the PDF version of this newsletter
the PDF version of this newsletter Join the CIRCLE of Friends! CALL NOW Therapist Standing by! You can now also DONATE securely on-line! page 2 Published for friends of the MEET our Instructors Page 5 Equest Center Equest A story of Courage and Hope Page 6 Page 3 for Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Free of charge Times Fall 2006 3777 Rector NE, Rockford, MI 49341 You can call us at 616-866-3066. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” Anne Frank Fabulous Fashion SECTION 131 ... y a w n u r On the own s ’ t s e Equ MODELS SUPER US- S he may be only 13 years old, visited the Equest Center, went Center instead of bringing gifts.” but Elizabeth Finklestein al- through volunteer training and Envelopes with checks started ready is making history. Over told my parents I wanted everyone arriving at the Equest Center from a few short months, Elizabeth raised to send a donation to the Equest Florida, Colorado, Illinois, and even over $11,000.00 for her favorite Germany. charity, Equest Center for TheraElizabeth anticipated she might peutic Riding in Rockford. “This raise a few hundred dollars is so amazing – Elizabeth has for the Center. She estimated raised more than any other young a bit low. In the end, she person had ever done in the hismade a donation of more than tory of the Center,” said Kathy $11,000.00. Pezzato was moved Pezzato, executive director of the to tears. “This young lady makes center. me so incredibly proud,” Pezzato How did she do it? With a little said, “She was able to come out help from her friends and family. and see our riders simply as other “As my family was planning for my kids who shared her passion. She Bat-Mitzvah, I was thinking how gave something special to kids in I didn’t want any gifts because I need.” have everything I need, and there The money will go towards are so many kids that are more in scholarships for special needs need than me,” Elizabeth said. riders this coming school year. “Since I have a love for horses, I wanted to do something (original article written by horse-related. So, we found Maranda, an Equest board the Equest Center online and This fall Elizabeth also donated her horse member, for the Grand Rapids love what they do for kids. I Grizzly to our center! Press © Grand Rapids Press.) PAGE 4: FULL COLOR Existing Land OUR New Acquisition is now COMPLETE. THANK YOU, DONORS! Rector Road PAGE 8: meet Cowboy Poet INSIDE this ISSUE: First spotted at EQUEST: also INSIDE: Honey ROCKS at VanAndel n a m r e k c Nick A Scientists marvel at discovery Easter Buffies display TOUGH LOVE FOR EQUEST She must hide behind special barricade to ward off her fans!! If you want to make a donation or are interested in volunteering, call Equest at 616-866-3066 Rockford Start of Summer Celebration tor irec D e h t m Fro S Dear Equest, Elizabeth ince our doors opened over 15 years ago, Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding has been blessed by the giving spirit of so many who support our program and all of the special needs riders we serve. This past year, however, one young lady showered Equest with blessings unlike any we had experienced before. As 12 – year old Elizabeth Finkelstein was preparing for her Bat-Mitzvah she decided she didn’t want her family and friends to buy her presents—she wanted to share her joy with others less fortunate than herself. Elizabeth, an avid equestrian and horse owner herself, found out about our center online and loved the idea of becoming involved. After visiting the center and going through volunteer orientation she chose Equest Center as her mission. In a card being sent out regarding Elizabeth’s Bat-Mitzvah the words read: “In lieu of any gifts, Elizabeth asks out of the kindness of your heart, that a donation be made to help the ongoing therapy done at the Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding.” Throughout the coming weeks a sea of donations came rolling in from all over the United States and other countries totaling over $11,000! If that wasn’t enough, we recently received a call from Elizabeth stating that she wanted to donate her horse “Grizzly” to our Therapeutic Riding Program. Grizzly is now at our center and is proving to be an outstanding therapy horse. Elizabeth Finkelstein is a most gracious young lady with amazing character and a giving spirit far beyond her years! She is a shining example for young and old alike. The donations made to Equest Center in her honor have been applied to the Rider Scholarship Fund and have provided the opportunity for many of our special needs riders who are in financial need to continue to experience the physical, mental and emotional healing Equest Center’s Therapeutic Riding brings to them. Won’t you consider joining in Equest’s Circle of Friends with Elizabeth? All donations are tax deductible and are greatly appreciated. We are happy to donate $108.00 to you! Chandler Woods 4th grade students from Mrs. Mooney's class. We made charm pins and sold them for $2.00 each...and are happy to give you the money we earned. I hope to do this for you each Spring. Sincerely, Ruth Mooney HORSIN’ AROUND Please Mr. police officer...don’t give us a parking ticket! quest Center for Therapeutic Riding was featured in the Rockford Start of Summer Parade. Many thanks to Paul VanderLaan and his stunning team of horses. E Summer Horse Camp Huge Success Remembering our friend Ray Memorial Garden in honor of Ray Honey & Freckles LIVE at VanAndel O ur deepest appreciation goes out to Jules and Jacquelyn Bush for creating “Equest’s Memorial Gardens” in honor of therapy horse Ray who touched so many lives. The garden is located along the path of the future outdoor Therapeutic Riding trail. T As always, we would like to extend an invitation for you to visit our center and see FIRST HAND therapeutic riding in action. We’re very proud of what our program is accomplishing and would love to share it with you! ! ps oo F or those of you who would like nothing better than to spend an entire week around horses, Equest Center’s Horsemanship Day Camp is just for you! Our camp is available for all horse lovers, beginning through advanced riders. Our ultimate goal is to teach participants what it would be like to have a horse of their own. his Fall Equest Center partnered with the VanAndel Museum for the Horsin’ Around the Museum Event as part of the Pet’s in America Exhibit. Equine Therapists Honey & Freckles traveled to downtown Grand Rapids for the day to enjoy meeting hundreds of museum visitors & horse lovers and give them a taste of what Therapeutic Riding is all about! Equest Center’s Equestrians Kendra Gleason, Kyle Teunissen and Rosie Accola did a fantastic job providing therapeutic riding demonstrations for those attending. Many thanks to the VanAndel Museum & everyone who made this day such a success! At camp, you will enjoy an entire week focused around horses. Boys and girls, 8 years and older will enjoy daily riding lessons; instruction in horse care and feeding; proper tack selection; basic veterinary skills; driving lessons; games and crafts with horse themes and Much More! Plus, all campers will participate in a horse show on Friday- parents and spectators are welcome! TENTATIVE SCHEDULE on page 5 If you want to make a donation or are interested in volunteering, call Equest at 616-866-3066 OUR LOSS Ashleigh Marie Kieliszewski In January of this year we received a call from a mother who said she had a 4 year old daughter named Ashleigh with a type of cancer called neuroblastoma. The family had just received the results from scans that the cancer was literally everywhere in her little body and she had a very short time left to live. What she wished for was to be able to ride a horse. Ashleigh came out the next day to ride.. . W e had given Ashleigh’s Mom our website address so she could see the horses and Ashleigh picked out Freckles and Silver as her favorites. Kelly, Ashleigh’s instructor, had her ride Freckles and that little pony was phenomenal! They walked (mostly because trotting was too painful for Ashleigh) around for over an hour. Kelly taught Ashleigh how to steer and stop and Freckles listened to those tiny movements like an angel. After she rode she brushed and brushed and brushed... Freckles’ fur was perfect when she was finished! She did go out back and meet the other horses, but before she left she had to see Freckles again and show her the horse shoe with her name on it and the Stuffed horse (which happened to look like Freckles) and the Briar horses that were put together for her. What an amazing connection between the two. As she was leaving the barn she said “Daddy, I love Freckles.” Ashleigh’s parents had planned to have Ashleigh come back and ride the next week, but Ashleigh’s deteriorating health situation kept preventing that from happening, so—we packed up Freckles and Makayla in a horse trailer and brought them to Ashleigh’s house for a visit. Most people are not used to seeing horses in their living room, but Ashleigh seemed to think it was pretty cool! Nine days later Ashleigh passed away at home with her Mom and Dad laying next to her. Ashleigh’s parents, Amy & Jeff, are creating a collection of books in Ashleigh’s memory including a book titled “Ashleigh & Freckles” which recounts their daughter’s wish to ride a horse, the visit to Equest Center and the amazing bond & friendship that was formed between Ashleigh & Freckles. The book should be available in 2007. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Equest Center in honor of Ashleigh. Jeff & Amy have formed Ashleigh Marie Books, LLC - wisH...wOnder...insPire... lovE. and are currently working on the website. They will keep everyone posted on when the book is ready for distribution. (See ashleigh/ for details) Ashleigh and her parents and family are nothing short of amazing. We are so blessed for having had the opportunity to know this little angel and are truly inspired by the love and dedication her family and parents have shown. May God bless them always. Ashleigh, Mom and Dad, and Freckles Mom, there’s a horse in the living room! Because Ashleigh was too sick to come to Equest, Freckles and Makayla came to visit her nice neighborhood. If you want to make a donation or are interested in volunteering, call Equest at 616-866-3066 Lilly Dakota Fred & Bill Sidney Zephyr Mr. Foot Available Now Freckles Silver Giovanni Scarlet Grizzly Dice s e e T e s r o H y p a r e h T t s e u Eq ? e s r o H t s e u q E e t i r o v a f R U O Y s ’ Who Challenger The Perfect Gift for Every Horse Lover Gambler Webster F inally THEY’RE HERE! Silver Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors: The Johnson Family Mountain Man Marinade Dudley Graphics “Growing the Circle of Friends” Cards H ere is a great way to tell your family, friends, collegues, vendors and customers about the Equest Center. Send them a “Circle of Friends” greeting card! These beautiful cards are printed in full color on fine paper. Cards and matching envelopes are available FREE OF CHARGE to anyone who wants to send them. The more supporters we get, the more special needs people we can serve. Please use the order form on page 6 or call our office. We also offer brochures explaining the benefits of therapeutic riding. Program sponsored by: Pre-Media and Print Management Donʼt forget the stamp! Gold Sponsor: Honey Donʼt forget the stamp! Domino Tape shut with the reply envelope in the middle Tape shut wit h the reply env elope in the mi ddle Charlie Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding now has T-shirts available e featuring each of our very special Check out thes ! ts Equine Therapists! Shirts are available fabulous ha in a variety of sizes (from 4T to adult $18.00 sizes 4X). Special orders are available. Wow! a plush, stand-up Makes fantastic Gifts! h Equest erapy horse wit th le Thanks to our sponsors, we can offer on her little sadd these beautiful shirts for only $15.00 logo $15.00 each. Every dollar you donate over Also available: and above $15.00 will work hard for $8.00 beanie horses: special rider sponsorships. Please use the reply form on page 6 to Thank you riders, instructors and volunteers for modeling for this place your orders. Thank you! page .Thank you, Tiffany Sinkule for providing photography. Commando HEALINGHA PPENS LOVEHAPPE NS LOVEHAPPENS HEALINGHAPPENS CAREHAPP ENS CAREHAPPENS JOYHAPPEN S JOYHAPPENS reduced from 2ECTO %QUEST#EN R!VENUE. % TERFOR4HE RAPEUTIC2 ) IDING % %QUEST#ENTERFOR4HERAPEUTIC2IDING QUESTCENTER OR 2OCKFORD- actual A2 si ze G 2ECTOR!VENUE.%2OCKFORD-)%QUESTCENTERORG If you want to make a donation or are interested in volunteering, call Equest at 616-866-3066 VOLUNTEER GROUPS Cornerstone Volunteer Group UPS Volunteer Group Alticor “One by One” Volunteer Group Alticor has sent eight groups of employees to Equest this summer alone, totaling approximately 200 people who collectively donated literally HUNDREDS of volunteer hours! Steelcase Volunteer Group Find out how YOU can become a volunteer. Call 866.3066 Today!!!! uddy on ab I can find Wonder if rg... r.o equestcente WWW.EQUESTCENTER.ORG Designed by Sparta High School K eep up to date on the latest Equest News through the Equest Center website located at . Features include: - Calendar of Events - Therapeutic Riding Program & Volunteer Information (including forms available for download) - Summer Horsemanship Day Camp (including forms available for download) - Photos and Biographies of all of our Equine Therapists - Wish List - Online Newsletters - Much More We are now able to accept donations by VISA or Mastercard directly from our website! Calendar of Events 2nd Fall (6th session): Nov 6 through Dec 15, 2006 (Closed Nov 23 and 24 for Thanksgiving) Nov 15 through Dec 15, 2007: Dream Dinners = Dream Dollars! A fundraiser for Equest Center (4 weeks) Sun Nov 19, 2006: Rivertown Crossings “Festival of Caring” 11:00am-6:00 pm Ticket Sales 3-4 weeks prior to event Dec 2, 2006: Annual Holiday Horse Show All Equest Riders Invited to Participate! Holiday Break (no classes): Dec 18, 2006 through Jan 7, 2007 Sat Jan 6, 2007: Volunteer Orientation and Training 10am-1pm 1st Winter (1st session): Jan 8 through Feb 9, 2007 Off week Feb 12 through Feb 16, 2007 Feb 13, 2007: Volunteer Orientation and Training 6am-9pm Sat. Feb 17, 2007: Volunteer Horse Show 2nd Winter (2nd session): Feb 19 through March 30, 2007 Off week April 2 through April 6, 2007 Sat Mar 17, 2007: Volunteer Orientation and Training 10am-1pm April 7, 2007: Breakfast with the Bunny Spring/Summer (3rd session): April 9 through June 1, 2007 Off week June 4 through June 8, 2007 Sat May 12, 2007: Volunteer Orientation and Training 10am-1pm June 5, 2007: Volunteer Orientation and Training 6pm-9pm Summer (4th Session): June 11 through Aug 3, 2007 Off Week July 2 through 6 Sat July 14, 2007: Volunteer Orientation and Training 10am-1pm Summer Horsemanship Day Camp: Session 1: June 11-15, 2007 Session 2: June 18-22, 2007 Session 3: June 25-29, 2007 Session 4: July 9-13, 2007 Session 5: July 16-20, 2007 Session 6: July 23-27, 2007 Summer Respite (no classes) Aug 4 through Sep 3, 2007 Sat Aug 25, 2007: Volunteer Orientation and Training 10am-1pm 1st Fall (5th Session): Sept 4 through Oct 26, 2007 Off week Oct 29 through Nov 2, 2007 Oct 6, 2007: Horsin’ Around Hoedown for Equest’s Kids 5:3011:00PM 2nd Fall (6th session): Nov 5 through Dec 14, 2007 If you want to make a donation or are interested in volunteering, call Equest at 616-866-3066 The Equest Staff Kathy Pezzato Marci DeVries Kelly Wujkowski June Arver Stephani Johnson Angela Taylor Jan Parker Karen Beasley, Laura Pingston Jennifer Dys Stephanie Poulias Donna Wolz Volunteer Instructor Instructor Executive Director Equine Program Instructor Instructor Instructor Office Manager Client Program Facilities Instructor Coordinator, Coordinator, Coordinator, Coordinator Instructor Instructor Instructor Please visit for our schedule of activities and events and our wish list (gifts-in-kind) Abma, Loreen Accola, Brian & Karen Adams, George Adelson, Ellen Aetna Foundation Agar, Jeffery Agar, John Algoma Sunshine Circle Alkema, Kenneth Alpha Iota of Grand Rapids Alticor Antonucci, Barbara & James Antonucci, Joseph Antonucci, Joseph & Mary Antonucci, Raymond & Pamela Antonucci, Raymond and Marlene Antonucci, Thomas & Sara Applause Catering Aunt Candy’s Toy Company Donations Awtrey, Rick Ballard, Bob Barkalow, Mildred Barrett, Jenny Barth, Mary Battershall, Stephanie Baudville, INC Bauer, Brandi Bean, Robert Beck, Marcella Beineman, Barbara Belfer, Celina & Daniel Belfer, Claire rev. liv. trust Bement, Patricia Bennett, Eric Berg, Nancy Berigan, Kayla Besser Family Trust Better Life Institute, Inc Betz, Kenneth Beutner, Roger & Marcia Billings Feed Store, Inc Billings Lawn Equipment Bissell, Vicki and Matthew Blacklidge, Gabriele Blake, Monta Boals, Timothy & Dana Bodner, Seymour and Anita Bookman, Larry M.D Boorstein, Michelle and John Boorstein, William and Donna Bott, Bruce Bridle Path Brown Lake Association Bruin, Michael Brunink, Karen & Melvin Buist Foundation Bunting, Karen Burkhart, Mary Busk, Chad Cameron, John Campbell, Jill Candela, David CAPTAIN, OLIVIA Casmier, Karen Centennial Securities Chambers, Janet Chandler Woods Chapman, Patricia Chase, Ruth Ann Christensen, Sharon Chvala, Michelle Clink, Virginia & William Clover, Brent & Deborah Cogan, Jill Colwill, Kathy Conklin, John Conners, Cynthia Cook, Ronald & Lori Cormier, Louise Cornell Farms Crittenden, Kelly Crittenden, Mary & David Daley, Dana Darooge, Bill DeHaus, Mary Dejonge, Louis and Helen Desibour, Cindi Deurloo, David & Karen DeVries, Eileen and Brian Dietrich Foundation Disabato, David & Ann Disabato, Michael & Roxann Disosway, Glenn & Susan Disosway, Mark D Doane, Elsie Dolinka, Marvin & Mary Doyle, Brian Dr Bonnie Searles Dr Duane Fitzgerald, DVM Dr Trish VandenBrink, DVM Dragoo, Mary Ann Draper, Jack Dreyer, Joan Drooger, Dale Dudley Graphics Dupuis, Beth Dykwel, Rick and Susan Easley, Robert Eenhoorn LLC Operating Eichenberg, Dale Eichenberg, Lucille Eilleen & Brian DeVries Family Foundation Einfeld, Kevin & Lori Embo, Albert & Rosemary Evans, Rosemarie Eyde, David & Jeanne Fairchild Tire Company Falk, Jim & Peggy Ficeli, John & Marcia Filler, Paul Finkelstein Morton & Margaret Finkelstein Trust Finkelstein, David Finkelstein, Edward & Kay Finkelstein, Elizabeth Fischer, Sherry Fishman, Ellen Forman, Mary Fox, Eleanor Fox, Gayle & Gregory Frankel,Richard and Ann Friedman, Stanley and Minna-Rae Garage Sale Gardella, John Gary W. Dietrich Family Foundation Geelhoed, Jayne Geels, Marilyn Geyer, Tamara Gilmore, Gene Girl Scout Troop #2229 Girl Scout Troop #2312 Glaser, Abe Gleason, John Gleason, Robert & Sandra Godlewski, Linda L. Gordon, Terri Grand Arbor Gleaner Life Society Grand Rapids Western Horse Club Grant, Kent and Lisa Gravelyn, John A. Great Lakes Veterinary Complex Greenberg, Delores Greenberg, Mitchell and Leslie Gremel, Meredith & Andrew Guthrie. Laurel Haisma, Lorraine Hamlin, Robert & Kaylyn Hammer, Denise Hand, Charles Harmon, Steven Harrison, Barbara Heinbeck, Cynthia & Ronald Heinz, Margaret Hendrickson, Stephen & Angie Henkey, Robert & Marcy Hense, Laura Herman, Donald & Bluma Herman Miller Foundation Herz, Myrn Heule, Carl Heule, Rinck HeuleGordon, Inc. Hinkley, Mallory Hobson, Daniel Hoffman, John Honeysett, Greg Hoogstra, Betsy Hormuth, Lisa Hoxie Building Hoyt, Liz Huff, Shirley Ingersoll, Lee & Patricia Jacobson, Mike & Roberta Jacobson, Stuart Jaskie, Henry & Suzette Javery, Keith and Janice Jeff A Hundley Trust Joan & Associates John M. Behrend Johnson, Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Jones, Richard & Karen Kantorowski, Marcia and John Kawasaki Motors Corp.,USA Kaylin, Mark & Joann Keeney, Kay Killgore, Harley Kircheis, Ginger Kirchhoff, Stephen & Marleen Kirschner, Myrna Klaasan,Ranay Klaiss, Gary & Susan Klooster, Bruce & Laura Knights of Columbus, Council 12258 Knights of Columbus - 8117 Knights of Columbus Council 13641 Knoll, Marguerite Kober, Debbie Kogelschatz, Richard and Cynthia Kooienga, Tom & Lois Kool Chevrolet Kretschman, Mary Kropf, Janine Krouse, Neal & Lydia Kuhn, Rex Landane, Janet Lankford, Steve & Laura Lassig, Steven Levitt, David & Stacey Lewis, Albert and Shirley Lindblom, Ronald & Jayne Linear OSCO Operators Lobbes, Kenneth Locke, Sidney & Shirley Lorentz, Carlene Lubner, Joan and Joseph Lucas, Leroy & Barbara Ludwig, Peter and Mary Lukey,Richard Sr. & Marjorie Lundstrum, Kendall Lyon, Mary MacGregor, Kevin & Pamela Macgregor-Indomenico, Lauren Madigan, Susan Maier, Mike Manes, Al & Beverly Mannor, Joyce Marshall & Wells Company Marshall, Benita Marvin, Dawn Marvin, Rhonda Mary Free Bed Mast Thoroughbreds Matusiak, Debbie & Robert Mazurek, Blake & Anna Mazurek, Richard & Rosemary McCormick, Kathy McDonald, Dawn McPherson, Julia Meeter, Louisa Meijer Foundation Meijer, Doug & Starr Metzner, Michel & Rita Meyers, Glenn Michigan Quarter Horse Association Mickley, Joseph G Millbrook Tack & Trailer, LLC Miller, Jeffery & Karrinda Miller, Matthew and Jill Miller, Mindy Minier, Jerrold & Lois Mitchell, Kim Moll, Michael and Dianne Monday, Peter Moore, Margaret Ann Moore, Rosalie Morrison, David & Nancy Morton, Richard & Jeanenne Mountain Man Marinade Mraz, Rachel Mulder, Cray Mulder, James Mulder, Kristine Mulder, Rodney & Lucarol Murphy, David & Susan Nasso, Aurthor Nicholson, Edith Norian, Sandra TTE Novak, Mark & Brenda Offeringa M J General Contractor On Stage Services Ott, Jeff Ottenweller, Steve Page Hardware Pards Western Shoppe Parker, Donald Parker, Jan & Don Pasi, Geralyn Passero, Michael & Lindsey Davidson Patterson, Margaret Patterson, Patricia Pella Windows and Doors Penfil,Kyhm Piatek, Kimberly and Peter Pickerd, Brian & Rachel Pickerd, Gordon & Sharon Pike, Alan and Pamela Plainte, Angela Platte, Fred Pleune Service Company Plous, Estelle Postma, Dave Potestio, Linda & Frank Prangley, Les Price, Marla Price, Michael & Jo-An Price, Nicole Price, Robert & Ruth Professional’s Choice Pursuing A Dream Foundation Quinn, Andy Raleigh J. Finkelstein Trust Rapistan Employee Charitable Association Rapp, Patricia Reamon, Heather Rehkopf, Vicki Rehner, Douglas & Barbara Rettinger, Rick Rigney, Erin Risch, Anne Risk Management Consultants, Inc. Robert W. Spica Trust Roberts, Sheri Rockford Animal Clinic Rockford United Methodist Rocky, Kathy Rodreguez, Rogelio & Cynthia Roguewood Elementary Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation Rosen, Mark & Jennifer Rossio, Julie Rothwell, William & Sally Rushlo, Dale & Deborah Scales, James & Cheryl THANK YOU, DONORS! Yes, I believe in the healing power of Equine Therapy! Enclosed is my gift of: Scholten, Marilyn Schroeder, Jeffery Schuh Excavating Schwartz, Mary & Steven Searles, Dr Bonnie Selected Technologies Incorporated Selinger, Fred Sernick, Milton & Judy Sherman, Helayne Siereveld, Karen & Robert Silverman, Albert Silverstein, Authur and Anita Silverstein, Garnet Simon, Sanford Simons, Paul & Michelle Slaby, Karen Smith Brothers Contracting Smith, Brian Spangenberg, Mark Spartan Distributors Spartan Stores, Inc. Springer, Bruce Spungen, Eric & Sharon Spungen, Stanley and Tamra St Louis, Jeanette St. John Vianney Church Stark, Gloria Stegehuis, Mary & Dan Stewart, John Stitt, Michael & Monica Summit Industries Inc. Sweet, Shirley Sykes, Gay T & T Tools, INC. Taylor, Angela & Jeremy Teri, Cheryl Tichelaar, Ed Timmerman, L.C. Todd, Doug & Karen Tomasunas, Mark & Diane Tuttle’s Select Cigars & Tobaccos Tyler, Mary Tyndall, Carter & Anna q $150 q $100 q $50 q $25 q $_____other q Check enclosed q Please bill my credit card____________________________ exp. date ___/____ _____________________________ Signature q q q Please send me ___ T-shirts and ____ hats Name___________________________________ q Horse Name(s)__________________________________ Address__________________________________ (please add $5.00 for shipping and handling) City________________ST___Zip____________ Email_______________@____________ q Please send me ____Circle of Friends greeting cards q I will become a monthly sponsor in the following program: (Please call for more information. ) q Sponsor a Student q Sponsor a Stall q Mortgage and Insurance Fund q Adopt a Horse q Farrier and Vet Fund q Hay and Oats Fund q Where Most Needed q I am interested in becoming a volunteer at Equest. q I have specific skills/talent/experience in the area of __________________________and I want to help. Please contact me! Unzens, Bruno VanAndel, Stephen & Cynthia VanderHyde, Diane Vanderhyde, Linda VanderKooi, Glen VanderLaan, Paul Vanderspoel, Jackie & Arnold VanderWeele, Barbara Vickery, Lynette Vujea, Robert Walters, Carla & Michael Walters, Helen Wanty, Nancy Warner Norcross & Judd LLP Webb, Sharon & Terry Weingartz Supply Co. Weisberg, Esther Weisberg, Fredric and Nona Wemmer, Scott Wensco Wessel, Todd Westview Greenhouses White, James Wiegand, Michael and Debra Wiener, Michael & Elana Wierenga, Jeffery Wilholt, Robert Williams, Sue Willman, Lora Wilson, Judith Winegard, Mike & Larke Winniman, Dana Winniman, Joan and Allan Wisinski, Stanley & Phyllis Wolfson, Irvin & Brenda Wolverine World Wide, Inc. Wolz, Donna Zdun, CJ Zel, Inc. Zifferblatt, Patricia Zweiback, Judy The Equest Board of Directors welcomes your comments and inquiries. Jeff Agar - President Vice President-Genesis Seating Rachel Mraz Vice President of Finance Financial Advisor - Merrill Lynch Rick Awtrey - Secretary Vice President - Centennial Securities Jeff Ott Partner - Warner Norcross & Judd LLP Lori “Maranda” Cook Wood TV 8 and Grand Rapids Press q Please send me information concerning planned giving opportunities. Rinck Heule Managing Director - HeuleGordon, Inc. q I own a horse that could be very useful as an “equine therapist.” I would like to learn more about the specifics of gifting or loaning a horse to Equest and my tax options. Please send me information. Doug Todd President - Furniture Showcase q Please send information about Equest to these friends of mine: Name___________________________________ Address__________________________________ City________________ST___Zip____________ Email_______________@____________ Anna Mazurek Kent Neurological Association MS Society q We aim to eliminate duplicate or unwanted mail. Please check this box if you are not interested in receiving future mailings. All gifts to Equest are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to: Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding, Inc. and send to: 3777 Rector NW, Rockford, MI 49341, or call us at (616)866.3066 Thank you for your gift to Equest! Blake Mazurek Teacher- Grandville Public Schools Gina Bovee Planned & Major Gifts Director Grand Rapids Community Foundation EQUEST CENTER’S STAND-OUT VOLUNTEERS Glenn Moffet Outstanding EQUINE THERAPIST Janet Chambers Doug LeCoy Christy Babcock Lindsey Couterier Gordon Pickford Donna Wolz Todd Driesenga Meg Moore Gail Dillenmuth Jules Bush Linda Godlewski Blake Mazurek Michelle Chvala Laci Weidenfeller Leah Woltanski Megan Andrews Sarah Hodge Mary DeGroot Sharon Nelson Sandra Blumke The Brower Family, Ruth, Jenna, Aubrey “ B RE A KF Debbie Wolz Y” Larke Winegard A W IT H T H T S UNN Loraine Haisma Registered Name: Freckles Birth year: 1980 Date came to Equest: 2005 Breed: Pony of Americas Sex: mare Height: 13.1 hands Weight: 500 lbs Color: roan Markings: spotted blanket appaloosa Donated by: The Boersma Family EB Nancy Patten Freckles (Nickname “Freckles”) BUNNY RAISES $7,500! T he Easter season attracts Bunnies of all shapes and sizes to the Rockford area to raise money for Equest Center’s special equestrians! This year was certainly no exception! The event raised over $7,500 for our rider Scholarship Fund which is a critical need at our center. It is Equest Center’s firm policy to never turn away any rider due to an inability to pay. This fundraiser helped us to reach that goal! Visitors and bunny fans alike enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, graciously donated and catered by Applause Catering, wagon rides, a full petting zoo, Arts & Crafts for the kids, face painting, music from the stringed quartet “Amaden”, photo opportunities with the Bunny and - OF COURSE– An Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the Easter Bunny himself! Many Thanks To our Event Sponsors: Applause Catering Centennial Securities Buist Electric Wolverine World Wide Special Thanks to: Amadaun- Musical Stringed Quartet Leather N’ Lace - 4-H Group Paul VanderLaan - For his wonderful team of horses and wagon Farm Animals on the Go- Petting Zoo Alpha Iota Sorority - special assistants to the Bunny Our wonderful team of Volunteers! If you want to make a donation or are interested in volunteering, call Equest at 616-866-3066 Art Gallery “The Freedom Riders” from the Editor A t Equest, we get calls regularly from people interested in donating horses to the Center. Each and every one of these calls is followed up on with deep appreciation. Marci DeVries and Jan Parker have received special training in evaluating these prospects for therapy work. They travel to many horse barns to meet these generous horse owners. Only a small percentage of the horses that are so kindly offered actually end up in our program. Those that are selected undergo a rigorous set of tests and – if successful– enter into the program on a trial basis first. This careful selection process is an essential part of our program. Marci or Jan look for horses with excellent disposition. They need some very large horses and some very small ones. Some wide ones and some narrow ones. Horses with certain gaits work better for some therapy techniques than others. If you would ask them what’s LEAST important in a therapy horse these equine professionals would probably say something like “a good horse doesn’t have a bad color”. Color is totally irrelevant. In our pastures we have horses that were once appraised at over $100,000.00. We also have some that never cost more than $500.00. We have black and white and yellow horses. At Equest, they all eat the same hay and are all loved the same. As we tack up these horses for our eager riders, it is very clear that suffering and pain do not discriminate. I am so very proud to be part of an organization that does not care what the color of your skin is, what religion you subscribe to or what your social or financial status is. Our riders are all equally loved and cared for. Even if you are not “into horses”, I wish for you to come and take a sunday afternoon stroll through our pastures. You will see firsthand: the horses of Equest are making the world a better place. Enjoy this issue! Original Art and Poetry Donated by riders and benefactors of Equest When I Ride I Am Free - Pencil and ink pens by Mallory Hinckley Rinck J. Heule Editor-in-Chief Equest Times “GROWING THE CIRCLE OF FRIENDS” CARDS H ere is a great way to tell your family, friends, collegues, vendors and customers about the Equest Center. Send them a “Circle of Friends” greeting card! These beautiful cards are printed in full color on fine paper. Cards and matching envelopes are available FREE OF CHARGE to anyone who wants to send them. The more supporters we get, the more special needs people we can serve. Please use the order form on page 6 or call our office. We also offer brochures explaining the benefits of therapeutic riding. Gio - Colored pencils by McKenzie Koval Mister & Me - Poetry inCalligraphy by Nick Ackerman Remembering Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding in your will is a simple way to directly impact the lives of people with physical, mental, social and emotional challenges. Your legacy gift can become an important part of your ongoing support of Equest! Please let us know if you have included Equest in your estate plans. You can call Kathy at (616) 866-3066 or check the appropriate box on the enclosed envelope and return it to us with your name and contact information. Equest Center can be designated on United Way pledge forms. Those forms should be available from your employer. You need to be aware that Equest will not appear on the primary listing of United Way agencies that are typically included with your pledge form. However, we are an eligible organization to receive funding. Your form will have a “write in” area where you simply need to specify that you want part or all of your donation to be directed to the Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding. Equest Center is now Able to Accept VISA and MASTERCARD for your Donations! MISSION STATEMENT: Leaving a legacy through planned Giving Published by Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding, Inc.. Equest is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Your gifts are tax deductible. For more information on therapeutic riding, please visit or come and visit us at 3777 Rector NE, Rockford, MI 49341. You can call us at 616-866-3066. Concept, design, layout and production donated by HeuleGordon, Inc. Pre-Media and Print Management Thank you, printers at News Web Printing Services of Greenville, MI, for making us look so sharp! Equest Times 3777 Rector NE, Rockford, MI 49341 We improve quality of life through equine-based therapy to physically, mentally and socially / emotionally challenged individuals. Our unique program integrates academic, social and physical skills, using the horse as a catalyst. We welcome your letters. Please send them to: Equest Center for Therapeutic Riding, Inc. 3777 Rector NE, Rockford, MI 49341, or email us at You can call us at 616-866-3066. Member Center North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, Denver, CO Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Greenville, MI 48838 Permit# 338
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