May 2012
May 2012
8-Ball News & Views Regional Events The Doctor’s In Billiards With Briesath Juniors Eye Lincoln THE MAGAZINE FOR POOL PLAYERS VOLUME 12 I NUMBER 3 I MAY 2012 It’s Time! ... Party Time, that is! As you enjoy reading this issue, players will be soaking up the fun of fabulous Las Vegas! Inside 8-Ball News & Views Features 2 President’s Report 5 2012 Juniors In Lincoln 8 Regional Events 9 Billiards With Briesath 13 The Doctor’s In Editors... Ed Borgia Publication Chair Gregg Elliott Executive Director Brian Elliott Marketing/Promotions Editor reserves the right to edit and reject all submitted materials and/or advertisements. All rights reserved. Reproduction or other use of editorial content is strictly forbidden without consent. VNEA encourages all members to submit articles, pictures, etc. of activities in your area. Forward comments, materials and advertising inquiries to VNEA Headquarters. 8-Ball News & Views (USPS 019-071) is published by... Valley National 8-Ball League Association, 201 S. Henry St., Bay City, MI 48706 The Charlie’s will all have new homes when we crown our new, 2012 Champions in Las Vegas, Nevada! 13 9 Periodical postage paid at Bay City, MI 48707 & additional mailing offices Subscription Price: $6.50/year; Members: $3.25/year POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 8-Ball News & Views, 201 S. Henry Street, Bay City, MI 48706 5 Publisher... M & D Printing Route 29 South, P.O. Box 189 Henry, IL May • 2012 1 President’s Report by Dave Hawkins Hello VNEA! It’s May and ALL EYES ARE ON VEGAS! With local league and state and regional events in the history books, the VNEA community is focusing on the “greatest amateur pool tournament in the world”! Players from 30 states and 8 countries will all be converging at Bally’s Hotel & Casino in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada for the 32nd Annual VNEA World Pool Championships. Last year, the big news was big MOVE to BALLY’S. And Bally’s DID NOT DISAPPOINT! We are seeing an incredible increase in the amount of our players that will be staying at our host hotel Bally’s. They offer so many great opportunities for the players from great restaurants to fun shows to a variety of lounges to an awesome gambling setting. So many new and exciting things are happening at our tournament this year. The VNEA Tournament Committee will be debuting it’s totally player-friendly and internet-based Tournament Software program. We are all very 2 8-Ball News & Views Current VNEA President, Dave Hawkins from D&R Star in Austin, MN excited to share this incredible technology with our players and streamline our already efficient tournament procedures. This new software will allow players to scan a code and instantly see where and when all of their matches will be played. Also, results from the event will be posted on-line as matches conclude. Gone are the days of bulky bracket boards and in are the days of sleek, easy-to-read monitors which will increase the speed and clarity of the entire tournament process. Also this year, Valley will be supplying all NEW Pool Balls for our event featuring ARAMITH, the most popular cue ball in the industry! With ARAMITH on board as the “Official Ball Sponsor of the 32nd Annual VNEA World Pool Championships”, the event is sure to shine! Thank you Valley and Aramith for stepping up and supplying our event with the best balls in the business! Good luck to everyone travelling to Las Vegas and to all of our players - have a great Summer! NEW The Cougar Duramith™ magnetic cue ball by Aramith The new generation. The Cougar Duramith magnetic cue ball features the Duramith technology with its hi-tech engineered molecular structure enhancing drastically the longevity of the balls while minimizing significantly table cloth wear. With a life-time that exceeds up to 8 times that of the average polyester and phenol-like resins, reaching easily up to 40 years in residential use, Aramith balls are the logical choice for both the trade and the player. Duramith™ the new benchmark With the Duramith™ Technology, the Aramith resins entered their 4th generation. With a totally overhauled resin formulation with new hi-tech reticulation, cross-linking and curing technologies, the Aramith products now set a new benchmark in quality, durability & longevity, increasing their service life up to 50% during which : their through-hardened vitrified surface and core holds their glossy look their specifications, rebound and playing consistency throughout the set is maintained all along With its new Duramith™ formulation, the 4th generation Aramith 4 life products cross new boundaries, guaranteeing the lowest cost of ownership. the cloth wear and white marks that so easily ruin the look of the table are minimized their friction resistance minimizes burn spots as well. The Valley Cougar is a registred trademark of Valley-Dynamo. May • 2012 3 Online Answers Visit our site and get answers to all of your league questions, and more! Site Map About Us Board of Directors Past Presidents Charter Holder FAQ’s Company Objectives VNEA History Code of Ethics Testimonials Staff Contact Us 8-Ball News & Views Current Issue Archived Issues Submit an Article Advertising Info Rules 11/12 Rule Changes 9-Ball Rules 8-Ball Rules Scotch Doubles Rules General Definitions Tournaments 2012 Vegas Details 2012 Junior Tr. Info 2012 Artistic Pool State/Provincial & Affiliated Results 2011 Vegas 2011 Juniors Past Int’l Champs 2011-12 State/Provincial Master, IM, Pro Listings Pro Player Listing Master & IM Player List Calendar Of Events Facebook VNEA’s exciting Facebook Page streams LIVE on our homepage. Calendar Of Upcoming Events State, Provincial & Affiliated Tournaments as well as meetings and deadlines. Google Maps is also available to find your way to all of our events! Special Charter Holder Section Helpful material for Charter Holders to more efficiently operate their leagues. Hall Of Fame Member Biographies Enlightening biographies and photos of VNEA’s Illustrious Hall members. 8-Ball News & Views Magazine The complete, full-color, popular Player Magazine is now available on-line. Stop by and flip through its entertaining pages. 4 8-Ball News & Views Sponsors Current Members Member Benefits How to Join Sponsorship Plans Advertising Options Vegas Booth Info Bally’s Forms Find A League Find a League Player Benefits Charter Holder Area Charter Benefits National Awards Program Charter Holder Login Hall of Fame Hall of Fame Members Hall of Fame Ballot Merchandise Clothing, etc. May • 2012 5 VNEA Juniors Looking Forward To Visiting Lincoln, Nebraska For Finals! June 14-17, 2012 The Pershing Center Lincoln, NE VNEA’s highly anticipated annual Junior Pool Championships will be held in beautiful Lincoln, Nebraska in 2012 and will mark our “22nd Annual Junior League Season”! VNEA is expecting over 500 junior shooters from around the United States, Canada and New Zealand. Players from over 30 Charters will battle it out on 80 beautiful Valley Pool Tables for the right to be called VNEA International Champions. If you’re not currently running Junior Leagues, now is the time to get started so that you can enjoy the benefits and fun at what has become the largest junior pool tournament on the planet! Tons of Prizes! Plus... Jerry Briesath, Dave Pearson & Mark Dimick Team Shirts are MANDATORY at the 22nd Annual International Junior Championships. 6 8-Ball News & Views THURSDAY, JUNE 14 • 2012 Noon 2:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 11:00 pm Room Opens for Practice Singles Check-In & Charter Holder Packets Singles Competition FRIDAY, JUNE 15 • 2012 9:00am - 11:00 pm 4:00 - 6:30 pm 7:00 - 8:00 pm 5:00 - 11:00 pm Singles Competition Team Events Check-In Players Reception Mini-Singles Competition SATURDAY, JUNE 16 • 2012 8:30 am 9:00 am 5:00 - 6:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm TBA Opening Ceremonies - Singles Trophy Presentation Team Competition Begins Jr. Scotch Doubles Sign-Up Charter Holder Reception E2P Challenge Jr. Scotch Doubles Begins Hardluck Competition SUNDAY, JUNE 17 • 2012 9:00 am Continual Team Competition continues Awards Presentation Downtown Hotels... Cornhusker Marriott - 402.474.7474 ($96) Town House Extended Stay - 402.475.3000 ($79+) Holiday Inn Downtown - 402.475.4011 ($99) Embassy Suites - 402.474.1111 ($134) Mid Town Area... New Victorian Suites - 402.464.4400 ($59) North 27th St. Corridor... Microtel Inn & Suites - 402.476.2591 ($59) TEAM PRIZES & AWARDS. Finish Award 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5-6th Place 7-8th Place $1,500 Savings Bond, 3 Two-Piece Cues & Individual Trophies $1,050 Savings Bond, 3 Two-Piece Cues & Individual Trophies $600 Savings Bond, 3 Two-Piece Cues & Individual Trophies $300 Savings Bond, 3 Two-Piece Cues & Individual Trophies $225 Savings Bond, 3 Cue Cases & Individual Trophies $150 Savings Bond, 3 Cue Cases & Individual Trophies (Highest Mixed Team - Individual Trophies) (Highest Female Team - Individual Trophies) SINGLES PRIZES & AWARDS. (For Male Participants - Approx. 80% Of Field) Finish Award 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5-6th 7-8th 9-12th $500 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy $300 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy $200 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy $150 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy $100 Savings Bond $75 Savings Bond $50 Savings Bond (For Female Participants - Approx. 20% Of Field) Finish Award 1st 2nd 3rd 4th $150 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy $100 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy $75 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy $50 Savings Bond & Individual Trophy (Savings Bond amounts reflect value at maturity) Dress Code All participants in the Int’l Junior Championships must comply with the following dress code: 1. No Halter Tops • No Cut-Offs No Swimwear • No Midriffs No Tank Tops • No Tube Tops No Improper Verbiage No Droopy Pants 2. All shorts must be clean, neat, presentable, hemmed and of proper length to be allowed. Rugged cut-offs will not be allowed. 3. All players, during their scheduled matches, will present themselves in a neat and clean appearance. 4. Tournament officials will have the right to ask any player or spectator not properly attired to leave the playing area. 5. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages or smoking in the Tournament Room. PLEASE NOTE... Green Fees For Singles: $20 Green Fees For Teams: $25/Player Green Fees are for the entire Tournament as all tables will be on FREE PLAY, including practice and mini’s. Singles Trophy Presentation at Team Opening Ceremonies. There will be absolutely no tournament entries accepted at the Tournament Site. All participants will be required to submit a Tournament Release Form. All participants must meet the various age requirements by January 1, 2012 to compete in that division at the 22nd Annual International Championships. All Singles Competition Will Be A Race To 3 (Including Losers Bracket) Visit For All Junior Tournament Details! May • 2012 7 REGIONAL EVENTS 31st Annual OCMA 8-Ball Championships April 27-29, 2012 Canton Memorial Civic Center Results were as follows... Open “A” Division 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5-6th 7-8th 9-12th 13-16th Trap Alliance - Bullseye Stick It To Ya - Doty - H&B Budapest - Schulte - Alexander Sportsmens Grinders - Bullseye Ice House - D’Angelo - M&G It’s Like Taking Candy From a Baby - Bullseye Three Olives - Bell Ham’s Akronites - Bell Crazy Eight’s - Kokosinski - Tri-Area Vadas - Mahoning Valley 5 Span William - Pioneer Miscues - Lorain Dawghouse Bartley - Bulls Old Goats - Lorain Kid Fox - SA Zanesville’s Finest - Stebelton Ladies “A” Divison 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5-6th 7-8th 9-12th The Jags - Bell Dawghouse - Rhonda - Bulls Ladies On Cue #2 - Brest - SA Bonaire Angels - Anderson - SS Billiard Witches - J&S Little Big Shots - Lorain Kinsler Kue Tees - SA Those Darn Women - Pioneer Team Elias - OVI GJ’s Women - WK Wild Women Pegan - W-K Looking For The 8 - W-K Ladies “AA” Division 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Tap That Harder - Bulls O’Malleys GTGM - Osborne - SS Thundersticks - Bulls Getcha Some - Assoc. Open “AA” Divison 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5-6th 7-8th Almost Hero’s - Bulls Super Chargers - Elum Razzles - Blevins - OVI Mix N Match - SA Sportmens - Hummel -Bulls Fiddlestix Trump - Elum Fiddlestix I - Elum Cluster Busters - Gold Coin 8 8-Ball News & Views Columbus, Ohio / by Dave Corey Billiards With Briesath The BIG Event - VNEA At Bally’s By Jerry Briesath This is what the year is all about, making the trip to Vegas, seeing old friends and finishing high in the tournaments. Bally’s is sure a nice step up from the Riv, but we won’t talk about how much we all miss the Splash Bar! Here are a couple of things to remember when you’re playing in tough competition. 1. One of the biggest mistakes amateurs make when they get to a high competition arena is to slow down their game and take extra time thinking they will do better that way. By this time in the season a player should have found a pace where he or she takes about the same amount of time on every shot. When you’re in Vegas try to play at the same pace you did when you shot your best pool back home. 2. Get enough sleep. I realize that’s a bad word in Vegas but usually the players or teams that win are the ones with some sleep discipline. Sometimes you have to wait hours between matches and it’s very boring and without enough sleep that carries over into the competition. 3. Watch the table at all times when your opponent is shooting. First, you want to see if he or she fouls in any way. Second, you want to see how the layout of the table changes as your opponent shoots so that when you get out of your chair you know exactly what’s going on. These three things are what most good players do when they want to play pool at their highest level. Tom Rossman and yours truly are at the tournament through the courtesy of VNEA. Tom’s amazing trick shot shows and vast knowledge of kicks and banks is something you must see no matter what caliber player you are. When you come to my room we talk about any subject that you would like and I try to send everyone home a better player than they were when they came. VNEA has us there to give you a vast amount of information that you would normally have to pay through the nose for so please stop in with any of your pool problems - it’s free! Don’t forget to check out my new DVD (A Pool Lesson With Jerry Briesath). My website is: A Pool Lesson With Jerry Briesath This is the name of World Renown Pool Instructor Jerry Briesath’s latest “Labor of Love”. This amazing, “3-DVD Set” contains 4.5 hours of priceless Pool Lessons that Jerry has layed out in an easy-to-learn visual format. Jerry has poured his heart into this project for the past year and a half and proclaims it the best training tool in the industry! This incredible offer is available for sale at: This set contains lessons covering over 60 Popular Topics! May • 2012 9 REGIONAL EVENTS S. Dakota State 8-Ball Team Tournament March 16-18, 2012 Rushmore Plaza Civic Center The 2012 South Dakota State Valley 8-Ball Tournament was held on March 14th-18th, 2012 at the Rapid City Civic Center in Rapid City, South Dakota. The 2012 South Dakota 8-Ball Hall Of Fame Inductee was Linda Rhodes of Rapid City. Congratulations and thank you for your numerous contributions to the game. The tournament had over 380 Singles entries and 215 Teams competing throughout the 5-day event. Congratulations! We would like to thank all the players for their good sportsmanship and camaraderie. FINAL RESULTS... OPEN ‘AA’ TEAM 1ST BREAKROOM #1 ALLEN DUPREL, JOSH BOOS, KEN NASH, LOU LENDS HIS HORSE, TOM THOMPSON 2ND 3RD 4th BREAKROOM REGULATORS TEAM DUMAS OFF AT THE POCKET OPEN ‘A’ TEAM 1ST SOUTH MAIN PUB TODD VOSS, MIKE BRINKMAN, BOB RAABE, KEN BOYNTON, SAM DISSE 2ND HORSES TO HARLEYS 3RD 4TH SKINNERS PUB I BUBBA RAYS #2 OPEN ‘B’ TEAM 1ST PLAN B BERNIE ESSER, MITCH GLOVER, MAYNARD REMPP, GARY KOZAK, LEROY GREAVES 2NDVFW 3RDBULLWACKERS 4TH SCOREBOARD SIDEWINDERS OPEN ‘C’ TEAM 1ST PHOENIX I LEANNE PAULSON, LAURA BAKER, SHEILA SMITH-HAHN, PAULA OLDENKAMP, ANGIE MONTGOMERY 2ND 3RD 4TH SILVER $ WHO’S NEXT THE LEFTIES RENO’S REGULATORS OPEN ‘D’ TEAM 1ST FLAME #1 FRANK SALWEI, MICHAEL DUNNE, LORIE MORITORMO, JARIMEY HALSTEAD, KYLE TEMPLE 2ND POCKET POOL 3RD WBC DRAFTERS 4THWHARF WOMEN’S TEAM 1ST 8-BALL BABES SHANA DOYLE, BRITTNIE ADAMSON, LYNN BIXLER, TARRA STOESER, CHERYL REED, JAMIE FREESTONE 2ND 3RD 4TH 10 ELK CREEK NOB’S MOB GET A CUE SKINNERS PUB TOO 8-Ball News & Views Rapid City, South Dakota / by Lloyd Friedel OPEN ‘AA’ SINGLES 1st LOU LENDS HIS HORSE 2ND KEN NASH 3RD STEVE DALE 4TH TOM THOMPSON 5-6TH JUSTIN BRANDT DAVE CARRICK 7-8TH DAVE BENNING DAN OLSON OPEN ‘A’ SINGLES 1st DAVE COLE 2ND JUSTIN SPEED 3RD KAMRAN FARROKHI 4TH JOHN BIG EAGLE 5-6TH GREG THORNES DON TANNER 7-8TH SAM DISSE JUSTIN KECKLER OPEN ‘B’ SINGLES 1ST MORGAN HULLINGER 2ND JIM JOHNSON 3RD MIKE THOMPSON 4TH JIM TUCKER 5-6TH SHANNON COYLE DAN PEASE 7-8TH DUANE JOHNSON JASON LONG Open AA Team Winner: Breakroom Open A Team Winner: South Main Pub OPEN ‘C’ SINGLES 1ST MATT SPADE 2ND TYLER VANCE 3RD JOHN BEARSTAIL 4TH DAVE CZERWONY 5-6TH CHARLIE CARR AUSTIN MARSHALL 7-8TH BRAD SMITH ROCK KIERSTEAD WOMEN’S ‘A’ SINGLES 1ST LEANNE PAULSON 2ND JACKIE GERKIN 3RD BEV BIEBER 4TH KATHY FULLER 5-6TH KYM REIS PAM JONES 7-8TH KRISTI MCCOY LORI PREHEIM WOMEN’S ‘B’ SINGLES 1ST JOELLE BEARSTAIL 2ND MEGAN THORNES 3RD DIANE PUGH 4TH JILL HUNHOFF 5-6TH ROSEANNE LADEAUX ROBIN BIGGINS 7-8TH JANESE MOUSSEAUX MICHELLE HAGEN WOMEN’S ‘C’ SINGLES 1ST CHRISTY JONES 2ND PAM SACHTJEN 3RD KATE DIEDRICH 4TH MYRIA WARREN 5-6TH TRACY MILLER ELIZABETH OLSON 7-8TH JEN HARRIS MICHELLE TSCHUMPER Open B Team Winner: Plan B Open C Team Winner: Phoenix I Open D Team Winner: Flame #1 Women’s Team Champs: 8-Ball Babes Women’s A Singles Winners Open AA Singles Winners Women’s B Singles Winners Open A Singles Winners Women’s C Singles Winners Open B Singles Winners 2012 Hall of Famer - Linda Rhodes (left) Tournament Director - Lloyd Friedel (right) Open C Singles Winners May • 2012 11 REGIONAL EVENTS Michigan State Pool Tournament Kellogg Arena • April 26-29, 2012 Open Team 1st Guilty By Association GavinTinkey, Jeremy Edwards, Matt Warda, Cory Kortarba, Ed Daughtery 2nd Monsters Inc. 3rd Irish Pub 4thStruggling 5-6th Buffalo Club Duffy’s 1 7-8th Table Hogs Talkers 9-12th Anger Management Hoovers Corners Hair Of The Dog What’s That Men’s Master Team 1st Still Smokin’ Dave Schroeder, Tim Roberts, Jared Kolle, Jim Anderson, Shawn Davis 2nd Mexican Connection 3rd Schools In 4thHuckelberry’s Women’s Team 1st Cant’e Waste Barnes, Tami Weed, Sheila Clark, Brenda Taft 2nd Shins n Giggles 3rdFabulous 4thHilltoppers 5-6th All 8’s Down PCMI Strokers 7-8th Dang Straight Smooth Strokers 9-12th Just Us Girls Bottoms Up Alley Kats BABS Women’s Master Team 1st Answer That Lonnie Fox, Jenn Stoddard, Michelle West, Jen Polik 2nd Ball On Fire 3rd 5 Holes, No Poles 4th Still Kickin’ Open 8-Ball Singles 1st Joe Torres 2nd Gavin Tinkey 3rd Josh Kemp 4th Terry Horner 5-6th Bill McDonald Ian Rochlean 7-8th Jordy Teegarden Ryan Clay 9-12th Bruce Kunkle Keith Wenband Chris Black Roland Baker 13-16 Randy Waynick Mark St. John Ron Varner Ray Paledo 12 Midwest Kalamazoo Amuse. Coin-Op American Amuse. American Amuse. Nu-Way Vending Gregory’s All American Diltz & Sons Union Music All American Union Music Coin-Op All American Nu Way Vending Midwest 8-Ball News & Views Battle Creek, Michigan / by Rich Massa Master 8-Ball Singles 1st Jeremy Seaman 2nd Jeff Richards 3rd Jim Anderson 4th Chad Palmer 5-6th Scott Berquist Troy Gunter Gregory’s Gregory’s Coin-Op Gregory’s Nu-Way Vending Coin-Op Men’s Senior 8-Ball Singles 1st Ronald Densome Midwest 2nd Bill Martinez Great Lakes 3rd Dan Gehri Gregory’s 4th Ed Alvarado Great Lakes 5-6th Jeff Wardell Midwest George Bather Gregory’s 7-8th Tom Bowen Gregory’s Jedi American Amuse. Women’s 8-Ball Singles 1st Nicole Richards 2nd Elise Bentley 3rd Tammi Weed 4th Anita Joiner 5-6th Jaki Lovrince Phoebe Galey 7-8th Carleya Newman Rachel Hamann 5-6th 7-8th 9-12th Women’s Master 8-Ball Singles 1st Jen Polik Coin-Op 2nd Michelle Bracken Nu-Way 3rd Chris Garza Coin-Op 4th Michelle Rodriguez Coin-Op 5-6th Rayann Osborn Gregory’s Kristen Larabee Union Music Men’s Open 9-Ball Singles 1st Michael Rudd 2nd Ryan Clay 3rd Jason Weldon 4th Gavin Tinkey 5-6th Jerry Anzeynk Jimmy Wietecha 7-8th Michael Carcducci Ben Blaker 9-12th Andy Rambo Paul Williams Larry St. Clair Pedra Aranda Nu-Way All American All American Kalamazoo Amuse. American Amuse. Union Music Midwest Amuse. All American Diltz & Sons Gregory’s Union Music Kalamazoo Men’s Master 9-Ball Singles 1st Andy Benn Coin-Op 2nd Jim Anderson Coin-Op 3rd Chad Palmer Gregory’s 4th Tim Roberts Coin-Op 5-6th Joe Fraley Gregory’s Jeff Richards Gregory’s Ladies 9-Ball Singles 1st Brenda Parker 2nd Shannon Tonjes 3rd Brandis Huffman 4th Tammi Weed Midwest Union Music Gregory’s Gregory’s American Coin-Op Union Music Kalamazoo Gregory’s All American Gregory’s Master Ladies 9-Ball Singles 1st Lonnie Fox Coin-Op 2nd Melissa Winkler Coin-Op 3rd Melissa Kemp Gregory’s Gregory’s Midwest Gregory’s Gregory’s Union Music Midwest Amuse. Coin-Op Coin-Op Women’s Senior 8-Ball Singles 1st Diane O’Neil Gregory’s 2nd Rebecca Vernon Union Music 3rd Shari Bishop Midwest 4th Stacy Hughes Union Music Kristie Logan Angela Williams Sarah Church Jaki Lovrince Ashley Lawson Vickie Coburn Annette Welch Diane O’Neil 8 The Artistic Pocket Newsletter By Tom Rossman My new Artistic Pocket Newsletter has been very well received since its initial edition release in January of 2012. Its central focus as a valuable education resource tool for Artistic Pool has three goals in mind: 1. Preserving “Artistic Pool” History 2. Presenting “Foundation” Facts 3. Promoting Sport Opportunities Special features for the May edition include a “Sport Report” by Dr. Cue with the “Voice of Artistic Pool” presenting various types of sport title affiliations - past and present. You will also find guest writer articles from Steve “Triple C” Markle providing Thoughts, Tips, and Tricks on a unique “artistic pool” challenge for your shooting enjoyment, plus Rodney “Triple P” Fontaine with his heartfelt “outreach” message on “player / sport unity” in The Chaplain’s “Corner Pocket” section. Special excerpts follow from the feature State Of The “Art” Message (Special “Foundation” Facts): • Most of the original formats for Artistic Pool included three attempts being allowed for each shot with points earned based upon which attempt specific shot was made on • APTSA, WPA, UTS, and Dr. Cue Promotions use a “3 attempts per shot” format for most events • Events under the ESPN umbrella use a “2 attempts per shot” format • Degree Of Difficulty (D.O.D) ratings on select shots were implemented for all league and junior events that were developed by “Dr. Cue” and “Ms. Cue” in the early 90’s • D.O.D. shot ratings for league and junior events ranged from .1 to 5.0 as specified in Banks, Tricks, and “Kicks” product • Dr. Cue Classic Artistic Cup event D.O.D. ratings range from 4.0 to 8.0 • APTSA / WPA events use a D.O.D. ratings range from 6.0 to 10.0 Don’t forget about the 18th Annual VNEA International “Artistic Pool” Championships at Bally’s in Las Vegas, from May 25 - June 1, 2012. 2 Shootouts open to all VNEA players will take place with a super low entry fee, and $1000 in guaranteed payouts, plus VNEA “artistic pool” awards. (Specific event / player details are available at Special Online Note: The complete newsletter can be found at Anyone wanting to receive my newsletter 4 - 6 times per year via a “bcc” e-mail release may also contact me at until next time when… The Doctor’s In The Drs In... May • 2012 13 Wisconsin 800-622-6332 Hudson 715-386-5481 5305 Augusta Trl. Ft. Collins, CO 80528 Kevin J. Anderson Owner GARY BENSON Phone (800) 262-7665 Fax (970) 223-5680 C & N Sales "Players Association" Proudly Represents Pool Players In Minnesota & Iowa Member of the "7 States" Group 14 8-Ball News & Views MARSHALL KOHTZ League Director VVS MUSIC AND GAMES 2005 “Y” Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68503 Phone: 1-800-662-2924 website: $55 $10 T-Shirts $45 #0063 T-Shirt Colors: Black Khaki Navy Red #0070 Holloway Jacket #0040 Holloway Pullover White, Pocketed T-Shirts With This Design On Back Show up at league night in style with “all new” V.N.E.A. Logo’d #0010 Gear. Embroidered $20 10 Hat $ #0050 Polo Shirt Colors: Cement Black Ordering Information. Embroidery - $3 per line Sizes XXL and up - $2 extra Delivery Time - 2 to 4 weeks $15 Colors: Black, Navy, Red #0071 Mock Shirt Jackets, Pullovers, Mocks, Polos, Hats, T-Shirts and more, Get It All At The VNEA Store. Colors: Black Navy Red Specially For Pin Collectors. #0083 Charlie Cougar Pins Only $1 Colors: Black, Navy, Red,Tan #0030 Bumper Stickers (3”X 6”) $10 for 25 (Minimum order of 25. Orders in multiples of 25) VNEA Promotional Material - ORDER FORM Item Reference # and Color Embroidered Name Sub Total Shipping & Handling 6% MI SalesTax (MI residents only) Total Amount Due Send fully completed ORDER FORM to: VNEA Headquarters 201 S. Henry Street, Bay City, MI 48706 Important Mailing Information below... Name City Telephone Quantity/Size Price $ $ $ $ 15.00 Address (No P.O. Boxes) Zip Code State Signature Conditions of Sale: All orders MUST be accompanied by check or money order... Sorry, No C.O.D. Sales. Make checks payable to: V.N.E.A. 1 8-Ball News & Views • February 2008 May • 2012 15 REGIONAL EVENTS IOMA Iowa State Pool Tournament Five Sullivan Brothers Center March 14-18, 2012 MASTERS TEAM 1st Gotta Have It, NTS, Omaha Bob Andrews, Dustin Gunia, Chris Siefkin, Jerrod Friederes, Zack Willis 2nd Whitey’s, GRE, Burlington 3rd 2nd Avenue Pocket, Camden 4th Lions Den, Redline, Charles City INTERMEDIATE OPEN TEAM 1st Hillbilly Golfers1, Hawkeye, Iowa City Fred Peiffer, Jim Vest, Mark Atkinson, Jeremy Bush, Ben Peiffer 2nd Legends Sports Bar, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 3rd Charlies Pick, Cox, Davenport 4th Smitty’s 1, Fischels, Waterloo 5-6th Roscoe’s, Redline, Charles City Predators, Melodee, Des Moines 7-8th 3 Centuries, Camden, Cedar Rapids Off in the Corner, NTS, Omaha REGULAR OPEN TEAM 1st Hillbilly Golfers 2, Hawkeye, Iowa City Mike Peiffer, Jerry Peck, Bill Maynard, Eric Lovelady, Scott Novotney, Daryn Hamilton 2nd Return of Spam, Melodee, Des Moines 3rd Top Dogs, Majestic, Des Moines 4th Krugz Guerillaz, Hawkeye, Iowa City 5-6th Miller Wishes, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque Narey’s 1 Nut Jobs, Fischels, Waterloo 7-8th Feelin Froggy, Camden Sloppy 8’s, Redline, Charles City LADIES MASTER TEAM 1st OMG, Melodee, Des Moines Cara Shelley, Sabrina McCormick, Kelly Spangenburg, Deb Schneider 2nd Shool Pooters, Melodee, Des Moines 3rd Knickers Laura, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 4th Which Witch is Which, NTS, Omaha LADIES TEAM 1st Fort Crook Marsh, NTS, Omaha Jessica Freideres, Karen Thurman, Shari Rice, Cindy Pinter, Shannon Cornett 2nd CJ’s Mixed Nuts, Camden, Cedar Rapids 3rd Pub Convicts, Ries, Denison 4th Team Motorboat, KD, Ames 5-6th Dicktails, KD, Ames Pa’s Tramps, Hawkeye, Iowa City 7-8th Eichman’s, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque RED LINE VENDING, Redline, Charles City MASTERS 9 BALL 1st Whitey Walker, GRE, Burlington 2nd Scott Hargens, Camden, Cedar Rapids 3rd Dustin Gunia, NTS, Omaha 4th Jimmy Nosovan, Melodee, Des Moines 5-6th John Rozmus, Fischels, Waterloo Scott Kitto, Camden, Cedar Rapids 7-8th Wes Nemmers, Majestic, Des Moines Joshua Johnson, Cox, Davenport OPEN 9 BALL 1st Chris Siefkin, NTS, Omaha 2nd Nick Marsolek, Redline, Charles City 3rd Will Kohl, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 4th Mike Peiffer, Hawkeye, Iowa City 5-6th Mike Clancy, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque Chris Freiberg, Redline, Charles City 7-8th Jeff Miller, Camden, Cedar Rapids Dony Faber, Melodee, Des Moines 16 8-Ball News & Views Waterloo, Iowa / by Jenny Duede SENIOR 9 BALL 1st Mike Rohner, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 2nd Dick Schoeman, Automatic, Waterloo 3rd Jerry Mason, Automatic, Waterloo 4th Jeff Livingston, Majestic, Des Moines 5-6th Joe Gibbs, KD, Ames Randy Stoneburner, GRE, Burlington 7-8th Rick Goulden, Melodee, Des Moines Steve Strasburger, Camden, Cedar Rapids MASTER SINGLES 8 BALL 1st Whitey Walker, GRE, Burlington 2nd Scott Kitto, Camden, Cedar Rapids 3rd Jamie Fenton, Automatic, Waterloo 4th Scott Hargens, Camden, Cedar Rapids 5-6th Jack Craft, Camden, Cedar Rapids Bob Andrews, NTS, Omaha 7-8th Mike Mathes, GRE, Burlington Dustin Gunia, NTS, Omaha Open Team Champs: Hillbilly Golfers 2 INTERMEDIATE SINGLES 8 BALL 1st Nick Marsolek, Redline, Charles City 2nd Mark Sloppy, KD, Ames 3rd Anthony Garcia, Camden, Cedar Rapids 4th Dan Weber, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 5-6th Cory Danger, Hawkeye, Iowa City Chris Siefken, NTS, Omaha 7-8th Allan Bloodgood, Majestic, Des Moines Paul Ashmore, Melodee, Des Moines OPEN SINGLES 8 BALL 1st Jeff Nguyen, Hawkeye, Iowa City 2nd Adam Christie, Redline, Charles City 3rd Jay Britt, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 4th Ken Buchheit, Redline, Charles City 5-6th Jeff Miller, Camden, Cedar Rapids Tom Mellon, Melodee, Des Moines 7-8th Will Kohl, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque Amos Walther, Fischels, Waterloo 9-12th Jason Robison, Camden, Cedar Rapids Matt Perez, Redline, Charles City Tom Wallander, Camden, Cedar Rapids Terrance Walker, Fischels, Waterloo SENIOR OPEN SINGLES 1st Lyman Frank, Fischels, Waterloo 2nd Todd Davis, Camden, Cedar Rapids 3rd Brad Mulford, Redline, Charles City 4th David Holmes, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 5-6th Tom Schiltz, Automatic, Waterloo Randy Peters, KD, Ames 7-8th Paul Quist, Automatic, Waterloo Tom Chorny, Camden, Cedar Rapids Ladies Team Champs: Fort Crook Marsh Open 8-Ball Singles Champ: Jeff Nguyen LADIES MASTER SINGLES 1st Jessica Frideres, Green, Fort Dodge 2nd Karla Chorny, Camden, Cedar Rapids 3rd Sabrina McCormick, Melodee, Des Moines 4th Rachel Byrket, Cox, Davenport 5-6th Cindy Norman, Melodee, Des Moines Bobbi Ford, Redline, Charles City LADIES SINGLES 1st Dawn Spencer, Camden, Cedar Rapids 2nd Kelly Swank-McGee, Cox, Davenport 3rd Suzzee Meusel, Redline, Charles City 4th Jill Noel, Rich & Junnies, Dubuque 5-6th Shari Rice, NTS, Omaha Ruby Vandaver, Camden, Cedar Rapids 7-8th Janelle Melohn, KD, Ames Shawna Elder, Hawkeye, Iowa City Masters 8-Ball & 9-Ball Champ: Whitey Walker Senior 8-Ball Singles Champ: Lyman Frank Senior 9-Ball Singles Champ: Mike Rohner Ladies Master Team Champs: OMG Ladies Master Singles Champ: Jessica Frideres Ladies Singles Champ: Dawn Spencer Open 9-Ball Singles Champ: Chris Siefkin May • 2012 17
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