View the Dinner Journal by clicking here


View the Dinner Journal by clicking here
In Tribute
The lives enriched…
the souls touched…
the futures transformed…
All that is Chabad of Arizona
springs forth from and continues to be fueled by
the life and spirit of the Rebbe,
of righteous memory.
The Rebbe’s teachings,
boundless love for every Jew,
and vision of a world perfected and redeemed
guide and inspire us.
May we ever be worthy of carrying on his legacy.
Silent Auction with Hosted Bar
Mr. Max Weisberg
Rabbi Shimi Ash
Chabad of Gilbert
Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin
Chabad of Tucson
Video Presentation
Rabbi Yossi Goldman
“Aishes Chayil Award”
“Chesed Award”
Mr. Josh Levine
Rabbi Zalman Levertov
Regional Director
Mr. Max Weisberg
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Prayer for Israel
‫א ֹל ֵּה י‬
ֱ ‫ ֵּש ם‬, ‫יו ם ָצ ָר ה; ְי ַש ֶּג ְב ָך‬
ֹ ‫ ְב‬,‫ַע ְנ ָך ְי ה וָה‬
‫ְעו ָל ְת ָך‬
ֹ ‫ ִמ ְנ ֹח ֶּת ָך; ו‬-‫ִי ְז ֹכר ָכל‬
.‫מו ר ְל ָד ִו ד‬
ֹ ‫ ִמ ְז‬, ‫ַל ְמ ַנ ֵּצ ַח‬
.‫ִס ָע ֶּד ָך‬
ְ ‫ י‬,‫ּומ ִצ ֹּיון‬
ִ ;‫ְר ָך ִמ ֹק ֶּדש‬
ְ ‫ ֶּעז‬-‫ִש ַלח‬
ְ ‫ ג י‬.‫ֲקב‬
ֹ ‫ַיע‬
‫ישּוע ֶּת ָך‬
‫ ִב‬,‫ ו ְנ ַר ְננָה‬.‫ ֲע ָצ ְת ָך ְי ַמ ֵּל א‬-‫ ְל ָך ִכ ְל ָב ֶּב ָך; ְו ָכל‬- ‫ִי ֶּתן‬
.‫ְד ְשנֶּה ֶּס ָלה‬
‫ָד ְע ִת י ִכ י‬
ַ ‫ ז ַע ָת ה י‬. ‫יך‬
ָ ‫לו ֶּת‬
ֹ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ ִמ ְש‬- ‫ ָכ ל‬,‫א ֹל ֵּה ינּו ִנ ְד ֹג ל; ְי ַמ ֵּל א ְי ה וָה‬
ֱ ‫ּוב ֵּש ם‬
‫ֵּא ֶּלה‬
ֹ ‫ְמ‬
ִ ‫ֵּשע י‬
ַ ‫ י‬,‫רות‬
ֹ ‫שו ִב ְג ֻב‬
ֹ ‫ ִמ ְש ֵּמי ָק ְד‬,‫יחו ַי ֲענֵּהּו‬
ֹ ‫ ְמ ִש‬,‫יע יְהוָה‬
ַ ‫הו ִש‬
‫ ָכ ְרעּו‬,‫ֵּה ָמה‬
.‫א ֹל ֵּהינּו ַנ ְז ִכיר‬
ֱ ‫יְהוָה‬-‫ ְב ֵּשם‬,‫ַחנּו‬
ְ ‫ַאנ‬
ֲ ‫ּסּוסים; ו‬
ִ ‫ְא ֶּלה ַב‬
ֵּ ‫ ו‬,‫ָב ֶּר ֶּכב‬
- ‫יו ם‬
ֹ ‫ ַי ֲע ֵּנ נּו ְב‬, ‫יע ה ַה ֶּמ ֶּל ְך‬
ָ ‫הו ִש‬
ֹ ‫ י ְי ה וָה‬.‫עו ָדד‬
ֹ ‫ַנ ְת‬
ִ ‫ ו‬,‫ַא ַנ ְח נּו ַק ְמ נּו‬
ֲ ‫ְו ָנ ָפ לּו; ו‬
.‫ָק ְר ֵּאנּו‬
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David. 2. May the Lord answer you on
the day of distress; may the Name of the God of Jacob fortify you. 3. May
He send your help from the Sanctuary, and support you from Zion. 4. May
He remember all your offerings, and always accept favorably your sacrifices.
5. May He grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill your every counsel. 6.
We will rejoice in your deliverance, and raise our banners in the name of
our God; may the Lord fulfill all your wishes.
7. Now I know that the Lord has delivered His anointed one, answering
him from His holy heavens with the mighty saving power of His right hand.
8. Some [rely] upon chariots and some upon horses, but we [rely upon
and] invoke the Name of the Lord our God. 9. They bend and fall, but we
rise and stand firm. 10. Lord, deliver us; may the King answer us on the day
we call.
,‫עו ָל ִמים‬
ֹ ‫כּותו ַמ ְלכּות ָכל‬
‫ ַמ ְל‬,‫יכים‬
ִ ‫ּומ ְמ ָש ָלה ַל ְנ ִס‬
ֶּ ‫שּועה ַל ְמ ָל ִכים‬
ָ ‫נו ֵּתן ְת‬
ֹ ‫ַה‬
ָ ‫ּוב ַמיִם ַע ִזים ְנ ִת‬
ְ ‫נו ֵּתן ַביָם ֶּד ֶּרך‬
ֹ ‫ ַה‬,‫דו ֵּמ ֶּח ֶּרב ָר ָעה‬
ֹ ‫ּפו ֶּצה ֶּאת ָדוִד ַע ְב‬
ֹ ‫ַה‬
.‫ינות ָה ֵּאלּו‬
ֹ ‫ְאת ָכל ָש ֵּרי ַה ְמ ִד‬
ֶּ ‫ְאת ִמ ְשנֵּהּו ו‬
ֶּ ‫ָשיא ו‬
ִ ‫ְב ֵּרך ֶּאת ַהנ‬
ָ ‫הּוא י‬
‫ָגו ן ְו ֶּנ זֶּק‬
ֹ ‫ּומ ָכ ל ָצ ָר ה ְו י‬
ִ ,‫ ְב ַר ְח ָמ יו ְי ַח יֵּם ְו ִי ְש ְמ ֵּר ם‬,‫ֶּמ ֶּל ְך ַמ ְל ֵּכ י ַה ְמ ָל ִכ ים‬
ִ ‫בות ִע ָמנּו ו‬
ֹ ‫טו‬
ֹ ‫שות‬
ֹ ‫יהם ַל ַע‬
ֶּ ‫ְש ֵּר‬
ָ ‫יהם ו‬
ֶּ ‫ּוב ֵּלב ָכל ֹיו ַע ֵּצ‬
ְ ‫ִתן ְב ִל ָבם‬
ֵּ ‫ ְוי‬.‫ילם‬
ֵּ ‫ַצ‬
.‫כון ָל ֶּב ַטח‬
ֹ ‫ִש‬
ְ ‫ִש ָר ֵּאל י‬
ְ ‫ ְוי‬,‫ְהּודה‬
ָ ‫ָשע י‬
ַ ‫ָמינּו ִתו‬
ֵּ ‫ּובי‬
ְ ‫יהם‬
ֶּ ‫ימ‬
ֵּ ‫ ִב‬.‫ִש ָר ֵּאל ַא ֵּחינּו‬
ְ ‫ָכל י‬
(Cong.- .‫(א ֵּמן‬
ָ .‫ ָא ֵּמן‬:‫אמר‬
ַ ‫ ו ְֹנ‬.‫צון‬
ֹ ‫ְהי ָר‬
ִ ‫ְכן י‬
ֵּ ‫ ו‬.‫גו ֵּאל‬
ֹ ‫ּובא ְל ִצ ֹיון‬
He Who grants salvation to kings and dominion to rulers, Whose
kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternities; Who releases David, His
servant, from the evil sword; Who places a road in the sea and a path in
the mighty waters - may He bless the Armed forces of the United States of
America, the President, Vice President, and all the constituted officers of
government of this land.
The King Who reigns over kings, in His mercy may He sustain them
and protect them; from every trouble, woe and injury, may He rescue
them; and put into their heart and into the heart of all their counselors
compassion to do good with us and with all Israel, our brethren. In their
days and in ours, may Judah be saved and may Israel dwell securely, and
may the Redeemer come to Zion. So may it be His will. Now let us respond: Amen. (Cong.- Amen.)
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Prayer for the Welfare of the United States
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad of Arizona
Regional Headquarters
Thirty Six Years in the State of Arizona
Milk, 36 years ago, for Rabbi and Mrs. Levertov, meant going to the farm and milking
the cows. Jewish life in Arizona has changed a lot since then.
Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries, Rabbi Zalman and Tzipi Levertov, arrived in Arizona 36
years ago, welcoming travelers and guest to their home, and making Jewish resources available
to their growing community.
Today, more than 22 families and 18 Chabad Houses work around the clock serving the
needs of the Jewish community. Between them, they offer among their services everything
from crisis relief to Hebrew school and Bar Mitzvah classes, Shabbat dinners as well as adult
education as well as programs for seniors, preschool, teens, summer camp and children with
special needs.
The Chabad Rabbi’s collective efforts and the vital role of the lay leaders make the expansion of Jewish life in Arizona possible.
Chabad brings Jews from all walks of life together.
A typical Shabbat dinner at a local Chabad will find you celebrating Shabbat with many
others. Natives and tourists get the opportunity to celebrate Shabbat the way Shabbat is
meant to be celebrated. And if it’s your birthday that week, they might even have a birthday
cake waiting for you!
Chabad Lubavitch of Arizona is dedicated to providing, an open door environment for
strengthening and enhancing Jewish values and identity to all people, regardless of background, philosophy or level of commitment.
Chabad serves individuals and families that are looking for a non-judgmental, accepting,
personalized Jewish experience.
Chabad offers “Judaism with a Smile” and a home away from home for everyone who
walks through its doors.
Services in Arizona
~ Adult Education
~ Jewish Learning Institute
~ Aleph Bet Preschool
~ Jewish Women’s Circle
~ Bar/Bat Mitzvah Lessons
~ Judaica Store
~ Bat Mitzvah Club
~ Kosher Certification
~ Beginner Services
~ Matthew J. Ritchie Library
~ Camp Gan Israel
~ Mikvah Chaya Mushka
~ Chabad Tuition Organization
~ Prayer Services
~ Chabad Young Professionals
~ Prison Chaplaincy
~ Children’s Holiday Programs
~ Roving Rabbis - Merkos Shlichus
~ College Campus Services
~ Russian Lending Library
~ C-Teen Programs
~ Services for Russian community
~ Dovid Yonah Shluchim Fund
~ Shabbat Services & Meals
~ Hebrew School
~ Singles Events
~ Holiday Publications
~ Smile on Seniors
~ Holiday Workshops
~ The Friendship Circle
~ Hospital Visitations
~ Utensil’s Mikvah
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Mission Statement
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Lauren Wiener
Steven Wiener was born in New York City, and is a Cohen. At an early age
Steven briefly attended a Yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Wiener graduated high
school in Allentown, Pennsylvania as a National Merit Scholar. He then attended
Lehigh University, where he was on the Dean’s List, and graduated Summa Cum
Laude. Dr. Wiener earned his Doctorate of Medicine from the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine, graduating with the highest honors, including being inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society.
Dr. Wiener then began nine years of Surgical Training. Dr. Wiener trained at
such prestigious institutions as Johns Hopkins, UCLA, NYU, and Columbia University.
During his surgical training he received many honors, but is most proud of the volunteer work he performed. He was the youngest surgeon to go overseas with Operation
Smile. He led numerous volunteer trips with Operation Smile and Doctors without
Borders to countries such as Ecuador, Africa, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, and the
former Soviet Union.
Lauren Rachel Obadia was born in Fes, Morocco. She is French Moroccan. At
Shortly after moving, Lauren’s family met Rabbi Zalman and Tzipi Levertov at
Chabad of Phoenix’s early location on Maryland. Lauren’s Dad, Marc, was one of the
original Minyan Congregants. Lauren had the pleasure to see all the Levertov children
grow and become wonderful Rabbis and role models for our community today. Lauren
was also very involved with Chabad as a young adult.
Lauren received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiology from Arizona
State University. She later chose to continue her education in Livingston, New Jersey at
St. Barnabas Medical Center. After working at several local hospitals here in Phoenix
she decides to join Siemens Medical Systems as a Radiation Oncology Trainer for Doctors and Staff all over the country and world.
In 1996, Dr. Wiener relocated to Phoenix to begin his Plastic Surgery Practice.
He was recruited to Phoenix to establish a plastic surgery department at one of the
leading hospitals. Shortly after arriving in Phoenix, Dr. Wiener met his wife to be, Lauren. One year after meeting, they were married by Rabbi Levertov at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel.
Dr. Wiener and Lauren feel their greatest accomplishments are their four children, Sydney, 13, who was recently Bat-Mitzvah at Chabad, Samuel and Samantha ,11,
who are twins and Stephanie who is 10. Steven is eternally grateful for the support,
guidance and inspiration he receives from Lauren every day. Lauren is continuously
grateful for the love and support her family gets from all her family and long time
friends in our Community and Chabad.
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
the age of four her Parents Marc and Marie-Claire Obadia moved the entire family including her younger brother Jack to Forest Hills, New York City. New York is where
she was Bat-Mitzvahed. At the age of fifteen her family decided to move to Phoenix,
Arizona in 1978.
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Aishet Chayil Award
Dr. Andrea Silvey
Andrea Silvey is a second generation American Jew with deep Russian roots (all
four grandparents). Born in southern California, she grew up in a traditional Jewish
home with her parents, Irving and Ruth Brodsky, her older sister Sheri, and her younger brother Jeffrey. While growing up, ballet was her passion. She studied and practiced
seriously and was amply rewarded for her dedication, being blessed with the privilege
of performing with the Bolshoi Ballet Company when they were on tour in Los Angeles.
At the age of twenty-four, she and a nurse colleague embarked on a six-month
camping adventure spanning the continent from the west coast to the east coast and
from the Gulf coast up into Canada. Arriving in New York City after traveling 12,000
miles, Andrea lived there with her sister, Sheri, for nine months.
While in NYC, Andrea worked as a nurse in the East Coast Regional BurnTrauma Center at New York University Hospital, Cornell Medical Center. In 1976 she
returned to school to obtain a graduate degree as a Cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist from the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB). In 1978 her clinical research received national recognition from the American Association of Critical Care
Nurses. Andrea branched out into health care administration and completed her Residency in Hospital Administration in1979. In 1995, she completed her doctoral course of
studies and Research Fellowship in strategic healthcare management, and received her
PhD in Health Services Administration, also from UAB.
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For the past 15 years, Andrea has been working out of the corporate offices of
Health Services Advisory Group, Inc., here in Phoenix, and has also been providing ongoing consultation to the company’s California office. Named in 2004 as Chief Quality
Improvement Officer, she has directed national level projects for both government and
private sponsors. She currently collaborates with a team of physicians, nurses, epidemiologists, biostatisticians and information technology experts to develop and implement programs focused on Medicare’s quality improvement initiatives.
Andrea has served as a member of the National Publications Committee of
Heart & Lung: The Journal of Critical Care, as well as a member of the review board
for the Journal of Healthcare Quality. She has been a contributing author to several
widely used textbooks in the field of healthcare management, plus the Medicare 2007
Report to Congress that proposed an incentive payment to hospitals for improving
their quality of care. Throughout her career, Andrea has served on numerous
statewide healthcare committees and boards in Alabama, Texas, Virginia, California,
and Arizona. Since the year 2000, she has held an appointment as Adjunct Professor in
the W.P. Carey School of Health Policy & Administration at Arizona State University.
Andrea is an advocate and avid supporter of Chabad of Phoenix. For the past
seven years, Andrea has become increasingly active in the programs, services, classes
and activities at Chabad. Jewish education, tzedakah, Torah studies, learning to read
Hebrew, fundraising, volunteering with Kiddush preparation, Smile on Seniors visitation, and conducting training for the Camp Gan Israel staff have provided opportunities for personal growth and giving back to the community. Most gratefully, Andrea
appreciates that her growing connection to Hashem is a direct effect of the kindness,
support, direction and acceptance she has received from Rabbi Zalman and Tzipi
Levertov and all the members of the Chabad of Phoenix.
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
It was in Birmingham, in 1975, that Andrea met her (late) husband Howard
Silvey who was a member of the Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) dating back
to the early 1970’s. During their 30 years together, Howard continuously encouraged
her to learn more about her Jewish heritage. His strong ethical values and deep sense
of moral responsibility had a great influence on Andrea’s spiritual growth. Over the
course of 20 years, Howard encouraged Andrea’s professional growth and career development as the couple journeyed from Alabama to Texas to Virginia to California,
before settling in Arizona. Along the journey, Andrea held executive leadership and
consulting positions in a variety of health care settings including a 400 bed not-forprofit community hospital; a 350 bed county teaching hospital; an 1100 bed university
medical center; and a multi-site physician group practice with a free standing ambulatory surgery center.
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chesed Award
Mrs. Lucy Woodruff
Mrs. Lucy Woodruff has been involved in caring for the less fortunate and underprivileged for many years. Fourteen years ago, Lucy volunteered to undertake the
Directorship of the Tolleson Food Bank. The Food Bank is run entirely by volunteers;
none of the workers get paid, including the director.
As director, Lucy does all and any needed tasks at the Food Bank including
wearing the hats of Chef, Cook and bottle washer. Lucy is busy with her charitable
work almost every day of the week. She personally directs the food supplies and surpluses that arrive from all the different supermarkets to be given to the needy.
The Tolleson Food Bank alone feeds over 200 families a week, aside from the 7
other organizations that receive food from the Tolleson Food Bank, that each feed
around 100 families. Seven hundred homeless and struggling families are fed each week
thanks to Lucy and the Tolleson Food Bank. As Lucy says, “It’s a Great mission to feed
the homeless and others who are struggling; it’s like giving them a new lease on life”.
Lucy met Arnold & Aviva Wininger some years back. They taught her some of
the Kosher symbols, and ever since, Lucy puts aside many kosher items for the Winingers to pick up and drop off at the Chabad Center. These donations are used to send
out weekly packages of Kosher food to some of the needy in our community.
Lucy has two sons who help out and volunteer their time to the Tolleson Food
Bank, like the saying goes, “the apples don’t fall far from the tree”.
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Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Lauren Wiener
Dr. Andrea Silvey
Mrs. Lucy Woodruff
May you continue to go from
Strength to Strength,
may you have Yiddishe Nachas
from your loved ones and
may you succeed in all your endeavors!
Regional Directors of Chabad of Arizona
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad - Lubavitch of Arizona
Congratulates the honorees
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
In Loving Memory of
Morris & Fran Turnansky
Loving parents & grandparents
Stuart, Susan, Jessica & Morrison
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
On 36 wonderful years!
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
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Mazal Tov
Eichenblatt, Gamliel, Hellmann, Katz, Klein, Ritchie
May you shine forever in Torah!
Mazel Tov to the
Wiener, Silvey & Woodruff Families
Rachel Ritchie
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
To Zalman & Tzipi Levertov
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
"She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the
lesson of kindness is on her tongue."
With boundless love, admiration and respect,
the Schiff and Simon Families are delighted
to join in tonight's tribute to the inspirational
Dr. Andrea Silvey.
Dr. Martin Schiff
Dr. David and Ahbra Schiff & Family
Denise and Howard Simon & Family
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To Dr. Steve & Lauren Wiener
A wonderful honor for a wonderful couple.
To Dr. Andrea Silvey
A role model for so many.
To Lucy Woodruff
Your caring way has helped so many.
Lois Ann Weksler
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Mazal Tov!
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Mazal Tov
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Wiener
for this very well-deserved honor and for
the work you do in this community. Your
kindness and generosity truly stem from
your warm heart and gentle spirit.
We love you dearly.
Dr. & Mrs. Moshe & Halya Engel
Dr. & Mrs. Jim & Linda Fishman
Mr. & Mrs. Brad & Lynne Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Tammy Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Serge & Mercedes Roussel
Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Yael Wininger
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A dear friend & special lady
Dr. Andrea Silvey
And to
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Wiener & Mrs. Lucy Woodruff
On this special occasion.
Mrs. Caral Fread
Mazel Tov To The Honorees
From The Borenstein Family
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Mazal Tov to
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Steven and Lauren,
Thank you for all your efforts.
We are very proud of both of you.
Jack & Sharon
A Jewel to
Hashem & Humanity
In Friendship
Barbara & Loren
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Quietly, Efficiently and Elegantly, these are some of the
many qualities by which you lead your life. You are an exceptional, unique, compassionate woman. Your passion for
learning is a model to many of us. You are a fantastic,
amazing friend and I am so lucky to know you! You truly
enrich our lives.
Thank you Andrea.
Congratulations on this very well deserved award!
Mercedes, Serge, Jonathan, Jessica & Eli
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
To our dear parents:
Rabbi Zalman & Tzipi Levertov
May Hashem grant you strength, health and joy
to continue your great work!
May we follow in your footsteps!
With love,
Mendy & Leahle Moshe & Sashie Rivky & Yossi
Levi & Chani
Dov & Mussie Shlomy & Chaya
& all your cute grandchildren!
Mrs. Lucy Woodruff
For the amazing work you do in
the community.
Mazal Tov
You are very special.
Warmest regards,
Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Yael Wininger
Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Yael Wininger
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Mazel Tov to
Chabad of Arizona
on their 36th Anniversary.
You are an amazing
Mazel Tov
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Wiener,
Dr. Andrea Silvey &
Lucy Woodruff.
Lisa, Larry, Hugh, Melissa,
Lee & Nora
Mazal Tov!
To Rabbi Zalman & Tzipi Levertov
For 36 years you have continuously sung
the praises of Hashem all over AZ to help
us preserve His statutes and treasure His
laws. In tribute to your selfless service to
our community, may Hashem continue
to BLESS you, your family, and our Chabad family with wisdom, understanding,
good health, joy and prosperity!
May He bless your home with peace.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Polly
Mazal Tov to
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Wiener &
Mrs. Lucy Woodruff
and Thank you for your
dedication to
Chabad of Arizona!
May Hashem bless you with all
things good.
Andrea Silvey
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Attorney and Counselor at Law
Best wishes to the
And extended
Chabad families.
Criminal Law Specialist Arizona Board of Legal Specialization
16427 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Suite 300
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
Office: (480) 471-5624
Fax: (480) 443-8854
Cell: (602) 206-7594
- Ms. Adrienne Marks
Jail Collect: (602) 255-0333
Mazal Tov to
Mazal Tov
Dr. Andrea Silvey
A magnificent GEM of a person
We are privileged to be a part of her family.
All the Teplitskys
Sylvia & Michael (Cedarhurst, NY)
Dalia, Marc & Lina (Zurich, Switzerland)
Dana, Saul, Jakob, Sammy & Rakel
to the Chabad Family
(Riverdale, NY)
Sinai Mortuary of Arizona
Ruth Ann & Raymond Perlman
Jonathan Perlman
Elisheva, Neal, Jack & Hattie
(Lawrence, NY)
Avi & Rinanah (Brooklyn, NY)
“It is not the place that honors the person,
But rather the person that honors the place.”
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
May the warm, caring
and welcoming hospitality
that radiates from
Rabbi Zalman & Tzipi
Levertov’s Chabad
Continue to light the way
for every Jewish soul,
As we await
Moshiach Tzidkainu.
Mazal Tov
To our Aishet Chayil
Andrea Silvey
And to our
Aishet Chayil Role Model
Rachel Ritchie
Mazel Tov to Steve and Lauren Wiener
Congratulations to Chabad on their
36th Anniversary
David & Ellen Lawson
and family
Chuck & Marianne Clinch
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Albert Vaksengisser
Frank Ochs
Lauren & Steve
Doris & Scott Wiener
6344 N. 7th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85014
In Tribute to the Dedication of
The Chabad Rabbis & Rebbetzins
Mazel Tov to the Wieners for their long standing
status as roll models for Torah Judaism.
Delivering their love for the community through
full throttle giving.
Wearing humility and never cheapening their
Mitzvahs in exchange for Kovod or anything else
in return.
Rabbi Ariel & Ayala M. Shoshan
They wear the Torah just as it says in Pirkei
Avos, "Say little and do much."
Hashem should continue to love the Wieners and
their future generations as they have loved us.
We are humbled by their Kiddush Hashem and
take pleasure in being in the same community.
The Burstyns
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Your perseverance and growth in
Yiddishkeit is an inspiration!
May Hashem grant you to continue
growing from strength to strength.
May you see success in all your
Dr. Steve and Lauren Wiener:
We greatly admire your Generosity
and care for the greater Phoenix
Jewish community!
Rabbi Yossi & Rivky Friedman
In Memory of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Kathryn J Stroy, CPA
We wish Chabad of Arizona a
successful year.
10451 W. Palmeras Dr. #112
Sun City AZ 85373
Muriel & Jerry Beck
And family
Mazel Tov to Chabad of Arizona on
their 36th Anniversary.
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Wiener
Mazel Tov Dr. & Mrs. Steve Wiener,
Dr. Andrea Silvey and Lucy Woodruff.
on this well deserved award.
John Pushor
Jamie & Stacey Feldman
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Congratulations to our beautiful
cousin Andrea.
We are so proud of you!
Lil, Leslie, Rudy, Lori & Pete
Kol Hakavod Lauren & Steve. Your dedication to Jewish life is an inspiration.
Karen & Robert Nagle
A Big Mazal Tov to Rabbi Zalman & Tzipi and family on 36 wonderful years! Many Nachas for
36 more years!!
Lou & Ruth Kelter
Congratulations and Good Health to the Levertov family and Sashie.
Dr. Michaels & Elaine Kates
To a dear friend and role model, Rachel. Wishing you a complete and speedy recovery.
Francine McClung
Mazal Tov to Dr. Silvey!
Howard Pitluk
Aliza Hersh
Kayla Hersh
Ariella Hirsh
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Leaya Rivka Zaila
Tzvi Yaakov Zaila
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
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Mr. Steven Haberkorn
Mrs. Rachel Ritchie
Mr. & Mrs. William Levine
Dr. Andrea Silvey
Mrs. Lois Ann Weksler
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Markson
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Wiener
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Lapenson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Weinshenk
Mrs. Caral Fread
Mr. & Mrs. Saville & Susan Levy
Michelle Fiorenzo - Photography
Victoria Anthony
Sunny Bradley
Chaim Bradley
Michelle Colby
Halya Engel
Nathan Goltsman
Elliot Goltsman
Barbara Greenberg
Matt Schwabinger
Jim & Elena Thornton
Shaina Warshawsky
Mindy Wolfe
Malka Lapenson
Lea Newton
Sherry Hollander
Yael Wininger
Michelle Mishenko
Devora Hayman
Pat Schwabinger
Mercedes Roussel
Special thanks to Mrs. Pat Schwabinger, office administrator and Mrs. Mercedes Roussel,
journal chairperson for all the hours they put into making our
36th Annual Fundraising Dinner an amazing success.
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Special Recognition
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Special Recognition
Silent and Live Auction
Thank you to all those who donated items for the silent and live auctions.
Arizona Cardinals
Addison Taylor
Air Time Jump Centers
Andrea Silvey
Arizona Diamondbacks
Art For Fun
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Bob Bondurant School of High
Performance Driving
Bonnie Golub
Brake Masters
Camp Gan Israel
Cannedy Preforming Arts Center
Caral Fread
Chani Levertov
Chaparral Suites Hotel
Children's Museum of Phoenix
Con Air
Dave & Busters
Desert Botanical Gardens
Discount Tire
Distinctive Salon and Spa
E.D. Marshall
Embassy Suites, Mandalay Beach Hotel
Esses Object De Art
Flip Dunk
Game Works
Glendale Pawn and Jewelry
Golfland Entertainment Center
Green Mountain Coffee
Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting
Hard Rock Café
Hazel Davis
Heard Museum
Herzog Wine
Hot Air Expeditions Inc.
Hyatt Place Scottsdale/Old Town
Imagination Avenue
Imperial Kosher Market
Inn Suites Hospitality Trust
Jamie Feldman
Jay Goldman Jewelers
JCC Valley Of the Sun
Jeffrey & Nancy Weber
Jewish Collection
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix
JLI Phoenix
Joy of Kosher Magazine
Kitchen 18
Lauren Wiener
Let It Roll Bowl
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Silent and Live Auction
Thank you to all those who donated items for the silent and live auctions.
Lois Ann Weksler
London Gold
Longbow Golf Club
Lucille Miller
Lucky Strike Lanes
Lynn Greenberg
Make Meaning
McCormack Stillman Railroad Park
Mercedes Roussel
Michael & Elaine Kates
Michka Trends
Miriam Litzman
Moda Fina
New Image Plastic Surgery
North Scottsdale Pediatric Dentistry
Octane Raceway
Old Tucson Studio's
Paris Paris
Phoenix Zoo
Pointe Hilton at Squaw Peak
Polar Ice Chandler
Presidential Kosher Holidays
Pump It Up
Raw Hide
Robert & Betsey
Robin Samuel
Rosen, Ocampo & Fontes
Sack Time
Safeway Inc. Biltmore
Seacret Minerals from the Dead Sea
Segal's One Stop Kosher Foods & Oasis
Sharkey College Consulting
Simply Scrumptious
Sir Bounce A Lot
Sonesta Es Suites, Flagstaff
Stratum Lazer Tag
Stuart & Aviah Friedman
The Caliopi Gallery
The Club House at Tonto Verde
The Curve Palm Springs
The Diamond Source
The Dolly Steamboat
The Jewish Press
The Legacy Golf Resort
Total Wine
Trader Joe's
True REST Float Spa
VIP Passover
Weight Watchers
Westworld Paintball Adventures, Inc
Yoga Pura
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Special Recognition
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
young professionals
a place for Jews in their 20’s and 30’s.
meet. unite. learn. grow.
Rabbi Moshe & Sashie Levertov | 602-796-1838
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Call for information on trips and activities.
Phoenix - 602 944-2753 | Chandler - 480 855-4333
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Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Chabad Celebrates 36 Years
Rabbi Zalman Levertov
Arizona Regional Director
Chabad of Phoenix - Rabbi Moshe Levertov
Teen & Youth Program - Rabbi Dov & Mussie Levertov
Adult Education - Rabbi Yossi Friedman
Aleph Bet Preschool - Mrs. Sashie Levertov
The Friendship Circle - Mrs. Leah Levertov
Smile on Seniors - Mrs. Chani Levertov
Camp Gan Israel - Mrs. Rivky Friedman
Mikvah Chaya Mushka - Chabad Religious Articles - Jewish Library
2110 E. Lincoln Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85016
602-944-2753 |
Chabad of Anthem
Rabbi Yossi Friedman
Chabad of Gilbert
Rabbi Shimmy Ash
Chabad at ASU
Rabbi Shmuel Tiechtel
Chabad of Glendale
Rabbi Shalom Ber Lew
Chabad of Chandler
Rabbi Mendy Deitsch
Chabad of Goodyear
Rabbi Berel Zaklikofsky
Chabad of Downtown
Rabbi Levi Levertov
Chabad of Mesa
Rabbi Laibel Blotner
Chabad of Flagstaff
Rabbi Dovie Shapiro
Chabad of N. Phoenix
Rabbi Mendy Levertov
Chabad of Fountain Hills
Rabbi Mendy Lipskier
Chabad of Oro Valley
Rabbi Efraim Zimmerman
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Chabad of Scottsdale
Rabbi Yossi Levertov
Rabbi Yossie Bryski
Chabad of Tucson
Rabbi Yossi Shemtov
Rabbi Yudi Ceitlin
Chabad on River (Tucson)
Rabbi Ram Bigelman
Chabad at U of A
Rabbi Yossi Winner
AZ Russian Programs
Rabbi Dan Hayman
Bucharian Community
Rabbi Amnon Tzadikov
Dinner Committee
Rabbi Zalman &
Tzipi Levertov
Rabbi Mendy Levertov
Rabbi Dov Levertov
Rabbi Levi Levertov
Leslie Levy
Susan Levy
Liba Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Kelter
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Lapenson
Leah Newton
Rachel Ritchie
Mercedes Roussel
Pat Schwabinger
Journal Committee
Journal Chairperson: Mercedes Roussel
Liba Engel
Barbara Greenberg
Ruth Kelter
Leah Newton
Pat Schwabinger
Andrea Silvey
Pearl Grogan
Lou Kelter
Efraim Warshawsky
Janice Tracht
Auction Committee
Auction Chairperson: Tzipi Levertov
Halya Engel
Lynne Greenberg
Barbara Greenberg
Pat Shwabinger
Lois Ann Weksler
Dov Levertov
Jamie Feldman
Lauren Wiener
Thank you
for your support!