PFC Top 20 Stock Items - Paul Fraser Collectibles
PFC Top 20 Stock Items - Paul Fraser Collectibles
The Collection of Major John Simpson Knox VC The first Victoria Cross awarded to a British Army Officer accompanied by the Cannon-Ball Ball that took off his arm The Victoria Cross, the heart of this collection, was instituted by Royal Warrant on 19th January 1856. The first awards were backdated for the Baltic and the Crimea, including Knox's (one of four awarded ded to the Scot's Fusilier Guards). Major John Knox's Victoria Cross is the first to be awarded to an Army Officer. For his bravery at Redan, Knox was also appointed Chevalier of the French Legion of Honour, 21st June 1856. A medal commemorating this appointment pointment is also included in this collection. This unique collection of items includes a number of Crimean War medals awarded to Major John Simpson Knox, VC. His large silver cross belt plate with Battle Honours up to Waterloo, together with the silver whistle holder and chain are included in this collection. Other items included in the collection are: Crimea Medal (1854-56), 56), four clasps, Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol (colr. Sert. John S. Knox. Scots Fusr. Gds.), contemporarily engraved in large serif capitals. capi Turkish Crimea Medal, British die, with contemporary silver loop and ring suspension, unnamed as issued, with original narrow riband and contemporary silver top riband suspension buckle (some contact marks). Two glazed, framed, photograph portraits. One portrait of Knox in uniform, wearing miniature medals. One portrait of Knox's wife. Knox's Rifle Brigade cap badge. Knox's father's silver-topped topped cane, engraved "John Knox. Born 17th Nov: 1772. Died 8th Feb: 1842. Glasgow". The Attack on the he Redan (18th June 1855) was the battle where he fatefully lost his arm to a cannon-fire. A cannon-ball, cannon reputed to be that which injured Knox, forms part of this collection. It measures 53mm in diameter and is mounted on a marble plinth, engraved with the he words "Crimea, Sebastopol, Redan, June 18 1855". For Sale: £450,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Henry VIII's personal divorce plea The Letter that changed the course of British History This one page letter measuring 12.5 x 15.5 is written in Latin and dated January 18 1529. Following difficulties with Rome over his separation from Catherine, Henry split from the Roman Catholic Church, seized many of the Church's assets, and formed the Anglican Church of England. Sweden, Denmark and Norway had already gone over to the Protestant side and with Henry VIII following suit this further diluted the power of the Roman Catholic Church. This remarkable document, and the refusal to grant the annulment requested, ultimately led to Henry VIII breaking from the Roman n Catholic Church to form the Church of England. This letter, signed by Henry VIII, requesting an annulment from Catherine of Aragon is an incredible discovery. discovery This historically significant correspondence represents Henry VIII's attempt to advance his plans to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne Boleyn. Unable to make contact with The Pope, Henry VIII writes to t Cardinal Benedetto de Accolti, the Bishop of Ravenna, The Pope’s private secretary. Henry sends a recommendation for his envoy Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire (and curiously the father of Anne Boleyn) to be sent to represent him in discussions with Emperor Empe Charles V. The letter is in very good condition, with professional repairs and reinforcement to intersecting folds on reverse, scattered light toning, minor edge wear, and a few small areas and pin holes of paper loss (primarily from ink erosion). In an interview with the Associated Press in June 2009 David Starkey, a British Historian, TV presenter and Tudor expert, said: "It is an event of enormous magnitude, the most important event in English history," "This is the moment at which England ceases to be a normal European Catholic country and goes off on this strange path that leads it to the Atlantic, to the new world, wor to Protestantism, to Euro-scepticism." epticism." The Vatican Secret Archives hold a document measuring 3 foot x 6½ foot, dated 1530, sent by members of England's House of Lords to Pope Clement VII supporting the divorce from Catherine of Aragon. This letter signed by Henry VIII can be considered a totally unique item of greater importance. It is Henry VIII's personal attempt to seek an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Dated January 18 1529 and signed by Henry VIII. The Vatican's refusal to annul the marriage led the King to reject the authority of the Pope and install himself as head of the Church of England. Thee signature is extraordinarily bold and dark, and, given its age, the document is exceedingly bold for display. This is without doubt one of the most important Henry VIII documents. The basic message of this royal piece - heavily dressed in a formal tone - essentially sends the recipient the good wishes of His Royal Highness,, expresses a desire for mutual co-operation co between the two factions, and asks that note be taken of the ambassador he is sending - the father of Anne Boleyn. Under pressure from Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, The Pope's inability to grant Henry VIII's request uest for an annulment changed the History of England forever. While he was still legally married to Catherine of Aragon Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn in secret on January 25, 1533. His marriage to Catherine was annulled by a special act of Parliament on May 23 of the same year. For sale: £275,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Incredible collection of original parts from the Spirit of St Louis Lane eventually gifted most of the kit to the Smithsonian, but he extracted parts used on the solo flight which he thought were becoming unreliable, or would not last the whole tour. Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974) 1974) came to fame with his Orteig prize-winning solo non-stop stop flight from New York to Paris in 1927. The U.S. army reserve officer travelled a distance of nearly 3,600 statute miles in the Spirit of St. Louis, a single-seat, single single-engine monoplane. These historic parts, as saved by Lane, from the Spirit of St Louis form a truly spectacular and covetable collection. The collection includes two spark plugs which Lane believed had less than a year's worth left in them, a rocker arm from the Wright J5-C C "Whirlwind" engine (serial no. 7331), and three shock absorber bungee cords stretched by the heavy transatlantic fuel load. 211, took off from The custom-built plane, registration N-X-211, Roosevelt Airfield, Garden City, New York and arrived at Le Bourget Aerodrome in Paris, France, 33 hours and 30 minutes later. The inspiration for the plane came directly from the $25,000 Orteig Prize which had seen three earlier attempts, attem resulting in six fatalities. With the other parts of the 'survival kit' now in the Smithsonian Museum these are almost certainly the only parts of the Spirit Spi of St Louis from her transatlantic flight ever to appear for sale. The collection is attractively housed in a specially crafted case. Additional information: Lindbergh-related related items retain their value as evidenced by a number of high-profile sales. A landing anding certificate at Le Bourget, received after Lindbergh’s Lin transatlantic flight, dated to 22 May 1927, sold for $32,500 $32,5 in 1993. In 1999 a collection of Lindbergh rarities sold for $178,000, including hammer fee. Included were a five-line five typewritten endorsement signed by Lindbergh, some other pieces of mail carried on the Spirit of St Louis and an autographed note on American Embassy stationery. Designed by Donald A. Hall and manufactured by Ryan Airlines in just 60 days, the $10,000 long-range range aircraft was retired within a year of its production. During this time it made 174 flights, with a total flight time of 489 hours and 28 minutes. The plane was named after Lindbergh's supporters in his hometown of St Louis, though it was officially known as Ryan NYP (for New York to Paris). The Spirit of St Louis is also the name of Lindbergh's 1953 Pulitzer Prize winning book, which includes, in the appendix, Hall's design documentation 'Engineering Data on the Spirit of St Louis'. Likewise, an ‘Air Mail’ cover accompanied by a typewritten letter signed by Lindbergh sold for over $126,000, including hammer. In November 2002, a lot of items, including an American Flag with a typed note signed by Lindbergh, sold for $57,500. The same year saw the $75,000 sale of a one page letter from the historic flight. These original parts are the first (and likely, only) to ever appear for sale. In addition to being an aviator, Lindbergh was an accomplished author, explorer, inventor and social activist. He was awarded the Medal of Honour for his exploits, the nation's highest military decoration. After Lindbergh returned from his historic flight across the Atlantic solo, he commenced with a flying tour of the U.S., visiting 80 cities and landing in every state. The Spirit of St Louis Loui was packed up in cases and taken back to America by ship and reassembled for this tour. Some of the final tinkering before the pioneering flight, and rere assembly following Lindbergh's return, was completed by Lindbergh's trusted engineer, Kenneth Lane. Ahead A of the tour, Lindbergh handed Lane a 'survival kit' of parts of the plane. For Sale: £125,000 5,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: The Tyrian Plum: One of the rarest stamps of Great Britain Examples of the he Tyrian Plum are rarely seen on the open market. That's reflected in the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue pricing the stamp at £95,000++. The 2d Tyrian Plum is one of the most celebrated stamps of Great Britain and a key stamp in any rare stamp investment portfolio. Only 12 examples are known to exist of which three are in the Royal Philatelic Collection of Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Issued in May 1910 the stamp arose because of a desire to economise on the costs of stamp production. As a result all stamps were issued in one colour to reduce ink costs. The stamp is accompanied by a 1961 British Philatelic Association Certificate of Authenticity enticity stating that it is genuine. A new 2d stamp, the Tyrian Plum, bearing the portrait of King Edward VII, had been agreed and was in the process of being printed. This represents a unique chance to purchase one of just 12 known examples of this superb rare stamp. The only Tyrian Plum available on the market. One hundred thousand sheets, totaling 24,000,000 stamps, were delivered to the post office stores for distribution to Postmasters. However, following the death of Edward VII on 6 May 1910, it was decided not to go ahead d with the new stamp and almost all the stock was destroyed. To this day only a few examples survive in private hands, making this stamp one of the great rarities of British philately. There are believed to be 12 known examples. Only one example is known in 'used' condition. This is postmarked 5th May 1910 and was ironically sent and received by the newly crowned King George V, an avid stamp collector. That example is held in the Royal Philatelic Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. For Sale: £75,000 5,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Buzz Aldrin’s Apollo 11 training suit A stunning piece of Apollo 11 memorabilia Buzz Aldrin's Apollo 11 training suit, signed by the man himself. This flight coverall was worn by Buzz Aldrin during training for the Apollo 11 and Gemini 12 missions. The coverall was manufactured by L.W. Foster Sportswear Co Inc, the makers of U.S. Military flight jackets. It was supplied to NASA on 3 May 1961, two days before Alan Shepard's Freedom 7 Mercuryy capsule flight. Aldrin was selected as part of the third group of NASA astronauts in October 1963. According to different NASA accounts, Aldrin had originally been proposed as the first to step onto the Moon's surface, but due to the physical positioningg of the astronauts inside the compact Lunar Landing Module, it was easier for the commander, Neil Armstrong, to be the first to exit the spacecraft. Nevertheless Aldrin held the record for the most extraextra vehicular activity (EVA) time until it was surpassed on Apollo 14. Aldrin has signed the coverall to the left-hand hand chest: "Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11, July 20th 1969" As an official NASA coverall used in Apollo 11 training, and signed by Buzz Aldrin, this represents a supreme piece of Apollo 11 memorabilia. For Sale: £75,000 5,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: A historically important document signed by Henry VIII,, dated 1513 This very rare early signature is on a document relating to Sir Richard Gresham, an important figure in the history of the City of London. The document is addressed to John Heron, the Treasurer Treas of the Chamber. In it King Henry VIII informs him: "Richard Gresham of oure Citie of London with other stonde bounde by obligacion for the payment to oure use of the somme of Sixe hundred thirty seven poundes and ten shillynges at a certayn daie expired", Gresham went on to become Mayor of London from 1537-1538 1537 and was elected a member of Parliament in 1539. His son, Sir Thomas Gresham, further increased the family fortune and founded the Royal Exchange in the City of London, and Gresham College, an independently ndently funded educational institution in central London. The document once formed part of the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, a British Baronet who amassed the largest collection of manuscript material in the 19th Century. The one page document features es a superb signature by Henry VIII and is dated 3 March 1513. Exceptional content - a highly desirable piece. Henry VIII orders that "for certayne consideracions us movyng" and informs Heron that the payment of this sum should be delayed for two years upon existing sureties from Gresham, and that Heron should retain Gresham's bond. The sum of money involved is considerable - £637 10s which equates to £3,940,000 today, based on the average earnings index. At the time of the loan the 29 year old Richard Gresham was a major English cloth merchant trading in Antwerp. Gresham supplied Henry VIII with velvets ets and satin and, on 19 May 1536, was present at the execution of Anne Boleyn in the Tower of London. The loan from Henry VIII allowed Gresham to found the 'House of Gresham' one of the most celebrated mercantile and financial houses of the 16th Century. For Sale: £65,000 5,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: The Pierrepoint Collection The longest serving hangman of Britain, Albert Pierrepoint (1905-1992), 1992), was preceded in his time as executioner by his uncle and his father. As Britain's Chief Executioner, Pierrepoint was cautious to lead a discreet life and avoid the press; even his closest friends and wife did not know of his part-time time post as executioner until many years into his career. There has always been doubt as to how many people Pierrepoint actually executed, but his ledger provides definitive proof on the subject. He was engaged in approximately 606 executions, including some 200 Nazi war criminals after World War II. He conducted the last execution in the Republic of Ireland and that of the last woman to be hanged in Britain, Ruth Ellis. In 1956, after a disagreement with the war office concerning his fees, Pierrepoint retired, later publishing his memoirs in an autobiography. He died in July of 1992, aged 87. Pierrepoint's legacy has influenced modern culture, most notably a 2005 film release based on his life. This exceptional collection includes Plaster of Paris casts of Pierrepoint's face and both hands. The plaster casts have preserved an incredible level of detail; each facet of his countenance, each pore and wrinkle, are immortalised. A fine silver watch chain worn by Albert, his father and his uncle, at hundreds of executions between 1900 and 1956 is also included in this superb collection. Documents and photographs relating to Pierrepoint's term as executioner include: the "Memorandum of Conditions to which any Person acting as Executioner is required to conform"; a letter from the War Office; and photographs of the Pierrepoint men, Robert Fabian (Fabian of the Yard), John Ellis, and JRH Robertson (Assistant General to Albert). An execution book and a large ledger feature the personal details of those hanged by Henry and Albert Pierrepoint, including, the calibre of their necks (ordinary, strong, muscular, etc). Some notable names are listed, including Lord Haw-Haw Haw and Ruth Ellis. A note on the last recorded hangings betrays the awareness that the last ever execution would be of great significance. Rather than have one man stand as the last executioner, two hangings took place at the same time and date, so that the legacy would be split in two, perhaps to divide its potency. po The Pierrepoint collection was last seen at Christies in 1992 where these items sold for in excess of £30,000. The collection has been held in private hands since 1992. A delicate amber and ivory cigar ar holder is also included with its original leather, silver velvet-lined, lined, case, 3.5" long, which has some age marks to its exterior clasp. The item belonged to Henry A. Pierrepoint. For Sale: £65,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: One of the finest st pieces of Beatles memorabilia A Hard Day’s Night album lbum cover signed by all four superstar musicians The Beatles were cultural icons of the 1960s, influencing the social revolutions of the time. Their songs became the anthems of a generation. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967), their eighth studio album, is regarded as one of their greatest works. The back of this album um cover is signed by all four Beatles; Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr. The signatures are marked in blue pen, each inscribed below the corresponding band member's photograph. The item is in fine condition, with some light toning, creasing and wear to the edges as normal. A Hard Day's Night was the group's first full-length length film and met with commercial and critical success, including two Academy Awards. The album cover is framed alongside a black and white photo of the group. The 1964 comedy was in the style of a 'mockumentary', chronicling the lives of the band for a few days. The accompanying soundtrack was released four days after the film's premiere. It was the first Beatles album to feature entirely original compositions. This was also the only album where all the songs were written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon. For Sale: £35,000 5,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Neil Armstrong – the world’s most valuable living signature A personal cheque signed by Neil Armstrong on the day of his lunar mission sold ld for a record $27,350. $27,350 Its minimum bid price was only $500; it fetched 54 times the price. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. This remarkable collection is one of the most well documented pieces of Armstrong memorabilia. That single event made him the most famous man on our planet, overnight. But he has always preferred a life away from the spotlight. The collection has been held in private hands and this is the first time it has been offered on the open market in over a decade. It is the reason he has become the world's most valuable signature. Even at the Apollo 11 40th Anniversary rsary celebrations in July 2009 Armstrong refused to sign for Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives.. Armstrong declined with a polite: "I'm sorry, I don't n't do that anymore" Neil Armstrong stopped signing autographs for the general public in 1994. Then in n May 2005, Armstrong became involved in a legal battle with his barber Marx Sizemore of Lebanon, Ohio, Armstrong's hometown. off of his hair It was discovered that his barber was selling off-cuts for as much as $3,000 a strand to satisfy the demand from collectors. Armstrong threatened legal action unless the hair was returned or the sale proceeds donated to charity. The collection comprising, comb, scissors and hair were subsequently purchased by a private collector. The value of the 25 off-cuts cuts of hair alone should not be underestimated... A single strand of Elvis Presley hair recently sold for £1,055 ($1,750) at auction. And the price of Armstrong memorabilia soared at the recent recen Apollo 11 40th Anniversary celebrations. For Sale: £35,000 5,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Bruce Lee’s personal ersonal martial arts booklet, signed and inscribed numerous times At the time of his mysterious death in 1973, Bruce Lee (1940(1940 1973) was on the brink of international super-stardom. super Today he is regarded as the granddaddy of high-kicking kicking and fistf fighting move martial arts. St., Seattle, Wash." A further notation is made inside the front cover, "This book deals mainly in foot technique and is…" Lee has highlighted hted several portions of the book with numbers and outlines in red ink. A blank page also bears a single line of Chinese text in pencil, most likely in Lee's own hand. Bruce Lee remains one of the world's rarest, most valuable, and sought after signatures. Striking positions, body movements, pressure points and details on human anatomy are outline utline throughout the book. Some soiling and edge tears to the front cover, soiling and brushing to the front signature, creasing and soling to the back cover (lightly affecting the signature), light overall toning, and missing corner tips to opening pages, pages otherwise in good condition. This 8" x 6" Chinese-language language martial arts instructional booklet, containing 59 pages, was published by the Vih Mei Book Company of Hong Kong. Bruce Lee marked this as his personal per book by signing the front page, "Bruce Lee Shiu Long" with a notation, "The Chinese twenty-four four foot fighting technique". This inscription may be a reference to the printed title. For Sale: £25,000 5,000 Including: Both the back cover and page 32 feature his handwritten address and autograph, "Property of Bruce Lee, 1122 Jefferson Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: A rare George Washington signature Lottery ticket signed by the American president. George Washington (1732-1799) 1799) was the first President of the United States and a respected leader who helped steer the course of history during the American Revolutionary War. He is looked upon fondly by Americans as one of the great Founding Fathers. This partially-printed printed page measures 2 7/8" x 1 3/8" and is in fine condition, with some light staining to the top and lower borders. The 1978 Mountain Road lottery ticket reads: “1768. 1768. This Ticket [No. 173] shall entitle the Possessor to whatever Prize may happen n to be drawn against it's Number in the Mountain Road Lottery”” The document is signed in brown/black ink, Go. Washington. Washington Washington's autograph is particularly fine and demonstrates his flourishing, expressive penmanship. A fine filigree-style tyle border design surrounds the text. Its intricate nature was possibly an attempt to avoid forgeries. In 1768, a lottery was organised to fund road works in the area of Mountain Road. Improvements were needed in order to access the Hot Springs and Warms Springs of Bath County, reputed to have healing properties. For Sale: £22,000 Washington acted as manager of the lottery. Including: Washington’s signature on the tickets added credibility to the venture. Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Jimi Hendrix Woodstock patterned guitar strap and backstage pass One of the most influential musicians of the 10th century, Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970) was entirely self-taught. taught. He revolutionised electric guitar music, pioneering dynamic use of amplifier feedback and experimenting many effects on rock music within a studio setting. The Jimi Hendrix Experience, with guitarist-turned turned-bassist Noel Redding and drummer Mitch Mitchell, tchell, both English musicians, formed in 1966. Their debut album, 'Are You Experienced" was released in the UK in 1967. On tour Hendrix proved his stage presence and, while promoting this album, he famously finished a set by lighting his guitar on fire. This fantastic custom-framed framed collection includes a photo of Hendrix performing at Woodstock, oodstock, a backstage pass and Hendrix’s guitar strap. This guitar strap is believed to be the one used for his performance at Woodstock. It is the same pattern and design as shown in n numerous photos of Hendrix. For Sale: £19,950 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Madonna: Ripped denims worn by the famed pop star The Levi 501 denims, size W27 L32, are in excellent condition and feature purposeful rips; the distressed look that was fashionable in the 1980s. Madonna (1958-) is a globally-successful successful singer, toppling the music charts internationally since the 1980s. She is famed and admired for her ability to constantly reinvent vent her image. Madonna has reached a staggering level of success, selling over 250 million records, achieving the Guinness World Record for the world's most successful female recording artist of all time. Herb Ritts directed Madonna's 1989 Cherish video and also photographed the star wearing these jeans in a photo shoot that was used for her True Blue album cover. True Blue was Madonna's third studio album. Released in 1986, it featured hits such as Papa Don't Preach, Open Your Heart and La Isla Bonita.. It topped the charts in 28 countries and was 1986's top selling-album world-wide wide with some 24 million copies sold. For Sale: £18,000 Including: These jeans are autographed by Madonna; signed at the front in blue pen, underneath a pocket. Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Madonna – a worn Basque from The Girlie Show World Tour Madonna (1958- ) is a globally-successful successful singer, toppling the music charts internationally since the 1980s. She is famed and admired for her ability to constantly reinvent her image. Madonna has reached a staggering level of success, selling over 250 million records, achieving the Guinness World Record for the world's most successful female recording artist of all time. The waist is cinched and the curve of the bust enhanced with padding elements. The straps are removable and adjustable, adjust with alternative hook points on the garment. Two lines of hook and eye fasteners allow for further adjustment. Four suspender belts are also attached to the basque. 1993's The Girlie Show World Tour was Madonna's fourth concert tour, in supportt of her fifth studio album, Erotica. Grossing over US$70million, the "sex circus" themed tour visited Europe, Australia, Japan and the Americas. The original tag displays the maker's name, "Trashy, Made in U.S.A." The material retains its original elasticity and subtle lustrous sheen. A fantastic piece of memorabilia. This exquisite black basque was worn by Madonna during rehearsals for The Girlie Show World tour. It features res delicate lace trim around the bust. The lines of boning and closely-stitched stitched seaming shape the long corset into a tight feminine form. For Sale: £15,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: The ultimate piece of horseracing memorabilia This is a superb piece of racing history from what is probably the most memorable race day of all time. Truly unique and a-once-in-a-lifetime lifetime opportunity. Frankie Dettori's autographed racing goggles from his 'Magnificent Seven' day at Ascot On September 28 1996 jockey Frankie Dettori rode his way into racing history. Frankie's achievement was so great that there is now a bronze statue at the gates of Ascot commemorating the 'Magnificent Seven'. At the Ascot Festival Dettori won all seven races on the card, a feat that was previously regarded as unachievable, and one that may never be repeated. The BBC halted its traditional programming to broadcast live action from Ascot as bookmakers slashed the odds on Frankie's final mount, t, Fujiyama Crest, from 12/1 to 2/1 favourite. Rival jockey Ray Cochrane explained "Everybody wanted to beat him on that last race, "He was making the running and going flat out. We thought; this horse can't keep going, he's got 10 stone - top weight - he can't keep going." But he did... Frankie's 25,051-1 seven-timer, timer, the 'Magnificent 'Magnif Seven', made him a household name and it's estimated he single handedly cost the bookmakers £30m that day. Frankie's achievement is considered to be one of the greatest sporting ing feats of all time. An equivalent sporting feat would be to see Tiger Woods shoot 18 consecutive birdies. And one piece of equipment accompanied d Frankie on all seven winners. These racing goggles were worn by Frankie Dettori at Ascot that afternoon. Frankie later signed and dated them (13.11.96) when he offered them as the star prize in a BBC Radio 5 Live Competition. For Sale: £15,000 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Unique drawings by Beatles star John Lennon John Lennon (1940-1980) 1980) was one of the founding members of The Beatles. He was a controversial peace activist, engaging in the anti-war war movement. In December 1980, he was shot in the back four times by Mark David Chapman outside his New York apartment, dying in hospital later that evening. To date he has sold 14 million albums in the United States alone. In 1987 he was posthumously inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, in recognition cognition of the 27 number one US singles he helped create. Art was Lennon's first love and his passion for drawing was in place long before he picked up a guitar. He attended the prestigious Liverpool Art Institute for three years (1957-1960) (1957 and continued d to draw throughout his career. Both humorous pencil drawings feature Lennon's signature in full. Some light toning to the edges of the page, and a tear the top of the page. These original whimsical drawings are in excellent condition, very clear and crisp. These unique pair of drawings are featured on both sides of a single sheet, measuring 6 x 8 inches. One drawing depicts a pot-bellied bellied male figure resting on a beach under a palm tree, the sun shining brightly. The other drawing depicts two rotund male figures in conversation. For Sale: £12,950 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Marilyn Monroe Black and white magazine magazin cut-out, signed by the iconic star The autograph is clearly written in black pen across the picture's caption: "Marilyn Monroe in "The Asphalt Jungle" Director John Huston” H Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) 1962) is regarded as the most iconic female star that Hollywood ever produced. The document is in excellent condition. Singer, model and actress, she starred in popular movies such as The Seven Year Itch and Some Like It Hot,, winning a Golden Globe for the latter. 1950's film noir, The Asphalt Jungle,, was based on W. R. Burnett's book of the same name. Monroe played a minor, but key, role and was as yet an unknown when the film was produced. In order to avoid typecasting as a 'dumb blonde', she applied herself to the cultivation of her acting skills, by studying at the Actors Studio. The movie was nominated for four Academy Awards and, in 2008, was selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry by the Library of Congress. Plagued by illness later in life, her tragic death was a great loss to Hollywood. This magazine cut-out, measuring 3.75" .75" x 2.25", features the actress' signature under her black and white photograph. For Sale: £9,950 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: The Beatles Autographs from three members of the legendary group The Beatles were cultural icons of the 1960s, influencing the social revolutions of the time. The pages are in excellent condition, with only minor tears to the pages from where they were removed from the autograph album. Sticky tape marks to the top and bottom of ticket t stub. The Torquay concert followed the group's release of their debut album,Please Please Me,, in March 1963. Eight of the fourteen songs on the album were written by Lennon and McCartney. Their songs became the anthems of a generation. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967), their eighth studio album, albu is regarded as one of their greatest works. These two wo pages from an autograph album feature the signatures of The Beatles in black fountain pen ink. The first page, dedicated to "Helen" is signed by three of the group: "love from The Beatles, Paul McCartney xxx" "love ove from George Harrison xxxx" "John Lennon xxx" Ringo Starr's name is hand-written written at the bottom of the page, though not by his hand (possibly written by Paul McCartney). The second page, from the same album, is 'signed' by John Lennon as "Benny Higgins (juggler)". The collector has neatly annotated the page with "John Lennon's joke". This unusual page is accompanied by a ticket stub for The Beatles concert, Princess Theatre, tre, Torquay, Sunday 18th August 1963. The signatures were obtained on this date. For Sale: £9,950 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: Pablo Picasso An incredible ink and wash drawing, signed and inscribed by the Spanish cubist Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 1973) was an immensely talented sculptor, painter and draughtsman who was greatly influenced by his time spent living in France. He was co-founder founder of Cubist movement and was revolutionary in his application of unusual techniques, chniques, styles and thoughtthought provoking theoretical approach to art. Some of his most famous works include 1937's Guernica and 1907's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. The drawing depicts a dove about to take flight. Picasso has placed his signature and inscribed the drawing at its base, dating it to 1960. The wash appears to have bled at points, somewhat obscuring the artist's autograph, inscription and date. A fine example of the artist's ability to create an evocative form from simple line and wash. This original signed and inscribed brown pen and ink drawing, and wash, is painted onto the yellow paper cover of a printed catalogue for the Picasso Exhibition, 9.5" x 7.25". The exhibition was organised by the Institute of Contemporary Arts at the Tate Gallery, the opening of which was attended by Picasso and the Duke of Edinburgh. For Sale: £9,950 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: An original Playboy Bunny Costume Velvet tuxedo-style style outfit worn at the exclusive Hunt Club and VIP rooms of the London Playboy Club Opened in July 1966, the Mayfair club was a major attraction for celebrities, gamblers and men of leisure until its closure in 1981. From the early 1960s to late 1980s, membership of Hugh Hefner's Playboy Clubs of the world acted as a status symbol for the rich and famous. In the elitist atmosphere of the club rooms, drinks were served by specially trained waitresses: Playboy Bunnies. The tuxedo-style style dress code of the Playboy Clubs became iconic: a tight corset, orset, bunny ears, cotton tails, black mesh tights, high heels, white collars, bow tie, white cuffs and cufflinks. Each bunny also wore a name tag, made from a satin rosette, pinned above her right hip bone. The costumes were so important that they were even e registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. No two costumes were the same and were custom fitted for each woman. Often seamstresses were on duty at the Playboy Clubs in case any repairs or alterations were needed. While Playboy Enterprises ises required all of its employees to turn in their uniforms at the end of their employment, a handful were kept privately. Two costumes are currently on public display at the Chicago History Museum and as part of The Smithsonian collections. The one-piece piece bodice features a laced side seam, press stud fastening for the cotton tail and a back zip. The satin rosette badge features thee name Erica. An accompanying photograph of Erica shows the Playboy Bunny wearing her costume at the London Club. This collection ction of items features one of the iconic Playboy Bunny costume in maroon velvet, worn between 1967 and 1981. This unusual colour was worn only by Bunnies who worked in the Hunt Room and the main VIP area of the London Playboy Club. For Sale: £5,950 Including: Certificate of Authenticity Lifetime Guarantee Free Bank Vault Storage torage Free Insurance Paul Fraser Collectibles, PO Box 2945, Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 9FZ Tel: +44 (0)117 933 9500 Fax: +44 (0)117 974 5423 Email: