2 - Paradise Pines POA
2 - Paradise Pines POA
Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 PRST STD US Postage PAID Paradise, CA Permit #6 Official Publication of the Paradise Pines Property Owners’ Association, Inc. 14211 Wycliff Way, Magalia, CA 95954 - Tel (530) 873-1114 - Fax (530) 873-5266 - www.paradisepines.org Volume 44 Issue Number 7 July 2015 2 Giant Bounce Houses Face Painting Shaved Ice Hot Dogs Carnival Games Music & Dancers Features _____—— _____ Page Managers Message…...……...……..……2 ACC News……………………… ………3 Greenbelt……………………...…………3 Trails Group Update………...………….3 Board Minutes……….……...……..........4 Social/Events…………………............6&7 Pool Schedule…………………………………..14 This year we have three candidates running for two open positions on the Paradise Pines Property Owners Association Board of Directors. Candidate statements are on page 12 & 13. 2 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 The PPPOA NUGGET Published by the Paradise Pines Property Owners' Association, Inc. Manager’s Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NUGGET serves as the official publication for notifying the PPPOA Members of Board of Directors actions and policies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The acceptance and inclusion of advertisements in the Paradise Pines NUGGET does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Paradise Pines Property Owners’ Association, Inc. or its Board of Directors of the products, services or views contained therein. Opinions expressed by contributing authors do not necessarily reflect those of the Association. 14211 WYCLIFF WAY MAGALIA, CA 95954 (530) 873-1114 OR FAX (530) 873-5266 PLEASE NOTE EXTENSIONS Web Site: www.paradisepines.org by Ray Villar We are proud to announce that we have teamed up with the USDA, California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division and your local school district for the “FREE Lunch Summer Meal Program”. The lunch program will be Monday thru Friday from the hours of 1pm to 1:30pm at the Horseshoe Area next to the pool. The program ends August 6th. Yes, I said free. The meals are free to all kids who are 18 and under. Adult price is $3.50. A copy of the menu will be located at the pool check in booth. The Summer Meal Program ensures that children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. This summer, USDA plans to serve more than 200 million free meals to children 18 years and under at approved sites throughout the country. Visit the website below for more information. http://www.fns.usda.gov/sfsp/summer-food-service-program-sfsp Annual Meeting The POA Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 12 here in the POA ACC/GREENBELT SUPERVISOR ~ LISA EPPERLY ext. 22 library. There are currently 3 candidates running for 2 positions. The terms for E-mail: acc@paradisepines.org these positions are each 2 year terms. The candidates are Tom Berryman, Jamie ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR~ MELANIE McCLURE ext. 21 Ramey and Russell A. Moore Sr. Come meet the candidates by attending the next ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT– MEGAN MARTIN board of directors meeting. WHO TO SEE OR CALL AT THE POA OFFICES E-mail: admin@paradisepines.org ADVERTISING, BOARD & NUGGET ASSISTANT COURTNEY SHELDON ext. 24 E- mail: nugget@paradisepines.org DIRECTOR OF EVENTS, NUGGET ext. 26 & BAR SUPERVISOR MELANIE MCCLURE E-mail: events@paradisepines.org DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ~ ROSALEA DODSON ext. 23 E-mail: finance@paradisepines.org DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE ~ ROBIN FERRY ext. 28 ASSIST. DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE ~ BRIAN ENRIGHT MAINTENANCE STAFF ~ TOM SITTER, JIMMY JOHNSTON E-mail: maintenance@paradisepines.org GENERAL MANAGER ~ RAY VILLAR ext. 25 E-Mail: manager@paradisepines.org. PPPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT………….JOHN CECIL VICE PRESIDENT……GRANT HUNSICKER SECRETARY…...…………TOM BERRYMAN TREASURER ......... …….MARY KNIGHT MEMBER-AT-LARGE……..CHRIS SAGE OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. OPEN THROUGH LUNCH Also, just a friendly reminder, the Golf Course is in no way affiliated with the POA. If you have questions regarding the Golf Course please contact Bob Fortino, Safor Corp, (530) 894-1100. Happy 10 Year Anniversary to our Director of Maintenance, Robin Ferry! Thank you for all your hard work! 2015/2016 Assessments Due Now Assessment Payment of $255.00 is due July 1st, 2015 and are delinquent after 5:00 PM, July 15, 2015. A late fee of $25.50 will be applied on the 16th. Pay by Credit Card, Cash, Check or Online Payments are accepted at duespayment.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE paradisepines.org Payment Contracts are Available Paradise Pines NUGGET Greenbelt Update by Terry Wild May was a very productive month compared to June. In June, both our splitters broke down. One is over 30 years old and the other is a Husky that has had 2 motors replaced within 4 years and 1 on the way. Also, a malfunction in an electrical connection on our chipper brought us to a GRINDING halt in June. One of our Greenbelt trucks, a 95 Ford 150, that looks like a rolling junk yard (I know you’ve all seen it as it rolled by your houses) is about to be replaced in July. In the mean time, I guess we’ll be doing a lot of sawing, as our chainsaws are all still operational. In the summer months, we’ll be restricting our work to areas void of dry grass, as we try to avoid starting fires caused by hot catalytic converters and sparks from chain saws. As always, we’re looking for a few good men/women to join us on the Greenbelt on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:15am to 11:30 am. We meet at garage behind the POA Recreation hall. Work at your own SPEED/SPEED/SPEED! Donuts at Dolly O’s afterwards. Schools out, watch out for children. Also, watch out for OLD CODGERS walking across the street to get their mail. Trails Group by Wade Killingsworth Thanks to all those who attended the seventh annual Trails Open House and a special thank you to Roger and Helen Ekins for their presentation. Roger and Helen showed and discussed images taken from the trails that they have added to their new edition of “The Flumes and Trails of Paradise: Hiking through History on The Ridge.” This new edition is 40% larger than the original and we have it on sale for $25 – that is an 8% discount from what you would pay at a retail establishment. You may purchase one from me contact me by email – wadethms@aol.com. Part of the profit from the sales will go towards improving trails in our greenbelt. The remainder of the profit will go to Roger and Helen and then they distribute the funds to various charities. ACC Report July 2015 by Lisa Epperly The purpose of the AC Committee is to assure compliance with the CC&R’s by processing permits and looking into complaints received in order to assure maintenance and the general appearance of lots within the POA are maintained. The POA's commitment to residents is one of assuring that all association members have the right to enjoy a peaceful and attractive neighborhood. If you’re interested in volunteering for this committee, or if you need a permit or have a complaint, please call Lisa at 873-1114 ext. 22, or come in during ACC office hours Monday-Friday, 8-5. You can view the ACC Rules and Regulations on our website at paradisepines.org. We can also email/mail you a copy upon request. ACC REPORT (5/1/15-6/1/15) PERMITS ISSUED TREE.................................................. 20 REPLACE FENCE .............................. 1 FENCE ................................................. 3 DECK ................................................... 2 TOTAL.............................................. 26 COMPLAINTS RECEIVED AND INVESTIGATED BARKING DOGS.................................. 6 LOOSE DOGS ...................................... 3 TOO MANY DOGS ............................ 4 ILEGAL FARM ANIMAS……………2 ILEGAL CONSTRUCTION………….2 ILEGAL LIVING……………………..2 DEBRIS ON PROPERTY ................... 8 NO SKIRTING………………………..2 INOPERABLE VEHICLE ................... 4 VEHICLE STORED ON STREET……3 NOISE DISTURBANCE...…..……….2 DEAD TREE……………...…………..2 FIRE HAZARD……………………….6 GARBAGE CANS ON STREET……..4 TOTAL.............................................. 50 We also have greenbelt-and-trails maps for sale. All profits from the sale of these maps will go to improving our trails. The maps are color, have a gloss finish and are folded for easy transport when hiking. We are selling them for $10.00 – you may purchase the maps from the front office at The Village, or the pool on the weekends or from me. ACTIONS TAKEN BY ACC 30 DAY & OTHER NOTICES SENT ~ 202 We tentative plans for a special trails event in September – look for details in upcoming Nuggets. This month's hikes will be on two consecutive Saturdays – July 11 and 18. On Saturday July 11 meet at 5:30 PM at Colter and Masterson for our second twilight hike of the year. On Saturday July 18 meet at the end of Milton Court at noon for our annual swimming, picnic and gold panning hike. On this hike we hike down to Little Pearl in the middle of the day – hot, hot, hot – so that we will have the courage to take a dip in our wonderful swimming hole on Little Butte Creek. Bring snacks (or a picnic lunch), swimming suits and I will supply the gold pans. 3 See page for 7 for details! 4 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 PARADISE PINES PROPERTY OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING DRAFT MINUTES ~ June 9, 2015 PARADISE PINES PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS DRAFT MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2015 POA Village Library - 14211 Wycliff Way, Magalia 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: President J ohn Cecil called the meeting to or der at 7:00p.m. I. ESTABLISH QUORUM: Pr esent wer e President J ohn Cecil, Vice President Grant Hunsicker , Tr easurer Mary Knight, Member at Large Chr is Sage and Secr etary Tom Berr yman and Gener al Manager Ray Villar. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. AGENDA APPROVAL: Approved as pr esented. IV. BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING MINUTES: The Board of Directors unanimously approved the Regular Board meeting minutes of May 12, 2015 V. PRESENTATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: A. Executive Session: 6/9/15 – Discussed were legal items and personnel. B. President: No report. C General Manager: Pool is open, please introduce yourself to the new lifeguards. Maintenance is working on a water rationing program, Dry Rot RFP for admin building and a Preventative Maintenance Program. Summer Concert Series started. Please see Nugget for more details. Working with Fire Safe Council on Fuel Reduction. POA Surveys have started to come in. Rental income is up for the summer. Also, for the first time in over five years that the association will not be borrowing form the reserve. Lastly, we have teamed up with the local school district to join the “No Kid Goes Hungry” lunch program, that allows all kids 18 and under to eat lunch for free. It is a federally funded program at no cost to the POA. Monday-Friday from the hours of 1pm-2pm the school district van will be in our Horseshoe area serving different meals each day. VI. FINANCIAL: The Board agreed to table the May financials. VII. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. ACC: 1) The board unanimously approved the recommendation from ACC to approve a variance request on the following: P13 059 – 14339 Carnegie Road 2) The board unanimously approved the recommendation from the ACC with the added language to ACC Rules and Regulations 7.0 REMOVAL OF TREES B. Communications: 1) Discussion and Possible Action regarding Website assistance and committee to assist in improving the website. The board agreed for a meeting with staff and committee members to review the website and to assist in making necessary changes and upgrades. C. Design Review: Happy to report that members are doing improvements by rebuilding. D. Emergency Preparation: Working on an MOU and will send to staff for execution for emergency communication. Also two meetings have been held at the POA with fire officials regarding fire protection. Would have liked to see more member in attendance. More meetings will be set. E Greenbelt: Working with Fire Safe Council on Fuel reduction. F. Hardship: Car show fund raiser will be put on hold for a month. Will be meeting next week to continue planning. G. Moms Fun Group: N/A. H. Policies and Procedures: Happy to see document control being used in the below presentation of 3A. J. Public Safety: Continuing to work with Neighborhood Watch K. Real Properties Asset Management: Discussion and Possible Action-Dry Rot Maintenance Management. We have been approved in next years budget to address dry-rot repair. We know that three sides of the admin building have dry-rot. The committee recommends on getting requests for quotes and qualifications with the help of a steering committee. Get a price to take the three walls four feet from the ground and tear the siding off with new siding and Z flashing and painting. The solicitation to start in January. For the board agenda, the board would like to move the Y2015-16 budgeted approved $14K which will be in operating and moved to the reserve to be earmarked for Dry-Rot repair with the already budgeted $90K which is held in the reserve. L. Social/Events: Happy to report that there are many new members attending Friday Nights. M. Trails: This past Saturday was the 7th annual open house. About 25 people attended. Continuing to sell the Flumes Trails 2 nd edition book which a portion of the proceeds go to the Trails Committee. Also selling upgraded Maps of the trails for $10. These maps can be purchased at the POA office. A presentation will be given that describes all the work that the committee has been working on. Also, the committee is selling a Map of the Trails. VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: After much discussion the boar d appr oved the presented policy for non-profit organizations use of he associations facilities. Also added was to prove evidence of non-profit status. The board will add to the next months agenda to add the following: The use of Common Area to promote clubs and businesses. IX. NEW BUSINESS: Annual Meeting Update: The Annual Meeting has been set for Satur day, September 12 th at 11AM. There are three people running for the Board, Rusty Moore, Jamie Ramey and Tom Berryman. Appoint an Inspector of Elections. The board appointed John Hoffman as the inspector of Elections. XI. CORRESPONDENCE: Received a letter for m an outside member who wanted to join the POA as an associate member . The Board requested to to place on the months month’s agenda as a policy to increase the associate membership fee. XII. MEMBER COMMENTS: Gr eat to see new member s in attendance on Fr iday nights. Also, the Luau was a big hit. Thank you to staff for all ther e all har d wor k especially Melanie for the great decorations. also, thank you to volunteers. Great evening and proud to be part of it. XIII. BOARD COMMENTS: Chris- No comment Mary- No comment Grant – CSC4 was created when the POA was formed where property taxes are held by the county for drainage, lighting and street repairs. With that money the county will be doing some street resurfacing and repairs. This is only a benefit for the POA. Also, two meetings are set up to hear the budget presentation and process. John- No Comment Tom-.Thank you to all that have attended the meeting. Please attend Grants Budget Presentation XIV. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 p.m. /s/Tom Berryman/Secretary TB/RV/rv BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETINGS Agenda Meeting Tuesday, July 7, 2015 @ 4:30 pm Board Room, Administration Building Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, July 14, 2015 @ 7:00 POA Library, Administration Building Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 5 6 Paradise Pines NUGGET Activities July 2015 by Melanie McClure Well, in my last month’s article I wrote that we hoped to have a big crowd for the Courtyard Grand Opening/ Luau. Boy did we ever ! We estimate that about 250 people attended and we sold 130 meals. That’s a success in my book! The Revells were great and even our General Manager, Ray Villar, sounded pretty good when he sang La Bomba with the band. Thank you to everyone that worked so hard to make the event a success. Now, for our Concert in the Courtyard. Another fun night of live music, dancing and good food. We didn’t have quite as big a crowd as the Luau but my estimate would be around 150 in attendance. Maybe more, since we sold 120 dinners. If you didn’t come to the concert, you really missed out. Stillwater Savage played some great country and rock music and the dance floor was packed. Our next Concert in the Courtyard is July 10 featuring Looking 4 Eleven. They are another great local band and it will be another fun night. Sign up your team for the Horseshoe Tournament on July 18. If all goes well, this will be an annual event. Kid’s Fun Day is Saturday, August 8. This year will be bigger and better than last year with more bounce houses, games, food and entertainment. Kirshner’s Wildlife Sanctuary will be bringing animals for all to enjoy. There will be a Sock Hop on Wednesday, August 12, sponsored by Girl Scout Troop 70046. It will be open to all POA families and all registered Girl Scouts. Wear your best 50’s or 60’s attire and dance your socks off! Sign ups for the Annual Yard Sale star t on July 22. The Yard Sale is Saturday, August 22. Get your space ear ly! Happy Birthday Liz Lehr, Jimmy Johnston, Andrea Ashton and Patsy Kelly! Maintenance by Robin Ferry Come on out and join us for all the fun here at your PPPOA! Friday Night Dinner Menu 7/10 ~ BBQ Rib Dinner 7/17 ~ Sloppy Joes & Cole Slaw 7/24 ~ Pizza & Green Salad 7/31 ~ Potato Bar & Green Salad Happy Hour begins at 4:30 PM Dinner is served at 6:00 PM Families are always welcome! Well it’s hard to believe that I have been working at the P.O.A. for ten years on July 1st. I’ve seen many things and people come and go and I still enjoy the people I work with. There are so many new programs and events to do here at the P.O.A. that are fun and enjoyable. It’s been a good ten years hopefully there will be many more to come. Thank You very much. Robin E. Ferry Please abide by all the Pool Rules for your safety and the safety of others. Have a wonderful summer! Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 7 7/10 Concert in the Courtyard 8/22 Community Yard Sale Looking 4 Eleven will be playing classic rock and roll in the Courtyard. Happy hour starts at 4:30 pm and Ribs will be on the BBQ! Ribs will be served with beans, corn on the cob & salad. The band will be playing from 6-10 pm. Ribs ready at 6:00 pm! Join us for our Annual Community Yard Sale. Enjoy a wonderful catered dinner, dancing and The yard sale will take place in the POA ring in the New Year! Price and menu to be parking lot and spots can be reserved by announced. calling or coming by the office. We will be selling hot dogs and other snacks. Spots are $20 each. 7/18 Horseshoe Tournament Dust off those horseshoes, round up your team, and start practicing for our first annual Horseshoe Tournament! Come and enjoy some barbeque and enjoy the day with your friends and family. Time and sign up details to be announced, so make sure to check back! Open to members and their guests. 7/31 Dorothy Clark in the Courtyard 9/18 Concert in the Courtyard The Paradise Community Band will be performing. Come and enjoy! 9/20 Bridal Open House This event is a free for vendors and brides. Enjoy a tour of our event space, meet with vendors, snack on complimentary hors d'oeuvres, and generous discounts if you book your wedding that day! We will be giving out invitations at the Chico Bridal Show in August, so make sure to stop by and see us! Enjoy dinner while listening to the soft sounds of Dorothy Clark along with her husband on the keyboard. Happy hour starts are 4:30 pm and 10/3 Italian Night dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. 8/8 Kid’s Fun Day This event is hosted by the Mom’s Fun Group and is guaranteed to be an amazing and educational time. The mission of the Kirshner Wildlife Sanctuary is to educate the public about the care and preservation of all wildlife and their habitats, both locally and globally. Bring the kids and meet amazing animals, enjoy face painting, food, and games! 8/14 Concert in the Courtyard Music by Ron Scott Entertainment. Jazz, Swing, and other genres. Join us for a fantastic dinner and great music! The bar will open at 4:30 and dinner is served at 6:00. The band will play from 6-10. Authentic Italian dinner catered by Chef’s Michael and Anita. More details to come! 10/24 Halloween Carnival for Kids This year we will have games, a haunted house, costume contest, photo props, and of course tons of candy! Free to the public! 11/15 Fall Craft & Bake Sale Come show off your crafting and baking skills at our annual Fall Craft & Bake Sale. Each spot is $20 and the event is open to the public. Stay tuned for details on how and when to reserve your spot. 12/5 Annual Tree Lighting Celebration This loved event is open to the public and features choir and dance performances, food, cookies, photo area, Santa and his helpers, and the lighting of our beautiful tree! Fun for all ages! 12/31 New Year’s Eve Dinner & Dance Events are subject to change. Please remember to always bring your membership card to all events. 8 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 Thomas “Tom” Berryman Member at Large, POA Board of Directors 2012-2013 Secretary, POA Board of Directors 2013-2015 Why do you want to be a Director?: I have always been suppor tive of community, char ity, and countr y, usually with a checkbook in my wor king life. Now retired, I have time to actively participate. Serving on the Architectural Control Committee has gained me a number of friends, some of whom have told me that they think I would be an asset to the Board and would contribute well in deliberations. Qualifications: I ser ved in the US Navy for ten year s training pilots, navigator s, and r adar men in a number of fields: flight and emer gency pr ocedur es, celestial and radio navigation, and aviation physiology. I left the Navy to become a field service technician with IBM for 18 years, managing customer service needs at computer installations and earned an Associate of Arts degree in Computer Science at night. I moved on to instructing in the computer industry, transitioned to course development, then technical writing for a variety of industries: document imaging, medical record management, warehouse center automation, banking services automation, and robotic radiation dosage planning for cancer treatment. After retiring and moving to Magalia, I volunteered to help out in elections and was appointed as an Inspector, charged with supervising a precinct in Paradise for the next 6 years. Besides serving on the board these last three years, I have served on the POA Architectural Control Committee for eight years, once as a chairman and twice as a Vice Chairman. I have many friends and acquaintances within the POA whom I can draw on for advice when required. Goals: To br ing a fr esh and unique per spective to Boar d deliber ations, dr awing on my education and wide var iety of obser vations and exper iences. I have been asked to continue on the Board by a number friends and acquaintances and will gladly serve in another term. I have enjoyed serving with the current Board and would enjoy remaining with them should I be privileged to be elected to a second full term. Jamie Ramey Why do you want to be a Director?: To br ing mor e family activities. Qualifications: I was on the Boar d for pr eschool to help plan events., and Chair for Mom’s Fun Gr oup. I’m a stay at home mom with time to plan events. I worked and volunteered at the POA for many years. Goals: I would like to see mor e family activities. It’s time for a change! It’s time to get younger , it’s time to get cr eative! The staff has star ted this journey and now it’s time for us to finish it. It’s time to get out of your houses and enjoy what you’re already paying for. I am very familiar with the POA ins and outs. I have worked with multi million dollar companies and can make some great changes for you at the POA. Russell A. Moore Sr. Why do you want to be a Director?: I r eally DO NOT want to be Dir ector unless we can have at least thr ee other like minded people. I am only going for the position to help give the POA back to the people and reduce dues and end permit fees. If WE do not change the POA to help people, instead of fine them then I say, we do not need the POA. Qualifications: I was r aised all ar ound the wor ld. I have lived in other countr ies and know what they live with on a daily basis. I wor ked a car eer in the Oilfields of So. Cal. Before moving here. I volunteer at many churches and in the community. I served our country in 1996, 97’, and 98’. I am now an ACC Board Member, but think more good can be done as Director. I continue to volunteer and help out in our community today. Goals: I would like to see dues r educed. I would like to see the dues of the people that do not use the POA pool or buildings be cu t in half. I would like to see fees for permits gone! If you have to get a permit from the county, why should you get one from the POA!?! I want the rights of the members of the POA given back to the people. Would you like to know that the POA is not taking pictures of you in your backyard? I would! The buses of this POA need to stop! Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 9 10 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 11 12 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 Pre-Emergency Planning - Personal Preparedness Sanitation and Hygiene July 2015 Is your emergency preparedness kit all ready to go? Another important consideration in being prepared for emergencies is sanitation and hygiene. When assembling sanitation and hygiene items, consider how items will be stored and discarded. Task this month: Assemble a sanitation and hygiene kit within the emergency preparedness kit. The bucket can be used to store items and, if necessary, can be used for a latrine and the re-sealable bags can be used to store items in the kit. Consider storing the following items: Medium sized bucket with sealable lid Washcloth and towel Baby wipes Bar soap and hand sanitizer Shampoo Toothpaste, toothbrush and floss Comb / Brush Deodorant Razor and shaving cream Sunscreen Lip balm Insect repellant Feminine products Disinfectant Toilet Paper Heavy duty plastic bags and zip ties Mirror – can be used for signaling too Two – 1 gallon re-closable bags Other Other Other Other Other Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 13 Members of the public safety committee recently attended a meeting held by the Magalia-Paradise Community Watch Association (MPCWA). Marcellus Salazar and others have been instrumental toward forming as well as committing to the success of this excellent program. The PPPOA and the Public Safety Committee fully support Marcellus and stand by the MPCWA in the worthy associations efforts now and in the future. Why a Neighborhood Watch Program? In recent years, neighborhoods have experienced rapid change. The old, well established neighborhoods have been replaced by a highly transient, growing community where people seek more and more privacy. This life-style tends to promote unfamiliarity with neighbors and a corresponding degree of apathy. Unfortunately, this situation enhances the opportunity for the criminal element and increases the communities vulnerability to crime. Correcting this situation is one of the main objectives of a Neighborhood Watch Program. What is a Neighborhood Watch Program? Neighborhood Watch is crime prevention program which enlists the active participation of residents in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime in their communities. The program involves the joint efforts of the sheriffs department and the community and is designed to enhance neighborhood security. What is involved in a Neighborhood Watch Program? First, neighbors must get to know one another and work together in a program of mutual assistance. Second, residents must be trained to recognize and report suspicious activities in their neighborhoods. Third, members of the neighborhood must implement crime techniques such as a home security. What are the goals of a Neighborhood Watch Program? The main objective of Neighborhood Watch is to reduce the incidence of crime in our neighborhoods. This purpose is met by increasing the awareness of burglary and other neighborhood crime through a continuing program of information. Training citizens is another factor useful to the success of the program. Training neighborhood members in the methods of better property security and assisting them in making their property more secure are essential elements of Neighborhood Watch. Development of a neighborhood action program where neighbors help watch each other’s property and report suspicious activity to law enforcement agencies is another vital objective of a Neighborhood Watch Program. Finally, the encouragement of all citizens to cooperate with law enforcement agencies is an elemental goal necessary to the success of Neighborhood Watch. How does one start a Neighborhood Watch Program? Those interested in forming a Neighborhood Watch Program within the PPPOA are encouraged to contact Marcellus Salazar via (530) 327-8737 or Paula Felipe, Butte County Coordinator for Neighborhood Watch (530) 538-7822. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Public Safety Committee is encouraged to attend the next PPPOA Board Meeting for further details. Upcoming Meetings: 7/27/2015 PPPOA Library @ 7:00 PM Groups included in this meeting: Cal Fire, The Butte Fire Safe Council, The Magalia and Paradise Neighborhood Watch, and the PPPOA Public Safety Committee. 8/27/2015 PPPOA Library @ 7:00 PM Groups included in the meeting: The Butte Fire Safe Council, The Magalia and Paradise Neighborhood Watch, Mike Ramsey, (Butte County DA) and the PPPOA Public Safety Committee. Thank you for your assistance. 14 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 Pool Cleaning: Each Monday the pool is cleaned for your safety and convenience. Personal Exercise: This time is for the individual exer cise-lap swimming, therapy exercises, strength and conditioning is permitted. Guest: Guests will be char ged a fee of $1.00 per guest per day. Aquacize: Individuals in the pool dur ing any Aquacize class must be par ticipating in the exer cise r outine as dir ected by the instr uctor . Gentle Swim: Low Impact Activities Holidays: The pool will be open on Memor ial Day, J uly 4th, and Labor Day as nor mal Sunday. Group Lessons All group lessons are $40 per child/per session. POA offers Beginner and Intermediate lessons. Weekday-Beginners Only Tuesday-Friday 11:00-11:30 am Session 1 ~ June 16-26 Session 2 ~ July 7-17 Session 3 ~ July 21-31 Evening– Beginners Only Monday - Thursday 6:006:30 pm Session 1 ~ June 15-25 Session 2 ~ July 20-30 All sign ups are first come first serve and must be paid at the time of sign up. Children need to be at least 5 years old to participate. If you need additional information please call 873-1114. Classes may be cancelled if teachers are not available for the above dates and times. Weekday-Intermediate Only Tuesday-Friday ~ 10:30-11:00 am Session 1 ~ June 16-26 Session 2 ~ July 7-17 Session 3 ~ July 21-31 Evening– Intermediate Only Monday-Thursday 6:006:30 pm Session 1 ~ July 6-16 Session 2 ~ August 3-13 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 15 16 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 Magalia Beautification Assoc. by Joyce Simmons While working in our gardens, we sometimes are asked what type of plant is putting on a beautiful display at the given point. Most of the plants in the MBA gardens are Perennials that generally live for three years or more, many will die back at the end of summer and form new shoots after a dormant period, each has it’s time to shine. One such plant is Coreopsis, they are valued for their daisy like flowers in the shades of gold or yellow, are easily grown and a native to North America. They look striking with Shasta Daisies, love full sun and will grow in poor soil but be forewarned, they need a lot of “dead heading” to keep them looking so lovely. While we’re at it, the term “dead-head” refers to remove dead flowers, with twofold aim of tidying up the plant and preventing it wasting energy in unwanted seed. Another plant of interest is Lychnis, a hardy, old fashioned garden flower, tolerant of poor soil, grows 2-3 feet high, with silver hairy leaves and stems, and has scarlet flowers. There is a white variety as swell. I think the plant we get the most questions about has to be the Matilija Poppy. The spectacular plant grows to 8ft, or more, stems and leaves are gray green, white flowers up to 9 in. wide, 5 or 6 petals with texture of crepe paper surround round mass of golden stamens. Blooms May—July, a native to Southern California, it’s very difficult to propagate but can be invasive when established. True, we have to keep a firm hand on this beauty, it is a hog of sorts and we cut nearly to the ground in late fall. Some refer to it as the “fried egg plant”. Next month we can look at some of the ornamental grasses in our gardens. Book Club by DonnaDrickey Selection for review on June 13th was The Spirit Catches Y ou and Y ou Fall Down (Fadiman). There were similar reactions to this non-fiction book about medical treatment in California and its effect on a Hmong family. Barbara Peltola and Norma Allen both expressed feelings of being judgmental about the fact that these immigrants did not understand or learn our language or culture, even when they were in need of medical assistance for a child suffering with grand mal seizures of epilepsy. John Cecil, Elizabeth Brown and Betty Vandergrift did find many parts repetitious but felt the historical section lent insight into the Hmong culture and beliefs. Vi Timmer felt concerned over these people of Laos who were nomadic farmers and had been promised land here in the U.S. in exchange for fighting with us in the Viet Nam war. They were brought over by our government and large groups placed in many areas that did not even offer access to farming. It was noted, however, that at least in our state many were able, in time, to farm and now provide local vegetables and fruits Barbara, Donna Drickey, and John all found it a difficult book due to repeated instances and did not finish reading it. Donna provided the snack of a lemon/lime bundt cake during the break. Recent other reads by members included John Cecil who finished The Martian, as well as biographies, Becoming Steve Jobs (Schlender /Tetzeli) and Tesla (Carlson). Betty is reading The Girl on the Train (Hawkins) and enjoyed Dennis Lehane’s The Given Day. Nor ma shar ed a book. Odd Otis (Hiatt), about a dog, deaf and blind, found and taken care of by a Magalia couple. The book is available locally at Kathy’s book store in Paradise. Vi Timmer found The Girls of Atomic City (Kiernan) fascinating and interesting as it covered the workers at Oak Ridge Tennessee who were not aware that their work was on the atomic bomb. She is also reading Nightingale (Hannah) about the relaWe celebrated our 18th birthday last month at a luncheon hosted by MBA tionship between two sisters during WWII. Elizabeth read The Whistling Season members Judy and Bob Blue in the their lovely home and garden. They are and plans to read more of the fictional books by Doig set in Montana. She also enthe hard working couple that take care of garden strip between Golden joyed And the Good News Is by Dana Per ino, the former Pr ess Secr etar y for G. Pines Plaza and Oak Ridge Plaza, we’re lucky to have them in the club. W. Bush, ,and The Wright Brothers by McCullough. We welcome new members and invite you to join us at our next meeting on Wednesday, July 8. We meet at the Racine Center, on the corner or Wycliff and .Racine Circle, Magalia. Social time and refreshments at 12:30 pm and meeting at 1:00pm. There will not be a meeting in August. Visitors are always welcomed. Unquenchable (Glennon) is the cur rent choice for r eview on J uly 11 and is available now at the Paradise Library; this will be followed by Earth Abides (Stewart) in August. Anyone who enjoys reading is welcome to join us in the POA Library on the second Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. Questions? Call Donna at 873-3296. Take time this Summer to Paradise Pines Women’s Club by Karen Huerbin thank a Lifeguard for keeping We had a wonderful day at our June 6/16 meeting/luncheon; we you and your family safe all celebrated our wonderful past presidents, and it was so good to see them all. season long! Our General meeting/luncheon for July is Tuesday, 7/21 from 11:00-2:00 pm. This month is New officer Installation, and it is always an important meeting. We will welcome in the new board and look forward to continued commitment to our members and communities…and don’t forget FUN! Luncheon is catered by Jaki’s Hilltop Café, and the price is $12.50. Come out and join us, and remember it is time to renew your membership for the new year 2015-2016. New members are so very welcome, and annual dues are only $10.00 per year. To reserve a spot for our July luncheon, please call Jeri DeChellis at 873-1760. Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 Jessica Duffy Beautiful Setting in the Pines. We feature a spacious hall, brand new beautiful landscaped courtyard, and beautiful pine trees and forest to compliment your special day. We offer personalized service from our onsite event planner to ensure your day is nothing short of magical. For more information please contact the PPPOA office at 530.873.1114. 17 18 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 CARDS ♠ CARDS ♣ CARDS ♥ CARDS Tuesday Night Bridge Play Bridge with us at the POA Library, 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday night, except the 2nd Tuesday every month, when the Board has their public meeting in the Library. Arrangements can be made by calling Ward Habriel @ 877-3435 or Leroy Turner @ 877-2458. Wednesday Night Bridge The POA Wednesday Night Bridge Group plays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. every Wednesday night (except Holidays) in the POA Library. Play is by advanced sign-up, and each player needs a regular partner. We play four tables of bridge with six hands of bridge at each table. We play party bridge rules, with winners rotating up to the next table. Prizes are awarded; cost to play is $2.00. Our level of bridge playing is intermediate to advanced. Individuals wishing to play bridge on Wednesday nights need to contact the monthly chairperson to sign up in advance. Please call Piedie Jewart @ 873-1270. Bunco Our regular play date is the fourth Wednesday in the month except when a Holiday is too close. Learn the basic steps and start line dancing to all different kinds of music; country, Latin, rock, it is good for your mind and body. Studies have found OUR NEXT PLAY DATE IS JULY 22, 2015 that dancing has been found to help ward off the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s. The POA has We play at the Racine Center starting at 11:00 a.m. several Line Dance classes. On the second and fourth and are usually finished by 2:30 p.m., or earlier. Tuesdays of the month, at 1:30 p.m., is a review Everyone brings their lunch and we take a break class. On Wednesdays at 10:00 is an around 12:00 p.m. to eat and socialize. Intermediate class for more advanced dancers. There is no fee for classes, but donations are accepted. Please call Betty Garcia at 873-0310 if you would The POA Line Dancers also hold a Line Dance Party like more information regarding this game. on the third Friday of each month at the POA Recreation Hall. The party starts at 7:00 p.m., and lasts until around 9:00 p.m. We dance all levels of the dances taught in the different classes. We ask that each dancer pay a small admission fee and bring a platter of finger food to share. For more information We welcome all POA members who like to play single- about classes or fees, please call Sylvia Carter, 872-4563. deck to come join us for an evening of fun and sociability at 7:00 p.m. Friday evenings in the POA Remember that line dancing is healthy, happy, and Library. fun, as well as mentally stimulating. See you on the No reservations are necessary. Refreshments served at dance floor! break-time, offering players social time. We need more players. Pinochle Player’s News See you at the card game! Beginning Hand & Foot Canasta Tennis The group meets the first Monday of each month from 10:30 until about 3:30 p.m. in the Library of the POA Administration Building. The game is dependent upon four players per table, so please call Donna Drickey 873-3296 no later than Thursday evening prior to play. Players bring a Lunch, $1 for prizes, and, this “beginners” day is a great time to brush up or learn this fun and challenging card game. Weather permits, come and enjoy the POA Tennis Courts, the perfect place to be. Please join us on our great courts and play some tennis. We are always looking for new players. For more information call Mark Springer at 327-8123. Hand & Foot Canasta Quilter’s Roundup The Regular Hand & Foot Canasta group meets the third MONDAY in the month. This group is for experienced players and meets in the Library from 10:30 until about 3:00 p.m. It takes four players to a table in order to play, so please call Donna Drickey 873-3296 pr ior to Wednesday evening before the game. POA Line Dance Knit & Crochet By Betty Garcia Our group meets every Tuesday between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. in the POA Library. We are always accepting yarn that you may not need in the future, especially baby yarn for the hats we make for the Birthday Place at Feather River. We make adult hats for the Cancer Center and lap robes for the various convalescent homes in the Ridge area. If you have a project you are making for yourself and would like to work on that, please feel free to join us at our weekly meetings. We also have some very interesting discussions that have nothing to do with knitting or crocheting. We go to lunch every last Tuesday of the month to celebrate the birthday of the member, or members, who have a birthday in the month. The Quilter’s Roundup meets every Friday at the Racine Center from 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. We sew (you may bring your machine), quilt, cut fabric, exchange patterns, If you would like any additional information, please feel have classes and help each other. We have a table that we free to call Betty Garcia at 873-0310. don’t have to lean over to baste, pin, etc. We have potlucks and go out to eat. We’re a friendly group, always willing to help. Come and check us out. Questions? Call 873-0343 or 873-0296 Paradise Pines NUGGET July 2015 19 Contractors undertaking projects of $500 or more must be licensed by the State of California. The Paradise Pines Nugget newsletter does not endorse any business or service advertised herein. For your protection, we recommend that our readers request written estimates of work to be performed and inquire as to references and licenses (when required). MAINTENANCE MORANDA MAINTENANCE General yard and home maintenance. Hauling green waste. Senior Discounts. Magalia/Paradise area 520-2372 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SERVICES PRETTY FACE Permanent Make-up & Massage Therapy Free consultation, call for appointment. Tree & brush removal, fire safety clearing, 25 years experience, Sherry Clark, C.M.T. property cleanup, roof & gutters. (Former owner of Beyond Pdse Day Spa) Call 520-7897. 5441 Black Olive Dr., Paradise By appt. only Sherry 530-518-6025 slclark01@sbcglobal.net O’MANIONS CLEANUP THE SHINE QUEEN All house repairs, A-Z. Remodel, Additions, NEW Construction. Call Charles 519-5689 Lic. #618173 Detailed housecleaning and/or organizing. References available weekly/biweekly, monthly. Please call Phyllis at 873-3660 or 916-862-9012 HANDYMAN DAN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE General repairs/ inside & out Yard maintenance and hauling Senior discounts 873-3987 Don’s monthly landscape maintenance plus. $20.00 per hour. Serving Magalia since 1994. 514-7908 YARD CLEANUPS PET SITTING Roof and gutter cleaning. Sprinkler Repair – Pruning. Dennison’s Landscaping. Lic 400114. 873-3530. Daily visits or overnight. Please call Jim & Renee Carrigan 873-4513 Happy Tails Dog Sitting Don’t want a sitter in your home? Bring your s dog(s) to our home. We’ll pamper them while you are gone. We have a nice fenced in yard, we are insured. Call us 530-873-6819, Magalia. COMPANION CARE An extra hand when you need it. Non-medical companionship, errands, lite hswrk/meal prep & more. Caring/ Dependable/Bonded; Low Rate (1 hr min). FREE Intro Visit. Refs. Call Mrs. Lane (530) 873-4224 SENIOR CARE PROVIDER Compassionate, experienced, reliable, reasonable rates, references available. Please call Evelle @ 873-1566 SERVICES Best Window & Gutter Cleaning Windows Cleaning; Roof/Gutter Cleaning Yard Waste Cleanup; Pressure Washing. Hard Water Stain Removal; Hauling – Residential & Commercial; Insured & Bonded. Free Quotes ~ 873-4747 CHIMNEY CLEANING $10 Discount 4 all POA residents. EPA Certified since 1994. Immediate Response. Don 514-7908 Classified Ads - $2 per line ($6 minimum) Deadlines for ad submission & payment are the 10th of every month. Payment is required at the time of placement. Please contact the Nugget office for more information and inquires about Display Ads. Book your next event at the PPPOA! We offer personalized service and flexible space to accommodate all your needs! Call our office for more details! 873-1114. Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Gates: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm *Times are subject to change due to unforeseen weather Nugget Advertising 873-1114 Extension 24 nugget@paradisepines.org *Ad submission and payment are due the 10th of every month* Paradise Pines NUGGET Sunday 5 Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am -5:00 pm Gates: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm 12 Monday Thursday 1 2 Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Line Dance 10-11:130 am RH Hip Hop 4-5 pm RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:30 pm RC Bridge 6:30-9:30 pm LIB AA 7:00-8:00 pm HR Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 am GAR Mom’s Fun Group 10:00 am CY Tai Chi 2:30-4:00pm RH Friday 3 Saturday 4 Administrative Offices Closed 7 18 19 10 11 Loose Threads 9:00-3:00 pm RC Knit & Crotchet 1-3 pm LIB Tai Chi 2:30-4:00 RH BOD Agenda Meeting 4:30 PM LIB Girl Scouts 6:00-8:00 RC Bridge 6:30-10 pm LIB Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am BAR Line Dance 10-11:30 am RH MBA 12:30-3:00 pm RC Hip Hop 4-5 pm RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:30 pm RC Bridge 6:30-9:30 pm LIB AA 7:00 -8:00 pm HR Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 am GAR Slim & Trim Bocce Ball Canasta 10:30-4:30 LIB Ballet 12:30-1:15 pm RH Monday Night Quilters 5:00-8:00 pm RC Mom’s Fun Group 10:00 am LIB Tai Chi 2:30pm-4:00pm RH 8:30-9:30 am LIB Quilters 10:00-2:00 pm RC Happy/Social Hour 4:30-8:30 pm BAR Concert in the Courtyard BBQ Rib Dinner Pinochle 7:00-10:00 pm Book Club 10-12 LIB Emerg. Prep 3:00pm HR Trail Hike 13 14 15 16 17 18 Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 am GAR HICAP 9-12 LIB Loose Threads 9-3 pm RC Knit & Crochet 1-3 pm LIB Line Dance 1:30 - 2:30 pm RH Tai Chi 2:30-4:00 RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:00 RC BOD Meeting 7:00 PM LIB Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Line Dancing 10:00-11:00 am RH Fun Bridge 10:30-12:30 pm LIB Tripoli 1-3 pm LIB Hip Hop 4-5 pm RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:30 pm RC Bridge 6:30-9:30 pm LIB AA 7:00-8:00 pm HR Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 am GAR Volunteer Luncheon 12:00 pm Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Quilters 10:00-2:00 pm RC Happy/Social Hour Horse Shoe Tournament 20 21 22 23 24 Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 GAR ACC Meeting 8:30 am LIB Loose Threads 9:00-3:00 pm RC PRWC 11-2 RH Knit & Crochet 1:00-3:00 pm LIB Tai Chi 3:00-4:00 RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:00 RC Bridge 6:30-10 pm LIB Communications 7-9 HR Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Line Dancing 10:00-11:00 am RH Bunco 11 am - 5 pm RH Hip Hop 4-5 pm RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:30 pm RC Bridge 6:30-9:30 pm LIB AA 7:00-8:00 pm HR Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 am GAR STARS 10 am –1:00 pm RH Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Quilters 10:00-2:00 pm RC Happy/Social Hour 4:30-8:30 pm BAR Pizza & Salad DJ Night Pinochle 7:00-10:00 pm LIB 27 28 29 30 31 Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 GAR Loose Threads 9 - 3 RC Knit & Crotchet 1:00-3:00 pm LIB Line Dance 1:30 - 2:30 pm RH Tai Chi 2:30-4:00 RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:00 RC Bridge 6:30-10 pm LIB Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Line Dancing 10:00-11:00 am RH Hip Hop 4-5 pm RH Girl Scouts 6:00-8:30 pm RC Bridge 6:30-9:30 pm LIB AA 7:00-8:00 pm HR Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 am GAR Slim & Trim Canasta 10:30-4:30 LIB Ballet 12:30-1:15 pm RH Monday Night Quilters 5:00-8:00 pm RC NOTE: Wednesday Slim & Trim 8:30-9:30 am LIB Greenbelt 8:30-11:30 GAR Monday Night Quilters 5:00-8:00 pm RC 26 Tuesday 6 Ballet 12:30-1:15 pm RH 19 July 2015 Calendar Activities are subject to change. Ballet Please call the office if you have any 12:30-1:15 pm RH Monday Night Quilters questions about times 5:00-8:00 pm RC or dates. Trails Emerg. Prep 7-9 HR 6:30 pm BAR Fire Safe Council 7:00 pm LIB Mom’s Fun Group 10:00 am LIB Tai Chi 2:30pm-4:00pm RH Mom’s Fun Group 10:00 am LIB Tai Chi 2:30pm-4:00pm RH Mom’s Fun Group 10:00 am CY Tai Chi 2:30-4:00pm RH 4:30-8:30 pm BAR Sloppy Joes Line Dance Party 7pm RH Pinochle 7:00-10:00 pm LIB 8:30-9:30 am LIB Quilters 10:00-2:00 pm RC Happy/Social Hour 4:30-8:30 pm BAR Potato Bar Dorothy Clark Pinochle 7:00-10:00 pm Private Party RH & CY Trail Hike 25 Bocce Ball Private Party RH Private Party RC LOCATIONS ADM: Administration Building BR: Board Room GAR: Garage HR: Hobby Room RC: Racine Center RH: Recreation Hall LIB: Library
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