February - San Joaquin Dixieland Jazz Society
February - San Joaquin Dixieland Jazz Society
The delta rag A non-profit organization dedicated to the education, preservation and promotion of Traditional Jazz FEBRUARY 2016 ISSUE NUMBER 435 Sunday, February 7th 2016 - Noon to 5 PM Location: ELKS LODGE - 8900 Thornton Road - Stockton, CA Map/Directions? See our web site: http://www.stocktondixielandjazz.org FEATURING YOU! - IT’S JAM-A-ROO DAY! YES, IT’S JAM A ROO SUNDAY! JAMMERS ALL DAY! PLUS ASSORTED FEATURED BANDS We have the best musicians in the area. So….If you are a musician, grab your axe and come on down to the Stockton Elks Club to join in the fun. If you would like to schedule a set in advance for yourself or for your band, contact our Vice President/Music Director Carl Kaiser ASAP. E mail to: keybonekaiser@hotmail.com What? You aren’t a musician? No problem! There will be lots of really great listening, dancing and toe tapping music coming your way ... all day long. Staying home to watch football is not an excuse! Yes! We are aware of a football thing happening late in the day over there in Santa Clara. Among us are some pretty rabid football fans. So, for all of you football nuts... Here’s the Deal! We will not tell the score!!! We all must agree that no one will run around in the Elks Club Ballroom telling the score or discussing the game! Most of us football fans, who are also very loyal to our music, have set the TIVO/Recorder thingy at home and are recording the game. Once our music day is done, we will return to our humble abodes to watch that game as if it were live. Delusional? Sure! Lame? Maybe. But it works! Better yet, the game doesn’t start until 3:30 PM. So even if some big mouth blabs the half time score, you still won’t know the final outcome. So, “Won-cha Come on Down An’ Join us?” Page 1 MONEY MATTERS: February 2016 - Treasurer’s Report HAPPY 2016 EVERYONE!!!! I'm so glad the holidays are over, are you???? Or am I just getting old and cranky!!!! The San Joaquin Dixieland Jazz Society SJDJS 2016 OFFICERS President...............................Frank Lindskoog Past President....................Dick Lockwood VP/Music Director................Carl Kaiser (Carl’s email: keybonekaiser@hotmail.com ) Secretary….....Barbara Baughman Treasurer......................Geri Eckert Promotional Mgr...................(Vacant) Equipment Mgr.......................Larry Tyrell Member at Large…….…......Judith Griffiths Member at Large..................Kerry Lockwood Historian...........................................Larry Tyrell Delta Rag Editor ………………. .Dick Lockwood Delta Rag email: editor@stocktondixielandjazz.org Delta Rag contributors....…. Frank Lindskoog, Carl Kaiser, Dick Lockwood, Geri Eckert, Dave Tygett, Ruth Grijalva , Photos: Kerry & Dick Lockwood VOLUNTEERS Admission desk coordinator - Judy Griffiths Admission desk volunteers - Audrey Gulick, Beverly Martin, Reva Williams, Julie Schumacher, Edith Sanchez, Elizabeth Gunter, Alice Hannan, Judy Griffiths Subs are: Gladys Duncan, Virginia Weins, Mary Doherty, Larry Tyrell, Ellie Buhlert and Tony Morreira Raffle chairman........Dave Tygett Web Administrator.......................Kerry Lockwood Website. http://www.stocktondixielandjazz.org Nomination Committee: Jan & Ellie Buhlert Equipment Crew: Larry Tyrell, Art Bregante, Wilt Fernandez, Mark Kramer, Carl Kaiser Bill Sharp, Frank Lindskoog, Dick Lockwood Carl Warmdahl The DELTA RAG is published monthly by the San Joaquin Dixieland Jazz Society. The submission deadline for material to publish is the day of the session preceding the desired issue date. (No comment from you, Bill Sharp!!!!!!) I was pleasantly surprised with the January turnout, especially it being only 3 days after New Years Eve! We had 55 signatures at the door and 15 jammers showed up to entertain us. And that they did! The membership money is coming in now plus we had wonderful donations from: WILT FERNANDEZ, ARDETH (PAT) ANDERSON and FRANK LINDSKOOG. Thank you to all of them for their generous financial support to the club. The donations are what keep us afloat, though we do sink just a little each year....So all donations are much appreciated, no matter the size. INCOME: $2391.00 Door Membership Donations Raffle Kitty & CD sales EXPENSES: $1081.10 Rent Band (Cocuzzi) 339 530* 1,150* 150 76 550 500 Rag printing 25.72 ASCAP (Oct, Nov, Dec) 5.38 See you next month: Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016 Ger~ Make today a beautiful day! For more information, including ad prices and directions on placing your Ad, go to our web site and click on the owl at the bottom of our front page. Or, you can click this link to go there now: http://www.stocktondixielandjazz.org/ Page 2 PRESIDENT’S REORT FEBRUARY 2016 - Frank Lindskoog Hello all you fellow clubbers. Are there any “February 29’ers” among you? If so, Happy Birthday Anniversary times four to you. It must have been hell when you were a kid. Those of you who read this column know how I like to bring to the fore American initiations. One more: military tunes. Prior to our civil war the world's armies marched to percussion alone. Well perhaps a fife or flute. By that time we had begun the composition of popular music played by bands, as opposed to the classics from Europe played by their orchestras. We gave the world military, college and entertainment/dance bands. Our club continues to attract audience and dancers in numbers sufficient to carry on, despite the member maladies generate by advancing average age. That's what we do, keep going. It is most gratifying to me, and I am sure to your board. And we continue to upgrade equipment, enabled by the generosity of members. More about that nearby in other reports. URT,s of the month: Syntax Sarcasm and Numb Nomenclature: Certified used cars? No need. I don't think for one moment you would try to slip me a brand new one. “Profiling” is a bad word? Police work w/o it is like digging for clams in the desert. Guaranteed to fail. I am so glad that your sweater started to unravel. A sweater which continues to ravel soon will disappear. Don't waste your money on a hot water heater, go directly for one that heats cold water. “Shock absorbers” [sic] are not there to absorb shock; the older/more worn, the less shock. So for maximum-hard ride replace every 6 months. The containers call for “Recycled” material. But where do we put the material which not yet has been cycled? Near miss? Sorry, a near hit would have kept you safe. I have been an enthusiastic AAA member for decades and now in need more than ever because I no longer can haul out the spare wheel and swap for a flat tire. But this past month I was sorely disappointed. I injured my toe while walking on rough ground and when I submitted the bill for a toe truck it was rejected out of hand. I will have to re-think continued membership. No Board meeting is scheduled for February. Next one is March 7th. Til next month, your Prez. SWEETHEARTS DINNER DANCE! The Sacramento Elks Club is featuring a Sweetheart Ball for Valentine’s Day Friday, February 12, 2015 This event is open to members of SJDJS and their invited guests! Join us for a Great Dinner and an Evening of Dancing to LIVE MUSIC by: The Seldom Herd Jazz Band Advanced Reservations Please! FOR TICKETS OR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: (916) 422-6666 Mon - Thur 9am - 2pm / Fri 12:30 - 5:30pm (after hours, leave a message and phone number and we’ll return your call) We accept credit card payment by phone. For directions and more information see our website: http://www.elks6.com/ The Seldom Herd Jazz Band Charlie Gehlbach (AK: Dr. Bach) - Trumpet & Leader Geri Eckert - Vocalist Carl Kaiser - Keyboard & Music Director Mark Kramer - Guitar & Sound Technician Bill Sharp - Bass Jim Roberson - Drums Bob Gonzalez - Trombone Dick Lockwood - Reeds & Head Shepherd Page 3 SEEN AT THE SCENE in January 2015 Billie Ricker, Editor Emeritus - The Delta Rag Billie wasn’t at our January SJDJS Session. She took the day off to be with her family. Billie will be back with her column next month. We Are Americans by Ruth Grijalva Let's be proud! Let's be proud! We should sing, and sing out loud. We are Americans, free and brave Americans. We are proud! We are free! We are free! In the wondrous land of liberty Americans, true, sincere, Americans; Yes, we are free! Long live our country; the land for you and me. Let's be brave! Let's be brave! Long may our colors wave. Americans are equal. Let's be brave! Let's be brave! Let us pray, let us pray, That united we'll always stay; True Americans love America. Oh! Let us pray. We've had: Washington, and Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy too; Astronauts and space crafts; Inventions for everything new; Let us give thanks, Let us pray, That we'll always be this way. We're Americans! We are Patriots! Please let us live the American way. Two hundred years have passed away. What comes next! We cannot say. Let us hope there'll be a way To continue to be faithful, to be honest, to be grateful. We're Americans. We are free! Our land's the only place to be. Page 4 PEE PEE (PAST PRESIDENT) SEZ — February, 2016 OK Fans! And I do mean Fans! Here is the first order of the day. Our next Session is on Sunday the 7th of February. Coincidentally, the National Football League has scheduled their big game for the same afternoon. Apparently nobody told them we had already reserved that day for our event. We have made several calls to the Office of the NFL to tell them they have to reschedule. Our calls have not been returned??? Therefore, we intend to go on with our Session, while implementing the following rules: Football fans who are coming to our Session are requested to set their VCRs and TIVO boxes in advance, and record the event. While at the SJDJS Session, you are respectfully requested to not announce the score. The Stockton Elks Club has its annual game party going on in the back room. As has been the case for many previous SJDJS February Sessions, we will only be using the Main Ballroom. Of course you may go to the rear room to obtain food and liquid refreshments of your choice. However, if you should accidentally become aware of the game score, you are to pretend you don’t know it. Should any of these precautions fail, we note that the game does not start until late afternoon. There is no way to know the final score before you return home. You will be home by half time. Insane? No! Simple Minded? Probably? Will it help us to get the folks to our session that would ordinarily stay home to watch a football game? We certainly hope so! Time will tell! On Sunday, January 24th. it was my great privilege to be a small part of the Celebration of the life of Jim Fusaro. A day of NFL football playoffs on the Tube did not prevent a very large crowd from attending. The event was held at the Carmichael Elks Club in Sacramento. And, the joint was Jumping! Jim’s friends and family outdid themselves. Food, speeches, a slide show of memories, all-day live music and just plain good friendship were the order of the day. Jim would have been so very proud of this gang! Carol Fusaro was surrounded by friends and family throughout the day and was in great spirits. Special recognition for the success of the event must go to Carol and the rest of Jim’s Family. Charlie Gehlbach (Doc Bach) did a great job as Master of Ceremonies. I am pretty certain that Barbara and Jay Paulus had a lot to do with the success of the event too. I know I am forgetting some key people. So, to everyone that contributed to the success of this event, may I offer you my sincerest - Very Well Done! The joint was packed to the rafters. It looked like the crowds we used to have at our Sunday Sessions in years past. There were a lot of very familiar faces that we have not seen as often as before. Several times during the day, the audience was encouraged to return to regular attendance at the area Jazz Society Sunday Sessions. Had Jim Fusaro been on the mics, I think he too would have implored the audience to come back to the area clubs on Jazz Sundays. Homework assignment for the month: Jan Garber’s Orchestra Playing: “At Sundown”. I think you will like this lively two beat tune. Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd3ju9cOVQg Here’s a bit more about Jan Garber (from Wikipedia): Garber was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. He had his own band by the time he was 21 (around 1917). He became known as the “Idol of the Airwaves", in his heyday of the 1920s and 1930s, playing jazz in the vein of contemporaries such as Paul Whiteman and Guy Lombardo. Garber played violin with the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra after World War I and formed the Garber-Davis Orchestra with pianist Milton Davis from 1921-1924. After parting with Davis, he formed his own orchestra playing both "sweet" and "hot" 1920s dance music. He was hit hard by the Great Depression and in the 1930s he refashioned his ensemble into a big band and recorded a string of successful records for Victor. During World War II Garber began playing swing jazz, a rather unexpected turn. The recording restrictions in America during the war eventually made his ensemble unfeasible, and he returned to "sweet" music after the war, continuing to lead ensembles nearly up until the time of his death in Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1977. I’ll See You Sunday, Feb. 7th. Remember: no talking about scores...unless it’s about music scores! That’s 30 for February 2016! Dick Lockwood AKA: PEE PEE (Past Prez) and Delta Rag Editor Page 5 Board Member At Large Judy Griffiths Equipment Manager Larry Tyrell Thank you to all our Set-up and Crew Members! Thank You to All Our Admission Desk Volunteers! Remember your 2016 Dues are due. Please show your Card at the door. SPLINTERS FROM YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS QUESTION: What has Mark Kramer done now? WOW!!! He has gone out and bought our club a new Sound Mixer. Donated it too! On Jan 6, 2016, Mark wrote a letter to Frank, Carl and Bill: “In Stockton, our powered mixer is intermittent in operation. Some channels are very weak. The potentiometers are gummed and oxidized from use and age. So, I bought a new one to donate to SJDJS. I should have it by January 16. This mixer has 9 mic inputs and has dual 350 watt outputs. It is the Behringer PMP2000. I have one and I am happy with it. I will bring it to Stockton on the first Sunday in February.” Thank You, Mark! Page 6 DA VEEP SEZ: For February of 2016 The first session of the San Joaquin Dixieland Jazz Society was highlighted by music led by Kristy and John Cocuzzi and Peter Hackett. SJDJS is so fortunate to be able to attract such fine musicians every month. So much of that credit goes to the folks who built the club from the very beginning and nurtured the family culture that is the SJDJS. Kristy, John and Peter are world-class musicians who are always in high demand because they can play anything and play it well. They have a formula for success. They start performing, get clues as to what the audience wants, and go there with the highest quality music! Many thanks to Kristy, John and Peter for inviting Bill Sharp and me to join in the music making. Of course, we know Bill as a super musician — you name the instrument (and voice!) and he will entertain! I was just slidin’ down the razor blade of life! It’s a trombone thing! The jammers were again in fine form. Is it me or have the jammers upped their game in the last several months! Our jammers in January were Pat Bradley, Geri Eckert, Charlie Gelbach, Steve Gonsoulin, Bill Hoffman, Loren Iversen, Mark Kramer, Steve Lee, Frank Lindskoog, Dick Lockwood, Jim Lucas, Larry Tyrell, Carl Warmdahl and new Grandpa, Chris Williams. And a first set surprise, with a very nice vocal by Bev Martin on “It’s Been a Long Long Time.” Jammers? Did somebody mention Jammers? Our February session will feature several musical groups. As of this writing and because of the nature of jamming, I have no idea who they are and what they will play! Hence, the term, jam session! With that said, I can predict this — lots of good music and fellowship! What could be better? Beats the Stuper Bowl! Be there! The musicians certainly had a great time trying out our new equipment at the January session. As you may know, new microphones, mic stands and cables were donated by Mark Kramer. So, how can we top that? Well, Mark has decided to donate one more item, a powered mixer to connect the new toys listed above. While this may not interest you very much, you will enjoy our music much more with this badly needed new equipment. A hearty thank you to Mark may not be enough, but will have to suffice. Again thank you, Mark! You can reach me at: keybonekaiser@hotmail.com Carl Kaiser VP/MD SUPPORT LIVE DIXIELAND First Sunday of the month - Noon to 5:00 pm: San Joaquin Dixieland Jazz Society See our Web page http://www.stocktondixielandjazz.org/ for more information on time, bands and directions to the Elks Club at 8900 Thornton Rd., Stockton. On February 7th it’s John Jam a Roo : Jammers all day. So You Musicians — Bring Your Ax! We will put you to work. Contact our VP/Music Director, Carl Kaiser to schedule a time slot. Email: keybonekaiser@hotmail.com Second Sunday of the month - Noon to 5:00 pm: Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society. Elks Lodge, Riverside Drive - Sacramento. Web: http://www.sacjazz.org/ February 14, 2016 "Jazz Sunday" TJYBF CLINICIANS BAND with all-stars Bob Draga, the Midiri Brothers, Greg Varlotta, Eddie Erickson, Bill Dendle, Jason Wanner, Shelley Denny, and Ron Jones. Third Sunday of the month - February 21st - Noon to 5:00 pm: Modesto Traditional Jazz Society – Clarion Inn, East side of Highway 99 @ Sisk Rd. - Modesto. Web: http://www.modestojazz.com/wp/ The New Black Tuesday Jazz Band February 21st - 1 to 5 pm: South Bay Traditional Jazz Society - Sunnyvale Elks Lodge. Silicon Gulch Jazz Band Web: http://www.sbtjs.org/ February 28th - Basin Street Regulars Jazz Club (Pismo Beach) - Cell Block 7 Web: http://www.pismojazz.com/index.html 1st & 3rd Tuesdays - 6:30 to 8:30 pm: Cell Block 7 – Royce’s BBQ, East side of Highway 99 @ Eight Mile Road - Stockton. Web: http://www.cellblock7.net/ Weds Nights - 6 to 9 pm: You can catch the Creole Jazz Kings at the Clarion Inn, Modesto. (209) 521-1612 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creolejk Friday, February 12 @ 6PM - Riverside Elks Club Sweetheart dinner and dance. Featuring the Seldom Herd Jazz Band (See Ad on page 3) Saturday February 13 - 10th Anniversary STJS Trad Jazz Youth Band Festival (See ad on Page 9) Hey You Band and Music Event People: You got a gig or event coming up? One line shots are free! (space permitting) Page 7 We Won! (When you win, the SJDJS wins too!) Support the SJDJS...buy raffle tickets! Bid high and often! Raffle Ramble January 2016 By Dave Tygett Happy New Year to all. We started off the new year with lots of good music and some nice raffle prizes. Irene Stolberg donated a lovely gift basket that went home with Julie Schumacher. Men’s grooming products donated by the Packard’s was also won by Julie Schumacher? She made a real haul this month! Larry Tyrell got his usual good stuff from TJ”s. The pecan pie was won by Dick Lockwood : the raspberry pie by Joyce Garlough; and the blueberry by Alice Hannan. Christina Aasen got a date-actually a whole package of dates. Irene Stolberg got the almond Danish. The two kalamchoe plants went to Kathy Moriera and Edie Sanchez. The orchid went to Arleen Mataga and the wine to Kathy Moriera. The Black and Tan Ale was won by Francis and Louis. A good time was had by all and you raised $146 for the cause—Thanks. Every month Dave and Marlena Tygett are here to run the raffle for our Society Thank You Both!!! ATTENTION FRIENDS: If you know of someone who is ill, or in need of cheering up, and would like their name on the Sunshine List. Please phone Marlena Tygett at: Page 8 ADVERTISING - MONTHLY PRICING (Color or Black and White) SIZE RATE ORIENTATION Portrait Landscape Full Page $ 75 Half Page $ 50 Quarter Page $ 25 Business Card $ 15 Website Event* $ 35 YOUR AD HE RE ! 7.5” x 10” (vertical) 3.5” x 10” (vertical) 7.5” x 4.8” (horiz.) 3.6’ x 4.8” (vertical) 5.5” x 2.5” (horiz.) 3.6” x 2.3” (vertical) 1 standard-sized web page (with max of 2 links) * See Details on our web site: http://www.stocktondixielandjazz.org/ Advertise Your Web Site Address - Your Band’s Gigs - Your Organization’s Coming Events - Music Festivals - Birthday Greetings Miss-You & Friendship Messages - Anniversaries - Birth Announcements - Favorite Picture - Music Related Want Ads & For Sale Ads - You Name It (Keep it Clean, Family-Friendly and Non-Political) Sizes from Full Page to Business Card are Available with Color Copy On-Line; Black and White in our Mailed Version. Prices Vary Depending on Ad Size and Detail Very Reasonable Rates and... We Discount for Recurring Ads. (Example: Business Card size is $100 annually) For a No-Obligation Quote: Send us an Email With Your Ad to: Editor@Stocktondixielandjazz.org Or visit our Web Site: http://www.stocktondixielandjazz.org/ and click the “Contact Us Tab” US Postal Mail (slower) to: SJDJS, P.O. BOX 4746, Stockton, CA 95204 We presently distribute this publication online and via the U.S. Mail. Our web site gets thousands of “Hits” every month. Deadline for submission of your Ad is the 1st of the Month preceding the desired issue. Page 9 HERE’S OUR JANUARY 2016 MUSICIANS Page 10 We Were Here for the SJDJS January 3rd, 2016 Session! Page 11 SAN JOAQUIN DIXIELAND JAZZ SOCIETY P.O. BOX 4746 STOCKTON, CA 95204 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED www.stocktondixielandjazz.org Your Membership Dues are Important! ~ They help keep SJDJS Dancing! Page 12
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