User guide LeadApp
User guide LeadApp
User guide AddLeads Index Technical advises .................................................................................................................................. 2 Login and use of the web interface..................................................................................................... 2 Generating and editing lead sheets .................................................................................................... 3 Generating and editing e-mail templates .......................................................................................... 7 Installing app users ............................................................................................................................ 12 Exporting the generated leads .......................................................................................................... 13 Statistics ............................................................................................................................................... 16 AddLeads App ...................................................................................................................................... 18 SpeedLead............................................................................................................................................ 22 Unsupported Android Devices ........................................................................................................... 23 1 Technical advises The AddLeads App supports iOS 7 and higher. It’s not possibile to install the app to iOS devices running an older version. You can install the app to an iPad, iPad mini and iPhone running iOS 7 or higher. The AddLeads android App supports android 4.0 and higher. If you install the app on devices running an older version it may causes problems. The best user experience of the AddLeads portal will be performed by using the latest version of Chrome or Firefox. Using the Internet Explorer, ab version 10.0 may result in reduced functionality of the AddLeads portal. Older versions of Internet Explorer are not supported and may cause strong restrictions on the use of the AddLeads Portal. If the execution of JavaScript is blocked, a complete operation of AddLeads portal is not possible. Login and use of the web interface When you order AddLeads from the OBS you will receive an email with a link to the web interface where you will need to confirm your account by giving yourself a password. Afterwards you will be able to log in to the web interface with your username (the email address you provided in the OBS) and the password you have given yourself. The same login details give you access to the AddLeads app. Please note that you will need to create additional accounts for the additional users of the app. The web interface will enable you to install users for the AddLeads app, create and edit lead sheets and export your leads after you have compiled them with the AddLeads app. When you log in to the web interface you will see the co called „Dashboard“. Here you will find general information about the event as well as a graphical display of your collected leads. In top area you will find the menu bar. By clicking on “Leads” you will receive a list of all collected leads. The menu item „New“ lets you create new lead sheets, email template or app users. Through „Settings“ you are able to manage the according elements respectively. 2 Generating and editing lead sheets To add a new lead sheet you can either use “New” in the menu bar and select “Lead sheets” or you can use the menu item “Settings” and select “Lead sheets” from there (Image 1). From here you can manage already existing lead sheets or add new ones. After your first login you will already find a standard lead sheet available in this list. Image 1 You can now select an already existing lead sheet, adjust the content of the sheet with the “Edit” button or add a completely new one. To add a new lead sheet please click on „Add Lead Sheet“ above the list of sheets. As a first step you will have to decide whether the lead sheet should be available in German and/or in English. Now you need to name the lead sheet. The name you choose will be shown in the AddLeads app later on. You can stet a lead sheet active or inactive with the „status“ field. Lead sheets that are “inactive” will not be shown in the AddLeads app. 3 In the next step you are shown the standard fields which will integrate in every lead sheet. You cannot make any modification on these fields. By a click on the “Next”-button you get to the next step (Image 2). Image 2 After the standard fields you will have to specify its content. For this, you have different field types such as dropdown lists, checkboxes and so on to your disposal (Image 3). Image 3 You can find the available field types on the right side of the screen and use drag & drop to pull them into your lead sheet on the left. These only show an example how the current fields can look like. Each selected field type will later on appear in the according lead sheet in the AddLeads app so it is important to name each field accordingly. 4 As soon as you pull a field type into the lead sheet an editor will appear on the right which allows you to specify the element (Image 4). Image 4 „Field name“ allows you to label the element. If you like, you can also pose it as a question (Image 5). If you select a field type that includes a selection value, such as a dropdown list, you will need to specify these values so they will be available for selection in the lead sheet. To add additional values please click on “Add Value”. Image 5 After you have specified the element you need to confirm your specifications with the „Save Element“-button. The element you have just created is now part of your lead sheet and you can continue by adding more elements. All elements of the lead sheet can be edited or deleted afterwards. Do to so, simply select the according button above the element. 5 You can also change the order of the elements by moving the according element via drag & drop to the desired position (Image 6). Image 6 If you have finished adding all elements for your lead sheet you need to confirm your specifications by clicking the button “Save lead” below the lead sheet. Your created lead sheet is now available in your lead selection in the back end as well as in the AddLeads app. If you want to edit one of the existing lead sheet, simply click on the „edit“ icon below “Operations” in the lead list. You can now edit each of the elements or add new field types. Please confirm all changes by clicking the „Save Lead“-button. 6 Generating and editing e-mail templates In addition to the lead sheets, you have the opportunity to create and manage a variety of email templates on the web portal. Therefore you should use the Button “settings” and “EMail” again. (Image 7) Image 7 You will get a list of available e-mail templates. Through the button “Add template” you can modify or create new templates. While creating a new e-mail template you have to name the template and select in which language the template should be. (Image 8) Image 8 7 For fixing the content in the e-mail template you have to click “next”. A box in which you can define your content will appear. From the sidebar you can choose different elements of texts and pictures. As soon as you pulled an element per drag and drop from the sidebar into the box, you can fill in the content. (Image 9) Image 9 8 You can upload pictures from your computer and pull them per drag and drop into the picture-element as well. After that you can use the picture in your e-mail. (Image 10 & 11) Image 10 Image 11 9 You can change the text in the text-element by clicking into the according box. It is also possible to use data fields in the text-elements which you can pull per drag and drop from the sidebar into the text-box. If the all information from the Leads is filled out, the data fields will use the information automatically. “Dear Mr. Mustermann” will be automatically shown in the e-mail by using the data field “salutation formal”. If the required information (salutation, last name) is not provided, the salutation will be “Dear Ladies and Gentleman”. (Image 12) Image 12 10 In the final step you can define the e-mail details such as subject and senders name (Image 13). Therefore you have to fill out the according fields. Additionally you can upload file attachments. Click on “file” in the sidebar, upload an element and choose the required file. Per drag and drop you can pull the element into the box “file attachments”. The uploaded files should not be bigger than 2MB. Image 13 Complete your email template by clicking on „Finish“. The newly created email template is now available from your selection list as well as in the AddLeads app. Advice: Please change the senders e-mail address into an address you have access to. The standard configured e-mail address is All responses from your leads will be sent to this e-mail address. To edit an existing email template, please select “edit” in the selection list. 11 Installing app users After having created your lead sheets and email templates you can add the lead app users. Select “New” and then “User” from the menu bar or alternatively “Settings” and “User”. In the list of already existing users please click on “Add new user” (Image 13). Image 13 Fill out the email address of the desired user and click on „Save”. The app user is now available in the user list. He will receive an email containing a link to the app download as well as his login in detail for the app. You can deactivate or delete a user from the user list under “Operations”. You can also delete one or more users by selecting the checkbox in front of his email address and then use the „Delete user“-button. You need to confirm this action by clicking on „Delete“. 12 Exporting the generated leads After you have generated your leads via the AddLeads app you have the option to export those contacts into Excel. To receive a list with all previously generated leads, simply click on “Leads” in the menu bar. You can now either select individual leads from the list by checking the boxes in front of the respective leads or choose the option “Select all” by using the checkbox next to “Operations” (Image 14). After selecting your leads, you have a variation of actions available, for example sending out your customized emails. To export your selected leads, please select „Export” to open the corresponding module. Image 14 You now have the option to either select an already existing export template or create an individual one. You can see a preview of how your Excel export will look in the preview window. You can select all fields from your lead sheet for your export. Simply use drag & drop to move the according field from the selection list on the left to the right side. You can also change to order of the selected fields by moving them via drag & drop to the desired position. 13 Image 15 The preview window will show your changes in real-time (Image 15). To export the lead attachments (businesscard, signature or audiofile) you have to select coactive the fields businesscard, signature and / or audiofile. Image 16 14 You can export your selected leads and the attachments by clicking the “Export selected guests”. Image 17 Now you get you files in a zip-file. Image 18 You have to extract (unzip) the zip-file. Than you get a new folder with all you exported data. Image 19 The folder includes the excel-file which show you all of your exported data. Image 20 By clicking the link you open the corresponding file. Important note: Opening the files by clicking the link in the excel-file only works as long as the files and the excel-file are located in the same directory. 15 Statistics To get a statistic you have to select the leads you want to show in your statistic. You can select you leads by a click on “Leads” in the menu bar. Now you can select individual leads from the list by checking the boxes in front of the respective leads or choose the option “Select all” by using the checkbox next to “Operations”. After that you can call up the statistic with a click on “Statistics” (Image 16). Image 21 In the statistic you can select data typist, the time period and the fields you want to show in your statistic. You choose the data typist about a drop-down menu. You select any individual data typist or all data typist together. In addition to that you can define the fields you want to consider in your statistic. All fields are considered by default. If you don’t want a field in your statistic you switch the relevant field from the right cleavage to the left one by drag & drop. After that you have to reload the statistic via clicking the “Refresh”-button (Image 17). 16 Image 22 The statistics will be shown as bar charts. There is one graph for each field and the values will be shown in percent. If you move the cursor over the bars you will see the specific numbers (Image 18). Leads that have no select value in the relevant field will be concentrated under “not specified” and also considered in percentage. At this Point you can also evaluate fields which contain multiple-choice like multicheckboxes. Please consider that the percent could be above 100 for these fields. Image 23 17 AddLeads App You can log in to the app with your web interface details. For additional app users you will need to install the according accounts within the web interface by following the guideline in the step “Installing app users”. When the user has downloaded the AddLeads app to his iOS or Android device he needs to log in with the account details provided in the email he has received. Dear Sir, dear Madam, You have been granted authorization to use the AddLead app – an application which allows you to record visitor information during Hannover Messe and to export it using the associated Web portal. Click here to complete your registration: Link Sincerely, Deutsche Messe AG Project Manager Exhibitor Services Sales & Consultancy After logging in to the app the main menu will appear. From here the user can register a new lead by clicking on the “New Lead” button. 18 The lead sheets you have previously generated within the web portal will be shown will be shown in a selection list for the user to choose from. After selecting the required lead sheet the user have to collect the main details from the lead contact. This can be done manually or with the “Scan” function, allowing the user to scan the exhibition ticket of the contact and receive all details provided during the registration. Fields that have not been considered during the registration can still be filled out manually by the app user. 19 iOS (iPhone, iPad) Android (Smartphone, Tablet) Alternatively, you have the option to scan the business card of the guest to fill the contact fields After filling out the contact details please click on “Next” to proceed to the selected lead sheet. When all fields have been filled out together with the contact person. 20 Please click “Next” again to receive a list of the previously generated email templates. Select the appropriate email and click in “Save lead” to finish the lead registration and send out the selected email to the contact person. By clicking manage leads, you will see a summary of your collected leads. The results in "NOT YET UPLOADED" have not been sent to the portal. By clicking a lead, you can edit it. This is done simultaneously as creating a lead. At the end it is automatically synced with the portal. 21 SpeedLead SpeedLead is an additonal function of your AddLeads App. It enables you to record leads without completing a lead sheet or selecting an e-mail. With SpeedLead you can record leads in no time. Before recording you can select a lead sheet which is attached automatically for each country. If you edit a lead after its recording you have the possibility to complete the lead sheet and choose an e-mail for the dispatch later. 22 Unsupported Android Devices 29.05.2015 Manufacturer Model - Device ACER B1-A71– B1-A71 B1-711– B1-711 TA272HUL– ta2 Z110– Z1 Acer E320-orange– C6 DA222HQL– da2 DA241HL– DA241HL G1-715– G1-715 TD600– T603T A110– a110 E140– k4 Iconia Tab A200– picasso_e Iconia Tab A211– picasso_e2 DA222HQLA– da222hqla DA221HQL– da1 G100W– maya Liquid Mini– C4R DA220HQL– DA220HQL DA245HQL– da245hql DA223HQL– da3 S300– a5 B1-710– B1-710 B1-721– b1-721 E120– K2 LiquidMT– a4 Aspire A3– aa3-600 Stream– a3 E310– c4 E130– K3 B1-720– b1-720 E210– k5 Liquid– a1 ANYDATA D2-721G– D2-721G RCA RCT6078W2– AMLEM62 23 Digix TAB-840_G– TAB-840_G COBY MID7055– MID7055 HCL ME TABLET PC U2– M712MC Proscan PLT7777– AMLMID710K HKC P886A– P886A Marquis Tablet– marquis_tablet Lazer MD7305 Tablet / AMTC– MD7305 Coby MID7065– MID7065 ASP320Q_ANDi– ASP320Q_GSM D2-727G– D2-727 Zeki TBDG773– TBDG773 Carrefour CT720 / Emdoor EM63 Tablet– EM63 iCraig CMP749– CMP749 ematic EGS004– EGS004 iCraig CMP748– CMP748 Mach_Speed Trio G2 Tablet– Trio_Stealth_G2 HKC P774A– P774A Philips W626– sangfei73_gb Proscan PLT7223G– PLT7223G Philips W632– robot HKC P771A– P771A_WIFI ematic EGS102– EGS102 Proscan PLT8223G– PLT8223G Nextbook Next7P12– M727MC Insignia NS-13T001 Tablet– oracle LePanII– LePanII_wifi ARCADYAN TV Bbox Miami– HMB4213H ARCHOS 70 Titanium– A70TI HomeSmartphone d800– d800 70 Cobalt– AC70CO Archos 70it 2– A70it2 101 Childpad– A101CHP Archos ArcBook– a101db TV Connect– LUDO Archos 101 Internet Tablet– A101S GamePad– A70GP 101 Cobalt– AC101CO 80 XS– A80XSK 24 Smart Home Tablet– hometablet ARCHOS 80G9– A80S 101 XS– A101XS 101 Neon– A101NE Auchan Selecline 10– SELECLINE10 101 G9– A101 GamePad 2– A70GP2 90 Neon– a90ne Archos 70c Cobalt– ac70cco Archos 70b Cobalt– a70bco ASUS MeMO PAD– me172v Eee Pad TF101-WiMAX– TF101-WiMAX ASUS Transformer AiO P1802– P1802-T ASUS ZenWatch– anthias ASUS ETBW11AA– ETBW11AA Eee Pad– EeePad T101TA– T10xTA Memo Pad HD7 Dual SIM– ASUS-K00S Nuvifone– a50 ASUS Transformer AiO P1801– P1801-T BYD SP355AWG– msm7627a_sku3 BARNES AND NOBLE NOOK® HD– hummingbird NOOK® HD+– ovation CJSC EXPLAY M1 Plus– Fog Favorite– Favorite CELLON starTIM1– starTIM1 C3668– C3668 PLT9606G– PLT9606G SM55– C8660 PLT7130G– PLT7130G PLT7100G– PLT7100G C8646– C8646 25 COMPAL A8– CAP7 A600– CAP5 COSMO DUO– CA22 Andy– cap2 A600– CAP6 AX 8.6– penguin COOLPAD Coolpad 5109– Coolpad5109 5880– CP5880 Coolpad 5210– msm7627a_ea92 Coolpad 5820– msm7627_5820 Coolpad5218D– msm7627a_a5y_5218d CP5210A– msm7627a_d7_5210a Coolpad W706+– msm7627_w706 Coolpad 5010– msm7627a_ea58 5860E– CP5860E MTS-SP150– msm7627_SP150 CP5108– msm7627a_a8_5108_new 8870– CP8870 Coolpad 7019– 7019_msm7627a PAP4000– msm7627a_PAP4000 Coolpad W708– msm7627_w708 5832– CP5832 N930– CP9130 Mtag 353– msm7627a_ea92_mts 8810– dkb Coolpad W706+– msm7627_w706T DELL Dell Venue– venue Dell Aero– Dell_Grappa 101DL– streakpro Streak– streak Dell Streak 10 Pro– Streak10Pro Dell Streak 7– streak7 Cloud Connect– capri_wyse Dell Streak– qsd8250_surf DIGI-IN 26 EGQ337– EGQ337 Tab734– Tab734 ELITE7Q– Elite7Q PMT3677_Wi– PMT3677 MPDC1006– MPDC1006 MID_9526CM– MID_9526CM ECS TA71CA3– TA71CA3_1 TA71CA2– TA71CA2_1 TA71CA1– TA71CA1 ENSPERT enspert_e201– e201 ESP_E301VE– ESP_E301 E-TAB– E-TAB ITP-S100WD– illuminus vanitysmart– vanitysmart MG– MGA930 orion– orion S732– rk3026 FOXCONN INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED M24IS810– MX24 RCA RCT6077W2– RCT6077W2 CSL Spice MI700– mi700 BLUEDOT BNT-700K– BNT-700K CN51– CN51_NN0 BNT-710– BNT-710 FREEBOX TV Freebox Mini 4K– fbx6lc FUHU nabi Big Tab HD™ 20"– DMTAB-NV20A nabi 2S Tablet– nabi2S nabi Big Tab HD™ 24"– DMTAB-NV24A nabi 2 Tablet– mt799 FUJITSU F-12C– f11eif ARROWS Kiss F-03D– f11sky 27 ARROWS M555– M555 STYLISTIC M350/CA2– M350 STYLISTIC MH350– MH350 ARROWS M305– M305 FUJITSU TOSHIBA MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED ARROWS ES IS12F– FJI12 REGZA Phone T-01C– tg03 REGZA Phone IS11T– TSI11 FUJITSU-TEN A-DA– e1853 FUNAI ELECTRIC ALM-001J– smdkv210 GARMIN Nuvi 3595– scorpio GIGABYTE DM65UXR\DM65USR\DM85UXR– mstarnapoli_atsc TECNO P3S– P3S i7– RCT6773W22 E9771– E9771 GSmart G1317S– G1317S HKC A79 Tablet– EM62 EMTEC F400– f400 GSmart G1345– msm7627_sku2 Prestigio PMT5587_Wi– AML8726-MXS VSD231– VSD231-VSA Audiovox T752 Tablet– AD7L JM-250– JM-250 TBQG855– TBQG855 GSmart G1310– G1310 Intenso Tab814S– Tab814S MH-CHANNELS– MH-CHANNELS ODYS UNO X8– UNO_X8 LUXYA MID704DC Tablet / Bitmore Tab770– MY7317P LOGICOM E852GP– E852GP GSmart G1315– G1315 GDENTMY7317– GDENTMY7317 Nobis NB09– M9025 28 THOMSON PRIMO7 Tablet– PRIMO7 Enjoy TV Quad-Core Box– ATV581 GSmart G1355– G1355 GSmart G1317– G1317D W337– W337 Zeki TBQG774– TBQG774 Play– Play PIONEER R1– RCK8726Y703H AZDroid– AZDroid Bitmore Tab870– Tab870 Zeki TBQG884– TBQG884 Gigabyte SB506– SB506 Gigabyte SB510 / IBT-102– SB510 GIGASET SL930– lion_s Maxwell 10– maxwell_10 GOOGLE Nexus 7 (2012)– tilapia Nexus 7 (2012)– grouper Revue– ka Nexus Player– fugu GOOGLE TV Internet TV– asura Android TV– cosmo Cube– asus_google_cube BRAVIA Smart Stick– NSZGU1 TV G– smartbox NSZGS7– NSZGS7 StreamPlayer– VAP430 Android TV G3– eden NeoTVPrime– NeoTV Hisense TV– hisense_gx1200v Internet TV– eagle HP Slate 21 Pro– ranger Slate21– phobos SlateBook 14– 200a Tablet 10– balsa 29 Slate 17– franky 7 Tablet– Mesquite HTC ADR6325– lexikon HTC M9ew– htc_hima_ace_ml_dtul EVO Shift 4G– speedy myTouch 4G Slide– doubleshot myTouch 3G Slide– espresso Desire– bravoc HTC Flyer– express Aria– liberty Legend– legend HTC One E9 dual sim– htc_a53ml_dtul Puccini– puccinilte Chacha– chacha Touch Viva– opal Hero– heroc Desire HD– ace Incredible 2– vivow myTouch 4G– glacier HTC_P515E– expresskt HTC Wildfire S A515c– marvelc G1– dream HTC Incredible E S715e– tagh ADR6330VW– blissc HTC Explorer A310e– pico G1– trout G2– vision Wildfire– buzz myTouch 3G– sapphire Wildfire CDMA– bee Wildfire S– marvel Droid Incredible– inc Droid Eris– desirec Hero– hero Flyer– flyer HTC Salsa C510e– icong HAIER D2-927G– D2-927G polaris_Condroid_X7– polaris-Condroid_X7 30 HS-7DTB25– HS-7DTB25 CMP_765– CMP_765 MT-700– MT-700 GF88– I7A-LE HG-9041– HG-9041 CT715– CT715 HomeSurf742_AT7003– HomeSurf742_AT7003 Haier– PAD69H LE39M7000CF– LE39M7000CF D2-961G– D2-961G HISENSE HS-EG901– EG901 HS-EG876– EG876 HS-U8– U8 HS-E820– E820 MegaFon SIM+– SIMPlus HS-EG870– EG870 HS-T818– T818 G1– G1 HS-EG916– EG916 HS-U860– U860 LED55K600A3D– mt5880 HS-U820– U820B M1101AT– TP9102 U2– U2 M3101BCD– m3101bcd SoundTab MA-317– rk3028a W2400– W2400 HS-E930– E930 NBX-T7014– E270BSA HS-E920– E920 LED46K660X3D– hisense6a801 HS-U820– U820 E910– E910 HS-M170AT– TP9101 HS-E912– E912 PX1900– atm7039c HS-U820– U820AVN C1+– C1Plus HS-U820– U820A HS-U912– U912 31 PX2700– g18ref HISENSE TV 55H6SG– Vision Vision 2.5– vision2_5 Vision2_2– vision2_2 vision2_1– vision2_1 Vidaa– helium3 HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Cisco CP-DX650– CP-DX650 PocketBook A7– EP5A_wifi PocketBook A10– EP10_wifi HUAWEI HUAWEI C8860E– hwc8860E U8230– msm7201a U8220– U8220 U8650– hwu8650 M220– hwmediaqm220 C8500– hwc8500 U8820– hwu8820 M865C– hwm865c U8666-51– hwu8666 M660– hwm660 U8867Z– hwu8867Z U8652-51– hwu8652-51 HUAWEI Y 220T– hwy220t HUAWEI Y210-0010– hwy210-0010 U8832D– hwu8832D T-Mobile Pulse– U8100 M650– hwm650 004HW– msm7227 Y325-T00– HWY325-T HuaweiES8500– hwes8500 S42HW– hwS42HW Leopard MF808– hwy210-0200 U8186– hwu8186 Prism– hwu8651 HUAWEI Y210-0151– hwy210-0151 Y220-T10– hwy220-t10 U8520– hwu8520 32 U8655-1– hwu8655 HUAWEI-M920– hwm920 U8500– msm7225 CM980– hwcm980 C8800– hwc8800 HUAWEI IDEOS U8500– U8500 HUAWEI T8300– T8300 IDEOS X5– msm7230 U8230– U8230 U8666-51– hwu8666-51 HUAWEI C8650+– hwc8650e U8500– hwu8500 u8800– u8800 U8350– hwu8350 IDEOS S7 Slim– qsd8k_slim C8600– hwc8600 U8300– U8300 HUAWEI-M860– hwm860 Pulse– Pulse 007HW– hwu8850 M310– hwsingleboxm310w IDEOS– u8150 ES8100– hwes8100 ORINOQUIA C8688V– orinoquiac8688V HUAWEI Y210-0251– hwy210-0251 MTS-SP101– hwc8511 HUAWEI-C8850– hwc8850 U8812D– hwu8812D Huawei U8800-51– hwu8800-51 M860– msm7625 T-Mobile Pulse– u8220 HUAWEI C8810– hwc8810 M866– hwm866 M835– hwm835 U8230– hwu8230 IDEOS– U8150 HUAWEI U8661– hwu8661 Y220– HWY220-U Huawei-U8665– hwu8665 M865– hwm865 G7500– HWG7500 Y320-U01– HWY320 33 C8860V– hwc8860V Ideos S7– qsd8k_s7 HUAWEI MediaPad– hws7300c M860– M860 U8120– U8120 RBM2– rbm2 HUAWEI Y210-0100– hwy210-0100 U8667– hwu8667 TSP21– U8110 T-Mobile myTouch Q– hwu8730 C8600– C8600 M620– M620 U8510– hwu8510 C8650– hwc8650 UM840– hwum840 Netphone 501– hwu8180 V858– hwu8160 T-Mobile Pulse– u8230 C8512– hwc8512 HUAWEI Y210-2010– hwy210-2010 U8180– HuaweiU8180 HUAWEI C8655– hwc8655 Y210– oay210 HUAWEI-U9000– hwu9000 HUAWEI T8600– T8600 MediaPad Youth– hws7701w A01HW– hwS7-901w Huawei-U8652– hwu8652 T-Mobile myTouch– hwu8680 H866C– hwh866c CHT8000– CHT8000 SONIC– hwu8660 U8185– hwu8185 HUAWEI T8828– T8828 U8600– hwu8600 HUMAX TV B tv smart– BHX-S100 INQ MOBILE INQ Cloud Touch– camden 34 INTEL Orange avec Intel Inside– AZ210B AQ710A– Salitpa SP-A20i– SP-A20i JVC KENWOOD HOLDINGS, INC. RY-AP1– gener KT TECH KM-S120– s120 EV-S100– s100 KM-S220H– s220H KYOCERA CORPORATION Zio– msm7627_kb60 Zio– zio KAON TV B tv smart– BKO-S200 KOBO Arc 7– lbp8 Kobo Arc– zeus Arc 10HD– macallan Kobo Vox– pegasus KYOCERA CORPORATION Echo– KSP8000 WX06K– WX06K DIGNO– KYI11 Milano– C5121 Zio– SCP-8600 Echo– M9300 zio– pls8600 HONEY BEE– 101K Milano– C5120 LG Optimus Pad– lu6900 LGE Optimus Black– bproj_262-XXX 35 LG-P698– gelatods_ngr-xxx LG-P690f– gelato_425-02 LG-P920– cosmo_CIS-XXX Optimus Hub– univa_730-03 Optimus 3D– p920 Optimus Slider– VM701 Optimus Pro– muscat LG-E510f– e510_724-XX Marquee– LG855 Optimus One– thunder_kor-08 LG-P990– p990_262-02 LG-E720– alessi LG-P990h– p990h_724-05 Optimus Hub– univa_214-04 LG-P925g– cosmo_302-720 Optimus Black– ku5900 LG Optimus HUB– univa_eur-xx LG-P920– cosmo_BAL-XXX LG-P920h– cosmo_tcl-mx LG Optimus HUB– univa_arb-xx LG-P993– p993 Optimus Hub– lgc800g Optimus 2X– su660 Optimus Net Dual– gelatods_are-xxx LG-P990h– p990h_730-01 LG-P970– bproj_454-xxx Optimus Z– su950 Optimus Black– bproj_214-03 LG Optimus LTE Tag– lge_120_kt Optimus Pad– v901tr LG-KU8800– x2_450-08 LG-E510– univa_open_cn LG-E510f– univa_tha-xx Optimus Net– gelato_cis-xx LG-P920– cosmo_525-05 LG-P970– bproj_VDF-XXX LG-P920– cosmo_H3G-XXX Optimus 2X– p990 Optimus Spirit– gelato_eur-xx Optimus Zone– e0v Optimus Big– lu6800 My touch 4G– e739 36 Optimus Black– lgp970 Optimus Chat– hazel LG-P970– bproj_232-05 LG Optimus HUB– univa_cis-xxx LG-P940– p940 LG Optimus HUB– univa_open-eu LG-P698f– gelatods_tha-xxx Optimus Pad– v905r Marquee– bproj_CIS-xxx Optimus One– thunderc Optimus Hub– univa_ufn-mx LG Optimus Elite– m3s LG-P990– p990_BAL-xxx LG-C710h– alohag_302-220 LG-P690– gelato_460-xx LG-P920h– cosmo_724-05 Optimus Hub– univa_open-br LG-P692– gelato_nfc_530-24 Optimus 2X– p990hN Optimus Hub– univa_open-de LG-P970– bproj_260-03 LG-P920– cosmo_466-92 LG-P990– p990_466-92 Optimus Hub– univa_ent-cl Optimus 2X– star_450-05 Optimus 2X– p990_CIS-xxx LG-P690– gelato_tmb-sk LG-P690– gelato_win-it Optimus Pad– l06c LG-E510– univa_454-xx LG-P920– cosmo_505-XXX Optimus Q2– bssq_450-06 LG-P920– cosmo_268-06 Optimus Hub– univa_740-01 Optimus 2– as680 LG-E510– univa_vdf-es LU2300– lu2300 LG Esteem– MS910 Optimus Pad– v909mkt Optimus One– lu3700 Marquee– LS855 LG-P920– cosmo_ESA-XXX 37 LG-P920– cosmo_OPEN-CN Optimus EX– x2_450-05 Optimus Net Dual– gelatods_cis-xxx LG-P690– gelato_hkg-xx Optimus Net Dual– gelatods_sea-xxx Optimus Black– bproj_334-020 G Watch– dory LG Optimus HUB– univa_tur-xx Optiimus Black– bproj_208-01 LG Watch Urbane– bass Optimus 2X– p990_262-xx LG-P990– p990_219-10 Optimus Black– LGL85C LG-P690– gelato_262-xx Optimus Net Dual– gelatods_open-br LG-P690– gelato_mor-xx LG-P690– gelato_are-xx LG Optimus LTE Tag– lge_120_skt LG-P925g– p925g Optimus Hub– univa_tlf-es Optimus Net– lgl45c Optimus Vu– lge_325_skt LG-P970– bproj_OPEN-CN LG-P920– cosmo_454-XXX LG-P690– gelato_bal-xx Optimus Black– bproj_sea-xxx Optimus One– thunder_kor-05 LG-P990– p990_525-05 Marquee– L-07C Optimus Plus– m3_acg_us G Watch R– lenok Optimus Net– gelato_sea-xx Optimus One– ku3700 Optimus Hub– univa_730-01 KU9500– ku9500 Optimus Q– lgl55c LG-V901– v901twn Optimus Net– gelato_302-610 LG DOUBLEPLAY– lgc729 LG Revolution– bryce LG-P690– gelato_tur-xx Optimus Mach– LU3000 38 LG-P920– cosmo_MOR-XXX LG-P970– bproj_222-88 Optimus 2X– p999 Optimus Hub– lgc800 Shine Plus with Google– alohag LG-P920h– cosmo_724-xxx LG-P692– gelato_nfc_234-10 LG-P990– p990_454-xxx LG-P970– bproj_234-33 LG-P920– cosmo_TMO-XXX LG-E510– univa_tmo-gr Optimus Pad– v900 LG-P990– p990_505-xxx LG-P920– cosmo_OPT-XXX Optimus Hub– univa_ssv-xxx Optimus Black– bproj_302-220 Optimus Pad– v909 LG-P990– p990_208-10 LG-V900– v900aus LG-P692– gelato_nfc_tim-it LG-P970– bproj_BAL-xxx LG-P970– LGP970 Optimus One– su370 Optimus Black– bproj_ARE-XXX LG-E510– univa_neu-xx LG Optimus HUB– univa_222-01 LG-E510– univa_525-05 Optimus Pad– v900asia LG-P920– cosmo_525-01 Thrill 4G– p925 LG-P990– p990_228-01 Optimus Hub– univa_724-05 Optimus Pad– v901kr Ally– aloha Optimus Black– bproj_724-xxx Optimus Hub– univa_tcl-mx LG-P920– cosmo_515-XXX LG-LU3000– hub LG-P920h– cosmo_724-02 LG-P990– p990_226-01 LG OPTIMUS M+– m3_mpcs_us LG-P990– p990_234-xx 39 LG Enlighten– VS700 Optimus 2X– p990_EUR-xx LG Spectrum– VS920 LG-P990– p990_esa-xxx Thrill 4G– cosmo_310-410 Optimus chat– elini Optimus Hub– univa_viv-br Optimus Black– bproj_EUR-XXX LG Optimus One– thunderg Swift– swift Optimus Hub– univa_usc-mx Optimus 3D– cosmo_MEA-XXX LG Optimus HUB– univa_esa-xx Optimus 3D– su760 LG-P970– bproj_214-07 LG-LU6200– msm8660_surf PecanV– pecanV USCC-US855– US855 Optimus 3D– cosmo_450-05 LG Pecan– pecan LG-P990h– p990h_CTM-xxx LG-P990h– p990h_334-020 LG-P990h– p990h LG-P970– bproj_228-03 Optimus Hub– univa_ctm-xxx Optimus 3D– cosmo_EUR-XXX LG-P698– gelatods_bal-xxx Optimus LTE– iproj LG Optimus L3 Dual– e1 LG-P990– p990_214-01 LG-E510g– univa_722-34 LG-LU3100– lu3100 LG-P690– gelato_sgp-xx LG-L95G– l95g LG-AS855– AS855 LG-P920– cosmo_VDF-XXX LG-P920h– cosmo_viv-br Optimus Mach– lu3000 LG Optimus L3– e0_open_eur Eve– EVE LG OPTIMUS ZIP– lgl75c LG-P970– bproj_530-XXX 40 Optimus Net Dual– gelatods_ind-xxx LG-P698– gelatods_open-xx LG-E510– univa_bal-xxx Optimus Vu– 325 LG-P990h– p990h_716-10 LG-E510– univa_525-01 LG-P990h– p990h_730-03 LG-P970– bproj_226-10 LG Optimus L3– e0 Optimus Pad– v901ar LG-LS700– ls700 Optimus Spirit– gelato_505-01 USCC-US760– envt2 LG-E510– univa_228-01 LG-P970– bproj_231-01 LG-P990– p990_525-01 LG-P690– gelato_ngr-xx LG-P990h– p990h_SSV-xxx LG-P990h– p990h_722-34 Optimus Hub– univa_clr-br 070 touch– w3voip LG-P990– p990_466-xxx LGE TV Smart Box HD– SH940C-LN SH950C-CM– stb_catv_cnmuhd Hello TV Smart– SX930C_CJ SFR-G8800– stb_dvb_sfr LAP250U– hg2 ST940I-UP– tvg2 Smart TV II– stb_catv_cnm LENOVO MOBILE Lenovo S760– apollozero_w Lenovo A1-32AB0– amazon_w A1000L– A1000LF A278t– A278t Lenovo A60– a60id_tel Lenovo A668t– A668t Lenovo A316– A316 A370e– A370e Lenovo K50– aio_otfp 41 A269i– A269i A1000– A1000F Lenovo A396– A396_TY A10– A10 LNV-Lenovo_A560e– A560e_msm7627a A308t– A308t Lenovo A60– a60_campus Lenovo A690– A690 LenovoTV 50S52;AQUOS LCD-50S1A– bumblebee Lenovo N308– SmartAIO Lenovo S2-38AT0– apollo_td A269– A269 IdeaTab A1010– A1010T Lenovo A228t– A228t A30t– A30t IdeaTab A1020– A1020T S61– ideatv_S61 Lenovo S2-38AH0– Lenovo_S2 ThinkVision28– ThinkVision28 Lenovo A65– a65cu PC-TE307N1W– PC-TE307N1W Lenovo A60+– A60plus Lenovo A326– a326 A208t– A208t Lenovo A300t– A300t A305E– A305e IdeaTabV2007A– sanpaolo Lenovo A750– lenovo75_cu_gb Lenovo A65– a65_ph_id_vn Lenovo A366t– lenovo13_td Lenovo A360e– A360e Lenovo A298t– A298t Lenovo K2– apollohd_w Lenovo A529– A529 Lenovo A60– a60tw A375e– A375e Lenovo A60– lenovo73_cu ideatvK82 60LX750A 52LX750A 46LX750A 60LX850A 70LX850A 80LX850A– ideatv_K82 ThinkPad Tablet– 18382AU Lenovo A3500-FL– A3500FL IdeaTabV2010A– santiago IdeaTabS2109A-F– S2109A 42 ideatv S31– ideatv_S31 A1_07– A1_07 LIFETAB_S9512– LIFETAB_S9512 Lenovo A500– a59wg A218t– A218t Lenovo S2-38AH0– apollo_wg A1000-G– A1000G Spice Mi-350– mi_350 Lenovo A370– a370 Lenovo A288t– A288t Lenovo A396– A396 Lenovo A520– lenovo73_gb Lenovo A60+– Android A318t– A318t Lenovo A390e– msm7627_ea95 Lenovo A238t– A238t Lenovo A780– msm7627a_ha99 A369– A369 Lenovo A360– a360 Lenovo A520GRAY– a520_gray A66t– T702T Lenovo A65– a65 Lenovo N300– Lindos2 Lenovo A60– a60os S6000L– S6000L Lenovo A300– austin MICROMAX A57– A57 A87– A87 A73– A73 A44– tinnoes13_s7050 A56– A56 BOLT– A34 A84– A84 BOLT– A24 A78– Micromax A27– A27 A50– kpt73_gb P300– crane-M701C_mmx A75– A75 A45– tinnoes73_s8030_2g 43 A54– A54 A72– A72 MOBIWIRE Pyxis– pyxis_boulanger MOTOROLA XT319– XT319 XT317– XT317 Photon 4G– sunfire Citrus– cdma_ciena MB508– umts_sage i940– fawnridge Moto Defy XT– tinboostplus_cdma MB611– umts_begonia Milestone– A853 XT531– XT531 Droid Pro– cdma_venus2 Defy Pro– XT560 Droid II– cdma_droid2 Motosmart– XT389 Motoroi– sholest Defy Mini– TinBoost XT530– XT530 Backflip– motus Droid X2– daytona Quench XT3– XT502 A1680– umts_lucky MOTWX435KT– Triumph Glam XT800– titanium XT550– ArgonSpin XT701– choles Droid– sholes MB612– cdma_kronos i867– destino MZ505– Graham Motoluxe– XT615 XT800+– cg_tita2 XT800W– ttu_skt Moto Defy XT– XT535 Motosmart– XT390 XT316– dominoq_umts 44 MB520– umts_kobe MB200– morr Spice– sesame Flipout– umts_ruth MB501– zepp MB501– zeppelin Droid X– cdma_shadow XT550– argonspin_umts Moto 360– minnow XT316– XT316 XT610– umts_venus2 Droid II– cdma_droid2we Charm– umts_basil XT560– tinq_umts Motoluxe– ironmaxct_cdma Motosmart– argonmini_umts MT620– TAHITI XT806– qilin MILESTONE3– cdma_solana Atrix– olympus XT532– XT532 Milestone2– umts_milestone2 Droid– miler XT603– cdma_pax XT605– umts_jorian Motosmart– silversmart_umts CLIQ– morrison Motoluxe– XT611 XT711– choi ME863– umts_solana XT882– swordfish Opus One– rubicon XT311– XT311 Defy– umts_jordan ME632– umts_elway Defy Mini– tinboost_umts Motoluxe– XT682 Droid– umts_sholes NEC LifeTouch Note– D000000011N G'z One IS11CA– IS11CA 45 LifeTouch B– LTB019W MEDIAS BR IS11N– IS11N NEC909e– NEC909e LifeTouch S– LifeTouch_D7 NVIDIA Shield– roth NIKON COOLPIX– S800c OPENPEAK cius– cius CIUS-7– CIUS-7 CIUS-7-AT– CIUS-7-AT PANASONIC CORPORATION KX-PRXA10– KX-PRXA10 55AX600C– mst918_4k2k UN-W700– F1 JT-H580VT– H580VT_A Boukenkun-reciever– VW_RCBKK1 CEA1– CEA1 UN-MT300– A1 SmartTVBox– C01AS JT-H581VT– H581VT_A PANASONIC MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS P-08D– P-08D 101P– pana2_2s 003P– pana1 P-07C– laputa P-01D– pana2_1 102P– pana2_4s ELUGA dL1– pana2_4v PANTECH ef14lv– ef14lv SIRIUS α– jmasai Sirius– ef10s MIRACH_J– mirachj Vega X– ef18k 46 Izar– sp33k IM-A730S– ef30s Crossover– moon Vega– ef12s Mirach– ef13l Apache– ADR8995 Vega X– ef14l Mirach– ef13s PEGATRON Android Tablet PC– Duke3G Android Tablet PC– TabletPC UVP– capri_ubq_telefi5 Android Tablet PC– DukeWifi UVP Executive– capri_ubq_telefi7 UVP Pro– capri_ubq_telefi5p PHILIPS ELECTRONICS HMP8100/98– HMP8100_ATV SA3CNT– Philips_GGC3 PI2010– PI2010 Philips_PI5000– Philips_PI5000 PI3100/98– PI3100_98 PI3100/93– PI3100_93 PI3105– PI3105 Philips GoGear Connect– SA2CNTxx PI3110– PI3110 PI3100/51– PI3100_51 PI2000– PI2000 HMP8100/93– HMP8100_ATV_93 PI3100Z3/93– PI3100Z3_93 PI3100/58– PI3100_58 T8 PI7000– Tablet_8 POSITIVO Positivo YPY7 3G– TB07FTA Positivo Ypy S405– YPY_S405 Positivo Ypy S350p– YPY_S350 Positivo YPY7 wifi– YPY_07STA Positivo YPY7 3G– YPY_07FTA Positivo SX1000– SX1000 Positivo T705– T705 47 Positivo YPY7 wifi– TB07STA YPY 10 3G– YPY_10FTA QUANTA CORPORATION MDB342X– qnbml NEBUPOS3– UY3A INFINITY G NK2– infinity_g FT103– FT103 VSD220– VSD220 eye3– UY3-PCW VSD241 Smart Display– VSD241 PT2200– PT2200 CT2200– CT2200 VSD221– VSD221 OP110– OP110 Nirvana_Tablet– Nirvana_Tablet TA1013– nk1 RAZER TV Forge TV– pearlyn SEMC Xperia X10– X10i Xperia X10– SO-01B SHARP ADS1– ADS1 SH8268U– SH8268U SH8288U– SH8288U RW107– RW107 SoftBank 007SH KT– SBM007SHK IS01– SHI01 AQUOS PHONE IS11SH– SHI11 INFOBAR A01– SHX11 SH8298U– SH8298U AQUOS PHONE IS14SH– SHI14 SH8118U– msm7627_surf INFOBAR C01– SHX12 AQUOS PHONE IS12SH– SHI12 IS05– SHI05 IS03– SHI03 DM010SH– DM010SH 48 AQUOS PHONE THE HYBRID SoftBank 007SH– SBM007SH DM011SH– DM011SH GALAPAGOS SoftBank 003SH– SBM003SH SH8128U– msm7627 AQUOS PHONE THE HYBRID SoftBank 101SH– SBM101SH EB-WX1GJ/EB-W51GJ– Galapagos DM012SH– DM012SH LYNX 3D SH-03C– SH03C SH80F– SH80F AQUOS PHONE SoftBank 006SH– SBM006SH SH7218T– SH7218T AQUOS PHONE slider SH-02D– SH02D AQUOS PHONE IS13SH– SHI13 AQUOS PHONE SoftBank 103SH– SBM103SH DM009SH– DM009SH AQUOS PHONE SH-12C– SH12C AQUOS PHONE f SH-13C– SH13C AQUOS PHONE THE HYBRID SoftBank 007SH J– SBM007SHJ GALAPAGOS SoftBank 005SH– SBM005SH Yahoo! Phone SoftBank 009SH Y– SBM009SHY AQUOS PHONE THE PREMIUM SoftBank 009SH– SBM009SH SH8188U– SH8188U Q-pot.Phone SH-04D– SH04D SC-S01– scallop SK TELESYS SK-S170– K4 STB7013– AVOCA S150– msm8255_k5 SK-S100– qsd8250_s1 AN200– AN200 STB7012– STB7012 ITP-E410W– willow SAMSUNG GT-S5698– GT-S5698 Sidekick– SGH-T839 Replenish– SPH-M580 Galaxy W– SGH-T679M Galaxy Y Pro Duos– GT-B5512 Galaxy Y– SCH-i509 Rugby Smart– SGH-I847 49 Galaxy Y Pop– GT-S6108 SHW-M135K– SHW-M135K Galaxy Mini– GT-S5570 Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830 Galaxy (China)– GT-B9062 Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830C Galaxy K– SHW-M130K Galaxy Pocket– GT-S5300 Galaxy Ace Plus– GT-S7500T Galaxy Player 4– YP-GB1 Galaxy S– GT-I9000B Galaxy S Fascinate– SGH-T959P SCH-W999– SCH-W999 SGH-I987– SGH-I987 Galaxy Ace Q– SGH-I827D Galaxy Ace Duos– SCH-I579 Galaxy Y– GT-S5360T Galaxy S– SHW-M190S Galaxy Exhibit2– SGH-T679 Galaxy Tab– GT-P1000 Galaxy Precedent– SCH-M828C Galaxy Fit– GT-S5670L Galaxy Xcover– GT-S5690L Galaxy S Lightray– SCH-R940 Galaxy Mini– GT-S5570I Galaxy Indulge– SCH-R910 Galaxy Tab– SGH-T849 Galaxy Indulge– SCH-R915 Galaxy S2– SGH-S959G Europa– GT-I5500B Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830D Galaxy M Style– SHW-M340L Galaxy W– GT-I8150 Galaxy Q– SGH-T589R SHW-M460D– SHW-M460D Galaxy Tab– GT-P1000L Galaxy Player 5– YP-G70 Galaxy Y– SCH-I509 Galaxy Fame– SCH-I629 Galaxy Ace– GT-S5839i Galaxy Tab– GT-P1000N Galaxy Europa– GT-I5503 50 Galaxy Xcover– GT-S5690 Galaxy Gio– SCH-i569 Illusion– SCH-I110 Behold II– sgh-t939 Galaxy Y Duos– GT-S6102E SCH-I919U– SCH-I919U Homesync– spcwifi Galaxy Gio– GT-S5660V Galaxy Neo– SHW-M220L Galaxy Ace Plus– GT-S7500L Galaxy Gio– GT-S5660L VinsQ– SPH-M910 Galaxy Gio– GT-S5660M Galaxy Mini2– GT-S6500T Galaxy Tab– GT-P1000R Galaxy S Captivate– SGH-I896 SHW-M340D– SHW-M340D Galaxy Ace Plus– GT-S7500W GT-S5820– GT-S5820 Galaxy U– SHW-M130L Galaxy Y TV– GT-S5367 Galaxy Europa– GT-I5500 Galaxy Attain– SCH-R920 Galaxy Mini– GT-S5570L Europa– GT-I5510L Exhibit– SGH-T759 Galaxy Ace Duos– SCH-i579 Replenish– SPH-M580BST Galaxy S– SGH-T959V Galaxy Y– GT-S5369 SCH-I559– SCH-I559 Galaxy Tab– SHW-M180K Galaxy S– SPH-D700 Galaxy Mini– SGH-T499V Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830B Galaxy S– SCH-S950C Galaxy Europa– GT-I5510 Galaxy Beam– GT-I8250 SCH-I339– SCH-I339 SCH-I519– SCH-I519 Galaxy S– SC-02B Galaxy Q– SGH-T589 51 Galaxy S Glide– SGH-I927R Galaxy Ace Plus– GT-S7508 Samsung Homesync– spcwifiany Galaxy Y– GT-S5360L Galaxy S Stratosphere– SCH-I405 GT-I5510M– GT-I5510M Galaxy Tab– SHW-M180S Galaxy Tab– SC-01C Galaxy Pop (CDMA)– SCH-i559 Galaxy Gio– GT-S5660B Galaxy Ace Duos– GT-S6802 SCH-I659– SCH-I659 Galaxy S– SCH-i909 Galaxy Pocket– GT-S5302 Galaxy Tab– GT-P1013 Galaxy Player 4.2– YP-GI1 Galaxy Ace– GT-S5838 Galaxy S– SGH-T959W Moment– sph-m900 Infuse– SGH-I997R Transform– SPH-M920 Conquer– SPH-D600 Galaxy Tab– GT-P1010 Galaxy S– GT-I9000T SCH-W899– SCH-W899 Galaxy Pocket– GT-S5300L Galaxy S– GT-I9050 SHW-M115S– SHW-M115S Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830F Galaxy Player– YP-GB70 Moment– SPH-M900 Galaxy S– SHW-M110S Galaxy Y Duos– GT-S6102B Galaxy Pro– GT-B7510B Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830G GT-P7500V– GT-P7500V Galaxy Mini2– GT-S6500L Galaxy Y Pro– GT-B5510B Acclaim– SCH-R880 Europa– GT-I5503T Galaxy Proclaim– SCH-S720C Galaxy Ace Advance– GT-S6800 52 Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830T Galaxy Tab 10.1– GT-P7503 Galaxy Tab– SHW-M180W Galaxy Appeal– SGH-I827 Galaxy Y Pro Duos– GT-B5512B Galaxy Player 4.0– YP-G1 Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830L Galaxy Tab 8.9– SCH-P739 Galaxy Fit– GT-S5670 Galaxy Y– GT-S5360 Absolute– GT-B9120 Galaxy 070– hendrix Galaxy Tab 10.1– SHW-M300W Galaxy Pro– GT-B7510 Galaxy S– GT-I9003 Galaxy Ace– GT-S5830M Spica– spica SCH-i809– SCH-i809 Galaxy A– archer Galaxy Player 50– YP-G50 GT-I5510T– GT-I5510T Galaxy Ace– SCH-I619 Galaxy S Plus– GT-I9001 Galaxy– gt-i7500 Galaxy Y– GT-S5360B Galaxy Fit– GT-S5670B SCH-I405U– SCH-I405U Galaxy Mini– SGH-T499 Galaxy S Aviator– SCH-R930 SCH-I779– SCH-I779 Galaxy S Vibrant– SGH-T959D DoubleTime– SGH-I857 Galaxy S6 Active– marinelteatt Galaxy Apollo– GT-I5800D Galaxy W– 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sprat Galaxy Y– GT-S5368 Behold II– SGH_T939 Galaxy Apollo– GT-I5800 Galaxy Mini– GT-S5570B 54 Europa– GT-I5500L olleh– ik1 Transform Ultra– SPH-M930 Galaxy Ace Duos– SCH-I589 Galaxy Mini– SGH-T499Y Galaxy Y Pro– GT-B5510 SCH-i919– SCH-i919 Galaxy Gio– SHW-M290S Galaxy Xcover– GT-S5690R Galaxy Ace Duos– GT-S6352 Galaxy Tab– SMT-i9100 Galaxy Ace– SHW-M240S Admire– SCH-R720 Galaxy Apollo– GT-I5801 Galaxy Gio– GT-S5660 SHW-M135L– SHW-M135L Galaxy Xcover– GT-S5690M Galaxy Pocket– GT-S5302B Galaxy Gio– SHW-M290K Galaxy Ace Duos– SCH-i589 SANYO Benesse– 40TL04 Benesse– 31TL04 SONY NW-ZX1– icx1240 NW-F800– icx1227 NWZ-Z1000– icx1216 SmartWatch 3– tetra NW-F880 Series– icx1237 SONY ERICSSON Xperia PLAY– R800x Xperia PLAY– SO-01D Xperia X10– SonyEricssonSO-01B Xperia mini– ST15a Xperia X10 Mini– E10i Xperia Play– Zeus Xperia Acro– IS11S Xperia mini– S51SE Xperia ray– SO-03C 55 Xperia X8– E15i Xperia Acro– SO-02C Xperia neo– MT15a Xperia X10 Mini– SonyEricssonE10i Xperia mini pro– SK17a Xperia PLAY– R800at Xperia X10– X10a Xperia Arc– SO-01C WT18i– WT18i Xperia Play– R800i Xperia X10 Mini Pro– U20i Xperia PLAY– R800a SONY TV BRAVIA 4K 2015– SVP-DTV15 SUMITOMO ELECTRIC NETWORKS Hikari-iFrame/WDPF-703SE– dhe1100 SYMPHONY TELECA HS-10DTB4– HS-10DTB4 tolino tab 8– tolino8 xtreme– X_treme_Play_Tab CDP7TAB4C8– CDP7TAB4C8 Emerson EM749/748– EM749_748 Prestigio MultiPad Wize 3018– PMT3018_WI Smartab SRF79– SRF79 Prestigio MultiPad Wize 3017– PMT3017_WI Smart 66– SMART66 CETAB9ML9– CETAB9ML9 JLab_PRO-7– polaris-p1gms Smart 63– SMART63 SMART64– SMART64 Smartab STJR76– STJR76 TCL TV LE50UHDE5692G– movo L55E6700UDS– movo_la TCT MOBILE LIMITED (ALCATEL) ALCATEL_ONE_TOUCH_918M– one_touch_918M_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 991S– one_touch_991S_gsm 56 OT-990C– OT-990C_cdma ONE TOUCH Ultra 960c– nTelos ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 916– one_touch_916_gsm Alcatel OT-980– OT-980_gsm Alcatel OT-980A– msm7627_ffa ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918N– ONE_TOUCH_918N_umts TCL_W939– TCL_W939_gsm one touch 906– Martini ONE TOUCH 983– ONE_TOUCH_983_gsm TCL_J636D– msm7627a_a5y_j636d ALCATEL_one_touch_906Y– OT-906 TCL J210C– TCL_J210C_cdma ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 916D– one_touch_916D_gsm Vancouver_Orange– Vancouver_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 991D– ONE_TOUCH_991D_gsm MegaFon_SP-A10– MegaFon_SP-A10 TCL A980– TCL_A980_gsm one touch 995C+– one_touch_995C_cdma ALCATEL OT 918– OT_918_gsm ALCATEL_ONE_TOUCH_903– one_touch_903_gsm TCL C995– TCL_C995_cdma Juke-A554C– A554C move 2– move_2_gsm TAB 7 DUAL CORE– T015 One Touch 908– one_touch_908_gsm VF 860– Vodafone_Smart_II_gsm ONE TOUCH 4007X– Pixo_GSM USCC_ALCATEL_one_touch_909B– one_touch_909B_cdma ALCATEL_one_touch_908S– one_touch_908S_gsm MTC 960– MTC_960_gsm I-L1– mercury ONE TOUCH C505C– ONE_TOUCH_C505C_cdma ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918A– one_touch_918A_gsm TCL_A988– TCL_A988_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 991A– ONE_TOUCH_991A_gsm TCL D662– TCL_D662_cdma TCL A968– TCL_A968 Alcatel OT-980A– OT-980A_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 4010X– Beetle_Lite_GSM ALCATEL_OT_990M– OT_990M_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 991D– one_touch_991D_gsm ONE TOUCH Ultra 960c– vulcan 57 ALCATEL_one_touch_910– one_touch_910_gsm TCL_W969– TCL_A919_umts A556C– A556C One Touch 990S– one_touch_990S_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918D– one_touch_918D_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_918M– one_touch_918M_umts ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 916A– one_touch_916A_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918D– ONE_TOUCH_918D_umts ALCATEL_one_touch_891– one_touch_891_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918N– one_touch_918N_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918S– one_touch_918S_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_918N– one_touch_918N_umts ONE TOUCH Ultra 960c– Alltel ALCATEL_ONE_TOUCH_903– one_touch_903A_gsm TCL A986– TCL_A986_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_909A– one_touch_909A_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 985D– one_touch_985D_gsm One Touch 990A– one_touch_990A_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_995A– one_touch_995A_gsm MOVE– MOVE_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 4005D– Beetle_Lite_Edge_GSM One Touch 906– one_touch_906_gsm ONE TOUCH 983M– ONE_TOUCH_983M_gsm TCL A998– TCL_A998_gsm TCL C990+– TCL_C990_Plus_cdma ALCATEL one touch 990C– one_touch_990C_cdma Alcatel OT-981A– OT-981_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_978– OT-978 One Touch 990– one_touch_990_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_909S– one_touch_909S_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918– one_touch_918_gsm Alcatel one touch 985– one_touch_985A_gsm 6039H– idol347 TCL A865– TCL_A865 onetouch T60– T60 Vodafone 861– one_touch_922_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_908A– one_touch_908A_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 903D– one_touch_903D_gsm Alcatel OT-981A– OT-981A_gsm Venture– adr2045 ALCATEL_ONE_TOUCH_991_Orange– one_touch_991_gsm ONE TOUCH Ultra 960c– RadioShack 58 ALCATEL_one_touch_988– one_touch_988_cdma ALCATEL_one_touch_908M– one_touch_908M_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_913D– OT-913D EVO7– EVO7 ONE TOUCH 983– one_touch_983_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_890– one_touch_890_gsm Alcatel_one_touch_908F_Orange– one_touch_908F_gsm ALCATEL OT 919 HelloKitty– OT_919_HelloKitty_gsm MTC-962– MTC-962_gsm ONE TOUCH Ultra 960c– ONE_TOUCH_960C ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 991T– one_touch_991T_gsm RASPG3201– RASPG3201_umts ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 928D– ONE_TOUCH_928D_gsm OP070– OP070 TCL A966– TCL_A966_gsm ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 985N– one_touch_985N_gsm TCL_U980– TCL_U980 TCL D515– TCL_D515_cdma ALCATEL_one_touch_910A– one_touch_910A_gsm ALCATEL OT 919– OT_919_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_979_HelloKitty– OT-979 RPSPG3201– RPSPG3201_umts Telenor_Smart– one_touch_985_gsm ALCATEL one touch 990C+– one_touch_990C_Plus_cdma ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 991– ONE_TOUCH_991_gsm TCL W969– TCL_W969_gsm One Touch 890D– one_touch_890D_gsm TCL A919– A919_gsm ALCATEL_one_touch_918D– one_touch_918D_umts ALCATEL_one_touch_983A– ONE_TOUCH_983A_gsm BASE_Varia– BASE_Varia_gsm TCL A510– TCL_A510 TCL A909– TCL-A909_A909_gsm TPVISION TV Philips Android 2014– philipstv TELEEPOCH U670C– U670C Chaser– chaser-921 PMI920– MaxBravo 59 TOSHIBA CORPORATION DB50– tosebook01 AT7-C– tos14riy20 L5450/L5400– tostv14rtk2 L5450C– l5450 tt300/tt301/tt302– Mozart Hikari-iFrame/WDPF-703TI– WDPF-703TI LT170– tostabg1 L9450– l9450 TOSHIBA STB10– TOSPASB AT7-B– tos13t7gt L5450/L5400– tostv14rtk1 L4300– l4300 NTT docomo Photopanel 05– Pascal VIZIO, INC. VTAB1008– VTAB1008 WIND RIVER PIVOT 8741/8753– thor_6dq L5550/L5551/L5552– tostv15rtk2 XIAOMI MiBOX_mini– forrestgump China– casablanca MiBOX2– dredd MiTV2– entrapment China– braveheart ZTE Skate4.3 H– skateplus ZTE U960s2– U960s2 ZTE-U V760– p173a10 ZTE-T U960s– U960s N762– roamer 009Z– bladeplus soft stone– P726N ZTE-C N780– banana N855D– hope ZTE-U V857– zte_v857 ZTE-V856– zte_v856 ZTE-SKATE– skate 60 MF97A– MF97A Android Edition StarText– turies Racer– mooncake ZTE V768– P253A20 N860– arthur ZTE T760– P173A10T ZTE-U N721– N721 ZXY-ZTE_V6700– V6700 ZTE-C X500– X500MMB STARNAUTE II– V6600 X501_USA_OM– X501 ZTE-BLADE– P729C ZTE U791– P810T01 ZTE-U V857– V857 ZTE U790– U790 V9– v9 Vodafone 945– joe ZTE-C R750– r750 ZTE Switch X1– deepblue U880– U880 ZTE-V6500– V6500 ZTE-T U812– U812 V6020_Claro– V6020_Claro ZTE U880E– U880E ZTE U793– P810T02 N910– arthur4g ZTE U960D– msm7630_zteu960 ZTE U885– U885 V66– V66 ZTE-U V760– ztenj73_gb ZTE T12– P173A30T SmartTab10– V11A MF97W– MF97W Blade– blade ZTE U880s– U880s QB7211– QB7211 V9A– v9plus ZTE U887– P810A20 B760E– ztemt85_bx_kk VF945– P727A Z768G– Z768G D930– D930 61 ZTE-U V875m– V875m ZTE Q101T– P810T10 V72M– eos ZTE V793– P175A60 ZTE U880s2– P810A10 V68– V68 N720– N720 ZTE V768– V768 ZTE-T U805– U805 RACERII– racer2 ZTE-T U830– U830 Blade S– blade2 X500_USA_General– X500 ZTE-U X876– P722G Android Edition Starnaute– amigo Mtag 281– mooncake2 tmn smart a7– sailboat ZTE T28– bluetick ZTE U788– U788 ZTE V791– P175A40 IRIVER Insignia Flex 10.1– ns_14t004 TrekStor tolino tab 7– tolino7 Wow TAB +– itq701 Cybook Tablet– cybtt10_bk Wow(Window of the world)– itq700 MM3202– mm3201 INSIGNIA NS-14T002– ns_14t002 ILT-MX100– smdkc110 WPT005– wikipad UNBEKANNT TB-50 crane-m802h6gaiban crane-a702jh Q9 SmartPad Go m201 windroye G9A Glassic_H9 62 getek_a8 W698 nuclear-n01 hqA51 T1301 anydata16_a10y A70S bd68_15_nand_doeasy_e80_wifi 408e soho s8081 S6 hexing75_gb2 g502h_sq_x8 m801 crane-m802h6 v1268_xgwy_a7709 msm7627a_vicuna telacom15_gb2 lcsh15_6626_gb2 tecno_x350 HP688 SkyTC_E680Fdtmb keytak15_atv_gb2 Z1A Newish G929 A28 goldfish v1268_soway_v888 sq_i9100 V22 Coolpad8076 G7 VSTYLESMART HMI_A5 e1107_v13_m3_t500 G7_WEC harmony e1107_v73_m5_t600 etna GK_R1 cross15_3156 63 u1268_i701 nuclear-mid gxq_g7_v4 G7_RT v1268_soway_v800 g3267 xindiheng_u910_g1278 crane-n708h6 crane-aino hongyu15_gb2 G7_GS hedy75cu_gb2 gelaite_78 v1268_aw_x10 mione P1666 SO1 i50 X200B g1228_v200 O+ 8.31 v1268_xdl_n9 s8035 zhibo_w919 techain73_gb bird13_gb CO8 magic JKL i9220 miki73_3731 nuclear-gp707pub s812b_aquas crane-m868a-tv20-1024x768 e1815_v20_lbx1_6622 disco10 v1268_t6186 M99 hengxiang a107 FWS710 vigo350 g06refe3 64 c8650 tinnoes75_nand_s7504 aw818_ht L8301 A9310 A11+ HP288 k200 HD600AIIemmc mstareagle generic_x86 Chairman max_msd7 oppo13_gb Haipai-H3 s8080 Cross_A18 hexing15_6626_gb2 crane-m97ft5x UPOO_U2 CT999 MID08S jinxun_p3plus zhongkenuo g1228_aiwo great_w99a-g i1266_g6 vanzo13_gb G6C G_7A Micromax P280 AMD120 Smartphones p690 TR719 tinnoes75_s8053 htt13_gb X915 smdk4412 Tablet PC 6825C xindiheng_u910_g1270 65 ttVM_monster SkyTC_E680D bird13_c_gb PMP5670C_DUO L8109 e1815_v20_lbx2_6622 Aml8726MXS lephone_001w TCL_A860 crane-n707h6 Coolgen-E70-Note bd68v04_15_nand_telsda_t9555 miki73_3909 q3267 ratech73_gb HLI amoi75cu_emmc_gb2 NXM803HC a1265_imo1000 G9C_LX konka73_gb Wizard_Plus nuclear-csitwo bd68_15_nand_bird_i720_3 thor A960 TIGO hedy73_gb crane-p76ti Kurio Haipai-H2 DE101_LAVA v1268_klt_2212 G7_SQT bd68v04_15_nand_telsda_t9555_cof oboea et13_gb lcsh75cu_gb2 miki16_a10y Quasar aiwo a89-plus 66 oppo73_gb ef32k g3247 yuanda15_6626_gb2 GASEM712MC m7800h G9C_GC ckt75_cu_gb2 CO-F5 Q16emmc lcsh72_wet_gb3 STM722HZ leo bird75_c_nand_gb2 nuoyaxin G_33 kewang_s2 ZL101 A101IT E952 crane-anpei npm701 t10s CONNECT 2G d3268_ctp_intex bcm2157 xiaomi2 g3505 v1268_tengxin_s9000 hoow_a5 N94 T7303 kpt15_6628_gb2 crane-evb-v13 Arctic350 magcomm89_ics2 v1268_sjzf_n622 Q3IIemmc qishang16_a10y tetc_g1219 QX555 xinchuangxiang 67 hedy15_lca_gb2 Videocon_A15 PMP3970B Haipai-H1 v1268_hx_v1268 v1268_amd_a9300 ouqi_h867 saiboyuhua jinxun mione_plus_cdma C09 ouqi H932 TECNO_B3 crane-a1002hw mevlana bd68v04_15_nand_yoord_d599 G7A v1268_nuoyaxin_a901-b SH8158U GOS.5 htc_evo_4g A4 e1109l_hl1ctp_ralsps glt_w88 miki73_gb mtk6515_gb2 jinman X920 hd18q mi350 skyworth6a800 galaxys zt180 dinara G5C crane-a802hw2 E966 mtk6515_6626_gb2 TELSDA T5880 sanstar15_gb2 mt73_w832_h5000_zwx 68 LH803 es209ra s812b_h701f msm7627a_sku1 bcm21553 s8034 G3_HLI ratech15cu_nand_6626_gb2 SkyTC_E680F iphone77_cu_ics2 e615 mimmi D142 G_7 griffin e1011_jbl1 crane-m801h6 bird15_c_6626_gb2 FWS810 X200C viewpad4 qishang15cu_gb2 ouxin_u98 v1268_jx_bohp_p5 signal13_gb Ilium_AVVIO_760 100lite nyx_a900 X101 ABCD A2 Lite uniscope15_bu3_gb2 huaqin75cu_nbd_lca_gb2 MITO A100 Q106_VIVO m1268_gk_a5-b kpt75_gb2 bird73_gb XT760 v1268_nuoyaxin_a902 SH8168U nuclear-pub 69 bd68v04_15_nand_leneo_a111 ratech17cu_nand_6628_gb2 nuclear-Q8 Obreey_SURFPAD2 W851 vbox86tp mt73_w815_lc011_bailf_v3 bd66_13_yoord_d766 m799ca m700 oppo75_emmc_12007 htt15_lca_6628_gb2 i1278_p161 nuclear-6225 signal75_gb2 h12 v1268_obx_v1228i806 p7901a Coolgen E68+ KS306 E79 crane-genesis d3268_ctp_q_mobile GT-N9006 v1268_sz_9100c konka75cu_gb2 sugar-evb FWS610 e1815_v20_fm1qixian_6622 tinnoes75_s8052 M21 Q106_BLU npm702 hsdroid i1278_a6-b bproj_286-xxx Q106_BLU_SSIM LAVA_N320 ouya_1_1 S306 X300BP Symphony_W20 70 ascend LH801 hoow_78 F999 nyx_a900-b ASP320Q G9C_ATL W110 mt8658sdk sanzhong jordan bd80_15_nand_yoord_d566 Virtual binatone-kidstar KN_K7 eidolon15_nand_gb2 TD888 Oplus_A100 STM803HC Hi3798MV100 mercury_cdma tinnoes73_s8030 T3288 Spice N-500 SP35 F128 oppo75_emmc_11071 NV310WAC wwe10 htt16_a10y X8 UPOO_F201 X300 MCT666 BXC YPY QX888 kliton_c1215_2081 gelaite cenon13_6626_gb qishang73_gb W815 71 cross75_3751 kailitong_2051 huaqin73cu_gb Q7 p0713 shijizhuofei SB513 kliton_c1215_2082 g1228_p800 M009F X320 ct9900_78 m7206 umts_jordanplus nusmart3_stick huashan G2 mobiletek73_gb amazon_e N_307 hw_h47 W690 crane-h5 u8500 X300MBP jinlizhiyuan N_609 PAP4020DUO ratech15cu_nand_6628_gb2 X300C sbyh_tetc Q105_ninetology tinnoes75_nand_s7500t QX222 G7_TYKJ A1298_S9000 A70H v901 e1005_zxd1b C12 13135 android_2x_gb2 72 msm7627_ntls kailitong_2052 T-smart_D58 i1278_v300 m1265_gk_a5b-1 s812p_h712c vortex X300MC glass-1 nuclear-me107 c1215_sop_w168 ZMCK900 shakira G9C_BSX lightning73_gb e1815_v20_qxh1_n6800 bd68_15_nand_yoord_d599 captivatemtd ef31s zhibo FWS610_EU msm7627a_sku3_HJ7_WS nuoyaxin_a700 MID1106 v1268_obx_v1228imo1000 X200 TCL_W939_umts G9C_ZJ bd68v04_15_nand_yoord_d599_cof skyworth6a800E5D sdkDemo uniscope G9C_JLF2 huaqin73_gb bbk73_gb htcleo ADR6425 lcsh75_gb2 tengxin lm_x9 AndroidPhone CAP8 73 mx1001 iBall_Andi3n nyx_a900s iP7S mini tinnoes73_s8020 G_7C gaoke G7_SZH 1234-XYZ Tablet-PC ouboxin noain_a1000s ckt73_gb g06refe4 arowana ST17a M799RN utv210 W820 simtelep_sk5 n80_w vibrantmtd SANSUI SA3511 nyx_a906s PMP3870C_DUO bd68_15_nand_gtide_e60_ar d96_plus htt75_emmc_gb2 VENUS Lovme_A_18 tcc8900 E905 W852 e1815_lbx1 htt73_gb 9000H PMP3007C3G sdk SB522 PTAB7200 C21 z606 74 X300M Haipai-H4 bird75_a_gb2 TB-7000-a326 75
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