Event Agenda
Event Agenda
The BUD SUmmit Business.Under st anding.Devel opment Event Agenda Au gu st 20, 2016 | 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Hyat t Regen cy, Capit ol Hill Session 1: Gover nment & pol icy Tim e Topic Speak er s Rick Sim pson " Rick Sim pson Oil" A Hist or y of Failed Legislat ion 10:00 AM Introduction Brandon Wyatt 10:10 AM Politics 101: Think Globally Act Locally Rick Simpson 10:20 AM DC: The 51 foot Joint Story Adam Eidinger 10:30 AM Medical Necessity & Qualifying Conditions Judge Shelli Hayes 10:40 AM Equal Access & the Future of Cannabis Policy Kate Bell 10:50 AM Q&A All Speakers Taxat ion : A Cou n t r y Divided 11:15 AM Taxation & Native American Treaty Policy Tom Rodgers 11:25 AM Cannabis Business Tax Planning for Success Ken Bazinet 11:35 AM NORML - Ideal Canna-Policies Leading the Way Forward Keith Stroup 11:45 AM Q&A All Speakers Adam Eidin ger " DCM J, Fou n der " Ju dge Sh elli Hayes " For m er Illin ois Ju dge" Kat e Bell, Esq. "At t or n ey, M PP" Tom Rodger s " Nat ive Am er ican St r at egist " Ken Bazin et " For m er Wh it e Hou se Cor r espon den t " Keit h St r ou p " Fou n der , NORM L" Session 2: Technol ogy Tim e Topic Speak er s Kevin Kaf k a In n ovat ion : Cu lt ivat ion an d Pr ocessin g 12:10 PM Innovation 101: Unlocking New Value Kathryn Rust 12:20 PM Mold for Sale: Cultivation, Processing, & Testing Dr. Andrew Rosenstein 12:30 PM Cannabis Research is Cancer Research Dr. Malik Burnett 12:40 PM R&D: Strain Alignment & Methods of Consumption Dr. Chanda Macias 12:50 PM Q&A All Speakers 1:05 PM Break Bu d Byt es: Can n abis Gon e Digit al 1:15 PM Digital Branding for Cannabis Jennifer Culpepper 1:25 PM Digital Media and Coverage of Cannabis News Chloe Sommers 1:35 PM Entrepreneurship in the Cannabis Media Industry Rob Blount 1:45 PM Q&A All Speakers 2:00 PM Break Dr . An dr ew Rosen st ein Dr . M alik Bu r n et t , M BA " CEO, St eep Hill M D" " Joh n s Hopk in s" Dr . Ch an da M acias, M BA " CEO, Nat ion al Holist ic," Jen n if er Cu lpepper " CEO, Br an d Join t " Ch loe Som m er s " Jou r n alist , M ar iju an a Tim es" Rob Blou n t " Fou n der , Blu n t Hou se M edia" Session 3: Business Tim e Topic Speak er s Bu sin ess Un der st an din g 2:10 PM The Business of Serving Patients Kevin Kafka 2:20 PM Starting a Canna-Business 101 Jesce Horton 2:30 PM Hemp: Fortifying the American Canna-Revolution Kyla Hill 2:40 PM Canna-Law: Innovative Strategies to Protect Cients Jason Klein 2:50 PM Q&A All Speakers Developm en t : Gr ow in g a Bu ddin g Bu sin ess 3:05 PM Risk Assessment: The High Cost of High Life Davis Clayton Kiyo 3:15 PM Canna-Responsibility: The Role of Business to Help Drug War Victims Sterling Crockett 3:25 PM Venture Canna-bism (Capitalism) Corey Barnett 3:35 PM Q&A All Speakers Kat h r yn Ru st Dist r ict Gr ow er s Jesce Hor t on " Fou n der , M CBA" Kyla Hill " CEO, Get Hem p Bu t t er " Jason Klein , Esq. " CEO, Klein Law Solu t ion s" St er lin g Cr ock et t " Par t n er , GTI M ar ylan d" Davis Kiyo " CEO, M yst er " Cor y Bar n et t e " Fou n der , Dist r ict Gr ow er s" Session 4: D.C. on displ ay Tim e Topic Speak er s 4:15 PM Vet er an s Healt h Car e Br eak ou t Amy Rising / Brandon Wyatt 4:25 PM Sch ool-Em Pr ogr am Lau n ch David Victorson 4:25 PM Sch olar sh ip Pr esen t at ion Host Sh an it a Pen n y " Fou n der , Bu ddin g Solu t ion" Am y Risin g " Vet er an " Aside from our amazing panel discussions covering cannabis law, business basics, and best practices, we have a ton of other interactive activities going on the entire day, including: - The Hot Box: "A canna-business Sh ar k t an k " - A dedicated cultivation area with an interactive grow class - Presentations from Rick Simpson, David Victorson, Keith Stroup, and other influential leaders - A 6,000 square foot exhibition area featuring top Canna-business nationwide - Advocacy opportunities with NORML, MPP, SSDP, ASA, DCMJ, and WFWP Br an don Wyat t , Esq., M BA " Gam e Ch an ger " David Vict or son Act ivist Au t h or ,37 Ton s Th e Hot Box Vendor and Sponsor Spot l ight - - 37 Tons Blunt House Media Brand Joint Budding Solutions Canna Care Docs Cannabis and Hemp Association Cannabis Cultural Association Cannabis Industry Advising Cannabis Network Radio Cannabis Spa Cannaline DC Hydroponics DC Top 20 - DCMJ District Growers Dr. Trichome East Coast Grow EntreVation Gentlemen Toker GTI Hemp Butter Hire Police DC HTG Supply Leafly Marijuana Times Marijuana.org Mighty Jamaica My CannX Myster National Holistic - One Love Pink Fox PlantGenix RAW Releaf RosinStein Spa Black Spacy Cloud Split Steep Hill Tetra Hydro Center U.S. Weed Channel Women Grow Wyatt Legal & Consulting Your Weekend Wit h B.U.D.S Event Addresses Times M ixer at Par lay 1827 M St NW Washington, DC 20036 9-1 am Af t er Par t y at Layla Lou n ge 501 Morse St NE, Washington, DC 20002 8-12am Can n aAr t Br u n ch 1245 H Street, NE, 11-2:30 pm at Sm it h Washington, DC Com m on s 20002 Need a ride? Try Split. For $10 off two ridesuse promo code: BUDSDC FOLLOW US ON : @budsummit © 2016 BU DS DC Bud_Summit w w w.BU DSDCcom TheBudSummit info@budsdc.com Thank you t o our pr emier sponsor s!!! Pow er ed by Wyat t Legal & Con su lt in g an d En t r eVat ion , LLC © 2016 BU DS DC
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