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Burton ISBN-13: 978-0-495-12996-7 VICTIMOLOGY Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology, 7e NEW Andrew Karmen © 2013 | ISBN-13: 978-1-133-04972-2 eBook Available at Sexual Offenses and Offenders: Theory, Practice and Policy, 2e NEW SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Manual w/ Test Bank: 978-1-133-49241-2 Online PowerPoint Slides: 978-1-133-49242-9 ©2013 | ISBN-13: 978-1-133-04982-1 eBook Available at Current Perspectives: Victimology Karen J. Terry George Ackerman © 2012 | ISBN-13: 978-0-495-59717-9 TECHNOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE Current Perspectives: Cyber Crime, 2e Michael Pittaro ISBN-13: 978-0-495-83222-5 WHITE COLLAR CRIME Trusted Criminals, 4e David O. Friedrichs ©2010 | ISBN-13: 978-0-495-60082-4 eBook Available at Current Perspectives: New Technologies and Criminal Justice Joanne M. Ziembo-Vogl ISBN-13: 978-0-495-10384-4 TERRORISM Terrorism and Homeland Security, 7e Jonathan R. White ©2012 | ISBN-13: 978-0-495-91336-8 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Manual w/ Test Bank: 978-0-495-91471-6 ExamView: 978-0-495-91475-4 Online Lesson Plans: 978-0-495-91474-7 SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Manual w/ Test Bank: 978-0-495-60105-0 Online PowerPoint: 978-0-495-60015-2 White Collar Crime: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac©, 2e Danielle Lively-Neal ©2012 | ISBN-13: 978-1-111-82817-2 WOMEN AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime, and Justice, 3e Joanne Belknap ©2007 | ISBN-13: 978-0-495-09055-7 Web: • Phone: 1-800-423-0563 CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS TO ENHANCE YOUR COURSE SkillPrep 2.0 A Unique Supplement Focused on Study Skills Do you wish you could do more to help your students with basic skill development? Do you and your colleagues struggle with retention issues? PHASE 1: GETTING READY TO WRITE First, make a list. Divide the ultimate goal—a finished paper—into smaller steps that you can tackle right away. Estimate how long it will take to complete each step. Start with the date your paper is due and work backwards to the present: For example, if the due date is December 1, and you have about three months to write the paper, give yourself a cushion and schedule November 20 as your targeted completion date. Plan what you want to get done by November 1, and then list what you want to get done by October 1. Pick a Topic To generate ideas for a topic, any of the following approaches work well: Brainstorm with a group. There is no need to create in isolation. You can harness the energy and the natural creative power of a group to assist you. Speak it. To get ideas flowing, start talking. Admit your confusion or lack of clear ideas. Then just speak. By putting your thoughts into words, you’ll start thinking more clearly. Use free writing. Free writing, a technique championed by writing teacher Peter Elbow, is also very effective when trying to come up with a topic. There’s only one rule in free writing: Write without stopping. Set a time limit—say, ten minutes—and keep your fingers dancing across ST U DY Select a topic and working title. Using your instructor’s guidelines for the paper or speech, write down a list of topics that interest you. WriteWhat does it take to be a successful student? Like many down all of the ideas you think of in two minutes.people, you may think that success depends on how Then choose one topic. The most common pitfallnaturally smart you are, that some people are just better is selecting a topic that is too broad. “Terrorism” at school than others. But in reality, successful students is probably not a useful topic for your paper. aren’t born, they’re made. What this means is that even Instead, consider “The Financing of Terrorist if you don’t consider yourself naturally “book smart,” Activities.” you can do well in this course by developing study skills Write a thesis statement. Clarify what you want that will help you understand, remember, and apply key to say by summarizing it in one concise sentence.concepts. This sentence, called a thesis statement, refines There are five things you can do to develop good your working title. A thesis is the main point of study habits: the paper; it is a declaration of some sort. You might write a thesis statement such as “Drug be engaged trafficking and other criminal activities are often used to finance terrorism.” ask questions Set Goals Effective writing flows from a purpose. Think about how you’d like your reader or listener to respond after considering your ideas. Now you can order the Student Edition of any text packaged with the SkillPrep module at no additional cost. Afraid that your students will forget to bring the study skills module to class or misplace it? We can bind it into the text so everything your students need is contained together under one cover— again, at no extra cost. ),1$/&-BB)0BZEOHHGVLQGG take notes make an outline mark your text If you want someone to think differently, make your writing clear and logical. Support your assertions with evidence. If your purpose is to move the reader into action, BE ENGAGED explain exactly what steps to take If you’ve ever heard elevator music, you know what and offer solid benefits for easy listening is like—it stays in the background. You doing so. know it’s there, but you’re not really paying attention To clarify your purpose, state it in one sentence—for example, “The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the various explanations for the nation’s decreasing crime rate.” to it, and you probably won’t remember it after a few minutes. That is not what you should be doing in class. You have to be engaged. Being engaged means listening to discover (and remember) something. In other words, listening is more than just hearing. Not only do you have to hear what the professor is saying in class, you have to pay attention to it. And as you listen with attention, you will hear what your instructor believes is important. One way to make sure that you are lisSKILLPREP xv tening attentively is to take notes. Doing so will help you focus on the professor’s words and will help you identify the $0 most important parts of the lecture. ),1$/&-BB)0BZEOHHGVLQGG ASK QUESTIONS If you are really engaged in your criminal justice course, you will ask a question or two whenever you do not understand something. You can also ask a question to get your instructor to share her or his opinion on a subject. However you do it, true engagement requires you to be a participant in your class. The more you participate, the more you will learn (and the more your instructor will know who you are!). TAKE NOTES Make good choices Manage your time Be engaged in your studies Study for quizzes and exams Read your textbook for ACADEMIC INTEGRITY learning MAKE AN OUTLINE As you read through each chapter of your textbook, you Write your papers might want to make an outline—a simple method for organizing information. You can create an outline as Deliver a speech part of your reading or at the end of your reading. Or you Using another person’s words, images, or other original Note-taking has a value in and of itself, just as outlining does. The physical act of writing makes you a more efficient learner. In addition, your notes provide a guide to what your instructor thinks is important. That means you will have a better idea of what to study before the next exam if you have a set of notes that you took during class. AVOIDING : can make an outline when you reread a section before creations writing withoutangiving proper credit is called plamoving on to the next. The act of physically giarism. outline for a chapter will help you retain the Plagiarism material in amounts to taking someone else’s work and presenting this text and master it, thereby obtaining a higher grade it as your own—the equivalent of cheating onno a test. in class. Even if you make an outline that is moreThe consequences of plagiarism can range from a failing than the headings in this text, you will be studying more grade to expulsion from school. ),1$/&-BB)0BZEOHHGVLQGG can be unintentional. Some students don’t efficiently than you wouldPlagiarism be otherwise. understand the have research process. Sometimes they leave To make an effective outline, you writing until the last minute and don’t take the time to be selective. Outlines that contain all the sources of information. Also, some information in the texttoareorganize not verytheir useful. people are Your objectives in outlining are,raised first, in to cultures where identity is based on group membership identify the main concepts and, then, torather than individual achievement. These students may add the details that supportfind it hard to understand how creativeconcepts. work can be owned by an individual. those main To avoidshould plagiarism, ask an instructor where you Your outline yourlevels school’s written policy on this issue. consistcan of find several assume that written Don’t in a standard for-you can resubmit a paper you wrote another class for a current class; many schools will mat. Theformost important regard this as plagiarism even though you wrote the concepts are assigned Roman paper. The basic guidelines for preventing plagiarism are to cite a source viifor each phrase, sequence of ideas, SKILLPREP or visual image created by another person. While ideas cannot be copyrighted, the specific way that an idea is expressed can be. You also need to list a source for any $0 idea that is closely identified with a particular person. The goal is to clearly distinguish your own work from the work of others. There are several ways to ensure that you do this consistently: Identify direct quotes. If you use a direct quote from another writer or speaker, put that person’s words in quotation marks. If you do research online, you might find yourself copying sentences or paragraphs from a Web page and pasting them directly into your notes. This is the same as taking direct quotes from your source. To avoid plagiarism, identify such passages in an obvious way. Contact your local Cengage Learning representative to learn more about this option. 1. Getting ready to write 2. Writing a first draft 3. Revising your draft Refine Your Idea After you’ve come up with some initial ideas, it’s time to refine them: A key part of succeeding as a student is learning how to write well. Whether writing papers, presentations, essays, or even e-mails to your instructor, you have to be able to put your thoughts into words and do so with force, clarity, and precision. In this section, we outline a three-phase process that you can use to write virtually anything. A STUDY SKILLS MODULE the keyboard the whole time. Ignore the urge to stop and rewrite. There is no need to worry about spelling, punctuation, or grammar during this process. W R I T E SkillPrep 2.0 is a unique study module focused on study skills. This handy tool could be the key to better study habits for your students and fewer retention challenges for your department! Students can use the SkillPrep module to prepare for class with tips on studying, writing, taking tests, and public speaking - plus life and time management. Paraphrase carefully. Paraphrasing means restating the original passage in your own words, usually making it shorter and simpler. Students who copy a passage word for word and then just rearrange or delete a few phrases are running a serious risk of plagiarism. Remember to cite a source for paraphrases, just as you do for direct quotes. When you use the same sequence of ideas as one of your sources—even if you have not paraphrased or directly quoted—cite that source. Note details about each source. For books, details about each source include the author, title, publisher, publication date, location of publisher, and page number. For articles from print sources, record the article title and the name of the magazine or journal as well. If you found the article in an academic or technical journal, also record the volume and number of the publication. A librarian can help identify these details. If your source is a Web page, record as many identifying details as you can find—author, title, sponsoring organization, URL, publication date, and revision date. In addition, list the date that you accessed the page. Be careful when using Web resources, as not all Web sites are considered legitimate sources. Wikipedia, for instance, is not regarded as a legitimate source; the National Institute of Justice’s Web site, however, is. Cite your sources as endnotes or footnotes to your paper. Ask your instructor for examples of the format to use. You do not need to credit wording that is wholly your own. Nor do you need to credit general ideas, such as the suggestion that people use a to-do list to plan their time. When you use your own words to describe such an idea, there’s no need to credit a source. But if you borrow someone else’s words or images to explain the idea, do give credit. SKILLPREP SKILLPREP xix ),1$/&-BB)0BZEOHHGVLQGG Careers in Criminal Justice Website This website provides students with extensive career profiling information and self-assessment testing, and helps them investigate and focus on the criminal justice career choices that are right for them. With links and tools to assist students in finding a professional position, this website includes career profiles and video interviews, as well as a career rolodex, interest assessments, and a career planner with sample resumes, letter, interview questions, and more. View a demo at Ask your Cengage Learning representative about packaging access with the Wadsworth Criminal Justice text of your choice. Criminal Justice Media Library Available to stream from any web-enabled computer, this resource includes nearly 300 media assets— including career profile videos, simulations, interactive learning modules, and more—on the topics you cover in your course. View a demo at Web: • Phone: 1-800-423-0563 $0 i $0 POLICE COMMUNITY POLICING COURSE Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving, 6e Linda Miller, Kären Hess, and Christine Hess Orthmann ©2011 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-8868-7 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Student Companion Site Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-111-87380-6 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT w/ text: 978-1-133-42917-3 Community Relations Concepts, 4e Denny Pace ©2003 | ISBN-13: 978-1-9289-1621-5 Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 10e Christine Hess Orthmann and Kären Hess ©2012 | ISBN-13: 978-1-111-13890-5 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Edition: 978-1-111-13892-9 Instructor’s Resource Manual with Test Bank: 978-1-111-13891-2 Computerized Test Bank: 978-1-111-13897-4 Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® CourseMate Printed Access code w/ text: 978-1-133-21728-2 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT w/ text: 978-1-133-43117-6 WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-133-64303-6 Policing and Society: A Global Approach Michael Palmiotto and N. Prabha Unnithan ©2011 | ISBN-13: 978-0-534-62343-2 eBook Available at Community Policing: Can It Work? Wesley Skogan ©2004 | ISBN-13: 978-0-5346-2505-4 SUPPLEMENTS Student Companion Site Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-133-43118-3 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT w/ text: 978-1-133-43119-0 Professionalism in Policing: An Introduction David Thomas INTRODUCTION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT/POLICING POLICE2 (with CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), 2nd Edition NEW John Dempsey and Linda Forst ©2013 | ISBN-13: 978-1-133-01665-6 SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Edition: 978-1-133-01666-3 Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® WebTutor™ Advantage Plus PAC WebCT w/ text: 978-1-133-43115-2 WebTutor™ Advantage Plus PAC Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-133-43116-9 An Introduction to Policing, 6e ©2011 | ISBN-13: 978-0-495-09189-9 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor Resources: 978-0-495-09314-5 Student Companion Site Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-133-42920-3 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT w/ text: 978-1-133-42921-0 Paradoxes of Police Work, 2e Douglas Perez ©2012 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-9682-8 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoints® John Dempsey and Linda Forst ©2012 | ISBN-13: 978-1-111-13772-4 eBook available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource Manual with Test Bank: 978-1-111-13773-1 Computerized Test Bank: 978-1-111-13775-5 Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® CourseMate Printed Access Code w/ text: 978-1-111-99897-4 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT w/ text: 978-1-111-99913-1 WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-133-26874-1 POLICE OPERATIONS Police Operations: Theory and Practice, 5e Kären Hess and Christine Hess Orthmann ©2011 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-8866-3 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource Manual with Test Bank: 978-1-4354-8864-9 Student Companion Site Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-111-87381-3 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT w/ text: 978-1-133-21706-0 Web: • Phone: 1-800-423-0563 POLICE Police Patrol Operations, 2e Mark Miller ©2000 | ISBN-13: 978-1-9289-1610-9 ADMINISTRATION/MANAGEMENT/ SUPERVISION Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement, 6e Kären Hess and Christine Hess Orthmann CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION Criminal Investigation, 10e NEW Christine Hess Orthmann and Kären Hess ©2013 | ISBN-13: 978-1-133-01892-6 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Edition: 978-1-133-01894-0 Instructor’s Resource Manual with Test Bank: 978-1-133-01893-3 PowerLecture w/ Exam View: 978-1-133-01899-5 Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® CourseMate w/ eBook Printed Access Code w/ text: 978-1-133-42922-7 WebTutor Advantage Plus on WebCT w/ text: 978-1-133-42923-4 WebTutor Advantage Plus on Blackboard w/ text: 978-1-133-42924-1 ©2012 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-5644-8 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Instructor Resources: ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-5640-0 Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® CourseMate Printed Access Code w/ text: 978-1-133-26067-7 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT PAC w/ text: 978-1-133-42925-8 WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard PAC w/ text: 978-1-133-42926-5 Police Administration, 3e Larry Gaines and John Worrall ©2012 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-5639-4 eBook Available at ©2003 | ISBN-13: 978-0-5345-7646-2 SUPPLEMENTS Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® CourseMate Printed Access Code w/ text: 978-1-133-06978-2 WebTutor™ Toolbox on WebCT PAC w/ text: 978-1-133-42927-2 WebTutor™ Toolbox on Blackboard PAC w/ text: 978-1-133-42928-9 SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource Manual with Test Bank: 978-0-5345-7647-9 Paradoxes of Leadership in Police Management Introduction to Investigations, 2e John Dempsey Fingerprint Science: How to Roll, Classify, File, and Use Fingerprints Douglas Perez and Michael Barkhurst ©2011 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-8807-6 eBook Available at Clarence Collins ©2001 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9427-2818-7 Investigating a Homicide Workbook Managing Police Operations: Implementing the NYPD Crime Control Model Using COMPSTAT Phyllis McDonald ©2002 | ISBN-13: 978-0-5345-3991-7 Timothy Sweetman and Adele Sweetman ©2001 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9427-2877-4 Legal Aspects of Police Supervision, 2e Isaac Avery, III ©2001 | ISBN-13: 978-1-9289-1618-5 Practical Criminal Investigation, 5e Manuel Peña ©2000 | ISBN-13: 978-1-9289-1611-6 REPORT WRITING A Street Officer’s Guide to Report Writing NEW Frank Scalise and Doug Strosahl ©2013 | ISBN-13: 978-1-111-54250-4 eBook Available at SUPPLEMENTS Premium Website Printed Access Code: 978-1-133-70278-8 Web: • Phone: 1-800-423-0563 POLICE The New Police Report Manual Devallis Rutledge ©2000 | ISBN-13: 978-1-9289-1613-0 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Terrorism Handbook for Operational Responders, 3e Armando Bevelacqua and Richard Stilp ©2009 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4283-1145-9 Report Writing Essentials Lance Parr ©2000 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9427-2899-6 Explosives Identification Guide, 2e Mike Pickett ©2005 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4018-7821-4 SPECIAL TOPICS/REFERENCE Police Ethics: A Matter of Character, 2e NEW Douglas W. Perez and J. Alan Moore ©2013 | ISBN-13: 978-1-111-54451-5 eBook Available at Large Scale Incident Management Mark Haraway ©2009 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4283-5993-2 SUPPLEMENTS Instructor Companion Site with Instructor’s Manual, Computerized Test Bank, PowerPoints® The Police in America: Classic and Contemporary Readings Bioterrorism: A Field Guide for First Responders, 2e Imaginatics ©2004 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9740-6322-5 Steven Brandl and David Barlow ©2004 | ISBN-13: 978-0-5346-2376-0 Traffic Investigation and Enforcement, 3e Donald Schultz and Derald Hunt ©1998 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9427-2865-1 Courtroom Survival: The Officer’s Guide to Better Testimony Devallis Rutledge Chemical/ Nuclear Terrorism: A Field Guide for First Responders, 2e Imaginatics ©2004 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9740-6323-2 Case Studies For Emergency Responders: The Psychosocial, Ethical, and Leadership Dimensions S. Joseph Woodall and Jeff Thomas ©2011 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4180-5359-8 ©2000 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9427-2815-6 Fire Investigation Russ Chandler PC 832 Concepts: Peace Officer Required Training, 8e Devallis Rutledge and Derald Hunt ©2009 | ISBN-13: 978-1-4180-0961-8 SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Companion Site with Test Bank ©2005 | ISBN-13: 978-0-4950-0002-0 Web: • Phone: 1-800-423-0563 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/POLICE Engaging. Trackable. Affordable. Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate—available with selected criminal justice and police texts—brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the textbook and the textbook-specific website. A CourseMate printed access card can be packaged with any new criminal justice and police text for which CourseMate is available. For a demonstration, visit With WebTutor™ student outcomes improve with assignable text-specific homework—delivered through your familiar learning management system. Jumpstart your course with customizable, text specific content! • Jumpstart! Simply load a course cartridge into your learning management system. • Customize! Easily blend, add, edit, reorganize, or delete content. • Use! Text-specific content, media assets, quizzing, interactive games and exercises, an eBook and more. Plus you can use your book’s text bank and your own gradebook to make assessment easier than ever. Whether you want to web-enable your class or put an entire course online, WebTutor™ delivers. Platforms include: Angel®, WebCT®, Blackboard®, Moodle®, Sakai®, Desire2Learn®, and eCollege Online Learning to the Next Degree. Course360 is a flexible online course program that engages and motivates all types of learners and measurably improves student outcomes. All Course360 courses are organized in six units and designed to be taught fully online, yet are easily adaptable to hybrid formats and delivery methods. Additionally, courses can be customized to include your class material and your school’s branding. We’ll do the work, or you can customize our course yourself. For more information, visit, or contact your Cengage Learning representative. Media-rich learning solutions matched to your needs—because no course is exactly like yours. Course360 courses available: Introduction to Criminal Justice Constitutional Law Corrections Courts Criminal Investigations Criminal Justice Organizations Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Criminology Ethics in Criminal Justice Juvenile Delinquency Policing Terrorism and Homeland Security Race and Justice Cengage Learning offers you simple and appealing custom digital options that help to create a course solution in a style and format that most effectively communicates with your students. Our solutions help reach each student by accommodating a variety of learning styles. Best of all, we let you leverage your own school and course branding to build a deeper connection between your our program. You determine the digital assets included in your course solution, as well as the delivery method, making it easy for you and your students to find and use the content. Visit and click on the link at the bottom of the page to view a demonstration of Custom Digital capabilities or contact your Cengage Learning representative. Contact your Cengage Learning representative or visit www.cengage. com/course360, where you can view a course demo on your learning management system. For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions and alternate formats, please visit and search by ISBN number. To get access, visit TRANSFORMING LEARNING AUTHORITATIVE CONTENT TRANSFORMING LIVES DIGITAL SOLUTIONS CUSTOMIZATION RESULTS-DRIVEN WORLD CLASS SERVICE To find out more, visit us online at: ORDER YOUR REVIEW COPY Cengage Learning P.O. Box 6904 Florence, KY 41022-6904 Phone: 1-800-423-0563 Fax: 1-800-487-8488 Email: Source Code: 13P-CJ0061 ISBN 978-1-133-73430-7