Sno-Burners Newsletter President`s Perspectives Pg 2 Club Info 3
Sno-Burners Newsletter President`s Perspectives Pg 2 Club Info 3
THE FLAME June 2006 Sno-Burners Newsletter President’s Perspectives by Maxine Spence “Going Forward”is our New National Brotherhood Skiers Strategy. More than seventy NBS club presidents convened in Denver April 21, 2006 to discuss the “State of the NBS” and the importance of bringing more value to the NBS organization. Especially when a large organization like ourselves are negotiating the right price for our members and ensuring the site selection for the Summit and AMCC meet our traveling needs. What value the new NBS is looking to bring our members? 1. Schedule dates for regional and summits activities up to 18 months in advance this will allow the clubs to plan their calendars according and give you ample time to plan your ski season. 2. Reduced price for early registration for Summit 2007. Now! Let me get straight to the point, what added benefits you can receive for being a Sno Burners going forward into the 2007 season. All renewals, new members and life time members will be enrolled complimentary into the Partner’s Program up to September 30, 2006. As a member of the Sno Burners Ski & Sports and Partners’program you and your family will enjoy discounted savings offered by many of the NBS sponsors. Whenever possibly “let spend our dollars with companies that support us”. “Subaru” our titled sponsor expressed their appreciation for the vehicles sold to many NBS partners, family and friends in the past year. And definitely wants to continue their relationship with the NBS. In doing so, Subaru is offering a $3000 discount to all club members, family members and friends on vehicles purchased using the NBS VIP Subaru cards. These cards will be issued to members renewing or joining the Sno Burners on or before September 30, 2006. Our other sponsors are: Spyder Sportswear agreed to offer 5% rebate to the NBS organization. FATE apparel offer is 20% off regular retail NBS Club members for online and phone purchase. Haber offer is 50% off retail affinity member code DW122p Bern Helmets offer wholesale prices to NBS club members for online purchases. Volkl, Rossignol, Atomic, Intrawest, Honey Let’s Travel Beyond X and the GANT committed to donating products to our events. In moving forward, we have a new line of Sno Burners club apparel. The vendor of choice is “Spyder Active Sportswear”. You will be able to place your order in July for delivery in January, 2007. Once again, congratulations to all the racers for the first place win for the second year at Winterfest Eastern Regional in Smugglers’Notch. See Prez Pg 4 Pg 2 Club Info 3 Smuggs 4 & 5 Prez - Memoriam 6 Calendar 7 Junior Burners 8 Race Day 9 Birthdays 10 Tailgate 11 Member Profile 12 Advertising Information Page 2 The Flame SNO-BURNER BRASS President Maxine Spence [212] 666-5365 Vice President Horace Barker [212]222-8137 Financial Secretary / Treasurer Maxine Spence [212] 666-5365 Executive Secretary Glory Lemons [ 212] 567-0786 Corresponding Secretary Doris Bailey Reavis [914] 937-6613 Committee Chairpersons Adult Racing -John Reavis [914] 937-6613 Fundraising General Activities - John Bland [718] 446-6411 - Freager Williams (assist.) Historian - Lorenzo Stubbs [212] 662-2752 Hospitality Membership - Jackie S. Hyatt [201] 487-1098 Public Relations and Newsletter - Jim Powell [914] 946-9381 - Horace Barker (Assist.) Safety - Diane Moizio [914] 793-8540 Strategic Planning - (Board of Directors) Trip - Alpine - Tony Jenkins [516] 483-6905 Youth Activities - Elijah Bell [718] 378-3540 Communications Jim Powell [914] 946-9381 Webmaster Tarkin Jones JR. BURNERS Youth Division of the Sno-Burners Executive Committee Chairperson … ...… Elijah Bell 973 Prospect Ave. Bronx, NY 10459 Treasurer … … … ..... Adrian Grist 31 Main Street, New York, NY 10044 Secretary … … ..… .. Karen Mallory Johnson 217 Hillside Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 Safety … … … … … .. Adrian Poinsette 679 Warburton Ave. Yonkers, NY 10701 Activities … … .....… Reta Fields 188-26 Jordan Ave. St. Albans, NY Get Your NEWSLETTER Hot Off The Presses. Send an email to to get on the Sno-Burners email listing. When everyone else’s newsletter issue goes to the printer and then mailed, yours will be sent immediately to your computer. Staff Doris Bailey Reavis Contributors Tony Jenkins Jim Powell Maxine Spence BOARD MEMBERS consists of Officers & Committee Chairs Join The SNO-BURNERS The Most Experienced Ski Club In the East The Flame Page 3 After a rocky start of indecision, contract disputes and change of venue from Attitash to Smugglers’Notch, Winterfest 2006 rebounded with one of the best trips in recent years for the Sno Burners. Although they had many questions, the members of the club took it all in stride with their response to all the confusion by having 50 plus bodies represent the club for the weekend. The Winterfest chairperson Diane Moizio along with her co-chair Rita Fields commented “every day it was a different scenario trying to pull this trip together with housing and registrations causing much concern.” Since it was late in the season, Smugglers’ Notch or SMUGGS as it is affectionately called was quite generous in the package that they offered the Eastern Region for Winterfest. Of course when you go skiing this late in the season, you have to know that the snow conditions will be subject to the ravages of the advancing spring weather. No one was surprised to see bare spots, running streams, temperatures in the low seventies on Friday and rain showers on Saturday. Conditions did not dampen the spirits of the participants which was evident at the picnic with temperatures in the seventies it was more like a tailgate party rather then eating on the slopes. At every Winterfest, a lot of interest, planning and on mountain activities goes into the race program with this year being no different. Although the Sno Burners did not field a large number of racers, the few that participated represented themselves quite well. Their efforts were rewarded by winning and retaining the medium size club trophy which the club won last year. As is the case with all Summits and Winterfests, the nightlife and theme parties are an integral part of the weekend. This years Sexy Western theme, brought out a lot of western clothes and gear topped off with water pistols that produced a damp atmosphere for the evening. However this year, because of the change of ski resort, Smuggs had already planned for a beer-fest type of activity for Saturday night so the Eastern Region had to come up with a different activity for that night. They came up with the idea of “club hopping.” This enabled the individual clubs to have small get togethers at their condos which enabled members to get reacquainted with members they might not have seen since this time last year. It also gave clubs the opportunity to invite other clubs to meet and greet and get up close and personal and discuss life in other parts of the region. The Sno Burners decided to have each of their condos bring a dish or leftovers and turned the evening into a pot luck dinner. However, the highlight of the evening was chef Adrian Poinsette (affectionately known as “Point”) frying fresh fish all night long. They even had enough to offer the bus driver a breakfast of fish & grits. That evening was so successful; maybe it should be included for the future. This Winterfest ended with the bus ride home which was filled with back to back videos, snacks and libations which tended to shrink the long ride home. Page 4 The Flame In Memoriam Prez Always thank you for your continuing support, save the dates below: Theater Night “Hot Feet”Thursday July 06, 2006. Sno Burners, Jersey Ski and Ice Breakers Picnic July 22, 2006 Summerfest 2006 Eden Roc Spa Resort in South Beach, Miami and the home of the 2006 NBA Champions. Whitney Young Football Classic & Tailgate Party September 23, 2006. In closing, allow me to introduce the newly elected NBS officers; President Rose Thomas Pickrum Executive Vice President Ollie Barnes Secretary Keith Flournoy Treasurer Louis Clark Don’t miss this one!! IT MAY BE THE LAST ONE!!! FAREWELL NORMAN by Tony Jenkins Heart felt condolences go out to Harold Dow and the Dow family for the lost of our fellow SnoBurner Norman Dow. T h e S n o Burner Ski and Sports Association is proud to have had Norman as an honored member for many years. I met Harold and Norman many years go, as many of us did through their event giving… … . you know ‘Ain’t no party like a Dow Twins Party’! But I got to know them and become friends with them through various club activities, mainly skiing. As identical twins nobody could ever distinguish Harold from Norman or Norman from Harold with any amount of certainty, and it was no different on the slopes. You’re riding the ski lift… a Dow on the left, a Dow on the right… .. now did Norman have on the purple SnoBurner jacket or was it Harold. Or did Harold have the red and white jacket with the black trim… .. everybody that knows them knows exactly what I’m saying! Yeah, I’ve heard most of the ‘Which Dow Is It’ clues. My personal favorite was Harold … hair, Norman … no hair! Lord help us if Norman decided not to shave one day. Besides a lot of good that does … when they have ski masks on! But with all the similarities, ..the most outstanding being they’re both ‘good people’, there were differences … subtle though they were. If you were heading down a trail with bumps the size of Volkswagens and there’s a Dow with you, chances are… it wasn’t Norman! If you’re trying to make your way through some trees off trials and there’s a Dow behind you… .. there again it probably wasn’t Norman! But now if you’re sitting around watching TV and the Dow holding the remote stopped at NASCAR Auto Racing… .. that probably was Norman. Or if a Salsa record was pumping out of the speakers at an Apres Ski party and a Dow was out on the floor getting his swerve on… that too was probably Norman. As much as The Flame Page 5 they were alike they were also different, but it will be through Norman’s absence that we will see Harold and realize those differences. It will be through Harold that we will always be reminded of Norman. We the SnoBurners have lost a fellow skier and good friend. We the Black community have lost a good man and an icon. We will all miss Norman Dow. Norman may your last run be on a neverending blue trail called PEACE, at a snow-covered mountain named HEAVENLY. SNO-BURNERS SKI & SPORTS ASSOCIATION. INC. OF NEW YORK GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Held quarterly DATE: September 14, 2006 LOCATION: State Office Building 263 West 125 St NYC 6:30pm - 8:30pm Come out and support YOUR CLUB JOIN A COMMITTEE: Adult Racing Fundraising General Activities Hospitality Membership Newsletter Safety Strategic Planning Trip Youth John Reavis John Bland Freager Williams (Assist) Jackie Hyatt Jim Powell Horace Barker (Assist) Diane moizio Board Tony Jenkins Elijah Bell Robert Harrison Carpenter (Carp) by Jim Powell On March 30th 2005, the Sno Burners lost one of its most ardent members Robert Harrison Carpenter. Although Bob was not a founding member, he joined soon after and dominated all facets of the organization. He guided the club for many years as its president during the 1970s and 80s. His personality and friendliness engulfed most people that he met and left an indelible mark on them. Everyone that he met he liked and always looked for the best in every individual. This attitude was probably an extension of his many years as a teacher and administrator in the New York Public School system. His philosophy was for man to guide the youth of America into adulthood visualizing a place for all mankind to better them and live in harmony. Carp, as he was called by all his friends, included skiing among his hobbies of collecting fine books and classical works of art, listening to jazz and traveling to exotic places frequenting Paris France where he spent his honeymoon with his bride Carole. He also read poetry often quoting his favorite “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley. He satisfied his yen for traveling by skiing at most of the well known ski resorts in the United States, major slopes in Canada and tucked away villas of Europe. As the November chill arrived, members and invited guest would anticipate the merriment that would take place at the annual pre-season meeting and party that was always held at Carps penthouse in New Jersey. Many of those invited guest became instant members after experiencing the Carp get-together. Those members of the Sno-Burners that knew him feel a sense of lost equaling that of his family and we will miss him immensely as the snow begins to fall every ski season. Whenever he would leave a gathering of his favorite people, he would always depart with the following quote that all Sno-Burners sadly convey to him as he takes his final trip home “We love you madly”. Page 6 The Flame SNO-BURNERS 2006 - 2007 CALENDAR DATE DESTINATION TRIP/EVENT LEADER July 15, 2006 St. Albans Jazz Festival - Free July 22,2006 Interclub Picnic Rockland State Park #5 M. Spence August 10, 2006 Summerfest 2006 South Beach, Florida D. Moizio August 18, 2006 Golf Outing Ponwoodie Ponwoodie, Yonkers J. Reavis August 26, 2006 Dow Twins - Intrepid Sea Museum 45th West Side Hywy H. Dow Sept. 23, 2006 Whitney Young Football Classic Giant Stadium Meadowlands, NJ F. Jones October Bowling in Harlem Harlem Lanes T. Jenkins Dec. 2 - 9 2006 NBS Ski Improvement Week - Snowmass, CO J. Hyatt December 2006 Holiday Party TBD J. Bland January 6, 2007 Mt. Snow Day Trip Mount Snow, Vermont T. Jenkins January 12, 2007 MLK Wkend Trip— Jr. Burners Winter Park, Colo E. Bell January 20, 2007 MET Council Ski Race Ascutney, Vermont J. Reavis February 2007 General Membership Meeting 6:30 PM J. Hyatt February 24, 2007 Summit 2007 Steamboat, CO. M. Spence March 22, 2007 Winterfest 2007 Loon Mountain, NH. D. Moizio April 1, 2007 Spring Fling— Ski Week Big Sky, Montana A. Pointette May 2007 Day at the Races Belmont Racetrack H. Barker June 2007 Capital Jazz Festival Columbia, Maryland NA TBD NA TBD The Flame Page 7 Bouncing with JR Burners Elijah Bell O n Sunday Jan. 15, 2006 the JR. Burners extended their hand of fellowship beyond their normal ranks and assisted a NYC school in exposing youth to winter sports and added another opportunity to mentor inner city youth. As an out growth of the Barnes and Noble fund raising that the Jr. Burners had, we met many new and interested people at our two sites of gift wrapping. One contact was with an educator from an inner city school in Washington Heights. Their curiosities in our program lead to many discussions on how they might introduce skiing and mentoring to some of their students. The culmination came about with many tribulations and trials on Sunday the 15th. The ten “never-ever” youths that participated were introduced to skiing and snowboarding for the first time at Hunter Mountain. Determining that Hunter had the best program for the least cost, we offered our expertise in arranging a day that they might find economical and perhaps rewarding for their youth. With the blessing of a snowstorm the night before and cold temperatures the youth were introduced to a day that was froth with excitement and new experiences. Their day ended with them knowing that they had at least two more days that they would be able to continue their fellowships and attempt to try to stay on their boards and skis and not meet the ground with a thud. At the end of the day they expressed their gratitude with thank you, hand shakes and hot chocolate. In kind we took pictures and shared moments of mentoring to the youth as it became opportunistic. As the youth director we cherish these opportunities that we can lend our support and experience to reach out to all youth in an effort to allow them to see that their futures are not limited to their immediate concrete surroundings. Allowing them to see with their own eyes versus TV, the wonders of snow and attempting to challenge themselves to do things that” others” tell that they are not suppose to be able to do, is one of our goals . Taking them outside of their “boxes” and allowing them to try a sport and challenge their physical abilities in ways that are uncommon to them, allows them to expand their knowledge base to the point that they will be able to try new experiences. Our intent is to have them embrace and understand that new opportunities can lie in front of them, all they have to do is attempt and reach for new heights. Page 8 The Flame Day at the Races O n a bright sunny day in June, members of the Sno Burners traveled by car by bus by training and met at Belmont Racetrack for a Day at the Races. This was the first event of this type hosted by the club. Although it was not the Kentucky Derby, Horace Barker the coordinator, wanted the participants to experience a similar feeling. The attire for the day was fabulous hats worn by the ladies while the men adorned straw hats and bowties. Horace managed to get special seating in the club house with full view of the track so we could see the horses on parade before each race. For those members that arrived early, there was an additional treat of visiting the paddock where they could get close and personal with the ponies. We were even supplied with our own handicapper for the day who explained to the group what all those numbers and positions meant on the racing form. We were instructed on how to bet (win place show) when to bet and after referring to the racing form why one horse was a better choice then another. She was very helpful for me being a first timer at a race track. Believe me this is quite different from pulling the handle on a slot machine at Atlantic City or Las Vegas. For some individuals who were familiar with racing, their knowledge paid off with some winning enough to pay for their trip and make the day worthwhile. Even I managed to come away with a little extra in my pocket The group was served a full sit-down dinner with some of us even having a mint julep as our complimentary drink. The day turned out to be so successful that the club later voted to make it an annual event. This year the event will be held on May 20 so get your ticket and join the fun. Much thanks to Horace for coordinating this event that produced a day of excitement for all that attended. The camaraderie of the group was elevated to heights where it encouraged some of the group to keep it going by meeting at The Proper Café for further liquid refreshment. The Sno-Burners are in the process of purchasing new club jackets. Company: Spyder ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN Further information: Sizes Availability etc. Contact Jackie Hyatt or Diane Moizio The Flame Page 9 The Sno-Burners Wish to acknowledge The members that celebrated birthdays since the last issue. (If we missed you, your information may not be on our database) LASTNAME BARKER BERETEY BURRELL GLEAVES HALL NASH NEWTON ROBERTSON ROBINSON WHETHERS BASS BURNETT DAVIS JORDAN REYNOLDS RICHARD STENT WILLIAMS WINSTON CARRINGTON COLLETTE, JR. DAVIS DURANT FLORES MOIZIO SPENCE VALDES-ELLIOTT WOODSON POWELL FOLKES McNEILL MILLIGAN PAGAN RAGSDALE WEISS FIRSTNAME HORACE C. MARIE FREDERICK THEODORE SHIRLEY STEVE OLIVER A. DAVID WALTER DENISE CALVIN CHRISTOPHER GWEN M. DEBORAH LINDA M. SHIRLEY MICHELLE SENORA SHERRY CHARLES JOHN W. GREG JAMES E ISAAC A DIANE MAXINE PATRICIA CARLOTTA JIM TOURE MORRIS DESMOND RICHARD CAROL BONNIE & DAVID MONTH JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR APR APR APR APR APR APR LOVETT DERRICK MAY COVERDALE CAROLYN MAY WASHINGTON HELEN P. MAY HAYNIE MAY WASHINGTON JULIUS CAROL AMAKER SHIRLEY A. JACKSON THOMAS MAY WILLIAMS ROSLYN MAY WILKINS SHELDON R. MAY RICHARDSON TONI MAY NELSON VERNETTA MAY CRUZ MARIBEL MAY LACEY TOM & BEVERLY JUN ROBINSON BETH JUN MATTHEWS JACKIE & LAURITTA JUN SIMON CARTER VALERIE JUN STEWART JAMES JUN WASHINGTON JANE JUN BRYCE DAVID & KIM JUN ARCHER BONNIE JUN TIMMONS RODESTER JUN AUBERT CORAL JUN DOW HAROLD JUN COBB CHARLES A. JUN ROBERTSON ERNEST JUN LENNON ROD JUN AFLICK OWEN JUN HENRY SWEET CLARENCE B GARY & CATHY JUN JUN MAY Page 10 The Flame We Be Tailgating Most Saturdays, I manage to sleep in by not scheduling any activities that would cause me to jump out of bed and follow my usual Monday through Friday schedule. However, usually the third Saturday in September I must throw back the covers and hit the floor running. I am on the road by eight o’clock in the morning speeding to New Jersey to secure our usual spot in the parking lot for the clubs annual Whitney Young Football Classic and tailgate party held at Giant Stadium in the Jersey Meadowlands Complex. September 24, 2005 was no exception and it is no surprise to see some of those cars that sped past me on the highway had already arrived and picked their favorite spot in the parking lot by the time I get there. Due to the diligence of Frank W. Jones our coordinator for this event, we always have seats on the fifty yard line midway up in the stadium. Now I know there are some fanatical football fans in the Sno Burners however on this day, most of us go for the tailgate extravaganza. For those of you that have never been to a tailgate party, think of it as a kicked-up picnic with thousands of people trying to out-do each other. Now for the brothers and sisters that attend the classic, you should multiply that tenfold. The air was filled with the aroma and cooking smoke from all types of ethic food being prepared on literally thousands of barbeque grills that range in size from table top models to full size smokers towed behind SUVs. The club always supply’s the basic picnic fare of hotdogs, hamburgers, soda and beer while the members are free to bring whatever gourmet dishes they wish to share with the other members. Of course we always have our resident chefs Adrian Pointsette and Odean Mangum (Point & Dean) who bring their deep fryers and fry fish and other delicious things all day long. You have to know that the club supplied beer was augmented with a variety of beverages including home brews that curled your toes. If it’s music you want to hear, tailgaters brought sound systems with huge speakers that would rival those of any professional recording studio. Music or sounds of all types (Hip Hop, Jazz, and R & B and Latin rhythms) permeated throughout the park A portion of the park was set aside for venders to display and shop their wares. The variety of items was endless from exotic perfumes, to African carvings and game mementoes along with food for those that chose not to cookout. Radio station WBLS also set up a booth where giveaways were distributed along with an hourly “Name That Tune” contests for prizes. Oh by the way, for those of you that were really interested in the outcome of the game, Hampton University defeated Morgan State by the score of 44 to 14. The Flame Page 11 SNO-BURNER SURVEY SNO-BURNER MEMBERSHIP PROFILE NAME___________________________________________ HOME PHONE___________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________APT.____ ________________________________________BUS. PHONE____________ Birthday — Mth/Day ___/___ _________________________ Marital Status M S Income Level + 25 - 49 50 - 75 ( x 1000) 0 - 24 Education Level SKIING HS HS+ Under-Grad Grad Occupation 75 - 100 Doctoral SNOWBOARDING ABILITY: [Check one] _____BEGINNER _____NOVICE _____EXPERT _____ELITE ______INTERMEDIATE______ADVANCED ______INTERESTED IN RACING? OTHER INTEREST: [Check appropriate interests] ___SWIMMING____HORSEBACK RIDING____WHITE WATER RAFTING____JOGGING ___ICE SKATING____ROLLER SKATING____PICNIC&CAMPING____TENNIS ___DISCO-DANCING____THEATER PARTIES__________OTHER [explain] _____________________ CLUB PARTICIPATION: [Check appropriate level or levels] ___GENERAL MEMBER____COMMITTEE PARTICIPATION* [Which?]__________ ___SKI TRIPS ONLY__________________________________________________ ___OTHER__________________________________________________________ SUGGESTIONS: *COMMITTEES: RACING, SAFETY, NEWSLETTER, TRIP, STRATEGIC PLANNING FUND-RAISING, GENERAL ACTIVITIES, YOUTH, MEMBERSHIP FISCAL YEAR starts JULY 1 through JUNE 30 of following year DUES ARE BEING ACCEPTED FOR THE 2006-2007 SEASON. PLEASE SEND IN YOUR DUES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IN ORDER TO EXPEDITE PLANNING AND TRIP ARRANGEMENTS Sno-Burners Ski Club DUES STRUCTURE Dues are paid by all members age 18+ $45 - new member rate $35 - renewal rate 2 Adults living in $70 - new couple rate same household $55 - couple renewal rate (one IF YOU MISS PAYING DUES FOR ONE YEAR, YOU MUST PAY NEW MEMBER RATES TO REJOIN. If you have any questions about the membership dues, please contact Membership Chairperson, Jackie S. Hyatt at [201] 487-1098 MAIL YOUR CHECK MADE OUT TO - “SNO-BURNERS SKI & SPORTS ASSOCIATION.” TO: Mrs. Jackie S. Hyatt 174 Stanley Place Hackensack, NJ 07601 100 Page 12 The Flame SNO-BURNERS OF NEW YORK INC. NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENT DO YOU OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? DO YOU OWN A SKI HOUSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT? DO YOU WANT TO ATTRACT NEW CLIENTS? WELL NOW YOU CAN ADVERTISE IN THE SNO-BURNERS OF NEW YORK INC. NEWSLETTER “THE FLAME” THE FLAME IS DISTRIBUTED TO OVER FIVE HUNDRED PREDOMINATELY AFRICAN-AMERICAN AND LATINO HOUSEHOLDS IN THE GREATER METROPOLITAN TRI-STATE AREA THE FOLLOWING IS A SCHEDULE OF ADVERTISEMENT PRICES FOR YEARLY PRINTING IN THE FLAME Printing per issue 1st 2nd 3rd 4th EIGHTH PAGE $10.00 19.00 28.00 37.00 QUARTER PAGE $20.00 38.00 56.00 74.00 HALF PAGE $40.00 76.00 112.00 148.00 FULL PAGE $60.00 114.00 169.00 224.00 MAIL SCAN READY ADVERTISEMENT AND CHECK PAYABLE TO: SNO-BURNERS SKI & SPORTS ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 20982 PARK WEST STATION NEW YORK, NY 10025 ALL COPY MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN Aug. 15, 2006 The Flame SNO-BURNERS SKI & SPORTS ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 20982 PARK WEST STATION NEW YORK, NY 10025