Campaigner User Guide


Campaigner User Guide
Campaigner User Guide
© 2011 j2 Global Canada, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Version 12.3
While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical
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j2 Global Canada, Inc. does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of information contained in this
This document shows the publication date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any
improvements or changes to either the product or the document will be documented in subsequent editions.
This software/documentation contains proprietary information of j2 Global Canada, Inc. All rights are reserved. Reverse engineering
of this software is prohibited. No part of this software/documentation may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, transmitted in any form or by any means, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of j2 Global
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Campaigner User Guide
Table of Contents
Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Where to Get Assistance .............................................................................................................................. 3 Use and Print this Guide............................................................................................................................ 3 Access Help from the Action Bar ........................................................................................................... 3 Video Tutorials ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Online Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Product Feedback Forum ...................................................................................................................... 4 Campaigner Community ........................................................................................................................ 4 Campaigner Blog -- Inside Campaigner ................................................................................................ 4 Video Tutorials ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Customer Support ..................................................................................................................................... 5 About Email Campaigns................................................................................................................................ 7 Three Tasks to Complete an Email Campaign ......................................................................................... 7 Support for Email Marketing Best Practices .............................................................................................. 8 Addressing Information .......................................................................................................................... 8 Unsubscribe Option ............................................................................................................................... 8 Account and Contact Activities .............................................................................................................. 8 Ten Tips for Successful Email Marketing .................................................................................................. 9 1. Choose the Appropriate Way to Convey Your Message ................................................................... 9 2. Keep Your Subject Line Interesting and Honest.............................................................................. 10 3. Provide Valuable and Relevant Content .......................................................................................... 10 4. Personalize Your Message .............................................................................................................. 10 5. Reinforce Brand Recognition ........................................................................................................... 10 6. Go Beyond Your Competitors’ Standards ....................................................................................... 11 7. Leverage Loyal Readers .................................................................................................................. 11 Campaigner User Guide
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8. Direct Messages Based on Interest ................................................................................................. 11 9. Refine Messages Based on Past Activity ........................................................................................ 11 10. Find Out What Your Customers Need ........................................................................................... 11 Get Started .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Find Your Way Around Campaigner ....................................................................................................... 13 Log Out ................................................................................................................................................ 14 About Campaigner Wizards .................................................................................................................... 14 View the Current Status on the Dashboard ............................................................................................. 15 Prepare to Use Campaigner .................................................................................................................... 16 From and Reply-to Email Addresses ................................................................................................... 16 Images ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Contact Information.............................................................................................................................. 18 Create and Edit Emails ................................................................................................................................. 1 Overview of Creating and Editing Emails .................................................................................................. 1 Best Practices for Emails........................................................................................................................... 1 Test Your Email ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Choose the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email Editor .......................................................................... 3 Smart Email Builder ............................................................................................................................... 4 Full Email Editor ..................................................................................................................................... 4 About Email Formats ................................................................................................................................. 4 Use the Smart Email Builder ..................................................................................................................... 5 What is the Smart Email Builder? .......................................................................................................... 5 Create Emails ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Open an Existing Email Design for Editing .......................................................................................... 48 Convert Emails to the Full Email Editor ............................................................................................... 48 Use the Full Email Editor ......................................................................................................................... 49 What is the Full Email Editor? .............................................................................................................. 49 Create Emails ...................................................................................................................................... 49 Create or Edit Email Designs ............................................................................................................... 71 Preview, Test, or Print Emails ............................................................................................................... 107 Preview an Email ............................................................................................................................... 107 Send a Test Email.............................................................................................................................. 109 Print an Email ..................................................................................................................................... 110 Define, Manage, and Build Contacts ........................................................................................................ 111 Contacts Overview ................................................................................................................................ 111 Page iv
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Best Practices for Obtaining Contacts................................................................................................... 111 What is CAN-SPAM? ......................................................................................................................... 111 Invite People to Subscribe ................................................................................................................. 112 Guidelines for Working with Contacts ................................................................................................... 113 What Information Do You Want to Gather for Contacts? .................................................................. 113 Are Contacts Already Defined in Another Resource? ....................................................................... 113 Can You Group Contacts by Common Characteristics or Interest? .................................................. 113 Defining Contacts .................................................................................................................................. 113 Overview of Defining Contacts .......................................................................................................... 113 Choose a Method for Defining Contacts ............................................................................................ 114 Add Contacts Manually ...................................................................................................................... 115 Import Contacts by Uploading from a File ......................................................................................... 116 Import Contacts by Pasting from a Microsoft Excel File .................................................................... 121 Import Contacts from an Online Service ............................................................................................ 124 Managing Contacts................................................................................................................................ 127 Overview of Managing Contacts ........................................................................................................ 127 View or Select Contacts ..................................................................................................................... 128 Edit Contacts ...................................................................................................................................... 129 Define Test Contacts ......................................................................................................................... 130 Specify a Preferred Email Format...................................................................................................... 130 Search Contacts Using Filters ........................................................................................................... 131 Sort Contacts ..................................................................................................................................... 135 Unsubscribe Contacts Manually ........................................................................................................ 136 Delete Contacts ................................................................................................................................. 136 Export Contacts ................................................................................................................................. 137 Managing Contact Information .............................................................................................................. 137 Overview of Contact Fields ................................................................................................................ 137 View Contact Fields ........................................................................................................................... 138 Types of Contact Fields ..................................................................................................................... 138 Create Custom Contact Fields ........................................................................................................... 140 Edit Contact Fields ............................................................................................................................. 142 Delete Custom Contact Fields ........................................................................................................... 143 Grouping Contacts Using Mailing Lists ................................................................................................. 143 Overview of Mailing Lists ................................................................................................................... 143 View Mailing Lists and their Contacts ................................................................................................ 144 Campaigner User Guide
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Create a Mailing List .......................................................................................................................... 145 Edit a Mailing List ............................................................................................................................... 145 Add or Remove Contacts from Mailing Lists...................................................................................... 146 Delete a Mailing List........................................................................................................................... 147 Segmenting Contacts Using Filters ....................................................................................................... 147 Overview of Segments ....................................................................................................................... 147 Examples of Segments ...................................................................................................................... 148 View or Select Segments ................................................................................................................... 149 View Contacts for a Segment ............................................................................................................ 150 Creating Segments ............................................................................................................................ 151 Edit a Segment .................................................................................................................................. 158 Copy a Segment ................................................................................................................................ 158 Delete a Segment .............................................................................................................................. 158 Building Contacts Using Sign Up Forms ............................................................................................... 159 Overview of Sign Up Forms ............................................................................................................... 159 Best Practices for Building Contacts.................................................................................................. 160 Managing Sign Up Forms .................................................................................................................. 162 Create a Sign Up Form ...................................................................................................................... 164 Post a Sign Up Form.......................................................................................................................... 177 Work with Usage Statistics ................................................................................................................ 182 Using Subscription Management Forms ............................................................................................... 184 Overview of Subscription Management Forms .................................................................................. 184 Managing Subscription Management Forms ..................................................................................... 186 Create a Subscription Management Form ......................................................................................... 188 Select Recipients for Email Campaigns .................................................................................................... 199 Recipients Overview .............................................................................................................................. 199 Best Practices for Recipients ................................................................................................................ 199 Select Recipients from Contacts ........................................................................................................... 200 Schedule or Send Email Campaigns ........................................................................................................ 203 Overview of Sending Email Campaigns ................................................................................................ 203 Best Practices for Sending Email Campaigns ....................................................................................... 204 Schedule an Email Campaign ............................................................................................................... 204 Stop a Scheduled Email Campaign....................................................................................................... 205 Send an Email Campaign ...................................................................................................................... 206 Manage Email Campaigns ........................................................................................................................ 207 Page vi
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Overview of Managing Email Campaigns ............................................................................................. 207 View Status and Activity for Recent Email Campaigns ......................................................................... 207 Types of Email Campaign States .......................................................................................................... 208 View Email Campaigns.......................................................................................................................... 208 View a Summary of an Email Campaign ............................................................................................... 209 Change an Email Campaign ................................................................................................................. 211 Duplicate an Email Campaign ............................................................................................................... 212 Search Email Campaigns Using Filters ................................................................................................. 212 Sort Email Campaigns ........................................................................................................................... 213 Delete an Email Campaign .................................................................................................................... 213 Create, Edit and Manage Autoresponders................................................................................................ 214 Overview of Autoresponders ............................................................................................................. 214 Types of Autoresponders ................................................................................................................... 215 Autoresponder States ........................................................................................................................ 215 View Autoresponders ......................................................................................................................... 216 View a Summary of an Autoresponder .............................................................................................. 216 Change an Autoresponder ................................................................................................................. 217 Create an Autoresponder ...................................................................................................................... 219 Overview of Creating an Autoresponder............................................................................................ 219 Choose an Autoresponder Type ........................................................................................................ 219 Choose an Autoresponder Template ................................................................................................. 219 Use the Autoresponder Editor ........................................................................................................... 220 Name an Autoresponder .................................................................................................................... 221 Create an Autoresponder Email ........................................................................................................ 222 Add a Delay ....................................................................................................................................... 224 Define Autoresponder Criteria ........................................................................................................... 224 Schedule an Autoresponder .................................................................................................................. 228 Overview of Scheduling an Autoresponder ....................................................................................... 228 Schedule an Immediate Start ............................................................................................................ 228 Schedule a Future Start ..................................................................................................................... 229 Schedule a Stop................................................................................................................................. 230 Manually Stop an Autoresponder ...................................................................................................... 231 Delete an Autoresponder ................................................................................................................... 231 Learn from Results Using Reports ............................................................................................................ 233 Overview of Reporting ........................................................................................................................... 233 Campaigner User Guide
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Email Campaign Reports ................................................................................................................... 233 Contact Reports ................................................................................................................................. 234 Autoresponder Reports ...................................................................................................................... 234 View Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 234 View Campaign Overview Report ......................................................................................................... 235 View Contact Reports ............................................................................................................................ 236 Understand Opened Rates .................................................................................................................... 237 Measure Clicked Through Rates ........................................................................................................... 237 View Types for Clicks Reports ........................................................................................................... 238 Interpret Statistics About Undeliverable Emails .................................................................................... 239 Drill Down on Report Statistics .............................................................................................................. 239 Drill-downs for email campaign reports ............................................................................................. 240 Drill-downs for contact reports ........................................................................................................... 242 View Recipients Who Opened an Email................................................................................................ 242 Track Social Sharing Activity ................................................................................................................. 243 View Campaign Comparison Report ..................................................................................................... 244 View Mailing List Comparison Report ................................................................................................... 245 View Autoresponder Overview Report .................................................................................................. 246 Sort Email Campaign Reports ............................................................................................................... 248 Print Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 248 Export Report Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 249 Delete a Report ..................................................................................................................................... 249 Check Accounts and Messages ................................................................................................................ 251 View or Upgrade Your Account ............................................................................................................. 251 Access Messages.................................................................................................................................. 251 Manage Users ....................................................................................................................................... 252 Overview of User Management ......................................................................................................... 252 View Users ......................................................................................................................................... 253 Create User ........................................................................................................................................ 254 Edit User ............................................................................................................................................ 254 Delete User ........................................................................................................................................ 256 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................... 257 Page viii
Campaigner User Guide
Welcome to Campaigner, a powerful email marketing tool for building relationships with your
clients and interest in your products or services.
An email campaign is a message that you send to a target audience at an appropriate time.
There are many reasons to run an email campaign, and it's important to think about what you
want it to accomplish. Generally, email campaigns are for either informational purposes (such
as a newsletter that describes upcoming events) or promotional purposes (such as coupons
for discounts on purchases). Email campaigns may also be run to inspire users, such as
success stories about your services.
Whatever the reason for running an email campaign, set specific goals that contribute to your
overall marketing strategy. For example, do you want to promote a new service or do you
want to expand your market share? Once the email campaign has been run, you can use
metrics to measure whether its goals were met. Specific metrics depend on the goals, but
may include the number of prospects that became customers in your store, the percentage
increase in use of your services, or the percentage increase in readership for a newsletter.
Campaigner helps you communicate with your clients using personalized and relevant email
campaigns. It's easy to get started by completing these three tasks:
If you're new to Campaigner, take the time to look at the available learning resources to
understand the variety of features available and how to use them to benefit your email
marking efforts.
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Where to Get Assistance
Use and Print this Guide
If you're new to Campaigner, this guide provides content to get you started quickly, as well as
detailed information about how to get the most out of Campaigner.
Take a look at these sections first:
About Email Campaigns describes the elements that comprise email campaigns and the
process for creating them. This section also provides great information about how to
ensure you're following lawful email marketing practices, as well as how to run successful
email campaigns by following established best practices.
The Get Started section shows you how to work with Campaigner: accessing the primary
areas in which you want to work (such as contacts and email campaigns), using wizards,
and checking your current status. This section also describes some important
considerations for planning your email campaigns.
Access Help from the Action Bar
To quickly search for topics in the Help, click the Help icon in the navigation bar, click the
Search tab in the help window, and then type keywords in the Search box provided. For
example, type "reports" and press Enter to display all topics that include the word reports.
Video Tutorials
Some topics include video tutorials, which show you effective ways to work with Campaigner,
especially if you are a new user. Video tutorials are available for learning how to use the
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Smart Email Builder, send email campaigns, work with mailing lists to manage contacts, and
create sign up forms to obtain new subscribers.
In this help, when a video tutorial is available, you start the video by clicking the Play button
or the video title, as shown in the following example.
Note: These links are shown only as an example. The links aren't active.
Want to see this? Watch the Sending Email Campaigns video tutorial.
Online Resources
In addition to this help, Campaigner provides provide several valuable online resources for
learning how to use the application and sharing experiences with other users.
Product Feedback Forum
Easily accessible from anywhere inside Campaigner, the Product Feedback forum lets you
submit and vote on product enhancements to help improve Campaigner. You will need to log
into your Campaigner account in order to use this resource.
Campaigner Community
Campaigner users discuss and share experiences in the online forum. As well, you can
provide feedback or questions about Campaigner. We monitor this site so that we can
collaborate with you and other users on an ongoing basis. For more urgent issues, contact
Customer Support.
Campaigner Blog -- Inside Campaigner
This online resource provides information about email marketing trends and best practices.
This resource isn't specifically about Campaigner, but provides regularly updated content,
such as tips for creating effective email campaigns. To enhance your understanding of email
marketing, you'll find podcasts, current news, and upcoming events, as well as customer
spotlights to see how other users are being successful using email marketing.
Video Tutorials
Video tutorials show you effective ways to work with Campaigner, especially if you are a new
user. Among the many video tutorials available, you can watch demonstrations of how to
send email campaigns, work with mailing lists to manage contacts, and create sign up forms
to obtain new subscribers.
Video tutorials are available from this location:
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Video tutorials are also available from YouTube, along with customer testimonials, shared
discussions, and valuable marketing tips for successful email marketing:
We add and update video tutorials on an ongoing basis, so check back occasionally to see if
there's a new video of interest to you.
Customer Support
If you have specific questions about how to use Campaigner or if an issue occurs for which
you need help immediately, contact Customer Support. This free service is available twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week.
You can contact Customer Support using any of the following methods:
Toll Free: 1-888-845-4544
International: 1-613-216-7422
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About Email Campaigns
Three Tasks to Complete an Email Campaign
Want to see this? Watch the Sending Your First Email Campaign video tutorial.
Use Campaigner to communicate with your clients using personalized and relevant email
campaigns. It's easy to get started by completing these three tasks:
1. Create an email that conveys your message.
The email is the design that conveys your message, as well as addressing information
and a subject line. When creating the email, keep in mind the goal of the email campaign.
For example, what action do you want the recipients of the email to take as a result of the
2. Choose the recipients you want to send the email to.
Recipients are the people that you send the email to. You choose recipients from
contacts you've defined in Campaigner. To reach as many potential customers as
possible, add contacts you already have to Campaigner and use sign up forms to obtain
new contacts.
3. Send the email campaign at an appropriate time.
You can send an email as soon as you finish designing it and selecting recipients.
However, consider when the best time is for recipients to receive the message. For
example, if a product will be in high-demand at a certain time of year, you may want to
promote the product in advance, reminding your customers not to leave their purchase to
the last minute. Because it's important that recipients receive emails at the right time, you
can choose to schedule them to be sent at a later time.
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Support for Email Marketing Best Practices
It's a good idea to ensure that you are familiar with regulations related to CAN-SPAM as you
are responsible for ensuring that you are compliant with this policy. Several of Campaigner's
features support permission-based email marketing practices.
Addressing Information
CAN-SPAM requires that emails identify to recipients who is sending it. Campaigner displays
your organization's name and email address in the "From Name" and "From Address" of the
email header. Campaigner also displays your mailing address in the email footer. You
provide this information when registering, and you have the option of updating it each time
you create an email.
If you are preparing email campaigns on behalf of another business, ensure you provide the
addressing information for the business you're representing.
Unsubscribe Option
CAN-SPAM requires that emails include an unsubscribe option that lets recipients opt-out of
all future email campaigns or make changes to the types of email communications they
receive from you. Campaigner automatically includes this option in the email footer message,
and you can't make changes to this message without contacting Customer Support.
If a recipient uses the unsubscribe option, the contact will immediately be opted-out of all
future email campaigns and the contact's status will be changed to Unsubscribed.
If the contact updates their subscription management preferences, they can opt-in/opt-out of
any mailing lists you determine should be available. The contact’s status will remain
Subscribed regardless of what mailing lists they choose to subscribe to.
Note: If recipients communicate their wish to opt-out in other ways (for example, by
telephone), you must manually unsubscribe them.
Account and Contact Activities
Campaigner monitors all activity based on its Anti-SPAM policy. To help maintain the
reputation of your business, we will investigate activity that doesn't seem to support lawful
email marketing practices.
Two types of activity are monitored:
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Account-level activity. This activity is primarily related to delivery of email campaigns,
such as a higher than usual number of hard bounces for an email campaign. There are
many reasons that deliverability issues may occur, including an ISP who has identified
you as a sender of SPAM. For issues related to deliverability, contact our Postmaster
team (
Contact-level activity. This activity is primarily related to ensuring that you are using
appropriate contact sources with Campaigner. The following are examples of
inappropriate contact sources:
Campaigner User Guide
Email address lists that have been purchased, regardless of the source from which
the purchase was made.
Email address lists or individual email addresses obtained from web or other listings
(for example, a printed business directory or association listing) without the address
owner’s consent.
Email addresses belonging to a distribution or mailing list (for example, a distribution
list that represents more than one email address).
Email addresses provided by an “e-pending” service. These third-party services
provide email addresses for businesses to complete their customer records.
However, because address owner did not provide the email address to the business,
use of the address is considered to be SPAM.
Our Postmaster team will work with you to help resolve activity under investigation. Some
investigations may require that we lock your account or contact list. You may not be able to
add contacts
work with the contact list on the Contacts tab
schedule or send email campaigns
If your account or contact list is locked and will remain locked for some time, Campaigner
notifies you with an email message, a notification in the Message Center, and a message on
the Dashboard. For issues related to account or contact list locking, as well as ongoing
investigations, contact Customer Support.
Ten Tips for Successful Email Marketing
Successful email campaigns promote your business by increasing revenue, generating leads,
strengthening customer relationships, increasing website traffic, and building brand
The following ten tips summarize best practices that you should keep in mind when planning,
designing, and executing email campaigns.
1. Choose the Appropriate Way to Convey Your Message
Any message can be conveyed in several ways. Choosing an appropriate method depends
on the information that you want to convey and the needs of the customers you're
communicating with.
You’ll need to experiment with options and test your messages to learn which formats work
best for your customers. Generally, email messages distributed using email marketing can be
grouped as follows:
Promotional emails are useful for sales and discounts. You can also leverage holidays –
Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, and Halloween – and create specific promotions around
Informational emails usually offer advice about how to get more out of a product or
service, which can help you extend its life. Information emails also provide a way to
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deliver superior value, showing customers that you aren't just pushing a sale. For
example, a clothing store might send customers tips for updating wardrobes using the
latest fashion accessories.
Inspirational emails weave support and information together. For example, a dietitian
could send messages to clients to help keep them on track. You can also use this type of
email to communicate success stories to build motivation.
2. Keep Your Subject Line Interesting and Honest
The subject line should entice your customers, giving them a compelling reason to open the
email. People take less than one second to decide whether to open or delete an email, so
avoid vague content like "Our September Newsletter". Instead, use an interesting topic or
headline from the newsletter, such as "Best Practices for Email Marketing" or "Inside:
Exclusive Interview with Our Favorite Designers".
While the subject line needs to be interesting enough to capture your customers’ attention,
make sure that it clearly reflects the purpose and content of the email. Honesty in the subject
line not only builds trust with your customers, but also, increases the likelihood that they’ll
open, read, and act on the email.
Avoid using all capital letters and terms such as “Free”. These practices may cause delivery
problems because they are often associated with SPAM.
3. Provide Valuable and Relevant Content
To keep customers subscribed to your communications, you must provide quality content.
Readers will quickly tire of emails that aren’t relevant to their needs. For example, offer
something that your customers would see as valuable, such as a free newsletter or seminar
about your products or services. This value-added content extends the benefits of your
products or services to your customers.
4. Personalize Your Message
Convey a personal and casual tone using your own voice. A nice, conversational tone lets
you reach out on an individual level. It also builds rapport with your customers by
encouraging two-way communication.
Another way to personalize messages is to refer to recipients by name. Users have come to
expect personalization, such seeing their name in a salutation (such as “Hi Allison”), rather
than a more generic greeting.
5. Reinforce Brand Recognition
The look and feel of your message will help boost responses through brand loyalty. Ensure
that your email template reflects your brand by including your company name at the top of the
message. If you have a company logo or colors, be sure to use them in the message as well.
Consistency builds recognition.
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6. Go Beyond Your Competitors’ Standards
You need to do things better than your competitors and you need to do things differently.
Stay on top of what your competitors do by subscribing to their newsletters. Give your
customers valuable content that they aren’t getting from the competition to give them a
reason to continue doing business with you.
7. Leverage Loyal Readers
Loyal customers generate the word-of-mouth recommendations that contribute to your
success. When customers forward your message, they are endorsing your product or
service. This word-of-mouth messaging helps overcome cynicism among potential
Reward customers who let you email them with discounts and other offers. Make them VIPs,
and let them know they get this info because they’re loyal customers. People enjoy feeling
special, and that they’re getting something extra.
8. Direct Messages Based on Interest
When subscribing to your email communications, many customers may fill out a sign up form
(or questionnaire). The information provided by customers can help you design email
campaigns based on customer interests, product preferences, or purchase history. For
example, send an email campaign to women when you introduce a new line of women’s
When possible, customize messages based on topics of interest to subscribers. Mailing lists
provide an effective way to group subscribers based on common characteristics (such as
gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions). You can send email campaigns to
specific groups of contacts based on a mailing list.
9. Refine Messages Based on Past Activity
Use reports and customer information to build more targeted email campaigns. For example,
reward customers who open an email. Similarly, send a more aggressive pitch to the people
who haven’t opened the email in three months.
You can also target email campaigns based on product preferences or purchase history.
Including coupons in your email, either in the form of a coupon code or a printable coupon,
will resonate with your customers. As well, you can track coupon redemption, which helps
you keep tabs on your campaign effectiveness. If you email a coupon and someone makes a
purchase, you know from that one email that people want what you are offering.
10. Find Out What Your Customers Need
Many of the tips provided in this section rely on knowing how to meet a customer need, such
as providing relevant content, writing an enticing subject line, and including offers that are
Talk to all your customers, both those who act on your email campaigns and those who don’t.
Asking customers what they need on a regular basis creates an open-door policy, and
customers will be more likely to tell you how you can improve your communications to
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provide more value to them. You can ask recipients to reply to your email campaigns.
Campaigner will forward replies to you.
There are many ways to communicate in an effective way to build your success through
email marketing. Focus on meeting your customers’ needs and you’ll quickly find out what
methods work best in your market space.
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Get Started
Find Your Way Around Campaigner
Most of the pages you'll use in Campaigner are comprised of the main elements identified
The Contact panel includes links for contacting us and logging out.
The Navigation bar includes tabs for accessing the primary areas in which you work, as well
as the Help. For example, the Email Campaigns tab lists your email campaigns. If you need
help using Campaigner, click the Help icon.
The Action bar provides buttons for tasks associated with the current tab. For example, on
the Email Campaigns tab, the Action bar shows buttons for selecting recipients for email
campaigns, sending email campaigns, editing email campaigns, and so on. You must select
an email campaign in the email campaigns list before the Edit button is available on the
Action bar.
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The workspace displays content for the current tab. For example, on the Email Campaigns
tab, the workspace lists your email campaigns, along with options for managing them. The
total number of entries is shown at the bottom of the workspace.
In the workspace, if more entries are available than can be shown on one page, you can
browse additional pages. You may also be able to set the number of entries shown on each
Log Out
When you signed into Campaigner, you provided a username and password. These
credentials identify you to Campaigner as an authorized user. For security, ensure that you
log out of your account when you aren't using Campaigner.
Campaigner automatically logs you out after a certain period of idle time. Campaigner
displays a notice 15 minutes before automatically logging you out.
Click the Logout link in the Contact panel.
About Campaigner Wizards
Campaigner provides several wizards to guide you through tasks:
Use the Email Campaign wizard to create the email for an email campaign using the Full
Email Editor.
Use the Import Contacts wizard to define contacts in Campaigner.
Use the Sign Up Form wizard to create a sign up form (and related elements) for inviting
users to subscribe to your email communications.
For convenience, several methods are available for starting wizards. For example, start the
Import Contacts wizard using the Add Contacts button on the Dashboard or the Contacts tab.
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Here is a page from the Import Contacts wizard, which identifies common elements for most
wizard pages.
View the Current Status on the Dashboard
The Dashboard tab gives you a summary of recent activity and important content, as shown
in this example:
Quick Links access commonly-used features: creating email campaigns, adding contacts,
and creating sign up forms.
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The Account status shows usage based on your plan.
Three panels show important information for an at-a-glance summary:
The Recently Modified Campaigns panel shows the last several email campaigns that
have been created or modified. This panel is useful when you want a quick summary of
an email campaign's name, status, or date and time that the most recent modifications
were made. If you need more information about a particular email campaign, you can
view an email summary.
The Last Email Campaign Activity panel shows activity for the most recently sent email
campaign, with a bar chart that graphically represents email campaign statistics. The
name, color, and numeric data for each status appear beside the chart. A more detailed
version of this email campaign activity is available in an email campaign report.
The Contact Trends panel shows the status of contacts for the current month and the
previous two months. This panel also shows you changes in growth over this time period.
Ideally, you want to see this value increase over time, which would indicate that your
email campaigns are providing value to existing customers and are bringing in new
customers. A more detailed breakdown of the contacts statuses is available in the All
Contacts report.
If you're new to Campaigner, these panels may not provide much information, but will be
updated with relevant information as you start defining email campaigns and adding contacts.
Prepare to Use Campaigner
If you want to get started using Campaigner right away, you can create emails or define
contacts, providing information at the time it's required. However, doing some advance
preparation may streamline processes and help you complete tasks more efficiently.
In particular, we recommend that you consider the following:
email addresses used in email headers, including the From and Reply-to addresses
images used in email designs, such as your company logo
contact information, such as the data that you want to track for contacts and whether you
have existing contact information that you want to use with Campaigner
From and Reply-to Email Addresses
What email addresses in email headers will your contacts recognize? Email headers include
the sender's email address. Some email headers also include an email address to which
replies to your email from recipients will be sent (referred to as the "reply-to address").
Email addresses must be verified before you can use them in email headers. The email
address you provided when registering is verified by default. If you plan to use other email
addresses, you may want to verify them before starting to create emails. Although you can
verify them when creating emails, you'll need to wait for Campaigner to complete the
verification process before you can continue working.
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When you submit an email address for verification, the following activities occur:
1. Campaigner automatically sends an email to the email address. This email includes a
confirmation link.
2. The recipient of the email clicks the confirmation link.
3. Campaigner receives a response that the confirmation link has been clicked.
4. Campaigner accepts the email address as legitimate, and makes it available for selection
when defining email headers.
If you discontinue use of an email address, remove it to ensure that it is not inadvertently
selected when defining future email headers. Removed email addresses are used only if they
have already been selected for scheduled email campaigns.
Steps to verify an email address
1. From the Account menu, click Settings.
2. Click Manage email addresses.
3. Type the email address and click Submit.
4. Click Close.
Campaigner sends a confirmation email to the address you submitted.
5. Click Confirm.
This button is available only after the recipient has clicked the confirmation link in the
confirmation email.
6. Verify that the email address is available for selection in email headers.
Steps to remove verified email addresses
1. From the Account menu, click Settings.
2. Click Remove email addresses.
3. Select the email addresses you want to remove.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Close.
What images are you going to use frequently in your email campaigns? If you plan to include
your corporate logo in email designs, you may want to ensure that it meets guidelines for
images. For example, images must be in web-compatible formats.
Campaigner provides a Library where you can store images for email campaigns. Because
the Campaigner Library is available from Campaigner servers, you don't need to store
images in a separate, possibly less accessible, online location.
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Contact Information
What information do you want to track about your contacts? Campaigner requires that each
contact has an email address, but you may want to capture additional information, such as
names and birthdays. Each type of information is referred to as a contact field. We
recommend that you review the default contact fields and create custom fields that you plan
to use before defining any contact in Campaigner. Information about contact fields is provided
in Overview of Contact Fields.
Is contact information already defined in another resource? If so, you can easily add them to
Campaigner. Several methods of adding contacts are available, so review each method to
determine the one that's best for you. Information about defining contacts is provided in
Overview of Defining Contacts.
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Create and Edit Emails
Overview of Creating and Editing Emails
An email conveys your message. The message may be conveyed using a newsletter,
promotion, invitation, and so on. Typically, creating the email is the first step in preparing an
email campaign.
Creating an email involves defining the
email design, which is the content that presents the message you want to convey to
email header that defines the addressing information that identifies you as the sender of
the email and the subject line describing the email content.
email footer that contains an unsubscribe option and the mailing address of your
business. These options are required by CAN-SPAM.
reply-to options used when recipients choose to reply to your email, including the address
where the replies will be sent and, optionally, a message acknowledging the reply.
When you create an email, you also define the name of the email campaign. This name is
used only to help you associate this email with an email campaign within Campaigner, and is
never displayed to recipients.
Best Practices for Emails
Users have a need, whether it is to save time, money, effort, or improve productivity and
success, and your message should be presented such that a need is met. A message can be
presented many ways. An effective message provides value to its recipients and helps them
focus on the important information you want to convey.
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Keep the following best practices in mind to present your message in a clear, concise,
compelling, customer-centric way:
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Make sure that the content is relevant to message recipients. Readers will quickly tire of
emails that don’t provide them any value.
Content in an area referred to as “the magic triangle” is the first to register with readers.
Put the most important content (such as an action you'd like recipients to take) in this
Use images at the top of the email sparingly. Large image headers or logos consume
space, pushing your message too far down the page. A better use of space is to display a
table of contents or your offer with small logo underneath. Placing the message at the top
of the email is sometimes referred to as keeping it “above the fold”.
Use simple language and a personal, conversational tone. Using your own voice lets you
reach out on an individual level and build rapport with your customers.
Personalize emails, such as greeting the recipient by name.
Be clear about the action you want the customer to take and ask for only one action per
email. For example, do you want customers to visit the store or call a sales
representative for a quote on services?
Ensure that important or key information isn't provided in an image. Users may have
email interfaces configured such that images aren't displayed. As well, images won't be
available at all to users who receive plain text only versions of a message.
Don’t think of your email as paper letterhead. An email message is much more flexible
than paper, so be creative about your messaging.
Don’t match your email design to your website design. People want to see something
different, not a repetition of what they already know.
Campaigner User Guide
Keep the message to an appropriate frequency and length. A good rule of thumb is the
more frequent your emails, the shorter they should be. People will open a short "Tip of
the Day", but almost no one wants to get something longer on a daily basis.
Use easy-to-scan, bulleted text.
Use white space so that the content doesn’t look heavy on the screen. As well, white
space lets the reader scan for the information they want.
Avoid columns on the right-hand side of the message. People don’t see them.
Use your own name to sign off at the end of the message. People respond best to
messages written by one particular person at a company who they can get to know over
Test Your Email
The time you invest in putting the content together is valuable to ensure that people can
understand the message you're trying to convey. Before sending an email, preview it to see
how it will appear to recipients. You can also ask coworkers or friends for their opinion of it.
Does the subject line reflect the message content? Does the content look professional? Is it
clear what action the customer is being asked to take? Feedback often leads to
improvements that make the presentation more effective.
Choose the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email Editor
When you want to create an email for a new email campaign, use the Smart Email Builder or
the Full Email Editor. Both tools produce professional results when designing emails.
However, each tool offers different benefits, depending on the type of email you plan to
create and features you need to present your message.
When you start a new email campaign, you're prompted to choose which tool you want to
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Smart Email Builder
The Smart Email Builder produces professional looking results with minimal options when
creating newsletter emails. You simply choose a predefined smart template for your email
design and add the text and images that convey your message.
A smart template is comprised of a layout and a theme. A layout organizes the newsletter,
such as the number of columns and the locations of the header and footer. A theme
determines the appearance of content, such as its graphic elements and colors.
After choosing the smart template, you use its content blocks to define your message. As you
work, you may find that the selected layout or theme isn't suitable for the content. You can
change layouts and themes at any time before sending an email.
When creating your email, the Smart Email Builder displays a preview of your work. Any
changes you make to the smart template or your content are displayed immediately in the
The Smart Email Builder creates emails in both the HTML and plain text email formats. If you
choose to create the email in both email formats, the Smart Email Builder gives you access to
a design editor for each email format.
After creating an email design using the Smart Email Builder, you may want to convert it for
use in the Full Email Editor. Once you convert an email, you can't edit in the Smart Email
Full Email Editor
The Full Email Editor creates many types of email designs, including newsletters, invitations,
and promotions. This tool provides more features than the Smart Email Builder, such as
tables and personalization options. These features are not available in the Smart Email
Builder because they require a more advanced knowledge of web design and HTML
concepts and codes. The Full Email Editor creates emails in both the HTML and plain text
email formats.
The Full Email Editor uses the Email Campaign wizard to guide you through the steps for
creating an email. If you choose to create the email in both email formats, the wizard gives
you access to a design editor for each email format. For information about design editors and
choosing email formats, see Design Editors for Different Email Formats.
About Email Formats
Two formats are available for email designs:
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The HTML email format is referred to as "content-rich". Emails in this format can include
text, links, images, tables, and text formatting (such as font styles, colors, bold face, and
so on).
The plain text email format contains only text and links without any formatting or images.
You may be able to simulate simple tabular formats using spaces, but no table options
are available for using columns or rows.
Campaigner User Guide
Today, most users prefer to view content in the HTML email format, and you may notice
higher response rates with this format. However, some users prefer the plain text email
format, primarily for performance reasons related to the user’s device or email interface.
Users with visual impairments may also prefer the plain text email format.
You can create HTML and plain text emails using the Smart Email Builder and the Full Email
Editor. All of the templates provided by these tools use the HTML email format.
When you send an email that was produced in both the HTML and plain text formats using
the using the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email Editor, Campaigner sends a multi-part
message comprised of both versions. The email interface for each recipient determines which
version to display. For any contact, you can override the email interface by specifying a
preferred email format before sending an email campaign.
Use the Smart Email Builder
What is the Smart Email Builder?
Want to see this? Watch the Smart Email Builder video tutorial.
The Smart Email Builder produces professional looking results when creating newsletter
emails. The Smart Email Builder creates emails in both the HTML and plain text email
The Smart Email Builder has three steps:
1. Choose a smart template for your email design.
A smart template is comprised of a predefined layout and theme. A layout organizes the
newsletter, such as the number of columns and the placement of the header and footer.
A theme determines the appearance of the newsletter, such as its graphic elements and
At this stage you can choose whether or not to create a plain text version of your email.
2. Add the content that conveys your message.
The template includes content blocks for adding your text and images. As you work, you
can change the smart template if you find that another layout or theme is more suitable
for your content. The Smart Email Builder displays a preview of the email design on the
same page where you define content, and displays changes immediately in this preview.
Plain text email design takes place after you complete your template content.
3. Provide email details (such as your email address and the subject line).
Although you don't need to do any advance preparation before using the Smart Email Builder,
doing so may help you work more efficiently. For information, see Prepare to Use
After creating an email using the Smart Email Builder, you can convert it for use in the Full
Email Editor. Do this if you want to use features that are not available in the Smart Email
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Builder, such as editing the HTML code. However, after converting an email, you can no
longer open it in the Smart Email Builder.
Create Emails
Start the Smart Email Builder
You create an email using the Smart Email Builder by starting a new email campaign.
For convenience, you can start the Smart Email Builder from several locations in
Campaigner. Because the Dashboard is displayed each time you log in to Campaigner, you
may find it most convenient to start from this location.
For information about opening an existing email in the Smart Email Builder for editing, see
Open an Exiting Email Design for Editing.
1. On the Dashboard or the Email Campaigns tab, click the following button:
2. Click Start now! Using the Smart Email Builder.
Update Your Information
In your email designs, some information about your company may automatically be included.
For example, the mailing address you provided when registering is automatically included in
the footer of all emails. Depending on the selected template, other types of information may
include links to your company's website or Facebook page.
It's a good idea to verify your information each time you start an email, making any changes
necessary. Updates are applied only to the current email and any emails in email campaigns
that have not been sent. Campaigner cannot update this information for email campaigns that
you've already sent. After making changes, test them by previewing the email. For example,
click social media links to ensure they display the appropriate page for your business.
Here is the page where you'll make changes to your information:
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1. On the page where you select the template for your email design, click Update Your
2. Review the values and make any necessary changes.
You can remove information by deleting the existing value from the field.
3. Click Save.
Step 1: Choose the Smart Template
After starting the Smart Email Builder, you choose a smart template for your email design.
A smart template is comprised of a layout and theme:
A layout organizes the newsletter, such as the number of columns and the locations of
the header and footer. Placeholders are provided for your text and images.
If you don't want to use placeholders to define your message, a Sample Gallery provides
many newsletters for different occasions and events. You can use these samples as-is or
customize the content for your message.
A theme determines the appearance of the newsletter, such as its graphic elements and
colors. Several theme designs are available, each providing a default set of theme colors
which you can change.
Here are two smart templates. Both templates use the one-column layout, but each uses a
different theme.
You can change the smart template at any time before sending the email campaign. For
example, when you add content, you may find that a different layout provides a more suitable
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Tip: Try to finalize your template selection before adding images, particularly if you plan to
edit images. Images that are resized, for example, based on a specific template may not
appear as intended in a different layout.
To help choose a layout and theme, the Smart Email Builder shows a preview of your
selections from the layout, theme design, and theme colors selection panels. The preview
shows any changes to the selections immediately. Here is the Smart Template page:
Step to choose the layout and theme
On the Smart Template page, from each selection panel, click the layout, theme design,
and theme color.
The layout selection panel displays either newsletters or samples. For example, if you
don't see the samples, click Sample Gallery to close the list of newsletters list and open
the list of samples.
If more options are available than can be displayed in a selection panel, arrows appear at
the top or bottom of the panel for scrolling the view.
Create a plain text version
If you want to create a plain text version of your email, select the Create a plain text version
checkbox at the bottom right. You will be able to design the plain text content after you've
designed the smart template content.
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Step 2: Add and Arrange Your Content
After choosing the smart template for the email design, add the content that conveys your
message and arrange the content in the smart template. Content includes text and images.
You can also define links to related content using text or images.
You add and arrange content on the Content Blocks page. The Smart Email Builder shows a
preview of the smart template in the left panel. The smart template includes different types of
"content blocks" for adding text and images. When you select a content block in the preview,
a form for defining it is displayed in the right panel. As you define the content block, the
preview shows the updates:
The form options depend on the type of content block that's selected in the preview. In this
example, the Header content block is selected and, among other options, its form includes a
subtitle option that can be used to identify the issue date of the newsletter. Other content
block types don't include this option. For information about each type of content block and its
form, see Types of Content Blocks.
As you work, you can change the smart template, arrange content blocks, and add or remove
content blocks. For example, you may find that another layout is more suitable when you see
your content in the preview.
You will be able to design the plain text version of your email (if you chose to include it) after
you've designed the smart template content.
Step to open the Content Blocks page
If you have not already done so, click Continue from the top, right-hand corner of the
Smart Template page.
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Types of Content Blocks
You add text, links, and images to your email design using content blocks in the smart
template. The types and number of content blocks available depend on the selected smart
template. Here is an example of a template that includes all the content block types:
When you select a content block, the Smart Email Builder displays a form for adding your
content. Form options depend on the content block type. For example, the Header form
includes a subtitle option that can be used to identify the issue date of the newsletter. Forms
for other content block types don't include this option.
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Header Form Options
When you select a content block in a smart template on the Content Blocks page, the Smart
Email Builder displays its form for defining content. Here is the form for a Header content
An email design can include only one Header content block. This content block can't be
Only one image can be added to a Header content block. If you've selected a smart template
in which an image has been predefined in the header and you add another image, preview
the email to ensure the image you've added is displayed as intended.
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Article Form Options
When you select a content block in a smart template on the Content Blocks page, the Smart
Email Builder displays its form for defining content. Here is the form for an Article content
An email design can include as many Article content blocks as you want.
Only one image can be added to each Article content block.
Article Sidebar and Social Media Sidebar Form Options
When you select a content block in a smart template on the Content Blocks page, the Smart
Email Builder displays a form for defining content. In sidebars, two types of content blocks
may be available: Article Sidebar content blocks and Social Media Sidebar content blocks.
In this Help, references to Article Sidebar content blocks also include Social Media Sidebar
content blocks unless stated otherwise.
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Article Sidebar Form Options
Here is the form for an Article Sidebar content block:
An email design can include as many Article Sidebar content blocks as you want.
Only one image can be added to each Article Sidebar content block.
Social Media Sidebar Form Options
Here is the form for a Social Media Sidebar content block:
A smart template can include only one Social Media Sidebar content block. You can delete
this content block and then (if necessary) add it again. However, you can add it only to a
Social Media Sidebar content blocks include text. Text for social media options represents
the links to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Each social media link will be
represented using the standard image for that social media type.
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Footer Form Options
When you select a content block in a smart template on the Content Blocks page, the Smart
Email Builder displays its form for defining content. Here is the form for a Footer content
An email design can include only one Footer content block. This content block can't be
Footer content blocks include text. Text for social media options represents the links to
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Each social media link that you define will be
represented using the standard image for that social media type.
Add Text
Add text to your email design using content blocks in the smart template.
These content blocks are available on the Content Blocks page. When you select a content
block, the Smart Email Builder displays a form for adding your content. Form options depend
on the content block type. For example, the Header form includes a subtitle option that can
be used to identify the issue date of the newsletter. Forms for other content block types don't
include this option. For information about each type of content block and its form, see Types
of Content Blocks.
All types of content blocks let you type text or paste text that you've previously copied from
another source.
When designing the HTML version of your email, the following text and paragraph options are
available from the formatting bar:
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Font size
Align left
Align center
Align right
Font color
Bullet list
Erase formatting
Numbered list
Link tool
Unlink tool
Insert symbol
Merge Field tool
When designing the plain text version of your email, the following text and paragraph options
are available from the formatting bar:
Link tool
Unlink tool
Insert symbol
Merge Field tool
Note: If you are typing text that represents a social media link (in Social Media Sidebar or
Footer content blocks), no formatting can be applied.
Step to open the Content Blocks page
If you have not already done so, click Continue from the top, right-hand corner of the
Smart Template page.
Step to define text for a content block
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Do one of the following:
To add text, click in the form option and type the text.
To paste text you've copied from another source, place the cursor in the form option
and press Ctrl-V to paste. Pasted text maintains the source structure and format, if
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supported in the Smart Email Builder. For example, text bolding and paragraph
justification are maintained when text is pasted into a form option, but tables are
3. If you want to format text, select it and click an option in the formatting bar.
For example, select text that you want to emphasize and click the Bold button on the
formatting bar.
4. If you want to change the justification of a paragraph or insert a symbol, click the cursor
anywhere in the paragraph and click the justification button in the formatting bar.
5. If you want to insert a symbol, click the cursor at the position where you want the symbol
to appear and click the arrow in the Insert Symbol button on the formatting bar, followed
by the symbol you want to insert.
Add or Remove Images
Images add visual interest to your message. Images can also be used for branding purposes,
such as displaying your corporate logo or products.
Add images to your email design using content blocks in the smart template. These content
blocks are available on the Content Blocks page. When you select a content block, the Smart
Email Builder displays a form for adding content. You can add one image to each Header,
Article, or Article Sidebar content block.
When adding an image, its width and height may be scaled down proportionately if these
dimensions are too large for the content block. When an image is automatically scaled down,
a warning symbol appears in the content block form:
Tip: If this symbol appears, try to reduce the file size of the image to avoid sending bloated
You add images from these source locations:
the Campaigner Library
Because the Campaigner Library is available from Campaigner servers, you don't need
to store images in a separate, possibly less accessible, online location. If the image you
want to add isn't already in the Library, you can add it.
a publicly accessible online location, such as your website. These images are referred to
as "external images".
Note: To customize an image for an email design, including resizing it, you can edit it.
When working with images, it's a good idea to preview the email design. For example, for
Header content blocks, if you've selected a theme in which an image has been predefined
and you add another image, preview the email to ensure that both images are displayed
appropriately. For more tips on working with images, see the image guidelines.
You can delete images from an email design or from the Library to free up space for new
images. Before deleting images from the Library, ensure they aren't being used in any active
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email campaign or recipients will see broken links (or some other representation) for the
missing images.
Step to open the Content Blocks page
If you have not already done so, click Continue from the top, right-hand corner of the
Smart Template page.
Steps to add or replace a Library image
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click a Header, Article, or Article Sidebar
content block.
2. In the content block form, click the Insert Image button.
Insert Image
3. On the Upload New Image tab, click Browse.
4. Locate the image and double-click it.
5. If the image already exists in the Library and you want to replace it with a new version,
select Update if image already exists.
6. Click Upload to the Library.
7. Click Cancel.
Steps to add an image to a content block (one image per content block)
1. Ensure the image is an appropriate size (or resolution) for email designs.
2. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
3. In the content block form, click the Insert Image button.
Insert Image button
4. Do one of the following and then click Insert:
To add an image from the Library, on the Image Source tab, click Choose an Image
from the Library and click the image name.
To add an external image, on the Image Source tab, click Enter an external image
location and specify the location and filename (or URL) of the image, as shown in
these examples:
An easy way to specify the URL is to copy it from the source location and paste it in
this box. Alternatively, you can type the URL.
To select from recently specified URLs, click the arrow on the right-hand side of the
text box.
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5. If the image is not positioned in the content block where you want it to appear, click the
appropriate button in the Style area of the content block form.
For example, click this button to position the image in the top-right corner of the content
Tip: Quickly resize the image by dragging the marker in the Size option to increase or
decrease the image dimensions. However, be aware that changing the width and height does
not change the image file size.
Steps to delete an image from a content block
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block that contains the
2. Beside the Image box, click the Trash button.
Trash button
Steps to delete a Library image
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click a Header, Article, or Article Sidebar
content block.
2. In the form, click the Insert Image button.
Insert Image
3. On the Image Source tab, click Choose an Image from the Library and click the image
4. Click the "x" beside the image name.
5. Click OK.
Guidelines for Images
Images are an important way to add visual interest to HTML email designs. Keep the
following guidelines in mind when using images.
Email Interface Configurations
Images are displayed only if the recipient's email interface is configured to show them. You
may want to educate your contacts, explaining to them how to configure their email interface
to display images. You can also ask contacts to add your email address to their address book
or "safe senders" list.
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You can preview how an email design will appear both with and without images to recipients.
Image Format
Use web-compatible image formats: JPG, GIF, or PNG.
Image Source Location and Filename
When a recipient views an email, Campaigner accesses any images from their source
locations. For example, say that you added your corporate logo (named logo.jpg) from the
Library to the email design. When a recipient opens the email, the logo.jpg image is retrieved
from the Library for display in the email.
If logo.jpg no longer exists in the Library, the image will be missing from the email. Depending
on the email interface being used, the image may be represented in the email by a broken
link or placeholder. To avoid missing images, ensure that, for the entire life cycle of the email
campaign, its images remain available from the source locations and that the filename isn't
Number of Images and SPAM
While images can be used effectively to convey information, ensure they provide visual
impact. A good way to do this is to use a few images in the overall message, and locate the
most important image in the magic triangle. Emails that contain more images than text may
be identified as junk mail or SPAM by some email providers. Similarly, avoid using a single
image (with little or no text) to convey your message.
Image Dimensions Relative to the Email Design
Keep the dimensions of images in proportion with the size of the email design. For example,
a product image that's 400 pixels high by 300 pixels wide may consume a significant amount
of display space in the email design, and may push more important information out of the
magic triangle.
Image Dimensions and File Size
There are two reasons to keep the file size of images to a minimum:
The number of images you can store in the Library depends on how much space they
consume. Storing images that are larger than necessary in the Library means that you'll
be able to store fewer images.
Sending unnecessarily large emails can annoy users, who may then choose not view it,
or worse, unsubscribe from your email communications. The most effective way to avoid
sending bloated emails is to minimize the file size of their images. Whether an email is
too large depends on the nature of the email, but as a general guideline, an email of a
few hundreds of kilobytes warrants caution. An email of a few thousand kilobytes would
be problematic for most users.
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You can reduce the file size of images using the Image Editor when adding or editing images
in the email design. For example, in the Image Editor, resize the image to smaller dimensions
or crop the image. The file size of the image will be reduced without losing much image
Note: You can change the dimensions of an image in the email design, without using the
Image Editor. However, while the width and height of the image may be reduced, the file size
does not change.
Open an Existing Image for Editing
Edit images to customize them for an email design. You may also want to edit images to
conserve storage space in the email design or Library. For example, resizing or cropping an
image to half its original proportions reduces the file size of an image while maintaining the
image clarity.
To edit an image, you open it in the Image editor and then make changes. For information
about making changes, see Edit Images.
Tip: You can edit an image at the same time as you add it to a content block.
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block that contains the
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Below the Image box, click the Edit Image button.
Edit Image
Edit Images
Edit images to customize them for an email design by resizing, cropping, flipping, or rotating
them. Editing images can also help to conserve storage space in the email design or Library.
For example, resizing or cropping an image to half its original proportions reduces the file
size of an image while maintaining the image clarity.
You edit images in the Image Editor. Several methods are available for opening an image in
this editor, depending on whether you're using the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email
Editor. However, the editor itself is the same once an image is open:
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All edited images are saved to the Library. If an image with the same name already exists,
you can replace it or save the edited version using a different name. If you edit an external
image, you cannot save the edited version to the original, external location.
When working with images that were resized in the email design, the Image Editor shows the
original size of the image that was inserted and the current size in the email design. These
values are displayed in the Resize area of the Image Editor, and are useful for comparison
when using the Resize options.
To ensure that edited images appear in email designs as expected, always preview emails
before sending email campaigns.
Steps to resize an image
1. Select the Resize Proportionately checkbox if you want the current proportions of the
image to be maintained when changing the width or height.
2. Do one of the following:
In the Resize area, drag the Width or Height bar to the left to decrease the
measurement or to the right to increase it. To make incremental changes, click the
arrow at either end of the bar to change the size by one pixel.
Type a pixel value in the Width or Height box. If you chose Resize Proportionately in
Step 1, set only the width or height value. The remaining value is determined based
on the relative proportions of the image.
Steps to crop an image
1. Click Enable Crop.
The Image Editor displays a dotted line rectangle that represents the portion of the image
that will be retained when cropping is complete.
2. With your mouse cursor, click and drag the corners of the crop box to size it, and drag the
crop box to move it over the area of the image you want to retain.
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You can drag a corner of the crop box when the cursor changes to a double-headed
arrow as you hover the cursor over the corner. To move the crop box, the cursor changes
to a four-headed arrow when hovering the cursor in the center of the box.
If you find it difficult to activate the corners or drag the crop box, you can type values in
the Crop boxes. The x and y values position the box relative to the top, left corner of the
image. The Width and Height boxes determine the size of the crop box.
3. Click Save.
Steps to flip or rotate an image
1. If the flip or rotate options aren't displayed, click the Flip and Rotate arrow.
2. Click one Flip option and one Rotate option.
For example, to only flip the image vertically, click Vertical from the Flip options and None
from the Rotate options.
Step to discard changes to the image since it was opened in the Image Editor
Click Reset.
Steps to save the edited image to the Library
1. Do one of the following:
If you want to replace an image that already exists with the edited image, type the
name of the existing image and select Update Library if Image Already Exists.
If you want to save the edited image as a new image, type a new name and clear
Update Library if Image Already Exists.
2. Click Save.
Link to Related Content or Email
Add links to email designs to give recipients convenient access to related content. For
example, your corporate logo can be an image link to your website. The location or content
displayed when a recipient clicks a link is referred to as the link destination.
Note: Social media links in Social Media Sidebar and Footer content blocks are not defined
using the procedures described in this topic. These links are defined by typing the text that
represents the URL. For information, see Add Text.
Several types of links are available. You can create
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web location links to publicly-accessible destinations, such as your website, an online
document, or an online video tutorial.
anchor links to content in the same email, such as table of contents entries to their
appropriate topics.
email links to automatically generate email messages with a predefined email header
(which includes the sender email address and subject line).
Quicklinks to pre-defined Campaigner links or links you create & store.
Campaigner User Guide
Tip: Keep the number of links in an email to a minimum. Providing only one or two links
allows users to focus on them, increasing the clicked through rate.
You can edit or remove links at any time before sending the email campaign.
After you send an email campaign, Campaigner tracks recipients' activity related to web
location links to help you assess what works and what doesn’t work for your customers, in
your markets. Campaigner displays this activity in the email campaign report for the email in
which the link is used. For example, you can view a preview of the email design showing the
percentage of recipients who clicked each trackable link. Anchor and email links cannot be
Once an email campaign is sent, you can only edit only link destinations for its tracked web
location links.
Note: If you add links to the contents of your subscription management forms, these links will
not be tracked.
Add Web Location Links
Web location links to publicly-accessible destinations may be represented by text or images.
For example, your corporate logo may link to your website. For each link, you can define a
tooltip, which typically provides a user-friendly description of the link destination. Depending
on the email interface, a tooltip can appear when a recipient hovers the cursor over the link.
When defining a web location link, you can change the following default options for linktracking:
whether link activity is tracked. If you turn off link tracking, the email campaign report will
provide no information about activity for this link.
the reporting name that identifies the link in the email campaign report, if link activity is
turned on. Campaigner assigns each link a default reporting name, but you may want to
change it if another name is more meaningful to you.
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Do one of the following:
For a text link, in the form option, select the text that you want to represent the link
and click the link symbol on the Link tool from the formatting bar.
For an image link, in the Image form option area, click the link symbol on the Link
Link tool
3. On the Hyperlink tab, in the URL box, type the link destination.
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We recommend that you use full URL format, such as:
Tip: Click the Test link to open the link destination, verifying that the URL is defined
4. For text links, if you want to change the text that represents the link or if you didn't select
text in Step 1, type the text in the Link Text box.
5. In the Tooltip box, type the user-friendly text to appear as the tooltip.
6. If you don't want to track activity for this link, clear the Track Clicks box.
7. If the Track Clicks box is selected and you want to change the reporting name, type the
new name in the Reporting Name box.
8. Click OK.
Add Anchor Links
When creating anchor links to related content in the current email, you
mark the link destination (the location in the email you want displayed when the recipient
clicks the link) using an anchor
define the link by specifying the name of the anchor
Optionally, you can define a tooltip, which typically provides a user-friendly description of the
link destination. Depending on the email interface, a tooltip can appear when a recipient
hovers the cursor over the link.
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Do one of the following:
For a text link, in the form option, select the text that you want to link to and click the
link symbol on the Link tool from the formatting bar.
For an image link, in the Image form option area, click the link symbol on the Link
Link tool
3. On the Anchor tab, type a name for the anchor (for example, Introduction).
4. Click OK to create the anchor.
5. Do one of the following:
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For the text that you want to link to the anchor, in the form option, select the text and
click the link symbol on the Link tool from the formatting bar.
For an image that you want to link the anchor to, in the Image form option area, click
the link symbol on the Link tool.
6. On the Hyperlink tab, select the anchor from the Existing Anchor list.
7. In the Tooltip box, type the user-friendly text to appear as the tooltip.
8. Click OK.
Add Email Links
When creating an email link, you define the email address to which the message will be sent
and a subject line.
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Do one of the following:
For a text link, in the form option, select the text that you want to represent the link
and click the link symbol on the Link tool from the formatting bar.
For an image link, in the Image form option area, click the link symbol on the Link
Link tool
3. On the Email tab, type the address to which the message will be sent.
4. Type the subject of the email message.
5. Click OK.
Add Quicklinks
Quicklinks are a set of frequently-used links that Campaigner stores for you.
Quicklinks may be represented by text or images. Each Quicklink has default link text; if you
do not apply a Quicklink to an image or an existing piece of text, Campaigner will insert the
Quicklink's default text into your campaign content at the location you clicked. Unless
otherwise specified, a Quicklink's default text will be used as the tooltip for linked images and
text links.
Quicklinks have the following link-tracking characteristics:
Quicklink activity is always tracked.
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• The reporting name that identifies the link in the email campaign report is the Quicklink
For more information on Quicklinks, see Manage Quicklinks.
Steps to add via the recently-used list
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Do one of the following:
For a text link, in the form option area, select the text that you want to represent the
link and click the blue arrow on the Link tool from the formatting bar.
To use a Quicklink's default text, in the form option area, place your cursor where you
want the text link to go and click the blue arrow on the Link tool.
For an image link, in the Image form option area, click the blue arrow on the Link tool.
Link tool
A pop-down menu appears listing the Quicklinks you last used.
3. Click the Quicklink name you want to insert into your email. If the Quicklink you want to
insert isn't in the list of recently-used Quicklinks, click the More... option at the bottom.
See Steps to add via the Quicklink tab, below.
Steps to add via the Quicklink tab
1. If you haven't already, do one of the following:
For a text link, in the form option area, select the text that you want to represent the
link and click the link symbol on the Link tool from the formatting bar.
To use a Quicklink's default text, in the form option area, place your cursor where you
want the text link to go and click the link symbol on the Link tool.
For an image link, in the Image form option area, click the link symbol on the Link
Link tool
Alternatively, you can click the blue arrow on the Link tool and click the More... option at the
bottom of the list. This will take you directly to the Quicklink tab (skip to Step 3).
2. Click on the Quicklink tab.
3. From the Quicklink list, click the link you want to add to your email.
4. Click Insert.
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Edit or Remove Links
You can edit or remove links at any time before sending an email campaign. For example,
you may edit a link to specify a different link destination, tooltip, or tracking options. If you
remove a link, the Smart Email Builder leaves the text or image that represents it. For
example, if you've linked your corporate logo to your website and you remove the link, the
Smart Email Builder doesn't remove the corporate logo.
After sending an email campaign, you can edit the destination of tracked links. For example,
if an email design includes a link to your privacy document and you move the document to a
different location, you'll need to change the link destination so that Campaigner can find it
when recipients click the link.
Campaigner provides several methods to edit links. The method you choose depends on the
types of changes you want to make, whether links are tracked, and whether the email
campaign has been sent. You can
edit links directly in the Smart Email Builder
Use this method if you are editing only a few links (either tracked or untracked) for an
email campaign that has not been sent. You must also use this method for link properties
that are only available using this method. For example, you must edit untracked links and
tooltips using this method.
edit a list of tracked links
Use this method if you are editing link destinations or tracking options for several tracked
links at the same time for an email campaign that has not been sent. Tracking options
include whether a link is tracked and the reporting name used to represent a link in email
campaign reports.
After sending an email campaign, use this method if you need to change link destinations
for tracked links.
Steps to edit a link in the Smart Email Builder
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Do one of the following:
For a text link, in the form option, put the cursor in the text that represents the link
and click the link symbol on the Link tool from the formatting bar.
For an image link, in the Image form option area, click the link symbol on the Link
Link tool
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3. Edit the properties.
The available properties depend on the link type. For example, for a web location link, in
the ToolTip box, type a user-friendly description of the link destination.
4. Click OK.
Steps to edit a list of tracked links for an email campaign
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row.
2. From the Action bar, click More, Edit Trackable Links.
3. Click the tab for the email format that contains the trackable links you want to edit.
4. If you no longer want to track a link, clear the checkbox beside its reporting name.
You cannot turn off link tracking if the email campaign has been sent.
5. If you want to change the reporting name, type the new name in the Reporting Name box
for the tracked link.
You cannot change the reporting name if the email campaign has been sent.
6. If you want to change the link destination, type the new destination in the Link box for the
tracked link.
7. Click OK.
Step to remove a link
Do one of the following:
For a text link, in the form option, select at least one character of the text that
represents the link and click the Unlink tool from the formatting bar.
For an image link, in the Image form option area, click the Unlink tool.
Unlink tool
Manage Quicklinks
Quicklinks are a convenient way to store and access the links you use frequently in your
email campaigns. Quicklinks come in two varieties:
Pre-defined Campaigner links.
User-defined links.
You can create, delete, add, or remove Quicklinks at any time before sending an email
campaign. Quicklinks are accessed via the Link tool in the Full Email Editor and the Smart
Email Builder.
Link tool in the Smart Email Builder
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Link tool in the Full Email Editor (Note: Does not include the arrow portion and
associated recently-used list functionality.)
Using the Link tool, you can view and select from a list of recently-used Quicklinks (Smart
Email Builder only), or you can access the Quicklink tab to view all available Quicklinks. On
the Quicklink tab, you can also:
create a Quicklink.
delete a Quicklink.
Quicklinks cannot be edited. If you need to change a Quicklink, you must delete and recreate it.
For information on how to add/remove Quicklinks inside email campaign content, please see:
Link to Related Content or Email for the Smart Email Builder.
Link to Content Using Quicklinks and Remove Links for the Full Email Editor.
Campaigner tracks Quicklink activity by default and uses the Quicklink default text as the
reporting name. These settings cannot be changed. Once an email campaign is sent, you
can edit Quicklink destinations for web location links.
Note: Email address Quicklinks cannot be tracked.
Pre-defined Campaigner Links
Campaigner pre-creates a number of helpful links that automatically appear in your
Quicklinks list. This selection of links is designed to provide you with a few basic components
that you may choose to use in your email campaigns, including:
social media links. These will appear in your Quicklinks listing if you included your social
media information in your profile.
Like, +1, and Tweet links. These links allow you to Like (on Facebook), +1 (on Google+),
and Tweet (on Twitter) the sharable online version of your email, if enabled.
your website link. This will appear in your Quicklinks listing if you included your website's
URL in your profile.
an unsubscribe link. Allows you to easily place an unsubscribe link anywhere in your
email campaign content.
a Share Online link. This link provides recipients with direct access to an online version
of the HTML email that they can share via social media or other websites.
Pre-defined Campaigner Quicklinks cannot be deleted from your Quicklinks list.
User-defined Links
You can create your own Quicklinks. These are typically web location links that drive
recipients to places that feature campaign-related content, such as your company website.
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Create a Quicklink
Steps to create a Quicklink in the Smart Email Builder
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click a content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Click in the form option area and do one of the following:
From the formatting bar, click the blue arrow on the Link tool icon and then click
the More... option in the pop-down menu.
From the formatting bar, click the link symbol on the Link tool icon.
Link tool
3. Click on the Quicklink tab.
4. Provide the link text and link URL in the text boxes below the Quicklink list. Keep in mind
that the link text will be used for link-tracking purposes.
5. Click + Add.
Steps to create a Quicklink in the Full Email Editor
1. In the Full Email Editor, select the content that you want to represent the link.
2. Click the Link tool.
Link tool
3. Click on the Quicklink tab.
4. Provide the link text and link URL in the text boxes below the Quicklink list. Keep in mind
that the link text will be used for link-tracking purposes.
5. Click + Add.
Delete a Quicklink
Steps delete a Quicklink in the Smart Email Builder
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click a content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Click in the form option area and do one of the following:
From the formatting bar, click the blue arrow on the Link tool icon and then click
the More... option in the pop-down menu.
From the formatting bar, click the link symbol on the Link tool icon.
Link tool
3. On the Quicklink tab, click the link you want to delete.
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A Delete icon will appear to the left of the selected row.
4. Click the Delete icon.
Steps delete a Quicklink in the Full Email Editor
1. In the Full Email Editor, place your cursor anywhere in the design area.
2. Click the Link tool.
Link tool
3. On the Quicklink tab, click the link you want to delete.
A Delete icon will appear to the left of the selected row.
4. Click the Delete icon.
Work with Merge Fields
HTML and plain text email designs can be personalized for individual recipients, which tends
to increase response rates for email campaigns. For example, a personalized greeting (such
as "Hi Allison" or "Hi Greg") is more friendly and inviting to customers than a generic greeting.
Personalize emails using merge fields. For example, the merge field [Contact.First Name]
represents the value defined for each contact's first name. You may choose to include this
merge field in the email design as part of the greeting:
Hi [Contact.First Name],
When sending the email campaign, Campaigner substitutes each recipient's first name. For
Hi Allison,
Each merge field represents one contact field. For example, the [Contact.First Name] merge
field represents the First Name contact field. This relationship is important to remember. If no
contact information is available for a merge field when Campaigner sends the email
campaign, the default value for the contact field is used. For example, if the default value for
the First Name contact field is "n/a", Campaigner displays "Hi n/a" in the email sent to
recipients for which no first name is available. A more meaningful default value is "Customer"
or "Subscriber". For information about contact fields and how to define default values, see
Overview of Contact Fields.
Add Merge Fields in the Smart Email Builder
Add merge fields to personalize email designs. You add merge fields via the Merge Field tool
on the formatting bar:
Merge Field tool
After adding a merge field to an email design, test it to see how Campaigner will substitute
different types of values when the email campaign is sent.
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1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
The Smart Email Builder displays the form for the content block in the right panel.
2. Position the cursor where you want to add the merge field and click the Merge Field tool
from the formatting bar.
Merge Field tool
The Insert Merge Field dialog will appear.
3. Click the field you want to add to your email.
4. Click Insert.
Change the Smart Template Layout or Theme
The smart template determines the layout and theme for your email design. Choosing the
smart template is the first step in creating an email. As you add content, however, you may
find that the layout or theme is no longer suitable. You can change these options at any time
before sending an email campaign.
If you change the layout, the Smart Email Builder adjusts existing content blocks to the new
layout. Any content you've already defined will be available in content blocks in the new smart
template, with the exception of sidebars. If you change from a layout with a sidebar to a
layout without a sidebar, any sidebar content blocks will no longer be available. If you change
the layout again to one that uses a sidebar, the content blocks and any previously defined
content will appear.
1. On the Content Blocks page, click Layout or Theme.
2. Select the new layout, theme design, or theme colors from the selection panels.
Arrange Content Blocks
You can move Article and Article Sidebar content blocks to another position in a layout.
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Each type of content block belongs to specific zones in a layout and can't be moved out of
them. For example, you can move an Article Sidebar content block to any position in a
sidebar, but you can't move this type of content block to a location outside of the sidebar.
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
2. Drag the Move button in the selected content block until it is in its new location.
Move button
Add or Remove Content Blocks
You can add Article and Article Sidebar content blocks to a layout. You can also remove
these types of content blocks from a layout.
You can add as many Article and Article Sidebar content blocks as you want. If you've
previously deleted the Social Media Sidebar content block, you can re-add it.
Steps to add a content block
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block above or below the
position where you want to add the new content block.
2. Click the Add Above button or the Add Below button in the selected content block.
Add Above button
Add Below button
3. If you're prompted to choose the type of content block to add, click the type and click OK.
Steps to remove a content block
1. On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click the content block.
2. Click the Trash button in the selected content block.
Trash button
Save Your Email Design
When working on an email design in the Smart Email Builder, you may make changes and
then decide that you don't want to keep them. For this reason, changes are not saved
On the Content Blocks page, in the preview, click Save.
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Step 3: Define Email Details
Email Details Overview
Email details include the:
name that uniquely identifies this email campaign in Campaigner. This name is never
displayed to recipients.
email header that specifies the name and email address that you want to appear as the
sender of the email, and the subject line.
reply-to options for handling responses to your email from recipients, such as the email
address to which you want replies sent and the autoreply message.
subscription management options that allow recipients to manage their mailing list
subscriptions as well as their contact information.
mailing address of the sender of the email, as required by CAN-SPAM.
Social Sharing options for recipients who may want to share your email campaign over
social media channels.
viewing options available to recipients who may want to view the email in a browser.
email encoding that allows you to enforce a specific character set, which helps the
recipient’s email client identify and properly display any special characters in your email
Google Analytics options that provide you with additional tracking capabilities if you have
a Google Analytics implementation on your site(s).
You define email details using this page. If you need more room to work on the page, you can
hide some of the content by clicking the arrow beside the More Options header.
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Define the Email Campaign Name
Every email campaign must have a unique name that identifies it in Campaigner. For
example, the Email Campaigns tab lists all email campaigns, showing the name for each one.
This name is never displayed to recipients of an email campaign.
On the Email Details page, in the Email Campaign Name box, type a unique name that
meaningfully identifies this email campaign.
Define the Email Header
An email header includes the following:
From Name (for example, Campaigner)
From Address (for example,
Subject (for example, "Inside: Exclusive Interview with Our Favorite Designers")
Together, the From name and email address indicate to recipients who is sending the email.
Use your company or brand name (or other identifying information that won't change as a
result of internal business changes) for consistency to maximize recognition. Consistent
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sender information helps to maintain the trust relationship with your recipients that you need
to get the email delivered and opened.
Note: The From email address must be verified as legitimate before you can use it in an
email header. You can provide an email address that has not been verified, but you cannot
continue working on the email until the verification is complete. To avoid delays, we
recommend that you verify email addresses before starting email campaigns.
The email subject should entice your customers, giving them a compelling reason to open the
email. Use a subject line that clearly reflects the purpose and content of the email. For more
information about writing good subject lines, see Ten Tips for Successful Email Marketing.
1. On the Email Details page, in the From Name box, type a user-friendly name that your
customers will recognize (such as Campaigner).
2. In the From Address box, select the email address associated with the From Name (such
If the email address you want to use is not listed, click Manage Email Addresses. Type
the email address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the email
address before you can continue.
3. In the Subject box, type a description of the email content that is accurate and interesting.
Handling Replies from Recipients
When recipients receive your email, they may reply to it. For example, recipients may want to
request more information about a promotion described in the email. These replies are
encouraging because they indicate that recipients are interested in your message.
For recipients that use the Reply option when viewing your email, you can specify several
options that determine the handling of the reply message. These options are related to the
reply-to address (the address to which the reply will be sent)
autoreply message that can be sent by Campaigner to acknowledge that you've received
the reply
Reply-to Address Options
When a recipient uses the Reply feature to respond to your email, another email is produced
for the response, with the return (reply-to) address automatically filled out. By default, replies
are sent to the email address provided when registering with Campaigner.
Note: You can change the address to which replies are sent, but the new address must be
verified as legitimate before you can continue working on the email. To avoid delays, we
recommend that you verify email addresses before starting email campaigns.
By default, the reply-to address is modified so that the recipient doesn't see the actual
address to which the email will be sent. For example, may be displayed
as As an alternative, you can choose to display the
actual email address to which replies will be sent as the return address.
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When receiving replies where the modified version of the reply-to address is used,
Campaigner filters messages to discard out-of-office alerts and gathers statistics for email
campaign reports (such as the number of replies). If you choose to display the actual email
address as the reply-to address, Campaigner won't perform these tasks.
1. On the Email Details page, in the Reply-to Address box, click the address to which
replies from recipients will be sent.
2. If the email address you want to use is not listed, do the following:
Click Manage Email Addresses.
Type the email address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the
email address before you can continue.
3. If you do not want to use a modified version of the reply-to address and track email
replies, select Do Not Track Email Replies.
Autoreply Message Options
The autoreply message is an email that Campaigner automatically sends to a recipient after
receiving their reply message to your email. Although sending an autoreply message is
optional, it's is a convenient and important way to let users know that you’ve received their
reply and when they can expect your response. For example:
Thank you for contacting us. We have received your email and will respond within the
next 24 hours.
Tip: Ensure that you follow up in the given timeframe to maintain and build on the trust that
you want with your customers.
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, click Change.
2. Click Send this custom autoreply message.
3. In the From Name box, type the sender’s name (for example, Campaigner).
4. In the From Address box, click the sender’s address.
If the email address you want to use is not listed, click Manage Email Addresses. Type
the email address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the email
address before you can continue.
5. Type a subject that indicates what the message is about.
6. Type the message.
7. Click Save.
Steps to specify that no autoreply message is to be sent
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, click Change.
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2. Click Do not send an autoreply message.
3. Click Save.
Provide Subscription Management Options
Campaigner automatically places a footer message at the bottom of each of your email
campaigns. This footer message is critical, as it directs your recipients to a set of
subscription management forms, where they can update their email preferences and/or
Footer Message Options
The footer message contains brief instructional text accompanied by one or more links that
direct the recipient to your subscription management forms.
Campaigner provides a default footer message (shown above). If you want to create your
own, you can do so by contacting Customer Support.
The footer message you choose will appear in the email preview, so you can see the way it
will look in your final email design before you send your email campaign.
Steps to specify which footer message to send
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, click Choose Footer Message....
The Footer Message dialog appears.
2. Choose the message that will appear at the bottom of your email campaign. Note: The
HTML and Plain Text footer messages may vary.
3. Click OK.
Subscription Management Options
The footer message links to a specific subscription management form group. Subscription
management forms provide contacts with a way to modify their subscriptions to your email
communications (such as adding themselves to or removing themselves from your various
mailing lists), to update their information, and to unsubscribe from all your email
Campaigner provides default subscription management forms. Create your own forms to
tailor content and layout to a specific email campaign or mailing list.
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For information on subscription management forms, see Overview of Subscription
Management Forms.
Step to specify which subscription management form group to use
On the Email Details page, in the Subscription Management box, click the name of
the subscription management form group you want to use for the email campaign.
Reach out Through Social Sharing
Want to see this? Watch the Social Sharing video tutorial.
Enabling the Social Sharing feature for an email campaign allows you and your subscribers
to Share With Your Network (SWYN) and extend the reach of your message, to identify your
influencers (who shares your emails the most), and to grow your email list.
Social Sharing-enabled email campaigns have two components:
the email campaign
This is the email campaign that you create using the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email
Editor and that you send to your subscribers. To invite your recipients to share your
message, include a Share Online or specific social sharing (e.g. Like on Facebook) Quicklink
in your email design.
the sharable online version of the email campaign
This is an online version of the Social Sharing-enabled email campaign that viewers can
access from their browser. This version is given a unique URL and is outfitted with the
Campaigner Sharebar, which allows viewers to perform a variety of actions in response to the
email campaign, including posting about it on popular social media channels. Note: The
sharable online version of an email campaign and the view online functionality are not the
same thing.
Enabling Social Sharing for an email campaign allows viewers to easily link to and share that
campaign from other sites or blogs. You can enable Social Sharing for HTML email
campaigns created in both the Smart Email Builder and the Full Email Editor.
Because it is meant for a wide audience, the sharable online version of a Social Sharingenabled email campaign does not support personalization (i.e. Merge Fields). Any Merge
Fields included in the email campaign design will display the field's default value when
viewed in the sharable online version.
The sharable online version of a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign remains available
until the email campaign is deleted.
Here is a sample workflow that includes the Social Sharing feature:
1. Create an email campaign.
You must have an HTML version of the campaign. The Social Sharing feature
cannot be enabled for a plain text only email campaign.
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Encourage recipients to share your email content by including a Share Online
Quicklink in your email design. Recipients will click this link to view and share the
sharable online version of your email.
Make it easy for your recipients to share your email content with their friends on
Facebook by adding a 'Like on Facebook' Quicklink to your email design. Similar
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ Quicklinks are also available.
2. Enable the Social Sharing feature for the email campaign.
On Step 3 of the email campaign creation process, enable Social Sharing. Note that
there are other places you can go to enable Social Sharing (pre-send and postsend).
To allow non-subscribers that view the sharable online version to join your list(s),
choose to include a sign up form when you enable Social Sharing. A convenient
button linked to the specified sign up form will appear on the Campaigner Sharebar.
3. Send the campaign and start sharing.
Use the Campaigner Sharebar options yourself to post on Facebook, Twitter, or other
Link directly to the sharable online version of your email campaign.
Tip: A quick way to publicize your email campaign is by linking to the sharable online
version from your website or blog.
4. Monitor the views you receive from different social media channels as a result of
sharing your email campaign.
The email campaign report for the campaign you shared will feature stats on unique
visits to the sharable online version of your email campaign for each social media
channel. Choose the Social sharing activity report view to see these stats.
Compare these stats with those from the sign up form you chose to include (if any)
on the sharable online version of your email campaign.
Note: Views and clicks on the sharable online version of your email campaign will
not be included as part of the email's campaign activity.
Learn more about
the Campaigner Sharebar.
how you can track Social Sharing activity.
See how to
enable Social Sharing for an email campaign.
view the sharable online version of a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign.
Use the Campaigner Sharebar
The Campaigner Sharebar appears at the top of the sharable online version of any email
campaign you enable Social Sharing for. The bar allows viewers to perform a variety of
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actions in response to the email campaign, including interacting with popular social media
Campaigner Sharebar
Here are the Campaigner Sharebar actions:
Like the sharable online version of the campaign on Facebook.
Tweet about the email campaign on Twitter.
Post about the email campaign on LinkedIn.
+1 the sharable online version of the campaign on Google+.
Email a link to the sharable online version of your email campaign
using your default mail client.
Print a hard copy of the sharable online version of the campaign.
Go to a sign up form. (This is optional. See details.)
Enable Social Sharing for an Email Campaign
To share an email campaign online, you have to:
1. Enable the Social Sharing feature for the email campaign you want to share. You can do
this in any of these three ways:
on Step 3 of the campaign creation process.
from the Campaign Summary page.
by using the Action bar.
2. Start sharing your email campaign. Here are some ideas on how you can start the buzz:
View the sharable online version of your email campaign and click the Like and/or
Share buttons on the Campaigner Sharebar to link to your email campaign on your
various social media pages.
Include a Share Online Quicklink in your email content. This will allow your recipients
to easily share your email campaign with their friends online.
View the sharable online version of your email campaign and copy the URL in the
address bar. You can paste this URL into a post on your blog, feature it in the news
section on your website, etc.
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An email campaign must be saved as a draft before you can enable Social Sharing for it.
When you update/change a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign, the sharable online
version will be updated as well. After you send a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign,
you can no longer edit the sharable online version. You cannot enable Social Sharing for an
email campaign that is in plain text format only.
When you enable Social Sharing for an email campaign, you have the option of linking a sign
up form to it. If you choose to do this, a button will be added to the Campaigner Sharebar for
this purpose. Including a sign up form is a great way to organically grow your contacts.
Note: When you delete a sign up form that is linked to one or more Social Sharing-enabled
email campaigns, the 'Join Our List' button is automatically removed from the Campaigner
Sharebar on the sharable online version of all the affected email campaigns (including email
campaigns you've already sent, as well as those you haven't sent yet).
The Social Sharing Settings will automatically apply to all subsequent campaigns unless you
change them.
For information on Social Sharing, see Social Sharing Overview.
Steps to enable from Step 3 of the campaign creation process
1. On Step 3 of the campaign creation process, click the Settings... button beside the
Social Sharing header.
The Social Sharing Settings dialog appears.
2. Select the Enable Sharing checkbox.
3. If you want people who view the sharable online version of your email campaign to be
able to add themselves to your contacts (unless they are already subscribed), select
the Include sign up form checkbox; otherwise, skip this step. Should you choose to
include a sign up form, you will also need to do the following:
Choose a sign up form from the Select form drop-down. (See Sign up forms
for more information on creating these forms.)
Provide the text that you want to appear on the button that launches the sign
up form. For example: "Join Our List!"
A button bearing the specified text and linked to the specified sign up form will be
added to the Campaigner Sharebar.
4. Click OK.
5. To view the sharable online version of your campaign, follow these instructions.
Steps to enable from the Campaign Summary page
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign name.
2. On the Campaign Summary page, locate the Social Sharing area and click Settings...
The Social Sharing Settings dialog appears.
3. Select the Enable Sharing checkbox.
4. If you want people who view the sharable online version of your online email campaign to
be able to add themselves to your contacts (unless they are already subscribed), select
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the Include sign up form checkbox; otherwise, skip this step. Should you choose to
include a sign up form, you will also need to do the following:
Choose a sign up form from the Select form drop-down. (See Sign up forms for
more information on creating these forms.)
Provide the text that you want to appear on the button that launches the sign up
form. For example: "Join Our List!"
A button bearing the specified text and linked to the specified sign up form will be
added to the Campaigner Sharebar.
5. Click OK.
6. To view the sharable online version of your campaign, follow these instructions.
Steps to enable from the Action bar
1. Click the Email Campaigns tab.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in the row.
Click the email campaign name.
Note: You can enable Social Sharing for only one email campaign at a time.
3. From the Action bar, click More.
4. Click Share Settings.
The Social Sharing Settings dialog appears.
5. Select the Enable Sharing checkbox.
6. If you want people who view the sharable online version of your online email campaign to
be able to add themselves to your contacts (unless they are already subscribed) via a
sign up form, select the Include sign up form checkbox; otherwise, skip this step.
Should you choose to include a sign up form, you will also need to do the following:
Choose a sign up form from the Select form drop-down. (See Sign up forms for
more information on creating these forms.)
Provide the text that you want to appear on the button that launches the sign up
A button bearing the specified text and linked to the specified sign up form will be
added to the Campaigner Sharebar.
7. Click OK.
8. To view the sharable online version of your campaign, follow these instructions.
View the Shared Online Version of Your Email Campaign
After you enable Social Sharing for an email campaign, you can view the sharable online
version of that campaign. What you see is what viewers will see.
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Tip: You can view the sharable online version of a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign to
capture the sharable online version's URL (i.e. web location). In addition to initially featuring
the URL in your email campaign content (by inserting a Share Online Quicklink or by inserting
a Web Location link), you can use the URL to manually link to the sharable online version of
your email campaign from your website, your blog, or anywhere else on the web. For
information on Social Sharing, see Social Sharing Overview.
Steps to view from the Campaign Summary page
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign name.
2. On the Campaign Summary page, locate the Social Sharing area and click the Preview
& Share button.
The sharable online version of your email campaign will appear in a new window.
Steps to view from the Action bar
1. Click the Email Campaigns tab.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in the row.
Click the email campaign name.
3. From the Action bar, click More.
4. Click Preview & Share.
The sharable online version of your email campaign will appear in a new window.
Provide Options for Viewing in a Browser
Some users may prefer to view your email in a browser. Browsers are designed for HTMLbased content, which may offer a better view of the email than email client interfaces.
You can include instructions and a link in the email design that lets users open the email in a
browser with a single click. The instructions and link always appear at the top of the email
design. However, you can specify both the text that indicates that the email can be opened in
a browser and the text that represents the link. For example, the text "Read it online" is a
good indicator to users that they can click the link to open the email in a browser.
Note: Campaigner offers 2 distinct options for viewing your email campaign in a browser:
View email online ('view online')
Allows the user to view a personalized version of your email campaign in their
favorite browser.
Social Sharing ('sharable online')
Allows the user to view a generic version of your email campaign in their favorite
browser. This version comes outfitted with the Campaigner Sharebar to allow for
easy distribution over social media channels. For more information, see Social
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1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, ensure that the following checkbox
is selected:
Allow this email to be viewed online in a browser
2. If necessary, change the text that indicates that the email can be opened in a browser
and the text that represents the link.
Want to see this? Watch the Social Sharing video tutorial.
Specify Email Encoding
Email encoding plays a part in how your recipients view the contents of your email
campaigns. Specifying a character set instructs the recipient's email client or browser on how
to display the various characters (i.e. letters and numbers) in your email. When no character
set is specified, the viewer's email client or browser makes that choice instead.
By default, Campaigner does not specify a character set for your email campaigns. This
means that, when recipients view your email, their email client or browser chooses how to
display the content. Email clients and browsers can typically make the right choice, but, if
your email content includes special characters, it's always possible that they'll be visually
misinterpreted (missing characters or garbled text, for example) for some recipients. For this
reason, it is recommended that you consider specifying a character set when your email
content contains special characters.
When you specify a character set for a given email campaign, the setting also applies to the
view online and sharable online versions (if either or both features are enabled) of that email
On the Email Details page, in the Encoding box, click the character set you want to
enforce in your email campaign.
Enable Google Analytics Tracking
Campaigner can work with your existing Google Analytics set up to provide additional link
tracking capability. This is an effective way to gain further insight into the successfulness of
your email campaigns, as it allows you to easily track which of your website visits come from
which of your email campaigns.
To learn more about Google Analytics, visit
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Campaigner allows you to specify values for 3 Google Analytics parameters. All of the links
in your email content will be automatically appended with these values, which you can edit at
any time before sending by returning to the Email Details page, or after you send by
launching the Edit Trackable Links dialog (for tracked links only).
When this feature is enabled, Google Analytics parameters will be applied to both tracked
and untracked links. Please note that 'tracked links' are links that you choose to track via
Campaigner directly (read more here); Google Analytics tracking is an additional type of
tracking that operates independently, so it is possible to enable the Google Analytics tracking
feature even if you did not instruct Campaigner® to track some or all of the links in your email
The Google Analytics parameters you can modify are:
Utm_Source: Used to identify the source of the link (the default value is
Utm_Campaign: Used to identify the name of the related campaign (the default value
is the date plus the first 40 characters of the campaign name).
Utm_Content: Used to differentiate between campaigns or links that point to the
same URL (the default is blank).
Note: If you choose to modify the Utm_Source, Utm_Campaign, or Utm_Content, use only
the following supported characters: a - z (lowercase), A - Z (uppercase), 0-9, dash ( - ),
period ( . ), underscore ( _ ), tilde ( ~ ). Campaigner will automatically remove any other
characters you include. All spaces will be replaced with underscores inside Google Analytics.
The Google Analytics settings you apply to a given email campaign will also be applied to the
Plain Text and sharable online versions (if applicable) of your email campaign. When you're
reviewing link activity inside Google Analytics, look for the 'Utm_Medium' parameter, which
will be automatically added and can be useful for determining which click came from which
email type.
After you enable Google Analytics tracking for a particular email campaign, the feature will be
automatically enabled for all subsequent campaigns (unless you disable it).
1. On the Email Details page, expand the Google Analytics panel by clicking on its title bar.
2. Select the following checkbox:
Enable Google Analytics tracking
3. In the Utm_Source box, type a source name that will help you easily identify which
website visits are from an email campaign.
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4. In the Utm_Campaign box, type a name that will help you easily identify which website
visits are from this email campaign in particular.
5. If you wish to track an additional piece of information to further differentiate activity from
this email campaign, type something relevant and short in the Utm_Content box.
Otherwise, leave this box blank.
Open an Existing Email Design for Editing
If you're creating a new email, the email design opens in the editor automatically at the
appropriate time.
If you have already created an email design and you want to make changes, you need to
open it in the editor.
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the row for the email campaign for the email design
you want to edit.
Don't click any links in the row, unless you want to view the email campaign's summary.
2. From the Action bar, click Edit.
Convert Emails to the Full Email Editor
The Smart Email Builder is intended to help you focus on your email message instead of its
organization and appearance. For this reason, this tool doesn't provide all the email design
features that are available in the Full Email Editor, such as editing the HTML code.
You can convert any email that you've created using the Smart Email Builder for use in the
Full Email Editor if you want to use additional email design features. However, after
converting an email, you can no longer open it in the Smart Email Builder. For this reason,
the Smart Email Builder converts a copy of the email campaign for use in the Full Email
When you convert an email campaign, Campaigner appends the value "_1" to the name of
the copy that you can use in the Full Email Editor. For example, for an email campaign
named "Summer Clothing Promotion", the converted version is named "Summer Clothing
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the row for the email campaign for the email design
you want to convert.
Don't click any links in the row.
2. From the Action bar, click More, Duplicate.
3. Select Convert Email so it can be used in the Full Email Editor checkbox.
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Use the Full Email Editor
What is the Full Email Editor?
Want to see this? Watch the Sending Email Campaigns video tutorial.
The Full Email Editor creates many types of emails. The Email Campaign wizard guides you
through the three steps:
Step 1: Choose an email template for the email design or choose to start from a blank
email design.
Step 2: Create the email design by customizing the template (or blank email design) for
your message, such as adding text (such as a description of a promotion, product, or
service) or links (such as to your company website)
The Full Email Editor provides a design editor for HTML emails and a design editor for
plain text emails.
Step 3: Define email details, such as the name of the email campaign, its addressing
information, and reply-to options.
Don't forget to preview and test the email as you work on it.
With one exception, the Email Campaign wizard saves your work if you quit it before
completing all three steps. You only need to explicitly save your work during Step 2. Because
you may experiment with different design features, the wizard doesn't automatically save your
Although you don't need to do any advance preparation before using the Full Email Editor,
doing so may help you work more efficiently. For information, see Prepare to Use
Create Emails
Start the Full Email Editor
You create an email using the Full Email Editor by starting a new email campaign.
For convenience, you can start the Full Email Editor from several locations in Campaigner.
Because the Dashboard is displayed each time you log in to Campaigner, you may find it
most convenient to start from this location.
When you start the Full Email Editor, you go to Step 1 of the Email Campaign wizard, where
you choose an email template for your email design. If you are new to Campaigner, we
recommend that you follow the steps of this wizard in order. If you have experience using the
Full Email Editor, you may choose to go directly to the Plain Text Email editor or start from
scratch in the HTML Email editor by pasting in your own HTML. Using these options, you skip
Step 1 of the Email Campaign wizard. If you have a complete HTML file and don't need to
use the editors at all, you can choose to upload your HTML file and go directly to Step 3 of
the Email Campaign wizard.
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For information about opening an existing email in the Full Email Editor for editing, see Open
an Existing Email Design for Editing.
1. On the Dashboard or the Email Campaigns tab, click the following button:
2. If you are an experienced user and you want to skip Step 1 of the Email Campaign
wizard, click one of the following under Other Options and Shortcuts:
Upload an HTML File to upload a complete HTML file and skip the editor step.
Paste code into editor to start from a blank email in the HTML Email editor and
paste in your own HTML code. Using this method, you design an email in the HTML
email format without starting from a Campaigner email template.
Create a Plain Text Only Email to go directly to the Plain Text Email editor.
You can also change information that may be automatically filled out in the email (such
as your mailing address) using Update Your Information.
3. Click Start now! Using the Full Email Editor.
Update Your Information
In your email designs, some information about your company may automatically be included.
For example, the mailing address you provided when registering is automatically included in
the footer of all emails. Depending on the selected template, other types of information may
include links to your company's website or Facebook page.
It's a good idea to verify your information each time you start an email, making any changes
necessary. Updates are applied only to the current email and any emails in email campaigns
that have not been sent. Campaigner cannot update this information for email campaigns that
you've already sent. After making changes, test them by previewing the email. For example,
click social media links to ensure they display the appropriate page for your business.
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Here is the page where you'll make changes to your information:
1. On the page where you select the template for your email design, click Update Your
2. Review the values and make any necessary changes.
You can remove information by deleting the existing value from the field.
3. Click Save.
Upload an HTML file
If you have a complete HTML file that you would like to use as the design for your email, you
can upload it directly into Campaigner and skip the Smart Email Builder or Full Email Editor
Uploading your own HTML file skips the template choice and email design steps and
immediately moves you to Step 3 of the Email Campaign Wizard.
No Plain Text option is available when you upload your own HTML file.
Click here to view guidelines on how to prepare an HTML file for use within
1. On the Dashboard or the Email Campaigns tab, click the following button:
2. Click 'Upload an HTML file' under Other Options and Shortcuts.
3. Click Browse.
4. Locate the file and double-click it.
5. Click Upload.
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Step 1: Choose an Email Template
Preview Email Templates
An email template is a starting point for an email design because it provides a predefined
layout, letting you focus on the content of your message instead of its structure. You simply
customize the selected template for your message.
The Full Email Editor displays email templates for you to browse as small images (sometimes
called "thumbnails"). If you want to see a larger image, you can preview it. Previewing email
templates is useful before selecting the email template for your email design.
For some email templates, the Full Email Editor can automatically fill out contact fields with
information you've provided, such as your company name and website. If you preview one of
these types of templates, you'll see how your information will appear.
Select an Email Template
An email template is a starting point for an email design because it provides a predefined
layout, letting you focus on the content of your message instead of its structure. You simply
customize the selected template for your message.
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The Full Email Editor displays email templates on a page for your review and selection, as
shown here:
Email templates are organized into categories such as Events and Invitations, Letterhead,
and Newsletters. Other categories include:
Featured templates that includes email templates related to an upcoming holiday,
season, or event. For example, in March, featured templates may be suited to upcoming
promotions for Spring.
Favorites which provides convenient access to email templates that you've saved to this
My Templates that includes any templates that our Client Services team has designed
for you. This folder also includes email templates that you've added, which is a useful
way to reuse existing email designs for new email campaigns.
Campaign-Ready templates that include copy, as well as the email design, to give you
a head start. Campaign-ready templates are organized into subcategories. For example,
in the Retail subcategory, you’ll find templates with copy you can use for seasonal
promotions and specific holidays.
You can preview any email template to see a larger image. For some email templates,
Campaigner automatically fills out information that you've provided, such as your name and
If none of the Campaigner email templates are suitable for your purposes, you can choose to
start from a blank email.
Steps to select an email template
1. In the Email Campaign wizard (Step 1), from the categories pane, click Select from a
2. Browse the template categories to find a suitable template.
In the categories pane, click a template category to expand its folder to show any
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If you want to display a larger version of a template shown in the templates pane,
click the Preview icon below the template.
Preview icon
To close the preview window, click the Close button.
3. In the templates pane, click the template you want to use.
Start from a Blank Email
If none of the email templates are suitable for your purposes, you can choose to start from a
blank email. However, we recommend that you start from an email template so that you can
focus on the message instead of its structure.
Keep the following guidelines in mind when starting from a blank email:
Even if you plan to send the email only in the plain text format, design the email in the
HTML Email editor. This editor provides the most tools to help you create a layout and
add content.
In the HTML Email editor, set up the layout by creating a table and then customizing it.
Edit the email design by adding content to the table cells. For example, you can add text,
add links, add images, and personalize the message.
Insert the content in the HTML email editor into the Plain Text Email editor to easily
create a plain text version after completing the HTML design.
Test your email design extensively to ensure that it appears as intended in various email
In the Email Campaign wizard (Step 1), from the categories pane, click Start from Blank
This option is available only if you're creating a new email. It isn't available if you're
editing an existing email.
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Identify Email Templates as Favorites
When browsing email templates, you may find some you like, but that aren't suitable for the
current email campaign. You can save these email templates in the Favorites folder for
convenient access at a later time.
Steps to identify an email template as a favorite
1. In the Email Campaign wizard (Step 1), from the categories pane, click Select from a
2. Locate the template by browsing the categories.
3. Click the Add to Favorites button.
Steps to remove an email template as a favorite
1. In the Email Campaign wizard (Step 1), locate the template in the Favorites folder.
2. Click the Remove from Favorites button.
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Step 2: Edit the Email Design
View Your Email Design
After selecting a template or choosing to start from a blank email, it's displayed in the HTML
Email editor, as shown here:
If you've selected an email template in which the Email Campaign wizard can automatically
fill out content using information you've provided, it will be displayed in the email design.
Saving Email Designs
With one exception, if you quit the Email Campaign wizard before completing all three steps,
any information you've already defined is available when you return to the wizard at a later
time. You only need to explicitly save your work when working in the HTML or Plain Text
editors. The wizard doesn’t save changes automatically because you may experiment with
various design techniques. Do one of the following to save changes to email designs:
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Click the Save button in the editor toolbar.
Click the Next button to continue to the next wizard step.
Campaigner User Guide
Examples of How to Customize the Email Design
In the Full Email Editor, the design editors provide many tools for customizing an email
template (or blank email) to convey your message. Depending on the editor in which you are
working, you can
add or format text, such as a description of a promotion, product, or service
add or edit images, such as your company logo
define links to your website or other online locations, documents, multimedia aids, and so
add tables to help structure content
add colors to increase the visual interest or focus
personalize messages, such as including a greeting that uses the recipient's name
delete content, such as template elements that you don't need
edit HTML code for highly customized designs
save your email design
For information about how to use the design editors and their tools to create you email
design, see Create Email Designs.
Save an Email Design in the My Templates Folder
You can create email templates to save design work as the basis for future email designs.
For example, you may create an email design using one of Campaigner's email templates,
modifying it to use your own corporate logo and colors. Save the customized email design as
an email template so that it is available the next time that you create an email campaign.
Email templates that you create are saved to the My Templates folder in the categories pane.
This pane is available in Step 2 of the Email Campaign wizard.
Only HTML email designs can be saved as email templates.
1. In the Email Campaign wizard (Step 2), customize the HTML email design so that it
includes the elements you want to save as a new email template.
2. Click the Save as My Template tool.
3. Type a name for the email template.
If you want to replace an existing email template in the My Templates folder, type the
name of the existing template and select Update Template if it Already Exists.
4. Click Save.
5. Click Done.
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Step 3: Define Email Details
Email Details Overview
Email details include the:
name that uniquely identifies this email campaign in Campaigner. This name is never
displayed to recipients.
email header that specifies the name and email address that you want to appear as the
sender of the email, and the subject line.
reply-to options for handling responses to your email from recipients, such as the email
address to which you want replies sent and the autoreply message.
subscription management options that allow recipients to manage their mailing list
subscriptions as well as their contact information.
mailing address of the sender of the email, as required by CAN-SPAM.
Social Sharing options for recipients who may want to share your email campaign over
social media channels.
viewing options available to recipients who may want to view the email in a browser.
email encoding that allows you to enforce a specific character set, which helps the
recipient’s email client identify and properly display any special characters in your email
Google Analytics options that provide you with additional tracking capabilities if you have
a Google Analytics implementation on your site(s).
You define email details using this page. If you need more room to work on the page, you can
hide some of the content by clicking the arrow beside the More Options header.
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Define the Email Campaign Name
Every email campaign must have a unique name that identifies it in Campaigner. For
example, the Email Campaigns tab lists all email campaigns, showing the name for each one.
This name is never displayed to recipients of an email campaign.
On the Email Details page, in the Email Campaign Name box, type a unique name that
meaningfully identifies this email campaign.
Define the Email Header
An email header includes the following:
From Name (for example, Campaigner)
From Address (for example,
Subject (for example, "Inside: Exclusive Interview with Our Favorite Designers")
Together, the From name and email address indicate to recipients who is sending the email.
Use your company or brand name (or other identifying information that won't change as a
result of internal business changes) for consistency to maximize recognition. Consistent
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sender information helps to maintain the trust relationship with your recipients that you need
to get the email delivered and opened.
Note: The From email address must be verified as legitimate before you can use it in an
email header. You can provide an email address that has not been verified, but you cannot
continue working on the email until the verification is complete. To avoid delays, we
recommend that you verify email addresses before starting email campaigns.
The email subject should entice your customers, giving them a compelling reason to open the
email. Use a subject line that clearly reflects the purpose and content of the email. For more
information about writing good subject lines, see Ten Tips for Successful Email Marketing.
1. On the Email Details page, in the From Name box, type a user-friendly name that your
customers will recognize (such as Campaigner).
2. In the From Address box, select the email address associated with the From Name (such
If the email address you want to use is not listed, click Manage Email Addresses. Type
the email address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the email
address before you can continue.
3. In the Subject box, type a description of the email content that is accurate and interesting.
Handling Replies from Recipients
When recipients receive your email, they may reply to it. For example, recipients may want to
request more information about a promotion described in the email. These replies are
encouraging because they indicate that recipients are interested in your message.
For recipients that use the Reply option when viewing your email, you can specify several
options that determine the handling of the reply message. These options are related to the
reply-to address (the address to which the reply will be sent)
autoreply message that can be sent by Campaigner to acknowledge that you've received
the reply
Reply-to Address Options
When a recipient uses the Reply feature to respond to your email, another email is produced
for the response, with the return (reply-to) address automatically filled out. By default, replies
are sent to the email address provided when registering with Campaigner.
Note: You can change the address to which replies are sent, but the new address must be
verified as legitimate before you can continue working on the email. To avoid delays, we
recommend that you verify email addresses before starting email campaigns.
By default, the reply-to address is modified so that the recipient doesn't see the actual
address to which the email will be sent. For example, may be displayed
as As an alternative, you can choose to display the
actual email address to which replies will be sent as the return address.
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When receiving replies where the modified version of the reply-to address is used,
Campaigner filters messages to discard out-of-office alerts and gathers statistics for email
campaign reports (such as the number of replies). If you choose to display the actual email
address as the reply-to address, Campaigner won't perform these tasks.
1. On the Email Details page, in the Reply-to Address box, click the address to which
replies from recipients will be sent.
2. If the email address you want to use is not listed, do the following:
Click Manage Email Addresses.
Type the email address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the
email address before you can continue.
3. If you do not want to use a modified version of the reply-to address and track email
replies, select Do Not Track Email Replies.
Autoreply Message Options
The autoreply message is an email that Campaigner automatically sends to a recipient after
receiving their reply message to your email. Although sending an autoreply message is
optional, it's is a convenient and important way to let users know that you’ve received their
reply and when they can expect your response. For example:
Thank you for contacting us. We have received your email and will respond within the
next 24 hours.
Tip: Ensure that you follow up in the given timeframe to maintain and build on the trust that
you want with your customers.
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, click Change.
2. Click Send this custom autoreply message.
3. In the From Name box, type the sender’s name (for example, Campaigner).
4. In the From Address box, click the sender’s address.
If the email address you want to use is not listed, click Manage Email Addresses. Type
the email address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the email
address before you can continue.
5. Type a subject that indicates what the message is about.
6. Type the message.
7. Click Save.
Steps to specify that no autoreply message is to be sent
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, click Change.
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2. Click Do not send an autoreply message.
3. Click Save.
Provide Subscription Management Options
Campaigner automatically places a footer message at the bottom of each of your email
campaigns. This footer message is critical, as it directs your recipients to a set of
subscription management forms, where they can update their email preferences and/or
Footer Message Options
The footer message contains brief instructional text accompanied by one or more links that
direct the recipient to your subscription management forms.
Campaigner provides a default footer message (shown above). If you want to create your
own, you can do so by contacting Customer Support.
The footer message you choose will appear in the email preview, so you can see the way it
will look in your final email design before you send your email campaign.
Steps to specify which footer message to send
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, click Choose Footer Message....
The Footer Message dialog appears.
2. Choose the message that will appear at the bottom of your email campaign. Note: The
HTML and Plain Text footer messages may vary.
3. Click OK.
Subscription Management Options
The footer message links to a specific subscription management form group. Subscription
management forms provide contacts with a way to modify their subscriptions to your email
communications (such as adding themselves to or removing themselves from your various
mailing lists), to update their information, and to unsubscribe from all your email
Campaigner provides default subscription management forms. Create your own forms to
tailor content and layout to a specific email campaign or mailing list.
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For information on subscription management forms, see Overview of Subscription
Management Forms.
Step to specify which subscription management form group to use
On the Email Details page, in the Subscription Management box, click the name of
the subscription management form group you want to use for the email campaign.
Provide the Sender's Mailing Address
CAN-SPAM requires that emails include the mailing address of the organization conveying
the message. Typically, this address is for your own business. Some companies, however,
such as public relations firms, create email campaigns on behalf of a client. In this case, the
mailing address of the client must be specified.
You can change the mailing address Campaigner will include in the email.
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, ensure that the following checkbox
is selected:
Include your Mailing Address in the footer of the email.
2. If you need to change the address, select it, press the Delete key, and type the new
mailing address.
Reach out Through Social Sharing
Want to see this? Watch the Social Sharing video tutorial.
Enabling the Social Sharing feature for an email campaign allows you and your subscribers
to Share With Your Network (SWYN) and extend the reach of your message, to identify your
influencers (who shares your emails the most), and to grow your email list.
Social Sharing-enabled email campaigns have two components:
the email campaign
This is the email campaign that you create using the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email
Editor and that you send to your subscribers. To invite your recipients to share your
message, include a Share Online or specific social sharing (e.g. Like on Facebook) Quicklink
in your email design.
the sharable online version of the email campaign
This is an online version of the Social Sharing-enabled email campaign that viewers can
access from their browser. This version is given a unique URL and is outfitted with the
Campaigner Sharebar, which allows viewers to perform a variety of actions in response to the
email campaign, including posting about it on popular social media channels. Note: The
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sharable online version of an email campaign and the view online functionality are not the
same thing.
Enabling Social Sharing for an email campaign allows viewers to easily link to and share that
campaign from other sites or blogs. You can enable Social Sharing for HTML email
campaigns created in both the Smart Email Builder and the Full Email Editor.
Because it is meant for a wide audience, the sharable online version of a Social Sharingenabled email campaign does not support personalization (i.e. Merge Fields). Any Merge
Fields included in the email campaign design will display the field's default value when
viewed in the sharable online version.
The sharable online version of a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign remains available
until the email campaign is deleted.
Here is a sample workflow that includes the Social Sharing feature:
1. Create an email campaign.
You must have an HTML version of the campaign. The Social Sharing feature
cannot be enabled for a plain text only email campaign.
Encourage recipients to share your email content by including a Share Online
Quicklink in your email design. Recipients will click this link to view and share the
sharable online version of your email.
Make it easy for your recipients to share your email content with their friends on
Facebook by adding a 'Like on Facebook' Quicklink to your email design. Similar
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ Quicklinks are also available.
2. Enable the Social Sharing feature for the email campaign.
On Step 3 of the email campaign creation process, enable Social Sharing. Note that
there are other places you can go to enable Social Sharing (pre-send and postsend).
To allow non-subscribers that view the sharable online version to join your list(s),
choose to include a sign up form when you enable Social Sharing. A convenient
button linked to the specified sign up form will appear on the Campaigner Sharebar.
3. Send the campaign and start sharing.
Use the Campaigner Sharebar options yourself to post on Facebook, Twitter, or other
Link directly to the sharable online version of your email campaign.
Tip: A quick way to publicize your email campaign is by linking to the sharable online
version from your website or blog.
4. Monitor the views you receive from different social media channels as a result of sharing
your email campaign.
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The email campaign report for the campaign you shared will feature stats on unique
visits to the sharable online version of your email campaign for each social media
channel. Choose the Social sharing activity report view to see these stats.
Campaigner User Guide
Compare these stats with those from the sign up form you chose to include (if any)
on the sharable online version of your email campaign.
Note: Views and clicks on the sharable online version of your email campaign will
not be included as part of the email's campaign activity.
Learn more about
the Campaigner Sharebar.
how you can track Social Sharing activity.
See how to
enable Social Sharing for an email campaign.
view the sharable online version of a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign.
Use the Campaigner Sharebar
The Campaigner Sharebar appears at the top of the sharable online version of any email
campaign you enable Social Sharing for. The bar allows viewers to perform a variety of
actions in response to the email campaign, including interacting with popular social media
Campaigner Sharebar
Here are the Campaigner Sharebar actions:
Like the sharable online version of the campaign on Facebook.
Tweet about the email campaign on Twitter.
Post about the email campaign on LinkedIn.
+1 the sharable online version of the campaign on Google+.
Email a link to the sharable online version of your email campaign
using your default mail client.
Print a hard copy of the sharable online version of the campaign.
Go to a sign up form. (This is optional. See details.)
Enable Social Sharing for an Email Campaign
To share an email campaign online, you have to:
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1. Enable the Social Sharing feature for the email campaign you want to share. You can do
this in any of these three ways:
on Step 3 of the campaign creation process.
from the Campaign Summary page.
by using the Action bar.
2. Start sharing your email campaign. Here are some ideas on how you can start the buzz:
View the sharable online version of your email campaign and click the Like and/or
Share buttons on the Campaigner Sharebar to link to your email campaign on your
various social media pages.
Include a Share Online Quicklink in your email content. This will allow your recipients
to easily share your email campaign with their friends online.
View the sharable online version of your email campaign and copy the URL in the
address bar. You can paste this URL into a post on your blog, feature it in the news
section on your website, etc.
An email campaign must be saved as a draft before you can enable Social Sharing for it.
When you update/change a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign, the sharable online
version will be updated as well. After you send a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign,
you can no longer edit the sharable online version. You cannot enable Social Sharing for an
email campaign that is in plain text format only.
When you enable Social Sharing for an email campaign, you have the option of linking a sign
up form to it. If you choose to do this, a button will be added to the Campaigner Sharebar for
this purpose. Including a sign up form is a great way to organically grow your contacts.
Note: When you delete a sign up form that is linked to one or more Social Sharing-enabled
email campaigns, the 'Join Our List' button is automatically removed from the Campaigner
Sharebar on the sharable online version of all the affected email campaigns (including email
campaigns you've already sent, as well as those you haven't sent yet).
The Social Sharing Settings will automatically apply to all subsequent campaigns unless you
change them.
For information on Social Sharing, see Social Sharing Overview.
Steps to enable from Step 3 of the campaign creation process
1. On Step 3 of the campaign creation process, click the Settings... button beside the
Social Sharing header.
The Social Sharing Settings dialog appears.
2. Select the Enable Sharing checkbox.
3. If you want people who view the sharable online version of your email campaign to be
able to add themselves to your contacts (unless they are already subscribed), select
the Include sign up form checkbox; otherwise, skip this step. Should you choose to
include a sign up form, you will also need to do the following:
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Choose a sign up form from the Select form drop-down. (See Sign up forms
for more information on creating these forms.)
Campaigner User Guide
Provide the text that you want to appear on the button that launches the sign
up form. For example: "Join Our List!"
A button bearing the specified text and linked to the specified sign up form will be
added to the Campaigner Sharebar.
4. Click OK.
5. To view the sharable online version of your campaign, follow these instructions.
Steps to enable from the Campaign Summary page
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign name.
2. On the Campaign Summary page, locate the Social Sharing area and click Settings...
The Social Sharing Settings dialog appears.
3. Select the Enable Sharing checkbox.
4. If you want people who view the sharable online version of your online email campaign to
be able to add themselves to your contacts (unless they are already subscribed), select
the Include sign up form checkbox; otherwise, skip this step. Should you choose to
include a sign up form, you will also need to do the following:
Choose a sign up form from the Select form drop-down. (See Sign up forms for
more information on creating these forms.)
Provide the text that you want to appear on the button that launches the sign up
form. For example: "Join Our List!"
A button bearing the specified text and linked to the specified sign up form will be
added to the Campaigner Sharebar.
5. Click OK.
6. To view the sharable online version of your campaign, follow these instructions.
Steps to enable from the Action bar
1. Click the Email Campaigns tab.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in the row.
Click the email campaign name.
Note: You can enable Social Sharing for only one email campaign at a time.
3. From the Action bar, click More.
4. Click Share Settings.
The Social Sharing Settings dialog appears.
5. Select the Enable Sharing checkbox.
6. If you want people who view the sharable online version of your online email campaign to
be able to add themselves to your contacts (unless they are already subscribed) via a
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sign up form, select the Include sign up form checkbox; otherwise, skip this step.
Should you choose to include a sign up form, you will also need to do the following:
Choose a sign up form from the Select form drop-down. (See Sign up forms for
more information on creating these forms.)
Provide the text that you want to appear on the button that launches the sign up
A button bearing the specified text and linked to the specified sign up form will be
added to the Campaigner Sharebar.
7. Click OK.
8. To view the sharable online version of your campaign, follow these instructions.
View the Shared Online Version of Your Email Campaign
After you enable Social Sharing for an email campaign, you can view the sharable online
version of that campaign. What you see is what viewers will see.
Tip: You can view the sharable online version of a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign to
capture the sharable online version's URL (i.e. web location). In addition to initially featuring
the URL in your email campaign content (by inserting a Share Online Quicklink or by inserting
a Web Location link), you can use the URL to manually link to the sharable online version of
your email campaign from your website, your blog, or anywhere else on the web. For
information on Social Sharing, see Social Sharing Overview.
Steps to view from the Campaign Summary page
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign name.
2. On the Campaign Summary page, locate the Social Sharing area and click the Preview
& Share button.
The sharable online version of your email campaign will appear in a new window.
Steps to view from the Action bar
1. Click the Email Campaigns tab.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in the row.
Click the email campaign name.
3. From the Action bar, click More.
4. Click Preview & Share.
The sharable online version of your email campaign will appear in a new window.
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Provide Options for Viewing in a Browser
Some users may prefer to view your email in a browser. Browsers are designed for HTMLbased content, which may offer a better view of the email than email client interfaces.
You can include instructions and a link in the email design that lets users open the email in a
browser with a single click. The instructions and link always appear at the top of the email
design. However, you can specify both the text that indicates that the email can be opened in
a browser and the text that represents the link. For example, the text "Read it online" is a
good indicator to users that they can click the link to open the email in a browser.
Note: Campaigner offers 2 distinct options for viewing your email campaign in a browser:
View email online ('view online')
Allows the user to view a personalized version of your email campaign in their
favorite browser.
Social Sharing ('sharable online')
Allows the user to view a generic version of your email campaign in their favorite
browser. This version comes outfitted with the Campaigner Sharebar to allow for
easy distribution over social media channels. For more information, see Social
1. On the Email Details page, in the More Options area, ensure that the following checkbox
is selected:
Allow this email to be viewed online in a browser
2. If necessary, change the text that indicates that the email can be opened in a browser
and the text that represents the link.
Want to see this? Watch the Social Sharing video tutorial.
Specify Email Encoding
Email encoding plays a part in how your recipients view the contents of your email
campaigns. Specifying a character set instructs the recipient's email client or browser on how
to display the various characters (i.e. letters and numbers) in your email. When no character
set is specified, the viewer's email client or browser makes that choice instead.
By default, Campaigner does not specify a character set for your email campaigns. This
means that, when recipients view your email, their email client or browser chooses how to
display the content. Email clients and browsers can typically make the right choice, but, if
your email content includes special characters, it's always possible that they'll be visually
misinterpreted (missing characters or garbled text, for example) for some recipients. For this
reason, it is recommended that you consider specifying a character set when your email
content contains special characters.
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When you specify a character set for a given email campaign, the setting also applies to the
view online and sharable online versions (if either or both features are enabled) of that email
On the Email Details page, in the Encoding box, click the character set you want to
enforce in your email campaign.
Enable Google Analytics Tracking
Campaigner can work with your existing Google Analytics set up to provide additional link
tracking capability. This is an effective way to gain further insight into the successfulness of
your email campaigns, as it allows you to easily track which of your website visits come from
which of your email campaigns.
To learn more about Google Analytics, visit
Campaigner allows you to specify values for 3 Google Analytics parameters. All of the links
in your email content will be automatically appended with these values, which you can edit at
any time before sending by returning to the Email Details page, or after you send by
launching the Edit Trackable Links dialog (for tracked links only).
When this feature is enabled, Google Analytics parameters will be applied to both tracked
and untracked links. Please note that 'tracked links' are links that you choose to track via
Campaigner directly (read more here); Google Analytics tracking is an additional type of
tracking that operates independently, so it is possible to enable the Google Analytics tracking
feature even if you did not instruct Campaigner® to track some or all of the links in your email
The Google Analytics parameters you can modify are:
Utm_Source: Used to identify the source of the link (the default value is
Utm_Campaign: Used to identify the name of the related campaign (the default value
is the date plus the first 40 characters of the campaign name).
Utm_Content: Used to differentiate between campaigns or links that point to the
same URL (the default is blank).
Note: If you choose to modify the Utm_Source, Utm_Campaign, or Utm_Content, use only
the following supported characters: a - z (lowercase), A - Z (uppercase), 0-9, dash ( - ),
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period ( . ), underscore ( _ ), tilde ( ~ ). Campaigner will automatically remove any other
characters you include. All spaces will be replaced with underscores inside Google Analytics.
The Google Analytics settings you apply to a given email campaign will also be applied to the
Plain Text and sharable online versions (if applicable) of your email campaign. When you're
reviewing link activity inside Google Analytics, look for the 'Utm_Medium' parameter, which
will be automatically added and can be useful for determining which click came from which
email type.
After you enable Google Analytics tracking for a particular email campaign, the feature will be
automatically enabled for all subsequent campaigns (unless you disable it).
1. On the Email Details page, expand the Google Analytics panel by clicking on its title bar.
2. Select the following checkbox:
Enable Google Analytics tracking
3. In the Utm_Source box, type a source name that will help you easily identify which
website visits are from an email campaign.
4. In the Utm_Campaign box, type a name that will help you easily identify which website
visits are from this email campaign in particular.
If you wish to track an additional piece of information to further differentiate activity from this
email campaign, type something relevant and short in the Utm_Content box. Otherwise,
leave this box blank.
Create or Edit Email Designs
Overview of Creating or Editing Email Designs Using the Full Email Editor
The Full Email Editor uses the Email Campaign wizard to guide you through the steps for
creating an email. In Step 2, the wizard provides access to editors for designing your email.
After you've finished creating the email design, you can edit it at any time before sending the
email campaign.
This section describes the editors and their tools for working with email designs in the Full
Email Editor.
Design Editors for Different Email Formats
Using the Full Email Editor, you can create an email design in the HTML email format, the
plain text email format, or both email formats. For information about these email formats, see
About Email Formats.
The Full Email Editor provides one design editor for each email format. Design editors are
available in the Email Campaign wizard.
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Here is an email design in the HTML Email editor:
Open an Existing Email Design for Editing
If you're creating a new email, the email design opens in the editor automatically at the
appropriate time.
If you have already created an email design and you want to make changes, you need to
open it in the editor.
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the row for the email campaign for the email design
you want to edit.
Don't click any links in the row, unless you want to view the email campaign's summary.
2. From the Action bar, click Edit.
Tools for Email Design Editors
The Full Email Editor provides a design editor for HTML emails and plain text emails. The
available tools depend on which design editor you are working with. For example, tools for
working with images are available only from the HTML Email editor because images are not
supported in plain text emails.
Tools apply only to content in the current design editor. For example, using the Spell Check
tool in the HTML Email editor checks spelling only in the email design that is currently open in
the editor.
In addition to tools, right-click menus may be available for quick access to frequently-used
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This table describes the design tools available and the editor in which they are provided.
Save the email design in the design
HTML Email editor
Saves the email design in the design
editor to the My Templates folder.
HTML Email editor
Print the email design in the design
HTML Email editor
Check the spelling of the text in the
design editor.
HTML Email editor
Select all the content in the design
HTML Email editor
Search text in the editor to find
matches to text you specify. You can
search up or down from the current
cursor position, as well as specify
case-sensitivity or whole word
searches. You can specify text to
replace instances of the text
HTML Email editor
Undo previous actions, in sequence.
One action is undone each time the
tool is clicked.
HTML Email editor
Redo previous actions, in sequence.
One action is redone each time the
tool is clicked.
HTML Email editor
Remove selected content and, if
possible, store it in the Clipboard.
HTML Email editor
Copy selected content to the
Clipboard, if possible.
HTML Email editor
Paste content at the cursor position. If
no cursor position is available,
content is pasted at the beginning of
the design editor.
HTML Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Several options are available which
affect the formatting of the pasted
content. For information, see Format
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Paste content from the Clipboard at
the cursor position. If no cursor
position is available, content is pasted
at the beginning of the design editor.
All formatting is removed.
Plain Text Email editor
Insert an image in the email design.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Overview of
Edits the selected image.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Overview of
Create a link at the cursor position or
modify a selected link.
HTML Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
For information, see Overview of
Remove a selected link.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Overview of
Add a horizontal line (rule).
HTML Email editor
Insert a paragraph return instead of a
line break, which is inserted using the
Enter key.
HTML Email editor
Add a symbol that you choose.
HTML Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
Create in the Plain Text Email editor a
copy of the content in the HTML
Email editor, converting or removing
content that isn't supported by the
plain text email format. For
information, see Insert HTML Email
Designs in the Plain Text Email
Plain Text Email editor
Insert a table at the cursor position.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Create a Table.
Change selected text to lower case.
Plain Text Email editor
For information, see Format Text.
Change selected text to upper case.
Plain Text Email editor
For information, see Format Text.
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Maximize the space available for the
design editor. After maximizing, click
again to restore to normal size. For
information, see Work in Full Screen
HTML Email editor
Show or hide the following:
HTML Email editor
Plain Text Email editor
• statistics that show word and
character counts. When shown,
this information appears in the
lower-right corner of the design
• properties panel. When shown, this
information appears at the bottom
of the design editor when a table,
image or link is selected in the
• HTML tag inspector. When shown,
this information appears in the
lower-right corner of the design
• table gridlines (referred to as
Apply a paragraph style that you
choose to the paragraph in which the
cursor is located. If more than one
paragraph is selected, the style is
applied to all paragraphs.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Format Text.
Apply a font style that you choose to
selected text.
HTML Email editor
For more information about using this
tool when designing emails, see
Format Text.
Apply a font size that you choose to
selected text.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Format Text.
Apply the bold font style to selected
text. For example:
HTML Email editor
This is a sentence with using
bold text.
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Apply the italic font style to selected
text. For example:
HTML Email editor
This is a sentence with using italic
Apply underlining to selected text. For
HTML Email editor
This is a sentence with using
underlined text.
Apply a color that you choose to
selected text.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Format Text.
Highlight selected text using a color
that you choose.
HTML Email editor
For information, see Add Colors.
Align selected content (or a
paragraph in which the cursor is
located) based on a left-hand margin.
HTML Email editor
If the alignment doesn’t change,
alignment may have already been
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Align selected content (or a
paragraph in which the cursor is
located) based on the vertical midpoint.
HTML Email editor
Align selected content (or a
paragraph in which the cursor is
located) based on a right-hand
HTML Email editor
Justify selected content (or a
paragraph in which the cursor is
HTML Email editor
No justification.
HTML Email editor
Number selected paragraphs.
HTML Email editor
Bullet selected paragraphs.
HTML Email editor
Increase the indent for selected
HTML Email editor
Campaigner User Guide
Decrease the indent for selected
HTML Email editor
Remove content or formatting of
selected content in the editor.
HTML Email editor
When removing formatting, several
options are available. For information,
see Format Text.
Access Right-Click Menus for Frequently-Used Actions
Campaigner’s commands are context-sensitive. Depending on your web browser, frequentlyused commands related to the current task may be available from right-click menus. These
menus provide alternative access to Action bar commands. For example, if you right-click an
image in the HTML Email editor, a menu appears with actions for working with the image, as
shown in this example:
Save Your Email Design
When working in the design editors, you may make changes and then decide that you don't
want to keep them. For this reason, Campaigner doesn’t save changes in the design editors
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If both design editors include content with changes you want to save, you must save changes
in each editor. We recommend that when saving changes in one design editor, you also save
changes in the other design editor. This practice ensures that content remains synchronized.
1. In the design editor, click the Save tool.
2. Click OK.
Create Text Emails from HTML Email Designs
To easily create a text version of an HTML email design, insert the content in the HTML
Email editor into the Plain Text Email editor.
When inserting content from the HTML Email editor, Campaigner removes or converts any
content that isn't supported by the plain text format. For example, HTML email designs can
include several types of links that are represented by text or images. Plain text email designs
can include only the text representation of the link destination (for example,
You may need to finetune the initial plain text email design. For example, you may want to
add text or a link in the plain text email design where an image appears in the HTML version.
Similarly, you may want to add line returns to better space paragraphs and sections in the
plain text email design.
After inserting the plain text email design, keep content in both design editors synchronized.
For example, if you add a product description in the HTML email design, you must add a
similar description to the plain text email design. Synchronization may become cumbersome
if many changes are needed. If you decide to make updates in the HTML Email editor and
then reinsert a plain text version in the Plain Text Email editor, Campaigner overwrites all the
existing content in the Plain Text Email editor with new content based on the current HTML
To reduce the amount of time spend editing the plain text email design, try to complete the
HTML email design before generating its plain text version.
Steps to insert a plain text email design from the HTML Email editor
1. In the Plain Text Email editor, click the Insert tool.
2. If the Plain Text Email editor contains content, click OK to replace it with the new version.
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Steps to keep content in both design editors synchronized
1. After generating a plain text email design from an HTML email design, make new
changes in the HTML Email editor.
2. Do one of the following:
Recreate the same content in the Plain Text Email editor (for example, retype text or
redefine links).
Copy the content in the HTML Email editor and paste the copy into the Plain Text
Email editor.
Work in Full Screen Mode
When working on an email design, you can maximize the working space available in the
editor to use as much of the screen area as possible. With the exception of the design editor
toolbar and editing area, all Campaigner screen elements are removed, such as the
Navigation bar, Action bar, and Library.
Click the Full Screen tool.
Click the tool again to return to the default window size and display all screen elements.
Work with Text
Add or Edit Text
HTML and plain text email designs can include text. You can add text or edit text.
Add text by typing it into the email design or pasting text from other sources, such as
Microsoft Word or a web page. If you paste text from another source, source formatting is
preserved in the HTML Email editor and removed in the Plain Text Email editor.
For information about formatting text, including removing source formatting in the HTML
Email editor, see Format Text.
For information about deleting text, see Delete Content in the Email Design.
Steps to add text
1. Place the cursor at the location in the design editor where you want the text to appear.
If you want to replace existing text, select it.
2. Type or paste the text you want to add.
Steps to edit text
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Type the new text.
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Format Text
Formatting options for text depend on the email format.
In the Plain Text Email editor, text formatting options include using upper case, lower case, or
symbols. If you paste text into the Plain Text Email editor, all source formatting is
automatically removed.
In the HTML Email Editor, text can use many types of formatting, such as paragraph and font
styles, font sizes, boldface, italics, symbols, and so on. If you paste text into the HTML Email
editor, you can choose whether to preserve source formatting by choosing from these
paste content and keep source formatting, including fonts
paste content and keep source formatting, but remove source fonts
paste content and remove all source formatting and fonts
You may want to insert a new paragraph (using the Paragraph tool) before pasting content.
Underlying HTML code for an existing paragraph may override selected formatting options.
Pasted content may appear differently than you expect. For example, assume that you paste
the following sentence into the HTML Email editor:
This sentence displays one word using bold formatting.
If you use the option to remove source formatting, you may expect to that the word "bold" no
longer appears in boldface. However, if the underlying HTML code applies bold to the area in
which you paste the sentence, the sentence may appear as follows:
This sentence displays one word using bold formatting.
This example is just one way in which the appearance of pasted content is affected by the
underlying HTML code.
An effective way to remove formatting applied by the underlying HTML code and within
copied content is to use the options available from the Clear tool. In addition to clearing all
content in the active editor, this tool provides options for removing:
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source formatting (including paragraph styles, font sizes, bold face, and colors), span
elements, tables, and so on. This option is useful for quickly eliminating all formatting
such that only plain text remains. You can then restyle the text as required for your email.
CSS formatting, which is custom formatting that may be included when pasting from
other sources. This custom formatting may not be supported in recipients' email clients.
span formatting (defined by the HTML SPAN elements). These elements are typically
used to style content with CSS.
Microsoft Word formatting to remove formatting that is specific to Microsoft Word. This
formatting may include proprietary elements that can be problematic in HTML emails. In
most cases, Campaigner automatically removes these elements. For information see the
Microsoft Word documentation.
Campaigner User Guide
Steps to apply a paragraph style in the HTML Email editor
1. Click in the paragraph.
2. From the Paragraph Style tool, click the style name.
Steps to change the font style in the HTML Email editor
1. Select the text.
If you don't select text, the font style is applied only to the work in which the cursor is
2. Click the Font Style tool.
3. Click the style name.
Steps to change the font size in the HTML Email editor
1. Select the text.
If you don't select text, the font size is applied only to the work in which the cursor is
2. Click the Font Size tool.
3. Click the size.
Font sizes are measured in pixels (px).
Steps to change the case of text in the Plain Text Email editor
1. Select the text.
2. Click the Convert to Upper Case tool or the Convert to Lower Case tool.
Convert to lower case
Convert to upper case
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Work with Images
Overview of Images
HTML email designs with images add visual interest to your message. Images can also be
used for branding purposes, such as displaying your corporate logo or products.
You can insert images into HTML email designs from
the Campaigner Library (after you've uploaded them to the Library)
Because the Campaigner Library is available from Campaigner servers, you don't need
to store images in a separate, possibly less accessible, online location.
a publicly accessible online location, such as your corporate logo on your website.
Because these images are available outside of Campaigner, they are referred to as
external images.
Before starting to work with images, review the image guidelines. These guidelines will help
ensure that images are available and displayed to recipients as you intend.
You can edit images (for example, to crop or resize) or their properties (such as adding a
border) or delete any image from the Library or your email design.
Guidelines for Images
Images are an important way to add visual interest to HTML email designs. Keep the
following guidelines in mind when using images.
Email Interface Configurations
Images are displayed only if the recipient's email interface is configured to show them. You
may want to educate your contacts, explaining to them how to configure their email interface
to display images. You can also ask contacts to add your email address to their address book
or "safe senders" list.
You can preview how an email design will appear both with and without images to recipients.
Image Format
Use web-compatible image formats: JPG, GIF, or PNG.
Image Source Location and Filename
When a recipient views an email, Campaigner accesses any images from their source
locations. For example, say that you added your corporate logo (named logo.jpg) from the
Library to the email design. When a recipient opens the email, the logo.jpg image is retrieved
from the Library for display in the email.
If logo.jpg no longer exists in the Library, the image will be missing from the email. Depending
on the email interface being used, the image may be represented in the email by a broken
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link or placeholder. To avoid missing images, ensure that, for the entire life cycle of the email
campaign, its images remain available from the source locations and that the filename isn't
Number of Images and SPAM
While images can be used effectively to convey information, ensure they provide visual
impact. A good way to do this is to use a few images in the overall message, and locate the
most important image in the magic triangle. Emails that contain more images than text may
be identified as junk mail or SPAM by some email providers. Similarly, avoid using a single
image (with little or no text) to convey your message.
Image Dimensions Relative to the Email Design
Keep the dimensions of images in proportion with the size of the email design. For example,
a product image that's 400 pixels high by 300 pixels wide may consume a significant amount
of display space in the email design, and may push more important information out of the
magic triangle.
Image Dimensions and File Size
There are two reasons to keep the file size of images to a minimum:
The number of images you can store in the Library depends on how much space they
consume. Storing images that are larger than necessary in the Library means that you'll
be able to store fewer images.
Sending unnecessarily large emails can annoy users, who may then choose not view it,
or worse, unsubscribe from your email communications. The most effective way to avoid
sending bloated emails is to minimize the file size of their images. We recommend that
you preview emails before sending them to determine their size. Whether an email is too
large depends on the nature of the email, but as a general guideline, an email of a few
hundreds of kilobytes warrants caution. An email of a few thousand kilobytes would be
problematic for most users.
You can reduce the file size of images using the Image Editor when adding or editing images
in the email design. For example, in the Image Editor, resize the image to smaller dimensions
or crop the image. The file size of the image will be reduced without losing much image
Note: You can change the dimensions of an image in the email design, without using the
Image Editor. However, while the width and height of the image may be reduced, the file size
does not change.
Preview Email Designs
To ensure that images in email designs appear as expected, always preview emails before
sending their email campaigns.
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Upload or Remove Library Images
The Library is an online location on Campaigner servers available to you for storing images
that you plan to use in HTML email designs. Before you can add images from the
Campaigner Library to an email design, you must upload the images to the Library.
Images you've uploaded are displayed in the Image Source tab of the Image Editor:
Typically, you upload several images to the Library and then add them to email designs, as
required. For convenience, you can also upload an image to the Library at the same time as
you add it to an HTML email design. For information about this procedure, see Add Images to
HTML Email Designs from the Library.
You can also edit an image after uploading it. For example, you may want to crop an image
to help the user focus on important details in the image. For information, see Edit Images.
You can update an existing image in the Library by uploading an image with the same
Several guidelines apply to uploading images. These guidelines help ensure that images
appear to recipients as you intend and that they don't consume more storage space than
You may want to delete images from the Library if you no longer plan to use them in HTML
email designs. Deleting these images makes space available for new images. Ensure that
you delete Library images only if they are not being used in any active email campaign;
otherwise, the images will be represented by broken links when viewed by recipients. For
information, see Guidelines for Images.
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Steps to upload an image to the Library from the Insert Image dialog box
1. Ensure the image is an appropriate size (or resolution) for email designs.
2. From the toolbar, click the Insert Image tool.
Insert Image tool
3. Click the Upload new image tab.
4. Click Browse.
5. Locate the image and double-click it.
6. Click Upload to the library.
Steps to delete a Library image from the Insert Image dialog box
1. From the toolbar, click the Insert Image tool.
Insert Image tool
2. Click the Image source tab.
3. Select the image from the list.
4. Click the "x" beside the image name.
5. Click OK.
Add Images to HTML Email Designs from the Library
You can add images to an HTML email design from the Campaigner Library. For information
about the Library and how to directly add images to it, see Upload Images to the Library.
Several methods are available for adding images from the Library to an HTML email design.
Choose the method that is most convenient for you at the time you want to add the image.
After adding an image to an email design, preview it to see how the image will appear to
recipients who have configured email interfaces not to display images.
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Steps to insert an image at the cursor position
1. Place the cursor at the location in the email design where you want the image to appear.
If you want to replace an image, select it.
2. Click the Insert Image tool.
Insert Image tool
3. Click INSERT.
Steps to modify an image and insert it at the cursor position
1. Place the cursor at the location in the email design where you want the image to appear.
If you want to replace an image, select it.
2. Click the Insert Image tool.
Insert Image tool
3. On the Image Source tab, click the image name.
4. If you want to edit the image, click EDIT IMAGE…, make your changes in the Image
Editor, and then click Save.
For information about using the Image Editor, see Edit Images.
5. If you want to edit the image properties, click the Properties tab and make your changes.
For information about modifying image properties, see Edit Image Properties.
6. Click INSERT.
Add External Images to HTML Email Designs
You can add images to an HTML email design that are available from publicly accessible
online locations. For example, you may want to use your corporate logo in an email design.
The image is available on your website and the email design references it from website.
Images in email designs that are not referenced from the Library are referred to as external
Ensure that external images remain available for the duration of their email campaigns;
otherwise, the images will be represented by broken links when viewed by recipients. For
information, see Guidelines for Images.
You can edit an image or its properties when inserting it. If you edit an external image, the
edited version is saved to the Library and used in the email design. You cannot edit the
original external image.
After adding an image to an email design, preview it to see how the image will appear to
recipients who have configured email interfaces not to display images.
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Steps to insert an external image
1. Place the cursor at the location in the email design where you want the image to appear.
If you want to replace an image, select it.
2. Click the Insert Image tool.
Insert Image tool
3. On the Image Source tab, click Enter an external image location.
4. Provide the location and filename of the image.
An easy way to provide the URL is to copy it from the source location and paste it in this
box. Alternatively, you can type the URL in the box, as shown in these examples:
To select from recently specified URLs, click the arrow on the right-hand side of the text
5. If you want to edit the image, click Edit Image, make your changes in the Image Editor,
and then click Save.
For information about using the Image Editor, see Edit Images.
6. If you want to edit the image properties, click the Properties tab and make your changes.
For information about modifying image properties, see Edit Image Properties.
7. Click INSERT.
Open Images for Editing
Edit images to customize them for an email design. For example, crop an image to include
only the content you want the user to focus on. You may also want to edit images to conserve
storage space in the email design or Library. For example, resizing or cropping an image to
half its original proportions reduces the file size of an image while maintaining the image
To edit an image, open it in the Image editor and then make changes. For information about
making changes, see Edit Images.
Step to open an image for editing
Do one of the following:
With the cursor in an email design, click the Insert Image tool. On the Image Source
tab, click the image in the list of Library images or specify the location and name of
the external image. Click Edit Image.
With an image selected in an email design, click the Edit Image tool in the toolbar.
Edit Image
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Edit Images
Edit images to customize them for an email design by resizing, cropping, flipping, or rotating
them. Editing images can also help to conserve storage space in the email design or Library.
For example, resizing or cropping an image to half its original proportions reduces the file
size of an image while maintaining the image clarity.
You edit images in the Image Editor. Several methods are available for opening an image in
this editor, depending on whether you're using the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email
Editor. However, the editor itself is the same once an image is open
All edited images are saved to the Library. If an image with the same name already exists,
you can replace it or save the edited version using a different name. If you edit an external
image, you cannot save the edited version to the original, external location.
When working with images that were resized in the email design, the Image Editor shows the
original size of the image that was inserted and the current size in the email design. These
values are displayed in the Resize area of the Image Editor, and are useful for comparison
when using the Resize options.
To ensure that edited images appear in email designs as expected, always preview emails
before sending email campaigns.
Steps to resize an image
1. Select the Resize Proportionately checkbox if you want the current proportions of the
image to be maintained when changing the width or height.
2. Do one of the following:
In the Resize area, drag the Width or Height bar to the left to decrease the
measurement or to the right to increase it. To make incremental changes, click the
arrow at either end of the bar to change the size by one pixel.
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Type a pixel value in the Width or Height box. If you chose Resize Proportionately in
Step 1, set only the width or height value. The remaining value is determined based
on the relative proportions of the image.
Steps to crop an image
1. Click Enable Crop.
The Image Editor displays a dotted line rectangle that represents the portion of the image
that will be retained when cropping is complete.
2. With your mouse cursor, click and drag the corners of the crop box to size it, and drag the
crop box to move it over the area of the image you want to retain.
You can drag a corner of the crop box when the cursor changes to a double-headed
arrow as you hover the cursor over the corner. To move the crop box, the cursor changes
to a four-headed arrow when hovering the cursor in the center of the box.
If you find it difficult to activate the corners or drag the crop box, you can type values in
the Crop boxes. The x and y values position the box relative to the top, left corner of the
image. The Width and Height boxes determine the size of the crop box.
3. Click Save.
Steps to flip or rotate an image
1. If the flip or rotate options aren't displayed, click the Flip and Rotate arrow.
2. Click one Flip option and one Rotate option.
For example, to only flip the image vertically, click Vertical from the Flip options and None
from the Rotate options.
Step to discard changes to the image since it was opened in the Image Editor
Click Reset.
Steps to save the edited image to the Library
1. Do one of the following:
If you want to replace an image that already exists with the edited image, type the
name of the existing image and select Update Library if Image Already Exists.
If you want to save the edited image as a new image, type a new name and clear
Update Library if Image Already Exists.
2. Click Save.
Edit Image Properties
Images have a set of properties that define their
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dimensions (width and height)
border color and width
Campaigner User Guide
tooltip (a user-friendly description of the image, which is sometimes referred to as
Alternate Text or Alt Text)
You can edit these properties. Changing an image's properties affects only the image in the
email design. For example, assume that you add a border to an image in the email design. If
you later add the same image to another email design, it will not have a border.
Similarly, reducing the dimensions of an image in an email design doesn't reduce the image
size. The image size affects the size of the email. To keep the size of emails to a minimum,
ensure you optimize the size of images before including them in email designs.
Tooltips are important for users who have turned off image displays in email interfaces.
Depending on the email interface, the tooltip may appear when a recipient hovers the cursor
over the image placeholder, providing a user-friendly description of the missing image. By
default, the file name of the image is used as the tooltip.
Step to access properties for an image in the email design
Click the image in the email design.
Image properties are displayed at the bottom of the HTML Email editor, as shown in this
Note: For convenience, other methods are available for accessing image properties. With an
image selected, click the Insert Image tool and click the Properties tab. Alternatively, rightclick the image and click Properties.
Steps to change dimensions
1. Click the image in the email design.
2. In the image properties box at the bottom of the editor, type the number of pixels for the
width or height in the Width or Height boxes.
Alternatively, click the arrows in each box to increase or decrease the measurement by 1.
If available, the Maintain Aspect Ratio checkbox adjusts values so that the dimensions
are proportional, relative to the original dimensions.
Steps to add a border
1. Click the image in the email design.
2. In the image properties box at the bottom of the editor, click the arrow in the Border Color
box and click a color.
3. Type the number of pixels for the width in the Border Width box.
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Steps to add a tooltip
1. Click the image in the email design.
2. In the image properties box at the bottom of the editor, type a meaningful description of
the image in the Tooltip box.
For example, this symbol aligns a selected image to the left-hand border:
Campaigner sets this tool to the selected alignment. To apply the same alignment to
another image, select it and click the Alignment tool.
Steps to change the alignment
1. Click the image in the email design.
2. In the image properties box at the bottom of the editor, click the arrow in the Alignment
tool and click the symbol that represents the alignment type.
Steps to change margins
1. Click the image in the email design.
2. In the image properties box at the bottom of the editor, click the Properties button.
3. Click the arrows for each margin to display the number that represents the margin
4. Click OK.
Test Images
Some recipients may have configured email interfaces not to show images. For example,
recipients may find that emails load faster without images, depending on the device or email
If you use images in HTML email designs, test how it appears both with images and without
images. Although the representation of hidden images depends on the email interface, these
tests will give you a close approximation of what recipients will see.
Testing images also lets you determine the size of the email, including images. If you think
the email is too large, review the images you've used and remove any that aren't critical to
the presentation of your message. Recipients may become annoyed if you send large or
bloated emails.
Steps to see the email design with images
1. From the Email Campaign wizard (Step 2 or 3), click the Preview and Test button.
For other ways to open the preview window, see Preview an Email.
2. Click Show Images.
Steps to see the email design without images
1. From the Email Campaign wizard (Step 2 or 3), click the Preview and Test button.
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For other ways to open the preview window, see Preview an Email.
2. Click Hide Images.
Work with Links
Overview of Links
Use links in HTML and plain text email designs to give recipients convenient access to
related content. For example, in HTML emails, the name of your business can be a text link
to your website or your corporate logo can be an image link. The location or content
displayed when a recipient clicks a link is referred to as the link destination.
In plain text email designs, the URL itself represents the link, such as:
For more information, contact us at
Tip: Keep the number of links in an email to a minimum. Providing only one or two links
allows users to focus on them, increasing the clicked through rate.
Several types of links are available, depending on the email format. You can create
web location links to publicly-accessible link destinations, such as your website, an online
document, or an online video tutorial.
Both HTML and plain text email designs can contain web location links.
anchor links to content in the same email, such as table of contents entries to their
appropriate topics
Only HTML email designs can contain anchor links.
email links to automatically generate email messages with a predefined email header
(which includes the sender email address and subject line)
Both HTML and plain text email designs can contain email links.
Quicklinks. Quicklinks are a convenient way to store and access your frequently used
web location, email, and other links. For information on Quicklinks, see Manage
Both HTML and plain text email designs can contain Quicklinks.
You can edit or remove links at any time before sending the email campaign.
After you send an email campaign, Campaigner tracks recipients' activity related to web
location links to help you assess what works and what doesn’t work for your customers, in
your markets. Campaigner displays this activity in the email campaign report for the email in
which the link is used. For example, you can view a preview of the email design showing the
percentage of recipients who clicked each trackable link. Anchor and email links (including
Quicklink email links) cannot be tracked.
Once an email campaign is sent, you can only edit link destinations for its tracked links.
Note: If you add links to the contents of your subscription management forms, these links will
not be tracked.
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Link to Web Locations
Web location links give recipients convenient access to related, publicly accessible link
destinations, such as your website, online documents, or online video tutorials. Both HTML
and plain text email designs can contain web location links.
In HTML email designs, links may be represented by text or images. For example, your
corporate logo may link to your website. For each link, you can define a tooltip, which
typically provides a user-friendly description of the link destination. Depending on the email
interface, a tooltip can appear when a recipient hovers the cursor over the link.
In plain text email designs, the URL (the web address) of the link destination represents the
link, such as:
For more information, contact us at
For web location links in both HTML and plain text email designs, Campaigner tracks
recipients' activity, by default. Campaigner displays this activity in the email campaign report
for the email in which the link is used. This activity helps you assess what works and what
doesn’t work for your customers, in your markets. For example, you can use a report to
determine the number of times a particular link was clicked at least once by recipients. You
can also view a preview of the email design showing the percentage of recipients who clicked
each trackable link.
When defining a web location link, you can change the following default options for linktracking:
whether link activity is tracked. If you turn off link tracking, the email campaign report will
provide no information about activity for this link.
the reporting name that identifies the link in the email campaign report, if link activity is
turned on. Campaigner assigns each link a default reporting name, but you may want to
change it if another name is more meaningful to you.
Note: After sending an email campaign, the appearance and functionality of links in plain text
emails depends on the recipients’ email interfaces and whether links are tracked. Links may
not appear as shown in the Plain Text Email editor. If links are not working as expected in
plain text emails, you may want to consider removing links or turning off tracking.
Steps to create a web location link in the HTML Email editor
1. In the HTML Email editor, select the content that you want to represent the link.
2. Click the Link tool.
3. On the Hyperlink tab, in the URL box, type the link destination.
We recommend that you use full URL format, such as:
Tip: Click the Test link to open the link destination, verifying that the URL is defined
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4. If you want to change the text that represents the link or if you didn't select text in Step 1,
type the text in the Link Text box.
5. In the Tooltip box, type the user-friendly text to appear as the tooltip.
6. If you don't want to track activity for this link, clear the Track Clicks box.
7. If the Track Clicks box is selected and you want to change the reporting name, type the
new name in the Reporting Name box.
8. Click OK.
Steps to create a web location link in the Plain Text Email editor
1. In the Plain Text Email editor, set the cursor at the location where you want the link to
2. Click the Link tool.
3. On the Hyperlink tab, in the URL box, type the link destination.
We recommend that you use full URL format, such as:
Tip: Click the Test link to open the link destination, verifying that the URL is defined
4. If you don't want to track activity for this link, clear the Track Clicks box.
5. If the Track Clicks box is selected and you want to change the reporting name, type the
new name in the Reporting Name box.
6. Click OK.
Tip: If you insert content from the HTML Email editor into the Plain Text Email Editor,
Campaigner automatically converts web location links to their text URL representations.
Link to Email Content Using Anchors
Anchor links give recipients convenient access to related content in the current email. For
example, you may want to provide a table of contents, where each entry links to the
appropriate topic.
HTML emails can include anchor links. If you insert content from the HTML Email editor into
the Plain Text Email Editor, Campaigner removes anchor links in the plain text email design.
Campaigner does not remove any text or image used to represent the link.
When creating anchor links in HTML email designs, you
mark the link destination (the location in the email you want displayed when the recipient
clicks the link) using an anchor
define the link by specifying the name of the anchor
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Optionally, you can define a tooltip, which typically provides a user-friendly description of the
link destination. Depending on the email interface, a tooltip can appear when a recipient
hovers the cursor over the link.
1. In the HTML Email editor, position the cursor in the email design where you want to link
2. Click the Link tool.
3. On the Anchor tab, type a name for the anchor (for example, Introduction).
4. Click OK to create the anchor.
5. Highlight the content in the email that you want to link to the anchor.
6. Click the Link tool.
7. On the Hyperlink tab, select the anchor from the Existing Anchor list.
8. In the Tooltip box, type the user-friendly text to appear as the tooltip.
9. Click OK.
Create Email Messages Using Links
Email links automatically display email messages with a predefined email header, giving
recipients a convenient way to contact you by email.
Both HTML and plain text email designs can contain email links. When creating an email link
in an HTML email design, you define the email address to which the message will be sent
and a subject line.
For plain text email designs, you define only the email address. If you insert content from the
HTML Email editor into the Plain Text Email Editor, Campaigner removes email links.
Campaigner does not remove any text or image used to represent the link. For example, the
text "Contact Us" in an HTML email design may represent an email link. After inserting the
HTML email design into the Plain Text Email editor, you will need to define the text "Contact
Us" as an email link.
Steps to define an email link in the HTML Email editor
1. In the HTML Email editor, select the content that you want to represent the link.
For example, select the text "contact us" if you want to create an email message when
the user clicks that text.
2. Click the Link tool.
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3. On the Email tab, type the address to which the message will be sent.
4. Type the subject of the email message.
5. Click OK.
Steps to create an email link in the Plain Text Email editor
1. In the Plain Text Email editor, set the cursor at the location where you want the link to
2. Type the following:
mailto: emailaddress
where emailaddress represents the email address to appear in the email header. For
Edit Links
You may need to make changes to links, such as specifying a different link destination,
tooltip, or tracking options.
After sending an email campaign, you can edit the destination of tracked links. For example,
if an email design includes a link to your privacy document and you move the document to a
different location, you'll need to change the link destination so that Campaigner can find it
when recipients click the link.
Campaigner provides several methods to edit links. The method you choose depends on the
types of changes you want to make, whether links are tracked, and whether the email
campaign has been sent. You can
edit links directly in the design editors
Use this method if you are editing only a few links (either tracked or untracked) for an
email campaign that has not been sent. You must also use this method for link properties
that are only available using this method. For example, you must edit untracked links and
tooltips using this method.
edit a list of tracked links
Use this method if you are editing link destinations or tracking options for several tracked
links at the same time for an email campaign that has not been sent. Tracking options
include whether a link is tracked and the reporting name used to represent a link in email
campaign reports.
After sending an email campaign, use this method if you need to change link destinations
for tracked links.
Steps to edit a link in the HTML Email editor
1. Select the content that represents the link.
2. Click the Link tool.
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3. Edit the properties.
The available properties depend on the link type. For example, for a web location link, in
the ToolTip box, type a user-friendly description of the link destination.
4. Click OK.
Tip: In the HTML Email editor, the URL and tooltip for a selected link are displayed at the
bottom of the editor, along with the Link tool. This area provides alternative access to a few of
the commonly used properties, which may be convenient for quick access.
Steps to edit a link in the Plain Text Email editor
1. Select the link text.
2. Type the new link text.
Steps to edit a list of tracked links for an email campaign
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row.
2. From the Action bar, click More, Edit Trackable Links.
3. Click the tab for the email format that contains the trackable links you want to edit.
4. If you no longer want to track a link, clear the checkbox beside its reporting name.
You cannot turn off link tracking if the email campaign has been sent.
5. If you want to change the reporting name, type the new name in the Reporting Name box
for the tracked link.
You cannot change the reporting name if the email campaign has been sent.
6. If you want to change the link destination, type the new destination in the Link box for the
tracked link.
7. Click OK.
Remove Links
You can remove links at any time before sending an email campaign.
HTML email designs can use text or images to represent links. In this design editor, you can
the link and the content that represents it.
the link only, leaving the content that represents it.
For example, if you've used an image to represent a link, you may want to remove the link
without removing the image.
In plain text email designs, remove a link by deleting the text that represents the URL. For
example, remove "" in the following sentence:
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For more information, contact us at
Steps to remove a link and the content that represents it in the HTML Email editor
1. Select the content that represents the link.
2. Press the Delete key.
Steps to remove a link only in the HTML Email editor
1. Select the content that represents the link.
2. Click the Remove Link tool.
Steps to remove a link in the Plain Text Email editor
1. Select the content that represents the link.
2. Press the Delete key.
Link to Content Using Quicklinks
Quicklinks are a set of frequently-used links that Campaigner stores for you.
Quicklinks may be represented by text or images. Each Quicklink has default link text; if you
do not apply a Quicklink to an image or an existing piece of text, Campaigner will insert the
Quicklink's default text into your campaign content at the location you clicked. Unless
otherwise specified, a Quicklink's default text will be used as the tooltip for linked images and
text links.
Quicklinks have the following link-tracking characteristics:
Quicklink activity is always tracked.
The reporting name that identifies the link in the email campaign report is the Quicklink
For more information on Quicklinks, see Manage Quicklinks.
Steps to add a Quicklink in the HTML Email editor or Plain Text Email editor
1. In the HTML Email or Plain Text Email editor, select the content that you want to
represent the link.
2. Click the Link tool.
3. From the Quicklink list, click the link you want to add to your email.
4. Click Insert.
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Work with Tables
Overview of Tables
HTML email designs can include tables. Tables structure information using rows and
For layout purposes, Campaigner outlines rows and columns in tables using gridlines. These
gridlines don't appear to users when reading the email.
If you aren't starting your email design from an email template, a table is a useful way to
structure the layout of a blank email design.
Campaigner provides many methods for inserting and customizing tables. This section
describes a few of the commonly-used features, including how to create a table, add and
remove rows or columns, split and merge cells, edit tables, and delete tables or their content.
After you become familiar with these features, explore other available features to find
alternative methods for performing these tasks. You'll also find information about other
options, such as adding color to table borders.
Create a Table
When creating a table, you specify the number of columns and rows it contains. After creating
the table, you can customize it by merging or splitting cells, modifying margins and borders,
and so on.
1. Place the cursor in the HTML Email editor where you want the table to be located.
2. Click the arrow in the Table tool.
3. Move your cursor to highlight the rows and columns in the grid that represent the table
you want to create. Click the lower, right-most cell of the highlighted rows and columns.
Tip: You can also insert a table using the Table wizard, which is available from the Table
Add or Remove Table Rows or Columns
You can easily add and remove rows or columns in tables to structure its content as needed.
Only one row or column may be added at a time.
When you remove a row or column, its content is also deleted.
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Steps to add a table row
1. Click a cell in the row above or below where you want to add a row.
2. From the Table tool list, click the Insert Row Above or Insert Row Below symbol.
For example, click this symbol to insert a row above the one in which the cursor is
Steps to add a table column
1. Click a cell in the column to the left or right of where you want to add a column.
2. From the Table tool list, click the Insert Column Left or Insert Column right symbol.
For example, click this symbol to insert a column to the left of the one in which the cursor
is located:
Steps to remove a table row or column
1. Click a cell in the row or column that you want to delete.
2. From the Table tool list, click the Delete Row or Delete Column symbol.
For example, click this symbol to delete the column in which the cursor is located:
Split or Merge Table Cells
When designing a table, you may not necessarily want every row and column to contain the
same number of cells. For example, to display a newsletter banner, you may want the first
row of a table to be comprised of one cell that spans all columns in the table. Displaying the
banner image in this cell shows the banner across the width of the table (if the size of the
image is appropriate).
To change the number of cells in a row or column, you merge (or combine) and split (or
divide) cells.
You can merge or split only one cell at a time.
Steps to merge cells in a row
1. Click the left-most cell.
2. From the Table tool list, click the Merge Cells Horizontally symbol.
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Steps to merge cells in a column
1. Click the top-most cell.
2. From the Table tool list, click the Merge Cells Vertically symbol.
Steps to split cells
1. Click the left-most cell.
2. From the Table tool list, click the Split Cells symbol.
Select Tables
Because tables are the basis for the layout of an email design, you must select the area of a
table in which you want to work. For example, to add an image to a specific table cell, you
must first select the cell.
The markers that indicate the areas of a table that are currently selected depend on the type
of web browser you are using. Here is one example of markers that identify a table selection:
Edit Tables
After inserting a table into an HTML email design, you can edit it at any time. For example,
you can add a border to outline the table or change the dimensions (width and height) of the
Properties are displayed at the bottom of the HTML design editor when the table is selected:
For information about applying colors to table borders and backgrounds, see Add Colors.
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Steps to resize a table
1. Select the outside borders of the table.
2. Type the number of pixels for the width or height in the Width or Height boxes.
Alternatively, click the arrows in each box to increase or decrease the measurement by 1.
Steps to change the alignment of a table
1. Select the outside borders of the table.
2. Click the arrow in the Alignment tool and click the symbol that represents the alignment
For example, this symbol aligns the table to the left-hand border:
Personalize the Email Using Merge Fields
Overview of Merge Fields
HTML and plain text email designs can be personalized for individual recipients, which tends
to increase response rates for email campaigns. For example, a personalized greeting (such
as "Hi Allison" or "Hi Greg") is more friendly and inviting to customers than a generic greeting.
Personalize emails using merge fields. For example, the merge field [Contact.First Name]
represents the value defined for each contact's first name. You may choose to include this
merge field in the email design as part of the greeting:
Hi [Contact.First Name],
When sending the email campaign, Campaigner substitutes each recipient's first name. For
Hi Allison,
Each merge field represents one contact field. For example, the [Contact.First Name] merge
field represents the First Name contact field. This relationship is important to remember. If no
contact information is available for a merge field when Campaigner sends the email
campaign, the default value for the contact field is used. For example, if the default value for
the First Name contact field is "n/a", Campaigner displays "Hi n/a" in the email sent to
recipients for which no first name is available. A more meaningful default value is "Customer"
or "Subscriber". For information about contact fields and how to define default values, see
Overview of Contact Fields.
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Add Merge Fields
Add merge fields to personalize email designs. You add merge fields from the Campaigner
Library. This Library is available when using the Email Campaign wizard (Step 2):
After adding a merge field to an email design, test it to see how Campaigner will substitute
different types of values when the email campaign is sent.
1. Position the cursor in the design editor where you want to add the merge field.
2. In the toolbar, click the Merge tool.
3. From the list, select the merge field you want to insert. You can see more merge
fields by clicking the More... option at the bottom of the list.
Test Merge Fields
When used correctly, merge fields are an effective way of personalizing an email and
increasing response rates. However, because merge fields in email designs represent values
that are substituted when the email campaign is sent, we recommend that you test merge
fields when designing emails. Testing merge fields helps ensure that substituted values are
appropriate for the context in which they are used.
You can test the values substituted
when contact information is available
If you've defined test contacts, you can substitute their contact information as values for
merge fields.
by default when contact information is not available
You can substitute the default value for the contact field that represents a merge field.
Some default values may not be appropriate (for example, "n/a").
Steps to test merge fields using values defined for test contacts
1. From the Email Campaign wizard (Step 2 or 3), click the Preview and Test button.
For other ways to open the preview window, see Preview an Email.
2. Select Show Values for Merge Fields.
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3. Click Use Values from Test Contacts.
4. Click the Previous or Next button to substitute values for another test contact.
Steps to test merge fields using default values defined contact fields
1. From the Email Campaign wizard (Step 2 or 3), click the Preview and Test button.
For other ways to open the preview window, see Preview an Email.
2. Select Show Values for Merge Fields.
3. Click Use Default Merge Field Values.
If no default value is defined, the merge field appears to be blank.
Add Colors
In HTML email designs, you can add color to
text fonts
text backgrounds
table cell backgrounds
image or table borders
You can choose colors from a palette of preset colors or define a custom color. For example,
to reflect existing corporate branding in your email design, define a custom color used in your
Colors are represented using a combination of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) values, which
are sometimes referred to as RGB or HEX color values. If you want to learn more about color
values, many third-party resources are available, such as the Internet.
Here is an example of the color palette:
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Steps to apply color
1. Select the content.
For example, to apply color to text, select the text. To apply color to the background of a
table cell, select the table cell.
2. Click the arrow in the appropriate color tool.
Text Color tool for applying color to text
Highlight tool for applying color to text backgrounds, table cell backgrounds, table
borders, or image borders
3. Do one of the following:
If you want to apply a color from the palette, click the color.
If you want to apply a custom color, click Add Custom Hex Color. Type the HEX
value of the color and click OK. For example, the value "#000000" represents the
color black.
Delete Content in the Email Design
You can delete any content in the design editors. You can delete one design element (such
as an image, table, or paragraph) at a time or all content in the active design editor.
For information about deleting links, see Remove Links.
For information about deleting formatting or fonts for text, see Format Text.
Steps to delete one element at a time
1. Select the content.
To delete an image, click it.
To delete a paragraph, highlight the entire block of text.
To delete a table, click a gridline that outlines the outside border of the table. When an
outside border can be selected, the cursor changes to a + symbol.
2. Press the Delete key.
Steps to delete all content in the active editor
1. Click the arrow in the Clear tool and click Clear All.
2. Click OK.
Edit HTML Code
The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a coding method used to create and format web
documents. All of the content in design editors is coded in HTML. The design editors provide
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a user-friendly interface for designing emails, without requiring that you understand or use
If you're familiar with HTML codes, you may prefer to make some changes by editing the
code directly. If you aren't familiar with HTML, many resources are available on the Internet to
help you learn about the codes.
Step to view HTML code
In the HTML Email editor, click HTML at the bottom of the editor.
Preview, Test, or Print Emails
Preview an Email
You may have several ideas about how best to present your message. Some decisions are
subjective, such as which colors are most suitable. Other decisions depend on the content of
the email design, such as the placement of images. An easy way to try out several options is
to preview the email to get an idea of how the email will be displayed to recipients.
Previewing an email is also useful if you want to refresh your memory about an existing
When you preview an email, the email design and details appear together in one window, as
shown in this example.
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Although the actual presentation of the email will depend on each recipient's email interface,
previewing an email is particularly useful for
comparing the subject line to the email design to ensure that it accurately describes your
testing merge fields (if used) to ensure they display values as you intend.
testing images (if used) to see how the email appears in email interface both configured
to show images and to hide images.
verifying updates to your information (if any), such as social media links or your
company's website.
viewing the unsubscribe options in the email footer.
Step to open the preview
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Click the Preview and Test button, which is available from several locations, such as:
in the Smart Email Builder, when adding content using content block forms
in the Full Email Editor, from Step 2 or 3 of the Email Campaign wizard
on the Email Summary page for any email campaign
on the Email Campaigns tab, as an option on the Action bar
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Step to resize the preview window
Drag the lower-right corner of the preview window to the new position.
Step to close the preview window
Click the Close Preview button.
Send a Test Email
Some design choices may be influenced by technical considerations. To help identify these
potential issues, test the email by sending it to sample group of contacts. Contacts can give
you feedback about the following:
delivery of the email
For example, you'll find out if emails are delivered to Junk email folders because of
information used in the subject line.
display of the email design in various email interfaces
Email interfaces may interpret and display content uniquely. It is a good idea to select as
test contacts users who work with different types of web browsers and email clients. For
example, tooltips and images dimensions may be different from what you see when
designing the email.
When sending a test email, you can also ask contacts for feedback about what they like
about the design or how to improve it.
When you send a test email and the email is available in both the HTML and Plain Text email
formats, Campaigner automatically prefixes the subject line with "TEST --" (for example,
TEST -- Summer Clothing Promotion).
Note: When you send the email campaign to all recipients, the email is displayed to each
recipient in their preferred email format.
1. Preview the email.
For example, from the Email Summary, click the Preview and Test button.
2. In the Send Test Email(s) to area, do one of the following:
Select All test contacts to send the email to all contacts identified as test contacts.
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Select Address(es) to send the email to people who are either not defined as
contacts in Campaigner or who are not identified as test contacts. Type the email
addresses, separating each one with a comma. For example:,
3. Click Send Test.
4. Click Close.
Print an Email
You may want to print an email. For example, you may want to show the email to people who
don't have access to Campaigner.
1. Preview the email.
For example, from the Email Summary, click the Preview and Test button.
2. Click Printable Version.
3. Click Print.
4. Follow the prompts, which depend on the type of printer.
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Define, Manage, and Build Contacts
Contacts Overview
Contacts are people who have given you permission to contact them by email. You can
select as recipients for email campaigns only people who are defined as contacts in
You can easily define contacts and manage contacts in Campaigner. To obtain new contacts
that Campaigner adds automatically for you, invite people to subscribe to your
communications using a sign up form on your website or other online location. Ensure that
you follow best practices to increase the number of relevant contacts and follow laws for
email marketing.
Best Practices for Obtaining Contacts
Before sending any email campaign, you must obtain permission from recipients to
communicate with them by email. Obtaining this permission is referred to as permissionbased email marketing, which protects consumers against unsolicited email. Inviting people
to subscribe to your email communications is an effective way to obtain their permission.
What is CAN-SPAM?
Sending email messages that people didn't ask for (or "SPAM") can damage the popularity
and reputation of your business.
Traditionally, email users defined SPAM as any unsolicited commercial email. Over time,
users have become more sophisticated. Today, most users won't open an email message if
they believe that the information isn't relevant, even if the email is from a sender they know.
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To help protect consumers against unsolicited email, the United States Federal Trade
Commission introduced the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and
Marketing Act of 2003. This act, referred to as CAN-SPAM, defines the rules for legal email
marketing, along with the penalties for organizations who disregard the rules.
CAN-SPAM rules for legal marketing cover sign up and unsubscribe mechanisms, content
compliance, and sending behavior. For example, if someone unsubscribes from your email
newsletter, CAN-SPAM requires that you remove that person from your list within 10 days.
Invite People to Subscribe
When you invite people to subscribe to your email communications, they provide their contact
information during the subscription process. By doing this, people are giving you permission
to send them email communications.
There are many ways to invite users to subscribe. In fact, using several methods maximizes
your potential customer base by reaching people in different markets. Here are some ideas to
get you started:
Collect business cards at tradeshows or conferences, or leave sign up sheets by your
store register. You can also ask for contact information when providing services (such as
telephone support).
When using these methods, ensure that customers understand that you’ll be sending
email communications to them using the contact information they provide.
Post sign up forms on your website for visitors to submit if they want more information
about your products or services.
Use "word of mouth" (or viral marketing) and ask your contacts to pass emails along to
others. After reading the email, these secondary recipients may decide to subscribe as
well, so make signing up easy by including in the message a sign up form or a visible link
to a sign up form.
View, read, and explore how other companies or organizations build their contacts using
permission-based practices. You may find that techniques used in completely different
markets work for you too, so don't focus on only your competitors and partners.
Keep the following in mind when inviting users to subscribe to your email communications:
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Ask only for the information you really need. Subscribing should take as little time as
Indicate that users can unsubscribe from future email communications at any time.
Respond quickly and efficiently to requests to subscribe or unsubscribe.
Provide a clear and concise privacy policy that explains how you treat your customers’
personal contact information.
Respect the terms of your privacy policy and never breach your customers’ trust.
Campaigner User Guide
Guidelines for Working with Contacts
Consider the following when planning how to add and manage contacts in Campaigner.
What Information Do You Want to Gather for Contacts?
Each piece of information stored for a contact is referred to as a contact field. Campaigner
provides several standard contact fields, such as email address and last name.
To gather information for contacts that is not represented by standard contact fields, create
custom contact fields. For example, create a custom contact field named "Birthday" if you
want to store information about contacts' birthdays.
Before adding contacts to Campaigner, try to create all the custom fields you plan to use.
Although you can add custom fields at any time, you'll need to go back and add this
information for any contacts who existed before creating the custom fields.
To start learning about standard and custom contact fields, see Overview of Contact Fields.
Are Contacts Already Defined in Another Resource?
You may already have contact information available. For example, you may have recorded
contact names and email addresses in a spreadsheet. Several methods are available to help
you add existing contact information to Campaigner. To start learning about the available
methods, see Overview of Defining Contacts.
Can You Group Contacts by Common Characteristics or Interest?
To help manage contacts, mailing lists group subscribers based on common characteristics
(such as gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
While you can assign contacts to mailing lists at any time, you may find it useful to do so
when adding contacts to Campaigner. For example, you may have used different
spreadsheets to group contacts based on distinguishing characteristics. When importing
contacts from each spreadsheet, assign its contacts to a unique mailing list.
To get started learning about mailing lists, see Overview of Mailing Lists.
Defining Contacts
Overview of Defining Contacts
You can easily define contacts in Campaigner. Several methods are available so that you can
choose one that is most appropriate for you.
Regardless of the method you use to add contacts, you must provide an email address for
every contact. Campaigner refers to the email address and other types of contact information
as contact fields. If you want to store information that is not represented by existing contact
fields, create custom fields.
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When adding contacts, you can assign them to mailing lists, which group subscribers based
on common characteristics (such as gender) or interests (such as new products or
promotions). If you don't assign contacts to mailing lists when adding contacts, you can do
this at a later time.
The number of contacts you can add to Campaigner is determined by your account plan.
Tip: To obtain new contacts that Campaigner adds automatically for you, invite people to
subscribe to your communications using a sign up form on your website or other online
Choose a Method for Defining Contacts
Campaigner provides several methods for defining contacts:
add contacts manually
import contacts from a file (either by uploading or pasting contact information)
import contacts from an online service
Before adding contacts using any method, ensure you have obtained contacts' permission to
communicate with them by email.
Add Contacts Manually
Use this method when you receive information for one or two contacts at a time. You can also
use this method when contact information hasn't been provided electronically, such as
contacts who gave you business cards during a conference.
You can update contact information in Campaigner by manually editing contacts.
Import from a File
Use this method to define contacts when information is already available in a file (such as a
spreadsheet) or when contact information can be exported to a file from another resource.
The file that contains the contact information you are importing is referred to as a contacts
You can either upload contact information from a file or paste contact information from a file.
Use the upload option if
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the contacts file is a Microsoft Excel file with more than 300 contacts and you want to
import all the contacts. All contacts must be defined on the first worksheet of the file.
the contacts file is a Microsoft Excel file, but Microsoft Excel is not available on the
computer you are using to perform the import.
the information is available in another type of resource (such as a non-Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet), but can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a comma
separated value (.csv) file.
the contacts file is a vCard (.vcf) file.
Campaigner User Guide
Use the paste option if the contacts file is in the Microsoft Excel format, and meets the all of
the following conditions:
no more than 300 contacts are defined in the file
each contact is defined in its own row
the email address for each contact is defined in the same column for all rows
When using the paste option, you can choose to
import only a subset of contacts defined in the contacts file. In this case, the contacts file
can include more than 300 contacts, but you must select fewer than 300 for pasting.
edit contact information after pasting it.
You can update contact information in Campaigner using either the upload or paste option for
importing from a file. Information in the contacts file overwrites the information in
Import from an Online Service
Use this method to define new contacts for which contact information is already available in
an online service. Supported online services include Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail.
You cannot use this method to update information for contacts with email addresses already
defined in Campaigner. Instead, use one of the methods for importing contacts from a file.
If your contacts are available in an online service that is not supported by Campaigner, use
one of the methods for importing contacts from a file.
Add Contacts Manually
Add contacts manually when you receive information for one or two contacts at a time. You
can also use this method when contact information hasn't been provided electronically, such
as contacts who gave you business cards during a conference.
Note: Several methods are available for defining contacts in Campaigner. Review all
methods to ensure you are using the one most suitable for your contacts.
To add a contact manually, define contact information by providing the appropriate values for
contact fields. For example, you must provide the contact's email address in the Email
contact field. You can also assign the contact to one or more mailing lists.
Before adding contacts, ensure you have obtained contacts' permission to communicate with
them by email.
The number of contacts you can add to Campaigner is determined by your account plan.
1. On the Dashboard or the Contacts tab, click the following button:
2. In the button submenu, click Manually Enter Information.
Alternatively, from any tab except the Dashboard, click New, Contact on the Action bar.
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3. Type the contact’s email address.
4. Define values for the contact fields.
To change a text value (for example, Email Address), type the new value in the box.
To change a value in a list box (for example, Email Format), select the value from the
To change a checkbox selection (for example, Receives test messages), select the
To change a date, type the date in the box or select a date from the Calendar. The
date format depends on how you've configured date settings.
5. Select any mailing lists that you want to assign this contact to.
If you want to assign the contact to a mailing list that doesn’t yet exist, type the name of
the new mailing list and click Add New Mailing List. Select the mailing list.
6. Click Save.
If you want to add another contact immediately, click Save and Add Another.
Note: Campaigner monitors contact-related activity to ensure compliance with its Anti-SPAM
policy. Campaigner does not allow use of purchased mailing lists or other types of
inappropriate contact sources.
Import Contacts by Uploading from a File
Overview of Steps
Want to see this? Watch the Grow and Manage Mailing Lists video tutorial.
Import contacts by uploading from a file when information is already available in a file (such
as a spreadsheet) or when information can be exported to a file from another resource.
You can upload from Microsoft Excel files, vCard files, or comma separated value files. For
information about file requirements, see Choose a Method for Defining Contacts.
Note: Several methods are available for defining contacts in Campaigner. Review all
methods to ensure you are using the one most suitable for your contacts. Before importing
contacts using any method, ensure you have obtained contacts' permission to communicate
with them by email.
Ensure that you are aware of the number of remaining contacts available with your account
plan before importing more contacts. If you add more contacts than available with this plan,
Campaigner may automatically upgrade your account to the next higher-level plan.
You upload contacts from a file using the Import Contacts wizard. This wizard guides you
through the following tasks:
identifying the file in which contacts are currently defined.
This source file from is referred to as the contacts file.
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Adding a contact who is already defined in Campaigner updates the existing contact
information with the information in the file.
selecting the contacts you want to add to Campaigner (vCard files only).
You do not have to import all the contacts defined in the contacts file. If you do not select
all contacts, you can import additional contacts at a later time by perform the import
matching Campaigner's contact fields to columns from the contacts file.
For example, match Campaigner's Email contact field to the column from the contacts file
that contains email addresses.
assigning contacts to one or more mailing lists that you select.
All contacts being imported are assigned to the selected mailing lists. You don't have to
assign contacts to any mailing list.
If you are updating information for a contact who has opted out of email communications,
ensure that you do not assign the contact to mailing lists.
After you finish the Import Contacts wizard, Campaigner processes the contacts and then
sends a notification to the Message Center. This notification indicates that the contacts were
successfully imported or describes any errors that occurred. The processing time required by
Campaigner depends on several factors, including the number of contacts being imported.
Note: Campaigner monitors contact-related activity to ensure compliance with its Anti-SPAM
policy. Campaigner does not allow use of purchased mailing lists or other types of
inappropriate contact sources.
Start the Import Contacts Wizard
Use the Import Contacts wizard to import contacts into Campaigner by uploading from a file.
On the Contacts tab, click Import on the Action bar.
Upload from a File
The file from which you want to upload contact information is referred to as the contacts file.
This file must be a Microsoft Excel file, a vCard file, or a comma separated value file. For
information about requirements for the file and its contents, see Choose a Method for
Defining Contacts.
If the file contains contacts who are already defined in Campaigner, existing information is
updated with information in the contacts file.
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Preparing a Contacts File in a Comma Separated Value Format
If contact information is in a different format than Microsoft Excel or vCard, you must export
contact information to a comma separated value (.csv) file. In the .csv format, each contact is
represented by one row and each column represents one type of contact information. The
following example shows a .csv file that is open in a spreadsheet:
First Name
Last Name
Note: Viewing a .csv file in a text editor shows each row value separated by a comma.
Tip: To easily convert a spreadsheet into a comma separated value file, try using the Save
As feature in your spreadsheet editor. Note that all your contacts must be defined on the first
worksheet of the spreadsheet.
If the resource in which contacts are currently defined supports exporting information, you
may find information about how to perform the export in the resource's documentation.
1. Ensure that contact information is available in a contacts file (a Microsoft Excel file, a
vCard file, or a comma separated value file).
2. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 1), from the Import Contact From list, click Upload
Your File.
3. Click Browse.
4. Locate the contacts file and double-click it.
5. Click Next.
Select Contacts for Import
The Import Contacts wizard reads contact information for all contacts you are importing. From
this list, you select the contacts that you want to add to Campaigner.
Any contacts in this list that you do not select for import can be added to Campaigner at a
later time by performing the import again.
1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 2), select the checkbox for any contacts you want to
add to Campaigner.
To conveniently select or clear all contacts, use the Select All or Select None links,
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2. Do one of the following:
If you are importing from a vCard file, review the matches between Campaigner's
contact fields and information in your contacts file, as described in Match Contact
Fields to Contact File Columns.
If you are importing from an online service, click Next.
Match Contact Fields to Contact File Columns
The Import Contacts wizard must be able to identify how information from the contacts file
corresponds to Campaigner's contact fields. For example, the Import Contacts wizard must
know which column from the contacts file contains email addresses. This column
corresponds to Campaigner's Email contact field.
The Import Contacts wizard attempts to automatically match contact fields with columns from
the contacts file. If the wizard can't automatically determine which column represents email
addresses, you must manually match the Email contact field to a column from the contacts
Optionally, you can choose to manually match contact fields and columns, or change any
match that Campaigner determined automatically. For example, your contacts file may
include a Status column that identifies contacts who have indicated they do not want to be
contacted by email using the value "Unsubscribe". You can match this column to
Campaigner's Status field. Using this approach, you will identify which imported contacts
should not be included as recipients of email campaigns.
With the exception of the Email contact field, you can also unmatch any contact field.
Columns in the contacts file that aren't matched to a contact field are not imported. Note that
vCards can contain more than one email address field and address, only one of which can be
matched for all contacts.
If you find that no existing contact field is appropriate for columns in the contacts file, you can
define custom contact fields. For example, create a Birthday contact field if the contacts file
contains information about birth dates.
Note: If possible, create the custom contact fields you'll need before adding any contacts to
Campaigner to ensure that the same types of information are available for all contacts.
1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 2), do one of the following:
If you are importing from a Microsoft Excel file or a .csv file, review the default
matches between contact fields and columns from the contacts file. If the Import
Contacts wizard cannot automatically match the Email contact field to a column in the
contacts file, it displays an error message indicating that you must match this contact
field manually.
If you want to change any matches or if the wizard was unable to automatically match
the Email contact field to a column from the contacts file, click Modify Field
Matching and go to Step 2.
If you do not want to change any matches, go to Step 4.
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If you are importing from a vCard file, click Modify Field Matching and go to Step 4.
2. In the list box for each contact field you want to match, select the corresponding column
from the contacts file.
The Email contact field must be matched to a column.
To unmatch a contact field from a column, select the value identified as "Not matched/Do
not import". Only the Email contact field requires a matched column.
3. Click Update Matching.
4. Click Next.
Assign Contacts to Mailing Lists
To help manage contacts, mailing lists group subscribers based on common characteristics
(such as gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
When importing contacts, you can assign them to one or more mailing lists, which may be
convenient if you've already organized your contacts. For example, you may have used
different spreadsheets to group contacts based on distinguishing characteristics. When
importing contacts from each spreadsheet, assign its contacts to a unique mailing list.
If an appropriate mailing list doesn’t exist, you can create a new one. Use a name that is
appropriate for viewing by users. Mailing list names may appear on sign up forms and pages
used to unsubscribe from email communications.
If you don't assign contacts to mailing lists when importing them, you can do this at a later
If you are importing contacts from a file and those contacts are already defined in
Campaigner, check whether any of those contacts have opted out of email communications.
If so, do not assign them to mailing lists.
1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 3), select any mailing lists that you want to assign
these contacts to.
If you want to assign contacts to a mailing list that doesn’t yet exist, type the name of the
new mailing list and click Add New Mailing List. Select the mailing list.
2. Click Finish.
3. Click Close.
Alternatively, go to the Message Center and wait for the notification that Campaigner has
completed processing the import of these contacts.
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Import Contacts by Pasting from a Microsoft Excel File
Overview of Steps
Import contacts by pasting from a file when information is already available in a Microsoft
Excel file or when contact information can be exported to a Microsoft Excel file. For
information about requirements for the file and its contents, see Choose a Method for
Defining Contacts.
Note: Several methods are available for defining contacts in Campaigner. Review all
methods to ensure you are using the one most suitable for your contacts. Before importing
contacts using any method, ensure you have obtained contacts' permission to communicate
with them by email.
Ensure that you are aware of the number of remaining contacts available with your account
plan before importing more contacts. If you add more contacts than available with this plan,
Campaigner may automatically upgrade your account to the next higher-level plan.
You upload contacts by pasting from a file using the Import Contacts wizard. This wizard
guides you through the following tasks:
pasting content that you've copied from Microsoft Excel into the Import Contacts wizard.
This source file from is referred to as the contacts file.
Adding a contact who is already defined in Campaigner updates the existing contact
information with the information in the file.
matching Campaigner's contact fields to columns from the contacts file.
For example, you match Campaigner's Email contact field to the column from the
contacts file that contains email addresses.
assigning contacts to one or more mailing lists that you select.
All contacts being imported are assigned to the selected mailing lists. You don't have to
assign contacts to any mailing list.
If you are updating information for a contact who has opted out of email communications,
ensure that you do not assign the contact to mailing lists.
After you finish the Import Contacts wizard, Campaigner processes the contacts and then
sends a notification to the Message Center. This notification indicates that the contacts were
successfully imported or describes any errors that occurred. The processing time required by
Campaigner depends on several factors, including the number of contacts being imported.
Note: Campaigner monitors contact-related activity to ensure compliance with its Anti-SPAM
policy. Campaigner does not allow use of purchased mailing lists or other types of
inappropriate contact sources.
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Start the Import Contacts Wizard
Use the Import Contacts wizard to import contacts into Campaigner by pasting from a
Microsoft Excel file.
On the Contacts tab, click Import on the Action bar.
Paste from a File
The file from which you want to paste contact information is referred to as the contacts file.
This file must be a Microsoft Excel file. For information about the requirements for this file and
its contents, see Choose a Method for Defining Contacts.
If you do not want to import all of the contacts, you can paste only a subset of those defined
in the contacts file.
You can edit contact information after pasting it.
If the pasted contact information contains contacts who are already defined in Campaigner,
existing information is updated with information in the contacts file.
1. In the Microsoft Excel file, select and copy the rows for contacts you want to import.
The selection must be a continuous set of cells within a rectangle of no more than 300
2. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 1), from the Import Contact From list, click
Copy/Paste from Excel.
3. Paste the copied rows into the Paste contacts into the box below box.
You can easily remove the pasted content using the Clear Contacts button.
4. Click Next.
Match Contact Fields to Contact File Columns
The Import Contacts wizard must be able to identify how information from the contacts file
corresponds to Campaigner's contact fields. For example, the Import Contacts wizard must
know which column from the contacts file contains email addresses. This column
corresponds to Campaigner's Email contact field.
The Import Contacts wizard attempts to automatically match contact fields with columns from
the contacts file. If the wizard can't automatically determine which column represents email
addresses, you must manually match the Email contact field to a column from the contacts
Optionally, you can choose to manually match contact fields and columns, or change any
match that Campaigner determined automatically. For example, your contacts file may
include a Status column that identifies contacts who have indicated they do not want to be
contacted by email using the value "Unsubscribe". You can match this column to
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Campaigner's Status field. Using this approach, you will identify which imported contacts
should not be included as recipients of email campaigns.
With the exception of the Email contact field, you can also unmatch any contact field.
Columns in the contacts file that aren't matched to a contact field are not imported. Note that
vCards can contain more than one email address field and address, only one of which can be
matched for all contacts.
If you find that no existing contact field is appropriate for columns in the contacts file, you can
define custom contact fields. For example, create a Birthday contact field if the contacts file
contains information about birth dates.
Note: If possible, create the custom contact fields you'll need before adding any contacts to
Campaigner to ensure that the same types of information are available for all contacts.
1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 2), do one of the following:
If you are importing from a Microsoft Excel file or a .csv file, review the default
matches between contact fields and columns from the contacts file. If the Import
Contacts wizard cannot automatically match the Email contact field to a column in the
contacts file, it displays an error message indicating that you must match this contact
field manually.
If you want to change any matches or if the wizard was unable to automatically match
the Email contact field to a column from the contacts file, click Modify Field
Matching and go to Step 2.
If you do not want to change any matches, go to Step 4.
If you are importing from a vCard file, click Modify Field Matching and go to Step 4.
2. In the list box for each contact field you want to match, select the corresponding column
from the contacts file.
The Email contact field must be matched to a column.
To unmatch a contact field from a column, select the value identified as "Not matched/Do
not import". Only the Email contact field requires a matched column.
3. Click Update Matching.
4. Click Next.
Assign Contacts to Mailing Lists
To help manage contacts, mailing lists group subscribers based on common characteristics
(such as gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
When importing contacts, you can assign them to one or more mailing lists, which may be
convenient if you've already organized your contacts. For example, you may have used
different spreadsheets to group contacts based on distinguishing characteristics. When
importing contacts from each spreadsheet, assign its contacts to a unique mailing list.
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If an appropriate mailing list doesn’t exist, you can create a new one. Use a name that is
appropriate for viewing by users. Mailing list names may appear on sign up forms and pages
used to unsubscribe from email communications.
If you don't assign contacts to mailing lists when importing them, you can do this at a later
If you are importing contacts from a file and those contacts are already defined in
Campaigner, check whether any of those contacts have opted out of email communications.
If so, do not assign them to mailing lists.
1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 3), select any mailing lists that you want to assign
these contacts to.
If you want to assign contacts to a mailing list that doesn’t yet exist, type the name of the
new mailing list and click Add New Mailing List. Select the mailing list.
2. Click Finish.
3. Click Close.
Alternatively, go to the Message Center and wait for the notification that Campaigner has
completed processing the import of these contacts.
Import Contacts from an Online Service
Overview of Steps
Import contacts from an online service, including Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail.
Note: Several methods are available for defining contacts in Campaigner. Review all
methods to ensure you are using the one most suitable for your contacts. Before importing
contacts using any method, ensure you have obtained contacts' permission to communicate
with them by email.
Ensure that you are aware of the number of remaining contacts available with your account
plan before importing more contacts. If you add more contacts than available with this plan,
Campaigner may automatically upgrade your account to the next higher-level plan.
You import contacts from an online service using the Import Contacts wizard. This wizard
guides you through the following tasks:
logging into the online source.
selecting the contacts you want to add to Campaigner.
You do not have to import all the contacts defined in your online service. If you do not
select all contacts, you can import additional contacts at a later time by perform the
import again.
assigning contacts to one or more mailing lists that you select.
All contacts being imported are assigned to the selected mailing lists. You don't have to
assign contacts to any mailing list.
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After completing the Import Contacts wizard, Campaigner processes the contacts and then
sends a notification to the Message Center. This notification indicates that the contacts were
successfully imported or describes any errors that occurred. The processing time required by
Campaigner depends on several factors, including the number of contacts being imported.
Keep the following in mind when importing contacts from an online service:
For each contact, Campaigner reads the email address from the online source and
defines it for the contact. If available from the online service, Campaigner also defines the
first and last name. No other contact information will be read from the online service.
If an email address is not defined for the contact in the online service, the contact is not
added to Campaigner.
You can import up to 500 contacts at a time from an online service. If you have more than
500 contacts, repeat the import process and select different contacts each time.
Campaigner adds only contacts for which email addresses are not already defined. For
example, if a contact in Campaigner has the same email address as a contact you are
importing, Campaigner does not import any information for that contact. This means that
you cannot update information for contacts already defined in Campaigner by importing
newer information from the online service. Instead, use one of the methods for importing
contacts from a file.
Note: Campaigner monitors contact-related activity to ensure compliance with its Anti-SPAM
policy. Campaigner does not allow use of purchased mailing lists or other types of
inappropriate contact sources.
Start the Import Contacts Wizard
Use the Import Contacts wizard to import contacts into Campaigner by importing from an
online service.
On the Contacts tab, click Import on the Action bar.
Provide Your Credentials
The Import Contacts wizard must have access to the online service from which you want to
import contacts. You provide access by giving the wizard the credentials necessary to log on
to the service. Typically, credentials include a user name and password.
These credentials are not saved within Campaigner. They are discarded after the wizard has
read the contact information from the online service.
1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 1), from the Import Contact From list, click the online
2. Type the credentials to access your account for the online service.
3. Click Next.
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Select Contacts for Import
The Import Contacts wizard reads contact information for all contacts you are importing. From
this list, you select the contacts that you want to add to Campaigner.
Any contacts in this list that you do not select for import can be added to Campaigner at a
later time by performing the import again.
1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 2), select the checkbox for any contacts you want to
add to Campaigner.
To conveniently select or clear all contacts, use the Select All or Select None links,
2. Do one of the following:
If you are importing from a vCard file, review the matches between Campaigner's
contact fields and information in your contacts file, as described in Match Contact
Fields to Contact File Columns.
If you are importing from an online service, click Next.
Assign Contacts to Mailing Lists
To help manage contacts, mailing lists group subscribers based on common characteristics
(such as gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
When importing contacts, you can assign them to one or more mailing lists, which may be
convenient if you've already organized your contacts. For example, you may have used
different spreadsheets to group contacts based on distinguishing characteristics. When
importing contacts from each spreadsheet, assign its contacts to a unique mailing list.
If an appropriate mailing list doesn’t exist, you can create a new one. Use a name that is
appropriate for viewing by users. Mailing list names may appear on sign up forms and pages
used to unsubscribe from email communications.
If you don't assign contacts to mailing lists when importing them, you can do this at a later
If you are importing contacts from a file and those contacts are already defined in
Campaigner, check whether any of those contacts have opted out of email communications.
If so, do not assign them to mailing lists.
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1. In the Import Contacts wizard (Step 3), select any mailing lists that you want to assign
these contacts to.
If you want to assign contacts to a mailing list that doesn’t yet exist, type the name of the
new mailing list and click Add New Mailing List. Select the mailing list.
2. Click Finish.
3. Click Close.
Alternatively, go to the Message Center and wait for the notification that Campaigner has
completed processing the import of these contacts.
Managing Contacts
Overview of Managing Contacts
Want to see this? Watch the Grow and Manage Mailing Lists video tutorial.
It is important to keep contact information current and accurate. For example, email
addresses can change frequently. When a contact notifies you of an email address change,
update the email address in the contact's information as soon as possible.
Managing contacts may involve the following tasks:
viewing a list of contacts and their information, such as email addresses or statuses.
editing contacts to update information.
defining a contact as a test contact who provides feedback on email designs.
specifying a contact's preferred email format (HTML or plain text).
unsubscribing a contact.
filtering or sorting contacts.
deleting contacts.
exporting contacts to distribute information to stakeholders who don't have access to
Mailing lists provide an effective way to manage contacts by grouping subscribers based on
common characteristics (such as gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
Tip: Use the Contacts Summary panel on the Dashboard for an at-a-glance summary of the
overall contact status.
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View or Select Contacts
The Contacts tab lists your contacts:
Columns in this list represent contact fields, such as Email Address and First Name. You can
change or resize the columns displayed in this list.
If more contacts are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse additional
Tip: To ensure that this list shows the most recently added contacts, click Refresh on the
Action bar of the Contacts tab.
Select Contacts
To perform many contact management tasks, you select contacts from this contacts list.
There are several ways to select contacts.
Step to select one contact
Click the contact row, without clicking any links in the row.
Step to select one or more contacts
For each contact, select the checkbox in the first column of the contacts list. This
checkbox is selected when it displays a checkmark.
-- or --
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Press the Ctrl key and click each contact row, without clicking any links in the row.
Campaigner User Guide
Step to select all contacts
Select the checkbox at the top of the first column of the contacts list.
Change or Resize List Columns
You can change the columns in the contacts list to show different contact information. For
example, if you create a Birthday custom field, you may want to include it in this list.
You can also resize columns to adjust the width.
Steps to add or remove columns
1. Click Show/Hide Fields at the top of the contact list.
2. Select the contact fields you want to show. Ensure that other fields are cleared.
3. Click OK.
Depending on how many fields are available, you may need to scroll to the bottom of the
list to see the OK button.
Steps to resize columns
1. Hover the cursor over the border of the header for the column that you want to adjust.
The cursor changes to a double-headed arrow when you can resize the column.
2. Drag the border to the new position.
Edit Contacts
Update a contact’s information to keep it current and accurate. For example, a contact may
request that you change their email address or telephone number. You may also want to
change the mailing lists that a contact is assigned to.
You may also need to edit contacts if you create custom contact fields. For example, after
adding a contact field named Gender, you may want to edit existing contacts to define a
value for this contact field.
You can edit only one contact at a time.
1. On the Contacts tab, click the email address for the contact or the Pencil icon.
Pencil icon
Alternatively, select a contact and click Edit from the Action bar.
If you have many contacts, you can filter or sort the list to locate the contact.
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2. Make the changes to the contact fields or mailing lists:
To change a text value (for example, Email Address), type the new value in the box.
To change a value in a drop down list box (for example, Email Format), select the
value from the list.
To change a checkbox selection (for example, Receives test message), select the
To change a date, type the date in the box using the mm/dd/yyyy format or select a
date from the Calendar. You can clear the date by selecting the Clear Value
checkbox. The date will be cleared after you save changes.
For more information about test contacts, see Define Test Contacts.
For more information about selecting email formats, see Specify a Preferred Email
3. Click Save and Close.
Define Test Contacts
Test contacts are people you've asked to provide feedback about emails before you send
them to all recipients. Campaigner sends emails to test contacts when you test an email
campaign (or when testing using the Email Campaign wizard).
You must define a contact as a test contact before testing an email campaign.
You view a list of contacts who have been defined as test contacts using a filter.
Note: If you personalize content in the email design, Campaigner substitutes values defined
for test contacts when testing merge fields.
Step to filter contacts to show only test contacts
On the Contacts tab, click All Test Contacts from the Show list.
Steps to define a test contact
1. On the Contacts tab, click the email address for the contact.
Alternatively, select a contact and click Edit from the Action bar.
2. Select Receives test messages.
3. Click Save and Close.
Specify a Preferred Email Format
When an email is available in both HTML and plain text email formats, Campaigner sends a
multi-part message comprised of both versions. The email interface for each recipient
displays the appropriate version based on the configuration of the email interface.
For any contact, you can override the email interface configuration. For example, in a sign up
form, a contact may have indicated a preference for the plain text email format. To ensure
that the contact receives emails in the preferred format, regardless of the email interface or
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Campaigner User Guide
its configuration, set the email format for the contact in Campaigner. Ensure you make this
change before sending email campaigns that include the contact as a recipient.
1. On the Contacts tab, click the email address for the contact.
Alternatively, select a contact and click Edit from the Action bar.
If you have many contacts, you can filter or sort the list to locate the contact.
2. In the Email Format list, click the email format you want the contact to receive.
3. Click Save and Close.
Search Contacts Using Filters
Over time, you may collect a significant number of contacts. The list on the Contacts tab may
span many pages. To quickly find specific contacts, filter this list to show only a subset of
contacts. For example, filter the list to show only contacts with a specific domain in the email
You can filter contacts by
selecting a preset filter or view
defining a simple search based on contact information only
defining an advanced search based on contact information, mailing lists, or segments
After filtering contacts, Campaigner shows the number of contacts that meet the filter criteria.
This number (referred to as items) is shown in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
You may want to create segments based on filtered results. For information about creating
segments based on filtered contacts, see Start the Create Segment Wizard.
After finding the contacts you're looking for, you can remove filters to display all contacts.
When no filter is applied, Campaigner updates the number of items shown in the lower lefthand corner of the screen to display the total number of contacts.
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Preset Filters and Views
The Contacts page provides a list of preset filters and views in the Show list.
Preset filters represent commonly-used values for finding contacts, as subscribed contacts or
unsubscribed contacts.
Views represent the most recent advanced search results, a mailing list, or a segment. After
using a mailing list or segment view, Campaigner adds it to a list of recently viewed mailing
lists and segments. This list will not be available until you use a mailing list or segment view.
Step to apply a preset filter
On the Contacts tab, click the filter from the Show list. For example, click All Test
Contacts to see only the contacts defined as test contacts.
Steps to use a view
1. On the Contacts tab, click the view from the Show list. For example, click Custom - Last
Advanced Search Results to view the contacts matching the criteria for the last advanced
search you defined.
2. For a mailing list or segment, from the Please Select list, click its name.
Simple Search
When you want to filter contacts based on contact information shown on the Contacts tab,
use a simple search. For example, search for contacts with a specific domain in their email
If you apply more than one filter, the results include only the contacts who match all the
filters. If you search for contacts with a specific domain in their email address and with a
status of Subscribed, only the contacts with both the specified domain and status are
Some contact fields may not be available for use as filter criteria.
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1. On the Contacts tab, ensure that the contact fields you want to use in the filter are shown
as columns in the contact list.
You show or hide contact fields using Show/Hide Fields.
2. For each contact field you want to filter by, set its value in the appropriate column's filter
To change a text value (for example, Email Address), type the value in the box.
To change a value in a list box (for example, Status), select the value from the list.
To change a date, type the date in the box using the mm/dd/yyyy format or select a
date from the Calendar. You can specify only an exact match to one day. For
example, you cannot specify a date range.
With one exception, Campaigner filters the contact list at the time that a filter value is set. For
text values, you must press Enter or click the cursor in another filter box to apply the filter.
Advanced Search
When you want to filter contacts based on contact information, mailing lists, or segments, use
an advanced search. For example, search for contacts with a specific domain in their email
address who are also in both a mailing list and segment you specify.
An advanced search is also useful when you want to search for contacts using multiple filters,
where you want results to show contacts who match any of the filters. For example, if you
search for contacts with a specific domain in their email address or with a status of
Subscribed, results include contacts with either the specified domain or status. (Results
include contacts with both the specified domain and status.)
Advanced search criteria uses any combination of these types of search groups:
Contact fields (such as Last Name, Phone Number or any custom contact fields)
Mailing lists or segments
For each search group, you define at least one filter. For example, for the contact fields
search group, define a filter that searches for "Smith" as the Last Name and a filter that
defines "HTML only" as the Email Format.
Here are the options you'll use to define search criteria:
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The following example shows the Mailing List/Segment filter group, with two filters. Because
the Match option is set to "All", contacts returned for this search must belong to both the
Contacts Added in the Last 30 Days segment and the New Subscribers mailing list.
If the Match option was set to "Any", then contacts for this segment must belong to the
Contacts Added in the Last 30 Days segment or the New Subscribers mailing list. Contacts
may belong to both the segment and the mailing list, but are not required to belong to both.
When more than one search group is used, the contacts returned for the search include
those who match all of the following:
at least one filter in search groups with the Match option set to "Any"
all filters in search groups with the Match option set to "All"
For example, the following criteria means that contacts must have an email address that
contains "mycompany" or "yourcompany". Contacts must also belong to both the Contacts
Added in the Last 30 Days segment and the New Subscribers mailing list.
For contact information filters, ensure you consider how you want blank values handled. For
example, assume that you've created a custom field for Gender and have defined a default
value of "Male". If a filter includes contacts who are male, the following occurs when contacts
are filtered when some contacts do not have a gender specified in their contact information:
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If you've selected Use Default Values for Blank Fields, then contacts without a value for
Gender will be included in the search results. The filter assumes that, if no value is
specified, the contact is male.
Campaigner User Guide
If you've cleared Use Default Values for Blank Fields, then contacts without a value for
Gender will not be included in the search results. The filter cannot determine whether
these contacts are male.
Steps to define an advanced search
1. On the Contacts tab, click Advanced Search.
2. From the Search Group list (labeled as "Search within"), click the arrow and select the
search group.
3. Click the Add Another Search Group link or button to the right of the Search Group list.
4. Define a filter for the first search group by clicking appropriate values from the option
5. If you want to add another filter for this search group, in the search group area, click the
Add Filter link or button.
6. If you want to define another search group and its filters, repeat Steps 2 to 5 using the
search group created in Step 3.
7. Repeat Steps 2 to 6 until you have defined all the search groups and their filters for this
advanced search.
Step to remove a filter
In the search group area, click the x button beside the filter.
If the search group contains only one filter and you delete it, Campaigner deletes the
search group area.
Remove All Filters
After filtering contacts using any method described in this topic, you can remove filters to
display all contacts.
Click Show All at the top of the contact list.
Sort Contacts
By default, Campaigner sorts contacts in ascending alphabetical order by email address. You
can sort the list of contacts to organize them using different criteria. For example, you can
sort by name.
You sort the list based on column headers, in ascending or descending order. To indicate
that a column has been sorted, Campaigner displays a Sort symbol beside the name of the
column header. This symbol indicates the sort order.
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1. On the Contacts tab, ensure that the contact field you want to sort on is a column in the
contact list.
Use Show/Hide fields to change the contact fields shown in the contacts list.
2. Click the column header.
Some column headers may not be available for sorting.
3. If you want to sort the list in descending order, click the Sort button in the column header.
Click this button a third time to remove sorting.
Unsubscribe Contacts Manually
If a contact asks (in person, by telephone, or by email) that you no longer communicate with
them by email, you must manually unsubscribe the contact. Campaigner removes the contact
from all mailing lists and changes the status to Unsubscribed.
You can manually unsubscribe more than one contact at a time.
If you only want to remove the contact from selected mailing lists, see Add or Remove
Contacts from Mailing Lists.
Note: Campaigner includes an unsubscribe option in every email sent as part of an email
campaign. Recipients can use this option to opt-out of specific mailing lists or opt-out of all
future email campaigns. This opt-out process is completed automatically by Campaigner.
1. On the Contacts tab, select the contact.
2. On the Action bar, click Unsubscribe.
3. Click OK.
Delete Contacts
You can delete contacts to remove them from Campaigner. For example, delete contacts with
a status of Hard Bounced. This status indicates that an email campaign wasn't delivered
successfully because of incorrect contact information (for example, it doesn't exist).
You can delete more than one contact at a time.
The Clean Contacts tool makes it easy for you to regularly prune your contacts. Use this tool
to quickly delete inactive (Unsubscribed, Hard Bounced, and older Pending) contacts.
Once a contact is deleted, it is no longer available from Campaigner. If you inadvertently
delete a contact, you must recreate it.
Steps to delete specific contacts
1. On the Contacts tab, select the contacts.
2. From the Action bar, click Delete.
3. Click Yes.
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Steps to delete contacts using the Clean Contacts tool
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Contacts sub-tab.
2. From the Action bar, click More, Clean Contacts.
The Clean Contacts dialog appears.
3. Select the checkbox(es) beside the type(s) of contacts you would like to delete.
4. Click Clean Now.
Export Contacts
You may find that contacts in Campaigner are useful to you in other applications. For
example, you may want to create a spreadsheet of your contacts to perform some analysis
on the data, such as determining where the largest percentage of contacts lives.
To use contact information in another application, export contacts from Campaigner. You can
export selected contacts or all contacts.
Contacts are exported to a file that uses the comma separated value (.csv) format. In this
format, each contact is represented by one row and each column represents one type of
information. The following example shows a .csv file that is open in a spreadsheet:
First Name
Last Name
Note: If you view a .csv file in a text editor, values are separated by commas.
1. On the Contacts tab, select the contacts.
2. From the Action bar, click More, Export.
3. Click Export.
4. Go to the Message Center to access the exported information.
Managing Contact Information
Overview of Contact Fields
Information that you collect for contacts is referred to as contact fields. Examples of contact
fields include Email Address and Last Name. You define values for contact fields when
adding or editing contacts. If you use contact fields on sign up forms, users provide values
when completing the form.
Campaigner includes several contact fields. These default fields, referred to as "standard
fields", include Email Address, First Name, Last Name, and so on. If you want to collect
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information that isn't represented by standard fields, create custom fields. For example, you
may want to create a custom field named Birthday to collect customers' birthdays, if available.
You can view a list of all contact fields, including both standard and custom fields, and their
default values (if defined).
View Contact Fields
The Fields tab on the Contacts tab lists standard and custom contact fields. For each contact
field, this list shows information about the field, such as its name and default value (if
If more custom fields are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse additional
Tip: To ensure that this list includes the most recently created custom fields, click Refresh on
the Action bar of the Contacts tab.
Types of Contact Fields
The field type for a contact field determines the data that can be provide as the value. For
example, if you create a Birthday custom field using the Calendar field type, the value you
provide for this contact in Campaigner or by a user when completing a sign up form must be
a date.
Contact field types include:
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Text Box
Numeric Box
Drop Down
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Text Box
This field type uses the text data type. When Campaigner displays a contact field with the text
box field type, a box appears beside the field name. In this box, alphanumeric values can be
typed, such as a person's first name or mailing address. A maximum of 150 alphanumeric
characters can be entered in a text box.
Numeric Box
This field type uses the numeric data type When Campaigner displays a contact field with the
numeric box field type, a box appears beside the field name. In this box, only numeric values
can be typed, such as a person's age (for example, 32) or number of cars owned (for
example, 1).
This field type uses the date data type When Campaigner displays a contact field with the
calendar field type, a box appears beside the field name, along with a Calendar symbol. In
this box, a date can be typed. Alternatively, a date can be selected from the Calendar. For
example, use the Calendar field type to specify a person's birthday.
Drop Down
This field type uses the text data type. When Campaigner displays a contact field with the
drop down field type, a box appears beside the field name, in which a set of values are listed.
From this list, one value can be selected. For example, use the drop down field type to
specify a contact's gender: "Female" or "Male".
This field type uses the true/false data type. When Campaigner displays a contact field with
the checkbox field type, a selection box appears beside the field name. This box is either
selected (a checkmark is displayed) or cleared. For example, use the checkbox field type to
specify whether a person is interested in receiving advance notice of promotions in a sign up
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Create Custom Contact Fields
If you want to collect information about contacts that isn't represented by standard contact
fields, create custom contact fields. For example, use a custom field to store birthdays or
gender, if provided to you.
Create a custom field by defining the following:
The name identifies the custom field when it is displayed. You can specify a label (such
as Birthday) or a phrase (such as "Provide your birthday").
The type determines how the value is specified. For example, use the Calendar type for a
Birthday contact field to collect a date.
default value (text box, numeric box, or checkbox field types only)
The default value is optional. However, we recommend that you define a default value
that will be meaningful to customers, particularly if you plan to use contact fields to
personalize emails or to include on sign up forms. For example, when sending a
personalized email, Campaigner uses the default value if no other value is defined. A
salutation intended to display the recipient's first name (such as "Hi Allison") displays the
default value if no first name is defined for a contact (such as "Hi subscriber").
list options (drop down field type only)
For drop down fields, you specify the options that will be available in the drop down list,
and how you want them stored in Campaigner's database.
For the current release, contact fields defined as drop down fields don't display any list
options. However, we recommend that you define options, which will be available in a
future release. If you don't define these options when creating the contact field, you will
need to recreate the field when options are available for display. Deleting contact fields
may cause you to lose their values.
Note: After creating a custom field, it will be available for all current and future contacts. To
provide a value for existing contacts, you will need to edit contact information.
For convenience and consistency, try to define custom contact fields before adding contacts.
Steps to create a custom field for the text box field
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. Click Create a Custom Field.
3. Type a name for the custom field.
4. Select the Text Box field type.
5. If you want to specify default text, type it in the Default Value box.
6. Click Create a New Field.
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Steps to create a custom field for the numeric box field
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. Click Create a Custom Field.
3. Type a name for the custom field.
4. Select the Numeric Box field type.
5. If you want to specify a default number, type it in the Default Value box.
Alternatively, you can use the arrows beside the box to select a value.
6. Click Create a New Field.
Steps to create a custom field for the calendar field
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. Click Create a Custom Field.
3. Type a name for the custom field.
4. Select the Calendar field type.
5. If you want to change the default date, type the date in the Default Value box.
Use the format mm/dd/yyyy (for example, 10/31/2009 to specify October 31st, 2009).
Alternatively, click the Calendar symbol and click the date.
6. Click Create a New Field.
Steps to create a custom field for the drop down field
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. Click Create a Custom Field.
3. Type a name for the custom field.
4. Select the Drop Down field type.
5. Specify the options that will be available in the drop down list, and how you want them
stored in Campaigner's database.
For each option, type a name and the value to be displayed to the user.
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To remove an option, click the X beside the option's Name and Value boxes.
If you want to add more than two options, click Add more items to list to add empty
Name and Value boxes.
6. Select the value to be displayed by default from the Default list.
7. Click Create a New Field.
Steps to create a custom field for the checkbox field
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. Click Create a Custom Field.
3. Type a name for the custom field.
4. Select the checkbox field type.
5. If you want to specify a default setting, select the checkbox.
The checkbox is set as selected when it displays a checkmark.
The checkbox is set as cleared when it doesn't display a checkmark.
6. Click Create a New Field.
Edit Contact Fields
Contact fields are comprised of a name, field type, and default value. Changes you can make
depend on the type of contact field:
For standard fields, you can change the default value.
For custom fields, you can change the name or the default value.
You cannot change the field type because values may already have been defined for
contacts. Changing the field type may cause a mismatch between the field type and the
existing data.
We recommend that you set a default value that will be meaningful to customers, particularly
if you plan to use contact fields to personalize emails. When sending a personalized email,
Campaigner uses the default value if no other value is defined. For example, a salutation
intended to display the recipient's first name (such as "Hi Allison") will use the default value if
no first name is defined for a contact (such as "Hi subscriber").
Steps to modify a custom field
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. In the Custom Fields area, click the custom field name.
Alternatively, click a custom field row, without clicking any links in the row. Click Edit from
the Action bar.
3. Change the name or default value, as required.
4. Click Update Field.
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Steps to modify the default value for a standard field
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. In the Standard Fields area, provide the new default value for the field.
The method of defining the default value depends on the field type. For example, for text
fields, type the value in the text box.
3. Click Save.
Delete Custom Contact Fields
You can delete any custom contact field. If this field has been defined for contacts, all values
are deleted.
If you inadvertently delete a custom contact field, you will need to recreate the field and
redefine values for all contacts for which you want the value stored.
You can delete only one custom contact field at a time.
You cannot delete standard fields.
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Fields tab.
2. Click the custom contact field row, without clicking links in the row.
3. Click Delete from the Action bar.
4. Click OK.
Grouping Contacts Using Mailing Lists
Overview of Mailing Lists
Want to see this? Watch the Grow and Manage Mailing Lists video tutorial.
Mailing lists provide an effective way to manage contacts by grouping subscribers based on
common characteristics (such as gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
You can build mailing lists several ways:
By assigning contacts to mailing lists when adding them to Campaigner
If you're adding multiple contacts at the same time, all contacts will be assigned to the
same mailing lists, which you select.
By selecting one or more existing contacts and assigning them to a new mailing list or an
existing mailing list
By collecting contacts using sign up forms that ask users to choose the mailing lists they
want to subscribe to.
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If contacts select mailing lists on the sign up form, Campaigner automatically adds
contacts to the selected mailing lists; otherwise, users are added as contacts without
being assigned to mailing lists.
A contact may be assigned to more than one mailing list. You can also choose not to assign
a contact to any mailing list.
You view mailing lists at any time. For example, you may to view the mailing lists and then
select one to see the contacts who belong to it.
Note: Campaigner monitors contact-related activity to ensure compliance with its Anti-SPAM
policy. Campaigner does not allow use of purchased mailing lists or other types of
inappropriate contact sources.
Mailing Lists and Segments
Segments can be used in combination with mailing lists or independently. For example, you
may want to send an email campaign to contacts in a Frequent Buyer mailing list, filtering
contacts to include only those who have made purchases in the last month.
You can add contacts to a mailing list from a segment, which is a useful way of keeping
mailing lists current. For example, you may have a mailing list for new contacts, which you
use to send information to help them become familiar with your services. Using a segment,
you can quickly identify contacts who have been recently defined in Campaigner, and then
add them to the mailing list for new contacts.
For information about segments, see Overview of Segments.
View Mailing Lists and their Contacts
You can view a list of mailing lists on the Mailing Lists tab of the Contacts tab.
This list shows the number of contacts assigned to each mailing list, whether or not each
mailing list is visible on subscription management forms, the date and time that each mailing
list was last changed, as well as the Sign Up form(s) associated to each mailing list.
For any mailing list, you can view its contacts.
Step to view contacts belonging to a mailing list
Click the name of a mailing list.
Campaigner displays the Contacts tab, with contacts filtered to show only those
belonging to the selected mailing list.
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Create a Mailing List
You create a mailing list by either:
selecting the contacts that you want to belong to it and providing a name for the
mailing list, or
using the Action bar.
When creating a mailing list, use a name that is appropriate for viewing by users. Mailing list
names may appear on sign up forms and pages used to unsubscribe from email
Steps to create a mailing list
1. Click the Contacts tab.
2. From the Action bar, click New, Mailing List.
The Create Mailing List dialog appears.
3. Type the name of the mailing list.
4. If you want this new mailing list to appear on subscription management forms, select the
Visible in forms checkbox.
5. Click OK.
Steps to create a mailing list by selecting contacts first
1. On the Contacts tab, select the contacts.
2. From the Action bar, click Add to Mailing List.
3. Type the name of the mailing list and click Add New Mailing List.
4. Select the mailing list
You can add the selected contacts to the new mailing list by selecting it, as well as any
existing mailing list.
5. Click Save.
Edit a Mailing List
You can change the name of a mailing list as well as its visibility settings (these determine
whether or not a mailing list will be shown in sign up or on subscription management forms).
Steps to change the name of a mailing list
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Mailing Lists tab.
2. Click the row in which the mailing list is displayed, without clicking any links in the row.
3. From the Action bar, click Edit.
The Edit Mailing List dialog appears.
4. Type the new name for the mailing list in the Mailing List Name field.
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5. Click OK.
Steps to change a mailing list's visibility settings
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Mailing Lists tab.
2. Click the row in which the mailing list is displayed, without clicking any links in the row.
3. From the Action bar, click Edit.
The Edit Mailing List dialog appears.
4. If you want the mailing list to appear on subscription management forms, select the
Visible in forms checkbox. Otherwise, clear the checkbox
5. Click OK.
Add or Remove Contacts from Mailing Lists
You can modify a mailing list by changing its contacts.
You can add contacts to a mailing list from the Contacts tab.
You can also add contacts from a segment. Only those contacts who currently meet the
segment criteria are added to the mailing list. This method of adding contacts is a good way
to keep mailing lists current. For example, use a segment to determine the contacts who are
in one mailing list, but not in another mailing list, and then and add segment results or a new
or existing mailing list, as required. For information about segments, see Overview of
You can remove any contact from any mailing list. The contact is removed from the mailing
list, but remains defined as a contact in Campaigner.
Steps to add contacts to a mailing list from the Contacts tab
1. On the Contacts tab, select the contacts.
2. From the Action bar, click Add to Mailing List.
3. Select the mailing lists that you want to add these contacts to and click Save.
If the mailing list doesn't exist, create one.
Steps to add contacts to a mailing list from a segment
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Segments tab.
2. In the segments row, select the segment without clicking any links in the row.
3. From the Action bar, click Add to Mailing List.
4. Select the mailing lists that you want to add these contacts to and click Save.
If the mailing list doesn't exist, create one.
Steps to remove contacts from a mailing list
1. On the Contacts tab, select the Mailing tab and click the name of the mailing list.
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Alternatively, from the Contacts tab, show contacts for this mailing list using the preset
mailing list filter in the Show list.
2. Select the contacts you want to remove from this mailing list.
3. From the Action bar, click More, Remove from Mailing List.
4. Click OK.
Delete a Mailing List
You can delete a mailing list. For example, you have discontinued a service, so you no longer
need its mailing list. Deleting a mailing list does not delete its contacts. If you want to delete
contacts in a mailing list, you must do this before deleting the mailing list (see Delete
You can delete more than one mailing list at a time.
Mailing lists associated with unsent email campaigns cannot be deleted.
Once a mailing list is deleted, it is no longer available from Campaigner. If you inadvertently
delete a mailing list, you must recreate it.
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Mailing Lists tab.
2. Click the mailing list row, without clicking any links in the row. To select multiple mailing
lists, press the Ctrl key and click each mailing list row, without clicking any links in the
3. From the Action bar, click Delete.
4. Click Delete.
Segmenting Contacts Using Filters
Overview of Segments
Segments filter contacts based on criteria you specify, which helps you more accurately send
targeted email campaigns to appropriate contacts. Providing relevant content to a focused
group of contacts builds strong customer relationships.
For example, you may have two types of contacts: potential customers or leads (people who
have not yet purchased your products or services) and existing customers. When choosing
recipients for an email campaign that offers an incentive for a first purchase, use a segment
that filters contacts to include only potential customers. Filtering out existing customers
means you aren't sending an email campaign to contacts who would receive no value from it.
Campaigner filters contacts when an email campaign is sent, which ensures that recipients
include only contacts who currently meet the segment criteria. You can view the current
contacts for a segment at any time.
Segment criteria uses any combination of these types of filter groups:
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Contact fields (such as Last Name or Phone Number)
You can also use custom contact fields. For example, you may have defined a custom
field that identifies whether a contact has made a purchase in the last month. You can
filter contacts based on the value of this custom field. Similarly, you can segment
contacts by region based on the area code value of phone numbers.
Email campaign activities (such as contacts who opened an email for an email campaign)
Mailing lists or segments (such as contacts who belong to specified mailing lists or
existing segments)
Sign up form usage (such as contacts who subscribed using specified sign up forms)
The number of segments you can create is determined by your account plan.
Segment and Mailing Lists
Segments can be used in combination with mailing lists or independently. For example, you
may want to send an email campaign to contacts in a Frequent Buyer mailing list, filtering
contacts to include only those who have made purchases in the last month.
You can add contacts to a mailing list from a segment, which is a useful way of keeping
mailing lists current. For example, use a segment to determine the contacts who are in one
mailing list, but not in another mailing list, and then and add segment results or a new or
existing mailing list, as required.
For information about mailing lists, see Overview of Mailing Lists.
Examples of Segments
There are many ways to use segments to achieve your email marketing objectives.
Segments provide a powerful way to select contacts who meet specific criteria. Campaigner
filters contacts based on the criteria when an email campaign is sent, which ensures that
recipients include only contacts who currently meet the criteria. You can view the current
contacts for a segment at any time.
This topic provides examples of how you can use segments to increase the relevance of
messages you send to contacts.
Send Previous Email Campaigns to New Contacts
You may have created an email campaign that you send to new contacts, providing
information about your products or services. Use a segment to filter contacts who have been
added to Campaigner since the last time you sent the email campaign.
Send Email Campaigns to Contacts Who Use Yahoo!
You may want to send an email campaign only to your contacts who use Yahoo! mail. Use a
segment to filter contacts based on their email address.
Send Email Campaigns to Contacts Who Have Made Recent Purchases
You may want to send an email campaign only to contacts who have made a purchase in the
last month. Use a segment to filter contacts based on their last purchase date.
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Note: In this case, you must have created a custom contact field for the last purchase date
and have provided a value for contacts. Other examples of custom contact fields that you
may find useful for segment filters are birthdays and gender.
Send Previous Email Campaigns to Recipients Who Soft Bounced
Sometimes, an email campaign cannot be delivered to a recipient because of temporary
issues. For example, the Inbox for that recipient may be full. Campaigner does not resent
email campaigns automatically to recipients where a soft bounce occurred. Use a segment to
filter recipients of a previously sent email campaign with a status of Soft Bounced.
Send an Email Campaign to Contacts Who Clicked a Specific Link in Previous
Email Campaign
Campaigner tracks activity related to links in email campaigns. After sending an email
campaign, you can review an email campaign report to identify recipients who clicked on
each link. You may want to send a followup email campaign to recipients who clicked on a
link about a particular service. Use a segment to filter contacts based on activity related to
this link.
Send an Email Campaign to Contacts Who Subscribed Using a Specific Sign Up
You may want to send an email campaign to contacts who subscribed using a specific sign
up form. For example, you may have posted a sign up form on the website of a business that
you partner with. Use a segment to filter contacts based on this sign up form.
Send an Email Campaign to Contacts Who are not in One or More Mailing Lists
You may want to send an email campaign to contacts who do not belong to existing mailing
lists. For example, you may have added contacts without assigning them to mailing lists. Use
a segment to filter contacts who are not in one or more mailing lists, and then add them to
appropriate mailing lists.
View or Select Segments
You can view a list of segments on the Segments tab of the Contacts tab.
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This list shows the name of each segment, as well as the date and time that the segment was
last changed.
From this list, you can
view properties for a selected segment, which include its name, description, number of
contacts who currently meet the segment criteria, and a summary of the segment criteria
view contacts who currently meet a segment's criteria
open a segment for editing
add contacts who currently meet the segment's criteria to a mailing list
copy a segment
delete a segment
Campaigner provides two default segments: Contacts Added or Updated Today and Contacts
Added in the Last 30 days. You can delete these segments if you don't plan to use them.
If more segments are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse additional
Step to select a segment
Click the segment row, without clicking any links in the row.
View Contacts for a Segment
Campaigner filters contacts using segment criteria when an email campaign is sent, which
ensures that recipients include only contacts who currently meet the segment criteria.
A segment's properties display the number of contacts who meet segment criteria:
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You can also view the contact information for contacts who meet the segment criteria.
To ensure the information provided about contacts is current, refresh the segment.
Step to refresh a segment
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Segments tab and select the segment.
2. In the Properties panel, click the Refresh button.
Step to view contact information for segment contacts
On the Segments tab, in the row for the segment, click View Contacts.
Campaigner displays the Contacts tab, with contacts filtered to show only those
belonging to the segment.
Creating Segments
What is the Create Segment Wizard?
Want to see this? Watch the Creating Segments video tutorial.
Use the Create Segment wizard to create and edit a segment. The Create Segment wizard
includes three steps:
Step 1: Identify the scope for the segment by choosing a filter group and a filter option,
which are used as the initial criteria that you build on in Step 2. You can change the initial
criteria in Step 2 if necessary.
Step 2: Define the criteria that will be used to filter contacts, building on initial criteria
provided by the wizard.
Step 3: Define segment details such as the name used to identify the segment.
The Create Segment wizard displays each step in the order listed.
Note: Depending on how you start the Create Segment wizard, it may begin at Step 2.
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Before Starting the Create Segment Wizard
You may it useful to do some preparation before staring the Create Segment wizard. In
particular, if you plan to create a segment based on contact information (such as birthdays),
ensure that the appropriate contact fields exist and have been assigned values.
Start the Create Segment Wizard
When you want to create a segment, use the Create Segment wizard. This wizard is
available from several locations in Campaigner, and the method you use depends on the
context in which you are working.
You can create a segment that retrieves contacts from your contact list based on criteria
you specify.
In this case, you'll start the wizard using the New command or the Create Segment
button available from several locations for convenient access.
You can create a segment based on a subset of contacts that Campaigner has already
retrieved. You can create a segment after filtering the contact list on the Contacts tab.
You can also create a segment based on report results when viewing most lower-level
contact or email campaign report. The only two reports that you cannot save results as
segments are the Hard Bounces report and the SPAM Complaints report.
In these cases, you'll start the wizard using a Save as Segment button that Campaigner
displays at an appropriate time.
For information about opening the Create Segment wizard to edit an existing segment, see
Edit a Segment.
Step to create a segment based on the contact list
On the Contacts tab, click New, Segment.
Campaigner opens Step 1 of the Create Segment wizard.
Tip: After you've defined your first segment, you can also click this button on the Segments
tab of the Contacts tab:
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Step to create a segment based on filtered contacts
From the Contacts tab after filtering contacts or a report window, click Save as Segment.
For example, here is the Save as Segment button when contacts are filtered on the
Contacts tab:
Campaigner opens Step 2 of the Create Segment wizard. Campaigner uses appropriate
values from the existing contact set instead of prompting you to provide values using
Step 1.
Step 1: Identify the Scope
The first step when creating a segment is to choose a filter group and a filter option. For
example, you can choose Contact Information as the filter group and select Email Address as
its filter option.
These selections are used as the initial criteria that you build on in Step 2. You can change
the initial criteria in Step 2 if necessary.
1. Click the filter group.
2. Click the option in the list shown in the right-hand panel.
3. This list shows commonly-used values. To view more values in this list, click More.
Step 2: Define the Criteria
The second step when creating a segment is to define the segment criteria that will be used
to filter contacts. The wizard displays initial criteria as a result of either selections that were
specified when you completed Step 1 of the wizard
determined by the wizard based on an existing set of filtered contacts
To define segment criteria, you may do any of the following:
modify the initial criteria
add one or more filter groups and at least one filter for each group
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Here are the options you'll use to define segment criteria:
The following example shows the Mailing List/Segment filter group with two filters. Because
the Match option is set to "All", contacts for this segment must belong to the Cookie
Newsletter mailing list, but not the My Newsletter mailing list.
If the Match option was set to "Any", then contacts for this segment must belong to the
Cookie Newsletter mailing list or not belong to the My Newsletter mailing list.
When more than one filter group is used, the segment includes contacts who match all of the
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at least one filter in filter groups with the Match option set to "Any"
all filters in filter groups with the Match option set to "All"
Campaigner User Guide
For example, the following criteria means that contacts must have an email address that
contains either "protus" or "campaigner". Contacts must also belong to both the Cookie
Newsletter and My Newsletter mailing lists.
As you define filters, you can view the number of contacts who meet the current criteria and
who have the status of Subscribed. This option is useful in determining when the criteria
filters contacts to an appropriate number. For example, if the number of contacts is 2 of 100,
then the filters may be too narrowly defined or too many of the contacts do not have the
status Subscribed. The number of contacts that is appropriate for a segment depends on
your email marketing goals.
For contact information filters, ensure you consider how you want blank values handled. For
example, assume that you've created a custom field for Gender and have defined a default
value of "Male". If a filter includes contacts who are male, the following occurs when contacts
are filtered when some contacts do not have a gender specified in their contact information:
If you've selected Use Default Values for Blank Fields, then contacts without a value for
Gender will be included in the segment. The filter assumes that, if no value is specified,
the contact is male.
If you've cleared Use Default Values for Blank Fields, then contacts without a value for
Gender will not be included in the segment. The filter cannot determine whether these
contacts are male.
Steps to add a filter group
1. From the Filter Group list, click the arrow and select the filter group.
2. Click the + button to the right of the Filter Group list.
Steps to add a filter to a filter group
1. In the filter group area, click the Add Filter link or button.
2. Click appropriate values from the option boxes.
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Step to remove a filter
In the filter group area, click the x button beside the filter.
If the filter group contains only one filter and you delete it, the wizard deletes the filter
group area.
Step to view the number of contacts that meet the current criteria
Click the Refresh button.
If you modify the criteria or change the selection for Use Default Values for Blank Fields,
the number is greyed out to indicate that it may no longer reflect the currently defined
Filter Examples
Filters are comprised of two or more options. The number and types of options available
depend on the type of filter group, as shown in the following examples.
Contact Information Filters
These filters are based on a contact field value, such as Last Name, Email, or Date Added to
List. Contact field values also include any custom contact fields you've defined.
The type and number of options available for contact information filters depend on the contact
field type (for example, text or drop-down field). Here are some examples:
Contact Field
Email Address
Ends with
Is not
Date Added
Is in the last
Email Campaign Activity Filters
These filters are based on an activity for an email campaign, such as Opened, Clicked Any
Link, or Soft Bounced. For these filters, you do not define the operator. The wizard
automatically displays the appropriate option based on the email activity you choose. Here
are some examples:
Email Activity
Did not open
Clicked Link
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contact us
June Newsletter
within email
Welcome Newsletter
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Mailing List//Segment Filters
These filters are based on the contents of mailing lists or segments. Here are some
Mailing List/Segment
Are in
Mailing List
Monthly Newsletter
Are not in
Sign Up Form Usage Filters
These filters are based on contact use of sign up forms. Here are some examples:
Sign Up Form
Newsletter Signup
Cookie Newsletter
9/10/2010 - 10/10/2010
Step 3: Provide Details
Segment details include the:
segment name that uniquely identifies this segment in Campaigner. A name is required
for every segment, and should meaningfully identify this segment to you.
segment description, such additional information to help you identify the segment.
segment criteria that provides a summary of the criteria that defines the segment
1. In the Segment Name box, type a unique name that meaningfully identifies this segment.
2. If you want to provide a description for the segment, type it In the Description box.
3. Click Finish.
If this is a new segment, it is added to the list on the Segments tab.
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Edit a Segment
You may need to make changes to an existing segment, such as modifying a filter. You make
changes to a segment by opening it in the Create Segment wizard, and then follow the wizard
to make the necessary changes.
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Segments tab.
2. Click the name of the segment.
3. Use the Create Segment wizard to make the necessary changes.
Copy a Segment
You can copy a segment to duplicate it. You can then customize the copy to conveniently
create a new segment.
Campaigner adds the copied segment to the list of segments on the Segments tab. To
identify the copy, Campaigner appends the number "1" to the name of the original segment.
For example, for an email campaign named "Gender - Male", the duplicate is named "Gender
- Male_1".
You can duplicate only one segment at a time.
1. On the Contacts tab, click the Segments tab and select the segment.
2. From the Action bar, click Copy.
3. Click OK.
Delete a Segment
You can delete a segment. For example, an email campaign is obsolete, so you no longer
need a segment that identifies contacts who clicked links in the email. Deleting a segment
does not delete contacts who belong to it.
In some cases, Campaigner notifies you that a segment cannot be deleted because of
dependencies on email campaigns or other segments. For example, you cannot delete a
segment that is currently defined as a recipient of a scheduled email campaign. However,
you can change the conditions that prevent the deletion (such as stopping a scheduled email
campaign) and then delete the segment.
If you delete a segment that is used by another segment, Campaigner warns you of the
dependency. This situation occurs when you use the Mailing List/Segment filter group and
select a segment as a filter option.
You can delete only one segment at a time.
Once a segment is deleted, it is no longer available from Campaigner. If you inadvertently
delete a segment, you must recreate it.
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1. On the Contacts tab, click the Segments tab and select the segment.
2. From the Action bar, click Delete.
3. If prompted to confirm that you want to delete the segment, click Yes.
4. Click OK.
Building Contacts Using Sign Up Forms
Overview of Sign Up Forms
Want to see this? Watch the Creating Sign Up Forms video tutorial.
Gathering new contacts is an important goal when growing your business. Providing users
with a way to subscribe to your email communications is an effective way to gather new
contacts while obtaining their permission to communicate with them.
Create sign up forms using Campaigner to give users a way to subscribe to your email
communications. For example, providing a sign up form on your website lets users submit
their contact information and indicate the types of email communications they want to receive
from you.
Submitting a sign up form initiates Campaigner's double opt-in subscription process. When
creating a sign up form, you will also define other subscription elements that are used in this
process, such as the message Campaigner displays to thank users for signing up. Because
subscription process elements are defined for each sign up form, you can customize them
based on the content of the sign up form. For example, the message that thanks users for
signing up can mention the types of information that the user has requested by completing
the sign up form. The Sign Up Form wizard guides you through the tasks for creating a sign
up form and related subscription process elements.
You can view a list of existing sign up forms at any time.
You can also edit sign up forms. For example, if you create a new mailing list to group
contacts who want to receive a newsletter, you may want to add the mailing list to an existing
sign up form.
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To help assess the effectiveness of a sign up form to build new contacts, you can view and
drill down on its usage statistics. For example, you can view the number of users who have
completed the sign up form.
Best Practices for Building Contacts
Use an Opt-In or Double Opt-In Subscription Process
People who subscribe to your email communications have given you their permission to
communicate with them by email.
Two types of subscription processes are commonly used:
An opt-in subscription process is a one-step process, where a person simply requests
email communications from you.
A double opt-in subscription process is a two-step process:
1. Potential users request email communications from you.
2. After making the request, users must confirm it.
Campaigner uses a double opt-in subscription process, as described in About Campaigner's
Double Opt-In Subscription Process. This higher-level of obtaining users' permission to
contact them helps protect your reputation.
Opt-Out Option for Unsubscribing
CAN-SPAM requires that you provide an unsubscribe option for existing subscribers to
request that you no longer contact them by email.
To minimize the number of unsubscribe requests, ensure that every email you send provides
value to its recipients. Value can mean content a recipient is interested in or a discount off a
product related to something they have already purchased. No matter how well-conceived
your message is, it is only useful to you if the recipients read and act on it.
About Campaigner's Double Opt-In Subscription Process
A double opt-in subscription process is a two-step process:
1. Potential users request email communications from you.
2. After making the request, users must confirm it.
Campaigner follows a double opt-in subscription process (referred to in this Help as the
"subscription process") for building contacts. This subscription process involves the following
series of actions:
1. The user completes the sign up form and submits it (for example, by clicking a Join
button on the form).
A sign up form always asks for the user's email address. Typically, a sign up form also
lets users choose the email communications they want to subscribe to, such as your
company newsletter, information about seasonal promotions, or weekly tips about
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By submitting the form, the user has requested (or opted-in to) email communications
from you, completing the first step in the subscription process.
2. Campaigner displays a Thank You message, such as the following:
Thank you for submitting your request to subscribe to our Monthly Promotions mailing
list. You will receive an email in which you will need to confirm your request.
3. Campaigner sends a plain text email to the email address provided by the user on the
sign up form. This email (referred to as the confirmation email) asks the user to click a
link (included in the email) to confirm their subscription request.
4. The user opens the confirmation email and clicks the confirmation link to confirm the
subscription request, completing the second step in the double opt-in subscription
Clicking the confirmation link also allows Campaigner to validate that the email address is
legitimate. Campaigner adds the user as a contact and assigns the contact to appropriate
mailing lists.
5. Campaigner displays a Welcome message, such as the following:
Welcome to our newsletter subscriptions. You should receive your first newsletter in the
first week of next month.
Tip: After submitting a sign up form, the user's status is Pending. When the user clicks the
confirmation link in the confirmation email, the status changes to Subscribed. You can view
the status for each contact in the list of contacts on the Contacts tab. A summary of contacts
by status is available in the contact reports.
Quality versus Quantity
When building contacts, remember that the quality of your customer base is as important as
the quantity of contacts. Use the following tips to reach contacts who will contribute to your
organization's success:
Invest the time and budget necessary to reach your target audience. As with any aspect
of your business, overinvesting without an adequate return can lead to failure.
When assessing potential contacts, keep in mind their potential revenue and lifetime
value, and choose accordingly.
Do not buy mailing lists.
Although this may seem like a good way to expand your potential customer base, you're
sending email to people who don’t know you. The majority of these people won’t read
your messages, and may even report your emails as SPAM, which can quickly ruin your
company's reputation.
Offer potential contacts something that they will value, instead of a prize.
For example, offer an incentive that is related to your business, such a newsletter, a free
seminar, or more information about your products or services. This type of incentive
appeals to users who will invest in your company somehow, not users who just want to
win a prize.
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Managing Sign Up Forms
Types of Sign Up Form States
A sign up form has one of the following states:
Using the Sign Up Form wizard, you created the sign up form and completed all the
wizard steps.
Using the Sign Up Form wizard, you started to create the sign up form, but have not
completed all of the wizard steps.
View Sign Up Forms
The Sign Up Forms tab lists the existing sign up forms:
This list shows the following information for each sign up form:
Sign Up Form Name shows the name you assigned when creating the sign up form. This
name doesn't appear to users. You can click the name to open the sign up form for
editing in the Sign Up Form wizard.
Status indicates the current state of the sign up form.
Associated mailing list(s) shows the mailing lists that are available from this sign up form.
Last Modified displays the date and time when you most recently made changes to this
sign up form.
For a selected sign up form, usage statistics provide information about the number of
subscribers who have completed steps in the double opt-in subscription process.
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If more sign up forms are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse
additional pages.
Edit a Sign Up Form
You may need to make changes to an existing sign up form. For example, you may want to
change the mailing lists available for selection on the sign up form.
Note: A sign up form is just one element of Campaigner's double opt-in subscription process.
Other subscription process elements (such as a thank you message for signing up) are
defined along with each sign up form. When you edit a sign up form, you can also edit these
other elements.
To make changes to a sign up form, open the sign up form in the Sign Up Form wizard. The
Sign Up Form wizard pages display the defined content, which you can modify as required.
You can edit any sign up form. You can edit only one sign up form at a time.
When you make changes to a sign up form, you don't need to repost it. Because all sign up
forms are hosted on Campaigner servers, the form is automatically updated with your
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the name of the sign up form.
3. Follow the Sign Up Form wizard, changing information on its pages as required.
Note: If you don't need to make changes to all wizard pages, you can exit the wizard without
going to the last page. However, to save changes on a page, you must click Next to display
to the next page. You can then click Cancel to exit the wizard.
Delete a Sign Up Form
You can delete sign up forms. For example, you may want to delete a sign up form for
communications related to a product you no longer support.
You can delete more than one sign up form at a time.
Before deleting a sign up form, ensure that it is not used in, or linked from, any website,
email, or other type of posting. If you delete a sign up form that is being used, it will appear as
missing content to users. The appearance of missing content depends on the web or email
interface used to view the sign up form.
If you delete a sign up form that is linked to a social campaign, the 'Join Our List' button is
automatically removed from the Campaigner Sharebar of all the affected social campaigns
(including email campaigns you've already sent, as well as those you haven't sent yet).
Once a sign up form is deleted, it is no longer available from Campaigner. If you inadvertently
delete a sign up form, you must recreate it.
1. Click the Forms tab.
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2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
3. From the Action bar, click Delete.
4. Click OK.
Create a Sign Up Form
Sign Up Form Wizard Overview
The Sign Up Form wizard guides you through the tasks for creating subscription process
elements. These tasks include:
defining the form name and choosing the mailing lists that users can choose to subscribe
to (if any)
designing the sign up form, such as adding the contact fields that users will complete to
provide their contact information and customizing colors
writing the Thank You message that Campaigner displays when users submit the sign up
defining the confirmation email that Campaigner automatically sends to users to confirm
their subscription request
writing the Welcome message that Campaigner displays to confirm that the user is
posting the sign up form to make it available to users (for example, adding it to your
Note: You also edit subscription process elements using the Sign Up Form wizard. For
information, see Edit a Sign Up Form.
Preview Subscription Process Elements
Campaigner's subscription process requires that you define several elements:
the sign up form
the thank you message
the confirmation message for the confirmation email
the welcome message
You can preview these elements at any time. For example, when writing the thank you
message, you may want to check which mailing lists you included on the sign up form before
referencing them in the message.
You can preview subscription process elements from the Sign Up Forms tab. You can also
preview elements while designing them.
Steps to preview subscription process elements from the Sign Up Forms tab
1. Click the Forms tab.
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2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
3. On the Action bar, click Preview.
Step to preview subscription process elements in the Sign Up Form wizard
Click Preview in the lower-left corner of the current page in the wizard.
This button is available from all wizard pages, except the first page where you define the
sign up form name and select its associated mailing lists.
Design Tools for Sign Up Forms
You create or edit sign up form elements using various tools. For example, you can apply a
border to the form and bold to text in the Thank You message.
This table describes the design tools available when working with sign up forms. These tools
function in a similar way as in the design editors.
Some tools may not be available for all sign up form elements.
Remove content in the editor.
Search text in the editor to find matches to text you specify. You can
search up or down from the current cursor position, as well as specify
case-sensitivity or whole word searches. You can specify text to replace
instances of the text specified.
Remove selected content and, if possible, store it in the Clipboard.
Copy selected content to the Clipboard, if possible.
Paste content at the cursor position. If no cursor position is available,
content is pasted at the beginning of the editor.
Paste content from Microsoft Word at the cursor position. If no cursor
position is available, content is pasted at the beginning of the editor.
Remove formatting from selected text.
Add a horizontal line (rule).
Inserts an image.
Edits a selected image.
Add a symbol that you choose.
Create a link at the cursor position or modify a selected link.
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Remove a selected link.
Insert a table at the cursor position.
Apply a font style that you choose to selected text.
Apply a font size that you choose to selected text.
Undo previous actions, in sequence. One action is undone each time the
tool is clicked.
Redo previous actions, in sequence. One action is redone each time the
tool is clicked.
Align selected content (or a paragraph in which the cursor is located)
based on a left-hand margin.
If the alignment doesn’t change, alignment may have already been
Align selected content (or a paragraph in which the cursor is located)
based on the vertical mid-point.
Align selected content (or a paragraph in which the cursor is located)
based on a right-hand margin.
Justify selected content (or a paragraph in which the cursor is located).
No justification.
Apply a color that you choose to selected text.
Highlight selected text using a color that you choose.
Select a color from a predefined palette.
Apply the bold font style to selected text. For example:
This is a sentence with using bold text.
Apply the italic font style to selected text. For example:
This is a sentence with using italic text.
Apply underlining to selected text. For example:
This is a sentence with using underlined text.
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Start the Sign Up Form Wizard
Use the Sign Up Form wizard to create a sign up form and its subscription process elements.
You can start the wizard from several locations in Campaigner. You may find it most
convenient to start the wizard from the Sign Up Forms tab.
For information about starting the Sign Up Form wizard to edit a sign up form and its
subscription process elements, see Edit a Sign Up Form.
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the following button:
Saving Information in the Sign Up Form Wizard
The Sign Up Form wizard saves information as you work. This means that if you quit the
wizard before completing the sign up form, any information you've already defined is
available when you return to the wizard at a later time.
Define the Sign Up Form Name and Mailing Lists
To begin defining a sign up form and its subscription process elements, you give the sign up
form a name and select its associated mailing lists. You can also choose an email address if
you want Campaigner to send a notification each time that a contact is added after
completing the subscription process.
The sign up form name is used only to help you identify it within Campaigner. For example,
the Sign Up Forms tab lists all sign up forms by name. This name is never displayed to users
of sign up forms.
A sign up form's mailing lists are those that users will be assigned to after completing the
subscription process. Mailing lists provide an effective way to manage contacts by grouping
subscribers based on common characteristics (such as gender) or interests (such as new
products or promotions). You can
choose the mailing lists that users will be added to automatically. If you don't select any
mailing lists for a sign up form, users are added as contacts to Campaigner, but are not
assigned to any mailing list.
provide a list on the sign up form that users can select from.
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 1), in the Sign Up Form Name box, type a name that
meaningfully identifies this sign up form to you.
For information about starting the wizard, see Start the Sign Up Form Wizard.
2. Do one of the following:
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If you want to add users automatically to mailing lists, click Automatically add
subscribers to mailing list(s) below. Select any mailing lists to which users will
automatically be assigned.
If you don't select any mailing lists, users will be added as contacts without being
assigned to mailing lists.
If you want users to choose the mailing lists they want to subscribe to, click Allow
subscribers to choose the mailing lists. In the Mailing List column, select the
mailing lists to list on the sign up form. In the Default Selection column, select any
mailing lists that you want selected by default on the sign up form.
If you want to change the default instruction that describes to users how to select
mailing lists, type it in the Message Text box.
If more mailing lists are available than can be shown at once, you can browse the list
using the paging buttons below the list. You can also choose to increase or decrease
the number of mailing lists shown by changing the page size.
If you need to create a mailing list, type the mailing list name in the text box beside
the Add New Mailing List button and click the button.
3. If you want Campaigner to send an email notification each time that a user completes the
subscription process, select Send an email each time a new subscriber is added via
this form. Click the email address to which Campaigner will send the notification.
If the email address you want to use is not listed, click Manage Email Addresses. Type
the email address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the email
address before you can continue to Step 4.
4. Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Design the Sign Up Form
Overview of Designing the Sign Up Form
Design a visually appealing sign up form that collects the information you need from users.
In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 2), you see the sign up form editor, along with content you
can add (header, footer, and contact fields) and formatting tools. As you design the sign up
form, the editor shows you what the user will see when using the form.
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To design a sign up form, you can
add and organize contact fields for the information you want to gather from each contact.
The Email contact field, used to gather email addresses, is required and cannot be
removed from the sign up form.
define a header or footer (or both a header and footer), which are typically used to
describe to the user the purpose of the sign up form or how to complete it. You can also
include images, such as your company logo, in headers or footers.
format text, such as its font or alignment
choose a color theme from which you can apply selected colors to the sign up form
border, background, contact field names, and so on. Any existing colors you've applied
are not changed if you choose a new color theme.
customize the button that users will click to submit the form (referred to as the Submit
button) by choosing the button color and text (such as Submit or Join Up)
You can preview the current design of the sign up form, along with other elements of the
double opt-in subscription process to which it belongs.
When working in this editor, changes are not saved automatically. Changes are saved only
when you click Next to go to the next page of the Sign Up Form wizard. If you don't want to
complete the design in one session, ensure that you go to the next page and then click
Cancel to exit the wizard.
Add and Organize Contact Fields
A sign up form asks users to provide contact information, as well as any other information
you want to collect. This information must include the user's email address, but you may also
want gather first and last names, or birth dates.
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Campaigner lists the contact fields that you can add to a sign up form in the left panel beside
the sign up form editor. This panel lists
common (or standard) fields, which are contact fields included with Campaigner by
custom fields, which are contact fields you define to collect information not represented
by common fields (for example, birthdays).
For information about contact fields, including how to create custom fields, see Overview of
Contact Fields.
Note: For convenience, you can create custom contact fields on an adhoc basis when
designing a sign up form. However, we recommend that you create all custom fields when
setting up Campaigner.
You can change the order of contact fields on the sign up form. You may find it easiest to
organize contact fields after adding all the ones you want to include on the sign up form.
You can also require that users provide a value for any contact field. When filling out the sign
up form, users will not be able to submit it until they provide values for all required fields. If
users try to submit a form without providing all required fields, Campaigner displays an error
You can preview the current design of the sign up form, along with other subscription process
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 2), open the list of common or custom contact fields
using the symbol on the right side of the folder.
You can open only one list at a time.
2. In the common or custom fields folder, click Add>> for each contact field you want to
include on the sign up form.
To remove a contact field, click <<Remove.
3. If you want to change the order of contact fields, click the up or down button to the left of
each contact field on the sign up form.
4. If you want to specify that a contact field requires a value before the sign up form can be
submitted, click asterisk beside the contact field on the sign up form.
The asterisk appears in the color orange for required fields.
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5. Do one of the following:
Continue to design the sign up form by defining a header or footer, formatting text,
customizing colors, or customizing the Submit button.
Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Define a Header or Footer
A sign up form's header includes text at the top of the form while the footer displays text at
the bottom of the form.
Because the header appears before any contact fields, it is a good place to identify the
purpose of the sign up form or the value of subscribing to your email communications. You
can also use this area to provide any information that users need to fill it out and submit it to
The footer is useful for providing information about what users can expect after submitting the
You can include images in headers and footers. For example, you may want to include your
company logo.
You cannot change the position of the header or footer on a sign up form.
You can preview the current design of the sign up form, along with other subscription process
You can define headers and footer using a design view or an HTML view. If you're familiar
with HTML codes, you may prefer to make some changes by editing the code directly. If you
aren't familiar with HTML, many resources are available on the Internet to help you learn
about the codes.
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Steps to define a header or footer in Design view
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 2), click the Edit button beside Header or Footer.
For information about starting the wizard, see Start the Sign Up Form Wizard.
2. Type the header or footer text.
3. Apply formatting to the text, as required.
For example, select text and click the Bold button to apply boldface to the text.
4. Click Save.
5. Do one of the following:
Continue to design the sign up form by adding and organizing contact fields,
formatting text, customizing colors, or customizing the Submit button.
Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Format Text
You can format the following text elements on a sign up form:
the names of contact fields
the message text that introduces the mailing lists, if selected
the names of mailing lists
The same text formatting options are applied to all the text elements. Formatting options
You can preview the current design of the sign up form, along with other subscription process
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Steps to apply text formatting
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 2), select a formatting option:
For example, select the Times New Roman font.
2. Do one of the following:
Continue to design the sign up form by adding and organizing contact fields, defining
a header or footer, customizing colors, or customizing the Submit button.
Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Customize Colors
You can customize many colors in a sign up form. For convenience, you can choose colors
from color themes, which are sets of preselected, coordinating colors. Experiment with the
available themes to find a set of colors that you like.
When you choose a color theme, the corresponding color palette can be used to define text,
background and button colors. You can change any default color for a sign up form element
by selecting a different color from the color theme. In the following example, the color theme
is named "Foundry". Sign up form elements such as the border color, form text color, and so
on use colors from this color theme.
If you change the color theme after applying colors to elements, those colors are not
changed. Only elements using the default color of the previous color theme are updated to
use default colors for the current color theme.
You can preview the current design of the sign up form, along with other subscription process
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 2), in the Color Theme box, click the name of the color
2. For each sign up form element, click the color that you want to apply.
For example, to change the sign up form's background color, click a color from the
Background Color box.
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3. Do one of the following:
Continue to design the sign up form by adding and organizing contact fields, defining
a header or footer, formatting text, or customizing the Submit button.
Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Customize the Submit Button
The button that users will click to return a completed sign up form is referred to as the Submit
button. Every sign up form includes this button, which is named Join, by default. You can
customize name of this button. For example, you may want to change the text from Join to
Subscribe or Sign Up.
In addition to customizing the button name, you can change the color of the name text and
the button background. When changing button colors, available colors are determined by the
selected color theme.
You can preview the current design of the sign up form, along with other subscription process
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 2), if you want to change the button text, type the text
in the Button Text box.
2. If you want to change the button text color, click the arrow in the Button Text Color box
and click the color.
3. If you want to change the button background color, click the arrow in the Button Color box
and click the color.
4. Do one of the following:
Continue to design the sign up form by adding and organizing contact fields, defining
a header or footer, formatting text, or customizing colors.
Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Write the Thank You Message
By submitting a sign up form, users have completed the first step in Campaigner's
subscription process. To acknowledge a user's request for email communications from you,
Campaigner displays a Thank You message in the user's web browser.
You define the content in the Thank You message. It's a good idea to let subscribers know
that they will receive an email soon, and that they will need to click a link in this email before
the subscription process is finished. Including details about the sender of the email and its
subject can also be helpful to users.
You can also include images, such as your company logo, in this message.
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Here is an example of a Thank You message:
Thank you for signing up for our newsletter. You will receive a confirmation email
message soon. You will need to click a confirmation link in this email message to
complete the subscription process.
You can preview the Thank You message, along with other subscription process elements.
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 3), in the text box, type the Thank You message.
2. Apply formatting to the text, as required.
For example, select text and click the Bold button to apply boldface to the text.
3. Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Define the Confirmation Email
The second opt-in requirement in Campaigner's subscription process involves users
confirming their request for email communications from you. (The first opt-in requirement is
completed when users submit a sign up form.) After receiving a completed sign up form
submission, Campaigner sends a plain text email to the email address provided on the form.
This plain text email is referred to as the confirmation email, and includes a link that the user
clicks to confirm the request for email communications. In addition to confirming their
subscription request, clicking the link allows Campaigner to verify that the user's email
address is valid.
You define the confirmation email header and message that Campaigner will send when
users submit the sign up form you have designed.
When defining the email header, choose the email address that identifies the sender. You
can add an email address that is not in the list. However, you will need to wait to continue
using the wizard until Campaigner verifies the email address. To avoid delays, we
recommend that you verify email addresses when setting up Campaigner.
The confirmation email message typically explains to the subscriber that they must click the
confirmation link to complete the sign up process. For example:
Please confirm your subscription by clicking on the following link:
Campaigner automatically includes the confirmation link at the end of the message when
sending the email.
You can preview the confirmation email message, along with other subscription process
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 4), in the Sender Name box, type a user-friendly name
that your customers will recognize (such as The Cookie Company).
2. In the Sender Address box, select the email address associated with the Sender Name
(such as
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If the email address you want to use is not listed, click Manage Emails. Type the email
address and click Submit. You must wait for Campaigner to verify the email address
before you can continue to Step 3.
3. In the Email Subject box, type a description of the email content that is accurate.
4. Type the confirmation email message, describing that the user must click the
confirmation link to complete the sign up process.
5. Click Next to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
Write the Welcome Message
After a user clicks the link in the confirmation email, Campaigner displays a Welcome
message in the user's web browser.
In this step, you define the content for this message. In addition to confirming that users are
now subscribed, use this message as an opportunity to welcome them and to outline what
they can expect as a subscriber. For example:
Thank you for confirming your subscription request. Welcome to the Cookie Company
Newsletter. You will receive this newsletter at the beginning of each month.
You can also include images, such as your company logo, in this message.
You can preview the Welcome message, along with other subscription process elements.
1. In the Sign Up Form wizard (Step 5), in the text box, type the Welcome message.
2. Apply formatting to the text, as required.
For example, select text and click the Bold button to apply boldface to the text.
3. Click Finish to go to the next step of the Sign Up Form wizard.
What's Next?
To indicate that you have completed the email design, the Sign Up Form wizard displays the
options for posting the sign up form. For information about these options, see Post a Sign Up
You are not required to post the sign up form at this time. If you do not want to post the form,
click the Close button. You can easily obtain posting instructions at a later time using the
Posting Instructions button on the Action bar of the Sign Up Form tab.
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Post a Sign Up Form
Posting Sign Up Forms Overview
After creating the sign up form and other content for the double opt-in subscription process,
you need to make the sign up form available to users.
Making the sign up form available is sometimes referred to as posting it. Options for posting a
sign up form are displayed automatically when you complete the Sign Up Form wizard. If you
choose not to post the sign up form when completing the wizard, you can access the posting
information from the Sign Up Forms tab.
There are several options for posting sign up forms. You can display the sign up form
in a new or popup window.
For example, you can include a link on a website or in an email message. When a user
clicks the link, the sign up form is displayed in a new window.
Tip: Go to this URL to access the actual sign up form and try it out before providing
access to users.
Similarly, you can send an email message that includes a text link or button link. When a
user clicks the link, the sign up form is displayed in a popup window. For example, to
conserve space on your website's "Contact Us" page, include a Sign Up Now button.
Clicking the button displays a popup window showing the sign up form.
inline on a website or other publicly accessible web location, such as Facebook.
You can add the form to your website by either embedding an iframe, Basic WebPage
HTML, or Full WebPage HTML. An iframe is a frame within a webpage. If the frame
content is larger than can be displayed within the frame, horizontal or vertical scroll bars
are provided. Full WebPage HTML is the HTML code necessary for a complete, hosted
form on a webpage. For more information about iframes, Basic WebPage HTML and Full
WebPage HTML, use the many resources available on the Internet.
You can add the form to your Facebook fan page using Basic WebPage HTML.
Guidelines for Posting Sign Up Forms
When choosing the option for posting a sign up form, Campaigner produces content that you
use to make the form available to users. For example, if you choose to include the sign up
form using a direct link on your website, Campaigner produces the link that you copy to your
The following table describes the options and the considerations for choosing one that is
appropriate for your situation. In general, we recommend that you use a direct link, pop-over
text link, pop-over image link, or inline form using iframe. Other options are intended for users
with advanced knowledge of HTML and website hosting practices.
Direct link
Campaigner User Guide
This option is the simplest way to
integrate the sign up form. You
only need to add the link
When a user clicks the link in a
browser, the sign up form
replaces the current website
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produced by Campaigner to the
Pop-over Text
Because the sign up form is
hosted by Campaigner, changes
made in the Sign Up Form editor
are automatically applied online.
You don't need to republish the
form displayed to users.
Content produced by Campaigner
uses a JavaScript pop-over so
the original website view remains
Image link
Inline form
using iframe
Full WebPage
Page 178
Requires more expertise to
integrate the link.
Browsers may be configured to
block pop-up windows.
Because the sign up form is
hosted by Campaigner, changes
made in the Sign Up Form editor
are automatically applied online.
You don't need to republish the
form displayed to users.
HTML produced by Campaigner
is minimal to make the sign up
form available inline on the
iframes are not supported by all
online services or browsers.
They may be blocked or
Because the sign up form is
hosted by Campaigner, changes
made in the Sign Up Form editor
are automatically applied online.
You don't need to republish the
form displayed to users.
Sign up form displayed in
iframes may not be an
appropriate size for display on
the website.
HTML produced by Campaigner
can be customized after adding it
to the website.
Of all options, this one requires
the most expertise to integrate
the HTML.
Must be maintained and kept
synchronized if changes are
made to the sign up form using
the Sign Up Form editor. For
example, if you add a field to the
form, you must make
corresponding updates to the
customized HTML.
Requires more expertise to
This HTML is very basic, with no
JavaScript, and is generally the
Campaigner User Guide
integrate the HTML.
most compatible.
Use if the Full WebPage HTML
option doesn't work.
Must be maintained and kept
synchronized if changes are
made to the sign up form using
the Sign Up Form editor. For
example, if you add a field to the
form, you must make
corresponding updates to the
customized HTML.
Provides less robust controls for
entering data, such as calendar
fields. No JavaScript is
Display a Sign Up Form in Another Window
You can make sign up forms available to users when they click links to display the sign up
forms. For example, an email message may include a link that, when clicked by the user,
displays a page showing the sign up form.
You can use a direct link, text pop-up link, or button pop-up link.
Depending on the type of link you choose, the sign up form is displayed in a new window or a
popup window. For information to help you choose the most appropriate option, see
Guidelines for Posting Sign Up Forms.
Steps to display posting instructions for a sign up form
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
3. From the Action bar, click Posting Instructions.
Steps to include a link to a sign up form in a new window
1. On the Posting Instructions page, click Use a Direct link (not a pop-up).
2. Select and copy all content in the text box.
For example, select and copy all of the following:
3. In the web page or email, place the cursor at the location where you want the link to be
4. Paste the copied content.
5. Preview the web page or email message to ensure that the link appears in the location
you intended and that it displays the appropriate sign up form.
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Steps to post a sign up form in a popup window
1. On the Posting Instructions page, do one of the following:
If you want users to click a text link to display the sign up form, click Use Text Popup Link and type the text that you want to represent the link.
If you want users to click a button to display the sign up form, click Use a Button
Pop-up Link and click the button that you want to represent the link for the popup
window that will display the sign up form.
2. If you want to change the dimensions of the pop up window, change the width or height
values in the text box.
For example, change the value "600" to change the width of the form and the value "550"
to change the height of the form:
Place the following code in your HTML page between <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags:
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
function PopWindow (url) {
var prams = 'menubar=0,location=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,width=600,height=550';
newWin =,'',prams);
3. In the text box, select (by pressing CTRL-A) the content that identifies the <HEAD> code
and copy the selection (by pressing CTRL-C).
You can include the instructions, as well.
An example of the instructions and <HEAD> code is shown in Step 2.
4. Open the HTML view of the web page in which the text or button link will be displayed
and do the following:
Place the cursor in the HTML code, between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags.
If you are unsure of where to place the cursor, place it immediately before the
</HTML> tag.
Paste the copied content.
5. In Campaigner's Posting Instructions page, in the text box, select and copy the content
that identifies the <BODY> code.
You can include the instructions, as well.
For example, select and copy all of the following:
Place the following code in your HTML page between <BODY> and </BODY> where you
would like to show the link or button:
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10006800")'><img src="" /></a>
6. In the HTML view of the web page in which the text or button link will be displayed, do the
Place the cursor between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags where you want the text
or button link to be displayed.
Paste the copied content.
7. Preview the web page to ensure that the text or button link appears in the location you
intended and that it displays the appropriate sign up form.
Display a Sign Up Form Inline
You can make sign up forms available to users inline from an online location. For example,
you can display a sign up form inline on your website's "Contact Us" page.
You can use an iframe, Basic WebPage HTML, or Full WebPage HTML.
For information to help you choose the most appropriate option, see Guidelines for Posting
Sign Up Forms.
Steps to display posting instructions for a sign up form
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
3. From the Action bar, click Posting Instructions.
Steps to post a sign up form inline using an iframe
1. On the Posting Instructions page, click Use an iframe to embed as an inline form.
2. If you want to change the dimensions of the sign up form when it is displayed, change the
width or height values in the text box.
For example, change the value "525" to change the width of the form and the value "400"
to change the height of the form:
<iframe src=
width="525" height"=400">If you can see this, your browser doesn't understand IFRAME.
Please use supported browser</iframe>
3. Select (by pressing CTRL-A) and copy (by pressing CTRL-C) all content in the text box.
4. Open the HTML view of the web page in which the sign up form will be displayed.
5. In the HTML view of the web page, place the cursor where you want the sign up form to
be displayed.
6. Paste the copied content.
7. Preview the web page to ensure that the appropriate sign up form is displayed in the
location you intended.
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Steps to post a sign up form using Full WebPage HTML or Basic WebPage HTML
1. On the Posting Instructions page, click the appropriate option:
Use full WebPage HTML to include on your Website.
Use Basic WebPage HTML to include on your Website.
2. Select (by pressing CTRL-A) and copy (by pressing CTRL-C) all content in the text box.
3. On your website, create a new page in the appropriate location where you want the sign
up form to be available.
4. Paste the copied content.
5. Preview the web page to ensure that the appropriate sign up form is displayed in the
location you intended.
Work with Usage Statistics
Overview of Usage Statistics for Sign Up Forms
To help you assess the effectiveness of a sign up form in building new contacts, Campaigner
provides the following statistics for each sign up form:
the number of times that the sign up form has been displayed
the number of users who have submitted a sign up form to request email communications
from you. Submitting this form completes the first step of the double opt-in subscription
These users have not clicked the confirmation link in the confirmation email sent by
Campaigner when the sign up form was submitted.
the number of users who have clicked the confirmation link in the confirmation email sent
by Campaigner. Clicking this link completes the second step of the double opt-in
subscription process by confirming their request to receive email communications from
the number of users who have been added to the mailing lists associated with the sign up
form. (Once added to Campaigner, users or subscribers are referred to as contacts.)
For some statistics, you can view lower-level details, such as the contacts who were added to
Campaigner (or to mailing lists) using this sign up form.
In addition to viewing usage statistics to understand metrics, you can print or export them.
You may want to print or export statistics to keep a record of them at a particular time or to
distribute to other stakeholders.
View Usage Statistics
You can view usage statistics for one sign up form at a time. Statistics for a selected sign up
form appear below the list of sign up forms on the Sign Up Form tab.
Steps to view usage statistics for a sign up form
1. Click the Forms tab.
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2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
View Summary and Detail Usage Statistics
You can view lower-level details about several usage statistics, which is referred to as
"drilling down" on the statistic.
The following details are available:
the contact information for users who have submitted the sign up form, the status of each
user, and the date and time that each user submitted the sign up form.
the contact information for users who have confirmed their subscription request, and the
status of each user. Users confirm their request by clicking the confirmation link in the
confirmation email sent by Campaigner. The date and time that each user clicked the
confirmation link is also provided.
the number of contacts added to each mailing list associated with this sign up form. For
each mailing list, you can also view the contact information for its users, and the date and
time that each user was assigned to the mailing list.
For lower-level details that provide more than one column of information, you can sort
If more entries are available than can be shown on one page, you can browse pages.
Steps to drill down on usage statistics for a sign up form
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
3. Click the description of the usage statistic that you want to drill down on.
For example, to view contact information for users who have submitted the sign up form,
and the date and time that each user submitted the sign up, click Form
completed/confirmation email sent.
If you click Contacts Added to Mailing Lists, Campaigner lists all the mailing lists
associated with this sign up form and the number of users subscribed to each mailing list.
You can click the number to view contact information for its users, and the date and time
that each user was assigned to the mailing list.
4. When you have finished viewing the details, click Close.
Print or Export Usage Statistics
You can print or export usage statistics for a sign up form. You may want to print or export
statistics to keep a record of them at a particular time or to distribute to other stakeholders.
Steps to print usage statistics for a sign up form
1. Click the Forms tab.
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2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
3. From the Action bar, click More, Print Usage Statistics.
4. Follow the prompts, which depend on your web browser, as well as your printer and its
Steps to export usage statistics for a sign up form
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Sign Up Forms tab, click the sign up form row, without clicking any links in the
3. From the Action bar, click More, Export Usage Statistics.
4. Close the message indicating that the export process is complete.
5. Go to the Message Center to access the exported information.
Using Subscription Management Forms
Overview of Subscription Management Forms
Subscription management forms provide contacts with a way to modify their subscriptions to
your email communications (such as adding themselves to or removing themselves from your
various mailing lists), to update their information, and to unsubscribe from all your email
Each subscription management form group is comprised of 6 forms that all work together to
cover the different aspects of subscription management. These forms are:
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Update Preferences Form
This form is linked from within an email and allows recipients to update their information,
including email address and possibly opt in or out of mailing lists.
Thank You Page
This page is shown when a recipient updates their email address or other information
using the Update Preferences form.
Unsubscribe Form
This form is linked from within an email and allows recipients to unsubscribe and be
removed from all future emails you send.
Unsubscribed Page
This message is shown when a recipient successfully unsubscribes from your emails.
Email Change Confirmation
This email message is sent after a recipient updates their email address and informs
them to check their email to confirm the address change.
Email Changed Page
This message is shown when a recipient successfully confirms their email address.
You can view a list of existing subscription management form groups at any time.
You can also edit individual subscription management forms. If you add a new contact field
that you would like to begin capturing information for, like birth date for example, you may
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want to add the field to the Update Preferences Form in an existing subscription management
form group.
Recipients can access these forms exclusively using links within the email campaigns you
send them, which, unlike sign up forms, cannot be linked to from a website.
Managing Subscription Management Forms
View Subscription Management Forms
The Subscription Management Forms tab lists the existing subscription management form
This list shows the following information for each subscription management form group:
Group Name shows the name you assigned when creating the subscription management
form group. This name doesn't appear to users. You can click the name to open the
subscription management form group for editing.
Mailing List(s) Shown shows the mailing lists that are available on the Update
Preferences Form in this subscription management form group.
Last Modified displays the date and time when you most recently made changes to one
or more of the forms of this subscription management form group.
Edit a Subscription Management Form
You may need to make changes to an existing subscription management form group or one
of its form elements. For example, you may want to change the fields a contact can update
on the Update Preferences Form.
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Note: A subscription management form group is a collection of forms that all work together to
cover the various aspects of subscription management. Other subscription management form
elements (such as a Thank You message for updating preferences or unsubscribing) are
defined for each subscription management form group. When you edit a subscription
management form group, you can edit all these form elements.
To make changes to a subscription management form group or its form elements, go to the
Subscription Management Form Options page (shown below). The Subscription Management
Form Options page displays each form element and its defined content, which you can
modify as required.
You can edit any subscription management form group or form element. You can edit only
one subscription management form group or form element at a time.
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Subscription Management Forms tab, click the name of the subscription
management form group.
3. To change the subscription management form group's name, type a new name or edit
the text in the Subscription Management Form Group name field.
4. To change information on a form element, move your cursor over the form element on
the Subscription Management Form Options page and click the Edit button that appears
over it.
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Delete a Subscription Management Form
You can delete subscription management form groups. For example, you may want to delete
a subscription management form group for communications related to a product you no
longer support.
You can only delete one subscription management form group at a time.
If a contact clicks on an update preferences or unsubscribe link for a subscription
management form group that was deleted, they will be forwarded to a default subscription
management form.
Once a subscription management form group is deleted, it is no longer available from
Campaigner. If you inadvertently delete a subscription management form group, you must
recreate it.
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Subscription Management Forms tab, click the subscription management form
group row, without clicking any links in the row.
3. From the Action bar, click Delete.
4. Click OK.
Create a Subscription Management Form
Preview Subscription Management Form Elements
Subscription management within Campaigner is comprised of several form elements:
Update Preferences Form
Thank You Page
Unsubscribe Form
Unsubscribed Page
Email Change Confirmation
Email Changed Page
You can preview these form elements at any time.
You can preview form elements from the Subscription Management Options page. You can
also preview form elements while designing them.
Steps to preview form elements from the Subscription Management Options page
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Subscription Management Forms tab, click the name of the subscription
management form group.
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3. On the Subscription Management Options page, click the form element you wish to
4. On the Action bar, click Preview.
Step to preview form elements in the form editor
Click Preview on the Action bar.
Design Tools for Subscription Management Forms
The Subscription Management Forms editor uses content blocks to break up the contents of
each form element. Everything inside a content block can be edited, just like in the Smart
Email Builder.
You create or edit subscription management form elements using the various tools found in
the subscription management form toolbar. For example, you can bold text on the Thank You
page. These tools function in a similar way as in the design editors.
Subscription management form toolbar
This table lists the design tools available when working with subscription management forms.
Some tools may not be available for all form elements.
Font size
Align left
Align center
Align right
Font color
Bullet list
Erase formatting
Numbered list
Link tool
Unlink tool
Insert symbol
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The Subscription Management Forms editor also introduces a unique tool: the gripper. The
gripper's presence signifies that the list rows can be individually grabbed and dragged to a
new location (reordered).
To move rows around in a list that features the gripper tool, do the following:
1. Click anywhere in the row and hold the mouse button down. You can only move one row at a
2. Drag the row to where you want it to be in the list.
3. Release the mouse button.
The selected row will skip to the new location.
Create a new Subscription Management Form Group
You can create a new subscription management form group from several locations in
Campaigner. You may find it most convenient to start from the Subscription Management
Forms tab.
For information about viewing the Subscription Management Form Options page to edit the
form elements of a specific subscription management form group, see Edit a Subscription
Management Form.
1. Click the Forms tab.
2. On the Subscription Management Forms tab, click the following button:
Define the Subscription Management Form Group Name
To begin defining a subscription management form group and its form elements, you give the
subscription management form group a name.
The subscription management form group name is used only to help you identify it within
Campaigner. For example, the Subscription Management Forms tab lists all subscription
management form groups by name. This name is never displayed to users of subscription
management forms.
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On the Subscription Management Form Options page, in the Subscription Management
Form Group name box, type a name that meaningfully identifies this subscription
management form group to you.
For information about creating a new subscription management form group see Create a new
Subscription Management Form Group.
Design the Subscription Management Form Elements
Design the Update Preferences form
This form is linked from within an email and allows recipients to update their information,
including email address and possibly opt in or out of mailing lists.
The Update Preferences form editor shows you content you can add and formatting tools. As
you design the Update Preferences form, the editor shows you what the user will see when
using the form.
To design the Update Preferences form, you can
add a logo, change the form's title and/or update the text description of the header.
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select the mailing lists you want contacts to have access to. Contacts will be able to add
or remove themselves from these mailing lists but not unsubscribe from all lists.
select the fields you want your contacts to be able to update.
change the Update button text, unsubscribe link text, and/or add social media links to the
form's footer.
You can preview the current design of the Update Preferences form.
When working in this editor, changes are not saved automatically. Changes are saved only
when you click Save or Done.
To save your work and exit the Update Preferences form editor in one action, click Done.
You will be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
To exit the Update Preferences form editor without saving your changes, click Cancel. You
will be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
Steps to select which mailing lists you want contacts to have access to
1. In the Update Preferences form editor, in the preview, click the Mailing Lists content
block. If you can't see it, hover your mouse over the area just below the Header content
2. Click in the Sub-title box to enter new sub-title for the section. What you type here will
replace the default text.
3. Select one of the following options:
Show all visible lists
All mailing lists marked as visible will be displayed on the Update Preferences
Do not show any lists
No mailing lists will be displayed on the Update Preferences form and the subtitle text will not appear. Note: Choosing this option will prevent users from
opting in or out of your mailing lists via this particular Update Preferences form.
Select lists to show
Allows you to choose which mailing list(s) will be displayed on the Update
Preferences form. To choose the mailing list(s):
1. Click the Select lists button.
The Select Mailing Lists dialog appears.
2. Select the checkbox(es) beside the mailing list(s) you want the Update
Preferences form to include. If you need to, you can create a new
mailing list on this step as well.
3. Click Next.
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4. If you want to change the order in which the selected mailing lists will be
listed on the Update Preferences form, you can do so by clicking and
dragging individual rows to a new location in the list.
5. Click Done.
Steps to select which fields you want contacts to be able to update
1. In the Update Preferences form editor, in the preview, click the Fields content block.
2. Click in the Sub-title box to enter new sub-title for the section. What you type here will
replace the default text.
3. Select the standard contact fields you want to display on the Update Preferences form.
Note: The Email contact field is required and cannot be removed from the Update
Preferences form. To add other contact fields that do not appear in the list of standard
contact fields:
1. Click the Customize fields button.
The Customize Fields dialog appears.
2. Select the checkbox(es) beside the field(s) you want the Update
Preferences form to include.
3. Click Next.
4. If you want to change the order in which the selected fields will be listed
on the Update Preferences form, you can do so by clicking and dragging
individual rows to a new location in the list.
5. Click Done.
Design the Thank You page
This page is shown when a recipient updates their email address or other information using
the Update Preferences form.
The Thank You page editor shows you content you can add and formatting tools. As you
design the Thank You page, the editor shows you what the user will see when viewing the
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To design the Thank You page, you can:
add a logo.
change the page title.
update the text content.
add a timed URL redirect, which will automatically take the user to the specified
web location after the specified time has elapsed. For example, you may wish to
redirect the user to your company website.
You can preview the current design of the Thank You page.
When working in this editor, changes are not saved automatically. Changes are saved only
when you click Save or Done.
To save your work and exit the Thank You page editor in one action, click Done. You will be
returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
To exit the Thank You page editor without saving your changes, click Cancel. You will be
returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
Design the Email Change Confirmation email
This email message is sent after a recipient updates their email address and informs them to
check their email to confirm the address change.
The Email Change Confirmation email editor shows you content you can add and formatting
tools. As you design the Email Change Confirmation email, the editor shows you what the
user will see when viewing the email.
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To design the Email Change Confirmation email, you can:
add email header information including from name, from address, and subject.
add a logo.
change the page title.
update the text content.
Note: The confirmation link referred to below the text content is automatically inserted by
Campaigner each time the email is sent.
You can preview the current design of the Email Change Confirmation email.
When working in this editor, changes are not saved automatically. Changes are saved only
when you click Save or Done.
To save your work and exit the Email Change Confirmation email editor in one action, click
Done. You will be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
To exit the Email Change Confirmation email editor without saving your changes, click
Cancel. You will be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
Design the Email Changed page
This message is shown when a recipient successfully confirms their email address.
The Email Changed page editor shows you content you can add and formatting tools. As you
design the Email Changed page, the editor shows you what the user will see when viewing
the page.
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To design the Email Changed page, you can:
add a logo.
change the page title.
update the text content.
add a timed URL redirect, which will automatically take the user to the specified web
location after the specified time has elapsed. For example, you may wish to redirect
the user to your company website.
You can preview the current design of the Email Changed page.
When working in this editor, changes are not saved automatically. Changes are saved only
when you click Save or Done.
To save your work and exit the Email Changed page editor in one action, click Done. You
will be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
To exit the Email Changed page editor without saving your changes, click Cancel. You will
be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
Design the Unsubscribe form
This form is linked from within an email and allows recipients to unsubscribe and be removed
from all future emails you send.
The Unsubscribe form editor shows you content you can add and formatting tools. As you
design the Unsubscribe form, the editor shows you what the user will see when using the
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To design the Unsubscribe form, you can
add a logo, change the form's title and/or update the text description of the header.
change the Unsubscribe from All button text.
change the Update Preferences form link text.
add social media links to the form's footer.
You can preview the current design of the Unsubscribe form.
When working in this editor, changes are not saved automatically. Changes are saved only
when you click Save or Done.
To save your work and exit the Unsubscribe form editor in one action, click Done. You will
be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
To exit the Unsubscribe form editor without saving your changes, click Cancel. You will be
returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
Design the Unsubscribed page
This message is shown when a recipient successfully unsubscribes from receiving your
The Unsubscribed page editor shows you content you can add and formatting tools. As you
design the Unsubscribed page, the editor shows you what the user will see when viewing the
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To design the Unsubscribed page, you can:
add a logo.
change the page title.
update the text content.
add a timed URL redirect, which will automatically take the user to the specified web
location after the specified time has elapsed. For example, you may wish to redirect
the user to your company website.
You can preview the current design of the Unsubscribed page.
When working in this editor, changes are not saved automatically. Changes are saved only
when you click Save or Done.
To save your work and exit the Unsubscribed page editor in one action, click Done. You will
be returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
To exit the Unsubscribed page editor without saving your changes, click Cancel. You will be
returned to the Subscription Management Form Options page.
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Select Recipients for Email Campaigns
Recipients Overview
Recipients are the people that you want to send your email campaign to.
You select recipients for an email campaign from contacts that are defined in Campaigner.
You must add contacts to Campaigner before you can select them as recipients. Ensure that
you follow best practices when choosing recipients for your email campaigns.
Best Practices for Recipients
Here are a few guidelines to make sure that recipients you select for email campaigns don’t
consider them to be SPAM:
Add a sign up form to your website so you can start collecting subscribers. Through the
sign up process, people give you permission to contact them.
Understand your users to determine the type of email you want to send and how often
you want to send it. For example, users are more likely to open and read a short
message on a weekly basis than a lengthy newsletter.
Use a subject line that clearly reflects the purpose and content of the email. Honesty in
the subject line not only builds trust with your customers, but also, increases the
likelihood that they’ll open, read, and act on the email.
Develop strong, relevant content to ensure that users see your messages as valuable
information that benefits them.
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Select Recipients from Contacts
Want to see this? Watch the Sending Email Campaigns video tutorial.
Before you can send an email campaign, you must choose its recipients from contacts. You
can select either
all contacts
contacts belonging to one or more mailing lists, segments, or a combination of mailing
lists and segments
Campaigner sends the email campaign to contacts who exist when the email campaign is
sent, regardless of when you select its recipients. For example, assume that an email
campaign is scheduled to be sent tomorrow, and its recipient is the Cookie Newsletter mailing
list. Any additional contacts that you assign to the mailing list will receive the email, even
though you assigned them to the mailing list after it was selected it as a recipient for this
email campaign.
You can select recipients only for email campaigns in the Draft state. If an email campaign is
in the Schedule state, you must first stop the schedule, which changes the state to Draft.
Before choosing recipients, you must have already defined contacts in Campaigner.
Steps to choose recipients for an email campaign for the first time
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row.
The email campaign must be in the Draft state.
2. From the Action bar, click Recipients.
Alternatively, in the last column of the row for the email campaign, click the Recipients
3. Do one of the following and click OK:
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If you want to select all contacts as recipients, click All contacts.
If you want to select contacts belonging to one or more mailing lists or segments,
click Mailing lists and/or segments. From the appropriate tabs, select the mailing
lists or segments. You can select more than one mailing list or segment by pressing
the Ctrl key when selecting rows. To select all mailing lists or segments, select the
checkbox in the first column of the mailing list or segment header row.
Campaigner User Guide
You make these selections from this prompt:
Steps to change recipients for an email campaign
1. If the email campaign has been scheduled to send, in the last column of the row for the
email campaign, click the Stop Send link.
2. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row.
3. From the Action bar, click Recipients.
Alternatively, in Recipients column of the row for the email campaign, click the link that
represents the current recipients.
4. Do one of the following:
If you want to select all contacts as recipients, click All contacts.
If you want to select contacts belonging to one or more mailing lists or segments,
click Mailing lists and/or segments. From the appropriate tabs, select the mailing
lists or segments. You can select more than one mailing list or segment by selecting
the checkboxes on the left of each row. To select all mailing lists or segments, select
the checkbox in the first column of the mailing list or segment header row.
5. Click OK.
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Schedule or Send Email Campaigns
Overview of Sending Email Campaigns
Want to see this? Watch the Sending Email Campaigns video tutorial.
After creating the email and selecting recipients, you can send the email immediately.
However, consider when the best time is for recipients to receive the message. For example,
if a particular product will be in high-demand at a certain time of year, you may want to
promote the product in advance, reminding your customers not to leave their purchase to the
last minute. Because it's important that recipients receive emails at the right time, you can
choose to schedule emails to be sent at a later time.
send the email campaign immediately
schedule the email campaign to be sent at a future date and time that you specify
When an email is available in both email formats (HTML and plain text), Campaigner sends a
multi-part message comprised of both versions. The email interface for each recipient
displays the appropriate version based on the configuration of the email interface. For any
contact, you can override this configuration by specifying an email format before sending an
email campaign.
Campaigner sends a notification to the Message Center that indicates whether the email
campaign was successfully sent. If an issue occurred that prevented the email campaign
from being sent, the notification suggests that you contact Customer Support for help to
resolve the issue. For example, you may have already sent the maximum number of email
campaigns for your current account plan.
After sending an email campaign, Campaigner may lock the Contacts tab if our Postmaster
team needs to investigate a deliverability issue. If your Contacts tab isn't locked, but many
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soft bounces occur, you may want to use email campaign reports to investigate the problem.
For example, recipients may be reporting your email as SPAM.
Best Practices for Sending Email Campaigns
Here are a few guidelines to make sure that recipients you send email campaigns to don't
consider them to be SPAM:
Add a sign up form to your website so you can start collecting subscribers. Through the
sign up process, people give you permission to contact them.
Send email campaigns only to subscribed users. For users who don’t use your sign up
form (for example, people who give you business cards at tradeshows), send them an
email asking for their permission to add them as a subscriber.
Understand your users to determine the type of email you want to send and how often
you want to send it. For example, users are more likely to open and read a short
message on a weekly basis than a lengthy newsletter.
After sending an email campaign, use metrics to evaluate its effectiveness. For example,
Campaigner reports help you determine how many contacts opened the email and either
clicked through to your website or unsubscribed.
Schedule an Email Campaign
There may be times when you have completed an email campaign, but you don't want to
send it immediately. For example, you may create a Valentine’s Day email campaign in
January, but you want Campaigner to send it on a date and time in February that you specify.
You can schedule an email campaign if it is in the Draft state. When you schedule an email
campaign, the date and time that you specify are shown for the email campaign in the email
campaign list on the Email Campaigns tab. If you need to change the default time zone, use
the Account Settings options from the Account menu.
You can stop the scheduled send at any time before Campaigner sends it. Stopping a
scheduled email campaign deletes the schedule and sets the status to Draft.
When Campaigner sends the email campaign, it notifies you by email. Once an email
campaign is sent, you cannot retrieve it to make changes.
Steps to schedule an email campaign
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row.
2. From the Action bar, click Schedule & Send.
Alternatively, in the last column of the row for the email campaign, click the Schedule &
Send link.
3. Click Schedule to send later.
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4. From the Date box, type the month, day, and year that you want the email campaign sent
using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Alternatively, click the Calendar symbol and click the date:
5. From the Time box, type the time of day that you want the email campaign sent using the
format h:mm AM/PM (for example, 10:30 AM).
Alternatively, click the Clock symbol and click the hour:
6. Click Send.
Stop a Scheduled Email Campaign
If you want to make changes to an email campaign that has been scheduled to be sent, you
must stop it. For example, you may want to change the recipients for a scheduled email
You can stop a scheduled email campaign at any time before Campaigner starts to send it.
(Depending on the complexity of the email campaign, Campaigner may not be able to send it
Stopping a scheduled email campaign changes its status from Scheduled to Draft. After
making changes, you must schedule the email campaign again or send it immediately.
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1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row.
2. In the last column of the row for the email campaign, click the Stop Send link.
3. Click OK.
Send an Email Campaign
You can send an email campaign immediately, if it is in the Draft or Scheduled state and you
have selected recipients.
Campaigner provides a ten-minute delay to give you time to stop the email campaign if you
want to make any last-minute changes. During this delay interval, the status of the email
campaign is Scheduled.
When Campaigner sends the email campaign, it notifies you by email. Once an email
campaign is sent, you cannot retrieve it to make changes.
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, if the email campaign has been scheduled to send, in the
last column of the row for the email campaign, click the Stop Send link.
2. Click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in the row.
3. From the Action bar, click Schedule & Send.
Alternatively, in the last column of the row for the email campaign, click the Schedule &
Send link.
4. Click Send Now.
5. Click Send.
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Manage Email Campaigns
Overview of Managing Email Campaigns
You can access your email campaigns to
view their current status (for example, whether they have been sent)
select or change recipients for email campaigns with the Draft or Scheduled status
edit email campaigns with the Incomplete or Draft status
test deliverability and obtain feedback before sending them
duplicate them to create copies that you can use to create new or customized versions
view properties that summarize the important status, addressing and date information
filter or sort email campaigns to help organize or search them
delete email campaigns
Tip: You can view a summary of recently modified email campaigns or activity for the last
email campaign sent on the Dashboard.
View Status and Activity for Recent Email Campaigns
The Dashboard includes two panels that show important information for an at-a-glance
The Recently Modified Campaigns panel shows the last several email campaigns that
have been created or modified. This panel is useful when you want a quick summary of
an email campaign's name, status, or date and time that the most recent modifications
were made. If you need more information about a particular email campaign, you can
view an email summary.
The Last Email Campaign Activity panel shows activity for the most recently sent email
campaign, with a bar chart that graphically represents email campaign statistics. The
name, color, and numeric data for each status appear beside the chart. A more detailed
version of this email campaign activity is available in an email campaign report.
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Step to go to the Email Campaign report
On the Dashboard, in the Last Email Campaign Activity panel, click More.
Types of Email Campaign States
An email campaign has one of the following states:
You have started to create an email campaign, but quit the Smart Email Builder or Email
Campaign wizard (in the Full Email Editor) before completing the steps.
You have created the email for the email campaign, completing all steps of the Smart
Email Builder or Email Campaign wizard.
You have scheduled the email campaign to be sent at a later date and time.
If you need to make changes to the email or recipients for a scheduled email campaign,
you must first stop it.
You have sent the email campaign. A report is available for this email campaign. If you
want to send this email campaign again or reuse it in another way, duplicate it to create a
View Email Campaigns
The Email Campaigns tab lists your email campaigns:
This list shows the following information for each email campaign:
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Name shows the name you assigned when creating the email campaign. This name
doesn't appear to recipients.
Subject shows the email subject line you specified when creating the email campaign.
Status indicates the current state of the email campaign.
Campaigner User Guide
Recipients indicates who you have selected to receive this email campaign, if any.
Recipients may be represented by mailing lists, which provide an effective way to
manage contacts by grouping subscribers based on common characteristics (such as
gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
Scheduled provides the date and time when this email campaign is scheduled to be sent
or when it was sent.
Last Modified displays the date and time when you most recently made changes to this
email campaign.
Action shows the actions you can take. For example, for email campaigns in the Draft
state where no recipients have been chosen, this column displays a Recipients link.
Select this link to choose recipients.
You can refresh this list to ensure that it shows the most recent email campaigns by clicking
Refresh under the More menu on the Action bar.
If more email campaigns are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse
additional pages.
If you want to view a subset of email campaigns in this list, you can filter this list. You can
also sort the list. For example, sort the Schedule column to see email campaigns in the order
they are scheduled to be sent.
View a Summary of an Email Campaign
For any email campaign, you can view a summary of the email, recipients, and send (or
schedule) information. For convenience, you can preview, test, and toggle Social Sharing for
the email from this summary.
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Here, you can see the summary for an email campaign in the Sent state. The summary
shows information about the email (including a preview of the design and list of details) and
the recipients who have been selected.
Depending on the state, you may also be able to make changes, such as editing the email or
modifying the recipients.
Step to view a summary
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On the Email Campaigns tab, click the name of the email campaign.
Campaigner User Guide
Change an Email Campaign
You may need to make changes to an existing email campaign, such as changing the subject
line in the email header, a color in the email design, or its recipients. The easiest way to
make changes to any aspect of an email campaign is from the Email Campaign summary:
The changes that you can make to an email campaign depend on its state. For example, in
the Draft state, you can edit the email and its details, view the selected recipients, and
schedule or send the email campaign. In the Sent state, you can view a report of real-time
activity, such as the number and names of recipients who have opened the email.
Tip: If you want to make changes in these areas for an email campaign that has been sent,
duplicate the email campaign and then edit the copy.
1. Open the email campaign summary.
2. Use the options on the Email Summary to access areas you want to change. For
To edit an email design, click Edit Email. This option is available only in the
Incomplete or Draft states.
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To edit the subject line for an email, click Edit Details. This option is available only in
the Incomplete or Draft states.
To change or add recipients, click Select Recipients. This option is available only in
the Draft state.
To toggle Social Sharing options, click Settings.
To send the email campaign, click Schedule and Send. This option is available only
in the Draft state and when recipients have been selected.
Duplicate an Email Campaign
You can duplicate an email campaign to conveniently create a copy that you can use to
create a new or customized version of the existing campaign. For example, early in the
fashion season, you may have sent an email campaign introducing a new clothing line. At the
end of the season, you may want to offer discounts on this clothing line. Instead of creating a
new campaign, you can copy the existing campaign and make the changes necessary to
identify the discount.
When you duplicate an email campaign, Campaigner displays the email summary for the
copy, from which you can make changes. To identify the copy, Campaigner appends the
number "1" to the name of the original email campaign. For example, for an email campaign
named "Summer Clothing Promotion", the duplicate is named "Summer Clothing
You can duplicate only one email campaign at a time.
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row.
2. From the Action bar, click More, Duplicate.
3. Click OK.
Search Email Campaigns Using Filters
Over time, you may create a significant number of email campaigns, resulting in a long list of
email campaigns in the Email Campaigns tab. To help you find specific email campaigns in
this list, you can filter the list based on the email campaign information shown. For example,
you can filter the list based on the Incomplete status to show only email campaigns in that
state. If you apply more than one filter, the results include only the email campaigns that
match all the filters.
The Email Campaigns tab indicates the total number of email campaigns. This number
appears in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. If you filter the list of email campaigns,
Campaigner updates this number to show the current number of email campaigns in the list.
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1. For each piece of email campaign information you want to filter by, set its value in the
appropriate column's filter box:
To change a text value (for example, Subject), type the value in the box.
To change a value in a list box (for example, Status), select the value from the
2. Press Enter or click the cursor in another filter box to apply the filter.
Step to show all email campaigns by removing all active filters
On the Email Campaigns tab, on the right of the filter row, click the Clear All Search
Filters icon.
Sort Email Campaigns
By default, Campaigner lists email campaigns in ascending order based on the modified date
(the date and time that the email campaign was last modified). You can sort the list of email
campaigns to organize them using different criteria. For example, you can sort by schedule to
list email campaigns in the order they are scheduled to be sent.
You sort the list based on column headers, in ascending or descending order. To indicate
that a column has been sorted, Campaigner displays a Sort symbol beside the name of the
column header. This symbol indicates the sort order.
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the column header that you want to sort on.
2. If you want to sort the list in descending order, click the Sort button in the column header.
Clicking this button a third time removes the sort.
Delete an Email Campaign
You can delete email campaigns. For example, you may want to delete all email campaigns
that you sent more than one year ago.
You can delete any email campaign in the Incomplete, Draft, or Scheduled state. If the email
campaign is in the Scheduled state, you must first stop the schedule. You can delete more
than one email campaign at a time.
Once an email campaign is deleted, it is no longer available from Campaigner. If you
inadvertently delete an email campaign, you must recreate it.
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When deleting campaigns, you can choose to also delete all associated email campaign
reports. If you delete a campaign but not its report(s), the report(s) will remain available after
the campaign is deleted.
When you delete a Social Sharing-enabled campaign, the online version of that campaign is
deleted as well. Visitors attempting to view the page will see a generic content unavailable
message in its place.
1. On the Email Campaigns tab, click the email campaign row, without clicking any links in
the row. To select multiple campaigns, use one of the methods below:
Press the Ctrl key and click each email campaign row, without clicking any links
in the row.
Select the checkbox beside each email campaign row.
2. From the Action bar, click Delete.
3. If you wish to delete all reports associated with the listed campaign(s), select the Delete
the associated report(s) checkbox.
4. Click OK.
Create, Edit and Manage Autoresponders
Overview of Autoresponders
Autoresponders are automated emails that are sent based on specific contact actions or on specific timebased schedules. They can be scheduled to send indefinitely or within a given time frame.
Autoresponder reports provide detailed, real-time statistics on how the autoresponder is performing.
Autoresponders have 3 major components:
The autoresponder email. This is the email that the autoresponder will send to contacts when
the autoresponder criteria are met.
The autoresponder criteria. This is what determines which contacts will receive a copy of the
autoresponder email and, in some cases, when they will receive it.
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A schedule. This is what determines the autoresponder's activity period, i.e. when it will start
and when/if it will stop.
You must create an autoresponder email and define the autoresponder criteria before you can set a
Learn more about:
Types of autoresponders
Autoresponder templates
Creating an autoresponder
Types of Autoresponders
You can create two types of autoresponders:
Recurring autoresponders send emails at a specific day and time on a recurring basis. These
autoresponders are suitable for birthday emails, renewal notices, and other recurring messages. Note
that these autoresponders rely primarily on the date (calendar) fields you track within Campaigner for
each contact (for example, to create a recurring autoresponder that sends an email to your contacts on
their birthday each year, you need to have or create a custom field containing each contact’s birth date).
Triggered autoresponders send emails to contacts when they take specific actions that relate to your list
or to your emails. For example, you can create a triggered autoresponder that will send an email to any
contact that clicks a particular link in one of your recently-sent email campaigns. Triggered
autoresponders are suitable for welcome emails, special promotions based on action, and other
reactionary messages.
Autoresponder States
An autoresponder has one of the following states:
The autoresponder is missing something that it needs in order to be activated. For example, a newlycreated autoresponder will stay in this status until you create an email design for it.
Schedule not set
The autoresponder is ready to be activated.
The autoresponder is active and will begin sending emails at the specified date and time. While the
autoresponder is in this status, you can stop it and change its schedule freely.
The autoresponder is currently active and sending emails (based on the criteria you specified). While the
autoresponder is in this status, any changes you make to it will pause the schedule.
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Schedule paused
The autoresponder is active, but it is not currently sending emails. An autoresponder enters this status if
you choose to make changes to it while it is in ‘Sending’ status. Once your edits are complete, you will
need to either resume the existing schedule or reschedule the autoresponder in order to continue.
Schedule complete
The autoresponder has successfully reached the specified end criteria (e.g. specific date and time or
number of iterations) and has stopped sending emails. A report is available for the autoresponder. To
reactivate an autoresponder in this status, simply give it a new schedule.
View Autoresponders
The Autoresponders tab lists your autoresponders in two sub-tabs (one for each type of autoresponder
you can create):
The list under each sub-tab shows the following information for each autoresponder:
Name shows the name you assigned when creating the autoresponder. This name doesn’t
appear to recipients.
Email Subject (Recurring sub-tab only) displays the subject line of the email that the
autoresponder will send.
Template shows which autoresponder template you used when creating the autoresponder. This
tells you what the autoresponder’s basic purpose is.
Status indicates the current state of the autoresponder.
Last Modified displays the date and time when you most recently made changes to the
Last Email Sent displays the date and time when the autoresponder last sent an email to one or
more contacts.
Action shows the actions you can take. For example, for autoresponders in ‘Sending’ or
‘Schedule complete’ status, this column displays a ‘View reports’ link. Select this link to view the
autoresponder report.
You can refresh this list to ensure that it shows the most recent email campaigns by clicking Refresh
under the More menu on the Action bar.
If more autoresponders are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse additional pages. If
you want to view a subset of autoresponders in this list, you can sort the list by clicking on the column
View a Summary of an Autoresponder
For any autoresponder, you can view a summary of the email, criteria, and schedule information. For
convenience, you can view reports and/or edit trackable links from this summary.
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Here, you can see the summary for an autoresponder in ‘Sending’ status. The summary shows
information about the email (including a preview of the design and the email details), the criteria, as well
as the current schedule.
Depending on the state of the autoresponder, you may also be able to make changes such as editing the
email or modifying the criteria.
Step to view a summary
On the Autoresponders tab, under one of the two sub-tabs, click the name of the autoresponder.
Change an Autoresponder
You may need to make changes to an existing autoresponder, such as changing the subject line in the
email header, a color in the email design, or its criteria. The easiest way to make changes to any aspect
of an autoresponder is from the autoresponder summary:
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The changes that you can make to an autoresponder depend on its state. For example, in the 'Schedule
not set' state, you can edit the email and its details, edit the criteria, and schedule the autoresponder. In
the 'Sending' state, you can view a report of real-time activity, such as the number of recipients who have
opened the email.
Important: If you change an autoresponder that is in the 'Sending' state, its schedule will be paused until
you either resume the original schedule or assign a new schedule. While an autoresponder is paused, it
does not send emails. To resume the existing schedule or to assign a new a new schedule, you can
click the Set Schedule or Edit Schedule buttons on the autoresponder summary, or
click the Edit Schedule link in the autoresponder row on the Autoresponders tab.
When you change an autoresponder, changes the criteria are managed in the Autoresponder Editor, and
changes to the email design and details are managed within the Email Creation Wizard.
Steps to change an autoresponder from the autoresponder summary
1. Open the autoresponder summary.
2. Use the options on the autoresponder summary to access areas you want to change. For
• To edit the email design, click Edit Email.
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To edit the subject line for an email, click Edit Details.
To edit the criteria, click Edit Criteria.
To schedule the autoresponder, click Set schedule.
Steps to change an autoresponder from the Action bar
1. On the Autoresponders tab, in the appropriate sub-tab, click the autoresponder row, without
clicking any links in the row.
Note: This can also be done while viewing the autoresponder summary.
2. From the Action bar, click Edit.
3. Click CONTINUE.
Create an Autoresponder
Overview of Creating an Autoresponder
Creating an autoresponder involves
selecting an autoresponder type,
choosing an autoresponder template,
naming an autoresponder,
creating a new or using an existing email design and specifying the email details,
and defining the autoresponder criteria.
After you have successfully created an autoresponder, you can schedule it.
Choose an Autoresponder Type
The type of autoresponder you choose will depend on its intended purpose.
1. Click the Autoresponders tab.
2. On the Autoresponders tab, click the following button:
3. On the ‘Choose an autoresponder type’ page, review the two options presented. Click Start
Now! on the image that corresponds to the autoresponder type you want to create.
Choose an Autoresponder Template
Based on the autoresponder type you selected, you will have a number of autoresponder templates to
choose from:
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Win-back email allows you to create an autoresponder that will send contacts an email each
time a certain period of time goes by without any action on their part. For example, this
autoresponder can email any contact that remains unengaged (e.g. doesn’t click on any of the
links in your emails) for a period of six months.
Recurring notice allows you to create an autoresponder that will send contacts an email every
month or year at a certain date and time.
Welcome email allows you to create an autoresponder that will send an email to contacts when
they join your list.
Action response allows you to create an autoresponder that will send contacts an email when
they perform a specific action. For example, this autoresponder can email any contact that clicks
on a particular link in one of your recently-sent email campaigns.
1. Select the template you want to use.
2. Review the initial criteria options that relate to your choice in the 'Select initial criteria' panel on
the right and select the option that best fits the purpose of the autoresponder.
3. Click Next.
Use the Autoresponder Editor
The Autoresponder Editor is where you view and define
the autoresponder's name,
the autoresponder email,
the autoresponder criteria,
as well any additional settings.
You can return to the Autoresponder Editor to make changes at any time.
Here you can see a brand new action response autoresponder in the Autoresponder Editor:
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The Autoresponder Editor has the following components:
The Autoresponder name field, where you can type a name for the autoresponder. This name
will not appear to recipients. Learn more here.
The autoresponder email design block, where you can either start a new email or see a preview
of and details for an existing email. Learn more here.
The Add a delay link is available only for action response autoresponders. Clicking the link
expands the 'Add a delay' section. Learn more here.
The autoresponder criteria block, where you can define which contacts will receive a copy of the
autoresponder email. Learn more here.
Additional settings are present for certain autoresponders only.
Name an Autoresponder
In the Autoresponder Editor, you can name the autoresponder. You can return to this page to rename the
autoresponder at any time.
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In the Autoresponder name field, type a name for the autoresponder. This name doesn't
appear to recipients.
Create an Autoresponder Email
The goal of an autoresponder is to send an email to any contact that matches specific time or actionbased criteria. For this reason, the autoresponder email contents and design are very important, as they
must be carefully tailored to meet a specific purpose.
There are three ways to create an autoresponder email design; these appear in the Autoresponder Editor
email design block:
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Use the autoresponder email template provided
Every autoresponder template has its own default email template that you can choose to use as the
starting point for your autoresponder email.
Copy an existing email design
Copy the design and contents (including text, images, formatting, etc.) of an existing email campaign or
autoresponder and use it as the basis for your autoresponder email.
Create a new email design from scratch
Use the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email Editor to create a brand new email design using templates
or by copy & pasting in your own HTML code.
Steps to create an autoresponder email using the default email template provided
1. In the Autoresponder Editor email design block, select the Use the default email design option.
2. Click Start an email.
The email editor loads.
3. Edit the contents of the email using the editor.
4. Click NEXT.
5. Enter the email details.
6. Click SAVE DRAFT.
Steps to create an autoresponder email using an existing email design
1. In the Autoresponder Editor email design block, select the Copy one of my existing email
designs option.
2. Click Start an email.
The 'Select email campaign or autoresponder' dialog appears.
3. Select an email campaign or autoresponder by clicking on its row in the list.
4. Click SELECT.
The email editor loads.
5. Edit the contents of the email using the editor.
6. Click NEXT.
7. Enter the email details.
8. Click SAVE DRAFT.
Steps to create an autoresponder email from scratch
1. In the Autoresponder Editor email design block, select the Create a new email design from
scratch option.
2. Click Start an email.
3. Choose either the Smart Email Builder or the Full Email Editor by clicking on Start Now!.
4. Select an email template.
5. Edit the contents of the email using the editor.
6. Click NEXT.
7. Enter the email details.
8. Click SAVE DRAFT.
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Add a Delay
When creating an action response autoresponder, you have the option to add a delay. This delay is a
period of time that occurs between the time when the contact performs the action that triggers the
autoresponder (e.g. clicks a link in an email) and when the autoresponder sends the follow-up email. For
example, you can add a delay that will cause the autoresponder to wait 2 days before sending a contact
an email after they click on a special link in an email campaign you sent.
Steps to add a delay to an action response autoresponder
1. In the Autoresponder Editor, between the email design block and the criteria block, click the Add
a delay link:
The delay block appears (shown above).
2. Select one of the four available delay types.
3. Fill out the delay fields.
4. Click SAVE at the bottom or at the top of the page.
Define Autoresponder Criteria
Autoresponder criteria is what determines under which conditions the autoresponder will send an email to
a contact. Autoresponder criteria is different depending on which autoresponder type and template you
Learn how to define autoresponder criteria for:
a win-back email
a recurring notice
a welcome email
an action response
Win-back email (Recurring type)
The win-back email autoresponder monitors your contacts on a daily basis and keeps track of how long
it’s been since the last time they showed engagement. Once a certain number of days have been
reached since a particular contact’s last activity, the autoresponder sends them an email.
Steps to define criteria for a win-back email autoresponder
1. In the Autoresponder Editor criteria block, choose how long to wait before sending the email.
Select a number of months from the drop-down (shown below). Please note that these translate
into a number of days.
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2. Select which action you want this autoresponder to monitor.
3. Choose which contacts will be monitored by this autoresponder.
You can apply this autoresponder to all your contacts or you can choose to limit its scope to certain
mailing lists. To limit its scope to certain mailing lists:
1. Select the Contacts in specific mailing list(s) option.
2. Click Select mailing list(s).
The 'Select mailing list(s)' dialog appears.
3. Choose one or more mailing lists by clicking on the mailing list row or by selecting the checkbox
on the far left of each row.
4. Click DONE.
Tip: After completing Step 3, you can view the number of total number of contacts that will be
monitored by this autoresponder by clicking the Refresh button in the right-hand panel. If you add
and/or remove mailing lists, simply click the button again to get a updated count.
Recurring notice (Recurring type)
The recurring notice autoresponder keeps track of time and emails contacts on or near dates stored in
their contact entry inside Campaigner.
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Steps to define criteria for a recurring notice autoresponder
1. In the Autoresponder Editor email design block, choose which date to send the email on or near.
Select a date from the drop-down. Any date-type field you create will show up in this list.
2. Choose when to send the email. You can choose to send the email on the date or near the date.
Select one of the options and configure the settings accordingly:
• If you choose to send the email on the exact date, you will need to specify whether it will be
sent every month (i.e. on the day specified in the date) or every year (i.e. on the day and
month specified in the date).
• If you choose to send the email near the date, you will need to specify how many days before
or after the date, as well as whether it will be sent every month or every year.
Welcome email (Triggered type)
The welcome email autoresponder sends an email to contacts when they join your list.
Step to define criteria for a welcome email autoresponder
From the drop-down in the Autoresponder Editor email design block, select one of the ways a
contact can join your list:
o Added via sign up form means that the contact joined your list by putting their
information into one of your sign up forms. If you select this option, you will need to
specify which sign up form this autoresponder will monitor.
o Added manually means that you added the contact yourself inside Campaigner.
o Added from a file or online service means that you added the contact to your list by
uploading an Excel or CSV file (for example) containing their information, or that you
added them from your Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo account.
o Added via any means will cause this autoresponder to send an email to any and all new
contacts added to your list, regardless of how they’re added.
Action response (Triggered type)
The action response autoresponder sends contacts an email when they interact with your email
campaigns and autoresponders.
If you want, you can add a delay between the recipient's action taking place and the autoresponder email
being sent.
Steps to define criteria for an action response autoresponder
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1. In the Autoresponder Editor email design block, select the action you want this autoresponder to
react to.
Click – will react when a contact clicks on a link in an email
Open – will react when a contact opens an email
Reply – will react when a contact replies to an email
2. Select the email you want the action to apply to. You can choose an email campaign or an
Please note that choosing an older email campaign (for example, an email campaign that was
sent more than 30 days ago) may not yield great results, as activity relating to an email campaign
typically drops off a short time after the email campaign is sent.
If you select an older email campaign, a warning icon will appear to the right of the drop-down. If
the email campaign or autoresponder you want to select is not in the drop-down list, click the
More… option at the bottom to see a full list. You can select the email you want from the ‘Select
email campaign or autoresponder’ dialog that appears and then click SELECT when you’re done.
3. If you selected the ‘Click’ action in Step 1, you will need to specify which link you want this
autoresponder to monitor. Select the link from the list of tracked links in the drop-down; if you
want this autoresponder to react if the recipient clicks on any of the links in the specified email,
choose the 'any link' option at the top of the list.
Important: If, after initially setting up this autoresponder, you change the name of the tracked
link you selected, you will need to edit this autoresponder and select the new link name from the
4. Select the time frame to monitor:
o Anytime – while the autoresponder is active, it will send an email to any contact that
performs the specified action on the specified email.
o Between – while the autoresponder is active, it will send an email to any contact that
performs the specified action on the specified email, provided the action occurs between
the dates and times indicated. Use this option if, for example, the purpose of this
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autoresponder is to send contacts a special offer if they click, open, or reply to a
particular email within a strict time frame.
5. To indicate whether or not contacts will receive multiple copies of the autoresponder email if they
perform the same action more than once, toggle the Make sure contacts get only one copy of
this email checkbox at the bottom of the page (this checkbox is enabled by default):
Schedule an Autoresponder
Overview of Scheduling an Autoresponder
An autoresponder can’t send emails until it is activated. Activating an autoresponder is accomplished by
scheduling it.
Like an email campaign, an autoresponder can be scheduled to begin sending immediately or at a future
date and time. Unlike an email campaign, an autoresponder can also (optionally, depending on its type)
be scheduled to stop sending at a specified date and time or after a set number of days.
Once an autoresponder has been activated, its schedule can be temporarily paused or manually stopped
at any time.
An autoresponder that has completed its assigned schedule or that does not presently have a schedule
can be scheduled.
Learn how to...
Schedule an autoresponder to begin sending immediately
Schedule an autoresponder to begin sending at a later date and time
Schedule an autoresponder to stop sending
Schedule an Immediate Start
An autoresponder can be scheduled to begin sending immediately. However, please note that
scheduling an autoresponder to start sending immediately doesn't necessarily mean that it will
immediately send an email:
Recurring autoresponders, when scheduled to begin sending immediately, will immediately
evaluate your contacts against the criteria you set and determine whether or not any of them
meet that criteria. Any contacts that currently meet the criteria will be sent an email on the spot.
If no contacts meet the criteria, no emails will be sent and the autoresponder will try again the
following day. For example, if you create a recurring notice autoresponder set to email contacts
on their birthday and you schedule it to begin sending immediately, it will immediately check your
contacts to see if it's anyone's birthday. If any matches are found, those contacts will receive an
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email; if no matches are found, no emails will be sent and the autoresponder will check again the
following day.
Triggered autoresponders don't send emails unless your contacts perform certain actions that
will trigger them. For example, if you schedule a welcome email autoresponder to start sending
immediately, it won't actually send an email until a contact joins your list. By scheduling it
immediately, you are activating the autoresponder and instructing it to be ready -- immediately -to respond to contact action.
Steps to schedule an immediate start for a recurring autoresponder
1. On the Autoresponders tab, on the Recurring sub-tab, click the autoresponder row, without
clicking any links in the row.
2. In the last column of the row for the autoresponder, click the Schedule link.
3. Beside 'Start sending', select Now.
Important: All future emails sent by this autoresponder will be sent at the same time of day, so
make sure the current time is appropriate. If it isn't, schedule the autoresponder for later on in the
day. For example, if the current time is 5am and you choose to begin sending immediately, all
emails sent by this autoresponder (on any day) will be sent at 5am.
4. If you want the autoresponder to automatically stop sending after a number of days or at a
specific date and time, fill out the 'Stop sending' section at this point.
If you don't schedule a stop, the autoresponder will continue sending until you manually stop it.
Steps to schedule an immediate start for a triggered autoresponder
1. On the Autoresponders tab, on the Triggered sub-tab, click the autoresponder row, without
clicking any links in the row.
2. In the last column of the row for the autoresponder, click the Schedule link.
3. Select Now.
4. If you want the autoresponder to automatically stop sending after a number of days or at a
specific date and time, fill out the 'Stop sending on' section at this point.
If you don't schedule a stop, the autoresponder will continue sending until you manually stop it.
Schedule a Future Start
An autoresponder can be scheduled to begin sending at a later date and time:
Recurring autoresponders scheduled to begin sending at a later date and time won't send emails
until the specified date and time, even if contacts match the criteria you set. For example, if you
create a recurring notice autoresponder set to email contacts on their birthday and you schedule
it to begin sending at a later date and time, the autoresponder won't send emails on any contact
birthdays that might come up in the interim.
Triggered autoresponders scheduled to begin sending at a later date and time won't send emails
until the specified date and time, even if contacts perform the action they're set to monitor. For
example, if you schedule a welcome email autoresponder to begin sending at a later date and
time and, in the interim, a contact joins your list, the autoresponder will not send them a welcome
Steps to schedule a future start for a recurring autoresponder
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1. On the Autoresponders tab, on the Recurring sub-tab, click the autoresponder row, without
clicking any links in the row.
2. In the last column of the row for the autoresponder, click the Schedule link.
3. Beside 'Start sending', select On.
4. Click the calendar and clock icons beside each box provided to specify a start date and time.
Tip: Recurring autoresponder emails are sent at the same time each day (if there are
contacts that match the criteria you set), so be sure to choose an appropriate send time.
5. If you want the autoresponder to automatically stop sending after a number of days or at a
specific date and time, fill out the 'Stop sending' section at this point.
If you don't schedule a stop, the autoresponder will continue sending until you manually stop
Steps to schedule a future start for a triggered autoresponder
1. On the Autoresponders tab, on the Triggered sub-tab, click the autoresponder row, without
clicking any links in the row.
2. In the last column of the row for the autoresponder, click the Schedule link.
3. Select Start sending on.
4. Click the calendar and clock icons beside each box provided to specify a start date and time.
5. If you want the autoresponder to automatically stop sending after a number of days or at a
specific date and time, fill out the 'Stop sending on' section at this point. If you don't schedule a
stop, the autoresponder will continue sending until you manually stop it.
Schedule a Stop
An autoresponder can be scheduled to automatically stop sending. When an autoresponder stops
sending, its status changes to 'Schedule complete' and it no longer evaluates contact information (for
recurring autoresponders) or reacts to contact actions (for triggered autoresponders).
If you don't want to schedule a stop, you can always manually stop an autoresponder.
Steps to schedule a stop for a recurring autoresponder
1. On the 'Schedule autoresponder' dialog, select the Stop sending checkbox.
2. Select one of the 2 stop options:
• After X days will automatically stop the autoresponder after a set number of days of activity.
You can specify the number of days by typing a number into the text box provided.
• On / at this time will automatically stop the autoresponder at a specific date and time. Click
the calendar and clock icons beside each box to choose the date and time.
Steps to schedule a stop for a triggered autoresponder
1. On the 'Schedule autoresponder' dialog, select the Stop sending on checkbox.
2. Click the calendar and clock icons beside each box provided to specify a stop date and time.
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Manually Stop an Autoresponder
An autoresponder in the 'Scheduled', 'Schedule paused', or 'Sending' states can be manually stopped.
Stopping an autoresponder causes it to immediately stop sending emails and moves its status to
'Schedule not set'.
1. On the Autoresponders tab, on the appropriate sub-tab, click the autoresponder row, without
clicking any links in the row.
Note: This can also be done while viewing an autoresponder summary.
2. From the Action bar, click Stop.
If the autoresponder is in 'Scheduled' status, in the last column of the row for the autoresponder,
you can also click the Stop schedule link.
3. Click STOP.
Delete an Autoresponder
You can delete autoresponders. For example, you may want to delete an autoresponder that hasn't sent
any emails in over a year.
You can delete autoresponders in any state. You can only delete one autoresponder at a time. When an
autoresponder is deleted, any and all activity relating to it ceases.
Once an autoresponder is deleted, it is no longer available from Campaigner. If you inadvertently delete
an autoresponder, you must recreate it.
When deleting autoresponders, you can choose to also delete the associated autoresponder report. If
you delete an autoresponder but not its report, the report will remain available after the autoresponder is
1. On the Autoresponders tab, on the appropriate sub-tab, click the autoresponder row, without
clicking any links in the row.
2. From the Action bar, click Delete.
3. If you wish to delete the report associated with the autoresponder, select the Delete the
associated report checkbox.
4. Click DELETE.
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Learn from Results Using Reports
Overview of Reporting
You should expect to get 90% of the results for your email campaign with 48 hours of sending
it. Use reports to measure results and determine if you've sent the right messages to the right
people, at the right time. For example, you’ll quickly find out whether recipients are opening
and reading your emails, and whether they are clicking links to access your site or
promotional offers. Reports represent activity for the last 30 days.
Campaigner provides three types of reports: email campaign reports, contact reports, and
autoresponder reports.
Email Campaign Reports
This type of report shows results for individual email campaigns. By understanding what
works and what doesn’t work for your customers, you can identify when an issue requires
your attention and improve subsequent email marketing efforts.
For example, you can see the number of users who opened the email for an email campaign,
which may indicate the effectiveness of your subject line. A typical open rate ranges between
20 to 30 percent.
Similarly, if your email contains links to information about several new products, you can
compare the number of times each link is clicked to understand which products your
customers are most interested in. Link activity may also help you identify where to place
information in future email campaigns. For example, link activity may indicate that users
rarely click links located at the bottom of an email.
Tip: To increase the clicked through rate, keep the number of links in an email to a minimum.
Providing only one or two links allows users to focus on them.
If you enable the Social Sharing feature for an email campaign, the associated Email
Campaign Report will have a Social Sharing activity component that you can use to measure
the success of the online version of your email campaign. The Social Sharing activity
component tracks activity for the entire life of a Social Sharing-enabled email campaign.
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Contact Reports
This type of report shows the overall status of your contacts, either for all contacts or by
mailing lists. Monitoring changes to contacts over time can help you determine the strength of
your customer relationships. Reports can show the status for all contacts or for contacts
belonging to a specific mailing list.
Monitoring changes to these reports over time can help you determine the strength of your
customer relationships. For example, if the number of subscribers increases over time, you
may expect to see a similar increase in your revenue or other business-related activities.
A significant decrease in the number of subscribers may indicate that you should investigate
whether a problem exists with your messaging, or with your products or services. A decrease
may also indicate that you need to increase marketing activities to obtain new subscribers to
compensate for those you've lost.
Autoresponder Reports
This type of report shows aggregate results for individual autoresponders. Monitoring
changes to these reports on a regular basis is important in order to keep your autoresponders
fresh and relevant. For example, if you create an autoresponder that sends a follow-up email
whenever a contact clicks on a particular link in a given email campaign, you will eventually
notice expanding gaps in time, as the age of the email campaign grows, where the
autoresponder doesn't send any follow-up emails. In cases such as these, the affected
autoresponder can be safely retired.
Keeping an eye on autoresponder reports can be also helpful for troubleshooting purposes.
For example, if you suspect your autoresponder criteria may not be properly set up, you can
test it and then refer to the autoresponder report to see results.
View Reports
Campaigner displays email campaign, contact, and autoresponder reports on the Reports
If more reports are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse additional
If you click on the magnifying glass icon on the right of any report row, you will see a preview
of the email (for email campaigns and autoresponders only; contact reports display a
graphical chart instead) as well as a statistical summary.
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If you delete an email campaign or if you delete an autoresponder, it is no longer available
from Campaigner. However, unless you indicate at the time of deletion that you want any
associated reports to be deleted as well, Campaigner will retain the reports even after the
campaign or autoresponder itself has been deleted.
For information about deleting email campaign or autoresponder reports, see Delete a
Step to view a report
On the Reports tab, on the appropriate sub-tab, click the report name. Alternatively,
you can click the report row and click the View Report button on the Action bar.
Step to refresh a report to show the most current activity
Click the Refresh button on the Action bar.
View Campaign Overview Report
The Campaign Overview report provides summary information about the email campaign that
has been sent.
The report includes 4 sections:
1. Email Activity: Statistics that represent activity. You can click the numerical values
of these statistics to view a lower-level report. For example, click the number beside
'Clicks' to view a report about recipients who clicked at least one link in the email. For
information about report statistics, see the glossary.
2. Email preview: A preview of the email design.
3. Deliverability Summary: Statistics that represent delivery results. You can click the
numerical values of these statistics to view a lower-level report.
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4. Desktop vs. Mobile: A graphical chart displaying the percentage of recipients using
their desktop computer to interact with your email versus those using a mobile
For information about report statistics, see the glossary.
Step to view a Campaign Overview report
On the Reports tab, on the Email Campaign Reports sub-tab, click the email
campaign name.
Step to refresh a report to show the most current activity
Click the Refresh button on the Action bar.
View Contact Reports
You can view contact reports by mailing list or for all contacts.
The Mailing List Overview report provides a summary of the statistics for that mailing list:
You can click the numerical values of these statistics to view a lower-level report.
For information about report statistics, see the glossary.
Step to view a contact report
On the Reports tab, on the Contact Reports sub-tab, click the mailing list name or 'All
Step to refresh a report to show the most current activity
Page 236
Click the Refresh button on the Action bar.
Campaigner User Guide
Understand Opened Rates
The opened rate (referred to as the Opened statistic in email campaign reports) represents
the number of recipients who opened an email for an email campaign at least once. For
example, a user may open an email on a mobile device and then open it at another time on a
computer. Counting the unique opens for each recipient helps you understand how many
users your email campaign reached, rather than the total number of times an email was
Typically, an opened rate of 20 to 30 percent is considered to be good. A high opened rate
may indicate a strong level of trust by recipients in your brand and value proposition. If trust is
lacking, recipients may not even open your emails.
This statistic is considered to be a key metric for judging an email campaign's success, but
may under-represent the actual number of opened emails. Campaigner counts an email as
opened only if at least one of the following conditions is met:
The recipient opens the email with images displayed.
The recipient clicks a tracked link in the email.
These conditions mean that if a recipient has configured the email interface not to display
images (for example, for performance reasons) and also does not click any tracked links in
the email, Campaigner does not count the email as opened for this recipient.
Similarly, if a recipient receives only plain text emails (which do not include images), and the
user does not click any tracked links in the email, it will not be counted as an opened email.
As well, when evaluating the opened rate, remember that an opened email doesn't
necessarily mean that the recipient read the email. Some email interfaces can be configured
to show a selected email in a preview pane. If a recipient is scanning their message list, the
preview pane may have displayed the email, but the recipient didn't read it.
Measure Clicked Through Rates
The clicked through rate (referred to as the Clicks, Click, or Click Through statistic in email
campaign and autoresponder reports) represents the number of recipients who clicked at
least one link in the email for an email campaign or autoresponder. For example, assume
that you run an email campaign in which an email with five trackable links is sent to 100
recipients. If 30 recipients click one or more of the links in the email, then the clicked through
rate is 30 percent.
The clicked through rate provides a high-level metric of an email's effectiveness by
measuring its recipients' motivation to act on links. For example, recipients may consider the
offer valuable or timely because they took action by clicking its link. Similarly, a high number
of clicks may indicate an effective layout of the links in the email design.
Sometimes, a clicked rate is used to measure the effectiveness of an email campaign. The
clicked rate measures the number of recipients who clicked at least one link in delivered
emails for an email campaign or autoresponder. Because the clicked through rate is
calculated using emails that were both delivered and opened, it is a better indicator of linkrelated activity.
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View Types for Clicks Reports
Three types of views are available for Clicks reports:
A table view that shows values for clicked through rates for each tracked link.
An overlay view that shows a preview of the email design, and, for each tracked link,
the clicked through rate percentage.
A trend view chart showing the number of unique clicks over time.
The following example shows a Clicks report using the overlay view:
The following example shows a click-through drill-down report for a link in an email campaign:
Step to change views
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With the Clicked Through report open, click the Overlay button or the Table button.
Interpret Statistics About Undeliverable Emails
Email campaign reports provide valuable information about emails that could not be
delivered. Campaigner tracks delivery whether delivery issues are temporary or permanent.
Emails that could not be delivered because the email address is temporarily unavailable are
reported as "soft bounces". For example, the recipient's Inbox may be full or the Internet
Service Provider may be experiencing service problems.
Emails that could not be delivered because the email address is not valid are reported as
"hard bounces". For example, when providing an email address to you, the recipient may
have inadvertently typed it incorrectly. In this case, emails will never be delivered to this email
address because it doesn't exist.
Email campaign reports provide statistics that represent both soft and hard bounces. You can
drill down on each statistic to find out which contacts have email addresses for which
deliverability issues occurred.
We recommend that you follow up with contacts when deliverability issues occur and try to
resolve the problem. For soft bounces, you may find out that the temporary issue has been
resolved, and future email campaigns will be delivered successfully. For hard bounces, you
may be able to obtain the correct email address for a contact, and you can update the
information for the contact in Campaigner.
If you find that the issue that caused the deliverability issue will not be resolved, you may
choose to delete the contact.
Drill Down on Report Statistics
Both email campaign reports and contact reports provide statistics that give you a high-level
summary of activity. For example, percentages shown for Opened Clicked Through, and
Reply statistics can indicate trends or repeating patterns of activity.
To fully understand how well your email campaigns are performing and how strong your
relationships are with your contacts, you may want more details on some report statistics.
You obtain more detail by drilling-down on a report statistic. For example, you can drill down
on the Opened statistic for information about the contacts how opened an email. Knowing
who didn't open an email may help you target those contacts with more effective messages
for future email campaigns. For more information about finding out which recipients opened
an email, see View Recipients Who Opened an Email.
You can drill-down on any statistic that is shown as a link in an email campaign report or a
contact report to view lower-level details. For example, click the Opened statistic to see the
names and email addresses of the recipients who opened the email:
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All report drill-downs are located in sections accessible from the left-hand navigation pane.
Clicking on a section expands it, revealing its available drill-downs. Each section contains an
overview report that summarizes the information covered in the section, as well as a collection of
related drill-downs.
You may want to create segments based on drill-down report results. For example, you may want
to save as a new segment all contacts who clicked on a link an email campaign. You can then
create an email campaign that provides more detailed information to these contacts by selecting
the segment as the recipient for the second email campaign. The only two reports that you cannot
save results as segments are the Hard Bounces report and the SPAM Complaints report. For
information about creating segments based on report results, see Start the Create Segment
You can also export results for drill-down reports.
Drill-downs for email campaign reports
For email campaigns, lower-level sections and related drill-down reports include the following:
Email Activity section
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The Summary report is an email activity summary report for the email campaign. It
includes the following things:
Email Activity: displays email activity summary data.
Top Clicked Links: a list of the tracked links that were clicked the most in
the email campaign.
Clicked Trend: a chart that displays click through data over time. Can be
filtered by all tracked links or by a specific tracked link.
Total Sent lists contacts who were recipients of the email for this email campaign.
Delivered lists contacts who received the email. Some contacts may not receive the
email due to deliverability issues such as soft or hard bounces.
Campaigner User Guide
Opened lists contacts who opened the email and the number of times each contact
opened the email. For more information about this statistic, see Understanding
Opened Rates.
Clicks lists links that are tracked using their assign name, as well as the number of
total and unique clicks. For more information about this statistic and its report views,
see Measuring Clicked Through Rates. Three types of views are available:
A table view showing report values for each trackable link.
An overlay view showing the email design with percentage values for each
trackable link.
A trend view chart showing the number of unique clicks over time.
Replied lists contacts who replied to the email campaign and the number of times
each contact sent a reply. Replies are sent to the email address you specified as the
Reply-To address, if you defined an autoreply message when creating the email.
Deliverability section
The Summary report is an email deliverability summary for the email campaign. It
includes the following things:
Deliverability Summary: Displays email deliverability summary data.
Email Activity Summary: Displays some email activity summary data.
Top Domains: Lists top web mail domains summary data for contacts that
opened the email or clicked a tracked link in the email. Can be filtered by Sent,
Opened, Clicks and Spam Complaints.
Total Sent lists contacts that were sent the email.
Total Bounces lists contacts who didn't receive the email because of a soft or hard
Soft Bounces lists contacts who didn't receive the email because it was turned away by
their email service provider (ESP). Often, the problem is temporary, such as an
unavailable server or a full mailbox.
Hard Bounces lists contacts who didn't receive the email because it was turned away by
their email service provider (ESP). Typically, hard bounces are permanent and indicate
the email addresses that no longer exist. It's a good idea to review this information on a
regular basis to help keep your contact list up to date.
Unsubscribed lists contacts who unsubscribed from one or more of your email
communications using the unsubscribe option in the email for this email campaign.
Includes the date and time.
Complaints lists contacts who reported this email as SPAM and the date and time of the
Social Sharing section
See the Track Social Sharing Activity help topic for more information on this section.
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Drill-downs for contact reports
For contact reports, drill-down statistics for each status show the names and email addresses of
contacts with the selected status. For information about contact statuses, see the glossary.
Lower-level sections and related drill-downs for contact reports include the following:
Total lists the total number of contacts in a mailing list or of all contacts.
Subscribed lists the number of contacts in a mailing list or of all contacts that can be
sent emails. These contacts have opted-in to your list and have not hard bounced or
Soft Bounces lists the number of contacts in a mailing list or of all contacts who didn't
receive the email because it was turned away by their email service provider (ESP).
Often, the problem is temporary, such as an unavailable server or a full mailbox. Email
can still be sent to these contacts.
Hard Bounces lists the number of contacts in a mailing list or of all contacts who didn't
receive the email because it was turned away by their email service provider (ESP).
Typically, hard bounces are permanent and indicate the email addresses that no longer
exist. These contacts will not be sent future emails.
Unsubscribed lists the number of contacts in a mailing list or of all contacts who have
unsubscribed from one or more, or all of your email communications using the
unsubscribe option in an email.
Pending lists the contacts that have submitted a sign up form to opt-in to your mailing list
but did not confirm via the confirmation email link.
Steps to view a lower-level report
1. On the Reports tab, open an email campaign report or a contact report.
For example, click the Email Campaign Reports sub-tab and click the name of an email
2. Click the link for the statistic.
Alternatively, you can click on a section in the left-hand navigation pane and then click on a
specific drill-down report.
View Recipients Who Opened an Email
Reports are an effective way of gathering information about actions that recipients take when
receiving your email campaigns. One of the most useful types of information is related to
finding out which recipients opened an email. Knowing who didn't open an email may help
you target those contacts with more effective messages for future email campaigns.
You can determine this information by drilling down on the Opened statistic in an email
campaign report. You can find out
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names of contacts who opened the email
Campaigner User Guide
number of time each contact opened it
The following example shows the available information:
For more information about drilling down on reports and the types of information available,
see Drill Down on Report Statistics.
1. On the Reports tab, click the Email Campaign Reports sub-tab.
2. Click the name of the email campaign.
3. Do one of the following:
On the Campaign Overview report, click the number beside the Opened statistic.
Click on the Email Activity section and then click Opened.
Track Social Sharing Activity
If you choose to use Campaigner's Social Sharing feature to make an online copy of your
email campaign, it won't be long before the campaign recipients begin sharing it with their
family, friends, and colleagues via their favorite social media channels.
Each time a new person finds and views the online version of your email campaign (by
clicking a link on a social media channel), Campaigner records it in the Social sharing activity
report for that campaign.
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The Social sharing activity report is only available if you enable Social Sharing for a
View Campaign Comparison Report
You can simultaneously compare the email activity and deliverability statistics of up to 5 email
campaigns by creating a campaign comparison report:
You can exclude and re-include a given email campaign from the report by toggling the
checkbox on the left of its row. If you do this, the report data will automatically refresh.
A campaign comparison report can be printed or exported.
The campaign comparison report includes the following things:
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Campaign Activity compares summary data for up to 5 campaigns.
Campaign Trends compares activity and deliverability data for the selected
campaigns over time. Please note that the values in the Campaigns Trends report
are non-unique and do not relate directly to the unique values in the Campaign
Activity reports.
Campaigner User Guide
Trends Analysis analyzes the compared campaigns in the following ways:
Best CTO rate is the best Click-to-Open rate (Unique Clicks/Unique Opens
*100) of the compared campaigns.
Best CTR is the best click-through-rate (Unique Clicks/Emails Delivered
*100) of the compared campaigns.
Most Opens in a 30 minute period is the most number of Opens in a 30
minute period for the compared campaigns for up to 3 days.
Most Clicks in a 30 minute period is the most number of Clicks in a 30
minute period for the compared campaigns for to 3 days.
Favorite Link is the highest total clicks on a given tracked link for the
compared campaigns. Links to the email campaign Click report of the
Favorite Link.
1. On the Reports tab, on the Email Campaign Reports sub-tab, select the checkboxes on
the left of each email campaign report row you want to compare.
2. On the Action bar, click the Compare button.
View Mailing List Comparison Report
You can simultaneously compare the activity statistics of up to 10 mailing lists by creating a
mailing list comparison report:
A mailing list comparison report can be printed or exported.
The mailing list comparison report includes the following things:
Visibility shows whether or not the mailing list is set to display in sign up forms or in
subscription management forms.
Total is the total number of contacts in the mailing list.
Subscribed is the number of contacts in the mailing list that can be sent emails.
These contacts have opted-in to your list and have not hard bounced or
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Soft Bounces is the number of contacts in the mailing list who didn't receive the
email because it was turned away by their email service provider (ESP). Often, the
problem is temporary, such as an unavailable server or a full mailbox. Email can still
be sent to these contacts.
Hard Bounces is the number of contacts in the mailing list who didn't receive the
email because it was turned away by their email service provider (ESP). Typically,
hard bounces are permanent and indicate the email addresses that no longer exist.
These contacts will not be sent future emails.
Unsubscribed is the number of contacts in the mailing list who have unsubscribed
from one or more of your email communications using the unsubscribe option in an
Pending is the contacts that have submitted a sign up form to opt-in to the mailing
list but did not confirm via the confirmation email link.
1. On the Reports tab, on the Contact Reports sub-tab, select the checkboxes on the left of
each mailing list report row you want to compare.
2. On the Action bar, click the Compare button.
View Autoresponder Overview Report
The Autoresponder Overview report provides aggregate, summary information about the
Select a pre-determined time range from the Show drop-down (shown below) or select
'Choose custom date range' to narrow the report result set. The report will automatically
refresh after you choose/change the date range.
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The report includes 9 sections, which all show data for the time range selected (from top to
bottom, left to right):
Emails sent is the aggregate number of contacts that were sent an email.
Delivery rate is the percentage of contacts who received an email relative to the
aggregate number of contacts who were sent an email. Some contacts may not
receive an email the due to deliverability issues such as soft or hard bounces.
Open rate is the percentage of contacts who opened an email relative to the
aggregate number of contacts who were sent an email.
Click to open rate is the percentage of contacts who clicked on a tracked link in an
email relative to the number of contacts that opened an email.
Click through rate is the percentage of contacts who clicked on a tracked link in an
email relative to the number of contacts that received an email.
Unsubscribe rate is the percentage of contacts who unsubscribed from your email
list relative to the aggregate number of contacts who were sent an email.
The Email Activity Trend report shows a graphical representation of email activity
over a period of time. You can view different activities by selecting them from the
Show drop-down. Place your mouse cursor over a point in the graph to see the
exact number of activities that took place at that time.
Email Activity shows aggregate email activity statistics for the time period selected.
Deliverability shows aggregate statistics on delivery results for the time period
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Step to view an Autoresponder Overview report
On the Reports tab, on the Autoresponder Reports sub-tab, click the autoresponder
Step to refresh a report to show the most current activity
Click the Refresh button on the Action bar.
Sort Email Campaign Reports
By default, Campaigner lists email campaign reports in ascending order based on the sent
date. You can sort the list of email campaigns reports based on the value of a column
header. For example, you can sort all email campaigns in ascending order based on the
clicked through rate.
You sort the list based on column headers, in ascending or descending order. To indicate
that a column has been sorted, Campaigner displays a Sort symbol beside the name of the
column header. This symbol indicates the sort order.
1. In the list of email campaign reports on the Reports tab, click the column header you
want to sort on.
Some column headers may not be available for sorting.
2. If you want to sort the list in descending order, click the Sort button in the column header.
Click this button a third time to remove sorting.
Print Reports
You can print email campaign reports and contact reports to keep a record of them at a
particular time or to distribute to other stakeholders.
1. On the Reports tab, open an email campaign report or a contact report.
For example, click the Email Campaign Reports tab and click the name of an email
campaign report.
2. From the Action bar, click Print.
3. Follow the prompts, which depend on your web browser, as well as your printer and its
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Export Report Statistics
You can export the statistics in reports for use in a spreadsheet. For example, export
statistics to a spreadsheet to perform further analysis using features such as sorting and
calculations. Available features depend on your spreadsheet application.
Statistics are exported to a file that uses the comma separated value (.csv) format. In this
format, each email campaign is represented by one row and each column represents one
type of statistic. The following example shows a .csv file that is open in a spreadsheet:
Summer Promotion
Fall Promotion
Note: If you view a .csv file in a text editor, values are separated by commas.
Depending on the size of the report, Campaigner may need several minutes to process the
export. Exported reports appear in your Message Center.
Steps to export a specific overview or drill-down report
1. Open the report.
2. In the Action bar, click Export.
When the export is complete, the report will appear in the Message Center.
Steps to export all activity reports for a specific email campaign
1. On the Reports tab, on the Email Campaign Reports sub-tab, click the name of the email
2. In the Action bar, click Export.
When the export is complete, the reports will appear in the Message Center.
Step to export a summary of all email campaigns, contacts, or autoresponders
On the Reports tab, on the appropriate sub-tab, in the Action bar, click Export.
When the export is complete, the report will appear in the Message Center.
Delete a Report
You can delete an email campaign report or an autoresponder report.
If you think you may need the information later, it is strongly recommended that you first
export the information before deleting the report.
You can delete multiple email campaign or autoresponder reports at a time.
1. On the Reports tab, click the Email Campaign Reports or the Autoresponder Reports
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2. Click the report row. You can select more than one row at a time by selecting the
checkboxes on the left of each report row.
3. From the Action bar, click Delete.
4. Click DELETE.
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Check Accounts and Messages
View or Upgrade Your Account
The Account Status area of the Dashboard shows a summary of your account based on your
current plan, such as the current status (such as Active or Free Trial) or the number of
contacts remaining for your current plan.
Campaigner offers several plans. You can upgrade to a different plan at any time, based on
your current email marketing needs.
Information about plan types and upgrading are available from the Account menu. You can
also contact Customer Support.
Access Messages
The Message Center displays messages from Campaigner. Primarily, messages indicate
when system operations are complete. For example, after you complete the steps to import
contacts, Campaigner may require some processing time, depending on the number of
contacts being imported. To notify you that processing is complete, Campaigner sends a
message to the Message Center. This message may also provide information about errors
that occurred when importing the contacts, if any occurred.
When new messages are available in the Message Center, the Message Center menu on the
Action bar displays the number of unread messages. For example:
Messages (3)
For each message, the Message Center displays its subject (for example, Import contacts
successful), the service that sent the message, and the date and time that the message was
Messages may contain attachments. For example, if you export contacts, the message
contains compressed files with the exported contacts.
If more messages are available than can be listed on one page, you can browse additional
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Step to open the Message Center
On the Action bar, click Messages.
Steps to open a message and any attachments
1. With the Message Center open, click the message subject.
2. If the message includes an attachment that you want to view, click the attachment link
and click Open.
Alternatively, you can save the attachment to a location you choose.
3. Click Close.
Step to sort messages
With the Message Center open, click the column header on which you want to sort
For example, click From to sort messages based on the sender.
Steps to delete messages
1. With the Message Center open, select the checkbox in the first column of the message
row for each message.
Alternatively, click the message row, without clicking any links in the row. You can select
more than one message by pressing the Ctrl key when clicking message rows.
If you want to select all messages, click Select All.
2. From the Action bar, click Delete.
3. Click OK.
Manage Users
Overview of User Management
Campaigner lets account administrators create users. Each user has its own login
credentials (separate from those of the account administrator) that grants them access to the
account. For example, as the account administrator, you may wish to create a user for a
coworker in order to get their help managing email campaigns on an on-going basis.
There are 2 user types:
The person who initially set up the Campaigner account and has access to all features
and functionality. There can be only 1 Administrator user per Campaigner account.
A person that has been granted access to the Campaigner account. There can be
multiple Standard users per Campaigner account.
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The account administrator can manage users by clicking Users in the Account menu.
Account menu
A Standard user can do everything inside Campaigner that the account administrator can
(e.g. send campaigns, manage contacts, view reports, etc.), but they cannot view or edit
anything account or billing-related. Standard user cannot create users. A Standard user
logged into their account does not see the Account menu; instead, in its place, they see only
the Settings option.
Only the Settings option is visible to
Standard users access the Settings option to edit their user settings. The account
administrator can edit individual users' settings through the Account menu.
View Users
Only the account administrator can view users.
View Account Users page
Step to view users
In the Account menu, click Users.
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Create User
Only the account administrator can create users.
Create New User
1. In the Account menu, click Users.
2. Click Create New User.
The Create New User dialog appears.
3. Define values for the user fields.
To change a text value (for example, First Name), type the new value in the box.
4. Beside Welcome Email, select a notification option:
Send Welcome Email: Sends a welcome email to the email address you provided for
the new user.
Send password to me, not the user: Sends a welcome email to your email address,
not to the new user.
5. Click Save.
Edit User
You can edit user information through the Account menu or Settings option in the navigation
Page 254
Edit the Administrator (account administrator only)
Edit a Standard user as the account administrator
Campaigner User Guide
Edit your settings as a Standard user
Steps to edit the Administrator user
1. In the Account menu, click Settings.
You will be taken to the Account Settings page.
2. Make the changes to the user fields:
UserID and Username cannot be changed.
To change a value in a drop down list box (for example, Time Zone), select the
value from the list.
To change a checkbox selection (for example, News and updates), select the
To change the password, click Change Password.
To manage the email addresses you can send campaigns from, click Manage
email addresses.
3. Click Save.
Steps to edit a Standard user as the account administrator
1. In the Account menu, click Users.
2. In the user row you wish to edit, click the user name.
The Edit User dialog appears.
3. Make the changes to the user fields:
UserID and Username cannot be changed.
To change a text value (for example, Email Address), type the new value in the
To reset the user's password, click Reset Password. This action will cause a
password reset email to be sent to the email address specified in the Email
Address field.
Tip: If you need to send the password reset email to an email address that is
different than the one currently specified in the Email Address field, update the
contents of the Email Address field and save the changes first. Afterwards, click
Reset Password.
4. Click Save.
Steps to edit your settings as a Standard user
1. In the navigation bar, click Settings.
2. Make the changes to the user fields:
UserID and Username cannot be changed.
To change a text value (for example, Email Address), type the new value in the
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To reset your password, click Reset Password. This action will cause a
password reset email to be sent to the email address specified in the Email
Address field.
Tip: If you need to send the password reset email to an email address that is
different than the one currently specified in the Email Address field, update the
contents of the Email Address field and save the changes first. Afterwards, click
Reset Password.
3. Click Save.
Delete User
Deleting a user removes their access to the Campaigner account. Only the account
administrator can delete users.
The Administrator user cannot be deleted.
1. In the Account menu, click Users.
2. In the user row you wish to remove, click Delete.
3. Click OK.
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above the fold: The section of an email message or web page that is visible without scrolling. Content in
this area is considered more valuable because the reader sees it first. Folds are not predictable and may
be affected by the viewer’s preview pane, monitor size, monitor resolution, or headers added by email
programs such as Hotmail.
autoreply: A message that Campaigner automatically sends if a recipient responds to an email sent for
an email campaign. See reply-to.
bounce: An email that was not delivered. There are a variety of reasons for why emails can bounce,
including incorrect email address, full mailbox, or offensive content. See hard bounce and soft bounce.
bounce rate: See bounced (statistic).
bounced (statistic): The number of hard and soft bounced emails for an email campaign. This number
may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of emails sent for this email campaign. This
statistic is an inexact number because some systems do not report back to the sender clearly or
campaign: See email campaign.
CAN-SPAM: CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act of
2003) is a United States bill that allows email marketers to send unsolicited commercial email as long as
the email complies with principles outlined in the bill. For example, emails must provide a method that
allows recipients to unsubscribe (that is, to specify that they do not want to receive emails of this type in
the future).
click rate (statistic): The number of recipients who clicked at least one link in delivered emails for an
email campaign. See also clicked through (statistic).
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clicked through (statistic): The number of recipients who clicked at least one link in opened emails for
an email campaign. This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of emails
opened for an email campaign.
clickthrough rate: See clicked through (statistic).
comma separated value (.csv) format: A file format in which tabular data is organized using rows and
confirmation email: An email sent by Campaigner when a user submits a signup form. The email
includes a confirmation link, and typically, a message that acknowledges some user action (such as
submitted the signup form).
confirmation link: A link in a confirmation email that a user must click to complete the subscription
double opt-in: A two-step subscription process that requires users to explicitly request email
communications from you and then to confirm their request.
email address: The combination of a unique user name and a sender domain
( The email address requires both the user name and the domain name.
email client: Software or online service that recipients use to read email, such as Outlook Express, Lotus
Notes, or Hotmail.
email footer: An area at the bottom of an email that contains the unsubscribe option and the mailing
email formats: See HTML email or plain text email
email header: Information that appears at the start of an email to identify its sender and content. The
email header may also include a reply-to email address. See also reply-to email address.
Facebook-compatible HTML: The HTML produced for a Facebook fan page. This HTML is less contentrich than iframe or WebPage HTML. For example, users enter dates type typing them in fields rather than
selecting them from Calendar popups. See also WebPage HTML and Facebook-compatible HTML.
filter: A condition used to filter contacts. For example, specifying that gender must equal “male” is a filter.
filter group: A set of related filters based on these categories: contact information, email campaign
activity, mailing lists/segments, and sign up form usage.
footer: See email footer
From: The content that appears in the email recipient's inbox as your visible "from" name. This sender
name may be a personal name, a brand name, an email address, etc.
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hard bounce: An email that is sent to a closed or nonexistent email account.
hard bounce status: Contacts who have an email address or domain that is closed or nonexistent.
hard bounced (contact report statistic): The number of contacts for which permanent delivery issues
occurred for email campaigns. This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number
of contacts. See hard bounce.
hard bounces (email campaign report statistic): The number of emails that could not be delivered.
This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of emails sent for an email
campaign. See hard bounce.
header: See email header.
HTML email: See HTML email format.
HTML email format: A format that contains any type of formatting (such as colors and font styles),
graphics, and other types of rich-text formatting. See also plain text email format.
HTML format: See HTML email format.
iframe: A frame within a webpage. If the frame content is larger than can be displayed within the frame,
horizontal or vertical scroll bars are provided. See also WebPage HTML and Facebook-compatible HTML.
link destination: The location or content displayed when a link is clicked. This term is used when
creating links to distinguish the content that represents the link from the definition of the URL or anchor
that defines the target location or content.
mailing list: A method of managing contacts by grouping them based on common characteristics (such
as gender) or interests (such as new products or promotions).
opened (statistic): The number of recipients who opened the HTML version of an email for an email
campaign. This statistic may also be represented as a percentage of emails sent for this email campaign.
opened rate: See opened (statistic).
opt-in: A specific request by a person to receive email communication from you. See also double opt-in.
Campaigner User Guide
Page 259
pending (statistic): The number of contacts who have submitted a signup form, but have not responded
to the confirmation email. This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of
contacts. See pending status and double opt-in.
pending status: Contacts who have completed one of two required steps of the double opt-in
subscription process. These contacts have requested email communications from you, but have not
confirmed the request. See double opt-in.
permission: The implicit approval for you to send a person email communication.
personalization: A targeting method in which an email message appears to have been created only for a
single recipient. Personalization techniques include adding the recipient's name in the subject line or
message body.
plain text email: See plain text email format.
plain text email format: A format that contains only text or links.
plain text format: See plain text email format.
recipient: A person who has specifically requested to join a mailing list, giving you permission to send
them email campaigns.
replied (statistic): The number of users who replied to an email for an email campaign. This number may
also be represented as a percentage of the total number of emails sent for an email campaign.
reply-to address: See reply-to email address
reply-to email address: An email address in an email header to which responses from recipients are
sent when recipients click “reply” in their email interfaces. This address can differ from the “from” address,
and should always be an address that is monitored on a regular basis. See also email header.
return rate: See bounce rate.
segment: A method of filtering contacts based on criteria you specify
sent (statistic): The number of emails sent for an email campaign.
sent emails: The number of emails sent for an email campaign.
soft bounce: Email that is sent to an active email address, but is not delivered. Often, the problem is
temporary, such as an unavailable server or a full mailbox.
soft bounce status: Contacts who have valid email addresses, but past email campaigns have not been
delivered. The issue may be a result of blocked messages considered to be SPAM, unavailable servers,
full mailboxes, and so on.
soft bounced (contact report statistic): The number of contacts for which temporary delivery issues
occurred for email campaigns. This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number
of contacts. See soft bounce.
Page 260
Campaigner User Guide
soft bounces (email campaign report statistic): The number of emails that experienced temporary
delivery issues. This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of emails sent
for an email campaign. See soft bounce.
SPAM: The popular name for unsolicited commercial email.
SPAM complaints (statistic): The number of emails that users reported as SPAM for an email
campaign. This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of emails sent for
an email campaign.
status: See subscribed status, soft bounce status, hard bounce status, unsubscribed status, pending
subject line: Copy in the email header that identifies what an email message is about, often designed to
entice the recipient into opening the message.
subscribe: The process users follow to request email communication from you.
subscribed (statistic): The number of contacts who have completed the double-opt in subscription
process. This number may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of contacts.
subscribed status: Contacts who have completed the double-opt in subscription process.
subscriber: A person who has specifically requested to join a mailing list.
subscription process: A method for obtaining permission to send a user email communications.
Campaigner follows a double opt-in subscription process. See also double opt-in and single opt-in.
subscription process elements: The double opt-in subscription process requires that you define several
elements, including the sign up form and the thank you, confirmation, and welcome messages displayed
to users who submit the form.
subsegment: See segment.
total contacts: The total number of contacts you've defined in Campaigner.
total emails received (statistic): The total emails successfully delivered of those that were sent for an
email campaign.
total emails sent: See sent (statistic).
tracked link: For each web location link, Campaigner tracks recipients' activity to help you assess what
works and what doesn’t work for your customers, in your markets. Campaigner displays this activity in the
email campaign report for the email in which the link is used.
unsubscribed (contact report statistic): The number of contacts who are unsubscribed. This number
may also be represented as a percentage of the total number of contacts.
unsubscribed (email campaign report statistic): The number of contacts who unsubscribed using
unsubscribe options in an email for an email campaign. This number may also be represented as a
percentage of the total number of emails sent for an email campaign.
unsubscribed status: Contacts who have requested to be removed from future email campaigns.
Campaigner User Guide
Page 261
unsubscribes (statistic): See unsubscribed (contact report statistic).
URL: Uniform Resource Locator. The Web address for a page, always beginning with http:// (or https://
for a secure page) and often followed by www and the domain name (for example,
vCard: A standard file format for electronic business cards.
WebPage HTML: The HTML code necessary for a complete, hosted form on a webpage. See also iframe
and Facebook-compatible HTML.
Page 262
Campaigner User Guide
. .csv file. See comma separated value ..116, 117,
137, 249
.csv. See comma separated value .116, 137, 249
.vcf file. See vCard file ................................... 116
.xls. See Microsoft Excel ................................ 117
.xlsx. See Microsoft Excel .............................. 117
A above-the-fold .................................................... 1
account activity ................................................... 8
account locking .................................................. 8
Account menu ................................................ 251
account plans .........................................113, 251
account status ..........................................15, 251
accounts ......................................................... 251
Action bar ......................................................... 13
add 14, 16, 22, 28, 33, 35, 59, 79, 86, 87, 93, 94,
95, 96, 100, 105, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
130, 140, 145, 146, 167, 169, 171, 175
administrator ......................... 252, 253, 254, 256
Administrator user ................. 252, 253, 254, 256
advanced search ............................................ 131
align ..........................................................72, 165
alignment .......................................................... 90
ALT text ......................................................18, 82
anchor links ....................................22, 27, 93, 95
anchors............................................................. 95
Anti-SPAM policy ..... 8, 115, 116, 117, 121, 124,
arrange ............................................................. 32
Article content block ......................................... 12
Article form options .......................................... 12
Article Sidebar content block ........................... 12
Article Sidebar form options ............................. 12
Campaigner User Guide
attachments ................................................... 251
autoreply .................................................... 36, 60
autoreply message............................................. 1
B backgrounds .......................................... 105, 173
best practices ..................................................... 1
blank emails ......................................... 52, 54, 57
blogs .................................................................. 4
Bold tool ............................................. 14, 72, 165
borders ............................................. 90, 105, 173
bounced ......................................................... 239
brand recognition ............................................... 9
broken links ...................................................... 85
browse ............................................................. 13
browser .......................................... 44, 45, 69, 70
Bullet List tool................................................... 72
button link....................................................... 179
C Calendar field ................................................. 138
Campaigner blog................................................ 4
Campaigner Community .................................... 4
campaign-ready templates .............................. 52
CAN-SPAM ................................ 8, 111, 159, 160
capacity ............................................................ 85
cells. See table cells ...................................... 105
Center Align tool ...................................... 72, 165
characteristics ................................................ 113
Checkbox field ............................................... 138
checkbox selections ....................................... 115
choose ............................................................... 3
Clear tool.......................................... 72, 106, 165
click through rates ............................................ 93
clicked rates ................................................... 237
clicked through rates ...................................... 237
Clicked Through statistic ................................ 237
Page 263
color themes ................................................... 173
Color tool ........................................................ 165
colors ..............................................105, 173, 174
columns. See table columns .......................... 100
comma separated values ...... 116, 117, 137, 249
complete ......................................................... 162
compliance, CAN-SPAM .................................... 8
confirmation emails ....... 160, 164, 175, 182, 183
confirmation links .... 16, 160, 164, 175, 182, 183
contact activity ............................................8, 115
contact fields 103, 104, 113, 119, 122, 128, 130,
137, 138, 140, 142, 143, 147, 148, 169, 191
contact information ...................................16, 191
contact list locking .............................................. 8
contact panel .................................................... 13
contact reports ...... 233, 235, 236, 239, 248, 249
contacts ..........................................147, 148, 150
contacts file ....................................117, 119, 122
contacts lock ...................................................... 8
Contacts Summary........................................... 15
Contacts tab . 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140,
142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147
content blocks ............. 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 32, 33
Content Blocks page ............................14, 16, 33
convert..........................................................5, 48
copy ......................................... 78, 122, 158, 212
Copy tool ..................................................72, 165
create ..... 7, 6, 28, 49, 52, 57, 79, 93, 94, 95, 96,
100, 115, 140, 145, 146, 190, 254
Create Segment wizard..........................151, 158
credentials ...................................................... 125
crop ................................................18, 20, 82, 89
custom fields ................. 137, 138, 140, 142, 143
Customer Support ..............................5, 203, 251
customize .........................................57, 173, 174
Cut tool .....................................................72, 165
D Dashboard ............................... 15, 127, 207, 251
Dashboard tab ..................................15, 207, 251
date values ..................................................... 115
Decrease Indent tool ........................................ 72
default values ................................................. 131
defaults ........................................................... 104
delete.. 28, 33, 93, 106, 136, 143, 146, 147, 158,
163, 188, 213, 249, 256
design editors ... 4, 18, 20, 56, 57, 71, 77, 78, 79,
80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 100,
101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 189
design editors. See also sign up form editor .. 168
design tools ......................................72, 165, 189
dimensions .......................... 18, 82, 90, 177, 181
Page 264
direct link ................................................ 177, 179
double opt-in .......................... 159, 160, 164, 175
Draft state ...................................................... 208
drag and drop................................................... 86
drill down ........................................ 183, 239, 242
Drop Down field ............................................. 138
duplicate................................................... 48, 158
duplicate. See also copy ................................ 212
dynamic.................................................. 147, 148
E edit ....4, 6, 20, 27, 48, 49, 56, 71, 72, 79, 88, 89,
90, 102, 106, 129, 142, 145, 158, 163, 186,
207, 211, 254
Edit Image tool ..................................... 20, 72, 89
email .................................. 40, 65, 109, 194, 195
email addresses ...... 8, 16, 34, 35, 36, 58, 59, 60,
113, 127, 169
email campaign name ................ 1, 34, 35, 58, 59
email campaign reports 233, 234, 237, 239, 248,
email campaign statuses ............................... 208
email campaign summary. See email summary.
................................................................... 207
Email Campaign wizard 14, 6, 35, 44, 45, 49, 50,
51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 63, 69, 70, 110
email campaign, definition ................................. 1
email campaign, schedule ................................. 7
email campaign, send ........................................ 7
email campaigns .................................... 147, 148
Email Campaigns tab .... 110, 200, 203, 204, 205,
206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213
Email Change Confirmation email ......... 194, 195
Email Changed page ..................................... 195
email designs ..1, 4, 6, 18, 20, 33, 48, 49, 56, 57,
71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90,
93, 94, 95, 96, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106
email details ......... 1, 5, 34, 44, 45, 49, 58, 69, 70
email footers ................................ 1, 63, 107, 171
email formats ........................... 3, 4, 71, 130, 234
email headers ................ 34, 35, 58, 59, 107, 171
email links ...................................... 22, 27, 93, 96
email marketing best practices .......................... 8
email marketing tips ........................................... 9
email messages ............................................... 96
email subjects ............................................ 35, 59
email summary....................................... 207, 209
email templates ..... 4, 6, 7, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55,
57, 71, 103, 104
email, create ...................................................... 7
email, definition .................................................. 1
embed ............................................................ 177
entries .............................................................. 13
errors .............................................................. 251
Campaigner User Guide
examples ........................................................ 148
Excel. See Microsoft Excel............................. 117
export ............................ 117, 137, 182, 183, 249
external images ..........................................16, 87
F Facebook................. 12, 14, 40, 41, 65, 177, 181
Facebook-compatible HTML ..................177, 181
favorites ............................................................ 55
Fields tab ....... 128, 137, 138, 140, 142, 143, 144
files 114, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
125, 126
filters .............................. 131, 144, 147, 148, 212
Find and Replace tool ..............................72, 165
flip ...............................................................20, 89
Font Color tool ................................................ 165
Font Size tool .....................................72, 80, 165
font sizes .......................................................... 80
Font Style tool ....................................72, 80, 165
font styles ......................................................... 80
fonts.................................................................. 80
Footer content block......................................... 14
Footer form options .......................................... 14
Footer Message .........................................38, 62
format .......................................................80, 172
Format Stripper tool ....................................... 172
forms ..................... 184, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191
from ........................................................8, 35, 59
from email addresses .............................8, 35, 59
from name ..............................................8, 35, 59
Full Email Editor ... 3, 4, 6, 20, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50,
51, 63, 69, 70, 72, 89
full screen ......................................................... 79
Full Screen tool ..........................................72, 79
G generate .........................................78, 94, 95, 96
GIF .............................................................18, 82
Gmail ..................... 118, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126
Google+................................................40, 41, 65
gripper tool .............................................189, 191
guidelines .............. 9, 1, 4, 18, 82, 111, 113, 177
hide ........................................................ 128, 131
Highlight tool .................................... 72, 105, 165
Hotmail ................... 118, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126
HTML code .................................................... 106
HTML email designs ........................................ 57
HTML Email editor. See design editors ........... 71
HTML email format ........................................ 4, 5
HTML email format. See email formats ........... 71
Hyperlink Manager tool. See Link tool ............. 72
Hyperlink tool. See Link tool ............................ 94
I identify .............................................................. 55
iframe ............................................................. 181
image link ......................................................... 22
images 16, 18, 20, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92,
93, 105, 107, 168, 171, 174, 234
import contacts..8, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119,
120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126
Import Contacts wizard ... 14, 116, 117, 118, 119,
120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126
Incomplete state............................................. 208
Increase Indent tool ......................................... 72
information ............................................. 6, 50, 51
Information bar ................................................. 13
inline ............................................................... 177
inline form .............................................. 177, 181
insert .................................... 78, 86, 87, 100, 169
Insert Image tool .......................... 72, 86, 87, 165
insert selected symbol ..................................... 14
Insert Text from HTML Email tool .............. 72, 78
interest ........................................................... 113
investigation ....................................................... 8
invite ............................................................... 111
Italics tool ..................................... 14, 72, 80, 165
J JPG ............................................................ 18, 82
justify ........................................................ 72, 165
Justify Align tool ....................................... 72, 165
K H KnowledgeBase ............................................. 117
hard bounce ................................................... 239
Header content block ....................................... 11
Header form options......................................... 11
height..............................................177, 179, 181
Help, search ....................................................... 3
Help, using ......................................................... 3
HEX ................................................................ 105
L Campaigner User Guide
Last Email Campaign Activity summary .......... 15
layouts ................................................ 13, 5, 7, 32
learning resources ............................................. 3
Left Align tool ........................................... 72, 165
Page 265
Library ....................... 16, 20, 85, 86, 88, 89, 104
Link tool ..................... 27, 72, 94, 95, 96, 99, 165
link tracking ....................................27, 28, 93, 94
LinkedIn ................................... 12, 14, 40, 41, 65
links ....... 22, 27, 28, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 177, 234
list ................................................................... 149
list box value .................................................. 115
lock .....................................................8, 143, 203
log out............................................................... 13
lower case ........................................................ 80
Lower Case tool .........................................72, 80
M magic triangle ..................................................... 1
mailing address ................. 8, 1, 6, 14, 50, 51, 63
mailing list visibility ......................................... 145
mailing lists ... 113, 120, 123, 126, 131, 136, 143,
144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 162, 167, 182, 183,
191, 200, 235, 236
Mailing Lists tab ... 120, 123, 126, 143, 144, 145,
146, 147
manage ....................................................16, 127
manual add ............................................114, 115
margins............................................................. 90
match......................................................119, 122
menus............................................................... 13
merge ............................................................. 101
merge fields ..................... 31, 103, 104, 107, 142
Message Center .....................................203, 251
messages ....................................................... 251
methods, defining contacts .. 113, 114, 115, 116,
117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
Microsoft Excel .......................................117, 122
modify ..... 27, 56, 79, 80, 90, 102, 106, 129, 142,
145, 146, 163, 172, 207, 211
modify fields matching............................119, 122
move................................................................. 32
My Favorites ..................................................... 52
My Templates .............................................52, 57
N names............ 34, 35, 58, 59, 145, 162, 167, 190
navigation bar ................................................... 13
No Justify tool ...........................................72, 165
Number List tool ............................................... 72
numeric box field ............................................ 138
O online forums ...................................................... 4
online resources ................................................. 4
Page 266
online service .114, 118, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126
open ........................................................... 48, 72
opened ........................................................... 242
opened rates .................................................. 237
Opened statistic ............................................. 237
opt-in .............................................................. 160
opt-out ........................................................ 8, 160
order ............................................................... 169
P paragraph justification ...................................... 14
paragraph style ................................................ 80
Paragraph Style tool .......................... 72, 80, 165
Paragraph tool ................................................. 72
password........................................................ 125
paste ...................... 114, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126
Paste tool ................................................. 72, 165
permission.............................................. 111, 160
permission-based email marketing .... 8, 111, 160
personalize....................... 9, 1, 31, 103, 104, 142
plain text............................................... 41, 65, 78
Plain Text Email editor. See design editors ..... 71
plain text email format. See email formats ...... 71
plan .................................... 8, 9, 1, 111, 160, 251
PNG ........................................................... 18, 82
pop-up link ............................................. 177, 179
popup window ........................................ 177, 179
post ................................................ 177, 179, 181
Postmaster ......................................................... 8
preview .......5, 31, 49, 52, 92, 104, 107, 164, 188
print .................................... 3, 110, 182, 183, 248
Print tool ........................................................... 72
privacy............................................................ 160
privacy policy ................................................. 111
properties ......................................... 90, 102, 105
Q Quick Links ...................................................... 15
Quicklink tool.................................................... 28
quicklinks ................................................... 28, 99
R Receives Test Messages ............................... 130
Recently Modified Campaigns summary ......... 15
Recently Modified Email Campaign panel ..... 207
recipients................ 7, 1, 113, 199, 200, 206, 242
Redo tool.................................................. 72, 165
remove ....22, 28, 33, 80, 93, 106, 136, 143, 147,
163, 213, 249
remove link....................................................... 14
Remove Link tool ........................................... 165
Campaigner User Guide
reorder ............................................................ 169
replies .........................................................36, 60
reply-to .......................... 16, 1, 34, 36, 49, 58, 60
report statistics .......................................239, 243
reports .... 93, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 243,
248, 249
Reports tab ... 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 248,
reports. See email campaign reports or contact
reports......................................................... 233
resize ..................................... 18, 20, 82, 89, 107
review ............................................................. 207
RGB................................................................ 105
Right Align tool .........................................72, 165
rotate ..........................................................20, 89
rows. See table rows ...................................... 100
S Sample Gallery ................................................... 7
samples .............................................................. 7
save ..............................................33, 49, 77, 167
Save as My Template ...................................... 57
Save as Template tool ...............................57, 72
Save tool ....................................................72, 77
schedule ................................ 203, 204, 205, 206
scheduled ....................................................... 158
Scheduled state ............................................. 208
screen layout .................................................... 13
screen mode .................................................... 79
search.................................................3, 131, 212
search filters ................................................... 131
search groups ................................................ 131
segment.......................................................... 158
segments ....... 131, 147, 148, 149, 150, 158, 200
Segments tab ................................................. 149
select . 52, 55, 102, 118, 126, 149, 199, 200, 206
Select All tool ................................................... 72
send........................................................203, 206
sender. See from ........................................35, 59
sent................................................................. 234
Sent state ....................................................... 208
set up........................................................16, 113
settings ............................................................. 16
sharebar ...............................................40, 41, 65
show .......................................................128, 131
Show tool.......................................................... 72
sign up form editor ........ 168, 169, 171, 173, 174
Sign Up Form tab . 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 167,
168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177,
179, 181, 182, 183
Sign Up Form wizard...... 14, 159, 164, 167, 174,
175, 176, 177
Campaigner User Guide
sign up forms ...... 40, 41, 65, 111, 143, 147, 148,
159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169,
171, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 183
simple search ................................................. 131
size ............................................................. 18, 82
Smart Email Builder .. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16,
20, 22, 31, 32, 33, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 63, 69,
70, 72, 89
smart template ......................................... 5, 7, 32
Smart Templates page ...................................... 7
social media .....6, 40, 41, 43, 50, 51, 65, 68, 243
Social Media Sidebar content block................. 12
Social Media Sidebar form options .................. 12
social sharing ................... 40, 41, 43, 65, 68, 243
soft bounce .................................................... 239
sort ......................................... 135, 213, 248, 251
source .............................................................. 80
space ............................................................... 85
SPAM ............................................................. 111
Spell Check tool ....................................... 72, 165
split ................................................................. 101
spreadsheets ................................. 113, 116, 117
standard fields................................ 137, 138, 142
Standard user ........................ 252, 253, 254, 256
start .................................... 14, 49, 122, 151, 167
statistics ................................. 182, 183, 239, 249
statuses............................................ 15, 162, 208
stop ........................................................ 205, 206
subject lines ........................... 9, 35, 59, 107, 234
submit button ................................................. 174
subscribe........................ 111, 160, 184, 186, 191
subscribers..................................................... 160
subscription management. 38, 62, 184, 186, 188,
189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197
subscription management forms....... 38, 62, 145,
184, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195,
196, 197
subscription process ...... 159, 160, 164, 175, 182
summary. See email campaign summary ..... 209
support ............................................................... 5
Symbol tool .............................................. 72, 165
T table cells ....................................... 101, 102, 105
table columns ......................... 100, 101, 102, 213
table rows....................................... 100, 101, 102
Table tool ......................................... 72, 100, 165
Table wizard................................................... 100
tables ............................................. 100, 102, 105
tasks, email campaign overview .................... 1, 7
test ....................... 31, 49, 92, 104, 107, 109, 130
test contacts ................................... 104, 109, 130
text ......................................... 14, 79, 80, 93, 105
text box field ................................................... 138
Page 267
text color ........................................................... 14
Text Color tool ..................................72, 105, 165
text link .....................................................22, 179
text size ............................................................ 14
text value ........................................................ 115
Thank You message ..............................160, 174
Thank You page .....................................188, 193
theme .......................................................5, 7, 32
theme colors. See theme ................................... 5
thumbnails ........................................................ 52
tools ..................................................72, 165, 189
tooltips ..................................................18, 82, 90
trackable links. See link tracking ...................... 27
tracking .......................................................36, 60
tracking. See link tracking ................................ 93
transition ......................................................... 113
Twitter...................................... 12, 14, 40, 41, 65
U undeliverable .................................................. 239
Underline tool ...........................................72, 165
Undo tool ..................................................72, 165
Unlink tool.................................................72, 165
unsolicited email ............................................. 111
unsubscribe .. 8, 34, 58, 111, 136, 160, 184, 186,
188, 191, 196, 197
Unsubscribe form .......................38, 62, 196, 197
unsubscribe option ... 38, 62, 184, 186, 188, 191,
Unsubscribed page ........................................ 197
update ........... 6, 20, 50, 51, 57, 86, 89, 191, 193
Update Preferences form .......................191, 193
updates, your information...............6, 50, 51, 107
upgrade .......................................................... 251
upload...................................... 85, 114, 116, 117
upper case ....................................................... 80
Page 268
Upper Case tool ......................................... 72, 80
usage statistics .............................. 162, 182, 183
user name ...................................................... 125
users ...................................... 252, 253, 254, 256
V vCard file ................................ 116, 117, 118, 126
verify .................................................... 16, 36, 60
video tutorials ..................................................... 3
view .56, 128, 138, 144, 149, 150, 162, 182, 186,
208, 234, 235, 236, 251, 253
view online ......................... 41, 44, 45, 65, 69, 70
viral marketing............................................ 9, 111
W web location links ........................... 22, 27, 93, 94
WebPage HTML .................................... 177, 181
welcome ............................................................. 1
Welcome Email .............................................. 254
Welcome message ........................ 160, 164, 176
width ....................................................... 179, 181
window ................................................... 177, 179
wizards ..14, 6, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 116, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 151,
159, 164, 167, 177
word-of-mouth ............................................ 9, 111
workspace ........................................................ 13
Y Yahoo! Mail ............ 118, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126
YouTube .................................................... 12, 14
Campaigner User Guide