ERCC Newsletter - Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club


ERCC Newsletter - Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club
Issue No 33 –December 2010
Richard Thomas
Websites :
E Mail
01323 502615
The Official Newsletter of the Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club
Club News:
Website gallery, Clubruns Report
ESCA Reliability Trial Report 2010
ESCA Reliability Trial Results
Turbo sessions
Event reports
Catford Hillclimb report
BLRC lunch
Nostalgia Corner
Nostalgia corner Part 1
Nostalgia corner: Part 2 Steve Willis
Forthcoming Events 2011
Club Dinner menu
Lewes Wanderers 30 mile TT
ESCA season results final
Audax News
2011 Early Season Programme
Back page
Sports massage & Kontour Cycles
Next Edition January 2011
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
The AGM is on Monday 13th December 2010 at Stone
Cross. It is your Club so please come and enjoy the
event. Don’t forget to bring with you your nicely
cleaned trophies for Graham as they need to be
Once again I have done my best to pack the Newsletter
with various articles and results. I wish to thank all those
Members who have sent me articles for inclusion.
Stan Nash’s bequest
We have had some suggestions and these are being
considered. More news next time
ESCA Points Competition
Congratulations to Iain Brogden for being the highest
placed rider not hailing from Lewes Wanderers. Iain
finished 4th, having opted not to contest the hill climb,
which was the final event of the season.
Catford Hill Climb and BLRC lunch
Alan Symonds has reported on both these enjoyable
The Catford was enjoyable, both for the
spectators and also, with a somewhat different
perspective, the contestants. And of course the lunch was
enjoyed by all.
Audax calendar
I have included a list of local Audax events for the
coming few months, up to the end of February. Good
conditioning training for the season ahead, so some say!
Hon. Ed
Issue No 33 December 2010
Useful Contact Info:
Brian Holt:
Secretary : 01323 520646 / 07767 666393
Graham Lade:
Chairman: 01323 509408
Peter Moon:
Treasurer and Club Kit: 01323 485180
Harry Featherstone: Time Trials Secretary - 01323 841034
Iain Brogden
Road Race Secretary 01323 520590
Dave Cox:
Club Captain, Evening Time Trial Series and Sunday Rides - 01323 507916
Tony Murphy
Press Secretary: 01323 410376
Club Night: Every Monday evening from 8.00pm – 10.30pm (excluding bank holidays) at the Stone Cross
Memorial Hall (opposite the Red Lion Public House). Chance to meet and socialise, catch up with recent
news and gossip. Refreshments available.
Coached Turbo Sessions: Stone Cross Memorial Hall on “winter” Monday evenings (during the club night)
from 8.30pm to 9.30pm (set up at 8pm). A structured turbo session is held throughout the “winter”
months (November to April). Free to club members, only £2 for non –members. All welcome, its getting
really popular, - come and give it a go! Bring your own turbo and bike.
Any queries please contact Graham Lade who will co-ordinate these sessions.
Winter Club Runs:. Meet at the Horse and Groom Public House at Polegate crossroads at 9.15am each
Sunday. Variations to the type and length of ride will be made to suit the ability of the riders. For any
further information please contact Dave Cox : tel: 01323 507916 or any other members of the committee.
Club Clothing: Peter Moon has the order forms for your kit, including bib shorts. Money with order please.
Website Gallery
Iain has set up a new website gallery. See
It contains images kindly given to us by Mike Anton, also some from Iain’s own collection and some
supplied by our friends at LWCC.
Iain wishes to recommend that everyone has a browse
If any Club members have any of their own photos they would like to add to the gallery then send them to
Iain with the date the photo was taken and a description of the event.
Clubruns Report by Richard Thomas
These have been ongoing now for 6 weeks. Your Hon Sec has ventured out on these as his “training” for the
ESCA Reliability Trial which we completed on 21st November (see separate report).
I missed the first one on 10th October, led by Iain, which is probably just as well. Kevin Burton and I met
Stuart Davis at Polegate on his return and they had been on quite a long (67 mile) and fast ride. I also
missed the second ride but did make the third on 24 th October and subsequent rides apart from last Sunday
when I was doing an Audax. I have done a short account of each of those I have ridden below.
24th October
Seven of us met at Polegate, Club members Dave Cox, Rob Rickson, Clive Richardson, Tony Murphy, Kris
Singh and me, and ex Rover Graeme Hadlow, on a MTB as someone had stolen his road bike from where he
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
Clubruns Report (cont.)
works. We had a flat ride led by Dave, through Upper Dicker, Ripe and Laughton to Ringmer via the
Broyle before retracing, then going on to Chilley Farm, Rickney for refreshments before venturing to
Bexhill into a headwind and then turning for home. 58 miles (92km) at 15mph (24km/hr) average riding
speed. A pleasant dry ride.
31st October
Six this week, Iain joined Dave, Rob, Clive, Tony and me as we ventured north to the Garden Centre at
Mark Cross. We “enjoyed” climbing Newick Lane into Mayfield then took the “Trodgers” minor road
through to Mark Cross and refreshments at the Garden Centre. The return journey, led by Rob, took us
down the main road to Horam, then over “Grovel Hill” to Haisham, Magham Down, Rickney and Normans
Bay before returning via Pevensey Bay and Westham. Rain at start then sunny. 58 miles, coincidentally, at
just under 15mph (14.88) riding speed due to the hills on the way to Mark Cross.
7th November
Nine out this week, the core riders (Dave, Rob, Clive, Tony and me) were joined by Kevin Burton, Matt
Woods, Adam Ford and “guest rider” Jack Priddle. Adam turned for home near Cowbeech as he has not
done a lot of riding recently, and the remaining eight pushed on through Rushlake Green to Woods Corner,
with Jack and Matt tearing the legs off the rest of us on the hills. We then rode through Brightling and down
to Netherfield and Battle,for a café stop, before going on to Cooden, Bexhill and Hastings to view the
burned out pier. We then had a “gentle” ride back to Eastbourne. It was sunny with a strong NE wind
making it feel colder. We did 56 miles (89km) at an average of nearly 15mph (23.9km/hr) riding speed.
14th November
The magnificent seven (Dave, Rob, Clive, Tony, Kevin, Adam and me) endured a very wet ride to Laughton
and Ringmer, then on the way back to Laughton Clive punctured and let us go on to the dryness of the bus
shelter at Laughton, opposite the Roebuck, whilst Clive repaired his puncture. Whilst we were waiting there
several Lewes Wanderers arrived at the Roebuck for their Anniversary bash. Suitably repaired, Clive joined
us and we squelched on to Chilley Farm for some warming refreshments. Ironically, it stopped raining at
that point. We then thought better of going any further east so headed home via Pevensey. Just as well as
soon after we got home the heavens opened again. Just 68km today at 15.4mph (24.7km/hr) riding speed
21st November 2010
ESCA Reliability Trial
With 159 riders entered, this was a well supported promotion by Pete Roberts and In Gear. The route was
challenging but not excruciating. There were a couple of hills though. We were in Group 3 (of 25 riders), 9
of us (Iain, Peter Moon, Andy Eaton, Tony, Emma, Rob, Clive, Kevin, and me) with a similar number of
Lewes Wanderers due to DNS’s. We were one of the 4 groups (86 riders in all) aiming to hit the 4hr 15min
target for the 54 miles. Off we went, sent on our way by Mick Kilby, and were soon on our own as the
Lewes went straight on instead of turning left just north of East Hoathly. Andy was with them but turned to
chase after us, soon joining up. A brisk pace took us up towards Cross in Hand where we swung left and
onto Mayfield. It then got a bit lumpy via Coggins Mill Road and Brinkers Lane (judged to be the hardest
climb of the ride) which took us up to the B2099 followed by a right turn to the first control in Lymden
Lane. The climb up to Burwash was not as hard as I seemed to remember it from previous sorties, and we
were soon regrouping to descend Bell Alley Road and the climb up to Brightling. We ended up getting a bit
strung out on the climb and on the subsequent route to Bodle Street, when I went off the back of Iain and
Peter on the descent from Bodle Street before the climb to Joes Lane. We then turned right and sped along
the A271 to the Boship Rbt and the 2nd check in Coldharbour Road. Four of us (Iain, Peter, Andy and me)
arrived there soon to be joined by Kevin. Iain and Peter were eager to keep going so the four of us set off
with Kevin in no mans land between the two groups. I hung on to the other three nearly to Laughton before
my legs gave out. I struggled on to the end, arriving with a few minutes to spare before the 4 hour “early”
finish. By that time Peter, Iain, Kevin and Andy were all there and we handed in our tickets to Mick Kilby
before retiring to the Hall for refreshments. The rest of our group got back in time despite Tony suffering an
unmentionable near to the finish. We all enjoyed the event. I rode back to Eastbourne with Kevin and Clive
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
rode back on his own. Iain and Peter both rode out to the start and I presume rode back. And it did not
Winners Lewes Wanderers
40 Qualifiers
With the highest number of successful finishers they will hold the Rally Shield for one year. The Rally
Shield will be presented at the ESCA annual luncheon and prize presentation on Sunday 16th January
Certificates for successful riders will be passed to a responsible member of your club at the luncheon.
1st Lewes Wanderers
2nd In-Gear Quickvit TrainSharp
3rd Eastbourne Rovers
4th Brighton Excelsior
5th Worthing Excelsior
6th East Grinstead CC
7th Rye Wheelers
8th Brighton Mitre
9th VC Etoile
10th Bayeux Landscapes
11th Bodyworks XTC Tri Store
Total Entries 159
Lewes Wanderers
In-Gear Quickvit TrainSharp 32
Eastbourne Rovers
Brighton Excelsior
Worthing Excelsior
East Grinstead CC
Rye Wheelers
Brighton Mitre
VC Etoile
Bayeux Landscapes
Bodyworks XTC Tri Store 0
Whichever way you look at it we came 3rd
Total Qualifiers 98
Turbo Sessions
These have now been going for five weeks and have been well attended. Graham has been doing a great job
making us all suffer!!!
Catford Hillclimb by Alan Symonds
I went to the Catford Hill Climb this year.
Alway's a fun event, well attended as usual but
with the addition of a Food & Drinks Trailer.
The weather was good which helped,
however the absence of ERCC jersey's was
noted, which I found a bit surprising.
Last time I rode it was in 1958 when I was
in the Thornton Road Club. I scraped up
there in 2 Mins 29 2/5 secs. in old language.
Don’t know where I came exactly but I am
sure someone can do better than that next
year !!. Interestingly, although the winning
time has improved, by my calculation I
would have been somewhere around half
way down the results sheet if I could have
managed the same time this year (fat chance).
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
So here is my challenge to current Rovers.
If any Rover can beat my time I will put up the
following. Starting at 2mins.30secs a £1.00 for every 5
secs that person takes off down to 2 mins plus £5.00
for getting under 2mins. That's £6.00 down to 2 mins
plus £5.00 if under giving a possible total of £11.00. If
you can win the event as well you can go and do the
Bec in the afternoon and come back with a fistful of
money !!!!!.
To put you in the mood I also took these pictures of
riders “enjoying” themselves on the climb this year.
Here are some facts about the event:
A past winner of this event was Max Pendleton, a name that should sound familiar, being Victoria's father.
He established a new record of 1min 55secs in 1972 and did his last climb in 2009 at 65 years of age.
The record is held by Phil Mason who 27 years ago made it in 1min 47.6secs at the age of 46.
(Take note Iain and others. Plenty of time yet!)
This year there was also an additional inducement in the form of a pair of Condor wheels worth £275.00 for
anyone breaking the record.
Note for your diaries. The 2011 date for this event is 9th October. You can enter on line at from 1st August to 30th September
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
B.L.R.C. (British League of Racing Cyclists) Lunch by Alan Symonds
The B.L.R.C. meet a couple of times a year to
reminisce about times gone by. A bit like the
coffee mornings but a little more upmarket as
these lunch meetings are held at Donnatelo’s
Italian Restaurant in the Lanes at Brighton.
Donnatelo’s provides a good meal at a very
reasonable price when you choose from the set
Apart from the food there is that certain
enjoyable atmosphere about traditional Italian
restaurants as Joanna, one of our waitresses
For those who may not know, the BLRC was
the thorn in the NCU’s side before they
eventually joined forces in 1959 to become the
BCF (British Cycling Federation) and the
forerunner of British Cycling. They were the
prime mover in establishing road racing in this
country under the leadership of Percy
Stallard.In its 15 years they promoted the best
part of 10.000 day events as well as the Lincoln Grand Prix, Brighton/Glasgow, The Milk Race and the Tour
of Britain among others. There is plenty of information about the League on the web if you wish to follow it
Of course it is inevitable that like old soldiers we will fade away but meanwhile we can still dream of the old
day’s and the racing we did irrespective of our performances. The most recent meeting took place on the 19 th
November and saw 12 members arrive for lunch. Eastbourne Rovers members Dave Dunbar and Alan
Symonds were there
both being ex Leaguers
while Stu Greenway
another one, was unable
to attend this particular
lunch. Both Dave and
Stu did a lot of road
racing with Dave being
lucky enough to get a
posting in Belgium for
his National Service
where he quickly learnt
that if you didn’t blast
off from the gun you
were out of the back of
the bunch and I believe
it hasn’t changed much.
Stu has ridden in
various multi stage
races including and
Dave has also done his
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
Others attending were ; Eric Cloke, Derek Cover, Jim Butcher, Roy Rix, Graham Francis, Carlo Monti,
Brian Hutton who was a
successful rider in his day
and his reports on the sport
are regularly printed in the
press not forgetting our two
stalwarts Maggie and Jane
for the Ladies.
Roy Rix and Brian Hutton
The next meeting will be in
Feb 2011 and if any old
Leaguers would like to join
us please send the club an
email which will be
forwarded onto Dave
Roy Rix and Brian Hutton
Nostalgia Corner
Part One
Stu Greenway, Dave Dunbar, une mademoiselle Francais, John Dutson, Roly Wickham and George Henty
At John Dutson’s Birthday celebration in Normandy
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
Nostalgia corner
Part two
Who remembers this then!
From Cycling Weekly of 23rd
February 1989, when Steve (a
youngster with promise) went
out riding with the Pro.’s. Well
done, Steve.
How about another comeback
in 2011?!!!
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
Forthcoming events for 2011
Club Dinner and prize presentation
Sue Cox has sent the menu for this year’s dinner, as shown here. Sue would like to know how many tickets
you will require, and whether you require the vegetarian option.
15 JANUARY 2011
£21. 00 PER HEAD
--------Chilled Melon Slices with Mixed
Berries & Midiori Liqueur
---------Roasted Tomato & Basil Soup
---------Pan Fried Chicken Breast with Chiorizo
Mozzarella & Sweet Peppers
Cauliflower, Broccoli &
Gruyere Bake
----------Brandy Snap Basket with Fruit
& Quennel of Sorbet
-----------Selection of Cheese & Biscuits
-----------Coffee & Mints
Please note some of these dishes may contain nuts
Please reserve me ___ places please Name _________________________
NB Please let me know if you require the Vegetarian option
Lewes Wanderers Open 30 mile TT 24th April 2011
Rob Pelham sent this information to us.
“I'd like to take this early opportunity to bring to your attention the NEW date for 2011 of the Lewes
Wanderers CC Open 30 mile Time Trial.
The event will take place on Sunday 24th April 2011 on the G30/88 course, based around the A22 between
Maresfield & Boship. The HQ will be at the East Hoathly Sports Pavilion.
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
Issue No 33 December 2010
The 2011 running of the event will be a qualifying round of the SCA SPOCO competition. It will also be
used by the VTTA Surrey / Sussex group for their annual 30 mile Championship.
You may be interested to know that the 2011 Lewes Wanderers CC Open will be the only 30 mile TT in the
whole London South district. As such I would like to invite you to hold your own Club 30 Championships
within this event (If you don't currently have a 'Club 30 Champs', feel free to start one).
Finally, as you will be aware the National 24hr Championship will be held in the London South district in
2011. Did you know that the whole of the Lewes Wanderers Open 30 course features in the National 24hr.
Some of the National 24hr roads are ONLY used in the LWCC Open 30.
Attached is a flyer containing the basic information for the event. Should you have any further questions
please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards,
Rob Pelham
Event Secretary - Lewes Wanderers Open 30”
East Sussex Cycling Association
2010 President: Ian Burgess – In-Gear Quickvit Trainsharp
Points Competition Results 2010
Individual Points Competition:
Rob Pelham is the unequivocal winner of the 2010 ESCA points competition – despite holding the lead throughout the
majority of the season, Rob found himself level with team mate Nick Dwyer to go head to head in the final event.
Although he got the better of Rob in five of the nine qualifying events, Firle Beacon proved a climb too high for Nick,
as Rob powered his way to a well deserved, but gracious victory. Club mate Peter Morris takes the third position
while last year’s runner up, Iain Brogden, resisted the lure of the hill climb, to settle for fourth place. Fellow
Wanderers, Tom Glandfield and Johan Stegers, share the limelight to complete the top five.
HR2up10 25 50 10010 25 HC
Rob Pelham Lewes Wanderers
28 28 28 28 28 30 27 28 26
Nick Dwyer Lewes Wanderers
24 28 29 29 29 29 28 29 14
Peter Morris Lewes Wanderers
27 18 25 24 22 25 24 23 27
Iain Brogden Eastbourne Rovers
29 12 26 26 27 26 26 26 0
Tom Glandfield Lewes Wanderers
14 16 21 0 19 27 23 24 24
Johan Stegers Lewes Wanderers
20 16 22 14 16 22 18 18 22
Peter Tadros In-Gear Quickvit Trainsharp 30 0 30 30 0 0 0 0 30
Peter Baker Lewes Wanderers
10 0 20 18 18 20 19 14 0
Jim Cheek
In-Gear Quickvit Trainsharp 0 26 23 25 0 0 25 0 0
Alan MacInnes East Grinstead CC
0 30 24 22 21 0 0 0 0
Tony Reeves GS Stella
26 0 0 0 24 24 0 22 0
James Ryan Lewes Wanderers
11 14 0 23 26 0 0 0 17
Steve Dennis East Grinstead CC
0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0
Andy Cox
Lewes Wanderers
22 18 0 20 20 0 0 7 0
David Shepherd GS Stella
0 26 0 0 25 28 0 0 0
Michael Valks Sussex Nomads
21 4 12 15 23 0 0 0 0
Geoff Smith Sussex Nomads
15 4 15 10 12 0 10 9 0
Jon Sharples In-Gear Quickvit Trainsharp 0 20 27 27 0 0 0 0 0
Peter Moon Eastbourne Rovers
0 12 7 1 15 23 0 13 0
Stephen Connery Southborough Wheelers
0 0 13 6 8 11 16 15 0
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
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Total events ridden
Issue No 33 December 2010
AUDAX NEWS by Richard Thomas (aka Captain Slow!)
Between 12 December 2010 and 6 March 2011 there are 5 events from Hailsham, the Worthing Winter
Warmer starting from Dial Post and a Wednesday 200km ride on 23rd February 2011. This is not all, as
there is also the Lewes Wanderers Reliability Trial on 23rd January 2011.
Audax events
100 12 Dec 10 Hailsham
Mince Pie & Stollen 100
08:30 Sun [1000m] BP £7
Should have entered by
100 15 Jan 11 Hailsham
David Hudson
December closing date
Hills and Mills
09:00 Sat AA1.75 [1850m] BP £10.00
Andy Seviour
Quite hard with climbs including the wall in the Ashdown Forest
100 30 Jan 11 Hailsham, E Sussex
The South Downs National Park 100
David Hudson
08:30 Sun AA2 [2040m] BP £8.00
Just 2000metres of climbing, including Firle Beacon, Butts Brow (twice), Bow Peep and High and Over as well as the
Beachy Head circuit. I am doing one of the controls. I will then ride on round the event
100 05 Feb 11 Hailsham, E Sussex
The Winter 1066
David Hudson
08:30 Sat [1400m] BP £8.00
I am doing the first control at Cooden Beach, as the circuit is the reverse of previous events. . I will then ride on round
the event
100 12 Feb 11 Dial Post, West Sussex
09:00 Sat BP £5.00
Worthing Winter Warmer
Mick Irons
A new start location this year
120 19 Feb 11 Hailsham
Mad Jack's- John Seviour Memorial
Andy Seviour
09:00 Sat AA2.5 [2450m] BP £10
The classic gutbuster. You know you all love the climb up to the Fairlight control!
200 23 Feb 11 Meopham,Kent
Wye Wednesday
07:30 Wed [1417m] BRM [PBP] £6.00
Tom Jackson
Probably only suitable for the non waged.
200 06 Mar 11 Hailsham, E Sussex
The Spring UpperTea 200
07:30 Sun [2165m] BRM [PBP] £8.00
David Hudson
Quite a tough event so early in the year!
Get your entries in early to avoid disappointment. Go to and then under “Calendar”
find the event you want to ride and then print off the entry form.
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
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Issue No 33 December 2010
28th November 2010
Pyecombe-Billingshurst-Pyecombe (PBP) 107km
I was a bit dubious about the weather but went anyway. I left home around 7:30am for the 9am start at
Pyecombe. I had to scrape thick frost off the windscreen and once I set off the temperature on the car gauge
was -40C. Fortunately, when I got to the start at Pyecombe the temperature had risen to -20C, positively
tropical! Soon after I got there Peter Price and Tony Gale of the Lewes Wanderers arrived and said that Ian
Landless would not be coming as there was snow in Seaford! Ian was not the only one to stay under the
duvet as some 28 riders did not turn up (out of the 56 entries). Undaunted, we three set off at just before the
official 9am start, as we were getting cold waiting, and immediately had to walk (organiser’s instruction!)
across the footbridge to get to the A281 Henfield road. We soon turned right off this road towards
Wickswood Country Club and through Shermanbury before we got to the first checkpoint at Partridge
Green, where Bob McHardy was handing out the stickers for the Brevet Card. Struggling on in the cold, the
chill factor knocking the temperature to well below freezing, we passed through Littleworth, Maplehurst,
Nuthurst and Monks Gate before reaching
Mannings Heath, then climbing to Pease
Pottage (incidentally via the only finger
post which has the direction “Peas
Pottage”). Tony and Peter were knocking
out a fair pace as I struggled to keep up and
we were all pleased to reach Dave
Hudson’s control. Dave has purchased an
oven (see right at Handcross) so we had
warm food at his control, very nice it was
too. This is my back, to prove I was there.
36km covered already, as we set off back
up to Pease Pottage and onto Billingshurst
via Rowhook and Ellens Green (in essence
the reverse route of Dave Hudson’s
Uppertea 200km Audax). We got to the
Control at Budgens by 12:36pm, over
70km covered at an average riding speed of
nearly 24km/hr (15mph). I bought a packet
of plain crisps as proof (via the time on the
receipt) that we were there, I find a salty
snack ideal on these rides. Only some
35km left, but they were quite tough. A
short 12km ride from Billingshurst got us
to Ashington.
We then took the old road down from
Ashington to the main road to Steyning
(A283). We then went through Steyning (via an information control in the village, so we could not cheat
and go straight down the main road) to Bramber and then on towards Henfield. I was a little surprised to be
told by Peter, as we climbed up the A2037 towards Henfield, that this was on the night circuit of next year’s
Nat 24hr TT. I thought that it would be a real struggle for me “racing” up there all night. We got to nearly
the top of the climb (the 24hr course goes straight on over the brow) before turning right through to
Edburton then onto Fulking and Poynings. This bit was quite lumpy and my legs hurt. We then had to
climb the rise to Pyecombe on A 281 then up the really steep cycle path to the footbridge, where we were
required to walk across, and then ride a few hundred metres to Dave’s finish control and his oven, working
yet again to warm us up.
We got there just before 2:30pm, 5½ hours after leaving. Our ride time was 4hrs 35 mins at an average of
23.6km/hr for 108.45km (as per my computer). It was nice to get back into my warm car!
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
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Issue No 33 December 2010
Sports Massage Discount
Sue Fry and Liz Lumber, level 3 qualified Sports Massage Therapists, are offering to do 1 hour treatments
for £25 to Eastbourne Rovers members (normally £30). To book, call Sue on 07866 457905.
The effects & benefits of Sports Massage are:
Increased rate of healing & tissue repair
Improved soft tissue mobility & flexibility
Stimulates circulation & aids decongestion of tissues
Removal of metabolic waste products e.g lactic acid
Reduced pain!! Aids speed of injury recovery
Reduces oedema/swelling
Aids relaxation of both you & your muscles!
Knocks 20 seconds off your 10 mile time trial(little joke but could be true!!). Cheaper than Zipp wheels!
Please support our friendly local bike shop
Adam is continuing to offer special discounts to members of Eastbourne Rovers on selected products during
2010, and he’s ready and able to undertake all aspects of servicing and repairs in preparation for the season
ahead – pop in or give him a call on 01323 482368.
2 Millfields  Station Road  Polegate  East Sussex  BN26
Tel: 01323 482368 Web:
Time Trialling  Racing  Touring  Mountain Biking
Our fully equipped workshop provides service and repair for all
makes of bike
Wheel Building  Servicing  Repairs
Offering special discounts to members of Eastbourne Rovers
10 % on accessories  15 % on High5 energy products  20 %
on inner tubes
Agents for:
Dolan, Campagnolo, Shimano, High5 energy products,
Continental, Michelin and others
The next Newsletter will be out in January 2011.
Articles wanted, please don’t be shy. The success of the newsletter depends on you. Closing date for articles
for next issue is 25th December 2010.
Please contribute something for members to read and enjoy!
My contact details are:
Tel: 01323 502615
Email any articles to :
Richard T.
The Eastbourne Rovers Cycling Club Newsletter
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Issue No 33 December 2010