Watercraft Program
Watercraft Program
Dryden Mutual Insurance Company Watercraft Program Rating Manual Edition: 2005 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS UNDERWRITING Risk Selection Information High Performance Boat List RULES Eligibility Program Description Policy Writing Instructions Premium Determination Deductible Premium Modifications Coverage Options Navigational Territories RATING INFORMATION Basic Property Rating Information Basic Liability Rating Information Additional Rating Information AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL RULES INDEX Page Additional Interests ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 10 Age of Boat ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 Assignment ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 10 Cancellation ..... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 10 Coverage Options......... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 15 Coverage Territory........ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 9 Coverage X...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 8 Coverage Y...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 8 Coverage Z ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 8 Deductible........ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 13 Diesel Power.... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 Eligibility........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 6 Emergency Service - Expanded Coverage.......... ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 15 Inception Time . ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ Ineligible property ......... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 9 6 Lay-Up Period.. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ Optional ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 Required ..... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 10 Liability Coverages ....... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 8 Liability Limits, Basic..... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 8 Loss Payees .... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 10 Loss Settlement ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 7 Maximum Charges........ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 12 Minimum Charges......... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 12 Miscellaneous Property - Increased Limit............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 15 Navigation Period ......... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ Navigational Equipment ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ Navigational Territories. ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ Navigational Training .... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 14 16 14 Perils Covered . ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 7 Policy Format... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 9 Policy Term...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 9 Policy Writing Instructions.......... ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 9 Premium Determinations ........... ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 11 Premium Modifications . ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 Program Description ..... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 7 Property Coverages...... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 7 Reduction In Limits ....... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 10 Safety Equipment ......... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 Theft Equipment ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 Uninsured Boaters Coverage .... ............ ............ ............ .......................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 8 Dryden Mutual Insurance Company Watercraft Program Underwriting Guidelines The guidelines provided below are the minimum standards we ask our agents to follow in order to bind Dryden Mutual on any watercraft policy. Any risk that fails to meet any of the criteria below must not be bound and should be referred to company underwriting for approval. As always, Dryden Mutual underwriters will maintain a common sense approach in reviewing all new watercraft applications. We ask only that our agents work with us to write quality watercraft business. Applicant and Operator Information Category 1. Criteria Age Minimum age of principal operators is 21 years old. 2. Applicant Individual and / or spouse who are both residents of same household. Joint ownership involving unrelated individuals should be referred to company for prior approval. No corporate ownership. 3. Boating Loss History Risks with more than one (1) boating loss in last 3 years must be reviewed with underwriting for approval. 4. Motor Vehicle Records Owners and/or operators with any major violations including DWI, DWAI, Boating While Intoxicated, Reckless Driving or Excessive Speeding must be referred to Underwriting. Risks with any more than one (1) conviction or at - fault accident per operator or two (2) per household should not be bound. These may be referred to the company for consideration. 5. Watercraft Courses Copies of United States Coast Guard Auxiliary or Power Squadron Certificates are required in order to receive premium credits. 6. Applications ACORD Watercraft Applications, fully completed including list of all operators or residents of household including drivers license numbers and Social Security numbers. 7. MVR=s Agents providing current MVR=s may submit with application and a reimbursement will be given at $5.00 for each Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 1 DMIC Watercraft Guidelines and Specifications Category Criteria Outboard Motor Boats Inboard and Inboard / Outdrives Sailboats Pontoon Boats Rowboats and Canoes 1. Type of Power 2. Age of Watercraft 3. Length Watercraft 39 feet or less are eligible. 4. Speed Boats with advertised speeds exceeding 50 MPH are ineligible. 5. Horsepower The horsepower should never exceed the manufacturers recommended specifications. As a rule of thumb, HP should not exceed ten ( 10 ) times the length of boat. Example: Boat length 20 feet X 10 = 200 maximum HP 6. Value Minimum $1000 Maximum $ 150,000 NADA appraisal guides will be used to substanciate values and will be used as a guide in loss settlements. 7. Photographs 35mm photographs taken within last 12 months. Reimbursements of $5 for each photo with application. Aluminum or Fiberglass hulls not over 25 years old. Wooden hulls not over 15 years old. Any watercraft exceeding these age guidelines may be referred to the company for underwriting consideration. Ineligible Watercraft The following types of watercraft are ineligible for Dryden Mutual=s Watercraft Program: Hydroplanes or racing type hulls Boats with converted automobile engines Air propelled or jet propelled boats Kits or homemade boats Inflatable boats Personal watercraft, Jet Ski=s, Waverunners and Sea Doo=s, etc. Boats with advertised speeds designed to exceed 50 MPH, this includes all High Performance type boats including but not limited to Dryden=s Performance Boat List. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 2 DMIC Dryden Mutual Performance Boat List Manufacturer ADVANTAGE AERO FINO ALLISON AM INDUSTRIES ANSWER MACHINE APACHE AQUA CRAFT AQUASPORT AVANTI AVENGER BAJA BANANA BOATS BARRACUDA BAYLINER BESOTOS BIESEMEYER BLACK THUNDER BLACK WATCH BONNER BRAGINTON BRENDELLA BROADWATER CANTIERI CARIBBEAN CARRERA CEEBEE CENTURY CHALLENGER CHAPARRAL CHECKMATE CHEETAH CHRIS CRAFT CIGARETTE COBALT COLE CONCORDE CONTENDER CORRECT CRAFT COUGAR CRESTLINER CROWNLINE DAYTONA DONZI DORAL EAGLE SKI EBB TIDE ELIMINATOR ENVISION EVERETTE EXCALIBUR EXPRESS MARINE FLARECRAFT FORESTER FORMULA FOUNTAIN FOUR WINNS FREEDOM GALAXIE GAYLORD GLASTRON GLENN L GUISTI G.W. INVADER Rev 1.0 (5/97) Models XR-2002 17' 250 EXPLORER WA COBRA, EAGLE, MUTINY, S FORCE 16' & 17' 16' & 17' TON 18' AND UNDER ERA AVENGER 270 ARROW, CTS 1930 SS & 2130SS MODELS, VILLIAN II & VILLIAN III ,2850SX 180 V SUNDECK CHRIS-CAT 300,305, COMPETITION 390, SCORPRION, SCORPION 311,313, STINGER 22,312,312SL, 314S,390,390X STINGER, ALL SCORPION, STINGER & CONCEPT TOP GUN, BULLET, REVOLUTION 243 & 252 MODEL (330HP), 24X (420HP), 220,222,223 & 272 (300GSD) 21 OPEN (2250B), 25 OPEN (T200OB) 31 OPEN (T250) CRUSADER RAMPAGE, 2655 225 BR 2+3, 2F 33, MINX CRITERIAON SS, Z21, Z25,Z29,Z33 PHAZOR MODELS BASS BANDIT, COMPIONE SCORPION THUNDERBIRD, BR/LS/SS 201 & 221 LIBERATOR, CANDIA 214 (255GSD), HORIZON 220&240, VISTA 238 & 278 FREEDOM SS4 17' CSS & SSV SERIES, SVV 195 ELITE, SSV-215, G22BR, SSV 225 & 249 CVX-20, ISO, SPRINT GT-150, SSU-169,INTIMIDATOR, GLASTRON METRIC SERIES, SCIMITAR, SKI MACHINE 16' 17' Page 3 DMIC Dryden Mutual Performance Boat List Manufacturer HALLETT HARLEY HOLIDAY MANSION HOLMES HONDO HOWARD HURRICANE HUSTLER HYDRASPORT HYDROFOIL HYDROSTREAM IMP IMPERIAL INFINITY INTREPID INVADER JEFFERSON JET SET JOLLY ROGER' KACHINA KINSVATTEN KONAMAKIA LARSON LAVERY CRAFT MACH 1 MADELLA MAGNUM MAKO MARES MARIAH MARLIN MARTINI MASTERCRAFT MC MILLER MIRAGE MISSEL NORDIC OCEAN MASTER PACHANGA PANTERA PENN YAN PHANTOM POWER PLAY POWERQUEST PROFILE PROFILE PROLINE PURSUIT RANGER RAYSONCRAFT REGAL REGULATOR RENEGADE REVEL CRAFT RINKER RIVIERA SANGER SCHIADA SCORPION SEA BIRD SEA RAY SIDEWINDER SKATER SLEEKCRAFT SLICKCRAFT SONIC Rev 1.0 (5/97) Models 348 ELANTE 18' AND UNDER 18' 17' 2150WA (225HP) 270XL DC SPORT YACHT MARLAGO 35 AVANTI 16'-18' 18' AND UNDER WILDFIRE 16'-18' 16'-18' MARINE WA (T200 OB), CC (T225 OB), WA (T275) 38 EXPRESS, SPORT CRAFT 350SF , OB 18' AND UNDER 17' 270 INTRUDER 2500 SHADOW PROFILE 206, PROFILE 25 (300) 27&29 (300HP), 31&33 (T300), 37 (T415) 240 SPT CC, 2700 SPT CC (T150 OB) 2655CC, 2855 EXPRESS 16'-20' VALANTI & VELOCITY 26 EXPRESS CAPTIVA MODELS 16'-19' PACHANGA, 310 & 380 SUNSPORT 390 EXCRUISER, JET, PANCHARA, SORENTO, SORENTO 21, SHAMROCK, 220 STALKER, GRAND SLAM Page 4 DMIC Dryden Mutual Performance Boat List Manufacturer SONIC SPECTRA SPICO SPRITE STAMAS STAN-CRAFT STAR FIRE STARFIRE STINGER STINGRAY STOKER STRATOS STUPHEN SUNBIRD SUNRAY SUNSATION SUNSEEKER SUPERBOATS SUPRA-COMP SUTPHEN SWITZER TAHITI TALON TEMPEST THUNDERBIRD VENTURE VIP WEBB CRAFT WELL CRAFT WICKENS WINNER WREIDT XYLEM Rev 1.0 (5/97) Models 3055 16'-18' 17'-18' 255 TARPON CAN-AM, CRS 16'-18' 20SST BANSHEE, PERFOMER, RENEGADE, COBRA, SPORT, PANTERA, CHAPARRAL AGGRESSOR & ROCKET TS6M SS-250 TUNNEL HULL 32 SPORT FORMULA, FORMULA 206FL, 206SL,206 SPIDER, 223LS,242LS,242SS 45 ENGINE, 272SR1, 311SR1, 357SR1, ALL "SR" MODELS ("PC" MODELS ACCEPTABLE) MAGNUM VINDICATOR ALL SCARABS, NOVA, SPYER & KAAMA ECLIPSE (7.4L)ELITE 210 21' 260 HP FISHERMAN 180 18' 225HP, NOVA 26', NOVA 23' 410HP, NOVA XL 23',SCARAB, SUPERSPORT, V20 STEPLIFT 21'235 HP, METEOR, 26 SPORTSTER 18' SPORT ESCAPE Page 5 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 1 - Eligibility 1.1 Eligible Property The Boatowners Special Form, BT-100, may be used to cover boats that meet all the following requirements: Owned by individuals for personal pleasure use 39 feet or less in overall length Capable of maximum speeds not greater than 50 MPH Valued at $150,000 or less Use the combined values of the boat and motor(s) to determine the eligibility status for boats powered by outboard motors. The Boatowners Special Form may also be used to cover trailers used to transport one of more covered boats. 1.2 Ineligible Property The following are not eligible for coverage under this program: Rev 1.0 (5/97) Air propelled or powered boats Amphibious vehicles Boats powered by converted automobile engines Boats used or developed for experimental purposes Converted military surplus vessels Home - built or kit - built boats House boats used as year-round or seasonal residences Hovercraft Hydrofoils or Hydroplanes Ice boats Personal watercraft, such as AJetskis@, ASeadoos@, or AWaverunners@ Power boats capable of maximum speeds in excess of 50 MPH Power boats owned for racing purposes Property used for business, charter or other commercial purposes Sailboards or windsurfers Submersible watercraft Page 6 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 2 - Program Description A general description of the coverage provided by the Boatowners Special Form follows. The form and any applicable endorsements state the complete conditions. 2.1 Form BT-100 The Boatowners Special Form, BT-100, can be used to provide property, liability and uninsured boaters coverages for all covered boats; or only property coverage for all covered boats. When form BT-100 is used to provide liability coverage, a separate liability charge must be made for each boat described on the declarations. When form BT-100 is not used to provide liability coverage, make entries on the declarations to show that the personal liability, medical payments and uninsured boaters coverages do not apply. 2.2 Principal Property Coverages Coverages is provided for boats, motors and boat trailers described on the declarations. A separate limit must be shown for each covered items. 2.2.1 Boats - ABoats@ means a watercraft. The limit shown on the declarations for covered boat applies to the hull and to sails, spars, fittings and all permanently attached equipment. This includes built-in engines, but not outboard motors. 2.2.2 Motors - AMotor@ means an outboard motor, including start equipment and controls, electric harnesses, fuel tanks and other pressure control tanks. 2.2.3 2.3 Boat Trailers - ABoat trailer@ means a trailer designed specifically for transporting a boat. Perils Covered Covered property is insured against direct risks of physical loss that are not specifically excluded by the terms of the form. 2.4 Property Loss Settlement Provisions 2.4.1 Stated Value - When total or constructive total loss occurs to a boat described on the declarations, coverage applies on a stated value basis. 2.4.2 Replacement Cost - When repair or replacement is made for partial loss to a boat described on the declarations, coverage applies on a replacement cost basis. Replacement cost coverages is not provided for sails, canvas or rigging. 2.4.3 Actual Cash Value - When repair is not made for partial loss to a boat described on the declarations, coverage applies on an actual cash value basis. Actual cash value terms also apply property other than boats described on the declarations and to canvas, sails and rigging when there is not a total loss to a boat described on the declarations. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 7 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL 2.5 Principal Liability Coverages When form BT-100 is used to provide liability coverage, Coverages X and Y, Personal Liability and Medical Payments, apply to exposures related to the use of the boats, motors and boat trailers described on the declarations and to exposures arising out of substitute boats, newly acquired property and non-owned boats as described in the BT-100. 2.5.1 Coverage X - Coverage X pays damages for which an insured is liable by law because of bodily injury or property damage arising from a coverage boat exposure. 2.5.2 Coverage Y - Coverage Y pays medical expenses for accidents arising from a covered boat exposure. Coverage Y pays the medical expenses of insureds, as well as other persons injured in a covered accident. 2.5.3 Basic Limits - The basic limits for the Principal Liability Coverages are: Coverage X $100,000 Per Occurrence Coverage Y $ 1,000 Per Person Higher Per Occurrence and Per Person limits are available. Show the Coverage X and Coverage Y limits on the declarations when liability coverage applies. 2.6 Uninsured Boaters Coverage Coverage Z, Uninsured Boaters Coverage, pays for compensatory damages that an insured is legally entitled to recover because of injuries caused by an accident arising out of an uninsured boat. There is no additional premium charge for Uninsured Boaters Coverage; however, it applies only when form BT-100 is used to cover the liability exposures of the boats described on the declarations. The limit for Uninsured Boaters Coverage is: Coverage Z $50,000 Per Accident Refer to rules and rating information filed by the company for other Coverages Z limits. Show the Coverage Z limit on the declarations when Uninsured Boaters Coverage applies. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 8 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 3 - Policy Writing Instructions 3.1 Policy Format Form BT-100 may be written as a monoline policy only. The following components are required for the monoline format: MONONLINE Declaration Page (Supplementary Schedules Optional) BT-100, Boatowners Special Form GL-5, Additional Policy Conditions Boatowners Endorsements State Amendatory Endorsements 3.2 Inception Time Show the inception time on the declarations. 3.3 Policy Term Annual - Annual rating information is shown in this manual. 3.4 Coverage Territory Form BT-100 covers losses, bodily injury and property damage that occur upon the land, coastal waters, tributaries, inland lakes and rivers of the United States and Canada. Coastal waters means ocean waters which extend ten miles from the coastline of the United States and Canada. The boundaries of the coverage territory can be modified by entering a revised description on the declarations. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 9 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL 3.5 Required Lay-up Period - Territories 2, 3 and 5 The annual rating information shown in this manual for Territories 2, 3 and 5 has been adjusted to reflect an eight-month navigation period. Covered watercraft must be in a safe berth for storage ashore or afloat from approximately mid-November until mid-March. This period of time is referred to as the lay-up period. A grace period at the beginning and end of the lay-up period permits the use of the boat 15 days after the lay-up period begins and 15 days before the lay-up periods ends. Subject to the company=s approval, the required lay-up period can be waived for an additional charge. Attach endorsement BT-4 and show the lay-up period on the declarations. 3.6 Additional Interests Loss to covered property can be made payable to the insured and to loss payees or others who have an interest in the property. Identify loss payees on endorsement BT-5 Identify other additional interests on endorsement BT-6 3.7 Assignment Subject to the company=s approval, the policy may be endorsed to make assignment from one insured to another effective in the event of transfer of title of the property. Identify the changes on endorsement BT-1 3.8 Cancellation or Reduction in Limits or Coverage If the policy is canceled or the limits or coverages are reduced, the amount of any return premium due is calculated on a pro rata basis. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 10 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 4 - Premium Determination 4.1 4.2 Property Limits 4.1.1 Boats - The limit for each boat should be based on the full value of the covered boat, including its sails, spars, fittings and all permanently attached equipment including engines. 4.1.2 Other Property - The limit for each outboard motor and trailer should be based on the full actual cash value of the covered item. Liability Limits When form BT-100 is used to provide liability coverage, the Coverage X and Coverage Y limits must be the same for all boats on the declarations. 4.3 Calculation of Premium 4.3.1 Property Premium - Boats and Motors Step 1 Add the boat and motor limits together for all boats powered by outboard motors. Step 2 Determine the premium for each boat based on the limit (or sum of the limits), type of boat, and navigational territory. Select the premium shown for the limit at the nearest $1,000 increment. If a boat is operated in more than one territory, use the rating information for the highest rated territory. Step 3 Multiply the premium determined in Step 2 by the deductible factor. Step 4 Multiply the premium determined in Step 3 by any premium modification factors that may apply. 4.3.2 Liability Premium, if applicable Step 1 Determine the premium for each boat based on its rate group and the Coverage X limit. The rate group reflects the length and speed of the boat. Step 2 If the Coverage Y limit is increased, add the additional charge shown in this manual to the premium for each boat determined in Step 1. 4.3.3 Trailers Step 1 Determine the premium for each trailer based on the limit that applies. Step 2 Multiply the premium determined in Step 1 by any premium modification factors that may apply. 4.3.4 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Coverage Options - Use the rating information in this manual to determine the premium for any coverage options selected. Page 11 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL 4.3.5 Total Premium - The total policy premium is the sum of the premiums developed according to Rules 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 and 4.3.4. 4.3.6 Maximum and Minimum Charges - No additional premium shall be charged and no return premium shall be allowed when such additional or return premium is less than $10.00 Minimum retained premium is $25.00. Policy Minimum premium is 100.00 per one year period of coverage. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 12 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 5 - Deductibles A deductible amount is subtracted from all covered property losses, except the Additional Property Coverage provided for Emergency Service. The deductible amount is subtracted only once per loss, regardless of the number of covered items affected. 5.1 Deductible - Boats, Motors and Additional Property Coverages One of the following deductible options can be selected for boats, motors and the additional coverages provided for miscellaneous property, substitute boats, non-owned boats and newly acquired property. The deductible factors shown in this manual apply to the property premium for all boats and motors described on the declarations. Deductible Options Boats, Motors and Additional Property Coverages 1% of Hull Value Minimum $ 100 2% of Hull Value Minimum $ 250 3% of Hull Value Minimum $ 500 4% of Hull Value Minimum $ 1000 Show the deductible amount on the declarations. 5.2 Trailers The following deductible amount is mandatory for all trailers written on this policy. Trailer Deductible $250 Show the deductible amount on the declarations. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 13 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 6 - Premium Modifications 6.1 Age of Boat The age of boat factors shown in this manual apply to the property premium developed for each boat depending on the age of the craft. Use the manufacture year to determine the age of each boat. (For example: Year of manufacture 1995, Current year 1997 - Mfg year 1995 = 2 yrs. old) 6.2 Navigation Period 6.2.1 Extended Navigation Period - Territories 2, 3 and 5 The extended navigation factor shown in this manual applies to the property premium for each covered boat when the lay-up period required in Territory 2, Territory 3 and Territory 5 is waived. Refer to the company to determine eligibility for the extended navigation period. Omit endorsement BT-4 and indicate that the lay-up period is not applicable on the declarations. 6.2.2 Limited Navigation Period - Territories 1 and 4 The limited navigation factor shown in this manual applies to the property premium for each coverage boat when an eight-month navigation period is voluntarily elected. The limited navigation factor is based on a four-month lay-up period. A grace period at the beginning and end of the lay-up permits the use of the boat 15 days after the lay-up period begins and 15 days before the lay-up periods ends. Attached endorsement BT-4 and show the lay-up period on the declarations. 6.3 Other Premium Modifications Apply other premium modification credits shown in this manual to reflect: navigational training; the installation of navigational or safety equipment; the installation of theft prevention devices; and diesel power. Modifications for navigational training apply to the property premium for all covered boats and motors. Modifications for navigational equipment, safety equipment, theft prevention devices and diesel power apply only to the property premium for the covered boat, motor and/or trailer that is so equipped. Modifications for a trailer ball locking device apply to the property premium for both the covered trailer and the boat(s) towed by that trailer. The maximum sum of the credits permitted under this rule is 25%. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 14 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 7 - Coverage Options 7.1 Miscellaneous Property - Increased Limit There is $1,500 of Miscellaneous Property automatically included as an additional limit in the policy form. The limit that applies to miscellaneous property can be increased. Use the rating information in this manual. No adjustments for the deductible option selected apply. Show the total Miscellaneous Property limit on the declarations. 7.2 Emergency Service - Expanded Coverage $50 Emergency Service-Expanded Coverage included automatically in policy. Higher limits are available. In addition to coverage for towing and labor at the place of disablement., emergency service coverage is expanded to include delivery of fuel, oil or a battery or changing a boat trailer tire. Use the rating information in this manual. This coverage does not include the cost of fuel, oil, batteries or tires. No deductible apples. Show the Emergency Service limit on the declarations and attach endorsement BT-7. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 15 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL Rule 8 - Navigational Territories Property rating information in this manual is shown for boats operated in the following navigational territories. If the boat is operated in more than one territory, use the rating information for the highest rated territory. Territory 1 - South Atlantic and Gulf Coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean from the North Carolina-Virginia border southward and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Territory 2 - North Atlantic Coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean from the North Carolina-Virginia border northward( including the Hudson River south of the Tappan Zee Bridge). The Territory 2 rating information in this manual is based on an eightmonth navigation period. Territory 3 - Great Lakes Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario ( including the St. Lawrence River south of Quebec City) and Lake Superior. The Territory 3 rating information in this manual is based on an eight-month navigation period. Territory 4 - Pacific Coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean Territory 5 - Other Inland Waters Inland waters, other than the Great Lakes, of the United States and Canada.The Territory 5 rating information in this manual is based on an eight-month navigation period. Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 16 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS INBOARDS AND INBOARD/OUTDRIVES LIMIT 1000 2000 3000 4000 AGE 0-1 70 79 88 97 AGE 2-5 74 83 93 102 AGE 6 - 10 INBOARDS AND INBOARD/OUTDRIVES TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES 81 92 102 113 AGE 11 - 15 88 100 111 123 AGE 16 - 20 103 117 130 143 AGE 21 + 118 133 149 164 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 106 116 125 134 143 112 122 131 141 151 123 134 144 155 166 134 146 158 169 181 157 170 184 197 211 179 195 210 225 241 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 152 161 170 179 187 160 169 179 188 197 176 186 197 207 217 192 203 214 226 237 224 237 250 263 276 256 271 286 301 316 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 196 205 214 223 232 207 216 225 234 244 227 237 248 258 268 248 259 270 281 292 289 302 315 328 341 330 345 360 375 390 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 240 249 256 264 272 253 262 270 278 286 278 288 297 306 315 304 314 324 334 343 354 367 378 389 400 405 419 432 445 458 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 279 287 294 302 310 294 302 310 318 326 323 332 341 350 359 353 362 372 382 391 412 423 434 445 456 470 483 496 509 522 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 317 326 334 342 350 334 343 351 360 369 367 377 386 396 405 401 411 422 432 442 468 480 492 504 516 534 548 562 576 590 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 358 367 375 383 391 377 386 395 403 412 415 424 434 443 453 453 463 473 484 494 528 540 552 564 577 604 617 631 645 659 40000 41000 42000 43000 44000 399 407 415 423 431 420 429 437 445 454 462 472 481 490 499 505 515 525 535 545 589 600 612 624 635 673 686 699 713 726 45000 46000 47000 48000 49000 439 447 455 463 471 462 470 479 487 495 508 517 527 536 545 554 564 574 584 594 647 659 670 682 694 739 753 766 779 793 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 17 LIMIT TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES 50000 51000 52000 53000 54000 AGE 0-1 479 486 494 501 509 AGE 2-5 504 512 520 528 536 AGE 6 - 10 554 563 572 580 589 AGE 11 - 15 604 614 624 633 643 AGE 16 - 20 705 716 728 739 750 AGE 21 + 806 819 832 844 857 55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 517 524 532 539 547 544 552 560 568 576 598 607 616 625 633 652 662 672 681 691 761 772 784 795 806 870 883 896 908 921 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 555 562 569 576 584 584 591 599 607 615 642 651 659 667 676 701 710 719 728 737 817 828 839 850 860 934 946 959 971 983 65000 66000 67000 68000 69000 591 598 606 613 620 622 630 638 645 653 684 693 701 710 718 747 756 765 774 784 871 882 893 903 914 995 1008 1020 1032 1045 70000 71000 72000 73000 74000 628 635 642 649 656 661 668 675 683 690 727 735 743 751 759 793 802 810 819 828 925 935 945 956 966 1057 1069 1081 1092 1104 75000 76000 77000 78000 79000 663 670 677 684 691 697 705 712 720 727 767 775 783 791 800 837 846 855 863 872 976 987 997 1007 1018 1116 1128 1139 1151 1163 80000 81000 82000 83000 84000 698 704 711 718 724 734 741 748 755 762 808 815 823 831 839 881 890 898 906 915 1028 1038 1048 1058 1067 1175 1186 1197 1209 1220 85000 86000 87000 88000 89000 731 738 744 751 758 769 777 784 791 798 846 854 862 870 877 923 932 940 949 957 1077 1087 1097 1107 1117 1231 1242 1254 1265 1276 90000 91000 92000 93000 94000 764 771 777 784 790 805 811 818 825 832 885 893 900 907 915 966 974 982 990 998 1127 1136 1145 1155 1164 1288 1298 1309 1320 1331 95000 96000 97000 98000 99000 796 803 809 816 822 838 845 852 859 865 922 930 937 944 952 1006 1014 1022 1030 1038 1174 1183 1192 1202 1211 1341 1352 1363 1374 1384 DMIC MAY 1997 DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS page2 INBOARDS AND INBOARD/OUTDRIVES LIMIT TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES 100000 101000 102000 103000 104000 AGE 0-1 828 834 841 847 853 AGE 2-5 872 878 885 891 898 AGE 6 - 10 959 966 973 980 987 AGE 11 - 15 1046 1054 1062 1069 1077 AGE 16 - 20 1221 1230 1239 1248 1257 AGE 21 + 1395 1405 1416 1426 1436 105000 106000 107000 108000 109000 859 865 871 877 883 904 910 917 923 930 994 1001 1008 1016 1023 1085 1092 1100 1108 1116 1266 1275 1284 1292 1301 1446 1457 1467 1477 1487 110000 111000 112000 113000 114000 889 895 901 907 912 936 942 948 954 960 1030 1036 1043 1050 1056 1123 1131 1138 1145 1152 1310 1319 1327 1336 1344 1498 1507 1517 1527 1537 115000 116000 117000 118000 119000 918 924 930 935 941 966 973 979 985 991 1063 1070 1076 1083 1090 1160 1167 1174 1182 1189 1353 1362 1370 1379 1387 1546 1556 1566 1575 1585 120000 121000 122000 123000 124000 947 952 958 963 969 997 1003 1008 1014 1020 1097 1103 1109 1116 1122 1196 1203 1210 1217 1224 1396 1404 1412 1420 1428 1595 1604 1613 1623 1632 125000 126000 127000 128000 129000 974 980 985 991 996 1026 1031 1037 1043 1049 1128 1135 1141 1147 1154 1231 1238 1245 1252 1258 1436 1444 1452 1460 1468 1641 1650 1660 1669 1678 130000 131000 132000 133000 134000 1002 1007 1012 1017 1022 1054 1060 1065 1071 1076 1160 1166 1172 1178 1184 1265 1272 1278 1285 1292 1476 1484 1492 1499 1507 1687 1696 1705 1713 1722 135000 136000 137000 138000 139000 1028 1033 1038 1043 1048 1082 1087 1093 1098 1103 1190 1196 1202 1208 1214 1298 1305 1311 1318 1324 1514 1522 1530 1537 1545 1731 1739 1748 1757 1766 140000 141000 142000 143000 144000 1053 1058 1063 1068 1073 1109 1114 1119 1124 1129 1220 1225 1231 1237 1242 1331 1337 1343 1349 1355 1552 1560 1567 1574 1581 1774 1782 1791 1799 1807 145000 146000 147000 148000 149000 150000 1078 1083 1088 1092 1097 1102 1135 1140 1145 1150 1155 1160 1248 1254 1259 1265 1271 1276 1361 1368 1374 1380 1386 1392 1588 1596 1603 1610 1617 1624 1815 1823 1832 1840 1848 1856 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 18 BOAT, MOTORS & ADD'L PROPERTY DEDUCTIBLE FACTOR 1% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 100 INCLUDED 2% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 250 .90 3% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 500 .80 4% OF HULL VALUE MIN $1000 .70 LIABILITY RATE GROUPS MAXIMUM LENGTH IN FEET SPEED 0 - 25 26 - 39 UP TO 16 MPH 1 3 16 - 30 MPH 2 4 31 - 45 MPH 5 6 46 MPH & OVER 7 7 1 2 NO AUXILIARY POWER LIABILITY PREMIUMS RATE LIMITS ( INCLUDES $1,000 MED PAY ) GROUP $100,000 $300,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 1 24 31 34 43 2 26 36 39 49 3 34 45 50 62 4 53 71 78 97 5 65 88 97 120 6 76 101 113 139 7 95 123 138 171 TRAILERS DEDUCTIBLE $250 $ 15. PER $1000 MEDICAL PAYMENTS INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $1000 $3.00 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $100 $1.50 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS INBOARDS AND INBOARD/OUTDRIVES INBOARDS AND INBOARD/OUTDRIVES TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS LIMIT 1000 2000 3000 4000 AGE 0-1 64 73 81 89 AGE 2-5 68 76 85 94 AGE 6 - 10 74 84 94 103 AGE 11 - 15 81 92 102 113 AGE 16 - 20 95 107 119 132 AGE 21 + 108 122 136 150 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 98 106 114 123 131 103 112 120 129 138 113 123 132 142 152 123 134 144 155 166 144 156 168 181 193 164 178 193 207 221 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 139 148 156 164 172 147 155 164 172 181 161 171 180 190 199 176 186 197 207 217 205 217 229 241 253 235 248 262 276 289 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 180 188 196 204 212 189 198 206 215 223 208 218 227 236 246 227 237 248 258 268 265 277 289 301 313 303 317 330 344 357 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 220 228 235 242 249 232 240 247 255 262 255 264 272 280 288 278 288 297 306 315 325 336 346 357 367 371 384 396 408 419 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 256 263 270 277 284 269 277 284 291 299 296 304 313 321 329 323 332 341 350 359 377 388 398 408 418 431 443 455 466 478 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 291 298 306 313 321 306 314 322 330 338 337 345 354 363 372 367 377 386 396 405 429 440 451 462 473 490 503 515 528 541 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 328 336 344 351 359 346 354 362 370 377 380 389 398 407 415 415 424 434 443 453 484 495 506 517 528 553 566 579 591 604 40000 41000 42000 43000 44000 366 373 381 388 395 385 393 401 408 416 424 432 441 449 458 462 472 481 490 499 540 550 561 572 582 617 629 641 653 666 45000 46000 47000 48000 49000 402 410 417 424 431 424 431 439 446 454 466 474 483 491 500 508 517 527 536 545 593 604 614 625 636 678 690 702 714 727 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 19 TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS LIMIT 50000 51000 52000 53000 54000 AGE 0-1 439 446 453 460 467 AGE 2-5 462 469 476 484 491 AGE 6 - 10 508 516 524 532 540 AGE 11 - 15 554 563 572 580 589 AGE 16 - 20 646 657 667 677 688 AGE 21 + 739 751 762 774 786 55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 474 480 487 494 501 498 506 513 520 528 548 556 564 572 581 598 607 616 625 633 698 708 718 729 739 797 809 821 833 844 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 508 515 522 528 535 535 542 549 556 563 589 596 604 612 620 642 651 659 667 676 749 759 769 779 789 856 867 879 890 901 65000 66000 67000 68000 69000 542 549 555 562 569 570 577 584 591 599 627 635 643 651 658 684 693 701 710 718 798 808 818 828 838 913 924 935 946 958 70000 71000 72000 73000 74000 575 582 588 595 601 606 612 619 626 633 666 674 681 688 696 727 735 743 751 759 848 857 867 876 886 969 980 991 1001 1012 75000 76000 77000 78000 79000 607 614 620 627 633 639 646 653 660 666 703 711 718 726 733 767 775 783 791 800 895 904 914 923 933 1023 1034 1045 1055 1066 80000 81000 82000 83000 84000 639 646 652 658 664 673 680 686 692 699 740 747 755 762 769 808 815 823 831 839 942 951 960 969 978 1077 1087 1098 1108 1118 85000 86000 87000 88000 89000 670 676 682 689 695 705 712 718 725 731 776 783 790 797 804 846 854 862 870 877 988 997 1006 1015 1024 1129 1139 1149 1160 1170 90000 91000 92000 93000 94000 701 707 712 718 724 738 744 750 756 762 811 818 825 832 839 885 893 900 907 915 1033 1041 1050 1059 1067 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 95000 96000 97000 98000 99000 730 736 742 748 753 768 775 781 787 793 845 852 859 866 872 922 930 937 944 952 1076 1084 1093 1102 1110 1230 1239 1249 1259 1269 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS INBOARDS AND INBOARD/OUTDRIVES TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS LIMIT 100000 101000 102000 103000 104000 AGE 0-1 759 765 770 776 782 AGE 2-5 799 805 811 817 823 AGE 6 - 10 879 886 892 899 905 AGE 11 - 15 959 966 973 980 987 AGE 16 - 20 1119 1127 1135 1144 1152 AGE 21 + 1279 1288 1298 1307 1316 105000 106000 107000 108000 109000 787 793 798 804 810 829 835 840 846 852 912 918 924 931 937 994 1001 1008 1016 1023 1160 1168 1177 1185 1193 1326 1335 1345 1354 1363 110000 111000 112000 113000 114000 815 820 826 831 836 858 864 869 875 880 944 950 956 962 968 1030 1036 1043 1050 1056 1201 1209 1217 1225 1232 1373 1382 1391 1400 1408 115000 116000 117000 118000 119000 842 847 852 857 863 886 891 897 903 908 974 981 987 993 999 1063 1070 1076 1083 1090 1240 1248 1256 1264 1271 1417 1426 1435 1444 1453 120000 121000 122000 123000 124000 868 873 878 883 888 914 919 924 930 935 1005 1011 1017 1023 1028 1097 1103 1109 1116 1122 1279 1287 1294 1301 1309 1462 1470 1479 1487 1496 125000 126000 127000 128000 129000 893 898 903 908 913 940 945 951 956 961 1034 1040 1046 1052 1057 1128 1135 1141 1147 1154 1316 1324 1331 1338 1346 1504 1513 1521 1530 1538 130000 131000 132000 133000 134000 918 923 928 933 937 967 972 977 982 987 1063 1069 1074 1080 1085 1160 1166 1172 1178 1184 1353 1360 1367 1374 1381 1547 1555 1563 1571 1579 135000 136000 137000 138000 139000 942 947 951 956 961 992 997 1002 1007 1012 1091 1096 1102 1107 1113 1190 1196 1202 1208 1214 1388 1395 1402 1409 1416 1586 1594 1602 1610 1618 140000 141000 142000 143000 144000 966 970 975 979 984 1017 1021 1026 1031 1035 1118 1123 1128 1134 1139 1220 1225 1231 1237 1242 1423 1430 1436 1443 1449 1626 1634 1641 1649 1656 145000 146000 147000 148000 149000 150000 988 992 997 1001 1006 1010 1040 1045 1049 1054 1059 1063 1144 1149 1154 1159 1165 1170 1248 1254 1259 1265 1271 1276 1456 1463 1469 1476 1482 1489 1664 1672 1679 1687 1694 1702 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 20 BOAT, MOTORS & ADD'L PROPERTY DEDUCTIBLE FACTOR 1% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 100 INCLUDED 2% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 250 .90 3% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 500 .80 4% OF HULL VALUE MIN $1000 .70 LIABILITY RATE GROUPS MAXIMUM LENGTH IN FEET SPEED 0 - 25 26 - 39 UP TO 16 MPH 1 3 16 - 30 MPH 2 4 31 - 45 MPH 5 6 46 MPH & OVER 7 7 1 2 NO AUXILIARY POWER LIABILITY PREMIUMS RATE LIMITS ( INCLUDES $1,000 MED PAY ) GROUP $100,000 $300,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 1 24 31 34 43 2 26 36 39 49 3 34 45 50 62 4 53 71 78 97 5 65 88 97 120 6 76 101 113 139 7 95 123 138 171 TRAILERS DEDUCTIBLE $250 $ 15. PER $1000 MEDICAL PAYMENTS INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $1000 $3.00 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $100 $1.50 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS OUTBOARDS 1000 2000 3000 4000 AGE 0-1 78 88 98 108 AGE 2-5 82 93 103 114 AGE 6 - 10 OUTBOARDS TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES 1% DEDUCTIBLE - $100 MIN. LIMIT DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS 90 102 114 125 AGE 11 - 15 98 111 124 137 AGE 16 - 20 115 130 144 159 AGE 21 + 131 148 165 182 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 118 128 139 149 159 125 135 146 157 167 137 149 160 172 184 149 162 175 188 201 174 189 204 219 234 199 216 233 250 268 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 169 179 189 198 208 178 188 199 209 219 196 207 218 230 241 213 226 238 251 263 249 264 278 292 307 285 301 318 334 351 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 218 228 238 247 257 229 240 250 260 271 252 264 275 286 298 275 288 300 313 325 321 336 350 365 379 367 384 400 417 433 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 267 276 285 293 302 281 291 300 309 318 309 320 330 340 350 337 349 360 371 381 394 407 420 432 445 450 466 480 494 508 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 310 319 327 336 344 327 336 344 353 362 359 369 379 389 398 392 403 413 424 435 457 470 482 495 507 523 537 551 565 580 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 353 362 371 380 389 371 381 390 400 410 408 419 429 440 450 445 457 468 480 491 520 533 546 560 573 594 609 625 640 655 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 398 407 416 426 435 419 429 438 448 458 461 472 482 493 503 503 514 526 538 549 587 600 614 627 641 671 686 701 717 732 40000 41000 42000 43000 44000 444 453 461 470 479 467 476 486 495 504 514 524 534 544 555 561 572 583 594 605 654 667 680 693 706 747 762 777 792 807 45000 46000 47000 48000 49000 488 497 505 514 523 513 523 532 541 550 565 575 585 595 605 616 627 638 649 661 719 732 745 758 771 821 836 851 866 881 Rev 1.0 (5/97) TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES 1% DEDUCTIBLE - $100 MIN. Page 21 LIMIT 50000 51000 52000 53000 54000 AGE 0-1 532 540 549 557 565 AGE 2-5 560 569 577 586 595 AGE 6 - 10 616 625 635 645 655 AGE 11 - 15 672 682 693 704 714 AGE 16 - 20 784 796 808 821 833 AGE 21 + 895 910 924 938 952 55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 574 582 591 599 608 604 613 622 631 640 665 674 684 694 704 725 736 746 757 768 846 858 871 883 896 967 981 995 1009 1024 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 616 624 632 641 649 649 657 666 674 683 713 723 732 742 751 778 789 799 809 819 908 920 932 944 956 1038 1051 1065 1079 1092 65000 66000 67000 68000 69000 657 665 673 681 689 691 700 708 717 725 760 770 779 789 798 830 840 850 860 871 968 980 992 1004 1016 1106 1120 1133 1147 1161 70000 71000 72000 73000 74000 697 705 713 721 728 734 742 750 759 767 807 816 825 834 843 881 891 900 910 920 1028 1039 1051 1062 1073 1174 1188 1201 1214 1227 75000 76000 77000 78000 79000 736 744 752 760 767 775 783 791 799 808 852 861 870 879 888 930 940 950 959 969 1085 1096 1108 1119 1131 1240 1253 1266 1279 1292 80000 81000 82000 83000 84000 775 782 790 797 805 816 824 832 839 847 897 906 915 923 932 979 988 998 1007 1017 1142 1153 1164 1175 1186 1305 1318 1330 1343 1355 85000 86000 87000 88000 89000 812 820 827 835 842 855 863 871 878 886 940 949 958 966 975 1026 1035 1045 1054 1064 1197 1208 1219 1230 1241 1368 1381 1393 1406 1418 90000 91000 92000 93000 94000 849 857 864 871 878 894 902 909 917 924 984 992 1000 1008 1016 1073 1082 1091 1100 1109 1252 1262 1273 1283 1294 1431 1443 1455 1466 1478 95000 96000 97000 98000 99000 885 892 899 906 913 931 939 946 954 961 1025 1033 1041 1049 1058 1118 1127 1136 1145 1154 1304 1315 1325 1335 1346 1490 1502 1514 1526 1538 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS OUTBOARDS TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES 1% DEDUCTIBLE - $100 MIN. LIMIT 100000 101000 102000 103000 104000 AGE 0-1 920 927 934 941 947 AGE 2-5 969 976 983 990 997 AGE 6 - 10 1066 1074 1081 1089 1097 AGE 11 - 15 1163 1171 1180 1188 1197 AGE 16 - 20 1356 1366 1376 1386 1396 AGE 21 + 1550 1562 1573 1584 1596 105000 106000 107000 108000 109000 954 961 968 974 981 1004 1012 1019 1026 1033 1105 1113 1121 1128 1136 1205 1214 1222 1231 1239 1406 1416 1426 1436 1446 1607 1618 1630 1641 1653 110000 111000 112000 113000 114000 988 994 1001 1007 1014 1040 1047 1054 1060 1067 1144 1151 1159 1166 1174 1248 1256 1264 1272 1280 1456 1465 1475 1484 1494 1664 1675 1686 1696 1707 115000 116000 117000 118000 119000 1020 1027 1033 1039 1046 1074 1081 1087 1094 1101 1181 1189 1196 1203 1211 1289 1297 1305 1313 1321 1503 1513 1522 1532 1541 1718 1729 1740 1751 1761 120000 121000 122000 123000 124000 1052 1058 1064 1070 1077 1108 1114 1120 1127 1133 1218 1225 1232 1240 1247 1329 1337 1344 1352 1360 1551 1560 1569 1578 1587 1772 1782 1793 1803 1813 125000 126000 127000 128000 129000 1083 1089 1095 1101 1107 1140 1146 1152 1159 1165 1254 1261 1268 1275 1282 1368 1375 1383 1391 1398 1595 1604 1613 1622 1631 1823 1834 1844 1854 1864 130000 131000 132000 133000 134000 1113 1119 1125 1130 1136 1172 1178 1184 1190 1196 1289 1295 1302 1309 1315 1406 1413 1420 1428 1435 1640 1649 1657 1666 1674 1875 1884 1894 1904 1913 135000 136000 137000 138000 139000 1142 1148 1153 1159 1165 1202 1208 1214 1220 1226 1322 1329 1335 1342 1349 1442 1450 1457 1464 1471 1683 1691 1700 1708 1717 1923 1933 1942 1952 1962 140000 141000 142000 143000 144000 1171 1176 1181 1187 1192 1232 1238 1244 1249 1255 1355 1362 1368 1374 1380 1479 1485 1492 1499 1506 1725 1733 1741 1749 1757 1971 1981 1990 1999 2008 145000 146000 147000 148000 149000 150000 1198 1203 1208 1214 1219 1225 1261 1266 1272 1278 1283 1289 1387 1393 1399 1405 1412 1418 1513 1520 1526 1533 1540 1547 1765 1773 1781 1789 1797 1805 2017 2026 2035 2044 2053 2063 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 22 BOAT, MOTORS & ADD'L PROPERTY DEDUCTIBLE FACTOR 1% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 100 INCLUDED 2% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 250 .90 3% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 500 .80 4% OF HULL VALUE MIN $1000 .70 LIABILITY RATE GROUPS MAXIMUM LENGTH IN FEET SPEED 0 - 25 26 - 39 UP TO 16 MPH 1 3 16 - 30 MPH 2 4 31 - 45 MPH 5 6 46 MPH & OVER 7 7 1 2 NO AUXILIARY POWER LIABILITY PREMIUMS RATE LIMITS ( INCLUDES $1,000 MED PAY ) GROUP $100,000 $300,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 1 24 31 34 43 2 26 36 39 49 3 34 45 50 62 4 53 71 78 97 5 65 88 97 120 6 76 101 113 139 7 95 123 138 171 TRAILERS DEDUCTIBLE $250 $ 15. PER $1000 MEDICAL PAYMENTS INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $1000 $3.00 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $100 $1.50 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS OUTBOARDS LIMIT 1000 2000 3000 4000 AGE 0-1 71 81 90 99 AGE 2-5 75 85 95 104 AGE 6 - 10 DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS 83 93 104 115 AGE 11 - 15 90 102 114 125 AGE 16 - 20 105 119 132 146 AGE 21 + 120 136 151 167 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 108 118 127 136 146 114 124 134 144 153 126 136 147 158 169 137 149 160 172 184 160 174 187 201 215 183 198 214 230 245 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 155 164 173 182 191 163 173 182 191 201 179 190 200 211 221 196 207 218 230 241 228 242 255 268 281 261 276 291 306 321 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 200 209 218 227 236 210 220 229 239 248 231 242 252 263 273 252 264 275 286 298 295 308 321 334 347 337 352 367 382 397 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 245 253 261 269 277 258 267 275 283 291 283 293 302 311 320 309 320 330 340 350 361 374 385 396 408 412 427 440 453 466 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 284 292 300 308 315 299 308 316 324 332 329 338 347 356 365 359 369 379 389 398 419 431 442 453 465 479 492 505 518 531 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 323 332 340 348 357 340 349 358 367 375 374 384 394 403 413 408 419 429 440 450 476 489 501 513 526 544 558 572 587 601 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 365 373 382 390 398 384 393 402 411 419 423 432 442 452 461 461 472 482 493 503 538 550 563 575 587 615 629 643 657 671 40000 41000 42000 43000 44000 407 415 423 431 439 428 437 445 454 462 471 480 490 499 508 514 524 534 544 555 600 611 623 635 647 685 699 712 726 739 45000 46000 47000 48000 49000 447 455 463 471 479 471 479 488 496 505 518 527 536 546 555 565 575 585 595 605 659 671 683 695 706 753 767 780 794 807 Rev 1.0 (5/97) OUTBOARDS TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS Page 23 LIMIT TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS 50000 51000 52000 53000 54000 AGE 0-1 487 495 503 511 518 AGE 2-5 513 521 529 537 546 AGE 6 - 10 564 573 582 591 600 AGE 11 - 15 616 625 635 645 655 AGE 16 - 20 718 730 741 752 764 AGE 21 + 821 834 847 860 873 55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 526 534 542 549 557 554 562 570 578 586 609 618 627 636 645 665 674 684 694 704 775 787 798 810 821 886 899 912 925 938 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 565 572 580 587 595 595 602 610 618 626 654 663 671 680 688 713 723 732 742 751 832 843 854 865 876 951 964 976 989 1001 65000 66000 67000 68000 69000 602 609 617 624 632 634 642 649 657 665 697 706 714 723 732 760 770 779 789 798 887 898 909 920 931 1014 1026 1039 1052 1064 70000 71000 72000 73000 74000 639 646 653 661 668 673 680 688 695 703 740 748 757 765 773 807 816 825 834 843 942 952 963 973 984 1077 1089 1101 1113 1125 75000 76000 77000 78000 79000 675 682 689 696 703 710 718 725 733 740 781 790 798 806 814 852 861 870 879 888 994 1005 1016 1026 1037 1137 1149 1161 1173 1185 80000 81000 82000 83000 84000 710 717 724 731 738 748 755 762 769 777 823 831 838 846 854 897 906 915 923 932 1047 1057 1067 1077 1087 1197 1208 1220 1231 1243 85000 86000 87000 88000 89000 745 751 758 765 772 784 791 798 805 812 862 870 878 886 894 940 949 958 966 975 1097 1107 1117 1127 1137 1254 1265 1277 1288 1300 90000 91000 92000 93000 94000 779 785 792 798 805 820 826 833 840 847 902 909 917 924 932 984 992 1000 1008 1016 1147 1157 1167 1176 1186 1311 1322 1333 1344 1355 95000 96000 97000 98000 99000 811 818 824 831 837 854 861 868 874 881 939 947 954 962 969 1025 1033 1041 1049 1058 1195 1205 1215 1224 1234 1366 1377 1388 1399 1410 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS page8 OUTBOARDS LIMIT TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS 100000 101000 102000 103000 104000 AGE 0-1 844 850 856 862 868 AGE 2-5 888 895 901 908 914 AGE 6 - 10 977 984 991 998 1006 AGE 11 - 15 1066 1074 1081 1089 1097 AGE 16 - 20 1243 1252 1262 1271 1280 AGE 21 + 1421 1431 1442 1452 1463 105000 106000 107000 108000 109000 875 881 887 893 899 921 927 934 940 947 1013 1020 1027 1034 1041 1105 1113 1121 1128 1136 1289 1298 1307 1316 1326 1473 1484 1494 1504 1515 110000 111000 112000 113000 114000 906 912 917 923 929 953 960 966 972 978 1049 1055 1062 1069 1076 1144 1151 1159 1166 1174 1335 1343 1352 1361 1369 1525 1535 1545 1555 1565 115000 116000 117000 118000 119000 935 941 947 953 959 984 991 997 1003 1009 1083 1090 1096 1103 1110 1181 1189 1196 1203 1211 1378 1387 1395 1404 1413 1575 1585 1595 1605 1615 120000 121000 122000 123000 124000 965 970 976 981 987 1015 1021 1027 1033 1039 1117 1123 1130 1136 1143 1218 1225 1232 1240 1247 1421 1430 1438 1446 1454 1624 1634 1643 1653 1662 125000 126000 127000 128000 129000 992 998 1004 1009 1015 1045 1051 1056 1062 1068 1149 1156 1162 1168 1175 1254 1261 1268 1275 1282 1463 1471 1479 1487 1495 1671 1681 1690 1700 1709 130000 131000 132000 133000 134000 1020 1026 1031 1036 1041 1074 1080 1085 1091 1096 1181 1188 1194 1200 1206 1289 1295 1302 1309 1315 1504 1511 1519 1527 1535 1718 1727 1736 1745 1754 135000 136000 137000 138000 139000 1047 1052 1057 1062 1068 1102 1107 1113 1118 1124 1212 1218 1224 1230 1236 1322 1329 1335 1342 1349 1542 1550 1558 1566 1573 1763 1772 1781 1789 1798 140000 141000 142000 143000 144000 1073 1078 1083 1088 1093 1129 1135 1140 1145 1150 1242 1248 1254 1260 1265 1355 1362 1368 1374 1380 1581 1589 1596 1603 1610 1807 1815 1824 1832 1841 145000 146000 147000 148000 149000 150000 1098 1103 1108 1113 1118 1123 1156 1161 1166 1171 1176 1182 1271 1277 1283 1288 1294 1300 1387 1393 1399 1405 1412 1418 1618 1625 1632 1640 1647 1654 1849 1857 1866 1874 1882 1891 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 24 BOAT, MOTORS & ADD'L PROPERTY DEDUCTIBLE FACTOR 1% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 100 INCLUDED 2% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 250 .90 3% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 500 .80 4% OF HULL VALUE MIN $1000 .70 LIABILITY RATE GROUPS MAXIMUM LENGTH IN FEET SPEED 0 - 25 26 - 39 UP TO 16 MPH 1 3 16 - 30 MPH 2 4 31 - 45 MPH 5 6 46 MPH & OVER 7 7 1 2 NO AUXILIARY POWER LIABILITY PREMIUMS RATE LIMITS ( INCLUDES $1,000 MED PAY ) GROUP $100,000 $300,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 1 24 31 34 43 2 26 36 39 49 3 34 45 50 62 4 53 71 78 97 5 65 88 97 120 6 76 101 113 139 7 95 123 138 171 TRAILERS DEDUCTIBLE $250 $ 15. PER $1000 MEDICAL PAYMENTS INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $1000 $3.00 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $100 $1.50 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS SAILBOATS SAILBOATS TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES LIMIT AGE 0-1 AGE 2-5 1000 2000 3000 4000 51 57 64 70 53 60 67 74 59 66 74 81 AGE 11 - 15 64 72 80 89 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 77 83 90 97 103 81 88 95 102 109 89 97 104 112 120 97 105 114 122 130 113 123 133 142 152 130 141 152 163 174 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 110 116 123 129 135 116 122 129 136 142 127 135 142 149 157 139 147 155 163 171 162 171 181 190 199 185 196 206 217 228 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 142 148 154 161 167 149 156 163 169 176 164 171 179 186 194 179 187 195 203 211 209 218 228 237 246 239 249 260 271 282 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 174 180 185 191 196 183 189 195 201 207 201 208 214 221 227 219 227 234 241 248 256 265 273 281 289 292 303 312 321 330 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 202 207 213 218 224 212 218 224 230 235 234 240 246 253 259 255 262 269 276 283 297 305 313 322 330 340 349 358 367 377 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 229 235 241 247 253 241 247 254 260 266 265 272 279 286 293 289 297 304 312 319 338 346 355 364 373 386 396 406 416 426 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 259 265 271 277 283 272 279 285 291 297 300 307 313 320 327 327 334 342 349 357 381 390 399 408 416 436 446 456 466 476 40000 41000 42000 43000 44000 288 294 300 306 311 304 310 316 322 328 334 341 347 354 360 364 372 379 386 393 425 434 442 450 459 486 495 505 515 524 45000 46000 47000 48000 49000 317 323 328 334 340 334 340 346 352 358 367 374 380 387 394 400 408 415 422 429 467 476 484 492 501 534 544 553 563 572 Rev 1.0 (05/97) AGE 6 - 10 AGE 16 - 20 74 84 94 104 TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES AGE 21 + 85 96 107 118 Page 25 LIMIT 50000 51000 52000 53000 54000 AGE 0-1 346 351 357 362 368 AGE 2-5 364 370 375 381 387 AGE 6 - 10 400 407 413 419 426 AGE 11 - 15 437 443 450 457 464 AGE 16 - 20 509 517 525 534 542 AGE 21 + 582 591 601 610 619 55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 373 379 384 390 395 393 398 404 410 416 432 438 445 451 457 471 478 485 492 499 550 558 566 574 582 628 638 647 656 665 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 401 406 411 416 422 422 427 433 438 444 464 470 476 482 488 506 513 519 526 533 590 598 606 614 621 675 683 692 701 710 65000 66000 67000 68000 69000 427 432 437 443 448 449 455 460 466 472 494 500 507 513 519 539 546 553 559 566 629 637 645 652 660 719 728 737 746 754 70000 71000 72000 73000 74000 453 458 463 468 473 477 482 488 493 498 525 531 537 542 548 573 579 585 592 598 668 675 683 690 698 763 772 780 789 797 75000 76000 77000 78000 79000 479 484 489 494 499 504 509 514 520 525 554 560 566 572 577 604 611 617 624 630 705 713 720 728 735 806 814 823 831 840 80000 81000 82000 83000 84000 504 509 513 518 523 530 535 540 546 551 583 589 595 600 606 636 642 649 655 661 742 750 757 764 771 848 857 865 873 881 85000 86000 87000 88000 89000 528 533 538 542 547 556 561 566 571 576 611 617 623 628 634 667 673 679 685 691 778 785 792 799 807 889 897 905 914 922 90000 91000 92000 93000 94000 552 557 561 566 571 581 586 591 596 601 639 645 650 655 661 697 703 709 715 721 814 820 827 834 841 930 938 945 953 961 95000 96000 97000 98000 99000 575 580 584 589 594 605 610 615 620 625 666 671 677 682 687 727 732 738 744 750 848 854 861 868 875 969 977 984 992 1000 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS SAILBOATS TERRITORY 3 GREAT LAKES LIMIT 100000 101000 102000 103000 104000 105000 106000 107000 108000 109000 AGE 0-1 598 603 607 611 616 620 625 629 633 638 AGE 2-5 630 634 639 644 648 653 658 662 667 671 AGE 6 - 10 693 698 703 708 713 718 723 728 733 739 AGE 11 - 15 756 761 767 772 778 783 789 795 800 806 AGE 16 - 20 882 888 895 901 908 914 921 927 933 940 AGE 21 + 1008 1015 1022 1030 1037 BOAT, MOTORS & ADD'L PROPERTY DEDUCTIBLE FACTOR 1% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 100 INCLUDED 2% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 250 .90 3% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 500 .80 4% OF HULL VALUE MIN $1000 .70 1045 1052 1059 1067 1074 LIABILITY RATE GROUPS MAXIMUM LENGTH IN FEET SPEED 110000 111000 112000 113000 114000 642 646 651 655 659 676 680 685 689 694 744 748 753 758 763 811 816 822 827 832 946 953 959 965 971 1082 1089 1096 1103 1110 115000 116000 117000 118000 119000 663 667 671 676 680 698 702 707 711 716 768 773 777 782 787 838 843 848 853 859 977 983 989 996 1002 1117 1124 1131 1138 1145 120000 121000 122000 123000 124000 684 688 692 696 700 720 724 728 732 737 792 797 801 806 810 864 869 874 879 884 1008 1014 1020 1025 1031 1152 1159 1165 1172 1179 125000 126000 127000 128000 129000 704 708 712 716 720 741 745 749 753 757 815 819 824 829 833 889 894 899 904 909 1037 1043 1049 1055 1060 1185 1192 1199 1205 1212 130000 131000 132000 133000 134000 723 727 731 735 738 762 766 769 773 777 838 842 846 851 855 914 919 923 928 933 1066 1072 1077 1083 1088 1219 1225 1231 1237 1244 135000 136000 137000 138000 139000 742 746 750 753 757 781 785 789 793 797 859 864 868 872 877 937 942 947 952 956 1094 1099 1105 1110 1116 1250 1256 1263 1269 1275 140000 141000 142000 143000 144000 761 764 768 771 775 801 805 808 812 816 881 885 889 893 897 961 966 970 974 979 1121 1126 1132 1137 1142 1281 1287 1293 1299 1305 145000 146000 147000 148000 149000 150000 778 782 785 789 792 796 819 823 827 830 834 838 901 905 909 914 918 922 983 988 992 997 1001 1005 1147 1152 1158 1163 1168 1173 1311 1317 1323 1329 1335 1341 0 - 25 26 - 39 UP TO 16 MPH 1 3 16 - 30 MPH 2 4 31 - 45 MPH 5 6 46 MPH & OVER 7 7 1 2 NO AUXILIARY POWER LIABILITY PREMIUMS RATE GROUP Page 26 $100,000 $300,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 1 24 31 34 43 2 26 36 39 49 3 34 45 50 62 4 53 71 78 97 5 65 88 97 120 6 76 101 113 139 7 95 123 138 171 TRAILERS DEDUCTIBLE $250 Rev 1.0 (05/97) LIMITS ( INCLUDES $1,000 MED PAY ) $ 15. PER $1000 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS SAILBOATS LIMIT 1000 2000 3000 4000 AGE 0-1 46 52 58 64 AGE 2-5 49 55 61 68 AGE 6 - 10 DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS 54 61 68 75 AGE 11 - 15 59 66 74 81 AGE 16 - 20 68 77 86 95 AGE 21 + LIMIT 78 88 98 109 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 70 77 83 89 95 74 81 87 93 100 82 89 96 103 110 89 97 104 112 120 104 113 122 131 139 119 129 139 149 159 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 101 107 112 118 124 106 112 118 124 131 117 123 130 137 144 127 135 142 149 157 148 157 166 174 183 170 179 189 199 209 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 130 136 142 147 153 137 143 149 155 161 150 157 164 171 177 164 171 179 186 194 191 200 209 217 226 219 229 238 248 258 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 159 165 170 175 180 167 173 179 184 189 184 191 197 202 208 201 208 214 221 227 234 243 250 258 265 268 277 286 294 303 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 185 190 195 200 205 195 200 205 211 216 214 220 226 232 237 234 240 246 253 259 272 280 287 295 302 311 320 328 337 345 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 210 215 221 226 232 221 227 233 238 244 243 250 256 262 268 265 272 279 286 293 310 318 326 334 342 354 363 372 381 390 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 237 243 248 254 259 250 255 261 267 273 275 281 287 294 300 300 307 313 320 327 350 358 366 374 382 400 409 418 427 436 40000 41000 42000 43000 44000 264 270 275 280 285 278 284 289 295 300 306 312 318 324 330 334 341 347 354 360 390 397 405 413 421 445 454 463 472 481 45000 46000 47000 48000 49000 291 296 301 306 312 306 311 317 322 328 337 343 349 355 361 367 374 380 387 394 428 436 444 451 459 489 498 507 516 525 Rev 1.0 (5/97) SAILBOATS TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS Page 27 TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS 50000 51000 52000 53000 54000 AGE 0-1 317 322 327 332 337 AGE 2-5 333 339 344 349 355 AGE 6 - 10 367 373 378 384 390 AGE 11 - 15 400 407 413 419 426 AGE 16 - 20 467 474 482 489 497 AGE 21 + 534 542 551 559 567 55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 342 347 352 357 362 360 365 371 376 381 396 402 408 413 419 432 438 445 451 457 504 511 519 526 534 576 584 593 601 610 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 367 372 377 382 386 386 392 397 402 407 425 431 436 442 448 464 470 476 482 488 541 548 555 562 570 618 626 635 643 651 65000 66000 67000 68000 69000 391 396 401 406 411 412 417 422 427 432 453 459 464 470 475 494 500 507 513 519 577 584 591 598 605 659 667 675 683 692 70000 71000 72000 73000 74000 415 420 425 429 434 437 442 447 452 457 481 486 492 497 503 525 531 537 542 548 612 619 626 633 640 700 708 715 723 731 75000 76000 77000 78000 79000 439 443 448 453 457 462 467 471 476 481 508 513 519 524 529 554 560 566 572 577 646 653 660 667 674 739 747 754 762 770 80000 81000 82000 83000 84000 462 466 471 475 480 486 491 495 500 505 535 540 545 550 555 583 589 595 600 606 681 687 694 700 707 778 785 793 800 808 85000 86000 87000 88000 89000 484 488 493 497 502 509 514 519 523 528 560 566 571 576 581 611 617 623 628 634 713 720 726 733 739 815 823 830 837 845 90000 91000 92000 93000 94000 506 510 515 519 523 533 537 542 546 551 586 591 596 601 606 639 645 650 655 661 746 752 758 765 771 852 860 867 874 881 95000 96000 97000 98000 99000 527 531 536 540 544 555 559 564 568 573 611 615 620 625 630 666 671 677 682 687 777 783 789 796 802 888 895 902 909 917 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WATERCRAFT BASE PREMIUMS SAILBOATS LIMIT TERRITORY 5 INLAND WATERS 100000 101000 102000 103000 104000 AGE 0-1 548 552 556 560 565 AGE 2-5 577 582 586 590 594 AGE 6 - 10 635 640 644 649 654 AGE 11 - 15 693 698 703 708 713 AGE 16 - 20 808 814 820 826 832 AGE 21 + 924 930 937 944 951 105000 106000 107000 108000 109000 569 573 577 581 585 598 603 607 611 615 658 663 668 672 677 718 723 728 733 739 838 844 850 856 862 958 964 971 978 985 110000 111000 112000 113000 114000 589 593 596 600 604 620 624 628 632 636 682 686 690 695 699 744 748 753 758 763 868 873 879 884 890 991 998 1004 1011 1017 115000 116000 117000 118000 119000 608 612 615 619 623 640 644 648 652 656 704 708 713 717 722 768 773 777 782 787 896 901 907 913 918 1024 1030 1037 1043 1049 120000 121000 122000 123000 124000 627 631 634 638 641 660 664 668 671 675 726 730 734 739 743 792 797 801 806 810 924 929 935 940 945 1056 1062 1068 1074 1080 125000 126000 127000 128000 129000 645 649 652 656 660 679 683 687 690 694 747 751 755 760 764 815 819 824 829 833 951 956 961 967 972 1086 1093 1099 1105 1111 130000 131000 132000 133000 134000 663 667 670 673 677 698 702 705 709 713 768 772 776 780 784 838 842 846 851 855 977 982 987 992 998 1117 1123 1129 1134 1140 135000 136000 137000 138000 139000 680 684 687 691 694 716 720 723 727 731 788 792 796 800 804 859 864 868 872 877 1003 1008 1013 1018 1023 1146 1152 1157 1163 1169 140000 141000 142000 143000 144000 697 701 704 707 710 734 738 741 744 748 808 811 815 819 822 881 885 889 893 897 1028 1033 1037 1042 1047 1175 1180 1185 1191 1196 145000 146000 147000 148000 149000 150000 714 717 720 723 726 730 751 754 758 761 765 768 826 830 834 837 841 845 901 905 909 914 918 922 1052 1056 1061 1066 1071 1075 1202 1207 1213 1218 1223 1229 Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 28 BOAT, MOTORS & ADD'L PROPERTY DEDUCTIBLE FACTOR 1% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 100 INCLUDED 2% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 250 .90 3% OF HULL VALUE MIN $ 500 .80 4% OF HULL VALUE MIN $1000 .70 LIABILITY RATE GROUPS MAXIMUM LENGTH IN FEET SPEED 0 - 25 26 - 39 UP TO 16 MPH 1 3 16 - 30 MPH 2 4 31 - 45 MPH 5 6 46 MPH & OVER 7 7 1 2 NO AUXILIARY POWER LIABILITY PREMIUMS RATE LIMITS ( INCLUDES $1,000 MED PAY ) GROUP $100,000 $300,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 1 24 31 34 43 2 26 36 39 49 3 34 45 50 62 4 53 71 78 97 5 65 88 97 120 6 76 101 113 139 7 95 123 138 171 TRAILERS DEDUCTIBLE $250 $ 15. PER $1000 MEDICAL PAYMENTS INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $1000 $3.00 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY INCREASED LIMITS EACH ADD'L $100 $1.50 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL PREMIUMS RULES 5 - Deductibles 5.1 5.2 Deductible - Boat, Motors and Additional Property Coverages Deductible Factor 1 % Min $ 100 1.00 2 % Min $ 250 0.90 3 % Min $ 500 0.80 4 % Min $ 1,00 0.70 Deductible Factor $250 1.00 Trailer Deductible Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 30 DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL PREMIUMS Rule 6 - Premium Modifications 6.1 Age of Boat Age of Boat NOTE: Factors are already included in the base premium pages. 6.2 6.3 Navigation Period Navigation Period Factor Extended 1.35 Limited 100 Other Premium Modifications Risk Variations Successful completion of one or more courses sponsored by the United States Power Squadron or the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Fire and smoke alarm systems Built-in fire extinguishing system (carbon dioxide or halon) Ship-to-shore radio Depth sounder/finder Radar Diesel powered Fume or vapor detection system Trailer ball locking device Theft prevention device Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 31 Credits 5.0% for each course 2.5% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 10.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% DMIC AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOATOWNERS MANUAL PREMIUMS Rule 7 - Coverage Options 7.1 Miscellaneous Property - Increased Limit Note: $1500 Automatic in Form $ 1.50 for each additional $100 of insurance 7.2 Emergency Service - Expanded Coverage Rev 1.0 (5/97) Note: $50 Automatic in Form Amount of Insurance Charge $50 Included 100 $2 250 $4 500 $7 Page 32 DMIC DRYDEN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE SERVICES WATERCRAFT PROGRAM POLICY FORMS INSURING AGREEMENT BT-100 ED. 1.0 BOATOWNERS SPECIAL FORM MANDATORY FORMS GL-5NY ED. 2.0 ADDITIONAL POLICY CONDITIONS - NEW YORK (New York Cancellation and Renewal Provsions) BT-134 ED. 2.0 AMENDMENT OF POLICY TERMS-NEW YORK (Notice of Loss wording revision) GL-184 ED. 1.0 PUNITIVE DAMAGES EXCLUSION BT-7 ED. 1.0 EMERGENCY SERVICE (Provides the $50 of coverage included within the policy form) OTHER FORMS BT-1 ED. 1.0 CHANGE ENDORSEMENT BT-5 ED. 1.0 LOSS PAYEE BT-6 ED. 1.0 ADDITIONAL INTERESTS Rev 1.0 (5/97) Page 33 DMIC
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