Agreement USA 2016hot! - FIPS
Agreement USA 2016hot! - FIPS
re Agreement FIPS-Mouche Championships & lnspection Checklist This is an agreement (in double) on the organisation of a FIPS-Mouche Championship, signed by the representative of the Host Country Federation or Organisation, responsible for the correct enrolment of this championship following the most current FIPS-Mouche Competition rules, Statutes and the FIPS-Mouche Guidelines. 36th FIPS-Mouche World Fly Fishing Championship 2016 Paul Vekemans Vail, Colorado 23/09114 Page 1 of8pages 1. FIPS-Mouche official carrying out inspection: Name & address: Paul Vekemans Erasmuslaan 6 3191 Hever Belgium tel: +32475783357 e-mail: 2. lnternational Organiser: Nominated in accordance with Reference A Art 5.2(c) Name and address: John Knight P0 Box 6084, Vail, CO 81658 970-376-5703 e-mail: tel: Experience at local, National level or World level: Organizes largest FIPS Mouche style tournament in USA, The America Cup, in Colorado for the past 7 years. Executes all areas of event: venue permits, beat setting, controller training, headquarters, rules and modifications, draw, group order, captain's meeting, scoring, and awards celebrations. Completed scoring for last 2 US National Fly Fishing Championships (USNFFC) and Rules Chair for most recent USNf FC. Fersonally have competed in 3 USNFFC. Knowledge of FIPS-Mouche Competition Rules and experience in application: Fully understands rules and tournament process - has hosted many European champion anglers in USA. Will be organizing with Paul Bourcq, Jay Euchner and Jerry Arnold, each of whom have multiple WFFCs experience. 3. Championship Programme: Detailed programme (attached at Annex A), including all timings, to be available at start of attached Annex A inspection: see Name & date of the Championship: 36th FtPS Mouche World Fly Fishing Championship 2015 September 7L-18,2016 4. Estimated attendance: (numbers of participants for calculation of Participation Fee): 25 Teams with 8 anglers each = 200 attendees Number of teams entered, or assumed, at date of inspection: 25 tearns (For WORLD championships: just 1 national team allowed ) Total Team members: (max of 8 per team): 8 Team Guests & Visitors: 40 National officials: FIPS-Mouche officials: max. 3 at World & 2 at European (in single rooms) 2 single rooms at host hotel Seasons / Four / Vail lnternational Hotel FIPS-Mouche lnternational Supervisors: max. 5 ( in twins or single rooms) 3 double rooms at host hotel Guests of Honour: - TBD Speaking with l\4ayor of Vail - Vail info Colorado Parks & Wildlife - welcome to our waters 23109114 Page? of I I watershed pages - 2 beds 5. Accommodation: Hotels, names, official grade, number of rooms by type and total beds: Hsst hotel Evergreen Lodge, Vail, CO Approximate 120 roo.1s ,!Odolbles, 20 condos, 20 luxury suites. Evergreen Lodge Hotel for officials( board + international Supervisors): Same as above or Four Season, Vail, C0 (it over flow of host hotel) All in-country cost related to the presence and activities of the Board and the lnternational Supervisors for the whole duration of the official program of the championship will be included in the budget of the championship. Lodging and Meals will be provided to 7 officials for program dates. 2 single rooms for FIPS board / 3 douhles for 5 officials Distances between if hotels are not together: single hotel or Four Season is 200 meters to the East Meeting rooms: Jury Meetings (10+), Captains Meetings (40+) & presentation facilities: Meeting rooms that can hold up to 100 are available. Discrete room for input of results: Smaller room will be setup for scoring and privacy. lnternet connections in all rooms: Yes Chalet/lodge Accommodation: n/a Arrangements for early arrivals (contact details and facilities available): Early arrival can take advantage of discounts at host hotels. Merchant discounts for food and activities will be available. Championship/Registration Office - ln main hotel or separate: easy access for registrants: At host hotel in Vail. Credentials and Fishing Licenses, Entry form verification, collection of National Anthems, team gift bags, and event programs. National flags to be flown throughout: All representing countries from September 1L-L8,2016 at host hotel, parade, opening / closing ceremonies, and awards party 6. External catering: Arrangements for lunches during championships: Lunclres will be catered at each rnorning sector for lunches on site. Tent and picnic tables will be provided. Out-of-hotel events: Town of Vail Flag Parade, opening and closing ceremonies, conservation symposium and welcome dinner on top of Vail mountain. 23/09/t4 Page 3 of8 pages Sector I: lnclude details including, Name, Average length of beat and Buffer zones, Fish species Loch - l-ake Sylvan - Drift Boats * Rainbow, Brown, Brook Sector ll: lnclude details including Name, Average length of beat and Buffer zones, Fish species Loch - Dillon Reservoir - Drift Boats - Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Kokanee Sector lll: lnclude details including, Name, Average length of beat and Buffer zones, Fish species River - Eagle River - Wade * 150 yards - 10 yard buffer - Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Cutthroat Sector lV: lnclude details including, Name, Average length of beat and Buffer zones, Fish species River - Colorado River - Wade - 150 yards - 10 yard buffer - Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Cutthroat Sector V: lnclude details including, Name, Average length of beat and Buffer zones, Fish species River - Blue River - Wade - 150 yards - 10 yard buffer - Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Cutthroat 8. Official Practice waters: (Reference A: Article ) Namefishing style: Wade - Colorado River Name/fishing style: Wade - Blue River - - Coyote Ranch near Dotsero i. mile above comp water Nameffishing style: Loch Dillon Reservoir Town of Frisco Frisco Bay Marina - 2 miles from comp water boats Name/fishing style: Loch Lake frlottingham Town of Avon < may cancel this venue if no fish Sufficient area and boats of similar size and construction as competition boats: All drift boats - all very similar styles * Hyde, Clackacraft, Boulder Boat Works ,2ln0l1/l D^*^ A - - drift dritt boats Details of transport and timings to be agreed before first Captains' meeting: Event will have 1, 49 Person Tour Bus, for each group - 5 total for transfer needs See prograrn for timing 9. Unofficial Practice waterr: (Reference A: Name: Article ) Species: - public waters Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Cutthroat Name: Colorado River Eagle River - public water Species: Rainbow, Brown Name: Blue River - public waters Species: Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Cutthroat Name: Dillon Reservoir - boat rental available Lake Species: Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Kokanee Extremities of Competition Sectors not to be made avoilable for unofficial pmctice Guides/ interpreters and costsl The organizer will provide one French interpreter to co read the opening and closing ceremonies and awards banquet sp€eches. 10. Draw: (Reference A: Article 2.71 FIPS-Mouche secret draw method mandatory: Yes LCD projector and screen required: Will be provided Desktop computer with Windows Will be provided with Windows 7 XP to Windows 7, keyboard, screen, mouse and compatible printer required: FIPS-Mouche will oversee draw and results: Yes Table tennis balls required for draw of Teams and Competitors: Will be provided Markings: 1 set from 1 to total number of teams \ 1 set from A to C, D or E depending on the number of Groups. 11. Scoring and Results: System for collection/transmission catches from Sectors (detailed description of document transmission/delivery with tested and proved timings): Controllers collect score sheet from their competitor and provide carbon to competitor, each sheet is handed to Sector Judge, who counts and verifies all are accounted for, and then hands off session sheets to Group captain. Sheets will be in beat order and placed in sealed bag for safety. Group Captain will hand off score sheets to Hotel Captain, who will get all group scores and deliver to Scoring Room. FIPS officials witl input scoring. Print and place scores on host hotel viewing area and on line on WFFC website. Scores to be posted nightly. Final scores to be posted 3 hours prior to awards. Scoring card example, following the FIPS-Mouche Template (carbon 23l}ql14 Paoe 5 of I napes copy!) We will use the FIPS scoring sheet. Back-up computer + mandatory use of FIPS-Mouche scoring program: Will be provided Two computer operators required to input results: Will be provided Board for display of results (up to 50 A4 pages and accessible to public and Competitors): Will be provided or taped accordingly for viewing needs. Fast Photocopier required + paper + stapler + 25 A4 envelopes + markers Will be provided 12. Transport: lReference B: Stondords) system for meeting incoming teams (arrangements at airport/hotel/tourist centre: Details for communication/bookings) : Teams will have information to get rental cars or van services to Vail, CO. Maps will be provided. Teams will receive discounted travel information. System for moving competitors, controllers & officials means of transport. Cornpetitors will be moved to practice and comp waters in buses - officials will have 2 rental vehicles {Z). distances/times to and between the sectors, 20 - 50 miles locations, Eagle River, Blue River, Colorado River, Sylvan Lake, Dillon Reservoir parki etc StasinE location and oarkine are at venues During official practice during Championships: see program / agenda Timings (including time for competitors to prepare before each session - 30 minutes) : Sector / Beat review time has been included in program agenda Safety margins and back up (to be described in detail at inspection) A substitute loch and river sector will be 23109t14 Page 6 of8 pages t I available. Car or transport provided for FIPS-Mouche board during the championship 2 shared vehicles 13. Ceremonies: (Reference B: Ceremonies) All Media rights for all FIPS-Mouche Championships are owned by FlpSMouche: FIPS-Mouche will have final approval for any production. For any championship, only one awards ceremony is authorized and permitted, and it will be at the final/Closing Ceremony. No other types of presentations will be allowed announcing the winners of the Championship. Sound system and loudspeakers: yes Medals provided by FIPS-Mouche: Yes National Anthems-to be brought by teams and checked when medallists known: Will be collected at registration and be available at closing ceremonies. French interpretation, as a minimum, to be provided we will supply 1 interpreter. National flags available Will be purchased 14. Conservation Symposium: (Reference B: Symposium ) Obligatory at World level: Yes Must meet agreed criteria The 2016 WFFC will provide a Conservation Symposium in Vail Village on the topics of watershed conservation, invasive species, and fishery management. The following organizations will attend and provide a presentation and speaker: Colorado Parks and Wildlife 1&15min max Our Mission is to perpetuate the wildlife resources of the state, to provide a quality state parks system, and to provide enjoyable and sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire current and future generations to serve as active steu/ards of Colorado's natural resources. Trout Unlimited 10-15min max To conserve, protect and restore North America's cold water fisheries and their watersheds. Today TU is a national organization wlth more than 140,000 volunteers organized into about 400 chapters from Maine to Alaska. This dedicated grassroots army is matched by a respected staff of lawyers, policy experts and scientists, who work out of more than 30 offices nationwide. These conservation professionals ensure that TU is at the forefront of fisheries restoration work at the local, state and national levels" Eagle River Watershed Council lO-t5min max Advocates for the health and conservation of the Upper Colorado and Eagle River basins through research, education, and projects. The Council strives to protect and enhance the high-quality natural, scenic and economic values that our rivers and tributaries provide to the citizens, visitors and wildlife of the Eagle River and Colorado River watersheds located in Eagle County. 15. Guest Programme: Outline Programme (Reference B: Application) 23109n4 Page 7 of8 pages I See attachment 16. Budget and Finance ( Reference A: Article 6.1(f) ond Reference B) Budget Template to be completed See attached Participation Cost-Team member $t,gOO per attendee average 7 per team = 59,400.00 Registration will review all team payments, to ensure all team fees are paid in full, before being allowed to register. Participation Cost-Guest : For senior World: anti-doping tests (4 pers) : +/2O t25O€ Yes € FIPS-Mouche fee per registrant ( b & c) to be paid by Hosts: yes FIPS-Mouche bank details: Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat - L-2954 Luxembourg Bank Address BIC (Swift) : BCEELULL Account n IBAN: LU62 0019 0038 5693 7000 ( € EURO) for Championship payable to CIPS Treasurer, before start of the competition: Yes bank details: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - sportello Roma Cassa CONIVia Costantino Nigra n. 15 - 00194 ROMA current account No. 088 CIN: Q CAB: 03309 ABI: 01005 BAN rT70QO1005033crO@000000088 SWIFT code BIC BNt Il TRR held in the name of CIPS. 5(X) € CIPS fee CIPS r Transaction fees are responsibility of teams. 17. lnsurance: lReference A: Article 8.7) Extent of lnsurance Cover arranged by Hosts $f,OO0,OO0 liability policy will be provided 18. Safety and Security Local threats - none Liaison with local police - Area law enforcement agencies know the event is happening. Health precautions * High altitude hand outs will be provided Medical support: EMS personnel provided at each venue during comp days :{{!: )71o9/14 For FIPS-Mouche: Paul Vekemans Pqop R nfR nqoac