparison with others (Muleo et al., 2002). Carotenoids take active part in photosynthesis. The level of carotenoids changes during vegetative growth (Demmig-Adams, Adams, 1996). The largest amount of carotenoids was found in fruit trees on rootstocks York 9, P 2, M.9 and B.396. In the period of investigation the lowest level of carotenoids produced apple tree leaves on rootstock M.26. Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b ratio is substantial photosynthetic activity indicator (Datt, 1998). In the period of investigation the highest efficiency of photosynthesis was in apple tree leaves grafted on rootstocks P 60 and B.146. The lowest chlorophyll a/b ratio was determined in apple tree leaves on rootstocks P 22 and Pure 1. Both rootstocks were the most dwarfing and the most productive in the tested rootstock group, but decreased apple fruit weight significantly. Chlorophyll ratio, as well as photosynthetic pigment content, varied between years and depended on crop load. Chlorophyll a/b ratio decreased in 2005 when trees on all rootstocks gave very high yield, and was higher in 2004 when trees were not so productive. Nevertheless, during research the ratio of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in all analysed apple tree leaves varied about 3 and didnt limit photosynthesis. Conclusions. 1. Rootstock genotype determines accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. Apple rootstocks M.9 and York 9 accumulate larger and M.26 smaller amounts of total chlorophyll and carotenoid content. Significant differences between rootstocks in chlorophyll a/b ratio varied between years. In average lower ratio was established for apple trees on P 22, higher ratio on rootstocks P 60, B.9 and B.146. Photosynthetic pigment content and chlorophyll a/b ratio in apple leaves depends on crop load: the higher the crop the higher photosynthetic pigment content and lower chlorophyll a/b ratio. Acknowledgement. This work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. Gauta 2006 07 14 Parengta spausdinti 2006 8 08 361 References 1. C i n e l l i F. T a m a n t i n i I., I a c o n a C. Nutritional (Fe-Mn) interactions in Big Top peach plant as influenced by the rootstock and by the soil CaCO3 concentration // Soil science and plant nutrition. 2004. 50 (7): 10971102. 2. C u r r a n P. J. D u n g a n J. L., G h o l z H. L. Exploring the relationship between reflectance red edge and chlorophyll content in slash pine // Tree Physiol. 1990. Vol. 7. P. 3348. 3. D a t t B. Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b, Chlorophyll a + b, and Total Carotenoid Content in Eucalyptus Leaves // Remote Sens. Environ. 1998. Vol. 66. P. 111121. 4. D e m m i g - A d a m s B., A d a m s W. W. The role of xanthophylls cycle carotenoids in the protection of photosynthesis // Trends in plant science. 1996. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 6273. 5. G r e e r, D. H., W ü n s c h e, J. N. P a l m e r, J. W. Effects of fruiting on seasonal apple leaf chlorophyll fluorescence //Acta Horticulturae,1997. 451:345350. 6. Filella I., Serrano I., Serra J., Peuelas J. Evaluating wheat nitrogen status with canopy reflectance indices and discriminant analysis // Crop Sci 1995. Vol. 35. P. 1400 1405 . 7. M e r z l y a k M. N., G i t e l s o n A. A. Why and what for the leaves are yellow in autumn? On the interpretation of optical spectra of senescing leaves (Acer platanoides L.)// Plant Physiol 1995. Vol. 145. P. 315320. 8. M e r z l y a k M. N., G i t e l s o n A. A., C h i v k u n o v a O. B., R a k i t i n V. Y. Nondestructive optical detection of leaf senescence and fruit ripening // Physiol Plant. 1999. Vol. 106. P. 135141. 9. M o r a n J. A., M i t c h e l l A. K., G o o d m a n s o n G., S t o c k b u r g e r K. A. Differentiation among effects of nitrogen fertilization treatments on conifer seedlings by foliar reflectance: a comparison of methods. // Tree Physiol. 2000. Vol. 20. P. 11131120. 10. M u l e o R., F i s i c h e l l a M., I a c o n a C., V i t i R., C i n e l l i F. Different responses induced by bicarbonate and iron deficiency on microshoots of quince and pear // Acta Horticulturae. 2002. 596: 677681. 11. à à â ð è ë å í ê î Â. Ô., Ë à ä û ã è í à Ì. Å., Õ à í ä ð î á è í à Ë. Ì. Áîëüøîé ïðàêòèêóì ïî ôèçèîëîãèè ðàñòåíèé. Ìîñêâà, Aêaäåìèÿ, 2003. 256 c. 362 SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 357363. POSKIEPIØ ÁTAKA AUKSIO VEISLËS OBELØ FOTOSINTETINIØ PIGMENTØ SISTEMAI G. Ðabajevienë, D. Kviklys, P. Duchovskis Santrauka Fotosintetiniø pigmentø obelø lapuose sistemos tyrimai atlikti 20032005 m. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute. Tirtos Auksio veislës obelys su 12 poskiepiø: Bulboga, Pure1, York 9, B.9, B.396, B.416, B.491, M.9, M.26, P 2, P 60, P 22. Bandymo laikotarpiu fotosintetiniø pigmentø kiekiai ir jø santykis kito. Obelims gausiai derant, bendras fotosintetiniø pigmentø kiekis lapuose buvo didesnis, jø santykis maþesnis. Fotosintetiniø pigmentø kiekis lapuose priklausë nuo obelø poskiepiø: daugiau chlorofilo ir karotinoidø kaupë obelys su M.9 ir York 9 poskiepiais, maþiau su M.26 poskiepiu. Maþesnis chlorofilo a ir chlorofilo b santykis nustatytas obelø su P 22, didesnis su P 60, B.9 ir B.146 poskiepiais lapuose. Reikðminiai þodþiai: chlorofilas, karotinoidai, Malus x domestica, poskiepis. 363 SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF THE LITHUANIAN INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE AND LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. 2006. 25(3). 364370. CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTIVAR AUKSIS ON ROOTSTOCKS P 22 AND P 60 IN HIGH DENSITY ORCHARDS OF DIFFERENT CONSTRUCTION Gintarë ÐABAJEVIENË1, Jurga SAKALAUSKAITË1, Vytautas ÐLAPAKAUSKAS2, Nobertas USELIS1, Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS1 1 Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT54333 Babtai, Kauno 30, Kaunas distr., Lithuania. E-mail: Lithuanian University of Agriculture, LT53067 Akademija, Studentø 11, Kaunas distr., Lithuania 2 Fluorescence parameters in apple tree leaves of cv. Auksis on rootstocks P 60 and P 22 were investigated at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2005. Apple trees were trained as spindle, slender spindle, slender spindle V form, free leader axis, super spindle and super spindle V form. Orchards on rootstock P 60 were planted using 3 x 1.5 m; 3 x 1.25 m; 3 x 1 m and 3 x 0.75 m planting scheme, apple trees on P 22 3 x 1 m; 3 x 0.75 m; 3 x 0.5 m and 3 x 0.25 m. planting scheme. A fall in fluorescence parameters due to the higher planting density proves that the researched fruit trees experienced stress. However, with every further enlargement of planting density, the mentioned parameters were changing positively. That enables to conclude that the examined apple trees experienced competitive stress. Distinct fluorescence parameters of different rootstocks show that the response of the fruit tree within inter-competition depends on the rootstock type. The open tree forms allow optimum light interception. This feature determinates high photochemical efficiency in leaves. The highest quantum yield and electron transport were detected in super spindle V form and slender spindle V form apple trees. Key words: apple tree, density, electron transport rate, maximum fluorescence, minimum fluorescence, quantum yield, rootstock, tree form. Introduction. Since the late 1980s there has been a rapid increase in planting density of apple trees in different regions of Europe (Mantinger and Vigl, 1999). About ten years later, Widmer and Lemmenmeier (1999) showed that the highest yield was in orchards with 10 000 trees per ha. The planting system and tree form is crucial for growth, productivity, yield and fruit quality in apple orchard (Uselis, 2003). 364 Different kinds of fruit trees request specific physiological conditions for their growth and development. Aberration from optimal conditions can lead to a stress. Investigations of other scientist groups demonstrated that fruit tree density influences crop yield and fruit quality (Stampar et al., 1998). With increase of planting density, productivity per tree decreases, whereas cumulative productivity per hectare increases (Jackson et al., 1981; Mika and Piàtkowski, 1986). Training and formation of fruit tree directly and indirectly affects the size of assimilation area, as well as the intensity of photosynthesis. The importance of rootstocks is more and more widely recognised, which, in terms of their influence on crop productivity, are not less important than the grafted scions. Fluorescence is proved to be especially effective for quantifying the effects of environmental stress, such as drought, light stress, extreme temperature, nutrient deficiency or pollution, on plant function (Jackson, 1986; Carter, 1991, 1993, 1994; Aldakheel and Danson, 1997). This can be directly related to the overall efficiency or health of a leafs photochemical apparatus, which is impaired by stress (Krause and Weis, 1991; Ball et al., 1994). Damage caused by photoinhibition may be assessed by determining fluorescence and emission through chlorophyll a in plants treated with strong irradiation pulses. By measuring the emission of fluorescence, it has been found that photoinhibition is mainly observed in photosystem II (PS II) (Krause and Weis, 1991). This non-destructive technique has been a common approach for estimating PS II efficiency. Fluorescence indexes used for evaluating PS II functioning include: initial fluorescence (Fo), maximum fluorescence (Fm) variable fluorescence (Fv) and Fv/Fm ratio (Shole and Horton, 1993). Fv represents the difference between Fm and Fo (Fv = Fm-Fo). The Fo parameter is the minimal fluorescence yielded when all reaction centres are in the oxidized or open state. When leaves are briefly exposed to a saturating light level, all PS II centres are closed. That is, quinone A (QA) is reduced and a maximum yield of fluorescence (Fm) is observed. The Fv/Fm ratio, calculated as Fv/Fm=(Fm-Fo)/Fm, is a fluorescence variable directly correlated with the physiological efficiency of the photosynthetic machinery. This ratio is been considered to be proportional to the quantum efficiency of PS II (Bjorkman and Demming, 1987). In a wide number of plant species and ecotypes, an Fv/Fm ratio of 0.83 has been obtained in unstressed leaves. Hence, the effects of stressful environmental factors on PS II may be examined by determining the reduction in the Fv/Fm ratio (Ogren and Evans, 1992; Sholes and Horton, 1993). The yield parameter corresponds to Fv/Fm, but its value generally is lower than Fv/Fm. The aim of this study was to determine chlorophyll fluorescence effect in apple tree with different rootstock leaves on different planting densities and training systems. Materials and methods. Research was carried out with cultivar Auksis on rootstocks P60 and P22 at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2005. Planting scheme of apple trees cv. Auksis with rootstock P 60: 1 spindle training system, planting density 3 x 1.5 m (2222 trees per ha); 2 slender spindle training system, planting density 3 x 1.5 m (2222 trees per ha); 3 free leader axis training system, planting density 3 x 1.5 m (2222 trees per ha); 4 spindle training system, planting density 3 x 1.25 m (2667 trees per ha); 5 slender spindle training system, planting density 3 x 1.25 m (4444 trees per ha); 6 - spindle training system, 365 planting density 3 x 1 m (3333 trees per ha); 7- slender spindle training system, planting density 3 x 1 m (3333 trees per ha); 8 super spindle training system, planting density 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees per ha); 9 slender spindle training system, planting density 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees per ha). Planting scheme of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22: 1- spindle training system, planting density 3 x 1 m (3333 trees per ha); 2 slender spindle training system, planting density 3 x 1 m; (3333 trees per ha); 3 free leader axis training system, planting density 3 x 1 m (3333 trees per ha); 4 super spindle training system, planting density 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees per ha); 5 slender spindle training system, planting density 3 x 0.75 m (4444 trees per ha); 6 - spindle training system, planting density 3 x 0.5 m (6667 trees per ha); 7- super spindle V form training system, planting density 3 x 0.5 m (6667 trees per ha); 8 slender spindle V form training system, planting density 3 x 0.25 m (13333 trees per ha); 9 super spindle training system, planting density 3 x 0.25 m (13333 trees per ha); 10 - super spindle V form training system, planting density 3 x 0.25 m (13333 trees per ha). The measurements were performed on 5 plants from each apple tree cultivar. The fourth fully developed leaf from the east side of the tree was taken for analysis. The fluorescence was measured by a chlorophyll fluorometer PAM-210, Walz GmBH. The minimum (actual) fluorescence yield in light adapted sample (Ft) and maximum fluorescence yield (Fm) of illuminated light-adapted sample were measured with every saturation pulse 3500 µmol m-2s-1. Ft corresponds to the momentary value of fluorescence yield at a given actinic light intensity (85 µmol m-2s-1). Fm is defined as the maximum fluorescence yield of an illuminated sample induced by a saturation pulse. The maximum light-acclimated photochemical quantum yield of PSII (Y) was estimated according to the relationship Y= (Fm-Ft) : Fm = ÄF : Fm and the electron transport rate ETR = c x 0.5 x PAR x Y (Schreiber, 1995). Using this equation, it is assumed that 84% of the incident quanta are absorbed and 50% of the absorbed quanta are distributed to PS II. Statistical calculations were performed by ANOVA for MS Excel vers. 3.43 (Duncans Multiple Range t-test procedure, P≤0.05). Results. The variation of investigated fluorescence parameters was determined by variable planting densities, tree forms and rootstocks. Leaves of Auksis/P 22 with spindle form were distinguished for substantially high minimum fluorescence (Ft) (Table 1). The most extensive Ft in super spindle form fruit trees was estimated in 3x1 m. planting system. Ft level notably dropped with reduction of orchard density. However, in case of highest density of fruit trees, Ft increased in super spindle and super spindle V forms apple tree leaves. With increase of planting density the level of minimum fluorescence of Auksis/P 22 fruit trees with slender spindle fell down. The same tendencies were recognized in variations of maximum fluorescence (Fm). Differences were seen just in super spindle V form apple tree leaves, where Fm declined with growth of density of apple trees. The quantum yield (Y) and rate of electron transport (ETR) in all kind of apple tree forms fell down with decrease of planting density. The most intensive quantum yield and electron transport were detected in super spindle V form apple tree leaves. 366 T a b l e 1. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 22 1 l e n t e l ë. Chlorofilø fluorescencijos rodikliai Auksio veislës obelø su P 22 poskiepiu lapuose Fluorescence parameters Different canopy form and densities combinations Fluorescencijos rodikliai Skirtingi vainiko formos ir tankumo deriniai Ft Fm' Y ETR Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Free leader axis / Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3x1m Super spindle / Superverpstë, 3 x 0,75 m 0,230c* 0,171ab 0,625bcd 0,597abcd 0,635a 0,710abc 16a 17,93ab 0,164ab 0,560abcd 0,697abc 17,55ab 0,180abc 0,618bcd 0,719bc 17,6ab Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0,75 m 0,1985bc 0,693d 0,705abc 17,78ab Super spindle / Superverpstë, 3 x 0,5 m 0,147a 0,401a 0,653abc 16,44ab Super spindle V form / V formos superverpstë, 0,156ab 0,607abcd 0,738c 18,6b 3 x 0,5 m Slender spindle V form / V formos laiboji verpstë, 0,16ab 0,498abcd 0,680abc 17,175ab 3 x 0,25 m Super spindle / Superverpstë, 3 x 0,25 m 0,155ab 0,463ab 0,655abc 16,5ab Super spindle V form / V formos superverpstë, 0,164ab 0,549abcd 0,694abc 17,48ab 3 x 0,25 m *Values, indicated by the same letters within the columns, are not statistically different at P≤0.05. *Tomis paèiomis raidëmis skiltyse paþymëti skaièiai ið esmës nesiskiria (P≤0,05). T a b l e 2. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of apple tree cv. Auksis on rootstock P 60 2 l e n t e l ë. Chlorofilø fluorescencijos rodikliai Auksio veislës obelø su P 60 poskiepiu lapuose Fluorescence parameters Different canopy form and densities combinations Fluorescencijos rodikliai Skirtingi vainiko formos ir tankumo deriniai Ft Fm' Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1,5 m Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë,3 x 1,5 m Free leader axis / Laisvai augantis lyderinis vainikas, 3 x 1,5 m Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1,25 m Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1,25 m 0,173ab* 0,184ab 0,504abc 0,585c 0,167ab 0,458 a 0,636abc 16ab 0,166ab 0,164ab 0,503ab 0,56b 0,559a 0,710bc 16,775abc 17,773bc Spindle / Paprastoji verpstë, 3 x 1 m 0,163ab 0,53ab 0,704bc 17,75bc Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 1 m Super spindle / Superverpstë, 3 x 0,75 m 0,172ab 0,1855b 0,555ab 0,500ab 0,691abc 17,425abc 0,624abc 15,725a Slender spindle / Laiboji verpstë, 3 x 0,75 m 0,163ab 0,579bc Y ETR 0,659abc 16,6abc 0,652abc 16,375abc 0,719c 18,1c *Values, indicated by the same letters within the columns, are not statistically different at P≤0.05. *Tomis paèiomis raidëmis skiltyse paþymëti skaièiai ið esmës nesiskiria (P≤0,05). 367 Dissimilar results were in orchards on rootstock P 60. The minimum fluorescence in all apple tree forms declined with decrease of planting density. Highest Ft level was found in fruit trees with super spindle form. Largest Fm in spindle and slender spindle forms of fruit trees was detected in 3x1.5 m. planting system. Maximum fluorescence dropped with reduction of orchard density. The quantum yield (Y) and rate of electron transport (ETR) in all apple tree forms fell down with decrease of planting density. However, when the fruit trees were planted most densely, the quantum yield and rate of electron transport in apple tree leaves increased. Highest rates of quantum yield and electron transport were detected in slender spindle apple tree leaves. Discussion. In the reports of other researches it has been noticed, that the size of the productivity taken from one measurement was directly determined by the number of fruit trees, however, only to the corresponding bounds (Jackson et al., 1981; Mika, Pi¹tkowski, 1986). When the critical level was achieved, the intensity of photosynthesis in leaves dropped due to the effect of shadowing, made by the plants situated around (Wertheim et al., 1986). Correct orchard density and its appropriate care are needed in order to assure enough quantity and distribution of light (Stampar et al., 1998; Widmer, Krebs, 2001; Uselis, 2003). Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis is a technique that provides information on the functioning and the adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to the different environmental conditions. The kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence and the quantum yield are known to be indicative of the electron flow in photosystem II (PS II). This can be directly related to the overall efficiency or health of a leafs photochemical apparatus, which is impaired by stress (Krause and Weis, 1991; Ball et al., 1994). The quantum yield parameter reflects the efficiency of PS II. ETR factor defines the fraction of incident light to be absorbed by the sample. Falling down of fluorescence parameters, which was due to the higher planting density, proves that the researched fruit trees experienced stress. It has been noticed in other studies as well, that enhanced competition concerning densities acts as a minor stress for photosynthetic system (Ðabajevienë et al., 2005 and Ðabajevienë et al., 2006). However, with every further enlargement of planting density the mentioned parameters were changing positively. That enables to conclude that the examined apple trees (Auksis/P 22 and Auksis/P 60) experienced competitive stress. Observed parameters of different rootstocks have been affected in a different way as well: growth of density positively influenced Ft and Fm in leaves of apple tree on rootstock P 22, and Y and ETR in leaves of apple tree on rootstock P 60. It shows that the fruit tree response within inter-competition depends on the type of rootstock. The highest quantum yield and electron transport were detected in apple trees of super spindle V form and slender spindle V form. The open forms allow optimum light interception. This feature determines high photochemical efficiency in leaves. In the researches of other groups of scientists it has been established that the open forms with slender elements allow optimum light interception and generate good yields with high fruit quality (Widmer and Krebs, 2001). 368 Conclusions. 1. A fall down in fluorescence parameters due to the higher planting density proves that the investigated fruit trees experienced stress. The mentioned parameters were changing positively with every further enlargement of planting density. The examined apple trees (Auksis/P 22 and Auksis/P 60) experienced competitive stress. 2. Distinct fluorescence parameters of different rootstocks show that the response of the fruit tree within inter-competition depends on the rootstock type. 3. The highest quantum yield and electron transport were detected in apple trees of super spindle V form and slender spindle V form. Gauta 2006 07 17 Parengta spausdinti 2006 08 07 References 1. A l d a k h e e l Y. Y., D a n s o n F. M. Spectral reflectance of dehydrating leaves: measurements and modelling// Int. J. RemoteSens. 1997. Vol.18. P. 36833690. 2. Jackson, R.D. Remote sensing of biotic and abiotic plant stress // Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1986. Vol. 24. P. 265287. 3. J a c k s o n J. F., P e r r y M. S., S t e p h e n s C. P. Intensification of tree fruit production: invent constrains, relevant research and an alternative system strategy for the 1980 // Acta Hort. 1981. Vol. 114. P. 399406. 4. B a l l M. C., B u t t e r w o r t h J. A., R o d e n J. S., C h r i s t i a n R. E g e r t o n J. J. G. Applications of chlorophyll fluorescence to forest ecology // Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 1994. Vol. 22. P. 311319. 5. B j o r m a n O., D e m m i n g B. 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Influence of planting density and tree form on yield and fruit quality of Golden Delicious and Royal Gala apples // Acta Hort. 2001. Vol. 557. P. 235241. SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2006. 25(3). 364370. AUKSIO VEISLËS OBELØ SU P 22 IR P 60 POSKIEPIAIS CHLOROFILØ FLUORESCENCINIØ RODIKLIØ TYRIMAI ÁVAIRIØ KONSTRUKCIJØ INTENSYVIUOSE SODUOSE G. Ðabajevienë, J. Sakalauskaitë, V. Ðlapakauskas, N. Uselis, P. Duchovskis Santrauka 2005 m. Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institute tirti fluorescenciniai rodikliai Auksio veislës obelø su P 22 ir P 60 poskiepiais lapuose. Tirti vaismedþiai su laibosios verpstës, V formos laibosios verpstës, paprastosios verpstës, V formos superverpstës, superverpstës formø ir laisvai auganèiais lyderiniais vainikais. Vaismedþiai su P 22 poskiepiu pasodinti 3 x 1,5 m; 3 x 1,25 m; 3 x 1 m ir 3 x 0,75 m tankumu, o vaismedþiai su P 60 poskiepiu 3 x 1 m; 3 x 0,75 m; 3 x 0,5 m ir 3 x 0,25 m. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad dël tankumo kilusi didesnë medþiø konkurencija veikia kaip stresas. Taèiau fluorescenciniø rodikliø augimas tankiausiai pasodintø obelø lapuose rodo konkurencinës átampos atsiradimà. Didþiausia kvantinë iðeiga ir elektronø transportas nustatyti V formos superverpstës ir V formos laibosios verpstës vainikus turinèiø vaismedþiø lapuose. Tai rodo, kad atvira V forma uþtikrina optimalø ðviesos pasiskirstymo lygá, kuris lemia aukðtà fotocheminá efektyvumà vaismedþiø lapuose. Fluorescenciniø rodikliø skirtumai obelø su skirtingais poskiepiais lapuose rodo, kad vaismedþiø reakcija á tarpusavio konkurencijà priklauso ir nuo poskiepio. Reikðminiai þodþiai: elektronø transportas, fluorescencija, kvantø iðeiga, obelys, poskiepiai, sodo konstrukcija, tankumas. 370 ATMINTINË AUTORIAMS, RAÐANTIEMS Á MOKSLO DARBUS SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË Straipsnio rankraðèio pateikimo - priëmimo procedûra Straipsnius redakcijai gali pateikti bet kurie Lietuvos ar uþsienio ðalies mokslo darbuotojai bei asmenys, dirbantys moksliná darbà. Ne mokslo darbuotojo straipsnis turi bûti paraðytas kartu su mokslo darbuotoju. Rankraðtis redakcijai siunèiamas paðtu dviem egzemplioriais, atspausdintas kompiuteriu popieriuje, prisilaikant toliau tekste nurodytø reikalavimø. Pateiktas straipsnio rankraðtis uþregistruojamas ir perduodamas redkolegijos nariui, kuruojanèiam ðià sritá. Jis ávertina, ar rankraðèio turinys ir forma atitinka svarbiausius periodiniams straipsniams keliamus reikalavimus. Rankraðèiai, kurie buvo atmesti pirmojo vertinimo metu, su paaiðkinamuoju raðtu gràþinami autoriui. Jeigu straipsnio tinkamumas nekelia abejoniø, redkolegijos narys skiria du recenzentus. Pataisytà rankraðtá autorius per deðimt dienø turi atsiøsti el. paðtu arba paðtu redakcijai kartu su elektronine laikmena (diskeliu). Reikalavimai rankraðèiui Struktûra ir apimtis Rankraðèio forma turi atitikti periodiniams moksliniams straipsniams keliamus reikalavimus. Teksto ir jo sudëtiniø daliø seka tokia: - Straipsnio pavadinimas (ne daugiau kaip 10 þodþiø); - Autoriaus vardas, pavardë Vardas raðomas maþosiomis, pavardë - didþiosiomis raidëmis. Jeigu yra keli autoriai, raðoma maþëjanèia jø autorystës indëlio tvarka. - Institucija, adresas, elektroninis paðtas; Pagrindinis tekstas - Santrauka (iki 1400 raðybos þenklø arba 250 þodþiø); Labai glaustai pateikiami tikslai, sàlygos, svarbiausieji rezultatai. - Reikðminiai þodþiai (ne daugiau kaip 10, abëcëlës tvarka); - Ávadas Trumpai iðdëstoma nagrinëjama problema, ankstesnieji kitø panaðiø tyrimø rezultatai, darbo reikalingumas, originalumas. Nurodomas darbo tikslas. - Tyrimo objektas ir metodai; - Rezultatai Trumpai iðdëstomi tyrimø metu surinkti duomenys, dokumentai (lentelës, grafikai). - Aptarimas 371 Aptariami, bet nekartojami "Rezultatø" skyrelyje pateikti duomenys, palyginami su kitø autoriø duomenimis, aiðkinamos tirtø reiðkiniø prieþastys, keliamos naujos idëjos, hipotezës. - Iðvados; - Literatûra Rekomenduojama talpinti ne maþiau kaip 10 naujausiø raðoma tema literatûros ðaltiniø. - Santrauka anglø kalba (600-1400 sp. þenklø); - Padëka (neprivaloma); Straipsnio pabaigoje turi bûti autoriaus (-iø) ar kitø uþ straipsná atsakingø asmenø paraðas bei pasiraðymo data. Straipsniai, kurie paraðyti remiantis netradiciniais bandymø duomenimis ir jø rezultatais, gali turëti ir kitokias struktûrines teksto dalis. Straipsnis turi bûti ne daugiau kaip 10-15 puslapiø apimties, áskaitant lenteles ir paveikslus (didesnës apimties straipsniai derinami su redkolegijos pirmininku). Teksto parengimas Straipsnis raðomas lietuviø, anglø ar rusø kalba IBM tipo kompiuteriu, spausdinamas MO Microsoft WORD for Windows 95; 98; 2000 teksto redaktoriais TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 dydþio ðriftu, vienoje A4 formato (210 x 297 mm) lapo pusëje, atstumas tarp rankraðèio eiluèiø - 1 (single), tekstui po recenzijø - 1,5 (1,5 lines), iðlyginamas ið abiejø pusiø, pateikiamas elektroninëje laikmenoje 1,44 MB diskelyje. Paraðèiø plotis virðuje - 2 cm, apaèioje - 2 cm, deðinëje 1,5 cm, kairëje - 3 cm. Paryðkintai (Bold) raðoma straipsnio pavadinimas visomis kalbomis, antraðtës bei svarbiausieji struktûriniai elementai (santrauka, ávadas, metodai, sàlygos, rezultatai, diskusija, iðvados, literatûra). Kursyvu (Italic) raðomi lotyniðki augalø rûðiø, genèiø, ligø, kenkëjø ir mikroorganizmø pavadinimai. Augalø veisliø pavadinimai raðomi viengubose kabutëse. Cituojamas ðaltinis tekste nurodomas lenktiniuose skliaustuose (autoriaus pavardë, metai). Lentelës Lenteliø duomenys neturi dubliuotis su paveikslø ar kitos iliustracinës medþiagos informacija. Lenteliø tekstas raðomas lietuviø ir anglø kalbomis. Jeigu straipsnis paraðytas rusø kalba - rusø ir anglø. Jei lietuviø ir anglø tekstai talpinami vienoje eilutëje, tarp jø dedamas þenklas /. Lentelës teksto dalys vertikaliomis ir horizontaliomis 372 linijomis neatskiriamos. Horizontaliomis linijomis atskiriamos tik lentelës metrikos dalys bei lentelës pabaiga. Lentelës padëtis puslapyje tik vertikali (Portrait). Bandymø variantai lentelëse neturi bûti þymimi skaièiais, sudëtingomis santrumpomis, o pateikiami visa arba suprantamai sutrumpinta apraðo forma. Statistiniai duomenys, skaièiai ir skaitmenys Pageidautina detaliai apraðyti taikytus tyrimø metodus ir nurodyti jø originalius ðaltinius. Labai svarbi informacija apie lauko, vegetaciniø ir kt. bandymø iðdëstymo schemà ir jos pasirinkimo motyvus. Lentelëse ir paveiksluose pateikiami duomenys privalo bûti statistiðkai apdoroti: apskaièiuoti vidurkiai, jø kitimo paklaidos, ryðio ir jo tikslumo koeficientai, patikimo skirtumo ribos (priimtiniausia apskaièiuoti 95% arba ir - 90,99% tikimybës lygiu) ir pan. Rodikliø þymëjimo santrumpos turi bûti paaiðkintos, jeigu jos neatitinka tarptautiniø ISO standartø [13]. Reikðminiø skaièiø turi bûti ne daugiau negu leidþia bandymo metodas. Variantø vidurkiai turi bûti suapvalinti iki 1/10, apskaièiuotos jø standartinës paklaidos. Kieká þymintys skaièiai raðomi arabiðkais skaitmenimis, pvz.: 15 tonø, o eilæ þymintys gali bûti raðomi ir romëniðkai, ir arabiðkai, pvz.: XX amþius, 2 pavyzdys. Skaièiai nuo vieneto iki devyniø raðomi þodþiu, iðskyrus, kai jie reiðkia matavimo vienetø dydá (pvz.: 5 km, bet "trys variantai") arba yra prasminë skaièiø seka (pvz.: 6, 9, 12 tarpsnis). Tarp daugiaþenkliø skaièiø klasiø paliekamas tarpelis, pvz., 42 351. Procentai þymimi %, kai reiðkia konkretø skaièiø, taèiau "procentiniai vienetai" raðomi tik þodþiu. Deðimtainës trupmenos dalys nuo sveikøjø skaièiø atskiriamos kableliu. Paveikslai Visa iliustracinë medþiaga - brëþiniai, grafikai, diagramos, fotografijos, pieðiniai ir kt. - vadinami bendru paveikslø vardu. Tekstas juose raðomas lietuviø ir anglø kalbomis. Paveikslai turi bûti nespalvoti, padaryti Microsoft Office 95, 98, 2000 paketo elektroninëje lentelëje EXCEL arba naudojantis kitomis ðio paketo programomis ir pateikiami straipsnio tekste bei atskira EXCEL byla diskelyje. Ranka pieðti, braiþyti, kopijuoti paveikslai nepriimami arba jie perdaromi pagal galiojanèius maketavimo ákainius. Redakcija pasilieka teisæ keisti jø formatà pagal straipsnio ar viso leidinio dizainà. Áraðai ir simboliai paveiksluose turi bûti paraðyti ne maþesniu kaip 10 ðrifto dydþiu. Paveikslø blokø dalys turi bûti suþymëtos raidëmis a, b, c ir t.t. Literatûros sàraðas Á literatûros sàraðà gali bûti átraukiama: - straipsniai, atspausdinti moksliniuose periodiniuose þurnaluose, 373 moksliniuose recenzuotuose leidiniuose ( knygose, monografijose), moksliniø konferencijø, simpoziumø, kuriø medþiaga buvo recenzuota arba struktûros ir apimties poþiûriu atitinka moksliniø periodiniø leidiniø straipsniø reikalavimus, straipsniø rinkiniuose; - mokslinës knygos, monografijos, maþesnës apimties recenzuoti ir tik iðimtinai mokslinës paskirties leidiniai (t.y. disertacijø mokslo laipsniui ágyti santraukos) arba jø dalys; Sàraðe rekomenduojama talpinti ne maþiau kaip deðimt literatûros ðaltiniø. Visi jie turi bûti cituojami tekste. Du treèdaliai ðaltiniø turëtø bûti ne senesni kaip ketveriø-ðeðeriø metø, o senesni - tik ypatingai reikðmingi ir svarbûs. Autoriaus cituotini tik tie darbai, kurie tiesiogiai siejasi su nagrinëjama tema. Mokslinës ataskaitos, rankraðtinë medþiaga, vadovëliai, þinynai, konferencijø medþiaga (tezës ar trumpi paraneðimai), rekomendacijos, reklaminiai bukletai bei laikraðèiai literatûros ðaltiniais nelaikomi ir á sàraðà neátraukiami. Nuorodos á standartus, þinynus ir kitus normatyvinius teisinius dokumentus nurodomos puslapiø iðnaðose. Uþsienyje leistø þurnalø, konferencijø rinkiniø ir kt. pavadinimai netrumpinami. Literatûra sàraðe suraðoma abëcëlës tvarka. Knygos Bulavas J. Augalø selekcija. V.: Mintis, 1963. P. 2-15. Straipsniai ið moksliniø þurnalø ir periodiniø leidiniø Juozaitis J. Pomidorø auginimas // Sodininkystë ir darþininkystë. Babtai, 2000. T. 20. P. 4-9. Koch J. Plough depth // Soil Science. 1998. Vol. 15. N 2. P. 12-15. Disertacijø santraukos Simonaitis J. Þirniø agrotechnika: daktaro disertacijos santrauka. Kaunas, 1988. 25 p. 374 GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES TO THE VOLUMES OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË Rules for Submission Acceptance of Papers. Papers can be contributed by Lithuanian and foreign researchers or persons carrying out scientific research. The latters paper will be accepted only when the coauthor is an investigator. Manuscripts should be sent by mail printed out in two copies taking in account following instructions. The manuscript will be registered and submitted to the member of the Editorial Board in charge. He(she) will evaluate if the contents and the form confirm with the main requirements for periodical articles. Manuscripts rejected during the first evaluation will be returned to the author with explanatory remarks. If the article is approved the member of the Editorial Board appoints two reviewers. The author must return the corrected manuscript to the Editorial Board in ten days by email or by mail in a diskette. Standard Manuscript Structure and length The form of a manuscript has to confirm with requirements for periodical scientific articles. The paper should be organized in the following order: -Title (should not exceed 10 words); -Author(s) names The name should be written in small letters, the surname in capital letters. If there is more than one author they are listed according to their input to the paper. -Institution(s), address, email address; -Research report: -Abstract (should not exceed 1400 characters or 250 words); Should contain the statement of the aims, methods and main results in short. -Key words (should not exceed 10 words in alphabetical order); -Introduction Should present the investigated subject, results of earlier related research, reasons of the study, innovation. -Materials and methods; -Results Should present concisely the collected data during investigation, documentation (tables, figures). -Discussion Should not repeat results presented in Results but should interpret them with reference to the results obtained by other authors, explain the reasons of the investigated phenomena, raise new ideas, hypotheses. -Conclusions; -References Should be kept to a minimum of 10 latest references on this theme. -Summary in English (up to 2000 characters or 350 words); -Acknowledgements (not compulsory); 375 The paper should be ended by a signature of the author(s) or other persons responsible for the article and the date. Articles written based on non-traditional trial data and the obtained results may have other than traditional structural parts of a paper. The article should not exceed 10-15 pages, tables and figures included (longer articles are agreed with the chairman of the Editorial Board). Text preparation The manuscripts should be submitted in Lithuanian, English or Russian, typed by IBM type computer, used MO Microsoft WORD for Windows 95; 98; 2000 word-processor format, the font to be typed - TIMES NEW ROMAN size 12, on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) one side, for a manuscript single spaced, for the text after reviews - 1,5 lines, justified, in a 1,44 MB diskette. Margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, right -1.5 cm, left - 3 cm. In bold are written the title of the paper in all languages, headings and all main structural elements (abstract, introduction, materials, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references). In Italic are written Latin names of species, genera, diseases, pests and microorganisms. Cultivar is it be placed within single quatation marks. Tables If results are already given in figures, tables should not be used. Double documentation is not acceptable. Text in tables is written in Lithuanian and English languages. If the text is written in Russian in Russian and English. If Lithuanian and English texts are in one line they are separated by /. Do not use vertical and horizontal lines to separate parts of the text. A horizontal line separates only headings of columns and the end of the table. Orientation in a page only vertical (Portrait). Trial variants in tables should not be numbered or submitted in complicated abbreviations. Tables should be self explanatory, and if there are abbreviations, they should be understandable. Statistical data, figures, numerals It is desirable to describe in detail the applied research methods and indicate references. The information on the scheme (design) of field, vegetative and other trials and motivation of their choice are very important. Data presented in tables and figures must be statistically processed: means, standard errors, correlation coefficients, significance of differences, (most acceptable at 95% or and 90.99% level), etc. calculated. Abbreviations of parameters should be explained if they are not international standard abbreviations (ISO) [13]. Value figures should not be more than the trial method allows. Means of values should be rounded off to 1/10, their standard errors calculated. For figures indicating quantity should be used Arabic numerals, e.g.: 15 tons, and for consecutive numbering can be used both Roman and Arabic numerals, e.g.: XX century, 2nd sample. Numbers from one to nine are written in words, except when they mean measurement size (e.g.: 5 km, but three variants) or numbered consecutively (e.g.: phase 6, 9, 12). In many-figured numbers between classes an interval is made, e.g., 376 42 351. Percent is noted as %, when a specific number is implied, though percent unit is written in words. In decimals use the decimal point. Figures All illustrations - drawings, graphs, diagrams, photographs are considered as figures. The text in them is written in Lithuanian and English. Figures must be drafted in black color in Microsoft Office 95, 98, 2000 packet EXCEL or other programs of this packet and included into the text and submitted as a separate EXCEL file in a diskette. Drawings must be professionally drafted or they can be redrafted by a professional and the work will be paid by the author according to the price list. Notice that the Editorial Board has the right to change their format according to the design of the article or the whole publication. Letters and symbols in figures are recommended not smaller than size 10. Block parts of figures should be numbered consecutively by letters a, b, c, etc. References Into references can be included: -articles, published in scientific periodical journals, scientific reviewed publications (books, monographs), article collections of scientific conferences and symposiums whose papers were reviewed or they meet the requirements of scientific periodical publications with reference to the structure and the length of the article; -scientific books, monographs, reviewed publications of smaller volume and exclusively for scientific purpose (i.e. abstracts of theses to obtain a scientific degree) or their parts; It is recommended to include a minimum of 10 references. All of them must be cited in the text. Two thirds of references should be not older than four-six years, and if older only very significant. Cited are only these works, which are directly related to the investigated theme. Scientific reports, manuscripts, textbooks, reference books, conference proceedings (theses or short presentations), recommendations, pamphlets, articles in newspapers are not considered as references and are not included into references list. References to standards, reference books or other regulations and rules are indicated in footnotes. Names of journals, volumes of conference articles, etc, are not abbreviated. The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order. Book: Wertheim S.J. Rootstock guide. Wilhelminadorp. 1998. 144 p. Journal article Johnson D.S. Controlled atmosphere storage of apples in UK // Acta horticulturae. 1999. Vol. 485. P.187-193. Koch J. Plough depth // Soil Science. 1998. Vol. 15. N 2. P. 12-15. Thesis abstract Karkleliene R. Inheritance of quantitative characters and estimation of combining ability in carrots: summary of doctoral dissertation. Babtai, 2001. 43 p. 377 TURINYS D. K v i k l y s. Obelø ir kriauðiø poskiepiø tyrimai Lietuvoje ......................... 3 F. M a a s. Kriauðiø ir svarainiø poskiepiø tinkamumas intensyviems kriauðiø sodams ........................................................................................... 13 S. E r c i s l i, A. E s i t k e n, E. O r h a n, O. O z d e m i r. Vidutinio klimato sàlygomis auganèiø vaismedþiø poskiepiai Turkijoje: apþvalga ..... 27 V. S a m u s, S . G a d z h i e v, V. P o p l a v s k i y, N. D r a b u d k o. Vaismedþiø poskiepiai Baltarusijoje .............................................................. 34 J. L e w k o, A. S a d o w s k i, K. Ú c i b i s z. Kriauðiø sodinukø augimo ir kokybës priklausomumas nuo poskiepiø ir augimo sezono ....... 39 M. S i t a r e k, T. J a k u b o w s k i. Dviejø abrikosø veisliø, áskiepytø á skirtingus sëklinius poskiepius, prigijimas ir sodinukø augimo rodikliai......................................................................................................... 47 D. G e l v o n a u s k i e n ë, B. G e l v o n a u s k i s, A . S a s n a u s k a s. Poskiepiø átaka koloniniø obelø sodinukø augimui medelyne ..................... 51 M. L i c z n a r - M a ù a ñ c z u k, I. S o s n a. Poskiepio átaka skirtingø veisliø abrikosø sodinukø kokybei .............................................................. 57 T. K r a s i n s k a y a, N. K u k h a r c h y k. Jonø mainø terpës (Biona-112 ir Biona-312) átaka Prunus L. poskiepiø biocheminiams rodikliams adaptacijos ex vitro metu. ......................................................... 62 E. O r h a n, S. E r c i s l i, A. E s i t k e n, F. S a h i n. Texas ir Nonpareil veisliø migdolø sëjinukø ðalutiniø ðaknø augimo skatinimas bakterijomis, ðakneliø trumpinimu ir ISR .................................................... 71 E. D z i e d z i c, M. M a ù o d o b r y. Vegetatyviniai vyðniø poskiepiai audiniø kultûroje .......................................................................................... 77 S. T a b a k o v, A. Yo r d a n o v. Kai kuriø medelyne vegetatyviniu bûdu dauginamø obelø poskiepiø apibûdinimas .......................................... 85 E. G u d a r o w s k a, A. S z e w c z u k. Obelø veisliø Fiesta ir Pinova derliaus priklausomumas nuo sodinukø amþiaus ir dauginimo bûdø ......... 90 E. G u d a r o w s k a, A. S z e w c z u k, D. D e r e ñ. Obelø genëjimo aukðèio medelyne átaka jø kokybei ir derliui ................................................ 98 J. K o p y t o w s k i, B. M a r k u s z e w s k i, J. G u r s z t y n. Kai kuriø technologiniø priemoniø átaka obelø kokybës rodikliams .................. 104 T. L. R o b i n s o n, S. A. H o y i n g, R. L. A n d e r s e n. Þemaûgiø treðniø poskiepiø produktyvumas Jungtiniø Amerikos Valstijø Ðiaurës Rytuose ........................................................................................................ 113 N. U s e l i s. Obelø su P 60 poskiepiu sodinimo sistemø ir vainiko formø átaka vaismedþiø produktyvumui ir vaisiø kokybei ..................................... 124 N. U s e l i s, G. Ð a b a j e v i e n ë, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Sodinimo schemø ir vainiko formø átaka vaismedþiø su P 22 poskiepiu produktyvumui ir vaisiø kokybei ................................................................. 133 D. W r o n a, A. S a d o w s k i. Elise obelø veislës su 18 poskiepiø palyginimas V formos sodinimo sistemoje ................................................. 144 378 N. U s e l i s. Poskiepiø ir sodinimo schemø átaka Ligol veislës obelø produktyvumui ir vaisiø kokybei ................................................................. 151 P. B i e l i c k i, A. C z y n c z y k, B. B a r t o s i e w i c z. Preliminarus Celeste veislës obelø su þemaûgiais poskiepiais ávertinimas Centrinëje Lenkijoje ....................................................................................................... 158 J. Ve r c a m m e n, G. Va n D a e l e, A. G o m a n d. Jonagold veislei tinkamø þemaûgiø poskiepiø tyrimas ............................................... 164 A. C z y n c z y k, P. B i e l i c k i, B. B a r t o s i e w i c z. Jonagold ir Ligol veisliø obelø augimas ir derëjimas su M.9, P 22 subklonais ir kai kuriais lenkiðkais poskiepiais ....................................................................... 173 T. L. R o b i n s o n, G. F a z i o, H. S. A l d w i n c k l e, S. A. H o y i n g, N. R u s s o . Geneva® obelø poskiepiø savybiø vertinimas Rytinës JAV dalies soduose .......................................... 181 N. U n i v e r, T. U n i v e r, K. T i i r m a a. Penkiø poskiepiø átaka keturiø veisliø obelø augimui ir derliui jauname sode .................................. 192 E. R u b a u s k i s, M. S k r i v e l e. Auksio veislës obelø su skirtingais poskiepiais augimas ir derëjimas Latvijoje ................................................... 199 V. O s t a p e n k o. Poskiepio átaka Florina veislës obelø derlingumui ir vaisiø kokybei Pietø Rusijos sàlygomis ................................................... 207 A. P a p a c h a t z i s. Poskiepio átaka Stella veislës vyðniø augimui ir reprodukcinëms savybëms derëjimo laikotarpiu ......................................... 212 J. Ve r c a m m e n, G. Va n D a e l e, T. Va n r y k e l. Gisela 5 poskiepio naudojimas treðnëms ................................................................... 218 Z. T o m a s z e w s k a, B. N y c h n e r e w i c z. Poskiepiø átaka treðniø augimui ir derëjimui ......................................................................... 224 L. R i a z a n o v a, V. O s t a p e n k o. Slyvø veisliø ir poskiepiø deriniø ávertinimas Pietø Rusijos sàlygomis ............................................................ 230 E. D z i e d z i c, M. M a ù o d o b r y, W. L e c h. Intarpø átaka slyvø veislës Èaèanska najbolia vaismedþiø augimui, derliui ir vaisiø kokybei......................................................................................................... 235 J. L a n a u s k a s. Poskiepiø átaka Stanley ir Kauno vengrinës veisliø slyvø vaismedþiø augimui ir derëjimui ....................................................... 243 I. S o s n a. Keliø veisliø slyvø su keturiais poskiepiais ávertinimas .............. 250 N. K v i k l i e n ë, D. K v i k l y s. Poskiepio átaka Auksio vaisiø kokybei ir nokimui ....................................................................................... 258 M. G à s t o ù, J. S k r z y ñ s k i. Skirtingø augimà stabdanèiø metodø átaka mikroelementø kiekiui obelyse ............................................... 264 J. S a k a l a u s k a i t ë, G. S t a n i e n ë, V. S t a n y s, P. D u c h o v s k i s, G. S a m u o l i e n ë, K. B a r a n a u s k i s, A. U r b o n a v i è i û t ë, V. R e v i n, A. L u k a t k i n. Obelø poskiepiø M.9 ir B.396 atsparumas kadmio jonø poveikiui in vitro .................................................................................. 273 J. S a k a l a u s k a i t ë, D. K v i k l y s, J. L a n a u s k a s, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Sausros sukelto streso átaka obelø poskiepiø biomasei, sausos masës pasiskirstymui ir lapø plotui ................................. 283 379 Z. S. G r z y b, M. S i t a r e k. Skirtingø poskiepiø átaka Dàbrowice prune veislës slyvø augimui, derliui ir vaisiø kokybei nualintoje dirvoje .......................................................................................... 292 V. L i c h e v, A. P a p a c h a t z i s. Deðimties poskiepiø átaka Bigarreau burlat veislës vyðniø þiedø atsparumui ðalèiams ........................................ 296 Yu - L i a n g C a i, G u i - F a n g Z h a o, D o n g - W e i C a o. Laukiniø vyðniø genetinës variacijos tyrimai panaudojant RAPD analizæ .................. 302 A. L i s e k, M. K o r b i n, E. R o z p a r a. Paprastas treðniø PHL poskiepiø identifikavimas panaudojant RAPD þymenis .............................. 316 E. H a a k, D. K v i k l y s, J. L e p s i s. Cydonia ir Pyrus poskiepiø palyginimas Estijoje, Latvijoje ir Lietuvoje .................................. 322 G. L. R e i g h a r d, T. B e c k m a n, R. B e l d i n g, B. B l a c k, J. C l i n e, W. C o w g i l l, R. G o d i n, M. K a p s, T. L i n d s t r o m, D. Q u e l l e t e, L. S t e i n, K. T a y l o r, C. W a l s h, M. W h i t i n g, T. R o b i n s o n. Prunus poskiepiø vertinimas 2001 m. NC-140 persikø bandyme ........................................... 327 D. K v i k l y s, N. K v i k l i e n ë, A. B i t e, J. L e p s i s, T. L u k u t, E. H a a k. Baltijos poskiepiø tyrimai: 12 poskiepiø ávertinimas atliekant tyrimus su Auksio veislës obelimis ......................... 334 M. A b o l i n s. Obelø veisliø ir poskiepiø deriniø augimo ritmø sutapimo ávertinimas .................................................................................................... 342 B. G e l v o n a u s k i s, A. B r a z a i t y t ë, A. S a s n a u s k a s, P. D u c h o v s k i s, D. G e l v o n a u s k i e n ë. Morfologinës ir fiziologinës koloniniø obelø veisliø savybës ................................................ 350 G. Ð a b a j e v i e n ë, D. K v i k l y s, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Poskiepiø átaka Auksio veislës obelø fotosintetiniø pigmentø sistemai ............................. 357 G. Ð a b a j e v i e n ë, J. S a k a l a u s k a i t ë, V. Ð l a p a k a u s k a s, N. U s e l i s, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Auksio veislës obelø su P 22 ir P 60 poskiepiais chlorofilø fluorescenciniø rodikliø tyrimai ávairiø konstrukcijø intensyviuose soduose ................................................. 364 Atmintinë autoriams, raðantiems á mokslo darbus SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË .................................................................................... 371 380 CONTENTS D. K v i k l y s. Apple and pear rootstock research in Lithuania .................... 3 F. M a a s. Evaluation of pyrus and quince rootstocks for high density pear orchards ............................................................................................... 13 S. E r c i s l i, A. E s i t k e n, E. O r h a n, O. O z d e m i r. Rootstocks used for temperature fruit trees in Turkey: an overview ........................... 27 V. S a m u s, S . G a d z h i e v, V. P o p l a v s k i y, N. D r a b u d k o. Rootstocks of Fruit crops in Belarus .......................................................... 34 J. L e w k o, A. S a d o w s k i, K. Ú c i b i s z. Growth and quality of pear maiden trees depending on rootstok and growing season ................. 39 M. S i t a r e k, T. J a k u b o w s k i. Budtake and maiden tree parameters of two apricot cultivars budden on different seedling rootstocks .................................................................................................... 47 D. G e l v o n a u s k i e n ë, B. G e l v o n a u s k i s, A . S a s n a u s k a s. Impact of rootstocks on columnarapple tree growth in a nursery ............ 51 M. L i c z n a r - M a ù a ñ c z u k, I. S o s n a. Quality of maiden apricot trees depending on rootstock and cultivar ..................................... 57 T. K r a s i n s k a y a, N. K u k h a r c h y k. The influence of ion exchange substrates (Biona-112 and Biona-312) on biochemical parameters of Prunus L. rootstocks during adaptation ex vitro................. 62 E. O r h a n, S. E r c i s l i, A. E s i t k e n, F. S a h i n. Lateral root induction by bacteria, radicle cut off and IBA treatments of almond cv. Texas and Nonpareil seedlings ......................................................... 71 E. D z i e d z i c, M. M a ù o d o b r y. Vegetative cherry rootstocks in tissue culture ............................................................................................ 77 S. T a b a k o v, A. Yo r d a n o v. Performance of some vegetatively propagated apple rootstocks in the nursery ................................................ 85 E. G u d a r o w s k a, A. S z e w c z u k. Yielding of apple tree cvs. Fiesta and Pinova depending on the age of planting material and methods of its production in a nursery ................................................ of the height of pruning of apple trees in a nursery on their quality .......... 98 J. K o p y t o w s k i, B. M a r k u s z e w s k i, J. G u r s z t y n. The effect of selected agricultural practices on quality features of apple trees ............................................................................................................. 104 T. L. R o b i n s o n, S. A. H o y i n g, R. L. A n d e r s e n. Performance of dwarfing cherry rootstocks in the Northeastern United States ................................................................................................ 113 N. U s e l i s. Influence of planting schemes and crown forms of apple tree on rootstock P 60 on productivity and fruit quality ............................ 124 N. U s e l i s, G. Ð a b a j e v i e n ë, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Influence of planting schemes and crown forms on productivyti and fruit quality of apple trees on rootstock P 22 ................................................................. 133 D. W r o n a, A. S a d o w s k i. Comparison of 18 rootstocks for apple tree cv. Elise in V planting system .................................................. 144 381 N. U s e l i s. Influence of rootstocks and planting schemes of apple tree cv. Ligol on productivity and fruit quality ........................................ 151 P. B i e l i c k i, A. C z y n c z y k, B. B a r t o s i e w i c z. Preliminary evaluation of apple tree cultivar Celeste on dwarf rootstocks in central Poland .......................................................................................... 158 J. Ve r c a m m e n, G. Va n D a e l e, A. G o m a n d. Search for a more dwarfing rootstock for Jonagold ................................................. 164 A. C z y n c z y k, P. B i e l i c k i, B. B a r t o s i e w i c z. Growth and yielding of Jonagold and Ligol apple trees on M.9 and P 22 subclones, and some other polish rootstocks............................................. 173 T. L. R o b i n s o n, G. F a z i o, H. S. A l d w i n c k l e, S. A. H o y i n g, N. R u s s o . Field performance of Geneva® apple rootstocks in the eastern USA ........................................................... 181 N. U n i v e r, T. U n i v e r, K. T i i r m a a. Effect of five rootstocks on growth and yield of four apple cultivars in young orchard .................. 192 E. R u b a u s k i s, M. S k r i v e l e. The Yield and growth of apple tree cultivar Auksis on different rootstocks in Latvia ..................................... 199 V. O s t a p e n k o. The influence of rootstock on productivity and fruit quality of apple-tree cultivar Florina under conditions of south Russia ........................................................................................................... 207 A. P a p a c h a t z i s. Influence of rootstock on growth and reproductive characteristics of cherry cultivar Stella during the period of complete fruiting ......................................................................................................... 212 J. Ve r c a m m e n, G. Va n D a e l e, T. Va n r y k e l. Use of Gisela 5 for sweet cherries ......................................................................... 218 Z. T o m a s z e w s k a, B. N y c h n e r e w i c z. The effect of rootstock on growth and fruitage of sweet cherry .................................... 224 L. R i a z a n o v a, V. O s t a p e n k o. The evaluation of plum tree cultivar-rootstock combinations under conditions of south Russia .......... 230 E. D z i e d z i c, M. M a ù o d o b r y, W. L e c h. Growth, yielding and fruit quality of plum cultivar Èaèanska najbolia depending on the used interstocks ..................................................................................... 235 J. L a n a u s k a s. Effect of rootstock on growth and yield of plum tree cvs. Stanley and Kauno vengrinë ................................................ 243 I. S o s n a. Estimation of several plum cultivars on four rootstocks .......... 250 N. K v i k l i e n ë, D. K v i k l y s. Rootstock effect on maturity and quality of Auksis apples ........................................................................... 258 M. G à s t o ù, J. S k r z y ñ s k i. Influence of different dwarfing methods on Content of microelements in apple tree organs ...................... 264 J. S a k a l a u s k a i t ë, G. S t a n i e n ë, V. S t a n y s, P. D u c h o v s k i s, G. S a m u o l i e n ë, K. B a r a n a u s k i s, A. U r b o n a v i è i û t ë, V. R e v i n, A. L u k a t k i n. Cadmium resistance of apple rootstocks M.9 and B.396 in vitro ........................................................................................ 273 382 J. S a k a l a u s k a i t ë, D. K v i k l y s, J. L a n a u s k a s, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Biomass production, dry weight partitioning and leaf area of apple rootstocks under drought strees ............................. 283 Z. S. G r z y b, M. S i t a r e k. The influence of different rootstocks on the growth, yield and fruit quality of plum tree cv. Dàbrowice prune planted in exhausted poil .................................................................. 292 V. L i c h e v, A. P a p a c h a t z i s. Influence of ten rootstocks on cold hardiness of flowers of cherry cultivar Bigarreau burlat ........................ 296 Yu - L i a n g C a i, G u i - F a n g Z h a o, D o n g - W e i C a o. Studies on genetic variation in wild cherry using RAPD analysis .......................... 302 A. L i s e k, M. K o r b i n, E. R o z p a r a. Simple identification of sweet cherry rootstocks PHL using RAPD markers ............................ 316 E. H a a k, D. K v i k l y s, J. L e p s i s. Comparison of Cydonia and Pyrus rootstocks in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ................ 322 G. L. R e i g h a r d, T. B e c h m a n, R. B e l d i n g, B. B l a c k, J. C l i n e, W. C o w g i l l, R. G o d i n, M. K a p s, T. L i n d s t r o m, D. Q u e l l e t e, L. S t e i n, K. T a y l o r, C. W a l s h, M. W h i t i n g, T. R o b i n s o n. Performance of Prunus rootstocks in the 2001 NC-140 peach trial .................................... 327 D. K v i k l y s, N. K v i k l i e n ë, A. B i t e, J. L e p s i s, T. L u k u t, E. H a a k. Baltic fruit rootstock studies: evaluation of 12 rootstocks for apple cultivar Auksis ................................................... 334 M. A b o l i n s. Evaluation of aoole rootstock-cultivar combinations by growth rhythms coincidence ................................................................. 342 B. G e l v o n a u s k i s, A. B r a z a i t y t ë, A. S a s n a u s k a s, P. D u c h o v s k i s, D. G e l v o n a u s k i e n ë. Morphological and physiological characteristics of columnar apple trees ................................ 350 G. Ð a b a j e v i e n ë, D. K v i k l y s, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Rootstock effect on photosynthetic pigment system formation in leaves of apple cv. Auksis .................................................................................................. 357 G. Ð a b a j e v i e n ë, J. S a k a l a u s k a i t ë, V. Ð l a p a k a u s k a s, N. U s e l i s, P. D u c h o v s k i s. Chlorohyll fuorescence characteristics of cultivar Auksis on rootstocks P 22 and P 60 in high density orchards of different construction ......................................... 364 Guidelines for the preparation and submissiion of articles to the volumes of scientific works SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË ..... .................................................................................................................... 375 383 ISSN 0236-4212 Mokslinis leidinys Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës instituto ir Lietuvos þemës ûkio universiteto mokslo darbai SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. T.25(3). 1-384. Redaktorës ir korektorës: Jolanta KRIÛNIENË, Danguolë VANAGAITË Kompiuteriu maketavo Rima BERÛKÐTIENË SL 1070. 2006 08 25 24 sp. l Tiraþas 200 egz. Iðleido Lietuvos sodininkystës ir darþininkystës institutas, LT-54333 Babtai, Kauno r. Spausdino UAB Judex leidykla-spaustuvë, Europos pr. 122, LT-46351 Kaunas Uþsakymo Nr.