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ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot
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An Austin tradition for 24 years...
Presenting the 2014
ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot
Austin’s Thanksgiving Day
family tradition for 24 years
The ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot has raised more than
$2 million for Caritas of Austin since the event began.
The ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot is one of Austin’s
most beloved traditions. Held on Thanksgiving Day
since 1991, the Trot is Texas’ largest five-mile run and
continues to grow each year. Most importantly, 100
percent of the proceeds benefit Caritas of Austin–an
organization dedicated to preventing and ending
homelessness, poverty, and hunger in the greater
Austin area.
As Austin continues to grow at a record pace,
affordable housing and resources are becoming
increasingly scarce, putting even more people at risk
of experiencing poverty and homelessness. Now
more than ever, we ask you to partner with us in the
ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot to help support
Caritas’ mission.
The money raised at the Turkey Trot each year is
critical to Caritas’ work helping thousands of
individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency. Last
year, more than 20,000 runners raised $325,000 for
Caritas. Your sponsorship helps continue a long
tradition of helping those less fortunate in our
For 23 years, the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot has helped Caritas’ clients —the working poor, homeless and documented refugees— achieve their goal of self-­‐sufficiency. Founded in 1964 with the vision that all people deserve to
have their basic needs met, caritas of Austin is celebrating
50 years of service to the Austin community.
Get Involved The ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot offers a variety of opportuni;es to match your company’s marke;ng goals including cash and in-­‐kind sponsorships. Be a part of more than 20,000 par;cipants and this 24-­‐year tradi;on of helping Caritas make a difference in Central Texas! Caritas provides a safety net for those experiencing poverty and links them to resources to achieve self-­‐
sufficiency. Your support and contribu;ons will help Caritas of Aus;n provide a wide range of services to the working poor, homeless, and documented refugees living in Central Texas. Return on Your Investment •  Receive community visibility– the Turkey Trot is the Aus;n Thanksgiving tradi;on. •  Enjoy associa;on with a high-­‐profile event– previous Turkey Trots have been featured prominently in the Aus$n-­‐
American Statesman, all local television and news radio sta;ons, and online via social media. •  Extend and reinforce your current marke;ng programs through PR opportuni;es. •  Showcase and test-­‐market products to a highly targeted audience of more than 20,000 individuals. •  Build employee morale and demonstrate company commitment to the community. •  Partner with a local organiza;on that directly funds and benefits your local community. Sponsorship OpportuniHes Corporate Sponsorships: Ranging in price from $500 to $7,500, these packages allow your company name to be associated with the Turkey Trot prior to and during the event. Depending upon your level of sponsorship, your name or logo may appear on t-­‐shirts, event posters, entry forms and pre-­‐event adver;sing. On event day your message will reach an expected 22,000 people. In-­‐Kind Sponsorships: The event sponsorship commiWee accepts in-­‐kind goods and services on a case-­‐by-­‐case basis. We also encourage you to promote your sponsorship in your adver;sing. This will be counted as an in-­‐kind contribu;on toward your sponsorship. Teams: Build company morale and form a team. Team members receive all the benefits of individual event par;cipants. Teams may be comprised of families, friends and co-­‐workers. We encourage teams to proudly wear t-­‐shirts displaying their company name or logo on event day. Fundraising Program: Some employers may choose to pay for all or a por;on of their employees’ entry fee or provide matching funds for the entry fees and/or pledge dollars they raise. This is a great way to show your corpora;on’s commitment to the community. Caritas of Austin will place 440 people in jobs.
2014 Sponsor Benefits The Big Gobbler Turkey Stuffing Gravy Pie Company Visibility $7,500 $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $500 Full Page Full Page ¼ Page Company Logo on Entry Forms and T-­‐shirts X X X Inclusion in Caritas e-­‐newsleWer (distributed to more than 2,000 people) X X X Company Logo on Event Guide Sponsor Page X X X XXX XX X X X X X X 1 Inclusion in a $10,000 Radio Campaign X Company Logo on Event Billboard X Company Ad in Event Guide Company Logo & Link on Event Website Company Logo on Caritas Website Event Day RecogniHon ParHcipaHon in Opening AcHviHes, IntroducHons and/or Event Start X Designed Sponsorship Opportunity for Specific Area (stage, lead vehicle, food tent, awards area, etc.) X OpHon to Sponsor Water Stop with Company Employees X Company Banner Displayed on Course (8’x3’ max size) 3 2 Sponsor Provided Tent at the Event X X XXX XX X X X Complimentary Event Entries 20 15 10 6 4 On-­‐site Employee RegistraHon X Event Day Announcer MenHons Company ParHcipaHon More Category Exclusivity X First Rights of Renewal for 2015 X Caritas of Austin will prevent homelessness for
500 families and individuals this year.
Caritas of AusHn Caritas of Aus$n is celebra$ng its 50th anniversary as an integral part of our community’s social services network and is one of Travis County’s largest community benefit organiza$ons. Mission Caritas provides a service con$nuum for those experiencing poverty that begins with a safety net and links them to resources to achieve self-­‐sufficiency. Did You Know? Vision Caritas envisions a community where there is respect for all individuals, hope for those experiencing poverty and opportuni$es for self-­‐reliance. 88% of Caritas’ budget directly impacts lives. This year Caritas will: • 
Serve over 20,000 adults & children Prevent 500 individuals and families from becoming homeless Help 150 people experiencing long-­‐term homelessness move off the streets and find stable housing Serve over 85,000 nutri;ous meals in the Community Kitchen Provide take-­‐home groceries for 43,000 meals for hungry families Provide housing and reseWlement services to 500 refugees fleeing persecu;on in their home country Help 440 individuals find employment through our Employment Program Offer over 800 educa;on classes The Caritas Community Kitchen serves over
85,000 nutritious meals each year.
Turkey Trot ParHcipants From just 600 people in 1991, the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot has grown to more than 20,000 par;cipants annually. The Turkey Trot aWracts central Texas families and out-­‐of-­‐town holiday guests who enjoy Aus;n’s favorite tradi;on year ajer year. Did You Know? The Caritas Pantry provides enough
take home groceries for 43,000 meals.
The Central Texas Runner/Walker The Central Texas run/walk par;cipants comprise a desirable demographic, fikng most companies’ adver;sing and marke;ng goals. Demographics Household Income $25,000 to $49,999 17% Less than $25,000 3% $150,000 or more 18% Gender Female Male 56 44 Marital Status Married Single 62 38 Living Situa;on Homeowner Renter 78 22 Educa;on High School or GED 6% Associate or Technical Degree 6% Other 3% Doctorate Degree 7% $50,000 to $74,999 15% $75,000 to $99,999 22% $100,000 to $149,999 25% % Master's Degree 24% With your help, this will be the
best Turkey Trot ever!
Bachelor's Degree 54% Sponsorship Commitment Form Contact: Amy Jackson(Caritas) (512)646-­‐1262 Mike Haggerty (ThunderCloud Subs) (512)479-­‐8805 David Cohen (ThunderCloud Subs) (512)479-­‐8805 Email: turkeytrot@thundercloud.com Mail to: ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot 1102 West 6th St. Aus;n, TX 78703 FAX: (512)479-­‐8806 Name of Company, Group or Individual _________________________________________ (print name EXACTLY as it should appear in event publication)
Person: _________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________________________
Phone Number: ______________ Fax: ______________ Email: ____________________________
Sponsorship Level or Donated Items
Qty Value Big Gobbler ($7,500) / Turkey ($5,000) / Stuffing ($2,500) / Gravy ($1,000) / Pie ($500)
Total Contribution
$____________ Check Amount OR $______________ Credit Card (Visa / MC / AmEx) _______________________________
_________________________________ Card # Expira;on Date _______________________________
_________________________________ Authorized Signature
Name as it Appears on Card (PLEASE PRINT) HAVE A TEAM COORDINATOR CALL ME _______
Your support is sincerely appreciated. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Signature of Sponsor
Trot Representative