Bethlehem Catholic High School
Bethlehem Catholic High School
SCHOOL Bethlehem Catholic High School since 1986. SNAPSHOT coordinator Prior to coming to Becahi, Grasso was an elementary physical education teacher for the Diocese of Allentown 1974-86. Grasso’s work has merited many honors, Background/history: Founded in 1925, including Leadership in Catholic Youth Bethlehem Catholic High School (Becahi) Sport from Newmann College (2008) and has a rich history of high-quality educa- Bethlehem Catholic Wall of Fame Inductee tion. Its current campus was built in 1964. (2007). Becahi endeavors to graduate students Grasso received his bachelor of science who are responsible Christians, better pre- degree in health and physical education pared to meet the demands of an ever- from East Stroudsburg University (ESU), changing society. and has done graduate work at ESU and Enrollment: 740 students, with an av- Penn State University. erage class size of 24. The student-teacher Janice Little has been department chair ratio is 17:1. and mathematics teacher since 1986. She Mission: The Becahi community func- teaches AP statistics, CP statistics and tions in an environment of love, support honors algebra I. She serves as the Naand appreciation for diversity that reflects tional Honor Society (NHS) advisor and Catholic principles. It provides a faith-cen- facilitates the NHS Faculty Council. Her tered community in which all students have service has also included Student Assisthe opportunity to detance Program, evaluavelop spiritually, sotion and selection of textcially, physically, emobooks and software, adBecahi’s vision tionally and intellectuvising the yearbook staff, is to have stuand Middle States Evalually while being challenged to acquire knowlation Team. dents feel loved edge in various disciPreviously Little was and challenged plines. Becahi welcomes department chairperson and mathematics teacher students from all backevery day at at the former St. Francis grounds and religious school, to make Academy, Bethlehem traditions. 1976-86. Becahi’s vision is to Bethlehem have students feel loved Little earned her bachCatholic the and challenged every elor of science degree in day at school, to make psychology from Penn high school of Bethlehem Catholic the State University; her secchoice in the high school of choice in ondary teacher certificathe Lehigh Valley, to tion from Michigan State Lehigh Valley, achieve sustained University; and her to achieve susgrowth in our enrollmaster’s in education in ment, to remain finantained growth in mathematics from Allencially solvent and to town College of St. our enrollment, make alumni proud to Francis de Sales, Center say, “I’m a Becahi alum!” Valley, now DeSales Unito remain finanPrincipal and versity. cially solvent teacher biographies: Becahi has a faculty of John Petruzzelli has been 43 full-time laity, religious and to make principal since 2010. Bepriests. alumni proud to and fore coming to Becahi, he Special programs/techwas associate principal nology/extra-curricular say, “I’m a of St. Elizabeth High activities: Becahi offers Becahi alum!” School, Wilmington, Del. students an opportunity 2006-10. to grow spiritually He earned his bachthrough Mass, daily elor of arts degree in history from St. Jo- Communion service, in-school and overseph University, Philadelphia, and his mas- night student-led retreat programs, service ter in education degree from Wilmington projects, summer service trips, penance University, Del. Petruzzelli holds his services and student-led daily prayer. principal’s certificate in Delaware and his All classrooms are equipped with interLevel I and Level II principal’s certificate active Smart Boards, completed in 2010. in Pennsylvania. Completed in 2012, the Media Center has Michael Grasso has been dean of stu- iPads, E-readers and laptops. dent life and athletic director since 2009, Becahi offers a Virtual High School physical education teacher 1986-present, (VHS). With the Vo-Tech option, students crisis intervention coordinator 1989- are enrolled in the Bethlehem Area Vocapresent, student assistance program coor- tional Technical School’s Honors Medical dinator 1989-present, driver education Sciences Academy and in the Honors Enteacher 1978-present, head baseball coach gineering program, in addition to others in 1996-present, and earned his 300th base- the various vocational areas, such as culiball win April 17, 2010. He has been SADD nary arts and carpentry. Becahi has a strong international program with more than 40 students from Spain, South Korea, China, France, Germany, Mexico, and Turks and Caicos Islands. The school has 19 athletic teams and more than 40 clubs. The theater department has earned three Freddy Awards. The Golden Hawk Band – the largest high school band in the diocese – earned the prestigious Esprit de Corps award in 2012 and has performed in Boston, Mass; Virginia Beach, Va.; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; and Orlando, Fla. Becahi has a fitness center, athletic fields, a performing arts center renovated in 2006, and three faculty rooms renovated in 2007. It has a synthetic turf practice field as of 2010, a Golden Hawk student snack shop completed in 2011 and a new wrestling room completed in 2011. Two state-of-the-art biology labs were completed in 2012. Band room renovations will be completed in summer 2013. A BCTV television studio will be completed in 2013, and state-of-the-art chemistry and computer labs will be completed in 2014. Academic achievements and awards: Writing awards received in 2011-12 were Holland and Knight, third place; Pennsylvania Pro-Life, first, second and third; Maryknoll, second; Knights of Columbus Diocesan Pro-Life, second; Knights of Columbus “Responsible Citizenship” State ninth and 11th grade, first; International 11th grade, second; and multiple winners the past two years in the diocesan “Organ Donor” Essay Contest. Colleges and universities students have attended: Ninety-seven percent of students place in post-secondary education annually. The class of 2012 received 179 scholarships totaling $8.2 million and now attend 82 different colleges and universities, including Duquesne University, Old Dominion University, Purdue University, Quinnipiac University, Seton Hall Univer- sity, Temple University, University of Notre Dame and University of Pittsburgh. Financial aid availability and transfer grants: Becahi offers more than $900,000 annually in financial aid, grants and scholarships. If a family wants Catholic education for its children, the school will do everything it can to help make that happen. Through the diocesan Tuition Transfer Grant program, grants are available to 10th, 11th- and 12th-grade students who transfer from a public, private or charter school. For more information, visit School contact information: 2133 Madison Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18017; 610-8660791; Social media: Facebook “Bethlehem Catholic High School.” Additional information: This year the Becahi Squires were honored with the Association of Fundraising Professionals National Philanthropy Day award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, recognizing their service partnership with The ARC of the Lehigh and Northampton counties. Becahi students held a Penn State MiniThon dance marathon for the first time in 2012 and raised more than $40,000 for pediatric cancer research. Becahi students’ required number of individual service hours is 70 over four years (approximately 13,650 total). Current seniors already have served more than 18,000 hours in three years. Students and families set up and have contributed more than $16,000 toward the Kasey Roman Scholarship Fund, established for a student who passed away in her freshman year (2008.) School tours: Visitation opportunities include shadow days, individual interviews, grade-level events, open houses and parent information sessions. To set up a tour, contact Joseph Henrich, admissions director, or 610-866-0791, ext. 13.