Touched By The Light Publishing Catalog
Touched By The Light Publishing Catalog
Touched By The Light Publishing Online Bookstore and Publishing Services and You are the prophet Take command of your life and begin living your dream Learn to fight negative thinking Learn from courageous women who have gone before you Violence is not the answer to frustration. Changing yourself is the answer. Inspirational and Informative Books Our books will: Provide information so you can learn to control your emotions! Show you how to defeat negative thinking and how to live life the way you want! Discuss how hope will bring possibilities into your life! Discuss how to have the courage to face any obstacle! Give details as to how to get to know the Lord in a deeper, more powerful way in these times. Man has only one challenge in life and that is to stand. The books being advertised for sale on our websites were deliberately written to relieve the suffering of mankind to make man whole again. Touched by The Light Publishing is dedicated to bring light into the lives of people. Nothing is more important. We believe knowledge heals and brings about restoration. Reading is one of man’s most important activities. When men and women read they are encouraged, joy returns and expectations arise. To this we are dedicated. Do you need help with becoming an author? Do you have an idea for the next bestseller? Do you already have a manuscript, but have been rejected by publishing house after publishing house? We believe everyone has a story, and everyone should have the chance to tell it. We offer a variety of services, for those who want to self-publish or go the traditional route, to help you see your dream in print. We offer ghostwriting, cover design, manuscript editing. Your success is our success. Visit our site and fill out the form under publishing services. You can find us on YouTube as Touched By The Light Publishing and Touched By The Light Literacy Program. You can email us at: Touched By The Light Publishing is dedicated to publishing books that lift the human spirit and inspire people to greatness. Our books cover a wide range of subjects with respect to our health, marriage, self-improvement, personal relationships, religion and change. It is important that we renew our minds by reading how other individuals have changed their lives. It is important that we never stop reading, studying and meditating on new ideas. It is also important that we continue to encourage ourselves and others and be prepared to meet the morning with enthusiasm and hope. You will never forget reading our books because of the unique manner in which the above subjects are treated. We invite you to our websites to order a book today. You can read excerpts of our books on each website. Know Your Enemy $9.95 A Christian is Never Desperate $9.95 Be Not Defeated By Hard Times $12.95 The Devil's Whispers $12.95 The Trial of The Mind $9.85 If You Believe In God You Do Not Belong In Prison $19.95 It is Time You Start Walking With You Are The Prophet of Your Life The Devil's Cauldron God $19.95 $25.95 $12.95 Women of Courage $25.95 God's Encouraging Word $27.95 Murdered Voices $25.95 3 The Wall Do Not Let Your Mother Tell You What You Cannot Do (Coming Soon) Not My Child (Coming Soon) $39.95 So You Want to Play Go Level 1 $15.99 So You Want To Play Go Level 2 $17.99 So You Want To Play Go Level 3 $17.99 A Wake Up Call Date March 2013 So You Want to Play Go Level 4 $17.99 To Learn more about author Jonathan LA Hop and the So You Want To Play Go series search these links Learn The Rules of Go For the translation of famous Chinese and Japanese Go Games by Jonathan LA. Hop go to Youtube – enter Sunday go lessons or Jonathan Hop It is Time You Start Walking With God “It is Time You Start Walking With God.” You cannot take the nourishment of your mind lightly. You cannot assume that the voices you are exposed to everyday are feeding you the proper nourishment you need to live a successful life. You must question the conduct of others and separate yourself from any man who does not live by the word of God. The course of your life comes from your mind and the thoughts of your mind come from your spirit. It is your spirit that leads you to action. So, if your actions have led you away from God you need to consider who is feeding your mind and who is affecting your soul. It is the Devil’s goal to separate you from God. The Devil will begin with a nudge, then a pull, and finally a tug so you can take a plunge into darkness where you will stay until eternity. To avoid the cistern of darkness you must take time for reflection, analyzing your conduct and consider what you believe is right and what you believe is wrong. Ask yourself “Can I walk with God if I commit adultery or fornicate? Can I walk with God if I lie to my coworkers or mistreat my customers?” If you are doing these things, then you are not walking with God. You have pushed Him from your life and you are allowing the Devil and his helpers to entice you into a world of sin and debauchery. Your division from God does not have to be as blatant as adultery or fornication. It can be as small as not caring for your fellow man or purchasing pornography. You must sit down and decide once and for all who you are and what type of life you want to lead. Just consider this: walking with God is not difficult. He offers you the same pleasures as the world offers only the consequence are different. It is Time You Start Walking With God By Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 198 pages | $12.95 | ITEM # P7075-349Walking 5 If You Believe In God You Do Not Belong In Prison Destruction begins with temptation. Then temptation lends itself to thoughts of “Why not? What would it matter? Who will know?” Slowly you are drawn into participating in an activity that you believe is wrong but the world has convinced you that there should be no experience denied to you. Hundreds and hundreds of men and women have begun a path of destruction based on temptation. We can name these men and women. Many of these people you know. You can name them from their stories in the newspapers. There was a Mr… -Robert Acremant who was charged with the murder of Michelle Abdill. -Jabar Abdullah who was charged with the murder of Mrs. Beulah Abdullah. -Mohammad Abequa who was accused of the murder of Mrs. Nihal Abequa. -Morris Abraham was convicted for the murder of Mrs. Virginia Abraham Reginald Scott and Roy -Tooks were charged with the murder of Kia Adams Reginald Scott and Roy Tooks were charged with the murder of Peggy Adams. -Michael Barnhart was charged with the murder of Elaine Adelsberger. -Charles W. Aglin was charged with the murder of Tina Agin. -Anthony Otero was charged with the murder of Virginia Airasolo Steven Banks who was charged with the murder of Mrs. Felicia Banks. -Paul Nowack who was convicted for the murder of Mary Banks. -James Edward Clayton who was executed for the murder of Lori M. Barrett. -Odell Barnes Jr. who was executed for the murder of Helen Bass. -Sean Sellers who was charged with the murder of his mother, Mrs. Vonda Bellofatto. -Jose Del Toro Jr. who was charged with the murder of Mrs. Sheila Bellush. All these men began their lives just like you and I. They went to work, dreamed dreams but in one instant they crossed the line in their behavior and they ended up in prison. We believe what made them cross the line is they forgot about God. What do you think? Have you ever forgot about God? If You Believe In God You Do Not Belong In Prison By Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 266 pages | $19.95 | ITEM # P7058-554Prison The Wall The Wall was written to provide food for your thoughts, to allow you to feast on God's word, to inspire you to think, to give you strength, to help you when the hour is dark, and to let you know that the God you serve is the God of the impossible. God is with you. No matter who you are or where you are, God is with you. God wants you to believe in Him. When God calls, your deliverance is at hand. You must recognize the time when God comes to save you. Follow the voice within when you hear God call, because God is now calling you. There is nothing greater than living with God's love. If your life is like this: If you can't sleep, if you are confused, if you can't keep a job, if your wife has left you, if your children hate you, if you lie awake at night, if you just lost your house, if you are tired and hungry, if you are looking for a wife, if you are alone and unhappy, if you can't make up your mind, if you think people don't like you, if you are looking for a soul mate, if your life is filled with anger and fear, if you are fighting sickness and disease, or if you can't get along with your neighbor, you need to try God. But, if you decide to try God, don't think you can continue to do this: Lie to your wife. Disrespect your neighbor. Bed your brother's wife. Dishonor your children, and cheat your customers. Do not think you can play God like a genie in the bottle, where He will appear only when needed. Because once invited in, God may decide not to leave. Then what are you going to do? Edited by Valerie Cumming Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 530 pages | $39.95 | ITEM # P7074-234Wall You Are The Prophet of Your Life 7 You can have what you say but you must be consistent. When you oscillate back and forth you are being consistently inconsistent. That is right. You are consistently sowing seeds of doubt and disbelief and that is what you are harvesting. Whatever you put in the ground of your heart will grow. If you put doubt and disbelief in your heart, that will be your harvest. You can have what you say but what you say must be consistent. You must consistently speak faith and wellness. If you continually speak the problem, that is all you will harvest, the problem. Whatever you consistently say you will believe. If you are constantly telling yourself you are no good, you cannot learn, no one will want you then that will be the results of your life. You keep talking yourself into trouble. What you need to do is purchase a concordance, find the scripture that will fit your need, say the scripture, receive the scripture and rehearse the scripture to firmly root God’s word in your heart. Soon the word will come from your heart out of your mouth as creative force. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Change your heart so that what you speak is in line with God. Go to the word and speak the word. The world will send you downhill; the world will depress you, and make you believe that your situation is hopeless. To fight all of the depressing things you are told each day, plant the word in your heart and prophesize health and wealth to yourself. Soon, what you say will become what you believe and you will see the results of that belief in your life. You Are The Prophet of Your Life By Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 222 pages | $19.95 | ITEM # P7115-667Prophet A Christian is Never Desperate You can be victorious over adversity! A Christian acts and lives by faith. God always has a miracle for you. He gives you the facts you need to make important decisions to be successful, and to overcome mediocrity. These devotionals will keep you mindful of your responsibilities to God and to yourself. Your family will benefit from your diligence. A Christian is Never Desperate by Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 4 x 7 inches | 206 pages | $9.95 | ITEM # P5079-503C Be Not Defeated By Hard Times The Trial of the Mind and Be Not Defeated in Hard Times are two pocket sized devotionals filled with information to help you face the day. These books were designed as referral sources for you to use throughout the day to give you encouragement, refreshment and strength to fight life's battles. These books are reminders that you can win at life. Life is not something that you suffer through, then die. Life is a passage of time to be lived in joy and happiness with God at the helm. These devotionals will keep you mindful of your responsibilities to God and to yourself. Your family will benefit from your diligence. Be Not Defeated In Hard Times by Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 5 x 8 inches | 244 pages | $12.95 | ITEM # P5079040Def God's Encouraging Words To Heal Your Mind Soul and Body This book is packed with powerful instruction. There is victory in prayer! Stop hoping that your prayers will be heard and start praying with confidence that you will have what you ask according to God's word. True success is not based on wealth or status; it is based on how well a person thinks. Your thinking can be changed by the word of God. It is important to be aware of the words you speak to others, and to be aware of your thoughts and the way you respond to every situation especially during turbulent times. Put yourself in line with God's plan for your life by attending to his word daily. The key to change is to avoid negative thinking. Negative thinking has killed more people than any disease or bomb. Negative thinking will stop you in your tracks. It will fill you with fear and you will never accomplish anything in your life. You must begin to pay attention to what you say to yourself because if you are constantly saying negative things to yourself you will begin to believe yourself. Avoid negative people. Anyone that does not feed into your changing your life positively must be avoided. Those of you who have used drugs or alcohol will need psychiatric help. Seriously, if you have used drugs for any length of time your ability to think and to control your emotions has been impaired and you may need extensive psychiatric care for you to complete your transformation. Remember negative thinking is a habit and so is positive thinking. Make an effort to develop the habit of thinking positive and all of your negative habits will become things of the past, especially the negative people you once lived around. One way to clear your mind regarding employment, is to first ask yourself what you want to become. Ignore the fools who will tell you that you are too old because they have no dreams inside of them. 9 Friday, April 22, 2000 Doris Haddock age 90 was arrested and charged in Washington D.C. for demonstrating illegally. Doris Haddock's age did not control her action or temperament. She believed she had the right to protest, so she did. Apparently Ms. Haddock led her life according to the tune beating inside of her rather than her age. Tuesday, June 28, 1988, Alfaretta Corner received her masters from Western Michigan University. She drove 100 miles round trip for four years to attend the university. Alfaretta Corner is 83 years old which means she began her master's work at the age of 79. Imagine having enough guts to complete a college application at the age of 79. Apparently Mrs. Corner was not afraid of laughter. The greatest trick in the world is used by the Devil in his philosophy of “I can't.” Do you know what glory you will bring to the house of God if you stand up like women and change? You have been called trash and no good all your life. It is time to change and it is time for you to define yourself. Do you know what shouts would be heard in heaven if you adopt the philosophy that “I can do whatever it is I want to do under the will of God”? Say to yourself that “He is my source of strength and that His way is my way.” God's philosophy is the philosophy of “I can.” The Devil's philosophy is the philosophy of “I can't.” This is why the people who follow the Devil end up suffering throughout their lives. You say you can't find a job so you steal. You say you can't go to college so you work menial jobs all your life. You say you can't buy a home like neighbor so you try to seduce your girlfriend's husband to make yourself equal. You commit all sorts of vile and filthy acts to get back at the world for rejecting you. You become the embodiment of hate. No light shines in your life. Your eyes are dull. Everything you do goes towards destruction. Finally, you become the Devil's disciple by inflicting pain and suffering on everyone you meet. The reason why you have not been successful is you have been thinking from a position of weakness. As soon as you think “I can't”, you have defined yourself as weak. You must learn that you can do whatever you want to do under God's will. God’s Encouraging Word By Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 326 pages | $27.95 | ITEM # P6099-543Courage Murdered Voices This book was written to save lives. It was written to save your life and the lives of your mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, grandmother, and child. This book was written to provide you with information to help you make decisions regarding your safety and the safety and welfare of your children. This book was also written to keep your death from becoming a murder statistic, and to bring the number of women being murdered in this country to the attention of America. Murdered Voices is not a murder mystery or thriller where the victim is put on public display. Murdered Voices is the preamble to the examination of the murder of 252,287 American women, giving recognition to their lives. Murdered Voices is filled with information that is not commonly known which we want to share with you. We want the American woman to believe something can be done to prevent the rapes and murders that are occurring throughout our country. Some of you may want to sit at home and pretend all is well but every time your daughter walks out of your home the possibility that she may not return grows exponentially. The only chance she has to survive is if you stand up, become informed, and participate in the defense of yourself. Also, for you to say “My husband loves me” in the face of adultery is comparable to committing suicide. There is nothing wrong with loving a man and being careful but not foolish at the same time. Just because you are married does not mean your brain has to stop working. Two plus two equals four whether you are married or single. The question is why does he want to take a large life insurance policy out on your life (e.g. Mrs. Sherri Dally, Mrs. Liana Duke, Mrs. Trish Willoughby, Mrs. Miriam Illes, Mrs. Carol Bruce, Mrs. Nannette Hansen, Mrs. Leslie Larson, Mrs. Cathy Frost Larson, etc.), when you do not have children? Would it not help you to know how other women were murdered in this country and the signs leading up to their deaths? Do you not think this information would improve your chances of survival? Or do you want to be the last to know like Mrs. Linda Sandler of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Jamie Stonier of Massachusetts, or the ex Mrs. Clayton Miller of Michigan? It just so happened that these particular women survived their ordeal. Mr. Joel Sandler, 52, was convicted January 16, 2004 of hiring and paying an undercover detective $30,000 to kill his wife. Mr. Sandler did not want to share the family assets of $4.5 million during the couple's divorce. Linda Sandler was seeking a divorce after suffering years of abuse during the marriage. Joel Sandler was convicted of solicitation to commit first-degree murder and five counts of criminal use of a telecommunication device. Mr. Sandler's wife had fled the state in fear for her life. Her husband used a detective and a phone to track her down. His wife made the mistake of telling him she wanted a divorce but did not want to move out of the family home until the children finished school for the semester. Mr. Stonier took the position that he wanted custody of his son and he wanted to get on with his life. To accomplish these two goals required the death of his wife, Jamie Stonier, so April 10, 2003 Mr. Harold Stonier paid a hit man (an FBI agent) to murder his wife. Mrs. Clayton Miller married right after high school in the 1980's. She stayed in the marriage for eighteen years and had seven children so her marriage was important to her. She divorced her husband after years of abuse. October 16, 2001 the Michigan State Police phoned her and told her that her ex-husband was just arrested for solicitation to murder. Mr. Clayton Miller paid a hit man (an undercover police officer) to have his ex-wife, two of their children, and her new husband murdered. He called the death of his two children collateral damage. The most outstanding characteristic about Mr. Miller is that he is a liar. He lied and said he was a Vietnam Veteran. He is not! He never fought for this country. Mr. Clayton Miller has never worn a military uniform. He is just a common, garden-variety bully. Mr. Miller was a has-been, this is why he was so mean and vicious to his wife and children throughout the marriage. He never had the courage to be the man he envisioned for himself. He failed at being a man which therefore made him fail at being a husband and a father. Mr. Miller has subsequently been convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison but he is eligible for parole in six years. Once Mr. Miller is paroled what is this family going to do? The Institute does not believe the state of Michigan will feel Mr. Miller is a threat to his family and he will be paroled. Michigan is a parole state. Karen King, a beautiful 18-year old Michigan State University student, was abducted and murdered January 3, 1997 by a parolee, a man who was paroled October 31, 1996. It took him and his cousin just two months to find a victim. Michigan has frequently paroled murderers and rapists, so why should Mr. Miller be required to serve thirty 11 years in prison for merely threatening his ex-wife and her husband? Mr. Miller was allowed to plead guilty to only one charge of solicitation to murder when it was clear he wanted four people murdered. Mr. Miller was clearly not happy about losing control over his family. Is prison supposed to transform Clayton Miller into a caring human being and a genial father? The solicitation to murder was the final act of exerting control and power (I'll show you). We shall see what the Michigan Parole Board thinks in 2008. The reason why the decisions you make regarding your safety are so important is because you are a mother and you are the only natural protector of your children. If you make the wrong decision regarding your safety, your children will be left motherless. A motherless child is the most wretched person in the world. Understand this, motherless children must do as they are told, they have no negotiator and no sovereignty over their bodies. The children that survive foster care are dumped onto our city streets with no family affiliations, support, or hope to begin a future. What are they to do? They are poorly educated and bruised and battered emotionally. Predators set upon most motherless children. These predators use the naiveté of motherless children to their sexual and financial advantage. The motherless children are obliging because they have been trained to be conciliatory all their lives under the foster care system. Our society has moved so fast in the last fifty years that it has not considered those among us that are living in pain. The casualties are accumulating in our cemeteries. Many of these individuals were motherless children. It is not fair for you to leave your children motherless. Regardless of what society or your girlfriend says with respect to your responsibility towards your children, you are intrinsically linked to the destiny of your child's life. The responsibility of a mother toward her child cannot be abdicated so every time you consider your safety you must ask yourself “Have I placed myself in a situation of danger (talking too much) by my decision or my failure to respond to a dangerous signal?” If you choose to ignore this warning or if you feel insulted by our insolence, the next time you hear a child cry, stop and listen to the wailing when the child cries “mommy.” The goal of Murdered Voices is to get women to change. We want women to begin thinking more about their safety and to do more about violence against women and children in this country. To bring about this change we will briefly discuss the circumstances surrounding the murder of 1,209 of the 1,747 women mentioned in this book. 1,534 Americans, one Argentinean, and two Canadians women murdered on American soil, one hundred and twelve Canadian women, and ninety-six Mexican women, and two American women murdered on Mexican soil. Less that onepercent of these murder cases are nationally known. As a nation of free women we must rise to the occasion. We must not look to the past except as a lesson to the future. We do not have to be concerned with fear. Fear shall take care of itself. We must focus on solving the problem of violence against women and children in this county. We must meet this challenge to insure the welfare and safety of our children and female relatives. We must pledge to one another that we shall fight and not die on our knees. This book was written to call you to action. Because this book was written for you to call you to action, we ask that you take your time and read this book carefully. You have much to consider. Murdered Voices by Gloria Lee Edited by Valerie Cumming and Jonathan Hop, Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 500 pages | $32.95 | ITEM # P5079-040Hands Know Your Enemy Your best friend or a family member will appreciate a copy of this book. Keep this book with you at all times. You will find referencing the scriptures will help you throughout the day. These scriptures will reinforce your faith and sustain you. It is important that we continue to encourage ourselves in our walk with God. It is important that we continue to read, study and meditate so that in times of trouble we will not falter but gird our loins and stand for right not evil. This is what every Christian is called to do. Know Your Enemy by Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 4 x 7 inches | 148 pages | $9.95 | ITEM # P5079-040Enemy The Devil's Whispers Do not let the Devil fool you into believing there is nothing you can do about your position in life. Do not let the world tell you nothing will ever change, that you are destined to live a life of unhappiness and dread. There is always the light, the light provided by God to lead you away from the darkness into joy and happiness. Find this light by reading God's word. The Devil's Whispers by Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 5 x 8 inches | 350 pages | $12.95 | ITEM # P5079-543D The Devil’s Cauldron 13 Are you having an awful time at life? Are you unhappy with the way your life is going? Are you unhappy with the way you are living? Do you feel like you are the only person feeling this way? Are you constantly being pressured to make one decision after another with no end in sight? Do you wish that you could start all over again and meet new people? Do you want to make difference in life and you do not know how? Do feel like no one is listening to you? Do you feel like no one understands you and what you are going through? If you feel this way, then it is about time for you to change. That is correct, it is about time for you to change. It is about time for you to disengage yourself from the world system and try God. It is just that simple. If you have finally decided to give up and are at your wits end then it is time that you try God. You have tried all of the world’s systems to no avail so maybe it is time that you try God. You do not have to worry about failing because God will show you the way to prosperity, health and wealth. You can be a success at life. He will improve your family relationships, move you to a better neighborhood, see that you go to college, and find you a successful mate. The Devil’s Cauldron by Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 228 pages | $25.95 | ITEM # P7115-458Cauldron The Trial of The Mind The Trial of the Mind, and Be Not Defeated in Hard Times, are two pocket sized devotionals filled with information to help you face the day. These books were designed as referral sources for you to use throughout the day to give you encouragement, refreshment, and strength to fight life The Trial of The Mind by Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 4 x 7 inches | 157 pages | $9.95 | ITEM # P5079-040Trial Women of Courage Apprehensive about your future! Afraid to apply for a job! Read a book filled with encouragement. Read a book that will give you the spirit to win. “God spoke the following words to Joshua, He said, Have I not commanded You? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) Later when Joshua amassed his troops to go to war against Israel’s enemies, this is what he told his troops, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the LORD will do to all the enemies you are going to fight." (Joshua 10:25) Joshua translated the courage God gave to him to his men. Joshua knew he could rely upon God. Joshua knew he could rely upon God because whenever he needed God, God was there. Joshua took what he learned for his experiences with God and offered what he learned to his men so they too could grow. This is what the author of Women of Courage has tried to do. She has amassed the experiences of hundred of women and she is offering these experiences for you to draw from. She believes that if you read how other women have lived the spark of courage will be ignited in you and you will live a more fulfilling life. Women of Courage By Gloria G. Lee Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | 6 x 9 inches | 390 pages | $35.95 | ITEM # P4407-669W Are you looking for an introduction to the game, or find yourself stuck at your rank for longer than your liking? Do you need advice on how to invade, how to fight, or need pointers on how to play in the opening? The "So you want to play Go?" series is a step by step course, beginning with the bare basics in the first series, to more advanced topics in level 3. All aspects of the game are covered, from the Opening to the Middle Game, to essential shapes as well as Life and Death. To top it all off, each book is filled with facts on the history of Go, as well as over 50 tsumego problems to enhance your reading muscle. 6x 9 || 225 Pages || $15.99 15 Level 2 of the series is designed for graduates of the first book, or for people who already have had an introduction to the game and want to hone their skills. The format is similar, with instruction interspersed with information on the culture surrounding the game and its long history. If you are looking to step up our game and join millions of players across the globe, then take a look at “So you want to play Go?” 6x 9 || 246 Pages || $17.99 ITEM # P4000-600known Level 3 of the series is for people who are slightly more serious and would like to learn the finer strategies of playing Go at the upper intermediate level. This book also features biographies of famous professional players as well as the irreverent style of Go teaching that has made the first two books so popular. 6x9 || 280 pages || $17.99 Level 4 of the series is for people who are slightly more serious and would like to learn the finer strategies of playing Go at the advanced level. This book features new standard sequences as well as challenges advanced level players on what they think they already know. 6x9 || 280 pages || $17.99 The Series – Do This in Remembrance of Me was researched and written by Gloria G. Lee and edited by Valerie Cumming and Jonathan Lee Ames Hop The Do This In Remembrance of Me series is being offered in eight volumes, The Deadliest Moment, Murder in The Family, The Career Rapist, The Recidivist, The Ultimate Punishment, …And Suddenly, The Silent Killers and In The Custody of Others. The series is the culmination of a 12 year study into the murders of 20,000 American females. The series was written to effect a change in all America and the world with respect to the personal safety of women. “The eight volumes of “Do This In Remembrance of Me” contain historical data regarding the murder of over 20,000 American females from 1902 to 2009. We request that you do not read these books if you have been a victim of violence or have a male or female relative or child that has been a victim of violence. The information we offer regarding the deaths of over 20,000 American women is overwhelming and it is not possible to read these books without enduring excruciating pain and sorrow. However, pain is not our objective nor is sensationalism. Our objective is to bring about a permanent change in the status of the American woman and the women of the world. To meet this objective penetrating information is being provided. We believe the women who paid the ultimate price for freedom should be immortalized. These women should never be forgotten. These books contain extremely sensitive information; our apologies and condolences to the reader if this information is regarding a relative, love one and or friend. Although these books contain in certain areas explicit descriptions of violence, extreme care was taken to allow the victims as much dignity as possible. As you read you will realize these descriptions were made to expand our understanding of violence and to prevent violence against women and children. Although “Do This in Remembrance of Me” discusses the murder of over 20,000 American women these books are about life not death. Volume One Part One Volume One Part Two The deadliest moment in a woman’s life is the instant she tells her husband she would like a divorce or she tells her boyfriend she wants to end the relationship. There is no way a woman can calculate a man’s reaction to a divorce request. This is why this moment should be carefully planned. A woman should never tell her mate she wants to end the 17 affair or marriage unless she is properly prepared. She should be prepared to flee. She should be prepared for any eventuality. If you are a woman, once you make the decision to leave you must conduct yourself as if you are the general of an army. Ask yourself these questions. What will I need to do if he turns ugly, if he refuses the divorce, if he refuses to leave the house, if he begins to harass me at work? No woman should be so foolish as to think she can end a relationship without battle scars. While you are at work, or on the bus or elsewhere begin to jot down notes. Ask yourself what important papers you will need if you have to leave the state. Forget those foolish notions that you should not have to leave your home. All of these ideas are true but the bottom line is a restraining order or a stalking order cannot save your life if your husband or boyfriend kicks in your door or climbs in your window and kills you. | ITEM # DO7125-458 Deadliest P1 or P2 | 8.5 x 11 inches | 460 pages | $43.95ea Part 1| 8.5 x 11 inches 498 pages| $43.95 Part 2 Volume Two Part One Volume Two Part Two A woman can not assume that her husband will think that the best way out of his dilemma is to ask her for a divorce. Unless the woman knows what her husband's dilemma is she cannot make any assumption as to how her husband will solve his problem. Once a man commits adultery his wife is now in the way of his mistress. The wife is in the way of his financial independence. The wife is in the way of his happiness. She has become a problem and the children a liability. He wants the silverware and the table setting. The dining room set should be his because he picked it out from the show room. His wife does not have a right to his pension because he is the one who went to work everyday. He can’t expect his girlfriend to accept him without anything. He has to have money so he can make his girlfriend happy. ITEM # DO7335-868Murder | 8.5 x 11 inches |450 pages |$43.95 Part 1 | 8.5 x 11 inches | 450 pages | $43.95ea Part 2 Volume Three Part One Volume Three Part Two The most important man in a woman’s life is not her father, brother or husband. The most important man in a woman’s life is the man who successfully hides his intention until he can exert maximum force to take a woman’s life. He is the man a woman must plan her life against if she is to survive. Countless women leave their homes everyday never to return because this man is not a priority in their lives. Women must learn to be watchful. Women must learn to expect him. Women must learn he can be a neighbor, or a coworker wearing a smile. He is a man who has dedicated his entire life to the destruction and humiliation of women. Read and learn to defeat this man’s agenda. Series – Do This In Remembrance of Me Edited by Jonathan Lee Hop Popular Edition | - Volume Three Part One 500 pages, Volume Three Part Two 500 pages each part $45.00---Coming Soon October 2012 Volumes Four Parts 1,2,3,and 4. Once you read the four parts of Volume Four your thinking will never be the same. The death of a woman by violence is one of the most destructive forces in any country. That violence leaves behind numerous victims. All Parts are 8.5 x 11. Popular Edition Part One 450 pages Part Two 460 page, Part Three 500 pages and Part Four 500 pages. || $43.95 each Part | ITEM # DO 8888 Recidivist Volume Four Part One Volume Four Part Two Murder is neither a singular nor isolated event. Murder is an event and a solution that culminates in the mind of the perpetrator over time. Murder can occur during the first act of violence against a woman or it can occur after numerous apologizes. The one characteristic about murder is, it will occur most certainly sooner or later in an abusive situation. The only question that exists is who will be murdered the abuser, or the abused? There is a possibility with knowledge and change this dastardly deed can be prevented. 19 Volume Four Part Three Volume Four Part Four The following publications are available in E-book form The author of these books has several videos on Youtube Touched By The Light Publishing General Information: Touched by the Light and its affiliates are all Christian Organizations and are committed to raising the status of men and women thereby causing their children to prosper and marriages to flourish. Touched by the Light Publishing wants to make this goal a reality through presenting the written word to millions of men and women in and out of prison. Executive Summary Touched by the Light is in business to help and support non-profit organizations reach their goals. Our publications are not sold in bookstores. Our books are sold through non-profit organizations so the profit made from our publications can be used to further the advancement and protection of women and children. Our Belief: We believe that working together we can change the world around us. We believe women and men have much they can contribute to society. When you help a woman, you are helping yourself and protecting your family. Meeting the right person or hearing the right word can make all the difference in a person’s life. A word of encouragement can spark an idea causing a permanent state of change in a person’s life. What is a Touched by the Light Fundraiser? A Touched by the Light Fundraiser is designed to put funds in the hands of churches and nonprofit organizations so they can better do their work. This truly is an ideal partnership. The process is grounded in the conviction that a partnership between nonprofit organizations can be mutually beneficial. When you spend a great deal of your time seeking money, it is hard to stay focused. Nonprofit organizations have the ideas and the capacity to solve problems, but not the money needed to implement these solutions. Now financial resources can be obtained through our fund raiser. The Touched by the Light Fundraiser brings the two together effectively, and the result is a dynamic collaboration. The second half of the answer to the above question can be found in the answer to these questions “What do you want for your members or clients? How will your organization serve its members or clients? What are your organization’s long and short term goals? What does your organization want to provide to its members or clients? What is the overall direction of your organization?” When you answer these questions you see the need for a Touched by the Light Fundraiser. Non-profit fundraising is all about multiple streams of income. When you put together your annual plan, you need to include as many ways to raise money as possible. Now that you have been introduced to the Touched by the Light Fundraiser you should ask yourself how much money do we want to raise for our organization? Our fundraiser is a well thought-out fundraising strategy that doesn't make too many demands on any one facet of your organization. Every fundraiser that you conduct places various demands on your volunteers, your supporters, and your leadership. Those demands can be time consuming, expensive, and stressful, and your organization ends up getting back very little or nothing at all for your fundraising efforts. Thinking smart means taking the time to review past results and strategizing about how to do better this year. If you don't begin considering some new and creative ideas to increase your bottom line, how are you going to rise above last year's results? S ell books by Touched By The Light Publishing Call 734 686 1444 about our fundraising opportunity Our Most Frequently Asked Questions about Fundraising with Touched by the Light® ____________________________________________________ 21 Will a Touched by the Light Fundraiser be as successful as gift-wrap, chocolate, or other products we have been selling for years? There are so many factors that contribute to a successful fundraiser it would be impossible to guarantee success regardless of the product. However, based on past experience, fundraising with Touched by the Light® can be as successful as any other product campaign, if not more so, because there are thousands and thousands of women and men in America who love to read! Will our organization have a successful fund-raiser with only a few members? The amount of members in your organization does not determine a successful fundraiser. For example, there are cases where scout groups of three that had a $1,300 sale, and an elementary school of 160 that had a sale and sold over $1,700 in cookies! There are bookstores nearby. Will we sell fewer books because of this? No, exactly the opposite! Our books will not be offered in any bookstore locally or nationally during our Fundraising Campaigns. The purpose of our program is to help organizations assisting women and children and churches. Our purpose is to strengthen the church and the family. Aren't Touched by the Light ® books too expensive to use in fund raising? Our Touched by the Light ® fundraising program offers a variety of books for your customers not available in local bookstores. Will our Touched by the Light fundraiser be as successful a second year? You can expect your second year to be MORE successful as your customers began discussing their reading experience with family and friends. Are Touched by the Light® books priced higher than comparable books found in the local books store? Our books are priced competitively. The books are not priced higher than comparable books of the same subject matter and volume. In fact to assist our nonprofit organizations in their fundraising efforts we pay shipping and handling when our books are delivered to their organization. Are all Touched by the Light ® books available in fund raising? Yes! But each season Touch by the Light marketing selects the books they believe would be most successful in a fundraiser campaign. The selection is based on e-mails and searching out men and women who are self-published. HELPFUL INFORMATION We suggest running your fundraiser for three to six months based on your group’s goals. Your earnings on all Touched by the Light® books dependents on your volume of sales. No minimum order is required to conduct a Touched by the Light campaign. ORDER PROCESSING AND SHIPMENT Your campaign is accomplished entirely online. The orders will be processed and shipped in approximately four to six weeks. Shipping and handling should be included in these orders. We will mail the orders to the purchaser. This will eliminate the need for volunteers to distribute the books on site. A person can pay by check by mailing their order. No order will be shipped for insufficient funds. Our payment terms are: payment must accompany your order. The books will be shipped as the checks clear the bank. IMPORTANT! Due to production/distribution requirements we must limit our summer and winter campaigns to 45 days. Depending on your community goal we have allowed campaigns to last a year. Thank you again for your interest in using our publications to fund raise with Touched by the Light® We take pride in the programs and services we are able to provide to you and look forward to working with you throughout your campaign. Contact us at (734 686 1444) with any questions you may have. Conclusion: A successful Touched by the Light Fundraiser will increase your organization’s coffers tenfold. It should also inspire camaraderie among members, increase their faith in God, and strengthen the family Free Articles One Can Find On Line If You Believe In God You Do Not Belong In Prison. Bringing Change Into Your Life Part two Bringing Change Into Your Life Part One Male Version Bringing Change Into Your Life Male Version Bringing Change Into Your Life Part One READING WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE A Better Life Awaits You The Importance of Tithing Every Day Say This Prayer God's Encouraging Words To Heal Your Mind Soul and Body Change a Woman's Life Our Websites 23 The Wall Project: Christian Booksellers HELP STOP VIOLENCE AND RECIDIVISM BY SUPPORTING OUR PRISON LITERACY PROGRAM Purchase Now Supported by Touched By The Light Publishing The Wall Project consists of the distribution of the books to all male and females prisoners in the United States, in both state and federal prisons. This is a monumental task, but we are committed to bringing the word of God to the men living behind bars. The Wall Project was designed to intervene in a prisoner’s life while he or she is in prison so that the person can begin the process of rehabilitating his/her soul. The book can also provide spiritual help to individuals on probation or in rehabilitation centers. The books are tools that a person can use to build inner strength. Our goal is to have men understand how important men are to the family structure. There are approximately 1.5 million men sitting in prisons in the United States. This number is obscene. This number reflects in part the number of children without fathers and the number of women living in this country without husbands. This number also reflects the economic disparity in the workplace. We as Americans must correct this situation. We cannot let another generation of males grow up to become prisoners. Parole is the Luck of the Draw A man says, “If you let me out of prison, I won’t do it again. I feel remorse for my past deeds and I plan to live a better life if I am paroled.” It is possible that he may mean these very words when he is speaking them to the parole board. But his behavior after he is released belies his intentions. Inherent in a man’s application for parole is that he must have the tools and/or community support to keep his promise. A parolee may not have control over his circumstances; consequently, he may or may not be able to control his future behavior. Most parolees return to the community unskilled, unemployed, homeless, and penniless; this is the same situation he or she was in when they committed their first crime. Their future is bleak. As long as there is a parole system or sentence limitations, our society needs to engage in activities that will rehabilitate prisoners. Prisoners must be given tools to improve their lives while they are in prison. In the state of Michigan, during the last six months of the year 2002, four parolees murdered seven people on three different occasions. The parolees’ behavior destroyed the lives of a number of people. Now there are children left without fathers, wives left without husbands, and families left without a family member. In 2003, a man was paroled from prison only to allegedly murder his ex-wife and two of her children within a week of his parole. Another parolee murdered a child June 19, 2004. Society can no longer lock men up for their crimes and not attempt rehabilitation. More and more men and women and children will continue to be assaulted and/or murdered by parolees if society does not attempt rehabilitation. Something must be done to stop the violence. Our publishing company believes introducing men to the word of God, ethics and moral behavior can reduce the violence being experienced all over this country. Anyone can help with this project by purchasing a book for a prisoner and asking friends and family to do the same. The Wall Project "What do you think a man does who has one hundred sheep and one of them gets lost? He will leave the other ninety-nine grazing in the hillside and go and look for the lost sheep. When he finds it, I tell you, he feels far happier over this sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not get lost. In just the same way your Father in heaven does not want any of these little ones to be lost." - - Matthew 18:12 Touched By The Light Publishing is dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic and sexual violence through advocacy, education, and related support services. We are currently distributing copies of the book The Wall; an abuse intervention book aimed at men imprisoned for acts of violence. The Wall was written in response to the numerous repeat domestic violence offenders who expressed a need for help in breaking the self-destructive behaviors that have marred their lives. The Wall is designed to help men recognize mental strongholds and patterns of behavior that cause them to lash out in violence. It also offers alternative solutions for managing many of the life difficulties that prevent men from fulfilling their full potential. These men are the fathers, sons, and brothers needed in our homes. We hope to restore men, restore families, and heal the wounds caused by domestic violence. We need your help. We are asking churches, civic groups, and all that care to purchase a book for a prisoner. We believe a prisoner should be given intensive training while in prison so that once paroled he has confidence for the future, not fear. To find out more about this and other projects, please contact our office at734 686 1444. Thank you for your consideration. If you have a relative in prison, you may want to help us with this project. Our project is designed to keep men and women from returning to prison. Other books available to prisoners: Books For Male Prisoners 25 . Books For Women God said He would go down to hell to find his lost sheep; we are following His example. Below are seven letters from men who participated in our reading program. Copy December 15, 2009 Mr. James XXXXXXXXXX Mound Correctional Facility 17601 Mound Road Detroit, MI 48212 When my mother first told me that her coworker (Gloria) wrote Christian books, I immediately wrote it off as something I wouldn’t be interested in (see I’m not the religious type). I didn’t even ask her the name of the book. So a week or so passed before she (my mother), brought it up again and said that the lady (Gloria) would like to send me a copy to read. I instantly rejected the offer. Not because I’m ungrateful or anything like that; but because I know me. And I know if it’s not something I deem interesting (Urban literature) I won’t read it. So my mother relayed my message to this lady (Gloria), but it was too late…. She had already sent it off. I received it that Monday (and you know in prison, any mail is better than no mail). Well, anyway, the c.o. comes to my door and tell me. I have mail, so I climb down off of my bunk and open my cell door, and he hands me this big UPS package. I immediately know what it is. So I open the package and pull it (the book) out. The first thing that catches my eye, as with any book, is the title. (Now I remind you that I never asked the name of the book). But this particularly title (If You Believe in God You Do Not Belong In Prison) caught my eyes because my belief in God isn’t that strong…..if any at all. At first I thought my mother was trying to be funny. But I decided I would give it a try anyway, and I gotta admit I’m glad I did. It was nothing like I expected. It seemed to be well researched and very informing, especially for those with a blind eye of how the system really works. Now I’m not going to sit here and lie an say reading the book changed my life, or belief, but I won’t say it can’t change someone else’s life. I will say this though, if you’re skeptical of the contents of this books, as I once was, give it a try. Jay XXXXXXX 27 Copy December 20, 2009 Mr. James XXXXXXXXXX Mound Correctional Facility 17601 Mound Road Detroit, MI 48212 Dear Gloria: Let me start off by saying thank you for the book; even though originally I said I didn’t want it. But I can honestly say I’m glad my mother didn’t relay the message in time, because I thoroughly enjoyed it. (I guess that’s what y’all “believers would say was God’s work.) It was different from my usual reading material, which we all need from time to time. I feel one shouldn’t never limit ones potential of learning/experiencing something new. I don’t wanna say it’s too late for me, cause it’s never too late (as long as you’re alive), but in a sense, it is and by that I mean, I’ve already picked up that gun and made that foolish choice of getting money the “easy way.” I guess what I failed to realize was the “intervening variable”. And the funny thing is (now that I’ve read your book) when I look back. I never was nor is a real big betting man. But yet, there I was constantly betting with destiny. I had an old head tell me a couple years ago: “the more you do something (illegal), the greater your chances are of getting caught.” But I never looked at it that way. Unconventional thinking had me believing that more I got away with it, the more I would. I guess you can say I was using that old adage: Practice makes perfect. I don’t wanna take up too much of your time so I’m going to end the letter on this note. I would like to check out some more of your work; and I would one day like to get into a more in- depth conversation with you about the book I’ve read, as well as the future books you plan on writing. Sincerely, Your Friend Jay Copy Larry XXXXXXXXXX Camp Lehman 5135 Hartwick Road Grayling, Michigan 49738 Transferred to Freeland Correctional Facility, Saginaw Dear Miss. Lee I thought this book, If You Believe in God You Don’t Belong in Prison, is the key to a man’s pre prison destination. The younger man out in the streets really need to read this book because it can prevent and help them in tough times before they go bad it also lets you know it is never to late to put the gun down and turn to God no matter how hard it is in life. I feel we need more books that focus on our young men like this book to prevent our future generations from becoming inmates. Gloria you are truly blessed please continue to motivate men to turn from their wickedness and to God. God Bless You. Larry XXXXXXXXX 29 Shawn XXXXXXXXX Camp Lehman 5135 Hartwick Road Grayling, Michigan 49738 October 12, 2009 Dear Gloria, First of all I would like to thank you for the spiritually motivated brooks that you have written. It was truly a blessing to have read your book, “You Are The Prophet of Your Life.” As a husband and a father of 5 I’ve been incarcerated twice in 10 years. I didn’t receive my first felony until I was the age of (31). Now I am 41 years old and on my way home. The difference this time is I have Christ in my life and I totally understand when you spoke about us men being the foundation. My wife and children deserve a spiritually driven man, husband, father in there lives. We must break these generational curses that our fore fathers have kept us in. Your book expresses so many wonderful illustrations on how to live for Christ that it is hard to just talk about one. So let me say then, it’s a blessing to have you in our lives because you write from the spirit and not the natural realm and we know that it is from Christ. Thank you, you brother in Christ Shawn. COPY Scott XXXXXXXX West Shoreline Correctional Facility 2500 S. Sheridan Road Muskegon Hgts., Michigan 49444 November 2, 2009 About the Book: You Are The Prophet of Your Life This Book is a great book for someone who is struggling in life to find God. It is a very inspirational and uplifting book. It’s a book where once you start it, it’s hard to put down. It’s got real stories of peoples lives that were restored because they found God. So it shows a person both sides of life, the right side which is God, or the wrong side which is the devil. After reading this book it’s easy to pick the right side. God Bless XXXXXXXXXXXXChapman XXXXXXXX West Shoreline Correctional Facility 2500 S. Sheridan Road Muskegon Hgts., Michigan 49444 Re: It is Time To Start Walking With God The book that I read was named …”It is Time You Start Walking With God. Honestly, me personally received a good message from it. My 1st thought was that the book quoted a lot of Bible scriptures. And there is very good points about each scripture. This is a very good book for unbelievers and for believers because it will bring unbelievers to know our Lord Jesus Christ. And it will help believes stay focused on the right path of righteousness. And 4 unbelievers, this book actually goes about steps that you take in order to walk with God. This book plainly states that walking with God is as easy or hard as you make it. If I wasn’t a believer, after reading tis book, I would be. It touches on mental, physical and spiritual relationships. It gives you a whole list of things that God expects of us as children of God. This book clear as day answer the question “Why walk with God?” It even opened my eyes to some things that I was blind to. I am pleased that I took some time out and read this book and I encourage all non believers AND believers to read this book also. XXXXXXXXXChapman 31 COPY Calvin XXXXXXXXXXX West Shoreline Correctional Facility 2500 S. Sheridan Road Muskegon Hgts., Michigan 49444 Re: Devil’s Cauldron First and foremost I would like to say that I enjoyed your book. It really inspired me very much. This is the type of book that I can read over and over again, and continuously learn new things each time that I visit it. One of the things that I learned from our book - I feel is the most important thing is to put God first before all things and people. Your book also further encouraged me to continue to trust God at all times. Reading your book also reminded me how often the devil is present in our daily lives. From my understanding, your book declares that God is necessary and required in our lives in order for us to succeed and have peaceful lives. This is something that I strongly agree with. I feel that without God as human beings are not strong enough nor fully equipped to stand up against the devil’s temptations and his numerous attempts to tear us down. Another benefit that your book offers to me is peace of mind. I’m sure that this book will have the same effect on everyone who reads it. Shortly after reading your book, I feel like my senses heightened. I feel as if I became more aware of the wickedness in my presence and he wickedness surrounding me as well. I felt as if my perceptions and observations of people changed for the better. I feel that the title of your books sums up where we are and what we are dealing with in this life on Earth. I feel tat we can overcome this all by accepting God and walk the path that He intended for us to walk. I truly can say that I’ve learned a lot of positive information from your book. This is the type of information that I can share with my family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors, and I’ll receive positive feedback, input and blessings. By doing this, I and we as human beings are building ourselves and our characters. P.S. Thank you for sharing your beautiful message to me. I really appreciate it. Sincerely, CalvinXXXXXXXXX Below is an explanation of our Literacy and other free program Touched By The Light Publishing In Partnership With The Community A BETTER LIFE AWAITS YOU WHEN YOU READ! "He Who Reads, Sees" Literacy is defined as "using printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one’s goals, and to develop one’s knowledge and potential." National Assessment of Adult Literacy Touched By The Light Publishing just finished a twelve year study in which we learned that the nation’s ill are founded on violence and poverty and violence and poverty is founded on the inability of people to read. So we propose to treat the disease. We wrote books to attack the roots of crime - poverty, poor education, drug abuse, broken families, and lack of job training. Because of this vision Touched By The Light Publishing has decided to advocate for 100% Literacy in America. 20% of our profit shall go toward the Touched By The Light Literacy Program. We recognize that literacy is the power that changes lives and improves communities. Literacy is critical to personal freedom. We envisions a world in which everyone can read, write, compute, and where adults can use technology to lead healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives. Statistics have proven that literacy unlocks doors, enhances creativity and people learn what is going on, on the other side of the world. Literacy impacts lives. Adultery literacy prepares people for better jobs. Better jobs lead to increased productivity, safer streets, and happier families. On the other hand: “Emotional Literacy” is the ability to recognize, understand and appropriately express our emotions and it is an essential ingredient for life success, happiness, and peace. Those men and women who do not possess this quality end up in prison or in the grave. The lack of emotional literacy is in part why many men are in prison today. Our prison population is 65 – 70% illiterate. Lives are being lost through illiteracy. If we are to increase employment opportunities for men returning to the community from prison we must initiate a reading program in prisons throughout the country. We can treat illiteracy ourselves. No one has to help us. If you teach a man to read you will not have to teach him to fish. Did you know Low health literacy cost Americans 238 billion dollars per year? Did you know that two-thirds of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of the 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare? Here are some Literacy statistics with respect to America LITERACY STATISTICS AND JUVENILE COURT 85 percent of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate. More than 60 percent of all prison inmates are functionally illiterate. 33 Penal institution records show that inmates have a 16% chance of returning to prison if they receive literacy help, as opposed to 70% who receive no help. This equates to taxpayer costs of $25,000 per year per inmate and nearly double that amount for juvenile offenders. Illiteracy and crime are closely related. The Department of Justice states, "The link between academic failure and delinquency, violence, and crime is welded to reading failure." Over 70% of inmates in America's prisons cannot read above a fourth grade level. MANY OF THE USA ILLS ARE DIRECTLY RELATED TO ILLITERACY FEW STATISTICS: Literacy is learned. Illiteracy is passed along by parents who cannot read or write. One child in four grows up not knowing how to read. 43% of adults at Level 1 literacy skills live in poverty compared to only 4% of those at Level 5 3 out of 4 food stamp recipients perform in the lowest 2 literacy levels 90% of welfare recipients are high school dropouts 16 to 19 year old girls at the poverty level and below, with below average skills, are 6 times more likely to have out-of-wedlock children than their reading counterparts. Low literary costs $73 million per year in terms of direct health care costs. A recent study by Pfizer put the cost much higher. UNICEF says that nearly a billion people will enter the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their name and two thirds of them are women. BUSINESS AND LITERACY Touched By The Light want to impact these lives. We want to change these statistics by 2021. In ten years we want to go from a society that has over 2 million men in prison to a society that has less than 10% of this total. Touched By The Light Publishing believes this goal can be reach if we teach people to read. We can stop the flow of men into prison. Because of the above statistics Touched by The Light Publishing is asking 1 million Americans to teach one person to read. We would like for you to come to our website and add your signature to our One Million American Reading Campaign. You commit yourself to teaching one adult to read. You can teach the adult to read at your local library. You must always stay conscious of your safety. You can conduct the reading sessions on a Saturday early in the day always in a public place. You must know something about that person you are teaching to read. You must be cognizant of the fact that people who cannot read or have difficulty reading will have emotional problems. They can suffer periods of depression or be extremely unhappy because they do not see a future for themselves. They may abuse alcohol or drugs. You will provide the person with a dictionary, a thesaurus, a writing pad and 3 by 5 cards. You are to encourage the person to use these implements and to build his or her vocabulary. You are to continue to teach that person to read until that individual can read competently. If you earn more than $250,000 per year you agree to find a school and ensure that every child in that school learns to read above a 4th grade level. You are to contract with a reading agency or company and pay for the students at that school who are having problems reading. You must understand a person who cannot read nor has a reading deficiency cannot get a driver’s license, he cannot get a legal job as a taxicab driver because he cannot read the street signs, he cannot read to past the state driving test; he cannot get a job as a waiter because he cannot read the menu. This is why the elimination of the jobs at gas stations had such a devastating effect on the population. Serving up gas provided employment. Go in and get your car washed every week. You must support men working low paying jobs. THE COMMUNITY AND LITERACY - BECOME A PART OF OUR EFFORT "We must save ourselves. The cavalry is not coming. I don't believe that the federal government, a few key corporate titans, or some Act of God is going to fix Michigan's problems; we have to fix them together. Michigan and indeed the nation is in a season of great hardship, but it is also a season of great opportunity." -- D. Alexander Bullock. (Jobs and Justice Meeting March 2011) THE CHURCH AND LITERACY Churches can play a leading role in changing society by fostering reading and feeding programs throughout the community for children. “Our young people are being killed.” “We have to take a stand. … Our babies can’t be safe even in their homes. …The church must take a stand for what’s right.” “Everyone has to take part. …Everyone is responsible.” Rev. Johnnie Alexander, pastor at Redeem Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit “We need to take our message to the streets instead of waiting for the streets to come to the church.” “We should make our presence felt, in a professional way. Not by saying, ‘You’re going to hell and you’re sinners,’ but by saying what can we do to help.” Rev. Oscar King, president of the Council and pastor at Northwest Unity Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit. TOUCHED BY THE LIGHT PUBLISHING OFFERS A NO RISK, NO UPFRONT COST, HIGH PROFIT FUNDRAISER THAT WILL BENEFIT YOUR CHURCH AND THE COMMUNITY Our Book Fundraising Program is designed for churches, faith based schools, church youth groups, and other non-profit organizations. The proceeds from our fundraiser can help you expand the services you would like to provide to children such as improving their ability to read. Depending on participation your church can earn from $8,400 to $50,000. We are quite serious in supporting organizations that help children. A Touched By The Light Publishing book fundraiser is an innovative way for 35 churches to raise capital for various projects by using word of mouth and using the Internet to promote the fundraiser. Our fundraiser is quite simple all your congregation or volunteers have to do is ask friends family and coworkers to purchase our books from a TBTL website. The congregation can appeal to friends and family all over the country in person over the phone or over the Internet. Blog radio or other local stations can be used to announce your book fundraiser. Our well thought-out fundraising strategy doesn't make too many demands on any one facet of your organization. Children are not put at risk. The fundraiser is conducted by adults. The fundraiser is not conducted in your sanctuary. Our fundraiser is not time consuming, expensive, nor stressful, and your church will get a lot back for your fundraising efforts. Our fundraisers are well received because our books foster reading self-improvement, problem solving and learning the word of God. MOTHERS WITH CHILDREN IN PRISON AND LITERACY Support our Adult Literacy Program Do you have a son or daughter in prison? Are you quietly waiting for his or her release? If so you should watch our literacy video at and volunteer to help Touched By The Light Literacy Program by directly friends and family to our website to make a book purchase. The proceeds from these purchases will help us improve the lives of countless prisoners who cannot read. You can also help by asking us to speak throughout the state to raise enough money to send our books to prisoners. You can form a group and find speaking engagement for Touched By The Light speakers. You will be helping your child and someone else’s child. Individually we cannot do much but together we can prevail. You should email us for ideas on how to prepare for their release. Literate parolees can readily seek employment or higher education rather than steal. MOTHERS WHO DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN IN PRISON: We want you to purchase two books “If You Believe In God You Do Not Belong In Prison” and “You Are The Prophet of your Life.” Have everyone in your family read these books then invite our speaker to conduct a Violence Seminar at your local church or youth center. These are hard hitting take no prisoners books. These books have turned prisoners around. We have letters from prisoners thanking us for providing these books to them. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Experts say the best ways to save an aging brain is to volunteer in a community activity. If you can read and write and can spare a few hours a week, you can volunteer to teach a person to read or tutor in math or other life skills. We need a reading and feeding program in every community. You can get together a group of interest people and begin a reading program for children or adults in your local library or community center. Add your voice to the million signature campaign. Come to and sign up and pledge you will teach one person to read. Make a significant difference in a person’s life volunteer to teach a person to read. Share a story on line about an experience you had in reading. Do a blog. Pass our message along. FAMILY READING CAMPAIGN If a slave can learn to read by moonlight your son can learn to read by neon light. As a child learns to read, self-esteem and confidence increase and grades improve-even in other subjects such as math and science. We must foster the success of children and adolescents, both at home and in the community; Your life Starts Now as soon as you pick up that book and read it. Why Learn To Read Early? Two-thirds of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of the 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare. The fourth grade is the watershed year If you want your child to read you must have books all over your home. The books must be in the breakfast nook, in the basemen in your bedroom on the coffee table and in the closet. You child must see you read. He or she should see your face reading the evening paper. There should be books in the car. Young children should be given a book even if he or she cannot read. Give them the book and tell them to read it. What they will do is look at the pictures and describe what they think is happening in the story. Your interaction with their story telling is critical because you are confirming their ability to read. As the young child continues to story tell he or she will learn the appreciation of reading. While you are driving your child to and from day care of school give them a book to read in the car. Tell them your job is to go to work to earn money to provide for the family and their job is to go to school and learn. Tell them they are going to school so they can learn to read so they can make money where they will have a good future. You must make certain your child can read competently by the fourth grade. If your child is struggling cut out the cigarettes, donuts at work or getting your nails done save this money and enroll your child in a reading class. If your child does not know how to read by age 10 he is well on his way to prison. Ask any counselor at a state youth facility. They will tell you boys enter their facilities at the age 11 for robbery, breaking and entering, purse snatching etc. Once the violent pattern has been establish it is hard to break, therefore it is worth the effort to have a violence prevention program for your son, which means teaching him to read. Male children have a much harder time learning to read without the proper encouragement because their attention is directed elsewhere. Sports are a high priority; social competition and male dominance enters into the picture. Consequently, great emphasis must be placed on setting aside time for males to learn to read and to continue to read throughout adolescence. Control what your child watches on television. Playing video games should be a reward after the school work is done and a book is read. Proper sleep and nutrition age 37 important in learning. No late night television during school nights. Do not forget You are the example. PLEASE HELP We would like for you to do two things to support our efforts toward total literacy for the country. One please asks your friends, family and coworkers to visit our Facebook page at Touched By The Light Publishing Literacy Program and read our message. Secondly, we would like for you to purchase our publication “If You Believe In God You Do Not Belong In Prison” for every male in your family. This book was written to stop the flow of men into prisons leaving their children behind. No child should have to visit his or her father in prison. We thank you in advance for your participation. When you read for knowledge everyday you can look forward to a better life. Reading magazines and newspapers "are the best way not to not remain speechless." Regarding our offer on page 28 we reserve the right to reject any information or website that is pornographic, racially insensitive or otherwise offensive. Our goal is to be a service to the community. Violence Seminar My Child Does Not Belong in Prison This seminar is designed to save the lives of both parents and their children We seek to prevent violence in the home and in the neighborhood You are already aware of the many challenges and threats that endanger the state of our communities and education system, but what is truly the root of the problem? What is the root of the problems that plague us as a group? Negative thinking. What results from negative thinking: Fear, lust, envy, jealousy, lack of confidence, lack of self esteem, disrespect, and ignorance? The grass is greener on the other side. Not thinking for ourselves and making what other people think more important. These thoughts lead people to say to themselves, “Well, it’s Christmas so I’ll need some money. Maybe I can steal it,” or “No one will ever know if I…” If we could stop putting a temporary Band-Aid over the problem and instead remove the disease, we would see a rapid and apparent change in the lives of our children and families who live in our community. We would barely recognize our own surroundings after such a change. “If You Believe in God You Do Not Belong in Prison” and “The Devil’s Cauldron” are two books that go head to head with negative thinking and its destructive consequences. You know the words “jealousy”, “envy, and “greed” but what do these emotions compel people to do? How does the philosophy of “I can’t” destroy what could be a prosperous community? How can we as individuals discipline our thinking so that we can keep all negative influences at bay? Everyone has the power to guard their own mind and everyone can learn to find the will to do so. Our seminar will show you how. In order to make this change possible we want to present a 5 week seminar to 500 people in the community consisting of parents, grandparents, and neighbors. In order to change a family and the neighborhood, we must reach out to everyone, thus the need for 500 participants. The seminar can be funded by the Touched by the Light fundraiser. By selling 350 sets of books you can earn the necessary funds to hold the seminar. This is an intensive Four Week Seminar to be given on 4 consecutive Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Your life will be change if you attend this seminar. Cost Per Person: Participants must purchase and read two books You Are The Prophet of Your Life and If you Believe In God You Do Not Belong In Prison. Expected attendance: 250 We look forward to helping you take the first step to a New Future! 39 The Women's Art Exhibit The art exhibit of The Body of a Woman was Found consists of 100 drawings depicting the murder of women and children around the country. The drawings do not exploit nor sensationalize their deaths. The drawings were done with integrity and taste. The Women's Art Exhibit of The Body of A Woman Was Found was designed to dramatize violence against women and help to provide revenues to under funded women organizations and shelters. When this exhibit is hosted by a women's organization 20% of the proceeds will be donated to the group. 20% of the proceeds will be donated if the organization is a shelter. The exhibit consists of 100 drawings and photographs depicting the murder of women and children around the country. The drawings do not exploit nor sensationalize their deaths. The drawings were done with integrity and tastefulness. The exhibit is designed to prevent violence against women by giving women extensive information that may save their lives. We will show the miniexhibit at churches, conventions, large corporations, state office buildings, and universities. Violence against women is taking an enormous emotional and financial toll on this country. Part of the drug world consists of individuals self-medicating themselves, trying to forget the violence they have experienced as children, trying to forget the moments of rape, humiliation, and degradation that they experienced. We need to prevent children from going hungry, feeling displaced, neglected and abandoned. We believe these factors contribute to the fear and rage that develop in children causing them to become violent in adulthood. Women and children cannot develop and grow into a family unit if their environment is filled with violence. The Institute believes that we can reduce the violence experienced by women and children if female organizations and like minded organizations work together. The prevention of violence directly affects the stability of the nation. Violence against women is an unpleasant subject, but we, as a nation must face this phenomenon if we are to survive as a people. The National Institute of the Study of Violence is dedicated to the prevention of violence against women and children. We want the violence to stop and we believe women can stop the violence by working together. We will consider it an honor to host a mini exhibit or to be invited to speak before your group. You can call us at 734 686 1444 or E-mail us at Please help us prevent violence against women by distributing copies of our souvenir program A Body of A Woman Was Found. For an electronic copy of "A Body of A Woman Was Found" to send to family and friends please e-mail us at The Prison Wall Project Send a book to a prisoner through the Prison Wall Project and help support victims of crime. By sending a prisoner an autographed copy of one of the Wall Project books, you are also helping in the following ways: Your Support will also help to lower crime and recidivism rates by: Helping a prisoner learn to read. Building a prisoner’s self esteem Giving a prisoner hope for the future Help giving a prisoner tools to change the way he or she thinks with respect to problem solving. Help local reading programs for children Touched by the Light began sending books to prisons for the past six years. We now see to expand the program. The results we have received have gone far beyond our expectations. We'd like you to be a part of our movement. The approach is simple: reach prisoners and those exiting the prison system and affect the way they think. It is time we try to change the way they think. Our correctional institutions are overflowing with inmates. Their incarceration is placing a horrendous social and financial burden on society that should not exist. With a concerted effort we can reduce the recidivism rate in this country. We offer prisoners and outgoing inmates five publications that are designed to rework their view on life, and give them concrete tools to change their lives. We work at a fundamental level. If a man leaves prison thinking the same thing he did when he went in then the cycle will never end. If he leaves prison with the mindset that he now has standards of conduct, faith in his own ability and his creator's ability to prosper him, and the knowledge that someone cared enough about his fate to reach out, then the cycle will be forever broken. Purchase a book for a prisoner today! Books For Male Prisoners For Information on any of our programs or seminars email us at 41