2012-13) VEL TECH No - VelTech Engineering College Avadi
2012-13) VEL TECH No - VelTech Engineering College Avadi
VEL TECH No: 60, Avadi-Vel Tech Road, Chennai-600062 Format of Application for for Affiliation (Academic year 20122012-13) 13) CENTRE for AFFILIATION and Research Anna University of Technology Chennai CPT campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113 [The college is requested to submit 2 hard copies of soft bound (spiral binding not to be used) duly filled-in application in A4 size indicating the page numbers in the content sheet along with a soft copy in a CD] 0 CONTENTS S.No. Details Page No. 1. College 2 2. Trust / Society 3 3. Principal 3 4. Governing Council 5 5. Planning and Monitoring Board 6 i. Discipline and Welfare committee 7 ii. Complaints cum Redressal Committee 8 7. Financial Stability of the Trust/Society 9 8. Land Area requirements 10 9. Details on Accreditation status awarded by National Board of Accreditation and Inclusion under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 11 10. Existing affiliated courses 12 11. Additional courses for which provisional affiliation sought for 2012-13 13 12. Details of students presently studying in all the years 14 13. Faculty – qualification and experience 16 14. Faculty – requirements and availability 26 15. Non-Teaching staff 30 16. Laboratory 35 17. Central Computing Facility 125 18. Library 128 19. Class rooms 131 20. Drawing Halls 132 21. Other building space 133 22. Hostels 135 23. Physical Education 138 24. Training and Placement Cell 139 25. Alumni Association 139 26. Other amenities 140 27. Registers and Records 142 28. Certificates 143 29. Inspection fee 144 30. Endorsement of the Principal 145 31. Declaration by the Management 146 32 Annexure-1 147 6. 1 ANNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY CHENNAI THARAMANI, CHENNAI 600 113 Format of Application seeking Affiliation for the Academic Year 2012-13 1. College i. Name of the College : VEL TECH ii. Address of the site as approved by the AICTE : No: 60, Avadi-VelTech Road, Chennai-600062. iii. Is the college functioning at the above said-approved site? : yes iv. Telephone Numbers : 044-26842426 v. Fax Numbers : 044-26840181 vi. E-mail Id : veltech@vsnl.com, vii. Website address : www.veltechengg.com viii Year of establishment of the college : 2009-2010 ix. Category of the College : ** (please tick (√) the appropriate box) emailto@veltechengg.com Minority Non Minority √ Linguistic Religious Malayalam Telugu Sourashtra Christian Muslim Jain Others (specify) X X X X X X X ** Applied for Telugu Minority 2 2. Trust / Society i. Name of the Trust / Society : R.S TRUST ii. Address of the registered office #38(Old No:24),”Santi Sudha”,ABM : Avenue,(Opp.Park Sheraton Hotel), R.A.Puram, Chennai-600028 iii. Registration number : 552 of 1997 iv. Date of registration : 24/10/1997 v. Name of the Chairman / Secretary/ Correspondent : Col.Dr.R.RANGARAJAN vi. Telephone numbers - Office : 044-26841622,26840249 Residence 3. : 044-24335828 vii. Fax numbers : 044-24357591 viii. Mobile numbers : 9940024000,9940024006 ix. E-mail : veltech@vsnl.com Principal i. Name : Dr.K.RAJAN ii. Qualification : iii. Date of Joining : 1st August 2010 iv. Telephone numbers – Office : 044-26842426 Residence M.E(Applied Electronics), Ph.D(Electrical) : - v. Fax numbers : 044-26840181 vi. Mobile numbers : 9176217339 vii. E-mail : principal@veltechengg.com Residential address 12, GOVIDARAJULU STREET,SRI : DEVI NAGAR,AVADI,CHENNAI600071 viii. 3 4. Sl. No. 1 2 Governing Council Composition Name Position Present Telephone professional numbers position/Occupation Qualification Col.Dr.R.RANGARAJAN Chairman B.E(Electrical),B.E(Mechanical), M.S(Auto),D.S.C Dr.Mrs.SAKUNTHALA RANGARAJAN Member 3 Dr.Mrs.R.MAHALAKSHMI Member E-mail Founder Chairman Chennai M.B.B.S Founder Vice Chairman Chennai B.E, M.B.A Chair Person Managing Trustee Chennai 4 Dr.M.Koteeswaran Member Ph.D Member Chennai 5 Member B.E, M.B.A Director Chennai Mamber Ph.D Member Hyderabad 7. Mr.K V D KISHORE KUMAR Prof.Dr.Y.Sathyanara yana Mr.Sanjeevi Member B.E Member Chennai 8. Mr.A.Swaminathan B.Sc Member Coimbatore - Director or His Nominee(GOVT OF TAMILNADU) Member(AICTE Nominee) Member(ANNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY CHENNAI or his Nominee) Chennai 6. Member Secretary 9. Directorate of Technical Member Education or his Representative 10. The Director or his Member Nominee, SRO of AICTE 11. The Registrar or his Member Nominee from ANNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY CHENNAI - 5 Chennai Chennai Address 5. Planning and Monitoring Board Composition Sl. No. Name 1 Dr.K.RAJAN 2 Mr.C.Franklin 3 Dr.Kesavan Mr Chidam 4 baram 5 Mr A N Rajendran Position (Chairman/ Member) Category Qualificat Present professional ion position/Occupation Principal of the Ph.D Chairman college Member Senior faculty member of the M.Phil college Senior faculty member from M.E,Ph.D Member University/other college Industrial expert in the field of B.E(Mech Member engineering ) and technology Member 6 Mrs.Indiramma Member PRINCIPAL Asst. Professor E-mail Address No 2/75 Bharathiar Street ,veerapuram 9176217339 principal@veltechengg.com Moorai (PO) Ch-55 NO-AA10, Tod Hunder 9840828017 franklineng2010@gmail.com Nagar,Saidapet, Chennai- 15 Assistant Prof MIT(AU) 9381027653 - MIT(AU) Chennai Vice President TI Metals Limited, Ambattur estate Chennai. 9840359002 - TI Metals Limited,Ambattur, Chennai 9444417152 - Nu The CNC Ltd Ambattur estate Industrial expert B.E(Mec Managing Director in the field of h) Nu Tech CNC Ltd. Architect/Civil M.Tech Engineer Telephone numbers No:B3,3rd floor,Sri Ganga foundation, plot Assistant Professor 9884923826 indu_vuce2000@yahoo.com no:44/A17,Venkatesa n salai,Periyar Nagar,Chennai-82 6 6. i. Discipline and Welfare Committee Composition Sl. No. 1 2 Name Dr.K.RAJAN Mr. V.Rajaram Position Category Telephone Numbers E-mail Chairman Principal of the college 9176217339 principal@veltechengg.com Member Administrative officer 9840431173 3 Mr.C.Renganathan Member Head of the Department 8056239381 ranga_bte@yahoo.co.in 4 Ms.P.Karpagam Member Head of the Department 9894150572 karpagam.beece@gmail.com 5 Mr.Karthikeyan Member Head of the Department 9790902373 karthickm37@gamil.com 6 7 8. 9 Mr. J.charles Mr.Subramani Mrs.P.Saranya Ms.Jayastry Member Member Member Member Warden / Deputy Warden of Boys’ Hostel Warden / Deputy Warden of Boys’ Hostel Warden / Deputy Warden of Girls’ Hostel Warden / Deputy Warden of Girls’ Hostel 9345769623 9444564029 veltechrstrust@gmaill.com veltechrstrust@gmaill.com 9840819488 sharnyaa@gmail.com 9790424500 sharnyaa@gmail.com 7 Address Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 ii. Complaints cum Redressal Committee Composition Sl. No. Name Category Profession Principal of College Principal Telephone numbers 1 K.RAJAN 2 Mr.V.RamaKrishnan COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHING 3 Ms.Sangeetha MATHS TEACHING 9715955125 4 Mr.C.Murugan Member Staff 9600751080 E-mail 9176217339 principal@veltechengg.com Address Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 Vel Tech 60 Avadi Alamathi Road Chennai-62 sangeemsc@yahoo.co.in 38 A Mudukku Street ,Madapuram Thiruvarrur 610001 NO;2/2,PILLAYAR KOIL ST,PONNANKUPPAM(POST) VILLUPURAM, Norms for composition: • Should be headed by a senior lady member • 50% of the membership of the committee should be represented by ladies • A third party either an NGO or an outside activist who is familiar with the issue of sexual harassment in work place 8 7. Financial Stability of the Trust / Society i. Sl. No. 1 Savings Bank / Current Accounts Savings Bank / Current account Current A/C ii. Sl. No. Vel Tech Engineering College Branch Vijaya Bank Bank / Govt./ Govt. approved institution VIJAYA Bank 2 ICICI Bank Sl. No. Account number Balance amount as on date (Rs.) 380200301000078 39,47,988 3,80,820 Branch Long term deposits 1 iii. Bank Name Balance amount at the end of last financial year (Rs.) Branch Amount (Rs.) Date of maturity Vel Tech Engineering College Branch 30,00,000 - Avadi 5,91,500 - Value of Land and building Survey number Location Extent (sq.m) Built up area (sq.m.) Details available in balance sheet 9 Guideline value (Rs.) Market value (Rs.) iv. Sl. No. Endowment Created with 1 AICTE 2 University 3 State Govt. 4 Others Deposited in the bank (name) Amount (Rs.) 35,00,000 Vijaya Bank Branch Instrument No. and date Date of expiry Vel Tech 313191/380203291000029 Dt 18/03/2009 10/03/2017 Financial Stability Total financial reserves : REFER BALANCE SHEET ENCLOSED Annual maintenance and development expenditure : REFER BALANCE SHEET ENCLOSED 8. Land Area requirement in Acres: Norms: Sl. No. 1 Engineering & Technology Architecture Management Other than Rural Places 2.5 1.0 0.5 Rural Places 10.0 2.5 1.0 Location of the college (Mega city/Metro city/ others) Others Extent of land earmarked for the college (acre) Document number 11.48 2595/2002 10 Date of registration Survey number 358/10,359/8A,9, 13th June 2002 360/1,361,362/3, 363/3, 363/4 Extent of land Deficiency required % (refer norms) 10 NIL 9. Details on Accreditation status awarded by National Board of Accreditation and Inclusion under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 (Proof to be enclosed) Accreditation Status Sl. No. Programme / Courses Accredited / Not Accredited Period of accreditation, if accredited Inclusion under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 Section 2(f) Letter No. and date Included / Not Included NA 11 Letter No. and date, if included Section 12(B) Included / Not Included Letter No. and date, if included 10. Existing affiliated courses A. Details of the existing courses Sl. No. Department Degree 1 CIVIL B.E 2 MECH B.E 3 EEE B.E 4 ECE B.E Course UG UG UG UG Nature of affiliation Year of introduction (Permanent/ Provisional) 2009-10 Provisional 2009-10 Provisional Sanctioned intake for the preceding four academic years of the course Students admitted including lateral entry and transfer as on roll 2008-09 Fourth year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 60 60 60 60 60 120 NA Third Second year year First year 64 62 59 61 73 107 NA 2009-10 Provisional 60 120 120 65 134 112 2009-10 Provisional 60 120 120 64 141 112 B. Courses for which continuation of provisional affiliation is sought for 2012-13 Whether affiliation is sought for the 2012-13? YES If Yes Sl. No. Degree 1 B.E Courses Sanctioned intake in the academic year 2011-12 If No, answer one of the following Total intake Additional intake sought for the sought for the academic year academic year 2012-13 2012-13 120 - 120 60 - 60 120 - 120 120 - 120 AICTE approved Do you want to intake for the Do you want to suspend the academic year phase out the course? If yes, for 2012-13 course? how many years? (if available) UG-MECH # 2 B.E 3 B.E 4 B.E UG-CIVIL UG-EEE UG-ECE Refer sec. 7.8 of ‘Statutes For Affiliation’ 12 # Applied to AICTE Note: • For architecture courses, approval from the Council of Architecture (COA) should be obtained for the academic year concerned in addition to AICTE approval. • For B.E. – Marine Engineering, approval from the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) should be obtained for the academic year concerned in addition to AICTE approval. 11. Additional Course(s) for which provisional affiliation is sought for 2012-13 Sl. No. Degree Course Intake sought AICTE approved intake, if available (Proof to be enclosed) NA Note: • The request for affiliation will not be considered for 2012-13, which are not mentioned here. • In case the approved curriculum and syllabi of the proposed course(s) are not available at the time of application, those course(s) will not be considered for affiliation. • In respect of M.Sc. courses, only continuation of provisional affiliation will be considered for the existing courses and the request for affiliation of new courses will not be considered. In case of colleges having basic science Departments recognized as research centres by the University, affiliation for offering relevant new P.G. courses in these Departments will be considered. 13 12. Details of students presently studying in all the years No. of Students Nationality Number of students – community wise Number of students - religion wise Sl. No. Cours e Total Students Muslim s Hindus Hindus B G T B G Musli Christian ms s B G B G Others SC ST B G B G B G MBC BC OC OBC Christians Indian NRI OBC B G B G B G B G B G Foreig n 1 CIVIL 153 32 185 146 32 7 - - - - - 24 7 1 - 32 6 74 15 15 4 7 - - - 2 EEE 250 61 311 244 60 6 1 - - - - 33 10 1 - 66 13 120 32 24 5 6 1 - - 311 - - 197 120 317 191 117 6 3 - - - - 20 15 2 - 36 30 104 59 29 13 6 3 - - 317 - - 238 3 241 232 3 6 - - - - - 33 1 2 - 55 - 113 2 29 - 6 - - - 241 - - 838 216 1054 813 212 25 4 - - - - 110 33 6 - 189 49 411 108 97 22 25 4 - - 1054 - - 3 4 ECE MECH Total B - Boys, G – Girls, T – Total 14 185 - - 12 A. Details of students admitted under minority quota (applicable for Minority Status College) Total Students Sl. No. Course B NA 15 G T 13. i. Faculty- qualification and experience Principal A. Qualification Qualification Principal name with class Corresponding with stamp size Date of birth obtained Date of joining specialization photo and age starting from the highest degree Ph.D Prof.Dr.K.RAJAN B. Present basic Total Signature pay emoluments Electrical Engg . 28 MAY. 1957 53 Scale of pay M.E Applied Electronics B.E EEE 1-aug-2010 37400-67000 AICTEE 6th CPC 59,153 90,000 Experience Position and years of experience Teaching Institution Kumaraguru College Of Technology,Coimbatore Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sankunthala Engineering College, Chennai VEL TECH Industry Position Years Asst.Professor 4 Years and 6 Months 4 Years Professor PRINCIPAL 1 Yr 6Months Institution Position Years 1.Power Drives Corporation,Coimbatore Executive Engineer R&D 8 Years 2.Lakshmi Synthetic Machinery Manu.Ltd,Coimbatore Asst.Manager Production 5 Years and 5 Months 3.Pricol,Coimbatore Manager TPR,Maintenance 5 Years and 5 Months Note: • Principal may be shown as a Professor in the engineering/technology Department concerned. • Principal may be shown as a Professor in the engineering/technology Department concerned. Note: 16 ii. Details of faculty of Engineering & Technology Departments offering the programme(s) (Provide information separately for each Department) Department A. Name of the HOD:MR.T. Renganathan (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) B. Name of the B.E. / B.Tech. programme: CIVIL C. Details of faculty available for the B.E. / B.Tech. programme in the Department a. Qualifications Qualification with class Name of the Date of obtained Date of Sl. faculty member Regular/ Corresponding joining the Designation starting birth and No. with stamp-size Visiting specialization present from the age photo post highest degree 1. 2. Mr. Ren gan Regular HOD atha n.T Mrs P.In dira mm Regular Asst. Prof a Mr.Rajesh.T. Regular 3. Th 16 June 2010 th 7 Jun 2009 M.E I Class IRR.WAT.MANG B.E I Class Agricultural Engineering 14 jun 1986 25 M.Tech – First Class Geo -Technical 20 Jul 1980 31 B.Tech – First Class Civil Engineering Asst. Prof M.TECH I Class th Remote Sensing 10th June 13h Sep 1984 2010 27 M.Sc.,I Class Physics B.Sc., I Class th Physics 17 Scale of pay 15600-39100 AICTE 6th CPC 15600-39100 AICTE 6th CPC Signature Present Total of the basic emoluments faculty pay member 16,248 Rs.35,460 16,915 Rs. 36,427 15600-39100 AICTE 6th 15,600 34,520 CPC th 4. Regular Asst. Prof Mrs.Radha.V 5. Regular Asst.Prof Ms.S.Durga Lakshmi Regular Asst.Prof M.E I Class With IWRM Distinction B.E I Class Civil Engineering M.E I Class with distinction Structures B.E I Class with distiction Civil M.E I class Water Resources B.E I class Civil 6. Ms.M.Monika Regular Asst.Prof M.E I class 7. Structures B.E I class Civil 24 Aug 1976 34 12th Mar 1986 26 th 11 Aug 2010 15600-39100 AICTE 6 15600 CPC 34,520 22 Jun 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 6th 15,600 34,520 CPC th 34,520 th 34,520 07th Jan 1988 23 22 Jun 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 6 15,600 CPC 07th Dec 1986 25 21 Jun 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 6 15,600 CPC Mr.J.Rajesh 8. Regular Asst.Prof M.Tech I class B.sc I Class Mr.S.Manikandan M.tech 9. Remote Sensing 8th April 1984 26 Physics GIS AND REMOTE SENSING Regular Asst.Prof Mr.G.Kulothungan B.Tech I Class 14 Dec 2011 23 May 1984 11th Jun 2012 26 Civil 18 15600-39100 AICTE 6th 15,600 34,520 CPC th 15600-39100 AICTE 6 15,600 34,520 CPC 10 Regular Asst.Prof Ms.V.Gomathi 11 Regular Asst.Prof Regular Asst.Prof R.Sudaruizhi Costal Management B.Sc I Class Agriculture M.E I Class B.E I Class Ms.V.Priyanga 12 M.tech I Class M.E I Class B.Tech I Class 26th Jan 1898 11th Jun 2012 23 Integrated Water Resource 19th Dec Management 1988 24 Civil st 1 Jun 2012 15600-39100 AICTE 6th 15,600 34,520 CPC th 15600-39100 AICTE 6 15,600 34,520 CPC Integrated Water Resource th 31 May 1989 st 15600-39100 AICTE 6 Management 1 Jun 2012 15,600 34,520 CPC 23 Agriculture Engineering 19 b. Sl. No. Experience Name of the faculty member 1 Mr.Renganathan.T 2. Mrs P.Indiramma Previous experience Teaching Position Asst. Prof Years 1Yr 9 months Organisation Nil K.S.R.M .College of Engineering Asst.Prof 1 Yr 2 months Nil Nil Nil VEL TECH Asst. Prof 2Yr 8 months Institution VEL TECH Industry Position Nil Years Nil 3. Mr.Rajesh.T. VEL TECH Asst. Prof 1Yr 6 months Nil Nil Nil 4. Mrs.Radha.V VEL TECH Asst. Prof 1yr 6 months Nil Nil Nil VEL TECH Asst.Prof 8 months Nil Nil Nil 5. Ms.S.Durga Lakshmi 6. Ms.m.Monika VEL TECH Asst.Prof 8 months Nil Nil Nil 7. Mr.J.rajesh VEL TECH Asst.Prof 8 months Nil Nil Nil 8. Mr.S. Manikandan VEL TECH Asst.Prof 3 Months Nil Nil Nil 9. Mr.G.Kulothungan VEL TECH Asst.Prof - Nil Nil Nil 10. Ms.V.Gomathi VEL TECH Asst.Prof - Nil Nil Nil 11. Ms.V.Priyanga VEL TECH Asst.Prof - Nil Nil Nil 12. Ms.RSudaruizhi. VEL TECH Asst.Prof - Nil Nil Nil 20 A. B. C. Name of the HOD:Mr. T.R.Dinesh Kumar (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) Name of the B.E. / B.Tech. programme:ECE Details of faculty available for the B.E. / B.Tech. programme in the Department a. Qualifications Name of the faculty Sl. member with stamp-size No. photo Regular/ Visiting Regular 1. Qualification with class Date of obtained Corresponding birth Designation starting specialization and from the age highest degree HOD M.Tech – VLSI design 16th Apr 1984 Asst. Prof First Class 28 B.E – First EEE Regular Asst. Prof Ms.P.Karpagam Regular Asst. Prof 3. Regular Mr. Rajaram.v M.E – First Class Distinction VLSI Design B.E – First Class Distinction M.E – First Class ECE B.E II Class Mr .K.Giridhar ReddY 4. 18th Jan 15600-39100 16,248 th AICTE 6 2010 CPC 28,312 4th May 15600-39100 16,915 th AICTE 6 2009 CPC 28,635 Class Mr. T. R. Dinesh Kumar 2. Date of Signature joining Present Total of the the Scale of pay basic emoluments faculty present pay member post Asst. Prof VLSI Design EEE M.E – First Communication Class Engineering B.E – First Class ECE 21 19th Jun 85 26 8 Jun 1985 26 th 1 Jun 15600-39100 16,248 2010 AICTE 6th CPC st 27,812 20th Mar 1986 26 2nd Jun 15600-39100 16,248 2010 AICTE 6th CPC 28,312 Regular Asst. Prof 5. Mr.S.Mohamed sulaiman Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech – First Class B.E – First Class Distinction Asst. Prof Regular Asst. Prof Mr.S.Sankara Narayanan Regular 9 Mr.R.Suresh Regular Mr.D.V.S.Ramanjaneyulu Regular 12. Mr.P.Chakravarthy Asst. Prof st th 15600-39100 18,311 37,682 AICTE 6th CPC Power 24 Jun 20 Jan Electronics and 1984 2011 Drives 28 B.E I Class ECE ECE 11. 15600-39100 15,600 25812 th AICTE 6 CPC M.E I Class B.E I Class Asst. Prof M.E I Class Asst. Prof 9 Mar 2011 ECE B.E I Class Regular st B.E I Class VLSI Ms.S,Lydia Fernando 15600-39100 16,248 28,312 AICTE 6th CPC 21 May 1986 25 Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class 10. th Embedded Systems Technologies 8. rd 3 May 1983 29 th 21 July 2011 th st Communication 9 Dec 1 Dec 1987 2011 Systems 24 ECE M.Tech I Class Automotive Electronics B.Tech 2nd Class ECE M.E I Class Applied Electronics B.E I Class ECE 22 15600-39100 16,248 27,812 AICTE 6th CPC st M.Tech I Class 7. Mr.A.Sathish st 6 Jun 2010 18 Jun 26 Jul 1984 2011 28 B.E I Class Regular ECE th 17 Jun 1985 27 Embedded Systems Technologies ECE M.Tech I Class 6. Mr.M.Sheriff VLSI Design 15600-39100 15,600 25,812 AICTE 6th CPC 15600-39100 15,600 25,812 th AICTE 6 CPC 17th Dec 1986 26 5 Feb 2011 15600-39100 15,600 25,812 th AICTE 6 CPC 26th Jun 1987 26 23 Nov 2011 15600-39100 15,600 25,812 th AICTE 6 CPC Regular Asst. Prof 7 July 30 Nov Information 1983 2011 and 29 Communication Engineering B.E I Class M.Tech I Class ECE B.Tech I Class EC M.E I Class B.E I Class Communication 20 July Systems 1987 Information 24 and Communication Engineering M.E I Class Network Engineering B.E I Class Information and Communication Engineering M.E First Class with Distinction B.E I Class Power Electronics and Drives 13. Ms.M.jayanthi Regular Asst. Prof 14. Ms.ChandyRamachandran Regular Asst. Prof 15. Mr.B.Thamil Valluvan Regular Asst. Prof 16. Ms.G.Vijaya Lakshmi Regular 17. Asst. Prof Ms.T.Thilagamani Regular 18. Ms.D.Tamilrasi Asst. Prof th M.E I Class VLSI 2nd Mar 7th Dec 1986 2011 24 th 15600-39100 17,603 36,584 AICTE 6th CPC 15600-39100 15,600 25,812 th AICTE 6 CPC 30th Nov 15600-39100 15,600 25,812 th 2011 AICTE 6 CPC 22 Mar 13th Dec 15600-39100 16,248 26,635 th 1984 2011 AICTE 6 27 CPC th 11 Mar 1985 26 th 17 Feb 15600-39100 15,600 2011 AICTE 6th CPC 25,812 EEE M.E I Class Power Electronics B.E I Class ECE 23 8th July 16th Dec 15600-39100 17,603 36,584 th 1984 2011 AICTE 6 28 CPC Regular 19. Asst. Prof M.E I Class Applied Electronics B.E I Class ECE M.Tech I Class with Distinction D.E.C.S B.Tech II Class E.C.E 24 April 24 Jan 1984 2012 28 15600-39100 17,603 36,584 th AICTE 6 CPC 22 Dec 22 Feb 1982 2012 29 15600-39100 17,603 36,584 th AICTE 6 CPC Mr.R.Srinath Regular 20 Mr.P.Venkata Subbaiah Asst. Prof 24 c. Experience , Sl. No. 1 2. Name of the faculty member Mr. T. R. Dinesh Kumar Ms.P.Karpagam Previous experience Institution VEL TECH VEL TECH Teaching Position Asst.Professor Lecturer Years 2 yrs 1 month 8 Months Asst.Professor 2Yrs 2 Months Organization Nil Industry Position Nil Years Nil Nil Nil Nil 3. Mr .K.Giridhar Reddy VEL TECH Asst.Professor 1 Yr 8 Months Nil Nil Nil 4. Mr. Rajaram.v VEL TECH Asst Professor 1 Yr 9 Months Nil Nil Nil 5. Mr.S.Mohammed sulaiman VEL TECH Asst Professor 1Yr 9 Months Ember Soft Solution Tech Support 1 year VEL TECH Asst Professor 9 Months PROJECT ENGINEER 1Year 5 Months VEL TECH DR.RR.S.R Asst Professor MULTITECH ENGG COLLEGE ELITE GROUP – DUBAI 9 Months Nil Nil Nil Mr.M.Sheriff 6. 7. Mr.A.Sathish Mr.S.Sankara Narayanan 8. 9 VEL TECH Asst Professor 6 Months VEL TECH Asst Professor 11 Months VEL TECH Asst Professor 1 Yr Sree Sowdambiga college of Engineering Lecturer 1Year 2 Months Nandha College of Engineering Lecturer 2 Year 4 Months Mr.R.Suresh VEL TECH Asst Professor 7 Months Stromtech P Ltd System Engineer 1 years 5 Months 10 Ms.S.Lydia Fernando VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 Months Nil Nil Nil 11. Mr.D.V.S.Ramanjaneyulu VEL TECH Asst Professor 10 Months Nil Nil Nil 12. Mr.P.Chakravarthy Asst Professor 3 Months 25 Nil Nil Nil VEL TECH M.Jayanthi 13. VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 Months 3 Yrs Nil Nil Nil 14. Ms.ChandyRamachandran VEL TECH Asst Professor 2 Months Nil Nil Nil 15. Mr.B.Thamil Valluvan VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 Months Nil Nil Nil 16. Ms.G.Vijaya Lakshmi VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 Months Nil Nil Nil 17. Ms.T.Thilagamani VEL TECH Asst Professor 1 Yr Nil Nil Nil 18. Ms.D.Tamilrasi VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 Months Nil Nil Nil Mr.R .Srinath Vivekanandha collegeof Engineering for women Lecturer 2Yr 6 Months Invictus Technology Solutions Junior Programmer 2 yrs VEL TECH Asst professor 1 Month Nil Nil Nil 19. Mr.P.venkata Subbaiah Ellenki college of Eng Asst professor 20 VEL TECH DR RR & DR SR TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY VEL TECH 1Yr 4 Months Asst professor 2 Yrs Asst professor 1 Month 26 ii. Details of faculty of Engineering & Technology Departments offering the programme(s) (Provide information separately for each Department) Name of the Department: EEE C. Name of the HOD: Mr.M.Karthikeyan (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) D. Name of the B.E. / B.Tech. programme: C. Details of faculty available for the B.E. / B.Tech. programme in the Department a. Qualifications Sl. Name of the faculty Regular Designati Qualification Corresponding Date of birth No. member with stamp/ on with class specialization and age size photo Visiting obtained starting from the highest degree 1. Regular Asst.Prof M.Tech – EST 13.MAY.1985 First 27 ClassWith Mr.karthikey distinction B.E – First EEE Class 2. Regular Asst. Prof M.E EST 21-Dec 1985 27 I Class B. Tech EEE I Class Mr.N. Vignesh Regular Asst. Prof M.E Power Systems 20 Feb 1986 I Class 25 Engineering 3. Mr.G.Manikanda Prabhu B.E I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class 4. Mr. K.Gurunath Sudheer B.Tech I Class Date of Scale of Present basic pay Total Signature joining pay emoluments of the the faculty present member post 1-jun2010 1560039100 AICTE 6th CPC 16,248 28,312 18 -Jan2010 1560039100 AICTE 6th CPC 16,248 27,812 14 Feb 2011 1560039100 AICTE 6th CPC 15,600 25,812 EEE Power Industrial Drives 25 May1987 25 Feb 24 2011 EEE 27 15,600 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 25,812 Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class 5. Mr. K.S.Sathish Kumar 6. Mr.B.uvaraj B.E I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class B.E I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 7. Mr.R.Jenin Prabhu B.E I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 8. B.E I Class 15,600 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 25,812 1560015,600 39100 th AICTE 6 CPC 25,812 Power 28 Jun 1983 7 Jun Electronics and 28 2011 Drives EEE 1560016,248 39100 th AICTE 6 CPC 26,635 Applied Electronics EEE 2nd Dec 1980 10 July 31 2011 1560015,600 39100 AICTE 6th CPC 25,812 Power systems& Power Electronics EEE 25 Aug 1977 28 1560016,248 34 Feb 2011 39100 AICTE 6th CPC 26,635 Embedded Systems Technologies EEE 25 Jun 1984 14 Mar 27 2011 1560015,600 39100 AICTE 6th CPC 25,812 Applied Electronics 19 Nov 1984 1 Mar 27 2011 1560016,248 39100 th AICTE 6 CPC 27,812 Power Electronics EEE 13 Mar 1986 21 Feb 25 2011 Power systems 13 April 1986 9 Mar 25 2011 Engineering EEE th Mr.S.Saravanan Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 9. Mr . K.Bhaskar B.Tech II Class Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 10. Mr.S.Ramakrishnan 11. Mr.V.Purushothaman B.E I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class B.E I Class th ECE 28 st Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 12. Mr.M.Dorai Raj Reddy B.Tech I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 13. B.E I Class th th 16,248 9 April 1986 26 Oct 1560025 2011 39100 th AICTE 6 CPC 27,812 nd 2nd Jun 1987 2 Dec 156002011 39100 24 15,600 25,812 EEE AICTE 6 CPC Power 19th Nov 1984 25 Nov Electronics and 27 2011 Drives EIE 1560019,040 39100 AICTE 6th CPC 40,362 nd 1560015,600 39100 AICTE 6th CPC 25,812 th 15,600 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 25,812 rd 1560016,248 39100 th AICTE 6 CPC 26,635 Embedded System Technologies ECE Power systems Engineering th Ms.B.Rubin Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 14. Mr. S.Natarajan 15. B.E I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class B.E I Class Applied Electronics th 6 May 1981 2 Dec 30 2011 EIE Mr. D.Prabakar Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class 16. Mr. Mohammed Rafi Shaik 17. B.Tech I Class Power Electronics th 29 Aug 1988 9 Dec 23 2011 EIE Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class B.E I Class Applied Electronics ECE 1 Nov 1985 26 3 Jan 2012 Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class Power Systems 20th Jun 1984 21st Dec Engineering 27 2012 Ms. D. Maragathavalli 18. B.E I Class EEE Ms. N.Pavithra 29 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 15,600 25,812 Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class with Distinction 19. Ms.S.Mamatha B.E I Class Computer Application in Industrial Drives EEE th nd 17 Aug 1985 2 Dec 26 2011 30 16,248 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 26,635 b. Experience Sl. No. Name of the faculty member 1 Mr.Karthikeyan Institution VEL TECH Teaching Position Asst.Professor Mr. N.Vignesh VEL TECH Asst.Professor 3. Mr.G.Manikanda Prabhu VEL TECH Asst.Professor 4. Mr. K.Gurunath Sudheer VEL TECH Mr. K.S.Sathish Kumar VEL TECH 2. 5. 6. Mr .B.Uvaraj Previous experience VEL TECH VEL TECH 7. 8. 9. Mr.R.Jenin Prabhu Mr.S.Saravanan Mr.K.Bhaskar Years 1yr 8Months 2 Yrs Years Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Yr Nil Nil Nil Asst Professor 1 Yr Nil Nil Nil Asst Professor 1 Yr Nil Nil Nil Asst Professor 11 Months Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Asst Professor 8 Months Lecturer 1 Yr Immanuel Arasar JJ college of Lecturer Engineering 1 Yr Sun College of Engineering Lecturer 1 Year 5 Months Ponjesly college of Technology VEL TECH Lecturer J.P.College of Engineering Organisation Nil Industry Position Nil Williams Lea P Ltd 5 Months Document 3 years 6 Months Specification Asst Professor 6 Month Moghal College of Engineering Hyderabad Asst Professor VELTECH Asst Professor 10 Months 1 Year 6 Months 31 Nil Nil Nil VEL TECH 10. Mr.S.Ramakrishnana 11. Vel Tech DR.RR.& S.R Multi Tech Mr.V.Purushothaman Engineering College VEL TECH 12. Vel Tech DR.RR.& S.R Mr.M.Dorai Raj Reddy Multi Tech Engineering College 13. Ms.B.Rubin 14. Mr. S.Natarajan 15. Mr.D.Prabakar 16. 1 Year 2 Asst Professor Months Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Asst Professor 11Months Asst Professor 1 Year VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 Months VEL TECH Asst Professor 2 Months Nil Nil Nil Lecturer 3 Year 1 Months Nil Nil Nil Sudharsan Engg College Annai Mathammal sheela Engg College Mahendra Engg College King College of Technology Lecturer 3 Years Lecturer 1 Year Asst Professor 2 Year 5 Months VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 Months VEL TECH Asst Professor 2 Months Nil Nil Nil Asst Professor 2 months Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Mr. Mohammed Rafi VEL TEC Shaik Saveetha University 17. Asst Professor 11 Months Mohammed Sathak Ms. D. Maragathavalli A.J.Engineering College Lecturer 1 Yr 1 Month 5 Months Asst Professor VEL TECH Asst Professor 1 Month 18. Ms. N.Pavithra VEL TECH Asst Professor 1 Month Nil Nil Nil 19. Ms.S.Mamatha VEL TECH Asst Professor 3 months Nil Nil Nil 32 Name of the Department: MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT A. Name of the HOD: BHARANI CHANDAR .J (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) B. Name of the B.E. / B.Tech. programme: C. Details of faculty available for the B.E. / B.Tech. programme in the Department a. Qualifications Name of the faculty Sl. member with stampNo. size photo 1. Qualificati on with class Correspon Regular Designatio obtained ding Date of birth / starting specializati and age n Visiting from the on highest degree Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech CAD 5th may 81 I class 30 B.E. I Class Mr.J.Bharani Chandhar Regular Asst.Prof 2. Mr. Mohammad Sazzad Regular Asst.Prof M.Tech I class 3. Mr P.karthikeyan B.E. I Class Regular Asst. Prof ME I class 4. Mr.R.palanisamy BE I class Scale of pay Signature Present Total of the basic emolumen faculty pay ts member 1st Apr 2010 15600-39100 AICTE 16,240 th 6 CPC 35,520 Mechanical M.Tech CAD/CAM 20th Aug 1984 I class 27 With Distinction B.E. I Class Date of joining the present post 21st Jan 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 16,248 th 6 CPC 35,460 23rd May 1980 18th Jun 2010 15600-39100 AICTE 16,248 th 31 6 CPC 35,460 Mechanical CAD Mechanical HPE TH 18 Mechanical 33 th Feb 1985 14 Jun 2010 15600-39100 AICTE 16,248 26 6th CPC 35,460 Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class 5. Mr.M.Sandeep Kumar Regular Asst. Prof 6. Mr. N.AnandaKumar B.E I Class Mechanical M.E I Class th Production 4 Jun 1976 35 Engineerin g B.E I Class Regular Asst. Prof M.E I Class 7. Mr. R.Kamala nnan Regular Asst. Prof B.E I Class M.E I Class 8. Mr.S.Kannana Regular Asst. Prof 9. Regular Asst. Prof 10. Mr. G.Rajendra Prasad th Advance 9 Jun 1986 25 Manufactur ing Technology 19 Aug 2011 15600-39100 AICTE th 6 CPC 21,455 34,520 44,460 23 Feb 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 th 6 CPC 34,520 Mechanical th 5 May 1986 Advance 25 Manufactur ing Technology Mechanical M.E I Class CAD AMIE st 1 Jun 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 6th CPC Mechanical B.E I Class I Class Mr. Nehal Ahmed Manufactur 25 April 1985 27 ing Technology 10 Feb 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 th 6 CPC 34,520 25th Feb 1982 12 Nov 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 16,915 th 30 6 CPC 27,482 5th Feb 1984 28 34,520 Mechanical M.Tech I Class Energy Manageme nt B.Tech Mechanical I Class 34 10 Feb 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 6th CPC Dr. Sumathy 11. Muniamuthu Regular Associate. Ph.D I Class Prof M.E I Class M.B.A II Class B.E th 6 Jan 1975 36 13 Jan 2012 15600-39100 AICTE 36,466 6th CPC 70,480 Manufactur 11 Nov 1986 25 ing Engineerin g 15 Dec 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 th 6 CPC 34,520 15,600 34,520 21 Dec 2011 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 th 6 CPC 34,520 1 Jun 2012 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 th 6 CPC 34,520 1 Jun 2012 15600-39100 AICTE 15,600 6th CPC Mechanical QUALITY ENGG MANAGEM ENT Systems ECE I Class 12. Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class MR. M. Santhosh Kumar B.E I Class Mechanical Regular Asst. Prof 13. Mr. R.Vijayan Regular Asst. Prof M.Tech I Class B.E I Class Mechanical M.Tech I Class Computer integrated Manufactur ing Mechanical 14. Mr. J.Shyam Sundhar Regular Asst. Prof B.E I Class M.E I Class 15. B.E Mr.S.Prabhu Regular Asst. Prof 16 Mr.R.Rajesh CAD/CAM M.E I Class B.E I Class 26 Nov 1983 28 th 6 Jun 1983 28 MANUFAC 29th Jun 1989 TURING 21 ENGINEER ING Automobile Engineering th TOOL 30 Mar 1986 DESIGN 25 Mechanical 35 26 July 2011 15600-39100 AICTE th 6 CPC 34,520 b. Experience Position and years of experience Sl. No. Name of the faculty member Mr.Bharani Chandar .J Teaching Industry Institution Position Years Organisation Position Years VEL TECH Asst.Professor 1yr 9 Months Sargam Die-castings Pvt ltd, Chennai Sr.Engineer Projects 1year 3 months AD Technologies Design Engineer 1 year 3 months CADDAM Technologies CAD Engineer 1 Year 4 months Nil Nil Nil 1. 2. Mr. Mohammad Sazzad Shaaz College of Engineering and Technology Asst.Professor 1 Year 9 Months 3. P.Karthikeyan VEL TECH VEL TECH 4. Mr.R.Palanisamy VEL TECH Asst.Professor 1yr 7 Months Nil Nil Nil 5. Mr.M.Sandeep Kumar VEL TECH Asst.Professor 7 Months Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Mr. N.Anandakumar 6. Asst.Professor 1year Asst.Professor 1yr 7 Months St.joseph’s College of Asst.Professor 5 Yrs 4 Months engineering Bahrain Training Lecturer 3 Yrs 1 Months Institute VELTECH Asst.Professor 5 Month FOXCONN INDIA pvt Ltd SCM Engineer 1 Year and 10 Months 7. Mr. R.Kamala kannan VEL TECH Asst.Professor 8. Mr.S.Kannana VEL TECH Asst.Professor 1 year Nil Nil Nil Lecturer 9. SRI VENKATESHWARA COLLEGE OF ENG 1 Yr 8 Months Nil Nil Nil Mr. Nehal Ahmed 1Year 36 Adroitec Engg Project Engineer 11 Months VELTECH Asst.Professor 2 Months 10. Mr.G.RajendraPrasad VEL TECH Asst.Professor 11. Asst.Professor 2 years Panimalar Engg College Lecturer 10 Months VELTECH Associate Professor 1 Month VELTECH Asst.Professor VELTECH Asst.Professor 12. Dr. Sumathy Muniamuthu Mr. M. Santhosh Kumar 13. Mr. R.Vijayan 14. J.A.Institute of Engg., & Tech., Mr. J.Shyam Sundhar VELTECH MULTI M.G.Bajaj automobiles Pvt. Ltd Service adviser 9 Months Bharat Electronics Limited Graduate Engineer Trainee 1 Year 2 Months Nil Nil Nil 8 Months Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 10 Months Asst.Professor 1 Year TECH VELTECH 15 Mr.S.Prabhu 16 Mr.R.rajesh VELTECH VELTECH Asst.Professor 1 Month Asst.Professor - Nil Nil Nil Asst.Professor - Nil Nil Nil 37 iii Science & Humanities and General Engineering faculty( For supporting engineering and technology / programmes) (For M.Sc. Programmes, the faculty shown here are not to be included) A. Name of the HOD of each discipline: Mathematics : Dr.P.Selvaraju Physics : Dr.P.Eswaran Chemistry : Dr.B.Sivakumar English : Mrs.Esther Rani Computer Science : Mr.V.RamaKrishnan (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) B. Details of the faculty including General Engineering faculty : a. Qualification Qualificatio n with class Sl. Name of the faculty Regular obtained No member with stamp/ Designation starting . size photo Visiting from the highest degree Regular Professor PhD M.E I Class Date of Corresponding birth and specialization age Graph Theory CSE Date of joining the present post Signatur Present Total e of the basic emolu faculty pay ments member 7th July 1964 30th Sep 2009 47 3740044,590 68,611 67000 AICTEE 6th CPC AICTE 8000 PREREVISE D SCALE 18,500 AICTE 8000 PREREVISE D SCALE 18,500 M.Ed II Class Maths 1. Scale of pay M.Sc I Class Maths Dr .P selvaraju B.Ed II Class Maths B.Sc I class Maths Regular Lecturer M.Phil Maths II Class M.Sc Maths I Class B.Sc I Class Maths 4th Jul 1982 4th May 29 2009 Regular Lecturer M.Phil I Maths Class M.Sc- I Class Maths 26 Jun 1982 28 2. Ms.R.Juliet Regina 3. Ms.G.Menaka th B.Sc- I Class Maths 38 th 4 May 2009 Regular Lecturer 4. Regular Lecturer 5. Regular Asst.Prof 6. Mr. Franklin Regular Lecturer 8. Mr.V.RamaKrishnan 9. M.Phil I class Maths M.Sc I Class Maths M.Phil English M.A English B.A History M.Phil II Class M.A II Class B.A English Mr.V.Nehru 18,500 22nd Nov 1985 26 21st Aug 2009 AICTE PREREVISE 8000 D SCALE 18,500 3 Feb 2010 AICTE PREREVISE 8000 D SCALE 20,200 1st July 1977 1st Jun 34 2009 AICTE 8000 PREREVISE D SCALE M.Sc I Class B.Sc I Class Regular Asst.Professor M.E CS B.C.A Regular Asst.Professor M.Tech I Class B.Tech II Class th rd 18,500 English CSE DCT 10. AICTE 8000 PREREVISE D SCALE 19 May1963 48 English Regular Asst.Professor M.E I Class M.C.A Ms.T Anitha 3 Jun 2009 B.Sc I Class Maths Ms.S. Sangeetha Ms.A.KabilathBegum rd 11 Aug 1982 28 B.Sc I class Maths Ms.Nithya Kalyani 7. th M.Phil II Maths class M.Sc I class Maths th th 8 May1977 13 Mar 34 2010 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 20,626 42,821 CS 4th July1980 31 CSE Computer Application Computer Application Computer Technology CSE-I Class 13th Oct 1982 29 CSE-II Class 39 9th Sep 2009 2nd Sep 2009 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 1560039100 AICTE 6th CPC 16,248 27,812 16,248 27,812 Regular Asst.Professor M.Phil 11. Ms.Esther Rani M.A. English B.A. English Regular Asst.Professor M.Tech I Class 12. B.E Ms.K.Lakshmi lalitha I Class Regular Asst.Professor M.Tech 13. M.Sc B.Sc Mr Infant Shyam Kumar Regular Asst.Professor M.Phil 14. Mr. M.ArulJoseph Amalraj Regular Associate Professor Dr. P. Eswaran Regular Lecturer 16. th 15 july 2010 th CSE 18 Aug 1989 7 Jun 23 2011 CSE th th Nano Technology Physics Physics 8 Mar 1985 10 Sep 26 2009 Chemistry 26 Mar 71 5 Apr 40 2010 th Chemistry B.Sc Chemistry Ph.D Photostimulated 28th Jun Luminescence 1974 37 Spectroscopy Applied Physics Physics Chemistry st M.Sc I Class Chemistry th 01 Nov 2009 th 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 15,600 25,812 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 15,600 25,812 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 16,248 27,312 1560039100 AICTE 6th CPC 15,600 25,812 3740021455 67000 AICTEE 6th CPC 21 dec 1985 26 9 Sep 2009 AICTE PREREVISE 8000 D SCALE 24th Nov 1980 31 2nd Jun 2010 AICTE 8000 PREREVISE D SCALE 43000 18,500 B.Sc I Class Chemistry Ms.A Subha Regular lecturer 17. 08 July 1982 29 M.Sc M.Phil I Class M. Sc I Class B.Sc I Class M.Phil 15 th English M.Phil Maths M.Sc I Class Maths B.Sc I Class Maths 18,500 Ms.R. Kala 18. Ms.Sangeetha .B th M.Phil Organic Regular Asst.Professor IIClass chemistry M.Sc- I Class chemistry B.Sc I Class chemistry 19 Aug 1981 30 40 th 7 Oct 2009 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 15,600 25,812 Ph.D Regular Associate Professor 19. Dr.B.Siva Kumar 20. Mrs.M.Arasakumari 21 st 28 May 2010 th 26 July 2011 01 May 1979 32 M.Sc- I Class Chemistry B.Sc I Class Maths-PhysChem Regular Asst.Professor M.Tech Industrial I Class Pollution Control M.Sc Applied I Class Chemistry B.Sc. General II Class Chemistry Ph.D Regular Associate Chemistry I Class Professor M.Sc-I class Chemistry 17 Jan 1972 40 th th 3740038,792 60,498 67000 th AICTEE 6 CPC th 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC th Regular Lecturer 22 Mr. K. Arun Rajendra Prabhu Regular Lecturer 23 Mr.S.karthick Regular Lecturer M.Phil I Class M.Sc I Class B.Sc I Class M.Phil I Class Physics M.Sc I Class B.Sc I Class Physics M.Phil I Class M.A I Class B.A I Class 20,626 42,821 9 July 1978 6 Feb 33 2012 38,792 58,266 3740067000 th AICTEE 6 CPC 13 Jan 1986 20th Jan 25 2011 AICTE REVISED PAY 8000 17000 7 Nov 1985 10 Aug 26 2011 AICTE REVISED PAY 8000 17000 24 Sep 1982 24 Jan 29 2011 AICTE REVISED PAY 8000 17000 B.Sc-I Class Chemistry Dr.S.Vetrivel 24 Ms. P. Annapurani Chemistry Physics Physics th Physics Electronics & communication English English English 41 25 Mr.V.Selvam Regular Asst.Professor M.Phil I Class M.A I Class B.A III Class Regular Asst.Professor M.Tech I Class 26 B.Tech I Class Mr.G.Maheedhara Reddy Regular Asst. Prof 27 10 April 1981. 30 English English 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 15,600 25,812 st 1560039100 th AICTE 6 CPC 15,600 34,520 rd/ 1560039100 AICTE 6th CPC 15600 23 Feb 2011 English Machine Design 10 July 1985 1 Jun 26 2011 Mechanical& Industrial Production Engineering th M.E –I Class VLSI Design Distinction 20 April 1985 26 3 Jun 2010 th 23/2/2012 3740015,600 33,480 67000 AICTEE 6th CPC AMIE-I Class ECE 25812 Mrs .Resmi R. Nair Regular Associate Professor Ph.D I Class M.Phil Bio Chemistry Bio Chemistry M.Sc-I class Bio Chemistry 28 Mrs.Dr.Sunitha.M B.Sc-I Class Bio Chemistry 42 26 Oct 1980 31 b. Experience Position and years of experience Sl. No. Name of the faculty member Teaching Institution 1. Dr.P.Selvaraju 2. Ms.R.Juliet regina Industry Position Years Bharath Engineering College Lecturer 8 Years Eswari Engineering College Lecturer 2 Years Lecturer 5 Years Professor 7Year and 4 Months Professor 2 Yrs 4Months Jerusalem College of Engineering SSN College of Engineering VEL TECH VEL TECH Lecturer VEL TECH Lecturer 2 Yrs 9 Months 2 Yrs 9 Months Ms.G.Menaka Organisation Position Years NIL NIL NIL Nil Nil Nil Scientific publishing services Copy Editor 1year and 9 Months Thompson Digital Pvt.Ltd Copy Editor 8 Months 3. VEL TECH Lecturer 2 yrs 7 Months NIL NIL NIL VEL TECH Lecturer 2 Yrs 6 Months NIL NIL NIL St.Jude’s College Lecturer 12 Years and 4Months J.A.Engg College Lecturer 2 Years and 10Months Govt.Central Polytechnic College Lecturer 3 Years and 6 Months NIL NIL NIL Asst.Professor 1Yr 11 Months 7. Ms.A. Kabilath Begum VEL TECH Lecturer 2yrs 7 Months NIL NIL NIL 8. Lecturer 6 Years NIL NIL NIL 4. 5. Ms.Nithya Kalyani Ms.Sangeetha Mr.C.Franklin 6. VEL TECH Mr.V.RamaKrishnan St.Peter’s Engg College 43 9. T.Anitha 10. Mr.V.Nehru Ms.Esther Rani 11. IBMR Lecturer 2 Years Chitkara University Lecturer 1 Years VEL TECH Asst.Professor 1 Yrs 10 Months VEL TECH Asst.Professor 2 Yrs 5 Months NIL NIL NIL VEL TECH Asst.Professor 2Yrs 5 Months Nil Nil Nil John Bosco Engg College Lecturer 1 Years John Bosco Art Science Engg Coll VEL TECH Lecturer 3 Years Nil Nil Nil Asst.Professor 1 Yr 8 Months 8 Months NIL NIL NIL Lecturer 4 Months NIL NIL NIL Asst.Professor 2 Years NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 12. Ms.K.Lakshmilalitha VEL TECH 13. VEL TECH 14. Mr. Infant Shyam Kumar Mr.M.Arul Joseph Amal Raj Dr.P.Eswaran Sastha College of Education Lecturer 1 Year and 3 Months Dr.M.G.R.University Lecturer 1 Year and 7 Months VEL TECH Asst.Professor M.I.E.T. Coll Of Engg Lecturer P.B.coll Of Engg Lecturer S.M.K.Fomra Institute of technology Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr. SR Technical University 15 VEL TECH 16. A.Subha Asst.Professor VEL TECH 1 Yr 8 Months 2 Year and 6 Months 1 year and 7 Months Asst.Professor 4 Years Asso Professor 3 Months Asso Professor 1yr 2Months Lecturer 2Yrs 4 Months 44 17. Ms.R.Kala SMK Fomra Institute Of Technology VEL TECH Sethupathi Govt. Arts College 18. Ms.B.Sangeetha Dr.B.Sivakumar Shuzuoka university Japan Sri Venkateshwara Degree College VEL TECH 20. Mrs.M.Arasakumari 21. Dr.S.Vetrivel 1Yrs 7 Months Asst.Professor 1Yr 3 Months Lecturer 7 Years Asso.Professor 1 Yr 89Months Vel Tech Engineering College Asst.Professor 7 Years 1 Month VEL TECH Asst.Professor 6 Month Latha mathavan Engg college VELTECH NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Yr 4 Months 1Yr 3 montghs 5 Yrs 8 Months PDF NIL 5 Years Lecturer 1 year Mr. K. Arun Rajendra VEL TECH Prabhu 23 Mr.S.karthick Lecturer K.A.R.Polytechnic Lecturer Ambur VEL TECH 22 8 Months VEL TECH Lecturer Engineering College VEL TECH 19. Lecturer Asso.Professor 1 Month Lecturer 1 year Lecturer 7Month Lecturer 6Month 45 Nil Nil Nil 24 Ms. P. Annapurani 25 26 Mr.V.Selvam Mr.G.Maheedhara Reddy Mrs .Resmi R. Nair 27. 28 VEL TECH Lecturer R.V.S.College of Physiotherapy Maharaja Institute of Technology Maharaja Arts & Science College DMI St.EUGENE University VEL TECH Lecturer 2 Years Lecturer 4 Months Lecturer 1 Year 7 Months Jothismathi College of Engineering and Technology VEL TECH Prathyusha Institute Of Technology and Managemant Asst.Professor 1Year Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 6 Months Asst.Professor 10 Months Asst.Professor 6 Months Asst.Professor 7 Months Lecturer 1 yr VEL TECH Asst.Professor 1 Yr 4 months Karpagam University Asst.Professor 6 Yrs Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Dr. Mrs.Sunitha.M. Vel Tech Asso.Professor - 46 Nil Nil D. Name of the M.E. / M.Tech. course: E. Details of the faculty exclusively available for each M.E. / M. Tech. course a. Qualification Qualification Name of the with class Date of Date of Sl. faculty member Regular/ obtained Corresponding joining the Designation birth No. with stamp-size Visiting starting from specialization present and age photo the highest post degree Scale of pay Present Total basic pay emoluments Signature of the faculty member NA b. Experience Position and years of experience Sl. No. Name of the faculty member Teaching Institution Position Industry Years NA 47 Organisation Position Years iv. B. Science faculty for M. Sc. / B.Sc. course (provide course-wise details) Name of the Department: Name of the HOD: (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) Name of the Course: C. Details of the faculty A. a. Qualification Name of the faculty Regular/ member Sl. No. Visiting with stampsize photo Designation Qualification with class obtained starting from the highest degree Corresponding specialization Date of birth and age Date of joining Scale Present the of pay basic pay present post Total emoluments Signature of the faculty member NA b. Experience Position and years of experience Sl. Name of the faculty No. member Teaching Institution Position Industry Years NA 48 Organization Position Years v. M.C.A. B. Name of the HOD: (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) B. Details of the faculty: a. Qualification Qualification Date of Name of the with class Date of Sl. faculty member Regular/ Corresponding joining the Present Total obtained Designation birth and Scale of pay No. with stamp-size Visiting starting from specialization present basic pay emoluments age photo the highest post degree Signature of the faculty member NA c. Experience Position and years of experience Sl. No. Name of the faculty member Teaching Institution Position Industry Years NA 49 Organisation Position Years vi. A. M.B.A. Name of the HOD: (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) Details of the faculty Qualification B. a. Name of the faculty Regular/ Sl. No. member Visiting with stampsize photo Designation Qualification Date of with class Date of joining obtained Corresponding birth and the starting from specialization age present the highest post degree Scale of Present pay basic pay Total emoluments Signature of the faculty member NA b. Experience Position and years of experience Name of the faculty Sl. No. member Teaching Institution Position Industry Years NA 50 Organisation Position Years vii Architecture – Provide information separately for each course A. Name of the Department: B. Name of the HOD: (Provide the details in the format given below at the appropriate place along with other faculty members) C. Name of the Course: D. Details of the faculty a. Qualification Qualification Name of the with class Date of Date of Sl. faculty member Regular/ obtained Corresponding joining the Present Total Designation birth and Scale of pay No. with stamp-size Visiting starting from specialization present basic pay emoluments age photo the highest post degree Signature of the faculty member NA b. Experience Position and years of experience Sl. No. Name of the faculty member Teaching Institution Position Industry Years NA 51 Organisation Position Years E. Name of the course : M. Arch. / M. Plan F. Details of the faculty exclusively available for the M. Arch. / M. Plan. – Course-wise a. Qualification Qualification Name of the with class Date of Date of obtained Sl. faculty member Regular/ Corresponding joining the Present Total Designation birth and Scale of pay starting from specialization No. with stamp-size Visiting present basic pay emoluments age photo the highest post degree Signature of the faculty member NA b. Experience Position and years of experience Sl. No. Name of the faculty member Teaching Institution Position Industry Years NA 52 Organisation Position Years viii. A. Librarian and Director of Physical Education Details of the staff Date of Name of the Previo joining Date of Sl. staff member Qualifica us Department Designation birth and the No. with stamp size tion experi age present photo ence post th 1. Library Librarian MLIS 26 April 2011 NIL 26th July 1972 Total emoluments 8000-275-13500 8000 14,900 12 Dec 1985 8000-275-13500 26 rd Librarian Asst. Librarian B.COM, B.LIS 3 Feb 2010 Physical Education Physical Education Director M.P.Ed (Physical 16th Jul NIL Educatio 2010 n) NIl Mr. A.Prabhakaran 2. Basic pay 39 Mr.M.Chandar Sekar 2. Scale of pay 6,750 28th April 81 8000-275-13500 30 Mr. G.Stalin 53 9000 9000 Signature 14. Faculty – requirements and availability i. Consolidated details of faculty for Science & Humanities (for supporting Engg. & Tech. Courses) Designation Professor Maths Physics Chemistry English 1 1 2 Assistant Professor 1 4 3 2 1 2 5 Total 1 Associate Professor Lecturer Gen. Engg. 3 6 10 Grand Total (A) Total sanctioned intake for the year 2012-13 of all the B.E. / B.Tech. Courses (S1): 420 Total no. of faculty members required (R) = (S1/15) : 28 % Deficiency [(1- A/R) x100] : NIL 54 14 28 ii. Consolidated details of faculty for all the courses except M. E. / M. Tech. S.No. Degree Course(s) Professor Asso. Prof. Asst. Prof. Total Sanctioned Strength* (S) R# A1 D (%) R# A2 D (%) R# A3 D (%) Total no of faculty members available (T = A1+ A2+ A3) SSR 1: S/T 1 B.E CIVIL 180 1 - - 2 - - 9 8+4* - 12 1:15 2 B.E MECH 240 1 - - 3 - - 12 14+2* - 16 1:15 3 B.E ECE 300 2 - - 4 - - 14 20 - 20 1:15 4 B.E EEE 300 2 1 - 4 - - 14 19 - 20 1:15 *Appointed staff consent letter to join in June 2012 Enclosed 55 * Academic years to be considered for the calculation of total sanctioned intake (S) Courses B.E./B.Tech. Academic years 2009-10 to 2011-12 B.Arch./B.I.D. M.B.A. / M.Sc. (2 years) M.C.A. M.Sc. (5 years) B.Sc. (3 Years) 2008-09 to 2010-11 2008-09 to 20102010-11 + 2 times 2 times the 2010-11 + 2 times + 2 times the 11 + 2 times the sanctioned intake the sanctioned the sanctioned sanctioned intake sanctioned intake of 2011-12 intake of 2011-12 intake of 2011-12 of 2011-12 of 2011-12 R = Required, A = Available, D = Deficiency, SSR = Staff : Student Ratio # To find R, for different cadres, for a given total sanctioned strength, refer ANNEXURE I for all courses except B.Arch. For B.Arch. refer Annexure II. For eligibility norms for the faculty, refer AICTE APPROVAL PROCESS HANDBOOK (2012-13) – Appendix 7. 56 iii. Consolidated details of faculty for M.E. / M.Tech. Sl. No. Name of the Course(s) Qualification Required NA iv. Are training and development opportunities given to faculty members? Yes v. Is performance appraisal system followed for faculty members? Yes 57 Available Deficiency % 15. Non-teaching staff For norms refer Statute Section 5.10 and Regulation R 11.4 and Annexure 9 of the Statutes and Regulation for Affiliation i. Technical staff: Provide the information separately for each Department. Name of the Department: ECE DEPARTMENT Details of the staff Date of Date of Sl. joining the Previous Scale Total Laboratory Name of the staff Designation Qualification birth and No. present experience of pay Basic emoluments Signature age post pay 1 2 3 4 LAB ASSISTANT DECE ECE KATHIRAVAN .T ECE MURUGAN.C LAB INSTRUCTOR B.E(ECE) ECE ARUMUGAM.T LAB INSTRUCTOR B.E(ECE) ECE LAB VIJAYA KUMAR.M INSTRUCTOR B.E(ECE) 18/03/1986 9000 8000 25 04/06/1984 10,000 10000 19.01.2011 Telecom 27 17.01.1980 10,000 10000 03.09.2011 NIL 32 16.11.1988 01.08.2011 NIL 10,000 10.000 22 15/10/2009 58 NIL 9000 10000 10000 10,000 Name of the Department: EEE DEPARTMENT Details of the staff Date of Sl. Total joining Previous Date of Laborator Qualifica Scale of Name of the staff Designation No the experienc birth and emolum y pay Basic Signature tion ents . present e age pay post EEE 1 MARIMUTHUKANI.V 2 3 EEE MURUGAN.V EEE IYYAPPAN .T 4 LAB ASSISTANT (DEEE) LAB B.E(EEE), INSTRUCTOR DEEE LAB ASSISTANT DEEE EEE LAB B.E(EEE) KRISHNATHANKAM.C INSTRUCTOR EEE LAB B.E(EEE) INSTRUCTOR 5 N.SRINIVASAN 01.07.200 9 NIL 11.8.2011 NIL 08.9.2010 NIL 03/8/2011 NIL 18/05/2011 Telecom 03/01/1988 24 31.12.1986 24 14/06/1988 23 6000 6000 6600 6000 6000 8000 6000 6000 6000 03/02/1990 10,000 10,000 10,000 22 06/10/1984 10,000 10,000 10,000 28 Name of the Department: MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Details of the staff Name of Sl. No. Laboratory Designation the staff 1 2 MECH MECH LOKESH KUMAR.G LAB ASSISTANT RAMA DEVI .D LAB ASSISTANT Date of joining the Previous Qualification present experience post DME 15.03.2010 HI TECK Machines 1Year 31.08.2010 NIL DME 59 Date of Scale Total birth and of Basic emoluments Signature age pay pay 01/01/1978 11,700 11,700 34 27.04.1984 7000 7000 27 11,700 7000 Name of the Department: CIVIL DEPARTMENT Details of the staff Date of Date of Scale joining the Previous Total Designation Qualification of birth and Basic emoluments Signature present experience pay age pay post Sl. Laboratory Name of the staff No. 1 CIVIL VEDAMOORTHI.G LAB ASSISTANT D.C.E(CIVIL) 21-01-2011 4.7m 30.05.1980 8600 8600 31 8600 Name of the Department: CHEMISTRY, PHYSIC DEPARTMENT Details of the staff Date of joining Date of Scale Previous Basic Total birth of Sl. No. Laboratory Name of the staff Designation Qualification the experience pay emoluments Signature present and age pay post 1 2 CHEM LAB SUBBU LAKSHMI. R PHYSICS SENTHILKUMAR.K LAB B.Sc(MICRO ASSISTANT BIO) 22.10.2010 NIL 29.06.1986 5000 25 5000 5000 LAB B.Sc(Physics) ASSISTANT 18.01.12 NIL 12/05/1986 6000 25 6000 6000 60 ii. Library and Physical Education Department Details of the staff Date of joining Date of Scale Sl. Previous Total Department Name of the staff Designation Qualification the birth and of Basic No. experience emoluments present age pay pay post 1 2 LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARIAN M.L.I.SC 26th April 2011 LIB ASSISTANT PHYSICAL DIRECTOR B.L.I.S LIB.INF 03/02/2010 NIL M.PED 16.07.2010 NIL Mr.M.Chandar Sekar PRABHAKARAN.A 3 PHYSICAL Mr. G.Stalin EDUCATION iii. Ministerial staff NIL 26th July 80001972 275- 8000 39 13500 12/12/1985 8250 8250 26 28/04/1981 9000 9000 30 Signature 14,900 8250 9000 Details of the staff Sl. No. Name of the staff Place of work Date of joining Previous Designation Qualification the experience present post 1. ANBUSELVAN.M PRINCIPALOFFICE OFFICE ASSISTANT B.COM 2 FINANCIAL OFFICER B.COM ATTENDAR S.S.L.C VELAMMAL. P PRINCIPALOFFICE PRINCIPALOFFICE 3. VIJAYAKUMAR Date of Scale Basic Total birth and of Signature pay emoluments age pay SBSB AND ASSOCIATES 6 MONTHS 29/03/1988 08/12/2010 V LINK 22 SYSTEMS P)LTD 6 MONTHS 18/05/1971 05/07/2007 ` NIL 32 04/11/1994 01/12/20 NIL 30 11 61 5500 5500 5500 7700 7700 7700 3500 3500 3500 4 5. ABDULHAQ RANJITH.V 6. MANIKANDAN. R 7. 8. KANIMOZHI JHONI EPSI.M 9. SARANYA.A RAJARAM 10 CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS OFFICE ASSISTANT 04/10/2009 STORE INCHARGE DTP DTP INCHARGE ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL INCHARGE NIL VELTECH HIGHTECH 8MONTHS th ATTENDAR CONTROLLER OF ATTENDAR EXAMINATIONS CONTROLLER OF CONTROL OF ATTENDANCE ATTENDANCE CELL STORES B.A 8 NIL 5750 5750 5750 NIL 27/08/1985 27 6250 6250 6250 5750 5750 5750 4000 4000 10,250 M.COM 05/07/2010 MA 11/12/2009 ECONOMICS 23/08/2006 62 4000 3500 NIL ITI 4000 4000 3500 3500 01.08.2011 20/04/2009 20/10/1992 18 6500 26/11/1994 22 04/061983 27 S.S.L.C BA 10/07/198822 6500 6500 NIL 30/7/1988 24 5YEARS 06/05/1981 Experience in Electrical Department 16. Laboratory: Provide Department-wise details separately as Enclosure i Space Name of the Department: SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES AND GENERAL ENGINEERING Sl No Name of the Laboratory Area of the laboratory available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 1 GE 2116 Engineering Practices Lab(workshop) 400 sq.m Nil 2 GS2165 Physics Lab 66 sq.m Nil 3 GS2165 Chemistry Lab 66 sq.m Nil 4 GE 2115 Computer Lab Career Lab 150 sq.m Nil Name of the Department: CIVIL ENGINEERING Sl No Name of the Laboratory Area of the laboratory available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 1 CE 2307 – Concrete and Highway Engineering Lab 66 sq.m Nil 2 101351 – Survey Practical – I 101453 - Survey Practical – II 66 sq.m Nil 3 CE2356 – Environmental Engineering Laboratory 66 sq.m Nil 4 CE 2257 – Strength of Materials Lab 66 sq.m Nil 5 CE 2258 – Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory 113352-Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab 132 sq.m Nil 6 CE 2355 – Environmental and Irrigation Engineering Drawing 113251 - Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling Laborator (Additional Workshop) 400 sq.m Nil 7 CE 2208 – Computer Aided Building Drawing CE1405 - Computer Aided Design and Drafting Laboratory 66 sq.m Nil 8 CE 2308 – Soil Mechanics Laboratory 66 sq.m NIL 63 Name of the Department: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Area of the laboratory available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 1 113351 – Manufacturing technology lab 113451 – Manufacturing technology lab-II (Additional Workshop) 400 sq.m NIL 2 ME 2306 – Thermal engineering lab-I ME 2355 – Thermal engineering lab-II 132 sq.m NIL 3 ME 2307 - Dynamics Laboratory 66 sq.m NIL 4 113453-Computer Aided machine drawing laboratory ME2404 computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory 132 sq.m NIL 5 ME 2309 CAD/CAM Laboratory 66 sq.m NIL 6 ME2308-Metrology&Measurements Lab 66 sq.m NIL Sl No 7 Name of the Laboratory PR2353-Mechatronics Lab 66 sq.m 64 Name of the Department: ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGG Sl No Name of the Laboratory Area of the laboratory available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 1 147351 – Digital Electronics Lab 66 sq.m Nil 2 147352– Electronic Circuits Laboratory – I 147451 – Electronics circuits II and simulation lab EC2404- Electronics System Design lab 132 sq.m Nil 3 EC 2356 – Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory 66 sq.m Nil 4 EC 2258 – Linear Integrated Circuit Lab 66 sq.m Nil 5 EC 2306 – Digital Signal Processing Laboratory EC2357 – VLSI Design Laboratory 66 sq.m Nil 6 EC 2356– Computer Networks Laboratory 66sq.m Nil 7 EC2155 – Circuits and Devices Laboratory 131251 – Electrical Circuits Laboratory 66 sq.m Nil 8 EC 2307 – communication system laboratory 66sq.m Nil 9 EC1405 – Optical & Microwave Lab 66sq.m nil 65 Name of the Department: ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Sl No Name of the Laboratory Area of the laboratory available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 1 EE2208 Measurements & Instrumentation EE2257 Control Systems lab 132sq.m Nil 2 EE2259 Electrical machines Lab - I EE2306 Electrical Machines Lab - II 198 sq.m Nil 3 EE2155 Electric Circuits lab 132 sq.m Nil 4 EE2305 Power Electronics lab 66 sq.m Nil 5 GE2116 Engineering practices lab 66 sq.m. Nil 6 EE2404 power system simulation laboratory 66 sq.m. Nil Norm : • In respect of Engg. & Tech. courses the required carpet area per laboratory shall be 66 sq.m and for workshop 400 sq.m. for a batch of 30 students. • In respect of B.Arch courses the required area per laboratory shall be 66 sq.m, studio 132 sq.m. and for model making carpentry workshop 200 sq.m. for a batch of 40 students. • In respect of M.C.A. course the required area per laboratory shall be 66 sq.m for a batch of 60 students. 66 SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES AND GENERAL ENGINEERING 67 ii. Laboratory Equipment (Provide the information in the format given below for each laboratory course separately in respect of all the semesters concerned for the UG & PG courses applied for in the Department) (Refer requirements of laboratory equipment in Anna University of Technology Chennai Website www.annatech.ac.in and select ‘Affiliation’ icon for requirements of laboratory equipment) Degree : BE Course : COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES Semester : 01 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 185151-COMPUTER PRACTICE LABORATORY – I List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 LAN system with 33 nodes (OR) stand alone PCs 33 Nos 33 Nos NIL 2 Printer 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL 3 Operating System Windows / Unix Clone Available NIL 4 Compiler C compiler Available NIL 5 Application package Office suite Available NIL 68 Degree : BE Course : COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES Semester : 01&02 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 184151 (PHYSICS LABORATORY & CHEMISTRY) List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Physics Laboratory Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % Nil 1. Lees’ disc apparatus (with accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos 2. Air wedge apparatus (with travelling microscope and accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos 3. Spectrometer (with grating ,prism and accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos 4. Diode laser(2mW power)or He-Ne laser (2mW),(lycopodium powder, optical fiber kit and accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos 5. Ultrasonic interferometer (with accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos 6. B-H curve traces apparatus 5 Nos 5 Nos Nil 7 Torsion Pendulum apparatus (with accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos Nil Nil Nil Nil 69 Nil 8 Non-Uniform bending (with accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos Nil 9 Viscosity(Poiseuille’s flow apparatus with accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos 10 Band gap apparatus 5 Nos 5 Nos 11 Uniform bending (with accessories) 5 Nos 5 Nos 12 Carey Foster bridge 5 Nos 5 Nos Nil Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % Nil Nil Nil Chemistry Laboratory Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software 1 Electronic balance 1 No. 1 No. NIL 2 pH meter 4 No. 10 No. NIL 3 Conductivity bridge 4 No. 10 No. NIL 4 Potentiometer 4 No. 10 No. NIL 5 Platinum electrodes 4 No. 9 No. NIL 6 Calomel electrodes 4 No. 10 No. NIL 7 Spectrophotometer 1 No. 1 No. NIL 8 Oswald viscometer 10 No. 30 No. NIL 9 Glassware Sufficient Quantity Sufficient Quantity NIL 70 Degree : BE Course : COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES Semester : 01 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 185152-Engineering Practices Laboratory List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. Assorted components for plumbing consisting of metallic pipes, plastic pipes, flexible pipes, couplings, unions, elbows, plugs and other fittings. 15 sets 15 sets NIL 2. Carpentry vice (fitted to work bench) 15 No. 15 No. NIL 3. Standard woodworking tools 15 sets 15 sets NIL 4. Models of industrial trusses, door joints, furniture joints 5 each 5 each CIVIL 71 NIL 5. Power Tools: (a) Rotary Hammer (b) Demolition Hammer (c) Circular Saw (d) Planer (e) Hand Drilling Machine (f) Jigsaw 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL MECHANICAL NIL 1. Arc welding transformer with cables and holders 5 No. 5 No. 2. Welding booth with exhaust facility 5 No. 5 No. 3. Welding accessories like welding shield, chipping hammer, wire brush, etc. 5 sets 5 sets 4. Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders, blow pipe and other welding outfit. 2 No. 2 No. 5. Centre lathe 2 No. 2 No. NIL 6. Hearth furnace, anvil and smithy tools 2 sets 2 sets NIL 7. Moulding table, foundry tools 2 sets 2 sets NIL 8. Power Tool: Angle Grinder 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL 9. Study-purpose items: centrifugal pump, airconditioner One Each. One Each. 15 sets 15 sets NIL NIL NIL NIL ELECTRICAL 1. Assorted electrical components for house wiring 72 NIL 2. Electrical measuring instruments 3. Study purpose items: Iron box, fan and regulator, emergency lamp 4. 5. NIL 10 sets 10 sets One each One each Megger (250V/500V) 1 No. 1 No. Power Tools: (a) Range Finder (b) Digital Live-wire detector 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 1. Soldering guns 10 No. 10 No. 2. Assorted electronic components for making circuits 50 No. 50 No. 3. Small PCBs 10 No. 10 No. NIL 4. Multi Meters 10 No. 10 No. NIL 5. Study purpose items: Telephone, FM radio, low-voltage power supply 2 each 2 each NIL NIL NIL ELECTRONICS 73 NIL NIL NIL Degree : BE Course : CIVIL&MECH Semester : 02 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 113251-COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING AND MODELING LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 Pentium IV computer or better hardware, with suitable graphics facility 30 Nos. 30 Nos. NIL 2 Licensed software for Drafting and Modeling 30 Nos. 30 Nos. NIL 3 Laser Printer or Plotter to print / plot drawings 2 No. 2 No. NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 02 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 141251-Circuits and Devices Laboratory List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 Name of the equipment/software Quantity required 0-30V RPS 12 74 Quantity available 12 Deficiency % NIL 2 3 0-50V RPS 0-5V RPS 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL 10 10 NIL 5 5 NIL 2 2 NIL 3 3 NIL 5 5 NIL 2 2 NIL 5 5 NIL 15 15 NIL 20 20 NIL 10 10 NIL 10 10 NIL 10 10 NIL 10 10 NIL 0-30V Voltmeter 4 0-10V Voltmeter 5 0-50V Voltmeter 6 0-1V Voltmeter 7 0-30mA Ammeter 8 0-100mA AC Amplifier 9 10 11 Audio Oscillator CRO (30 MHZ) Diodes, Zener Diodes 12 Transistors (PNP & NPN) 13 14 15 16 UJT SCR JFET 75 17 MOSFET 18 DIAC & TRIAC 19 Photodiode 20 21 10 10 NIL 10 10 NIL 5 5 NIL 5 5 NIL Photo Transistor Required passive components Sufficient Sufficient 22 Variable Resistor NIL Sufficient Sufficient 76 NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 02 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 131251- Electrical Circuits Laboratory List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the Equipment Range / Spec Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. C.R.O 30MHZ 6 6 NIL 2. D.C, Power Supply (regulated) Function Generator 0-30 V 6 6 NIL Frequency: 1 MHZ 6 6 NIL 1 1 NIL 3. Amplitude: Max volt: 20V Min volt: 20mV Waveforms: Sine, Square, triangular 4. Digital Storage Oscilloscope - 77 Degree : BE Course : COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES Semester : 02 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 185253-COMPUTER PRACTICE LABORATORY – II List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 No 1 No NIL 1 UNIX Clone Server 2 33 Nodes (thin client or PCs) 33 Nos 33 Nos NIL 3 Printer 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL 4 Operating System (33 user license or License free Linux) Unix Clone Available NIL 5 Compiler C compiler Available NIL 78 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 131351-ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 2 3 Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 15 15 NIL 15 15 NIL 15 15 NIL 10 10 NIL 40 40 NIL 25 25 NIL 10 10 NIL 10 10 NIL 5 5 NIL Regulated Power Supply Dual Tree CRO (20 MHz) Function Generator 4 31/2 Digit digital multimeter 5 Bread Boards 6 Transistor. 7 JFET 8 Diode 9 Zener Diode 79 10 5 5 NIL 5 5 NIL 5 5 NIL 5 5 NIL 10 10 NIL 15 15 NIL 10 10 NIL 10 10 NIL 50 50 NIL 50 50 NIL Sufficient Nos Sufficient Nos NIL UJT 11 Photo Diode. 12 Photo Transistor 13 Thermistors 14 OP-amp 15 Milli Ammeter (0-100mA) 16 Micro Ammeter (0-50µA) 17 Low range voltmeter (0-30V) 18 Resistor of various ranges 19 Capacitors of various ranges 20 Connecting wires 80 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 81 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 131352- DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 Name of the equipment/software Computer (Pentium 4) Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 40 Nos with one server 40 Nos with one server NIL 2 Dot matrix printer 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL 3 Laser Printer 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL 4 UPS (5 KVA) 2 2 NIL 5 Turbo C 40 Nodes 40 Nodes NIL 82 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 131353-MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 LVDT kit 1 No. 1 No. NIL 2 Multimeter 8 No. 8 No. NIL 3 Bourdon pressure transducer kit 1 No. 1 No. NIL 4 Foot pump 1 No. 1 No. NIL 5 Voltmeter 4 No. 4 No. NIL 6 Maxwell’s inductance Capacitance Bridge kit 1 No. 1 No. NIL 7 Unknown Inductance 1 No. 1 No. NIL 8 Schering Bridge kit 1 No. 1 No. NIL 9 Unknown capacitance 1 No. 1 No. NIL Wheat stone Bridge kit 1 No. 1 No. NIL 11 Unknown resistance 1 No. 1 No. NIL 12 Kelvin Double bridge kit 1 No. 1 No. NIL 13 Unknown resistance 1 No. 1 No. NIL 10 83 14 Operational Amplifier 1 No. 1 No. NIL 15 Resistors 3 No. 3 No. NIL 16 RPS 4 No. 4 No. NIL 17 IC 741 2 No. 2 No. NIL 18 DC trainer kit 2 No. 2 No. NIL 19 CRO 2 No. 2 No. NIL 20 Resistance 1 No. 1 No. NIL 21 Capacitance 1 No. 1 No. NIL 22 Energy meter 1 No. 1 No. NIL 23 Wattmeter 2 No. 2 No. NIL 24 Stop watch 1 No. 1 No. NIL 25 M.I Ammeter 2 No. 2 No. NIL 26 M.I Voltmeter 2 No. 2 No. NIL 27 Current Transformer 1 No. 1 No. NIL 28 Lamp Load 1 No. 1 No. NIL 29 Ammeter 2 No. 2 No. NIL 30 3 phase Auto transformer 1 No. 1 No. NIL 31 Maxwell bridge set up 1 No. 1 No. NIL 32 Ring specimen 1 No. 1 No. NIL 33 Galvanometer 1 No. 1 No. NIL 84 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 131451-CONTROL SYSTEMS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Quantity required Quantity available DC servo motor : field separately excited – loading facility – variable voltage source Tachometer 1 NO 1 NO 1 NO 1 NO NIL 3 Multimeter 1 NO 1 NO NIL 4 Stop watch 1 NO 1 NO NIL 5 AC Servo Motor : Minimum of 100w 1 NO 1 NO NIL 6 Tachometer 1 NO 1 NO NIL 7 Stopwatch 1 NO 1 NO NIL 8 Voltmeter 1 NO 1 NO NIL Rigged up models of type-0 and type-1 system using analog component Variable frequency square wave generator and a normal CRO Variable frequency square wave generator and a normal CRO 1 NO 1 NO NIL 1 NO 1 NO NIL 1 NO 1 NO NIL 1 2 9 10 11 Name of the equipment/software Deficiency % NIL 85 Tachometer 1 NO 1 NO NIL 13 Stop watch 1 NO 1 NO NIL 14 DC Motor 1 NO 1 NO NIL 15 Tachometer 1 NO 1 NO NIL 16 Stop watch 1 NO 1 NO NIL 17 Various meters 1 NO 1 NO NIL System with MATLAB / MATHCAD / equivalent software AC and DC position control kit with DC servo motor. 1 NO 1 NO NIL 1 NO 1 NO NIL Power transistor 1 NO 1 NO NIL Adder 1 NO 1 NO NIL Stepping motor 1 NO 1 NO NIL 23 Microprocessor kit 1 NO 1 NO NIL 24 Interfacing card 1 NO 1 NO NIL 25 Power supply 1 NO 1 NO NIL 3 USERS 3 USERS NIL 3 USERS 3 USERS NIL 12 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 System with MATLAB / MATHCAD (or) equivalent software System with MATLAB / MATHCAD (or) equivalent software 86 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 131452-LINEAR AND DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 Interface such as, A/D, D/A converter 4 4 NIL 2 DMA 4 4 NIL 3 PIC Serial 4 4 NIL 4 4 4 NIL 5 Interface, Temperatures controller Stepper motor 4 4 NIL 6 7 Key board CRO and function generator 4 3 each 4 3 NIL 15 15 4 4 10 each 10 NIL 8 9 IC trainer Kit Analog AC trainer kit NIL NIL NIL 10 Components and bread boards 11 Chips IC – 7400 10 10 NIL 12 Chips IC – 7402 10 10 NIL 13 Chips IC – 7408 10 10 NIL 87 14 Chips IC – 7432 10 10 NIL 15 Chips IC – 7410 25 25 NIL 16 Chips IC – 555 10 10 NIL 17 Chips IC – 741 10 10 NIL 18 Chips IC – 74153 10 10 NIL 19 Chips IC – 7474 10 10 NIL 20 Chips IC – 7490 10 10 NIL 21 Chips IC – 7447 10 10 NIL 22 Chips IC – 7476 10 10 NIL 23 Chips IC – 7420 10 10 NIL 24 Chips IC – 7404 15 15 NIL 25 Chips LM – 317 10 10 NIL 26 Chips LM – 723 10 10 NIL 27 Chips MA – 7840 10 10 NIL 28 Chips LM – 380 10 10 NIL 29 Chips ICL -8038 10 10 NIL 30 31 Traffic light control kit VDU 7 segment Display 2 2 2 2 5 5 NIL NIL NIL 3 each 3 15 15 32 33 34 Interfacing card such as keyboard etc. Work tables 88 NIL NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 131453-ELECTRICAL MACHINES - I LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Quantity required Quantity available D.C motor – Generator set D.C motor – Shunt Generator D.C motor – Compound Generator 2 set 2 set 2 set 2 set NIL D.C. Series Motor 1 NO 1 NO NIL 3 D.C. Compound Motor 1 NO 1 NO NIL 4 Single phase transformers 7 NO 7 NO NIL 5 Three phase transformers 1 NO 1 NO NIL 2 NO 2 NO 4 sets 4 sets 1 2 6 7 Name of the equipment/software D.C. Shunt Motor D.C. Motor – Alternator set Deficiency % NIL NIL 8 Three phase Induction Motor (Squirrel cage) 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL 9 Three phase slip ring Induction Motor 1 NO 1 NO NIL 10 Resistive load3 phase – 2 , single phase - 3 5 Nos. 1 NO 1 NO NIL 11 Inductive load 1 NO 1 NO NIL 89 12 Single phase Auto 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL 13 Three phase Auto transformer 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL 14 Moving Coil Ammeter of different ranges 20 Nos 20 Nos NIL 15 Moving Coil Voltmeter of different ranges 20 Nos 20 Nos NIL 16 Moving Iron voltmeter of different ranges 20 Nos 20 Nos NIL 17 Moving Iron Ammeter of different ranges 20 Nos 20 Nos NIL 18 Wire wound Rheostats of different ratings 30 Nos 30 Nos NIL 19 Tachometers 10 Nos 10 Nos NIL 20 Single element wattmeters of different ranges UPF / LPF 20 Nos 20 Nos NIL 21 Double element wattmeters of different ranges 4 Nos 4 Nos NIL 22 Power factor meter 2 Nos 2 Nos 23 Digital Multimeter 5 Nos 5 Nos NIL NIL 24 Three point starter, four point starter,DOL starter, manual star / delta starter, semi automatic and fully automatic star / delta starter 1 No each for study experiment NIL 1 No. EACH 90 1 No. EACH Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EE2305- POWER ELECTRONICS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 2 each 2 Each NIL 2 2 NIL 1 Device characteristics (for SCR, MOSF IGBT) kit with built in power supply & meters 2 SCR firing circuit module 2 3 Single phase SCR based ½ controlled converter & fully controlled converter along with built-in / separate / firing circuit / module and meter 2Each 2 Each NIL 4 MOSFET based step up and step down choppers 1Each 1 Each NIL 5 IGBT based single phase PWM inverter module 2 2 NIL 6 IGBT based three phase PWM inverter module 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL 4 4 NIL 4 4 NIL 7 8 9 10 IGBT based high switching frequency chopper module with built-in controller Resonant DC-DC conveter module with built in power supply and controller SCR & TRIAC based 1 phase A.C.phase controller along with lamp or rheostat load SCR based V/I commuted chopper module with relevant firing module (separate or built-in 91 11 Dual regulated DC power supply with common ground 4 4 NIL 12 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 5 5 NIL 13 Isolation Transformer 5 5 NIL 14 Single phase Auto transformer 3 3 NIL 15 Components (Inductance, Capacitance) 3 sets for each 3 sets for each 3 sets for each NIL 16 Multi meter 5 5 17 LCR meter 3 3 18 Rheostats of various ranges 19 Work tables 12 12 NIL 20 DC and AC metes of required ranges 20 20 NIL 2 sets of 10 value 92 2 sets of 10 Value NIL NIL NIL Degree : BE Corse : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : CS2312-OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LABORATORY (Exercise on App of C++) List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 40 Nos. with one server 40* Nos. with one server NIL Hardware Required 1 Computer(Pentium 4) 2 Dot matrix printer 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL 3 Laser Printer 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL 4 UPS (5 KVA) 2 2 NIL NIL Software Required 5 Turbo C ++ 6 (Java 2 SDK) JDK 5.0 update 6 (1.5.0-Internal Version No.) 40 Nodes 40 Nodes 40 Nos 40 Nos 93 NIL NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EE2306-ELECTRICAL MACHINES II LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 2 2 NIL 1 1 NIL 2 2 NIL 1 1 NIL DC shunt motor coupled three phase alternator 2 Synchronous motor coupled to DC motor 1 Three phase induction motors – Squirrel cage Slip ring DC Shunt motor coupled salient pole three phase alternator 5 Single phase induction motors 1 1 NIL 6. Inductive board 2 2 NIL 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 Single phase induction motor starters 7. 8. NIL Three phase induction motor starters Meters Voltmeter (AC) Ammeter (AC) 94 NIL 30 30 9. Wattmeter (Ipf) Wattmeter (upf) Single phase auto transformer 2 2 NIL 10. Three phase auto transformer 4 4 NIL 11. Rheostats of various range 30 30 NIL 1Each 1Each 12. DC panel boards (220V, 36V) NIL 13. AC panel board 1 1 NIL 14. Work tables 12 12 NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 06 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EE2355- Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 8085 Microprocessor Trainer with Power supply 15 15 NIL 15 15 NIL 3 8051 Micro controller Trainer Kit with power supply 8255 Interface board 5 5 NIL 4 8251 Interface board 5 5 NIL 1 2 Name of the equipment/software 95 8259 Interface board 5 5 NIL 5 8279 Keyboard/Display Interface Board 5 5 NIL 6 8254 timer counter 5 5 NIL 7 ADC and DAC card 5 5 NIL 8 Stepper motor with Controller 5 5 NIL 9 Traffic Light Control System 5 5 NIL 10 Regulation power supply 30 30 NIL 11 Universal ADD-ON modules 5 5 NIL 12 8 Digit Multiplexed Display Card 5 5 NIL 13 Function Generator 10 10 NIL 14 Multimeter 20 20 NIL 15 C.R.O. 10 10 NIL 16 Quad 2-input AND gate (IC7408) 50 50 NIL 17 Quad 2-input OR gate (IC7432) 50 50 NIL 18 Quad 2-input XOR gate (IC7486) 50 50 NIL 19 Hex inverter / NOR gate (IC 7404) 50 50 NIL 20 Quad 2-input NOR gate (IC 7402) 50 50 NIL 21 Quad 2-input NAND gate (IC 7400) 50 50 NIL 22 Dual J-K Flip flop with clear (IC7473) 50 50 NIL 23 Dual D Flip flop with clear/preset (IC7474) 50 50 NIL 96 24 4-bit Adder (IC 7483) 50 50 NIL 25 4-bit magnitude comparator (IC 7485) 50 50 NIL 26 BCD to 7-segment code converter (IC7447) 50 50 NIL 3 to 8 Decoder / Demultiplexer (IC 74138) Decade / Modulo-n counter (IC7490) 50 50 NIL 50 50 NIL 50 50 NIL 30 4-bit serial / parallel in/out shift register (IC7495) General purpose OPAMP (IC741) 100 100 NIL 31 TIMER (IC555) 100 100 NIL 32 Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) (IC566) 25 25 NIL 33 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) (IC565) 25 25 NIL 34 Diode (IN4007) 25 25 NIL 35 Zener Diode (5 V) 25 25 NIL 36 Light Emitting Diode (LED) 25 25 NIL 37 Resistors (Quarter watt):10K, 33k ohm 50 each 50 Each NIL 50 each 50 Each NIL 39 Capacitor: 0.1microfarad, 0.01 microfarad & 0.47 microfarad Bread board 30 30 NIL 40 Single strand wire 10 packet 10 Packet NIL 41 Wire stripper 10 10 NIL 27 28 29 38 97 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 07 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EE2404- POWER SYSTEM SIMULATION LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 25* Nos NIL 25 2. Personal computers (Pentium-IV, 80GB, 512 MBRAM) Printer laser 1 1* Nos NIL 3. Dotmatrix 1 1* Nos NIL 4. Server (Pentium IV, 80GB, 1GBRAM) (High Speed Processor) Software: E.M.T.P/ETAP/CYME/MIPOWER /any power system simulation software Compliers: C, C++, VB, VC++ 1 5. 6. 5 licenses 25 Users (*) Purchase order placed -Copy Enclosed 98 1* Nos 5* 25 NIL NIL NIL CIVIL Engineering 99 Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 101351-Survey Practical – I List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Name of the equipment/software Total Station Theodolite Dumpy level Plain table Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 3 Nos 3 Nos NIL Atleast 1 for every 10 students Atleast 1 for every 10 students Atleast 1 for every 10 students 7 Nos 6 Nos 7 Nos NIL NIL NIL 5 Pocket stereoscope 4 NIL 6. Ranging rods 20 NIL 7. Leveling staff 27 NIL 8. Cross staff 18 NIL 9. Chains 18 NIL 10. Tapes 23 NIL 11. Arrows 100 NIL 1 for a set of 5 students 100 Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 101352-COMPUTER AIDED BUILDING DRAWING List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software 1. Computer system of Pentium IV or equivalent 2. Licensed version of any reputed Analysis, Design & Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 30 30 NIL 10 10 NIL Drafting software Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 101451- Strength of Materials Lab List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 UTM of minimum 400 KN capacity 1 1 NIL 2 Torsion testing machine for steel rods 1 1 NIL 3 Izod impact testing machine 1 1 NIL 101 Hardness testing machine Rockwell 4 1 each 1 each NIL Vicker’s (any 2) Brinnel 5 Beam deflection test apparatus 1 1 NIL 6. Extensometer 1 1 NIL 7. Compressometer 1 1 NIL 8. Dial gauges few few NIL 9. Le Chatelier’s Apparatus 2 2 NIL 10. Vicat’s apparatus 2 2 NIL 11. Mortar cube moulds 10 10 NIL Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 101452- Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 Name of the equipment/software Bernoulli’s theorem – Verification Apparatus Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 No. 1 No. NIL 102 2 3 4 5 Calculation of Metacentric height water tank Ship model with accessories Measurement of velocity Pitot tube assembly Flow measurement open channel flow (i)Channel with provision for fixing notches (rectangular, triangular & trapezoidal forms) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. NIL NIL 1 Unit 1 Unit (ii)Flume assembly with provisions for conducting experiments on Hydraulic jumps, generation of surges etc. Flow measurement in pipes 1 Unit 1 Unit (i) Venturimeter, U tube manometer fixtures like Valves, collecting tank 1 Unit 1 Unit (ii) Orifice meter, with all necessary fittings in pipe lines of different diameters 1 Unit 1 Unit (iii) Calibration of flow through orifice tank with Provisions for fixing orifices of different shapes, collecting tank 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit (iv) Calibration of flow through mouth piece Tank with provisions for fixing mouth pieces Viz external mouth pieces & internal mouth piece Borda’s mouth piece NIL NIL 103 Losses in Pipes Major loss – Friction loss Pipe lengths (min. 3m) of different diameters with Valves and pressure rapping & collecting tank 6. 7. Minor Losses Pipe line assembly with provisions for having Sudden contractions in diameter, expansions Bends, elbow fitting, etc. 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit NIL Pumps (i) Centrifugal pump assembly with accessories (single stage) 1 Unit 1 Unit (ii) Centrifugal pump assembly with accessories (multi stage) 1 Unit 1 Unit (iii) Reciprocating pump assembly with accessories 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit (iv) Deep well pump assembly set with accessories Turbine NIL (i)Impulse turbine assembly with fittings & accessories 8. (ii)Francis turbine assembly with fittings & accessories NIL 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit (iii)Kaplan turbine assembly with fittings & accessories 104 Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 101453- Survey Practical – II List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 Theodolite Atleast 1 for every 10 students 7 Nos NIL 2 Dumpy level Atleast 1 for every 10 students 6 Nos NIL 3 Plain table Atleast 1 for every 10 students 7 Nos NIL 4 Pocket stereoscope 5 1 4 NIL Ranging rods 20 NIL 6 Leveling staff 27 NIL 7 Cross staff 18 NIL 8 Chains 18 NIL 9 Tapes 23 NIL 10 Arrows 100 NIL 1 for a set of 5 students 105 Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : CE2307-CONCRETE AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERING LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. Concrete cube moulds 6 6 NIL 2. Concrete cylinder moulds 3 3 NIL 3. Concrete Prism moulds 3 3 NIL 4. Sieves 1 set 1 set NIL 5. Concrete Mixer 1 1 NIL 7. Flow table 1 1 NIL 8. Vibrator 1 1 NIL 9. Trovels and planers 1 set 1 set NIL 10. UTM – 400 KN capacity 1 1 NIL 11. Vee Bee Consistometer 1 1 NIL 13. CBR Apparatus 1 1 NIL 14. Blains Apparatus 1 1 NIL 106 Degree Course : : BE CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : CE2308-SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. Sieves 2 sets 2 sets NIL 2. Hydrometer 2 sets 2 sets NIL 3. Liquid and plastic limit apparatus 2 sets 2 sets NIL 4. Shinkage limit apparatus 3 sets 3 sets NIL 5. Proctor compaction apparatus 2 sets 2 sets NIL 6. UTM of minimum of 20KN capacity 1 1 NIL 7. Direct shear apparatus 1 1 NIL 8. Thermometer 2 2 NIL 9. Field density measuring device 2 2 NIL 10. Triaxial shear apparatus 1 1 NIL 11. Three gang consolidation test device 1 1 NIL 107 Degree Course : : BE CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : GE2321-COMMUNICATION SKILLS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 No. 1 No. NIL 60 No. 60 No. Server o PIV system o 1 GB RAM / 40 GB HDD o OS: Win 2000 server o Audio card with headphones (with mike) o JRE 1.3 2. Client Systems o PIII or above o 256 or 512 MB RAM /40 GB HDD o OS: Win 2000 o Audio card with headphones (with mike) o JRE 1.3 108 NIL 3. NIL Softwares a) Interactive Teacher Control Software Available / Not Available b) English Language Lab Software Available / Not Available Available NIL c) Career Lab software Available / Not Available Available NIL 4. Handicam Video Camera (with video lights and mic input) 1 No. 5. Television - 29” 6. Available NIL 1 NIL 1 No. 1 NIL Collar mike 1 No. 1 NIL 7. Cordless mikes 1 No. 1 NIL 8. Audio Mixer 1 No. 1 NIL 9. DVD Recorder / Player 1 No. 1 NIL 10. LCD Projector with MP3 /CD /DVD provision for audio / video facility - Desirable 1 No. 109 Available NIL Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 06 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : CE2356- ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. PH meter 1 No. 1 No NIL 2. Turbidity meter 1 No. 1 No NIL 3. Conductivity meter 1 No. 1 No NIL 4. Refrigerator 1 No. 1 No 5. BOD incubator 1 No. 1 No 6. Muffle furnace 1 No. 1 No 7. Hot air oven 1 No. 1 No 8. Magnetic stirrer with hot plates 5 Nos. 5 Nos 9. Desicator 1 No. 1 No 10. Jar test apparatus 1 No. 1 No 110 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 11. Water bath 1 No. 1 No 12. Furniture 1 lot 1 lot 13. Glass waves / Cruicibles 1 lot 1 lot 14. Chemicals 1 lot 1 lot 15. COD apparatus 1 No. 1 No 16. Kjeldane apparatus 1 No. 1 No 17. Heating mantles 5 Nos. 5 Nos 18. Calorimeter 1 No. 1 No Chlorine comparator 1 No. 1 No 19. Furniture : Work table 10 Nos. 10 Nos 20. Beaker 30 Nos. 30 Nos 21. Standard flask 30 Nos. 30 Nos 22. Burette with stand 15 Nos. 15 Nos 19. 111 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 23. Pipette 15 Nos. 15 Nos 24. Crucible 15 Nos. 15 Nos 25. Filtration assembly 1 No. 1 No 26. Chemicals Lot Lot Degree : BE Course : CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester : 07 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : NIL NIL NIL NIL CE2405- Computer Aided Design and Drafting Laboratory List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 30nos 2 Computer System 17” VGA Color Monitor Pentium IV Processor 40 GB HDD 512 MB RAM Color Desk Jet Printer 01 01* No NIL 3 Suitable analysis software 30 licenses 30 licenses NIL 4 C / MATLAB 5 licenses 5 licenses NIL 1 30 *Nos NIL (*)PURCHASE ORDER PLACED-Copy Enclosed 112 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 113 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation :2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 147351-DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 Digital IC Tester 2 2 NIL 2 Power Supply 10 10 NIL 3 Multimeter 10 10 NIL 4 Computer with HDL software Installed 2 2 NIL 5 IC7400 25 25 NIL 6 IC7404 25 25 NIL 7 IC74682 25 25 NIL 8 IC7402 25 25 NIL 9 IC7408 25 25 NIL 10 IC7411 25 25 NIL 11 IC7432 25 25 NIL 12 IC7483 25 25 NIL 13 IC7485 25 25 NIL 114 14 IC7486 25 25 NIL 15 IC74150 25 25 NIL 16 IC74151 25 25 NIL 17 IC74147 25 25 NIL 18 IC7445 25 25 NIL 19 IC7474 25 25 NIL 20 IC7476 25 25 NIL 21 IC7491 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 22 23 IC7494 IC7447 24 IC74180 25 25 NIL 25 IC555 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 26 27 28 29 Seven Segment Display LEDs Bread Board Wires NIL 115 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 147352- ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LAB I List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 Variable DC Power Supply 8 8 NIL 2 CRO 10 10 NIL 3 Multimeter 6 6 NIL 4 Function Generator 8 8 NIL 5 DC Ammeter 10 10 NIL 6 DC Voltmeter 10 10 NIL 7 BC 107 25 25 NIL 8 BC147 25 25 NIL 9 BC 108 25 25 10 BC 148 25 25 11 BC547 25 25 12 BC 548 25 25 13 SL 100 25 25 116 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 14 SK100 25 25 15 Resistors 1/4 Watt Assorted 25 25 16 Capacitors 25 25 17 Inductors 25 25 18 Diodes 25 25 19 Zener Diodes 25 25 20 Bread Boards 25 25 21 Transformers 4 4 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 147353- DATA STRUCTURES AND OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 P IV Computer Variable DC Power Supply 30 Nos 30 Nos NIL 2 C and C++ Compiler 30 Users 30 Users NIL 117 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 147451-ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS II AND SIMULATION LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 Variable DC Power Supply 8 8 NIL 2 Fixed Power Supply 4 4 NIL 6 6 NIL 6 6 NIL 2 2 NIL 6 6 NIL 1 1 NIL 6 6 NIL 25 25 NIL 3 CRO 4 Digital Multimeter 5 Analog Multimeter 6 Function Generator 7 Digital LCR Meter 8 PC with SPICE Simulation Software 9 BC107 118 10 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL BF195 11 2N2222 12 BC147 25 25 NIL 13 Resistors 1/4 Watt Assorted 25 25 NIL 14 Capacitors 25 25 NIL 15 Inductors 25 25 NIL 16 Diodes 25 25 NIL 17. Zener Diodes 25 25 NIL 18. Bread Boards 25 25 NIL 119 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 147453- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND CONTROL SYSTEM LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 Motor Generator set - 1 2 5A Rheostat 200 1EACH 1EACH NIL 3 1.5A .Rheostat 175 1EACH 1EACH NIL 1EACH 1EACH NIL I,2 No. 1,2No. NIL 2No. 2No. 1 No. 1 No. 4 5 6 7 Voltmeter DC 300V 30V Ammeter DC 30A, 2A DPST switch 1 DC Motor NIL NIL 8 DPST switch 1 No. 1 No. NIL 9 Three point starter 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. NIL 10 Tachometer 11 DC Motor 12 , 5A Rheostat 100 , 1.5A 175 120 NIL 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Voltmeter DC 300V Ammeter DC 5A 2A DPST switch Tachometer Single phase Transformer Wattmeter 300V, 5A,UPF 300V, 5A,LPF Voltmeter AC 300V 20 Ammeter AC 5A 30A 21 Single phase auto-transformer 22 Resistive load 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. NIL NIL Motor Alternator set - 1 23 24 25 26 27 , 5A Rheostat 200 , 1.5A 175 Voltmeter DC Voltmeter AC 300V 600V Ammeter DC Ammeter AC 2A, 30A DPST switch NIL NIL NIL NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. NIL 121 NIL TPST switch 28 Tachometer 1 No. 1 No. Three Phase Induction Motor - 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Wattmeter 600V, 10A,UPF 2 Voltmeter AC 600V Ammeter AC 10A 1 Brake drum arrangement Star delta starter 1 Tachometer 1 1 Three Phase Induction Motor - 1 Wattmeter 600V, 10A,UPF 600V, 5A,LPF Brake drum arrangement 3 Voltmeter AC 600V 150V 40 Ammeter AC 10A 5A 41 Three phase auto-transformer NIL NIL 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL NIL 2 No. EACH 2 No EACH. 1 No. 1 No. NIL NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. 2 No. EACH 2 No EACH. 1 No. 1 No. NIL 122 NIL Three point starter 1 42 43 44 45 Four point starter 1 Star-delta starter 1 DOL starter 1 46 Three phase auto-transformer 47 48 49 Matlab software for minimum 3 users license Matlab software for minimum 3 users license Resistor NIL 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 3 users 3 users NIL 3 users 3 users NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. NIL Motor Generator set - 1 50 NIL DC Motor - 1 51 52 53 54 Capacitor Function generator Bread Board , 5A Rheostat 200 55 , 1.5A 175 Voltmeter DC 300V 56 30V NIL 123 57 58 DPST switch 2 Three point starter 1 59 Tachometer 60 61 62 63 , 1.5A 1 Rheostat 175 Voltmeter DC 300V 1 Ammeter DC 30A 1 DPST switch 1 64 Three point starter 2No. 2 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. EACH 1 No EACH. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 147452-LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 2 3 Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 10 10 NIL 9 9 NIL 10 10 NIL Dual ,(0-30V) variable Power Supply CRO Digital Multimeter 124 4 8 8 NIL 2 2 NIL 10 10 NIL 1 1 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL Function Generator 5 IC Tester (Analog) 6 Bread board 7 Computer (PSPICE installed) 8 IC 741 9 IC NE555 10 LED 11 12 LM317 LM723 13 ICSG3524 / SG3525 14 Transistor - 2N3391 15 Diodes 16 17 Zener diodes Potentiometer 125 18 Step-down transformer 19 1 1 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL 25 25 NIL Capacitor 20. Resistors 1/4 Watt Assorted 21. Single Strand Wire Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EC2306- DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the equipment/software PCs with Fixed / Floating point DSP Processors (Kit / Add-on Card List of software required: MATLAB with Simulink and Signal Processing Tool Box Quantity required Quantity available 15 Units (2 students per system) 15 Units (2 students per system) 10 Users license 10 Users license 15 15 15 15 Function Generators (1MHz) Deficiency % NIL NIL NIL NIL CRO (20MHz) 126 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EC2307-COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available 15 15 15 15 NIL 15 15 NIL 10 10 NIL 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL CRO – 20 MHz Function Generator (1 MHz ) Power Supply ( 0 - 30 Volts Variable ) ( IC Power supply) Bread Board AM Transceiver Kit FM Transceiver Kit PAM,PPM,PWM Trainer Kits PCM /DM/ ADM Trainer Kit 127 Deficiency % NIL 9. 10. 11 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Line Coding & Decoding Kit 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL 2 2 NIL 5 user license 5 user license ASK,PSK,FSK,QPSK Trainer Kits Sampling & TDM trainer kit Mat lab (Communication tool box) NIL IC 565,566,567,741 BC 107 BFW10 OA79 Minimum of 50 No. each Resistors ( Various ranges ) Capacitors ( Various ranges ) Decade Inductance box 128 Minimum of 50 No. Each NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 06 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EC2356- MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available 8086 Trainer 15 Nos. 15 Nos 8051 Trainer 15 Nos. 15 Nos NIL 8255 Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL 8279 Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL 8251 Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL ADC Interfacing card 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL DAC Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL Stepper motor Interfacing card 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL DC motor Interfacing card 3 Nos. 3 Nos NIL 8259 Interfacing card 129 Deficiency % NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 06 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : CS2308- COMPUTER NETWORKS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 30 Nos. 30 Nos NIL 1 PC (with recent specification) 2 Ethernet LAN trainer 2 2 NIL 3 Wireless LAN trainer 2 2 NIL 4 Network Simulator Software 20 Nos. 20 No 5 C. Complier All the 30 Systems All the 30 Systems 6 Java All the 30 systems All the 30 systems 130 NIL NIL NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : GE2321-COMMUNICATION SKILLS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 No. 1 No. NIL 60 No. 60 No. Server o PIV system o 1 GB RAM / 40 GB HDD o OS: Win 2000 server o Audio card with headphones (with mike) o JRE 1.3 2. Client Systems o PIII or above o 256 or 512 MB RAM /40 GB HDD NIL o OS: Win 2000 131 o Audio card with headphones (with mike) o JRE 1.3 3. Softwares a) Interactive Teacher Control Software Available / Not Available Available NIL b) English Language Lab Software Available / Not Available Available NIL c) Career Lab software Available / Not Available Available NIL 4. Handicam Video Camera (with video lights and mic input) 1 No. 1 No. 5. Television - 29” 1 No. 1No. NIL 6. Collar mike 1 No. 1No. NIL 7. Cordless mikes 1 No. 1 No. NIL 8. Audio Mixer 1 No. 1No. NIL 9. DVD Recorder / Player 1 No. 1No. NIL 10. LCD Projector with MP3 /CD /DVD provision for audio / video facility - Desirable 1 No. Available 132 NIL NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 06 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EC2357- VLSI DESIGN LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software No. of systems required 1 Quantity required Quantity available 15 (2 students per system) 15 (2 students per system) Deficiency % NIL List of software required 2 a) Simulator and Synthesizer tool with down loader (VHDL/Verilog) 15 User license each 15 User license Each NIL 15 nos. 15 nos NIL b) Transistor level Spice modeling tool 3 No. of FPGA kits required with a) I/O cards b) Add on cards for FPGA 133 Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 07 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EC2404- ELECTRONICS SYSTEM DESIGN LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: S.No. Description of Equipment Quantity Quantity Deficiency % required available 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Dual Power supply ±15V Ammeter (Multimeter) Temperature Measurement Transducer Power Supply (for IC 555 Relays Indicator leds System with ARCAD Software TMS320C5416 (with CCS) and system, speaker 8051 based Trainer kit, System with interfaces like ADC, DAC, Keyboard and Display CRO Function Generator Regulated Power supply – (0-30V) Regulated Power supply – (0-5V) Transistors and Diodes – 2N3055, BFW10, BC547, BT012, IN4007, CED, SL100 ICS – IC741, IC7414, IC555, IC7805, IC7474, IC7107 ) Resistors – 5.6K, 56K, 9K, 22K, 100K, 27Ώ Capacitors – 0.1µf, 100µf, 50µf, 10nf,47nf 8Ώ Speaker TSOP (* ) PURCHASE ORDER PLACED. -Copy Enclosed 134 6 6* 6 6* 6 6 6 6* 6* 6* Each 3 5 5 10 2 Each 3* Each 25 Each 25* Each 10 Each 25 Each 25 2 2 Each 10* Each 25* Each 25* 2* 2* 5* 5* 10* 2* NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Degree : BE Course : ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Semester : 07 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : EC2405-Optical & Microwave LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 2 Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Klystron power supply 3 Nos 3* Nos Klystron Tube 3 Nos 3* Nos Deficiency % NIL 3 Gunn Power Supply 3 Nos 3* Nos NIL NIL 4 Gunn oscillator 3 Nos 3* Nos NIL 5 PIN Modulator 3 Nos 3* Nos NIL 6 Isolator 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 7 Attenuator 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 8 Frequency Meter 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 9 Slotted Section 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 10 Detector Mount 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 11 Termination 10 Nos 10* Nos NIL 12 Movable Short 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 13 Slide Screw Tuner 4 Nos 4* Nos NIL 135 14 Horn Antenna 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 15 Fixed Attenuator 3 Nos 3* Nos NIL 16 Magic TEE 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 17 E-Plane TEE 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 18 H-Plane TEE 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 19 Directional Coupler 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 20 VSWR Meter 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 21 CRO 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 22 Power Meter 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 23 Radiation Table 1 No 1* No NIL 24 Universal Waveguide Stand 25 Nos 25* Nos NIL 25 Optical Power Source 4 Nos 4* Nos NIL 26 Fiber Optic Power Meter 4 Nos 4* Nos NIL 27 Fiber Optic Trainer Kit 5 Nos 5* Nos NIL 28 Multiplexer / Demultiplexer Kit 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 29 Laser Trainer kit 2 Nos 2* Nos NIL 30 PIN Diode 3 Nos 3* Nos NIL 31 LED Mounted Source at Wavelength 870nm 3 Nos 3* Nos NIL (* ) PURCHASE ORDER PLACED. -Copy Enclosed 136 MECHANICAL Engineering 137 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : R 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 113351-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY LAB - I List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software 1. Centre Lathe with accessories 2 Welding Quantity required 15 Quantity available 15 Deficiency % NIL NIL 2.1 Arc welding machine 04 04 NIL 2.2 Gas welding machine 01 01 NIL 2.3 Brazing machine 01 01 NIL 3. Sheet Metal Work facility 3.1 Hand Shear 300mm 01 01 NIL 3.2 Bench vice 05 05 NIL 3.3 Standard tools and calipers for sheet metal work 05 05 NIL 4 NIL Sand moulding Facility NIL 4.1 Moulding Table 05 05 NIL 4.2 Moulding boxes, tools and patterns 05 05 NIL 5 5.1 Plastic Moulding Injection Moulding Machine NIL 01 01 138 NIL Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 113352-FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY LAB List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. Orifice meter setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 2. Venturi meter setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 3. Rotameter setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 4. Pipe Flow analysis setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 5. Centrifugal pump/submergible pump setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 6. Reciprocating pump setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 7. Gear pump setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 8. Pelton wheel setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 9. Francis turbine setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 10. Kaplan turbine setup 1 No. 1 No. NIL 139 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 03 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 113353-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 DC Shunt motor 2 2 NIL 2 DC Series motor 1 1 NIL 3 DC shunt motor-DC Shunt Generator set 1 1 NIL 4 DC Shunt motor-DC Series Generator set 1 1 NIL 5 Single phase transformer 2 2 NIL 6 Three phase alternator 2 2 NIL 7 Three phase synchronous motor 1 1 NIL 8 Three phase Squirrel cage Induction motor 1 1 NIL 9 Three phase Slip ring Induction motor 1 1 NIL Single phase Induction motor 1 1 NIL 10 140 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 113452-STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 1 NIL Universal Tensile Testing machine with double shear attachment – 40 Ton Capacity 2. Torsion Testing Machine (60 NM Capacity) 1 1 NIL 3. Impact Testing Machine (300 J Capacity) 1 1 NIL 4. Brinnel Hardness Testing Machine 1 1 NIL 5. Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine 1 1 NIL 6. Spring Testing Machine for tensile and 1 1 NIL compressive loads (2500 N) 7. Metallurgical Microscopes 3 3 NIL 8. Muffle Furnace (800 °C) 1 1 NIL 141 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 113453- COMPUTER AIDED MACHINE DRAWING LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 30 Nos. 30 Nos. NIL 1. Computer Systems 17” Graphics Terminal Pentium IV Processor 80 GB HDD 512 MB RAM Advanced graphics accelerator 2. Laser Printer 01 01 NIL 3. Plotter (A2 Size) 01 01 NIL 4. Software 30 seats of latest/recent versions of AutoCAD/CATIA/SOLIDWORKS/SOLID EDGE/NX/PRO-E/COLLABCAD or equivalent software 142 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 04 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : 113451-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY - II List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL 1. Centre Lathes 2. Turret and Capstan Lathes 1 No each 1 No each NIL 3. Horizontal Milling Machine 1 No 1 No NIL 4. Vertical Milling Machine 1 No 1 No NIL 5. Surface Grinding Machine 1 No 1 No NIL 6. Cylindrical Grinding Machine 1 No. 1 No. NIL 7. Shaper 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL 8. Slotter 1 No. 1 No. NIL 9. Planner 1 No. 1 No. NIL 10. Radial Drilling Machine 1 No. 1 No. NIL 11. Tool Dynamometer 1 No 1 No NIL 12. Gear Hobbing Machine 1 No 1 No NIL 13. Tool Makers Microscope 1 No 1 No NIL 143 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : ME2306-THERMAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY - I List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. I.C Engine – 2 stroke and 4 stroke model 1 Set 1 Set NIL 2. Red Wood Viscometer 1 No. 1 No 3. Apparatus for Flash and Fire Point 1 No. 1 No NIL NIL 4. 4-stroke Diesel Engine with mechanical loading. 1 No. 1 No NIL 5. 4-stroke Diesel Engine with hydraulic loading. 1 No. 1 No NIL 6. 4-stroke Diesel Engine with electrical loading. 1 No. 1 No NIL 7. Multi-cylinder Petrol Engine 1 No. 1 No NIL 8. Single cylinder Petrol Engine Data Acquisition system with any one of the above engines 1 No. 1 No 1 No. 1 No NIL NIL 1 No. 1 No 9. 10. Steam Boiler with turbine setup 144 NIL Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : ME2307- DYNAMICS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. Cam analyzer. 1 No. 1 No NIL 2. Motorised gyroscope. 1 No. 1 No NIL 1 No. 1 No NIL 1 No. 1 No NIL 4. Governor apparatus - Watt, Porter, Proell and Hartnell governors. Whirling of shaft apparatus. 5. Dynamic balancing machine. 1 No. 1 No NIL 6. Static and dynamic balancing machine. 1 No. 1 No NIL 7. Vibrating table 1 No. 1 No NIL 8. Vibration test facilities apparatus 1 No. 1 No NIL 9. Gear Model Kinematic Models to study various mechanisms 1 No. 1 No NIL 1 No. 1 No NIL 3. 10. 145 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : ME2308- METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. Micrometer 5 Nos 5 Nos NIL 2. Vernier Caliper 5 Nos 5 Nos NIL 3. Vernier Height Gauge 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL 4. Vernier depth Gauge 2 Nos 2 Nos NIL 5. Slip Gauge Set 1 No 1 No NIL 6. Gear Tooth Vernier 1 No 1 No NIL 7. Sine Bar 1 No 1 No NIL 8. Sine Center 1 No 1 No NIL 9. Bevel Protractor 1 No 1 No NIL 10. Floating Carriage Micrometer 1 No 1 No NIL 11. Profile Projector / Tool Makers Microscope 1 No 1 No NIL 146 12. Mechanical Comparator 13. / Electrical / Pneumatic 1 No 1 No NIL Autocollimator 1 No 1 No NIL 14. Temperature Measuring Setup 1 No 1 No NIL 15. Displacement Measuring Setup 1 No 1 No NIL 16. Force Measuring Setup 1 No 1 No NIL 17. Torque Measuring Setup 1 No 1 No NIL 18. Vibration / Shock Measuring Setup 1 No 1 No NIL Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 05 Regulation : 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : ME2309- CAD/CAM LABORATORY Sl. No. 1. 2. List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Quantity Name of the equipment/software Quantity available Deficiency % required HARDWARE Computer Server Computer nodes or systems (High end CPU with at least 1 GB main memory) networked to the server 147 1 No 1 No NIL 30 Nos 30 Nos NIL 3. A3 size plotter 1 No 1 No NIL 4. 5. 6. Laser Printer Trainer CNC Lathe Trainer CNC milling 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No NIL NIL NIL 15 licenses 15 LICENSE NIL 15 licenses 15 LICENSE NIL Adequate Adequate NIL 7. 8. 9. SOFTWARE CAD/CAM software (Pro-E or IDEAS or Unigraphics or CATIA) CAM Software (CNC Programming and tool path simulation for FANUC /Sinumeric and Heiden controller) Licensed operating system Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 06 Regulation : R 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : ME2355-Thermal Engineering Laboratory II List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1. Guarded plate apparatus 1 No. 1 No NIL 2. Lagged pipe apparatus 1 No. 1 No NIL 3. Natural convection-vertical cylinder apparatus 1 No. 1 No NIL 4. Forced convection inside tube apparatus 1 No. 1 No NIL 148 1 No. 1 No 1 No NIL NIL Emissivity measurement apparatus 1 No. 1 No NIL Parallel/counter flow heat exchanger apparatus 1 No. 1 No NIL 1 No NIL 5. Pin-fin apparatus 1 No. 6. Stefan-Boltzmann apparatus 7. 8. Single/two stage reciprocating air compressor. 9. 1 No. 10. Refrigeration test rig 1 No. 1 No NIL 11. Air-conditioning test rig 1 No. 1 No NIL Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 06 Regulation : R 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : GE2321-Communication Skills Laboratory List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1. Name of the equipment/software Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 No NIL Server o PIV system o 1 GB RAM / 40 GB HDD 1 No. o OS: Win 2000 server 149 o Audio card with headphones (with mike) o JRE 1.3 2. Client Systems o PIII or above o 256 or 512 MB RAM /40 GB HDD o OS: Win 2000 60 No. 60 Nos. NIL o Audio card with headphones (with mike) o JRE 1.3 3. Softwares a) Interactive Teacher Control Software Available / Not Available NIL Available b) English Language Lab Software Available / Not Available Available NIL c) Career Lab software Available / Not Available Available NIL 1 No. NIL 4. Handicam Video Camera (with video lights and mic input) 1 No. 5. Television - 29” 1 No. 1 No. NIL 6. Collar mike 1 No. 1 No. NIL 150 7. Cordless mikes 1 No. 1 No. NIL 8. Audio Mixer 1 No. 1 No. NIL 9. DVD Recorder / Player 1 No. 1 No. NIL 10. LCD Projector with MP3 /CD /DVD provision 1 No. for audio / video facility - Desirable Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 07 Regulation : R 2008 Available Name of the Laboratory Subject : ME2404- COMPUTER AIDED SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. Name of the equipment/software Computer System 1. 2. 3. 4. 17” VGA Color Monitor Pentium IV Processor 40 GB HDD 512 MB RAM Color Desk Jet Printer Quantity required Quantity available 30 Nos 30* Nos NIL LABORATORY Deficiency % NIL 01 No 01* No NIL software Suitable analysis software 30 licenses 30* licenses NIL C / MATLAB 5 licenses 5 licenses NIL (* ) PURCHASE ORDER PLACED. -Copy Enclosed 151 Degree : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Course : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : 07 Regulation : R 2008 Name of the Laboratory Subject : PR2353- MECHATRONICS LABORATORY List of equipment required for a batch of 30 students for U.G. / 25 students for P.G.: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the equipment/software Basic Pneumatic Trainer Kit with manual and electrical controls/ PLC Control each Basic Hydraulic Trainer Kit Hydraulics and Pneumatics Systems Simulation Software / Automation studio sets 8051 - Microcontroller kit with stepper motor and drive circuit sets LAB VIEW software with Sensors to measure Pressure, Flow rate, direction, speed, velocity and force.seats Quantity required Quantity available Deficiency % 1 No 1*No NIL 1 No 1*No NIL 10 Nos 10*Nos NIL 2 Nos 2*Nos NIL 2 Nos 2*Nos NIL (* ) PURCHASE ORDER PLACED. -Copy Enclosed 152 17. i. ii. Central Computing Facility Area Area required (sq.m.) Area available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 150 150 NIL Terminals and LAN/WAN connections: Norms for number of terminals: Terminal: Student B.E./B. Tech. 1:4 M.E./M.Tech. 1:2 B.Arch. 1:5 M.B.A. 1:2 M.C.A 1:2 Number of terminals with P4 processor Number of terminals on LAN/WAN Number of Printers Required 360 (All) 36 Available 385 Available 42 Deficiency NIL NIL 153 NIL iii. Softwares Software required Name of the software available Deficiency % 1.MS WINDOWS 2000 2.WINDOWS XP System software – Three 3.MS WINDOWS 2003 4.MS WINDOWS2008 5.LINUX FEDORA 1) Borland C/C++ 2) Visual Studio 6.0 3) MS office Xp 4) MS Office 2003 NIL Application software – (Twenty) 5) MS office 2007 6) SQL Server 2000 7) SQL Server 2005 8) SQL Server 2008 9) Oracle 8i 154 10) Oracle 10g 11) Oracle 11g 12) Adobe Photoshop 13) Adobe Flash 14) Macromedia Dream Weaver 15) Adobe page Maker 16) Adobe Director 17) Rational Suite 18) MAT Lab 19) Orcad(Pspice) 20) Model Simulator 21) Communication Laboratory Software English Lab Career Lab Teacher Console Aptitude Lab 155 iv. Network connectivity Bandwidth : 10 mbps Number of nodes with Internet connection : 60 nodes Norms: Bandwidth : 1Mbps Number of Internet services :2 For colleges offering only Architecture course: 18. i. Bandwidth : 1Mbps Number of Internet services :1 Library Area Area required for an intake of 240 students (sq.m.) 400 (150 for colleges having only Architecture courses) & 100 for Management Institution Projected Area (sq.m.) Area available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 400 400 NIL 156 ii. Books and Journals a) Books Science & Humanities Engg. / Tech., Arch. & Plan., Management and Computer applications Total no. of volumes (M1 + M2 + M3) No. of volumes (M1) No. of titles (T) No. of volumes (M2) No. of volumes added for the year 2012-13 (M3) Required 1000 100+(200*4=800)=900 6,000 1.750 1000+6000+1,750=8,750 Available 1,682 1,976 6,500 1,870 10,052 Deficiency % NIl NIL NIL NIL NIL 157 b) Journals National journal Sl. No. Degree 1 2 3 4 BE BE BE BE Course ECE EEE MECH CIVIL International journal R (Refer norms) A %D R (Refer norms) A %D 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 NIL NIL NIL NIL 6 6 6 6 17 13 11 12 NIL NIL NIL NIL *Our Institute is Subscribed for all AICTE Prescribed E-Journals in a digital library proof Enclosed Norms: Technology Journals Sl. No. Courses National International 1. B.E. / B.Tech. 6 6 2. M.E. / M.Tech. - 1 3. Arch. 5 5 4. M.B.A. 15 15 5. M.C.A. 6 6 158 19. Class Rooms Norms for Class Room Capacity Area (sq.m) 66 i. Capacity 60 Class Rooms available in the whole college Sl. No. Area (length x width) in square metre Number of rooms Type of roof (RCC/asbestos) Capacity (for calculation, refer norms given above) 1 66 28 RCC 66 Total 1848 ii. Sl. No. 1 66 Summary Required Number of Class rooms required for the college = 7*4=28 159 Available Deficiency % 28 NIL 20. Drawing Halls i. Number of drawing halls required Norm • • • Number of drawing halls required for B.E. / B.Tech courses = [Total sanctioned intake for the college / 240] Number of studios required for B.Arch course is 5. Number of conference rooms required for M.B.A. course is 3. Sl. No. Courses Number of drawing halls required (Total sanctioned intake for the college / 240) Number available Deficiency % 1 B.E/B.Tech 2 2 NIL ii. Area of the drawing hall Norm Course 1. Area required for each drawing hall B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. 132 sq.m. Sl. No. Courses Area of the each drawing hall required (sq.m.) Area of the drawing hall available (sq.m.) 1 BE 132 264 Total 264 160 Deficiency % NIL NIL 21. Other building space i. Administrative Area Sl. No. Building space for Carpet Area required (sq.m) * Available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 1. Principal / Director office 30 66 NIL 2. Board Room 20 66 NIL 3. Office all inclusive 150* / 300s 150 NIL 4. Department offices 20 100 NIL 5. Cabins for Head of Departments 10 40 NIL 6. Faculty Rooms 5 455 NIL 7. Central Stores 30 30 NIL 8. Maintenance 10 10 NIL 9. Security 10 20 NIL 10. Housekeeping 10 20 NIL 11. Pantry for staff 10 20 NIL 12. Examinations Control office 30 66 NIL 13. Placement office 30 30 NIL * Technical Campus having more than one Program S Technical Campus having one Program 161 ii. Amenities Carpet Area (sq.m.) required for Technical campus Sl. No. Building space for One Program More than one Program Available (sq.m.) Deficiency % 150s 350* 355 NIL 1. Toilets (Ladies & Gents) 2. Boys Common Room 75 100 100 NIL 3. Girls Common Room 75 100 100 NIL 4. Cafeteria 150 150 150 NIL 5. Stationery Store & Reprography 10 10 21 NIL 6. First Aid cum Sick room 10 10 21 NIL 7. Principal’s quarters 150 150 150 NIL 8. Guest House 30 30 30 NIL 9. Sports Club / Gymnasium 100 200 132 NIL 10. Auditorium / Amphi Theater 250 400 310 NIL 11. Boys Hostel Adequate Adequate 1000 NIL 12. Girls Hostel Adequate Adequate 1000 NIL 162 22. Hostels Distance between the location of the college and the city: Norms Carpet Area (sq.m.) 9 20 Single room Triple seated room i. Boys Hostel Norms • For the first year students a maximum of three in a room and for others single seated rooms to be provided. • Total hostel capacity required for boys is 25% of boys’ strength in the college if the college is located within 20 kms of a large city • Total hostel capacity required for boys is 50 % of boys’ strength in the college if the college is situated in other locations. • Accommodation for 120 students is to be considered as one hostel unit. A. Details Sl. No. Block number Carpet area of room (sq.m.) 1 3 Room capacity (a) (refer norms given above) Number of rooms (b) Capacity per Block (c) = (a) x (b) 2 144 288 12 Total B. 288 Summary Total hostel capacity required for boys (refer norms given above) Total hostel capacity available for boys Deficiency % 104 288 NIL 163 ii. Girls Hostel Norms For the first year students a maximum of three in a room and for others single seated rooms to be provided. Total hostel capacity required for girls is 50% of girls’ strength in the college if the college is located within 20 km of a large city Total hostel capacity required for girls is 100 % of girls’ strength in the college if the college is situated in other locations. A. Details Sl. No. Block number Carpet area of room (sq.m.) 1 BIEW Room capacity (a) (refer norms given above) Number of rooms (b) Capacity per Block (c) = (a) x (b) 3 65 195 24 Total B. 195 Summary Total hostel capacity required for girls (refer norm given above) Total hostel capacity available for girls Deficiency % 52 195 NIL 164 iii. Sl. No. Other related building areas Description of the area Required carpet area (sq.m.) per hostel unit of 120 students Projected area required (sq.m.) Available carpet area (sq.m.) Deficiency % 1. Kitchen and Dining Hall 200 200 NIL 2. Indoor games cum Common hall 150 150 NIL 3. Medical room (for all hostels) 50 50 NIL 4. Canteen 50 50 NIL 18 18 5. Warden office Additional four rooms of 9 sq.m. each within the blocks 108 18 (2 nos.) 36 6. Guest rooms Additional four rooms of 9 sq.m. each within the blocks 108 7. Toilets 75 75 iv. 50 NIL NIL NIL Details of Teachers Hostel available (It is desirable to have a hostel type accommodation for 25% strength of the teachers with the norm of 30 sq.m. carpet area per teacher inclusive of an attached toilet room.) 165 23. Sl. No. 1 Physical Education Description Details Total area of the play ground 1.5 acres 1. Cricket 2. volleyball 2 Details of the outdoor games available 3. Football 4. Athletics – 400mtrack 1. Carrom 2. Chess 3 Details of the Indoor games available 3. shuttle 4. Table Tennis 1. Twist 2. Electrical Tread mill 4 Details of gymnasium available 3. Leg press 4. Arm curl 5 Fund allotted to Physical Education 10% of annual budget 166 24. Training and Placement Cell i. Details of the staff Sl. No. Name 1. M.ARUL JOSEPH AMALRAJ 2. SELVA PRIYA ii. Designation Department Placement Officer Placement Department Training Officer Training Department Facilities available Sl. No. 25. Item Available (Y/N) 1 Conference hall Y 2 Interview room Y 3 OHP Y 4 LCD projector Y 5 Audio visual facilities Y Alumni Association Is alumni association functioning in the college? Y/N: N 167 26. Other amenities i. Health Centre Sl. No. Name of the staff Designation Qualification Specialization Experience Gynecologist MBBS,DGO Gynecologist 5 yrs Gen Physician MBBS Gen Physician 1Yr 5 months 1 Dr. Agasthini 2 Dr.Padma 3 T.Saraswathy Staff Nurse DGNM Nursing care 6 yrs 4 Neelavani Staff Nurse Diploma Nurse Nursing care 6 yrs 5 Mary Ebinezar Staff Nurse Diploma Nurse Nursing care 8 yrs 6 Jeba Jayaraj Staff Nurse Diploma Nurse Nursing care 3 yrs 7 Valliammal Nursing Asst MPHW Nursing care 6 yrs 8 Bharatha Selvi Nursing Asst FNA Nursing care 7 yrs 9 Muniammal Nursing Asst FNA Nursing care 7 yrs 10 Jessy Wilson Lab Technician D.M.L.T Lab 8 yrs 11 Nathiya Lab Technician D.M.L.T Lab 6 yrs 12 Siakumar .B Physiotherapist B.P.T Physiotherapy 7 yrs 13 Naveena Pharmacist D.Pharm Pharmacy 4 yrs 14 Bhuvaneshwari Pharmacist D.Pharm Pharmacy 3 yrs 15 Gessy Jacob Staff Nurse Diploma in Nursing Nursing care 1 year 16 Sathya vani Nursing Asst ANM Nursing care 2 Months 17 Suganya Nursing Asst ANM Nursing care 1 Year 168 ii. Others Sl. Amenity No. Available (Y/N) 1. Drinking water facility Y 2. Electric Supply Y 3. Generator (min. 25 KVA) Y 4. Sewage Disposal Y 5. Telephone facility Y 6. Vehicle parking stand Y 7. Website Y 8. Barrier free built Environment for disable Y 9. Safety Provisions (Fire and others) Y 10. General Insurance for assets Y 11. All weather approach road Y 12 Notice Boards Y 13 Public announcement System Y 14 ERP for student – Institution, Parent interaction Y 15 Transport facilities for staff and students Y 16 Bank / Extension counter facility / Post Y 17 CCTV Security Y 18. LCD in class rooms Y 19. Group Insurance for employee Y 20 Group Insurance for students Y 21 Staff Quarters Y Y 169 27. Registers and Records Sl. No. Name of Register / Record Is it maintained? (Y / N) 1. Department wise faculty profile Y 2. Department wise Non-Teaching Staff Profile Y 3. Register of attendance and assessment record (course wise) Y 4. Attendance for teaching and non-teaching staff Y 5. Advertisement for recruitment of faculty members Y 6. Minutes of the meeting of Staff Selection Committee Y 7. Appointment / offer letters issued to faculty members Y 8. Joining report of staff members Y 9. Record of students (course wise) Y 10. Academic performance record of students (course wise) Y 11. Record of student projects (UG, PG & PhD) Y 12. Register of attendance and assessment record (course wise) Y 13. Record of scholarships / fellowships / financial assistance for students Y 14. Book of Transfer certificate (including counterfoils) Y 15. Y Y 17. Copy of Regulations, curriculum and syllabi (course wise) Record of Research / Consultancy / Extension activities (Department wise) Record of Achievements, Award and Recognition (Department wise) 18. Master time table and Academic calendar Y 19. Accession register for library Y 20. Stock register for equipment Y 21. Stock register for consumable Y 22. Stock register for furniture Y 23. Stock register for tools and plants Y 24. Minutes of the meetings of the Governing council of the college Y 25. Y 28. Minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Monitoring Board Minutes of the meetings of the Registered Society / Trust of the college Year-wise audited statement of accounts of the college and also in the format specified by the University Cash book of the college 29. Acquaintance register Y 30 Fee receipt books (including counterfoils) Funds position / bank certificates / FDR copies to indicate financial stability Y 16. 26. 27. 31 Y 170 Y Y Y Y Y 28. Certificates The originals of the following are to be produced for verification at the time of inspection to the inspection committee members (copies need not be enclosed along with application) Sl. No. Certificate Available (Y / N) 1. Village field map / Field measurement book sketch Y 2. College site map / plan. Y 3. Existing building plan. Y 4. Building sketch [details of Rooms, Laboratories, Stores, Library etc. for all the floors] Y 5. Building plan proposed. Y 6. Irrevocable Trust Registration Deed. Y Documentary proof for ownership of lands exclusively earmarked for the College. Legal opinion from not below the rank of the Govt. pleader on the 8. ownership of land and extent of coverage. Land use Certificate from an appropriate authority (RDO) and Land 9. conversion certificate from the Directorate of Town & Country planning. # Certificate under Section 37 (B) of Tamil Nadu Land Reforms (Land 10. fixation and Ceiling) Act, 1961. 11. # State Government permission for starting the College. Y 12. AICTE approval for the course(s) (copy to be enclosed). Y 7. 13. Documents showing the financial viability of the college [details of financial budgeted revenue and expenses statements (Current year)]. 14. Composition of the Governing council. 15. Y Y Y Y Y Y Master Time – Table for all courses and all sections with classroom arrangements. Y 16. Audited statement of accounts of the college for the past three years. Y 17. Certificates for fire/boiler/electrical safety from competent authorities. Y 18. Certificate from Health Inspector. Y 19. Certificate from PWD Superintendent Engineer for the structural stability of the building 20. Building and equipment insurance certificate. Y Y # The application for affiliation will be considered without prejudice to the right of the University requiring the production of certificate under Section 37B of Tamil Nadu Land Reforms (LC) Act 1961 and the permission of the Government to establish the college subject to the verdicts of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras. 171 29. Inspection fee Details of Inspection fee remitted: (The D.D. has to be enclosed with the application) Courses for which affiliation is sought for the year 2012-13 Inspection fee per course Number of course(s) Total Amount (Rs) 1. Inspection fee for each of the already existing course with existing / reduction in intake Rs. 12,500/- 4 50,000/- 2. Inspection fee for each of the already affiliated course with increase in intake Rs. 25,000/- 3. Inspection fee for each additional academic course Rs. 25,000/- 4. Inspection fee for permanent affiliation for each of the already affiliated course with existing / reduction / increase in intake Rs. 25,000/- Sl. No. Grand Total D.D. No.: 580005 Date: 20/2/2012 Name of the Bank & Branch: VIJAYA BANK & VEL TECH ENGINEERING BRANCH (The D.D. to be drawn in favour of ‘The Director, Centre for Affiliation, AUTC’ payable at Chennai 172 30. Endorsement of the Principal I, Thiru Dr.K.RAJAN son of Thiru.G.KRISHNA SAMY on behalf of the VEL TECH hereby declare that the particulars furnished in the application are correct to the best of my knowledge. Principal (K.RAJAN) Seal Place: Avadi. Date: 24/2/2012. 173 31. Declaration by the Management I,Tmt. R.MahaLakshmi daughter of Thiru. Dr.R.Rangarajan on behalf of the trust, viz., R.S.TRUST hereby declare that the particulars furnished in the application are correct to the best of my knowledge. No programme(s) / course(s) will be started without the prior approval of the AICTE and the grant of affiliation by the Anna University of Technology Chennai for the academic year concerned and all the original documents related to the particulars given in the application will be produced at the time of inspection and whenever called for. Chairperson & Managing Trustee (R.MAHALAKSHMI) Seal Place: Avadi. Date: 24/2/2012. 174 ANNEXURE I (Refer Item 14(ii) of the Application for Affiliation) FACULTY REQUIREMENT FOR A GIVEN TOTAL SANCTIONED STRENGTH (S) FOR ALL ACADEMIC COURSES EXCEPT FOR B.ARCH. COURSES No. of faculty members required (R) Total sanctioned strength (S) Professor Asst. Prof. Lecturer Total 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480 495 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 175 No. of faculty members required (R) Total sanctioned strength (S) Professor Asst. Prof. Lecturer Total 510 525 540 555 570 585 600 615 630 645 660 675 690 705 720 735 750 765 780 795 810 825 840 855 870 885 900 915 930 945 960 975 990 1005 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 36 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 42 43 44 45 46 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 176 ANNEXURE II (Refer Item 14(ii) of the Application for Affiliation) FACULTY REQUIREMENT FOR A GIVEN TOTAL SANCTIONED STRENGTH (S) FOR B.ARCH. COURSES No. of faculty members required (R) Total sanctioned strength (S) Professor Asst. Prof. Lecturer Total 20 1/0 0/1 3 4 30 1/0 1/2 2 4 40 1/0 1/2 2 4 50 1/0 1/2 3 5 60 1/0 1/2 4 6 70 1/0 1/2 5 7 80 1/0 1/2 6 8 90 1 2 6 9 100 1 2 7 10 110 1 2 8 11 120 1 2 9 12 130 1 2 10 13 140 1 3 10 14 150 1 3 11 15 160 1 3 12 16 170 1 3 13 17 180 2 4 12 18 190 2 4 13 19 200 2 4 14 20 ******* 177
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