M by Kay Olson, PWP Moderator
M by Kay Olson, PWP Moderator
PRESBYTERIAN 'WOMEN Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of South Dakota July 2011 M by Kay Olson, PWP Moderator they 2011 PWP Spring* Gathering'way April/ 30 atfirst Presbyterian/Churchy Sturgly, with 59 women/from? a&osythe/Sfate/braAririg'the'we Vid/itreally ha*/e/to-snow, sleet and rain with/ 50 mph windy? We/were? warm/irislde/the/dhurchi though! Thanh yowto-pWC Moderator tCbeen/ Hodf^and/aM/the/Pr&sbytertiutoWowwn/at It wa# a/wonderful day in/Spit^ of the/weather. The/them^ of the/Gophering'wo* "YowAre/AU/Ov\e/ in/ChristJe*suy." We/ were/pleated/to- invite/ our Vahota/PW slsteryto-come/and feUowship with uy. Madeline/ Terry, elder from/ Makasan/ Presbyteria4VChurch* Oglala/, \Vtihje/Chritf;oar\jdObe/a#\jdL>re<^ LaVonne/ LookArvfrtXkt, CLP, frotnfporcupvne/presbytxrixMvChur^pre^e^ GercddCne/(joeyIn/Center, SV HujinarUtU^CotA^uUl/pre^nterj gone/a#veducational?and/ erttertayinintyprograJM/on'the'f&od/a*^ present time/. Atth&aynclu&lon'Ofthe/day, Vahotxupre^bytBrUM^VJomje^^e^re^ed presenting'a/star qufltto-pW to/the/Pretbytery ofSV. Ay moderator, I humbly accepted/thiygift, hnowir\jg'the'signJifUxvn^ It iy with respect for our Vakotn/bisterythatPWPofSV wiUpray for, and/walhheside/, our ti&terya&hothpretbyteriet'find/ wayyto- support eocJv other in* ourJourney wVth/Qod^. Consider saying' this- prayer for our Vahota/ presbytery sistery. "Lord/, be/ with our Dakota/ Presbytery itsters-. Giv&themstyvrigtha*^c<nAra^t& support t^ and/ihow uyhow to-partner On-rnCnCstry withthe^yv. Irvyour na*ne/, ipray. Avnen." fatfhful/Women'PWP faU/KetreatwCU/be/Oct. 7-8, 2011, near ChoumberlaArv. Every 3 years, PWP wiHpla4va/ spiritual? retreat. Under the/leadership of Specialist-for Spiritual/Growth, 'Bonnie/ VJirt, we/are/offering'ttPaAJise/tJO''Rer\eM)u. PajfrwCaroXyv\/VUAerttmwwuriAJLehPre4ty Marian^ wCU/be/the/BMe/ study and/ spiritual/leader. Ovx/pajge/^, read/wordy of encoura^gewient from/Bonnie/Wirt on- why you/ should/ "PaAAse/txrUeneM)." Also-find/ detailed/ Mforwiationon< location^ cost andhow to- register for the/ retreat on/page/ 6. Churchwid&GathertofrwiZLhe'July 18-22, 2012, atQaylord/palwvy, Orlando-, ft. 2011, atwww.pre^byteria^nworne4V.org/g<^therin^ January 15, 2012, byphon&or wioaJU. PWP ha* scholarship fund*a^aXlahie/to- assist - more/ inforwiatiA>nwQJUbe/iAfothe/Yve#tprairCe'WCndt In/addittoni I yugge^yoworgc^ni^^a/fundraiser atyour church to- help with costy. Please/ dovCt let the? travel expense/ dUcoura^ge/yovu A ny woman who- ha* attended a/ PW ChurchMfide/ Gathering' wiXb teHyow, it Vy a#v OncredChUe/ etCperi&nceA Schedule/ a/ mountcUntop experience/! May your XAwuvierhe'frhletei#\#fa PW in the Congregation - Leaders Please complete and send this information to: Carrie Van Buren PWP Secretary/Historian 1334 Orchard Dr Deadline: August 15, 2011 Brookings SD 57006 (Updates are important for communication within PWP) Name, etc. 1) Moderator Email Phone(s) 2) Vice Moderator Email Phone(s) 3) Secretary Email Phone(s) _ 4) Historian Email Phone(s) 5) Treasurer Email Phone(s) _ 6) Search Email Phone(s) 7) Mission _ Email Phone(s) (please print) Mailing Address Please post Pause to lenew by Bonnie VVirt, Specialist for Spiritual Growth Please post Women -This i$ the time to mark the dates of Oct. 7-8,2011, on your calendars! Plan to attend the Faithful Women PV^ Fall Retreat at River Ranch Resort near (Shamberlain, SD. TMitlf abOElt jt - Thereare times when we are in need of respite for various reasons. Some of us take daily coffee breaks, while others might be found working a crossword puzzle in the middle of a busy day. We also take vacations for a change from our regular routines. There are other times when we simply withdraw to a room alone to read or think or pray. Presbyterian Wofpen in the Presbytery of South Dakota is sponsoring the retreat as a "pause to renew" by taking a brief therout from our everyday lives. The retreat is planned as an outing in a special environment so that each of us may have an opportunity to focus on the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ through devotions and Bible study based on Mary's experience in Luke 10:38-39. Mary paused in the midst of her household duties to linger near their special visitor. As Jesus spoke, she was drawn closer until she was sitting with fft© others at His feet (Luke 10:38*39) 3v. Dr. Carolyn Visser, pastor at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Marion, will serve as spiritual leader and lead us in Bible study. It is hoped that the central location chosen for the retreat will inspire women across the state to participate in this opportunity to experience spiritual growth. We, too, wish to draw closer. I To register or for more information, see pages 5 and 6, or contact: Kay Olson, Moderator of Presbyterian WQifien of South Dakota dkolson@sio.midco.net 605-336-3585 Retreat Schedule Friday Oct. 7 4 pm Check in at Oasis Inn, Exit 260, near Chamberlain. 5 pm Settle into motel room. Find W Cabin". Welcome by Kay Olson 6 pm supper 7 pm Drive shdrt distanceto River-Ranch Resort. devotions with Bonnie Wirt Bible study with Carolyn Visser Saturday Oct. 8 8 am 9 am breakfast, devotions with Bonnie Wirt Bible study continued with Carolyn 10 am 10:30 am break/check out of motel Women Care - assemble hygiene kits, announcements Noon 1-2:30 pm 2:30 pm lunch Closing time, reflection on Retreat Closing Worship 11 am Bible study continued Please post lQUSG lO 1\6T16VV Please post Faithful Women Fall Retreat Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of South Dakota October 7-8,2011 River Ranch Resort, near Chamberlain Mary paused in the midst ofher household duties to linger near their special visitor. As Jesus spoke, she was drawn closer until she was sitting with the others at His feet (Luke 10i38-39) A Faithful Women Fall Retreat will be a brief time-out from our everyday lives, just as Mary took a short break from kitchen duty to sit at the feet of our Lord. While we feel the need to take care of things as Martha does, in our hearts we yearn to worship at His feet like Mary. We, too, wish to draw closer. Bible study and spiritual leader - Rev. Dr. Carolyn Visser Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Marion, SD ftem Dr. Carolyn Visser, pastor at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Marion, will serve as spiritual leader ^tfeWlthfui;#toerv F*\AP Nil rteireat \A/e look forward to having Pastor Visser lead the little Bfo# during the retreat. Ordained in June 1992, Visser received her Doctor of Ministry in Christian Spirituality at Columbia Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Decatur, Georgia, in May 2007, and Master of Divinity from Houston Graduate School of Theology at Houston, Texas, in May 1988. Previously, she received a Bachelor degree in nursing in Illinois. Rev. Visser has been pastor at Emmanuel Presbyterian since Nov. 2002. She served previously as Associate Pastor of Congregational Care at Northwood Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas (19962001), and Associate Pastor at The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church, The Woodlands, Texas (1992-1996). Born in Vandalia, Illinois, Carolyn met her husband, Benton Visser, a Monroe, SD, native, at the Methodist church she attended when he was working for Shell Oil Co. in Illinois. They were married July 4,1970, and later moved to Texas with his job. After living ih Texas 25 years, the Vissers retumed to South Dakota upon Benton's retirement to live on the Monroe family farm. They have two sons. B.G. is married to Bridgette, lives in Nebraska arid has two sons - Ethan age 9 and Gavin age 5. Their other son, Aaron, lives in Monroe. Carolyn lists her passions as reading, needlepoint, gardening, labyrinths, and snowmobiling. She cans the vegetables from her large garden. She and Benton built a labyrinth in their backyard. Htillfill iiBltlill PiiP Pill Hitrenl 1011 Please post Pause to Renew General Information: Call Oasis Inn 605-734-6061 to make your reservation for the Rimtl&nGftM&isart. For group rate, ask for Presbyterian Women. Motel rooms have 2 double beds in each room. Single occupancy $60 + tax « $67.10 Double occupancy $65 + tax = $72.53 No hair dryer, iron or ironing bpacd available at resort. Motel room is to be paid at check-out time Sat. Oct. 8. Retreat begins with 4 pm check-in at Oasis Inn. Oacoma, I-90 exjfjpi, near Al's Oasis, After check-in, go 1 mile east and 1 mile north of Oasis Inn, on f# M01 shore of Missouri River to River Ranch Resort and Cabins. Activities start at 5 pm Fri. at the if^CabiflV..,*headquarters tor the retreat - all meals and activities at cabin. What to Bring? • Bible and pen • Items for Hygiene Kit - being as many as you wish: In the face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. To assemble a Hygiene Kit you will need: 1 handtowel approx. 16"x28" (no fingertip or bath towels) 1 wasMotfo 1 widfc-toofh comb 1 nail clipper (no metal files or emery boards) 1 bar of soap (bath size in wrapper) 1 toothbrush (in original packaging) 6 band-aids Please do not add toothpaste to the Hygiene Kit. Toothpaste with an extended expiration date will be added to the Hygiene Kits just prior to shipment. Seal all items in a 1-gallon plastic bag with a zipper closure. A handout will be provided with details about sending the Hygiene Kits, along with other kit opportunities. The kits are part of Church World Service, a program that helps make a difference in the lives of refugees, displaced people, and victims of natural disasters around the world. If you wish, bring new or gently used Biblical children's books and children's Bibles to give to various Dakota Presbytery churches in South Dakota. Registration Information: Cost per person, Z meals, snacks and materials: $20 Registrations due by Sept. 20. Checks * payable to PWP. Mail registration form to: Kay Olson, 3901 Spencer Blvd, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 Name Address Registration form for Faithful Women PWP Fall Retreat : Telephone City Special needs. , copy m Oct. 7-8, 2011 DEVOTION (with lighting of Christ candle) by Mary Jenner, PWP Specialist for Spiritual Growth Leader: We light this candle, reminded of Christ's presence, here and in all parts of our lives. His presence gives us hope, as we face daily problems and trials. CALL TO WORSHIP (Read responsively or leader does all) Leader: Like a cork on the ocean, hope keeps us afloat. People: Leader: Like a rainbow in the clouds, hope reminds us of God's promises. Like the first crocus through the snow, hope shows us there's more than what we see now. People: Leader: Like a cup of ice water on a hot day, hope soothes our soul. (omit this one if not in flood area or substitute if possible) Like reports that the levees are finished and high enough, hope calms us and keeps us going. When we are disappointed in ourselves, in our world and when our expectations are not met, hope lets us People: bounce back and believe again that life can be good. All: Leader: Hope is a gift. All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above. Praise the Lord for the gift of hope. Hope also comes from hearing God's promises, his positive words, that we find in the Bible. HANDY LITTLE CHART - GOD HAS A POSITIVE ANSWER YOU SAY (leader reads) BIBLE Verses (alternate, around circle) GOD SAYS (all, in unison) You say: It's impossible. (Luke 18:17) But he said, "What is impossible GOD says: All things are possible. with men is possible with God." You say: I'm too tired. (Matthew 11:28-30) Come to me, all who labor GOD says: I will give you rest. and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. YOU say: Nobody really loves me. (John 3:16) For God so loved the world that he GOD says: I love you. gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. YOU say: I can't go on. (II Corinthians 12:9) But he said to me: "My grace is GOD says: My grace is sufficient, sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (Psalm 91:15) When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him and honor him. You say: I can't figure things out. (Proverbs 3:5,6) Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways GOD says: I will direct your steps, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. You say: I can't do it. (Philippians 4:13) I can do all things in him GOD says: You can do all things. who strengthens me. You say: I'm not able. (II Corinthians 9:8) And God is able to provide you GOD says: I am able. with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work. You say: It's not worth it. (Romans 8:28) We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. GOD says: It will be worth it. You say: I can't forgive myself. (I John:9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and GOD says: I forgive you. just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (Romans 8:1) There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) And my God will supply every You say: I can't manage. GOD says: I will supply all your needs, need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (II Timothy 1:7) For God did not give us a spirit You say: I'm afraid. GOD says: I have not given of timidity but a spirit of power and love and you a spirit of fear. self-control. (I Peter 5:7) Cast all your anxieties on him, You say: I'm always worried GOD says: Cast all your cares for he cares about you. and frustrated. You say: I'm not smart enough (I Corinthians 1:30) He is the source of your life on ME. GOD says I give you wisdom. in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption. You say: I feel all alone. (Hebrews 13:5) Keep your life free from love of GOD says: I will never leave you money, and be content with what you have, for or forsake you. He has said, "I will never fail you or forsake you/1 CLOSING PRAYER (extinguish candle) Leader: Lord, thank you for your positive words and the gift of hope. Bless those here, and those who could not be here. Bless all those impacted by the flooding, all those who lent a hand, and those continuing to work. You know what each of us needs this day. Thank you for your constant care and love. Amen. PW SYNOD MINI MISSION EXPERIENCE submitted by Sue Gose, PWS Vice Moderator and member, PWS Dakota Presbytery Task Force Dakota Presbyterian Women were so empowered by the PW USA Mission Experience "Meeting Our Sisters" last Sept. that they invited us to come to their Mission Tent Meeting Aug. 12-13. (Read all about it in the Mar/Apr. 2011 HORIZONS.) At the last PW Synod Coordinating Team meeting, we planned an abbreviated version on the east side of SD, to be combined with our regular PWS CT meeting. Only 3 women from our Synod were allowed to do the 2010 Experience, although everyone on the CT wanted to. Kay Olson (1 of the 3) has been coordinating the 2011 plan. All of the PW Synod CT and 1 additional person from each of the 16 presbyteries in the Synod of Lakes and Prairies (SLAP) have been invited to participate. The woman representing Presbytery of South Dakota is Mary Jenner from Fort Pierre. Mary is one of our PWP Specialists for Spiritual Growth. The PWS Mini Mission Experience will begin in Flandreau, Wed. Aug. 10. The Second Presbyterian Church PW, Flandreau, will provide supper for approximately 40 women that evening. This is where our PWS CT meeting will take place. Rev. Danelle Crawford McKinhey will do an orientation with us, and we will travel to Pipestone National Monument Thurs. evening. On Friday we will travel to Sisseton, meet with the Dakota women at Goodwill Church for lunch, and worship with the Dakota Presbytery in the evening. Before we leave the Sisseton area on Sat., PW of the Sisseton church will feed us. We will attend Sunday worship with Rev. Danelle McKinney at First Presbyterian, Wentworth, followed by our closing at First Presbyterian, Madison. The Madison PW will provide sack lunches for our travel home. Presbyterian Women Congratulates churches for reaching milestone anniversaries First Presbyterian at Wentworth, SD St. Paul's Presbyterian at Emery, SD First Presbyterian at Avon, SD First Presbyterian at Raymond, SD 125th anniversary 125th anniversary 100th anniversary 125th anniversary July 3, 2011 July 31, 2011 September 18, 2011 September 18, 2011 Presbyterian Women congratulates these churches for all the years they have changed lives and worked hard to show the love of Jesus Christ in their communities. May God be given the Glory! Each church, in its own way, has been supportive of Presbyterian Women over the years. SEARCH COMMITTEE NEWS NEW PWP LEADERS ♦ Peri Erdmann of Aberdeen was elected PWP Vice Moderator. Peri is a past moderator of the Presbytery of South Dakota and also is an excellent soloist. She and her husband have twin sons who just graduated from high school and will be attending University of Minnesota. ♦ Carrie Van Buren of Brookings is the new Secretary/Historian. Carrie works at the SD State Ag Museum. Her husband Stephen is a Commissioned Lay Pastor at Spirit Lake Presbyterian Church near DeSmet and works at SDSU. ♦ Meleta DeJong, Pierre, has agreed to be a member of the PWP Search Committee. Meleta has just completed a term as moderator of Presbytery Council. She is editor of the Oahe Presbyterian Church newsletter and has been on various Presbyterian Disaster Assistance teams. THANK YOU PWP Search Committee especially appreciates these PW leaders for their recent years on the PWP Coordinating Team: Judy Barnard, Marilyn Brower, Trudi Nelson, Faye Symens. Our thanks also goes to Margaret Ellefson, Diane Helin, and Bonnie Wirt for continuing on the current PWP CT. HELP WANTED to complete a 1-year term as Specialist for Spiritual Growth to complete Marilyn Brower's term, as she has moved to Maine. Please contact Vi Leonard, Sue Gose or Meleta DeJong if you would, or you know of someone who would, serve in this position on the PWP Coordinating Team. MINUTE FOR MISSION It's exciting that mission continues to be "alive and well" in South Dakota. It is so very rewarding to have mission projects that are local, in the USA, and global. *Note: Please remember to thoroughly check out a project if it is not on the Presbyterian Women's mission projects list; be assured that the projects on PWs list have been carefully checked. One project that is free is Faces of Children, praying for children around the world. Faces of Children is an ecumenical prayer ministry under the auspices of First Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas. Their mission is to initiate ministries of prayer for children in churches, communities, and neighborhoods. In doing so, they seek to provide an opportunity for people of God to join together, learn about children and their needs throughout the world, and celebrate Christ's love (especially as it relates to children). Check out their web site at: http://www.facesofchildren.net/ Always feel free to call, write, or email me if you have questions or concerns. And, thank you for your prayers during the flooding. Please continue prayers during the summer and beyond. Margaret Ellefson, Coordinator, Mission Opportunities 413 W Capitol, Pierre SD 57501 605-224-6020 margeknute@pie.midco. net PRAIRIE WIND, PWP of SD Diane Helin, Editor 1506 S 1st Ave Sioux Falls SD 57105 Presbytery of South Dakota 1001 E6*St Sioux Falls SD 57103 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN of the PRESBYTERY OF SOUTH DAKOTA 2011-2012 COORDINATING TEAM MODERATOR VICE MODERATOR Kay Olson Peri Erdman 3901 Spencer Blvd 1005 18tfi Ave NE SECRETARY/HISTORIAN Carrie Van Buren 1334 Orchard Dr TREASURER COMMUNICATIONS MISSION MEDIA BOARD SEARCH Janice Hight Diane Helin Margaret Ellefeon Trudi Nelson PO Box 546 1506 S 1st Ave MaryJenner Parker 57053 413-5489 Sioux Falls 57105 334-4562 svhjanice@iw.net djhelin@sio.midco.net 413 W Capitol Pierre 57501 224-6020 margknute@pie.midco.net 6498 Evergreen Acres Dr Wentworth 57075 636-9287 nelsont@svtv.com 470 21st StSW #204 Huron 57350 352-8104 goses@hur.midco.net Sue Gose Vi Leonard PO Box 412 Meleta DeJong 2016 E Broadway SPECIALISTS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH Bonnie Wirt Sioux Falls 57103 336-3585 dkolson@sio.midco.net Aberdeen 57401 225-2122 perilee36@gmail.com Brookings 57006 692-9518 twograycats@hotmail.com Bison 57620 244-7219 leonard.vi@sdplains.com Pierre 57501 224-7093 larryandmeleta@pie.midco.net 27813 455*81 Parker 57053 Ft. Pierre 57532 Box 153 279-4938 223-3136 Please send name and address changes to: djenner@pie.midco.net PRAIRIE WIND, PWP of SD, Diane Helin, Editor 1506 S 18i Ave Sioux Falls SD 57105 email djhelin@sio.midco.net What does your PVV do? What "works" for you? Share your successes! Write to t or email Diane, n, editor of PraiffeWind 10