Einfluss von Mikrogliazellen und retrospekt
Einfluss von Mikrogliazellen und retrospekt
Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Untersuchungen zu Rückenmarkstraumata beim Hund: Einfluss von Mikrogliazellen und retrospektive Untersuchung der MRT-Befunde von Hunden mit thorakolumbalem Bandscheibenvorfall INAUGURAL-DISSERTATION zur Erlangung des Grades einer Doktorin der Veterinärmedizin - Doctor medicinae veterinariae (Dr. med. vet.) vorgelegt von Theda Marie Anne Boekhoff Wilhelmshaven Hannover 2010 Wissenschaftliche Betreuung: Prof. Dr. med. vet. Andrea Tipold Klinik für Kleintiere 1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. med. vet. Andrea Tipold 2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. med. vet. Wolfgang Baumgärtner, PhD Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 12.05.2010 Diese Arbeit wurde finanziell unterstützt durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (FOR 1103) und die Frauchiger Stiftung, Bern. für meine Familie Teile der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden bereits auf folgenden Tagungen vorgestellt: Posterpräsentation auf der 17. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe „Innere Medizin und Klinische Laboratoriumsdiagnostik“, Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft, e.V. (DVG) 31.01.2009 - 01.02.2009 in Berlin: T.M. Boekhoff, E.M. Ensinger, R. Carlson, A. Tipold , V.M. Stein „Funktionelle Untersuchungen von Mikrogliazellen aus dem Rückenmark des Hundes.“ Posterpräsentation 22nd Annual Symposium of the European Society of Veterinary Neurology (ESVN) and the European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN) 24th - 26th September 2009, Bologna, Italy: T.M. Boekhoff, E.M. Ensinger, R. Carlson, A. Tipold , V.M. Stein “Enhanced functional activity of canine microglial cells from the spinal cord.” Posterpräsentation auf der 18. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe „Innere Medizin und Klinische Laboratoriumsdiagnostik“, Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft, e.V. (DVG) 06.02.2010 - 07.02.2010 in Hannover: T.M. Boekhoff, E.M. Ensinger, R. Carlson, I. Spitzbarth, W. Baumgärtner, A. Tipold , V.M. Stein „Funktionelle Untersuchungen von Mikrogliazellen des Hundes bei nicht entzündlichen Rückenmarkserkrankungen.“ Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Einleitung........................................................................................................ 7 II. Ergebnisse...................................................................................................... 9 A. Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging characteristics: evaluation of prognostic value in the dog as a translational model for spinal cord injury ............................... 9 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 10 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 11 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................... 12 Results .................................................................................................................. 14 Discussion............................................................................................................. 21 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 23 References............................................................................................................ 24 B. Upregulation of surface molecules and functional activity of canine microglia following spinal cord trauma.................................................................................. 28 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 29 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 30 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................... 31 Results .................................................................................................................. 36 Discussion............................................................................................................. 42 References............................................................................................................ 47 III. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse beider Studien.................................. 53 IV. Übergreifende Diskussion........................................................................... 55 V. Zusammenfassung (deutsch) ..................................................................... 59 VI. Zusammenfassung (englisch)..................................................................... 61 VII. Schrifttumsverzeichnis................................................................................ 63 VIII. Anhang.......................................................................................................... 73 IX. Danksagung ................................................................................................. 85 Einleitung 7 I. Einleitung Bandscheibenvorfälle beim Hund stellen eine der häufigsten Ursachen für eine traumatische Schädigung des Rückenmarkes dar. Vorgefallenes Bandscheibenmaterial kann zu einer extraduralen Kompression von Rückenmark und Nervenwurzeln führen, in deren Folge es zu einer mechanischen Schädigung sowie zur Minderdurchblutung der betroffenen Gewebe (GÖDDE u. JAGGY, 1993) kommen kann. Eine solche mechanische Schädigung des Rückenmarkes kann zu einer Zerstörung der Zellmembranen von Gliazellen und Neuronen sowie zu einer Beeinträchtigung der lokalen Durchblutung führen. Im weiteren Verlauf kommt es zu einer Kaskade von sekundären pathophysiologischen Reaktionen wie zum Beispiel der Freisetzung von Neurotransmittern sowie freien Radikalen, Ischämie, Bildung von Ödemen und Elektrolytimbalancen (JEFFERY, 2009), welche in zellulärer Nekrose und Apoptose resultieren (PLATT u. OLBY, 2004). Das Ausmaß einer Rückenmarksschädigung kann mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) zum Beispiel durch die Darstellung von Blutungen, Malazien des Myelons, nekrotischen Bereichen sowie Ödemen als Hyperintensität in T2-gewichteten Sequenzen evaluiert werden (SANDERS et al., 2002). Bandscheibenvorfälle können neurologische Defizite zur Folge haben, welche von Hyperästhesien bis hin zu einer vollständigen Lähmung der Gliedmaßen reichen. Eine Behandlungsmöglichkeit stellt die chirurgische Dekompression dar (HOERLEIN, 1979), welche bei bis zu 96% paraplegischer Hunde mit Tiefensensibilität (DAVIS u. BROWN, 2002; FERREIRA et al., 2002), sowie bis zu 58% paraplegischer Hunde ohne Tiefensensibilität (OLBY et al., 2003) zu einer Behebung der klinischen Symptomatik führt. Um eine Entscheidung für den Einsatz einer Therapie zu treffen, ist eine vorherige Einschätzung der Prognose unumgänglich. Bisher bekannte prognostische Einflussfaktoren sind unter anderem der Grad der neurologischen Ausfälle bei Vorstellung des Patienten sowie die Beurteilung der Tiefensensibilität (SCOTT, 1997). Um die Prognosefindung zu erleichtern und zu objektivieren, war das Ziel des ersten Teils dieser Arbeit, qualitative sowie quantitative MRT-Befunde im Hinblick auf ihren prognostischen Wert bei paraplegischen Hunden zu untersuchen. Eine neuere Therapiestrategie für Rückenmarkstraumata stellt die Transplantation von olfaktorischen Hüllzellen dar. Vorangegangene Studien haben aufgezeigt, dass diese Zellen die Regeneration verletzter Neuronen sowie die Angiogenese unterstützen und Einleitung 8 somit eine verbesserte Heilung traumatisierten Rückenmarkes bewirken können (RADTKE et al., 2008; KOCSIS et al., 2009). Eine Zellpopulation des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS), die sekundäre Rückenmarksschäden positiv oder negativ beeinflussen kann, sind Mikrogliazellen. Diese spielen als residente Immuneffektorzellen des ZNS eine wichtige Rolle in der Erhaltung der Homöostase und der Infektionsabwehr (KREUTZBERG, 1996; ALOISI, 2001; STREIT, 2002). Bei Auftreten von pathogenen Stimuli sind sie zu Effektorfunktionen wie der Phagozytose, der Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), sowie der Sekretion von Zytokinen befähigt (COLTON u. GILBERT, 1987; KREUTZBERG, 1996; STOLL u. JANDER, 1999). Durch die Sekretion von neuroprotektiven und neurotoxischen Substanzen können Mikrogliazellen sowohl Degenerations- als auch Regenerationsprozesse im ZNS und somit die Pathogenese von Rückenmarkserkrankungen entscheidend beeinflussen. Eine Mikroglia-Aktivierung konnte bisher bei neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen wie zum Beispiel Alzheimer, Parkinson, multipler Sklerose sowie amyotropher Lateralsklerose nachgewiesen werden (THOMAS, 1992; WILLIAMS et al., 1994; YIANGOU et al., 2006). Des Weiteren führten das kanine Staupevirus (STEIN et al., 2004b), die experimentelle allergische Enzephalomyelitis (EAE; VASS u. LASSMANN, 1990; RUULS et al., 1995) sowie experimentelle traumatisierende Läsionen des Rückenmarkes (SCHNELL et al., 1999; SROGA et al., 2003; YANG et al., 2005; LONGBRAKE et al., 2007; YUNE et al., 2009; Baloui et al., 2009) zu einer Aktivierung von Mikrogliazellen. Ziel des zweiten Teils dieser Arbeit war die immunphänotypische und funktionelle Untersuchung von Mikrogliazellen bei Hunden mit Rückenmarkstraumata. Anhand erstellter Vergleichswerte aus einer im Vorfeld von uns durchgeführten Studie wurde evaluiert, inwiefern es zu einer Aktivierung dieser Immuneffektorzellen kommt und inwieweit die Pathogenese hierdurch beeinflusst wird beziehungsweise ob diese Zellen eine erfolgreiche Zelltransplantation eventuell beeinflussen können. Ergebnisse 9 II. Ergebnisse A. Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging characteristics: evaluation of prognostic value in the dog as a translational model for spinal cord injury Theda M. Boekhoffa, Cornelia Flieshardtb, Eva-Maria Ensingera, Melani Forka, Sabine Kramera, Andrea Tipolda a Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany b LESIA Zentrum für Tiermedizin, Düsseldorf, Germany Corresponding author: Prof. Dr. Andrea Tipold Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Bünteweg 9 D-30559 Hannover Germany Tel. 0049-511-953-6202 Fax 0049-511-953-6204 e-mail: andrea.tipold@tiho-hannover.de Ergebnisse 10 Abstract Thoracolumbar intervertebral disk herniations appear frequently in dogs and are a common cause of neurological signs ranging from spinal hyperesthesia to paraplegia with or without deep pain perception (DPP). For selection of the applied therapeutical approach a prior assessment of prognosis is useful. The aim of this retrospective study was to describe associations among the quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal characteristics of the spinal cord in T2-weighted (T2W) sequences respectively degree of spinal cord compression and clinical signs plus functional outcome in paraplegic dogs with thoracolumbar disk herniation. Medical records and MR images of 63 paraplegic dogs with intact or absent DPP referred to and examined at the Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany between January 2005 and June 2009 were reviewed and evaluated based on correlation of different clinical parameters. A statistically significant correlation was seen between the neurological status before surgery and both, presence and extent of the intramedullary hyperintensity adjacent to the disk herniation in T2W sequences. Furthermore, in dogs with a longer duration of clinical signs the degree of spinal cord compression was statistically significant higher. The extent of hyperintensity and the degree of spinal cord compression presented a positive correlation, whereas improvement in neurological score in one grade tended to advance with absence of T2W hyperintensity respectively reduction of the extent of hyperintensity. In conclusion, a direct correlation between neurological status and MRI signal intensity and extent was proven. Moreover, presence and extent of T2W hyperintensity can assist in determination of prognosis before surgery in respect to utilization of new therapeutical strategies. Key words: paraplegia, MRI, T2-weighted hyperintensity, prognosis, translational model Ergebnisse 11 1. Introduction Displaying a common cause for spinal cord injury (SCI) in dogs thoracolumbar intervertebral disk herniations can lead to neurological deficits ranging in severity from spinal hyperaesthesia to paraplegia with loss of deep pain perception. Mechanisms of injury in SCI in dogs are similar to those in human patients and the dog is considered to be a valuable translational model for new treatment modalities (Jeffery et al., 2006). Surgical decompression of the spinal cord is a common therapeutical approach in intervertebral disk herniations (Hoerlein, 1979) and has been reported as successful in up to 96 % of paraplegic dogs with intact DPP (Davis and Brown, 2002; Ferreira et al., 2002) respectively 58 % of paraplegic dogs with loss of DPP (Olby et al., 2003). As the imaging modality of choice (Ito et al., 2005) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gives important insights in severity of SCI revealing information about presence of spinal cord edema, hemorrhage and contusion (Kulkarny et al., 1987). There are several studies dealing with the investigation of MRI signal characteristics and their prognostic value for functional outcome after SCI in humans (Flanders et al., 1999; Selden et al., 1999; Shimada and Tokioka, 1999; Yukawa et al., 2007; Miyanji et al., 2007) and in dogs (Ito et al., 2005; Penning et al., 2006; Ryan et al., 2008; Levine et al., 2009). Nevertheless, there is a need of further studies regarding quantitative characteristics of MRI findings (Miyanji et al., 2007). Quantitative properties of signal characteristics of the myelon and spinal cord compression in MRI images have been studied before (Ito et al., 2005; Levine et al., 2009). However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no study publishing results of correlations between quantitative characteristics of T2W hyperintensity respectively spinal cord compression and outcome after thoracolumbar disk herniation in a homogenous dog population, exclusively in paraplegic dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate correlations between clinical and qualitative respectively quantitative imaging parameters and consequently evaluate potential prognostic values of MRI findings. This prognostic information could give important guidance in the choice of therapeutical strategies in respect to new approaches such as implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) additionally to surgery. There are currently not enough data about preferable techniques and about the patient population eligible for such transplantations (Jeffery et al, 2006). The current study should provide information on in vivo imaging findings to provide prognostic values for severely injured patients. Ergebnisse 12 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Case selection Dogs referred to and examined at the Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany with a diagnosis of paraplegia resulting from a thoracolumbar intervertebral disk herniation between January 2005 and June 2009 were considered for inclusion in this study. The following inclusion criteria were determined: body weight less than 20 kg in an effort to investigate a homogenous population and exclude a worse prognosis given by a higher body weight, presence of paraplegia with or without DPP, complete medical records of physical and neurological examinations, MRI available for review, thoracolumbar disk herniation confirmed via MRI and surgery. 2.2 Procedures Information concerning breed, sex, age, body weight, interval between onset of neurological signs and performance of MRI/surgery, pre-treatment with glucocorticosteroids before referral, neurological status before and after surgery and at day of discharge, duration of hospitalization, and improvement in neurological score of one grade was recorded for each case. For classification of neurological status the neurological score by Sharp and Wheeler (2005) was used. This scoring system is defined as spinal hyperesthesia only (grade 1), ambulatory paraparesis and ataxia (grade 2), nonambulatory paraparesis (grade 3), paraplegia with intact DPP (grade 4), and paraplegia with absent DPP (grade 5). Consequently, the dogs included in this study were divided into two groups, paraplegic dogs with intact DPP (grade 4) respectively paraplegic dogs with absent DPP (grade 5). MRI was performed using a 1.0-Tesla scanner (Magnetom impact plus, 1.0 Tesla, Siemens AG Medical Solutions Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Forchheim) under general anaesthesia using propofol (Narcofol®, cp-Pharma, Burgdorf, dosis depending on effect) and diazepam (diazepam-ratiopharm®, Ratiopharm GmbH, Ulm, 1 mg/kg, i.v.) for induction respectively isoflurane (Isofluran-Baxter®, Baxter Deutschland GmbH, Unterschleißheim) for maintenance of anaesthesia with each dog in dorsal recumbency. Sagittal (TR = 4,700, TE = 112, slice thickness = 3mm) and transverse (TR = 3,458, TE = 96, slice thickness = 3mm) T2W images were applied for evaluation. Afterwards all dogs underwent hemilaminectomy to achieve a decompression of the damaged portion of the spinal cord. Ergebnisse 13 MR images were reviewed by two board certified neurologists blinded to clinical information by use of a computer workstation with appropriate software (dicomPACS version 5.2, Oehm und Rehbein GmbH, Rostock, Germany). If an intramedullary hyperintensity was present on T2W images, measurement of the length was performed in sagittal T2W images and divided by the length of the L2 vertebra to create the T2W length ratio described by Ito et al. (2005; Fig. 1a). Presence and degree of spinal cord compression were evaluated by comparing the cross-sectional diameter of the spinal cord at the site of disk herniation to the cross-sectional diameter of the spinal cord one vertebra caudal to the herniation on transverse T2W images (Fig. 1b,c). (a) (b) Figure 1 (c) Determination of the extent of intramedullary hyperintensity in sagittal (a) and the degree of spinal cord compression (b,c) in transverse T2W MR images. (a) Measurement of the extent of the intramedullary T2W hyperintensity of the spinal cord was performed (black line) in sagittal T2W images and divided by the length of the L2 vertebra (white line) to create the T2W length ratio described by Ito et al. (2005). To determine the degree of spinal cord compression the cross-sectional diameter of the spinal cord at the site of disk herniation (b) was compared to the cross-sectional diameter of the spinal cord one vertebra caudal to the herniation (c) on transverse T2W images. Ergebnisse 14 2.3 Statistics A descriptive analysis was performed for all parameters. For analyzing parameters in ordinal scale (interval between onset of neurological signs and performance of MRI/surgery, neurological grade before surgery, improvement in neurological score in one grade, degree of spinal cord compression, extent of hyperintensity) Spearman correlation coefficients were used. Furthermore, to access correlations concerning presence of T2W hyperintensity and pre-treatment with glucocorticosteroids a Chi-Square test was performed. If sizes of analyzed groups were < 5, Fisher’s exact test was used additionally. Regarding the experimentwise error rate, p values of < 0.05 were considered significant. Analyses were carried out with the statistical software SAS®, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) in a Windows XP® environment. Microsoft® Office Excel® 2003 and 2007 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA) were used to display data in tables and figures. 3. Results Sixty-three dogs met the inclusion criteria for this study. Of these, 40 (63%) were Dachshunds, 10 (16%) were mixed-breed dogs, 4 (6%) were Jack Russell Terriers, 2 (3%) were Pekingese and there was 1 (2%) each of American Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Bulldog, Shi Tzu, Toy Poodle, Bolonka Zwetna, and Dachsbracke. Age at referral ranged from 1 to 13 years (mean, 6.9 years). Thirty-nine dogs were male (7 castrated) and 24 were female (5 spayed). Mean body weight was 9.2 kg (range, 3.8 to 18.5 kg). Intervals between onset of neurological signs and performance of MRI ranged from 1 to 32 days (mean = 4.5 days). Duration of clinical signs was further classified into the following 5 categories. Category 1 (duration 1 day) contained 25% of the dogs (n = 16), category 2 (duration 2 to 3 days) 35% (n = 22), category 3 (duration 4 to 7 days) included 27% of the dogs (n = 17), into category 4 (duration 8 to 14 days) 10% of the dogs (n = 6) and category 5 (duration longer than 14 days) 3% of the dogs (n = 2) were classified. Forty-nine dogs (78%) were presented with neurological signs classified into neurological score 4, 14 (22%) dogs matched with neurological sore 5. Neurological status before, one day after surgery and at the day of discharge were summarized (Table I). Improvement in neurological score for one grade ranged from 1 day to several weeks and was grouped Ergebnisse 15 into 5 categories (Table I). In one dog, improvement in neurological signs could not be evaluated. Table 1 Number and percentages of dogs concerning neurological status, improvement in neurological score, and euthanasia respectively exitus letalis. Of the 63 dogs, 28 had been treated with glucocorticosteroids, 23 dogs received no glucocorticosteroids and in 12 dogs treatment before referral could not be evaluated. Ergebnisse 16 Duration of hospitalization ranged from 4 to 26 days (mean = 9.4 days). Four dogs were euthanized during hospitalization due to stasis or worsening of the neurological signs. Two dogs died before discharge. Review of MRI resulted in a confirmation of a thoracolumbar disk herniation in all 63 cases. The affected intervertebral disk was located at Th11-12 in 8 dogs (13%), Th12-13 in 22 dogs (35%), Th13-L1 in 19 dogs (30 %), L1-2 in 3 dogs (5%), L2-3 in 7 dogs (11%), and L3-4 in 4 dogs (6%). A T2W hyperintensity was detected in 37 dogs (59% of all investigated dogs). MRI findings concerning quantity of this hyperintensity and spinal cord compression were each categorized into 4 groups and are displayed in figure 2. Figure 2 MRI findings concerning presence and extent of a T2W hyperintensity and the degree of spinal cord compression. The extent of hyperintensity and the degree of spinal cord compression were each categorized into 4 groups. For the extent of hyperintensity classification depended on the length of the L2 vertebra (T2W length ratio): category 1 (≤ ½ L2); category 2 (≤ 1 L2); category 3 (> 1 L2); category 4 (> 2 L2). The degree of spinal cord compression was calculated in percent: category 1 (compression ≤ 25%); category 2 (compression > 25% to 50%); category 3 (compression > 50% to 75%); category 4 (compression > 75%). The abscissa gives the qualitative and quantitative MRI characteristics in categories, the ordinate represents the respective number of dogs. Ergebnisse 17 Statistical analysis resulted in a significant correlation between the neurological status before surgery and both, presence (p = 0.02) and extent (p = 0.02) of hyperintensity (Fig. 3). A higher percentage of dogs with neurological grade 5 showed a T2W hyperintensity compared to dogs with grade 4. Also the extent of hyperintensity enhanced with increase in neurological grade. Figure 3 Statistically significant () correlation between the neurological grade before surgery and both, presence (p = 0.02) and extent (p = 0.02) of hyperintensity. The abscissa gives the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of T2W hyperintensity, the ordinate shows the respective percentage of dogs. Grey bars represent dogs with neurological grade 4 respectively grade 5. 51% of the dogs with neurological grade 4 (dark grey) showed a T2W hyperintensity in MRI, whereas in neurological grade 5 (grey) percentage of dogs increases up to 86%. 58% of dogs with neurological grade 5 presenting a T2W hyperintensity showed an extent of hyperintensity > 2 L2 vertebra (L2, category 4). Extent of hyperintensity was classified into: category 1 (≤ ½ L2), category 2 (≤ 1 L2), category 3 (> 1 L2), and category 4 (> 2 L2). Furthermore, the degree of spinal cord compression was statistically significant higher in dogs with a longer duration of clinical signs (p < 0.001, Fig. 4). Ergebnisse Figure 4 18 Correlation between the duration of clinical signs and degree of spinal cord compression. The abscissa displays the duration of clinical signs in categories, on the ordinate the respective percentages of dogs are represented. Bars in different grey levels represent categories describing the degree of spinal cord compression, which was classified into the following categories: category 1 (compression ≤ 25%); category 2 (compression > 25% to 50%); category 3 (compression > 50% to 75%); category 4 (compression > 75%). For duration of clinical signs the following classification was used: category 1 (duration 1 day), category 2 (duration 2 to 3 days), category 3 (duration 4 to 7 days), category 4 (duration 8 to 14 days), and category 5 (duration longer than 14 days). Degree of spinal cord compression was statistically significant higher () in dogs with a longer duration of clinical signs (p < 0.001). The extent of T2W hyperintensity and the degree of spinal cord compression were positively correlated (statistically significant, p = 0.05, Fig. 5). Improvement in neurological score for one grade was faster with absence of T2W intramedullary hyperintensity respectively with a smaller extent of hyperintensity, if present (Fig. 6). Comparison of pre-treatment with glucocorticosteroids did not reveal any statistically significant correlation. Ergebnisse Figure 5 19 Correlation between the degree of spinal cord compression and extent of T2W hyperintensity. The abscissa displays the degree of spinal cord compression in categories: category 1 (compression ≤ 25%); category 2 (compression > 25% to 50%); category 3 (compression > 50% to 75%); category 4 (compression > 75%). On the ordinate the respective percentages of dogs are represented. The extent of T2W hyperintensity classified into categories 1 – 4 is represented by bars in different grey levels: category 1 (≤ ½ length of the L2 vertebra, L2); category 2 (≤ 1 L2); category 3 (> 1 L2); category 4 (> 2 L2). Expanding degrees of spinal cord compression lead to an increase in the extent of hyperintensity, which was statistically significant (; p = 0.05). Ergebnisse 20 (a) (b) Figure 6 Correlation between the improvement in neurological score in one grade and presence (a) respectively extent (b) of T2W hyperintensity. The abscissa shows improvement in neurological score in one grade in categories: category 1 (1 day), category 2 (2 to 3 days), category 3 (4 to 7 days), category 4 (8 to 14 days), and category 5 (longer than 14 days). On the ordinate the respective percentages of dogs are displayed. Bars in different grey levels represent presence (a) respectively categories describing the extent (b) of hyperintensity: category 1 (≤ ½ length of the L2 vertebra, L2); category 2 (≤ 1 L2); category 3 (> 1 L2); category 4 (> 2 L2). Some dogs were euthanized because of stasis or worsening of neurological signs, shown as category “euthanasia” on the abscissa. Improvement in neurological score in one grade tended to prolong with presence of T2W hyperintensity. In the category representing dogs with a duration longer than 14 days until improvement in neurological score in one grade (category 5) all dogs showed a T2W hyperintensity. Ergebnisse 21 4. Discussion Spinal cord injury in the dog is considered to be an ideal translational model between rodent experiments and human clinical trials. To investigate the role of MRI findings on prognostic values data of 63 paraplegic dogs with thoracolumbar disk herniations confirmed via MRI and surgery were reviewed and correlations concerning clinical signs and MRI characteristics were analyzed. Results displayed a statistically significant correlation between neurological status before surgery and presence as well as extent of a T2W hyperintensity in the myelon. Consequently, dogs with a more severe pre-surgery neurological status more often showed a T2W hyperintensity respectively displayed a more extended intramedullary lesion. These findings are consistent with similar studies performed in a more heterogenous dog population (Levine et al., 2009) and humans (Schaefer et al., 1989; Miyanji et al., 2007; Miranda et al., 2008). Regarding the pathologic processes causing a T2W hyperintensity (necrosis, myelomalacia, intramedullary hemorrhage, edema; Ito et al., 2005) it becomes obvious that a higher neurological impairment is correlated with a more severe spinal cord trauma. The degree of spinal cord compression increased with duration of clinical signs. Previous studies demonstrated that dynamic changes during a disk herniation have more distinct influences on spinal cord damage than the duration of the compression (Bull, 2006). Consequently, a sudden or explosive disk extrusion appears more harmful than a slowly progressive disk herniation. Therefore, the detected correlation between duration of clinical signs and spinal cord compression could be caused by the dynamic differences of the individual disk herniation (Sharp and Wheeler, 2005). A slowly increasing amount of extruded disk material seems to be leading to higher degree of spinal cord compression. As described before no correlation between the degree of spinal cord compression and initial neurological status (Levine et al., 2009) respectively outcome (Penning et al., 2006) could be detected in our study. A significantly higher extent of the T2W hyperintensity was seen in correlation with an increased spinal cord compression. Consistent with this, Purdy et al. (2004) demonstrated that compression injuries depend on the level of spinal cord occlusion. T2W hyperintense signal changes of the spinal cord can be associated with hemorrhage, myelomalacia, necrosis, edema, and fat (Sanders et al., 2002). It is known that disk herniations lead to a spinal cord concussion respectively compression and induce a series of metabolic and Ergebnisse 22 biochemical events (Jeffery, 2009) which may result in tissue necrosis and additional damage to local vasculature (Griffiths, 1972; Platt and Olby, 2004). Thus, these pathological insults can cause hemorrhage, malacia, edema, and necrosis detected by T2W hyperintensities in MRI. In addition, an increased release of neurotoxic substances such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) by microglia in case of spinal cord trauma respectively disk extrusion can cause direct damage of neurons (Bruce-Keller, 1999) leading consequently to necrosis and myelomalacia. Furthermore, the duration of clinical signs was positively correlated with the degree of the spinal cord compression, which in fact correlated with the extent of the T2W hyperintensity of the myelon. A longterm spinal cord compression leads to a more severe spinal cord injury due to propagation of the secondary injury process as shown before in histopathological studies (Carlson et al., 2003). Secondary damage of the spinal cord is initiated by a cascade of secondary events such as vascular dysfunction, edema, ischaemia, excitotoxicity, and delayed apoptotic cell death and occurs over the following days and weeks, leading to a progressive tissue disruption. This secondary injury can explain the lesion in the myelon detected by MRI. Pre-treatment with glucocorticosteroids was evaluated to demonstrate a positive or negative effect on intramedullary T2W MRI findings. This medication did not result in any statistically significant influences on the other investigated parameters. These results support studies by Davis and Brown (2002) and Bull et al. (2008) describing a missing influence on the outcome using glucocorticosteroids as pre-treatment before surgical spinal cord decompression. In the present study, functional outcome respectively clinical improvement tended to worsen with presence of T2W hyperintensity respectively increasing extent of this hyperintensity in MR imaging. Several studies verified also a prognostic value of the existence of T2W hyperintensity (Miyanji et al., 2007; Yukawa et al., 2007) and the extent of hyperintensity (Flanders et al., 1999; Selden et al., 1999; Miyanji et al., 2007) in humans. These findings highlight that the dog might be used for clinical trials of novel therapeutic interventions and subpopulations of SCI affected dogs, in which recovery is incomplete or does not occur at all, can be identified by MRI imaging. Ito et al (2005) detected a poor prognosis for functional recovery in paraplegic dogs exhibiting an area of T2W hyperintensity at least as long as the L2 vertebral body. Levine et al. (2009) demonstrated a degraded long-term ambulatory outcome in association with occurrence of T2W hyperintensity and its extent. In conclusion, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of T2W hyperintensity seem to have important prognostic value and serve as meaningful addition to other prognostic factors such as initial neurological status (Scott, Ergebnisse 23 1997). The clinical examination can be supported by more objective measurements especially in treatment studies. Further prognostic information could be useful to choose the adequate therapeutical approach such as implantation of OECs additionally to surgery. Previous studies revealed an improved functional recovery due to the ability of OECs to provide trophic support for injured neurons and angiogenesis (Radtke et al., 2008; Kocsis et al., 2009). Therefore, this therapy displays a meaningful addition to surgery, especially in patients with poor prognosis, detected by grade of neurological impairment in combination with the described MRI findings. Clinical SCI in dogs displays a model which can be compared to human SCI in terms of mechanisms of injury, pathology, outcome, classification and functional monitoring (Jeffery et al., 2006). Consistent with this, Purdy et al. (2004) described similarities between canine and human spinal cord in terms of imaging. Thus, research in human spinal cord pathology can benefit from this valuable translational model. 5. Conclusion Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of T2W hyperintensity in spinal cord injury seem to have important prognostic value in dogs. Findings are comparable to those in human medicine. Consequently, these parameters can assist in the utilization of new therapeutical strategies in veterinary and human medicine since the dog diplays a valuable translational model for human spinal cord diseases. Choosing the correct subpopulation of dogs with SCI using MR imaging might help in screening novel and diverse treatment modalities. 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Boekhoffa,*, Eva-Maria Ensingera,*, Regina Carlsona, Andreas Beinekeb, Wolfgang Baumgärtnerb, Karl Rohnc, Andrea Tipolda, Veronika M. Steina a Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, b Department of Pathology, c Institute of Biometry, Epidemiology, and Information Processing, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany Corresponding author: Veronika M. Stein Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Bünteweg 9 D-30559 Hannover Germany Tel. 0049-511-953-6202 Fax 0049-511-953-6204 e-mail: veronika.stein@tiho-hannover.de * the authors Boekhoff and Ensinger contributed equally to the manuscript Ergebnisse 29 Abstract Microglia cells represent the primary intrinsic immune effector elements of the central nervous system (CNS) and show responses to many different pathological events. Spinal cord trauma in dogs is a well recognized animal model to study pathogenesis and treatment modalities. Therefore and to clarify the possible role in the pathology of spinal cord trauma microglia from 15 dogs with spinal cord trauma confirmed by imaging, gross and histopathological examination was isolated and characterized morphologically, immunophenotypically, and functionally ex vivo by flow cytometry. Results were compared to region-specific basic values. Immunophenotypical characterization was performed using 12 different antibodies. Surface markers responsible for co-stimulation of T-cells, leukocyte adhesion and aggregation, and for lipid or glycolipid presentation showed an upregulation in traumatized spinal cord. Statistically significant differences were found for the expression intensity of B7-1, B7-2, MHC II, CD1c, ICAM-1, CD14, CD44 and CD45. Within the isolated microglia from traumatized canine spinal cord a statistically significant higher expression intensity of B7-1, MHC class I and class II was found in the cervical samples compared to the thoracolumbar. Functional investigation assessed by microglial phagocytosis of Staph. aureus together with ROS generation after spinal cord trauma revealed a statistically significant decrease in percentage of positive cells, whereas intensity of phagocytosis and ROS generation appeared significantly increased. In conclusion, due to their enhanced activation, microglia cells seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of spinal cord trauma. Consequently, an inhibition of this activation has to be considered to encourage the success of new therapeutical strategies such as transplantation of olfactoric ensheating cells (OECs). Key words: spinal cord trauma, microglia, immunophenotyping, phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species Ergebnisse 30 1. Introduction Microglial cells are known as the main immune effector cells of the central nervous system (CNS; Kreutzberg, 1996; Aloisi, 2001; Liu et al., 2001; Streit, 2002; Streit, 2006). In case of any pathologic stimuli they develop into an activated state. For a considerable time the effect of microglial activation on neuronal repair respectively damage are discussed controversly. A study by Rabchevsky and Streit (1997) resulted in a creation of a pro-regenerative microenvironment evidenced by neuritic growth due to transplantation of cultured microglia into injured, adult rat spinal cord. In agreement with this, microglial activation after acute CNS injury reduces primary tissue damage and promotes subsequent neuronal repair (Streit, 2002). In contrast to this, there are studies underlining the harmful characteristics of microglia. Due to phagocytosis and the release of potentially cytotoxic substances microglia play a key role in the initiation and mediation of secondary autodestructive tissue damage (Banati et al., 1993) and contribute to further axonal injury and cell death after spinal cord injury (SCI; Jeffery, 2009). Inhibition of activated microglial cells lead to a decreased cell death and an improvement in functional recovery after SCI in rats (Yune et al., 2009). Kempermann and Neumann (2003) summarize microglial immune response to injury as a double-edged sword, simultaneously beneficial and detrimental. Microglial activation following pathological stimuli was described so far in human neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Thomas, 1992; Williams et al., 1994; Yiangou et al., 2006), and in animals in canine distemper virus (Stein et al., 2004b), experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE; Vass and Lassmann, 1990; Ruuls et al., 1995), and experimental traumatic lesions in mural brain (Schnell et al., 1999). Moreover, microglia in an activated state was detected in the spinal cord of rodents in case of trauma (Schnell et al., 1999; Sroga et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2005; Longbrake et al., 2007; Yune et al., 2009; Baloui et al., 2009). The present study focuses on spinal microglial behaviour in respect to trauma with the objective to evaluate influences on the pathogenesis. In an effort to reflect microglial behaviour in their natural environment, these cells were characterized ex vivo. Since spinal cord trauma in dogs provides an ideal translational model for new treatment modalities (Jeffery et al., 2006), this species was investigated in the current study. Canine spinal cord affected by a traumatic insult has not been investigated ex vivo so far. An appropriate technique for examination of canine brain microglia via density gradient Ergebnisse 31 centrifugation has been established by Stein et al. (2004a) and modified for canine spinal cord in our previous study. The aim of the present study was to accomplish a morphological, immunophenotypical, and functional characterization of microglia in canine spinal cord trauma to evaluate their pathogenetical role in degeneration and regeneration of CNS tissue damage. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Animals Fifteen three months to fifteen years old dogs of different breeds (6 mixed breeds, 3 Dachshunds, 2 Bernese Mountain Dogs and 1 each of German Shepherd Dog, Labrador, Bavarian Mountain Dog, and Beagle) were presented at the Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany with spinal cord traumata caused by intervertebral disk herniations or traffic accidents. Four dogs (27%) were female, 11 were male (73%). Duration of neurological signs ranged from a few hours to 42 days. In 5 dogs, the lesion was located in the cervical spinal cord, 10 dogs were presented with a thoracolumbar lesion location. The dogs showed different severity grades of neurological signs reflected by their status of ambulation, 7 dogs were paretic, 6 dogs were plegic. In the two remaining dogs ambulatory status could not be evaluated reliably because of severe clinical signs. Of the 15 dogs included in the study, 6 had been treated with glucocorticosteroids, 7 dogs had not received glucocorticosteroids, and in 2 dogs no information could be assessed about premedication. In 8 cases spinal cord trauma was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Euthanasia was elected by the owners in all cases due to poor prognosis. Gross pathological and histopathological examination confirmed spinal cord trauma in all cases. Ex vivo isolation and examination of microglial cells from the lesion site was performed for each individual dog. 2.2 Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and membrane immunofluorescence MAbs (Tab. 1) were used to detect the structures on the surface of the canine spinal microglial cell as described before. The following antibodies were purchased: CD11b, CD11c, CD45 (biotin linked), CD14 (conjugated with R-phycoerythrine), MHC class I, CD44, CD3 (fluorescein-isothiocyanate-conjugated) and CD21 (conjugated with Rphycoerythrine). Monoclonal mouse antibodies against CD18, CD4, CD8α, B7-1 (CD80), B7-2 (CD86), MHC class II, CD1c and ICAM-1 (CD54) were kindly provided by Professor Ergebnisse 32 Dr. Peter F. Moore (University of California, Davis, USA), prepared as tissue supernatants, and used in a dilution of 1:5. Double stainings were performed for CD18 with CD45, and CD3 with CD14. Table 1 Monoclonal antibodies for immunophenotypical characterization of canine spinal microglia. The clone, isotype, dilution used in this study, and the company are given in the table. CD = cluster of differentiation, MHC = major histocompatibility complex, ICAM-1 = intracellular adhesion molecule-1. Antibody Host Isotype CD11b CD11c CD45 CD3 CD21 MHC I CD14 CD44 mouse mouse rat mouse mouse mouse mouse rat IgG1 IgG1 IgG2b IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a CD18 mouse IgG1 CD4 CD8α B7-1 (CD80) B7-2 (CD86) MHC II CD1c ICAM-1 (CD54) mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 mouse IgG1 Dilution Company used 1:5 Serotec, Eching, Germany 1:5 Serotec, Eching, Germany 1 : 16 Serotec, Eching, Germany 1: 5 Serotec, Eching, Germany 1:5 Serotec, Eching, Germany 1 : 16 VMRD, Pullman, WA, USA 1:7 DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark 1 : 10 Serotec, Eching, Germany Leukocyte antigen biology laboratory, Prof. Peter F. 1:5 Moore, University of California, Davis, CA, USA ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ ײ Human normal immunoglobuline G (in a dilution 1:16; Globuman Berna, Bern, Switzerland) was added to the cell solution to block non-specific binding. Secondary, fluorochrom-labled antibodies were given to bind the unconjugated primary antibodies (Tab. 2). Goat anti mouse R-phycoerythrine (gαm-PE) was used for staining mAbs originating from mouse tissues, the mAb of rat origin (CD44) was detected with rabbit anti rat R-phycoerythrine (rαr-PE) and streptavidine-conjugated fluorescein-isothiocyanate (SAFITC) was used for the detection of CD45. Ergebnisse 33 Following staining procedure cells were measured ex vivo by flow cytometry with a FACSCalibur® (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany). To identify microglial cells the parameter size (FSC), complexity (SSC) and the relative expression of CD18, CD11b/c, and expression intensity of CD45 were used as described before. Percentage of positive cells (expression) and the mean fluorescence intensity (expression intensity) were analyzed in two fluorescence channels (FL1, FL2) and results were evaluated with the FACS Cell-Quest®-Software provided by BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany. Table 2 Secondary, fluorochrome-labeled antibodies for the detection of primary antibodies. The fragment, isotype, applied dilution, and the company are shown. gαm-PE = goat anti mouse R-phycoerythrine, rαr-PE = rabbit anti rat Rphycoerythrine. Antibody Fragment Isotype Dilution used Company gαm-PE F(ab´)2 IgG 1 : 100 Dianova, Hamburg, Germany rαr-PE F(ab´)2 IgG 1 : 100 Serotec, Eching, Germany 2.3 Isolation of spinal cord microglia Isolation of microglia from the spinal cord was performed according to a protocol described in our previous study. Briefly, an intravenous injection of pentobarbiturate (Narcoren®, Merial GmbH, Hallbergmoos, Germany) in an overdose was used for euthanasia of dogs. Spinal cord samples were removed immediately after death and contained the lesion site and perilesional tissue from three to four spinal cord segments cranially and caudally. Samples were immediately transferred to ice-cold Hanks´ solution with 3% fetal calf serum and a pH of 7.36. Additionally, a segment of 1 cm size was taken from the epicenter of the lesion and send to the Department of Pathology for histopathological examination. The isolation protocol comprised a mechanical dissociation by mincing through a stainlesssteel sieve and enzymatical digestion of spinal cord tissue with collagenase (NB 8 from Cl. histiolyticum, 5.7mg/g CNS tissue; SERVA, Heidelberg, Germany) and DNAse (DNAse type IV: bovine pancreas, 500 U/g CNS tissue; Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH, Steinheim, Ergebnisse 34 Germany) in dissociation buffer (89.4 g/l NaCl, 37.3 g/l KCl, 40.0 g/l MgCl2, 25.3 g/l CaCl2). Microglial cells from the spinal cord were isolated using two consecutive density gradients. For an initial gradient which was used to remove myelin and cell debris, cells were resuspended in 45 ml of isotonic Percoll (GE healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden) at a density of 1.030 g/ml and underlayered with 5 ml of Percoll at a density of 1.124g/ml. After a centrifugation step the cells were collected from the surface of the 1.124g/ml-layer. Cells were washed and resuspended in 5 ml Hanks´ buffer, and added on top of a major gradient consisting of 5 ml of Percoll at 1.124g/ml subsequently overlayered with Percoll dilutions in Hanks’ buffer such as 12 ml of 1.077g/ml and 1.066g/ml Percoll each, followed by 8 ml of the densities 1.050, and 1.030 g/ml Percoll each in a 50 ml-tube. Following a centrifugation step the cells were gained from the surfaces of the 1.077 and 1.066g/mllayer. The collected cells were used immediately for the morphological, immunophenotypical and functional characterization. 2.4 Phagocytosis assay The ability of spinal cord microglia to perform phagocytosis was evaluated as described before by offering heat-killed and lyophilized FITC-labelled Staphylococcus aureus (Bio Particles®, wood strain, without protein A, fluorescein conjugate, Molecular Probes Europe B.V., Leiden, The Netherlands) for phagocytosis. The bacteria were adjusted to a concentration of 8 x 108 bacteria/ml. 30 µl bacteria were treated with 30 µl pooled dog serum diluted 1:5 with PBS for opsonization (opsonized bacteria) or 30 µl PBS (nonopsonized bacteria) were added and suspensions were incubated. Following incubation 180 µl PBS were added to each bacteria suspension resulting in a concentration of 108 bacteria/ml. 100 µl of microglial cells were mixed with 100 µl non-opsonized bacteria, opsonized bacteria or PBS (negative control), the experiments were arranged in duplicates. Following gentle suspension, assays were incubated as described before. To stop phagocytosis reaction and to minimize adhesion of the cells on the surface of the tubes, cells were put on ice for 15 minutes (min) after incubation. FACSFlow® (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany) was added and the percentage of microglia performing phagocytosis and the phagocytosis intensity (measured by fluorescence intensity) of microglial cells were determined immediately ex vivo by flow cytometry. To analyze the percentage of phagocytosis-positive microglia two steps were used: a comparison of non-opsonized and opsonized bacteria with reference to the negative control and phagocytosis of opsonized bacteria with reference to phagocytosis of non-opsonized bacteria. Flow cytometry was accomplished in the fluorescence 1-height Ergebnisse 35 (FL1-H, green fluorescence) channel of a FACSCalibur® and the percentage of phagocytoting cells respectively the mean fluorescence intensity (intensity of phagocytosis) were analyzed using FACS Cell-Quest®-Software provided by BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany. 2.5 ROS generation test The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by microglial cells was investigated as described by Emmendörffer et al. (1990). In this method the non-fluorescent dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR 123, MoBiTec GmbH, Göttingen, Germany) is converted during ROS generation by membrane-adapted myeloperoxidase into the green-fluorescent rhodamine123. Microglial cells were triggered with Phorbol-myristate-acetate (PMA, Sigma, Deisenhofen, Germany) which was dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO, SigmaAldrich, Deisenhofen, Germany) and diluted with PBS to result in a concentration of 100 nmol/l cell suspension. Isolated microglial cells were pre-incubated at 37°C and 5 % CO2 for 15 min to achieve comparable and identical levels of activation. As a negative control (evaluation of morphology and background fluorescence of the cells) one tube with microglial cells only was applied. To compare non-stimulated and PMA-stimulated ROS generation, either 10 µl PBS or 10 µl PMA were added to the microglial suspensions (90 µl). After a 15 min incubation time DHR 123 (20 µl) was added (except for the negative control) and a further incubation step was performed. Samples were measured immediately ex vivo by flow cytometry after adding of FACSFlow®. ROS-generation was determined by analyzing both, the percentage of positive microglial cells, and the mean fluorescence intensity as an indirect means for quantity of ROS-generation. The percentage of microglial cells performing ROS-generation was evaluated by comparing negative control with non-stimulated and PMA-stimulated microglia. In a further analyzing step ROS generation of PMA-stimulated microglia was compared to that of non-stimulated microglia. To ensure reproducibility of the results, approaches were performed in duplicates and mean values were used for evaluation. Flow cytometric measurement and evaluation of percentage of ROS generating cells and the mean fluorescence intensity (intensity of ROS generation) was performed using a FACSCalibur® (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany, FL-1 channel) and FACS Cell-Quest®-Software provided by BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany. Ergebnisse 36 2.6 Statistics All data were included into a descriptive analysis. Shapiro-Wilk-Test and visual assessment of normal probability plots were utilized for confirmation of normal distribution of model-residuals. For the normal distributed parameter “percentage of positive cells” arithmetic means () and standard deviation (S.D.) was calculated, for the right skewed distributed parameter “fluorescence intensity” logarithmic transformation was performed prior to analysis. Geometric mean and geometric standard deviation was calculated and partly diagrammed on the original scale. For analyzing the effect of “localization” (cervical, thoracolumbar) and “treatment of cells” (opsonization respectively concentration of PMA) within localizations in dogs with spinal cord trauma two-way analysis of variance with independent effect “localization” and “treatment of cells” as repeated measurements was used, taking into account possible interactions between the two effects. A comparison of “percentage of positive cells” and “fluorescence intensity” between dogs with spinal cord trauma and healthy dogs, stratified by localization, “characterization” (mAbs, phagocytosis, ROS generation) and “treatment of cells” was performed using unpaired two-sample ttests. Age, duration of clinical signs, pre-treatment, and ambulatory status were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance with post-hoc tukey multiple pairwise comparisons. Regarding the experimentwise error rate, values of p < 0.05 (), p < 0.01 (), and p < 0.001 () were considered significant. Analyses were carried out with the statistical software SAS®, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) in a Windows XP®environment. For the analysis of the linear model, the procedure mixed was used. Data in tables and figures were presented using Microsoft® Office Excel® 2003 and 2007 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA) and GraphPad PRISM® (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, California, USA). 3. Results 3.1 Identification and purity Microglia was identified both, morphologically in a dot blot displaying size (FSC) versus complexity (SSC) and immunophenotypically. Cells appeared as a population of relatively small cells with a phenotype of CD18+, CD11b/c+ and CD45low. In five dogs with traumatized spinal cord the microglial population showed a large diversity in morphology with an increase in size and complexity (Fig. 1) compared to the healthy control dogs. Ergebnisse 37 Technical purification resulted in a microglial cell gate with sufficient purity (92.5%) for further characterization. Only a very small proportion of the isolated cells showed an expression of the lymphocyte markers CD4 ( = 4.1 %), CD8α ( = 3.4 %), CD3 ( = 7.5 %), and CD21 ( = 2.2 %). Figure 1 Microglial cell population isolated from healthy (a) and traumatized (b) cervical spinal cord displayed in a Dot Plot. The abscissa shows the size (FSC = forward scatter), complexity (SSC = side scatter) is presented on the ordinate. In healthy spinal cord (a) microglia appears as a homogenous population of relatively small cells (black line), whereas microglia from traumatized spinal cord (b) showed a larger diversity in morphology with an increase in size and complexity (black line) in five dogs. 3.2 Immunophenotypical characterization of canine microglia Twelve different antibodies were used to characterize microglial immunophenotype. Whereas no upregulation was found in the percentage of positive cells, microglia from traumatized cervical and thoracolumbar spinal cord showed a significantly enhanced expression intensity of B7-1 (p < 0.0001), B7-2 (p < 0.0001), MHC II (cervical: p < 0.0001, thoracolumbar p = 0.0428), CD1c (p < 0.0001), ICAM-1 (cervical: p < 0.0001, thoracolumbar p = 0.0007), CD45 (p < 0.0001), CD14 (p < 0.0001), and CD44 (cervical: p < 0.0001, thoracolumbar p = 0.0006) compared to the region-specific values from healthy dogs (Fig. 2). The highest enhancements in microglial expression intensities were found for B7-1 and CD45 in the cervical spinal cord, which were about 11fold higher, and for B7-1 in the thoracolumbar spinal cord which was 9.5fold higher than in the healthy control dogs. Comparison of the percentages of surface molecule expression from microglia originating from traumatized cervical versus traumatized thoracolumbar spinal cord did not result in Ergebnisse 38 any differences. In contrast, the expression intensities of B7-1 (p = 0.0463), MHC class I (p = 0.0173), and MHC class II (p = 0.0227) were significantly higher in the traumatized cervical than in the thoracolumbar spinal cord (Fig. 3). (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Ergebnisse Figure 2 39 Expression intensities of the surface antigens B7-1 (a), B7-2 (b), CD1c (c), MHC II (d), ICAM-1 (e), CD45 (f) on microglia in dogs with spinal cord trauma compared to healthy reference dogs. Localizations of the trauma differentiated as cervical and thoracolumbar and their regionspecific references are shown on the abscissa and the fluorescence intensity on the ordinate. Upper and lower limits of the box represent the 25% and 75% quartiles, respectively. Horizontal bars give the median values, whiskers display minimum and maximum values. Microglia of dogs with cervical and thoracolumbar trauma (n = 5 and n = 10, respectively) showed a significantly up-regulated expression intensity ( = p < 0.05, = p < 0.01, = p < 0.001) measured by mean fluorescence intensity) of B7-1 (CD80) (p < 0.0001), B7-2 (CD86) (p < 0.0001), MHC II (cervical: p < 0.0001, thoracolumbar: p = 0.043), CD1c (p < 0.0001), ICAM-1 (CD54) (cervical: p < 0.0001, thoracolumbar: p = 0.0007 ), CD45 (p < 0.0001), CD14 (p < 0.0001 ), and CD44 (cervical: p < 0.0001, thoracolumbar: p = 0.0006) compared to the cervical and thoracolumbar values in healthy dogs (n = 22 and n = 22, respectively). CD = cluster of differentiation, MHC = major histocompatibility complex, ICAM-1 = intracellular adhesion molecule-1. Figure 3 Comparison of microglial expression intensities of the surface antigens B7-1, MHC I, and MHC II in traumatized cervical (grey box plots) and thoracolumbar (white box plots) spinal cord. The surface antigens are displayed on the abscissa, and mean fluorescence intensity is shown on the ordinate. Upper and lower limits of the box represent the 25% and 75% quartiles. Horizontal bars give the median values, whiskers display minimum and maximum values. Canine microglia from traumatized cervical spinal cord (grey boxes; n = 5) showed significantly higher expression intensities () of B7-1 (p = 0.046), MHC I (p = 0.017), and Ergebnisse 40 MHC II (p = 0.023) compared to traumatized thoracolumbar spinal cord (white boxes; n = 10). CD = cluster of differentiation, MHC = major histocompatibility complex. 3.3 Phagocytosis assay Microglia in dogs with spinal cord trauma showed a tendency for an increased phagocytosis of opsonized bacteria when compared to the healthy controls, which was very distinct in thoracolumbar spinal cord trauma (p = 0.05; Fig. 4a). Moreover, the mean fluorescence intensity as a means for the microglial phagocytosis intensity revealed a 1.4fold and 1.5fold increase in cervical respectively thoracolumbar spinal cord trauma compared to values from healthy control dogs. This finding was statistically significant for microglia from traumatized thoracolumbar spinal cord and phagocytosis of opsonized bacteria (p = 0.0366; Fig. 4b). A comparison of microglial phagocytosis activity in cervical versus thoracolumbar spinal cord trauma did not reveal any statistically significant differences. Phagocytosis (a) Figure 4 (b) Results of phagocytosis of opsonized Staphylococcus aureus in a) percentages of phagocytosing microglia and b) phagocytosis intensity originating from traumatized cervical and thoracolumbar spinal cord and region-specific reference values. Localizations of the trauma differentiated as cervical (n = 5) and thoracolumbar (n = 10) and the region-specific values of healthy control dogs (n = 22 each) are shown on the abscissa, and a) the percentage of phagocytosing microglia or b) intensity of phagocytosis are displayed on the ordinate. Upper and lower limits of the box represent the 25% and 75% Ergebnisse 41 quartiles. Horizontal bars display the median values, whiskers show minimum and maximum values. The percentage of microglia performing phagocytosis (a) as well as the phagocytosis intensity (b) was higher in traumatized spinal cord compared to the healthy controls. This enhanced percentage and intensity were statistically remarkable () respectively significant () in traumatized thoracolumbar spinal cord compared to the healthy region-specific reference (p = 0.05 and 0.04, respectively). 3.4 Generation of ROS Whereas no upregulation could be found in the percentage of ROS generating microglia the intensity of microglial ROS generation revealed a twofold increase after spinal cord trauma compared to the region-specific values of healthy control dogs. This finding reached the level of significance in thoracolumbar spinal cord trauma (p ≤ 0.03) whereas in cervical spinal cord trauma only a distinct tendency for an enhanced ROS generation intensity could be seen (Fig. 5) in comparison to the region-specific control. The increase in ROS generation was very distinct in the five dogs showing the great diversity in microglial morphology (data not shown). Furthermore, a comparison of microglial ROS generation in spinal cord trauma did not result in any statistically significant differences between the two regions - cervical and thoracolumbar - examined. ROS generation (a) (b) Ergebnisse Figure 5 42 Comparison of microglial non-stimulated (a) and PMA-stimulated (b) ROS-generation intensity in traumatized cervical and thoracolumbar spinal cord, and their regionspecific reference values. Cervical (n = 5) and thoracolumbar (n = 10) trauma and their region-specific references (cervical ref. and thoracolumbar ref., n = 22 each) are shown on the abscissa, the ordinate displays the ROS intensity. Upper and lower limits of the box represent the 25% and 75% quartiles. Horizontal bars display the median values, whiskers show minimum and maximum values. Microglia in spinal cord trauma showed a higher ROS-generation intensity in respect to healthy region-specific values in healthy control dogs which was statistically significant () in thoracolumbar samples both non-stimulated (a) (p = 0.003) and stimulated with PMA (b) (p = 0.001). PMA = Phorbol-myristate-acetate, ref. = reference. 3.5 Age, duration of clinical signs, pre-treatment with glucocorticosteroids, and ambulatory status Results of microglial characterization were correlated to age, duration of clinical signs, treatment of dogs with glucocorticosteroids, and their status of ambulation. Older age of the dogs was correlated with an increase in the percentage of ROS generating microglia, respectively CD1c+, and CD45+ cells, and with the expression intensity of B7-1, B7-2, MHC I, ICAM-1, CD45, CD44, and CD14. The percentage of microglia cells performing phagocytosis decreased with duration of clinical signs. In contrast to this, expression intensity of CD11c, ICAM-1, and CD1c increased with duration of clinical signs. Dogs with spinal cord trauma treated with glucocorticosteroids prior to microglial examination showed a lower percentage of ROS generating microglial cells. Moreover, a higher expression intensity was seen for B7-1, MHC I and II, CD1c, ICAM-1, CD45, and CD44 in these dogs. Plegic dogs tended to have a higher percentage of ROS generating microglia after PMA stimulation compared to paretic dogs. 4. Discussion Spinal cord trauma in the dog is considered to be an ideal translational model between rodent experiments and human clinical trials. To investigate the role of microglia in the pathogenesis in respect to harmful or beneficial characteristics, these cell population was isolated from dogs with spinal cord trauma using density gradient centrifugation, and Ergebnisse 43 characterized morphologically, immunophenotypically, and functionally by flow cytometry. Only very few studies are published investigating microglial cells ex vivo in CNS injury (Sedgwick et al., 1991; Stein et al., 2004b; Stirling and Yong, 2008), and this is the first time canine microglia is examined and characterized ex vivo following spinal cord trauma. There are many differences between naturally occurring and experimentally induced injuries concerning the homogeneity in severity, type, and precise location of the lesion (Jeffery et al., 2006) and therefore comparability of the results. However, the dog represents an ideal model for isolating spinal cord microglia and offers the possibility to investigate specific regions within the CNS as shown in our previous study. Due to extensive homology of canine and human spinal cord trauma in terms of mechanisms of injury, pathology, classification, functional monitoring, advanced imaging, and outcome (Purdy et al., 2004; Jeffery et al., 2006), the dog represents a valuable translational animal model for human spinal cord diseases and enables outstanding advances in human pathology research. The amenability of spinal cord tissue for ex vivo examination potentially closely reflecting conditions in vivo underlines the great advance of using canine models compared to humans (Jeffery et al., 2006). Density gradient centrifugation led to a convincing microglial purity and proved to be an efficient method for the isolation of microglia from the canine spinal cord in our previous study. Microglial purity achieved was slightly lower following trauma compared to our previous study with spinal cord from healthy dogs. This might reflect a higher difficulty in isolating microglial cells from traumatized canine spinal cord tissue due to their hypertrophy and stout processes, following pathological insults leading to a bushy appearance (Streit, 1995) and possibly resulting in entangled cells. Lymphocyte contamination was extremely low. Furthermore, isolated cells showed a higher expression intensity of CD14 and CD45 in comparison to reference values of healthy dogs. This increased expression can have several reasons (Popovich and Hickey, 2001). The phenotype could be ascribed to spinal cord microglia up-regulating certain surface molecules in case of activation or tissue macrophages adapted to the novel environment and tasks could have down-regulated their surface antigens. Due to a lack of antigens uniquely expressed by microglia (Perry and Gordon, 1991), it is difficult to make a distinction between these two cell types. Recently, regional topographic differences were described in microglial expression of surface molecules and function. These values were used to evaluate data in spinal cord trauma and the evaluation revealed an increase in immunophenotypical, and functional characterization of microglia. the morphological, Ergebnisse 44 Consistent with this, several studies described an enhanced microglial activation following spinal cord trauma in rats and mice (Schnell et al., 1999; Sroga et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2005; Beck et al., 2010) Immunophenotypic characterization revealed an upregulation of B7-1 and -2, CD1c, MHC II, ICAM-1, CD14, CD44, and CD45 in dogs with spinal cord trauma compared to healthy control dogs. This upregulation reflects microglial activation by transformation from a resting phenotype into an activated state. It is well known that upon activation microglial cells are capable of upregulation and de-novo expression of surface molecules (Thomas, 1992; Flaris et al., 1993; Streit, 1995; Stein et al., 2006). Microglial activation might also be reflected by the morphological diversity seen in five dogs possibly representing different functions of these cells. Expression intensity of MHC II was significantly higher in the dogs with spinal cord trauma compared to the healthy control dogs, which is consistent with immunohistochemical studies investigating microglia from injured spinal cord in rats and mice (Popovich and Hickey, 2001; Sroga et al., 2003). Furthermore, an upregulation of CD1c was seen on canine spinal microglia after trauma. Upregulation of the MHC and CD1c underlines the fact of microglia being an immunocompetent cell of the CNS, which is capable of processing and presenting peptidic and non-pepidic lipid- and glycolipid antigen (Ulvestad et al., 1994, Sedgwick et al., 1991; Gehrmann and Kreutzberg, 1995; Aloisi et al., 2000; Bußhoff et al., 2001, Stein et al., 2004a, b). In the event of trauma, spinal cord microglia cells seem to extend this ability to fulfill their tasks as repairing cells and gaining the function of full blown macrophages. According to their antigen presenting capacity by MHC or CD1c, for the activation of Tcells microglia require co-stimulating molecules on their surface such as B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86). Additionally, the expression of adhesion-molecules such as ICAM-1 (CD54) is essential for interaction between the antigen presenting cell and the T-cell. In this study, the expression intensity of B7-1, B7-2 and ICAM-1 was significantly higher compared to the values in healthy control dogs. According to this, Rutkowski et al. (2004) also observed an upregulation of B7-2 on spinal cord microglia following peripheral nerve injury. This upregulation of B7-1, -2 and ICAM-1 might lead to facilitated cell adhesion and more efficient co-stimulation of T-cells in the course of spinal cord injury. Following activation, an upregulation of CD45 on microglia from rodents and canine brain is described (Sedgwick et al. 1991; Stein et al. 2007). This upregulation of CD45 can be confirmed for microglia from traumatized canine spinal cord. An increased expression intensity of CD45 by microglial cells could lead to a more effective transduction of signals Ergebnisse 45 from molecules on the surface of cells, such as Fc-receptors, manifested in an elevated phagocytosing capacity. Upregulation of CD44, an extracellular matrix phosphoglycoprotein, involved in cell adhesion and immunomodulation was found by Moon et al. (2004) in rats with spinal cord injury after clip compression. This is in accordance with the results of our study in naturally occurring spinal cord disease, emphasizing the role of this surface molecule in response to trauma and repair of damaged CNS tissue (Jones et al., 2000; Moon et al., 2004). It was shown recently, that regional topographic immunophenotypic and functional differences already exist in resting microglia in healthy spinal cord potentially reflecting different states of microglial alertness. Interestingly, microglial immunophenotype in spinal cord trauma also revealed an elevated microglial expression intensity of B7-1, MHC I and II, in cervical compared to thoracolumbar spinal cord. In the healthy canine spinal cord regional topographic differences occur in the state of alertness of microglia caused by region specific requirements. Under pathological conditions this could lead to a higher expression in regions with per se higher state of alertness. In addition to an upregulation in the expression of surface molecules, canine microglia performs macrophage effector functions such as phagocytosis and ROS generation during the state of activation (Kreutzberg, 1996; Popovich, 2002). Functional characterization revealed a distinct tendency of increased microglial phagocytosis in traumatized spinal cord compared to findings in healthy dogs. Furthermore, the intensity of phagocytosis was higher in traumatized spinal cord in relation to reference values of healthy dogs displaying the higher activation status. Enhanced phagocytosis is necessary to remove the high amount of damaged cells respectively debris in an acute trauma. Therefore, an upregulation of phagocytosis in the beginning of clinical signs might initialize subsequent healing processes of the spinal cord. Consistent with this, the percentage of phagocytosis-positive microglia decreased with duration of clinical signs. According to our study, a microglial transformation into phagocytic cells was detected after SCI in rats (Isaksson et al., 1999). Additionally, Taccola et al. (2010) described a significant microglial activation associated with phagocytosis in segments below the lesion after SCI in vitro in rat spinal cord. A higher ROS generation was detected in traumatized spinal cord in comparison to reference values of healthy dogs. This finding reached the level of significance in thoracolumbar spinal cord whereas cervical spinal cord showed a distinct tendency for an upregulation. Consistent with the present study, Yune et al. (2009) described a dramatical Ergebnisse 46 increase in microglial ROS generation following experimental SCI in rats. An elevated ROS production following SCI in mice was also detected by Xu et al. (2005), who showed a correlation between increased ROS generation and SCI-mediated motor neuron death additionally. Furthermore, an in vitro spinal cord injury model performed by Luo et al. (2002) revealed an increase of post-injury ROS signals detected by flow cytometry in guinea pigs. Despite microglial ROS generation contributes to immune defence, this function can lead to a direct damage of healthy neurons also (Bruce-Keller, 1999). Streit (2002) described microglial activation after acute CNS injury as a reactive and adaptive glial cell response (injury-induced activation; Streit, 2006) triggered by injured neurons to promote subsequent repair. This injury-induced activation can be associated with an irreversible microglial hyperactivation by which microglia is suspected to injure neurons and to be involved in secondary damage after trauma (Nakamura, 2002). Activated microglial cells are the primary source of the neurotoxic ROS (Qin et al., 2004). Thus, a bystander damage in the traumatized spinal cord caused by microglial ROS generation has to be taken into consideration. Indeed a higher percentage of ROS generating microglia was seen in more severely compromised plegic dogs compared to paretic dogs. This finding gives evidence for ROS generation as an important factor in secondary damage (Jeffery, 2009) which could be manifested in more serious spinal cord damage or in a functional damage causing the severe clinical signs. This is underlined by an increased expression intensity of CD11c, ICAM-1, and CD1c correlated with a longer duration of clinical signs. In conclusion, the upregulation of certain surface molecules observed in this study is indicative for an activation of microglia in spinal cord trauma. Furthermore, increased microglial function seems to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of spinal cord trauma and may have fundamental influences on recovery. Despite microglial potential of destroying invading microorganisms, removing potentially deleterious debris and promoting tissue repair (Kreutzberg, 1996) the potentially harmful characteristics of microglial function have to be considered. This is of importance in the research concerning new therapeutical strategies such as transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), providing trophic support for injured neurons and angiogenesis which results in an improved functional recovery (Radtke et al., 2008; Kocsis et al., 2009). A potentially defense response directed against implanted cells such as OECs by activated microglia has to be assumed. Therefore, a medication-induced repression of microglial activation previous to implantation of OECs should be considered to ensure the success of this approach (Ekdahl et al., 2003; Festoff et al., 2006). Ergebnisse 47 Acknowledgements The study was supported by the German Research Foundation (FOR 1103) and the Frauchiger Stiftung, Bern, Switzerland. References Aloisi F, De Simone R, Columba-Cabezas S, et al. Functional maturation of adult mouse resting microglia into APC is promoted by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interaction with Th1 cells. J Immunol 2000;164:1705---12 Aloisi F. Immune Function of Microglia. Glia 2001;36:165--79 Baloui H, Stettler O, Weiss S, et al. Upregulation in rat spinal cord microglia of the nonintegrin laminin receptor 37 kDa-LRP following activation by a traumatic lesion or peripheral injury. 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Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse beider Studien Die erste Studie in dieser Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der retrospektiven Evaluierung von Korrelationen zwischen qualitativen beziehungsweise quantitativen MRT-Befunden und Parametern des klinischen Verlaufs von paraplegischen Hunden, welche im Zeitraum von Januar 2005 bis Juni 2009 in der Kleintierklinik der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover vorgestellt wurden. Dreiundsechzig paraplegische Hunde erfüllten die Einschlusskriterien für diese Studie. Darunter waren 63% Dackel, 16% Mischlinge, 6% Jack Russell Terrier, 3% Pekinesen und jeweils ein Amerikanischer Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Shi Tzu, Toy Pudel, Bolonka Zwetna sowie eine Bulldogge und eine Dachsbracke. Das Alter der Tiere bei Vorstellung reichte von einem Jahr bis zu 13 Jahren (Durchschnitt 6,9 Jahre). Neununddreißig Hunde waren männlich, davon 7 kastriert, 24 Hunde waren weiblich und davon 5 kastriert. Das durchschnittliche Körpergewicht betrug 9,2 kg. Bei Vorstellung in der Klinik zeigten 78% der Hunde neurologische Ausfälle entsprechend Grad 4 nach Sharp und Wheeler (2005), 22% wurden mit Grad 5 präsentiert. Die Krankheitsdauer variierte von einem Tag bis zu 32 Tagen. Eine Vorbehandlung mit Glukokortikosteroiden erhielten 28 Hunde, bei 23 Hunden konnte dieses ausgeschlossen werden und von 12 Hunden konnten keine Informationen über etwaige Vorbehandlungen eingeholt werden. Der Zeitraum, nach dem eine Besserung der neurologischen Symptomatik um eine Stufe des Schweregrades eintrat, reichte von einem Tag bis hin zu mehreren Wochen. Die Auswertung der MRT-Befunde zeigte das Auftreten einer intramedullären Hyperintensität bei 59% aller untersuchten Hunde, von welchen 32% eine Ausdehnung entsprechend Kategorie 4 (> 2 x Länge des zweiten Lendenwirbels (L2)), 38% entsprechend Kategorie 3 (> 1 x L2), 16% entsprechend Kategorie 2 (≤ 1 x L2) und 14% eine Ausdehnung entsprechend Kategorie 1 (≤ ½ x L2) zeigten. Der Grad der Rückenmarkskompression konnte eingeteilt werden in Kategorie 1: ≤ 25% (13% aller Hunde), Kategorie 2: ≤ 50% (46% aller Hunde), Kategorie 3: ≤ 75% (38% aller Hunde) sowie in Kategorie 4: > 75% (3% aller Hunde). Statistisch signifikante Korrelationen konnten zwischen den Graden nach Sharp und Wheeler (2005) bei Vorstellung und dem Vorliegen einer intramedullären Hyperintensität sowie deren Ausdehnung in T2-Gewichtung festgestellt werden (p = 0,02). Hierbei zeigte der höhere Grad 5 ein wahrscheinlicheres Auftreten einer Hyperintensität beziehungsweise deren größere Ausdehnung. Außerdem wurde beobachtet, dass der Grad der Rückenmarkskompression signifikant mit der Dauer des Krankheitsgeschehens angestiegen ist (p < 0,001). Die Ausdehnung der Hyperintensität hing vom Grad der Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse beider Studien 54 Kompression des Rückenmarkes ab (p = 0,05). Der Zeitraum, in dem sich der neurologische Zustand um einen Grad besserte, war tendenziell kürzer, wenn keine beziehungsweise nur eine Hyperintensität geringer Ausdehnung vorlag. Die zweite Studie in dieser Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der immunphänotypischen und funktionellen Untersuchung kaniner Mikrogliazellen aus dem zervikalen und thorakolumbalen traumatisierten Rückenmark. Die immunphänotypische Charakterisierung wurde mittels 12 verschiedener Antikörper durchgeführt, in der funktionellen Untersuchung wurde zum einen die Phagozytose von Staphylococcus aureus sowie zum anderen die ROS-Bildung durch Mikroglia bei 15 Hunden mit Rückenmarkstraumata evaluiert. Mikroglia, welche aus traumatisiertem Rückenmark isoliert wurde, zeigte eine signifikant höhere Expressionsintensität von B7-1 (p < 0,0001), B7-2 (p < 0,0001), Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplex II (major histocompatibility complex, MHC II; zervikal: p < 0,0001, thorakolumbal: p = 0,0428), Cluster of Differentiation 1c (CD1c; p < 0,0001), interzellulärem Adhäsionsmolekül 1 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, ICAM-1; zervikal: p < 0,0001, thorakolumbal: p = 0,0007), CD45 (p < 0,0001), CD14 (p < 0,0001) und CD44 (zervikal: p < 0,0001, thorakolumbal: p = 0,0006) verglichen mit gesundem Rückenmark. Ferner stellte sich nach einem Trauma die Expressionsintensität von B7-1, MHC I und MHC II im zervikalen Rückenmark signifikant höher dar als im thorakolumbalen Rückenmark. Die Phagozytoserate im traumatisierten Rückenmark war tendenziell erhöht im Vergleich zu gesundem Rückenmark. Des Weiteren zeigte sich die Phagozytoseintensität beziehungsweise die Menge der phagozytierten Bakterien deutlich erhöht nach Rückenmarkstrauma, was durch eine statistische Signifikanz (p = 0,0366) für thorakolumbales Rückenmark unterstrichen wurde. Die Untersuchung der ROS-Bildung resultierte in einem deutlichen Anstieg der Intensität der ROS-Bildung nach Rückenmarkstrauma. Dies war statistisch signifikant für thorakolumbale Proben (p ≤ 0,03), wobei zervikales Rückenmark eine deutliche Tendenz zu erhöhten Werten zeigte. Übergreifende Diskussion 55 IV. Übergreifende Diskussion Die retrospektive Evaluierung von Korrelationen zwischen qualitativen beziehungsweise quantitativen MRT-Befunden und Parametern des klinischen Verlaufs 63 paraplegischer Hunde zeigte, dass Patienten mit hohem neurologischen Schweregrad vor der Operation (OP) signifikant häufiger eine Hyperintensität sowie eine größere Ausdehnung der Hyperintensität in T2-gewichteten MRT-Sequenzen aufweisen als Hunde mit einem niedrigen neurologischen Schweregrad prä OP. Die Befunde wurden an einer annähernd homogenen Hundepopulation erhoben. Die Hunde hatten ein Körpergewicht < 20 kg, um die Prognose nicht durch unterschiedliche Körpergewichte zu beeinflussen. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen mit ähnlichen Studien an einer heterogenen Hundepopulation (LEVINE et al., 2009) sowie Menschen (SCHAEFER et al., 1989; MIYANJI et al., 2007; MIRANDA et al., 2008) überein. Eine Hyperintensität des Myelons in der T2-gewichteten MRT-Sequenz kann unter anderem pathologische Prozesse wie Nekrosen, Myelomalazien, Blutungen sowie Ödeme darstellen (ITO et al., 2005; SANDERS et al., 2002). Diese Veränderungen können den höheren neurologischen Schweregrad mit einem schwerwiegenderen Rückenmarksschaden gut erklären. Eine solche Rückenmarksschädigung kann zum Beispiel durch einen Bandscheibenvorfall verursacht werden. Zum einen kann vorgefallenes Bandscheibenmaterial zu einer Erschütterung und Kompression des Rückenmarkes führen und eine Reihe von metabolischen und biochemischen Prozessen induzieren (JEFFERY, 2009), welche Gewebsnekrose sowie eine Schädigung der Blutversorgung zur Folge haben können (GRIFFITHS, 1972; PLATT u. OLBY, 2004). So konnte in vorliegender Studie eine größere Ausdehnung der Hyperintensität des Myelons in T2-gewichteten MRT-Aufnahmen bei Zunahme der Kompression des Rückenmarkes durch Bandscheibenmaterial beobachtet werden, was im Einklang mit einer Studie von PURDY et al. (2004) steht, in welcher eine Abhängigkeit der Rückenmarksschädigung von dem Grad der Kompression aufgezeigt wurde. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass ein Bandscheibenvorfall zu einer Aktivierung der Mikroglia führt. Eine gesteigerte Produktion reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies kann zu einer direkten Neuronenschädigung (BRUCE-KELLER, 1999) und folglich Nekrose und Myelomalazie des Rückenmarkes führen, was wiederum die MRT-Befunde gut erklären kann. Übergreifende Diskussion 56 Der langfristige Therapieerfolg nach einem Bandscheibenvorfall fiel bei Vorliegen einer Hyperintensität sowie einer größeren Ausdehnung in der T2-gewichteten MRT-Sequenz tendenziell schlechter aus. Diese Tendenz wurde verifiziert durch andere Studien, welche dem Vorhandensein einer intramedullären Hyperintensität (MIYANJI et al., 2007; YUKAWA et al., 2007) beziehungsweise deren Ausdehnung (FLANDERS et al., 1999; SELDEN et al., 1999; MIYANJI et al., 2007) beim Menschen einen prognostischen Wert zusprachen. Auch Studien mit Hunden zeigten Korrelation zwischen Therapieerfolg und Vorliegen beziehungsweise Ausdehnung der Hyperintensität in der T2-gewichteten MRT-Sequenz. ITO et al. (2005) wiesen eine schlechte Prognose für paraplegische Hunde nach, die eine Hyperintensität ab einer Länge, die dem zweiten Lendenwirbel entsprach, aufwiesen. Dies wird unterstützt durch eine Studie von LEVINE et al. (2009), in welcher ein herabgesetzter langfristiger Therapieerfolg im Zusammenhang mit Vorhandensein und Ausdehnung einer Hyperintensität in der T2-gewichteten MRT beschrieben wird. So lässt sich also zusammenfassen, dass es deutliche Hinweise darauf gibt, dass den in dieser Studie untersuchten Hyperintensität in der qualitativen T2-gewichteten und MRT quantitativen ein wichtiger Eigenschaften prognostischer der Wert zugesprochen werden kann. Somit können sie bisherige prognostische Faktoren wie den neurologischen Schweregrad prä OP und das Vorhandensein der Tiefensensibilität (SCOTT, 1997) sinnvoll unterstützen. Ergänzende Methoden zur Einschätzung der Prognose nach einem Bandscheibenvorfall stellen wichtige Hilfsmittel für die Auswahl neuer Therapieansätze, wie zum Beispiel der Implantation olfaktorischer Hüllzellen, dar. Olfaktorische Hüllzellen haben in vorausgegangenen Studien durch die Unterstützung geschädigter Neuronen und der Angiogenese gute Erfolge in der Regeneration des Rückenmarkes erzielt (RADTKE et al., 2008; KOCSIS et al., 2009). Ihre Implantation in traumatisiertes Rückenmark kann daher die Chancen auf einen größeren Therapieerfolg erheblich steigern. Fortschritte in der Weiterentwicklung dieser Therapiemaßnahmen von Rückenmarkstraumata beim Hund sind auch auf den humanmedizinischen Bereich übertragbar, da das kanine Rückenmarkstrauma aufgrund vergleichbarer Eigenschaften in der Entstehung, Diagnostik und Behandlung ein wichtiges Translationsmodell für das des Menschen darstellt (PURDY et al., 2004; JEFFERY et al., 2006). Übergreifende Diskussion Für eine 57 erfolgreiche Implantation olfaktorischer Zellen ist es wichtig, die Abwehrmechanismen des Rückenmarkes, insbesondere die der Mikroglia, welche die residenten Immuneffektorzellen in diesem Gewebe darstellen, einschätzen zu können. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der zweiten Studie dieser Arbeit Mikroglia von Hunden mit Rückenmarkstrauma isoliert und mittels Durchflusszytometrie morphologisch, immunphänotypisch sowie funktionell charakterisiert. Vorausgegangene Studien beschäftigten sich mit der ex vivo-Untersuchung von Mikrogliazellen aus pathologisch verändertem Gehirn oder Rückenmark (SEDGWICK et al., 1991; STIRLING u. YONG, 2008), in der vorliegenden Studie wurde zum ersten Mal kanines Rückenmark nach Rückenmarkstrauma ex vivo untersucht. Klinische Rückenmarkstraumata weisen im Vergleich zu experimentellen Traumata in der untersuchten Population eine größere Variabilität in Bezug auf den Schweregrad, die Art sowie die genaue Lokalisation der Läsion auf (JEFFERY et al., 2006). Aus diesem Grund können experimentelle Studien das klinische Geschehen oftmals nicht zuverlässig widerspiegeln. Die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene ex vivo-Untersuchung von traumatisiertem Rückenmark gibt im Gegensatz dazu einen besseren Aufschluss über mikrogliale Funktionen in vivo. Als Vergleichswerte dienten die Ergebnisse einer im Vorfeld durchgeführten Studie, in welcher Mikroglia aus gesundem Rückenmark mit der gleichen Methodik charakterisiert wurde. Die morphologische Charakterisierung zeigte eine Diversität bezüglich Komplexität und Größe der Mikroglia aus traumatisierten im Vergleich zu gesundem Rückenmark, was für eine Aktivierung spinaler Mikrogliazellen nach einem Trauma spricht. Durch eine gesteigerte ROS-Bildung und phagozytierte Partikel im Zellinneren kommt es zu einer granulierten Struktur und folglich zu einem Anstieg in der Komplexität der Mikroglia. Eine Zunahme der Zellgröße kann durch eine Hypertrophie der Mikroglia und eine starke Ausprägung ihrer Zellfortsätze im Falle einer Aktivierung nach pathologischen Insulten erklärt werden (STREIT, 1995). Die immunphänotypische Untersuchung spinaler Mikroglia zeigte eine signifikante Aufregulierung bestimmter Antikörper im Falle eines Traumas, welche eine Aktivierung dieser Zellen widerspiegelt. So wurden MHC II und CD1c, welche für die Prozessierung und Präsentation von Antigenen notwendig sind, höher exprimiert als im gesunden Rückenmark. Des Weiteren zeigten B7-1, B7-2 und ICAM-1 eine Aufregulierung, was für eine verstärkte Co-Stimulation beziehungsweise Zellinteraktionen mit T-Zellen spricht. Eine höhere Expression von CD45 im traumatisierten Rückenmark erleichtert die Übergreifende Diskussion 58 Signaltransduktion von Oberflächenmolekülen. Zudem wurde CD44 nach einem Trauma stärker exprimiert, welches maßgeblich an der Zelladhäsion und Immunmodulation beteiligt ist. Die funktionelle Untersuchung zeigte, dass eine Traumatisierung des Rückenmarkes zu einem Anstieg in der Phagozytoseintensität sowie zu einer erhöhten Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies führt. durchflusszytometrischen Bereits vorausgegangene Untersuchung mikroglialer Studien, die Phagozytose sich im mit der pathologisch veränderten ZNS beschäftigten, wiesen eine Steigerung der Phagozytoseintensität bei kaniner Staupe und entzündlichen Infektionskrankheiten nach (STEIN et al., 2004b; STEIN et al., 2006). Übereinstimmend mit der vorliegenden Studie wurde bei Ratten eine mit Phagozytose einhergehende Aktivierung von Mikrogliazellen nach einem Rückenmarkstrauma beobachtet (ISAKSSON et al., 1999; TACCOLA et al., 2010) Eine gesteigerte ROS-Bildung durch Mikrogliazellen wurde bei kaniner Staupe (STEIN et al., 2004b; STEIN et al., 2006), bei der experimentellen allergischen Enzephalomyelitis (EAE; RUULS et al., 1995) sowie bei Alzheimer (LEFKOWITZ u. LEFKOWITZ, 2008) berichtet. Zudem führten experimentelle Rückenmarkstraumata bei Ratten zu einem deutlichen Anstieg der ROS Produktion durch Mikroglia (YUNE et al., 2009). Des Weiteren beschreibt STREIT 2006 eine Aktivierung von Mikrogliazellen, die im Falle eines Traumas induziert wird. Diese Aktivierung kann in eine irreversible Hyperaktivierung übergehen, welche mit Schädigungen von Neuronen und Sekundärschäden nach einem Trauma in Verbindung gebracht wird (NAKAMURA, 2002). Außerdem kann es bereits im normal aktivierten Zustand der Mikroglia durch die Bildung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies zur direkten Neuronenschädigung kommen (BRUCE-KELLER, 1999). Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Aktivierung der residenten Immunzellen des Rückenmarkes und die damit verbundenen Effektorfunktionen eine entscheidende Rolle in der Pathogenese von Rückenmarkstraumata spielen. Angesichts der potentiell zellschädigenden Eigenschaften ihrer Funktionen sollte eine Hemmung spinaler Mikrogliazellen vor der Implantation olfaktorischer Hüllzellen in Betracht gezogen werden, um eine direkte Verletzung dieser Zellen einzuschränken. Eine Hemmung der Mikroglia könnte beispielsweise mit der systemischen Verabreichung des Breitbandantibiotikums Minocyclin erfolgen (EKDAHL et al., 2003). Zusammenfassung (deutsch) 59 V. Zusammenfassung (deutsch) Theda M. Boekhoff: Untersuchungen zu Rückenmarkstraumata beim Hund: Einfluss von Mikrogliazellen und retrospektive Untersuchung der MRT-Befunde von Hunden mit thorakolumbalem Bandscheibenvorfall Thorakolumbale Bandscheibenvorfälle stellen eine häufige Ursache für Paraplegien bei Hunden dar. Die chirurgische Dekompression des Rückenmarkes ist bei dieser Symptomatik die Therapie der Wahl. Des Weiteren beschäftigen sich neue Ansätze bei schwerster Schädigung des Rückenmarkes mit der Implantation von olfaktorischen Hüllzellen, welche die Heilung durch Unterstützung von verletzten Neuronen sowie Angiogenese positiv beeinflussen können. Um die richtige Entscheidung treffen zu können, welcher Therapieversuch herangezogen werden soll, ist eine vorherige Einschätzung der Prognose wichtig. Aus diesem Grund gehörte es zu den Zielen der ersten Studie dieser Arbeit, Beziehungen zwischen den qualitativen und quantitativen MRT-Befunden bezüglich intramedullärer Hyperintensität in der T2-gewichteten Sequenz und Kompression des Rückenmarkes und klinischen Parametern sowie Langzeiterfolg nach Dekompression des Rückenmarkes zu untersuchen. Hierfür wurden die Unterlagen und MRT-Befunde von 63 paraplegischen Hunden mit einem Körpergewicht < 20 kg mit und ohne Tiefensensibilität, welche vom Januar 2005 bis zum Juni 2009 in der Klinik für Kleintiere der Tierärztlichen Hochschule vorgestellt wurden, ausgewertet und verschiedene Parameter miteinander korreliert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine statistisch signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem Grad der neurologischen Ausfälle prä OP und sowohl dem Vorliegen einer Hyperintensität in T2gewichteten MRT-Aufnahmen als auch deren Ausdehnung. Des Weiteren ergab sich bei Hunden mit längerer Krankheitsdauer ein signifikanter Anstieg im Grad der Rückenmarkskompression. Die Hyperintensität war umso ausgedehnter, je grösser sich der Kompressionsgrad des Rückenmarkes darstellte. Außerdem verlängerte sich der Zeitraum, in dem es zur Besserung des jeweiligen neurologischen Grades um eine Stufe kam, bei Vorliegen einer Hyperintensität beziehungsweise bei deren größerer Ausdehnung. Somit konnte zusammenfassend eine direkte Korrelation zwischen neurologischem Grad prä OP und Hyperintensität und deren Ausdehnung im MRT nachgewiesen werden. Ein Vorliegen beziehungsweise die Ausdehnung einer Hyperintensität können außerdem zur Prognosefindung vor einem chirurgischen Eingriff Zusammenfassung (deutsch) 60 im Hinblick auf den Einsatz verschiedener Therapiestrategien wie der Implantation olfaktorischer Hüllzellen herangezogen werden. Vor einer Implantation olfaktorischer Hüllzellen in das Rückenmark sollte das Verhalten von Mikrogliazellen bei Rückenmarkstraumata berücksichtigt werden. In ihrem aktivierten Zustand sind diese Immuneffektorzellen in der Lage, die implantierten Zellen zu schädigen oder zu phagozytieren und könnten somit den Erfolg der Implantation gefährden. Um diese Problematik einschätzen zu können, wurde in einer weiteren Studie Mikroglia aus dem Rückenmark von 15 Hunden mit zervikalem oder thorakolumbalen Trauma mittels Dichtegradientenzentrifugation gewonnen und immunphänotypisch sowie funktionell anhand ihrer Phagozytoseaktivität und ROS-Bildung charakterisiert. Die immunphänotypische Charakterisierung hatte eine Aufregulierung von B7-1, B7-2, MHC II, CD1c, ICAM-1, CD45, CD14 sowie CD44 zum Ergebnis, welche eine mikrogliale Aktivierung durch Rückenmarkstraumata widerspiegelte. Die funktionelle Untersuchung zeigte einen signifikanten Anstieg sowohl in der Phagozytoseintensität als auch in der Intensität der ROS-Bildung und somit eine Steigerung in der Ausübung mikroglialer Abwehrmechanismen. Aus diesem Grund sollte eine Hemmung aktivierter Mikrogliazellen vor einer Implantation olfaktorischer Hüllzellen in Betracht Therapieansatzes zu gewährleisten. gezogen werden, um den Erfolg dieses Zusammenfassung (englisch) 61 VI. Zusammenfassung (englisch) Theda M. Boekhoff: Spinal cord trauma in dogs: characterization of microglia and retrospective evaluation of MRI findings in dogs with thoracolumbar disk herniations Thoracolumbar intervertebral disk herniations are a frequently found cause of paraplegia in dogs. Surgical decompression of the spinal cord is the most common treatment modality, when such clinical findings occur. Furthermore, new therapeutical strategies deal with the implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), which is known to promote functional recovery after spinal cord trauma due to support of injured neurons and angiogenesis. For selection of the best therapeutical approach a prior assessment of prognosis is useful. Therefore, the aim of the first study was to describe associations between the qualitative and quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal characteristics of T2-weighted (T2W) hyperintensity respectively spinal cord compression and clinical signs and functional outcome in paraplegic dogs with thoracolumbar disk herniation. Thus, medical records and MR images of 63 paraplegic dogs with a body weight < 20 kg and intact or absent deep pain perception (DPP) referred to and examined at the Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany between January 2005 and June 2009 were reviewed and different clinical parameters were correlated. Statistically significant correlation was found between the neurological status before surgery and both, presence and extent of T2W hyperintensity in MRI sagittal planes. Moreover, dogs with a longer duration of clinical signs showed a significant increase in the degree of spinal cord compression. Furthermore, the extent of T2W hyperintensity and the degree of spinal cord compression presented a positive correlation. Improvement in the neurological score for one grade was faster with absence of T2W hyperintensity respectively with a smaller extent of this hyperintensity. In conclusion, a direct correlation between neurological status and MRI signal intensity and extent was shown. The presence and extent of T2W hyperintensity in the myelon may help to determine the prognosis before surgery to decide, if new therapeutical strategies such as implantation of OECs should be used in individual cases. To prepare further studies on transplantation of OECs, the function of microglia in spinal cord trauma has to be considered. In a potential activated state these immune effector cells could defend or phagocytose the implanted cells and therefore diminish the support Zusammenfassung (englisch) 62 of this therapeutical approach. In an effort to analyze this issue microglia of 15 dogs suffering from cervical respectively thoracolumbar spinal cord trauma was isolated using density gradient centrifugation and characterized using immunophenotyping and function by examining phagocytosis and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Immunophenotypical characterization resulted in a significant upregulation of B7-1, B7-2, MHC II, CD1c, ICAM-1, CD45, CD14, and CD44, reflecting an activation of microglial cells due to trauma. Functional investigation revealed a significant increase in intensity of phagocytosis and ROS generation in case of spinal cord trauma. This detection of enhanced microglial defense mechanisms leads to the conclusion that repression of microglial activation previous to implantation of OECs should be considered to ensure the success of this approach. Schrifttumsverzeichnis VII. 63 Schrifttumsverzeichnis Allen, R. E., L. L. Rankin, E. A. Greene, L. K. Boxhorn, S. E. Johnson, R. G. Taylor und P. 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Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging characteristics: evaluation of prognostic value in the dog as a translational model for spinal cord injury Tabelle 2 Daten zur Auswertung der Patienteninformationen Legende: kg = Kilogramm; Geschlecht (M = männlich; W = weiblich; K = männlich kastriert; S = weiblich kastriert); Dauer (Kategorie 1 = 1 Tag; Kategorie 2 = 2-3 Tage; Kategorie 3 = 4-7 Tage; Kategorie 4 = 8-14 Tage; Kategorie 5 = >14 Tage); Cortison (1 = Vorbehandlung mit Glukokortikosteroiden; 2 = keine Glukokortikosteroide erhalten; 3 = Vorbehandlung unbekannt); Grad prä OP (4 = Grad 4 nach Sharp und Wheeler, 2005; 5 = Grad 5 nach Sharp und Wheeler, 2005); Besserung (Kategorie 1 = 1 Tag; Kategorie 2 = 2-3 Tage; Kategorie 3 = 4-7 Tage; Kategorie 4 = 8-14 Tage; Kategorie 5 = >14 Tage). Tiernummer Gewicht (kg) 1 9,0 2 4,0 3 9,5 4 5,8 5 9,1 6 8,5 7 6,2 8 5,2 9 5,0 10 7,7 11 6,1 12 12,8 13 9,5 14 11,8 15 10,0 16 17,8 17 6,9 18 4,7 19 9,4 20 5,8 21 8,4 22 14,5 23 14,5 24 7,1 25 4,3 26 10,5 27 5,0 28 13,0 29 8,2 Geschlecht M S W M M W M M M S W K M M W S M W M M W W S M M M S M M Patienteninformationen Dauer Cortison Grad prä OP 4 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 4 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 Besserung 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 5 2 2 2 1 1 Anhang 74 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 4,0 12,8 5,3 12,3 7,4 3,8 15,0 8,7 12,4 10,2 5,5 13,9 15,5 7,9 12,0 7,0 11,3 6,6 10,0 16,4 9,5 10,9 9,9 8,0 5,3 6,3 8,0 9,0 9,0 13,3 9,9 18,5 6,2 8,6 W M M W W W M W M K M W M M M K M W K S W M W S M W M M W M M K M W 3 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 5 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 3 5 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 2 Anhang 75 Tabelle 3 Daten zur Auswertung der Hyperintensität in der T2-gewichteten Sequenz der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) Legende: Hyperintensität = Hyperintensität des Myelons in T2-gewichteten MRT-Sequenzen; mm = Millimeter; L2 = 2. Lendenwirbel; Kategorie Hyperintensität (Kategorie 1 ≤ ½ x Länge L2; Kategorie 2 ≤ 1 x Länge L2; Kategorie 3 > 1 x Länge L2; Kategorie 4 > 2 x Länge L2); Kategorie Kompression (Kategorie 1 ≤ 25%; Kategorie 2 > 25% bis 50%; Kategorie 3 > 50% bis 75%; Kategorie 4 > 75%). Tiernummer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 MRT-Befunde Hyperintensität MRT Befunde Kompression Länge Länge Quotient Kategorie KomKategorie Hyperintensität L2 in HyperHyperpression KomHyperintensität in mm mm intensität/L2 intensität in % pression Lokalisation nein 75 3 Th12/13 nein 60 3 Th13/L1 ja 6 17 0,35 1 38 2 L3/4 nein 40 2 Th12/13 ja 33 16 2,06 4 60 3 Th12/13 nein 50 2 Th12/13 ja 6 13 0,46 1 40 2 L2/3 nein 50 2 Th13/L1 ja 36 13 2,77 4 67 3 L3/4 ja 20 14 1,43 3 67 3 Th13/L1 ja 33 13 2,54 4 75 3 Th12/13 nein 40 2 Th13/L1 ja 19 16 1,19 3 50 2 Th11/12 ja 44 16 2,75 4 80 4 Th11/12 nein 43 2 L2/3 nein 29 2 L2/3 ja 10 16 0,63 2 60 3 Th12/13 nein 75 3 Th12/13 ja 6 17 0,35 1 60 3 Th12/13 nein 75 3 Th12/13 ja 32 15 2,13 4 75 3 Th12/13 ja 9 18 0,50 1 20 1 Th12/13 ja 12 21 0,57 2 43 2 Th13/L1 ja 23 16 1,44 3 40 2 L1/2 ja 6 16 0,38 1 50 2 Th13/L1 nein 20 1 Th13/L1 nein 50 2 Th13/L1 nein 60 3 Th12/13 ja 26 14 1,86 3 40 2 L2/3 ja 10 11 0,91 2 50 2 Th11/12 nein 60 3 Th12/13 nein 50 2 Th13/L1 ja 9 17 0,53 2 20 1 Th13/L1 ja 36 15 2,40 4 25 1 Th12/13 nein 50 2 Th13/L1 ja 21 20 1,05 3 25 1 Th12/13 ja 86 16 5,38 4 60 3 Th11/12 nein 60 3 Th13/L1 nein 50 2 Th12/13 ja 12 14 0,86 2 50 2 Th13/L1 Anhang 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 76 ja ja ja nein ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja nein ja ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja Figure 6c 16 23 17 17 19 14 0,94 1,21 1,21 2 3 3 30 16 13 15 2,31 1,07 4 3 33 15 2,20 4 29 16 1,81 3 37 15 2,47 4 14 30 31 23 11 15 14 14 1,27 2,00 2,21 1,64 3 3 4 3 21 17 1,24 3 24 19 1,26 3 64 17 3,76 4 50 50 25 75 25 33 60 60 43 50 25 75 80 40 60 40 60 67 40 75 60 50 50 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 Th13/L1 L2/3 L1/2 Th13/L1 Th11/12 L2/3 Th13/L1 Th12/13 L3/4 Th12/13 Th12/13 Th13/L1 L1/2 Th12/13 Th12/13 Th13/L1 Th13/L1 L3/4 Th11/12 Th11/12 L2/3 Th12/13 Th11/12 Correlation between the improvement in neurological score in one grade and presence extent of T2W hyperintensity. The abscissa shows improvement in neurological score in one grade in categories, on the ordinate the respective percentages of dogs are displayed. Lines show dogs without hyperintensity in comparison to dogs with a hyperintensity of category 3. Some dogs were euthanized because of stasis or worsening of neurological signs, shown as category “euthanasia” on the abscissa. Improvement in neurological score in one grade in categories: category 1 (1 day), category 2 (2 to 3 days), category 3 (4 to 7 days), category 4 (8 to 14 days), and category 5 (longer than 14 days). Anhang 77 II B. Upregulation of surface molecules and functional activity of canine microglia following spinal cord trauma Protokoll zur Isolierung kaniner spinaler Mikrogliazellen Legende: min = Minuten; ml = Milliliter, g = Gravitationsbeschleunigung (9,81 m/sec²). Vor Beginn der Arbeit die benötigten Materialien (Hanks`, Dichten,) aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen. Wasserbad auf 37°C vorheizen. Mit Handschuhen arbeiten! 1. Mit Pinzetten die Meningen sorgfältig entfernen. 2. Mechanische Zerkleinerung erfolgt, indem das Material mit Hilfe eines Spritzenkolbens durch ein Sieb aus rostfreiem Stahl in eine Petrischale gerieben wird. Dabei mit Hanks` spülen. Auf Eis arbeiten. 3. Mit einer Pasteur-Pipette das gesiebte Material aufsaugen und in 50 ml-Röhrchen überführen, mit Hanks`-Lösung auffüllen. 4. Zentrifugation bei 10°C 170 x g 10 min. 5. Überstand verwerfen, Gewebebrei mit ca. 8 ml Collagenase-DNAse-Puffer versetzen und 60 min im Wasserbad bei 37 °C inkubieren. Zellsuspension nach 30 min resuspendieren. 6. Mit einer Pipette 10 ml Hanks`-Lösung hinzufügen und durch Auf- und Abpipettieren verbliebene größere Gewebereste zerkleinern. Mit Hanks`-Lösung auf 50 ml auffüllen. Zentrifugation bei 20°C 200 x g 10 min. 7. Überstand verwerfen und Schritt 6 wiederholen. 8. Zellsuspension in 50 ml-Röhrchen mit Percoll der Dichte 1,030 g/ml auf 45 ml auffüllen und mit 5 ml Percoll der Dichte 1,124 g/ml unterschichten (=Vorgradient). Zentrifugation bei 20°C 1250 x g 25 min, Bremse und Beschleunigung auf 1. Anhang 78 9. Myelin und Zell-Debris befinden sich an der Oberfläche und werden verworfen. Die Zellen auf der Dichte 1,124 g/ml Percoll werden mit einer 10 ml-Pipette geerntet und in ein neues 50 ml-Röhrchen überführt. Mit Hanks`-Lösung auf 50 ml auffüllen. Zentrifugation bei 20°C 200 x g 10min. Hauptgradienten gießen: Ein 50 ml-Röhrchen wird wie folgt befüllt: 1. 5 ml Percoll der Dichte 1,124 g/ml 2. 12 ml Percoll der Dichte 1,077 g/ml 3. 12 ml Percoll der Dichte 1,066 g/ml 4. 8 ml Percoll der Dichte 1,050 g/ml 5. 8 ml Percoll der Dichte 1,030 g/ml 10. Überstand verwerfen und das Pellet in 5 ml Hanks`-Lösung resuspendieren und vorsichtig auf den Hauptgradienten pipettieren. Zentrifugieren bei 20°C 1250 x g 25 min, Bremse und Beschleunigung auf 1. 11. Ernte der Zellen auf den Dichten 1,077 und 1,066 g/ml, mit Hanks` auf 50 ml auffüllen und zentrifugieren bei 20°C 200xg 10 min. Für alle weiteren Untersuchungen auf 2 ml mit Cell-Wash auffüllen. Protokoll zur Durchführung der Membranimmunfluoreszenz Legende: MIF = Membranimmunfluoreszenz; Ig = Immunglobulin; min = Minuten; CD = Cluster of Differentiation; MHC = Major Histocompatiblity Complex (Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplex); ICAM = intercellular adhesion molecule (Interzelluläres Adhäsionsmolekül); AK = Antikörper; gamPE = goat anti mouse R-phycoerythrine; rarPE = rabbit anti rat R-phycoerythrine; SAFITC = streptavidine-conjugated fluorescein-isothiocyanate; µl = Mikroliter. 1. 1000 µl der Zellsuspension 1/16 mit humanem IgG blocken: Zugabe von 62,5 µl humanem IgG, dann 5 min bei 4°C inkubieren. Antigen CD1c ICAM-1 Host + Isotyp Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG1 Verdünnung Zugabe 1/5 10 µl 1/5 10 µl Anhang 79 Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG2a Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG2a Mouse IgG1 Mouse IgG2a Mouse IgG1 Rat IgG2a Rat IgG2b B7-1 B7-2 CD3 CD4 CD8α CD21 CD11b CD11c CD14 CD18 MHC I MHC II CD44 CD45 1/5 10 µl 1/5 10 µl 1/5 10 µl 1/2 10µl 1/5 10 µl 1/5 10 µl 1/5 10 µl 1/5 10 µl 1/7 7 µl 1/5 10 µl 1/16 3 µl 1/5 10 µl 1/10 1/16 5 µl 3 µl Doppelfärbungen mit CD18+CD45 CD3+CD14 Kontrollen: 1) nur Cell-Wash 2) mouse IgG1 oder mouse IgG2a-Isotyp-Kontrolle + gamPE 3) rat IgG2b-Isotyp-Kontrolle + SAFITC 4) rat IgG2a-Isotyp-Kontrolle + rarPE 2. In jedes Röhrchen 50µl der geblockten Zellsuspension pipettieren und entsprechend der Beschriftung und der vorgegebenen Verdünnung die PrimärAK dazupipettieren. Durch Schwenken mischen, Röhrchen verschließen und 30 min bei 4°C inkubieren. Anhang 80 3. Zwei Waschschritte: Resuspension der Zellen und Zugabe von 200 µl CellWash, Zentrifugieren bei Raumtemperatur 200 x g für 2 min 4. Zugabe der entsprechenden Sekundär-AK bzw. des SAFITC (Vorverdünnungen in Cell-Wash). Bei direkt markierten Antikörpern (CD3, CD14, CD21) nur CellWash dazupipettieren. gamPE Vorverdünnung 1:100 rarPE Vorverdünnung 1:100 SAFITC Vorverdünnung 1:100 Zugabe jeweils 50 µl 5. Inkubation 30 min bei 4°C 6. Zwei Waschschritte wie oben, danach Resuspension in 200 µl FACS-Flow, Aufbewahrung bis zum Messen im Dunkeln bei 4°C. Protokoll zum Phagozytose-Assay Legende: ml = Milliliter; µl = Mikroliter; FITC = Fluoreszein-Isothiocyanat; min = Minuten. FITC-markierte Staphylokokken, aliquotiert eingefroren. Die Aliquots enthalten 30 µl Bakteriensuspension mit 8x108 Bakterien/ml. Durchführung: Die FITC-markierten Bakterien möglichst wenig dem Licht aussetzen, da sonst die Leuchtkraft abnimmt. 2 Cups mit FITC-markierten Staphylokokken (je 30 µl) sowie ein Aliquot Hunde-Poolserum (50 µl) auftauen. Zu dem Hunde-Poolserum (HPS) 200 µl PBS pipettieren (Verdünnung 1/5). Anhang 81 Cups markieren mit „O“ für opsonisiert und „N“ für nicht opsonisiert. In das Cup „O“ 30 µl 1/5 mit PBS verdünntes HPS geben, in das Cup „N“ 30 µl PBS, die Bakterien gründlich resuspendieren und beide cups 60 min bei 37°C inkubieren. Danach von der Bakterien-Suspension durch Zugabe von PBS eine 1:4-Verdünnung herstellen (60 µl Bakteriensuspension +180 µl PBS). 5 FACS-Röhrchen beschriften und wie folgt vorbereiten: 1: Negativ-Kontrolle: nur Zellsuspension 2 und 3: 100 µl Zellsuspension + 100 µl Bakterien-Suspension „N“ 4 und 5: 100 µl Zellsuspension + 100 µl Bakterien-Suspension „O” Röhrchen abdecken, suspendieren, Inkubation über 60 min bei 37°C, nach der Hälfte der Zeit noch einmal resuspendieren. Röhrchen für 15 min auf Eis stellen, anschließend Zugabe von 100µl Facs-Flow je Röhrchen und durchflusszytometrische Messung. Protokoll zur Untersuchung der ROS-Bildung Legende: mmol = milli mol; min = Minuten. Phorbolmyristatacetat(PMA)-Stocklösung (10 mmol) Dihydrorhodamin 123-working-solution (DHR) (1,5 mg/100 ml PBS) Durchführung: 5 FACS-Röhrchen wie folgt beschriften: 1.: neg. Kontrolle: nur Zellsuspension 2. und 3.: Duplikate Zellsuspension mit PBS (=PMA 0) und DHR 4. und 5.: Duplikate Zellsuspension mit PMA (PMA 100) und DHR In die markierten Röhrchen werden je 90 µl Zellsuspension pipettiert. Anhang 82 Röhrchen 15 min bei 37°C im Brutschrank vorinkubieren. PMA immer frisch verdünnen!! In der Zwischenzeit das PMA 1/1000 vorverdünnen: Um auf eine 100 nmol Lösung zu kommen, ist eine Verdünnung 1/10.000 erforderlich. Durch die Zugabe zur Zellsuspension erfolgt die Weiterverdünnung 1/10. Jeweils 10 µl der PMA-Verdünnungen (Röhrchen 4 und 5) bzw. PBS (Röhrchen 2 und 3) zu den vorinkubierten Zellen pipettieren. Röhrchen 15 min bei 37°C im Brutschrank inkubieren. Zugabe von jeweils 20 µl DHR in Röhrchen 2-5. Inkubation bei 15 min bei 37°C. Nach der Inkubation Kühlung der Röhrchen für 15 min auf Eis, anschließend Zugabe von je 100 µl FACS-Flow und durchflusszytometrische Messung. Anhang 83 Table 3 Expression intensity of surface molecules on microglia from traumatized spinal cord. The mean fluorescence intensity, calculated as the geo mean of all results (cervical n = 5, thoracolumbar n = 10) is presented. The upper and lower geometric standard deviations (geo S.D.) are shown. CD = cluster of differentiation, MHC = major histocompatibility complex, ICAM-1 = intracellular adhesion molecule-1. Expression intensity mean fluorescence intensity Surface antigen cervical spinal cord thoracolumbar spinal cord geo mean lower geo S.D. upper geo S.D. geo mean lower geo S.D. upper geo S.D. CD18 1309.27 185.80 216.53 951.22 365.12 592.58 CD11b 2053.09 426.50 538.33 1592.79 514.75 760.53 CD11c 573.13 111.39 138.27 372.95 194.69 407.35 CD45 434.21 299.68 967.23 279.52 206.38 788.72 CD4 940.79 529.54 1211.42 386.78 261.60 808.27 CD8α 1181.67 722.31 1858.08 393.10 284.21 1026.05 CD3 343.50 140.62 238.08 292.61 218.87 868.42 CD21 355.18 78.50 100.78 300.89 195.40 557.37 MHC I 673.46 415.62 1085.60 271.60 165.48 423.52 MHC II 477.84 241.60 488.70 200.44 118.47 289.67 ICAM-1 267.25 117.24 208.88 163.88 91.58 207.57 CD1c 467.77 188.88 316.80 372.90 263.59 899.25 B7-1 890.38 481.34 1047.73 416.81 290.01 953.31 B7-2 422.93 227.27 491.28 241.65 154.18 425.93 CD14 365.01 137.65 220.99 284.14 164.11 388.51 CD44 200.53 34.42 41.56 158.81 84.91 182.45 Anhang 84 Table 4 Phagocytosis intensity of microglia from traumatized spinal cord. The mean fluorescence intensity, calculated as the geo mean of all results (cervical n = 5, thoracolumbar n = 10), and the upper and lower geometric standard deviations (geo S.D.) are shown. nops = non-opsonized bacteria, ops = opsonized bacteria. negative control nops ops Phagocytosis intensity mean fluorescence intensity cervical spinal cord geo mean lower geo upper geo S.D. S.D. 67.3 36.4 79.3 1020.0 1186.3 437.2 355.2 765.1 507.1 thoracolumbar spinal cord geo mean lower geo S.D. 43.6 25.9 821.6 1233.6 291.6 313.6 upper geo S.D. 63.9 452.1 420.5 Table 5 Intensity of microglial ROS generation following spinal cord trauma. The mean fluorescence intensity, calculated as the geo mean of all results (cervical n = 5, thoracolumbar n = 10), and the upper and lower geometric standard deviations (geo S.D.) are presented. PMA = Phorbol-myristate-acetate. negative control PMA 0 PMA 100 Intensity of ROS generation mean fluorescence intensity cervical spinal cord geo mean lower geo upper geo S.D. S.D. 48.1 28.7 71.1 802.3 781.5 513.5 472.0 1426.6 1192.0 thoracolumbar spinal cord geo mean lower geo S.D. 38.1 20.7 605.8 754.5 299.5 440.8 upper geo S.D. 45.5 592.2 1060.2 Danksagung 85 IX. Danksagung Ganz herzlich möchte ich mich bei Frau Prof. Dr. Andrea Tipold für die Überlassung meines Dissertationsthemas bedanken sowie für ihre kompetente und vor allem warmherzige Unterstützung in den zwei Jahren. Neben meinem Thema habe ich viel über die Neurologie im allgemeinen gelernt und bin froh darüber, ein Teil von Andreas Arbeitsgruppe gewesen zu sein! Bei Prof. Dr. Ingo Nolte bedanke ich mich für die Bereitstellung meines Arbeitsplatzes zur Durchführung des praktischen Teils meiner Dissertation. Dr. Veronika Stein danke ich für die Hilfe sowohl im praktischen als auch im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit, für die hilfreichen Korrekturen der Veröffentlichungen, ihre Einsatzbereitschaft und für die nette Zusammenarbeit. Bei Dr. Cornelia Flieshardt möchte ich mich für ihre Unterstützung bei der Anfertigung der MRT-Studie in dieser Arbeit bedanken. Ganz herzlich bedanke ich mich bei Frau Regina Carlson für ihre liebe und auch tatkräftige Unterstützung im Labor und dafür, dass sie zu jeder Tages- und auch Nachtzeit ansprechbar war! Mein besonderer Dank gilt auch Dr. Karl Rohn für seine geduldige Unterstützung in der Erstellung des statistischen Teils dieser Arbeit. Dem Institut für Pathologie danke ich für die Untersuchung der eingesendeten Rückenmarksproben. Danksagung 86 Bei meiner Arbeitsgruppe aus der Neurologie möchte ich mich für die nette Zusammenarbeit und die lehrreiche Zeit in den letzten zwei Jahren bedanken. Ein großes Danke auch an meine Kollegin und Freundin Eva-Maria Ensinger, mit der die Zusammenarbeit einfach unheimlich viel Spaß gemacht hat! Mir werden die nächtlichen Laborsessions, die witzigen Erlebnisse in und außerhalb der Klinik und die gesamte Doktorandenzeit in sehr schöner Erinnerung bleiben! Mädels! Euch danke ich für die schöne Zeit, auch schon im Studium. Ohne Euch wäre das alles nicht dasselbe gewesen! Auch in den letzten zwei Jahren konnte ich mich immer auf Euch verlassen, ob jetzt in kritischen Zeiten oder einfach zum Spaß haben. Danke! Bei Friederike möchte ich mich für die Unterstützung, Ablenkung und Ratschläge in dieser Zeit und im Besonderen für ihre Kritik und Anregungen bei der Korrektur dieser Arbeit bedanken. Meiner Familie danke ich dafür, dass sie immer für mich da ist und ich mich auf sie verlassen kann. Ihre Liebe, Vertrauen und Glaube an mich waren eine wichtige Unterstützung in dieser Zeit.