Frozen Product Catalogue 2016
Frozen Product Catalogue 2016
Frozen Food Selection 2016 Welcome to our 2016 Frozen Food Selection Welcome to our 2016 Frozen Food Selection. We’ve got more to choose from this year than ever before with over 1000 mouthwatering products to delight even the most discerning gourmet. Our brochure is easy to use; simply browse by section or go straight to the products you like. And remember every order comes with our value for money, quality and great service guarantee as standard. Enjoy. 02 04 - 21 Bread 22 - 43 Vegetables, Rice and Starters 44 - 63 Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks 64 - 73 Prepared Meals 74 - 81 Pies, Pizza and Snacks 82 - 91 Buffet 92 - 103 Pastry and Patisserie 104 - 139 Puddings and Ice Cream 140 Terms & Conditions 142 Our Depots 143 About Us Your Partner in Restauration Our recommendations for you Our new products are highlighted throughout the brochure however we would like to bring special attention to a few items from our diverse range that we hope will be a hit on your menus. 13377 Rustic Malted Deli Rolls 64758 McCain Signature Jacket Potato 30835 Ham Hock Terrine 2XUHYHUSRSXODUVRIWPXOWLJUDLQGHOL UROOVDUHPDGHZLWKøDNHGPDOWHGZKHDW oats and barley. Topped with a malted JUDLQPL[IRUDQDWWUDFWLYH÷QLVK Baked potato with a cross on the top and GUL]]OHGLQVXQøRZHURLO÷QLVKLQWKHRYHQ for a crispy skin. Traditional pressed terrine packed with tender ham hock, split peas, parsley and a hint of grain mustard. Looks homemade and is an ideal starter with crusty bread and sweet, tangy chutney. See Page 35 See Page 09 See Page 41 63790 Smoked Haddock, Mozzarella & Spring Onion Fishcakes 84413 Lemon Syllabub & Pistachio Torte Blend of smoked haddock, mozzarella, spring onion and potato coated in crispy JOXWHQIUHHEUHDGFUXPEVøHFNHGZLWK gluten free oats. /RYHO\PRLVWOHPRQVRDNHGVSRQJH÷OOHG and topped with lemon syllabub and lemon ULSSOH÷QLVKHGZLWKDVSULQNOLQJRIURDVW SLVWDFKLRVIRUJUHDWYLVXDODSSHDO See Page 45 See Page 123 26741 Blue Bubblegum Ice Cream Trust us – despite its colour, this bubblegum øDYRXULFHFUHDPLVYHU\PRUHLVK See Page 132 03 Bread Our delicious range of breads are perfect for sandwiches or as a scrumptious accompaniment to a main meal. From the simple white to the continental inspired foccacias and buttery brioches our selection has something for every occasion. 05 Speciality Rolls for Accompaniment 15 /DUJH6KDULQJDQG6SHFLDOLW\/RDYHV 09-12 Speciality Rolls for Filling 18 6OLFHG/RDYHVDQG%ORRPHU%UHDG 13 Plain Rolls for Filling 18 Bagels and Tortillas 13 Classic Burger Buns and Hot Dog Rolls 21 Garlic Bread, Naan, Pitta and Flatbread 15 Baguette Selection We Recommend 68783 Seeded Brioche Burger Bun 29913 Rosemary Focaccia Loaf 83554 Mini Plain Bagels Page 13 Page 15 Page 18 NEW 04 Your Partner in Restauration Bread Speciality Rolls for Accompaniment Code Product 42134 V Bakers Basket – Duo Bake 60x55g Contains 12 each of poppy seed swirls, wholemeal rolls, oat rolls, VHHGHGUROOVDQGZKLWHVWDPSHGUROOV'HIURVWDQGVHUYHIRUDVRIW HDWRURYHQEDNHIRUDFUXVW\÷QLVK Unit Size 68481 V Mini Heritage Bread Selection – Part Baked &RQWDLQVPLQLZKROHPHDOWULDQJOHVPLQLUXVWLFSDY«VDQGPLQL losange diamond rolls. 105x40g Ptn Price 0.27 £15.92 0.33 £34.65 25762 V Traditional Bakers Basket – Baked 1x48 Fully baked selection containing poppy seed knots, malted dinner rolls, wholemeal dinner rolls and semolina rolls. 0.33 £15.95 75585 V Red Tractor Mediterranean Rolls – Baked 75x55g Selection of handmade Mediterranean style breads including ZDOQXWPLQLORDYHVVXQGULHGWRPDWRDQGEDVLOIRFDFFLDVXQøRZHU and honey rolls, rosemary focaccia and multigrain seeded rolls. 0.44 £32.96 48x55g 0.25 £12.00 48x55g 0.25 £12.00 61871 V Red Tractor Mini White Tin Loaves – Baked )XOO\EDNHGZKLWHPLQLORDYHVYLVXDOO\DSSHDOLQJDQGLGHDOIRU starter accompaniments or buffets. 5829 V Red Tractor Mini Multi Grain Tin Loaves – Baked )XOO\EDNHGPXOWLJUDLQPLQLORDYHVDQLGHDODFFRPSDQLPHQW to soups, salads or on a buffet. 42134 68481 5323 V White Petit Pain – Part Baked 70x55g 0.18 £12.60 5622 V Malted Wheat Petit Pain – Part Baked 70x55g 0.21 £14.70 75585 White Petit Pain 05 06 Your Partner in Restauration 07 08 Your Partner in Restauration Bread Speciality Rolls for Filling Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 48x100g 0.55 £26.40 V Brioche Rolls – Baked French style soft bread roll made with butter and eggs for DGHOLFLRXVULFKøDYRXU$SSUR[ÝGLDPHWHU 24x72g 0.45 £10.90 V White Crusty Rolls – Part Baked Part baked, round white crusty roll. 40x90g 0.35 £13.95 34074 V Red Tractor White Cottage Rolls – Baked 7UDGLWLRQDOVW\OHFRWWDJHORDIVKDSHGUROOOLJKWO\øRXUHGDQG perfect as an accompaniment to salads or soup. 40x130g 0.84 £33.50 34409 V Red Tractor Multi Grain Cottage Rolls – Baked $ZRQGHUIXOO\QXWW\øDYRXUHGPXOWLJUDLQFRWWDJHORDIWRSSHG ZLWKFUDFNHGZKHDW×LGHDOVHUYHGZLWKVDODGVRUVRXS 40x130g 0.84 £33.50 33464 NEW V Flaguette Demi-lune – Baked 5XVWLFVWRQHEDNHGøDWZKHDWEUHDGZLWKDQRSHQFUXPE LQWKHVKDSHRIDFUHVFHQWPRRQ,GHDOIRU÷OOLQJDQGVHUYLQJ as a ‘V’ shaped open sandwich. 82268 8542 6681 V Pain Rustique Rolls – Part Baked Rustic style part baked white rolls. 40x90g 0.55 £21.95 10325 V Pain Rustique – Part Baked Rustic style part baked white bread rolls. 50x90g 0.56 £28.20 8693 V Classic Deli Rolls – Baked Soft white deli rolls dusted with semolina. 6x6 0.35 £12.60 75372 V Italian Deli Rolls – Baked Soft white rolls with premium Italian herbs and seasonings throughout the bread. 6x6 0.35 £12.60 33120 V Quattro Deli Rolls – Baked Soft white deli rolls topped with a mix of four seeds; brown linseed, golden linseed, poppy seed and millet. 6x6 0.35 £12.60 6x6 0.35 £12.60 13377 V Rustic Malted Deli Rolls – Baked 6RIWPDOWHGJUDLQGHOLUROOVZLWKøDNHGPDOWHGZKHDWRDWVDQG barley topped with a malted grain mix. V Plain Panini – Part Baked ,WDOLDQVW\OHEUHDGHQULFKHGZLWKH[WUDYLUJLQROLYHRLO DSSUR[Ý 30x135g 0.46 £13.80 83237 V Herb Panini – Part Baked White part baked baguette style roll speckled with herbs ×XQFXWDSSUR[Ý 30x135g 0.48 £14.40 45x130g 0.60 £26.80 23748 V Sesame & Nigella Seed Panini – Part Baked 2YDOVKDSHGSDQLQLWRSSHGZLWKVHVDPHDQGQLJHOODVHHGV 9949 V Black Olive Ciabatta – Part Baked (QULFKHGREORQJFLDEDWWDORDGHGZLWKVOLFHGEODFNROLYHVDQG ROLYHRLO 55x85g 0.50 £27.50 57812 V Sun Dried Tomato Ciabatta – Part Baked Enriched oblong ciabatta with sun dried tomato tapenade and ROLYHRLO 55x85g 0.50 £27.50 V Red Tractor Round Ciabatta Rolls – Baked Fully baked, round ciabatta roll, ideal for gourmet burgers and VDQGZLFKHV$SSUR[ÝWRÝ 40x100g 0.75 £30.00 V Red Tractor Classic Oblong Ciabatta Rolls – Baked Traditional open textured Italian style roll enriched with extra YLUJLQROLYHRLO 40x100g 0.75 £29.95 62085 28686 82268 34074 & 34409 4960 33464 33120 23748 09 10 Your Partner in Restauration 11 Bread Speciality Rolls for Filling continued Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 11550 V Square Ciabatta Rolls – Part Baked Italian style ciabatta rolls with an open texture and authentic IXOOøDYRXUPDGHZLWKH[WUDYLUJLQROLYHRLO 40x105g 0.34 £13.52 29372 V Oblong Ciabatta Rolls – Part Baked ,WDOLDQVW\OHREORQJFLDEDWWDUROOVZLWKDGHFRUDWLYHFXWDORQJ WKHWRSPDGHZLWKH[WUDYLUJLQROLYHRLO 40x120g 0.55 £22.00 42629 V Oblong Ciabatta Rolls – Part Baked Oblong traditional style ciabatta rolls. 48x100g 0.50 £24.00 5907 Rustic Ciabatta Twist Rolls – Part Baked Part baked rectangle ciabatta rolls with a centre twist. *UHDW÷OOHGZLWKDPLQXWHVWHDNDQGIULHGRQLRQV 48x140g 0.63 £30.25 V Focaccia Square – Part Baked A square, dimpled Italian bread roll ideal for gourmet sandwiches, or as an accompaniment to soups or salads. ÝORQJ[ÝZLGH[ÝKLJK 40x100g 0.68 £27.00 40x100g 0.76 £30.50 Caesar Tasca Italian Style Bread Pockets 24x100g Fully baked, folded soft bread pocket with cracked pepper and ,WDOLDQFKHHVHWRSSLQJ6LPSO\WKDZDQG÷OO×FDQEHVHUYHGFROG warm or toasted panini style. 0.62 £14.98 24x100g 0.62 £14.98 V Red Onion Tasca Italian Style Bread Pockets 24x100g Fully baked, folded soft bread pocket with tasty red onion pieces. 6LPSO\WKDZDQG÷OO×FDQEHVHUYHGFROGZDUPRUWRDVWHGSDQLQLVW\OH 0.62 £14.98 V Durum Square Bread Rolls – Baked White, ready baked square cob made from durum wheat which JLYHVWKHEUHDGDIUHVKVSULQJ\WH[WXUH×SUHVOLFHG 36x125g 0.72 £26.00 66636 V Multigrain Square Bread Rolls – Baked Wholegrain brown square rolls, ready sliced and topped with sesame seeds, linseed and poppy seeds. 36x125g 0.72 £26.00 61402 V Rye Square Bread Rolls – Baked Coarse sandwich bread baked with rye and wholegrain wheat øRXUVSULQNOHGZLWKUROOHGRDWV×SUHVOLFHG 36x125g 0.72 £26.00 7121 11550 V 57538 V Red Tractor Olive & Oregano Focaccia Rolls – Baked +DQGGLSSHGLQH[WUDYLUJLQROLYHRLOWKDWKDVEHHQLQIXVHGZLWK herbs for a fragrant aroma and crisp crust. 89788 V 43158 V Plain Tasca Italian Style Bread Pockets )XOO\EDNHGIROGHGVRIWEUHDGSRFNHW6LPSO\WKDZDQG÷OO× FDQEHVHUYHGFROGZDUPRUWRDVWHGSDQLQLVW\OH 20686 44802 29372 42629 7121 89788 12 Your Partner in Restauration Bread Plain Rolls for Filling Code Product Americana White Sliced Floured Baps – 5” Unit Size Ptn Price [Ý e [Ý e 42071 NEW 62259 V %UHDNIDVW0XI÷Q5ROOVÝ×%DNHG 3087 V Sandwich Softie Rolls 6.5” – Baked 9x6 0.34 £18.55 18310 V Mighty White Floured Baps 6” – Baked [Ý e 38350 V Malted Grain Sliced Baps 5” – Baked [Ý e 48121 V Floured White Sliced Baps 4” – Baked [Ý e 3910 V White Sliced Sandwich Buns 5” – Baked [Ý e 1091 V White Sliced Sandwich Buns 4” – Baked [Ý e 7466 V Maize Topped Oval Baps – Baked 56x65g 0.26 £14.50 Unit Size Ptn Price V 42071 Classic Burger Buns and Hot Dog Rolls Code Product 68783 NEW V Sliced Seeded Brioche Burger Buns – 4.5” 1x48 0.40 £19.20 39726 NEW V Sliced Brioche Burger Buns – 4.5” 1x48 0.40 £19.20 45x90g 0.75 £33.75 67490 NEW V Red Tractor Glazed Brioche Buns 4” – Baked 5H÷QHGEXUJHUEXQVPDGHZLWKIUHHUDQJHHJJVDQGEXWWHU 47518 V Red Tractor Mini Brioche Slider Buns – Approx 2.5” 60x20g 0.30 £18.00 8256 V Red Tractor Mini Burger Buns – Approx 2.5” 60x30g 0.25 £14.95 48370 V Gourmet Americana Kaiser Burger Buns 5” [Ý e 1074 V Seeded Sliced Burger Buns 4” [Ý e 1033 V Seeded Sliced Burger Buns 5” [Ý e 65194 V Brioche Hot Dog Rolls Unsliced – Approx 6.5” 36x67g 0.45 £16.20 87885 V Brioche Hot Dog Rolls Sliced – Approx 8.5” 32x115g 0.50 £16.00 41666 V Hot Dog Rolls Side Sliced 5” [Ý e 64759 V Jumbo Hot Dog Rolls Top Sliced 7” [Ý e 38463 V Jumbo Hot Dog Rolls Side Sliced 8.5” 4x12 0.31 £14.90 68783 67490 8256 48370 13 14 Your Partner in Restauration Bread Baguette Selection Code Product 84203 Ptn Price V Barra Gallega Media Baguettes – Part Baked 50x125g Traditional stoned baked Spanish style white half baguettes with a light, open crumb and thin crust. 0.58 £29.20 69239 V Barra Gallega Paysan Baguettes – Part Baked 50x125g Traditional stone baked Spanish style wholemeal half baguettes with a thin crust and open crumb. 0.60 £29.95 21332 V Heritage Sourdough Baguettes Levain – Part Baked 70x130g Inspired by the traditional French boulangerie, rustic sourdough half baguettes with square ends. This open textured white bread LVPDGHZLWKWKH÷QHVWZKHDWDQGU\HøRXUV 0.55 £38.50 V Heritage Multicereal Sourdough Baguettes – Part Baked 70x130g Inspired by the traditional French boulangerie, rustic sourdough KDOIEDJXHWWHVHQULFKHGZLWKDEOHQGRIVHVDPHVXQøRZHUDQG EURZQøD[VHHGVZLWKRDWDQGPDOWøDNHV 0.65 £45.50 13171 Unit Size 84203 & 69239 5322 V White Mini French Baguettes 6.5” – Part Baked 45x90g 0.25 £11.25 60129 V Malted Wheat Baguettes 10” – Part Baked 30x135g 0.46 £13.80 23030 V White Baguettes 10” – Part Baked 30x135g 0.37 £11.10 14094 V White Large Baguettes 20” – Part Baked 20x220g 0.66 £13.20 22340 V Harvester Baguettes 10” – Baked 40x130g 0.45 £17.98 63404 V White Rustic Half Baguettes 11” – Baked 30x115g 0.40 £11.95 Unit Size Ptn Price 24x230g 1.10 £26.40 15x270g 41232 V Red Tractor Rustic Round Sourdough Loaves – Baked %HDXWLIXOO\÷QLVKHGKDQGPDGHEUHDGZLWKDVOLJKWWDQJ\øDYRXU great for sandwiches and bruschetta. 1.56 £28.00 2.10 £18.90 15x290g 52493 V Red Tractor Walnut Bloomer Loaves – Baked 'HOLFLRXVVXEWOHøDYRXUJUHDWIRUVDQGZLFKHVRUDVDQDFFRPSDQLPHQW WRFKHHVHRUS¤W« 2.27 £34.00 29913 V Red Tractor Focaccia & Rosemary Quarter Loaves – Baked 18x290g :KROHURXQGIRFDFFLDORDIøDYRXUHGZLWKURVHPDU\×IRXUSRUWLRQV per loaf. 1.94 £35.00 V Red Tractor Three Grain Star Loaves – Baked 15x290g /DUJHURXQGORDIPDGHZLWKPXOWLJUDLQøRXUZLWKH[WUDVHHGVDQG øDNHVDGGHGIRUDSSHDUDQFHDQGøDYRXU$SSUR[SRUWLRQVSHUORDI 2.57 £38.62 9x430g 65655 V Red Tractor Pugliese Italian Bread – Baked )XOO\EDNHGKDQGPDGHEUHDGZLWKH[WUDYLUJLQROLYHRLODQGDORQJ VORZGRXEOHIHUPHQWDWLRQIRUDJUHDWHUGHSWKRIøDYRXU 2.94 £26.50 8x600g 47005 V Red Tractor Sun Dried Tomato Bread – Baked )XOO\EDNHGKDQGPDGHEUHDGIXOORIWKHøDYRXUVRIWKHPHGLWHUUDQHDQ 6HUYHDVDQDFFRPSDQLPHQWWRSDVWDVDODGVVRXSRUS¤W« 3.68 £29.45 21332 Large Sharing and Speciality Loaves Code Product 86225 V Ciabatta Loaves – Baked ,WDOLDQVW\OHRSHQWH[WXUHGEUHDGIXOO\EDNHGIRUFRQYHQLHQFH 14793 9275 V Brioche Loaves – Baked 9x280g French style bread enriched with extra egg and butter for a rich øDYRXU,GHDOVHUYHGZLWKEUHDNIDVWRULQEUHDGDQGEXWWHUSXGGLQJ 22340 52493 29913 15 16 Your Partner in Restauration 17 Bread Sliced Loaves and Bloomer Bread Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 3484 V Fletcher’s Medium Sliced Brown Loaf Each 0.07 £1.59 3483 V Fletcher’s Medium Sliced White Loaf Each 0.07 £1.59 3912 V Fletcher’s Thick Sliced Brown Loaf Each 0.09 £1.59 3505 V Fletcher’s Thick Sliced White Loaf Each 0.09 £1.59 4961 NEW V Jackson’s Thick Sliced White Loaves 1x10 0.11 £16.95 23673 NEW V Jackson’s Thick Sliced Malted Loaves 1x10 0.11 £17.50 55903 NEW V Jackson’s Sliced White Bloomers 1x6 0.18 £15.42 1101 NEW V Jackson’s Sliced Malted Bloomers 1x6 0.19 £15.92 75066 V Thick Sliced Malted Bloomers 1x5 0.14 £12.20 46037 V Thick Sliced White Bloomers 1x5 0.13 £11.50 22154 V Extra Thick Sliced Malted Bloomers 1x5 0.15 £12.20 32922 V Extra Thick Sliced White Bloomers 1x5 0.14 £11.50 14897 V Un-Cut White Bloomers 1x8 2.50 £20.00 82295 V Un-Cut Wholemeal Bloomers 1x8 2.63 £21.00 32612 NEW 1x6 0.42 £29.92 60158 V 4x600g 4.23 £16.92 Unit Size Ptn Price V GF Genius Sliced White Loaves GF Un-Cut Gluten Free White Loaves 3505 32612 Bagels and Tortillas Code Product 83554 V Mini Plain Bagels 60x35g 0.30 £18.00 65298 V Plain Bagels 48x115g 0.35 £16.80 1994 V Cheese & Jalapeño Bagels 48x115g 0.45 £21.60 44364 V Multiseed Bagels 48x115g 0.45 £21.60 86874 V Poppy Seed Bagels 48x115g 0.40 £19.20 68846 V Sesame Bagels 48x115g 0.40 £19.20 27349 V Sundried Tomato & Black Olive Bagels 48x115g 0.45 £21.60 9488 V Cinnamon & Raisin Bagels 48x115g 0.45 £21.60 10813 V Flour Tortillas 6” 10x15 0.09 £12.98 99206 V Flour Tortillas 10” 5x10 0.19 £9.50 22512 V Flour Tortillas 12” 10x10 0.27 £27.28 16623 V Multi Bran Tortillas 12” 4x18 0.33 £23.62 3724 V Spinach Tortillas 10” 5x10 0.30 £14.95 3728 V Tomato Tortillas 10” 5x10 0.30 £14.95 61592 V Pancakes for Crispy Duck 17x6 0.05 £5.20 44364 86874 10813 18 Your Partner in Restauration 19 20 Your Partner in Restauration Bread Garlic Bread, Naan, Pitta and Flatbread Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 41287 V Garlic & Herb Doughballs Unbaked 200x17g 0.18 £35.00 59367 V Garlic Bread Slices 150x28g 0.13 £19.92 59662 V Garlic Ciabatta Splits 150x60g 0.28 £42.60 69231 V Oval Garlic Flatbreads 1x45 0.60 £27.00 18121 V Teardrop Plain Naan Bread 24x75g 0.35 £8.40 73251 V Plain Teardrop Naan Bread 24x130g 0.58 £13.85 7896 V Garlic & Coriander Teardrop Naan Bread 24x140g 0.62 £14.90 68741 V White Pitta Bread 12x6 0.18 £12.92 46184 V Wholemeal Pitta Bread 12x6 0.17 £12.25 4751 NEW 24x80g 0.41 £9.90 V Folded Naan Flatbread 41287 59367 69231 Folded Naan Flatbread 21 Vegetables, Rice and Starters Make the starters and sides on your menu irresistible with our appetizing options. Our lighter choices and sharing platters are a great ZD\WRWHPSWWKRVHFXVWRPHUVZKRQRUPDOO\VNLSWKH÷UVWFRXUVH 23 Coated Onion Rings 29 %DNHG<RUNVKLUH3XGGLQJVDQG6WXI÷QJ%DOOV 23 Asparagus, Beans and Broccoli 30 Potato Specialities 23 &DEEDJH&DUURWVDQG&DXOLøRZHU 35 French Fries 26 Leeks, Mushrooms and Onions 35 Baked Potatoes 26 Mixed Vegetables 38 Starters – Frozen Soup 26 Peas and Parsnips 40-41 Starters – Vegetarian 29 Spinach, Sprouts, Swede and Sweetcorn 41 Starters – Meat 29 Speciality Vegetable Mixes 43 Starters – Fish 29 Rice We Recommend 22 51712 Carrot & Swede Mash 19649 Sweet Potato Fries 45697 Trio of Smoked Salmon Terrine Page 29 Page 30 Page 43 Your Partner in Restauration Vegetables, Rice and Starters Coated Onion Rings Code Product 88264 Giant Beer Battered Natural Onion Rings Unit Size Ptn Price 1kg 0.35 £6.95 20063 V Beer Battered Natural Onion Rings 1kg 0.90 £9.00 25045 V Beer Battered Natural Onion Rings 1kg 0.57 £6.79 43324 V Battered Natural Onion Rings 1kg 0.56 £6.75 2289 V Breaded Natural Onion Rings 500g 0.58 £3.50 6835 V Battered Reformed Onion Rings 1kg 0.30 £3.55 21286 V Breaded Reformed Onion Rings 1kg 0.33 £3.96 Unit Size Ptn Price 88264 Asparagus, Beans and Broccoli Code Product 3426 V GF Asparagus Spears 1kg 0.82 £11.50 5670 V GF British Sliced Green Beans 1kg 0.14 £1.98 2605 V GF Fine Whole Beans 2.5kg 0.15 £5.30 7029 V GF Broad Beans 1kg 0.23 £3.20 7036 V GF Broccoli Florets 1kg 0.17 £2.40 Unit Size Ptn Price 2289 Cabbage, Carrots and Cauliflower Code Product 82590 V GF Chopped Savoy Cabbage 1kg 0.22 £2.20 2061 V GF Chopped Cabbage 1kg 0.14 £1.95 36938 V GF British Diced Carrots 1kg 0.09 £1.32 7039 V GF Carrot Rings 1kg 0.10 £1.35 1288 V GF Carrot Batons 1kg 0.11 £1.60 4396 V GF Baby Carrots 1kg 0.13 £1.82 5667 V GF &DXOLøRZHU)ORUHWV 1kg 0.15 £2.10 97421 V GF /DUJH&DXOLøRZHU)ORUHWV0XOWL3DFN 4x2.5kg 0.15 £21.00 5670 82590 36938 23 24 Your Partner in Restauration 25 Vegetables, Rice and Starters Leeks, Mushrooms and Onions Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 7037 V GF Cut Leeks 1kg 0.14 £1.98 12195 V GF Forest Mushroom Mix 1kg 1.29 £6.45 8303 V GF Sliced Mushrooms 1kg 0.25 £3.00 5531 V GF Whole Small Silverskin Onions 1kg 0.21 £3.00 57184 V GF Sliced Onions 1kg 0.15 £2.15 7037 Mixed Vegetables Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 67784 V GF Red & Yellow Baby Plum Tomato Halves 600g 0.85 £8.45 42687 V GF Mediterranean Grilled Vegetables 2.5kg 0.43 £14.92 77022 V GF Oriental Stir Fry Vegetable Mix 1kg 0.23 £3.00 3770 V GF Diced Mixed Red & Green Peppers 1kg 0.21 £3.00 4514 V GF Sliced Mixed Red & Green Pepper Strips 1kg 0.21 £3.00 2182 V GF Country Mixed Vegetables 1kg 0.16 £2.20 45572 V GF Standard Mixed Vegetables 1kg 0.14 £1.95 44837 V GF Ratatouille Vegetable Mix 2.5kg 0.17 £5.90 80266 V GF Stewpack Casserole Mix 1kg 0.21 £2.12 Peas and Parsnips Code 42687 3770 Product Unit Size Ptn Price 5665 V GF Petit Pois 1kg 0.18 £2.50 7234 V GF British Garden Peas 1kg 0.16 £2.20 5669 V GF Red Tractor British Luxury Garden Peas 1kg 0.16 £2.30 5668 V GF Fancy British Peas Multi Pack 4x2.5kg 0.15 £21.00 2027 V GF British Minted Peas 1kg 0.18 £2.50 89740 V GF Lockwoods Mushy Peas 1kg 0.14 £1.95 5512 V GF Whole Baby Parsnips 1kg 0.21 £2.96 27585 V GF Honey Glazed Roast Parsnips 600g 0.33 £2.60 5665 89740 26 Your Partner in Restauration &DXOLøRZHU)ORUHWV 27 28 Your Partner in Restauration Vegetables, Rice and Starters Spinach, Sprouts, Swede and Sweetcorn Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 7048 V GF Leaf Spinach Portions 1kg 0.15 £2.15 2058 V GF Button Sprouts 1kg 0.14 £2.00 5082 V GF Diced Swede 1kg 0.12 £1.65 79873 NEW GF Corn Cob Halves 1kg 3.50 £3.50 79924 V GF Mini Roasted Corn Cobs 2kg 12.80 £12.80 66239 V GF Sweetcorn Kernels 1kg 0.18 £2.50 13331 V GF Whole Baby Corn 1kg 0.38 £5.00 V 2058 Speciality Vegetable Mixes Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 51712 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Carrot & Swede Mash Sweet mash of carrot and swede for a tasty side dish. Approx 41x60g discs per 2.5kg for easy portion control. 2.5kg 0.22 £9.00 2.5kg 0.21 £8.50 Unit Size Ptn Price 44496 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Colcannon Mashed Potato 79873 An irresistible buttery mash with cabbage and onion. Approx 41x60g discs per bag for easy portion control. Rice Code Product 13101 V GF Long Grain White Rice 2kg 0.43 £4.30 13403 V GF Easy Cook White Rice – Micro Packs 36x200g 0.50 £17.92 19589 V GF Easy Cook Basmati Rice – Micro Packs 36x200g 0.47 £16.92 44496 Baked Yorkshire Puddings and Stuffing Balls Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 52421 V Aunt Bessie’s Yorkshire Puddings 2” 1x240 0.08 £19.95 1131 V Aunt Bessie’s Yorkshire Puddings 3” 1x60 0.17 £9.95 3694 V Aunt Bessie’s Yorkshire Puddings 4” 1x60 0.23 £13.95 61421 V Aunt Bessie’s Yorkshire Puddings 6” 1x28 0.57 £15.95 53568 V Aunt Bessie’s Yorkshire Puddings 7” 1x20 0.70 £13.95 4612 V 6DJH2QLRQ6WXI÷QJ%DOOV 1x160 0.10 £16.72 52421 4612 29 Vegetables, Rice and Starters Potato Specialities Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 45097 V McCain Classics Crispy Roast Potatoes 4x2.5kg 0.28 £27.95 6465 V McCain Classics Southern Spicy Wedges 2.5kg 0.33 £8.30 2070 V GF McCain Classics Country Style Diced Potatoes 2.27kg 0.30 £6.55 2484 V McCain Classics Savoury Herb Diced Potatoes 2.5kg 0.29 £7.35 2160 V McCain Classics Spicy Spiral Fries 4x2kg 0.32 £25.95 2128 V GF 0F&DLQ&ODVVLFV0LQL3RWDWR:DIøHV 907g 0.38 £3.40 2149 V GF McCain Classics Potato Smiles 907g 0.38 £3.40 24276 V GF McCain Classics Hash Browns 1kg 0.15 £3.25 33993 V GF McCain Signature Roast Potatoes 2.5kg 0.08 £7.95 98875 V GF McCain Signature Potato Rosti 1.52kg 0.38 £6.00 19649 V McCain Signature Sweet Potato Fries 4x2.5kg 0.83 £41.55 9544 V GF McCain Simply Roast Potatoes 2.5kg 0.30 £7.55 60710 V GF McCain Simply Potato for Mash 2.5kg 0.30 £7.55 67915 V GF McCain Simply Plain Potato Wedges 2.5kg 0.76 £7.55 37327 V GF McCain Simply Sliced Potato 2.5kg 0.76 £7.55 24021 V GF McCain Simply Diced Potato 2.5kg 0.76 £7.55 73369 V GF Farm Frites Luxury Mashed Potato 4x2.5kg 0.21 £20.92 73886 V GF Farm Frites Mashed Potato 4x2.5kg 0.17 £16.55 25541 V GF Farm Frites Seasoned Potato Wedges 2.5kg 0.18 £4.50 88774 V GF Farm Frites Sauté Potato Slices 2.5kg 0.20 £5.00 52202 V GF Farm Frites Hash Browns 2.5kg 0.20 £4.90 21750 NEW 4x2.5kg 0.18 £17.98 8178 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Traditional Roast Potatoes 2.27kg 0.30 £6.60 2101 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Baked Potato Shells Large 1x80 0.40 £32.00 4849 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Baked Potato Skins Small 1x140 0.26 £37.00 27291 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Potato Dipping Strips 1.5kg 0.60 £9.00 73331 V GF Lamb Weston Sweet Potato Fries 4x2.5kg 0.80 £39.95 20145 V Lamb Weston Crispy Herb Diced Potatoes 2.5kg 0.11 £5.00 11482 V Lamb Weston Seasoned Skin On Wedges 4x2.5kg 0.17 £17.35 2566 V GF Lamb Weston Jacket Wedges Skin On 2.5kg 0.17 £4.25 3534 V Lamb Weston Seasoned Twisters 4x2.5kg 0.23 £22.50 4774 V Lamb Weston Savoury Seasoned Crisscuts 4x2.5kg 0.23 £23.00 14758 V GF Lamb Weston Hash Browns 1kg 0.20 £1.95 39330 V GF Lamb Weston Homestyle Mashed Potato 2.5kg 0.20 £4.95 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Skin On Roasting Potatoes 2484 33993 21750 73331 3534 30 Your Partner in Restauration 31 32 Your Partner in Restauration 33 34 Your Partner in Restauration Vegetables, Rice and Starters French Fries Unit Size Ptn Price 65712 Code Product V GF McCain Classics Thin Cut 3/8 Chips 4x2.27kg – POA 67330 V GF McCain Classics Medium Cut Freeze Chill 7/16 Chips 4x2.27kg – POA 56109 V GF McCain Classics Thick Cut Freeze Chill 9/16 Chips 4x2.27kg – POA 3166 V GF McCain Classics Authentic Chippy Chips 4x2.27kg – POA 77460 V GF McCain Classics Beefeater Chips 4x2.27kg – POA 64473 V GF McCain Signature Skin on Julienne Fries 4x2.5kg – POA 20435 V GF McCain Signature Thick Gastro Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 73279 V McCain Signature 9/16 Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 27909 V GF McCain Signature Gastro Chunky Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 34071 V McCain Signature Gourmet Fries 4x2.5kg – POA 12810 V GF McCain Signature Rustic Fries 4x2.5kg – POA 24126 V McCain Signature Staycrisp Fries 4x2.27kg – POA 39523 NEW 4x2.5kg – POA 4962 V GF Lamb Weston Freeze Chill Chips 7/16 4x2.5kg – POA 3500 V GF Lamb Weston Freeze Chill Chips 9/16 4x2.5kg – POA 66074 V GF Lamb Weston Freeze Chill Chips 18x18 6x2.5kg – POA 41697 V GF Lamb Weston Stealth Fries 9x9 4x2.5kg – POA 54791 V GF Lamb Weston Stealth Fries 13x13 4x2.5kg – POA 70086 V GF Lamb Weston Skin on Stealth Fries 11/11 4x2.5kg – POA 47628 V GF Lamb Weston Skin on Stealth Fries 6x6 4x2.5kg – POA 5659 V GF Farm Frites 3/8 Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 5479 V GF Farm Frites 7/16 Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 5662 V GF Farm Frites 9/16 Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 9601 V GF Farm Frites Home Style Rustic Chips 6x2.5kg – POA 87816 V GF Farm Frites Shoestring Chips 5x2.5kg – POA V GF Lamb Weston Connoisseur Chunky Fries 5663 V GF Farm Frites Steakhouse Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 73136 V GF Farm Frites Oven Chips 4x2.5kg – POA 27922 V GF Farm Frites Bravi Fries 12mm 4x2.5kg – POA 85729 V GF Farm Frites Bravi Fries 15mm 4x2.5kg – POA 79363 V GF Farm Frites Bravi Steakhouse Fries 4x2.5kg – POA Baked Potatoes Code 64758 V 27909 39523 5662 Product NEW 67330 GF McCain Signature Jacket Potatoes Unit Size Ptn Price 3x1.64kg 1.15 £20.70 – Approx 270g 2678 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Standard Baked Potatoes – Approx 200-255g 40x200g 0.60 £24.00 4435 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Large Baked Potatoes – Approx 225-280g 35x225g 0.77 £27.00 2679 V GF Bannisters’ Farm Extra Large Baked Potatoes – Approx 280-340g 30x280g 0.97 £29.00 64758 35 36 Your Partner in Restauration 37 Vegetables, Rice and Starters Starters – Frozen Soup Code Unit Size Ptn Price 78290 GF Frozen Beef & Potato Soup A traditional recipe using Lakeland beef with British root YHJHWDEOHV$SSUR[SRUWLRQVSHUNJWXE8VHZLWKLQGD\V of opening. 2x2kg 1.08 £17.32 52380 V GF Frozen Carrot & Coriander Soup $OLYHO\FRPELQDWLRQRIFDUURWRUDQJHFRULDQGHUDQGFXPLQ Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 2x2kg 0.78 £12.50 37825 Frozen Chicken & Vegetable Soup 2x2kg Popular combination of chicken enriched with stock and YHJHWDEOHVZLWKDWRXFKRIFUHDP$SSUR[SRUWLRQVSHUNJWXE Use within 3 days of opening. 0.94 £14.98 V GF Frozen Creamy Potato & Double Gloucester Soup 2x2kg Light in colour with a creamy appearance with chunks of potato DQGDFUHDP\FKHHVHøDYRXUZLWKDFKLOOLNLFN$SSUR[SRUWLRQV per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.78 £12.50 V GF Frozen Healthy Vegetable & Lentil Soup 2x2kg A hearty and wholesome blend of smooth lentils and chunky potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and green beans. Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.78 £12.50 2x2kg 61279 V GF Frozen Leek & Potato Soup &ODVVLFøDYRXURIVZHHWOHHNVDQGSRWDWRHVPDNHDYHU\VDWLVI\LQJ soup. Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.78 £12.50 2x2kg 83309 V Frozen Minestrone Soup ,WDOLDQVW\OHVRXSIXOORIYHJHWDEOHVFDQQHOOLQLEHDQVDQGVXEWOH herbs. Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.75 £11.92 2x2kg 59848 V GF Frozen Minted Pea Soup 9LEUDQWVRXSZLWKDVXEWOHPLQWøDYRXUDQGDQDGGHGVZHHWQHVV from the inclusion of apples. Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.78 £12.50 GF Frozen Pea & Ham Soup 2x2kg $QLFHFRQVLVWHQF\ZLWKDW\SLFDOSHDøDYRXUDQGVOLJKWVPRNLQHVV of ham. Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.78 £12.50 2x2kg 67867 V GF Frozen Tuscan Tomato & Basil Soup &UHDP\VRXSZLWKDIXOOWRPDWRøDYRXUDQGDKLQWRIUHGSHSSHU and basil. Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.78 £12.50 V GF Frozen Wild Mushroom Soup Intensely rich and creamy mushroom soup with a hint of garlic. Approx 8 portions per 2kg tub. Use within 3 days of opening. 0.94 £14.98 35866 4008 4432 80055 Product 2x2kg 52380 37825 59848 67867 80055 38 Your Partner in Restauration 39 Vegetables, Rice and Starters Starters – Vegetarian Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 50128 NEW V GF Pressed Goats Cheese & Potato Terrine Combination of goats cheese, potato and garlic terrine. 12x75g 1.15 £13.80 17510 NEW V Beetroot Falafel Balls – Approx 10g 700g A mix of beetroot, chickpeas, red peppers and spices formed into IDODIHOEDOOV*UHDWVHUYHGDVDVWDUWHUZLWKIUXLW\FKXWQH\RURQ top of salads with feta or goats cheese. 0.14 £9.95 1.95 £31.20 68688 V Provencale Tomato & Mascarpone Tarts &KHHVHSDVWU\WDUW÷OOHGZLWKPDVFDUSRQHSURYHQFDOHWRPDWR sauce and topped with roasted tomato. 16x140g 50128 7875 V Goats Cheese & Red Onion Tarts 3DVWU\WDUWOHW÷OOHGZLWKUHGRQLRQFRQ÷WDQGJRDWVFKHHVH topped with goats cheese and spring onion crumble. 12x97g 2.05 £24.60 78845 V Crispy Brie Wedges Brie triangles coated in golden breadcrumbs. 1x24 0.64 £15.35 34948 V Breaded Mini Camembert Rounds Mini rounds of camembert cheese coated in a crispy crumb. Approx 10 per pack. 500g 0.77 £7.72 4068 V Brie & Mango Parcels $FRQWUDVWRIPDQJRDQGEULHZUDSSHGLQ÷ORSDVWU\ 25x30g 0.69 £17.25 67688 V Fig & Goats Cheese Parcels 6ZHHWDQGMXLF\÷JVZLWKFRQWUDVWLQJJRDWVFKHHVHøDYRXUHG with herbs and wrapped in crispy pastry. 25x30g 0.70 £17.60 0.31 £9.95 1kg 62502 V Macaroni Cheese Bites 0DFDURQLDQGFKHHVHLQFULVS\EUHDGFUXPEVDYHUDJHSHUNLOR V Breaded Crispy Button Mushrooms Whole, button mushrooms in crispy breadcrumbs. 6XLWDEOHIRUYHJDQV 900g 0.57 £5.15 900g 0.64 £5.75 V Crispy Coated Garlic Mushrooms Whole mushrooms with garlic, coated in crispy breadcrumbs. $SSUR[SHUEDJ6XLWDEOHIRUYHJDQV 6061 V Crispy Coated Flat Mushroom Dippers 6OLFHGODUJHøDWPXVKURRPVLQDOLJKWDQGFULVS\FRDWLQJ 1kg 0.62 £6.19 86748 V Garlic & Herb Stuffed Sweet Cherry Peppers 1kg Sweet cherry peppers stuffed with garlic and herb cream cheese ZLWKDVDYRXU\EUHDGFUXPEFRDWLQJ$SSUR[SHUSDFN 0.33 £19.75 3992 V Breaded Cream Cheese Jalapeño Peppers +DOYHG0H[LFDQJUHHQMDODSH³RSHSSHUVVWXIIHGZLWKFUHDP cheese and coated in a crunchy crumb. Approx 32 per pack. 1kg 0.36 £12.00 24981 V Gruyère Cheese & Beer Croquettes Made with gruyère cheese and a light blond beer, coated in a FULVS\FUXPEO\UXVWLFRDWøHFNHGFUXPE,GHDOIRUVWDUWHUVDQG sharing platters. 50x48g 0.52 £25.92 1088 V Onion Bhajis 25x70g )UHVKVOLFHGRQLRQLQDVSLFHGJDUDPøRXUEDWWHUIULHGXQWLOFULVS and golden. 0.70 £17.42 1580 V Vegetable Spring Rolls A mixture of beansprouts, celery, sweetcorn, red pepper, peas and onion in a crispy pancake roll. 0.50 £19.80 2057 3806 68688 67688 40x90g 3806 3992 40 Your Partner in Restauration Vegetables, Rice and Starters Starters – Vegetarian continued Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 1583 V Large Vegetable Samosas 7UDGLWLRQDOPL[WXUHRIVSLFHGYHJHWDEOHVLQFULVS\SDVWU\ 40x70g 0.50 £19.85 2386 V Tempura Vegetable Mix 1kg A mix of carrot batons, green beans, baby corn and red and green peppers in a light tempura coating. Approx 85 pieces per 1kg. 0.83 £8.32 17528 V GF Guacamole Supreme – Avocado Dip 1kg 0.30 £9.58 1298 V GF Goats Cheese Discs 42mm 500g 0.13 £9.00 2386 Starters – Meat Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 30835 NEW GF Pressed Ham Hock, Split Pea & Parsley Terrine Traditional pressed terrine packed with tender ham hock, VSOLWSHDVøDWOHDISDUVOH\DQGDKLQWRIJUDLQPXVWDUG 12x90g 2.30 £27.60 NEW GF 3UHVVHG'XFN&RQ÷W&KLFNHQ:LOG Mushroom Terrine 7UDGLWLRQDOSUHVVHGWHUULQHRIFRQ÷WGXFNURDVWFKLFNHQDQG wild mushrooms. 12x90g 2.40 £28.80 NEW GF Pressed Chicken & Sun Blushed Tomato and Black Olive Terrine Traditional pressed terrine of roasted chicken, sun blushed WRPDWRHVROLYHVEDVLODQGJDUOLF 12x90g 2.20 £26.40 12x85g 31723 GF Duck Parfait with Orange & Cointreau Glaze 5LFKGXFNOLYHUSDUIDLWZLWKIUHVK]HVW\RUDQJHZLWKD&RLQWUHDXJOD]H 1.45 £17.40 1187 GF Chicken Liver Parfait with Redcurrant Spiced Cordial 12x85g 6PRRWKFKLFNHQSDUIDLWZLWK÷QHKHUEVWRSSHGZLWKDUHGFXUUDQW and spiced cordial glaze. 1.45 £17.40 5373 GF Coarse Game & Port Wine Pâté 12x85g $WDVWHRIWKHFRXQWU\YHQLVRQSKHDVDQWDQGGXFNEOHQGHGZLWK D÷QHSRUWZLQH 1.40 £16.80 5374 GF Duck & Orange Parfait 12x85g &LWUXVRUDQJHDQGIUHVKKHUEVLQDGHOLFLRXVGXFNSDUIDLW÷QLVKHG ZLWKD÷QHRUDQJHJOD]H 1.40 £16.80 4x690g 54159 GF Farmhouse Pâté 0HGLXPFRDUVHFKLFNHQOLYHUS¤W«øDYRXUHGZLWKFLGHUUHGZLQH garlic and herbs. 0.61 £24.20 2959 60x20g 0.26 £15.45 73601 Minted Lamb Koftas Fully cooked lamb kebab koftas in a mint glaze. 60x30g 0.50 £29.70 30966 Mini Duck Spring Rolls 0LQLVSULQJUROOV÷OOHGZLWKGXFNYHJHWDEOHVDQGKRLVLQVDXFH 90x20g 0.33 £30.00 4850 30x50g 0.78 £23.35 43110 46487 Cooked Chicken Satay 5HDG\FRRNHGFKLFNHQVDWD\VHUYHRUVWLFNV Lamb Samosas )UHVKPLQFHGODPEDQGYHJHWDEOHVEOHQGHGZLWKVSLFHVDQG wrapped in crisp Oriental pastry. 43110 5373 54159 73601 41 Breaded Lemon Sole Goujons 42 Your Partner in Restauration Vegetables, Rice and Starters Starters – Fish Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 12x85g 45697 GF Trio of Smoked Salmon Terrine Smoked salmon base topped with kiln hot smoked salmon parfait ZLWKDFHQWUHRIPXVWDUGGLOOYLQDLJUHWWH÷QLVKHGZLWKVPRNHG salmon and dill mousse. 1.70 £20.40 78330 GF Smoked Mackerel Parfait with Wholegrain Mustard Glaze 12x85g West Country oak roasted mackerel parfait with parsley and wholegrain mustard glaze. 1.47 £17.58 23744 Spicy Mini Crab Cakes 48x30g 0DGHIURPDEOHQGRIZKLWHDQGEURZQFUDEPHDWøDYRXUHG with mayonnaise, mustard, celery and a hint of cayenne pepper. &RDWHGLQQDWXUDOEUHDGFUXPEVøHFNHGZLWKFRULDQGHUOHDI 0.48 £22.98 4459 Mini Crab Cakes Crab cakes made with West Country brown and white crab meat and Alaskan pollock, coated with a crispy coriander øDYRXUHGEUHDGFUXPE 24x56g 0.70 £16.72 Crispy Crumbed Blanchbait Lightly crumbed blanchbait, delicious with citrus mayonnaise. 454g 0.70 £3.50 51239 Battered Cod Fillet Goujons 35x66g 6NLQOHVVERQHOHVVFRG÷OOHWJRXMRQVHQUREHGLQDEXEEO\EDWWHU 0.50 £17.50 18798 Beer Battered Cod Fillet Goujons 3ULPHVNLQQHGDQGERQHGFRG÷OOHWLQDOLJKWEHHUEDWWHU Approx 40-45 per kg. 1kg 1.09 £10.92 38334 Breaded Lemon Sole Goujons 6WULSVRIGHOLFDWHOHPRQVROH÷OOHWLQDOLJKWFULVS\FUXPE 454g 1.69 £8.45 63550 Breaded Plaice Goujons 6WULSVRISODLFH÷OOHWFRDWHGLQOLJKWDQGFULVS\EUHDGFUXPEV Approx 22 per pack. 450g 1.00 £4.98 4149 500g 0.15 £4.42 8892 Battered Reformed Squid Rings Formed pieces of squid, coated in a light and crispy batter. Approx 30 per 500g. 45697 78330 23744 52613 Panko Coated Squid Rings Premium squid rings in a coarse Japanese crumb. Approx 21 per 700g pack. 700g 0.52 £10.97 47846 Salt & Pepper Squid Chunks Premium ‘pineapple cut’ squid chunks in a light, crispy salt and pepper coating. 1kg 0.31 £15.65 8892 63550 43 Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Create your own signature dishes that keep customers coming back. Add a twist to comfort food favourites or prepare your own elegant seafood or meat free options. You supply the ideas and we’ll supply the ingredients. 45 Luxury Fishcakes 57 Burgers, Grills and Ribs 45 Uncoated Prawns 61 3RXU2YHU6DXFHV 50 Coated Scampi and Prawns 61 Uncooked Chicken 50 &KRLFH6KHOO÷VK 61 Ready Cooked Chicken and Duck 50 Fish – Speciality Slices, Steaks and Fillets 62 Coated Chicken Fillets and Burgers 53 Fish Fillets – Cod, Haddock, Plaice and Pollock 62 Chicken Nuggets, Goujons and Strips 53-54 Coated Fish Fillets and Platters 62 Kids’ Chicken and Turkey Snacks 54 Kids’ Fish Snacks 63 Vegetarian Burgers, Sausages and Snacks 57 Bacon and Sausages 63 Quorn We Recommend 44 45373 Coconut Prawns 6889 &DMXQ%XWWHUø\ Chicken Breast 40790 Peppercorn Sauce Page 50 Page 61 Page 61 Your Partner in Restauration Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Luxury Fishcakes Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 63790 NEW GF Smoked Haddock, Mozzarella & Spring Onion Fishcakes Delicious blend of smoked haddock, mozzarella, spring onion DQGSRWDWRFRDWHGLQFULVS\JOXWHQIUHHEUHDGFUXPEVøHFNHG with gluten free oats. 24x100g 0.96 £22.96 16733 Sea Bass, Ginger & Lime Fishcakes 20x100g $ZDUGZLQQLQJXQFRDWHG÷VKFDNHPDGHZLWKGHOLFDWHVHDEDVV cod, potato and spring onions, seasoned with ginger and lime. 1.35 £26.98 62492 Tuna & Mozzarella Melt Fishcakes 24x100g Chunks of tuna with mozzarella and potato seasoned with SDUVOH\DQGOHPRQLQDFULVS\SDQNRFRDWLQJøHFNHGZLWKSDUVOH\ 0.91 £21.85 68445 Cod, Spinach & Mendip Hills Cheddar Fishcakes 24x105g Flakes of cod, wilted spinach, peppers and Mendip Hills cheddar cheese in crispy breadcrumbs. 0.89 £21.42 48653 Panko Breaded Thai Cod & Prawn Fishcakes 24x114g 7KDLVHDVRQHG÷VKFDNHZLWKFRGSUDZQVDQGSRWDWRURVWLFRDWHG LQSDQNREUHDGFUXPEVøHFNHGZLWKSDUVOH\ 1.08 £25.92 63790 48653 Uncoated Prawns Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 35233 GF &UD\÷VK7DLOV 800g 2.50 £24.95 75702 GF MSC Royal Greenland Prawns 2kg 2.14 £42.70 7315 GF Cooked & Peeled Prawns – Approx 150/250 per 454g 2kg 1.68 £33.50 82930 GF Arctic Royal Luxury Peeled Prawns – Approx 150-250 per 454g 2kg 1.95 £38.95 85887 GF Super Value Prawns – Approx 150-250 per pack 2kg 1.30 £25.90 64714 GF Cooked & Peeled Cold Water Prawns 300g 1.40 £4.20 5kg 0.80 £39.98 1kg 1.70 £16.99 6470 GF Shell On Cooked Prawns – Approx 41-55 per 454g 62119 GF Cooked & Peeled King Prawns – Approx 70-90 per lb 1219 GF Shell On Raw King Prawns – Approx 8-12 per 454g 907g 1.55 £13.95 1286 GF Cooked Tiger Prawns Tail On Shell Off – Approx 31-40 per 454g 907g 1.61 £14.50 1421 GF Raw Black Tiger Prawns Shell On – Approx 7-9 per 454g 1kg 1.20 £11.95 1228 GF Crevettes – Approx 9-14 per 454g 2kg 2.08 £41.55 35233 62119 1286 45 46 Your Partner in Restauration 47 48 Your Partner in Restauration 49 Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Coated Scampi and Prawns Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 99193 Whitby Finest Wholetail Breaded Scampi 450g 0.33 £10.00 6346 Whitby Endeavour Wholetails Breaded Scampi 450g 0.22 £6.65 4839 Wholetail Breaded Scampi 907g 0.34 £16.97 63072 James Cook Reformed Breaded Scampi 450g 0.20 £5.85 4411 Whitby Wholetail Battered Scampi 450g 0.33 £10.00 45373 Coconut Coated Prawns on Skewer 500g 1.10 £10.95 39550 Japanese Style Tempura Torpedo Prawns 500g 0.47 £11.65 %UHDGHG%XWWHUø\.LQJ3UDZQV 500g 0.35 £8.65 4553 450g 0.24 £7.22 66926 Crispy Chilli Mango Prawns 500g 0.57 £11.32 10849 Prawn Kievs 500g 1.20 £11.95 44066 Filo Wrapped King Prawns 500g 0.40 £9.95 71171 Prawn Twisters 800g 0.58 £14.45 *DUOLF+HUE%XWWHUø\3UDZQV 1kg 0.73 £29.00 Breaded Hot & Spicy Creel Prawns 99193 45373 Choice Shellfish Code Product 63529 Seafood Cocktail Mix Unit Size Ptn Price 1kg 1.02 £10.20 1189 GF Crab Meat 50/50 454g 1.17 £5.87 1202 GF Large Green Lipped Mussels in Half Shell 1kg 0.98 £9.75 2463 GF Natural Mussels in Shell 1kg 0.40 £3.99 7154 GF Moules Mariniere 8x450g 2.59 £20.75 4553 Fish – Speciality Slices, Steaks and Fillets 50 Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 2742 GF Bleiker’s Premium Scottish Oak Smoked Salmon Slices 400g 2.07 £16.55 81678 GF Bleiker’s Premium Sliced Scottish Smoked Salmon Side 1kg 2.99 £29.92 26817 GF Skin On Scottish Salmon Fillets – Approx 170-200g 10x170g 3.70 £37.00 1262 GF Skinless Salmon Fillets – Approx 140-160g 10x140g 3.10 £31.00 6379 GF Skinless Salmon Fillets – Approx 200-230g 10x200g 3.90 £39.00 95140 GF Halibut Steaks – Approx 170-230g 10x170g 5.50 £55.00 17671 GF Sea Bass Fillets – Approx 100-140g 1kg 2.39 £23.94 10x170g 2.86 £28.60 6136 GF Tuna Loin Steaks – Approx 170-230g 1265 GF MSC Scottish Smoked Haddock Cutlets – Approx 85-140g 24x80g 2.00 £47.99 1268 GF Hot Smoked Mackerel Fillets – Approx 75-100g 30x75g 1.30 £38.95 1239 GF Hot Smoked Peppered Mackerel Fillets – Approx 75-100g 30x70g 1.33 £39.75 Your Partner in Restauration 1202 81678 51 Cod Fillets Skin On IQF 52 Your Partner in Restauration Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Fish Fillets – Cod, Haddock, Plaice and Pollock Code Product 11383 4273 Unit Size Ptn Price GF MSC Cod Loin Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 140-170g 29x140g 1.48 £42.95 GF MSC Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 140-170g 29x140g 1.48 £42.95 81805 GF Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 200-230g 18x200g 1.94 £34.95 28532 GF Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 230-290g 15x230g 1.94 £34.95 1183 GF Cod Fillets Skin On IQF – Approx 110-140g 36x110g 1.11 £39.95 1184 GF Cod Fillets Skin On IQF – Approx 140-170g 29x140g 1.38 £39.95 1186 GF Cod Fillets Skin On IQF – Approx 170-200g 25x170g 1.60 £39.95 3454 GF Cod Fillets Skin On IQF – Approx 200-230g 21x200g 1.90 £39.95 6512 GF Cod Fillets Skin On IQF – Approx 230-290g 18x230g 2.22 £39.95 18x200g 2.56 £46.00 18363 GF Haddock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 200-230g 2715 GF Haddock Fillets IQF Skin On – Approx 170-200g 25x170g 1.84 £46.00 3839 GF Haddock Fillets IQF Skin On – Approx 230-290g 15x230g 2.67 £40.00 39049 GF Haddock Fillets IQF Skin On – Approx 340-400g 12x340g 3.83 £46.00 1301 GF Plaice Fillets IQF X Cut – Approx 170-230g 4.54kg 1.80 £41.30 2522 GF Plaice Fillets IQF X Cut – Approx 230-280g 4.54kg 2.35 £42.35 64392 GF Pollock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 80-110g 40x80g 0.60 £23.95 Unit Size Ptn Price 96768 MSC Breaded Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 110-140g 24x110g 0.74 £17.76 64270 MSC Breaded Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 140g 24x140g 1.00 £24.00 1158 18x170g 1.16 £20.92 96770 MSC Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 80-110g 30x80g 0.66 £19.72 41465 MSC Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 110-140g 24x110g 0.87 £20.95 47591 MSC Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 140-170g 24x140g 0.99 £23.80 15440 MSC Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 170-200g 18x170g 1.19 £21.49 87597 MSC Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 200-230g 15x200g 1.31 £19.62 6471 MSC Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 230-290g 15x230g 1.56 £23.35 4399 MSC Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 290-350g 12x290g 1.93 £23.10 11383 18363 Coated Fish Fillets and Platters Code Product 1301 MSC Breaded Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 170-200g 1158 15440 53 Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Coated Fish Fillets and Platters Code continued Unit Size Ptn Price 70444 MSC Beer Battered Cod Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 220-280g 15x220g 1.84 £27.55 1161 MSC Breaded Haddock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 140-170g 24x140g 1.20 £28.86 1162 MSC Breaded Haddock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 170-200g 18x170g 1.41 £25.40 6317 MSC Battered Haddock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 140-170g 24x140g 1.28 £30.73 6893 MSC Battered Haddock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 170-200g 18x170g 1.63 £29.39 74624 MSC Battered Haddock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 200-230g 15x200g 1.98 £29.71 35236 Beer Battered Haddock Fillets Skinless & Boneless – Approx 230-290g 15x230g 2.63 £39.47 1169 Breaded Plaice Fillets Skin On & Boneless – Approx 110-140g 24x110g 1.32 £31.72 1170 Breaded Plaice Fillets Skin On & Boneless – Approx 140-170g 24x140g 1.09 £26.20 1171 Breaded Plaice Fillets Skin On & Boneless – Approx 170-200g 18x170g 1.28 £23.00 1172 Breaded Plaice Fillets Skin On & Boneless – Approx 200-230g 15x200g 1.47 £22.00 4398 Breaded Plaice Fillets Skin On & Boneless – Approx 230-290g 15x230g 1.67 £25.10 2208 Breaded Plaice Fillets – Approx 290-340g 12x290g 2.18 £26.21 4796 MSC Battered Pollock Fillets Skinless/Boneless – Approx 110-140g 24x110g 0.69 £16.45 82445 Seafood Basket Selection 12x200g Mix of superior breaded and battered seafood in portioned packs. &RQWDLQVEXWWHUø\EUHDGHGNLQJSUDZQVSDQNRFRDWHGVTXLGULQJV salt and pepper squid chunks and crispy cod bites. 2.95 £35.40 2375 Seafood Platter &RQWDLQVVFDPSLZKLWH÷VK÷OOHWVDQGTXHHQVFDOORSVFRDWHG in light and crispy breadcrumbs. 2.86 £57.20 5245 Fisherman’s Combo 6x260g Contains skinned and boned battered haddock, chunks of EUHDGHGSODLFHEUHDGHGVDOPRQ÷OOHWDQGEDWWHUHGFRGJRXMRQV 3.28 £19.66 Product 6317 2208 20x170g 4796 Kids’ Fish Snacks Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 1216 Youngs Chip Shop Jumbo Cod Fillet Fish Fingers 36x70g 0.69 £25.00 17610 Ross Cod Fillet Fish Fingers 60x25g 0.27 £15.92 4696 1x60 0.13 £7.80 13132 Breaded Fishcakes 48x85g 0.33 £15.92 1199 King Frost Fishcakes 36x85g 0.28 £9.92 1547 Fish Stars 60x50g 0.16 £9.35 36x80g 0.52 £18.72 Breaded Cod Fish Fingers 87942 Golden Whales 54 82445 Your Partner in Restauration 1216 55 56 Your Partner in Restauration Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Bacon and Sausages Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 1587 GF Rindless Premium Back Bacon 2.25kg – POA 5255 GF Rindless Sandwich Back Bacon 4x2kg 0.34 £34.00 1603 Cumberland Rings 4.54kg 1.19 £23.75 4511 Lincolnshire Sausages 8’s 4.54kg 0.23 £18.40 43679 Gourmet Cooked Cumberland Sausages 30x70g 0.50 £14.92 73207 Gourmet Cooked Pork & Herb Sausages 30x70g 0.52 £15.55 6952 3.63kg 0.65 £31.10 96899 Pork & Beef Sausages 8’s 4.54kg 0.17 £13.95 96901 Pork Sausages 4’s 4.54kg 0.38 £15.00 99509 Pork Sausages 8’s 4.54kg 0.19 £15.00 4484 Pork Cocktail Sausages 32’s 2.23kg 0.08 £12.56 1597 Cooked Pork Cocktail Sausages 150x10g 0.07 £10.97 75079 Chipolatas Wrapped in Bacon – Uncooked 100x25g 0.28 £28.00 12857 Sliced Black Pudding 60x42g 0.17 £9.96 Butchers’ Pork & Leek Sausages 6’s ö 5255 6952 Burgers, Grills and Ribs Code Unit Size Ptn Price 51157 Aberdeen Angus Burgers 8oz 24x226g 2.00 £48.00 37839 Aberdeen Angus Burgers 6oz 30x170g 1.53 £46.00 71736 Aberdeen Angus Burgers 4oz 48x113g 1.00 £48.00 6553 100% Beef Burgers 8oz 24x226g 1.41 £33.90 6170 100% Beef Burgers 6oz 30x170g 1.06 £31.82 4859 100% Beef Burgers 4oz 48x113g 0.71 £33.95 4860 100% Beef Burgers 2oz 48x56g 0.35 £16.96 3434 80% Beef Burgers 4oz 24x113g 0.80 £19.20 4861 80% American Seasoned Beef Burgers 4oz 48x113g 0.63 £30.00 4862 80% American Seasoned Beef Burgers 2oz 48x56g 0.31 £15.00 57323 Big Al’s Flame Cooked Beef Burgers 48x113g 0.82 £39.45 77088 Big Al’s Flame Cooked Beef Burgers 32x170g 1.22 £39.05 3kg 0.52 £20.96 40931 Full Rack Bourbon Pork Ribs 6x400g 5.10 £30.60 14041 Full Rack BBQ Pork 6x450g 5.32 £31.90 36229 Half Rack BBQ Pork 12x250g 2.70 £32.40 5310 Product GF Swedish Cooked Meatballs 15g 57323 5310 40931 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP 57 58 Your Partner in Restauration 59 60 Your Partner in Restauration Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Pour Over Sauces Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 89751 V GF Bourbon Glaze Portions 24x75g 0.71 £16.92 66906 V GF Creamy Stilton Sauce Portions 24x75g 0.67 £16.15 25798 V GF Diane Sauce Portions 24x75g 0.62 £14.78 40790 V GF Peppercorn Sauce Portions 24x75g 0.58 £13.88 2932 V GF Butter Rosettes 500x10g 0.11 £55.00 6889 Uncooked Chicken Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 2976 Chicken Breast Fillets 30x100g 0.97 £29.12 99295 GF Chicken Breast Fillets – Approx 200g 10kg 1.40 £69.95 6888 GF 3ODLQ%XWWHUø\&KLFNHQ%UHDVWV 10x185g 2.35 £23.45 6889 GF &DMXQ%XWWHUø\&KLFNHQ%UHDVWV 10x185g 2.50 £24.95 *DUOLF+HUE%XWWHUø\&KLFNHQ%UHDVWV 10x185g 2.50 £24.95 Unit Size Ptn Price 2984 Ready Cooked Chicken and Duck Code Product 14885 NEW GF British Red Tractor Roast Chicken Halves 20x397g 2.55 £51.00 2985 NEW GF British Red Tractor Roast Chicken Halves 25x340g 2.35 £58.75 6242 GF Cooked Chicken Breasts 32x283g 2.20 £70.40 6241 GF Cooked Bone In Chicken Breasts 40x198g 1.58 £63.20 18x255g 2.70 £48.67 GF Cooked Chicken Portions 40x198g 1.26 £50.46 59286 GF &RRNHG%XWWHUø\&KLFNHQ%UHDVWV 10x160g 2.40 £24.00 68311 GF &RRNHG&DMXQ%XWWHUø\&KLFNHQ%UHDVWV 10x160g 2.40 £24.00 80x60g 0.55 £43.98 33974 GF Roast Diced Halal Chicken Breast 2.5kg 1.12 £28.00 GF Roast Halal Chicken Breast Strips 2.5kg 1.12 £28.00 15264 GF Sliced Tikka Chicken Breast 1kg 1.00 £12.00 34796 GF Shredded Duck Meat 2kg 1.50 £30.00 10x300g 5.80 £58.00 ö 61448 GF Roast Chicken Saddles 6238 6440 6942 1416 GF Cooked Plain Chicken Fillets GF Honey Roast Half Duckling 2985 61448 34796 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP 61 Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Coated Chicken Fillets and Burgers Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 1687 Battered Reformed Chicken Fillets 24x85g 0.54 £12.98 7696 American Style Battered Chicken Fillets 24x90g 1.02 £24.50 51141 Battered Chicken Steaks 12x85g 0.72 £8.65 6258 Hot ‘n’ Spicy Chickwich Burgers 24x85g 0.79 £18.93 4186 Battered Chickwich Burgers 40x85g 0.78 £31.15 7696 Chicken Nuggets, Goujons and Strips Code Unit Size Ptn Price 2x1kg 0.12 £10.80 87494 Battered Chicken Nuggets 2x1kg 0.18 £15.98 40828 Battered Chicken Chunks 3x1kg 0.21 £28.75 43407 Premium Breaded Chicken Nuggets 3x1kg 0.17 £24.02 86879 Breaded Chicken Nuggets 3x1kg 0.12 £17.47 66580 Breaded Plain Chicken Dippers 1kg 0.33 £9.75 6080 Breaded Chilli & Ginger Chicken Goujons 1kg 0.35 £10.39 Crispy Sweet Chilli Chicken Strips 3kg 0.54 £32.25 60444 Southern Fried Mini Chicken Fillets 3x1kg 0.80 £23.95 16358 Tempura Mini Chicken Fillet Strips – Approx 25-35g 2kg 0.37 £22.45 5332 Pic ‘n’ Poppin Southern Fried Chicken Cubes 3x1kg 1.09 £32.70 2472 Breaded Chicken Kievs 12x170g 1.56 £18.67 59483 34693 Product NEW NEW Battered Chicken Nuggets 59483 16358 Kids’ Chicken and Turkey Snacks Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 3223 Wholemeal Breaded Chicken Burgers 2x1.36kg 0.49 £23.45 3222 Chick ‘n’ Teddies 48x50.5g 0.44 £21.16 1666 Crispy Crumb Turkey Burgers 40x71g 0.45 £17.99 1721 Golden Turkey Drummers 48x57g 0.34 £16.30 2379 Turkey Dinosaurs 40x50g 0.40 £15.95 3223 3222 62 Your Partner in Restauration Fish, Meat, Poultry and Meat Free Snacks Vegetarian Burgers, Sausages and Snacks Code Product 21473 84404 25367 Unit Size Ptn Price V Luxury Aromatic Garden Burgers 20x145g Lightly spiced mix of broad beans, peas and spinach coated in oat DQGKHUEøHFNHGEUHDGFUXPEV 1.10 £21.95 V Luxury Havana Veggie Burgers A spicy mix of beans with mozzarella and sweet potato coated LQKHUEøHFNHGEUHDGFUXPEV 20x125g 1.10 £22.00 V Luxury Butternut, Goats Cheese & Beetroot Burgers Butternut squash, goats cheese and beetroot burger coated in EUHDGFUXPEVøHFNHGZLWKRDWVDQGEODFNSHSSHU 20x115g 1.00 £19.95 61356 7018 V Vegetable Burgers 30x113g 0.70 £20.99 61356 V Vegetable Superburgers 48x113g 0.60 £28.80 3433 V Spicy Bean Burgers 24x113g 0.55 £13.16 2198 V McCain Quarter Pound Vegetable Burgers 30x113g 0.53 £16.00 2410 V Vegetable & Cheese Crispy Bakes 20x110g 0.62 £12.43 85226 V Linda McCartney Vegetarian Sausages 40x50g 0.35 £13.82 5085 V Vegetable Sausages 48x56g 0.26 £12.38 6423 V Vegetable Kievs 12x125g 0.94 £11.23 2381 V Vegetable Nuggets 2kg 0.10 £10.35 2kg 0.14 £17.75 77098 V Falafel Vege Balls 15g ,4)IDODIHOEDOOVPDGHZLWKFKLFNSHDVDQGKHUEV*UHDWVHUYHG in pitta with salad and minted yoghurt. 6457 V GF Cheese Omelettes 24x120g 1.00 £23.95 1479 V GF Plain Omelettes 24x100g 0.74 £17.86 6457 Quorn Code 85226 Product Unit Size Ptn Price 2620 V Vegemince 1kg 0.72 £7.20 5040 V GF Quorn Mince 1kg 0.46 £11.45 3988 V Quorn Pieces 1kg 0.68 £13.50 3202 V Quorn Standard Burgers 40x50g 0.42 £16.70 80685 V Quorn Chicken Style Dippers 2kg 0.67 £21.32 74895 V Quorn Sausages 40x50g 0.41 £16.50 5040 80685 63 Prepared Meals If you need a helping hand in the kitchen, our prepared meals are EXUVWLQJZLWKGHOLFLRXVKRPHPDGHøDYRXUVWKDWFDQEHVHUYHGLQD matter of minutes. When you want minimum fuss and maximum satisfaction, look no further. 65 Filled Pasta 70 ,QGLYLGXDO%HHI0HDOV 65-66 ,QGLYLGXDO9HJHWDULDQ0HDOV 73 ,QGLYLGXDO/DPE0HDOV 69 ,QGLYLGXDO3RXOWU\DQG3RUN0HDOV 73 Multi Portion Meals 69-70 ,QGLYLGXDO)LVK0HDOV We Recommend 64 46306 Spinach & Ricotta Tortelloni 11768 Ultimate Fishcakes 16902 Luxury Lasagne Page 65 Page 69 Page 70 Your Partner in Restauration Prepared Meals Filled Pasta Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 1kg 46306 V Spinach & Ricotta Tortelloni 3DVWDSDUFHOV÷OOHGZLWKDFODVVLFVSLQDFKDQGULFRWWDFKHHVHPL[ 1.20 £11.96 17257 V Tomato, Mozzarella & Basil Ravioli 3DVWDSDUFHOVZLWKDøDYRXUVRPH0HGLWHUUDQHDQFRPELQDWLRQ of tomato, mozzarella and basil. 1.04 £10.40 1kg 17257 Individual Vegetarian Meals Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 2.12 £25.45 12x350g 2.66 £31.93 12x290g 22069 V Vegetable Nut Roast with Apricot & Goats Cheese 3DQIULHGYHJHWDEOHVZLWKDSULFRWVSHDQXWVDOPRQGVDQGZDOQXWV topped with creamy goats cheese. 3.03 £36.35 12x400g 41901 V Macaroni Cheese 0DFDURQLSDVWDFRYHUHGZLWKFUHDP\FKHHVHVDXFHDQGWRSSHG with mature cheddar cheese. 75555 V GF Sweet Potato, Chickpea & Spinach Curry Chunky sweet potato, chickpeas and spinach in a rich coconut øDYRXUHGVDXFH6XLWDEOHIRUYHJDQV V Wild Rice, Spinach & Honey Roast Vegetables A blend of wild and brown rice baked with spinach, mixed nuts, mature cheddar and crème fraîche, topped with a selection of KRQH\URDVWYHJHWDEOHVDQGøDYRXUHGZLWKULFKUXE\SRUW 12x340g 2.96 £35.47 8102 V Mushroom, Cranberry, Brie & Hazelnut Wellington 6DXW«HGPXVKURRPVFUDQEHUULHVDQGVHDVRQHGVSLQDFKZLWK hazelnuts, topped with brie and encased in puff pastry. 12x215g 2.94 £35.31 7712 V Mediterranean Vegetable Wellington 12x226g )UHVKDOGHQWHYHJHWDEOHVRYHQURDVWHGZLWK÷QHKHUEVDQGROLYH oil in a rich Mediterranean sauce encased in golden puff pastry. 2.60 £31.19 1320 67229 V Mediterranean Vegetable & Feta Pie 6HHGHGVKRUWFUXVWSDVWU\÷OOHGZLWKFUHDP\HJJFXVWDUGZLWK black pepper, roasted courgettes, red onion, red and yellow peppers topped with crumbled feta and pine nuts. 9x270g 3.30 £29.70 4448 V Wild Mushroom & Brandy Sauce Strudel A delicate blend of wild and fresh mushrooms, brown rice and courgettes, topped with creamy brandy sauce and encased in a puff pastry parcel. 8x228g 2.72 £21.79 7173 V GF Roasted Mediterranean Vegetable Risotto 12x340g 5RDVWHGYHJHWDEOHVZLWKVXQEOXVKWRPDWRHVLQDULFKZKLWHZLQH and creamy tomato sauce. 2.77 £33.26 49068 V Base Risotto 12x350g Cooked Italian rice in a herb and cheese sauce, use as a base to add other ingredients – ideal for use on changing specials boards. 2.13 £25.50 60237 V Roasted Butternut Squash & Spinach Lasagne 12x400g Roasted butternut squash, spinach, oyster and chestnut mushrooms LQDIUHVKEDVLOVDXFHWRSSHGZLWKE«FKDPHODQGPR]]DUHOOD 2.80 £33.58 41901 22069 67229 60237 65 Prepared Meals Individual Vegetarian Meals continued Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 1880 V Vegetable Lasagne Verdi 9HJHWDEOHVLQDULFKUDJXVDXFHOD\HUHGZLWKYHUGLSDVWDDQG WRSSHGZLWKE«FKDPHOVDXFH 12x350g 2.16 £25.95 44515 V Vegetable Lasagne Verdi )UHVKYHJHWDEOHVFRRNHGLQDULFKWRPDWRDQGKHUEVDXFH OD\HUHGZLWKODVDJQHYHUGLWRSSHGZLWKE«FKDPHOVDXFHDQG grated cheese. 12x400g 2.23 £26.75 12x380g 24722 V Spinach & Ricotta Cannelloni &DQQHOORQLWXEHV÷OOHGZLWKULFRWWDVSLQDFKDQGIUHVKEDVLOLQD WRPDWRDQGKHUEVDXFHWRSSHGZLWKE«FKDPHOVDXFHDQGFKHHVH 2.92 £35.00 12x340g 2.91 £34.89 12x400g 3.08 £37.00 12x400g 88289 V Four Cheese & Wild Mushroom Farfalle )UHVKR\VWHUFKHVWQXWDQGøDWPXVKURRPVLQDFUHDP\IRXU cheese sauce of dolcelatte, camembert, lancashire and parmesan on a bed of farfalle pasta. 2.88 £34.50 7713 V Mushroom, Broccoli & Stilton Pasta Bake Fusilli tricolore pasta with fresh mushrooms and broccoli, smothered in creamy stilton sauce. 86267 V Tortellini with Stilton & Rocket Pesto &KHHVH÷OOHGWRUWHOOLQLWRSSHGZLWKFUHDP\EOXHVWLOWRQVDXFH with spinach, mushrooms and rocket pesto. V Broccoli & Cream Cheese Bake %URFFROLøRUHWVLQDFUHDP\VDXFHWRSSHGZLWKVOLFHGSRWDWR DQGYHJHWDULDQFKHHVH 86267 12x340g 2.17 £26.00 12x380g 59094 V Cheese, Tomato & Broccoli Bake %URFFROLøRUHWVLQWRPDWRDQGKHUEVDXFHWRSSHGZLWKDFUHDP\ FKHHVHVDXFHVDXW«SRWDWRHVEUHDGFUXPEVDQGPDWXUH cheddar cheese. 2.22 £26.65 2.96 £35.52 7727 1441 V GF Vegetable Shepherds Pie with Goats Cheese Mash )UHVKYHJHWDEOHVOHQWLOVDQGEHDQVWRSSHGZLWKFKDUJULOOHG cherry tomatoes and goats cheese mash. 12x400g 6253 V Stilton & Vegetable Crumble %URFFROLFDXOLøRZHURQLRQVJUHHQEHDQVDQGSHSSHUVLQDULFK stilton sauce, topped with a crunchy crumb. 12x340g 2.74 £32.90 6330 V Brie, Potato & Courgette Crumble 12x340g Rich, creamy brie sauce with layers of fresh potato and courgette, topped with breadcrumbs, almonds, cheese, sesame seeds and parsley crumble. 2.59 £31.13 12x450g 3.10 £37.25 12x340g 2.39 £28.70 24x140g 1.38 £33.23 72619 V Vegetable Enchiladas 9HJHWDEOHVLQD0H[LFDQVDXFHZUDSSHGLQWZRøRXUWRUWLOODV topped with cream cheese sauce and mature cheddar. 36438 V GF Vegetable Balti 1880 88289 6253 Carrots, celeriac, aubergine, courgette, red and green peppers, cooked in a traditional balti sauce. 5447 V Nut Roast Slice An exotic blend of hazelnuts with brown rice and herbs shaped LQWRDQLQGLYLGXDOVOLFH 72619 66 Your Partner in Restauration 67 68 Your Partner in Restauration Prepared Meals Individual Poultry and Pork Meals Code Product 11593 Ptn Price Pesto Stuffed Chicken Breasts 10x310g &KLFNHQEUHDVW÷OOHGZLWKUHGSHVWRVSLQDFKEDVLOFKHUYLODQG FKHHVHZUDSSHGLQ6HUUDQRKDP6HUYHGLQD0HGLWHUUDQHDQVDXFH ZLWKUHGDQG\HOORZSHSSHUVURDVWHGRQLRQVDQGJDUOLF6RXVYLGH 4.20 £41.95 28874 Woodland Mushroom Chicken Breasts 10x285g &KLFNHQEUHDVWVWXIIHGZLWKEDFRQDQGFKHUYLOS¤W«DQGZUDSSHG in Serrano ham, in a red wine, brandy and creamy woodland PXVKURRPVDXFH×VRXVYLGH 4.26 £42.55 16791 Chicken Tikka Masala 12x340g Pieces of chicken breast marinated in yogurt and tandoori spices, in a creamy masala sauce infused with fresh garlic and fresh coriander. 3.00 £36.00 66940 GF Chicken Tikka Masala Rich and exotic dish prepared with tender chicken, marinated DQGFRRNHGLQWUDGLWLRQDOWLNNDVSLFHVLQDULFKVDXFH÷QLVKHG with cream and coriander. 12x350g 2.21 £26.55 72907 Chicken Korma 12x350g Succulent pieces of chicken in a mild sauce with cream, coconut, ground almonds, yogurt, garlic and ginger. 2.21 £26.50 12x340g 99450 GF Chicken Balti &KLFNHQEUHDVW÷OOHWSLHFHVFRRNHGZLWKIUHVKYHJHWDEOHVLQDULFK balti sauce. 2.73 £32.73 GF Chicken Makhanwala 16x350g Diced marinated chicken breast with lentils in a mild/medium FXUU\VDXFHøDYRXUHGZLWKFDVKHZQXWVFUHDPDQGDURPDWLFVSLFHV 3.34 £53.50 3853 Unit Size 36219 GF Thai Green Chicken Curry Tender pieces of chicken breast in a medium Thai spiced sauce ZLWKOLPHOHDYHV×VRXVYLGH 12x350g 3.38 £40.56 75015 Tagliatelle Carbonara Ribbons of spinach and egg pasta with smoky bacon, cooked in a creamy mature cheddar, parmesan and mushroom sauce. 12x450g 2.50 £29.98 11593 28874 3853 Individual Fish Meals Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 11768 Ultimate Fishcakes 24x210g /DUJH÷VKFDNHVZLWKFKXQNVRIVDOPRQVPRNHGKDGGRFNDQG potato blended with spring onions and lemon, coated with light, crispy breadcrumbs. 3.00 £72.00 73405 Ultimate Fish Pie 10x530g Succulent chunks of hake, salmon and smoked haddock with king prawns bound in a creamy leek sauce, topped with luxury mashed potato and a sprinkling of Mendip Hills cheddar cheese. 4.20 £42.00 47887 Luxury Fish & Creamy Leek Pie 12x400g Chunks of salmon, smoked haddock, prawns and Alaskan pollock in a creamy leek sauce, topped with real mashed potato and sprinkled with toasted breadcrumbs. 3.13 £37.50 36219 11768 69 Prepared Meals Individual Fish Meals Code continued Product Unit Size Ptn Price 73439 Luxury Fish Pie Crumble 6DOPRQDQGZKLWH÷VKLQDFUHDP\FKHHVHVSLQDFKDQGSDUVOH\ sauce with a layer of mashed potatoes, topped with cheese and parsley crumble. 12x400g 3.33 £39.98 84033 Salmon & Asparagus Wellington Skinless and boneless salmon with prawns in a butter sauce ZUDSSHGLQSXIISDVWU\DQG÷QLVKHGZLWKDVSDUDJXVDQG FKRSSHGFKLYHV 6x215g 2.95 £17.68 73557 Tuna Pasta Bake 7XQDøDNHVZLWKSDVWDVSLQDFKDQGRQLRQLQDVPRRWKVDXFH øDYRXUHGZLWKFUHDPDQGJDUOLF 12x340g 2.16 £25.95 12x300g 28789 GF King Prawn Red Thai Curry Succulent king prawns in an authentic red Thai curry sauce with EDPERRVKRRWVUHGSHSSHUNDI÷UOLPHOHDYHVDQGLQIXVHGZLWK 7KDLEDVLO×VRXVYLGH 3.70 £44.36 Individual Beef Meals Code 28789 Unit Size Ptn Price Product 12x340g 2.73 £32.78 17596 Mighty Beef Lasagne 8x500g Tender minced beef in a rich ragu style sauce layered with pasta VKHHWVDQGWRSSHGZLWKE«FKDPHOVDXFH 3.24 £25.92 87660 British Beef Lasagne 12x400g Luxurious lasagne with 3 layers of pasta, a rich bolognese sauce made with lean British mince and mushrooms, topped with E«FKDPHOVDXFHDQGPDWXUHFKHGGDUFKHHVH5HFWDQJOHLQVKDSH 2.30 £27.60 1436 12x360g 2.38 £28.50 12x400g 2.21 £26.50 GF Mexican Beef Chilli 12x340g Lean ground beef cooked in a medium spiced sauce with WRPDWRHVMDODSH³RVUHGDQGJUHHQSHSSHUVDQGUHGNLGQH\EHDQV 2.17 £26.00 Chilli Con Carne 12x340g Minced beef with chilli spices and kidney beans in rich tomato sauce. 2.00 £24.00 12x340g 79386 GF Beef Madras 3LHFHVRIWHQGHUEHHIZLWKVDXW«HGRQLRQVWRPDWRHVDQGDEOHQG of hot spices. 3.07 £36.88 16902 Luxury Handmade Lasagne Superb handmade lasagne with pure ground beef in authentic ERORJQHVHVDXFHOD\HUHGZLWKSDVWDDQGE«FKDPHOVDXFH Topped with Italian cheese and hand cut for a homemade look. Beef Lasagne Verdi 0LQFHGEHHILQDULFKUDJXVDXFHOD\HUHGZLWKYHUGLSDVWDDQG WRSSHGZLWKE«FKDPHOVDXFH 11438 Cottage Pie Succulent minced beef, carrots, onions and seasoning topped with mashed potato. 42107 1123 73439 87660 1436 1123 70 Your Partner in Restauration Luxury Handmade Lasagne 71 72 Your Partner in Restauration Prepared Meals Individual Lamb Meals Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 14735 Lamb Shank in Mint Gravy 6ORZFRRNHGODPEVKDQNLQPLQWJUDY\ 10x420g 4.70 £46.99 80722 Liver & Onions 7HQGHUVOLFHGOLYHUDQGRQLRQVLQDULFKWUDGLWLRQDOJUDY\ 10x400g 2.20 £21.96 2173 12x400g 2.90 £34.80 Lamb Hotpot 0LQFHGODPEZLWKYHJHWDEOHVSHDUOEDUOH\KHUEVDQGVSLFHV WRSSHGZLWKVDXW«SRWDWRHV 2173 Multi Portion Meals Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 4x1800g 1.55 £37.25 23009 Multi Portion British Beef Lasagne 4x1800g Great quality lasagne made with British beef – an economical DOWHUQDWLYHWREX\LQJLQGLYLGXDOSRWVDQGDOVRORRNVPRUHKRPHPDGH 1.62 £38.80 70717 Multi Portion Tuna Pasta Bake Pasta shells with tuna and sweetcorn in a creamy white sauce. 2IIHUVøH[LEOHSRUWLRQLQJIRUDYDULHW\RIPHQXRSWLRQV 1.60 72000 Multi Portion Cottage Pie Lean minced beef cooked with onions and peas in a traditional EHHIJUDY\WRSSHGZLWKFUHDP\PDVKHGSRWDWR 4x1800g 23009 £38.32 Liver & Onions 73 Pies, Pizza and Snacks Our superb range of light bites and savouries are the perfect FKRLFHIRUDPLGPRUQLQJVQDFNRUDQDIWHUQRRQ÷OOHU 75 Hot Plate Pies 76 Unbaked Pies, Pasties and Sausage Rolls 75 Luxury Quiches 81 Ready Made Pizza 76 Baked Pies, Pasties and Sausage Rolls 81 Doughballs, Pizza Bases and Toppings We Recommend 74 28067 Cheese & Onion Square Pie 25380 Steak & Kidney Suet Pudding 95855 Spicy Beef Chunks Page 76 Page 76 Page 81 Your Partner in Restauration Pies, Pizza and Snacks Hot Plate Pies Code Unit Size Ptn Price 8ptn 1.62 £12.92 73807 British Steak & Ale Pie 8ptn 2.13 £17.00 39934 Chicken, Leek & Ham Pie 10ptn 1.70 £17.00 26845 British Steak & Kidney Pie 10ptn 1.70 £17.00 32407 Steak Guinness & Mushroom Pie Pre-cut 10ptn 1.70 £17.00 4786 12ptn 1.33 £15.98 41709 Product V Mature Cheddar, Red Leicester, Potato & Onion Pie British Steak & Ale Pie Pre-cut 39934 Luxury Quiches Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 10ptn 64597 V Roasted Mediterranean Vegetable & Feta Quiche 12” 6HHGHGVKRUWFUXVWSDVWU\÷OOHGZLWKURDVWHGUHGRQLRQDXEHUJLQH courgette, red and yellow peppers, seasoned with black pepper and topped with feta cheese and pine nuts. 2.00 £19.99 69358 Smoked Salmon & Asparagus Tip Quiche 12” 10ptn 6HHGHGVKRUWFUXVWSDVWU\÷OOHGZLWKVZHHWRQLRQVVPRNHGVDOPRQ pieces and mature cheddar, seasoned with black pepper and topped with smoked salmon pieces and asparagus tips. 2.08 £20.79 32407 64597 Smoked Salmon & Asparagus Tip Quiche 12” 75 Pies, Pizza and Snacks Baked Pies, Pasties and Sausage Rolls Code Unit Size Ptn Price 12x268g 1.63 £19.50 72779 Chicken & Mushroom Square Pies 12x268g 1.63 £19.50 25916 Steak & Ale Square Pies 12x268g 2.08 £24.92 43659 British Chicken & Wiltshire Ham Pies 18x350g 2.38 £42.75 55436 Steak & Ale Pies 30x320g 2.60 £78.00 74294 Steak & Kidney Puddings 12x330g 1.95 £23.40 71310 Wrapped Beef & Onion Pies 12x225g 1.16 £13.90 14012 Wrapped Chicken & Mushroom Pies 30x185g 1.10 £33.10 18899 Wrapped Steak & Kidney Pies 32x185g 1.10 £35.20 81740 Wrapped Traditional Beef & Vegetable Pasties 24x210g 1.00 £23.95 36x175g 0.89 £31.90 60x110g 0.52 £31.20 28067 11360 Product V V Cheese & Onion Square Pies Wrapped Cheese & Onion Pasties 36484 Wrapped Sausage Rolls 6” 25916 Unbaked Pies, Pasties and Sausage Rolls Code Unit Size Ptn Price 74276 Minced Beef & Onion Pies 36x170g 0.67 £24.10 37320 Chicken & Mushroom Pies 36x170g 0.75 £26.95 73889 Chicken & Leek Suet Puddings 8x370g 2.56 £20.47 78635 Lamb & Mint Suet Puddings 8x390g 2.50 £19.99 61011 Steak, Ale & Mushroom Suet Puddings 8x390g 2.50 £19.99 25380 Steak & Kidney Suet Puddings 8x390g 2.25 £17.99 13412 Beef & Vegetable Pasties 30x216g 0.85 £25.50 25809 Mini Cornish Slices 48x85g 0.40 £19.20 36x176g 0.75 £27.00 69954 Chicken & Mushroom Slices 36x175g 0.75 £27.00 49868 Chunky Steak Slices 36x175g 0.95 £34.20 36x78g 0.36 £12.95 62638 Product V Cheddar Cheese & Onion Slices Cheese & Onion Lattice Fingers 72779 5087 V 82003 Sausage Rolls 4” 108x80g 0.29 £31.32 77639 Sausage Rolls 6” 66x120g 0.43 £28.40 21471 Sausage Rolls 8” 48x160g 0.57 £27.20 23163 Lincolnshire Sausage Rolls 6” 66x120g 0.37 £24.10 10596 Coopers Plain Oinker Sausage Rolls A plain, pork sausage roll. 12x195g 1.60 £19.20 89312 Coopers Pork, Leek & Sage Sausage Rolls Pork, dried leeks and sage seasoning. 12x195g 1.60 £19.20 72532 Coopers Shropshire Blue & Chutney Pork Sausage Rolls Pork sausage roll with caramelised onion chutney, topped with grated Shropshire Blue cheese. 12x195g 1.60 £19.20 78635 77639 72532 76 Your Partner in Restauration 77 78 Your Partner in Restauration 79 80 Your Partner in Restauration Pies, Pizza and Snacks Ready Made Pizza Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 5641 NEW Chicago Town Chicken & Bacon Pizzas 12” 1x8 4.60 £36.80 55027 NEW Chicago Town Pulled Pork Pizzas 12” 1x8 4.60 £36.80 1x8 4.60 £36.80 74821 Chicago Town Pepperoni Pizzas 12” 44377 V Chicago Town Four Cheese Pizzas 12” 1x8 4.60 £36.80 10883 V Cheese & Tomato Healthy Eat Pizzas 5” 1x30 0.61 £18.39 48199 V Cheese & Tomato Healthy Eat Pizzas 15”x9” 1x6 4.72 £28.32 4089 V McCain Multi Serve Cheese & Tomato Pizzas 9”x7” 1x12 2.83 £34.00 Unit Size Ptn Price 55027 Doughballs, Pizza Bases and Toppings Code Product 9126 V Doughballs for Thin Pizza Bases 9” 60x185g 0.33 £19.98 3177 V Doughballs for Deep Pizza Bases 9” 40x270g 0.50 £19.98 46692 V Doughballs for Deep Pizza Bases 12” 20x510g 1.00 £19.98 27949 NEW 1x22 2.05 £45.00 85039 V Thin Pizza Bases 9” 1x30 0.65 £19.50 48760 V Thin Pizza Bases 12” 1x16 0.95 £15.20 22031 V Deep Pizza Bases 9” 1x22 0.90 £19.90 46426 V Deep Pizza Bases 12” 1x10 1.40 £13.95 19786 V Wholemeal Round Pizza Crusts 12” 1x10 1.14 £11.36 74872 V Wholemeal Rectangle Pizza Crusts 15”x9” 1x9 1.41 £12.65 77770 V GF Gluten Free Pizza Bases 9.5” 10x170g 2.70 £27.00 76382 GF Diced Smoky Bacon Pieces 1kg 13.95 £13.95 67422 Italian American Sausage 1kg 13.25 £13.25 1kg 11.25 £11.25 95855 Spicy Beef Chunks 1kg 12.50 £12.50 76778 Spicy Chicken Topping 1kg 14.70 £14.70 98688 GF Julienne Ham Pizza Topping 1kg 9.99 £9.99 95856 GF Sliced Pepperoni Topping 1kg 11.95 £11.95 44279 Spicy Pizza Meatballs 7g 1kg 11.90 £11.90 7450 V Rising Fresh Dough Pizza Bases with Passata 10” GF Spicy Pork Chunks 3177 27949 22031 95856 & 76778 81 Buffet Make any event more memorable with our inspired range of buffet options. From thaw and serve canapés to oven bake or deep fry nibbles. They’re delicious, easy to prepare and guaranteed to satisfy your peckish guests! 83-84 Buffet – Thaw and Serve 87 Buffet – Oven Bake 90 Buffet – Deep Fry We Recommend 82 58297 Mini Vegetarian Quiche Selection 2176 Mini Prosciutto Pizzas 5348 Mini Onion Bhajis Page 83 Page 87 Page 90 Your Partner in Restauration Buffet Buffet – Thaw and Serve Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 81218 NEW Seafood Canapé Selection Assortment of seafood based canapés, 10 each of tuna, tomato and caper on mini blini, smoked salmon and soft cheese on rye bread, prawn with lemon cream on dark bread and trout caviar and soft cheese on rye. 1x40 0.52 £20.80 39688 Chicago Style Canapés 1x48 Thaw and serve canapés containing: artichoke and tomato, apple and foie gras, prawn and basil, smoked salmon, vegetable, smoked trout, smoked duck with prune and ham and pistachio. 0.64 £30.95 V Mini Vegetarian Quiche Selection Mini quiche selection containing 12 each of: tomato and basil, cheese, onion and chive, stilton and broccoli and mushroom and cheddar encased in golden shortcrust pastry. Re-heat or thaw and serve. 1x48 0.29 £13.98 58297 55645 36041 V Cheddar Cheese & Spring Onion Pick Up Quiche 24ptn 0.46 £10.98 33743 V Mexican Style Pick Up Quiche 24ptn 0.42 £9.98 24ptn 0.37 £8.92 14ptn 0.54 £7.50 55645 Ham, Cheddar & Onion Bar Quiche 14ptn 0.54 £7.50 70544 Quiche Lorraine with Crispy Bacon 1x12” 0.71 £8.50 83653 Quiche Lorraine Pick Up Quiche 10538 V Broccoli & Stilton Bar Quiche 5554 V Broccoli & Stilton Quiche 1x12” 0.75 £8.95 5555 V Spanish Quiche 1x12” 0.71 £8.50 68754 V Tomato & Basil Quiche 1x12” 0.71 £8.50 64113 Two Cheese & Onion Quiche 1x12” 0.71 £8.50 5631 Mini Buffet Pork Pies 1x36 0.31 £11.25 5790 Gala Pork Pie Pre-cut 18ptn 0.80 £14.35 1026 Mini Breaded Savoury Eggs 80x20g 0.23 £18.50 1x20 0.56 £11.18 56380 GF Roast Chicken Drumsticks 68754 5790 Seafood Canapé Selection 83 Buffet Buffet – Thaw and Serve Code Product 77348 26112 continued Unit Size Ptn Price V Handmade French Sweet Petit Fours 1x53 Handmade selection of chocolate and coffee eclairs, blackcurrant squares and apricot tartlets, raspberry tartlets, opera squares and pistachio squares, lemon and chocolate tartlets. 0.56 £29.50 V Mini Teatime Cake Selection Contains 9 mini eclairs, 10 strawberry puffs, 16 mini slices and 8 black forest and jam rolls. 1x43 0.27 £11.75 1x40 0.50 £19.99 1x72 0.20 £14.05 70365 V Mini Dairy Cream Cake Assortment 6HOHFWLRQRIPLQLFDNHVLQFOXGLQJFKRFRODWHHFODLUV÷QJHU GRXJKQXWVIUXLWVFRQHVEODFNIRUHVWPXI÷QVFDUURWFDNH chocolate brownies, custard slices and cream slices. 3928 V Mini Milk Chocolate Eclairs %LWHVL]HFKRX[EXQV÷OOHGZLWKUHDOGDLU\FUHDPDQGWRSSHG with chocolate frosting. 26112 3928 Handmade French Sweet Petit Fours 84 Your Partner in Restauration 85 Mini Naan Bites with Chicken Tikka 86 Your Partner in Restauration Buffet Buffet – Oven Bake Code Product 6101 Unit Size Ptn Price V Vegetable Satay 60x20g Chopped, spiced vegetables on a wooden skewer – delicious oven baked or grilled. 0.25 £14.98 2176 Mini Prosciutto Pizzas Bite size pizzas topped with edam, tomato and smoked ham. 1x80 0.35 £27.94 54585 V Mini Three Cheese Pizzas Bite size pizzas topped with crème fraîche and three varieties of cheese. 1x80 0.35 £27.94 74947 Mini Naan Bites with Chicken Tikka 45x20g Mini naan bread topped with mango chutney, chicken chunks and rich spicy tikka marinade. 0.47 £21.32 5002 0.32 £28.50 0.32 £28.50 0.32 £28.50 400x14g 0.08 £31.68 180x55g 0.17 £30.60 Mixed Petit Crolines Selection 1 90x22g $QDWWUDFWLYHDUUD\RIELWHVL]H÷OOHGSXIISDVWULHVFRQWDLQVHDFK of salmon, mushroom, ham and cheese. 96247 Mixed Petit Crolines Selection 2 0LQLJOD]HGSXIISDVWULHV÷OOHGZLWKWKHIROORZLQJøDYRXUV mushroom, cheese and ham and chicken curry. 4380 10106 6101 90x22g V Mixed Vegetable Petit Crolines 1x90 Selection of puff pastry parcels contains 30 each of Mediterranean vegetable, feta cheese, blue stilton and apple. NEW Unbaked Buffet Sausage Rolls 1” 30943 Unbaked Buffet Sausage Rolls 2” 1120 V Jus-Rol Vol Au Vents Cocktail 2” 1x60 0.08 £4.99 1119 V Jus-Rol Vol Au Vents Medium 2.5” 1x36 0.12 £4.49 4380 1120 Unbaked Buffet Sausage Rolls 87 88 Your Partner in Restauration 89 Buffet Buffet – Deep Fry Code Product 1730 26656 Unit Size Ptn Price Hot ‘n’ Kickin Chicken Wings 2.27kg Chicken wings in a hot and spicy crispy coating. Approx 45g each. 0.32 £15.98 V Sweet Potato Crunchies Chunks of sweet potato coated in a rosemary and thyme KHUELQIXVHGøRXU,GHDORQDEXIIHWRUDVDVLGHRUGHU – approx 155 per pack. 0.05 £7.95 1.25kg 8704 V Mini Brie & Cranberry Parcels 50x18g Pastry parcels packed with a blend of creamy brie and cranberries. 0.46 £22.98 70180 Breaded Mozzarella Grissini Sticks Mozzarella cheese sticks coated in seasoned breadcrumbs. Approx 30 per pack. 0.33 £11.75 5348 V Mini Onion Bhajis 2x25 )UHVKO\VOLFHGRQLRQVPL[HGZLWKJUDPøRXUDQGDXWKHQWLFVSLFHV Approx 30g each. 0.46 £23.15 6939 V Great Tiger Indian Snack Selection Contains 20 each of: spicy vegetable samosas, onion bhajis, spicy vegetable pakoras and 20 sachets of pakora sauce. 4x20 0.37 £29.40 4654 V Mini Vegetable Samosas Mixed vegetables in authentic spices wrapped in pastry. 80x30g 0.29 £23.40 60x15g 0.30 £18.20 V 26760 Sesame Prawn Toasts Crispy Oriental style prawn toasts topped with sesame seeds – delicious with sweet chilli dipping sauce. 1kg 70180 3567 V Mini Oriental Vegetable Spring Rolls &ULVS\SDQFDNHUROOVZLWKDYHJHWDEOH÷OOLQJ 90x20g 0.23 £20.40 68057 V Mixed Vegetable Dimsum Selection Contains vegetable money bags, vegetable samosas and sweet and sour vegetable crackers. 3x16 0.21 £9.90 5348 3567 Hot ‘n’ Kickin Chicken Wings 90 Your Partner in Restauration Brie & Cranberry Parcels 91 Pastry and Patisserie Our pastries and patisserie are irresistible for anyone with a sweet tooth. From marvellous macarons and buttery croissants WRFXSFDNHVDQGPXI÷QVWKH\DUHWKHSHUIHFWDFFRPSDQLPHQWWR a morning or afternoon tea or coffee. 93 Prepared Pastry Sheets, Blocks and Lids 100-102 Patisserie – Cakes 93 Viennoiserie 102-103 Patisserie – Traybakes and Slices 96 3DWLVVHULH×0DFDURQV&XSFDNHVDQG0XI÷QV 103 Patisserie – Fruit Pies, Flans and Tarts 100 Patisserie – Scones, Teacakes, Doughnuts, Cookies and Eclairs We Recommend 92 3424 Shortcrust Pastry Block 18378 Mixed Mini Viennoiserie Selection 33887 Plain Scones Page 93 Page 93 Page 100 Your Partner in Restauration Pastry and Patisserie Prepared Pastry Sheets, Blocks and Lids Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 1065 V Jus-Rol Filo Pastry Sheets 10”x18” 8x500g 0.59 £23.71 3283 V Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Sheets 23”x15” 12x625g 0.42 £29.95 97396 V Jus-Rol Shortcrust Pastry Sheets 19”x13” 10x500g 2.28 £22.83 3423 V Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Block 4x1.5kg 0.28 £16.85 3424 V Jus-Rol Shortcrust Pastry Block 4x1.5kg 0.29 £17.47 1093 V Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Rounds 6” 96x54g 0.20 £18.97 6209 V Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Squares 5” 96x55g 0.19 £17.97 95929 V Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Squares 12” 24x300g 0.91 £21.72 1089 V Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Oval Pie Lids 6”x4” 96x60g 0.23 £21.96 5140 V Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Oval Pie Lids 7.5”x5.5” 40x85g 0.38 £15.39 57394 V Jus-Rol Shortcrust Oval Pie Lids 6”x4” 48x88g 0.32 £15.48 Viennoiserie Code 3283 Product Unit Size Ptn Price 51728 V Individually Wrapped Baked Butter Croissants 32x40g 0.62 £19.75 80774 V Unbaked Butter Croissants 50x65g 0.45 £22.32 65197 NEW V Unbaked Almond Butter Croissants 48x90g 0.60 £28.80 42508 NEW V Unbaked Chocolate Chip Butter Pastry Twists 60x100g 0.70 £42.00 5580 V Unbaked Pain au Chocolat 80x60g 0.34 £27.00 12582 V Unbaked Pain aux Raisins 60x96g 0.60 £36.00 17813 NEW 60x90g 0.45 £27.00 V Unbaked Cinnamon Swirls 5233 V Baked Mixed Danish Pastries Selection includes 6 each of: apple, blackcurrant, vanilla and almond. 24x90g 0.72 £17.16 18378 V Unbaked Mini Viennoiserie Selection An unbaked selection containing mini butter croissants, butter pain au chocolat and butter pain au raisin. 120x25g 0.38 £45.00 69380 V Baked Classic Mini Mixed Danish Pastries Selection includes very berry, apple diamond, apricot diamond and pain au chocolat. 48x30g 0.54 £26.00 2003 V Wrapped Baked Mixed Mini Danish Pastries Contains 12 each of: custard crowns, maple and pecan, UDVSEHUU\FURZQVDQGFLQQDPRQZKLUOV,QGLYLGXDOO\ZUDSSHG and baked. 48x38g 0.83 £39.95 1065 65197 17813 2003 93 94 Your Partner in Restauration 95 Pastry and Patisserie Patisserie – Macarons, Cupcakes and Muffins Code Product 62940 65986 Unit Size Ptn Price V Macarons de Paris 1x72 Visually stunning and delicious selection of French macarons. Contains 12 each of vanilla, lemon, raspberry, chocolate, coffee and pistachio. Serve with afternoon tea, on a buffet or for dessert. 0.48 £34.56 V Handmade Classic Mixed Cupcake Selection Selection includes: chocolate, toffee, carrot and raspberry buttercream with a raspberry jam centre. 4x4 1.19 £18.98 66900 V 0LQL%OXHEHUU\0XI÷QV 1x50 0.36 £18.20 63476 V 0LQL'RXEOH&KRFRODWH0XI÷QV 1x50 0.36 £18.20 16493 V %DQDQD7RIIHH0XI÷QV 24x125g 0.81 £19.42 8305 V %OXHEHUU\0XI÷QV 24x125g 0.81 £19.42 32075 V 'RXEOH&KRFRODWH0XI÷QV 24x125g 0.81 £19.42 23456 V /HPRQ3RSS\VHHG0XI÷QV 24x125g 0.81 £19.42 72519 V 5DVSEHUU\:KLWH&KRFRODWH0XI÷QV 24x125g 0.81 £19.42 41759 V 5HGXFHG)DW0L[HG%HUU\0XI÷QV 24x125g 0.81 £19.42 7624 V :UDSSHG0DPPRWK%OXHEHUU\0XI÷QV 1x24 0.73 £17.55 3763 V :UDSSHG0DPPRWK'RXEOH&KRF&KLS0XI÷QV 1x24 0.73 £17.55 Lemon & 3RSS\VHHG0XI÷QV 96 Your Partner in Restauration 65986 66900 & 63476 97 98 Your Partner in Restauration 99 Pastry and Patisserie Patisserie – Scones, Teacakes, Doughnuts, Cookies and Eclairs Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 33887 V Plain Scones 1x24 0.67 £15.98 27508 V Cherry Scones 1x24 0.71 £16.98 63693 V Sultana Scones 1x24 0.71 £16.98 1910 V Sultana Scones 1x60 0.35 £20.98 5217 V Wrapped Giant Sultana Scones 1x40 0.61 £24.55 37248 V Cheddar Cheese Scones 1x24 0.81 £19.50 60896 V GF Rodda’s Clotted Cream in Pots 48x40g 0.55 £26.32 76232 V Red Tractor Luxury Currant Teacakes 5” 45x110g 0.55 £24.72 1115 V Sliced Currant Teacakes 4” 48x4” 0.31 £14.88 1061 V Sliced Currant Teacakes 5” 48x5” 0.37 £17.80 87661 V Crumpets 9x8 0.19 £14.00 5903 V Mini Sugar Ring Doughnuts 200x17g 0.10 £20.28 51192 V Sugared Ring Doughnuts 33x55g 0.30 £9.90 1077 V Sugar Ball Jam Doughnuts 1x60 0.32 £18.97 1x36 0.48 £17.20 2019 Mixed Topped Doughnuts 38854 V Milk Chocolate Cookies 1x90 0.26 £23.55 3887 V Double Chocolate Cookies 1x90 0.26 £23.55 3896 V White Chocolate Cookies 1x90 0.26 £23.55 1x8 0.84 £6.72 1x36 0.60 £21.50 21701 Empire Large Iced Jam Biscuits 28777 V Cream Filled Chocolate Eclairs 63693 1061 21701 Patisserie – Cakes Code Unit Size Ptn Price 14ptn 1.20 £16.80 60472 Triple Chocolate Sparkle Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.28 £17.92 32590 Angel Sparkle Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.21 £16.92 16700 Mini Angel Sparkle Stack Cake Portions 36ptn 0.54 £19.56 66110 Product NEW V GF Gluten Free Victoria Sponge Pre-cut 15343 V Blueberry Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 69311 V Caramel Swurly Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.06 £14.85 * 87326 V Carrot Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 65826 V Coffee & Walnut Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 51896 V Extra Chocolatey Fudge Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 34127 V Lemon Drizzle Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 82250 V Millionaire Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.14 £15.95 16700 *Subject to VAT 100 66110 Your Partner in Restauration 101 Pastry and Patisserie Patisserie – Cakes Code continued Product Unit Size Ptn Price 17779 V Paradise Coconut & Pineapple Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.14 £15.95 7288 V Spiced Apple & Caramel Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.14 £15.95 45740 V Toffee & Banana Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 50998 V Victoria Sponge Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 19272 V GF Gluten Free Carrot Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.10 £15.40 54037 V GF Gluten Free Naughty Chocolate Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.10 £15.40 63938 V Handmade Fruit Loaf Cakes Pre-cut 22ptn 1.25 £19.98 77376 V Handmade Belgian Chocolate Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.50 £20.95 5149 V Handmade Buttercream & Jam Sponge Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.21 £16.95 7903 V Handmade Carrot Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.50 £20.95 5147 V Handmade Chocolate Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.21 £16.95 5160 V Handmade Coffee & Walnut Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.20 £16.75 5148 V Handmade Harvest Apple Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.35 £18.95 18608 V Handmade Iced Lemon Drizzle Cake Pre-cut 14ptn 1.20 £16.75 14ptn 1.43 £19.95 1x2 0.90 £17.99 Unit Size Ptn Price 7515 78819 Handmade Red Velvet Cake Pre-cut V Toffee & Banana Loaf Cakes Uncut 17779 78819 Patisserie – Traybakes and Slices Code Product 53562 V Love Handmade All Butter Flapjack Pre-cut 12ptn 0.98 £11.75 40985 V Love Handmade Apple Shortcake Traybake Pre-cut 12ptn 1.08 £12.95 72045 V Love Handmade Black Cherry Almond Traybake Pre-cut 12ptn 1.13 £13.50 84285 V Love Handmade Boston Brownie Traybake Pre-cut 12ptn 1.00 £11.95 20827 V Love Handmade Caramel Heaven Traybake Pre-cut 12ptn 1.00 £11.95 61316 V Love Handmade Chocolate, Fruit & Nut Slice Pre-cut 12ptn 1.15 £13.75 69873 V Love Handmade Classic Butter Shortbread Pre-cut 12ptn 0.98 £11.75 61357 V Love Handmade Fairtrade Chocolate Brownie Pre-cut 12ptn 1.16 £13.95 24223 V Love Handmade Granola Slice Traybake Pre-cut 12ptn 1.00 £11.95 88441 V Love Handmade Lemon Drizzle Traybake Pre-cut 12ptn 1.04 £12.50 55306 V Love Handmade Luxury Caramel Shortbread Pre-cut 12ptn 1.08 £12.95 89332 V Love Handmade Maple & Pecan Slice Pre-cut 12ptn 1.16 £13.95 78294 V Love Handmade Raspberry & Coconut Slice Pre-cut 12ptn 1.13 £13.50 37379 V /RYH+DQGPDGH:KLWH&KRF&UDQEHUU\7LI÷Q3UHFXW 12ptn 1.16 £13.95 71724 Love Handmade Rocky Road Traybake Pre-cut 12ptn 1.13 £13.50 86669 V Carrot Cake Traycake Pre-cut 18ptn 0.91 £16.30 21147 V Chocolate Fudge Brownie Traycake Pre-cut 18ptn 0.91 £16.30 55306 37379 21147 102 Your Partner in Restauration Pastry and Patisserie Patisserie – Traybakes and Slices Code continued Product Unit Size Ptn Price 76372 V Ginger & Lemon Crumble Traycake Pre-cut 18ptn 0.91 £16.30 75468 V Toffee, Date & Pecan Traycake Pre-cut 18ptn 0.91 £16.30 3689 V GF Individually Wrapped Apple Crumble Slice Gluten Free 1x18 0.99 £17.85 44209 V GF Individually Wrapped Chocolate Pecan Brownie Gluten Free 1x18 0.99 £17.85 1x18 0.99 £17.85 Unit Size Ptn Price 72302 V GF Individually Wrapped Nutty Fruit Cake Gluten Free 76372 Patisserie – Fruit Pies, Flans and Tarts Code Product 21120 V French Apple Tart Pre-cut 8ptn 0.86 £6.90 7807 V French Apple & Rhubarb Tart Pre-cut 8ptn 0.94 £7.50 5429 V Giant Apple Pie Pre-cut 14ptn 0.85 £11.96 78728 V Lattice Treacle Tart Uncut 12ptn 1.33 £16.00 4469 V Traditional Bakewell Tart Pre-cut 12ptn 1.30 £15.60 36462 V Iced Bakewell Tart Pre-cut 12ptn 1.36 £16.36 3689 7807 Iced Bakewell Tart Pre-cut 103 Puddings and Ice Cream For desert lovers, or those who ‘couldn’t possibly’, our seductive range of puddings and ice creams are hard to turn down. Serve as they come or add your own special touches to create a perfect end to a delicious meal. 105-106 +RW3XGGLQJV×,QGLYLGXDO 129 .LGVÚ,FH&UHDP'HVVHUWV 106 Hot Puddings – Multi-Portion 129 6RIW6HUYH,FH&UHDPDQG6RUEHW 111 &ROG3XGGLQJV×,QGLYLGXDO 130 7KD\PDU1DWXUDO'DLU\,FH&UHDPDQG6RUEHW 114-116 English Cheesecake Company 132 /RYLQJWRQÚV3XUHDQG1DWXUDO6RPHUVHW,FH&UHDP 116-120 Sweet Street Desserts 135 0RYHQSLFN,FH&UHDPDQG6RUEHW 123-124 Desserts – Pre-Portioned 136 :DOOV&DUWH'Ú2U,FH&UHDPDQG6RUEHW 125 Freezer to Table Desserts 136 %HQ-HUU\ÚV,QGLYLGXDO,FH&UHDP3RWV 125 Whole Desserts 136-139 :DOOV,PSXOVH,FH&UHDP 125-126 Exceptional Value Desserts 139 Fruit 126 ,QGLYLGXDO,FH&UHDP'HVVHUWV 139 ,FH&XEHV 129 ,FH&UHDP6XQGDHV We Recommend 57847 British Battenberg Cake 28484 Chocolate & Cherry Cheesecake 77213 Honeycomb ,FH&UHDP Page 114 Page 124 Page 132 NEW 104 NEW Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Hot Puddings – Individual Code Product 85195 Ptn Price V GF Gluten Free Syrup Sponge Puddings 12x150g Lashings of golden syrup cascading over a melt in the mouth light DQGøXII\JOXWHQIUHHV\UXSVSRQJHSXGGLQJ 1.40 £16.80 12807 V Chocolate Fondant Puddings Chocolate sponge with a melting chocolate fondant centre. 12x160g 1.87 £22.46 52774 V Classic Luxury Sticky Chocolate Puddings Square cut chocolate pudding with chocolate sauce. Home made appearance. 1x12 1.33 £15.97 16021 Classic Luxury Sticky Date & Walnut Puddings Square cut sponge pudding made with dates and walnuts. Home made appearance. 1x12 1.33 £15.97 1x12 89578 V Classic Luxury Sticky Figgy Puddings 6TXDUHFXWVSRQJHSXGGLQJPDGHZLWK÷JVGDWHVDQGGDUNEURZQ sugar in a butterscotch sauce. Home made appearance. 1.38 £16.54 Unit Size V 85195 14640 V Classic Luxury Sticky Ginger Puddings Square cut ginger pudding with real stem ginger sauce. Home made appearance. 1x12 1.33 £15.97 1544 V Classic Luxury Sticky Toffee Puddings Square cut toffee pudding made with dates and cream in a rich butterscotch sauce. Home made appearance. 1x12 1.28 £15.36 24524 V Classic Luxury Sticky Treacle Puddings Square cut sticky treacle pudding with sauce. Home made appearance. 1x12 1.33 £15.97 68854 V Classic Luxury Bread & Butter Puddings 12x220g Luxurious bread and butter pudding packed full of juicy sultanas. Home made appearance. 1.33 £15.97 83524 V Classic Luxury Spotted Dick Puddings 12x180g Square cut traditional spotted dick sponge. Home made appearance. 1.33 £15.97 79432 V Classic Luxury Jam Sponge Puddings 12x180g Square cut sponge topped with a fruit jam. Home made appearance. 1.33 £15.97 2352 V Sticky Toffee Puddings & Toffee Sauce Delicious light sponge with sweet, toffee sauce. 12x200g 1.21 £14.55 4748 V Chocolate Sponge Puddings Light chocolate sponge pudding with chocolate sauce. 12x150g 0.98 £11.70 7227 V Treacle Sponge Puddings Moist sponge pudding covered in syrup sauce. 12x150g 0.98 £11.77 5106 V Spotted Dick Puddings A suet sponge packed with succulent currants, without sauce. 12x150g 0.93 £11.20 8095 V Sticky Toffee Puddings Traditional sticky toffee sponge pudding with sauce. 12x150g 0.98 £11.70 2407 V Strawberry Jam Puddings Plain sponge pudding topped with strawberry jam. 12x150g 0.98 £11.70 12807 52774 1544 2352 105 Puddings and Ice Cream Hot Puddings – Individual continued Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 10282 Individual Tarte Tatin Authentic French style tart using fresh apples caramelised in butter and sugar, topped with an all butter sweet pastry. 10x120g 1.60 £15.99 76524 V Individual Caramel Apple Cobblers 6ZHHWSDVWU\FDVH÷OOHGZLWKDEDVHRIFDUDPHOFXVWDUG and apples topped with crumble and toffee icing. 12x234g 1.88 £22.60 80519 NEW V Bramley Apple Crumbles ,QGLYLGXDO%UDPOH\DSSOH÷OOLQJWRSSHGZLWKFUXPEOH 1x12 1.60 £19.20 53837 NEW V Rhubarb & Strawberry Crumbles ,QGLYLGXDOUKXEDUEFRPSRWHWRSSHGZLWKVWUDZEHUULHVDQG a crunchy oaty crumble. 1x12 1.85 £22.20 33654 V Apple & Blackberry Crumbles %DNHGDSSOHDQGEODFNEHUU\IUXLW÷OOLQJWRSSHGZLWK crunchy crumble. 1x12 1.30 £15.60 25132 V Rhubarb & Apple Crumbles %DNHGUKXEDUEDQGDSSOHIUXLW÷OOLQJWRSSHGZLWK crunchy crumble. 1x12 1.30 £15.60 2975 20x90g 0.52 £10.35 23801 V V /DUJH6ZHHW%HOJLDQ:DIøHV Delicious when served warm with hot chocolate sauce and ice cream. V American Pancakes 10282 80519 120x4.5” 0.26 £30.94 Unit Size Ptn Price Hot Puddings – Multi-Portion Code Product 7283 V Spotted Dick Roly Poly 4x14ptn 0.34 £18.92 7285 V Jam Roly Poly 4x14ptn 0.34 £18.92 Rhubarb & Strawberry Crumble 106 Your Partner in Restauration 23801 107 108 Your Partner in Restauration 109 110 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Cold Puddings – Individual Unit Size Ptn Price 61361 V Individual Banoffee Pies 3DVWU\FDVH÷OOHGZLWKWRIIHHEDQDQDVOLFHVDQGVZHHWHQHG whipped cream, dusted with chocolate powder. Code 12x216g 1.65 £19.80 ,QGLYLGXDO&KRFRODWH3UDOLQH7UXIøHV &KRFRODWHSUDOLQHWUXIøHPRXVVHVXUURXQGHGE\DPL[HGQXW sponge topped with chocolate ganache, amaretti crumb and chocolate decoration. 12x100g 1.70 £20.40 69086 V Individual Lemon Meringue Pies 6ZHHWSDVWU\FDVH÷OOHGZLWKOHPRQFXVWDUGDQGWRSSHG with meringue. 12x121g 1.50 £18.00 55583 V Lemon Meringue Tartlettes 9LVXDOO\VWULNLQJWDUWVPDGHZLWKSXUHEXWWHUSDVWU\÷OOHGZLWK lemon curd and topped with sweet meringue. 5x100g 2.11 £10.55 10x80g 31999 V Tartlette au Citron 3XUHEXWWHUSDVWU\FDVH÷OOHGZLWK]LQJ\OHPRQFXUGDQG÷QLVKHG with a chocolate decoration. 1.53 £15.32 10x80g 1.60 £15.99 5x110g 28984 V Raspberry Tartlettes 3XUHEXWWHUSDVWU\ZLWKDOD\HURIIUDQJLSDQHDQGKDQG÷QLVKHG with raspberries. 2.30 £11.50 42698 Irish Liqueur Cheesecakes 'LJHVWLYHELVFXLWEDVHWRSSHGZLWKIUHVKFUHDP,ULVKOLTXHXU cheesecake mousse and caramel sauce. 12x147g 1.56 £18.72 88617 Fruits of the Forest Cheesecakes Cheesecake mousse set on a biscuit base, decorated with fruits of the forest. 12x156g 1.66 £19.97 9076 12x165g 1.82 £21.79 19747 Product V Tartlette au Chocolat Pure butter pastry case with a thin speculoos biscuit layer, ÷OOHGZLWKULFKFKRFRODWHJDQDFKHZLWKFKRFRODWHGHFRUDWLRQ Trio of Chocolate Mousse Dark, milk and white chocolate mousse set on a sponge base. 77393 Summer Puddings Sweet combination of raspberries, apples, blackberries, strawberries and redcurrants set in gelatin and encased in light sponge. 19336 55583 31999 1x18 1.46 £26.29 Raspberry Tartlettes 111 112 Your Partner in Restauration 113 Puddings and Ice Cream English Cheesecake Company Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 57847 NEW V British Battenberg Cake Pre-cut A modern play on classic Battenberg – traditional plain and FRQWUDVWLQJDOPRQGSLQNVSRQJH÷OOHGDQGWRSSHGZLWKFUHDP FKHHVHDQG÷QLVKHGZLWKWRDVWHGøDNHGDOPRQGV 14pp 1.35 £18.90 ö 16ptn 1.30 £20.80 ö 35512 NEW V Chocolate Orange Tiramisu Tray – Whole /D\HUVRIFRIIHHVRDNHGVSRQJH÷QJHUVDQGRUDQJHFKRFRODWH mascarpone cream, topped with orange zest. 51850 NEW V Clotted Cream Treacle Tart Pre-cut 14pp A modern twist on a classic English pudding, sticky treacle tart gently baked in a delicious biscuit shell topped with West Country clotted cream. 1.45 £20.30 ö 84333 NEW V Hazelnut Praline Crunchball Pre-cut 14pp Decadent vanilla cheesecake swirled with hazelnut praline, topped with milk chocolate fudge, nibbed hazelnuts and a hazelnut chocolate on each slice. All set on a crunchy chocolate biscuit base. 1.80 £25.20 ö 72177 NEW V Lemon Velvet Crunch Pre-cut Delicate, velvety lemon cream made with real lemon juice, set on a crunchy biscuit base with a hint of ginger. 14pp 1.40 £19.60 ö 79340 NEW V Lotus Caramelised Biscoff Cream Slice Pre-cut Crunchy biscuit base with a layer of caramelised lotus biscoff paste and mascarpone cream topped with crushed pieces of ‘the one and only little red biscuit’. 14pp 1.50 £21.00 ö 77171 NEW V Salted Caramel Victoria Crunch Pre-cut Vanilla and toffee sponge layers with a layer of salted caramel, crispy white chocolate balls and topped with a caramel glaze. 14pp 1.35 £18.90 ö 42463 V Salted Caramel Vanilla Cheesecake Pre-cut 14pp Crunchy biscuit base with rich, creamy vanilla cheesecake swirled with toffee and topped with a thick layer of salted caramel and øDNHGDOPRQGV 1.59 £22.28 ö 14pp 1.44 £20.21 ö 14pp 71610 V Bubble Mint Aero Cheesecake Pre-cut &KRFRODWHWUXIøHFKHHVHFDNHRQDFKRFRODWHFRRNLHEDVH÷OOHG and topped with mint Aero milk chocolate balls. 1.61 £22.57 ö 14pp 1.61 £22.57 ö 14pp 56341 V Choc Chip Cookie Dough Collision Cheesecake Pre-cut &UXQFK\FRRNLHEDVHWRSSHGZLWKFUHDP\FKHHVHFDNH÷OOHGZLWK a big chunk of raw cookie dough mixed with chocolate chips and topped with more choc chips and choc fudge drizzle. 1.30 £18.20 ö 14pp 33255 V &KRFRODWH3UR÷WHUROH6PDVK&KHHVHFDNH3UHFXW &UHDP÷OOHGSUR÷WHUROHVFRYHUHGLQFKRFRODWHIXGJHVDXFHVLWWLQJ on a chocolate cheesecake and biscuit base. 1.40 £19.66 ö 1.28 £17.91 ö 74163 V Peach Melba Crumble Pie Pre-cut 'HOLFDWHO\EDNHGFUXQFK\ELVFXLWFUXVW÷OOHGZLWKUHIUHVKLQJ raspberries and peaches in a delicate compote, topped with a buttery crumble. 45814 27711 V Caramel Crunch Landslide Cheesecake Pre-cut Creamy vanilla cheesecake packed with chunks of chocolate covered crunchy caramel on a chocolate cookie base. V Classic Banoffee Pie Pre-cut Rich toffee, banana chunks and whipped cream on a crunchy biscuit base – heaven! 14pp 77171 74163 71610 27711 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP 114 72177 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream English Cheesecake Company Code continued Ptn Price 12pp 65261 V Classic Tart au Citron Pre-cut 6ZHHWSDVWU\VKHOO÷OOHGZLWKDSHUIHFWMXVWVHW]LQJ\OHPRQFXUG× DGH÷QLWLYHYHUVLRQRIDFODVVLF 1.25 £15.00 ö V Cookies & Cream Cheesecake Pre-cut 14pp White chocolate cheesecake blended with crushed cream cookies on a biscuit base, topped with more crushed cream cookies. 1.28 £17.91 ö 14pp 76293 V Double Chocolate Brownie Cake Pre-cut 5LFKFKRFRODWHEURZQLHFDNH÷OOHGZLWKFKXQNVRIZKLWHFKRFRODWH 1.12 £15.68 ö 14pp 29914 V Fred & Ginger Cheesecake Pre-cut 9DQLOODFKHHVHFDNH÷OOHGZLWKDELJFKXQNRIKRPHPDGHJLQJHU sponge then topped with smaller gingerbread chunks and drizzled with toffee sauce. 1.43 £19.97 ö 20348 V Golden Nugget Vanilla Honeycomb Cheesecake Pre-cut Chocolate and crunchy golden honeycomb nuggets on top and inside creamy vanilla cheesecake on a digestive biscuit base, drizzled with chocolate. 1.61 £22.55 ö 24710 V Italian Tiramisu Tray – Whole 16ptn Layers of truly authentic rich mascarpone cream and savoiardi VSRQJH÷QJHUVVRDNHGLQHVSUHVVRFRIIHHDQGWRSSHGZLWKGDUN chocolate cocoa powder. 1.30 £20.75 ö 36977 Product Unit Size 14pp 16pp 66694 V Luxury Chocolate Fudge Cake Pre-cut 0DGHWRDVSHFLDOUHFLSHXVLQJWKH÷QHVWFKRFRODWHZKLFKJLYHV DGHQVHULFKPRLVWVSRQJH÷OOHGDQGWRSSHGZLWKFKRFRODWHIXGJH 29914 20348 1.14 £18.30 ö 12pp 1.30 £15.55 ö 47780 V New York Baked Vanilla Cheesecake Pre-cut 16pp A classic dessert with a crunchy biscuit base topped with creamy baked vanilla cheesecake. 1.00 £15.99 ö 50201 Raspberry Shortbread Cheesecake Pre-cut 14pp Plump whole raspberries and buttery Scottish shortbread chunks on a classic vanilla cheesecake and digestive biscuit base. 1.33 £18.64 ö 49961 V Salted Caramel & Roasted Almond Cheesecake Pre-cut Creamy vanilla cheesecake blended with dulce de leche toffee, WRSSHGZLWKFKRFRODWHIXGJHVDXFH÷UHURDVWHGDOPRQGVDQG sea salted caramel on a crunchy biscuit base. 14pp 1.56 £21.84 ö V Sicilian Lemon Meringue Pavlova Cheesecake Pre-cut 14pp Digestive biscuit base with lemon and vanilla cheesecake topped ZLWKOHPRQFXUGDQG÷QLVKHGZLWKJROGHQPHULQJXHSLHFHV 1.37 £19.18 ö 41366 V Strawberries & Queen Cheesecake Pre-cut 14pp Cornish clotted cream cheesecake topped with glazed strawberry halves on a crunchy biscuit base. 1.38 £19.36 ö 42920 V Strawberry & White Chocolate Cheesecake Pre-cut Rich and creamy vanilla cheesecake on a digestive biscuit base topped with plump strawberry halves and drizzled with white chocolate. 14pp 1.33 £18.64 ö 82769 V Swiss Mountain Choc Chunk Vanilla Cheesecake Pre-cut 14pp 'HQVHYDQLOODFKHHVHFDNHRQDFUXQFK\GLJHVWLYHEDVH÷OOHGDQG topped with chunks of milk chocolate almond and honey bar. 1.56 £21.84 ö 46883 40868 V Mascarpone & Lemon Curd Cheesecake Pre-cut Creamy, zingy fresh mascarpone cheesecake topped with øDNHGDOPRQGV V 24710 66694 47780 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP 115 Puddings and Ice Cream English Cheesecake Company continued Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 35908 V White Chocolate Cheesecake Pre-cut Creamy white chocolate cheesecake on a classic biscuit base topped with white chocolate curls. 14pp 1.28 £17.91 ö 12pp 1.30 £15.55 ö 24004 V :KLWH'DUN&KRFRODWH7UXIøH&KHHVHFDNH3UHFXW 5LSSOHVRIZKLWHDQGGDUNFKRFRODWHWUXIøHFKHHVHFDNHRQD crunchy biscuit base. 24004 Sweet Street Desserts Code Product 78223 42060 Ptn Price NEW GF Individually Wrapped Chewy Marshmallow Bar 1x40 Homemade marshmallow cream folded in gluten free crispy rice puffs and mini marshmallows. 0.99 £39.60 ö NEW V Salted Caramel Crunch Skillet Cookie Puck 1x48 Hand mixed with browned butter, white chocolate, crisp pretzel bites, sea salt and crunchy Heath toffee pieces. Sprinkled with pretzel salt and golden demerara sugar. 1.35 £64.80 ö 87290 NEW V Just Chocolate Skillet Cookie Puck 1x48 Sustainable chocolate in three forms – melted, morsel and cocoa, blended with savoury sea salt and perfectly browned butter, scattered with coarse sugar and rich chocolate chunks. 1.35 £64.80 ö 30929 NEW V Sandy’s Amazing Chocolate Chunk Skillet 1x48 Cookie Puck Butter cookie dough mixed with savoury pretzel balls and chunks of chocolate, topped with coarse pretzel salt and choc coins, chunks and squares of milk chocolate. 1.40 £67.20 ö 9613 NEW V Individually Wrapped Peruvian Chocolate Brownie 1x48 Fabulous chocolate brownie made with sustainably grown Peruvian chocolate. 1.40 £67.20 ö 18964 NEW V Individually Wrapped Salted Caramel Cookie Unique sweet and salty cookie loaded with white chocolate, pretzel bites and toffee candy pieces. Topped with pretzel salt and golden demerara sugar. 1x48 1.10 £52.80 ö 68049 NEW V Individually Wrapped Sandy’s Chocolate Chunk Cookie All butter cookie dough mixed with savoury pretzel balls and øDYRXUIXOFKXQNVRIFKRFRODWHWRSSHGZLWKFRDUVHSUHW]HOVDOW and chocolate coins, chunks and squares. 1x48 1.10 £52.80 ö 22653 Individually Wrapped Toffee Crunch Blondie 1x48 Buttery blondie studded with white chocolate chunks and loaded with chocolate and Heath toffee pieces. 1.40 £67.20 ö 11925 NEW V Peachberry Crumble Pre-cut Refreshing peach and blueberry compote on a moist lemon semolina cake ribboned with tart lemon curd and sandwiched between a crisp buttery shortbread and crumble. 8ptn 1.37 £10.95 ö 49260 V Sandy’s Sour Cream Cake Pre-cut Buttery and full of sour cream, this bundt is ribboned with cinnamon, brown sugar and nuts, then glazed with apricots. 16ptn 1.43 £22.95 ö NEW Unit Size V 42060 87290 11925 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP 116 78223 Your Partner in Restauration 117 118 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Sweet Street Desserts continued Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 86645 V Caramel Carrot Cake Pre-cut Rich, moist three layer carrot cake with walnuts, pineapple, carrots and raisins. Filled and topped with salted caramel and cream cheese icing. 12ptn 1.98 £23.72 ö 23582 V Brown Cow Chocolate Pudding Cheesecake Pre-cut Dollops of fudgy chocolate pudding set in the creamiest of cheesecakes. 16ptn 1.60 £25.60 ö 89697 V Ricotta Brûlée Cheesecake Pre-cut Creamy, light cheesecake made with ricotta and brûléed for a IDEXORXV÷QLVK 16ptn 1.60 £25.60 ö 14505 V Salted Caramel Brûlée Cheesecake Pre-cut Biscuit base topped with layers of caramel and cream cheese and swirled with more caramel. 16ptn 1.62 £25.92 ö 8112 V New York Vanilla Cheesecake Pre-cut Cheesecake so creamy, so satisfying it makes the Statue of Liberty smile. 16ptn 1.14 £18.30 ö 41812 V Blueberry & White Chocolate Brûlée Cheesecake Pre-cut 14ptn White chocolate cheesecake swirled with wild blueberries on a crunchy biscuit base. 2.04 £28.50 ö 56259 Mango Passion Cheesecake Pre-cut A smooth creamy mango and passion cheesecake with a shimmering glaze. 14505 14ptn 2.04 £28.50 ö 14ptn 2.04 £28.50 ö 72208 Strawberries & Cream Cheesecake Pre-cut A touch of creme brûlée custard lightens the texture of this creamy natural cheesecake, blended with strawberry compote for a refreshing contrast. 14ptn 2.04 £28.50 ö 71830 V Flourless Chocolate Torte Pre-cut 7KLVøRXUOHVVFKRFRODWHWRUWHLVPDGHZLWKDEOHQGRIIRXU FKRFRODWHVDQG÷QLVKHGZLWKDJDQDFKHWRSSLQJ 16ptn 1.30 £20.80 ö 8594 V Raspberry & White Chocolate Cheesecake Pre-cut White chocolate cheesecake swirled with raspberry. 7943 V Chocolate Lovin’ Spoon Cake Pre-cut A giant mouthful of chocolate pudding between two layers of dark moist chocolate cake. 14ptn 1.96 £27.50 ö 4918 Cookies & Cream Pie Pre-cut 14ptn A cookie universe of white and milk chocolate cream starred with Oreo chunks and showered with dark chocolate drizzle. 1.89 £26.50 ö 21854 Key Lime Pie Pre-cut 14ptn $XWKHQWLF)ORULGD.H\OLPHSLH$]LQJ\FLWUXV÷OOLQJRQDFUXQFK\ granola base. 1.42 £19.92 ö V Four Layer Carrot Cake Pre-cut Moist carrot cake studded with raisins, walnuts and pineapple, ÷QLVKHGZLWKVPRRWKFUHDPFKHHVHLFLQJDQGDGUL]]OHRIZKLWH chocolate ganache. 16ptn 2.06 £32.96 ö V Caramel Apple Granny Pie Pre-cut Buttery caramel and toffee custard with fresh Granny Smith apples in a melt in the mouth shortbread crust. Can be served hot or cold. 14ptn 1.57 £21.92 ö 51404 34887 86645 56259 72208 71830 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP 119 Puddings and Ice Cream Sweet Street Desserts continued Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 8365 V Bourbon Pecan Pie Pre-cut 3DVWU\FDVHZLWKDVZHHW%RXUERQODFHG÷OOLQJWRSSHGZLWK toasted pecan halves. 14ptn 1.55 £21.75 ö 22526 V Triple Chocolate Brownie Pre-cut The perfect blend of chocolate chips, chunks and Hershey’s Kisses adorn this chewy, rich brownie. 16ptn 1.05 £16.80 ö 33598 V Toffee Crunch Blondie Pre-cut 16ptn Buttery blondie studded with creamy white and dark chocolate chunks and chewy toffee. 1.05 £16.80 ö 10620 V Rockslide Brownie Pre-cut 16ptn Rich chocolate brownie topped with caramel, chunks of brownie and toasted pecans. 1.28 £20.45 ö 1165 V Lemon & Raspberry Crumb Bar Pre-cut Refreshing, tart lemon curd with colourful raspberries on a buttery cake and crisp crust. Finished with crunchy crumbs and powdered sugar. 16ptn 1.12 £17.92 ö 18ptn 73784 V Chocolate Brownie Stack Pre-cut 5LFKFKRFRODWHEURZQLHZLWKDFUHDP\FKRFRODWHSXGGLQJ÷OOLQJ piled high with chocolate cake chunks, milk chocolate ganache and chocolate curls. 1.40 £25.20 ö 8365 22526 V Chocolate Peanut Butter Stack Pre-cut 8ptn Sweet and salty peanut butter crunch, light and creamy milk chocolate and buttery caramel, layered with chocolate brownie and topped with crunchy, honey roasted peanuts. 1.92 £15.35 ö 55980 Cookies & Cream Stack Pre-cut 8ptn Double layers of decadent brownies sandwich white chocolate cheesecake and then piled high with white chocolate mousse RYHUøRZLQJZLWKFKXQNVRI2UHRFKRFRODWHJDQDFKHDQGPRUH cookies on top. 1.95 £15.60 ö 9x140g 28924 V ,QGLYLGXDO0ROWHQ&KRFRODWH7UXIøH&DNHV 5LFKFKRFRODWHVSRQJHGHVVHUW÷OOHGZLWKGDUNFKRFRODWHWUXIøH best served warm. 1.98 £17.78 ö 0.14 £16.95 ö 0.41 £79.20 ö 25460 21939 V Triple Chocolate Brownie Bites Traybake Pre-cut The perfect blend of chocolate chips, chunks and Hershey’s Kisses in chewy chocolate brownie bite size pieces. 1x121 10039 V Perfect Petits Fours Variety No 1 4x48 Mixed case containing 48 each of the following: toffee crunch blondie, turtle brownie, luscious lemon bar and raspberry white chocolate bar. Serve one piece of each for the perfect sharing platter. 33598 10620 1165 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP 120 Your Partner in Restauration 121 122 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Desserts – Pre-Portioned Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 36389 NEW V Raspberry & Pistachio Frangipane Sweet shortbread case layered with raspberry jam and moist SLVWDFKLRVSRQJHVWXGGHGZLWKUDVSEHUULHVDQG÷QLVKHGZLWK roasted pistachios. 14ptn 1.35 £18.90 14ptn 1.35 £18.90 57982 Peanut Butter & Toffee Cheesecake 12ptn Baked cheesecake made with crunchy peanut butter and a swirl of toffee set on a biscuit base, topped with chocolate ganache, roasted peanuts and toffee drizzle. 1.40 £16.80 40466 V GF Gluten Free New York Cheesecake Crunchy, gluten free biscuit base topped with luxury baked vanilla cheesecake. 12ptn 1.40 £16.80 6551 Luxury Plain Cheesecake Luxury cheesecake, decorate with any topping you wish. 14ptn 1.05 £14.70 12ptn 40461 V Baked Lemon Swirl Cheesecake 'LJHVWLYHEDVH÷OOHGZLWKFUHDPFKHHVHEDWWHUPDGHIURPIUHVK cream, whole eggs and sugar, marbled with lemon curd. 1.40 £16.85 17274 V Raspberry Ripple Cheesecake &UXQFK\GLJHVWLYHELVFXLWEDVH÷OOHGZLWKFUHDPFKHHVHEDWWHU swirled with raspberry ripples. 12ptn 1.33 £15.93 57521 Strawberry Eton Mess Cheesecake Oat biscuit base topped with creamy cold set cheesecake, ULSSOHGZLWKVWUDZEHUU\SLHFHV÷QLVKHGZLWKPHULQJXHSLHFHV and strawberry glaze. 14ptn 1.15 £16.10 4585 V Chocolate Fudge Cake 16ptn 0RLVWULFKFKRFRODWHVSRQJH÷OOHGDQGFRDWHGZLWKULFKFKRFRODWH fudge icing and side coated with chocolate pieces. 0.81 £12.95 4174 V Mega Fabulous Fudge Cake 14ptn Three generous layers of rich chocolate cake, layered and coated with rich chocolate fudge. 1.10 £15.40 7783 V Belgian Chocolate Tart Rich Belgian chocolate baked in a butter pastry tart case. 14ptn 1.15 £16.11 52140 V Deluxe Lemon Meringue Pie 3DVWU\FDVHZLWKDWDQJ\OHPRQ÷OOLQJWRSSHGZLWKJROGHQ baked meringue. 12ptn 1.58 £18.98 V Lemon Meringue Pie 12ptn Pastry base topped with tangy lemon curd and crunchy meringue. 1.12 £13.42 84413 NEW Lemon Syllabub & Pistachio Torte /D\HUVRIPRLVWOHPRQVRDNHGVSRQJH÷OOHGDQGWRSSHGZLWK lemon syllabub and lemon ripple. Finished with a sprinkling of roast pistachios. 18495 V 36389 84413 57982 40466 7783 123 Puddings and Ice Cream Desserts – Pre-Portioned Code continued Product Unit Size 12ptn 13260 V Lemon Meringue Pie 7UDGLWLRQDOVKRUWFUXVWSDVWU\FDVHZLWKD]HVW\OHPRQ÷OOLQJ topped with a generous helping of meringue and baked to perfection. Ptn Price 1.08 £12.98 82696 V Lemon Tart Baked lemon tart made with fresh cream and butter pastry. 14ptn 1.09 £15.29 4503 V Caramel Apple Pie Juicy apples and caramel laced with smooth rich custard and crumble topping in a shortcrust pastry base. 14ptn 1.07 £14.95 8096 Dime Bar Pie 14ptn 'DUNFKRFRODWHEDVH÷OOHGZLWKOD\HUVRIVPRRWKWRIIHHFKRFRODWH ganache and mousse, decorated with more chocolate ganache and pieces of dime bar. 1.25 £17.50 29430 Tiramisu Lumpy Bumpy 12ptn Traditional favourite with a modern twist, brandy coffee soaked sponge topped with mousse and lumpy bumpy cheesecake. Smothered with dark chocolate ganache, amaretti crumb and white chocolate drizzle. 1.65 £19.82 7278 Chocolate Lumpy Bumpy 12ptn Light chocolate fudge cake topped with rich chocolate cheesecake mousse coated in dark chocolate ganache, sprinkled with pecan nuts and chunks of chocolate. 1.55 £18.60 Toffee Lumpy Bumpy 12ptn Layers of toffee sponge, topped with toffee mousse and lumpy EXPS\FKHHVHFDNHFRDWHGLQWRIIHHøDYRXUHGFKRFRODWHVXSUHPH sprinkled with chocolate and toffee. 1.55 £18.60 1817 70669 3535 82696 4503 V &KRFRODWH6DOWHG&DUDPHO3UR÷WHUROHV Chocolate coated choux pastry balls with a cream and salted FDUDPHO÷OOLQJDSSUR[SHUFDVH 2kg 0.26 £26.25 V )UHVK&UHDP)LOOHG3UR÷WHUROHV &KRX[SDVWU\÷OOHGZLWKIUHVKFUHDPDQGVXSSOLHGZLWK 4x250ml tubes of chocolate sauce, approx 133 per pack. 1x133 0.20 £26.25 70069 14ptn 43506 V GF Gluten Free Caramel Apple Pie *OXWHQIUHHSDVWU\FDVH÷OOHGZLWKMXLF\DSSOHVDQGFDUDPHOODFHG with smooth custard and crumble, topped with a layer of caramel. 1.18 £16.50 28484 NEW V Chocolate & Cherry Cheesecake 12ptn Chocolate digestive base topped with a dark chocolate and cherry cheesecake batter swirled with white chocolate cheesecake. 1.32 £15.82 18243 NEW V Chocolate Fudge Fixation 14ptn Three layer chocolate fudge cake with chocolate fudge buttercream and caramel, decorated with chocolate fudge buttercream. 1.40 £19.60 28484 18243 124 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Freezer to Table Desserts Code Product 65951 Unit Size Ptn Price V GF Almondy Dime Bar Cake Gluten Free Pre-cut 12ptn Classic, creamy almond cake topped with crunchy almond caramel and covered with smooth milk chocolate. 1.45 £17.40 25425 V GF Almondy Peanut & Caramel Tart Gluten Free Pre-cut 12ptn Almond biscuit base layered with nougat butter cream, soft caramel, roasted peanuts and milk chocolate. 1.45 £17.40 7279 V Lightly Lemony Ice Cream Gateau Pre-cut 14ptn Digestive biscuit base with layers of tangy lemon sherbet, clotted cream ice cream and lemon curd. Topped with demerara crumble and white chocolate meringue pieces. 1.30 £18.20 * 14ptn 64607 NEW V Raspberry & White Choc Ice Cream Cake /LJKWVSRQJHFDNHVPRWKHUHGZLWKFORWWHGFUHDPøDYRXULFHFUHDP raspberry glaze and raspberry sherbet. Topped with crunchy meringue pieces, raspberry crumb and white chocolate chunks. 1.50 25425 £20.99 * Whole Desserts Code 7279 Ptn Price 8ptn 27467 NEW V Lemon Meringue Tart $OOEXWWHUVZHHWSDVWU\FDVHWRSSHGZLWKDIUHVKHJJOHPRQ÷OOLQJ DQG÷QLVKHGZLWKVRIW,WDOLDQPHULQJXH 1.25 £9.99 V Chocolate Fudge Cake Mouth wateringly moist chocolate cake covered with a thick coating of smooth chocolate fudge. 16ptn 0.78 £12.55 2x10ptn 0.95 £19.00 16ptn 1.19 £18.98 Unit Size Ptn Price 18ptn 0.54 £9.70 18ptn 0.54 £9.70 1915 Product Unit Size 17463 V Raspberry & White Chocolate Roulade 5ROOHGPHULQJXH÷OOHGZLWKIUHVKFUHDPUDVSEHUU\MDPDQG white chocolate. 47030 V GF Banoffee Meringue Roulade 27467 Hand rolled and layered crunchy meringue with caramel toffee DQGEDQDQDøDYRXUHGZKLSSHGFUHDP%HVWSRUWLRQHGIURPIUR]HQ Exceptional Value Desserts Code Product 97671 V Banoffee Gateau 7RIIHHVSRQJHOD\HUHGZLWKEDQDQDWRIIHH÷OOLQJDQGFUHDP Decorated with cream, coated in biscuit crumbs and topped with toffee sauce and caramel pieces. 6227 V Black Forest Gateau Two layers of chocolate sponge sandwiched with cream. Decorated with cream rosettes, cherries, cherry sauce and FKRFRODWHøDYRXUFKLSV 17463 6227 *Subject to VAT 125 Puddings and Ice Cream Exceptional Value Desserts Code continued Product Unit Size Ptn Price 18ptn 0.54 £9.70 18ptn 0.54 £9.70 V Coffee Mandarin Gateau Two layers of coffee sponge layered with cream and decorated with cream rosettes, mandarin segments, mandarin sauce and FRIIHHøDYRXUHGFKLSV 6460 V Double Chocolate Gateau 18ptn &KRFRODWHøDYRXUHGVSRQJHOD\HUHGZLWKFKRFRODWHFUHDP÷QLVKHG ZLWKFKRFRODWHFUHDPURVHWWHVDQGFKRFRODWHøDYRXUøDNHV 0.54 £9.70 7508 V Strawberry Gateau 7ZROD\HUYDQLOODVSRQJHZLWKDFUHDPDQGVWUDZEHUU\÷OOLQJ Decorated with cream rosettes, strawberries and strawberry sauce, side coated with peanuts. 18ptn 0.54 £9.70 96917 V Chocolate Fudge Gateau $OLJKWWH[WXUHGFKRFRODWHVSRQJH÷OOHGDQGFRYHUHGZLWK chocolate fudge icing. 96918 3538 V Blackcurrant Cheesecake 16ptn 0.60 £9.57 3540 V Cherry Cheesecake 16ptn 0.60 £9.57 3542 V Mandarin Cheesecake 16ptn 0.60 £9.57 3539 V Strawberry Cheesecake 16ptn 0.60 £9.57 6460 3538 Individual Ice Cream Desserts Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 18361 V Fischer Parfait Caramel Caramel sauce surrounded by caramel ice cream with caramel pieces all covered in chocolate. 24x140ml 1.31 £31.42 25302 V GF Fischer Mint Parfait 24x135ml A centre of dark chocolate sauce, surrounded in mint ice cream and covered in dark chocolate. 1.31 £31.42 1374 V Vanilla & Caramel Tarta Fantastica 1x6 Rich caramel ice cream between two layers of vanilla with a toffee caramel sauce. Topped with almond toffee chunks and chocolate coated toffee balls. 1.80 £10.80 3539 18361 1374 126 Your Partner in Restauration Fischer Mint Parfait 127 128 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Ice Cream Sundaes Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 5209 V Chocolate Dream Delight Sundaes 1x12 1.30 £15.60 * 5208 V Strawberry Dream Delight Sundaes 1x12 1.30 £15.60 * 5210 V Toffee Dream Delight Sundaes 1x12 1.30 £15.60 * Kids’ Ice Cream Desserts 5208 Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 5636 V Friky Novelty Ice Creams Strawberry ice cream in a novelty monster shaped container. 1x12 1.60 £19.20 * 42399 V Kuaky Novelty Ice Creams Chocolate ice cream in a novelty chicken shaped container. 1x12 1.60 £19.20 * 5779 V Punky Novelty Ice Creams Vanilla ice cream in a novelty penguin shaped container. 1x12 1.60 £19.20 * 69955 V Vacky Novelty Ice Creams Vanilla ice cream in a novelty cow shaped container. 1x12 1.60 £19.20 69955 4614 V Vanilla & Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream Sponge Roll 3x500g 0.25 £9.75 35444 V GF Choc Ices 8x60ml 0.30 £2.40 Unit Size Ptn Price Soft Serve Ice Cream and Sorbet Code Product 5003 V GF Summertime Soft Serve Chocolate Ice Cream 4lt 0.14 £5.40 * 88028 V GF Summertime Soft Serve Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream 4lt 0.14 £5.65 * 5001 V GF Summertime Soft Serve Strawberry Ice Cream 4lt 0.14 £5.40 * 5000 V GF Summertime Soft Serve Vanilla Ice Cream 4lt 0.12 £4.92 * 67575 V GF Premium Champagne Sorbet 2lt 0.74 £14.80 * 4614 35444 *Subject to VAT 129 Puddings and Ice Cream Thaymar Natural Dairy Ice Cream and Sorbet Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 61551 V GF Banana & Toffee Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 4231 V GF Caramel Toffee Fudge Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 26170 V GF Chunky Chocolate Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 86481 V GF Clotted Cream Vanilla Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 18946 V GF Creamy Coconut Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 62433 V GF Natural Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 1931 V GF (OGHUøRZHU*RRVHEHUU\,FH&UHDP 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 50681 V GF Honeycomb Caramel Ripple Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 83189 V GF Marsala Rum & Raisin Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 21661 V GF Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 39358 V GF Pistachio & Almond Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 76453 V GF Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 74845 V GF Strawberries & Cream Ice Cream 4lt 0.39 £15.60 * 40336 V GF Natural Green Apple Sorbet 2.4lt 0.44 £10.99 * 10226 V GF Coconut Sorbet 2.4lt 0.44 £10.99 * 23985 V GF Natural Lemon Sorbet 2.4lt 0.44 £10.99 * 43363 V GF Mango Passion Sorbet 2.4lt 0.80 £19.99 * 26170 50681 74845 Mango Passion Sorbet *Subject to VAT 130 Your Partner in Restauration 131 Puddings and Ice Cream Lovington’s Pure and Natural Somerset Ice Cream Code Product GF Blue Bubblegum Ice Cream Unit Size Ptn Price 4lt 0.29 £11.59 * 26741 NEW 62740 V GF Beaulieu Blackberry Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 27415 V GF Butterscotch Chip Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 8630 V GF Chocolate Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 15538 V GF Coffee Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 47993 V GF Cornish Sea Salt Caramel Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 9598 V GF Crystallised Ginger Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 87583 V GF Double Cream Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 77213 V GF Honeycomb Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 81259 V GF Mint Chocolate Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 24694 V GF Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 65879 V GF Rhubarb & Custard Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 58415 V GF Rich Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 80644 V GF Rum & Raisin Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 18625 V GF Strawberry & Cream Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 9871 V GF Toffee Fudge Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 68054 V GF Vanilla Clotted Cream Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * 16058 V GF White Chocolate & Chocolate Honeycomb Ice Cream 4lt 0.41 £16.59 * V 26741 62740 18625 Chocolate Ice Cream *Subject to VAT 132 Your Partner in Restauration 133 134 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Movenpick Ice Cream and Sorbet Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 33988 V Movenpick Vanilla Dream Ice Cream 5lt 0.48 £23.18 ö 7229 V Movenpick Chocolate Ice Cream 5lt 0.40 £26.24 ö 15309 V Movenpick Strawberry Ice Cream 5lt 0.44 £28.43 ö 68341 V Movenpick Blackcurrant & Cream Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.46 £15.32 ö 49564 V GF Movenpick Cappuccino Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.40 £13.23 ö 64794 V GF Movenpick Caramelita Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.43 £14.16 ö 60285 V Movenpick Cinnamon Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.41 £13.50 ö 56300 V GF Movenpick Banana Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.40 £13.06 ö 36456 V GF Movenpick Creme Brûlée Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.40 £13.06 ö 13942 V Movenpick Double Cream & Meringue Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.49 £16.24 ö 43941 V Movenpick Espresso Croquant Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.40 £13.06 ö 60963 V Movenpick Hazelnut Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.43 £14.16 ö 49663 V Movenpick Macadamia Nut Dulce de Leche Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.47 £15.65 ö 33732 V GF Movenpick Mango & Cream Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.48 £15.92 ö 78244 V GF Movenpick Maple Walnut Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.42 £13.83 ö 7928 V GF Movenpick Mint Chocolate Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.40 £13.28 ö 80742 V GF Movenpick Panna Cotta & Raspberry Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.40 £13.23 ö 20781 V GF Movenpick Pistachio Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.49 £16.26 ö 45880 V GF Movenpick Rum & Raisin Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.41 £13.40 ö 34286 V GF Movenpick Stracciatella Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.40 £13.23 ö 73457 V GF Movenpick Chocolate & Coconut Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.47 £15.59 ö 31205 V Movenpick White Chocolate Ice Cream 2.4lt 0.46 £15.15 ö 75009 NEW 2.4lt 0.41 £13.50 ö 14141 V GF Movenpick Apricot Sorbet 2.4lt 0.43 £14.14 ö 15972 V GF Movenpick Blackcurrant Sorbet 2.4lt 0.40 £13.28 ö 58709 V GF Movenpick Lemon Sorbet 2.4lt 0.34 £11.09 ö 63047 V GF Movenpick Mango Sorbet 2.4lt 0.42 £13.94 ö 76500 V GF Movenpick Passion Fruit & Mango Sorbet 2.4lt 0.45 £14.83 ö 36931 V GF Movenpick Pear Sorbet 2.4lt 0.38 £12.40 ö 6947 V GF Movenpick Raspberry Sorbet 2.4lt 0.47 £15.59 ö 36778 V GF Movenpick Raspberry & Strawberry Sorbet 2.4lt 0.48 £15.70 ö V Movenpick Vanilla Brownie Ice Cream 15309 20781 75009 76500 36931 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP6XEMHFWWR9$7 135 Puddings and Ice Cream Walls Carte D’Or Ice Cream and Sorbet Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 32053 GF Carte D’Or Vanilla Ice Cream 5.5lt 0.36 £21.80 ö 78530 GF Carte D’Or Triple Chocolate Ice Cream 5.5lt 0.36 £21.80 ö 10349 GF Carte D’Or Strawberry Ice Cream 5.5lt 0.36 £21.80 ö 21630 Carte D’Or Crème Caramel Ice Cream 5.5lt 0.36 £21.80 ö 61728 GF Carte D’Or Mint & Chocolate Ice Cream 5.5lt 0.36 £21.80 ö 57786 GF Carte D’Or Raspberry Sorbet 5.5lt 0.28 £17.13 ö 21630 Ben & Jerry’s Individual Ice Cream Pots Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 79590 V Ben & Jerry’s Caramel Chew Chew Ice Cream 12x100ml 1.00 £12.00 ö 48006 V Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla Ice Cream 12x100ml 1.00 £12.00 ö 33405 V Fairtrade Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie 12x100ml 1.00 £12.00 ö 3008 V Fairtrade Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough Ice Cream 12x100ml 1.00 £12.00 ö 55181 V Fairtrade Ben & Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake 12x100ml 1.00 £12.00 ö Unit Size Ptn Price 43405 Walls Cornetto Classico 1x30 0.65 £19.50 ö 71046 Walls Mint Chocolate Cornetto 1x30 0.65 £19.50 ö 60397 Walls Strawberry Cornetto 1x30 0.65 £19.50 ö 3357 Walls Magnum Classic 1x20 1.17 £23.40 ö 3356 Walls Magnum White 1x20 1.17 £23.40 ö 12916 GF Walls Magnum Double Caramel 1x20 1.17 £23.40 ö 87380 GF :DOOV0DJQXP,Q÷QLW\ 1x20 1.23 £24.60 ö 65198 GF Walls Magnum Almond 1x20 1.17 £23.40 ö 27026 GF Walls Magnum Mint 1x20 1.17 £23.40 ö 4545 1x35 0.64 £22.40 ö 76042 Walls Feast Mint 1x35 0.64 £22.40 ö 56555 Walls Calippo Bubblegum 1x24 0.65 £15.60 ö GF Walls Calippo Orange 1x24 0.65 £15.60 ö 1x24 0.81 £19.44 ö 33405 Walls Impulse Ice Cream Code 3364 Product Walls Feast Chocolate 77066 GF Walls Calippo Shots Lemon & Strawberry 4483 GF Walls Solero Exotic Fruits 1x25 0.84 £21.00 ö 4838 GF Walls Twister 1x35 0.65 £22.75 ö 55181 87380 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP6XEMHFWWR9$7 136 3008 Your Partner in Restauration 137 Forest Fruits Mix 138 Your Partner in Restauration Puddings and Ice Cream Walls Impulse Ice Cream Code continued Unit Size Ptn Price 59780 Walls Funny Feet 1x25 0.65 £16.25 ö 39847 GF Haribo Push Up Ice Creams 1x30 0.81 £24.30 ö 1x44 0.32 £14.04 ö 3366 Product GF Walls Mini Milk Variety Pack A mixed pack of strawberry and vanilla pure milk ices. 39847 Fruit Code Product GF Raspberries Unit Size Ptn Price 1kg 0.80 £7.98 83090 NEW 52080 V GF Sliced Apples 1kg 0.32 £3.20 28307 V GF Blackberries 1kg 0.56 £5.60 59353 V GF Blackcurrants 1kg 0.45 £4.50 60278 V GF Blueberries 1kg 0.80 £7.98 15638 V GF Cranberries 1kg 0.69 £6.90 16643 V GF Forest Fruits Mix 1kg 0.55 £5.50 6552 V Forest Fruits in Sauce 1kg 0.78 £7.80 25013 V GF Melon Balls 1kg 0.46 £5.98 43360 V GF Redcurrants 1kg 0.43 £4.32 36516 V GF Strawberries 1kg 0.50 £5.00 V Ice Cubes 83090 60278 Code Product Unit Size Ptn Price 3272 V GF Ice Cubes Approx 110 cubes per bag. 6x2kg 5.60 £5.60 36516 ö1HW3ULFHG,WHP6XEMHFWWR9$7 139 Terms and Conditions Strictly cash on delivery, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company. Credit will be granted by a Director of the Company, after a fully completed application form has been processed and certain ÷QDQFLDOFULWHULDKDVEHHQPHW Where credit facilities are granted, payment of the account(s) must be made by the 20th of the month, following the month of invoice, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company. All goods are offered subject to availability on assembly of order. The effective price is that ruling at the time of despatch. VAT will be added to the invoice in accordance with government legislation in force at the date of delivery. Our minimum order value is £100.00. Should an order be accepted below this value, no discount or special net prices will be applicable and a delivery charge will be added. Goods ordered and delivered will be considered the responsibility RIWKHFXVWRPHUDQGQRUHWXUQVZLOOEHDFFHSWHGXQOHVVE\VSHFL÷F agreement with a Director of the Company. The Company reserves the right to alter discount levels, for any reason, at any time. All goods should be checked at the time of delivery. No credit for damage or shortages can be allowed unless signed for at the time of delivery. The risk of loss or damage to the goods will pass to you, the customer, on delivery. Legal ownership of the goods will not pass to you until the price for the goods has been paid in full. Failure to remit by the due date may result in suspension of deliveries until payment is received in respect of the outstanding monies or all monies owing to the Company, irrespective of the age of the debt. Should a bank transaction be dishonoured in any way, the Company has the right to withdraw credit facilities immediately, thereby making all outstanding monies due for payment. There will be an administration charge for any dishonoured bank transactions. The Company reserves the right to add costs to an account or accounts that are trading outside their agreed terms. The costs will be 25% of the outstanding amount(s), and invoiced accordingly. ,IDQDFFRXQWRUDFFRXQWVDUHSDVVHGWRDGHEWFROOHFWRUIRU recovery, credit facilities will automatically be withdrawn. All credit notes must be claimed within six months from their tax date, otherwise they will become invalid. * This price list is correct at the time of publication. Every effort is made to maintain stable prices. Circumstances beyond our control require the effective price to be that ruling on the date of despatch. * The placing of orders by our customers denotes acceptance of these terms and conditions. * Whilst every effort is taken to give a full product name and description, we recommend referring to the description on WKHRULJLQDOSURGXFWSDFNDJLQJRUFRQWDFWLQJRXUVDOHVRI÷FH for full details prior to ordering. ,PDJHVXVHGDVDJXLGHRQO\ A Director of the Company reserves the right to withdraw credit facilities, for any reason, at any time. Orders $OORUGHUVVKRXOGEHSODFHGZLWKRXUVDOHVRI÷FHDWOHDVWWKHGD\ before the scheduled delivery day in your area. Our minimum order value is £100.00. Telephone Answering Service Our telephone answering service is open during the week until 9.00pm and on Sunday until 6.00pm, for last minute additions or FKDQJHV:KLOVWHYHU\HIIRUWZLOOEHPDGHWRIXO÷O\RXUUHTXLUHPHQWV it is not possible to guarantee next day delivery through the use of this service. We regret that we cannot take orders for dry and chilled goods on the answerphone. Please note that calls may be recorded and monitored for training purposes. Deliveries All goods should be checked and signed for by the customer or their agent at the time of delivery. Any claims or shortages should be noted on a delivery variance note and acknowledged by our driver. Ptn Portion. A manufacturer’s guide to the number of servings. IQF ,QGLYLGXDOO\4XLFN)UR]HQ1RWLQDVROLGEORFN 200-300 A product described in this way (prawns for example) has been graded to contain between 200-300 per lb or kg. lt Litre. A liquid measure, approximately 1.75 pints. ml Millilitre. One thousandth of a litre. PO øR] g Gram. One thousandth of a kilogram. 28.3gm = 1 oz. POA Price on application V Vegetarian GF Gluten Free ö 1HW3ULFHG,WHP * Subject to VAT E&OE 140 Your Partner in Restauration Lemon Tart 141 Our Depots 7LGHVZHOO+HDG2I÷FH and Depot Manchester Road Tideswell Derbyshire SK17 8LN Tel: 01298 871435 Direct Sales: 01298 871600 Direct Accounts: 01298 873605 Fax: 01298 872277 Aveley Depot Sandy Lane Farm Sandy Lane Aveley Essex RM15 4XP Tel: 01708 864050 Fax: 01708 863752 Grimsby Depot Units C & D Birchin Way Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN31 2SG Tel: 01472 353636 Fax: 01472 362877 &KHVWHU÷HOG&ROG6WRUH Greaves Close Markham Vale &KHVWHU÷HOG Derbyshire S44 5FB Tel: 01298 871600 Fax: 01246 823994 Halifax Depot Rawroyds Road Holywell Green Halifax West Yorkshire HX4 9ED Tel: 01422 377255 Fax: 01422 377388 &KHVWHU÷HOG'U\6WRUH Markham Lane Markham Vale &KHVWHU÷HOG Derbyshire S44 5HN Tel: 01298 871600 Fax: 01246 240856 Evesham Depot Holdsworth Distribution Centre Hinton on the Green Evesham Worcester WR11 2QL Tel: 01386 442666 Fax: 01386 442888 Bedford Depot Unit 31 Kenneth Way :LOVWHDG,QGXVWULDO3DUN Wilstead Bedford MK45 3PD Tel: 01234 742444 Fax: 01234 743191 South Wales Depot Raglan House Elvicta Business Park Crickhowell Powys NP8 1EB Tel: 01873 811333 Fax: 01873 811771 Leeds Hull Halifax Doncaster Manchester Grimsby Liverpool Lincoln Tideswell Chesterfield Chester Crewe Nottingham Stafford Shrewsbury Leicester Peterborough Birmingham Hereford Coventry Cambridge Bedford Evesham Swansea Colchester Crickhowell Oxford Cardiff London Swindon Bristol Aveley Reading Ashford Tunbridge Wells 142 Your Partner in Restauration Family Values Holdsworth is a family owned business that has been building relationships with our customers for 47 years. We pride ourselves on being H[SHUWVLQRXU÷HOGDQGOLNHWRWDNHDQDFWLYHLQWHUHVWLQ\RXUEXVLQHVV Our traditional values reinforce our commitment to our customers, suppliers and employees in enabling us to provide a level of service which we believe is second to none. We look forward to being of service to you. Our heritage Holdsworth was established in 1969 and continues to operate as a family owned and run business. We understand what our customers want, listen to them and then look at how we can do things better. Working in partnership like this helps us improve our service and secure your business and loyalty, it is the bedrock of our business and the reason for our logo strapline. ‘Your Partner in Restauration’ encompasses our willingness to work in partnership with both customers and suppliers and recognises the importance of each other’s role in the supply chain. Our commitment to you We stock over 5000 product lines and are constantly looking IRUQHZDQGLQQRYDWLYHSURGXFWVWRDGGWRRXUUDQJH,QDGGLWLRQ we are happy to source bespoke products on your behalf. You can ÷QGRXWPRUHDERXWRXUSURGXFWVDQGJUHDWRIIHUVRQRXUZHEVLWH DQGE\ORRNLQJRXWIRURXUPRQWKO\(;75$%,7(6VSHFLDORIIHUV Ordering from us couldn’t be easier and our knowledgeable and friendly sales teams are waiting to take your call. ,I\RXÚUHQRWDOUHDG\RQRXUPDLOLQJOLVWSOHDVHYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHWR register your interest at Our network Holdsworth has developed a network of distribution depots throughout Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Bedfordshire, Worcestershire, Powys and Essex. This allows us to deliver the products you need, when you want them, in our multi temperature controlled vehicles. :HKROG,62DFFUHGLWDWLRQDQGKDYHDFFUHGLWDWLRQ from STS and BRC at our Tideswell and Crickhowell depots enabling us to supply nationally recognised groups and providing \RXZLWKWRWDOFRQ÷GHQFHLQRXUSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFH 143 7LGHVZHOO+HDG2I÷FHDQG'HSRW 01298 871600 &KHVWHU÷HOG&ROG6WRUH 01298 871600 Grimsby Depot 01472 353636 Aveley Depot 01708 864050 &KHVWHU÷HOG'U\6WRUH 01298 871600 Halifax Depot 01422 377255 Bedford Depot 01234 742444 Evesham Depot 01386 442666 South Wales Depot 01873 811333 You can also view and download this catalogue, monthly promotions and our other brochures from our website at: email: Follow us on twitter @HoldsworthFoods
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