Untitled - Bundeskanzleramt
Untitled - Bundeskanzleramt
Published by Bundespressedienst Vienna 2005 Imprint (Publisher): Federal Chancellor, Federal Press Service, Department I/4, A-1014 Wien, Ballhausplatz 2, Tel.: (+)43-1-54115-2424, Fax.: (+)43-1-53115-2880, email: i5@bka.gv.at, reprinting of extracts from the text is permitted. Author: Andreas Ulrich (Department V/4 – Coordination Information Society). Editor: Dr. Helmut Wohnout. Layout: BEST-SELLNER. Printed by: Ferd. Berger & Söhne, Horn. FOREWORD The fashionable term “Information So- gramme) and the global context (World formation which will bring about funda- Geneva 2003 – Tunis 2005), Austria has ciety” covers a process of global trans- mental changes in the way we live and work through the use of modern information and communication technologies. Here we must be aware of enormous opportunities but also of enormous risks. Statistics and the results of questionnaires point repeatedly in the same direc- tion: in the application of modern tech- nologies – consider the mobile telephone or the density of private internet con- nections in private households – Austri- ans are in a top position in Europe and therefore also in the international domain. This brochure provides evidence of the manifold initiatives and measures taken by the Austrian Federal Government in Summit on the Information Society – made enormous progress in all areas. From modern e-Government applicati- ons, tools for innovative e-Learning and e-Knowledge, down to developments in online health care information and ele- ments of e-Security – to mention only a few areas – this brochure presents a colourful spectrum of creative and inno- vative applications, which also provide a substantial insight into strategies for the Information Society in Austria. All the measures presented in the bro- chure have, as their primary goal, the establishment of an integrative informa- tion society, an information society for all the citizens of Austria. policies relevant to the Information Society, and gives a typical crosssection of the material. In respect of both the European context (eEurope Action Pro- Franz Morak Secretary of State for Art and Media CO N T E N T S I. II. III. WHAT IS THE INFORMATION SOCIETY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page INITIAL SITUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page Data on the status of digital availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7 15 15 Infrastructure activities of the Federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23 FIELDS OF IMPLEMENTATION e-Government (ICT in Public Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23 e-Business / e-Work (ICT in the workplace and in business) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37 . . . . . . . . . . . page 41 . . . . . . . . page 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 63 e-Security (ICT and security) e-Learning / e-Knowledge (ICT in basic and follow-up education) e-Science (ICT in universities and universities of applied sciences) e-Culture (ICT in art and culture) e-Health (ICT and health) e-Inclusion (ICT for everybody) I V. S U M M A RY I N S E V E N CO N C I S E P O I N T S V. HYPERLINKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 65 I . W H AT I S I N F O R M AT I O N S O C I E T Y ? The notion of a global information Today already over 50% of all people en- munication scientist Marshall McLuhan tivities whose major raw materials, tools society can be traced back to the com- gaged in business are dependent on ac- and the way he pictured the world as a and results consist of information. And, global village created by electronics (at if recent forecasts are correct, by 2015 that time he was referring to television); about four fifths of all human work will that was in the early 1960s. McLuhan consist of handling information: consult- predicted the decomposition of time and ing, informing, researching, developing, space, of work and leisure in the age of organizing, electronics . work. evolved particularly in the 1990s in the on the socalled managing, – all these are typical forms of future The notion of the information society debate networking, investigating, designing and presenting 1 The “information” factor is thus becoming the essential “product”. information superhighway. One could find the term in the US government platform of the Clinton/Gore Administration 2, being used to promote plans for an integrated broadband universal network with a broad range of public (e.g. networking of all schools and libraries) and commercial (e.g. video on demand, interactive TV) functions. It is not of paramount importance The evolution of the information society tion”, “knowledge society”, “network view. In order not to be shut out from whether terms such as “age of informasociety” or specifically must be seen from a global point of “information the growing global information market, society” are used for the information technology doubt, revolution. however, that It the is it is of paramount importance for all beyond European Union Member States. The industrial sweeping developments in ICT will result society is involved in a process of dyna- in comprehensive changes to the eco- mic transformation manifesting itself in nomy particular in the rapid increase in use of logies (ICT) for collecting, storing, pro- including many What are the essential opportunities cessing, communicating, disseminating offered by this development? and exploiting information. 2 society, opportunities but also many risks. information and communication techno- 1 and Marshall McLuhan: The Gutenberg Galaxy The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto 1962 National Information Infrastructure Initiative: Agenda for Action (http://www.ibiblio.org/nii/toc.html) Added economic value by creating new professions and markets; -7- added ecological value by electronic The consequences of this development product; centration of information and knowledge are above all an acceleration and con- dissemination of “information” as a to an extent never seen before: levelling of differences between urban whe- reas within European societies many and rural areas by electronic linking generations between the centre and the peri- had passed before the invention of the letterpress increased phery; knowledge in the wider community, the global transfer of information and new electronic information and commu- knowledge, increasing the potential nication technologies make information for innovative solutions. and knowledge immediately available on a worldwide basis – resulting in a poten- INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) tial for acceleration and concentration which is very much higher. Particularly the internet and the development of the The overall term was coined in the early 1980s when information technologies were first being directly employed in digital network terminals as well as in local and public transmission networks (e.g. services such as TV videotext). Telecommunication and computer technologies are the key technologies affecting nearly all spheres of the economy, society and culture and establishing new communication situations). world wide web (www) have eliminated the time-space relationship of previous media technologies. Thanks to the www, information is available always (without regard to time) and everywhere (without being tied to a particular place). But possible risks must also be kept in mind in order to achieve an adequate and efficient balance: opportunities to participate may vary from person to person because of socioeconomic and sociocultural barriers (digital gaps); production may be transferred to lowwage countries (loss of jobs); conflicts may arise in society on ac- To this effect simple, equal and free ac- ing conditions (consequences of flexi- essential prerequisite for the develop- cess to information and knowledge is an count of restructuring of manufactur- ment bility, mobility, etc.); of an integrative information society. This also means, however, that consumers may refuse to use new issues of access and use of informati- electronic services. on/knowledge are becoming more and more critical. In other words: the fact -8- bility, while the classic cross section dimension of the “information society” WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) requires coordination which is provided by the Constitutional Service of the In 1991 a hypertext system with a graphic easy-to-operate user surface was developed at Geneva’s CERN nuclear research centre. On the basis of cross references, hypertext documents provide access to links containing further information with a mouse click. The result is a world wide web (www) with enormous growth rates, constituting an ever increasing challenge for the infrastructure technology of the network of networks, as the internet is now being called. The bandwidths required for the data of heavy multimedia applications and the increasing number of video conferences and audio transmissions are becoming wider and wider. Federal Chancellery, Department V/4. Exchange of information and experience concerning all the relevant issues is organized on a regular and continuous basis among representatives of the Federal Ministries, the statutory bodies of interest groups representing business and consumers, as well as among inter- net providers and similar bodies in the Advisory Board for the Information Society (BIG) 3 especially created for this purpose. that internet provides easy access to information and knowledge does not in any sense mean that these potential G L O B A L CO N T E XT opportunities can (or should) also be available to everybody. The important thing is to look at the problems of the information society as a cross section that requires horizontal From 10 to 12 December 2003, the issue paramount is not a restriction to certain the first time in its global context at the “information society” was dealt with for strategies for their solution: what is first World Summit on the Information areas (for example TV or the internet), Society – WSIS held in Geneva. Gov- but networked coordination. The global network of networks requires global ernment delegations, representatives of vant players. This is paramount for poli- agreed on the following objectives: business and civil society organizations grouping and networking of all the rele- tics, which must concern itself in depth with issues of control and coordination By 2010 every city of the world shall nal level. at least 90% of the population world- have access to the web; at both the national and the internatio- wide shall have access to wireless communication; Domestic initiatives and measures in the framework of the information society are implemented by the respective Federal Ministries within their areas of responsi- 3 -9- http://www.bundeskanzleramt.at/big universities and hospitals shall have Especially in view of the pattern of dis- internet by 2005, libraries by 2006 that access to and use of internet is by tribution of internet use, one can see the possibility of being joined to the no means evenly spread around the and every elementary school by globe. In spite of enormous growth rates 2015; one must not overlook that the “worldwi- The initial outlay for internet access de” data network is used by only a very shall not exceed 100 Euros, and after small proportion of the world’s populati- 2010 not more than 50 Euros. on, and 90% of these users live in the leading industrialized nations. Initially it remained rather vague how these objectives could be achieved. Upon a proposal from Senegal a “Digital Meanwhile a UN task force has been set rously work out specific proposals for the up to deal with issues of financing and to Solidarity Fund” requested quite vigoby developing and threshold second summit meeting to be held in countries in order to overcome the mas- Tunis (from 16 to 18 November 2005) 5. sive digital gap between the Western world and “Third World” countries was setup. This was at first only included on In addition to the measures to bridge documents and only as a nonbinding right, there is still controversy concer- digital gaps, in particular issues of copy- a non-committal basis in the conference ning internet governance and software declaration of intent . 4 systems (proprietary versus open source solutions). DIGITAL GAP COPYRIGHT Digital gap or digital divide is meant to express that both on a global as well as on a national level the possibilities of access to modern digital information and communication technologies vary, and they depend to a large extent on socioeconomic factors such as income and education. Digital gaps and thus massive differences or discriminations also exist with regard to infrastructure (completely different levels of development on the global, national and regional levels), language (the vast majority of all websites are in English), gender (ICT overproportionately dominated by males on all levels), content (“important” information vs. “garbage data”) and age. 4 Internet download/upload of music files and feature movies via P2P (peer to peer) exchanges is creating more and more headaches for the audiovisual industry. An accelerated rate of broadband internet subscriptions meanwhile permits the download of complete feature movies. Estimates of the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), the US branch of the association of movie industries, reveal that every month between 400,000 and 600,000 movies downloaded are from the internet. In addition to information campaigns and pay services offered, the music and film industries are also taking legal steps against power users. http://www.itu.int/wsis 5 - 10 - http://www.itu.int/wsis/tffm/index.html E U CO N T E XT INTERNET GOVERNANCE Within the European Union a strategy was adopted in 2000 on the occasion of A number of developing and emerging countries oppose the partly private ICANN network administration (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) instituted by the United States. Already in the run-up to the World Summit they demanded that internet administration at the national level be taken care of by the respective governments and at the international level by a UN organization such as the ITU (International Telecommunications Union). Meanwhile a UN task force has been set up to work out a definition of internet governance and deal with issues of consumer protection, data protection and intellectual property. The task force report should be available for the 2005 Tunis Summit. the European Council of Lisbon (“Lisbon Strategy”), aiming at making use of the potential of digital technolo- gies for business and society in Europe. By 2010 the European Union is to beco- me the most competitive and dynamic knowledge based economic area in the world, an economic area capable of achieving sustained economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social coherence 6. In November 1999 the European Com- mission had already started the “eEu- rope” initiative aiming at potentially SOFTWARE granting all male and female citizens, Software plays an ever increasing role in the information society. The overwhelming majority of all computers worldwide operate on proprietary software products emanating from Microsoft (such as “Windows XP” or “Office”). Open source software solutions are gaining increasing importance. The basic difference from “proprietary”, meaning “closed” software products is that for open source systems both the result of programming, the so called source code, the work processes and progress, and also the intermediate results, are openly accessible. schools, businesses and authorities access to the new information and com- munication technologies 7. This includes for example using the internet for a whole array of everyday procedures, services and products in fields such as education, administration, health, culture and entertainment. So far two „eEurope“ Action Plans have been adopted: All these will be important issues on the agenda of the second summit in Tunis. The Action Plan 2002, adopted in June 2000 in the Portuguese city of Feira by the European Council, and 6 7 - 11 - For more information on the implementation of the „Lisbon Strategy“ in Austria, consult the website: http://www.chancenerweitern.gv.at/default.pxml?lang= de&kap=292 http://europa.eu.int/information_society/ eeurope/2005/index_en.htm The Action Plan 2005, adopted by the European Council in June 2002 in the Spanish city of Seville. The “eEurope” Action Plan 2002 put the Europe-wide introduction of the internet on the political agenda. The „eEurope“ Action Plan 2005 is now focussing efforts on effective access, real use and actual availability. The main emphasis of the „eEurope“ Action Plan 2005 is on imple- menting modern public online services in the sectors of public administration (e- Government), education (e-Learning) and health (e-Health), on creating a dynamic environment for the electronic business communication (e-Business) and on ensuring a reliable infrastructure at competitive prices (broadband). The „eEurope“ Action Plan 2005 focuses above all on users, male and female. At all levels and for all activities full social participation is paramount, including above all access for persons with special needs. A further principle is the emphasis on neutrality towards technology, meaning that the most important provisions and services shall become available not only via computer, but also, for example, via interactive digital TV, third generation mobile phones and cable networks. - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - I I . I N I T I A L S I T U AT I O N Austrian households, 62% (about 3.9 DATA ON THE STATUS OF DIGITAL AVAILABILITY million) are regular computer users – either at home, in the workplace, at By March 2003, 49% of all Austrian hou- their place of education or training, or in seholds had a computer. Among all per- other locations (internet cafés, etc.). sons aged between 16 and 74 living in GROWTH OF INTERNET USE IN AUSTRIA 1996 – 2004 (percentages) Source: GfK Online Monitor: FESSEL-GfK (4,500 Telephone interviews each quarter, 14 years + / basis: Austrian 14 years or older (6,678.000 persons) – until 2003 AIM: FESSEL-GfK/INTEGRAL 36% of all Austrian households and 91% of is about two hours each week. The most employees have internet access. The most cation (for 88%), followed by information Austrian businesses with 9 or important type of use is e-mail communi- more searches for goods and services (for frequently used technology continues to be 65%), and reading newspapers and maga- the telephone modem connection (about zines (about 39%).11 70% of all households), and one in four households has a broadband internet con- nection.8 During the 3rd quarter of 2004, a Also the use of e-Government applications persons in Austria aged 14 years or older about 35% of all internet users made use of continues to gain ground: while in 2003 total of about 56% of all male and female (3.2 million) had access to the internet. the website information of public authori- 9 In Austria, both male and female persons 8 (48%)10 – in 1996 only 3% had this pos- 9 most frequently use the internet at home sibility – and the average duration of use 10 11 - 15 - Statistical material: STATISTIK AUSTRIA: ICT use in households – results of the European survey on the use of information and communication technologies in households 2003, Vienna 2003 GfK Online Monitor 3rd quarter 2004, FESSEL-GfK (4,500 telephone interviews each quarter, 14 years +) GfK Online Monitor 3rd quarter 2004 STATISTIK AUSTRIA, ICT use 2003, p.15 ties 12, in 2004 their share had already By March 2003, at least one person in three making use of electronic form blanks mobile phone (2002: 69%). 16% of all house- increased to 55% . 43% were already out of four Austrian households was using a 13 and 22% were making fully electronic holds use an internet-capable mobile phone. communication with government admini- stration offices. 14 At the beginning of 94% of Austrian households have a TV set, ses were using e-Government offers and 40% cable TV and about 16% use a rooftop 2004, three out of four Austrian busines- of which about 46% have satellite TV, about one out of five businesses were comple- aerial. Digital TV for the time being means ting the relevant administrative procedures in a fully electronic format. mainly satellite TV, about 200,000 digital set-top boxes were in use in 2003. 14 ICT EQUIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLDS (multiple answers possible) type of household households 1 adult 1 033 289 terr. TV SAT TV cable TV cell phone PC 21,3% 26,1% 42,7% 64,4% 30,3% Internet none of these 22,6% 4,6% 2 adults 951 552 13,4% 43,3% 38,8% 76,9% 40,9% 29,6% 1,9% 1adult+child 77 087 8,4% 40,7% 47,7% 94,7% 57,0% 32,3% - 3 adults 2adults+child 3adults+child Total 496 123 9,5% 59,3% 28,5% 94,4% 67,6% 52,0% 0,9% 544 101 12,4% 51,9% 31,7% 97,4% 69,7% 51,3% 0,3% 3 344 231 14,8% 43% 36,4% 80,7% 49,3% 36,2% 2,3% 242 077 10,2% 61,8% 24,0% 94,6% 77,4% 55,1% 1,5% Source: compiled on basis of data material of STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2003 FEDERAL INFRASTRUCTURE MEASURES Broadband initiative The availability of reliable and high-qua- ca. 3.1 million telephone subscribers, is a decisive factor for business and the gress in internet use. lity networks with good value for money Austria has achieved remarkable pro- innovative capability of an economy. In electronic communication, broadband internet subscriptions constitute a stra- tegic location factor and offer enormous potential for businesses. On the basis of 12 a hundred percent availability for the 13 14 - 16 - Idem Fessel GfK, zero measuring e-Government in Austria Idem million people) and covers mainly large urban BROADBAND and metropolitan areas. Consequently the chances of develop- ment for at least 20% of the population As a rule, the term “broadband” defines a permanent internet subscription at a fixed fee for an unlimited period of time of use at higher transmission speeds than with dial-up modems. and businesses not located in these areas are affected by this handicap. For this reason the Federal Government has launched its e-Government Campaign Apart from the number of subscriptions offering so-called e-Government servi- tions is becoming increasingly impor- infrastructure, in particular broadband itself, the quality and breadth of connec- ces, and has expanded its technical tant. At present broadband is available network connections. to about 80% of households (about 2.5 BROADBAND INTERNET ACCESS IN RELATION TO HOUSEHOLDS (worldwide) Source: RTR GmbH, Broadband Report May 2003, p.6 The objective is not only to increase the red in a competitive market environ- connections, but also to provide almost make the required infrastructure availa- number of broadband internet access complete access for availability all of ment. This means that providers will broadband administrative ble only on the basis of profitability, con- units, sequently less densely populated areas businesses and citizens. This means that will lack the financial incentive for blan- particularly in municipalities located in ket coverage. rural areas the infrastructure must be improved. Broadband services are offe- - 17 - on networks opens up vast possibilities for optimizing administrative activity E-GOVERNMENT-CAMPAIGN PRESENTATION IN THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS (EXTRACT REGARDING THE BROADBAND ISSUE): and modernizing administrative structures. e-Government is thus in a position to fulfil two important functions for the implementation of a national broadband ”mainly in the municipalities located in rural areas the infrastructure must be improved. The new information and communication technologies can only be put to use if access to the net is available. This concerns both the support of infrastructure measures regarding broadband and wireless connections and the availability of internet access in public buildings, so-called public internet access points, and via cellular radio networks respectively (WLAN). Public Private Partnership schemes will be able to use available synergies with a view to quick implementation. Quick acceptance of e-Government will be supported by the possibility of offsetting the basic fee for broadband access against tax until the end of 2004. This measure, together with other infrastructure measures necessary for eGovernment, will have a far-reaching effect on businesses and households.” (13.05.2003) strategy: on the one hand, the use of broadband applications in the public sec- tor stimulates demand in the sense of “creating critical masses”, and on the other hand attractive broadband offers for private citizens will be created. A further component in the promotion of broadband is a scheme of subsidies of- fered by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) which, in cooperation with the Provinces of Austria, is to create incenti- ves for an expansion of the broadband infrastructure. The so called Special Directive “Broadband Initiative” is In addition, investment in broadband in- to make the use of broadband technolo- wth and innovation effects in upstream, ses and private citizens in areas so far gy available to public facilities, busines- frastructure is followed by positive gro- not covered. down-stream and parallel-value-creating supply chain levels. This begins with The WLAN Initiative of the Federal rising ICT sales and extends to new jobs Chancellery constitutes a contribution in the content industry. to the implementation of these objec- tives. In cooperation with a private hot Promotion of broadband is in line with spot supplier, e-Government has been the objectives of e-Government – and offered free of charge as of March 2003 vice versa: increasing presence of high via broadband lines. Persons with mobi- capacity networks increases the subse- le quent possibilities and beneficial effects internet access can use all e- Government offers on web sites with the for e-Government. So more sophistica- domain “gv.at” without having to regi- ted and universal online administrative ster with or pay any fees to the hot spot services can be created, increasing user supplier. acceptance on the part of both private persons and businesses. At the same time the use of broadband administrati- - 18 - The following reasons are in general relevant for changing over to digital OBJECTIVES OF THE BROADBAND INITIATIVE OF THE FEDERATION broad-casting technology: more efficient management of fre- • Tax concessions since 2003 with a view to promoting broadband penetration (costs of a new individual broadband subscription inclusive of basic monthly fee, with a maximum cap for current use, are tax deductible). quencies: one frequency range will in future broadcast between four and six digital programmes (e.g. TV and radio programmes, data services or • Specific incentive scheme for broadband connection of areas not so far covered (“white spots”). By year-end 2007 full coverage of broadband availability is to become a reality in order to create access to modern services. (Budget: 10 million Euro); internet pages) instead of a single analogue programme; greater variety of programmes: in addition to the well known full programmes, a large number of sector • Stimulation of “digital competence” of private citizens through actions of RTR-GMBH in cooperation with BMVIT; and special programmes for small target groups can be produced because digital broadcasting costs mar- • changeover of all head offices of Federal Administrations to electronic file processing, i.e. completely electronic administrative procedures; kedly less than analogue broadcasting; improved sound and picture quality and reception of broadcasts free of • by the end of 2005 all contacts with administrative authorities to be in electronic form. interference. Terrestrial digital TV also offers portable and mobile reception in large areas of the territory covered (e.g. in trains and motor Further information: vehicles); http://www.rtr.at/breitband http://www.bmvit.gv.at/sixcms_upload/media/330/ breitbandstrategie.pdf greater number of regional and local programmes; reduced cost of broadcasting network infrastructure; Digitisation of infrastructure Introduction of the digital increased broadcasting planning; flexibility of frequency broadcasting of additional services broadcasting (e.g. data services, multi media technologies for radio and TV is a focus applications etc.); of activities in all EU Member States, full creation transition is scheduled for 2010 to 2015. of a market terminals (decoders). Projections for consumer behaviour in Europe are based on digitised TV for about 50% of all European households by 2008. - 19 - for digital of January 2004, the digitisation fund organised ADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL BROADCASTING CHANNELS within the RTR-GmbH. Particularly for the introductory phase, which will be characterized by increased expenditure for planning, testing, trial • Digital via satellite – advantage is no doubt the enormous number of programmes (there are projections for up to 500 channels) • Digital via cable – advantage for interactivity through reverse channel • Digital via aerial (terrestrial) – advantage of mobility (backyard, motor vehicle, train, etc.) and separate domestic market operation, creation of awareness on the part of the public as well as the handling of the costly “simulcast operation” (simultaneous analogue and digital bro- adcasting) this will make available an annual 7.5 million Euro. The digitisation fund follows an approach of neutrality Digital Platform Austria Austria’s Federal Chancellor towards technology; it is thus open for promoting the introduction of any form Dr. of digital broadcasting (satellite, cable, Wolfgang Schüssel created the task terrestrial). force “Digital Platform Austria” in order to prepare the digital switchover, involving all relevant players in this task force. It was at the end of 2003 when DVB-T-trial operation in Graz the (KommAustria), the regulatory authority seholds in Graz were able to try out spe- cific applications of digital TV. In addi- Kommunikationsbehörde During June and July 2004, 150 TV hou- Austria tion to four TV channels, ORF1, ORF2, responsible for the broadcasting sector, ATV+ and “ITV4GRAZ”, a specially com- presented a digitisation plan for the piled 24 hour programme with material introduction of digital broadcasting. This from a total of seven TV broadcasters explains the switchover procedure as a (ORF, ATV+, goTV, ProSieben Austria, four step process in which, after a pre- SAT.1 Österreich, Steiermark 1 and Aich- paratory phase (until 2005), in addition feld TV), it was possible to test additio- to frequency scheduling and co-ordinati- nal services (electronic programme gui- on and evaluation of the DVB-T trial operation carried out in Graz des) and applications for interactive TV during (e.g. product orders, voting and place- June/July 2004 , tenders for the first 15 Multiplex are to be invited. 16 ment of soccer bets via remote control). In 2006 the This trial operation was subsidized with build-up of the digital network is to start money from the digitisation fund and by creating islands in the metropolitan Styrian business promotion funds. areas. Federal Digitisation Fund Since the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting cannot be exclusive- ly organized by the market, Austria’s 15 16 legislators created, as of the beginning - 20 - DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting-terrestrial) Proceeding for merging the various video, audio and data signals into one joint transport flow to be transmitted to the terminal via satellite, cable or terrestrial aerial. DIGITISATION STRATEGY Step 1: preparatory phase (2003 through end 2005): • • • • frequency planning/coordination; DVB-T-trial operation (e.g. Graz); studies and surveys; preparation and implementation (early 2005) of Multiplex tender invitation. Step 2: build-up of availability in metropolitan areas (2006) • creation of network islands in metropolitan areas through owners of Multiplex licenses; • service objective: 60% of the population within one year of the license coming into force; • review of the digitisation scheme. Step 3: Switchover by regions (2007 through 2010) • switchover by Laender and shutdown of analogue frequencies; • analogue/digital phase limited to 6 to 12 months in the different regions; • close involvement of broadcasters in the switchover process. Step 4: After shutdown of analogue frequencies (from 2010 onwards) • seen as of today, five to six multiplex coverages are possible for Austria; • tender invitation and award of further multiplex platforms: • Service objective: a multiplex coverage with over 90% (fixed), between two and three coverages with 70% fixed and 40% portable indoor, further coverages in accordance with digitisation scheme and financial capacity. Further information: http://www.rtr.at/web.nsf/deutsch/Rundfunk_ Digitale+Plattform+Austria - 21 - - 22 - I I I . F I E L D S O F I M P L E M E N TAT I O N In addition to creation and extension of e-Government in particular the consistent extension of e-Business / e-Work the required infrastructure prerequisites, (ICT in Public Administration) broadband availability in Austria, as (ICT for employers and employees) shown in the previous section, the use of e-Security (ICT and security) information and communication technol- e-Learning / e-Competence ogy is being pushed in practically all sec- (ICT in basic and follow-up education tors at an increased rate. e-Science (ICT in universities and universities of applied sciences) The following pages show a summarized e-Culture (ICT in art and culture) illustration of initiatives and measures e-Health (ICT and health) implemented or planned by the Federal e-Inclusion (ICT for everybody) Government and the various Federal Ministries, or in cooperation with private business or initiatives in the following areas: E - G OV E R N M E N T ICT in Public Administration The code word for the use of modern achieved. Large scale availability of logies generate an increased demand in the public applications and services will information and communication technoin Public Administration is market which eventually will further e-Government. The contents of the so- improve their availability. called e-Government Campaign have been set out in the 2003 e-Government programme. It is the objective of the Presided over by the Federal Chancellor service oriented public administration at ment Platform sets out the general Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, the e-Govern- campaign to enhance a modern and a rapid pace in the interest of private objectives of e-Government activities, EU standards) an exemplary cooperation overall for this purpose provides for efficient persons and the business sector. In (by between the municipalities, Federation, cities and coordination, adopts an e-Government Roadmap for the period Provinces, 2003-2005 and guarantees overall con- business, trol of work in progress. optimum use of resources is to be - 23 - The e-Cooperation Board, presided The integration of administrative executive secretary and comprising, in will be possible by networking and over by the Federation’s e-Government procedures into automatic processes addition to high ranking experts of all ministries, representatives of intensive the cooperation among the Federation, Provinces, cities, muni- Provinces, the Association of Municipali- cipalities and other public institutions. ties, the Association of Cities as well as the Austrian Economic Chamber, the e-Government solutions focus on and the Federal Committee of the Free guard sustainability and interna- open, future-oriented standards, safe- Federation of Social Security Institutes tional compatibility. Safe procedures Professions, provides for specific imple- and protection of the privacy of per- mentation of the e-Government projects. sonal data must be ensured. The e-Government Campaign is gover- Public administration must provide ned by the following values and prin- information without delay and in a ciples: professional manner on the availabi- e-Government addresses all citizens, lity of e-Government services. regardless of their income and per- The Capgemini Benchmarking study of sonal circumstances. The interests of those not involved in e-Government, the European Commission, published at By increased promotion of e-Govern- parison of e-Government parameters in the end of January 2004, allowing com- however, must also be safeguarded. the European Union, reveals that over ment, socially deprived persons must not be excluded from the past 12 months, since the beginning obtaining of the e-Government Campaign with its public services or suffer a restriction e-Government offers, Austria is now in any of their rights. New opportuni- among the five best Member States, and ties must be opened for all popula- – as far as the growth rate of the tion groups, with special attention to e-Government technological aspects for persons offers compared concerned – it is number one. with particular needs. - 24 - is Online availability in percent The e-Government Roadmap compri- e-Government Act (eGov-G), an excel- Government between 2003 and 2005: son, legally effective as of 1 March 2004. ses all projects within the scope of e- lent example of international compari- Ranging from projects of in-house admi- Its main feature is the citizen card (ELAK), citizen projects, such as resi- of anyone using it and, together with an nistration, such as the Electronic File model, ensuring 100% proof of identity dents’ registration or family allowance areaspecific personal ID, the authentici- ty of any electronic filing. This system online, and services for businesses, such as corporate returns or framework income customs and declarations, conditions e-Government Act sales such (eGov-G). as ensures a high level of safety and data tax protection for all types of use. 17 to the Many Essential elements of Austrian e-Government: projects have already been implemented and projects from the master pool are continually A special entering the information Citizen card, electronic payment roadmap. and service of documents platform (http:// reference. e-government.gv.at) The electronic signature is an integral interfaces and technical approaches of e-Government and ensures identification component provides information on the strategies, e-Government implementation. and coordinates with the authorities is responsible and safe and authenticity of persons as well as its the integrity of written documents. It is being implemented in Austrian e-Government through the Citizen Card The legal basis for electronic communication of the 17 - 25 - http://www.cio.gv.at/egovernment/law Scheme. This scheme contains the basic phones. The advantage is that, without of proceedings between the administra- software, a technology can be used that elements for secure electronic handling the necessity to install new hard- or tive authorities and citizens and busines- the majority of the Austrian population ses, and determines the requirements is familiar with. 19 which signature cards or other signatory instruments must comply with. 18 Anyone who wants to handle matters with the administrative authorities online has a legitimate interest in the secu- re transfer, appropriate use and secure ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE storage of his data. For unequivocal identification of a person it is necessary Electronic signatures will be linked with other electronic data (e.g. documents, form blanks, etc.) and serve to ascertain the identity of the persons who activated such link. At the same time everybody can verify whether the data linked with the signature have remained unchanged. This scheme is based on mathematical procedures implemented over the last few years in sophisticated products on the basis of international standards. to allocate an unequivocal defining ele- ment to that person. The ZMR number (Zentrale Melderegister Zahl = central residents’ register number) is such a defining element used for registration of the residence of persons, serving for their unequivocal identification. For rea- sons of data protection, the ZMR numThe administrative signature ber is not directly used for individual has persons. It is, however, coded with a been introduced in order to promote faster acceptance of the secret code of the Base Number Register Authority. This coded ZMR signature number is called the base number. It can among the population. In the admini- strative sector, it has the same effect as be allocated unequivocally to any person the electronic signature and can be used and it may only be stored on the citizen zen card application in accordance with as a basis for ascertaining the area spe- card. The base number may be used only up to 1.1.2008, within the scope of citi- cific personal ID. the e-Government Act, and also instead of the electronic signature. The area specific personal ID (herein- after bPK) can be ascertained on the ba- The difference between the citizen card sis of the base number and the adminis- and the administrative signature is that trative procedure sector. A unique bPK the requirements which the signature will be generated for each sector. This generating bodies have to meet in order means that the bPK for the sector “taxes to generate administrative signatures and levies” will be different from the bPK are less stringent. Signatures can there- for the sector “construction and hou- fore also be generated via mobile tele18 19 http://www.buergerkarte.gv.at http://www.cio.gv.at/egovernment/law/VerwSigVO_2004.pdf - 26 - sing”. The cryptographic algorithm used electronic approach. In order to settle such possible to ascertain any bPK on the manner, a payment standard (EPS ePay- expenses in a suitable and uncomplicated for this purpose ensures that it is not basis of another bPK and that it is also ment Standard) has been created in coo- from a bPK. Different sectors thus have tion in payment transactions (STUZZA).23 It not possible to trace any base number peration with the study group for coopera- different IDs, so that it is not possible to align databases by means of this ID. provides for a tie-in of payment transaction into online procedures and e-Government. 20 The payment itself can be made via online Electronic documents issued by authori- banking, credit card (e.g. for a printout of ties, e.g. legal rulings, will be provided criminal record) or mobile phone (e.g. resi- with the official signature. This fea- dence registration). In the course of elec- ture serves for verifying the authenticity tronic proceedings, citizens and businesses of documents. The official signature con- must also be provided with official docu- tains a logo of the respective authority. ments electronically. The service will be effected by electronic service providers. Such a provider makes official documents For the introduction of electronic signa- tures in e-Government it was necessary available to registered users and notifies to use and basic modules ensuring secu- provider thus assumes the technical risks them of documents received. The service to work out basic services which are easy re online applications. These “modules of the electronic service which will therefore no longer fall on the users.24 Electronic ser- for online applications” (MOA) provide for generating and verifying electronic vice saves time and is more convenient. signatures and for personal identifica- Collecting registered letters at the post tion. MOA are freely available at all admi- office will thus be a thing of the past. Apart nistrative levels as a tool for the implementation of secure e-Government. from that, the proof of service will give a guarantee to both sides – receiver as well 21 as sender – that the service really has been By cooperating with the banking industry effected. (Europay) a total approaching 7 million Consistent image and access bank cards will be equipped with the citi- zen card function. The first mobile tele- Citizens expect the blank forms of their ready started with the citizen card func- sistent image. These expectations are phone operator (Mobilkom A1) has altion for mobile phones. administrative authorities to have a con- met by the form style guide jointly 22 worked out by the federal, provincial, Just as in the traditional way of contacting city and municipality authorities. This authorities, costs may also arise with the 20 21 22 style guide not only provides for a consi- http://www.cio.gv.at/it-infrastructure/sz-bpk/ http://www.cio.gv.at/onlineservices/basicmodules/moa/ see also http://www.europay.at, http://www.a-trust.at und http://www.mobilkom.at 23 24 - 27 - http://www.stuzza.at https://www.zustellung.gv.at in Como (7/8 July 2003), help.gv.at has stent presentation, but also for unre- stricted access to the form blanks. It will been honoured by the European with user requirements. 2003 in the category “better quality in Commission with the eEurope-Award be continually kept up to date in line 25 life”, as the leading application in Europe. The website help.gv.at, a virtual guide for online contact with the authorities 27 e-Government (http://www.help.gv.at), has been set up In-house handling of the by the authorities, and is classified access through linked websites electronic act and standard as contact point for the services offered according to the circumstances of life To increase the efficiency of in house ad- be able to find, in a simple and swift pro- ve business at the Federal Level and in ministrative procedures, all administrati- and business situations. All citizens will all Federal Ministries including their sub- cedure, any necessary information and ordinated agencies is handled through blank forms for administrative procedu- the Electronic File (ELAK), replacing res. The one-stop shop principle (= one thus conventional printout files. For the online contact point for all matters) files saves time-wasting in dealing with public Federal automation of administrative processes cally distributed in-house to the offices in and charge. The electronic service provider permits exchange. will forward the result of the proceedings smooth ELAK will in-house bring data speedier results for customers. Information can to whatever citizen is involved. be given faster because the system allows for faster access to files and thus For foreign as well as EU citizens living and help.gv.at all of ELAK results to a large extent in proceedings instituted will be electroni- Austria, system, type of standard software. The use the online office of any authority, the in filing Ministries will be equipped with the same authorities. As soon as citizens approach working and a more efficient investigation. 28 offers information regarding the most important possible contacts with the authorities and life Cooperation between federal, regional venian, Czech and Hungarian languages. in the website linkage. This is a linka- and local administration becomes evident circumstances, in the English, Slovak, SloHelp.gv.at has been designed accordance with WAI guidelines 26 ge of administrative portals permitting joint use of administrative in-house ser- in in vices and resulting in faster handling of order also to enable challenged persons administrative proceedings. Each admi- to make full use of the guide for online nistrative authority linked integrates its contact with the authorities. In the cour- databases which can be accessed by se of the e-Government conference held 25 26 each party in the link, depending of http://reference.e-government.gv.at/Styleguide.299.0.html Web Accessibility Initiative (cf. p. 60) 27 28 - 28 - http://www.e-europeawards.org http://www.elakimbund.at course on its access rights. All registers strengthen trust in e-Government. The ment, such as for example the compa- Quality Mark thus constitutes the hig- award of the Austrian e-Government of organizations suitable for e-Govern- hest achievement on the road to secure nies’ register, or the register of associa- and reliable e-Government. 31 tions – which is still to be created – will be integrated in the website linkage. While the provisions of the Data Protec- In order also to provide for access to e- accelerate and simplify the processing Chancellery has entered into a contract tion Act will be complied with, this will time of files. Government in public places, the Federal with T-Mobile granting access free of char- 29 ge to all e-Government applications (web- Access and trust sites with the domain “gv.at”) in about In compliance with the Web Accessibil- 400 hot spots spread all over Austria.32 ity Initiative (WAI), the contents of web-sites are to be made accessible to e-Government – Best Practice everybody. 30 Internet access is to be all over Austria made easier for challenged persons by Most contacts of citizens / businesses adapting this access to their particular with administrative authorities take place needs. The e-Government Act therefore at the level of municipality or district, provides that, by 1 January 2008 at the which is why these administrative offices latest, all internet appearances of autho- are particularly challenged to take part in rities shall comply with international the development of e-Government. standards on website accessibility, also with regard to unrestricted access for Many e-Government projects are already persons with special needs. under way with great success in the cities This requirement already applies today and municipalities. The spectrum covers to the award of the Austrian e-Govern- electronic complaints management (Muni- ment Quality Mark. Businesses and cipal Administration of the City of Vienna)33, administrative units using the recog- electronic filing of applications and monito- nized and verified Austrian e-Govern- ring the handling status (Municipal Admi- ment standards and technologies may nistration of the City of Salzburg)34 or the apply for the award of the Austrian possibility of active on-line citizen participa- standard, awarded free of charge, is Graz)35. Many simple proceedings (e.g. regi- e-Government Quality Mark. This quality tion (Municipal Administration of the City of intended to demonstrate to citizens that stering dogs, ordering waste bins) and a conformity with the strategy and to (registering a trade, registry of residence) e-Government has been implemented in 29 30 number of rather complex proceedings http://reference.e-government.gv.at/ Portalverbund.233.0.html http://www.w3.org/WAI (cf. also p. 60) 31 32 33 34 35 - 29 - http://www.guetesiegel.gv.at http://www.tmobile.at http://www.wien.gv.at/amtshelfer http://www.stadt-salzburg.at http://www.graz.at have already been organized. Innovative conformity with the strategy. So far münster or Steyr, are already handling over data each year, for which citizens had to municipal employees had to check the municipalities and cities, such as Krems- be present in their home, a particular 100 electronic forms. 36 handicap for owners of second homes and people with regular attendance at Together with the Federal ICT services their workplace. Now all that has to be office, the Austrian Association of Mu- done is to fill in a standard online form nicipalities has initiated the project Mo- blank. A signature is given with the citi- del Municipalities. In four selected zen card or the mobile phone. Weikers- Austrian municipalities (Bregenz, Kuf- dorf not only implements the water stein, Inzersdorf-Getzersdorf and Weikers- meter reading in conformity with the dorf) e-Government has been implemen- strategy by online form blank and elec- ted in an exemplary manner: tronic signature, this municipality has Model municipality InzersdorfGetzersdorf also complied with the need of its citizens for data transfer irrespective of Automatic registration of a Heurigen tav- location. The water meter reading now ern in Inzersdorf-Getzersdorf 38 can con- can also be transmitted and signed veniently be effected by the winegrower directly via mobile phone. from his home desk including online pay- ment of the fees involved. It is no longer Citizen Card municipality Hitzendorf municipality office, where the person in zen card will be implemented in a field as compliance with closing periods is con- is to show how basic elements confor- In the Hitzendorf municipality 39 the citi- necessary to personally appear at the test covering the complete territory. This charge would verify the application as far ming to the strategy, such as the elec- cerned and would notify, in the case of a tronic signature, web form blanks, onli- positive ruling, the police, the wine cellar ne payment and electronic service, can inspector and the food inspector of the be integrated into existing systems. opening hours. Unlike the former situation, the new electronic procedure is han- dled in a fully automatic way, and the For the Federal Administration, informa- automatically being brought up to date. not an unknown territory. As long ago as tion and communication technologies are Heurigen schedule of the municipality is 1996 a task force was researching on Model municipality Weikersdorf the socio-economic effects of ICT. In the The municipality of Weikersdorf 38 intends European Union, many electronic servi- to offer its citizens full comfort for ces performed by the Austrian admini- “water meter reading” via the internet in 36 37 38 strative authorities served as a model. http://www.kremsmuenster.gv.at und http://www.steyr.gv.at http://www.inzersdorf-getzersdorf.gv.at http://www.weikersdorf.at 39 - 30 - http://www.hitzendorf.gv.at Since the early 1980s the Austrian ad- local taxes and also preliminary sales tax ing position worldwide in e-Government, income, sales and corporate income tax returns. As of 2004, the transmission of ministration of justice has built up a lead- as well as the use of the citizen card fun- beginning with the land register, the ction have also been released for use.42 collection proceedings and the companies register. Automation of admini- strative judicial proceedings supports With the project Electronic Social In- and results in a speedy and straightfor- versicherung), 25 social security institu- surance (“eSV” = elektronische Sozial- almost all types of proceedings in court tions, coordinated and led by the Central ward processing of proceedings within the scope of court activities. Electronic Association of Austria’s Social Security legal communication (ERV = Elektro- Institutions, are offering access to online nischer Rechtsverkehr) was introduced transactions regarding all social insuran- in 1990 and, in the rules of procedure, is ce matters. Core elements required for a means of communication with the par- this interaction are secure data communi- ties ranking equal to paper. The file of cation and transmission paths (tamper rulings comprises bankruptcies, orders proof authentication and digital signature of execution of real estate and chattels, within the citizen card environment). searches for owners in penal proceedings as well as company register publications.40 Based on cooperation between social in- Austria’s Legal Information System eral Ministry for Social Security, Genera- surance, science, business and the Fed- (RIS = Rechtsinformationssystem), a free tions and Consumer Protection, the „Soz internet service available with the Federal Dok” has been created which is acces- Chancellery since 1997, makes possible sible law, Federal and Provincial law gazettes, access to Austria’s social security legis- research regarding Federal and Provincial municipality law and court decisions. free of charge through the Internet. „SozDok“ provides for free lation and easier tracing of the respec- 41 tive relevant provisions of the law. 44 Since 1998 professional representatives of parties, such as public accountants, In the cultural field the use of ICT also able to make use of electronic access to products provides for better service and improved notaries public and lawyers have been for customers. The bun- their clients’ data via FINANCE Online. destheater.at-Card of the Austrian to all citizens / businesses. The services speedy ticket reservations via the inter- Federal Theatres provides for easy and Since 2003 this service has been opened offered range from the electronic trans- net for Burg- and Akademietheater as mission of employees’ tax assessment, to 40 41 42 well as Staatsoper and Volksoper. 45 http://www.bmj.gv.at http://www.ris.bka.gv.at http://www.bmf.gv.at 43 44 45 - 31 - http://www.sozialversicherung.at http://www.sozdok.at http://www.bundestheater.at - 32 - E-BUSI N ESS / E-WORK I C T f o r B u s i n e s s a n d Wo r k p l a c e In early 2004 91% of Austria’s busines- ses employing more than 9 persons were E-WORK already using the internet, with an ISDN connection being the most widespread e-Work means any and all activities of data processing transferred to remote premises by use of computer and telecommunication systems (ranging from in-house decentralization to outsourcing).47 relevant technology (56%). Businesses are increasingly turning to broadband technology. E-BUSINESS While in the 1990s public discussion in the context of ICT and the workplace e-Business means that businesses handle all business processes and functions, such as marketing, purchasing, distribution/service, manufacturing and logistics etc. through the internet/intranet. These basic changes in in-house processes of businesses provide for a new form of electronically linked cooperation with partner organizations (businesses, research and development facilities, etc.). Meanwhile hardly any business was still marked by the concept of tele- working 48 (cf. in this regard: European Framework Agreement on Teleworking49), the European Commission already stated in 1998 that the future will bring a hybrid type of work where physical work and telework will be indistinguishable from each other: the term “networker” can will take the place of the “teleworker”. afford not to take part in the electronic market places unless it opts to cope with In Austria, the technological prerequisi- potential or a drop in actual sales. At the already in place: the rates of availability lost sales – either through a loss of sales tes for a rapid expansion of e-Work are same time, a failure to implement elec- of mobile communication, computers and tronic business processes would erode competitiveness because internet have long passed the dimen- companies sions of critical masses. A broadly based at lower cost can innovate better and e-Work all over Europe. Almost 50% of making use of e-Business manufacture poll of businesses investigated the use of can concentrate on their core compe- businesses within the EU and 53% of tence, as was already correctly noted in Austrian companies reported that they 2001 in the final report of the campaign “e-Business in a new Economy”. were using this mode of working, stating also that outsourcing is considerably 46 It is also a fact that in Austria not only 46 working conditions but also working methods are increasingly being deter- 47 mined by information and communicati- on technologies, networks and a range 48 of media. 49 - 33 - BMWA (ed.): Final paper of the task forces of the initiative „e-Business in a new economy“, 2001 (http://www.bmwa.gv.at/NR/rdonlyres/8868C62 5-8375-498D-AE03-07A8E898E3C7/5524/bericht.pdf) BMWA (ed.): Status report – on the road from teleworking to e-Work. Wien 2003, p.12 Teleworking is understood to be the form of organization and/or carrying out of work, using ICT within the framework of an employment situation where work is performed outside of employer’s facilities on a regular basis. http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_scial/news/2002/ oct/teleworking_agreement_de.pdf more frequent than employing one their ECAustria activities (selected) home. What is interesting is that out- ment” is especially aimed at sustained region and that so far only 5% of it highlight is the installation of competen- own staff on outside locations or at Action line “Research and Develop- sourced work mostly remains in the same development of research clusters. The involves foreign countries. ce centres (http://www.kompetenzzen- tren.biz) such as for e-Business (e.g. evo- Within the sphere of research and devel- laris - http://www.evolaris.net, ec3 - opment the BMWA subsidizes the use of http://www.ec3.at), e-Tourism and e-Con- technologies in all sectors of the econo- Action line “e-Content Austria” is to modern information and communication tent (Multimedia). my, stressing in particular actual work- contribute to further expansion of Aus- and research. The programme “Innova- particular by supporting international related cooperation between business tria’s strengths in the e-Content area, in tion by e-Business” which expired at the cooperation. The action line is based on end of 2003 will be continued in 2004- the EU-programme “e-Content - Euro- 2006 under its new name “Digital Busi- pean digital content on global networks”, ness/ICT”, funded with an annual budget a market-oriented programme for the of 10 million Euros. The specific situa- promotion of innovative digital projects. tion of women in professions of the tech- At present the follow-up programme is nical sector will also be increasingly being worked out under the label “e-Con- taken into consideration (increase in the tent Plus”. (http://www.econtent.or.at) share of women in ICT professions). Action line “networks – cluster SMB (small and medium size business) inte- gration” is primarily aimed at SMBs in INITIATIVES: ECAustria order to support know-how and techno- ECAustria is an interactive information logy transfer to this business sector. by the Ministry for the Economy, the Eco- programme of Austria Wirtschaftsservice service and events platform – supported Since 2001 there has been an innovative nomic Chamber of Austria as well as by Gesellschaft (http://www.awsg.at) pro- partners from business and the media – moting the use of ICT for SMBs. Within for the promotion of internet-supported the action line e-Business of ERP subsi- handling of business in small and medium dies (http://www.erp-fonds.at) specific size businesses. All information relevant implementation measures for advanced to e-Business, national and international business to business solutions, from and promotions for innovative and technologi- for SMBs respectively, are being promo- cal projects as well as start-up services, ted. In addition the protec 2002+ pro- can be found on this platform. Out of 162 gramme, initiated during the autumn of European e-Business initiatives, the Euro- 2002 (http://www.bmwa.gv.at/protec), pean Commission nominated this platform sup-ports technology transfer within the as an all-European model project. area ICT/e-Business to SMB. Three pro- - 34 - gramme lines support companies as well BMWA ministries. Research Studio de- and research facilities for specific tech- of velop products and services in the areas as facilities for technological transfer http://ecaustria.at Further information: http://www.researchstudio.at/organisation.php Since 1997 the Economic Chamber of Austria has been organizing IT road shows informing small and medium size ICT in EQUAL EQUAL (2000-2006) is a joint European companies about the possibilities of use initiative fighting discrimination and ine- of new technologies. By 2003 a total of quality in the job market. In Austria, 150 such road shows had been held with subsidies amount to 203.4 million Euros. around 12,000 businesses participating. In all subsidized projects, ICT must be The 2003 slogan was “Safe and mobile in implemented across the board, with the the world of networks”. objective of developing the information Further information: society’s potential for job creation and http://www.telefit.at counteracting new forms of discrimina- tion. The following main points are inclu- ded in the projects of the first subsidy Federal Award Multimedia & e-Business The Austrian National Award “Staats- period (up to 2005): preis” is bestowed for outstanding proand applications Obtaining knowledge and abilities of aimed at the use of PC, e.g. ICT and me- Austrian multimedia businesses excelling dia competence as generalized skills. by virtue of special benefit for their users Use of internet and multimedia sup- and good value for money. There are furcontests and ing and e-Communities. Telefit ther Content e-Business, web visualization, e-Learn- Further information: solutions Smart New Media, concentrating on themes of nology transfer projects. ducts, eTechnology, such as the ported teaching and learning media in initial and follow-up education as well as EuroPrix MultiMediaArt (http://www.europrix. org), the World Summit Award organi- in vocational preparation. Targeted qualification and placement zed within the scope of the World Summit in jobs based on the use of ICT techno- on Information Society (http://www.wsisaward.org) and the logies. Use of the internet to stimulate and Top Talent Festival (http://www.toptalent.europrix.org) balance supply and demand in providing Further information: jobs and lifelong education. (http://www.multimedia-staatspreis.at) Use of the internet and multimedia of- Research Studio Austria fers for creating social contacts, for in- organization of ARC–Seibersdorf Research social integration. Research Studio Austria is a research teraction with authorities and facilitating GmbH operating outside the university Further information: sector and funded by the BMVIT and http://www.equal-esf.at - 35 - - 36 - E-SECURITY ICT and security Owing to the globality and universal im- hin the scope of European Network and information systems, issues of secu- ENISA (http://www.enisa.eu.int). The portance of communications networks and Information Security Agency – rity are being discussed in public with agency will not only coordinate activities hacker attacks not only cause considera- EU member states, but will also esta- increasing apprehension. Virus and in the area of network security among ble financial damage, they also particu- blish contacts with the respective play- larly undermine users’ confidence in the ers in third countries. new technologies and applications based Adopting the Council of Europe Conven- on them, especially in the area of e- tion on Cyber Crime, the members of the Business. Council of Europe (45 European States) have undertaken to introduce in their WORMS / VIRUS / TROJANS substantive national penal legislation a clear definition of computer related cri- Computer worms and viruses are software sabotaging pieces of software that expand at breathtaking speed across the world’s computer networks. While viruses usually enter the PC through software or files, worms usually spread directly via e-mail software. A third kind of sabotage software are “Trojan Horses” which bed in the PC and are able to take control of it. All three types of sabotage software are usually targeted at modifying or deleting files or causing computer networks to break down because of overload. mes (embezzlement, falsification) and content related crimes (e.g. child pornography). Combatting illegal and detrimental contents In early 1999 the European Union had already adopted an action plan for the promotion of the secure use of the inter- net, in order to combat efficiently illegal In addition to computer viruses, unsolic- and detrimental contents. The so-called ited e-mails called spam-mails seriously “Safer Internet Action Plan” 50 contri- affect both businesses and private per- buted to the establishment of a Euro- sons. Estimates assume that about 60% pean network of reporting points as well of all e-mail communication consists of as to the production of a code of conduct unsolicited advertising messages. More- for the service providers, the develop- over, recent studies reveal an increa- ment of filtering and classification sys- singly networked behaviour of spammers tems and the promotion of programmes and virus programmers. of awareness. In the light of such developments, authorities and business are massively The Federation of Austrian Internet Pro- procedures. In the future, the necessary of the major access, service and content viders (ISPA), the umbrella organization investing in security technologies and exchange of information and experience at EU level is intended to take place wit- 50 - 37 - http://www.europa.eu.int/information_society/ programmes/iap/index_en.htm providers of Austria, installed an online By the end of 1999, ISPA was among the for all users who happen to access child adopting a code of conduct for the inter- first contact point (http://www.stopline.at) national business associations net, implemented by its members in pornography or neonazi contents. An their function as internet providers. 51 e-mail report can be made anonymously. If the material is really illegal, the res- pective provider, foreign partner hotlines In other areas the “Safer Internet Action informed (in cases of child pornography international networking. In the area of and the authorities in charge will be Plan” has also resulted in activities and education and awareness-creation many Interpol, in case of neonazi contents the international projects would probably Federal Agency for State Protection and not have materialized without the initia- Counter Terrorism), who in turn will deal tive of the EU. The EDUCAUNET media with the matter. “Stopline” is a member training programme (http://www.edu- of INHOPE (http://www.inhope.org), the caunet.org) is one example, informing association of European reporting points young people about the internet and for illegal contents on the internet. possible risks associated with its use (cf. INHOPE – funded with money from the also p.45). “Safer Internet Action Plan” – coopera- tes closely with hotlines in the USA and Australia, so that reports on child porno- With a number of measures, the Federal Europe can also be followed up quickly and Consumer Protection (BMSGK) pro- Ministry for Social Security, Generations graphy located in servers outside of motes the improvement of “internet and efficiently. competence of young people”. One example out of many is the “Safer Information on child pornography con- Surfing” Brochure created in coopera- tents can also be reported to the Federal Ministry of the Interior (Reporting tion with ISPA. It explains in the langu- racist and anti-Semitic contents (Repor- gations relevant to the net, what can, age of young people the rights and obli- point child pornography) or neonazi, ting point NS-Activity), whenever it is may and must be done on the net, what is considered good style on the one hand found on websites or in news groups, and so on. and an insult to be prosecuted by the courts on the other hand, and the conse- Further Information: http://www.stopline.at quences which may arise from this. http://www.bmi.gv.at/meldestellen The following contact points are availa- ble for consumers who have questions in connection with safety of e-Commerce transactions: 51 http://www.ispa.at/downloads/dfa8e34b6157_ Verhaltensrichtlinien.pdf - 38 - Internet-Ombudsman e-Rating The Internet Ombudsman – a cooperati- e-Rating – an internet platform of the Applied Telecommunication (http://oiat. (ARGE DATEN) is Austria’s largest shop on project of the Austrian Institute for Austrian Society for Data Protection at) and of the Association for Consumer information system independent of pro- Information (http://www.vki.at) - offers viders and with editorial coverage, analy- information related to internet transac- sing online shops in respect of their fitn- tions, tips and advice for secure online ess for e-Commerce and their reliability. shopping (e.g. e-Commerce Quality Mark, Further Information: cf. p. 20) as well as help in mediation for http://www.e-rating.at out of court settlements in disputes in the e-Commerce field. Since the coming into existence of the Internet Ombuds- man (established in 1999), it has been possible to resolve the majority of cases reported (over 2000) through an out of court settlement. Further Information: http://www.ombudsmann.at - 39 - - 40 - E-LEARN I NG / E-KNOWLEDGE I C T i n e d u c a t i o n a n d l i fe l o n g l e a r n i n g The increasing use of information and online and face-to-face communication communication technologies in all areas and using them in communication. of work and private life constitutes a special challenge for the education The Austrian system of public education ween working time and free time, work- framework conditions for initial and fol- system. If the lines of separation bet- has already implemented the essential place and home, learning and working, low-up education, in terms of permanent employment and independent occupati- or lifelong learning. The Federal Ministry on continue to be abolished, the crea- for tion of specific competences in the pro- Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK) has developed a so-called eFit-Strategy, comprising schooling, fessional and private environment will university and applied sciences universi- become a fundamental duty for the futu- ty education, lifelong learning and the re of each individual person. field of culture – integrated in the objec- tives of the Lisbon Process – including a What are the competences required in number of initiatives on how to commu- order to meet the manifold challenges? nicate ICT skills and increase ICT com- What makes learning simpler, more effi- petence. cient and more sustained? There may be no magic formula – however: education, the ability to work in groups, communi- For library and archives management are the success formulas, the catalyst democracy and cultural policy play a not only educational, but also aspects of cative competence and lifelong learning vital role (e.g. libraries as an access uniting and linking people with each point to the cultural heritage, lengthy other in their worlds of life and work. filing of traditional printwork and electronic publications). Basic technical knowledge for handling ICT is increasingly coming to constitute the status of a “fourth cultural technol- For e-Learning, the digitisation of media maths). cational purposes is an important pro- specially designed and produced for edu- ogy” (in addition to reading, writing and Beyond the requirement of ject. Digitisation can on the one hand purely technical abilities, the ability to provide for efficient distribution and approach the media and ICT with an make the use of the media a matter of analytical and critical attitude, that is to routine. On the other hand, keyword have media competence, will be an indi- based spensable prerequisite in the informati- indexation of particular film sequences may optimise the quality of on society. This also means the ability of use and individualise the acquisition of being able to decode media language knowledge. (meaning, virtually, being able to “read” the media), articulating one’s needs and interests using the methods of the media, knowing the differences between - 41 - eFIT AUSTRIA – Infrastructure and ACOnet e-Content The universities are connected through the ACOnet with a 1Gb connection and to the internet with 1.5 Gb. The national Sustained and permanent improvement backbone network for non-profit rese- of Austria’s educational system, the ope- arch, education and cultural facilities in ning of educational facilities, expansion Austria has been in existence since of and easier access to education and 1990. ASN and ACOnet constitute Aus- the development of a new electronically tria’s educational network connected to supported learning culture are core fac- the European science and research net- tors in the strategic objectives being work (GEANT). pursued by BMBWK with the help of ACOnet - Point of Presence Gigabit-Ethernet SDH 622 Mbps Ethernet 125 Mbps ATM-PVC information technology. The issue is also to enrich the personal-presence learning of students with phases of e-Learning and experience with new media, but also to expand the “learning space” to include “online encounters” with well processed electronic contents. Learning pro- cesses may take place wherever access to the www is possible. Further information: Austrian School Network (ASN) All schools in Austria (about 6,300) are http://www.aco.net/aconetgr.htm linked to the data network of all Austrian educational facilities and thus have access to the internet, 30% of them via broadband (ADSL and DS2000 respec- e-Content Initiative and Education Portal their own website on the internet. The tral access to educational e-Content, tively). About 3,200 schools now have The Austrian education portal offers cen- best websites are distinguished with a content management systems and lear- “school home page award”. ASN is open ning platforms. An e-Content initiative to all non-commercial educational and for Austria’s schools is attempting to cultural facilities. create teaching and learning material for standard education on the basis of elec- Further information: http://www.efit-austria.at/infrastruktur/ tronic media being offered to teaching projekt.asp?Projektname=ASN staff in all types of school. Further information: http://www.bildung.at http://www.eduhi.at oder http://www.bildungsservice.at - 42 - School service card & Student service card EDUCATION PORTAL AND THE EDUCATION SERVERS IN THE FEDERAL PROVINCES Since 2001, chip cards for students are in use at a number of universities as stu- dent service cards functioning as an ID, The education portal (http://www.bildung.at) and the Provincial education servers, e.g. the Education Highway Upper Austria (eduhi), the Tiroler Bildungsservice (TIBS, Tyrol Educational Service), the Online Schools of Austria (VIS, Virtuelle Schulen), the Salzburg and Styria Education Network, the Vorarlberg, Vienna (ICE) and Burgenland education server are linked in coordinated cooperation. The “Subject Portals” are a special development of educational servers to the e-Content initiative, enhancing the educational servers by their own initiative and organization (currently for about 30 subjects). authentication, electronic signature, room access or copy counter, as well as elec- tronic wallet. Pilot projects have recent- ly been launched at a number of advan- ced schools with a view to targeted implementation of an electronic school service card. Further information: http://www.efit-austria.at/elearningportal/ e-Scholarships Applications for scholarships can be filed by means of the student chip card and digital signature. The application will also Textbook Extra The editorial initiative “textbook extra” be processed electronically. (SbX, Schulbuch Extra) is also closely Further information: cooperating with the e-Content initiati- http://www.efit-austria.at/elearningportal/ ve. SbX offers students web supple- projekt.asp?Projektname=e-Stipendium ments to print textbooks, offered within the scope of the textbook campaign of eFIT AUSTRIA – Initiatives for the BMBWK. There are also plans for a project entitled e-Books and improvement and qualification of Online- schools Documents, which will produce digital documents for versions in alternative formats (Braille print, versions for child- European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) and IT Certificates ren with handicapped vision, etc.). The “European Computer Further Information: Driving http://www.e-lisa.at/sbx/suche/index.asp Licence” (ECDL) programme is an IT certificate valid throughout Europe aiming at improv- Unified public and school libraries An online catalogue is available for web ing the computer competence of all citi- research in the print material of all zens in Europe, in Austria, and especial- public and school libraries. ly of students in elementary and secon- Further information: dary schools. The ECDL is based on a http://www.bibliotheken.at/index.asp standardized exam for the same level of competence regardless of nationality, - 43 - residence, education, age or gender. By Media competence / Media education Computer Driving Licences had reached technical possibility of accessing infor- In rich countries such as Austria, the October 2004 the number of European mation is not the primary problem. 100.000. On the basis of ECDLs IT certi- There are, however, definite shortco- ficates offer a sophisticated IT practical mings with regard to the uneven distri- training in network technology, networ- bution of education capital in society, in king systems, managerial and technical terms of its availability to children and applications and database systems. adolescents. Schools and other educa- Further information: http://www.edu.ecdl.at/?sec_id=111 tional facilities aim at the basic objective of compensating for this uneven distri- bution. This means in the context of New e-Learning in notebook classes Media/Internet that in addition to lear- were launched at 130 Austrian senior New Media, it is above all the understan- In a field test unique in its size, tests ning the technical day-to-day use of the high schools regarding “e-Learning in ding and a critical analytical approach to Notebook Classes”. The test, involving the media which is aimed at in these some 8,400 students and 900 teaching schools. staff, prepares the ground for the many infrastructure and content initiatives described above. Mediamanual.at http://www.e-lisa.at/Notebook-Klassen http://www.mediamanual.at the func- The BMBWK has established a website Further information: tion of which is to provide a platform for those interested in media and communi- cation who wish to acquire information e-Learning-Cluster (eLC) and e-Learning in everyday school (eLSA) on the effect of media and ICT or who Schools located in the Provinces and intend to work directly with the media. practising e-Learning (about 50 senior For and 10 junior high schools) joined in a 2004, “mediamanual” has been distinguished with the oldest European network to implement a widespread e- educational media award, the so-called Learning programme for all students in Comenius medal for multimedia produc- these locations. ts which excel in teaching methods. Further information: http://www.schule.at/community At present three types of courses are offered: • Media competence – consisting of basic texts and an advertising spot for the analytical application of what • - 44 - has been studied. Research as method – the well known photography artist Lisl Ponger attempts to communicate to partici- and endeavours to encourage, by infor- construction processes by means of ponsible and mature approach to the mation campaigns, an independent, res- pants an understanding of media • internet. photographs. The third course offered will subject Further information: the media component “sound” to an http://www.vibe.at indepth analysis. Further information: http://www.mediamanual.at/index.php Media educational consulting office The media education consulting and cooperation office of the Niederöster- EDUCAUNET reichische Landesakademie (Academic programme aiming at communicating to is a research, education and consulting EDUCAUNET is a European education adolescents a pedagogically Institution of the State of Lower Austria) critical facility for issues of mediapedagogic approach to the internet. With the slo- relevance related to audiovisual and gan “Prevention rather than protection”, interactive media. the focus is on the development of an Further information: http://www.medienpaed.at independent, critical and responsible approach to internet. Further information: http://www.educaunet.org Promoting “positive” subject matters In cooperation with the State of Upper Austria and the ACOS association, the Federal Ministry for Social Security, Gen- Netbridge Netbridge is the point of coordination for new information and erations communication and Consumer Protection (BMSGK) publishes an annual brochure technologies in extracurricular work with as well as the CD-ROM “tips for compu- adolescents in Vienna, where training ter games”, listing positive examples of workshops for youth workers are being computer games which can be downloa- held both in the classic workshop form ded from the CD ROM as test versions. and also in the form of group-oriented This set of non-violent and non-discrimi- online courses on an internet learning natory games is intented to serve as a platform. purchasing guide for parents and relatives. Further information: http://www.netbridge.at Further information: http://bmsgk.cms.apa.at/cms/site/liste. html?channel=CH0347 VIBE! AT This association of internet users in Aus- tria has been in existence since 1999 - 45 - - 46 - E-SCIENCE I C T t e a c h i n g i n u n i ve r s i t i e s a n d u n i ve r s i t i e s o f a p p l i e d s c i e n c e Austria not only seeks to be an ICT user, in this project are: the Vienna and and solutions, and so all projects focus- Pedagogic Innsbruck but also a producer of ICT applications Vienna sed on establishing and developing econditions for businesses engaged in formation in universities and universities DMA (Digital Media for Artists) is a joint project of the Linz University of Art with the initiative “Teaching New Media in the study programme “Engineering for of computer based learning” of the Hagen- Applied Science (FH)” (http://www. berg University of Applied Sciences for a nml.at) the following projects in particu- modern basic training course in the area lar are being developed for teaching of digital media for designers. The staff and students: Service Salzburg) Coop is a objective of the project is a web based system enabling students to learn, by self study, the complete workflow inclu- Education project the DMA of applied science. Within the scope of (Academic University, sp/index.php?n=bm2bau of ICT into teaching knowledge and in- ACCESS the http://serverprojekt.fh-joanneum.at/ e-Science is centred on the integration ACCESS Vienna, Further information: producing ICT are linked with each other. Universities Technical of Federal erslautern, GrafoTech. and the creation of positive framework and Institute the University of Applied Sciences of Kais- Research, the formation of ICT experts Universities Universities, ding the required background knowledge of for typical production processes in the Salzburg University, Salzburg University area of digital media design. of Applied Science and the Salzburg Further information: Mozarteum with the objective of prepa- http://www.digitale-medien.ufg.ac.at ring a quick and effective start-up for studies at Salzburg’s institutions of higher education. EDUBITE http://www.sbg.ac.at/elearn/access Information The eduBITE (Educating Business and Further information: Technology) project is aimed at developing multimedia recycla- BAU@HOME ble study objects to teach skills and abi- initiative for people engaged in a full- nal information systems”. The project “bau@home, an educational lities in the area of “integrated operatio- time job”, aims at the development of project of the Universities of Klagenfurt computer-supported interactive corre- and Vienna, the Universities of Applied spondence study programmes for the Science university of applied science study course “civil engineering – EduBITE is a Joanneum, Wiener Neustadt. construction Further information: management”. The parties cooperating http://www.edubite.at - 47 - Vorarlberg and ELOISE! LASON ELOISE! (E-Learning: Online Innovative Student Education) is an online multimedia working environment to combine research and teaching in universities and universities of applied science. Students join a research team working out a scien- The objective of the Latin America Studies Online Project, coordinated by the Institute for Ethnology, Cultural and Social Anthropology of the University of Vienna and the Austrian Latin America Institute (LAI) is to create a platform for their benefit consists of the work they Austria. Online supported courses are tific project in the film/multimedia area, the relevant study courses throughout perform, the communication within the held through a cooperation of depart- group and additional learning material. ments of the Universities of Vienna ELOISE! is a project of the University of (History) and Innsbruck (Geography) Vienna and the Institute for Software and the University of Economics and Technology and Interactive Systems of Business Administration (Geography of the Vienna Technical University. Economics). Further information: Further information: http://www.eloise.at http://www.lateinamerika-studien.at History online Studying law in Linz Within the scope of the project “history online”, coordinated by the Institute for Economics and Social History and the Institute of History of the University of Vienna, new media make students familiar The project “asynchronous media in the multimedia diploma study programme of jurisprudence”, coordinated by the Insti- tute for Correspondence Courses in Legal Studies at the University of Linz, with vital working techniques of the disciplines of history and the teaching of history. includes the necessary content for studying law in Linz. It provides for the completion of a complete course of stu- Further information: dies on an online basis, completely irrespective of time schedule or personal attendance. http://www.geschichte-online.at/ IAEM - iArs IAEM – iArs (Internet Archive of Electronic Music - Internet Audio Rendering System) constitutes, by means of a real time loudspeaker room simulator, an in- Further information: http://www.linzer.rechtsstudien.at nml18 terface for IAEM, a dynamically growing and interactive file of electronic music on the internet. The Vienna Institute for Electro Acoustics, Experimental and Applied Music and the University Library of the University for Music and Perfor- The nml18 project (new media for teaching mathematics), which is coordinated by the Department for Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Vienna, combines universities, universities of applied sciences and Teacher Education Acadeies and, on the basis of a number of selected courses, aims to integrate elements of electronically sup- ming Arts in Graz are partners. Further information: http://iaem.at/ - 48 - ported learning into the teaching of mathematics. tion system for sports science theory of selected types of sport”. http://www.mathe-online.at/nml/ http://www.univie.ac.at/sportmedia/index.htm Further information: Further information: PlaNet-ET Telesocial The PlaNet-ET (Platform & Network for Educational Technologies) project laun- for the application of new media in tea- Telesocial is a joint project of the University for Applied Science study courses for social work in Vienna, St. Pölten, Linz, Dornbirn, Graz and Salzburg and November 2003. PlanNet, a joint project Telecommunication (ÖIAT) in Vienna ched an advanced training programme ching which has been available since of the Austrian Institute for Applied of the Universities of Graz, Innsbruck aiming at working out multimedia tea- and Klagenfurt as well as the Austrian ching materials for University for Applied Society for University Didactics addres- Science correspondence courses in so- ses (in-house) advanced training institu- cial work. tions at universities as well as university teachers, who can use online materials in accordance with their individual requirements. Further information: http://telesozial.net/cms/ Further information: Train the Trainer This joint project of Joanneum Graz, the Universities of Salzburg and Graz, the Vienna and Salzburg Universities of Applied Sciences, as well as the Donau-Uni-Krems, has launched a training programme for the professional structuring of study courses with distance learning elements. http://www.planet-et.at Sign-IT Sign-IT (media learning system for students and interpreters of Austrian sign language) is a project of the Joanneum University of Applied Sciences Graz, the Institute for Translation Sciences of Graz University and the Research Centre for Further information: http://train-the-trainer.fh-joanneum.at Sign Language and Aurally Handicapped Communication of the University of Klagenfurt. Within the scope of Sign-IT, a learning system for regional versions of the Austrian sign language (comparable to spoken dialects) has been worked out. VELO Virtual Electronic Laboratory is a joint project of the Technikum University of Applied Science Kärnten, Hagenberg University of Applied Science and the Vienna Technikum, the University of Klagenfurt and the Technical University of Vienna for online presentation of a laboratory situation linking theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Further information: http://www.sign-it.at SpInSy The Department for Human and Social Sciences of the University of Vienna has worked out an “internet-based informa- Further information: http://sim.cti.ac.at/velo/ - 49 - - 50 - E - C U LT U R E ICT in art and culture New information and communication national and regional exchange of infor- lities for cultural institutes to preserve, of technologies also open up many possibi- mation and of access to digital resources record and present their possessions. culture and sciences (http://www.digital-heritage.at). The sites of the historic heritage of a In addition to the creation and improve- country, such as archives, libraries, ment of ICT infrastructures of cultural museums, facilities for information and institutions, the focus is on the gradual documentation of all kinds, are preser- digitisation of cultural assets. As a first vers of culture and knowledge of a coun- step the cultural assets are digitised, try and at the same time open up the and then the digital objects/contents access to a rich treasure of sources and undergo creative processing – in line information. Austria is therefore increa- with the needs of the respective target singly taking steps to be able to preser- groups (e.g. interactive experience and ve and present this cultural heritage in a learning). way commensurate to the challenges of our future. The national coordination platform for digitisation of the cultural and scientific heritage began with systematic catalo- E-CULTURE guing of the national and regional digiti- sation projects on a coordinated basis e-Culture uses ICT to present the cultural heritage in a concise and clear manner, promote engagement in the cultural and scientific heritage and communicate the cultural memory of the nation to all interested parties at home and abroad. covering the whole of Europe. Digital Heritage Initiatives (selection): Within the scope of the “eEurope” Pro- gramme, the European Union has also Photographic data banks decided to take a multitude of coordina- ted steps for digitisation of the cultural the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere have begun to digitise their collections, The Museum of Art, the Albertina and which will subsequently be made availa- heritage in its member states. ble on the internet on a worldwide basis. Digitisation initiatives and projects of the Austrian archives, Further information: http://www.khm.at libraries, http://www.albertina.at museums and facilities of science are http://www.belvedere.at being launched primarily within the scope of the eFit-Strategy of the BMBWK (cf. also p.42). The objectives of the Austrian initiative for the digital cultural InfoNet-AUSTRIA heritage are to promote the implementa- The database tion of the so called Lund principles, Austrian National Library (ÖNB) allows for widespread established and by the comprehensive searches in information and documenta- such as the promotion of international, - 51 - tion facilities in Austria. The database, have been digitised and, by 2004, the contains all scientific libraries, archives, Further information: total will be 10,000 units. which is continuously kept up-to-date, museums, university and nonuniversity http://www.mediathek.ac.at/media- research facilities, scientific societies, thek/digital.html church organisations, municipal instituti- ons and private documentation facilities. Artothek http://infonet.onb.ac.at Austrian contemporary art have been Further information: Over a number of decades, works of collected in the Artothek (art collection) of the Federation and are made available to Photographic Archive Austria About 50,000 historic photographs sto- Federal authorities on a loan for use basis. red in the ÖNB, in the Historic Archive of Since ORF (Austrian Radio and Television), the Association for the History of um data base to be continuously increased. This creates an online museum of Austrian within the scope of the “Bildarchiv modern contemporary art offering informa- Austria”, for scientific research and for tion on the size of the collections and the commercial and editorial use. Every year activities of the Artothek of the Federation. about 12,000 photographs are digitised Archive. The platform the Museum is a long term project of a muse- available online for scientific research the of the framework of the e-Museum. The e- History of the University of Vienna are in works digital presentation on the Internet within of the Austrian Society for Contemporary customers 2004 Arthotek have also become available for the Workers Movement, and of the Archive for December Further information: Photographic http://www.artothek-bka.at Photographic Archive Austria has also developed a cooperative model enabling photogra- Online-Archive of “Arbeiter-Zeitung” tural institutions to participate as well as beiter-Zeitung”, which is available free The Online Newspaper Archive of “Ar- phers, estate administrators and cul- of charge, is the world’s first online national and international distribution newspaper partners. database with complete access to every number of a daily news- Further information: paper from 1945 to 1989. For this pur- http://www.bildarchiv.at pose around 200,000 single newspaper Austrian Mediatheque pages have been digitised and reworked. cordings (tapes, records and audiocas- http://www.arbeiter-zeitung.at Further information: Thanks to digital technology sound resettes) can be preserved for posterity on a long term basis. The Austrian Media- ALO –Austrian Literature Online it has stored. Up to now 6,000 units ments and writeups related to Austria. ALO is a digital library for texts, docu- theque has begun to digitise everything - 52 - So far more than 3,500 digitised objects art (“Golden Nica”). On the occasion of and magazines of the 19th and 20th introduced a new category of prizes have been registered, especially books its 25th anniversary, Ars Electronica has centuries. The digital library is freely under the title “Digital Communities”, accessible to everybody. intended for digital projects dealing with minimizing digital gaps. Further information: http://www.literature.at Further information: http://www.aec.at Digital Mozart Edition Digitisation of the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is the objective of the Mur.at project Digital Mozart Edition. As from 2006 it will be freely accessible on the 1998 brings together art initiatives and artists from Graz. Comparable with the This network platform existing since internet. university networks which provide for Further information: cooperation within the scope of science http://www.mozarteum.at “Mur.at” is building an infrastructure for the field of the arts. In addition to the digitisation of the cul- Further information: tural heritage, new media and the inter- http://www.mur.at net are, of course, also being used for creation and brokerage of works of art. Digital Works of Art Initiatives (selection): Ars Electronica The Ars Electronica, founded in 1979 in Linz, has become one of the leading international institutions concentrating its work on opportunities in art and their respective impact on society. Since 1987 Ars Electronica has been organising the Prix Ars Electronica, an international competition devoted exclusively to the digital media and their development. With over 19,000 applications from more than 63 countries since 1987 and an annual award of 100,000 Euro the Prix Ars Electronica is considered to be the highest award worldwide for computer - 53 - - 54 - E - H E A LT H ICT and Health The promotion of the use of information between health facilities): Current field of health is the explicit objective of the and communication technologies in the keywords for these procedures are international and national strategies, most of which are related to the activities at the “European nic anamnesis (ELGA – “Electronic Lifetime Health Anamnesis File”), Action Plan of the European Union. The e-Health Card”, Social Security Card” or the electro- “eEurope” Action Plan and the e-Health current “Chip accompanying the patient to all the the institutes with which he becomes European level have made these fields involved. extremely dynamic, which is also reflec- Use in health information and pre- ted at the level of single member states. ventive medicine: A multitude of public and private providers offer healthrelated information via the in- E-HEALTH ternet (for example health advice, health improvement, development e-Health can be seen primarily as a tool for improving the quality of health services and for simplifying and accelerating processes. In the medium and long term the focus is on cost reduction, although the intensified use of ICT increases the financial requirement in the short term. diagnostics, medical service for parent and family counselling, invitation for mammography, medical ser- vice for school, nutrition counsel- ling). With the volume being offered, there is of course also an increased requirement for counselling and qua- Modern information and communication lity assurance. For this purpose in technologies are being implemented in 2002 the European Commission defi- the field of health, particularly in the fol- ned lowing three fields of application: “Quality Criteria for Health Related Web Sites”, which can also be used in part for other websites Direct medical use (carrying out and (for example mandatory data on evaluation of laboratory and imaging sender, author’s professional qualifi- examination procedures, surgery and cation, up-to-date status, financing). aftercare as well as other types of However, it has so far not been pos- patient care): Spectacular surgeries sible to establish a uniform and carried out by telemedicine where generally accepted quality mark. patient and doctor are located on dif- ferent continents already defined the Technical equipment Use in administration (in office pro- general be considered to be at a very ac- EDP equipment of health facilities can in future years ago. ceptable level. According to a Eurobaro- cedures, documentation, gathering meter pool held in 2002, about 80% of and evaluation of health data, finan- general practitioners were at that time cial settlement of health services and using EDP. Introduction of the eCard at a exchange of medical data within or - 55 - district level of coverage will contribute to taking the last step for being equip- HEALTH NETWORK VIENNA ped on a 100% basis. In addition there is a constant increase in the number of pitals as well as among general prac- The Health Network Vienna (GNW) links all points involved with health service and patient care in an electronic communications network. Hospitals, nursing homes, geriatric centres, outpatients’ departments, general practitioners, sociomedical facilities, pharmacies, the pharmaceutical industry and the social security institutes are participating in GNW. Computer and data transfer make it possible that, for example, the hospital already obtains by email the latest x-rays from the radiologist before arrival of the patient. As soon as the patient leaves the hospital, his diagnostic findings and therapy can be made available by the hospital to be picked up electronically by the family doctor. Social services can be informed before the patient leaves the hospital if, after hospitalisation, a household help or meals on wheels are required. and nursing facilities or pharmacies. Further information: http://www.aekwien.at/205.html doctors forwarding or receiving medical data such as diagnostic findings, radiographs and medical information. The use of ICT in Austrian hospital insti- tutions is already a matter of course. Intensive endeavours are being undertaken all over Austria with a view to better coordination within each hospital (for example between the various wards, the laboratory and the outpatients’ department), towards networking among hos- titioners and, for example, rehabilitation These networking projects have resulted in considerable improvement for pati- ents, especially with a shorter and better quality treatment, and with an uninter- Legal framework and avoidance of duplication in examina- and are therefore covered by special Health data are extremely sensitive data rupted transfer between the facilities protection. Beyond the provisions of the tions and diagnostic findings. Medical Data Protection Act, a “Health Telema- data accompany the patient and can be tics Act” is in preparation which aims at used by all facilities involved with the defining compulsory minimum standards patient – with the patient’s approval, of for improving data security during elec- course. tronic forwarding of health data. General Of course especially in the health sector legal parameters, which of course are importance. The Federal Ministry for vice, can be found in the E-Government also relevant for the area of health ser- international networking is of the utmost Act. A number of pieces of Federal- and Health and Women (BMGF) is integrated Provincial legislation, determining the in a number of health related European Austrian health system, indirectly provi- networks either already existing or in de a general legal framework. the process of being developed, inclu- ding networks for medication, infectious diseases, bioterrorism and veterinary matters. - 56 - Projects and perspectives The consists of developing a mutual strategy way medical services for all insured per- The prime objective in the health sector eCARD is a chip card, which is to replace the old health voucher. In this and ensuring the intra- and interopera- sons and their relatives will be available bility of electronic data transfer in and without the need for any papers. In among the health system institutions for addition the eCard is prepared for an the future. Further main projects are, in electronic signature so that in future addition to establishing a blanket cover- many contacts with the authorities can age infrastructure, the introduction of be handled from home around the clock. the eCard and of the electronic health It is not necessary to apply for issuing of file (ELGA). Technically speaking all pre- the eCard because it will be forwarded in requisites for the latter are already be the mail to all insured persons as well as available, such as for example the first the relatives who are insured with them. paper-less hospital of Europe in Son This is done automatically by the res- Llàtzer in Majorca (http://www.hsll.es/ ponsible social security office. index.asp?idioma=2) shows. Further information: http://www.chipkarte.at - 57 - - 58 - E-INCLUSION I C T f o r e ve r y b o d y “Digital gaps” exist not only between Federal Ministry for Social Security, developed societies such as Austria. So- (BMSGK). A broad spectrum of relevant north and south, but also within highly Generations and Consumer Protection cioeconomic parameters (income, ances- information is being made available on try and education) are in this context the website of the BMSG (http://www. the fundamental categories offering or bmsg.gv.at) as well as through external preventing equal opportunities. In the websites. light of the fact that the new informati- on technologies make information and Initiatives for senior citizens: ywhere and in a multitude of different Recent polls confirm that senior citizens also increase existing discrimination themselves. Already 18% of the 60+ knowledge available at any time, ever- have also discovered the internet for ways, the new technical possibilities can generation use the internet 52. Yet there because people without networking or is a big gap in the type of use among the without access to the internet can fall generations, which is to be reduced by (even further) behind. specific initiatives. Key categories in the information society are lifelong learning, ability to communi- The Ministry for Social Affairs is subsi- trieval and selective handling of infor- web.at, an internet platform of senior dising the website http://www.senior- cate, thinking in networks, speedy re- citizens for other senior citizens where mation. To know such techniques will in- model projects are displayed showing creasingly be a central factor in decisi- senior ons about life opportunities and indivi- citizens performing unpaid work, an interactive calendar of dual development. events for seniors, and current informa- In addition to the prerequisites already tion on promotion projects. such as making available the technical http://www.seniorenweb.at mentioned in the previous sections – infrastructure (keyword: voluntary Further information: Broadband Strategy), acquisition of the know-how In order to reduce the inhibitions of communication technologies as well as students are offering internet training older people towards the internet young and handling of new information and for senior citizens within the organisati- building up the media competence – on of the “Citizens’ Office for Younger further targeted measures are necessary and Older People”, subsidised by BMSGK. to increase the opportunities for partici- pants, for which the responsible depart- ments are the Federal Ministry for Edu- cation, Science and Culture (BMBWK), the Federal Ministry for Economy and Labour (BMWA) and, in particular, the 52 - 59 - GfK Online Monitor 2004, 3rd quarter, FESSEL-GfK; (in the year 2000 there were only 4%) Programmes for challenged persons: sing the group of “challenged peo- Websites of public authorities must be their EDP equipment. ple” can be funded or subsidised for EDP equipment for home use is sub- made accessible to everybody regardless sidised for students with disabilities, of any physical or technical obstacles. if such equipment is required for Barrierfree websites can be set up in accordance with the so-called their educational training. “Web Subsidies for EDP training for chal- Accessibility Initiative” (WAI)-gui- lenged persons (EDCL for example). delines. By 1 January 2008 all websites The website of the Federal Office for of public authorities must be set up to Social Matters and Matters of Chal- comply with the needs of challenged lenged Persons (http://www.bundes- persons. In an exemplary manner, the sozialamt.gv.at) also contains infor- WAI-offer of the Federal Chancellery mation concerning the issues of dis- went online on 2 July 2004. The websites ability and society, social compensa- http://www.bundeskanzleramt.at, http://www.cio.gv.at and the tion and nursing provision plans, online accident annuities, as well as a data- guide to public authorities http://www. base containing offers for occupatio- help.gv.at have now also become availa- nal integration of challenged persons ble in versions accessible to challenged in Austria. persons, and by 2005 all websites will generally be available in such versions. Within the scope of nationwide projects implemented by nonprofit organisations Within the scope of a job initiative for challenged persons, the BMSGK is subsi- of voluntary welfare services in the ICT-access, under the keyword “tech- nursing provision, the BMSGK is also dising ongoing initiatives to promote fields of help for challenged persons and nology campaign”. subsidising plans for the establishment of The Federal Office for Social Matters and information platforms on the internet. This will provide easier access Matters of Challenged Persons is imple- to information on subsidy legislation for menting this job campaign by order of the persons affected. BMSGK and is responsible for integrated employment of challenged persons. In The HANDYNET database provides an the area of ICT it is launching the follo- overview of the wide range of technical wing activities: help available to challenged persons, their relatives as well as experts from Improvement of EDP equipment on rehabilitation and information facilities. the workplace of challenged persons It also offers the possibility of comparing (for example screen readers and prices, it gives information on organisa- braillelines for blind people); self- tions who offer counselling for challen- help groups and associations addres- ged persons and gives an overview of - 60 - old people’s and nursing homes. Since aiming at fighting discrimination and once a year as a CD-ROM and since 2002 programmes supporting women and ICT inequality in the labour market, specific 1999 the database has been published are also being launched in the Provinces. it has also been published on the internet with 4 updates each year. Initiatives (selection): Further information: http://handynet-oesterreich.bmsg.gv.at/ Within the scope of the Women and ICT in Burgenland Austrian The women’s agency of Burgenland Computer Society (OCG=Österreichische Computergesellschaft) the has launched a project “Women and working ICT” in which interested women and group “information technology for girls are made familiar with ICT. challenged persons” has been working Further information: bilities of the use of new information asp?Try=Yes for many years on promoting the possi- http://www.equal-burgenland.at/index1. technologies for challenged persons. In cooperation with the Seibersdorf Re- search Centre, the OCG also operates ABZ Vienna the NetOFNeeds project where in particular questions of development of user- education and for the future offers a number of ICT educational modules The non-profit organisation for work, friendly information networks for people for women in order to help them with special needs are being discussed. when (re-) entering the world of employment. Further information: http://www.ocg.at/ueber-uns/arbeitskreise/ Further information: menschen-mit-behinderungen/akib.html http://www.abzwien.at/abzwien/index.html Initiatives for women: 53 For various reasons women are underrepresented both in research and develop- ment and also in founding new companies concerned with the application of the new ICT technologies. Although the ratio of women in the net has increased over the last few years, the gap between men and women using the internet – alt- hough substantially reduced since 2000 – still exists: 63% of men and 50% of women over 14 years are online. 53 Within the scope of implementation of the European Community Initiative EQUAL - 61 - GFK Online Monitor, 3rd quarter 2004, Fessel/GFK (4,500 telephone interviews per quarter, 14 years +); in the year 2000 the ratio of men and women was at 50:31 NOWA The Graz Women’s Network NOWA IT4HER offers a number of special ICT courses and measures for women. Computer Society (OCG = Österreichische Computergesellschaft) orga- The initiative IT4her of the Austrian nises campaigns and events infor- Further information: http://www.nowa.at ming girls and women on training courses and jobs in the ICT sector and publishes articles on favourable framework conditions for families and employed women. Further information: http://www.ocg.at/it4her/index.html - 62 - I V. S U M M A RY I N S E V E N CO N C I S E P O I N T S Participation for everybody Creating an information society open to Knowledge and competence all citizens is the supreme objective and the bond uniting all measures and initia- cational institutions to communicate the knowledge, the understanding and a cri- It is the duty of schools and other edu- tives of Federal Government and Federal tical analytical approach to the new Ministries. From barrierfree websites of information and communication techno- the public administration accessible to logies and media. challenged persons to the simplification of administration and an online guide for contacts with the authorities, this objec- Security and confidence tive will always be focused on preventing a digital division of society. re ICT connections, which are an indi- spensable prerequisite for citizens as The basis for all measures taken is secuwell as businesses in order to establish Rapid connections for everybody confidence in ICT applications and their of ICT in the areas of public administra- the creation of an online competence A basic prerequisite for an efficient use use. Austria emphasises and supports tion, health, the world of business and of centre at the European level, which must the workplace, basic education and life- deal with the issue of net security and long learning, culture and science is cooperate closely with the already esta- above all an accelerated expansion of blished European Network and Informa- the infrastructure. An accelerated broad- tion Security Agency. band expansion will considerably increa- se the availability of fast broadband Creativity and Content internet over the next few years. tion of high quality e-Content applicati- Modern public administration worldwide basis. The experience in the ministration (Federal, Provinces and mu- focus of the Austrian contribution to the In the area of development and produc- internet connections suitable for the ons Austria is well recognised on a The use of ICT in the area of public ad- area of ICT/creativity will also be the nicipal authorities) will create a modern service-oriented and more World efficient Summit on the Information Society to be held in Tunis in November public administration in the interest of 2005. citizens and businesses. Competitive economy Increased use of ICT in all sectors of the economy increases competitiveness especially of small and medium sized com- panies and is based on practice-oriented cooperation of business and research. - 63 - - 64 - V. H Y P E R L I N K S ( S E L E C T I O N ) List of ICT links INFORMATION SOCIETY (GENERAL) • Austrian Computer Society (OCG) http://www.ocg.or.at • Austrian Internet Monitor (AIM) http://www.integral.co.at/AIM/ueberblick.shtml • Centre for social innovation http://www.zsi.at/ • EU – Information Society - Website http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/information_society/index_en.htm • EU – Knowledge Society - Website http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/knowledge_society/index_de.htm • EU research and development information service http://www.cordis.lu/de/home.html • Europa Digital http://www.europa-digital.de • European Telecities Network http://www.telecities.org • Federal Chancellery – Coordination Information Society http://www.bundeskanzleramt.at/informationsgesellschaft • Global Internet Statistics http://global-reach.biz/globstats/index.php3 • Innovative Austria http://www.innovatives-oesterreich.at/innovativ/home • Information Society Technology (IST) Programme http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ • Internet and the law http://www.internet4jurists.at • Internet-Governance http://www.unicttaskforce.org/perl/links.pl?area_id=wg1 • Internet-Governance (UN-Working Group) http://www.unicttaskforce.org/perl/showdoc.pl?area=wg1 • SIBIS (Statistical Indicators Benchmarking the Information Society) http://www.empirica.biz/sibis/ • Telepolis (magazine of network culture) http://www.heise.de/tp/ • W3C - World Wide Web Consortium http://www.w3.org • World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) http://www.itu.int/wsis/ E-BUSINESS / E-WORK • ACT (Online portal for SMBs) http://act.ifgh.ac.at • Association for information business (VIW) http://www.viw.or.at - 65 - • Association of Austrian Internet Providers (ISPA) http://www.ispa.at • Association of Austrian Internet Users (Vibe!At) http://www.vibe.at • Austria Wirtschaftsservice GesmbH (Austria business service co.ltd.) http://www.awsg.at/ • Austrian Teleworking Community (ÖTA) http://www.oeta.at • BMWA (Federal Ministry for Economy and Labour) http://www.bmwa.gv.at • Competence centres http://www.kompetenzzentren.biz/ • Content Village http://www.content-village.org • Council for research and technology development http://www.rat-fte.at • ECAustria http://ecaustria.at • e-Content (Community Research & Development Information Site) http://www.cordis.lu/econtent/studies/studies.htm • e-Content Austria http://www.econtent.or.at • eEurope 2005 – e-Business http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/all_about/ ebusiness/index_en.htm • Electronic Commerce Competence Center (EC3) http://www.ec3.at • e-Rating platform http://www.e-rating.at • European framework association on teleworking http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/news/2002/oct/1034330238_de.html • EuroPrix MultiMediaArt http://www.europrix.org • Evolaris – competence centre for interactive e-Business http://www.evolaris.net • Framework agreement on teleworking http://www.gpa.at/internationale/aktuelles/telearbeit.htm • Fund for the support of scientific research http://www.fwf.ac.at • Information system for innovation in Lower Austria http://www.infinoe.at/ • Innovation agency http://www.innovation.co.at • Innovation Network Austria http://www.inna.at • Innovation network Austria http://www.innovationszentren-austria.at/ • Internet Ombudsmann http://www.ombudsmann.at - 66 - • Multimedia & E-Business Public Award http://www.multimedia-staatspreis.at • Multimedia Reader http://www.multimediareader.at/ • Office for international research and technology cooperation (BIT) http://www.bit.ac.at • Research support fund for trades and industry http://www.fff.co.at • Status report (e-Work 2003) http://www.bmwa.gv.at/NR/rdonlyres/A1632E20-6B95-46DC-9DCE-9BD6EDCFB778/ 10906/TelearbeiteWork.pdf • Study group Information Society of the Austrian Economic Chamber http://www.electronic-business.at • Support compass for research and technology subsidies http://www.foerderkompass.at/ • Support portal for business and investment subsidies http://www.foerderkompass.at/ • Technologie-Impulse GmbH (Technology Impulses Co.Ltd.) http://www.tig.or.at • Teleworking information server http://www.telearbeit.at • Top Talent Festival http://www.toptalent.europrix.org E-CULTURE Digital Heritage • Austrian Federal Museums Online http://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/bundesmuseen/ • Austrian National Library http://www.onb.ac.at • Cultural Service Center Austria http://www.cscaustria.at/index.php • Digital Heritage Austria http://www.digital-heritage.at/index.html • Digitisation Austrian mediatheque http://www.mediathek.ac.at/mediathek/digital.html • eEurope – digitisation http://www.cordis.lu/ist/directorate_e/digicult/eeurope.htm • eFit Austria (e-Culture) http://www.efit.at/eculture/ • Federal Chancellery – Department for Art http://www.art.austria.gv.at/ • List of all Austrian digitization projects launched by cultural institutions http://www.digital-heritage.at/digitisation/list.php?l=dt&de_area=all • M:O Museum Online http://www.museumonline.at/ • Online archives of Arbeiter-Zeitung http://www.arbeiter-zeitung.at - 67 - • Photographic archives of the Austrian National Library http://www.bilddatenbank.at • Salzburg NewMediaLab http://www.esc.ac.at/ • Salzburg Research http://www.salzburgresearch.at Network culture/Networks • Ars Electronica http://www.aec.at • Association MUR.AT http://www.mur.at • consortium, network, culture http://www.konsortium.at • Culture Division of the City of Vienna (new media) http://www.magwien.gv.at/ma07/neuemed.htm • Federal Chancellery-Art section (media art) http://www.bundeskanzler.at/DesktopDefault.aspx?TabID=3700&Alias=kunst • Subnet (platform for media art) http://www.subnet.at • University for Applied Art (digital art) http://www.vis-med.ac.at E-GOVERNMENT • CIO -ICT-Services office of the Federation http://www.cio.gv.at • Cities online http://www.staedtebund.at • Citizen card scheme http://www.buergerkarte.at • eEurope 2005 – e-Government http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/all_about/egovernment/ index_en.htm • e-Government (Burgenland) http://e-government.bgld.gv.at • e-Government (Carinthia) http://www.ktn.gv.at • e-Government (Lower Austria) http://www.noel.gv.at/service/lad/lad1/egovernment • e-Government (Salzburg) https://service.salzburg.gv.at/eGov/ • e-Government (Styria) https://www.e-government.steiermark.at/cms/ziel/653449/DE/ • e-Government (Tyrol) https://www.tirol.gv.at/organisation/e-government.shtml • e-Government (Upper Austria) https://www.ooe.gv.at/e-gov/info/ - 68 - • e-Government (Vienna) http://www.wien.gv.at/egov/ • e-Government (Vorarlberg) http://www.vorarlberg.at/vorarlberg/e-government/uebersichte-government.htm • e-Government Benchmarking Report http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/doc/all_about/ cgey4_measurement_final.pdf • e-Government quality mark http://www.guetesiegel.gv.at • E-Government task force of the Federal Provinces http://reference.e-government.gv.at • e-Government website of the European Commission http://europa.eu.int/information_society/soccul/egov/index_en.htm • Electronic social insurance http://www.sozialversicherung.at • Electronic service https://www.zustellung.gv.at • Federal Chancellery http://www.bundeskanzleramt.at • Forum e-Government (OCG) http://egov.ocg.at • Internal revenue online https://finanzonline.bmf.gv.at • Justice Online http://www.justiz.gv.at • Legal information system of the Federation (RIS) http://www.ris.bka.gv.at • Online guide for contacting authorities http://www.help.gv.at • Social insurance legislation online http://www.sozdok.at E-HEALTH • Austrian social insurance http://www.sozialversicherung.at • eCard http://www.chipkarte.at • eEurope 2005 – e-Health http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/all_about/ehealth/index_en.htm • e-Health Conference 2004 http://www.ehealthconference2004.ie • Federal Ministry for Health and Women (BMGF) http://www.bmgf.gv.at • HITT - Health Information Technologies Tyrol (competence centre for informatics in medicine) http://www.hitt.at • Surfmed – health platform http://www.surfmed.at - 69 - E-INCLUSION Digital gap • Center for democracy and technology http://www.cdt.org • Center to bridge the digital divide, Washington State University http://cbdd.wsu.edu • Digital Access Index http://www.internetworldstats.com/list3.htm • Digital Divide Network http://www.digitaldividenetwork.org • Digital Dividend Project http://www.digitaldividend.org • Digital Opportunity Initiative http://www.opt-init.org • eEurope 2005 – e-Inclusion http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/all_about/einclusion/index_en.htm • Foundation digital opportunities http://www.digitale-chancen.de • Global Society Dialogue http://www.global-society-dialogue.org • OECD http://www.oecd.org/home • PBS and Digital Divide http://www.pbs.org/digitaldivide • UNESCO http://www.unesco.org/webworld/index.shtml Initiatives for challenged persons • Austrian study group for rehabilitation http://www.oear.or.at • BIZEPS – centre for a self determined life http://www.service4u.at/bizeps/index2.html • BIZEPS Info Online http://www.bizeps.or.at • BMSG (Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection) http://www.bmsg.gv.at • Federal Office for Social Matters and Matters of Challenged Persons http://www.bundessozialamt.gv.at • Handynet- data base http://handynet-oesterreich.bmsg.gv.at • NetOFneeds http://www.netofneeds.at • OCG-study group „computer for challenged persons“ http://www.ocg.at/ueber-uns/arbeitskreise/menschen-mit-behinderungen/akib.html • Web Accessibility Initiative http://www.w3.org/WAI/ • Work and challenged persons http://www.arbeitundbehinderung.at - 70 - Initiatives for women • Association stepping-stone for girls http://www.sprungbrett.or.at • Computer Academy for women http://www.it4women.at • Initiative – Daughters put their opportunities to work http://www.chancengleichheit.at/tnc/ • Initiative – Girls and engineering http://www.mut.co.at • Initiative - Jobs for Girls http://www.jobs4girls.at • Initiative – Women and new technologies http://www.frauen-technologie.at • Internet platform of women for women http://www.frauenweb.at • Learn4life – Initiative for vocational counselling http://www.learn4life.at • Mafalda for girls and young women – IT-vocational counselling for girls http://www.mafalda.at • Matadora – Vocational counselling for girls in engineering http://www.waff.at • telm@ – Women in telecommunication and informatics training course http://www.telma.at • Women for Engineering – FIT http://www.fit.sid.at • Women’s Academy Pascalina – education and counselling http://www.pascalina.at • WEBWOMEN – Network of women for women on the internet http://www.webwomen.at Initiatives for senior citizens • Internet meeting place of senior citizens http://www.seniorentreff.at • Senior citizens-Web http://www.seniorweb.at • SeniorKom – platform for senior citizens http://www.seniorkom.at Open Source • Association for the promotion of free software http://www.ffs.or.at • Common Content http://commoncontent.org • Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org • Creative Commons Austria http://creativecommons.at - 71 - • Linux in Austria http://www.linux.at • Linux Usergroup Austria http://www.luga.at • Open Source http://www.opensource.org • TU Wien – Goodie Domain Service http://gd.tuwien.ac.at • WKO – Open Source Experts http://www.opensource.co.at World Summit Information Society • Geneva 2003 - Civil Society Division http://www.geneva2003.org/wsis/indexa01.htm • ITU International Telecommunications Union http://www.itu.int/home/index.html • Tunisa 2005 http://www.smsitunis2005.org • World Summit Award http://www.wsis-award.org • WSIS Gender Caucus http://www.genderwsis.org • WSIS-Community Platform http://www.wsis-online.net • WSIS-ITU http://www.itu.int/wsis/index.html E-KNOWLEDGE / ECOMPETENCE / E-LEARNING • Adult education in Austria http://www.erwachsenenbildung.at • Austrian computer society (OCG) http://www.ocg.at • Austrian school portal http://www.schule.at • BMBWK (Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Art) http://www.bmbwk.gv.at • Centre for distance learning, University Linz http://www.esc.ac.at • ECDL Austria http://www.edu.ecdl.at • ECDL Foundation http://www.ecdl.com/main/index.php • ECDL Junior http://www.ejunior.ecdl.at • Education portal http://www.bildung.at • Educaunet http://www.educaunet.org - 72 - • eEurope 2005 – E-Learning http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/all_about/elearning/index_en.htm • eFit Austria http://www.efit-austria.at • e-Learning Europe Info http://elearningeuropa.info • e-Learning qualification online http://www.eqo.at/index.html • EU-Knowledge Society Website http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/knowledge_society/index_en.htm • European Schoolnet http://www.eun.org/portal/index-en.cfm • Libraries online http://www.bibliotheken.at • Life Long Learning http://www.lebenslangeslernen.at • Media pedagogic councelling office - NÖ-Landesakademie (Academy of the Land of Lower Austria) http://www.medienpaed.at • Mediamanual http://www.mediamanual.at • Netbridge http://www.netbridge.at • New media for teaching at universities/universities of applied science http://www.nml.at • OCG – Academy for informatics http://www.ia.ocg.at • OCG – IT4U http://www.ocg.at/ausbildung/it4u/index.html • Online-study guide http://www.studieren.at/cgi-bin/content/contray.cgi • Platform for education counsellors in the network http://www.bib-infonet.at/ • Portal new media in teaching, University of Graz http://neuemedien.uni-graz.at/ • Server project FH-Joanneum http://serverprojekt.fh-joanneum.at • Textbook-Extra http://www.e-lisa.at/sbx • ViS:AT (Online school Austria) www.virtuelleschule.at E-SCIENCE • ACCESS (Academic Coop Education Service Salzburg) http://www.sbg.ac.at/elearn/access • BAU@HOME (interactive study programmes for civil engineering) http://serverprojekt.fh-joanneum.at/sp/index.php?n=bm2bau • DMA (online training course digital media) http://www.digitale-medien.ufg.ac.at/ - 73 - • eduBITE (e-Learning tool information systems) http://edubite.dke.univie.ac.at/ • ELOISE! (e-Learning in universities and universities of applied science) http://www.eloise.at • History Online (ICT and history) http://www.geschichte-online.at • IAEM-iArs (Internet archive of electronic music) http://iaem.at • LASON (Latin America Studies Online Project) http://www.lateinamerika-studien.at • Studying law in Linz (Online course) http://www.linzer.rechtsstudien.at • New Media for teaching at universities/Universities of applied science http://www.nml.at • List of all nml projects http://serverprojekt.fh-joanneum.at/sp/index.php?n=bm2aus • nml18 (New media for teaching mathematics) http://www.mathe-online.at/nml • PlaNet-ET (Platform and network for educational technologies) http://planet-et.at/ • Sign-IT (media learning system for studends and interpreters of Austrian sign language) http://www.sign-it.at • SpInSy (internet-based system for sports science) http://www.univie.ac.at/sportmedia/index.htm • Telesozial (study courses for social work) http://telesozial.net/cms/ • Train the Trainer (training programme for trainers) http://train-the-trainer.fh-joanneum.at/ • Velo (Virtual Electronic Laboratory) http://serverprojekt.fh-joanneum.at/sp/index.php?n=bm2vel E-SECURITY / PRIVACY • ARGE DATEN http://www.argedaten.at • ARGE DATEN Certification Service https://a-cert.argedaten.at • A-SIT (Centre for secure information technology) http://www.a-sit.at • Association of Austrian Internet Providers (ISPA) http://www.ispa.at • A-Trust (certification) http://www.a-trust.at • Austrian data protection commission http://www.dsk.gv.at • CIO -ICT-Services office of the Federation http://www.cio.gv.at • eEurope 2005 – e-Security http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/all_about/security/index_en.htm - 74 - • Electronic signature (legal bases) http://www.a-sit.at/informationen/gesetzlich/gesetzlich.htm • European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) http://www.enisa.eu.int • ISPA-guidelines (SPAM) http://www.ispa.at/downloads/9ad99acb0b32_CoC_spam_ISPs_beschlossen_031203.pdf • ISPA-guidelines http://www.ispa.at/downloads/dfa8e34b6157_Verhaltensrichtlinien.pdf • STOPLINE (ISPA-reporting point) http://www.stopline.at • Privacy International http://www.privacyinternational.org • Reporting points of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) http://www.bmi.gv.at/meldestellen • Safer Internet Action Plan http://www.europa.eu.int/saferinternet • Safer Internet (INSAFE) http://www.saferinternet.org • Saferinternet.at http://www.saferinternet.at INFRASTRUCTURE Broadband technology • Broadband information of RTR-GmbH http://www.rtr.at/breitband • eEurope 2005 - Broadband http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/all_about/broadband/ index_en.html • eEurope Broadband Day (28 January 2003) http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/news_library/events/ workshop/index_en.htm • Euractiv - EU broadband policy http://www.euractiv.com/cgibin/cgint.exe/?targ=5&1100=5&714&1015= 9&1014=ld_broadband&-tt=TEBBLD • Federal Ministry for Transportation, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) 2003 Broadband-Initiative of the Federation http://www.bmvit.gv.at/sixcms_upload/media/330/breitbandstrategie.pdf • ITU - Promoting Broadband http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/ni/promotebroadband/index.html Digitisation of broadcasting • Digital Video Broadcasting http://www.dvb.org/index.php?id=1 • Digital platform Austria http://www.rtr.at/web.nsf/deutsch/Rundfunk_Digitale+Plattform+Austria • Digitisation fund of RTR-GmbH http://www.rtr.at/web.nsf/deutsch/Foerderungen_Digitalisierungsfonds • KommAustria – Digitisation plant http://www.bka.gv.at/2004/4/5/Digitalisierungskonzept.pdf - 75 - L I ST O F A B B R E V I AT I O N S AIM Austrian Internet Monitor ELAK Electronic file ASN Austrian School Network ENISA European Network and ALO BGBl BIG BIT BKA BMBWK BMGF BMSGK BMVIT BMWA bPK B-VG CIO DVB-T ECDL EDV EG E-Gov-G Austrian Literature Online ELGA Federal Law Gazette Advisory Board for ERV Office for international EU eSV Information Society research and technology EWG cooperation Federal Chancellery FH Education, Science and ICANN Federal Ministry for FIT Culture Federal Ministry for Health ICT Federal Ministry for Social ISPA Consumer Protection IST Transport, Innovation and IT and Women Security, Generations and Federal Ministry for Technology Federal Ministry for Economy ITU and Labour KMU Federal Constitution Act MOA Digital Video Broadcasting- OECD Area specific personal ID Chief Information Office OCG terrestrial European Computer ÖIAT Electronic data processing ÖNB E-Government Act PC Driving Licence European Community PBS - 76 - Electronic lifelong health file Information Security Agency Electronic legal communication Electronic social insurance European Union European Economic Community Universities of Applied Science Women for Engineering Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Information and communication technologies Internet Service Provider Austria Information Society Technology Information Technology International Telecommunications Union Small and medium size business Modules for online applications Austrian Computer Society Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunication Austrian National Library Public Broadcasting Service Personal computer RIS Legal information system of the Federation RTR-GmbH Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications TV Television UNESCO United Nations Educational, TV-terr. VIW W3C WAI WLAN WSIS www ZMR Terrestrial TV Scientific and Cultural Organisation Association for Information Industry in Austria World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative Wireless Local-Area Network World Summit on the Information Society World Wide Web Central residents’ register - 77 - The term „Information Society“ descri- This publication offers a comprehensive transformation process which is evident initiatives taken by the Austrian Federal bes a worldwide and highly dynamic view of the various ICT measures and in the use of information and communi- Government under the overall good cation technologies (ICT) for gathering, “Information saving, processing, communicating, dis- Society for All” (e- Inclusion). Besides current data on avai- seminating and exploiting information. lable digital facilities, the publication contains specific examples for the imple- All Member States of the European Union mentation of ICT in public administration are challenged to create adequate fra- (e-Government), business and labour mework conditions in order not to be (e-Business / e-Work), education and excluded from the growing global infor- training (e-Learning / e-Knowledge), mation market. There can be no doubt universities and higher technical and that the rapid development of ICT will vocational schools (e-Science) as well as result in tremendous changes in busin- in the artistic and cultural fields (e- ess and society which may entail a wide Culture). range of opportunities and risks. E