DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 DOOLEYS Christmas Fair Sunday 7 December WIN A NEW CAR at Regents Park Celebrate Australia Day at all 3 Clubs The Board of Directors, Management and Staff at DOOLEYS would like to wish all our Members and their families a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. Inside DOOLEYS Chairman’s Report 3 CEO’s Report 5 Directors Corner 6 Club Chaplain’s message 6 Your event at DOOLEYS 7 Your Club in review 8-10 DOOLEYS in the Community 11-16 17 Corporate Social Responsibility DOOLEYS Christmas Fair 14 DOOLEYS Health + Fitness 18-20 Your Membership 21 DOOLEYS Food & Beverage 22-25 What’s on at your Clubs 26 Calendar 27-29 Intra Clubs Report 30-35 DOOLEYS Summer Promotions 36-38 4 Lunar New Year Regents Park Sports Club News 39-41 24 Waterview Club News 42-44 Members Information 45 Save the Date DECEMBER 4 Thursday – Toy Raffle at Lidcombe 7 Sunday – DOOLEYS Christmas Fair at Wyatt Park 11 Thursday – Christmas Bonanza Raffle at Lidcombe 13 Saturday – Toy Raffle at Regents Park JANUARY 14 Sunday – Ham & Turkey Raffle at Regents Park 26 Monday – Australia Day 21 Sunday – Seafood Raffle at Lidcombe – Seafood Raffle at Regents Park FEBRUARY 25 Thursday – Christmas Day – All Clubs closed 19 Thursday – Lunar New Year Free show at Lidcombe 31 Wednesday – New Year’s Eve 19 Thursday – Win a Toyota Yaris Major Draw at Regents Park 14 Saturday – Valentine’s Day DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 1 2 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 From your Chairman Hello Members Welcome to the summer edition of YOURS. The Christmas festive season in nearly upon us and that is a wonderful time of the year to visit your Club for a catch up with family and friends. Our three Club sites offer excellent amenities in a relaxed atmosphere so do visit any of them over the festive season and enjoy the hospitality offered by our staff. DOOLEYS Christmas Fair will again be held at Wyatt Park Lidcombe on Sunday 7 December in support of the Oncology Unit of The Children’s Hospital Westmead. This is our annual major fundraiser for the hospital and is always a great day out! Members and their families are all invited to attend and enjoy the amusement rides, Christmas fun, and market stalls, and of course a visit from Santa Claus. So do come along and support this wonderful cause. Year in Review As can be seen from the Annual Report, the DOOLEYS Group had another strong year of growth in all areas of the business. Stage1 of our Master Plan was completed and officially opened in June giving Members a revamped Club with additional first class facilities. With any redevelopment, disruption will occur but if properly managed, it can be kept to a minimum. And so it was as DOOLEYS and I congratulate our staff for managing the issue in a professional manner allowing Members to continue to enjoy the Club’s facilities. Since the builders have left the site and normality returned, your Club has been trading well and we look forward to increased patronage over the festive season. Our commitment to our local community and beyond continued throughout the year, supporting worthwhile long term partnerships and this will undoubtedly continue into the future. At the Annual General Meeting held on 22 October 2014, CEO David Mantle gave Members an overview of what our site could look like into the future. With the purchase of property in Board St and Ann St, the security of the Club’s expansion is assured. There is much work to be done with the Property & Development Committee, in consultation with our architects and building consultants, planning of the site will continue into 2015. Members will be kept informed of any developments via these pages. 2014 Clubs NSW Conference This year’s Clubs NSW Conference was again attended by Directors and our Senior Management. During the Conference, delegates were addressed by the Premier of NSW, the Hon Mike Baird and Gaming & Racing Minister, the Hon Troy Grant. For an industry to attract two senior members of the NSW Government to its conference, reinforces the significant role that Clubs play in their communities. The Premier in his address emphasised the important role that Clubs play in the lives of so many people across NSW, from employment, to community support or simply having a drink with friends, Clubs like DOOLEYS have deep community roots and are the fabric of our society in NSW. The Government also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Clubs NSW on a package of measures which will deliver economic stability, confidence and growth for the Club industry and the wider community. Key measures in the MOU include a commitment to maintaining the current Club gaming tax, strengthening the ClubGRANTS local committee system to make it easier for community groups to apply for grants, and consideration be given by the NSW Government on whether ClubsGRANTS funds can be used to assist in providing community care services. These and the other range of measures announced, will allow us to proceed with confidence as we plan for the future. Elections 2014 At the Annual General Meeting held on 22 October 2014, our CEO announced the result of the uncontested election for 2014. Under the Tri-Annual Rule, this year there were two positions to be contested, and as the number of nominations accepted did not exceed the number of positions to be filled, current Directors Christopher Cassidy and John Munce were elected. On behalf of Chris and myself, I thank Members for your support over the years and the confidence you place in us in governing the business. Our Board numbers have been reduced to eight with a further reduction to seven by 2016. These changes were approved by Members at the 2013 Annual General Meeting. Conclusion Another year is about to close, and we wonder where the time has gone. On behalf of the Board, Management, and Staff may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and Holy Christmas. Christmas is about family and friends and we must not forget Members who have lost loved ones during the year, and to those on the sick list, we wish you a speedy recovery. Best wishes to you all. See you around the Club. John Munce Chairman DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 3 Aussie weekend prize draw every day at 12.00pm and 5.00pm* Extra Aussie hampers at our Friday and Sunday raffles* LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Sunday 25 January at 7.30pm in the Members Lounge Let the Good Times Roll Show featuring Lucky Starr & Roland Storm P L U DELICIOUS S S Monday 26 January AT LLOYD’S B PECIALS IS from 12 noon Pick and Bow JOHN STR TRO AND EET CAFÉ *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 4 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 From your CEO Welcome to the Summer Edition of YOURS. Annual General Meeting DOOLEYS AGM was held on Wednesday 22 October 2014 and attended by 72 Members. Members are advised that the two current Directors of the Club were re-elected unopposed. I take this opportunity to congratulate John Munce and Chris Cassidy on their reappointed as Directors and thank Members for their recognition of the exceptional performance, commitment and contribution of the current board. The Ordinary and Special Resolutions as circulated in the meeting notice were all approved by Members at the AGM. Members were also provided with a property update, specifically in regard to property acquired between Board & Anne Streets Lidcombe, an expression of interest from the Club to Council over acquiring part of Board St Lidcombe (from No’s 10-28) and development concepts for the next stage of expansion on the Lidcombe site. Members were briefed on the potential opportunities for inclusion within the Club as detailed in property advice by Urbis and from recent Member consultation. There will be detailed and ongoing consultation with Members, community and council over the upcoming month’s as plans evolve with a view to providing a Stage 1 DA and conceptual site Masterplan within approximately 6 months. DOOLEYS Christmas Fair Our annual DOOLEYS Christmas Fair will be held on Sunday 7 December 2014 at Wyatt Park, Lidcombe from 10.00am to 4.00pm. This wonderful family event is filled with entertainment, food and market stalls, amusement rides and activities for the kids. All proceeds from stall hire, amusement rides and raffles will be donated to the Oncology Department of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Please join us for a great day and help us to raise much needed funds to support children living with cancer. Community events We recently hosted the annual ‘Thank You’ donor celebrations of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. This event honours the contributions made by businesses (including DOOLEYS) and individuals to various areas within the Hospital. In recent years DOOLEYS has donated in excess of $710,000 to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and are a Benefactor of the Hospital. DOOLEYS is a Major Sponsor of the Auburn City Council’s Sports Awards, which were hosted at Lidcombe on 14 November. This was a great night with local sports stars recognised for their outstanding performances and achievements during the year. On 3 December, DOOLEYS will be sponsoring and hosting the Auburn Review’s School Citizenship Awards. Invitations to participate have been sent to all schools within the Auburn LGA with each school able to nominate a student who can be of any age, from kindergarten to year 12. Awards will be won based on either academic, sporting or community accomplishments throughout 2014, and we wish all nominees the best of luck. We will also be sponsoring Auburn Council’s Lunar New Year Festival in February as well as the TET Festival celebrations in Fairfield from 27 February to 1 March and hope to see as many Members as possible at both of these significant annual events. 8 Dragons Members are advised that the 8 Dragons Restaurant will change management from a Club operation to a license agreement with All Seasons Catering. All Seasons Catering headed by Michael Lau is highly regarded industry specialist who currently operate within Castle Hill RSL, Merrylands RSL and Seven Hills RSL. Michael and his team’s expertise will help improve the Member offer and experience in 8 Dragons. The transition will be effective from 1 December 2014. With Christmas nearly upon us I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of all staff, to thank Members for your support and loyalty throughout the year and wish you and your families a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Until the next edition, please continue to enjoy your Clubs. David Mantle Chief Executive Officer DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 5 Directors Corner Annual General Meeting Education for Directors DOOLEYS’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at DOOLEYS Lidcombe on Wednesday 22 October. Members voted on a list of resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, all of which were passed. One resolution included updating and amending the Club’s Constitution, with the newly updated Constitution now available to view on the website: All Directors attended the ClubsNSW Conference held in October which included seminars and information sessions on innovation and current topics affecting the Club industry. A number of Directors will also attend the Governance Institute Conference in late November to improve their knowledge in this area for the benefit of the Club. At the AGM, current Directors John Munce and Chris Cassidy were re-elected unopposed, so we congratulate them both on their continuing appointment to the Board of Directors. DOOLEYS is committed to respecting your privacy and has recently updated its Privacy Policy in line with the Privacy Act 1988 and the newly introduced Australian Privacy Principles (APP). For more information on these Principles, please visit A copy of DOOLEYS’ Privacy Policy can be found on the Club’s website: Size of the Board In line with the motion carried at the 2013 AGM, the size of the Board has now been reduced from 9 to 8, with the resignation of Director Bill Belkovskis in August. The Board will be further reduced to 7 Directors by 2016, in accordance with best practice recommendations for the club industry. Updated Privacy Policy Club Chaplain’s Message Welcome to the Christmas and Summer edition of our magazine. With this joyous but often hectic season upon us, I would like to remind you all of the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of Christ our Lord. Christmas is a time for family and friends, togetherness and for renewing our faith in anticipation of the new year ahead. Christmas at St Joachims There are lots of Christmas activities here in our parish, and we hope you can join us. We are excited and proud to be celebrating 130 years of the parish throughout 2015. During the festive season, we will hold our annual 9 days of Novena Dawn Masses before Christmas day. This will start on Tuesday 16 December at 5.30am, followed by a hearty free breakfast in the hall. Different types of breakfast will be prepared, ranging from continental English breakfast to Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Tongan, Indian, Italian, Irish, Kiwi… and the real Aussie brekkie. Celebrating Dawn Masses is a beautiful and meaningful way to prepare one’s heart and mind for Christmas. In this Mass and prayers, we reflect on the days prior to the birth of Jesus our Savior and the meaning of this in our daily lives. 6 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Our Parish Christmas Party will be held on Saturday 13 December from 6.30pm in the Parish Hall. We encourage everyone to come along, bring a plate of food and some drinks to be shared by everyone. A minimal amount of food and drinks will be provided by the parish. There will be raffles and lucky Christmas prizes for everyone, especially for the kids. Our parish youth will spearhead the program with fun and games and dances. So, come and enjoy the Christmas party with us. At 7.00pm on Christmas Eve there will be a Children’s Christmas Pageant. Children and toddlers are invited to participate. We encourage your children to take part in one of the many different roles… the baby Jesus, angels, shepherds, the holy family, in-keepers, sheep, wise men etc. Rehearsals will be held on the two Saturdays prior to Christmas Eve. We will host Carols by Candlelight inside the church before the start of midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day Masses will be held at 8.00am, 10.00am and 5.00pm. There will be the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to Christmas every Saturday afternoon at 4:00pm till 4:35pm. I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a grace-filled New Year! Your Club Chaplain, Rev. Fr Eduardo Orilla Make your end of year event special at DOOLEYS Offering three great venues, DOOLEYS can help make your event truly something to remember. Whether a Christmas get–together, birthday, a business conference or training day, DOOLEYS can provide you with just the right package to suit your needs and your budget. For more information about how we can help with your next event, please call our Functions team on 8745 6119 or visit DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 7 Your Club in Review & During September we celebrated USA Month at DOOLEYS. The month-long festivities included USA themed trivia, delicious USA food specials at Lloyd’s Bistro and John St Café, as well a range of entertainment highlights including free shows in the Members Lounge. Disco Inferno, featuring the exuberant Mike Mathieson and his dancers brought Studio 54 back to life, and Kevin A Legend presented his tribute to some of the best the good old U S of A has to offer. The Statue of Liberty and Uncle Sam appeared at different times distributing goodies, and strolling musicians entertained with their Dixieland sounds. The month was wrapped up with the barrel draw on Wednesday 1 October when the Jeep Cherokee was won by one of our regular DOOLEYS Members, Ruth Eamiguel. O O YS PRO LE M O TI D Tom Burlinson is a unique performer and in the Wattle/Waratah Room on Wednesday 3 September, he demonstrated just how special he is. Not only is he an expert on the subject of his tribute, Frank Sinatra, his voice is remarkably just like the legendary singer. ON SE P T 8 YOURS Burlinson’s renditions of Sinatra’s best known ballads were smooth and mellow, while his up-tempo, big band classics were rousing and joyous. The final songs, ‘My Way’ and ‘New York, New York’ had the audience on their feet and cheering. Amanda Wilson from Strathfield summed up the mood of the audience. “Tom is just amazing. What a great night,” she said, “you wouldn’t see better than this in Las Vegas.” EM BER 201 DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 4 Five Star Awards The Five Star Awards for Excellence Night was held at DOOLEYS Lidcombe on Monday 1 September and was a huge success. The night was held to celebrate and pass on thanks to all DOOLEYS employees during a night of celebrations. The theme was ‘Superheros and Villains’ and excellent food, company and cheer was thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance. Congratulations to the Winners and Runners Up of the night, and to all DOOLEYS employees for an excellent 2014. Winners ROOKIE OF THE YEAR – Nikki Qian LEADERSHIP AWARD – Shane Clark HONESTY – Terry Palmer HUMILITY – Atoc Mornyang INTEGRITY – Stella Shlaimon PROFESSIONALISM – Jeannette Touma RESPECT – Ananda Gurung Runners-Up HONESTY – Michelle Behn HUMILITY – James Stevenson INTEGRITY – Marlyse Stanton PROFESSIONALISM – Jinhyeok Seo RESPECT – Minh Nguyen PROMOTION RUNS 2 DECEMBER 2014 TO 23 FEBRUARY 2015 DRAWN ON 24 FEBRUARY AT 2.00PM Winner will be contacted by telephone nce Get the DOOLEYS app for your cha to WIN a Samsung Galax*y Note 4 smartphone worth $949! Get the DOOLEYS app, click on the r ‘App it to WIN it’ button and ent*er you details for your chance to WIN! *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 9 Your Club in Review Our audiences for Musical Memories have made it clear over the years who their favourite entertainers are and Ian Blakeney is certainly one of them. Ian possesses a fine light baritone which sits comfortably with music of many styles. Add his boyish charm and the amazing arrangements produced from his keyboard, and it was no wonder that the audience enjoyed his selection. Some were even heard to occasionally join in the singing. As always, the afternoon tea was a hit and added to another afternoon of enjoyable entertainment. It has been called the race that stops the nation and for three minutes on Cup Day, it did just that. All eyes at DOOLEYS were on the screens as Protectionist romped over the line to take the coveted prize. The race was the culmination of a day of festivities, both in the Members Lounge and in the Wattle/Waratah room where sweeps were won, raffles drawn, hats paraded, fine food relished and fun had by all. Entertainment in the Members Lounge was supplied by the ever popular Re Groove Duo while in the Wattle/Waratah rooms, Cheryl Duroux kept the event rolling along while Brian King provided the music. 10 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Winner of hat parade Your Community News Improve your health and wellbeing! Look no further than your local community for a fantastic program to help promote healthy living and active lifestyles. Auburn City Council’s Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) has been developed to address the risk factors associated with Auburn’s leading identified chronic diseases including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. After the initial success of the HCI pilot program in 2013-14, DOOLEYS is excited to be involved and provide continued funding for this essential community program. The program offers a broad range of activities including fitness for women, fitness for seniors, cycling, resistance and cardiovascular training. “HCI has produced a range of exciting results in the community, such as improved knowledge and skills about healthy and active living and the importance of a balanced diet,” said Council’s Community Development Manager Brooke Endycott. This is reflected in the return participation of 2013 program attendees, the reduction of weight and BMI among the participants and their improvement in balance and strength. Participants indicated they are now sleeping better, some have decreased their medication and many claim to feel more connected to the community and have built new friendships within their exercise groups. The program will continue in 2015 and we encourage you all to get involved. As a result of funding from DOOLEYS all Term 1, 2015 healthy communities programs will be offered for FREE. 2015 HEALTHY COMMUNITIES INITIATIVES PROGRAMS Stronger Smarter Women Venue: Auburn Centre for Community 50min class offered twice a week for two months General fitness class for women to increase muscle mass and build fitness. Some nutritional information provided. Gentle Fitness for Seniors Venue: Lidcombe Community Centre 60min class offered twice a week for two months These exercises will improve movement, balance, coordination and strength. The program is aimed at those suffering from chronic disease, such as heart disease and diabetes or for those who are new to exercise. Cycling Venue: Auburn Centre for Community Meeting once a week for two months Improve your health and use bikes for transport. Cycling classes for people who have never ridden or who simply want to improve their riding skills. Bikes are available, but you are also welcome to bring your own. Additionally, monthly bike rides will take place for skilled riders to explore new areas of Sydney on a bike and make new friends. General Fitness Venue: Auburn Centre for Community Progress Park Sports and Community Centre 60min class offered twice a week for two months Classes include resistance training and cardiovascular work. Participants begin at an easy level and gradually build intensity. Improve functional fitness, increase energy and build muscle mass. For further information about Council’s Healthy Communities Initiative including times of programs for 2015, please call 9735 1386. DOOLEYS is a proud ClubGRANTS partner of Auburn City Council and the Healthy Communities Initiative. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 11 Your Community News First time success for local refugee soccer team A grand final appearance is something that many teams dream of but never achieve in their lifetime. For this unique Newington Gunners Soccer team, it is a testament to their courage, skill and determination. They came to the Club’s attention as a group of men looking for a club to play with, but had no resources. All these potential players were recent arrivals to Australia as refugees. They were just catching up in a local park to play the game they love and at least for that time, forget about their everyday worries. Club Registrar, Andrew Hirschhorn wanted to give them an opportunity to play and so invited them into the Newington Gunners Club, along with some sponsorship from equipment suppliers and an anonymous benefactor. “From the start they played their games with passion and skill and contributed to club duties,” said Gunners Secretary Ben Nilsson. “These guys have battled incredible adversity to take the field, compete and win the All Age Mens 6 competition.” “To say that we, as a club, are proud to have a Champion team in our midst, is an under-statement. We are overjoyed for them, their team and their community. It demonstrates what a great leveller sport can be.” 12 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Finishing the regular season in 1st place was an outstanding achievement. They won their semi-final and set up a Grand Final showdown against Granville Waratahs. Despite going in at halftime 0-1, they managed to claw back 2 goals, the winner in stoppage time to win 2-1. This was the Gunners first grand final win! Whilst the season is over for players, the Committee is working hard to make 2015 an even bigger and better year for players. One of the big changes is the collaboration between Newington Soccer Club and Australian Youth Football Academy to be able to provide players with a holistic program to develop better opportunities for players in the Newington, Wentworth Point, Silverwater and surrounding areas. This means all players will have access to better coaching and for the better players, a pathway to achieve their full potential in The World Game. Registrations for 2015 start 2nd January. Teams from age 3 to Adult Male, Female and mixed teams are available. Further information can be found on or LIKE our Facebook page Newington Gunners Soccer Club. DOOLEYS is a proud sponsor of the Newington Gunners Soccer Club Auburn’s Community Kitchen with a difference The Salvation Army Auburn has developed a unique concept to help some of the most disadvantaged in our local community – the Auburn Connect Community Kitchen. This new community kitchen serves two main purposes. Not only does it provide a nutritious meal for those in our local community who cannot afford to provide for themselves, it also offers a unique employment pathway for local refugees and asylum seekers. “This restaurant provides delicious meals for our local disadvantaged residents in a warm, safe and happy place,” said Salvation Army Captain Nesan Kistan. “It also provides a work experience opportunity for at least 150 refugees and asylum seekers participating in the Bright Employment Hospitality Program who will eventually graduate to full employment in the industry.” DOOLEYS is proud to partner with The Salvation Army and Bright Employment to provide much needed funding for this innovative project. The Auburn Connect Community Kitchen aims to reduce the level of poverty in Auburn experienced by many members of the community on low incomes by reducing the level of food insecurity. It also aims to reduce Auburn’s high unemployment levels by providing work experience for trainee hospitality workers who are newly arrived migrants from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. Auburn Connect Community Kitchen is open Tuesday to Fridays 12.00-2.00pm The Salvation Army Auburn Corner of South Parade and Park Road, Auburn (entrance via Park Road) TET FESTIVAL – Year of the Goat 27 February – 1 March 2015 Fairfield Showground DOOLEYS is once again looking forward to the annual Tet Festival, marking Vietnamese New Year, and we invite all of you to join in the celebrations! The three day Tet Festival has been hosted by the Vietnamese Community in Australia – NSW Chapter for over thirty years and is always a vibrant, colourful and exciting event which proudly showcases Vietnamese culture and music. 2015 marks the year of the Goat, with the Goat being a symbol of creativity and dependability. The 2015 Festival will be held from 27 February – 1 March at the Fairfield Showground. It will be a celebration of cultural ceremonies, live entertainment, tasty Vietnamese cuisine, amusement rides, lion dancing and Fireworks. After last year’s success, DOOLEYS will continue as a major sponsor and will once again be hosting the Children’s Art competition. So don’t forget to bring your kids and visit the DOOLEYS stand to celebrate their creativity. There will also be DOOLEYS giveaways and a fantastic prize draw for adults to enter. For more information about the Tet Festival, please contact the Vietnamese Community in Australia – NSW Chapter on 9727 5599. Your Community News Join us for DOOLEYS Christmas Fair! It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, which means DOOLEYS Christmas Fair is just around the corner. We invite you to join us for this fantastic and affordable family fun day out on Sunday 7 December. DOOLEYS Christmas Fair is our major annual fundraiser for The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. All proceeds from our amusement rides, stall hire and raffles will be donated to the Hospital’s Oncology Unit, helping children living with cancer. To be held at Wyatt Park, Lidcombe, DOOLEYS Christmas Fair will have live entertainment, amusement rides, sporting activities, market and food stalls. This year we will also be joined by special guests Dora the Explorer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and of course Santa Claus. Wyatt Park Lidcombe is located on Church Street, across the other side of Olympic Drive from DOOLEYS Lidcombe. A shuttle bus service will be available from DOOLEYS Lidcombe throughout the day to transport guests down to the Fair. So please come with your family and celebrate the festive season at DOOLEYS Christmas Fair, whilst supporting an amazing organisation like The Children’s Hospital at Westmead! Lidcombe Oval DOOLEYS CHRISTMAS FAIR Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre ch ur Ch St 14 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 CLUB SUNDAY 7 DECEMBER 10.00am to 4.00pm DOOLEYS Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles LIVE SHOW © 201 c. 4 Viacom International In ©2 014 V iac .V. sC om Overseas Holding All proceeds from stall hire, amusement rides and raffles will be donated to the Oncology Department of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 A FUN-FILLED DAY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! • Carnival rides • Entertainment • Christmas stalls • Prize giveaways* • Petting zoo DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 15 Your Community News Life Education NSW Improving the health of our local children Member spotlight – For over 35 years, Life Education NSW has been providing health and drug education to school children aged 5-13 years. Healthy Harold is the program’s iconic and much-loved mascot who delivers positive health messages to primary school children. Healthy Harold has quite a reputation with the kids and, if you haven’t already heard of him, no doubt you soon will! “Each year, Life Education’s Mobile Learning Centre visits at least 5 local primary schools in the Auburn area,” said Fundraising Manager Lillian Adnan. “Healthy Harold and our highly trained educators provide children information about healthy eating and living, as well as providing age-specific information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol abuse.” This year, DOOLEYS is proud to partner with Life Education NSW to provide take home workbooks for each child in our local area who visits the Mobile Learning Centre. The provision of take home workbooks are a wonderful resource for children to keep so they can refer to them in the future and share Healthy Harold’s messages with their entire family and community. Frank Davies We regularly hear about the amazing work that some of our DOOLEYS members do out in our local community. Once such person is Franklin Davies, who has been a DOOLEYS Member for eight years. If there is volunteer work to be done, or people to be helped, Frank is the first one to put his hand up. Frank started volunteering back in the 1950’s in Brisbane coaching children and adults in tennis, table tennis and soccer. Over the years, Frank’s volunteer work has encompassed a wide variety of organisations including Cure Cancer Australia Foundation, MS Australia, Australian Red Cross, Amnesty International and the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, as well as many local sporting associations. Frank’s volunteering work has also seen him recognised with many service awards including the 2011 Government of NSW Community Service Award; the 2012 Bankstown Australia Day Community Service Award as well as the 2014 Sydney Mid West Volunteer of the Year. It is Frank’s professionalism and ability to build rapport with both children and adults alike that holds him in such high regard. Committing over 1,300 hours to volunteering each year, Frank is the definition of a community spirited person. 16 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 DOOLEYS Recycling Challenge DOOLEYS is taking up the challenge to reduce the amount of waste we produce and increase our recycling rate. As a seven days a week operation across three clubs at Lidcombe, Regents Park and Waterview, our business produces a lot of waste and now we’re working hard to reduce it. We recently undertook a detailed waste audit to establish just how much waste we produce here at DOOLEYS. The audit found we use 572,000 coffee cups a year, 2.2 million paper towels and 40,000 two-litre milk bottles. Currently, our recycling rate at the Lidcombe Club to 62% which is great but we are aiming for at least 70%. Now we’re looking at what can be done at our two smaller clubs. Earlier this year, we installed the Pulpmaster food waste system at Waterview, which has helped to improve our recycling rate. DOOLEYS environmental advisors Big Switch Projects are helping us with a number of key waste reduction and recycling projects: 1. Coffee cups – how can we better dispose of them? We already use biodegradable coffee cups but it would be better for the environment if we can compost them. We’re looking into that. 2. Paper recycling – we are looking at how we can improve this in our offices. 3. Green Waste at Waterview – we are establishing a new green waste process for all the leaves that fall on the site from our trees. 4. Composting at Regents Park – we are going to trial a new compost bin system for combined green and food waste. 5. Staff education – we are working hard to encourage all our staff to support the projects and give us fresh ideas for how we can manage waste better. We’ve set ourselves a target of a 90% recycling rate within five years. If you have any ideas on how we can reduce the amount of waste we produce and recycle more, we’d love to hear from you, our Members. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 17 Your Gym News GROUP FITNESS FRIEND-ZY FREE Group Fitness During February! From Monday 12 January to Sunday 1 February 2015, all non-Members can come to DOOLEYS Health + Fitness and try out our Group Exercise Classes for FREE! PLUS join on a 6 or 12 month upfront or standard direct debit Membership on Saturday 31 January and Sunday 1 February 2015 to receive two weeks FREE Membership with no joining fee and a bonus Sports Pack* *Terms and conditions apply. Please see Gym Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112. Answer our quiz - everyone wins! Answer these 5 questions and bring in this page to Gym Reception and you’ll pay NO Joining Fee when you join!* Current Members can also compete and bring in this page to receive a bonus prize, either a DOOLEYS Health + Fitness cap, bottle or headset! 1. How many calories are in 400 kilojoules? 2. How often do we recommend our Members take up a complimentary health assessment with their trainer at DOOLEYS Health + Fitness? (circle one) a) b) c) d) Every week Every 6 weeks Every 6 months Once a year 3. How many calories on average would a Member burn in a 45 minute spin class? (circle one) a) b) c) d) 12-50 100 300 500 4. What is the highest calorie burning option for a 20 minute work-out? (circle one) a) b) c) d) Walking on a treadmill Riding a bike on level 5 at 70 RPMs Synergy circuit Core exercises 5. How many group fitness classes do we offer every week as part of our group exercise timetable? 18 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Answers: 1. 96; 2. b; 3. d; 4. c; 5. 57 *Terms & conditions apply. See Gym Reception for details. Meet the trainer Meet one of our trainers, Brad Whitfield. Brad is currently studying a Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science with plans to further his education in the psychology field. With over 4 years coaching experience and a passion for sport from a young age, Brad is enthusiastic about health, fitness and helping our Members achieve their goals. What makes you stand out from other Personal Trainers in the industry? I’ve taken an interest in sports psychology and I’ve found it’s really helped me relate to our Members and my clients on a whole new level. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chicken, veggies and rice! What’s your favourite song to exercise to? Anything by the One Day Crew. What’s your favourite machine on the Gym Floor? The kinesis – you can work every body part on the same machine. What do you love most about working at DOOLEYS Health + Fitness? The Members are awesome. Our Members are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever worked with, and it makes coming to work fun! If you could work in any other industry, where would it be? Mental health, or something to do with psychology. What’s your favourite Group Fitness class? Yoga or Barbell. Yoga because it’s great for stretching, relaxing and calming the mind and body and Barbell because you work up a sweat and get your muscles pumping. Resistance or Cardio, which would you prefer? Both! No good training program is complete without a mixture of strength and cardio work. Personal Training Summer Bonus! For every 6 or 10 Pack of Personal Training sessions you buy, you’ll receive a FREE Shaker and 10% off our range of Horleys nutritional Supplements. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 19 Your Gym News Join our Camp fo Fit r only Get fit, $220!* 2 x DEXA have fun! Includes Over $70 of inclus0ioworth ns Scans Join our 7 Week Fit Camp Kicking off on Monday 9 February, you’ll have your first DEXA Scan providing you with a report to start off the program and set your goals. To help you achieve these goals over 52 days, you’ll receive four small group personal training sessions per week, as well as entry into the February 2015 Rooftop Bootcamp. As an added bonus, you’ll get a protein shaker and 10% off the Horleys nutrition range for the duration of the program. To finish off, you’ll then receive your final DEXA Scan on Monday 30 March with a report that provides you with your final results. *Terms and conditions apply – See Gym Reception for details DEXA Scan The ultimate body analysis technology, DEXA Scan, is coming to DOOLEYS Health + Fitness. What is a DEXA scan? With a full body DEXA Scan, you can see how your body is working like never before with the most accurate results available in: • • • • • • Body fat percentage Bone density Lean tissue Muscle mass Muscle mass balance Physique rating • • • • • Metabolic age Fitness score Abdominal fat percentage Hydration levels Bone mineral density content Your results are then provided in an easy-to-read report showing you where you sit in relation to the population, a recommended energy expenditure target and an individual eating plan. This gives you a clear indication of what your health focus should be for 2015. Knowing your body and how it’s functioning paves the path to achieving your goals in a realistic and measurable manner. That’s why we’ve teamed the DEXA Scan up with our 7 Week Fit Camp! Get a scan before you start the program, and then another one upon completion. You’ll see your hard work and results achieved throughout the program like never before! Whether you’re an older adult, a fitness guru or are just thinking about starting out, these results will give you the edge you need to know your body and hit a new high in 2015. *Terms and conditions apply – See Gym Reception for details 20 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 DEXA Scan sessions on Monday 9 Februa ry and Monday 30 M arch. $85 per session* (excludes Fit Cam p participants) Your Membership Member satisfaction: survey results Each year DOOLEYS conducts a variety of research activities to gauge the satisfaction of our Members. This year, our Members completed over 2,900 surveys and attended a series of focus group sessions to help us gain a better understanding of our Members’ expectations. Members were asked to rank importance and satisfaction across a range of factors for each Club and provide some feedback regarding our facilities and services. What is important to our Members? When we asked our Members what were the items that kept them coming back to DOOLEYS the seven factors that ranked highest in terms of importance were: • Being treated with respect from our staff • How clean the venue(s) are • Staff making you feel welcome • Customer service • Quality of food and beverages • Security What are our Members are most satisfied with? Much like previous year’s results, the results showed that Members are extremely satisfied with our staff who make them feel welcome and treat them with respect. They also praised DOOLEYS for the cleanliness of the venue and the fact they can feel safe on our premises. What are the areas for the Club’s improvement? In conducting this survey we also hoped to uncover areas that customers were less satisfied with, in order to continually improve our services. Members mentioned that they would like to see a greater variety of menu options that provide better value. There was also feedback raised about our promotions and rewards. Your Club is working to better understand what it is that constitutes “value” to you, our Members, in terms of food, beverages and our other products and services. We thank all those Members who took part in our survey and look forward to improving your Clubs, with better facilities and services to benefit our Members and Guests. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 21 Delicious Summer meals at Lloyd's Bistro Come in and try one of our new specials this Summer; salt and pepper calamari, grilled vegetable stack, apricot glazed pork cutlet, tandoori chicken pizza and many more... And check out our daily blackboard specials, where you can find new and delicious dishes to enjoy! $12 er dinnials! c spe * Enjoy a delicious dinner for only $12! Includes main and Chinese tea. Please see our menu board for the special of the day. Monday to Thursday 5.30pm to 10.00pm *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. 22 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Great Noodles Great Price DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club Level 1, Church St, Lidcombe TRADING HOURS: Tues – Fri 10.00am to 9.00pm Sat & Sun 9.00am to 9.00pm PH: 9646 1700 MEMBERS MEAL DEAL* MONDAY $11.00 Chicken schnitzel with topping of the day and chips TUESDAY A T $11.00 220g rump steak with chips and salad WEDNESDAY $11.00 Thai fish cakes served on salad THURSDAY Maple glazed pork chop served on apple and walnut salad Valentine’s Day $11.00 D O O L E Y S L I D C O M B E Celebrate with your special someone at DOOLEYS Lidcombe this Valentine’s Day A tempting range of Valentine’s Day specials at Lloyd’s Bistro Romantic Music Valentine’s Day Lucky door prizes* SATURDA 14 FEBRU Y ARY *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 23 Kung Hei Fat Choy Chuc Mung Nam Moi Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo FREE Lunar Amazing Lunar New Year banquets and entertainment Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 February $88 for 2 people per night From 7.00pm in the Wattle/Waratah Room Tickets on sale from Member Services: Phone 8745 6105 New Year Show Thursday 19 February from 7.30pm in the Members Lounge Celebrate Lunar New Year with The Star King Band Saturday 28 February from 8.00pm in the Wattle/Waratah Room *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. 5 January to 26 February Buy any main meal, Monday to Thursday, from Lloyd's Bistro plus... zen soft drin Fro k to Scoop Gela rlic bread slice a G OR OR *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Pictures are representative only. Choice of one only SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY AT 2.00PM IN THE WATTLE ROOM FEATURING THE TALENTED DALE SELSBY with Maestro Greg Crease at the keyboard $6 for Members $10 for Guests Includes afternoon tea Tickets available from Member Services by calling 8745 6105 Terms Conditions Apply. See Club Reception for details. *Terms & Conditions Apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit&Number LTPS/14/08457. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 25 What’s on at your Clubs Lidcombe Regents Park Waterview Bingo Bingo Trivia Monday 11.30am, Level 1 7.30pm, Level 1 Monday 11.00am Tuesday 7.30pm Raffle Entertainment Friday 6.30pm tickets on sale 5.30pm Enjoy great performers every weekend! Tuesday 7.00pm, Level 1 Thursday 1.00pm, Level 1 Raffles Friday and Sunday 6.00pm in Members Lounge tickets on sale from 5.00pm Mahjong Tuesday 7.30pm, Level 1 Sunday 2.00pm, Level 1 Trivia Monday 7.30pm in Members Lounge 26 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday 4.00pm tickets on sale 3.00pm Trivia Wednesday 7.30pm in the main lounge Cash Housie Thursday 7.30pm Poker Thursday 7.00pm Friday 6.00pm to 10.00pm Saturday 6.00pm to 10.00pm Sunday 12 noon to 4.00pm KEY: Lidcombe Events December 2014 MONDAY Regents Park Events Waterview Events TUESDAY 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 1 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 8 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 15 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 22 7.15pm Snooker WEDNESDAY 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 2 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 9 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 16 3 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.00pm Euchre 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 7.30pm Members Lounge Sounds of Christmas Show 10 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Trivia 17 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 23 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.30pm Mahjong 29 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 30 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Walking Club 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Toy Raffle 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm Mike Mathieson Duo 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Diamond Rhythm” 6.35am Golf (Auburn) 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Koppen Terrace 8.30pm Members Lounge “Latin Vibes” 12 noon Members Lounge “Allan Samyia” then “Mick Aquilina” 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Sunday Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis DOOLEYS Christmas Fair 10.00am to 4.00pm, Wyatt Park 4 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Christmas Bonanza Raffle 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 5 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm Time Machine 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Mike Mathieson Duo” 11 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 12 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm The Armchair Travellers 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “American Graffiti” 18 24 25 DOOLEYS Lidcombe open DOOLEYS Regents Park open DOOLEYS Waterview closed 7 5.30am Fishing Club 12 noon Members Lounge “Ian Blakeney” then “Franky Valentyn” 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Ham & Turkey Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 13 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Crushed Ice 8.30pm Members Lounge “Mike Mathieson Duo” 19 BOXING DAY Merry Christmas 6 11.00am Art Classes 5.00pm Toy Raffle 6.30pm Mick Aquilina 8.30pm Members Lounge “Re Groove” 14 12 noon Members Lounge “Ron Ashton” then “Gabby” 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Seafood Raffle 6.00pm Seafood Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 20 6.30pm Ron Ashton 8.30pm Members Lounge “Boy Meets Girl” 26 21 12 noon Members Lounge “Paul Fisher” then “Joanna Capetanakis” 2.00pm Mahjong 7.00pm Table Tennis 27 28 7.30pm New Year’s Eve Dinner Show 8.00pm Members Lounge “Mike Mathieson Duo” 8.00pm Unforgettable 31 AT DOOLEYS LIDCOMBE DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 27 KEY: Lidcombe Events January 2015 MONDAY Regents Park Events Waterview Events TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY NEW YEAR’S DAY 6.00pm Mike Mathieson Duo 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Tracey Adams Duo” 7.00pm Poker DOOLEYS Lidcombe open DOOLEYS Regents Park open DOOLEYS Waterview closed SATURDAY SUNDAY 6.30pm Mick Aquilina 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Girls Talk Duo” 12 noon Members Lounge “Allan Samyia” then “Joanna Capetanakis” 2.00pm Mahjong 7.00pm Table Tennis P L DELICIOUS U S AT LLOYD’S B SPECIALS IS JOHN STREE TRO AND T CAFÉ 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 5 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 12 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 19 AUSTRALIA DAY 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 12 noon Members Lounge “Pick and Bow” 12 noon Ron Ashton 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 26 28 YOURS 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 1 7.00pm Euchre 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 6 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 7 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 13 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 14 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.00pm Euchre 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 20 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 21 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 27 DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 28 8 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 15 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 22 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 7.30pm Travel Club 29 2 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm The Armchair Travellers 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Mike Mathieson Duo” 9 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm Time Machine 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Crushed Ice Duo” 16 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm Hooray For Everything 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Time Machine Duo” 23 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm The Bandits 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Joey & The Boy” 30 3 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Ron Ashton 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Re Groove” 10 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Diamond Rhythm 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Rock Solid” 17 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Time Machine 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Koppen Terrace Duo” 24 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm James Lees Duo 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Mike Mathieson Duo” 31 4 5.30am Fishing Club 12 noon Members Lounge “Ron Ashton” then “Mick Aquilina” 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Sunday Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 11 12 noon Members Lounge “Kristy Lee” then “Paul Fisher” 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Sunday Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 18 12 noon Members Lounge “Ian Blakeney” 12 noon Koppen Terrace 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Sunday Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.30pm Members Lounge “Let the Good Times Roll” Show 25 KEY: Lidcombe Events February 2015 MONDAY Regents Park Events Waterview Events TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 12 noon Members Lounge “Allan Samyia” then “Ron Ashton” 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 7.00pm Table Tennis Lunar New Year 1 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 2 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 9 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 16 11.00am FREE Bingo 11.30am FREE Bingo 6.45pm Mixed Bowls 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Monday Night Bingo 7.30pm Trivia 23 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.00pm Euchre 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 3 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 10 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 17 7.00pm Lunar New Year Banquet 7.00pm FREE Box Bingo 7.00pm Table Tennis 7.15pm Snooker 7.30pm Mahjong 7.30pm Trivia 24 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 4 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 11 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.00pm Euchre 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 18 10.00am Ladies Bowls 7.00pm Lunar New Year Banquet 7.30pm Art Classes 7.30pm Dancesport 7.30pm Trivia 25 5 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 12 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Members Lounge Lunar New Year Show 7.30pm Cash Housie 9.00pm WIN a Kia Major Draw 19 10.00am Ladies Shuffleboard 1.00pm FREE Bingo – Members Lounge 6.00pm Mixed Shuffleboard 7.00pm Poker 7.30pm Cash Housie 7.30pm Travel Club 26 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm Mike Mathieson Duo 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Mike Mathieson Duo” 6 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm Rock Solid Duo 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Camera Club 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Crushed Ice Duo” 8.30pm Members Lounge Country Classics Show 13 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm The Armchair Travellers 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Boy Meets Girl Duo“ 20 6.00pm Friday Market Raffle 6.00pm The Bandits Duo 6.30pm Friday Raffle 7.00pm Camera Club 7.00pm Table Tennis 8.30pm Members Lounge “Mike Mathieson Duo” 27 6.35am Golf (Sefton) 11.00am Art Classes 2.00pm Musical Memories Songs of Love 6.30pm Mick Aquilina 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Unforgettable” 5.30am Fishing Club 12 noon Members Lounge “Mick Aquilina” then “Franky Valentyn” 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Sunday Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 7 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Ron Ashton 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Rock Solid” 8 Walking Club 12 noon Members Lounge “Ian Blakeney” then “Joanna Capetanakis” 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Sunday Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 14 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Unforgettable 8.00pm Chinese & Vietnamese Music & Dance Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Re Groove Duo” 15 12 noon Members Lounge Brian Gillett” then “Brian King” 2.00pm Dancesport 2.00pm Mahjong 4.00pm Sunday Raffle 6.00pm Spot On Sunday Raffle 7.00pm Table Tennis 21 22 11.00am Art Classes 6.30pm Time Machine 8.00pm Special Star King Band Lunar New Year Night 8.30pm Members Lounge “Rock Solid” 28 DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 29 Your Intra Club News Join a DOOLEYS Intra Club! There are 14 Intra Clubs who are all seeking new members and you may wish to join one or more of them. •Camera Club •Lawn Bowls •Dancesport •Mixed Indoor Bowls •Euchre Club •Mixed Shuffleboard •Fishing Club •Snooker & Billiards •Golf Club •Table Tennis •Ladies Indoor Bowls •Travel Club •Ladies Shuffleboard •Walking Club The fit and the energetic may also wish to join one or more of the following Sporting Clubs which are sponsored by DOOLEYS: •Auburn District Cricket Club •Berala Bears JRLFC •Lidcombe Auburn Cycling Club •Netball NSW •Parramatta Auburn Netball Association •Regents Park Pumas •Wests Auburn Masters Swimming Club There is also a Knitting and Craft Group who regularly meet to knit and crochet for charity groups which Members are also welcome to join. If you wish to join one or more of these groups please contact Member Services on 8745 6105 and they will arrange for someone to contact you. Terry Kenny 30 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Travel Club Past events for the year have been well attended and the committee have tried to give Members a variety of trips. In 2014, trips have included: the Rose Festival at Goulburn; Crescent Heads; Warragamba Dam; The Rocks and The Hungry Mile; Aunt Molly’s at Morisset; Windsor Paddle Boat Cruise; Port Works at Botany Bay and surrounding suburbs; Joadja Creek Historic Town; Nepean Belle & Vicary’s Winery; finishing with our Christmas Dinner at the Club. We have averaged 48 Members on each trip. Upcoming Trips ‘Autumn Leaves Trip’ from Friday 22 May to Thursday 28 May 2015. This includes taking the train to Albury, staying at the Tallangatta Motor Inn with a day trip out each day and most meals. See the Notice Board for further details. Our 20 year anniversary will be held in March 2015. We hope to see many past and present Members. See the Notice Board for further details. The DOOLEYS Travel Club meets at 7.30pm on the last Thursday of each month. Golfing News The Club Championships have now been decided. The Championship was reduced to three rounds due to the cancellation of the June game. No player is entitled to win both the gross and handicap awards and to win a perpetual trophy, a player must attend eight (8) games between February and November. The provisional winners were: Gross Handicap Net ‘A’ Grade Bernie Freeburn 252 Denis Collins (51) 215 ‘B’ Grade Enda Scully 260 Michael Lenart (55) 215 ‘C’ Grade Peter Kennedy 300 Jenny Freeburn (107) 214 ‘D’ Grade Judy Bartholomew 327 Sonja Lenart (162) 202 The Peter Ross Trophy was completed in September at our game held in Auburn. After three games at three different courses, the player with the most Stableford points was declared the winner. Twenty five players played in all three games and twenty seven players played one or two games. This year there was a tie between Sonja Lenart and Enda Scully who both finished with 117 points. The semi-finals of the Treasurer’s Trophy were played at our last game at Auburn. Adam Welton defeated Michael Lenart at the 19th hole, whilst Patrick Kain defeated Garry Mitchell 4 and 3. Winners of our previous games were: Winner Runner-Up Fairfield 19 July Jenny Delaney 44 pts Charlie Scully 42 pts Woodville 16 August Peter Kennedy 62 net Kierin O’Hara 67 net Auburn 13 September Peter O’Brien 62 net Garry Mitchell 65 net Auburn 18 October Antoni Tomasic 44 pts Patrick Kain 42 pts Sixty four (64) people attended the 28th Golfing Weekend at Nelson Bay on Friday 26 to Sunday 28 September. A great weekend was had by all and every golfer who attended received a prize. The winner of the Saturday game was Judy Bartholomew (37) 40 pts and the runner up was Garry Mitchell (18) 39 pts. With the revised handicaps for the Sunday game, the winner was John Shanley (55) 46 pts and the runner up was Jenny Freeburn with 46 pts. The winner of the Country Shield with a combined score of 75 pts was Eddie Habib and the winner of the Visitors Trophy was Gavin Barlow with 78 pts. Next year, we will be playing the Worrigee Links course at Nowra. Future games are at: Auburn 6 December Ambrose Sefton 7 February 2 BBB Treasurer Auburn 28 March Stableford Treasurer Auburn 18 April Stableford Treasurer, Captain Terry Kenny Calling all social golfers The Golf Club is always delighted to welcome new Members to enjoy our social games whether you are a beginner or an expert. Golf is a relaxing social activity open to all ages and to all level of players. Bring along your children, grandchildren and your friends. We play 12 games each year on Saturday mornings and we have a fantastic weekend away each year. For more info call 02 9639 7271 or email DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 31 Your Intra Club News Abandoned, by Abhijit Choudhry Camera Club Our Membership spans all levels of photographic interests and skills and visitors are always welcome at our meetings. We are currently working on our programme for 2015 and when complete, this can be viewed by visiting our website at Our competitions presentations and workshops over the last three months have been well attended. At the recent Auburn City Council Art and Photography Awards for 2014, the winner of the Most Outstanding photo was awarded to Camera Club Member Abhijit Choudhry for his image entitled ‘Abandoned’ (pictured above). Fellow Camera Club Member Nick Marotta also received a highly commended award for his work ‘Billabong Reflections’. Congratulations go to Abhijit and Nick! We would like to thank the Board and Management of DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club for their support and encouragement over the last twelve months. If you are interested in learning more about the art and craft of photography and improving your creative and photographic techniques, why not come along to one of our meetings and maybe even join our Club. Our first meeting for 2015 is on Friday 13 February, with our guest speaker David speaking on Sports Action Photography. For more information, contact John Campbell on 02 9773 9666 or visit our website at Gail Palmer Euchre Any enthusiastic card players out there? How about joining a friendly group of Euchre players! DOOLEYS Euchre Club meets every second Wednesday at 7.00pm in the Members Lounge at Lidcombe. Upcoming dates are: 10 December, 7 January, 21 January, 4 February and 18 February. Don’t hesitate to join in on the night or leave your name and contact details at Member Services and we will be in touch. 32 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Walking Club Twice a year, Walking Club Members meet to draw up a walking program for the next 6 months. Various walks are put forward, but every now and then, something different is proposed. The following walk is one of them. Rookwood Cemetery Fifteen walkers gathered at Lidcombe station for this walk. Entering the cemetery via the pedestrian gate in East Street, we arrived at St Michael Archangel Chapel to begin a historic walk through the Old Catholic Section. Our first stop was the Toohey Family’s Vaults. John Toohey started his empire with a cordial factory in 1869 and Toohey’s beer did not become popular until the 1880’s. Next up was the Maher Family Vault which has the most outstanding monument in Rookwood, a gigantic Celtic cross. Timothy Maher ran Moore’s Labour Bazaar in Pitt Street during the 1850’s/1860’s which was the largest general furnishing store in the colonies at that time. Walking past the Slovene Monumental Lawn, we came to an original part of the Serpentine Canal built prior to 1890 which weaves like a snake across the centre of Rookwood Cemetery. We passed the McMahon Vault where James McMahon is buried. James held the exclusive contract from the NSW railways, delivering wool to the warehouse. James had 250 teams and 550 horses, transferring 750,000 bales of wool annually. Our next stop was where 3 of the 19 Australians who died in the submarine attack on Sydney Harbour are buried. We then walk to the very impressive Italian vaults. Our final stop on our historic walk is dedicated to the Sisters of Charity, the first religious sisters to arrive in Australia in 1838. We had a well-earned morning tea as we viewed the 1880’s Gothic revival style of the St Michael Archangel Chapel. We then moved on to the St Joachim’s Circle, stopping at the Mortuary No. 1 Station which was used from 1867 to 1948, before moving on to the memorial to the Jewish people who lost their lives in World War 2. After this, we walked up and down the many paths, viewing and commenting on the 38 unique works comprising the Art & About sculptures that are scattered around the Anglican section. Naturally we all had different ideas as to which pieces we liked best. From ‘Adrift’ – a homeless person asleep on a park bench, ‘A Few Thoughts on the Death of Photography’, ‘Regeneration’ – ceramic rabbits, ‘House of Bones’ and ‘Untitled’ – arrow of men blindfolded, they are unable to see and therefore cannot move forward. We had lunch beneath the piece ‘Heartbeaten’ – which explores the relationship between life and death before returning to DOOLEYS to complete a wonderful 6km walk on a beautiful Spring day. Leaders: Marlene and Stanley For further information concerning the Walking Club’s walks, phone John or Helen on 9644 8859. Lawn Bowls All of our Club Championships are over for the year and our Club Champion is Ivan Baxter. The DOOLEYS Open Pairs Championship was played on 27 September and was won by I Baxter and G Scopa, with runners-up being L Portelli and D Elbourne. Our Twilight Bowls have commenced and will continue during the Daylight Savings Period. Winners Rick Hegarty and Adam Scott receiving the Vizy Wilczek Trophy from Mrs Wilczek Our social games on Monday at 9.30am, Wednesday at 1.00pm and Saturday at 1.00pm are still going well and we would like to welcome new players. If anyone would like to know more or to learn the game, please contact me on 9649 3595 and I will be only too happy to help. Neville Hatcher, Bowls Secretary DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 33 Your Intra Club News Table Tennis DOOLEYS Table Tennis Club has completed its Annual Championships for 2014. The Championships provided an excellent opportunity for all Members to compete for the annual prizes. The winners of our 2014 Championships are: Handicap Doubles: Winners: Cam Van Duong & Tony Duc DAO Runners-Up: Bej Raut & Hien Le Third Place: Tom Trau & Jeffrey Song Handicap Singles Winners: A Grade: Truong Hoang B Grade: Jonathan Cheng C Grade: Tom Trau D Grade: Paul Tran Closed Singles: Winner: Peter Krigovsky Runner-Up: Truong Hoang Congratulations to all winners who have demonstrated great sportsmanship and friendship with a strong, competitive spirit. The winners will be invited by DOOLEYS Sports Council to attend a Presentation Night Dinner in February 2015 where they will receive a trophy and special prizes from DOOLEYS. In 2015, we will continue to assist all Members of DOOLEYS who are interested in participating in community and recreational activities through the table tennis games. Table Tennis games are held 3 nights per week in the John Meaney room from 7.00pm on Friday, Sunday and Tuesday. For more information, please contact Laurence Tang (Games Organiser): 0403 776 100 DOOLEYS Snooker and Billiards Club The DOOLEYS Snooker and Billiards Club would like to congratulate those Members that played in the Western Districts Snooker and Billiards Competition over the first 20 weeks of the year. DOOLEYS Members came second in the round robin part of the tournament with 116 points, narrowly beaten by Wentworthville Leagues Club who finished with 117 points. In order for the Snooker Club to enter a team in the B and C grades next year, we need more players, and that means you! We meet on Monday and Tuesday night’s to play and would greatly encourage female players to come join in. The tables were turned in the Grand Final when DOOLEYS defeated Wentworthville 7 – 5 to take home the inaugural C Grade - Bill Hart Memorial Shield. The shield will be displayed in the trophy cabinet in the near future. There is a fee of $2.00 per game and all proceeds go to the Westmead Children’s Hospital. To date we have raised over $1500 from the current season. The winners of the Doubles receive a $20 DOOLEYS EFTPOS card and the Runners up a $10 card, while the winner of the Singles match receives $30 and Runner-up $20 cards. The team members were: Alex Lo, Clarence Ho, Farhan Khan, Franco Di. Matteo, Ben Chan, Steve Martin, Ivan Fung, Hai Long and a 9th member Lallee was forced to drop out in the early stage of the competition. The Intra Club Competition will run until Thursday 18 December, then break until early 2015. The Western Districts competition will commence in late February or early March, dates to be decided. The Club is also looking at other competitions in which its members can participate. 34 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 y a Pl foot e r a B ! s l Bow 2 hours of Bowls! $10 per person or $5 per person with a function booking* Park Regents For bookings and enquiries please contact Club Reception on 9644 2384 *Terms & Conditions apply. See Club reception for details. Ballroom dancing Every week at DOOLEYS Join us upstairs in the John Meaney Room every Wednesday and Sunday Coffee * & Cake DEAL AVAILABLE AT ALL 3 CLUBS 6.00* $ for Members Wednesday 7.30pm – 8.30pm Beginners Class 8.00 $ for Guests Wednesday 8.30pm – 10.00pm Social Dancing Sunday 2.00pm – 3.00pm Advanced Class Sunday 3.30pm – 5.00pm Social Dancing DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 35 PROMOTION RUNS 5 JANUARY TO 4 MARCH 2015 MAJOR DRAW $18,888!* Celebrate the Year of the Sheep at DOOLEYS! Kung Hei Fat Choy Chuc Mung Nam Moi Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo Wednesday 4 March at 9.00pm Plus your chance to WIN $888 every draw night!* Drawn every Wednesday and Sunday at 7.00pm, 8.00pm and 9.00pm To enter the draw, present your Membership card when spending the required minimum amount. One ticket will be issued for every: $6 spent in the bar or café $10 in Lloyd’s Bistro, 8 Dragons or Vincents Noodle House *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPS/14/08893 *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 Promotion runs 28 November 2014 to 26 February 2015 Promotion runs to 17 December D O O L E Y S P R O M O T I O N Major draw for Come to DOOLEYS this Summer for your chance to WIN one of 5 x $1,000 DOOLEYS Eftpos Debit Cards each month!* Simply spend $5 in points during December 2014, January and February 2015 for your chance to be a lucky winner Drawn at 9.00pm: Wednesday 24 December 2014, Thursday 29 January 2015 and Thursday 26 February 2015 *Terms & Conditions Apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPS/14/08457. 36 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 $20,000! * Wednesday 17 December at 9.00pm Pick a present every week to WIN up to $1,000 Drawn every Wednesday and Sunday at 7.00pm, 8.00pm and 9.00pm To enter the draw, present your membership card when spending the required minimum amount. 1 ticket will be issued for every: $6 spent in the bar or café, $10 spent in Lloyd’s Bistro, 8 Dragons or Vincents Noodle House *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPS/14/05585. WEDNESDAY 10 DECEMBER AT 7.30PM SING ALONG TO YOUR FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS CAROLS WITH THE CANDLELIGHT SINGERS! DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 37 Friday 13 February from 8.30pm Free show in the Members Lounge at Lidcombe Enjoy some country and western classics with multi award winning country vocal star Wayne Horsburgh and the fabulous Rosemaree Dinaro Regents Park Promotion runs 1 December 2014 to 19 February 2015 DOOLEYS Regents Park Promotion Celebrating Lunar New Year MAJOR DRADWAY PLUSs every THURSUARY 19 FEBR0PM AT 9.0 aw Weekly dar nd Sunday Thursday for $100 in at 6.30pmYS Eftpos DOOLE s* card To enter the draw, present your Membership card when you spend $10 or more. One ticket will be issued for every $10 spent at DOOLEYS Regents Park Sports Club food and beverage outlets. *Terms and conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPS/14/09189. Image of vehicle for illustrative purposes only. BISTRO 11 $ SPECIALS EVERYDAY! * *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 39 WEDNESDAY 31 DECEMBER MUSIC ENJOY LaIyV! 6E.30 ― 9.30pm every Saturd ___________ ___ December 6th 13th 20th 27th race ... Koppen Ter a n ili ... Mick Aqu e ... Crushed Ic ... Ron Ashton ___ ________ _ _ _ _ nuary Ja 3rd 10th 17th 24th na ... Mick Aquili n ... Ron Ashto ythm ... Diamond Rh e ... Time Machin __ ____________ February ... Mick Aquilina 7th 14th 21st 28th ... Ron Ashton race ... Koppen Ter e ... Unforgettabl NEWAT DOOLEYSYEAR’S EVE REGENTS PARK Live band and a glass of sparkling wine for the midnight toast Watch the fireworks on the Big Screen A rangeous of delicils at specia stro the bi Swipe and W i P rizes *n *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 Prizes for all the family this Christmas!* Toy Raffle on Saturday 13 December Tickets on sale from 3.00pm with the raffle commencing at 5.00pm Ham & Turkey Raffle on Sunday 14 December Tickets on sale from 3.00pm with the raffle commencing at 4.00pm Seafood Raffle on Sunday 21 December Tickets on sale from 3.00pm with the raffle commencing at 4.00pm *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112. SATURDAY 24 TO MONDAY 26 JANUARY Australia Day AT D O O L E Y S R E G E N T S PA R K FREE LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY DAY WITH: FANTAS SPECIA TIC THE BIS LS AT TRO! Time Machine on Saturday - FROM 6.30PM Koppen Terrace on Sunday - FROM 12 NOON Ron Ashton on Monday - FROM 12 NOON Swipe and win draw for your chance to WIN a fantastic hamper!* Drawn on Monday 26 January at 4.00pm *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 S CLUB K SPORT R A P S T S REGEN DOOLEY 15 MARCH 20 NS UNTIL U R N O TI PROMO SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY Enjoy a great meal with your Valentine! Prize jackpots weekly if not won! Delicious Valentine’s Day specials from the Bistro Don’t miss our weekly draws every Friday at 8:00pm and 9:00pm! Swipe and win draw for your chance to win a Valentine’s Day hamper!* To enter the draw, swipe your card at the kiosk to get your FREE entry ticket and put it in the barrel. Winners must be present for the draw. *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPS/14/06134 & LTPS/14/09188. DRAWN AT 6.30PM *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 41 Waterview Share a great meal with friends at DOOLEYS Waterview Dining Room Come along and try our new delicious Summer specials put together by our Chef Stephanie and her fantastic team. Cracked pepper raviolone, mushroom bruschetta, rack of lamb with couscous, scotch fillet with mushroom, polenta chips & onions rings and many more. Don't miss our mezze plates and tapas, ideal for sharing with friends! Lunch Monday to Friday Lunch Saturday & Sunday, Dinner 7 Days Please order and pay at the bar. Note your table number and meals will then be delivered to you at your table. Please wait to be seated. Full table service will be provided. members meal deal * MONDAY Chicken schnitzel with topping of the day and chips TUESDAY Herb crusted pork chop served on chips and salad WEDNESDAY 300g rump steak with chips THURSDAY Chicken Souvlaki served with chips, salad and flat bread, topped with tzatziki *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. 42 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 PROMOTION RUNS 1 DECEMBER 2014 TO 22 FEBRUARY 2015 DOOLEYS WATERVIEW Vineyard Panorama Your chance to WIN an unforgettable experience soaring over the majestic Hunter Valley!* To enter the draw, present your Membership card when spending the required minimum amount. One ticket will be issued for every: $8 spent at Waterview Bar | $15 spent at Waterview Dining Room raw d r Majoday 22 Sun ruary Feb 0pm 0 at 9. *Terms and conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 SATURDAY 24 TO MONDAY 26 JANUARY Enjoy a delicious meal with a range of specials at Waterview Dining Room LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY DAY! Swipe and win draw for your chance to WIN one of two Australia Day hampers!* Drawn on Monday 26 January at 9.00pm *Terms & conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 43 SAT 14 FE URDAY BRU ARY AT DOOLEYS WATERVIEW Enjoy a romantic meal with your loved one this Valentine’s Day Select from a delicious range of Valentine’s Day specials at Waterview Dining Room LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FROM 6.00PM Swipe and win draw for your chance to win a Valentine’s Day hamper!* *Terms and conditions apply. See Club Reception for details. Authorised under NSW Permit Number LTPM/14/01112 ENTERTAINMENT @WATERVIEW Great bands from 6.00pm every Friday! Piano entertainment on Saturdays 6.00pm and classical guitar sounds every Sunday from 12 noon. JANUARY 2nd Mike Mathieson Duo 9th The Armchair Travellers 16th Time Machine 23rd Hooray For Everything 30th The Bandits DECEMBER 5th Mike Mathieson Duo 12th Time Machine 19th The Armchair Travellers 26th Rock Solid FEBRUARY 6th Mike Mathieson Duo 13th Rock Solid Duo 20th The Armchair Travellers 27th The Bandits Duo 44 YOURS DECEMBER 2014 – FEBRUARY 2015 Your Directory DOOLEYS Website Trading Hours For information about what’s happening in your Club, including events, entertainment, promotions and food specials, go to DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club DOOLEYS Dress Regulations Dress regulations are on display at the entrance to each Club and are also available on our website If you require more information please ask our friendly staff or pick up a brochure from our Clubs Reception. DOOLEYS Clubs contact details: DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club Church St, Lidcombe NSW 2141 Phone number: 8745 6100 DOOLEYS Waterview Club Corner Clyde St and Silverwater Rd Silverwater NSW 2128 Phone number: 9748 0427 DOOLEYS Regents Park Sports Club Regent St, Regents Park NSW 2143 Phone number: 9644 2384 Courtesy Bus DOOLEYS Courtesy Bus is available to Members and their Guests for residential pick-up and drop off in Auburn, Granville, Lidcombe, Berala, Regents Park, Silverwater, Newington, Homebush and Strathfield. This service is available to and from DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club premises only. Service departs DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club* Monday to Thursday: 5:15pm – 10:15pm Friday & Saturday: 4:15pm – 1:15am Sunday: 4:15pm – 10:15pm To book the Courtesy Bus please call: 043 DOOLEYS (0433 665 397) after 5.00pm. *The Courtesy Bus may from time to time transfer Members and their Guests from DOOLEYS Waterview Club and DOOLEYS Regents Park Sports Club to DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club. The Courtesy Bus route is at the discretion of the driver. Please be advised that with the availability of the Courtesy Bus, Taxi Vouchers will no longer be available for Members living within a 5km radius of the Club at the same time as the bus is running. Children’s Policy To ensure pleasant environment for all guests, we request your help with the following: 10.00am – 4.00am (Monday to Thursday) 10.00am – 6.00am (Friday) 9.00am – 6.00am (Saturday) 9.00am – 4.00am (Sunday) Lloyd’s Bistro 12 noon – 2.30pm Lunch 5.00pm – 9.00pm Dinner (Sunday to Thursday) 5.00pm – 9.30pm Dinner (Friday, Saturday) John Street Café 10.00am – 11.00pm (Monday to Thursday) 10.00am – 1.30am (Friday) 9.00am – 1.30am (Saturday) 9.00am – 11.00pm (Sunday) Bar 10.00am – 3.00am (Monday to Thursday) 10.00am – 4.00am (Friday) 9.00am – 4.00am (Saturday) 9.00am – 3.00am (Sunday) The bar will close at 4.00am on Public Holidays. 8 Dragons 11.00am –10.00pm (Monday to Sunday) Vincents Noodle House 10.00am – 9.00pm (Tuesday to Friday) 9.00am – 9.00pm (Saturday and Sunday) Keno and TAB 10.00am – 2.00am (Monday to Friday) 9.00am – 2.00am (Saturdays/Sundays and Public Holidays) DOOLEYS Health + Fitness 5.30am – 10.00pm (Monday to Thursday) 5.30am – 9.00pm (Friday) 7.00am – 5.00pm (Saturdays/Sundays and Public Holidays) DOOLEYS Waterview Club 11.00am – 10.00pm (Sunday to Thursday) 11.00am – 12.00am (Friday to Saturday) DOOLEYS Regents Park Sports Club 10.00am – 10.00pm Sunday to Wednesday 10.00am – 12.00am Thursday to Saturday Car Parking Parents/guardians are responsible for the supervision of their children at all times – children are not permitted to: For the convenience of our Members we have two free car parks for quick and easy access to the Club. • Visit areas of the Club where children are not permitted • Scream or run wildly through the Club • Be left unattended or sitting at tables at any time • Remove their footwear outside of the children’s area • Approach or order from any service counter Church Street with more that 450 car spaces (open space and covered multi–storey) Access to Church Street car park is off Church Street. Our children’s area is available for use by children over one year and up to twelve years. We request that parents/guardians always accompany their children to the toilets. We reserve the right to ask parents/guardians to remove children from the Club premises if they do not comply with this policy. Thank you for your consideration for other Members and Guests in creating a safe and pleasant environment. Board Street car park has 60 car spaces available and is a secure car park whereby Members swipe their Membership card for access. There is a lift from both levels to the John Street Reception. Access to Board Street car park is off John Street. The car park is open at 10.00am Monday to Friday and 9.00am Saturday and Sunday. The car park is for the convenience of Club patrons only whilst enjoying the club facilities, hence Members cannot leave their vehicles in the car park and leave the Club premises. The time, dates and prices for all content advertised is correct at the time of printing. For the most up to date information visit Published by DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club 24 – 28 John Street Lidcombe NSW 2141 © Copyright 2014. Phone 02 8745 6100 Fax 02 8745 6199 Design by FUEL CDI. Is gambling a problem for you? Call Gambling Help on 1800 858 858. DOOLEYS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE YOURS 45 DOOLEYS is committed to minimising our impact on the local environment DOOLEYS’ monthly electricity bill is $30,000 less per month today than two year's ago due to a number of energy efficiency measures implemented throughout our venues this year. This reduction is equivalent to the annual energy use of almost 15 homes!